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tudalen hwn
Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia
4665) |
VOL. IX. 1888.
Wedi eu cywiro
Heb eu cywiro
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2/ Index to Abbreviations in the Above Article.
Egerton Phillimore.
Y Cymmrodor. Cyfrol IX. 1888.
Tudalennau 287-259
Brythonic declension made very slow progress until it was discovered that
certain plural termina- tions are in reality the suffixes of collective
nouns, and that j under certain conditions of accent is liable to become d,
as in Greek (Rev. Cclt., ii, pp. 115 et seq.). Up to that time its results
had been nearly limited to some very obvious identifications of plural
endings, and the recognition of a few oblique cases in adverbial formula?.
Even since then the phenomena of Brythonic declension have seldom been
regarded from any other point of view than the possibility of their throwing
some light on the more carefully studied grammar of Irish. It is true that
the materials afforded by existing dictionaries and grammars are quite
insuffìcient for a history of any of the plural terminations, and that each
individual word nmst in consequence be followed through the older stages of
Welsh, Cornish, and Breton before any opinion can be formed upon it. Analogy
was at work at a very early period, and in many later; and in a large number
of cases has given the same word several plural forms, creating a difficulty
which has been further enhanced by the position which different lexicogra-
phers have taken up with regard to these matters. The stems of a number of
nouns have been ascertained with tolerable certainty, but nothing final can
be undertahen without the publication of trustworthy editions of a much
larger quantity of Middle-Welsh texts than is available at present, and the |
NOUNS, preparation of a dictionary of the moclern language which shall
comprise the dialectal forms. I shall confine myself here to drawing
attention to some little-noticed facts which may be at least stated, though
at present not always explained. [2.] Lewis Morris, in a letter of 1762
(YCymmr., ii, p. 157), says in his quaint way, " If South Wales men had
wrote grammar, we should have proper plural terminations instead of -au, etc,
etc, and abundauces of liceuces of the like kind." The first two
editions of Owen Pughe's Dict. are criticised in Y Brython, i, pp. 19-20, and
also by the editor of the third edition (Pref., p. xi), on the score of his
too frequent use of -on ancl -ion instead of -au, even where -au is in
general use. He had a preclilection for the apparently more archaic -ion in
place of the common -au. By this, as by similar fancies, his work is deprived
of much of its valuc. Cf., e.g., Lì. Giv. Rh.: oc eu gweìieu, p. 104; o
dyrnodeu, a bonclusteu, a chwympeu, a gweìioed, a chellweir, p. 109. Y Drych
Chr.: archolhieu, archolhiou, f. 27&. Davies, Dict.: archoll, pl.
erchyll; on which L. Morris (Add. MS. 14,944, f. 26a) remarhs: "The
coinmon plural is archollion." The word is not used in Glamorganshire, where
they employ clwyf. Sp., Dict. 3: nant, nentydd, nannau; L. Morris: neint,
nentydd (Add. MS. 14,909, f. 50«). E. Lhuyd: asen, eisen — plur.: N. W.
asenna?, S. W. ais (Arcli. Brit., s. v. ' Costa' 1 ); but asan, 'sena, are
the Neath forms too. Rowland: llythyr; N. W. -au, S. W. -on (Gratnm. 4 ,
p.29); etc. [3.] Monosyllables like march form their plural by the so- called
internal i, as meirch. This kind of formation was also used in words of more
than one syllable, as in aradr, plur. ereidir (B. of Carm., No. ix 2 ). In
these words it was sup- planted at a later period by the apparent change of a
into y, as in erydr. Davies, in his Gramm. (pp. 36-38), gives: erydr, old
ereidr; old peleidr, rheeidr; becbgyn as the plural of bachgen [Glam.
bachcan, bechcyn]; llenncirch (ToloG.)and llennyrch of llannerch; ieirch
(Iolo G.) and ' P. 52, col. 1. i Shene, vol. ii, p. 11; MS., f. 17«. |
iyrchod of iwrch [cf. lewot a iyrch, Ll. Gw. Rh,, p. 74, cf. p. 76; ierch, p.
143, froni ieirch]; ceraint, also cerynt, of carant; Id., Dict.: cleifr of
dwfr; emyth and emeith of amaeth; heiyrn and heieirn of haiarn (cf. Sp.,
Gramm. 3 , §28; in Glamorgan dwr, dyfrôdd). Here we see the old groups a,
plur. ei, a — a, plur. e — ei, and a — c, plur. e — y, as well as o,w,
plnr.?/(mollt — myllt, llwdn — trillydn, canllydn, Davies, Gramm,, p. 35),
completely mixed up. The general tendency seems to he to extend y over the
dissyllables that contain a — a, except some like dafad, carant; while the
opposite extension of ei over both mono- and dis- syllables containing a — e,
o, w is much more limited and pro- bably does not now obtain. There are some
plural formations existing of words that do not evidently differ in structure
from all other regular words, which remain unexplained, and prevent our
coming to a really fair view of the neo-for- mations just quoted — I mean the
North-Welsh plurals, ifinc, llygid, bychin of ifanc, llygad, bychan. Ab Ithel
(Dosp. Ed,, §1571) gives llygid from Denbigh, Flint, and Meri- oneth (also
bysidd for bysedd, from Denbigh and Flint). I collected in Bcitr., §92, other
North-Welsh instances of i for ei, and in Y Cymmr., ix, pp. 67-8, I
considered North- Welsh collis, ceris for colleis, cereis from the same
standpoint. I have since heard thatthe same forms are used in Glamorgan; cf.
ifanc, plur. ifinc (jenctyd, jangach, janga); llycacl, pl. llycid; bychan,
pl. bychin; bys, pl. bysidd (but e.g., gwracacld); also merchid; pryfetyn,
plur. pryfid; arath, plur. erith (erill). In the CambrianJournal,ÌY,\>\).
208-9, 1 find the plurals offeirid, merchid, bychin, gwinid ( =
gweiniaid),from GwentandMor- ganwg. In the same way rhois is used both there
and in North Wales, the regular alteration of Mid.-W. -ci in final syllables
in Gwent andMorganwgbeinginto a, just asfinal e becomes a. In fact, ei first
became e,as in the Dimetian and Powysian dialects, and later all e's were
made into a. I have found also rhois, and |
NOUNS, this form only, in mucli older texts than those given in Y Gyminr., I.
c, and therefore I consider collis, ceris, etc, as imita- tions of the very
old and unexplained type rhois. The plurals with i are also as yet
unexplained. I should add that merchid, prylid cannot be compared to bysidd
on thescore of a change of e into i, though the literary forms are merched,
pryfed. They are identical in formation with offeirid and ifinc, for amongst
others William Morris (Add. MS. 14,947, f. 39ò) gives merchaid, pryfaid from
Anglesey, where these forms are still in use. Cf. also Hanesion o'r Hen
Oesoedd, 1762: mercheid, pp. 28, 90, etc.; merchad, p. 72 (Carnarvonshire);
P. C, No. 28: merchaid (Anglesey); Yr Arw.: merchaid, Feb. 12, 1857; Jan. 23,
1859, etc. Davies, Gramm., p. 37, gives from the works of the old poets e —
i, as well as the common e — y, as a plural form from the singular a — e,
this being proved by rhymes; e.g., cessig, cerrig, menig; tefill, pedill;
llewis, etc. The explanation of these ibrms may be connected with that of the
plurals given above. [4.] Daint, daigr, saint, plurals of dant, dagr, sant,
are used in N.-W. dialects as singulars. Salesbury, 1567 (Ellis, Early Engl.
Pron., p. 747), remarlcs that for epestyl, caith, daint, maip, saint, tait,
in his time apostolion, apostolieit, caethion, dannedd or dannedde, maibion,
santie or seinie were beeinning to be used, and that in N. W. daint, taid
(fathcr, not taid, teidion, grandfathcr), were used as singulars. Davies,
Did., has "dant, pl. daint, quae vox apud Yenedotas pro sing. passim
usurpatur." L. Morris (Add. MS. 14,909, f. 756) gives N.-W. saint for
sant; D. S. Evans, Ltyth., s. r., a sing. and plur. deigr. [f only deigr and
daint had been preserved, we might be inclined to consider them as old
collective nouns; lmt saint cannot be such, and so the most probable explanation
aí' them is that they arose at the time wlien the plural character <>f
tho older plurals, f'ormed by what we now seo in |
its result as an internal change, mab *meib, dagr *deigr, was accentuated by
the addition of the constantly extending -au or -on, -iau or -ion, so as to
yield meib-ion, *deigr-au, after the analogy of dagr, dagrau. We may suppose
that at this time deigr. etc, were erroneously abstracted as singulars from
these new plurals, and came into general use in this capacity in certain
parts, — in this particular case in North Wales. [5.] The plural termination
-oedd is commonly assigned to the stems in i, but it has not been
successfnlly explained. It would be the outcome of an older *-êjes, which may
have been the result of analogical operations similar to those which produced
the Greek forms like *7ro\r)je<;. We must not consider this as the only ending
of the i-stems, for -ydd from *-ijes, and -edd from *-ejes, are also early
endings of t-stems, coinciding in sound with the results of thejo-stems, and
with collectives in *-ejä. As -i and -ydd are phoneti- cally equivalent, and
outcomes of the same older j- forms with differing accent, we may assume i
also as a termination of the t-stems, either original or due to analogy; and
we need not wonder at the analogical extension of these endings of the
í-stems, considering how they partly coincide with the jo- stems and the
collective nouns, and also how far -au, the ending of the much rarer w-stems,
and -on, that of the íi-stems, were extended. This view of the •i-stems is
corroborated by a number of words which form different plurals, in -oedd,
-ydd, -edd, and -i. Cf. trefi, trefydd, sometimes trefoedd, L. Morris. Add.
MS. 14,934, f. 16«. Dinas, gwlad, ynys, tir, caer, myiiydd. Add. MS. 19,709:
mynyded, f. 57«; y kestyll ar kaeroed ar dinassoed, f. 39a; keyryd, f. 396.
Ll. Gw. Rh.: dinassoed, dinessyd, p. 22; dinessyd ar keiryd, p. 74; y
dinassoedd ae geiryd, p. 74; dinessed, p. 281; keyrod, p. 24, kayroed, p. 33;
ceiryd, pp. 45, 48; ceuryd, p. 54; ceyryd. p. 21; gwledi. p. 187; lluoed, p.
22; lluyd, p. 21. |
NOUNS, Sal., N. T.: dyfroedd, dyfredd, f. 382?;; mynyddedd, f. 3806 j
mynyddey, f. 380i; b\vystviledd, etc.; gweithrededd, f. 157b Add. MS. 14,986,
f. 37/,: tyredd. Ynys, llys, tir, llawer. -oedd, poet. -edd, Davies, Gramm.,
p. 30. The Middle-Welsh examples could be greatly multiplied. In most of
these words -oedd predominates, more rarely -ydd. -oedd is pronounced -oedd
or -ôdd; c.g., S.-W. gwithredodd, Add. MS. 14,973, f. 102«; N.-W. cantodd,
mylldyrodd, Yr Arw., May 28, 1857; byth, bythodd, etc. It may be men- tioned
that -ioedd, which is not given by Zeuss, also oecurs, although cominonly
only in milioedd. Cf. llawer o villtiryoed, B. ofHerg., col. 1112; eithauioed
freinh, MS. Cl. B 5, f. 19« (also ff. 61&, 62«); eithaueoed, f. 97«;
tiryoed, Lì. Gw. Bh., p. 165; iethioedd, Sal., N. T, Giccl. L, f. 3846;
brenhinioedd, Add. MS. 14,916, ff. 36«, 366; several instances in the
Gwentian Add. MS. 14,921; Hanesion or Hcn Oesocdd: ieith- ioedd, p. 59
(twice; ieithia, ib., in rhyme); etc. [6.] In N.-W. dialects -oedd has been
partially ousted by an apparent ending -fŷdd, the plural of -fa, from
*magos, con- tracted from *-fe-ydd, according to the law which obtains in gwŷdd,
for gweydd, ' weaver', and Llŷn for Lleyn, which has lost a *g between
the two vowels. Torfŷdd, porfŷdd occur in Anglesey and
Carnarvonshire, and in imitation of themllefŷddfor lleoedd. See
Caledfryn's Gramm. 2 , p. 59; and cf. rhai llefydd yn y Merica, S. C, i, p.
