(delwedd B5505) (tudalen
Carmarti)cn w;l LI AM SP\3”“Y.\.\. %% MDCCCLXX %% SPCRRELL, PRINTER,
Carmarti)cn w;l LI AM SP\3”“Y.\.\. %% MDCCCLXX %% SPCRRELL, PRINTER,
CARMAaTRCN. %%%%%% 13 %ch %
(delwedd B5506) (tudalen2
(delwedd B5507) (tudalen3
During the interval that elapsed between the publica- tion of the first and
second editions of this Work, the Author took advantage of many opportunities
of adding, not merely to the bulk of the volume, but also, he trusts, to the
utility of. its contents. Many subjects slightly touched on in the first
edition, were in the second discussed more in detail, and some fresh subjects
were brought under notice. This was especially the case with reference to the
Elementary Sounds of the Language, a subject on which little thought had been
expended by Welsh grammarians in general.
The present edition has been further enlarged, by the introduction of a list
of words governing the mutable initials, and of numerous additions throughout
the body of the Work. The contents have also been made more accessible, by
numbering the paragraphs and appending an index of subjects.
May, 1870. %%
(delwedd B5508) 4
THE FIRST EDITION. %% The Grammar now before the reader owes its publica-
tion to a feeling on the part of the Author that no sufficiently simple work
on the subject on which it treats had ever appeared in print.
To lay claim to great originality in the production of a Welsh Grammar would
be idle, so many writers having canvassed the subject, while the principles
of the language remain unaltered. Equally impossible would it be to
acknowledge the various sources whence the author has derived his
information, notes on the subject having been collected by him during a
period of some years, without any intention of their being published, and
principles elicited by examination of the structure of the language, which at
last accumulated into a mass requiring method only to form into a book.
The Author trusts that the natural arrangement of the Work, and a departure
from some antiquated and fanciful theories, at variance with philology, will
secure, what he has mainly aimed at, the utility of his production. %%
(delwedd B5509) 5
Lettees and Sounds ..... l
The Alphabet, with the Names and Powers of the Letters 1
Analysis of the Alphabet . . . .2
Accented Letters . . . . . ■ 11
Table of Elementary Sounds . . . .12
Classification of the Sounds . . . . 14
Vowels . . . . . . .14
Diphthongs . . . . . 16
Consonants . . . . . .18
Classification of the Consonants . . . 18
Tabular Classification of the Consonants . . 20 Mutations of Consonants ....
Table of Mutations . . . .26
>» » »» .... **>»
Dmgram — Relationship of MutabVe ImWa”a • *”“ %%
(delwedd B5510) 6
Words ....... 2V>
Accentuation of Words . . . . .29
The Spelling of Words ..... 38
Words of Similar Pronunciation . . .41
Long and Short Monosyllables . . . 4r>
Classification qf Words . . . . .49
Nouns . . . . . . ol
Number . . . . . . r)2
Gender ...... r>7
Adjectives ...... oV)
Adjectives of Quality .... 59
Adjectives of Number and Quantity . . . 59
Demonstratives . . . . . 01
Number . . . . . . (\2
Gender ...... {')■]
Degrees of Comparison . . . . (14
Terminations of Adjectives . . . ()♦;
Pronouns . . . . . . . <;7
Personal Pronouns ..... (;?
Relative Pronouns ..... 09
Other Pronominal Words and Phrases . . 72
Verbs . . . . . . . 7.S
Roots of Verbs . . . . . 75
Moods and Tenses . . . , . 7S
Active Voice ..... 7S
Passive Voice . . . . . s:> %%
(delwedd B5511) 7
(.ON TENTH. VU. %%
AN'oKDS (continued) %% fAQE. %% The Primitive Verb Bod .... 8«
The Primitive Verb Myned . . ,90
The Regular Verb Dysgu .... 92
Tables of Regular Verbs . . . .94
Tables of Irregular Verbs .... 99
Defective Verbs . . . . .104
Auxiliary Verbs ..... KKJ
Adverbs . . . . . . .110
Prepositions . . . . . . 114
Impersonal Prepositions . . . .114
Pronominal Prepositions . . . . 115
Conjunctions . . . . . .11(1
Interjections . . . . . . 117
Prefixes and Affixes . . . . .118
Prefixes . . . . . . lis
Affixes ....... 12«5
Sentences . . . . . . \'M
The Arrangement of Words . . . . 1;}4
Noun and Qualifying Word . . . . 1 ;U
The Adverb ...... VM\
Subject, Object, Verb, or, Subject. Predicate, Copula 137
The Agreement of Words . . . .140
Verb and Subject . . . . 140
The Verbs Yio” Sydd” Mae” and Oes . . . Wl
PantiagQA iJiiiritrativc of their \3;se . . • “'““ %%
(delwedd B5512) 8
Till. %% CONTENTi.
%% Sentences “continued) %%PAGE %%Infinitive Mood ..... %%. 149 %%Adjective
and Nouu .... %%. 150 %%The Adjective F or Fr . %%152 %%Pronoun and Noun ....
%%. 154 %%Adverbs ...... %%156 %%Negatives ..... %%. 166 %%Ni and Nid .....
%%15G %%Na and Nad ..... %%. 157 %%Nis and Nas ..... %%157 %%Na, Nac, and Nag
.... %%. 158 %%A and Y (or Yr) .... %%160 %%Prepositions ..... %%. 161
%%Conjunctions ...... %%172 %%Questions and Answers .... %%. 180 %%The
Changes in the Initials of Words . %%182 %%Mutations of Initial Consonants .
%%. 182 %%The Vocal Mutation .... %%182 %%The Nasal Mutation .... %%. 190
%%The Aspirate Mutation .... %%191 %%Assumption of the Letter H before Vowels
%%. 192 %%A List of Words aflEecting the Mutable Initials %%193 %%Punctuation
..... %%. 200 %%\.PPENDTX. ...... %%202 %%Table of the English Verb and its
Auxiliaries %%. 202 %% Zndex %% 'iVi\ %%
(delwedd B5513) (tudalen 001)
WITH THE NAMES AND FOWERS OF THE LETTERS. %% Characters. %%Names in English.
%%A %%a %%a, in calm %%B %%b %%be %%C %%c %%ek %%Ch %%ch %%Bx (Greek) %%D %%d
%%de %%Dd %%dd %%eth (vocal) %%E %%e %%a, in mare %%F %%f %%ev %%Ff %%ff %%ef
%%G %%g %%eg %%Ng %%T”g %%eng %%H %%h %%hatch or he %%I %%•
1 %%e %%L %%1 %%el %%LI %%u %%BLL (Welsh) %%M %%m %%em %%N %%n %%en
%%%%%%(French) %%P %%P %%pe %%Ph %%ph %%uf or fe %%Rh %%rh %%rha %%R %%r %%ar
or er %%S %%s %%es %%T %%t %%te %%Th %%th %%eth (spirate) %%U %%u %%e %%W %%w
%%00, in too %%Y %%r ' %%1, m fir %% Powers. %% a in palm, mat
as in English
English k
no similar English sound
d in bed
th in leather
a in mare; e in then
V, or / in of
fin for
g hard, as in beg
ng in length
h in horrid
e in me; i in thin: y in yet
as in English
no similar English sound
as in English
as in English
in fore; o in not
as in English
/ in /or
no similar English sound
r in rough
8 in say
t in to, at
th in pith
e in me; i in thin
in do; com Joot: 'vjo\s:L\»eX\.
u in far, cut ; «\!b.o “i” ““>». %%
(delwedd B5514) (tudalen 002)
2. A has two sounds: short or stopped, and long or open.' Its stopped sound
is like that of the English a in pat, fat, can. Its open sound is rather less
hollow than that of a in path, father, calm, and bears the same relation to
the stopped sound as oo in hoot does to oo in good. A difference also exists
between the short sounds of a in the two languages, as in pa/n, when, and
joaw (English). The latter, at least as sometimes pronounced, approaches the
short sound of e in men, and is the correlative short sound of a corrupt
pronunciation of long a heard in Merioneth- shire and other parts of Wales.
In construction, a is changed into e, ei, and sometimes into y and at; as
gwan, weak, gwendid, weakness; hardd, a bard, heirdd, bards; afall, an apple
tree, efyll, apple trees; dafad, a sheep, defaid, sheep. A in conjunction
with w is changed into ; as hrawd, a brother, hrodyr, brothers.
3. B has the same power in Welsh as in English. It is one of the nine
changeable initial consonants, being convertible into / and m; as, bar a,
bread, dy fara” thy bread, fy mara, my bread. In a few cases it is changed
into “; as, cyffelyh, like, cyffelypach, more like ; neppell (neb pell), not
distant. In gwynebpryd, countenance, pobpeth, everything, it assumes the
sound of p, being attracted by the p in the following syllable. B is also the
vocaP muta-
* The names of the vowels and their long sounds are identical.
> Words are inserted in dictionaries in their radical forms only: a few
unimportant exceptions occur.
' In the present edition the descriptive terms vocal and nasal are used for
the words soft and liquid, which were in the first edition used Arbitrarily
after the example of other writers on the subject, of whom scarcely any two
employ the woiAb m l\ve «>«avfe ““w&e. %%
(delwedd B5515) (tudalen 003)
tion of p; as, y bont, the bridge, from pont, a bridge; pontbren, a piece of
timber bridging a stream, from prm, a tree.
4. C, like English h, is never soft. It is changed into g, ngj and ch; as,
cyfaill, a friend, dy gyfaill, thy friend, ft/ nghyfaill” my friend, ei
chyfaill, her friend.
5. Ch, This letter has a rough guttural sound, identical, it is said, with
that of the Greek p” when correctly pro* nonnced. [§65.] When beginning a
word in its radical form, it is always followed by w. If not followed by «?,
the word primarily begins with c, of which letter ch is the aspirate
mutation. Chw is commonly pronounced in South Wales like wh in what; the
words chwaer, a sister, chwareu, to play, chwerthin, to laugh, chweck, six,
being usually pronounced whaer, whareu” wherthin, whech, [§59, 60,]
6. D has always the usual sound of d English. It never assumes the sound of d
in the English word soldier. It has two regular changes; namely, into dd and
n; as, dwm” a fist, dy ddimm, thy fist, fy mum, my fist. D is interchangeable
with t; as, rkad, cheap, rhatach, cheaper; parodj ready, parotot, to make
ready; gwaddod, moles, gwaddotwTj a molecatcher. It is also the vocal
mutation of “; as, traed, feet, dy draed, thy feet. When immedi- ately
preceding or following dd in the same word, it is separated from that letter
by a hyphen; as, dad'“ddyrysu, to disentangle, ufudd-dod, obedience,
7. Dd has the power of th in this and breathe. It never begins a word in the
radical form : in that position it is the vocal mutation of d; as, y ddinas,
the city, from dmaSj a city. Dd and th are irregularly transmutable, hence we
have gantho”ganddo, with or by him; diwethaf “.diweddaf, the last;
cynnysgaethu” ci/Tini|8gaeddu”\» “\i”i3”\ chwardd, will laugh, chwerthin” to
\a\igk. %% 4
(delwedd B5516) (tudalen 004)
8. E has. two sounds, that of e English in metj and the same sound
lengthened, as e in there, a in mare, ea in peq”. For instance, peri, to
cause, is pronounced as if written paree in English, accented on the first
syllable. [§ 23.] “ is a pure vowel, identical with the French e: mer,
marrow, is pronounced like the French mer, sea. It has not the diphthongal
sound of the English long a in mate, which is a compound of a in mare, and ee
in meet, and is pronounced as if written ai or ay; the English words pain and
pane, stayed and staid, rays, raise, and rase being respectively pronounced
alike. This vowel is changed into i, u, y, and ei; as, maen, a stone, meiniy
stones; maes, a field, meusydd, fields; castell, a castle, cestyll, castles;
nerth, strength, neirthiad, a strengthener.
9. F has the power of v, or / in of; never that of / in for. When initial, it
is the vocal mutation of either h or m; as, dy far a, thy bread, from hara,
bread; ei fam, his mother, from mam, a mother. F is liable to be transmuted
into ff; as, coffa, memorial, from cof memory; cyffelyh, like, from the
prefix cy or cyf, and fel, a mutation of mal, like, as. In coffdu (cof-hau),
to commemorate, from cof, memory, the sounds fh are compressed into one (/).
The affinity between v and w, to which are to be traced the English
vulgarisms winegar, tvillain, vindow, Vellington, operates in a few instances
in "Welsh; as, cafod, cawod, a shower; tafiu, tawlu, to cast; y dylif, y
diluw, the flood; llofrudd, a murderer, from Haw, a hand, and rhudd, red ; safwyr,
sawyr, savour. F is also often dropped at the end of words; as, gwaetha\
gwaetkaf, worst; hy, hyf bold; Hi, llif, flood; ne\ nef heaven; goreu, gorau,
or goraf, best.
10. Ff is of the same power as / in for, ff in stiff, or j”A in p Arose, %%
(delwedd B5517)(tudalen 005)
11. G” is always pronounced like g in beg and get. Like ch [§ 5], it has an
affinity for tlie labial w [\ 60], being when radical often followed by that
letter; as, gwan” weak; gtvynt, wind. Words primarily beginning with this
letter letter undergo two changes : they drop the g, and change it into Tig;
as, gairy a word, d” air, thy word, fi/ ngatr, my word. G is interchangeable
with c; as, godidog, excellent, godtdocach, more excellent, godidocaf, most
excellent; brag, malt, breci, wort; gwraig, a wife, gwreica, to take a wife;
teg, fair, tecach, fairer. G is also the vocal mutation of c; as, ci, a dog,
corgi, a cur, dwrgi, an otter, milgi, a greyhound.
12. Ng has the same sound as ng in sing. It sometimes commences a syllable in
Welsh, which it never does in English. Initial ng is the nasal mutation of g,
and, with h, of c; as, fy ngalar, my grief, from galar, grief; fy nghefn, my
back, from cefn, ba«k. It is never radical. [§ 3, note 2.]
13. H has the sound of h in the English words hard, high, hoarse, hurry. It
is never silent. With c, p, r, and t, this character forms ch, ph, rh, and
th, which re- present simple sounds, and not compounds of the sounds of c, p,
r, t, and h, as the characters might lead us to suppose. The letter A when
not preceded by ng, m, or n, is always followed by a vowel. When so preceded,
it may be followed by I, n, or r; as, fy nghlyw, my hearing; fy mhlant, my
children ; fy nhlodi, my poverty; fy nghnawd, my flesh; yng Nghred, in
Christendom; ym Mhrydain, in Britain; yn Nhrefaldwyn, in Montgomery; but it
is diffi- cult to determine whether the aspiration precedes or follows I, n,
r. Dr. Gruffydd Koberts, in his grammar (A.D. 1567), says h should be put
aitex I axv” t \w “xsiia. cases. %% b
(delwedd B5518) (tudalen 006)
14. / has the sound of i in pin, and ee in meet. The diphthongal sound of the
English long e, as in spite, is nearly represented in Welsh by two letters,
ei or eu; as, eilun, an image ; teulu, a family. /, when followed by a, e” 0,
w, or 1/, in the same syllable, has the force of English y in yam, yet; as,
ia, ice; techyd, health; lonawr, Janu- ary; luddew, Jew; iyrchyn, a roebuck.
Before w it is less regular, being sometimes equal to ew in new, as others to
yoo; as niwl, a mist; lluniivyd, was formed. In jse, yes, % forms a separate
15. jL has the power of the English /. L is never radical in purely Welsh
words : when found at the com- mencement of a word, either it is the vocal
mutation of II, or the word primarily begins with g; as, ei law, his hand,
from llaw, a hand; yr wyhren las, the blue sky, from glas, blue.
16. LL This letter represents a sound erroneously said to be peculiar to the
Welsh language. [§ 63.] In pro- nouncing it, the tongue assumes the same
position as in forming I, and the breath is forcibly propelled on each side
of the tongue, but more on one side than on the other. It is remarkable that
most persons breathe more on the right than on the left in pronouncing this
letter. [§ 62.} LI is subject to one mutation, being changed into Z; as Hid,
wrath, ei lid, his wrath. [§ 3, note 2.]
11, M has the same power as in English. It changes regularly into /; as, mah,
a son, dy fah, thy son. It is also the nasal mutation of h, and, with h, of
p; as, fy mrawd, my brother, fy mhechod, my sin, from brawd, a brother,
pechod, sin.
18. i\r, pronounced as in English, begins some words
which have no initial change, and is also the nasal muta-
“/on of d” and J with A, of (; as> fy nillad” xo” eVoJOsife-s*” %%
(delwedd B5519)(tudalen 007)
from dillad, clothes; fi/ nhir, my land, from tir, land. It is liable to
change, for euphony, into m and ng; as am” mhur, impure, from an, negative,
and pur, pure; i/n, in, yng Nghaerdydd, in Cardiff. As in other languages, n
naturally takes the sound of ng before c ; as, llanc, a lad (rhyming with
hank English, pronounced hangk).
19. has the short sound of o in rvot. Its long sound is that of the French o;
not the diphthongal long Eng- lish 0, as in note. The difference between it
and the latter is, that in pronouncing the Welsh o, the lips assume a round
form before the sound is uttered; but the lips are moved while pronouncing
the English o, which is a union of a in all J and oo in too. is regularly
changed into y; as, com, a horn, cym, horns; aros, to wait, erys, will wait;
and irregularly into a and w; as” troed, a foot, traed, feet; croen, a skin,
crwyn, skins; oen, a lamb, fbyn, lambs. is a mutation of w and also of aw;
as, trwm (masculine), trom (feminine), heavy; tlodion, plural of tlawd, poor;
prawf, a proof, prvfi, to prove. The poets occasionally prefer aw to o; as,
teimlaw or teimlo, to feel; bythawl or bythol, everlasting.
20. P has the same power in Welsh as in English. It makes three changes;
namely, into b, mh, and ph; as, pen, a head, dy ben, thy head, fy mhen, my
head, ei pken, her head.
21. Fh has the power of ph and / in physical force* It is used in words
borrowed from other languages ; as, Phinehas, Ephesiaid; and in Welsh words
whose radical initial is p, of which it is the aspirate mutation; as, d
phlant, her children, from plant, children : in other cases ff is used.
22. Rh is not usually treated as oil” oi \)ti” \”\Xfcx” “\ the alphabet It
should, however, \\ko ch, pK, t\\”\>“ <i*”“- %% 8
(delwedd B5520) (tudalen 008)
sidered as one letter: it represents a simple sound, and bears the same
relation to r as th does to dd. It is one of the mutable consonants, having r
for its vocal muta- tion, as rhaff, a rope, dwy raff, two ropes. Rh never
occurs at the end of a syllable. [§ 64.]
23. R has the same power as English r or rr, in rashj rugged, hurry,
pronounced strongly ; and never the softer sound of the English vocal r, as
in fear, curve, in pro- ducing which the tongue is curled a little further
back. The words here, more, boor, are pronounced as if written hee-ur, mo-ur,
boo-ur, and they differ in sound from the Welsh words hir, long, mor, the
sea, biur, strike thou, in the r only, which in the Welsh is a rough
articulation, while in the English it partakes so much of the vocal
character, that it is questionable whether it should not be considered a
vowel. R is the vocal mutation of rh. It never begins words in their radical
form. Words beginning with r (not rh) have undergone a mutation, and begin
radically either with rh or with g; as rhwyd, a net, dy rwyd, thy net; gras,
grace, ei ras, his grace.
24. S has the power of s in sin, ss in miss, or c in vice. In conjunction
with i, it is, in South Wales, generally pronounced like sh in shall; as,
siomi, to disappoint; sionc, brii”k ; this sound appears to have been
borrowed from the English ; but possibly it always existed amongst the
ancient Cymry. [§61.] With a diaeresis accent, s'i is pronounced see
(English), and forms a separate syllable; as, s'io, to hiss. The Welsh
language is destitute of the vocal sounds of s heard in the words pleasure
and raise.
25. T has always the sound of the English t, as in to, at; never that of t in
nature, nation. It is changed into d,
/lA, and th; as, tad, a father, ei dad, his father, fy nhad, my father, ei
thad, her father. %%
(delwedd B5521) (tudalen 009)
26. Th is of the same power as th in thick, thin, pith. It is never
pronounced like th in thei/, this, breathe. The Tocal spund of English th is
represented in Welsh by dd. Th is the aspirate mutation of t; as, tafod, a
tongue, ei thafod, her tongue. It is never radical.
27. U has sounds closely resembling those of / in this, and ee in meet. The
diphthongal sound of u, as in tune, is expressed in Welsh by itv; as, gwiw,
fit, meet; and nearly by uw or i/w; as, Duw, God; bi/w, living. [§ 30.]
28. W has the sounds of oo in good and boot. It is changed into o and y, and
sometimes by the poets into ei; as, Z/”w”“ (masculine), Horn (feminine),
bare; htvnw, that male (absent), hbno, that female (absent); dwfr, water,
dyfroedd or deifr, waters. In words radically beginning in chw or gw, w has
the force of w in well or u in quit; as, t(;ew, an inflection of gwen, gwyn,
white, pronounced exactly like wen English. The sound represented by wh in
when is not considered a genuine Welsh sound: in South Wales it takes the
place of chw.
