kimkat0422k Dictionary Of The Norman Or Old French Language; Collected
From Such Acts Of Parliament, Records. Parliament Rolls, Law Books, Journals,
Antient Historians, Acts Of State, And Manuscripts, As Relate To This Nation.
Calculated To Illustrate The Rights And Customs Of Former Ages, The Forms Of
Laws And Jurisprudence, The Names Of Dignities And Offices, Of Persons And
Places; And To Render The Reading Of Those Records, Books, And Manuscripts,
Which Are Written In That Language, More Easy; As Well As To Restore The True
Sense And Meaning Of Many Words, Hitherto Deemed Quite Obscure Or
Mistranslated. To Which Are Added The Laws Of William The Conqueror, With Notes
And References. By Robert Kelham, Of Lincolns-Inn. 1779.
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kimkat0420 Y Gyfeirddalen i Dictionary of the Norman or Old French
● ● ● ●
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tudalen hwn
Cymru-Catalonia Rhan 1: Tudalennau 000-099 Beth sy’n newydd yn y wefan hon?
6665) |
llythrennau cochion = testun heb ei gywiro
llythrennau duon = testun wedi ei gywiro
Tudalennau blaenorol:
RHAN 1 (000-0199)
RHAN 2 (100-199)
200 R U |
201 RA Raith, reth, a term made use of in Wales,
and signifies an oath taken by |
202 RE
R E |
204 RE |
205 R E |
206 ao6 R E |
R E |
208 R E |
R £ |
210 R I Revinge, come hack. |
211 RU Ronpt, rous, broken. |
212 SA - |
213 SA Saler, a salt seller. |
214 S A |
215 SC Saybienke, I know very well. |
216 SE Seas, seals. |
- S E |
218 SE
219 SE
220 S E |
221 SE Seulles, only, alone. |
422 SI
Simeniaus, fimnels. |
224 |
226 , O Sospefcon (qui
miensfeient |
Sour s b |
228 S T |
229 SU Suffert, allowed, permitted. Suffrable, reasonable, lawful. Sui, ensued. Suissoins, had sued out. Suit, aforesaid. Suit, |
230 SU Suit, suyt, the retinue, chattels, offspring,
and appurtenances of a villain. |
Suit. suyt, tho rctinue, chattels, ofi'spring and appurtenances ofa villinn. Suit, the witnesses or followers of the plain- tifi'; proofi Suit, a path, or track. Suit son several, has sued out his several, partition has been made. Suiz,upon. Suiz,suient. follow. S's! Pad, if he has one. Salary, sallary.
Sullerye, a plow land. Sailings. alder trees. Suluc, rulun, rullonc, according. Sum, his. Sumeigm, week. Sumes, we are. Sumelernhe proveditor for the garrisons. Summ (a), a sum‘ damag‘, to specify his |
231 s u |
232 , 2 S U |
233 TA t, ten, tenant. |
234 T A |
Taxer, T E |
2, 6 T E |
237 T E |
238 TO Tochey (je), I mentioned, proposed. |
239 : T O |
240 TR Traille, delivered. Trailler, to search alter. Traillez, taxed. Traine (per), by drawing. Trait (gens de), cross-bowmen. Tramettre, to transmit. Tranchees, trenches. Trans, over, across. Transcrire, to write over, transcribe. Transescrit, transcript. Transiger, to transact. Transon, a fragment. Traysun. treason. |
T R |
fleum, traitors. Treiltenient, treat, entertain. Tremetoms, transmit, send over. flemois, oats, barley, and such like grain; called so a tribal? mmibue, because they are but about three months on the ground betbre they are got in. 1km, tremor (put), for than Ilene/ta durement, out with all his force. Tranche (ll). it enureth. garage a tout, it strikes at all. are e (a), trenchement rem ril . Trent/re, divided. ' Pa P” y Tune/tenure, carvers. Trencher, to carve. flenclteront devout lor aeignar (Ire), who eat at their lord's table. Trent lieu ict' (ne), it shall not take place here. - Trentel, thirty masses. Trentiame trerz, thirty-third.
Trees (jro), I find. Tnpauent, passover. Trepir, trepier (an), a tripod. Trep legierment, too hastil . Trerchs feta (la), the thir time. Trere Iron (lee). dragged them out. Trerome (ne), will not. draw. Tresamble, the like. Treueint, most holy. Treeisme jour, third day. Tremun-ry, very much concerned, sorry. Treeor (on), in the treasury. Trespaseo. lefl. this world. Treapaasauntz. those who pass by, go back- wards and forwards. fiespaufidarreinemmt), lately deceased. Trespoue, an offence. - Treepaeeement do dit nadgsirs ray (par le), by the death of the said late king. Trespasrement, miscarriage. _ Trespassement dee terms. making default at the appointed time. Trespassent, pass over |
242 T R |
T R |
244 < T y |
V A |
246 se4, V A |
, V E |
248 V E |
V E |
250 V E |
V I |
252 VI |
Via UN |
254 VO
Voloud, V o * Potids coir est. See Rot. Purl. Vol. II. p. 181. Pet. 25. Hale's MS. : Patina boyez. 15.9. 190. Pet. as USS YEM 121 1\:. ( , . IJ. Vicn: |
256 UT Urent avannt, were foretimes. Utime (d‘), of the eighth. Utre ceu terme, beyond Vuille, will. Vuse, used. |
257 WE
Woyle, |
. |
258 YE Woyle, will. Wuidier, to evacuate. Wyt myle unces d’aur (pour) for eight
thousand ounces of gold. Xentelle, a spark. Yeit (sil), if there is. Yeme, hyeme, winter. Yemer (a), to winter. Yeux ont (nous) we have seen it with our
own eyes. |
259 YV
Ytel, such. Yve, water. Yvant, seeing. Yueroigner (de), in a drunken fit. Yveroynes (les), drunkards. Yvises, services. Ywell (per), equally. Zabulon, sand. Zern, yarn. Zork (duc de), duke of York. Zusche (Sire Aleyn la), Sir Alan Zouche. FINIS. |
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5 dogfen txt
0RD 81
0d sci (a ler). call him.
Odible, ions.
Odouqs. then.
(Offs, bees.
eglu. a let. och, e
0:1, shag y“
Oct. equal.
0e13, them, the some. in like manner.
0cm (4:). to them.
Om: (lea), the doors.
Oept, eight.
Oeptaz, 41.. octave. Gee.
Oeptisme. eighth.
Orr (dz), to trust.
Ou. oeps. use, benefit.
Oeues dd chombrs (lea). the doors of the
Oct, oete, eight.
Oeuz, eggs.
Of. with.
Oflice (de son). of right, by virtue of his
0]". a tender.
Ofrer (p) ct p dummies, by question and
Ojiun. qfliz. 'ofices.
Oghsla. ousted.
0:. I have.
Oi, oie, oieetz. heard, hearing.
Oi (tour: de), his body.
Oictounre, October.
Oie. an ear.
Oiels, eyes.
Oient. had.
Oier (d’), to hear.
Oier del (jurie al). to the ear of the jury.
Oil, oil, yea, yea. it . ay; the assent of the
commons in 28 ‘ w. I
Ollie. oil.
Oingt. anointed.
Oioil. heard.
Oir. to hear.
Oir mule, heir male.
Oirs (pur sea). for his heirs.
Ozm (jusquea). to this time.
Oisel, oiseal, a bird.
Oiszl St. Martin (1:), a crow; so called from
its generally being seen .about Martin-
mss in France.
Oisinu, inactive, idle.
Oismes. we have heard.
Oiet. east.
Oiauir. leisure, opportunity.
Oiloves. octaves.
Oit (P, eight-pence.
Oitemenl. advancement.
Oiz. heard.
Olifaunt. an elephant.
01y (d‘) olives.
Om. omme, a man, person.
Omdmefl'uoit (come re), as if one had ofi'end-
e .
Omen ad). magistrates, great men.
Omici ie (if). of homicide. manslaughter.
Ommn, ohm.
On. in.
On (an). an ounce.
0n assent (um), without their assent.
One/1c (4’01). an ounce of gold. a brooch. a
One]. uncle.
Oncore, moreover. again.
anuu a'eueuent etc. had never been.
0nd. one.
One, with.
Oner (l), the honour.
Onerer (M duct). ought not to meddle.
Ouret (ugement). wisely to work.
Omtee. decency.
Onfrec dc Boas, Humphry de Bohun.
Onkore. yet.
Dunn-aunt. will send.
Olmr (cup 41'). cap of honour.
anuec, never, ever.
Oust cu. have had.
Onto. shame.
Onur, honour.
Oons (nous). we have.
Oont et (ermine-at. hear and determine.
Oar la r ' e (le) cumin regime. Queen
gold. his is a royal debt. duty, and
revenue of every queen consort of Eng-
land. during her marriage to the king
from every person. both in England and
Ireland. for every gift. or Obliltjofl, or vol.
untnry obligation or fine to the king.
amounting to ten marks or more, for
privileges, franchises. dispensations. licen-
ces, pardons or grants of royal grace. or
favour conferred by the king. which is a
tenth rt, besides the fine to the king.
Oor dc ypre (dc drop (1‘), cloth of gold of
Oosent (n’) dare not.
0m, army. .
Opposer, appouer. to appose, examine, quea.
Ops. choice, will.
Opse. use.
Opm'nent. obtain.
Oquiwn, occasion.
Or endrm't (qui), who at present.
Grail, oraille, an ear.
Oraire, oran’um, a stole to be worn at all
times by the priest: it went about the
neck of him that officiated, to signify he
had taken upon him the Lord's yoke.
Oral (art), heard the cry.
Oratours. complainants. petitioners.
Orce. are, one. a bear.
Orde (dd), of commanding. ordering.
Ordenours, those prelates and barons who
in 1310. 3 Edward II. were appointed, by
virtue of the king‘s commission, to reform
82 00R
and settle the state of the king's house-
hold. and of the kingdom.
Ordemments. ordinances or statutes.
Orda parades (one), with foul words.
Ordeynenmrt, determination.
Ordi, barley.
Ordinail, a book of rules and orders, to
direct the right manner of saying and
performing holy service : the most famous
of this sort was that of Sarum. made by
Osmond. bishop of Salisbury. 1071.
Ordinares, ordsnen. ordinaries. bishops.
Ordins, order. rule.
Ordiner, to dispose of.
Ordir, to be filthy.
Ordrm. ordained.
Ore, any more.
Ore (d’). at prmnt.
Ore (rt ja soit). and suppose.
Ore (pur son), for her queen gold.
gem, a pilllow.
e r us", on his
Orendrzty‘t, now, at misfits.
Organs: portatifs du roy (Its), the king’s
portable organs.
Oriel, an ear.
Orier, to rise up. the risin .
On‘la one ls roy, had a private audience of
the king.
31:. to arise from.
r e, a c ock.
Orp/Erys. orphans.
Orpheour, goldsmith.
Ormy, orrount, orreyent. meat, shall hear.
Orret, guilt.
Orr-iblstee, horriblensss.
Ohio (1‘), the inheritance.
. a garden.
Orm'ls, claws.
Ortieuz, toes.
Ostmrm, Ozanm, Palm-Sunday.
081‘. also.
One, bone.
Ossi qr, so that.
Get, he had.
Ort, host.
Ost,ostsl (a), with an army.
Ortega, hostage.
Ostagiez. set at liberty.
Osmseat. should remove from, oust. put out.
Osteilz, houses.
Ostel, household, at home, an inn, lodging,
entertainment, diet.
Detention (dc fairs), to show. to produce.
Oster, taken away. _
Otter (mat), bad understanding.
Os tens. such lands.
Osterons, will put out.
Outer, a door.
Ostoyt, stood, was.
Ours, shewed.
Ostre ceo. moreover.
Osyum lesser (nus dc). we have adjourned.
0t, ii at, he had.
Ole at, he hearkens.
Old, as much. the like.
Oterie (c), and grant.
Otiosite. idleness, want of employment.
Olrée, ranted, consented, appointed.
Otrei,t e other.
Otrei, otn', leave, consent.
Otm’ dc see, further, moreover.
Otriemenz, concessions.
Otroiam, attending to, regarding, granting.
Otruoysons. grants.
Ollie. granted.
Onis, taken away, carried oti'.
Otto or 01/10 dc Tillie. the name of some
Norman, who built Doncaster cross.
Ottreer (la), the charter.
Ottreire, to grant.
Ouret. ranted.
Ottn'c can a luy (n'). does not pretend
himself to have any title thereto.
Ottroyent (s‘ilz luy), if they grant it to him.
Otlroyer, to contract.
Otlruyz. granted.
Ou, whereas, whereto. within, with. into.
On cos, in case.
On nun, in the name.
On one its fuissent. although they were.
On 1 soit chorgeant, wherewith he be charg-
c .
On, to open.
Ouan. in a year.
Oucunqus, wheresoevcr. whatsoever, when-
Oue, cuts, a 0.
Gun: (91‘), wmave.
Ours, bones.
One, with.
One at de trove,- de we at de have; i. e. free
for many desecnts; from grandfather, and
great grandfather's great grandfather;
also certain seigniora rights exercised
over villiana.
0oz]: co. moreover.
Ooekes. ooeuk, with.
at, new.
Oorlment. equally, justly, exactly.
Ouent, have.
nus, arrived, come.
er. have.
Our (dc). to work, to labour.
Overnigne del Eglisc (at), to the fabric of
the church.
Overs, ouere par lay, passed in her favour.
Overs pur ems (qr), which is in your fa-
Overs ( par), by endeavouring.
Overs en scant (do eel), from that time for.
Overecha, goes beyond.
Overee sey. wrought silk. Outlagori, an cutlawry.
Ooereig-ne (ol), towards building. Outrage. abuse. excess.
Ooeret'g-nes, works. Outragieuse. excessive.
Overs mye (rte), there is no occasion for.
Ooerenl, passed.
Ooerer, to proceed. to gain.
Overrsr. to work.
Oseresces dc seie, silk-workers.
Ooerele (en lieu), in an open place.
Ooerez. built, erected.
Ocerre (en), inquiry.
anrte (en temps), in open tide.
Overtement, plainly, manifestly.
Ouertes, open, so as the lord can distrain.
Ones et seues, done and prosecuted.
Ooeaqe ceo qe, except that.
Ooesque, also.
Oeestm‘t, whilst he was, was heretofore; ap-
Orig/use. ousted.
Ooient, often.
Ovir. to hear.
Ouk. ever.
Oulrum, any.
Oult (on). on the last day.
Oultranse, attrenclte (a tout), to the utmost.
Oultroyse, granted.
Oumes, men.
Ountement, openly.
Ount mater, hold it necessary.
Oooqes tut ee, besides all this.
