
(delwedd B3533 )

(delwedd B3534)
Bt Mrb. chamberlain.

(delwedd B3535)
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This Glossary ranks as C. 28 in the Original Series.

(delwedd B3536)
This gloaeary of Weat-WorceBtershire words, now published by
e English Diulect Society, has been compiled with a view to further
one object of the Society's work, viz. to ascertain in what different
districts the use of tlio same word prevails. To this I would call
the attention of critics outside the Society, who are apt to conclude,
they meet in a local glossary with an old word with which
they are familiar, that the compiler fancied its use was peculiar to
his own county.
There is no neeJ to account further for the ration <ritre of the
work, which records (imperfectly, I fear) some of the words and
modes of speech of the old Worcestershire folkR, whose dialect,
Plough interesting and peculiar, has hitherto re'ieived little attention.
Under tlie teaeliing of certificated masters in government schools
i dialect is being rapidly modified ; perhaps on tiio whole it is
mgo it does not disa]>[iDar faster. Young people educated in these
a will often talk among themselves in brood Worcestershire,
die they address their pastors, masters, and betters in the nearest
to Queen'a English to which they have been able to attain.
There arc many expressions commonly used by the old people,
Evhich from the mouth of an educated person would be thought
ppedantic, or to savour of American slang. Daunt (pronounced
dahnt) is used for dishearten ; a hook or newspaper is p'roused
(perused) ; a greedy boy is told not to be eovdehous; a baby or a
geraninm cutting is rared (reared) ; and a woman apologizing for
intidy room would say, ' I be in a iilight sure-ly, I never see

(delwedd B3537)
Bucli a #rm (form) as the things be in.' A sharp boy is said to be
cute, to have plenty of gumption, and is called a dab at his lessons.
The unsophisticated nature of the people will best be shown by
the mention of some of their superstitions and cures, almost all of
which I have known to be put in practice during the last five years.
Whooping-cough is prescribed for by a woman who has married
for her second husband a man whose name is the same as was her
maiden name. Bread and butter with sugar on it is the favourite
remedy, but whatever she orders is thought a certain cure. (1878.)
Whooping-cough is also cured by cutting twenty hairs from the
nape of the patient's neck ; these are placed between slices of bread
and butter, and given to the first strange dog that passes the house ;
the Lord's Prayer is repeated over him, and then he is let go, and
carries away the disease. (1880.)
Coughs are cured by holding a frog to the mouth of the patient,
who must breathe into the mouth of the frog. A woman related how
she had cured her child in this manner, and added, *It went to my
heart to hear the poor frog go coughing about the garden.' (1879.)
Hands or feet *gone to sleep' are cured by spitting on the
finger and crossing the afflicted member.
Bleeding of the nose is cured by standing opposite the patient,
bowing to him, and then squeezing hard the little finger on the side
of the nostril from which the bleeding comes.
Bums on the hands are cured by spitting on the place, and rub-
bing it behind the left ear. This must be performed by the patient
himself; if he names it to any one the charm will be broken.
Snake-bites are cured by killing a fowl and placing the warm
entrails on the poisoned part.
Warts are cured by the sign of the cross and the repetition of
Thifl can only be done by one who has the gift of

(delwedd B3538)
Shingles are cured by the use of ointinent made of grease and
dust from a church bell. See Dodment. (1880.)
Sore eyes are cured with rain water caught on Ascension Day.
The dernier ressort of the superstitious is * Good Friday bread.'
This consists of a small piece of dough placed in the oven on Good
Friday morning, and baked until perfectly hard throughout. It is
then hung up to the roof ^ and when all other remedies fail, a little
of it, grated, is given to the patient. If this does not cure him, he
18 to die, and all further efforts may be abandoned.^
Fate is firmly believed in. A woman whose child was burnt for
the seoond time, through sheer carelessness, brought it to a doctor,
who blamed her for not taking more precaution. She sobbed out,
* That 'oodna be o* no sart o' use, ahl the naayghbours says 'e's ham
to he burnt r (1878.)
A disease in the hoof of cattle, called *the foul,' is cured by
cutting a sod on which the foot has pressed, and hanging it up on a
blackthorn bush. As it dries the foot will heaL (1878.)
Lameness in a horse caused by a nail is cured by thrusting the
nail into a piece of bacon. As it rusts the wound will heal. (1879.)
It is bad luck to take a few of the first spring flowers into a
house where the owners keep poultry. It insures a bad year for the
' guUs.'
Picking flowers before they are full-blown causes a * pouk ' (sty)
in the eye.
It is bad luck to cut a baby's nails before it is twelve months old,
as it will then grow up ' light-fingered.' If necessary the nails are
bitten. (1878.)
It is also bad luck to let a child see its face in the glass till it is
a year old.
' Some persons use it as a cure for diarrhoea only.

(delwedd B3539)
it is mdiiekj to hare an j wet uiheB in the lionse in the interval
betveen Chnfitmas Ere and Twelftli Day; it is also bad hick to
Inbog in ' atzange fire,' t. e. ligbts cr fuel from another honaey in that
penod. (167a)
li is iznlnckf to hare the Xew Year ' kt in* by a woman or giri.
It is unlucky to have no mistletoe hanging in the house. The
tomb, baneb is hong on Xew Year's Daj ; a small paeoe of last year's
boDieh is always kept until then.
It is nnlneky to plant ^be first potato or any garden crops until
It is tmlncky if the tail of the first lamb yon see is towards you.
It is nnloeky to remore the dead body of an animal that dies in
tibe field.
It is unlucky to haye the poker and tongs on the same side of the
fizqdaee : the ttimatfta of the room will quaireL
It is bad for the same reason to sit in a room with three candles
It is unlucky to call a child before baptism by the name you
mean to give it (1877.)
It is unlucky to have the bishop's left hand on your head at
confirmiition. (1878.)
It is unlucky for a wedding party to be in church while the
clock is striking.
It is unlucky to dream of being in church. (1879.)
It is unlucky to dream of silver or copper ; to dream of gold is
lucky. (1879.)
It is unlucky to dream of * setting flowers in the earth ' in com-
pany with another person. You will be certain to hear ill news of
thM& the OMt daj. (1878.)

(delwedd B3540)
If in walking under a ladder you spit, tlie luck will be turned.
If two persons wash their hands at the same time in one bowl,
they must spit in the water, or a quarrel will arise between them.
To avert the ill-luck of knives being crossed on the table, the
lower one shoxdd be gently withdrawn, while the words 'Blessed
are the peacemakers ' are said.
To make bees swarm, kill a toad.
A spider enclosed in a nutshell, and worn in a bag hung round
the neck, is a charm against toothache.
If the first snow hangs in the trees, it is a sign that the coming
year will be a good one for fruit.
If the sun shines on Candlemas Day sufficiently warm for the
cat to bask in it, it is a sign that there will be more hard weather.
If the wind is in the west at 12 p.m. on Candlemas Day, it will
be a good year for fruit.
A white bird is a sign of death.
'Telling the bees' of a death in the family is thus performed.
Eap three times on the hive with the front door key, and whisper
your loss, say of a brother, in these words :
* Bees, bees, my brother is dead.
Will you stay and work for me ? *
' Crying the mare ' was performed not many years since in much
the same manner as is described by Hartshorns in Salopia Antiqua,
On New Teai^s Day the children go from house to house, chanting :
* I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year,
A pocket full of money and a cellar full of beer.
And a good fat pig to serve you all the year ;
Please to give me a New Year's gift.*
Yeal is always eaten on Mid-lent — ^Mothering Sunday.

(delwedd B3541)
On May-day branches of silver birch hung with cowslip balls are
fastened to the side of the doorways ; over the door hang garlands of
evergreen, tinsel, and paper flowers.
On first hearing the cuckoo the purse should be turned in the
pocket, to insure its having money in it all the year round.
Whatever you are doing when you first hear the cuckoo will be
your chief occupation during the next twelve months.
ThCvSe examples will suffice to show how old-fashioned ways, as
well as old-fashioned words, have survived in this district.
It only remains to offer my sincere thanks to those friends who
have sent me contributions, or otherwise assisted me. These are the
Eevds. Sir F. A. G. Ouseley, Archdeacon Lea, C. Wordsworth, C.
Allen, T. Ayscough Smith, R Burton, and W. Bayson; R V.
Wheeler, W. Claxton, and G. W. Grosvenor, Esqs. Valuable con-
tributions were received from the late John Barber, Esq., of The
Jewkes, Tenbury ; and the late Joseph Jones, Esq., of Abberley Hall.
I have also to thank the Honorary Secretary of the E D. S.,
T. Hallam, Esq., and Prof. Skeat, for advice and help in the work
of com[alation.
E L. Chamberlain.
Haglcy, Sept, 1882,

(delwedd B3542)
1. The short A between two consonants, as in nian and plaiikf
is in some cases pronounced like the o in mop,
as J man, gotJier, catch, rot.
for ( man, gather, catcb^ rat.
2. The long A, as in male, \a sometimes sounded like the Italian
di, sometimes becomes dissyllabic — ai-u. These sounds are written
respectively (1) aatj and (2) aiil throughout the Glossary,
(1) as J aaifl, taay'l, pluai/t
for ( ale, tale, plate.
(2) and J plaiiis, maiiid, taiiik,
for ( place, made, take.
3. A as a separate unaccented syllable has the sound of u in tigh,
4. A before a soft n^ has the sound written aai/,
as ( raaynge, straaynge, daaynger, maaynger,
for ( range, strange, danger, manger.
5. Ai and Ay have usually the sound written aay as above, but
occasionally in words of more than one syllable this is contracted, so
as to resemble the y in rhyme,
as j M^y-daay, r'yny,
for ( May-day, rainy.
Ill the names of the days of the week ay is shortened, as Sundy,
Moudy, &c.

(delwedd B3543)
6. An becomes (1) dhy or (2) else has the sound (rather prolonged)
of A in Ann^
as r dahter, dahnt, annt
for \ daughter, daunt, aunt.
(3). An in audacious becomes ow,
7. D (1) following I at the close of a word is often turned into ^,
as r holty tolt
for ( hold, told.
This is generally done in speaking emphatically ; (2) when less
stress is laid on them these words would be —
WtZ, toted.
8. D is added at the end of some monosyllables, aft<er n,
as / shetcnd, gotcnd.
fort shewn, gown.
9. E short, as in netj becomes a in some cases after y,
for ( yes, yellow.
10. E in pretty is pronounced as e and not t, as in Standard
11. E in me, when unemphatic, has the sound of u in ugh ; this
is written me throughout the Glossary.
12. Ea has (1) the sound of a long or ay,
as ( paysy tay, banes, stale,
for ( peas, tea, beans, steale.
Ea (2) in the class of words hear, toear, &c., has the sound of
aJi = bahr, wahr.
13. Ee in some monosyllables becomes ? short,
as ( wik, fit, ship,
for ( week, feet, sheep.
14. Ere is pronounced ahr, in such words as where, there, which
become v^aJir, thahr,
15. Ey, as in grey, becomes aay,
as ( thaay, praay, survaayor.
for I they, prey, surveyor.

(delwedd B3544)
16. H at the beginning of syllables is always dropped. It is
substituted for w before o or oo by emphatic speakers,
as J hoody hoolj hoainan.
for ( wood, wool, woman.
17. I as a separate unaccented syllable, between consonants, is
turned into a or u,
as f charaty, merrully,
for I charity, merrily.
18. I in a few accented syllables becomes e short,
as ( set, sperrit, sennew.
for ( sit, spirit, sinew^
19. lo in violent, violet, &a, is transposed, becoming a diphthong
— voylenf, voylet,
20. L is mute after o long, or ow, which then take the sound of
ow in cow, written aow in the Glossary,
as ( eaowd, taowd, maowd,
for I cold, told, mould.
21. H becomes m (1) before b and p,
as ( Tembury,'^ tempence,
for \ Tenbury, tenpence.
(2) in turnip = turmit.
22. Hg in present participles, verbal nouns, and some other
words, has the sound of the nasal n only,
as r wcdMrCy running ^untirC, nothirC.
for \ walking, running, hunting, nothing.
23. H is also substituted of tz^ in length and strength ^ tenth,
24. short before r becomes a shorty
as r cam, arder, mamin\
for ( com, order, morning.
* It is remarkable, however, that Tembury accidentally comes nearer to
the original form of the name, since Tenbury is Teme-hury^ the town on
the Teme.

(delwedd B3545)
25. long in words or syllables with a sUent e following, or in
open syllables, becomes diphthongal,
as J stoiin, lotinsome, pouny,
for ( stone, lonesome, pony.
26. Oa (1) becomes diphthongal, «
as { coat, road, foal.
for ( coat, road, foaL
(2) in oats = wuU,
(3) becomes t)( in a final unaccented syllable, as petticut for
27. Oi has the sound of i only,
as ( p*intf fine, Vile,
for ( point, join, boiL
28. Oo becomes u before a final k or t,
as jfuty shuck, hruck.
for ( foot) shook, brook.
29. Ongh is almost always pronounced as in plough, and is
written aow in the Glossary,
as J enaoto, thraow, thaow, thaowt.
for \ enough, through, though, thought.
N.B. A person who spoke the dialect broadly would infallibly
say, * I baowt this 'ere coat,' yet if he wished to inform you that it
was ready made, he would most likely add, * 'Tis a bough ten 'un.'
30. Ow (1) in the class cow, douni, town, &c. has the same sound
as in Standard English.
(2) In the class hlmo, grow, mow, it is pronounced as a diph-
thong. Such words are written ar/w in the Glossary.
(3) In a final unaccented syllable oxo is pronounced u,
as { hanm, hurra, to-morru.
for ( barrow, burrow, to-morrow.
31. B is transposed in children, and hundred = childem,
32. 8 is transposed in ask = uks.

(delwedd B3546)
33. T is converted into ch before a final oua^ uoua^ or ualy
as { covechoiiSf sptnchuoitSf spirichual,
fbr ( covetous, spirituous, spiritual
34. Th becomes t in fifth and sixth = fift, sixt.
35. Un becomes on at the beginning of a word,
as J onluckt/f ontidy,
for ( unlucky, untidy.
36. U in put is sounded as in but.
37. W is omitted at the beginning of some words before o, oo,
or oUy when these letters are pronounced do,
as j ^OosteVy odd, odd,
for ( Worcester, wood, would.
38. Wh has the sound of w only,
as ( w^erif w^ahr, w^at,
for ( when, where, what.
The pronunciation of the following words is to be noted : —
Breadth, pronounced Brenth.
Yat and gaiiit.
0am, oaiim, woaiim, and wum.
The numbers of the paragraphs agree with those of the glot^sic

(delwedd B3547)
N.B. The numbers I, 2, 3, &c. agree with those of the respective
paragraphs in the chapter. The Glossic equivalents are given in
square brackets,
1. = [o] generally : a few words have the vowel of medial length
= [:o*] or [:au'], as man^ catty v., &c. See Note I.
2. (1) = [»a-y].
(2) = [:e*u'] or [:ai'u*]. In this class of words containing a
long with e final, there is considerable diversity of pronunciation.
See Note II.
3. = [u'].
4. = [laa-y].
5. (1) = [:aa*y]. Slow speakers might sometimes use [aay].
(2) The sound intended by the author is [ahy] or [:ah'y] :
May-day := [Maby-d:aa'y] ; and rainy = [rahyni*].
6. (1) = [aa-]. (2) = [a'-]. (3) = [uw] or [uuw].
7. (1) = [t]. (2) = [:aowd] and [t»o:wd].
8. = [d].
9. = [aa].
10. = [ae].
11. = [u'].
12. (1) = [ai-]. (2) = [:aa-] or [aa-].
13. (1) = [ee-]. (2) = [i].
14. = [laa'r*] or [aaV].

