
(delwedd D6298) (tudalen 101)
(The numbers refer to the lines of the
a if, a caffen 110, if I got. appena 686, if I were, W. o?
abel 2495, ahle, whence also W. abl
abreth 2010, on behalf.
acectonr 523, assectator.
achy 1536, 2234, 2260, within, speit agy in 0. 3065, R. 275. Ir.
asiigh for isin tigh.
acontis 338, 1979, 2376, acontys 2548, accounted.
acordys 494, in accard.
adar 719 (Grassegh the Crist . . adar . . dymmovy), 2681 (eff re
ruk agis sawye adar my) 4311 (adar medelheys brays ogh)
seems to mean rather tlmn or instead of,
adro dyso 1928, around (hee, adro dotha 3614, about him.
adms then pen 1273, through the head.
aleme 2689, hence, lit. from thts place (a-le-me).
aleys 1256, 1848, wide open.
allyon 2451, alyon 2415, an alten.
alowe 2259, to allow,
alosyon 536, alusyen 3118, alms, seems abridged from *alusonyon,
pl. of aluson = Br. aitison, Ir. almsan^ all borrowed from
a Low Lat. *alimosuna. Another form alesonou 1829 = MB.
1. alwethys 3644, pl. of alweth key, Br. alchouez.
2. alwethys locked 3644. MBr. alhuezaff fermer de serrure.
ama in yth-ama 794, / am going, mars-ama 3288, if I go,
amen 507, amen.

(delwedd D6299) (tudalen 102)
ameys 2158, dismayed, 0. Fr. esniaie, esmoye.
amuwys 1311, startled, Fr. enm, part of emouvoir.
amma 4326, 4430, to kiss, From Fr. ^amer, whence amant In
Br. affa the m is infected.
ankevy 3710, 4024 to forget = W. anghofio, MBr. ancouffhat
an-clethias 1323, anclethyes 4471, to bury, V^^.angladd *funeral'.
ancoel 1590, perhaps = W. angJwel *discredit' {an + coel).
ancumbra 2112, 3951, to encumher, p. part. p. ancombrys, Pass. 34, 1.
anel 4094, breath, W. anal, anadl, Br. alazn, Ir. an41.
an-fusy 3421, pl. of an-fus ' misf ortune ', W. anfawd, opposite of
fatvd = Lat. /ato, cf. Com. fodic (gl. felix).
an-hethek 1853, 2630, 3072, 4184 filthy, foul, from *an-8edhek.
Cf. Br. annejfcr la crasse des mains rarement lavöes, with
which Emault connects Nhg. ansitzen ('der Schmatz sitzt
fest an'),
an n-iir 746, the hour, Here, as in han n-ohan 'and the oxen\
Cr. 1069, 5en n-e^yn 'to the birds', Pas. 206, 3, jef» n-empynnyon 'to the
brain', Pas. 134, 3; the nn is = the nd
of the Irish ai'ticle, as in dundaib abstolmb.
annye 2054, annya 3637, to annoy,
aunej-s 2904, %mease,
annotho 423, thereof.
an-tythy 3052, i>erha}^ = W. annheithi 'without inherent properties'
HU-voth 493, lit. HHtctlL W. anfothL The simplex both is in 584,
595, 614,
an-wek 451, 2380 for oH-ichek "unsweet'.
anwj-s 4188, vhiUiHesSy W. annHrydy Br. anoued.
apiH*n 2882, from trmi (^h^h)?
api^nia 686 — a-bt-va 'if I were\
aquytya 1227, to rrqnite. aqnythya 2558, 3488, me an aquyt
3;»L me as aquit 4Ä>6.
a-rak 285, hrfon, amgogh 323, before you.
aray ;U61, cim «miy, 0. Fr. (im>y. arrti arays 4474, arrayed,
arvhei-s 3911, Eng. pl. of cia'A«t.
argh 3401, coffhr. Br. «a*'ä, 0, Fr. arir. Lat. «rew.
anrva ÄU, intti to arwf.
arloihas 237, tinty. fem, of i^Hotk.
arluih 278, L^nL pl. arljjj* 8. 271. arhihy 273. W. arglwydd.

(delwedd D6300) (tudalen 103)
aiTeth 3201, wages. Perhaps from ar- and *veÜh = Lat. vadium.
ascant 658, scanty, Is the a prothetic?
ascra 1888, bosom = hascra 454, 3417. W. asgre, Br. askre,
asgri, askle, asgle, A form nascra, with prothetic n, occurs
in R 486.
ascusia 324, to excuse.
asetya 3212, to set From AS. asettan.
askyn 1285, tmU faU. Here the a seems a late Cornish corruption
of the ys of dy-yskynne (dyysk3mnes, 0. 2029), and the skyn
(for skynn) is = skydn, Cr. 2369.
aspya 1872, 3256, to espy, imperat. sg. 3 aspyans 980, pl. 1 aspyen
ass how! assoff 509, 4184, 4232, ut sunt! = assoma 2522, 4181.
asota 230, nt es! assyn 4467, ut est! assus 757, ut est! asson
1120, 4526 ut sumus! asogh 1237, ut estis! asevya 685,
ut esset! See Z.^ 549, 759, and et as wrussogh cam tremene,
assy 3325, essay, try.
as-tefe 1935, as-teve 1590, they have.
astrange 625, stränge, 0. Fr. estrange.
astronymer 3897, astronomer,
aswen 73, for aswon, 'I know\ aswonfos 1983, to know.
ater 3631, from between? for a ynter?
athla in drogathla 3722, a cormption of drog-whethla?
atlyan 2477, pl. of atal offcast
att6 3302, 3792 lo! ateva 87, ateve 599, atta hy 3944, attens-e
3447, attonsy 1278, atty 2655 = otty Z.^ 606.
att^ndya 848, 867, 1632, 1913, attendia 2838, to understand
(entendre). But in 3253 to attend.
attent 2930, attempt.
avesyans 1031, let Mm advise, p. part. p. avysyys 840.
ayeys 2700, 2706, 4442, avys 172, advice.
avodya 987, 1338, 2061. avodia 2262, to avoid, avoyd 4143.
avodys 2657.
avond 3492, a kalter, like W. afwyn, from Lat. (h)abena. Ir.
abann * scourge ', Rev. Celt. XV, 485.
awortha 390, above.
awell 393, gospel, Br. aviel = Lat. eva(n)gelium.
awest 966, aweyst 784, westward.
l. ay 92, 836, of his, aye 6.

(delwedd D6301) (tudalen 104)
2. ay 3745, an interjection?
aywosa 837, awose 1635, nottvithstanding.
baban 3405, a doli, W. bahtm.
babyou 1577, 3635, pl. of 6a6 'a babe'.
bagh Utile, in bagh 3562, W. back.
bagchelar 825, bakcheler 1417, bachelor. W. badder.
bagyl 3007, crozier, W. hagl, from Lat. hadlus (baculus).
bannothou 496, pl. of banneth (bedneth 224, 225), W. bendith,
Br. bennoez, from %en'dectio (benedictio).
baptist 4128, baptyst 4450.
barwou 2309, i. e. barvou, pl. of barv, W. barf, Br. barff, baro,
from Lat. barba.
bargjm 1408, a bargain, 0. Fr. barguigner.
basken a bier, war y vasken 4358, Br. bcushanv, bazkaoH,
batalyays 2474, to do battU. batel 1630, a battle.
bath 1512, 1777, to bathe.
bay kiss, the vay 508. From Prov. bais = Lat basium.
begyer 416, 2021, a beggar.
belen 449, belan 458. From Fr. vilain, or Prov. vilan.
belyny 1053, villainy,
benedyccion 3429, benediccion 4532, benedictian.
benefys 2827, a benefice, Br. benefig.
bener 1020, 3439, never. Etym. obscure.
benesygter 4495, benegycter 203, blcssedness, from ^benedicter,
benyga 3013, to bless, Br. beniga, from a Low-Lat. bendlco.
*bera to spear, to spit, me ath ver 2408. W. ber, Lat. veru.
bem 3176, grief, Br. bem *souci, cliagrin', Ir. bron,
beseth 4154, baptises, me ath vygeth 941, infin. begithia 945
= W. bedyddio, Br. badeza.
besse 1475, a bit? a variant of bes *finger'?
best 1109, beast, Compd. desawer-vest 4135.
besy 471, 973, diligently. In 3904 besy seems to mean needful.
besyon 984, from vision{ent), as belan from vilan.
bethou 1338, pl. of beth *a grave'.
beva sim, na veva ne stm, 152.
beunans 117, livelihood, generally means life. See byw.
beys 4348, from AS. bidan, Eng. bide. mara peys pel 0. 1082.
blamya 317, to blanie, p. part. p. blamys 419, blamyes 3249.
blethjTinyou 3472, pl. of blethen 565, 'year', blythan 243, blythen 4393.

(delwedd D6302) (tudalen 105)
blogh 3828, entirely? Br. blotfh, bloutfh ^tout entier', 'entiörement', Loth,
Mots htins 188.
blonogeth 136, for bolun^^eth, from Old-Fr. volonted.
blythy 1537, pl. of blyth 'year', W. blwydd, Br. bloaz.
bogh 1625, 3418 = 0. Corn. boch (gl. caper), MBr. bouch, Ir.
bocc, AS. bucca.
bohes 2431, 3329. bohays 2468, Utile, W. bydiod (*bokkätx)-).
body 1809. war y vody 3279.
boho^ogneth 2010, poverty, derived from bohogog = bodwdoc (gl.
inops vel pauper), Vocab. W. bydiydog.
bolde 3157, 3480, bold.
boUys 2720, 2766, 2769, 2790, (papal) hüls.
bo-neyl 2461, 3538, or ehe, bo-nyl 409, pe neyl 1257, bo annyl
1918. From bo *sit, vel' and nyl, Z.^ 403.
bonilapper 77, meaning obscure.
borou morrow = W. boreti, an vorou 3606, 3612, 3982, cf. MBr.
en beute, W. yn fore, Ir.
bous 3311, a bUnv, Br. baut. Fr. bout, Mhg. bözen *to beat'.
bowyn 3224, (caro) bovina, Br. bevin *boeuf'.
boys 919, to be, boys vays, to be good (mays), W. bod, Br. bout
braggye 3507, to brag, to boast, to insult, impv. sg. 2 [n]am brag
vy 3491, pl. 2 na vragyogh 1597. Possibly connected with
Ital. brago, 0. Fr. brai * slime ', brageux * sÜmy '.
brassa 180, brasse 3123, compar. of bras *great'; W. and Br. bras: compd. brayslafarou 1597,
big words,
brath-ky 1216, a fierce {biting) dog, W. brathgi, Ir. brotchü.
brebour 1200, a beggar, derived from *breb = Fr. brtbe, Walloon
brib 'alms'.
brehy 2419, meaning doubtful. Perhaps for *breghy * arms ', pl. of
bregh, (ij vregh, 3432), W. braich, Low Lat. braccia,
brentyn 1650, sovran, W. brennhin.
breys 847, 856, wotnb, brys R. 191. Formally identical with Ir.
breith *birth'. Root bher.
brosyen 3215, for *br(ision, pl. of br<is ^ great '. So broster, Cr.
for braster. See brassa.
brus F. judgment, an vrus 1931. W. brawd, Br. breud, Ir. brdth.
bryght bright, ij den vryght 1727.
bryonsen 1620, throat, briansen (gl. guttnr) Vocab., W. breuant,
Ir. brdge, gen. brdgat
brys judgment, the vrys 61, W. brgd.

(delwedd D6303) (tudalen 106)
Bryten F. 1, Britain, Bryton vyan 169, Ärmorica,
bur for ber (gl. brevis), Vocab. a für termyn 1741. W. byr, Br.
berr, Ir. berr.
buscli 3232, flock, from Eng. bush ^a flock of sheep'.
byschyp 3936, from Eng. bishop, with progressive assimilation.
byteweth 1148, 1480 = bys (or byth) deweth 'to the end'.
byth moy 443, even niore.
byu alive, in fyu, 1784 = W. yn fyw, Z> 614.
caff 3906, 3965, a cave, Br. caf.
cala 4447, straw, = W. calaf = from Lat. caJamus.
cala-me 3338, = Br. hala mae *the kalends of May' (kalemay,
Loth, Mots Latins 142).
calcoryan 1375, pl. of *calcor, Eng. caulker,
calge 2046, a corruption of cals *many'. Br. cals, cala *trte'.
Cambron 644, now Cambome.
campol 103, talk, na gampol 2439, campollys 2204, pan gampollys
2791. From Eng. cample ^to talk, contend or argue', HalliwcdL
can song, pen can 100, tlie end of the sang.
cannas F. messenger, gans an gannas 1433, Br. cannat 'nimcias',
W. y gennad.
capel gorhel 467, a ship's cable.
car a relative, 1939, pl. kerens 419, 3441, = W. ceraint, Br. keront,
Ir. carait.
cara to correct, chastise, p. part. p. kerethys 3250. W. ceryddedig,
Ir. cairigtJie,
caradeuder 1309, 3668, caradouder 1790, caredeuder 3668,
carhar, i)l. caiharow 3686, fetters. W. and Br. carchar, from a
Low Lat. ^carcareni, Hence
carliara 3573, to imprison.
Carn bre 784, a place-name, now Carnbrea.
cas 90, a case. Br. cöw, pl. casou, casyou.
casel armpit, the gasel 1419, W. cesail, Br. casal, kaeel.
casen v. pen-gasen 3927, is perhaps a mistake for *cascefi = W.
casgen *cask, barrel', here used humorously for belly.
castell 245, Castle, pl. castylly 305. W. and Br. castell.
cathecumynys 1818, catechumen, O. Ir. cathdiomnide.
caug:yan 3256, from Fr. cochon.
caus 4115, a cause. B. catis, caos. Hence causer 4001.