Duo, and that, where.
Oura, shall have.
Ours, hour.
Ours. to kill.
Oure, oures, works.
Ours (at), at the time.
Oureroms (nous), we will proceed.
Oures (oooru tout). especially.
Ourir, to manage.
Our Ire (del), as soon as.
Ours ( j), I shall have.
Ous, bones.
Ous (a), to them.
t, August.
Oust, out, has, had.
Oustage, hostage.
Oustantz. ousting, turning from.
Oustel (o1), to the door. at the door, at the
beginning. at first.
Ousler auzi, over, also.
Oustrez, oustes. put out, removed, taken ofi‘.
Oustr. over.
Oustre. removed.
Ouslrs outer droil, except what belongs to
Oustre quel, beyond which. after which.
Out, above.
Outel (sacrament del), sacrament on the al-
Outere, oeerts (sec/tango.) public. open ex-
Outre. over, besides.
Outre (d’), of another.
Outre (la) doutre la meer, beyond sea.
Outreiz, granted.
Outrement (tout), oueertemeru. intirely, ut-
terl .
Outr gum culture. over, through which
piece of round.
Outre (so made tout), the whole she de-
Once, or.
Oueertez, letters patent.
Outed-main (en), into an indifferent hand.
Ouye, any, ouyes, heard.
Ouyez, publishing, proclaiming.
Ouzeraient (ne). durst not.
Ouzisme, eighth.
Ow, or.
Owot’lle (on). a sheep.
Owe, aue crosse, a fat goose.
Owe, hired.
Owel, ouelz, equal.
'Otoele main (en), into an indifi'erent hand.
Owele condicon (dc), of equal condition.
Omelment, equally.
Oracle: (Dieu: ad comys see), God has com.
mitted his sheep.
Owslls, eyes.
Owels, goods. °
Ower. oar.
Owesler cells owerouste (pur), to remove
this doubt.
t, ei ht.
gzyhearfheard. audited.
0y (demanda), demanded oyer.
0y dire (par), by hearsay.
Oye. an ear.
Oye, oyer.
Oye encor (js n’), I have not yet.
Oyels. eyes.
Oyer. eyes. .
Oyer (so), his hearing.
Oyis, heard.
Oyl, yes. hear ye. an eye.
Oynt, eight. '
Oyr no acuntss (de), to audit our accounts.
Oysels, birds.
Oyson, goose.
Oysl, heard.
Oyt. eight.
Oytaoes. octaves.
Oytiesme, the eighth.
Oyzes (kil), that he hear.
Ozonne (la fete d'), Palm-Sunday.
P amont escrit, above written.
Pl, plaintifi'.
P my. throughout.
P noms, have brought.
84 PNT
Pat. takes.
Pout. can, may.
Poirez, procured.
Ppn’s, purprised, encroached upon.
Prou, profit.
Pr toe, for their land.
Pa, taken. more.
P: dil ce qs, neur unto, almost to.
Poe, taken.
Psel, taking.
Ptie, brought.
P use, by turns.
Paage, payment.
Pans, country.
Pace, passe. passes. exceeds.
Paces del Eschekir (ea uoirz a In). sent to
the places; i. e. to the courts of the Ex.
ehequer, &e. ‘
Paella, a convention.
Pans, peace.
Pae, paeinenz. pace. payment.
Poe pas (ne se), is not satisfied.
Pace. pa ed.
Peer (1' apostm'll), father the pope.
Pass, agreement. peace.
Pass, countries.
Pan (an-cede), do not exceed.
Paetz, paid.
Pagner (per), by payment.
Paiages et [lounges ,- pedagia ct magic,
tribute and rotnges. See Roynagu.
Paie (lie), ofpayment.
Pate (man). displeased.
Pater: (p In), by the father.
Paies, payez (let), the payments.
Paigners, panniers.
Paile, omitted.
Pailementfaire, to do the like.
Pailkttes, hangings.
Painer, to torment.
Pain-grouse, brown bread.
Pains, loaves; the first Sunday in lent in
the Romish church.
Paintz. paying.
Painz, (VII ), seven loaves.
Paiour, fear.
Pair. to pay.
Pairs. may.
Pat's. paiae, peace.
Paisement (aur la) in the appcnsing.
Paisnc, the youngest.
Paiseile, peaceable.
Paiaumne (an), into a Paganish country.
Putz. agreement.
Pale, pal, pal, paling. wood.
I’aler. to speak.
Palettes, a military habit.
Palle, pallees, spoken of, treated at:
Puller (sanz era). without mentioning the
Panbrelat, mandate.
Pandetauste. Penticost.
Pane. cloth. a robe.
Pane, bread.
Panes. skins.
Penn, loaves.
Panctre I: my (urja‘nte dc estree), by oer.
jeantry. to be the king's paatler.
Pam'. penalty.
Pane, he thinks.
Fame. the belly.
Penna, hung. pendant, affixed.
Panures. poor.
Poor. paoir. power.
Paaur. fear.
Paours, payers.
Papa, the pope.
Papal: (la), the papacy.
Pepin. papers. books of accounts.
Papiaicke (egh'se), the Romish church.
Papiatine. a papist. .
Par, equal.
Par, paces.
Per (do), of Paris.
Puree/me, parachene. finished.
Parage. kindred.
Paraimer. to love afl'ectionately.
Famine, padrinea. these are persons who,
in the time of wmbat. performed the same
office which advocates and pleaders use in
disputation of civil causes.
Paramount (sspecrfi), above specified.
Parasol let pountz, below the bridges.
Paraeant, beibre.
Parocenture, by, between.
Parent“ (eats: dc). estate of peerage.
Parcas, perhaps.
Pan-mien parcenary.
Pan-hernia. parchena. parchment.
Par chi devout, heretofore.
Parchier (lea mun). break through the
Par chose 2. because.
Pare/rose e artre. in the close of the charter.
Parcenm'ns, parccners.
Parcaans, dilatory.
Parcel, delay.
Ford, loss.
Pardannz, losing.
Parde.pardion, pardon, forgive.
Pardehors. outwards.
Pa rdelwrs le raialme. out of the realm.
Pardela, be and sea.
Pardr. shal lose.
Parduit, lost.
Pardurable. perpetual.
Pardurablemeat. for over.
Pare. by.
Parecllcrount, parishoiront, shall be wreck-
e .
Pareil. parile, parole, peril, danger.
Parn'saousea. idle.
Porches. parcels. pieces.
Parempler. to fill up.
PAY ' 35
Parenay, parensi qe, whereby, so that.
Parent, parentz, kindred.‘
Parent qua, whereby.
Partrpoint, perpoiut, purpaint, doublet.
Parts, peers.
Porcsce, idleness.
Parferons, will perform.
Par/in (a (a), at last.
Parfond, deep.
Parfurm's, parfourny, performed, executed,
Pargam, parchment.
Pargemt‘n, a MSS. on parchment.
Portage (do), on the part of the father.
Pariens a moat, appearing with much great-
Parier, pcrjured.
Pan'tes, parties.
Parlance, party (la), treaty.
P 1a on, where.
Parles, pearls.
For It, for him, on his account.
Parlire, to read through.
Flour (lour me), their common speaker,one
who will answer tbr the whole body, the
speaker of tho llouse of Commons.
Parlure, language.
Parme, panni, at, by, with.
Parrm' (ct), and according to.
For mi ce, therefore, on that account.
Parrni thou Ire, provided that.
Parmi cy, by this.
Parmuer, to truck, to barter.
Par-my. upon.
Partner, to take.
Pooh, parish, diocese. territory.
Parodies, parts, sides.
Forage, converse, have communication with.
Paroier, to appear.
Payol, paralee, perambulation.
Parole, plea.
Paroles par les communes (qi aeoit In),
who was speaker for the commons.
Pbrolys (avans ct), had some discourse.
Paulo, Words.
Parent, wherefore.
Parpoie, fully paid.
Parplede, pleaded.
Parpoint, a doublet.
Parquet, whereby.
Parquaunt, when.
Parquer, to inclose, impound, impark.
. I’arqui, in as much as, because.
I’arrat'es, walls.
Panic, equality.
Parrie, a peer, peerage.
Parsim, to perform.
Parson, person.
Parson: (aprcs caessrfu), afier covcrf'u has
Parsonsable, personable, enabled to main-
tain plea in court.
Portage ct partridge, portion and appennage.
I’artant, therefore, whereupon.
Partant qua, inasmuch as.
Forte dc testes (per), by beheading.
Parts at parle, party and party. .
Parte des coiles (la), tireless ot'tlic testicles.
Purtement, departure.
I’artez, carried.
Partirt-nt, departed.
Partisons, divisions.
Portmenl, in part.
Partot. in the whole.
Partront (no), will not depart. _
Party (par la), by reason of the parity.
Parooar (lo), the procurcr.
Parooisiers .eallez), valcts who were learn-
ed in their military exercises.
Pas, passes.
Pas, pass, peace.
Passage, grazing.
Poacher, passer, to flaed.
Poacher (puisse), might go.
Pas/r, Easter.
Pasques charnr‘elx, Midlent~Sunday ; Do-
minica Refectionis.
Pasque florie, Palm-Sunday.
I’asqusrtt, the season of Easter.
Pasquerages, pasture-grounds.
Peasant, in their journey.
Possum, feed on. .
Paasaunte, exceeding.
Possement, death.
Passer (dait), ought to exceed.
Passes (cunt), are made up, comprehended.
Pasfianairc, a book which contains the his-
tory of the passion of our Saviour.
Pasteur, shepherd.
Pasture (quit: de Io),to he quit of poture.
See Poture.
Pasuilement. peaceably.
Peters, Patrick.
Pateys, putoys (le), the ceremonies, prayers.
Patti, ou soufrance dc gun-rt, abstinence,
or cessation of war.
Patience Dieu (parla), by God's permission.
Patina, pattens. ‘
Patina, dishes, plates, or chargers, made of
gold or silver, used at the distribution of
the host; and these were called patina or
pawns; a patendo.
Patron, pattern.
I’aeer, paoot're, fear.
Pam's, a large kind of shield.
Part, a stake.
Pauantz, payout, paying.
Paalement, a little.
Paumaunt, paumes, touching, laying one’a
hands upon.
Paus (a), in pledge.
Pa: (an), a box where the sacrament is put.
Page, it pays, satisfied; payment.
Payee, recompenccd.
86 ' PAY
Payne, penalty.
Payntier le ray, aerjeant of the pantry to
the king.
Pay/aim, a Pagan.
Pays, payee. country.
Payecqes, Easter.
Pe, pray.
Pclie, preach. declare.
Pe, pee, peas, foot.
Peace Is my (a la), to the law of the land.
Peae, pen, peat, peace.
Peae, feet. '
Peages, to us.
Peaigu, tolls, customs.
Peaisrz, countries.
Peal: lama, woollbls.
Peauz deberbiz. sheepskins.
Peautre, peantre. pewter.
Pea (pris le), price. each.
Pecoherousement, wickedly.
Pecolii (a). to sin.
Peccune, petunia, money.
Pace (grand), a great while.
Pecee (absentent un). be absent a little while.
Peclnn'es, offences.
Pechereuse, cite d'Aoenau (en la), in the
wicked city of Avignon.
Pecliir, pecker, to offend. '
Peck (Mule), High Peak.
Pecker (dc). to break open.
Peel. the breast.
Pecunie le ( ine), pccuni punishment.
Pedereate, apseodomile. ”y
I’ee, fool.
Pee de la fyn, foot of the fine.
Pee. country. .
Peels (entrez en la), entered in the poll.
Peer. n stone, fourteen pounds.
Peer (franc/re). freestonc.
Pearce (nous auncients), our ancestors.
Peercsina (pleignanze), pilgrims complain-
Peert, appears.
Pen, peace.
Peas (un), a concord.
Perl (en). in the countr .
Pets (mettent let). sot eir feet.
Peace, appeared.
Peers (ooe la), peaceably.
Pegs, pitch.
Peiblement, peaceably.
Peier (plus), worst.
Pq‘er, worse.
Pelee en main. paid down in hand.
Peigneresses, combers.
Pet'nblcs, diligent.
Peinblement (st). so diligently. eareihlly.
Prim, punishment.
Peiuc benire (fur). lbr holy bread.
Peipe (am), his father.
Petr. peer. equal.
Petr de justices. two justices.
Peire, father.
Pain (an). a pair.
Pair (:1 pail), he may pray.
Peirs, stones.
Pcirt, appears.
Pris. weights.
Pet's, peace.
Pris, peise. pens.
Poise (nus). pressed us. lay up on our hands.
Peise (e malt nous), and it gives us great
Peiaer, to weigh.
Peiaible, pcnceable.
Peisiblete, the peaceable state.
Peisan, mast.
Peithe, fails.
Peitou, Poictcu.
I’eitreuz, peitrelz, that part of the trappings
of a horse, which goes across his breast.
Peiz, fcct.
Pelee, issues arising from.
Pelle (le ditle). the said appeal.
I’elun. peleure, skin, furr. clothing.
l’clrine. pilgrim.
I’elter (citizein st). citizen and skinner.
Peltrie. all kinds of furr.
Pelwoll. peltwood.
Pcmbrugg, Pembroke.
Penacles, pinnacles.
Pcnaunlz. pcnitcnts.
Pence, intends.
Pendable, to be hanged.
Pendaunt, in suspcnce.
Pendent (en). belonging.
Ponder. to consider.
Pendra. let him y.
Pendure (do). of anging.
I’ene, penalty.
Pena, punished.
Penere (a). to punish.
Pence, obliged.
Panic (tum lui), made him undergo such
Peuiblement, with great pains. .
Penie (sans). without punishment.
I’erme, a pen.
Primer, s penmse.
Penra. ponra. shall take.
Penre (faitez), cause to be taken.
Pensant, being grieved at, lamenting.
Pensement (en). in thought.
Pensm'er (patina puisse oier). may hear.
Pent, depends, depending.
Penyble. painful.
Pepul, people.
Peracwmpt, fully accomptcd.
Per airm‘. in the same manner.
Peramont. above.
Reranite, eternity.
Per a per, peer for peer.
Percer le denier (dc), to break the money to
Perclwmyn (un pay den]: et), I. little ink and
parchment. '
Pare/Ice, purchez, breaking down.
Perclose, the conclusion.
Perdant, u sufl'erer, a prejudiced.
Perdecea (nient plus). no more in this
Per de me, amongst them.
Perdervera lui, about them.
Perdesist, lose, lost.
Perdez, loss.
Pare, peer (gettre de), slinging; one of the
sports prohibited by 12 Ric. H. c. 6.
Pare since (a), bore-legged.
Peregules. equals. -
Pereies, pares, stones.
Pent au, praying to have.
