0005 The Catalonian Biscuit - News and infomation in English about the Catalan Countries






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News and infomation in English about the Catalan Countries


Per a la llengua, el poble, la terra – i la independència.

In support of the language, the people, the land – and independence

This page is: http://www.estelnet.com/catalunyacymru/catala/galeta_noticies_2003_09_20.htm





Today’s News


Saturday 20 September 2003

1/ The Genesis of the Catalonian Biscuit

2/ Antisocial Behaviour in Barcelona, the capital of the Catalan Countries

3/ An attack by neo-Nazis, aided by Castilian paramilitaries, on participants in the annual festival in Castellar del Vallès

4/ Preparations for the special congress of Bloc Nacionalista Valencià (the Valencian Nationalist Alliance) at the beginning of October

The Genesis of the Catalonian Biscuit

We were sitting around, four of us, deciding how to best provide information on the Catalan Countries for an English-speaking audience. For non-Catalan-speakers the usual sources of information on Catalonia are in Castilian (i.e. “Spanish”), and it is often produced by Castilians with a very jaundiced view of the Catalans and their language. Almost all Castilians deny the existence of the Catalan Countries as an entity distinct from Castile (“Spain”). What was taken by conquest is theirs for all time. But the Catalans have not forgotten that they were once an independent people, and are extremely unhappy with the avowed Castilian policy of making them into Castilians, primarily by attempting to suffocate the Catalan language.

We wanted to give information in English as seen from the Catalan viewpoint, or at least those Catalans whose allegiance is to the Catalan Countries (“Els Països Catalans”) and not to the Castilian state, who do not consider themselves to be Castilian at all, and who hope one day to see the Catalan-speaking territories as an entity independent of Castile, with its own seat at the United Nations.

Not much came of the three-hour discussion. There was talk of finding funding from somewhere to produce some kind of news agency or information bureau – something with ‘cara i ulls’ (of real quality, or with ‘a face and eyes’ according to the Catalan expression). We wandered off the point, came back to it, wandered off it again, and eventually adjourned the meeting for another day.

I believed that all that was needed was to start modestly – maybe three short summaries of current Catalonian news stories each day. As we were drinking mineral water and eating biscuits, I suggested as a working title ‘The Catalonian Biscuit.’

“If anybody looks at it, it’ll be a miracle.”
“Yes, but at least we can see what kind of reaction there is to it.”


2/ Antisocial Behaviour in Barcelona, the capitlal of the Catalan Countries

One aspect of life in Barcelona, the capital of the Catalan Countries, is the growing amount of vandalism and generally uncivil behaviour of many of the inhabitants of the city. This is a letter from today’s edition of Avui:

Crec que l'incivisme es un problema que sobrepassa l'ambit local barceloni. No obstant això, en aquesta ciutat arriben a ser preocupants fets com: el nivell d'infraccions que es cometen conduint i que no arriben a ser sancionades, el soroll excessiu que produeixen determinats vehi­cles, contenidors envoltats d'escombraries, sentir alguns noctambuls cridar a les dues de la matinada, el nombre considerable d'usuaris que no paguen el metro, comprovar que els nostres carrers son dels més bruts d'Europa, trobar mobiliari urba malmès conscientment, etc
Fins que els nostres governants, educadors, pares i la resta de ciutadans no facin entendre als incivics que les seves actituds molesten i que, a més, costen diners, no podrem rebaixar el nivell de malestar social que contribueixen a crear. Com es pot arribar a fer coneixer els perjudicis de les actituds inciviques? Amb la informació, primer, i amb unes sancions dineràries  proporcionades després.
antoni fernandez laborda Barcelona    

I believe that antisocial behaviour is a problem that is not just confined to Barcelona. However, in this city it has reached a worrying level, with the following instances of it: the amount of traffic offences which are committed and are not penalised; the excessive noise caused by some vehicles, rubbish containers surrounded by garbage, hearing people out at night shouting at two in the morning, and the considerable number of people who use the metro without buying a ticket, the proven fact that our  streets are the filthiest in Europe, and finding street furniture deliberately damaged, etc.
Until our civic representatives, teachers, parents and the rest of society let it be known to those who behave in an antisocial manner that their activities cause annoyance and what is more cost money, we won’t be able to reduce the amount of ill-feeling which they cause. How can we make people aware of the harm which results from antisocial attitudes? Firstly, through information campaigns, and secondly with fines which reflect the seriousness of the offence.
antoni fernandez laborda Barcelona  

3/ An attack by neo-Nazis, aided by Castilian paramilitaries, on participants in the annual festival in Castellar del Vallès
Another letter refers to an incident this week at the annual festival in the village of Castellar del Vallès, near Barcelona. The Catalonian Statute of Autonomy over twenty years ago stipulated that in Catalonia an autonomous police force (“Els Mossos d’Esquadra”) was to take over. However because the Castilian government has dragged its feet over the years in the implementation of the Statute, Barcelona and the outlying towns are still patrolled by Castilian police (“Policía Nacional”) and Castilian paramilitaries (“Guardia Civil”). These Castilian forces are a hangover from the Francoist era, and have never been purged and reformed, and maintain the attitudes of the dictatorship. They are intolerant of the Catalans, and see their rôle as a political one – to keep the Catalans in check.


