
(delwedd B7627) (tudalen 100)
100 FA
Failler (fist), caused to he omitted.
Faillie (soit), breach has been made.
Faillons, neglect.
Faily, omitted.
Fain, hay; also beach wood.
Faint, committed.
Fairaginous, maslin, or mingled corn.
Faire, to pay.
Faire en chose, to deal in matters.
Faire son ley, wage his law.
Faire le difference (a), to end the difference.
Fairie, fairez, to be made.
Fairs de Germ. the marts in Germany.
Fait en fait, done in deed.
Fait en, already.
Fait (sur le), ipso facto.
Fait gaine, doth gain.
Fait (ne) my oublier, it is not to be forgotten.
Fait foy (fe), is done, may
be done.
Faiterie (par), through
idlenessy laziness.
Faitours, faofors.
Fa.koQrs, slothful people.
Faiture, iaitours, making, doing.
Faitures, evil-doers. F A
Faitz, fait darmes, feats
of arms.
Faiz, fais, deeds, fails, bu’
Faix, times.
Faix, a burthen, load.
Faix, falfe.
Faixime, deceit.
Falaize, a hank or hill by
the fea-fide.
Falast, fally, failed, done
Falent (ki), which ought
to have been.
Fallent (qui vos), which
concern you.
Falefe, falife, fands, rocks y
Faleste, a capital punishment inflicted on a malefactor on the sands
or sea shore; perhaps by laying him bound on the sands till the next full
tide carried him away, or by
throwing him from the cliffs.
Fali, Philip.
Falx, false.
Fam, hunger.
Fame, wife.
Familier de la chauncery, a clerk belonging to the chancery.
Britton 257. b. Mir. 248. Hengham 87.

(delwedd B7628) (tudalen 101)
Famuler, familiar, one of
his houfebold, a familiar, intimate friend, a
Fanez t, mzAtZy fanes enamelled.
Fanons (deus), two fannels or maniples.
Fany (en), in the manner.
Fany (ove le,) with the
Faonier, to fawn.
Far, fare, to go, to hid
Fardel de terre, a fourth part of rn acre.
Fare (fut), was dene.
Farou, pigged, farrowed.
Farroiiis aver, we will
caufe to have.
Farce, a parce.
Fas (voLis), do unto’ you.
Fafoms (nous nous), we
will make oiirf elves.
Fa st, was.
Fafunt (ne) mes, do not
Yz\:,fate, dcjliny.
Far, does.
Fate, fatz, tnade.
Fate (poi), Utile done.
Fatou, a faciotum.
Fau, a beech-tree.
Faucer choses,/, //, ‘ things.
Fauches, mozved, lopped.
Faude, faulde, a pen or
fold for Sheep, 101 F E loi
Faverer, February.
Favie (a), to do.
Faviflent favour.
FauilTes pleints, falfe
Fau Ira, will fail.
Fault (a), want of.
Fault environ, comes to.
amounts to about.
Faultant, making default.
Faultez, failed of,falfified.
Fiulton, want.
Faukonc, complaining.
Faupt (en cy), so born.
Faulb, damaged, ffoiled.
Fauier, rauxere, Gaucher.
to J a Iffy, counterfeit y
Faiileours, fauxiers, counterfeit "rs, falffiers.
Fau fine, falfity, deceit.
Faufinerie, fauflerie, the
crime of faljif’ing or
cuwntcrfeiting the coin.
or o-reat feal.
Fau;, nons,j7jould make default.
Fau st, fait, was made.
Fauftrer, to deceive.
Faut, fails.
Faut (la), the end.
Faut a veir, we mufl, or it
is needful to fee.
Fautoures, flothful, idle
Fautours, abettors.
Fauxa mie, he condemned.
H 3 Faymcs,

(delwedd B7629) (tudalen 102)
102 FE
Faymes, we caused.
Fayn, hay.
Fayn, a weazle.
Faynent, pretend.
Fayre, four.
Faytours, vagabonds.
Faz, make.
Fe, fee.
Feablement, bona fide.
Feals, faithful.
Feare, to make.
Feasors de draps, clothworkers.
Feat, done, deed.
Feat (bien), good deeds.
Feat (e), and it is to be.
Feaw, fire.
Feble (si), in so poor a
Febles, weakness.
Fec, fire.
Fecest, made.
Fecioms (com nos), as we would do.
Fedz, feetz, fees.
Fee (a) seyser, hath caused
to be seised.
Fee (d’afc), of any i£oman.
Feel et leel, faithful and
Fcelem c n t, faithfully.
Fecr, fear.
Feer (a resonable), at a
reasonahle price.
Fees (taunr), as often.
Feet, feat, made, done.
F,eetes, deeds. F E
Feez, feetz, penftons, fees,
Fecz (autre), heretofore.
Feez (plufurs), feveral
Feffre, enfeoff.
Fei, faith.
Feibles Qm plus), the
Feile, daughter.
Feimes, fcifmes, caufed.
made, took.
Feindront (qe fe), who
Shall make excufes.
Feins, fene, hay.
Feint, pretended, feigned.
Feires, /jairj.
Feirte, fealty.
Feifiens, we did.
Feifimes covenentes, tn.
tered into covenants.
Feifours, makers.
Feiflent (jurees it),fi30uld
be fworn.
Feiflent (s’ils ne), if they
Should not make.
Feiftis (que vous), which
you did.
Feit (unt) cntendaunt au
peuple, have made the
people believe.
Feivre, fever.
Feiz (une), once.
Felafie per fault (potius
fault), by leaping from.
by being cafi: from the
rocks or cliffs.

(delwedd B7630) (tudalen 103)
103 FE
Felesheppe, fellowship.
Felon neusement, feloniously.
Felypp, Philip.
Femes liverer, we caused them to be delivered.
Fenal, the season for cutting hay.
Fendue, Jlruck.
Fene, hay.
Fentua, fled.
Feoblefce (la) de lour
poiars et fens, the weakness of their
Feor, to make.
Feous, faithful.
Feofon, manner, degree.
Fer, but.
Fcr (a), to make, to repair.
Fer (a) de guerre, in a
warlike manner.
Ferdekyngs, firkins.
Fere, ferre (a, , to do.
Fere, to be mad, difiraEled.
Ferges (en), in irons, in
Feriage, a payment for
crossing a ferry.
Fcries, feafts, fefiivals.
Feries de Pasche, the fejlival of Eajier.
Feriours, ferrors, affaidters.
Ferlinges (de), of a farthing.
Ferme, confirms. F E 10,
Ferme pees, firm peace.
Fermail crois, vermillion
Fermaille, a buckle, clasp.
button, also a chain, enriched with
pearls, pre,
cious stones or enamel.
with which ladies en.
riched their head-drefs.
to keep itfafi.
Fermatx, Shut up.
Fermetez, farms ; also fecurities, strong holds.
Fermentat, fermeme, confirmation.
Fermez, faftenings.
Fermiflier, wage.
Fermure, fafiening.
Fernifl fa ley, performed or
made his law.
Feron, will a£f.
Ferranc (idonc la) ; a la
ferant, according to the
Ferrement, ironwork.
Fer rent (le), did it.
Ferri, Frederic.
Ferric n)ejs, we will caufe.
Ferreur (iouth), under
Fenuere, the shoeing of
Ferthyng, a farthing.
Fertre, shrine.
Ferve, great heat.
Ytxwt, firoke.
II 4 Fcfables,

(delwedd B7631) (tudalen 104)
104 I04 F E
Fefables, to be made.
Fefauns, fefantz, pheafants.
Fefes, done, performed.
Fefiftres, jc« did.
Fesome s, iefruns,W(? make.
do, perform.
Fest, tefte, feafi.
Fell (poent aver), might
have m(ide.
Fefte, do.
Feftivables (tenent), hold
as fejlivals.
Fefure, make, making.
Fet, fetes, "was, had hcen,
Cuufed, done, made\ the
fah, deed, hufiness.
Fet pas (ne), does not
Fet a demander, was to
he demanded.
Fete d’archerie (le), the
excife of archery.
Fetes, kept, watched.
Feth, covetiant, faith.
Feth (ly reynt), be made
to him.
Feth (tote), always.
Fetz, deeds, grants.
Feve, ■zeal, late.
Fcverez, February.
Feves, pulfe, beans.
Feville (fus la), upon the
Fevre (en temps do), /;/
the ti;ne of the fair.
Feu, chimney hearth. F I
Feu, was.
Feuaile, feueile, fewtl.
Feud, a fee or reward.
Feu (argent), purefther.
Feur (au), after the rate,
in the fashion of.
Feute, feud, Should be.
made, was.
Feur (feu), had fled.
Feurent tombes (que).
who frequent tombs.
Feurs, manners.
Feuffiens, have been.
Feust, a5i.
Feust,/, /.
Feust, wood.
Feuft (fur le) de la croys
que touchons, on the
crofs itself which we
Feuft noftre fitz, our late
Feut, fon.
Feute, fealty, allegiance.
Feux, late.
Fewere, to dig.
Yty, faith.
Fey, feyets, deeds, aSsions.
F-cym, feyn, famine, hunger.
Feymes (qe nus), as we
Feyn, a fine.
Feyn, hay.
Feyne, feigned.
Feyne (fe), pretend, fcruple, delay.

(delwedd B7632) (tudalen 105)
Feynt feff, a collusive feoffment.
Feynt (que ent fe), which
has been made.
Feyres, fairs.
Fez, fees.
Fez, actions, done, made.
Fez (sun), his son.
Fez (a la), sometimes.
Feze (treis ;., three times.
Fezer (a), to make.
Fiables (gentz), perfons of
Fiancer (per), by pledging
his faith This was allowed a poor many or a
foreigner, who brought
an a5iion, bccaufe he
could not find pledges to
Fianchie, trujling, confiding in.
FianfTafTent, should make
furCy should pledge.
Fiafmes isim, did as much as.
Ficher, tofx.
Fidz de chevalers, knights
Fie, fee, falary.
Fie (‘ie\ of the fee.
Fie (en), in fee.
Fie par fei, affirmed by his
Fieblcs, good, fair, honeji.
Fiee, time.
Fief (eft), is poffeffed.
Fielle, daughter. 105 F I 105
Fiene, hay.
Fient, trufi.
Fier (ne poems), we cannot trujl to.
Fier (armures de), armed
with helmets.
Fier de guerre (a), as in
time of war, in a war,
like manner.
Fiere en \ty, brother inlaw.
Fierent (le), made, did it,
caufed the same.
Fierges, fetters, irons.
Fiernient ancore, fafi anchored.
Fieront (que rien n’), who
did nothing thereupon.
Fiercre (le), feretrum, a
cafe in which the body
of some faint, or re’ -cues.
was laid up, a shrine, a
Fieft {tit\),fuch buftness.
Fieu de chevalier, kmght.s
Fieuz, fiuz, filh, fon.
Fiew, fre.
Fiew tenants, /;Y, tenants.
Fiez, fees.
Fiez, time, times.
Fibkz, weak, feeble.
Filace(en), on the files.
Fil del ewe, middle of the
File, thread.
File (haut), high tide.
FiierclfeSj spinners.

(delwedd B7633) (tudalen 106)
106 FL
Filg, son.
Filicer, filizer.
Filles, snares.
Fillie, filie, daughter.
Finable (pees), final peace »
Finablement, finally, totally.
‘, m2ir\Qt, fine, fuhjidy, ranfom.
Finant, ending.
Finaunce {, m), for fines.
Fineez, ended.
Finefle, fineness.
Finies, fine.
Fins, differences, determinations.
Finz, jon.
Siont, made.
Firger, to put in irons.
Firmaille, a link, a chain.
Firmalx, locks.
Firmre, firmur, a pounds
a do fe place.
Firmite, afirong hold.
Firont (‘ui entendere.
make him underfiand.
Fis, caujed.
Fis (que jeo), which I did.
Fischez, fixed.
Fifechiens, phyficians.
Fiflend, fijould make.
Fift (fe), was made, was in
Fit, paid.
Fit afcavoir, it is to he
Fites, fons. SO
Fitz (les), the fees.
Fiuz, fiux, fiz, fon.
Fiuz, done.
Flair, flaye, to hlow, bkwn.
Flecher, a bowyer.
Flescher, fleschier (fanz).
without fwerving, with’
out favouring.
Fleuret (le), the foil or
Fleurons, flowers.
Fley, a river.
Flich, floche, an arrow.
Florein d’or, a florin of
Florons, flourons,, <j’K;, rj.
Flos, flot, a flood, a river.
Flot &: reflot, ebbing and
Flot (un ebbe et un), one
ebb, and one flood.
Flote, fleet.
Plotter, to float or fwim.
Flotus, little veffels.
Flour Delys (les quatre).
the four princes of the
blood, viz, Philip duke
of Orleans’, John Lewis
duke of Anjou \ John.
earl of Poitiers, afterwards duke of Berry -.
and the duke of Bourbon : four of the hoflages
left in England, for the
performance of the treaty
of Bretigny ; stgned the
tth of May, 1360.

(delwedd B7634) (tudalen 107)
107 FO
Foder, to feed, to dig.
Foe sul Deu, except God alone.
Foer, market-price.
Foer, to dig.
Foer (al), in like manner as.
Foercher par essoigne, to
fourch by essoign.
Foes, foez, fees.
Foethe (deus), twice.
Foial (home), faithful man.
Foialle entent, true entent.
Foials, subjects.
Foialtee, fealty.
Foiance, digging.
Foier, to do, to enjoy.
Foies, digged.
Foiet (toutz), always.
Foieth, foitz (a la), sometimes.
Foil del coket, letter of
Foill, a counterpart of an
Foilles, foil, leaves, sheets.
Foinesun, founestoun (en
temp de), the season when the hinds bring forth their young, fawning-time,
Foins (come ore), as we now do.
Foir (a la) accqras in, in manner
of, resemblance of
Poke de le record (ad
le), at the foot of the
Foites, deeds, writings.
Foith (a tant de), as often.
Foith (un), once.
Foifon grant des vitailles.
a great quantity or flore
of provijion.
Foit (bonie), good faith.
Foit notoire, openly done.
Fole, fol, foolish, bad,
Folement, foolishly, indifcreetly.
Folies, leaves.
Yo\y, fooUshness, ignorance.
Fomol appel, a vexatious
Fomollement, vexatioufly.
Fonde de lettres, in virtue
of letters.
Fonde (l"uffifant),ya, aV«f
power, authority.
Fonge dent, fore-tooth.
For, forfe, fore, force, but.
For fulciaunt, excepting.
Forbanir, to banifjj.
Forbare, excludes.
Forboins (es), in the faburbs.
Fore (un), a box.
Forche, force.
Force, force, form, virtui
Force du realm, the
flrength of the realm.

(delwedd B7635) (tudalen 108)
108 io8 F O
Force (en notre), in our
Force (a), of necejftty.
Force ley (eft un), it is a
hard lam.
For ccaus, but those.
Forhe, force.
Fore lor ra, fiall bar.
Forclorroit, JJjould bar.
¥orc\oSy forecloses, excludes,
deprives, bars ; ejiopped.
Fore (en la), in the market-place.
Forein, ioxtigns, foreigners.
Fores, forefis.
Fores (!es), the cufioms.
privileges, forms.
Foreingent, adjudged.
Forcyn (en), out of the
lords jurijdiclion.
Forf, forfeiture.
Fort a re, forfeit.
Forrist, foseited
Forfit, foifau, offence.
Forger (po;enr), may
frame , contrive.
Forgerent, h, ve contrived.
Forg;oor de i’dicc, jet about
Foringes, oufled, forejudged.
Forej’jge, forejudged.
Forjurer, to forfwear, abjure.,
Forjure (a), to be barred.
Forjuogeabkj di fabled. F O
Forke, hut.
Forment, grain.
Forment, greatly, forcibly.
Formenteles, formal.
Fornage (a), forfournage,
for the oven.
ForniiTements, formeifmes, framing.
Forniflbrs, framers.
Fornift (fe), is performed,
Foront, shall caufe.
Forrein circle, outward
Fors (al), with force.
Fors de la forest, out of
the for eft.
Fors defquelles lettres
(par), by force of which
Forfablement, forceably.
Forfclore, to foreclose, to
Fors (faifons), bind ourfelves.
Forfelet, fortelet, forturcfce, a hold, fortrefsy
Foriju, e pas (ne), ought
n t to prejudice.
Foriprcndre, exception.
For sp rent, excepts.
Forspris, except.
For (Tan r, prefs, compel.
Forkiire (qil) la courte.
that he be forejudged
by the court.

(delwedd B7636) (tudalen 109)
Fort a un clyent, hard
upon a client.
Fort (il feferroit afiez), be
will enter into afufficient
Forte chose, a bard tbing.
Fortunement, perbaps.
Forveiaft de rienz, mijiake
any matter.
Forveier hors de lyne (fil
vorroit), that be Should
jiray out of, deviate
from the line ; Should degenerate from.
Forz, Jlrong.
F(.s, but.
Fofle, a ditch, pond.
Fofter, a park-keeper.
Fotiels, foolish.
Fouage, chimney -money ; a
tax imposed by the black
prince on Guienne.
Fovagle, foveant, digging.
Fouayne, a pit ; digging.
Fouler, fowler aux pees.
to tread down, to tread
under foot.
Fouler, to dig, to cleanfe.
Foulle, opprejfed.
FouUons, fuhons, fullers.
Foundement, foundation.
Foundez, foundered.
Foundue, melted down.
Founs de baptefme (de).
from the font.
Fount, belong, do, perform. 109 F R 109
Fount (au), at the bottom.
Fount adrere, are in arrear.
Founz, fountain.
Fovoyle, foueil, feweU
Four, a baking -oven.
Fourche, to delay, put eff.
‘Fo\.\xc\\ts,Jlocks, pillory.
Fourme, baked.
So u r mee, informed agatnfi,
Fourmr, form.
Fourmes (robes), robes
made up.
Fous naflres, fools born,
Fouts, it behove th.
Fow (quarer), dug in his
Fowalles, fovoyle, a uti
aft re, fuel for one chimney.
Fower, to cut down, to
Foy (en bonne), in bona
Foyables, faithful.
Foyder, to dig.
Foyne, foine, a pole-cat, a
Foys (per), by turns.
Foys (pur), the agreement.
or covenant.
Fra (ne), will not make.
FrachQ, freight.
Fraile, a bashet.
Fraine, a bridle.
Fraint, Should do.

(delwedd B7637) (tudalen 110)
MO F R Frai2,frais,fruez,
FmSt, frank tenement.
Frankifes, franchifes.
Frans, free, quit.
Frap de gents (trop de).
too great a retinue of
Frarie, fraternky.
Fraude, foldage.
Frauldres, frauds.
Fraunche ley, libera lex.
frank or free law, so
called to dijlinguish men
who enjoy it, and whose
beji andfreiji birthright
it is, from them that by
Sheir offences have loji it.
as men attainted in an
attaint, in a conspiracy
upon an indi, ment, or
in a premunire, i, c.
Fraunchcfe, frmchife.
Fraunchement, frauchment, freely.
Fr&unch’iie, freedom, libertyFraunk fengler, a free
Fraunk tor, a free bull.
Fray, made.
Frayent (qils), that shey
would ail.
Frca, will perform.
Frealre, frailty.
Frcceis, a Frenchman.
Freatz (ne), will not make.
Frees, brethren. 110 F U
Freez, frees, fres, expiftceSi
Freetz, will do.
Freines, frefles, young ash-i
Freintes, broke open.
Freit, freight.
Frenges, fringes.
Frere de bast, a haftard
Freris, frerez, brethren,
friory, hrctherhood.
Fresche, fresh.
Frefkement, friquemenf.
frelhment, dire&ly, lateh.
Frefque, fudden.
Frettez, frette, freighted.
Freyetes, broken.
Frie (le) des falijions, shg
fry of falmons.
Friens, should do.
Frier, fryer, brother.
Frische, fresh.
Froife, broken in pieces.
Froit, frofi.
Froms, we will make.
Frospris, except.
Frounts, they make.
Fruez, fruits.
FruifTe la pais, break tht
Fu, I was.
Fu, fire.
Fuaunts, refufmg.
Fuax, falfe.
Fuay], fouoyle, fowalles.

(delwedd B7638) (tudalen 111)
111 FU
Fue, fire.
Fueer, fleed.
Fuelle, a daughter.
Fuer, to drive away, chase.
Fuer, flight, fled.
Fuer, to avoid.
Fuer (au) du temps, in
proportion for the time.
Fueront, were.
Fueust, was.
Fugeree (satain), figured
Fui, were.
Fuison, foison, plenty.
Fuifon (grant), great quantity.
Fuist, strong wood.
Fuit (ne foit), he not made.
Fuitz(que fe port pur lei).
who "pretends to be the
Fullours, fullons, foulIons, /j, , /Z, rj.
Funche faire, a free fair.
Funder, to ground, found.
Fundement, foundation.
Fundements, chief rules.
Funt, do.
Fur (les), the gaUoius.
Fur, furoms, ivere.
Furchefces, forks.
Furet, a ferret.
Furier, February.
Furit, was.
Furk, but.
Fiirmage, cbeefe. 111 F Y lit Fwment, wheat.
Furni, performed, etcecuttdf
given, framed.
Furnifez, execute, dijpatch.
Fufe fang, blood-shed.
Fust, he fled.
Fust, fuz, wood.
Full, fuz (croys de), a
wooden crofs.
Fust, should he.
Fuft (avoite), had been.
Foftage (arbres), old high
trees of the for eft.
Fufunt (nc), were not.
Futz, fuftz (gros), greiU
trees, timber.
Fut (mettre 2,\f€t fire to.
Futyf, a fugitive.
Fuums, were.
Fuyeur, a runaway.
Fuyt, fute, flight.
Futz, fuyz, fon.
Fyere (ne poems de tut).
we cannot at all confide
Fyes, fyez, times.
Fym, dung.
Fyn, end.
Fynable dilheritance, to
the utter difinherifon.
(del ofk- ■A\),from tht
hone to the fin.
Fynes, finemfs.
Fynnen, a fountain.
Fyrene, made.
Fyrent, confided in.
7 Fyw lie. G A

(delwedd B7639) (tudalen 112)
112 Fyw (mys a), lighted upt
Jet on fire.
Ge, glee, grace, favour.
Gat, glove.
gnt, gund, great.
Gree, grant, agreement..
Gadount, that then.
Gaeres de value, of any
Gage (en), in mortgage.
Gager, to depoftt, to engage
or undertake., to wage.
Gagerie, gagiere, pledge.
Gagez, gages, fureties.
fees, wages.
Gagez (eient), have any
Gahin, gaing, gaaing, the
Gaigerles, gaigenes, impignorations.
Gaies, gaiges (lour), their
falaries, wages.
Gaigier (de), of gain.
Gaigiers, hirelings.
Gaignage, gaignere, wainage.
Gaignarie, gainery, huf
Gaigne (noflre), our own
Gaigner, to obtain ly hufbandry.
Gainers (a), to he gained. G A
Gaignes (des), the gain’s;
Gaigneurs, the captors.
Gaille, a jail.
Gaine, gaignent (que).
who plow or till.
Gainure, tillage.
Gairenner (count de), eart
of Warren.
Gaiflement, waft.
Gait, guaite (fift), kept
Galbekon, Gallhetten.
Galee, galeis, gaily, gallies.
Galeys, France.
Galeys, Calais.
Galeys (Guill. de), William de Waleys.
Galles, Galeys, Wales.
Galoges, galoches.
Galoie, galce, galley.
Galynes, galines, cocks, of
Ganer, to gain.
Gantier, a glovdr.
Gants, gaunts, ganz.
Ganudir, to defend, maintain.
Gar, guards.
Garanc, a warrant, commijfton.
Garauntage, warranty.
Gaic de chre, warranty
of charter.

