
(delwedd B7096) (tudalen 200)
vyG y tynnir a chyltellprenneu oe uaraf, kanys breu uyd yn uarw."
"Mae an kynghor ninneu wrth hynny?" heb y Bedwyr. " Gadwn
ef," heb y Kei, "y yssu y wala or kic; a gwedy hynny kyscu a
wna." Tra yttoed ef yn hynny, 5 y buant wynteu yn gwneuthur
kyltellbrenneu. Pan wybu Gei yn diheu y uot ef yn kyscu, gwneuthur pwIl a
oruc dan y draet mwyhaf yn y byt. A tharaw dyrnawt arnaw anueitrawl y ueint a
oruc, ae wascu yn y pwIl, hyt pan daroed udunt y gnithiaG yn Hwyr ar
kyllellbrenneu y uaryf; a gwedy 10 hynny y lad yn gGbyl. Ac odyna yd aethant
ell deu hyt yg Kelli Wic yg Kernyw, a chynllyuann o uaryf Dillus Uaruawc
gantunt. Ae rodi a oruc Kei yn HaG Arthur. Ac yna y kanei Arthur yr eglyn
" Kynnllyuan a oruc Kei
15 o uaryf Dillus uab Eurei;
pei iach, dy angheu uydei."
Ac am hynny y sorres Kei, hyt pan uu abreid y uilwyr yr ynys honn tangneuedu
y rwng Kei ac Arthur. Ac eissoes nac yr anghyfnerth ar Arthur nac yr llad y
wyr nyt 20 ymyrrGys Kei yn reit gyt ac ef o hynny allan.
1 6. Ac yna y dywawt Arthur: " Beth iawnaf weithon y geissaw or
annoetheu?" " Iawnaf yw keissaw Drutwyn keneu Greit uab Eri."
Kyn no hynny ychydic yd aeth Creidylat uerch Lud Law Ereint gan Wythyr mab
Greidawl. A chynn 25 kyscu genthi dyuot Gwynn uab Nud ae dwyn y treis.
Kynnullaw Ilu o Wythyr uab Greidawl a dyuot y ymlad a Gwynn mab Nud. A goruot
o Wyn, a dala Greit mab Eri a Glinneu eil Taran a Gwrgwst Letlwm a Dyfnarth y
uab; a dala o Penn uab Nethawc a Nwython a Chyledyr Wyllt y 30 uab. A llad
Nwython a oruc, a diot y gallon, a chymhell ar Kyledyr yssu callon y dat; ac
am hynny yd aeth Kyledyr yg gwyllt. Clybot o Arthur hynny, a dyuot hyt y Gogled.

(delwedd B7097) (tudalen 201)
A dyuynnv a oruc ef Gwynn uab Nud attaw, a gellwng y wyrda y gantaw oe
garchar, a gwneuthur tangneued y rwng Gwynn mab Nud a Gwythyr mab Greidawl.
Sef tangneued a wnaethpwyt, gadu y uorwyn yn ty y that yn diuwyn or dwy
barth; ac ymlad bob duw kalan Mei uyth hyt dyd brawt or 5 dyd hwnnw allan y
rwng Gwynn a Gwythyr; ar un a orffo onadunt dyd brawt, kymeret y uorwyn. A
gwedy kymot y gwyrda hynny uelly, y kauas Arthur Mygdwn march Gwedw a
chynnllyuan Cwrs Cant Ewin.
17. Gwedy hynny yd aeth Arthur hyt yn LydaG, a 10 Mabon uab Mellt gantaw a
Gware Gwallt Euryn, y geissaw deu gi Glythmyr L[ed]ewic. A gwedy eu kaffel yd
aeth Arthur hyt yg gorltewin Iwerdon y geissaw Gwrgi Seueri, ac wdgar uab Aed
brenhin Iwerdon gyt ac ef. Ac odyna yd aeth Arthur yr Gogled, ac y delis
Kyledyr Wyllt. Ac yd 15 aeth Yskithyrwynn Pennbeid; ac yd aeth Mabon mab
a deu gi Glythuyr Ledewic yn y law a Drutwyn geneu Greit mab Eri. Ac yd aeth
Arthur ehun yr erhyl, a Chauall ki Arthur yn y law. Ac yd esgynnwys Kaw o
Brydein ar Lamrei kassec Arthur, ac achub yr kyfuarch. Ac yna 20 y kymerth
Kaw o Brydein nerth bwyellic, ac yn wychyr trebelit y doeth ef yr baed, ac y
holldes y benn yn deu hanner. A chymryt a oruc Kaw yr ysgithyr. Nyt y kwn a
nottayssei Yspaden ar Gwlhwch a ladawd y baed, namyn Kauall ki Arthur ehun.
1 8. A gwedy llad Ysgithyrwyn Bennbeid, yd aeth Arthurae niuer hyt yng Kelli
Wic yng Kernyw. Ac odyno y gyrrwys Menw mab Teirgwaed y edrych a uei y
tlysseu y rwng deu glust Twrch Trwyth, rac salwen oed uynet y ymdaraw ac ef,
ony 1 bei y tlysseu gantaw. Diheu hagen oed y uot ef 30 yno; neur daroed idaw
diffeithaw traean Iwerdon. Mynet a oruc Menw y ymgeis ac wynt. Sef y gwelas
wynt yn Esgeir weruel yn Iwerdon. Ac ymrithaw a oruc Menw yn rith
1. MS. ac ony, corr. Loth.

(delwedd B7098) (tudalen 202)
ederyn; a disgynnu a wnaeth uch penn y gwal, a cheissaw ysglyffyaw un or
tlysseu y gantaw; ac yn chauas dim hagen namyn un oe wrych. Kyuodi a oruc
ynteu yn wychyr da ac ymysgytyaw, hyt pan ymordiwedawd peth or gwenwyn ac 5
ef; odyna ny bu dianaf Menw uyth.
19. Gyrru o Arthur gennat gwedy hynny ar wdgar uab Aed, brenhin Iwerdon, y
erchi peir Diwrnach Wydel, maer idaw. Erchi o wtgar idaw y rodi. Y dywawt
Diwrnach: " Duw a wyr, pei hanffei well o welet un olwc arnaw, nas
Iw kaffei." A dyuot o gennat Arthur a nac genthi o Iwerdon. Kychwynnu a
oruc Arthur ac ysgawn niuer ganthaw, a mynet ym Prytwen y long, a dyuot y
Ywerdon; a dygyrchu ty Diwrnach Wydel a orugant. Gwelsant niuer wtgar eu
meint. A gwedy bwyta onadunt ac yuet eu dogyn, erchi y peir a
1 5 oruc Arthur. Y dy wawt ynteu, pei as rodei y neb, y rodei wrth eir wdgar
brenhin Iwerdon. Gwedy Heueryd nac udunt, kyuodi a oruc Bedwyr ac ymauael yn
y peir, ae dodi ar geuyn Hygwyd gwas Arthur; brawt oed hwnnw unuam y
Gachamwri gwas Arthur. Sef oed y swyd ef yn wastat
20 ymdwyn peir Arthur a dodi tan y danaw. Meglyt o Lenlleawc Wydel yg
Kaletvwlch, ae ellwng ar y rot, a Had Diwrnach Wydel ae niuer ach[l]an. Dyuot
Huoed Iwerdon ac ymlad ac wy. A gwedy fTo y Iluoed achlan, mynet Arthur ae
wyr yn eu gwyd yn y Hong, ar peir yn Ilawn o swttt
25 lwerdon gantunt; a diskynnu yn ty Lwydeu mab Kelcoet ym Forth Kerdin yn
Dyuet. Ac yno y mae messur y peir.
20. Ac yna y kynnuHwys Arthur a oed o gynifywr yn teir ynys Prydein ae their
racynys, ac a oed yn Freinc a Llydaw a Normandi aGwlat yr Haf,ac a oedo gicwr
30 a march clotuawr. Ac yd aeth ar niueroed hynny oil hyt yn lwerdon. Ac y bu
ouyn mawr ac ergryn racdaw yn Iwerdon. A gwedy disgynnu Arthur yr tir, dyuot
seint Iwerdon attaw y erchi nawd idaw. Ac y rodes ynteu nawd udunt hwy, ac y

(delwedd B7099) (tudalen 203)
rodassant wynteu eu bendyth idaw ef. Dyuot a oruc gwyr Iwerdon hyt att Arthur
a rodi bwyttal idaw. Dyuot a oruc Arthur hyt yn Esgeir weruel yn lwerdon, yn
y He yd oed Twrch Trwyth ae seithlydyn moch gantaw. Gellwng kwn arnaw o bop
parth. Y dyd hwnnw educher yd ymladawd y 5 Gwydyl ac ef; yr hynny pymhet ran
Iwerdon 1 a wnaeth yn diffeith. A thrannoeth yd ymladawd teulu Arthur ac ef;
namyn a gawssant o drwc y gantaw, ny chawssant dim o da. Y trydyd dyd yd
ymladawd Arthur ehun ac ef naw nos a naw nieu; ny ladawd namyn un parchell oe
uoch. Gouynnwys 10 y S^y r 7 Arthur peth oed ystyr yr hwch hwnnw. Y dywawt
ynteu: "Brenhin uu, ac am y bechawt y rithwys Duw ef yn hwch." 21.
Gyrru a wnaeth Arthur Gwrhyr Gwalstawt leithoed y geissaw ymadrawd ac ef.
Mynet a oruc Gwrhyr yn rith ederyn, a disgynnv a wnaeth vch benn y wal ef ae
seithlydyn 1 5 moch. A gouyn a oruc Gwrhyr Gwalstawt leithoed idaw: " Yr
y gwr ath wnaeth ar y delw honn, or geTIwch dy wedut, y harchaf dyuot un
ohonawch y ymdidan ac Arthur." Gwrtheb a wnaeth Grugyn Gwrych Ereint
(mal adaned aryant oed y wrych on; y fford y kerdei ar goet ac ar uaes y
gwelit, ual y Ilithrei y 20 wrych). Sef atteb a rodes Grugyn: " Myn y gwr
an gwnaeth ni ar y delw honn, ny wnawn, ac ny dywedwn dim yr Arthur. wed
digawn o drwc a wnathoed Duw ynni, an gwneuthur ar y delw hon, kyny delewch
chwitheu y ymlad a ni." "Mi a dywedaf ywch yd ymlad Arthur am y
grib ar ellyn ar 25 gwelteu yssyd rwng deu glust Twrch Trwyth." Heb y
Grugyn: "Hyt pann gaffer y eneit ef yn gyntaf, ny cheffir y tlysseu
hynny. Ar bore auory y kychwynnwn ni odyma; ac yd awn y wlat Arthur, ar meint
mwyhaf a allom ni o drwc a wnawn yno." Kychwyn a orugant hwy ar y mor
parth a 30 Chymry. Ac yd aeth Arthur ae luped ae ueirch ae gwn ym Prytwen, a
tharaw lygat ymwelet ac wynt. Disgynnu a wnaeth 1. MS. y iwerdon.

(delwedd B7100) (tudalen 204)
Twrch Trwyth ym Forth Cleis yn Dyuet. Dyuot a oruc Arthur hyt ym Mynyw y nos
honno. Trannoeth dywedut y Arthur eu mynet heibaw. Ac ymordiwes a oruc ac ef
yn Had gwarthec Kynnwas Kwrr y Uagyl. A gwedy Had a oed yn
5 Deugledyf o dyn a mil kynn dyuot Arthur, or pan deuth Arthur, y kychwynnwys
Twrch Trwyth odyno hyt ym Presseleu. Dyuot Arthur a Iluoed y byt hyt yno.
Gyrru a oruc Arthur y wyr yr erhyl, Ely a Thrachmyr, a Drutwyn keneu Greit
mab Eri yn y law ehun; a Gwarthegyt uab Kaw yghongyl
10 arall, a deu gi Glythmyr Letewic yn y law ynteu; a Bed wyr a Chauall ki
Arthur yn y law ynteu. A restru a oruc y milwyr oil o deu tu Nyuer. Dyuot tri
meib Cledyf Divwlch, gwyr a gauas clot mawr yn llad Ysgithyrwyn Pennbeid. Ac
yna y kychwynnwys ynteu o Lynn Nyuer, ac y doeth y
1 5 Gwm Kerwyn, ac y rodes kyuarth yno. Ac yna y Iladawd ef bedwar rysswr y
Arthur, Gwarthegyd mab Kaw, a Tharawc Ant Clwyt, a Reidwn uab Eli Atuer, ac
Iscouan Hael. A gwedy Had y gwyr hynny, y rodes yr eil kyuarth udunt yn y
lie, ac y Iladawd Gwydre uab Arthur, a Garselit Wydel,
20 a Glew uab Yscawt, ac Iscawyn uab Panon; ae doluryaw ynteu yna a
22. Ar bore ym bronn y dyd drannoeth yd ymordiwedawd rei or gwyr ac ef. Ac
yna y Iladawd Huandaw a Gogigwr a Phenn Pingon, tri gweis Glewlwyt
Gauaeluawr, hyt nas gwydyat
25 Duw was yn y byt ar y helw ynteu, eithyr Laesgenym ehunan, gwr ny hanoed
well neb ohonaw. Ac y gyt a hynny y Iladawd Ilawer o wyr y wlat, a Gwlydyn
saer, pensaer y Arthur. Ac yna yd ymordiwedawd Arthur ym Pelumyawc ac ef. Ac
yna y Iladawd ynteu Madawc mab Teithyon, a Gwyn
30 mab Tringat mab Neuet, ac Eiryawn Pennlloran. Ac odyna yd aeth ef hyt yn
Aber Tywi. Ac yno y rodes kyuarth udunt. Ac yna y Iladawd ef Kynlas mab
Kynan, a Gwilenhin bre[nh]in Freinc. wdyna yd aeth hyt yg

(delwedd B7101) (tudalen 205)
Glynn Ystu. Ac yna yd ymgollassant y gGyr ar cwn ac ef. Dyuynnu a oruc Arthur
Gwyn uab Nud attaw, a gouyn idaw a wydyatef dim y wrthTwrch Trwyth. Ydy
wawtynteu nasgwydyat. 23. Y hela y moch yd aeth y kynnydyon yna oil hyt yn
Dyffryn Lychwr. Ac y digribywys Grugyn Gwallt Ereint 5 udunt a LCydawc
Gouynnyat; ac y Hadass[ant] y kynnydyon, hyt na diengis dyn yn vyw onadunt
namyn un gwr. Sef a oruc Arthur dyuot ae luoed hyt He yd oed Grugyn a
L6yda6c, a gellwng yna arnadunt a oed o gi rynodydoed yn Ilwyr. Ac wrth yr
awr a dodet yna ar kyuarth, 10 y doeth Twrch Trwyth ac y diffyrth wynt. Ac yr
pan dathoedynt dros uor Iwerdon, nyt ymwelsei ac wynt hyt yna. Dygwydaw a
wnaethpwyt yna a gwyr a chwn arnaw. Ymrodi y gerdet ohonaw ynteu hyt ym Mynyd
Amanw. Ac yna y Has banw oe uoch ef. Ac yna yd aethpwyt eneit 1 5 dros eneit
ac ef. Ac y Hadwyt yna Twrch Llawin. Ac yna y lias arall oe voch; Gwys oed y
enw. Ac odyna yd aeth hyt yn Dyffrynn Amanw. Ac yno y Has banw a bennwic. Nyt
aeth odyno gantaw oe uoch yn vyw namyn Grugyn Gwallt Ereint a LGydawc
Gouynnyat. 20 wr lie hwnnw yd aethant hyt yn L6ch Ewin. Ac yd ymordiwedawd
Arthur ac ef yno. Rodi kyuarth a wnaeth ynteu yna. Ac yna y Iladawd ef Echel
Uordwyt TwII, ac Arwyli eil Gwydawc Gwyr, a llawer o wyr a chwn heuyt. Ac yd
aethant odyna hyt yn Llwch Tawy. Yscar a wnaeth 25 Grugyn Gwrych Ereint ac
wynt yna. Ac yd aeth Grugyn odyna hyt yn Dintywi. Ac odyna yd aeth hyt yg
Keredigyawn, ac Eil a Thrachmyr gantaw, a Iliaws gyt ac wynt heuyt. Ac y
doeth hyt yg Garth Gregyn. Ac yno y 1 Has Llwydawc Gouynnyat yn y mysc. Ac y
Iladawd 30 Ruduyw Rys, a Ilawer gyt ac ef. Ac yna yd aeth Lwytawc hyt yn
Ystrat Yw. Ac yno y kyuaruu gwyr LydaG ac ef.
1. MS. y y

(delwedd B7102) (tudalen 206)
Ac yna y Hadawd ef Hir Peissawc brenhin Lyda6, a Lygatrud Emys a Gwrbothu,
ewythred Arthur, vrodyr y uam. Ac yna y Has ynteu.
24. Twrch Trwyth a aeth yna y rwng Tawy ac Euyas.
5 Gwyssyaw Kernyw a Dyfneint o Arthur yn y erbyn hyt yn aber Hafren. A
dywedut a oruc Arthur wrth vilwyr yr ynys honn: " Twrch Trwyth a ladawd
llawer om gwyr. Myn gwrhyt gwyr, nyt a mi yn uyw yd aho ef y Gernyw. Nys
ymlityaf i ef bellach, namyn mynet eneit dros eneit ac ef a
10 wnaf. Gwnewch chwi a wnelhoch." Sef a daruu o gyghor gantaw ellwng
kat o uarchogyon, a chwn yr ynys gantunt, hyt yn Euyas, ac ymchoelut odyno
hyt yn Hafren, ae ragot yno ac a oed o vilwyr prouedic yn yr ynys honn, ae
yrru anghen yn anghen yn Hafren. A mynet a wnaeth Mabon
15 uab Modron gantaw ar Wynn mygdwn march Gwedw yn Hafren, a Goreu mab
Custennin, a Menw mab Teirgwaed y rwng Lynn Liwan ac aber Gwy. A dygwydaw o
Arthur arnaw, a rysswyr Prydein gyt ac ef. Dynessau a oruc wsla Gyltelluawr a
Manawydan uab Llyr a
20 Chacmwri gwas Arthur a Gwyn Gelli, a dygrynnyaw yndaw, ac ymauael yn
gyntaf yn y tract, ae gleicaw ohonunt yn Hafren, yny yttoed yn llenwi
odyuchtaw. Brathu amws o Uabon uab Modron or neil[l] parth, a chael yr ellyn
y gantaw. Ac or parth arall y dygyrchwys Kyledyr Wyllt y
25 aramws aralt gantaw yn Hafren, ac y due y gwelleu y gantaw. Kynn kaffel
diot y grib, kaffel dayar ohonaw ynteu ae draet. Ac or pan gauas y tir, ny
allwys na chi na dyn na march y ganhymdeith, hyt pan aeth y Gernyw. Noc a
gaffat o drwc yn keissaw y tlysseu hynny y gantaw, gwaeth a gaffat
30 yn keissaw diffryt y deu wr rac eu bodi. Kacmwri ual y tynnit ef y uynyd,
y tynnei deu uaen ureuan ynteu yr affwys. wsla Gyltelluawr yn redec yn ol y
twrch, y dygwydwys y gyltell oe wein ac y kolles; ae wein ynteu

(delwedd B7103) (tudalen 207)
gwedy hynny yn Ilawn or dwfyr, ual y tynnit ef y uynyd, y tynnei hitheu ef yr
affwys. wdyna yd aeth Arthur a Iluoed, hyt pan ymordiwedawd ac ef yg Kernyw.
Gware oed a gafat o drwc gantaw kyn no hynny y wrth a gaffat yna gantaw yn
keissaw y grib. w drwc y gilyd y kaffat y grib y gantaw. 5 Ac odyna y holet
ynteu o Gernyw, ac y gyrrwyt yr mor yn y gyueir. Ny wybuwyt vyth o hynny
allan pa le yd aeth, ac Anet ac Aethlem gantaw. Ac odyno yd aeth Arthur y
ymeneinaw ac y uwrw y ludet y arnaw hytyg Kelli Wic yg Kernyw.
25. Dywedut o Arthur: " A oes dim weithon or anoetheu 10 heb
gaffel?" Y dy wawt vn or gwyr: "wes. Gwaet y widon wrdu merch y
widon wrwen o penn Nant Gouut yg gwrthtir Uffern." Kychwyn a oruc Arthur
parth ar Gogled, a dyuot hyt lie yd oed gogof y wrach. A chynghori o Wynn uab
Nud a Gwythyr uab Greidawl gellwng Kacmwri a 15 Hygwyd y urawt y ymlad ar
wrach. Ac ual yd euthant y mywn yr ogof, y hachub a oruc y wrach; ac ymauael
yn Hygwyd herwyd gwallt y benn, ae daraw yr tlawr deni. Ac ymauel o Gacmwri
yndi hitheu herwyd gwallt y phenn, ae thynnu y ar Hygwyd yr llawr. Ac
ymchoelut a 20 oruc hitheu ar Kacmwri, ac eu dygaboli yll deu, ac eu diaruu,
ae gyrru allan dan eu hub ac eu hob. A llidyaw a oruc Arthur o welet y deu
was hayachen wedy eu Had, a cheissaw achub yr ogof. Ac yna y dywedassant
Gwynn a Gwythyr wrthaw: " Nyt dec ac nyt digrif genhym dy welet yn
ymgribyaw a 25 gwrach. Gellwng Hir Amren a Hir Eidyl yr ogof." A mynet a
orugant. Ac or bu drwc trafTerth y deu gynt, gwaeth uu drafferth y deu hynny,
hyt nas gwypei Duw y vn ohonunt ell pedwar allu mynet or lie, namyn mal y
dodet ell pedwar ar Lamrei kassec Arthur. Ac yna achub a oruc Arthur 30 drws
yr ogof, ac y ar y drws a uyryei y wrach a Charnwennan y gyllell, ae tharaw
am y hanner, yny uu yn deu gelwrn hi. A chymryt a oruc Kaw o Brydein gwaet y
widon ae gadw ganthaw.

(delwedd B7104) (tudalen 208)
Puipeac auewno kefroy haul am tir a dayar. 1 Kefroet panuewno o nauuethid ka-
langayaf allan. Neu onauu- 5 ethid mey. Kanis 2 eram- seroyd hercny ybit
agoredic keureith am tir ay dayar.
wderuit yr haulur me#nu
Iw holi tir en eramseroyt hmni deuhet 1 ar er argluit yerchi did y guarandau
y haul a hitmi aretir. In edid humiu datkanet y haul. Ni
1 5 dele y dithun 2 kaifail ateb * edithun. Kanis haul dissiuit yu ar 3
guercheidveith ac wrth hiwni yguercheidveith a deleant oyt urth porth.
20 Yaun yu irhalur y ludyas udunt onit ekeureyth ay deweyt ydeleu. Ac ena
emay 4 ereneyt ev guarandau. A gouin pale emay eu porth.
25 wdeweduuant pot eu porth eneu ke;//mut euhun. Roy oyt trideu udunt. wbit
1. Pwy bynnac a uynno kyfTroi hawl am dir a dayar, kyffroet pan uynno o
nawvet dyd kalan gayaf allan, neu o nawvet dyd Mei. Kanys yn yr amseroed
hynny y byd agoredic kyvreith am dir a dayar.
2. w deruyd yr hawlvvr mynnu holi tir yn yr amseroed hynny deuet ar yr arglwyd
y erchi dyd y warandaw y hawl, a hynny ar y tir. Yn y dyd hwnnw dadganet y
hawl. Ny dyly kaffael atteb y dyd hwnn. Kanys hawl dysseivyt yw ar y
gwercheidweit. Ac wrth hynny y gwercheidweit a dylyant oet wrth borth. lawn
yw yr hawlwr y ludyas udunt, onyt y gyvreith a dyweit y dylyu. Ac yna y mae
iawn yr yneit eu gwarandaw, a govyn pa le y mae eu porth. w dywedant bot eu
porth yn eu kymmwt eu hun, roi oet
(Ch. 1). 1 the second a is added over the line, 2 addyn with several MSS.
(Ch. 2). 1 h over the line, 2 omit, 3 add y with many MSS,, 4 add iaun with
many MSS.

(delwedd B7105) (tudalen 209)
eli 5 kemut naunieu. wbit en etredit neu uot llanu a trey eregthun ac eu
porth. ws kin banner did ebernir eroyf petheunos or did hunnu ebit eroyt. ws
guedi banner did petheunos otrawnoyth. Ac essev achaus yu hewne. Kanydoys did
kubil ac nat yaun talu drill did en lie did. Ac en eroyt barnedic hunnu '
emay yaun deuod ar etir 6 ac vynt ac eu porth.
Ac ena ymay yaun guneythur 1 du 2 pleit ac eiste en 3 keureithiaul. Esseu ual
etestedyr en keureythiaul. Eiste orbrenhin neu or neb a uo enile. ay keuen ar
er eul 4 neu ar er 5 bin. Rac aulonidu er bin oyuyneb ef. Ar enat His neu
egnat ekemut erhun henau auo en eiste rac euron ef. Ac ar 6 llau assu y hunnu
er egnat arall auo enemays neu er eneid. 7 Ac ar ellau
tridieu udunt. w byd yn yr eil gymmwt, naw nieu. w byd yn y trydyd neu vot
llanw a threi yryngthunt ac eu porth, os kyn banner dyd 5 y bernir yr oet,
pythewnos or dyd hwnnw y byd yr oet; os gwedy banner dyd, pythewnos o
drannoeth. Ac yssef achaws yw hynny; 10 kanyt oes dyd kwbyl, ac nat iawn talu
dryll dyd yn lie dyd. Ac yn yr oet barnedic hwnnw y mae iawn dyvot ar y tir
ac wynt ac eu porth. 1 5
3. Ac yna y mae iawn gwneuthur dwy bleit ac eisted yn gyfreithiawl. Sef ual
yd eistedir yn gyfreithyawl. Eisted or brenhin neu or neb 20 a uo yn y le ae
gevyn ar yr heul neu ar yr bin, rac avlonydu yr bin oe wyneb ef. Ar ynat llys
neu ynat y kymmwt, yr hwn hynaf a uo, 25 yn eisted rac y uron ef. Ac ar y Haw
assw y hwnnw yr ynat arall a vo yn y maes. Ac ar y Haw deheu idaw yr
(Ch. 2). 5 leg. ereil, 6 e over the line
(Ch. 3). 1 n and y over the line, 2 leg. dui, 3 MS. eneu, 4 the e over the
line, 5 added over the line, 6 add y with many MSS,, 7 after neu some letters
cancelled er eneid added over the line

(delwedd B7106) (tudalen 210)
deheu ydau ereferiat neu er eferieit. 8 Ac egkell 9 er ar- gluid edeu
heneuid. Ay guirda o hinny allan o pop- 5 thu ydau. wdena ford yr eneyt
keuarvyneb' ac eu 10 darimret yeubraudle. Keg- haus er haulur ar ellau assu
ydau ar eford ar haulur
10 enessav ydau * en eperued 11 ar kanllau ar ellau arall ydau. Ar 12 rigyll
en seuill trakeuen ekeghaus 13 ' er amdiffinur ar ellau deheu ar
15 eforth- ar amdiffinhur enessau ydau eneperued ay kanllau or tu arall ydau
arigill traigeuen entheu. Gwedi darvo eiste euelly *
20 Kemerer 14 mach ar keureith. Esseu meychyeu auid ar 15 tir ay dayar.
Guystlon 16 o dynyon deu 17 dyn neu auo muy ' o popleit arey 18 hinni
25 emedyant er argluid edant.
effeiryat neu yr effeiryeit. Ac yg kylch yr arglwyd y deu hyneuid; ae wyrda o
hynny allan o bob tu idau. wdyna fford yr yneit gyvarwyneb ac wynt y darymret
y eu brawdle. Kynghaws yr hawlwr ar y Haw assw idaw ar y fford, ar hawlwr yn
nessaf idaw yn y perved, ar kanllaw ar y Haw arall idaw; ar ringyll yn sevyll
tracheuyn y kynghaws. Ar bleit arall y tu arall yr fford; yn nessaf yr fford
kynghaws yr amdiff- ynnwr ar y Haw deheu ar y fford, ar amdiffynnwr yn nessaf
idaw yn y perued, ae ganllaw or tu arall idaw; ar rhingyll traegevyn ynteu.
Gwedy darvo eisted yvelly, kymerer mach ar gyvreith. Sef meichyeu a vyd ar dir
a dayar, gwystlon o dynyon, deu dyn neu a vo mwy o bob pleit Ar rei hynny yn
medyant yr arglwyd yd ant.
(Ch. 3). 8 in marg., where it has been written twice, the first entry having
been mutilated by the cutting of the margin, 9 on p. 103 the phrase is yny
gylch, 10 leg. uy y or the like, 11 after this ydau with a stroke beneath it,
12 after this some letters cancelled, 13 some words omitted which in the text
of the Laws are: ar bleit arall y tu arall yr ford yn nessat yr fford
kyglaws, 14 MS. Kemere r t, 15 MS. a r t, 16 some letters cancelled, 17 e
over the line, 18 h after a cancelled and r written above it.

(delwedd B7107) (tudalen 211)
wdena guedi henne e dodir tellued* 1 essev yu hene. 2 Gostec ar emays.
Puipenac a thorro etelleued hono teyr biu 3 camluru a tal ne nau ugeint. Ar
geyr adeweter guedi er ostec hot hunnu 4 en diuunyant er neb ay dewetcr ac yr
keghaus edevether irporth ydau.
Guedi daruo eyste 1 en keureithaul mal y redewes- sam ny vchot ena e may yaun
yr egnat deueduit wrth e dupleit ymdeve- duch o keureith weithion. Ac ena may
yaun iregnat gouin yr 2 haulur puy de keghaus 3 di a puy dekanllau* ac ena e
may yaun 4 yr haulur ev henwi. Ac ena may yaun eregnat gouin ir haulur a
dodycollia kaffayl eneu pen vinteu. Ac ena ema yaun yr haulur' 5 dodav heb
eff. Ac ena may yaun eregnat 6 ac yr kanllau a sauant huy ydau ef- en erenmay
ef enidody arnadunthuy. 7 Ac
4. wdyna gwedy hynny y dodir tyllwed. Sef y w hynny, gostec ar y maes. Pwy
bynnac a dorro y dyllwed honno, teir buw camlwrw a 5 dal neu naw ugeint. Ar
geir a dywetter gwedy yr ostec, bot hwnnw yn divwyn- yant yr neb ae dywetto,
yr kynghaws y dywetter yr 10 porth idaw.
5. Gwedy darvo eisted yn gyvreithiawl, val y rydywed- assam ni uchot, yna y
mae iawn yr ynat dyvedut wrth y 1 5 dwy bleit: "ymdywedwch
o gyvreith weithyon." Ac yna y mae iawn yr ynat ovyn yr hawlwr:
"pwy dy gynghaws di a phwy dy 20 ganllaw? " Ac yna y mae iawn yr
hawlwr eu henwi. Ac yna y mae iawn yr ynat ovyn yr hawlwr: " a dody
colli a chaffael yn eu pen 25 wynteu?" Ac yna y mae iawn yr hawlwr
dywedut, "dodaf," heb ef. Ac yna y mae iawn yr ynat ovyn yr
kynghaws ac yr kanllaw, a 30
(Ch. 4). 1 u over the line, 2 h over the line, 3 * over the line, 4 after
this did cancelled
(Ch. 5). 1 y over the line, 2 MS. hyr, 3 ke over the line, 4 after this
eregnat cancelled, 5 leg. haulur deueduyt, 6 add gouin yr kyghaus, 7 h over
the line

(delwedd B7108) (tudalen 212)
ena emay yaun 8 udunt huin- theu dewedvyt sauun.
Ac guedi hinny emay yaun eregnat gouin eramdiffenvr 1 puy dekeghaus ditheu
apuy de kanllau. Ac ena emay
10 yaun ydau entehu eu henwi. Ac ena emay yaun 2 yr egn- at gouin ydau entehu
a did ev kolli a kaffayl en eu pen Ac ena may yaun ydau
15 entheu dewetuyt dodau heb ef. Ac ena emay iaun 3 eregnat devetvit wrth er-
haulur * haul di weython de haul. Ac ena emay 4 yaun
20 yhaulur 5 decreu.
Llema essit yaun yr haulur edewetuyd' 1 menegi yuot ef en briodaur ar etir
25 ema ardayar. Ac obit aameuho ydau ef yuot en briodaur' bot kanthau entheu
a kathuo ybriodolder o ach ac edriu hit emay digaun
30 en ekeureyth. Ay reerru en
savant hwy idaw ef yn yr hyn y mae ef yn y dodi arnadunt hwy. Ac yna y mae
iawn udunt hwynteu dy wedut: " savun."
6. A gwedy hynny y mae iawn yr ynat ouyn yr amdiffynnwr: " pwy dy
gynghaws ditheu, a phwy dy ganllaw?" Ac yna y mae iawn ydau ynteu eu
henwi. Ac yna y mae iawn yr ynat ovyn idaw ynteu, a dyd ef golli a chaffael
en eu pen. Ac yna y mae iawn idaw ynteu dy wedut: "dodaf," heb ef.
Ac yna y mae iawn yr ynat dywedut wrth yr hawlwr: " hawl di weithon dy
hawl." Ac yna y mae iawn yr hawlwr dechreu.
7. Llyma yssyd iawn yr hawlwr y dywedut, menegi y vot ef yn briodawr ar y tir
hwnn yma ar dayar. Ac o byt a amheuo idaw ef y vot yn briodawr, bot ganthaw
ynteu a gatwo y briodolder o ach ac edrif, hyt y mae digawn yn y gyvreith, ae
(Ch. 5). 8 after this yreraat cancelled
(Ch. 6). 1 e over a cancelled i, 2 over the line, 3 over the line; after this
irhaulur cancelled, 4 e over the line, 5 leg. yrhaulur (Ch, 7). 1 MS.

