Geiriadur Saesneg a Chymraeg (Gwenhwyseg). A Dictionary of English and Welsh
(Gwentian dialect – the south-eastern dialect of Wales).
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J6256b) (CYMRAEG) Y Wenhwyseg - y prif dudalen (CATALÀ) El dialecte güentià del gal·lès - la
pàgina prinicipal (ENGLISH) Gwentian dialect of Welsh – the main page
o [ɔ] occurs in a final syllable instead
of [a] in some words:
afal > afol (= apple)
angladd > anglodd (= funeral)
ò In standard Welsh and in ‘standardised
Gwentian’, this spelling represents a short vowel [ɔ] in an environment where the vowel would
be long. Many such words are taken from English – Bòb, còb, etc.
1/ In this form of ‘standardised’ Gwentian, at least
for the purposes of this dictionary, the vowel in open syllables in
monosyllables (i.e. no final consonant or consonant cluster) is also marked in
this way
Bòb [bɔb] Bob < English Bob < Rob < Robert
còb [bɔb] wag, humorous person
lòg [lɔg] log
ö used in this
dictionary in English words used in Gwentian to conserve the English spelling
but indicate that the ‘o’ is in fact a schwa
sö long [sə lɔŋ] so long, goodbye
recömendo [rɛkəˡmɛndɔ] (v) recommend
o [o:, ɔ] (prep) 1 of, from
pob un o nw every single one
of them, all of them (= Standard Welsh pob un ohonynt / pob un ohonynt hwy / pob un ohonyn nhw)
o [o:] (interjection) in exclamations: o
+ definite article + adjective
o’r bendigetig! Heavens above! (=
Standard Welsh o’r bendigedig) bendigedig =
’ocan [ˡo·kan] (v) haggle over a
price See HOCAN
ochan [ˡo·xan] (v) sigh, moan,
groan age (= Standard Welsh ochain [ˡo·xaɪn])
Ocwr [ˡo·kʊr]) (nf) river name (=
Standard Welsh Ogwr [ˡo·gʊr]).
ar Ocwr = Pen-y-bont
ar Ogwr (English name: Bridgend - a translation of the short form of the Welsh
name i.e. Pen-y-bont).
NOTES: In the south-east b, d, g at the beginning of a final
syllable are devoiced to p, t, c.
1/ The village at the estuary of the river Ogwr is Aberogwr (called by the
English ‘Ogmore on Sea’). In Gwentian Brocwr
[ˡbro·kʊr] < Berocwr < Aberocwr <
2/ Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr (‘Bridgend’) is Pen-y-bont
ar Ocwr or Pen-bont ar Ocwr, Pem-bont ar Ocwr (though
the tag ‘ar Ocwr’ would not be used generally)
òd [ɔd] (adj) odd, strange (= Standard
Welsh rhyfedd [ˡhrəvɛð], òd [ɔd])
***ên wläd fäch òd yw Cymru Wales is a strange little country
ōd [o:d] (nm) age (= Standard Welsh oed [ɔɪd])
ma%%-’i’n ddeg ōd she’s ten years old
o’d [o:d] (nm) age. In this dictionary spelt as ōd (qv)
ōdd [o:ð] (v) was, were (= Standard Welsh oedd [ɔɪð])
o’dd [o:ð] (v) was, were, In this dictionary spelt as ōdd (qv)
odd [o:ð] (prep) from (= Standard Welsh o [o:])
“Mr. W. Williams odd y Glôg, plwyf Llanwyno, Swydd Forganwg.” (= Mr. W. Williams of Y Glôg, parish
of Llanwynno, Glamorganshire.)
“Perllan Gwyno”. 1832. Ieuan Ab
Gwyno, Llanwyno (= Llanwynno), Gynt o Dòn-Yr-Efail (= o Donyrefail) (formerly
from Tonyrefail).