372 (Merioneth); llefudd, Yr Arw., Feb. 2, 1859; Sweet, p. 429, etc. It is
not clear to me why E. Lhuyd, in At y Cymry, Arch. Brit., says: "amryu
levy5 jy Ildnry", p. *1, as he otherwise uses S.-W. (Dimetian) forms. On
deuwedd see my Beitr., §80, n. 33. [7.] The early consonant-plural *chwior
took later the col- lective endings -ydd and -edd. Cf. ý dwý chwýored, MS.
Tit. D 2, f. 177«; chwiored, 7ÄÖr,p. 100; chwiorydd and -edd, Add. MS.
31,059, f. òb; in Neath, whâr, whiorydd (ib„ gwrac-add, modrypodd, commonly
"modrybedd.in N.-W. mod- rabedd", Richards' Dicí.). Chwaer
represents *svesr-, if caer represents *-casr-: or else *chwaear (cf.
gwaeanwyn) became |
its older form chwaer. Chwa-er from *sve(s)er- is a third possibility. Chwaer
had its old *ves treated like gwaeanwyn, O.-W. guiannuin, containing
*vesant-. Though guiannuin 1 (in Merioneth gwinwyn, Ehŷs 2 ) and
chwiorydd exist, we have gwaeanwyn and chwaer, containing *wa, *va, from *vo
for *ve; but it is not clear for what reason the syllable *ves became either
*vi(s) or *vo(s), wa(s), although it is true the next syllable contains
different vowels in both cases; chwaer from *svo(s)er, *sve(s)er, chwior-
from *svi(s)or-, *sve(s)or-. Chwi- orydd as an isolated form was altered by
analogy; cf. chwae- ored, MS. Cí. B 5, f. 249«, col. 2 (Dares Phrygius);
brodur a chwayorydd, Add. MS. 14,987, f. 356 {Araith y Trwstan). In The Bed
Dragon, ii, p. 420, chwaeriorydd is men- tioned. This form is actually
printed in Llyfr Achau (Her. Vis., ii, p. 12) as chwaerorydd. Pughe gives
chweirydd, pro- bably to be considered like meusydd, pl. of maes. [8.] The
ending -awr, later -or, is almost completely lost in later Welsh; it is
frequent with certain nouns, as llafn, byddin, ysgwydd, gwaew, etc, in the
older poems, those printed by Skene and in the Myv. Arch., but it harclly
ever occurs in Middle W. prose texts (cf., however, yr ieuawr, Ll. Gho.
fih.,]). 7). From O.-W. cf. poulloraur (*pugillär- + -är-), M. Gap? In Breton
this ending is still common as -er, -ier; cf. er méneier in aTréc. poem, Rev.
de Bret., lst ser., v, p. 408 (mene'io, 4, p. 170), etc, in W. mynyddoedd.
The Welsh ending is mentioned in Dosp. Ed., §489, omitted by Zeuss, but
exemplified in E. Evans' Stucl. ìn Cymr. Phil., §12. 4 On its Irish
equivalents opinions have been advanced in Thrce Micl.-Ir. Hom., p. 135, and
Togail Troi (LL.), Introcl. It is possible that -or has survived in certain
plurals for which a new singular was made by means of -yn or -en — in 1 Ovid
Glosses, 40&; Stokts, Cambrica, p. 236. 2 Lcct. 2 , p. 27. 3 Capella
Glosses, No. 28 (Árch. Carrib., 4th Ser., iv, p. 7). * lb., p. 141. VOL. IX.
T |
NOUNS, marwor, marwar, marfor, ' embers', for instauce — but as a distinct
plural terminatiou it occurs in later Welsh ouly in gwaew, gwaewawr, whence
*gwaewor, gwaewar, like gwat- wor, gwatwar, niarwar, chwaer, etc, Cf.
góayawaór (sic), B. of Taì., xliv (Sk., ii, 199); gwaywar, Ll. Gw. Rh., pp.
59, 67, 69; góaewar, B. of Uerg., cols. 698 (R. B. Mab., p. 82), 1093, etc.
Even here it is replaced by -yr; cf. gostóng góaewyr, B. of Herg., col. 1093;
y gweiwyr, Wms., Hgt. MSS., ii, p. 304; gwewyr, Y S. Gr., p. 230 (gwaywyr et
vulgo gwewyr, Davies, Dict.). This -yr can only be the ending -yr (-r) of
brodyr, pl. of brawd, analogically transferred. Besides brodyr, broder less
ofteu occurs, rhyming with full syllables in -er (passives, etc.) in poets,
as in L. Glyn Cothi, pp. 42-3 (see p. 269, infra), etc. [9.] Tai and lloi are
older S.-W. plurals, commonly used in S. W., but replaced by teiau, lloiau in
N. W. Cf. Hughes, 1823, p. 29; Y Traeth., iii, p. 9; D. S. Evans, Llyth.ỳs.
w.;etc. Ll. Gw. Rh.,
pp. 94, 97, 110: Dagr-eu-oed; Add. MS. 19,709, f. 58&, etc.: blod-eu-oed,
llys-eu-oed. Llysieuoedd, Cl. B 5,
f. 102&. These forms should be compared with Breton ones like bot-o-ier,
bot-o-io, Ernault, De l'urgmce, etc, p. 14; the additional plural-ending
seems to convey a more collective sense. Cf. also or dyóededigyon llysseue
hynny, Add. MS. 14,912, f. lla; o oll dyóededigyon llyssyoedd hynny, f. 79 (y
for eu, S.-W.); llysewûn, Uisiav, Add. MS. 15,049 (17th cent.), ff. Aa, 20a;
llissewyn, B. of Herg., col. 436. In Neath, llysewyn, pl. llysa (il>.,
blotyn, pl. blota). On eu: ew, cf. góneuthur creu yr moch, B. of Herg., col.
754; y creu, col. 766 (R. B. Mab., p. 63, 1. 3; 78, 11. 8, 11, 16): crewyn;
gieu: giewyn; ceneu: cenawon, etc. On the words meaning ' day' see Rhŷs,
Hibb. Lect., pp. 116-118. Cf. die6-ed, Add. MSS. 19,709, f. 2hb 22,356, f.
V2a; diewoed, Cl. B 5, f. 235/;, col. 1; die-oed, f. 2Ub, col. 2; dieuoeddin
Davies' Dict.; ew: eu, as in the words above given. A plural ending is also
often incorporated in singulatives formed from English loan-words; cf.
sklait-s, sing. sklait-s-au ('slate'), tatws, sing. täsan, etc, Sweet, p.
437. On Breton analogies see Rev. Celt, vi, pp. 388-9. |
must not be assumed tliat the suffixes -en and -an are of the same phorjetic
value in all words which exhibit them in the present state of the language.
In a few such words -aen is the older form of the suffìx, as is confìrmed by
other Brythonic languages. So agalen, ogalen: agalayn, ' cos', MS. Vesp. E 11
of the Latin Laws (Owen, p. 851). Cf. 0.- Corn. ocoluin, gl. ' cos' (Stokes,
Gambr., p. 241); llamhystaen ( = llymysten); see Zeuss, C C 2 ,p. 291. Cf.
also croessaeniait, MS. L, p. 182 ( = croesan, -iaid); maharaen, MS. A, p.
135, pl. meheryn, p. 160; maharen, MS. K, pl. meherein, MSS. C, D, B, E; in
the Latin Laws: maharayn, Hgt. MS., p. 791; maharain, Harl. MS., p. 862;
maharaen, MSS. Calig. A 13, f. 183&, Tit. D 2, f. 536. Cf. O.-W. maharuin
{bis), B. of St. Cliacl, pp. 18, 19. 1 (Lib. Lancl., pp. 272-3, nos. [3] and
[4].) This reduction of the fìnal unstressed syllable may be com- pared to
that in gallel: gallael, cafel: cafael, gadel: gadael, etc, but the details
of the process are not all clear. Is maharuin an error for *maharain, or
perhaps (cf. ocoluin) the representa- tive of a later *maharwyn, like
mollwyn, -od (which might be an imitation of it), gwanwyn, etc.? In other
words have we again -an and -ain? Cf. rhiain and rhian, adain and adan (also
aden), celain and celan, all fem., and all forming plurals in -edd and -ydd.
These are stems in -î in which both the 1 Myharan, myheryn, 'wether, ram,'
Sp., Dict. 3 L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,923, f. 134«, says: S.-W. cig maharen =
N.-W. cig mollt (Bret. maout, Ir. molt). Richards, Dlct.: " maharen, in
N. W. and in some parts of S. W. as Glam., a ram; in Powis and in the
greatest part of S. W., . . . a weather"; Arch. Brit.: Dimet., Powis.,
'vervex'; Vene- dot., ' aries', p. 285, col. 2, s. v. 'sheep'; Richards,
Dict., s.v. yspawd, ' a shoulder': N. W. 'Spawd môllt. 'Spold gweddar, S. W.
[Dimet.]. Palfais gweddar in Monm. Glam. and Prec. Y Gwyl., vi (1828), p. 207: S.-W. hwrdd =
N.-W. myharan. Palfais, in Neath
palfish, is the shoulder-blade. In Neath, my?íharan is a ram, given also in
the Cambr. Journ., iv, p. 208 (minharan = hwrdd, fem. dafad), from Monm. and
Glam. Cf. Sanskr. mësha; mynharan contains myn, 'hid', introduced by popular
etymology. T 2 |
NOUNS, nominative aíîected by the termination *-i and the other cases not
affected by it have been generalised. Ir. anner (fein.) is represented in
Welsh by anner, anneir, ' heifer'; ' bucula, junix', Davies, Dict. 1 (anner,
anneirod, Sp., DictJ). [10.] So far these notes on nominal declension; to
which some details on dialectal difierences in the gender of nouns, in nouns
of relationship, etc, may be appended. As rnasc. in N.-W. and fem. in S.-W. I
find mentioned: troed, effaith, ysgrif, rhif, nifer, clust, sain, munyd, man,
golwg, ystyr, gradd (Dosp. Ed., §471; dwy droed, Williams Pant y Celyn, Y
Traeth., 1870, etc); hanes, ciniaw, gwniadur, cyflog, clôd, clorian, gàr,
Rowland, Gramm.*, p. 39; N.-W. pellen y pen glin, S.-W. padell y benlîn, D.
S. Evans, Lhjth., s.v. 'penlîn'; alarch, /(/., WeM Dict. Braicg, fem., is,
according to Rhŷs, Loamcords, s. v. ' brachium', 2 a masc. in
Salesbury's language and still so in Carnarvonshire as the spur of a
mountain. The same author has recorded the older comm. gender of dyn and the
fem. gender of haul (still preserved in some parts, t./7..about
Ystradmeurigin Cardiganshire, Rev. Celt.,\i, p. 40), and drawn certain
conclusions from them (Hibb. Lect., pp. 92, n. 1, 572, n. 2). Cwpan,
perjnill, pontbren, canwyllbren, canrif, clust are given by Rowland, l. c, as
masc. in S.-W. and fem. in N.-W. 1 According to Y Geninen, iii, p. 19,
Glamorgansh. y dreisiad (in Neath trishad)=N.-W f . yraner; also heffar ('
heifer'), YrArw., Feb. 20, 1859. Anner is the Dimetian word, C'ambr. Journ.,
iii, p. 252. Treisiad is also the S.-W. word for N.-W. bustach, ' steer'
(Davies, D'ui.). L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,944, f . 28«: llo — dyniewed —
bustach — ych are the successiye yearly naraes used in Anglesey. Enderic,
Juv. Gl. (8tokes, Camì/r., p. 2UG); W. Lleyn's Vocab.: enderig = bustach.
