
(delwedd B7521) (tudalen i)
Dictionary Of The Norman Or Old French Language Collected From Such Acts Of
Parliament, Parliament Rolls, Journals, Acts Of State, Records, Law Books,
Antient Historians, And Manuscripts As Relate To This Nation.
To illustrate the Rights and Customs of former Ages, the Forms of Laws and
Jurisprudence, the Names of Dignities and Offices, of Persons and Places; and
to render the Reading of those Records, Books, and Manuscripts, which are
written in that Language, more easy; as well as to restore the true Sense and
Meaning of many Words, hitherto deemed quite obscure or mistranslated.
Which Are Added The Laws
Of William The Conqueror, With Notes And References.
William Kelham, of Lincolns-Inn.
Multa ignoramus, quæ nobis non laterent, si veterum lectio nobis
esset familiaris. Macrobius.
London: Printed For Edward Brooke.
Successor To Mess. Worrall And Tovey.
In Bell-Yard, Near Temple-Bar.

(delwedd B7522) (tudalen iii)
DICTIONARY. SO many Statutes, A<, s of State, Records, Law
Books, and MSS. are extant in the Norman and
old French Language, that a Didionary is become
neceflary to enable the Reader to understand fuch
difficult Words as occur therein in that Language;
whether fuch Difficulty ariles from the Words being
merely idiomatical, or from the Inorthography of them.
, There is indeed a Book called the Law French
, Didlionary; but it is fo trifling a Performance, and fo
c: incorred:, that it greatly mifleads the Reader, as will
evidently appear to any one who will compare leveral
■ii; of the Words in that Dictionary , with their Origi- 00
p, . As Oepta% — Nor. Nar. 6. b.— until the Octaves — tranflated
they have luz/Zvc/.
Deins — ibid — 1 1. b, — Teeth— /Z-f Eyes.
Un lotigaji/if — No. Nar. 16. a. b. — a Houfe of Office, a Jakes—
a Sheep ii'alk.
Pereshys — Nov. Nar. 17. a. b. — by Turns — the Agreement or Covenant.
Dr/yra — Nov. Nar. 47. b, — Xoxtr—took a'.vay, /polled.
Gesta — Ibid. — carried away — put, cajl 'uu
Ent grand pr en — 2. In. 50& — great Proiit therefrom— //2, rf, / fear.
Rrints — Brit. 49, a. — fined — re/Is, remains.
Ram'ts — ibid. 66. a. — rtplaceJ, fixed on again— /r?;vj.
Reyi—'ihid. 85. a. — Kings — Faults.
, HteJJ'aunt — ibid. 242. a. — Tacitly, by being f'lent — in ' xntncjpng.
, uppietions — Preamble, Stat. Glou. 2 In. 277. — Helps, Amendments
TfrPetl, ior:.
a 2 nah

(delwedd B7523) (tudalen iv)
nals in the Authors from whence they are taken.
Mr. Hughes (whose Merit in tranflating (o antient an
Author, as the Mirroir, was not inconfiderable) has
yet frequently mistaken the Senfe of the Text, as I
prefume will be manifefl from the Pafiages here cited , Iwiergoigne—'ip. 4—
to the Reproach — tranflated in conJcmnalion.
Fijjind les virna — 1 3 — make their Views — make their Vtshti.
La Nrtce., U Ante le Hcire, U Rqy—iz — the Niece being the Heir of the King —
the Nurfe, the Aunt, Heir to the King.
Tacbe de lour arte — 23 — infected with their Art — taken 'iuith their
En voiles Chautes ct gargaus dr Oi/caux — 23 — In the Flight, fin,»ing
and chattering of Birds — In the Intrails and Boiveli of Btrui.
GarniJ}?ant — 33 — warning — defending.
Moinnt de difettc — 34 — die for Want — ds in the Deferts.
Per Hoyer — 47 — by being drowned — ly hurt.
Apprestcr — 49 — to pray, to be prepareii — to take an Oath.
Oi/el—, o — lVird—Cat.
F.npure facotc — 53 — in his Coat onlj' — in. pure Sackloth.
Gardassent — i o x — fupport — defend.
Wejl attei7Uahle — i 13 — is not to be attainted — is not atteji able.
Hoi: peir — lib— .his equal — his fuperior.
A nioncjler — i i 7 — to admoiiish — to Shc-'M.
jEins ceux que — p. 308. — belore that — after that.
, antnm vene vife ISaam — i 58 — when one forbids the replevying a
live DiflreG — ivhen a Man leads aivay a li've Difirefs.
Garrantizchles — 176 — are to be warnuitcd, or to be proved —
are to appear.
Qu containa — 178 — or far off — or contain.
Ev.-mies d'jiries — 178 — pioclaimed, notorious P'nemies — Enemies
d jco-'Jertd.
Si Ucrke ordcinr — 188 — if a Cleik or, '.aiiU'd — if a Clerk be ordered.
A chcjer — 20 1 — to perform, to wttourn — /" enme to.
D, maine un guU — 212 — tiom Haii.i t / Moiuh — oshiso\-:n Hand.
EJ} fuf dcs tail!/i—2i 2—\i ieiled of the Tallies— ., v Tallie,.
De quire — jii. — with Leather — -vjith Iron.
Estu du ct/vre — z Shield of Leather — ti Shirld of Iron.
Per Ic rcfuil de la rntr — 222 — by the i'.bbing of the Sc:i — by the
Wwjcs of the ISea.
Sons — 223 — payiiiCiU — a Rilrtrfe.
£i' feinij: fa ley — 241 — it he pcifonn, uls LuU' — f he vjagc his

(delwedd B7524) (tudalen v)
If the Word defends made ufe of in a Defendant's Plea
had been confidered as derived from the Norman
French Word defender, and to fignify to oppose or
deny,, and not to justify; Mr. Booth in his accurate
Treatife of Real Adlions would not have acknowledged
himfelf fo much at a Lofs to explain the Entry of the
Defendant's Defence in a Writ of Right. Booth xciv.
112. — ij Black stone 296.
Nor furely, if the Idiom of this Language had been
underilood, would this Paflage in Bricton, '. Si lefglifc
.. demoerge defcounfeille outre vi. moys, adonques
. ' folonc le Counceil de Lions par I'defcord d's
.. parties, le fra levefque del lieu counfeiller & dorra
" lefglife a afcun clerke d'son office, fauve chefcun
.' droit," been rendered, by fo elaborate and judicious
an Abridger as iMr. Viner, in the following Manner.
.' If the Church remains difcouncilled beyond Jix
.. Months, then, according to the Council of Lyons.
'' by the Difccrd of the Parties, the BiJJjop pall be
.' in the Place of a Counfellor, and JJjall give the
.' Church to any Clerk, faving every one's Right j"
instead of (as with great Deference I think it ought
to be trandated) " If the Church remains unprovided
beyond fix Months, then, according to the Council
of Lyons, by Reason of the Disagreement of the
Parties, the Bishop of the Diocele Ihall provide for
it, and (hall, ex officio, collate some Clerk to, the
Church, faving every one's Right." Britton 225.
a. 17. Viner 377.
Fer v'ljl ofavcr — 24? — by buryin;, nlive — l>y burning ali-ve.
Per urur de eux — ioi — by plucking out the Eyes — by hmti'>"
toeni ot'cr the h. \es.
!?jjc ne noirent — 271 — who do not fend — hurtccl vet.
Ajj'orcemeiit de la icy — 2S2 — a turcing, or llraining oi the Lav.'.
erring from tbe La:v.
Oil a, -oient 1-eL — 300 — nr had dciiyed — or had fmt.
Eim ceo q, ue — 308 — bcioic that- — inasmuch as
a 3 Nor VI

(delwedd B7525) (tudalen vi)
vi PREFACE TO Nor if the Norman Law French had been properly
understood by the Profeflbrs of our Law, would a
Frenchman, on a late remarkable Trial, have been
called in to read and explain some Norman French
Charters produced in a Britilh Court of Judicature.
Even the Statutes themfelves, as found in our
Books, are, I am afraid, in many Places too liable
to the same Cenfure; a Specimen from the (hort
Statute of Fines ., and from the Statute of Adon -jBurnell, will shew this;
lieu -\ r elAl'verid , r read
la pees i tranfiatcd \ the Peace r instead of \ the Concord
fur la pie J , hy the County -' L on the Foot.
The Mention therefore of thefe PafTages, thus erroneoufly tranflated, may be
of some Ule, Itrust, to
incite young Students to attain to a more perfect:
Knowledge of the antient Norman Law French; for
Justice Fortefcue, in his learned Preface prefixed to
his Reports, and to the Treatife of Abfolute and Limited Monarchy wrote by
Sir John Fortefcue, Lord Chief"
Justice of England under Henry VI. fays, that without being acquainted wiih
this Language, wherein fo
much of our Laws yet in force is written, a Man cannot pretend to the Name of
a Lawyer; and as many
of the Public .:\Cis which are in Latin in Rymer.s
Foedera are not, in the Judgment of Rapin, to be
underllood witliout the Alfillance of Ducange or
Spelmin; 1 may venture to fay, that great Numbers
of the same Kind of Inltruments found there in the
old French Language are not lefs difficult for want of some Dictionary of
that Language. Even fo late as
the Time of Qiicren Elizabeth, when one would have
thought that alaioit all Barbarifms had been abolillied.
» 1 8 EiHvr.rd I.
f Frifici lour avait borruvvcd their Cz/z/f, inHcad of sl/, , , ;.

(delwedd B7526) (tudalen vii)
vii t H E D I C T I O N A R Y. vii
We find Treaties drawn np, and Secretaries of State,
Ambafladors, and Kings in her Reign, corresponding
in a very uncouth Stile; for I believe there are very
few Readers, who, /o«/ d, uncoup, will understand fuch
Words as " de repes — arrablez, plietir—, panures-,
.. rovenereray — truer ant — leuryauxi — iinglos — fyny.. uemant — auplities
— delleanfds — I'adutent — Jainte" mant — av abler— , oifuir — Jans
anvifer — fefcrine —
.. acharuez — au oult;'' v/ith many others equally
oblblete, and which are not explained in any Di£lionary. Yet this CoUedtion,
extenfive as I have endeavoured to make it, does not, I mud confefs, take in
every difficult or obfolete Norman French Word j
feveral of this Kind are purpofely omitted, on account
of the Senfe of them not readily occurring, and are
left for some more able Hand to investigate; others
alfo will, without Doubt, be met with in some Books
and Manufcripts which have efcaped my Reading:
though I perfuade myfclf the Number will not be very
confiderable; and that it may with Truth be faid, that
very few of the antient Norman French Words
which occur in this Work, are to be met with elfewhere.
This Compilation, the Reader will pleafe to obferve.
is confined to fuch Words of the old French Language
as occur chiefly in Rymer's Foedera, our Statutes.
Parliament Rolls, Journals, Records, Law Books, and.
Hiflorians; for as to those which are to be met with
in ancient Writers of the French Nation, and in the
Provencal Poets and Romances, they are foreign to
our Purpofe; and may be found in the Didlionary
lately compiled by the learned M. La Combe ., in 2
Volumes: Nor have I traced the Norman French Language up to its Origin, this
being alio already dune by
Diiflionnalre du Yiewx Langage
Franjois, par INI, La Combe.
\ Paris, J 766.

(delwedd B7527) (tudalen viii)
viii viii PREFACE.
/ /■
the above Author, and feveral others who have pro.
fefledly written on that Subject.
It would probably likewife not have been unentertaining, and at the same Time
more fatisfa, tory to
some Readers, to have given, as Menage and others
have done, the PalTages and Sentences at length.
from those Records, Books, and Manuleripts, from
which moil; of the Words in this Colle£tion are taken;
this indeed would have helped to point out the different Epochs when fuch and
fuch Words firfl: aflumed
fuch a Senfe, as well as given the Reader an Opportunity of comparing the
Words themfelves with the
Context; but this Parade would have rendered the
Work much larger, and I am afraid too expenfive.
My only V, ievv, in making this Compilation, is to promote Hidorical
Knowlege, and enable the Studious to
rc-ad with Satisfaction, and uhderrtand, those many interesting and curious
Records disperfed in our Adts
of State i and particularly in the Failiament Rolls
(which under the Sanction of the l.egiflature have
been lately published), Law Books, and HiHorians.
and which, for want of some Affiflance of this Kind.
lose much of their Force: if this End is anfwered
without making those numerous Quotations which
the obfcrvingthe above Order would have occssioncd.
1 hope, the Want of it will be readily excufed.

(delwedd B7528) (tudalen 001)
Dictionary Of The Norman And Old French Language
Aatf and., with j from.
9 for, by.
A caufa de cy, for this
A ce, for this purpofe.
A cestuy,/roOT him.
A la facon, in the fashion.
A la prefence, in the prefence.
A peu perd, ivith fmall
A font, and are.
A tort, by wrong.
Aage, age.
Aagiee etant, being of the
A an J a, year.
Abaieffe, an abbefs.
Abaiez, afraid, intimidat'
Abaiez du peril, put in
A bailer, to appeafe.
Abaifle, deprived. Abaifliees (fi), fo impovi'
Abaizance, abbalaunce, in
abeyance, in expectation.
Abatist, abated, beat down.
pulled downy threw down.
quashed, defeated, interpofed.
s'Abaty, entered by abatement, interpofed.
Abatu (Bois), wood cut or
AbaudilTent (fei), embolden
themfelves, give themfelves up to.
Abbaflenient, abatement.
Abbeiflaiit, obedient.
Abbefled, c ast down.
Abbeffement, lessening.
Abbeflent, abate, lower.
Abbrevoir, a watering
Abbs, an abhey.
B Abbuver,

(delwedd B7529) (tudalen 002)
2 2 A B
Abbuver, to give water to.
Abciflantj obedient.
Abeifle, abcfle, abated,
lessenedy abafed.
AbciflTement, lowering.
Abeifi'ez, oppressed.
Aber, abetting.
A be fi lie, abated.
Abctir, to render Jiiipid.
AbettCj abetment.
Abetuz, abating, allowing
Abcye, abit, habit.
Ableflement (en), to the
fcandal, injury.
Ablez, able, fit.
Abogen, bowed.
Aboihige, honey.
A border, to apply to, arri'vs at.
Aboutira tc draw to, to
AooLicifiants, abouriiTcments, limits or boundaries.
Ab Owein, ap Owen.
Abreeu, /Ipril.
Abioceurs, brokers.
Abruver, to zvater.
Ablbile, abfoller, ablbuldrc, abfodrc, to abfohe.
■ forgive, pardon.
Abstiegner, to abfiain.
Abstinence, cessation.
Abusshementz, concealments.
Abntremehts, ornaments.
Ac a, ca, then. . AC
Acat, buying.
Acate (p vols d.), hy way
of bargain.
Acaterie (Sergeaunt de T).
ferjeant of the eatery.
Accepfant (en), in acceptingy objecting.
Accefiement, addition.
AcceiTer, to affefs.
Accion, accyoun, a£lion.
Accoitant (en), in hording
Accoind, very neceffary
or familiar.
Accointance, aid, favour.
Accoller, to embrace.
Accollee (donner 1'), to
dub a knight.
pefTon, countable, fm all
fishAccord (d'), the concord.
Accoritez, agreed to it.
Accorr, ready, wary.
Accoster, to prop, or hold
Accourfement, the taking
Accoutcr, to hearken.
Accrcffjr, accrester, to increafcy to accrew, to
Accreir, nt, arife from.
AccreiTer (qui droit ad a).
who has a right to the

(delwedd B7530) (tudalen 003)
3 A C
A, creve, increafed.
Accreaunt, gathering, ohtainingy accroaching.
Accxqchtv,accroach, ufurp,
attempt to exercife.
Acrois, increafe, accejston.
, improvement.
Acciiferez, reproach, accufe.
Accufement, accufation.
Acenfement, a letting to
Acenfeur, a farmer.
Aceres, maple-trees.
Acertener, afcertained., be ing ixiell cijjured of.
Acertez, certified, get intelligence of, in good
AcefTent, affefs.
Achampart (garder les), to
keep them feparate, fafe.
Acharuez, incenfed, cruelly
bent againfi.
Achat, buying.
Acheter, to buy.
Achatur, acatour, buyer.
Achatre, to rafifom.
Achemine, direcled.
Achefon, achayilon, reason, occason, caufe.
Acheioncz de bel pleder.
called in Guefiion for
Achevc (nc fe), doc, net
(itlGurn. A:C 31
Achever, achiver, taperform.
Acheu, attourned.
Achioer, to finish.
Achoifoner, acheflbner, t9
Aci, here.
Acier, Jieel.
Aco, that.
A coign e, favour, affoxiation.
Acone fei, sometimes.
Aeons, fore.
Aconvenu, covenanted.
agreed upon.
Acort, agreement, accord,
Acoudre, to join.
Acoiilper, to accufe.
Acounte, aconte, to he
reckoned, deemed, accounted.
A coupes, accufed, guilty.
Acouter, deemed, accounted.
Acovyegnenr, agree, fettle.
Acqueister, to pacify.
Acquifier, to receive, gather.
Acre, an acre, a meafur,
of land.
q ne tuist unques acree
ne vergee, which ivas
never furveyed, meafured, or laid out in, Q
acres, rods, , c.
Ac res J incre, , fcd.

(delwedd B7531) (tudalen 004)
Acresce, increase.
Acrestre, acresser, acresere, to multiply, to increase, advance, rise,
Acrestant a lui, taking upon himfelf.
Acrire, to write.
d'Acrocher, to assume, incroachy increaje.
Acroire, to lend.
Acruist, accrewed.
Act, a5iion.
A6tines, anions, cloaks.
A duel, ready, speedy.
Adtualmenc, adtuelment.
Acunement, in any other
Acunte, account.
Acunt (deit), owes any
Acufe, excufes.
Adaerains, at laji.
Adavaunt ale, fo far gone.
Adayer, to provoke.
Adeiz, already.
A dene, now.
Adeprimes, Jirjl, at firjl.
for the fir st time.
Adepr, obtained.
Aderere, behind, in arreor.
firayed from.
Aderener, to appraife.
Ades, by and by.
Adelbure, underneath, below.
Adefouth lui, under him. A D
Adefleement, confiantly.
Adetteres, fincerely.
Adcvant, before.
Adevenir, to become.
Adgares (ne), lately.
Adgisantz, adjacent.
Addculeir, to mitigate, t»
Addone, given to.
Addoubers, fee adoubers.
Addoubeur, a promoter,
or fetter-up of caufes.
Addreffe, directed to,fent\
alfo redrefs.
Addrefleroient en haut
lour maynes dextres.
floould hold up on high
their right hands.
Adherdantz, adherents.
A dieu commandez, gone
to God, departed this
Adjcudcr, to adjujl, con.
trive, dispafe of.
Adjoustcr tb}', to give
Ad ire, by faying.
A dire, that is to fay.
Adire, to abandon, forfake.
Aditerent, fJjould fummon
to the eyre.
Adjure, abjured, abandoned.
Admenellres, admonished.
Adminiilres, the admini'
Adnates, the firjl fruits.

(delwedd B7532) (tudalen 005)
5 A D
Adnerer, to fet a price.
Adoler, to lament.
Adonques, adonges, then.
Adouler, to repair.
Adoubers de vicls draps.
patcbersy botchers, or
menders of apparel.
Adoun, then.
Adrecans, adroifTans, addressed, directed to.
Adreciez, adreltees, redressed.
Ad rein, until.
Adrcitament, with addrefs,
alio direSlly, forthwith.
Ad res, readily, conveniently.
Adrefcer, to redrefs.
Adrefcer a nous, behave
to us.
rAdrefcement, the managementy improvement,
reformation, reform, repairing.
Adrefler , ts resons, to
make out, to prepare his
Adreffvis, going, proceeding
OH, continuing along.
Qii'ils adreflafient, that
they should prepare themf elves.
Nous nous adrefleoms, we
are getting ready.
Adreflez, erc, .
Adredez, ornamented.
gilded. A E 5
Chafer adrcfTez, drive them
flrait along.
Adreflement, dire, ly.
Adrier, in arrear.
Ad tret, drawn.
Advelgne, happens, hecomes.
En adventure fi, in cafe.
Adveu (foubz 1'}, with the
Advitailles, victualled.
Advocaflie, office of advocate.
Advoue, advoes, advocates, perfons Jkilled in
the law.
Advover, to avow.
Adueinenr, arife.
Adunque, then.
TAdutent, making ufe of.
Adyre, to fay.
Ae, the age of a man.
Aele, grandmother.
Aem perlir, peril of our
Aerdanz, aordanz, adbi'.
Aerder, to accrew.
Aererer, to plough.
Aerin, brafs.
Aernovel, Augujl.
Aerres, earJieJi.
Aery, nejt of hawks.
Aes, eafe.
Aeues, waters.
Aez, has.
B 3 Afeorc,

(delwedd B7533) (tudalen 006)
6 « At"
Afeore, affeered.
Affaire, to make.
Affaires, afFairez, to he
Astairont, affeef:
Affaitier, to render learned.
A fsame, famished.
Affedtate, wilful.
Affestes, bejioived on.
Affeduous, dejtrous.
Affedleufment, affectionately.
Afferre (nus eqoms), we
have occasion for.
Afferaunt (folonc Ion), aclordtng to his share, proportion, or what belongs
to him.
AfFeront (en lor), in their
. proportion.
Aflferme, contrail.
AITerment, lodge, lay.
AfFermer. to let to farm.
v, AfFermes, afermt- es grant' ■ ed, limited, confirmed.
AfFer, afFri, afFra,' cattle.
or beafis.
AfFers des carads, beafs
of the plow.
. AfFere, to do.
AfFercr, to tax, affefs, moderate.
AfFcrrir, afFeroit, belonged.
AfFert, /'/ behoveth.
Affiaunce, confidence.
Affiauntz, by the cffirniance, cath.
Affie (nulfe), let none prefume. A F
Affiert, // belongs, is meet.
Affinage, refining of metal.
Affins, kindred by marriage, friends.
Pur affiner, to put an end
to it.
Afsiont, affiantz, affie,'
trusting, confiding in.
Affirmacons, confirmations.
AffirnaalFoms, had affirmed.
Suit afRrme,yK/V affirmed.
Pur default d'affirmure.
for want of confirming.
AfRrez, affeered.
AfFoire, to do.
Que mien y foit afFoire.
what is befi to be done.
Aff"orcer, to slrengthen.
AfForce, increafed,strengthened.
s'AfForcent, aim at, attempt.
Si fe afForce, if he should
AfForcement de fcmme.
forcing a woman.
AfForcement de la ley, a
forcing cr firaming of the law.
AfForcement, eff equally.
AfForer, to efiimate. to tax.
A{fonfiv.em,firength, aid.
aff /lance.
AfFvirterez, will enforce.
Affraij afFrei, terror.

