Geiriadur Saesneg a Chymraeg (Gwenhwyseg).
A Dictionary of English and Welsh (Gwentian dialect – the south-eastern
dialect of Wales
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(delwedd J7476)
J6256b) Y Wenhwyseg - y prif dudalen El dialecte güentià del gal·lès - la pàgina
prinicipal Gwentian dialect of Welsh – the main page
NOTE: Initial rh- in standard Welsh is r- in Gwentian. Thus “rhaid” here is
“raid”, “rhaff” is “raff”, etc
r loss of r:
partnar > patnar
Sadwrn > Satwrn > Sa
Ryddach, Rhyddach [ˡrəðax, ˡhrəðax]
(nm) forename and surname (Standard Welsh: Rhydderch [ˡhrəðɛrx])
Iorath [ˡjo·raθ] (nm) forename. See
racat [ˡra·cat] (nm) racket = uproar, noise (Standard Welsh: twrw [ˡtu·rʊ]).
RACAT < RAGAD < RAGED. From English
In GPC under RAGAD.
räff < rhäff [rɛ:f, hrɛ:f],
raff, rhaff [ra:f, hra:f] (nm) rope
(Standard Welsh: rhaff [hra:f]).
raffa, rhaffa [ˡra·fa, ˡhra·fa]
(pl) ropes (Standard Welsh: rhaffau [ˡhra·fɛ,
From Middle Welsh RHAFFEU > RHAFFE
(simplification of final diphthong EU > E) > RHAFFA (final “e” becomes
“a”) > (Gwentian) RAFFA (aspiration lost).
rai < rai [hraɪ, hraɪ] (pn) some (Standard Welsh: rhai [hraɪ])
raid < raid [raɪd, hraɪd] (nm) necessity (Standard Welsh: rhaid [hraɪd])
ran < rhan [ran, hran] (nf) part (Standard Welsh: rhan [hran])
’rantad [ˡrantad] (nm) instant.
See amrantad
ran fwya < rhan fwya [ran ˡvuia, hran ˡvuia] (adv) for the most part
(Standard Welsh: rhan fwyaf [hran ˡvuiav])
Suson ōdd
yn byw ’no, ran fwya it was mostly
English people living there
< rhäs [ra:s, hra:s] (nf) race (= competion); race (= watercourse)
> ch
Rhydderch > Ryddach
ar uchaf > archa > acha (on, on top of)
serch > sàch (in spite of)
and historically in Welsh
ferch > àch, yººch
recömendo [rɛkəˡmɛndɔ] (v) recommend (Standard Welsh: cymeradwyo
(The diaeresis we use here in English
loanwords to indicate that the vowel is to be pronounced as an obscure vowel or
schwa; the vowel of the original English spelling is kept so that the word is
recu < rhecu [ˡre·kɪ, ˡhre·kɪ] (v) swear, curse
(Standard Welsh: rhegu [ˡhre·gɪ]).
régilar [ˡrɛgɪlar] (adj) regular (Standard Welsh: rheolaidd
yn régilar (adverb) regularly
reid [ˡrəɪd] (nm) ride (Standard Welsh: tro
reid yn y ddram have
a ride in the coal truck
reilwei < rheilwei [rəɪlwəɪ, hrəɪlwəɪ] (nf) railway (Standard Welsh: rheilffordd [hrəɪlfɔrð] (nf))
reit [ˡrəɪt] (adj)
1/ right = not mistaken (Standard Welsh: iawn
bod yn reit be right, not be
fod-a’n reit maybe he’s right
w-i’n cretu
dy-fod yn reit I think you’re right
2/ satisfactory, unhurt
reit i-wala I’ll be all right
2/ right in the head (Standard Welsh:
ORIGIN: English RIGHT (English [ai] becomes [əɪ]
in Welsh)
reitô [rəɪtˡo:] (exclamation) 1 righto, right-ho;
indicates agreement to a suggestion (Standard Welsh: o’r
gorau [ōr ˡgo·raɪ])
(Spelling in GPC: reitô)
restar < rhestar [ˡrɛstar, ˡhrɛstar] (nf) row of houses, terrace (=
Standard Welsh rhestai [ˡrhɛstai̯], rhestr [ˡrhɛstɛr], teras [ˡte·ras]).