Dyniewed, dyniawed, pl. dyniewyd (dinewyt, Z.-, p. 282), ' steer, heifer',
Sp., Dict. 3 It is the old Cornish deneuoit, 'juvencus', Corn. Vocab., f. 9a.
It seema to have been submitted to popular ctyinology, if the following
notice, taken from Y Cylchgr. (Abertawy), 1853, p. 17, be genuine: "
deunawiad", fal y geilw gwŷr Morganwg eidion blwydd a hanner oed
(alluding to deunaw, /.<., 1S months old). - Arch. Camb.y Itli Ser., iv.
p. 269. |
[11.] Nouns of relationship cliffer greatly in the dialects. Cf. Eanes y Ffydd,
1677: N.-W. nain = S.-W. mam gu; do., Y Gwyl, vi (1828), p. 207. R. Morris,
Add. MS. 14,945, f . 2476: hendaid in Anglesey = tad cu in Powys; also
gorhendaid and hên hendaid = hendad cu. L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,923, f. 1336:
S.-W. mam gu a thad cu = N.-W. nain a thaid. ld.,ibid., 15,025, f. 806: in
Fowys tad dâ, mam ddâ, ' grandf ather, -motlier'; tad cû, mam gû, '
great-grand- father'; etc.; nain, ' great-great-grandmother'; mam wen, '
step- mother'. Y Traetn., iii, p. 12: Vened. taid, naiu = Powys. tad da, mam
dda=S.-W. tad cu, mamgu; Vened. tad yn nghyfraith (mam, mab, merch yn ngh.) =
Powys. and S.-W. chwegrwn (chwegr, daw, gwaudd); Vened. tad yn nghyfraith
(mam, etc, yn ngb,) also = Powys. tad gwyn (mam wen, etc.) = S.-W. lìysdad,
llysfam, etc. I may quote from L. Glyn Cothi's Poems, p. 210: Tir yr hynaiv,
trwy raniad | A rhau o dir yr hen dad; | Tai'r gorhendad, a'r tad da | Tai'r
ewythyr vàl Troia. (He uses broder, besides brodyr; cf. Y tri broder lle
gosoder | Yr aur doder ar wyrdedwydd, p. 42; broder — Rhosser, p. 43; Dau
vroder, ryw amser, oedd | A wnaeth Ruvain a'i threvoedd, p. 433, etc.) Daw,
pl. dawon, Davies, Gramin., p. 40; and dofion. Altrou, ' victricus', aud
altruan, 'noverca', Corn. Vocab., are W. alltraw, ' sponsor', and elltrewen,
' stepmother'; Davies, Dict., has elldrewyn, from W. Lleyn's Vocab. Cefnder,
etc, are pronounced at Neath: centar, pl. cenderwydd; cnithtar, pl.
cnithterwydd; cyferddar (= cyfyrder); ib.: whâr, whiorydd; brawd, brotyr; tad
yn nghyfrith. In Breton tad coz is ' grandfather', tad cufi, as in Powys, '
great- grandfather'; tad you, ' great-great-grandfather'. Tad caer, ' father-
in-law' aud ' stepfather' (tadec in Vann.), is in imitation of the French
name; the Welsh tad gwyn shows the same idea. It is lestad, as in S.-W., in
the dialect of Léon. Deufi, gouhez are W. daw, gwaudd. Tadek, gourtadik exist
in Batz (Ernault, Batz Dialect, p. 34); cf. W. gorhendad. A list of all
possible degrees of relationship, with the Welsh names, will be found in the
Cambrian Jonrnal. It was sent to Wales by Lewis Morgan and filled up by
Williams ab Ithel. Though Morgan's circular, showing the kind of researches
he was making, is printed before the list, Ab Ithel gave him only the
literary words, and omitted the dialectal forms, different as they are.
Morgan's great work is well known, and so is the German book of |
270 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WELSH NOUNS, Engels, which is based on it, and the perusal of
such works would, by the way, induce me at least not to use the words of
Kuhn's Zeitschr., xxviii, p. 421, n. 1, if I understand them right, with
regard to the Irish old ages in general. [12.] Common abbreviations, etc, of names are: Jack,
Jacky, Jacko, Siac, Siacci; Sion, Sionyn; Jenny, Jinny, Jinno, Jinnten, Siân,
Siâni, Sieni, Sianten; Wil, Bil, Bilo, Bilws, Bili; Catrin, Kate, Kit, Kitty,
Catti, Cadi, Cadan, Cadws, Cadsan, Cadsen, Kitsen (Y Traeth., iii, p. 14); Dai in S.-W.; Palws,
Malws. Mali in parts (Màli, Màlen in Dyfed), ' Mary', Cambrian Journal, iii,
p. 243; Twm, Shôn, Dai, Mocyn, Harri, Wìl, Nèd, Palws, Sàl, Magws ('
Margaret'), ib., iv, p. 37. 1/ A passage from this article on the lines of
demarcation of the Gwentian dialects may be quoted, as it seems to be based
on actual observation, and contains facts on which others may supply further
information: "There is a great difference between the dialects of
Menevia [= Myn- wy] and Morganwg. Throughout the middle and eastern districts
the vowel i has almost its full sound in hundreds of words, as shall be
noticed hereafter. Towards the Saxon border, a certain strangeness dwells on
the faces of the men, somewhat similar to the gloomy appearance that ensues
when the sun is hidden by a cloud previous to its setting in the west. From
Ergyng to Talgoed (Caldicot) one meets with heavy, lanky,and very ignorant
men; and the old people that are there,especially towards Tre'r Esgob
[Bishopston, near Newport], speak Welsh, which is unintelligible to the
uui-lingual Cymro. They have so much of the English accent, and occasionally
an old word like ebargofi, that they cause a mixture of grief and
astonishment in the bosom of the visitor. When he proceeds from Crughywel to
Coed y Cymmer, he hears clearly the accent and pronunciation of the
Brecknockian; ar yr un [in Glani. dan yr un, sc. awr, 'at the samc time'],
lad raig [the infected forms of gwlad,
gwraig] ferch y forwn, etc, present themselves there very distinctly. When we
go from Coed y Cymmer through Cwmamman to Pont ar Ddulas, we hear the
pronunciation of the Brecknockian, and that of the boys of Caermarthen. Here
the speech becomes vigorous, and the voice thin; and yn wirionedd fach anwyl
i [pron. yn wirione fach anwl i], thinci fawr, come to light; and, in
returning, a change will be perceived towards Margam, and a little after
towards Pont Faen [Cowbridge]. Then the body of the country is reached, and
the tone becomes slow and grave, the tongue lisps a little, and the voice is
thick. Abertawy [Swansea], Merthyr, and all the works, Cardiff and Newport
contain people from every |
The feminine forms of the adjectives, as trom, gwen, are beginning to
disappear from the living language. Davies, Gramm., p. 54, says that chwyrn,
gwymp, gwydn, hyll, syth, tynn, and clyd were then used in N.-W. as masc. and
fem. forms; but that in Powys (p. 59) the fem. forms of com- pound adjectives
in -lyd, as brycheuled, poethled, were still used (cf. fford lysseulet, ' a
fìowery road', Y S. Gr., p. 220). The fem. forms sech, gwleb are said, in a
letter from John Morgan to Moses Williams, copied in several MSS. (Add. MS.
14,934, f. 1756), to have then been common in Anglesey. On the present
language see Eowland, Grammý, p. 41; and Sweet, p. 438. [14.] In the same way
the few isolated comparatives and superlatives like iau, lled, etc, are being
replaced by modern formations in -ach, -af, as ieuangach. Trechach, given by
Davies (Gramm., p. 63) from Sion Tudur, is said in a note to the 2nd ed.
(1809) to be quite common at that time (p. 81); and also lletach for llêd.
Lled is retained by the Gwentian dialects. Cf. Y Traeth., iii, p. 14: lled
na'r ddaear, N.-W. lletach. The adverb lled, ' partly, alrnost', takes the
position of the N.-W. go. Cf. Hugbes, 1823, p. 33: lled agos, lled dda; Camb.
Journ., iii, p. 252: lled od, Monm. and East Glam.; lled hynod, West Glam.—
go hynod, N.-W.; so lolo Morganwg, Y Cijmmr., iv, p. 105, writes: yn dŷ
ffermwr 1 lled dda. [15.] Welsh -ach, compared with Breton -oc'h, may
country" (pp. 37-8). These rough notes on sub-dialects, though they may
be known to Welshmen, again give rise to the regret that next to nothing has
been or is being published on the great variety of dialects in this or, in
fact, in any other part of Wales. i S.-W. fferem— N.-W. tyddyn, Hughes, 1823,
p. 36. On tyddyn (tegdyn, MS. A; týgdỳn, Latin Laws, p. 788), and also
on tyn, see Rhŷs, Rev. Celt., vi, p. 49, n. But what are syddyn,
eisyddyn, essyddyn, yssyddyn, given by Davies (Dict.) as Dimetian for Vene-
dotian tyddyn? They oecur in W. Lleyn's Vocab.: eisyddyn = tyddyn. |
NOUNS, have assumed a from -«/ of the superlative; but the exist- ence of a
similar clistribution of a and o in verbal termina- tions (see Y Cymmr., ix,
p. 73) makes tliis doubtful. Neitber the existence of -ac'h in the
Bas-Cornouaillais (iselac'h, uhelac'h, braçyac'h, etc, given in Eostrenen's
Grammar) nor the occurrence of uchof in old Welsli MSS. furthers the solu-
tion of this cjuestion, as the phonetics of this Breton sub- dialect, in
which the change of o into a may be quite common, are not known, and uchof
does not seem to be any- thing but a combination of uchaf and ucho, uchod.
Huchof occurs in MS. Á, pp. 2, 3, 5, 24, 28, 52, etc; uchow, MS. E (Add. MS.
14,931), ff. 35«, 42« (cf. sew, f. la = sef). Uwchel occurs more rarely. Cf.
MS. Caliy. A 13: wuchot, f. 152&, map wuchelör, f. 177«, b; Sal., N. T. j
ywchel, ff. 380«, 381«, ywchter, f. 389«; Add. MS. 14,986: ywchel ievstvs,
í'. 11«, ywchel ddydd, f. 12«. [16.] -Ied, -iach are used with some
adjectives for -ed, -ach; with rhaid, santaidd, etc, nearly always. Cf. Add.
MS. 14,869, f. 131a: o welet vy lle ar llet eithyaf; Ll. Gio. fíA., p. 75: yn
gyiiYonedigeidiet; Y S. Gr.: cynsanteidiet, reidyach, dir(i)eidyach (kyn
reittet, ih.); Y Dnjch Chr.: gwelwch reitied yw mefyrio; Davies, Gramm.:
rbaid, rheittiaeh, rheitied; Cab. few. T., p. 30: er sauteìddied rwyt ti; S.
C, i, p. 332: mor brafied, etc. [17.] -Ed, the existing opinions on which
will be found in Rhŷs, Lect. 2 , p. 231, and in Toyail Troi (LL.), pp.
viii-ix (Lndcx, s. v. ' dubithir'), is by no means a " propria
canibricaì ilinlccti forma" (Zeuss, G. C. 2 , p. 931), but is also
common in the Breton dialect of Vannes. Cf. the Gramm. of J. Guil- lôme
(1797-1857), recteur de Ivergrist, a native of Malguéuac, translator of the
extracts of the Annales de la Foi published in the dialect of Vannes, and
author ol' />< vr eul labourer, 1849, etc (mentioned in Z. 2 , p. xliv):
na brasset-é hon puissance, na biannet é ha er jou-ce, p. 122: na caërret-é,
p. 125. In Rev. CclL, iii, -ct is given írom Sarzeau, and (iv, p. 145) the |
of Lanrodec is taken to be a combination of -et ancl the superl. -a, Cf.
