kimkat3716k A Glossary of Words used in The County of
Chester. Robert Holland (1829-1993). 1886. Tafodieithoedd Lloegr. Dialectes de
Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia Robert Holland (1829-1993). 1886. |
Gyfeirddalen |
Rhan-1 |
Rhan-2 |
Rhan-3 |
Rhan-4 |
Rhan-5 400-402 YETHURT-ZOWKS 403-426 427-499
By R. E. Egerton-Warburton 481 |
llythrennau cochion = testun heb ei
llythrennau duon = testun wedi ei gywiro
513 That grew
in the fields
and meadows so
gay. Bat now
thoa hast grown
old, and scarcely
can scrawl, Thou*rt forced
to eat the
poorest grass that
grows against the
wall. (
Horse prances^ &*c.J This is
the horse that
run so swiftly
so many miles ; He could
clear hedge, ditch,
brook, or stile; He is
healthy, wealthy, blooming,
and sound ;— A better
horse in Old
E^land never could
be found. (Horse prances^
b'c, ) Behold how
this horse stands
upon the stones! He is
short in the
leg, but full
in bone. He has
an eye like
a hawk, an
ear like a
dove; As many
wrinkles in his
forehead as there
is in an acre of
ploughed ground.
(Horse prances^
^c.) Behold, this
horse has only
three legs. And for
his living he
is forced to
beg; And what
he begs is
very small, And that
is obliged to
serve us all, (Horse prances,
^'c.) Poor old
Dick had a
misfortune last week;
he fell down,
and broke his cart; so
open your hearts,
and give a
trifle towards buying
a new cart.
(Exeunt omnes.J |
V Pre&ce, line
9 from bottom,
>r "Joseph E.
Ward •* read
"Thomas Ward." I in
prefatory note, **
18&3" is giren
as the date
of the publication
of Leigh's Glossary rwK/"x877."
28 S.V.
"raise" rftf</
"rinse." 33 fooxth
line from top, /i^*' Old Blat^mu/*' Old Biat." r* for
"Qoatering " rtmd
" Clontering." xzo f»r
"Dym Sa^enach "
rtmd " Dym
Sarsnick," which is
the Cheshire pronunciation. 13a *.t».
FowD {^i^/or "horses'* rmd
"houses." 153 x.v.
Hag, delete the
word " Jag
" and to
the end of
the sentence. X91 «.v.
Kissing Scab, for
"a girl (or
boy)" rttui "girk
or boys." ao8 >r
" Load-back " read
" Toad-back." 992 RouK.
I have no
doubt that this
word (quoted from
Leigh) is, in
his Glossary, a
mispn&t for"ronk.**
358 s,v.
Thov^t. In the
illustrative sentence, "enoo" should
be " enuf,"
the latter form
being used in
the singular number,
the former only
in the plural. A. Ireland
& C:o., Printers,
PtOl Mall, Mandicster. E"TA? Sulnfnptimu
for 1886 nr*
-liir cm .Tamari,
1. and ihoiilil
W IMiid at
mu-t to Gbuboe
Milner, Kn./., (Treanurer), Atoston
Ilnuu, Mo*U>n, Manchater,
btj Chtqut or
Puit-n^ce order (}m>jabU
at the Manebt»Ur Po»t-offiee), or
to the Soeiety't
account at the
Manchester and County
Bank, King Street,
Manchester. . |
&&&&&&&&'ts- No
Publications for any
year are sent
to Members who &&have not
paid their Subscriptions for
that year.
Annual SlC)iovt,
1. PublKationi of
the year. &&&&I 2.
Proponed Iwirs in
1985, and U'orh
in Preparation.
&&&&§ 8. Financa
and Meinbeiiihip.
&&&&§ 4. Mr.
Ilailant'i Dialectal dliserrations in
1884. &&&&I
fi. Claiaijied Vitw
of the Tirelce
Yeari^' Work.
Balance Shrrl. I &&&&Twelfth Annual
Mreting. &&&&List
of Members. &&&&&&3 publioationa of
the year are
four in number.
Three &&avo been issued
tj the racmbere,
and the fourth,
the coucluditig part &&f the
Dictionary of English
Plant Names, is
In a forward
state, and will &&) sent
to the members
as soon nu
ready. The first
of the year's &&3 ia
a glossary of
Paiiahof Vpton-
Woroefltershire, by the
Rev. Canon Lawsou.
The list &&ms prepared
as on appendix
to Mrs. Lawsou's
book, The Nation
in &&k< Pariik, and
Canon Lawson kindly
consented to allow
a sepa- &&ate issue
of the glossary
to be printed
for the Eughsh
Dialect &&tociety.
By an unfortunate
mieunderstandiug on the
part of the &&anders the
sheets were cut
down from the
demy octavo size
of the &&tociety's books
to tliat of
a small octavo.
The persons respou- &&ible, however,
have agreed to
reprint tlio work,
at tliuir own
cost, &&B
niiiformity with the
Society's publications, and
the new copies
will &&&&&&S
i\. Piiblicatum* of
tht Year.
&&&&be forwarded to
the members in
due course. The
second book K &&the year
is A Word-List
illiistratiiuj tk: eorretpondence of
Mod &&Englith
icitk Awjlo-Frmeh Voxed-ioun-h, hj
Miss B. M.
Bkeat. It &&was undertaken
at tlie snggestion
of Professor Skeat,
and is &&founded upon
a collection made
by liim under
the title of
F.ngUA &&Words
found in Amibi- French. In
his preface to
tliat work Mr. &&8kcat points
out that "the
modem spelling of
English words, |
&&irhether of native origin,
or borrowed from
the French, is
mainly &&dne to French
usage." To show
how the Old
French vowel baa &&passed into
tlie modern Euglish
sound, Miss Skeat
has given &&eide by
side the Anglo-French and
the Middle Enghsh
form, and &&the Modem
English, together with
the appromnate pronnnciation &&of the
latter, using for
this purpose the
phonetic Qotation em< &&ployed by
Mr. Sweet in
his Hutonj of
English Sound*. The
work &&may be regai-ded
as in some
measure a substitute
for the Hi*torg
of &&French Smmdt in
Fnglish which Mr,
Niool promised, but,
unhappily, &&did
not live to
write. It will
be fonnd of
value, not only
as a con- &&tribution to the
history of the
English language generally,
bat for &&the light
it tlirows on
some obscure points
in relntion to
pi'ovinciol &&dialects.
The third of
the Society's 1884
pabUcatione, Part 1. &&of .-1
(ilossary of Words
used hi the
County of Chester,
by Mr. Bobert &&Holland, is
a striking illustration of
the immense advance
which &&has been made
of late years
In the art,
scope, and range
of dialect
&&compilation. The first
collection of Cheshu'e words
was made b; &&Roger Wilbrabam,
and published in
1820 ; a second
edition appeared
&&in 1B26. In
1877, the late
Colonel Egerton Leigh.
M.P, reprinted
&&Wilbraham's Glossary, with
additions. Yet the
collection now
&&gathered together by
Mr. Holland for
the English Dialect
Society &&promises to be
at least three
times the size
of those of
his pre- &&decessors
in the
same field; and
it is also
marked by au
acconte &&nicety
of defiuition, a oarefal verification, and
an abundance ol &&iUnstratioa to
which tfaej can
lay no eUim.
Uoet valnable assist- &&anoe has
bwai given to
Mr. Hollaikd by
eocrespondenta in all &&jMTts of
tbe ooun^, these
contribntioDS incbidmg Usta
of words &&U) the
Balt-Buuing, nit roaBoCuhmng, *—**"■£-
>^ other special &&indaatries of
Cbc^Hre ; wlulst tiie
^a^ eotuMetmn of
Mr. Holland &&with tbe
agrienlloie of tbe
eoon^ haa peenliarly
fitted him for &&Uw teak
of neordhig the
diaketal <ii|iiiwi and
phrases of the &&nnl yoflatioB.