(delwedd B7534) (tudalen 007)
7 A G
En affrai de la pees, in breach of the peace.
Affraietz, terrified.
Affranchir, to set free.
Affretter (d'), to freight.
Affublez des manteau, habited with the mantle.
Affyereit, trust to.
Afolee, cripled.
A force, strengthened.
Aforcer, to endeavour., to compel, to inforce.
Aforcent, tend to, endeavour.
Aforesters, aforested.
A for prendre, to be forprized.
Afouement (si) as soon as, as fast as.
Afoula, damaged., wasted.
Ag, wait, keep, observe.
Agactz, assaults.
Agager nule ley, wage any law.
Agagez, pledged.
Agaitz, lie in wait.
Agaites (les), the watch.
Agardant, regarding.
Agardetz; agard, awarded-., keep., ohferve., attend.
En vos agardetz, in your
judgement, determination.
En vos agard, in your own
Aga}te, agait (en), by
, await.
Agatere (pur male), cf
expecting mlschlef. A I 7
Age, water.
Agenuz, on their knees.
Agglue, joined, congealed.
Aggrcaunc (en), in aggrevat ion.
Aggrcggez, enumerated.
Agikc, a, ed.
Agisant environ, lying
near, adjacent.
Agifer, to be levant and
Agneler, to yean or bring
forth lambs.
Agnifer, to acknowledge.
Agrca (ele , , ),She agreed.
Agrcation, agreement.
Agrestical, clownish.
Aguet a panfe, malice
Aguet, aquec (par), by
A guey, near.
Aguir, to guide.
Aguifer, to sharpen.
A gules pur faces, pack
AgUN'en, Acquita-n.
Aherdanntz, adhering.
Ahcritcz, heir, inheritor.
Ahontir, to abajlj, or make
one afldamed.
Ajants, having.
A ice, thereto.
Aie, aid, relief.
Aient, are.
Aienz, ha'ving.
B 4 Aier,

(delwedd B7535) (tudalen 008)
Aier, steel.
Aiet, he shall have.
Aile, a wing.
Ailess, a grandmother.
Ailors, elsewhere, besides, then.
Aimans, diamonds.
Aimant, a loadstone.
Aimer (l'), the love.
Ain, a hook.
Ainneesche, eldership, birthright.
Ains, his.
A ins, oppofedy ohslru5fed.
Ains, d'ams, (par quintal
d'), for a quintal of almonds.
Ainfi come (per), in the
same manner as.
Aintz, but.
iVinz, einzqe, before that.
Ainznez, eldfjl.
A ion, aiomz, have.
Ajourner ceus, remove
Ajourtre (fanz), without
Ajoyn'], Joined.
Airaine, brafs.
Aire, nejl of the hawk.
Aireau, a plough.
Airens en pourpos, intend.
Aires, eared, ploughed.
Airignantc, adjoining.
Ais, a board. '
I'Aife, the eafe.
Aifemenr, eafement. A L
Aifne filz, eldefl fon.
Aifnee fille, eldefi daughter.
Aist, aided.
Aistre, exijience, life.
Aitre, a bouje, an apartment, a room.
Aive, water.
Ajudar, to afstfl.
Ajuge, adjudged.
Ajustement, ajoustances.
Ai<.eton, hoketonde plate.
coat of plate, metal.
Al, to, from.
A), went to.
Ala devie a trespafs, departed this life.
Alaier, alledge.
Alant, alantes, going.
Al armes, with armes.
Alaflent quere hors, they
should go and take them
Alalles, gone.
Allaceaulx, collateral.
Allancz al roy, going to
the king.
Aleome, alebymy.
Aleons, any one.
Aleunz e aleun, one or
Alee, allay.
Alees, paffages abroad.
Alefoitz, sometimes.
Alegannce, allowance, re' drefs.
Alejr, er

(delwedd B7536) (tudalen 009)
9 AL 9 A L
Aleger (lui), to relieve himfelf.
Alegge, eafedy redressedy
Alegcrez, will alleviate.
Alencontre, to the contrary, againjL
Aler (le), the bringing.
Aler (lourj, their departure.
Ales de gales (en fees), in
bis journey into France.
Alettes, little eagles.
Aletz adieu, go quit.
Aleur (a grant), in gre-at
Aleviance, eafe.
AH, to another.
All a nee, allegiance.
Aliaunces, alienee, confederacies, allegations, Juggejlions.
Alias, heretofore.
Alienaean, kindred.
A lien nee, an alien.
Alienee, the buyer.
Alier, at large, to go at
Alier hors, to go out of.
Aliez (lour), their relations, friends.
Alisaundre, Alexander.
Aliflir, aleifler, at going
Alkemine, alehemy.
Alleage, allegag, alledged.
Alice, herring.
AUcdgie, bought in, made
Allees {{\),fo far proceeded
AUeger, to lessen.
Allegier, to alleviate, remove.
Alleggeanee (en), for redrefs, in eafe of.
Allegeaunee (tans}, without alledging.
Allegles, imprifened.
Allegiance (forfque), only
an alleviation, exemp'
Alleg'ez, alleviated, redrejed.
AUeguez, cited.
AUeient avant, may proceed.
Allele, allay.
AUeques, alledged.
Alleront, went.,
A lies, allies.
Alleu, allieu, aleu, alieu.
a possession free from all
fubje5sion, allodial.
All eve, levyed.
Alle, 'n, an alien.
Alliance, aliance, alienee.
aleyngnanfe, confederacy, protejlation, allegiance.
Alliance (faux), by falfe
Alliantz, aliens.
AUieger, alledge.
Anient lo

(delwedd B7537) (tudalen
Allient (fen), may depart.
Allies, alliez, kindred, confederates.
Alliours lieux, other places.
Alloee, allowed.
Alloigne,.alligne, put off or delayed, carried away, conveyed from.
Alloigner le terme, inlarge the time.
Allopee, eloped.
Des allopers de nunns, of those who elope with nuns.
Allowables, genuine.
Allower (ne poet), cannot let.
Allowent, hire.
Alloycanche, alloyance, alliance.
Alloynes, stolen, alienated, removed, carried off, drove away.
Alloynours, alleynours.those who conceal, steal, or carry a thing off
Alluer, to allow.
Alluminor, a limner or gilder of letters in old rnanuscripts.
Alm, soul.
I.endemayn des almes, on the morrow of souls.
Al menne people, to inferior people.
Almoignes, alms, almonds.
Alns, a wood of elders.
Aloigner, to enlarge.
Aloine, ousted.
Aloinent, eloign.
Alongerent (se), withdrew
Alors, there, at that time.
in that place.
Alost, go.
Alote, allotted.
Aloues, worthy of praise.
Alquons, any one.
Alre-fiee, at another time, afore time.
Alt, high.
Alt al ewe, let him go to water Ordeal.
Alterquer, to wrangle.
Altres IIII (les), the other 4.
Altres (per), by others.
Altresi, in like manner.
Alye, fastened, fixed.
Alyenont le judgement, they defer the judgement.
Alvey, alderground.
Aluable, allowable.
Aluer (li), allow him.
Alun, allom.
Alz, az, they, them.
Am, 1 love.
Amans, diamonds.
Amaroit, should love.
Amat, beloved.
Amatistre, an amethist.
Ambassiatt, embassage.
Ambaxeurs, amhassadors.

(delwedd B7538) (tudalen
Ambodeux, amdeus, ambcdoi, amb, both.
Ambrey, a cupboard.
Amc, friend.
A me cofyn, beloved coustn.
AmF, amen.
Amcdcus les pties, both
Ariicc, de/ired, coveted.
Ameis, amctz gentieux
hommcs, beloved gentlemen.
Ameinife, dimimshes.
Amene, /educed, forced.
Amenez, amegnez, produced, brought.
Amenuier, to abridge, abate, decreafe, diminifj.
lessen, annihilate, to fall.
Amcfnufoit, brought.
iVmenilTe, amended.
Amendemenr, for the
amendment, ir/iprcvemdnt.
En amendement, in amends.
Anient, let him make
Amentineez, maintain.
Les amends de allyfe enfrevntc, the ccrreStiGU
of the breach of affyjc.
Amenrir, to diminish.
Amenistrez, adminifiered.
Amer, bitter.
i, mer (ne de), nor to love.
Ames, mercy. 11 A M 11
Ames et foyabJes, beloved
and faithful.
Ames (es), on the fouls.
Amefner, to bring, convey.
Amefnauncez, carrying
Ameinannce, ameignauncc, bringing in.
Amefure, moderated.
Amez, friends.
Amiaide, friendly.
Araiablement, amicably.
Amice, beloved.
Amiraudes, emeralds.
Amifours (fes), those who
are prejudiced againji
Am'stee, friendship.
Amirtre, annuity.
Amnafle, threaten.
Amoiiidrir, to fnake thin
or lean.
AmoinorifTant, 'wc, sting.
Amoler, to melt.
/imolir, amoUir, to fosten.
Anioneltoms, admonish.
AiDonestmenc, warnings
Amont, a mount, upwards.
againji , above.
Amort, amorti, dead.
Amorte, allured, won.
Amortir, amorrizer, aniorteyler, to aniortife, to
purchafe in mortma.n.
Amountauntj afcendhig.

(delwedd B7539) (tudalen
12 12 AN
d'Amour jour, day of grace; a day alfo given
to compromife the fuit.
Amous, very.
Amoyneric, almonry.
Ampiere, an empire.
Amplier, to increafe, eti'
Amprendre, to undertake.
Ampres, after.
En ampres, hereafter.
d'Ams quintal, a quintal
of almonds.
Amuty friends.
Amur, love.
Amuue, moves, grieves.
Amuzer afcun, to put one
in ajludy.
Amyes concubines, beloved concubines.
Amyte, friendship.
I'An, the one.
Ana, without.
Analefient, , <?/», , went.
Anamalez, enamelled.
Anchifors, ancejiors.
Ancelle, a maid fervant.
Anceflre en court, fummomd to appear in court.
Ancoys, but.
Anculer, to accufe.
Ande, mother in law.
I'Andtimain, th: morrow.
Aneals, aneus, rings.
And, a ring.
A I'anell, en delivery of the nuptial ring, on jo- A N
lemnization of the marriage.
An el, an angel.
TAncl, the handle.
Anelyng de lewles, aned"
ing of tiles.
Anemis, enemies.
Anenent, happen, arife.
Angeine, the feaji of the
Holy Virgin.
Anginees, engine, devices.
Anguites, anguish.
Angufles, firaights.
Angutez, straightened.
Anichilee, annihilated.
Anienter, anientir, to take
away, to defeat, make
void, to annul.
Anient, anientie, void, disannulled.
Tot anientie, entirely ruined
En anientifement, to the
deflru5!ion, wafle, ruin.
disannullingy lessening.
imp over ishment, waflin, .
An il enust (!'), from
whence there fqllozvs.
Anisancz, aynisans, annoyance.
An\z, friend.
Ankes, geefe.
Ankes, prcfently.
Ankes avant (que), that
Anne, year.

(delwedd B7540) (tudalen 013)
13 - A N
Annealing, a burning or
hardening by fire.
Annel, annuel, a ring.
Anuels, anuels livres, the
year books.
Annez, years.
I'Anoiture, the nurture.
Anoye, injured, damaged.
Anoya, hurt.
Anquare, yet, still, again.
Anqnes, but, very.
A ans, for a time.
Anfement aurement(tout).
entirely in the same manner.
Anfois, but, although.
Ant (le), being.
Antandre, to inform.
Anten (de), ofthelajiyear.
Antic, old.
Antor le tour, round the
Antyer tout, entirely.
Anuales chauntantz,75'», ing annuals, or maffei
every day.
Anuelx, rings.
Anui, to day, this night.
Anulterie(en), in adultry.
Anures mals, evil works.
Anufance, anufantz, annoyance.
Anute, annuity.
Anuyr, vexes.
Anvifer (fans), without
Anyentiflenr, annul. Anyntier, to annul.
Anz, years.
Anzoiz, anfois, but.
Aordaunce, confederacy.
Aore, now.
A our, gold.
Aourer, to pray to, wor,
Aournemens, ornaments.
Aoust, Augujl.
Apandy, belongs.
A para, will appear.
Aparelle, aparaile, apparellie, ready.
Aparille (de tot), with all
Aparceyver, to perceive.
A par luy, on his part.
Aparmenes, ore aparmenns, at this prefent.
A parte, open, full.
Apartement, plainly.
Apastiz, patiz, the agreement to a contribution.
Apauvry, impoverished.
Apeaus, appeals.
A pee, on foot.
A pens, thought.
A pent, belongs.
Aperchenoir, perceive.
Apercus de ceo, informed
of it.
Aperluy, by itfelf.
Apermenc, openly.
Apeschez, impeached.
Apefcr, to appeafe.

(delwedd B7541) (tudalen 014)
Apetifez, apeticher, appetichie, appetie, diminishedi lessened.
Apeu, a few.
Apeyne, fcarce.
Apiergent, they appear.
Apieroit, // appears.
Apoi chefcun, every one
Apoinder, to appoint, dire, .
Apoint, pointed, fiarp at
- the end.
Apostiler, to write notes
Apoflilles, additions fObfervations.
Apostle, apostal, apostoile.
apostoire, the pope.
Apoy ylia demure (qe).
that there fcarce remains.
AppaierSj to he paid.
Appaiez, fatisfied.
Apparralkz, repaired.
Apparailementz, fitting
Apparelez (pur i'),/<7, repairing of.
L'endemain de I'apparition, the morro'ss of the
\ Epiphany.
Apparoir, apparoer, apparoier, to appear, make
AppafiTer, to pafs.
Appatifliez lieux, places
which agreed to pay a
fum of money to the ene- 14 AP
my in compenfation of their towns being.spared
from the ravages oj war.
Appaye (en un), in one
Appaye (nent), not contented, dissatisfied.
Appeaux, appeals.
Appeirez, impaired.
Appele, called.
Appellations, appeals.
Appellantz (Seignurs).
krds appellants, viz. the
duke ofGloucester, Henry
earl of Derby , Richard
earl of Arundel, Thomas
earl of IVarwick, and
Thomas earl of "Nottingham, earl Marshal, who
were Jo called in 1 1 Rich.
II. becaufe they were the
accufers in parliament of the then late minijlers.
Appcllicrs, called.
Append, pending.
Appener, to portion out.
Appenfer, to think or confider.
Appenlemeniz, thoughts.
Appenles, hung, affixed.
Appente, appient, belongelh. bclominz.
Appcrceivance, preparations, difcovery.
Appcrient q, who import,
Appcril, apparaillez,r, tf, .
apparelled, prepared.

(delwedd B7542) (tudalen 015)
Appert, openly J in public.
Appeler, to agree.
Appefement, agreement.
Appiaux, appeals.
Appiert evidence, apparent evidence, jurtfdiction.
Appisant, evident.
Applater, to make plain.
Appliantz, arriving, drove
Applicuer, to employ.
Applier, to fuhmit.
Applois, employment.
Apport, tax, tallage, impofition, payment, tribute, charge, expences.
Apportz(come),«jz/ ought.
Appofer, appofe, adjuji.
Appofee, quejlioned, adjusted, fettled.
Apprailles, ready.
Appreciation, appraifement.
Appreignent, lea'f.i, he informed of.
Apprcifours, appraifers.
Apprentife, a student of the law, a pleader, a
ferjeant at law.
Un apprentiz de la court
le roy et attournc, nn
apprentice of the court of ike kins: and an attorney.
Apj, rester, should endeavor, ought to be prepared. 2 15 ApprcRa (fe),
JJjould le
A, , xt, dits, payments, loans.
Appreste (argent), money
borrowed on loan.
Apprestes (per lui), by
him lent.
Apprimes, firfi.
Apprile, appris, learned.
Apprifez de ley, learned in
the law.
rApprifemenr, the feifing.
Approcher lour droit, to
come at their right.
Appromptes (per), by borrowing.
Approper, to appropriate.
Approperment, properly.
Approperruent (per), by
Approve, vouched.
Approvez, appropriated.
Approvcrr.enz, improvements.
Apprower, to iniprove.
Approwours, approvers.
Appruer, to approve.
Appruement, profit.
Appus, appear.
Apree, after-ivr.rds.
Apres, next, nenrejl to.
Apres Ics II 1 1 jours, within 4 days.
Apres, learned, /killed in.
i, ]5refl:ay, // ■;//.
Aprelt (d'argent d'}, ready

(delwedd B7543) (tudalen 016)
l6 A R
Aprest fdettcs d'), debts
which ought to be paid
Aprimes (tout), inthefirft
injlancey immediate.
Apris le jour, after the
Apris, underjloodj valued.
Apris de da leie, learned
or verfed in the laws.
Aprifes (dcs), from informatiens.
Aprife, learning.
Aprivoifes, improved, purchafed.
Aprocha, petitioned.
Aprocher a notre, come at
our own.
Aprouchier, proceed.
A prove, improves.
Aprua Ion wast, approved
his wast.
Apruchement, approach.
Apuril, April.
Aquar {', iQvg.), ferjeant of the ewry.
Aquitantz, acquittance.
Aqules, to which.
Ara ece, shall have been.
Aracc, to erafe.
Araccez, tore out.
Aracher, to grub up.
Aracine, taken root.
Araer, arair, to prepare .
array, fettle. 16 A R
A rages, madmen.
Araics, array, apparel.
Araine, brafs.
A rant, plowing, earing.
Kx2X, shall have.
Arbalastres, arbalestes.
crofs bows.
Juges arbitrers, arbitrarys.
a private judge chofen by
confent of the parties to
determine the matter in
Arc, a bow, an archer.
Arcamentz, fecrets.
Arces, arstz, burnt.
Arcewesche, archbifjjop.
A re he, a chefl.
Archer, to shoot.
Ar(5l, compelled.
A ratable, forcible.
Arder, to force, bind.
Ardlors, the plaintiffs.
AITifes arannez, afstfes arraigned.
Ardeit, ardes, burnt.
Arden, a wood.
Arduys negoces, arduous
Que pur I'arduite de lour
charge, as well on account of the arduoufness
of their charge.
Are, arct, a ram.
Arecountre, according to.
Arcigne, happen.
Areitez, arrented.

(delwedd B7544) (tudalen 017)
Aremenaunt, arenaunt,/cr
ever after.
Arenes, arefnes, arefenez.
put to anfwery arraigned, called in quejlion.
A rent, a certain fmn affessed by way of fine for
Arentes, let, rented at.
Arere, back again.
Arere (en), aforetime.
Arere (joint), diminution.
joined again.
Areriflment, hindrance.
delay, prejudice.
Arefme, dareim, of brafs.
A rest, /, j.
Arester, areiter, Jiop, refijij oppofed.
ArcHieu, feizedy detained.
Arestus, arestutz, arrejied.
A ret, an account.
Arete, areste, taken or
charged with fume crime.
Argouees, argued, debated.
Arieres en temps (en), in
times paji.
Arire (rendra), Shall pay
back again.
Arierifee, injured, hindered.
Arivail, arrival.
Arkes, hozvs.
Arm (de 1') de Tamyfe, an
arm of the Thames t
Arme, weapon.
Armez, arms, coat armour.
Armor, the fea. A R 17 17 A r mure, arms, armour.
A r mures (milles), a thoU'
fand armed men.
Axont, sloall have.
Arorez, fodder, foil, compoji.
Arouere, to anfwer.
Arpen, an acre.
Arr, in arrear, arrained.
Arrablez, overpowered, op'
Arracer, to root up.
Arrages (gens), madmen.
Arrailbner, put to anfwer.
Arramez, commenced.
Arramir, to affemble.
Arranez, ou arranerz, arraigned, or to be arraigned.
Arras (en), i« earnejl.
Arrayncment, arefnement.
the arraignment.
Arre (demaunde), demand
back again.
ArreCt, arrette, let him
impute it.
Arren, arreyn, arrent, arraigned.
Arrcr, to piozv up.
Arrer et lemyr, to plow
and fozv.
Arrere (en), lately.
Avrene, pervertedy delayed.
Arreremeyn, backwards.
C Arrerifle-

(delwedd B7545) (tudalen 018)
18 Arreriflement, arerifment
(en), in delay , bistdrance.
Arrestre, to accrew.
Arrell, accrefl, accrews.
A r re (lent, take.
Arrient, happens.
Arrier, arrer, to give earnejl.
Arriers, again.
Arrivails (petltz), fmall
landing places.
Arroie (que je), that I
Shall have.
Arroir, 2inoti,Shouldhavey
icculd he.
Arroul, inr oiled.
Arrure, plowing.
Ars, bur /it.
Arfines, arfeuns, arfures.
Arte, narrowed.
Artie, artique. North.
Arte (est), is obliged.
Artex, compelled.
Articlarie, artillery.
Artus, Arthur.
As, to, into, aniongst.
As fiens, and his.
As utaves, on the oElaves.
Afalr, afaiu, cssault.
Afaumple, an example or
Afaudre, to abfohe.
Aicaventer, to certify or
make kno-ivn.
Aschoifounez, called in
qiiejlion. A S
Afcavolre, to he underjlood.
Afcenfement, agreement.
Afcent, assent, knowledge.
Afcerchez, fearched.
Aleerte, certified.
Afceverer, to affirm.
Afcient (qui a), who knowingly.
Afcunement, in any wife;
some of.
Afcurrons, we affure.
Afierent, belong.
Afoles, wounded.
Afols, fatisfied.
Afoudre, to ahfolve.
Afout, abfolved.
Afoyne, asone, esso, n.
Asperfe, disperfcd.
Aspertee, asprete, by rough
meafures, by force.
Arprement, roughly.
A feet, afllete, offignment.
Afeir, to fit.
Afelees, fealed.
Ales, affeffed.
Alquus, y2;w, .
Afs (1'), the affe.
Alia, Jfaph.
Aflach, a coinpurgation by
300 men.
Aflkeroms, will attempt.
AfTaiants, affisting.
AITaiant de tiarneis, tryiiv, .
or fitting on of armour.
Afiaie (en), on trial.
Aflait, aficit, affert.
/ .iTaiicTont, assault, or fet

(delwedd B7546) (tudalen 019)
19 AS
AiTaver 3 mois, 3 months
Aslavoir, certify.
AsTay, aflaye, endeavoured.
A flees, a woodcock.
Asltge, bejieges.
Aslemble, a collection.
Aslembler, to meet.
Aslemblee, an union.
Aslembleement, meeting.
AsTemle, together.
AsTener, to assign.
Aslenoms, aJfign, appoint.
Aslenne, assignment, fupport, portion.
Aslent, some thing to fit
Aslentement, confent.
Asl!entui en judgement.
joined in issue, in judgements.
AsTeours, afTcont, assessors,
Asleourez, made fafe.
Aslequrer, to assure, make
Asler, afleer, alTeoir, to
fettle, fix, a/certain, affefs, keep.
Asfert (d'j, to certify.
A, Qxit,furety.
Asicr (d'}, withjliel.
A, zSyfet up, put up.
AsTes (1.), conjun, lion, concurrence .
Aslefaunce (a la), at the
Asiefibrs, abettors.
Asserera, will assure, make sure.
Assere, drained.
Asseyly, assaulted.
Assez, aseez, assetz, assietz, assau, enough.
Assez affer, enough to do.
Assiette, assoir, assessment, tax.
Asljgniers, afllnez, af/ign'
Aslis, fituated.
Asllfe en ore, y, / in gold.
Aslis (jour), day appointed
or fixed.
Asllfes, afllflerent,y, /, ap,
Asliduelment, confiantly.
Aslieore, to profecute.
Asllz, fit.
Asiys, appointed, affeered,
Aslbagcr, to comfort.
Aslbigne, effoyn, excufe.
Aslbil, abfohe. '
Aifoyl (qe Dieu), on "jshoni
God have 'mercy, pardon.
Aslfoilent, le aflbilent, pumjlo.
Aslbir, to hefiege.
Aslblloms, "ive abfohe.
Asfommes, adjujied.
Aslbndre (pour), de affouldre, to abfohe, to
Aslbub, alTouth, aflbus.
acquitted, discharged, refohed.
C 2 AsTurrer,

(delwedd B7547) (tudalen 020)
20 20 Aslurrer (d'), to essay.
Alfure (!'), the certain.
AiTurrera, and ivill cssure.
Allallation fl'), the injlalla t ion.
Aihte, ejlule, condition.
Aiterlabs dor, an ajiroiabe of goidy an instrument to tnake ajironomic
Astonbz, tin.
Ailraint, astruclz, astrlflz.
conjlrained, bound.
Ailraignons, to bind.
Astrc, a hall.
Astre, aistre, a hearth.
Astrer (home), astrier, a.
man refident, a villein
born in a houfe of the
Astres (trestoLiz le), all
the hcufeSyfire hearths.
Astrus, hidden, difficult.
Astuche ( j'), / conjeclure.
At, hath.
At, and.
Atachiee, affixed, annexed.
Atanys, atlaimcd, convi, ed.
A tat, efiaie, pur chafe.
Atauntz, atantz, fo 'inany.
Ateigne pas, dees not come
Ateignent, which belong
Ateindre jekes a oens, get
at tkern. Ateu einr, amount.
Ateinz, attainted.
Atcivament, effe£luaUy.
Atendre (e lit), and let it
be itnderfiood.
A tent, atteiids.
Atentc, atendre, waiting.
Atient, ex, ind.
Atornez (a co), appointed
for that purpofe.
Atrait a notre obeilTance.
draivn to our obedience.
At ret, drawn afide.
Atreys, other.
Atreent (ne), do not draw.
Attacher, to attack, take
Attacher fon appeal, to
commence, to profecute
his appeal.
Attach {(t), attached, come
Attachent, buying.
Attaindre, underjiand.
Attaine, brought, commenced, fei zed on.
Attainables, to be commenced.
Attainables (nient), are
net to be brought.
Attaine (caufc), caufe attached.
Attainer fa adien, to. commence his aoiion.
Attainre (fil ne puiffe) de
jjrovcr fa pleine, // he
cannot proceed to prove
his plaifit, I Attaintes, A T

(delwedd B7548) (tudalen 021)
21 AT
pur serfs, found by verdict to be villains.
attamened, commenced, attached.
(pour) de temp, for so long a time,
de noetz, as many nights.
treat of, shew.
to attaint, convict, conviction
(il), he had accused, impeached.
attaint, convicted, found guilty , adjudged.
(n'est), is not to be attainted.
atteyntz, proved.
(eux), to convict them.
(pur), to attain, obtain.
(si le tenant Ice tenant le voille, if the tenant will abide thereby.
(luy) a grant aleur, met him with a great train.
atteynaument, effectually, strenuously, remain for ever.
(le), are committed.
persons who are to attaint the jurors.
atteinte, an attaint.
de fause pleyne, convicted of having made a false plaint.
(pur), for attempts.
a nos, they shall be subject to us.
(s'), shouid be tried.
(come), as they ought to have done.
respite, adjournment, attermination.
(dettez), debts, for the payment of which certain times were assigncd; and
those were
debita atterminata.
attient, belong.
(les), the stores.
(l'), the fitting out.
radicated, wasted.
(les), turn them.
(li). so treated.
to provide.
(mal), ill repaired.