Parent, thereby.
Perer, to appear.
Peres. a peer.
Peres, stones, pearls.
Perfere, to execute, to perform.
Pufez, perners, by pernicious acts.
Perflt, perfect.
Per-fund, deep.
Performers, shull endeavour.
Perfre le jer jour (que fist), who offers him-
self the first day.
Peri, lost life or limb.
Perle (ad), set with stones.
Pil dc mien (en), in ports beyond sea.
Perils de garmntiea, peril, hazard of wu-
Perira rims al chief seigniour del fee (M),
the chief lord of the fee shall not suffer.
Pirent, were lost.
Perla, damaged, spoiled.
Peris a fare (p sea). ufl'eercd by his peers.
Perisse, be lost, dcpurt from.
Perlaygnent, prolongue.
Per-miner son loyal trials, will not sbide his
lawful trial.
Perners, perverse.
Pernez :1 mal, take it amiss.
Parole (p), by words.
Peround. whereby.
Pount per unt. wherefore.
Per pays, full satisfied.
Perpelre, mu e. passed.
Perplede, to finish, to decide.
Perpreles. committed.
Per qei oy, in as much as.
Per qi erque, wherefore.
Perqui lye, fully collected or paid.
' Pquisicons a morlmayn, purchases in mort—
Perre, precious stones.
Perres (p see), by his peers.
Perrez, Pirers, Pirres, Peres, Pere, Peter.
Perry (sine), bud, adulterated wine.
Pen, peers. -
Persevfiyronl, perceived.
Pereonsumsnl, in person.
Psuy, pursue.
Perl, pert.
I’ert. appears.
I’erlant, whereby, thereby.
Perlant (n'eu my), is not on this sceonnt.
Perlie, pert.
Peroeient, provide.
Peruch (la compoignie lie), the Prussian
Perm‘ew, provided.
Penis, rvie, the outer court of a palace or
great ouse; s place where clients, when
they wanted to be out of the noise Ind
bustle of Westminster-hall, and to consult
with their counsel, used to meet. Such
was the place in Palace-yard near West-
minster-hall, mentioned by Fortescuo do
Laud. Leg. AngL c. 51. Dugdsle also
takes notice of the Pervyse of Pawles.
“Formerly." ssys he, “ each lawyer sud
serjssnt. st his pillar in St. Paul's church,
heard his client's cause. and took notes
thereof upon his knee." Du d. Orig.
195, b. See Gloss. X. Script 1:. 5h orium.
The lowest part of the church next to the
north and south doors was also called the
penis; s purvis pnsris ibi edoctis: Ind
sometimes courts temporsl were held
there. Surely’s History of Churches, p.
Pery, ruined.
Perz, loss.
Per, 2, peace.
es, roast.
Pee, pasture.
Pea (low), their feet.
Perenlie, pesontee, animosity, resentment.
Pesaunte, heavy, ponderous.
Pauli, departures.
Peache, is faulty.
Peso/tie, peakerye, fishery.
Puczer, to feed.
Peser debate (dc), to settle difl'ersnces.
Peace (trencher an), to cut in phone.
Peel: (dc) of the pasture.
Pm‘blemem, peaceably.
Puma, very wicked, worst of all.
Pesm't (Ii), propued to him.
Pass (do), in the piece.
Peuans, fesdin , deputuring.
Peace d’etoille tin (par), for s piece of
linen stufl".
Peum, pen/rem, peskom, fish.
Pemners, fishermen.
Peseounz (jours do), means, fish-dsys.
Patent, penre, feed.
Pesterucee, bakers.
Peatez, baked.
Peuour, gesture, pescour, a baker.
Pestn‘ne, bukehouss. . .
Pearson, person, must, the fruit of sspecies
88 PET
of trees, called glandiferous or masthear-
ing, as beech, oak, chesnut, to.
Pet (an), a crack.
Pctrntes (lettres), letters patent.
Prtie, peli, pity, mercy.
Petilemenl, little, easily.
Pelitz gents. men of small value.
I’ettaein. a Pictavian.
Pm paussaunlz. able.
Pen dc greyn, fed with grain.
Peult, peust, may.
I’mlz, peauz, lunutz, woolfcls.
Peure. peuir, fear.
Pears, take.
Panama, might.
Peutre. pewter.
Pew, few.
Per, pitch.
Pay dc tempo, a short time.
Prygne, peynez, pains, penalties.
Peynymes, Pagans.
Pays, weights.
Peyser, to weigh.
Peysuns, peasants.
Peyte, a piece.
(’22, feet.
Plieli, Philip.
Philas (do), from oh” the files.
P/iylaneries ; phylum, vessels and boxes
made of gold. silver, ivory, or crystal, to
keep the relics of saints and martyrs.
Pi, pie, piz. pour, a well.
Pics, peas.
Pi tea, already.
Pius (our leur), upon their pyxes.
Pie dc seal, foot of the seal.
Piece (a y dcmorer an), to reside there some
Piece ad. piez ca, pieced, ja pieca,j¢ bone
piece, lately, heretofore, hitherto, some
time since.
Piece (grand), a great while.
Piece (aunt alees ja une), may be uniform.
Pieche dc tans, space of time.
Piecza donez, lately granted.
Pied d2 many, standard or sterling money.
Pied puldreeuz, a pcdlar, from whence the
court of justice, called the piepoudre, is
derived, or from the dispatch given in this
court. '
Pieg, deer.
Piers, pier, father.
Pier, worse.
Pier (12 pluis), the worst.
Pier, a tyler.
Pier: do lcirw, a stone of wool.
Piers de la tiers, a peer of the land.
Piereit, should pay.
Piers, pears.
Piers, peers, equals.
Piers, pieces.
Piert, pierge, appears.
Piert enemy. open enemy.
Piste grand, greet charity.
Pieur, worse.
Piez, feet.
Pin (la quelle on set), which is as bad.
Pig", pigs.
Ptgne, a comb.
Pigne, preig‘ne, take. .
Pigne (go on), who oppress, lay penaltles
Pigneresu, a carder of wool.
Pignons, pen.
Pignota , prothonotary.
Piler, pin. a pillar.
I’ilers, piles.
Piles, pile“, bolts. ‘
Pilez, pillic, piles, pillaged.
Pills, pile, that side of the coin which bears
the head; cross or pile, a game.
Pilem, made of hair.
Pilot d‘argent, a silver dart.
Pincl (chambre dc), the painted chamber,
the room which was anticntly St. Ed-
ward's chamber.
Pincteur, a painter.
Pinsarls, pineers.
Piaez (rte), cannot.
Pipe (qe court on), which is in charge in the
pipe roll.
Piques d'or, gilt spurs.
Sire, a stone. th b
is, ' te, ‘ e, e reast.
Pisepgforn‘oge, weight of grain.
Pius, piz, peas.
Pissent, may.
Pieter ou brasier (a), to belts or brew.
Pitauncc, allowance.
Pile, pitcus,pity, piety.
Pitsausemsnt, pitieualy.
Piteuz, regart, compassionate regard.
Pille (an), a small inclosed piece of land.
Piz, pitch.
Piz, worse.
Pl, plaintifi'.
Pla. qil, pleat, that he would talk.
Place do tam, piece of land.
Placquer Unit), caused to be placed, fixed.
Plugs, beating, stripes, stroke, wound.
Plat (en), in full.
Plain, plein (a), intirely.
Plaintruent, fully.
Plainer poaur (on), with full power.
Plaiu'er (per mietz), for the better compro.
Plait, plaid, plea, proceedin ; also the
assembly where they were stemmed.
Plait (en), empleaded.
Plait, differences.
Plane (do), plainly.
Plane (a), fully.
Plant: (on grant), in great number.
Pious, a town, hold. or fortress.
POI 89
Plat, metal, iron.
Plate (dc), coat of metal.
Plate (ls), gold or silver uncoined, bullion.
Planers, plausible.
Plauntes, planted, placed.
Playe, a wound.
Play» Dieu (a), the five wounds of our Sa-
Playn, 'n, plain, not guilty.
Play, ai (u), in a plea.
le, speaks or expresses.
Ple, plea.
Pleast, plerru, shall please.
Pleasaunt, well liked.
Plrdent, hold plea of.
Pledu, pleaded”
' Plegg (pair), to take pledges or surety.
Pleggage, snretyship.
Plein des persona (encountre tout) against
all manner of persons.
Pleint (la), the plaintifi'.
Pleint (le grant), the greatest part.
Pleinlie. complaint.
Pleintivouse (si), so numerous.
Pleim. plcyne. complains.
Plait, ploint, complaint.
Plenere, fall.
Platte, plenty.
Plenunce (pur), for the pleasure, to please.
Plesir, will, pleasure.
Pleat, e, pleist, please.
Plet, p cit, plea.
Plea, plieu. pleased.
Plese su foi, pledged his faith.
Pleoys (lour), those whose pledges they are-
Pleyn (plus a), more fully.
Pleymnt, plaintifi‘.
Pleyndre (ne se escreyent), may not be afraid
to complain, may not be tired out with
Pleytrye, poultry.
Pleytz, pleas, plaints. complaints.
Plez (sale de), hall of pleas.
Plia, placed, 'oined together.
Plien, pline, fill“
Plieu, pleased.
Plieur, pleasure.
Plin (dc), completely, fully.
Plist, plight.
Plile,pluit, plsit.
Plaost, loet, pleases.
Ploite £8 besognes (pour les), for the dis-
patch of business.
Plorontes, lamentable.
Plot. it rains.
Ploy (sur le), on the tblding up, the label.
Pluis, more. moreover, further.
Pluicestre, furthermore.
Pluis puime. much later.
Plum, lead.
Plumbes, leaden caldrous, leadcn pipes.
Plume, feathers.
Plumer bruere, to cut heath.
Plunger, to intrude.
Plus, surplus.
Plus pres qu'il pourra slre foil (dz samble
um: an), of the same quality. or as near
as may be.
Plusanu (a), to several.
Pluslost (dc). immediately.
Plus: grant, much greater.
Pnetz, take.
Po, pan, poi. pol, a little.
Poser, power, pone.
Pount, could.
Poart (ne), cannot.
Poe/tier (le), the thumb.
Poeirnes (nous), we could, we might.
Poent. can.
Peer, poeir, poair, power, force, authority,
strength; realm, territory, jurisdiction ;
fear, abilit .
Pour (a reunite), at a reasonable rent.
Poer mi (11:), could not.
Poes, can.
Pout, power.
Poet, behaviour.
Poet mye pyre (no), cannot be worse.
Poeur, fear.
Poey (n2), cannot.
Poeyt (0e), should take effect.
Poi, little.
Poi, more.
Poi (a), at least; well.
Poi des arts (en), within a few years.
Poiart, may.
Poiement, payment.
Poier, poiar, power, fear, jurisdiction.
Poiea (per), for fear.
Poietz tout (sour). you put the whole.
Poig'ne, pain: (en), in his hand, in hand,
paid down.
Poindre, to paint.
Poinm, pendants.
Pains, poinne, pains, penalties, punishment.
Point (ou). in the condition.
Points (meltront), endeavour.
Pointer, pointz, fingers.
Pointer tumbles, draw-bridges.It
Points, point, poinz, points articles.
Points, poinctz (patina), pants, bridges.
Pair (quotre), four pair. '
Poiru. peas.
Poi: (pur), for the weight.
Pail“ (nous), afi'ects us.
Poisoges (lea), the weighing.
Poisant coer (aooir), to be ofl‘endcd at, to
bear resentment. .
Pois-opru, soon afterwards.
Poisons, puissant, powerful. able.
* Patina, pountss, 2 Parl. Rolls, 218, pct. 51.
90 POI
Point. wei hts.
Poise: ceuc n12, wei hts eouehing.
Peises, pains. weigbe , considered.
Peieiz (sur la). in the weighing.
Poissonce. power.
Peieeantz (at). is possessed of.
Paine, could.
Poisons (laur). their weighing.
Poi: (la), the fist.
Pol, Poul, Peu, Paul.
Polail, poultry.
Pelmtien (lee), maibmakers.
Poleyne. poleine, pulley», colts.
Police (p), by.
Polls (0), to the poll.
Polriume fairs, could do.
Polrm (que new). that we can.
Poltoirs. potter, polentier. poulterer; the
oficer in the kin ’s kitchen who has the
char e of the poo try.
Pole, t e thumb.
Pelt, skin.
Pets (ol), the skull.
Pomedn, powder. _
Pomelz deopeiu, pommels for swords.
Pm (nous), we can.
52:22 W
e, undo e.
Pendefir (Y: , thagweight.
Pendre. pounder. 1 weight. the same as the
Pent (m), cannot.
Pent freint, Pontefrsct.
Pent, bridges.
Peoi. poeir, pow, per, power.
Poeires (la), the power.
Poeit, may.
Pom, we may, might.
Poons (we), we cannot.
Poaote. to.
Poesr. r.
Populoiree, common. inferior people.
Per, power, jurisdiction.
or, on account of; for.
Per cc, therefore.
PM ce que je a pound (e), and as soon as
l perceived. ‘
Per ecu bit, because that it.
For 1e tot, for the whole.
Par quot, wherefore.
Porcory, u hogsty.
Porcutre. Porebester.
Porcine", swincherds.
Percienur (a), to apportion.
Parent, why.
Penerre, shall provide. determine.
Porgs'ser. ro ' er, purgiur, to lay with.
violate, e e.
Pon'ror‘t (vie), could not.
Perks, pearls.
Perom mic (u), could not.
PM. purport.
Perprieu (uni), have made e purpresture
Perreymec utrs (ne). cannot be.
Porsear, possessor.
Penile, possessed.
Port (Ii), the ports.
Port: (auto), with the loss.
Port: pair, the for the holy hiss. In
the primitive times, in the eastern coun-
tries, a ceremony was used by the ehris-
Liana sl‘ler divine service ended, to his
one another, as a token of mutual emit
and peace; to continue and perform whic
custom with more convenience and de-
eency, in alter-times, this invention was
devised, viz. a piece of wood or metal,
with the picture of Christ upon it, was ‘
solemnly tendered to all the people pres-
ent to kiss; this was called osculetorium,
or the pax, to signify the peace, unity.
and amity, ofall the faithful. who in that
manner, by the medium of the pox, hissed
one another. Mat. Psris tells us, that,
during the great difi'erence between
Henry the Second. and his turbulent
archbishop Thomas Becket, Rex osculum
pacis dare erehiepiscopo negevit. Mat.
Paris, 117. And Holingshed says. that
the king refused to kiss the pa: with the
archbishop at mass. Holingshed in anno
1170. Stavely. 19L
Portemue, Portsmouth.
Portez, brought.
Perton. share.
Forearm. shall provide. determine.