Kot dM leut
nhaUe potiioD of
th« work &&to tbt
ahnBdaBl infonnalMii vUeb
it eontalBa on
the old farming &&enrtOMi «Bd
sicnOBltanl preosMM of
A» coantj. ai>d
on the social &&kitoi |
fcUt-tow. Hm iButh
TotuM of tbe
ycttr viU be
Uie &&ttMp)rt«ttlM£lMeM«y'K^fiMHnt A'cMa.
by Kr. Jamed &&BtiMw, FX.&.
Mki Mr. BoM
BoUand. It viD
compete one of &<» mm/k
faniBrtw* wrtK «U(k
it hM ben
the prinlcKe of
the &&BMiir^toteiMlkitaMMa.
R* the nke
of the extent
»iid &&&&&&iBdndng an
vUA. «p to
ftB pmat tiae,
l«i« Wm &&' i
Ei^M SMktt Sotietf,
brt alM At
hwb by &&ilaata an
y"*^— H n tlK
worfe at &c
oUs &&of irindi, ■ Abd
in iiiMl aae,
an dov
&&Sed." To OenfaMtaffta aaftssiDT
local plaat-
&&naiDfs tbe; RceiTed
a rapanae fmn
aH pazta of
tta flovBtr, and.
ttwj &&ray,
"by the Imrfnwi
of our eoattiftmlknta, to
wbon «« tendv
our &&warmest
thanks, ve hare
been ouliled to
add tnoch to
tbe btocat, &&and indeed
the oripaaS-ij, of
onr DietioDaiy, by
ineliidiag a very &&brge unmlwT
of local namea,
wlodb so Su-
aa ve know,
do not &&Dccnr in
any oiher pnblisbed
wvA of Englteh
ptaot-namee." Tbs
&&DompUtion of tbe
ZHetumary is a
matter for sincere
coDgiattilfttioii, &&■od the
Society gratefnlly acknowledges its indebtedness
Ut Mr. &&Britten and
Mr. HoQand for
their valuable and
self-denyiug Inboiirs.
&&&&§ 2. The
publicationB for 1885
will be —
&&&&UloHuy ol Wordfl
uB«d id die
Count? of Ch««ter.
B; ItoborlltolUiu).
&&&&Put II. G to Z,
wiUi lutroductioQ, and
a Cb»ptot uQ
rrununoiUlcm &&&&by
Thomu Ealtuii.
&&The Dialect of
Scotland. With UiiRtilxUoal &&&&map. By
Dr. J, A.
H. Mnrray, Ediloror
tbe New EuBbiU
Diotloiiarj &&Anil probably one
or two other
\corla. &&&&Dr.
Murray's great work
on tlie DialectB
of BouUiDrn Switliiiul
wuii &&iriginiiUy
iesued by the
Philological Bocioty iu
18711, nml "»•
""l &&of
^rint. Ithaa not
previoiiBly appoareil in
the liHt of
tlin Dinlnol
&&Society's contemplated works,
and in now
undtirtFLknii in (khiJiimii &&taon with
the Philological Society.
The iiuw itdition
will ho rxvliiiMt &&by Dr.
Mnrray. This important
addition to tlitt
Hooiuly'" »Mim mii &&Iiardly fail
to be acceptable
U) Die mvtuUiri). Witli
*>" ^l)**
works iii prcparatioD, it
in uot necessary
to repeat t &&wliich have
been given in
prc'vionii reports, nud to
which reference a &&be readily
made. The only
a^lilition is a
Glossary of Words
used in &&UheOield aud
a few of
the Burroanding villages,
which Mr. 8iduey &&0. Addy,
M.A., has offixed
to the Society,
la the earlier
years of &&the Society
the task of
compiling a Sheffield
Glossary was under- &&taken by Mr.
K, K. Leader
and Mr. William
Doig, Imt the
do- &&pattare of the
lattijr for Tasmania,
and the bnsinBBs
pre-oc«npations &&of
Mr. Leader, compelled
tlie abandonment of
the anderteking.
&&Mr. Doig'a manuBcript
notcB and collections
have been placed
ia &&tlio hands of
Mr. Addy, who
has confined his
own researches to &&the district
of HnUamshire (which
iuctndes Sheffield, Ecdesfield, &&Bradfieid, and
some other places),
and to the
villages of NorloD &&and Dronfield
in Dcrbysliire, close
to tbo Yorkshire
border. Hr. &&Addy has
recorded many ancient
aud curious words
he hia &¬ been
able lo discover
in print, and
he will add
notes on the &&folk-lore and
local names of
the district.
&&&&§ 8. The
income of the
yenr (including a
balance of £231
from &&1888, five payments
in advance for
future years, and
ninety pay- &&ments
for years previous
to 1884) has
been £616. The
payments &&nere
£262, which leaves
a balance in
hand of £254.
The number &&of members
is 2C2, making,
with the fifty-three
libraries, a total
of &&yi6 subscribers —
a decrease of
tluree on the
preceding year. There &&have been
several deaths, including
those of the
Bev. Dr. Hume,
of &&Liverpool,
and Mr. George
W, Napier, of
Alderley, the latter
a &&member of the
Council. The death
has also occurred
during 18S* &&of Mr.
Thomas Q. Couch,
who, altbongh not
a member of
the &&Society,
contributed to its
publications the glossary
of words in
n»e &&in East Cornwall. &&&&5 4.
During tlie year
Mr. Thomas Ilallam
bos again devoted
his &&holidays to the
prosecution of dialectal
researches. The following &&table gives
similar information to
those which were
inserted in the &&Reports for
the years 1879
to 188.S inclusive: —
&&&&PUieei vitiUd at
ickUh DiaUclnl in/ormatitm imu
Ttcordtd by Jtfr.
Thomai &&HalliM
during Ihe ytar
1881 :— &&CocsTi-. Plicbs. &&&&Bedtordshire
Dunstable. &&&&BuckiDghamiihire .
.Ajiesbiiry, Waodover.
&&&&CumbridHeBhir*..,, Cambridge; also,
procured m nulway
Iroin for: -WhiKl««- &&, ,
lord, Sheiford.
&&&&^'f^. Li"'e
Barrow, Lower Bebington. &&&&UOTbyshire
Derby, Hesnor, Ockbrwak.
I'eak Foresl (prooored
at Couiil-il.
&&&&'^"^ •■.Wilham, Braintree.
hhal(ora(proc. al Brain lr«),
PaaGeld, &&&&Danmow ;
also, pnicaied at Dunmow for :— Great Emiod.
Bran End; also,
in railway tinin
lor :- &&Great Cheslerford. Newport.
S 4. J/r.
HaUam't IHtiteui ^^^^^^^P^ &&&&^KaotHMi
Peel. L>»»]rT«. C«n»ffM
fai IM vSStTiatiA—t^ pre- &&&&^■E cored in |
b«nt oslive* of
the blanil.
&&&&^KttfamUiiire Ai<dd>j (or
TuHey) Wood Bad.
Bnatiiielorl, Wuc, Bcct- &&&&^H^ bnd
Hm^ Hentocd, HalfdiL
Hueh Covune {ptM.
U Mtlnzn. WaranL).
....Leicester. kniAej. Ulenfield.
Meltoo Ubvbcmj. Praetmd &&^ ti
Leioesler for:— Uomil Sorrei.
Blab;, Enderb;, Bar- &&&&^H leatone.
DlnoDe-on-aie-BiU, Eul Hhilton,
WOlnaghb; &&&&^H
WftlerleSE. CoogprsioDe, lliaEcutaii. &&&&^HCddlesei
London. &&&&^^E^dibira
Oilartl. Uandbonragh. utd
othfr places (Iroai
Un. Patk«>,
&&&&^ Oxford), lalip
({ffoc M Oxford),
DadJingloo, Wils^.
