0957e Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia. English and Norman surnames which are common in Wales. From a series of articles written by Morus Glaslyn between 1893 and 1911. Jarman / Jarmin / Jarmins, Jerman / Jermin, Johnson, Johnston, Kenyon, Kelly, Kerfoot, Kinsey, Kirkhouse, Kynaston, Kyte, Ladd, Lane, Langford, Lea / Lee, Lennox, Lilwall, Lovell, Lucas, Lumley, Lyddon, Mabe, Maclean, Mainwaring, Manley, Mansel, Martin, Marychurch, Mason, Mather, Meager, Meddins, Melchior, Mellin, Merryman, Middleton / Myddleton, Miles / Myles, Millett, Mills, Millward, Minshall / Minshull, Mithcell, Morse, Mortimer, Morton, Muscott, Muspratt, Mytton, Nash, Nevill, Nicholson, Norton, Nott, Oliver, etc 



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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia
La Web de Gal
·les i Catalunya
The Wales-Catalonia Website


Cyfenwau Saesneg a Normaneg yng Nghymru
English and Norman surnames in Wales
From articles published in 1894 and 1897 written by Morus Glaslÿn (T.E. Morris)

map o gymru a'r gwledydd catalaneg (map_cymru_pc_drenewydd_050112)


ENGLISH SURNAMES IN WALES [Some 300 names from an article published in 1894]

The following surnames found in
Wales and Monmouthshire are regarded as English, not because they are necessarily of Anglo-Saxon or purely English origin, but insomuch as they were introduced from England, where they originated or were adopted by English people.