(delwedd B7109) (tudalen 213)
agkeureithiaul yar ybriodol- der ' ac osid ay ha?/zmehuho 2 emay ydau ef 3 ay
guyr' yreherru enagkeureithiaul. Ac essev emayentehu 4 endodi ar ekeureith
deleu deuot en keureythaul traykeuen er lie ereherruyd en agkeureith- yaul 5
wderuit hot rey adewetho dodi keythveid ac guybed- yeid or un pleyt Ninni
adewedun egellir ene war- handawer atteb er amdirTen- hur.
Heb amdiffenhur 1 myuy essit briodaur o acch 2 ac edriu ac esseu eduyf en
guarchadu em priod older 3 val emay goreu edeleauvy y- guarchadu- ac osid ay
hameuho y am 4 henni emay ymy ageidu digaun 5 bot en guir adewedau. A thitheu
obuosty ema ty hay- thost en keureythaul odema. Ac osid a hamehuo hinni emay
ymy digaun ayguyr.
ryyrru yn anghyvreithyawl y ar y briodolder. Ac osit ae hamheuo, y mae idaw
ef digawn ae gwyr y ryyrru yn anghyvreithyawl. Ac yssef 5 y mae ynteu yn dodi
ar y gyvreith, dylyu dyvot yn gy vreithyawl traegevyn yr lie y ryyrrwyt yn
anghyvreith- yawl ohonaw. 10
8. w dervyd bot rei a dywetto dodi ceidweid a gwybydyeid or un bleit, Ninni a
dywedwn y gellir, yny warandawer atteb y 15 amdifTynnwr.
9. Heb yr amdifTynnwr: " Mivi yssyd briodawr o ach ac edrif. A sef yd
wyf yn gwarchadw vym priodolder, 20 val y mae goreu y dylyaf y warchadw . Ac
osit ae ham- heuo imi hynny, y mae imi ageidw digawn bot yn wir a dywedaf. A
thitheu, o buost 25 ti yma, ti a aethost yn gyvreithyawl odyma. Ac osit
a hamheuo hynny y mae imi digawn ae gwyr."
(Ch. 7). 2 the third h over the line, 3 digawn has probably been omitted, 4 h
over the line, 5 r over the line
(Ch.9 ). 1 leg. eramdiffenhur, 2 there is something like an h over the second
c, 3 the third letter seems to have been altered top, 4 y am; leg. y mi? 5
leg. digaun ageidu

(delwedd B7110) (tudalen 214)
Ninni adewedun ket darfo
eramdiffenur rohi atheb kin
oyholy ev or haulur hot en
anolo er ateb eny warandao
5 ef * er haul ac odena atebet.
Ac guedy darfo vdunt euduy kegheussayth mal ede- wedassam ni vchot. Gouenet
10 er egnat udunt aydygaun hyn adewedassant Ac gouenet udunt auennant guellau
eu kykeussayth. 1 Ac obit ay menno gather 2 ydau. Ac
15 onibit ay menno kyemeret eregnat euduy kegheussayth 3 a dadkanet huy. A
guedy estadkano aynt eregneyt allan. ar effeyryhet y gyt
20 ac vy * a. Righyll ygyt aguy * hy eu kadv. Rac douot dynyon ywarandu*
arnaduwt. wderuit idyn deuot ywaran- dau arnadunt huntheu 5 ev
25 adely talu teyrbuy kamluru hir brenhin. Ac o bit ebrenin enemays ev adele
talu kam- luru deudeplic am hinny. Ac ena guedy edeystedont
30 huy emay iaun yr effeyryat guedya duy ydangos oduy
10. Ninni a dywedwn, kyt darffo yr amdiffynnwr roi atteb kyn noe holi ef or
hawlwr, bot yn anolo yr atteb, yny warandao ef yr hawl, ac odyna attebet.
1 1. A gwedy darffo udunt eu dwy gyngheusaeth, val y dywedassam ni uchot,
gov- ynet yr ynat udunt, ae digawn yr hyn a dywedas- sant, a gouynet udunt a
vynnant gwellau eu kyng- heussaeth. Ac o byd ae mynno, gatter idaw. Ac ony
byd ae mynno, kymeret yr ynat eu dwy gyngheussaeth, a dadganet hwy. A gwedy
as dadgano, aent yr yneit allan, ar effeiryeit y gyt ac wy, ar ringhyll y gyt
ac wy y eu kadw, rac dyvot dynyon y warandaw arnadunt. w dervyd y dyn dyvot y
waran- daw arnadunt wynteu, ef a dyly talu teirbuw kamlwrw yr brenhin. Ac o
byd y brenhin yn y maes, ef a dyly talu kamlwrw deudyplic am hynny. Ac yna
gwedy yd eistedont hwy y mae iawn
(Ch. 11). \ky over the line, 2 h over the line, 3 ssa over the line, 4 leg. y
warandaw, 5 the second h over the line

(delwedd B7111) (tudalen 215)
er yaun 6 udunt Akanu onadunt huyntheu eu pader Ac guedy epader emay yaun yr
egnat dadkanu eduykeg- hessaith eylweyth.
Ac o deruit bot enreyt 1 egeyr keuarch. Elleger deu oy ouyn. Ac obit reyt yr
bleyt egouener egeyr keuarhc ydy vrth kemyrit keghor 2 aynt tuy kan kanyat 3
yr egneyt hyeu keghor ac essev edant ynyuer ebuant en eukehussaytrr heb auo
muy aguas yr argluyd ygyt aguy yeu kadu Rac deuod neb yeu keghor * ygyt ac
huy * ac odau neb ataduwt ay keghoro talet ef kamluru er brenin a bot en
anolo ekeghor. Ac guedy edarfo ekeghor deuewt edeu hinny ar eregneyt 4
adatkanewt egneyth 5 ekeghor.
wderuit nabo reyt urth eyr keuarch yaun yu gadayl udunt vintheu eu ardelu
yr efTeiryat gwediaw Duw y dangos o Duw yr iawn udunt. A chanu onadunt wynteu
eu pader. A gwedy y pader y mae iaun yr 5 ynat dadganu y dwy gyng- heussaeth
12. Ac o dervyd bot yn reit y geir kyvarch, ellynger deu oe ovyn. Ac o byd
reit 10 yr bleit y govyner y geir kyvarch idi wrth gymryt kynghor, aent wy
gan ganyat
yr yneit y eu kynghor. Ac yssev yd ant, y niver y buant 1 5 yn eu
kyngheussaeth,heb a vo muy, a gwas yr arglwyd y gyt ac wy y eu kadw rac dyvot
neb y eu kynghor y gyt ac wy. Ac o daw neb 20 attadunt ae kynghoro, talet ef
gamlwrw yr brenhin, a bot yn anolo y kynghor. A gwedy y darffo y kynghor,
deuent y deu hynny ar yr 25 yneit a dadganent yr yneit y kynghor.
13. w dervyd nabo reit wrth eyr kyvarch, iawn yw gadael udunt wynteu eu
hardelw, a 30
(Ch. 11). 6 u over the line
(Ch. 12). 1 some MSS. add with, 2 h over the line, 3 y over the line, 4 the
second e over the line, 5 n over the line; leg. eregneit

(delwedd B7112) (tudalen 216)
agerru deu youyn puy eu- gubideyt * ac eu kedweyt * a phale emaynt odewedant
eu hot ene mays munaher vynt' 5 odewedant 1 eubot en 2 un ke- mut ac vy
rodher oyd trideu 3 udunt. wdewedant eubot en ereil kemud rodher oyd naunyeu
udunt. wdewetant
10 eubot egulat arall vynt 4 neu lanu neu trey eregthunt ac vy oyt petheunos
or did hunnu- os kin banner did vit os guedy hawner did
1 5 petheonos odranoyth ar did hennu endyd kolli akaffayal. Abot eguystlon
egkarch 5 brenin- hit edid hunnu ac erchi y paup deuot ay devni-
20 dev kanthau edid hynnu hit ar etir. Kenebo duun kan edu bleyd hinny. Neu 5
edyu endid keuereit bar- nedic.
En etrededet guedi edele- her vyneb 1 iaun yu i paup eistet enelle mal
ereystedus edid kint ac obetant meiru
30 rey or guir auu en ekeg-
gyrru deu y ovyn pwy eu guibydyeit ac eu keidweit, a pha le y maent. w
dywedant eu bot yn y maes, mwynhaer wynt. w dywedant eu bot yn un kymwt ac
wy, rodher oet tridieu udunt. w dywe- dant eu bot yn yr eil gymwt, rodher oet
naw nieu udunt. w dywedant eu bot yg gwlat arall neu lanw neu drei yryngthunt
ac wy, oet pythewnos or dyd hv/nnw, os kyn hannerdyd y byd. ws gwedy
hannerdyd, pythewnos o dranoeth, ar dyd hwnnw yn dyd kolli a chafiael. A bot
y gwystlon yg karchar y brenhin hyt y dyd hwnnw. Ac erchi y bawp dyvot ae
devnydeu ganthaw y dyd hwnnw hyt arytir. Kynnyboduungany dwy bleit hynny,
neud ydiw yn dyd kyvreith barnedic.
14. Ynytrydyd dyd guedy y delher wyneb yn wyneb iawn yw y bawb eisted yn y
lie, val y ryeistedws y dyd kynt. Ac o bydant meirw
(Ch. 13). 1 ed over the line, 2 over the line, 3 e over the line, 4 omitted
in several MSS., 5 leg. karchar e, 6 written twice over; leg. neud
(Ch. 14), 1 leg. vyneb en vynep; there are remains of the missing words on
the margin

(delwedd B7113) (tudalen 217)
kussaeith doder ereill en eu lie ' a guedi er 2 eisteter ena
rei or gwyr a vu yn y gyn- gheussaeth, dotter ereill yn
emae yaunt yr haulur kenic eu lie. A gwedy yr eistether,
y devnidieu iam etestion ay yna y mae iawn yr hawlwr
keidveit 3 adeueduit evot ef kynnic y devnydyeu y am y 5
en paraut. Ac ena emayyaun dystyon ae geidweit, a
ii^amdifinnur gurtheb ac esev dyuedut y vot ef yn barawt.
ateb a dere deueduit yvot ef Ac yna y mae iawn yr
en paraut ' ay defnetyeu amdiffynnwr gwrtheb. Ac
kanhau val y hedeuis ac yssef atteb a dyry, dyuedut 10
ena emae yaun yr brenin hercki dankos eguestelon en emays kanys vint essit
vechieu. 6 6 Ac ena emay yaun ir egnat deuedut kosb er anostec esseu eu hene
teir biu camluru abot en anolo egeir adeueter.
Ac ena emae yaun ir haulur dodi em pen er eneyt pan niu effo adedeuis 1 en
kentaf testion * akeitueit * a deleu ohonau enteu 2 muenhau en
y vot ef yn barawt, ae devnydyeu ganthaw, val y hedewis. Ac yna y mae iawn yr
brenhin erchi dangos y gwystlon yn y maes; 1 5 kanys wynt yssyd veichieu. Ac
yna y mae iawn yr ynat dywedut kosb yr anostec. Sef yw hynny teir buw kamlwrw
a bot yn anolo y 20 geir a dywetter.
1 5. Ac yna y mae iawn yr hawlwr dodi ym pen yr yneit panyw efo a edewis yn
gyntaf dystyon a cheidweit, 25 a dylyu ohonaw ynteu eu
kentaf Ac ena emay yaun mwynhau yn gyntaf. Ac yr eneit erchi ydau enteu yna y
mae iawn yr yneit duyn y keditveit 3 ay testion erchi idaw ynteu dwyn y
(Ch. 14). 2 some MSS. yd, 3 the second i over the line, 4 after this brenin
cancelled, 5 kanis vechieu interlined, in part on the margin and illegible, 6
there seems to be a lacuna here; some MSS, have: Ac ena gwedy dangosser y
gwystlon y mae iawn yr brenhin erchi yr righyll dodi gostec ar y maes
(Ch. 15). 1 leg. aedeuis, 2 leg. enteu eu, 3 leg. keidveit

(delwedd B7114) (tudalen 218)
y eu muinahu. Ac ena emae yaun idau enteu eu duin huy ene keuil 4 ef ac
eudangos esseu eu rei 5 aedeueis 5 ef erei a enguis en edit kyntaf Ny dele er
amdifewnwr llessu yrun ona- dunt kanivir 6 nabo da idau adeueduit. 7 Ar hun a
Iw onatuunt kin guibot bet aduedoent - 8 bit sauedc 9 hunu er amdifenur aeil
gouin 10 aoes breint yr rei- hinny. Ac obit doent rac-
1 5 dunt esseu pa achaus 11 egeill ef gouin hinny vrth na eill alldut bot en
vybitiat ar treftadauc. Ac na eill gureic ar gur. Ac ekit
20 ahene ni heill llauer o deneon bot yn vibetiet nac en kedueit heruit
breint ar amdifenur ni lluger arnau deueduit hinny.
wderuit ir amdifenur readau testion auo gwell no rei aedeuis er haulur* ae ouot
en guell yu breint ay o bot
30 en amlach Amewnu ohonau
geidweit ae dystyon y eu mwynhau. Ac yna y mae iawn idaw ynteu eu dwyn hwy
yny kyvyl (?) ef ac eu dangos. Sef y w rei a edevvis ef y rei a enwis yn y
dyd kyntaf. Ny dyly yr am- diffynnwr llyssu yr un on- adunt, kany wyr na bo
da idaw a dywettont. Ar hwn a lysso onadunt cyn gwybot beth a dywettont, bit
savedic hwnnw. Yr amdiffynnwr a eill ovyn a oes breint yr rei hynny. Ac o
byd, doent racdunt. Sef pa achaws y geill ef ovyn hynny, wrth na eill alltut
vot yn wyby- dyat ar drevtadawc, ac na eill gwreic ar wr. Ac y gyt a hynny ny
eill llawer o dynyon vot yn wybydyeit nac yn geidweit herwyd breint. Ar
amdiffynnwr ny Iwgyr arnaw dywedut hynny. 1 6. w deruyd yr amdiffyn- nwr
ryadaw tystyon a uo gwell nor rei a edewis yr hawlwr ae o vot yn well eu
breint ae oe bot yn amlach
(Ch, 15). 4 some MSS. have kylch, 5 the second e over the line; leg. aedewis,
6 the second i over the line, 7 leg. adeueduint, 8 o over the line, 9 leg.
sauedic, 10 i over the line, 11 the second a over the line

(delwedd B7115) (tudalen 219)
kannal hinny. laun eu 1 a mynnu ohonaw gynnal
dawgos aguedi dawgosso ef hynny, iawn yw eu dangos.
etestion nityaun 2 yr haulur A gwedi dangosso ef y
eu llessu vyntheu. Ena emai dystion, nyt iawn yr hawlwr
iaun yr enat gouin yr haulur eu llyssu wynteu. Yna y $
may breint de destion dy. Ac ena emay yaunt yr haulur deueduit breint y
testion ae vntoe en veirri neu en kegheoron 3 ae vnteu en veneich 4 neu en
ahtraon ae vnteu en efferiet neu en escoleicion ae vinteu en lleecion
breinaul Guedi daruo ir enat gouen ir haulur breint etestion iau# eu yr enat
goum yr awdifenur breint y testion Ac ena emay yaunt yr awdife^nur deuedut
ebreint goreu avo oy testion Ac ena emay yaunt yr enat datkanu deubrein
yreduedasant eduypleit yeu testion.
Ena emay yaun yr enat gouin ir duipleit 1 a sauant huy hen erhen ededis en y
dodi en eu pen ' llema paup or guebethit en deueduit
mae iawn yr ynat ovyn yr hawlwr: " Mae breint dy dystyon di?" Ac
yna y mae iawn yr hawlwr dywedut breint y dystyon, ae wynteu 10 yn veiri neu
yn gynghell- oryon, ae wynteu yn veneich neu yn athrawon, ae wynteu yn
effeiryeit neu ysgoleigyon, ae wynteu yn lleygion brein- 1 5 niawl. Gwedy
darvo yr ynat govyn yr hawlwr breint y dystyon, iawn yw yr ynat govyn yr
amdiffynnur vreint y dystyon. Ac yna y mae 20 iawn yr amdiffynnwr dywe- dut y
breint goreu a vo oe dystyon. Ac yna y mae iawn yr ynat dadganu deu vreint y
rydywedassant y 25 dwy bleit y eu tystyon.
17. Yna y mae iawn yr ynat ovyn yr dwy bleit a savant hwy yn yr hyn yd ydys
yn y dodi yn eu pen. 30 Llyma bawb or gwybydyeit
(Ch. 16). 1 leg. eu eu, 2 t over the line, 3 leg. keghelloron, 4 MS. venich
Ch. 17). 1 There is a smudge between p and I

(delwedd B7116) (tudalen 220)
esauahanf llema popun or duipleit yn amheu guibytied y kilit nasdegant yr
degin ket as deuetoent ar eutauaut
5 leumt jaun eu yr eneit ena ev kreirhau ac guedi askreir- hauont emay yaun
vddunt menet allan. Ac edrych 2 er hyn jaunaf aueloent vrth a
10 gluassant. Ac oguelhant hot en veil testion eneill rei noe gilit '
diuarnent buy eguae- thaf e testion. wderuit hot en kestal eutestion *
diuarner er
15 amdifewnur kanys etheuis ef testion a vey guell noc aoet ka ellall. Ac nis
cauas. Ac ena emay jaun yr egneit barnu deuot er
20 haulur ar etir ar e breint edoet pan kechuinuus 3 en agkaefreithiaul
25 Ac guediheni emay 1 yr eneit prom ekedueit' 2 y edric a due pop rey
onadunt huy bot en priodaur ebleit emaent enikawhelu a deueduit o
30 keituueit pop rey eu bot en priodaur Ac odamheuir
yn dy wedut y savant. Llyma bob un or dwy bleit yn amheu gwybydieit y gilyd
nas dygant yr dygyn, kyt as dywettont ar eu tavawt leveryd. lawn yw yr yneit
yna eu kreirhau. A gwedy askreirhaont y mae iawn udunt vynet allan, ac edrych
yr hyn iawnaf a welont wrth a glywassant. Ac o gwelant bot yn well testyon
eneill rei noe gilyd, divarnent hwy y gwaethaf y dystyon. w dervyd bot yn
gystal eu tystyon, divarner yr amdiff- ynnwr; kanys edewis ef tystyon a vei
well noc a oed gan y Hall, ac nys kauas. Ac yna y mae iawn yr ygneit barnu
dyvot yr hawlwr ar y tir, ar y breint yd oed pan gychwynws yn aghyvreithy-
awl y arnaw.
1 8. A gwedy hynny y mae iawn yr yneit provi y keidweit, y edrych a dwng pob
rei onadunt hwy bot yn briodawr y bleit y maent yn y chynhelu; a dywedut o
geidweit pob rei eu bot yn
(Ch, 17). 2 h over c, 3 h over the line
(Ch. 18). 1 leg. emay iawn, 4 MS. ekeuit

(delwedd B7117) (tudalen 221)
vntheu yaun eu eucreirhau ar nep akellio y kedueit onaduunt y vrht ellu
kollet etir o seif ekeitueit or due- pleit kehedet yv ar lie ebo kehedet
deuhann^r vit.
Ked barner ydau deuod yr tir' nikecuuin egur aoet ene mediant kynt erdau
okeill kaffael tu atal ydau en er un lie ac en kastal edeudir vrth na burir
odena ef. Ac nideleir talu tir ambreinaul en lie tir abreint ohonau val
kegkalloraith neu vaerony neu redit.
Ac ena emay yaun er egneit deuot traceukeuen y eu braudle ac ena emay yaun
vdunt kewrit ked^r- nit a 1 bot vrth ebraut a kawrit mach areugober. Ac ena
edeleant er eneit datcanu eduy kegheusaeh a guedi hene datcanu eu uaraut 2 ac
ena ebrenin adele redhau eguestelon oeu carcar.
(Ch. 20). 1 leg. ar, 2 leg. braut
briodawr. Ac ot amheuir wynteu, iawn yw eu kreir- hau. Ar neb a gilio y geid-
weit onadunt y wrth y llw, kollet ydir. w seif y keidweit 5 or dwy bleit,
kyhyded yw. Ar lie y bo kyhyded deu- hanner vyd.
19. Kyt barner idaw dyvot
yr tir, ny chychwyn y gwr a Iw oed yn y medyant gynt yrdaw, o geill gaffael
tu a thai idaw yn yr un lie ac yn gystal y deu dir, wrth na vwryir odyna ef.
Ac ny 15 dylyir talu tir ammreiniawl yn lie tir a breint ohonaw, val
kynghelloraeth neu vae- roni neu rydit.
20. Ac yna y mae iawn yr 20 yneit dyvot tracheukevyn y eu brawdle. Ac yna y
mae iawn udunt kymryt kedernit
ar vot wrth y vrawt, a chymryt mach ar eu gobyr. 25 Ac yna y dylyant yr yneit
dadganu y dwy gyngheu- saeth, a gwedy hynny dad- ganu eu brawt. Ac yna y
brenhin a dyly rydhau y 30 gwystlon o eu karchar.

(delwedd B7118) (tudalen 222)
The following Latin Charter (Lib. Land., page 118) deals with the same
subject, and illustrates the Welsh:
Priuilegium Sancti Teliaui est et ecclesiae suae Landauiae, datum sibi et
omnibus successoribus suis in perpetuo a regibus istis et principibus
Brittaniae, confirmatum apostolica auctoritate, cum omnibus legibus suis in
se plenariis sibi et terns suis, libera ab omni regali seruitio, sine
consule, sine proconsule, sine conuentu intus nee extra, sine expeditione,
sine uigilanda regione. Et cum omni iustitia sua; de fure et furto, de
rapina, de homicidio, de arsione, de rixa, de sanguine, de refugio uiolato
ubique in terra sancti, de assaltu uiarum et extra uias, de faciendo iudicio
et patiendo, de omni populo Sancti Teliaui in curia Landauiae; de communione
aquae et herbae, campi et siluae populo ecclesiae Sancti Teliaui; cum mercato
et moneta in Landauia; cum applicatione nauium ubique per terras Sancti
Teliaui libera pro regibus et omnibus nisi ecclesiae Landauiae et episcopis
eius. De opprobrio et omni iniuria quod rex Morcanhuc et sui homines fecerint
episcopo Sancti Teliaui et suis hominibus, idem rex Morcanhuc et sui homines
rectum faciant episcopo et suis hominibus. et iudicium patiantur in curia
Landauiae. wmnis lex quae f uerit regali, omnis etiam et in curia plenarie
episcopali Landauensi.
Lymma y cymreith ha bryein eccluys Teliau o lanntaf arodes breenhined hinn ha
touyssocion Cymry
5 yntrycyguidaul dy eccluys teliau hac dir escip oil gueti ef amcytarnedic o
audurdaut papou rumein y holl cyfreith didi hac dy thir* hac di dair*
10 ryd o pop guasanaith bre- ennin bydaul ' heb mair hebcyghellaur- heb cyhoittr
dadlma ymeun gulat hac ny dieithyr heb luyd heb
I5gauayl' heb guylma ycyf- reith idi ynhollaul o leityr o latrat o treis
Llyma y gyvreith a breint eglwys Deilaw o Lanndaf, a rodes y brenhined hynn a
thywysogyon Cymry yn dra- gywydawl y eglwys Deilaw ac yr escyp oil gwedy ef,
amgadarnedic o awdurdawt pabeu Ruvein. Y holl gyvreith idi ac y thir ac y
dayar; ryd o bob gwasanaeth brenhin by d awl; heb vaer, heb gynghellawr, heb
gyhoed dadylva y mewn gwlat ac yn y dieithyr; heb luyd, heb avael, heb wylva.
Y chyv- reith idi yn hollawl o leidyr, o ladrat, o dreis, o dynyorn,

(delwedd B7119) (tudalen 223)
o cynluyn hac o lose o amryson canguayt aheb- guayt y diruy hay camcul yndi
didi yn hollaul o dorri naud ynn lann hac yn- dieythyr lann * orachot ynn
luhyn hac dieithyr luhyn o cyrch y popmynnic artir teliau hay guir hay braut
dy lytu yr ecluys ygundy teliau ynn lantaf ' hac ny lys dufyr ha guell hac
choyt ha mays yncyfrytin dy lytu teliau cymofut habathori- ayth ynn lanntaf
hac aperua ardir teliau dyr loggou adis- cynno nythir y pop mynnic yt uoy ryd
rac brennin arac paup namyn dy teliau ay eccluys lantam ha dy escyp har mefyl
har sarhaythar cam har ennuet a gunech 1 brenn- hin morcannhuc hay gur hay
guas dy escop teliau hac dy gur hac dy guas dyuot brennhin morcannhuc y-
gundy teliau yn lanntaf' dy gunethur guir ha cyfreith' ha diguadef braut diam
y cam a diconher dy escop teliau ha dy gur ha dy guas * ythir hay dayr dy
luyd dy uuner digauayl * ha pop
o gynllwyn ac o lose, o amry- son gan waet ac heb waet. Y dirwy ae chamgwl
yndi idi yn hollawl o dorri nawd yn llann ac yn diethyr llann, 5 o ragot yn
llwyn ac diethyr llwyn, o gyrch [ ]
ar dir Teilaw. Ae gwir ae brawt y deulu yr eglwys yg Gwndy Teilaw yn Llandaf
10 ac yny llys. Dwvyr a gwellt a choet a maes yn gyffredin y deulu Teilaw.
Cyvnewit a bathoriaeth yn Llandaf, ac aberva ar dir Teilaw yr 15 llongeu a
discynno yny thir pa le bynnac y bo, ryd rac brenhin a rac pawb namyn y
Deilaw ac eglwys Landaf ac y hescyp. Ar 20 mevyl ar sarhaet ar cam ar enywet
a wnel brenhin Mor- gannuc ae wr ae was y escop Teilaw ac y wr ac y was,
dyvot brenhin Morgannuc y 25 Wndy Teilaw yn Llandaf y wneuthur gwir a
chyvreith a diodef brawt yam y cam a a digonher y escop Teilaw ac y wr ac y
was. Y thir ae 30 dayar , di luyd divuner diavael. A pob cyvreith a vo y
vrenhin Morgannuc yn

(delwedd B7120) (tudalen 224)
cyfreith auo dy brennin morcannuc yn lys ou hot oil yn hollaul dy escop
teliau ny lys yntou hay hot 5 ynemelldicetic hac yn yscu- munetic yr neb
aitorro hac ay dimanuo y bryeint hunn * hac ef hay plant guety ef. Hynn
bendicetic hac ef hay 10 plant ay enrydedocao y- breint hunn hac ay cat(wo).
2 Amen.
[y] ly s > eu bot y n hollawl y escop Teilaw yn y lys ynteu. Ae vot yn
emelldigedic ac yn yscumunedic y neb ae torro ac ae divanwo y breint hwnn, ac
ef ae blant wedy ef. Yn vendigedic ac ef ae blant ae enrydedockao y breint
hwnn ac ae katwo. Amen.
1. leg. gunel. 2. Co added in later hand.

(delwedd B7121) (tudalen 225)
Kalan gaeaf, kalet grawn, deil ar gychwyn, Ilynnwynn llawn: y bore gynn noe
vynet gwae a ymdiret y estrawn.
Kalan gayaf, kein gyfrin; c
kyfret awel a dryckin: gweith keluyd y6 kelu rin.
Kalan gayaf, cul hydot,
melyn blaen bedw, gwedw hauot:
g6ae a haed meuyl yr bychot. 10
Kalan gayaf, crwm blaen gwrysc, gnawt o benn dirieit teruysc: He ny bo daCn
ny byd dysc.
Kalan gaeaf, garw bin,
anhebic y gynteuin:! e
namwyn Du6 nyt oes dewin.
Kalan gaeaf, kein gyfreu adar, byrr dyd, ban cogeu: trugar daffar Du6 goreu.
Kalan gayaf, kalet eras, 20
purdu bran, buan o vras:
am gwymp hen chwerdit gwen gwas.

(delwedd B7122) (tudalen 226)
Kalan gaeaf, cul kerwyt,
gwae wann pan syrr; byrr vyd byt
gwir gwell hegarwch no phryt.
Kalan gayaf, Hwm godeith, aradyr yn rych, ych yg gweith: or kant odit

(delwedd B7123) (tudalen 227)
Deus Du6 delwat,
Gwledic, g6aed neirthyat.
Crist Jessu gwyliat,
R6ysc rihyd amnat
Aduelach kaffat. 5
Nym gGnel heb ranned
Moli dy trugared.
Ny dyfu yma,
G61edic, dy gynna.
Ny dyfu, ny dyfyd Iw
Neb kystal a Douyd.
Ny ganet yn dyd p!6y6
Neb kystal a Du6.
Nac nyt adef
Neb kystal ac ef . 1 5
Vch nef, is nef
Nyt gwledic namyn ef .
Vch mor, is mor
Ef an cre6ys.
Pan dyffo De6s, 20
Ef an gwnaho mawr trws.
Dyd brawt yn echwrys.
Kennadeu o drCs
Gwynt a mor a than,
Luchet a tharyan, 25
Eiryf ab 1 gGengan.
ILCyth byt yg griduan
Ergelawr, dygetawr llawhethan.
Ergelhawr mor a syr 2 ,
1. leg. eiry fab? 2. leg. ser.

(delwedd B7124) (tudalen 228)
Pan discynho Pater
Y dadyl ae nifer,
A chyrn gopetror
Ac ennynnu mor. 5 Llwyth byt Itoscetawr
Hyny uwynt marwaCr,
Loscawt ynyal ran
Rac y vawr varan.
Ef tynho aches 10 Rac y varan res.
Diffurn dyd reges
G6ae ae harhoes.
Ef tardho talaGr;
Terdit nef y lawr. 15 G6ynt rud dygetaCr
Ech y gadwynawr.
Neu byt mor wastat
Mai pan great.
Seith Pedyr ae dywawt, 20 Dayar diwarnawt.
Dywa6t duG Sad6rn
Dayar yn vn ff6rn.
Sadwrn vore rwyd
In gwnaho ny Culwyd. 25 Tir bydawt tywyd,
GCynt y todo g6yd.
Ebryn pop dyhed,
Pan losco mynyded.
Atuyd triganed 30 A chyrn rac rihed.
KyfoethaCc ae henuyn,
Mor a tir a Hyn.
Atuyd cryn dygryn

(delwedd B7125) (tudalen 229)
A dayar gychwyn.
Ac uch pop mehyn
A marw mein uudyn.
Eryf arge!6ch
Ac enynnu Hwch. 5
Ton aghyolGch,
Taryan ymrythwch.
Teithyawc afar
Ac eryf tr6y alar
Ac enynnu trwy var 10
Rwg nef a dayar.
Pan dyffo Trindawt
Y maes maestawt,
Lu nef ymdana6,
L6yth Ilydan attaw, 15
Kyrd a cherdoryon,
A chathleu egylyon.
Drychafant o vedeu;
Eirant o dechreu.
Eirant kwn coet, 20
Ar gymeint adoet.
A rewinywys mor
A wnant ma6r gawr,
Pryt pan dyffo
Ef ae gwahano. 25
" Y sawl a uo meu,
Ymchoelant o deheu.
A digonwy kamwed,
Ymchaelent y perthgled.
Ponyt erlys dy gyfreu 30
A lefeir dy eneu?
Dy vynet yn du hynt yn nanheu
Yn tywyll heb leuuereu.

(delwedd B7126) (tudalen 230)
3 o DwwMSDAY
Ac ym oed y ereu, Ac ym oed i ieitheu, Ac ym oed i ganwlat Ac eu cant
Iloneit. 5 Canuet gClat pressent
Ny bum heb gatwent. wed mynych kyfar chwerG Yrof am 1 kefynderw. wed mynych
kyryscCydat Iw Yrof y am kywlat.
wed mynych kyflafan Yrof i ar truan. Am gory 6 hwn vyth; Nym gCnaei dyn byth.
1 5 Am gy rrCys yg croc,
A wydCn yn oc. Am gyrrCys ym pren DipynCys vym pen. Tafaw ti vyn deu troet,
20 Mor tru eu hadoet.
Tauaw dy 'r boenet, Escyrn vyn tract. Taua6 dy vyn dGy vreich; Ny ny dybyd eu
beich. 25 Tauaw dy vyn d6y ysc6yd;
Handit mor dyuyd. TauaC dy 'r cethron Y my6n vyg callon. TauaC dy gethrawt 30
Yrwg vyn deu lygat.
Tauaw yr da allat, Coron drein ym iat. Tauaw dy oestru,
1. MS. eim.

(delwedd B7127) (tudalen 231)
A wanpCyt vyn tu.
Teu yG chitheu
Mai yr ywch Haw deheu.
ICch ny byd madeu
Vy gwan a bereu." 5
4 ' A wledic, ny wydyem
Pan oed ti a grogem.
G61edic nef, gCledic pop tut,
Ny wydem ni, Grist, tut vyhut.
Bei ath Cybydem, 10
Crist, ath athechem."
"Nyt aruollir gwat
Gan IGyth eissyfflat.
Digonsawchi anuat
Yn erbyn Dofydyat. 15
Can mil egylyon
Yssyd imi yn tyston,
A doeth ym kyrcha6
GCedy vyg crogaC.
Yg croc yn greulet 20
Myhun ym gCaret.
Yn nefoed bu cryt,
Pan ym crogyssit.
Pan orelwis Keli
Dy CulGyd vch keli. 25
A chenwch deu ieuan
Ragof y deu gynran,
A deu lyfyr yn ach Ha6
Yn eu darlleaw.
Nys deubi ryrys 30
RygossGy rygossys.
Ac a6ch bi wynnyeith
Gwerth awch ynuyt areith.

(delwedd B7128) (tudalen 232)
Kayator y dyleith
Arna6ch y vffern Heith."
Crist Jessu uchel ry seilas trycha[n] mil
5 Er pan ytty6 ym buched.
Ac eil mil kyn croc Yt lewychi Enoc. Neu nyt atwen drut Meint eu heissylhit.
10 Gwlat pressent yth ermut,
A chyt awch bei odit. Trychan mil b!6ydyned namyn vn wric odit buched

(delwedd B7129) (tudalen 233)
Ysym arglGyd gwrd, gordiuwng y var,
(gordCy neb nyw hystGng) gly6 diwreid gwrdvleid 1 gorvlwg, gle6 dywal, ny
dal, ny d6g.
Yssit ym arglwyd aerglwyf ner nerthuawr, 5
aerllew Ilawr, 2 Hawch niuer, ny oleith Ileith yr Hyfyrder, ny odef cam, nyw
Yssit ym arglwyd eurgledyfrud gawr,
breisc Hafnawr brwysc Tlofrud, 10
ny da61 6rth ae mad mawruud, ny graCn golut, nyw golud.
Yssit ym arglwyd argledyr anaC beird,
am bardeir yn eidaw,
am karyat kadarn arna6, I S
am kerd, am kynnelw ohonaw.
Yssit ym arglCyd argledyr cat a tharyf,
a theruyn ar gywlat, klotua6r Ilawr, Haw aghaeat, koryf toryf, teruysc oe
anghat. 20
Yssit ym wledic wlat amdiffyn Ilary,
(Ilawer dyn ae govyn) gwalchlan wosparth warth wrthryn, gwalpar gCanar
I T over d 2 r over 6

(delwedd B7130) (tudalen 234)
( a ) BLACK BwwK, page 39^
Assuynaw naut Duv diamhev 1 y daun
ae donyauc wiffinnhev. ar dy guir erir aerev. ar dy gulad guledic dehev.
5 Assuinaf archaf eirchad ymgelwir.
naut kyuir kygwastad. ar dy drissev aer. drussad. ar di drissaur gvaur
Assuinaw archaw arch vaur y periw. 10 a pms new a Ilaur.
naut rac dy uar car kertaur. ar dy pirth ar di porthaur.
Assuinaf naut haut haelon deheuparth
diheuporth kertorion. 15 ath turuf oth tarianogion.
ath toryf oth teern meibon.
Assuinaf ych naut na cheluch ych porth.
can p^rthin attreguch. gostecwir His gosteguch. 20 gostec beirt bart
Assuinaf naut haut 2 haelvonet worsset.
nyth orsseiw teernet. ar dy torif coryf kywrisset ar dy teulu teilug met. 1.
MS. diamehv. 2. MS. haut naut with marks of transposition.