RHESTR > RHESTER (epenthetic vowel) > (Gwentian) RHESTAR (south-eastern
“a” in final syllable instead of “e”) > RESTAR (loss of h).
Often as estar, from a false
division with a preceding definite article.
Possible sequence of changes: Y RESTAR > (understood as being) YR ESTAR (YR
= definite article + ESTAR) (‘camraniad’ or false splitting)
***estar fäch o dai a small row of houses
(yr) ***Estar Fawr (the) High
Street, Rhymni
Y Petar ***Estar (the four rows / terraces / ranks) These
were early nineteenth century (c1810?) ironworkers' houses in Tredegar, called
"The Four Rows" in English. The "Ystrad Deri" housing
estate was built on the site of Y Petar Estar.
(delwedd 5968)
Tarian y Gweithiwr 11 Ebrill 1895
Bendith ar ben Cymry America am roddi cofgolofn anrhydeddus ar fedd un o blant
Rhymni, sef y diweddar gerddor Gwilym Gwent. Nid yw pawb o ddarllenwyr y DARIAN
yn gwybod mai yma y magwyd ef, y mae yn bosibl. Beth bynag, yr ydym am roddi
gwybod iddynt, ac hefyd yn dymuno adgofio y rhai hyny sydd wedi anghofio fod
yma rai o hyd yn ei gofio yn hogyn bychan gyda’i dad a'i lysfam, yn un o dai y
‘Rhestr Fawr,’ ac yn el gofio tua deg oed, a’i gam
byr, a'i fox bwyd ar ei gefn yn myned i’r pwll glo, fel y rhelyw o blant
Rhymni. Yn y talcen glo drachefn, gwelid ar y rhaw a'r pyst coed ôl traed brain
(ys dywed yr hen bobl am notes y
cerddorion). Wedi dychwelyd o'r gwaith, byddai yn gwneud gwahanol offerynau
cerdd o goed, a hyny gyda’r gyllell boced yn unig, ac yn arwain plant y
gymydogaeth o gwmpas yr heolydd yn eu marching
order, i chwareu yr offerynau hyny. Y mae y gofgolofn yn werth rhyw ddau
cant o bunnau, ac nid ydym yn gwybod am neb o blant y gân sydd yn fwy teilwng.
Tarian y Gweithiwr (The Worker’s Shield) 11 April 1895
A blessing for the American Welsh for placing an honouring memorial on the tomb
of one of Rhymney's sons, namely the late musician Gwilym Gwent. Possibly not
all DARIAN readers know that he was brought up here. Be that as it may, we are
making this known to them, and also we wish to remind those who have forgotten
that there are still some people here who remember him as a little lad with his
father and his stepmother, in one of the houses of the ‘Rhestr Fawr’ (= Standard
Welsh) (= 'Great Row / Terrace’), and remember him at the age of about ten with his short
step, and his food box on his back, going to the colliery, like the rest of the
children of Rhymney. Then at the coal face, on the shovel and the wooden props
one could see the footprints of crows (as the old people would call the notes
of musicians). After returning from work, he would make different musical
instruments out of wood, (and that) with just a pocket knife, and lead the
children of the neighborhood around the streets in a march (‘in their their
marching order’) to play these instruments. The monument is worth about two
hundred pounds, and we do not know about any of the devotees of music
(‘children of song’) who are more deserving.
rialtwch, rhialtwch [riˡaltʊx, hriˡaltʊx] (nm)
revelry, merry-making (Standard Welsh: rhialtwch [ˡhriˡaltʊx])
ripórt [rɪˡpɔrt] (nm) report (Standard Welsh: adroddiad [aˡdrɔðjad])
riportar [rɪˡpɔrtar] (nm) reporter (Standard Welsh: gohebydd [gɔˡhe·bɪð])
(By-name of a correspondent in Y Darian, 1 Mawrth 1917, Tudalen 3 / Page 3).
risg < rhisg [rɪsg] (nm) bark (of a tree) (Standard Welsh: rhisgl [hrɪsgl]
Generally as rishgil.