(delwedd B7549) (tudalen 022)
C 2 Attortc, 22 A V
Attorte, raifedycontrlbuted.
Attonrnanccs, attornments.
Attourncra,, , // ajfign.
Actournons, 'attorneys.
Attraie a lui, claims it ta
himfelfy pretends title
Attraire, to dravj.
Attrapper, to catch.
Attrenche, respited, reverfcd.
Atcrench (tout), entirely.
Attrer, dravjs.
Attret, treaty.
Attreztrent, draw, drew.
Attrot, confent.
AttroistrCj to revoke, withdraw.
An, /d?, or, have, had.
Avabler, to deceive.
Ava fait, had made.
Avage k "Seigneur, let the
Lord gQ.
Avail, lower \ as tenant
para vail is the lowejl
tenant, or he who is fiippofed to make avail, or
profit of the lord.
Availe, advantage, benefit.
Aval, below.
Aval (va) la rue, goes
down the fireet.
Avant ((]ue vint), avale
del pounc de Flete.
iihich runs down by
Avalaunr, defc ending. 22 A V
Avale, lowered, projlr at edt
Avale (price), price lowr
Avallee, abafed, humbled.
Avaller leur trefs, to lower
their flags.
Avanchant (eux), proteSfr
ing themfehes.
Avant (de), before.
Avant (auxi), , j well.
Avant (iflint), y, on.
Avant (en), hence for'
Avant (fulll:), hefuedforth,
Avans, having.
Avaunt (quil foint), that
they are proceeding on
the bufiness.
Avant (ne foit pluis) fait.
be no more done.
Avanfoier, to advance.
Avanthier, the day before,
or yesterday.
Avantures, happening, mischances.
Avanture (d'), par aventera, perchance, perhaps.
Avantui'e (en), for fear.
lefi there fijoidd be occasion for.
Avanture (faire), caufe to
be fcifed.
Avantures (pur faire), to
Avaunt, forthcoming.
A vau n t m cy n , before hand.
Avaunt (plus), more fully .
Avayncr, Avenor.

(delwedd B7550) (tudalen 023)
Auban A U
Auban (St.) St, Alban.
Aubelastiers, slingers.
Aubiene, an alien, a foreigner.
Aucon, some.
Auctor, les auctours, the plaintiffs.
Audant, imagining.
Audcinoiieant, putting in
Audiens, to he heard.
Audions (ne) mic, did not
And rem an tz, aldermen.
Ave, with.
Ave, a goof e.
Avene nous, come to us.
Avecent, who have.
Aveer, to avow, acknowledge.
Avegler, to blindfold.
Aveir, av, r, avene, avere, '
to have.
Aveir efcut, refcued cattle.
Aveir (mettre), y, / forih.
Aveir (per), through avarice; alfo, through fear »
Aveic (11 ni) pas, there is
Aveigne, avenent, happens.
Aveigna pryvy (come il).
how he become th privy.
Aveigne (iufFilant), stffcient, inderjii.ity.
AvcigneiiC (krjcant del), 23 A U -3 ferjeant of the avary, the
officer who is to provide
oats i, c. for the ling's
horfes. Minfoew, Or.
according tojome, Avury
fignifics a poulterer, f I om
A' larius. See Minsh.
l, oukcrer.
AveigniiLiit:>1), to the
AvelJ, plucked from, tern
of Aver.able, reasonable, ct, nVCnlL-A.
Avenant, 'jalue, -price.
Avenant, to Curne from.
Avenant (plus;, '/r.ure rnaterial.
Avenantement, avenaument, anfwerably, properly.
Avenaunte mefure (de).
of a proportionable fze.
Avenaunt foun (a), in Us
Avenage, pent oats.
Aveuc ce, avenrjues clie.
moreover . bcf.dss this.
A ven d re z , sh dl az er, f all
be adr,>:tt£d.
Avene, the river Avon.
Avener, get fnffeffmn (f.
Avener (devezi, ought to
b' admitted, allowed.
Aven (a ceo ne poier.t ils").
they may not be admitted
C 4 Avenoni,

(delwedd B7551) (tudalen 024)
24 24 A V Avenont, having.
Avenor, the king's officer
to provide oats.
Avens, penthoufes.
Avenfit, avenoit, avenge.
Aventera (par), by chance.
Aventurous, cajual, contingent.
Aventeroufement, hy mischance.
Avenues (facont lour).
make their entrance, advance, co?2gees.
Avenuz (il est), he is come
to, become intitled to.
admitted to.
Avers, aver, avier, money.
effeBs, goods.
Aver, avor, ave, cattle.
Avere, averust (en), /;/
Avcrill, April.
Avcrioms, Shall have.
Averroir, avraiettre, would
Averreier (veuille), ivill
Avefqe, biJJjop.
Avcigne, aveignes, oats.
A vide, greedy.
Avient Cq il y), that it
came to him.
Avic-iitilement, avoiding.
Avjctz, yci have. A U
Avilee, rendered vile.
Avint,;■/ came to pafs.
Aviranccs, protejlations.
adjurations j alfo ejurations.
Avifcera, Shall add.
Avifcement, addition.
Avifer, to advife, determine.
Avifementz, determinations, difcretion.
Avifement (en), to advife
Avini, avifi, alfo.
Avis (vient), laid open.
Avit, habit.
Avium, we had.
Aviz, advice, the opinion.
Aufcrence, taking away.
Auge, a trough.
Augunes genez, some peopie.
A u gu ri m , foretelling.
Auke, any.
A u k e w a rd , backward.
Aule, a hall.
Aulm, au me, /?/!;/.
Aulment, elfezvhere.
Aultont (d'}, moreover.
Aume some (d'), voilh
fo?ne fum.
A u men till, removed.
Aumcyne, aumoingc, at
Auniones, alms.

(delwedd B7552) (tudalen 025)
Aunceflerie, auncejiry.
Aune, inned.
Aunes, ounces.
Auncsy yards, ells.
Auner (dras), fo meafure
an ell of cloth.
Aunkrer, anchorage.
Aunoi, an alder.
Aunz, auntz, years.
Avoec, auveqs, avoet.
avoeckes, with.
Avoer, to have.
Avoefon, avouefon (1').
the patronage, advowfon, foundation.
Avoerie (dc 1'), of theadvowfon.
hsoQ. (d. lour), of their
patron, lords.
Avoir, avoyer, a fum of money, goods, effcBs.
ejlate,fubstance, debt.
Avoir (d'), of the 7neans.
Avow {V), the wealth.
Avoir de pois, any bulky
Avoir (de corps et d').
with their bodies and
Avoir (pur d'), out of greediness.
Avoir (gencz de petit).
perjons of fmall fubflance
or froperty.
Avoirs, avoint, had.
Avoics (his), lay patrons. 25 Avoiers (des), of the
Avolfont, pluck off. '
Avomps, we have.
Avonus ufe, have ufed.
Avotours des playntes.
hearers of petitions , com'
Avouchez, advocates.
Avovers, avowers.
Avouerie (par), by alloW'
ance of, by avowal of.
Avoueynt (s'il), whether
they avowed.
Avoues (les), the founders.
Avour (d'), to have.
Avoutir, adulterer.
Avoutrie, adultery.
Avowa, owned.
A vowable, jujlifiable.
Avowe, advowee, a pa,
tron, founder.
Avowelon (d'autre), of another's foundation.
Avower, to challenge.
Avoye fet lui, had been
done to him.
Avoyer, patronage.
Avoytaunt, adding to.
Avoytes, have put forth.
Auplieies, employed.
Auqiies, alfo, now.
Aurees (d'), other things,
Anrel, auril, avril, aurilleux, April.
Aurenoef, the new year.

(delwedd B7553) (tudalen 026)
«6 A U
Aures, auricls, ears.
Auriens, have.
Aurun, will have, ohferve.
Aus, to us.
A us, auts, others.
Aus (d'), of them.
Aufinr, aufinc, auflln, aufuit, auibys, aufieu, alfo,
in this manner.
Aufint come, as well as.
Aulbms (ni), we dare not.
Auil, autumn.
Aufl.er> hearth, chimney.
Austh, Auguji.
Austour, a goJ}ja''J!jk.
Aut, kt him go.
Aut come je puis, as much
as I can.
Auter, an altar.
Aurcr (fur haut .), en the
high altar.
Antel, the like.
Autour, the anther, maker.
Autrccloth, an altar cloth.
Autrefez, at other times.
Autrcm, I'autrin biens.
the goods of others.
Autreouie, other-iuife.
Aucrev crem, grant.
Autre ii bien, as i;;ell as.
Autrefi come, as if.
Autrciint, likeiv/fe.
Autretaiit, as much.
Auvablement, effeclually.
ACvcrc, auvcr, to have. 26 A Y
Avultere (l.), the aduU
Avultu,/</r one year..
Aviife, had.
Avyne, happen.
Avyce, advice, caufe.
Avynein, Avignon.
Avys, have.
Auxienes, any.
Auxinc, and, whereas, alfo.
Auxi toult, as foon as.
Awaite, ambu/hments.
Awant le quart degre, hefore the fourth degree is
Awe, who bad.
Awe, a goof e.
Aweit, crimes committed by
Awen, the current year.
Awenours, owners.
Awer, Awoure, fuspenfe.
Awerestee,aweroust,(, o«/'/.
ambiguity, uncertainty.
Awes, waters.
Awcy, avowed., confeffcd.
Awooil. ylugujl.
Axics, alfo.
Ay, with.
Ay, over.
Aydonqes, then.
A\e (a r dt Dieu), with
God's afjijlance.
Ayele, grandmother,
Aver, heir.
Ayl, yes. . Sir M. M;ile's 'vIS. — No; 1\ih:, »s Rot. i"';.r'. vol. ii.
p. 205.
Ayle, B A

(delwedd B7554) (tudalen 027)
Ayle, grandfather.
Aylu-nont, they put off or
Ay lours, bejides, elfewbere.
Aymez, ejleemed.
Ayn degre, own confent.
Ayne o famne, an afs with
a load.
Ayr, choler, wrath, anger..
Ayre (!'), them.
Ayrer, to plow.
Ayront, Shall build their
neji, or breed.
Ay teles, to fucb.
Az (r de foye), a filk
BA, baa, Bath.
Baailler, to gape or
Babe, Elizabeth.
Bacelee, bacelete, bacelote, a damfel.
Baceyes, pearls, .
Bacha, a calf.
Eachelereux, hardy, adventurous.
Bachilicr, bachiler, a hatchelor, a young efquirey
a knight.
Bacins, bafcins, basons.
Badel, a beadle.
Badile, vanity, boldness.
Baes priie, loiv price.
Bage, a bag, a coffer.
Bagnes, baggage.
B A 27 27
Hague, a reward, bribe.
Bahuz, chejlsy cloak bags.
Bailes, bailiwicks.
Baillolf, Baliol.
Bail de feifine, livery of Jeifin.
Bailement (le), the lending.
Baillast arrere, delivered
Bailler, to let forth, to lenJy
to deliver.
Bailleu, delivered.
BaiUifFdemeyntr, his own
Baillons, we allow.
B.iillye, a bailliwick.
Bailours, fureties.
BailTcr, to humble.
Baifler le tete, to bow the
Balaunce, fuspence.
Bale, ball, a pack, a bale.
Balene, balen, a ijrjsile.
Baiefeitz, baillaitz pctits.
fmall ruby balais.
Baley, a broom, befom.
Balhier, balhlf, bailiff.
B a ! h en t, /-6, bailiffs accompt.
Balinguee, advifed, carefut. _ "
Ballots, little packs.
Ban, outlawry, banifloment.
Bande, delivers.
Bander, to tye, to bind.
Banderount luis, shait dsliver up.
Bandoner, to leave.

(delwedd B7555) (tudalen 028)
Bandon, kst to one/elf.
Bandour, boldness, courage.
audacioufness .
Bancres, knight bannerets,
Baner dcspleye, with banner displayed.
Banky, benrh.
Bannier, a -public cryer.
Banny, fent,
Bannys, those that are baniJrJtdf outlaws.
Banoors, baneours, banwr bearers.
Barat, deceit, fubtiltyy
Bar handier, a brewer.
BarDicans, bulwarks, out ivorks.
Bar.-, its, barbyts, JJjeep.
Barder kins, to beard
Earein, barren.
Barel d' or, a little bar of gold.
Bares, at harrs, a game fo
Baret, fir if e.
Barevs, caves.
Barges (Ics).
Barils, barrels.
Barnac tr, baronage, the body
of the DtoI/iUiy.
Baron, huflmnd.
Barrcaux, barrcz, larrs or
Birroi" vch, Berzi-ick.
Burs, bargains. 28 B A
Bartheu, Bartholomew.
Bas cur, an out yard.
Bafe meason, low room.
Bafilique, a royal palace.
BaQard, Luckier.
Bafleur, lowliness, fci, niliarity.
Baffinet, bafinet, bacinet.
Bast, a pack faddle.
Baltaiit, bcstanr, bestent.
dispute, procefs., conteji.
Bastes, convenient.
Baltiment, bafTment, a
Bastile, battered.
Baflon de Fleet, a tipflaff
of the Fleet.
Bafyns, bafcins, basons.
Batanr, batement, batture.
Bacer, battre, batter, to
Barer bledz, to threflj corn.
Bateux, 'batails, battels.
batecves, batelx, boats..
Batraunc, beating., ajfaulting.
BaLiiz, be.Uen, hammered
to pieces.
Battaiiicrs, combatants.
Bau', ant, ycUczv.
Baiiceant, L, aucent, a pa- villien. Bauciant,

(delwedd B7556) (tudalen 029)
Bauciant, baucent, a spy,
an informer.
Baudement, fairly, merrily.
Baudour, to the encouragement.
Baudra, Shall deliver up.
Baudra (li), Shall take to
Baudront, Shall deliver.
Baudroyeur, a currier.
Baudure, courage, be emboldened.
Baut, lets.
Bayle de Lincoln, the bail
of Lincoln.
Bayler, to deliver.
Beal, well, better, fair.
handsome, la'-jfful, gocd.
Beance, intention, defire.
Beance, beiance (en), in
expectation of.
Beat, blessed.
Beaudes, bold, emboldens.
Beau luy est, tis well for
Beaumers, the Bohemians.
Beawme (roy), king of Bohemia.
Beddes, beds, pieces of zvorfied.
Bedel, a cahe.
Beeves, oxen.
Beins, goods. 29 B E 29
Beistes, beajis, cattle.
Bejiire, drink.
Bekenes, beacons.
Beiance, balance.
Bele, handsome, in healths
Belement, fairly.
Belistrer, to beg.
Bern, well.
Berne, Bohemia.
Ben, welfare.
Ben pleider, for beau
pleader, for amendment
of a vicious plea.
Bene, well.
Bene, ben (fi), as well.
Bene en tour, well near.
Benoit, benediSf.
Bens, benez,benes,bendc5.
Beof, an ox.
Beogaunt, begging.
Beoms, infread.
Beovier, a neat herd.
Beoure, to drink.
Berbrees, bcxh, is, Sheep.
Berce, a cradU.
Bercher, a fJjepherd.
Bercherie, a barkary, of tanhoufe.
Bercil, a fbeepfold.
Berc, beer.
Bere, tczvards.
Berkkiir, Bcrhfnire.
EcrlUiTer, a grsh.
Bers, biers, baron:.

(delwedd B7557) (tudalen 030)
30 30 B I
Bers (a nobles), to the mble haronSy lords, perfonages.
Bery, the chief feat of a
Bcsche, inqueji.
Beschcr, to dig.
Befele, befleez, befiletz.
Befer, to kifs.
Befon, befom, hujiness, occasion, neceffity, behcvetb.
Befoigne (plus fage), a
wifer slep.
Bestall, beltiairies, beajis.
or cattle of any fort.
BcsteZj bellies, beafs.
Bestourne, turned out of its
Beti, betie, Elizabeth.
Beverer, a ivatering place.
Be u pleid c r, fair pleading.
Be life, a ividoiu.
Beutre, butter.
Beuverie, drunkenness.
Beyfes, kiffed.
Beyver, drinking.
Biaus fiez, good fou.
Biche, a hind.
Bien voulu, tenderly loved.
Bien (de) et de mal, zvhether innocent or guilty.
Bienke, very well.
Biens, bie, intend.
Biers nobles, noble perfons.
Pjimie, a she goat.
Biic, a hll. B LBille, a labels or note of the value of a thing.
Bioms, biens, intend.
Bions, effects.
Bis, bread or bifcuit.
Bifle, a female fnake.
Blake rode, the black crofs.
Blam i fcmen t, infringement ,
Blanches paroles, fair
Blanc gaunt, a white
Blanc (5I.) i. e. the king, s
fcrmor was to pay either
5/. 5J. or to fubmit his
money to the tejl of the
fire, and thereby make
good the 5/. in fine filver.
Blafme et difsame, blamed
and desamed.
Blauncheours, blanchers,
whiteners, tawers offldns.
Ble, corn.
Blecr, to fow, to put the
Jccd into the ground.
Biein, full.
Blemish, blefmys, broken.
Blemirtiment (en), to the
prejudice, infringement.
BlemifTement (fans nul).
without any infringement, diminution.
Elemure, a disfigurement.
Blefme, pale, bleak.
BleiBes, damaged, injured.
Blelter, '

(delwedd B7558) (tudalen 031)
31 BO
Blester, to fare.
Bloy, bloie, blue.
Boces d'argent, bosses, studs of silver.
Bochers, butchers.
Boeitz, oxen.
Boidrai, I will give, deliver.
genz, good people.
Boillant eaw, scalding water.
Boilles ou brases, tempered.
Boillure, bullary for making salt.
Boisseau, a bushel.
Boste, boist, a box.
Boivre, to drink.
Bojeaux, entrails.
Bok, Buckingham.
Bokuyler, buckler.
Bond, limited.
Bondages, bond tenants.
Bondes, les bondes, an inferior order of free men.
Bonement purra, well may.
Bonnes, bounds.
Bonnoizen, blessmg.
Boon, good.
Boord, at board.
Borc, bors, bos, a village.
Bore, borth (ii), the boroughs.
Bordeaus, stews, brothelhouses.
Bordell d' femmes lovees, a brothel house for prostitutes.
on board.
Bordes, lies, tales.
Bordez, boards.
Borisalderes, borough-holders.
Bos, bose, a wood.
Bosel, a bushel.
Bosoinera, it shall be necessary.
Boson, a buckler.
Bot, bod, the extremity, the end.
Bote, aid, help, amends, advantage.
Bote, put.
Bota (fe), pui himfelf.
Boteaux, loots.
Bote et espernonne, hooted
and spurrcd.
Boter, bouter, to fet fvrs
Botez devant le Roy, laid
before the kinz.
Botier, to put.
Botons, buttons, buds.
Boucher, to flop.
Boucher, to speak.
Bouch au eour, an allowance of diet at the kings
or a great lord's table.
Bouch icr, a butcher.
Boud (au), at the end.
Bougcr.j to budge.
Bougeens, bouges, arrczis.
Bougrf, futil.
BougC'S, bongcs, budgets.
Bounc, a bc:r:d.7ry.
Bourifas, 32

(delwedd B7559) (tudalen 032)
32 BR
Bountee, bountez, goodness.
Bountenouse, bounteous, bountiful.
Bourchemester, burgomaster.
Bourdick, boures, the first Sunday in Lent.
Bourg, a bastard.
Bourgessors, burglars.
Bouse, purse.
Bousquelier, a woodman.
Bouffeaux, bushels.
Bout feu, an incendiary.
Boute de la table, end of the table.
Bouter avaunt, produce, put forth.
Bouter hors, to put out.
Boutent (se), put themselves.
Bouticari, an apothecary.
Boverie de terre, an oxgang of land.
Boviller, to boil.
Boyance, expectation.
Boyeste, boyette, a box.
Boyure, drink.
Brace, a lance.
Brace de la meer, an arm of the sea.
Brace et vendu, brewed and sold.
Brachel, breeches.
Brachile, a bracelet.
Braces, brachies, brache#.
les bras, arms.
Bracer, to brew.
Bracerefies, braceraffes.
Braceurs des querells, bra'
cers, or embraceors of quarrels.
Braconer, a hunter.
Bracyne, a brewing.
Braez destr', right arm.
Bragard, bragueur, a flanting, bragging, swaggering person.
Brair, to cry, to brag.
Branchies, branches.
Brant, burned.
Bravement, fine.
Brau, a bull.
Braudesters, brouderers, embroiderers.
Braul, a brawl.
Brausle (en), in confusion.
Brayard, a cryer.
Brayes, breiz, brees, malt, bread, corn.
Bre, pitch.
Brecatages, breaches.
Breche, an arm.
Brede, embroidered.
Breer, brewing.
Bref jor, a short day.
Bref (deinz), shortly.
Breste, shortness.
Bregheynok, Brecknock.
Brek, breche, a breach or gap.

(delwedd B7560) (tudalen 033)
Bren, , r, ?».
Brefline, a mill to grind
Bretagcs, battlements.
Bretemeuil, Bartholomew.
Brevi, in brief.
Brider, to bridle.
Bries, brieves, iirits.
Brieve (deinz), in ashort
Brigain> contention.
Brige, quarrel, diffute,faC'
Briqueterie, brickwork.
Erifie, broken.
Br i st u it, Brijiol.
Brifure, a slight fear.
Britafl, , a fortrefs with
Bro, a dijtri, ij a field.
Broche, a lance, a jieedkj
a packing needle.
Broches,_//)/Vj, gallons.
Brocha perniy le corps.
run through the body.
Brode, brood.
Broggours, broggage.
brokers, brokage.
Brofe, canceled.
Bru, a noife.
Brudiz, edged, bordered.
Briier, brezving.
Bruere, heath.
Brug, brugc, a bridge.
Brule, a purfe or pocket.
Brufe, broken into.
Brufey, heath ground. 33 Brufq, green.
Bruiure de pountz, break'
ing down of bridges.
Buant, a bull, bulling j alfo
Euche, underwood, brushwood.
Buclie, utters, spcaks.
Buche (de), by word of mcu'h.
Buer, to wrsh.
Ikies, biiez, bouez, oxeru
Buffe, a blow.
Bugge, badger.
Bullions, thickets, woody
Buizart, a kite, buzzard.
Eultel, a boulting feve.
Bulter, a bolter orjieve.
Bundes, bounds, limits.
Bure, butter.
Burge, a purfe.
Burgerie, burglary.
Bulge (Tours, burglar ers.
houfebreakers, burglars.
alfo incendiaries.
Burgh a Id, boroughold.
Burlyng, burling of cloth.
Burre, a vessel.
Burt, borough.
Bufle, a pope's bull.
BuiTel, a bushel, a meafure.
Bulbignes, bujiness.
Bufoignabks, neceffary.
D Bulbig-

(delwedd B7561) (tudalen 034)
34 34 C A Bufoignoufes, the necessitous.
Bufoin, bufun, befonche.
occasion, need.
Bufluns, bushes.
Buteront fcuz, Shall fet
fire to.
Butiner, to divide the
Buzac, a kite.
By an, to dwell.
"Bye, thinks, intends,.
Byli, bill.
Bynd des anguilles, a bind
of eels.
Byron (courts de), courts
Byfle, biflie, a kind offilk.
Cae, caufe, cafe, gist.
ca et la, here and
there , hither and thither.
Cher, to be fearched.
Chres, charters.
Cliun, every.
'Coins, counzance, confef
c teinte, the feistn.
Cii, as.
Ciibeletz, caables, trees
blown downy branches of trees rent down.
Cabestrc, a headstall.
Cibiicia, hrowfe or brufjjwood.
Cab re, a goat.
Cachereau, a bailiff.
Cachereau, cbartulary. C A
Cachet, ajignet or feal.
Cadeloyne, Catalonia.
Cadene, a chain.
Cadiere, a chair.
Cadonqes, tbat, then.
Cagne, a dog.
Calabre (de), furr of Calaber, a little beast about
the ffzje of a fquirrel.
Calamay, Candolaire, Candlemafs day.
Calenge, an accufation.
Calenon, Chrijlmas.
Caler, to hold one's tongue.
Callay, a caufey.
Camaen blank, a white
Cambe, cambage, brewhoufe.
Camber, a brewer.
Cambre, a chamber.
Cambre, cieled, vaulted.
C'apaine, bell.
Campaignc del roy, the
queen confort.
Campestres, pastures.
Canal, a kennel-, a channel.
Canape, hemp.
Candalle, Kendal
Candeliere, Candlemafsday.
Canes et forestez, huoods
and forefls. '/
Canez, canes, kcynes, oaks.
Cangier, to change.
Canibe, hemp.