(delwedd B7131) (tudalen 235)
Metcuin ev gwiraud metkirn ae gwallav.
ae gwellig in eurdirn. a gloev y ved in edirn. a gliv deur. a glev teeirn.
Teernweilch P^'dein prydaw ych priwgert. 5
ych priwclod a digaw. ych bart ych beirnad vytaw. ych porth perthin yv ataf.
Attep a ganaw ar canhuyw vy argluif
ergliv. wi. can dothuif. 10
Ileissaun Iliw Itev gliv glevrvit. Ilaessa di var di bart wif.
Viw kertaur im ruw. ruisc. morkimlaut gurt.
ruisfirt kirt kert. vahaut.
assuin asserv herv hirvlaut. 15
assuinaf ar wut naw. naut.
(b) RED BwwK. Dadol6ch Rys vab Gruffud. Kyndel6 ae cant.
Asswynaf na6d Du6 (diamheu dy da6n,
ath donyawc 6yf inneu)
ar dy wyr, eryr aereu, 20
ar dy wlat, wledic deheu.
AssGynaf, archaf arch vaCr y beryf
a beris nef a IIa6r, nawd rac dy var, car kerdawr, ar dy byrth, ar dy
borthaGr. 25
AssGynaf, archaf (eirchat ym gelwir)
nawd kywir kywgwastat ar dy drysseu, aer drwssyat, ar dy dryssawr, gGawr

(delwedd B7132) (tudalen 236)
Asswynaf awch nawd, na chelwch awch porth,
can perthyn attreg6ch. Gostecwyr Ilys, gostegwch: " Gostec, beird! bard
a glywch."
5 Ass6ynaf naCd ha6d haelon deheubarth,
diheuborth kerdoryon, ath daryf oth duranogyon, ath doryf ath deyrnueibyon.
AssCynaf na6d ha6d haeloned worsaf 10 (nyth orseif teyrned)
ar dy doryf, koryf kywryssed, ar dy deulu tei!6ng med.
Medgwyn eu gwyn eu gwirawt, medgyrn ae gwarchae,
ae gCercheidw yn eurdyrn, 15 a gloeG yfet yn etyrn,
a gly6 deCr, a gle6 deyrn.
Teyrnweilch Prydein, prydaf aCch prifgerd,
awch prifglot a dygaf, awch bard, awch beirnyat vydaf, 20 a6ch porth perthyn
yw attaf .
Atteb a ganaf a ganwyf; arglwyd, ergly6 vi, kan dothGyf. Leissa6n Ilyw, llew
glyG glew rwyf, Ilaessa dy var, dy vard 6yf.
25 Wyf kerdawr ym r6yf rCysc morgvmlawd g6yrd,
rwysc ffyrd, kyrd kerd wahawd. Asswyn asserw herw hirvlawd, ass6yuaf ar ud naf

(delwedd B7133) (tudalen 237)
BLACK BwwK. In enu domni meu y. voli.
maur y uolaud.
Molawe douit. maur y kinnit
ar y cardaud.
Duu an amuc. Duu an goruc.
Duu an guaraud.
Duu an gobeith. teilug pirfeith.
tec y purfaud.
Duu an dyli. Duu issi vry.
vrenhin trindaud.
Duu a broued in y truyted
in 1 y trallaud.
Duu a dyfu. oe garcharu
gan vuildaud.
Guledic deduit an gunel in rit
erbin dit braud.
RED BwwK. Yn enw Dni, meu y moli;
mawr y molawt.
Molaf Douyd, 5
mawr y gynnyd ar y cardawt.
Duw an hamuc, Duw an goruc,
Duw an gwarawt. 10
Duw an gobeith, teilwng perffeith, tec y purffawt.
Duw an dyly, Duw yssy bry, 1 5
brenhin trindawt.
Daw a prouet ynn yn drwydet
drwy y drallawt.
Duw a dyuu 20
oe garcharu
gan uvulldawt.
Gwledic detwyd an gwnel ni yn ryd
erbyn dyd braw[t]. 25
1. drvvy M.A.

(delwedd B7134) (tudalen 238)
An duch ir gulet ir y varet.
ae werindaud.
Ym paraduis. 5 im pur kynnuis
rac puis pechaud.
An gunel iechid ir y penid
ae pimp dirnaud.
lo Dolur eghirith. Duu an diffirth
ban kymirth cnaud.
Din a collei bei nas prinhei 15 diuei devaud.
wr croc crevled y deuth guared ir vedissyaud.
Kadarn bugeil 20 Crist nid adweil. y teilygdaud
An dwc yr wled yr y wared
ae werindawt.
Ym Paradwys, ym pur gynnwys
rac pwys pechawt.
An gwnel iechyt yr y penyt
ae pym dyrnawt.
Dolur eghyrth Duw an diffirth,
pan gymerth knawt.
Dyn a gollei pei nas prynei diuei deuawt.
wr groc greulet y deuth gwaret
yr vedissyawt.
Cadarn uugeil Crist nyt adueil y teilyngdawt.

(delwedd B7135) (tudalen 239)
"Marchauc a girch y dinas, ae cun gwinion ae cirn bras, nyth adwaen, mi
ryth welas."
" Marchauc a kirch ir aber y ar march cadarn kadfer, 5
dabre genhiw; nym gwatter."
"Mi nyd aw ina in aur, gotev gueith y godriccaur: elhid bendith new a
"Y gur nim guelas beunit 10
y 1 tebic y gur deduit, ba hid ei dy? a phan doit?"
"Ban deuaw o Caer Seon o imlat ac Itewon, it aw Caer Lev a
Gwidion." 15
" Dabre de genhiw ir dinas, ath uit met ara phellas, ac eur coeth ar di
" Mi nyd adwaen y gur hy a metev tan a gveli: 2w
tec a chuec y diwedi."
1. leg. vyt.

(delwedd B7136) (tudalen 240)
"Dabre genhiw im tino, ath uit guin gorysgelho, Vgnach yw vy heno mab
"Vgnach, bendith ith orsset! ath vo rad ac enrydet! Taliessin viw inheu,
talaw itti dy gulet."
"Taliessin, penhaw or guir, beitad yg kert kyuergir, trie ima hid dyv
merchir." 2
" Vgnach, mvihaw y alaw, ath vo rad y gulad pennhaw: ny haetaw kabil, ny
2. ir added in a later hand.

(delwedd B7137) (tudalen 241)
Llym awel, Hum brin, anhaut caffael clid: llicrid rid, reuhid llin, ry seiw
gur ar vn conin.
Ton tra thon toid tu tir, 5
goruchel guaetev rac bron banev bre: breit allan or seuir.
wer lie lluch rac brythuch
gaeaw, crin caun, calaw truch,
kedic awel, coed in i bluch. 10
wer guely pisscaud yg kisscaud iaen, cul hit, caun barywhaud, birr diuedit,
guit gvyrhaud.
wttid eiry, guin y cnes,
nid a kedwir oe neges, 1 5
oer llinnev, eu llyu heb tes.
wttid eiry, guin aren, segur yscuid ar iscuit hen, ryuaur guiwt, reuhid dien.
wttid eiry ar warthaw rev 1 , 20
goscupid guint 2 blaen guit tev, kadir yscuid ar yscuit glev.
1. In MS. res has been altered later to reo. 2. MS. gint

(delwedd B7138) (tudalen 242)
4 2
wttid eiry, tohid istrad, diuryssint vy keduir y cad, mi nid aw, anaw nim
wttid eiry o dv riv, karcharaur goruit, cul biv, nid annuyd hawdit hetiv.
wttid eiry, guin goror mynit, Hum guit Hog ar mor meccid llvwyr llauer

(delwedd B7139) (tudalen 244)

(delwedd B7141) (tudalen 245)
The paragraphs refer to the Grammar, voc. = causing vocalic mutation
(lenation). nas. = causing nasal mutation, spir. = causing spirant mutation,
coll. = collective, n.l. =nomen loci, chw follows c, 8 follows d, ng follows
g in the order of the alphabet.
1. a (voc.) rel. part. 82 ft 1 . With per*, pron. ( 48 ff. ) sg. 1 am, sg. 2
ath (voc.), sg. and pi. 3 ae, ay, as, pi. 1 an, pi. 2 ach.
2. a (voc.) intern part. 239. With pres. of copula ae. ae . . ae whether . .
3. a (voc.) inter j. 243.
4. a (spir.) prep, with, see 1. ac.
5. a (spir.) conj. and, see 2. ac.
6. a (voc,) prep., see 1. o.
6. a- used to infix pronoun. 94. With pers. pron. sg. 1 am, sg. 2 ath, sg.
and pi. 3 as.
abad m. an abbot; pi. -eu.
aballu to perish. 158, 15.
aber a river-mouth, estuary,
aber-fa f. harbour, harbourage.
aberth sacrifice. 150, 17.
abid f . a habit, monastic dress.
abrei<5 scarcely, hardly. 159, 10. 197, 20. 200, 17.
1. ac, a (spir.) prep, with, 162. With art. ar; with poss. adj. sg. 1 am, sg.
2 ath (voc.;, sg. 3 m. ae (voc.) f. ae (spir.), pi. 1 an, pi. 2 ach, pi. 3
2. ac, a (spir.) cpnj. and, as. 198. With art. ar; with poss. adj. sg. 1 am,
sg. 2 ath (voc.) etc. ac . . ac both . . and.
1. ach (awch, ych) your. 57, 58.
2. ach lineage, descent; pi. -oe5.
3. ach, see 1. a, 1. ac, 2. ac. achaws m. cause, reason, pa a.
why? 218, 16. o a. because 199. Cf. achwysson.
achenoctid, see anghenoctid.
aches (from Lat. accessus) flood- tide. 228, 9. See CZ. V, p. 566.
achlan entire, all. 202, 22. 23.
achub to occupy, seize, precipitate oneself, snatch. 151,5. 180,19. 199, 12.
201, 20 (see cyfarth). 207, 17.
achubeid to seize. 152, 8.
achwanecau to augment, increase.
achwaneg more,.
achwanegu to increase.
achwysson (pi.) causes. 161, 15.
achyfyeith, see anghyfyeith.
adan f. a wing; pi. -e5. 203, 19.
adar (coll. ) birds; sg. ederyn.
adaw to leave, allow, pres. ind. pass. edir. 152, 4. 158, 8. 193, 10.
adeilad to build, a building; pi. -eu. 139, 3.
ad-feilaw to decay, decline. 238, 20.
ad-fod to exist, be. fut. ind. sg. 3 adfyS 228, 29. 33.
ad-libin a ivretched remnant. 153, 28.
ad-na-bod to recognise, knoiv. 144. pres. ind. act. sg. 1 adwaen.
ad-newy5u to renew. 155, 4.
adolwyn to beseech. 142, 31. pret, pi. 3. adologyssant. 149, 10.
adref homeward. 196, 9. atref 198, 29.
adwaen, see adnabod.
adwy a gap, opening; pi. -eu. 175,
aSa.sfit, meet, suitable.
aSassu to fit, adjust. 150, 26.
a5aw to promise. 170,13. 177,7. 218, 27. pres. ind. sg. 3 e5ew 239, 20.
a5ef to acknowledge, admit, allmv. 227, 14.
aSfelach? 227, 5.
a5-fwyn-der m. gentleness, nobility, honour. 181, 24.
a5-oed m. appointed time; destiny, fate. 229, 21. 230, 20.
aSurn adornment. 163, 29.
aSurnaw to adorn, decorate. 155, 5.
1. ae, see La. 2. ae, see 2. a.
3. ae, see 1. ac. 4. ae, see 2. ac.
aed, see myned.
Ae5 (Ir, Aed) n. pr. m. 201, 14.
aeSfed ripe, mature. 165, 20.
aer slaughter; pi . -eu. L. 195, 26.
Aer n. pr. m.
r-fa f. slaughter; pi. -eu.

(delwedd B7142) (tudalen 246)
aer-glwyf dealing wounds in battle. 233, 5.
aer-llew m. lion of battle. 233, 6.
aeth, see myned.
aeth-lym keen and sharp. Aeth-lem f. the name of a soiu. 207, 8.
af, see myned.
Afallach n.l. Avallon.
afar in. grief. 229, 8.
af-lonydu to incommode. 209, 23.
aflonySwch disturbance. 148, 6.
afon f. a river; pi. -oe.
afory to-morrow. 203, 28.
Affric Africa.
affwys in. an abyss, deep, bottom. 197,29. 206,32. 207,2.
agalen f. a whetstone. 194, 14.
agori to open; part, agoredig.
agos -near; comp. nes; sup. nessaf.
angel an angel; pi. engylyon.
angerS m. vehemence, force. 151, 17. 184, 24. 186, 4.
angeu, see angheu.
anghad f. hand. 233, 20.
anghaead unclosed, open, liberal. 233, 19.
anghen (agen) m. need, necessity; a. yn a. by sheer necessity 206, 14; cf.Hg.
II. 197, 25.
anghenoctid (achenoctid) want, indigence. 142, 20. 146, 3.
angheu (agheu, ageu) f. death. 150, 15.
angheuawl deadly; mortally wounded. 159, 8. 18. 183, 26.
anghlywedig unheard of, unusual,
anghreifit(agreifft, agriff ) example. 165, 12.
anghyf-nerth helplessness, im- potence. 143, 6.
anghyf-reith injustice, 'wrong.
anghyfreithiawl unjust, wrongful.
anghyfrwys untrained, unskilled.
anghyf-yeith alien in speech, foreign. 191, 19. pi. -ySyon. 153, 17.
an'ghyolwch? 229, 6.
aho, see myned.
alaf wealth pi. -oe5. 164, 9.
Alban Scotland, yr A. 141,7.
allan out, outivards, outside. hynny a. thenceforth.
allt a cliff. A. Clwyd (wrongly, instead of Clud) Dumbarton.
all-tud a foreigner, alien; exile.
am (voc.) prep, about, on account of. % 164. am hynny therefore.
am-blygu to embrace. 148, 12 v. 1.
amcawS said (he). amkeuoant said they. 133 (b).
am-5iffynfo defend, protect-, defence.
amSiffynwr in. a defendant in a lawsuit.
am-gadarnedig confirmed, ratified.
amgen different, nyd a. namely.
amherawdyr m. an emperor; pi. amherodron.
amherodraeth f. empire, do- minion.
amheu to doubt, dispute, call in question.
amlach, amlaf, see amyl.
amlwg clear, manifest.
ammreiniawl (ambreinawl) without privilege. 221, 16.
amn'ad? 227, 4.
amod in. a covenant, contact. 149, 17. 150, 20. 158, 24. 159, 10.
amryfael various, different; pi. -on.
amryson a quarrel. 223, 2.
am-ryw various, divers.
am-sathyr a treading, moving of feet. 193, 15.
amser m. time; pi. -oe5.
amug, see amwyn.
amws in. a stallion; pi. emys.
am-wyn to protect. 133 (b). pret. ind. act. sg. 3 amug.
Amwythig Shrewsbury . 161, 31.
amyl frequent; numerous; comp. amlach; sup. amlaf.
amylder plenty, abundance, multi- tude. 145, 23.
amylhau to increase, augment.
1. an (yn) our. 57.
2. an, see 1. a.
3. an, see 1. and 2. ac. anadyl breath.
anaf in. a blemish, wound. 242, 3.
anaw poetry, muse. 233,13.
anaw5, see an-haw5.
an-dylyedus illegal, wrong. 167, 26.
an-eiryf innumerable, countless; a countless number. 184, 27.
an-fad evil, crime. 231, 14.
an-feidrawl immense.
anfon to send, dispatch, pres. ind. sg. 3 enfyn'228, 31.
Angiw Anjou.
an-haw5 not easy, difficult. 241, 2.
anhebig (y) unlike, dissimilar (to). 225, 15.
anheilwng unworthy.
anher, see hanher.
anifeil in. an animal, beast; pi. -eid.

(delwedd B7143) (tudalen 247)
annerch to greet, address; pi. -eu greetings. 143, 8.
annobeithaw (o) to despair (of).
annod delay. 171, 27.
annoeth (anoeth) a precious thing; pi. -eu. 165, 13. 187, 13. Cf. Arch. I, p.
annog to urge, encourage, recom- mend,
annwyd nature, temper. 242, 6.
anolo void, worthless, nugatory.
an-osteg f. disturbance, disorder.
anreg f. a dish of meat; pi. -yon. 163, 31 (fercida).
anreithaw to plunder, ravage.
anreithwr m. a plunderer.
anrydeS, see enrydeS.
ansaw<5 f . condition, nature, quality, state, station. 160, 10. 180, 6.
ansoSedig established, founded.
ant, see myned.
an-udonawl perjured, treacherous, wicked. 149, 31 v. 1.
an-uundeb (-dab) discord, disunion, conflict. 167, 30.
an-waethach no less. 145, 20 v. 1.
anwyl a friend; pi. -yd. 160, 26.
anyanawl natural, native, innate.
1. ar (voc.)prep. on, over, for, before. 165. -urithin 146, 25. ar hynt
there- upon. About to, on the point of. ar gychwyn 225, 2.
2. ar, see 1. and 2. ac.
3. ar = a (rel. part.) + ry, see 95 note.
4. ar, see 1. o. aradyr a plough.
araf slow, gentle, mild. 155, 27.
arall another, other; pi. ereill. 68. ereill . . ereill some . . others.
arbed to spare, save. 153, 23.
ar-benhig chief, principal.
arch f. a request, 153, 34. 234, 9.
arch-esgob m. an archbishop; pi. archesgyb.
archesgobaeth an archbishopric; pi. -eu.
archesgobawd f. an archbishopric.
archesgob-dy m. an archbishop's palace.
archyssant, see erchi.
ar-dymheru to temper, warm. 143, 13.
ar-5elw a voucher. 215, 30.
ar-5erchawg exalted, noble, illus- trious.
ar-5erchocau to exalt, honour.
ar-5yrchafel to raise, exalt; part. ar-5yrchafedig. areith f. a speech. 231,
33. aren (arien) hoarfrost. 241, 17. arf m. a weapon; pi. -eu. arfawg armed.
ar-fer to be wont, be accustomed; use, wont.
arferu (o) to use, employ, enjoy, be accustomed.
arfoll to entertain, receive. 148, 10: 231, 12.
ar-gelwch concealment, seclusion. 229, 4.
ar-gledyr in. a protector. arglwyS m. a lord; pi. -i. arglwySes f . a lady,
mistress. arglwySiaeth f. lordship. ar-gyfreu a marriage portion. 140, 12.
ar-gywe5u (y) to injure, hurt. arnaf etc. , see ar 53. aros to await, expect,
wait, past subj. sg. 3 arhoei; pret. sg. 3arhoes. arth m. a bear. 172, 27.
aruthreS terror, fear. 172, 28. aruthyr terrible, fearful. 172, 29. ar-we5u
to bear, wield. 159, 3. arwein to carry, bear. 163, 3. 10. arwyS f. a token,
mark; a battle- standard; signal; pi. -on. 150,26. 158, 32. 180, 4. 183, 8.
194, 22. arwySocau to signify, imply. aryant silver. as (es), see 1. and 6.
a. asgell a wing; pi. esgyll. asgell-wrych m. spray. 154, 18. asgrifenu, see
ysgrifenu. asgwrn a bone; pi. esgyrn. asserw bright, brilliant. 235, 15. assw
(asseu) left. asswyn an invocation. 235, 15. asswynaf I invoke, entreat. at
(voc.) prep. to. 53, 166. attal to restrain, withhold, hinder. atteb (at-heb)
m. to answer; an an- swer, defence; pi. -yon. 167,19. 169,1. attregwch a
stopping, delay. 234, 18. 236, 2.
1. ath, see 1. and 6. a.
2. ath, see 1. and 2. ac. athechem? 231,11. athoeS, see myned.
athraw a teacher; pi. -on. 145, 3. 161, 11. 219, 13.
awdurdawd m. authority. 222, 7. awch, seeach.

(delwedd B7144) (tudalen 248)
awel m. a breeze, wind. 241, 1. awn, see myned.
awr f. hour, yn a. now. 239, 7. yr a. hon now. 142, 15. awssen absence. 177,
6. awst August. 166, 16.
1. ay, see 1. a.
2. ay, see 1. and 2. ac.
ba, see pa.
bach a bend, angle. 198, 8.
bae5 m. a boar. b. coed a wild boar. 184, 12; pi. bei5. 201, 16.
BaSon n. 1. Bath. 179, 31.
bagyl f. a crook, crutch. Cwrr y Fagyl n. 1. 204, 4.
1. ban loud. 227, 18.
2. ban, see pan.
bann a height; pi. baneu 241, 6. b. y gaer battlement; 196, 1.
banw a pigling, porchell . . hyt tra uo en denu . . ac o henne eny el e moch
yr coet banu vyt BCb. 92, 28.
bar m. wrath, anqer. 229, 10. 233, 1.
baraf, see baryf.
baran wrath, fury. 280, 8.
baran-res rank of soldiers, host. 228, 10.
Barberfloi n. 1. Barfleur.
bar<5 m. a poet, bard; pi. beirS.
bar5-eir song, panegyric. 235, 14.
barfawg bearded. 199, 31.
barn judgment. 188, 6 v, 1.
barnu to judge, decide, fix, pass judg- ment, deem. past. part, barnedig.
barwn m. a baron; pi. -eid, -yeid.
baryf (baraf) a beard.
baryf hau to grow a beard. 241 , 12. Cf. baryf -Iwyt rew FB. 244. 9.
bathoriaethf. mintage, mint. 223,14.
bedissyawd f . the universe. 238, 18.
bedw f. (coll.) birch-trees. 225, 9.
Bedwyr n, pr. m.
be5 m. a grave; pi. -eu.
1. bei, bey, see bod.
2. bei a fault.
beich a burden, load. 230, 24. beiSad m. a challenger. 240, 9. beirnad
(beirnyad) m. a judge. 235, 7. 236, 19. bendigedig blessed. bendyth (bendith)
f. a blessing. bennwig f. a young sow. 205, 19. ber a spike, lance; pi. -eu.
231, 5. beth, see peth. beunySyawl daily. 190, 9.
biw f. cattle. 242, 5; a standard of value, teirbuw 21 1 , 5.
blaen in, point, top, end, front. or b. in front, oe f. before him, ym b.
pawb before any one else, yn ol ac ym b. behind and before.
blaen-we<5 highest state, summit. 169, 21. RB. II. 41, 33.
blawS tumult, commotion. 235, 15.
blei5-ast f. a .she-u-olf.
blin weary, wearisome.
blinaw to weary, molest, harass.
blinder weariness.
blodeuaw toflo urish, jirosper. 1 86, 1 .
blwch? 241,10.
blwySyn f. a year; pi. -e.
blynghau to become angry, to frown. 140,7. 172,23.
blyneS f. years (after numerals).
bo, see bod.
bocsach f. a boasting, raiinliixi. 174, 13.
boch, see bod.
bod to be, state of being (verb subst. and copula) 152 ff.
bo3 goodwill, pleasure, oc eu b. of their own free will. 156, 6. 12.
bo5i to drown.
bogel f. the navel. 174, 25.
Bolwyn n. 1. Boulogne. 184, 31.
bon stem, root, stump; pi. -eu.
bone lineage, noble birth. 162, 1.
bonheSig hereditary, innate 180, 1">; noble; pi. -yon; superl.
bore m. morning, y b. in the morning. 225, 3.
brad m. and f. treachery, plot.
bradwr m. a traitor; pi. bradwyr.
bran m. and f. a raven; pi. brain.
bras stout, fat. 241, 2. 227. 20. Cf. GnaAvd buan o vain, gnawd bnan o vras
MA, 845 b 15.
brath m. a stab, wound. 188, 21.
brathu to wound, stab, spur, inipf, ind. act. pi. 3 brethynt; inipf. ind.
pass, brethid; part, brathedig.
1. brawd f. judgment, day of judgment. 185, 16.
2. brawd in. a brother; pi. brodyr, broder.
brawd-le m. a judgment seat.
bre /////, promontory; 243, 7. Redyn-fren.l.
breich m. and f. an arm. 230, 23.
breiS hardly, scarcely. 241, 7.
breiSwyd f . a dream, msion. 173, 6; v. 1. ib. 14.

(delwedd B7145) (tudalen 249)
breiniawl privileged. 219, 14.
breint (bryein, brein) m. privilege, prerogative; state, condition. 220, 22.
breisg - stout. 233, 10.
brenhin, (breenhin, brennhin, bren- nin) a king; pi. -e.
brenhinawl kingly, royal.
brenhines f. a queen.
brenhin-wisg royal robe; pi. -oeS.
brenhinyaeth f. kingdom.
brethid, brethynt, see brathu.
breu brittle. 200, 1.
breuan f . a hand mill, quern . 206, 3 1 .
briwaw to break in pieces, shatter, destroy, past part, briwedig. 147,3.
broder, brodyr, see brawd.
bron (bronn) breast; pi. bronnoeS; dwy-fron breasts, rac b. before, in front
of; ger b. before; ym b. y dy5 towards day; of. yinrou y gorffen Hg. II, 248,
17; dyriyon ymron agheu, ib. 201, 34.
brwysg strong, impetuous, swift. 233, 10.
bry adv. above. 237, 15.
bryd mind, thought; o un f. with one accord. 175, 10.
bryn (brin) m. a hill, mount.
brys m. haste; ar f. in haste.
bryssyaw to hasten.
Brytaen f. Britain. B. Fechan Brittany. Brytanyeid Britons.
brythwch tumult, storm 229, 7; 241, 8. brythwcli gaeaf MA. 189a.
bu, see bod.
bual a drinking-horn.
b uan s i c-ift, rapid. 151,21.
buaned swiftness, fieetness.
bucheS f. life, salvation. bucheSu to live. 165, 9.
225, 21. 158, 29. 150, 15.
budugawl victorious, gifted. 164,28.
buSugolyaeth f. victory, triumph; pi. -eu. 144, 5.
buSyn? 229, 3.
bugeil m. a shepherd. 238, 19.
bwlch a gap; pi. bylcheu embra- zures. 164, 22.
Bwlwyn n. 1. Boulogne. 162, 14.
bwr5 in. a table; pi. byrSeu.
Bwrgwyn n. 1. Burgundy.
bwrw to throu; cast, strike, hit, overthrow. impf. ind. act. sg. 3 byryei;
pret. ind. sg. 3 byryawS.
bwyell-ig a small hatchet. 201, 21.
bwyd m. meat, food.
bwyta to eat, act of eating.
bwyttal victuals. 203, 2.
bychan small.
bychod a trifle. 227, 10.
1. byd in. world. gwyn y f. happy he! 170, 18. goreu yn y b. best of all;
gwas yn y b. any youtli.
2. byd, see bod.
by dawl ca rth ly. 222. 1 1 .
bySin f. a troop, division of an army; pi. -oe5.
bySinaw to array in troops, to draw up in battle array.
byhud? 233, 9.
bylchau, see bwlch.
byrr (birr) short, brief.
byryei, see bwrw.
byth (fyth) ever.
byw (1) alive; (2) life.
bywyd life. 193, 9 v. 1.
cabil reproof. 240, 13.
cad f. (1) battle, ro5i c. ar faes to give battle; (2) a battalion.
cadarn strong, firm, powerful.
cadarnhau to strengthen, fortify, confirm, ratify, affirm.
cadeir f . a chair, seat.
Cadell n. pr. m.
cad-ffer strong in battle. 241. 5.
cad-lys f. a fortified court. 195, 5.
cadw to keep, preserve, maintain.
Cad-wallawn n. pr. m.
cadwent f. battle, fight, contest. 198, 20; 230, 6.
cad-wr m. a warrior; pi. cedwyr. 241, 15. 242, 2. n. pr. m.
cadwyn a chain; pi. -awr. 228,16,
cadyr strong, firm. 241, 22.
cae in. an enclosure, fence. 149. 6.
cael, see caffel.
caer f. a citadel, fortress, city. pi. ceyryS 156, 31. 193, 2. C. Alclud (Ir.
Ail Cluaide) Dumbarton, C. Efrawg York, C. FaSon Bath, C. FudeiXilchestcr, C.
Geint Canterbury, C. Idor Dorchester, C. Lew Divas Dinlle\ C. Loyw
Gloucester, C. Lyr Leicester, C. Lleon Chester, C. Llion ar Wysc Caer le on,
C. Lwydcoed Lincoln?-, C. Seon Segontiump C.
1 See Rhys, Celtic Heathendom, p. 406.
- According to Holder, AUkMischer Sprachschatz II, col. 192, Letocetum is the
old British name for Lichfield in Staffordshire.
:; On p. 239, 1. 13 Caer Seon is confused with C. Sion ' Zion '; hence the
mention of Jews in 1. 14. Cf. Rhys, I.e., p. 272.

(delwedd B7146) (tudalen 250)
Weir Warwick, C. Wynt Winchester, C. Wyrangon Worcester.
caeth captive; pi. ceith.
caeu to fthut, close, fut. ind. pass, cayator. 232, 1.
Cafall the name of one of Arthur's hounds. Cabal, Nennius ed. Momm- sen, p.
caffel (caffael, cael) to get, seize, obtain, succeed 184, 15. pres. ind. sg.
2 ceffy, pi. 2 ceffwch, pret. pass. caffad (cahat), etc. 145.
calaf (coll.) stalks, reeds; 241, 9.
calan in. Calends; c. Awst first of August; c. gaeaf All Saints' Day; c. Mei
calaneS corpses, pi. of celein. 188, 12.
caled hard, severe; pi. -yon.
Caled-fwlch (Ir. calad-bolg) m. hard in making notches, the name of Arthur's
calon (callon) heart; pi. -eu, -oe5.
cam crooked, wrong; wrong, in- justice; gan g. ivrong fully, unjustly.
camgwl a fine, penalty. 225, 3. v. 1. for camlwrw Leg. Wall. 40b2.
camlwrw a fine, penalty for the lesser offences.
cam-ryfygu to act arrogantly. 166, 10. Cp. Hg. I. 219, 28.
cam-we5 sin, iniquity. 229, 28.
1. can (gan) (voc.) prep, with, by. 167. With pron. end. 53. gelhvngy eneit
gan yr wybyr spiritum in auras emisit 159, 25; yr yscymunedickaf vradwr gan
Vedrawt that most accursed traitor of a Medrawd 189, 15.
2. can (gan) conj. since. 202.
3. can, see 1. cant, canal, see cynhal.
canfed hundredth, a hundredth part. 230, 5.
can-fod to perceive. 160.
canhorthwy help, aid. 178, 8. 10.
canhorthwyaw to help. 176, 8.
canhwyf, see canu.
canhym-deith to accompany, keep up with. 208, 28.
cani, see cany.
can-lyn to follow.
can-Haw in. a supporter. 212, 11; 213, 21; 214, 10.
can-mawl to praise, commend.
canonwr in. a canon; pi. -wyr.
cans, see canys.
1. cant (can) (nas.)in. a hundred.
2. cant, see canu.
canu to sing, celebrate in song, recite, play; pres. subj. act. sg.'l canwyf;
iinpf. ind. pi. 3 cenynt; pret. ind. sg. 3 cant.
can-wlad a hundred countries. 232, 3.
can-wr a hundred men 151, 25. 172, 15.
cany (cani), before vowels canyd, conj. since not, 202.
canyad permission, consent. 217,13.
canys (cans) i.e., can with the present of the copula, for, since. 202.
caplan in. a chaplain. 155, 3.
car a friend, relative; pi. -ant.
Caranwys Carnotensis. 179, 21.
carchar m. a prison, gaol.
carcharawr m. a prisoner; pi. carcharoryon.
carcharu to imprison. 242, 5.
cardawd charity, alms. 237, 7.
earn a cairn.
carreg a rock; pi. cerrig.
carn-wyn having a white hilt. Hence carnwennan f., the name of Arthur's
knife. 207, 31.
caru to love. impf. ind. act. pi. 3 cerynt; past part, caredig.
carw a stag. 196, 29.
caryad m. love, affection. 233, 15.
caryant 140, 4, either mis written for caryat or formed like mol-yant, me5-yant,
cassau to hate.
casseg f. a mare.
castell m. a castle, fortress; pi. cestyll.
cathyl f. a song, lay, poem; pi. cathleu. 229, 17.
Catyneis n. 1. Caithness. 145, 11.
Caw n. pr. in. 201, 19.
cawn m. (coll.) reed grass, stalks, coarse grass; 241,9; 12; sg. conin.
cawr in. a giant, mighty man; pi. cewri.
cawssei, see caffel.
cayator, see caeu.
cedernid strength, force, security, violence.
cedig battlesome, boisterous. 241, 10.
cedwyr, see cadwr.
cedymdeith, see cydymdeith.
cefeis, see caffel.

(delwedd B7147) (tudalen 251)
cefyn (keuen) back; pl.cefneu; dan- gos eu cefneu to fee, take to flight.
drachefyn behind, back, again; trae- gefyn behind him; dyfod t. to return
213, 8; trach-eu- cefyn 221, 21; drae- cefyn wynteu behind them. 179, 26.
cefynderw a cousin, plant yr hen- vam a uyd keuyn-dyru BCh. 75, 28.
cegin f. a kitchen.
Cei n. pr. m. Cains.
ceidwad ni. a witness; pi. keidweid.
ceing f. a branch. 165, 21. 197, 3.
cein beautiful, fair, delightful.
Ceint (Cent) Kent. 189, 19.
ceissaw to seek, fetch, endeavour.
ceirch oats. 196, 4.
ceith, see caeth.
celfyS skilful, ingenious; an artist.
celfySyd f . an art; pi. celfySodeu.
cell the heavens. 231, 25. Cell God. 231 , 24.
celu to hide, conceal.
celwrn m. a piece? 207, 32,
celwySawg lying, false. 190, 10.
CelySon: llwyn C. 148, 25 = coit Celidon, Nennius, p. 199.
Celli-wig f. the name of Arthur's court in Cornwall, now Callington.
cenedlaeth f. a race, kind.
cenedyl f. a race, kind; pi. cened- Ioe5.
ceneu in. a whelp. 198, 32. 199, 4. 32. Ceneu n. pr. m, 102, 3.
cennad m. and f. a messenger, emissary, embassy; pi. -eu.
cennadwri f. a message, tidings.
cenfeint a convent; pi. cenveinoeS.
cenwch, see 1. can.
cer5 craft, art, song; pi. cyr5.
cerSawf in. a craftsman, minstrel, bard; pi. cerSoryon.
cerded to walk, travel, journey, go.
cerSedyad a course, motion. 161, 11.
Ceredigyawn Cardigan. 205, 28.
cerenhyS relationship. 168, 20.
Cernyw Cornwall.
cerwyd a stag. 226, 1.
cerwyn f. a caldron. Cwm C., n. 1. 204, 15.
cesseil the armpit. 194, 14.
cethr a spike; pi. -awd. 230, 29.
cethron a spike. 230, 27.
cewilyS shame. 141, 8. 142, 31.
cewssynt, see caffel.
ci in. a hound; coll. 205, 9; pi. cwn.
cicwr a footsoldier; coll. infantry. 202, 29.
cig m. flesh.
ciglef, see clybod.
cil a recess, nook.
Cil-gwri n.l.
cilyaw to retreat, desert, fail.
cilyS a mate, fellow. 72.
ciwdawdwr m.a citizen, inhabitant.
claSu to bury.
claisick. 143,13. 149,28.
cle5yf m. a sword; pi. -eu, per metathesim clefySeu.
clefyd m. sickness, disease. 161,27.
clefySeu, see cleSyf.
cleigaw to plunge, immerse. 206,21.
cleis a stripe. 194, 14. Cf. maen cleis, marble. Lhwyd. Forth Cleis n. 1.
204, 1.
clid a shelter. 241, 2.
clod in. and f. fame, renown,
clod-fawr famous, celebrated.
clodfori to make illustrious, render famous. 165, 15.
cloff lame.
clomen (colomen) f. a dove. 163, 10.
clust m. an ear. 201, 29. 203, 26.
clwm a tune; pi. clymeu moduli 147, 14.
Clwyd a river-name. 204, 17.
clybod to hear. impf. ind. act. sg. 3. clywei; impf. pass, clywid; pret. ind,
sg. 1 ciglef; sg. 3 cigleu. 133 b, clybod ar to hear of.
clymeu, see clwm.
cnawd/esfi, 238, 12.
cnesskin. 241, 14.
cneuen a nut. 196, 23.
cnithiaw to pluck. 200, 9.
coch red.
cochi to redden, become red. 173, 16.
coSyant m. provocation, offence. 166, 4.
coed (coyt) m. (Go\\.)atvood, trees; bae5 c. a wild boar. pi. coydyS.
coeth pure, fine, eur c. refined gold.
cof memory, recollection.
coffau to remember, to call to mind.
cog a cuckoo; pi. -eu.
congyl f. a corner, angle. 204, 9.
colled m. loss; pi. -eu 175, 31.
collen hazel, c. derwen an oak sapling: 197, 2,
colli to lose, be lost. 238, 13.
conin, see cawn.
corff a body, corpse.