(delwedd B7640) (tudalen 113)
113 G A
barbes, Sheaves of corn.
Garbs., cloathing, vejiures.
Garceons, fervantSj journeymen. ‘
Garda la, the award.
Garde (la), the ijuard/hip.
the judgement.
Garde (la) Fairndon, the
ward of Farringdon.
Gardein, conjlable.
Garden (feignour), lordkeeper,
Garder(les), the judgement.
Garder, to watch , preferve,
to take care of to cultivatCy to obferve.
Gardes (Cur de), ccurt of
Gardes voudre challenges.
look to your challenges.
Gardiouns, take care.
Gardior, guardian.
Gardure gardeiny (en le).
in the keeping.
GdiVQ, yfidlcw.
Garee (terre), old fallowground.
Garefun, recovery.
Garcifon, a reward, afupport.
Garenner, to prohibit.
Gargaus, chattering.
Garignier, to till.
Garinthes, the furr of the
legs of hares.
Ganlbun, garneifon, garnilons, guny, the providiw jor the callk, i, c. G A
Garifun, garifon, fupport.
maintenance, revenue.
Garte, garis, garri, rejiored
to health.
Garnementz, garments..
Garncr,garniflicr, to warn,
Garnefie, Guernfey.
Garneftor garnilbn (le).
the officer who -was to
provide visuals, arms.
Cfjc. for the fupport and
defence of a cajilcj , c.
Garnefibur, garneOure (en
fa), in his office ofgarnejlor.
GarHeilure de chatel (en).
towards fupplies for the
Garn-jiture du chaftel (en
la), within the precin, s
of the caflle.
Gamier (fans), without
firjl acquainting him.
Gar n is, paid.
Garnil’hemenrj garnifiement, garnilhant;, garns, feiiu, warnings fumniop.s,
Garny, informed, to have
notice of.
G 1 r ;-)}’ d c la m a I at? i e, cur"
cdcf his illncjs.
Garniz, provided.
G::rr-!nt, protect.
Garranr, quarant, /, r/y.
Garranue, a jufice’s warVf.nt .
I Garran.

(delwedd B7641) (tudalen 114)
114 GA
Garrantizables, are to he
warranted, proved.
Garranty, garrenty, warranted, proved.
Garren, garene, garreyn.
garrayn, a warren.
Garreteres, garters.
Garrison (le) imprist, took
upon himself the cure.
Garsettes, girls.
Garsonnet, they draw.
Gart, keep, perform.
Gart (vos), preferve you.
Garth, a yard, garden, or
Garzon a pee, a foot-boy.
Gascher, to row.
Gafconche, Gafcony.
Gaftel (le), wajlel bread.
Galler, to wafie.
Gaftine, wajle ground.
Gaftors, wajters.
Gafz, wajies.
Gat, a gate.
Gaul, garlick.
Gaule \\2i\ii,gulecfAugufi f.
Gault, gaut, a forejt.
Gauterenr, gaiterent, intended, lay in wait.
Gauntz, gloves.
Gavvay, Gallaway.
Gaweleynes (le corps de).
the perfons cf the people G A
of Callaway.
Gayguafmes, gained.
Gaynage or wainage, all
the plow tackle, or implements of hufbandry.
of the villain, countryman, or ploughman,
which were to be privileged from dijirejfes or
feizMres for fines or amerciaments -, for if they
were diftrained or feized
onfuch account, he would
be difabled from carrying
on his employment of
agriculture, contrary to
the fundamental liberty
of fubje5fs, who were Jo
to be mul5led, fined, or
amerced, as foould punish
them, but not break or
undo them.
Gayne (hors de), out of
the sheath.
Gayner, to till.
Gaynerie, gaynurc, till(ige
or tilling, or the f refit
raifed by tillage.
Gaynours, the tillers.
Gaycer la mort, to wait
for the death.
Ge iuy (que) et ceray.
that I am a>7d /hall be. f Dr. Brady fays lie coulJ i>ot fell what was
mc :nt bv l, an/lemai, ne Gai/lc l,ai,t\ l)m T appaheiid it i? the cUiv ot
the (hi:e of
the record publhhcd by \’’\\\\, nnd ti’.at that day was the 2d of Au’juC, .
being the morrow .ikcr iLl— ‘V, A’ rfAu, uf,, Brady, vol. II. p. 199. G E

(delwedd B7642) (tudalen 115)
115 GE
Geans, people.
Geast, a guest.
Geaule, a jail.
Gehennet, to avoid.
Gehis (eient) de eux
mesmes, have the government of themselves.
Gehis (il est), he is forced.
Geist, lies, resides.
Geist (lour), their accommodation.
Geitant, wajling.
Geldables, liable to be taxed.
Geleyns, gelyns, hens.
Gelofie, fondness.
Gelure (due de), duke of
Geners, kinds , species.
Gcnices, heifers.
Gente, genx (ma), my
Gentez (les) du people.
the parliament.
Gentieux hommes, gentlemen.
Gentifeme, a gentlewoman.
GentilefTe, the nohility.
Genulera, Shall kneel.
Gcncz de meitire, majlers
of trades.
Geole, a cave, a prifon.
Gcolier, a jailer.
Gerdin, a garden.
Gere, ‘war.
Gcrcfie, Crtii’eey, Jirfey. GI us
Geril, diforder.
Gernettes, garnets.
Gernifons, garrifons.
Gcrpit, avoided, abandon’
Gers (qils ne doutent).
that they are not afraid
to take.
Gerfonent (nc), do not
Gefkerech, the month of
Gest,, C/?.
Gest, gette (le), the behaviour.
Gefta, carried away.
Gefte, a gueji.
Geftez, wajied.
Geftoient fomons, who had
been fummoned.
Get (a), hath begotten.
Getteis, gets, jettys.
Getter ceo la en hochpor.
to throw into hotchpotch.
Getter, geter flc), to fecure, to
ii.de’-nnify him.
Gettere, to cajl.
Gettez de feyn, cocks of
Gettu, thrown, caji.
Geyr.es, she.ths.
Gharand, warrant.
Gide, gu’.d?..
G;e, gov erred.
Gienz, people.
Gieu, Geu. a J civ.
I 2 Gie,

(delwedd B7643) (tudalen 116)
116 ii6 G O Gie, gi, Ulmyself.
Gihall, GuildhalL
Giloux, jealous.
Gipferrynges, harness for
Girome, Jerome.
Girra, Shall lye.Gifarme, a military weapon like a lance., or long
Giler (pur) lui overt, to
lay him open.
Gift (qi), who is huried.
who lies.
Giftance, cajling up.
Giftes, caji up.
Glebe, a piece of earth or
Gleyves, fwcrds, hills.
Glifes, churches.
Glofgu, Glafcovj.
Glyn, a valley.
Godetz d’or, gcblets, mugs
of gold.
G ombre, rejoice.
Gomme, gum.
Goor, a watery place.
Gopicle, gopil, gcupi!.
gupil, a fox.
Gores de leney, days cf recreation.
Gorre, a fow. >
GorSjgorfe, gurts, a fir earn
or pool, a ivatery place ,
a wc.:r, a fiftj-pcnd, a
ditch, a dariif a gorcc.
Got, a Jlnice, drain, or
d(iih. G R
Gouette, a drop.
Goule d’Acust, the gule df
Augujl, or the iirft of
Goune, gown.
Gourt, a watery place.
Gous, a dog.
Goy, God.
Goy, lame.
Grace de founder, leave t»
Graera, will agree to.
Graffer, a notary y a fcrivener.
Gram (en), in grammar.
Gramaci, great mercy.
Grant, graunt, grauntz.
Grant, when.
Grant feal, great feal.
Grant bank le roy (les
juftices deu), the jujlices
of the king’s high bench.
Granre (le teygne), take
it for granted.
Grants, graunttz, granted.
Grantterries, tiobles of the
G rantz, graunts, grauntez.
grain ts, great men.
Grafe, grais, grace, faI’cur.
Gratcntement, readily.
Gratifiie (ont), have approved, confirmed.
Crava, grave, a grove.
Graver, to grieve, agiricvc. Grau

(delwedd B7644) (tudalen 117)
- G R
Graument, a great deal.
Graiindour, extent, stze.
Graunta (il), he -promt fed.
Grauniez, grants.
Graunticrs, grannterz, to
he granted.
Graynour, granour, , r, , /.
Gre, gree, favour, gracej
Greable, voluntary.
Greantz, we grant.
Grcdirnes, gridirons.
Gree, grey, confent, fatisfaSiion, accord, agreement.
Gree, gre (de), voluntarily.
Gree (par), hy agreement.
Greei, agreed to.
Grees (des), of the parties
Grct, grievance.
Grefs, grievous.
Greignour, greynour.
grendres, greindre.
more greats greater.
Greir, greeteth.
G reiver, io afeS, .
Greivure, greverement.
more grievous , I ea vier .
Gremercy, great mercy.
Greo, grcs, fatisfatUcn.
Gres, great.
Grefle, filled.
Greffaraep/wi?. 117 G R 117
Greve nent (ne), there is
no damage.
Greve (en), in trouble, affii, ion.
Grevoir, to aggrieve.
Greyn (boef peu de), a
corn fed ox.
Greyne, grei, ne, grain.
Grie, agreement, Jatisf action.
Grief, grievance.
Grieh, gries, grievous.
Grieues, en the fijores.
Grieux, Grieu, Grigois.
Grigner, greater.
Grith, peace.
G rich dole, a fan5luary.
Gro, groffe, fat, great. "■
Groinureteumain (en), in
greater tejlimony.
Gromec(un), a fea-faring
Groos (en), in grcfs.
Gros homes, ‘men of quality.
Gros nature, general nature.
Gros po’wit, principal point.
Groncmenc en!ient,, r(?j/.
quick "juith child.
Grodeours, bickerings, affronts, ill-it’ill.
Grofiier, to grow big.
GrofTment, generally.
GroiTome, a fine at entrance.

(delwedd B7645) (tudalen 118)
I 3 Grotz, ii, G tf Grotz, groats.
Grume, grun, all forts of
Guannys, hushandmen.
Guarifon, the cure.
Guafcon, a Gafcon.
Guay, guey (au), to the
key of the river.
Gued apent (omicide de).
wilful murder.
Gueir, to take care, to fee.
Guel ceux (au), to the
eare of those.
Guelle, throat.
Guerdon, a bargain, a reward.
Guerdon nez, rewarded.
Guerniers, garniers, garners, Jiorehoufes.
Guerpercnt p mort, left
him for dead.
Guerpi, guerpyes, gueppe, abandoned,
Guerra, Shall ■plead.
Guerres, hinders.
Guerritt (fil en), // he he
cured of it.
Guerroicr, guerryer, wage
war, go to war with.
Guertent, think.
Guertoienc, forfake.
(iueyemenr, government.
Gueyet, governed.
Guf, « pit.
Guiayne, Guiaigne, Acquitain. 118 G W
Guideront, thought, in.
Guier, guyer, to guide.
Guier, guided.
Guierent (fe), conduSied.
Guildable, gildable, not
within any franchife.
Guindors, governors.
Guifarme, a military we a’
pon made like a lance.
Guife, guyfe, method.
Guile (a) de marchant.
as a merchant.
Guiters, holes, gutters.
Gule, the beginning or fir st
day of a mcnth.
Gurge, a pond or pool.
Gurneroic, warned.
Gus, , ? beggar.
Guftera,, ??, // tafte of.
Gurre, gwer, wan
Guycment, guidance, government.
Guyen (Monfr. de), John
of Gaunt, duke of Acquitain.
Guyet, guyer, governed.
G u )’ fe, fajjjion, manner.
Guytemens de voyes et de
c hem ins, dcflru, sion of
roads and highways.
Guyfe (la d’armes), the
cujlom; law of arms.
Gwer, war.
Gwyene, Guienne, Acqiiitain. 2 Gylour,

(delwedd B7646) (tudalen 119)
119 HA
Gylour, one who deceives
the court.
Gypwyz, Ipswich.
Gyrues, Jews.
Gyser, to lie down.
Ha, hath, have.
Haber, to have.
Habergiez, haubergers, a
c oar fe fort of cloth.
Habido, Abingdon.
Hable, able.
Ji abler, to ejtable, to render a per/on capable of
inheriting, to rejiore.
Hables, havens, ports.
Habundent, abound.
H’cer (a), to harrow.
Hacher, to plunder.
Hacties, hace, hatchets.
Hada, a haven, port.
Hagu, a houfe.
Haies, hedges.
Haies, heys.
Haineux, inimical.
Haiour, hatred.
Hairaflera, will harrafs.
Haiter, haitier, to rejoice.
Haits, haitie, heitiez.
lively, a£iiv£, hearty, in
Hakerr, agate.
Halberge, an inn.
Halt iaine, high birth.
Halx princes, high, nolle
Halz hazj fet, has made. 119 H \ 119
H, m, a village.
Hamele, hamelle, a hamlet.
Hamelx, haniells, hamlets.
Hames, haime.
Hanap, hamper, cup.
Hanap d.argent, afilver
Hanapes (burfels pur).
covers for cups.
Hane, hated.
Hange, hatred.
Hanguvelle, a New-year, S’
Hanfe, a focicty.
HanTer, to accufe.
Hanfer (!e), the handle.
Hanshomes, the high men.
the prelates ajid great
Ha-ntafc (ne) Engleterre.
fl-jGuld not repair into
Hantin, an uncle.
Haour, haired.
Happa, got., took, received.
Happa (a) feirin, hath
gotten, jeifi’i.
Happa (que prines), ‘ juho
fir st happens to have.
Happe (, nc) mie, does net
gain, cbiain, get.
Happec, take-j.
Harald, hsraul"!, a herald.
Harang lore, locr, hc7’rings.
I , Harans

(delwedd B7647) (tudalen 120)
120 MA
Haraus (reys des), heralds, kin, s at arms.
Haras dc juments, a breed
of mares.
Harch’ers, archers.
Hard (de la), implements.
goods, furniture.
Hardoyer, to at tacky inJult.
Hardy, darings prefumptuous.
Harenguifer, herring season.
Harer, harier, to Jlir up.
provO’Cy importune.
Hareufement, feditioujly.
Harforr, Hertford.
Harraoniqueur, a mufician.
Harney s in, arrayed.
Harriez molt, vry forry.
Haspe (le), the hasp, handle.
Hafter (pour droit), for
dispatch of jufiice.
Haitier, a minijier; to dispatch.
Hail it, haflyfe, immaturey
inccrifi derate.
Wa, X\{ (que rolt), ivhich
may require dijpatch.
HaniulciTient, inhafle, too
foo’ri. Hanvfte, dilizence.
Hattcs, hats.
Haubcrionij a coat of
maiU H A
Hauberk, haubergons, rf
Haugh, a valley.
Haulement, hauliement.
Haulz, highy great.
Haume, helmet.
Hauncer, haulfter, to raife.
Hauncer (un), a weight
called the auncel weight .
Haunge, contrivance.
Haunieck, one horn in
Haunt ne repeir, haunt
nor repair.
Haur, haut, hatred.
Hauront, Shall have.
Haus, hoiife.
Haufl cschetour, chief eschetour.
Haufters, towers of veff els.
Haute, hautece, highness.
Hautifme, mofi high.
Hautnci’s, greatnessy hei’
Hauz, haus, haults homes.
men of high degree, the
great barons.
Havemcnt, greedily.
Havene, havle, haven.
l-]avcir, to have.
Ha}e, hay, a hedge.
I-Jayer, to hate.
Hayes (en), in ranks or
Hayno, e

(delwedd B7648) (tudalen 121)
Haynge (par), through
Hayfon, the fencing or
hedging- time.
Haw, afmall piece of land
near a houfe.
Hawberg (tee de), a tenure by which the tenant
is obliged to defend the
land by full arms, that
is, by horfe, haubert.
target, fwordy or helmet;
a tenure by knight’s fervice.
Hawyfe, Avice.
Hear, her, heir.
Heaume, an helmet.
Hebbyngwerez, ebbingwears.
Hede-penyez, head-pence.
Heint, hatred.
Heir, inheritance.
Heirs (devant ceux), heretofore, in times paji.
Heis, heies, hedges.
Helmor, fentence, judgement.
Hely, Ely.
Hen, had.
Herbage et herberge (fil).
if he lodges or harbours.
Herbergages (des), of the
Herberger, to lodge, to
dzvell in.
Hcrberges (a), at the caf■ tie.
Jkrberjours, lodgers. 121 H I 121
Herbette, dull.
Herbirent (queux), who
were Quartered.
Herces, hearfes.
Here, heir.
Hereges, heretics.
Her it, an heretic.
Heritanz, inhabitants.
Hernois, herneys, harness.
Heroies, heroes.
Heroldes, heralds.
Herpe, a harp.
Herfedecome, archdea,
Herfoin, yefierday.
Hertefcombe, the anion
in the civil law, called
aSlio familia ercifcundis\
in our law, coparcenery.
Het, heate, the heart.
Hettez, heartv.
Htu (jai), I have had.
HeudernefTe, Holderness.
Heuke, huke, a hood.
Heurs, heirs.
H e u r u fi te, happiness .
Heuit elte, had been.
Hey be, hayhote.
Heynodc (le), the heinoufness.
Hi, there, thither.
W’idt, fright, dread.
Hide], a place of fanHuary.
Hidous, frightful, terrifying.
Hier, heir.
Hiytan jour, eighth daw

(delwedd B7649) (tudalen 122)
122 H O
Hille (le), the ijle.
, -, .WvLC, there.
Wircte, inheritance.
Hirland, Ireland.
Ho, Jtop, ceafe -, the word
made ufe of for the comhat ants to leave off fighting.
Ho (k) devereit entendre.
to make one believe.
Hobeificnr, obey.
Hobelours, hollers,
lighthorfemen, halherters.
Hobyns, hobbies.
Hogetz, young weatherSheep.
Hoict, eight.
Hoirie, inheritance.
Hoirs, heirs.
Hokes, hooks.
Hoketons, akeron, a(5lon.
cloaks or caffocks.
Horn a, man.
Home, homa, homage.
Hoincaus, the Elms near
Sniithfield \ the place of
exscution before ‘Tyburn.
Honayllurs, at the same
. time., neverthckfs.
Honeefls, lavjful.
Hones, hcnoiir.
Honiz, injured, ruined.
Honour au’iit, ornament.
Honrage, a feiguiory, a
great fee.
Hons, a man.
Hont, have.
Hontage, affront, approach, , H O
Honurement, honourably.
Hony, difgroce, evil.
Hooland, Holland.
Hopulandcs, houpelands.
furres, 2, two long coats
or cloaks furred.
Hor eft (par le chambirlayne quy), by the prefent chamberlain.
Hore, hour.
Hore (a), at prefent.
Hore (que , t\), fmce that.
infffmuch as.
Hore dkte, given jtendered.
Hores (routes lesj, whenever.
Hors d’or (un rubi), a
ruby not fet in gold.
Hors de ceinz, out of this
Hors dun fine, upon a fine.
Hors de pofiefTion, out of
Hors port, bringeth forth.
Hors qt houre, from thi
time that, asfoon as.
Hors pris, omitted, excepted.
Horflrcit hors, drawn out.
Horfi.rez, dragged out.
HorC’, a garden.
Hofa, dared.
I-Toibigt, z, hcflages.
Hoflc, an hoff, a guefi.
Hoftc, put out.
Hoitc (luy) de I’eglife.
those who hold of thi

(delwedd B7650) (tudalen 123)
Hoftel, bottfeholdy family.
Hoftel, host, houst, an
Hoiteiage, entertainment
at an inn ; the hire of
Jialls in a market.
Jioltelef, to put up at an
‘■ inn.
Hoftelier, hollillers, hoftillurs, hoftler, an innkeeper.
Hoftell le roy, hofteulx.
the kind’s houfehold.
Hoftcfr, to remove.
Hoftery, hoflry, an inn.
Hoiles (les), the doors.
Hotle, (tut), entirely removed.
Hollez, repulfed.
Hoftiel, hofteulz, houfe.
lodging, home, quarters.
Hoflielx tenauntz, houfehclders.
Holliier, to take out, diminish from.
Houces, hcufin, s.
Houches, chefts.
Houghtez, taken cut.
Hountoufement, Shamefully.
Houpells, tufts, taffels.
Houre qes
(del), stnce
that, so long as.
Houre Icrra (quant), ijohen
the time comes.
Hous en hous (de), from
door to doer. 123 H U 123
Hdust, army.
Koull, ‘icar, a military expedition.
Houftei, houfe.
Houfticl, houfshold.
Hovement. digging.
Hoives, gcif, .
Hoz, hoze, on ar-my.
Hu, hue and cry.
Huches (en lour), in their
chejis, ‘
Huches de mariners, the.
mariners chefs.
Hucher, a huntfman, s
born, from whence
comes the zvord, hue.
Huchier, to proclaim.
Hue, cry, clamour.
Huech, eight.
Hueil, an eye.
Hues, had.
Huenr?, hucm, a man.
Huers (paflet), paffed
through, out.
Huevrt% "jjork.
Fluguetto, Azatha.
Hui, huy, to day.
Huimes, nozn, prefently.
Huicienes (les), the octaves.
Hujus (quatre),/(?«r houn’
daries, hedges.
Huiz, a gate, a door.
Hum, <, man, anyone.
Hum, ha\;e.
Humble (al), to the naveh
Humble fie, humility .

(delwedd B7651) (tudalen 124)
124 H Y
Humes, had.
Hunt, hount, Shame.
Huntage, reproach, difcredit.
Hure (al), at the same time.
Hurer, hat maker.
Hures, hurez, hats.
Hurs (fa haie), thrown
dowtiy pulled down his
Hus (al), at the doer.
Hufbote, houschote.
Hufe (de la), of the houfe.
Hufeons, hufens, bufcans.
Hufsherie de I’eschckere.
the office of usher of the
court of exchequer.
Hust, has.
Kullin, hutin, noife, clamour.
Kavvf, Hugh.
Huy, heard.
Huy, to-day.
Iiuy (et ceo eft), and this
is now.
Huy ces jour, at this day.
Huyctaves, huykes, octaves, eight.
W uyer,/(/ oyout or proclaim.
I lavs, door.
H I) y fc ( i n n e r) , inner parlour.
Hydoulcs, hidejiis.
i iyVt, a heriot.
\\\’\i he, there.
}Iyl (lie), here.
W)i\Q{\t: mii), xt)ithe head
Hvs, he, has. J A
T they, there.
J 5 Ja (en), there is.
Ja, iaz, 7iow, alreadyj:enceforth,
yet, neverthelefsy
never, whereas.
Jademains, jadumeis,/«rthermore.
Ja le plus tart, never thelefs, at the lajl.
Ja foit ceo qe, so long as.
Ja {ok que, although, that.
Ja fi grant tort (ne fuft
ceo), was the mischief
never so great.
Ja felt ce quil eent efte.
although they have been.
Ja feyt ifce ke vos feez
lye a nos, although you
are bound to us.
Ja fi able pcrfon (foit il).
let him be never so fit a
Jace, lain.
Jackcs, jackets, coats of
mail’, also a kind of military coat put over the
coat of mail.
Jacoit, although, yet, stilL
Jaczoit ce que, although
Jadumeins, 7ioticithfand’
ing, alfo, moreover.
Jadcmeyns, yet.
Jagan, a giant.
Jaiant, a giant.
Jaidic, lately.