(delwedd B7562) (tudalen 035)
Canonlzele C A
Canonizele efcrite, canon
Cans, dogs.
Cap, the head.
Capage, a pole tax.
Capes, Capua.
Capiele, chapel.
Captal, a captain, a chief.
a feigneur.
C aquet, prattling, fcolding.
Carca, loaded.
Carcas, carkoys, a quiver.
Cardoil, Carlijle.
Cardonel, a Cardinal.
Cardours,cardore0es, carders.
Carerl, carriages.
Cargie, loaded, charged.
Cargues, charges.
Carkerent, inquired of.
Carkes, compelled.
Carkoys, a majl, a carcafs.
Carme ou garme, the
verfes and fongs which
the bards fling before an
engagement, to animate
the troops.
Camels amis, bofom friends.
Carpos de I'alliance, the
articles of the alliance.
Carruweez, carves.
Carfe , , perhaps.
Caruer, plowman.
Carwe dc terre, one plow
Cas d'argent, a cafe of /liver. A 3535 Cas dc frument, a heap
or load of wheat.
Cas (en lur), in their perfons.
Cafcun, any one, each.
Cafe, a cottage, a houfe.
Cafe eins (per), but, and
in cafe.
Cafe (en), insome, infucb
Caflable, voidable.
CafTe de b\<::c,slack of corn.
CafiTes, cafes.
Catal, moveables of any
Cateau, a cajile.
Catoour, one who belongs
to the acatry.
Caver, a knight.
Caver re, plough.
Cauceage, tollpaid towards
repairing caufeways.
Cauccs, caufies, caufeys
or caufeways.
Cannt, when.
Caufa (a), by reason of.
Caufeours, caufers, the occasion of.
Caufer, to caufe.
Cautels, warnings.
Cautelle, craft, guilt.
Caux, ceiix, thofe.
Cauxion, caution, furety,
Cayer, affixed.
Cayers (les fain6ls), the
facred page, text.
Cavon, a grandfather.
D z Cc,

(delwedd B7563) (tudalen 036)
3636 Ce, ceo, cetty, cecy, ccl.
, celuy, this, that, ihefcy
be, hinty here.
Ceans, here, within.
Cea, it.
Cea (jefques en), to this
Cea en are re, for the time
' pafli hereto/ore.
Ceals, ceax, ceaux, thofe.
Ceau, heaven.
Cedules, y, , /j or pews.
Ceel, a f addle.
Ceerte, certain.
Ceindture, ceinde, a girdle.
Ceindre, to girt, or gird.
Ceinz (de),' 0/ this court.
here. - .
Ceificuts, ceajtng.
Ceint, ceinturc, a hell, a
Ceinturers, girdkrs.
Celastes, foaled.
Celaont, they divulge.
Qt\<:tmtnx..,fecretly, in private, slowly, imperceptibly.
Cell, he.
Ccl u re, cele, a coverlet.
Cementers, bricklayers.
"Cen, that.
Cendal, a fendal.
Cengle, a girt.
Cenrs (a), to the hearts.
intentions, fouls. fi
Cenfables (en chofes)//»
things to be taxed.
Cenle, rent.
Cenfeze, deemed.
Cenfoiir, a farmer.
Centiefme partie, hundredth part.
Centurer, a centeyner.
Cenz, hundred.
Ceo (a), for this 'pUrpofe.
at this time.
Ceol, that.
Ceol, heaven.
Ceoles (en y), into the
Ceo (in q), in as'much as.
Ceo que, where.
Ceoque (que de), that
Ccofec, feifed.
Ceoiq, for, during, until.
Ceou (tour), whatfoever.
Cep, 7?, ?, ,, .
Ceper (al), to the gaoler.
Cep pes (en), in the flocks.
Ceps des arbres, the flocks
or roots of trees.
Cepurqauntj nctwithfiandiw.
Cerchicz, fearched, should
Cere, a lock.
Cerincrs, cherry-trees.
Cer ke, what.
Certcfycafienc, certify.
Certes, verily, truly.
Certes (mais), ncverthelefs.

(delwedd B7564) (tudalen 037)
37 QH
Cervi, paid.
Cervoise, ale.
Ces, those.
Ccs freres, bis hrethren.
Cesourdhuy, this day.
Ccflaunt, jsixty.
Ctsst (le), the forbearance.
Ceslion, session.
Q, , oxky fjting.
Ceste(miiea), ascertained.
Cedes, this.
Cellres de vin, quarts of wine.
Cestr, Chesier.
CesTure (un), a receiver, a
Ceu, that, this.
Ceu (Hiunz le), without
the knowledze.
Ceue (en la), on the back.
on the cover.
Cculs, those.
(del), of the corrody.
Ceyns, here.
Cevnt, ceyntus, girded.
Ch' Seis;. dear Lord.
Clis en Dieu, dear in God.
beloved in Chrijl.
Chace, chase, obliged, compelled, have recourse to.
Chacer deleharowe, driver
cf a plow.
Chaceez, driven.
Chaches, char, charet,charetre, a cart. ,
Chaier (lesTer), let fall, '
Chain, LTitj exchanging.
Chair envenomeej venison.
Chal, a knight.
Chalejurs (les), the challengers.
Chalkyilg (pur), for
Chalment, clearly.
Challenger, to claim.
Challis (prince), prince
Chalunge, claim.
Chambre depindl, anciently St. Edward's chamber.
now the painted chamber.
Chamber bas, ajakes.
Champartors, those who
are guilty of champarty.
Charapart (a), Jeparate.
Champestre (en), in country towns.
Champs (quant des), how
much meadow ground.
Chancelez, canceled.
Chanceaunf, happening,f ailing out.
Chandelor, chaundelure.
Channte (une bone), a
piece of good fortune.
Chanoms, canon.
Chapel, chappeil, crown,
coronet, breast plate, helmet.
D 3 ' Chapellet

(delwedd B7565) (tudalen 038)
38 C H Chapellet (environ le).
round the circle.
Chapell de ferre, de feutre, a breaji plate of iron.
Chapouns (ne a ouster).
not to take the bats off.
Chaperon, a bood, bat, a
kind of bead drefs.
Chaperon (fans), barebeaded.
Chapon, the crown of the
Charchez, chartered.
Charer, to fall.
Charetter, waggonery carter.
Charettes (les) de feyn.
cart loads of bay.
Chargeez, loaden.
ChargcSj charters.
Chargeant, heavy y penaly
Chargeance (en) manere.
very earnejlly.
Chargaunte (fi), fo
weighty, fo forcible.
Charier, to draw, or drive.
C, aroigne, car cafe.
Charonics, charounes, ho,
Channels amys, bofom
friends, allies by blood.
Ch ifs (jours de), flesh
Chars, cliarres, charets.
carts, wagg ons, ploughs. 39 C H
Charrenncs, charewcs des
tcrres, carves of land.
Chartrc, a prifon.
Charners (bestes), heajis
of the plough.
Chafables, obliged, com"
Chafe, drift, chafe.
Chafer (et) adrefles, to
drive Jirait along.
Chafer {de),from driving.
Chaste (en route), with
all expedition.
Chattel (le), the chattels.
Chastelle (Roy de), king
of Cajiile.
Chastcl neof, Newcajlle.
Chart irians, Jbould chafiife.
Chastres, chastris, gelt.
Chate, brought.
Chate (la), buys it.
Chate, bought.
Chaton (un), a cat.
Chatters, chattres, commodities.
Chances, caufeways.
Chaucez, driven.
Chau (de) ke, in as much
Chaud melle, a hot or
fudden debate, corruptly
called chance-medley.
Chauncelrie (en la), in
Chaunterent, declared, prO'

(delwedd B7566) (tudalen 039)
Chauflez, H
Chauffcz, fut upon bis
Chaiifez, chaufurc, breeches, slockings.
Chaufcr, to warn.
Chavoynes, canons.
Chaulx (dc), of them.
Chautes (en voiles) ct
gargans de oifeaux, in
the flighty fingingy and
chattering of birds.
Chaux, thofe.
Chaxtel, cajik.
Chaye, fallen down.
Cheaunce, an accident.
Checer in debat, to come
in quejlion or debate.
Cheet (mout) en age, is
very much in years.
Cheez (vus), you fall.
Chefs (a), to his head.
Chefe (a) del an, by the
end of the year.
Cheitifment(vivont), live
Cheitivetee (grant), great
Cheivalene du temple
(meflre de la), mofer of the order of the knights
Cheincs, chains.
Cheir, cheyr, checer, chefer, lo fall, to abate.
Cheie, cheiez, fell, happened.
Chesslbnt fur, are made
upon, fall iipi-n. 3S.
Cheivfauns, Cheviflance.
an agreement between
debtor and creditor, in
relation to the loan qf
Chekere, exchequer.
Cbeke (fauf), fave that.
Chele (par la meifme)
grace, by this same grace.
Chelui (pur),/«7r him.
Chemimynauiu, purfuing
his journey on the highway.
Chentz wye (trois), three
hundred and eight.
Chen, chens, dcg~days.
Cheneau, a young oak.
Cheountj cheent (ne), do
not fall.
Chepier, a gaoler.
Cher, dear.
Cherementes, cheremont.
Cherisancez, cherishing.
Cherte, charity.
Chtste, ches (lettres).
tke, e letters.
Chereil, hitiy happen.
Chtfer (a), io fall, or come
to., fallout., happen.
Chert, chet a favoir, th.it
is to fay.
Chefcuny, checon (n), to
every one.
Chefon, carried on., ucf ended, occasioned.
D 4 Chet,

(delwedd B7567) (tudalen 040)
40 4d . . _ C H
Chet, fell outy happened.
Chetifs, cheytifs, caitifs.
Chevage, poll- money pjid
by a villain to his lord.
Chevance, goods, money.
riches, bargains.
Chevances (a fa' re), to
borrozv, to make bargains for.
Chevaffent, may go over.
may perform them.
Chevaucheen hode, heads
tic army en horfebae':.
Chevalincs (bestes), heajls
for the draught.
Chevalines traians, drawing-carriages.
Cheventeins, chieftains.
Chevetaigne dettor, principal debtor.
Chevance (fa), his fubslance.
CheveOres, head-slalls.
Chcve, cheveres, chewers.
Chcvin (doiiner), prepare
the ivay.
Chevin (en), en his jctirney.
Chevir de denier, to tak$
up money on loan.
Cheviz, borrozved.
Chcviz, to come to an
a_, reeme?it touching profert, '.
Cbeuz, happened, fallen.
Chcryrent (luy nc), owed
no fervice to him.
Chits t, fallen down.
Cheynes, chains,
Cheys, choice.
Chi apres, herein after.
Chiaus (a touz), to all
Chi (entre), between this.
Chief (lo;-)), his head.
Chief du lyt, bed, s head.
Chiefs (en foreignes), in
J foyeig, places.
Chief de niois, at the end
of the month.
Chief qun, every.
Chienquante, fifty.
Chier (de), by a fall.
Chier, chire, chiertees.
dear, dcarness, reverence,
Chicrions, will cheriJJj.
Chiery, favoured, encoHragcd.
C\\\q[\., failed.
Chiet (ren)j his client.
Chiec a tre, falls to the
Chiez d' ofliez, the head
of a family.
, hipotcis (des), in prov:-.
JienSy r-'nts.
Chir, blight.
Chirk (dc), of this.
QhiitcJ, cafils,

(delwedd B7568) (tudalen 041)
Chire, C H
Chite, a city.
Chivauche (facent la).
caufe a perambulation to
he- made.
Chivalx, horfes.
Chivachez, ■peramlulatedy
Chivaunch, irere riding.
Chivanche (in la), in the
■ exped'tion, campaign.
Chivache encontre le roy.
rides againjl the king.
Chivancher, to ride.
Chivaus covertz (a), with
horfes covered.
Chivalehier le pais, overrun the country.
Chivers, goats.
Chivilaunce, an unlawful
Choa (pour) qu, hecaufe
Choces (les), things, goods.
Choeur, choire.
ChoLicee (a bout de la).
at the end of the caufeway.
Choient,/, //.
Chole, choler.
Chole (ne ent mande autre), does not command
to the contrary.
Chou, chon, chu (a), to
this, that.
Chou (et tout) que, and
all which.
Chou (pour qu), hecaufe
that. "
Chre, charter.
Chukr\t, fall ojf.
Cliun, every.
Chun (an), each year.
Chun (come ben) fervant, how much everyfervatit.
Chuny (a), to every one.
Chyen (entre) ft heu: inter canern et lupum.
Chynes, oaks.
Ci pris, cy mis, as foon
fid as done.
Cicertr., Chtchejler.
Ciege, stegs.
Cicr, to mow.
Cierges, wax-tapers.
Cierve, a hind.
Cieus, here, hither, thofe,
eigne (liveree del), livery
of the fu-an \ a Jwan
was one of tie badges of Ileiry the fourlh, and
was embrcidcred on the
caparijons of his horfe
w!:en di{:e of Hereford,
at the Intended combat
between him and the
duke of Norfolk. Prince
Henry h s le;i tore his
achievement, fupported
b\' t\'jo f:rnns each holdiyi> in his beak an oft rich
feather and a fcrolL
Ciij, nctLez, cigncts.
Cil, 41

(delwedd B7569) (tudalen 042)
C L Cil, cili, be.
Cincaunt, ffiy.
Cink, , ve.
Ciphe, a cup.
Cips, Jiocks.
Cis, ces, they, thofe.
Xi, ifere, ale.
Cifme (la), the fcbifm.
Cifne, afwan.
Cifours, cisars.
Cist, this.
Cirost, as joon as.
Citues, placed in.
Cla, claims.
Clamant, claiming, fnaintattling, commanding.
Clatnur (zY), for proclaim'
Clamous pleints, clamorous complaints.
ClariHe, cleared up, made
Clarrc, claret.
Clave, a borfeshoe.
Claud, a ditch.
Claye, a hurdle.
Clay mors de franchifes
(les), those who claim
Claree (vin de), claret.
Clachent lains (qui), who
clack wool.
Clamour, impeachment.
Clefs, hurdles.
Cleif, a key.
Cleifs, cliefs, keys. C L
Clerk us, clercx, clergy.
Cler jour, clear day.
Clere memoire, cf famous
Cler, clerk.
Clerement, clearly.
Clergie, fcienccy litera'
Clergereffe, a learned wtman.
Cliefs, keys.
Clier droit, clear right.
Clime, kindred.
Climacha ., potius chivacha f, rode with.
Cloistres, inclofed places.
Cloier, to prick.
Clore, to inclofe.
CI OS (brefe), a writ clofe.
Close (pur), for fencing.
Closture de hayes, inclojing with hedges.
Clos (le), the clofe.
Cloustre (fill), caufed to
be inclofed.
Clough, a valley.
Clowes de gilifer (:, ), three
Cloy, pricks.
Clurs, clerks.
Clufe de pasche (la), the
close of Eafler, i. e. the
firjl Sunday after Eafler.
Dominica odava paf- 42 See Pari. Rolls, vol. IT. p. 193. pet. 73, t Hale's

(delwedd B7570) (tudalen 043)
chae, c o
ttiX, donvinica poll albas, domlnica in albis;
Ic dimanche de la quafimodo, from the fervid beginning with those
words in the Roman
Clyens, clyents.
Co (estre), moreover.
Co (d'), of this.
Coastion, coartacion.
compuljton, coercion.
Coche (fuit), was laid
down in bed.
Cochin (d'), from the kitchen.
Cochoures, couchers.
Coe ottroire, grant this.
Coe (ou) e(t)Whether this is.
Coes les; Coe (la), the
Coe (le) boist, the common
Coders, collars.
Coems, coens de Nichole.
earl of Lincoln.
Coers, hearts.
Coer, commonfr.
Coers, coerts, forced.
Coert (qore), which is
now current.
Coes (les povs) del roialme, the poor commons
of the realm.
Coeurs, courfe.
Cofin (un), a bajket.
Cofre (un), a trunkchefl. 43Cognizance, fuggefiion.
Coherter, to force.
Cohiber, to restrain.
Cohues, affembliesy courts
Cojantz, being compelled.
Coieres, coirs,coers,/&, tfr//.
Coidz, boiled.
Coievient, convenient.
Coignfu, known.
Coigne, coin, money.
Coigner, to coin.
Coiles, tejiicles.
Coil doust, as he ought.
Coillage, co!le£lion.
Coiller, to assemble, to coU
le5f, gather in.
Coiliers d'ar, enr, sther
Comer, collected from.
Coiller, a lock of wool.
Coillet i, de), for gathering.
Cnilliant, gathering.
Coillours, collegers.
Coinistrc, confefs.
Coinonte, connected.
Coint, affable.
Coinnu, , coinus, rabbits.
CoitifFe (, chadcll de), cajlle
of Cardiff.
Coicacoiis, meetings.
Coker (payn dc), coket
C:)ler, collar.
Col;- re, colour.
Cokrcr;!:, pretend.

(delwedd B7571) (tudalen 044)
, 44 44 CO
Collet, taken away.
Coli, took.
Collation, comfarifon, fimpie, coler.
Collacion (une bone), a
good oration.
Collision, collusion.
Colorers (pluis), the letter
to colour over.
Colourent (fe), pretend.
Colp, cut off.
Colps, the neck.
Collusion, comparifon.
Colx, a blow.
Com, as.
Coma droit, common right.
Comandc, fend.
Coroant, farewell.
Comaundable, to he committed.
Commant, command, order, bearer, attorney.
Combatuefle, beat down.
Comb, a valley.
Combatour, one who is
hired by another to fight
for him.
Com bur, burn.
Cement, how, howmany.
Comment cy que, although
Come, zvhen, as f con as.
Comen lome, common fum~
Comenlables et provables.
commenced and carried on.
Comcfatz, beginning. O.
Comctut, committed, .
Comina/Ter, to have common,.
Comiflair dii roy, the
king's commifsioner.
Com ill re (a), to speak of.
Commauvaes, commotes.
Comme plance, common
Commectement, falshood.
Comniiner, to keep company, to convey fe with.
to have.
Commineront, they affembled together.
Communalment, generally.
Communalment, communcment, communelment, in general, commonly , jointly.
Coinuner, to meet in common.
Communal, common.
Commune ds reaum, the
commons of the cities and
Communaunte, commonalty.
Commune (a la), with tht
Commune (fanz) parlement, without frequent
Coniorth, a fuhfidy.
Comognenues, fellozvinonks.
Comp Q

(delwedd B7572) (tudalen 045)
Comp (a un), at one fa jment.
Compenfation, payment.
Gojrnpafler, compafcer, to
compafs, imagine, dejign.
intend, endeavour, attack.
Compe6lant, competent.
Comperer, to fiiffer.
Compeigney, company, fociety.
Compernant, comprijing.
Jetting forth.
Compertment, appearing.
Coiiipigne, contain, comprife.
Compier, a godfather.
Compiere, as appears.
Compoir (pur), to appear.
Gomponnent les iuppliantz, let the petitioners
Complifement (faire) de
jullice, to do compleat
Compliqucr (de), to fold
CompliiTement, accomplishments.
Comprins, comprifcd.
Comune (chefcune), each
of us jointly.
Comunalte, nule), nothing
that is ccmmen.
Coinunalte (aleutics de).
feme zvbich coiicern many
perfons \same i,c:i?munity. 45'CO 4s
Comyn (en), in common.
Comyns de parlement.
the commons in parliament.
Comyns, the common peo'
Con, as.
Cona, pasture, common of pajlure.
Conation, endeavouring.
Concaufe . (potius I'un
caufe), one caufe.
Conceyvere mon brief.
bring, frame my writ.
Concey, framed, adapted.
Certeignment conceux.
certain information.
Conceillier, confult, ad'
Concubeant, lying toge,
Condemaundaste, demand.
Condon ner, to grant.
Condiidz, lodgers.
Condust (lettres de), letters of fafe conduB.
Conduitz (les;, the attendance.
Condition (en grant), in
great hazard.
Coneife, leave.
Conefeye bien, knezv very
Coneve, knoivn, acknowledge.
Conexes, co:ine5J:o?is. See Tail. Rolls, 4 Tier.. IV. vol. III. p. 538. pet.

(delwedd B7573) (tudalen 046)
4646 Conferromous (fi), // we
ConfelTe, examined.
Confeflion, an anfwer to
Confcxion (a la), to the
Confier, to trujl.
Confourmeront, informed.
Confiquez, confifcated.
Confers, comforters , aiding>
Contronrations, borders.
Congye, conge, leave.
Congie de foy confeiller.
leave to imparl, i. e.
talk with the plaintiff.
Conier, a place where rabbits and hares were preferved.
Conigg, coney ground.
Conilles, conings, conejs.
Coninges, shillings.
■ Cojiiraunce, knowledge.
Conifent (ne les), do not
acknowledge them.
Conifoit, he was obliged.
ConifiToms (nous), we acknowledge.
Conjouyr (luy), /o congratulate him.
Conjtfdcmtrnr, conspiracy.
Connfeaix (par Ics) damperts ilTue le puifle fair.
by the advice of both
parties it may be brought
/<? an ijjue.
Connuis, known, open.
Connyifjg, knowledge.
Conoiffc, acknowledge.
Conoyflent, bold cogni'
fance of.
Conpayne, companion.
Conquastere, to shake, to
break to pieces.
Conquerra, fball gain, obtain.
Conquest (de), by acquijition, purcbafe.
Confallatez, counfeled, ad'
Confeil (tenuz), kept fecret.
Confenr, acknowledged.
Confieux (privez), privy
Confile et plaine, the
church is full and provided for.
Confommez, confumed.
Constitution, appointments.
Conful, confealx (du), one
of the council.
Conlbte, confu, annexed,
fewed together.
Cont, earl.
Containes, remote.
Contal, of a county.
Contaitius, we declare, or
Contafle, countefs.
Conte (a), at the county
day J court.
Con tee, o

(delwedd B7574) (tudalen 047)
Con tee(le),/i?>, county - court.
Conte, contes (la), the accompt.
Conte (fur la), upon his
Contean, contained.
Conteckours, brawlers.
Conteins (Toy), refrain
Contek, a contej}, dispute,
dijlurbanccy opposttion.
Contemplanon, aj, eSlion,
Contenance, purpofe.
Contenance, countenaunce, contenement.
Contenement, countenance,
or freehold land contiguous to his tenement.
Content (a), has accounted.
Contentation, fatisfa5iion.
Contentz, conteux, contentions.
Contenu, contnued.
Contenue, contained.
Contenunt ., run.
Con ten z, contention.
Conter, againjt.
Conterent (lui), related to
Conterfait, refembling.
Contcz (des), of theshires.
. counties.
Contefla, countefs.
ContelToiz, contemplation.
. VId. Rot. Purl. vol. II.
Hale's MS.
f lb. p. 213. Pet. 3, . Pot 47
Contetz, contained.
Continance, continuance.
Continuament, direSly.
Continuance -f, his conte,
nement, fupport, maintenance.
Continues, contained.
Contiraunt, notwithjianding.
Contraitz, contraults, contrad s.
Contrariast, bad contradi6ied.
Contrariantz (lesj, the offenders.
Con trader, to contrast.
Contresteant (nemye), notivithjianding.
Contredie, refufes.
Contree (tuit), was engaged with, oppofed.
Contrefaire, to imitate.
Contrelutent, oppofe.
Contremant, countermand.
Contremount, afcending,
Contremount (en), in the
Contremaunt (degres).
afcending degrees.
Contreellier, contrester.
contrefcer, to prevent,
oppose i grieve t opprefs.
p. J 90. Pet. 64. Potius ccurunff
ius cenii'mxTJCf, Hale'. MS.