(delwedd B3548)
15. = [aa-y].
17. = [u*] generally.
18. = [ae].
19. = 1 [oy] or [ahy].
20. = [:ao-w].
21. = [m].
22 and 23. = [n].
24. = [:aa'] generally.
26. = [:ao'w].
26. (1) = [»o-w]. (2) = [wuts]. (3) = [u'].
27. = [:u-y] or [ny].
28. = [u].
29. = [:ao'w].
30. (1) = [:u-w] or [uw]. (2) = [ao'w]. (3) = [u'],
31. = [chil-duYn], [un'du'r'd].
34. = [t].
35. = [on].
36. = [u].
37. 0, 00 and ou = [55] or [:oo'].
38. = [w].

(delwedd B3549)
It is perhaps necessary to note that the vmcehy diphthongsy and
vtmel diagraphs treated of in these notes aie those in accented
The examples are all selected from words actually heard and
recorded by the writer during visits to West Worcestershire, in the
years 1880, 1881, and 1882.
I. A in closed syllables : —
1 = [aa] in the largest section of these words, as and emph,,
bad, glad, hand, wagon, &c.
2 = [:aa*] in some cases, as cart, chance, glass, grass, hark,
man, &c.
3 = [:a*'] in a few words, — heard the following : Ann, man,
married, that.
4 = [:ah'] before r, by old people at Bewdley and Tenbury —
in cart, farthing, garden, hard, jar, married, parsnips, &c.
5 = [o] and [:o'] or [:au'] ; see paragraph 1, mp'a,
II. A — e, as in gate, male, plate, &c. In this class of words there is
very considerable variety in the pronunciation of a. The prevail-
ing forms, however, seem to be [ai*] and [:e*u'].
I give below the pronunciation of most of the words in this
class which were heard and recorded at various places in West
Worcestershire. After each word the initials of the places are
given at which it was recorded, viz. : —
b fl

(delwedd B3550)
A = Abberlej ; B = Bewdley ; D = Droitwich ; E = Elders-
field; K = Kidderminster; S = Saleway (2 miles S. of
Droitwich) ; T = Teabury ; and W = Worcester.
Whenever any word was recorded more than once for any place
or places, the number of times is given in parentheses after the
respective initials.
[ai-] in : gate [gyai't] T (2) ; lame B (2) T; lane E ; made S ;
make B ; name AB (2) ST W (3) ; rate B ; same BD ; toke
AB (2) ST W ; toothache T.
[:e-u'] iu : ale T ; lame A (2) ET ; name K ; place DT (2) ;
. plate T ; same T ; take E ; tale T.
[:ai*u'] in : lame ST ; name T.
[aiy] in : named W.
[e-] in : bake T ; take T.
[:e*] in : age D ; gate [gy:et] W.
[tee'u*] in : cake T ; gate [giee'u't] T.
Also : gate = [gyeyt] W (2), [g:ae-tt] E, [gyrae't] T, [gyaett] K,
and [gyuut] B : and : ale = [yae'l] T.
Several other forms were given by a woman 82 years of age
(1882), a native of Tenbury ; but these are probably individualities.
They are, at any rate, curious :
aia, aiaa, la, i:a ', laa, i:aa, i:ae', laa, i :ae'J.
See par. 2, supra.
III. CI- = [kl] not [tl], in clear, Clee HUls, clock, &c.
IV. E. = [ae] in closed syllables generally — as eggs, kettle, tell,
very, wench, &c.
V. E in be, me, we, when under stress = [ee*] or [:ee*].
VI. Ea. — In this diagraph there is great diversity of pronunciation.
VIL Ea. — 1 = [ee*] or [:ee*] generally — as in green, see, thee, three,
*' — R] in a few words. See par. 14, supra,
tot [dl], as in glass, &c.

(delwedd B3551)
IX. I in closed syllables : —
1 = [i], as in big, bring, finger, in, it, little, six, this, &c.
2 = [:i*] in some cases, as live.
X. I long or diphthongal : —
1 = [uy] or [:u*y] generally — as in child, likely, mind, night,
right, side, writes, &c.
2 = [uuy] or [:uu*y], occasional variants. N.B. There may
sometimes occur forms intermediate between Nos. I and 2.
XL in closed syllables : —
1 = [o] in the large class of words — as clock, drop, got, not, on,
Tom, yonder, &c.
2 = [u] in the class having this sound in Standard English —
as another, a-comin', money, other, &c. : the variant [uu] is
sometimes used.
3 = [:u'] in son ; [:uu*] may occur.
XII. Oo. — 1 = [oo*] and [:oo*] generally — ^as in afternoon, good,
rooks, school, soon, wood = [loo'd], &c
2 = [oo] in look, toothache.
XIII. On in the class — about, account, house, out, &c., is generally
== [uw] ; and at times = [uuw] : moreover, the first element of
these diphthongs is sometimes of medial quantity.
XrV. B medial and final is often reverted = [,r].
XV. U short in closed syllables : —
1 = [u] generally — as in but, jump, mutton, run, summer^ up, &c.
2. The variant [uu] occasionaUy occurs. N.B. In some cases the
sound may be intermediate between these.
XVI. IT long or diphthongal is generally pronounced as in Standard

(delwedd B3552)
I be, or bin.
Thee bist
TE or 'er be, or 'e's.
I wuz, CT were.
Thee wnst.
•E were.
I binna.
Thee bistna.
'£ binna.
Us be, or bin.
You be.
Thaay be, or bin.
Us wuz, or were.
You wuz.
Thaay wuz.
Negaiive {present).
Us binna.
You binna.
Thaay binna.
Negative (past),
I wasna, wuzna» or womt. TJs wasna, wuzna, or woma.
Thee wasna, wuzna, or womt. You wasna, wuzna, or worna.
'E wasna, wuzna, or woma. Thaay wasna^ wuzna, woma, or
Interrog, and Neg. (present).
Binna 1 1 Binna, or baint us 1
Bistna thee 1 Binna yii ?
Binna 'e, or baint 'e 1 Binna thaay ?
Interrog. and Neg. (past).
Wasna II Wasna, or werena usi
Weiena thee 1 Wasna*ytt 1
Wasna 'e, or weiena 'e % Wasna thaay 1

(delwedd B3553)
A Glossary of West Worcestershire Words. 1882.
Mrs. Edith L. Chamberlain.
I 'ave, or 'a,
Thee 'st, or thee 'ast.
'E, 'a, or 'er 'as,
Theo 'ädst.
I 'anna, or 'avna.
Theo 'asna.
'E 'anna, or 'asna.
1 'adna
Thee 'adstna.
'E 'adna.
'Anna I
'Astna thee
'An't 'e
Adna 1
Us 'as, or 'äve.
You 'äve, or 'a,
Thaay 'as,
You 'ad.
Thaay 'ad.
Negative (present).
Us 'anna, or 'avna,
Yer 'anna, or 'avna.,
Thaay 'anna, or 'asna,
Negative (past).
Us 'adna, or adn't.
You 'adna, or 'adn't
Thaay 'adna, or 'adn't.
Interrog. and Neg. (present),
'An't us
'Anna yi
'Anna thaay !
Interoq, and Neg. (past),
'Adna, or 'adstna thee
'Adna 'e!
1 sholl.
Thee sholl, or sholt.
'E sholl.
I shud, or shööd,
Thee shudst,
'E shud.
'Adna, or 'adn't us q
Adstna yt
'Adna thaay
You sholl.
Thaay sholl,
Us shud.
You shud,
Thaay shud,

(delwedd B3554)
A Glossary of West Worcestershire Words. 1882.
Interrog, and Neg.
Mrs. Edith L. Chamberlain.
I Bhanna, or Bhollna,
Theo Bhanna, or Bhollna.
'E shanna, or shollna.
I shudna, or Bhbödna,
Thee shudna, or
'E shudna,
Shanna I, or sholna I q
Shoodna 1 !
Shoodstna thee! &c,
1 'bbl,
Thee 'bbl,
or 651st,
E '001,
1 'bbd,
Thee 'bbd,n
or 'bbdst.
'E 'bbd,
I 'bblna, or wunt,
Us Bhanna, or Bhollna,
You shanna, or Bhollna.
Thaay shanna, or Bhollna,
Us Bhudna.
You shudna,
Thaay shudna,
ana Neg.
Shanna, or Bholna us &c,
Shoodna us &c,
Us 'bbl,
You 'bbl,
Thaay 'ööL
UB 'bbd.
You 'bbd.
Thaay 'bbd,
Theo 'öölna, or 'bblstna, or wunna,
E 'bblna, or wunna.
I 'Öödna, &c,
Us 'bblna, or wunna,
You 'öölna, or wunna.
Thaay 'öölna, or wunna.
Us 'öödna,
'OÖlna, or wunt us,
'öödna us
'Oblna I, or wunt I? &c,
'öödna I?
I con,
I cud, &c,
Us con,
Us cud, or cööd,

(delwedd B3555)
I conna, &c.
I coodna, &c.
Coodna II &c.
I man, or moon.
Thee mun, or munst.
'£ man, or m5on.
Us conna, &o.
Us coodna, &c
Interrog. and Neg,
Conna as 1 &c.
Coodna asl &a
Us man, or m5on.
Yoa man, or moon.
Thaay man, or moon.
I munna, or mas'na. Us manna, or mas'na.
Thee manna, or mannat, or mos'na. Yoa manna, or mas'na.
E manna, or mas'na. Thaay manna, or mas'na.
Interrog. and Neg,
Manna I, or mas'na I) &c. Manna as, or mas'na asl &c.
* Promptoriam Parvulorum.' Ed. Camden Society.
' Eay's Glossaries.' Ed. E. D. S.
* Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary.' Rev. J. Bosworth, 1868.
* Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words.' J. 0. Halliwell,
Ed. 1874.
'Dictionary of English Etymologies.' H. Wedgwood, 1872.
And in the latter part a ' Concise Etymological Dictionary of the
English Language.' Kev. Prof. W. W. Skeat, 1879—1882.

(delwedd B3556)
A, v. to have, present and
imperative moods. ' 'Er a gon' awaay.'
She hot gone away. ' A done, 5ul ee I ' Ha ve done, will you !
A, pron. he ; she ; it ' Wahr h\a at' ' Thar a comoB,' may n
either Where it he, the, or it! £o,
A, prep, at ; in. ' 'E were a chu'ch o' Sund'y.' ' 'Er's a Wl mighty
bad, wi' a paay'ii a top o' 'er yiid.' In all these cases a has the
sound of ti m but (standard English).
Abear, v. to tolerate ; to endure. ' I canna abar to see "un." '
'ad the tiJthache that deaprit till 'e couldn't scahrcoly abar it.'
Abide, V. to suffer; to endure. 'Mother, 'er never could abiila that
thahr mon.'
Abore-a-bit, adserbial pierage, extremely, 'These 'ere bad times
worrits me above-a-bit, thaay do ; I dunno w'at to do, no mora than
tho dyud' (dead).
, Aeoord, v. to agree. Pronounced aceard. ''Im an' 'er can't aeeard
K together no waay.' Cknucer, Canl. Tale*, Prologue, 832 :
I ' And 1 it recorde
If ev m-Bong and morwe-song ofcorde.'
Accamulate, v. to unito for a common purpose. Pronounced aeeit-
wulhitf. ' Us accumullatfl to go to '038t«r together o' Saturd'y.'
Ackem, n. acom. 'As Bound as an ackeni' is a local proverb,
applied to everything from a horse to a nut.
AckerEpire, v. Applied to potatoes, &c. which begin to sprout
while still in the ground.
Adlandi, n. the strip of ground left at the end of a field for the plough
to turn on. Corruption of hradlaitdi.
Afore, 2>rep. before. 'Come aa' see we a/ore yiS goes awaay.'
Sometimes pronounced a/aour.
Agate, pre}K set going ; on tho way ; begun. ' Owd Jem's a/)ale
now uv 'is taay'ls ; thahr '11 be no stoppin' un.' ' Thahr's a dUl o'
fevers agate this 'ot weather.' — Coigrave makes use of agate, s. t.
brimbaler and broit^ter.
Ii-theni, n. hawthorn.