(delwedd B7652) (tudalen 125)
125 J A
Jaime, Jaume, James.
Jake, Jak, Jaky, >w, /.
Jalemens, jalemems, ja le
meyns, jalemeyns, alivays, alfo, neverthelefs,
Jiilly yety some times, as
well as, moreover, further.
Jaliin, jalon, a gallon.
Jamais (a) et a jamais, for
ever and ever, perpetual.
Jamme, a gem, jewel.
Jammes devant, never hefore.
Jan, John.
Janevoir,Janner,J(2«/, , ry.
Jangleour, a minjirel.
JdLnnz, furze.
Janti same, a nohleivor/2an.
a gentlewoman.
Janue, Gene a.
Japieca, within a little
Jarcer, to cleave.
Jarges, charged, cpprejsd.
Jaloit, cUhough.
Jalbic ce que, ir.afmuch as.
Jarant, jatardcis, now of
late, neverthelefs.
Juarde, lateh.
Jauine, ydlouj.
Jaulx, them.
J i u n z , k eath, furze.
Jaur, a day.
Jaul-i, Jojeph.
Javc, zvatcr.
JiynutT, ‘January.
Ic, there.
Iceep]a:z, tl:fc tdea:. J E 125
Icelcui meimes, this same.
Iccls, iceans, fuch.
Iceo, icen, this, that.
Iceft (d’), of the same.
Icevoix, they, them.
Ichet, falls.
Icl, thrown.
Idles, ifes, ijlands.
Idunk, then, there.
Jeane, Genoa.
Jeaundie, Jeady, ‘Thurfday.
Jecier, to throw, caft.
Jchan de Peschan, J(?, » de
Jchana, John.
Jchane, Joan.
Jehu Chrilt, Jefus Chrijt.
J ekes (qe), than ur.til.
Jekt’s a o, ns, up with
Jene, young.
Jcnuer, Jcnevoir, Jeonever, Ja, uiary.
Jent ne, have net.
Jc’odi, I’h-urfday.
J ., , r r. e {it, j eo .Tne i s,
Jcovene (ie), the younger.
Jer, firf.
Jcr, ycferday.
Jerinc, they have gcr, e.
Jerjour, firjl day.
Jerlm, Jcrufclem. .
Jcrn, Ycrrnouth.
lert, fjall be.
Jcrr, will he.
J.-lke?, jelquef, rncca, ;’/:/
n.w, hitherto.

(delwedd B7653) (tudalen 126)
126 I L Jeflamer, on this fide
seas, V
Jefq a, contrary to.
Jefqucs en cea defoies, de
foie, hitherto unheard
of, unaccujiGmed.
Jeftiefmes (fe pfent), //
we were prefent. .
Jette fors, excepted.
Jeu, a Jew.
Jeufday, Tuefday.
Jeiifdye, Jurifdie, 1’uefday.
Jewife (a fa), fee Juife.
Jex, eyes.
Iffinite, affinity.
Igale, equal.
Iglife, church.
Ignier, igny, /o hum , fired.
Jia (il), they are.
J’-.ere, j’ere, / was.
llez, they.
Illed, of the same place.
like (d’), moreover.
Illes, ifiands.
lUickes, illeques, illoc.
ilokes, illec, alec, there.
Illieyt (taunt come), as
long as there are.
Illiont (fi, if they have.
Illoeqes, there.
lllocfqes, illuefqes, illufqes (dc), frcm thence j
from that time.
Illoigner, eloined.
. Iluccke, there.
Imbucnt. they drank. I N
Imttwxmity freedom, immtl’
Impareil, not to be cont’
pared with.
Impayrera (ne), shall not
Impediera, shall hinder.
Impere, empire., jurifdie-,
Impetraceion, requefi,fuitt
Impierment, prejudicing.
Implier, to fill up, fulfil.
I ni portables, greater than
can be born, infupport’
Importunes (jeues), vain,
inconvenient y improper
games and sports.
Imprelleur, a printer.
Imprimt en le jour, twilight.
Improwment, improving.
In aprcs, thenafter.
Inane re, to make void.
Incarnacum, incarnation.
Incedent, fet jorth, published.
Inchoatz, commenced.
Incleaied, erijU/rcd, entangled.
Inconnera, obflru, .
I neuter, to fink?..
Indeu, indebted.
Indidte, pronounced.
ladiic, to declare.

(delwedd B7654) (tudalen 127)
Indomit, untameable.
Inducast, induced, introduced. ‘
Induement, unduly.
Indueronc, perfuade, bring
into temper.
Induifant, perfuading.
liidult, young, not of age.
Induyent, induul, put into.
Infamatenrs, infamous.
Infamife (nul), no infamous per f on.
Infefl, undone.
Infer, hell.
Inferme propos (eft II).
hath a firm purpose.
Informacions, injiru, ions.
Ing’, n, wrong, deceit.
Ingene (mal), /’// will.
In gen yes (les), their wits.
Ingyst, thrown out.
InWdLbWwdiUon, , dif abilities.
Inhable, enabled.
Inhonure.Te, shamclefs.
Inhumevnemenr, outrageoufly, cruelly.
Injefture le maines, laying hinds on one.
Inique, wicked.
Inife. See Juis.
Injuratours (lour), thcfe
who injured them.
Inlagerie, inlawry.
Inneumcnt, renewal.
Innig, June.
Inomee, without a n.77nc.
Inorer, to be ignorant. 127 I N 127
Inquietaunce, difquiet.
Inquietours, perfons who
molefled incumbents in
their benefices, by virtue
of provijions from the
- pope.
Inquife,/(?f/»i, inquired.
Inrafer, to pull up by. the
Infciement, ignorantly.
Infeller, to occupy a fiaU
in a church.
Infenfes, informed.
Infient, pregnant.
Inftruftes, prepared.
Inftrum, inftrument.
Intant a dire, as much as
to fay.
Inreres, interefle, injuries.
Inteleire, omitted, inter,
Inter.r.ement, (a 1’), to the
I n t h i m e , an eTtthymeme ;
Inthimer la elleflion (lay).
to intimate to him the
Intin, .e amie, my dear
friend inwardly.
Intromittent, intermeddle.
Inrrufours, intruders.
INV, fcfis.
Invaire, to invade.
Invafiblcs, anv artillery
made of in ,;;; invaficn.
Inveigner, to find.

(delwedd B7655) (tudalen 128)
lit J o
Inwynde deins la tefone
des lains, in winding
within the fleeces of wool.
Jo, joe, /.
Joalx, joiaus, jewels.
Joefnes, joefene, young.
Joel, joer, day.
Joerge, fwear.
Joefdie, Jocfdy, Joendie.
Joedy, Juefdy, Thurfday..
Joial, a jewel.
Johus, jewels.
Joieront, Jball enjoy.
Joiex, joyfitly happy.
Joignet, Joign, Joil, July.
Joir, obtain, enjoy.
Joitement, wording.
Joiz, enjoyed.
Jone home, young man.
Jones, John.
Jonglours, minjlrels.
J onz, joint.
Jor, to them.
Jor promts (no unt teu).
have not kept their promife.
Jor, joLire (al), at shc day.
Jorci ((!’), of York.
Jorgi, George.
Jorer, to fwear.
Jornaunte (a la), at daybreak.
Jorne, day fcr ‘vice.
Jornee, place, day.
Jornee (la), the taking the
Jorrours, jorres, jurors.
juries. 128 JO
Jorncy, jorneie (a la), ifi
Jose, thing.
Jothed, cafi out.
Jou, Imyself.
Jou, a cock.
Jova, played.
Jouene chapon, a young
Joiiers, flage-players.
Jouette, youth.
Jougleur, a minfirel.
Jour en autre de journement, daily.
Jour (defques au) de huy.
to this day.
Jour de huy en un moys
(dedenz du), within this
day month.
Jouree, fworn.
Journante, before fun-rfe,
day -break.
Journe, a yoke.
Journe, journee (a unc),
at one day.
Journe (a la), at the court.
Journcc, day, time.
Journee (a la), at the meeting.
Jours (apres Ics), after
the deceafe.
Jourfniais (a tous), fof
Jcus (tornbe), fell down.
Jouil", iicar.
Jou lie, according to.

(delwedd B7656) (tudalen 129)
129 J tr 129 I s
Joyer, to enjoy.
(del droit), of the
right joining to it.
Joynture, jun5sion.
Joyons, rejoice.
JoyfTent a tenet, have a
right to hold.
Joz a (tous), for ever.
Ik, to go, to journey i also
Iretage, heritage, inheritance.
Irreis, Irrys, Irrois, Irish.
Irreit a terre, would fall to
the ground.
Irreit pas (ne), should net
Irrer, to journey, to perform their iters.
Irrez zwzuwt, shall proceed.
Irrite, unjuji, void, of ni?
effe, .
Irrours, indignation.
irruer, to fubvert, to ruflo
in upon.
Is fors (il), they go out.
Ifcint (de qi), from whom
Ifle (ne), fJoall not iffue.
IQes (bailiffs des), bailiffs
thereof’, or bailiffs of the
ifies, viz. of Sark, Alderney, &c.
Iflicrfa,/?, // chufe.
Ifoicnt, are there.
\(o\i. Shou’ui be.
lsp,/o near.
ifs (ke), which they.
Iflent, they iffue.
Ifler (ne puffe), cannot gd
IfTerene, went out.
Iffint, thus, fo.
Iflir, going out.
Iflist, he went out.
Iflit, it iffues.
Iffue (lour), their broodj
their youngi
I flue, an end.
Ifluit, infuch manner.
m, he f}:allhe.
Ist, lies, iffues.
Iflal, fuch.
Iftra, ifter, shall iffue tut.
Icel (d’afcun), of any fuch
Itei manere (en), in fuch
Iter, a ram.
Ju’dgus, jewels.
Jucques au nombre, to
the number.
Iveer (en), in winter.
Juelyn, Yvelyn, Evelyn,
Ji, en, June.
Juer (cardes a), playing
ca’ ds.
Juerie (iuflices de la)>
jujliccs of the jezi’S.
Juers, George.
Jues, punishment, judgement.
Jucs, Jews.
il Juefdy,

(delwedd B7657) (tudalen 130)
130 I30 J U
Juefdy, Juofdy, Thurfday.
Juez, jues, games.
Jug (le/, the judge.
Jugc, a yoke.
Jugeable (ne foit), cannot
form any judgement.
Jugeos (feront), shall he
Juggrictz, Shall judge.
Jugied, adjudged.
Juig, Jiiignel, June.
Juife, juifle, juyfe, judgement , fentence,
purgation, Jire - ordeal.
water- ordeal jftngle combat.
Juife fans autre, without
other, judgement being
pajfed ..
Juife aut a la, let him
clear himjelf\ let him go
to his ordeal.
Juife ficomc il appent
(face faire), that they
may have fuch jujlice as
they deferve.
Ju merit, an ox.
Jumentz, mares.
Jundre (a), to add to.
Junz, innz, inner part.
Ju pardee, jeopardy.
Jurjura, day. JU
Jure, jure re, to stuear.
Juree, a jury.
Juree, jures, an oathj
Juretz, ]\1T2XS, fworn.
Juretz (entre), took cm
oath to each other.
Jurez, one who is within
the law.
Jurges, oaths.
jux, tni, /wear. ‘
Jurifdie, Tuefday.
Jurpris, adjourned.
Jurre, a liege-man.
Jurromy (nous ne), we do
not /wear.
Jufte la collere, near the
Juftice, jufticer, jufticiee.
amenable to jujlice.
Jufticement fort et dure.
penance fort and dure.
Jufticer a lui (ne fe voet).
refufcs to fubmit tojuftice before him ., to appear before him.
Jufticer (fe) p ley, to juftify or acquit himself by
Jufticerie (de la), of the
jujliciary, to the judges.
Juftices, brought to jujlice.
made to do jujlice. . The trial by ordeal was abolln-ied in our courts of
jufticc in
3 Hsn. III. b}’ an order ofthekin, iu

(delwedd B7658) (tudalen 131)
Jufticiables,j uftifable, juftifiable, jujiiciable, anfwerable to, amefnahle.
liable to be fummoned.
Juftifie per ion ordinaire
(ne voyle efte), will not
be jujlified by his ordinary, will not
offer to
obey and perform the fentence.
Juftifiere (a), that jujlice
may be executed.
Juftifiers (a), to have
judgement given.
Juftifiez, regulated.
{hs), judgements.
Jiivent (de la), from his
Juvaflen, rejoice.
Juvcfneffe, youth.
]uy, judgement; that is y of
God; the vulgar purgation by fire or water.
Juygner, Juig, Juyn.
Juyl, July.
Juzzer, fivear.
Iz prion, they pray.
KA, who.
Kabal, a horfe.
Kage, a cage, a place for
Kalendrel (moys), a calendar month.
Kailez, Ch(.rksi 131 K N 131
Kan, kes je puis, as much
as is in my power.
Kardoil, Carlifle.
Kare, for.
Karrefme, Karifme, Lent.
Kas (en), in cafe.
Kafkun, every.
Kafte, chafle.
Kaunr, kanke, ke, whatfoever.
Ke fe li, that if the.
Kee, ke, that.
Kelm et Newur (entre).
between Kelham and
Kem alast, that we muji
Kenes, oaks.
Kenteys (en), by the Kentish law.
Ker, a city.
Kere (a), to procure.
Keries, carried.
Kernes, idleperfonSi vagabonds.
Kerver, a carver i
Keu, ko, a tail.
Kens, those.
Keynes, keins, ash-trets.
Keynes (en couper de).
in culling down timber.
Keyns, kiens, keynz, oaks.
Kideux, kiddles.
Knol, kne, a hill.
Knowr, knoppe d’or, a
knob of gold.
K 2 Knout

(delwedd B7659) (tudalen 132)
132 LA
Knout (roy), king Canute.
Koke, a cook.
Koungres, coungres, congers.
Ky, which, whose.
Kydes, young kids.
Kynebanton (le manoir
de), the manor of Kimbolton.
Lrer, to deliver.
Lres. lettered, learned.
La, lac, lat, milk.
La ou, la u, whereas.
La que (si), until that.
La (si), so long.
La V, la hu, where.
Labeur, labour, work.
Labor merted, the other
Labourer (a\ to work.
Lacaye, u lacquey.
Laccat (fur), when the
bargain was made.
Laces, fnares.
Laces (per), by door-falls.
Lacharad (il), he bought
Laches, lasche (le plus).
the mojl lazy, cowardly.
bafe, or pitiful perfcn.
Lacheflc, idlemfs, negligence.
Lacs de feie, laces offilk.
Lacy, there.
Ladee:, diffjes. L A
Ladell d’argent, a fllver
Laet drap, broad-cloth;
Lafferenr, they belong.
Laganes, lageous, lagons.
Lagette, a chefi, box.
Lai, laie, hiw.
Lai, laie, laye, a plaint.
Laid, grievous.
Laie (en), for the relief.
Laie (de, aafieeir,/<7r affessing aids.
Laid, lawful.
Laieur, laiture, leur.
Laillent, leave.
Laine (que de la), il.\n
if his own.
Lain waidez, woaded-vjjol.
Laingaige, language
Laifant, idle, flothhl.
Laifcantz arricrc, laying
Laifnes, wool
Laifler (de"" , io tran.\;Lr.
Laiffier, /; prevent, omit.
negh, ‘lLaif2Mx->, neghfted.
I auii’-iles, Lti’dt.
l.:At, perfr:..
l.aituer. stencr, erudition.
Laiz, Jue?, a legate.
Lrtic , it, e hish.

(delwedd B7660) (tudalen 133)
L A L.an apres Tan fi wit,
the year fued out.
Lannde, Icnd, ground.
Landroit, again.
Laners, lavers, idle,fiugLanes (dez), of ths laity.
L, ngagiers, cihufive, fcurrilous.
Langc d’Engleterre (la).
the iivgUJb nation.
Lange dc la balance (la).
the [/earn of the balance.
Languc de Norm (en la).
within the allegiance of
Normandy ; in the Kcrman language.
Languyr, tc delay.
Languy (de), to il- ait for.
Lanns mannus, the lord of
the ma’itor.
Lanques, langes, tongues.
Lanuz, woollen.
Lanyers (pointz), leather
Laoeure, breath.
Laps de temps, lofs of
Laq, lake.
Larder (bone), good booty.
Larder (pur), for ploughing.
Lar’-’vner, the officer in
the king’s houfehoUl who
p-ef.ded over the larder.
Lare-im, larceny.
J..arae ouflcr, over mcafure. 133 LA 133
Large (mettre), to let gt
at large.
Largeraent (plus), mcrt
Largefle, largeness.
Larouns, thieves.
Larroneux, thievish.
Lascheik, negligence.
Lafer, a leprous perfon.
Lafier, to omit.
Laffer (a), to leave.
Laftels, hindrances, , ops.
Lafuz. left.
Laton, laten, hrafs.
Lature, breadth.
Lattizj latii.e-work.
Latere, the fide.
Lavours, lavers.
Lavours de la moneie.
washers of the coin.
Laues devauntditz (des).
of the aforefaid places.
Laust, lawful.
Laute, praife.
Lay (a), to the law.
Lay (en), in alley.
Lay eft (q’a), which belongs to him.
Lay toy (er), on the faith.
Layde, law, cuftom
Layes (le=), the laity , laymen.
Laycs (les), the lackes.
Laytne, ;’;; the bux intitled.
Laynes, ‘wool.
Laynz, leans, therein.
K 3 Lays,

(delwedd B7661) (tudalen 134)
134 L E
Lays, near.
Laz de foie, a lace offtlk.
Le, lee, large, broad.
Lea ou, whereas.
Lea, pleafed, willed.
Lea, ley, pajiure ground.
Leans, within , in this
Leafe, a leash.
Leafer (p), hy falfifying.
Leaure, leur, breath.
Leaus, leaux, lawful, liege
-people, alfc loyal.
Leaument, lealment, lawfully, jujily.
Leaues (bailiffs de), water-bailiffs.
Leaute, authentickness.
Leaiite (de), of his legalityy of being redus in
Lea we, water.
Lebardz, leopards, lions.
Lebre, lep, a hare
Leccon >entendent la), attend the cleElion.
Le6lee, milk.
Lede, grievous.
Lede f, u bele, fick or
healthy, handsome or
Ledtrnge, ledenges, damazed.
Lcdfra, fball hurt.
Ledcz, hurt.
Lee, lazv. L E
Lee, large.
Lee dever (ferra), shall be
contented, glad to have.
Lee, leeuz, lead.
Lees (juflices,) thejujlices.
Lees (pur), by leafe.
Lees, leez, a leafe , releaje.
Lees, them.
Lees, lieez, lee, pleafed.
Lees, advice, award.
Leefce, leeche, joy.
Leez (molt), very glad.
Leez, obliged.
Lcgcr {dt), Shortly.
Leger (ne le creriez mie
de), would not give him
the leaf credit
Legeremenr, flightly, eafily, shortly.
Legerement fubversion.
speedy fubversion.
Legerment (rewle), a
fianding rule.
Legcrte de jaungle (de).
from a levity of difCQvrfe.
Leges fnrs (al), to the
liege lords.
Legier, brifk, light.
Lcgier (de), eafily.
Legs, miles.
hcguvcm<, nt, flightly.
Lei, to hi".
Lcias, lazvful.
Lcichcr, licher, to lick.
Lcid, aid.

(delwedd B7662) (tudalen 135)
Lcie L E
Leie (la), the law.
Leigne, line.
Leigncs, wool.
Leinynes, linen.
Leins, king, afar off.
Leinz (de), himself.
L’eir, the heir.
Leir (fil foit), if he can
Leis, them.
Leife, ready reads.
Leife de dras, Uji of cloth ,
breadth of cloth.
Leife, le’fTie, leifible, //
shall he lawful.
Lei fir, leifer, patience, leifure.
Lei/Te (lei), omitted it.
Leist, deliver.
Leifure, reading.
Leiuz, therein.
Leiz, near.
Leiz, Lewis.
Lem doit (coment), how
one ought.
Lem foieit faire (fi come).
as ufed to he done.
Lendemain de la clufe de
Pafque, the morrow af~
ter the close of Eajler.
Lendemeyn, the morrow.
Lenge, linen.
Lenn, Lynn.
Lenne, Lincoln.
Lenor, the honor.
J-,cnqua(lre, Lancajler. 135 L E 135
Lentz monet, the month
of March.
Lenz, there.
Leoms Dieux, we praife
Leoneys, Locneis (en).
in Lotrjian.
Leour, their.
Leopertz, leopards, lions.
L’quelte (ou come), as
any other.
Lequelleque, whether.
Le quen, which.
Ler, their.
Lerbe, the grafs.
Lerce-honnd, a lurcher.
Lernuemenr, the commendation.
Leiont, they lie.
Lerra, may leave.
Lerra morir (fe), shall
Lerre, liare, a thief y arohher.
Leriont (ne), will not fail
Les, laji.
Leschancement {■pwx),for
the aggrandifing.
Lelchewes, trees fallen by
chancCy wind-falls.
Lefcuverad, he mufl, he
Lefe, leave.
Lefer, to hurt.
Les gentz, lay people.
K 4 Lesion,

(delwedd B7663) (tudalen 136)
136 1, 6 L E .
Lesion, hurting, wounding,
damage i injury , detriment.
Leffa, lefle, leflee, omitted, left.
Leffacent (qil les), that
they permit them.
Leffe au bailie, kt to hail.
LeTeiz (ne), do not omit.
Leflent (les), leafe\ let
Lefler, to omit., leave.
. LefTez, difappointed.
LefTez, leflet, let go, omit.
Leflifipms, would have
Leflbet (ne luy), will
not permit him.
Leftcigne, tin.
Lefue, lefuz, hurt., injured.
Lefwes, lefues, faftureground.
Let, milk.
Letanies, littanies.
Letergetfle, Luggershall.
Lettereure, lettur (d’apprendre), to levrn to
Letra (la\ the letter.
Ltrtre, bill.
Lett ru re, literature.
Letrure, letter.
Letufe, let lit.’, a little beajl
refmblin, tht ermine, of
a iv’.’itish grey cdour.
Levannt dit, the aforefaid. L E
Leve, leave, confent.
Leve, rifen up., built , ere3r
ed, caji up.
Levee (la), the rijing, the
Lever, to display, ere5l.
Lever, to Jiir up, bring
up again.
Lever (a), to be levied.
Lever (aprcs lur), after
their rifing.
Lever countre li, rife t§
Lever (pur), to relieve.
Levere, levercrs, leurierers, leveriers, kvoiers.
Leverer, a lurcher, a tum,
bier dog.
Leverer (a un), at a drinking place.
Leverez, liveries.
Lcvours, those ivho levy
any tax.
Leu, leus, Itust, lawful,
Leu (‘e), the place.
Leu, le(5t, lict, a bed.
L.eucres, the increafe.
Leuement, lawfully.
Leues, leuis, ditches.
Leuez, placed.
Leukes (trois), thres
Lcukts, lewkes, lewes.
lenks, miles.
Leur, Icure, breadth.