&&&&^H Leafi^ld, FneUnd. &&&&^^■teSordslure BnTslem.
Stoue, Uanlef .
&&&&^HrorcesterBhue IJalfern. &&&&^^P Tbfl
ptHw4 id Hch
uoDtj ua Daaied
La the oriv*
n vliiieb Ibcr
wen vii4birL
&&&&~ Tlie varioufi
opportnnities for ilialect&l investigation were &&&&ntilued as
follows — (1) At Easter,
^'isitcd Leicester and
other &&places in that
count; ; {2) at
Whitsactidc, Derbyshire and
Cheshire ; &&&&Lis)
August 6th to
eth, Staffordshire ; and
{\) August 23rd
to Sep-
&&&&^Uember 8lh, London,
Essex, Cambs., Herts.,
Beds., Backs., Oion., &&&&^Bad Malvern
(Worcest.). &&&&^P
Bcference has been
made in pievions
Reports to a
considerable &&zone
or border between
the Midland and
Soutbcm dialects, in
which &&there is a
mixture of the
Midland and SouUiem
forms of short
u in &&up, biU,
etc. ; also of
the same forms
or sounds of
o, short and &&medial, in
othtr, mmt, etc.
In visiting Oxfordshire, Mr.
HalUm &&somewhat
unexpectedly found that
both fonns prevail
;it Freelaud,
&&Leafield, and Witney ;
hence, in this
district, the brc-adth
of the &&mixed area
extends from extreme
South Warwickshire to
Freeland &&&&I
and Witney in
Oxon. &&Mr. Hallam desires
to bear emphatic
testimony to the
con tinned &&great kindness
and courtesy manifested
by all classes
in the oom- &&Inunication of
dialectal information.
&&§ 5. In
the Fiftli Report
(1877), & classified
list was given
of &&Uie works published
during the first
five years of
the Society's
&&existence. The time
seems opportune for
giving a similar
survey &&' of the |
years' work of
the Society, arranged,
as before,
&&&&under the names
of Districts and
Counties; — &&L_
CHESHntE: &&&&QlosEur;. B;
BoUtl Bolland. (Orieinal) &&lOOBNWALI.:
&&&&Esst ComwaU Words.
By Thonms Q.
Coucli. (Otininal.)
&&Weal Cornwall Words.
By MinH M.
A. Courluev. (Origin&L.)
&&&&&&6 § 5.
Classified View of
the Twdve Years'
By William Dickinson,
F.L.S. (Original.)
&&Do. Two Supplements. &&&&DEHBTSHIBE
: &&&&Leading Mining
Tenns. By Manlove,
1653, with Glossary
by Tapping,
&&&&1851. (Reprint.)
&&Leading Mining Terms.
By T. Houghton,
1681. (Reprint.)
&&Mining Terms. By
J. Mawe, 1802.
(Reprint.) &&&&DEVONSHIRE :
&&&&Plant Names. By
the Rev. Hilderio
Friend. (Original.)
&&Ezmoor Scolding and
Conrtship. Edited by
F. T. Elworthy.
(B^riot.) &&Provincialisms
of West Devonshire. By
W. H. Marshall, 1796. &&(Reprint, with
additions by J.
Shelly.) &&&&EAST
ANGLIA : &&&&East
Anglian Words. By
the Rev. W.
T. Spurdens. Supplemental &&to Forby.
(Reprint.) &&&&[See
also " Norfolk
" and "
Suffolk."] &&&&GLOUCESTER:
of the Vale
of Gloucester. By
Marshall, 1769. (Reprint) &&&&HAMPSHIRE :
Words and Phrases.
By the Rev.
Sir William Cope,
Bart. &&(Original.) &&&&HEREFORDSHIRE :
&&&&Words used in
Herefordshire. By J.
Duncumb, 1804. (Reprint.) &&&&IRELAND :
&&&&Glossary of Words
and Phrases in
use in Down
and Antrim. By &&William Hugh
Patterson. (Original.)
&&&&ISLE OF WIGHT: &&&&Isle of
Wight Words. By
Major Henry Smith
and C. Roach
Smith. &&(Original.) &&&&KENT:
&&&&Words used in
the Isle of
Thanet. By Rev.
J. Lewis, 1736.
(Reprint.) &&&&An
Alphabet of Kenticisms,
by Rev. Samuel
Pegge, 1736. Edited
by &&Rev. W. W.
Skeat. (Reprint, re-arranged, with
additions.) &&&&LANCASHIRE :
&&&&Glossary. By John
H. Nodal and
George Milner. (Original.)
&&&&LEICESTERSHIRE : &&&&The Dialect
of Leicestershire. By
the Rev. A.
B. Evans, D.D.,
and &&Sebastian
Evans, L.L.D. (Original.)
&&&&[f^ee also *'
Midland Counties."]
&&&&LINCOLNSHIRE : &&&&Glossary of
words used in
the Wapentakes of
Manley and Corringham. &&&&By E.
Peacock, F.SJ^. (Original.) &&North Lincolnshire Words.
By E. Sutton.
(Original.) &&&&&&- • .' &&&&&&»* §
6. CiamJUd VUw
of the Twdre
Yean' Work. 7 &&&&J MIDLAND
COUNTIES : &&&&^
ProvineiaUsms of the
District with Leicester
m centre, indndiiigr
pindpal &&&&I
parts of the
counties of Leicester,
Botland, and Warwick,
and margins
&&&&of other adjoining
shires. By Marshall,
1796. (Beprint.)
&&&&KOEFOLK: &&&&ProYineialisms of
East Norfolk. By
Marshall, 1787. (Beprint.)
&&&&OXFOBDSHIBE : &&&&Oxfordshire Words.
By Mrs. Parker.
(Original.) &&t
I^* Do. Supplement. &&&&\ BADNOBSHIBE:
Words. By the
Bev. W. B.
T. Morgan. (Original.) &&&&BUTLAND:
&&&&BatUmd Words. By
the Bcy. Christopher
Wordsworth. (Original.)
&&&&SCOTLAND: &&&&Early Oloesaiy.
1595. Edited by
J. Small, MJL &&&&SOBIEBSET:
&&&&The Dialect of
West Somerset. By
P. T. Elworthy.
(Original.) &&Orammar of West
Somerset. By F.
T. Elworthy. (Original.) &&&&SUFFOLK:
Words. From Cnllmn's
History of Hawsted. Edited by &&Professor Skeat.
(Beprint.) &&&&SUBSET:
By O. Leveson
Gower. |
(OriginaL) &&&&SUSSEX:
&&&&Dictionary of Sussex
Dialect. By Bcy.
W. D. Parish.
(Original.) &&&&WABWICKSHIBE :
Warwickshire Words. By
Mrs. Francis. (Orijpnal.)
&&&&WESTMOBLAND: &&&&A Bran
New Warii. By
the Bcy. William
Button. Edited by
Professor &&Skeat.
(Beprint.) &&&&WILTSHIBE:
Words. From Britton's
Beauties of Wiltshire,
1825 ; compared
&&with Akerman's Glossary,
1842. Edited by
Professor Skeat. (Beprint.)
&&&&WOBCESTEBSHIBE : &&&&West Worcestershire Wcrds.
By Mrs. Chamberlain. (Original.) &&Upton-on-Sevem Words
and Phrases. By
the Bcy. Canon
Lawson. &&(Original.) &&&&TOBKSHIBE : &&&&Almondbury and
Huddersfield Words. By
the Bcy. A.
Easther, M.A.
&&&&and the Ber.
Thomas Lees, MA.
(Original.) &&Cleveland
Words : Supplementary to
Glossary. By Bev.
J. C. Atkinson. &&&&(Original.)
&&&&&&8 § 5.