29. T. The usual or primary sounds of y are like the short u in fun, and the
longer sound of the same letter in furze, but rather more guttural. In
monosyllables and in the last syllable of other words, it is pronounced like
the Welsh u, having nearly the power of ee in see, and that of i in thin. [§
30.] In dy, dyd, dyt, fy, myn, syr, y, ydd, ym, yn, yr, ys, yth, it has its
usual sounds. The two sounds occur in the words Cymry, Welshmen, and hyny, that
(absent), pronounced very nearly like the English word honey. Some of the
older writers used a character, some- thing like the Greek y, to represent
the usual sounds of y, writing the word Cymry thus, Cymry. Y was change- able
into y; as, dyn, a man, dymou, txi”tl” deTb-”-a” \» receive, derbyniais, I
received. But 7 -s”“a XiSjX* TssaXii”'“' %% 10
(delwedd B5522) (tudalen 010)
The sound is still changed when a syllable is added. [§44.] F changes into «;
as, meZyw (masculine), melen (feminine), yellow; gwyn (masculine), gwen
(feminine), white. Y has two sounds in the Manx, as in Welsh.
30. The letters e, w, and y, it will be observed, have often nearly the same
sound : an accurate ear is requisite to detect the difference : the sounds of
u and the secondary sounds of y are identical : in pronouncing them the
tongue is held a little flatter than in pronouncing i; which has a thinner
sound, the passage between the tongue and the palate being more confined.
31. CA, dd, ffj ng, llj ph, rh, and th are inappropriate characters, their
component parts being in other situations separate letters. They are by some
called double letters ; but they represent simple sounds, perfectly distinct
from that of c, dy /, &c., and are not double in the same sense as Ji, fl
(equal to / t, / 0> ““ which the sounds of the separate letters are
32. The combinations ngh, mk, nh, which, unlike the foregoing digraphs [§
31], represent compound sounds, are placed in the alphabet by some
grammarians. There is an obvious impropriety in this method, which to be con-
sistent should also include aw, ai, and other combinations transmutable with
single letters.
33. The Welsh alphabet is free from some defects found in the alphabets of
many languages, no letter being ever silent, and no single letter being used
to express a com- pound sound, like the diphthongal a, i, o, and w, in
English, and the letter a?, which stands for ks or gz in extent and exalt y
and g, which in age stands for d and s as in pleasure; hence little more than
a knowledge of the names of the
)etters is necessary to enable a person to read the lan- “ia”e with
propriety. %%
(delwedd B5523) (tudalen 011)
%% ACCENTED LETTERS. %% 34. There is a great want of uniformity amongst Welsh
writers in the use of accents to distinguish the long and short sounds of the
vowels. The plan adopted by some of the best writers is to place a grave
accent on the short vowels, when occurring in words which would have a
diflferent signification if the vowels were long; as, tbn” a wave, tortj a
tune. Others distinguish the long sound with a circumflex accent. Sometimes
both long and short vowels are marked, or an accent is placed over the vowel
when the word is not pronounced both long and short; as, priUj scarce. The
more usual way, however, and that attended with the least inconvenience, is
to mark the long vowel in monosyllables which are pronounced both long and
short, and the short vowel, when a syllable is added; as, toriy a tune,
tonau, tunes ; ton, a wave, tonau, waves. This practice is founded on the tendency
of the language to shorten the vowel when a syllable is added; as.
Long. Short.
tdn, fire faniOj to fire
pellj far pellder, distance
Air, long hiriorij long ones
hollj all holloly altogether
Sul, Sunday Suliau, Sundays
gvrr, a man gwryw, male
rhydd, free rkyddid, liberty
35. The diaeresis accent is used to separate letters liable to be incorrectly
pronounced with one impulse of the voice; as, ffden, a bean; saemiaetK,
cax”eviXx” \ Io-wt” “6. thatcber. %%
(delwedd B5524) (tudalen 012)
36. The elementary sounds of tlie Welsh language, as may be gathered from the
foregoing paragraphs, are thirty-nine in number, including those heard only
in particular districts of the Principality. They are enu- merated below. %%
No. %%Charac- ters. %%1 %%” %%2 %%ib %%3 %%6 %%4 %%b %%5 %%•d %%6 %%a %%7 %%A
e %%8 %%e %%9 %%t %%10 %%I %%11 %%{l %%12 %%u %%13 14 %%y %%15 16 %%p b %%17
%%WH %%18 %%W %%19 %%m %%20 21 22 %%/
/ th %%23 %%dd %%”4 %%/ %% Examples in Welsh. %% ““ / “ %% / %% dwfr, water,
llwj an oath hwn” this, cwr, a comer hod” to be, co/*, memory and” bilt,
cnoc, a knock pa” what, tad, a father. pan, when, cam, a step hen, old, peth,
a thing pen, head, mellt, lightning pridd, earth, hi, she prin, scarce, dim,
nothing hun, sleep, dyn,2i, man punt, a pound, tyn, tight dyj thy, fy, my yn,
in, yr, the
pell, far, hv)p, a push hai, a fault, we5, nobody whech (S.W.), six gioyn,
wa5, a son, warn, a mother ffordd, a way, cZojf, lame ei farf, his beard ei
thaith, her journey €2 ddydd, his day /r”“ three, at, to “<?, “ood,
rAdw;?, cheap %% Examples in English. %% 00 in mood, boot
00 in good, stood
in Tnore, ore
in 6owc?, Zoi
a in jpa”A, rather
a in “an, ca<
a in mare, ware
e in jE)ew, end '
ee in 5e€, i in machine
i in j?m, “i
ee in see "\
i in “tw f nearest
u in cwrve “ sounds
u in “ww “
j? in put, up b in but, tub wh in tf”Aew, why w in t(;ei, i”?ar m in ma”, am
/ in for, ff in mw/ V in vine, / in of th in <Am, j[?tYA th in “Ais,
breathe t in fo/), co< \d in do, did %%
(delwedd B5525) (tudalen 013)
18 %% No. %%Charac- ters. %%Examples in Welsh. %%Examples in English. %%26 27
28 29 %%S
SI 11 %%st/ch, dry, gwas, a servant nos, night, gw7/n, wMte stomij to
disappoint llawn, full, callj wise %%s in SO, ss in miss n in now, fin sh in
shall, rush no similar sound %%30 31 %%I
rh %%ei law, his hand, pfbl, blunt rhew, frost %%I in Ze<, ZZ in fell no
similar sound %%32 33 %%r
HI %%ei ran, his part, b”r, short eu hiaithy their language %%r in rough, rr
in ferry human=iYKooman %%34 35 %%I c %%iawn, right
ca£, a field, imcj not %%y in yes, yet “
c in cave, ck in lick %%36 37 %%9 ck %%gwg, a frown, gwag, empty chvjyn,
weeds, moch, pigs %%g in “aw«, fta”' no similar sound %%38 %%ng %%fy ngaing,
my wedge %%ng in sing, long %%39 %%h %%hardd, beautiful %%h in Aof, haste,
hand %% 37. The sounds are arranged, in the foregoing table, in a natural
order, e”ch series commencing with those sounds which are formed in the
forepart of the mouth, and termi- nating with those formed in the throat.
38. All the characters made use of in the table, ex- cepting “ and y,
represent the sounds assigned to them in the present mode of writing Welsh,
the circumflex or grave accent being sometimes used, as before stated. [§34.]
The letters “ and y” here used to prevent ambiguity, have in the usual
orthography the sounds assigned to tl and u, in the table; sounds 13 and 14
being represented without distinction by y unaccented.
39. The sound / is sometimes represented by ph in the orthography of the language.
%% 14
(delwedd B5526) (tudalen 014)
40. The elementary sounds are of two kinds: vowels and consonants.
(1) In pronouncing the vowels, the voice has free egress. The first fourteen
sounds in the foregoing table are vowels.
(2) In pronouncing the consonants, the breath and voice are in their exit
more or less obstructed by the organs of utterance. The twenty-four sounds
numbered 15 to 38 are consonants.
(3) The letter h is the mark of a strong aspiration; its sound is nearly
allied to the consonants; perhaps it would not be improperly called a
pectoral, or chest, consonant.
41. Vowels are distinguishable as long or open, and short or stopped : the
latter being, as it were, stopped or cut short by a succeeding consonant.
42. The vowels, with the exception of 6 and o, may be arranged in pairs of
corresponding long and short sounds.
V”owds. Examples. “““““ Examples.
1” win givr, a husband “ w in hwn, this
6 in hod” to be no similar short sound
no similar long sound b o in ondj but
d a in cdn, a song a a in cant, a hundred
e e in hen, old e « in pen, the head
I i in hi, she i i in sillaf, a syllable
“ u in huriy sleep h uin punt” a pound
“ “ in d”y tbjr y j/ m yu, m %%
(delwedd B5527) (tudalen 015)
43. The vowel 6 has no similar short sound in either English or Welsh. The
vowel o, on the contrary, has no corresponding long sound in Welsh; but its
long sound is found in the English words bawl, all, cause, oil, north, broad,
ought, which exhibit so many different ways of writing the same sound.
Welshmen often mispronounce English words containing this long sound, making
no distinction between the words call and coal, saw and so, laud and load,
44. The letters a, e, o, and w, and the vowels repre- sented by them, are
liable to mutation. / and u are not mutable. Y is mutable, when pronounced
like u (sounds 11 and 12); but it is not mutable when it represents sounds 13
and 14; examples are given in the Analysis of the Alphabet. [§29.] %%
45. The union of two vowels in the same syllable is called a diphthong. The
Welsh diphthongs are nume- rous; and as in Welsh words every letter is
sounded, none of the diphthongs are improper, as those are termed which are
merely simple vowels represented by two letters, as at” in caught, aw in
bawl, ea in stream, ie in field, ou in should,
46. Letters representing diphthongs retain in such combinations their usual
powers, with an occasional obscurity or deviation. For example, the letter e
in the diphthongs ae, oe, has frequently, if not generally, the sound of i;
the word oes, is, rhyming with the English word voice: and e, before i, u,
and y, has the Bound of y in dy; as, ein, our, whick iYv”txv”“ ““VOtv mxv«.
(English), or nearly so. %%
(delwedd B5528) (tudalen 016)
THR %% 47. The following is a list of the diphthongs with examples of words
in which they occur: — %% ae %%maen, a stone %%■ ey %%teyrn, a king
%%ai %%gair, a word %%iw %%rhiw, a declivity %%au %%gau, false %%oe %%oes, is
%%aw %%naw, nine %%uw %%uwch, above %%ei %%Ueidr, a thief %%wy %%g”r, he
knows %%eu %%neu, or %%yw %%byw, alive %%ew %%tew, fat %%%%
48. Oi and ow, as in ffoi, to flee, ffowch, flee you, are by some pronounced
as diphthongs; by others they are considered to form separate syllables. The
forms trugar-” owgrwyddy compassion, godidowgrwydd, excellence. Hid-
iowgrwyddj wrath, for trugarogrwydd or tragarawgrwydd, &c., are generally
rejected as vulgarisms.
49. Ay and oy are sometimes included in lists of diph- thongs, as in gwayw, a
pang; hoyw, sprightly; but the orthography gwaew, hoew, is deemed preferable.
50. Ey generally forms two syllables; as porfeyddy pastures ; breyr, a baron
; gweyddion, weavers.
51. The diphthong aw, in hau, to sow, haul, the sun, aur” gold, and some
other words, is pronounced by the natives of South Wales like oi or oy in the
English words oily hoy. This peculiarity has probably prevailed for many
centuries: it is noticed by Dr. Davies, in his grammar, published 1621.
52. The following combinations are usually but im- properly classed as
diphthongs and triphthongs. Their flrst elements are the consonants i and w,
equal to y in
j<{?u”k and w in water “ marked No. 34 and 18 in the “ores”oing list.
[§36.] %% WEL8H LANOUAGB. %%
(delwedd B5529) (tudalen 017)
17 %%%%
Last Element Long. %%
Laat Element Short. %%
ia %%iach, healthy %%iarll, an earl %%
ie %%iechyd, health %%iesin, radiant %%
io %%Ion, the Eternal %%lonawr, January %%
iu %%
luddew, a Jew %%
iw %%Iwl, Julius %%iwrch, roebuck %%
iy %%• %%iyrchod, roebucks %%
wa %%gwas, a servant %%gwan, weak %%
we %%gwell, better %%gwellt, straw %%
wi %%gwir, true %%gwisgo, to dress %%
wo %%gwobr, a reward %%gwobrwy, a reward %%
wa %%gwuU, a floweret %%%% wy %%gwfr, men %%gwyn, white %%B %%ystyriaeth,
consideration %%wae %%gwael, base %%•
I %%iaith, %%language %%wai %%gwaith, work %%a %%geiriau, wo7'ds %%wau
%%gwau, to weave %%w %%iawn, %%right %%waw %%gwawd, ridicule %%1
I %%ieithoedd, languages %%wei %%gweilgi, the ocean %%a %%ieuanc, young %%weu
%%gweuad, a weaving %%w %%iewaD %%, a scream %%wew %%gwewyr, pangs %%e
%%einioes, life %%wiw %%gwiw, fit %%7 %%soniw %%yd, reported %%wyw %%gwyw,
withered %% 63. Vowels forming diphthongs are sometimes changed, when alone.
Thus, a and e are changed into e and i in jW, plural of saer” an artificer ;
and a into 6, in ffeuau” oral of ffau, a cave ; cadeirydd, a president, from
cadair, chair ; ieuo, to yoke, from iau, a yoke. Ei becomes a in idroUj
plural of lleidr, a thief; and aw is often con- srted into o; as, brawd, a
brother, brodyr, brothers; wdd, a melting, toddi, to melt; nawdd, protection,
*ddfay a place of refuge; clawdd” “ dVlOa., “ V”\%”“ 7if(/io, to dig. 2 %%
(delwedd B5530) (tudalen 018)
54. The name consonant seems to have originated in the erroneous idea that
these sounds cannot be pronounced without a vowel. The consonants p, 5, t, d,
c, g, cannot be pronounced continuously, but they are in many words separated
from vowels ; as, t in act, p in asp, k in ash All the other consonants in
Welsh and English can be pronounced continuously; the action called hissing:
is a continuous pronunciation of the sound s without a vowel. In English, at
least, there are syllables with no vowel, as, Jle in trifie, where the e is
55. Consonants are capable of four distinct classifica- tions.
(1) They may be classed according to the organs by which they are formed.
a. Those in pronouncing which the lips are used, are called labials.
The labials are capable of subdivision, into pure lahiaUj p, b, m;
linguo-labials, wh, w [§ 60]; and dento-labials, ff (or ph) and /.
b. Those formed by means of the action of the tongue are called Unguals,
The linguals may be subdivided into dentals, in forming which the tongue
touches or approaches the teeth ; they are th and dd; dento-palatals, t, d,
s, n, and si; palatals, formed near the roof of the mouth, rh, r, II, I, hi,
i; and gutturals, formed in the throat, c, g, ch, and ng,
(2) They may be distinguished as oral and nasal,
a. In pronouncing the oral consonants the breath passes through the mouth.
b. In pronouncing the nasals the breath passes through i”/te nose. They are
m” n, ng; all tlie ot\ieta\iem% at«“.. %%
(delwedd B5531) (tudalen 019)
(3) They may be classed according to the manner in rhich they are pronounced.
a. Those incapable of being pronounced continuously, he breath being
interrupted in its passage, may be called hut consonants. They are p, b, tj
d, c” g.
h. Those which may be pronounced continuously, may >e called open or
continuous consonants.
The open consonants are divisible into two sub- lasses ; those in which the
oral passage is divided by the nterposition of the tongue or teeth, as, I;
and those in rhich it is not so divided, as, r. They may be dis- ingnished by
the terms central and lateral.
(4) They may be classed into those in pronouncing rhich the breath alone is
heard, and those in which the oice or vibration in the larynx is heard. The
former are pirate, the latter vocal. They are here enumerated : —
;. Spirate p wh ff th t s bi U rh hi c ch . Vocal b w m f dd d n I r i g ng
66. It will be observed that most of the above conso- lants are in pairs — p,
wh, jf, th, t, II, rh, hi, and c, liffering from b, w, /, dd, d, I, r, i, and
g, respectively, Q their spirate or voiceless character only. The reason, 00,
for considering rh one letter becomes obvious, its onnd being simply the
spirate correlative of r.
67. S, 81, and ch have no corresponding vocal sound in “iTelsh ; and m, n,
and ng have no corresponding spirates ; he breath passing through the nose
without the voice ronld be either inaudible or incapable of variation. In he
initial mutations an attempt is made to supply spirate onnds to pair with m,
n, and ng ; Wt Wift V”x”vycL “t owe exists in the compound Bounds mh, uh, ««A
•kv”'Vv, %% It will be convenient [§ 69 (1)] to insert them in the following
table, in which the above scheme of classifica- tion is exhibited at one
view, and in which they are termed aspirated, to imply their compound
character: — %%%%
(delwedd B5532) (tudalen 020)
ORAl,, %%NASAi. 1
%%%%%%o,». 1 %%Splrate. %%V«.l. %%C”nltal. %%L«er<l. %%A-Pl- %%Vocil.
%%SpitBt”. %%
Si.lrnU. %%
1 %%Pare Labial %%}> %%6 %%
“L %%/ %%f %%mh %%” %%Dento-
Labial %%%% Dental %%%%%%
Ih %%dd %%%% Dento- PalatJil %%f %%d %%81 %%L %%%% ■nk %%n %%Palatal %%
IT %%rh %%r %%u %%I %%%% tJntturu,! %%cU %%CU %%%% ngh %%nfi %% 5S. The
sonnde represented by the small capital letters are, with the exception of
oh, fonnd in English. They require some short notice.
59. Wh is uenally regarded as not being a trae Welsh sound. It is heard in
South Wales instead of ckw, in chwaer, a sister, chwech, six, chwareu, to
play, and similar words, a Dimetian peciiliarity noticed by Dr. Davies as
existing in hit day. It occurs in Cornish, in words cognate with Welsh words
in ckw.
CO. The consonant w, which is not always easily dis- tingnished from the
vowel w, may be supposed to be pro- nounced by those Welshmen who say, y
wythnos, the week, while others say, yr wytktws, in which case the w is un-
doabteA\j a vowel. It occurs in several of the so-called (///(Ai”Ofl”sf J52
J, and often comes t”fiftentw'i'aniwi-aa.n.ti %%
(delwedd B5533) (tudalen 021)
without forming a separate syllable, as in the monosyllables gwlad, a
country, gturaig, a wife, which is not the case with any vowel. The sound w
seems to possess an affinity for guttural consonants: we find it after “ in a
great many Welsh words, and it invariably follows initial ch when radical, as
u does q in Latin and English. This arises from the fact that the letter w
represents a mixed sound, which is formed partly by the back part of the
tongue and partly by the lips — a distinction it has not been thought
necessary to indicate in the table.
61. The vocal consonants z and zh (z in zeal and s in pleasure) do not occur
in Welsh, but both are found in the Armoric, or Celto-Breton, that branch of
the Celtic which most closely resembles the Welsh. In Armoric, z, zh, SI, are
represented by Zy j, ch, which characters have the same power in French. The
Armoric Britons probably borrowed the sounds, as they doubtless have the
charac- ters from their French neighbours; for, according to Le Gonidec, the
pronunciation of z, j, and ch is not uniform, z being often pronounced like
dd Welsh, while j and ch were formerly written and are still often pronounced
t and 8. This supports the opinion that Welsh ai (the pronunciation of which
also is not uniform) has been borrowed from the English. Carnhuanawc was of
opinion that the sound si always existed amongst some of the Welsh people.
Many natives of North Wales are unable to pronounce it. It is remarkable that
this sound is represented in most languages by two or more characters ; by sh
in English, ch in French and Portuguese, sch in German, set in Italian.
62. The sound II is generally a great stumbling-block to learners. The power
of pronouncing it may be ac(\aired by observing the process followed in
“«i;aOTi” ix«ai *v”“ %% 22
(delwedd B5534) (tudalen 022)
sound /, ddy z, zh, to /*, th, s, si, and imitating that process with I, when
II will be produced. Thus, let the word strive be pronounced, and the last
sound, v, be dwelt upon (continued, not repeated), striv-v-v, and let the
sound V be changed, without pausing, into /■/■/, making the word
strife. This will be effected by simply dropping the voice, and breathing a
little more forcibly. In like manner wreathe may be converted into ivreath,
peas into peace, or badge (bad”A) into batch (batsA). The same process, pdUUl
— ll-ll-ll, would convert pal, a spade, into pall, cessation, and the Welsh
II would be soimded. LI is not, however, the exact correlative of I : both
are formed with the tip of the tongue; but, in sounding II, the front or
upper part of the tongue is raised a little so as to contract the passage of
the breath.
63. Both II and its true vocal correlative are found in the Zulu language.
Camhuanawc remarks that the sound II is said to be found amongst some tribes
of the Caucasus. He also suggests that the French may have had a sound
similar to that of II, and that the various modes of writing some old French
names, as Lothair, Clotair, Chlotar, Lhotar, may have arisen from efforts to
represent it. It is sometimes said to have an equivalent in the Spanish II;
this, however, is an error. The Welsh II is spirate, while the Spanish II is
vocal and bears the same relation to i (y in yes), as I does to r. Thus, I
and r are formed by raising the tip of the tongue towards the roof of the
mouth; but in I the breath passes each side of the tongue, while in r it
passes over the middle: that is, Z is lateral, and r is central. In like
manner Spanish II and i are formed, not with the tip, but by pressing the
front or vpper part of the tongue against the palate; both are wocalaad open;
but JSpanish II is lateral, “liWe” \ \a <i«?cA?tiJL, %%
(delwedd B5535) (tudalen 023)
64. The sound rh may be produced by continuing the sound r, and dropping the
voice as directed with reference to ZZ [§ 62]: thus the English word ran may
be changed into the Welsh rhan, a part; r-r-r'Th-rh-rhan. This sound is found
in French words ending in tre, ere, pre; as etre, to be, fiacre, a kind of
carriage, propre, proper.
