(delwedd J9003) (tudalen a001)
A Glossary of Dialectal
Place-Nomenclature to which is appended A List of Family Surnames pronounced
differently from what the Spelling suggests.
By Robert
Charles Hope. 1883.
St. Peter’s
College, Cambridge.
Editor of
Barnebe Googe’s “Popish Kingdom” &c.
Marshall & Co.
John Hagvard
(Threakston & Co.), S. Nicolas’ Street.
(delwedd J9004) (tudalen a002)
(delwedd J9005) (tudalen a003)
The First Edition having been received with such unqualified approval, both
by the press and by the public, encouraged the Author to prepare this Second
Edition, with considerable additions. Several important alterations in the
form of the work have been made, which it is hoped will be found an
improvement as well as an advantage. The Towns and Villages appear in
alphabetical order, and also under their respective counties, affording
greater facilities for the finding of particular places. For much valuable
help, generously given, the Author tenders his most grateful thanks to,
amongst others, the following Ladies and Gentlemen, whose
(delwedd J9006) (tudalen a004)
contributions have
assisted materially in the production of the present volume: —
Rev. Professor
Skeat, M.A.;
Rev. Chancellor Parish, M.A.;
Rev. J. T. Fowler, M.A., F.S.A., M.R.C.S.;
Rev. J. Charles Cox;
Rev. W. H. Sewell, M.A.;
Rev. Cyne Randolph, M.A.;
Rev. J. Hamblin Smith, B.A.;
Rev. Thomas Lees, M.A.;
Rev. ]. Langhorne, M.A.;
Rev. Elias Owen, M.A.;
Rev. J. Bowstead Wilson, M.A.;
Rev. W. F. Rose, M.A.;
Rev. R. E. Cole, M.A.;
A. J. Ellis, Esq., F.R.S.;
A. Wallis, Esq.;
T. Holderness, Esq.;
C. H. Poole, Esq.;
C. Roach Smith,
Esq., F.S.A.;
W. Robinson, Esq.;
W. H. $. John Hope, Esq., B. A., F.S.A.;
R. Holland, Esq.;
A. H. Brown, Esq.;
W. Spurrell, Esq.;
$. Swithin;
Miss Courteney.
Any additional
Names of Places, or of Families,
however few, will be thankfully received by the
Author, Albion Crescent, Scarborough.
(delwedd J9007) (tudalena 005)
PREFACE..... v.
(delwedd J9008) (tudalen a006)
Of all the subjects
taken up by the English
Dialect Society, to whose indefatigable labours
we owe so much, it seems strange that the subject of
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature should have been almost
entirely overlooked. From the great and increasing
interest taken in the study of Place-Names it is the
more unaccountable. To supply this oversight is
the primary object of the present work. Professor
Skeat, writing to Notes and Queries, 6th S., ii., 50,
truly remarks — "In attempting a collection of Place-
Names I hope it will be born in mind that what
we want is the list of them, with the earliest
spelling where they can be ascertained, (to which
may be added the local pronunciation when differing
(delwedd J9009) (tudalen a007)
from that suggested
by the ordinary mode of spelling, which often proves the correct one of the original
name). The Etymology of Place-Names is extremely difficult, and on that account
is absolutely revelled in by the guess-makers, because they know how hard it is
to confute them. . . . The Place-Names of England are of great interest and value;
let us not discredit their value by unworthy associations with modern guess-
The local cognomens,
like the daily language still sometimes spoken in our various Counties, are fast
disappearing, and if those remaining are not soon collected, they will be irretrievably
lost. Every name given is either well known to the Author, or has been vouched
for by persons residing in the districts, of whose reliability there can be no
possible question. In consequence of the great size of the County of York, it
has been deemed advisable to denote the Ridings in which the "Places"
are situated; thus the East, North, and
(delwedd J9010) (tudalen a008)
West Ridings are represented
individually by the initial letters E., N., or W.
The addition to the
volume of the list of Family Surnames, pronounced differently from what the spelling
suggests, will not be found altogether use-less or devoid of interest. A difficulty
has been met with, from the fact that there are instances of families of the same
name, adopting different modes of pronunciation to each another; the one given,
is the best known to the Author, or has been supplied to him from undoubted sources.
With reference to the pronunciation of the name Coke, the following anecdote may
not be out of place: — "When Sir Edward Coke was sent to the Tower, they
punned against him in English. An unpublished letter of the day has this curious
anecdote — The room in which he lodged in the Tower had formerly been a kitchen,
and on his entrance, the L. C. J. read on the door the Legend, 'This Kitchen only
wants a Cook.’ “
(delwedd J9011) (tudalen a009)
The list of Names of
Rivers appended is very short ; no doubt a very much larger one might be made.
Professor Skeat, writing
to the Author, says: — "The chief thing that strikes me, is that it would
be convenient to have some exact mode of representing pronunciations — such as
‘Glossic,' vide Mr. Ellis's tract on it. Pronunciations given in approximate spellings
cannot always be understood." While thanking the learned Professor for his
kind suggestion, it has been thought, that as the majority of persons do not understand
"Glossic," to have published it in such a form, would have rendered
it, to many, a sealed book; should, however, a third edition ever be called for,
a fourth column of "Glossic" may be added; other reasons than the one
alleged, prevented the addition of such a column in the present edition. The kind
indulgence of the press and of the public, for all the shortcomings in this volume;
a considera-
(delwedd J9012) (tudalen a010)
tion of the many and
great obstacles to be met with in its compilation, and an honest desire to make
the work as complete and accurate as possible, is the sincere desire of the Author.
Velocipede riders, and
tourists generally, will find this little work of great utility when travelling
about the country. The rustic has often a very different pronunciation for his
own, and surrounding villages, to what, from the usual mode of spelling, might
be expected, and completely fails to comprehend when he hears them pronounced
in any other way than his own.
(delwedd J9013) (tudalen a011)
16 For Ballinjm read Bullingm
19 For Carsum read Carsun
21 For Colsil read Colesil
51 For Oduim read Odium
58 For $. Orlbarnz read $. Orlbanz
67 For Threkingum read Threckingum
88 For Bochif read Bee-chif
110 Feltum should be after Garboldisham,
Page 111.
155 For Pool, Cary read Pool-Cary.
Adwalton Atherton
Yorkshire, W.
Adwick Addick
Yorkshire, W
Aglionby Allonby
Albourne Allbourne
(delwedd J9014) (tudalen a012)
tion of the many and great obstacles to be met with in its compilation, and an
honest desire to make the work as complete and accurate as possible, is the
sincere desire of the Author.
(delwedd J9015) (tudalen 001)
1 Dialectal Place-Nomcnclaturc.
Pronunciation. County.
Abergainy Abergamy Abergenny Monmouthshire
Acaster Yakkister Yorkshire, E.
Acomb Aacomb Yaccam Yorkshire, W.
Adel A-dle Yorkshire
Adisham Adsum Kent
Adwalton Atherton Yorkshire, W
Adwick Addick Yorkshire, W.
Aglionby Allonby Cumberland
Albourne Allbourne Sussex
(delwedd J9016) (tudalen 002)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 2
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Aldbourne A-burn Awburn Wiltshire
Alcester Alster Auster Warwickshire
Aldborough Aubruf Awbero Ollbro
Yorkshire, E. Orlbur Norfolk
Aldby Audby Cumberland
Aldchurch Orlchurch Worcestershire
Alderley Edge Audley Edge Cheshire
Aldersley Ortherly Staffordshire
Alderwasley Allerslee Annerslee Derbyshire
Aldingbourne Alldingbourne Sussex
Aldrington Alldrington Sussex
Alford Arlfold Surrey
Alfreton Offertun Derbyshire
(delwedd J9017) (tudalen 003)
3 Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Alfreton Orlfretun Derbyshire
Alfriston Allfristun Arfstun Sussex
Allerton Ollertun Lancashire
Almondbury Ambry Awmbre Omeby Aambre Yorkshire, W.
Almondsbury Amsbury Gloucestershire
Alne Horn Yorkshire, N.
Alnemouth Aylemouth
Alnwick Annick
Alresford Allsfud Hampshire
Alrewas Arlus Staffordshire
Alsager Auger Ausager Cheshire
Alston Austun Cumberland
Althorpe Authrup Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9018) (tudalen 004)
4 Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Alton All-tun Hampshire
Altrincham Altringam Cheshire Autojam Autrinjam Thrutchm
Altringham Atchum Shropshire
Alvanley Auvanly Cheshire
Alvaston Auversun Orlvustun Derbyshire
Alvechurch Allchurch Worcestershire
Alverdiscot Alscot Devonshire
Alverham Aarum Nottinghamshire
Alvescott Alscott Oxfordshire
Alvington Allington Gloucestershire
Alwalton Allerton Huntingdonshire
Alwoodley Gate Anley Gate Yorkshire, W.
Ambrosden Amersden Oxfordshire
Amesbury Ambry Wiltshire
(delwedd J9019) (tudalen 005)
5 Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Amotherby Amerby Emmerby Yorkshire, N.
Aoon Orn Banffshire
Applehaigh Abbledah Yorkshire
Appletreewick Applewick Yorkshire
Ardingley Arding-ly Sussex
Arkholme Arram Lancashire
Arleodon Arlton Cumberland
Armuthwaite Armwit Cumberland
Arundel Arndle Sussex
Asliburnham Eshbrum Sussex
Ashill Ashul Norfolk
Aeshin Lancashire
Askerne Ascrum Yorkshire, W.
Astockby Aselby Lincolnshire
Aslacton Asletun Norfolk
Aspatria Spâadtry Cumberland
Aston Assn Derbyshire
(delwedd J9020) (tudalen 006)
6 Dialectal
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Athelbampstone Atheltun Suffolk
Athelington Allingtun Suffolk
Attingham Atcham Shropshire
Atwick Attic Yorkshire, E.
Aughton I-tun Nottinghamshire
Aumser Arn-mer Norfolk
Avebury A-bury Wiltshire
Averham Airham Nottinghamshire
Avrton Gifford Autun Jiffud Devonshire
Aycliff Yackley Durham
Aylsham Elshum Elsum Norfolk
Ayott Ait Hertfordshire
Ayton Yattun Yorkshire, N.
Ayton, Little Canny Aytun Canny Yattun Yorkshire, N.
Baber Borber Norfolk
Babingley Beverley Norfolk
(delwedd J9021) (tudalen 007)
7 Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Badgeworthy Badjery Gloucestershire
Badingham Baddegum Suffolk
Badlesmere Bardsmere Basmere Kent
Bagworth Bagurth Leicestershire
Bailiffe Bridge Belley Brig Yorkshire, W.
Baithley Bale Norfolk
Bala Bah-la Merionethshire
Balcombe Borl-cum Sussex
Bale Baithley Norfolk
Barfrestone Bars'n Barstun Kent
Barkisland Barsland Yorkshire, W.
Barkston Barson Lincolnshire
Barlborough Balbro Derbyshire
Barnard Castle Barney Cassel Durham
Barnardiston Bernstun Suffolk
Barnborough Barmber Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9022) (tudalen 008)
8 Dialectal
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Barnby-on-Dun Barmby Dun Yorkshire, W.
Barnetby Barnaby Lincolnshire
Barnoldswick Barnowick Barlick Yorkshire, W.
Barnsley Bairnsla Yorkshire, W.
Barnstaple Barnstupple
Barum Devonshire
Barrow Barrer Derbyshire
Barsham Bashum Norfolk
Barugh Barf Bark Yorkshire, W.
Barwick Barrick Norfolk
Basford Baysfud Nottinghamshire
Bastingham Bazyngame Norfolk
Basingstoke Bâzing-stoke Hampshire
Bastwick Barstwick Norfolk
Bawburgh Babur Borber Norfolk
(delwedd J9023) (tudalen 009)
9 Dialectal
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Bawdenwell Bardsell Bordsell Norfolk
Bayards Green Bayars Green Bears Green Oxfordshire
Beaconsfield Beckuns-fld Buckinghamshire
Beaminster Bemmister Dorsetshire
Beauchief Bee-chif Derbyshire
Beaulieu Bewly Hampshire
Beaumaris Bo-marris Bo-moris Anglesea
Beaupore Bew-per Glamorganshire
Beckbrooke Begbrook Oxfordshire
Bedale Bee'dle Yorkshire, N
Bcdingfield Beddenfcld Suffolk
Bedworth Beroth Warwickshire
Beeford Beefath Yorkshire, E.
Beeston Beesun Norfolk Nottinghamshire
(delwedd J9024) (tudalen 010)
10 Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Belaugh Bee-lô Norfolk
Bellingham Bellinjam Northumberland
Belper Bilper Derbyshire
Belvoir Bee-ver Leicestershire
Bensington Bensun Oxfordshire
Berkeley Barkly Gloucestershire
Berwick Berrick Sussex
Bermondsey Bumonsey Surrey
Bessingby Beznby Yorkshire, E.
Bettws-y-Coed Bet'toes uh Kode Carnarvonshire
Bewholme Bewan Yorkshire, E.
Bexhill Baxhill Sussex
Bicester Bister Oxfordshire
Bicton Biccun Shropshire
Biddeford Bidefud Devonshire
Biddenham Bidnum Bedfordshire
Biddulph Moor Biddle Moor Staffordshire
Bildeston Bilstun Suffolk
(delwedd J9025) (tudalen 011)
11 Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Billingford Bellingfor Norfolk
Binghclure Burclere Hampshire
Bircham Barchm Norfolk
Birchover Bircher Derbyshire
Birdsall Bodsill Yorkshire, E.
Birkthwaite Burthut Cumberland
Birmingham Brum Brummajum Warwickshire
Bisham Bissun Berkshire
Bishopsfrome Bishfrome Hampshire
Bistre Beastbree Beasttree Flintshire
Bixton Bix'n Norfolk
Blackfordby Blôfurdby Leicestershire
Blackwell Bleckle Cumberland
Bletchingly Bletchinglye Surrey
Bloxwich Bloxidge Staffordshire
Blythborough Blybro Suffolk
(delwedd J9026) (tudalen 012)
12 Dialectal
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Bobbingworth Buvvinger Essex
Bodiam Bodj'm Sussex
Bodlestreet Green Boodle Street Sussex
Bollington Bollit'n Cheshire
Bolney Boleney Sussex
Bolsover Bouser Derbyshire
Bolton Bô-tn Bow-tn Lancashire
Bonsal Bonser Derbyshire
Bonvilston Bolstun Glamorganshire
Booth Dean Booith Deyne Yorkshire, W.