(delwedd D6304) (tudalen 107)
kefyth 302, thou wilt find, fut. sg. 2 of cavel = W. cafael,
keher 3291, sinew, W. cyhcr.
kemendya 4390, to commend, to praise.
kemyn 3215, commons.
kemynna 5031, to hequeath, conimit, entrxAst, me a gemen 1263.
Also comendya q. v.
kensa adv. 264, 'primum'.
ken-trevoc neighbour, fellow-townstnan, pl. kentrevogyan 3424.
Ir. coitreb i. comtairisin, O'Dav. 70, and the Gaulish Contrebia ^övpoixla\
ken-trevoges 1551, neighbouress.
*kentrewa to nail, p. pari. p. kentrewys 2990, kentreweys 3035.
Br. kentraoui, W. cethru, From kentr,
kepar ha even as, kepar ha kyns 3559.
ker 3640, dear, mam ger 281, from 0. Fr. (Normand) her, Loth,
Kev. Celt. XVm, 89.
kerethys see cara.
kerhes to feteh, age herhes y 954. Br. ker&kat, W. cyrchu, From
Lat. Circo.
kerhyn circle, circuit, yth kerhyn 3003, yth kerhen 4242. W.
cyrchyn, from Lat. circinus,
kemyk Uttle hörn, pl. kemygou 3396, dimin. of com (gl. comu),
Vocab. Br. comic, W. comig.
kerth joumey = kerd (gl. iter) Vocab., ou herth 478. W. cerdd,
Br. kerjsf, Hence
kerthes 543, to walk, kerthaff 4183, / walh
*keskey to ask? ou heskey 3818. Cf. Ir. cesc from cest = Lat.
kes-colon 1756, having one lieart (cohn). See colonnek, colyii, dyglon.
kes-talkye 236, to taJk togefher. kes = W. cyd,
keth caitiff, an ioul keth 159, marogyen keth 2433. W. caeth
= Lat captus.
kever relative position, yth kever 3360, in the gever 3799. W.
cyferj Ir. comair.
keverang 2217, in Keverang Penmth 4n the hundred (?) of P.7
keyn a back, war geyn margh 1884, 3411. — cliein (gl. dorsum)
Vocab., M. Br. queyn, W. cefn, Gaul, cebenna,
ki dog, pl. kuen 3161, ou huen 3913. See brath-ky.
claff deberthys 1413, a leper, lit. a separated person, pl. clevyon
deberthys 3130. Cf. W. daf gwahanol

(delwedd D6305) (tudalen 108)
clattra lo clatter, on clattra 861.
clehy 3055, ice, from Lat. glacies (Williams), is, aec. Ui Silvan
Evans, tlie pl. of cloifh 'bell' 923, 1241. (Ci. W. chchutt
ia, clyck ia 'icicles'.) Ratliei', perhaps, fi-om an urkelt
klekkes, Uegncs, cogiL with h&t. olmgcre, AS.hlence 'mail-
coat', ON. klekkr 'chain'.
der 1792, 3144, clear, compai-. cleira 2625, 3147.
clergy clerics. 1602, 1736, 4504. leaming 1382.
cleryon o clarion, Eng. pl. cleryons 276. Br. cleron._
cleveys 4289, disimse, pl. cJevegon 1457, clcvet (gl, morbus), Vocab.
W. cUfyd, MBr. clevet.
clogh-prennyer 923, 1241, lit. bell-beams, is clogh prednier iu I^lrnyd.
cloui- 151, 1312, 4332, clor 4220. Of. W. c/ouar ' temperat«, mild'
or = Br. clouar 'tepidus'.
cloj-s 1728, close, MBr. dos.
clowes 5709, clowej-s 806, clowas 2636, to hear. a glosugli wliy?
2221, ny glowy.s 2238. W. clt/tred, MBr. cleauitet.
klyn elunis, du klyn 3312, clun (gl. clunis) Vocab. Brei, ehm.
Icnak 1644, 1652, =: M. Eng, cnak, W. cnec, ' a sliarp noise.
knes, kneys 4054, dorfy, W, cnau-d. In knes-en 3144, we seem to
Uave a postposition, as in Br. hoed-er larg (gl. large eu
^iande), Ir. cuxt-ir Wb. 3d6 ^^ air chuit (Strachan), ci-ät
{gl. de quo) Sg. 3 a 9, and Gaulish brafu-de.
coff 2486, rcmetnbrance, W. cöf, Br. cauff ^= *co-mc(n), Ir.
cofyr 3643, Fr. coßre, from Lat. cophinus, whence MBr. cofßn.
col^y 2688, 2699, 2897, 4407. College, MBr. colUg.
colenwys 4300, fulßlcd, p. pait. p. of colenwel, W. cyflawni
colmen 872, bond, pl. colmennow 3598,
coljTi 628, keart, pl. colonou 1570, 1582. Br. calon.
colonuek 32, 3105, heariy, W. calonog. Br. calonek.
comen voya 2710, common voice.
comendya servys 3200. See kemyima.
commiinijs 4272, hotiseled.
comondyaff 3293, / command, y commondia.s 3431, comondya
1065, p. part. p. coraondys 1297.
comonduient 3992, cotnmandmenf.
compuy 580, conipang.
Conany 832, Conan.
concevijs 846, 859, p. part. p. conceived.

(delwedd D6306) (tudalen 119)
conducion 2824, condition, MBr. condicion.
confort 611, comfort confortis 2671, comforted.
confnndijs 2033, confounded, cf. MBr. confuntaff.
connek 1421, 1427, sensible, a deriv. of conn = Ir. conn,
conquerrour 932, 2403, conqueror, 0. Fr. conquerre * conquirere '.
consecratis 2984, consecrated, MBr. consaeret
conteth 512, county, Ital. contado.
conuersascon 2547, 2917, 2944, 4441, Br. conversation.
corff 661, (üe, 0. Com. coref, coruf (gl. cerevisia), O.W. kuruf,
Laws 64, now cwrw, Br. kufr, Ir. coimi.
corse 1086, a course, MBr. cours.
Corte 3177, carte 4175, court Hence cortis 182, courteous,
cosker 1282, cf. den cosgor (gl. cliens), W. cosgordd, Br. coscor
cosel 2426, quiet, W. cysol ^sleepy', Pughe. Hence
coselheys 2182, quieted, p. part. pass. of a verb = W. q^soli *to
lay to sleep', Pughe.
cost 2823, cost
cot 2253, Short, W. cwt Borrowed from Eng. cut?
cothmen 894, a friend, Eng. pl. cothmans 387, cothmens 1951.
AS. cudemen (gl. cognati).
coule 2392, pottage, W. cawl, Br. cool, from Lat. caulis,
consis 789, p. part. pass. of cows to speak, MBr. comps.
covya 1355, Fr. couver, Ital. covare.
cowgegyow 149, thotights, pl. of cowses *mind' = Br. coudet
* intemum '.
coynt 1786, stränge, M. Eng. coint.
coys 1618, a wood, W. coed.
crakkya to crack, break, a crakkyas 1582.
cregy 1668, to hang, either derived from crog, or borrowed
directly from Lat. crocio. MBr. crougaff.
crehy 2418, cogn. with W. credi a crash?
crena, kema to tremble, ny a gren 3450, why a gren 3529, may
kema y dyns 2257, W. crynnu, MBr. crenaff,
cresyae 1865, to believe, crese / beUeve, del grese 1530, 1800, a
comiption of cresaf, as sense 1624, of sensaf,
creya 1531, 1825, 2169, 3620, to cry. creyaff 1047, y creya 1816,
my a cry 3961, mar creya 617, me a greys 2152, creyays
4432. Br. crial 'to whißtle'.
creys midst, yn y greys 3684, MBr. creis.

(delwedd D6307) (tudalen 110)
crogon F. sltiU. dre an grogon 2994 = crogen (gl. concha),
Vocab. MBr. croguenn an penn (gl. craneum).
cron a round, in gron 542, W. cron, MBr. crenn, Ir. cruind.
cronkye 108, io beai: firom Eng. Inock or AS. cnocian.
cropyl 4205, a eripple, AS. eryppel
crosser 2872, 3931, cmcifer, crosyer 3922.
cix)}i;h cmteh, den croyth 4183. From Fr. Crosse,
cruel 3744, 3749, cm/jL
crustunyon 539, Christians. Br. Ckristenyen.
crj^stel 1521, cnfstah W. msial, MBr. cristal
cuk WmJ. un faven guk 2407, 3481. W. coe^f, Ir. coecÄ, Lat
cumyj-s 291^9, a by-fomi of cnmmffas *congfc' (Ebel), commeätus,
1. cur 2011, roiiW.
2. cur 2814, 2959, curacp, W. cur.
3. cur 4474, <i qi$ire? W. cor.
cusel 151M, 2141, o roNM.^/, Br. ri$stil
cydyr H>69, «Wer.
kyffnywy 293, pl. of *kyffnyw = Lat. conviva, Br. couui.
kyntcffou 251, — kyn + deffo + ou, tJ^ough may come mg.
k}iit]u^h 492, tkough gou are.
kynweivs 544, a common eure, kyn + gueres, Z.* 901.
cyte 2514, 2761, citg. Fr. rite.
chaljnijr 2371, a claim, 0. Fr. chalefige, M. Lat. calumnia.
Chanel 1089, cAaiiii<7.
chappell 130, chai>el 642, 644, 1978, chapel Br. chapell
clmplen 3119, 4034, 40t>5, chaplain, MBr. chapalen.
Charge 2815, char^- 762, 3(XKX charych 2831. From Eng. or Fr.
Charge. Hence
*chargia fo Charge^ me a chai^ge 1669.
chastya 1180, to vhastise, cliastijs 810, Fr. cMtier.
cheer 3002, cJuur.
cheften 3, chieffam, 0. Fr. chetrtaine,
chenons 2812, canons, Fr. chapioines, MBr. cludonüt
chenys 3809, cheynys 3825, 3826, chqincd, MBr. chadenet.
dierya 3193, to cherish. Fr. cherir.
chettis 1646, chettys 2493, chits. AS. cip, O.Sblx. kithi 'germen'.
chevalry 174, 432, 442. Fr. chevalerie.
chyff 897, chief, chyff, cyte 2514. chyff arluth 1936.

(delwedd D6308) (tudalen 111)
da 4060, thy, thagen 674, to our, thagys 592, to your,
dalleth 1465, a heginning, da[l]lethugh 961, hegin ye, impv. pl. 2
of dallethy.
da-lour 3649, well enough = lour yn ta, 0. 2507.
dam, malbe dam 1478, an obscore imprecation.
dama 796, 3393, nwther. From Fr. dorne,
damach 1077, damage.
dampnascton 1184, 1251, damnation. dampnys 883, damned.
dan^er 3483, from Eng. danger e Hhe power which the feudal
lord possessed over bis vassals' (Halliwell).
danvenys 86, misit, pret. sg. 3 of danvon = W. danfon.
dar 459, redttyf Perhaps this is the meaning in 778, 953, 1403,
2445, 3287, 3745.
dar-bary, to prepare, re tharbarre 2686. See parusse and Rev.
Celt. Vn, 148.
dame 2489, a piece, same, damn 2496, W. dnm * a piece ', Br. dum.
daryvays 865, declaration^ inforntation,
das-vewys 3762, revived, p. pai-t. p. of das-vewe; W. ad-fywio, Br. asbSva.
de-aler 3086, free from disease (galer),
debatya 3476, to contend, Fr. dä)at, debattre,
de-bennys 1351, beheaded, p. part. p. = MBr. dibennet.
de-berthys 1413, 3130, ij then debertheys 3108, two separated
men, L e. two lepers. p. part p. of deberthy = W. dy-barthu.
debry to eat (diberi, Vocab.), ny debre 3984, depse 3225, for
deprse, MBr. dibriff, OW. diprim.
debren 3422, debron 1187, itch, MBr. debrtmn 'prurigo'.
de-byta 1591, 1664, pitiless.
decemya 28, to discem.
deer 2833, itur, W. ydeir, Z.« 596.
de-erbyn to meet, eft a deerbyn 2255, W. dyerbyn, Br. dierben,
defethys 3944, come, p. part. p., for devethys, 0. 2212.
defya 922, to defy,
de-gelmy 3842, to unbind, degolmas 3772, MBr. digolmaff. From
de- and kelmy, M. W. cylymu, MBr. couhnaff.
de-gemerys 2573, degemorys 433, W. dygymeryd 'to accept'.
de-geys 1255, 1728, 3679, shut-to, closed. Compounded of de-, dy,
Z.* 904, and keys = Br. kaeet ferme. Cf. O.W. en hiyu e
dressou, MBr. dis-queat, AS. haga, Eng. haw, Idg. root kagh.
degoth behoves, j tegoth 1299.