Poroot'once. providence.
Pose. prevented, settled.
Poser, to put questions.
Poser, put, set at.
Pesome, suppose, or put the cuse.
Panes (en), in pulse.
Pour: (joure), times passed.
Postot‘lle (a). the pope.
Pet. can.
Poture. puturz. a claim made by foresters
of provisions from those who lived within
the purlicus of the threat.
Pout (at), so little.
Pouat're. re, power.
Poueee. gers.
Poachers. puncheon.
Peudre de oiseauo at poissane, scmye of
birds and fishes.
Peue Deacon (la). the poor people of Sect-
an .
Peomn'l del eynee (lo), the poor people in
the neighbourhood.
Peuers. poo", pourez, poor; poverty.
Pouerté, poverty,
Pooira (an quenque it), in as much as shall
be in his power.
Peulare, powder.
Poul, Paul. Pays (de), of consequence.
Poulce, forefinger, hand. Payse, thinks.
Pauldreux, dusty. Poyss (lui), efi‘ects him.
Paula. wards. Poyunt plots, are of e deeper die.
Faults. paulter, poultry; in penitenr. Poze, placed.
Pouuoge, paunage. Pro, may.
Paunrancx, powdered, spotted. Procfoction, appointing, making.
Pount. a bridge, Proigne, pro e. take.
Pour do men, fear of death.
Pours, pour, pamaer, power, three.
Pwror homes, poor men,
Pour cltieolier, poor knight.
Pour c/uu Ire, because.
Paures, poor people.
Pourfice. profited.
Pourlroch, paurkars, poarchack, procure-
Paurlesu, feat-lea.
Paunnmr, to go. or walk about.
Paurpemer, to devise.
Paurpm'ns (en leer), in their coat-armour
with their arms.
Paurquay, on which account.
Paursigre, to prosecute.
Pouryssemmt, impoverishment.
Pans, fingers.
Pans (lo), the poor people.
Pm (par Is), by the inch ; by the thnmb's
Pouaerrru leur sealer, put their seals.
Pauuc, power, jurisdiction.
out, may.
Pout (rte), could not.
Poutyns, poucins, pullets.
£01m, pauses (dens), two fingers, inches.
Powers (a). to the poor.
Powers (per an), by our fether.
Pay. a little.
Pay (tout a), very nearly the same, almost
the whole at; all but little.
Poyfoit (a), little practised.
Pay et par pay (per). by little and little.
Pay denk (an), a little ink.
Pay a dire (an). to say a word or two.
Pay do 1y (mull), very lightly of him.
Pay dc temps ( par molt), a very short
Pay east vioerc par soy racemes (on), which
can support itself.
Poye bout, worth but little.
‘ Pay: (a), at least. .
Payer dc countee, the posse comitatus.
Payer de la mart, fear of death.
Payn, paygne, a hand.
Paynes, penalties, pains.
Paymte. pains, trouble.
Payntes, pins.
Paynt we, cannot.
Payaunt, pey.
Pays, weight.
Pm. pou-
Proise dee names (In), the taking assises.
Praismes, took.
Pre ( plus), nearer.
Pres/taunt, preechcrs.
Preer (dc), to beseech-
Preu. meadows.
Prrercnt (nos). beseeched us.
Peezu (at), at the meadow.
Pref (o), to prove.
Prefuire, to perfect.
Pres". meadow.
Pm’nts (yue Pen), that there is inserted, put.
Preier (o la). at the prayer.
Preiel, preyes. booty, plunder. _
Preignom ofl'airu, pressing afi'aire.
Prcignounce, pressing. taking.
Preis, price.
Prtise,acqna.inted, inlbrmed.
Preinr, to appraise.
Preisse (may),l plead, insist.
Preiece, prized, commended.
Preiuains, had taken.
Preist (re), may be taken.
Pm'str (lee). took them.
Premerem (le), the first.
Premesses, promises.
Premis, promised.
Prunistrent, will promise.
Prendronsen ban gree (an), a taking in
12.53519”), to undertake.
Pre sotz, take.
Prent (lay), takes him-ell:
Frame (It), the impmssion.
Prenye, preigne, preogent, apprehend, take.
Prenrre, prayer.
Pres, presented.
Pres (dc), near.
Pres ( plus), as near.
Pres nulles (bien), scarce any.
Pres (oi), as near, as well an.
Preschannte, persuading.
Preschein, preceding.
Pruchein, next.
Presence, precedence.
Presentoines, presented.
Presents, presentee.
Presenter, presanla, present.
Presmtment, presentation.
PTCIUM, prison.
Press (sur an), on a presentment.
Press la def (dc), to present the defect.
Pressieuz, precious.
Prat, took.
92 PRE
Prest, made.
Preet, borrowed, ready, a loan.
Presl, (dc), borrowed on.
Prest (son), what he lent.
Presto (luy), lent to him.
Prestoi e, priesthood.
Preste or over”, lent their money.
Prestsr (me), to accommodate me with.
Prestier (a), to borrow.
Prestment sure, proof read y at hand.
Press, prestez, peeve, ready.
Pretend. forethought. ,
Pretensez reignsz, pretended reigns.
Preude llama, preuz, great men; a valiant
Preue, pren, weal, profit, advantage.
Prevsment, pormentes, privately.
Preoer, to take a view of beforehand.
Preoipse, private seal.
Preuusmes, intended.
Preyer, to pray.
Prsyez, spoil.
Preyrnes, preimcs, preis-mes, took.
Prez, prayers.
Pri (ous),l pray you.
Pri, prient (si),so prays.
Pris, takes.
I’rie (dc), worse.
Prier, to pray, intercede for.
Price (la), the taking.
Prigner,to take.
Priggaule, parity.
Prime (o heur de), at one o'clock.
Priyfrtier opres (tot it), immediately alter, soon
a er.
Primerement, in the first place, especially.
Primerime (nanonlr), ninetymne.
Primerme devise (a lo), at the first court.
Primpt (I'm), in the twilight
Princee de Capes, principality ofCapua.
Prinche, prince.
Principalemenl, especially.
Principallre de Cestre, principality ol'Ches.
Principoltee, principalship, head of a hall.
Prim, rinses, taken from.
Print, c takes.
Prioritie, priory.
Prioure dc mart, fear of death.
Pris sue, taken up, undertook.
Pris (sur 1e). upon the price.
Pris dc none (In), the prisoners of war.
Pris ( us), the more readily.
Pris, muyf.
Prise (nous), concerns us.
Prisel, a taking; also a condition, accep.
tance. ' .
Pn‘ser, to value, appraise.
Prieerunt (qui), who appraised.
Prises an, drait, lees value than they ought
to be of.
Prisons, prisoners.
Print, a loan.
Prist, borrowed.
Prist (dc), by borrowing on loan.
Pris! (u), was taken.
Pristerent o mayn (ilz), they undertook fbr.
Prietsrant reports, received answers.
Pristerount ensemble (soy), assembled to-
Pristre (u), were performed. ,
Pristine (sergeant), serjeant of the bake-
Prison, prison. ,
Priu, purru, deflowered.
Priurn, we pra .
Prioablss, liable to deprivation.
Prices, people of our own nation.
Privites (lee), the secrets.
Probation (pur lo), for the proving.
Procoin, next.
Proces, perks.
Prach jaur, next day.
Prachainement, preeheinement,
last, next.
Prochement, immediately.
Pracheynete, prachem‘te, proximity, near-
Procter (celo), that proceeded.
Precincts, precinct. '
Procure, a proctor.
Produce, prudence.
Prade, produced. '
I’rader, to 0 out of.
Prades,[ro§¢s harnrnes, honest men.
Prades arms, the Msgnates and Grands of
the counties, the military tenants, the
wise discreet men of the nation; also men
Prodame, a man of some note.
Profiles (lee), the advantages, benefits.
Pragoine, progeny.
Pragiser, to ravish.
Praiere, prayer.
Praia, prayed.
Praia, proved.
Praisrnes, near.
Prolatian (la), the pronouncing, giving.
Pralagner, to prolong.
Frames, promise.
Pramegans (onus), we promise you.
Pran, neighbour.
Prone, read .
Pronunciation, sentence, decree.
Pranunciast [e dit parlement, declared the
cause of calling the said parliament
Pranunciement (en temps de),et the time of
* Aver in the Stat. of Acton Burnel, ll edit. is translated, sods.
f Potius puse. Rot. Perl. vol. I. p. 276. Pet. 16. Hale‘s lS.
PUR 93
Propier, like to seller.
Propitz, favourable.
Propoa, purpose. ‘
Proprement (ea sale), his own proper hall.
Proroignement, prorogation, prolongation.
Prosme, a neighbour.
Prou. proun, much, enough, a great deal.
Proute, ready, quick. ‘
Prouz, proved.
Proeable errour, a manifest, a just or justi-
fiable error.
Prooablement, plainly.
Prooablemenl attainl, provably attaintod, i.
e. upon manifest evidence.
Provahles (ceuz pleas aunt), these pleas are
to he proceeded in.
Proton (en), in proving.
Prouaire, a priest.
Proudlromme, proudomys, prudonne (sur
la), on the probity, prudence.
Prone (dc), of the probate.
Prooenant. arising.
Prooenders, provisers, prebendaries.
Prauendre, a prebend.
Pruner, to improve.
Prmraian, impoverishment.
Procers hammes, poor men.
Prouisent, should prove.
Provost, tho provost, the lord of the ville;
the reevc or bsylifi‘ of the king, or of the
lord of the manor.
Proms, pron, preve, pren, pru, profit, advan-
Proyt, may.
Prod omea, great men.
Prudum, an honest man-
Pruerount, shall approve.
Prumeirement, in the first place.
Pruschanamcnt posses, last past.
Pruoance, proof, evidence,property.
Pruys, Prussia.
Pry, proper, adviseable.
Pry (sous), I pray, I beseech you.
Pryemes, took.
Pryne, taking.
Ps, pris, taken.
Ptr, loss.
Pu, more.
Pucilloge, virginity.
Pucyns, chickens.
Pile ct pus (at), by little and little.
Pueent (il ne), they may not.
Pueent pas (no), cannot.
Pueplier, to publish.
Puer, pure.
Puss, fed.
Puss, spoiled, trodden down.
Pues, afterwards.
Past cure, it might be.
final (ne), cannot. d d:
are: unqore, is yet e n 'n .
Pueuble, people. [164 g
Pust l’en dire,one might answer.
Pugny, punished.
Puir (potius pair), paternostrrs, a pair of
paternosters, strings of beads for the
priests, «Ste. to number their prayers by.
In one of the canons made at a provincial
synod in 816, where Wulfrud, Abp. of
Canterbury presided, we meet with VII
Beltidum Paternoster, which seems to
imply that they had in that age a certain
number of studs fastened into their belts,
or girdles, which were then used, as
strings of beads now are, for the number-
ing of their prayers, but with this difi‘er-
once, that the studs were all of one size;
and that every one of them stood for a
paternoster; whereas the modern fashion
is, to have lesser beads, which stand for
Ave Marius, to one larger, which stands
for a paternoster. Johnson’s Canons, 816.
Pulfre, a bruise, swelling, scar, wound.
Palles, esperners, young hawks.
Pulleyns, co ts.
Pulter, a poulterer.
Putter et catour (sergeant), sergeant of the
poultry and of the outcry.
Pulieri, poultry.
Pane, youngest.
Punee (une). a younger daughter.
Punees, youngest sons.
Punier,to punish.
Paobles Cristiens, Christian people.
Puour, stench.
Pupplier, to publish.
Pue, by.
Puralle, puraille, paral, purlieu, perainbu-
Pur arutier, to arrest.
Pur sea as, from the time that.
For no qua, for as much as.
Par coi, whereby.
Pur one, for which.
Pur ohou he, because that.
Pure/is, therefore.
Purtant earn, as long as.
Purtant qe, to the intent that.
Purceynte, purseynte, precinct.
Purc'h, purchaser.
Pure/torrent, proceeded.
Purchas de courts, perquisites of courts.
Porches (en le), in the demand of the writ.
Purdue demeyn (en son), of his own de-
Pure/nae (tout), all his acquisitions.
Puree, ascertained.
Purfit. on the sides.
Purgacon, cleansing.
Purge, purgation.
Pargyser, to deflower, to defile. to violate.
Parjace, purchased.
Purjoiner, to put of.
Purl/teynsste, prothonotary.
94 PUR
Purparl, a conference, s treaty.
Purparlarwe (our). upon a conference, con-
Purpurler, purparlance. purperln, parole,
s perambulation.
Purparlcr, to discourse of.
Purpcme. prepares, forethought.
Purpernant, assuming.
I’urportost, purported, dictated.
Purpose. set forth, alledged, declared, pro-
Pur eignss, makes s purpresture on.
Purge-tour, he that makes the purpres-
Purpn's. taken, purprised.
Purpull, purple.
Panes, adulterswd.
Purn'e. rotten. damaged.
Parrots lieu (on), in a place fill] of putre‘
Purrust, deflowered.
Pureauec, prosecuted.
Pursouroer, to survey.
Pursuant. prosecutor.
Pursuer (dc). to prosecute.
Pureui, purchase, obtain.
Pursuit (en la), in the precinct.
Pursuouru, have sued, applied for.
Purtenend, appertaining.
Purtrere (lo mantra e),-the manner of
drawing it out.
Pursue, provided.
Purvruunce dc Dieu, providence of God.
Purgeier, pumier, puruer, puneer, to pro-
v: e.
Pureey. purview, purview, perm, yum,
Parcels, bell of the eye.
Puroemuntz. uising.
Puweyunce, purview.
Punieu, puneu, provision, condition, ordi-
nance, statute.
Pus, puz, puis, utter.
Pue, sRerwards, since.
Pusams (quaint nus lee), at her espousols.
Pusance. power.
Puseit, he may.
Fuel], a maid, a virgin, a damsel. a little
gir .
Fuselage, virginity.
Pu: kc, since that.
PI: qui, after that.
Pussum. can. may.
I’ust, put, puist. fed.
Pusture. homage.
Put, ugly, homely, dishonest.
Putage, adultery, whoredom-
Putaine, putiens, louée, a. hired concuhine,
an harlot.
Pulel, :1 well.
Father's, putoia, s Fulmart.
Future, posture, polars. See Poturc.
Puy (mutt), much worse, very lightly.
Pugs (homage), pure homage.
Puyer, to bear up, to support.
Puyr, pure.
Puys, s well, a. watery or ooay place.
Pugs opus, soon uflerwsrds.
Pugs (dc), since.
Puyt asecttes byen, might very well.
Py, pie, pye, the breast.
Pye, worse.
Pye (dc), on foot.
Pyghenoute, pendant.