(delwedd B7664) (tudalen 137)
137 L E
Leure (a mcifmes)> at the
same time.
Leures, hares.
Leus (de), of thcfe.
Leus, leulx (toz), all
Leute, loyalty.
Leuthien, Lothian.
Leuve, leuvad, aforejl
Leux, their.
Leux, lawful.
Lew, place.
Lew (vers 1 1), towards the
Lewe, read.
Lewe gen:z, lawful men.
Lewes, lewe, leuz, read.
Lev (la), the river Lee.
Ley court, lay court.
Ley (faire la), to wage
Ley, lea, pafure-ground.
Ley (tuz), againji him.
Leye (la), the law.
Leyed,levde, heincus hurt.
Leynes, wool.
Leyoins, leyns, therein y
Leyr de la terre, from the
foundation, from the
Ley res dcz chivalers (cie
la), of the wa, , s of the
knights of the JJ:i"c.
Levfc (en", in hre.idth.
Ley fir, leifure. L I , 7
Ljz, laws.
Lez, the.
Lcz, lieux, the)»i shose.
Lez, nigh, near.
Lez, glad.
Lcze majeu, treafcn.
Lezs. in length.
Li. kis, they, the, to him.
Li [de), from him. .
Li ditz, the jaid.
Li du uo\t, pound of troy
Li nffunt porveu, had proI’ided him.
Lia, lie, lieuz, read.
Liat, laii’ful.
Liaux, lawful men.
Liaz, liacz, bundles.
Lib, lihe, life.
Lib de terre, lilerata
Libard (ovec le touche del
teaft de), with the touch
of the leopard’s head.
Liberat,yr, , .
Licetce, lazvfuL
Lie he. liege.
Licitemenc, lawfully.
Ivicker, to lick.
1 icours, liaucrs.
Licl, lest, licch, a bed.
Lie, lief’, lic-iicn, bound.
Lie, pie a fed.
Lie (de ]a), c, the linciigc.
lief, leof, rather.
Liefgent hu ct cri, Irjy
the hue c.iid cry.

(delwedd B7665) (tudalen 138)
138 LI
Lieflode, liflode, an efiate
for life.
Lieges, lieux, leagues.
Lieges, leagues, truces.
Liens, lientz, therein;
Lieppars, leopards.
Lier, to alledge.
Lier, to read.
Liers, prifoners.
Lies (queiix nefont), who
are not put into the derennary.
Lievent, levy.
Lieves (per), hy miles.
Lievies (de kur), of their
Lieu, a wolf.
Lieu pur), hy way of exception.
Lieu en ceo (aver), take
hold cf that.
Lieu re, a pound zveight.
Lieure, leiure (le), the
Lieu res (nvant ces), before thefe times.
Lieuy, them.
Lieux (nulle de), none of
the deputies.
LicuXj bcyids.
Lieuz, room.
Liez, places.
Lige, I’j, uie, hojid. L I
Liges (fes), his liege fubje6ls.
LigefTe, legiance.
Lighes, leagues.
Ligialtie (la), the allegiance.
lAgVL, , fex.
Ligne de pierrereries (un).
a circle of st ones.
lignie, lin, lineage, race.
Ligninies, tribes.
Liment, ivash, fit.
Limiteers, limited.
Linage, blood.
Linaige de la mer (fur le).
on the fea-coaf.
Line biline, the collateral
or bye-line.
Line tie Sendale, linen of
Cendal ..
Lingc, a line.
Linge reel, linen cloth.
Linquer, to leave.
Lingucs, tongues,
Lins, zvcol.
Linure, lining.
Lintheux, linthes, she, ts.
Lio h\ 1, there.
Liouns, lions.
Lne (prefentce en), pr, Jented in ivriting.
Lirr, their.
Lirreit mye (il ne), //
vjould not be lawful.
Lilre, to be read. See Da Frtfue, Cendalum. Lifl:,

(delwedd B7666) (tudalen 139)
Lift, life, lifible, lawful
Litere, littour (de), litter.
Lie morant, death bed.
Lith (al), to the bed.
Littime, lawful.
Live, livery, or delivery.
Livelode, livelihood.
Livere (a la), to the delivery, or livery.
Livere (et vous), and you
deliver it.
Livere (fon), his livery
(for a fervant,)
Liver e foun (potius, liverefoun), a -prebend.
a fervice ..
Livcrce, pound.
Liverer luys, to deliver up.
Liverees, liveresons, li~
Live res, liveries, ajfignments.
Livercs de terre, liberata
terr, e.
Liveriad, deliver, offer.
Live roup, the per] on who
Livers, hare, .
Liverfe, deliverance.
Li V fees, livres.
Liu, book.
Liu, pace.
Liu, bound.
■, Sec- Hy:ey PI. P, rl. 14 Edw.
II. p. 41
that } ear.
t ‘y\L Rot. l\r\. vol. I. p. 2-c. Pet.
Hiilc-. xMS. 139 L O 139
Liu faire prendre (de).
to caufe him to be taken.
Liu eft grante, is granted
to him.
Liu (pres de), near him.
about him.
Liu re, pound.
Liuree (de foureez), fuT’
red zvith hairfurr.
Loar, their.
Loaumes, we allow.
Locil (potius, loeil) fur
(pour avoir), to have an
eye over.
Loco ice, bribe -f.
Lo6lenant, lieutenant.
Lod i s, blith, jocund.
Loe (jeo vous), / recommend it to you.
Loement, judgement, opi-’
nion, decijion.
Loer, to commend, praife.
Loer, leezvard.
Loer enibit fmelius, loez
en loi!) notre Scignur.
nous <umes (coir.cj, as
praifed be God, zie are.
Locys, hcvois.
Lof tes, forjter child.
Loid, thanked.
I Ola I, lavuful, true.
Loial avycr
advic:. legal caufe. a:id Par!. Rolls of
: Potius I.T.viic.

(delwedd B7667) (tudalen 140)
140 L O
Loians, hired.
Loiaftes, permitted.
Loie, commertdj approve.
Loiens, bonds.
Loient (qe), who ivash.
Loier, lover, loiuer, fee.
reward; farm.
Loiez foit Dieu, God be
Lointaignes, remote.
Loifible, lawful.
Lomez (les), the looms.
Longamenr, lone tens, a
long time.
Longay ne, a houfe of office.
Longein, long, a long time.
Longement (tant), as long
Longteyne, longetifme
pays (en), in a foreign.
dijiant country.
Longue {, \us), farther.
Longue (a la), at length.
Looms (nous vous), we
commend you.
Looms, loaumes, we
Loos, advice, reward, refutation.
Lor, them.
Lor, lower, hire, reward.
Lor (envers Ics), towards
their men.
Lors, th-ir, then.
Los, lois, loz, prnlfe.
. Vid. Rot. IV.!. vol. 11. p. 7 L O
Lose chart (en con), in a
loose paper.
Losereynt (ne), dared not.
Loture de money (le), the
washing of money.
Lotux, fuckles.
Lou, place.
Lou, lieu, wolf.
Loueez, hired.
Louis, far.
Lour (a meifme), at the
same time.
Lour (e la), and of their
Lour (de), of their goods.
Loure, them, themfelves.
Lourgulary, lourderie, inhumanity, or any villainous aEl.
Lous (dod:our en), doEior
in laws.
Lous, the, them.
Loulement (iriney), much
to the furprife ..
I.ouy (du), of it.
Louz, ejtimated, valued.
Lovage, hiring, loan.
Love, rewarded.
Lovers, rewards.
Lowage, poffefjion.
Lowance, lowange, a hiring.
Lowe (pur), to retain, to
Lower {‘, \ix), for gain, for
\>(:X. 23. Potiui Tiivcyleufement.

(delwedd B7668) (tudalen 141)
1 tf
Lower, luer, lowir, a rewardifeei hribe,
wages ,
Lowere (pur), to work.
Lowis, Loys, Lewis.
Loy (de), of allay.
Loyer, to awards advife.
Loyer, reward, fervice.
Loys, lois, los, praife.
Loyfe. lawful.
Loyfomus, let us reji.
Loynteins Vieires, remote.
collateral heirs.
Loyncenus gentz, people
who live afar off.
LoyndniC degree, a remote collateral degree.
Loz, praife.
Lu, the.
Lu, theirs.
Lu, place.
Lu, lue, leu, light.
Lude, play.
Lue, he, them.
Luer, reward.
Luer raiionable, reasonahle
Lues, miles.
Lues, lus, luwe, luez.
Lui Rois, the king.
Lui feaus, their Teals.
Lui, luis (feon), jis place.
Lui (en qui), ;;; whatfoever pla e.
Luic, a l.a, ue.
Luire, to shine. 141 L Y 141
Luift, lawful.
Luites de point in point.
read article by article.
Lutr, a man, any one.
Lumble, navel.
Lumere, light.
Lunc dei, long or middle
Lundr’ (a), at "London.
Luner (jour), the hnar
Lung, the one.
Lungement, lungge, long.
Lure, lur, lurr, lu, them,
their, theirs.
Luri, an otter.
Lus, places.
Lus, read.
Lus, lius, tenanz, lieuHnarits.
Lufe, luce efl, the ufe is.
Lufe, playing cards.
Lute (a !a), at awrejlling.
Luy (le), the place.
Luy, it.
Luy, them.
Luz, places.
Ly, li, hi’.n.
Lv, law.
Lyance, alkgiance.
Ly ann jour done fen).
and have gii>cn him a
Lyaz, files, hundlef.
Lye, read.
Lye, merry, chcarfid.
Lye elles, you an bound.

(delwedd B7669) (tudalen 142)
142 M A Lyege, liege fuhje 51
L5, ens, therein.
Lyer, to bind.
Lyer (de), to alkdge.
Lyer (autrement), in any
other manner fix.
Lyereit bien, wculdfufficiently bind.
Lyeur, a brook.
Lym, lime.
Lymite, limits.
Lymitours, limitours, limits.
Lynge tayl, fringed linen.
Lyfa bien, read ivelL
Lyfe, \yQ.ylaivful.
Lyt, bed ; licence, let.
Lyu, place.
5 Mces, -wares.
Y-me, houfe.
Metz, befi.
Mesch’, mi/chief.
MKs, marcs.
Mr, mra, Jballshew.
Mre, Shew.
Mre, majler.
Ms, same.
Mac, fon.
Mact, grefs, fiflomongers.
who buy and fell fiolen
fiesh, knowing the same
to be st 1 en.
MaCL’l, a butcher. M A
Macheniaes, mathematiciens, perfons who pretend to difcover fecrets
by the pofition and motion of the fiars. ‘Those
who proseffed this art
were commonly called
mathematici, drawers
of schemes and calculations J under which name
they are condemned in
both the codes ., and
they were infamous , not
only under the Chrifiian
adminijlration, but also
under the eld Romans.
Macheronerie, maso nry.
Maderez (draps), clotb
Madlard (un), a drake.
Madle (heir), heir male.
Maein le roy, hands of the
Mael, an halspenny.
Maenerefle, a mediatrix ;
a judge.
Maere, mother.
Maefter, 7naftcr.
Maeur, a mayor.
MafFait (null), no mif"
Magnies, maifnies, mefn’le, family, houfehold, re.
tinue. . Cod. Theod. 1. 9, tk. 16. Cod. Juft. 1. 9. tit. 18.

(delwedd B7670) (tudalen 143)
M A .
Magre, maugre, in despite
of, againfi.
Mahemes, mahaigne, mahayn, maimed.
Mahcreme, timber.
Mahi, Mahie, Matthew.
Mahom, Mahomet.
Maide (fi Dieu), so help
me, God.
>Maige Q, , , gQ), a judge
who prejides over a fubaltern jurijdi, sion.
Magefte (la), the Trinity.
Maign, great.
Maignee devant, brought
Maignenc, live, dwell.
Majeure, major.
Mail, maylle, an halspenny.
Maimement, especially.
Main, in the morning.
Main-a-main, immediately.
Mainables, amenable, diftrainable.
Mai n bu rn ie, guardianfljlp
or government.
Maincraftes, handicrafts.
Maindres, mains, fmall.
Maine en gule (d’), from
hand to mouth.
Maine (come fa), as part
of his houfehold.
Maine (a ioy defedre p
fa), to wage battle.
Mainor (le), the tenancy.
the occupation. 143 M A 143
Mainorablc, meinorable.
manurable, tenable, demifeable, lying in tenure.
Main oeuie, meinoure.
meynoure (a), with the
Mainour (la), the work.
the repairing.
Mainoverer, to manure.
Mainpes, mainprifed.
Mains (per que) quecunque il vient, howso ever
it came to pafs.
Mains (a tot le), with all
the hands, viz. chaplains
and Jinging-men.
Mains (jureront en noz).
Shall fzvear in our prefence.
Mains vraie, vntrue.
Maint, much, many.
Maincenant, prefently.
Maintes fois, many times.
Maintion, mention.
Maintz, maints, lefs.
Mainuelx mefticrs, ma7iual occupations.
Mainy (ma), my family.
Mair, mayor.
M:, irc, mother.
Mnire (a), to marry.
Mairiaux, material.
Maifne, younger.
Maiine (lor), their faniVy .
Maiso ner, to buihi., repair.
Mai 11: Diex, ‘pkose God.
Mailte, m:, cfly,

(delwedd B7671) (tudalen 144)
144 M A
Maiftrez, majlers.
Maiftrie, managemint, inftuence,
povjer, dominion.
Maite, moiety.
Makement, cdntrivance.
Mai, maletts, malies, bags.
Mai (a) tort tiendroit lieu.
with much kfs propriety
, vould it lie.
Mai (de) ou pyz, worfe
and ivorje.
Mai paiez, dijfalisfied.
Mai voillancc, malvpullantz (, ), through ill
Maladif, maledif, , ckly.
fick, affli5ied.
Maid, Matilda.
Maldispoufee (molt), much
Male (la), the mail, the
Male tout, , entirely bad.
good for nothing.
MaleJe (muk a), very uneafy.
Malets, cloakhags.
Mai fez, wicked, evil.
Malmencz , malmeine.
evilly kept.
Malney, n, alve}, gui, tv of
a mifdemeanor., coi.’un.acioiis.
Malrais, evil.
Makalrnt, ira’talenz,/, //, .
indignation, rancour. . M A
Malveist, malves, malvois, evily an offence.
Malurez, Coes, evil./edi’
tious commoners.
Malx, mals (ifllie), iffke
Man, a Norman.
A’lanablement eiflille (per),
perpetual banishment.
Manantz, manans, refident.
Manas (brefe de), writ of
Manalbrs, pledges, mainpernors.
Manadlibles, threatening.
Manannts genz (bon).
houjekeepers of credit.
Manche (que vous n’aurez), that you vuill never
M.nconages, mansionhoufes.
Mc, ndafTent (qils), that
they j end.
Mandc, commanded.
Mande (en tien), in fuch
Mandementz, writs of
Mandez, font.
Mandiens, beggars.
hT and lent, curfe.
Mdndiflkns, commanded.
I Mandfft

(delwedd B7672) (tudalen 145)
Mandre (a), to amend.
Maneceantz, threatening.
Maner, manoyre, a manor.
Maneer (vey le) potius.
vey le maneer, will
bring , .
Mancires, maners, manies, maners, manors.
Manere (la), the cufiom.
Maneys (en la), in the
Manger (fans repris de).
without giving any
Mangerie (tienge), keeps
a table for his retainers.
Manguay (je ne), / did
not omit.
Manguement, faulty Jlip.
Mangeries (a), in the kitchen, at the table.
Maniere forlque (en), in
manner but.
Maniple, handful.’
Manique, a mcdman.
Manning, a day’s ivork.
Manors, manors.
Manonr (ove), with the
mainour, with the goods
in their hands.
Mans (les), the evils.
Manfe, a farm.
Manfes. hides of land.
Mante, he commands.
iMan tinge, maintain. 145 M A 145
Manueftcr, to filch y to
Manulx, manual.
Manure, occupy.
ManulTer, manaflier.
Manyee, handled, under
Manyemens, management.
conduEi, adminiftration.
Mappe, a cloth, a tahle,
Maras, mares, marche.
marreys, maries, marys.
Maratlre, mother-in-law.
Marces (fe fount), have
fettled themf elves.
March (dc viii), at eight
Marche, marchie (le), the
market price.
Marchande (ville), market-town.
Marchanr, (nul alleve).
ne prive, 710 vMrchant.
fir anger y or domeflic.
Marche, territory, neighbourhood.
MarcIiC (a), to market.
Marchees de terre (ico).
land valued at 100
marks a year.
Marchent, adjoin to, are
bouudtd by. . yid. Ror. P-1. vo!. I. p. 10. pet. 45. Fodus r.nvV. Hale’s MS

(delwedd B7673) (tudalen 146)
. M A
Marches (par les), in the
market towns.
Marches, marches, frontier cities or towns betweenEnglandandlValeSy
England and Scotland.
Marches, marks.
Marchesche, the feaji of
the Annunciationy celebrated in March.
Marc his, marquis.
MarchifTans (font), are
Marcier, to pay.
Marcolfe (en la chambre).
the triers of petitions in
parliament for foreign
parts tifed to Jit in this
XX 1. marcz, 20,ooomarks.
Mare (de toute), of all
Mareanz, maronniers, mariners.
Alarenne, land bordering
on the fea.
Marcfcliall, marshal.
Mareschaucie, Marshalfea.
Mareschcs, grain fovsn in
March, spring- corn.
Mariages, marriage for-tion.
Mariage (a Ton), for her
marriage portion.
Marge ries, marquifetts.
Mariole, the ii:iagc cf the
virgin Mcry.
Marline (lo;/), ui,rrii:c laiv.
Llarkailcnr, 7:iay: ::.!. 146 . M A
Maritlfmes (charbons).
Marlers, marl-pits.
(del), of the hufband.
Marriglier, merriglier.
maruglies, marguelier.
a church-wardeny a facriflan, or fexton.
MzYTiSi furprifed, concerned.
Marroch (Streites de).
Straights cf Morocco or
Mars (deux), two marks.
Martens, hammers.
Marteror, the feaji of all
Marthied in ret (al), at
the king’s market.
Martirizer, martyred.
Martrons (furres de), furr
of 7)1 ar tern or marten.
Marvels J evil.
Mary er ciJK-iix (a lolal).
for her lazvful hushand
and spoufe.
Mas, but.
Tvlafc (lergcnt ‘, .’■t),feyjeant
at the m.HC.
Ivlalcr, niazer (un}, a cup or gr.Oi, t. Malt" re, entries, P’-ffagas.
ivalks, grcunds. Mafle ‘ic), mai
Ma!"!, ;!!.. -, to pg majs.

(delwedd B7674) (tudalen 147)
Mat, afooU a fit.
Mac Xtythe chagrin yconcern.
Mate, Matilda.
Maten, morning.
Mater, matter, hufiness.
Mater (font), are the
means, are contrived.
Materiells peches, temporal offences.
Matta, placed.
Mattire, matirez, matter.
Mavaftiers, wicked doers.
Mauclerk, ignorant, unlearned.
Mauclum (roy), king
Mauduit, /// conditioned.
Mauveifte,mauvefte,mauvaifte, mauveys, mavoite, offence.
Maufeteur, offender.
Maufcz, demons.
Mauls, mischief.
Maumenes, ill-treated.
Maumis, maimed.
Maunches reveries (fes).
his Jleves turned back.
Maundablc, to he dj-eHcd.
Maunder, to ccinmand.
A lau nae, /// trcdtcd.
Maupitcux, inexorable.
Maures, a lyar.
A’lauriot ja mellier (il ne).
there i, oidd he no cccasion for inc.
Maufbaret’/, evil ccntcniicnSy ill grounded fuits. 147 M A 147
Maufeflieure (pur), for
avoiding it.
Mavys, mavos, evil.
Mayaoust, the middle of
Augufi, the affumption.
Maydeneftan, Maidsion.
Mayen (par), by means.
Maylee de pain, a half"
penny worth of bread.
Maylcs, halspence.
Mayn de eftre, right-hand.
Mayn (de) en auter, laying oar hands on the
Mayn:iuntie, man/i on-houfe.
Mayne(lay, the mailer and
mariners of a fjip.
Mayneall, in company
Mayncrenr, maimed.
Maynes, (de) a mayns, at
Mayneur, mainour, maynoeure, work.
Mavnpalt, meynpaft.
houjehddy family , de■pcndance.
Jslayns valaynt, of theleaft
M:iyns, r.iatins,
jM ;\ ntz demonllrantz.
i:]Liiiy remonf&ances.
‘hh.yor, greater.
]Maz, il mnfl.
>>laztr (hanap de), a bcjjl
made of maxrr.
Mcanc, ?niddle.
L 2 Meane 1+

(delwedd B7675) (tudalen 148)
8 ME
Meane (en le), in the wanner.
Mcar, fea.
Meas, hut.
Meason, room.
Measons, nitches.
Meaur droit, meer right.
MeauX, mere-, heft.
Mecogncues, unknown.
Mecreance, fuspicion.
Medez en execution, put
into execution.
Mectre, to expend.
Med fee, a reward, a bribe.
Mediate (per le), by the
Mcdiffe manere (par), in
the same manner.
Medle, mixed, compounded.
Medlefe, medle, an affray.
Medlure de pechc (par).
by blending offences.
Medlure (pur la), on account of the mixing.
Ivlcdoine, the river Mednsjay.
Mcdu temps (en le), in
the mean tine.
Mee (ne a), has not.
Meel, honey.
Meement, mecfmcment.
fiamely, especially.
Meement, merrily.
Meen am, ‘, >, ;;;.’J:Av 148 M E
Meen (come), as a me.
Meener, to produce.
Meenerefle, mediatrix.
Meenner, an arbitrator’.
Mcer (hors de), beyond
Mees, moved; mediators.
Mees, meefe, mefs.
Mees (des), of meat.
Meev, nent, difiurbance.
Mefec, offence.
Meffet, mifdo7ie.
Meffere, to do mischief.
Megme (la), the same.
Megnes, brought.
Meheynee (leva la), raifei
the hue and cry.
Alciere, mother.
Mcignal, meynal, menial.
Mcignee, meime, meiny.
faniily, houfehold, company.
Meigtc breve (ii: ad), there
is many a ivrit.
Mcilles, "hest, greateft.
Mcillour, mnlier.
Meiltz, the letter.
Mcin, han:\.
Mcin, nvt?r.. mines, mine.
Mc i 11 ;j 1 X , ‘/.■ -ffengers.
ivlrjindic :i:, e (la), infancy,
{be ‘‘i:P jrity.
Mrinere ait ion (de nul).
; ‘1 a,y inferior ccJion.