Shortened form of ODDI (= from, out of). (Preposition O)
+ (soft mutation D > DD) + (DI archaic preposition = in. In Middle Welsh, YN
[i] > Y [i] > DI [di])
oetran [ˡɔɪtran] (nm) age (= Standard
Welsh oedran [ˡɔɪdran])
oedranna [ɔɪˡdrana]
(pl) (=
Standard Welsh oedrannau [ɔɪˡdranaɪ])
Also oetron [ˡɔɪtrɔn]
(final a > o)
w-i'n mynd ar yººn oetran nawr I’m getting on a bit now (‘I’m going on my age now’)
bod weti mynd i
dicyn o oetran become somewhat old (“have
gone to a bit of an age”)
òff [ɔf] (adv) off (= Standard Welsh i
ffwrdd [ɪ ˡfʊrð], i
bant [ɪ ˡbant])
’Ma ’i òff! Off she goes! (= dyma hi òff)
óffisar [ˡɔfɪsar] (nm) (= Standard Welsh swyddog [ˡsuiðɔg])
óffisarz [ˡɔfɪsarz] (= Standard Welsh swyddogion [suiˡðɔgjɔn])
’oi [ɔɪ] (interjection) See HOI
oil [ɔɪl] (nm) oil (= Standard
Welsh olew [ˡo·lɛʊ])
From English OIL
ôl [o:l] (nm) track, trail (= Standard Welsh ôl [o:l])
olion [ˡɔljɔn] (pl) (= Standard Welsh olion
’ôl [o:l] < hôl [ho:l] (nf) hall See HÔL
’oli [o·lɪ, ho·lɪ] (v) question,
interrogate, ask. See HOLI
o li%%a [ɔ ˡli·a] (adv) at least (= Standard Welsh o
leiaf [ɔ ˡləia])
Also o
olréit [ɔlˡrəɪt] (sentence substitute) (= Standard Welsh o’r
gorau [ɔr ˡgo·raɪ])
bod yn olréit to be all right
From English ALL RIGHT
oltro [ˡɔltrɔ] (v) alter, change. See altro [ˡaltrɔ].
oltwgeddar [ɔltʊˡgɛðar] (adv) altogether (= Standard Welsh gyda’i
gīlydd [ˡgədai ˡgi·lɪð])
om bai [ɔmˡbaɪ] < on’ bai < oni bai (v) if not (for), if it weren’t for (= Standard Welsh oni
bai [ˡo·nɪ ˡbaɪ])
on’ [ɔn] See ond
ōn [o:n] (nm) lamb (= Standard Welsh oen [ɔɪn])
ŵyn [uin] (pl) lambs (= Standard Welsh ŵyn [uɪn])
tshopan o gig ōn a lamb chop
o’n [o:n] (nm) lamb. In this dictionary spelt as ōn (qv)
ond [ɔnd] (conj) but (=
Standard Welsh ond [ɔnd])
Also as on’
onfi [ˡɔnvɪ] (v) be afraid, fear (= Standard Welsh ofni [ˡɔvnɪ])
wi’n onfi fod... I’m afraid that...
Metathesis NV > VN. Cf the river names Llynfell (< llyfnfell < llyfn =
smooth), Llynfi ( < llyfni < llyfn = smooth).
’ongan [ˡɔŋan] < (v) hang. See HONGAN
’onna [ˡɔna] (pronoun f.) that there, that thing there, that person there See HONNA
’onno [ˡɔnɔ] (pronoun f.) the female or the object of feminine gender mentioned but not present See HONNO
’ôp [o:p] (nm) hope. See HÔP
ōr [o:r] (nm) (adj) cold (= Standard Welsh oer [ɔɪr])
o’r [o:r] (adj) cold. In this dictionary spelt
as ōr (qv)
o’r [ɔr] (preposition +
definite article) from the
’Orab [o·rab] (nm) chapel name. See Horab [ho·rab]
’orswn See
horswn (= rascal, rogue, scamp).
From English WHORE-SON or WHORE’S SON.
òs [ɔs] (conj) if (= Standard Welsh os [ɔs])
Also with schwa: ỳs [əs]
Also reduced to a single consonant: ’s [s]
’s gallan-nw if they can
òs [ɔs] (prep) since (= Standard Welsh ers [ɛrs], er ys [ɛr əs])
blynydda nôl years ago
ōs [o:s] (v) is (= Standard Welsh oes [ɔɪs])
ōs…? is there….? (=
Standard Welsh a oes [a ˡɔɪs])
Ōs neb
miwn ’ma? Is anybody
here? Is anybody at home? (= Standard Welsh a oes
neb i mewn yma?) (is anybody in here?)
o’s [o:s] (v) is. In this dictionary spelt as ōs (qv)
òs tà [ɔs ta] (conj) if (= Standard Welsh os
(mai) [ɔs mai], os (taw) [ɔs tau])
òs tà Cymro yw-a if he’s Welsh, if he’s a Welshman (‘if that a-Welshman that-is he’)
oti [ɔˡti:] < odi [ɔˡdi:] < (= Standard Welsh ydy, ydyw [əˡdi:])
ots [ɔts] (= Standard Welsh gwahaniaeth [gwaˡhanjaɪθ])
1 difference
cf A Glossary Of
Provincial Words Used In Herefordshire And Some Of The Adjoining Counties.
Sir George Cornewall Lewis. 1839. “To odds (va) to alter”
ODDS. vb. To alter. [Common.]
A Glossary of Dialect & Archaic
Words Used in the County of Gloucester. Edited by Lord Moreton. 1890.
2 According to Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru p2660, in Ceredigion and South Wales yn ots = different.