Booth Town Boors Taan Booith Taan Yorkshire, W.
Boraston Burraston Shropshire
Borrowash Burro Wash Burros Ash Derbyshire
Bosham Bos-ham Sussex
Boston Bawstun Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9027) (tudalen 013)
13 Dialectal
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Botesdale Badsdale Budsdale Suffolk
Bothal Botal Northumberland
Bothamsall Bottomsall Nottinghamshire
Bottesford Bots-urth Bots-uth Bots-wurth Lincolnshire
Bottisham Botsum Cambridgeshire
Boultham Boothum Lincolnshire
Boulton Boletun Boot'n Derbyshire
Boveney Buvny Buckinghamshire
Bovey Tracey Buvvy Devonshire
Bracebridge Bracebrig Lincolnshire
Bradford Bradfurth Yorkshire, W.
Bradwell Bradell Essex
Braithwell Brewell Yorkshire, W.
Bramcotte Bruncut Warwickshire
(delwedd J9028) (tudalen 014)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 14
Name Pronunciation. County.
Bramford Brahmfud Suffolk
Brampton Brantun Cumberland
Brampton Brian Brawn Shropshire
Brandon Brand Norfolk
Brassington Brassn Derbyshire
Brathay Brathur Lancashire
Braysworth Braysur Suffolk
Breaston Breesun Derbyshire
Brecknock Breckon Westmoreland
Brecon Breckun Brecknockshire
Brentford Brainford Branford Middlesex
Brentwood Burntood Essex
Breasingham Bressengen Norfolk
Brewood Brood Staffordshire
Brideston Biddestun Devonshire
Bridlington Bollingtun Yorkshire, E.
Brighouse Brighus Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9029) (tudalen 015)
Place-Nomenclature. 15
Name Pronunciation. County.
Brighthelmstone Brytun Sussex
Brightlingsea Bricklesea Essex
Brislington Bustun Somersetshire
Brockdish Brô-dish Bror-dish Norfolk
Brockford Brockfud Suffolk
Brockholes Brockhoiles Yorkshire, W.
Brodsworth Brods-uth Yorkshire, W.
Bromborough Brumbro' Cheshire
Bromley Brumley Staffordshire-
Brompton Brumptun Kent Brumptum Bruntun Yorkshire, N.
Bromwich, West Brumidge Staffordshire
Brookhampton Brockingtun Gloucestershire
Brotherikeld Butter Ilket Cumberland
Brough Bruff Derbyshire
Brougham Broom Westmoreland
(delwedd J9030) (tudalen 016)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 16
Name. Pronunciation. County.
FAULTS ESCAPED THE PRINTER’S VIGILANCE. Page 16 For Ballinjm read Bullingm
Broughton, Church Church Brortun Derbyshire
Buckenham Buck-num Norfolk
Bucklow Hill Buckley Hill Cheshire
Buildwas Bildus Billwus Shropshire
Bulkington Buckingyun Warwickshire
Bullingham Ballinjm Bullinjam Herefordshire
Bulpham Bulham Essex
Bumvell Bun-ell Norfolk
Burdale Bod-ill Yorkshire
Burgh Burg Lincolnshire Burrer Norfolk
Burlington Bollitun Yorkshire, E.
Burnby Bonby Yorkshire, E.
Burstwick Bostweek Yorkshire, E.
Burton Bot'n Yorkshire, E. Bottun Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9031) (tudalen 017)
Place-Nomenclature. 17
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Burton Pidsea Bottun Pidsa Yorkshire, E.
Burwash Burrish Sussex
Burwash Weald Burrish Weel Sussex
Bylaugh Bee-lô Norfolk
Cadeby Catby Yorkshire, W.
Cadenham Cadnam Hampshire
Cader Idris Kad-er E-dris Merionethshire
Caerleon Kar-leen Monmouthshire
Caius Keys Cambridgeshire
Carn Kendzlick Kenidjeck Cornwall
Caldecote Corket Norfolk
Caldwell Kaulder Yorkshire.
Calke Abbey Cork Abbey Derbyshire
Calthwaite Cawthut Cumberland
Cone Suffolk p.147
Calva Cova Cumberland
Calverley Cawvla Yorkshire, W.
Calveshay Classy Somersetshire
Canonfrome Canfroom Herefordshire
(delwedd J9032) (tudalen 018)
Place-Nomenclature. 18
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Canon Pyon Canon Progown Herefordshire
Carew Carey Pembrokeshire
Carhampton Cramptun Somersetshire
Carisbrooke Kaizbrooke Hampshire
Carlisle Carell Carlile Curlile Cumberland
Carmarthen Kar-mar-thn Carmarthenshire
Carr Lane Carr Loin Yorkshire, W.
Carshalton Case-halton Case-hortun Kays-hortun Surrey
Carsington Carsun Norfolk
Cartworth Cartwoth Yorkshire, W.
Caston Carsun Cumberland
Catsfield Catsful Sussex
Catwick Cattick Yorkshire, E.
Caverham Cânum Suffolk
(delwedd J9033) (tudalen 019)
Place-Nomenclature. 19
Name. Pronunciation. County.
VIGILANCE. Page 19 For Carsum read Carsun
Caversfield Casefield
Cawood Coward Yorkshire, W.
Cawston Carsum Norfolk
Cawthorne Cawthron Cawthrum Yorkshire, W.
Chaddesden Chadsun Derbyshire
Chaddesley Chaggeley W.orcestershire
Chalvington Charsiton Sussex
Chantlingbury Shankbury Sussex
Chapel-en-le-Fritb Chapple Frith Derbyshire
Charwelton Charltun Northamptonshire
Chatham Chattum Kent
Cheadlc Hulme Cheddle Eume Cheshire
Chedgrave Chedgruv Norfolk
Chellaston Chellassun Derbyshire
Chelmondeston Chemstun Suffolk
Chelmsford Chemsfud Essex
Chevet Chete Yorkshire
(delwedd J9034) (tudalen 020)
Place-Nomenclature. 20
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Chichester Chidstur Sussex
Chidcock Chiddick Dorsetshire
Chiddingly Chidding-lye Sussex
Chiswick Chiz-ick Middlesex
Cholmondeley Chumley Cheshire
Cholmondeston Chumston Cheshire
Church Broughton Church Brortun Derbyshire
Churchdown Chôzun Gloucestershire
Churwell Churrill Yorkshire, W.
Cirencester Cisiter Ciziter Serenster Sister Gloucestershire
Claverley Clare-ly Shropshire
Clehonger Clonggur Herefordshire
Cleobury Mortimer Clebbury Clô-bury Shropshire
Cley-next-the-Sea Cly Norfolk
(delwedd J9035) (tudalen 021)
Place-Nomenclature. 21
Name. Pronunciation. County.
PRINTER’S VIGILANCE. Page 21 For Colsil read Colesil
Clifton Cliffun Gloucestershire
Cloughton Clo-tun Clowtun Yorkshire, N.
Cockley Cley Cockley Cly Norfolk
Coggeshall Cockshall Cogshall Coxall Essex
Cogshall Cockshall Cheshire
Colby Cole-by Norfolk
Colchester Cole-chester Cou-chester Essex
Coley Cooaley Yorkshire, W.
Colkirk Coal-kirk Norfolk
Collycroft Collycraft Warwickshire
Colney Co-ney Norfolk
Colsterworth Coatsworth Coltseralt Lincolnshire
Coltishall Colsil Norfolk
(delwedd J9036) (tudalen 022)
Place-Nomenclature. 22
Name Pronunciation. County.
Coltishall Coltsul Norfolk
Colveston Colstun Norfolk
Colwich College Staffordshire
Colwich Collick Nottinghamshire
Colwinston Colstun Glamorganshire
Condover Cundover Shropshire
Congleton Congertun Cheshire
Coniscliffe Cunscliff Durham
Conquesbury Coomsbury
Consall Cunsall Staffordshire
Convent Garden Common Garden Covent Garden Middlesex
Corthingstock Costock Nottinghamshire
Corsham Cosham Wiltshire
Cosham Coo-ham Hampshire
Costessey Cossy Norfolk
Cotherston Cutherstun Yorkshire, N.
Cottenham Cotnam Cambridgeshire
(delwedd J9037) (tudalen 023)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 23
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Coton Cowiton War wickshire
Cowen Cow-en Scotland Cô-en England
Cowlinge Coolinge Suffolk
Coxwold Cookwood Yorkshire, N.
Cranswick Cransick Yorkshire
Cranwich Cranice Norfolk
Cranworth Cranner Norfolk
Crediton Kirtun Devonshire
Cressingham Crissenjim Norfolk
Crich Crych Derbyshire
Cromford Crumfud Derbyshire
Cromwell Bottom Crumill Botham Nottinghamshire
Crostwick Crossick Norfolk
Crostwight Corsit Norfolk
Croughton Crowtun Northamptonshire
Crowborough Crowbor Sussex
Crowle Croole Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9038) (tudalen 024)
Place-Nomenclature. 24
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Croxton Park Crôsn Park Crôstun Park Crôzen Park Leicestershire
Cruxton Cuxstone Kent
Cuckfield Cookfield Cuckfull Sussex
Cudham Coodam Kent
Cudworth Cooduth Cudoth Yorkshire, W.
Culworth Culloth Northamptonshire
Cumberworth Cumber-woth Yorkshire, W.
Cuperham Keppernum Hampshire
Dalbury Dorlbury Derbyshire
Dalling Dorling Norfolk
Dallington Dollington Sussex
Dalston Dawstun Cumberland
Danbury Dâ-enbury Essex
Daresbury Darsbury Cheshire
(delwedd J9039) (tudalen 025)
Place-Nomenclature. 25
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Darlington Darntun Durham
Dartmoor Dartymor Devonshire
Dartmouth Dartymuth Devonshire
Davenham Dagnum Essex
Davenham Dane-um Cheshire
Daventry Danetry Dauntry Northamptonshire
Debach Debbage Suffolk
Denbigh Denby Denbighshire
Denby Dale Demby Dale Yorkshire, W.
Denholme Dennum Yorkshire, W.
Derby Darby Derbyshire
Deopham Deepum Norfolk
Dcptford Detfud Kent
Dereham Dareum Norfolk
Dewsbury Daouzbry Dewsbre Yorkshire.
Dincestow Dinaslow Monmouthshire
(delwedd J9040) (tudalen 026)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 26
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Dittisham Ditsum Devonshire
Docking Dockun Norfolk
Dodworth Dod-uth Yorkshire, W
Dolgelly Dol-gethly Merionetshire
Donington, Castle Dunningtun Dunnitun Leicestershire
Dovedale Duv-dale Derbyshire
Dowthorpe Doo-thrup Yorkshire, E.
Driffield Dhrifful Yorkshire, E.
Duckingfield Duckenfelt Cheshire
Duls Coppice Doo-cups Hampshire
Dunningworth Dunnurth Suffolk
Durham Dore-um Dorm
Eardswick Yarsick Cheshire
Earsham Ar-shun Norfolk
Easington Ezingtun Ez-ntun Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9041) (tudalen 027)
Place-Nomenclature. 27
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Easingwold Eseingwood
Yorkshire, N.
Eastbury Ice-bury Berkshire
Easton Ese-un Norfolk
Ecchingswell Etchinswcll Berkshire
Edenhall Ede-nal Cumberland
Edensor Ensur Derbyshire
Edw.instone Edensta Nottinghamshire
Egglescliffe Eagles-cliff Excliff Yorkshire
Eglinham Eglinjam
Elland Yelland Yorkshire, W.
Entwistle Tinsul Lancashire
Epworth Eppwith Lincolnshire
Erpingham Arping-gam Norfolk
Escrick Escrit Yorkshire, E.
Eskdale Ashdale Cumberland
Etchingham Etching-ham Sussex
Etruria Truria Staffordshire
(delwedd J9042) (tudalen 028)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 28
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Etruria Trury Staffordshire
Evenley Eamley Northamptonshire
Evesbach Ezbridge Herefordshire
Evesham E-sn E-sham E-sum Worcestershire
Evenny Wenny Glamorganshire
Eyam Em Derbyshire
Eye Aye Suffolk
Falmer Farmer Sussex
FambridgFahmbridge Essex
FangfossFankess Yorkshire
Farnley Faernley Yorkshire
Farnworth Farnoth Lancashire
Faulkbourne Fobern Essex
Fawkham Fakeham Kent
Fearnal Heath Furnul H. Worcestershire
Felmersham Fensum Bedfordshire
(delwedd J9043) (tudalen 029)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 29
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Felmersham Fenshum Bedfordshire
Fersfield Farsfield Norfolk
Finiber Fimer Yorkshire, E.
Finningley Finlah Nottinghamshire
Flemingston Flimstun Glamorganshire
Flitwick Flittick Bedfordshire
Flixton Flee-sn Yorkshire, E.
Flotmanby Flotnby Yorkshire, E.
Foleshill Foicehill Warwickshire
Folkingham Fockingham Lincolnshire
Folkington Fowington Sussex
Folkton Fowtun Yorkshire, E.
Fouldon Fouden Norfolk
Foulsham Foul-sum Norfolk
Foxeton Foxtun Cambridgeshire
Fox-le-henning Foxnailin Cumberland
Framlingham Frammingham Suffolk
Fransham Fransum Norfolk
(delwedd J9044) (tudalen 030)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 30
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Fransham Frarnsum Norfolk
Fritwell Frittell Oxfordshire
Frocester Froster Gloucestershire
Frodsham Fradsum Cheshire
Frome Froome Somersetshire
Fulmodeston Full-mes-tun Norfolk
Funtington Fundan Sussex
Gainsborough Gainsber Lincolnshire
Gamblesby Gammelsby Cumberland
Garboldisham Feltum Garblêsum Norfolk
Garendon Garitun Leicestershire
Garston, East Argisun Berkshire
Gayton Gytan Norfolk
Gestwick Gestic Norfolk
Giethwaites Giefitts Yorkshire
Gillerthwaite Gillerthet Cumberland
Gipping Gip'n Norfolk
(delwedd J9045) (tudalen 031)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 31
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Glandford Glanfer Norfolk
Glasbury Glaizberry Radnorshire
Glencoin Lenkerrin Cumberland
Gloucester Gloster Gloucestershire
Glyndyfwydwy Glindowdwy Wales
Gnosal Nosle Shropshire
Goathurst Go-thurst Somersetshire
Godalming God-alm-ing Surrey
Godnestone Gunstun Kent
Golcar Gowker Yorkshire
Goldthrop Go-thrup Yorkshire
Gonerby Gunnerby Lincolnshire
Gooderstone Goodsun Norfolk
Goodmanham Good-ma-dm Yorkshire, E.