Gourheméneu cloué ha ré en ilis (Vannes, 1879): na brasset-é dalledigueah
certaen tud ! p. 170. Some examples are also giyen by Loth, Mém. Soc. Ling.,
vol. v. This comparative in -ed is used in comparisons with cyn (cy), can, in
the same sense as mör with the positive (Old W. mortru,gl. 'eheu', morliaus,
gl. f quam inultos' 1 ), and mor witli -ecl occurs also in the later
language, being commonly attri- buted to the Southern dialects. Cf. Davies,
Gramm,, p. 65 Demet.mor hardded = Vened. mor hardd; Dosp. Ecl, p. 259 Vened.
and Gwent. mor lân = Dimet. mor laned. Cf. S. G. mor cheped (cheap), i, p.
373; mor gynted, iii, p. 226. Y Fcìltcn: morbellad, Dec. 23, 1870;
YGweithiwr: mor belled ag w i yn deall, No. 1; this is, however, from
Gwentian districts. ün the use of -ed, cf. also B. of Herg.: hyhelaethet, col.
570 2; yn gyainlet and yn gynamlet, col. 606; py gy bellet odyma yó y cruc a
dywedy di, col. 681; ac a dywedaf itt py gy bellet y6, ib. 3; Ll. Gw. Rh.: y
gystal na y ganfuanet, p. 127; yr hwnn .... bot yn gynn amlet y wyrda ac yn
wychet, p. 2; rac mor ieuanc oed a gwannet y hannyan, p. 16; with er, yr: MS.
Tit. D 22, f. 12a (Y Cymmr., iv, p. 120): yr tayred vo yr heul; Y Drijch
Chr.: er drycced a fo'r dynion, f. 19«; Cab. f'eic. T.: er gwaethet oedden
nhwthe, p. 60; er santeiddied rwyt ti, p. 30. Daf. ab Gw., p. 103: Doe
ddifiau, cyn dechrau dydd, | Lawned fum o lawenydd ! [18.] The following
notes contain some additions to Zeuss' remarks 3 G. G.' 2 , pp. 616-20, on
Adverbs of place, time, etc. Diuinid, ib., p. 616 (' sursum'), Lib. Land
,frcq. Ar i fyny, tuag i fyny, Sp., Eng.- W. Dict., 3 s. v. ' upwards'. Y
uynyd is the regular form used in the R. B. Mab. (cols. 560, 566, 567, 4
etc), and in otherS.-AV. MSS.; e.cj., MS. U, p. 355; Harl. 4353, f. 35?;,
etc. It is later limited to S.-W. dialects, cf. E. Lhuyd, s.v. ' supra' 5;
Gwallt. Mech., Worhs, ii, p. 214; i fynydd, Homil., 1606, i, p. 105; 1 Ovid
Glosses, 39a; Stokes, Cambrica, p. 235. 2 R. B. Mab., p. 160, 1. 26. 3 Ib.,
pp. 222, 1. 1; 223, 11. 29, 30. 4 lb., pp. 149, 1. 27; 155, 1. 21; 156, 1.
25. 5 Arcìi. Brit., p. 159, col. 1: ll Dimet. i výnydh". |
274 OBSERYATIONS ON THE WELSH NOUNS, i fynydd [Monmsh.], Sal., N T, Matt. xvii, 27; Acts xiii, 37; James i, 17; Rev. iv, 1; etc. Y Traeth., iii, p. 14: N.-W. i fyny, uchod = S.-W. fry, fry ar y lan (glan, in its S.-W. meaning of 'hill'); Rhy^s, Loanwords, s. v. 'altus' (1): N.-W. i fyny i'r allt = S.-W. i'r rhiw, ' up hill'. Myny has not been explained, for the loss of -dd in this position is, if we except the unexplained eistedd, eiste (perhaps for eisteu, like bore, etc), quite isolated, save in Dimetian dialects (gwirione, dy, towi, etc). I suppose that the last syllable has been assimilated to bry, fry. Mynydd, often written monyth in Salesbury's N. T. (ff. 6b, 75a, etc), a pronunciation given as that of St. David's, Pembrokeshire, is mwni in the present Dimetian dialect; see on this point Dosp. Ed., p. 257, and S. Gomer, i (1814), 19, where idiomatic expressions like myn'd i'r mwni â'r gwartheg (for cae), i'r mwni i aredig (for maes), i'r mwni i hau, i fedi are given, and where it is said that every trofa cyffredin (' common') would be called 'mynydd' in Glamorganshire. Dirguairet, Z. (2) , p. 616 ('deorsum'), Lib.
Land.,freq.; Y Drych Chr., f. 75a: i fyny ag i wered; Y Traeth., iii, p. 14:
N.-W. i lawr, isod = S.-W. obry, i waered; L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,944, f.
66a: dobry, common in Cardiganshire for dy obry. — Y Traeth., l. c.: N.-W. i
lawr, ymaith = S.-W. i bant; i bant ag e; L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,923: S.-W. i
bant = N.-W. i ffwrdd, i ffordd, f. 133a; S.-W. godir, 'a hollow place
between valleys' = N.-W. pant,f.l33b. According to S. Gomer, 1814, l. c, godir is the S.-W. word for pant, 'valley'; and pant has so lost its real meaning that one would say: 'bod gwr wedi myned bant i'r mynydd, ac i bant i'r bryn.' Cf. also Hughes, 1823, p. 37: S.-W. i bant = N.-W. y ffordd (i ffwrdd is S.-W., according to Rhŷs, Lect. (2), p. 114); Y Geninen, iii, p. 19: (S. W.) i'w gâl i bant = ei symud i ffwrdd. Y maes, Z. 2 , p. 616 (' foras'),
Máb.; L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,944: S.-W. myn'd i faes=myned ymaith, ' to go
along'; id. 14,923, f. 133/;: S.-W. troi maes, 'to turn (to windward) out' = N.-W.
troi allan, hwylio allan; Y Tracth., iii, p. 12: S.-W. i maes, i faes = N.-W.
allan; L. Morris, /. c, f. 133«: S.-W. i macs o law, immediately=N.-W. tocc,
yu gwit. Cf. N.-W. toc a da, ' presently and in good time', RoAvland, Gramm.
4 , p. 114, and Yr Arw., July 17, 1856: A toc dyma, hi yn mund i dywallt
cypanaid de i'rhogun; a dyno fo yn gofun toc; etc. N.-W. allan o law =S.-W.
maea o law, ' presently', Rowland, /. c.; for i maes and i faes, cf. N.-W. i
mi, S.-W. i fi, Y Cymmr., viii, p. 139. i Arch. Camb., Ith Ser., iv, p. 262. |
[19.] Ymywn, Z. 2 ,p. 616 ('in meclium et in medio, intra, in'). Neither the
loss of dd in niewn, mywn (Ir. medhon), nor the Venedotian and Powysian forms
meawn,miawn,nor the accent which causes S.-W. mwn for mewn, are sufficiently
explained. Mwn probably arose from mewn being pronounced as an un- stressed
proclitic before nouns. For examples see my Notes on W. Oonsonants (Rev.
Celt., ix, pp. 64-76, etc). [20.] Yr meitin, Z. 2 , p. 616 (' paulisper,
paulo aute'). Mah.: ysgwers, ystalym (' dudum, iam dudum'); Hughes, 1823, p.
38: N.-W. hawg, yr hawg = S.-W. ys smeityn; but cf. as myitin, Yr Arw., Jan.
20, 1859; es meityn, Cab.f'ew. T, p. 65. Y Traeth., iii, p. 13: N.-W. yr hawg
= S.W. enyd o amser; N.-W. yr hawg iawn = am hir amser; Cambr. Journ., iii,
p. 252: Monm. and East Glam. smityn, West Glam. smeityn = N.-W. hawg, yr
hawg. N.-W. (L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,923, f. 133«) ers talwm = S.-W. ers
llawer dydd; Y Cymmr., iii, p. 84: colloqu. ystalwm, 'stalwm; Ll. y Resol.:
N.-W. ystalm = S.-W. ysdyddie. Cf. Can. y C, p 378: er ys dyddie. Er ys is
written ar's, a's in some N-W. texts; cf. Yr Arw.: ars llawar o amsar, Dec.
11, 1856; as talwm, July 17, 1856; May 28, 1857, etc, like ario'd (see §22).
In S.-W. os, perhaps not for oes, but f or o'r ys, o'r's; cf. S. C.: ys lawer
dy, i, p. 232; 'slawer dy, iii, p. 324, ib.; os dyddie, also os ticyn yn ol,
os cettyn bach. L. Morris, Add. MSS.: cettyn, a small matter, Cardigansh.,
14,944, f. 46«; S.-W. cettyn, a good deal = N.-W. twysgen, 14,923, f. 134a;
cf. yn well o getyn he'yd 'na, P. C, 28 (Ebbw Vale). Richards, Dict.,
however, has: twysgen, ' a small part'; in S. W. twysged, 'a good part, a
great deal'. Hughes, 1823, p. xi: S.-W. cettyn = N.-W. darn; Y Traeth., iii,
p. 13: N.-W. tipyn o ffordd = S.-W. cetyn o ffordd; N.-W. cryn dipyn o ff . =
S.-W. cetyn diogel o ff. Cf. Hughes, 1823, p. 38: N.-W. Gryn = S.-W. iawn;
gryn of n = ofn mawr; Yr Arw., Feb. 12, 1857: cryn lawar; Add. MS. 14,923, f.
134a: S.-W. yn ddiogel, 'for certain'= N.-W. siwr, yn siwr, yn ddiammeu.
[21.] Drachefen, drachefn, Z. 2 , p. 616 ('trans tergum, retro'). Cf.
dramkevyn, Y S. Gr., p. 184; drach dy gevyn, p. 275; drach eu k., pp. 283,
301; drache cheuyn, B. of Herg., col. 866; dracheukeiyn, Add. MS. 19,709, f.
30«; darchefyn, Jes. ColL |
NOUNS, MS. 141, f. 14&; yno ydd ymchoelodd ef trach i gefyn, Sal., JV.
T., f. 266; drachefn, drachgefn, Davies, Dict.; drychgefn, dychgefn in modern
dialects, since -gefn bears the accent. Trach occurs in trach ý lavnawr, B.
ofAn., God., St. 79 (Sk., ii, p. 86); oes tragoes, B. of Herg., Sk., ii, p.
230. Tra chaer wydyr, B. of Tal., jSTo. xxx (Sk., ii, p. 182). Cefn gefn, '
back to back' (Anglesey), Add. MS. 15,025, f. 80«. Cf. daldal, Mab., ii, p. 54
(R B. Mab., p. 285, 1. 12); benndraphenn, Y S. Gr., p. 344; ben dra mwnwgl.
Cf. Add. MS. 15,027, f. 816: fe aeth ein gwlad ni (fal y dywaid trigo- lion
Deheubarth) yn bendramwnwgl (Lettcr to Owen Jones); I have met also with a
verb formed from this expression. [22.] Eirmoet, eiryoet, Z. 2 , p. 616 ('
unquam'). Erioed, Sp., Bict?, yrioed, irioed, Sal., N. T; irioed, Add. MS.
31,055, f. 200a (Dr. Thos. Williams); yrioed, ib. 31,057, f. 169.a; S. O.:
ario'd, ii, p. 262; iii, pp. 384, 447; N.-W., yrioud, rioud, Yr Arw., etc.
Cf. er and yr (duw), etc, the phonetics of which are also obscure to me as
regards their dialectal distribution. Ysgwers, Z. 2 , p. 616('dudum, iam
dudum'); Richards, Dict.: gwers, 'a while'; ym pengwers, 'a whileafter',
S.-W.; see YCymmr. f viii, p. 152: S.-W. yn awr, 'nawr = N.-W. rŵan; L.