(delwedd B7575) (tudalen 048)
48 48 C O
Contremettre, to lay againfi, to impose upon.
Contrepanel, a counierpan.
Contreovez, contrevez.
Contreval, downwards.
- Contreveigner, contra verier, to aEi contrary to.
breaks oppofe.
Contreytour, arch traytor.
Contrier, to contradi£}.
Contrirerant (nient), «fl/ivithstanding.
Controue,. controuled,
Controvee, contrived.
Controver, to contrive.
Controveures des novelles, devifers, inventors
of tales.
Contus, hruifed.
Convainquus, conviSied.
Con veer, to convey.
Conveiez, conveyed.
Conevences, covenants.
Convenfist (il), it becomes
Convent, convenu, covenanted, obliged.
Convener, to cover.
Converroit, converfe with.
Converfantz, abiding, refident.
Convs, converfe.
Conuflent, acknowledges.
Conviront, Shall convey.
Convis, a banquet.
4 C O
.' Convoifl (que fe), which
confificth, shews, difcovers itfelf.
Convyer, to convince.
Conyng, coney, rabbit.
Cool (le coler du), the coU
lar from the neck.
Coonte, a count, earl.
Cooper til re, a thicket.
Cop, cope, coupe, a blow.
Copable, guilty.
Copie du people, a grefit
number of people.
Copier, to cope.
Coplice, an accomplice.
Coppe (blees en), corn in
Copped,- laid in heaps.
Copper, to cut off.
Copperent, uncovered.
Copyl, a fox.
Cor, heart.
Corage, corouce, anger.
Corage, confent,will, mind.
Corage (la), encouragement.
Coraunt, passing, current.
Cord, a load.
Cord (de la), the agreement, confent.
Cordcau de iby, a Jilk
Cordewaners (de), leather.
, c.
Cordiner, a shoemaker.

(delwedd B7576) (tudalen 049)
Core,c o
Core, heart.
Coreoursde cKiwdXyi, horfecourfers.
Corcr, to have recourfe
Coreute (fufl), was in enmity with.
Coriage (du) de harang.
of curage, or curing of herrings.
Cornefer, maker of horns.
Cornele de la test, the
crown of the heady the
de), duke of Cornwall.
Coronal, a coronet.
Coroneis (vins livr' d'
esterlins), twenty founds
Corones (as), to the coroner.
Coronfe, enraged.
Corores laboreres, runagate laborers.
Qorouct, a caroufal-, a great
Corpores, corporez, corporate.
Corps prefantz, co)fe frefent.
Correes de battaill, arrayed for battle.
Correours, curriers.
Correpc', corrupt, hajly.
Corruc, convicted.
Cors, CQrr, court, fJjort. 49CO 49
Cors (en le), in the principal.
Cors (fur peine de) e d.
avoir, on pain of body
and goods.
Cors (llir le) Dieu, upon
the body of God, i. e. the
confecrated Hojt.
Cors, corfe, cords, a body.
Corfe prefent, a mortuary.
Corfes, cloths, kerfeys.
Corfues, courfe, corporeal.
Cort, court, limited.
Cortaife, civile gentle.
Cortoife, courtefy.
Coruces, enraged.
Coruc, courfe run, ferreted.
Cor'une, cornus, horned.
tipped with horn.
Corn way les (terre), Cornifli
Cofces, hushandmen.
Cofes, things.
Cost, this is.
Costages, cofi.
Costal, coste, by, prefent.
Coder, a rich cloth or veflment, made ufe of on
. great fejiivals.
Coste, coat.
Cofle (en) coste, de coste.
CoUcms, neighbouring, near
to, on the borders of.
Cot gare et vileine tufon.
inferior kind of wool.
E Cotellers,

(delwedd B7577) (tudalen 050)
Cotellers, cutlers.
Cotel, a knife.
Coteaux (piene de), a pair
Cotidian, daily.
Cotiers, cottagers.
Cotte, cote, a coat.
Cotu, cut.
Cotures, little houfes, cottages, coverings, inchfures.
Cotures (quant des), bow
much arable land.
Couche, double, laid double.
Coucher, a couch.
Couerer (vous voudres).
willshelter yourfelf.
Coues (as) des chival, at
the borfe, s tail.
Couldront, Shall cost.
Couldront (qu'ils), ijohich
they Shall think.
Couler, couUer, colour.
Coulerou, anger, passion.
Coulpale, guilty.
Coun, Con. Pudendum
Councelera, vjtll conceal.
Counfort, comfort, affijtance, encouragement.
Counfaunt (il leit), and be
is knozvn.
Counfeile, provided.
Couleiler al roy (faunz).
without the king being
Counreyla(il), he advifcd. c o
Countables (en), in counts.
Count (en) countant, in
Counte, county-court.
Counte (de) en counte.
from county court to
county court.
Counte, county, account.
estimate, computation.
Countees, counties.
Counter, to count, declare.
tell, plead, compute.
Counte palys, a count palatine.
Counter palais, a county
Counter pleadable, may
Counterpayne, a counterpayne.
Counties, earls.
Countinuance (lour), their
Counter, a count.
Counters des menfonges.
those who devife and
relate lies.
Countradit (fans), without
Countre etre, to be againjl.
cppofe, rejijl.
Countrelapes, againfi the
Couiitre lit, upon his bed.
Countre rouler, controller.
Countreval, defending.

(delwedd B7578) (tudalen 051)
51 c o
Gounturs le roy, the king.s
Coup de mere (pur), by
force of the fea.
Coup, damage.
Coupable, guilty.
Coupe, in fault., to blame.
Gouperie (de), of cutting.
Couper (de), of blows.
Couper le tayle, to cut off
or dock the entail.
Goupiz, coppices.
Gourade, the inteflines.
Courage, encouragement.
Courajeux, angry.
Courcce, provoked.
Courer (dette), to recover
the debt.
Courey de battel, arrayed
for battle.
Courge, courfe, coure, to
Courge, court, runs.
Courour, currier.
Courre, to courfe.
Cours (deux), two courfes.
Courfables, current.
Court, skreenedt constrained, port.
Court (fe), turns.
Court (moy) a mort, which
is the caufe of my death.
Court terme (cy), fo JJjort
a time.
Courte (per la), by the
CQurfe of. C O 5'
Court drap, cloth, called
Coufeades, concealed.
Coufement (de), of the
Coufon, coufin.
Coustenghes (a nos), at
our own cofi.
Gouste (en), collaterally.
Courtoilt responifl, courteous anfwer.
Gourtreux, a garden.
Goufloufes, cofily.
Coustumers (et a ceo
s'efl), and has often
praUifed it.
Coutes (de deux), on both
Coutellours, cutlers.
Couvrefeu (1. heure du).
the hour when the cover feu or curfew -bell
was rung., viz, feven in
the winter at St. Martin's le Grand.
Coux, a cuckold.
Couz, cous, coufl:, cojl.
Covegne, // behoved.
Coveigne (gens de), covetous., greedy people.
Coveitant, covetous, defiring.
Govenable, proper, apt.
fuff.cient., right.
Covenablete de tens, convenient time.
E 2 Covene,

(delwedd B7579) (tudalen 052)
52 52 C R
Covene, rightfuL
Covent(ai), covenenchiet.
have covenanted, agreed.
Covent (nous), behoves us.
Coven telis, conventual.
Covenist (il), belonged to.
it vjas necessary.
Coverer (fe), Jkreen, protest them/elves.
Coverer (pur) eglifes, to
cover, or repair churches.
Covert chival, a horfe arrayed, or harnessed.
Covctife, coveitefe, coveigne, defire, greediness.
Coviegne (de fa), of his
own head.
Covoitoms, we are destrous.
Covynes, their fecret places
of meeting.
Covves (la), the tail, the
Coylir, to cock.
Coyly, gathered.
Coyne, coinage.
Coy re, leather, ajkin.
Coy re, coure, copper, brafs.
Craftus (touz les) du citee
de Londres, all the
craftfmen, companies of the city of London.
Craire, to confde in, entrujt with.
Crainer, to refufe.
Crampiis dc goute, laid
up with the gout. C R
Crafiine, the morrow of any fejiival.
Cray ( je \ / believe.
Cray, betrayed.
Crcable, to be feared.
Creablement, creable, crt'
dibly, credible.
Creacures,creanfours, cre,
Creance (la), the injiructions, the articles.
Creances, et a creanciers.
borrowed, and to be
Creance (a), upon credit.
Creantceantz, borrowed.
Creaule, credible.
Crecefiz, a crucifix.
Credibles, credible.
Crerez, created.
Creez fiablement, give
faithful credit to.
CreiTes, croffed.
Cremal, a crimfon or purple colour.
Crenne, burnt.
Cremeur, fear, dread.
Crere, creier, to believe.
give credit to.
Crefceaiince, croiflaunce.
Crestom (ke nus), that we
give him credit.
Crellburs (par engpndrure
dc), by having lawfui
ijjue born alive.
Crest, rifes up, accrues.
Cret, cretange

(delwedd B7580) (tudalen 053)
53 C R
Cret, accrues.
Cretain de eau.
del ewe, rifing of water.
Cretine, an inundation.
Creval oeil, thruji out the
Creve, a wear.
Creve, Jkook, ratled, in. creafed.
Creues (novelles), new
C re urn, we believe.
Crewe, grown, incurred.
Creye, crcyer, believe.
Cribre, afieve.
Cribre (le payn), bread of bran.
Crible, debated.
C richer, agreement.
Criegnent (rie), are not
Crie, cry general, a general proclamation.
Crier, to funimon.
Cries la peace, declare,
draw the concord.
Criefme, a crime.
Crieuerie (la), the cfice of crier.
Crikes, creeks.
Criler, to argue, debate.
Crilz, criz, cries.
Crins, the hair of the
Crire (fet), who knows
how to write. CR Si
Crifmatorie d'arg dorrez.
a chrifm of filver gilt;
a veffel in which the oint"
ment with which kings
were anointed was kept.
Crirme, a crime.
Crist(Jehu), »jar//?.
Crifline, chrijlian.
Crocq (fix harquebuxes
de fer a), fix large arquebusses of iron.
Crochet (dix harquebuzes
a) de bronze, ten arquebufj'es of brafs.
Croiables gentz, credible
Croice (feinte), holy crofs.
Croire (de) auxi fortement, should alfo firmly
Croife, croifle, crous.
cruix, a crofs.
Croife (et homme), and
there may be reason to
Croifcment, crufade.
Croix neitz (fur la), on
the white crofs ..
Crpiziex, croyfes (des).
perfons intending to go
to the Holy Land.
Croke (fanz), without any
iron spike or hook.
Crome, crime.
Croyferie, crufade.
Crudes (draps),;-, , cloths. . Brady in his appendix 32, and in his historv
97, translates
this; on tbs old crof; but I apprehend the word ncitz is from nitiJus.
E:; Cruc

(delwedd B7581) (tudalen 054)
54 54 C U
Cruc (char), raw flesh.
Cruc, a wear.
Cruice (icestes), this crofs.
Crus, cruez, creditedt bet lieved.
Cry (la), the proclamation.
Cu, as.
Cu (iin), a cook.
Cuchie en fon lit, lying in
his bed.
Cudietz (cum vos), as you
Cue I, the neck.
Cuelly, cclleEled.
Cuens Leys (li), the earl
Cuens de Flanders, count
or earl of Flanders.
Cueou, the buttocks.
Cuer (a), at heart.
Cuers, leather yjkins.
Cuerent, meet.
Cueurier, majler of the
Cui, whom, to whom.
Guide, cuideroit, thinks.
Cuille ((jui ad la), which
is not cajlrated.
Ciiil, cuile, cuel, the neck.
Cuiller d'or, a gold spoon.
Cuiller, a collebiion.
Cuilliz, gathered, collected.
Cuir (last de), a laji of leather.
Cuist, bakes.
Cule, dung, filth. c u
Cule nui«5l, the night season.
Culhir, to collea.
Cu Hours, colleBors.
Culture (un), a -piece of ground.
Cum, as.
Cumbre, Cumberland.
Cumpaignie, company, fociety.
Cun, one alone.
Cundez, coined.
Cunee, cunage, coined,
Cuneufe, known.
Cunge, cungie, leave.
Cunquestre, conquejl.
Cunte, county f earl.
Cupre (de), of copper.
Cur (lunge), a long purfe.
Cur le roy, court of the
Cureles, without cure of fouls.
Curerons, will take care.
will apply for.
Curgc, short.
Curge, currye, runs, to
Curoms, will take care.
Curr, a hide.
Curreours des qulrs, curriers of leather.
Curriez, would run, proceed.
Curiurs (d'main), of curriers.
Currons, c u

(delwedd B7582) (tudalen 055)
Currons, will take care.
Curruz (pur), through
Curs (bref de), a writ of courfe.
Curfe (la), the courfe.
Curt, court.
Curteignes pilous, curtains made of hair.
Curtiner, to improve, cultivate, fence in.
Curtiver, to plough.
Curtoife, curtcife, genteel.
civile courteous.
Curz, courts.
Cufine, dyet.
Cufins, kindred.
Custages (as), custees, at
the cojl.
Custance, Conjiance.
Custefre, Christopher.
Gustivent, cultivate.
Custumer laron, a common
Custume (a), into a precedent.
Custumers du courte,y«/tors of the court.
Cufu, fewed to, annexed.
Cuttle, cutle, a knife, dagger.
Cuune, generation.
Cuyre (efcu de), a shield
of leather.
Cuyfein, a cook.
Cuz, put.
, Yi yesyfo. 55
Cy, if foy then, alfo, as.
here, hereupon.
Cy apres, hereafter.
Cy avant, as well before.
Cy bien, as well.
Cy CQun, fo speedily.
Cy (entre), between this,
between this time.
Cy long, as long.
Cy pres, as near as can
Cy que, fo that.
Cy vivement, Jo lively.
Cye per attorney, here by
Cyeinz, cyen, here, with,
Cyeit, let there be.
Cyel, heaven.
Cyens, his own.
Cyere, to-morrow.
Cymytere, a church-yard.
Cynk, five.
Cynfours de bourfes, cutpiirfes.
Cyre (verte); la ver en
cite, green wax.
Cyfors, cutters.
Cytoaen, a citizen.
Dams, damages.
D z.KL,five hundred
Dass, of affize.
Dct, demand, demandant.
Dne (y), demand.
Dee, to have been,
E 4 Def,

(delwedd B7583) (tudalen 056)
56 DA
Dcf, Deft, default, want.
Dr, rigbL
Drence, difference.
Deftf, dijlrefsj dijlrainedy
Da, dea, yes.
Da (ouy), yes verily.
Daareim, the laji day of the month.
Dabondant, moreover, heJides.
Dabte, datf.
Dagge, a fmall gun.
Dagnell noire, black lamb.
Dagne, dage, dagger.
Dale, dait, ought.
Dales, within, concerning.
Daillours, others, elfewhere.
Daine, a doe.
Dalphin, the dtiuphin, the
eldejl fon of the king of France.
Dam age r, to opprefs, injure.
Damaifgiet, endamaged.
Damasches belles, tame
Dames, deer.
Dames de religion, lady
ahbefjes, prioresses.
Damnable, tobe condemned.
Damr.ablement,, nV'z;5;//7y.
DamoifellSj demicelles, nobleSy the fens of kings,
princes, 'noblemen and D A
ladies of quality.
Damoyfeles, damfels, female infants.
Damp, master,Jir.
Dampner, to be cancelled.
Danearch, Denmark.
Danis, Dennis.
Dard, a dart.
Dareigner, to make proof of it, to tejlify, to dereign it.
Darps, draps, clothing, covering.
Darrain, darraigne, darren, darner, lafl.
Darrein, proof.
Darreinere pafiTe, last pajl.
Darreignement, lajl.
Darreirement, lately.
Darrener (au) des terms.
on the Ir.sl of the terms.
Darrees, money, goods, chattels, effcufs, merchandize.
Darres (2), two-pence.
Dalfer, to affefs.
Datif, a thing in gift.
Dau, daou, liro.
Daugiers, danglers, fifljing-flaccs.
Daungcrous, dubious.
Dauqui en avant, fron\
Daust, Aiigtijl.
Davant, before.
Davenon, Avignon.
De, dice.

(delwedd B7584) (tudalen 057)
Dcanie, deanry.
Deaufcens, two hundred.
Deaux, two.
Debas, under, below.
Debafe, below.
Debafe les ponts, beneath
the bridge.
Debafe lour estate, beneath
their ejiate.
Debasla, downwards.
Debat, opposttion, contention.
Debatre, to dispute.
Debe, ought, mufi.
Debelle, overpowered.
Deberbiz (peaux), SheepJkins.
Debies, debts.
Deboter, debouter, to put
out, deforce, deny, hinder.
Debouche et corn, hue
and cry.
Debrisant, restfiing.
Debrifer, to cancel.
Debrufure de prifon.
breaking of prifon.
Debrufez, broke in pieces.
Debuferonr, ought.
Debuient (ne), ought not.
Debuoir, debuoiar, duty.
devoir, obeisancc.
Deburg, in commission of a
Decca, from thence.
Decedcr, to die.
Decent, deceit.
Deccu, on this fide.
Decevanche,deceut,, , f, /V.
5 57 P, 57
Deceux, decieux, deceived. '
Deceyvante (en), in deceivable manner.
Deceynt, ungirded.
Decha, on this fide, in
thefe parts.
Dechaffer, to drive away.
Decheier, a robbery, to
take to robbing.
Decheues, decayed.
Dechyre, rent, torn.
De ci en avant, from
T), c\Qns,fince.
Deciller les yeulx, to open
your eyes.
Decimeur, the owner of the tythes of a parish.
Declaiera, declarez, delaiera (j\t),shall not delay, deny.
Decole, beheaded.
Decories, skinned, pulled
Deconfort, difcomfort.
Decouper, to cut down.
Decres, decreafe.
Decrcfceantz, arifmg, renewing, increajing.
Decree, decrez, decreis.
(dodlonr en), doctor in
decretals, doctor of law.
Dedes, debts.
Dedeinz, dedinz, dedenz.
dcdens, dedaynes, dedeynus, within, in the
mean time.
Dedentre, within, between.

(delwedd B7585) (tudalen 058)
Dedie (lu), confecrated
Dedints, deduits, duells.
trialsy amufements.
Dedifoint, deny, refufe.
Dedistz, denied.
Deditz en jugement, denied in judgment .
Dedount, brought, deduced.
Deduc, deduces, dedust.
deduist, dedu6t, brought ,
alledgedy determined.
Deduiz, dedut, deduyt.
recreation, pajiime.
Dedure (a faire), to bring
in quejiion, to bring
Deduyfant, drawing: alfo
Dedutz, game.
Deduz, during, depending.
Dee, to be.
Deen, dean.
Deenz, within.
De entre, between.
Deervie (tot nel euslent
il), although they had
net dejcrved it.
Deface, defeat.
Dcfacum des membres.
lofs of limbs J members.
Defaicls, defeated, conquered.
De faille, deficiency.
Desames, infamous.
Defauce, diffolved. 58 D E
Defaudroit,y2', «/i wait.
Defauderunt, Shall maks
Defaurroit Cen cas qu'il).
in cafe of failure, in cafe
of death.
Defaufit, should die.
Defaut, deficiency, default.
Defawcher, to mow, reap.
Defayllist,/i7/7, df, died.
Defedz, destroyed, defeated, undone.
Defeet, defeated.
Defence, defence (en), in
defiance of, in derogation
Defence (en), fenced off.
in fever al.
Defencufe (fe), may defend himfelf.
Defendaunt (fe), in his
own defence.
Defendeutz,, , , /y repaired.
Defender, to oppofe, deny.
Defend' le droit, oppofes
or denies the right.
Defend re, to prohibit.
Defens (mifes en), put in
defence, prohibited.
Defenfe, prohibition, commandment.
Defenfed plait, maintain
any plea.
Defenfes, prohibited seasons and places.
Defent, defends.

(delwedd B7586) (tudalen 059)
Defere, D E
Defere, fet afide, undo, defeat, reverfe.
Defefance des tern piers.
the fuppression of the order of the knights-templars.
Defefant, undoing, defeating.
Defez, done.
DefFerance (en), in prejudice.
Deffiaille, breach of faith.
Deffranchislant, disfranchizing.
Defie, mijtrujied.
Defiete, loji, forfeited.
Definement du terme, end
of the term.
Defistes, did, gave.
Deflis, tired.
Defola, defoula, defula.
defoules, trodden down.
trampled upon, spciled.
damaged, ill-treated, ahufed.
Defont, defeated.
Defore, oppoje, objlru, .
Defover, defower, to dig
or take up again, to uncover.
Defoulours, spoilers, robbers.
Defrene vers lui, recovers
againjl him.
Detretz, 'will defeat.
Defrisher, defrischer, to
li-ork by tilling the
ground. 59
Defua fon baron, eloped
from her hushand.
Defues, widows.
Defuiaunr, running away.
flying from.
Dekila, defola, took out of the fold.
Defuont, run away.
Degage, give fecurity.
Degages, replevied.
Degast, degest, degata.
spoiled, wajied, trod
Degayne, unfilled.
Degile mancre, in an undue manner.
Degre, voluntarily.
Degre voyde, a voidspace.
Degrer, degree.
Degu, nouody.
Deguerre, in "juar.
Deguerpys, abandoned.
De guilie, difguifed.
Degun, any.
Dcgutz, due.
Deherte de fa feivre, /// of her fever.
Dehors, in.
Dehue, due.
Dehonneslation defammes
marriees, robbing married women of their chaftity.
Dei, finger.
Deia, dyed.
Deignenc, condefcend.
Deigner, grant.