Goodnestone Godstone Gunstone Kent
Gotherington Guthertun Gloucestershire
Goudhurst Gowdhurst Kent
(delwedd J9046) (tudalen 032)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 32
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Goxhill Gousle Lincolnshire
Goxhill Gousal Gowsill Yorkshire, E.
Gracedieu Grasedy Leicestershire
Grappenhall Gropnal Cheshire
Grassington Girstun Yorkshire, W.
Grassmere Gursmer Westmoreland
Graveney Grainey Kent
Greenwich Grinidge Kent
Gresley Greezly Derbyshire
Gressenhall Gres-lin Gres-nel Norfolk
Gretworth Greatworth Greetworth Oxfordshire
Grimston Grimsun Norfolk
Grindall Grundill Yorkshire, E.
Gringley Grinley Nottinghamshire
Gristhorpe Gricethrup Yorkshire, E.
(delwedd J9047) (tudalen 033)
Place-Nomenclature. 33
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Grundisbury Grunsbro' Norfolk
Gunthwaite Gunfit Yorkshire
Haddiscoe Hadsco Hadsker Norfolk
Hagnes or Hawnes Hains Bedfordshire
Hailsham Helshum Sussex
Halesworth Harsler Norfolk
Hallalum or Hallon Horn Shropshire
Halloughton Hortn Nottinghamshire
Halsham Awsum Hornsum Yorkshire, E.
Halton Hawtun Cheshire
Hamkedon Suffolk
Hanworth Hanner Norfolk
Happisburgh Hazeboro Norfolk
Hardingham Hardengim Norfolk
Hardwick Hardick Derbyshire
Hardwick Harrick Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9048) (tudalen 034)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 34
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Hardwick Haddick Norfolk
Harewood Harwood Yorkshire
Harewood Dale Harredale
Harwood Dale Yorkshire, N.
Hargham Harfum Norfolk
Harlaxton Harlastun Lincolnshire
Hartlepool Hartley-pool Durham
Hartshead Harchit Yorkshire, W.
Harwich Harridge Essex
Harwood Harrud Yorkshire
Harworth Harroth Nottinghamshire
Hachesdon Hayson Suffolk
Hatfield Hatfeld Hertfordshire
Hautbois Hobbies Hobbos Norfolk
Haverfordwest Harfoard West Pembrokeshire
Hawarden Harding Hard'n Flintshire
(delwedd J9049) (tudalen 035)
Place-Nomenclature. 35
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Hawarden Hord'n Flintshire
Hawes Hose Cumberland
Hawick Hoick Northumberland
Hawnes or Hagnes Hains
Haworth Horeth Yorkshire, W.
Haynford Hanfer Norfolk
Heathfield Hefful Sussex
Heaton Yetton Yorkshire, W.
Heckmondwike Heckonwick Yorkshire, W.
Hedensford Hechford Hedgeford Staffordshire
Heigham Hayum Highum Norfolk
Heighington Ainton Durham
Helhoughton Hellotn Norfolk
Hellesden Helsdun Norfolk
Hellingley Hellinglye Herringlye Sussex
(delwedd J9050) (tudalen 036)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 36
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Hemsworth Himswuth Yorkshire, W.
Heptonstall Hepponstel Yorkshire, W.
Hertford Harfud Hertfordshire
Heslington Hezlerton Yorkshire, N.
Heveringland Haverland Norfolk
Heveringham Hennygm Suffolk
Hewards Hawth Heywoods Heath Sussex
Heworth Hewith Yorkshire
Heydour Aselby Lincolnshire
Heywood Yehwood Lancashire
Hickling Hicklun Norfolk
Higham Hick'n Yorkshire
High Hoyland Hegh Huyland Yorkshire, W.
High Legh High Lee Cheshire
Hightown Hetaan Yorkshire, W.
Hindolveston Hilverstun Hindlestone Norfolk
Hipperholme Hiprum Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9051) (tudalen 037)
Place-Nomenclature. 37
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Histon Hissn
Hoathley Hoodlye Sussex
Hock Wold Hockold Wiltshire
Hodyoad Hoddyod Cumberland
Hoe or Hoo How Norfolk
Holbeck Hôbeck Nottinghamshire
Hulcot Huccot Bedfordshire
Holdsworth Hollder Holldeth Yorkshire, W.
Holborn Hôburn Middlesex
Holincote Honey cut Somersetshire
Holker Hooker Lancashire
Hollesley Hosely Suffolk
Holme Holl'm Norfolk
Holm Hall Home Norfolk
Holmpton Humpton Yorkshire Umptun
Holywell Green Hollywell Green Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9052) (tudalen 038)
Place-Nomenclature. 38
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Hone Hoone Sussex
Hooton Pagnall Hutton Pannell Yorkshire
Hopwas Hoppus Shropshire
Horsemounces Hurstmonceaux Sussex
Horstow Hostow Lincolnshire
Horningsea Hornsey Cambridgeshire
Horsham S. Faith Horsham S. Fays Norfolk
Hough Huff Cumberland
Houghton Hoetun Norfolk
Houghton Hoetun Sussex
Hoxne Hoxen Suffolk
Hughendon Hilchendun Hitchendun Buckinghamshire
Hullavington Hullington Wiltshire
Hull Senna Hosenna Cheshire
Hulme Hoom Lancashire
Humbleton Hummelton Yorkshire, E.
Hunmanby Hunnenby Yorkshire, E,
(delwedd J9053) (tudalen 039)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 39
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Hunstanton Hunstun Norfolk
Hurst Monceaux Harsmouncy Hossmouncies Hurstmounceys Sussex
Hutton Yuttn Yorkshire, E.
Hutton Buscel Hutton Bushel Yorkshire, N.
Hyde Heyde Cheshire
Idridgehay Ithersea Derbyshire
Iifracombe Ilfra-coom Devonshire
Ilkeston Ilsn Derbyshire
Elkley Eethla Yorkshire, W.
Ilsley Walton Easly Warton Leicestershire
Inbirchworth Burchwoth Yorkshire
Ipswich Ips-ich Ipswitch Suffolk
Irton Hott'n Yorkshire
Isleworth Ilswurth I-sle-wurth Middlesex
(delwedd J9054) (tudalen 040)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Isleworth Izlewurth Middlesex
Islip I-slip Oxfordshire
Jedburgh Jethart Roxburgshire
Kedleston Kelsn Derbyshire
Keighley Kleethla Keethly Yorkshire, W.
Kelsall Kelsa Cheshire
Kelswick Kelsick Cumberland
Kelvedon Hatch Keldon Hatch Essex
Kenilworth Killingworth Warwickshire
Kenninghall Kennigle Norfolk
Kersley Carsley Warwickshire
Keswick Kessick Norfolk
Keswick Kezzick Cumberland
Kexborough Kesper Yorkshire, W.
Keyingham Kenningham Yorkshire, E.
Keymer Kymer Sussex
Keyso Kayso Bedfordshire
(delwedd J9055) (tudalen 041)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 41
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Keyworth Kee-uth Leicestershire
Kidderminster Kiddy Worcestershire
Kilnwick PercyKillick P. Yorkshire, E.
Kinglyvale Kindervale Sussex
Kings Pyon Progown Herefordshire
Kinwarton Kinnertun Warwickshire
Kirkcudbright Kircoobry Kirkcudbrightshire
Kirdford Kirdfoord Sussex
Kirkby Thore Kirby Thuro Westmoreland
Kirkheaton Kurkyeaton Yeaton Yorkshire, W.
Kirkleavington Kilton Yorkshire, N.
Kirklees Kirkless Yorkshire. W.
Kirkoswald Kirkeasle Kirkuzzle Cumberland
Kirk Thorpe Kithrup Yorkshire
Kirton Kettn Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9056) (tudalen 042)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 42
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Kineton Keet'n Warwickshire
Knapton Nappn Yorkshire
Knapton Naptn Norfolk
Kneesall Kneaser Nottinghamshire
Kniveton Niftun Derbyshire
Knockholt Nockle Kent
Kyre Keer Worcestershire
Lacra Laacra Cumberland
Lammas Lam-us Norfolk
Lanehead Lomhead Yorkshire, W.
Langford Lang-fer Norfolk
Langharne Larne Carmarthenshire
Langhterton Loutertun Lincolnshire
Langwathby Langanby Langonby Cumberland
Lanyon Guvit Lennine Guvit Cornwall
Laughten-en-le-Morthen Lightning in the Morning Yorkshire
(delwedd J9057) (tudalen 043)
Place-Nomenclature. 43
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Laughton Loffn Lincolnshire
Launceston Lans'n Cornwall
Lavendon Laundun Bedfordshire
Lavington Lentun Lincolnshire
Leckhampton Lackington Leckingtun Gloucestershire
Leicester Lester Leicestershire
Leigh Laych Lancashire
Leigh Lie Surrey
Leigh Leyth
Leigh-on-Mendip Lie on Mendip Somersetshire
Leighton Buzzard Laytun Beande-scott Bedfordshire
Leinster Lenstur Ireland
Leiston Laysun Suffolk
Leith Leeth Scotland
Leitrim Leetrim Connaught, Ireland
(delwedd J9058) (tudalen 044)
Place-Nomenclature. 44
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Leizate Ledjet Norfolk
Leintwardine Lantwardine Lentwardine Herefordshire
Leman L'man Middlesex
Leominster Lemster Herefordshire
Letheringsett Larnsett Norfolk
Lewes Lu-is Lu-ez Sussex
Lightcliffe Leetcliff Yorkshire, W.
Lilleshall Linsell Shropshire
Lincoln Lincun Lincolnshire
Lindley Linly Yorkshire, W.
Linthwaite Linfit Yorkshire, W.
Litchurch Leechuch Derbyshire
Liverpool Lurple Lancashire
Llandudno Landidno Carnarvonshire
Llangollen Thlangothlan Denbyshire
Lockwood Lockerd Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9059) (tudalen 045)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Lofthouse Loftus Yorkshire, W.
Lolworth Lolo Cambridgeshire
London Lundun Lunnun Middlesex
Londonthorpe Lunnunthorp Lincolnshire
Longwood Longud Yorkshire, W.
Loose Lose Kent
Loughborough Luff-boro Leicestershire
Louth Low-ath Lincolnshire
Ludgvan Lidgun Cornwall
Lurgashall Ludgershawl Sussex
Lutterworth Littlewurth Leicestershire
Lyminster Linstur Sussex
Macclesfield Maxfield Maxfilt Maxlt Cheshire
Madron Maddern Cornwall
Mayfield Maevvul Sussex
(delwedd J9060) (tudalen 046)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County. 46
Maidstone Medstun Kent
Malham Mawn Yorkshire, W.
Malling Marling Sussex
Malling Morling Kent
Malpas Morpus Cheshire
Maltishall Matsel Norfolk
Malton Morltun Yorkshire, N.
Malvern Marvun Mollvun Morvun Worcestershire
Mancester Mancettur Warwickshire
Manghonby Maughonby
Manthorpe Mantrup Lincolnshire
Marfleet Marflit Yorkshire, E.
Margaretting Margetting Essex
Markeaton Mart'n Derbyshire
Marlborough Morlboro' Wiltshire
Marlingford Marlnfud Norfolk
(delwedd J9061) (tudalen 047)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County. 47
Marston Marsn Derbyshire
Marston Jabbet Mas'n Warwickshire
Martham Matham Norfolk
Marylebone Marrowbone Marrybone Middlesex
Masborough Mazbrer Yorkshire, W.
Mastock Mastick Sussex
Mattishall Matsel Norfolk
Maughan, Saint Maffin Monmouthshire
Maughanby Maffenby Moffenby Cumberland
Maultby Morby Norfolk
Mayfield Maevvul Sussex
Meaux Abbey Muce Abbey Yorkshire
Meddlethorpe Thelthrup Lincolnshire
Medmenham Meddenum Mednum Buckinghamshire
Melmerby Mellerby Cumberland
(delwedd J9062) (tudalen 048)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 48
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Meltham Meltem Yorkshire, W.
Meole Brace Meel Shropshire
Meopham Meffum Meppum Kent
Meriden Mere-den Warwickshire
Mersey Island Masy Island Essex
Merstham Maestrum Surrey
Merton Marton Norfolk
Methwold Methuld Muel Norfolk
Michaelchurch Mulchurch Herefordshire
Mildenhall Minal Minel Wiltshire
Milngavie Millgie Lanarkshire
Minehead Minyard Somersetshire
Minestred Minustred Hampshire
Minetry Myntry Wiltshire
Mirfield Mirfilld Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9063) (tudalen 049)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 49
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Misson Mizen Nottinghamshire
Moldash Molash Kent
Monewden Munnyden Suffolk
Monmouth Monmuth Munmuth Monmouthshire
Montgomery Montgumry Montgomeryshire
Moorthorpe Motherup Yorkshire
Morley Park Marley Pork Derbyshire
Mountnessing Munny-seen Munnys-end
Mousehole Mowsell Cornwall
Mowthorpe Moothrup Yorkshire, E.
Muggerhanger Morhanger Bedfordshire
Mundesley Munsley Norfolk
Mundford Munfer Norfolk
Nailstone Nelsun Leicestershire
Narford Narfer Norfolk
Navenby Na-enby Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9064) (tudalen 050)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 50
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Neatshead Neets-head Norfolk
Necton Naytun Norfolk
Needham Market Leedum Suffolk
Netherfield Nethyful Sussex
Netteswell Nets-well Essex
New Quay New Kee Kent
Newsham Newsm Lincolnshire
Ninfield Ninful Ninvul Sussex
Normanby Norranby Lincolnshire
Normanton Narmunton Leicestershire
Northbrook End Nôbacken Cambridgeshire
North Dalton Nor-Dot'n Yorkshire, E
North Dean Nordene Yorkshire, W.
Northenden Northen Cheshire
Northowram Northarum Yorkshire, W.