Morris, Add. MS. 14,923, f. 133/>: S.-W. ynawr ag eilwaith = N.-W. ynŷan
ag yn y man, 'now and then'; YTraeth., iii, p. 12: S.-W. awr ac enyd = N.-W.
byth a hefyd. S.-W. awr ac orig (e.g , Can. y C, p. 461, • bob amser' in the
margin) = N.-W. o hyd, trwy gydol yr amser (ib.). N.-W. yn uuion deg, '
imniediately' (colloqu.), Rowland, Graminý, p. 114. Ilnghes, 1823, p. 35:
S.-W. bron, o'r bron = N.-W. yn rhestr (sic). Braidd, 'just, hardly,
scarcely; nearly, almost', Sp., Dict. 3; L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,944, f. 386:
braidd, ' hardly, scarcely'; braidd na, ' prope', " corruptè in N. and
S. W. braint"; a'so ib., î. 40a: 1V a 'general corruption''; so: braint
na luddasai 'r naill y llall. Brain really occurs; cf. S. Gomer, 1851, p. 99:
brain y gaffo i, (ilamorgansh.; P. C, Jan. 22, 1859: brain o beth yw segura
fel hyn, Ebbw Vale. 1 suppose that ' braint' is merely an 1 1 yiuologising
orthograiîhy, and that brain represents braidd-na. Anglesey, Add. MS. 14,944,
f. 576: ar y cyngyd, ' just a doing'; Can. y C, pp. 379, 400, 569: 'n
immwngc, explained in the margin |
disymwth'; cf. yngo, 'hard by' (Dosp. Ed., §901), e.g., Pettwn hebddo, yngo
angerdd, Daf. ab Gw., p. 255; Yngo o Heiwordd hyd yn Nghynvig, L. Glyn Cothi,
p. 36; wnc, ' hard by', Dosp. Ed., I. c.; echwng; rhwng, see Y Cymmr., viii,
p. 129. Hayach, haeach, haeachen, passim haechen, fere, Davies, Dict.,
haiach, haiachen, ' instantaneously; almost, most', Sp., Dict. 3; hay- chen,
Davies, Gramm., p. 147; hayachen, Mab., ii, p. 247 (R. B. Máb., p. 142); heb
wybod haychen, beth yw . . . . , Y Drych Chr., f. (3); ar haychen (marg.
agos) boddi, Can. y C, p. 340; haychen (marg. agos, oddieithr, ychydig), ib.,
p. 350; haychen (marg. ym mron, agos), ib., p. 538. Ychydig, now commonly
chydig, is often written bychydic in Middle-W.; on this word (Ychan for
Fychan is also often met with) see my Notes on W. Cons. (Rev. Ceìt., ix, p.
76, etc). Rhagor (subst.) in N.-W. is gwahaniaeth (Ll. y Resol.), ' differ-
ence'; in parts of S. W. rhagor (adv., ' more') is [the same as] ychwaneg
(chwaneg), Richards, Dict., Hughes, 1823, p. 36, etc. [23.] To emphasise an
assertion several adjectives like ofnadwy, cynddeiriog, anghomon
('uncommon'), ffiaidd, etc, with yn are used in vulgar language in different
dialects, and sometimes interesting phonetic alterations have been made.
Sweet, p. 431, gives novnátsan, which he thinhs to be for yn ofnadwy faswn.
Ffaswn (Eng. ' fashion'), when unstressed loses its first syllable; cf . y
mae bud na welist ti rioud siwn beth yma, Yr Arw., Dec. 11, 1856; welis i rot
siwn beth, ib., June 20, 1859; rptswn, ' ever the like, ever' = riöyd faswn,
Sweet. I do not, however, think that it is contained in ofnadsan, although 1
cannot explain the latter, or do more than give a number of other altera-
tions of ofnadwy. Cf. Y Traeth., iii, p. 12: ofnadwy, ofnaswy, in Ardudwy
(Meri- oneth) afnadsan; Yr Arw.: ofnadsan, üct. 30, 1856; ofnatsan, March 3,
1859; peth rhyfadd ofnedsan, Feb. 12, 1857 (sic); mi gafodd le da afnadsan,
yn rhyfedd afnadsan gini, May 7, 1857; S. Cymru: ofnatsan, iii, pp. 103, 186;
Y Gweìth.; ofnaclsen, 1858, No. 1 (Aberdare); Y Bed.: wyt ti 'n depyg afnatyw
i dy dacl, viii, p. 106 (Monmouthsh.); yn ofnatyw, p. 174. In Neath afnadw;
afnaswy, YrArw., Dec. 11, 1856. Yn ofnad- widd (Yr Ams., Jan. 14, 1847, in a
S.-W. letter, on which see Y Cymmr., ix, p. 118) is probably more than a
varying ortho- graphy (as towi might be said for tywydd, the final -dd not
being pronounced), for a native of Anglesey was famihar with it too. |
NOUNS, The change of o and o is frequent in the dialects. See on this poiüt
my Beitr., p. 52; and cf. eidrol ( = eidral), Lhuyd, Arch. Brit., p. 279,
s.v. ' Ivie'; molwan, pl. molwod in Anglesey (malwan in Carn. = malwen, '
snail'), afol in Anglesey (afal in Carn., like gofol, dafod, Beitr., §57);
andros in Arvon and Angl., Rhŷs, Ilibb. Lect., p. 200, n. 1; myolchan in
Neath (= mwyalchen), anglodd, ib. (= angladd), etc. But in afnadwy I really
think a to be older, since *afan would explain the S.-W. ofan. besides ofon
(Beitr., §63). Shoe and shaw are used in the same sense. Cf. ac yr w'i yn eu
licio yn shöe, S. C., i, p. 411; yr ydwi yn ffond shoe o ydrach .... ib., ii,
p. 487; a'u bod wedi gueyd shoe o ddrwg, p. 186, etc. (Merio- nethsh.
dialect); shoy o Sbarthwr (= dosbarthwr) i chi, dduliwn (= feddyliwn) i, Yr
Ams., Nov. 16, 1848. P. C, 29: ac y mae yn shaw o gwiddyl (= cywìlydd, like
giddyl = gilydd) iddi nhw; y ma' yma beth shaw o de a theisan; shaw o ddioni
(= daioni, daoni), Ebbw Vale; Yr Ams., Jan. 14, 1847: 'n show, S.W.; Y Gwron
Cymr., May 6, 1852: ma rhwy shew o beth. Shaw, a ' great deal' (afnadw, ofan
in Neath). If shoe is not the last syllable of ofnaswy, I cannot explain it.
In S. Gomer, i (1814), 19, are quoted from the Dimetian dialects: caru merch
yn ofuadwy, yu embydus, edrych yu ofnadwy (= yn graff) ar eu gilydd, merched
yn lân (or bert) ofnadwy, embydus (= yn brydweddol, yu landeg iawn). Twenty
years before (that is, in the last century) ffamws was often used in these
places. In Glam., merch lân fudr, benyw lan fudr. With budr (' dirty, nasty,
filthy, foul, vile', Sp., Dict?) cf. Glam. budyr = N.-W. cethin, Ilughes,
1823, p. 34; N.-W. budrog = puttain (S.-W.), Hanes y Ffydd, 1677; S.-W. brwnt
= N.-W. budr; S.-W. soga = N.-W. dynes fudr, Y Gicyl, vi (1828), p. 207. Cf.
also Cambr. Journ., iii, p. 246: Dimet. mai 'n dewi ŵer iawn, ymbeidis,
embydus (in S. C. also printed ombeidus) = West Glam. niai 'n dywydd ôr
(Monm. and E. Glam. gôr) iawn (or fine unco- mon); Dimet. merch lâu iawn (or
odiaeth) yw hi = West Glam. m. lân iawu, sometimes (so Monm. and E. Glam.)
lân fudyr. Ebbw Vale, P. C, Feb. 4, 1860: bydd yn dda budr, fe fiiodd slawer
dydd yn dotal budr; ib., anghòmon and yn greulon are used. Iolo Morganwg
remarks, in Cyfrinach Beirdd Yn. P>\, 1829, p. 238: y niae .... yn ymhoffi
'n fawr (nou >/» ffîaidd, fal y dywedant ym Meirion; ynfudr yw gair
Morganwg). Y Traeth., iii, p. 12: dynes lân arw (garw). Cf. wedi gacl blesser
garw iawn, )V Ams., Dec. 3, 1846; bod arni eisio y wlanen garw iawn, ini
gcfis helunt garw iawn hefyd hefo dyn, Yr Anc, Dec. 11, 1856; |
ADJECTIVES, AND ADVERBS. 279 Y Traeth., l. c.: dyma beth clws
(for tlws) ofnadwy, gwych aflawen, da gynddeiriog, cryf anafus; cf. also yn
rywinol iawn, Yr Ams., Sept. 10, 1849 (gerwinol); yn ryswydus, Nov. 29, 1849
(= arswy- dus), etc. [24.] ISTauiyn, Z. 2 , p. 620 (' tantum'), is the modern
form, and also that most frequent in Mid.-W., but atnyn, yn amyn, and namwyn
occur also in older texts. Cf. MS. A: anien, p. 46 (4 times); amýn, p. 125;
also in MS. B (Tit. D 2), f. 37«: amýn. Namin, A, pp. 57, 58, 59, etc.; in
these pages i fory, oftener writtene, is especially frequent; cf. gustil and
guestel, gustel, kamrit, idin, aegilid. Namen, pp. 3, 46, etc. Naman, p. 58
(thrice), p. 66. Cf. on these same pages kafreis, llana, kanas, pp. 57, 59,
etc.; see my Beitr., §33. Kannas (= canys) occurs also four times in a late
15th century fragment in Hgt. MS. 57 (the fìrst three pages of an otherwise
unlmown Welsh version of, appa- rently, Perceval le Gallois), in which also
occur yneidiev and dyrebvd. Namuin, p. 58; namuyn, p. 59, etc.; namun, p. 58.
The last (cf. racu, ib. (= raccw), gustlaf) represents namwn from namwyn. On
p. 58 alone there thus occur 1 namin, 3 naman. 1 namuin (1 namun). Cf. B.
ofCarm.: namuin, Nos. v, ^"yii 1; B. o/Herg.: namwyn, Sk., ii, p. 249;
namóyn, col. 1186 (Poem of Góynnuard Brecheinyaóc); Ll. Gw. Bh.: namwyn, p.
135 (Bown o H.); MS. CT.B5: namwyn, ff. 178«, 191«, 2166; nammwyn, f. 175«;
Add. MS. 14,869: drudyon a veirtyon (avawl neb dragon)namwyn dreic ae
dirper,f. 80« (Cynddelw); namwyn, f. 109«; ny chaffad gwrthep namwyn
gwyrtheu, f. 113ô (Gwynnuart Brycheinyawc); Add. MS. 19,709: amynn, f. 17ô;
MS. S: ynamyn, f. 90«. Sal., iV. T.: amyn, ff. 52a, 54«, 626, 716, 77«, etc.;
n'amyn, ff. 526, 1276; yn amyn, f. 305«; y namyn, f. 1116; namin, f. 336;
namyn often. Iolo MSS., p. 253: namn ei eni (Chwedlau V doethion, No. 32).