Clasrifisd View of
the Twelve Years'
Work. &&&&East
Torkshire Provincialisms. By
Marshall, 1788. (Beprint.) &&&&Do. Do.
Snpplementazy. By Marshall,
1796. &&&&(Beprint.)
Glossary. By F.
Boss, B. Stead,
and E. Holdemess. &&(Original.) &&&&Mid Yorkshire
Glossary. By G.
C. Bobinson. (Original.)
&&&&North of England
Words. By J.
Button. (Beprint.)
Glossary. By Captain
John Harland. (Original,) &&&&West Biding
Words. By Dr.
Willan, 1811. (Beprint.) &&&&Whitby Glossary.
By F. K.
Bobinson. (Original.)
&&&&GENEBAL : &&&&Anglo-French Yowd
Sounds: A Word-list
illustrating their corres- &&pondence with modem
English. By Miss
B. M. Skeat.
(Original.) &&&&Early
English Hymn to
the Virgin. By
F. J. Fumivall
and A. J. &&ElUs.
Words. From Kennett's
Parochial Antiquities, 16d5.
List. Edited by
Professor Skeat and
John H. Nodal. &&(Original.)
&&&&Dictionary of English
Plant Names. By James Britten,
F.L.S, and
&&Bobert Holland. (Original.)
Dialects in the
Eighteenth Century. Compiled
from Bailey's
&&Dictionary. By W.
E. A. Axon.
Book of Husbandry,
1534. Edited by
Professor Skeat,
&&&&(Reprint.) &&George Eliot's
Use of Dialects.
By W. E.
A. Axon. (Original.) &&History of
English Sounds. By
Henry Sweet. (Original.) &&&&On the
Survival of Old
English Words in
our Dialects. By
Dr. Bichard &&Morris. (Original.) &&&&On the
Dialects of Eleven
Southern Counties, with
a New Classification &&of the
English Dialects and
two maps. By
Prince L. L.
Bonaparte. &&(Original.) &&&&Old Country
and Farming Words.
Gleaned from agricultural books. &&By James
Britten. (Original.)
&&&&Treatyse of Fysshinge
with an Angle.
By Dame Juliana
Barnes, 1450. &&Edited by
Thomas Satchell, with
glossary. &&&&Turner's
Names of Herbs,
1548. Edited by
James Britten, F.L.S. &&&&Tusser's Five
Hundred Pointes of
Good Husbandrie, 1557.
Edited by &&W. Payne
and S. J.
Herrtage. &&&&Ray's
Collection of English
Words, 1691. (Reprint,
rearranged, and
&&edited by Mr.
Skeat.) &&&&Various
Provincialisms. From Hearne's
Glossaries, 1725. (Reprint.) &&&&&&00
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&&&&M &&&&&&'I'lic Twelfth
Annual Meeting.
&&&&&&The Tvrt^lhb Annaal
Meeting of the
EngliBh Dialect Society'
t &&Wednesday, AprU 32n(l,
1885, in one
o( Iho eomniittoe
rooms of the
old Town &&HftU. in
King Street, Mancliester. U>.
Ei.\ti:< W^tioh presided,
and there w &&Bleo presem
the Rev. Bichard
Pilcher, WaniDgtOQ :
Mr. Bobert RolUnd,
_ &&Frodfibam ;
Mr. Morgan Brierley,
Denslian ; Mr. Cliarlea
Uadelej. cural
&&librarian of the
Warrington Museum and
Llbi-ary; Mr. Joseph
Hall, t &&the Manchester
Grammar School ; Mesers.
J. H. Nodal.
O^orge Milner, Cbarlaf &&Hardnick, Charles
W. Satton. Thomas
Uallam, and G.
B. Swindells.
&&&&Mr. John H.
Nodai.. the honorary
Eecretar}-, read tlie
Annual report, si &&Mr. Oeoboe
Milneh, the treasurer,
presented the balance -slieet for
the j &&IS84 {both
given in the
preceding pages). Mr.
Mtu'ek said the
aooountt &&showed
a balance in
baoil on December
31st. 1SB4, of
£234. and he
explained &&that
the reason vhj
the balance was
so large in
18B4, as compared
with that at &&1^3, M-ns
that several boolia
at the Societ;
lor 1S64 had
}-et to be
pud tor, i &&the balance,
thongh large at
present, wonld shorll;
be needed to
dischar &&debti which really
belonged to 1634.
A fealnre of
interest in the
Rnandi &&statement
was the ninety
p^nneuts tor years
previous to ] &&showed that
the interest in
the pablications of
the Society conliitacd,
and that &&that interest
was not only
fell by those
who had been
subscribers from tha &&beginning, but
also by a
oonaiderelile number of
persons who hod |
obtaiMd &&earlier numbers
of the publications. The
omonnt of Bubecriptioi &&larger in
1B84 than it
was in leSS
by £37. The
s mount realised
from then &&of books
in 1883 was
£18 as compared
with £2! in
I8»l. On the
wbdeh^ &&thought
the members had
no reason lo
aomplain of the
financial mpprat giMi &&to llie
Society, which would
encourage them to
prosecute thdr work
to II &&proper oonnluBion. &&&&Mr. JnNKFn
IIaij. moved the
adoption of the
report and financial
(tatei &&He had aiwnvH
taken an interest
in the Society,
and he thought
that it was
in A &&nourithing condition
as compared with
«ome other societies
with which he r
&&The interest in
dialectal work was
snre to increase
as time gf &&Bin conneotion
with the study
of Old and
Middle English,
&&&&n worked oat
in any way
hitherto, and the
explanati &&!t words, particularly in
old books, which
puzzleil people ■> &&i largely
in dialectcJ words. &&&&&&rt, ao^^H &&e Te*i^^ &&&&or, and
^^J &&whotM^H &&&&&&I'r.
i,f the Tm-lf(h
Annual Med
&&&&&&11 &&&&&&lit. Chihleb
MmBLKY. of Wnrrington,
liatiug BEcoiided (he
motion. &&&&The
Cbiibmik said : I
think the annual
report Biid financini
statement ftto
&&&&I tA a
rery clieering chftmeter. There
is something very
gratifving in both
of &&&&[ them, tea they ebon*
at least that
the n'lrk taken
up by Manchester
people in
&&&&I coDoection with
the EnghBh Diolert
Society lioa uot
been neglected, and
\>m &&&&I
grown nnder their
luiiids. 1 believe,
loo, that it
will grow as
it has grown
thii" &&&&lut
year, and there
will be nn
aocumulatioii o( iiew
Bubeciibera when people &&&&bMOme better
acqnainted with the
exlBtenoe of tlie
Society, and they
nill desire
&&&&h> give it
tlieir oaaistance. It
is desirable, indeed,
as the Treaaurer
has stated,
&&&&that we shonld
pnrano this work
to its conclusion
with aa great
care and atteu. &&&&tion as
we poB.'iibly eui,
and that these
anoieut rilla of
language which we
call &&&&dialecte
may be taken
up. recorded, and
exaraineil for the
benefit of fntnre
before they become
utterly dried up.— (Applause.) He
put the
&&&&)tloD to the
meeting, and it
was carried,
&&&&Mr. CniBLBB HiBEwicK
proposed that the
thanks of the
Society be given &&&&I In
the authors and
editors of the
publications tot the
year 1S84, namely,
Miss &&&&I
Beatrice M. Skeat.
the Rct. Canon
Lawaon, Mr. James
Britten, F.L.9., and &&&&[ Ur.
Robert HoUand.