North Wold Norrel Norfolk
Norton Belleau Bio' Nortun Norfolk
(delwedd J9065) (tudalen 051)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 51
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Norwich Norridge Norfolk
Norwood Green Norrod Green Yorkshire, W
Nottingham Nottingum Nottingyum Nottinum Nottinghamshire
Nuneaton Yeaton Warwickshire
Nutshelling Nursling Hampshire
Oakham OokumRutlandshire
Oakhampton Ockington Devonshire
Odell Wudl Bedfordshire
Odiham Hodgum Odg-ham O-duim Hampshire
Offham O-fum Kent
Oldcoates Alecotes Nottinghamshire
Oldham Owddum Lancashire
Ollerton Owlertun Cheshire
Oreston O'sn Devonshire
(delwedd J9066) (tudalen 052)
Name. Pronunciation. County. 52
Osgathorpe Asgethorpe Leicestershire
Osgodby Ozgerby Yorkshire
Osset Ossit Yorkshire
Oswestry Oggestree Shropshire
Ottringham Ootringum Yorkshire, E.
Oughtrington Ootrington Cheshire
Oulton Oletun Norfolk
Oumeby Owmby Lincolnshire
Ousefleet Owsfleet Usslett Yorkshire, E.
Oversley Ford Oozly Ford Cheshire
Overthwaite Worfat Westmoreland
Overton Ortun Huntingdonshire
Oving Ooving Sussex
Ovingham Ovinjun
Ovington Overtun Norfolk
Owthorne Thorne Yorkshire, E.
Oxenthorpe Oxnup Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9067) (tudalen 053)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County. 53
Pailton Peltun Warwickshire
Pampisford Pancher Parnser Parnza Pauncer Cambridgeshire
Parham Parrum Sussex
Parwich Parritch Derbyshire
Paston Parsn Norfolk
Patrington Pathringtun Yorkshire, E.
Pavenham Pacton Bedfordshire
Pendlebury Pembry Lancashire
Pencombe Pankum Herefordshire
Penrith Peerith Perith Cumberland
Peover Peever Cheshire
Perlethorpc Palethorpe Nottinghamshire
Pershore Parshire Pawshaw Worcestershire
(delwedd J9068) (tudalen 054)
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Pettaugh Petter Norfolk
Pevensey Pemsey Pinsy Sussex
Pickenham Picknum Norfolk
Piddinghoe Piddinghoo Sussex
Pleasly Plezly Derbyshire
Plemondstall Plemstull Plimstun Cheshire
Plumpton Pluntun Cumberland
Ponghill Puffil Cornwall
Pontefract Pomfrit Yorkshire, W.
Pontesbury Ponsbury Shropshire
Pool Poo-il Yorkshire, W.
Portisham Possum Dorsetshire
Portishead Posset Somersetshire
Postwick Possick Norfolk
Poynings Punnings Sussex
Pyecombe Pye-coom
(delwedd J9069) (tudalen 055)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 55
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Quarndon Quorn Derbyshire
Quorndon Quorn Leicestershire
Radcliffe Racliff Ratliffe Lancashire
Rampisham Ransom Dorsetshire
Ramsden Balhouse Ramsden Ballus Essex
Ramworth Ranner Norfolk
Ratlinghope Ratchup Shropshire
Ravenhill Raffel Worcestershire
Raveningham Ranningham Norfolk
Ravenstone Râânsun Buckinghamshire Rarnstun Derbyshire Raunsone
Ravenstonedale Rissendale Westmoreland
Reading Redding Berkshire
Rcculver Recculver Kent
Redisham Reddishm Suffolk
Reepham Ree-fum Norfolk
(delwedd J9070) (tudalen 056)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 56
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Reighton Reetun Yorkshire, E.
Retford Redfud Nottinghamshire
Rhudlan Ridlun Flintshire
Rhyll Rill Derbyshire
Riarsh Rash Kent
Rievaulx Reevo Rivers Riv-is Yorkshire, N.
Rillington Rullington Rullitn Yorkshire, N.
Rimswell Rinsill Yorkshire, E.
Ringway Runjer Runjy Cheshire
Risca Rishca Monmouthshire
Rishangles Rishanger Suffolk
Rishworth Rushworth Yorkshire, W.
Rivington Rivitn Monmouthshire
Rocester Roaster Staffordshire
(delwedd J9071) (tudalen 057)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 57
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Rochdale Ratchda Lancashire
Rodings, The Roothings, The Essex
Rolleston Rolestun Leicestershire
Rollestone Rowlestun Wiltshire
Romaldkirk Rummuldkirk Yorkshire, W.
Romford Rumfud Essex
Romsey Rumzy Kent
Roos Ross Yorkshire, E.
Rosewain Rosnan Cumberland
Rostherne Rostern Cheshire
Rothwell Roddill Yorkshire, W. Rowell Northamptonshire
Roughton Row-tun Norfolk
Routen Root'n Cumberland
Routh Rooth Yorkshire, E.
Rowrah Roorer Cumberland
Rowsley Rosely Derbyshire
Ruddervul Rotherfild Sussex
(delwedd J9072) (tudalen 058)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 58
Name. Pronunciation. County.
PRINTER’S VIGILANCE. Page 58 For $. Orlbarnz read $. Orlbanz
Rudgwick Rudgick Sussex
Rugeley Rudgley Staffordshire
Runhall Runull Norfolk
Rushall Rooshill Norfolk
Rushton Ris'n Somersetshire
Rushton Parva Little Reastun Yorkshire
Saham Same Norfolk
Saint Albans Saint Orlbarnz Hertfordshire
Saint Aldates Stolds Oxfordshire
Saint Anstel Saint Ansl Cornwall
Saint Ebbes Stabbs Oxfordshire
Saint Gelly Stevengelly Cornwall
Saint Ives Saint Eves Cornwall
Saint Just Sanjust Cornwall
Saint Kenelms Kennelums Worcestershire
Saint Maughans Saint Mawns Monmouthshire
Saint Neots Saint Nouts Sneets Cornwall
(delwedd J9073) (tudalen 059)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 59
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Saint Neots Saint Neets Snotes Huntingdonshire
Saint Thomas Sentimas Staffordshire
Saint Weonards Saint Wonnuds Herefordshire
Salford Saffud Buckinghamshire
Salthouse Sailers Sallus Norfolk
Salisbury Sarum Saulsberry
Salkeld Sawkull Cumberland
Salle Saul Norfolk
Salmesbury Samesbury Lancashire
Saltfleet Sawflit Lincolnshire
Saltfleetby Sollaby Lincolnshire
Saltwick Sorltick Yorkshire
Sancreed Sancred Sancris Cornwall
Sand-le-Mere Sandymere
(delwedd J9074) (tudalen 060)
Place-Nomenclature. 60
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Sandton Santoon Lincolnshire
Sandwith Sannith Cumberland
Sandiacre Senjyker Derbyshire
Sawbridgeworth Saapza Sapsa Sapster Sawcer Cambridgeshire
Sawbridgeworth Sapstead Sapswith Hertfordshire
Scalby Scorby Yorkshire, N.
Scalford Scawford Leicestershire
Scipoon Skipper Lancashire
Scopwick Scawby Lincolnshire
Scottow Scotter Norfolk
Scoulton Skoutun Norfolk
Scrapton Scropn Derbyshire
Scrivelsby Sercelby Screelsby Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9075) (tudalen 061)
Place-Nomenclature. 61
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Seaford Sea-foord Sussex
Sebergham Sebberham Sebrum Cumberland
Sedbergh Sedber Yorkshire
Sedgebrook Sidebrook Lincolnshire
Sedlescombe Selscum Sussex
Seighford Sighfud Staffordshire
Selmeston Simpson Sussex
Serlby Sarl-by Nottinghamshire
Sewerby Sewby Yorkshire, E.
Shaftesbury Shastun
Sheepshed Shepshed Leicestershire
Shepton Shepun Somersetshire
Shibden Shibdin Yorkshire, W.
Shipdham Shindham Norfolk
Shireoaks Shireaks
Shitlington Shillington Bedfordshire
Shotesham Shott-sum Norfolk
(delwedd J9076) (tudalen 062)
Place-Nomenclature. 62
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Shrawardine Shraden S'raden Shropshire
Shrewsbury Shrosebury S'oesbry Shropshire
Shuckburgh Suckbro Warwickshire
Shurlach Surlash Cheshire
Sibertswold Shepberswell Sussex
Sidestrand Syderstroud Norfolk
Sigglesthorne Siggistun Silstun Yorkshire
Silverstone Silstun Northamptonshire
Sisland Sizeland Norfolk
Sitertswold Shepherd's Well Kent
Skalderskew Skoderska Cumberland
Skerne Skeean Yorkshire, E.
Skeyton Skytn Norfolk
Skiddaw Skiddy Cumberland
Skircoat Skircoite Yorkshire, W.
(delwedd J9077) (tudalen 063)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 63
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Skirlaugh Skella Yorkshire, E.
Skirlington Hill Skeleton Hill Yorkshire, E.
Skirwith Skirrith Cumberland
Slaithwaite Slaat Slawet Slowit Yorkshire
Slaugham Slaffum Sussex
Smethwick Smerrick Warwickshire
Sneinton Snentun Nottinghamshire
Snettisham Snettsum Norfolk
Solihul Sillil Warwickshire
Sompting Sounting Summutt Sussex
Southburn Soo-b'n Yorkshire, E.
South Leigh Sow-lie Oxfordshire
Southbowram Sahtharum Yorkshire, W.
Southwaite Soothut Cumberland
Southwark Sutherk Surrey
(delwedd J9078) (tudalen 064)
Place-Nomenclature. 64
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Southwell Suthull
Sowerby Soreby Cumberland
Sowerby Soerby Yorkshire, W.
Sowerby Bridge
Soervy Brig Yorkshire, W.
Soyland Swilland Yorkshire, W.
Sparsholt Spasset Berkshire
Spondon Spoondun Derbyshire
Sproston Sprôsn Cheshire
Sproxton Sprosn Sprowstun Lincolnshire
Spurn Spon Yorkshire, E.
Stambridge Stahnbridge Essex
Stanford Stanfer Norfolk
Stanhoe Stanner Norfolk
Staverton Startun Northamptonshire
Stawell Stole Somersetshire
Stevington StefFn Bedfordshire
Steyning Stenning Sussex
(delwedd J9079) (tudalen 065)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Stiffky Stewkey Stickey Norfolk
Stockport Stoppert Stopport Lancashire
Stodford Stotfud Yorkshire, W.
Stoke Courcy Sergursey Somersetshire
Stoke Goursey
Stokesley Stozeley Yorkshire
Stoketon Stortn Sussex
Stoughton Stoetun Sussex
Stourbridge Starbridge Storbridge Sturbridge Worcestershire
Stourport Starport Storport Sturport Stowerport Worcestershire
Stradbrooke Strubbuck Suffolk
(delwedd J9080) (tudalen 066)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 66
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Stradishall Stradgill Suffolk
Streatham Strett'n Surrey [or Strattum]
Strongitharm Strothum
Stroxton Strawsun Lincolnshire
Sturston Stussun Norfolk
Sunk Island Sunk Yorkshire, E.
Swansea Swanzy Glamorganshire
Swarkeston Sworsun Derbyshire
Swavesey Sway-cy Cambridgeshire
Swayfield Sweffield Lincolnshire
Swerford Swarvord Oxfordshire
Syresham Siseham Northamptonshire
Tacolnestone Tacklestone Norfolk
Tasburg Taze-bro Norfolk
Taunton Taentun Tantun Somersetshire
Taverham Tabberum Norfolk
Teathes Teaz Cumberland
(delwedd J9081) (tudalen 067)
Place-Nomenclature. 67
Name. Pronunciation. County.
PRINTER’S VIGILANCE. Page 67 For Threkingum read Threckingum
Teignmouth Tanemuth Tinmuth Devonshire
Temple Balsall Bussle Temple Warwickshire
Tenbury Tembry Herefordshire
Teston Teasn Kent
Teynham Tennum Kent
Thame Tame Oxfordshire
Theddlethorpe Thelthrup Lincolnshire
Thetford Thetfer Norfolk
Thevelby Theul-by Lincolnshire
Thirkleby Thotlby Yorkshire, E.
Thixcndale Thisendill Yorkshire, E.
Thoresley Thowsley Nottinghamshire
Thorn Thoane Yorskhire [sic]
Thorndon Thoendun Suffolk
Thorngumbald Gumberthorne Thornagumbawl Yorkshire, E.
Threckingham Threkingum Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9082) (tudalen 068)
Place-Nomenclature. 68
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Thrigby Trigby Norfolk
Thrandestone Frans'n Suffolk
Threxton Trexun Norfolk
Thringstone Thringsun Leicestershire
Thruxted Drusted Kent
Thurlestone Thulsn Derbyshire Thurlstn Yorkshire, W
Thurstonland Thursland Yorkshire, W.
Thurnscoe Thrunsker Yorkshire.
Thwaite Twaite Norfolk Twaite Suffolk
Thwing Twing Wing Yorkshire, E.
Tideswell Tidser Derbyshire
Tingewick Tingick Buckinghamshire
Tintagel Tintadgel Cornwall
Tipthorpe Tip-thrup Yorkshire, E.
Tipton Tipp'n Staffordshire
(delwedd J9083) (tudalen 069)
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Tittleshall Titsaul Norfolk
Torksey Torsey Lincolnshire
Torquay Tockay (?p. 91 Torquay) Torkee Devonshire
Tolleshunt D'Arcy Toussent D. Essex
Towcester Toster Touster Northamptonshire
Trefgarnc Trogan Pembrokeshire
Trereif Treeve Cornwall
Treryn Treen Cornwall
Trevethin Trethvin Monmouthshire
Trewoofe Troave Cornwall
Trotters Cliff Trossley Kent
Turnstall Turnstead Staffordshire
Turnditch Turndych Derbyshire
Turweston Tussun Buckinghamshire
Twickenham Twittn-um Middlesex
Twiveston Twistm Buckinghamshire
(delwedd J9084) (tudalen 070)
Place-Nomenclature. 70
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Tydd Gout Tydd Goat
Tydesley Tinsley Bongs Lancashire
Tyhnar Bruarch Tinna Bruach Argyleshire
Udimore Udimer Sussex
Ulceby Oosby Lincolnshire
Ulcombe U-camb Kent
Ulgham Uffum
Ulleskelf Ulskelf Yorkshire
Ulrome Ooram Yorkshire, E.