(delwedd B7676) (tudalen 149)
Meines, inferior perfons.
Meincs fages, indifcreet.
illiterate perfons.
Meines, nor.
Meinez, many.
Meingtenuz, maintained.
Meinoure, meynours, with
the manor.
Meire, mayor.
Meins q, lefs than, under.
Meins, meindre, lefs.
Meins (a tote Ic), at the
Meins bone difcretion, indifcretion.
Meins de bien meignent.
bring fewer gaods.
Meins (al), into the hands.
M, ins, meien (iauntz).
without mefne.
Meins mifes fur feintz.
laying our hands on the
go f pels.
Meinit (le), the lead.
Meint, meine, dwells, refides.
Meintenant, then, prefently.
Meintenems, V/iciintain.
Meinc manera, ;iiauy Wi, .ys.
Meintroms, will maintain.
jVIeinure (la), the work.
Meinz choses, thtngs of
fumll ‘value.
JVkircient, buy ciKd fell.
Mcis, inore. 149 M E 149
Meis, a month.
Meifan, houfe.
Meifent, put.
Meifme, same, the same.
Meifement, in like manner.
Meifnee, meine, houfehold.
MeifTent en respit, Should
be respited.
Me’iiYom, Should bejlow.
Meiffoins avant, produce.
MeifToins (que nous), that
we Should put.
Mcifl, meite,/>r</, contained in.
Me id, need.
Meiiler (q’il a), that it is
Meiftr, meifters, meftre.
Meiftrie, majlership, magijlracy.
Meiftrie, v.ecejfary.
Meiftymours dc qnerell.
maintainers of auarrels.
disputes, flits.
Meiier, meictre, to put.
Mcleour, better.
IVJcliealx, melx, bejl.
Melle, hc7iey.
Mclle, an affray.
Melle (le) de la rente.
meddle with the fale.
L 3 Mcll, r

(delwedd B7677) (tudalen 150)
150 © M fi
Meller (a), to bknd, mix.
interfere in, to interpose.
Mellez (ne fe devient).
ought not to intermeddle
in it.
Mellieu, middle.
Melz, mekz, better.
Membres (per prendre).
by caption of goods.
Men, my.
Men temps, mean time.
Men (en), in ajiaie of inJanity.
Menable, amefnable.
broivijot, induced.
Menageoers, farmers, hiifbandmen.
Men ant, dwelling, refiding.
Menafiables (ne), not to
be menaced.
Menafient, menaftez (lui).
lead him.
Menauntife, a fettled concern , a place of rejidence.
Mcnbra, remer’iler.
Mende (la), amends, fatisfaSiicn.
Mend’ proverelt, shculd
make the heft prccf.
Mendinantz, Oicndians.
Mend re, Icaft.
Mencires, lefs.
Mene gentz (de Ic;,), of
the middling pecpk. M e
Mene judgement (fans).
without mefne judgement.
Mene pris, at a low price.
Menec a f , brought to anfwer.
Menee, mene (la), the hue
and cry.
Menenges, houfehold, dependants, menial fervants.
Mener, to manage, conduSf.
Mencs, menees, brought,
Meneftralcie (par colour
de), under pretence of
being a minftrel.
Mcngier (de), from eating.
Meni, menuz dyn, , s.
fmall tythes.
Meniez, made.
Menir, to bring.
Menis (et volons ja le).
and IV e zvill alfo.
Meniftres, minijlers, officers.
Menne, mene, mencs people, inferior people.
Mennes, lefs, stnall.
Mennes pcches, fmall offences.
Mennes kcynes, fmall
Menour, manager.
Menour (frcre), Jriars mincrs.
Men re,

(delwedd B7678) (tudalen 151)
Menre, brought in, drove in.
Menront (les), will condu5i them.
Menfoynes, lies.
Menfure, meafure.
Ment, much.
Mente, mint.
Mentineez, maintenance.
Mentiner, mention.
Mentir, to lie, to fay what
is falfe.
Mentor, menter, a lyar.
Mentre (foy), breach of
Menty, mentu, have lied.
faid what is falfe.
Mentz, a mentz, for the
Mentz (lour), their beJl.
Menues bailiifes, inferior
Menure, remain.
Menuz choses, fmall
Meour droit, the better
Meofifme (foi) de archer.
went a shooting.
Mer/meer bank, the seashore.
Mer (de la) d’Efcoce, the
marches of Scotland.
Merce, meer, mercy ygr ace.
Mercez, wares.
Merchal, mar/hall.
Merche del merche, marked with the mark or
Jiamj), 151 M E 151
Merchez, markets.
Merchie des vivres, the
rate or market price of
■ visuals.
Merchiez, stgned.
Merci (fur), upon favour.
Mercia, merchia, thanked.
Mere, mature.
Mere, <?«/y, abfolute.
Meri et mifti (jurifdicx\on, ), jurifdi£lions mere
and mixed.
Merifoie, maerifme, mermi, timber.
Meritorie, meritorious.
Merk, merches lettres.
letters of marque.
Merkedy, Merdie, Mcfcuredi, Wednefday.
Merrour, a Icoking-glafs.
Mers, marshes.
Mers, mercz, wares.
Mers (la), the mercy.
Merted, moiety.
Mertlage, mart-urology.
Merture (de ce), of this
Merust, caufeth, occasions.
Merym, merime, merin.
merrien, meriime, mae. rifme, mermi, timber.
", lerz, amerciaments ; 7nerchandize.
Mes, month.
Mes, but, from thenceforth, afterzvards, fill.
h 4 again.

(delwedd B7679) (tudalen 152)
152 J52 M E
again, no longer, no
inore, alfo, us, we.
Mes (a toutz jour), for
ever after.
Mes ja, but yet, never thelefs.
Mes que per, but only by.
Mes ficome eft conteyne.
than is contained.
Mes fil voit ferver, but
whether it will ferve.
Mes que (que), that as
foon as.
Mes (pur), out of mi f chief .
Mes avegne, evil, misfortune happens, befalls.
Mifceient, mefcent, intermix.
Mesch, mischitf, misfortune.
Mefces ortieux, the middle toes.
Mefcez, acciife.
Meschet (fi il), if he mifcarries.
Mefconnuflant, ignorant.
Mefcreables gemz, perfons
not to be believed.
Mefcreauntz, mifcreants.
infidels, unbelievers, heretics.
y[t{cr\:iz,fuspe, ed, guilty.
Mefcufle, excufe.
Mefcafe, trouble, misfortune.
Mefcl, mefeal, mefiau, a
leper. M E
Mes entendetz(vous),, <?«
Mefeaux deges, leprous
Mefeife de cuer (a), uneafy
in our mind.
Mes fere, mifdeed.
Mesfefours, criminals, ‘
Mefiuil, meiuil, a meffuage.
a houfe.
Me fire, monfieur.
Mefkerdy, fVednefday.
Mefmes, himself.
Melh en repons, put t»
Me In age, of the houfehold.
Mcfnam (le), took him.
led him away.
Meihaunce, bringing in.
Mefnauntes, bringing.
Mefnc (a la), in the middle.
Mefne (le court fera), the
court fball be adjourned.
Mefnee, mefnie, meyne.
Mffnee (ee de fa), to he
within his jurifdi5lion.
Meinecs, managed.
Mefner icroic (qant), when
it should come in ojieftion.
Mefnes Cpar diverfes), by
diveife ?neans.
Mefnier, a public cry er.
Mefnours, leaders, conduciors.

(delwedd B7680) (tudalen 153)
153 M E
Mefnours des querelx.
bearers of quarrels.
Mefoing, negligence.
Mefon, a houfe.
Mefonage, houfe -room.
Mesprendre, to mishehave,
cfendy mifir.ke.
MelprefTure, offence y mifcondu£i.
Mespriorai (de ceo), of
this I will exculpate myMelpris, offended,
Mesprifon, misprision.
Meis, mafs.
Meflage, a mcffenger, one
retained in the fer-vice of
another y a dependant.
Mefragerie (par colour
de), under pretence cf
being a meffenger.
Meflages, an arnhaffador.
a nuncio.
Mefieirt", evil intreat.
Mefleles, middle; difcafed.
MeflTeles (dens), the cheekteeth.
Mcller, mclToiir, an officer
in a manor , who had the
overlooking and care of
the fields in the time of
harvejl, and for zvhich
hi uas intitledto certain
Jv’kfTcMie, fignorvy dcminioii. M E 155
Meflilerie, a lazaretto, aH
hospitalfor lepers.
Meliirc, my lord.
Mefiire vos garde, tht
Lord preferve you.
Meflbins, had a mind.
Meflbinges, lyes.
Menfoir, but had he been.
Meffures, meafures, termsk
Mefter (haut}, grand m after.
Melter de counter (le).
the fcience of pleading.
Metier Ibic (fi), if there hi
Meftier (le), the hufinessy
trade, occupation.
Meftre, myfiery.
Me(trc, be committed.
Meftres, mafters, client’s.
Aleftrier, to get the moftery, dominion.
Mefuenges (lour), their
houfehold, dependants.
Mefurable, reasonablcy moderate., proportionate.
Mefurable manner (en)>
in a proportionable manner.
Mefurage (pur \, )yfGr the
Mefure terre, land containing about forty ox
Melure Me), the terms.
Mefure (preigne), be moderate.

(delwedd B7681) (tudalen 154)
154 M E
Mefare rafe, rafen (par).
by a tneafure Jirichn.
Mefurer, to mow.
Met, to put.
Met, puts.
Met a confeil, afied the
advice of.
Metable a mainprize, to
be let to mainprize,
Metere (de), to place, affign, to pit.
Mctir, offers.
Metre, to -pledge.
Metre (Ic), majler.
Mette peyne (ne), let them
/pare no pains.
Metces, bounds.
Mettes (faux), falfe meafures.
Mettid, charges.
Metiier, the moiety.
Mettive, harvejl-time.
Mettre (a), to jet, fix.
Mever (e), to move.
Meves, moved.
Meu, mens, commencedt
moved., induced.
Meuchz, meuth, meulx.
piieux, meuz, meutz.
mcultz, better.
Meult (femble pur le), it
feems be st.
Meulz vaues, mojl fubJanlial.
Meur, nicour droit, , , ‘/<fr.
beji right. M E
Meures, mature, ripe,
Meurra (les), foall mujler
Meurilfon, maturity.
Meurte, maturity, wifdom.
Mcufengs, ihose- of his
family, his dependants.
. Meufmes (nous), we moved.
McuScnt, fiirred up.
Meut, a kennel.
Meuth (I vient), it is better ; beJl.
Meuz, many.
Meymes (de), of the same.
Meyn (par le), by the
Meyn (la pleyne), the
Meyn (a fa foule), on his
own fmgle oath.
Meyn (avaunt), before
Meyn (du), of my own.
Meyn en meyn (dt),from
hand to hand.
Meyn le temp (en), in the
mean time, at the same
Meyn ove, work, labour-.
Meyn (fans), without
Mcvnal, menial.
Meyncc damage (au), doing as little damage as
pcfjlble. Meyn-

(delwedd B7682) (tudalen 155)
155 Mfi
Meyndre, lefs.
Meyne, meyney, a boufe,
hold, family.
Meyne (lur volunte de).
their own wHL
MeynpafteSj houfehold, family ,
Meyn pris, let to mainprize.
Meyns avyfement maunde, ill advifedly fent.
Meyn fachanrz, the imzvary, the
Meyns remembrantz, not
fuffciently mi’tidful.
Meyns (outre), out of her
Meyns (entre;, in hand.
Meyns niies (a), their
hands bare.
Meyns (en), under the protCLiicn.
Meyns foit prifc (au), be
lefs effethidlly inquired
Meyns, lefs.
Meyns (au), at leaf.
Me\’nt, meint, d-wells.
Meynt arefteant,’ njt-j:ithfianding.
Mevnte foitz, then, at the
same time.
Meyntenant, immediately.
Mcyr.::enr, maintains, harbours.
jMeynt hca, .e, niary a man. M t 155
Meyntz jour pafle, long
Meyre, mayor.
Meys, month.
Meys (eve -fa dozyme).
the party himself and
eleven compurgators.
Meys, mouth.
Meyfun, houfe.
Mez, middle.
Mi, me J myself, my.
Mi, half, middle -, mixed.
Mi efte (le), Midfummer.
Mice, part, portion.
M i cou 1 a u , Nicholas.
Mi.Uvinr, midnight.
Mie, net -, ill.
Mie (a la), in the middle.
Miech-aouz, the middle of
Miedi, in the middle of th,
iMielz, mieltz, mielz.
miens, miez, miex.
mex, befl, better.
Miendre, lefs, the kajl.
M lend res peches, f nailer
Micre, mier, mire, mother i mtre.
Miers, mieeres (les 11 11).
the four seas.
Mies, mcffuage or houfe.
T, iieftre, cccasion.
Mieftre cil: (que), than is

(delwedd B7683) (tudalen 156)
156 MI
Mieiidre, better.
Mieux, lefs ; rather.
Mieux (face foun}, do bis
Miey, middle.
M’gne de feer, mines of
Miere, mier, mire, mere.
mother, .
Mij quarcfme, midlents
Mikiel, Michael.
, Ifleime, thoujandth.
, Jilie mars, a thQufand
JMillier, a thoufand,
l, lilljou, better.
, Iillort Henry, wj lord
Milui, middle.
J\Iilvcyn frcre, middh brother.
, , lijlyme deufentyme.
twelve hundred.
, lin (le), mine,
Minee, la menee, those
tvha ought to -purfue felons on a hue and cry.
Minifter (a), to put in.
Miniftralx, min/lrels.
, liniilration, the man.igevient.
Minni, t, a minute.
, iinovery, trcspafs done by
the hand.
Minourj, miners, engineers.
, IIqu, mine.
Miugdre, better. M I
Miqueou, Micquel, i, .cbael.
Mire, miere, mier, ptO’
Mire, fea.
Mire (ne nous deit), ought
not to put us into a worfe
Mirmour, murmur.
Mirrour, pattern.
Mis, we, us.
Mis, mys, left.
Mifcrevv, mifcrue, fuspeSiedi guilty.
Mife, iffuey plea.
, ifc, the joining ifftie in a
iirit of right.
Mife (fans la), without iffiie joined.
Mife demene (de veftre).
of your own putting.
jMifes, expenceSj cofts, taJkSy
Miferes (feaux), faithful
Mikymes, fuppofmg.
Mifire, monfieur.
IVIillier, miflyer, to chufs
the wrongs to mijlake.
Jslirprife], mijtaking.
Mifiions, mifes, expence, .
Miflives, epijiles, letters.
Milt, left.
Mill: (foy), appears.
Mifter, nee4 (f, occaJ(CU
Miller, <? fecrst.

(delwedd B7684) (tudalen 157)
157 MO
Mistermyng, miscalling.
Mistioner, to mingle.
Mistrent (se), put themselves.
Mit (ou il lui), where he was his
Mitaundre, in the nighttime.
Mitter, to appoint.
Mittomus, we admit, we put the case.
Mittomous, let us suppose.
Mittr, will send.
Mittre et tenus, put and kept it.
Mius, better.
Moblys, moveables.
Mocke, a bride, spouse.
Mod (en la), in the mud.
Modifier, to alter, regulate.
Moedz de vin, a hogshead of wine.
Moel, meel, honey.
Moeleen, millstone.
Moelt grantement, very
Moement, especially.
Moer, moves.
Moerge, dies.
Moeryer, to die.
Moes, better.
Moeves, moved.
Mogne, a monk.
Moi, may.
Moien temp, mean time.
Moien, mediation, a mediatrix.
Moienantz, moiennans, namely,
especially, by means of.
Moienez, means.
Moienne, moderate.
Moienner, to mediate, negociate.
Moienneresses, mediatrixes.
Moient, administring.
Moigns pour le, at least.
Moillere, a malier.
Moillers (dents), the teeth
called the grinders.
Moils draps, milled cloths.
Moine, money.
Moinere (en la), in the
Moirent, die.
Mold, modeL
Moldes, many.
Moleins pur freins, bosses,
bits for bridles.
Molener, a miller.
Molicons (des), demolition.
Molt poi, much worse.
Molours, mills.
Molt, much, very.
Molument (le), the emoluments.
Molyn ventresse, a windmill.
Moly sigles, mill sails.

(delwedd B7685) (tudalen 158)
159 MO
Mond des molyns
(pur), to grind at the mills.
Mondre (de), to cleanse out.
Moneage, an aid or present to the duke of Normandy once in three years that
he should suffer the current money of
Normandy to be changed. See charter of Henry L
Monemu, Monmouth.
Monefter (a), to admonish.
Monition, munition, anmunition.
Monies (deux), two floods.
Monnoycr (argent) ou a
monnoyer,, /’:;, r coined
or vot coined.
Monnumentz (nos mcnementz), cur deeds or
Monfer Jehu Christ, my
lord Jefus Chrifl.
Monst, mout, the world.
Mdnller, to fljew.
Monfter, inonllre, mon(Irer, moufter, moilier.
muftre, a rnonaficryy a
Monftra, took it.
Monftrable, to he declared.
Monftraunce (par maiivcyle), ly unjkilfully declaring.
Monftrc, mujlre cf forces.
MOnilrcfon, the fljew.
Montance, the ‘value.
J, ‘lunt dc fois, niahy times. M O
Moshz, monftiers, mom.
tains, high lands.
Mordreu, murdered.
Moreyns, morivaile, mur,
rain, -plague.
Moreulf, marast, mora.
morent, dyed, dye.
Moreys, flawed, jtinking.
Moriance, death.
Moriant (en fon lye), on
his death- bed.
Morine, merine, timber.
Morreuc, Morreve, Mur.
Mors d’argent, a button,
buckle, or clasp ofjilver.
Mort-Mahoum, by the
death of Mahomet.
Mort (a la), fitting melancholy.
Morteus, deadly, mortal.
Morud de entaunt, , -fi
in childbed.
Moryn, wall.
Morz (q), as well dead.
Mol’nier, a miller.
Molly, Moses.
Molkra, ic:llft:cw.
Mollrance, re, nonjlrance.
A’lot et nioet, word for
IMotf, morez, p:;!, cxpreJjLa.
Motenaux (pelr.), ShcepfKins.
Moties, motce, mentioned,
worded. Motons, M O

(delwedd B7686) (tudalen 159)
159 MU
Motons, motonus, weathers, sheep.
Motye, moiety.
Moudes maners, many kinds.
Mouldre, moudre, to grind.
Moultlouse, very long.
Moultons, weathers.
Moult pres (eyde), very much contribute.
Mound, the world.
Mounder, to cleanse.
Moundre, to fence, inclose.
Mouneyne (leur), middle
Mount (tout le), the whole
Mount (vers), towards.
Mountance, amount, ‘value.
Moun taunt, amounting to
the value of.
Mounture, a riding horfe.
Mourront (ne), fjall not
Mous, many.
Mout, died.
Pvlout, rrdich, greatly.
IMout de f )is, many times.
IMouti, motive, defign.
Mouth ferroit (qe), which
would he heft.
IMouron ti’or, an av.ciciit
rr, J’U’h [J-JjJd CC’.V, C’:l
lil’, u \iii5 iiv.prdjii: a
L;;ib, i:--!’’ ibis i:.:.r:p,
/.V,;, J- -lis D.i. r:u tollit peccata mundi, miferere nobis.
Mouys, muys de ferment.
a certain meafure of
wheat. . \
Move (fe), begins.
Moveementz, commotions.
Movement (al), on the
Moves, moyes, months.
Moyen, mean, indifferent ;
temperate ; middle.
Moyen (fans), without
Moyennant, paying, making fuch payments.
Moyennant (vous), you
being the mediator.
Moyennant qu’, provided
Moyen ner,/, intercede with.
Moyes, months.
Moymenijans, by means of.
Moyr, mayor.
Mt, death.
Mu, incited, moved.
Muable (home), an inccnfiani ‘man.
IMuables, different, vary.
Muance, changing.
Mucettes, in fecre!.
P’.iUchi’., ccucealed.
i\lu?, muelcj jiiutc. ■ J L. , iuc:-, ;:-, r::s.
T\ 1 , ,, . ■, . , : ,■ -,
.,-u:n3. idg

(delwedd B7687) (tudalen 160)
Myins, warned.
Muire, to dye.
Muit de chiens, kennel of
, I nines foer, the fecondJJfter, or
the middle between two.
Mulnes, mulnefie,//, /;;, /};
the leaft.
Multe, the fine.
IVIult pny, much worfe.
lyiulyeyn, mulnes frere.
middle brother.
, luner, to warn.
Muni, warned.
Muninpent, evidence yproof.
Munfeur, monjieur.
Munte (qui), which amounts.
Munture, a riding horfe.
IVIuovee, moved.
MuQvent (fe), vary.
Murdre, kept fecret.
Murdreflburs, murderers.
Murdriflent, keep fecret.
Mure, nuyre (pur nous).
to injure us.
Muremenr, maturely.
Murger, murer, to ferish.
to dy, .
Muriaux, walls.
JVIuroufs, men employed in
building walls and fortifications.
}\1vmi,Shall dye.
Murrcrent, murrurcnt.
dyed. 160 M Y’
Murruft homage, the ho-,
mage is respited.
Mufce, mufee, mufle, mucha, concealed.
Mufeaux, leprous.
Mufettes (en), fecretly.
Mufleles, mufcettes (par).
by Jlcalth.
Muftre fruifler (de), of
breaking into a church.
or monajlery.
Muftrer, mullrel, to shewy
(et forth.
Mu 11 reru n t, shewed.
Mufurablemenr, according
to the meafure.
Mu lures, meafures.
Mutcre (de), to change.
Mutua, pledged i lent.
Mutuve, mutual.
Mutz, moved, .
Muye (ny vint), did not
IVIuygne (un), a monk.
My tout, all parts.
My (entour la), aOcut the
My lieu (claufe en), tr.iddle claufe.
My (per) ec per tout, by
the half or moiety and
by all.
Mver, mother.
Mvcus, rather.
I, .Iykarcimc, midlent.
2 Myle

(delwedd B7688) (tudalen 161)
Myle haut fil (en), in ths
main Jiream.
Mynace, midnight.
Myncurs, minors.
Myre, to prejudice.
Mys, mife, left.
Mys (fon), his confent.
Mys par gage, put hy
Myfe, ajfejfmenty punishment.
Myfe (par fa), hy hispkadings.
Myfe (pur), for lodging.
placing., appointing, depojjting.
My fne (temps), mean time.
M\’flus, furmifed.
My it mye (ne), did not ufe.
My lies, prelates, hishops.
and archbishops.
My lire, to place.
A, nade, born.
Naal, Nadal, NadaoLi, Chrijimas.
Naam, replevy, dijlrefs.
Naamer, to dijlrain.
Naams, names, diftrained.
Nacion, birth.
Nad, eres puis, some time
fince, lately.
"NaefSi, ips.
NafFrerent, wounded.
Nagement, fwimming.
Nagucres, n’agures, lately. 161 N A 161
Naidgayers, naidgaris.
nadgares, lately, some times.
Naif, natural, lively.
Naifu clemence (fa), her
natural clemency.
Nail, a nail in meafure.
Nails jammes, neverthe.
Nailours, not elfezvhere.
Naiftres (faux), bajiards.
Nammil, nam, dijlrefs.
Nanyl, nothing, not, no.
Napez, naped.
Naplus, Naples.
Nashist, Should be born.
N’afquir, nafqe, was born.
Naftres (fous), ideots.
Nat, net, pure, clean.
Natables, notable, conjidsrable.
Natair defaut, notorious
Nattraie, draws to himself.
Naturefles, naiurc.lness.
natural affeSsion, kindness, civil ufage.
Navant, they had net.
Navie, navy., Ships.
Navil, no, not.
Nau, a fnip.
Naufre, naures, wounded.
beaten, hurt.
Naye, drozvned.
Nayemenr, nagement.
Nayer, to fivim.
M Naz,

(delwedd B7689) (tudalen 162)
162 i5? N E
Naz, the nose.
Ne, nor.
Ne, born.
Ne pur quant- quint, notivitbjlanding.
Ne ad geres, ne advers.
Neant, «<?/, nothing.
Neaiir, to annihilate.
-Nee (feint), St. Neot’s.
Nee, , native.
Neef, a fljip.
Neen, neez, nees, born.
Neen (al heure de), ////
Ncent, have not.
Neerment, nearly.
Nees, the nose.
Nees, endamaged, drowned.
Nees, nee, neetz, arifen.
Nees fols, natural fools.
Nef, noef, neif, new..
Nef, ?iihe.
Nefe, afrjip, a boat.
Nefe, neif, niefe, a bondwoman.
Nefilme, ninth.
Ncfokaftel fur Line,iV, i£;caflle under Line.
Ncfs, ships.
Negic, negation, negative.
Neiantz., tiot having.
Neiccncc, birth.
Neiens, ncins, ncverthelefs.
Neirent, drcwned. N E
Neif (Ic), the ninth.
Ncifture, neifure, natl’
Neint, nothing.
Neir, black.
Neis, not yet.
Neis un (a), to any one of
Nekedent, neverthelcfs.
Nellui, nobody.
Nel ret, of any crime.
Nemy encontrefleant, «o/zvithfianding.
Nemy pur ces, notwilhfianding this.
Nenf, ninth.
Nennil, by no means , not
dt all.
Nenparncnt,, , //;, , / take
upon themfdves.
Ncnr, or, nor.
Nent, 710 1.
Nent (ne foit), is only.
Neof, nine.
Ncvoyt, night.
Nepurquant, neverthelefs.
Nevcn, nephew.
Neqe dor, neverthelefs.
‘, es,Ships.
Nefance, neilauncc, bir/l..
Ncs pot, cannot.
Neficns, ignora’fic:.
Neircntj begetf arife.