&&&&Mr. TnoiiiB Hailax,
in seconding the
motion, gave the
meEling some &&I details
of his diiUectal
reBeiirahefi during the
year 18^4. &&The motion
was passed onanimoHBly. &&&&Mr. RoGBBT
HoLiJiiii, in reply
to the vote
of thanks, said
that ai the
only &&&&I
representatiTe present at
tlie meeting of
the authors of
the year 1884,
lie &&&&I
thanked the member^
for the kind
way in wliieh
tliey had spoken
of their work. &&&&rHe WHS
quite sure that
he represented the
feelings of his
fellow -labourers when
&&&&m be said
that the greatest
reward they had
tor tlicir troik,
and the great
pleasure &&&&r
tfaey experienced in
its execution, was
to teel that
they had done
something &&&&which
pleased the members
of this Society— {Applause,] He
had often felt
that &&&&it
was due to
the Society that
either Mr, Sritlcn
or himself should
have an
&&&&opportunity of
offering an apology
for the great
length of time
the Diclionarg
Plant Namti had
been in preparation. When
they begun their
work &&&&Bfteen
years ago, they
had not the
rematest idea tliat
the work would grow
to &&&&such
a dze, and
if they had
thought that each
a great length
of time would
be &&&&neoeisary,
ha did not
think the work
would have been
undertaken. However,
andertakcn the dictionary
it would not do to
go back, bat
they must
&&&&carry it to
an end. When
the size of
the dictionary was
considered, the
&&&&members would conceive
that there had
been some difficulty
in carrying out &&&&■ the work.
(Mr, Moboih Bbibrley
: It's a
grand work.j It
would be Eliortly &&&&With regard
to (he Clinhirt
Qtoiiary he v/oi
not quite sure
that all of &&&&E( would
be contained in
one number. It
might take two;
but that was
a matter &&&&rr
Council to decide.
The work was
quite Sniahed from
A to Z,
the Ultet |
&&&&&&PfocfeJitiifi of
Ihg Tvf'/th AnniuU
MMitvi. &&&&portion
only requiring a
final revisioa, and
ihere would be
no delay E &&j)iibtiabing it. &&&&Oq Ibe
motion nl Mr.
HAnDwicB, seoooded b;
Ur. Chiblu W.
SinrtoH, &&the
prcBent membera ol
the Conncil of
tha Society were
re-elected, with the &&addition ol
Mr. Bobert Holland
and Mr. Joseph
Ball. &&&&Mr.
Mij-NEB, in moTiiig
a vote ol
tbanks to Mr.
W'aa)^ for preiidiog
over tht
&&meeting, said he
vib,b sure all
firesent nsre glad
to see Ihnt
geatleman uoongrt
&&them that morning,
and lie hoped
thai he had
man; years' work
left in him. &&The work
ol the Eiiglii>h Dialect
Society bad certnioly
not decreased iu
impot- &&lonoe or in
credit during tlie
yenrs it Jind
been puraned. The
attention given
&&to dialeoU was
everywhere maeh greater
than it was
when the Euglieh
Dialect &&Society
Btartcd its work
at CtimhriUgo, Philology
itaell was a
creation ol leoent &&years, and
the developmcDt iiC
that altidy had
totally altered the
position at the &&stndy ol
dialects. |
of them who
had been long
interested in the
work &&were yenrs and
years ago annoyed
to Gud people
speaking of our
own dialed ol &&Lancashire as
simply a vntgar
form of speech,
bat they had
always beon able &&to point
to the works
ol Edwin Wangh
as a ptoof
that this was
not so. Tbo &&Lancashire dialect
was a genome
remainder of ancient
times, fall of
vivid and
&&piclurvsque forms, and
Mr. Waugh had
always given his
assistance to thsl &&iiapect of
dialectal work.— (Applause,)
&&&&The motion was seconded
bjt Mr. Q.
H. Swimdblls aud
carried unaniraonajj,
Hoyiorary Stcrttary cannot
andertakt to Tfjit/
to evtry &&A reply
will he itnt
in all cata
tchere one U
really re^Hirti, bat &&or thrte
leeeki it tomttimtt
intvitabU. &&&&&&i unaniiQOQsij^^H &&a it\ay
c/ tli^H &&&&&&u to
the noti'dtlivery of
the PubKeatiom ihould
be aidrt—ti
ihoitld be yaid
to the Trcamrer,
and not to
the Seerttary. &&&&&&LIST OP
MEMBBBS. &&&&&&Bolton KIuBcam
nod Librai? (per
J. R. Waite,
Bolton CorpoTBtion, Free &&&&Library DepartmeDl) . &&BoatoD AUtenwaiD.
U.S. (per E.
G. Allen, 12,
THviatock Bow, CoTi>t.t
&&&&Gardeu. W.C.)
&&BoBtnn Pablic Library
(|ier Trijbner Jfc
Co.). &&&&Biadiord
liltrary Club (per
Clmrlea BchreDS. MauuiDehnm
Ijfuie. Bradford). &&CaiuB College,
Cambrid^. &&&&Cambridge Free
(per J. Piok,
IJbmrian. Uuildliall, Ciuubridgp). &&Cambridge Philological Society
(pei' J. P.
Postdate), &&Canterbury
College, New Zealand
(per Triibner &
Co.). &&CtiarterhouBe
Sobool (perBev. Chas.
(J. Tancook, Cliarteriioaao, Godalmintt). &&Cbetbtun, Man
cheater. &&&&Chicago.
U.S. (per Mr.
TTJibner; Librarian. J.
Bobsou.) &&Chriat'B
College, Cambridge-
&&Copenhagen Boyal (Herr
Cbr. Biunn. LibTnrian). &&Glaegow UniTersity
(care of Jamea
M'aclehose. 61. Vincent
Street. (llnBgnw:
&&&&per Messra. DnmbUton.
Ava Mima Lane.
E.G.). &&Gottingeu
UuiTerBily (per MeBsrs.
Asher A Co.). &&Oroifawald Univeiaiiy
(per Aahcr &
Co). &&Halle
University (per Ashcr
& Co.).
&&Harvard College (per
Triibner A Co.). &&HoDse of
Commons (per Triibner
it Co.). &&Inner Temple
(pet IWbDer).
&&&&John Hoptina Uuivereity,
U.S. (per E.
O. Allen, LondonJ &&Liverpool Free
Public (Librarian. Peter
Cowell, William Brown
Street). &&London
Institulioii, Fiimbitry Circns.
B.C. &&Libror; Compauy,
Philadelphia (per B.
G. Allen).
&&&&of CongresB. Washington.
U.S. (per E.
G. Allen.)
Free (Librariitn, C.
\V. button).
Literary and Philosophical Socieir
(Mr. Lyall. Librarian). &&&&NolUnghara Free
(J. P. Briscoe,
F.H.H H. Librarian). &&&&Owena College
(per J. E.
ComiBti), S:i. Piccadilly,
Kfancbtsler). &&&&Peabody Inatilnte,
Baltimore. U.S. (per
E. (;. Alien.
12, Tavistock Raw,
W.C.) &&&&Portico,
Manchester (per Mr.
J. E. Cornish.
Manchester). &&&&Queen's CoUege,
Oxford (B. L.
Clarke. Librarian).
&&&&Uochdale Free.
&&&&Royal, Munich (per
Triibner & Co.). &&&&Boykl, Stookholm
(per Triibner ifc
Ca ).
&&&&Bojal. Windsor Castle. &&&&Bojal Inblitution
(per A, B.
Smith, Albemarle Street,
London. W.) &&&&ShelHeld Free
Public (per T.
Hurat, Sunny Street.
Sheffield). &&&&St,
John's College, Cambridge
(per Messrs. Deighton,
Bell, r£ Co.). &&&&Stonyhurat College
(per Bev. E,
J. Parbriek. BUckbom),
UniTcrsity (per Mesara.
Triibner), &&&&&&Linl of
.Ifeiiilwrs, &&&&&&Sydnej Free
(per Triibner).
&&Taylor Institation, Oifonl. &&Trinity College
(per Mesan. Deigbton,
Bell, .t Cn.,
1:1, Trinity Strrol, &&&&Oambridgfl).
&&Univeraitj, Boon (D.