(delwedd B3557)
Aigla, n. iciclo. 'See ahl them atgles 'angin' to the thaek; tis
mighty toart this mamin*.'
Aild, i\ to ail. ' This casselty weather danna suit the owd fdks ;
grandad*0 hut aUdirC like.*
Aim, f;. t<) attempt ; to endeavour. ' 'Er aimed to pick it up, hot
'tworo too *oavy fur *er to 'eft it.'
Ait, tn to throvr. ' The lad aited a stoiin, an' 'it the 'arse o' the ynd.'
AUaboutt upHido-down ; confused. ^ To think as the missiB shooki
(M)tno to 000 mo, an' my 'ouse ald-ahout like this! '
All-about-it, the wliolo matter. ' Thee canna go to-daay ; thee mnn
Hiop at oaihn, an* that's ahl-ahovi-it.^
AU-M-il, all that remains. ' The pot's purty nigh emp, hot HI give
*«« riA/-rM-l«.'
All M one, all the same. 'Thee can go, ar Bill; 'tis ahl-{u-<meJ
Anant, prt*p, near. * Put down them faggits anatit the door.'
Atltnit, fft^ff* op|)osito. ' Thaay lives right anend we.'
Antl tttmp, II. ant-hill.
Atltinit, profK name as Anant (Kidderminster.)
Aptrn, uv Apptrn, ti. apron. See Wedgwood. ''£r puck up tho
I'tiiiU, an oarr'd *om off in *er appem,*
Afoh^rt, II. oiclianl.
Arrandi or Arrant, n. orrand. ' Our Bill's a good li'le chap ta run
tiv a arnniilt *<i dunna laowse (lose) much time o' the waay.* Also
nitplind to niarkotiufCH, purchases, &c. * Fetching an arrand' ia
alwnyH Urn oxpntMiiou used. *The folks next door be goiu* to
ttmt'koi, an* thaay bo a-goin* to fetch my arrants iax mS.*
AflfflU, ti, a nnwt. * The gentlefolks is ac'tully that ignenint, thaay
ittinkH AH itayiUi canna do no *arm I ' Of. ask in HaUiwell.
Allat. I'ronouncofl azlatf n. (1) the liver, lungs, &c. of a pig.
i'2) a ilUh (M)nipofHMl of those parts, wrapi>ed in the caul, and
nn\ with Hu^i and onions* iSee Pegge*8 Eenticisms. s. v. Uarcdd.
Aihlrt, fivoiK athwart. Hon Wedgwood under Thwart, Boatman.
• hrhiK Ntr iithWi tho river, BUl.^
Aurrttlt, n, harvoMt. ' I doubts us 'ull 'ave a dreadful bad aurrust
thin y«ar.'
AttM, i). to try ; to attempt. S^ ^QiS; ' I rolid this 'ere poiiny ahl
tho waay to Bowdluy, an* 'e never wimst axutd to shy.'
Avoirdupoil, v. to think over; to consider, weigh mentally. Fr.
avoirdiitHds^ J'rcmounced awerdepoy, • Father an' me, we*ve awer-
drpoyeHii o9^, au' US thinks as our 'Liza *ad best go to service.'
Avoirdapoili a^, UkxI by carpenters to signify correct, straight,

(delwedd B3558)
Backen, c. to keep back, or retard. ' This cowd wentlier 'ull backen
the crops.' ' I doubt thaay 're too foirat ; 't'ull do em no 'arm to
be badimtd a bit'
Badger, (1) n. a dealef in grain, poultry, fruit, butter, &c., who
attenda different markets to buy up thette commoditioe.
(2) V. to torment ; to worry. This use probably comes from the
ebnrp practice and hard dealisga of the traders montdoned above.
That owd Pa-iige (Page) is a 'ard un to live under, If you're
ever so little be'yind with the rent 'e'U badger you as if it wuz
BaonutS, n. walnuts. Parish elerk, ' Wat did I think o' the sarmiii 1
Sarmints is ahl like bavtiuU; d'recklj yQ opens 'um, yQ knauwH
Barfiit, n. Helleljonif fxlvhis, Bcar's-foot. The leaves are baked in
the oven and used as a remedy for worms. The long RBDtro leaflet
is removed, as it is coneiderod poisonous.
BatB, or Bou, of the hand, n. the palm or hollow of the hand. See
Wedgwood. ' 'E's cut "isself right across the fcwa o' the 'and with
a riji'/mk,' or rippook (reaping-hook).
Bat, 0. to blink the eyes. ' Now, Lizzib, tbahr yQ bo a hattin' uv
¥mr eyes agen ! 'Ow many timea 'ave I towd yu not to hut 'em so ?
ouli get by 'n' bye as you canmi 'olp it, an' folia "ull think as
you're sdly,'
Bather, pronounced Bath-er. v. (1) to scratch as fowls do; (3) to
scrape together; (3) to struggle. (1) 'Thooi chickeua o' Tyler's ho
alius a hatharm' in our gardju'. (21 ' That owd Shukey, er's ft covot-
chous owd piece I 'Er'a a sfcckin full a money as 'er's bathrred up
some waay.' (3) 'My son's bin mighty bad; I tbowt I ah'ud 'a
lost 'im Hura-he, but 'e'a bathered thruow it now.'
Bathy, pronounced Bai-thy, adj. damp ; moist. ' Thatgnmy'n 'uU ho
reg'Iar sp'ilt in the loft thahr, it's as buihi/ as can be.'
Beaze, v. lo dry in the sun. ' Them 'ops gets reg'lur bcaxed this 'ot
Beazy, oi//. ' Them trees o' ynam wants waterin' ; this winder's eo
sunny, thaay be quite braay.'
Bebappen, mtv. \mha,^. ' If yii canaa staay now, beJiappen you'll
step in i' the mamin' P "
Being as, seein;;! that. ' I did want to spik to the niaiister to ast if
'e 5odn't rise Ben a bit; but bein' at 'o were so put about, I didna
like to do it to-daay.'
Bellook, c. to lonr.
Bellyftil, n. a suiBcient quantity. ' Didna" I see yil comin' out o'
the Methody's a Sund'y, Mrs. Accon ? ' (Acton). " Aye, so yii did ;
'taint aa I 'olds with the Methodya, thaay be ao aly to my thiiikin' ;
but I likes to eo to the chapel upon times, 'cause the samiint^ is
"'•■lit cuttin'. Many'a the time I've sot in tiiut chapel an' eriod wiy

(delwedd B3559)
fSkakx^!T% Kmm^ Laar, Act IIL kl n. :
•BamUethr i«£rjt/W.' S|sl fire, ipoiii
TiUMTft Fiwi Hmm4rad Foimia of Got^i Hmdmrndwie^ see. 4I», L 27:
* Xo wpoout mettt, no heii/mll, Ubooren tkinka*
x. tbe stem of the liop-planL
Mfer, r. to qiUTec. ' When 'er nd '«r father go, 'er poor littie
nvyath wms a &• tvnV, but 'er nuuuiged to kip *er toan back.'
BbMk-bttt, x. black beetle.
Keediar-hetft, ». Dudytra gpeeiabQU; ako called « liffc-iip-yoiir-
Blob-Bunithed, adj, load ; talkatire.
Bloody Imteher, r. OrcAtr matcula, Earij Pinple Orehia.
Blow, n. bloasom. Pronoanced blaaw. 'That ah-dhem (hawthorn)
tree aneiut the owd bam is in Uaow most beantifoL* ''Ato y&
nd the Uaow nr this pmk ? 1^ amost as big as a rose.'
Bhie-tAil, It. the fieldfare.
Bolt, or Boltin, of ttraw, &c., a handle of from 12 to 14 Iba.
Booaej, n. part of a oow-shed railed off for keeping ha j, &e.
Bootej'paftlire, it. pasture which lies close to a cattle-shed.
Botsack, n. footatooL See Wedgwood under Batg,
Botfen, V, to burst. *I nerer see such a greed j hist as that big
mastie dog a the gaffer'a. 'E got 'owd ut a dynd ship i' the big
|neoe yander, an' 'e staffed *iflse& till I thowt 'e'd a bo$9en.* Some-
times to go hoMen is used. ' Dunna pug that owd strap so tight, ar
'ell go boMen.'
Bota-oyed, adj, squinting.
Bottad, p, p. burst ' That thahr culvert 'as bogfed up.'
Bough-homo, n. house opened at fair-time only, for the sale of liquor.
(Pershore.) Suppressed 1863.
Bonghten, adj. ready-made. ' I alius bakes at 'oaiim, I canna abide
boughten bread.'
Bont, n. in ploughing, once up and down the field.
Bow-belli, n. Anemone nemarosa, Wood Anemone, wind-flower.
Bozzard, n. a ghost.
Brat, n. pinafore. * Piit on the child's brai afore yn feeds Im.*
Brae, n. a large fly resembling a bee. The gadfly is sometimes so
Brevit, v, to hunt about ; to pry inquisitively. * Wahr 'ave yti piit
my prahr-buk to, Mairy f 1 *ve hrevitUd thraow ahl them drahrs
I cauua find *im.' * 'Erl git naowt from we, 'tis uv no use fer 'im
to come hrevitiin* about our plai-us.'
Bnunmook, n. a hook used in hedging (broomhook).

(delwedd B3560)
r, or Bnft, p. to slammer. Fr. hitffcr. ' Thaay've tuk a ilill o'
paAy'ns wi' my Sam at the school, an' amoet cured 'im o' bu/lin', so
bad as 'e did wEea 'e were a Lttle 'ui».'
t sheltered place. CotTUpti(pn of hirraw, ' The wind is
pretty teart to-daay, but if vQ kijis in the burrS t'ull do yii more
good to go out in tne air a bit than stivin' by the fire ahl the w'ild.'
fiushel-np. Good hops are aaid by the pickers to haghel-up well,
i'. r, they haTB some degree of coDBistency which makes them fill up
tho meaaurer'a basket lu a manner favourable to the piukers.
Bnssaok, ?(, a severe cough ; u. to cough. Probably a corruption of
Bastock, n. a dookey.
Butty, n. a work-fellow, or companion. ' Have you seen Mary Parker
lately, MiB. Yapp?" 'Aye, I eis 'or moat wiks; 'eHa my biiUy-
woman when I washes at the pajaon's.' ' 'Ink an.' 'is huttiu wuz at
thar tay, an' a man come to the dore, an' ho Boya, " Wich o' your
'taok, M. a farm taken by a tenant who resides on another.
r their
Cad-bait, n. the larva of the Btone-fly.
Caddie, v. to quarrel. "Ark to them cUildem mddUn'
bits uv t'ya.'
Cade, n. a spoilt child ; a pot lamb. ' That 'ooman
ruinate the b'y ; 'e'a such a httle cade as ncTor wuz.'
Cadge, V. to carry toles. ' Tliat Hon Collier's a spitoful 'un ; 'e's alius
a r.iuhjin' about to the gentlefolks, an' settin' um agin eomo on us.'
Cadger, >i. a carrier. See Wedgwooil, and Ray, N. C. Glosniirij.
' I'll send the baakit by tho ratlgtr a Baturd'y.'
Caff, or Kerf, n. a hoe : biUs of sale, 1880. See Kerl
Caff, or Kerf, v. to hoe. Hops are cuffed, potatoes kerfed.
Cagmag, {\)n. offal ; rubbish.
(2) V. to quarrel. ' The missia aaye to me, " Wat's that n'ise P "
Bays she. " Oh," says I, " it's on'y them two owd crittore
a vupnaggin' like thaay alius be." '
to cattle, Ac. To cowa ; 'Coop I coop !' or ' Aw I aw !' To
^ : ' Fishti ! pishti ! ' (A strange dog is always spoken to as
iSahti,' aa if this were a proper name.) To torsos: 'Aw!' i.e.
turn towards driver. 'Oott ' i. e. turn faim driver. ' Come 'ere 1 '
{in ploughing) to first horse to turn towards driver. ' Goe woa I '
iloughing) to first horse to turn firam driver. To piga ; ' Dacky 1
aacKy 1 ' " Tantasso, tantassa nig, tow a row. a row ! To poultry :
' Clip»k I chook I ' ' Come Biddy ! come Biddy ! '
Cambottle, n, the Long-tailed Tit. tn Shropshire this bird is a Can-
'<ittle. The WorcexterBhire form is an example of tho local tendency
o turn n into in before b or j>.

(delwedd B3561)
Cant, V. to tell tales; to slander. See Wedgwood.
€arlook, n. Smapis arvensie, Charlock. Prompt Parv.
Casselty, <idj\ uncertain : of the weather. ' Thahr's no tellin' w*at to
be at in such casselty weather.'
Cast, n. to give up ; to reject. ' If I gits aowlt (hold) ny a sart o'
taters as dunna suit my gardin, as doesna come kind yi& knaows,
I coats 'um perty soon.' See Halliwell, Ccuif 33.
Tusser's Husbandries sec. 3d, 1. 52 :
* Land past the beet
Ccut up to rest.'
Catahrandtail, n. the Eedstart.
Cattering, n, going b^ging on St. Catharine's Day.
Chastise, v, to accuse. 'Us chastuted 'im uv 'avin' done it, an' 'e
couldn't deny of it.'
Chats, n. chips of wood. See Wedgwood.
Chatter, v, to scold; to find fault with. "£ didna ought to a
sahoed (sauced) the ma-iister ; I chaUered 'un well 6ur it.'
Chanm, n. a crack in a floor or wall.
Cheat, n. the Grasshopper Warbler.
Cheeses, n. Malva sylvestris, Common Mallow.
Chewer, n. a narrow footpath.
Chin-oongh, n. whooping-cough. Corrupted from ehinkrcottgh. See
Chitterlings, n, entrails of animals, usually pigs. Prompt, Parv.
Chores, n. jobs, or work done by a charwoman. *When thee'st
done up ahl the chores thee canst go out if thee^s a mind, but not
The Christmas = Christmas-time. ' I dunna think none o' the
ohildem 'ull be over afore the winter, but thaay be ahl on 'em
a-comin' far the Christmas.*
Chnrohman. A man who responds loudly in church is called 'a
good churchman,^ (Abberley.)
Cleaches, n. clots of blood.
Clem, V, to starve with hunger. * 'E's reg'lar clemmed ; 'tis no good
a-talkin' till 'e's 'ad a bit o' fittle in 'is mouth.'
Clemency, culj. inclement : of the weather.
Clip, V, to embrace. * The child clipped me round the neck.'
Cluttook, n. clot. ' I piit the milk by over night, an' when I
looked at 'im i' the mamin' 'twas ahl gon' in duttocks,^
Codlins and cream, Epilohium pcdustret Lesser Willowherb.
Colley, n. black, soot^ or smut v, to blacken. See Wedgwood.
Ben Jonson, PodasiUr^ Act lY. so. iii : < Thou hast not <^ied thy

(delwedd B3562)
Co UogPC, I', to consult. ' I'll eollvgw- wi' the nuBsis, an' aee wliat 'er
^K Bdvi>^ we to do,'
^^H Green, Tu Qunque, Act VH. bc. viii, : ' Ptbt go in, and, rister,
^^^H aolro the mutter. Collogue with her again ; all aboil gu welL'
^P MalaiaUnt, Act lY. 94 : ' Why look ye, we must cdhgiu Bome-
tiiUPH. forswear aometimoB.'
Come-baok, ». a guineftfowl.
Come-yer-ways, a term of endeamient.
Company, «. ^de ; social standing. A drunken man was heard to
say, ■ I baint kitehin compant/; I be drorin'-room comjniiiy, I be.'
Coolth, n. cold. (Heref. Bonier.)
Cop, II. ill ploughing, tho first 'bout' of a 'veering.' Proiinit. Pan'.
Coppy, n. a small coppice.
Cord of wood, a bundle of wood 5 ft. high, 8 ft. long, and 4 ft.
Cord wood, n. the small upper branches of trees, used for fuel, or for
making charcoal.
Coetrel, n. a drinking-flask. Prompt. Pan.
CoQtoli, e. to stoop down, or crouch. See Wedgwood under Couch.
' 'E eoulched in the earner, so as thaaj- shouldna see 'im.'
Craiky, atlj. weak ; infirm ; ahaky. See '^^''odgwood under Cntrk.
'Thia 'ere's a mighty craihy owd 'ouae.' ' I comia get about much
now. not to do no good, yti knaows; I'm naught but a craiky owd
Cratch, n. a rack for hay, or other fodder. See Wedgwood ; Prompt.
>Parv.; Bay.
Spenser, Bymn of Htavenly Low, at 30 :
' fieginne from fivst where He encradled waa
In simple cratch.'
CreU-tiles, n. tilea uaed for the ridgo of a roof. Prompt. Piiri\
Crib, n. bill into which hops are picked.
Cribbing, n. a custom (happily falling into diauae) by which female
nickers seized upon, lifted into a rrib, and half amothered with,
liopa and kiaaes, any strange man who entered the hep-yard while
picking was going on.
Crinks, n. refuse apples.
Crinky, wlj. small ; inferior.
Crock, n. an earthen pot.
Crocks, fi. broken bits of earthenware.
Croft, 71. field near a house, or other building. 'The church ernftt'
are fields near a church.
Piert Plowman. Passus TV. ver. 62 (Text A) :