65. The soimd ch may be produced by pronouncing a final k, and relaxing the
contact of the organs, so as to allow a rough-sounding impeded breathing:
66. The sounds hi (the first sound in the word humid y”oomid) and i are
certainly sometimes heard in Welsh, the hi in eu hiaith, their language, and
i in iaith, being, as pronounced by some Welshmen at least, equivalent to the
initial sounds of human and yard. Hence some writers have y iaith, others yr
iaith, the language; these treating i as a vowel, those deeming it a
67. In the bardic alphabet, Coelbren y Beirdd, there occurs a character, by
the substitution of which for that equivalent to “ in the modem alphabet, the
soft mutation of words radically beginning with g, was made. This suggests
the inference that the Welsh formerly possessed a sound it has not now ; and
analogy [§75] leads to the conclusion that the sound in question is the vocal
correlative of ch, which would be naturally represented by OH, and can be
easily produced by any Welshman who will take the trouble to observe the
process followed in passing from the sound th to dd, and imitate that process
with respect to ch. According to Edward Lhuyd, this sound is to be found in
the Armoric; and the writer can corro- borate this statement, having heard it
pronounced by natives of Brittany, and that too precisely in the situation
analogy would induce us to expect it: cK m Kxt£iofvR.\i«vs!L% univalent to
sk, the Welsh ch is Tepxe”erLt” <?h.; \sv>“V” %% 24
(delwedd B5536) (tudalen 024)
found the c'A pronounced gh in da c”halloud” thy power, from galloud, power.
The sound ©h is by Lhuyd said to occur in Gaelic; it is also heard in an
affected pronuncia- tion of the French, the word vraiment being offcen pro-
nounced in Paris as if written vghaiment, and it is substituted for the same
sound (r) by the illiterate in Northumberland and Durham, a corruption
arising from the circumstance that the two sounds are produced in very nearly
the same part of the mouth, while they agree in being oral, vocal, open,
central, and continuous. Probably the sound existed in English words where we
find the cha- racters gh silent, as in night, a guttural sound being still
re- tained in this word in Scotland, as well as in the equivalent German word
nachU According to continental scholars, the Hebrew r (am), considered mute
by Englishmen, bore the sound gh; but Dr. Davies asserts it to be identical
with ng,
68. Nine of the consonants are subject to mutation, when commencing words. Their
changes constitute one of the most striking peculiarities of the Welsh
69. There are three groups of mutable consonants; and three classes of
mutations; the vocal or soft, the nasal, and the aspirate; the term aspirate
being given to ph, th, and ch,
(1) The shut spirate consonants have three changes; viz., vocal, (aspirated)
nasal, and aspirate ; p into b, mh, and ph ; t into d, nh, and th ; and c
into g, ngh, and ch.
(2) Words beginning with the shut vocal consonants have two changes; viz.,
vocal and nasal; b is changed into / and m; d into dd and 7i; and g is
omitted, and .sometimes changed into ng. %%
(delwedd B5537) (tudalen 025)
(3) Zl, rh, and m have each one change — vocal; It into I; rk into r; and m
into /.
70. Ch, s, Bi, /, and n, have no change; and the re- maining congonants are
never radical.
71. The follovfing table, and that given in the next page, will be convenient
for reference: one presents the changes at one view before the eye; the other
gives examples which will assist the reader's memory: — %% ■
%%wll]lU°iceM”UtIsnB. %%”“'i”JTZou. %%««.':::•;■;»"„.. %%1 1 %%i
%%■i %%1 %%1 %%1 %%1 %%1 %%1
2 %%Hadicfll Vocal
Nasal Aspirate %%P
mh pk %%t d
nh th %%ch %%f %%dd %%"S %%' %%
f %% The dash ( — ), ia the sixth column, is used to imply the omission of g.
%% ' The (oEowing ate the Armoric and CorniBh syatemB of mnta- tiona, which
it may be interesting to compote with the Welsh. The letteta have the same
powets as in Eogliah, escopting c'A, which is eqaivalent to ch Weleb, or
sometimes to oh; z BOmctimea is also pTonooDced as dd Weleb; ch and dk=ch and
dd Welsh; h >B equivalent t« ch Welsh. %% Eadicat letter HutaHona %%
Badical letter Ma/aiiV'ns i %%
(delwedd B5538) (tudalen 026)
THE %% 72. The following table gives examples of transmuted words. Dy, fy”
and cz, when followed by words beginning with the mutable consonants, require
the changes made in the words over which they are placed, in the table: the
initial remains unchanged after ew, their. %% Mutable Letter. %%Radical.
%%Vocal. %%Nasal. %%Aspirate. %%Equiyalent
Word. %%eu, their %%dy, thy %%fj,my %%ei, her %%P
T C %%pen
calon %%ben
galon %%mhen
nghalon %%phen
chalon %%head
heart %%B D G %%buwch
gafr %%fawch
afr %%muwch
ngafr %%
goat %%LI
M %%Hong rhaff mor %%long
for %%%% ship rope sea %% 73. From comparing the foregoing tables with that
exhibiting the natural classification of the sounds [§57], the following
analogies may be deduced, disregarding the more minute distinctions of pure labial
and dento-labial, dental and dento-palatal : — %% (1) p is %%to b %%as %%t is
%%to %%d %%and as c is to “ %%p : %%mh %%
t : %%
nh %%:: c : ngh %%p : %%: ph %%
t %%
th %%:: c : ch %%b : %%■ f %%
d : %%
dd %%:: g : gh> %%b : %%: m %%
d %%
n %%:: g : ng %% and, taking each line separately, the several mutations are
made in exactly similar circumstances : for instance. %% * The initial g
being dropped, where analogy requires the sound %% aJT, %%
(delwedd B5539) (tudalen 027)
pen is changed into hen, when troed is changed into droed, and colon into
(2) “ is to ph as 5 is to / t : th :: d : dd c : ch :: g : gh
but the mutations are not made in similar circumstances ; for pky thy ch, are
the aspirate mutations of p, t, c, while f, dd, and the omission of g, form
the vocal mutation of b, d, g; while we say, dy frawd, thy brother, from
hrawd, brother, we say, dy hen (not dy phen), thy head, from”“, head.
(3) p1 r/j ““> «> SI, II, rh, ch,'“
is to > as < are to V respectively;
but, while ZZ and rh are changed into I and r, when j9 is changed into h, the
remaining consonants are not mutable. The change of ff into /, and th into
dd, might have been made; but th is never radical; s, si, and ch are radical,
but the required sounds, z, zh, and gh, are not found in the language.
(4) m IB to f B,B n 18 ix> dd and as «“ is to gh;
but while m is convertible into /, the others are not mutable. The change of
n to dd might have occurred; but had the sound gh existed in the language,
the muta- tion of ng to gh could not take place, as ng is never radical.
74. The mutations are never heterogeneous: a labial consonant is not
exchanged for a lingual, or a guttural for a dental. Spirate radicals, too,
g”““ «“ Y”“i”““sswy” to aspirates, and vocal radicals are “ocq”a. %% 28 %%
(delwedd B5540) (tudalen 028)
75. Bj d, and g are the vocal correlatives of “, f, and c, and they form
their vocal mutation. Ph, th, and ch are the open correlatives of p, t, and
c, and they form their aspirate mutation. When b, d, and g are radical, their
vocal mutations are the vocal correlatives of ph, th, and ch, namely, /, dd,
and (gh not existing in Welsh) the omission of the sound and character g. The
following diagram will point out the natural relationship that exists between
these mutable initials : — %% Radical Form. %% Spirate p {pen) Initial. %%
Vocal Mutation. %% Nasal Mutation. %% Aspirate Mutation. %% b (ben) mh (mhen)
ph {pken) %% Vocal J) “y”]”“ fifuwcK) m{muwcK) %% Spirate t (troed) Initial.
%% d {droed) nh (nkroed) th (Jhroed) %%
Vocal “ (““fad) dd iddafad) n inafad)
Initial. %% Spirate C (calon) g (galon) ngh (nghdlon) ch (chalon)
Initial. %% Vocal g {gafr) Initial. %%
{afr) ng (ngafr) %% 76. The mutations thus far treated of are the ordinary
mutations of the consonants. There are others, equally
regular, which may be termed extraordinary mutations,
as those of b into p, d into t, g into c, which require no
especial notice here. %%
(delwedd B5541) (tudalen 029)
77. It is an almost invariable rule to accentuate Welsh words on the last
syllable but one ; and in accordance with this principle, when terminations
are added, the accent shifts so as to retain the position the genius of the
language requires; while increasing the number of syl- lables by prefixing
one or more does not disturb the position of the accent.
78. The following words will show how rigidly the rule for placing the accent
is adhered to, and give some idea of the derivation of Welsh words : — %%
Cym'mer, %%take (thou), accent oi %%I 1st 8 %%Cymmer'yd, %%to take, „ %%2nd
%%Cymmerad'wy, %%acceptable, „ %%3rd %%Cymmeradwy o, %%to recommend, „ %%4th
%%Cyrnrneradwyas ant, %%tket/ recommended, %%5th %%Gor thrwm, %%very heavy, „
%%1st %%Gorthrym u. %%to oppress, „ %%2nd %%Gorthrymed'ig, %%greatly
oppressed, %%3rd %%Gorthrymedig aeth. %%oppression, „ %%4:th
%%Gorthrymedigaeth au, %%, oppressions, „ %%5th %%At'tal, %%to withhold, „
%%1st %%Ymat'tal, %%to withhold one's self. %%2nd %%Cydymat'tal, %%to refrain
together, %%3rd %% 71 %% 79. The lists of diphthongs and other combinations
given in sections 47 and 52 will be fo\m.d\\!6»“i»N.SsiL ““'5t- miDing the
situation of the accent-, ioi -”o”““ “cs\s”'“““s£”““ %%
(delwedd B5542) (tudalen 030)
come together, though in different syllables; and as the position of the
accent often depends on the nature of these combinations, it is of importance
that we should know, when two or more vowels occur at the end of a word,
whether they form one syllable or more. Ao and oa are not diphthongs;
therefore the accent is on the a in the words hoddhaol” satisfying, and
caniataol, permissible; and on the o in cyffroad, agitation. Au is a
diphthong, and, therefore, in the words prenau, trees, tadau, fathers,
&c., the accent is on the preceding syllable. In the combina- tion awo,
aw is a diphthong, and o a separate vowel; the accent, therefore, falls on
the diphthong aw in the words gwrandawodd, he listened, tawodd, he held his
peace. In twy and iaUj i is a consonant, and wi/ and au are diph- thongs, and
that gives a reason for placing the accent on the first syllable of the words
lluniwyd, was formed; ccfiwyd, was remembered; on the second syllable of
dtwygiwyd, was amended; and on the first syllable of dyddiau, days.
80. When vowels usually combined in sound, are to be pronounced separately, a
diseresis accent is used; as in the dissyllables ze, yes ; breu, to bleat.
When t retains its vowel character before a vowel or diphthong in the last
syllable of a word, it takes the accent; as gweddw, to pray, gweddiau,
prayers, gweddtwyd” was prayed, which are trisyllables.
81. The following words are exceptions to the general rule, and are accented
on the last syllable: — Myfi” I my- self; tydi” thou thyself; e/e, he
himself; hyhi, she herself; nynij we ourselves ; chwychwiy you yourselves ;
hwynUhwy, they themselves.
S2, The Bame is the case with the following: — Erioed” ever; “TvaAdn,
separate ; goruwchy aSbo”e-, pryduawa” %%
(delwedd B5543) (tudalen 031)
evening; trache/n, again; ychwaith” neither; yshonc” a jerk; ystol” a stool;
ystwCy a pail; ystwr” noise; ystor, a store; a circumflex accent being often
used when the vowel is long. The y in the last six words, and a few like
them, is often dropped.
83. Dissyllables formed with the prefixes cy, cyf, di, ym, are irregular; as,
cyh”d, as long; cyfuwch, as high; didranCy endless; dtddadl, without dispute;
difliriy un- tiring; dinerth, impotent; dioed, without delay; diwerth,
worthless; ymddy leave; ymguddy hide; ymlddd, to kill one's self; ymwely
visit; and other verbs in the future or imperative.
84. The prepositional and adverbial phrases ger bron, before, ger Haw, at
hand, heb laWy besides, rhag Haw, henceforth, oddt wrthy from, oddi mevm,
within, oddi- drawy from, o gylchy around, uwch ben, overhead, uwch lawj
above, are often written as dissyllables, in which case they are accented on
the last syllable. They are, however, better written as separate words.
85. Dissyllabic compounds of yUy when written thus, ynghydy together, ymhob,
in all, ymron, almost, are exceptions to the general rule; but they also are
better written as two words, yng nghydy ym mkoby ym mron.
86. TmherawdwTy emperor, iachawdwvy saviour, when written ymherawdvy
iachaiodvy are accented on the last syllable.
87. The situation of the accent in words in au and ad is often indicated by
the letter A, or by a diaeresis or a circumflex accent ; as, mwijnhauy to
enjoy; mtvynkddy enjoy- ment; nesdUy to approach; nacddy refusal. [§96 (8).]
In these terminations, two letters a are resolved into one; the formation
being mwynha-aUy mwt/nha-ad, uesa-au” uaA!.a-oA.. Homo writers use both the
accent and tV<i\feXX.”'c K” •ase”'wsv” %% 32
(delwedd B5544) (tudalen 032)
syllables beginning with h are not always accented; for example, deheu,
south, ammheu, doubt, anhawdd, difficult."
88. In words ending in o?, the accent is not necessary, as they are all
accented on the last syllable; as, crynoi or crynholy to collect. Many of
these, however, have no aspiration; as, ymdroi, to turn one's self, osgoi, to
turn aside, goloi, to envelope. The termination oi is often pronounced as two
syllables; for this reason it is often written with a diasresis accent; thus,
ymdroi, in which case the accent is regular. In gwrandewch (gwrandaw-wch),
hear you, gadewch (gadaw-wch), leave you, and the like, the accent is sometimes
omitted, but the letter h cannot be inserted.
89. Names of towns, villages, farms, and other descrip- • tive proper names,
present frequent exceptions, which are
accented as if the words comprising them were written separately; as,
Caergrawnt, the town on the Granta (Cambridge); Caerllur, Llur*s town
(Leicester); Aber- gwaen, the mouth of the Gwaen (Fishguard); Penybont, the
end of the bridge (Bridgend); Nantyglo, coal-brook; Llwynteg, fair grove;
Mynyddmawr, great mountain; Cvmidu, black dingle; Neuaddwen, white hall.
Words of this kind are often (and, when not opposed to general usage, better)
written as separate words.
90. Words having w as the only vowel in the penultima present occasional
exceptions to the general rule; as, meddwdod, drunkenness; marumad, an
clegj-, chwerwder, bitterness; gwaewffon, a spear; which are accented on the
first syllable. Some of them frequently suffer elision of the w, in which
case the accentuation is regular.
91. Custom has fixed the accent on the first syllable of Saesonae(/j
Seisoneg, Seisonig, English, which arc hence
often written Saesncg, Seisneg, Seisnig, %% WELSH LANaUAQB. %%
(delwedd B5545) (tudalen 033)
OF WORDS. %% 92. The Eoman alphabet does not contain a sufficient number of
characters to represent the sounds of the Welsh language; and different
expedients have been from time to time devised to remedy the inconvenience
resulting from its inadequacy. Some writers placed a dot under or over
certain letters, to intimate to the reader that the characters did not bear
their usual soxmds: others left the sound, when a mutation, to be discovered
by the con- nection of the word in the sentence. More generally two characters
were combined to represent one sound. The following are the combinations and
additional characters used by three eminent Welsh scholars, Dr. John David
Rhys, Dr. John Davies, and Edward Lhuyd, and those which Dr. W. Owen Pughe
attempted to establish, by introducing them into the first edition of his
Dictionary — an attempt he subsequently abandoned. %% Dr. Rhys's Characters.
%%Dr. Davies's Characters. %%E. Lhuyd's Characters. %%Dr. Pughe's Characters.
%%Present Orthography. %%c %%C %%k %%C %%C %%ch %%ch %%ch %%9 %%ch %%dh %%dd
%%dh %%z %%dd %%bh %%f %%V %%V %%f %%ph %%ff %%f, ff %%f %%ff %%Ih %%»g 11
%%Ih %%ng 11 %%ng 11 %%ph rh %%ph
rh %%ph
rh %%f rh %%ph
rh %%th %%th %%th %%th %%th %%1? %%”, w %%ii, u %%”, w %%”, w %%r %%” i %%J
1 %%\ \ %%7 1 %%7 1 %%7 %% 34
(delwedd B5546) (tudalen 034)
93. Dr. Khys, it will be observed, employed A as an element in all his
digraphs: he wrote ngJi (the nasal mutation of c) thus, ghh. Lhuyd
occasionally borrowed characters from the Greek and Saxon alphabets. Dr.
Davies used y in his Grammar only. [§ 29.] With the exception of that
character, and that a few writers of the present day affect the use of v, /, h,
instead of f, ffy c, the characters employed by Dr. Davies are those now in
universal use.
94. But notwithstanding this uniformity in the charac- ters employed, the
orthography of the Welsh language is by no means settled. It has been and
still is the subject of frequent controversy ; and, as is generally the case
in similar circumstances, little change is effected in the opinions of the
contending parties.
• 95. The opposing views may be briefly characterized thus: — According to
one system, the analogies of the English language should govern the spelling
of Welsh words, more particularly in doubling the consonant at the end of a
syllable, when preceded by a short vowel. Dr. Davies favoured this practice.
According to the other, primitive Welsh words should be spelled with the
smallest number of letters that will give the sounds pronounced by the organs
of speech; and derivative words with those letters only which indicate the
origin of the words. This system, in which the etymological principle predominates,
was advocated by Dr. Pughe. All the letters in Welsh words being pronounced,
no material difference of opinion exists with regard to the vowels.
96. The prevailing systems are a compromise between the opposing opinions.
The following general rules are in the main in accordance with the practice
of the best Welsh writers: — %%
(delwedd B5547) (tudalen 035)
(1) Double consonants are nerer used in words of one syllable; as, earn,
crooked; rAaw, apart; s”“A, stiff; cwt, a tail; hyr, short; hyll, hideous;
pwff, a puff; llong, a ship ; mellt, lightning. LI, ff, ng, and the other
digraphs [§31], be it remembered, are considered single letters in Welsh.
(2) Two consonants are not inserted when they are not found in the members of
which the words are com- posed; as, anesmtvythj uneasy, from the negative
prefix an and esmioi/th, easy; hysedd, fingers, from hys, a finger, and the
termination edd : not annesmwyth and hyssedd,
a. The use of double letters to indicate a preceding short vowel is unsuited
to the Welsh alphabet, and cannot be adopted without leading into
inconsistency. While some letters might be doubled without inconvenience, as
f», w, <, p” r, c, in cam, a step, tynu, to pull, ateh” to answer, tipyn”
a little bit, tori, to cut, tecaf, fairest; others, as mvmg, a mane, sychu,
to dry, toddi, to melt, cqfio, to remember, cefyl, a horse, calon, a heart,
allor, an altar, could not, for obvious reasons, be written mvmgng, syckchu,
toddddi, cojffio, ceffffyl, callon, allllor,
(3) When, however, the same consonant occurs at the end of one syllable and
at the beginning of the next, it is retained in both syllables of the
compound word; as, pennod, a chapter, from pen, a head, and nod, a note;
annaturiol, unnatural, from an and naturiol, natural; mammaeth, a nurse, from
mam, a mother, and maeth, nur- ture.
a. Words having the termination -rwydd, and some others, furnish occasional
exceptions; as, sicrwydd, cer- tainty, from sicr, sure.
(4) In such words as pummed” “itla. (“tctccl -pumi”“ cannoedd, hnndredB (from
cant)” chwmnyfiku” \” “«sa” %% 36
(delwedd B5548) (tudalen 036)
(from chwant), annoeth, unwise (an”doeth), dattodj to loosen {dad'dod)j the
consonants should be repeated, as they represent those found in the words
from which they are derived, having undergone a change in accordance with the
idiom of the Welsh language: the p, t, and d are not omitted, but changed
into w, w, and t.
a. It is not usual to retain mm or nn before a conso- nant, as they give the
word an uncouth appearance; as canfedy hundredth; pumwaith, five times; not
cannfedy pummwaith.
h. In cases analagous to that of chiuennt/ck, pummedy nc becomes ng (not nng
or ngng)\ as, trengu, to expire (from tranc).
(5) In the euphonic changes of the negative prefix an into am and ang, the m
is retained, but the ng is dis- carded; as, ammrwd, unheated (an-brwd);
ammharod, . imready (an-parod) ; anghyfiawn, unjust {an-cyfiavm) ; not angnghyfiawn”
which is unsightly, nor annghyfiavmy which is opposed to euphony and usage.