Abley, Addis, Ambrose, Anthony, Ashton, Astley, Aston, Austin, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ballinger, Bankes, Barnes , Barnett, Barroll, Bartley, Batchelor,
Bateman, Baylis / Bayliss, Bebb, Beck / Begg, Bell, Benbough / Benbow, Benson, Berry, Bibby, Bishop, Blackwell, Bona, Bonnell, Bonsall, Boore, Bound / Bounds, Brewer, Bright, Brigstock / Brigstocke / Brigstoke, Brown, Brymer, Bubb, Bufton, Bulkeley / Buckley, Burgess, Buse, Bush, Bushell, Campbell , Carr, Carrington, Carter, Cartwright, Casson, Catherall, Chaloner / Challoner, Chapman, Chappell, Cheese, Clarke, Clayton, Clee, Clough, Codd, Coggins, Colby, Cole, Colley, Collins, Cooke, Cory, Coslet / Coslett / Cosslett, Cotterell / Cotteril / Cottrell, Cound, Cousens / Cousins / Cozens, Coward, Cox, Crawshay, Cunliffe, Cule Cullum, Curtis, Day, Denman, Dennis, Devinald / Devonald, Dix, Dixon, Downes, Doyle, Dunn, Dyer, Dyke / Dykes, Eason, Elkington, Elliot, Erasmus, Farr, Felton, Finch, Fisher, Fletcher, Fontaine, Franklen / Franklyn, Fraser, Freedman / Freeman, Frost, Fuller, Gammon, Garret, George, Germain / German, Gibbon / Gibbons, Gibby / Gibbie, Gibbs, Gibson, Giles, Gill, Gillart, Glasbrook, Goodwin, Gordon, Gravell, Grey, Greaves, Green, Greenish, Gregory, Groves, Halford, Hall, Hamer, Hammond, Hancock, Harding, Hargest, Harrison, Hart, Harvard / Havard, Hawkins, Heard / Herde, Heaton, Herring, Hicks, Higgins, Hill, Hodges, Holford, Holland, Hooson, Hope, Hopkin / Hopkins, Hopwood, Hoskin / Hoskins, Howe, Huxley, Huxtable, Ingldew, Ingram, Insole, Jackson, Jarman / Jarmin / Jarmins, Jerman / Jermin, Johnson, Johnston, Kenyon, Kelly, Kerfoot, Kinsey, Kirkhouse, Kynaston, Kyte, Ladd, Lane, Langford, Lea / Lee, Lennox, Lilwall, Lovell, Lucas, Lumley, Lyddon, Mabe, Maclean, Mainwaring, Manley, Mansel, Martin, Marychurch, Mason, Mather, Meager, Meddins, Melchior, Mellin, Merryman, Middleton / Myddleton, Miles / Myles, Millett, Mills, Millward, Minshall / Minshull, Mithcell, Morse, Mortimer, Morton, Muscott, Muspratt, Mytton, Nash, Nevill, Nicholson, Norton, Nott, Oliver, Ord, Ormond, Page, Palmer, Parkins, Parsons, Paxton , Peel, Peregrine / Perrigrin, Perkins, Philpin, Picton, Pinner, Poole, Pownall, Priestly, Pring, Radcliffe / Ratcliffe, Read / Reed / Reid, Reeves, Roach / Roch, Rose, Ryder, Rymer, Salmon, Sanders / Saunders, Savage, Savours, Scurlock, Sharp, Shaddick / Sheddick, Shean / Sheen, Shewell, Sibbering, Sinnett / Sinnette, Sims, Sissons, Skone, Skyrme, Slocombe / Slocum, Smith, Snook, Spencer, Spickett, Spurrell, Stepney, Stoke, Stone, Strick, Sweeting, Talbot, Tamlin / Tamlyn, Taplen, Taylor, Thompson, Tracy, Travers, Trew, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Vachell, Varley, Veneables, Vincent, Vivian, Wade, Wallis, Waters, Watkin / Watkins, Watson, Watts , Weale, Webb, Webber, Wheeler, Wheldon, Wigley, Wild, Wilden / Wilding, Wilkin, Willis, Wilson, Woosman, Wright, Wyatt, Wyman, Yates, Yeates, Yeo, Yorke, Young "
(2) Norman, &c, Surnames in Wales [
Some hundred names from an article published in 1897]
Athoe, Aubrey, Bassett, Bonner, Bryan / Bryans, Bryant, Chambers / Chambres, Charles, Codd, Cole, Colby / Coleby, Corbet / Corbett, Delay, De WINTON, Edmond / Edmondes / Edmund / Edmunds &c., Edward / Edwardes / Edwards &c., Esmond, Ffoulkes / Ffoulks &c., Francis, Fraser, German, Gibbie, Gibbs, Gibby, Gillart, Gittins [OUR NOTE: not a Norman name at all, but from Welsh Gutÿn, a dimutive form of Gruffudd], Hamer, Homond / Hammond, Harry / Harrys / Harris / Harrhy / Harrhys, Havard, Henry, Handre / Hendrie, Herbert, Homphrey / Humphrey / Humphreys / Humphries, &c., Hugh / Hughes &c., Issard, Jarman / Jerman, Jarett / Jarrett, Jarvis / Jervis / Gervis, Jordan, Jeffris / Jeffreys, Kenrick, Lewes / Lewis, Lodwick / Lodwig, Malpas, Morice / Morrice / Morris / Morrish. Morse &c., Mortimer, Nevill, Noot, Oliver, Pearce / Pearse / Pierce, Percival, Protheroe [OUR NOTE: not a Norman name at all, but from ap Rhydderch / Prydderch], Puleston, Randell / Rendel, Reynolds, Rhoos / roose, Richard / Richards / Rickard / Rickards &c., Robartes / Robert / Roberts, Roderick / Rodrick, Rodger / Rodgers / Rogers, Rowland / Rowlands &c., Salsbury / Salisbury / Salusbury, Scall, Scourfield, Skyrme, Stradling, Stubbs, Talbot, Tasker, Tibbot, Turberville, Vazey, Walter / Walters, William / Williams &c."
From a series of articles on Welsh Surnames written in English between 1893 and 1911 by T.E. Morris (Morus Glaslÿn). It was published in the long-defunct magazine "Bye Gones Relating to Wales and the Border Counties".
It comprises the following sections:
6 PURE WELSH SURNAMES - ANCIENT WELSH PERSONAL NAMES USED AS SURNAMES (26 07 1911, 16 08 1911, 30 08 1911, 06 09 1911, 20 09 1911)

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