Pyndes, d’iuory, ivory combs.
Q, who, when, that.
Qu. for.
Q‘, a fol-thing.
Quare lou, wheress.
Q. d. m, certainly not.
Qr, quarter.
Quilt, when. as.
Qenpeyne, that scarce.
Quar-qare, if, for.
Qarant sol z (deinz), within forty shillings.
Qe, who.
Qeconqes, whatsoever.
Qele myson, what house.
Qene concurrent, consequence would be.
Qest, who is.
Qestu. who are.
Qeu, that.
Qs' (do), whose.
Qi dc ceo, what’s to the purpose.
Qi si, suppose that.
Qi (son), his cries.
Q‘illoms do so consume (2!), and the col.
lecting his customs.
Qiqe lieu, in whamoever place.
Qiqe soil, whether it be.
Qoer(mr umcrm'm dc), heartily thank you.
Qoi, what with.
Qore est. who now is.
Qua (si), so that.
Quacorte, fourteen.
Quader, to relate.
Quench i1 eoeit. all that he hsd.
Quanque, whawoever, all that.
Quam ct quant, forthwith.
Quauu'sme, the whole quantity.
Quantqs (en). inasmuch es.
antrm, whatsoever is.
Quantz, how much.
Quaquil, all, whocver.
Quare, quer, for.
Quareu dc arts, nu defletche, I trial ofshill
nt fencing or shootin .
Quaresme. qua-ems, ( any, nu'i),lnidlent.
Quarkes, oaks.
Quarre do la main, the back of the hand.
Quaneauz, cushions, couches.
Quarreur, a square.
Quarrier, a quarry.
QWA 95
Quart, takes, carries.
Quarters (par), by turns.
Quartier (pur an), by turns, in rotation.
Quartroner (decoder de), beheaded and
Quussculz, quashed, annulled.
Quatemhlr, quartcrublc.
Qualrelrle (du), in four times.
Quatrusze, t'ourtcen.
Qualtezimc joar, iburth day.
Quaunt, when, as much us, as to, how much.
Quaunt (et m: p), and yet, nevertheless.
Queue deytas (Ins), which said.
Quay (par). by which means, wherefore.
Que, which, whether.
Que (pour), for which.
Que (dc), of which.
Quer, quay (dc), whereof.
Queillctzns, collected.
Queisl, should seek.
Quelml, cruelly.
Quelsz gcntz, whatsoever people.
Quart, in what,
Quen breve, what writ.
Quen (autre), over which.
Quen-part, wheresoever.
Qnenu, a woman.
Queue murchaundis, but one merchandise.
Queue de Flanders, count or earl of Flan- Qu
Quenz, earl. .
Queer, queur, queer, quer, queer, queer,
heart, ofl‘cction.
Qucque, although.
Quer, leather, skin, hidc.
Quer timers, forty pence.
Quer, queer (en mye ls), in the middle of
the choir.
Quer doner, rewarded, provided for.
Qusre, which.
Qurre (a), to go for. to get.
Quere here, go out of. ‘
Quercle (de la), of the quarrel, contention,
Querele ( par), by which means.
Quereler mieuz (e), and provide for them-
selves bctter.
Querer, queur, querez, querrs, quer, to get,
obtain, to enquire, seek for, beg, fetch,
bring ovcr. .
Queresleres, choiristers.
Querfage, wharfage.
Querge (1e), let him seek him.
Querle (dc), to seek him.
Queresme, Lent.
Querrer, a quarry. .
Querraur, a digger of stones.
Quer son nicer, to get his living.
Quest (la), the inquest.
Quest (la), the which.
Queue. which is.
Quetment, quictly.’
Queu, watch, guards.
Queue de sin, a vessel containing about a
hogshead and halfof wine.
Queue, quest (seller on double), sealed by
aflixing the seal to a label.
Queul (In), which.
Queulloient, collch
Queurt, he searches.
Queur (dc), of whom.
Quex, which, who, what.
Quey, what.
Queys, keys, wharfs.
Quidaunce, believing, thinking.
Quiders, _thoughts, opinion.
Quidra, she" think.
Quiz, whereas.
Quier, the heart.
Quisur (lee), which.
Quiez (a), to whom.
Quil, he who.
Quilage, collection.
Quillere d’or, gilt spoons.
Quillours, quiuours, collectors.
.Quin, which, who.
Quincte ct requinclz, the fifth part of the
price of the feudal estate sold, and a fifth
of that price.
Quinque olfoit Ii (par), at any time.
inz, quenz, earl.
Quinzen (un), fifteen days.
Qm‘rm'sme, every fifteenth day.
Quirre, quiver, co per.
Quin. quiores, sinus, leather.
Quis, quiu, quiz, sought, searched for,
drown out, entered up.
Quisent (que), who expose to sale. .
Quissss, quious, buttocks.
Quiet, he searches.
Quit, baked.
Quueclamsunce. a release.
Quitement, entirely.
tudalen 200
Quitie, a uits.
Quittain ( ) guidance, the acquittance.
Quioe, and tail.
Quillie, collect.
Qua, who.
Queer, heart.
Queer (ne serous mic a case do), shall not
rest satisfied.
Quoi, who has.
Quont, when.
Quotes, quotas.
Queue qua, the tail of an animal.
Quount, which have.
Quay, look ye.
Quay (p), how, by what.
gukue), wlli‘iclh. _
u e, uic , mug.
Quint, gfih.
guy/r (Is), the leather.
uyore, quirrc, quyur, copper.
Qwargh, qwerf, a wharfi
96 QY
Qy, who.
R, reason; to answer.
Re, received.
Rec, recovery, shall recover.
Rn, ms (ea), in answering.
R0, rann, answer.
Rondre, rcndre, rourre, to answer.
Ru, given.
Raaucon, ransom, exemption.
Runp de Lewes, the rape of Lewes.
Rabbrn‘ser, rabbutre, to beat down, pull down.
Racentz, roots.
Races, races, pulled down.
Ruchupz, reliefs.
Rae/tater, to redeem, buy out, repurchase.
Racinetter, to take roof.
Rucions, articles.
Raconrcir, to sink together.
Rad, firm, slable, alert, gay.
Raempler, to fulfil.
Raencons, rauncons, ransoms.
Raenpli, filled.
Rajes de la meer, rage ofthe sec.
Raim, branches.
Raimbre, to restore.
Rain (par) 2! par beaten, per annulum et
eirgum, by a ring and rod, wand, or stafi'.
Raindre hora de prise-a (pur lay), to ransom
him out of prison.
Raine, queen.
Raisins, roots.
Ruisn'wble, reasonable.
Raison (brief), speedy justice.
Ruilh, retb, a term made .use of in Wales,
and signifies an oath taken by three hun-
dred men.
Ruklryng de drape, racking of cloth.
Ralongement, prolongation.
Rama, full of boughs.
Homage, wild, untamed.
mens, ramans, rumures, boughs, branch-
es. -
Ramentens, remembered, recommended to.
Ramettre, to replace.
Rumilles, small twigs.
Rompas, Rumpau, Palm-Sunday.
Rsmys, replaced, fixed on again.
Rancumpanne, cloth not well felled, dress—
Rancunes, raneors.
Rangeaus, rancorous.
Reef, Raoul, Ralph.
Raosan (par), by reason, by means oil
Rapelees, revived.
Rapt, snatched, forced.
Ruse, shaven.
Rusez, striked.
Rasez (dras), russot cloths.
Rawure, a rasure.
Rance, erased.
Ramre de es, fracture of a bone.
Rate del temps ( pur 1e), for the proportion
of time.
Raube, robbed.
Raeesti, invested.
Racist, ravished, took away with force.
Rauncerter, ransomsd.
Raooms, have recovered.
Rueoquement, revocation. .
Ray, le ray, the array or panel of the Jury.
Ray (robe dc), robe of russet cloth.
Re, king.
Read, realt, had given.
Real chemin (en le), in the king‘s highway.
Reule dignite, regal dignity.
Reason, reason, act, title.
Reott, reattaehment.
Reauera (ne), shall not have again.
Reau, reverend.
Rename, reaugme, reame, realm.
Rebatables, may be objected to, refused.
Rebataunce (la), the lowering, the abating.
Rebauderoit, should redeliver.
Rebeauz, rebealz‘, rebeuz, rebels, disobedi-
Rebellite, rebellion.
Rebate, rebate, rejected, put back, put out.
Rebater, rebutter, rebauter, to put back, to
bar, repel.
Rebaur, a robber.
Rebuquiz, rebuked, discountenanccd.
Rec, recovered.
Reccimes, received.
Reccourt, record.
Recebossalz, receive.
Recelmntz, rcsiants.
Recoil, receives.
Receiventerre, to receive.
Receliement, withdrawing himself.
Reccnrement, a mastering.
Recerassent, should receive. I
Recepueurs dee peticions, receivers of peti-
Reces (derm'er), the last recess ; abstinence.
Reces (lettre :12), letter of recess; an absti-
nence from war.
Recest, reception.
Recestes, received.
Receta, ruin, received.
Recetternent, receipt.
Recetlours, receivers.
Rec/m ceables, remand able.
Recbat, buying.
Ree/tats, ransom.
Reobater, to ransom, save.
Rec/wept, receipt, admittance.
Recbsple, ransomsd.
Recherrions, we should fall again.
Recheu, extended unto.
Rec/teeour, to receive.
Recliief, recbesse (dc), again, moreover.
Recboiu, receive.
REI 97
Recharent. race/tau. ruin. received.
Reclamant. making claim.
Reclaim, reclaimed, challenged.
Recoeury. recovers.
Recognoiseanr, well knowing.
Recoiller. to assemble.
Recoillist, rccohnbitad with.
Remmxent (us), do not receive.
Run at. rccollecting. remembering.
Renaud. hid, buried.
Recom'oaunce, recognition. verdict of the
recognitors in an assizc.
Recom'snunce (tour). their confession. ac.
Reconcile, recounseillez. reconciled to. em-
ployed by.
Reconnect, recognisees.
Recaps. receive.
Record, rehearsed. recited, road over.
Recorder. recorders.
Razors (asseez bien), sufficiently apprised.
Recovers, shall restore.
Recoupe, cut off. taken back again.
Recourse. rebellion; imposition.
Recount. rccow. received.
Recrearmcer. to renounce.
Recreant. cowardly.
Recreantisse, cowardice.
Recreaunt lo peer (en). on proclaiming or
drawing the concord.
Recrsces dc sore: (deuz), two ebbs of the
Recreu, tired.
Relcomz (1i soient), should be restored to
um. .
chn a so folly, imputes it whia own folly.
Ractu. imputed. accounted.
Recuillez. entertained.
Reculier. to gather, to collect.
Rrwerez, relieved.
Recuoere, return, be restored.
Redde. reddement. rediment. speedy, swed-
il . readily.
R: deur del boucher. turning of the month.
Reddouz. reddure, rigor. strictness.
Reddour dz droit, rendering of right.
Redour dc Icy uses. justices requires.
Redmnohe, debt.duty.
Redoute aeignour. dread lord.
Rednubtemout. is very much afraid of.
Redresser redrecher. to erect and keep up.
amend. redress. cleanse, make satisfac-
tion for.
Redubbaurs dc bras, redubbers. patchers.
butchers. or mcnders of apparel. Those
who buy stolen closths. &.c. and, that
they may not be known, turn them into
some other colour or fashion.
Recit. shall have again.
Reen. any thing.
Reenvm'ons. we send back.
Rees, refs, nets.
Rees (do), with reeds.
Refection. repairing.
Refers, subfeea.
Refaire. nfm. to rebuild, repair.
Rgfl'aul. the emptying a canal or pond.
Refuil de la mere. ebbing of the sea.
Reformement. restoralion; performance.
Refoul, great inundation.
Refouler (folder ct). to flow and rcflow.
Refouler (Ia fouler cl). to empty it and fill
it again.
Refourme. reformed ; drawn up.
Rg/i‘cindrc, to repress.
Refrenre, refrained.
Refresement (en). in refreshing, succour-
Refreaeer, to refresh.
Refs, nets.
Rofu. shelter. refuge.
Refilrment. reformation.
Refust. may resort to.
Refuys. refuse. ‘
Refuye, refuge.
Regalie. royaL .
Regalia (la), the rcgelty. royality.
Regorct'er. to thank.
Regard, relation.
Regard (pay dc). little regard.
Regard cortein‘e. regard or service of cour-
tes .
Regazdant, re ardent, expectant.
Regard", to a low.
Regard". fees. perquisites. services, re-
wards. cxpences. share. allowances.
Regardez (lea). the salaries, liverica, allow-
ances ofths judges, one.
Regard“, regarde. awarded.
Regardez. rewarded.
Regermrr. to sprout again.
Regetec, rejected.
Regnulion, reign.
Ragnauble. reasonable, equitable.
Rrgnez. reign.
Rrgnsz (tr ), too much emboldened.
Regrocier 'eu, to thank God.
Regreiml, rcgrantcd.
Rrgrrttent. regard.
Relierceuill, writal.
Rei, king.
Reirns (n2 soit‘, knew nothing ol'it.
Reigaable. reasonable.
Reilr (le temps dc). time of harvest. vintage.
Reimlier, to kill.
Reimbrc. to ransom.
Reimbre (a noun), for redeeming us, for
our ransom.
Rein. any thing.
Rein (par), by a stream.
Reinement (la), the arraignment.
Reint, ruined.
Reinterent, wounded; fined. ransomed.
Reintz, punished, fined. indicted. ransomsd.
98 REI
Reie greens, great nets.
Rejoier. enjoy. .
Rejoice (q‘il 1:). that he join it again to,
unite it to.
Relais. release. relaxation. remission.
Relazu. relaclsiez, released.
Relene, relinquished.
Roles, reliefi
Raleoauenr, contra nous (re). rose against
as, rebelled.
Relmtion, relief.
Releoer (in point de), danger of being
Relies, are applied.
Religion (de nmme 1a), of the same order.
Relinquea, remains.
Relinquez, given up.
Relinquiz, abandoned.
Retirees, reliefs.
Relioerer. to redeliver.
Renata", relative.
Relyo, applied, related to.
Remaide. remedy.
Remainoble, to be accounted.
Remanant (1e), the rest.
Remainoblea forfeit (not), are to remain
fort'ei .
Remanone, stay back, forbear going.
Remaunderunt, sent back.
Remediell, original.
Remeinte demounuraunce, frequent reman-
Remembrance, (emetere en), to be enrolled.
Remembre. set down.
Runnable, to be reduced.
Remmunt (a), for ever, for ever after, from
Rmenar, to restore, to bring back, reduce.
Rmeintiner, rementener, to remind.
Remerront, shall carry back.
Revues, remaining. the residue.