(delwedd B3563)
Passus yn. yer. 35 (Text A) :
' And fecche ye horn Fauoons ye Foules to quelle
For thei oomen into my Crofts and croppen my whete.'
Croodle, v, to bend, or stoop down ; to cower. ' Sit up, LizziOi can't
yii. What are yti croodlin* over yer work like that for P '
Cross-eyed, adj, squinting.
Cmddle, v. to curdle.
Spenser, Shepherd' b Calender^ February, L 43 :
* Comee the breme winter
Drerily shooting his stormy darte,
Which crvMU$ the blood, and pricks the harta'
Fairy Queen^ Bk. I. cant yiL si 6 :
* His changed powers at first themselves not fele.
Till crudcUed cold his corage 'gan assayle.*
Cruddyy adj. curdled ; full of curds.
Fairy Queen, Bk. HE. cant. iv. si 34 :
' . . . All in eore
And cruddy blood enwallowed.*
CrudSy n. curds.
Piers Plowman, Passus YU. ver. 299 (Text A) :
* A few cruddes and craym.'
Oub, (1) n. hutch for rabbits or poultry. WitneM at Petty Sessions.
* I see the pigeons i* the cub a Fiid*y mamin*.'
(2) V, to confine in small space. ' 'Tis a shame to cub them poor
bists up in that 'ole uv a place.'
Oubbed-up, adj. bent ; crumpled. ' Father's reg'lur ctibbed-up uv
rheumatics, till 'e can't 'aowd 'isself up no waay.'
Oub-up, V. to pucker, or hang badly. * Did yti ever see anythin' so
bad cut as that poor child's pinner P Look 'ow it cube up o' the
sho wider.'
Cuckoo*s bread and cheese, Oxalis acetosdla, Wood Sorrel
Cnokoo's-mate, n. the Wryneck.
Cuokoo-spit, Anemone nemerosa^ Wind-flower.
Cullen, n. refuse corn. Corruption of culling. Prompt, Parv,
Cully, V. to cuddle.
Cups and sanoers. Cotyledon umbilicus, Wall Pennywort.
Curst, cuy. ill-tempered ; whimsical. * Why would you not speak to
the gentleman, Louie, when he kissed you P ' Louie (aged 5) : * 'Oos
Pm so cuTit, you know ! ' (1880).
Cust, adj, sharp-witted ; intelligent. * I don't b'lieve as Tom 'ull
ever know 'is letters ; but Bill, 'e's a cust 'un, 'e is, 'e can read perty
Cutting, adj, touching to the feelings; affecting. 'Thafs a real
beautiful book, 'tis so cuUin' ; I cried a sight over 'im.'
Cutting hops, root-pruning them.

(delwedd B3564)
Daddaky, mlj, inferior; middling. See Wedgwood under Dad,
Dag, p. to draggle, or trail in the dirt. Prompt. Parv.
Sawny , adj. soft and damp. ' I canna kip a bit o' tittle in this
place, things geta daiony d'recUy yu puts 'em down out a yer 'and.'
Deadly, adj. clever ; active ; excellent, ' Mrs. is a deadly
'fWman at doctorin' sick folks.'
Deam, adj, (\) raw ; cold : of the weather.
(2) tender; oarefuL 'Mr. is mighty ^iennt t
a make much aooouut u
s dogs '(
' A good wif was ther of beside Bathe,
But she waa aom del dcff.'
' To laowso yor sight la a groat
n. inJTiry ; disadvantage.
\ot girt) denial to anybody.'
Seny of, v. to deny.
Sing, V. to hluBtor ; to boast loudly. ' I'm tired to death o' hearin'
'im diiigin' aboat that lad o' 'ia bein' so mighty clever I '
Suaooord, c to diaagree. Pronounced dimccnrd. ' What are you
crying for, Albert ? ' Albert (aged 6) : ' Jack Bice and -a "
Poomiu' down from achool,' fl880.)
Spenser, F. Quten, Bk. VI. cant, iii st 7 :
' But ahe did dixuxord.
Not could her liking to his love apply.'
ViMUuml, V. to dispossess. ' The parish 'as disannulled mo nv e
paay (pay), but this little 'ouse is my own ; thaay c
me o' that'
Diicern, v. to catch sight of, o:
' I discerned aummut glimir
were this 'ere silver pencil-ci
Dither, v. to shake or tremble from cold o
under Dod.
Dither, >i. grass and other weeds in cornAelds, &c
Do, n. a great occasion, entertainment, or fuss.
Dodment, ». ointment composed of grease mixed with dust from a
church bell : a cure for shingles.
Doubles. To go on one's two doubles is to walk with two sticka,
Donk, (1) V. to duck the head. Pronounced daouk. 'You must
daoiik yer 'ed to get through that little door.'
(2) n. a crease, or mark. ' Make a daouk i' the edge to mark
w'ahr you've measured the stuff to.'
Sout, V. to extinguish. Pronounced daoitl.
a diaanuul
I perceive. Used ae in Proverbs vii. 7.
' i" the HUD, au' I puck it up. an' it
r fright. See Wedgwood

(delwedd B3565)
Ihumy, ctij. deafl
Dure, v. to last Coles, * I buy'd this 'ere weskit ofif a gioom as
were a goin* to leave house. 'EeVe dured me a many years.
'Ee do dure, sure-lie.*
Chaucer, Cant, Tale», Knightes Tale, 501 :
' So mochel sorwe hadde never creature
That is, or ahal, while that the world may dure,*
Eacle, n, the Woodpecker. About Kidderminster this bird is called
the stock-etide.
Earn, m* Erne, adj, near. ' Which is the way to church ) ' ' You can
go by the road, but the ernest waay is across the crafts.'
Eokth, n. heiffht. < 'Ast ta bin a' the cathedral at 'OSster ) Eh ! 'tis
a edeth to be sure I '
Eftesty adj, soonest.
Egg-hoty n. egg-flip.
Ellem tree, n, elder.
PierB Plowman^ Passus L ver. 66 (Text A) :
' Judas he iaped with the iewes seluer.
And on an dUme treo hongede him aftur.'
Emp, V, to empty. The people about Tenbury always speak of ' the
plaayoe w'ahr Severn emp» into Tema' ^The bruck emps into
Teme anighst our 'ouse.' Empt is occasionally heud.
Enew, or Enow, enough. ' I'll wamd yii (warrant) 'e's got friends
Erole, n. a pimple.
Erriwig, n. earwig.
Ess, or Hess, n. ashes.
Ess-hole, the hole under cottage-grates for the reception of ashes.
Eyenin' time. Any time past noon is spoken of as eveniii* tinier or
the eueniri' part. A woman lately wished me *good mamin" at
1.30 p.m., tnen, having passed, turned back to apologise: * Oood
evenirC ma'am, I should 'a' said.'
Eyenless, or E'enless, adj. awkward ; unknowing. ' Let that cow
be, yii e^enftss thing, youll be the ruination of everything. I mun
nuOLk *er mysen.'
Eyer-80. * If it was ever so ' = reduced to the last extremity. * I
wunt ax 'tm for bread, not if it was ever «o ; 1*11 clem first.'
Eyeable, adj, fit to be seen. * Owd Jack Maund now, 'e's the right
sart av cobbler; 'e taks a dill o' paayns wi' 'is wark, 'tis alius
eyeable, and summat like.'
Fad, (1) n, whim; fancy. (2) t;. to be busy about trifles. See
Wedgwood. (1) <What are those railings for, John?' <0h, 'tis

(delwedd B3566)
^^^^^C itiet a /ad o' 'ia lardaliip's, naowt but a/ndo' 'is'n, yu knaowa ;
^^^^ bo o' no Bart o' use.' (2) 'The guffeHa gotlin' mighty simple, 'o
eaniia Jo much. 'E jyief /ad about uv a mamin' like.'
Faddy, cuij. fanciiul ; full of wliima.
VtLgpt, H. a term of reproach used to children.
Fa^gitB, n. a very unappetizing kind of ritsole, sold at small pro-
vision shops.
Falsify, V. to aharn. 'That young Jem'a a cute little chap. To see
'ow 'o/itliifiet when 'e wants to stop at wum from school ! "E'a alius
got the 'edache, or bellyache, or summat.'
Falter, v. to fail in health.
Fantea^et, ill-huraour, ' I never seed aich a arbiterry owd chiij) :
'e'a alius on with some uv 'ia /anteaguta.'
Fathead, n. a stupid person.
Feam, v. fern.
FeatOTfl, V. to resemble, 'I'd 'a knaowd 'im anyw'ahrs, 'e fcatiiren
"is brother so.'
Feg, V. to Bcratch.
Felth. n. sensation. ' I be that staTven, I 'an't got no /ellli in ray
'anda nor my fit.'
Pet, P. to fetch. Prmnpl. Parv. 'I'll/e/ the arranta i' the evenin',
kw'en them childom'a at achool.'
Shakspere, Henry V., Act III. ac. i. :
' You noblest Engliah,
"Whose blood ia/rf from fathers of war-proof.'
Spenser, F. Quren. Bk. H. cant, ix. at. 68 :
' But for he was unable them to /rff,
A little boy did ou him atill attend,
To reach whenever he for ought did send'
Ban Jonaon, Cynlhin'i Reveh, Act IT. sc. i. ; ' This may be good
for us ladies, for it seema far/e( by their stay.'
Fetch, V. to deliver. "E upped an' fetched me a crack a the yud
with 'ia stick.'
Fettle, V. to dress oneself ; to set to rights ; to pn^pare ; to feed or
'bed up' cattle, &o. See Wedgwood, 'Fettle tbyaen, an' thee
I ahalt go to town i' the gig.' ' Thia room's all uv a mullock, it
^^^^H •wante /ettlin' above a bit' 'The gaSer's fettlin' the gardin'agin the
^^^^H&wer show.' 'Tummas, thee mun go ani/fttle them biatsdown at
^^^^^Bthe by-tack ; theelt be back by sup per. time-'
^^^^^^ Shakapere, Someo and Juliet, Act HI, sc vi. :
^^^^^ ' Fettle your fine joints 'gainst Thursday next'
Filbeard, n. filbert. Tusser, Fine Hundred Poinles of Good lf>i»-
haiiilrie, sec, M, 1, 9 : ' Filhrardt red and white,'
:, the shaft-horee, i e. the horse in the fiUs, or shafts. See

(delwedd B3567)
Fire-brand-new, adj, quite new.
Fitchet, or FitclieWy n. a pole-cat. See Wedgwood.
Shakspere, Troiltu and Cressida, Act Y. sc. i. :
' To be a dog, a mule, a cat, a fitchew.'
Fitchet-pie, a pie made of apples, onions, and fat bacon chopped up
Fitile, n. victuals. ' What aay'ls thee, lad, that thee canst na' eat
Flannin, n. flannel See Wedgwood.
Flit, V, to remove from one house to another. See Wedgwood.
Footman, n. A good walker is termed ' a good footnum,'
Form yourself = put yourself in an attitude.
Forrat, v. to bring forward ; to promote. * This 'ere drap o' raay'n
'ull forrat the haay.*
Foul, (1) adJ, plain-featured. ' How do you think Mrs. Jones looks
in her new bonnet, Patty P ' * Ugh ! 'Er's mighty foul sure-lie, * er
wants summat ta smarten 'er up a bit, 'er do.'
an, a disease in the feet of cattle. This is cured (P) by cutting
on which the diseased foot has pressed, and hanging it on a
blackthorn bush. This disease is mentioned by Fitzherbert.
Freemartin, n. When twin calves, male and female, are produced,
the latter is called & freemartin, under the belief that it is barren.
Fresh-liquor, n. pig's lard.
Fretchet, adj, cross ; peevish. See Wedgwood under Fret, ' This
child's ihat fretchet this 'ot weather, till I dunno Vat to do with 'un.'
Frog, n. the soft part of a horse's foot.
Frog, V. to crawl on the hands and knees, as young children do.
Fruit, n. apples and pears only are usually meant by the term.
Frum, adj, early. ' I've some beautiful frum 'taters ; would yii 'copt
av a few iax yer dinner, sir P '
Frump, V. to swell. Bacon killed in the wane of the moon is said
never to frump in boiling.
Furzen, n, gorse.
Fussook, n. a fat unwieldy person : an expression of contempt.
Oaffer, n. master. * W'ahr's the gaffer f I wants to axe 'im if 'e
conna find a job for our Bill.'
Oain, adj, quick; ready; convenient. See Wedgwood. *Tak' the
'arse an' leave 'im at the smithy as thee goes by ; that 'ull be the
gainest waay.'
Morte n Arthur, Bk. YII. ch. xx. :
* Took the gainest way in that fury.*

(delwedd B3568)
Gainly, n-h: quickly ; handily.
Oalland, or O&llant, n. gallon.
Oallos, fi'lj. wicked ; impudent. ' I be reg'Iar 'aliamed o' our Olfred,
'e'a Huch n gaUae little ohap, thahr iia't anybody as 'e 'oan't Bahee '
Oambolt t\ to climb, See Wedgwood. ' 'E gamboled over the yat
aa nimble as uinepenco.'
Oanuncti, n. joke ; trick ; mockery. ' You be makiu' ffcimineli o'
Gammon, «. nonsense ; pretence. See Wedgwood. ' You needna
come tolliu' mE that taay'l, Betty Lucas; I wants none o' your
Oamput, n. the hinder part at the traces used ia ploughing and other
field-work. In some diBtricts these are called 'fitting traoee.'
Auctioneer's Catalogue, Worcester, 1880.
Oannent, n. a chemiee.
Oaghly, ii'!J. ghastly. See Wedgwood under Aghojit. ' 'E's lost a
sight o' blood sure-lie ; 'e looks as giuhly aa ever did a carpso ! '
Oaon, n. a tub holding a gallon.
Gay, II. a swing.
Get-beyond, v. to recover ; to cure ; to control ; to master a aubjeirt.
' 'Er's mighty bad, I doubt 'er 'oan't i/et-heyand it this time.' ' Tha
'ops grows that despr'it, us canna get-bryaiid 'um to tie 'um.' ' 'B
taowd m! ever such a taay'l about it, but 'e talks so queer, I couldua
get-ba/ontl 'im no waay.'
Oiddling', adj. light ; unsteady. 'Dunna yii get into that thahr boat
if so be that's no "un with yii as con ewim. Tis a giddlint/ thing,
an' you'll sure to he drownded,'
Gill-ferret, n. female ferret.
Ginger, adj. careful ; tender ; light of touch.
Olat, K. a gap in a hedge.
Oleed, n. the red heat of a fire. ''E wrote that nasty, an' I were
that vexed with the lott«r, I pijt it right V the yteed, an' 'twaa gone
Chaucer, Cant. Talei. MiUer's Tale, 267 :
' And wafree piping hot out of the gltdt.'
Glim, (1) n. a light. (2) v. to abine. See Wedgwood under Gleam.
Spenser, F. Queen, Bk. VL cant viii. st. 48 :
' There by th' uncertain gliins of starry night.'
Gloat-oven, n. the kiln in which china la baked after receiving the
Oondud, n. a gander.
Gonshume-yel expletive.