(6) In the case of the prefixes cym” cyn” cys, cyt, V synonymous with cyd or
cy, the consonant is repeated
before m (not mk), n (not wA), s, and t; as, cymmrawd {cym-hrawd, a brother),
a consociate; cymmaint (maint, size), of equal size; cynnifer, as many
{nifer, number); cyssylwedd, joint substance; cytteimlo, to sympathize. But
cy is preferable before mh, nh, ng, ngk, th, and f; as, cymhivys, suitable;
cynhiurf, a disturbance; cyngelyn, a mutual enemy; cynghanedd, consonance;
cythi*wjl, dis- turbance; cyfrad, conspiracy. In all these, the omission of
one consonant seems to be a matter of convenience; the construction of
cyfrad, for instance, being probably cyd'drad, c”m”mrad, cyd”frad” or
cyf-frad, cyfrad, one f being omitted to avoid the Bound jf: Vn. '““ mvssaKt”
(delwedd B5549) (tudalen 037)
cyd-ganedd” cyng-nghanedd, cynghanedd; cyd-pwys” cym- tnhwys.
a. For the sake of distinction, n is retained in the prefix cyn, before, when
preceding another n; as, cynnhorf, van; cynnhrigolion, ahorigmes -,
cynnrychiol, "present,
(7) The preposition yn, in, is changeable into ym and yng; and is properly
written as a separate word; as, yng nghanol nos, in the middle of the night;
ym mhen awr” in an hour's time. The forms yn nghanol” yn mhen, are
objectionable as uneuphonious and opposed to general usage; the forms y”mhen,
ynghylch, as creating unne- cessary exceptions to the general rule of
(8) The insertion of the letter h in some words ending in au and dd, as
mwynhau, to enjoy, and mwynhdd, enjoy- ment, is, as has been before observed,
a matter of dispute. Perhaps the most judicious way of spelling these words
would be to insert the h when not preceded by a spirate consonant [§55 (4)],
as the circumflex accent does not suggest the idea of the aspiration which
exists in the ter- mination. In llyfnhau, to smooth, cwblhau, to fulfil, mwy-
hauj to augment, the h is heard and should be inserted. In caniatdUj to
grant, gwelldu, to improve, gwarthdu, to asperse, llesdu, to benefit, nacdu,
to refuse, the accent alone is sufficient, there being no appreciable
aspiration in addition to that of the spirate consonant t, U, th, s, or Cy
which as it were propels the final syllable; but there does not appear to be
any reason for doubling any of those letters, as the same consonant ends one
syllable and begins the other. Sometimes the vocal consonant co- alesces with
the h, and its spirate correlative is the result; as in coffdu, to
commemorate, from cof, memory, in which the h would be superfluous. On t\iG
«>2cmfe “tvbl”y"“““ c; should be snbBtitnted for the g in t”e n”ot”
l\e%gau” V” %%
(delwedd B5550) (tudalen 038)
debilitate : the introduction of h into the word would be objectionable, as
the vocal sound g cannot be retained between a and h; but llesgdu is the
settled form. In parhau, to continue, byrhau, to shorten, sicrhau, to make
sure, and the like, it should be recollected that r and h represent two
sounds, the vocal r and the aspirate h, and have not the simple spirate sound
of rh in rhariy a part. [§64.] It would be useful, but it is not usual, to
separate them with a hyphen, for the sake of distinction, as is done for the
same reason in ufudd-dod” obedience; hwynUhwy” they themselves.
(9) The words angeuol or angheuolj deadly, eangder or ehangder, spaciousness,
brenines or brenhinesj a queen, cenedlaeth or cenhedlaeth, a generation,
boneddig or bon- heddig, noble, synwyrau or synhtvyrau, senses, diarebion or
diarhebion, proverbs, and the like, are of unfixed orthography. The
aspiration is not heard in the words from which they are inmiediately formed;
angeu, death; eang, spacious; brenin, a king; cenedl, a nation; bonedd,
nobility; synwyr, sense; diareb, a proverb; but it is introduced with the
accent, when one syllable is added. The addition of another syllable removes
the accent, and the aspiration is again lost; as, boneddigaidd, noble;
cenedlaethaUf generations ; boneddigion, gentlemen. Some writers discard the
h in all these words ; others insert it even when not heard in the spoken word;
and others, taking a middle course, use it only when the syllable is
accented. The most convenient course is to omit it.
97. U and i are frequently substituted one for the
other, as terminations of verbs in the infinitive mood.
To avoid error in this particular, it should be known,
i;hat when w is the last letter but one, as in ervwtj to
name, or when o occurs in the last «»“\!L«Jo\e Wt one” %%
(delwedd B5551) (tudalen 039)
as in toddtj to melt, i is used. In other cases, u is the letter employed.
Erchi, to demand, geni” to be bom, medi” to reap, peri” to cause, are
exceptions; and in a few other words the orthography is unsettled.
98. U and y are also the occasion of perplexity. The following hints may be
of service : —
(1) CT" occurs in the plural terminations of nouns; as, llyfrauy books,
geiriau” words ; in the terminations of the pronouns minnau, I also, tithau,
thou also, yntaUj he also, hithau, she also, ninnau, we also, chwitkau” you
also; and in the terminations of infinitive of verbs, as seen in section 97.
(2) U, not y, follows e: except teyrn, a king, and its derivatives; dyweyd
{dywedyd), to say; gumeyd (gumel- yd), to do.
(3) T occurs after w; as, wyf, I am; swydd, an office; llwyd, gray : but
gwull, flowerets.
(4) Y, and not w, is an inflection of a and o, and generally of e; as, bach,
bychan, little; porth, a gate, pyrthj gates; Cymro, a Welshman, Cymry,
Welshmen, the Welsh; bachgen, a boy, bechgyn, boys: but maes, a field,
meusydd, fields.
(6) Y, and not u, occurs in the diminutive termination yn; as, bwthyn, a
small cabin, a hut.
(6) The sound of y is changeable [§ 29], but that of u is not: hence the
latter may be often known by observing the sound when a termination is added
to the word; as, bys, a finger, bysedd, fingers; dysg, learning, dysgu, to
learn; bydd, he will be, byddaf, I shall be: but hun, hunan, self; tu, a
side, tueddu, to incline; bu, he was, buom, we were.
a. Y, when followed or preceded V” ow”Ss. \”“\. “siw”:”'®* mutable in sound;
as, rhyw” soTae, rhy'wwa, “oro”'“ cs”'“S %% A %%
(delwedd B5552) (tudalen 040)
mwy” more, mwyaf, most; gwyw” withered, gwywo” to fade; gwyn” white, blessed,
gwynfyd” happiness; hyw, alive, bywiofff lively: but in bywyd, life, the
sound of y differs from the sound y in byw.
99. Errors occasionally arise from confounding similar prefixes and
terminations. The following distinctions should be observed: —
(1) Odd and ai are verbal terminations; as, teymasodd, he reigned; pwysai,
weighed, would weigh. Oedd and au are terminations of plural nouns; as,
teymasoedd, kingdoms; pwysau, weights.
(2) Aid is the termination of a class of nouns; as, dymaid, a .fistful;
llonaid ei ddwylaw, the full of his hands. Ed is the termination of some
verbs and adjec- tives; as, dymed, let him thresh; lloned ag yntau, as
cheerful as he.
(3) Au being a plural termination, eu is preferable in a few cases in which
usage is divided; as, ammheu, to doubt; deheu, south; geneu, a mouth;
cleddeu, a sword.
(4) Di is a negative or privative prefix; as, dtflasy tasteless ; diofal,
without care. Dy is an iterative prefix ; as, dyfrySy speed; dygasedd,
(5) A is an emphatic prefix ; as, athrist” sad. An is a negative prefix ;
hence annedwydd, unhappy, from an and dedwydd” liappy? should not be written
(6) Occasional instances occur of the transposition of two or more sounds in
a word. Thus, tangtiefedd, peace, was formerly written tangneddyf; gloud was
sometimes used for golud, wealth. Plygain, early morn, ewythr, an uncle, are
commonly pronounced in some districts pylgairiy ewyrth, Giddyl, gwymed, apedy
dyerth, for gilydd, each other, ffwtfneby face, ateb” to answer, dyeiihr”
strange, are
corruptions referrible to the same aoxxrc”. %%
(delwedd B5553) (tudalen 041)
100. The following words, differing in their ortho- graphy, are pronounced
some nearly and some exactly alike. %% Ael, a brow Ail, second
Badd, a bath Baedd,* a boar Baidd, a challenge
Bai, a fault; pe hai, if it were Ban, a hoof
Braen, corrupt, rotten Brain, crows
Bri, dignity Bru, womb Bry, above
Badd, benefit Bydd, will be
Cae, an enclosure” a field Can, to enclose
Celi, the Deity Celu, to conceal
Ci, a dog
Cu, amiable
Cil, a corner” a retreat Cul, narrow %% Clai, clay
Clan, incessant, quick
Cod, a pocket Coed, a wood
Cos, an itching ; scratch Coes, a leg
Crig, a crack Crug, a heap Cryg, hoarse
Crud, a cradle Cryd, a fever
Cymru, Wales Cjinrj, Welshmen
Cymmnniad, a communion Cymmyniad, a hewing off
Chwaeth, taste Chwaith, neither
Chwith, sinister Chwyth, a blast
Din, a city Dyn, a man %% » The diphthong ae is often pronounced d in South
Wales ; no distinction being made between badd and bttcdd,«sAQK}aJstNwa”«“ in
tbe list contMuing the sounds in question. %%
(delwedd B5554) (tudalen 042)
THE %% Ei, his, her, its; mlt go Eu, their
Eirian, splendid Eurian, golden
Eirin, plums
Euryn, a golden trinket
Esgid, a shoe Esgud, nimble
Ewin, a nail Ewyn, foam
Ffaeth, luxuriant Ffaith, a fact
Ffarf, a form Ffyrf, steady
Gwae, woe Gwau, to weave
Gwaedd, a shout Gwaudd, a daughter-in-law
Gwaeth, worse Gwaith, work; a time
Gwain, a sheath Gwaen, a meadow
Gweli, a wound Gwely, a bed
Gwich, a squeak Gwych, smart
Owin, mne %% \ %% Gwir, truje Gw”r, men Gi”r, crooked; he knows
Gwiw, fit Gwyw, withered
GwuU, flowerets Gwyll, gloom
Haedd, merit Haidd, barley
Hael, liberal
Hail, bounty, service
Haul, the sun
Hi, she Hy, bold
Hin, weather Hun, self; sleep H”n, elder, senior
Hir, long Hur, hire
Is, under Us, chaff
Teh, to your TJch, higher Ych, an ox
IV, to his, her, its Yw, is, are
Llaes, loose Llais, a voice %% WELSH LANOUAOE. %%
(delwedd B5555) (tudalen 043)
43 %% Llaeth, milk
Llaith, damp Llath, a yard
Llai, less Llau, lice
Lli, a stream Liu, a host
Llin, fiaoi Lion, form
Lliw, a colour Llyw, a rudder
Llmnan, a banner Llyman, one stark naked
Llus, whortleberries Llys, a court
Mae, is, are Mai, that” May Man, my
Mael, profit Mail, a (oz”rZ
Maen, a stone Main, slender
Maeth, nurture Maith, extensive
Melin, a mill Meljn, yellow
Mil, a thousand; an animal Mul, a mule %% I %% Neithior, a marriage feast
Neithiwr, last night
Nith, a niece Nyth, a nest
Nudd, mist, fog Nydd, a spin
Peri, to cause Pery, will last
Pig, a beak Pyg, pitch
Pridd, earth, mould Prudd, sad
Prif, principal Pryf, a worm
Prin, scarce
Pryn, buy thou; will buy
RH, a chief Rhu, a roar Rhy, too
Rhith, pretence Rhuth, a breaking out
Rhiw, a slope Rhyw, a kind; some
Rhadd, red
Rhydd, will give; free
Saeth, a dart Saitli, sevea %%
(delwedd B5556) (tudalen 044)
THE %% Sil, issue Sul, Sunday
Sir, shire Sur, sour
Sudd, sap
Sydd, is; will sink
Sylfaen, a foundation stone Sylfan, a foundation
Taer, earnest Tair, three
Tai, houses Tau, thy %% Talaeth, a province Talaith, a diadem
Ti, thou Tu, a side Ty, a house
Tri, <Ar”e Try, i(;27Z turn
Ud, a Aoi<;Z Yd, com
Yntau, he or Am also Ynte, <Aen %% 101. Many words, differing materially
from each other in their radical forms, are similar or identical in sound
when inflected. In the following examples the radical word is given first. %%
Aur, gold
Gair, air, a word
Ban, fan, man, a high place Man, fan, a place
Byd, fyd, myd, a world Mud, fiid, dumb
Bys, fys, mys, a finger Mis, fis, a month
Clun, glun, the hip Glin, lin, the knee, leg Llin, lin, fUtx
Dewin, uewin, a diviner Newyn, hunger %% Du, hlack Ti, di, thou Ty, dy, a
Glew, lew, brave Llew, lew, a lion
Glyd, 1yd, glue Llid, lid, wrath
Glyn, lyn, a valley Llyn, lyn, a lake
Grudd, rudd, the cheek Khydd, rydd, free
Grug, rug, heath %% WELSH LANGUAGE. %%
(delwedd B5557) (tudalen 045)
45 %% LONG AND
102. The monosyllables in the following list differ from each other in the
Yowels, which are long in the words in one column, and short in those in the
other. Long monosyllables being more numerous than short, some writers prefer
marking the short vowels with a grave accent. It is, however, more usual to
mark the long vowels with a circumflex accent, when leaving them unaccented
would cause ambiguity. The accent is not used to distinguish words which are
not alike in their radical forms; as, dyn (long), a man, yn dyn (short),
tight, tightly, from tyn” tight; bar (long), from “ar, will cause, bar
(short), a bar; gvor (long), a man, gvor (short), from cwTy a comer. [§34.]
%% Long Monosyllables.
At, ar, plough-land
Bar, agitation” anger
Ber, a spit
Bran, a crow
Br”n, a grudge
Can, a song
Car, a friend; love thou
Cer, tools
Cob, a cloak
Cor, a choir; a pew
Cr”, a shake
C”, dogs
O”, a circle; skin
C”ll, hazel
C”, a wedge
C\ixwpi, motion %% Short Monosyllables.
Ar, on, upon
Bar, a bar, a bolt
Ber, short; a shank, a leg
Bran, bran
Bryn, a hill
Can, as ; flour
Car, a raft
Cer, ger, by, near
Cob, a tuft
Cor, a spider
Cryn, middling; rather
Cwn, top, summit
Cwr, a comer
Cyll, will lose
Cyn, before,
Ckwyn, toeeda %% \ %% 46 %%
(delwedd B5558) (tudalen 046)
Long Monosyllables.
Del, will come D61, a mead or meadow Fel (mel), honey Ffer, the ankle; dense
Gen, a chin, jaw Ger (cer), tools Gl&n, clean Glfn, will stick Gwal, a
(harems) form Gwan, a stab Gwen, a smile Gwar, placid G”, a gown Gw”n, rage •
Hel, hunt thou Hob, a measure H”, older Lien, erudition Ll”, contagious Mai,
ground; will grind Man, small Od, 6d, snow Pan, down”fur Plan, a plane-tree
S”=ser, stars T&i, payment ; will pay Tan, Jire Ton, a tune Tor, a mantle
Tros, a croi«? 5ar Ttlr, « tower Ym, fm, we are %% Short Monosyllables.
Del, Stiffs pert
Dol (dwl), foolish
Fel (mal), like, so, as
Ffer, chillness
Gen=gan, with
Ger, 5y, w«ar to
Glan, a brink, a river side
Glyn, a valley
Gwal, a fence, a wall
Gwan, weak
Gwen, white
Gwar, the nape of the neck
Gwn, / know; a gun
Gwyn, white
Hel, to gather
Hob, a pig
Hyn, this
Lien, a curtain
Llyn, a lake
Mal, like, so, as
Man, a place
Od, 2/; oc?ci
Pan, when
Plan, joZaw” “Aom
Syr, sir
Tal, iaZZ; a forehead
Tan, MTicZ”r
Ton, a if7av«
Tor, a bulge
Tros, over
TwT, a heap
Ym (jtt), iTv %% WELSH LANGUAGE. %%
(delwedd B5559) (tudalen 047)
47 %% 103. The
classification of long and short monosyllables may be thus briefly and
generally* summed up: —
(1) Vowels are short in monosyllables ending in c, ng, m, p, or <, or in
two or more consonants; as, cam, crooked; gwalchy a hawk. Two vowels resolved
into one form exceptions; as, dnt, they will go.
(2) Other monosyllables are long, excepting the follow- ing and those
enumerated as short in the preceding list. [§ 101.] %% Ban, a mountain peak
Bal, a boll or bundle
Bol, a belli/
Bral, a giddy person
Bron, a breast; a swell of
Byr, short [a hill
Byth, ever
Cen, skin, scales
Chwaflf, a gust
Chwiflf, a whiff
Cnwb, a knob
Cron, round
Crwb, a hunch
Crwn, round
Cwr, a comer
Dal, will hold
Drel, a clovm
Dry 11, a piece; a gun
Dull, a form
Dwl, dull
Dwn, a murmur; dun, dusky %% Er, notwithstanding
Ffel, wily, sly
Ffon, a staff
Ffral, a crazy one
Ffril, a trifling thing
Ffyn, staves
Gall, he can
Gan (can), by
Gar, a ham, a shank
Gyr, a drove; will drive
Hab, chance, luck
Hell, ugly
Her, a challenge
Hon, this
Hwn, this
Hyll, ugly
Hyr, a push
Llab, a stripe
Llan, a yard; a church
Ller, rye-brome grass
Llob, a dolt %% * The subject is minutely examined in Llythyraeth yr laith
Gymraegy by the Rev. D. Silvan Evans, B.I)., \Xi"amae”, ““ec”“'““k”-
aire treatiBe on Welak orthography thai”iBA w”“<dx”“. %%
(delwedd B5560) (tudalen 048)
48 %% A ORAmiAR OP
THE %% Llol, foolish talk Lion, cheerful Men, a cart Mwl, chajf Myn, by Nan,
what, yes Nen, a ceiling On, a«A
Paff, a thump Pen, a Aeo” Piff , a /w/ Pin, a pen; a pin Pren, a tree, wood
Prin, scarce PwfF, a |m/ Pwn, a burden %% Rhan, a /Mir< Rhwb, a rub Sen, a
taunt, censure Sill, a syllable Swb, a bundle Swl, /a/
Syll, a rtifir, a store Sjn, amazed Syth, «fijr, rt”id Trol, a cylinder Twb,
a tub Twn, a fracture Tyn, %At; jim// Tyll, tnV/ pierce Tyr, MTi/Z “eoib Yn,
tn; ash Yr, tA« %% (3) Many words are nnsettled in their pronunciation, being
pronounced sometimes long and sometimes short; as, pwll, a pit, a pool; rhol,
a roll; twll, a hole.
104. Vowels in short monosyllables retain their short soimd in words formed
from them; but vowels in long monosyllables are liable to become short when
placed in the penultimate by the addition of a syllable; as, gwell, better,
gwella, to improve, gwelliant, amendment. This is especially the case when
the affixed syllable begins with a consonant; as, —
Long. Short. Short.
Clod, jprawe clodfawr, “amows i”o”Ymf , praiseworthy
Tkn,Jire tanbaid, vehement taniad, a firing
Hir, long himos, long night hirio, to lengthen
Cudd, hidden cuddfa, a s/ielter cniddio, to hide %%
(delwedd B5561) (tudalen 049)
103. There are eight sorts of words, or parts of speech, as they are usually
called : the noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition,
conjunction, and interjection.
104. A rvoun (from the Latin Twmen, a name) is a word used as the name of
anything we speak of, or of which we can form an idea either by means of the
external senses or by reflection: it is the name of any thing in the widest
sense of the word — “whatever one can think of; as, dt/n, a man;
Caerfi/rddin, Carmarthen; gioyhodaeth, knowledge; poen, pain; goleuni, light;
ti/- vjyllwch, darkness. '
105. An adjective is a word used to qualify a noun, or to mark the extent of
its signification; as, dyn da, a good man; poen mawr, great pain; dwy fenyw”
two women; LLAWER gwaith, many times. Adjectives are so called because they
are added or cast to a noun; as they make no sense when placed alone.
106. Pronouns (from the Latin word pro” for, and nomen) are words used
instead of nouns, to avoid the unpleasant repetition which would be necessary
if there were no such words. Thus, myfij I, is used instead of the name of
the person speaking; and chwi” you, instead of the name of the person
107. No sentence can be formed without a verb. Words may be put together; but
nothing can be asserted or denied, unless a verb be used. There is no
meaning, for instance, in the words, Tr haul ar wledydd ereill pan nad gyda
nij The sun on other countries when he not witk \3.”. But insert a verb or
two, and the woxdaloecoTaft Q.QT>sv”“\fc” and intelligihle: Llewyrcha yr
haul ar \oled\)dd wexW.
4 %% 50
(delwedd B5562) (tudalen 050)
pan nad YW gyda ni, The sun shines 6n other conntries when he is not with ns.
The verb is called the word, which is the meaning of the term, as being the
most important word in a sentence. One of its Welsh names also is gair.
108. Adverbs bear much the same relation to verbs as adjectives do to nouns:
they qualify and limit their meaning; as, Atebwch unwaith, Answer once.
Adverbs are joined to adjectives as well as to verbs; as, tra chaled, very
hard; and one adverb sometimes qualifies another; as, Efe a lefarodd lawer
gwell na ddysgwyliais, He spoke much better than I expected.
109. Preposition connect words and show the relation one thing bears to
another; as, Hi a aeth o Gaerfyrddin i l/undain, mewn llong, gyda'i “rtrr,
%heb i neb o'« theulu wybod AM ei hymadawiad, She went from Carmarthen to
London, in a vessel, with her husband, without any of her family knowing of
her departure.
110. Conjunctions are words used to connect propo- sitions together; as, Nid
oes yma “a dyn na dynes, There is here neither man nor woman ; Aeth a
dychwelodd, OND ni welodd hi y dyn, She went and returned, but did not see
the man. Na joins the words dyn and dynes, so that the verb oes applies to
both of them ; a joins the verbs aeth and dychwelodd, so that they evidently
express actions of the same person; and ond directs the mind to the preceding
clause, while it introduces a farther assertion.
111. An interjection is a word that expresses some sudden, deep, or lively
emotion of the mind. It is so called, because it is thrown in, as it were,
amongst other words, the sense of which might not be altered by its being
left out, though their force would be weakened. Ha
Is an interjection in the following sentence: "Ha wraig! matifr yw dy
ffydd! " " VQmau, great \s MXi” i«\tl\l"
■»- • * • - "• V
/A ■ ■ V \
.:'■•• . '• ■•><.