Remeure (a). to be restored.
Remeyndra. shall not prevent.
Reminent, remaining, inhabiting.
Rennie g recomeila, remitted and recon-
Bernice, rungs, released. remiaed.
Bernice, received back.
Remiu, continued.
Remirtrent, remained.
Remitre, to ransom.
Rmeinant dc tied: (a). fin ever after.
Remonaara le roy, lay before the king. re-
present to the king.
Renoyer. to remove.
Remuale. rcrnoveable.
Renme, removed, entered into.
Remuemenl, remoement. removal.
Remument (par la), for remedying. remov-
Remy (saint). St. Remigius.
Remye, remit, left, remains.
Remya, remise, remial. remiurent. remain-
ed, continued, released.
Ren, rene, any thing, nothing.
Ren de terre, any land.
Run (a), to any thing.
Rm (en nule), any ways.
ReMble. reoable. reasonable.
Rendage, delivering up.
Rendeaiu (oil), that he should deliver up.
Rendrent, wounded.
Rendue, surrendered.
Rene, kingdom.
Rene, rennet, renowned.
Reneea, reneyee, apostntee, renegade.
Renent, reneign, refuse.
Reneatre (a). to be restored.
Reng, rank,
Ren eons. reai n, submit.
Reni et rebayl e ms, surrender and deliver
up. -
Renner (11111), no pyker.
Renniement, patina remuemene, de la
guerre, commotions, disturbances of war.
Renomens, renun, renown, fame.
Renonclrer, to renounce.
Renoyer, to adjure. renounce.
Reason, ransom.
Rent. reint, indicted. accused, fined.
Renuef, renewed.
Renuour (dc), to send back.
Renure. fame, renown.
Repaire (low), their post.
Repuirons, repeire. repeirast, return.
Repaneant, considering. calling to remem-
brance. ‘
Reparlances, conferences.
Repeir de merchandisea, (1:), a Caleya, the
repair, or carrying merchandise to Ca-
Repeirantz, repairing to, inhabiting in.
Repeirez uthalez, outlaws returned.
Repel. calling back.
Repeller, repeler, to recover. revoke. re-
Rapemlre (a), to expend.
Rependre (do), to open.
Repen'ller. reporiller, reporelrre, repeller,
to repair.
Repere, receptacle, habitation, house.
Repea (tie), repose, rest.
Replenrr, to fill.
Replietz, reply.
Replay, reply (our Is), on the fold.
Repair (canal, without returning.
Repair. resort.
Repoieer (dc), to be fixed.
Reponablea. answerable.
Reponcee, repulsed.
Repooe (en), at ease.
Report, brought back.
Reportez, obliged.
Repose, vests, lodges.
RER 99
Reposer (sans), without resorting back.
Re ”(913), in secret.
Regina, repaired.
Reprecirment, appraisemcnt.
Reprehensailles, seizures, reprisals.
Reprlfigner, reprendre, reprender, to re-
ta e.
Repreismes les troitz, renew the treaty.
Reprut. repriu, taken back, compelled, rc-
Repreuchee (let), the accessories, append-
Repriont, reprie, reprieved deductions.
Repris, reprises, deductions and duties year-
ly paid out of a manor and lands.
Reproches, called in question.
Reproee (intend/cement (de), on authentic
Reprouuez, reprobate.
Repue, fed.
Repugnablu, rcprovable.
Repus, concealed.
Rupus (le Dimanche). Dominica de Pas.
done, in the Romish Missal, and so called
from the crosses and the images of the
saints being then covered.
' Requerurn, we request.
Requilter en grace, to take into favour.
Requiller (de la faire), teentertain them.
Regain, inquired into.
Re (a de), in arrear.
Rere, to ruse, erase.
Rerscounte (en), in the rear county.
Rare/in, sub fees.
Reremuin. backwards.
Rerement, rarely.
Rerie, delayed.
Resaut, receives.
Resayla le ewe, the water run back.
Reoiuement, arrestrnent.
Raccoon, rescore, to relieve, assist.
Reasons, ream, rescued, rescued, retaken,
Rescous, rescuse, recoursant (saleil, retail),
Reseriere, to write to, to return an answer.
Rescure, to rescue.
Reacyt (del), of the receipt, 1'. e. of the crime
of receiving felons or stolen goods.
Reseauntise, reriancy.
Resemble, seems.
Rssernee, sown again.
Rearmre, to receive.
Recon, truth, right, justice, title, reason. act,
argument, charge, expression. method,
case, article, point.
Recon (p la), in proportion to.
Recon ( ). by resummons.
Recon ( unde so), grounds his title, counts.
Recon (nozfeare), make us satisfaction.
Resone (de), in reason.
Ream (dens), two circumstances.
Resons (are), his evidences, muniments. ar-
Resort (eon), a term used in a writ of Ayel
or Cousinage. in the same sense as a de-
scent in a writ of right.
Resort . resorted, reverted.
Resou ,resolved.
Respecteres. respiretz (rte), will not delay.
Rupi, delay.
Respot'gnent, defend.
Reeponez,respoynez was (91'), what answer
do you make.
Reopens. answer.
Reepundre, to answer.
Resqueuse, rescue.
Reneont, restart! define: la manot'r, one that
continually abides within the manor.
Ressmt, received. acknowledged.
Ressu, received.
Ressumes, received.
Rector. restore, restoration, amends.
Reureinconusons, take cognisanee.
Restricts, made narrower.
Restut. restored.
Restz, judgment, decree, sentence.
Resu la mat! (a poi), almost dead.
Resurdrr, pay again.
Reswardent mie (us), do not regard.
Ret, reté, retz, rettmt, suspected, accused,
Retardation, delay.
Reteign oers lug, keep by him.
Relenantz, retainers.
thenderount, shall retain.
Retenet, to return, revert.
Retenget (nut: nel), let no one retain.
Retenir, reteiner, to detain, keep back, re.
Retenu, retained, admitted into.
Retenues, reservations.
Retenutz, reserved, retained.
Retenuz, retinue.
Retain, retaur, return.
Retires, nets.
Retiner a any (do), to take to himself.
Retoundre, to clip.
Retoun, retoundu, clip d.
Retournent (que a en es), who comply with
Retourner (deooit), was to be reduced.
Retrachez, withdrawn.
Retroict, retrait. retrayt, retrer‘t, rctret, ret-
reit, withdraw, forebore.
Retraicter, to withdraw.
Retreat, diminution, draw back. draught.
Retrehere la outage, to discourage.
Retret do In meer, reflux or ebb of the sea.
Retreter la reeonioance, to withdraw the re-
Rertreuo, retreuz, enlarged, a temporary,
ransom of a prisoner.
Relriuer, to take, withdraw. Raigmz, clipped.
erte, crime. ofi'enec. guilt, suspicion. Raian, kingdom.
Retlenl, retain. Rakeboraugli, Roxbnrgb.
Renee a [mi meme, irnpute it to himself.
Rumble, reasonable.
Remnche, revenge.
Reunions, mustering.
Reornaut. comes to, amount: to.
Reamer (al), at there turn.
Rmuuiu, come back.
Revenue, return.
Revenues, "ewes, review, muster.
Revenuez, reoennaus, revenciom, revenues.
Revereur. to reverence.
Reverans, reverend.
Renerses (sea munehea), his sheeves turned
Reversion (a fair: la), to give up again, to
Revertisc le lien, let the gift revert.
Renilant, affecting. making so vile.
Revinge, come back.
Ream: (a can). ducqes, until his return.
Rewuu, gnvernors.
Rewle, rule. order.
Rewelez, regulated, ordained.
Rewme, realm.
Reg/mu. royal.
Reynez, ruined.
Reynl, fined.
Rays; kings.
Rhine, Queen.
Rt. umnipotcnt.
Ribaud. one of the rubble, s scoundrel, s
rascal, rufiian.
Rihauda (fartz), sturdy beggars.
Ric (It), the heir.
Rielment ( plain). more seldom. not so fre-
Riens, backs.
Riesgler‘ (a en), to invcigle.
Rim, a small brook.
Riez, nets.
Riflez, rifled.
Iii/lure, a scratch, I: rifling.
Rigle, a. rule.
Rimer. to examine, search into.
Riattis, riots.
Ripe: del’ewe, by the water-side. banks of
the river.
Ris, riz. rich.
Rizard, Richart, Richard.
Radium, Rogationa.
Robbes.tnken from, robbed.
Robina, Robert.
Rabaratian, corroboration.
Rabauchez, stopped, forced.
Rae/i, oars. -
Rage, red.
Raialee (fluliel), other the king’s officers.
' Putius, a envieegler. ‘ Rot. Par]. vol.
Ral. a roll. a register.
Roller, calla, necks.
Rolyl, rolls.
Ramen‘e, rommerge, buggary.
Rama 3 (ray dz). king ofthe Romano.
Rand es, rolls.
Rom fat (lie layl), potius um, they have
Ronne, answer.
R e, rape.
123.1. (Rab! dz). Robert de Roche.
Ran-es (cent), on hundred faggots.
Rout, heath.
Rate (te). the wheel.
Roumainement (a), after the manner of the
Roupt, roua, broken.
Rautez, routs.
Rascninkmede, Running-mead.
Raoenereray, without return.
Rowu, ours.
Ray garnet (la). the present King.
Raga cliemin (la), the king's highway.
Raynage, range, ravage, ratuge, a. kind of
tribute or payment made for damage done
to public ways by carriages.
Reyna, the Queen.
Rayner, to clip.
Ru. noise, murmuring.
Raoul, rujaul, royal.
Rubaigner, ribbons.
Rubboueea, rubbish, filth.
Ruby baleic, baleseit, an inferior kind of
ruby, not so deep a red as the true ruby.
Rue/re, a bee-hive made of rushes.
R e, ranges, red.
Ru e, a. roll, a register; also a determina-
Rumme, Rome.
Rumour. tumult.
Rumpen'e, breaking, failing.
Rumperaura dc trieues. truce-breakers.
Ruwn, rues, streets.
Ruyedeue, severity.
Ryan, nothing, not.
Rymoura, rimers.
Ryu, ryz, a brook.
Ryvaille, de [a meer, the see-shore.
Ryvirer. rivers.
S, Sf, his.
Scrn, known.
Sam, seiuin.
Sure, lords, owners.
8" espeulx, lords spiritual.
Sviz, service.
So et la, here and there
H. p. 79. Pet. 98. Hale's MS.
SAV {01
Souls, seals.
So cats (en pure), in his coat only.
So volume (encunlre), against their wills.
Sualez du mun sel, sailed with my seal.
_ Subbedi, Saturday.
S'ableront. shall rendezvous.
Sahlinause (fable terre), poor sandy land.
Sam liars de gaunt, shaked out of the glove.
Succ, instrumenlum litis, the pleadings in a
Sac/mam (ent), knowing thereof.
Sachaclie (so noun), his ignorance.
Saclwument, suchantement, willingly, know.
Sac/4e, sages.
Sac/let, withers.
Sachiez, sac/ms, sac/in, sultan, know.
Sucrabar (par), sakcber, caliber, sawburgh,
no freeman was to be seized or imprison-
ed, except by inquest or by sacrabor, or
unless he was taken with the mainour.
Sacraire. a chapel, an oratory.
Snail, sues, a seal.
Saeller (fer), caused to be sealed.
Saenti, holy.
Saetles, saetlels. arrows.
Safers (quire), four sapphires.
Sagane, a sorceress.
Sage, seat.
Sagement, cautiously.
Saga, seal.
Sagelte, an arrow.
Sagitlure, archery.
Sagrsa, agreed.
Sagrement, oath.
Sui, I know. _
Saichanee, science, erudition.
Said, seal.
Saielleu, sealed.
Salem, saies, are, be.
Saiges homes, the sages or wise men of the
law, the judges.
Saiguw, lord.
Sailleires, keepers of the seals.
Sain, sound, strong.
Sainctures, sanctuaries.
Seine. substantial.
Sainees, perfect, uneaneelled.
Sainglemant, entirely.
Saings munuelz, signs manual.
Seine, saints.
Sains Esperis (ii), the Holy Spirit.
Saintemant (sy), so cordially.
Suintime, most holy.
Sairernent, oath.
Saisisement, seising.
Seize, six.
Salt, soak, a bag.
Sake, throw.
Sakent, steal.
Salt-slant a tern, sacked, demolished to the
Sal, safe.
Salair, a reward.
Saluirier, to reward.
Saleher, Salebirs, Salisbury.
Sa le rrm'ns(promettant),paliiu, ja lernet'ns,
promising also.
Solar, a salt-seller.
Sulfa pledges. sat‘e pledges.
Salicturie, wholesome.
Salit, health.
Seller, a sadler.
Salmanceuz, young salmon.
Satopebyrs, Salalu'rs, Sh rewsbury.
Salsez (altars), salt meat.
Salvage, wild, savage.
Saltaigne (p), by beaste, feral nulunr.
Salvatione, pardon.
Salve, greets.
Salooms (runu nous), we greet you.
Salsez, know. '
Salutz, known| sal'c.
Saluz d’ar, salutes of gold, a gold coin, cull-
ed so from the words, Salus populi supra.
ma In: esta.
Salyne (an). a sell-pit.
Someday, Saturday.
Sambrs, visage, face.
Samble temps, the some thing.
Sambleranl (32;, shall assemble.
S’ amt, his soul.
8’ arm's. his friend.
Sammelplatz, place of meeting, or rendez-
Sane, blood.
Saucers, sincere.
Sinus, health.
Sanctz, sanntz, sent, without.
Sandewitz, Sandwich.
Sang!" (en tautz et), in all and singular.
Sani, sound, healthful.
Sank fin, the end of the kindred.
Sanne sea, except that.
Sanneys, sauces.
Sans (du bien), the good sense, understand-
in .
Sans an gestalt, save one who was.
Sanz, reasonable, solid.
Soon, without.
Sapn'u, the author of the Psalms, David.
Sarcoplies (qua feurent), who frequent se-
pulchrcs, graves.
Sarcruel, a bier.
Sarcus, a sepulchre.
Sarita (frank), free stock.
Sane, Sarah.
Serve, saved.
Sarura, a lock.
Satain, satin.
Suthenas, Satan.
Sauagnie, beasts of the threat.
Somme, the Severn.
l 02 SAV
Saonnt, saving, knowing, notwithstanding.
Savor, soccer, to know.
Saver (fnit a), jet nesau’, fet scanner, be it
known, understood.
Saver (cent a), to-wit.
Saver mean, to know for certain.
Snoer mon cement c to passe, just as it was
. Snoement, with a saving.
Snvzrai (jeo), I shall know.
Sncere (par), to save.
Snot, wise.
Sauit mie lire (rte), cannot read.