Wetws a ddim byd yn ots
wrthi He didn’t say anything
different to her, He said the same thing to her
bod yn ots i bawb be different to
everybody else, have a contrary opinion to everybody else
meddwl yn ots i (rwun) bothti (rwpath) think differently to (somebody) about (something)
3 According to Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru p2660, in Morgannwg yn ots o = remarkably, extraordinarily.
Ma%%’r bachan ’co yn ots
o gryf That fellow over there’s
tremendously strong
otyn [ˡo·tɪn] < odyn [ˡo·dɪn] (nm) lime kiln (=
Standard Welsh odyn [ˡo·dɪn]).
In Maes-teg there is a field called Cae Rotin Isaf (reference
to be added) representing probably Cä’r Otyn Isha (= lower lime-kiln field), with ‘cae’ spelt
as in standard Welsh).
In Glyntawe there is Ca’r Otyn (spelt as ‘Cae yr Otin’) (reference to be added)
bysa ’run man i chi gi%%sho gäl bwch
i otyn (adapted
from** Tarian y Gweithiwr: 15-10-1896): you might as well try to get blood from
a stone (‘get a he-goat into a (lime-)kiln’)
oufad [ˡɔɪvad] (adj) ripe (= Standard
Welsh aeddfed [ˡəiðvɛd])
’oul [ɔɪl] (nm) sun. See HOUL
our [ɔɪr] (nm) gold (= Standard
Welsh aur [aɪr])
our gold chain
watsh our gold watch
sofran our gold sovereign (a coin
formerly in use worth one pound)
’owld on [ould ˡɔn] (phrase) (Englishism)
hold on = wait. See HOWLD ON
Tarian y Gweithiwr: 15-10-1896:
byddai yr un man i chwi geiso cael bwch i odyn
Geiriadur Geiriau Cymraeg Camsillafedig (Sillafiadau
Tafodieithol, Hynafol, Anarferol, Anghywir a Seisnegedig).
Geiriau Cymraeg nad yw yn y geiriaduron safonol - gellir gweld llawer
ohonynt, ynglŷn â’u sillafiad safonol, yn y ddolen-gyswllt isod:
Dictionary of Misspelt Welsh Words (Dialectal, Archaic, Unusual, Incorrect and
Anglicised Spellings).
Welsh words not listed in standard Welsh dictionaries - many might be found,
along with their standard spelling, via the link below:
(delwedd G4002b)
(Other forms and
spellings: officar, officars, officarz, offisar, offisars, offisarz)
(Other spellings: oetran, oetranna, oetrana)
a A / æ Æ / e E / ɛƐ/
i I / o O / u U / w W / y Y /
MACRONː ā Ā / ǣ Ǣ / ē Ē
/ ɛ̄ Ɛ̄ / ī Ī / ō Ō / ū Ū / w̄
W̄ / ȳ Ȳ /
Ī́ ī́ , Ṓ ṓ , Ū́ ū́, (w), Ȳ́
ī̀, Ṑ ṑ, Ū̀ ū̀, (w), Ȳ̀ ȳ̀
MACRON ISODː A̱ a̱ , E̱ e̱ , I̱ i̱ , O̱
o̱, U̱ u̱, (w), Y̱ y̱
ă Ă / ĕ Ĕ / ĭ Ĭ / ŏ Ŏ / ŭ Ŭ /
B5236ː B5237ː
ISODː i̯, u̯
CROMFACHAUː ⟨ ⟩ deiamwnt
A’I PHEN I LAWRː ∀, ә, ɐ (u+0250) httpsː
ˈ ɑ ɑˑ aˑ aː / æ æː / e eˑeː / ɛɛː
/ ɪ iˑ iː ɪ / ɔ oˑ
oː / ʊ uˑ uː ʊ / ə / ʌ
Ẅ / ẃ Ẃ / ẁ Ẁ / ŵ Ŵ /
Ŷ / ỳ Ỳ / ý Ý / ɥ
ˈ ð ɬ ŋ ʃ ʧ θ ʒ ʤ
/ aɪ ɔɪ əɪ uɪ ɪʊ aʊ ɛʊ ɔʊ
əʊ / £
ә ʌ ẃ ă ĕ ĭ ŏ
ŭ ẅ ẃ ẁ Ẁ ŵ ŷ ỳ Ỳ
Hungarumlautː A̋ a̋
U+1EA0 Ạ U+1EA1 ạ
U+1EB8 E U+1EB9 e
U+1EE4 Ụ U+1EE5 ụ
U+1E88 Ẉ U+1E89 ẉ
U+1EF4 Ỵ U+1EF5 ỵ
δ δ £ g
δ δ £ U+2020 †
« »
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Hwngarwmlawtː A̋ a̋
δ δ
ʌ ag acen ddyrchafedig / ʌ with acute
accentː ʌ́
Shwa ag acen ddyrchafedig / Schwa with acute |
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