Pughe gives naniwyn, namyn, nam, amyn; named fi ( cf. Vann. Bret. nemedouf,
etc), etc. 1 Ff. llfl and 25a; Sk., ii, pp. 8, 19 (respectively). |
NOUNS, The explanation of these words presents great diíticulties, and I can
only proffer a few guesses. The existence of the Corn. lemmyn (not from
*lle-amyn, but from *nemmyn by means of dissimilation) and namnag, Bret.
nemet, nemed (Vann. nemeit, meit), with suffixed pronouns, like nem-of in
Welsh (see YCymmr., viii, p. 127), make it at least probable that nam-yn, not
aniyn (*am-hyn?), is the older form, though the contrary view is not
untenable, as mae, explained by ym-ae, has its counterpart in Breton too. The
Ir. nammá strikes us at fìrst, but its regular connection with acht, ' but',
has suggested the explanation acht na-m-bá, containing the relative pronoun;
and the Ir. amîn, amne, ' so', might ecjually well be taken into
consideration. Nam, -au (Sp., Did. z ) is ' a mark, maim, fault, exception',
nainu, ' to blemish; to except'. Viewed from this side namyn might be *nam-hyn,
like noson from *nos-hon. At any rate, *am or *nam remains, and I will now
consider the relation of namwyn to namyn. If I am right in comparing eiswys
and eisys (see below, §26), namyn may be the outcome of *namwn from namwyn,
the changes being due to the shifting of the accent; for the verbal ending
-wys, -ws has never yielded *-ys. However, the frequent position of these ad-
verbs as proclitics or enclitics may have produced, under circumstances not
exactly known, such doublets as eiswys, eisys. 1 If I am wrong in this, and
if aniwyn has also nothing to do with Ir. amîn (J and wy from *ê), then I can
only adduce etwaeth, oddynaeth (ynaeth, Rgt. MS. 202 (bis), f. 22b 2; Y
Cymmr., vii, p. 125), in which *-ac-to- has been found, and explain namwyn
from *nam-wg-n (like dwyn, amwyn). I really think this last the most probable
of all these suggestions, 1 Although they are not connected with the prcsent
cjucstion, I will mention hcre ellai besidcs fallai (for ef allai, 'perhaps';
in Anglcsey hwrach); acha bora (= ar ucha bore), Glam. Inrheg Urien, 11. 7,
11 = Sk., ii, p. 292, 11.:î, 7. |
it would not exclude the comiection of nam-yn with namwyn. [25.] Nachaf,
nychaf is one of the words in which a pre- fixed preposition ceased to he
felt to be a separate word. Cf. ynachaf, nachaf; ynychaf, Ll. Gw. Rh., pp.
21, 25, 28; y nýchaf, MS. Gl. B 5,
f. 10«; Sal., N. T.: nycha, f. 3«; nacha, f. 1716; nachaf, 1776. Davies, Dict., has an obsolete ycha, ' en, ecce'. Nachaf is yn
with the superlative of ach. Cf. Z. 2 , p. 694: ach y law; ach: ych like am:
ym-; B. of An. 1: ech e dir ae dreuýcl. I look with more confidence on "
ech corrupte pro edrych, Car- narvonsh. and Montgomerysh." (L. Morris,
Add. MS. 14,909, ff. 52«., 69« (thrice) ), since I have found it frequently
used in Hanesion o'r Hcn Oesoedd, 1872 (Carnarvonshire dialect), e.g.: mi af
yn awr i ech am dano, p. 60; dwydwch y doi i e'ch am dano, p. 66; pan eis i'r
tir ac e'ch i fynu, p. 150. Davies' ycha might perhaps belong to it, unless
this is abstracted from yn ycha, and has no separate existence at all. [26.]
Eisoes, eiswys, eisys, adv., ' lihewise; already', Sp., Dict? Cf.eissoes,eissyoes,the
common Middle-W. form; eisóys, in MS. Tit.B 22,f.l0«, is given by Powel(F
Gymmr.,iv, p.107) amongst the Dimetian peculiarities of this MS. Perhaps
" South-Welsh" in general might be said, for cf. Ll. Gw, Rh.
eisswys, pp. 188, 204, etc.; MS. Gl. B 5 (Gwent. dial.) eissiwýs, f. 326;
eisswýs, f.41«; eiswýs, f. 50«; eisswis, f. 78« Barddas, i: eiswys, p. 78,
etc.; Can. y G., p. 430: eiswys (in rhyme with prynwys, pron. prynws?); Sal.,
N. T.: eisus {marg. esioes), Gwel.L, f. 376«; eisius, ff. 786, 309«; eusus,
f. 3306 (R. D.); E. Llwyd, Arch. Brit., Bref.: etSíS, eysys. 2 I cannot
explain these words. Arlloesi is in S.-W. allwys; dioer, diwyr are
unexplained (see my Beitr., §106). On the possible relation between eiswys
and eisys, see §24. [27.] Ysywaeth, adv., ' more the pity/ Sp., Dict? Cf.
Corn. 1 God., Síanza xiii; Sk., ii, p. 66. 2 First and Iast pp. VOL. IX. U |
NOTJNS, syweth, soweth, Breton siouaz (in Vann. siouac'h). As in Corn.,
ysowaeth, osowaeth are frequent in Welsh. So yssowaith, Add. MS. 14,986, f.
42« (16th cent.); ossoweth, ib. 14,973, f. 107« (Araith Ieuan Brydydd Hir};
osowaith, osywaith, Hope, Pocms (1765); ysowaeth, Can. y C, p. 13; etto
'soweth, p. 325 (y fo gwaeth, p. 393). L. Morris (Add. MS. 14,944, ff. 985,
148&) calls it a N.-W. word; so Davies, Dict, 1: " Venedot.
ysywaeth, ' quod magis miserandum'; Demet, gweitheroedd vel gwaetheroedd."
Cf. góaethiroed duó heb 6j, B. of Hcrg., col. 411 (Yst, cle Car. Mag. 2; and,
in the same passage, gwaethiroed duw. lieb wy, öampeu Charlijmaen, Ll. Gw.
Ph., p. 51); a gwaethiroed nas lladawd, ib., p. 128; gwaethirodd, Stowe MS.
672, f. 556. A combination of yssywaeth and gwaethiroedd is yssy- waethiroed,
Bown o H, Ll. Gw. Ph,, p. 146; Aeth Herast, yswaetheroedd ! | Yn drist, L.
Gl. Cothi, Poems, p. 38, v. 15, where the editors note: " yswaetheroedd
= yswaetherwydd; ysywaeth, Alas ! " Cf. gwaetherwydd, ' alas,' Sp.,
Dict. 3 These last forms recall the problem of eisoes and eiswys. On
agatfydd, agatoedd, etc, see Y Cijìnmr., ix, p. 98. [28.] The preposition oc,
o (see Y Cymmr., viii, pp. 135-9), also ac, a, is interesting on various
accounts. On its com- position with a pronominal element (*son-?) see /. c.
Oc is no longer used, and it is said to have been (iwentian; it is, however,
frequent in all earlier Middle W. MSS. Cf. oc eu kereynt, MS. A, p. 41; B,
ff. 16a, 37«; B. of Carm., i. 3lb (Sk., ii, p. 27): Megittor oc ev guir. vý.
hir alanas; Hgt. MS. 202: oc eu herwỳd (bis), f. 22b; oc eu korff, f.
26« 3; B. of Herg.: oc eu hystoryaeu 6y, col. 229; oc eu hol, col. 202; oc
aóch gweithretoed, col. G20; Add. MS. 19,709, ff. 9&, 14«, 18/): 6ynt a
wnaetliant aerua diruaór oc eu gelynyon, f. 26«; ny orffoóyssóys Gw. oc eu
liymlit— hyt pan vei oc eu golut 6y ykyfoethogei ynteu y teulu, f. 66b; LI.
Gw. Rh.: at eu diwreido oc eu chwant. ac eu 1 s. v. 'Gweitheroedd'. 2 Cy mmro
dorion edition, p. 30. 3 Y Cymmr., vii, pp. 125 (cf. Sk., ii, p. 292) and
135. |
28."» dryc dynyaeth, p. 282; Y S. Gr., pp, 61, 127; MS. Cl.
B 5: oc eu parth wynteu, f. 234a, col. 1, etc. On *oc in rhoc,
rhac, see Y Cymmr., viii, pp. 127-8; the Breton raok should be
considered too. Cf. raok, Le Gonidec; Tréc. en he raoc ha var he lerc'h =
Vann. en hé raug hag hé goudé (in the Tréc. and Vann. translations of Introd.
ad vitam devotam); e'rauc, l'A* * *, Dict., s. v. ( devant',
e'm-rauc, e'm oun-rauc, etc.); araug hag ardran, Rev. Celt., vii, p.
330 (Vann.); arôg, (Bas Vann.). A is frequent in Middle-W. MSS. in
expressions like cam a beth, da a was, etc. Cf. B. of Carm.: maur a
teith ý deuthan, f. lb, Sk., ii, p. 231; B. of Herg.: truan a
chwedyl a dywedyd, Sk., ii, p. 231; Ll. Gw. Rh.: da a was; mawr a
beth, pp. 129, 141, 165; aghywir a beth; glew a beth, p. 125; dewr a was, pp.
125-6; praff a beth, p. 136; truan a beth, p. 156; ys drwc a chwedyl, p. 165.
For the modern language, I find given in Rowland, Exerc, p. 143, as
S.-W. druan â (druan âg ef, druan â chwi) for druan o'r dyn, druan o hono;
and, as used in colloquial language, druan oedd y dyn, druan oeddych chwi,
druan oeddynt hwy. Sp. Dict. 3 . s. v. ys, has: ys truan o ddyn
wyf fi, 'wretched man that I am.' (Cf. Davies, Dict.: Er asseveratio,
Demet. pro Venedot. ys; but perhaps this obseiwation is only
abstracted from his "N.-W. ysywaeth, S.-W. gwaetheroedd," see §27.)
Druan oedd y dyn looks like a faulty orthography for druan odd y dyn = druan
o'r dyn; cf. the S.-W. use of odd for o before the article, Y Gymmr.,
viii, p. 146. I cannot, however, decide this question. Druan ydy nhw! Yr
Arw., Aug. 20, 1857, points, of course, in the other direction. [29.] Ac,
a, occurs frequently, and in the modern language regularly, before the
relative pronouns a and y, with or without the article, whilst oc,
o is the Middle W. form of the preposition in this combination. There
occur oc a, ac a, or a (o'r), ar a (a'r), and, later on, also ag alone,
infecting the initial consonant of the verb it governs. |
NOUNS, Cf. MS. Z, p. 275: o pob iar ac a uo ynny ty = or a uo, MS. ./, = oc a
uo, MSS. M, 0, Q, 7 1 , = a uo, MSS. J, S; L, p. 250: ygkyueir pop kymh6t or
y kerda6 drostaó = oc k. d., MSS. Q, T, = y k. d., MS. S, = a k. d., MSS. J, 0?; L, p.
189: o bop carcharaór oc y diotto heyrn y arnnaó = or y d., MSS. J, 31, P, =
y d., MS Q; L, p. 191: ympob ty y del = oc y del, MS. J, = or j del, MS. 31;
MS. Q, p. 562: yspeilet ef oc a vo yindanaó o dillat. Ll. Gw. Rh.: yny
diffrwythont oc an gwelo yn ymlad, p. 98. Wms., Hgt. MSS., ü: pawb oc ae
darlleo, p. 297. Y S. Gr.: na dim oc ellit y drossi ar enryded (oc a). B. of Herg.: ba6b or ae gwelei, col. 613; or a uacker. Lì. Gw.
Rh.: ar nyt arbetto idaw ehun, p. 2; or a vei reit, p. 3; or a gaffat, p. 6;
drwy arogleu ac eu harogleuei, p. 7 (' for those who would smell them'); ac a
uynnwys . . . . ac ar nys mynnawd, p. 22; ac ar nyt ymchwelws a las, p. 22;
ac ar ny las . . . . p. 26; pawb or aoed, p. 30, etc. Add. MS. 19,709: o bob
keluydyt or y gellit, f. 9b; ym pop lle or y bei reit; ar ny ladadoed
onadunt, f. 15«. MS. Cl. B 5: or a hanoedỳnt o, f. \ob; ar nỳ las
onadunt, f. hb. Sal., N. T.: bop peth ar y wnaethoeddoedd (sic), f. 208a; o
pob peth ar y weloedd ef, f. 373a. On this use of y cf. Y Cymmr., viii, p.