(delwedd D6309) (tudalen 112)
degueth 3228, well-shaped? Grouiid-form *dego-vidd? The d€(g)
is = W. de in de-wr, the gueth is = W. gwedd, Br. goez.
deharas 3344, to apologise, ou teharas 3344. W. diheuru (Wms.).
deleth 4253, 4341, 4511, due, M. W. (fcfeed, Ir. d%ed.
dellergh behind, pel a theller 3333.
delyvrya 3736, to deliver.
de-naha 893, deny, p. part. p. denehys 974, Br. dineufha,
denes 251, pret. sg. 3 of a verb formally identical with dena *to
suck', MBr. denaff, but meaning 'to suckle, to norture, to
rear', d^öaij daddjan.
denerennou 3404, pence, but denerou 3409, pl. of dener = dinair
(gl. nummus) Voc, Bret. diner denier.
densa 40, 641, 672, 2547, 2719, 2944, 3132, 4232, a good man
(den + da), cf . hensy.
der 172, 468, through, hy, M. Corn. dre, and this for tre.
de-ragon, the-ragon 677, hcfore us, 5ei*agtho 280, hefore htm.
derevel to rise, ou terevel 602, M. Com. dreJievel, W. dgrchafael
See drefa infra.
de-sawer unsavoury, desawer-vest 4135.
deserya 898, 2137, io desire, ou. teserya 2696, kyn teseryas 2579,
me ath desyr 408, deserias 4334, deserijs 4344.
deses 3104, deseys 1377, 2654, disea^e, desesijs 1771, diseased,
desyi- 623, 1092, 2196, desire.
desethys 273, 2021, seated (de + esedhys). See ese infra.
deth to thy, thetlie 64.
detliwyth 2145, = W. dyddwaith 'on a certain day'.
deth-yow 1472, Thursday, de yow 3159, W. dydd-Iau, Br. diz-iau.
deule 1235, a devil, Mid. Corn. dimcl fi-om diaholum. Hence
deulugy 2096, devilry.
de-venys 2390, minced, = dufunys 3224, W. difynio, cf. munys 96.
dewes 3578, dW«/.*, pl. dewosou 1473, 0. Com. dioty W. diawd.
deusys 889, deu^ys 884, godhead, AV. duwdawd.
devethyans 439, 830, descent, raee, cogn. with devethys.
deveys clwice, epscop a theveys 3916, a choke bishop, W. dewis,
Br. dmiSy dihus, 0. Fr. deviser * choisir, d6sirer '.
devocion 2963, devotion.
dewelyans 1828, atonement Also dewellens, dewhyllyans. Cognate with
dewylly to return, na sewylly 4146, W. dychtvelyd.
deworijs 4178, devoured, p. part. p.

(delwedd D6310) (tudalen 113)
M£RIA8£K. Il3
de-wose 1584, to bleed, dewosa 1575, an dewoys 1652, p. part. p.
dewogys 1556, Br. diwada saigner. From de- and goys,
gas = 0. Corn. guit (gl. sanguis), Br. goat, W. gwaed,
dewysyou 2981, sheep, pl. of davas, davat (gl. ovis), W. da fad,
MBr. davat
deyly 3697, daily.
deyn 2698, 4408, a dean, Fr. doyen.
doctor 87, = doctor, but W. doethwr = doctoretn.
domel 2652, overthrowing? for dom-whel
domethy 327, se nharier, ty a tliommeth 329, Br. dimiziff.
donsia 2512, io dance, Fr. danser.
dore 3685, for doro 'bring'. See droff.
dorsona 587, 1076, 4194, better dursona 3107. From du re sona
'may 6od bless!', as durdala from du re-tala 'may 6od
dotya 346, to dote, p. part. p. dotyys 462.
1. dour water, 673, 1920, urine 1440. See dovyr.
2. dour 1749, 2788, 2885, vehemently. In 4323 it is an adj. In
1035 the rime (with tour) shews that dar shonld be dour,
Cf. W. dewr * brave 7
doutia to fear, doutyeff 3894, ny thoutyn 1186, doutis 8, doutijs
dovyr 668, water, = W. dwfr, Ir. dobar,
draylys 1352 = Br. dralet *coupfe en morceaux': cf. dral ha dral
0. 2782, MBr. draülaff.
drefa 156, drefe 1450, 3671, for *dreheva *raise', impv. of drehevel
See derevel supra.
dreff ihrives, ny thereff 1482 must be read (metri gratia) ny
threff. So drushen from Eng. thresh.
Are^yn 1110, 1124, evils, dregan 4139, pl. of droh.
dres-en over the, 650 (cf. orth-en 1023), dresonny over us 254,
dresos over thee, 3079.
drethogh 315, 3095, hy you, dretlion 1406, hy us, drethos 619,
3849, through thee, drethy 3945, hy her.
dreyn 3039, thoms, dryn 2995, drein (gl. sentes), Vocab., pl. of
drain (gl. Spina) = W. draen, Ir. draigen.
droff affero, y troff ex yth droff 2730. impv. dro-fa 3835, bring htm,
drog-athla 3722, perhaps for drog-whethla 'evtl tidings\
drok-coskar 2358, an evil retinue, -cousys 3859, an evil fhought
-coleth 1768, (from drok goleth) an ill deed. -hendelys 3760,
Atcbir t, oelt. Lexikographie. g

(delwedd D6311) (tudalen 114)
eviüy handled, -pobyll 1325, etnl people. -sperys 2657,
evä spirit
drues 1047, bold, W. drud.
duk 1, duJce, pl. dukis 294.
duen 402 (disyllabic) , duwen 406, sorrow, grief, better dutchen
(from *dtis-venä), dewhan Cr. 2005, the opposite of Old Bret.
Ho'Uuen (ex *su'vend). The Welsh duchan or dychan, which
R Williams compares, means satire, and comes from *d/Mhma,
dufen 2910, = dyfen, forhid, Fr. defend.
dufer duty, 3171, 3899, from Fr. devoir, 4513, due.
du-funugh 1526, awake ye, dy-vune 1785, du-fen 3770, Br. dihunaff, W.
du-funys 3224, minced, See munys.
du-gol 2077, 2201, feast-day, du-Gwener 120, Friday, du-Merher
2254, Wednesday, See gol.
dulle 3231, 3632, let gol for dyüe, W. dyUwng?
1. dur endures, mar tur 1163, a thur 1293.
2. dar it concems, num-dur man 443.
dute 3198, duiy, Of. for the termination djrnyte.
dy-berth to pari, ou tyberth 510, kj-ns dybert[h] 3327.
dy-alwethy 3690, keys, pl. of dialurheth = dialliyet (MS. didlhyet)
gl. clavis.
dy-ek sloihful, mar thyek 3360, dioc (gl. piger), Vocab., Br. diec
dy-egrjrs 3667, blinded, 'deoculatus'. Cf. egr 'daisy'. Root ek.
dyel 1595, vengeance, W. dial, Ir. digal
dyen, in tyen 3162, = yn tyan 171, altogether, MBr. dien.
dyglon 3674, = *dy-calon, unheart, na gymer dyglon *do not
lose heart'!
dy-grath 948, disgrace.
d}iinya 2883, to dun? AS. dynian,
dynyte 1627, 2916, 2956, 3090, dignüy, dynnyte 3025, 3094,
denj-te 2683.
dyskans 85, 5e jyskans 26, ieacking.
dys-crasiis 1405, disgraced, the g provected by «.
dys-cregyans 2369, dysgregyans 1764, unheUef
dysky 381, desky 367, io leam, W. dyscuy MBr. disquiff, desqui/f.
dysper 2172, despair,
d)'S-plesys 119, dysplesijs 322, 400, 490, dispkased.
dys-pletyogh 2296, 2d pl. impv. of dyspleyiya = a Lat ^displü^iare,
as feytomr 3436, from ficior.

(delwedd D6312) (tudalen 115)
dys-pnsant 2283, powerless: pusant from Fr. puissant
dysset 4045, deceit.
dys-tempra 2937, to ru/fle, to put one out of ter^pef.
dys-war 3238, unwary.
dys-wuthel 1633, to destroy, lit. to undo {gutkel),
dyth 96, dictum, Eng. diU, dite, MBr. dite (Cath.).
dyvera 4483, divers.
dy-vuny to he awcfke, a thyuvne [leg. thjrvune] 1785. From dyfun
'sleepless', 'awake', W. dihuno. See dufunugh.
dyvyn 79, 'citaHon', W. dyfyn.
-e suffixed pron. 3d sg. m. y[n] meth-e, 792.
ea 1516, 1546, 4374, cf. Lat. eja?
effsen 662, Ist sg. 2dy pres. of eva 'bibere'. For ffa ex vs et
godhaffsen 2634, proffse 1427.
efrethek 540, 564, 684, 4520, crippled, pl. evrethyon 4482, W.
efrydd. From Lat. hibris, hibrida (Rhys).
^rys, see dy-egrys. Cf . Lith. (Ms, ap-jekti, Arm. akn * eye '.
eben 2913, race, W. ecken,
ely 1007, a salve, pl. elyou 1511, W. eli
elys 3416, anointed?
enevou 2167, pl. of enef saul
enour 210, honour: enoris 227, enorys 435, honoured.
envy 1013, enemy, pl. 1069, 3837.
er 372, heir, W. aer, Br. her, hear, guet-aeree.
erbys 1971, Eng. pL of erh 'herb',
er-byn, against, er ou fyn 3903, er y fyn 3907.
eretons 1953, 3469, inheritance.
ermet 1133, hermyt 1948, 1964, hermit
es-keraus 1176, pl. of escar * enemy'.
eseldeer 1166, bottam, W. iselder,
ese sitl 3002, esethugh 283, nyth eseth 2947.
esen 3333, we should he,
est 2073, 2197, (mensis) Agusti, Br. eaaust, uow eost, est, W. awst.
Loth, Mots latins 136.
esya 1422, to ease, p. part. p. esyes 140, esijs 3654.
ethes, in plos-ethes 3527, ythys in nyg-ythys 2448.
evel, yth evel seems, 3026, kyn th-evely 3708.
ewer. see ynnewer.