Savite, safety.
S‘nooins (nous us), we don‘t know.
Savoure, savours, partskes of.
San, salt.
Snuant. reserving.
Snubnr (per), for saving.
Saubze, sixteen.
Saucen'e del snucie (seroiens), the serjeant
of the salsarie, viz. that ofiicor in the
king‘s kitchen, who was to provide the
necessaries for the king's sauces, or he
who had the care of the provisions which
were to be salted.
Sauces del mar, creeks of the see.
Snucey. ground where willows grow.
Saudi-e (baton de), a stick of willow.
Snulz, snulices, snwccs, sallows, willows.
Snuloe, saved.
Soume, Psalm.
Snuncte, health.
Sauna, saving.
Snunete, snuite, sauoette (en), in safety.
Sam-Ir, sauna, sauna, blood.
Snunk fine, the determination of a descent.
Snuntz, snunz, without.
Scum, shall know.
Sous, those.
Saunas. torn up.
Snuuers. saucers.
Saul purpensc (n), with an assault prepense.
Saul (nu). s on r, a. dance.
Sent (4 la),st e siege.
Saute, snutie, senate, safety, health.
Snuonigne, snuongine, unreclaimed animals.
Souvere, Saviour.
Sauyz (bien), let him be careful.
Sauuz deserts (pas), not without reason.
Snuz, saving.
Snuzims, sixteenth.
Sewer. sauce.
Say, I may.
Snybienlre, I know very well.
Sage Icy. his law.
Says (stint de), a girdle of silk.
Snyn (an), to the care, regard.
Saysze, six.
Scalpier dc drops. rowing of cloth.
Senses, known.
Scones (qua), that you may know.
Secieent, scccent, sceynent, know.
Seen, sense, knowledge, experience.
Scent, seen, known.
Scrppt, stuck.
Seat, knows.
Sceu, sceuz, known, knowledge.
Sceust, subject.
Sceunent, they know.
Scey, a seal.
Scheftisbury, Shafleebary.
Schopee, shops.
Scint, scieust, sciet, knows.
Sciecle (qont a), as to secular afi‘airs.
Scein, science, knowledge, science.
Scient mnrie (li eir), let the heir bemarried.
Scienz (notoirmenet), notoriously known.
Scier, seyer, seyer, to mow, to cut.
Sciet, it becomes.
Sriet, voluntarily.
Science, known.
Seize, sawed.
Scire, sir.
Scisez, mown, cut.
Saint: (pores ct), stones and slates.
Scot-lion, cscuteheon.
Sealers, scholars.
Scomers, scummers.
Scatter, to gall.
Scripture (par 12), for the writing.
Scriusr, to write.
Scutetnr (seroiens). serjeant of the scullsry.
Scutelaire, the ofiicer in the king's house-
hold who was to take care of the dishes,
Scueernd (dunt It), then it behaves him.
Seyer, to cut.
Se, it; whether, his, but, except.
Se teen, was levied.
Scat de notre secre,secre seal, our privy seal.
Senillee, harvest-time.
Scale (del), of the pound.
Sennt, genius, sejnnt, science, sitting.
Stunts, health.
Senate, fitting.
Sear, a lock.
Sens, seals.
Season (In), the seisin.
Scout, understood, knew.
Srcli (harnng), red-herring.
Scale, world, age.
Siclc (en la), in the world.
Secole, sea-coal.
Secondes roycs, secondaries, sdjutants, ss-
Sedation, appeasing.
See mini, royal throne, asst.
See, sect (ne), knows not.
Sesclte, dried.
Seel, salt, oil.
Seen, knowledge.
Seen ( 'e), I am.
Sun ( ), his.
SEN 103
Scent (M), be not.
Supt, sect, seven.
Seer, a governor.
Ser, sereir, to set.
Seere, to buy.
Seersua. over,racross.
Seert, servcs, is made use of.
Sen, set ye.
Sees, his.
Scessent (ne), may not sit, abide.
Sect, done.
Seetest, sects, arrows.
Seez (q: onus), that you be.
Segeratain, segretain, a sseristan, a sexton.
Sages, segez, sieges.
Segue (en), in sign, testimony.
Segon, according.
Segrament, oath.
Sega, sure, certain.
Seguadaurs, sawyers.
Seguar, to saw.
Segroi, sacred.
Segurement, securely.
Seguyn, suit, to follow.
Schur conduit. safe conduct.
Sci. sein, himself. .
Sci (heir de), heir of his body.
Sci funt, make themselves; not as.
Sci (entre), between them.
Seicheries, the service by which a vassal or
tenant was obliged to attend his lord to
the army ; profits belonging to a castle.
Seieant, sixty.
Seientment, knowingly, wittingly.
Seietz, placed.
Seietz a un (qua sous), that you stick to one.
Seif, a hedge.
Seif, serfe, a villain, a servant.
Seign, sign, testimony, representation, aym.
Seigniour, lord, owner.
Seignuragea (lea). the seignursge.
Scignurie (la), the prerogative.
Seignurle (la), the rerogative.
Seigml, seigle, sag e, rye.
Seijar, abode, dwelling-place.
Soil, a sail.
Seil, seals.
Seimu, made.
Sein, sound, in health.
Sein, known.
Sein, signal.
Seine, senses.
Seins, saints.
Seigns, seignuus, seigne, signed, marked.
Seinga manual, signs manual.
Seins (luis), holy, privileges, places.
Seine meen, without mesne.
Saint, scion, be.
Seinl, blessed.
Saint enteudemént, sound, good understand-
Seinla (lui), girded himselfi
Seintisme pier, most holy father.
Seintisme temp, season for devotion, holy
Scintuories, seinlewarie, sanctuary.
Seinture, a girdle.
Seiomes (que nous), that we should be.
Seirmu, shall fit.
Seiaier. to seine.
Seismbles, in season.
Sets-om, might be, caused to be.
Seisons del an (tout), all seasons of the year.
Seiat (si cea ne), unless it be.
Soil fet, be done.
Seit, seven.
Soil, let him, let him be ; has, is.
Seit (Ire), which was.
Seit fet (nous), have made us.
Seioerent, prosecuted, pursued.
Seiz, sein'tz, seisod.
1 1"!
Sekn a taunt q, until that.
Sal, sely, that.
‘ Sel (Is), the great seal.
Selar (ureiens), aerjesnt of the cellar.
Seleables, to be sealed.
Selez e enfrenez (viii chivalz), eight horses
sadled and bridled.
Seli. of this, this.
Selles, if they.
git», then.
paris, salt- tre.
Sela, alone. Pa
Semadi, Saturday.
Semaille (par), for seed.
Sembillantz, au noun commune, it naming
to our commons.
Sembiablez (qi rout du mien) which are
likely to ensue.
Semblant d‘aucuns (salons), in the opinion
of some.
Semblaunt (ban), good example.
Semblaunt (par), at first sight, prim! facie.
Same, sixth.
Semmes (sink), five weeks.
Semensa (lea), what is sown.
Sentence, cement, annex.
Semi, half.
Semitz, sown.
Send: (as), it seems.
Semoism, seed-time.
Semond, summon.
Sen, le sen, his.
Sen, sens, understanding, judgement, diacre.
Sen, sens (sans son), without his knowledge.
Sen. eount. depart.
Sum (lea), his own.
Sendn, shops, stalls.
Sense, wife.
Senglere, boors.
Smcaucie, the ofiice of high steward.
1 04 SEN
vaslrz. unrfiez. signified.
Srnestrement, siuiatrously, left.
Scum ale, his own.
Serums (huts (I: (our). out of their mind, in-
Smjurrcnt, endeavour.
Senglrs prrsoms, every person.
Senglrs, Sltlgltf, particular.
Senlmr, sen/tar, lord.
Serial/it, aensml, follows.
SI'nsurcs (p be), by the censurcs.
San: (1:1,. \\'.lh the assent.
Soul wr furent at). who were assenting.
San! are), doth not assent.
Senluimmenl. secret device.
Seulez am, on the Holy Evangelists. on the
emcn (l “cliques.
Scale (s9), perceives himself.
Seule mart, put to death.
Settle, right. sound, good, wholesome.
Santa, a pathway.
Sentwmnl. intended.
Sentiprs (as), the entering into.
Sum-p cement, intercornmon. -
Sentu, felt.
Semu, thought. were of opinion.
Senz, without.
Sroflmnce. truce, cessation of arms.
Swine uuslc (si nous), if .we be ousted.
Sean (la), the seal.
Scene (on. que nous), wheresocver we are.
Sums (par la) I: seen, by his own people.
Smut, know.
Seaplisme, seventh.
Sear, sister.
Sear, sure.
Sear (la), the elder.
Srosr 1m), durst not.
Seoul tie), the soil.
Seourmcnt, safely, securely.
Sap, scpt, race. stock.
Szpmuyn, sepmcme, in week.
Seps. reps, cipps, n pair of stocks.
Septut'n (diz et), seventeenth.
Septan el narf. scventynninc.
Seplsmmd sncu ml, seventy-second.
Septembrale, September.
Seplre. the sceptre.
Srpulturc (seynt). holy sepulchrc.
stqurr (day: etre), ought to be followed.
Sequerrnt, following.
Sequeslre, lock up.
Srquoalrrs, locks.
Seqslres, attendants on officers of justice.
Sequestram (la). the scquestrator.
Sequeur. secure.
Ser, shall be.
Ser, serves. '
Scr (ke do men li a), path); is dc mm: h‘
set, who knows it best.
Sera, will serve.
Scrc/terie (oflice dc), oflice of searcher.
Sen/tier, scroll, tosearch.
Scrcle, a circle.
Sercler. to weed.
Sen. shall be.
Serrdzs (la), the screens.
Srrem. sister.
Safe. a female slave.
Serfe. stage.
Serjant. lerviena, one in degree next to a
Seriehe. senreh.
Sergeunlie (p defame dc), for want of coun-
' l
M: .
Sergeaunu d‘Engletrrrc (tout la), ell the
judges of the coifin England.
Scriete, serenity.
Serious, aeriemeo. should be.
Serjours, searchers.
Sermentez. sworn upon the saints.
Seroruge. a surgeon.
Serpent M, a kind of alembrck.
Serra, s all sit.
Serrrr. to block up.
Serrett (in), may not be.
Serreynt ( :7), they would be.
Serruns tenuz, shall be obliged.
Sen Dieu, servant of God.
Serlen, certain.
Sewages. unions, services.
Serve, as stroke.
Screens (par le). for the payment.
Serveyse, ureoiu, service, ale.
Servi In court, tendered to the court the
usual form of pleading. _
Serbia, obeyed, complied with.
Serviens erupt. aerjeant, purveyor.
Senietz. services.
Servir leatutut, answer to the statute.
Serm'rrtz, will serve.
Sernitz, servy. paid.
Serena‘s. ponds.
Serny (sy il seyt), if it be applied.
Servy (qu soienl), that they may be paid.
Srs, sesze, fix.
Sec. without.
Sea do la chauncelry (sf). if they ' of the
Sesemnt, shall cease.
Seseante neuyme, sixty-nine.
Saline. seistn.
Seatez. these.
Seze, sixteen.
Set. seven.
Set. knows. known.
Set. that, this.
Sc (qt), which rcsteth.
Sate l’apostm'llc. apostolicsl see.
Sole. set. fix upon.
Sales, relies, antes, shafls.
Seton (are). his suretiu; his sisters.
Sella [um (je), I shoot out.
Setter, to shoot.
Settle, known.
Seuss (dc), of this.
Setyme (dis), seventeenth.
Sen, if:
Sen, seucee, knowledge, known.
Sea, salt.
Sea (do plein). fully. without reserve.
Seu (jro), I am.
Seuant, following.
Sens, uure, seuyr, seuure, to sue, prose-
Seue, known.
Seuf, safe.
Seuil, I am wont, I am used.
Smiles, only, alone.
Seumes (um). we are.
Stuns (on Ire um), wheresoever we shall he.
Seur, sister. '
Seur. sure, certain.
Sear, against.
Sear, upon.
Seur n, moreover.
Sear ceo, thereupon.
Seures (par la), patidomur la seuru, for the
Searplus (1e), the remainder.
Seurse. arisen.
Sens, alone.
Seas, seals.
Sens (lee), her people.
Sens (a), to his.
Sens (tuz), all those.
Seas (de), of‘ those.
Seuuionu (nos), we know.
Sent, should be.
Seute, suit; payment.
Seute (par), for than
Seust, seam, seuwy, knew, known.
Sour (a), to them.
Seuz, shillings.
Savant, skilful, exact.
Seoe, seue, her own.
Sese (a la), to his.
Seoeles, huryed.
Sevent, they know.
Severus (qui us), who are not capable of.
Sever, sue.
Seeera, will sue.
Severes, severed, separated.
Seoi, sued.
Senses, known.
Sewet. suit.
Seatemen, the sixth time.
Sexter, a measure of corn.
Sey, silk.
Say, himself.
Soy (e), by itself.
Say (endroit de), in his place, station.
Soy (que je 11:), that I may not be.
Se demre, unwrought silk. .
‘ SIG 105
S ant. sittin .
Sign“, hath Eeen.
Seye (oil). if he sit.
Seyent, ceynt, be, may be.
Seyent, let them apply to, let them sue.
Sagan! (qui meiuz), which better suit.
Sayer, to cut, mow.
Seyer, to know.
Seyoent, they huow.
Seyetes, arrows.
Seyelz, en la merci, be in mercy.
Seyne, healthful. wholesome, sound.
Seyng liege (lur), their liege lord.
Seym, saints.
Seyns, furs.
Seynt, girt.
Seyntdee (ea), his holiness.
Seyremnuz, oaths.
Set, his.
Sezaine, tezzime, sixteen.
Sezs'le, Sicily. -
Shaft, “heft, a weight, the same as the sun-
es .
Shelps, shelves in the river.
Shout, a small boat or vessel.
Si, whether, here.
Si amy, his friend.
Sia (et), and there is.
Sitm, as well.
Sihor, as well of?
Sic/re, be it known.
Stale, ago, world.
Si come, as, as it were.
Sicmne (dc), since, seeing that.
Sidre, cyder.
Sie', be It so.
Si eins, another time, before.
Si eat, is, belongs to.
Sie plain (1e), when the sea is full.
Siege faire (dc), to hesiege, to beset, to lay
in wait for.
Siegea gut, who sat in the see.
Siegle, age.
Siel, a saddle.
23"“ seat. 11
ience o eclmnse, his own proper t ings.
Stem (£333. his friends.
Sient pier, holy father.
Sier, to mow, to saw.
Sier blees (en temps de), in harvest-time.
Stereo, lord.
Sieremens, oaths.
ierges, wax-tapers.