(delwedd B3569)
Gooding Day, n. 8t. Thomas's Day.
Gooding, to go, v, to go begging on St. Thomas's Day.
Good-sorted, adj. of good kind. ' Us 'as very good-sarted fmit in
our archert' ' Oood-soried pigs.* — ^Auctioneer's Catalogue, 1880.
Gh>-off, n. beginning. * The parson gied mc this 'ere coat, an' 'e've
dured mS five or six year. I didna war 'im every daay, not at the
first go-off you knaows.'
Gonk, n. a stupid, awkward fellow.
Granoh, r. to grind the teeth, or make a grinding noise.
Great, adj\ familiar ; intimate. ' Our lads wuz use to be very great
with 'is'n.'
Grippet, adj, grasping. ' 'E's that grippet 'e'U scahrse allow 'iaself
enough to eat.'
Gripple, (1) adj, miserly. (2) n. miser.
Spenser, F, Queen^ Bk. L cant. iy. ver. 31 :
' An' as he rode he gnasht hb teeth to see
Those heaps of gold with gripple covetyse.*
Grippleness, rt, greed. "E inna so bad off as 'e makes out, 'tis
nowt but grippleness makes 'im live so near.'
Ground, to be on the, to be in want of boots.
Gull, n. a young goose.
Ghillook, V. to swallow dovm. See Wedgwood under Gullet, 'I
sid (saw) one o' them thahr great cranes (herons) guUocking down a
Gulls, willow-catkins.
Hairy-milner, n. the caterpillar ; commonly known as * woolly bear.'
Half-soaked, adj, silly ; of weak intellect.
Hanunergag, v, to scold ; to rate. ' 'Ow 'im an' 'er do quar'l, to be
sure. You can 'ear 'em thraow the wall, *ammergaggin* awaay from
mamin' till night.'
Hampem, n. hamper.
Hand. At one hand, at one time. ' Sam's a very good lad to me
now, but at one *and I thaowt *e'd never do no good, to 'isself nar no
one else.'
On tJie mending hand, recovering ; convalescent. ' The fever*s
made 'im mighty weak, but 'e*s on the mendin *and now.'
To have a fidl hand, to have plenty of work.
Eardishrew, n. the field-mouse ; also Hardistraw. (Abberley.)
Haums, or Holmes, n, part of the harness of cart-horses, to which
the traces are fastened. Corruption of hames.
Hay-bay, n. a place on the ground-floor for keeping hay, &c.

(delwedd B3570)
HeartleEB, adj. dishearteomg. ' 'Tie 'artless to try an' kip yer 'ouse
tidj- w'en tharhr'e such a, lot uv mullock out in tlte yard, 'tm folka
conies traipsin' it in an' out.'
Heart- well, adj. -well ; in general health. ' How are yoa now,
Jacob?' 'Well, 1 bo 'eart-aiell, thank yu, but I've got the
rheumatics iu my ehowlder mortial had.'
Heft, {I)j(. weight; (2) a ahooting pain ; (3) e. to lift. (1) 'That
pan ia real good iron, 'tea sold by hr/t.' (2) ' Vve got auoh a lit/t
in my side, I cauua scahraely draw my breath.' (3) ' Do carr' tlufl
paay'l (pail) far m6, I conna he/t it when it's fall o' watter,"
Herds, n. tow.
Hespil, V. to hurry, or agitate.
Heas, n. nshue. See Em.
Hetherings, n. slender willow bou)jhs used for binding hedges.
Hire, v. to borrow money at interest.
Hiver-hover, v. to waver. ' I canna t(tll if I ought to go or no : I
bin 'hrr-'uverlii' over it this wik or more.'
Hobbedy's laatern, n. Ignig-faluus.
Hob-ferret, n. the male ferret.
Hoblionkers, a children's game, played in autumn with horso-
kdiuKtuuta atumg together. For information on the Tarioua forma
of this game, see a correspondence in Notes and Qiuries, 1878,
Xhe followine rhyme, used in this gome here, has been written
down for me by a National School boy. The spelling is hie own,
Hobloy, hobley Honcor,
My first conkor.
I Hobloy, Hobley ho,
[ My finit go.
Hobley, hobley aok,
My firut smack.
Hog, n. same as leg.
Hoggish, wij. obstinate.
Hogiry, adj. clumsy ; ugly. ' The parish 'as give poor little Bill this
'ero pa'r o' boots. I should like far you to eaay, miss, did you
ever see a hoggirr pa'rP Why the poor lad canna lift 'ia fit up
'ardly, thaay be so lombersome.'
Hone, V. to long for. Pronounced o-an. 'Thahr's on'y one thing 'e
'onei far, an' that's a drap o' dder. But the doctor aays 'e munna
'ave it, not on no account.'
Hoove, V. to hoe.
Hop-dog, n. a caterpillar found in hops.
Hop-oulud, n. a moth found in hop-yards in May.
Hoppers, n. crystals of salt that form at the top of the pans.

(delwedd B3571)
Honssaok, n. a load, noisy cough. See Tissaok.
Honze, t;. to breathe hoarsely.
Honziiig, n. a hoarseness. ' The child's got a reg'lur bad cowd : Vs-
such a 'auzin' on 'is chest as is quite terrifyin'.'
Hnd, n. a husk or shelL ' Wen thee'st done shellin' them peasen,
piit the *tid$ fax the pigs.*
Huff, (1) t7. to offend. (2) n. a fit of temper.
HuUooldng, adj. hulking ; overbearing.
Humbuzz, n. the cockchafer. See Wedgwood under Hum.
Hurt, V, to put at a disadvantage; to try the feelings. Domestic
Servant. * Tou don't think as Tve took that spoon, ma'am P Tve
looked fur it everywheres, an' can't find it. It 'ull ^urt me more nor
you if it can't be found. It cosses you money, but it oosses me my
lokle, t;. to long for.
Iffing and Offing, n. indecision.
lU-conyenient, adj. inconvenient.
Insense, t;. to explain; to cause to understand. "£ insensed me
into the manin' of it.' Misaense, to cause to misunderstand, is used
by Bishop Jewel in a sermon preached at St. Paul's Gross, 1560.
Jaok-squealer, n. the Swift ^
Jaok-np, V. to throw up ; to resign. ' The missis, 'er's that faddy
you canna please 'er naow-waay ; an' Bill, 'e's reg'lar dahnted ; 'e's
jacked'Up 'is plack, 'e canna stand it no longer.'
Jacky-wobstraw, n. the Blackcap.
Jazy, or sometimes Jazyfied, acff. tired out ; flagging.
Jerry-honse, n. beer-house.
Jigger, n. a horizontal lathe used in china-making.
Josen, n. a toad.
Keep, V. To keep a market is to attend it.
Kell, n. cauL Prompt, Parv.
Kelt, n. a hoe: bills of sale, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879.
Ker^ t;. to hoe : applied to field work. Gardens are caffed.
Kernel, n. a hard swelling, or indurated gland. Prompt. Parv,
* Kymel, or knobbe yn a beeste or mannys flesche.'
Kid, n. a faggot of sticks. See Wedgwood, and Prompt. Parv.
Kiddle, v. to dribble, as babies do.

(delwedd B3572)
Kimit, adj. silly; idiotic. (Shropshire Border.)
Kind, adj. favourable ; in good condition. Local proverb : * A cold
May is kind.' * Us aoan't 'ave a many currands this year, but the
plums sims very kind,*
Kipe^ n. a basket.
Kitty-kyloe, n. a kitten.
Knerly, adj. flavoured with kernels : applied to cider.
Know to, V. know of. * Please, miss, *ould yii like a young lennet
or a throstle P I knaows to some nesses.*
Lade, n. a shovel with which brine is taken out of the pan.
Lade-gann, n. ladle for serving out pig's wash.
Lady-cow, n. the Lady-bird.
Lap, V. to wrap up. Prompt. Parv.
Latsome, adv. late.
Laze, n. idleness.
Learn, v. to teach. Cf. A.S. Idhran, to teach ; leoimian, to learn.
Chaucer, Cant. Tales, Chanones Yemannes Tale, 125 :
* To lerne a lewed man this sutiltoe.*
Ps. xix. 66 : * Oh ham me true imderstanding and knowledge.'
Leasowe, n. a meadow.
Leather, v. to beat.
Leathemn-bat, n. the common Bat.
Leaze, v. to glean. See Skeat«
Leer, adj. empty. * I corned awaay without my breakfuss this
mamin'. I feels mighty leeVy I mun 'ave a bit o* nimcheon.'
Lennet, n. the linnet.
Lennow, (1) adj. lissom. *When I were young an' lennaoto I'd a
gambolled over that stile like one o'clock.'
(2) V. to make pliable. * Them clothes wuz stiff o' the frost, but
the sun 'ull soon lennaow 'imi agin.' Linnao is occasionally heard.
Lent-com, n. wheat sown in spring.
Lick, (1) n. a blow. "E give the dog a lick uv 'is stick.'
(2) V. to wipe over lightly. * The floor's shameful dirty, but us
munna wet 'im ; jus' give 'im a lick over, will 'ee, Mairy P '
(3) V. to puzzle. *If I canna kip that b'y at 'ome wunst or
tweist a wik uv'out bein' simimonsed far it, it licka me to knaow
w'at to do.' (Irate mother on Education Act, 1880.)
Lie-by, n. mistress. Witness in assavlt case. ' 1 taowd 'im I didna
cahr for 'im nar 'is lie-hy.*

(delwedd B3573)
Likely, adj. promising.
Mallory, Morte D' Arthur , Bk. VII. chap. iv. :
' He is as likdy a man as ever ye saw.'
Like npon^ v, to like. 'Th' owd squire, 'e wer a good maaster;
everybody liked upon 'im.*
Linty, adj, idle ] lazy.
Lirrox, n. an untidy, shiftless person.
Lodge, V, to beat down.
Lodged, adj, beaten down by wind or rain.
Shakspere, MachetK Act lY. sc. i. 1. 55 :
' Though bladed com be lodged,*
Richard 11,^ Act III. sc. iiL L 161 :
* Well make foul weather with despised tears,
Our sighs and they shall lodge the summer com.'
LoUopping, adj, ungainly. See Wedgwood.
Lombersome, adj, cumbersome.
Loose, r. to go alone (said of young children). Pronounced laotcse,
Lonk, V. to beat, or thump. Pronounced laowJc
Lubberdeloy, n, hobbledehoy. See Wedgwood under Lubber,
Lng, r. to draw, or carry. See Wedgwood.
Lnngeous, cidj, pugnacious. See Wedgwood under Lunch.
Lnny, adj, imbecile ; lunatic.
Lush, V, to beat with green boughs. * Wilt 'ee come along o' me to tak'
some wappeses nesses P Thee can pull out the caak, Vile I lusJiesJ* Mag, (1)
n. a scold. (2) v. to scold.
Maggie, r. to tease.
Maggot, n. Magpie.
Tusser, Fiue Hundred Pointes of Oood Husbandries xlix. 9 :
* If gentils be scrauling call magget the py.'
(See note.)
Mammock, or Mammock, v, to cut or hack to pieces. See Wedg-
wood. * 'E mammocks 'is fittle so, 'tis a shame to see 'im.'
Shakspere, Cor,, Act I. sc. iii. 1. 71 :
* Oh, I warrant, how he mammocked it.'
Market-fresh, or Market-peart, adj. half intoxicated.
Marl, or Marvel, n. marble.
Mase, V, to be confused ; giddy, or light-headed. See Skeai
Chaucer, Cant Tcdea, Merchantes Tale, 1140:
* Ye mase, ye wMwen, goode sire, quod she.
This thank have I for I have made you see !
Alas ! quod she, that ever I was so kind,'
^^^Sttk, F. to
I b— b— Vi

(delwedd B3574)
''Wlul uc jn>D ajiag tor, Etnaul
— b — VjaaoMbswi tha^ h ja I d— ife b— b—baft m I " '
H awkin, n. ac are crow. Corniplun of Morttt.
Xaziiii, It. pUn ; etmtriTsaee. ' The caata't a fbftnte 'on ui
the lads ; Vs got and a 108117 '«* ■* '■« to iw» 'am.'
XeachiiL^, adj. mebmdMilj; ocNsplaiiiiiig. **^s a pool eurt UT a 6dmui ; 'ar
neror ven good te mndi.'
Meretorioiu, a<^'. haring a show of nHon, or exeow.
tetli- a lie as ^'ot no mit o' nae; w**!! I t^a a lie, I l«llta m
oitt 'un.' KiddenniastCT, 1880.
Mergald, n. confusion ; meOB.
Vess, ". tcnn of contempt for aojthing snuU or wea)L " It's a poor
little rar** nv a tMng.'
Hiddling, adj. nnwell ; mdiiTereiit ; good. Very middling, Tery ill ;
Tcry bad. Pretty middling, &irly welL
Hi^ n. misnnderstandii^. Soo Wedgwood.
PtitT Pindar, L81:
' Deal OuDBboroagli & laeh for pride $0 sttfT,
Who robe u£ of auch pleasure for a miff,'
Kimo eking', adj. grimacing.
Mimping, adj. dainty. 'I never see such a, rahnpin' 'arse as thJa
'ere. I canna get 'im to eat "is food.'
Mindless, adj. weaV-minded. WorerMer Annus, 1874. ' Tlio
prisoner seemed to be mindkai.'
Kifoall, t'. to abuse. 'That's a good nntored sart uv a chap fur
ahl 'is faults. Many's the time I've chattered 'un well fur gettin'
the drink, an' 'e'a never miacatird me for it.'
^ Spenser. F. Q., Bk. IV. cant. viii. et, 24 :
' Whom Bhe with leasingB lewdly did mitcall,
And wickedly backbite.'
le, V. to rain slightly. See Wedgwood.
Spenser, Shep. Col., November, 1. 208 :
' Now gynnes to miih, hyo we homeward fast.'
I, n. loss. ' Sair' Ann 'ave bin that spylt, 'er dunno w'en 'pr'a
well ofl: "Er 'ull feel the mi*™ on it, w'en 'or mother'B dynd,'
I atiawori, n. blame. ' Ben, "e wpr n good man to nie ; we wnt
married farty year, an' 'e never ao much as give me a miiword:
Hit, n. a small tub for waahing butter in.
I JCoggy, n. a calf,
(l) V. to toil Skeat, mtilUfij, miil. (2) to soil, or make dirty.
Bpeneer, Hymn of Uaxv. Love:
'Then rouzo thyacl/, O Earth, out of thy wyle.
In which thou wnl lowest like to filthy nrinn,
And dost thy mind in duity pleunrM ftteytr.'