(delwedd B7690) (tudalen 163)
Nelli, N E
NeHl, an ideot.
Nctlre, not to be.
Neibe, to accrue to, to
Neftre fie), neflree (la).
the birth.
Neftre, ncftcr (p), by the
Neftrioir, notwithjlanding.
Noftroit, not known.
Neftry (pur my "bre de).
by writ of naif ty.
Nectcment abatu, wholly
pulled down.
Nectrez, educated.
Nettroit, would accrue.
Nctiire, nature.
Nevant (nemie), not before.
Nevemcnt, clcfely, nearly.
Neviime, nevyme, the
Nevoutz, nevor, nephew.
Nevrer, to cffii, i.
NeiJ, j:ot.
Neure, to hurt.
Neufreez vous ale (qi).
why did you not go.
Neux, nine.
Neuz, nephew.
Newel, Chrijlmas.
Neweu, ncwe, nephew.
Ncy, not.
Ncye, drowned.
Ncyez, have not.
N, yllure, birth. 163 N I 16?
Neytz, netz (croiz), the
white crofSf viz. of St.
Andrew ; cne of the
crcjjes on which they
ufed to fwear in Scot’
Nez, a naive.
Neze, nose.
Ni (un), not, a denying.
Nianr, not.
Nianr, danger.
Niccment, especially.
Nichol, Nicol, Lincoln.
Nice, denycd.
Nieement, namely, particularly.
Niel, Nigellus.
Nielment plede, badly
Nient mienz, moreover.
Nienc, not, have net.
Nient (a), for nothing.
Nient nuinbrables, innumerable.
Nient obi’ ant, nient areftcant, notzvitbji anding.
Nient lemeins, neverthelef.
Nientefement, avoidance.
Nierr jamnnes, fimll never
Nics (iinques), ever was
Nies, niez, a grand [on.
aJso a nephew.
M 2 Niet,

(delwedd B7691) (tudalen 164)
164. N O
Niet, brings, draws.
Niez, new.
Nifle, a thing of no value,
a trifle.
Nil, no one, nothing.
], \&v, floallnot ijfue.
Nitivitee, nativity.
Nit meins (ne), neverthelefs.
Niye, drowned.
No, cur.
No, nory not.
No, note.
Noblee (la), the noble ext ration.
Nobieife (cy hauts), so
high and noble a calling.
Noef, nine. .
Noefa, refufed, would not.
durjl not.
Not(s,ShipSj vejfels.
Noeifs (fes), his neifs.
Noel, Noil, Chriftmas.
Noement, especially.
Noemme, noemine, ninth.
Noer, tofwim.
Noefantz, niiifances.
Noet, night.
Noetandrement, in the
night’ time.
NoeviiVne, noefifme, ninth.
Noez, our people.
Noiera {v\t), ShallnGt deny.
Noies (totes), always.
Noif, nois, , 0’;, .
Noifte, neifety.
Noirent (que ne), who do
not fend. no
Noifent, dare Hot.
Noifife, noxious.
Noifmes (pot) voifineSy
Noix, noitz, night.
Nom, no.
Nomafifoins, had named.
Nomed (per ferment), by
fwearing in a fet form
of words.
Nomement, noement, nomonientez, to wit, especially.
Nomerz, nometz, named.
Nomis, names.
Nom merveill, no wonder.
Nonaen, nonain, nonne.
a nun.
Nonchofant, knowing nothing.
None, noon.
None, ninth.
Noneims, 7iunSy wives.
Nonmefnaunce (la), thr
not bringing in.
Nonn, name.
Nonn (an), in name of.
Nonfachaunce, ignorance.
Nonfauz, nonfuited.
Nonfemblablement (le
pluis), the more unlikely.
Noore, noon.
N’oofa, durfl not.
Nore, a daughter-in-law.
Norgales, North-Wales.
Nori, a fofler-child.
Notices, nurfes.

(delwedd B7692) (tudalen 165)
165 N U 165 N O
Noriflement, encouragement.
l, on, ijbreeds ; amounts to.
Norrour (Je), the gilder.
Nos, IV e J our.
Nofant, hurtful.
Nofast, durji not.
Nore, nofi, a nut.
Nosemcnr, namely.
Nosest, knows not.
Nofnies, nofmables, furnames.
Note (il a), he has declared, viven out.
Note, expreffed, specified.
Note (hors de le), out of
the note of the fine.
Notilbns, 7nake known.
Notoier, fcience, of experienced knoivledge.
Notorement, notorioufy.
Notorie, material, ohjervchle.
Novallitez, novellerie, novellers, innovations, nezv
Noveal, nezu.
Novel (ore de), now of
Noveletes, injury.
Novels porcionSj equal
Novics foits, nine times.
Noil, nouve, nifie.
NoucheSj knots.
None st re, cur, ours.
>{oi}n, nine.
Noun (de chefcun), /or
every number.
Nounne, noon.
Noun (p), by name.
Noun def, notf or undefended.
Noun due, undue, what
is not laijoful.
Nour, us.
No well, novelle (a), at
Nowelles, new.
Noycr (ne), knew not.
Noyes, drowned.
No}’s, nuts.
Noyfaunce, a nuifance.
Noz, our, us.
Nu mcncion, no notice.
Nuce, a nut.
Nude empefcliement (p).
by a bare impeachment.
without any proof to fupport it.
Nuef, nueve, new.
Nuire, nuyre, hurt, injure.
Nuifement, nuifance, annoyance.
Nul (fi), if any.
Nulenois, never.
Nulh, any.
Null (a), to any one.
Nulla, ;;(?, none.
Nulluy, no one.
Nuly biens (en), /;; any
one’s goods, any one, s
M 3 NuiT’, i66

(delwedd B7693) (tudalen 166)
N Y Niim, nun (en), in name.
!Nuaimcz, named.
Klin (ky Deu), ijubich
God forbid .
Nuncie (la), declare it.
Nuncie (que), ivho may
Nuof, nine.
Nurrer, nurer (pur), to
Nurriz le roy fles), the familiars cf the king.
Nurture (de fa), of his
own bringing up.
Nus, no.
Nu9, we.
Kufant z\\?,,to the miifance
of another.
Nufie, nobody.
Nud duft fere, ought to do
to us.
Nut, has.
Nurauntre, in the nip-bttime.
Nutc (mi), mignight.
Nuyll (ncj, does not hurt.
Nuytcr (a la), nuytandre.
in the night-time.
N’jytz, night.
ISuz (Tan) ivithoiit us.
Nyanr, ;;<j/.
Nyckc (ncfir.e), nicknams.
Nye, a mjl.
Nyet, ncii-j a zyoman Z’ilhin. 166 O D
Nyefe, neif, a ship.
Ny gill, dees not lie.
Nyent avant, they having
none before.
NyuemanL ‘jy), so vigoroujly.
Nyurent, endeavoured.
or, and.
h O, on, with.
Obeijiaument, obedience.
Ob, iires, uttered.
Objicet, to object y lay to
one’s charge.
Obir, obites, dead, forgotten.
Oblidier, to sport, rejoice.
Oblier, to forget.
Obligation, tenure.
Oblige, liable.
Oblivion, forgetfulness.
Obmittes, omitted, left out.
Obfcurity (en), in a dungeon.
Gc, yes, fo.
Ocbeir, to obey.
Occluder, to put.
OcQU\)?.\.\ox\, encroachment .
Ochoilon, ccquifon. ocoiion, occasion, accident.
Ocious \ ie, an idle life.
Ocrti.. (Ic), the increafe.
Octroyc, granted.
OJ, or, il;:th.

(delwedd B7694) (tudalen 167)
o r
Od fei (apeler), call to
Odible, odious.
Odonqs, then.
Oefs, bees.
Oegles, ogles, oels, eyes.
Oel, eqiial.
Oels, them, the famCy in
like manner.
Oens (a), to them.
OcVi% (les), the doors.
Oept, eight.
Oeptaz, &c. oBav, j , c.
Oeptifme, eighth.
Oer (de), to triiji.
Oes, oeps, ufe, benefit.
CefTes del chambre (les).
the doors of the chamber.
Oct, oete, eight.
Oeux, eggs.
OF, with.
Office (de Ton), of right.
by virtue of his office.
Offre, a tender.
Olfres (oj cl p demandes.
by quefiicn and an fiver.
OniTes, offiz, offices.
Oghil.i, cujled.
Oi, / have.
Oi, oic, oiectz", heard.
Oi (cours de), his body.
Oictoiivrc, O., jucr.
Oie, an ear.
. Cicls, cjcs. 167 O M 167
Oient, had.
Oier (d.), to hear.
Oier del jurie (al), to the
ear of the jury.
Oil, o\\, yea, yea, ay, ay.
the afjent of the commons
in 2S Edw, III.
Oille, oil.
Oingt, anointed.
Oioir, heard.
Oir, to hear.
Oir mafle, heir male.
Oirs (pur fcs), fcr bis
Oires (jufques), to this
Oifei, oifeal, a bird.
Oifel St. Martin (le), a
croiv\ so called from its
generally being feen about
Mdrlinrnas in France.
Oi fines, ina, ive, idle.
Oifmes, we have heard.
Oist, eaft.
Oiluir, Icifure, cpportuniiy.
Oitaves, oBaves.
Oic d’, eight -pence.
Oitemenr, advancement.
0;z, heard.
Olii’auiit, an elephant.
Oly (d’;, olives.
Om, ommc, a man, p.rOiii meiTefoit: (conie fc).
as if one bad cffcnde.L
Oir.cs (prud), uiagndies.
great men.
M -i- OriiiciJie

(delwedd B7695) (tudalen 168)
168 i6S o o Omicidie (d’), of
homicide, mavjla, ighier.
Omofnes, aims.
On, in.
On (un), atj ounce.
On a (Tent (fans), "juithout
thei’f (‘iTerH.
Onche u’or, an ouche of
gold, a kroQcby a necklace.
Oncl, uncle.
Oncore, Jiicr cover , again.
Qncques n’eulTent etc_.
had never been.
Ond, one.
One, vjith.
Oner ‘J’), the honour.
Onerer (ne duft), ought
not to meddle.
Onerec (fagement), ‘■jijifdy
to vjork.
Oneftee, decency.
Onf;ec de Boun, liurnplry de Bohun.
Onkore, yet.
OnneroLint, u>ill fend.
Onncur (cap d’), cap of
Onqnes, never, ever.
Onfl eu, have had.
Onta, shame.
Qnur, honcur.
Oons (nous), lie have.
Oonc ct termintnt, hear
and deter7nine.
Oor la reigne (le), auruiT5 rcginir, i, icengold. O R
this is a royal debt.
■ duty, and revenue of
every , leen confort of
England, during her
mnrriage to the king.
from every perfon,, both
in England and Ireland.
for fiery gift, or oblation, or voluntary obligation or fine to the king, .
amounting to ten marks
or nicre, for privileges.
franchifes, dispenfations.
licences, pardons 0/ grants
of royal grace, or favour
conferred by the king.
vohich is a tenth part.
bef.des the fine to the.
Oor de Cypre(de drap d’).
cloth of , old of Cyprus.
Oosent (n.), dare not.
Oost, army.
Opposer, appofTer, to appose, examine, quejiion.
Ops, choice, idll.
Opfe, ufe.
Opteincnr, obtain.
Oquifon, occafwn.
Or endroit (qui);, who at
Grail, oraille, an ear.
Oraire, orarium, a flole to
be v, orn at all times by
the prieft : it vjent abcut the neck cf him
that ojficiated, tofignify

(delwedd B7696) (tudalen 169)
he O R
he had taken upon him
the Lord’s yoke.
Orac (ori), heard the cry.
Oratours, complainanis, petiticners.
Orce, ors, orfe, a bear.
(del), cf CDmr/iat2ding, ordering.
Ordenours, tkcfe prelates
and barons -ivho ini , i o.
3 Edzvard II. were appointed, by
virtue of
the king’s ccmmijficn, to
reform and fettle the
flate cf the king’s hctifeholdy and of the kingdo’m.
Ordemmenrs, ordinances
or st a tilt es.
Ordcs parolles (ove), ivith
fcul words.
Ordt-ynemenr, determination.
Ordi, barley.
Ordinail, a book of rules
and orders, to dire, the
right Tianner of faying
and performing holy fervice : the mcji famous
of this frt c’ACj that of
Sarm-:, ms.de bv Ofmcidy
Vifrop of SaVjl ;;;t, i o 7 7.
Ordinarcs, orclcnetj, crdivaries, lishops.
Ordire, crdei\ ////.;.
Ordincr, lo dispf: cf.
Ordir, to befihhy. OS 1S9
Ordrene, ordained.
Ore, any more.
Ore (d’), at prefcnt.
Ore (ec ja foit), andfuppose.
Ore (pur fon), for her
queen gold.
Oreler, a pillow.
OrepAireyt lui, on his part.
Orendroir, no-jj, at this
Organes portatifs du roy
(les), the king’s portable
Oriel, a}i ear.
Qrier, to rife up, the ri- Orlia ove le rov, had a
private audience cf the
Orir, to arife from.
Orlage, a clock.
Orphays, orphans.
OrpheoLir, goldfi.iith.
Orray, orrount, orreyent.
Q\-rzni,shall hear.
C’:rtt, guilt.
O rri blecce, horribkness.
Orris (1’), the inheritance.
Orr, a garden.
Ortcils, claws.
Ortieux, toes.
Okmnes, Ozanne, Pa!,nS’lindipy.
Of], alfo.
OllI;, bone.
Offi qc, so t’;at.

(delwedd B7697) (tudalen 170)
170 J70 O T
Ost, he had.
Oil, hoji.
Ost, oftcl (a), wilb an
‘ army.
Ollagc, hojiage.
Oftagiez, fet at liberty.
Oftaflent, Jkould remove
from, ot’Jly put out.
Olteilx, hctifes.
Oftel, houfekold, at heme.
an inUy lodging, eniertaimmnt, diet.
OHension (de faire), to
frjcw, to produce.
Olter, taken away.
Oder (mal), bad underJlaJtding.
Os teres, fuch lands.
Ofterons, ivill put out.
Oftier, a door.
O, oyn, Jlocd, was.
Oftre, Shezvid.
Oft re ceo, moreover.
Olyiim lefTcr (nus de), zve
have adjourned.
Ot, il ot, he had.
Ote, ot, he hearkens.
Otel, as much, the like.
Gterie (e), and grant.
Otiofite, idlenejs, want of
Otree, granted, confcnled.
Otrei, the other.
Otrei, otri, ka-’je, confcnt.
Otrie de cto, Jurtler.
moreover. O V
Otriemenz, concejjions.
Otroiant, attending to, re,
garding, granting.
Otruoyfons, grants.
Ottie, granted.
Ottis, taken away, carried
Otto or Otho de Tillie.
the name of some Norman, who built Doncafter crofs.
Ottreer (le), the charter.
Ottreire, to grant.
Ottret, granted.
Ottrie de ceo a luy (n.).
does not pretend himself
to have any title thereto.
Ottroyent (s’ilz luy), if
they grant it to him.
Ottroyer, to contra, .
Ottruyz, granted.
Ou, whereas, whereto.
within, with, into, in.
Ou cas, in caje.
Ou nun, in the name.
Ou que ils fuiflent, aU
though they were.
Ou q foit chargeant.
wherewith he be charged.
Ouj to open.
Ouan, in a year.
Oucunque, wherefoever.
whatfoeier, wbenfoever,
Oue, ouic, a goose.
Ouen (qi), who have.
(yucs, bones.
Ovf, with.
Cve O V
Ove et de trove; de eve et
de treve ; /. e. free for
many defcents ; from
graridfatber, and great
grandfather" s great
grandfather ; also certain feignioral rights exercifed over villains.
Ovek CO, morccver.
Ovakes. oveuk, zuith.
Ovel, nczv.
Ovelment, equally, j, ‘ft, i
Oueni, have.
Ovenuz. arrived y come.
Over, have.
Over ;dc;, to zvcrk, to labour.
Overaigne del Eglife (al).
to the fabric of the
Overe, ouere pur luy.
paffcd in her favour.
Overe pur vous (qe).
which is in y cur favour.
Overe (par), by endeavouring.
Overe en avant (de eel).
from that time forward.
Ovcrecha, goes beyond.
Overee ley, v, rought f.lk.
Overeif, ne (al), tovjards
Ovcreignes, zvorks.
Overe mye (nc), there is
no occc./icv. fcr.
Ovcrent, pajled.

(delwedd B7698) (tudalen 171)
71 O V 171
Ojverer, to proceed, to gain.
Overrer, to work.
Overefces de feie, filk"workers.
Ovetete (en Iku), in an
open place.
Overez, built, ere5led.
Overre (en), inquiry.
Overte (en temps), in open
Overtement, plainly, mar.ifcftly.
Qvcnc, .open, so as the lord
can difirain.
Oves et feucs, done and
Oveiqe ceo qe, except
Ovefque, alfo.
Overtoit, ivhilji he laas.
lyjs heretofore; appointed.
Ou.c>htee, oujled.
Ovient, often.
Ovir, to hear.
Ouk, ever.
Oukuns, any.
Ouit (au), on the lafi day.
Oultrance, attrenche (a
tout}, to the utmoft.
Oultroyle, granted.
Oumcs, men.
Ounrernent, openly.
Ounr me Iter, hold it neceffary.
Ovoqcs tut ce, befiles all

(delwedd B7699) (tudalen 172)
172 O U
Ouq, and tbaf, where.
Ouraj Shall have.
Oure, hour.
Oure, to kill.
Oure, cures, works.
Oure (al), at the time.
Ourcroms (nous), we will
Oures (avant tout), especially.
Ourir, to manage.
Our ke
(del), as foon as.
Ours (j.), I Shall have.
Ous, hones.
Ous (a), to them.
Oust, Augujl.
Qust, out, haSy had.
Ouflage, hojiage.
Ouftantz, oujling, turning
Ouflel fal), to the door, at
the door, at the begin’
ning, atfirjL
Ouftcr auxi, over, alfo.
Ouftrez, oufles, put cut.
removed, taken off.
Ourtr, over.
Quit re, removed.
Ouftre autcr droit, except
what belongs to others.
Ouilre quel, leyoud which.
after which.
Out, cbcvc.
Outcl (facrcir.ent dcl)../;craynciit on tic c.Uo.r.
Cuter", ovcrte (clchange).
ptdlicy open cxclaii’-e. Ouilagari, an outlawry.
Outrage, abufe, excefs.
Outragieufe, exccffive.
Outre, over, hejides.
Outre (d’), of another.
Outre (la), doutrek nicer.
beyond fea.
Outreiz, granted.
Ouircment (tout), ouvertement, intirely, utterly.
Outr quen culture, over.
through which piece of
Outre (fa demande tout).
the whole fue demanded.
Ouve, or.
Ouvertez, letters patent.,
Ouwel-main (en), into an
indifferent hand.
Ouye, ouy, ouyes, her.rd.
Ouyez, publishing, procbiming.
Ouzercient (ne), durft
Ouzifme, eighth.
Ow, or.
Owaille (un), afJjccp.
Owe, aiie cralle, a fat
Owe, hired.
0\vel, ouclx, equnJ.
Ow’-le main (en), into an
ifidifferent hand.
Owele condicon (dc), cf
equal condition.
Owclmcnt, ciiually.

(delwedd B7700) (tudalen 173)
173 o w
Owelty o z
Oweles (Dieux ad comys
fes), God has commitied
Owells, eyes.
Owels, goods.
Ower, oar.
Owefter celle avverouftc
(pur), to remove this
Owyt, eight.
Oy, heary heard, audited.
Oy (demanda), demanded
Oy dire (par), ly hearfay.
Oye, an ear.
Oye, oyer.
Oye encor (je n’), / have
not yet.
Oyels, eyes.
Oyer, eyes.
Oyer (lb), his hearing.
Oyis, heard.
Oyl, yes, hear ye, an eye.
Oynt, eight.
Oyr no acuntes (de), io
audit cur accounts.
Oyfcls, birds.
Oyfon, goose.
Oyst, heard.
Oyt, eight.
Oytaves, o, laves.
Oytiefme, the eighth.
Oyzes (kil), that he hear.
Ozanne (la fete d’}, Palra, unday. PA i-B
p amont cfcrit, above
PI, plaintiff.
p my, throughout.
P noms, have brought.
pnt, /i, /, ifj.
Pont, can, may.
, oirez, procured.
ppris, purprifedf encroach’
ed upon.
ProLi, profit.
pr tee, for their land.
ps, taken, more.
ps dil ce qs, ».?, r iz«/, , , Zmofi to.
pie, taken.
pfel, taking.
ptie, brought.
p ufe, , _)’ /ar»j’.
Pa age, payment.
Paas, country.
Pace, paffe, p, ‘, , exPaces del Escheklr (en
voiez a Ics), /?;7/ /, the
places ; /. t\ to the courts
of the Exchequer., , c.
Pache, a convention.
Pacs, peace.
Pae, paeinenz, paes, pcyment.
Pae pas (nc fe), is not fa.
Paee, payed.
Paer (l’ apolloill), >/, iT
the pspe.

(delwedd B7701) (tudalen 174)
174 J 74 P A Paes, agreement J
Paes, countries.
Paes (nexcede), do not exceed.
Paetz, paid.
Pagner (per), by payment.
Paiages et Rovages ; pedagia et roagia. tributes
and rotages. See Roynages.
Paie (de), of payment.
Paie (mau), displeafed.
Paiere (p la), Iry the father.
Pa’es, paj, ez (les), the payments.
Paigners, panniers.
Paile, omitted.
Pailemcnt faire, to do the
Paillettes, hangings.
Painer, to torment.
l, ain-grofTe, hro\Jon bread.
Pains, /o, -y, Ji thefiyft Sunday in lent in the RomifJj
Paintz, paying.
Painz (vii), feven haves.
Paiour, fear.
Pair, to pay.
Paira, may.
Pais, paile, peace.
Pailement (ibr le), in the
Pailnc, the ycungejl.
Paifvile, peaceable. ? A
Paifumne (en), into a Pdganish country.
Paiz, agreement.
Pale, pal, pel, palingi
Paler, to speak.
Palettes, a military habit.
Palie, pallees, spoken ofy
trcnted of.
Paller (fanz ent), without mentioning the same.
Panbretat, mandate.
Pandecourte, Penticofi.
Pane, cloth, a robe.
Pane, bread.
VantSy J, ins.
Panes, loaves.
Panetre le roy (ferjante dtf
eftree), byferjeantry, to
be the king’s pantkr.
Pani, penalty.
Pans, he thinks.
Panfe, the belly.
Pan lbs, hung, pendant, dffixed.
Panures, poor.
Paor, paoir, power.
V, oy, r,fear.
Paonrs, payers.
Papa, the pope.
Papate (la), the papacy.
Papirs, papers, books of
Papificke (eglife), the
Rcmif/j church.
Papiitine, a papijl.

