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Wednesday 24 September 2003

Three letters to the editor from the newspaper Avui 2003-09-24

1/ Is the Espanyol football club more Catalan than Barça?

2/ Is the Catalan Socialist Party consistent in what it says in Catalonia and what it says in the Castilian Parliament?

3/ Is the Castilian state railway RENFE really bothered about its customers in the light of the petty crime that takes place in its stations?


1/ Is the Espanyol football club more Catalan than Barça?

(The Espanyol football club is seen with good reason to be anti-Catalan – and the first indication of this is the name itself – the ‘Spanish’ club. It is also the preferred club of many Castilian immigrants to Catalonia, and many ultra-right groups – that is if they don’t support Real Madrid, the team of the Castilian capital – support the Espanyol team. During matches the Castilian state flag is waved by Espanyol supporters – including the Fascist version which in theory has been illegal for over a quarter of a century. This would never happen with Barça supporters)


Sempre Igual

M'agradaria fer referència als articles publicats el dia 17-9-03 en aquest diari en els quals es criticava la presencia de membres de l'Espanyol a l'ofrena al monument a Rafael Casanova. Jo sóc de l'Espanyol i independentista, més ben dit- primer sóc independentista i després de l’Espanyol. No sóc una bona catalana, doncs?


Tots aquests culers que critiquen els afiliats a l'Espanyol no tenen ni idea de la història del seu club, fundat per un suís i amb una llotja carregada de pijos "que hablan castellano porqué és más fino". Trobo patètic barrejar una ideologia amb un esport que no deixa de ser res més que quatre persones corrent darrere d'una pilota.

Si el Barça realment representa Catalunya, es degradant. A l'Estat català hi ha moltes mes coses que equips de futbol que pretenen ser més que un club.



Always the Same

I would like to comment on the articles published on 17 September 2003 in this paper in which the presence of members of the Espanyol Supporters’ Club took part in the laying of wreathes at the monument to Rafael Casanova (On the National Day of Catalonia, 11 September, representatives of the political parties and the country’s major institutions and organisations lay wreathes at the monument. Rafael Casanova i Comes (born Moià 1660, died Sant Boi de Llobregat 1743) was the last chief minister of Catalonia before its conquest by Castile in 1714 and took part in the defence of the besieged city of Barcelona before the defenders could no longer hold out and surrendered to the invaders. There is criticism that political parties and institutions who are pro-Castilian and anti-Catalan in outlook take part in the ceremony – it is regarded as pure hypocrisy.). I support Espanyol and I’m a supporter of independence for Catalonia – or, better said, I’m first and foremost a supporter of independence for Catalonia and secondly a supporter of Espanyol. Am I therefore a woman who is not a good Catalan?


All the “culers” (= supporters of the Barça team) who criticise Espanyol supporters have no idea of the history of their club, founded by a Swiss and with a directors’ box full of pijos (= rich kids) "que hablan castellano porqué és más fino" (Castilian: who speak Castilian because it is more elegant). I find it pathetic to mix an ideology with a sport which, when it comes down to it, is no more than a group of people running after a ball.

If Barça really represents Catalonia, it is demeaning. In the Catalan State there are far more things than football teams that try to be more than a club.



2/ Is the Catalan Socialist Party consistent in what it says in Catalonia and what it says in the Castilian Parliament?

La coherència en els socialistes

El PSC s'ha abstingut en una mocio a favor de les seleccions esportives catalanes presentada al Congrés de Diputats. Es una demostració més del sotmetiment del PSC als designis del PSOE. Si el PSC, Pasqual Maragall, aconseguís desbancar el nacionalista Artur Mas de la Generalitat, Catalunya tindria un govern sotmès als designis de Madrid.

Com vol Pasqual Maragall convèncer els catalans si quan toca defensar Catalunya al Congrés s'amaguen, covards, darrere del mur de l'abstenció? Quan tindran el mateix discurs a Barcelona que a Madrid? Quan demostraran que ens els podem creure? La credibilitat es guanya amb coherència i Pasqual Maragall no en té gens.


EMMA CREUS HERNANDEZ L'Hospitalet de Llobregat


Coherence and the Socialist

The PSC (Socialist Party of Catalonia) has abstained in a motion in favour of national sports teams for Catalonia which was presented in the Parliament (in Castile). It is just one more demonstration of the PSC’s submission to the dictates of the PSOE (the Castilian Socialst Party). If the PSC, (in the form of) Pasqual Maragall (= leader of this party), are successful in ousting the nationalist Artur Mas from the Generalitat (= the autonomous Parliament of Catalonia), Catalonia will have a government dependent on the dictates of Madrid.

How does Pasqual Maragall think he can convince the Catalans if when his turn comes in the (Castilian) Parliament they hide, the cowards, behind the wall of abstaining in the vote? When will they say the same in Madrid as they say in Barcelona? When will they show that we can believe them? Credibility is won through showing consistency and Pasqual Maragall has none at all.


EMMA CREUS HERNANDEZ L'Hospitalet de Llobregat


3/ Is the Castilian state railway RENFE really bothered about its customers in the light of the petty crime that takes place in its stations?

Inseguretat a l’estació de Renfe de la plaça de Catalunya

Vull denunciar la situació d'inseguretat que es viu a l'estació de Renfe a la plaça Catalunya de Barcelona, on des de ja fa un temps actuen amb absoluta impunitat unes joves carteristes, sembla que estrangeres. S'aprofiten de l'aglomeració de gent que es forma quan arriba un tren i actuen bàsicament sobre homes grans, turistes estrangers i just en el moment de pujar als vagons.


El més bo de tot es que el personal de Renfe en té coneixement, ja que fa uns dies, quan es va produir un robatori d'aquests, la interventora del tren ens va dir als usuaris que ja sabien que passava això, pero que no hi podien fer res. A l'estació hi ha guardes de seguretat però no baixen a les andanes, estan a dalt controlant que la gent porti bitllet, es a dir, vigilen les persones normals i deixen en pau els delinquents, Per tant, uns ens prenen la cartera i la Renfe ens pren el pèl.


La Garriga


Petty crime in the RENFE station in Catalunya Square (= a square in central Barcelona)

I wish to denounce the current spate of lawbreaking at the RENFE station in Catalunya Square in Barcelona, where for some time now young pickpockets, apparently foreigners,  have been operating quite openly. They take advantage of the crowds which form when a train arrives and their targets are basically elderly men and foreign tourists, the moment they climb into the carriages.


The best thing about all this is that the RENFE staff are quite aware of it, as a few days ago, when one of these thefts took place, the lady ticket collector told us, the passengers, that they already knew that this was going on but that there was nothing they could do about it. At the station there are security guards but they don’t come down to the platforms, thay are upstairs making sure that people have a ticket, in other words, they are checking ordinary (law-abiding)  people and letting the petty thieves operate in peace. So while some people are taking our wallets RENFE is taking the mickey with its customers.


La Garriga



Last Updated: 2003-09-24