(delwedd D6313) (tudalen 116)
e^madow 30, desire, better sjielt yeunadow: cf. my re yeunys
D. 1701, yensen D. 3167.
ewyas 3453, f or etchyas, cogn. with W. echwa ' to ride ' ?
exaltye 18, 2900, exaltya 15, 2798, exaltijs 2942.
experyans 4391, experience.
falge 2045, falge-cregj'ans 1161, fals-jugleer 921, -ky 2388, -dewou
174, -dragon 4133, -guesyon 3803, -horsen 3491. Fals, falge,
Br. fals, from 0. Fr. fals.
faria 3973, to fare, tya far 2456, why a far 3366.
farwel 474, 1286, 2734, 3178, 3836, faretrell
faven 2407, 3481, a bean, AV. ffa, NBr. faff, fa, Ir. seiT^, Lat. faba.
faverough 3349, favour ye\
fay 2283, faiih, W. ffydd, MBr. fez, fetz.
fays 728, 3115, 3139. face, = fath 3412.
febyr 694, fever, from Lat. fehris,
fecessyon 1482, fecycyen 1421, 1484, physician.
feige 1273, me an feige I will split, a corruption of *fels = W.
hyUt *flndit; Z.« 508. Root spMt, Skr. sphuf, sphaf,
felschyp 2155, fellowship,
fenten 1005, fountain, W. ffynnon, OBr. funton, ilBr. fenten.
fer 2063, feer 2071, a fair.
fery (sery?) 1901, reading and meaning doubtful.
fesky 2099, a hurry, W. ffysgio *to hasten'.
1. fest 277, a feast
2. fest quite, ny won fest 107, W. /fest
fethe 4021, 4033, to defeat, MBr. faezaff, from *spakt; ög>a^m,
Ciparfrij otpaxxoq'i
fethye 2047, to confide.
fetla 1357, how, seems a con'uption of pa del; but why the t?
and what is the a?
feya 943, 2156, 3537, to flee, tyyn 1334, fyys 927, 1041, 3544.
A denom. from fo q. v. W. ffoi
feynt 683, 3068, 3672, faint, 0. Fr. faint
f eytour 3436, from Mid. Eng. faytoure ' fictor, Simulator '.
flam 3946, flame.
flattra 860, to gabhle, chatter.
flehyggyou 1536, for *f^hyjou, flehysou, pl. of fhgh = Br. floch,
from Lat. floccus, Hence also W. ffiochen *frustum'.
flour 184, 631, 1391, 1434, 1600, flor 1076, flojT 3296 = Br. fUmr

(delwedd D6314) (tudalen 117)
^doux, bon', Loth, Mots Latins, s. v. flwr, ^doux, veloutö',
Pommes bretons, ed. Villemarqu6, p. 209, merch flour * tendre
Alle ', Ernault, Gloss. moyen-breton 240, seems from Fr. fleur,
a subst. becoming an adj., as in für q. v.
flons 1052, flout
fo 2494, flight, from Lat. fuga, see fyyn.
fol 476, 3210, fnad, adv. 602: folneth 336, foUy. From Fr. fol,
as foly 501, from Fr. folie.
fondya 720, to found, fundia 1158, fundyas 990, Fr. fonder.
forme 3683, a form.
fors 1058, 1257, 1540, 1973, 2355, 3438. From 0. Fr. force (ne
pas faire force d'une chose), or Eng. force in phrases like
/ do not force *I care not', no force *no matter', Üiey give
no force Hhey care not'.
*forsakia to forsake, forsakis 1941, ny forsakyn 1212, impv. sg. 3,
forsakyans 384.
forten 1424, fortyn 715, fortune, luck.
forth lan 3715, a clear way, forth wella 3878, the shortest (lit.
best) way, pl. forthou 421, W. ffordd, From AS. ford.
fout 2560, 2840, default From Fr. faute, defaut
frappia 961, to strike. From Fr. f rapper.
freth 2534, sirong, Formally = W. ffrawdd * prompt, active',
as nelf nell = AS. snell,
frygou 1454, 3309, pL of fryg * nostril ' = friic (gl. naris), Vocab.
From "^srüko, cogn. with Gr. Qeyxcoy ^yxog?
für 181, 3921, wise, gl. prudens, gl. sollers, Vocab. W. ffur, Bret.
für. From Lat. für.
fy! 427, 3509, 3510. Eng. interj. fyel
fyghyth 429, seems 2d sg. pres. of a denom. of fy\ For the gh
cf. leghya, moghhea.
fynsya 3525, may be a scribal error for *flynsya from Eng. flindh.
fysek 1418, physic, see fecessyon.
fysmens 1205 (fysmant, Cr. 527) senAlance, appearance, = fantysm,
Ital. fantasima, Phantasma. In Bret. tasmant ^ phantom ' we
have a similar metathesis.
f yt 3380, from M. Eng. fiUe ' match, equal '.
gal 1528, 2412, base, ignoble, cf. W. gelaiJi 'weakling' (Rh^s).
R. Williams compared W. gwael = Lat. viUs.
galer 566, sorrotv, W. and Ir. galar. See de-aler.

(delwedd D6315) (tudalen 118)
galles 479, hos gone. W. gallas.
gallosek 179, galosek 441, powerful, galluidoc (gl. potens), Vocab.
Br. galloudek, Derived from
galloys 233, might, Br. galloud. See Diez s. v. gagliardo,
game 3230, game (Germ. Wild),
ganou 64, mouth == genon (gl. os) Vocab.
gargesen 2423, 3322 = Br. gargadenn *gula'. 0. Fr. gargate.
gase 2322, io leave, mer kyssys 218, gesugh 942, 3310, W. gadu.
gedya to guide, 637, me agis gyd 981, gedyogh 2089, reth gedya
3015, rum gedya 629, 1099.
geler 4487, hier, W. gelor (ar y eler, Z? 513), Bret. giieler * bifere
a porter les mor(t)s', Cath.
genas 490, xcith th^e, geneff 492, gene 1886, genevy 428, 572,
1245, 1741, genavy 1549, 1659, 2568 (W. genyfi), with me:
genegh 2889, ginogh 274, gcnough 200, toith you: genenny
2949, mth vs: gensy 304, with her,
genesek 2287, genesyk 3211, Br. ginidik 'natif \ Hence gonesygeth 4387,
hirih, and genegygva 850, birth, a compd. of ma
(Z.^ 890) and genesyk, q. v.
gentyl 3277, gentle.
gerennou 2964, tvords, for the usual geryou 3001, seems the pl.
of a singulative form. So denerennou 3404.
gesijs 401, jested at, jeered,
gevyans 2413, forgtvetiess , pardon, Cogn. with gafe (i.e. gave)
and Groth. giban,
geyl 1438, calls, pres. ind. sg. 3 of gelwel.
geylers 3563, Eng. pl. of geyler *jailer', D. 1865.
glander 533, purity, deriv. of glan.
glebyn 3276, let us wet, from glybye *to wet' = W. gwlybu, Br.
glebia, glihia,
glorijs 548, glorious = gloryes, Cr. 27, 1023, 1899.
gloys 1452, pain, W. gloes, Br. gloeje:. A cogn. verb, me as glus,
2398, W. gloesL
glu 765, keen, W. glew,
gober 3337, reward, pl. gobrou 98. Cogn. with Ir. fochric.
goheles 3071, gohelas 4213, = W. gochelyd *to avoid, to shun'.
1. gol 1085, a sail, guil (gl. velum) Vocab., Br. gwel, Ir. fial.
2. gol 998, 3560, 4302, festival, holiday, W. gwyl, Ir. feil
goleys 3610, loosed, = Br. gouUöet: cf. 0. W. guoUung (gl.

(delwedd D6316) (tudalen 129)
golowa to enlighten, re woloways 213, ou colowhy 3714, W.
goleuo, Br. gueletuff.
golouder 455, Ught, radiance, goleuder 3669, W. goleuder.
golvygyen 3681, radiance. For the suffix et lovrygyan.
golyas 164, watching, W. gwylied,
1. gon a pUUn, then won 1021, pL gonyou 1037, guen (gl. campus)
Vocab., W. gwaen, Ir. fdn *slope'.
2. gon 1902, a gown, W. gwn, Ir. fuan (gl. lacerna).
goneth to labour, to serve, a wonetheff 3140, p. part. p. gonethys
4392, W. gweinyddu,
gonsy 3949, hy 7*er, a mistÄke for gensy?
go-ny 605, 610, woe w us\ So go-vy 793, woe's me, go-gy 3576,
woe^s thee, go-ef tcoe^s it, 1895. The ^o is = Lat. v(ie,
Ir. fe,
gonys 3588, to serve, W. gwneud?
göre 3018, exceUent = W. yoreu 'best',
gorhel 467, ship. From ^ver-kelo-y cognate with 0. H. G. skidm
' navis ' ? The ' lofgurchel \ which R. Williams connects with
gorhel, is non-existent. The MS. has lofguhrc hei (gl. utensilia), i. e.
'handiwork of the hall', where gurhc for gurch
comes from the root verg, Urkelt. Sprachsch. 273.
gormel 1420, 2241, W. gorfoli *to flatter', Ir. formolad. But
why is the w of the Cornish word not infected?
gor-ourys 3396, 1. sg. pret. act. of a verb = W. goreuro, cogn.
with Ir. forordae *gilt'.
gor-ra to put, y worra 11, p. part. p. gorrys 26.
gorth 3394, adverse, W. gicrfh,
gortheren 2070, 2194, July, the relation to Br. gouhereff, now
gourelifi etc. is obscure.
gorthewar 103, evening,
gorthye 150, to worship, ou corthy 4449. Verbal noun gorthyans
710, gorthyens 2684, worship,
goth-vos 28, knotcledge, gothfeth 3548, thou wilt hnow, y wothen
309, we hnow,
goolya 3740, perjury, W. geu-lw. Compounded of gau = W. gau,
Ir. g6, and ?y == W. llw, Br. le, Ir. luighe. The final a
seems added for rime's sake.
go-venek 2900, desire? Root tnen?
govemens 256, govemance,
govemer 319, govemour 931, governor.

(delwedd D6317) (tudalen 120)
goverou 1971, pl. of gover, 0. Corn. guuer (gl. rivus), W. gofer,
Ir. fobar *a spring',
govys 406, 1655, because of, = Ir. fobifh.
gracyus 192, graciotis.
gramercy 258, gromercy 308.
grammer 20, 36, grammar: gramarion 92, grammarian.
gra« 309, grays 3548, thanks, from Fr. grace,
grassee to give thanks, y crasseeff 3892, grasseff 1858, 4233,
grassegh 718.
grath 348, 3475, grace.
gref 3129, greff 402, 405, 3136, grief,
grefljs 694, grieved, p. pait. p.
grefons 1000, 1004, 1438, a grievance.
gre-ons 3220, greyhounds,
grome 2458, a groom.
grond 1148, 1958, 2410, 3464, gront 3471, ground, Hence
grondya 1151, io ground.
grontye to grant, impv. 2d sg. gront 1010, grond 1259, pret sg. 3
giH)ntyeys 2192, grontse 3096, grontis 1292.
groyt 8326, a groat
grueys 1288, gUiss, aystal, for gwreys = D. 1790. Perhaps from
^gwysr ^^ vitrum. But see gweder.
grueff 2368, 4134, face. From M. Eng. groffc.
gruegh 1(592, tiny, gruergh 1705, 1776. W. gwrachell, gwrachen
*(lwarf\ gurachacluxn *a puny creature'.
guak 3927, cmpty, W. gtvag. From a Low Lat. *vacus = vacuus.
guan weak, in tlie compds. guan-cnsel 1594, guan-rewardya, ou
guan-rewardya 3261, guan-reule 3925, W. gwan, Ir. fann.
guandra 665, to wander.
guaregou 3911, pl. of guarek *a bow'.
guarnya 3260, to wvirw, p. part. p. guarnys 984.
guary 2505, 4560, a play, used for players, as potv 2953, 4476,
*country\ for country-folk.
guaya 3574, 4098, to move,
guayn 2256, gains. For the u cf. Ital. guadagnare.
guel-fos 1964, 3213, a HiUlemess, guelfoys 3218, guylfoys 3158,
3203. From guyls 1145 •wild' + bos.
guelhevyn 2724, 2929, guelheven 2797, nobles, from the superL
^guelhaf * optimus \ as nessecyn from *n€ssaf.

(delwedd D6318) (tudalen 121)
guener 126, 4304, Friday, du-gwener 120, MBr. dez-guener, W.
dydd gwener, dies Veneris.
gueras 99, keep, gueres 612.
guerrya 3454, Fr. guerroyer.
guertha 2582, to seil, MBr. guerzaff, W. gwerthu.
guesyen 1170, servantSy guesyon 3803, pl. of gnas,
gaetyogh 1194, watchy iake care, ty a wetsa thou shouldst take
care, 1760. From 0. Fr. waiter ^guetter'.
gueyth 3378, worse, W. gwaeth.
gulas-cor 170 = gwlascur 3. See gwlasow.
guyf 226, worfhy, guyff 3700 = gweff Pas. 95, 2 = Ir. feibh .i.
guynder 3667, tvhiteness,
gnyn-gala 2076, 2200, September, MBr. guenn-goloff, now gwengoU,
guyr 138, truth, guir-thu 4432, true God.
gwarthevyas 7, sovran, cogn. with a-wartha * above ' 390, and W.
gwarthaf * summit '.
gweder viirum, der weder 853, the wedyr glays 1445, W. gwgdr,
MBret. gnezr. See grueys,
gwell, the well 109, (he better.
gweller is seen, pan weller 1571.
gwlasow 16, pl. of gwlas, gluas 1687, a country: compounded in
gwlas-cur 3, gulas-cor 170, where gulas is = W. gwläd,
and cor = W. cordd tribus, circulus. So coscor (cosker
1282) = W. cosgordd.
gwryans work, y vryans 3959, 4389, the wryens 3963: compd.
tebelvryans 3502.
hager-dyweth 4100, an ugly end. hager-gas 2143, an ugly case.
W. hagr, MBret. hacr, hacre (leg. hacer?),
hagis 580, 3743, and your. harn 54, 480, 711, andmy, han 602,
3042, and the. hath 491, 827, 830, and thy. hay 852, and
his, hau 597, and my.
handla 1113, to handle. See drok-handU.
hangys 1245, hung^ p. part. p.
hansell 110, honthsel 960, handsei.
hanter 1687, half, W. hanner, Br. ha/nter.
hap 1285, a hap.
harber 2291, 3303, AS. hereberge *statio militaris'.