(delwedd B7702) (tudalen 175)
175 P A
Par, equaL
Par, paces.
Par (de), of Paris.
Parachue, paracheve, finished.
Parage, kindred.
Para i me r, to love affectionately. Parains, padrines, tbefe
are psrfons who, in the
time of combat, performed the same office which
advocates and pleaders
ufe in disputaticn of civil caufes.
Paramount (especefie), abcve specified.
Paraval Ics pountz, belozv
the bridges.
Paravant, before.
Paraventnre, by, between.
Parautee (eftat de), ejlate
of peerage.
Parcas, perhaps.
Parcenier, parcenery.
Parchemin, parchena.
Par chi devant, heretofore.
Parchier (les mux, ), break
through the walls.
Par i-hole qe, becaufe.
Parclofc chartre, in tie
close of the charter.
]’arconniers, parceners.
Parcoons, dilatory.
Parcn, delay.
ParJ, lofs. PA 175
Pardannr, lofing.
ParcJc, pardoin, pardon,
Pardehors, outwards.
Pardehors le roialme, out
of the realm.
Pardela, beyond fea.
Pa ret r, shall lose.
Parduit, lojt.
Pardurable, perpetual.
Pardurablcment,/i?r ever.
Pare, by.
Parecheronnt, parishoironx., shall be wrecked.
Pareil, parile, parole, pe’■ ril, danger.
PareifToules, idle.
Parches, parcels, pieces.
Parempler, to fill up.
Parency, parenfi qe.
whereby, so that.
Parent, parentz, kindred.
Parent que, whereby.
Parer point, perpoint, purpoint, doublet.
Pares, peers.
Parefce, idleness.
I’arfcrons, will p, rfonri.
Parfin (a la), at laf..
Parfond, deep.
Parfurnis, parfourny, /)frformedy executed, completed.
Pargam, parch-’imt.
Pargemin, a AISS. en

(delwedd B7703) (tudalen 176)
176 P A Pariage (de), on the
of the father.
Pariens a mont, appearing
with much greater.
Parier, perjured.
Paritcs, parties.
Parlance, parly (la), /r, , /y.
p la ou, where.
Paries, pearls.
Par \\,for him, en his account.
Pari ire, to read through.
plour (lour coe), their
common speakcr, one
‘jvho zvill anfwer for
the zvhole body, the
speaker of the Houfe of
Parlure, language.
Parme, parmi, at, by.
Parmi (et), and according
Par mi ce, tlercfore, en
that account.
Parmi chou kei provided
Parmi cy, by this.
Parmucr, to truck, to barter.
Parmy, upon.
Parncr, to take.
poch, parijJj, dioccfc, territory.
Parodies, -parts, fides.
Paroge, convcrfc, have
communicatic n ivith. V A
Paroier, to appear.
Parol, paralce, peramhii’
la t ion.
Parole, plea.
Paroles pur les communes
(qi avoit les), who was
speaker for the commons.
Parolys (avons en), had
some difcourfe.
pouls, words.
Parout, wherefore.
V, rjpzxCy fully paid.
Parplcde, pleaded.
Par point, a doublet.
Parquai, whereby.
Parquaunt, when.
Parquer, to inclose, impound, impark.
Parqui, in as much as, becaufe.
Parraies, zvalls.
Parrie, equality.
Parrie, a peer, peerage.
Parfiver, to perform.
Paribn, perfon.
Parfone (apres coeverfu}.
after coverfu has rung.
Parfoneable, perfonable.
enabled to maintain pica
in court.
Partage et pannage, portion and appcnnage.
Partant, therefore, whereupon.
Parcant que, inafmuch as.
Parte des telles (per), by

(delwedd B7704) (tudalen 177)
177 Parte ct parte, party and
Parte dt, s coiles (la), the
lofs of the teftichs.
Partement, departure.
Partcz, carried.
Partirent, departed.
Partifons, divisions.
Parcmenr, in part.
Parrot, in the whole.
Partront(ne), ijuill not depart.
Party (pur la), by reason
of the parity.
Parvoar (le), the procurjor.
Parvoificrs (vallez), valets
who were learned i.i
their military excrdfes.
Pas, palfes.
Pas, pacs, peace.
Palcage, grazing.
Palcher, palTer, to feed.
P a fc h e r , p u i [ i c), ‘might go
Pafk, Eajlcr.
PaRjucs charnieix, ivlidIcnt -Sunday ; Dominica
Palque florie, Pain-Sunday.
Palqueret, the season cf
Palqucrages, pafiiregrounds.
Pai’Ianr, in their journey.
Paliaiu, feed on. V A 177
Pa (Ta u n t c, exceeding.
P.i(Ici77enr, death.
PafTcr (doit), ought to exceed.
Paiics (flint), are made up.
Pa{T:(;naire, a hook which
contains the hijiory of
the pafsion of our Saviour.
Paftour, shephcrd.
Paihire ((juitz de la), t9
be quit of pcture. See
Pfiluilemcnr, peaceably.
I’atere, Patrick.
Pateys, piuoys (le), the
ceremonies., prayers.
Pari, ou IjuiiVance de
gucrrtr, abjiirencej cr
ccfaticn cf war.
Pa::L:ncc ricu [‘par la), ly
(icd’s pennificn.
Parins, pattens.
Patins, dishcs, plates, cr
chargers, niade of gold
or she>‘, u’l’d at the dif
trihution cf the hrjt ;
a)!d thefe it-ere calied
patins cr patens ; a parend.
Patron, pattern.
P.iver, pavoirt, /(?t7r.
Pavis, a large kind cf
Pan, a fake.
i, j Pauantz,

(delwedd B7705) (tudalen 178)
178 P E
Pauantz, paynant, paying.
Paulement, a little.
Paumaunt, paumes, touching, laying one, s hands
Paus (a"), in pledge.
Pax (un), a box where the
facrament is put.
Paye, a paye, fatisfied\
Payee, recompenced.
Payne, penalty.
Payntier le roy, ferjeant
of the pantry to the king.
Paynim, a Pagan.
Pays, payes, country.
Payfqcs, Eajler.
pe, pray.
Pche, preach, declare.
Pe, pee, pazSjfoot.
Peace le roy (a la), to the
law cf the land.
Peac, peaz, peax, peace.
Peae, feet.
Peages, to us.
Peaiges, tolls, cujloms.
Peaifez, countries.
Pealx lanuz, woolfels.
Peaux dth, xbiz, fjjeepjkins.
Peautre, peantre, pewter.
Pec (pris le), price, each.
Peccheroufement, wickedPecchi (a), to fin.
Peccunc, pccunie, money.
Pece (grand), a great
while. P E
Pecee (abfentent un), he
abfettt a little while.
Pecheries, offences.
Pechereufe cite d’Avenon
(en la), in the wicked
city of Avignon.
Pechir, pecher, to offend.
Peck (haute). High Peak.
Pecker (de), to break open.
Ped, the breajl.
Pecunielle (peine), pecuniary puntshment.
Pederefte, a fodomite.
Pee, foot.
Pee de la fyn, foot of tht
Pee, country.
Peele (entrez en la), entered in the pell.
Peer, a sione, fourteen
Peer (franche), free-flone.
Peeres (nous auncients)j
our ancejlors.
Pecrefins (pleignanze).
pilgrims complainants.
Peert, appears.
Pees, peace.
Pees (un), a concord.
Pees (en), in the country.
Pees (mettent les), fet>
their feet.
Peefe, appeared.
Peefe (ove la), peaceably.
Pege, pitch.
Peibicinent, peaceably.

(delwedd B7706) (tudalen 179)
179 P E
Peier (plus), luorji.
Pejer, worfe.
Pcies en main, paid down
in hand.
Peignereffes, combers.
Peinbles, diligent.
Peinblement (fi), so diligently, carefully.
Peine, punishment.
Peine benite (pur), for
holy bread.
Peipe (Ton), his father.
Par, peer, equal.
Peir de juftices, two juftices.
Peire, father.
Peire (un), a pair.
Peir (il puit), he may pray.
Vclrs, Jlones.
Peirt, appears.
Peis, weights.
Peis, peace.
Pels, peil’e, peas.
Peife (nus), prejfed us, lay
upon our hands.
Peile (e mole nous), and
it gives us great concern.
Pcifer, to weigh.
PciGble, peaceable.
Peifiblete, the peaceable
Peifon, majl.
Peithe, fails.
Peitou, Foi, ou.
Peitreux, peitrelx, that
part of the trappings of
a hcrfe, which goes aorofs his hreajl. P E 179
Peiz, feet.
Pelcs, ijjues arifing from.
Pelle (le ditte), the faid
Pelure, peleure,, ;«,/«rr.
Pelrine, pilgrim.
Pelter fcitizein et), citizen
Peltrie, all kinds offurr.
Pelwoll, peltwool.
Pembrugg, Pembroke.
Penacles, pinnacles.
Penauntz, penitents.
Pence, interJs.
Pendable, to be hanged.
Pendaiint, in jiif pence.
PcnJert (en), belongings
Pender, to confider.
Pendra, let him pay.
Pendure (de), of hang.
Pene, penalty.
Pene, puniftocd.
Pen ere (a), to punish.
Penes, oblized.
Pv, nia (tanc lui), made him
undergo fuch duref.
Pcniblemcnr, with great
Penie (fans), withcut punijJrinent.
Pcnne, a pen.
Pcnncr, a pen-cafe.
Pcnra, ponra, foall tuke.
Penre (faitez), caufe to be
N 2 P.n,

(delwedd B7707) (tudalen 180)
180 i8o P E
Penfant, being grieved at.
Pcnferrcnc(cn),/« thought.
Pcnfoicr (potius, puiire
oier), may hear.
Pent, depends, depending.
Penyble, painful.
Pepul, people.
Pcracconipt, fully aclompted.
Per ainfi, in thesame manner.
Peramont, above.
Peranite, eternity.
Per a per, peer for peer.
Percer le denier (dc), io
break the money to pieces.
Perchemyn (un poj, dcnk
et), a little ink and
Perchez, parchez, breakin’T do’ujn.
Perclose, the cGncluftcn.
Perdanr, a ffff.rer, prejudiced.
Pcrdecca (nicnt plus), no
more in this cafe.
Per de ens, amon, , fl ther>i.
Perdervers lui, about him.
Perdefilr, lose, Icfi.
Perdez, lofs.
Pere, peer (pettre de\
Jlingin’j, ; one cf the spcrts
p-chibitcd by 1 2 liic. II.
Pere niies (aV bare-leaved.
PcregalcSj e, iuals. P E
Pereies, peres, Jlones.
pent au, praying to have.
Perent, thereby.
Percr, to appear.
Peres, a peer.
Peres, stones, pearls.
Perfere, to execute, perform.
Perfez perners, by pernicious aols.
Pcrfitj perfect.
Perfond, deep.
Perforcera, shall endeavour.
Pcrfre le jer jour (que
fill:), zvho offers hin\self
the fir fi day.
Peri, lojt life or limb.
Perie (od), fet ‘isjith stones.
pil de miere (en), in parts
be)ond fca.
Penis de garranties, perils
la-’yird of ‘ jso/rranty.
Peiira licns al chict" fcio:niour del ice (nc), the
chief lord cf the fee flmil
not fuff’er.
plrenc, vjere Icfi.
Peris, damaged., spoilt.
Peris a fure (n les}, affeered
by his peers.
PcrifTe, be lofi, depart
J\, r!;)\ , nent, prchngue.
Pcrsr.itter ion loyal trials.
■::.■/// not abide his lawful trial.

(delwedd B7708) (tudalen 181)
181 P E
Perners, ferverfe.
Pcrncz a mal, take ii a7mfs.
].ert)le (p), by words.
Peround, izihereby.
pount, per unt, ivherefore.
Per pays, fully fatisfied.
Perpecre, made, pajjid.
Perplede, to finiJJj, to decide.
Perpretes, committed.
Per qei oy, iyi as much as.
Per qi, perque, ixsherefore.
Perquili\e, fully colkoied
or -paid.
pquificons a mortnnayn.
purcbafes in raortniain.
Perre, precious fi ones.
Perres (p ces), by his
Perrez, Pirers, Pirrcs, Peres, Pere, Peter.
Perry (vine), hr.dj adulterated -’, -’.ne.
Pers, peers.
Perlev, fyront, perceived.
Perfonaument;, in pcrjon.
r)fuy, purfue.
Pert, part.
Pert, appears.
Pert ant, whereby, thereby.
Pcrtant (n’eft my), is not
on this account.
Pertie, part.
Perveient, provide. P E i8i
Peruch (la compaignie
de), the PruJJian comprmy.
Per view, provided.
Pervis, parvis, the outer
court of a palace or greai
hcufe \ a place where
clients, when they wanted -to be out of the noife
and bujtle of fFefiminftcr-hall, and
to confult
with their counfel, ufcd
to meet. Such was the
place in Palace-yard near
IVefiminficr - halU mentioned by Fortcfcue de
Laud. Leg. Angl. r. 5 J .
Dugdale also takes notice
of the Prrvyfe of Pawles. .’ Formerly,’" fays
he, "‘ each lawyer and
‘‘‘ ferjeant, at his pillar
" in St. PauPs church.
.’ heard his client’s caufe.
.’ and took notes thereof
. upon his knee’’ Dugd.
Orig. 19, . b. SeeGloj]’.
X. Script. v.Tritonum.
, he lowejl part of the
church next to the north
and fouth doors was also
called the parvis ; a parvis pueris ibi edoffis :
andfcmeiimcs courts temporal were held there.
Stavelefs Hijlory cf
Churches., p. 137.
N 3 Pery

(delwedd B7709) (tudalen 182)
182 i82 P E
Pery, ruined.
Perz, lofs.
Pes, pez, peace.
Pes, breaji.
Pes, pajlure.
Pes (lour), /-&, /> /, f/.
Pefantie, pefantce, animofity, refentment.
Pefaunte, heavy, ponderous.
Pesch, depojiures.
. Peschc, is faulty.
Peschie, p«!kerye, fishery.
Pefczer, to feed.
Pefer debatz (de), to fettle differences.
Pefes (trencher en), to cut
in pieces.
Ptsh (de), of the pajiure.
Pefiblement, peaceably.
Pefme, very wicked, worjl
of all.
Pefoit (li), proposed to
Pcfs (de), in the piece.
Feflant, feeding, dcpajluring.
Pefle d’etoillede lin (par\
for a piece of linen fluff.
Pelions, peishens, pefkons, fish.
Pefloncrs, fishermen.
Pcflounz (jours de), pesions, fish
Pcilienr, \ic{\.vt, feed.
Pclterelces, bakers, PciicZj baked. P E
Peftour, pefture, pefcour.
a baker.
Peftrine, bakehoufe.
Peflzon, peflbn, mast, tbt
fruit of aspecies of trees ,
called glandiferous cr
maftbearing, as beech.
oak, chefnut, l£c.
Pet (un)j a crack.
Petentes (lettres), letters
Petie, pcti, pity, mercy.
Pctitement, little, eafiiy.
Petitz gents, men of f mall
Pettavin, a Piclavian.
Peu, peuffauntz, able.
Peu de greyn, fed luitb
Peult, peuft, inay.
Peulx, peaux lanutz, woolfels.
Peurc, peuir,/, , r.
Peure, take.
Peufons, might.
Peutre, pewter.
Pew, few.
Pex, pitch.
Pey de temps, a fljort
Peygne, peynez, pains,
Peynymes, Pagar, .
Peys, vc eights.
Peyfer, to weigh.
Peyfuns, peafants.

(delwedd B7710) (tudalen 183)
p I
Peyte, a fiece,
Pez, feet.
Pheli, Philip.
Phi las (de), from off the
Phylatteries ; phylatteria.
veffels and boxes made
of gold, filver, ivory, or
cryjtal, to keep the relics of faints and martyrs.
Pi, pie, plz, poux, a well.
Pice, peas.
Pi cca, already.
Pices (Ibr leur), upon their
Pie de leal, foot of thtfeal.
Piece (a y demorer un).
t§ refide there some time.
Piece ad, piez ca, piecea.
ja pieca, ja bone piece.
lately, heretofore, hitherto, some time Jlncc.
Piece (grand), a great
Piece (iunt alecs ja une).
may he uniform.
Pieche de tans, space of
Piecza donez, lately granted.
Pied de mony, Jiandard
or Jierling money.
Pied puldreaux, a pedlar.
frc;n whence the court of
juftice, called the piepoudre, is derived J or from 183 P I 185
the dispatch given in
this court.
Pieg, deer.
Piere, , \tr, father.
Pier, worfe. ■»
Pier (le pluis), the worji.
Pier, a tyler.
Piere de leine, aflone of
Piere de la tiere, a peer of
the land.
Pieroit, should pay.
Piers, pears.
Piers, peers, equals.
Piers, pieces.
Piert, pierge, appears.
Piert enemy, open enemy.
Piete grand, great charity.
Pieur, worfe.
Piez, feet.
Picz (la quelle en eft).
which is as bad.
PIges, pigs.
Pigne, fl comb.
Pigne, preigne, take.
Pigne (qe an), who op’
prefs, lay penalties on.
PignerefTe, a carder of
Pignons, pen.
pignotary, prothonctary.
Piler, pilere, a pillar.
Pliers, piles.
Piles, pilets, bolts.
Pilez, pillie, pilhe, pillaged.
Pille, plU, that f.de of the
N 4 c, in

(delwedd B7711) (tudalen 184)
184 i84 PL
coin zvbich bears the
heady crofs or file, a
Pilous, made of hair.
Pilot d’argcnt, a stlver
Pindt (chambre de), the
painted chamber, the
room ivhich ivas a?iticntly St. Edzvard’s chamber.
Pindeur, a fainter.
Pinfons, pincers.
Plotz (ne), cannot.
Pipe (qe court en), ‘ivhich
is in charge in the pipe
Piques d’or, gilt spurs.
Pi re, a /lone.
Pis, pille, pile, the brcaji.
Pile de formage, weight
of grain.
Pifcs, piz, peas.
Piffcnt, 7nay.
Pifter ou brafier (a), to
bake or brew.
Pi [a u nee, allowance.
Pile, piteus, pity., piety.
Piteoulement, pitioufly.
Piteux rt-gart, compajjionate regard.
Pitje (uii), a fmall inclosed
piece of land.
Piz, pitch.
Piz, itorfe.
Pj. plaintiff.
pla, qil plafl:, that he
ivould talk. P L
Place de t, rrQ,piecec>fland.
Placquer (fait), caufed t9
be placed., fixed.
Plage, beatings firip, , t
Jiroke., zvound.
Plai (en), in full.
Plain, plein (a), intirely.
PJainemenr, fully.
Plainer poour (ou), with
full power.
Plaifier (por mietz), for
the better compromifing.
Plait, plaid, //i:<7, proceedings ; also the fffembly
ichere they were dtterinined.
Plait (en), empleaded.
Plaiz, differences.
Plane (dej, plainly.
Plane {y, .)., fully.
Plante(en , , ■nx), in great
PlalTe, a town, hold, or
Plat, metal, iron.
Plate (de), coal of metal.
Plate (le), gold or fihcr
uncoined, bullion.
Plauccs, plaufMe.
Plauntes, planted, placed.
Playe, a wound.
Plaj’es Dieu (v), the five
wounds of our Saviour.
Playn, plein, plain, not
Play plai (u), in a plea.
pie, speaks or exprej’es.

(delwedd B7712) (tudalen 185)
185 P L
Pie, plea.
Plead, plerra, pallpleafe.
Pleafaunr, ‘tc;, // liked.
Pledent, hold flea of.
Pledu, pleaded.
Piegg (pi-ir), to take
pledges, or furety.
Pleggag’’, furetyship.
Plcin des perlones (encountre rout), againji
cdl manner of perfons.
Pleinc (le), the plaintiff.
Pleint (le g’-aiu), the
greatejl part.
P 1 e i in i e, complaint.
Plcintivoule (fi), so numerous.
Pleiine, pleyne, con:plai::s.
Plcit, plaint, complaint.
Plenere, full.
Plentc, plenty. .
Piefuuncc (pur), for the
pleafure, to pleafc.
Plefir, ‘mill, pleafure.
Plest, pic, y, \, ‘\?i,pleafe.
Pier, plcit, plea.
Pleu, plieii, pleafed.
Pleve fa foi, pledged his
Plevys (lour), those "Jihose
pledges they are.
Pleyn (plus a), more fully.
P 1 e \’ n a n c, plaintiff.
Pleyndre ;ne fc elcreyent).
may net be afraid so complain., may
not be tired
out zvith cornp’uining.
Pleytr) c, poultry. P L 185
Pleytz, pleas, plaints, complaints.
Plez (fale dt),hall of pleas.
Piia, placed, joined together.
Plien, pline, /////.
Plieu, pleafed.
Plieur, pleafure.
PI in (de), completely, fully.
\’\\’Ci, plight.
Plite, pluit, plait.
Pioast, ploet, pkafes.
Pioite des belogncs (pour
les), for the dispatch of
the bufiness.
Ploranres, lamentable.
Plot, // rains.
Pioy (fur le), on the fold- ‘
ing up., the label.
Pluis, more, moreover, further.
PI ui Iceftre, furthcrmcre.
Pluis puiinc, tnuch later.
Plum, lead.
Plum DCS, leaden caldrons.
leaden pipes.
Plume, featisers.
Plumcr bruere, to cut
Plunger, to intrude.
Plus, furplus.
Plus pres qu’il pourra
etre f.ic (dc famble
efu, x au), of the same
quc’l.ty, or as nh > .is
may be.
Pluionii (, a), to Je- r\:’.

(delwedd B7713) (tudalen 186)
186 P O Pluftoft (de),
‘Plux grant, much greater.
pnetZj take.
Po, pou, poi, pol, a little.
Poaer, power, pojfe.
Poant, could.
Poart (ne), cannot.
Pochier (le), the thumb.
Poeimes (nous), "jue could.
we mig, t.
Poent, can.
Poer, poeir, poair, power.
force, authority, Jlrength;
realm, territory, jurifdi, ion; fear,
Peer (a renable), at a rea,
fonable rent.
Peer mi (ne), could not.
Poes, can.
Poest, power.
Poet, behaviour.
Poet mye pyre (no), cannot be worfe.
Poeur, fear.
Poey (ne), cannot.
Poeyt {i€),should take effect.
Poi, little.
Poi, more.
Poi (a), at leajl -, well.
Poi des ans (en), within
a few years.
Poiart, may.
Poiement, payment.
Poier, poiar, power, fear,
jurif di, ion. P O
Poles (j, , r), for fear.
Poietz tout (vous), you
put the whole.
Poigne, poine (en), in his
handy in hand, paid dozvn.
Poindre, to paint.
Poinons, pendants.
Poins, poinne, pains, penalties, punishment.
Point (ou), in the condition.
Pointe (mettront), endeavour.
Pointes, pointz, fingers.
Pointes tretables, drawbridges , .
Points, poins, poinz,, , z///j’.
Points, poinflz (potius).
ponts, bridges.
Poir (quatre), four pair.
Poires, peas.
Pois (pur), for the weight.
Poifa (nous), dffeds us.
Poifages (les), the weighing.
Poifant coer (avoir), to be
pff ended at, to bear refentment.
Pois-apres, foon afterivards.
Poilcans, puiflfant, powtrful, able.
Poifts, weights.
Poifes couciiantz, weights
couching. Voxxxii, poutttcs, 2 Pari. Pvo

(delwedd B7714) (tudalen 187)
lU 218, pet. 5] Poire£j P o
Poifes, poifee, weighed t
Poifiz (fur le), in the
Poiflance, power.
Poiffantz (eft), is pcjfejjed
PoilTe, could.
Poifures (lour), ihcir
Poix (le), ihejijl.
Pol, Poul, Pou, Paul.
Polail, poultry.
Polentiers (les), maltmakers.
Poleyns, poleine, pulleyns, colts.
Police (p), l, y.
Polls (a), to the poll.
Polriel’me taire, could do.
Polrons (que nous), that
we can.
Poltaire, poker, polentier.
poulterer , the officer in
the king’s kitchin who
has the charge of the
Polx, the thumh.
Volz, Jkin.
Polz (al), the pill.
Pomadre, powder.
Pomelx despeies, pommels
for fwords.
Poms (rous), we can.
Ponce, hand.
Pondage, poundage.
J, ondtur (ic), the weight. 187 P Q 187
Pondre,pounder, a weight.
the same as the aunceL
Pont (ne), cannot.
Pont freint, Fontefra, .
Ponz, bridges.
Pool, pooir, poor, per.
Pooires (le), the power.
Pooit, may.
Pooms, we may, might.’
Poons (ne), we cannot.
Poofts, pffis.
Poour, fear.
Populaires, common, inferior people.
Por, po-wer , jurifdicl ion.
Por, on account of, for.
Por ce, therefore.
Por ce que je a parfiui
(e), and as foon as I
Por ceu kil, becaufe that
Por le tot, fcr the whole.
Por quei, wherefore.
Porcarv, a hogfiy.
Porccitre, Pcrchcfler.
Porchers, fzvineherds.
Pore ion Lir (a), to apportion.
Porcoi, why.
Porterra, fjall provide, determine.
Porgilcr, progifer, purgifcr. to lay with, violate,
Poriroic iS8

(delwedd B7715) (tudalen 188)
P O Poriroit (ne), couU not.
Porles, pearls.
Porom mie (ne), cctildnot.
Porporr, purport.
Porpriies (unt), have made
a purprejlnre upon.
Poneymes cltre (ne), cannct he.
Porftor, pod’djfor.
Pr, rfiff , pcpjjed.
Port (li), ibe ports.
Porte (avcc), with the lofs.
Porte paix, the pax for the
holy kifs. In the primitive times, in the eajlern countries, a ceremony
"-jjas ufed by the Chrijtians after divine fervice
ended, to kifs cne another, as a token of mutual a?nily and peace :
to ccntinue and perform
vshich cuftom ijsith more
convenience and decency.
in after -times, this invention luas devifed, viz.
a piece of wood or metal.
with the plblure oschriJl
upon it, was folemnly tendered to all the people prefent to kifs ; this was
called cfculatorium, or the
pax, tu f.gnify the peace.
unity, and amity, of all
the faithful, who in that
wanner, by the medium
of the pax, kiffed one an- 188 V O
other. Mat. Paris tells
us, that, duru{, the , reat
dtjftrence between Henry
the Second ai/d his turbulent archbishop Thomas Becket, Rex ofciilur/i pads
dare archiepifcopo negavit. Mat.
Paris, [ 17. ylnd holingshed fays, that the
king refufed to kifs the
pax with the archbishop
at mafs, Holingped in
anno ii, , o. Utaveley.
Portelmue, Portfmouth.
Portetz, brought.
Porton, share.
Porvcrra, fjjall provide, determine.
Porvoijince, providence.
] \) fe , prevented, fettled.
Poier, to put que/lions.
Pofcz, put, fet at.
Pofonis, fuppose, or put
the cafe.
Poiles (en), in pulfe.
Pofrez (jours), times ppffed.
Poiioiile (la), the pope.
Pot, can.
Poture, puture, a claim
made by forejiers csprovisions from those who
lived within the purlieus of the forejl.
Pou (fi), so little.