(delwedd B3575)
Moiled, oidj, soiled ; dirty.
Moither, (1) to wony. (2) to be delirious. See Wedgwood. "E's
mighty simple this mamin' ; *is yud's bin so bad ahl night, *e kips
moitherin^ aM the w'ild.*
Moiihered, adj, troubled ; confused ; delirious.
Momble, v. to crumble, or waste food.
Mombled, adj, wasted ; thrown away.
Mommock, n. confusion. ' The 'ouse were ahl uv a mommockJ
Mop, n. a hiring fair.
Moral, n. resemblance; likeness. 'Jack's the very moral uv 'is
Mose, (1) V. to bum slowly. (2) to rot.
Mosey, adj, half-rotten; over-ripe.
Mossel, n. morsel.
Monch, V, to go prying about. ' That owd black cat goes mouchirC
about, in an' out uv folksee 'ousen, er'll sure to get shot one uv
these daaya'
Mont, V, to moult. Pronounced maout,
Mowd, n. mould. Pronounced maoud,
Kowy, n. a rough unkempt child.
Muokedy, adj, cold ; wet ; dirty (of the weather).
Muokery, adj, same as above.
Muffle, n, the kiln in which china is finally burnt after being
painted, &c.
Mullen, n, bridle of a cart-horse. Witness at Petty Sessions, 1877.
' The prisoner piit the mtdlen on the mahr.'
Mullock, (1) 77. dirt; litter. (2) t;. to make a litter. See Wedg-
wood ; Kay, N. C, Words,
Chaucer, Cant, TcUes, Beves Prologue, 19 :
* That ilke fruit is ever longer the wers,
Til it be roten in muHoh.^
Chanonea Yemantui's Prologue^ 386-7 :
* The mullok on a heep ysweped was,
And on the flore yeast a canevas,
And all this mtdlok in a sive ythrowe.'
AlUuv-a-mullock = all of a heap.
MumroffliL, n. the long-tailed tit
Munch, V, to treat cruelly. * See that limb uv a b'y (boy), 'ow 'e
munches the poor cat I '
Mundle, n, a flat piece of wood used to stir up cream before it is
churned. Every one who enters the dairy is expected to stir the
cream to keep out the fedries.

(delwedd B3576)
'. to aculil uniieceasarily. Sue Skeat, gitau>, nag.
Jlaggy, "ilj. cross, peevisli.
Haste, II. the smalleat pig in a Utter.
Nait, iL. ilirt ; filth.
Nativet n- native place, ' Wahr is your native t ' = Where do you
= She is nothing but Bkin
Haunt, 'I. aunt. Pronouncod nant.
Hear, a'lj. mean ; stingy.
Keh, II. beak ; bill. Prompt. Pare. ; Ray, N. C. Qlottary.
Herking, adj. harsh ; keen (of the wioil).
Hesh, adj. tonder ; delicate ; susceptible of cold. Prompt. Parv,
Court of Love, V. 1092 :
' Hie herte is tendre ne»»h.'
Hipper, n. youngster.
Hbg^, 71. the smallest of a brood of poultry ; applied ligurativc'ly to
weak or undersized persons.
Hoddy, II. an oddity.
Hog, 'I. knot ; knob, or any unevenness in the stalks of flax.
Hoggy, nifj. full of nogs.
Hogman, n. one who beats out nogs from the flax.
Hone = no time. ' Er 'adua bin gone none when you come in.'
Hor, eojij. tlian.
Horation, n. oration ; speech-making.
Ho two ways about it. This is a favourite phmso to signify that
there [■j but one solution of a difficulty ; it is commonly used to end
Bii argument.
Habblinge, n. small bits of coal.
Honcheon, n. luncheon. See Skeat, iiiiifi, nnni-hi'oii.
Hurra one = not one.
r od
Pi prep, on ; of. Tlie vowel sound used to represent these words is
really that of u in biit (Standard English). To avoid confusion, it
is written o\ for those prepositions.
Odds, V. to alter. ' Us none on us likes this pkayce like w'ahr we
wuz used to live, on' we're sorry as we ever shifted ; but we canna
, waste wood. See Wedgwood. Prompt. Pan: ' OffatI,
f that ia levyd of h thiuge. as ehippinga of a tre.'

(delwedd B3577)
Oldmaid, n. the lapwing.
Oldness, n. cunning.
Oney, adj, idle. Pronounced o-ney. 'My son a'nt able to work
d'yti saay ? * 'E am if 'e's a mind, but 'e alius uhu oney,*
Orle, t;. alder tree.
OrtSy n. odds and ends ; leavings ; rubbish. Pronounced arts. See
Skeat. ' I puck up ahl them, arts o* youm this mamin', miss ; but
mind vii, yti *oona cotch m^ a doin' it agin.'
Shakspere, Tinum of Athens, Act lY. sc. iii. 1. 400 :
' Some poor fragment, some slender oH of his remainder.'
Osbnd, n. illegitimate cbild.
088, V, to offer to do ; to attempt. Seldom used but when the attempt
is xmsuccessful. See Wedffwood. Bay, N, 0. Words, * 'E ossed to
jump the bruck, but 'e comdna do't ; t Vam't likely I *
Oolnd, n, a moth. Sometimes owL
Ounder, n. afternoon. A.S. undern, ' Us 'ad a raayny aounder, o'
Maay daay.'
Outoh, V. to crouch down. A hare is said to ' outeh on 'er farm.'
Overget, v, to recover from. ' It did so 'urt me when I buried my
little 'un, that I didn't overget it ahl the summer.'
Owd-anshent, ac{f, old-fashioned. * To see that poor owd kdy ^ to
chu'ch uv a Simdy, anybody'd think as 'er 'adna a penny piece I
Such a owd-anshent gownd as 'er wears, an' a shaht fshawl) ahl
scroauged up, as if 'er*d kep it in 'er pocket ahl the wik.
Oxberry, n. the berry of the Arum maculatum. The juice is used
as a remedy for warts.
Oylyster, n, oyster. (Bewdley.)
Peart, adj, bright ; lively ; in good spirits. See Wedgwood under
Perh. As peart as a spoon means imusually bright and cheerful.
Feasen, n. peas.
Chaucer, Legend of O, W., Cleopatra, 69 :
* He poureth peesen upon the hatches slider.'
Peck, V, to fall forward. * Missus wuz comin' downstars^ an' 'er yud
was a bit wimmy-like, an' *er pecked right over.'
Peokled, adj. speckled.
Penny, adj. full of quills. * I dunna like to ause to sell them fowls
to anybody. Thaay be so penny you oanna pluck 'em dean, try
'ow you will ! '
Pern, n, wing-feathers ; also quilla (HalliwelL) Skeat, featJier, pen.
Spenser, F, Q., Bk. I. cant. xi. si 10:
' And eke the pennes that did his pinions bind.
Were like mayne-yards.'

(delwedd B3578)
Milton, Pur. L., Bk. VII. ver, 421 :
' but feather'd Boon and flodgo,
They Bummed their pent.'
\ to feel cold.
., m^'. pinched with cold. Surulay SrJinol Teneher. 'You
haye just road that the disciples cried ; " Save, Lord, we ptriiA."
What doea perish mean ? ' Boyg, unamnwuily. ' Storreu with cold ! '
{Tenhury, 1880.)
Peter grievou, ndj. umeasoiiably aggrieved.
Phantom, a-ij. withered ; weakJy. Apphed by mowers to bad grass.
PUeem, n. phlegm.
Pick, R. a pitkaxe.
Piokingi, n. Bait encrusted at the bottom of the mas, which is
broken and ground Up for agricultural purposes. (Droitwich.)
Piece, n. (1) a field. 'The cowa is in the thirteen-acre inece.'
(2) a slice of broad. ' I bo clemmed, mother, gie I a pkut ! '
(3) contemptuous epithet. ' '£r oonua do much, 'er is but a poor
Picfinch, n. chafTinch.
Pikel, n. pitchfork.
Pinsens, n. pincers.
Fither, r. to move lightly ; makiDg a slight rustling noise. ' I 'card
them rots (rats) a,-pilbf!ria' about over my yud ahl night, an' I
couldn't got a wiuk o' sleep.'
Plack, n. place ; situation.
Plain, mlj. unosauiniog ; friendly in manner. ' Lady Mairy is such
a plain lady; she come iuto my 'ouse, an' sita down, an' tak's the
cliilJem in or lap as oonifortable aa con be. She's as plain as you
be, miss, every bit'
Pleach, V. to lay down a hedge. O.Fr. ; Ootgrave ; Eny, If. C.
Shukspere, Muck ado about Nolhing, Act III. eo. i. 1, T :
' And bid her steal into the pleached bower.'
Plough-down, V. used by hop-growera. To plough tbo earth away
from the roots before cutting them.
Plongh-up, V. to turn back the earth after the former ptoceas.
Plump, IK to swelL Used iu the same way aa frump.
Pole-pitching, w. setting up the rows of poles in a hop-yard.
Pole-polling, v. taking out the poles at the end of the season.
Poshy, adj. wet, or steaming.
of fruit, A-c, varying from eighty to ninety pounds.

(delwedd B3579)
Pot-basket, a square hamper holding a pot.
Pot-fruit, eating fruit, as distinguished from the rough sorts used for
cider, perry, &a
Pothery, adj. close ; warm.
Pot-lid, n. a dish of stewed rabbit.
Pouk, n, pimple. Pronounced ^;aai*A-. Corruption of pock.
Power, n. a great quantity. (Halliwell.)
Prill, n, a small stream of water.
Primm3rro8e, n. primrose.
Prise, (1) n. a lever. (2) v. to burst open with a lever. See
Pug, V. (1) to pull. ' Dunna kip puggirC at my gownd like that^
child.* * The master's pugged Johnny's eara'
(2) to pluck fowls. * Do yu cahU that the waay to pug fowls,
yii lazy wench ? Look *ow penny thaay be I '
(3) To draw on one's resources. * My da'hter's ill, an' 'er 'usband's
out uv work, an' thaay Ve nine little 'uns, thaay puga me dreadful,
thaay do.'
Pnggy, adj. dirty-looking ; ill-complexioned.
Pullback, n. drawback; hindrance.
Purg^te, n, the pit under a grate. Same as Ess-hole.
Purgy, adj, conceited ; uppish.
P&t, V. (1) to set out a meal. (2) To serve with food.
P&t-about, V. to vex, or worry. 'That upset along uv the naay-
bours piU me about above a bit.'
Pntchen, n. an eel-basket.
Quakers, n. quaking-grass.
Queece, n. wood-pigeon. (Abberley.)
Quice, n. Same as above.
Quilt, V, to beat.
Quilting, n. a beating.
Quining, n. the foundation of a wall. Corruption of coigning.
Back, n. a narrow path cut through a wood ; a winding-path up-hilL
(Bewdley.) HaUiweU, roc^ (2).
Baise-the-place, v. to make a disturbance. * Wen 'e *eard as Joe
wuz gon', *e rose the plaayce.'*
Baisty, adj. rusty ; rancid.
Banald, n. a fox.

(delwedd B3580)
At, R. Sanunculiie AqualHi!*. Water ranunculua.
Baamui^, adj. excellent. ' That's rcmiim' good aay'l, an' I duuua
oahr if I 'as anotlier glass or two."
Swn, H. last bout of a veering in ploughing.
Seherie, v. to leave a strong taste in tlie mouth, Fr. re/iereer.
'Them be strong onions surelie, thaajr re'craa ohl ijaay.'
Semmeddy. 'Thar'a no remmeddy' = no help for it. 'So yd
kooowH, miss, the fust timo as 'is lardship come down after ray poor
men were dyud, 'e sent far mS. an' 'e saj-s, "WoU, Mrs. PaOga.'"
'e Bays, " 8o you've lost yer 'uaband. Well," says 'e, "
thahr'a no
renmitddy." '
Bight, adj. downright. ' '£f'b right ill this time, thahr an't no
purteuce aboat it,'
Boad, N. fashion; manner. 'That an't the right roiid to do it.
Stop, you, an' let me shaownd yO.'
Note. ' Slop, ytm.' would have a stress on it, therefore you would
be pronounued in full ; at the end of the sentence it is contracted.
Bobble, n. a tangle ; v. to tangle.
Xocofttee, n. A technical terra in carpet- weaving by the handlooni.
When a Brussels carpet was finished, it was left on the loom nntil
a few yards of the next piece were woven, and rolled tightly upon
it, io equalise the pressure on its pile. These few yards wore called
a Tocralrt, but lost the name when the first piece was taken away.
Bodney, n. an idle, loadng fellow,
Bouile, V. to rouse.
Bowinga, tu chaff, or refuse from a threshiDg-machine.
Buok, (1) II. 8 fold, or crease. (2) v. to crease.
BDcked-Tip, adj. caught up in folds, creased.
Bnok-0*-briokl, n. gaol. Prisoner ordered to patf a fine, at the
Petti/ SfMums at ffundrrd Houk, April, 1879. ' I 'ixina paay, 111
go to the Tuck-o'-hricka fust.'
Boggle, V. to struggle, or strive with difficulties.
Bninatfl, v. to niio.
Ruination, e. ruin.
Sales, or Seals, n. saltworks. (Droitwieh.) The stoves used to be
locked by the excise- oSoets, and sealed until they come t« open
them, henoe acuta ^- »atei.
Sallies, ii. wiUi>w-boughs.
Sally-bed, ii. plantation of willows grown for hop-poles, &c,
Sally-bmig, n. a largo porous bong used by cider-makers.
Sally-tree, n. willow.

(delwedd B3581)
Sam, or Sam up, v, to collect together.
Spenser, F, Q,, Bk. I. cant. x. st. 57 :
* Now are they saints all in that citie »am,*
8Jiep. Cal, (May), 1. 168 ;
* For what concord have light and darke 8am f '
Sapy, adj, moist ; damp ; soft ' This 'ere size is that sapy, t'ant no
sart o* use.*
Sayation, n. saving ; economy. ' Them saowing-machines is a girt
aavation o* time.'
Soabble, v. to rough-hew stones.
Soandert, n. drunkenness. (Halliwell.)
Scawt, V, to slip. ' '£ tried 'is best to git on, but 'twas that slippy
'e kep' Bcawtin' back ahl the w'ild.'
Soiflserns, n. scissors.
Scog^g^ing, acy. boastful, self-important.
Sooot^ n. a comer, or division of a field, marked off for some purpose.
Scowl-of-brow, judging by the eye instead of measuring. ' I dun
knaow w'at ahl them younff chaps wants alius 'a-measurin' thar
wark fax, Tii see that yat ttiahr r Well, 'e 'angs well enow, don't
'e P I ptit 'im up on'y by icowl^uv-hrow.^
Serat, v. (1) to scratch. (2) To work hard. (3) To scrape together.
ScratohiiLgs, n. a dish composed of fat from the 4eaf ' of a pig, cut
up into dice, fried, and eaten, generally on toast, with pepper and
Scraunch, v, to crush with a grating sound.
Scrawl, r. to crawl.
Tusser, Fine Hundred Pointes of Good ffuahandrie, 499 :
' If gentils be scrauUng call magget the py.'
Sorigglings, or Scrogglings, n, apples left on the tree as worthless.
Sorimity, adj\ stingy.
Sorobble, v, to scramble.
Sorouge, v, to crowd, or squeeze. (Halliwell.) Teacher. 'Boys,
why don't you sit still in that comer P ' * Please 'm, we be
Bcraouged* (1880).
Somff, or Scmft, n, the back of the neck.
Send, V. to rain slightly.
Scutch, n, couch-grass. See SquitcL
Seed-lepe, n. basket for holding seed. Late A.S. scd-lcup. Prompt,
Parv, Auctioneer's Catalogue, 1880.
Seedness, n. seed-time.
Seeds, n, growing clover.