(delwedd B7148) (tudalen 252)
corn a horn, trumpet; a drinking horn, pi. cyrn, cirn.
coron f . a crown.
coryf pommel, saddle-boiv; metaph. stay, support. 233, 20; 234, 23. Arch. I,
p. 487.
cosb pu nishment, fine. 217, IS.
CT&ffJirm, steadfast. 140, 5.
eras hard, dry. 225, 20.
crawn, see croni.
credu to believe, pres. subj. pi. 2 crettoch.
crefySus devout; a religious person. pi. -son. 155, 5.
crefySwr m. a religions person. 144, 13 (miswritten for crefftwyr = operarii
Geoffrey II, 14).
CreiSylad n. pr. f.
creir m. a relic; pi. -eu, 153, 26.
creirhau to cause to sivear by relics. 221. 2.
crettoch, see credu.
creu to eraite. 227, 19. 228, 18.
creu gore, blood.
creu-lawn blood-thirsty, cruel; eompar. creulonach.
creulon-der cruelty, tyranny, op- pression.
creu-lyd blood-stained, gory; f. creuled. 231, 20. 238, 16.
crib f. a comb. 203, 25.
crin withered, brittle. 241, 9.
Crist Christ.
cristawn a Christian; pi. cristonog- yon.
cristonogawl Christian.
crog f . a cross.
crogaw, crogi to crucify, hang.
croni to hoard, amass, accumulate. pres. ind. act. sg. 3 crawn 233, 12.
crwm bent. 225, 11.
crychyad a shake (in music); pi. -eu. 147, 14 v.l.
cryd a trembling, tremor. 231,22.
cryfang a talon; pi. -heu 197, 28.
cryn a trembling, quaking. 228, 33.
cryno suitable. 156, 32. eompar. -ach. 169, 2.
crynu to tremble, quake. 184, 22. past part, crynedig 152, 16.
cuan an owl 197, 8; 9; rock-owl, Lhwyd.
cuSyaw to cover, hide. 154, 13.
cul/eati, thin, emaciated.
CulwyS God. 228, 24. 231, 25.
Custenhin n, pr. m. Constanline.
cwbwl (cwbyl) entire, whole.
cweiraw, see cyweiryaw.
cwfeint (cwfent) f. convent, bly; pi. cwfenoeS.
cwm m. a valley. 197, 12.
cwnsli m. counsel. 148, 2.
cwrr an edge, corner. C. y Fagyl n.l. 204, 4.
cwymp in. a fall. 225, 22.
cwynaw to lament.
cwyn-fan f. a lament, wailing.
cychwyn, cychwynnu to set out, move, start, deil ar gych \vyn = dail yn
syrthio MA. 361 b, n. 8.
cyd (ced) conj. though; 205.
cyd ac, y gyd ac together wiili. y gyd yg cyd together 155, 2. 171. y
gydahynnyWAetwe204, 26. 218, 20.
cyd-5io5ef to suffer. 142, 14. past. part, -edig (j) suffering (n-ith).
cyd-5iolch to congratulate. 180, 10.
cyd-farchawg m. a knight-comrade.
cyd-gynghor joint counsel. 15."), 2.
cyd-synyedigaeth f. consent. 145,4.
cyd-tywyssawg m. a joint lead, ,-. 178, 1.
cyd-ym-deith in. a companion, comrade; pi. -on.
cydymdeithocau to accomprm//. associate with. 146, 4.
cyf-agos near.
cyfan whole, entire. 183, 32.
cyfar trouble, anger; 230, 7. Cf. Rhyfedd ym fyw llyw llawged gan gyfar o
gwyn gofid MA. 301 a 17.
cyf-arch (keuarch) to rcqurxt, n.^k; c. gwell to greet; geir cyfarch a
supplementary question asked after the trial, before the verdict /* given.
cyf-ar-fod to meet, encounter, touch; 160.
cyfarth to bark, bay; ro5i c. rendre les abois, to stand at ba>/. achub yr
c. (sic leg.) to be first at the charge.
cyf-arwyo m. a guide.
cyf-ar-wyneb (ac) opposite ( to) 2 1 0, 5.
cyf-eillt m. ajriena.
cyf-eir f. yn y gyfeir straight before him-, Jicadlong. 207, 6.
cyf-enw a namesake, yg kyuemv yr vn dyd ym phen y vlwydyn that day a year.
195, 19.
cyf-ergir m. and f. a conflict, con- test. 240, 9.
cyf-ing narroir, strait. 175, 17.
cyf-lawn full, complete.

(delwedd B7149) (tudalen 253)
cyflafan f. an outrage, slaughter.
cyf-le m. an opportunity. 159, 16.
cyflehau to dispose, arrange, place. 163, 27.
cyf-lym sharp, quick, speedy.
cyf-newid (O.W. cyfnofud) f. coin, merchandise. 223, 13. Cf. efaholltir furyf
y iryfriewit; haner cnvn a vyd RB. 2. 146, 19.
cyfodi to arise.
cyf-oed having the same age, so old. 141, 28.
cyf-oeth in. power, dominion, king- dom, wealth; pi. -eu.
cyfoethawg powerful, ivealthy.
cyfoethogi to enrich.
cyfranc f. an encounter, fight, combat. 178, 12.
cyf-red equally swift. 225, 6.
cyf-reith f . law, right; pi. -eu.
cyfreithiawl legal, lawful.
cyfreu plumage? 225, 17. action? 229, 30.
cyf-rin a confidant. 225, 5.
cyfrwch a meeting. 147, 5 (v.l.).
cyfrwng in. mean, interval, yg c. in the midst 0/184, 9.
cyfrwys trained, expert. 186, 19. 190, 9 v.l. 191, 21.
cyf-ryw m. the same kind. 181, 27. a kind 161, 27. similar, like, such.
cyf-uch of equal height, yn g. ac on a level with. 174, 30.
cyf-un-deb unity, concord. 167,23.
cyf-yawnhau to adjust, arrange. 163, 27 v.l.
cyf-yeith having the same lan- guage. 196, 13.
cyf-yl nearness, proximity, yn y gyfyl near him.
cyffm. stock, trunk, stem; pi. -yon.
cyffelybu to compare, imitate.
cyffredin common, yn g. in com- mon 185, 25. 223, 12.
cyffrom. excitement. 164,27. 176,6.
cyffroi (kefroy) to excite, arouse, disturb; c. cyfreith (hawl) to insti-
tute a legal action (a claim), past part, cyffroedig. 184, 10.
cyffur occasion, opportunity. 147, 9.
cynghaws in. a counsel, advocate.
cynghellawr in. a chancellor, the king's principal steward or reeve.
cynghelloraeth f. chancellorship.
cyngheusaeth f . a pleading.
cynghlodforussed equally renoivn- cd. 186, 5.
cynghor (keghor) m. counsel, advice; caff el yn y gyghor to decide.
cynghorfynt envy, malice. 156, 20. Cf. LA. 12, 19.
cynghori to advise.
cynghreir f. a covenant, truce. 159, 12.
cyngwastad constant. 234, 6. 235, 27.
cyhoeS public. 222, 12.
cy-hyd having equal length, yn gyhyd ac as long as.
cyhydeS equality, parity. 221, 6. 7.
cylch m. a circle, yg c. around, about, towards, concerning \ yn eu c. about
them, around them; yg c. hynny about that.
cylchynu to surround, encompass, besiege. 146, 17 v. 1.
cyllell f. a knife, dagger.
cyllell-bren the wooden lath of a scabbard; pi. -eu 195, 14. wooden tweezers
200, 5.
cyllell-fawr big-knived. 206, 19.
cymhell to compel, force, drive, exact, c. y law to force one to sur- render.
cymenn uise; compar. cymhen- nach. 175, 28.
cymer, see cymryd.
cymmeint of equal size, as much, as many, so great, so many.
cymmwd ni. a commote, a division of country.
cymod to propitiate, make peace. 197, 32. 201, 7.
cymodawg a neighbour; pi. cym- odogion.
cymod-loneS a concord, agreement.
cymrwd mortar. 193, 2.
Cymry (pi. of Cymro m. a Welsh- man} Wales. 154, 10. 203, 31. 222, 4.
cymryd (kemyrit) to take. pret. ind. sg. 3. cymerth, cymirth. c. arnaw to feign;
c. eu fforS (hynt) to set out; c. ffo to take to flight .
cymyn to entrust. 157, 10.
cymynediw a command, injunc- tion; pi. -eu; 150, 24; 166, 26.
1. cyn (cynn) prep, before. 170.
2. cyn (gynn) conj. sooner, before. 204. gynn noe fyned before he goes. 225,
3. cyn a stump; pi. -yon. 197, 14. cynadyl a meeting, assembly.
171, 19. cyn-deced as fair. 163, 14.

(delwedd B7150) (tudalen 254)
cyn-digrifed as pleasant. 163, 14.
cyn-dosted equally harsh. 198, 17.
Cyn-5elig n. pr. m. 162, 7.
Cyn-5elw n. pr. m.
Cyn-farch n. pr. m.
cynefawd custom, usage. 163, 24. 167, 1.
Cyn-felyn n. pr. m.
cynhal, cynnal (kanal) to sustain, support, maintain. cynhebig similar, like.
cynhebygu to compare. 161, 2.
cynhelu to support. 220, 30.
cynhen contention, strife, contest; pi. cynhenneu.
cynhyrfu to excite, move. 173, 27.
cynired to come together, assemble; bring together; a concourse. 162, 20.
Cyn-las n. pr. in.
cynllwyn an ambush, ivay laying. 223, 1.
cyn-llyfan a leash, a slip.
cynna equally good, peer. 227, 9.
cynnal, see cynhal.
cynnelw pattern, example, model. 233, 16.
cynnifywr (coll.) m. combatants, warriors. 202, 27.
cynnig to propose,, proffer, suggest.
cynnullaw to collect, call together.
cynnwys to receive, admit, adopt. 238, 5. Ar sawl a oed dan geithiwet lieuyt
ef ae kynnwyssawd ym paradwys LA. 133 12; Creawdyr cell an kynnwys ni yn
trugared, FB. 1996.
1. cynnyS m. a huntsman; pi. -yon. 205,4. 7.
2. cynnyS increase, prosperity. 237,6. ef a doeth att Walchmei. Ac a
gyuarchawd gwell idaw. Duw a ro kynnyd arnat, heb y Gwalchmei Hg. I 223, 2.
cynnySu to increase. 180, 12.
cyn-ran m. a first or chief part; a leader. 231, 27.
cynt adv. formerly, before, yn g. sooner, rather 181, 8.
cyntaf 'Jirst; yngynt&f first, at first.
cyntefin (Ir. cetenmin) the be- ginning of stimmer. 225, 14.
Cyn-was n. pr. m. 204, 4.
cyny (kene) conj. though not. 205.
cyrch in. an attack, onset, raid.
cyrchaw to fetch, bring. 231, 18.
cyrchu to attack, set upon, march upon, make for, approach.
cyrn, see corn.
cyryscwySad a quarrel, contention? 230, 9.
cysgawd in. shade, shelter, */>//- dow. 241, 11.
cysgu to sleep.
cystal equally good, as good.
cy-war-sangu to trample upon, oppress, crush. 149, 26. 152, 16. 180, 32.
cy-weir prepared, equipped, com- plete. 158, 29. 179, 16.
cyweiryaw to prepare, equip, lay out.
cy-weithyS a company. 194, 3.
cy-wir true, just. 234, 6.
1. cy-wlad f. a neighbouring terri- tory, borderland. 233, 18. Rybu Vran vab
Llyr llu rwymadur mat ygkamp ygkyulat ygkur MA. 180 b 13.
2. cy-wlad in. a compatriot. 230, 10. cywrein skilful, cunning. cy-wrisseS
contention, strife. 234,
23. 236, 11.
cy-wy5-ol-(y)aeth f. harmony, music; pi. -eu 163, 14. Used also as sg. pa
gywydolyaethev ywhonn? LA. 82, 10.
chwaer f. a sister; pi. chwioryS.
chware to play; play; pi. chwar- yeu.
chwech, chwe (whe) (spir.) .s/.r.
chwedyl m. a story, tale, news, tidings; pi. chwedleu.
chweg sweet. 239, 21.
chwerthyn to smile. chwer5i5 (129) 225, 22.
chwerw bitter. 230, 7.
chwi you. Emphatic chwichwi, conjunctive chwitheu, chitheu. 45.
Chwintus n. pr. in. Quintu*.
da (1) good, profitable; (2) goods, wealth, benefit.
dabre come! 141.
dad-ganu to recapitulate, rehcnrsc, recite. 173, 6.
dadolwch intercession, invocation. 235, 17,
dad-rithaw to re-transform. 199, 8.
dadyl m. and f. a meeting, dispute, suit, judgment; pi. dadleu (used as sg.
masc. and pi.) a dispute.
dadyl-fa a meeting-place, court. O.W. dadlma222, 13.
dafad f. a sheep; pi. defeid.

(delwedd B7151) (tudalen 255)
daffar provision. 225, 19; cf. gwnaeth Duw trvgar gardaud FB. 15, 14.
dangos (dankos) to shew, disclose, produce, d. cefneu to flee; d. bronnoeS to
face; d. deheuoeS turn the right to, face; d. ysparduneu y to spur.
dala (daly) to hold, seize, retain, hold back, capture, act. pret. ind. sg. 3
delis (dellis), past subj. pi. 3 delhynt, pluperf. pi. 3 dalyassant.
dam-gylchu to surround; past part, damgylchedig.
dam-gylchynu to surround. 142, 17.
damunaw to desire, wish, seek for; part, damunedig.
damwein m. accident, chance, for- tune, event; pi. -eu; o 5. by chance.
damweinaw (y) to happen to, to befall. 173, 11.
danfon to send, dispatch. 178, 7.
dar f. an oaktree. 197, 2.
dar-estwng to subdue, subjugate, yield; past part, darestyngedig.
dar-fod to cease, end, come to jiass, happen, pres. ind. act. sg. 3 deryw;
fut. ind. sg. 3 dervyS; impf. ind. sg. 3 daroeS; cond. sg. 3 darffei. 160.
dar-lleaw to read. 231, 29.
darmerth provision, preparation. 162, 19.
dar-o-gan prophecy, prognostica- tion; pi. daroganneu.
darpar (am) in. preparation (for), provision, project.
darparu to prepare, intend. 196, 7.
dar-ym-red to pass to and fro; 210, 7.
dathoedd, see dyfod.
1 . daw in. a son-in-law; pi. dofyon.
2. daw, see dyfod.
dawn gift, mental endowment; pi. donyeu.
dayar (dayr, dair) f. earth, land, ground.
dayar-dy a subterranean vault.
dayar- gychwyn an earthquake; 229, 1.
dayoni goodness, virtue, valour.
dayrawl earthly, mundane, ma- terial. 164, 9.
de, see dy.
dechreu to begin, inaugurate; a beginning, origin.
dedwy5 happy, blessed, virtuous,
dedwySyd hajyriness, felicity.
defawd f. custom, practice, habit, ordinance; pi. defodeu.
defnyS in. material, element, sub- stance, cause; pi. defnySeu, defnySyeu
witnesses, guarantors, etc. in a lawsuit.
deg, deng (nas) ten. 41.
deheu (1) right (dexter], righteous; (2) the right hand or arm, the right
side of the body, south, South- Wales; pi. -oe5.
Deheu-barth South- Wales.
dehongyl (dehogyl) to interpret; interpretation. 173, 8. 13.
deholfo expel, banish. 143,21. 155,7.
deifaw to roast. 199, 28.
deil (coll.) leaves.
deissyfeid (deissyfyt, dissiuit) to demand, request, seek, merit.
deissyfyd (dysseifyd) sudden, unex- pected. 147, 3. 187, 23. 208, 17.
1. delhynt, see dala.
2. delhynt, see dyfod. delw f . image, form. delwad m. creator. 227, 1.
delwyd, see dyfod.
deni, see 1. tan.
derwen f. an oak-tree, collen d. a young oak.
dethol select, picked. 202, 29.
deu in. two; f. dwy (dui, du). 42 (a).
deubi, see dyfod.
deu-5eg (nas.) twelve.
deu-5eg-mlwy5 twelve years old.
deu-Syblig double, two-fold. 214,29.
deugeint forty.
deugeinfed fortieth; ar y d. with forty men. 165.
Deu-gle5yf the name of a cantref in Pembroke. 204, 5.
deu banner divided in two equal halves. 221, 7.
deuth, see dyfod.
Dewi n. pr. in. David.
dewin in. a magician. 225, 16.
dewis to choose, p/refer.
dewr brave.
dewreS prowess, valour, prime of life. 140, 6. 180, 10. 186, 1. 4. warriors
144, 1, (omnem armatiim militem).
Dews(Deus) Lat.Dews. 227, 1.20.
1. di, see ti.
2. di.(dy) (voc.) O.W.=later i, y, prep. to. di5i to her. 195.
di-aerfa without slaughter. 170, 10- (sic leg.)

(delwedd B7152) (tudalen 256)
di-afael exempt from seizure. 223, 32.
di-angc to escape, pret. ind. act. sg. 3 diengis (dihegis).
di-al to avenge; vengeance.
di-am(O.WJ/or. 164.
di-amheu undoubted, certain, evi- dent. 235, 18.
di-anaf flawless, whole. 202, 5.
di-annod without delay.
di-anryde5u to dishonour. 142, 6.
di-arfeu unarmed. 156, 1.
di-arfod unprepared. 177, 30.
di-arfu to disarm.
djawd^rtnJk. 170, 16.
did, see dodi.
di-drifwr m. a hermit. 165, 8.
di-dryf a solitary place, hermitage. 165, 9.
di-5arbod to consider, care, heb 5. parum cogitans 184, 14. impf. ind. act.
pi. 3 diSorynt 175, 26. 147.
di-eithyr outside. 172. yn y d. 222, 14.
dien buds. 241, 19. Arch I. p. 503.
dieu, dieuoeS, see dy.
difa to destroy, annul. 197, 13.
di-fanw (O. W. dimanw) to dis- parage, slight, pres. subj. act. sg. 3
difanwo. 224, 7.
di-farnu / judge, decide against. 140, 9. 220, 13. 16. fut. sg. 3 diwarnawd
228, 20.
di-fei faultless, perfect. 238, 15.
di-fetha to destroy. 197, 31.
di-fryssio to hasten, speed. 242, 2.
di-funer exempt from allegiance to a lord. 223, 31.
di-fwlch without a notch. CleSyf D. n. pr. m. 204, 12.
di-fwyn void, idle, unused, un- touched (of a virgin). 201, 4.
di-fwyriyant profitless. 211, 8.
diffeith waste.
diffeithaw to lay waste.
diffeithwch m. a waste, wilderness.
differei, see diffryd.
diffryd (rac) to defend, protect (from). past. subj. act. sg. 3 differei;
pret. ind. sg. 3 diffyrth, diffirth. 8 133a.
diffurn? 228, 11.
di-garyad unloring, unkind. 142,4.
1. digawn (dygawn) in. a suffi- ciency; sufficient.
2. digawn to be able, to effect, <l<>, accomplish; pres. ind. sg. 1
di-gribyaw (y) to attack. 205,5. Cf. yni-gribiaw.
digrif 'plcasa n t, agreeable .
digrifwch pleasure, enjoyment.
di-gyfoethi to dispossess, deprive of territory. 191, 17.
diheu undoubted, certain, d.-porth frin xn/i/Htrt. 234, 14.
di-hewyd affection, inclination, desire. 175, 25. 180, 32. 182, 11.
dile'u to exterminate, annihilate.
dilid to pursue.
di-luy5 exempt from hosting. 223,31.
dillad (coll.) clothes, dress. 154, 8.
dim a thing, something; nothing, naught, dile'u hyd ar Sim to annihi- late;
dilid hyd ar Sim to pursue to extinction; adv. at all.
din a fortress. DinTywi n. 1. 205, 27.
Din-dagwl n.l. Tintagel.
dinas m. a city, citadel; pi. dinas- soeS.
di-obeithaw to despair. 190, 13.
di-od to take off, divest, extra et,
di-odef (O. W. diguadef) to suffer, undergo, withstand.
dioer verily, certainly, 176, 1.
di-o-gel safe, secure.
diogelwch safety, security.
diolch (i) to thank.
dipynwys, see dybynu.
dir necessary. 190, 10.
du-fawr very great, huge, enormous.
dirieid wicked. 225, 12.
dirwy f. a fine, mulct.
di-rybu5 without warning. 158, 12.
disgyblu to studu, imitate (like a dimple). 156, 22. " Cf . Hg. I. 208,
disgynnu to dixmotint, descend^ a/iff/it, fan(f, put /> at.
dispeilaw to unsheathe. 199, 13.
dissifid, see deissyfyd.
distryw to destroy, demolish.
ditheu, see titheu.
dithwn(O.W.)Mwr/y. 208, 15. 16.
di-'wall careful, unceasing. 164, 5.
1. diwarnawd in. a day.
2. diwarnawd, see di-farnu. diwedyS in. ere n ing. 241, 13. diweS end or d.
at last. di-weir chaste. 164, 15. diweir-deb chastity. 190, 16. diwethaf
Inxt. 154, 30. di-wrei5 an uprooting. 233, 3. di-wrei5edig uprooted,
155, 4. di-wyll cultivation. 167, 8.

(delwedd B7153) (tudalen 257)
dodi (dody) to place, put, give, charge, pres. ind. act. sg, 3 did; dodi ar y
gyfraith to appeal to the law; dodi ym mhen un to suggest, submit, entrust,
hand over,
doSyw, doent, see dyfod.
1. doeth wise, sage. 143, 3.
2. doeth, see dyfbd.
doeth -ineb wisdom. 142, 32.
DofyS m. the Lord, God.
DofySyad m. the Lord. 231, 15.
dofyon, see 1. daw.
dogyn portion, share. 202, 14.
doi5, see dyfod.
dolur grief, anguish, 144, 20.
doluryaw to grieve. 154, 25. 204, 20.
domni = Lat. Domini. 237, 2.
donyawg gifted, endowed. 235, 19.
donyeu, see dawn.
dos, see myned.
dothuif,doy, doynt, see dyfod.
drachefyn, see trachefyn.
dragon, dreig f. a dragon; 172, 29. a battle standard. pi. dreigeu. 150, 26.
180, 2. 184, 3.
drein (coll.) thorns. 230, 32.
dros, see tros.
drud bold, arrogant, wicked. 1 86, 1 3. 232, 8.
drudannaeth f. arrogance. 165, 28 (protervia).
Drud-wyn m. the name of a hound. 204, 8.
drwg bad, evil; mischief, harm.
drws door, entrance; pi. drysseu.
drwy, see trwy.
drycin (i.e. dryg-hin) foul weather. 225, 6.
drychafel to raise, lift; rise.
dryg-5amwein misfortune, ill-luck.
dryll m. portion, fragment; pi. -eu.
dryllyaw to break in pieces, shatter.
dryssawr m. a doorkeeper. 234, 8.
drysseu, see drws.
du black.
due m. a duke.
duch, dug, see dwyn.
du-hunaw to awake. 173, 6.
Du-las (Ir. Dub-glas) a river-name. 146, 14.
du-un accordant, agreeable. 216, 23.
duw (dyw): pob d. on every day. 201, 5, d. Sadwrn on Saturday. 228, 21. 240,
Duw m. God. pi. dwyweu 142, 21.
dwfrein, see dwyrein.
dwfyr (dwfwr) m. water.
dwrn a fist, hand; pi. dim. 235, 2.
dwy, see deu. dwyweu, see Duw.
dwywawl divine.
dwy-law (pi. of Haw) hands.
dwyn to take, carry, bring, capture; 133 (b). d. ar gof to call to mind. d.
ruthur to attack, d. yr dygyn to affirm on oath. pres. ind. act. sg. 1 dygaf;
fut. ind. pass. dygetawr ( 129. n.); imper. sg. 2 dwg; pres. subj. sg. 3 duch
( 110 n. 2); pret. ind. sg. 3 dug.
dwyrein (dwfrein, dwyfrein) the east. 172, 1. 181, 17.
1. dy, see 2. di.
2. dy(de)(voc.)poss.adj. thy. 57.
3. dy (de), see ti.
dy-borthi to carry, inflict. 180, 26.
dy-bryd ugly, foul, base. 178, 6; 180, 19; 190,26.
dybynu to hang down. 230, 18.
dycco, dyccwy, see dwyn.
dychymyg m. invention, device; pi. -eu, -yon. 164, 26. (O.W.
dy5 (
did) m. day, daytime,
daylight, date; pi. dieu (after numerals), dieuoeS, dySyeu; d. brawd Doomsday
banner d. mid-day.
dy5-gweith on a certain day, one day. 199, 10.
dy-5wyn to bring. 194, 13.
Dyfed Demetia.
Dyfnarth n. pr. m. 200, 28.
Dyfneint n. 1. Devon. 206, 5.
dyfod (deuod, douot) to come. 141.
dyfodedigaeth f . a coming, arrival.
dy-fryssyaw to hasten. 242, 2.
dyfuant, dyfyS, see dyfod.
dyfynnu to summon. 201,1. 205,2.
Dyfyn-wal n. pr. m.
dyffo, see dyfod.
dyffryn in. a valley. D. Llychwr the valley of Loughor.
dyffygyaw to fail, lack. 145, 24. 180, 11.
dy-gaboli to belabour, beat soundly 207, 21.
dygaf, dygetawr, see dwyn.
dygonho, see 2. digawn.
dy-gryn terror. 228, 33.
dygrynnyaw to seize, clutch. 206, 20.
dy-grynoi to avail, profit. 153, 10. 175, 30.
dy-gwy5aw to fall, chance.
dygwySedigaeth f . setting (of the sun). 151, 4.

(delwedd B7154) (tudalen 258)
dygyn hard, severe; a test, proof, See dwyn.
dy-gyrchu to make for, set upon; draw. 194, 23. 202, 12. 206, 24.
1. dy-he discordant, strange? piteous, a pity? 194, 19. l
2. dyheS? 228, 27. Here MA. 73 b 6 has the variant tuedd, pi. of tu
'country-side, country.'
dy-leith death. 232, 1.
dylyed f. due, claim, right, title.
dylyedawg high-born, noble; pi. dylyedogyon. '140, 29. 155, 14. 156, 24.
dylyedus due, proper. 182, 20.
dylyu (deleu) to have a right to, deserve, be due, owe. 171,26. 208,20. 23.
217, 25. 237, 19.
dyn m. andf. a human being, man; coll. men 204, 5. pi. -yon (deneon).
dy-nessau to approach, draw near.
dyn-y-orn (cf. Ir. duin-orgun) homi- cide, murder. 222, 17.
dyrchefynt, see drychafel.
dyrn-awd m. a blow;p\. dyrnodeu.
dyrn-fe5 a handbreadth. 197, 24.
dy-ro5i to give. pres. ind. act. sg. 3 dere, dyry; imperat. sg. 2 dyro.
dyrys (1) difficult, intricate; (2) adversity. 162, 20. 167, 16. 175, 18.
dysg m. teaching, instruction, example, behaviour. 164, 12. 182, 19. 184, 23
(hortamen}. 187, 7.
dysgu to teach, instruct.
dysseifyd, see deissyfyd.
dywad, see dywedud.
dywal/erce. 183, 13. 233, 4,
dywalhau to harass. 185, 26.
dyfyS, see dyfod.
dyw, see duw.
dywedud to say. 133.
dywygyad (di-) manner, fashion. 164, 12.
1. e, see y.
2. e, see 4. y.
eb-rwy5 swift, quick. 176, 11.
ebryn? 228, 27.
ech outside of, beyond? 228, 16. Cf. FB. 66, 8; 106, 30; 140, 31; MA. 208a
Echel Achilles.
echenawg needy, destitute. 143, 5.
echwrys violent, fierce. 227, 22; Cf. FB. 159, 5; 199,20. MA. 247, 24.36.
ed, see y5.
ederyn, see adar.
edifar repentant, sorry. 149, 17.
edir, see adaw.
edirn (etyrn) sovereignty, supre- macy. 235, 3. 236, 15.
edrych to look, see. 164, 23. 220, 9.
ed-rif descent, lineage. 212, 29. Cf. MA. 168a51.
ed-ucher ( =hyd ucher) till evening. 193, 1. 203, 5.
edyw, see ydyw.
eSewis, see aSaw.
ef (eff) he, it. 45; 47. Emphatic efo (effo); conjunct, ynteu. 45 (b).
efelly thus, so. See felly.
efo, effo, see ef.
Efyas n. 1. a cantred in Hereford- shire. 206, 4.
effeiryad m. a priest; pi. effeiryeid.
eglur clear, bright, brilliant, renowned, famous. 167,1. 169,22.
eglur-der brightness, brilliance. 173, 1.
eglwys f. church; pi. eglwysseu.
egnad (O.W.), pi. egneyd, see ynad.
englyn m. a stanza of three or four lines. 200, 13.
engylyon, see angel.
engnyrth (eghirith) terrible, pain- ful. 238, 10. FB. 1772; MA. 351b 21.
ehang unrestricted, free. 173, 29.
ehawg m. a salmon. 197, 28.
ehedeg to fly. 172, 29.
ehofyn-der fearlessness, confidence, courage. 187, 4.
ehunan himself; pi. ehunein 60.
ei, see myned.
eiSaw his; eiSunt theirs. 55.
EiSt Egypt, yr E. 172,18.
eigawri ocean, sea. 161, 18.
eingon f. an anvil. 196, 21.
1. eil second, next, eil hynaf eldest but one; eilweith a second time, again;
bop eilwers alternately.
2. eil a son. 200, 28; 205, 24, eilenwi to fulfil, accomplish.
152, 14. 169, 22.
eillaw to shave, to cut (hair).
einymours. 169, 14. 55.
eirant they will arise. 229, 19; 20. See RC. VI, 27.
eirchad a suitor, suppliant. 234, 5.
eir-m-oed since my time. 198, 9. 197 n.

(delwedd B7155) (tudalen 259)
For oed dyhed kelu y ryw was hvmn WB. 475, EB. 116 has ys oed gryssyn kelu
eiry snow.
Eiryawn n. pr. m. 204, 30.
eiryf number. 172, 14.
eir-y-oed (eiroed) ever, always. 197 n. 140, 3.
eisseu want, indigence. 146, 2. 199, 19.
eissoes yet, nevertheless.
eissyfflad hell. 231, 13. v. 1. issaf wlad, MA. 74b 14. eissyflat, FB. 16134.
v. 1. Eissyf wlad MA. 27a56. See FB. 30228.
eissyllud progeny, followers. 232, 9. Cf. FB. 44, 2; 203, 24; MA. 143a 39.
169a, 35.
eisteS (eyste) to sit; e. wrth y gaer to besiege the city.
eiste5-fa f. a seat, throne; pi. -eu.
eithaf end, extremity; pi. -oe.
eithyr prep, except. 172.
el, see myned.
el-chwyl a second time, again. 141, 22. 142, 22.
elhei, elhid, elhynt, eloch, see myned.
Elen n. pr. f. Helen.
ell (ill, yll) all, see 67.
ellwng to dismiss, dispatch, let; shed (blood), past. subj. act. sg. 3
ellygei, pret. irid. sg. 3 ellygwys, etc. past part, ellyngedig.
ellyn a razor. 203, 25.
em, see yn.
emelldigedig accursed.
Emrys n. pr. m. Ambrose.
Emyr n. pr. m.
en, ena, see yn, yna.
encil, encilyaw to retreat. 185, 1.
encyd space of time. 184, 8.
ene, see yny.
eneid (eneyt) m. life, soul; pi. -eu; myned e. dros e. to engage in a life- f
or -life struggle.
enfyn, see anfon.
enguis (O.W.), see enwi.
enill to gain, win. 145, 18.
enneint an ointment, a bath. 143, 13. Cf. RB. 76, 11. Enoc n. pr. m. Enoch.
ennynnu to kindle, fire; be inflamed. enrydeS (anryded) m. honour, dignity.
142, 16. 144, 11. 145, 21,
enrydeSu (anrydedu) to celebrate. 154, 23. pres. subj. act. sg. 3
enrydeSus honourable, noble, vener- able, dignified. 143, 24.
enteu (entheu, entehu)pers. pron. sg. 3 m. 45(c); 46(c).
enw (heno) m. a name.
enwi to name. pret. ind. act. sg. 3 enguis (O,W.) 218, 5.
eny, see yny.
enywed (ennuet) damage, injury. Sew y turyw ac enwywet llosgy tey a thorry
aradyr BCh. 63, 8.
1. er, see 1. yr.
2. er (yr) prep. for. 53, 197.
3. er, see 1. y.
er-byn against; yn erbyn to meet, against, by. 173. yn awch e. against you.
180, 19.
erbynyaw to receive; withstand.
erbynyeid (erbyneid) to receive. 141,16. 143,25.
erchi (hercki) to ask, request, bid; pres. ind. act. sg. 1 archaf,
eregthun, eregthunt, see rwng.
ereill, see arall.
ereint silver. 200, 24. 203, 19. 205, 5. Cf. Rhys, Celt. Heathendom, p. 125.
erestyn m. a juggler. 147, 13. The parallel passage in M. A. 531a 55 has: ac
en rith kroesan ac arwestdyn ac gwareyt.
ereu 230, 1 = eireu MA. 73b46, see geir.
er-gelu to hide. fut. ind. pass, ergelawr 227, 28. ergelhawr ib. 29.
er-glybod to listen to. imper. sg. 2 erglyw 235, 10. 236, 22.
er-gryn dread, fear. 202,31.
er-gyd m. a stroke, blow, cast; pi. -eu.
er-hyl hunt, chase. 201, 18; 204, 8.
er-lid to pursue.
er-lysu to reject, deny. 229, 30.
ermid m. a hermit, pi. -wyr.
ermud? 232,10.
ermyn-wisc a robe with border of ermine. 161, 29.
eryf? 229,4. 9.
eryr m. an eagle; pi. -od 154, 3. nietaph. a leader.
es, see 94; 159 n. 2.
Esgeir Oervel n. 1. Seiscenn Uar- beoil m Ireland. 201,32. 203,3.
esgob m. a bishop; pi. escyb.
esgobaeth f . a bishopric; pi. -eu.
esgobawd a bishopric.
esgolheig m. a scholar, clerk; pi. -ion.
esgyll, see asgell.