(delwedd B7587) (tudalen 060)
Co D E
DejedVj f brown down.
Deins, ieelb.
Deins aver, in the hands.
Deinzfeins, denizens.
Deinz (de) ti, ouxs,, within ten days.
Deinz, deinz qe, del deins.
Dejoste, near.
Deifiens, we faid.
DeilTiers, dejired.
Deislbins, fay.
Deistons, Should fay.
Deit, o-jje, owing, owes.
Deites, debts.
Dei>a, afore/aid.
Deituie, right.
Deive, ee, ought to he.
Deivent, owe.
Deiviers, right s, duties.
Deivoerent myles, there
ought to be provided.
De kcs en Tea, to this
De kes ore, hitherto.
De key, zvhcrefore, till this
Delair, rdenfc.
Delair, the month of December.
Delairont (fe), shall diz'cji
Delaidic (nous avons), we
have given up.
Delaiifer, to leave, for fake.
Delaificmentz, releafeSj acquittances. 60 D E
Deleaute, perfidy, rebellion, infamy, light cbaracier.
Delermer, to beivc.il.
Delers, befides.
Deles, delay.
Deles, delez, delees, about, near.
Deleiroms, 'use releafe.
Delie, diffolved.
Delinqetz, difrr.ifs.
Delitable, deledabU, dear
to him.
Delitent, take a pleafure
Deliverant, the affirmant.
Deliverance (vers la), towards the fcfsions of the
gaol- delivery.
Deliverannt, dispatching.
Dcliveraunce (a la), for
the discharge.
Deliverer (le people), the
people delivered at a gaoldelivery.
Dclleanles, allegations.
Delue, delayed.
Df'lyt, delight.
Demainer (en Ion), in his
Demaincz, lords.
Demaint, nozu, prefently.
Demaricz, married.
Demaunder, to cry a thing.
to fend.
Dcmaygne(en), in demefne.
Deme, to be.
Demeanez, D E

(delwedd B7588) (tudalen 061)
61 Demean cz, ordered.
Demeigne, demenie, demeine, own.
Demein, to-morrow.
Demcine (en), in the mean
time, again.
Denieins, witb lefs.
Demenez, agitated,slirred.
Demenge, Sunday.
Dementenant en avant.
from this time forwards.
Dementers, while.
Dementers (en), dementiers, in the mean time.
Demefnez, ruled: demeaned tbemfelves well.
Demefure (a), beyond all
meafure, immoderately.
Demette (fe), farts with.
Demettenc (lei), fuhmit
tbemfelves, render tbemfelves.
Demettre, demltter, to let
gOy to part witb, to put
Demeures, wait.
Demierkes, Wednefday.
Demittable, demifeahle.
Demoer, demourier, demoerger, demorier, to
remain, abide, dwell
Demoere (la), the protest.
Demoere (la) le counte de
Lane, tbeprotejlation of the earl of Lancajter, D E 6t
Denionflrance, dedarati,
on, count, petition, retnonstrance, fuggejlion.
Demorant testament, lad
Demorez, retained.
Demorcr enfemble, to co.
habit together.
Demullrer, to shew.
Demy noer, midnight.
Demys {2, ,haspartedwith»
Demyst (ne fe), did not
put himfelf out.
Dempt, taken.
Den, dean.
Dene, denne, a valley.
Deneir, to give.
Denerie, deanry.
Dener, denier, denire, deneres, denercz, denrees.
danree, a penny, money.
Doners countauntz, ready
Denier, deniasl:, denied.
Denier ]}ariks, towards the
Denioms, afraid.
Denoleer, -zvages.
Denomination (de lour).
of their own naming.
Denqui, beyond.
Denree de pain, a penny
worth of bread.
Dent, give.
Denucroit en la mercie.
fjould he amerced.
Denver, 6i

(delwedd B7589) (tudalen 062)
Denyer, dye.
Denygres, obliterated.
Denys (vos), give you, I
lay before you.
Denz, within.
Denzeyn, denzeifne, denizen.
Denzieme, defein, decenry.
Deociste, diocefe, dijirih.
Deo/Te, boned.
Deotantes, deodands.
I)e par de la, beyond- fea.
Dcpartable, divifible.
Departier (a), feparate.
Departies, dispofed of.
Departirent, divided.
Departie (la), the feparatien.
Departeemenr, feverally.
Departure, parting.
Depece, (loit denier) des
pefce, let the money be
broke to pieces.
Depeciez, cancel, tear.
Depdad, in the commission
of a robbery.
Depen femen is,fuggestions.
Deper, on the behalf.
Deperdcs, loffes.
Dcpere, lo/i, decayed.
Depererary, shall repair
Depertier, to depart with.
Depertire, depart from.
Depcfcer, to unfold, cut
into pieces by ret ale. 62 D E
Depefcez prifon ont, have
broken the prifon.
Depefne (fon baston est).
hisjiaffis broken.
Depeireronc le mur, shall
break down the wall.
Depieca, lately.
Depiroient, taken away.
Depiz, worfe.
Deplain, in a fummary
Deplayer, to wound.
Deprave, reviled, depreciated.
Depredative (disleifine), a
diffeijin gained by violence, or clandejlinely.
Deprovera, shall disprove.
Depoos, a depostt.
Deport, jufi, right, equitable.
Deport, respeSl.
De porte (je me), / rely
upon it.
Deporcer, to depart.
Deporter, desportcr, diverjion, recreation.
Deport d'armes, laying
down of arms.
De qes en ca, to this time.
Deques, until.
D' qune, therefore.
Deraners, dereein, lajl.
Deralerent, broke to pieces,
cut to pieces, dejlroyed.

(delwedd B7590) (tudalen 063)
Derchief, derechief, derichefs, moreover, again ,
rcpetitiony from henceforth.
Dere, deer»
Derere eux, in their abfence.
Derene, dereinet, derained, deraignedf determined.
Derener, dereigner, dereyner, deraigner, dereiner, derainer, to
prove, to clear himfelf.
to injlitute, to deraign.
Dereson, fcorn, contempt.
D'reigne, derene, proof.
Derire, behind-hand.
Derife, mocked, laughed at.
Derognenc, derogate from.
Deroguer, to abrogate.
Deromper, to break.
Derrai, damage.
Derreiner, to endeavour.
Derroin, dereint, lafi.
Derroir, should give.
Derruide, in a ruinous condition.
Des, from.
Des accordaunt, different.
varying from.
Defacort, disagreement.
Defadunques, from that
Defaifez, injured, troubled.
hindered. D E , Z 63
Defapeile, unfurnishsd, unprovided.
Defarestent, discharge, relea fe from the arrejl.
Defairentera, shall refufe
his affent.
DefalTurez, disheartened.
Defafure ., unferved.
Defattames, unfinished.
Defautes, dcfaute (ia), the
Defavaunce, unadvanced.
Defavowes, difclaims, difowns, refufes to jland
Defavowes, disavowes, disavowed.
Defavowes, unwarrantable, unjujiifiable.
Defbalmant, clearing from
the accufation.
Defbaz, disputes.
Defblemics, unblemisloed.
Defboucher, to unjlop, to
Defccitz, defcenicl, defoynr, defceyntz, ungirded.
Defcendue, determined.
Defcendenc en enqueste.
come to an inqueji.
Defcendi (lui), def red hint- . See Rot. Pari. vol. II. p. 76. pet. 18.
Potius d<fafvire, Hale's MS.

(delwedd B7591) (tudalen 064)
64 64 D E
Pefcernez, decreed.
Defceverance, to the feverance.
Deschauces, barefoot.
Deschauncee des Ibulers.
Deschee, defer the.
Descheiez, tumbled down.
gone to ruirif gone to decay.
Deschete, abated, deduced.
Descheterie, eschealor.
Deschevele, loofe, disheveiled.
Descheu de fa plaint, lofes
the benefit of his 'plaint.
Deschevoir, deceive.
Defclaire, declares.
Defclaree, explained, declared.
Defclaristenient, explanation.
Defclor, defclar, difclofed.
fet forth.
Defclos, not inclofed.
Defcomerfit a nubi, dif
clefed to any one.
Defcortz, difcords.
Defcovenable, unfitting.,
unla-wful, nonjuridical.
Defcovert (tout a), openly y fairly.
Defcoulpc, excufed, jufificd.
Defcoutc, uncoz-cred.
Defcoupant, exculpating. D E
Defcounfeile, defcoumfcille, difcounfeledy not
filled up, unprovided.
Delbres, decreafe.
Defcrez, difcreet.
Defcrie, difcovered, per-,
Defcripvrai, I will defer ibe.
Defcroiitre, to grow lefs.
Defcrus, decheue, decayed.
Defcufer, to excufe.
Defcyners, pledges defeines, pledges in the decenry.
Defdeigz, difdainj difdains.
Defduit, game.
Deleele, deieefi, defeafe.
defeux, uneafiness, grief.
trouble, charge, vexation.
Defeifez, difquieted.
Defemez, unfown.
Defempellrc, to get out of afnare.
Defencrefcez, decreafed.
Defenhabitez, uninhabited.
Dcferes (lur), potius def
cres, their decreafe.
Defer it, defer ted, without
Deferite, distnherited.
Defervie, not fupplied, unferved.
Defer vy, intitkd to, deferved.
Defes, deceafe.

(delwedd B7592) (tudalen 065)
65 D E
Defcsparer, to despair.
Defetereson, dijinherifon.
Deievere, parted, divided.
Defeverums, feparate, fever, cut of from.
Defeurer, to divide, feparate.
Defeuht eux, under them.
Defeuverte, uncoveredjaid
Desfermez, unlocked.
Defgarnys, defgarrys, defgorrie, unwarned, unprovided, unfurnished.
Defgaynnes, untilled.
Defgorrie, unprovided.
Deshonte, without shame.
Deshors, desliorfe, from
Defia mis en posleslion, already put us in poffefsion.
Defimes, make known.
Desjoy names, parted, untied.
Defiron, dejirous.
Deske, fince.
Delkes a ore, fo far.
DeQaez, delayed.
Desleaute, treachery.
Desliez, loafed from, discharged.
Deslors, from that time.
Desloyal, desleal, unlawful, fraudulent.
De fm ai n ten an ufro.n henceforth, forthwith.
E)ermariecz, unmarried. DE , c.
Defme garb, the tenth
Defmeneront, shall brings
shallfend, remove.
Defmes, deer.
Defmefurable, unbounded.
Dcfmolicons, demolition.
Defnaturel, defnatureus.
Defnaturee (lie de la).
hound by nature.
Defnigrer, to blacken, to
Delhue de amies, void or
destitute of friends.
Defoienr, faid. .
Defoies, faid; alfo unaccujle7ned.
Defolent, ahufe, spoil.
trample upon.
Defolerent (malement).
evilly treated him.
Delooth, beyond, above.
Defordines accomptes, ir,
regular accompts.
Defore, delhors, deforenaunt,dcforenavant, defore en avant, delorendroit,
deformes, deforemes, deformais, from
henceforth, hereafter..
from this time forward,
for the future.
Defovere, unworked, unwr ought.
Defouz, deibz, under, un.
derncath, hereafterF Deiouz,

(delwedd B7593) (tudalen 066)
66 66 D E
Defouz (mis au), ruined.
Defoynte fa cote, bis coat
Delbz, defouz, hereafter.
Despaice, unpaid.
Despare, unequal force.
Desparpkr, to be distrtbuted.
Despafcerent, eat up,spoiled, ivajied.
Despeca, on that behalf.
Despendent (en), in the
expenditure of it.
Despendre (a), to lay out.
Despendues, disperfed.
Despenf>?s, expetices.
Desperager, to disparage.
Desperee, unforefeen.
Despire, despife.
Y)c'i, \{aiz, Jpeedily, before
this time.
Despice (en), despisaiint
(en), in contempt of, in
despite of.
Despitoufement, despitefully.
Despitz, contempts, hatred.
Desplede, ivithout plea.
Despleyt, displeafed.
Desplie, displayed.
Uesploungc, overflowed,
Despointer, dispute.
Despores, spiirs.
Despoit et aes, their recreation and cafe. D E
Desportent (il), they forbear.
Desportere (lui), offf, y
comfort him.
Desportes, relieved, ex-,
Desportes de payer, exempted from paying.
Desportera (il), be iviU
dispenfe with.
Desport (fans favour ou) \
fans deport faire a nuli.
zvithout shewing favour
to any one.
Desport (tant), fo long loff..
fo long been deprived of.
Despost (mis en),depcfitedy
laid up in zvarehoufes.
Despourter, spare.
Desprie, unfetfed, untaken.
Despuliez, def polled.
Delpurvue, unprovided.
Despyt (en) de lour defaut, by way of punifjment for their default.
Dcl'quarantre, to discharge.
Defque, defquel, defqe al
jor, until the day.
Defreinferement, lately.
Defreine, proved.
Defrengeront, shall fet out.
Delreson (la), the unreasonableness.
Defrobbez, robbed, def polled., vjafled.
Defroy, to be out of order.

(delwedd B7594) (tudalen 067)
67 bE
JDefruniputz, fqueezed together, burji.
Deslasleurance, vnfafety,
dif appointment , difcomfit.
Desleme, not /own.
Destente, defcent.
Deslevfer, to put a/under.
Desliefe, dijfeistn.
Deslbuz, deluz, under, tinderncath, hereafter.
Deslbubs (ou), or there. ahoutSy or within that
Destuify, feized.
Desllifditz, defeuredis, a~
Deslachez, untacked.
Destail (a), by ret ale.
Desteinantz, will fail.
prove bad.
Destembez, dijlurbed,
Destertre, defer t, leave.
Destindter, to dislinguish.
Destopper, to unfiop.
Destorberoms, would prevent it.
Destountz, Unknown.
Dcstour, gone back.
Destr, dijlrefs.
Dest ray iens, distrafsions.
Dcstre, heldfajl.
Dest re, a large horfe, a
horfe of fervice for the
great f addle in war.
Dcstre (au), en ihi right
band. D E '61
Destre mayne, the right
Destf (a), over-against.
Dellreint, firaightenedy refirained, difficult to corns
at, expenjive.
Destreit, dellroitz, d'estroit, difiricfy dijlrefs
Destrement, speedily.
Deltrefces, dijireffes.
Destresle, destrelTcc, compuljion.
Destreste au roi, abridge
the king.
Destreynt, proved a title
Dcstrier, to try.
Destroufes, dejlru, ion.
Destrucr, to condemn.
Destrut, dejlroyed.
Destrutz, put out of, dif
Desturbance, impediment.
Defvie, abufed.
Deluer, to break through,
Jet qfde, undo.
DelVerie, folly.
Defuefe, injury, hindrance;.
DefvestieSj naked, uncloath,
Defuis, defus, defuys, above.
Defuis TeDdre,tofurrendcro
Delvoier, to wander cut of the way.
Defurder, to raife.
F 2 DefureSj

(delwedd B7595) (tudalen 068)
68 68 D E
Defunes, above.
Defurir, destres.
Defvorre, devoured.
Dcfvoye, deviate.
Defuis le mot, under the
Defyra, tore.
Det, /aid.
Detrahe, taken out of the
hands of, taken from.
Decrees (a), to the decreafe.
Detreie, withdrawn.
Detrenchent, cut.
Detrie, tried.
Detriment (le), the trial.
Deu, Deus, Deux, God.
Deu, of.
Deu, of the.
Deu, a debt.
Deu, deuz, due.
Deuantz, devotions.
Deubter, was afraid.
Deu cas, two cafes.
Deues, two.
Deura, deurons, ought.
Deurees, dueres, deuries.
deures, devers, money.
Deuroient, sloould shield.
Deuront, deurent, ought.
Deurra, will give, will
Deutz, deubtz, due.
Deuvre, to be indebted.
Djux, dies. D E
Deux (en), on God, in
Deux, deus, two, both.
Deuxiefme, fecond.
Devaler, to go downwards.
to bring down.
Devanciers, aforetime.
Devanciers, ancestors.
Devan \uy, from him.
Devantement, devoutly.
Devates, disputes, debates.
Deveier, will deny.
IDtw enem, which fall, come
Devenfit, had come.
Devenfist enceinte, became enjient.
Devenuz, arrived at, become.
Devent, before.
Devenk, devent, become.
Devcr, to dye.
Devcr, to owe, to be indebted.
Dever, duty.
Dever, devers, againfi.
Devere eaux, on their
Devers, dead.
Devers, the money.
Devers le fyn, towards the
Devers pere ou mere, of the father's or mothefs
Devers la mere, on the
mother's fide.

(delwedd B7596) (tudalen 069)
tkverfee, withj in the
power of.
Devereire, devoir.
Devereit, ought to be.
Devereit dire, ought to fay.
Deverait (ne), ought not
to have.
Deverount (a ceux qui
les), to the owners.
Deverie(en),/K a delirium.
Devestua (ne), foall not
be put by.
Devez, devifed, furmifed.
Devi, owes.
Deviasl, dyed.
Devicocz, had fell, had
come into.
Devient, dye; alfo, they
Devin, divine.
Devinar, divination.
Devis, devife.
Devisable, divifible.
Devifee, devifed, appointed.
Devifes (en), in the division.
Devifeemenr, feverally.
Devoer, ability.
Devoidable, may be divided.
Devoir, to have.
Devoir, deCtitut, dejtitute
of wealth.
Devolupa, devolute, devolved.
Devomus rien, we owe nothing. 69
Devote (ne), ought not.
Devove, appointed.
Devouz, devoted.
Devoy, fubmit.
Devoyant (en), in right
Devoy er, endeavour.
Devy elpoufera, foall ef-,
Dewaunt, before.
Dewe, due.
Dewe, two.
Dcx, God.
Dexcinr, fifteen.
Dey, finger.
Dey appcr, ought to appear.
Dey, devy, dieth, died.
Deycuns, we faid.
Deyes, drivers of , eefe.
Dcyne, his own.
Dey me, the tenth.
Deyms, deynes, does.
Dey mil s, fayd.
Deynr, alledge, fay.
Deyve, deyvent, deiva.
deyne, owe, ought.
Deze, dez, ten.
Dezeyners, deciners.
DT, half
Dian, dean.
Diaules, devils.
Diaulx, two.
Dibendre, Friday.
Dibilic, disabled, reduced,

(delwedd B7597) (tudalen 070)
70 F Dicel.
, 0 D f
Dicel, of this same.
Dicelle (a), from henceforth.
Dici, of this.
Dist, « ijoord.
Diem an e, Sunday.
Dieme, the tenth.
Diemenches (li rois des).
rex dierum dominicorum, Trinity-Sunday.
Dien, they fay.
Dienee, deanry.
Dient, ought.
Dieu, due.
Dieux, two.
Diez, Dies, Dieux, God.
Disalmement, defamation.
DifFenle, defence.
Differ, defeated.
Diffinite, of affinity.
Diffie (foy), pits himfelf
DifFuantz Ic lei, in defiance
of the law.
Dignier, a fenny.
Dijau, Dijou, ihurfday.
Di jco, I fay.
Dilai, deJay.
Dilapidez, dilapidated,
wasted, fquandered away.
D'ilent, of the entire.
Dillation, delay.
Dilliours, of eletlors.
pilueques,/ri//» tkmce. Dimaigne, dimeine, dn
meins, dimeignt, dimenche, dimegne,, iK«r
Dimar, Tuefday.
Dimecre, tVednefday.
Dimifes, difmiffed.
Diner, a -penny.
Dinquios, as far as, hi.
Dins, /», within.
Diole, a dial.
Dionc, may fay.
Diotre, due, daily.
Dious, Dius, God.
Direchef, again.
Direpc, took, accept.
Dirrain, lafi.
Dirs enkes, different inks.
Dirupt, broken down.
Diruite, thrown down.
Dis, ten.
Disastentz, diffent.
Disavaile, disadvantage.
Disavances, unadvancedy
unpro'vided for.
Diiavifcs, unwary.
Disavowable de droit, againjl law.
Difccte, he defends.
Disch, dish.
Dischapper, to efcape out
Dileheifit (ren), any thing
fjould be abated.
Difci, dis {icum, finceyfor
as much as.

(delwedd B7598) (tudalen 071)
71 Difcolture, difcolouring.
Difcombrance, dijluvbance.
Difcontinue, difcontinuance.
Difconveniable perfons.
improper, wifit perfons.
Difcorage, difcouragement.
Difcourer, to cleanfe.
Difcoverirent, uncovered ,
Difcovcrc, a woman unmarried.
Difcrcpancie, a disagreement, difference.
Difcries enemies, proclaimed, notorious enemies.
Difcriver, difcever, to dif
DifcLirrer, to run up and
down, through.
Difcuter, to difcufs.
Difdeinance, despifing.
Difdid, a yielding or confession of guilt.
Dife, the tenth part.
Difeame, unfcived.
Difeafe, trouble, inconvenience, dijlrefs.
Difeafez, injured, troubled.
hindered, difquieted.
Difenef, nineteen.
Difes, dice.
Difefet, feventeen.
Difctte (de),/(5r want.
Disfoith ataunt, ten times
as much.
Pifgrade, degraded. D I yi
Dislieritefon, difinherifon.
Difinfovie, unburied, taken
up again.
Disliee, under no obliga- tion.
Disliver, to displace.
Dilmables, tytheable.
Difmaric, unmarried.
Difme quinquinall, a tenth
'of all goods for five year s
Difmenges, on Sundays.
Diloitifme, the i, th part.
Dispaire (en), in danger.
Disparagation, diiparagement; the matching
an heir, (yc, in mar,
riage, under his or her
degree or condition, or
againji the rules of de,
Dispencer, to dif charge,
Dilpend, depend.
Dispendre, put off, hinderedy avoided.
DHpendus, dispenfedwitk.
Disper, despair, danger.
Dii'pergez, dispated, fevered.
Disport, diversion, enter'
Dispit, dispitz, contempt.
Dilpitoufe, contcmptucus.
Displett displeafes.
Dispos (mis en), laid up.
Dilporter (eux), eafe theniy
excufe them.
F 4 Dispuceler,

(delwedd B7599) (tudalen 072)
72 D I
74 D I
Dispuceler, to deslower.
. Difro b be, robbed, spoiled.
Difiate, Saturday.
Disleites, deceits.
Dislentcz, diffenjions.
Diffi la qui, tint ill that.
Disliny, performed.
Distifme, tenth.
Difvyt, dyfwiit, eighteen.
Distu, deceived.
Did commun, common report, same.
Dislaunce, difference, dispiite.
Distinder, to difiinguish.
Distintiaunr, dijlinguishing.
Difutime, eighteenth.
DistraCtion (fans), without damage.
Dislz articles, aforefaid articles.
Dislraire, to withdraw.
Dillreafable, which may be
Dislri61uels, dislricls.
Dislreindre (fans rien) en
dure man, holding him
by the hand without
fqueezing it too hard.
Distrent (que), wLo alledged.
Distrent (ils), they faid.
Diltrover, to deslrcy.
Dislrue, diltroue, dtslroyed, (iisparaged.
Diiturbance, hindrance.
prevention. DO
Disturberent (ne les), did
not prevent them.
Dit, decree.
Dit (en), in word.
Ditant, during the time.
Ditas parties, the faid
Ditez, called.
Dition (en la), in the
power , jurifdi, ion.
Divers, differing, different.
Divenement, diverfely, feverally.
Dividende, schedule, lisl.
Divinal, of divination.
Divifc, given.
Division, ejtablishment.
Divont (ne), ought not.
Dix, God.
Diz, faid, aforefaid.
Dm, domina, dame, lady.
Doayre, doans, dower.
Dobbours des draps, fellers of cloth.
Doctrinez (en), inslruSted
Doel, grief.
Doen, gift.
Doen cliar, due ejlate.
Does, given.
Doi cent (li), the 200.
Doiauntz, who ought.
Doibt, doi, deux, finger.
Doibuent, ought to be.
Doient (que il), what they
owe, that they are in debt.

(delwedd B7600) (tudalen 073)
73 D O
Doigne, granted.
Doigner, tenders, yields.
grants, gives.
Dome, ought.
Doioers, dowers.
Doire, to hear.
Doirees, wares, goods, effeSis.
Doit, doner, ought to give.
is to give.
Dol, forrow, grief.
Dolauz, aggrieved.
Doleances, grievances.
T)o\twi, grieving, troubled.
Doles (les) de foresl, the
bounds oftheforeji.
Dolet, an ax.
Dolions, we complain of.
Doloir, to aggrieve.
Doloroufemenc, wofully.
Domage, dammage.
Dome , ndiX, final fentence.
Domerche, domejlic.
Doms estre cerceins, ought
to be certain.
Domt, give.
Don, of the.
Donables, ajfignahle.
Donance, giving.
Don aunt, procurement.
Done, giien.
Done, donislions, taken.
Donei, granted.
Donerunc, vave, granted.
Donewyz, '-, unwich.
Don lui, of the place.
Donnant, rcfervation.
Donne, a lady.
Donor (de), by gift.
Donqes, then.
Donu, donefein, doneifon.
donyfon, donacioun.
gift, grant.
Doraunt, during.
Dorce, back.
Dore, a door.
Dorem,Doream, Durham.
Dorer (a), to be given.
Dorefenavant, from henceforth.
Dorra, shallgive it, or dispose of it.
Dorront, agree, confent.
Dorrount, remain there.
Dortour novell, new dormitory.
Dos (par le), by the creji.
Do fee, twelve.
Dofer, dol'el, a hanging or
canopy of filk, filver, or
gold-work, under which
kings or great perfonages
fit; alfo the back of a
chair of ft ate.
T)oiAunc(ts,disputes, doubts.
Dote, doutftful.
Dote (nount pas) dc- trespafier, are not at all
afraid of offending.
Dotier (il fait a), there is
reajon to fuspett.
Dotif, doubtful.
Dotoient, /r'-;;/ /.
Dotous. douAful.;■; ucuht.
Douer, gft. ■
Doujour?, of t:.
:J 'lice.

(delwedd B7601) (tudalen 074)
gracious, gentle.
Douloit, complained of.
Dounfres, Dumfreis.
Dount, wherefore, from whence.
Dovorre, Dover.
Dour, given.
Douree, Dover.
Dous, two.
Doull, ought, must.
Doustres, diistres, leaders.
Doutance, doubtantes.
Doutantz (meyns), lefs
Doute, fear, fears.
Doute ceo, apprehends,
fupports it.
Doute, en doute, douhtful.
Douterent, feared.
Doutez, feared.
Douvent, give.
Doux, two.
Douymc, the fecond.
Dovvarie, dower.
Dowc, endozved.
Yioy, finger.
I)ov (ne), I ought not.
Doy bien avoir (Ic), // is
right I fJjoidd have it.
Dovgna, condefcended.
Doygncr, doigncr, to give.
Doynt, gives.
Doz (au), en cur backs. D R
Doz peres, the twehB
peers of France.
Dozze, doze, dozime, dozine, twelve; the 12th.
Dr, drz'it,. right.
Dragges, draggus, little
boats or veffels formerly
ufed on the river Severn.
Dragguent oistres, drag
Drappcaux quarrez, banners.
Drechier, to redrefs.
Dred: (par), by right.
Dreille, a ditch.
Dreine, produced.
Drekes, until.
Drence, difference.
Drenc (il est), he is prcV'
Drenerc, lajl.
Drengage (en), the tenures
by which the drenches or
drengers held their lands.
Dres, Drez, right.
Drefcenn (la), redrefs it.
Dreder, to compile.
Dret, a dret, overagainf}.
Drettcs, right, jitsl.
Dretture, right.
Dreyn, drein, prefent, lajl
Dreyn (au), at lajl.
Dreyt (tot), dire, ly.