/. - ■ ■ .' . "V %%
(delwedd B5563) (tudalen 051)
%% NOUNS. %% 112. There are two kinds of nouns ; proper and common.
(1) Proper nouns are names belonging especially to indiyidual members of a
class: they distinguish any indi- vidual person or thing from all other
persons or things ; as, Dafydd, David; Llundain, London; . Taith y Pereriuj
The Pilgrim's Progress.
(2) Common nouns are names applicable to all members of a class : they
distinguish any person, thing, or substance of one kind from all persons,
things, or substances of any other kind; as, bachgen, a boy; %/r, a book;
aur, gold.
ul Names of collections of persons or things of the same kind, viewed as one
whole, are called collective nouns; as, Ffyddin a orchfygoddj The army
d, Names of collections of persons or things viewed as separate individuals,
are called nouns of multitude; as, T BOBL a ffoisant, The people fled.
c Names of qualities, actions, or states, considered abstractedly, or without
reference to the persons or things in which they are exhibited, are called
abstract nouns; as, lliWj colour; piuys, weight; cerddediad, walking; ffoed-
igaeth, flight; iechyd, health; gwroldeb” manliness.
d. Proper names are used poetically as common nouns ; as, " Tn Efa yrig
ngolwg barddj” An Eve in a poet's eyes.
113. In the Welsh language, nouns are not subject to change to distinguish
those relations which, by gram- marians, are called ccises. They, however,
undergo various inflections on account of number and gender, which require
notice. Proper nouns are destitute of inflection, except- ing in particular
cases in which they take the plural form ; as, y Philistiaid, the
Philistines*, i| Llu3\jd\a\d” “'“ lAoyds; wbicb are virtually coTmnou
Ti.o\xsk&. %% 52 %%
(delwedd B5564) (tudalen 052)
114. Nouns are of two numbers, the singular and the plural.
115. The plural is generally formed from the singular; and there are three
ways in which it is formed: by inflection of the vowels, by the addition of a
termination, and by both inflecting the vowels and adding a termination.
(1) The nature of the inflections will be seen in the following list: — %% a
into ei %%
march %%a horse %%meirch %%a ,, %%ai %%
bran %%a crow %%brain %%a yy %%y %%
bustach %%a steer %%bustych %%e „ %%y %%
cyllell %%a knife %%cyllyll %%» %%y %%
ff'on %%a staff %%fiyn %%W ,7 %%y %%
migwm %%an ankle %%migyru %%ae ,, %%ai %%
draen %%a thorn %%drain %%a & e „ %%e & %%y %%castell %%a castle
%%cestyll %%a & a „ %%e & %%ai %%dafad %%a sheep %%defaid %%a & a
,, %%e& %%y %%afall %%an apple-tree %%eiyll %%a & w „ %%e & %%y
%%asgwrn %%a bone %%esgyrn %% a. The following are irregular: ci, a dog,
cfim, dogs; givr, a man, giu”r, men; ti/, a house, tat, houses; troed, a
foot, traedj feet; croen, a skin, crwyn, skins; oen, a lamb, ibyn, lambs:
they occur only in these words and their compounds; as, milgwnj greyhounds;
saethwyr, archers; tlottaij poorhouses.
(2) The following table gives a list of terminations forming plural nouns,
with examples of their use : —
Uyfr a hook llyfrau %% au
edd %% merch ewin %% a girl a nail %% merched c”medd %% WELSH LANGUAGB. %%
(delwedd B5565) (tudalen 053)
53 %%a. %% i
%%ffenestr %%laid %%estron %%iau %%bryn %%ion %%dyn %%od %%eryr %%oedd
%%mynydd %%on %%perygl %%ydd %%pont %%Yr is %%an nnus %% a window a stranger
a hill CL man an eagle a mountain danger %% ffenestri
It %% occurs m %% a bridge
unusual termination. hrodyr” gwaewyr” and by inflection in cefndyr” oyfyrdyry
the plural forms of hrawd, a brother, gwaewj a pang, cefnder, a cousin,
cyfyrder, a second cousin.
h. Ych, an ox, makes y chain or ychen in the plural.
(3) The following are examples of the formation of plural noims, by both
inflecting the vowels and adding terminations : — %% a %%into %%e %%car %%a
kinsman %%ceraint %%a %%>? %%ei %%mab %%a son %%meibion %%ae %%yy %%ei
%%maen %%a stone %%meini %%ae %%>> %%eu %%maes %%a field %%meusydd %%ai
%%» %%ei %%nai %%a nephew %%neiaint %%%%%%braint %%a privilege %%breintiau
%%ai %%» %%a %%gwraig %%a woman %%gwragedd %%an %%» %%eu %%flau %%a den
%%ffeuau %%aw %%>> %%' ew %%cawr %%a giant %%cewri %%aw %%» %%%%awr
%%an hour %%oriau %%%%%%yinherawdr %%an emperor %%yinherodron %%ei %%>? %%a
%%deigr %%a tear %%dagrau %%%%%%neidr %%an adder %%nadroedd %%w %%79 %%y
%%golwg %%a sight %%golygon %%%%%%cwmwl %%a cloud %%CYm”lexL %%a. %%ChtPoer,
a %%BiBter, makes diiuiorydd %%m”'ft”“Jssix”. %% 54
(delwedd B5566) (tudalen 054)
116. There is in general a resemblance between those objects, the plural
names of which are formed with the same termination ; though the similarity
is not always”o defined as to admit of very distinct classification. The
analogy, however, is obvious in the following examples : —
(1) Plurals in od: — hwystfilody beasts; ednod, fowls; pt/sgod, fishes;
trychfilody insects; llewody lions; lltdyn- ogod, foxes; ysgyfamogod, hares;
cumingod, rabbits; draenogody hedgehogs; tyrchod, hogs, moles; llygod, mice ;
hyrddod, rams ; hychod, bucks ; iyrchod, roebucks ; eryrod, eagles ;
llinosod, linnets ; colomenod, pigeons ; ceiliogod, cocks; morfilodj whales;
llysi”od, eels.
(2) Plurals in oedd: — nefoedd, hesLYenB; bydoeddj worlds; tiroedd, lands;
ynysoedd, islands; dyffrynoedd, valleys; mynyddoedd, mountains; lleoedd,
places; dyfr- oedd, waters ; moroedd, seas ; gtvyntoedd, winds ; pobloeddy
people; tyrfaoedd, crowds; breninoedd, kings; miloedd, thousands; canrifoedd,
centuries; cannoedd, hundreds; oesoedd, ages; amseroeddj times; blynyddoedd,
years; misoedd, months.
(3) Plurals in ydd: — trefydd, towns; heolydd, streets; mynwentyddj
churchyards; meusydd, fields; ffosydd, ditches; nentyddj ravines; coedydd,
woods; porfeydd, pastures; afonydd, rivers; pontydd, bridges; bronydd,
breasts of hills ; magun/rydd, walls ; aelwydyddy hearths.
(4) Plurals in ion: — meibion, sons; trigolion, inhabi- tants; “/”“(/bZtow,
parishioners ; tywysogiony”nucea; pryd- yddion, poets; cantorion, singers;
angylion, angels; enw- ogiorif famous persons; carcharorion, prisoners.
(5) Plurals in edd: — ewineddy nails; danneddy teeth; byseddf fingers ;
celaneddy dead bodies.
(6) The termination taid is frequently used in nouns derived from, proper
names, and ans'“ict” \)0 \k” l&ii”\s.h %%
(delwedd B5567) (tudalen 055)
terminations ttes” tans, ists”&c; ss, Israeliaid, Israelites; Aiphtiaidj
Egyptians; Calfiniatd, Calvinists. The last i is Jiere the characteristic of
the plural, the singular being Ifraeliad, &c.
117. Names of offices or occupations, ending in ydd or og in the singular,
take ion in the plural; as, llywydd, a ruler, llyioyddion, rulers ;
ysgrifenydd, a secretary, ysgrif- enyddion, secretaries ; gweinidog, a
minister, gtvetnidogion, ministers; marchog, a rider, a knight, warcAo”iow,
riders, knights.
118. ,The plural terminations most frequently used are €LU and iau.' When the
termination au follows the letter a, the sound of a is repeated or
lengthened, and is re- presented hj d or.d; as, hwa, a bow, hvxiu or hwdu,
119. Many words have more than one plural termina- tion, which are used
indifferently; as, tref, a town, trefi and trefyddj towns; eglwys, a church,
eglwysi, eglwysau, egltvysyddy churches ; gof, a smith, gqfiaid, gofaint,
gofion, smiths ; amser, time, amserau and amseroedd, times ; aden, a wing,
edyn and adenydd, wings; “'Gofidion angeu dim cylchynasant, a gopidiau uffem
cUm daliasanJt”“ " The sor” rows of death compassed me, and the pains of
hell gat hold upon me.'* Eglwysi is preferable to eglwysau and eglwysydd, the
last word'signifying also a churchman.
120. There is often a doubling of plural terminations; as, ty, a house, tai
and teiau, houses; bardd, a bard, beirdd and heirddion, bards; cdn, a song,
canau, songs, caneuony songs of different sorts.
121. Os and ach are terminations added to plural n6uns: the former has
usually a favourable sense, the latter is depreciatory; as, p/anfos, little
children; wynos, lambkins; plantach, tiresome clv\ldtetv\ p”“““““-* “““
people; beni/wotach, silly women. %% 56
(delwedd B5568) (tudalen 056)
122. The plural of a few words is formed by prefixing a numeral adjective.
This is frequently the case with respect to names of those parts of the
animal frame of which there are pairs; as, dwylaw, the hands; dwyfron” the
breasts ; deudroed” the feet ; deulin, the knees. Llaw, a hand, hron” a
breast, troed, a foot, and glin” a knee, make also llatviau (rarely used),
bronau, traedy and gliniauy in the plural.
123. In some cases a singular noun is formed from a plural noun, or from a
collective noun, by adding the syllable yn masculine, or en feminine ;
mutable vowels in the root being subject to inflection; as, gwt/hed, flies,
gwyhedyn” a fly; gwenyn” bees, gwenynen, a bee; meSj acorns, mesen, an acorn;
adar, birds, aderyn, a bird; plant, children, plentynj a child; daily leaves,
deilen, a leaf; chwain, fleas, chwanen, a flea; graum, grains, gronyn,
. a grain; cylly hazel-trees, collen, a hazel; caws, cheese, cosyn, a cheese;
haidd, barley, heiddyn, heidden, a barley- corn.
124. As in other languages, there are in Welsh many words the signification
of which does not admit of a plural form; such as the names of metals,
commodities, virtues, and vices. There being no plurality of idea in the
things they name, no one will find it necessary to write them in the plural ;
an enumeration of them is, therefore, unnecessary. Haiam, iron, makes heiym
in the plural; as, gefyndu heiym, iron fetters; or as a noun, heiym, irons.
Ydau, heiddiau, from yd, com, haidd, barley, are used to denote kinds,
qualities, or abundance of those commodities.
125. A few words have no singular; as, ymysgaroedd, howeh; gwartheg, homed
cattle; da, cattle; rhieni,
parents (related to rhiant, pL rhiaini). %%
(delwedd B5569) (tudalen 057)
%% GENDER. %% 126. The Btndy of Welsh presents the same difficulty to those
who do not speak it, as is experienced in acquiring a knowledge of many other
languages. The language does not recognize a distinction found in nature —
the existence of objects destitute of gender. Nouns are in it distributed
under the heads masculine and feminine ; and as adjectiyes and pronouns vary
to correspond with the nouns to which they belong, it is of importance to
know under which of these heads e.very noun used is classed.
127. With respect to those which are the names of males and females, no
difficulty exists; they are either masculine or feminine in accordance with
their signifi- cation; as in the following examples; —
Masculine. Feminine.
Tad, father Mam, mother
Gwr, husband Gwraig, wife
Brawd, brother Chwaer, sister
Bachgen, boy Llodes, geneth, girl
Mab, son Merch, daughter
Taid, grandfather Nain, grandmother
Ewythr, uncle Modryb, aunt
Nai, nephew Nith, niece
Tarw, bull Buwch, cow
Ceffyl, horse Caseg, mare
Baedd, boar Hwch, sow
Hwrdd, ram Dafad, ewe
Ceiliog, cock Giar, hen
128. There are also some words which indicate their gender by their
construction ; as, asen (feinimxv” cil a”.-”T”““ an ass; tordd feminine,
twrdd” TCi«gBC\]\\Tv”“ ““ \?Qcas»S”.\ «> %%
(delwedd B5570) (tudalen 058)
and being feminine mutations of y and w. As diminu- tives, yn is masculine,
en and tg are feminine ; as, dam, a piece, dernyn, “a little bit; morwyhig, a
little maid; gweniihyn or gwenithen, a grain of wheat.
129. Masculine nouns are also converted into feminine, by the addition of the
termination es; as. Hew, & lion, llewes, a lioness ; llanc, a lad,
llances, a young girl ; or by a change in the termination; as, llaethwr, a
milkman, llaethwraig, a milkwoman, llaethferch, a milkmaid; priod' fab, a
bridegroom, priodferch, a bride. A feminine termination is often added “o a
masculine; as, tywysog, a prince, tywy sages, a princess; pechadur
(masculine), a sinner, pechadures (feminine), a sinner; arweinydd, a
conductor, arweinyddes, a conductress ; awdur, an author, awdures, an
130. The gender of the thing spoken of is sometimes denoted by the word gwryw
or benyw; but it is necessary to know whether the noun is considered
masculine or feminine before these words can be applied correctly with
certainty ; for though we say eryr gwryw, a he-eagle, we say colomen wryw, a
131. The names of inanimate objects are not so easily distinguished.
Grammarians have attempted the classifi- cation of them, according to their
terminations; but the exceptions to the rules they lay down are so numerous,
that a reference to the dictionary appears a more ready way of acquiring the
desired information.
132. Mr. Gambold's rule, that nouns with mutable initials, assuming the soft
mutation when preceded by y or yr, the, are of the feminine gender, though
carefully recorded by his successors, is of no practical use; for the gender
must be known before the mutation is made; and
lY known, there is no necessity oi a Tu\e iox discovering it. %%
(delwedd B5571) (tudalen 059)
133. Adjectives may be divided into three classes : adjectives of quality,
adjectives of number or quantity, and demonstrative adjectives.
(1) Adjectives of quality are those which denote the qualities, attributes,
properties, or characteristics of the persons or things named by their nouns;
as, gwr doeth, a wise man; hamwr cyfiawn, a just judge; tdn ysol, a consuming
fire; da duon, black cattle.
(2) The adjectives of number or quantity are, —
a. The cardinal and ordinal numerals. They advance by scores, not by tens as
in English. %% CardinaL
Un . . . 1 Dau, feminine dwy 2 Tri, /. tair . . 3 Pedwar . . .4 Pedair, / . .
Pump . . .5 Chwech . . 6
Saith . . .7 Wyth . . 8 Naw ... 9 Eeg ... 10 Un ar ddeg . . 11 Eeuddeg . . 12
Tri ar ddeg . . 13 Tair ar ddeg,/. . ,, Pedwar ar ddeg . 14 Pedair ar ddeg,
/. „ %% Ordinal.
Cyntaf, unfed* . laf, Ifed Deufed, /. dwyfed» . 2fed Trydydd, 3ydd,/.
trydedd, 3edd Pedwerydd . . 4ydd Pedwaredd . . . 4edd Pummed. . . 5med
Chwechfed or chweched 6fed Seithfed . . 7fed
Wythfed . . . 8fed Nawfed . . . 9fed
Degfed . . . lOfed Unfed» ar ddeg . llfed Deuddegfed. . . 12fed Trydydd ar
ddeg . 13ydd Trydedd ar ddeg . . 13edd Pedwerydd ar ddeg . 14ydd Pedwaredd ar
ddeg . 14edd %% *Aa %% * Unfed is used in compound iium\iet”. \” Wi”ii”'“'““
il or €il/edma.j m all cafiea be used in&tesA q1 deufed. ot d.u»ii«.«x.
%% 60 %%
(delwedd B5572) (tudalen 060)
16 17
18 %% CardinaL
Pymtheg Un ar bymtheg . Dau ar bymtheg Dwy ar bymtheg, /. Demiaw . Tri ar
bymtheg . Tair ar bymtheg, /. Pedwar ar bymtheg 19 Pedair ar bymtheg, /. „
Ugain . . 20 Un ar hugain. . 21 Dau ar hugain . 22 Dwy ar hugain, /. . „ Deg
ar hugain . 30 Pymtheg ar hugain . 35 Deugain . . 40
Deg a deugain . 50 Trigain . . .60 Deg a thrigain . 70 Pedwar ugain. . 80 Deg
a phed war ugain 90 Cant . . 100
Mil . . . 1000 %% Ordinal.
Pymthegfed . . 15fed Unfed ar bymtheg . 16fed Deufed ar bymtheg . 17fed Dwy
fed ar bymtheg . „ Deunawfed . . 18fed Trydydd ar bymtheg . 18ydd Trydedd ar
bymtheg 18edd Pedwerydd ar bymtheg 19ydd Pedwaredd ar bymtheg 19edd Ugeinfed
. . . 20fed Unfed ar hugain . 21fed Deufed ar hugain. . 22fed Dwy fed ar
hugain . ,,
Degfed ar hugain . . 30fed Pymthegfed ar hugain 15fed Deugeinfed . . . 40fed
Degfed a deugain . 50fed Trigeinfed . . . 60fed Degfed a thrigain . 70fed
Pedwar-ugeinfed . . 80fed Degfed a phedwar ugain 90fed Canfed . . lOOfed
Milfed . . . lOOOfed
b, A few words of frequent use, of which the following are the most important
[§ 168] : — %% Ambell, occasional Amryw, divers, several Arall, other, pi,
ereill Dim, no, not any Holl, oil, all Llall, the other of two Llawer, many
%% Naill, one of two Pa, what Pob, every Rhai, some Rhyw, some Sawl, such,
many %%
5 (delwedd B5573) (tudalen 061)
%% (3) The demonstrative adjectives are, — a. Hum, hon, hyn, and their
Singular. %% Hwn, m. this Hon, /. this Hyn, this %% Hwna, m. that, present
Hona,/. that, present Hyna, that, present
Plural, Hyn, these \ Hyna, those, present \ Hyny, those, absent %% Hwnw, m,
that, absent H6no, /. that, absent Hyny, that, absent %% These words are
frequently compounded with adverbs. Hwnyma, hwnyna, and humacw, are not
vulgarisms, as are their corresponding English expressions, this here and
that there. Hyn and its derivatives are used with nouns of either gender and
of either number. [§ 163, 167.]
h. Y or yr”, commonly called the definite article.
134. There being no number and gender pertaining to the qualities or
accidents of an object, variations in the form of adjectives, indicative of
the number and gender of their nouns, are by no means essential to
superiority in a language. Such distinctions are rather imperfections than
excellences. In English, adjectives undergo no
* y or yr is generally considered as forming a class of itself, and is called
the article. A reason given for this classification is tlfat it cannot be
predicated of a noun, or be used without a noun following it. The same,
however, may be said of amhell, holl” pa” pobf rhyWf and of the English
adjectives no, and (according to modem usage) every. The corresponding
English word, the, is a less emphatic form of that, with which it has a
common origin. In like manner, an or a, ani/j and the numeral adjective one”
are the same in origin, an being; nothing more than the unemphatic ex-
pression of one, of which no is simply the negative. In French and other
languages, the so-called indefinite article and the first numeral are
identical in form. Confer ScotfiSa. ac, oiafe *, uae”\”““x”<5»\» any; also
iUe, ilia, Ulud (Latin) ; that, \a” la, les (“YxetiOc”>,”“* %% 62 .
(delwedd B5574) (tudalen 062)
change excepting those expressive of what are termed by grammarians
"degrees of comparison." In the "Welsh language, however, they
are subject to inflections, to accord with the number and gender of the nouns
with which they are used, as well as to mark the intensity of their
135. Changes indicative of degrees of comparison are confined to adjectives
which express the properties, quali- ties, or characteristics of objects ;
and of these there are many, the nature of which will not admit of any such
variation; as, hythol, everlasting; misol, monthly; deheu, south; gwryw,
male. This is also the case with the nu- meral and demonstrative adjectives.
136. There are two ways of forming the plural of adjectives: by the mutation
of their vowels; as, marw” meirWj dead; bychan, ht/chainy little; cadam,
cedyrUy strong : and by adding the termination ion or on to the singular; as,
rhydd, rht/ddion, free; poethj poethwn” hot; du, duon, black.
137. The addition of a termination does not prevent the inflection of vowels,
which are changed as well when the termination is used as when it is not ;
as, cam, ceimion, crooked; tlawd, tlodion, poor; Jirwm” trymion” heavy.
138. Many primitive adjectives have no plural form; as, dttj good; tyivyll,
dark; and derivative adjectives generally are used in the singular number
only, the exceptions being in poetical or elevated diction. Adjectives which
have a plural form, are often used in the singular with plural nouns ; but
more generally they are written in
“e same number as their nouns. %%
(delwedd B5575) (tudalen 063)
139. With a few exceptions, adjectives ending in aidj aiddy lUy llydy and ms,
are never formed into plurals. Melus, sweet, makes melusion in the plural.
140. Numeral adjectives, of course, are not susceptible of change of number.
The same numeral cannot be used in both numbers : it must be either always
singular or always plural. They, therefore, have no plural inflection. The
words miloeddj thousands, cannoedd, hundreds, ugein- iau, twenties, are nouns,
like the English words score “ dozen, couple, pair; and are used in the same
manner as other nouns; as, miloedd o hysgod, thousands of fishes; tywysogion
ar gannoedd, rulers over hundreds. %% GENDER.