(delwedd D6319) (tudalen 122)
har-dygrath 948, hard disgrace, har-lych 2832 = hardlych
R. 2597, harlyth 0. 2512, AS. heardlice.
harhe 2842, compar. of har(th) = hard,
hath, hau, hay, see hagis.
havel 4449, alike = Ir. samail.
havalsens 1206, ihey would seem, et a hevel 1903, ty a hevelsa
1082, kyn th-evely 3708.
hays gorryth 845, setnen virile, hays = W. hdd.
he-basca 3753, sweetness, from he, W. hy-, Ir. su- and pcLSca, W.
pescu, borrowed from Lat pascere,
heboff 4546, without me, hebogh why tciihout you 2693. W. hebof,
hebyhors 1061, hobbyhorse,
helghya 3160, 3465, to hunt, W. heia, Ir. selg.
hellou 3411, perhaps an error for haiow, pl. of hol *moor'.
helma 22, 135, et passim, hie. From hen-le-ma, as holma 1072,
1090, 4148, from Ivon-le-ma. helmyu 1522, 2762 = helma
+ yu.
hen-sy 1307, an cid house, pl. hense 2925 (Aen + ty, pl. te).
henys 167, old age, a deriv. of hen.
hereth 4545 = W. hiraeth ^yearning'. Hence
herethek 4314, 4526, yeaming (W. hiraethog),
hermyt 1948, hermit
hemessijs 3221, hamessed, p. part. p.
herre 2920, longer, for hirre, compar. of hir (gl. longus) Vocab.
hertons 2452, heritage, {in)heritance.
heth 1418, feteli, a hethes 2995, reaclied, cf. dre-heiho D. 2758.
W. haeddu Ho reach'.
hethou 3235, = W. heddwch.
hevys ruen 1968, a horsehair shirt hevys, 0. Com. hevis (gl.
colobium), W. hefys, MBr. hiffuis.
he-weres 311, helpful? From he- = Ir. and Skr. 5m-, ajii gueres.
heyl! 3196, haill
holmyu 1090 = holma + yu. See helma.
hond 2414, hound. See gre-ons.
honester 261, 3027, decency, derived from honest (onest R. 1946).
honour 82, honour.
honter 3161, 3229, hunter.
horsen 975, 1228, 3491, whoreson. In Cardigan (Rh^s teils me)
horswn means a strong loutish lad or lass.

(delwedd D6320) (tudalen 123)
horth 3395, a ram, (gl. aries) Vocab., W. hwrdd,
bot 3341. Either from AS. h6d *hood' or hedfud 'head'.
hothfy 4458, io stoell, W. chwyddo, Br. huezaff * sufflare ', Ir. seid,
hotheys 4446, where in hotheys is perhaps for in noiheys, cogn.
with W. nwydd 'stuff'.
hneimeys 4448, slumber, = W. hunedd *somnolence'.
hus 3376, magic, cogn. with hudol (gl. magus) Vocab. M. W. htU,
and ON. «eieJr.
hysyu 125, hythou 3630, today, hepn (gl. hodie) Vocab., W.
inclynya 1094, inclenya 1766, to incline, to hend down.
indan under 3289.
indellan 471, if not a mistake for indella 614, is, by metathesis,
for in del na,
ingynnys 3376, engines, cf. ingiiinor (gl. opifex) Vocab.
inhans 440, 3919, for in-nans nominal prep. *down'. Cf. war nans,
Pas. 205, 2, and the OHG., MHG. /se tale, jse tal 'deorsum'.
inhoth 3064, for in-noth 'nakedly'.
insol 2747, up\ for in-sevel
installascfon 3017, insiallation.
inter 502, 3036, bettveen. See ater.
ievnje 1589, from je vous dis,
ionden 778, a corruption ot jordan, formerly jourden?
lovyn 3406, = Lat. lovem. Other Comish loanwords from acc.
sg. are Sarepiyn, Barabhan, and avain (imaginem).
Iowan 2877 = 0. W. louan, now leuan ' Giovanni '.
ioy 3030, joy,
iugleer 921, juggler, AS. geögelere,
iunt 857, a Joint,
inst 2317, will joust
lakka 2466, compar. of lac, W. llac ' slack '. From Vag-no-, cogn.
with Lat. langueo? Or borrowed from AS. sleac, sUbc, with
loss of initial ^?
lader 679, from latro, pl. laddron 2059, ladron 2083, Br. Icusr,
lafurya 576, 1179, 1749, 3271, lafuria 1388, 2768, lafurye 3286,
lafuryys 1567, denom. of lafur, Br. laür = Lat. laborem.
laforyans 480, traveUing,

(delwedd D6321) (tudalen 124)
lafyll 4301, lawful
lagasek 1018, 3813, quick of sight, big-eyed, W. llygadog, Br.
lagadec *oculosus', from
lagat *eye'.
larchj^a 2852 , compar. of larch = 0. Fr. large * generous '. The
cognat« Welsh lary, lara is from Lat largus. Loth, Mots
latins 181.
Lasser 450, Lazarus,
laten 81, Latin. Br. lat in.
lawen-cath 3413« a tom-cat, W. cath llawn-duf.
lek 3163. a layman^ MBr. lic, Ir. lig (in aith-lig *an ex-layman, a
man who becomes a monk in his old age ', LU. 133 b 35.
From a Low Lat. leicus, see Schuchardt Voc. I, 204.
lee 481. /m\ W. /toi. See leghya 101.
leffrou 95, pl. of Kivr 'a book\ MBr. leffr.
lefj-a 392i\ to dinr. lyfye 104, Ij-fj-a 270, lyvya 113, MBr. leiffaff
•prandere\ deriv. of leiff prandium. Cf. Lat. Hbum?
lefre^s^ 3414. to catch wiVr. W. Uygota,
leghj'a Ä>8L /a^nyh.*, p. juirt, p, Icghys, R 505. For the guttural
of. fygkj/th and mogkkau
lel lojfiti in the a>mpd<;. lel-orystyan 1001, lel-forth 2331, lelgras
254:^ lel-reulya 2^7. lel-sennre 2050, lel-servont 2627,
437\\ lel-wrh>-s 4iV4;?, lel-wonvs: 3*91.
lemyk 3213. ci .n^/k W. tt¥maHt Cf. Ir. loimm,
leudury 34lH\ 5^H^/ faith. derived from len: cf. falsniy from /ob.
leut 324\ ;öt^ ,N^«Hr. Br.. Fr. Itni. Lat. I^nius.
leöi 8\>7. fi ttmrt. \\\ /AM; Ir. fc'Ä«.
Iwoijs i^üiX /m^^QJ^/^ Fr. fc^ss^r. toi.<?:ir. UaL tas^io.
U^^v^ns 2iT\ leÄ^wn:^ 2771. le^^vÄiis 3463. /iomur.
. . «
U^t 37M. AittfrVi>\ \\\ 1}/s7 Mo hinder*« Uesifir *impedimenta\
VY hstrr, OHiv W*fctf.
let\^ hs #V;. u>* let>^ |vl 27:U. n* Vtyi«h 2963,
l<^lh UW mdi. \\\ ha^. Kr, iw-r.
KyrvMi TS. Ij^Wtx^ 2?vH\ pl of lyther 3^*6. Mier,
W«(-kawi <v\ M k'Tt <7Atr7«. W«f tivai AS. hif. Eng. lief.
Wxx^-s 1 U\ fviif«^*Yj^ :^i :i5ir. |NT>fts. ittiä. «ci. of krasjr = W.
\m< Ä^7. \\\ 7;^»!^:;. Kr. ?»r«fl.
K^k :v'^T^ ftwm K^, 4/^-^ ^xt^ cic^ pW*e cif coliäiimeiit' (Halliwell).

(delwedd D6322) (tudalen 125)
Ion 3224, a hin, W. üw^.
lor 2102, moon, = luir (gl. luna), Vocab., W. lloer, Br. loar.
lorden 776, lurdane,
los, in sempel-los 2256, a loss,
losowen 1483, singulative of losow herbs: W. llysieuyn, (in Cardigan
llysewyn, Rh^s), MBr. lousauenn, Other singulatives are
dagrm 3319 'a tear', faven 2407, 3481 *a bean' (Lat. /ofta),
and guelen 3294, ^a rod'.
lostou 1353, pl. of lost 'tail', W. llost, Br. lost
lovrygyan 1356, leprosy, or perhaps leprot^ scales, Derived from
lovr, Br. loffr, Ir. lobur.
lowenna 243, compar. of lowen (gl. letus) Vocab., W. llawen, Br. lauen.
loys 284, grey, W. llwyd, Ir. liath,
Inehes 2149, lightning, luhet (gl. fulgur) Vocab., W. lluched,
luen-besy 3592, to fully heseech (pesy), luen-vanneth 217, füll
blessing, luen-yehey(s) 1835, füll healing,
lur 4218, luyr 2263, ground, floor, W. llatcr, Br. leiir, Ir. Idr.
lusu 2094, ashes, W. lludw, Br. ^udu.
lugh 1557 = loch (gl. vitulus), Vocab. The Irish reflex seems
Itacc, the gen. pl. of which occurs in the Täin b6 Cnalnge,
LU. 65 b 16: co ffeotär oc Liasaib Liac, iss^d ainm in puirt
sin, üair doringset liassu fora loegu and (*for there they
built sheds for their calves'), and also in datm-liac, dam-
liac, LL. 282 a 2, 5. From *leikko-, ^leig-nö-, Lith. linguti.
Skr. rejate,
lost 153, 1102, 2028, Itist In luyst 1824, the y seems inserted
to make a rime with Crist,
lycor 1512, liqtwr.
lych see rechys.
lyche 240, liege, Fr. lige.
Ijm 2604, Sharp, W. llym, Br. lern,
lyn 3504, blood,
lyne 1993, Une, MBr. lignen ^linea', W. llinell, Uinyn.
lynneth 6, lynnyeth 333, Uneage, MBr. lignag.
lyynnyou 4446, sheets, Br. lien 'tela', W. lliain, pl. llieiniau.
mab lyen 3163, sttident (lit. son ofreading), pl. mebyen lyen 516,
1345, 4158. Ir. ntagc Ugind.

(delwedd D6323) (tudalen 126)
maga, to feed, a vagas Crist gans 56 leth 155, p. part. p. megys
3886, 4464, = MBr. maguet, W. magu.
Mahum 761, 2356, Mahoniet
1. mal 685, a desire.
2. mal in the curse mal my sehe ff regis doga, 3746, mayl 1408,
1469, seems borrowed from Fr. mal.
mal-be dam 864, 1019, 1478, an imprecation, meaning, perhaps,
*evil be to me!'
malbeu 1581, malbe 3303, meaning obscure.
malys 3642, swaddled, cogn. with Fr. maillot, Eng. mail, Lat
mammethon 1675, pl. of mammeth = mamaid (gl. altrix vel
nutrix) Vocab.
mammou 1538, pl. of mam mother, Br. mam.
1. maner 902, manner, pl. manerou 289, Br. manier.
2. maner, manor, Eng. pL maners 305, Br. maner.
manhot 3174, manhood.
mans 695, 787, 4182, 4211, mans (gl. mancus). From 0. Fr. mans,
Loth. The Br. manc is from tnancus.
mark 3953, impv. sg. 2 of markia to mark,
marchont 1880, merchant, from Fr. marchant
mamers 587, 597, Eng. pl. of mamer * mariner',
martegen 61, perhaps, = martesen. Br. martese, Z.» 726.
marthys-claff 3788, wondrotis sick, marthys densa 40, a wondrausly
good man, marthys rond 3408, wondraus round.
maryag 177, maryach 332, marriage.
maryys 312, p. part. p. married.
Maryon 3565, Mary.
mas in the phrase mas ran 1060, 3342, 4440, but a part, only
some, mes 81. Borrowed from Fr. mais.
maseger 1378, a corruption of messeger q. v.
master 82, mayster 76, master, pl. mestresy 3313.
mata 1916, 600, 3711, a mate, pl. matis 956.
mater 1626, 2694, matter 4045, matter.
mayl see 2. mal.
mebyl 1688, chatti^h, 0. Fr. mueble, Lat möbüis.
medel 2979, for the organic medhel 0. 928, W. meddai, Br. megd,
Ir. medhal (gl. panca).
meen 1406, mean, Fr. moyen.
megyans 25, 2025, 2034, 3879, deligkt, W. mawsiamt.