(delwedd B7602) (tudalen 075)
(de), of law.
Droit (en), concerning, in right of.
Droite mauveste (p), out of mere wickedness.
Droiturs et devots, just and devout.
Dromandes, dromandes, vessels called by that name.
Droufda, Drogheda.
Drout, diont, say.
Druthin Dieu, the house of God.
Du, God.
D’uat, before.
Dublee, duplicate of, repeated.
Dublein (treis), threefold.
Dubles (treis), three times twelve.
Ducatz tetz, dutchy fees.
Duce, kind, tender.
Duce, leads.
Duce (eawe), fresh water.
Duchemen, Dutchmen.
Dudzime, twelve.
Due, of the.
Due, !o dispose of.
Duerent avoir (ne), 77iight
not have.
Duer, lafs, endures.
Dues, two.
Dues, ought.
Duete (de), as a duty.
Duetees, duties.
Ducz (lui), due to hinj.
pu faire, io dj 757S D V
t)ui, to-day.
Dui fil, two fons.
Duislby (que jeo), that I
am fuppofed.
Dui st, let him give.
Duist aver tQQu'is, fuppofed to have been killed.
Duit, duiste, duislent, aver
este, ought to have been.
Duitez, duytz, duties,
Dulee le roy (tres), mosl
gracious king.
Dun, gift.
Dunes, downs.
Dunge, dune, give, given.
Dunk, dune, dunky, then.
Duodes, twelve.
Duoirs, duties.
Duppur, duplicate.
Durement dormy, slept
Durer, continue, remain.
Dures, hardened.
Duiefie, durette, hardship.
Duiete (canz de),y, many
Durice, durete, durce,
compulfon, durefs.
Durrnene, overcome.
Durra, will give.
Durum s, live.
Dus, duke.
Dufcenz, two hundred.
Dulerme, twelfth.

(delwedd B7603) (tudalen 076)
7676 E A
Duskcs a chon qe, until
DulFc, two.
Duslent, dufont (que).
who shciild, ought , are
Dustres, ring-leaders.
Duw (en lu), in due place.
Duz, due.
Duz, dus, dug, a leader.
Dufze, duze, tivelve.
Duzim, twelfth.
Dy, duejust.
Dyent,y, , are of opinion.
Dyent est re, they fay moreover.
Dymain (le), the morrow.
Dymenges, Sundays.
Dymes, tythes.
Dymeyne, dy main,6'««, , j.
Dymis, tythes.
Dyners, dinners.
B'yntrLision, of intrufwn.
Dys, dyz, ten.
Dyleot livres et neof.
eighteen pounds Jiincshillings.
Dyspais (touz), everfjice.
Dyvelyz, Diihl'm.
Dyvent point (ne), ought
Dyvintz, divines.
' Ea, and, alfc, further.
Eagc, age. E E '
Eage, life.
Eantz, having.
Eare, to plow.
Eafe (fera), 7nay eafe him.
Eafez, moderate, eafy.
Eaue, eave, eawe, water.
Eaux, ewes.
Eaux, they.
Eaux meilincs, themfehcs.
Eauz, eaux, eaus, them.
Ebahir, to befurprifed.
Eble, Eubolo.
Ebrieux, Hebrew.
Echeist, falls.
Echerount, sh all fall out.
sh all fall J shall escheat.
Echever, to efcape.
Ecil enfens la terre (fore
k), only those within
that land.
Ecumieur, a pirate.
Ede, Eudo.
Edcl, noble, illujlrious.
Edovart, Edvalt, Edwars.
Ee (aver), to have been.
Een, be.
Een fait dcins Tan (ne
yen), has not been made
within the year.
Eent, have.
Ecs, bfcs.
Eefe, plea [tire.
Eeil, ell, 'Ecist.
EeZ; hear J had, have.

(delwedd B7604) (tudalen 077)
Esfcrtull, E I
EsFerant 1', the proportion.
EsFeaulI, effectual.
EsForablement (tant), in
as a strong manner.
EsForcer, to aid, ajjiji.
Esforcement, force.
EsForcez, slrengthened, fecured.
EsForcier peis, to break a
treaty of peace.
EsFouage, hearth money.
EsFours, efforts, endeavours.
EsFunder, to shed, spill.
Egarri, healed.
Egas, decision, judgement.
Egecestre, Exeter.
Egglifc, church.
Egife, lyes.
Egistemenr, ogifment.
Egle, eagle.
Egle (de I'honur de 1').
of the honour of the
Eguifer, to happen.
Egun, any.
EguLint glia elle, they
have been.
Ehonte, infamous.
Ei 0'), I have.
Eians, men.
Eiants, having.
Eide, aid.
Eien.s, ever.
Eier veue (i'), have fen
it. 77EI 77
Eies, forwards.
Ejets a cuer, have at
Eil (s'), if they.
Eimient Dieu, love God.
Ein, ceo, rather.
Eincz fes hours, before
thefe times.
Eindegre, own accord.
Eine temps (d'), before.
of a prior date.
Eines, in, that.
Einglife, church.
Ein quy, within whofe.
Einfnes, eldesl.
Eins ceo, when, unlefs, the
same, rather, until.
Eins ceux q le adior, before the plaintiff.
Eins (fi), before.
Eins tenus (l'), in the
mean time.
Einsperkcr, impound..
Einz, but, in.
Einz ceo qil, before thai
Einz qe, before that.
Eioms, have.
Eions (dc), of having.
Eions (de), of his.
Eir (1'), the eyre.
Eir, eirs, heir, heirs.
E i re n c, wander, fray.
Eires, ayries.
Eiric, to hatch.
E:rie de elpernons, a
young brood of ha ivks.
Eiskes, yt EL

(delwedd B7605) (tudalen 078)
Eislees, until.
Eisli, as.
Eislj CO est a faver, ififomuch.
Eisll ne por quant que.
provided, neverihelefsy
EifliUiez, exiled.
Eifllr, to go out of.
Eifiic, departure, exit.
Eiflb, this.
Eifl (de r), on the eajiern
Eit n., have not.
Eivers (de), of goods found.
of cattle.
Eivos, behold.
El, in; nothing.
Elbit, eight.
Elef, elefe, slux and reflux.
Eles, eyes.
Elevi, chofen.
Eleyer (poet), may chufe.
Elez, on a fudden.
Elin, a gentleman.
Elifer, to chufe.
Ellus, chofen.
Elegger, to alledge.
Eloviaunce, allowance, connivance.
Elm, helmet.
Elves, chofen.
Elus, ufuages.
Embandiz, emboldened, encouraged.
Embas, below. 78E M
Embatent (s'), intermeddle.
Embeafiler, to fileh.
Kmbd\\es,fet forth, Shewed.
Embesche, impeached.
Emblea difmes, carries off
his tytbes.
Em blear (1'), the emblem,
Embleent, carry out of.
Embleer, a feedfman, to
Emblemy, unimpeached.
Embler, tofleal.
Emblez, embles, emblees
(par), by Jtr at agent, by
Embloioure (de), ofjlealing.
Embofoigne, 7ieedeth, requiretb.
Embofoignera (fil), if need
Embrace, undertaken, em,
braced, purchafed.
Embracez (ont), have ingroffed.
Embreafer, to hum.
Embrevure, a register.
Embu, drunk up.
, WLh\xzY.z\\\, wi,amhufcade.
Erne, with.
Erne, emie, ejlimation.

(delwedd B7606) (tudalen 079)
Emerckri:, , E M
Emercient, amerced.
Eme.rgentz, arifing.
Emfle, puffed up.
Emfauntz, children.
Emi, emmi, in half, in
the middle.
Emiecz, iffuedy fent out.
Eminentz, impe?idiHg.
Emmi, between.
Emmorti, become dead.
Emmurrer, to wall about.
Emoi, emotion.
E 111 i n es , wit neffes.
Emologation de la court
de parlament, the conjirmation of the court of parliament.
Emon, Edmond.
Emon'ir, admeniJJjed.
Empakkur (T), the packing.
Emparke, emparkez, impounded.
Emparkement, a park, en
Emparnours, undertakers
of fuits.
Empafliment (en ion), in
his infirmity, impediment.
Em pec he, impeached.
Empeirez, empirez, impaired.
Em pell \T[ 1'), which is
Emptrndent, pendant.
Empenfioiis, pensions. 79EM 79
Empercment, in ornamenting, repairing.
Emperez (fe foient), have
poffeffed them/elves of.
Emperler, to imparle.
Empernant, affuming, pretending to.
Empernent a champart.
take for maintenance.
Empernour, ihe taker.
Em pes chenienz (por divers), an account of divers impediments.
Empeschable, impeachable.
Empeschement, impeachment, impediment.
Empetrer, to require, io
Empiel (ley), imperial or
Ctvil laiv.
Empiete, impiety.
Empire tant nequant, neither better or voorfe than
Kmplee (cenc), latidfozvn.
i, mplere, to fill.
Empleroms, we will fulfil.
Emplevist (fe), got pofj'efsion again.
Emplir, to fulfil.
I'miply, imply ed.
Kmportablez charges, intolerable, heavy charges.
Emportunemenr, impcrinnately.
Empotentz, So E N

(delwedd B7607) (tudalen 080)
Empotentz, impotent t infirm.
Emprain(5l, im-pressed.
Empraine, in hand.
Emprant, borrowing.
F.mpreiant, praying.
Empreigne, em print, taken
upon thcmfelves.
Emprenr, borrow; alfo.
Emprent, who undertakes.
Emprent, impression.
Empres, pledged.
Empresterenr, engaged,
Emprez, empres, after.
Empriantz, befeeching.
Emprimechief, firfi of all.
Empris, undertaken, taken
Emprisle, undertaking.
Empriums, beg, pray.
Empromptz, empraunt.
emprant, borrowing.
Empuis (d'), afterwards.
Empuisle, may.
Empuislbnement, imprifonment.
En, in, by, within.
Enaager, to declare one to
be of age.
Enabyter, to inhabit.
En apres, hereafter.
Enarer, in time pafi.
Enarer cea, to this time.
Icrctofore, 80E N
Enavant, for tU time t9
En oultre, furthermore.
Enbataillez, in battle array, engaged in battle.
Enbeverer, to water, alfo
a watering place.
Enbeverer (droit de), right
of watering, or taking
in water for cattle.
Enblauncher, to blanch, to
make white.
Enblee, enblaye de ble
yvernail, fown with
winter corn.
Enbleir, to fieal.
Enboifinera, will want.
Enbofid, emboffed.
Enbofognez, engaged in
Enbouellecz, embowelled.
Eribrace, encroached.
Enbraudez, embroidered.
Enbrever, to minute down.
to reduce into writing.
Enca, heretofore, some time
Encariez, carried away.
Encaver, to beware.
Encea, enci, fo, alfo, afterwards.
Enccpper, to confine him.
Encerc, yet.
Enccynte, quick with child.
Encha (depuis hiiit jours).
within thefe eight days,
En chain, appeafe.

(delwedd B7608) (tudalen 081)
E N "
Enchancer, to alter, to
Enchappelle, crowned with
a crown y or coronet.
Encharger, encharchees,/.?
give in charge.
Enchafe, drove away.
Enchafer, to compel.
Enchaleonez, chafed.
Enchason, enchefon, encheslbn, enchefcun, en, chifon, caufe, occasion.
Enchaunterie, witchcraft.
Enchaz et rechaz, inchace
and outchace; the right
of driving cattle to and
from a common.
Encheires, enhanced, made
Encheiez, decayed.
Encherer, to enhance the
price of.
Encherifie (ne),, c not raife
the price of.
Enchefcune, encheifonez.
enchcfones, enchefon.
funished, called in qtiestion, crofs-examined.
Enchiez, at, to.
Enchi la, there.
Enchres, anchors.
Enci, /o, alfo, afterwards.
Enclaimanr, claiming.
Enciairf], hrouvht to li'iht.
Enclarre, d'enciorc, to:nclofc. 81E N i
Encliner del oyl (par), hy
a wink of the eye.
Enclos (lejour), the day
Enclofe, to inclofe.
Encloslrure, inclofure..
Enclouez, sludded.
Enclowe, pricked by a
Encoires, hefides.
Encois, before.
Encolourerent, involved.
Encombremen, incroachment., incumbrance.
Encomicer, to be committed.
Encon, on high.
L ncontre, meets, encountered, oppofed.
Encontrer (d'j, to jneet.
Encontre mount, in the
Encontre val, downwardsi
Encontrevenent, undo.
Enconvent, enconvenancies, covenanted.
Encorancment (1'), the c(P
F.ncorovctz, encourage.
E n c o r Li , a cere wing .
Encoruc, encoruz, barred.
Encoruz, encoure, encoI'li, incurs.
Encoile, collateral.
Encolleanies, on the laKhs.
Lr.coiip.tiibleSj tcthe count s.
-T Encuup;;,

(delwedd B7609) (tudalen 082)
8282 EN
Encoupe, indi£ledt charged.
accufed, guilty.
Encouterabk, count erpleadable.
but as foon as ever.
Encrccedu moiul (dc lour).
cf their worldly income.
Encrecer, to accrew, to increafe.
P, ncres, increafe, accession.
Encrest, accrews, increafes.
Y.ncroc,Jixed to a crofs.
Encruslrent, iticreafed.
Encurru, come, arrived.
Encufer, to accufe.
Encuicrez (n'), ivill net
Y.T\cukmtvdJndiolment,accufation, impeachment.
Ency, therein.
Encz, but.
Endegcs, fupsrnnn:iatcd.
Endeiront, ijoill endeavour.
Endentier (d'), to indent,
to he made party to en
Endctte la maifon (il), he
hcd run the houfe in
Endcvera, faire (ceo quil).
ijuhat be ouzht to do
Endeux, both.
Endcyvent eilre quires
(qi.iil), thai they ought
to be ilist.harged. E N
Endicion, indiSIion.
Endirez, in like manner
may be /aid.
Endirra, will declare.
Enditement, interpretation.
Endivrons, will ajfijl.
Endormer, to charm.
Endormy (t'uit), was dor,
Endosle, back, encourage.
Endosler, endoccr, to indorfe.
Endou, to be endowed.
Endreit (a feit nous), hath
made us amends, fatisfaolion.
Fndreyt, relating to.
Endroit (1'), without, outwards.
Endroir, d'endrett, in right
cf, with respeol to.
Endront (en quel},/;? what
Enducenr, cccasion, bring
V. n d u c c ro n t, will pcrfir.dc.
Enducez (a cc), brought
to that.
Enduirons (ne), will not
entice, perfuade.
Endurze, hardened.
juiccz, have, received.
lilnem'iP.bleiriCnt, in a hostile manner.
Enentc, ruined.

(delwedd B7610) (tudalen 083)
83E N
Encwance de draps, watering of cloth.
Enfamant (adtions en), actions of fcandal.
Enfamie, infamy, infamous.
Enfaimcea, enfaunc engendra, brought forthy
of was delivered of a
Enferges, put in irons.
En ferment, confine.
Enfiace, mercy.
Enfile, twined, t', risled.
Enfo, enfovie, buried.
En fond re, broke.
Enforce, firengthens.
Enforfet, offending.
Enformer, to inslrucl, inform.
Enformefons, spscches.
Enfortune (par), by miffortiine, accident.
Enfouncez, ■poured out.
Enfoundrecs, fiink, everslowed, under water.
Enfourny, performed.
E n frai g n a n ce, infringement.
Enfraindrant, fJoall infringe.,
Enfranchife (nient), not of record.
Enkaunchee (a poi), almojl overrun with franchifes.
oee Lowei ,
G EN , 3
Enfreindre (1'), the breach.
Enfrenge, enfreimte.
Enfreoms, ive will do
Enfuist, deferts.
Enfyiucz (melius enii
ti)ez),> kiHed , \
Eniiacie, mort, azed.
EnL!;ao;e, betrothed.
Engager le batail, to offer battle.
Engaigement, pledge.
Ehgaines, guarded.
EngarnicS, withheld, furrounded, fenced-in.
Engaux, equal.
Engendre (a), to bebegotten.
Engendrure, iffue.
J', ngctter, engeicer, to ejecl.
Engin, enghein, enginemen c (mai), /// dejign.
dccit, fraud.
Engirer (pur), to cheat .,
defraud, feducCy intice.
E n g i n e u fe ill e n t , groaning.
Englarerra (roy d'), k'rng
of England.
Engleleid, England.
Kng'.elehe, i'.ngles, Enghsh.
Englecherie, proof that a
pcrfon fctr:d hiUcd was
of Er.glifo extrii, ion,
and not a forel'mer.
Di.-t. Alfath.
2 Eneluc-

(delwedd B7611) (tudalen 084)
8484 E N Engluerount (fe), will fix
en themfehes the guilt of the crime.
Engnes, Agnes.
En gracious, ungracious .
Engravance, grievance.
Engriever, to aggravate.
Engyn par, by deceit.
Enhabler, to enable.
Enhauce, enhaunce, raifedf exalted.
Enheritants (les), the inhabitants.
Enheriteez (est), is intitled.
Enheritementez, hereditaments.
Enheritez, having an inheritance in.
Enhuiller, to adminijler extreme unBion.
Enientez, rendered niill, avoided.
Enjevin, of Anjou.
Enimisle, enmity.
Enjojalee, furjiishedy provided with jewels.
Enjont, enjoining.
E n i oy n te, joined.
Enkc, ink.
Enki, thuSy fo.
Enlaylla, y, /// thither.
Enleist, delivers up.
Enli, infcad cf.
Enlost, in ihe army.
Enmediate, immeliate. E N
Ennaagerunt, proceeded ontheir voyage.
Ennenti, defeated.
Enneur, honour.
Ennoliement, extreme unction.
Ennoy, annoy.
Ennoyastes, fent.
Ennoyer, to fend him aivay, remove him.
Ennoyez, troubled, grieved.
Ennoys, necefjities.
Ennoyter, enoyter, to annul.
Ennucrent, whojn they fent.
Ennuist, to day.
Enombrafer, to sljade, cover.
Enor (T), the honour.
Enordeniant, in an irregular, undue manner.
Enordinant, inordinate.
Enorez, honoured.
Enoukre, moreover.
Enoundez, overflowed.
Enournez, adorned.
Enoyter, to annul.
Enpanr, compofed.
Enparkeler, to fence in.
Enpa\'nc.s, put to pain.
Enpcchez, impeached.
E n pc i r a n t , .mpatrir.g.
Enpeircmciir, detriment.
En pclrtz, impaired.
Enpenfioiie, a pension.
Enpciifoncj (nc), don t intend.
Enperi,. E N
Enperi, worfe.
En pi re, embafed.
Enpleynnaunt, hy way of complaint.
Enploienc mye (n'), do not
lay out.
Enplyes, employed.
En poin, /;; hand.
Enpori, impoverished.
Enporri {i\), fo slale.
Enportera le realmCj Shall
be kino.
Enporter heritage, to run
away with the inheritance.
Enportez, carried away.
Enpres, after.
Enpigne, took, received.
Enprilant, defiring.
Enpris unt, enpiicz, have
Enprist le chymin, entered
upon his journey.
Enpromptz, things borrowed.
EnprontTOunt, imprifoned.
Hnprovour, proveditor.
Enprovver (<j'), to improve.
Enprueez, improved.
Enprumpt'j, borrowed.
En pus, produce.
Enque (par), by the inquejl.
Kncjrg (fi), let him inouirc.
Eqrert, to get, take.
Enqucrrcz, inquiries. E N

(delwedd B7612) (tudalen 085)
85 Enquerelant (nul), no
plaintiff, no fuit.
Enquerelez, impleaded.
Enquesl:er,/«J out.
Enquicter, dijlurb.
Enquore, yet,slill.
Enracier, en racer, to pull
up by the roots.
Enrollement de fes lains.
at the rolling up of his
Enrollez, folded up.
Enroyer (m'), to grant me.
Ens, in, within, between.
Ens ne feit (fi), unlefs it be.
Enfanle, in blood.
Enfarchemenr, an examination, a refearch.
En fan fie, exalted.
Enfayer, enfuer, to purfue.
Enrealer,, «/ up, impound.
Enfeares, enfeires, locked
Enfecchi, dried up, withered.
Enicgie, bcfugcd.
Enleigne (loial), lawful
Pliileignenientz, qualifications.
Enieigner, to shczv, appear.
EnieigriLirant fur I'edat le
roy, lording it ever the
fic'.ic of the king.
Enleintcz, v:iih child.
Er.leiver, to fcrvc.
G:; Enlelle,

(delwedd B7613) (tudalen 086)
86 EN
Enselle, addled.
Ensemble, it seems meet.
Ensement, likewise, in like manner, in the same manner.
Enfencers, confers.
], :i Tc n i e , ifish v/ cted.
Enlenler, to ir-foym.
Enfenfes, iijccvfed.
Enlerres, cev/V be.
Enfervagcr, to ei/ave.
Enferver, tofubjc5f, charge.
Enferve, kept, , rfcr'vcd.
Enfcrvee, feri'ile.
Enfervir (ne poi: Ten).
is net CQ-;::pill:, ble.
Enfeverit (mcuz), much
better hic-iv.
Enleyncr, to pc'jj, point
i'-nfi ti\\'-, f'j, thus, alfoj in
like , iianuer.
i''.;-,!l pre", jo r.rar.
Liili totes voicS) p'oz'idcd
, 'Tiiier, tc Viio'u: or re. p.
r'nlic, ne, blecded.
.]'" nfigneme lu, rJJ]g:nuent.
ilnligncr. toJJj.zv.
Enfignere (en), in teachirg, iijrui:iing.
\'. r; ( J g n c i , occc.fiGned.
I'". r, n V n 1 1 i c; n , cr.figumc::t.
Erifinv'S, /'. ?;.:, .
i'.pfivi--:-.: (qc; s'), ivhiJj \. v.u .\\;r,.c:86 ivefoUoccd. E N
Enfiwyt il pas, // , Ci?j not
Enforquetot, ahove all.
Enstievant (en), in purfuance of.
En st res, entries.
Enfu, enfuyt, s'enfient.
fell CIVS.
Enlucr, to foUczv.
Eriluir, hereafter.
E n !\i i V a n t , againjl.
Enruivroic (il s'j, // 'ujould
Enlundis, in that cafe, alfo.
Enfiirc, obey.
L. n fii r in e 1 1 au n t . fuggejling.
Ei, furrer, to rife.
l, Pifus, big vjiih clnld.
Y.wi, in., in the mean time.
Er.r, thereupon, of them,
Ent (lV), thereof.
V.M, iriire, ivhole.
Kntaclvrr, to i'/ifeH.
E nr ag le, import ujied.
Entaineez, entered upon.
E ntamees, stlrrcd, rr.cz'od.
Enrant come, Jignfcs as
much as.
Enrartz, burned.
I'.nraunt, fo much.
I'lntaiiLir graui-it, he thereby as good as g-rr.nts.
Mntechclv:, t,u::!cd, infcbJed.
Entcin';, nnJ.crfocd.
■ luuendable, E N
Entendable, to be underslood.
Enrendances, attendances.
Entendaunt, thinkingjmagining, iv.idcrjlood.
Entendement (1'), the form.
Entendementz, meanings,
Entendiblement, fully.
Entendre (fifi lui), viade
him believe.
Entendre, tc attend.
Entenk (jeo) y-entanks, /
Entenr, underjiand them.
Entente, intention, claim y
ahn, plaint, count.
Ententivement, carefully.
E ntenue, tinderfiocd, heard.
Enterceur, the party challenging the goods , hezvho
has placed ther/i in the
hands of a third perfon.
Enteritr.cs, enterince, enterrinc- entcrin, enterienc, entire, perfect.
Enteriner, to pcrfea.
Enter mains, en ere meins.
in our hands, in h.s
Enternient, entirely.
Entcynonr, hold, k'.cp.
Enreyfanc, tacitly, ly fyin, y nothing.
Eniexes, into zv-rjen.
En:ienf, holds.