Natt. per TrQbncr). &&Torquay Notura!
Hiitory Society (pel
W. Pengelij, Hon.
Sec., Unseam,
&&&&Torqaay). &&Warrington Museum
and Library (per
C. Maileloj, WarriagtoD). &&WutkinBOD, Hartlord,
U.S. (per E.
(i. Allen.) &&West Bromwicli
Free (D. Diokinaon). &&Yale College.
Nev HaveD, U.S.
(per E. O.
Allen.) &&&&Ailaheail,
G. H., Feni
Viliai, 91, Bolton
BosU. PendUtoii. nuar
Maiiclie*ter. &&&&Aleumdcr, J.,
<>8, West BcRcnt
Street, 01..Bgo<r,
&&&&Allsopp. A. Peroy,
Trent Valley Hauae,
LichReld. &&&&AnguB.
BeT. J .
College, Kegenfs Park,
N.W. &&&&AiibIow,
Parritle, Wellington. Salop. &&&&Arnotd'a Bucbbandlung, Dresden
(per Triibner >t
Co). &&&&Ashet.
Meure. & Co.,
London. &&&&Atkinson,
Bev. J. C. Danbyin-Cleveluid. tunn. &&&&Atkinson, Bev.
Dr., Clare College
Lodge, Cambridge.
&&&&Atkinson J., Winderwatb,
Fenritb. Cnmbcrland.
&&&&Aion, W. E.
A.. Fern Bank,
Bonker SLci^el. Higber
Brooghlan, Mancliester.
&&&&Briiie;, H. P.,
4, Great Jamei
Street, Bedford Bow,
Londnn. &&&&Bailey,
J. E., Cbapcl
Line, Stretford, Manohester,
&&&&Bamberg, L., Oreifswolcl. &&&&Buncroft. Sam.,
Jnn., Bocklurd, near
Wilmington, DeUwoie, U.S.A. &&&&Bamee, Bev.
W,, Came Rectniy,
Dorchester. &&&&Barnett, J.
D., Port Hope,
Ontario, Canada.
&&&&Bayley, C. U.,
West Bromwicb.
&&&&Beard. J,. The
Grange, Bumage Lane,
LeveoEhulnie, Manchester.
&&&&Bell, U., 6,
Tork Street, Coveut
Garden, W.C.
&&&&Bickun rt Son.
Leicester Square, Loudon. &&&&Blandlord, U,
Fielding. M.D., 7t,
Groavenor Street, London,
W. &&&&Bonaparte,
Prince Louih Lncien,
6, Norlolk Terrace,
WeatboameOrare Watt, W. &&&&Burrer. LindSeld,
Bed Ooka, Uenfield,
Uurslpicrpcnnt, Sosaei.
Cbnrles P., Boston,
Mass., U.S. (per
B. G. Allen.) &&&&Bowen, H.
C, 3, York
Stroct, Portman Square,
W. &&&&Brodshaw,
H., King'a College,
Cambridge. &&&&Britten, J.,
18, West Square,
Soutbnork, 8.E.
&&&&Brockhans, F. A.
(per Trtibner.)
&&&&Brooke, F. C.
Utford, Woodbridge, SnSolk. &&&&Brooke, T.,
Armitage Bridge, Haddersfield.
&&&&Brown, Professor, New
Ze^and (per B.
Stanford, G3, Charing
Cross. S.W.).
&&&&Brawn. Profeaaor (per
Triibner 4 Co.). &&&&Bnisbfield. Dr.,
Tbe Cliffg, Bndleigb
Salterton, Devon.
&&&&Buukley. Kev. W,
E,. Beclory. Middleto-n
Cheny, Banbniy. &&&&Burro, J.
S., Aaltford, Kent. &&&&Burton. John
U., Cafeniliah Street.
AsLtou.nndet-Lyne. &&&&Burtt, U.
W.. i. Eakdale
Terrace, Kewoaslle-on-Tyne.
Tbe Arehbisbop of,
Idm)<eUi Palace, London,
S.E. ; and AdJington
j &&&&Vttit.
Croydon. &&1* '. W.,
40, Seymour Street,
Piirtmim Scinnre, W, &&&&. S.
T. 8., 81.
Cdlheriue e CoUcbo,
Cambridge. &&&&lOT,
J. L.. Sjiring
UUt Sjhool, near
Southampton. &&&&"" '
W,. Clirist'a College,
Cambridge. &&&&&&CUorllon, T.,
8'2, Brazenose Street,
Manclieater. &&Clailie.
Senzj, 14, Ladbroke
GroTe, London, W. &&Clou^. |
0.. 105, Cbej-ne
Walk, Cbelses, S.W. &&&&&&I
&&&&&&» &&&&&&Craik. G.
Lillie. Bedlord Street,
Covent Garden, London. &&Cresswell, T.,
Church Lone, Tipton. &&Crotton. Mri.,
39. Sussex Oardens,
Hyde Park. London,
W. &&Orotton, Bev. Addison,
Beddish Oreen, nesT
Manchceter. &&Crotton.
H, T., Brozenose
Street, Manchester-
&&Oust, B. M„
64. Bt, Ueor^'s
Square. London. S.W. &&Davies, Bev.
J.. 16, Belaiie
Square. Sonlh UomiislGad,
H.W. &&Davies.
Bev. T. L.
0., Pear Tree
Vicarage, WooUton, Southamplon. &&Dajman, Bev.
E. A., Bhillingalone Bectorj,
Blandtord, Dorset.
&&Dent, G., Sooth
Hill, Streatham Common,
London, S.W.
&&Dew. B. B.,
The Hall, Wallsend.
Newcastle -npon-Tjne. &&Doe,
G„ Castle Street,
Tomngton, North Devon. &&Oowman, B.,
29, Shakspere Street,
Ardwick, Uanohester.
&&Earle, Bev. Professor
J., Swanswick liectory.
Bath. &&Eastwood,
J. A.. 49,
Princess Street, Mandiester. &&EUJB Alexander
J., 2a, ArKyll
Boad, Kensington, London,
W. &&Ellig, Miss C,
Belgrave. Leicester.
&&Elworlhy, F. T.,
Foxdown. Wellington. Somerset. &&English A.
W., Aislaby I,<>dge, Whilhj. &&Evans, Bev.
J., WhiiaU Vicarage,
Whitchurch, Salop.
&&Fenoell, C. A.M.,
Jesus College, Cambridge. &&rishwiok, Lieut.-CoIonol, F.8.A.,
The Heights, Bwhdale. &&bowler, Bev.
J. T., Bishop
Hatfield's HoU, Darham. &&Frsntzen. J.
J. A., Nutsgebouw,
Leiden. &&Trench,
B., Hornsea, near
Hull. &&Friend,
Bev. H. Brackley,
Northamptonshire. &&Fry,
Danby P., Local
Governn-.ent Board. Whitehall, &&Famess. W.
39, Chester Street,
Manchester. &&&&Fumivall, F.
J., 3, 81.
George's Square, Primrose
Hill. London. S.W. &&Uibbs, H.
H.. St. Dnnatan's.
Begent's Fork, London,
N.W. &&Grafton Miss B.
M.. Hope Hall,
Manchester. &&Urahame,
W. F. (per
Grindley * Co.,
5,j, Psrliament Hireel,
S.W.) &&Gratrix
S., Lead Mills,
2n, Alport Town,
Deansgnte, Manchester.
&&Gievel. H.. 3.1,
King Street, Covent
Oardcn, W.C. &&Grosart, Bev.
A. B., Park
View, Blackburn. Lancashire. &&Groas E.
J., Caius College,
Cambridge. &&Outch,
Mrs. Uotgnte Lodge,
York. &&Hailstone.
E., Walton Hall,
Wakelield. &&&&Hales,
FroteKsor, J. W..