(delwedd D6324) (tudalen 127)
mellya 1128, 2454, 3459, melya 375, to meddU. From 0. Fr.
menstrels 2511, Eng. pl. of menstrel, 0. Fr. menestrel
mentine 2685, to maintain, menten 977, 1185, 2346, Fr. maintenir.
In 3518 mentons seems for *mentnons = maintenance.
mentenonr 3023, 3499, mainiainer,
menystra = Br. ministraff, the venystra 523, menystrys 999.
Cf. W. menestyr, Corn. menistror (gl. pincerna), 0. Fr.
merkyl 2052, miracle, pl. merklys 688, 2527.
mercyabyl 2173, merciful.
mergh 177, daughier, W. Br. merch, Lit. mergd ^maiden'.
mersyw 14, if it he,
mery 292, merry, AS. mirig.
messeger 90, meseger 34, maseger 1378, MBr. messaiger * nuncius ',
0. Fr. messckgiety from Lat. missum,
mes-sent 3398, *a good {m^ from mos) scent'.
mestrigy 198, schooling? a deriv. of mestr? Fr. tnaistre,
meth 339, 2019, 2452, 3397, shame, dy-veth, de-veth, shameless,
Br. mezz * honte', Ir. metlia ^coward'.
methek 731, 4245, Br. mezec 'medicus'. Hence
methegyeth 1487, = W. meddygiaeth,
metheven midmmmer'f mes metheven 4303, June, W. mehefin,
Br. mezeuen, Ir. mis mithemain, LL. 44 a 37.
methou 1045, 3734, drunken, = W. meddw, Br. mezo.
metya 1070, 2280, 3207, to meet, metyaff 4186, ny a vet 2295,
metijs 4186.
meule 1166, disgrace, = W. mefyl, Ir. mebul
meyny 1548, 3162, household, 0. Fr. meysnee, Ital. masnada.
mo ha meten 2738, ^evening and moming': the mo is perhaps
akin to W. much 'gloom'. (For loss of final guttural cf.
heihou 3235.)
''Inoghhea to greaten, moghheen 1265, moghheys 313, 3306, W.
mwyhau, Br. muia.
mogh 955, a mockery. The gh (1. e. ch) pointe to the cc in Low
Lat. muccare muccum ejicere.
moghya 1544, most
moldra 1189, 1718, to murder, MBr. muntraff,
mona 1672, money, Br. monneiz.
Monfras 2338, 3370. The man is perhaps = Br. mon ' excrement '.

(delwedd D6325) (tudalen 128)
morel 2111, hlack, dark, 0. Fr. morel, Ital. mareüo.
iiioK^k 2131, Htinking, derived from *mos = W. murs *raiik'.
moKtye Hr>7, inoKtya 3863, to defile. Cognate with Eng. musty.
iiiotbyK 1275, motes,
nioy graciuH 192, more gradous: so moy warthy 4389.
inoyH F. table, pen an voys 281, 0. Com. muis mensa, 0. W. muiss
(gl. (liHci), Ir. miaa.
niunyH 1)6, 3223, little, Bret. munud, 0. W. munud = Lat. mmfi^u^.
In the 0. ('oi*n. munutolau (gl. fomilium) the dental is preHerved.
mur-reveron« 3734, great reverence: mur-worthyens 2684, mur-
worthyann 8846, great worship. mur-thadder 528 great
goodness (dadder).
niUHCUgyH 4(^3, distracted, crajsed, p. pari. p. of a denom. from
muscok, cogn. with Ir. mesgach *intoxicated'.
muter 3010, a mitre, — niytour 0. 2615, Br. mintr.
muvye 260, to move,
Myha! 2077, Michael
myl-guen 3166, pl. of milgy D. 2957, greyhound, Ir. milchü,
inyl-wytk 915, 1229, 3510, a thousand times.
mylluslon 3805, pl. of '^milus lousy, cf. Ir. mil 6taig huse.
myllyou cans 2270, 2471, thotisands of hundreds.
myn lip. 2879, 2;W5, 2655, drefe the v}ti 1450, myn-gou 2379,
2655, Br. min.
n^'8i^eff, 780, mkickief, 0. Fr. meschef
m>'8yott 803, pl. of mys, a month, Br. mis,
mytenie 4, king, \V. mychteym.
uammur 590, namor 1414« 4215, not mmch, W. netmanr.
naiu^sus 1554« hoh;^ there iSy nam now, Lhuyd.
uaiu u,Yg-en 1 hhis almosi? namnag-en?
ttaiH>l U63, 2220« i^7, for nep-petl *soinewhat long'.
uapva l^« h map?
uapyth 3570« for Hethpyih, uep-peytk 0. 327. nep^ik R 769.
aase von 240 1 uascon 2918« 294^ natüm. Br. maciom.
uasw^th 468« medle. W. Hodu^ydJ. Br. nkuiü^fj.
uattur 1973« nature, Br. mUur,
ueW au fa 2616 uebet;^ an fa.
uefibrea 4461« ~ - ueffrv ou. u^ffr^u pesy alwuffs a-prayimg.

(delwedd D6326) (tudalen 139)
nel 3993, strength, = nell. Oognate with AS. snell celer,
nes 2590, alliance? na rossen nes, Br. nesaat 'faire alliance'.
From *ned'to, root ned *to bind', whence also Ir. im-nise
Ä, coimhcheangal, O'Cl.
neys *nes, (MS. 1309, 3619, nearer, in neys = W. yn nes, Br. nes, Ii\ nessa). Hence
nesse coming near, in ou nesse 1968, Coming near to me, in y
nesse 4443, coming near to him, MBr. nessat
nessevyn 387, 1100, 1954, 1984, a neighbour, From the superl.
*nessaf (= Br.nessaff, Ir.nessam *proximus'), bs guelhevyn
from *guelMf.
newores, only in the phrase yn neivores 4350 * in extremis ', perhaps
cognate with ynnewer 103.
newyth 167, youth, cogn. with Skr. navya, Ion. r&Tog,
nobil noble, 3017, 3930, Br. nobl
nobyl a noble (coin), 3338, pl.(?) noblennou 2281.
nor, for dor, earth, then nor-veys 1690.
norter 287, nurture,
north north, an barth north 3427, north ysl 664.
noswyth 1779, a certain night, W. noswaith. So dethwyth 2145,
*on a certain day'.
notyes 188, notijs 2772, notyys 3131, noted, p. part. p., MBr. notaff.
nowothow 768, 3315, news,
noyys 2711, noisc, MBr. noas Humultus'.
nuk 2409, from Fr. nuque? war nuk bacJcward^, a nominal prep.,
like those in Z.^ 693, 697.
nombus 566, 590, / have not. n}Tnbus, 0. 356.
numbyr 1516, 3999, numher.
numdarfe 3727, numdarfa 1477, 1808, / h<id.
nycoth 1626, from nyth goth, as y coth 1934, from yth goth.
nyg:yogh 4331, fly ye, impv. pl. 2 of nyge, nija, Br. nija, W. netdio
*salire, saltare', Lat. näto.
nygythys 2448, negethys 777. See plosethes.
nynsues 291, is not, nyns}Ti 2102.
nyth 3302, = neid (gl. nidus) Vocab., MBr. nezs, W. nyth, O. Ir.
net, gen. nit.
nythus 2373, non tibi est, cf. nathues R. 1391.
nyver 1539, numertis, W. nifer, MBr. niuer.
AjchlT f. oel%. Leaükogr»pliie. 9

(delwedd D6327) (tudalen 130)
obaya 3535, to obey, 'STB, oboissaff,
oberou 4490, pl. of ober from Lat. opera, MBr. ober *facere'.
offendia 4529, to offcnd,
offiynnya 3392, to off er, offrynnyaff 3300, / offer, A denom.
from offeren^ MTJr. Offerent, = Lat. offerenda,
ogoyH für ogo«, vicinity, in the ogoys 1106.
üla to waep, ty an n-oyll 929, 3572, ou thola 1609, for outh ola,
an ou tlmmwul 2366, for outh umwuL W. wylo,
om 147, 245, 657, me, del om kerry 269. From orth-m, Ebel.
omager 3482, from Eng. homager ^vassal'.
om-brene 1252, to redeent (prene) one's seif.
om-c-onfortya 3080, to comfort one's seif, om confort 3071.
()m-(l(uuui 3474, to tvithdratv (tenna).
om-(l()k 2344, bear thysclf, om-thegen 3451, we bear ourselves,
om-g(^llyH 4120, for omwhelys, omhelys 4190, overthrown.
om-g(^uuM' 1882, betakes (kemer) one's seif
om-^^tM'Hyo^'li 29i) (from om-kei^syogh) please yourselves,
om-jclowuKb 709, ye feel (clowugh) yourselve^, W. ymglywed. The
Nimplex oooiuns in 0. 1990: ny glews}iig savor an par-ma
Mion sentiistis odoi-em huiiis similem'.
om-golhougli 1642, mish yoursehes.
om-jri'ua 477, vmu^vs itself, is caused,
om-guythe 533, 1347, 1989, om-gujnha 1339, to ieep one^s seif
onbht^ivs 3iUU>, ommems 2560, to help (wheres) ane's seif.
om-lt^tli 2491, >Y Utthr. to fiyht
om-panison 3244, ht us prep<tre onrselves.
om'prtHlH\v 2857, to bethink ones seif.
om-pivvY lUU, to pn>ve ones seif
ompynut^u 1274, hntins, ympvüujon R. 1011, impinion (gl. cerebmm)
om-rv Ääix, 2122, 2127, to yive ones seif.
\uu-t besten, s^ oiudok.
v^'thovas orphim. 1827, \V. arnddifiuL Br. emdmat, now emzivad.
\>n U2l, 4l>ä8, 4UU, a lamb. \\\ oen. Rr. oam, Ir. uam.
oaeu (4M ushtree. me as pee iiulau oneu '1 will par them with
au asht'U stick' ^^Wmj^X Rr. oumenm 'franniß*.
^.vi^Y 315i (/Hly.
ojvu 4U>, 67v.\ opyu-vrtt^lj-s 4152.
opetY 2lU3w to (/^wroA?? Se^ oberou.
oratrv 6;^. <$o4, 3^>54, (m (»raivfy.

(delwedd D6328) (tudalen 131)
Order 353, an arder (of knighthood).
ordys 521, 529, eccUsiastical Orders, W. urdd, pl. urddau (eglwj^s).
omogh 1190, ord^ ye^ ornys 2966, ordered, for ordenough, ordenys.
orttef 905, to me, orth-en 1023, at the.
ote in nag-ote that tliou art not, 377.
othommek 1504, wanting, needing, derived from othem 356, Br. ejsomm,
our-lyn 1965, stüc, lit. gold-flax, W» eurlin.
out! 942, 921, an interjection.
outlayer 926, 1866, outlaw.
overcummya 4012, to overcome.
oy 3302, egg? = wy 3953. The uy (gl. ovum) of Vocab. and Cath.
palgy 4483, pcUsied people,
palys 266, 1860, palace, MBr. palaes,
pana 642, what?
panak 3104, whatever, for penag 764, 0. W. pinnac.
pap 1713, 2723, 2966, pope, MBr. pap.
par 1 86, a peer, a mate.
parcel 1542, 2358, a parcel
pargh 2488, a sparing? MBr. parc 'parcus'.
parlet 515, 1468, 2862, 3917, a prelate.
part 473, 2155, 3252, a pari
party 3477, a party.
parusse 3122, compar. of parus 'ready, prepared', parot (gl.
coctus), W. parawd, from Lat. parätus.
pastel amorsei, Br.pastell, IjB,tpastillus,pastellaff^fr\i&teiteiCere,
pau 3362, paw, foot, pau-gen (gl. pedula) Vocab., MBr, j)rm.
pedrevanns 4218, to crawl? Cogn. with pedrevan limrd.
pedrys 3053, putrid. See poder.
pee 3264, 3329, 3337, to pay, pegh 975, peys 3299, peys da
2706, 2975.
pegans 696, 4292, pittance.
pelys 3418, peeled, pyle 3423, 3430, to peel, pillage, pylse 3828,
res-pela 1269, W. püio, MBr. pillaff. Fr. piller.
pement 1932, pemont 1476, 1924, 3331, payment.
pendrama 678, 727, 3814, what shall I do? ^ pe-an-tra-graf-ma
(cf. pendra wrama R. 2219).
pendrellen 1065, 2355, tohat should I do? = pe + an + tra
+ gnrellen.