Ulverstone Oostun Lancashire
Uttoxeter Tuxiter Utcheter Uxiter Uxter Staffordshire
Vauxhall Voxall Middlesex
Wacton Wôton Norfolk
Waghen Warn Wawn Yorkshire, E.
(delwedd J9085) (tudalen 071)
Place-Nomenclature. 71
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Walberton Warberton Sussex
Walcot Walkwood Wawcut Lincolnshire
Walkhampton Wakington Devonshire
Walsall Wassell Wasah Staffordshire
Waltham Waltom Essex
Wandsworlh Wonswurth
Wangford Wangfer Norfolk
Wansford Wansfth Yorkshire, E.
Wanstead Wonsted Essex
Warlcy Warely Yorkshire, W.
Warmsworth Warnsuth Yorkshire, W.
Warter Waithr Yorkshire, E.
Warwick Warrick Warwickshire
Wavendon Wâândun Warndun Buckinghamshire
Wavertree Wartree Lancashire
(delwedd J9086) (tudalen 072)
Place-Nomenclature. 72
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Wearmouth Weermuth
Weaverham Wearum Cheshire
Weaverthorpe Weea-thrup Yorkshire, E.
Wednesbury Wensbry Wedgeberry Staffordshire
Wednesfield Wedgefield Staffordshire
Wembdon Wendin Somersetshire
Wendlebury Windlebury Oxfordshire
Wentworth Wentuth Yorkshire
Weobly Wooble Herefordshire
Weston Wesn Warwickshire
Westwick Westick Norfolk
Wharncliffe Worncliffe Yorkshire, W.
Whatstandwell Holstannel Derbyshire
Wheatley Wheeatley Yorkshire, W.
Whelnetham Weltum Suffolk
Whitehaven Whittan Cumberland
Whitgift Wiggiff Yorkshire
(delwedd J9087) (tudalen 073)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Whittingham Whittinjam Lancashire
Whitwick Whittick Leicestershire
Whoulsicke Hole-Syke Yorkshire
Wigan Wiggen Lancashire
Wiggenhall, S. Mary Magdalen Maudlin Norfolk
Wildboarclough Wilbercluff Cheshire
Willingate Winnigal Essex
Wilmslow Wimslow Cheshire
Wilnecote Wincut Staffordshire
Wilshampstead Wilstead Bedfordshire
Winteringham Winteringam Lincolnshire
Winterington Winterton Lincolnshire
Wirksworth Wirsir Wirsydy Derbyshire
Wistaston Wistessun Cheshire Herefordshire
Witham Wittn Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9088) (tudalen 074)
Place-Nomenclature. 74
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Witham With-an Lincolnshire
Withington Withitn Cheshire Wittingtun Herefordshire
Wiveliscombe Wilscombe Wivlescum Devonshire
Wiverton Wirtn Nottinghamshire
Woburn Oburn Bedfordshire
Wolstanton Woolstantn Ushitn Ussitun Staffordshire
Wolvercote Overcote Oxfordshire
Wolverhampton Wolverton Hampton Staffordshire
Wolverlow Oofurla Herefordshire
Wombwell Woombill Yorkshire, W.
Woodbastwick Wood-bas-tic Norfolk
Woodfardisworthy Oolsery Devonshire
Woodhouse Woodus Nottinghamshire
(delwedd J9089) (tudalen 075)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 75
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Woodmancote Woodmucket Gloucestershire
Woodnesborough Winsbro Kent
Wooldale Oodle W.oodle Yorkshire, W.
Woolwich Woolidge Woolitch Kent
Woolsthorpe Woostrop Lincolnshire
Worcester Wooster Ooster Worcestershire
Worficld Wurfield Wurvel Shropshire
Worksop Worsop Wossap Wursup Nottinghamshire
Worlaby Wollaby Lincolnshire
Wormegay Rungay Norfolk
Worsborough Wusber Yorkshire, W.
Worsley Wusley Lancashire
(delwedd J9090) (tudalen 076)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 76
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Worstead Wûsted Norfolk
Wortham Rootum Kent
Wortwell Wottell Norfolk
Wrotham Roothm Rootum Kent
Wybunbury Wimberry Cheshire
Wycombe Wiccum Kent
Wymynswold Womenswould Norfolk
Wymondham Windum Norfolk Wummundum Leicestershire
Yaddlethorpe Yalthrup Lincolnshire
Yardley Ardley Hertfordshire
Yeadon Yiddn Yorkshire, W.
Yealmpton Yamton Devonshire
Yeovil Yôvil Somersetshire
York Yorrick E-yorrick Yorkshire
Youghall Yawl
(delwedd J9091) (tudalen 077)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 77
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Bidenham Bidnum
Felmersham Fensham
Flitwick Flittick
Hagnes or Hawnes Hains
Holcut Huccot
Keyso Kayso
Lavendon Laundun
Leighton Beaudesert Laytun Buzzard
Muggerhanger Morhanger
Odell Wudl
(delwedd J9092) (tudalen 078)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 78
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Bedfordshire (Continued)
Pavenham Paeton
Shitlington Shillington
Stevington Steffn
Berkshire Barkshire
Bisham Bissun
Eastbury Icebury
Ecchinswell Etchinswell
Garston, East Argisun
Reading Redding
Sparsholt Spasset Buckinghamshire
Beaconsfield Beckuns-field
Boveney Buvny
Hughendon Hilchendum Hitchendun
Medmenham Meddenum Mednum
Ravenstone Raansun
Salford Saffud
(delwedd J9093) (tudalen 079)
Place-Nomenclature. 79
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Buckinghamshire (Continued)
Tingewick Tingick
Turweston Tursun
Twiveston Tussun
Wavendon Wâândun Warndun Cambridgeshire
Bottisham Botsum
Cambridgeshire Câmbridgeshire
Cambridge Cambridge
Cottenham Cotnam
Foxeton Foxtun
Histen Hissn
Horningsea Hornsey
Northbrook End Nobacken
Pampisford Pancher Parnser Parnza Pauncer
Sawbridgeworth Saapza.
(delwedd J9094) (tudalen 080)
Place-Nomenclature. 80
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Sawbridgeworth Sapsa Sapster Sawcer
Swavesey Sway-cy
Tydd Gout Tydd Goat
Wisbeach Wizbitch
Alderley Edge Audley Edge
Alsager Auger Ausager
Altrincham Altringam Autojam Autrinjam Thrutchm
Alvanley Auvanley
Beswick Bessick
Bollington Bollit'n
Berwick Borrick
Bracegirdle Breskittle
(delwedd J9095) (tudalen 081)
Place-Nomenclature. 81
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Cheshire (Continued)
Bromboro' Brumbro'
Bucklow Hill Buckley Hill
Cheadle Hulme Cheddle Eume
Cholmondeley Chumley
Cholmondeston Chumstun
Cogshall Cockshall
Congleton Congertun
Daresbury Darsbury
Davenham Dane-um
Duckingfield Duckenfelt
Eardswick Yarsick
Frodsham Fradsum
Grappenhall Gropnal
Halton Hawtun
High Legh High Lee
Hull Senna Hosenna
Hyde Heyde
Kelsall Kelsa
(delwedd J9096) (tudalen 082)
Place-Nomenclature. 82
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Cheshire (Continued)
Maxfield Maxfilt Maxlt
Malpas Morpus
Ollerton Owlertun
Oughtrington Ootringtun
Oversley Ford Oozly Ford
Peover Peever
Plemondstall Plemstull Plimstun
Ringway Runjer Runjy
Rostherne Rostern
Sandbach Sandbatch
Shurlach Surlash
Sproston Sprosn
Weaverham Wearum
Wildboarclough Wilbercluff
(delwedd J9097) (tudalen 083)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 83
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Cheshire (Continued)
Wilmslow Wimslow
Wistaston Wistessun
Withington Withit'n
Wybunbury Wimberry
Cairn Carn
Cairn Kenidzlick Carn Kenidjeck
Lanyon Guvit Lennine Guvit
Launceston Lansn Launcestun
Ludgvan Lidgen Ludjan
Maddern Madron
Mousehole Mowsell
Ponghill Puffill
Saint Anstell Saint Ansl
Saint Gelly Stevengelly
Saint Ives Saint Eves
Saint Just San Just
(delwedd J9098) (tudalen 084)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 84
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Cornwall (Continued)
Saint Keyne Saint Keen
Saint Neots Nouts Sneets
Sancreed Sancred Sancris
Tintagel Tintadgel
Trereif Treeve
Treryn Treen
Treewoofe Troave
Aglionby Allonby
Aldby Audby
Alston Austun
Arlecdon Arltun
Armathwaite Armut
Aspatria Spaatry
Birkthwaite Burthut
Blackwell Bleckle
Brampton Brantun
(delwedd J9099) (tudalen 085)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 85
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Cumberland (Continued)
Brotherikeld Butter Ilket
Calthwaite Cawthut
Calva Côva
Carlisle Carell Carlile Curlile
Carsington Carsun
Dalston Dawstun
Edenhall Ede-nal
Eskdale Ashdale
Fox-le-henning Foxnailin
Gamblesby Gammelsby
Gillerthwaite Gillerthet
Glencoin Lenkerrin
Hawes Hose
Hodyoad Hoddyod
Hough Huff
Kelswick Kelsick
(delwedd J9100) (tudalen 086)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 86
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Cumberland (Continued)
Keswick Kezzick
Kirkoswald Kirkeasle Kirkuzzle
Lacra Laacra
Langwathby Langanby Langonby
Maughenby Maffenby Moffenby
Melmerby Mellerby
Penrith Peerith Perith
Plumpton Pluntun
Rosewain Rosnan
Routen Root'n
Rowrah Roorer
Salkeld Sawkull
Sandwith Sannith
Sebergham Sebberum
(delwedd J9101) (tudalen 087)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 87
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Cumberland (Continued)
Sebergham Sebrum
Sesn Senners
Skalderskew Skoderska
Skiddaw Skiddy
Skirwith Skirrith
Southwaite Soothut
Sowersby Soreby
Teathes Teatz
Whitehaven Whittan
Derbyshire Darbyshire
Alderwasley Allerslee Annerslee
Alfreton Offertun Orlfretun
Alvaston Auversun Orlverstun
Aston Assn
Barrow Barrer
(delwedd J9102) (tudalen 088)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 88
County. Name. Pronunciation.
PRINTER’S VIGILANCE. Page 88 For Bochif read Bee-chif
Derbyshire (Continued)
Beauchief Bo-chif
Belper Bilper
Birchover Bircher
Bolsover Bouser
Bonsall Bonser
Borrowash Burroe Wash Burroes Ash
Boulton Boletun Boot'n
Brassington Brassn
Breaston Breesun
Brough Bruff
Broughton, Church Church Brortn
Calke Abbey Cork Abbey
Chaddesden Chadsun
Chapel Firth
(delwedd J9103) (tudalen 089)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 89
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Derbyshire (Continued)
Chellaston Chellasun
Church Broughton Church Brortn
Crich Crych Cromford
Dalbury Dorlbury
Derby Darby
Dove Dale Duvdale
Edensor Ensor
Eyam Eem
Gresley Greesley
Hardwick Hardick
Idridgehay Ithersea
Ilkeston Ils'n
Kedleston Kelsn
Kniveton Niftun
Litchurch Leechurch
Markeaton Mart'n
(delwedd J9104) (tudalen 090)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 90
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Derbyshire (Continued)
Marston Marsn
Morley Park Marley Pork
Parwich Parritch
Pleasley Plezley
Quarndon Quorn
Ravenstone Rarnstun
Rowsley Rosely
Sandiacre Senjyker
Scrapton Scrop'n
Spondon Spoondun
Swarkeston Swors'n
Thurleston Thulsn
Tideswell Tidser
Turnditch Turndych
Whatstandwell Holstannel
Wirksworth Wirsir Wirsydy
Alverdiscot Alscot
(delwedd J9105) (tudalen 091)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 91
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Devonshire (Continued)
Aveton Gifford Autun Jiffud
Barnstaple Barnstupple Barum
Bovey Tracey Bôvey Buvvy
Brideston Biddestun
Crediton Kirton
Dartmoor Darty mor
Dartmouth Darty muth
Dittisham Ditsum
Ilfracombe Ilfracoom
Oakhampton Ockington
Oreston O'sn
Teignmouth Tinmuth
Torquay Torkay Torkee
Walkampton Wakington
Wiveliscombe Wilscoom
(delwedd J9106) (tudalen 092)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 92
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Wiveliscombe Wivelscum
Woodfordisworthy Oolsery
Yealmpton Yamton
Beaminster Bemmister
Chidcock Chiddick
Portisham Possum
Rampisham Ransum
Durham Dorm
Aycliffe Yackley
Barnard Castle Barney Cassel
Coniscliffe Cunscliff
Darlington Darntun Durham Dore-um Dorm
Hartlepool Hartleypool
Heighington Ainton
Alresford Allsfud
(delwedd J9107) (tudalen 093)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 93
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Essex (Continued)
Bobbingworth Buvvinger
Bradwell Bradell
Brentwood Burnt'ood
Bulpham Bulham Bulvan
Chelmsford Chemsfud
Coggeshall Cockshall Cogshall Coxall
Colchester Côle-chester Couchester
Danbury Da-enbury
Davenham Dagnum
Fambridge Fahmbridge
Faulkbourne Fôbern
Harwich Harridge
Kelvedon Hatch Keldon Hatch
Margaretting Margretten
(delwedd J9108) (tudalen 094)
Place-Nomenclature. 94
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Essex (Continued)
Mersey Island Masy Island
Mountnessing Munny-seen Munnys-end
Netteswell Nets-well
Ramsden Balhouse Ramsden Ballus
Rodings, The Roothings, The
Romford Rumfud
Stambridge Stahmbridge
Waltham Waltum
Almondsbury Amsbury
Alvington Allington
Andoversford Hanfer
Berkeley Barkly
Brookhampton, Brockingtun
Churchdown Chôzun
Cirencester Cisiter
(delwedd J9109) (tudalen 095)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 95
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Gloucestershire (Continued)
Cirencester Ciziter
Serenster Sister
Clifton Cliffun
Frocester Froster
Gloucester Gloster
Gotherington Guthertun Guthrington
Leckhampton Lackingtun Leckingtun
Northleach North Libley
Salperton Sappertun
Sevenhampton Senningtun
Woodmancote Woodmucket
Alresford Allsfud
Alton All-tun
Basingstoke Bazingstoke
Beaulieu Bewly
(delwedd J9110) (tudalen 096)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 96
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Hampshire (Continued)
Bishopsfrome Bishfrome
Cadenham Cadnam
Carisbrooke Kâizbrooke
Cosham Cooham
Cuperham Keppernum
Duls Coppice Doo-cups
Minestred Minustred
Nutshelling Nursling
Odiham Hodgum Odg-ham Odium
Bullingham Bullinjm Bullinjam
Canonfrome Canfroom
Clehonger Clonggur
Evesbach Esbridge
Kings Pyon Progown
(delwedd J9111) (tudalen 097)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 97
County. Name. Pronunciation.