I, Oppidans Boad,
Regent's Park, London,
K.V && |
Bev. D. S.,
Little Bookharo Bector;,
Lealherhead, Surrey,
&&Hattett, Miss H.
K., Hollam, DuU-erton,
Somertiet. &&Hall,
FitEedward. D.C.L., Marlesford.
Wickham Market, Suffolk, &&HallBin, T.,
25, Craig Street,
Stockport Road. Manchester. &&Hambly, C.
H,, Burbridge, Holmeside,
Hailewood. near Helper, &&Rordcaslle, B.,
D, North Corridor,
Boyal Exchange, Manchester. &&Bardwick Charles.
73, Talbot Street,
Moss Side, Sfanchester. &&IbuTassowitz O.,
(per HeBsre, Triibner), &&Hawkins, Bev
G H,
&&&&Healey. C. Chadwick,
T, Lincoln's Inn,
London, W C. &&Hatheringlon. J
Newby, 64, Hatlcy
Street, Cavendish Square.
London, &&Hodges,
FoBlei. & Figgis
(per Triibner &
Ca ). &&&&&&Bolland, B.,
Hill Bank House,
Frodtham, Cheshire. &&&&&&16 T.Ut
of ^{emhert. &&&&Holt, Robert,
Prestwich, new Mandiostar. (Deceatd).
&&&&Haworth, D. F..
8lain(ord Terrace, Aahton-under-t-yne.
&&&&Holme, E. C,
18, Philbeach Gardens,
South KcnBington.
&&&&Hume. Bev. Dr.,
All Soula' Tioarage,
Liverpoo'- {Deceiued^
E , Tbe
Elms, DsTllDgton.
&&&&Hyde, J„ F.H.S,L.,
84, Qoorge Street,
Cheethani HiU, Maoclieslcr
&&&&Jackson, Itev, FranoJB
W.. fibbeca-ton Vicarage,
York. &&&&Jackson,
H., Trinity College,
Cambiidge. &&&&Jackeon, Bev.
F. N., Bolton
Priorj. YaikBhir^,
&&&&Jaakaon, Rev. W,,
Pen Wartha, Wealon-super-Mare,
&&&&Jackson, W. (care
of F. W.
Johnson, 33, South
CmOb Street, Lt*cr|ioo!).
Joseph, Abberley H^l,
Stoarport. &&&&Kirkpatcick, Bev.
A. F., Trinity
CaUe'ge, Cambridge.
C, Paris, (per
Heaare. Trilbner).
Aleiander, L.L.O., Newburg-on-Tay, Scotland. &&&&Leader, R.
E., 18, Bank
Street, SlieUeld.
&&&&Leathas, P. de
M., 17, Tavistock
PUoo, London, W.C. &&&&Lees, Bev.
T , St.
Mary's Vicarage, Wreay,
Ciu-Uale. &&&&Leveson-Gower, G.,
Titsej Place, Limpafield,
Godstone. (Ad.ltfss [.ubli^tu &&&&by rail
to Westerham Station,
S-E.R.) &&Lewis, Rev. S.
S„ F.8.A., Corpus
Chriati College, Cambridge. &&&&Little, E.
D., The Mount,
Northallerton. &&&&Lloyd, Miss
E,, Branxholm, Pine
Grove, Weybridge.
& Co. (Messrs.
Trlibner.) &&&&Liuuby,
Rev. J. B.,
St. Mary's Gale.
Cambridge. &&&&Maclear, Bev.
Dr., Elng'B College
School, Strand, W.C. &&&&Macmillan Messrs.,
Cambridge. &&&&Macmillan, Aleiander,
Bedford Street, Covent
Garden, London.
&&&&Marriott, W. T.,
Sandal Grange, Wakefield. &&&&Mar^aU. T..
Highfield Chapel AUeitcn,
Leeds. &&&&Martin,
H. A., Laston
Vicarage, Newark.
&&&&Mathwih, H., Jun.,
Bickerton House, Birkdale
Park, Soiillipurl.
&&&&Mayor, Bev. Professor,
St. John's CoUege,
Canibridgo, &&&&Medlioott, W.
G. (care of
B. Quaritoh, 16,
Piccadilly, W.J
Rev. J ,
Snrrey County Scliool,
Cmnleigh, Unlldfard.
&&&&Mieick, Dr., Gr.
Theaterstrasse, Hamburg,
&&&&Milner, G., Mostou
Honse, Moston, Manchcslpr. (7'rniwir).
Lord, Tortworth Court,
Fal£eld. Berkeley.
&&&&Morgan. Bev. E.
U., Jesus College.
CAmbridge, &&&&Morlej,
Professor. Upper Park
Boad. Uaverston Hill.
London. &&&&Morris,
E. B- |
Nevrtown, Montgomery.
&&&&HoultOQ. Rev. Dr.,
The Leys, Cambridge. &&&&Mullen, Melbourne. &&&&Munby, A.
J.. 6, Figtree
Court. Inner Tempie,
EC &&&&Munla.
G. H. M
, Church Hill
House, Handsworth. Uirmint^ham .
&&&&Murray, Dr. J.
A. H., Mill
HiU School. Hendon.
N.W. &&&&Napier.
Rev. F. P.,
Anglesea Lodge, John
Street. Ityde, I.
ol Wight.
&&&&Kapiei. A. S;
Harchistonn, Alderley Edge,
Cheshire, &&&&Napier.
G. W., Metclustonn, Alderley
Edge, near MancbcBlor. (OfCAWtd.)
&&&&Keil, It. A
, Pembroke College,
Cambridge. &&&&Ntnton,
Professor, Magdalene College,
Cambridge. &&&&Nicholson, Or.
B., Surrey Houae,
Queen's Kuad. South
NorwixHl, Landon.
&&&&Micholl, G. W„
The Ham, Cowbridge,
Olaiuorgwi shire, &&&&Kicol, H„
59. Tbornhm Boad,
Bamsbory, N.
&&&&J. H-, The
Grange, Heaton Moor.
Stock|>ort. (/inn. Secfitorf).
L. Kinglon, Charlton
Hou &&&&&&',
Wimbledon. S-W,
Rev. 3. S..
BoctoT of Beeaton-nexl-Milobiun, Norlolk. &&&&Faine, CornelioH, !)i Lewes
Creaceot, Briijlitoti.
&&&&Faine. W. Q.,
Cockaliot Uill, Beigatc. &&&&Pariah, Boy.
W. D., SelmeBton
Viuflrago, HawklmrBl.
&&&&J'orker, Bev. James
Dunne, LL.D., Vicnr
al Uanes, Iledale.
YoiksIiiiB. &&&&Fatterson, A.
J., 156. St.
Paul's Itootl. Luudon,
N. &&&&PntterBon,
W. H., BtrtuidCown, Delfast. &&&&Fa;ne, W.,
HatohlBudfl, Caoklield, SiiitBCx. &&&&Peooook, E.,
Botteifard Manor, Brigg,
Liucolaaliirc, &&&&Feel, George,
Soho Iron Watka,
PoUud Street. Maaebeatcr. &&&&Feile, J.,
Chiiat CoUege, Cantliridge. &&&&Pbilpot, Bev.
W. B., Sooth
Berateod Viaarage, Bognor. &&&&Ficton, Sur
J. A., Sandjknovc.
Wavtirtiea, Liverpool.
&&&&FUoher. Bot. E,,
B.A., IH, Patket
Street, Warrington.
&&&&Poole, C. H.,
Weaten Hall, Biilkingtoii, Hugb]'. &&&&Porter, B.
T., Beokenham, Kent. &&&&Fovrlpy, Ber.
Bobert, Mililar; College,
Conley , Oilold.
Bev. J. P.,
KeUj Bectory, Litton,
Devon. &&&&Priauli,
0. de B.,
B, Cavendiab Square,
W. &&&&Baven,
Bev. Dr., Grammar
Scliool, Yarmoutb.