(delwedd B7614) (tudalen 087)
87 EN 87
En tier (al), upon his entering.
Enticrcir, to depojtt a thing
with a third perfon., till
the property is proved.
En tiers (et les), and entries.
Entiers, entierent, intirely.
Entierte, the ivhole.
Entitle, qiialifed.
Entrainantz, dragging.
Entorfe, entoir, entonr.
en tour, entur, abciity
round, concerning.
Entoucher, to give a poifonoiis quality to any
Entover, to walk about.
Ent mettra(ne {t),will not
interpofe, affisl.
Entraiter (deresonable).
unreaf enable, iinjufi treatment.
Entralliez, confederated together, bind themfelves
EntraiTemes, entered.
l, ntre, above, beyond.
Enfe (a T), as far as the
Kntre, encre (de), ink.
E,':rc?.idic)ns lui uns I'autrc, wi'.l mutually aid
ecch other.
I'n'rpbar, an i-i'er'-f, cr.
\j 4 ]:.i'.Lli.bat,

(delwedd B7615) (tudalen 088)
88 88 E N J, ntrebat (par), hy interlopewent.
-Entrecoiient point (nc s').
do not intercommon,
Entredit (en temp d'), in
prohibited seasons.
Entrefcrrent, enga', e, fight.
Entreislets (ne), Should not
enter into.
Entrelaster, to put between.
'Emrth(i?tnt,omitting,Ieaving out, f.-elhjquishing, laying ajide.
Entieleste (nc), '■juculd net
proceed, in.
Entrclicre, to ohferi:e.
Entrelies (le fuirenr), bound
thenifehes together.
f.ntre\']gn\.Ke, ifjtelineatien.
Entrelutcrent, engaged together, fought.
Entremeiffent (fe), Should
occupy, be put into, intermeddle with, took tipon himftlf.
Entremelles (accions).
mixed a, iions.
Entrcmellies, ?}iixed, blended together.
Entre mcllure, , ,n intermixture.
Entre:ijifi,'d inquirer, , /thorifed to inquire, caufed
inquiry to be made.
Kc:rc!idi-e (fait), to he undt'i-jlocd. E N
Entreparler, to confult to,
Entrepennent, confult a,
mong t hemf elves i enterprifing.
Entreres, to be entered.
Entrerupt, interrupted.
Entreste (malemenr), evilly treated him.
Enrretant, in the mean
ivhile, to fulfil.
Entretz, interred.
Entreval, interval.
EntiT Ills (d'), among them.
Entrevylent (fe), have an
Entricare, interzvoven.
Entrignicr, accomplish.
Entromys (nous) in rhomage, we did homage.
P>.ti'ovez. narrczv pa£es.
Entrour, about.
Entruslee, increafed.
Ent tant regard (ni), neither paying regard.
Enryvemenc, entirely.
Entz, enz, but.
Envaifemen, an invasion.
Envee, envint, fent.
Envecr avant, /;; proceed.
Enveer (faccz), caufe to
be fent for.
Enveierons (lui n'), ijije
will not condemn him.
Envcillez, groivn old.
Envenanr, enfuing.
Envenoms, E N
Envenoms, have fent.
Enveogler, to inveigle.
Enveoms, enveons, enveuns, "jje fend.
Enverce, againji, towards.
Enverrez, i?iquired into.
En vers (I'), within.
Enveyees, envoys.
Enveyer, envoyer, envier.
to fend.
Envie (ne), nor damage.
Enviroune (mal), traduced.
Envis, with regret.
Envoderoms, we would
tnvoeglez, blind.
Envoez, become.
Envore (il), he fends.
Envorrez, fmll fend.
Envoyable, fJj all be fent.
Envoyellera (ponus enjojulera), ivill provide
with jewels.
Envoyglirment (en), in
avoyaance, in deceit of.
Envyurez, intoxicated.
Eniier, to enure.
Envver (en J, iri arrear.
Enyage, the right of elder ship.
Enz, in, within, but.
Eoque, becaufe that.
Eofs, eoues, eggs.

(delwedd B7616) (tudalen 089)
89 E R 89
Eofues, potius jeofnes
(genz), young people.
Eoins (que nous), that we
should have.
Eoms, have, .
Eos (al), to the ufe.
Ecu, he, him.
Eours de pite, works of piety.
Ephebe, one who is major.
Spouvantement, excufe.
Eppofant, the petitioner.
Epprendre (d'), to take.
Eps, a bee.
Equiture, to ride.
Equus (d') le hile dox.
until he hears.
Erainent, leaving off, avoiding.
Errai, will be.
Erantz, arantz, ploughing.
Erberage, provision for
Erberger, to lodge or harbour.
Ercedekene, herfedecome.
archdeacon, archdeaconry.
Ercevefques, archbishops.
Ercewec, the archbishop.
Eideront, shall aid, ad-.
here to.
Ere, be.
Ere, shall be.
Ere, crer, to fowe.
Erer, erier, to wander up
and down.

(delwedd B7617) (tudalen 090)
90 90 E S
Eri, I 'was.
Erinez, wajledy ruined.
Eritc (1'), the inheritance.
Erite, an heretic.
Ermyn, an ermine.
Eroer, erver, to journey, to
Erra, JJjall go.
Erraunt traitour, an arrant traitor.
Erreront, vjetit the eyre.
Errifcmeni, hindrance.
Erroign, erroneous.
Errois, Irijjj.
Errunt, J}:all hear.
Errount, go their heir.
Ers, heirs.
Erfoir, yefierday.
Ere, he rss'is, it was.
Ert (\\t),shaU not be.
Es, ez, />/, behold.
Esaple, fnrnpie.
Esbaiez, dbiiiz, efoahi, abajljed, jii'i prifcd, terrified.
Eltaire nous (pour), to
recreate curjches.
Esbaudes, ir>woklmedi encouraged.
Eicales, Jades.
Escar, cjlatc, cc;:.:hion.
I', fcarcetcc, fca, \. ity.
Escarlate (d'), cf fenrlet.
Escaricment, / vrra/y
Escarta dc ble, jairciiy cf
Hfcaud, damage, offer.: c. E S
Esceppe, slripped.
Eschair, happen.
Eschaist, ffjould intreat;
alfo Should ef cheat.
Eschant (q'il ne le) de
quaunt q'il fair, that he
did 7iot regard or fear
whatever he did.
Eschancier, to increafe, .
Eschaude, smothered.
Escheeur, happen.
Escheere en maladie, fall
Escheere (plus''', more dear.
Eschelement (par), by efcalade.
Escheler, to fcale.
'Eichement, Shunningi bending fram.
Escheqir, Esqiaquer, exchequer.
Eschcr (fi), if it happens.
Eichtrerie (d';, office of escheator
l'l,!c!ievc, escheizcd, fijunned, bent or bo'ijcd jrcm.
Escher'er, to pnforn:.
avcid. bend J y cm.
Eleheu (plusy, more afraid.
.]''!clv-u, befall ci:., happened.
l-schier (d'\ to fall down.
r:ic!/er (P), tie falling.
Ele!-,.ie, cOiiie, elliuer.
ei, ui', -, ck!.urc, cschercr. E S
ler, eschever, to fall or
happen unto, to ef cheats
to defcend, to fall to.
Erchiviffment, negligence.
ivant of care.
Eschiure, clehiver, eschure, escheverjCkhew.
to avoid.
Eschua, pulled down.
Eichuable, avoidable.
Elehuit, avoided, made default.
Esciencc (Icur), their confcience, bion-ledge.
Escienr (a), knozvledge, affiution, knowingly.
Esclairces, elelarcf, eschircie, chared up , exprcffed.
Esclariler (meus) le fet.
io explain the fact better.
Elelaundcr, difcredit, calumny, slander, prejudice.
Esclore, to fJjut out.
Escliire, afiuice.
Esciufe de Pafqucs, clufe
de i-.aiche, the fir jl Sunday after Easl.:r.
Esciuz, packs y bundles.
Lleocher , d'), to fjoot.
Escofiienge, efcumcDg, excommunication.
Escc):i. '.]!:, tr'cundit, denied rejCiled.
Eico.ile, a fcc:icc, a dark

(delwedd B7618) (tudalen 091)
91 E S 91
Escotchours, eschorcheours, those who slay cattle for their skins.
Escotcr, to pay.
Escoiidirad (s'en), clear
Escouk (doner), give him
a hearing.
Eleoundrc, efcondire, to
deny, rejeul.
Escourcer, to run, he in
ETcourccr (lui), excufe
Escourcher (pour) le parlement, to skorten the
duration of parliament.
E!coL]temenr, clearly, intel'i, ibly.
Eleraier countre lui, oppose
Eicreuz, increafed.
Eicries, treated of, dcfcribcd.
Llenez (felons), notorious.
proclaimed felons.
Eicrin, a coffer.
E ferine (j'), / hope.
Escripre (a fait), has caufcd
to be ivritten.
Eleripcura (les),7, , z// write
Escrit, declared, profcribed.
Escrits, direBed to.
Eicriure, write, certify, dcfcribe.
Elerover, a fcroll.

(delwedd B7619) (tudalen 092)
92 92 E S Escrowes, rolls of parchment, fcrolls»
Escruire (d'), to write to.
Escryeurs, writers.
Ercuminges (cum), by an
excommunicato capiendo.
Escumers,, ir, /(?j, corfuirs.
Esciine, eachy every.
Escuquiteur, an executor.
Eicurer, to fcoiir out.
Eleus d'or lol, a French
gold coin of the value of fix shillings.
Eiculer, prevent, excufe.
Escufement (en), in excufe.
Esciucrcit (q'il), that he
would lijlen to.
Escuz, excufe.
Escyncilles de {i:u, sparks
of fire. ,
Esee, cafy, coriir,7odio!is.
Esement, ccmmodioufy, an
Esez, eafed.
Esgarde, awarded.
Esgarr, elguart (a 1').
judgement, difcretion.
award, with rspcB to.
Esgle, eagle.
Es jours de fcstc:-, onfcafdays.
Fskep, eskip, pspcd.
Eslsippefon, f.vppiiig, or
pafjdge by fea.
ErKirmye, fghtiv.g. dtfence. ' E S
Eskole, school.
Eskuyns, bailiffs.
Esle, esleeuz, chofen.
Edevera (loxt), Sh all do an
Edit, eknion.
E sloi gn t,dijiurbed, delayed.
Esloignement, excufe.
Esloignement (pnr) du
payetnent,/(5r enlarging
the time of payment.
Esloigner, remove from.
Elloignez, prorogued, adjourned.
Elmercient, thank.
Esmerveilluz, vje wonder.
is wondcy, ul.
Esmon, Edmond.
Esmovenientj motion, commotion.
Kl'muz, cfmciitz, moved.
Jiirred up, dijlurbed.
Esne fiz, eldrji fon.
Elourketot, moreover, further.
Espaigne (monsr d'), John
of Ga.nty king of Cajlile
and Leon, duke of Lancadcr, i, c.
F.lplile, espccio.l.
Elp.innc-r Ic CL.il, to spare
the cofv.
Elparni, spnred, exempted.
Fiparpilenr, hranch out.
Eip-x. spccicUy.
ErDccefier, E S
Especefier, to Jpcify, to
Especerics, spices.
Elpechement (fans), ivithout dijlurbancey impediment.
Espcciallte, affinity.
Especies, [pedes , kinds.
Espee, thigh y leg, foot.
Espeie, elpeye, elpye, a
Elpelr (fans) de partir.
without hope of feparation.
Espeirer, to referve, spare.
Espeires, itnpaired.
Elpelotte, expeditated.
Espenfies, specified.
Elpenz, expence.
Esperitaux, espeulx, spiritual.
Espermrez (n'), will not
ElDernies j /pared, exemptEsperons, spurs.
Esperuex (au i'), to the
Espvc, spare.
Espeutciloun (pur\ pro
expeditattene canum in
forefia exifientium.
Elpeyere, a spear.
Espiantz, having in i;zVo;.
Etpiement, information.
Eipicr, to find outy to look
out, cbjerve.

(delwedd B7620) (tudalen 093)
93 E S 93
Espier (que), who informs
againji, accufes.
El'pies, watched.
Elpinaces (deux), two
pin aces.
Elpingles de boys, pins of wood.
Espifes, espoufals.
Espitau, a7i hospital.
Esplee le huisles, bolt or
lock the doors.
Esples, espkits (les), the
Espleit, needful.
Espleit (final), final iffue.
Espleytez, esploit, eiplotee, dspatchidy anfvoered, Jerved.
Esploir, to requeji, to implore earnestly with tears.
Esploit (au), in dispatcb
of, in performance.
Esploit (pur 1') de parlmenr, for the dispatch of parliament ar\' bustnef.
ElpK;it (pur Y),for carrying on, forih, , expencesof.
Esploir (qeDicu T), whom
Crd preferz-e, give Jucc:,) to.
Eip oiterenr, difcciirfedy
pe>-formed fucb exploits.
Eipljiics (etre), to be expended.
Esploiicz de la terre, delizered the esplees of the
7 Esploitier

(delwedd B7621) (tudalen 094)
94 94 E S
Esploitier (c), and to display.
Esploitz (les), thefervices.
Espoirance, hope.
EsporoLins, spurs.
Espofe, espolai!, espoufal.
Espoie, married.
Espovcri, impoveriJJjed.
Esprefement, exprcfsly.
Eiprovaunt (al), to the affertor.
Esproves, proved, marked.
Espuel, spiritual.
Espurger (foy), to purge.
to clear himfelf.
Esquel d' argent, filver
Elquelles, ivhich.
Esquers, efquiers, efquires.
Esquieles, ladles.
Elquunes, JJjeriffs, magistrates.
Estaiicier, to cherish.
Esleketurs, executors.
Esfent, extent.
EsientLi, assented.
Estientc-x, very learned.
EsTire (potiCis cfiire), to
Eslbierent (que ne), that
it helongeth not.
EiToirent (come ils), as if
they were.
Estoyer, to endeavour.
Eil, the eajl. E S .
Estaa,7?, ;7, j.
Eltable, ajiable.
Estable (de lour), under'
their department.
Eslablislement de dower.
fettlement, appointment.
or assuraiice of dower ,
made by the hushand or
his friends to the wife.
before or at marriage.
EstablilTements, a, s of parliament.
E (tab ly, /■///£■ J, appointed.
E st a c h e, , pier, pile, bridg e.
Eltages, efiates.
Estaignee, a pool.
Estalez, estalee, money to
be paid by inslalments.
Estails, slails.
Eilalls, estales, tools, fcales.
Ella nc he, a refer voir for
Estantz, [landing.
Estr, beim.
Estat (fi a), // is.
Eltat, fiatute, condition.
Esiat (n.y), ivas not there.
Estat (en 1'), into the place.
Estature (1'), estatere, the
Estatiitj eslate.
Estaul, firm, stable.
Estaulx, the falls in a

(delwedd B7622) (tudalen 095)
95 E S
Estaunchcr, tojlop, to put
an end to.
Estaunkes, JIankSj dams,
ivears, pools.
Estauntez, being.
Estclok (Ton), his clock.
Este, estce (en), infutmner.
Esle (la mi), Midfummer.
Edeaunce, being.
Esteiant, Jianding.
Esteient, estient, esteyent.
Estellle, ajlar.
Esteimes (n') estcioiins.
estiemes, pas, 'voe were
Esteindre, eileyndre, to
extefid to.
Esteint, becomes extincl.
Esteint de (qu), who wire
of, who fidcd with.
Esteint, citenc, extin£f.
Esteintz (mort), q, uite
Estemaunt, eflemans.
ejleeip.i?ig, accounting.
Estemue, raifed.
Eslendreit, would be fufficientj might be extended
Estente, en::int, cfleintc.
exten", 'value, ejlimation.
Ellen t (le), extends it [elf.
Jill'.'pne, Ellevc, Stephen.
Ellere ovclqe ie roi, en
luilenance de U coronc, E S 95
to jiand by the king, in
fupport of his, crown.
Eltcrilitat, fear city.
Esterlynge, a penny, a farthing.
Esterniers (en), in fneezings.
Esterz (vos), you are.
Estes, eflez, condition, efiate.
Esteyme, estainte, estagne.
estank, eilonbz, estcigne, tin.
Esteynant, (en) estenyfcment, in extinguishing.
Esteyndre, to extinguish.
Esteynent paye, flop payment.
Esthabelere, to eflabUsh.
Estiant, flood.
Estiemes (ke prefent i).
who were prefent there.
Estienes, estce, estei, been.
Estiens (nous), we are.
Estient, knowledge.
Elliez, llood, been.
ivili mures, robbers.
Eitiues (par les), by the
fluices .
Ell LIZ, ellleu, chofen.
Elloster, to store, flock.
fur nip.
Eltoi'jr, c-iler, estere, estr.
to jli:}:d iO, abide.
Elloiera, SG E S '
Estoiera (fi luy) la chose
perder, if heshould happen to lose the thing.
Estoilettes, gennets.
Estoiroit (ne), needed not.
Estoite, was.
Estole, afcbool.
Estoppe, clofej confined y
Estorement (a), in a large
quantity, not by retale.
Estorer (d), to make amends.
Estores, fiored.
Estorie (1'), the hijiory.
Estors, slock, slores.
Estoua, Shall be compelled.
Estouble, slubble.
Estovereit (lui), it would
be incumbent on him.
Eltourtre (pour), to Jiop.
Estoyer, happen, be.
Estoyent, were.
'Ei, oys, Jiands.
Estr, being.
, , iflraites, derived., drawn.
Estrangent, slr angle.
Ellraungiez (a luy), hath
rejlrained himjelf, hath
Estray (j') hors, I will go
out; will ejirange myf elf from.
Eitrayflauntes, firaying.
Estre, been.
Ellre (!'), the exiflence.

(delwedd B7623) (tudalen 096)
96 E S
Estre ceo (e), and befidei
(del bien), of the
Estre (voille), will be.
Estrestement, flri5lly.
Estrein, t{ix2i\n, flraiu.
Estreintier, to contra, .
take in.
Estreiont, they fir ay.
Kstreites (par), by ejlreats.
Estreitz, eftreats,_y?r, , /j.
Estremes des molins, mill-,
Eltrepes, shipped, pulled.
Estrct, fiands.
Estrete(haut), highflreet.
Estreutz, extended.
Estreygnaul (en), in confining.
Estreynerye, tin-works.
Estreyt, derived, defcended.
JLdrcytes, limited, contraBed, freight ened, taken in.
Estric (laroun), a notorious thief.
Estrier, writing.
Estrifs,7?n/(rj, disptitcs.
Estrippe, wafte.
Estrkhing, Eafi: Riding.
Estrivanenc, frove.
Estrivens, fiirrups.
Estroi(fler, to iv.firu5l.
Estropier, to spoiU wajie.
Estudcs, E V
Estudes (es), in the mufeums, colleges.
Estues, eltuves, ihejlews.
or brothel-houfes.
EstufFees (noefz), slnps
Estuffement (pur V) de
la terre d'Irland,/(?r the
peopling of the kingdom
of Ireland.
", , u, trntnt, flocking, peopling.
EstufFeures, ft ores.
Estumers, pl-, -ates, rovers.
Esturens, shall chufe.
Estult, eitur, eftcuflent.
Esuient (ki), which follow.
Esuoies, hardships.
Esvos, behold.
Estroy tern e lit, narrowly ,
Esvver, doubt.
Et, hath, had.
£t, into.
Etfi, although.
Eu, or, them.
Eu tens, in time.
Evanceant, promoting.
Evaunt dit (1'), the afore,
Evangelies, gospels, ftntenccs out of the fcriptures.
Eve, ove, with.
Ever, cvez, eue, had.

(delwedd B7624) (tudalen 097)
97 E U , 7
Eu (nous e), we have had.
Kv enid, , ould happen.
Even tees, burfi.
Evenues, avenues, paffes.
Eveoms, we have.
T'vertuer (s'), to attend to.
to employ himfelf, to prepare.
Everwyk, TorL
Eves, deceived.
Evesche, diocefe.
Eveschee, lishoprick.
Fvefley, evert res, bishop.
Euez, cues had.
Euf, eof, an egg.
Eviticr, to avcid.
Euiz (nous) delunes, we
have above mentioned.
Eulx, eus. euz, yeux, eyes.
Eulx, euls, eulz, them.
Evoluer, to unfold, open.
turn ever.
Evount, have.
Evoytement, increafe, advancement.
Eups, tife.
Eure, eur, hour, time.
Euree, happy.
Eus, thefn, they.
Eus (a 1'), to the life.
Eufe, had.
Eulez, V(5<7 had.
Euloms (nous) eufiburs.
we have.
Eutaule, oofave, the space
of eight days.
EI Eutres, , E X EutFes, autres (d.), of others f other things.
Euvres, works.
Euvent, have.
Euwes, had.
Euwez, ewez, watered.
Eux (de), of the eyes.
Euximes (ent), amongst
Euyz, euys, them.
Euz, but.
Ew, ewe, ewes, had.
Ewangel, evangelijls.
Ewe, had.
Ewe, them.
Ewe (entre), between them.
Ewe (alt il), he muji undergo the water ordeal.
Ewe douce, fresh water,
a slream.
Ewelles, gees.
Eweret (molin), a watermill.
Ewerwick, York.
Ewes, ewoz, waters.
Ewez, watered.
Ewes (en), in ponds.
Ex {d, )/jrom the river Ex.
Exaltez, raifed.
Kxiuccmcut, advancement.
Excitation (al), at the intreaty\ motion, injligation.
Exciterent le affife, encouraged the c.Jfife.
Excufation, excufc.
Kxcuferez (ne), will not

(delwedd B7625) (tudalen 098)
98E X
Excudion (potius execufsion), execution, production, proof.
Exec, exception.
Execuc, execution.
Executours (les), thoje
who are to put in execution.
Execyte, excited.
Exeketour des befoignes.
charged with the affairs.
Exenger, exercife.
Exerfant, exercifmg.
Exerwick, Tork.
Exes, eyes.
Exi, any, alfo.
Eximons, exempt.
Exon, excufe.
Expaufe, expoufez, fuggejled, reprefented.
Expefleroit, Should abide.
Expleiter (facez), caufe
to he dispatched, exercifed, employed.
Expleiterent, difcourfedy
a, ied, performed.
Exploit, csploit, dispatch.
Exploiter, receive the profits.
Expriimez, expreffed.
Extentz, extinguifoed.
Exter, to execute.
Extienter, to extinguish.
Extimation, an ejlimate.
Extinfement, extientifement, exteynfementssxtinguifmng.
Extorquer, fe Y
fextorquer, to put out hy
Exiorter, td drive aff, avoid.
Extrelins, people of the
Extremifer, to administer
the extreme un, ion.
JEy, a watery place.
Eyaunce (en), in eafe.
Eydance, evidence.
Eyde, help.
Eyde, aided.
Eye (p), by aid.
Eyens, but.
Ej, er (unc), an ewer.
Eyette, ye have.
Eyme nous, loves us.
Eyndegfe de meyne (de
ion), of his own head.
Eyne date (d'), of earlier
Eynefce parcener, eldsjl
Eynest, eldefi.
Eynt (ne) damage, shall
receive no damage.
Eyntz, therein.
Eynzne fefFment, ancient
Eynz q, when, before that.
Eyr, the air.
Eyres, heirs.
Eyfe, eafy.
Eylement:, eafement.
Eyt, eight.
Eytj Shall be, zvill be.

(delwedd B7626) (tudalen 099)
99 FA 99
fez, in, within.
Ez choufcs, in the things.
Ezi, his.
Ezplaye, spoiled.
FAAT (le), a meafure
called a fat.
Fablefle, weakness.
Fabloir, io devife Jiories,
to prevaricate.
Face (premere), prima facie.
Facentz leve, caufing to
be levied.
Faceo (ceo), has done it.
Fache de 1' eglife (en), in
the face of the church.
Fachon de home, human
Shape or form.
Facion, fashion.
Facion (avaunt le), before
the making.
Fact, committed.
Faez, make, made.
Faicez faire, caufe to be
Faici, did,fent, dispatched.
Faict, did.
Fai6le de memoire (a).
through forgetfulness.
Faie, faith.
Faiere, to do.
Faiet, faistes, made.
Faile, faillie, faillies, ended, expired.
Faillenc (y), be omitted.
FailJer, to disappcint.
H 2 Failler