150. Marchog Crwydrad (17th cent.): pob dillad ag a archei .... ei gwneuthur,
p. 3 (Pt. i, ch. 3); os pob peth ag a gassao y naill fo càr y llall, p. 2
(Ch. 2), etc.; os is used here as in Add. MS. 14,921. Can. y C: pob ffôlineb
ag a wnaetho i, p. 63; nid oes uu dŷn ag 'aner, p. 332; Hope, Poems }
1765: i bob peth ag sydd wrthnebus, p. 83, etc. [30.] Like oc: ac (cf. also
YCymmr., viii, p. 117), os, ot,or (' wlien'), which are o, from oc, with
pronoininal elements affixed, occur, but rarely, as a, as, at, ar; these
latter forms are hardly common in any text but Salesbury's N. T. Cf. a bydd y
tuy yn teilwng, f. 15a; a 's byddwch, f. 8a; a 's dugy dy rodd i'r alLor, f.
7a; ad wyf vine yn ei gwneuthur = os ydwyf yn eu gwneuthur, ed. 1873. Ani,
anid: any bydd, f. 7a; anid, f. 5a; any darllenasoch, f. 18a (also addù ithr,
f. 260&, etc.) In some notes on the orthography followed in Llẁer
Gw. Gyffr., 1586, as reprinted thence in Llyfr. y C, p. 34, " a ' if or
whether' for o", " as for a ys or os'\ are mcntioned. In the spoken
language ys before consonants, 's before vowels, also ynd for ond, etc, are
used. Cf. Cab.few. T.: ys dechreuith hi son am y beibl, p. 108; 's ydi o'n
fyw a tase bosib i mi gael i |
ddrecsiwn o, p. 80; Caledfryn, Gramm. 2 , p. 114: ouid oes, pro- nounced 'un
does; Yr Arw.: 'does yno ddim ynd hen wr, Oct. 2, 1856; peth hawdd ydi dyud
tos neb ynd ychunan yn gwbod sut yr odd hi, ib.; ynd ran hyny (' but as to
this' — ), May 28, 1857, etc. Onide, pron. ontê, 'is it?'; äntê in
Carnarvonsh., Sweet, p. 411. [31.] On behct, bet, see Ehŷs in Rev.
Celt., vi, p. 57. Davies (Dict., s.w.) twice mentions fecl Demet. = hyd
Venedot., 1 usque ad'. In Dosp. Ed., §§543, 925, S.-W. med is given. Sorne
further details on divers nominal prepositions (Zeuss, G. C.\ pp. 691-698),
etc, are: S.-W. ym mysg = N.-W. ym mhlith, Hughes, p. 33; N.-W. cyfyl = S.-W.
yn agos, Y Cyf Dyfyr (Euthin), p. 78; N.-W. ynghylch, oddeutu = S.-W. obeutu,
Y Traeth., iii, p. 14 (see YCymmr., viii, p. 159, and add obothtu, or bofftu,
used at Neath). Gwent. cera a dos o bothdy dy fisnis, minda dy fusnes =
Demet. gofala ani dy fisnis, Camb. Joum., iii, p. 248. This word is too
widely spread to be exphiined as an Anglo- Welsh f orm introducing Eng. boiìi
for deu in o-ddeu-tu, so we nmst goback to o-bob-tu, o boptu, and ascribe ph,
(Jfîov p) to an h developed by the accent. I have, however, no similar
examples except dathod, daffod: dattod? L. Morris, Add. MS. 14,923, f. 133«:
S.-W. gwyddeneb = N.-W, gyferbyn, pron. gwydderbyn (sic); godderbyn, see Y
Cymmr., vii, p. 235. S.-W. serch in the sense of tros, er, Eichards, Dict.
Liw dydd, liw nos, ' by day, by night', Powel, Y Cymmr., vi, p. 138. [32.]
Men, myn (' where') are frecpaently usecl in the poems printed by Skene and
in the Myv. Arch. Cf. B. of An.: men na bei, men ýd ýnt eilýassaf elein, Y
God., Stanzas 43, 54, 1 etc. It is an oblique case of man, ' place', and has
been retained in the Breton dialect of Vannes (ménn, ' where'). April mii,
1888. i 8k., ii, pp. 76, 79. |
NOUNS, ETC. As to cynnagpwy, etc. (see YOymmr. f ix, p. 118-9), I have since
found in the Marchog Crwydrad (Y Brython, vol. v, 1863, p. 368 1 ): ein
cyfoeth, gynnag p'un a fo genytn ai ychydìg ai llawer. In the same text
occur: ei dechreuad cynnaf, yn gynnaf, y dechreuad cynnaf p. 7 (cyntaf), of
which form two examples are found iu the Add. MS. 14,921, which contains so
many exaniples of cynnag pwy. Pwy hynnag and cyntaf occur scores of times in
the Marchog Cricydrad; but since the editor states in the preface to his
edition that he often introduced modern Welsh orthography, one cannot tell
whether gynnag, cynnaf were ordi- narily altered by him into bynnag, cyntaf,
or whether they really occur only once or twice in the MS. The editor says
(Preface, p . 2) " bod yr ysgrifenydd wedi myned yn fynych i eithafion
gwerinaidd y dafodiaith hòno [i.e., y Ddeheubartheg]"; the language, as
far as the scanty remains of dialect permit nie to judge, agrees more than
that of any other text I lcnow of with that of the Gwentian Add. MS. 14,921.
Now theoccur- rence of both cynnag pwy and cynnaf (cf. also ond cygynned ag y
cìywo ef flas pechod, p. 369 2 ) in these two texts renders the suggestion I
made /. c. almost certain to me; viz., that pwy gyntaf and pwy bynnag were
mixed up, and that, in the Hmited district to which these two MSS. be- long,
cynna(f) and bynna, bynnag caused cynnag to be formed; cynnaf itself was
probably caused by cyn. Since, however, at present only cynta pwy seems to be
used, it remains a question whether the simi- larity of cynna and bynna
caused cynnag, cynta being afterwards intro- duced instead of cynna(g), or
whether cynta(f) and bynna(g) were directìy mixed up, and cynna(g) lived only
for a certain time or in a certain dialect, as long as or where cynna(f), for
cyntaf, was used. May 28th, 1888. NOTES BY PROFESSOR RHYS. P. 264,1. 24. —
Llefydd is also the Southwalian form, and is in no way parallel to torfŷdd,
etc, as it is accented on the first syllable. It seems to be formed after the
analogy of such words as tre\ trefydd. P. 269, 1. 27. — Onithtar. In thevale
of (îlamorgan I have heard this niade into cnfftar. P. 278, 1. 19. — Shoe.
This word is one of the forms taken in Welsh by the English "show",
and we say in N. Eeredigion: 7»« sio'e o bobol ' n edrach ar y sióe, "
there is a sliow (a sight = multitude) of people looking at the show (the
menagerie)". For sióe o bobol we might also Bay pwër o bobol, where we
employ tlie English word " power" as it is sometirnes used in
Englisli. 1 Pt. iii, ch. 6; Reprint, p. 50, col. 1. - Jl>.; Rcprint, p.
51, col. 1. |
Index to Abbreviations in the Above Article.
Egerton Phillimore.
Y Cymmrodor. Cyfrol IX.
Tudalennau 287-259
A". A * * *: see "PA * * *" Ab Iolo: = Taliesin ab Iolo. See
" Cyfrinach, etc", " Iolo MSS." abbrev.: abbreviatiou.
Add. MS.: = one of the collection of "Additional MSS." in the
British Museuin, which comprises (inter alia) the two great Welsh collec-
tions of the Welsh School aud the Cymmrodorion Society. Add. MS. 14,931
(" Welsh School MS."): see " MS. E". Add. MS. 15,055: see
" W. Lleyu, Yocab." Add. MS. 22,356 (" Cynnurodorion
MS."): see " MS. <S ,M . Add. MS. 31,055: see "Thos.
Williams, Dr." Ams.: see " IV Ams." An.: Aneuriu: see "B.
of An." Angl.: Anglesea. Apr.: April. Araith Ieuan Brydydd Hir: 'the
speech of Icuan Brydydd Hir (Hynaff, who fi. 1440-1470. The copy cited is
that iu Add. MS. 14,973. Araith y Trwstan: ' the Awkward One's Speech'. The
name of a long poem by Siou Tudur (died 1602). The copy cited is that iu Add.
MS. 14,987. Arch. Brit.: Edward Lhuyd's [cdias Lhwyd] "Archieologia
Britannica, etc, vol. i, Glossography" [all published] (Üxford, 1707,
folio). Note. The Welsh Preface (At y Cymry) of 6 pages, quoted more than
once, is unpaged. Arch. Camb.: " Arch&ologia Cambrensis; the Journal
of the Cambrian Archaîological Association", 1846, etc. (4 Series
completed and a 5th in progress). Ardudwy: This district comprises the
littoral of Merionethshire between the Mawddach and the Traeth Bach. Arw.:
see li Yr Arw." At y C'ymry: ' To the Welsb.' See "Arch.
Brit." Aug.: August. B: see " MS. B\ B.: see " R. B.
Mab." B. of An.: Book of Aneurín. B. ofAn., God. (or YGod.): id., The
Gododin. The original MS. (13th cent.) was in the late Sir Thomas Philhpps'
coliection at Middle |
NOUNS, ETC. Hill, Worcestershire (now in the possession of his son-in-law,
Mr. Fenwick, of Cheltenham), and contains (1) the Gododin, (2) the Gorchanau,
viz., Gorchan Tmlficlch, G. Adebon, G. Cyn- felyn, and G. Maelderw. The
editions quoted are (1) that of Mr. Skeue in his Four Ancient Booìcs of
Wales, vol. ii, pp. 62-107, purportiug to represent the whole of the origiual
MS. (Neither lines nor stanzas are nurnbered in this editiou.) (2) Williams
ab Ithel's Y Gododìn (Llaudovery, 1852, 8vo.), containing only the Gododin
without the Gorchanau , and edited from copies of the aboye-named MS. and
others. (Both lines aud stauzas are num- bered in this edition.) Other
editions of the whole Book are to be found in the Myv. Arch. (lst and 2nd
eds.), aud of the Gododin aloue in Stephens' work, " The Gododin of
Aneurìn Gwawdrydd, 1 * printed by the Cymmrodorion Society. See " Sk.
(or Skene), ii." B. of Carm.: This meaus the " Black Book of
Carmarthen" (Hengwrt MS. 11). The references are (1) to the pages of Mr.
Skeue's edition in qp. cit., vol. ii, pp. 3-Gl; (2) to the folios of the
autotype Facsimile of the MS., brought out by J. Gwenogvryn Evans (Oxford,
1888), The MS. is of the late 12th aud. early 13th centuries. See ''Sk. (pr
Skene), ii." B. of Herg.: This meaus (not the White, but) the Red Book
of Hergest, a MS. of the 14th cent. in the Library of Jesus Coll., Oxford.
The references are (1) to the MS„ numbered (not by folios, but) by coîumns;
(2) to the pages of the Tcxt of the Mabinogion, ( tc.,from the Hed Book of
Hergest, edited by Professor Rhŷs and J. Gwen- ogvryn Evans (Oxford,
1887): see " R. B. Mab."; (3) to the pages of Skene, op. cit., vol.
ii (pp. 218-308), where parts of the poetry in this MS. (coll. 577-585 and
102G-105G) purport to be reproduced. See " Sk. (or Skene), ii." B.
of S'l. Clíad: The Book of St. Chad iu the Library of the Dean and Chapter of
Lichíield Cathedral: a late 7th- or early 8th-ceutury Irish MS. of the Latin
Gospels, with Welsh marginal entries i>t the 8th and 9th centuries. Those
cited for the word maharuìn (p. 2G7 siijj)-a) are of the (? later) ninth
century, and by the same scribe. (This book is often cited by Zeu.-ís and
otliers as the Lichjuhl ('ni/i.r or Codi x Lichf.) Note. — The longer Welsh
entries in bhis MS. purport to be re- produced as an Appendix to Lih. Land.