(delwedd B3582)
1 o' Pigman
Sennoo, n. Binew. ne Prompt. Parv. has emu.
Set, V. to lot {of a Louse). ' Them be nice little 'on
Grayeaes a' top □' the laayu : I ehu'd like iiir ta 'ave one on i
but I retkon thaay be abl (rt( by now.'
Sharrod, or Sharwood, «. a young deer.
Shear-sheep, or hog, or Shearling .sheep, n. two-year-old sheep.
Sheed, v. to shed.
Sherry, ji. a aupport for a gate-post.
Shet. 1'. to ehat.
Shift, V. to mOTc from one house to another.
Shore, v. to prop up. See Wedgwood.
Shap-pick, or Shnp-pnk, n. a short pitchfork.
Shordle, r. to shiver. ' Wat bist skurd^Hii thabr fatt Come ta the
firo aa' wahrm theesen.'
Bhnt on = rid of.
Sib, V. related to. 'Thaay be gib
jSlfric; Prompt. Parv.
Chaucer, Cant. Tala, Tale of Meliboeua i
= they are related to ii
y ben but Utel tibbe
and 123:
1 of Piera Plowman, Pass. VI. 113 (Text A) :
* Bote hose is nh to this suiitren
Fonderliche welcomen.'
the Bt«m to
a mayden thor, and hat3) miht over hei
ib to alle eyiiful men.'
Bickle-hocked, adj. said of wheat that is too weak i
staad alone.
Bidder, adj. tender. Applied to peas that boil well.
Sie, V. to strain milk. Petty Setwions at Tenbury, Sept., 1881. Boy.
' I 'was in the dairy 'elping mother to lie the milk.' Mogittrate,
What were you doing f ' Boy. ■ Wo wuz eieiiij the milk,'
8ie — mik-iie, n. a fine strainer, through which milk is poured when
flrat brought into the dairy.
Bight, n. a great quantity.
Bike, V. to sigh.
Chaucer, Cant. Take, Knightcs Tale, 2127:
' And with a sad visage ho tiked stiU.'
Fnuikloin's Tale, 276 :
Aurelius ful ofte sore *ikrth.'
Vhion of Pirri Plovrman, Pasa. V. 229 (Text A) :
'Then sat Slouthe up, and likedt sore.'

(delwedd B3583)
Simple, adj, ill ; weak. * Joe's a bit better, but *e*8 miglity etrnple^
^ canna stand scabrcely.'
Simple-lookiiLg, adj, insignificant. ' What is that tall plant in your
middle flower-bed ? ' * 'Deed, 'mum, I dunno. 'Twas give to me,
but I dunna cahr about it much, the flower's a simple-looking thing,
ain't it ? '
Sippetty, cuy, insipid.
Skeel = butter-skeel, n. tub for washing butter. Thoresby to Ray.
Skim-dick, n. home-made cheese.
Slighty, adj, slightly made ; insecure. ' I dunna like them boughten
frocks, thaay be so slighty ! '
Sling, or Slinget, n. a narrow slip of ground.
Slip, 7i. day for china-making in a liquid state.
Slither, v, to slide.
Sliying, n. a slip or cutting of a plant Prompt Parv.
Sloiher, v, to smear, or wipe up carelessly. 'I s'pose that gurl
thinks as 'er*8 claned the floor I 'Er's slathered it over, some waay,
but 'er'll 'ave ta do it agen, as sure as I stands 'ere.'
Slummakiiig, adj. awkward.
Slurry, n, snow and mud mixed. See Solid.
Smudge, t;. to kiss.
Snift, V. to sniff.
Sock-cart, n. cart for liquid manure.
Sogging, or Soggy, adj. soaked with wet ; moist ; damp.
Beu Jonson, Every Man out of Humour , Act III. sect. ii. :
' The warping condition of this green and soggy multitude.'
Solid, (1) adj. solemn.
(2) V. to thicken, or make solid. 'The roads be nowt but slurry ;
I wishes thar 'ud come a frost an' solid 'em a bit'
Sords, n. rinds. Prompt. Parv.
So-say. For the so-eay = for the name or sound of a thing.
Spftdgnck, 72. sparrow. (Bewdley.)
Spanl, V. to splinter, or break away unevenly ; generally said of the
branches of trees. Sometimes corrupted to sporle.
Spire, V. to throw up green shoots ; to grow. See Skeat. ' I thaowt
ahl my trees waz dyud, but thaay be spirin^ nicely now.'
Spenser, F. Q., Bk. III. cant v. st. 52 :
' Of womankind it fayrest Flowre doth spyre.
And beareth Frute of honour.'
Spirt, n. a sprout, or shoot
Spit, V. to rain slightly.

(delwedd B3584)
Spittle, n. a spade.
Spittle-treOi n. spade-handle.
Splother, v. to splash, n. a splashing noise.
Spot, V, to begin to rain.
Spreader, n. the stick used to keep out the traces from the legs of
cart horses.
Squawk, v, to cry out ; to squeal.
Squilt, n, a sore place, or breaking out on the skin.
Squitchy n. (1) a birch twig. (2) Couch grass.
Stag, n. a cock-turkey two years old.
Stag-quicks, n. strong old thom-quicks removed from a coppice or
hedge to another place ; thus distinguished from yoimg quicks.
Starve, r. to be cold.
Starven, adj. pinched with cold. * Alice is such a nesh little thing !
Wen 'er's plaayin' with th' others in an evenin*, *er'll run into lie
'ouse, an' ^r^'ll say, ** Oh, mammy, do put I on a jacket, I be so
starven ! " *
Stean, or Steen, n. an earthen pan.
Spenser, F, Q., Bk. VII. cant. vii. st. 42 :
* Upon a huge great Earth-pot-«^n he stood.'
Steer, n. starling. Sometimes Black-steer.
Stele, n. a broom-handle. Prompt Parv. ; Ray, S. C, Glossary,
Chaucer, Cant, Tales, Miller's Tale, 597 :
* And caught the culter by the colde stele.*
Piers Plowman, Pasa XIX. 274 (Text B) :
* A ladel . . with a longe stele,'
Spenser, F, Q,, Bk. V. cant. xii. st 14 :
* And in his hand a huge pole-axe did bear.
Whose stele was yron-studded, but not long.'
Stelch, n, a post in a cow-house to which cows are fastened.
Stive up, V, to confine closely.
Stiyed-up, or Stiven-olose, adj, stifling. (Halliwell.)
Stock, V, to peck as a bird. See Wedgwood. * The maggot stocked
my 'and uncommon 'ard.'
Stop-glat, n, stop-gap. 'Dunna yii bum that thahr furzen; 't'ull
do far a stop-glat one o' these daays.'
Storm-cock, n, missle-thrush.
Stub, n. stump of a tree. See Wedgwood.
Stub, V, to grub np.
Tusser, Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie, xxxy. 23 :
* Now stub up the bushes.*

(delwedd B3585)
And zxxT. 47 :
' be readie witli mattock in hand
To sttib out the bushes that noieth the land.'
Snffy n. drain. See Wedgwood under Soak, Eay, N, C. Gfhssary,
Suity, adj, level ; even.
Snp, (1) n. a drop. * *05na thee 'ave a mp a cider, Tomi '
(2) v. to swallow. * Sup up the physick, child, an' dunna 'iwer-
'ower over it like that ! '
(3) V, to supply with supper. ' Jem went out last night to $up
the cows.'
Swarm, v, to climb. See Wedgwood.
Swelih, n. a swelling.
Swig, V, to sway. ' Them trees did swig about i' the wind above-
Swingle, n, a swing, t;. to swing.
Swifher, n. perspiration.
Tabber, v, to make a drumming noise. See Wedgwood under Tabor,
Oamekeeper, * Go you up ta the top earner of the coppy, Bill, an'
tahher a the big oak till I cahls to *ee.'
Nahum ii. 7, ' The voice of doves tabering upon their breasts.'
Tack, n. (!) hired pasture for cattle.
(2) A flavour. * The aay'l (ale) 'as a tack a the barrel.'
Tail-cratch, n. the rack at the back of waggons for holding hay, &c.
Taking. To be in a taking = provoked, or angry.
Tallat, n. a hayloft.
Tally, n. a piece of wood on which the work of each hop-picker is
measured, by means of notches.
Tally-man, n. the man who measures the hops in a bushel basket.
Tang, V, to call bees together (when swarming) by making a noise.
Teart, adJ, sharp; painful. 'That cider a youm's mighty iearf,
maiister.' * The wind's teart this mamin', an' no mistcJ^e I ' 'I run
a pikel into my fiit, 'twas mighty teart,^
Ted, V, to spread hay. See Skeat ; Eay, N, C. Glosaarj.
Tusser, Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Hwbandrie, Hv. 1 :
' Go sirs and away
To tedd and make hay.'
Teem, v, to pour out ' Canna yu drink yer tay, lad 1 Teem it inta
the sahrcer (saucer) then.'
Teg, n. a sheep of a year old.
Tempest, n. a thunderstorm. * My ! dunna it look black ! us 'ull
'ave tempest afore night sureZie I '

(delwedd B3586)
irtBmfy, f. to torment ; to puzzle. ' '£ canna get a wink a slip uv a
night ; 'is cougli is trrri/i/in'.' ' Yd nevar knnows 'ow to pleaBn 'im,
'o gnim'les if yO goes out, an' 'e cacna bar yu to stop at 'ome ; it's
terri/yin' to kuaow what to do far tlio beiit.'
I Theavi
(1) n. thatch. (2) v. to thntch. Eay, N. C. Glossary.
Tiwser, Fiut HundTed Pointei of Ootid Uaalnndrie, liii, 12 ;
With whinnea or with furzes thy houel renew,
Theave, n. a yearling ewe
criinprising lOS fat and a
Catalogue. 1879.
Thick, adj. intimate.
Thill- 'arae, or Thiller, n. the shaft horse.
(Ray.) ' Flouk of croaahred sheep,
atyahear-hogs and treaties.' Auctioneers
Prompt. Pan.;
tioneer'B Catalogue, 1880.
Bhakspere, Merchant o/ Venice, Aot II. sa ii. : 'Lord, what n
beard haat thou got I thou hast mora hair on thy chin than Dobbin
m.ytkill-hortt has on hia tail I ' {Sleeven'a Ediliim.)
lusaer, JVua Hundred PoinUs of Oeod Huibandrie :
' With collar and hamoss for tliiltrr and all.'
Thrave, n, bundle of straw of twenty-four boltinga. Ray, If. 0.
Thresb,, n. the lower part of a horse's hoofs.
Thribble, adj. threefold. 'The h'y.s nowadaays is that faat, thaay'll
sahce (sauce) a man thriUU thar age' (1878),
Throstle, n. a thrush.
Thumb-piece, n, a piece of bread with cheese or meat, held between
the thumb and finger.'
lioe, V. to entice. 'I wish I 'ad never sot eyes o' that Priddy
(Preedy). 'E's ticvd Jem awaay from 'is plaice with 'is taajl's
about sodgerin' ! '
I'Xid, adj. tender ; nice ; fanciful. ' Father 'fii5dna like far Susy to go
w'ahr 'er 'oudna bo used kind, 'ot'b such a Ud little thing.'
I. tob
carefully tended.
' If 'er 'adna bothered 'eraelf abont that good -far- nothin' h'y, 'er'd
a bin alive now, an' 'er might a tiddled along a good bit.'
'The parson 'e give m6 a slivin' a that ga-rai-nam, an I tiddXed
uv 'im anl the winter, an' I got mS a tidy teee now, yQ see.'
Tiddling', n, a lamb brought up by hand.
Tiddy, adj. small ; tiny. ' Miss 'as got such a Wely watch,
tis such a Uiijy little thing, nat much bigger nur a penny-pieca.'
..Tiddy white-throat, ». the white-thtoat.

(delwedd B3587)
Kdy, adj. seasonable ; appropriate ; well in health ; of good quality.
' 'E's a tidy waa j to walk afore 'e gets oaum.' * How be yon ta-
daay ? * ''Pretty M^: • The oes looks pretty tidy:
l^osser, Fiue Hundrtd PoinUM of Good Husbandries ML 22 :
' If weather be fiure, and tidie thy graina*
Tind, or Teend, r. to kindle. See Skeat
Wycliff, Xew Tett^ Matt. y. 15 : * Ne me teendith not a lanteme
and pnttith it under a busheL'
Spenser, VirgiTs Gnat :
• go, cnrsed damoeelee.
Whose bridal torches fool Erynnis tynck'
Tifiiek, (1) n. a hacking cough.
(2) V, to coogh. ' Grannie, 'er kips tiiiidnn^ ahl the w'fld.*
Topping and Tailing, trimming tomipe, &c., performed by women
m the antnnm.
Torril, n. an expression of contempt. 'Bill Porter^s come ont a
OTison, is 'e P Well, it *5ona be long afore *e'8 back, I should saay ?
%'s a torrilf 'e is.' ' Them taters is (orrt7-looking things.'
Totty-ball, n. cowslip-balL See Wedgwood under Toss.
Tot^ n. a small mug ; also jar, such as ointment is put into. Child
at School-treat, 'Be we to 'aye more tea afore we goes oaiimP
Why, us 'aye sent our tots back ! '
Totterdy, adj, infinn. ' l\e 'ad the rheumatics yeiy bad this three
wik, an' I be that totterdy I canna 'ardly scrawl.'
Towile, n. to worry ; tease ; pull about See Wedgwood.
Traipse, v. to tread in ; to tramp. See Wedgwood.
Trees, n. plants grown in pots.
Trig, n. a mark in the ground. Gardener. * S'pose I puts a trig in
this earner, miss? It 'ull be 'andy fiEu: you to mark the tennis
ground from.*
Trow, n. a boat of eighty tons, used on the Seyem.
Trowse, n. any stuff used for making hedges.
Tump, n. a mound, or hillock.
Turmits, n. turnips.
Turn, to get the turn ; to pass the crisis. * I thaowt *er mun die
sureZiV, but 'er's got the turn on it nows,' ' My 'usband 'adna no
work ahl the winter, an' we wuz pinched, and wuz forced to run in
debt far bread an* coals, an' such ; and it 'ull tak we a long time to
get the turn on it.*
Tnm-again-gentleman, n. the Turk's cap lily.
Tush, V. to draw a heavy weight, as of timber, &c
Twinny-*uns, n. applied to fruit or flowers, &c., of which two have
grown on one stalk, or in one shell.