(delwedd B7716) (tudalen 189)
P o
Povaire, povare, ■poiMcr.
Ponces, fingers.
Pouchon, puncheon.
Poudre de oifeaus et poiffons, ferny e of birds and
Poue Defcose fla), the
poor people of Scollajid.
Poverail del eynec (la).
the poor people in the
Pouers, povre, poverez.
poor\ poverty.
Pouerte, poverty.
Povira (en quanque il).
/’;/ as much as fjall be in
his pfj-jocr.
Poulare, po-tuder.
l.oul, Paul.
PoLilcc, forefinger, hand.
Pouldrcux, (it{i;y.
Ponies, ivcu’ds.
Poults, poultcr, fouUiy;
a -poulterer.
Pounagc, pannage.
Voiin(oncz, po-ivJacd,spCited.
Pounr, a bridge.
Pour de mort, fear of
Poure, pour, pcnv/er.
po-i’jcr, force.
Pourar homes, poor rien.
Pour chivaiier, pccrkv.’git.
Pour civju ke, beca:ifi\
P.jU.’cs, poor people.
PourhcCj prcU’id. 189 P O 1, 9
Pourkach, pourkars,pourchack, procurement.
Pouriefle, fearlefs.
PoLirmener, to go, cr ‘xalk
Pourj, nfer, to drjife.
PoLirpoins (en Icur), in
their coat-armour, zvi/h
their arms.
Pourquoy, on ivhich account.
Pourfigre, to prcfecitte.
Pouryfremcnc, impoverifjjment.
Pous (la), the poor pfo, , k.
Pons (p:’.r le), by the inch;
the thumb’s breadth.
Powtcrenr leur lealx, put
their fcals.
Po\\?it,pc., ver,jurifd!, ion.
Pout, may.
Pout (nel, could not.
Poutyns, poucins, pullets.
PoutZj poiTiVs (dcuxj, tUJJ
pn’T-ers, inches.
Jo ‘
l, owcr, pr.cr.
Powers (a), to the poor.
Powcrc (, )cr noz), by our
Pov, a little.
Poy (tout a), very nearly
the farnc, abnoit the
ivhole of, all but a Uttk.
Poy fait (a, , Vttlc prctufed.
Poy er pr.r noy (p:.r), by
little and Utile.

(delwedd B7717) (tudalen 190)
T90 P R
Poy denk (un), a Utile ink.
Poy a diie (un), to fay a
word or two.
Poy de ly (mult), very
lightly of him.
Poy de temps (par moult).
a very short time.
Poy voet vivere par Toy
mermes(qa), which can
fupport itself.
Poye vaut, worth hut little.
Poye (a), at leaji.
Poycr de countce, the poffe
Po\ er de la mort, fear of
Po) n, poygne, a hand.
Poynes, penalties, pains’.
Voynne, pains, trouble.
Poyntes, pins.
Poynt ne, cannot.
Poyuunt, pay.
Poys, weight.
PoySj peas.
Poys (de), of confeojience.
Poyfe, thinks.
l, oyfe (lui), affeBs him.
Poyfent pluis, are of a
deeper die.
Pozc, placed.
Pfa, may.
Praefcflion, appointin;, ,
Praigne, prange, take.
Praile des alTifes (la), the
taking affifes.
Prail’mes, took. 190 P R
Pre (plus), nearer.
Prechourez, preachers.
Pr, er (de), to hefeech.
Prees, meadows.
Preerent (nos), befeeched us.
Preeft (al), at the meadow.
Pref(a), to prove.
Prefaire, to perfe5f.
Prei, meadow.
Preints (que Ten), that
there is inferted, put.
Preier (a la), at the prayer.
Preies, preyes, booty, plunder.
Preignans affaires, preffmg
Preignaunce, pressingytaking.
Preis, price.
Preife, acquainted, informed.
Preifer, to appraife.
Pr e i iTe ( m oy ) , /’ plead.
Frchce, prized, commended.
PreilToins, had taken.
Preill (le), may be taken.
Preidr (les), took them.
Premerem (le), the firfi.
Premefies, proinifes.
Premis, promijcd.
Premiftrent, will promife.
Prcndrans en bon gree
(un)> a taking in good
prendre (pur), to undertake.
5 Preng-

(delwedd B7718) (tudalen 191)
Prengnoflatz, take»
Prent (luy), takes himself.
Prente (le), the imprejsion.
Pt’enyCypreigne, preagent.
apprehend, take,
Prererre, prayer.
Pres, prefented.
Pres (de), near.
Pres (plus), as near.
Pres nulles {bicn) , fcarce
Pres (fi), as near, as well as.
Preschanntz, perfuading.
Preschein, preceding.
Preschein, next.
Prefeance, precedence.
Prefentaines, prefented.
Prefente, prefentee..
Prel’entez, prefantz, prefent.
Prefentment, prefentation.
Presone, prifon.
Prefs (fur un), en a prefentment.
Prefs la def (de), to prefent the defeat.
Prefiieux, precious.
Prest, took.
Prest, made.
Prest, borrowed, ready, a
Preft (de), borrowed on.
Preft (Ion), ivhat he lent.
Pre st a (luy), lent to him.
Preilaige, priejlhood.
Prefte lur aver ., lent their
, A-:r, in the Suit, of AftOR B 191 P
R .191
Prefter (me), to accommodate me with.
Preft ier (a), to borrow.
Vrc, n\Qnt{\MQy proof ready
at hand.
Prefz, preftez, prefe, ready.
Pretend, forethought.
P’retenfez reignez, pretended reigns.
Preud home, preux, great
men ; a valiant tnan.
Preue, pren, weal, projit;
Prcvement, pvementes.
Prever, to take a view of
Previpfe, private feal.
Prevulmes, intended.
Preyer, to pray.
VvtytT., spoil.
Preymes, preimes, preiP
mes, took.
Prez, prayers.
Pri (vus), I pray you.
Pri, prient (li), so prays.
Prie. takes.
Prie (de), -morfe.
Prier, to -pray , int er cede
for,Pries (la), the taking.
Prigner, to take.
Priggaute, parity.
Prime (a heur de), at one
Primer apres (tot a), immediately after, foon after.
iinc!, li edit, is tranflated, , <>pi/f

(delwedd B7719) (tudalen 192)
192’ P R
IVimerernent, in the firji
pJace, espccially.
Primerime (nonante).
Primerme dcviTe (a la), at
the fir Jl court.
Primpt (im), in the twilight.
Princee de Capes, principality of Capua.
Prinche, prince.
Principalement, especially.
Principallee de Ceftre.
principality of Chejler.
Principakce, principalship,
head of a hall.
Prins, prinfcs, taken from.
Print, he takes.
Prioritie, priory.
Prioure de mort, fear of
Pris fus, taken up, undertook.
Pris (fur le), upon the
Pris de gnerre (les), the
prifor.ers of war.
Pris (plus), the more readily.
Pris, may ..
Prife (nous), concerns us.
Prifel, a taking \ also a
condition., acceptance.
Priler, to value, appraife.
Priferunt (qui), who appraifed.
Pnles qu, droit, lefs value
. Potius/zy;.’. Rot. Fail. vol. P R
than they ought to he of.
Prilbns, prifoners.
IVist, a loan.
Prill, borrowed.
Prift (de), by borrowing on
Prift (Ic), was taken.
Priderent a mayn (ilz).
they undertook for.
Prifteront repons, received
Priderount enfemble(fey).
affembled together.
Priltre (fe"., were performed.
Priftine (fergeant), ferjeant of the bakehoufe.
Prifun, prifon.
Priu, purru, deflowered.
Prium, we pray.
Privables, liable to deprivation.
Privez, people of cur own
Privites (les), the Jecrets.
Probation (pur la),/(?r the
Procain, next.
Proces, porks. ■
Prodi jour, next day.
Prochainement,precheinemQm, speedily, la/}, next.
Prochenient, immediately.
Procheynete, prochcnite.
proximity, nearncfs.
Procier (cela), that proceeded.
Procindc, precinol.
I. p. z-jb. per. 1 6. Hale’s MS.

(delwedd B7720) (tudalen 193)
193 P u
Procure, a pro5lor.
Prodance, prudence.
Prode, produced.
Proder, to go out of.
Prodes, probes hommes.
boneji men.
Prodes homes, the Magnates and Grands of
the counties y the military
tenants, the ivife difcreet
men of the nation ; also
men weU-affe5fed.
Prodome, a man of some
Profites (les), the advantagesy benefits.
Progaine, progeny.
Progifer, to ravish.
Proiere, prayer.
Prois, prayed.
Prois, proved.
Proifmes, near.
Prolation (la), the pronouncing, giving.
Prologner, to prolong.
Promes, promife.
Promegons (vous), ive
promife you.
Pron, neighbour.
Prons, ready.
Pronunciation, fentence.
Pronunciall le dit parlement, declared the caufe
of calling the faid parliament. P R 193
Pronunciement (en temps
de), at the time of pronouncing.
Propier, like to fuffer.
Propitz, favourable.
Propos, purpcfe.
Propremcnt (fa fals), his
own proper hall.
Proroignement, prorogation, prolongation.
Prpfme, a neighbour.
Prou,proun,?««f<6, enough.
a great deal.
Proute, ready., quick.
Prouz, proved.
Provable errour, a manifejiy a juft or juftifiable
Provabiement, plainly.
Provablement attain t,/’ri’vabh attainted., i. e. upon manifefl evidence.
Provabks (ceux pleas
funt), the fe pleas arc to
be proceeded in.
Provant (en), in proving.
Prouaire, apricft.
prudonne (fur
la), on the probity, prudence.
Prove (de), of the probate.
Provenant, arif.ng.
Provenders, provifrSyprebendaries.
O Proven-

(delwedd B7721) (tudalen 194)
194- P U ‘
Pro vend re, a prebend.
P rover, to improve.
Proverifon, impoverishment.
Provers hommes, poor
Provilent, Should prove.
Provoll:, the provojl, the
lord of the vill\ the
reeve or hayliff of the
hing, or of the lord of
the manor.
Prowe, pron, prevc, prcn.
pru, profit y advantage.
Pfoyt, may.
Prud omes, great men.
Prudum, an honeji man.
Pruerount, fJjall approve.
Prumeiremcnt, in the fir ji
Pruschanament pafiee, lafi
Pruvance, proofs evidence.
Pruys, PruJTia.
Pry, proper, advifealle.
Pry (vous), I pray, I befeech yen.
Pryemes. tcok.
Pryne, lak.;ig.
ps, pris, taken.
pts, lofs.
].u, mere.
]\ic i 1 1 age, virginity.
I’ucyns, chickens.
Pue et pue (al), hy little
and In tie.
Pueent (il ne), they may
Pueent pas (ne), cannot.
Pueplier, to publifjj.
Puer, pure.
FucSfspoiled, trodden down.
Pues, afterwards.
Puet eftre, // might be.
Puet (ne), cannot.
Puet unqore, is yet depending.
Pueuble, people.
Puft Ten dire, one might
Pugny, punifloed.
Puir (potius pair), paternoflers, a pair of
paterncjlersy firings of
beads for the priejls., &c.
to number their prayers
by. In one of the canons made at a provincial fyncd in 8 1 6, where
Wulfrudy Abp. of Canterbury preftded, we meet
vsith VII Beltidum Patsrncfler, which feems t$
imply that they had in
that age a certain number of finds fnfiened inta
ihdr belts, or girdles.
vshich were then iifed, as
firings of beads now are.
for the numbering of
their prcyers, but wth

(delwedd B7722) (tudalen 195)
195 FU
this difference, that the
Jiuds ‘were all of onefize\
and that every one of
them flood for a faternofler ; whereas the modern fashion is, to have
leffer beads, which Jiand
for Ave Maries, to one
larger , which fiands for
a’paternoser. John ion’s
Canons, 8 J 6.
Pulfre, a briiife, fwelling,
fear J wound.
Puljes espcrncrs, young
Pulleyns, colts.
Pulter, a poulterer.
Pulter et catour (fergeanr).
ferjeant of the poultry
and of the eatery.
Pukcri, poultry.
Pune, ycungefi.
Punee (une), a younger
Punees, youngefi fons.
Punier, to punish.
Puoblcs Criltiens, Chriftian people.
Puour, flench.
Pupj)lier, to pulUsh.
Pur, by.
i’uralle, puraille, poral.
purlieu, perambulation.
Pur areftier, to arrcji.
Pur ceo qe, from the time
tkat. V U 195
Pur coe que, forafmuch
Pur coi, whereby.
Pur que./(?r which.
Pur chou ke,becaufe that.
Purche, therefore.
Purtant cum, as long as.
Purtant qe, to the intent
Purceynte, purfeyntej, r.?cinh..
VmcXi, purchafer.
Purcharrent, proceeded.
Purchas de courts, perquifites of courts.
Purchas (t-n Ic), in the demand cf the writ.
Purchas demeyn (en fon).
of his own demanding.
Purchas (tout), all his acQiiifitions.
Puree, ajcertained.
Pur fit, on the fides.
Purgacon, cleanfng.
Purge, purgation.
Purgyfer, to deflowery t&
defile, to violate.
Purjace, pur chafed.
Purjoiner, to pit off".
Puriheynoite, , rcthonotary.
Purpail, a conference, a
Purpar lance (fur), upon a
cohfcrenc:’y condition.
Purparler, purp-iiiancc.
O 2 pur-

(delwedd B7723) (tudalen 196)
196 P u
purparks, puralc, a
Purparler, to difcourfe of.
Purpcnfe, prepenfe, forethought.
Purpernant, ajfuming.
Purportast, pirportedy dictated.
Purpose, fet forth, alledged, declared, proposed.
Ptirpreignes, makes afurprejlure on.
Purprcftour, he that makes
the purprejiure.
Purpris, taken, purprifed.
Purpull, purple.
Purres, adulterated.
Purris, rotten, damaged.
Purrois lieu (en), in a
place full of putrefaC’
Purrull, deflowered.
Piiriauve, prosecuted.
Purfourver, to furvey.
Purfuant, prosecutor.
Purfuer (de), to prosecute.
Purfui, pur chafe, obtain.
Purfuit (en la), in the precinli.
PurfuoLint, have fued, appH-d for.
Purtenand, appertaining.
Purtrere (la nianere dc).
the manner of drawing
it cut.
Purus, provided. P U
Purvcauncc de Dieu,, r, vidence of God.
Purveier, purvoier, purver, purveer, to provide.
Purvey, purview, purvieus, purveu, purw.
Purvele, ball of the eye.
Purvenauntz, arifing.
Purveyance, purview.
Purvieu, purveu, provision, condition, ordinance.
Pus, puz, puis, after.
Pus, afterwards, Jince.
Pufams (quant nus les).
at her espoufals.
Pufance, power.
Pufeit, he may.
Pufel, a maid, a virgin, A
damfel, a little girl.
Pufelage, virginity.
Pus Ve.,fince that.
Pus qui, after that.
Puflum, can, may.
Pust, put, puist,/(?i.
Pufture, homage.
Put, ugly, homely, dishonefi.
I’utage, adultery, whoredom.
Putaine, putiene louee, a
hired concubine, an harlot.
Putej, a well.
Puthois, putois, a Fulmar t.

(delwedd B7724) (tudalen 197)
Pu- Future, pufture, poture.
See Poture.
Puy (mult), much worfe,
very lightly.
Puys (homage), fure homage.
Puyer, to bear up, to fupport.
Puyr, pure.
Puys, a well, a watery or
002y place.
Puys apres, foon afterwards.
Puys (de), Jince.
Puyt afiettes byen, might
very well.
Py, pie, pys, the hreaji.
Pye, worfe.
Pye (de), on foot.
Pyghcnoute, pendant.
Pyndes d’ivory, iijory
q, who, when, that.
Qu, for.
Q, , a farthing.
Qare lou, whereas.
Q, d. non, certainly not.
qr, quarter.
Qant, when, as.
Qanpeyne, that fcarce.
Qar-qare, quair,/?, .
Qarant Ibidz (deinz).
within forty flnllings.
Qe, who.
Qeconqcs, zvbatfoever. 197 QJJ 197
Qcle meyfon, what houfe.
Qenu enfeuerent, confequence would be.
Qefl, who is.
Qcftes, who are.
Qeu, that.
Qj, (de), whose.
01 de ceo, what’s that to
the purpose.
Q[ fi, fuppose that.
Qi (Ion), his cries.
(, illoms de fa couilome
(et), and the coUe Sling
his ci’.fioms.
Qiqe lieu, in whatfoever
Q[qe Ibit, zvh ether it be.
Qoer (vour elL-, eroicnt
de), heartily thank you.
Qoi, what with.
Qore ell, who n’)zv is.
Qiia (li),/, that.
Quacorte, fourteen.
Quader, to relate.
Quanch il aveir, all that
he had.
Qiianque, whatfoever, all
Qtiant et quant, forthwith.
Qiiancieme, the zvhole
Quantqe (en), in as r,:uch
Quantrest, whatfoever is.
Quantz, how much.
O 3 Qua- igS .

(delwedd B7725) (tudalen 198)
Qiiaquil, nil, whoever.
Quare, qunr, for.
Quareil de arte, ou dc
flecchc, a trial cfjkill at
fc/tcing cr JJjooting.
Quarelme, querefma (demy, mii), midlent»
Quarkes, oaks.
Quarre de le main, the
back of the hand.
Qiiarreaux, ciifoions.
Qiiarreur, a fquarc.
Quarrier, a quarry.
Quart, takes, carries.
Qtiarters (par), by turns.
Quartier (par un), by
turns, in rotation.
Quartrover (decoller et).
beheaded and quartered.
0, 1 i (Tent z, qudfrjedy annulled.
Qiiaterable, cuarterahle.
Qiiatreble (tiu), in four
Quatrufze, fourteen. .
Qiiattezime juar, fourth
Qiiaunt, ivhrn, as much
as, as to, hcd) much.
Ouaunt (et ne p), arid yet.
Qi’aus deytas (las), which
Quay (par), ly which
mean:, zvherefore. 198 Q u
Que, which, whether.
Que (pour), /or which.
Qiie (de), of it-hich.
Qiier, qucy (de), whereof.
Queilletzcs, colle, cd.
Queist, Should feek.
Quelnit, cruelly.
Quellz genz, whatfoever
Quen, in what.
Quen breve, what writ.
Quen (outre), over which.
Quen-part, wherefoever.
Quena, a woman.
Quene marchaundie, but
one merchandife.
Quens de Flanders, count
cr earl of Flanders.
Qt-ienz, earl.
Qiieor, queur, quoer, quer.
queer, quier, heart, af
Qucquej although.
Qiier, leather, Jkin, hide.
Qiier dcners,/(jr/)’ pence.
Qiier, queor (en niye le).
in the middle of the choir.
Qucr doner ., rewarded, provided for.
Que re, which.
Ouerc (a), to go for, to get.
Quciv hors, go cut of.
Querela (de la), of the
GuarreL contention, party.
Querele (par), by which
Qucreler niic\iz (c\ and

(delwedd B7726) (tudalen 199)
rovide provide for themfilves
C, erer, queur, quercz.
querre, quer, to get, obtain, to enquire yfeek for.
beg y fetch y bring over.
Querefleres, choirijiers.
Qu erf age, wharfage.
Querge (le), let him feek
Qiierle (de), to feek him.
Querefme, Lent.
Querrer, a quarry.
CJuerrour, a digger of
(, er fon viver, to get his
Queft (la), the inquefi.
Qiieft (le), the which.
Quelle, which is.’
C, etmcnt, quietly.
Quecs, watch, guards.
Queue de vin, <3 veff el containing about a hogJJjead
and half of wine.
Queve, quevi (Idles en
double), fealed by affixing the fcal to a laid.
Queul (le), which.
Queulloienr, celled.
Queurt, he fearches.
CXieux (de), of whom.
Oucx, which, who, what.
(, icy, what.
Ouc)-, , keys, wharfs.
Qu i d a u n c e , bdic I’ing.
thi:;!:ing. 199 Q.U 199
Quiders, thoughts, opinion.
Quidrsi, Shall think.
Quie, whereas.
Quier, the heart.
Quieur (les), which.
Quiex (a), to whom.
Quil, he who.
Quilage, colle, ion.
Quillers d’or, gilt spoons.
Quillours, quiliburs, collectors.
Quin, which, who.
Q_iiind:s et requindz, the
■ fifth part of the price of
the feudal ejiate fold.
and a fifth of that fifth.
Qiiinqueal foit li (par), at
any time.
Quinz, quenz, earl.
Quinzen (uvl), fifteen days.
Quinzifme, every fifteenth
Qtiirre, quiver, copper.
Quirs, quivres,yA/;/j, leather.
Qiiis, quife, quiz, fought.
fcarched for, drawn
cut, entered up.
Qiiifent {(.\uc), who expcfe
to faie.
Quilies, quious, luttocks.
Quiil, he fearches.
CHlir, hukcd.
Qutcclaniaunce, a ;vIcaje.
Quitenient, entirely.
4 Q;i;ric>