For $. Orlbarnz
read $. Orlbanz
Herefordshire (Continued)
Leintwardine Lantwardine Lentwardine
Leominster Lemster
Michaelchurch Mulchurch
Pencombe Pankum
Saint Weonards Saint Wonnuds
Wistaston Wistessun
Wittington Withitun
Wolverlow Oofula
Hertfordshire Harfordshire
Ayott Alt
Hatfield Hatfeld
Hertford Harfurd
Saint Albans Saint Orlbarnz
Sawbridgeworth Sapstead Sapswith
Yardley Ardley
Alwalton Allertun
(delwedd J9112) (tudalen 098)
98 Dialectal
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Godmanchester Godman-chester
Saint Neots Saint Neets Snotes Kent
Adisham Adsum
Badlesmere Bardsmere Basmere
Barfrestone Barsun Barstun
Brompton Brumptun
Chatham Chattum
Cruxtone Cuxstone
Cudham Coodam
Deptford Detfud
Godnestone Gunstun Goodnestone
Godstone Gunstone
Goudhurst Gowdhurst
Graveney Grainey
(delwedd J9113) (tudalen 099)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 99
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Greenwich Grinidge
Knockholt Nockle
Loose Lose
Meopham Meffum Meppum
Moldash Molash
Reculver Rec-culver
Riarsh Rash
Romsey Rumzy
Siberswold Sheperdswell
Teston Teasn
Teynham Tenham
Trotterscliffe Trosley Troxley
Thruxted Drucxted
Ulcombe U-comb
Woodnesbro' Winsbro
Woolwich Woolidge
(delwedd J9114) (tudalen 100)
Place-Nomenclature. 100
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Kent (Continued)
Woolwich Woolitch
Wrotham Rootham Rootum
Wyinginswould Womenswould
Allerton Ollertun
Arkholm Arram
Ashton-under-Lyne Aeshin
Bolton Bô-tn Bow-tn
Entwistle Tinsul
Farnworth Farnoth
Heywood Yehwood
Holker Hooker
Hulme Hoom
Leigh Laych
Liverpool Lurple
Oldham Owdum
(delwedd J9115) (tudalen 101)
Place-Nomenclature. 101
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Lancashire (Continued)
Pendlebury Pembry
Radcliff Racliff Ratcliffe
Rochdale Ratchda
Salmesbury Samesbury
Scipoon Skipper
Stockport Stoppert Stoppart
Tyldesley Tinsley Bongs
Ulverstone Oostun
Wavertree Wartree
Whittingham Whittinjam
Bagworth Bagurth
Belvoir Beaver
Blackfordby Blofurdby
Castle Donnington Castle Dunningtun
(delwedd J9116) (tudalen 102)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 102
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Croxton Park
Crôsn Park Crôstun Park Crôzen Park
Garendon Garitun
Gracedieu Grasedy
Keyworth Kee-uth
Leicester Lester
Loughborough Luffbro'
Lutterworth Littlewurth
Naitstone Nelsun
Normanton Narmuntm
Osgathorpe Asgethorpe
Quarn Quorn
Ravenstone Raunsone
Rolleston Rolestun
Sheepshead Shepshed
Whitwick Wittick Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
(delwedd J9117) (tudalen 103)
Place-Nomenclature. 103
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Lincolnshire (Continued)
Barkston Barsun
Barnethy Barnaby
Bottesford Bots-urth Bots-uth Bots-worth
Boultham Boothum
Bracebridge Bracebrig
Burgh Burg
Burton Botn Bottun
Colstenvorth Coatsworth Coltseralt
Crowle Creole
Croxton Crowsn
Epworth Eppwith
Folkingham Fockingham
Gainsborough Gainsber
(delwedd J9118) (tudalen 104)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 104
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Gonerby Gunnerby
Goxhill Gousle
Hardwick Harrick
Harlaxton Harlastun
Heydour Aselby
Horstow Hostow
Kirton Kettn
Langhterton Lontertun
Laughton Loff'n
Lavington Lentun
Lincoln Lincun
Londonthorpe Lunnunthorpe
Manthorpe Mantrup
Meddlethorpe Thelthrup
Navenby Naamby Na-enby
Newsham Newsm
Normanby Norranby
(delwedd J9119) (tudalen 105)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 105
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Oumeby Owmby
Saltfleet Sawflit
Saltfleetby Sollaby
Sandton Santoon
Scopwick Scawby
Scrivelsby Screelsby Sercelsby
Sedgebrook Sidebrook
Sproxton Sprôsn Sprowstun
Stroxton Strawsun
Swayfield Sweffield
Theddlethorpe Thelthrup
Thevelby Thealby
Threckingham Threckingum
Torksey Torsey
Ulceby Oosby
W.alcot Walkwood
(delwedd J9120) (tudalen 106)
Place-Nomenclature. 106
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Lincolnshire (Continued)
Walcot Wawcut
Winteringham Winteringam
Winterington Wintertun
Witham Wittn Withan
Woolsthorpe Woostro
Worlaby Wollaby
Yaddlethorpe Yalthrup
Brentford Brainford Brandford
Chiswick Chiz-ick
Convent Garden Common Garden Covent Garden
Holborn Hôburn
Isleworth I-sle-wurth Ilswurth Izlewurth
Marylebone Marrowbone
(delwedd J9121) (tudalen 107)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 107
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Middlesex (Continued)
Marylebone Marrybone
Southwark Sutherk
Twickenham Twittenhain
Vauxhall Voxall
Monmouthshire Abergavenny
Abburgainy Abergamy
Caerleon Karleen
Dincestow Dinaslow
Monmouth Monmuth Munmuth
Risca Rishca
Rivington Rivitn
Saint Maughans Saint Mawns
Trevethin Trethvin
Aldborough Orlbur
Ashill Ash-ul
Aslactun Asletun
(delwedd J9122) (tudalen 108)
Place-Nomenclature. 108
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Norfolk (Continued)
Aumser Arnmer
Aylsham Elsham Elsum
Barsham Bashum
Barwick Barrick
Bashingham Bazyngame
Bastwick Barstwick
Bawburgh Babur Berber
Bawderswell Bardsell Bordsell
Beeston Beesun
Belaugh Bee-lo
Billingford Bellinfor
Bircham Barchm
Bixton Bixn
Brandon Brand
Breasingham Bressengen
(delwedd J9123) (tudalen 109)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 109
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Norfolk (Continued)
Brockdish Brodish Brordish
Buckenham Bucknum
Bunwell Bun-ell
Burgh Burrer
Bylaugh Bee-lô
Caldecote Corket
Carsington Carsun
Cawston Carsun
Chedgrave Chedgruv
Cockley Cley Cockley Cly
Colkirk Coal-kirk
Colney Cô-ney
Coltishall Côlesil Côltsul
Colveston Colstun
(delwedd J9124) (tudalen 110)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 110
County. Name. Pronunciation.
PRINTER’S VIGILANCE. Page 110 Feltum should be after Garboldisham, Page 111.
Costessey Cossy
Cranwich Cranice
Cranworth Cranner
Cressingham Cressenjim
Crostwick Crossick
Croswight Cosset
Deopham Deepum
Dereham Dareum
Docking Dockun
Earsham Arshun
Easton Eas-un
Erpingham Arpyngam
Fersfield Farsfield
Foulden Fouden
Foulsham Foul-sum
Fransham Fransum
Fulmodeston Full-mes-tun Feltum
(delwedd J9125) (tudalen 111)
Place-Nomenclature. 111
County. Name.
Norfolk (Continued)
Garboldisham Garblêsum
Gayton Gytan
Gestwick Gestic
Gipping Gip'n
Glandford Glanfer
Goodnestone Goodsun
Gressenhall Greslin Gresnel
Grimston Grimsun
Grundisbury Gunsbro'
Haddiscoe Hadscô Hadsker
Halesworth Harsler
Hanworth Hanner
Happisburgh Hâzebro'
Hardingham Hardingam
Hardwick Haddick
Hautbois Hobbies
(delwedd J9126) (tudalen 112)
Place-Nomenclature. 112
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Norfolk (Continued)
Haveringland Haverland
Haynford Hanfer
Hayham Harfum
Heigham Hayum
Helhoughton Hellot'n
Hellesden Helsdun
Hickling Hicklun
Hindolveston Hilvestun
Hoe How
Holme Holl'm
Halm Hall Home Hall
Horsham S. Faith Horsham S. Fays
Houghton Hoeton
Hunstanton Hunstun
Kenninghall Kennyle
Keswick Kessick
Knapton Napt'n
(delwedd J9127) (tudalen 113)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
County. Name.
Norfolk (Continued)
Lammas Lammus
Langford Langfer
Leizate Ledjet
Letheringsett Larnsett
Marlingford Marlf’d
Martham Mathan
Matishall Matsel
Mautby Morby
Merton Marton
Methwold Methuld
Mundesley Munzly
Mundford Munfer
Neatishead Neatshead
Necton Nayton
Norton Belleau Bio' Nortun
Norwich Norridge
Oulton Oletun
Ovington Overton
(delwedd J9128) (tudalen 114)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 114
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Pasten Parson
Pettaugh Petter
Pickenham Picknum
Postwick Possick
Ranworth Ranner
Raveningham Ranningham
Reepham Reefun
Roughton Rowton
Runhall Runall
Rushall Roosh'll
Salhouse Sallus Sailers
Salle Saul
Scottow Scotter
Scoulton Skowton
Shipdham Shindham
Shottesham Shottsum
Sidestrand Sidestroud
(delwedd J9129) (tudalen 115)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 115
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Name. Pronunciation.
Norfolk (Continued)
Sisland Sizeland
Skeyton Skyt’n
Snettisham Snettsum
Stanhoe Stunner
Stifkey Stewkey
Tacolneston Tacklestone
Tasbro' Tazebro'
Taverham Tabberham
Thrigby Trigby
Thwaite Twaite
Threxton Trexun
Titteshall Tittsal
Tivetsall Titsorl
W.acton Wôton
Westwick Westick
Woodbastwick Woodbastic
Worsted Woosted
Wortwcll Wottel
(delwedd J9130) (tudalen 116)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 116
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Name. Pronunciation.
Norfolk (Continued)
Wymondham Windum
Charwelton Charltun
Croughton Crowtun
Culworth Culloth
Daventry Daentry Dauntry
Lyresham Liseham
Rothwell Rowell
Towcester Toster
Alnmouth Aylesmouth
Alnwick Annick
Beliingham Bellinjam
Hawick Hoick
Alverham Aarum
Aughton I-tun
Basford Baysfud
Beeston Beesun
Colwich Collick
(delwedd J9131) (tudalen 117)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 117
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Nottinghamshire (Continued)
Cromwell Bottom Crummil
Finningley Finlah
Gringley Grinley
Halloughton Hortn
Nottingham Nottingum Nottingyum Nottinum
Southwell Suthell
Wiverton Wirt'n
Worksop Worsop Worsup
Alvcscott Alscot
Ambrosden Amersden
Bayards Green Bayars Green Bears Green
Beckbrooke Begbrook
Bensington Bensum
(delwedd J9132) (tudalen 118)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 118
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Oxfordshire (Continued)
Bicester Bister
Caversfield Casefield
Fritwell Frittel
Gretworth Greatwurth Greetwurth
Islip I-slip
Swerford Swarvord
Oakham Oookum
Shropshire or Salop
Altringham Atchum
Bicton Biccun
Boraston Burraston
Brampton Brian Brawn
Buildwas Bildus Bill-wus
Claverley Clare-ly
Cleobury Mortimer Clebbury Clobury
(delwedd J9133) (tudalen 119)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 119
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Condover Cundover
Gnosle Nôsle
Hallahon or Hallon Horn
Meole Brace Meel
Oswestry Oggestree
Shrawardine Shraden S'raden
Shrewsbury Shroesbury S'oesbry
Worfield Wurfield Wurvel
Brislington Bustun
Calveshay Classy
Carehampton Cramptun
Frome Froome
Goathurst Go-thurst
Holincoat Honey-cut
(delwedd J9134) (tudalen 120)
Place-Nomenclature. 120
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Somersetshire (Continued)
Leigh-on-Mendip Lie-on-Mendip
Portishead Posset
Rushton Rison
Stawell Stole
Stoke Courcy Sergursey
Stoke Goursey
Taunton Taant'n Tantun
Wembdon Wend'in
Aldersley Ortherly
Biddulph Moor Biddle-Moor
Blowich Bloxidge
Brewood Brood
Bromley Brumley
Bromwich, West Brumidge
Colwich College
Consall Cunsall
(delwedd J9135) (tudalen 121)
County. Name. Pronunciation.
FAULTS ESCAPED. Page 121 For Tunstall read Turnstall.
121 For Tuenstill read Turnstead.
Page 121 For Wasah read Wasal.
Staffordshire (Continued)
Etruria Truria Trury
Hedensford Hechford
Leighford Lighfud
Rocester Roaster
Rugeley Rudgly
Tipton Tip'n
Tunstall Tuenstill
Uttoxeter Tuxeter Ucheter Uttcheter Uxeter
Walsall Wasab Wassell
Wednesbury Wedgeberry Wensbry
Wilnecote Wincut
(delwedd J9136) (tudalen 122)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 122
County. Name.
Staffordshire (Continued)
Wolstanton Ushitn Woolstant'n
Wolverhampton Hampton Wolverton
Athelbampston Atheltun
Athelington Allingtun
Badingham Baddegum
Barnardiston Bernstun
Bedingfield Beddenfeld
Bildeston Bilstun
Blythborough Blybro'
Botesdale Badsdale Budsdale
Bramford Brahmfud
Braysworth Braysur
Brockford Brockfud
Caverham Canum
Chelmondeston Chemstun
(delwedd J9137) (tudalen 123)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
123 County. Name. Pronunciation.
Page 123 For Debhage read Debbage.