(delwedd B3588)
Ugly, adj, inconvenient. * An ugly country ' = bad roads. * How
do you manage to get over that stile in your garden, Mi-s. Harris ?
It must be very awkward for you, as you are so lame ? * * 'Tis a
ngly stile, sure/i'c, but I gits over 'im some *ow. I puUs out the
uvvermost raay'l yii knaows, and it an't so bad then.'
Ugly-fet, n. a double chin. * 'Asn't the baby got a t'rrible ugly-fat ? *
Undeniable, adj. excellent; good. * 'E's an undeniable gardener.'
Unforbidden, adj, disobedient. * I shall tell the maaster to beat
them childern, thaay be so unforbidden; speakin' an't no sart
Unked, adj, awkward ; also lonely ; miserable. ' The missis took a
dill a paayns uv our 'Becca, but 'er couldna never lam 'er to be
tidy. Er sims reg'lar unked, 'er do.' * Thaay lives right up a' the
top o' the common, w'ahr thahr an't no other 'ousen any w'ahr near.
'Tis a unked sart uv a place.'
Unkind, adj. bad ; unfavourable. ' The banes (beans) dunna graow
one bit, thaay sims so unkind,^
Unsoity, adj. uneven; unequal.
Upon-times = occasionally.
Uprit, adj. upright.
Upset, n. a quarrel, or disagreeable occasion.
Urchin, n. a hedgehog. See Wedgwood.
Bomaunt of the Bose, 3135 :
* Like sharp urchona his haire was grow.'
Shakspere, Titua Andronicua, Act U. sc. iii. :
' Ten thousand swelling toads, as many urchins,*
Utifl, n. noise ; confusion. Corruption of Utaa.
Shakspere, 2 Henry IV., Act II. sc. iv. :
* By the mass, here will be old utis ! '
Uvvermost, prep, uppermost ; overmost.
Veering, n. a certain number of ridges or furrows in a ploughed field.
Venturesome, adj. adventurous.
Void, adj. raw. * Our Bill's *ad the most awful'est broken chilblains
as ever wuz. But Mrs. James 'er give me a tot o' stuff as did 'um
a sight o' good. Thahr's on'y one plaayce about as big as a pin's 'ed
that's void now.* An empty house is always said to be void.
Voylet, n. a violet.
Wady, adj. weary ; tedious.
Wallers, n. salt-makers. Cf. M.E. wallen, to boil.
Wallowish, adj, nauseous. See Wedgwood. * The doctor's give me

(delwedd B3589)
some stuff as is downright wallowish; but I'm bound to saay it 'aye
done mS a power o' good.'
Wally, or WoUy, n. rows into which hay is raked.
Want, n. a mole. Pronounced oont,
Waps, n. wasp.
Warm, v, to beat. * Let me catch 'eo doin' that agen j TU wd/irm
WarmsMp, n. warmth. 'Xhahr's a dill a wahrmship i' my owd
shahl (shawl).'
Wastril, n, an idle fellow.
Water-waggits, n. water-wagtaiL
Watty-handed, adj. left-handed.
Wanve, {}) v. to cover over. Ray, N, C Glossary. *Thee*d best
wauve over that rick wi' a tarpaulin ! thahr'll be tempest to-night'
^2) To lean over. * I were i' the tallat an' 'eard um talkin' ! so
thioKS I, thaay binna ater no good : an' I just wauves over to 'ear
what thaay said ! '
Weep, V, to run as a sore does.
Well-ended, adj, said of crops safely carried.
Welly, adv, nearly. * Gie I a mouthful a fittle, I be welly clemmed.'
Werrit, or Worrit, v. to worry. See Wedgwood. ^ A werrit* is
often used when speaking of persons of anxious temperament.
What-for. * I'll give yii w'at-far ! ' a familiar phrase, meaning, Vll
give you something to cry for.
Whiffle, V. to change about from one quarter to another (of the
wind). See Skeat.
Whiffling, adj. changeable.
Whimmy, ailj. full of whims.
Whippit, n. a mongrel dog.
Whosen, pron. whose.
Wioken, n. a small basket in which salt is packed. (Droitwich.)
Wimmy, adj. giddy ; having a swimming in the head.
Wim-wam, n. a giddiness ; a new-fangled thing.
Windle-straw, n. anything light and easily blown about.
Wink-a-pip, adj. imperfect.

(delwedd B3590)
Local proverb : * A wink-a-pip blaow
Gives apples enaow.'
Wire, V. to make tendrils. * The 'ops is wierin^ ahl over the ground.
Wires, n, the tendrils of the hop plant.
Wise, V. to slip in or out. 'The lad wised out a the back door
when 'e thowt as none on us sid *im.' * Er puk up the money, an
wised it inta 'er pocket, that sly^ you'd a thaowt er'd stole it.'
Wiflket, n, a strong open basket. Eay, N. C, Glossary.
Withy, n. osier.
Witty-tree, n. mountain-ash.
Wobbling, selling beer, &c. without a license. Worcester Journal,
May 3, 1879 : 'A case of wobbling against Elisha Allen came before
the magistrates this morning.' Birmingham Post^ July 30, 1880 :
* Case of wobbling.^
Woffle, v. to glide along swiftly. * Them traayns woffles along so as
you '66dn't scahrsley believe it.*
Wretch, n. an expression of endearment or sympathy. Pi'onounced
wratch. Old woman to young master: *Aji' 'ow is the missis to-
daay, poor wratch V
Shakspere, Romeo and Juliet^ Act I. sc. iii. 1. 46: *The pretty
wretch left crying, and said aye.'
Othello, Act III. sc. iii. 1. 90: 'Excellent wretch! Perdition
catch my soul, but I do love thee ! '
Wnm, w. home. Kidderminster weaver to his dog: 'Thee canna
come along this time. Wum it, lad I ' Sometimes oaiim and woaiim
are used.
Yander, jprep. yonder. Workman to Ms wife, in tJie Hahherly Valley,
June, 1880. *Come up that thahr bonk do! What's the good a
settin' 'ere ? Why bless yu, from the other side o' yander, you cun
see the Lard knows w'ahr ! '
Yarb, n. Herb.
Yarby-tea, n. a decoction of herbs.
Yat, n. gate. Prompt, Parv,
Chaucer, Cant. Tales, Clerkes Tale, 957 :
* But with glad cheere to the yate is went'
Spenser, Shep. Cal. (May) :
* When I am abroade,
Sperre the yate fast for fear of fraud.*
Yed, or Ynd, n. head.
Yoe, n. a ewe.
Yox, V. to cough, or spit up. * Our Polly swallow'd a pin, an* I thaowt
'er'd a died sure-^>c, but 'er yoxed it up after a bit.
Chaucer, Cant. Tales, Beeves Tale, 231 :
* He yoxeth, and he speketh through the nose.'
Ynm, n. hymn.
Ynmbuk, n. hymnbook.
D 2

(delwedd B3591)
Bisty n. beast, applied solely to cattle.
Brenth, n. Breadth.
Bnmble-bee, n. the large field-bee.
Bog-daisy, n. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. Ox-eye daisy.
False, adj, always used for deceitfuL
Orip, n. a small gutter. Eay.
Iwy, n. ivy.
Like one o'clock = easily and quickly accomplished.
Maid, (1) n. the wooden instrument used by laundresses, commonly
known as a dolly,
(2) V, to use the above.
Maiding-tub, v, the tub in which clothes are maided.
Mastie-dog, n. mastiff.
Maythen, n. Matricaria Chamomillay wild chamomile.
Moom, V. to make a low moaning noise.
Notice, — to take notice of, is to pay attention. ' This gardener sims
to tak' a dill more notice than tii' other 'un wuz use to do. The
gardin looks a sight tidier now.'
Oflf, prep, from.
Oflf-'is-yud, — out of his mind.
Pinner, n. pinafore.
Pddn, V. to pound, or knock.
Prong, n, a table fork.
Padlock, n. a puddle. (Kidderminster.)
Stank, V. to dam up a stream. Of. Skeat, stank under stagnate,
Stddk, w. a handle of a cup, &c Cf. Stowk, Kay's N. C, Words,
Housemaid : * Please, 'm, I took 'old o' the jug, an' the stook come
off in my 'and.' (1882.)
Tetchy, adj. fretful. See Skeat, under Tack.
Think-on, v. to remember.
Widder, v. to tremble, shiver, or totter. Cf. Whither, in A Bran
New Wark,

(delwedd B3592)
WJio in January sows oats
Gets gold and groats.
If St. Paxil be fine and clear^
It betides a happy year,
But if it chance to snow or rain,
Dear will be all sorts of grain.
Much February snow
A fine summer doth show.
If February calends be summerly gay,
Twill be winterly weather in the calends of May.
To Si Valentine the spring is a neighbour.
By Valentine's day every good goose should lay ;
But by David and Chad both good and bad.
In the (marter from which the wind blows on Candlemas day, it wiU
remain till May.
Muddy water in March, muddy water every month of the year.
Never come March, never come winter.
March rain spoils more than clothes.
On David and Chad
Sow peas good or bad.
March is said to borrow ten days of April.
If it thunder on All FooFs day.
It brings good crops of grass and hay.
If it rain on Good Friday or Easter Day,
Twill be a good year of grass, but a sorrowful year of hay.
A cold April the bam yrill fill.
The April flood carries away the frog and his brood.
A cold May is kind.
Shear your sheep in May, and shear them all away.
Mist in May and heat in June
Will bring the harvest very soon. »

(delwedd B3593)
Out thistles in May
They grow in a day.
Gut them in June
That is too soon.
Cut them in July
Then they will die.
Bain on the 8th of June foretells a wet hanrest
The ouckoo is never heard before Tenbury fair (April 20), or after
Pershore fair (July 26).
Till James's day is come and gone,
There may be hops, and there may be none.
A sunny Clmstmas Day is a sign of incendiary fires.
Better have a new-laid egg at Christmas than a calf at Easter.
The winter's thunder is a rich man's death and a poor man's wonder.
If the cock moult before the hen,
We shall have winter through thick and thin ;
But if the hen moult before the cock,
We shall have winter as hard as a block.
Hail brings frost in its tail.
A dry summer never made a dear peck.
Look for summer on the top of an oak tree.
When elum leaves are as big as a £Eu:den,
It's time to plant kidney beans in the garden.
When elum leaves are as big as a shillin*,
Ifs time to plant kidney beans if you're willin';
When elum leaves are as big as a penny.
You must plant kidney beans if you mean to have any.
A good year of kidney beans, a good year of hopa

(delwedd B3594)
If you are bom under a threepenny planet youll never be worth
fonrpence (Swift's Polite Conversations),
A lowing cow soon forgets her calf.
The early bird gets the late one's breakfast.
Solomon's wise, loath to go to bed, but ten times leather to rise.
A nimble ninepence is better than a sleepy shilling.
A wink-a-pip blow
Brings apples enow.
One mend-fault is worth twenty spy-faults.
Twenty young,
Thirty strong,
Forty wit,
Or never none.
It's a poor hen that can't scrat for one chick.
Dilly-dally brings night as soon as Hurry-scurry.
It is proverbial that the Worcester ladies are 'Poor, proud, and
pretty.' That the accusation of pride may be brought aeainst the
Worcestershire people generally is proved bjr their saying that * Out's
is the only county that can produce everytning necessary for its own
< It shines like Worcester against Gloucester' is a very old saying.
A stone church, a wooden steeple,
A drunken parson, a wicked people.
is a proverb at Tibberton.
Sell wheat and buy rye,
Say the bells of Tenbury.
All about Malvern Hill,
A man may live as long as he will.
When Bredon Hill puts on its hat,
Te men of the vale, beware of that.

(delwedd B3595)
Come ahl you lads an' lasses, on' a story yim ahoU 'ear,
Consamiii of the prottj gurls as liwoa in 'OSatetahfer: ,
Thar cheekB is like the roses, thaav be lovely, gaay, an' fir,
An' thar is no gurls iu England, like the g^urls uv '6S3t«i«ttlr,
Charm. — Thony be 'ansome, thaay be chamiin' (or comely),
Thaav be lovely, gaay, anVSr,
Au' the prettiest gurU iu England,
Is the gurls uv 'OOsterahSr,
Thniough BiigUnd, an' Ireland, an' Scotland I 'a bin.
An' over tho Welsh mountains ■v'ux beauty I 'a sin ;
But iiv ahl the lasaoa in tho world, I solemniy deelar,
Thar'a none that tak's my fancy like the gurls nv 'OSst«Tsh^,
O/iortd.— Thaay he, So.
Thar'e Jano, an' Sail, an' lovely Ann, an' pretty Uaiy too,
Tbar's Betsey, an' Amelia, au' bonny black-eyed Sue,
Moria, an' Eliau, an' Kitty too so Kr.
May 'appinesB attend the pretty gurla ut 'O&stersh^r.
c/w«».— Thaay bo, Ac.
Some can brow, and some can baake, an' some can spin an' eew.
And soma can knit, an' Bome can siii^ while plaitin' uv ihar straw,
CToriM.— Thaay be, Ac.
Some can use tho fark an' roayk, an' some can drive the plough.
An' Bomo eau sing like nigbtiugells while miikin' uv thar cow.
An' some can ditnco the 'ampipe when thoay goes t« Parshur fir ;
What 'ansome, charmin' ereotura are the gurla uv 'OostarsWr.
Chortu. — Thoay be, &c
Be'old the Parmer'a dahtors, with thar ring-ullets an' veils.
An' a 'airy muff tied roun' thar uecks, jus' like a donkey's tail,
Silk gloves, an' dandy rihbuns, to tie up thar lovely 'air ;
What 'ansome, oharmin' creetiu-s are the gurla uv 'Oi^stersher.
CAoriu.— TUaay ho, &o.
You buxum blades uv England, if you wish to ohaingo yer life,
Praay 'aaton into 'OSstershtr, an' choose yerself a wife;
An' when yer jinod In wedloi:k'a band, a bumper fill sa clear.
An' driuk a 'ealth to the charmin', bloomin' gni'Ie uv 'Oosterehdr.
6'Aortw.— Thaay be, Sc.
Note. — In speaking of thecountiea generally, a decided ompbaais is laid
on tho I of thirt ; but iu this song, to suit tlie exigenaes of rhyme
or rhythm, tho final syllable in each verse is ther.
B. velvet band around thar pretty 'air;
n never saw such lasses as the gurls uv 'O^stersb^r.