(<j. v.), pp. *271-4. /;. of TaL: Book nf' Taliessin (Hengwrt .l/.s'. 17,
a MS. of about the middle of the 18th cent.). The references are to the pages
of Skene, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 108-217, wliere this MS. purports to be
reproduced. See "Sk. (or Skene), ii", and "MS. V, W". -
Barddas: or,;i Collection of Original Docuincnts, illustrative of the
Theology, Wisdom, and Usagesof the Bardo-Druidic Systein of the |
Isle of Britain; . . . . by the Kevd. J. Williams ab Ithel. For the Welsh
MSS. Society, Llaudovery, etc, 1862" (vol. i). Note. — Only part of vol.
ii published. Bas-Cornouaillais: = the Breton dialect of Lower (i.e.,
Western) Cor- nouaille, comprising the S.W. of the Dépt. of Finistère. Bas
Vanu.: Bas-vannetais, i.e., the Breton dialect of the lower (=: western) part
of the Pays de Vannes, including (roughly speahing) the couutry betweeu the
rivers Scorff (on the E.) and Ellé (on the W.), in the Dépt. of Morbihan.
Batz: means the Bourg de Batz, near the mouth of the Loire (De'pt. of
Loire-ÌDférieure), not the Ile de Batz, in the Pays de Le'on (Dépt. of
Finistère). Ernault has written on the isolated Breton dialect of Batz in
Rev. Celt., iii. Bed,: see " Y Bed. v Beitr.: " Beiträge zur
cymrischen grammatik. (einleitung und voca- lismus.) der philosophischen
facultät der universität in Leipzig als dissertation zur erlangung der
philosophischen doctorwürde eiu- gericht von Max Nettlau, aus Neuwaldegg iu
Niederösterreich. Leipzig, märz-april 1887." Bibl. Bodl.: (see "
Cambrica") Bibliotheca Bodleiana. Bodl.: = one of the Bodley MSS. in
that Library. Bown o H.: Bown o Hamtwn; i.e., the Welsh version of Sir Bevis
of Hampton, preserved in the Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (see under " Ll. Gw.
PJi.") and the Red Booh of Hergest. Brec.: Breconshire, alias
Brecknockshire. Bret.: see " Rev. de Bret." Brit.: see "Arch.
BriO C: (1) Cymru. See " Can. y C", " Llyfr. >j C",
" S. C." C: (2) Cymreig. See " P. C" C: see " MS.
C". C 2: see " G. 6'. 2 ", " Zeuss". Cab. few.T.:
Caban fewythr Tomos. The work cited is: " Aelwyd fewythr Robert,
neuhancs Caban feuythr Tomos, gan William liees [Gwilym Hiraethog], Dinbych
[Denbigh], 1853." Note. — Not to be confounded with Caban fewyrth Twm,
the Welsh translation of Uncle Toni's Cabiu (Cassell, London, 1853, and other
editions). Caledfryn, Gramm. 2: = the second edition of the Grammadeg Cymreig
of Gwilym Caledfryn CWilliam Williams), 1870. Calig.: see " MS.
Calig." Camb.: Cambrensis: see " Arch. C«?/ti." Cambr. (1):
Cambrian: see " Cambr. Journ. v Cambr. (2): Cambrica [by Whitley
Stokes], in the " Transactions of the Philological Society for
1860-1", comprising, " i. (pp. 20-1-232), The Welsh Glosses and
Yerses in the Cam- |
NOUNS, ETC. bridge Codex of Juvencus" [9th cent.]; " u. The Old
Welsh Glosses at üxford, Bibl. Bodl. Auct. F. 4-32": viz., " 1 (pp.
232-4), Glosses on Eutychius" [since proved to be Üld-Breton]; ' 2 (pp.
234-6), Glosses on Ovid's Art of Love"; "3 (pp. 236-7), British
Alphabet"; "4 (pp. 237-8), Note on Measures and Weights"; [5]
(pp. 238-249), [The glossed portion of] "Bodl. 572" [since proved
to be Old- Cornish]; "m (p. 249), [Some of] The Middle-Welsh Glosses in
Cott. Vesp. A. xiv . . . . fo. II 1 " [the last 3 from fo. 13 b ]; and
iv, " Addenda et Corrigenda'' (pp. 288-293). Cambr. Joum.: " The
Cambrian Journal, published under the auspices of the Cambrian
Institute": 12 vols. (last one unfiuished), Tenby (printed), 1854-1865.
Campeu Charlymaen: ' The Exploits of Charlemagne.' Of the Welsh version of
this work two MSS. have been published. For the one quoted underthe above
title, see "LL Gw. ä/í." For the other, see " Yst. de Cnr.
Mag." Both MSS. are of the 14th century, but represent different
editions. Can. y C.: " Çanwyll y Cymru [by Rice Prichard, Vicar qí
Llando- very; 1579-1644] yubedair rhan, Llundaiu, 1672" (2nd edu.,
8vo.). Capella Glosses: = " M. Cap. 1 ', q. v. Card.: Cardiganshire.
Carm.; see " B. of Carm." Carn.: Carnarvonshire. Celt.: see "
Rev. Celt." cent.: century. Chad: see " B. of St. Chad." Chr.:
see " Y Drych Chr." Chwedlau V Doethion: ' The Wise Men's Sayings';
a collection of Welsh proverbial Tripleta (oldest MS., about 1330-1350, in
Jes. Coll, O.foii., MS. No. 20). TÍie editiou of these referred to is tlmt in
the loh MSS. (pp. 251-9), q. v. cf.: conj't r. Ch.: chapter. Cl., Cleop.: =
" MS. Cleop.", 7. v. col.: colunm; coll.: coluinns. comm.: of
common gender. Corn.: Cornish. See also " O.-Corn." ' Corn. Vocáb.:
The ancient (Latin-) Cornish Vocábulary, in the begiu- ning of C'o/t. Vesp.
A. xiv (very early 13th cent.; transcribed from a considerably older MS.),
printed in Zeus8' Grammatica Celtica, lst ed., pp. LlOO-1124, 2nded.,pp.
1065-1081; and, in alphabetical order, by Edwin Norris in vol. ii of liis
Ancient Cornish Drama (Oxford, at the University Press, 1859, 8vo.), pp.
819-432. |
Cott.: = Oue of the MSS. of tlie Cottonian collection in tlie British Museum.
See " MS. Calig.", etc. " MS. A, etc." Cyf.: see " Y
Cyf., etc" Çyfrinach Beirdd Yn. Pr. (Abertawy, 1829): Cyfrinaeh Beirdd
Ynys Prydain (edited by the late Iolo Morganwg, and brought out by his son, Taliesin
al> Iolo), Abertawy [Swansea], 1829. Cyìchgr.: see " Y Cylchgr."
Cymmr.: Cymmrodor; see " 1' Cymmr." Cymmrodoríon Society (Works
published by): see " B. of An.", " Hgt. MS. 202",
"L. Glyn Cothi", " MS. Tit. D xxii", « Yst. de Car.
Magno» And cf. " MS. S". Cymr.: (1) Cymric (i.e., ' Welsh'), see
" Stud., etc." Cymr.: (2) Cymreig; see " Y Gicron Cymr."
D: see"MS. J D". d.: died. D. S. Evaus, W. Dict.: " A
Dictionary of the Welsh Language, by the Revd. D[auiel] Silvan Evans"
(Parts i, contaiuing " A", and ii, containing " B", are
out), Wm. Spurrell, Carrnarthen, 1887-8. Id.: see "Gwallt. Mech.",
"Llyth.", "Llyfr. y C.", "Marchog Crwydrad? Dares
Phrygius. The Welsh version quoted is the one in Cleop. B. V. Daf. ab Gvv.:
Dafydd ab Gwilym. The edition of his poems cpuoted here is the fìrst one, by
Owen Jones (Myfyr) and William Owen (afterwards Dr. W. O. Pughe), London,
1789, 8vo. Davies: = The Revd. Dr. Joliu Davies of Mallwyd (1570-1644). See
" Ll. y Eesol." Davies, Dict.: = IIis Welsh-Latin and Latin-Welsh
Dictionary, entitled " Antiqua3 Linguse Britannicse . . . . et Linguaî
Latiuse Diction- arium duplex, etc, Londini, etc, 1632" (4to.). Davies,
Gramm.: The^Vs<edition of his Gramtnar, intituled: " Antiquse Liuguaî
Britannicse, etc, Rudimenta, etc." (London, 1621, 12mo.). Note. — The
second (and last) edition (Oxonü, 1809) is also ouce quoted co nomitie (p.
271, supra). De r
Urgence, etc.: " De l'urgence d'une exploration philologique en Bre- tagne,
ou la langue bretonue devant la science. Extrait des Mémoires de la Sociétê
cV Emidation des Côtes-du-Nord ,, (St. Brieuc, 1877, 8vo.; pp. 18) [par Emile
Ernault]. Dec.: December.
Demet.: Dr. John Davies' occasional abbreviation for Demetie, Demetas,
Demeticè, etc, ' the Demetians, Demetiau', i.e., the people or (in) the
language of Demetia (Dyfed). The otherform is "Dimet.", q. v.
Denbigh: = Denbighshire. Dépt.: Département. Dict.: Dictionary. See "
Davies", " D. S. Evans", " l'A * * *", " Owen
Pughe", " Richards", " Sp." |
NOUNS, ETC. Dimet.: Dirnetian, etc. Davies uses " Dimetian" to
indicate ' S.-Welsh'; it is less improperly used by most writers to ìnclude
the dialects o£ Pembrokeshire, Carmartheushire, and Cardiganshire, embraciug
the old divisions of Dyfed, Ceredigion, and all Ystrad Tywi but Gower, which
is now in Glamorganshire. Dosp. Ed.: "Dosparth Edeyrn Davod Aur; or the
Ancient Welsh Grammai; . . . . by Edeyrn the Golden-tongued, etc, etc, with
English translatious and notes, by the Rev. John Williams Ab Ithel, etc.
Pubd. for The Welsh MSS. Society, Llandovery, 1856." Note. — The "
translation" of the Grammar, quoted by Dr. Nettlau, is virtually a uew
Welsh Grammar by the Translator (see his Pref., p. xv). Dr. Thos. Williams:
see " Thos. Williams, Dr." Drych, etc.; see " Y Drych,
etc." Dyfed: The Welsh for Dimetia. See " Demet.'\ "
Dimet." E: see " MS. E." E. Glam.: Eastern Glamorganshire,
comprising all the couuty east of a line drawn from Merthyr Mawr (near
Bridgeud) to Aberdare (Camb. Journ., iii, p. 2JT). E. Evans: (The late)
Evander Evans. See " Stud., etc." E. Lhuyd: Edward Lhuyd. See
" Arch. Brit." e.g.: exempli gratiâ. Early Engl. Pron.: Early
Engììsh Pronuncîation, by Alexauder J. Ellis. Ed.: see " Dosp. EdP VA.:
edited; edn.: edition; eds.: editious. , , , ' \ see " Early Enal.
Pron." Engl.:) * J Emj.-W. Dict.: see "Sp., etc." Ergyng (p.
270, n.): = Erging, now the Deanery of A rchenfield, compris- ing the S.E.
portion of Herefordshire E. of Wye. Ernault: = M. Emile Ernault. See "
Batz", " De l'Urgence, etc." Evans: (1) see " D. S.
Evans, etc" Evans: (2) Evander Evans. See " Sttid., etc."
Evans: (3) J. Gweuogfryn Evans. See '• B. of CannJ', " R. B Mab."
Exli-i\: Exercises. See " ltowlaud, Exerc." F: see "MS. F».
f.: folio (of a MS. or book). Feb.: February. fem.: femininc f'eic.: see
" Cab.fcw. T." if.: fulios (of a MS. or book). .//'.: see "
Hanes //.//'." //.: jîoruit. Flint: Flintsbire. |
ABBBEYIATIONS, ETC. 295 Lect.: see " Hibb.
Lect." |
299 |
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