Plural: risga
(Standard Welsh: rhisgau [ˡhrɪsgaɪ, -ɛ]
Probably the origin of the stream name Nant y
Rishga (Nant y Risga), former name of Nant yr Apar (Nant yr Aber), and the
settlement of Rishga (Rhisga).
risgo [ˡrɪsgɔ] (v) risk, put in danger (Standard
Welsh: peryglu [pɛˡrəglɪ],
risgio [ˡrɪsgjɔ])
rishgil [ˡrɪʃgɪl] (nm) bark (of a tree) (Standard Welsh: rhisgl [ˡhrɪsgl]
riw < rhiw [rɪu,
hrɪu] (nf) 1/
slope 2/ steep road (Standard Welsh: rhiw
Y Riw (In Y Coed-duon / Blackwood) ‘a
1-in-4 road through the bottom of the valley known locally as the Rhiw’.
(delwedd 5952)
rod < rhod [ro:d, hro:d] (mf) wheel (Standard Welsh: rhod [ˡhro:d])
IE *ROT- (= wheel) > Celtic > British
> Welsh RHOD.
Cognate with Latin RŌTA (=
wheel), and in Germanic German DAS RAD (= wheel)
rodio < rhodio [ˡrɔdjɔ,
(v) 1/ wander, roam, walk around 2/ go on a trip 3/ visit (Standard Welsh: rhodio [[ˡhrɔdjɔ])
(RHOD = wheel) + (-IO verbal suffix) >
RHODIO (> Gwentian RODIO)
rog [ro:g] (nm)
rogue (Standard Welsh: dihiryn [dɪˡhi·rɪn])
From English ROGUE
ronc < rhonc
[rɔŋk, hrɔŋk] (adv) out-and-out,
thoroughgoing (Standard Welsh: rhonc [hrɔŋk])
ma-fa’n ditotal ronc he’s an
out-and-out teetotaller
From dialectal English RONK, from RANK (For the replacement of “a” by “o” in
English, cf English STANDING > STONDING > STONDIN’ > Welsh STONDIN (=
a market stand); and BANK (= slope) > BONK, and thus into Northern Welsh
PONC, PONCEN, PONCYN (= hillock, slope).)
rong [rɔŋ] (adj) wrong (Standard Welsh: anghywir [aŋˡhəwɪr] (= incorrect),
o’ch lle [o:x ɬe:]
(= out of your place)
This Englishism is common in colloquial Welsh all over Wales. The standard forms
are anghywir (= incorrect), o’i le = out if
its place
ma%% un o-nw’n rong (mae un ohonyn nhw’n rong, mae un ohonynt yn
anghywir) = one of them is wrong
yn y lle rong = in the wrong place
English WRONG
row [rɔʊ] (nf) 1/
row, argument (Standard Welsh: ffrae [fraɪ])
2/ reprimand, telling-off (Standard Welsh: cerydd [ˡke·rɪð])
rowz [rɔʊz] (Standard
Welsh: ffraeau [ˡfrəɪaɪ], ceryddon [kɛˡrəðɔn])
catw row [ˡka·tʊ ˡrɔʊ] to start an argument, to argue, to row (“keep (a)
rownd [round] (nf) round (Standard Welsh: cylchdaith
[ˡkəlxdaɪθ] ‘circle-journey’)
rowndz [rɔʊndz] (Standard
Welsh: cylchdeithiau [kəlxˡdəɪθjaɪ])
Also: rown’ [rɔʊn]
troi rown’ turn round
rownd abównt [rɔʊnd əˡbɔʊnt]
(adv) continually, all the time, non-stop
From English dialect ROUND ABOUT (= continually)
rupan, rhupan [ˡri·pan, ˡhri·pan] (nm) ribbon. Standard Welsh: rhuban [ˡhri·ban]
PLURAL: rhubana, rubana [hrɪˡba·na, rɪˡba·na].