Cowlinge Coolinge
Debach Debhage
Dunningworth Dunnurth
Eye Aye
Framlingham Frammingham
Hachesdon Hayson
Heveringham Hennygm
Hollesley Hosely
Hoxne Hoxen
Ipswich Ips-itch Ips-witch
Leiston Laysun
Monewdon Munnyden
Needham Market Leedum
Redisham Reddish'm
Rishangles Rishanger
Stradishall Stradgill
(delwedd J9138) (tudalen 124)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature.
124 County. Name. Pronunciation.
Suffolk (Continued)
Thorndon Thoendon
Thrandestone Trans'n
Thwaite Twaite
Whelmerton Weltum
Alford Arlfold
Bletchingly Bletchinglye
Carshalton Casehorlton Casehortun Kays-hortun
Godalming God-alm-ing
Leigh Lie
Streatham Strettn
Wandsworth Wonswurth
Albourne Allbourne
Aldingbourne Alldingbourne
Alfriston Allfriston Arfstun
(delwedd J9139) (tudalen 125)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 125
County. Name.
Ardingly Ardinglye
Arundel Arndle
Ashburnham Eshbrum
Balcombe Borlcum
Berwick Berrick
Bexhill Baxhill
Bodiham Bodj'm
Bodlestreet Green Boodle Street
Bolney Bôlêney
Bosham Bos-ham
Burwash Burrish
Burwash Weald Burrish Weel
Catsfield Catsful
Chalvington Charsitun
Chichester Chidster
Chiddingly Chiddinglye
Crowborough Crowbor
(delwedd J9140) (tudalen 126)
Place-Nomenclature. 126
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Cuckfield Cookfield
Dallington Dollingtun
Falmer Farmer
Folkington Fowingtun
Funtington Fundan
Hailsham Helshum
Heathfield Hefful
Hellingly Hellinglye Herringlye
Hewards Hawth Heywoods Heath
Hoathley Hoodlye
Houghton Hoetun
Hurst Monceaux Harmouncy Hossmouncies Hurstmounceys
Keymer Kymer
Kingly Vale
(delwedd J9141) (tudalen 127)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 127
County. Name. Pronunciation.
FAULTS ESCAPED. Page 127 For Mastrick read Mastock.
127 For Marstck read Mastick.
Sussex (Continued)
Kirkford Kirkfoord
Lewes Lu-ez Lu-is
Lurgashall Ludgershawl
Lyminster Linstur
Maevvul Mayfield
Malling Marling
Mastrick Marstick
Mayfield Maevvul
Netherfield Nethyful
Ninfield Ninful Ninvul
Oving Ooving
Parham Parrum
Povensey Pemsey Pinsy
Piddinghoe Piddinghoo
Poynings Punnings
(delwedd J9142) (tudalen 128)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 128
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Sussex (Continued)
Pyecombe Pye-coom
Ruddervul Rotherfild
Rudgwick Rudgick
Seaford Seafoord
Selmeston Simpson
Slaugham Slaffum
Sompting Sounting Summut
Steyning Stenning
Stoketon Storton
Stoughton Stretun
Udimore Udimer
Walburton Warberton
Alcester Alster Auster
Bedworth Beroth
Birmingham Brum Brummajum
(delwedd J9143) (tudalen 129)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 129
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Warwickshire (Continued)
Bramcotte Bruncut
Bulkington Buckingtun
Colly Croft Colly-craft
Coton Cowitun
Foleshill Foicehill
Kenilworth Killingworth
Kersley Carsley
Kinwarton Kinnertun
Mancester Mancettur
Marston Jabbet Mas'n
Meriden Mere-den
Nuneaton Yeaton
Pailton Peltun
Shuckburgh Suckbro'
Warwick Warrirk
Weston Wes’n
Brough Bruff
Grassmere Gursmer
(delwedd J9144) (tudalen 130)
Place-Nomenclature. 130
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Westmoreland (Continued)
Kirkby Thore Kirby
Overthwaite Worfat
Ravenstonedale Rissendale Wiltshire
Amesbury Ambry
Corsham Cosham
Hockwold Hockold
Hullavington Hullington
Mildenhall Mi-nal Mi-nel
Minetry Myntry
Rollstone Rowleston
Salisbury Sarum Saulsberry
Worcestershire Wooster
Aldchurch Orlchurch
Alvechurch Allchurch
Evesham E-sham E-sn
(delwedd J9145) (tudalen 131)
Place-Nomenclature. 131
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Worcestershire (Continiued)
Evesham E-sum
Fearnal Heath Furnul H.
Kidderminster Kiddy
Kyre Keer
Malvern Mawvern Mollvun Morvun
Pershore Purshire Pawshaw
Ravenhill Raffel
Saint Kenelms Kenelums
Worcester Wooster
Yorkshire – East Riding
Aldborough Aubruf Awbero Ollbro
Beeford Beetath
Bessingby Beznby
(delwedd J9146) (tudalen 132)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 132
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Yorkshire, E. (Continued)
Bewholme Bewan
Birdsall Bodsill
Bridlington Bollintun
Burdale Bod-ill
Burlington Bollitun
Burnby Bonby
Burstwick Bôstwick
Burton Bot'n Bottun
Burton Pidsea Bottun Pidsa
Catwick Cattick
Cranswick Cransick
Dowthorpe Doo-thrup
Driffield Dhriffal
Easington Ezingtun Ez-entun
Escrick Escrit
Fangfos Fankess
(delwedd J9147) (tudalen 133)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 133
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Yorkshire, E. (Continued)
Fimber Fimer
Flixton Flees'n
Flotmanby Flotn'by
Folkton Fowtun
Foxhill Gonsal
Fridaythorpe Fraythrop
Goodmanham Good-ma-din
Goxhill Gousill
Grindall Grundill
Gristhorpe Gricethrup
Halsham Awsum Hornsum
Heslington Hezlertun
Holmpton Humpton Umptun
Humbleton Humraelton
Hunmanby Hunnenby
Hutton Yuttn
(delwedd J9148) (tudalen 134)
Place-Nomenclature. 134
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Yorkshire, E. (Continued)
Kilnwick Percy Killick Percy
Knapton Nappn
Marfleet Marflit
Meaux Abbey Muce Abbey
Moorthorpe Motherup
Mowthorpe Moothrup
North Dalton Nor-Dot'n
Osgodby Ozgerby
Osset Ossit
Ottringham Ootringum
Owthorne Thorne
Patrington Pathrington
Reighton Reetun
Rillington Rullington Rullitn
Rimswell Rimsill
Roos Ross
(delwedd J9149) (tudalen 135)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 135
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Page 135 For Rushton Carra read Ruston Parva.
Yorkshire, (Continued)
Routh Rooth
Rushton Carra Little Reaston
Sewerby Sewby
Sigglesthorne Siggistun
Skerne Skeean
Skirlaugh Stella
Skirlington Hill Skeletun Hill
Southburn Soo-b'n
Spurn Spon
Sunk Island Sunk
Thirkleby Thotlby
Thixendale Thisendill
Thorngumbold Gumberthorne Thorngumbawl
Thwing Twing Wing
Tipthorpe Tip-thrup
Tunstall Tünstill
(delwedd J9150) (tudalen 136)
Place-Nomenclature. 136
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Yorkshire, E. (Continued)
Ulrome Ooram
Waghen Warn Wawn
Wansford Wansfth
Warter Waithr
Weaverthorpe Weeathrup
York E-yorick Yark Yorrick
North Riding
Amerby Emmerby
Ayton Yattun
Ayton Little Canny Ayton Canny Yattun
Bedale Beedle
Brompton Brumptun Bruntun
Cotherstone Cutherstun
(delwedd J9151) (tudalen 137)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 137
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Yorkshire. (Continued)
Coxwold Cookwood
Harewood Dale Harredale Harwood Dale
Heworth Hewith
Hutton Buscel Hutton Bushel
Lofthouse Loftus
Malton Morltun
Rievaulx Reevo Rivers Rivis
Scalby Scorby
Stokesley Stozeley
Yeddon Yiddn
West Riding
Acaster Yakkister
Acomb Aacomb Yaccam
Adwalton Atherton
Adwick Addick
(delwedd J9152) (tudalen 138)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 138
County. Name. Pronunciation..
Yorkshire, W. (Continued)
Almondbury Aambre Awmbre Ambry Omeby
Alwoodley Gate Anley Gate
Applehaigh Abbledah
Askerne Ascrum
Bailiffe Bridge Belley Brig
Barkisland Barsland
Barmborough Barmber
Barnby-on-Dun Barmby Dun
Barnoldswick Barlick Barnowick
Barnsley Bairnsla
Barugh Barf Bark
Booth Dean Booith Deyne
Booth Town Boors Taan
(delwedd J9153) (tudalen 139)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 139
County. Name. Pronunciation.
139 (Cromwell Bottom should be under Nottinghamshire.)
Yorkshire, W.
Booth Town Booith Taan
Bradford Bradfurth
Braithwell Brewell
Brockholes Brockhoiles
Brodsworth Brods-uth
Brighouse Briggus
Cadeby Catby
Calverley Cawvla
Carr Lane Carr Loin
Cartworth Cartwoth
Cawood Coward
Cawthorne Cawthron Cawthrum
Chevet Chete
Churwell Churrill
Coley Cooaly
Cromwell Bottom Crumil Bothum
(delwedd J9154) (tudalen 140)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 140
County. Name. Pronunciation.
FAULTS ESCAPED. Page 140 For Codduth read Coaduth.
Yorkshire, W. (Continued)
Cudworth Codduth Cudoth
Cumberworth Cumber-woth
Denby Dale Demby Dale
Denholme Dennum
Dewsbury Daouzbry Dewsbry
Dodworth Dod-uth
Elland Yelland
Farnley Faernley
Giethwaites Giefitts
Golcar Gowker
Goldthorpe Go-thrup
Gunthwaite Gunfit
Harewood Harwood
Hartshead Harchit
Haworth Horeth
Heaton Yetton
(delwedd J9155) (tudalen 141)
Place-Nomenclature. 141
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Yorkshire, W.
Heckmondwike Heckonwick
Hemsworth Himswuth
Heptonstall Hepponstel
High Hoyland Hegh Huyland
Hightown Hetaan
Hepperholme Hiprum
Holdsworth Hollder Holldeth
Holywell Green Hollywell Green
Hooton Pagnall Hutton Pannell
Ilkley Eethla
Keighley Keethla
Kexborough Kesper
Kirkheaton Kurkyeaton Yeaton
Kirklees Kirkless
Kirkthorpe Kithrup
Lanehead Loinhead
(delwedd J9156) (tudalen 142)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 142
County. Name. Pronunciation.
142 For Nordeyre read Nordene.
FAULTS ESCAPED. Page 142 For Sandymer read Sandymere.
Yorkshire, W. (Continued)
Lindley Linly
Lockwood Lockerd
Longwood Longud
Malham Mawn
Masbro Mazbro
Meltham Meltem
Mirfield Mirfilld
North Dean Nordeyne
Northowram Northarum
Norwood Green Norrods Green
Oxenhope Oxnup
Pontefract Pomfrit
Pool Poo-il
Rishworth Rushworth
Rothwell Roddill Rowell
Sand-le-Mere Sandymer
Sedbergh Sedber
(delwedd J9157) (tudalen 143)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 143
County. Name. Pronunciation.
143 For Shipden read Shibdcn.
FAULTS ESCAPED. Page 143 For Shipdin read Shibdn.
FAULTS ESCAPED. Page 143 For Stodfold read Stodford.
Yorkshire, W. (Continued)
Shipden Shipdin
Skircoat Skircoite
Slaithwaite Slaat Slawet
Southowram Sahtharum
Sowerby Soreby
Sowerby Bridge Soervy Brig
Soyland Swilland
Stodfold Stotfud
Thurlestone Thulsn Thurlstn
Ulleskelf Ulskelf
Warley W.arely
Wentworth Wintuth
Wharncliffe Worncliffe
Wheatley Wheeatley
Whoulsicke Hole-syke
Wombwell Woomhill
(delwedd J9158) (tudalen 144)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 144
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Yorkshire, W. (Continued)
Wooldale Woodle Oodle
Worsborough Wosbough
Beaumaris Bo-marris Bo-moris
Brecon Breckun
Langharne Larne
Bettwys-y-coed Bet-toes-uh-kode
Llandudno Landidno
Denbigh Denby
Llangollen Thlangothlan
Bistre Beastbree Beasttree
Hawarden Hard'n Harding Horden
(delwedd J9159) (tudalen 145)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 145
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Rhyll Rill
Beaupore Bewper
Bonvilston Bolstun
Colwinston Colstun
Evenny Wenny
Flemingston Flimstun
Bala Bahla
Cader Idris Kad-er E-dris
Dolgelly Dolgethly
Montgomery Montgumery
Haverford, West Harfoard,
Swansea Swanzy
Trefgarne Trogan
Glosbury Glaizberry
Argyleshire Tyhnar Bruarch Tinna Bruach
Banffshire Doon Orn
(delwedd J9160) (tudalen 146)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 146
County. Name. Pronunciation.
Roxburghshire Jedburgh Jethart
Kirkcudbright Kirkcudbright Kirkoobry
Connaught Leitrim Leetrim
(delwedd J9161) (tudalen 147)
Dialectal Place-Nomenclature. 147
Name. Pronunciation. County.
Clwyd Clu-id Wales
Calne Cone Suffolk
Derwent Darrant Derbyshire-
Dove Dôve Derbyshire
Frame Frumw Dorsetshire
Ouse Ooze Yorkshire
Thames Temz Middlesex
(delwedd J9162) (tudalen 148)
(delwedd J9163) (tudalen 149)
Family Surnames. 149
Name. Pronunciation.
Annesley Annsly
Anstruther Anster
Ayscough Askew Askey
Balguy Borgy
Bartholomew Battlemore
Beaconsfield Beckonsfeld
Beauchamp Beechm
Beauclerc Bôclark
Bedel Biddell
Berkeley Barkly
Bethune Beaton
(delwedd J9164) (tudalen 150)
Family Surnames.
Name. Pronunciation.