(delwedd D6329) (tudalen 132)
pendrus 1412, what are (in), =^ pe-an-tra-us, peiidryii 2015, 20iti>,
pandryn 107, what is, ^ pe-an-tra-yii.
pendrussis 379, wkat ihm didst, = per + an + tra-gnissis.
pen-g:asen 3927, meaning obscure.
pennotli 440, hareheadcd, ^ W. pennocth, Ir. nochtchen».
pen-plas 2268, a chief place.
pennou 1045, pl. of pcti 'Itead'.
pen-sevyk 489, 3022, 3209, a prince = pendevig (gl. piiiiceps)
Vocab. derived from *pendav, *qennotamo-s.
penys, ty a penys 1819, ikou shall do penance.
penys penance, ou thyr penys 3885, pj-nys 164, ~ \\. peui/d, Rr.
pened, Ir. pennait.
perfect 19, 214, see parfeth. MBr. jmrfet
perlieonek 16, owner, — O.W. pcrcJu'wiuc, pvrchrnnmtc Laws
78, 560.
perthy 3576, to pari.
peryllya 615, to impcrü, iffir. pirUla/f 'perire',
pes 4548, peace.
pesef 21 1, peseff 323, 1007, I beseech, Br. pedaff, from Lat. pelo.
petb 431, 430, 1043, 2038, n'ealth, peyth 445, pyth 2038. 2042.
petycion 4300, petition, MBr. peticion.
plass, plas 227, 22ö8, 2286, palace (W. plas). See palj-s.
plas 4298, place, corniptly plaeth, 4562, MBr. place 'platea',
plemyk 3314, plummet, dimin. of phm = W. pltvm 'plumbuin'.
plesya 166, to please, plesyes 139, plesijs 194, 219, guel pleaijs
3181, MBr. plesant 'placidus'.
plet 610, plight.
pleysonr 1567, phasiire.
plos 3058, fdth. Comjjds, plos-bratliky 1216. -iouden 778, -maiTek
2444. Cf. MBr. plouscrm 'stramen'?
ploaek-caugyan 3255, dirUj hog.
plosethes 3527, formed from plos, as mostethts 'filth'. from mos/,
and, perliaps, negethys 111, nygythys 3972, from 'nyg, Fr.
niqvc, niche, whence MBr. niehiff nuii'e.
pluven 71, a pm, Br. pluvenn. From Lat. pluma.
pobell F. 242. people, an bobil 1154, W. and Br. pohl From a
Low Lat. pop'lus.
poder 3085, ^= W, pwdyr, Lat. putris. Cognate are podi'ek 3048,
p^ttrid. podren 3323, poddi'eu 2290, stinkard. podretiieJc
541, 3061, 4205, rotlm, pedi-ya 3053, W. pydredig.

(delwedd D6330) (tudalen 133)
polge 659, 1338, 1347, 3655, a corruption of pols, 0. 934, from
Lat. pulsus (uenanun).
pollou 4190, pl. of poU, a pool
ponfeys 1606, ponfos 1984, 1986, 2803, ponvos 1995, pain,
vexation, irouble. From poen (pl. ponow) + hos.
poren 1810, = MBret. perguen 'propremeut, nettement', Rev.
Celt. Vn, 157.
porhel 1557 = porchel (gl. porcellus). W. and MBr. porchell.
porpos 56, 725, 988, 2789, purpose, a porpos 2146.
pors 2089, purse,
poth 3066, perhaps W. pwd ^ the rot in sheep \
poynt 1403, in poynt da en hon point: cf. W.pwyntio huwch *to
fatten a cow' (Rh^s).
poys 1453, heavy, grievous, W. pwys *poids', Lat. pensum.
poscessyon 2400, possession, MBr. possession.
pottis 1272, pl. of *pot, pudding, entraüs. W. potten, Ir. putöga.
power 160, power,
poyt 3325, pot, MBr. pot 'olla'.
pray 1872, prey. From the English. W. praedd, Br. preijs, from
Lat. praeda.
prence 516, prince.
present 3397, presont 3402, a present, MBr. presant.
presner 2461, 3724, 3730, presnour 3717, prisoner, MBr. prisoner.
preys time, in guelhe preys 3757, ' in best time ', Macbeth HI, 4,
de trfes bonne heure.
preyst 2141, quick, W. and Br. prest 'quick', from *prMus,
preysys 2352, praised, p. part. p.
preytha 1410, 1417, = preys-da good time, MBr, pret *tempus'.
princypall 253, principal, MBr. principal.
pris 121, a meal, pl. pre^gyou 1972, W. pryd,
procescyon 1861, procession 4174, MBr. procession.
proff 2404, proof, MBr. prouff,
profia 485, 1116, to prove, me a provy 1870, proffsel427, prevys
676, W. profi, MBr. prouffaff.
promes 2594, a promise.
pronter 522, 785, 1903, 2550, a priest From Fr. provendier (Loth).
puns 1464, 2592, a pound, pl. punsou 2579.
1. pur when (pe-ur), 1253, 1896, 4186, MBr. pe ur ' quando '.
2. fxv: pure, 1518: pur-ker 3640, -colonnek 202, -dek 2669, -dyson

(delwedd D6331) (tudalen 134)
4296, -gerys 398, -goeth 1979, -guyryon 2147, -hond 2414,
-lan 1795, -lowen 1407, -othomek 4207, -vesy 3374, -nith
3309, -salou 1710, -schaff 3290.
purfeth 283, 1546, perfectly, W. perffaith, Br. pervez,
purpur 1966, purple, W. porphor, Lat. purpara.
pyborion 4563, pl. of pybor 'piper', derived from pib musa,
MBr. pip.
pybough 2511, pipe ye\
pynys 164, penance. See penys.
pyraga 395, 1050, wherefore? praga 1032, 2236, 2099, 2273,
3622, = pe + rak + e.
pyst 2438, 0. 2641, brayed, from Lat. pistus.
pytethays 1678, pitiful,
pythays 918, pietatem?
quarel 2588, 3485, a quarrel
quartron 980, quart[r]on 1548, quartren 1541, a quarter, quartrona 3608, to
queth 1929, 1967, garnient. Cognate with cuthe = W. cuddio,
quik 1334, 2089, quick,
raffna 1871, 2091, 2144, to raven, to roh,
ragovy 2057, 2115, for im,
ran = re an, ran sens in neff hy tJie saints in heavenl 399,
ren 1809. See regen, regis.
ras 4380, pl. rasou 3917. Not 'a mutation of gräs\ as Williams
says, biit the Cornish reflex of W. rhad, Ir. rath *grace'.
ree 3328, too much, Cf. re-dount, re-wan, ry.
rebon ny 3906, by us (reb from Lat. ripa),
receva 1095, 2877, 4281, to receive, recevas 4254.
rechys 2524, pl. of *rech = Fr. rets, as lych 2832 = lits, list.
reken 2836, a reckoning, Hence rekna 799, to reckon.
recorde 1629, records, MBr. record 'recordari'.
re-dount 3570, too lofty, see tont,
redya 19, 2807, to read, del redyn ny 446.
reelder 2942, royalty, MBr. real 'royal'.
reff 2555, = W. rhyf presumption,
regen 1331, 1758, = re + agen us; regyn 3883.
regis 3746, = re + agis you: regys 3031.

(delwedd D6332) (tudalen 135)
regniis 760, reigning, a pret. part. pass. having an active signification
here, as in lafuryys 1567 and tregys 816. MBr. regnaff ' regner '.
remembra 1002, to refim)iber, remembrogh 1250, 2161, 2835,
remembrons 2831.
remenant 2503, = 0. Fr. renmnant, remainant, part. pres. of
remanair, Corn. remaynya.
remyu 3544, an remyu = an re-ma yu, these are,
rent 3264, rent, MBr. reni. Fr. rente.
reoute 1867, 2018, 2042, rennte 2985, sway,
repentya 1898, io repent
repreff 1770, 3120, reproof, Mid. Eng. repreve,
reson 844, 3457, reason,
resortya 2269, to resort, 0. Fr. resortir,
restoria 3594, to restore, restoryans 4398, restoryes 4398, restorijs
3786, 4235, MBr. restauraff,
renler 2718, ruler.
renlya 2847, to rule, reulys 488, rewlys 257, renlijs 315.
renlys 69, pl. of renle (0. Fr. reule) 3817, where mes ay reule is
comparable to Lat. de-lirtis, Reol (MBr. r^wf) is the nsual
form, and comes from r^gula, Ir. riagol from regula,
reverans 3852, reverens 83, 208, 232, 2897, reverons 3148, 3754,
MBr. reuerance.
re-wan 3539, very weah (gwan).
reward 1546, reward, Hence rewardya 3261, rewardeys 89.
rewys 3057, frozen, reu (gl. gelu) Vocab., W. rhewi, Br. revi,
ON. friösa.
reyu 2385, from re + gou 'too false'?
robijs 2064, robbed, p. part. p.
rond 3408, round,
routia 2368, to rout, to break,
routyytli 2453, from Eng. rout *to assemble in a Company',
roweth 313, 357, 4539, sway?
ruen 1968, horsehair, = W. rhawn, MBr. reun 'seta', sa£ renn
* cilicium '.
1. nun 628, = ra + m, rum-gedya may he guide me\
2. nun by my, 463. See ran.
rath 3309, red, W. rhuddy MBr. rus.
rathy 908, in the plirase l-yns es ou ruthy. Meaning obscure
to me.

(delwedd D6333) (tudalen 136)
ry 1590, intensive prefix, = re-, Ir. ro-.
rychys 443, riches, rychyth 429, 432, 2043, where final s has
become sharp th, as in fath 944, spath 942, plaeth 4562,
croyfh 4183.
rydome 4007, AS. riceddm 'regnum'.
sa 3711, for *s(t)am, stand up.
sacre 2951, to consecrate, sacris 352, sacrys 521, 2760, MBr. sacraff,
sakyrfj'S 3384, a sacrifice, MBr. sacrißce.
sacrenients 997, sacranients, MBr. sacramant
salou 1513, pur-salou 1710, Br. salo, from Lat. salvtis.
salvascon 886, 1248, 3051, salvation.
Sans 4404, a saint, pl. sens 399: sans holy, in sans-eglos 1320,
1876, 2826, MBr. sant
sansesou 579, pl. of sattes, fem. of sans.
sansoleth 137, holiness, W. santolaeihy Br. santdaez.
Satnas 8513, Satanas, MBr. Sathanas,
saiunent 1373, 1638, salve,
sa^•y^u• 4226, saviour,
sawer 1453, «iroiir, MBr. saour: de-sawer 4135, unsavoury.
SÄWya 1658, 4224, sawye 1474, sawys 1505, y-sawys 1518.
skaldys 2107, p. part, p. of *skaldya to scald, for which we have
solaldya 3059.
schant 3929, scanty. a^ant 658, scantlor 4459, schan(t)lour 543,
scarce etiough. hardly,
soappys 1030, escajwdy p. part, p. schappyons 2469, they escape.
skyeutoletli 157, skentoleth 1774, hkotcledge, MBr. squient.
5iii*hÄkya^ 2313 =: schakya + ag^ to shake their.
si'liHiue 1626, shamt\ ^\\m\\\^ 420, shamctL p. part. p.
soheiwwa 3269. moc^t sh»vwish,
Si^horj-s ik>l, 26o;\ shuaiHg /i7.n? Cf. MBr. scoru 'gelu'?
schyhvjni ;v>91, - - \V. ys^ilnryn * white-na^HiJ * (Wms.).
s^'Iaudra 3747. to cAmrfrr. M. Eng. schwmtnt.
sklyttkj*a 4214, to sImL to anrp.
sct>lo 11, >YA<Hk/. s^\4 i^srl. sohola^ Vooalu MBr. ä^.
si»llj^ 1 107, ;^>iM, to spilL MBr. >miUotf • r^pandre '.
Äwme ;>ik\ c2i^>r»». Hemv scomya ;xv\ to s»t»rH,
ÄVl ;^4iV fHwmtnt. from AS. .<*'*>/, 0, Fr. cdhi/, or M. Lat. scotum.
SCTXX^ 71, Hrriiim^^ W\ j^^^/o. Br, .<irWro.
ÄTiplor 4iv4^ cci'Wi^fKiY. scryinur 27. MBr. striptmr.
^nimbla Ä>i2, frv^m E»g. .<wiw^r mo dm^g* ^Halliwell).