ribbons Standard Welsh rhubanau [hrɪˡba·naɪɛ]. Gwentian:
rhubanau [rɪˡba·naɪ] >
rHubane [hrɪˡba·nɛ] > rHubana [hrɪˡba·na] > rubana [rɪˡba·na]
rubana < rhubana [hrɪˡba·na, rɪˡba·na] (pl) ribbons. See rupan [ˡri·pan]
rw [ru:] < rhw [hru:] (adv) too (too hard, too slow, too cold, etc). (Standard Welsh: rhy [ˡhri:])
rodd a’n rw ddweddar yn dod miwn he was too late coming in (i.e. into the
meeting) (Y Darian. 12 Mehefin 1919. …rodd a’n rhw ddweddar yn dod miwn)
rwbij [ˡrʊbɪʤ] (nm) rubbish
(Standard Welsh: ysbwriel [əˡsbʊrjɛl])
Also: rwbitsh, rwbaj,
rwbatsh, rwbej, rwbetsh, rwbish.
rwla < rhwla [ˡrʊla, ˡhrʊla]
(adv) somewhere (Standard Welsh: rhywle [ˡhrɪʊlɛ])
RHYWLE > RHWLE (diphthong simplified
to a vowel) > RHWLA (final “e” becomes “a”) > RWLA (aspiration lost)
rwpath <rhwpath [ˡrʊpaθ, ˡhrʊpaθ] (pn) something (Standard Welsh: rhywbeth [ˡhrɪʊbɛθ])
simplified to a vowel) > RHWPETH (provection of initial consonant of the
final syllable B > P) > RHWPATH
(final “e” becomes “a”) > RWPATH (aspiration lost)
Rwsha [ˡrʊʃa]
(nf) Russia (Standard Welsh: Rwsia [ˡrʊʃa])
rwth < rhwth [hru:θ, ru:θ] (adj)
1 loose-woven (Standard Welsh: rhwth, llac eich gwead [ˡhru:θ, ˡɬak əx
2 having slack morals
un rwth iawn o ferch yw-’i she’s a girl with very slack morals (in GPC as: un rwth
iawn o ferch yw hi) (“(it’s) a very slack-moralled one (of) (a) girl that-is
rwun < rhwun [ˡrʊɪn,
hˡrʊɪn] (pronoun) someone (Standard Welsh: rhywun [ˡhrɪʊlɪn])
rwun arall somebody else (Standard Welsh: rhywun
RHYWUN > RHWUN (diphthong simplified
to a vowel) > RWPUN (aspiration lost)
rwytab <
rhwytab [ˡrʊɪtab, ˡhrʊɪtab] (nm) ease; success,
prosperity (Standard Welsh: rhywddineb [hrɪʊˡði·nɛb]), hwylustod [hruɪˡlɪstɔd])
From rhwydeb,
a coalesced form of rhwydd-deb
(RHWYDD = easy) + (-DEB abstract noun suffix).