(delwedd B7156) (tudalen 260)
esgyrn, see asgwrn.
esgynnu to ascend, mount, climb.
esmwyth-der m. ease, rest.
estrawn a stranger. 225, 4.
estwng = gestwng to let down. e. gantunt incumbentes 176, 30.
etifeS m. an heir; coll. heirs. 141, 1. pi. -yon 181, 26.
eto, see etwa.
etheuis, see a5aw.
ethol to choose, select.
ethynt, see myned.
etwa (eto) yet, still, ettwa 191, 7.
eu their. 57. eu hun themselves.
eur m. gold.
eur-5wrn golden-handed, liberal. pi. -Sirn 235, 2. 236, 14.
eureid golden, gilt, set with gold. 184, 3 (aureus).
eur-gle5yf-ru golden -sword -red. 233, 9.
euryn golden. 201 , 11.
ewm f. a nail, talon, claw. 201, 9.
ewythyr m. an uncle (brother of one of parents, grand-parents, or great
-grand-parents}; pi. ewythreS 206, 2.
eyl-weyth, see 1. eil.
fal (mal) conj. as. 216.
felly thus, yfelly 164, 30. 166, 20.
fi, fifi, see mi.
fry above.
fyhud? 231, 9.
fyn(nas.)wy. 57,59.
ffalst cunning. 147, 16.
Ffichteid Picts.
fflam f. a flame, fire. 160, 4. 185, 4.
fflamychedig inflamed, flaming. 159, 20.
Fflandrys Flanders.
ffo to flee . ar ffo in flight.
fforS f. a road, way, passage, means; pi. ffyrS.
fforest f . a forest; pi. -i.
Ffreinc f. France.
ffuruf f. form, manner; pa ff. how?
ffustaw to strike, beat. 175, 2.
ffwrn f. a furnace. 228, 22.
ffy5 faith. 149, 31.
ffy 5-lawn faithful. 181,3.
ffynhawn f. a fountain, spring.
ffyrS, see fforS.
gadael (gadayl) to leave, allow. 215, 29. See gadu. gadaw to leave.
gadu to leave, allow, permit, pres. ind. act. sg. 2 gedy; sg. 3 gad 146, 2;
pi. 2 gedwch; imper. pass, gat-her.
gafael (gafayl) f. a seizing, hold- ing; seizure. 222, 15.
gafael -fawr of mighty grip. GlewlwydG,, 204,24.
galar sorrow. 229, 9.
galw to call, summon, name, pres ind. pass, gelwir; imper. pi. 2 gelwcn.
gallel, gallu to be able; power, might, pres. ind. act, sg. 2 gelly; sg. 3
geill, etc.
gan, see can.
ganed, see geni.
garscon? 199, 12.
garth a mountain ridge. 205, 29.
garw rough.
gast f. a bitch.
gawr f. and m. a shout, cry; battle. 205, 10. 229, 23.
gayaf (gaeaf) m. winter. 156, 14.
fefeil tongs, pincers, geffeil 194,14. geir (geyr) m. a word, request. pi.
-eu; o un eir with one accord.
2. geir (gyr, ger) near. g. Haw near, close by. g. bronn before. 168.
gelfin a beak. 196, 23.
gelyn in. an enemy; pi. -yon.
gelynawl hostile.
gellwng to loose, let loose, let, dismiss, deliver up, draw (a sword). pret.
ind. act. pi. 3 gellygassant.
geneu m. jaws, mouth. 229, 31.
geni to be born; pret. ind. pass. ganed. 227, 12.
genthi, genti, see can.
ger, see 2. geir.
Gereint n. pr. m. 203, 9. 211, 8.
Gillamor (Ir. Gilla mor Big Lad) n. pr. m. 192. 14.
Gillamwri (Ir. Gilla Muire the ser- vant of Mary) n. pr. m. 192, 13.
Gilpadrig' (Ir. Gilla Padraig the servant of Patrick) n. pr. m. 192, 13.
gilyS, see cilyS.
girad lamentable, piteous, terrible. 173, 3. 192, 9.
glan f . a bank, shore; pi. glanneu.
glanhau to clean, polish. 194, 16.
gleif in. and f. a lance, spear. Hg. II. 91, 12 = paladyr onn CM. 87, 32.
gleis, see cleis.
glew brave, stout; a brave man, hero.n. pr. m. 204, 20.

(delwedd B7157) (tudalen 261)
glew-der bravery, boldness, valour. Glew-lwyd n. pr. m. 2(34, 24. glin m. a
knee; pi. -yeu. gloew bright, sparkling. 235, 3.
flud tenacious, fast, diligent. , 5. MA, 285 a 1.
glyn (wrth) an adhering (to}, fol- io wring close. 195, 4.
glynn m. a valley, glen. 197, 12.
204, 14.
Glyth-myr n. pr. m. 201, 12, Glythfyr ib.
glyw m. a ruler. 233, 3. 235, 4.
gnawd customary, usual, common.
gnotaedig accustomed, usual. 142, 11. 145, 22.
gobeith hope.
go-bedr-or the four-corners (of the world). 228, 3. FB. 199, 20. 160, 19. MA.
go-ben-y5 m. a pillow; pi. -eu.
go-byr m. a fee, pay. 221, 25.
go-cnel to avoid, ward off, shun, escape. 148, 30. 150, 21. 159, 3. 169, 28.
Godlont Gothland. 156, 11.
go-driccawr m. a lingerer, sojour- ner. 239, 8.
go-dwr5 m. a rumbling noise. 172, 28.
fo-5ef to suffer, allow, permit. Q , O.
goSeith m. a heath. 185, 5. 226, 4.
go5eu purpose, design. 239, 8. yg g. gweith Mynaw FB. 187, 29.
gof m. a smith. 196, 21.
gofal m. anxiety 147,6; pi. gofeilon 156, 30.
gofalus anxious. 149, 27. 160, 3.
gofud m. affliction, injury. 143, 6.
gofwy to visit. 142, 3.
gofyn(wrth) to ask(of), seek. 199,2.
gofynnyad an asking; demand.
205, 20.
Gogigwr n. pr. m. 204, 23.
go-gle5 m. the North. 145, 12. 200, 32. 201, 15.
go-gof f. a cave; pi. -eu.
go-gyfarchprominent,c6nspicuous. Read with Add. gogyfurS (duodecim pares), q.
v. 162, 16; 171, 11.
go-gyf-ur5 of equal rank, peer. 171, 11, v.l.
go-hir to delay; delay, respite.
golchi to wash, polish. 194, 6.
go-leith to dissolve. 233, 7. FB. 58, 30.
goleuhau to light up, illumine,
g'olud wealth. 198, 20. 233, 12.
go-lu5 to hinder, obstruct. 233, 12.
golwg f. a look, glance.
gor-alw to cry or call aloud. 1 84, 1 8. pret. ind. act. s'g. 3 gorelwis.
231,24, FB. 283, 10. MA. 195 a 54.
gor-cheidwad m. a guardian, cus- todian; pi. gwercheidweid 208, 17.
gor-chyfygu to overcome, conquer. 155, 26.
gor-chymyn (gorchymun) to com- mand, commend, commit to; a com- mand,
injunction; pi. -eu.
gorSerch-wraig f . a concubine; pi. -wrageS 164, 12.
gorSeri m. a shrieking, noise, dis- turbance. 176, 19. 183, 22.
gor-5ifwng very steady, steadfast.
Gor-5u n. pr. f. 207, 12.
gorSwy oppression, violence. 233,2.
gor-5yfneid to experience, enjoy habitually. 142, 14. FB. 28, 18; 44, 13;
88,27; 258,22.
gorelwis, see gor-alw.
gor-esgyn to invade, overrun.
1. goreu best. n.pr. m. 195, 8.
2. goreu, see gwneuthur. gor-flwng very severe, austere.
233, 3.
gor-fod to overcome, conquer, g. ar 181, 4. pres. ind. sg. 3 gor-yw230, 13.
gor-ffowys to cease, rest. 157, 25.
gor-hoffder m. a boasting, vaunt- ing. 174, 34.
gor-hoffe5 a boasting, affectation. 174, 13.
gor-llewin the West.
gormes f. oppression, tyranny.
gormod excess; J64, 6. yn o. too much, 176, 6.
gor-or m. a border, side. 242, 7.
gor-se5 (gworsseS) f . a seat, throne, court. 234. 21. 240, 4.
gor-sefyll to withstand, stand. pres. ind. act. sg. 3 gorsseiw 234,22. pres.
pass, gorseuir 241, 7. Cf. MA. 160 b 2.
gor-uchel very high or loud. 150, 7. 241,6.
gorug,'See gwneuthur.
Gor-wen n. pr. f. 207, 12.
gorwyS m. a steed, warhorse. 242, 5.

(delwedd B7158) (tudalen 262)
*gor-ysgelu to overflow (the bowl). pres. subj. sg. 3 gorysgelho 240,
Ni ddodai eirif ar ra dillad
Na gwin grysgelo nac ysgarlad
MA. 222 b 18.
Cf. gwin gorysgalawc RB. 103,18. gorysgalauc in large bowls E. Lh.
gosgorS retinue. 141, 9.
go-sgubaw to sweep, pres. ind. act. sg. 3 gosgupio 241, 21.
gosgymonn (literally fuel, food) occasion. 174, 5. RB. 114, 4; Hg. II. 34,
30; FB. 6, 8; 306, 16.
gossod to put, establish, set, attack, thrust, g. ar to attack; g. drwy
arrange, past part, -edig 148, 16.
gosteg f. silence, the proclaiming of silence in court. 211, 3. 8. 234, 20.
gostegu to proclaim silence. 284,19.
gostegwr m. a silencer. 234, 19.
gra<5 fT a step; pi. -eu. 166, 27.
grawn m. grain (coll.) 225, 1.
Greid n. pr. m. 198, 18.
Greidawl n. pr. m. 199, 10.
gri5-fan to groan, a groaning.
Groeg f. Greece.
GruffuS n. pr. m. 162, 4. 235, 17.
Grugyn n. pr. m. 203, 19.
grwm-seid having a dark-coloured haft. 194, 15; MA. 954a 2. Cf. gwrym-dudet
FB. 83,19; gweilch gwrym-de 84, 4.
grym force, strength, effort. 151,13. 184, 24.
gwad m. a denial. 231, 12.
gwadu to deny, refuse; pres. subj. pass, gwatter 239, 6.
gwae woe! g. a. woe to him who . .
225, 4. 10. g. wann woe to the weak!
226, 2.
gwaed m. blood. 150, 10.
gwaed-lyd bloody. 184, 9.
gwaeS an outcry, cry of distress; pi. -eu.
gwaeth worse; gwaethaf worst.
gwa-hanu to separate, past. subj. pass, gwehenid 183, 5. pass. part,
gwa-haw5 to invite.
gwal a lair. 202, 1; 203, 15.
gwala f. a fill, sufficiency. 200, 3.
gwalch a hawk; metaph. a leader; pi. gweilch.
gwalch -Ian a band of heroes? 233, 23. MA. 150a, 40; 161 B 20.
Gwalchmei n. pr. m. 173, 31.
gwal-par strong -speared. 233, 24.
gwalstawd in. an interpreter. MA. 128a, 42. Cf. Rhys, Celt. Heathendom, p.
gwallaw to serve liquor. 235, 1. Anc. Laws, I. 32. vhi.
gwallt the hair of the head.
1. gwan to pierce; pret. ind. act. sg. 3 gwant, 133 a; past. ind. pass.
gwanpwyd, 134, (f).
2. gwan (gwann) feeble, weak.
ranar a chief, loi-d. 233, 24. 181 a 40; 203 b 19; 220 a 34; 221 a 45; b37.
gwanas a clasp, buckle. 239, 18. FB. 250, 21. 18, 19; 23,16; 59, 14; MA. 144
b 26; 177 a 19; 205b4; 269a 29; 299 b 46; 48.
gwanhiiu to weaken. 178, 6.
gwanwyn m. spring. 155, 27.
gwaradwyS in. disgrace, shame, reproach. 150, 12.
gwaradwy 5us disgrace fu 1. 1 80, 29.
gwarafun to forbid, refuse. 168, 25.
gwarandaw to listen, hear.
gwarawd, see gwa-red.
gwar-chadw to guard, protect; g. ar to besiege. 146, 18.
gwarchae to besiege; in. a siege.
gwar-der humanity, pity. 153, 33.
gware to ]>lay; in. a game, play; pi. gwary-eu. Cf. chware.
gware n. pr. m.
ra-red to succour, help, rescue; ^ , deliverance, pret. ind. act. sg. 3
gwar-e5 meekness. 238, 2. RB. II. 1223.
gwarth disgrace, shame. 233, 23.
gwarthaf upper part, surface. ar w. on the top o/241, 20.
gwartheg kine, cattle.
Gwarthegyd n. pr. m. 204, 9.
gwary-y5 m. a juggler. 147, 13. Hg. II. 10, 15.
gwas in. a youth, lad, servant; pi. gweis.
Gwasgwin Gascon y. 160, 4.
gwassanaeth service, attendance.
gwassanaethu to serve.
gwassanaethwr m. a servant.
scatter, past part, gwasgaredig. "^ gwa-sgawd shelter, protection.
148,28; 156,2. gwasgu to press, crush. gwastad level, even, constant,
temperate; yn w. constantly.

(delwedd B7159) (tudalen 263)
gwastadawl constant. 169, 4. v.l. (sic leg.)
gwawr dawn. 173, 15. metaph. 234, 8.
gwayw (gwaew) m. and f. a lance, spear; pi. gwewyr. 175, 2.
gw5am, gwSost, see gwybod.
gwedi prep., conj. after. 174. 210
gwe5 f . form, fashion, pa (py) we how?
gweSi f. a prayer. 161, 28.
gweSiaw to pray. 215, 1.
gweSu 6e/fa, to submit. 144, 6. 148,11. 165,5.
gweSus fitting, meet, seemly.
Gwe<5w n. pr. m. 201, 8.
gweSw deserted, desolate, lonely. 225, 9.
gwehenid, see gwahanu.
gweilch, see gwalch.
gwein f. a sheath, scabbard.
gweir-glawS f. a meadow; pi. -gloSyeu.
gweis, see gwas.
1. gweith in. -work, task, yg g. at work. 226, 5.
2. gweith f. a turn, time; dy5-g. once; weithon (weithyon) this time, now;
pi. -eu sometimes, -eu . . . -eu ereill now . . . again. 187, 18.
gweith-red m. an action, deed; pan del ar weithred cum ad actum accedit 167,
21. RB. II 846.
gweled to see, provide, arrange.
gweledigaeth f. a vision, dream.
gwelif. a wound; pi. -eu, -oe5.
gwely m. a bed. 241, 11.
gwell better; 204, 26. cyfarch g. to greet.
gwellau toimprove, amend. 214, 12.
gwelleu shears, scissors. 203, 25.
gwellig leg. gwelling? to distri- bute? 2352. FB. 45,15. MA.172bl5; 181 b 39
v.l., 140 b 12.
gwellt (gwell) grass. 223, 12. Cf. Peredur, ed. K. Meyer, 80, 16.
gwen a smile. 225, 22.
gwen-gan white and fair. 227, 26.
Gwen-hwyfar (Ir. Find-abair) n. pr. f. 172, 20.
gwenith m. ivheat. 196, 3.
gwenn, see gwynn.
Gwenn f. the name of Arthur's shield.
gwen-wlad f . a happy land. 234, 8. = Heaven, MA. 173 b 24; 177 a 42; 189 b
20; 222 b 38.
gwenwyn m. poison. 202, 4. Gwenwynwyn n. pr. m. 233, 24. gwer-, see gor-
gwerin-dawd f. virginity. 238, 3. LA. 17,4; 65,21. gwern (coll. )
alder-trees. G. Abwy
gwers f. a while, space of time. 197, 29. 194, 6. pob eil-w. alter- nately,
in succession, gwers . . g. aralf 175, 29.
gwersyll a camp; pi. -eu.
gwertn m. price, reward.
gwerth-fawr valuable. comp. gwerthfawrogach 169, 1.
gweryS f. a virgin. 161, 5; pi. -on.
gwestei m. a guest. 193, 9.
gwewyr, see gwayw.
gwiSon f. a witch.
gwin m. wine.
gwir (1) true, truly. g.-aberth 150, 17. g. gwell truly better. 226, 3. (2)
justice, right. 223, 27.
gwirawd a beverage, drink; pi. gwirodeu. 164, 2. 235, 1.
gwisg f. dress, clothing; pi. -oe5.
gwisgaw to put on, wear; part, gwisgedig dressed, clad.
gwlad f . a kingdom, country; pi. -oeo, gwledi; g. pressent the present
world. G. yr Haf n. 1. 202, 29.
gwledig m. a ruler.
gwledychu to rule, reign.
gwleS f. a feast, banquet. 238, 1.
Gwndy n. 1. 223, 10.
gwnel, see gwneuthur.
g-wne\ithurtomake,do,fonn. 142.
gwnn, see gwybod.
gwor-saf support, bulwark. 236, 9.
gworsseS, see gorseS.
gwosparth support 233,23. Cf. gosparth Brython MA. 124 b 38.
gwr m. a man, husband, vassal; y gwr he who 239, 10; (applied to God) 203,
17. pi. gwyrme/?, soldiers 179, 11.
gwrach f. a hag, witch.
gwrageS, see gwreig.
gwrawl manly, brave, stout; pi. gwrolyon. 139, 3.
Gwrbothu n. pr. m. 206, 3.
gwr-da m. a noble, pi. gwyrda; gwyrda seint holy men; MA. 142a.
gwr5 strong, vehement. 233, 1. 235, 13; 'g.-fle!5 a fierce wolf 233, 3.
gwreig f. a woman, wife; pi. gwrageS.

(delwedd B7160) (tudalen 264)
gwreigawl womanish, cowardly; pi. gwreigolyon. 186, 17.
Gwr-gi (Ir. Fer-chu) n. pr. m.
Gwr-gwst (Ir. Fer-gus) n. pr. m.
gwrhiiu to pay homage.
gwr-hyd manliness, valour, bra- very, strength.
Gwrhyr n. pr. m.
gwrteith to dress, mend, temper; a dressing; 195, 10. Cf. Hg. 38, 37. pi.
gwrth (wrth)voc. (l)prep. against, towards, for, for the purpose of; wrth
hynny because of that, therefore; y-wrth/rom, of; in comparison with. 53,
194. (2) conj. because. 231.
gwrth-dir borderland. 207, 12.
gwrth -eb to answer, reply.
gwrth-gasseS rebellion, dissension. 174,4. Hg. 276, 2. LA. 15, 26; CM.
gwrth-od to give back, reject, renounce 165, 7. pres. ind. act. sg. 3 gwrthyd
154, 14.
gwr-thrwm very heavy. 149, 28. 172, 26.
gwrthryn resistance, opposition. 233,23. '
gwrth-wyneb opposite, adverse; yS 7 myny5 facing the mountain; talu yn y g.
to pay in return. 142, 23.
gwrth-wynebu (y) to oppose, resist.
gwrthyd, see gwrth-od.
gwrych (coll.) bristles. G. Ereint n. pr. m. 203, 19.
gwrys strife, hostility. 197, 31. FB. 63, 25; 85, 12; 159, 5; 193, 6; 199,
20; 200, 9.
gwrysg (coll.) the smaller branches of a tree. 225, 11.
Gwy the Wye. Aber G. 206, 17.
Gwyar n. pr. m. 173, 31.
gwybod to know, recognize; know- ledge, courtesy. 143.
gwybySiad m. an eye-witness; pi. gwybySyeid.
gwychyr stout, resolute, bold; superb, gwychraf. 183, 13; 191,4; 192, 10.
Gwydre n. pr. m. 204, 19.
1. gwy5 m. (coll.) wood, trees 241, 13. 21. mast of a ship 242, 8.
2. gwy5 presence; yny vy5, hyny vyS to! behold! thereupon; 193, 1; 198, 13.
199, 27. yn eu g. at once 202,24.
gwySad, gwySyad, see gwybod.
gwy5-bwyll some game like chess; 164, 24; 167, 3. See RB. 153, 5.
GwySel an Irishman; pi. GwySyl.
gwyl-fa f. festival, watch, ward; pi. -eu.
gwyliad m. a guardian.
gwyllt wild; aeth yg g. he became mad, RB. 100, 6, 8. Cyledyr W.
gwyneb (wyneb) face. 209, 23. 216,27.
GwyneS Venedotia, North Wales. 161, 22.
gwynn m. , gwenn f. white, blessed; pi. -ion. gwyn y fyd happy he! 170, 18.
Gwynn n. pr. m. 200, 25. Avon Wenn 173, 23.
gwyn-seid having a white haft. 194, 15. Cf. Laws I. 586, 726. II. 866, cvii.
gwynnyeith pain, torture. 231, 32. FB. 185,5. FB.303,3; MA. 193 a 13.
gwynt m. wind, favourable wind.
gwyr, see gwybod.
Gwyr n. 1. Gotver. 205, 24.
gwyrS green, fresh, vigorous. 236, 25.
gwyr-hau to incline, bend. 241, 13. FB. 241,8.
1. gwys f. a summons, command.
2. gwys, see gwybod.
3. gvrysasow. 205,17. gwyssyaw to summon, 198, 24. gwystylm. a hostage;
pl.gwystlon. gwystyn m. a withered stump.
197, 4.
Gwythyr n. pr. m. Victor.
gynn, see cyn.
gynt, see cynt.
gyr, see 2. geir.
gyrru to send, despatch, drive, hasten 199, 6; ry-yrru (reherru) 213, 4.
gyt, see cyt.
1. ha, see 2. ac.
2. ha inter j. 243. hac, see 2. ac.
haeSu to deserve, claim, merit.
hael generous, liberal; pi. -on.
haelder m. generosity. 145, 17.
hael-foneS one of noble descent. 234, 21.
h*( summer. GwladyrH. 202,29.
haf-5y a summer's day. 242, 6.
hafod a summer dwelling. 225, 9. Cf. RB. II. 277,5.
Hafren f. the Severn.
hagen however, yet, indeed.

(delwedd B7161) (tudalen 265)
han-bwyllaw to consider, remem- ber 190, 27. RB. 120; 17315.
bandit, see hanfod.
han-5enu to have leisure, linger. 190, 27 v. 1.
han-fod to arise, issue; proceed from, descend. 160.
banner (hanher) in. a half, middle. 140, 20. 179,20. h.dy5midd'ay; h. nos
midnight; h. gwr a coward 170, 24, 180, 32.
harSfair, beautiful, comely.
hawdit, see haf-5y5.
haw5 easy, pleasant; com par. haws.
1. bawl f. a claim.
2. bawl, see holy, hawlwr m. a claimant. haws, see haw5.
hayach wellnigh, almost. 167, 6. 192, 15.
hayachen almost. 207, 23. hayarn iron, sword. 160, 4.
1. neb, hebyr says. 151.
2. heb (voc. ) prep, without, besides. 16 (i); 53; 175.
hebrwng to conduct, escort.
hebyr, see 1. heb.
heSiw to-day.
heSwch peace.
heSychu to make peace, pacify.
hefyd also, in addition.
hegarwch m. kindliness. 226, 3.
heibawadv.j9as, %. 156,14. 204,3.
heint m. a sickness, disease. 149, 28.
hela to hunt, chase.
helw possession; ar y h. in his possession. 152, 11; 204, 25.
helym f. a helmet. 159, 22.
hen old; an old man. superl. hynaf.
hen - dad m. an ancestor; pi. -eu.
heneint (henein) old age. 139, 9.
1 . heno, see enw.
2. heno to-night. henw, see enw.
herw a plundering, pillaging. 235, 15. Cp. Gwynfyd herwr ywr hirnos MA. 361
herwyS according to, by; yn h. according to; yn h. y nerth with all his
might, h. fal 165, 2.
hestawr, a corn measure of about two bushels. 199. 17.
heul f. and m. the sun.
heussawr in. a herdsman. 195, 3. FB. 174, 1 .
hi she, her. Emphatic hihi, con- junct, hitheu. 45.
bin weather. 209, 22.
hir long, tall; drwy h. o amser/or a long time 141, 5. Compar. hwy. Hir n.
pr. m. 206, 1.
hir-flaw5 a long tumult. 235, 15.
Hir-las n. pr. m. 178, 16. 184, 10.
hitheu, see hi.
hob: dan eu hwb ac eu h. pushing and kicking them. 207, 22.
hoedel lifetime, life. 152, 18.
hoff-der m. a boasting. 174,34. LA. 143, 22.
holy (holi) to claim, ask, search, demand; imper. sg. 2 hawl.
holl, see oil.
holla wl whole, entire; yn h. com- pletely, altogether.
hollti to split, cleave.
honni to proclaim. 159, 25.
honno, see hwnnw.
Howel (Hywel) n. pr. m.
Humyr the Humber. 145, 11.
Huandaw n. pr. m. 204, 23.
1. hun sleep. 172,26.
2. hun, pi. hunein self. 60. hwb, see hob.
hwch m. and f. a, pig. 203, 11.
hwnn m., honn f., hynn n. this. pi. hynn. 61; 62.
hwnt yonder; h. ac yman (yma) here and there. 185, 25.
hwnnw m., honno f., hynny n. that. pi. hynny. 61, 62.
1. hwy (wy), hwynt they, them. Emphatic (h)wyntwy, conjunct, (h)wynteu. 45.
2. hwy, see hir. hwyl r. a sail; pi. -eu. hwylaw to sail. 157,28. hwynt, see
1. hwy.
hwy red slown ess, tardiness. 151,19.
hy bold. 239, 19.
1. hydf. length; prep, as far as, up to, 177; conj. as long as, as far as,
214; h. na so that not 214; until almost 154, 13; h. pan until, so that 225;
h. trawhile. 230. ba h. whither?
hy-dwf well-grown, tall. 158, 18.
hy5 a stag; pi. -od. 241, 12.
Hy-gwy5 n. pr. m. 202, 19.
hynaf; see hen.
hynefiS m. an elder. 210, 3.
hynn, see hwnn.
hynny, see hwnnw.

(delwedd B7162) (tudalen 266)
hynt f. a course, path, journey. ar h. immediately. 174, 16. 175, 6.' hyny
vy5, see 2. gwy5.
1. i (voc.) prep., see 1. y.
2. i, see mi.
3. i, see j5.
iach sound, whole. 200, 16.
iachiiu to heal.
iad /<e upper part of the head. 230, 32.
iaen ice, a sheet of ice. 241, 12.
iarll (jarll) in. an carl; pi. ieirll.
iawn (yaun, jaun) (1) right, just; ymlaS yn i. to fight in reality, superl.
-haf, -af 198, 30! 31. (2) a recompense, satisfaction. 166, 15. 18.
iawnder in. right.
i5aw, i5i, see i. y.
I Sew a Jew; pi. -on.
iechid health, salvation. 158, 21.
ieith f. language; pi. -oe5, -eu.
lessu Jesus.
ieuanc young; superl. jeuaf.
ieuenctid early manhood youth.
leuan n. pr. in. John. 231, 26.
in, see yn. ima, ina, see yma, yna.
inheu, inneu, see mi.
ir-llone5 m. and f. wrath. 159, 20.
is below, beneath. 53, 178.
Iscawyn n. pr. in. 204, 20.
Islont Iceland.
issod below. 199, 5.
IwerSon f. Ireland. 155, 28.
Had (Ir. laith) liquor, drink. Sic le#. 230,31? Cf. FB. 204, 22; 23.
lladrad robbery. 222, 17.
Ila5 to strike, slay, cut, cut off, kill. impf. ind. pi. 3 lleSynt; impf.
pass. lleSid; pret. pass. lias. p. part. llaSedig. 134(a).
Llaesgenym n. pr. in. 204, 25.
llaessau to relax, abate, moderate.
llafur m. labour, exertion, toil, effort.
llafuryaw to labour, endeavour, att,'ni)>t. 140, 13. 159, 15. 166, 21.
180, 32. 186, 9.
llafuryus (llafurus) laborious. 191, 27.
llafyn a blade; pi. llafneu, llafnawr.
y Hall the other; pi. y lleill. 70.
Llamrei the name of Arthur* ttirtn: 201, 20.
llann an enclosure, land. 223, 5; LI. daf n. 1. Llanda/.
llanw(l) to jill. 175, 7. (2) tide. 198,7. 209,4. 216,11.
llary generous, gracious, gentle. 233, 31. MA. 249 b48; 247 a 48; 241 b 42.
Has, see Ha5.
llathru to glitter, glisten.
Haw f. a hand; pi. dwy-law. cymhell y 1. to force to surrender; 152, 23; rag
11. at hand, imminent.
llawch protection. 233, 6. MA. 192b8; 247b6.
llawen glad, gay, merry. 11. yw genjfgaudeo 170, 13.
llawer many, much.
llawhethan'227, 28 = llywethani MA. 73 a 18 v.l. one of the constella- tions.
Cf. Barddas I., 404.
llaw-hir long -handed.
\\a.vfn. full.
llawr in. the ground; the earth; 239, 19. 234, 10.' 239, 9. yr 11. to the f/
round-; y lawr down.
lie in. place; pi. -oe3. where 225, 13. ynlle instead of, for 180,2; yn y lie
immediately; yssid le i5aw gwynaw he has reason to lament; pa le u'Jiere?
with subjunctive clause, w/icre. 225, 13.
llechu to lurk, hide. 177, 22.
lied m. breadth. 154, 7.
Lledewig, see Llywedig.
lled-lwm half-hare, half-naked. Gvrrgwst LI. n. pr. m. 200, 28.
llefaru to speak. 229, 31.
lief m. voice, sound.
llefein to shout, cry', m. a shout' ing.
HeferyS to say; speech, utterance. 139, 22. 202, 16. 220, 4.
lleng a legion.
Llengrys n. 1. Lengriae. 179, G.
llei less, inferior. 162, 1.
lleidyr in. a thief; pi. lladron.
1. lleill, see Hall.
2. lleill: y 11. one of two. 194,17. 71. lleis voice. 153, 4. QcisMwnaenmw*,
liberal. 235, 11.
MA. 154M1; 159b8.
lleith death. 232, 2. 233, 7.
llemenig striding, bounding. Cadwr LI. n. pr. in. 161, 23.
llenwi to fill. 206, 22.
Lies n. pr. m. Lucius. 157, 31.
llesg feeble, faint. 191,20.
llesgeS f. feebleness, sloth, cou-ar- dice. 166,30; 167,5.9. 180,23.
Hetty in. a lodging;pl. -eu. 195, 9,

(delwedd B7163) (tudalen 267)
popular etymology for Leviathan.
lletty-wr in. a host. 195, 9.
Lieu n. pr. m.
lleufer f. and in. light pi. -eu.
Hew m. a lion. 186, 30. 235, 11.
llewenyS joy.
llewychu to shine. Ilewychi232, 7, leg. llewychei? MA. 243 b 9.
lleyg in. a lay-man; pi. -yon.
lliaws m. a multitude, host.
llicriS, see llygru.
Hid in. anger, indignation.
llidyaw to become angry.
llin, .see 1. llynn.
llinad (llin-had) coll. in. linseed , sg. llin-hedyn. 199, 18. 20.
llithraw to slip, glide along, jmss by. 11. at to flock to. 145, 23. Hithrei
203 , 20 leg. llathrei glistened; cf. KB. 2, 2.
1. lliw (llyw) in. colour, hue. 164,13. 241, 16. 2. lliw, see 1. llyw.
Ilof-ru5 (lit. red-handed) a slayer of men. 233, 10.
Hong f. ship; pi. -eu.
ttoneidfll, the full of anything.
llosg arson. 223, 1.
llosgi to burn, set on fire.
llu in. a host, army; pi. -oe5. . 227,
lluched lightning. 227, 25. pi. llucheid. 185, 27.
Llu5 n. pr. in. 198, 18. See RM s, Celt. Heath, p. 125.
ttuted fatigue. 207, 9.
HuSyas to 'hinder. 208, 21.
Huest a camp; pi. -eu.
Llundein London.
llunyaethu to arrange, dispose, array. 146, 5. 165, 19/182, 14.
llunyeithaw to arrange, put in order. 178, 2.
iluoss-og-rwyoamultitude. 141,28.
llurug f. a coat of mail. 150, 25.
Ilu-y5 ni. a hosting, military ex- pedition . 222, 14; 223, 32.
llw in. an oath. 221 , 4.
llwch a lake. 229, 5. 241, 8. LI. Tawy 205, 25.
llwdyn in. the young of animals; pi. llydyn. 203, 4.
llw/yr in. a coward. 242, 9.
llwgyr harm, damage, disad- vantage. 218, 25.
llwm bare, poor. 226, 4. 241, 1. 242,8.
llwrw (Ir. lorg track): yn 11. a.v regards? 198, 17. loco, vice, Da vies.
llwyd grey.
LlwySawg n. pr. m. 205, 6.
LlwySeu n. pr. m. 202, 25.
llwyn (lluhyn) in. a wood, grove, bush; pi. -eu.
llwyr complete; yn 11. wholly, com- pletely.
llwyth in. a tribe, people. 227, 27.
Llychlyn Norway. 157, 9:
Llychlyn-wr m. a Norseman. 157, 11.
Llychwr n. 1. Loughor. 205, 5.
Hydan broad, extensive.
Llydaw Armorica, Brittany.
Llydewig Armoricaii, Breton. Glythmyr LI. 201, 12.
llydw a host, household, com- munity; 223, 10; 13. See MA. 308 b 28, 249 a
14, 343 aol.
llyfyr in. a book.
llyfyr-der in. cowardice. 233, 7.
llygad in. an eye. taraw 1. in the twinkling of an eye, immediately.
Llyga'd-fu5 ri. pr. in. Red-eye.
llygru to corrupt, mar, spoil, violate. 167,4. 189,3. 195, 13; to become foul
241, 3.
llyngcu to swallow.
llynghes f. a fleet. 145, 9.
llym keen, sharp. 241, 1.
llyma lo here! 169, 1 7 (en). 244.
llyna lo there! 169, 16 (en). 244.
1. llynn (llin) f. a lake, pool; pi. llynneu. LI. Lliwan 206, 17 = Linn
Liuan, Nenriius ed. Mommsen, p. 214.
2. llynn a drink. 193, 15. llynnwyn in. a pool. 225, 1. Leg,
Wall. 480 1) 4.
Llyr n. pr. m. 139, 1. 206, 19. llys f. a court, palace; pi. llyssoeS. llyssu
to reject. 218, 7. llythyr in. an epistle, letter; pi. -eu.
1. llyw (lliw) m. a leader. 235,11. 236, 23.
2. llyw, see 1. lliw. Llywelyn n. pr. m. llywodraeth r. management. llywodyr
m. a leader, cwnmander
pi. llywodron. llywyaw (llywaw) to rule, direct.
ma, see mae.
mab m. a son; pi. meib, meibon. Mabon n. pr. m. 195, 24. See s, Celt. Heath.,
p. 21.