Bevan Bevvn
Blount Blunt
Blythe Bligh
Bokenham Buckenham
Bosanquet Bôse-n-gate
Bourke Burk
Bowen Bo-en Bow-en
Bracegirdle Breskittle
Bromby Brumby
Bromley Brumly
Brougham Broom
Broune Broon
Brousil Browsil
Cadogan Cadduggun
Caius Keys
Charteris Charters
Cholmondeley Chumly
(delwedd J9165) (tudalen 151)
Family Surnames. 151
Clough Cluff
Cockburn Coburn
Coke Cook
Colclough Cokeley
Colquhoun Ker-hoon
Compton Cumtun
Coutts Coots
Cowper Cooper
Cre Fydd Griffith
Creser Crezer
Crichton Cri-tun
Crompton Crumtun
Dakiel Dê-ell
Davenport Devnport
Denvent Darwent
Drayton Rattn
Dumaresque Du-meric
Farquhar Farker
(delwedd J9166) (tudalen 152)
Family Surnames.
Name. Pronunciation.
Featherstonhaugh Fetherstun
Foljambe Fulljm
Froude Frood
Gifford Jiffud
Glamis Glams
Goddard Gothard
Gonville Gunville
Goodricke Goodrich
Gough Goff
Gould Gold
Gresley Greesly
Grier Greer
Grosvenor Grovener
Guerin Geering
Hague Haigh
Halket Hacket
Heatheote Hetheut
Heron Hern
(delwedd J9167) (tudalen 153)
Family Surnames. 153
Name. Pronunciation.
Hobart Hubbert
Home Hume
Hotham Huthm
Hough Huff
Hufton Huffin
Hulmc Hoom
Jacoby J'cô-by
Jago lago
Kerr Karr
Knollys Noles
Laslett Lacy
Lanyon Le Nine
Laghe Lackey
Lea Lee Leea
Leatherwood Laithut
Legard Lcdgu'd
(delwedd J9168) (tudalen 154)
Family Surnames
Name. Pronunciation.
Legh Lee
Leigh Lee
Leighlon Layton
Leveson-Gower Luson-Gore
Ludlow Ladley
Macleod Mac-cloud
Mackay Mackie
Mahon Mahoun
Mainwaring Mannering
Marjoribanks Marchbanks
Marlborough Maulburer
Maughan Mauffan
Menzies Mingis
Meredith Merrydith
Mereweather Merryweather
Meredydd Mer-dith
Methven Meffen
Milichamp Millichip
(delwedd J9169) (tudalen 155)
Family Surnames
PRINTER’S VIGILANCE. Page 155 For Pool, Cary read Pool-Cary.
Millchop Millinchip
Mohoun Moon
Mountmorres Mountmorris
Mylles Mills
Palk Pork
Pole-Carew Pool, Gary
Pole, Chandos Pool, Shandus
Powell Po-el Pow-el
Ponsonby Punsunby
Powlett Porlet
Puleston Pilston
Raleigh Rawley
Reay Rays
Reynolds Ren-alds Ray-nalds
Rhys Rheece
(delwedd J9170) (tudalen 156)
Family Surnames.
Name. Pronunciation.
Rolleston Rolestun
Rouse Ruse
Roughsedge Roostidge
Rowbotham Roobottum
Rowlinson Rollisun
Ruthven Riven
Sacheveril Susheverell
Saint Clair Sinclair
Saint John Sinjun
Saint Leger Sellinger
Saint Maur Seemer
Saint Quentin S. Quintin
Sartorius Sartaris
Saunders Sandurs
Sciennes Sheens
Shuttleworth Shittleworth
Sneyd Sneed
Somers Summers
(delwedd J9171) (tudalen 157)
Family Surnames
Name. Pronunciation.
Sowerby Soresby
Steble Steeble
Stonehewer Stannier
Strachan Strorn
Strahan Strorn
Thomas Tom-oes Tommus
Thynne Tin
Toddenham Tuddenham
Tollemache Tolemash
Trevelyan Trevethlan
Trebilcocks Treble-cocks
Urquhart Urkart
Vaughan Vorn Worn Wan
Vaulx Vorx
(delwedd J9172) (tudalen 158)
Family Surnames
Name. Pronunciation.
Wemyss Weems
Wightwick Wittick
Wodehouse Woodhouse
Wolseley Woolzy
Wortley Wurtley
Wormald Wurmuld
Wrotham Rootum
(delwedd J9173) (tudalen 159)
16 For Ballinjm
read Bullingm
19 For Carsum read
Page 121 For Tunstall read Turnstall.
Page 121 For Tuenstill read Turnstead.
Page 121 For Wasah read Wasal.
Page 123 For Debhage read Debbage.
Page 127 For Mastrick read Mastock.
Page 127 For Marstck read Mastick.
Page 135 For Rushton Carra read Ruston
Page 139 (Cromwell Bottom should be under Nottinghamshire.)
Page 140 For Codduth read Coaduth.
Page 142 For Nordeyre read Nordene.
Page 142 For Sandymer read Sandymere.
Page 143 For Shipden read Shibdcn.
Page 143 For Shipdin read Shibdn.
Page 143 For Stodfold read Stodford.
(delwedd J9174) (tudalen 160)
BY ROBERT CHARLES HOPE, $. Peter's College^ Cambridge,
Editor of Barnabe Googe's " Popish Kingdome.' Author of " A Glossary
of Dialectal Place- Nomenclature,' Etc.
Contributions of any Legends, etc., or references to where
such may be found, will be thankfully received by the Author, under care of Mr.
Hagyard, Printer and
Publisher, Scarborough.
(delwedd J9175) (tudalen 161)
A few Copies left. Price Out Guinea.
A Ri.i'kr niK POPISH KIXliDOMK; or, Reigne of Antichrist.
Written in Latin Verse; l»y T: , and Knolyshrd l»y I'.AKNABE GOOGE, 1570, with
a brief Memoir <>f
liis Life, l.y ROHKRT CHARLES HOPE, I'eterhousc, abridge.
Of this rare and curious work only one perfect copy is
known to exist, viz., thai n the ( ' i
om which this reprint i- taken.
Antiquary, the Student of Philology, and of Folk-Lore
this work is inv.ili; . .mil and Hone quote
largely from it, and the account which it : -i of popular and other superstitions
is unusually interesting. It : M anil Sat- :h their ancient ci: oh-,erv.i:ires.
rereir.onie>.. and sports, mingled with the doings of mummers, minstrels.
like the original, in Black Letter, at the Chiswick Press,
on Van ('.eliler'-- Dutch hand-madf pap<-
. in boards.
y-tive large ; ill paper copies only have been printed.
All the large, and a great proportion of the small paper copies, have already
been taken up. AN only a limited miml>er
re-main on sale, intending purchasers should send in their orders immediately.
bear in mind what a vast amount of illustration of old
English 1 1 scarce books of far inferior interest to the 'Popish Kingdome ' .en
t •> the press, that the unique copy of that highly curious volume in the I .unbridle, has not been produced long befon
produced at the T -,' in black letter, we need -ay little more."- \/. ./,r;//,-«'j
.itiful exceedingly, and the Editor may with good reason
himself on the success of his efToi : ,e available :.i\vn up an interesting little
biography of the poe: V««»t ^ the auih
••'t ropy of t!. Rce, and as the work is not merely of antiquarian, but also of
rare pov! . readers will easily inter for themselves how valuable is the editorial
sen-ice rendered by Mr. R. C. Hope — f-'i/eshirt Journal.
(delwedd J9176) (tudalen 162)
"The reprint, in the exact form and character of the Black Letter
belonging to the period, has been most carefully and accurately produced by
Chas. Whittingham and Co., the proprietors, of the Chiswick Press, and it
reflects the very highest credit on those artistic printers, who, of course
possess a world-wide fame. — The book of Barnabe Googe, of which we have now
an exact reprint, is singularly rare. Three copies only are known, and of
these, two are deficient in many respects. The sole perfect copy is that
which the reader will have placed before him in the careful and very valuable
reprint which Mr. Hope has, with so much assiduity, ability, and expense,
accomplished." — Scarborough Gazette. "
Its unicity is by no means its only or its chief charm. The volume has
outward grace quite sufficient to make it a desirable possession. It is
interesting in itself, and a credit to English book-workmanship in its
get-up." — Saturday Review.
"When once allowance has been made for the intolerant fanaticism of both
author and translator, it must be admitted that there is no little raciness
and vigour, and even in some places poetical merit of a sort, to be found in
the verses ; so that on literary as well as on antiquarian grounds, Mr. Hope
has done a public benefit in reprinting this very curious volume, and doing
it to in so beautiful a fashion." —
C '/ntrch Times. of " This poem
forms a very curious and important link in the development English verse
literature."— Academy. "
It is just the kind of book that
deserves to be reprinted, and Mr. Hope has reproduced it in a very elegant
form. The modern reader will be grateful for his useful side notes, which
make the book clearer and more useful. Useful little facts will be found
throughout, but the fourth book is the most generally interesting." —
Bibliographer. " A capital
reprint of a work not only curious and interesting in itself as one of the
rarest of books, but also valuable for the quaint descriptions of the customs
and superstitions of the sixteenth century, which cannot fail to be valuable
and welcome to the folk-lorist and student of social life. We heartily
congratulate Mr. Hope on the manner in wnich he has fulfilled his task, which
reflects credit on all concerned."— Notes and Queries.
" As a specimen of printing it is faultless. Messrs. Whittingham have
done all that could be done to make the book attractive." — Athenaum.
"Mr. Hope's prefatory memoir of Barnabe Googe is exhaustive ; for he
seems to have consulted all the known authorities upon the subject and to
have made good use of the materials at his command. The editorial work
appears to be both thorough and judicious." — Derby Mercury. "
We have before us an important work which Mr. Robert Charles Hope ha-, just
reprinted so carefully and with such excellent taste." — Antiquary.
"The reprint seems admirably executed. The Editor has performed his duty
most carefully." — Sacristy.
(delwedd J9177) (tudalen 163)
ilue is very great, not only to the theologian, but also
to the antiquary. philoli . rer ot folk-lore. It is strange that for so long it
has not been u-printed. Mr. K. C. Hope has just edited it with a valuable and
inti memoir of Googe. It is improved by the addition < t \ the help of whkh
tibjcct contained in the vcr this will show wh.u .:•, and folk-!' cd in tliis
qu.iiiit volume. It is also of intr of printing. : reproduced in the e\ appeared."-
T.» he published in Twenty-live 1'arts, Large (Quarto.
1'nrt I. Ready.
INSIGNIA OF Till. UNIVERSITY AN LEG1 S OF CAMl'.Rll I'lato .ind Oo Kngravings
. 1'roduced in the highest - art. liy W.. 11. $. JOHN ; «•!" the Collegiate
Church OJ All Sain: . .liber* ;:i)ers Js. jur {art.
" We heartily welcome the first part of what promises
to be a most handsome iiKible work. All
the Seals are carefully reproduced in dallastype, and in addition there is a beautiful chromo-lithograph
of a disused Shield of Arms of the Univei
.: the Collect the remaining twe: are equally well executed with the one before
. possess a work of first-rate importance, and a real addition to Si^illarian
literature." — Antiquary.
London : .
W. S.\i u-istock Street, Covent Garden, 1 Who will he
glad t<> receive addition " of Subscribers.
In 1'ivparatiun. TIIK ClirRCll BELLS OK YORKSHIRE (North
and West Riding), l»y KUHLKT CllAKLKS II'
(delwedd J9178) (tudalen 164)
(Author of " Saxon Remains Found in Bedfordshire"
; " The Luck of EdenhalL ")
BLENCATHRA ; a Legend of Early Britain. Druidic.
S. BKGA ; a Legend of S. Bee's Head. Saxon.
WOTOBANK ; a Legend of Beckermot. Saxon.
C ALDER ABBEY ; a Legend of The Brothers There. Norman.
THE SLEEPWALKER ; a Legend of Ara Force, Ulleswater. Norman.
THE Two BROTHERS ; a Legend of .Egremont Castle. Norman.
Frith. Tudor.
In the Introductory Notice the Author
says — "These unpretending Ballad- lyrics were composed with the single
aim of exciting at least some interest in the incidents referred to; of
imparting a certain amount of pleasure ; and, perhaps, of conveying, in a
somewhat attractive form, a modicum of instruction to certain gentle ones
very dear to the heart of the humble writer. They were conceived and thought
out in the very midst of the scenic beauties of that favoured country to
which they refer, and which, however imperfect may be the present attempt to
describe them, were familiar for many years to the Author as a sketcher, and
to his mind and imagination as a dreamer of dreams. " Believing that
they may awaken the attention of others of a like tender age to that of his
young friends, they are now committed to a wider arena than was originally
intended. The one which refers to an important episode in the eventful life
of the lovely, but unhappy, Mary, Queen of Scots, was jotted down in somewhat
ruder verse, one glorious evening in May, so rich in flowers, in sight of the
blue water (hemmed in by the hazy curtain of the distant hills of the country
she was compelled to abandon), of the Firth of Solway, which she crossed at
the very hour, on the same day of the week and month, exactly three hundred
years before."
"The scenes of these charming lyrics, (for such they really are, in our
estima- tion,) are chiefly laid in the romantic regions of rock and fell that
are to be found in Cumberland and in the north-west part of Yorkshire ; and
the legendary lore of the districts referred to. .... The author's style is
always smooth and flowing, and his verse is free from those objectionable
liberties which too many writers take, under the apology of ' license,' with
metre, accent, rhyme, and even grammar. His descriptions of some of the
scenes are often exceedingly graphic ; and many of the portraits he draws are
poetically beautiful and charming. — Scarborough Gazette, Sept. 8th, 1881.
Scarborough : S. W. THEAKSTON & Co., St. Nicholas Street.
(delwedd J9179) (tudalen 165)
Foolscap 8vo. Stiff Wrapper. One Shilling.
Foolscap 8vo. Scarlet Cloth. One Shilling.
Bvo, Cloth. One Shilling-.
M.A., Vicar of St. Thomas's, Scarboro.'
Any ul UK ibove W.ill be forwarded, post free, on receipt
of the published price.
JOHN HALYARD (S. W. THKAK.STON & Co.), 31, St. Nicholas
(delwedd J9180) (tudalen 166)
(delwedd J9181) (tudalen 167)

(delwedd J9182) (tudalen 168)
Hope, Robert Charles
A glossary of Dialectal place-nomenclature 2d ed.