Ryd-y-män < Rhyd-y-män [ˡri:d ə
ˡmɛ:n, ˡhri:d...] (nf) place name (Standard Welsh: Rhyd-y-maen [ˡhri:d ə ˡmain])
Ryddach < Rhyddach [ˡrəðax, ˡhrəðax] (nm) forename and
surname (Standard Welsh: Rhydderch [ˡhrəðɛrx])
(delwedd 5957)
ryfadd < rhyfadd [ˡrəvað, ˡhrəvað] (adj) strange, odd
(Standard Welsh: rhyfedd [ˡhrəvɛð])
ryfeddach [hrəˡve·ðax, rəˡve·ðax] stranger, odder
(Standard Welsh: rhyfeddach [hrəˡve·ðax])
ryfedda [hrəˡve·ða, rəˡve·ða] strangest, oddest
(Standard Welsh: rhyfeddaf [hrəˡve·ðav])
ryfal < rhyfal [ˡrəval, ˡhrəval] (nm) war (Standard
Welsh: rhyfel [ˡrəvɛl])
< rhyfelodd [rəˡve·lɔð,
hrəˡve·lɔð] (pl) (Standard Welsh: rhyfeloedd [rəˡve·lɔɪð])
rÿn [rən] (nf)
run (Standard Welsh: rhedfa [ˡhrɛdva])
mynd am
rÿn fäch go for a quick run
Rys < Rhys [ri:s, hri:s] (nm) forename, surname (Standard Welsh: Rhys [hri:s]); anglicised as Rees)
rytag < rhytag [ˡrətag, ˡhrətag] (v) run (Standard
Welsh: rhedeg [ˡhre·dɛg])
ar speak badly of (sb), run (sb) down
RHEDEG > RHYTEG (provection of initial
consonant of the final syllable; D > T) > RHYTAG (final “e” > “a”)
> RYTAG (loss of aspiration)
Geiriadur Geiriau Cymraeg Camsillafedig (Sillafiadau
Tafodieithol, Hynafol, Anarferol, Anghywir a Seisnegedig).
Geiriau Cymraeg nad yw yn y geiriaduron safonol - gellir
gweld llawer ohonynt, ynglŷn â’u sillafiad safonol, yn y ddolen-gyswllt
Dictionary of Misspelt Welsh Words (Dialectal, Archaic, Unusual, Incorrect and
Anglicised Spellings).
Welsh words not listed in standard Welsh dictionaries - many might be found,
along with their standard spelling, via the link below:
(delwedd G4002b)
a A / æ Æ / e E / ɛ Ɛ
/ i I / o O / u U / w W / y Y /
MACRONː ā Ā / ǣ Ǣ /
ē Ē / ɛ̄ Ɛ̄
/ ī Ī / ō Ō / ū Ū / w̄ W̄ / ȳ Ȳ
Ī́ ī́ , Ṓ ṓ , Ū́ ū́, (w), Ȳ́
ī̀, Ṑ ṑ, Ū̀ ū̀, (w), Ȳ̀ ȳ̀
MACRON ISODː A̱ a̱ , E̱ e̱ , I̱ i̱ , O̱
o̱, U̱ u̱, (w), Y̱ y̱
BREFː ă Ă / ĕ Ĕ / ĭ Ĭ / ŏ Ŏ / ŭ
Ŭ / B5236ː B5237ː
CROMFACHAUː ⟨ ⟩ deiamwnt
A’I PHEN I LAWRː ∀, ә, ɐ (u+0250) httpsː
Y WENHWYSWEG: ɛ ɛ̄ ǣ æ
ˈ ɑ ɑˑ aˑ aː / æ æː / e eˑeː / ɛ
ɛː / ɪ iˑ iː ɪ / ɔ oˑ
oː / ʊ uˑ uː ʊ / ə / ʌ
Ẅ / ẃ Ẃ / ẁ Ẁ / ŵ Ŵ /
Ŷ / ỳ Ỳ / ý Ý / ɥ
ˈ ð ɬ ŋ ʃ ʧ θ ʒ ʤ
/ aɪ ɔɪ əɪ uɪ ɪʊ aʊ ɛʊ ɔʊ
əʊ / £
ә ʌ ẃ ă ĕ ĭ ŏ
ŭ ẅ ẃ ẁ Ẁ ŵ ŷ ỳ Ỳ
Hungarumlautː A̋ a̋
U+1EA0 Ạ U+1EA1 ạ
U+1EB8 Ẹ U+1EB9 ẹ
U+1EE4 Ụ U+1EE5 ụ
U+1E88 Ẉ U+1E89 ẉ
U+1EF4 Ỵ U+1EF5 ỵ
δ δ £ g
δ δ £ U+2020 †
« »
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httpsː []//ǣ
Hwngarwmlawtː A̋ a̋
δ δ
ʌ ag acen ddyrchafedig / ʌ with acute
accentː ʌ́
Shwa ag acen ddyrchafedig / Schwa with acute |
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