(delwedd B7164) (tudalen 268)
mach m. a surety, guarantor; pi. meicheu, meychyeu. 210, 20; 21; 217,14;
Madawg n. pr. m. 204, 29.
maoeu to forgive; forgiven ess, 231,4
maSeueint forgiveness, remission. 150, 20.
mae (may) is; pi. maent. what is? 219, 7. 152. 154 (a).
maeSu to beat, strike, pound. 159, 24. 183, 23.
maen m. stone; pi. mein; m. freuan quern-stone, m.-dym. a stone house.
maer (mair) m. a steiuard, reeve; pi. meirri. 202, 7. 219, 9.
maerony f. stewardship. 221, 18.
maes (mays) in. an op^ en field, open court, battlefield; rodi cad ar f. to
give battle; cawssant y m. they won the day.
maestawd majesty; maes m. field of judgment 229, 13. MA. 165*22; 171 b 51;
195 a 9.
magu to rear, bring up, to produce, engender, conceive, pres. ind. sg, 3
mecciS 242, 9. FB. 244, 21. MA. 363 a 21; 33.
magwyr f . a watt. 198, 12.
mal (fal) conj. as; when. 216. malpei (malphei) as if. y m. 195, 11.
mam f . mother.
man fine, small, insignificant. 184, 18; 196, 10.
manach m. a monk; pi. meneich.
manachlawg f. a monastery, con- vent; 188, 22. m. gwrageS 190, 15. pi.
-logoeS 165, 4.
ManawySan n. pr. m. 206, 19.
march in. a horse; coll. horsemen. 202, 30. pi. meirch, meirych. 143, 15.
162, 20. ar feirych on horseback 174, 18.
marchawg in. a knight; pi. marchogyon.
marchogaeth horsemanship, riding.
1. m&rwdead; pi. meirw.
2. marw to die. 145, 1. 149, 9. marwawr (pi.) cinders. 228, 6. marwolyaeth
(marwolaeth) f.
death, 145, 7.
mawl, see 'noli.
mawr great, big; compar. mwy; super, mwyhaf, mwyaf.
mawr-fu great gain or advantage: 233, 11.
Maxen n. pr. in. Maxim us.
mecciS, see magu. me5 mead.
me5-gell f. a mead-cellar, cellar. 164,2. 204,27 me5-gorn m. a mead-horn; pi.
235, 1.
me5-gwyn a mead-banquet. 235, 1.
236, 13.
me5u to possess. 181, 5.
meSwl m. thought, purpose, mind.
meSyant m. possession, power ', authority.
meSylyaw to think, consider, medi- tate.
mefyl f. and m. disgrace, shame, insult. 225, 10.
meglyd (yn) to grip, grasp, cling to. 176, 14; 202, 20. FB. 51, 12; 141, 29;
183, 24; 247, 7.
megys conj. as, like, as it were. % 217: m. na as if not; with subj. .50 that
145, 23. 180, 3.
mehyn place, country? 229, 2. FB. 123,28; 133,25; 169,1; 190,29; 202, 8; 210,
Mei May. 208, 5.
meicheu, see mach.
mein, see maen.
meint f. size, number, quantity, length; such, pa f. how much.
Meir Mary (the Virgin).
meirw, see marw.
melyn yellow.
melys sweet. 170, 18.
Mellt n. pr. m. 201, 11.
menegi to make known, declare.
meneich, see manach.
Menw n. pr. m. 201, 28.
merch f. a daughter; pi. -ed.
Merchyr; dywM. on Wednesday. 240, 10.
meredig irrational, Joolish. 193, 5. RB. 115,18. Laws I., 260.
merthyr in. a martyr. 161, 4.
messur m. a measure, impression. 202, 26.
messuredig measured, according to measure. 199, 19.
meu mine; 55.
Meugant n. pr. m.
Meuruc n. pr. m. Mauritius.
meycheu, see mach.
mi (fi, fy, i) /, me. Emphatic mifi, conjunctive minheu, inneu. 45.
1. mil f. a thousand', pi. -yoe5.
2. mil m. an animal; coll. 204, 5. pi. -eid.

(delwedd B7165) (tudalen 269)
mil-wr m. a warrior.
milwryaeth f. prowess, warfare. 164, 15; 175, 25; 177, 8; 185, 30.
mill-dir f. a mile.
minheu, minneu, see mi.
mis m. a month.
moch (coll. ) swine.
mo5 m. manner. 191, 30.
modrwy f. a ring pi. -eu.
moes custom. 193,7. RB. 11.300,1.
molawd praise. 237, 4.
moli to praise, commend, pres. ind. sg. 3 mawl. 233, 11.
molyant praise, fame. 146, 2. 4 (probitas); 156, 21; 181, 19; 185, 17.
1. mor (voc.) with adjectives, how, so, as.
2, mor m. sea; pi. -oe5. morSwyd m. a thigh. 205, 23. Morgannwg Glamorgan.
mor-gerwyn f . a maelstrom, whirl- pool. 154, 13.
mor-gymlaw5 the raging of the sea. 235, 13. MA, 173a3i; 193b7; 254a44 266a29.
mor-grug (lit. anthill), ants; sg. -yn m. 199, 20.
MoruS n. pr. m.
morwyn f . a maiden; pi. morynyon.
mud dumb, mute.
mul m. a mule; pi. -yoe5.
muner m. a lord, king,
mur m. a wall, rampart; pi. -oe5.
y Mureif Morray. 152, 28.
murmur a groivling. 172, 27.
mwg m. smoke. 199, 23.
mwy, mwyhaf, see mawr.
mwyalch f . a blackbird. 1 96, 1 7. 20 .
mwyhau to increase, augment.
mwynhau (muenh.au) to use, employ, enjoy, profit. 199, 33; 216, 4; 217, 26;
218, 1.
Myg-5wnn smoke-dun, or for Myng-5wn dusky-maned, the name of a horse. 201,8.
Gwynnm. 206,15.
myhun I myself. 57.
myn (in oaths) by. 203, 1. 206, 7.
mynaches m. a nun; pi. mynach- esseu.
myned to go; m. dros to break through, penetrate; 140.
mynnu (mennu) to desire, wish, seek, endeavour.
mynwent f. a graveyard, 188, 17. LA. 84, 8.
mynwgyl neck. 176, 14.
mynych frequent.
mynyched m. frequency. y m. hwnnw so often. 191, l. v. 1.
mynyS m. a mountain; pi. -eS. y fynyS upward, up.
Mynyw Menevia, St. David's,
mysg midst.
y mywn (mewn) within, in o f . inside, within. 181.
1. na (spir.), before vowels nadnot. 236.
2. na (voc.), before vowels nag: not. 237.
3. na (spir. ), before vowels nac nor. 238. na . . na either . . or 168, 2.
naccau to refuse.
nachaf lo, behold! 187,21. (voc.) 153, 16. 189, 3. 193, 2.
1. nad (nat), see 1. na.
2, nad is not ( dependent). 155(t). Nadolig Christmas. 154, 23. Naf m. the
Lord. 235, 16. 236, 28.
1. nag a refusal. 202, 10. 16.
2. nag, see 2. 3. na. nam, see 1. 3. na.
namyn, namwyn conj. except; after a negative, but. 219. nant a valley; pi.
nanheu 229, 32.
1. nar = na + def. art.
2. nar=ra + ry. 184, 1. 95 N. naw (nas.) nine.
naw5 m. protection, sanctuary.
nawfed ninth. 208, 5.
neb any; any one, someone, y neb a ivho. 64.
nef m. heaven; pi. -oe5.
neges f. a business, affair, quest.
nei m. a nephew; pi. nyeint..
neill one (of two}; ar neill-du on one side. 69; 71
neill-du-edig apart, aside.
neirthyad m. a strengthener, stay. 227, 2; FB. 241, 21; MA. 193b, 1,
neithawr a ivedding feast; pi. neithoreu, -yeu 189, 9.
ner m. a lord. 233, 5.
nerth m. and f. support, help, strength, power; pi. -oe5.
nerth-fawr mighty. 233, 5.
1. nes prep, until. 182.
2. nes, nessaf, see agos. nessau to draiv near. 147, 16, nessed nearness, yr
n. however
near. 154, 20.
Nethawg n. pr. m.
1. neu (voc,) or, nor. 220.
2. neu noiv, before vowels neud;. with ry, neur. 221,

(delwedd B7166) (tudalen 270)
newidyaw to exchange (blows). 186, 8; 191, 24. tra newitywn an deheuoeS
quando dextras conferemus. 170, 19.
newyS new. o n. anew, again, recently. 178, 28. 179,4. 195, 15 v. 1.
newyn m. hunger. 149, 5; 186, 30.
ni (ny) we, us. Emphatic nini, con- junct, ninheu, ninneu. 45 (a).
nifer in. a number, host, retinue; pi. -oe5.
no (spir.), nog, with def. art. nor, conj. than. 222.
nodi to mark, notify, specify. 199, 18. pluperf. pass. sg. 3 ry nodySoeS.
205, 10.
no5i to protect, preserve; pres. subj. sg. 3 notho (nodho) 193, 8.
noe, see no.
noeth naked, bare, unprotected, unarmed; pi. -on.
noethi to bare, to unsheathe.
Normanyeid Normans.
nos f . night.
nottau to mark, specify. 201, 24.
Nu5 n. pr. m. 200, 25.
Nwython n, pr. m.
1 . ny (spir. ) before vowels nyd, not. 235.
2. ny, see ni.
1. nyd, see 1. ny.
2. nyd is not. 155 (5). nyeint, see nei.
Nyfer the river Nevern. 204, 12. nym, nys, see 1. ny.
1. nyth m. a nest; pi. -od. 154, 3.
2. nyth, see 1, ny.
nyw, see 49 (c). 233, 2. 8. 12.
1. o (a) (voc.) prep, of, from, with, /or; with passive verb, by. o gyfreith
according to laiv 211,17. 1 83 . with def. art. or (ar).
2. o (spir.), before vowels od, or, os conj. if; neg. ony, onyd; with the
pres. of copula os, neg. onyd. 224.
obry below.
1. oc prep. = l. o before, pronouns beginning with a vowel. 183.
2. oc? 230,16.
OChoA/o&U/ o. Rah me! 142,21. odi to snow. 241 passim.
odid scarcely, hardly, rarely. 226, 6. 232, 11; 13.
odolygyssant, see adolwyn.
oSieithyr outside 158, 26; 164, 19; o. hynny beside*. 161, 34, 162, 21.
oSyma hence.
oSyna thence, from that time.
oSyno from there.
o5y-rwng from between. 196, 19.
o5y-uchtaw above it.
oe, see 1. o. oe5, oeSynt, see bod.
oed (oyd) m. age; appointed time, respite, delay. 208, 20.
oer cold; dire, cruel, deadly. o.-grynedig fear/idly trembling. 152, 16.
1. oes f. life, lifetime, age, genera- tion; pi. oessoeS.
2. oes (oys) there is. 152, 154 fi oestru? 230, 33.
ofn-awg timorous. 184, 21.
ofyn m.fear. 148, 22. 187, 31.
ofynhau to fear. 142, 4. 167, 26.
offeren mass; pi. -eu. 162, 29.
ohan-, ohon-, see 53, 183.
oia interjection. 243.
ol track; yn ol after, behind, a oe5 yn ol or dy5 it-hat remained of the day.
olyf-wy5 (oliwyS) in. coll. olive- wood. 165,21.
oil, holl, all. 67.
onaSunt of them. 53.
oni, onyt, see ny.
or, see 1. 2. o.
Ore, Orch the Orkneys. 156, 12. 162, 11.
organ f. a musical instrument, organ. 163, 6. 15.
orig (dimin. of awr) a short hour. 230, 13.
os, see 2. o.
osidif there is. 213,22,28. 152,154
osp m. a stranger, guest. 193, 7.
ottid, see odi.
Owein n. pr. m.
pa, ba (voc.) what? 80.
pab m. a pope. pi. -eu 220, 8.
Pabo n. pr. m.
pader f . the Paternoster. 215, 4. 5.
pagan a pagan, heathen; pi. -yeid.
paladyr m. a spear-shaft. 194, 23.
pallutofail. 180,11.'
pan (pann) (1) ivhence, 225. (2) (voc.) when, 226. (3) that; pan yw 155a
(/?); hyd pan until, so that. yr pan since. 170, 5.
parabyl m. a speech. 170, 4.
paradwys f. Paradise. 238, 4.
parattoi to prepare. 148,7.
parawd prepared, ready, easy. 144, 3, 158, 24. 30.
parchell m. a young pig. 203, 10.

(delwedd B7167) (tudalen 271)
pared m. a waU, partition. 196, 20.
parhau to remain, continue. 180, 15.
parth m. and f. part, direction; 149,2. 201,5. p.a.ctowards. 139,9.
Parth Parthia. 172, 6.
parth-gle5 left-hand side; sic leg. 229,29. MA. 274a25.
pawb everyone, everybody.
pebyll m. a tent; pi. -eu.
pebyllaw to pitch a tent or tents, encamp. 173, 24,
pechawd m. sin; pi. pechodeu.
pedeir, see pedwar.
pedr-ongyl square. 154,7. RB. II. 12, 31.
pedwar m. pedeir f. four.
pedwyryS m. pedwareS f. fourth.
peSyd infantry.
pe5ydgant troop of infantry. 171,5.
Pedyr Peter. 228, 19.
pei if he were. 200, 16. conj. if. 227.
peidaw (peidyaw) (ac) to cease (from). 140, 4. 179, 3. 190, 21; p. o 167, 3
v, 1.; p. yn 178, 24. RB. II. 253, 10.
peir m, a cauldron. 202, 7. 14.
peiss-awg coated. Hir P. n. pr. m. 206, 1.
pell far, distant; ym p. far off; o b. from afar. comp. bellsich further.
193, 16 v. 1.
pellenhig a stranger. 193, 7.
penn ahead, top, point, end; mouth. 225, 12. pi. -eu. am b. against 146, 26.
uch b. over, above; ym p. at the end. Penn n. pr. in.
pennaf (penhaf ) foremost, chief.
Penn-bei5 chief of boars. 201, 16.
penn-cawr chief giant.
Penn-dragon chief leader.
penn-ffestin a helmet. 150, 25; 159, 17, RB. II. 55, 19; 155, 7; 162,H.
penn-saer in. a chief craftsman. 204, 27.
penn-swy5wr m. a chief steward. 160, 13.
penn-trullyad m. a chief butler. 160, 12.
penyd penance. 150, 20. 238, 8.
Peredur n. pr, m,
perfeS middle, centre. 176, 26. 183, 3. 29, 210, 10.
perffeith perfect. 237, 12.
peri to cause, make, create. 190, 19. 234, 10.
perigyl m. and f. a danger; pi. perigleu. 151, 30. 153, 30.
perthcled, see parth-gle.
1. perthyn (at) to belong (to). 155,
2. perthyn appropriate, pertinent. 234, 18. 235, 8. MA. 191a, 26; 228a, 26.
peryf m. the Creator. 234, 9. MA. 228 al8.
petrus m. a doubt. 150, 4 v. 1. 167, 4.
pettrussaw to doubt. 169, 7.
petrusder hesitation, doubt. 147 28 150, 4.
peth a thing, something, somewhat. peth, beth = pa beth what? 74. 79. 203,
peunyS adv. daily, everyday. beunyS 239, 10.
peuny5-yawl daily. 190, 9.
phellas: ara phellas 239, 17. "which I have set apart," Skene, FB.
I., 289; Pughe s.v. gwanas has: a ryfullias "which I have
pieu whose is? 193, 5. 6. to whom it belongs, 16, 7. 83, 161.
pigo to peck at. 197, 23.
pimp, see pump.
plant (coll.) children.
pleid f. a side, party; o b. on the side of.
plith: o blith from among; trwy blith through the midst of; ym plith among.
plwyw people. 227, 12. LA. 106, 19; 22. RB. II. 270,24.
pob each, every; bob un, bob deu in ones and twos; pob eilwers alter- nately;
43. pobmvnnig any place. 223, 8.
pobyl f. people; pi. pobloeS.
poenf.pain; pi. -eu. 142, 13.
poened pain , tormen t . 230, 21 .
pony, before vowels and with pres, of cop. ponyd, interrog. part.= Lat.
nonne? 240.
1. porth m. a gate, gateiuay; pi. pirth. 193, 11. 194, 3. 234, 12.
2. porth f. help, assistance, sup- port. 175, 6. 176, 18. 196, 8. 208, 20.
3. porth a port, harbour. P. CerSin n. 1.
porthawr m. a doorkeeper. 193, 12. 17: 234, 12.
porth-fa f. a port. 172, 21 .
post a post, pillar. Pabo p. Prydein 162, 3.
pren m. a tree, cross. 230, 17.

(delwedd B7168) (tudalen 272)
Presseleu n.l. 204, 6.
pressennawl pertaining to this world. 198, 20. LA. 130, 31; 142, 4.
pressent present, gwlad p. this world, 230, 5; 232, 10. MA. 272a, 16; 281,
priawd own. 181, 18.
prif-ger5 a panegyric. 235, 5.
prif-glod loud praise, eulogy. 235, 6.
priodas f. marriage. 141, 2.
priodawr in. a proprietor, land- owner. 212, 24. 27; 213, 8; 220, 28. 31.
priodol-der m. proprietary right. 212, 28; 213, 1. 20. RB. II. 341, 21.
processio (procesiwn) procession.
rfi to try, test, tempt. 139. 11. 17. p. part, profedig 146, 1; 164, 15; 206,
1. pryd aspect, beauty. 140, 22; 155, 25.
2. pryd ra. time; pa bryd when? p. pan when 229, 25. p. na since not. 228.
ndu to sing, compose poetry. .
pryder care, anxiety; pi, -eu.
pryderus anxious. 190, 29.
Prydein f. Britain.
Pryd-wenn f. (fair-shaped) the name of Arthur's ship. 199, 6; 202, 12.
prynu to buy, redeem,. 238, 14.
Pumlumon n. 1. Plimlimon. 199,22.
pump (nas.)/ve.
pur pure, perfect. 238,5.
pur-dujet black. 225, 21.
pur-ffawd pure, perfect hapviness. 237,13. MA. 315 bi4.
pur-wynn m. -wenn f. pure-white.
pwll in. a pit, hole. 200, 6.
pwy who? which? 139, 11. 194, 14. who; p. bynhac whoever. 81 .
pwys a weight, burden. 238, 6.
pwystyrwAy? 193,14.
py (voc.) ivhat? 185; pyr why? 229. py diw (O.W.) to whom. 146, 1. 80n.4.
pyd m. a pitfall, snare. 177,25. MA.231W; RB. II. 76,10.
pylu to make blunt. 159, 17. RBII. 106, 31; 56, 33; 71, 19; 161,1.
pym, see pump.
pymtheg (nos.) fifteen. -pynhag -soever. 81 . pyr, see py.
m. a fish; pi. -awd. 154, 8. 198, 26. 241, 11.
pythew-nos a fortnight. 209, 6. 216, 13. 16.
racco (racko) yonder.
rad f . grace, favour, blessing. 5. 12. 145, 18.
raff a rope; pi. -eu. 147, 4.
rag prep, before, for, from. < 00 _, 186. yn r. 195. 28. p yr. wherefore?
193, 13 v. 1. r. wyneb following, next.
rag-5ywedud to foretell. 176,15. p. part. ragSyweded'ig aforesaid. 173,3.
rag-fe5ylyaw to consider, provide. 167, 18. 20; 169,4
rag-flaenufo excel, 164, 8. RB. II. 293,29; 350,n. r. y fforS iter prae-
cedere. 179, 7.
ragod (rachod) to waylay; an am- bush. 147, 1; 177, 16; 206, 12; 223, 6.
rag-weled to forsee, provide. 167,20. 169,4. part.weledig!69,2v.l.
rag-ynys f. an adjacent island. 202, 28,
ranc: r, bo5 content, satisfaction. 195, 12.
ranghei, see rengi.
rann f. a division, part, portion, share, ran 228, 7. pi. -e. 227, 6.
rannu to divide. 141, 5. 179, 14.
redeg (rydec) to run, race, pass by.
redyn fern. Redyn-fre n, 1. (Fern- hill) 196, 29.
Regedf.,n. 1. 152,29. 155,16.
reges ebb-tide; adversity. 228, 11. CZ.V, p. 566.
rengi bo5 to satisfy, please, pres. ind. sg. 3 reinc 194, 18; past subj. sg.
3 ranghei 195, 11. RB, II, 329, 18. MA. 321b,3L
rei (rey) some, few. y rei those, such; pob rei both sides 66; rei . . rei
(ereill) some . . some 75.
reid (wrth) need (of), necessity, trouble.
rei5 (reit) a shaft, antler. 197, 1. MA. 148 b 58.
ReiSwn n. pr. m. 204, 17.
reinc, see rengi.
Rein n. pr, ni. Regin.
reolawdyr regular. 161, 8. RB, II, 171,i6; CM. 14,15.
restru to range. 204, 11.
rew frost, ice. 241, 20.
rewi to freeze, pres. ind. act. sg. 3 rewhiS 241, 3. 19, 129.

(delwedd B7169) (tudalen 273)
rewinyaw to cause to perish, de- stroy, ruin. 3 sg. pret, ind. act. rewinywys
229, 22. cp. MA. 140a, 33; FB. 146, 6.
rid, see ryd.
riein-gadeir f. a queen's throne. 189, 8.
rieni pi. ancestors. 168, 13; 170, 12. 22.
rif number. 171, 16.
ringhyll (ringyll) m. an apparitor, a beadle. 210, 12. 18; 214, 21.
riheS? 228, 30, FB. 11, 10; 174, 2.
rihy 8 splendour, splendid? 227, 4. MA. 195a, 12; 229, 21; FB. 6, 24; 8, 5;
110, 12; 112, 3; 21 1,15; 212, 17; 305, 7.
rin a secret. 225, 7.
rith form, guise.
rithaw to shape, create, transform. 196, 27; 197, 7.
riw a slope. 242, 4.
ro prep, between. 53.
rod f. a wheel, gellwng cleSyf ar y r. to brandish a s^vora in circle.
2(>2,21. MA.286a,35. L.GlynCothi 92, 10.
ro5 m. and f. a gift; pi. -yon.
rofi, see ro.
ro5i (roy, rohi) to give, put, place, grant, surrender.
Ron the name of Arthur's lance.
ruS red, ruddy. 228, 15.
Rufi-fyw n. pr. in. 205, 31.
Rufein f. Rome. 181, 4.
Rufeinawl Roman.
Run n. pr. m.
ruthur (rythur) f. a rush, onset. 151, 21. 24. 176, 12. 24. 178, 21. 182, 6.
Ruthyn n. 1.
rwng (y rwn &) prep, between. 53, 187.
rwyS easy, free, prosperous, fav- ourable; 172, 24. ar r. in prosperity;
glew-r. 235, 11.
rwyfm. a ruler, leader, 236,23. 25.
rwygaw to rend, break. 198, 27. r. (y) mor to plough the sea 149, 16. 172,
rwymaw to bind, gird. 150, 29. 188, 5. p. part, rwymedig bound, attached.
162, 25. 158, 6.
rwysg sway. 227, 4. 235, 13.
ry verbal particle. 95, 96, 97.
ry- intensive prefix, very, too. ry-fawr 241, 19. ry-hir 162, 8.
rych a furrow. 226, 5.
ryd a ford. 241, 3. R. Ychen Oxford 161, 34.
rydec, see redeg.
rjdfree. 198,29. 237,24.
rySaw, see ro.
ryShau to free, liberate.
rydidi.freedom,franchise.privilege. 186,23. 221, 19.
rySynt, see ro.
ry-fe5 a wonder; wonderful, 162, 23. compar. -ach, 154, 5.
ryfeSu to wonder. 149, 23. 154, 4.
ryfel m. war. 167, 25.
ry-gosswy, ry-gossys? 231, 31.
Rymhi n. 1.
rynawd aiuhile. 142, 1.
ryodres magnificence, pomp. 156,
ryrys? 231,30.
Rys n. pr. m. 205, 31. 235, 17.
rysswr m. a wan-ior, champion. 199,26; 29; 204, 16; 206, 18. CM. 1, 25; 2, 3.
rythur, see ruthur.
ryw m. kind, sort; such; 167, 7. 174, 33. 186, 2. neb ryvrany. 140, 10.
Sadwrn: duw S, on Saturday. 228, 21.
saer m. a craftsman, wight.
Saesneg f. the English language.
Saeson, see Seys.
saeth an arrow; pi. -eu. 176, 23.
saethu to shoot with arrows. 1 64, 24 .
safant, see sefyll.
safedig (p. part, of sefyll) esta- blished, fixed, valid. 218, 11.
Salsbri n. 1. Salisbury.
sal wen vain, needless. 201, 29.
Samsun n. pr. m. Samson.
sant m. a saint; pi. seint. 202, 32.
sarff a serpent; pi. seirff,
sarhaed f , an insult, affront; pi, -eu. 166, 1. 223, 21.
sawdl a heel; pi. sodleu. 159, 24, 183, 23,
sswrlamany, multitude; y s. those. 77.
sef that is, this is. 47,
sefir, see sefyll.
sefyll (trans, and intrans.) to stand, to stop, standfast, fix. pres. ind. sg
3 self, pass, sefir, pi. 1 safwn, pi. 3 safant (sauahant), pret. sg. 3 safawS
segur disengaged, idle. 241, 18.
seguryd m. ease. 167, 7. 180, 13.
seif, see sefyll.

(delwedd B7170) (tudalen 274)
seilaw to found, establish; remain? perf. sg. 3 ry seilas. 232, 3.
sein a sound, 183, 8.
seint, see sant.
seith seven, s.-lydyn seven young ones. 203, 4. 15.
Seith Pedyr Saint Peter. 228, 19. Cf. Rhs, Lect. p. 371.
seneS f. a senate. 166, 4. 15.
seneSwr m, a senator. 172, 11.
set, see syr.
serch love.
Seys m. a Saxon, Englishman; pi. Saeson. 146, 12.
Sibli f. the Sibyl. 169, 17,
sodlau, see sawdl.
son f. a sound, noise. 183, 22.
sorri to be angry, frown. 141,19, 142, 32. pres. ind. sg. 3 syrr. 226, 2,
sugnaw to suck, imperf. ind. sg, 3 sucknei 154, 19,
Sul-gwyn m. Whitsunday. 1 60, 1 9,
swllt m, money, treasure. 149, 12, 202, 24,
swy5 an office. 202, 19.
syberw stately, noble. 143, 15.
syberwyd pride, arrogance. 180, 17.
syched m. thirst. 170, 15.
syllu to gaze, look. 154, 1; 199, 26.
symudaw to change. 143, 14.
syr (coll.) stars. 161, 11. 197, 23. 227, 29.
syrr, see sorri.
syrthaw to fall. 159, 10. pret. pi, 3 syrthassant 185, 21; 187, 25.
tad m. a father; pi. -eu; hen-dad an ancestor.
tafaw? 230, 19 sqq.
tafawd a tongue; pi. tafodeu.
tafawd-lefery$ spoken word, verbal evidence. 139, 22; 220, 4.
tangnefeS peace. 201, 2.
tangnefeSu to make peace, pacify, appease,
tangnefedus peaceful. 144, 16.
1. tal m. forehead. 159, 16.
2. tal payment, value, tu a thai an equivalent? 221, 12.
talawr, pi. of tal? 228, 13.
Taliessin n. pr. m.
talu to pay, give in return, requite, give, forfeit; reckon. 209, 12.
talym m. a while, period, ar dalym for a time 146, 2.
1. tan, dan (voc.) prep, under; deni under her. 188,
2. tan m, fire.
tanavrl fiery. 173, 4,
tannu to stretch, t. pebylleu ten- toriafigere. 173, 17 v. 1.
taplas f, tables, backgammon. 164, 25; 167, 4.
taraw to strike, t. lygad in the twinkling of an eye. 203, 32.
tar5u to flee, run away, start, pres, ind. sg, 3 terSiS; pres subj. sg, 3
tardho 228, 13; 14. FB. 93,18- 94, 27; 104, 29; 125, 6; 151, 5; 163, 16; 198,
tarren f, a plot of uncultivated land. 196, 3.
1. taryan f. a shield; pi. .eu.
2. taryan thunder. 227, 25; 229, 7. FB, 17122; MA. 287bu.
taryanawg m. a shield-bearer; pi. -ogion. 234, 15. 236, 7.
taryf, leg. toryf? 233, 17, 236, 7.
tawl, see toli.
tebig similar, like. 239, 11.
tebygu to deem, think, suppose.
teccau to adorn, decorate.
tecced beauty. 140, 26.
teg fair, pleasant,
tegfwch m. beauty, 140,22. 155,25.
Teilaw n. pr. m.
teilwng (y) worthy of, meet, fit for, deserving, acceptable. 150, 17.
teilyng-dawd f. dignity. 155, 22. 164, 7.
teir-gweith three times.
Teir-gwaeS " Three-shorter" n. pr. m. 201, 28.
teir-nossig three nights old.
teithyawg moving, in motion. 229, 8. malton teithiawc llwyfenyd FB. 192, 26
Teithyon n. pr. m. 204, 29.
telediw handsome, fair. 1 40 , 29.
teledivred fairness. 140, 27 v. 1.
telyn a harp. 147, 12.
telynawr a harper, 147, 15.
temyl (temhyl) f. a temple; pi. temleu. 144, 10. 12; 152,27.
Temys the Thames. 189, 27.
terfyn in. an end, limit, boundary, term; pi. -eu, -heu. 166, 16. 20.
terfynu to end, finish. 168, 27. 183, 24; p. part, terfynedig ap- pointed.
171, 28.
terfysg m, trouble, conflict, uproar. 141, 18; 167, 29; 225, 12; 233, 20.
terfysgu to disturb, 141, 12.
tes heat, hot weather, sunshine. 241, 16.

(delwedd B7171) (tudalen 275)
1. teu thine. 55.
2. teu silent? 231, 2.
teu-lu a household, retainers, com- munity; pi. -oe5.
tew thick, dense. 151, 22; 241, 21.
tewhau to thicken, to close up the ranks. 151, 26; 176, 24; 187, 24.
teyrn (teern, teeirn) a king, ruler; pi. teerneS; t.-fab m. a king's son; t.
-walch ra. a royal hawk, hero; t. -wialen f. a sceptre.
teyrnas m. and f . a kingdom; 144, 9. 162, 31. pi. -ssoeS.
teyrn-ged f. tribute. 166, 6.
ti (di) thou, thee; emphat. tydi, conjunct, titheu. 45 (a)
tinea valley, vale. 240,1. FB. 157, 7; 210, 8.
tir m. land; pi. -e$.
tir-diwollawdr a husbandman; pi. -odron. 149, 20.
tireS, see tir and twr.
titheu, see ti.
tlws in. a jewel; pi. tlysseu.
to5i to melt. 228, 26.
toi to cover; pres. ind. sg. 3 toi5, tohiS 241, 5; 242, 1. FB. 157, 4.
toli to curtail, diminish; pres. ind. sg. 3 tawl 233, 12.
tonf. a wave. 229, 6. 241, 5.
tor belly; ar eu t. against them. 181, 14, RB. II. 48, 12; 97, 30; 157, 23.
torrid break, violate. 183,12. 223,4
toryf multitude, host; pi. torfoeS. 151, 26. 233,20. 234, 16. 23.
tost hard, severe.
Totneis n. 1. Totness.
1. tra (spir.) prep, beyond, across, over. 189.
2. tra (voc.) conj. while. 230. tra-chefyn backward*, back, behind,
again. 189 N. See cefyn.
Trach-myr n. pr. m. 204, 8,
traeth m. a shore, coast; pi. -eu.
traethu to utter, declare. 168, 29. 170, 7.
trafferth trouble. 207, 27. 28.
tragywyS eternal. 232, 13.
tragywySawl eternal. 150, 11.
tralla.vrdf,2>ersecution, trial. 237,18. LA, 19, 27; 21, 27; 28, 25,
tra-mor over-sea. 156, 28.
trannoeth (lit. over night) next day.
traws transverse, ar t. across. 149, 3 v. 1.
traws-brenneu pi, lateral branches of a tree. 149, 3. Cf. trauskeyg, Anc.
Laws I. 290,3.
trayan (traean) m. a third. 139, 17; 157, 5; 201, 31.
trebelid swift, dexterous. 201,22, RB. II. 56,27. MA. 279a35
trechaf (superl. of tren) strongest. 187, 19. 37 (b).
tref f. a dwelling-place, home.
tref-tadawg in. an inheritor. 218, 18.
tref-tadawl inherited. 146, 8.
trei ebb. 209, 4; 216, 11.
treiaw to ebb. 154, 14.
treiglaw to travel pres. ind. sg. 3 treigyl. 197, 18.
treigyl m. a course, journey. 197,26.
treis f. violence, rapine, rape. 200, 28. 222, 17.
tremygu to despise. 140, 8. 166, 9.
treth f. a tribute. 188, 9.
trethawl tributary. 168,2. 186,23.
treulaw to spend, consume, wear.
tri (spir.) m. teir f. three.
tri-dieu three days. 149, 8. 164, 29. 209, 1.
triganeS a trumpet blast? 228, 29. A thriganed kyrn a gwerin trvgar FB. 2117;
Cf. 68; MA. 124b46.
trigiaw to dwell, remain. 162, 22, 240, 10. 13.
trindawd f. the Trinity.
trist sad. 179, 2.
tristau to become sad, grieve. 1 42, 2.
tristaw to become sad, grieve. 141,21.
tristyd m. grief. 147, 6.
Tro Troy. 163, 24.
troed in. a foot; pi. traed. ar traed on foot. 174, 18.
troed-noeth bare-foot; pi. -on. 153, 27.
troed-feSm. a foot (measure). 154,6.
trdi to turn, (tr. andintr.).
tros, dros (voc.) prep, across, over; myned dros to break through; eneid dros
eneid a life for life struggle. 53; 190.
trossi to turn, move (tr. and intr.) 149, 18. 151, 4. 199, 24.
tru sad, wretched. 230, 20.
truan miserable, wretched; a wretch.
trueni in. wretchedness, misery.
tr u - gar m erciful. 225 ,19.
trugareS f. mercy. 227, 7.
trugarhau (wrth) to commiserate.
trugeint <trugein) (nas.) sixty.
trwch cut, broken. 241, 9.
trwm m., trom f. heavy, sad.
trws 227, 21 =trwst noise? Cf. yna by5 mawrdrwst MA. 73a.