Examples of their thuggish behaviour are ten a penny. The latest scandal occurred when a hundred-strong band of young neo-Nazis began throwing stones and tear-gas canisters at the audience at an open-air concert featuring two Catalan groups – Pomada and Brams. The neo-Nazi problem has never been acknowledged by the police, who describe them merely as (approximate translation from Castilian) ‘individuals dressed in skinhead gear’. They are usually children or grandchildren of Castilian immigrants, who have never integrated into Catalan society, and have a deep hatred of Catalans and non-Castilian immigrants. The problem is that the Castilian police and paramilitaries never pursue the neo-Nazis as they share the same ideology and are perceived by the police as ‘people who on our side’.

The paramilitaries, instead of defending the concertgoers who were under attack from the neo-Nazis, began to club the concertgoers and passers-by, and fire rubber bullets, whilst insulting the Catalans and making pro-Castilian comments, and allowing the neo-Nazis to continue their attacks.

Castellar boicotejat
El consistori de Castellar del Valles, després d'una llarga reunió, decideix consensuar un document que rebutja a la violència feixista i demana "responsabilitats" per la bru
tal càrrega de la Guàrdia Civil. Després de dos anys d'atacs feixistes, felicitats al consistori per la rapida reacció que ha permès que la situació no s'agreugés.

Amb la sornegueria prepo­tent que el caracteritza, el benémerito cuerpo ha respost al consistori que només era una baralla de joves.

És indignant la passivitat i la catalanofòbia de qui té el deure de protegir els ciutadans en comptes d'emparar grups feixistes (encara que portin la bandera espanyola al braç) i deixar-los actuar impunement. Potser seria hora, Sr. Coromines, de demanar alguns cessaments als responsables de la Guardia Civil a Catalunya, per sanitat democràtica i dignitat del poble de Castellar i de Catalunya. Desitjaria que la resposta dels polítics i les institucions catalanes sigui ferma i digna, d'acord amb els principis democràtics de la societat catalana davant la brutalitat del feixisme espanyol.


Castellar under attack
The local administration of Castellar del Valles, after a long meeting, has decided to release a statement which shows its condemnation of the fascist violence and demands  that those responsible for the brutal charge of the Civil Guard (= the Castilian paramilitaries) be brought to account. After two years of fascist attacks, congratulations to the local administration for its swift reaction which has meant that the situation has not worsened.

In its usual arrogant and sarcastic manner, the “benémerito cuerpo” (“the distinguished company”, a Castilian epithet which the paramilitaries apply to themselves) has replied to the
local administration that it was just a fight between young people.

Their passivity and their hatred of Catalans
is shocking – these are people who are supposed to protect the citizenry instead of aiding groups of fascists (even though the paramilitaries wear the flag of Castile (“Spain”) on their uniform) and letting them act with impunity. Maybe it’s time, Mr. Coromines, to ask the Civil Guard chiefs to relieve some of their members of their posts as a cleansing operation for the sake of the democratic system, and for the dignity of the inhabitants of Castellar and of Catalunya. I hope the response of the Catalan politicians and institutions will be a firm and appropriate, in accordance with the democratic principles of Catalan society in the face of the brutality of Castilian fascism. 



4/ Preparations for the special congress of Bloc Nacionalista Valencià (the Valencian Nationalist Alliance) at the beginning of October

In the Valencian Country, the Bloc Nacionalista Valencià (the Valencian Nationalist Alliance) is preparing for a special conference on October 4-5. The situation in the Valencian Country is complicated. Many nationalists recognise that they the Valencians are Catalans, and that their country is one of the four major components of the Catalan Countries (Andorra; El Principat  or ‘The Principality’ (which is the region generally called ‘Catalonia’); El País Valencià = The Valencian Country; and Les Illes Balears = The Balearic Islands – Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa, Formentera.)

Some Valencians, opposed to the Castilian domination of their land, believe the Valencian Country to be a nation distinct from the rest of the Catalan Countries.


The Bloc has no representation in the autonomous government (la Generalitat valenciana) since a ‘5%’ rule excludes parties which do not attract one in twenty of the votes cast here. Their vote is just short of this, but the rule has effectively kept the nationalist voice out of the parliament, which has only representatives of Castilian parties at this time. The news from the Valencian Country is that in the city of València Maria Josep Amigó has the support of 70% of the delegates for the post of general secretary. She represents a current of change in the Bloc. In a fortnight’s time we shall know whether she will be elected, and if so in what way the policies of the Bloc will change as a result,


Last Updated: 2003-09-20