141. Gender gives occasion to two kinds of inflection of adjectives.
(1) The vowels w and y in the masculine become o and e in the feminine; as,
tnvm, trom, heavy; melyn, melen, yellow; gwyn, gwen, white.
a. Cwyllt is an exception; as, ych gwyllt, a wild ox; hivyaden wyllt, a wild
duck; gwellt being Welsh for straw.
h. Vowels are not inflected in derivative adjectives : the same is the case
when primitive adjectives assume the plural form; as, deilen werdd, a green
leaf, dail gwyrddion, green leaves.
(2) Adjectives commencing with the changeable initials undergo their vocal
mutation after feminine nouns of the singular number; as, tarw cock, a red
bull; buwch goch, a red cow.
142. The numerals dau, tri, pedwar, deufed, trydydd, pedwerydd, have dwy,
tair, pedair” dijo'yfed” \T”d.<.A.”“ pedtvaredd for their feminines. ““
\”“ (““"“ ar\ %% 64
(delwedd B5576) (tudalen 064)
143. Degrees of comparison are variations made in adjectives, to denote the
intensity of the qualities or accidents of their nouns. In English there are
two such variations of the original word : in Welsh there are three. The
termination ed denqtes equality, ach superiority, and af supremacy : ach and
af correspond to er and est in English. The terms positive, equal,
comparative, and superlative, are used to distinguish the different degrees
of comparison. Example: —
Positive. Equa]. ComparatlTe. Superlative.
Pell pelled pellach pellaf
Far as far farther farthest
144. The termination ed also implies abundance of the quality; as, Hardded
yw! How fair she is I
145. Positives ending in h, d, g, change those letters into p, t, c, in
forming the degrees of comparison; as, —
Positive. Equal. Comparative. Superlative.
Cyffelyb like cyffelyped cyffelypach cyffelypaf Caled hard caleted caletach
Teg fair teced tecach tecaf
These changes have apparently arisen from a desire to prevent ambiguity, the
terminations having another power; as, caleted, as hard, caleded, let him
harden; caletaf, hardest, caledaf, I will harden.
146. Ai, aw, and w, in the positive, are sometimes in- flected into ei, o,
and y; as, —
Positive. Equal. Comparative. Superlative.
Llaith moist Ueithed lleithach Ueithaf Tlawd poor tloted tlotach tlotaf
Trwm heavy trymed tx”Ttva.”“ XTcyccAS. %% WELSH LANGUAGE. %%
(delwedd B5577) (tudalen 065)
65 %% 147. The
vowel » is often prefixed to the terminations for the sake of euphony; as,
peraidd, delicions, pereidd' ted, pereiddiach, pereiddiaf.
148. There are many words of frequent use which are irregular or defective.
The following table contains a list of the most important of them: — %%
Positive. %%
Equal. %%Comparative. %%Superlative. %%Bach %%little %%Ueied %%llai %%Ueiaf
soon %%cynted %%cynt %%cyntaf %%Da %%good %%cystal %%gwell %%goreu %%Drwg
%%had %%cynddrwg %%gwaeth %%gwaethaf %%Hawdd %%easy %%hawsed %%haws %%hawsaf
%%Hen %%old %%hyned %%h” %%hj'naf %%Hir %%long %%hired %%hwy %%hwyaf %%leuanc
%%young %%ieuanged %%iau %%ieuangaf %%Isel %%low %%ised %%is %%isaf %%Llawer
%%many %%cynnifer %%mwy %%mwyaf %%Llydan %%broad %%lleted %%Uetach %%Uetaf
%%Mawr %%great %%cymrnaint %%mwy %%mwyaf %%
near %%nesed %%nes %%nesaf %%Uchel %%high %%uched %%uwch %%uchaf %% 149. The
positives of cynt, sooner, nes, nearer, are supplied by huan, soon, agos,
near, which also form their degrees regularly.
150. Penaf, chief, fromj”ew, ahead, and diweddaf, last, from diwedd, the end,
are defective; as also are eithafy uttermost; blaenaf, foremost; olaf, last;
trech, stronger, trechaf, strongest.
151. Adjectives are also compared by mar or cyn, as; mtry, more; mivyaf,
most', llai, less; Ueiaf, le&st; Q.s,mor bell or cyn belled, as far; mwy
tebt/g, ■ECiox”\”«i% rnvw-vj”oj ““/ur, clearest
5 %% 66
(delwedd B5578) (tudalen 066)
TERMINATIONS. %% 152. The terminations of adjectives are worthy of par-
ticular notice, as they afford a clue to the signification of the words of which
they form a part. The following list of those of more frequent occurrence,
with examples, wil. illustrate the effect: —
(1) Adwy: — “welladwy, curable; credadwy, credible; dealladwy, intelligible.
(2) Aid: — euraid, golden, gilt; arianaid, silvery.
(3) Aidd: — mahaidd, boyish, boy like; nefolaidd, heavenly; caruaidd,
(4) Awg, iawg, or og, tog: — ysgythrog, having tusks or fangs ; goltidog,
rich, having wealth ; arfog, armed, having weapons; hywiog, lively; gwlawiog,
(5) Awl, iawl, or (more usually) ol, iol: — duwioly godly; hydol, worldly,
belonging to the world; nerthol, strong; dynol, human; ysbrydol, spiritual.
(6) Edig: — gumeuthuredig, made; gwynfydedig, happy. (7),Faivr (mawr, great):
— clodfawr, famous.
(8) Gar {cam, to love) : — chwedleugar, fond of talk.
(9) Ig: — luddewtg, Jewish; pwysig, heavy; gwledigy rural; pellenig, distant.
(10) Laum or Ion (llawn, fall): — -ffyddlavm, faithful; creulavm, cruel;
prydlawn, timely.
(11) Llyd or lyd: — gwenwynllyd, poisonous; dychryn” llyd, terrible;
gwaedlyd, bloody.
(12) Us: — rhyfygus, presumptuous; haelionus, liberal.
(13) Ydd (feminine edd) and fed” are terminations of ordinal numeral
adjectives. [§ 133 (2) a.]
' Eg and atn are sometimes improperly substituted for these. Tlie absurdity
of the practice is obvious : 21=wn ar hugain; 2\ain is therefore un ar
hugainAlS” not m/iFEiD ar huyain. %%
(delwedd B5579) (tudalen 067)
153. Words of this kind may be distinguished as personal pronouns, or those
which immediately represent nouns; and relative pronouns, which refer in an
indirect manner to nouns before expressed or understood, called their
antecedents. Further distinctions sometimes made are of questionable
propriety in Welsh. %% PERSONAL PRONOUNS.
154. These are said to be of the first person, when they stand in the place
of the name of the person speak- ing; in the second person, when they
represent the name of the person spoken to ; and in the third person, when
used instead of the name of the person or thing spoken
of. There are three classes of pronouns of this kind.
Class I. %% Mi, fi, i, / or me Ti, di, thou or thee Ef, efe, fe, he or Aim,
it Hi, she or her, it %% Ni, we or us
Chwi, you
Hwy, hwynt, they or them %% My, fy, ym, my Ty, dy, yth, thy Ei, his, its Ei,
her, its
Eiddof, mine Eiddot, thine Eiddo, his Eiddi, hers %% Class II.
Ein, our Eich, your . Eu, ill, their
Class III.
Eiddom, einom, einym, ours Eiddoch, eiddych, yours Eiddynt, tfieir* “ %% 1 %%
(delwedd B5580) (tudalen 068)
155. Other pronouns are sometimes met, especially in the poets; as, efo, fo”
o, he or it; nhw, nhwy, they; mau, my; tau, thy; but the foregoing are those
in ordinary use.
156. Pronouns of the first class frequently take termi- nations, and undergo
other variations to express complex ideas; as, mt”fi, I or me myself; minnau,
I or me also; myfinnau, I or me myself also : so tydi, tithau, tydithau ;
hyhi, hithaUj hyhitkau; nyni, ninnau, nyninnau; chipychivi, chwithau,
chwychwithau ; yntau, he or him also.
157. Pronouns of the second class are usually termed possessive pronouns.
They appear to be rather the pos- sessive cases of the personal pronouns. The
radical forms my and ty are not used.
158. Those of the third class, also called possessive pronouns, are compos'ed
of the noun eiddo” property, and the true pronoun, and include the thing
possessed and the pronominal termination indicating the possessor.
159. It is worthy of remark that consonants of the same class occur in the
various pronouns of the same number, as the labials m and / in mi, fi, fy,
ym, eiddof.
160. In many cases there is an elision of the vowels; as,/* for fy; dm for a
ym; gyda”m, for gydag ym: so aHh, aH, dn, a!ch, a'w, «'f A, o't”, &c. Ei
and cw are represented by 'm;, in iw, for % ei or i eu, to his, to her, or to
161. The pronouns are often translated into English by those which do not
exactly correspond to them; as in the following passages : —
(1) ““Dedivydd yw eich llygaid chm, am Eu bod yn gweled,”“ "Blessed are
your eyes for they see." ““Pa ham yr ydych yn ceisio py lladd?”“
"Why do you seek to kill m”?'- ““Tn ewyllysio dy weled"
"Desiring to see /”f/?." The literal translation of these passages,
however, would be — ““ Blessed are your eyes, ioi ot oil ««:x”\3S)”» “i %%
(delwedd B5581) (tudalen 069)
their being seeing, or existing in a seeing condition." "Why are
you seeking my killing, or the killing of me?”“ "Desiring thy to see, or
thy seeing, or the seeing or sight of theeJ” The infinitives to be, to kill,
and to see, are equivalent to nouns. It will be observed that fy lladd, my
killing, does not mean my hilling another, as in English, but my being killed
by another.
(2) The construction in the following sentences is remarkable, and foreign to
the English idiom: " Y sawl «'m ceisiant yn fore a'M ednt,”“ "
Those who seek me early shall find mc." ““Ni'm hatebir,”“ "/ am not
(3) EiN dau, EiOH dau, ill dau, we two, you two, they two, are similar
examples. Ill is used for two or three persons, and never refers to more
th|in three. %% RELATIVE PRONOUNS.
162. The wprds which perform the fonctions of relative pronouns are, yr hvm,
yr hon, yr hyn, y rhai, a, pa un, pa rai, ag, and jptuy. Yr hum refers to an
antecedent of the singular number and masculine gender; yr hon, to an
antecedent of the singular number and feminine gen- der; y rhai, to a plural
antecedent of either gender; and yr hyn, a, and ag, to antecedents of either
gender and either number.
163. These words are referrible to other parts of speech. (1) Hum, hon, hyn,
are demonstrative adjectives, and
rhai, an adjective of quantity, used substantively. They may be considered
either as pronouns, or as adjectives with nouns understood; as, ““Myfi yw y
bara bywiol, yr hwn a ddaeth i waered oW nef,”“ " I am the living bread,
which came down from heaven; " or litexaWj, '•Hlie iVal” <5kT \\v,”
indicated bread “ came down {todq. \ieavekXi2” '''• lAumo”L %% 70
(delwedd B5582) (tudalen 070)
Y RHAi d vmaethoch “w haddoli,”“ " Figures which ye made to
worship;" literally, ““the some ye made to worship."
a. The adjective y, the, is used with many other adjectives, demonstrative
and numeral, in a similar man- ner; as, y sawl, whoso, whoever; yr ww, the
one, the same. The which in English is a similar expression, a noun being
allowable after which, but not after who. [§133 (3).]
(2) A seems to be identical with the adverb a, so frequently used in Welsh.
In such phrases as **Fr haint A rodio yn y tywyllwchj'* "The pestilence
that walketh in darkness," yr 'hwn is understood, there being an
ellipsis of those words, which often happens when the a is not inserted; as,
““Hwn yw y hara [yr hwn] sydd yn dyfod i waei'td oW W6/," "This is the
bread which cometh down' from heaven." Ni and y are used in the same
manner as a, and are equally with a entitled to the appellation relative
pronoun, which is not, however, applied to them; as, " F pethau A welir
sydd dros amser, ond y pethau ni welir sydd dragwyddol”“ "The things
which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are
eternal." “''Y gwely y gorweddai amo," "The bed on which he
lay." "F dyn A fuasai yn ddall,” "The man who had been
blind." "a laddo a leddir,”' ““He who, whoso, or whoever killeth shall
be killed." "iW ddysg ni wrendy,”“ " He will not learn who
will not listen."
a. The relative is often omitted in such cases in Eng- lish; as, "The
ship [which] he sailed in was lost."
(3) A or a”, who, which, or that, appears to be the same word as a or ag, as.
It is used in reference to per- sons or things, and might be introduced into
some of the examples given; as, ““Y gwely ag y gorweddai amo,”“ " The
bed on which he lay." As is used in the same way in JEJnglish; as, ““Wbo
hath heard auck a t\im” as “iJDL”&1" %%
(delwedd B5583) (tudalen 071)
““Pwy a glyhu y fath betk a hyn?”“ A'r sometimes occurs; aa, ''''Poh un a'r y
sydd yn ei ddyrchafa ei hun, a ostyngtr,”“ '* Every one that exalteth himself
shall be abased;" but a or ag is generally preferred.
(4) The English relative is often rendered into Welsh by pa un (singular), pa
rat (plural); as, ““Ywlad o ba un y daeth yr estron,”“ *'The land from which
the stranger came." " Y pethau hychain ar ba rai y mae llwyddiant
yn ymddihynu”'* "The little things on which success de- pends."
This application of the words is regarded by good authorities as an
unnecessary departure from established usage, and ought rather to be avoided
than imitated,
(5) Pwy” who, whose, whom, is used interrogatively and affirmatively; as,
"Pwy a ddarpar”i”r gigfran ei hwyd?”“ ““Who provideth for the raven his
food?" ““Diesgus tvyt ti, ddyny pwy bynag wyt yn hamu,”“ "Thou art
inexcusable, man, whosoever thou art that judgest." " Teh PWY a
gymmerais?”“ " Whose ox have I taken?"
a. Pvnf is often confounded with the adjective pa [§133 (2)J], which always
requires after it a noun or an adjective with a noun understood; as, pa
faint? how much [what quantity] ? pa nifer ? how many [what number] ? pa
heth? what [what thing] ? pa rai? which [what some] ? " Pa bethau bynag
oil a ewyllysioch eu gumeuthur o ddyn- ion i chmy'“ "All things
whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you."
b. The English interrogative whose may be translated into Welsh by eiddo pwy;
as, " Eiddo pwy yw y ddelw hon cHr argraff?”“ ''“ Whose is this image
and superscription ? "
c. The affirmative idiomatic rendering of whose is exhibited in this example:
''•Ac yr oedd rhyw hendefig yk hwn yr oedd ei fab yn glof”“
"T\veT*i\?«kS> «. q>“\\sc«v “0«““- man whose son was sick."
%% 72
(delwedd B5584) (tudalen 072)
164. Pawby everybody, all persons, is used substan- tively : it should not be
confounded with the adjective pob, every, which, like pa [§163 (5) a],
qualifies a noun expressed or understood; as, "Pawb a'm gadawsant,*”
““All men forsook me." "Pob dyn cUm gadawodd”“ ““ Every man forsook
165. Neh” nobody, everybody, and dim” nothing, any- thing, are used as
adjectives and as nouns; as, "Neb rhyw greadurj” ““ No kind of
animal." "iVa wna ddim gwaith" "Thou shalt do no
work." " thyn neb ymaith DDIM oddi wrth eiriau Uyfr y
hrophwydoliaeth hon”'* " If any man shall take away \anyihmg'\ from the
words of the book of this prophecy." [§ 170.]
166. The phrases fy hun, fy hunan, myself, dy hun, dy hunan, thyself, ei hun”
ei hunan, himself, herself, or itself, ein hun, etn hunatn, ourselves, eich
hun” eich hunain, yourselves, eu hun, eu hwiCain, themselves, are termed
reflective pronouns ; and ein gilydd, eich gilydd, eu gilydd, each other, are
termed reciprocal. They may be resolved into pronouns possessive, and the
nouns hun, hunan, self, and gilydd, selves reciprocally.
167. The demonstratives, like the relatives, are adjec- tives used as
pronouns, or as adjectives with nouns under- stood. They are, hum, hon, hyn,
this, and their compounds, singular; and rhai, with the adjective yr
prefixed, plural; as, y rhai hyn or y rhai yma, these; y rhai yna, those; y
rhai hyny, those (absent). [§ 163 (1), 133 (3).]
168. Many adjectives of number and quantity take the pronominal character;
as, arall, another, €7”eill, others; is”/m, anjih'mgj nothing; oil, all;
Hall, the other of two,
/”/. //c'l//; y smvl, whoever; llawer” maivj. %%
(delwedd B5585) (tudalen 073)
169. There are two kinds of verbs: transitive and intransitive.
170. Those verbs are called transitiv.e, which express an action passing from
an actor to an object; as, " Z neb a GUDDiA bechod, sydd yn ceisio
cariad; ond y neb a ADNEWYDDA fat, 8ydd yn neillduo tywysogion”“ "He
that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth
very friends." In this passage there is a transition in the sense from
guddia to bechod, from ceisio to cariad, from adnewydda to fai, and from
neillduo to tywysogion,
171. When the subject of a transitive verb is the actor, the verb is called
active, or said to be in the active voice. When the subject is the sufferer
or recipient of the action expressed, the verb is called passive, or said to
be in the passive voice; as, ““Myfi a darawaf y biigail, cHr defaid a
wasgerir," "I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be
scatter ed,”“ Tarawa/ is an active verb; the action passes from the subject,
myfi, to the object, bugail: wasgerir is a passive verb; the subject defaid
is the receiver of the action.
172. Those verbs are called intransitive, which express an action that does
not pass from an actor to an object, or which affirm a state or condition in
which no action is implied; as, "-MV a orweddais, ac a gysgais, ac a
ddepfroais," "I laid me down, and slept, and awaked J” These verbs
are also called neuter; that is, neither active nor passive; the action, if
any, being confined to the actor. Neuter verbs in connection with a pre-
position may take a passive form*, as, '“ Y piwuc xj '“s.'““vev a?n dafio,'*
*”The subject spoken oi." %% 74
(delwedd B5586) (tudalen 074)
173. The same verb is often used both transitively and intransitively; as,
"A'm rhwyd hwynt a rwygodd," "And their net hrake” ““Yna y
cyfododd loh, ac a rwygodd ei fantell”'' "Then Job arose, and rent his
174. There is a class of verbs in Welsh which bears a resemblance to the
reflective verbs of the French. It is fonned by the addition of the prefix
ym; as, gwaredu, to deliver, ymwaredu” to deliver one's self; gosod, to
place, to set, ymosod, to place, one's self; casglu, to gather, ymgasglu, to
175. Verbs are subject to modification on five several accounts; namely, to
indicate their voice, mood, tense, number, and person.
(1) Transitive verbs have two voices, as before men- tioned.
(2) There are three moods: the indicative, the imper- ative, and the
infinitive. The indicative states a fact, or asks a question. The imperative
addresses a person, by commanding, entreating, or giving permission. The
infinitive makes no reference to person, and is of in- definite application:
it merely names the action, and is virtually a noun, which explains the
construction of many sentences in which it occurs.
(3) There are in Welsh six tenses: the present, in a few verbs only [§180
(1)], the imperfect, perfect, plu- perfect, and first and second future. The
imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect tenses refer to past time; the other
tenses to present and future time, as their names imply.
(4) Like nouns, verbs have two numbers.
(5) Like pronouns, verbs have three persons in each number.
77”. These modifications are in most cases effected by “Lc addition of
various terminatioua to “i\v” xoot. %%
(delwedd B5587) (tudalen 075)
177. The infinitive mood only of verbs is given in dictionaries; the
following general remarks will show its relation to the root: —
(1) Infinitives ending with a consonant consist of the simple root of the
verb. %% Infinitiye.
Aros %% Root. Perfect Tense.
to answer ateb atebais
to look edrych edrychais
to refuse gwrthod gwrthodais
to confess addef addefais
to gain ennill ennillais
to ask gofyn gofynais
to stay aros arosais %% / answered I looked I refused I confessed I gained I
asked I stayed %% Cymhorth to assist cymhorth cymhorthais / assisted
a. Exceptions: — Those ending in aeZ, aetkj ain, eg, yd, yll, and some in ed,
which are reducible to their roots by the omission of those terminations.
Dwyn, to take, and its compounds make dwg (transmutable into dyg), infini-
tive dygydy the termination of their roots.
Caffael to get
Marchogaeth to ride %% Root. %% Perfect Tense. %% caf cefais / got
marchog marchogais / rode %% Llefain
Cerdded %% to cry to run to move %% lief
syfl %% to stand saf to ivalk cerdd Dwyn, dygyd to take dwg
h, Gadael, to leave, makes gadav)” \\& too\,\ gade-vwax”“ UeA In caffael,
fm the root is aspirated m\.c> g. W”hY”rs” %% Uefais
dygais %% / cried I ran I moved I stood I walked I took %% 76 %%
(delwedd B5588) (tudalen 076)
(2) Infinitives ending in a vowel may be reduced to their roots by omitting
the vowel. Aw, after t, is subject to the same rule. [§ 14, 52.]
Infinitive. Root. Perfect Tense. %% Gwledda %%to feast %%gwledd %%gwleddais
%%/ feasted %%Troi %%to turn %%tro %%troais %%I turned %%Cwympo %%to fall
%%cwymp %%cwympais %%I fell %%Tynu %%to pull %%tyn %%tynais %%I pulled %%Caniatau
%%to grant %%caniata %%caniateais %%I granted %%Ciliaw, cilio %%to recede
%%cil-i %%ciliais %%I receded %% Root
cadw %% Perfect Tense.
cedwais %% I kept I shut I promised %% a. Exceptions: — Those ending in w
(not having w in the penultimate), au (not du or Aaw), aw (not iaw), ae or
cw, which consist of the root alone.