&&&&Bedfem, Itav. B.
S., Acton Vicarage,
NantwicL. &&&&Bidle;,
Tboiaai D,, Costbam,
Bedoor. &&&&Bebertaon,
J. D,, 11,
College Green, Gloaceater. &&&&Bock, W.
F., Hide CbfTe,
Blackbeatb, S.B.
&&&&Boukaley, J. G.,
12, East Parade,
Sheffield. &&&&Boofe,
W., Craten Cottage,
Merton Bond, Wandsworth,
Surrey. &&&&Bose,
Bev. W. F.,
Worle Tioarage, Weaton-HupeT-Mare, EJomcrBot. &&&&BoBB, F..
4, Tinsley Terraee,
Stamford Hill, N. &&&&Bowley, ('hu'lea,
Jan., Church Lane,
Haiporba}', neat MaDcheeter. &&&&Bowuliee, J.
S., Mount Villaa,
Dringboua«e, near York. &&&&Samaou &
Wallin (per Longmiuia
ii Co.).
&&&&Bandbach, J. B.,
Stoodle.v Mall, Enatwood,
Todmordeu. &&&&Satcfaell, TLomaa.
Devonabiie Hill House,
Hnnipatend, London, N,W, &&&&Scho&eld. Thomaa,
Cummcrciol Milla, Cornbrook,
Mauchcster, &&&&Bearle, Bev.
W, G., Hockington
Vicarage, Cnmbridgi-ahire.
Miaa B., 31,
Nottingham Fhtce, Loudon,
W. &&&&Shelly,
J., '10. PriuceBB
Square, Plymontli.
&&&&Simonton, J. W.,
Harriaburg, Pft., D.8. &&&&Skeat, Bev.
W. W., 3,
Sabubury Villas, Cambridge. (IVo
eopiei.) &&&&Smart,
Rath C, M.D., !,0.
Great Ducie Street.
Manclicater. &&&&Smith, A.
BuHBcU. SR, Soho
Square, London, W. &&&&Smith, C,
Strood-by-Bocbeater, Kent.
&&&&Smitbaon, E. W.,
13. Lendal, York. &&&&Bomeiaet. Bev.
B. B., Trinity
College, Cambridge.
&&&&Sotheran, H., Piccadilly.
London. &&&&Sotfaeraji, H.,
Queen Street, London. &&&&Spunell, W.,
37, Kin« Street,
Cuemartben. &&&&Stead,
B., Grammar School,
Fotkeatone. &&&&Stephena, |
Cheapingbaveu , Denmark, {Care
of MesBtf. Williai &&&&Korgate, London.) &&Btrattoann, Dr.
F. H., KrefoJd.
Germany. &&Streatfield,
Bev. 0. S.,
Holy Trinity Vicaiage.
S. Liocolusbire.
&&Sweet, C, 1,
Stone Bnildinga. Lincoln's
Inu, W.C. &&Sweet, Henry,
Monafield Cottage, Heath
Street. Hamphltud, N.W. &&Bwindella, G.
H., Oak Villa,
Utatou Uoor, Stockport. &&Tanoock, Bev.
O. W., The
Sobooi Houae. The
Clone, Ncrwi^b.
&&Taylor, H. U.,
Trinity CoUege, Ciunbodge.
Briok. Fnrfeuoi ({let
M<>Mra. Ttiibam).
Lord, Aldmntb, Blnohdaffo.
Haalemere, &&&&Terry,
F. C. Birkbeck,
School Honse, CirdifT. &&&&The MKBler
of Christ's College
(per H. J.
Ausell, C>mbrid«{e).
Joseph. WooiIIiidiIb, Wilnixlow,
CbFBhire. &&&&Tlioinpuin. lliclinrd.
Faib Street, the
Hoont, York.
&&&&Thorp, Wm., Jun.,
Bor.'riniiham Road, EiDCBUnil,
E. &&&&Tinkler.
Her. J„ Arkeugaitli
Dale Vioanixe, Bichmond,
Yorkaliir*. &&&&Toller. T.
Nortlieole, Wilbntbun Hood.
Fallowiield. Manchester.
&&&&Tombs, Rev. J.,
BurtoD Rectory, H
ivcrfordweBl, Pembrokeshire.
&&&&Tomkius. Rev. H O.
&&&&TrsScitd, J. Leiftb.
Korthwich. Cbcehire.
&&&&Trcvto-, Bev. G.
A., QaaeD'H Gardena,
XiOiiaaEter Gate, London. &&&&Tumliull, TLoDiaa. J.P.,
Wliit«hall Dockyard. Whitb}-. &&&&Tyle«. C.
J,, Staathill. DutbIsj.
GloucesteTbhire, &&&&ViiPB, E.,
PonJrjl HaU, Codssll
Bond, WolverhBinpton.
&&&&VIoten, Dr. J.
Van, Haarlem, Holland. &&&&Wace, F.
0., St. Jolin'i
College, Cunbridge.
&&&&Walker. E. (per
Triibner.) &&&&Walker,
J., Easlfield Monae,
Nortlmmberland. &&&&Walker. J.
L., 71, Oitard
Terraoe. London, W. &&&&WalliB. C.
W. (per Trnboer
& Co.)
&&&&Wallher, Dr.. 33.
Grind^lberg, Hamburg.
&&&&Walton, Bev. T.
I., Uieorook. 1,
Peventey Road Weil,
St. Leonarda-on
S., 10, Wilton
Folygon, Clieetbnm Rill,
near MnnebeEter.
Edmond, F 8A..Dee|HngWatertoii. MarketDeepns, Llntralni &&&&Wangh, Edwin.
The Warren, Hew
Brighton, Cheshire,
H., PoUord Road,
York. &&&&Wedgwood,
Hensleigb. 31. Qoeea
Anne Street, W. &&&&WheTplon, Rev.
H. R.. St,
Saviour's Parsonage. Eastbourne. &&&&White, G,,
Ashley House. Epsoni, &&&&White, R..
Park riace, Worksop,
Nott» &&&&Wilcocks,
H.B.,S2. Wyndham ft)iiar«,
Plymouth. &&&&Wiley,
J. * Son.
New lork, U.S.
(per Messre. Tnibner
) &&&&WilkinB,
ProfeHaor A. B.,
Vieloria Park, Mancbesler. &&&&Wilkinson, J.,
1. Cambridge Place,
Regent's Park, N.W. &&&&Wilkinson, Miss,
3, Parkside, Cambridge, &&&&WileB, Rev.
G., United 8er\-i*es
College, Westward Hoi
Kurlh Devon. &&&&Wilson, E.
J., 6, Wbitetriar
Gale, Hull.
&&&& |
E., 8, Osborne
Terrace. Beech Grove,
Leeds. &&&&Wilson,
Geonte, 339, Walton
Street, Kewington. Hull. &&&&Wilson, J.,
King WiUiaui Street.
Charing Cross, W.C. &&&&Wilson, Rev.
J. Bow^tead. Knightwiok
Rectory, Worcester,
&&&&WilBon, J. O.,
M.A., Palace Green,
Durham. &&&&Wittholt.
Herr V., 2,
Aposlelhirahe. Berlin.
&&&&WooUey. T. 8.,
South CoUinghain. Newark.
Bev. C. Glaston
Rectory. Uppingham, Kulland. &&&&Wright, W.
Aldis, Trinity College,
Cam bridge.
&&&&Wnlcher. Prof. Dr.,
Leipzig (par A.
Twielmeyer). &&&&Zupitia, Prof.
Dr., 7. KleinbeerenBlraBiie. S.W.
Derlin (per Aaber
Jk Co.).
Uiilyerslly Lllirary
California &&&&&&In order
that others may
use this book, &&please return
it as soon
as possible, but &&□ot later
than the date
due. &&&& |
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