(delwedd B7172) (tudalen 276)
7 6
trwssyad (trwssad) in. one who arranges, or disposes. 234, 7; 235, 28. Cf.
trwssyaw, trwssa, Hg. I., 214,37.
trwy (drwy) (voc.) prep, through. 191. drwy y him in his sleep 172, 27.
trwySed to visit, pass, sojourn. 237, IS. FB. 59; 12. MA. 844a,2i.
try-chan (nas.) three hundred.
trychu to cut down. 149, 1.
trydy5 in. tredeS f. third, one of three; ar y d. with two others. 142, 9. 165.
try-fer a trident. 197,33. MA. 317bi3.
trym-der in. gravity, seriousness. 166, 14.
try-wyr three men. 174, 7. 193, 3.
tu in. side, region, part; or tu yn eu hoi from behind them; tu ac towards;
pa du ivhere? 198, 32.
tud people, country . 231, 9.
twng, see tyngu.
twll perforated, pierced. 205. 23,
twr m. a tower; pi. tyreu. 156, 32; 166, 25. 27. tireo 181, 6.
twrch m. a boar.
twrwf m. a host, multitude. 234, 15.
twyll m. and f. deception, treachery. 178, 9.
twyllwr in. a traitor.
twynpath m. a mound. 199, 14.
1. ty, see ti.
2. ty in. a house; pi. tei. tybygu, see tebygu. tybyaw to siispect. 177, 27.
tyfu to groiv.
tynghedfen f. fate, fortune; pi. -nneu. 142, 10.
tyngu to swear, take an oath. pres. ind. act. sg. 3. twng 220, 27. 233, 4.
tyllu to pierce, make a breach. 183, 15.
tyllweS (tellweS) f . stillness. 211,2.
tynnu to pull, arag, draw, retreat; 147, 18. 162, 25. 228, 9. t. pebylleu to
pitch tents. 173, 17.
tyreu, see twr.
tyrnged, see teyrn-ged.
tyst a witness; pi. -on, -ion.
tywyS a tempest, storm. 228, 25.
tywyll darkness. 229, 33.
tywyssawg in. a leader, prince, chief; pi. -ogion.
tywyssogaeth leadership, domi- nion.
uch (voc.) prep, above; uch ben above, over. % 193,
uched height. 197, 24.
uchel high, tall, loud. 150, 32; 186, 16; 234, 3.
ucher evening. 196, 23. 197, 24.
uchod adv. above. 187, 22; 198, 8.
u5 (uut, wut) m. a lord, king, the Lord. 235, 16; 236, 28.
u5unt to them, see 1. y.
ufu5-hau to obey. 150, 23. 189, 22.
ufull-dawd humility, lowliness. 237, 22.
uffern hell.
ugeint (ugein) in. twenty, deg ar hu. thirty.
Ugnach n. pr. m.
Ul-Cessar Julius Ccesar.
un one; same. 163, 29. 221, 13. any. 164, 14. 164 (4).
un-ben m. a chieftain.
un-fam having the same mother. 202, 18.
un-ryw of the same kind, similar.
un-tu: ar u. at a stretch. 156, 17. RB. II. 308, 33.
uroas m. a rank, order, dignity; pi. urSasseu, urSassoeS.
urassei5 dignified. 161, 6.
urSaw to ordain.
urSawl ordained.
Uryen n. pr. ni. Urbigenus.
Uthur n. pr. m.
weithon, weithyon, see gweith.
wrth, see gwrth.
wut, see u5.
wy (hwy) they, them; emphat. wyntwy, conjunct, wynteu.
wybyr sky, heaven. 159, 25. See 1. can.
wyf, see bod.
wyneb face; rac w. following, next. 151, 9. 153, 6. 155, 27. w. yn w. face to
face. 216,27.
wyth eight.
whe, see chwech. whedleu, see chwedyl. whioryS, see chwaer.
1. y (voc.) prep. (1) to, (2) from, of. 195.
2. y def. art., see 1. yr.
3. y verb, particle, see y5.
4. y (voc.) Aw, (spir. ) her, their. 57. y-am (voc.) (1) from off; (2)
includ- ing. 164.
y-ar (1) from; (2) upon. 165.
1. ych in. an ox; pi. -en.
2. ych your. 57, 58.

(delwedd B7173) (tudalen 277)
ychydig some, a little, a few. y-dan (voc.) prep, under. 188. ydys, ydyw, see
bod. j6 verb, particle, before consonants
y. 91.
yfed to drink. 202, 14.
yfelly, see felly.
y-gan (voc.) prep./rom. 167.
yng a strait, difficulty, distress. 150, 29.
ynghyd (ac) together (with).
yll (ill, ell) before numerals, all. 67.
1. ym, see yn.
2. ym, see bod. yma here, hither.
ym-adaw (ac) to part with, leave, desert; past subj. pi. 3 ymedewynt.
ym-adraw5 m. to speak; speech, discourse; pi. ymadroSyon. 142, 10.
ym-a5assu (ac) to adapt oneself, y. ar Sayar to meaure one's length on the
ground. 174,26.
ym-afael (yn) to take hold of, grasp, 202, 17. 206, 21. 207, 17. 19.
yman here, hwnt ac y. nunc hac nunc iliac 185, 25.
ym-ar-isgwyl to ivatch. 199, 27.
ym-ar-5yrchafel to exalt oneself. 157, 4.
r-baratoi to prepare oneself. . 19.
ym-ben-tyr(r)-yaw to rush together. 176, 17; 186, 10; Hg. II. 163, 1.
ym-choelud (-chaelud) to return, turn. 189, 11. 206, 12. 229, 27. 29. y. ar
to turn upon, set upon. 174, 29. 207, 20. y. y arfeu yn y GwySyl to attack
the Irishmen, pret. ind. sg. 3 ymhoeles. 160, 17.
ym-da, see ym-deith.
ymdan (voc.) prep, about. 164.
ym-daraw (ac) to contend (with). 201, 29.
ym-deith to go about, to go, go away. 141, 14. pres. ind. sg. 3 ym-d'a 199,
ym-dynnu (o) to retreat (from). 174, 17.
ym-Sianc to escape. 154,18. 197,30.
ym-5i5an to converse. 147, 9. 203,18.
ym-5ifad (o) bereft (of); pi. -5ifeid. 176, 28.
ym-5ifedi destitution. 145, 14.
ym-diffyn, see am-5iffyn.
ym-5ired to trust, y. y 225, 4, y. yn 151, 7. 158, 20.
ym-5wyn to carry about, 202, 20.
ym-Sywedyd to discuss, argue. 211, 16.
ymeith (o) out (of), aivay (from). 174, 8.
ym-eneinaw to anoint oneself. 207, 9.
ym-erbynyeid to encounter, combat.
186, 6,
ym-ffust m. a conflict, struqqle,
187, 20; RB. II. 84, 24; 90, 31; 162, 10.
ym-gaffel (ac) to get hold of, engage in battle. 185, 19, 186, 2. ym-garu to
caress one another,
147, 19. 148, 12.
ym-geffelybu (ac) to imitate. 156,25.
Hg. II. 89, 14; 102, 2; LA, 44, 8;
RB. II. 80, 12.
ym-geis (ac) to seek. 202, 31, ym-gelu (rag) to hide (from).
ym-golli (ac) to lose sight (of). 205, 1. ym-gribyaw (ac) to wrangle (with).
ym-gyf-ar-fod to encounter. 146, 14. 169, 15. 170, 14. 174, 6.
rm-gyffelybu (ac) to compare one- f, vie (with). 156, 25.
ym-gynghor (ac) to consult. 148, 1.
ym-gym-mysgu to engage each other. 183, 20. Hg. I. 55, 26; 282, 19. RB. II.
28, 12.
ym-gynhal to resist. 151, 17. 192, 8,
ym-gynull to gather together.
148, 25.
ym-gynullaw to flock together. 145, 1. 152, 20. 173, 20. 192, 7.
ym-gyrchu to attack. 173, 2.
ym-gyweiraw (o) to equip oneself (with). 172, 16.
ymhoeles, see ym-choelud.
ym-laS m. to fight; a fight; pi. -eu.
ym-lid to pursue. 148,24. 188,2. fut. sg. 1 ymlidyaf 206, 9.
ym-lynu to follow, pursue. 152, 7. 22. 191, 1.
ym-o-glyd (rag) to guard against. 176, 3; RB. II. 46, 34; Hg. I. 28, 5.
ym-oriwes (ac) to overtake, come up with, touch. 174, 20. 28. 202, 4. 204, 3.
28. 207, 3.
ym-rithaw to transform oneself. 201, 33. '
ym-roSi to give oneself up, surrender, devote oneself. 145, 22. 149, 5. 150,
12. 156, 6. pres. ind. sg. 3 ymryS 150, 17.

(delwedd B7174) (tudalen 278)
2 7 8
ym-ryShau (o) to free oneself (from). 147, 22.
ym-tynnu, see ym-dynnu.
ym-wasgu (ac) to rejoin. 174, 34; LA. 100, 6; Hg II. 272, 29,
ym-weled to see one another; y. ac to visit. 147, 20. 203, 32. 205, 12.
ym-wneuthur to effect mutually. 164, 16 v. 1.
ym-yrru (gyt ac) to concern oneself (with), help. 200, 20. RB. II. 19,8; CM,
77, 17.
ym-ysgydyaw to shake oneself. 202,4.
1. yn (nas. ) prep, in, into, upon. 173, 5. 196.
2. yn (voc,) forming adverbs and with predicative noun and adjective. 16 (d).
3. yn (an) our. 57. yna then, there, thither.
ynad (O.W. egnat) m. a judge. 209, 24; pi. yneid. 210, 5.
ynfyd foolish. 231, 33.
ynni vigour. 174, 19. 27. 186, l. N
yno there, thither.
ynt, see bod. ynteu, see ef.
yny (hynny) conj. until. 234. For yny vy see 2. gwyS.
ynyal desert, wild. 228, 7.
ynys f. an island; pi. ynysseS. Ynys Daned Thanet.
Ypolit Hippolytus.
1. yr, before consonants y (voc. before fern. ) def . art. the.
2. yr prep, for the sake of; for; since. 53; 197. yr na since not, though
not. 234. yr hynny never- theless; yr pan since; pyr (py yr) why? 193, 13.

(delwedd B7175) (tudalen 279)
yrof, see ro. y-ryngtunt, see rwng.
1. ys is. 152; 155; 159 N2.
2. ys: ys pump mlyneS since five years, ys gwers/or some time. 194, 6. yr ys
pell o amser long ago. 197, 22.
ysgar (ac) to leave, part with. 205, 25.
Ysgawd n. pr. m. 204, 20.
ysgawn light, slight, easy. 180, 31. 202, 11.
ysgithyr a fang, tusk. 201, 23. white-tusked. 201, 16.
ysglyfyaw to snatch. 202,2; RB. II. 151. 8; Hg. I. 296, 22.
ysgol a school. 161, 10.
ysgolheig m. a scholar, clerk, priest; pi. -on. 147, 29. 153, 25. 160, 9.
ysgrifenu to write. 164, 6.
ysgrybul (coll.) cattle. 199, 4.
ysgwyd a shield. 241, 18. 22.
ysgwyS f. a shoulder. 174, 31.
198, 10. 241, 18. 22.
ysgymun (ysgymyn) accursed. 191, 16.
ysgymun-dawd villain/. 149, 24.
ysgymunedig accursed; pi. -yon.
ysgythredig chased, engraved. 150, 26. CM. 34, 32; 104, 19.
yslipanu to burnish, polish. 194, 5. 12.
yslipanwr in. a burnisher. 193, 18.
yspardun f. a spur; pi. -eu.
yspeid f . a while, a space of time, respite.
YspaSaden (Hawthorn) n. pr. m.
199, 18. Cf. Rhs, Celt. H., p. 373. Yspaen Spain, yr Y. 182, 23. yspeil
spoil; pi. -eu 177, 3. yspeilaw to despo >l. 176,31. 1 88, 3. yssid there
is. 198, 15. 233, 5. pi.
yssydynt. 194, 2. 154 (a); ib. n. 1.
yssigaw to shatter. 147, 4.
yssu to eat, consume. 200, 3. 31.
yssyS (yssy) who, which is.
152. 154(/2); 155 (K).
ystondard a battle standard. 183, 20.
ystorya history, story. 164, 7.
ystrad a vale, valley. 205,32. 242,1.
ystryw device, stratagem. 147, 22.
ystwng to Imver, overcome. 233, 2.
ystynu to extend, prolong. 188, 7.
ystyr story; meaning, import, reason. 203, 11. pwystyr (py y.) ivhy? 193, 14.
yswein in. esquire. 143, 10.
ysym there is to me, I have. 233, 1. 155 B, note 1.
1. yw, see bod.
2. yvryew trees. Ystrad Yw205, 32.
3. yw, see 1. y.
1. ywch, see bod.
2. ywch, see 1. y.

(delwedd B7176) (tudalen 280)
Additional Variants to " Lear and his Daughters from MSS. at Peniarth.
P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , P 4 = MSS. No. 22, 44, 45, 46.
Ch. i. 1. 2, thrugein mlyned: dev vgeyn P 2 1. 3, ef a adeilvs P 2 a thri
ugein mlyned y gOledichOys (gOledychOs P 3 ) ef yn OraOl ac yd adeilOys
(adeilOs P 3 ) dinas P 3 P 4 1. 4, leyrcester P 2 .
Ch. 2. 1. 2, yd adaOhei P 4 .
Ch. 3. 1. 4, leueryd om. P 2 P 4 1. 5, adaO y rodi hitheu yr gOr P 3 .
Ch. 4. 1. 3, y rygaru: yr caru P 3 1. 11, nas rodi hi P 3 1, 12, damweinhei P
4 .
Ch. 5. 1. 2, yr Alban: e gogled P 2 1. 8, y rodei . . . genti: y rodey heb
tyr na dayar na ssvllt P 2 1. 15, kadarn- hawyt: gGnaethpOyt P 3 .
Ch. 6 1. 12, ellvng er rey ereyll y emdeyth P 2 .
Ch. 8. 1. 5, gellygassei y GrthaO P 3 .
Ch. 9. 1. i, ydoed P 3 1. 3, Or* tyghetven lytyavc ep ef pa bryd edav dyd e
gallwyf y talu vdvnt wy hyn P 2 . O chwichwi yr tyghetueneu P 3 . Oiar
teghetuenneu py le, &c. P 4 1. 4, pa achos y kyffroassoch uiui yar
&c. P 3 1. 7, gytdiodef P 3 1. 14, tract P 3 P 4 ib. Owi P 3 1. 16, talu
yny gOrthOneb yr gOyr hyny P 3 P 4 1. 21 , vy rodyon: vyn da P 3 P 4 1. 25,
yn gam P 3 .
* Strachan says: " I can't read the second letter except as r."

(delwedd B7177) (tudalen 282)
Ch. 10. 1. i, aghyfnerth: trueni P 3 1. 2, ef a doeth, &c.: dynessav
parth ar dynas edoed y ver (sic) endav P 2 ib., ym Paris: yg cariz P 3 P 4 1.
4,ar gyuaroed P 3 1. 5, namyn vn marchavc ac essweyn P 2; namyn ef ae yswein
P 3 P 4 1. 7, mynet ae that, &c.: dwyn y that hyt en dynas arall ac eno
dy wedwyt y vot en glaf P 2 1. 1 6, wedy y r dehol P 3 .
Ch. 1 1 . 1. 1 1 , a Onaeth: re gwnathoed P 2 a wnathoed P 3 P 4 1. 12,
anryded Bifrontisiani: anryded yr devforvavl ianus P 2 1. 13, delhei P 4 ib.
ac ena ed emkynvlley holl seyry a chreffdwyr e dynas P 2 gredyfwyr (sic) P 3
crefuydOyr P 4 .

(delwedd B7179) (tudalen 283)
The references are to paragraphs, n. =note.
a, causing vowel-change 7 (a),
a, rel. part. 82-83; with infixed pron. 49 (b), 50 (a); usage 83 (a);
expressing subj. or obj. 86; gov. by prep. 87 (a); without antecedent 87 (b).
a, infixing part. 50 (c); 94; 159 n. 2; superseded by yd 85 n.
a, interrog. part. 239; lenat. after 18 (g).
a, ac, conj. 198; mutat. after, 21 (d).
a, ac, prep. 162; after adj. 34 (b); mutat. after, 21 (c).
, prep. = o 183.
a, ha, interj. 243.
absolute ending -sit 132 n.
accent, 4; lln. 1; shifting of 8; vowel variation due to 8; secondary ace.
lln. 1.
accusative 26; traces of 25; in poetry 26; of relative 51.
ach, prep. 163
achaws, conj. 199.
adjective, 30-39; lenat. of 16; lenat. after positive 16 (c) (a); after
compar. 16 n. 4; endings of 27 (c); gender in 30; stems in -i-, -o-, -u-, 30
note; plur. forms 31; attributive 32; pre- dicative 32; number in 33;
inflected adj. 34 (a); order in sentence 34 (a); foil, by prep, o, a 34 (b);
concord 35; predicative adj. with yn 35; adj. phrases 36; comparison 37;
construc- tion of compar. and superl. 38; equa- tive 39; with mor 39 n. 2;
adv. use 40; poss. adj. 57: poss. adj. with prep. 58 (a), with conj. 58 (a),
with y 58 (b), anticipating genit. 59 n.
abnabot, paradigm of 144.
adverb 40; lenat. 16 (h); adv. phrases 16 (h); with demons, force 63.
adwy, verbal in 117.
ae, interrog. of copula 155 (a)(?/)
ae, interrog. part. 239 (c).
agent, expression of with verb noun, 122
am, prep. 164; lenat. after 16 (i); with
pron. end. 53; yam 164. am (na), conj. 200. amal, conj. 216. analogy, in
verb, conjugation 7 n. 1; in
mutat. 12; 16 n. 7; 39 n. 1; in plural
formations 27 (d); in pronouns 45 n. 2;
in formation of subjunctive 110 n. 1. answers, 241.
apodosis, imperfect in 107 (d)(/3)(-y). apposition, lenation in 16 n. 4; 17
(b). ar, prep. 166; lenat. after 16(i); with
pron. end. 53; or a, ar ny, 87 (a);
yar, 165. arall, use of 68. arganvot, paradigm of 160. article, 23; lenat.
after 16; fused with
conj. or prep. 23; syntax of 24. as, as (ys) oed 159n. 2. -at, ending of
imperf. ind. 3sg. 131 (b). att, prep. 166; lenat. aft. 16 (i); with
pron. end. 53. attributive adj. 32; 33. awr, yr awr conj. 201. -awr, -iawr,
plur. suff. 28 B. (a). -awt, plur. suff. 28 B. (b).
behet, prep. 177 n.
bot, lenation after, 16(g)(/3); paradigm of 152; usages of 153; bydwn, etc.
107 n. 3; special fut. form 152 n. 2; bit, consuetudinal 152 n. 3; bydaf, use
of 156 (a); bydwn, use of 157; bewn, 158; past subj. 158; compounds of 160;
boet, after leyt 205 n.

(delwedd B7180) (tudalen 284)
caffael, cael, paradigm of 145.
can, gan, prep., lenat. after 16 (i); with pron. end. 53; with vb. noun 126
(c); use of 167; y gan 167.
can, conj. 202; not foil, by yd 93(1).
cani-ot, paradigm of 160.
canys, copula 155 (a) (a); 202 n.
canys, conj. 202 n.
cardinals, see numerals.
earn, paradigm of 127.
case, 25; traces of lost case- endings 25; syntax of cases 26; expression of
case in relative 86.
cer, ger, prep. 168.
clauses, subjunct. in main clauses 113; in subord. cl. 114; concessive cl. 114
(c); conditional cl. 114 (d); cl. of comparison 114 (e); temporal cl. 114
(f); final cl. 114 (g); relat. cl. 114 (h).
clybot, use of imperf . of 107 n. 2.
collective nouns, 29.
com-, Celt. prep. 39 n. 1.
command, subjunct. in 113 (b); in in- direct speech 113 (b)(0).
comparison of adj. 37; lenat. after 16 n. 5; no plural 33; construction of
compar. 38; foil, by no (c) 38 (a); clauses of comparison 114 (e).
composition, lenation in 16n. 6.
concessive clauses, 114 (c).
concord, of vb. and subject 101; 103; of adj. with noun 32, 33; of adj. after
yn 35.
conditional of bot 107 n. 3; impf. in conditional sentence 107 (d); plupf. in
condit. 109 (b); subj. in condit. cl. 114 (d); impf. condit. 131.
conjugation of verb 98 sq.; analogy in 7 note 1.
conjunctions, 198-234; lenation after 16 (1); lenation of init. cons. 16 n.
13; spirant mutat. after 21 (d); with poss. adj. 58 (a).
consonants, classification of 3; graphic representation of 3 n.; orthog.
varia- tion 3 n.; consonantal changes 11; infl. of accent on cons, changes
lln. 1; mediae >tenues 11 (g)(a); mutation of cons. 12; consonants
vowel-flanked 12; table of cons, mutations 13.
consonantal stems, 27 (d).
consuetudinal present, 106 (b).
copula, 155; yttiw etc. 154 n. 4; nat 155 (a)( ); nyt 155 (a)(S); position of
159; preceding pred. 159 n. 2; with neu 221; on, onyt
customary action in past time, 107 (c).
cwt, cw, conj. 203; mutat. aft. 21 n. 1.
cyvarvot, paradigm of 160.
cyvrwng, prep. 169.
cyn-, in equative 39;
cyn, conj. 204; not foil, by yd 93.
cyn, prep. 170.
cyt, cyn, conj. 205; not foil, by yd 93
cyt ac, prep. 171; y gyt ac, conj. 206. chwech, nas. mutation after 20 (c).
daruot, paradigm of 160. dative, traces of 25; expressed by in- fixed pi on.
51. declension, in Old Celtic 25. deng, usage of 41 n. delw, nom. conj. 207.
denominative vb. 128 (b). deponent, 99.
di, O.W. prep. 195; and n. diam, O.W. prep. 164. diar } O.W. prep. 165.
dieithyr, prep. 172. dim, used as pron. 73. diphthongs, 1 and n. distributives,
43. diuch, prep. 193. do, in answers, 242.

(delwedd B7181) (tudalen 285)
dual, 25; 42 (a); lenation of adj. after dual noun, 16 (b) (a); lenat. of genit.
after dual 16 (b) (/?); traces of dual inflection 25.
duch, llOn. 2; 138 n.
dy- before infixed pron. 50 f .
dyvot, paradigm of 141.
dylyu, with vb. noun 121.
-e- infixed pron. 48; use of 49 (b).
-edic part. end. 116.
-ed, pi. suffix 28B(d).
einom etc. 55.
-eint, 3, plur, end. impf. ind. 131.
eissoes, conj. 208.
.eit, -ieit, plur. suff. 28 B (e).
eithyr, prep. 172.
eithyr na, conj. 209.
ell, ill, yll, 67.
emphatic pronoun 45.
endings of verb, 3 sg. of simple vb. 129; 3 sg. conjunct. 129; 3 pi. primary
ending 129; see imperat. indicat. sub- junct. vb. noun.
epenthetic vowel 10.
equative in comparison of adj. 39.
erbyn, prep. 173.
et, in nocet etc. 222 and n.
-et, pi. suffix. 28 B (c).
final clauses, 114(g).
future 105; exp. by pres. tense 106 (e);
special future endings 130. futurity, subj. of 113 (c).
gallu, to express passive with vb. noun
gender, in nouns 25; in adjs. 30; 32; genitive, lenation of noun in gen. 16
(b) (/3) > traces of gen. case 25; syntax
of gen. in prose 26; in poetry 26;
gen. of rel. pron. 88. ger, see cer.
gilyS, 72 and n.
gorvot, paradigm of 160.
guar, prep. 165 n. 3.
gwares, 110 n. 2; 138 n.
gwedy, wedy, prep. 174; with preverb.
yd 93 n. 3; with vb. noun = perf. part.
126 (b).
gwedy, conj. 210. gwelet, use of imperf. of 107 n. 2. gweith, with card,
numbers 44. gwneuthur, with vb. noun 123; paradigm
of 142.
gwrth, O.W. prep. 194, see wrtli. gwybot, paradigm of 143. gyt, see cyt ac.
h, sign of subjunctive 110; history of
h in subj. llOn. 2. h, in sentence constr. 22; after infix.
pron. and possess, m 22 (a); after
infix, pron. e 22 (b); after 3 sg. f.
poss. y 22 (c); after 1 pi. poss. an
22 (d); after eu 22 (e); after ar bef.
ugeint 22 (f). ha, inter j. 243. hagen, conj. 211. hanvot, paradigm of 160.
-hau, denom. vb. end.l 28 (b); spreading
as -a to other vbs. 137. -haw, 3 sg. fut. end. 130 (b). -hawr, ending of fut.
pass. 130. -hawd, -hawt, fut. end. 3 sg. 130. -hawnt, fut. end. 3 pi. 130.
heb, prep, lenat. aft. 16 (i); with pron.
end. 53; usage 175. heb, verb 151. hevyt, conj. 213. herwyd, prep., usage of
176. herwyd, conj., usage of 213. historic infinitive, 125. historic present,
106 (d). hollre, 67 note. hun, hunan, 60.

(delwedd B7182) (tudalen 286)
hwde, 149.
hwnn } etc. dem. pron. 61; usage of
62; yr hwnn, foil, by rel. clause,
62 (c). hwnt, 63.
hwnnw, hynny, 61; usage 62. hyt, prep., lenat. after 16 (i); usage
177; hyt pan 226 2 (a). hyt, nominal conj. 214.
t, causing vowel infect. 6; 7n. 2; 11 (b); 131; in pi. 27 (a); in pron. prep.
52 (b); infection due to lost i 7 b.
-i pi. suffix 28 B (f).
-t- stem in adj. 30 n.
-i ending of 3 sg. impf. 131 (a).
ie, ieu, in answers 242 and n.
igridu, 53 n.
ill, ell, yll, 67.
imperat. mood, 115; pass, of 115; negat. of 115; endings of 137; infl. of
denom. vbs. in -hau spreads to other verbs 137.
imperf. tense, indie. 105; use of 107; in indirect speech 107 (b); of
repeated action 107 (c); as sec. fut. or condit. 107 (d); as sec. tense to a
fut. 107 (d)(a); in apod, of fut. or condit. clause 107(d)(/3); in apod, of
past clause 107(d)(y); with negat. 107 n. 1; use of impf. of clybot 107 n. 2;
use of impf. of gwelet 107 n. 2; endings of impf. 131.
indicative mood, with ry 96 A; pres. ind. with ry 97 (c) 1; use of 105-109;
pres. 106; plupf . 109 (a); influence of ind. upon subjunct. form HOn. 1;
indie, stem in O.W. 110 n.l; plup. ind. replacing past subj. Ill and n.; ind.
in consec. cl. 114n. 4; end. of pres. and fut. 128; end. of plupf. 135; past
ind. of bot used as subj. 152 n. 7; ind. with conj. hyt 214; ind. of
consequence with hyt no. 214 2 (a);
ind. with mal 216; ind. of consequence
with mal na 216 3 (a). indirect speech, impf. in 107 (b); pret.
in 108 (b); command in 113 (b)(/J). infecting vowel, see a, i. infection of
vowel, 6; 7 (b); 7 n. 2; 11
(b); 27 (a); 52 (b). infinitive, in Welsh 104; usage, 120;
historic inf. 125; see verbal noun, infixed pron. lenat. after 18 (a); forms
of 48; use of 49-51; after yny 49 (b);
after rel. a 50 (a); with preverbal yd
50 (b); 93 n. 2; after infixing part, a
50 (c); after ry- 50 (d); 93 n. 3; after
neu 50 (e); after dy- of cpd. vbs.
50 (f); after na, ny, 50 (g); after tra,
50 (h); expr. accus. of relat. 51; infix.
pron. with pass. vb. 102; with non-
rel. vb. 102 n.; meaningless 159 n. 2;
with o 224 n. 5.
inflected adj. , position of 34 a. inflection, noun 25. interjection, lenat.
after 16 (m). forms
of 243-4. interrogative, lenat. after interrog.
pron. 18 (c); interrog. part, a 18 (g);
interrog. pron., forms of 79; pwy 79;
peth, beth 79; pa, py 80; and n. 1;
pa, py, in earlier lit. 80 n. 2; path-
awr, pythawr 80 n. 2; pa, py foil, by
prep. 80 n. 3; padiw, pydiw 80 n. 4;
pwy bynnac, pa-, py- bynnac 81;
indirect interrogation 114 B (b). is, prep, with pron. end. 53; usage
issem, ysef 47. -it, imperat. end. 3 sg. 137. ithr, prep. 179.
lenation, = vocalic mutation 12; table of 13; lenat. of g, 13 n. 1; of d 13
n. 2; exceptions to rules 15; usage 14-18;

(delwedd B7183) (tudalen 287)
noun and adj. after yr, 16 (a); noun or adj. after noun, 16 (b); after dual
16 (b)(a); of noun in genit. 16 (b)(0); after prop, nouns 16 (b) (y ); of
vb.- noun in genit. 16 (b) (g); of noun aft. compar. adj. 16(c)(a); of adj.
re- peated 16(c)(/3); after adv. yn 16 (d); aft. numerals 16 (e); aft. pron.
16 (f); after vb. 16 (g) j after parts of bot 16 (g) (0); of adverbs 16 (h);
aft. preps. 16 (i) j after negat. 16 (k); after mor, neu 16 (1); aft. inter
j. 16 (m); of vocative 16 (m) ( a ); aft. su- perl. adj. 16 n. 5; in
composit. 16 n. 6; of noun after adj. 16 n. 5; of noun prec. by depend,
genit. 16 n. 7; in poetry 16 n. 7; post- verbal 16 n. 12; of prep. 16 n. 13;
of pron. 17; after infixed pron. 18 a; after rel. part, a 18 (b); after
interrog. 18 (c); of pre- dicate after copula 18 (d); after yt, yd 18 (e); 91
n. 2; after ry-, 18 (f ); after interrog. a 18 (g); after conj. 18 (h); after
negat. 18 (i) and n. j in dual, 25 j analogical lenat. 39 n. 1; after ny,
relat 21 n. 2.
Hall, pi. lleill, 70.
lias, 134 (a).
lie, nominal conj. 215.
y lleill, 71.
llyma, llyna, 244.
-m-, infixed pron. 48.
m, final, > n in Celtic 20 n.
mad, not foil, by yd 93 (i).
mae, use of 154 (a); copula 155 (a) (A)
mal, val, conj. 216.
med, ' says,' form and use 150.
megys, conj. 217.
meu, etc. poss. pron. 55.
mi, etc. simple pron. 45.
minheu, etc. conj. pron. 45.
mivi, etc. emph. pron. 45.
moch, not foil, by yd 93 (k).
moes, imperat. 148.
moods, 104; indie. 105-110; subj. 110-
114; imperat. 115; see indicative, sub-
junct., imperat., infinitive. mor, lenat. after 16 (1) , mor - - a expr.
equality with adjs. 39 n. 2. multiplicatives, 44. mutation of cons., table of
13; vocalic
mut. see lenation; nasal mut. in Mid.
W. MSS. 19; after vyn 20 (a); after
yn 20 (b); origin of, after numerals
20 (c); spirant mut. 21; after numer- als 21 (a); after 3 sg. f. poss. adj.
21 (b); after prep. 21 (c); after a(c) wo (c) 21 (d); after ny, na 21 (e)
after kwt 21 n. 1.
myn, conj. 218. mynet, paradigm of 140. mynn, nominal prep. 180. mywn,
nominal prep. 181.
'n, poss. adj. 57.
n, neut. stems in 27 (d).
-n- infix, pron. 48.
na(c), mutat. after 21 (e); with infixed pron. 50 (g); with imperat. 115;
with infixed pron., use of 237; disjunctive particle 238; in answers 241; nac
ef, in answers 241 n.
na, not, negat. part., use of 236; in condit. sent. 236 n. 1; with infixed
pron. 237.
nachaf, inter j. 244.
nado, 242 and n.
nage, 241.
namyn, namwyn, 219.
narrative tense, 108.
nasal mutation, see mutation.
nat, dependent neg. of copula 155 (a) neb, use of 64.

(delwedd B7184) (tudalen 288)
negative particles, 235-238; special vb. form with negat. 130 (b).
y neill, use of 69; y neill - - y lleill, 71.
nem, prep, with pron. end. 53.
nes, prep., use of 182.
neu, lenat. after 16 (1); with infixed pron. 50 (e); with vb. part, ry 95 n.;
conj. 220.
neur, 95 n.; 221.
neut, not foil, by yd, 93 (h); as copula 155 (a)(t); conj. 221.
neuter, lost in Welsh 25; neuter -n stems 27 (d); of demons, pron. 61.
ni etc. pers. pron. 45.
nini etc. pers. pron. 45.
ninneu etc. pers. pron. 45.
no, noc, mutat. after 21 (d); after corn- par, adj. 38 (a); use as conj. 222.
nocet, nogyt 222.
nominative, old nominat. 25; syntax of nom. 26.
nouns, lenat. of init. cons. 16; lenat. after proper nouns 16(b)(y); art.
with prop, nouns 24; cases of 25; formation of pi. 27-28; collective nouns 29
(c); noun predic. with yn 35; plurals with cardinal nos. 42 (a); see also
verbal nouns.
nu, conj. 223.
number, in nouns, 25; in adjs. 33; in vb. 100; express, of number in pas-
sive vb. 100; number of vb. in rel. clause 103.
numerals, lenat. after 16(e); nasal mutat. after 20 (c); spirant mutat. after
21 (a); cardinals 41; ordinals 41; syntax of 42; distributives with pob 43;
multipl. with gweith 44.
nwy, 49 (c).
ny, mutation after 21 (e); mutat. aft. non-relative ny 21 n. 2; mutat. aft.
relat. ny 21 n. 2; infixed pron. after non-rel. ny 49 c; special relat. form
of ny 49 c; with infix, pron. 50 (g);
in negat. of relat. 82; 86; gov. by
prep. 87 (a); rel. ny without antec.
87 (b); usage 235. nyr = ny ry 95 n. nys, in later Mid. W. 50 n. nyt, negat.
of copula 155 (a)(S); (a)( K ). nyw, 49 c.
o, prep., lenat. aft. 16(i); aft. adjs. 34
(b); aft. superl. adjs. 38 (b); with
pron. end. 53; aft. vb. noun, 122;
= of 183; with art. 183. o, conj., mutat. aft. 21 (d); with infixed
pron. 50 (h); not foil, by yd, 93 (1);
use of 224. -o-, old pi. stems in, 27 n. 1; adj. stems
in 30 n.
-o subjunct. end. 138. object, position of 85. oblique cases, traces of, 25.
oc, prep. 183. och, inter j. 243. odieithyr, prep. 172. oduch, prep. 193.
oed, impf . of bot, use of 107 n. 3; 154 (b). -oed, pi. suffix 28B(h). oet,
in eirmoet, ei?yoet 197 n. oes, use of 154 (a) (0). oia, inter j. 243. man a,
inter j. 243. oil, use of 67; with numerals 67. -on pi. term, in adj. 31 (b).
ony, onyt, conj. 224; 224 n. 2. or, conj 224; 224 n. 4. or a 87 (a); or ny 87
(a); or y, 87 (a);
or pan 226; 2(b). order of words, dependent genit. 26;
adj. 34 (a); noun 34 (a); adverb 40;
numerals 41; copula 159. ordinals, see number, orthography of Early W. 12 n.
os, conj. 224 and n. 5.