Cadw to keep
Cau to shut can ceuais
Addaw to promise addaw addewais
Gwarchae to besiege gwarchae gwarchaeais / besieged
Dechreu to begin dechreu dechreuaf I will begin
b. Infinitives in oi retain t in the root before termi- nations commencing
with as, a being dropped. [§ 206.]
Root. Termination. Perfect Tense.
to flee fifo asant fifoisant they fled
c. Bwt/ta, to eat, retains the a, like verbs in du. [§ 205.] (3) Infinitives
ending in t, with e in the penultimate,
change e into a when reduced to their roots, the e being a mutation of a,
Sefyll follows the same rule.
Infinitive. Root. Perfect Tense.
Llenwi to fill Uanw Uanwodd he filled
Sefyll to stand saf safodd he stood
a, Jikewi, to h”“ZQ, berwiy to boil, enwi, to name, drewi, to stink, are
exceptions; as, rhewodd, \t itoi.”. %% Infinitive.
(delwedd B5589) (tudalen 077)
77 %% (4) Verbs
having a for the last vowel of their root change a into e in certain tenses,
as shown in the para- digms of verbs. [§ 202, 203, 205.] This also happens
when w is the only vowel after a in the root. %% Infinitiye. %%
Root. %%Perfect Tense. %%
Cam %%to love %%car %%cerais %%/ loved %%Cadw %%to keep %%cadw %%cedwais %%I
kept %% (6) Infinitives having w in their last syllable, with a consonant
following, change that vowel into y. Cwsg, the root of cysguy to sleep, takes
the same inflection.
Infinitive. Root. Perfect Tense.
Gostwng to lower gostwng gostyngais / lowered Cysgu to sleep cwsg cysgais /
(6) When the root ends in I, or in r preceded by Wy and in some other
instances, i is prefixed to the usual terminations; and at in the last
syllable of the root is changed into ei, when any termination is added. [§
204.] %% Infinitiye. %%
Root %%Perfect Tense. %%
Ymbil %%to beseech %%ymbil %%ymbiliais %%/ besought %%Bwrw %%to cast %%bwr
%%bwriais %%I cast %%Erlid %%to pursue %%erlid %%erlidiais %%I pursued
%%Erfyn %%to entreat %%erfyu %%erfyniais %%I entreated %%Cynnyg %%to offer
%%cynnyg %%cynnygiais %%I offered %%Ymliw %%to reproach ymliw %%ymliwiais %%I
reproached %%Arwain %%to lead %%arwain %%arweiniais %%lied . %% (7) When the
root ends in w preceded by a vowel, the vowel a before s in terminations is
omitted. [§ 203.]
Infinitive. Root Perfect Tense.
Addaw to promise addaw addawsain\) th-e-y -pToml”““i Of wed to hear clyw
clywBaiit they h-eard. %%
(delwedd B5590) (tudalen 078)
%% MOODS AND TENSES %% Active Voice.
178. The terminations of the imperative mood are wi/f, a, ed ox id, wn, wch,
(1) The first person singular is of the same form as in the second future
tense, and is in fact that part of the verb used in an optative sense; as,
““Marw a v”nelwyf farwolaeth yr uniawn”“ ““ Let me die the death of the
righteous." It is often expressed by a periphrasis; as, gad (moeSy par,
rho or dyro) i mi glywed, let me hear; *”Bydded iddo ddyfod yn gynnar,*”
““Let him corns early."
(2) The second person singular of the imperative mood is generally the root
of the verb. The 'exceptions com- prise most of those verbs which in the
infinitive have the terinination a, o, or u, in which case the imperative
takes the termination a in addition to the root; as, lloffa, to glean,
lloffa, glean thou ; cojlo, to remember, cojla, remem- ber thou; ysgrifenu,
to write, ysgrifena, write thou. In some verbs it is used both with and
without the termina- tion; as, ateb or ateha, answer thou; dysg or dysga”
teach thou. The second person imperative is mostly the same as the third
person of the first future indicative. They are not alike when the second
person of the future is formed by inflection of the vowels; as, golchi, to
wash, gylch, he will wash, golch, wash thou; dangos, to show, dengys, he will
show, dangos, show thou. •
(3) In the plurar number, the imperative mood corre- sponds in the three
persons with the first future tense. The vowel a in the root is inflected
into e in the second person
plural; th us, cerwchy love you; but the inflection is some- timea neglected.
(delwedd B5591) (tudalen 079)
179. The terminations of the infinitive mood are very numerous, the more
common being w, t, o or aw, io or iaw, and du or hau. Often the infinitive
consists of the root alone. It is frequently formed from a noun or an adjec-
tive; as, trefn, system, trefnu, to put in order; lies, ad- vantage, llesdu,
to profit; cyfoethog, rich, cyfoethogi, to enrich. The relation of the
infinitive to the root has already been noticed. [§ 177.]
180. Tenses, or inflections expressing definite ideas of time, are confined
to the indicative mood of verbs.
(1) The present tense is wanting in Welsh verbs generally; the exceptions
being the verbs hod, to be, gtvyhod, to know, and adwaen or adnabod, to know.
Bod makes wi/f, wyt, yw, “m, ych, ynt, I am, thou art, &c.; gwyhod makes
gwn, gwyddost, grbyr, gwyddom, gwyddoch, gwyddant, I know, thou knowest,
&c.; and adwaen or adnabod makes adwaen, adwaenost, edwyn; adwaenom,
adwaenoch, adwaenanL [§211.]
a. Present time is emphatically expressed by the present tense of the verb
bod, to be, used as an auxiliary to the infinitive of the principal verb,
which is then preceded by yn; as, yr wyf yn cam, I love, I am loving.
b. Present indefinite time is sometimes indicated by the first future tense;*
as, caraf, I love; ““ Nid oes dyn cyfiavm ar y ddaiar, a wna ddaioni, ac na
phecha," "There is not a just man upon earth, that doeih good
* It is curious that present time is expressed in "Welsh by means , of
the future form of the verb, while in the English language, which has no
future form, future time is expressed with the present tense and the
infinitive. Present time having no definite existence, it has been contended
that the absence of the \)reRervt tense is an instance of philosophical
accMiae'j m \}cv” “\x\x”\>\xvi ““\ loDguage. %% 80
(delwedd B5592) (tudalen 080)
and sinneth not;" but the periphrastic form is more usual; as, **Mae yn
myned zV Eglwys hob Sul,”* "He goes to Church every Sunday."
c. The English present is often represented by the Welsh second future; as,
" F neb a ddyoddefo gerydd sydd gallj'“ " He that heareth reproof
is wise."
(2) The terminations of the imperfect tense are tun, it, aij ew, ech, ent
[§189 (1)]. The vowel a in the last syllable of the root is inflected into e
in the second person singular of this tense.
a. Used indicatively, the imperfect answers to the past progressive of the
English, and represents an action as going on at some time past; as, ““Pan
ddaeth ir ty, Eis- TEDDWN wrih y tdn”“ "When he came to the house, I was
sitting by the fire," eisteddivn being equivalent to yr oeddwn yn
h. It is also used to describe a habit, or to express an action often
repeated; as, " F cwyn ni wyddwn y chwiliwn allan,”“ "The cause
which I knew not, I searched out" [not once, but habitually]. ““ Pan
laddai efe hwynt, hwy a'i CEisiENT e/," "When he slew them, then
they sought him" [or used to seek him]. In this case the verb is often
translated by the assistance of would; as, " Ehodiai yn fynych yn y
meusydd,”“ " He would often walk in the fields."
c. This tense is used also with a hypothetical or condi- tional meaning; as,
"Pe bawn [byddwn] gyfiawn, nid ATEBWN, eithr ymbiliwn d”m bamwry”
"Though I were righteous, I would not answer, but I would make suppli-
cation to my judge." "A hwy a\ gwyliasant e/J a lAcnai efe ef ar y
dydd sabbath; fel y cyhuddent f/," "And tbej watched him, whether
he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse \i\isir %%
(delwedd B5593) (tudalen 081)
d. The verb hod has two forms of this tense: oeddtm and hyddwn. Oeddwn has
for the most part the past progressive sense, hyddwn being used in the other
(3) The perfect tense is formed by adding the termi- nations ais, aist, odd,
asom, asoch, asant.
a. The third person singular is sometimes made to end in es, as, or is; as,
rhoddes for rhoddodd, gave; "JL gyfodes a GOLLEs ei Zc," " He
who has risen has lost his place."
h. Dwyn, to bring, cymmeryd, to take, and clywed, to hear, have dug or
dygodd, cymmerth or cymmerodd, and clyhu or clywodd, in the third person
c. Verbs with a in the last syllable of the root, change a into e in the
first and second persons singular; as, lladd, to kill, lleddais, lleddaist,
lladdodd; addaw, to promise, addewais, addewaist, addawodd.
d. The perfect tense is often used in contradistinction to the imperfect, to
express an action viewed as complete; as, "Clywais iaith ni
ddeallwn," "I heard [then] a language which I did not [habitually]
e. It sometimes answers to the prior-present of the English; as, "A
roddaist ti gryfdwr i farch?”“ ““Hast thou given the horse strength ? "
but it does not, like that compound tense, necessarily refer to two points of
time: "I have loved" is less equivocally translated by yr wyf wedi
cam (literally, I am, or exist, after loving), than by the single word
f. The perfect tense may be and is often used for the imperfect; as,
"Treuliodd [or treuliai] ei oriau mewn oferedd,”“ "He spent his
hours in idleness;" but using the imperfect for the perfect would be
representing an individual action as habitual; as, Cododd yn fore heddyw. He
rose early to-day; Codai yn /ore, H.” uaed \.o t\%” earJj.
6 %% 82
(delwedd B5594) (tudalen 082)
(4) The terminations of the pluperfect tense are, asum, asitj asaij asem,
asech, asent. Like the perfect, it does not invariably correspond witli tlie
English pluperfect, or prior-past: "I had been" is more
emphatically translated by yr oeddwn wedi hod, than by huasvm.
a. This tense has frequently a subjunctive or conditional signification; as,
"Pe gwybuasai gwr y ty pa wyliadwT' iaeth y deuai y lleidr, efe a
wyliasai, ac ni adawsai gloddio ei dy drwodd”“ "If the good-man of the
house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched,
and would not have suffered his house to be broken up." The English word
had is, in like manner, occasionally used for would have, or should have; as,
" I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living," " Diffygiaswn, pe na chredaswn weled daioni
yr Arglwydd yn nhir y rhai hywP
(5) The first future tense is formed by adding to the root the terminations
af, i, a, wn, wch, ant The vowel a in the last syllable of the root becomes e
in the second person singular of this tense; as, teli, thou wilt pay, from
talu, to pay. Most writers inflect the a in the second person plural also.
a. The third person singular is frequently formed with- out the termination,
especially when the infinitive con- sists of the root alone; as, —
Infinitive. Root. Third Person Putiire.
Edrych to look edrych edrych will look
b. Verbs ending in a in the infinitive, or in the second person singular
imperative, generally take that termi- nation in the third person singular of
this tense; as is also
the case with those whose in&nitiveE eiid yq. o. %%
(delwedd B5595) (tudalen 083)
83 %% c. The vowels of the root are liable to inflection when the termination
a is omitted; as, — %%%%
Infinitiye. %%
Root %%Third Person Future. %%a into a J, %%e ei %%para cadw %%to last to
keep %%par cadw %%pery ceidw %%%% llenwi %%to Jill %%Uanw %%lleinw %%„ „ %%7
aw %%rhoddi
toddi %%to give to rise to melt %%rhodd cyfod todd %%rhydd cyfyd tawdd %%a-a
a-e „ %%e-ei e-y %%gwahardd ateb %%to forbid to answer %%gwahardd ateb
%%gweheirdd etyb %%a-o „ %%e-y %%aros %%to stay %%aros %%erys %% d. The
attempt to render the language more regular by forming the third person by
adding the termination (as, arosa for erys), instead of inflecting the
vowels, tends to deprive the language of its character and elegance.
e. The following are peculiar formations :— - %% Infiiritiye. %%
Future. %%Infinitive. %%Future. %%Bwyta %%to eat %%bwyty %%Chwerthin %%to
laugh chwardd %%Ceisio %%to seek %%cais %%Dwyn %%to bring dwg %%Codi %%to
rise %%cwyd %%Peri %%to cause pair %%Cysgu %%to sleep %%cwsg %%Sefyll %%to
stand saif %% f, Dyg is also used for dwg; both from dygyd,
g, Caffael, to get, makes caiff in the third person of this tense; but iff,
often heard in other verbs, is con- demned as a corruption, though it is
questionable whether it is not in some cases preferable to the hiatus it
A. This tense simply foretells when used in its future capacity; but it often
stands for the indefinite present tense, which is wanting in verbs in
genetal. To “ev!”o\,” “V”““ h”dda/f &c,, 18 used for wyf, &c., ih.©
pxo”et Yt”““'CiX* <“1 >>o”* %% 84
(delwedd B5596) (tudalen 084)
(6) The terminations of the second future are, wyf or of; ych” ech, or ot ;
o, om, och, onU
a. This tense is generally used with a conditional or subjunctive
signification, and preceded by a conjunction; as, '“ Fel pan ymddangoso efe,
y byddo hyder genym, ac na CHYwiLYDDiOM gev ei fron ef yn ei
ddyfodiad”"* " That, when he shall appear [have appeared” we may
have con- fidence, and not he ashamed before him at his coming."
h. It is frequently translated by the English present tense; as, ** Cryhwyll
am danynt pan eisteddych yn dy dp, a phan gerddych ar y ffordd, a phan
orweddych i lawr, a phan gyfodyoh i fyny”“ "Talk of them when thou
sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest
down, and when thou risest up." The English second future, or
prior-future, is more literally translated by a periphrasis; as, Byddaf wedi
myned, I shall have gone (strictly, I shall exist after going).
(7) The infinitive mood is very frequently employed instead of the various
tenses, to express present and past time; as, '“ Diau fod gwythen I'r arian”“
** Surely there is a vein for the silver." " herwydd gwneuthur o
Ddafydd yr hyn oedd uniawn”““ "Because David did that which was right."
" Wedi iddynt ddwyn y llongau i dir, hwy a adawsant hob peth,”“
"When they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all." Its
use is very common in conjunctive sentences; as, "iVa char gysgu, rhag
dy FYNED yn dlawd,”“ "Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty."
181. In ' hypothetical sentences, or those in which a
case is stated, or a wish expressed, the reverse of which
is supposed to be the truth, the imperfect tense is used
Jn reference to present time, and the pluperfect with a
simply past signi&cation. Tlie same cwAomb. “3!a»xi”“ "Ukea %%
(delwedd B5597) (tudalen 085)
place in the corresponding English verbs. For instance, **joe buasent,”' *'if
they had been," implies that they were not, not that they had not been,
in the following sentence; ““ Nid OEDDYNT honom ni] canys pe buasent o honom
m, hwy a arosasent gyda ni”“ "They were, not of us; if they had been of
us, they would na doubt have continued with us." Again, "Pc buasit
ti yma” ni fuasai farw fy mrawd”“ "If thou hadst been here, my brother
had not [would not have] died" — “he had been there, but was not at the
time referred to. "0 na wyddwn pa le y cawn ef!" " that I knew
where I might find him! " obviously refers to present time, as appears from
the reply that might be made, " Yr ydych yn gwybod" " You do
know," not "you knewJ”
Passive Voice,
182. The terminations of the passive voice are the same throughout each
tense. This circumstance, coupled with the fact that intransitive verbs have the
so-called paSsive form, makes it questionable whether verbs of this kind
should not be termed impersonal rather than passive.
(1) The infinitive mood is wanting, its place being supplied by a
periphrasis, or by the infinitive active; as, bod yn garedig, to be loved.
" Hyn hefyd fuasai aniviredd I'w oospi gan y barnwyr”'* "This also
were an iniquity to be punished by the judges."
(2) The imperative mood corresponds with the second future tense.
(3) The present tense is wanting [§ 210] ; the imperfect ends in id; the
perfect in loyd; the pluperfect in asid; the first future in ir; the second
future in er,
a, Ed is used iorwyd; as, gantd fox gammjd”V”“““ horn; coed for cafwyd” it
was had. %% 86
(delwedd B5598) (tudalen 086)
(4) The vowel a is inflected in the last syllable of the root in the
imperfect and first future; as, cadw” to keep, eedwid, cedwir.
(5) The second future is allowed no place in the gram- matical systems of
some writers, being seldom or never used.
183. There are a number of nouns and adjectives derived from verbs, which are
arranged in different ways by grammarians; as, supines, gerunds, participles,
&c.; but as the classification is attended with no advantage, and seems
adopted in imitation of writers on Latin and Greek grammar, rather than for
the purpose of simplify- ing that of the Welsh, they are omitted in the
tables of conjugations.
184. The English present participle is used in four distinct capacities : as,
a verb, a noun, an adjective, and as an adjectived noun.
(1) When used verbally, it may be translated by the infinitive mood of the
Welsh verb, preceded by yn; as, Tr oeddvm yn mynbd, I was going, *
(2) As a noun, it is represented by the infinitive, or by a series of verbal
nouns ending in ad or tad; as, tnvm ei GLYWED, hard of hearing; glanhdd, a
cleansing, from glanhau, to cleanse ; addatviady a promising, from addaWy to
(3) In its third capacity, it is translated by a verbal adjective; as, gwr
cariadus, a loving husband; llew RHUADWY, a roaring lion; but adjectives in
adioy have generally an objective signification.
(4) As an adjectived noun, it may be translated by the infinitive mood; as,
gwialen hysgota, a fishing-rod; Cfivn hela, hunting-dogs; or by a noun; as,
gwledd briodas, a
wedding-feast %%
(delwedd B5599) (tudalen 087)
185. The English past participle used adjectively is represented in Welsh by
an adjectiye formed by adding the termination edig to the root of the
corresponding Welsh verb, as caredig, loved, dysgedig” learned. In its verbal
capacity, it and its auxiliary are translated by an appropriate inflection;
as, Efe cCm ceisiodd, He has sought me; Ceisiwyd fi” I have been sought; or
more precisely by a tense of the verb hod and an infinitive, with the
assistance of the preposition gwedi, after; as, Ymae wedi fy ngheisio, He has
sought me (literally. He is after my seeking, or the seeking of me). Yr wyf
wedi fy ngheisio, I have been sought (I exist after the seeking of me).*
186. The primitive verbs hod, to be, and myned, to go, are important, as
constituting a key to the inflections of the Welsh verbs. They are therefore
given first in the paradigms exemplifying the conjugations of verbs.
(1) The verb hod has four roots of formation. The third person singular of
the present tense, yw, is the root of the other persons of that tense; wyf,
wyt] “w, ych, ynt, bei!ig modifications of yw fi, yw ti, yw ni (m taking the
place of n), yw chwi, yw hwynt. The other tenses are formed from the third
persons of the imperfect, perfect, and first future, oedd, hu, and hydd, with
the addition of the proper terminations.
(2) The tenses of myned are formed from aeth, el, and a, roots of verbs
obsolete in the infinitive.
187. There being no inflection of verbs to correspond with the gender of
their nominatives, the masculine pro- noun only is given in the third person
singular through- out the following tables.
* The Welsh idiom is exactly the reverse of the HiberiviaxsL application of
the word after; e.g., ""WYiat ate 'jovji after Aovu”“V eqnal to
Wliat are yon going to do f %% 88 %%
(delwedd B5600) (tudalen 088)
Bod, to he
{Let me he, be, be thouy let him he, S”c.)
Byddwyf, bwyf Bydd, bydda %% 8 Bydded, boed, bid %% Plural.
1 Byddwn
2 Byddwch
3 Byddant, boent %% INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. %% 1 Wyf, ydwyf, / am
2 Wyt, ydwyt, thou art \_is
3 Yw,ydyw,mae, oes, sydd, %% 1 Ym (“), ydym, we are
2 Ych, ydych, you are
3 Ynt, ydynt, they are %% Imperfect Tense. (7 was, thou wast, he was, “c.) %%
1 Oeddwn, byddwn, bawn
2 Oeddit, byddit, bait
3 Oedd, byddai, bai %% 1 Oeddym, byddem, baem
2 Oeddycb, byddech, baech
3 Oeddynt, byddent, baent %% 1 Biim,
2 Buost, buaist
3 Bu %% Perfect Tense. (/ have been, thou hast been, he has been, SfC.)
buais 1 Buom, bnasom %% 2 Buoch, buasoch
3 Buant, buasant PLUPER>fiCT Tense. %% 1 Buaswn,./ had been
2 Buasit, thou hadst been
3 Buasai, he had been %% 1 Buasem, we had been
2 Buasecb, you had been
3 Buasent, they had been %% First Future Tense.
1 Byddaf, / shall be I 1 Byddwn, we shall be
2 Byddi, thou wilt be 2 Byddwch, you will be
3 Bydd, he will be ' 3 Byddant, they will be
Second Future Tense. (/ shall have been, thou wilt have been, he loill have
been, 8fC.)
Byddwyf, byddof, bwyf 1 Byddom, bom %% j2 Bjddfcb, bjrddech jhjddot 3 Bjrddo,
ho %% 2 Byddocb, boch
3 ByddoTi\., \>oTt\. %%
(delwedd B5601) (tudalen 089)
189. Besides the forms giyen in the previous page, others occur.
(1) In the imperfect, oeddym” oeddych, oeddynt, are otherwise written
oedderrij oeddech, oeddent.