(delwedd D6334) (tudalen 137)
skynnya 1275, to fall
skyrennou 3404, pl. of shjrenn = O.W. scirenn (gl. Stella 'splint'),
MBr. squejsrenn ^estelle de bois', Cath.
secund 2198, second.
setha 266, to set
selwadour 539, 4320, saviour, from Lat. scUvatörem,
selwans 1009, 2026, salvation, MBr. selueU ^salvare'.
sempel 1994, 3389, from Lat. mnplus, pui'-sempel 2459, 2567,
sempel-los 2256, Br. sempl 'faible'. (MBr. sembl)
sen-Luk 391, saint Luke.
sensy 2279, 2292, 2588, to hold, sens 3007. From *sesny, Br. saesinaf,
seposia 2445, to suppose, soposia 459.
servons 2329, cervons 3651, servants.
servys 2678, 3200, service, MBr. seruig.
sery (fery?) 1901, mage sery avel hok. Obscure to me.
sesya 1032, to seize, sesyogh 3526, sesijs 972, 3545.
seson 993, 3857, season, cleves seson 1000, seson 680.
settyn 3010, let us set, settyen 3168.
sevell worth un pris 121, to fast, lit. to ahide hy one meal (Rh^s).
sevureth 938, from severitas?
sewa 2359, sywa 383, 1115, to follow, Fr. suivre.
sewagya 1004, to assuage.
snel 3368, snell 4342, AS. stiel, NHG. schnell See nel.
socour 3024, 3191, socur 3866, sokyr 2466, 2738, 3339, 4262,
succour. Hence
socra 592, 3187, to succour, me ny socra 2565, socrys 3820.
sol for sevel (MBr. seuell), in sol 1878, 2747, up\
soll-a-deth 2940, for a long time.
sollebreys 1845, = solabrys Z.^ 621, some time ago,
somper 3980, sans pair,
sona = W. swyno. See dorsona.
soudoryan 798, soudoryon 1190, pl. of soudor ^soldier'.
soueran 246, sovran,
soweny 3336, to thrive? ny sewen 1915, Br. seven *fort, qui croit
beanconp ', seveni * accomplir ', Emault, who brings the word
from ^sta-m-in.
soyth 2292, suite, sensy soyth to follow,
sparya to spare, spar 2345, sparyogh 1196, 1502, 1614, sparyough

(delwedd D6335) (tudalen 138)
spas 1012, 3979, spath 942, space (time). Also speys 668. MBr.
specyly 1509, especially, spesly 3965, MBr. special,
spede F. 1090, sjyeeil Hence si)edya 75, to speed, spedie 218, ny
a sped 2531, ny sped 2694, spedijs 470.
spejTia 937, 1949, 2820, to spend (ex-pendere).
sport 1026, sportt 1871 sjwrt (disport). Hence sportya 3204,
3214, 3932.
spyt 3456, spite (despite).
squattis 3053, p. i>art. p. of squattya, seems cognate with Eng.
qkiat, sqtiosh. The Danish sqvatte *to splash, squander^
oomes neai*est in foim.
squenlya 3915. to fear, squerdis 1281.
squeth tU^'^, irrtiry. Br. seui^, Ir. seith,
iiquyer 57, sciuire, 0. Fr. esquier,
stak 13i>8, ^ Br. stäg 'attache, lien'.
stai> '^286, (I Step, from AS. sta?p,
stat 422, 437, vstate. Hence statya 413, to limit an estate.
sttH*kys 3554, the Stocks.
Stoff 14A^, 186V\ eash. 3167 icealth, goods, Eng. (household) stuff.
stopja U23, /() ,s/()/).
stiwliya 13VHK Fn>ni Eng. stretch 'to walk in a dignifled manner \
st nq»ya to strlfK inipv. pl. 2. streppyogh 1929, strepys 1933.
stuthya 1490, stethya 1495, to study, MBr. studiaff.
stvward 2221, stvwart 2363. steicard.
Nuir iK)2, snre, MBr. sur 'secunis'.
siil suel, py siil 1604, siü voy 2351, Br. seul moy seul
nuiy, Z.^ 931.
Hnst(»u 1961, 4291, sustenance.
nyiU^v 4451, eider, MBr. sistr.
syKlit 519, 1786, 1814. 2414, 3823, 3939, 4216, 4434, sight.
syiu^ «n grous 4057, 4066, sign of tJie cross.
sytlu'» 595, 1820, 4568, a weel', seitluin (gl. ebdomada) Vocab.,
MBr. suun. Ir. seehtmain, from septimana.
laklays 3001, fackled, arraged.
laly, (o pag, reeompense, conj. sg. 3 ren tala! 558, 755, W. talu.
lau lUM, takc thon. tannegh 960, take ye. Cogn. with W. ^ynni«,
Hr. tenmtff) Lat. ten-do, teneo.

(delwedd D6336) (tudalen 139)
langes 2106, a hlcuse, W. tandod.
tanou 514, feto. So tanow R 2462 and Cr. 121, Ir. tana.
tarosvan (MS. tarofvan) 2566, a phantom.
tarthennou 1423, tertians, les-derth[en] (gl. febrifugia), Vocab.,
Br. terzyen fever, W. teirthon.
tasek 2852, = Br. tadek ^patemer.
tassens 2328, 3427, perhaps hohf father (tas + sans).
tava to tauch, me a dava 2367, Br. tafha *to taste',
tavem 3308, a tavern, MBr. tauarn.
teball 162, evtl: tebel-art 2364, -cregyans 4170, -dorne 1284, -el
969, -genesek 2387, -pref 4133, -speris 2631, -vest 4127,
-vryans 3502, -wolijs 2490, -wythreys 4123. Etym. obscure.
urbritt. ^tepelö-s, root teq, in Lith. teku *fliesse, laufe'?
tekkeys 1601, beautified, p. part. p. Cf. W. tegychu 'to embellish'.
tekter 408, faimess.
tellek 3492, perforated, formed into a noose: from toll 'hole',
templys 1721, temples, MBr. templ
tempre, to tarne, me an temper 163, me as temper 1164, MBr. teniperaff, Lat. temperare.
temptacc/on 3858, temtacyon 145, temptation.
temptye to tempt, temtyogh 501, 2048, temptijs 1101, MBr. temptaff.
tender 115, from the English, or Fr. tendre, MBr. tener,
tennou 2965, pl. of ten a pull, MBr. tenn 'tractus'.
tereth 632, land, better tireth. See ternans, teryou.
teria to tarry, ou theria 968, W. tario also borrowed.
ter-lemel 2100, to skip. The prefix ter (= Ir. tair from to-air)
is also in ter-miscetidon (gl. soUicitos), W. ter-fysgu.
ter-nans 3933, land of the volley (nans).
teryou 385, pl. of tir 'land'.
test 3750, testis, MBr. test
teudar 759, a man's name.
teule 3680, dark, W. tywyll, MBr. teflhal, Ir. temel.
tejrthy 2644, joumeys, = W. teithiou, pl. of taith = Ir. techt
theth 705, to thy.
tokyn 4325, token.
tont 3470, from Eng. taunt 'lofty'. re-dount 3570.
top 1976, top.
tormentoris 950, tormenters, torturers.
tormontya 973, to torment, to torture, MBr. tourmantaff.

(delwedd D6337) (tudalen 140)
tos 80, a small cup, Eng. tot
tountya 3300, to tease, Eng. taunt (Halliwell).
traule, pup tra-ule 4473, everything, = pnp tra + oll: cf. pub
teyoll 'every day', Pas. 228.
treas 3520, p. part. p. of trea, to dry.
treasur 51, treasure, MBr. tensor *thesaurus'.
treddeth 3895, three days, where the s of tres is assimilated, as
in treffer 2191, 'three fairs', tremmyl 1539, 'three thousands',
and tremmys 1491, 'three monihs\
treg-se 2215, a dwelling seat.
trelyes 163, tamed, p. part. p. of trellya, = W. treillio,
trest 301, 494, tmst, ol ou threst 3195. Hence
trestye 2045, to trust, me a dryst 67.
trestyns 2255, sadness, deriv. of trest, borrowed from Fr. triste
or Lat. tristis.
trettya 1393, 2030. From Eng. to tread,
trewythyon 4460, meaning obscure.
treysy 2399, grains of sand? cogn. with W. traeth?
treytour 1203, 3435, traitor, MBr. traytour.
ti-obla 949, to trouble, MBr. trouhlaff,
trogel 1926, 4367, hody, Ir. troidt
troha 2780, trohe 1102, totcards them.
trompys 276, pl. of tromp, 'tmmpet', MBr. trompü.
trou hole, trou nasweth 468, *tron d'aiguille'.
truethek 2152, piteotis, trewethek 3823, is = in form to Br.
truvzek 'qui est enclin i
la pitie', in meaning, to W. trueddus, Br. tmezus.
trumach (leg. trumath?) 1075, a passage, trumeth, 0. 1650, W.
truspus 1987, truspys 1116, 1123, trespass, violence,
trussogh 1552, 1554, from Eng. truss *to pack up, to make
ready'. Rhys compares W. troswch.
tucliys 4258, p. part. p. of tuche to touch, D. 2311.
tum 1778, = toim (gl. calidam) Vocab., MBr. toem, W. ttvym,
The mos clohmn of Bodl. 572 is ingeniously corrected by
Loth into mas doimn or nias toimn metal en fusion, MBr. W. twymn.
turant 3206, turent 3246, tyrant, MBr. tirant
tykly 1455, ticklish.
tyn-colmennou 3626, strait bonds.

(delwedd D6338) (tudalen 141)
♦tyrha io Und, re dyrhays 2243, W.
tytel 2371, title, MBr. titr,
ufer 3001, vain = W. ofer,
ugoreff 3689, to open, W. agori, egori.
ule = oll see traule.
um-wul 2366, to maJce one's seif. See om-grua supra.
nnctis 4272, anointed, having extreme unction.
un-ferheys 2982, one-minded, cf. un-ver, Pas. 39, 3.
ungiis 4282, anointed,
universite 78, university, MBr. uniuersite,
un-woys 235, of one blood (goys),
uryn 1444, urine, MBr. orin.
uskys 1265, quickly, M. W. escut, now esgud.
usyogh 4260, tise ye, practise ye, MBr. usaff * uti '.
uvelder 2941, 4328 (read, perhaps, vuelder), humility, MBr. uueltet.
varijs insane, 1006. In den varijs the v seems a scribal error
for 6. Cf. W. bar 'tuTj\
vastya 3613, to waste.
vecyl 1519, vessel,
velyny 841, villainy, disgrace, MBr. bilen *vilain'.
vers 4435, verse,
ves 3113, for aves, away.
vexijs 2630, vexed, p. part. p.
vodya 1012, 2028, 2856, to void, to quit, impv. sg. 2, voyd 2414.
vyketh 892, ever, = vyth-queth 0. 616, 1991, D. 1251, byth-queth.
vyctory 2498,. victory, MBr. uictoer.
vyl 462, vilely, vyl pen pyst 2438, MBr. uil
vyngya in darvyngya 2396, perhaps taJcing vengeance, MBr. uengeaff.
vytel 275, victual, MBr. uitaill, 0. Fr. vttailles,
wagys 3265, pl. of wage, D. 1187.
war 1103, wary, 2047 beware.
wamavy 4000, on me.
war-van 1450, 3671, sursum, from war and ban 'mountain', as
war-nans ^deorsum' fi'om tvar and nans * Valley'. So yn
ban, yn nans.

(delwedd D6339) (tudalen 142)
wegennou 1565, sweetlings, tar whegennou, a deriv. of tvhek
*sweet', W. chweg,
welcum 216, p. part. p. welcummys 226.
wer 1402, aileth, p. part. p. werys 1412. For wher, wherys. Cogn.
with W. chwarel, Nhg. schwäre,
wesse 1476, for ves, a mutation of mes 'month'.
wehes 2069, sixth, W. chweched. The usual Comish form is
wheffes = Br. chotie&hved,
wetha 601, wethugh 276, for whetha Ho blow', toheihugh 'blow
ye'. From *svett-, Ir. fet *sibilus', Br. hucz * flatus',
worshypp 22, worschjTp 360, 2985, worship.
worthy 82, 207, 232, 2946, worthy.
wy 3953, uy (gl. ovum).
wyght 3550, weight
yaghheys 1500, cured, p. part. p. of a verb = W. iachau,
Sarlijs 294, pl. of yurl (gl. comes) Vocab., AS. eorl
yeman 3303, yeonian.
Seys 607, to confess, p. part. p. sesseys 2162, 2747, 4272, 4279
= AS. gesed *confessed'.
ygyn 3426, in cur.
yl 3331, iU.
ymach 1805, 3789, yamach 3785, image, MBr. imag.
yn-dan 180, under.
ynnewer 103, late? = W. yn-hwyr?
ynnewores 4350. See newares.
ynocens 1708, innocents.
yrgh 3055, snow, irch (gl. nix), Vocab. W. eira, Br. er(fh. From
y-sawys 1518, Eng. y-saved, as ^esseys from gesed.
ystennogh 3321, extend ye, W. estyn.
ytte 3417, behold itl
P. 211, 1. 28, read deer 2883 rcnifwr, pres. ind. pass. of do« = W. dod.
London, April 1897. Whitley Stokbs.