(delwedd B7185) (tudalen 289)
os, (bot) 152; copula 155
osit, ossit, 152; use of 154 (a) (/3); 154
n. 1.
ot, conj 224. -ot, pi. suffix 28 B (g).
pa, py, with peth 79; used adject. 80; meaning of, 80 n. 1; without noun
following 80 n. 2; followed by prep. 80 n. 3; pa - - bynnac, 81.
padiw, pydiw, 80 n. 4.
paham, 80 n. 3.
pahar, 80 n. 3.
pan, with infix, pron. 49 (b); foil, by yd 93 (1); with yw 154 (a) (); pan =
whence, 225; ==when 226; hyt pan 226. 2 (a); or pan 226. 2 (b); yr pan 226.
particles, preverbal 91-97; negat. 235 sqq.; disjunct. 238; interrog. 239;
re- sponsive 241.
participle, passive 104; part, in -edic 116; pres. part, equiv. 126 (a);
perf. part, equiv. 126 (b).
parth (ac), prep. 184.
passive, numb. exp. in pass, voice 100; pers. in pass. 102; 103; pass. part.
104; imperat. pass. 115; part. pass, in -edic, 116; old pass. end. 129; 130;
pret. and perf. 134; periphr. pass, of plupf. 136(b).
pawb, use of 66.
pei, conj. not foil, by yd 93 (1); uses of 227; origin of 227 n.
periphrasis, verbal noun with gwneu- thur 123; periphrastic plupf. with -oed,
active 136 (a); passive 136 (b).
perfect, indie, with ry. 96 A (a); per- fect part, equiv. 126 (b); use of
105; v. preterite.
person in verb, 102-103; in passive 102; in 1 and 2 pers. of pass. 102.
personal pron. see pronoun.
pettwn, 158.
peth, as pron. 74; interrog. 79.
peun-, old accus. 25.
pieu, in rel. clause 83(^(0); paradigm
161; use of 161. pluperfect, with ry 96 A (b); use of
105, 109; plupf. indie, replacing subj.
109 c; types of plupf. ind. 135; peri- phr. plupf. act. and pass. 136 (a)(b).
plural, old Celtic, 27; pi. of nouns 27;
vowel change in pi. 27 (a); pi. endings
-eu, -ieu, 27 (b); -on, -ion, 27 (c);
old consonantal pis. 27 (d); pi.
suffixes 28; pi. in adjs. 31; 33; pi.
of nouns with card, numerals 42 (a);
3 pi. end. of impf. 131. pob, in distributives 43; used as adj.
66; pob un 66; pob rei 66. pony, interrog. 240. ponyt, copula 155 (a) (0).
possessive, pronouns 55, 56; adjs. table
of 57; prec. by prep, or conj. 58 (a), predicate, lenation of, after copula
(d); pred. before copula 159; after
copula 159. predicative adj. 32; plural of 33; after
yn 35; pred. noun with yn 35. preposition, lenat. after 16 (i); lenat.
of 16 n. 13; nasal mut. after 20 (b);
spirant mut. after 21 (c); with poss.
adj. 58 (a); suffixed to pa, py 80 n.
3; forms and usage 162-197.
present indie. 105; actual pres. 106 (a); as fut. 106 (e); pres. subj.
endings 110.
preterite with ry- 97 (a); use of 105; 108; in indir. speech 108 (b); = per-
fect 108 (c); endings of 132; absolute end. in 132 n.; s- pret. 133; t- pret.
133 (a); reduplic. in 133(b); pret. pass. 134.
pronoun, lenation of 17; lenat. after interrog. 18 (c); tables of 45-90; mi,

(delwedd B7186) (tudalen 290)
etc. 45; mivi etc. 45; minheu etc. 45; weakening of, after vb. 45; con-
struct, of indep. prons. 46; infixed pron. 48-51; after pan 49 (b); with ry
49 (c); with ny 49 (c); anticipat. obj. 49 n.; express dat. 51; with pre-
pos. 52-53; simple pron. with pron.- prep. 54; conjunct, pron. with pron.-
prep. 54; men, etc. 55; poss. pron. syntax of 56; demonstr. pr. 61; syntax of
62; pronominal use of dim 73; peth 74; rei 75; ryw; sawl 77; un 78; interrog.
79; relat. 82, 84.
prothetic vowel, 9.
pryt (no), conj. 228.
pwy, 79; pwy with noun, 79 n.
pwy gilyd 185.
py, see pa; prep. 185; with poss. pron. 185; pyr 229.
pynhac, pynnac 81.
pyr, 229.
rac, with pron. end. 53; usage 186;
y rac 186.
reduction of cons. 12; of prons. 45. reduplication 133 (b). rei 62 (b); y
rei, foil, by rel. 62 (c); pob
rei 66; as pron. 75. relative, ny relat. and non-relat. 21 n.
2; express, of inflected rel. 62 (c);
rel. pron. 82-84; rel. a with yd 84;
expr. of genit. of rel. 88; Welsh
equiv. to Eng. rel. gov. by prep. 89;
substitutes for 90; verb in rel. clauses
103; subjunct. in rel. cl. 114 (h).
repeated action, 107 (c). responsive particles, 241. ro, prep, with pron.
end. 53. rodi, roi, paradigm of 146. rwng, prep, with pron. end. 53; usage
187; odyrwng 187; yrwng 187.
rwy } rel. form of ry 49 (c).
ry, verbal part, lenat. after 18 (f); with infix, pron. 49 (c); 50 (d); in
rel. clause 83 (a) (y); reduced to r, 95 n.: y+ry 95 n.; with indie. 96 A;
with perf. indie. 96 A (a); with plupf . 96 A (b); with sub j. 96 B; with
pres. subj. 96 B (a); with past subj. 96 B (b); with vb. noun 96 C; in early
W. poetry 97; with pret. indie. 97 (a); with subj. 97 (d); with fut. 97 (d);
in later poetry 97 (d); with pres. indie. 97 C 1; in subord. cl. 97 C 2; with
pres. and impf. of darvot 97 C n.; not found after neg.; mad; in- terrog. and
rel. a 97' 1; with infix, pron. 97. 3; with subj. of wish 97. 3 (b); with vb.
noun 120 (b); with conj. o 224 n. 5.
rydhau, paradigm of 127.
ryw, rel. form of ry 49 (c).
ryw, pron. usage of 76.
-s, infixed pron. anticipating object
159 n. 2.
-s- preterite 133. -s stems in, 27 (d). -s- subjunctive 110 n. 2. sawl used
as pron. 77. secondary tense, impf. as, 107 (d) (a)- sef, ssef, 47.
semivowels 3.
sentence, sound changes within 12. singular formed from collect, nouns
29 c.
-sit, pret. and perf. end. 132 n. spirant mutat. 21, see mutation, stems in
-s 27 (d); neut -n- 27 (d); in
-o- 27 n. 1; in -u- 27 n. 1; -n- 27 n. 5;
adj. stems in -t- 30 n.; in -u- 30 n. subject, position when emph. 85.
subjunctive, with ry 96 B; pres. subj.
with ry 96 B (a); past subj. with ry
96 B.(b); subj. of wish with ry 97

(delwedd B7187) (tudalen 291)
3 (b); replaced by plupf. indie. 109 c.; ending of pres. subj. 110; for-
mation of, 110; h as sign of, 110; new formation in Mid. W. 110 n. Ij subj.
stem in O.W. 110 n.l; stem of subj. and indie. 110 n.l; influence of indie,
upon HOn. 1; con- fusion of subj. with indie. 110 n. 1; subj. in h 110 n. 1;
history of subj. in h 110 n. 2; s- subj. 110 n. 2; early history of 110 n. 2;
tenses of subj. Ill; pres. Ill; impf. Ill; past 111; past subj. in later Mid.
W. Ill; replaced by plupf. ind. Ill and n; perf. in subj. Ill; plupf. in
subj. Ill; subj. replaced by indicat. Ill n.; usage 112-114; in main clauses
113 A; of wish 113 A (a); of com- mand 113 A (b); express futurity 113 (c);
after vbs. of thinking, swearing, etc. 114 (a); in subord. el. 114 B; in
indirect interrog. 114 B (b); in concessive cl. 114 (c); in condit. cl.
114 (d); in cl. of comparison 114(e); in temporal cl. 114 (f); after vbs. of
effecting, commanding, desiring 114 (g); in final cl. 114 (g); in relat. cl.
114 (h); endings of pres. subj. 138; of pass. subj. 139; form of past subj.
139; subj. with Kyt 214 (b); of purpose with hyt na 214. 2 (b); after mal
216. 1 (b); of purpose after mal na 216. 3(b).
substantive verb, forms and usage 154.
suffixes, pi. 28; of comparat. 37 (a); of verbal noun 119.
superlative adj., lenat. after 16 n. 5, no pi. forms 33; form of 37; foil, by
prep, o 38 (b); construction 38.
syllable, loss of final syll. 30 n.
syntax, of the art. 24; of cases 26; of genit. in prose and poetry 26; of
numerals 42^ f>* poss. pron. 56.
tan, dan, prep, lenat. aft. 16 (i); with
pron. end. 53; with vb. noun, 126 (c);
usage 188; ymdan 164; adan, ydan,
tawr, dawr, paradigm of 147. temporal clauses, 114 (f). tenses, see present
etc. -tor, verbal ending 129. tra, conj. with infix, pron. 50 (h); foil.
by yd 93 (1); usage 230. tra, trag, prep., mutation after 21 (c);
usage 189.
tri, mutation after 21 (a). tras, dros, trus, prep., lenation after 16
(i); with pron. end. 53; usage 190. trwy, drwy, prep., lenation after 16 (i);
with pron. end. 53; usage 191. tu (ac), prep. 192.
-u, 3 pi. end. of pron. -prep. 52 (b).
-u- stems in 27 n. 3; 30 n.
ub inter j. 243.
uch, prep., lenation after 16 (i); with
pron. end. 53; usage, 193. -ud, 3 pi. end. of pron. prep. 52 (b). un, as
pron. 78.
verb, end. 3 sg. pres. ind. act. 7 n. 1; 98; lenat. after, 16 (g) (a); lenat.
of, 18; posit, in Celt. sent. 85; conjuga- tion, 98161; classes of, 98; depo-
nent, 99; voice, 99; number, 100; con- cord with subj. 101; 103; person, 102;
mood, 104; verbs of thinking, swear- ing, etc., 114 (a); verbs of effecting,
commanding, etc., 114 (g); paradigm of reg. vb. 127; vowel infection in obj.
128 (a); denominative vb. 128 (b); verbs in -hau 128 (b); ending of 3 pi.
129; irreg. vb. 140152; see indie, etc.
verbal noun, lenat. of, 16 (b) (8); with ry, 96 C; 120; formation, 118; suf-
fixes, 119; usage, 120; voice in, 121;

(delwedd B7188) (tudalen 292)
agent with, 122; with gwneuthur, 123; continuing finite vb. 124; as historic
infin. 125; special use after yn, 126; with gwedy, 126 (b); with tan, 126
(c); with can, 126 (c).
vocative, lenation in, 16 (m) (a).
voice, in vb. noun, 121; see number, passive.
vowels, vowel system, 1; orthog. variat.
1 n; quantity, 2; long, 2 (a); half-long
2 (b); accented, 2 A; unaccented 2 B; short, 2 B; changes, 5; infect- ing, 5;
infecting vowel preserved, 6; lost, 7; vowel-infection in 3 sg. pr. ind. act.
7 n 1; variation of, due to accent, 8; weakening, 8; prothetic 9; epenthetic,
10; change in adj. 31 (a); infection in vb. 128 (a); irregular vowel
infection, 128 n.
wely dy, inter j. 244.
wish, subjunctive of, 113 A (a).
word groups, mutation of cons, in, 12.
wrth, prep., with pron. end. 53; usage
wrth, conj. 231. wy, usage of, 45 n2; becoming wynt,
45 n 2.
wyf, etc., as copula, 155 (a)(^). wynt, usage, 45 n 2; history of, 45 n 2.
wynteu, usage, 46 n.
y, semi- vowel, 3n(g).
y, prep, lenat. after, 16 (i); with pron.
end. 53; with poss. adj. 08; after
vb. noun, 122; usage, 195. y ' her,' mutat. aft. 21 b. yd, yt, yr, y, verb,
part., lenation after
18 (e); with infix, pron. 49 b; 50 (b);
93 n 2; with rel. a 84; superseding a 85 note; after or 87 (a); yr 91; yr for
yd 91 n 2; yt 91 n 2; y not lenat- ing 91 n 2; origin of non-lenat. y 91 n 2;
yt lenat. 91 n 2; usage 92; 93; after gwedy 93 n 3; before ry 93 n 4; yd, use
of in RB; in WB; and in later Mid. W, 94; infixing pron. 94.
yd pi. ending 28 B (i)
ydoed, etc., 154n3; usage, 154 (b).
ydyw, use of, 154, and n 3.
yll, see ell.
yma, adv. 63.
yn, prep, with vb. noun, 16 n 8; lenat. 16 n. 8; yn predic. 16 n 8; nasal
mut. after, 20 (b); with predic. noun and adj. 35; with adj. 40; with pron.
end. 53; with vb. noun, 126; usage, 196.
yn, conj., usage, 232.
ynt, copula, 155 (a)(y).
ynteu, usage, 46 n.
yny, conj. with infix, pron. 49 (b); 50 (h); not foil, by yd, 93 (1); usage,
-yon, pi. ending 31 (c).
yr, see article.
yr, prep, with pron. end. 53; usage, 187; yr pan, 226 c; yr na, 234.
yr for y + yr, 87 note.
yr for y + ry, 91 n 3; 95 n.
ys, ydys 152
ys, copula, 155 (a) ( a ); ys oed 159 n 2.
ysyd, syd, in relat. cl. 83 (a)( a ). usage, 154(a)(/J); 155(a) ( K).
yssit, yssydynt, usage, 154 (a) n 1.
yttoed, usage, 154 (b).
yttiw, usage, 154 (a( a ); copula, 154 n 4.
yw, copula, 155 (a) (ft); pan yw, 155

(delwedd B7189) (tudalen 293)
P. 7, 1. 15, for mynwgl read mwnwgl
P. 20, 1. 34,_/or Aften read After
P. 37, 1. 20, for thee mz</ me
P. no, 1. 21, for on read on
P. 123, 1. 31,/07-as read as
P. 140, 1. 28, for 19,707 mzc? 19,709
P. 141, 1. 32, for 12 dianot read 13 dianot
ib.,for 13 y rydunt raw? 14 y rydunt P. 145, 1. 21, for 19,707 read 19,709
ib., 1. 29, for dywyasavc read dywyssavc P. 151, 1. 25, for can wr read canwr
P. 152, 1. i9,/0r ordiwed ran/ or diwed P. 153, 1. 27 , for troet noethon
read troetnoethon P. 154, 1. 5, for yny read yn y P- i55> 1- 2,>rgyt
gyghor ran/ gytgyghor P. 162, 1. n, add comma after Gotlont
ib., for GOynw read GOynwfas]
ib,,for Gerein read Gereinft] 1 66, 1. 28, for kadOr read KadOr P. 167, 1.
19, add full stop after hynn P* 169, 1. 1 6, for vrytanyeit read Vrytanyeit
P. 182, 1. 21, dele the full stop after Les P. 184. 1. 20, forge yny on read gelynyon
ib., 1. 33, read a[c] Vryen
P. 192, 1. i8,for vililioed (sic MS.) read vilioed P. 195, 1. i,for a\\a.n.
Dyuot raft/allan dyuot P. 198, 1. ii, for ehaOc. read ehaOc, P. 199, 1. 31,
for UarruaOc (sic MS.) read UaruaOc P. 201, 1. 20, for kyfuarch (sic MS.)
read kyfarth
ib., 1. 2^ for Yspaden read Yspad[ad]eri P. 202, 1. 2, for yn read ny

(delwedd B7190) (tudalen 294)
P. 2io b , 1. 4, for idau read idaw
ib., 1. 20, for rhingyll read ringyll
ib., 1. 33, /0r nessat read nessaf
i\).,for kyglaOs read kyghaOs P. 21 i b , 1. 15, for dyvedut read dywedut P.
2i2 b , 1. 5,/tf^savun read savwn P. 2i2 b , 1. u, for ydau read idaw P. 2i3
b , 1. 2 1, for dylyaf read dylyaf fi
ib., 1. 24, for ageidw read a. geidw P. 216*, 1. 22, for Neu 5 read Neu 6 P.
2i6 b , 1. 2^ for Kynnybo read Kynny bo P. 2i9 b , 1. i9,/0f amdifTynnur
vreint read amdiffynnwr breint P. 22o b , 1. 12, for testyon eneill read
tystyon y neill
ib., 1. 20, for ygneit read yneit P. 223, 1. 5 and 6, for diethyr read
dieithyr ib., 1, 22, 25 and ZZ->f or Morgannuc read Morgannwc ib., 1. 29,
for a digonher read digonher P. 227, 1. 21, dele the comma after trOs P. 229,
1. i, read dayargychwyn P. 231, 1. 26, for ieuan read leuan P. 234, 1. i6,for
teem meibon read teernmeibon P. 237, note i, for M.A. read MA. p. 268a. P.
237 b , 1. IT, for DaO read DuO P. 239, 1. 20, for a metev read am etev P.
241, 1. J,for or seuir read orseuir ib., 1. 3i,fordi luyd read diluyd

(delwedd B7191) (tudalen 295)
University of Manchester.

(delwedd B7193) (tudalen 296)
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many big books of recent biography."
Westminster Gazette.

(delwedd B7199) (tudalen 302)
The Memoir may be had separately, price 2s.
6d. net. 34, Cross Street, Manchester
M. NEWEIT, B.A., formerly Jones Fellow. Demy 8vo., pp. 427. 7s. 6d. net.
(Publication No. 26, 1907.)
" Thoroughness is characteristic of introduction, the copious notes,
appendix and index. . . . Miss Newett's translation is spirited and in-
teresting. . . ." Manchester Courier.
" Casola's narrative richly deserved the honours of print and transla-
tion. The book is a credit to its editor and to the historical school of
Manchester University." Morning Leader.
" His narrative is at once simple and dignified in style, convincing
and! interesting in its pictures of the conditions governing travel by sea
andi land four centuries ago." Daily Telegraph.
" The book is like a gallery of mediaeval paintings, full of movement
and colouring, instinct with the vitality of the time." Birmingham Post.
" Miss Newett's introduction is a contribution of considerable value to*
the history of European commerce." Spectator.
" Forms a noteworthy addition to the number of books from which a?
knowledge can be gained of the itineraries of the pilgrims to
" The whole volume is fascinating. It presents a lively picture of
bygone times, abounds in curious facts and recalls quaint and pleasing
ceremonies, and exhibits the ardent pilgrim of the past in his true light.
Miss Newett is alike to be congratulated on her translation, her Introduction
(which takes up a third of the volume), and her notes."
Manchester City News.
" The work which Miss Margaret Newett has probably saved from oblivion
is as intrinsically interesting as it should prove instructive to the student
of history." Daily News.
" One of the most delightful narratives that record the impressions of a
pious pilgrim." Westminster Gazette.
" One of the most comprehensive of the itineraries is that now trans-
lated, an important feature of it being its full description of the city of
Venice." The Times
No. VI. HISTORICAL ESSAYS. Edited by T. F. TOUT, M.A., Professor of Mediaeval
and Modern History and JAMES TAIT, M.A., Professor of Ancient and Mediaeval
History. Demy 8vo, pp. xv. 557. 6s net Eeissue of the Edition of 1902 with
Index and New Preface
(Publication No. 27, 1907.)
"Diese zwanzig chronologisch geordneten Aufsiitze heissen in der Vorrede
der Heraus^eber Festchrift^lyehiw&eln zur Hiilf te ausser-enghscne
Chandos Street, London, W.C.

(delwedd B7200) (tudalen 303)
Themata, benutzen reichlich festlandische Literatur und verraten iiberall
neben weiten Ausblicken eine methodische Schulung die der dortigen Facultat
hohe Ehre macht." Professor Liebermann in Deutsche Literatur zeitung,
" Imperial history, local history, ecclesiastical history, economic
history and the methods of historical teaching all these are in one way or
another touched upon by scholars who have collaborated in this volume. Men
and women alike have devoted their time and pains to working out problems of
importance and often of no slight difficulty. The result is one of which the
university and city may be justly proud." The late Professor York Powell
in the Manchester Guardian.
"Esso contiene venti lavori storici dettati, quattro da professori e sedici
da licenziati del Collegio, e sono tutto scritti appositamente e condotti
secondo le piu rigorose norme della critica e su documenti." R. Predelli
in Nuovo Archivio Veneto.
"La variete des sujets et 1'erudition avec laquelle ils sont traites
font grand honneur a la maniere dont Fliistoire est enseigne h Owens
College." Revue Historique.
"No one who reads these essays will do so without acknowledging their
ability, both in originality and research. They deal with historic subjects
from the beginnings of Ciesar-worship to the detention of Napoleon at St.
Helena, and they deal with them in a thoroughgoing fashion. " Guardian.
"Par nature, c'eso un recueil savant, qui temoigne du respect et de
1'emulation que sait exercer pour les etudes historiques la jeune et dejk
celebre universite." Revue d'kistoire ecdesiastique (Louvain).
" All these essays reach a high level; they avoid the besetting sin of
most of our present historical writing, which consists of serving up a hash
of what other historians have written flavoured with an original spice of
error They are all based on original research and written by
specialists." Professor A. F. Pollard in the English Historical Review.
"Sie bilden einen schonen Beweis fur die rationelle Art, mit der dort dieses
Studium betrieben wird." Professor O. Weber in Historische Zeitschrift.
The Index can be purchased separately price 6d.
34, Cross Street, Manchester

(delwedd B7201) (tudalen 304)
From its foundation in 1752 to 1830, when it became the Royal Infirmary. By
EDWARD MANSFIELD BROCKBANK, M.D., M.R.C P Crown 4to. (illustrated). Pp. vii.
311. 15s. net.
(Publication No. 1, 1904.)
"Dr. Brockbank's is a book of varied interest. It also deserves a
welcome as one of the earliest of the ' Publications of the University of
Manchester.' " Manchester Guardian.
" We have a valuable contribution to local Medical Literature."
Daily Dispatch.
WILLIAM KIRKBY, sometime Lecturer in Pharmacognosy in the Owens College,
Manchester. Crown 8vo, 220 pp. 5s. net.
(Publication No. 2, 1904, Second edition, 1906.)
" The whole of the matter bears the impress of that technical skill and
thoroughness with which Mr. Kirkby's name must invariably be associated, and
the book must be welcomed as one of the most useful recent additions to the
working library of prescribers and dispensers."
Pharmaceutical Journal.
" Thoroughly practical text-books on the subject are so rare, that we
welcome with pleasure Mr. William Kirkby's ' Practical Prescribing and
Dispensing.' The book is written by a pharmacist expressly for medical
students, and the author has been most happy in conceiving its scope and
arrangement." British Medical Journal.
" The work appears to be peculiarly free from blemishes and particularly
full in practical detail. It is manifestly the work of one who is a skilled
chemist, and an expert pharmacist, and who knows not only the re- quirements
of the modern student but the best way in which his needs may be met."
Medical Press.
"This is a very sensible and useful manual." TJie Hospital. "
The book will be found very useful to any students during a course of
practical dispensing." St. Bartholomew's Hospital Journal. " The
book is a model, being tutorial from beginning to end."
The Chemist and Druggist.
F.R.C.S., Professor of Systematic Surgery, and C. H. PRESTON, M.D., F.R.C.S.,
L.D.S., Lecturer on Dental Anatomy; Assistant Dental Surgeon to the Victoria
Dental Hospital of Manchester. Crown 8vo, pp. ix. 205. Second edition. 5s.
net. (Publication No. 6, 1905.)
60, Chandos Street, London, W.C.

(delwedd B7202) (tudalen 305)
" We can heartily recommend the volume to students, and especially to
those preparing for a final examination in surgery." Hospital.
" Dr. Wright and Dr. Preston have produced a concise and very readable
little handbook of surgical applied anatomy. . . . The subject matter of the
book is well arranged and the marginal notes in bold type facilitate
reference to any desired point." Lancet.
Manchester. By WILLIAM THORBURN, M.D., B.S. (Lond.), F.R.C.S., Lecturer in
Operative Surgery. Crown 8vo, pp. 75. 2s. 6d. net.
(Publication No. 11, 190G.)
" This little book gives the junior student all that he wants, arid no-
thing that he does not want. Its size is handy, and altogether for its
purpose it is excellent." University Review.
"As a working guide it is excellent." Edinburgh Medical Journal.
M.D. (London), of the Middle Temple and Northern Circuit,
Barrister-at-law. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, pp. vii. 233.
7s. 6d. net. (Publication No. 14, 1906.)
" This is quite one of the best books of the kind we have come
across." Law Times.
MANCHESTER. Edited by J. LORRAIN SMITH, M.A., M.D. (Edin.), Professor of
Pathology. Crown 4to, 1260 pp. 7s. 6d. net. (Publication No. 15, 1906.)
"The catalogue compares very favourably with others of a similar
character, and, apart from its value for teaching purposes in an im- portant
medical school such as that of the University of Manchester, it is capable of
being of great assistance to others as a work of reference."
Edinburgh Medical Journal.
" In conclusion we need only say that Professor Lorrain Smith has
performed the most essential part of his task the description of the
specimens excellently, and an honourable mention must be made of the book as
a publication." British Medical Journal.
GRAHAM STEELL, M.D., F.R.C.P., Professor of Medicine, and Physician to the
Manchester Royal Infirmary. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. 389, 11 plates (5 in
colours), and 100 illustrations in the text. 7s. 6d. net. Publication No. 20,
34, Cross Street, Manchester

(delwedd B7203) (tudalen 306)
" It more truly reflects modern ideas of heai't disease than any book we
are acquainted with, and therefore may be heartily recommended to our
readers." Treatment.
"We regard this volume as an extremely useful guide to the study of
diseases of the heart, and consider that no better introduction to the
subject could possibly have been written." Medical Times and Hospital
" We can cordially recommend Dr. Steell's book as giving an excellent
and thoroughly practical account of the subject of which it treats."
Edinburgh Medical lltmew.
of 25 years' work. Demy 8vo, pp. 142, 10 Plates, 4 Plans. 5s. net.
(Publication No. 13, 1906.)
This volume contains an illustrated description of the Physical, Electrical
Engineering, and Electro-Chemistry Laboratories of the Manchester University,
also a complete Biographical and Biblio- graphical Record of those who have
worked in the Physics Depart- ment of the University during the past 25
" The book is excellently got up, and contains a description of the
department of physics and its equipment, a short biographical sketch of the
Professor with a list of his scientific writings and a well-executed portrait
and a record of the career of students and others who have passed through Dr.
Schuster's hands. Alumni of Owens will welcome the volume as an interesting
link with their alma mater." Glasgow Herald. "This interesting and
valuable contribution to the history of the Manchester University also
contains several illustrations, and forms the first of the "physicaf
series" of the publications of the University of Manchester." The
"A record of achievement of which no man need be ashamed Westminster Gazette.
" It is a memorial of which any man would be justly proud, and the
University of which he is both an alumnus and a professor may well share that
pride," Manchester Gaurdian.
MANCHESTER. Edited by A. SHERIDAN DELEPINE, M.Sc., M.B., Ch.M., Director of
the Laboratory and Procter Professor of Comparative Pathology and
Bacteriology. Crown 4to. pp. iv. 451. 1. Is. net.
(Publication No. 12, 1906.)
60, Chandos Street, London, W.C.

(delwedd B7204) (tudalen 307)
" The University of Manchester has taken the important and highly commendable
step of commencing the publication of the archives of its Public Health
Laboratory, and has issued, under the able and judicious editorship of
Professor Sheridan Delepine, the first volume of a series that promises to be
of no small interest and value alike to members of the medical profession and
to those of the laity. . . . Original communica- tions bearing upon diseases
which are prevalent in the districts sur- rounding Manchester, or dealing
with food- and water-supplies, air. disposal of refuse, sterilisation and
disinfection and kindred subjects, will be published in future volumes; and
it is manifest that these, as they successively appear, will form a
constantly increasing body of trust- worthy information upon subjects which
are not only of the highest interest to the profession but of supreme
importance to the public."
The Lancet.
" It is safe to say that as these volumes accumulate they will form one
of the most important works of reference on questions of public health, and
ought, at all events, to be in the library of every public authority."
Manchester Guardian.
" The volume .... speaks well for the activity of investigation in
Manchester." Lancet.
No. I. INAUGURAL LECTURES delivered during the Session 1904-5, by the
Professors and Lecturers of the Faculty of Theology, viz.:
Prof. T. F. Tout, M.A.; Prof. A. S. Peake, B.D.; Prof. H. W. Hogg, M.A.;
Prof. T. W. Rhys Davids, LL.D.; Rev. W. F. Adeney, D.D.; Rev. A. Gordon,
M.A.; Rev. L. Hasse, B.D.; Rev. Canon E. L. HICKS, M.A.; Rev, H. I). Lockett,
M.A.; Rev. R. Mackintosh, D.D.; Rev. J. T. Marshall, D.D.; Rev. J. H.
Moulton, D.Litt.
Edited by A. S. PEAKE, B.D., Dean of the Faculty. Demy 8vo, pp. xi. 296. 7s.
6d. net.
(Publication No. 9, 1905.)
" The lectures, while scholarly, are at the same time popular, and will
be found interesting and instructive by those who are not theologians. . . .
The entire series is excellent, and the volume deserves a wide circulation.
" Scotsman.
" This is a very welcome volume ... All these lectures were delivered to
popular audiences, yet they are far from superficial, and will be found of
great value to busy pastors and teachers." Christian World. " We
welcome the volume as a most auspicious sign of the times."
34, Cross Street, Manchester

(delwedd B7205) (tudalen 308)
"The lectures themselves give a valuable conspectus of the present
position of Theological research. . . . They are, of course, not addressed to
experts, but they are exceedingly valuable, even when allowance is made for
their more or less popular form." Examiner.
" The whole volume forms a very important and valuable contribution to
the cause of Theological learning." Record.
" This is a most interesting and valuable book, the appearance of which
at the present moment is singularly significant. . . . But it is impossible
in a brief review to indicate all the treasures of this rich volume, to- read
which carefully is to be introduced to the varied wealth of modern Biblical
scholarship." Baptist.
" This volume is of the most exceptional value and interest."
Expository Times.
"This is a book of more than common interest."
Review of Theology and Philosophy.
" The writers of these lectures do not attempt to offer more than
samples of their wares: but what is given is good, and it may be seen that
theology without tests is destitute neither of scientific value nor of human
interests." Athenaeum.
No. I. GARDEN CITIES (Warburton Lecture). By RALPH NEVILLE,
K.C. 6d. net. (Lecture No. 1, 1905.)
By Sir FELIX SCHUSTER. 6d. net. (Lecture No. 2, 1905.)
BARCLAY. 6d. net. (Lecture No. 3, 1906.)
MOULTON, M.A., Litt.D. 6d. net. (Lecture No. 4, 1906.)
M.D. B Sc., D.C.L., LL.D. 6d net.
(Lecture No. 5, 1906.)
VERNON, M.A. 6d. net.
(Lecture No. 6, 1906.)
(Lecture No. 7, 1907.)
60, Chandos Street, London, W.C.

(delwedd B7206) (tudalen 309)
8vo, 1100 pp. 3s.net.
(Publication No. 17.)
X) pp. 3s. net. (Publication No. 18.)
CHESTER. Session 1905-6. Deruy 8vo, 1200 pp. 3s. net.
8vo, 1300 pp. 3s. net.
(Publication No. 19.)
8vo, 1400 pp. 3s. net.
(Publication No. 28.)
The following are in preparation and will be issued shortly:
Celtic Series. No. I.
Demy 8vo.
This work will comprise a Grammar of Early Welsh with special reference to
Middle-Welsh prose. To the grammar will be added .-selected passages from
Early Welsh texts in prose and verse, together with notes and a vocabulary.
[In the Press.
This will include the oldest copy of a complete glossary to the " Laws
of Howel Dda," contained in the " Black Book of Chirk," and
will be based on the photographic facsimile of that manuscript which is about
to be published by Dr. J. Gwenogvryn Evans in his collection of Welsh texts.
[In Preparation,
Educational Series.
Report by E. DODGE, M.A.
[In the Press.
34, Cross Street, Manchester

(delwedd B7207) (tudalen 310)
Historical Series. HANKS GRUFFYDD AP CYNAN. The Welsh text with translation,
introduction, and notes by ARTHUR JONES, M.A., Jones Fellow in
History. Demy 8vo. [f n Preparation.
IRELAND. By ROBERT DUNLOP, M.A., formerly Berkeley Fellow.
Demy 8vo.
This work will consist of a series of unpublished documents relating to the
History of Ireland from 1651 to 1659, arranged, modernized, and edited, with
introduction, notes, etc., by Mr. DUNLOP.
[In Preparation. Medical Series,
DISEASES OF THE EAR. By W. MILLIGAN, M.D., Lecturer on Diseases of the Ear
and Nasal Surgeon to the Manchester Royal Infirmary. \_I n Preparatio
DISEASES OF THE EYE. By C. E. GLASCOTT, M.D., Lecturer on Ophthalmology, and
A. HILL GRIFFITH, M.D., Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Manchester Royal Infirmary.
[In Preparation.
Lecturer on Clinical Neurology and Physician to the Manchester Royal
Infirmary. [In Preparatio n
The following works, though not technically Publications of the University of
Manchester, are also issued from the University Press:
MELANDRA CASTLE, being the Report of the Manchester and District Branch of
the Classical Association for 1905. Edited by R. S. CONWAY, Litt.D.
Introduction by Rev. E. L. HICKS, M.A. Demy 8vo. Illustrated. 5s. net.
(Vol. i., First and Second Conferences). Demy 8vo, 260 pp. and plate. 7s. 6d.
THE BOOK OF RUTH (Unpointed Text). 6d. net.
SCENES FROM THE RUDENS OF PLAUTUS, with a Translation into English Verse.
Edited by R. S. CONWAY, Litt.D., Professor of Latin in the University. 6d.
Chandos Street, London, W.C.

(delwedd B7208) (tudalen 311)
FOWLER. Crown 8vo, 270 pp. 4s. 6d. net.
"An interesting memorial of a teacher who was a real enthusiast for
education." The Times..
"We can cordially commend this little book to the somewhat limited but
slowly widening circle who are likely to be interested in educational
principles and organization." The Guardian.
Introductory Note and Memoir, by MAUD WITHERS. Crown 8vo, 331 pp. 3s. net.
" The essays upon Thackeray, George Eliot, and R. L. Stevenson in this
volume could scarcely be bettered." The Guardian.
" The life-story of a quite remarkable woman of a woman who used her
gifts always to the furthering of all that is sweetest and noblest in
of the Author by HENRY REECE and OLIVER ELTON. Crown 8vo, 225 pp. 5s. net.
" Without the smallest affectation or laboured attempts at smartness,
Mr, Johnstone contrived always to throw fresh light on the matter in hand,
and at the same time to present his opinions in a form which could be
understood and enjoyed by the non-musical reader." Westminster Gazette.
" Everyone who welcomes guidance as to what is best in music, everyone
who watches with some degree of fascination the power of analysis, everyone
who reads with a sense of satisfaction English, as it may be written by a
master of the craft, should read this book."- The Musical World.
MANCHESTER BOYS. By C. E. B. RUSSELL. With an Introduc- tion by E. T.
CAMPAGNAC. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. net. "Mr. Charles E. B. Russell has
written a most interesting and thought-compelling book on a subject of almost
vital importance." Yorkshire Post. "Altogether it is an inspiring
book." Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury.
34, Cross Street, Manchester