(2) In South Wales, buais, bues, buo, are often heard used for bum; and buodd
for bu,
(3) Buesym” buesych, buesynt, are used for buasem, buas- ech, buasent, in the
190. Sydd” is, or it is, is used with nouns and pronouns of all persons and
both numbers. Sy is used before consonants.
191. The verb bod has an impersonal, or, as it is also called, a passive
form, having only one inflection for each tense.*
Bydder, be,
Present Tense . . . Ys, ydys, is Imperfect Tense %% Perfect Tense .
Pluperfect Tense Future Tense . %% . Oeddid, was, continued to be
. Byddid, baid, was, used to be
. Buwyd, was, has been
. Buasid, buesid, had been
. Byddir, byddys, will be
Second Future Tense Bydder, baer, ubill have been
192. Hanfod, to exist, to proceed from, canfod, to perceive, darfod, to be
ended, to happen, and gorfod, to overcome, to compel, are conjugated like
those tenses of the verb bod, which are formed from the roots bu and bydd;
as, canfyddaf, I shall perceive. Hanfod also takes inflections formed from
the root oedd; as, han- oeddwn, I proceeded from. The preBewt iox\S!L”
\ie,u\J”x>, oenyWj deryw, goryw, are obsolete. %%
(delwedd B5602) (tudalen 090)
Myned (Elu, obsolete), to go %% IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular.
1 Awyf, elwyf, let me go
2 A, ela, dos,”o,”o”Aow
3 Aed, eled, let him go %% Plural.
1 Avm, elwn, let us go
2 Ewch, elwch, go, go you
3 Aent, elent, let them go %% INDICATIVE MOOD. Imperfect Tense. %% 1 Awn,
elwn, / went
2 Ait, elit, thou wentest
3 Ai, elai, he went %% 1 Aem, elem, we went
2 Aech, elech, you went
3 Aent, elent, they went %% Perfect Tense. (7 have, thou hast, he has gone,
1 Aethym, euthym, elais 1 Aethom, euthom, elasom %% 2 Aethost, euthost,
3 Aeth, iJodd %% 2 Aethoch, euthoch, elasoch
3 Aethant, euthant, elasant %% 1 Aethwn, elaswn, elswn
2 Aethit, elasit, elsit
3 Aethai, elasaif elsai %% Pluperfect Tense. (7 had, thou hadst, he had gone,
jrc) %% 1 Aethem, elasem, elsem
2 Aethech, elasech, elsech
3 Aethent, elasent, elsent %% First Future Tense. %% 1 Af, elaf, / shall go
2 Ai, ei, eli, thou wilt go
3 A (a), el, ela, he will go %% 1 Awn, elwn, we shall go
2 Ewch, elwch, you mil go
3 Ani{2i.iii),e\&ntj they will go %% Second Future Tense. (7 shall have,
thou wilt have, he will have gone, jrc) 1 Elwyf, elof 1 Elom
“ Elfch, eJech, elot 3 Elo %% 2 Eloch \ 3 Elont %%
(delwedd B5603) (tudalen 091)
194. Myned having no present tense, present time is expressed indefinitely by
the first future, or definitely in the following periphrastic form:—
(/ go, or am gnng, S”c) Singular. Plural. %% Yr wyf yn myned Yr wyt yn myned
Y mae efe yn myned %% Yr “m yn myned Yr ych yn myned Y maent yn myned %% 195.
The diphthong ae is frequently inflected into eu; as, aethurrij &c, or
euthvm, &c., I had gone.
196. In the perfect tense, euihym is sometimes written euthum; and the
contracted forms elsom, elsoch, elsant, are used in the plural. Ethyw and
eddyw were formerly used for aeth,
197. Aiff and eiff are commonly used for d in the future.
198. The following is the passive or impersonal forma- tion : —
Aer, eler, let there he a going,
Imperfect Tense . . Aid, eid, elid, there was a going Perfect Tense . . .
Aethwyd, aethpwyd, aed, there was
or has been a going Plxtperfect Tense. . Aethid, elasid, elsid, there had
been a going First Future Tense . Air, eir, elir, there will be going Second
Future Tense Aer, eler, there . will have been a
199. In the tables of conjugations which follow, dysgu furnishes an example
of the formation of tenses by the addition of terminations only ; and caru,
addaWj arwainy caniatdu, parotoi, gweddio, illustrate \o”“ m”'WsNjsa'ViL”
“>kA. oHher peculiarities noticed in section YVl . %% 92 %%
(delwedd B5604) (tudalen 092)
200. THE REGULAR VERB DYSGU,—Aciiyiei Voice.
Dysgu, to teach y to learn.
1 'Djsgwjf,l€tmeteach'[“l7S']
2 Dysg, dysga, teach {thou)
3 Dysged, let him teach %% Plural.
1 Dysgwn, let us teach
2 Dysgwch, teach, teach you
3 Dysgant, let them teach %% INDICATIVE MOOD.
[ § 208]
Impekfect Tense. %% 1 Dysgwn, / taught
2 Dysgit, thou taughtest
3 Dysgai, he taught %% 1 Dysgem, we taught
2 Dysgech, you taught
3 Dysgent, they taught %% Perfect Tense. %% 1 Dysgais, / have taught
2 Dysgaist, thou hast taught
3 Dysgodd, he has taught %% 1 Dysgasom, we have taught
2 Dysgasoch, you have, “c.
3 Dysgasant, they have, “c. %% Pluperfect Tense. %% 1 Dysgaswn, / had taught
2 Dysgasit, thou hadst taught
3 Dysgasai, he had taught %% 1 Dysgasem, we had taught
2 Dysgasech, “ow had taught
3 Dysgasent, they had taught %% First Future Tense. %% 1 Dysgaf, / shall
2 Dysgi, thou wilt teach
3 Dysg, dysga, he will teach %% 1 Dysgwn, we shall teach
2 Dysgwch, you vnll teach
3 Dysgant, they will teach %% Second Future Tense. %% 1 Dysgwyf, dysgof, /
have taught
2 Dysgych, dysgech, dysgot, “Aou wilt have taught %% 1 Dysgom, we shall have
2 Dysgoch, you will havt taught %% S Dysgo, he will have taught \ 8 DyBgout,
Hie-ji vsiW” §c. %%
(delwedd B5605) (tudalen 093)
Dysger fi, let me be taught Dysger di, be thou taught Djsger ef, let him be
taught %% Plaralc %% Dysger ni, let us be taught Dysger chwi, be you taught
Dysger hwy, let them be, “c. %% INDICATIVE MOOD.
[§ 209] Imperfect Tense. %% Dysgid fi, / wa>s taught Dysgid di, thou wast
taught Dysgid ef, he was taught %% Dysgid ni, we were taught Dysgid chwi, you
were taught Dysgid hwy, they were taught %% Perfect Tense. %% Dysgwyd fi, /
have been
taught Dysgwyd di, thou hast, “c. Dysgwyd ef, he has, “c. %% Dysgwyd ni, we
have been
taught Dysgwyd chwi, you have, “c. Dysgwyd hwy, they have, “c. %% Pluperfect
Tense. %% Dysgasid fi, / had been taught
Dysgasid di, thou hadst, “c, Dysgasid ef, he had, “c. %% Dysgasid ni, we had
taught Dysgasid chwi, you had, “c, Dysgasid hwy, they had, “c. %% First
Future Tense. %% Dysgir fi, / shall be taught Dysgir di, thou wilt be taught
Dysgir ef, he will be taught %% Dysgir ni, we shall be taught Dysgir chwi,
you will, “c, Dysgir hwy, they will, “c. %% Second Future Tense. %% Dysger
fi, / shall have been
taught Dysger di, thou wilt, “c, DjBger ef, he will, “c. %% Dysger ni, we
shall have been
taught Dysget c\im, 'you 'ujxU” ““» Dysgex la.Yrj , tKe'ij -uixU., ““« %%
(delwedd B5606) (tudalen 094)
THE %% Q O O > M H
< U M
Q SB %% _ a •a « §” CO
%% P >>»o p o o H >H H M »H
H ce o « cs ce “ o o u u o o %% S . Cm %%
S8S %% 9) • %% “ .T” rt (U 0) o 2 2 2 3 2 2 ra 03 OS w ra w %% u « %% H H H
(D o ra o o o %% B o %% -d -fi %% O %% O %% o %% § %%%% a® 6”
%% “.rH Hod “ o a> a> o o
%%%%%% •”r %% rd-*” %% “ - - “ '“
" %%%% 0) %% .a 8 %%%% % X 8
%%%% 111 %% §C” CA O 09 O O O O %% Person, i-n (M co i-i (M co %%%%%%%% “ (H
,d -” tM'o a” d t>» OJ o o o o |*fe “ fe fe fe 03 n o3 w cB n "d
"d "d "d "d TS "d fri fri fri 'Xi 'd %% “ n n %% 08
08 %% c8 %% «• ■♦a “0”.-4
08 d p § “ g “ “ “ “ cS v o3 :” :o3 cS ns 'C "d "Ti 'CJ Ti 13 'O nd tS nzJ 13 “ R 03 03 n 08 %% d “ rt rt S'dTJ frt r” rrt OS o3 OS %% 0) O 0) 00 OQ 00 “ “ “ rt 03 “ f” "d f” rrt frt tJ w w o8 %% 00 0) %%%% oe “ 'O "d Tj TlJ "d 03 Oi A %% O O 03 CO OC OQ “ “ “ “ rt o8 f” 13 "d frt ni "d w “ “ %% o8 rt w rt cfl %% I- 'd %% M 4A '“ “-d d <u d o cQ “ “ g “ “ c3 03 :” :e8 c3 'd 'd 'd “3 '"d "d n3 "d "d 'd rt rt gj gj w %% O tf § 'd a. %% OQ %% e8
%% 'd C3 %% 'd n3 c8 %% 03 'd 'd %% 1-t c<i CO I-I e” CO %% “\ %%
> <u o 'n 'd '"“ d d a %% -. “ d o o o %% d d d d d d d ''~i '"H 'iH "iH 't-t O (U o o o o “ “ “ “ “ “ %% “g %% 03 rt “ A %% •s %% d d
d d d d •r-< 'IH 'H •!-« •!-« •!-*
a> o o8 o <u o “ g “ g “ “ ra q3 03 c8 A ra %% d d'“ "S S “ '“a d o d 2 2 2 2 2 S Co n w R OS A pH •!-( •!-« •>-* •!-« 'PH a d d d d d 'fH '“ “rH 'rH “““ 'fH O O O O Q> C” “ “ “ g “ “ 03 03 w 08 %% S” %% 00 "SS C3 03 O d d d 'PH •pH .pH O 0) « “ “ “ o3 08 R %% o o §§§ d d •P-l TH %%%% <x> %% 3 %% f-i d %% •a •pH %% d 'PH %% d > %%d-” -e •M a o d %% 2 -”“ %%C3 0) (U 0) %%'d %%•d 'n %%•r” 'P”
'iH 'r-l %%'c %%d d %%d d c d %%•rt 'C? %%•p-l 'p-l T-t 't-t %%• f” %%0) 0)
%%V o <o <o %%0) %%” “ %%? “ “ “ %%” %%£33 %%d OS OS 08 %%” %%• %%%% •a
%% .ti %%9\ %% d %%TS %%
L4 %%t>» %% 3 %% “ “ § %% d
d d d d •P” .pH .pH "P” 'pH C3 O) 0) O 0> “ “ “ " H “ H w A n »H <M CO i-H <M CO %% 0} %% (U %%%% O %% tt & %% “\ %% WELSH
LANOUAOB. %% 95 %% II o ill S” O Q O
Q O 08 :os q c8 08 ri 4-> >«3 -” -” -” -t” o3 c8 o3 rt ra w %% iCi <ie8 :d :o
<ej ■♦” "tS
"t* "S "2 c3 w ra n (s %% I %% “_ -,_ “r” srH "F” 'rH -fH
p a a g c §08 4 rt 08 C8 c8 %% “TH d o o m mill 08 A 63 c8 rt c6 • fH •«-< 'rH "1” 'i” "rH a d d d d %% “ S S o s § %% d d d d d d § 8 g g 3 g %% :o6 :q :” :c8 08
rt “ 06 • *H 'r” •F” 'F” WPM •!—< d d d d d d g g g g g § %%%%%%%% g %% “ “ “ d S <o8 :e8 :ce :q; <o3 :o8 .” 4J “ -” -O “ 08 “ c8 03 ra ra • r” "pw •!-< 'rH "rH d d d g g g %% 1-t c” CO 1-I c<i eo %% O '3
0> o %% 1”1 %% g o o o c ! o n “ rt “ n S c3 P. q p. g g g' g %% o o %%
1 s-g? %% •H b. “ i” w 'iH 08 “ P rt S i2 5 ?2 iS 5 o p p o o o w w 08 “ “ Co gg g g.g g %% o g %% p3 d'“ "S t> .T” rt 0) o V CO CD OQ 00 00 00 •»— I 'i-H •(—< 'iM
"Fi* *r— BSSSSS p o o o o o “ n “ “ “ o3 g g g g g g %% • i-H o -t-9
2 g %% s-g %% o 00 %% O m o
%% 4i3 d 08 OQ %% 43 00 OQ rrt •pH (rH W O O <Q O ■(J .(J “ -tJ o p o p ra c8 “ rt OS CO g g g g g g %% o %% d « GJ O 12 ia 2 is -s is 000000 H H “ “ (j M ra n 08 w 08 c8 g g g g g g %%%% o p< %%
=3 i p” %% • %%%% “ %%■M %% iS 2 %%'d %%c8 g %% fl-S %% +3 %% p p o o o €8 C8 08 08 Q g g gg g %% i g %% 1-4 Cq CO i-i (M CO %%%%%%I %% .a>
.0 .0 o .0 %% 'C "d 'd "d T3 'TT' tJ n3 'd T? t3 "O O 0) (U o 0) 0) fe “> “ “ “ be bo bo be be be %% bo %% 'd TS ns "d
"d 'd “3 “jj ntJ 'd "d nS dj
Qj Qj CJ OJ QD be be DID bo bo bic %%
-d 0) t bo %% d e rd -t-s c jj .rj d o d “ .” o3 o v V CO CO 00 m QQ “ _W ,W ,W _TO _d “W *”“ •”“ B”“ •”“ 4”“ •'“
(delwedd B5607) (tudalen 095)
"d "d
"d "d "d "d "d "d "d "d 'd "d o V o O V V “ “ “ “ “ “ bo bo be be bo bo %% -d % bo
%% d'“ "S sod %% CJ %% ■pH .rH 'O 00 OC ,TO jd O ci “03 • ““ •”“ •'““ •”“ •'““ B”“ "d 'd "d "d "d "d
"d “d "d "d "d "d a> V a> 0) 0) 0) “ “ “ “ fe
“ be be bo bo bo bo %% 'd %% rfl -e
%% “ .Fj iM o d %% •TZ _c8 O .« .0 ■
““ a”“ m”“ •”“ •”“ •”“ 'd "d
"d "d "d "d "d "d "d "d "d
"d O QD 4) O O flJ bo be be be be bo %%%% -d I %% T3 'd bo %% ri-?. -” %% 'd g S c .08 .0) “ “ e8 %%u 0) %%IrH CrH :,-( ;pH :>-i %%IpH %%'d'd
'd 'd "d %%-d %%■d "d tj 'd 'd %%'2 %%0) QJ QJ Q> %%bo bo
bo bo be %%be %% I-" <M CO I-" <M CO %%%%%% S <M %% aJ CO h ••-
o I- > a. 0) 0) •a s
C « •o *" c 2 o S o oj ••• e.2 o " as “>
u « « 5
. "• •; ea "“ lO %% s< %% o “ %% 96 %%
(delwedd B5608) (tudalen 096)
208. The present tense is sometimes supplied by the future [§180 (1)]; but
more commonly by means of the present tense of the verb hod; thus: —
{I learn y or am learning , 8fc,) Singular. Plural.
Yr wyf yn dysgu Yr ydym yn dysgu %% Yr wyt yn dysgu Y mae yn dysgu %% Yr
ydych yn dysgu Y mae yn dysgu %% 209. Verbal phrases of similar formation are
substi- tuted for the other tenses; thus : — %% Imperfect Perfect .
Pluperfect %% Future Second Future Imperative . %% Oeddym yn dysgu, / was teaching
Byddym yn dysgu, I used to he teaching Wyf wedi dysgu, / have taught Wyf wedi
bod yn dysgu, / have heen
teaching Oeddwn wedi dysgu, / had taught Oeddwn wedi bod yn dysgu, / had heen
teaching Byddwnwedi dysgu, 7 wsec? to have taught Byddaf yn dysgu, I shall he
teaching Byddaf wedi dysgu, I shall have taught Bydded i mi ddysgu” let me
teach %% 210. All the tenses in the passive voice may be formed in five
different ways, as in the following examples, which include the future used
for the present : —
(1) With the proper personal pronoun of the first class after the verb, as
has been already shown [§ 201] ; as, — %% Singular.
Dysgir fi,' 7 am taught Dfsgir di, thou art taught Dysgir ef, he is taught %%
Plural. %% Dysgir ni, we are taught Dysgir chwi, you are tauyht Dy sgvt
\i'N”'5 , tKeij arc taught %%
(delwedd B5609) (tudalen 097)
(2) With a personal prononn of the first class before the verb ; as, —
Sin!j;ular. Plural. %% Mi a ddysgir, / am taught Ti a ddysgir, thou art, “c.
Efe a ddysgir, he is taught %% Ni a ddysgir, we are taught Chwi a ddysgir,
you are taught Hwy a ddysgir, they are taught
a. The a is an emphatic affirmative particle [§ 230 (1)], and does not
represent the auxiliary am, &c., in the English phrase.
(3) With a pronoun of the second class before the verb; as, —
Singular. Plural. %% Fe'm dysgir, I am taught Fe'th ddysgir, thou art taught
Fe'i dysgir, he is taught %% Fe'n dysgir, we are taught Fe'ch dysgir, you are
taught Fe'u dysgir, they are taught %% (4) By means of the impersonal
inflections of the verb hod; as, —
Yr ydys yn fy nysgu, I am taught Yr ydys yn dy ddysgu, thou art taught Yr
ydys yn ei ddysgu, he is taught Yr ydys yn ei dysgu, she is taught
Yr ydys yn ein dysgu, we are taught Yr ydys yn eich dysgu, you are taught Yr
ydys yn eu dysgu, they are taught
a. So also in the other tenses. Imperfect, oeddid; perfect, oeddwyd, buwyd;
pluperfect, huasid; future, hyddir, hyddys; imperative, hydder,
h. After pronouns of the second class, the pronouns e, diy ef, hiy ni, chwi,
hwy or hwynt, may be aid!ied% “&”"F”'«\. dysgir f, or, Yr i/dys yn
fy nysgu i, 1 axft-twx”Xj. 7 %%
(delwedd B5610) (tudalen 098)
(5) By means of the verb hod and the verb cael, to get; as,—
Yr wyf yn cael fy nysgu, / am taught Yr wyt yn cael dy ddysgu, thou art
Y mae yn cael ei ddysgu, he is taught
Y mae yn cael ei dysgu, she is taught
Yr “m yn cael ein dysgu, we are taught Yr ych yn cael eich dysgu, you are
Y maent yn cael eu dysgu, they are taught
a. The other tenses are supplemented in the same manner; as, —
Imperfect . Oeddwn yn cael fy nysgu, / was taught
„ . Byddwn yn cael fy nysgu, / used to he taught
Perfect. . Wyf wedi fy nysgu, wyf wedi cael fy nysgu,
/ have heen taught Pluperfect Oeddwn wedi [cael] fy nysgu, I had heen
taught . Oeddwn wedi bod yn cael fy nysgu, / had
heen getting taught , Byddwn wedi [cael] fy nysgu, / had heen taught
(habitually) Future . . Byddaf yn cael fy nysgu, / shall he taught Sec.
Future Byddaf wedi [cael] fy nysgu, / shall have
heen taught
211. Many verbs deviate in their inflections from the models presented in the
conjugations of regular verbs. In most of these variations, however, the
reader will detect the verbs hod and myned in their difl*erent tenses. The
following tables exhibit the inflections of the most important of these verbs
: — %% ji %% 11 %%
(delwedd B5611) (tudalen 099)
9& %% o o H -< U o %% 'O g o « CO %% l«9 tig %% -d o S a “ fe o3 “ %%
o 4A d C8 %% 03 d “ O'S'd %% fa c %% 'd P 'd 03 %% t 'd
03 %% 'd 'd “- •§1 %% 'd fl fl'd %% O.JM »4
%% •si _Q 03 06 %% '“1 Sd d'd 'd 03 03 %% dS d <“ ee d %% d ,0 %%
<x> 03 %% 08 “ 03 %% ■S %%%% d %% ,41 CO %% d na 08 %%%%g %% a %%
d'd 'd c3 08 %% « a 0.0) %% “ 08 '““ %% ,Q c8 g g CI “ "O OS d c8 %% OS
••-I rO 08 g 3d “ d'd'd 'd 08 d c3 %% 0) “ %% a •§a - - 13 « d d “ «8 g “ S d
“ “ d tJ tJ 'd 'd rt o3 08 %% rd ri O %% a> %% o %% d Q”a> S « S g d “
'5 08 08 OS %% 4a d 43 •d a o> 'd § d 08 d” "d d A %% I. d c8 %% tJ d
o 08 o3 %% f3 ffi %%%%%% 43 CO O d 0) 03 I %% i d 03 'd c8 %% o d <x>
08 Ef fd 03 %% -M %% § %%.t1 %%d %%d %%S %%s %%” %%” %%'S %%-§ %%%% 'd 'd ■g
%% I" 08 %% Person %% (N %% CO %% <M %% CO %%%% H Bg %% o d s “ 5 %%
“ 08 g "* 5 ■$ %% / 'd'd %% 100 %%