Siert (ni), does not serve, lie.
Siet, knows.
Sietam, sixty.
Siet n'en (ne), knows nothing.
Sieure, observe, pursue.
Sieute, suit, request.
Sioux (ties). of those, of such.
Siez, siey, six.
Siglaunte (nefe), a ship sailing.
1 06 SIG
Sigles (mol ), mill-sails.
Signal, se .
Signament. particularly.
, .
S" es de palmes, signs in the palms of the
ands. j
Signez, swans.
' ioris. ssignory, lord’s service.
curs, mowers.
Sillvekes, there.
' SYUours de bursa, cut—purses.
Simayne, oimoine, a week. -
Sims, s e, sixth. .
Smene (payn ale), simnel bread.
Simeniaus, simnell.
Smian, Simeon.
Simitorie, a church- ard.
Simon 3 (sum), without a reward, gratis.
fimphst (p te), on account of the smallness
o it.
Sine, his own.
Sins, without.
Sines, swans.
Singulant, bloody.
Singuler, private.
Singulere, single.
Si ngulerernsnt, in the singular number.
Simslerte, (in lour), into separate parts.
Si unt, fill .
Sinke, sink, vs.
Sivan (iii), three mowers.
Siqe, so that.
S rsdde ley, any speedy law.
Sir li rat's (nodit), nostre sire le rot, our laid
lord the king.
Sire, sire garl, God
Sire de Rm, lord
Sire, the lords.
Sip-pa, a mat, rushes.
Sis, sitten, abode.
Sis, his.
Sis liens, six miles.
Siren, sixty.
Sieme, sisirne, siss'nu, sixth.
Siasables, arbru, coppices, trees used to be
Slat, it hehoveth.
' e, sixth.
Sistrom, stopped. seized.
Siumnt (en), shall issue from.
Site, sixteenth.
Sin. his.
Sim. train, followers.
Sine, his.
Siveme, the Severn.
Store, pursue, prosecute.
Siwant, followmg. _
Siwe, pursue, he a transcript of.
Siwent (oil), that they follow.
Sheers, shall sue for, prosecute.
Siwit, sued out, sued to.
Siwte, suit.
Sleies des worstedes (les), the sleyes of
Slat/ac, sledc, a bank of a river.
So, thus.
Soaflre, permit.
Sabrain, sovereign, supreme, prevalent.
Sabrine, cousin-german, kinswomsn.
Soceurea, succours.
Secures, succoured.
Sodeynement, suddenly.
Sodiacre, u subdeacon.
See, her own.
See], sweet.
Seqfl'rance, toleration, delay.
Soefre, sorflier, to suffer, permit; omit.
Saqfl'rir, forbearance, permission.
Soul, alone, only.
Soel, soeil (le), the sun.
Soel mayne (en), into an indifi‘erent hand.
Saele several, several soil.
Seen, er en, own, one’s own, his own, his.
Soen ( e), his faithful.
Seen desire (que faults), that I had reason
to expect.
Seen deslre (en), in his district, in the mean
time to be.
Seen (e Ii), and theirs.
Soens, those. '3 >
Seem (dc), of some of his, to them.
Soens, soiens, son: (nul dc), any that belong
to him.
Soens (lee), his agents.
Soer, soar (harang), red herrings.
Seer (a), in the evening.
Soera, sister.
Soar fest, upon a deed.
Soerlree, safety, health.
Seats, sorts.
Saeverrant, sovereignty.
Sofianz, sufficient
Sqfl're, suffice.
Sofl'runes, suspended, respitcd.
Sci. I have.
Sci, his.
Suiant, sitting.
Saias (que was), that you may be.
Soiauls, seals.
Sale enfils, silk twined.
Soien, himself; he.
Soier, to saw, to cut down.
Soiet, be.
Soiets, arrows.
Soielz, soiela, subjects, men.
Soieur, sister.
Soief, turfi
So' ner, to excuse.
So' nt, they used.
Soillure, soil, filth, dung.
Seine, sounds.
Soinglss, singular.
Saint, are.
Saioent, several.
SOU 1 07
Sets-ante onze, seventy-one.
Solace, comfort.
Soldeours, soldiers.
Soldrad (par), as he deserves.
Soldz, salaries.
Sale, soil, ground, soil, land.
Sole, soul, seeil, soleyne, sole, alone.
Soleient, solerent, ooleront, talent, solioms,
soloia, were wont.
Solein, solemn.
Solempniae, formality, solemuity.
Solempnite des esposoiiles, solemnization of
Soler, to pay.
Soler (jour), the solar day.
Solon, shoes.
We reeoucli, sun-set.
Salem, according to.
Salonque cesque, accordingly.
Solonque un runner, alter a manner.
Salt (ne), net sent, mi east, did not know.
Solyer, a shoemaker.
Solz, colds, shillings.
Sam, tomes, summoned.
Sombreuer (Charles de), Charles Somerset.
Somdant, arising.
Same, summons.
Somerement, in a summary way, briefly.
Somen'er, in short.
Someyns, weeks.
Semis, subjects. .
Sommage, burdens.
Sommeir lea beaoignes (tie), to consummate
the business.
Semrner, to summon.
Somnelentz, persons troubled with a leth-
Somatic, are.
So , w es, .
Sane, leaagsonesp,a is, his atl'airs.
Sons tens (en la), in the mean time.
Sonee, solute, sonnent, sounds.
Sonent, soeent (tent), so often.
Sanent, are.
Sones (par its). by his eonfederates.
Sonette d’argent (un), a little silver bell.
Son nour, his honour.
Sons, sous, shillings.
Sons, payment.
Sons, without.
Sent, know.
Sontent (ne),.think.
Sooton, Sutton.
Sor, sore, son, upon, above.
Sor (coo), therefore.
Sorceler,to bewitch.
Sore, cord, sister.
Sore (harang). red herring.
Sores, you may be.
Sort, be.
Sort, lot.
Sortz, sorts.
Soroent (son), you may remember.
Son, a fool.
Serpent tquy),which are in suspense, which
are depending.
Sospescon (qui miens seient en), who are no
ways suspected.
Sostinges, support, uphold.
Soatynt, supported.
Sat, knew.
Sat (laron nel), did not know he was a thief.
Sotileteee, sotinetes, subtleties.
Sotise, sotye, idsocy.
Sat metre, a fool natural, a fool from his
birth, an ideot.
Saubdaine, sudden.
Soubtever, to till. up.
Soubminister, to serve under another.
Soubresae, sobriety.
Scuba, under.
Soubserire, to underwrite.
Soubzaage, under age, minority.
Sancheesz, shillings.
Souconduit, safe-conduct.
Souc (sans), without suspicion.
Sou ant,supporting, fortifyin g.
Soude, soulde, aoudees, wages, pay.
Soudeesz de terre (cent), on hundred shil-
lings of land.
Souder, under, to arise.
Soudeyers, soudiers, senders, soudjours,
soudoeers, soudiaurs, soldiers.
Soudeyer, maintain, keep in pay.
Soudoyes, supplied.
Soudure, soder.
Souealz, safe.
Soncners, frequent.
Soue‘ntg‘firz, frequent! y.
Souez, under.
Soufest, suflicient.
Soufmunee, sofl'ronce, aufl'erance, cessation
of arms, a truce.
Sonfrire, to sufice.
Sou iuz, sougies, subjects.
Sou . alone.
Soul jour, a single day.
Saul, patios tout, (de), la terre, of all the
Soule, safe.
Soulernent, only, also.
Souleu, the sun.
Soulmlion, revolt.
Soulez (femu), femes sols, single women.
Souls, forgiven.
Soulze, souz, sauce, soubz,roulds, a shilling.-
Saumerement, arbitration.
Soun piers, his father.
Sean (2), and.
Sean (ne), goes not.
Soune, sounds. .
Soune ne wit, shall not be published, shall
not tend to.
108 SOU
Sour, upon. against.
Sour thou, thereupon.
Sour Ii, against him.
Sourdlers, shoes.
Saure (main), safe hand.
Saunnet, surmises, alledges.
Soursist, arise.
Sauwissant, attending to.
Sausprendre, usurp.
Soustretes, substracted.
Soot. suit. suit of court, petition.
Soul, sot, knows.
Saul, saute, (jar de la), day of payment.
Seullmller, to undergo.
.Sbulh boys, underwood.
Southee (set), seven shillings.
Sauthminer, to undermine.
Soulhsewantz.suhsequent. following.
Soutre, soullre, underneath, below.
Strut: par snutz, shilling for shilling.
Sautz enz, under them.
Souoe. sounds.
Souvement, safely.
Souvenere pleint, frequent complaint.
Souveneres, heavy, frequent.
Sweat (destreue), continued distress, dis.
tress infinite.
Souventfatlt, oftentimes.
Souveraig nemem (desirant), greatly, ear-
nestly, above all things desiring.
Souoeraunce, guide.
Souaereign, superior, next, immediate.
Sovereigne gamement, upper garment.
Sovereigne partie, greatest part.
Savers, frequent.
Souz, sous, shillings.
Souzmeist, submitted.
Souzmis, eoulzims, substitute, subjects.
Saoieront autres vemedyes (ne), seeing,
knowing of no other remedy.
Sowdsn. sultan.
Sowon, sound.
Some (file), they are.
, his.
Soy, of themselves.
Soy, soyer, sister.
Soy (sijea), ifI be.
Soy (caste tie), a coat of silk.
Soye, itself!
Says, soy mene, soimene, himself:
Soy/fit, was made.
Soyen, are. -
Soyem (ne nul den), nor any of those.
Sayer, to cut.
Soyuz, subjects, men.
Soyiont. passed.
Say myst, put himself.
Soyne, n synod.
Sponges, spungles.
Spar 'ssent, ravish.
Span e (lez), the shoulders.
Spergisser, to violate, rsvish.
Sperniroms (que nous u), that we will not
Splatle, splattcd, split.
Spoliotion, disseisin, deprivation.
Spours, spurs.
Sprete, spirit.
Squerrer, enquire.
Sqiller (eergt), ser'cant of the scullery ;
the oflicer in the ing's kitchen, who had
the care iii the dlilehes, knives, &.c.
S uill e, e sen er .
831, shall be. y
Stugne, :1 pool, a pond.
Slat, stand.
Slater, firm, binding.
slat/lea, wharfs.
Station (la), the standing.
Staluit, statute.
Staunche, in good order, dry.
Stefne, Stephen.
Steppes (12), the way, the path.
Sleres, stirred.
Sterner, death.
Sterne”: (ce), it dieth.
Steym, tin.
Staure, stocked.
Stroict (home), a man out of his mind, dis-
Street, the streetI the way.
Streitures des risers, the atraitness, the ob-
structions in rivers.
Strepe, the stirrip.
Streyte, strict.
Streytement, strictly, hastily.
Strnme (la), the stream.
Stu]: (de leur), for their keeping.
Stufl‘ez, stocked.
Stufl'ure, stufi', lining.
Stufl'ure (par la), for the repairing.
Sturroit, put, forced.
Stewes (lez), the stews. .
Style descrire (la), the manner of writing.
, I am. '
Su (1e), the south.
Sun, sued, im pleaded.
Suafguiage, safe conduct.
Suunlz, suaunte, succeeding.
Subditz, aforesaid.
Subdm'tz, ruined.
Suhit, forthwith.
Subornatz, suborncd.
Submys, subjects.
Subn’denu're, to laugh behind anothsr's ;
Subragurr. surrey-«er, to make a deputy or
Subrogucz. substituted.
Subtue, under.
Suburg, suburbs.
Subz umbre, undcr pretence.
Sud (ne), was not.
Sue (je), I am.
SUR 109
Sue, his, his own.
Sue, known,
Sue, followed.
Sue comes, shoeing horns.
Suejfreut, sull‘er, permit.
Suzlt, accustomed.
Stuns (nut ales), none of his.
Slur, sister.
Suer, serve, to
Suers, sisters.
Suerlie, safeguard, safety.
Sues. ye ought.
Suete (greymmr), more fresh air, a
Suette, suete, suit.
Suez nous tat, although you m.'
Sufl'mnc. unwholcsomc.
Sufl'eruble cautrle, a
prudent, patience.
Sufl‘eraunce (lu)I the truce,
suspension of
arms, pardon.
Sufierl, allowed, permitted.
Suficcuntie de terre,
sufficient land.
Sujficiat, sufiicicnt. ~
Suffmhle, reasonable, lawful.
Sufirublc chose, a hardship.
Suflrahleo ([23), things
liable to make good
a nuisance.
Sufracs (en),.in suspenee.
Sufl'rancie (salenl la),
according to the pro-
Suflreint, to be born,
Suflrcit (grant), great want,
Sufrelz, hardships.
Sufl'rir, delay, put off.
Sufroit, would be sufficient.
Sugales. South Wales.
Suggl-ls, suggcs, Iuggetz, subjects.
Sui. lbllowed.
Sui, ensued.
Sui: (a Izzy prendre). to take him
Suis (les deliverent), deliver them
Suis (en), upwards, above.
Suicchargiez, above charged.
Suist dist dc, hereafter said.
Suis «lite. abovesaid.
Suisargentent, silvered over.
Suiaorre, embroidered, gilded over.
Suissm'ns, had sued out.
Suist, be.
Suit, aforesaid.
Suit. suyt, tho rctinue, chattels,
and appurtenances ofa villinn.
Suit, the witnesses or followers of
the plain-
tifi'; proofi
Suit, a path, or track.
Suit son several, has sued out his
partition has been made.
Suiz,suient. follow.
S's! Pad, if he has one.
Salary, sallary.
Sullerye, a plow land.
Sailings. alder trees.
Suluc, rulun, rullonc, according.
Sum, his.
Sumeigm, week.
Sumes, we are.
Sumelernhe proveditor for the
Summ (a), a sum‘ damag‘, to specify
Summa en to taste. struck him on the head.
Summage (oer), with horses laden.
Summament, especially.
Summcs sur cltieulls (IL-8) the summ's, or
package on horses.
Sun conduit, safe, sure conduct.
Sim jiuz, his son.
Sun to c/atf,the price ofhis head, his were.
Sune, suns, his, his own.
Sunt, they are.
Suwrs, shoemukcrs.
Supelmcians. suspected.
Sitppeditec, in subjection.
Supplenions, helps, amendments.
Supportntion, support.
Supposaifl, allegation.
Suppose (enfrmnt), u suppositious child.
Suppanr, sulyprior.
Suppriz, surprised.
Suppweillez, supponailless, supported, sac»
Sup q, whereupon.
Sur, upon, against.
Sun, lords.
Sur se, therein, thereupon.
Surachaler, to overbuy.
Surchctut, more especially.
Surcrio, addition, surplus.
Surdier, to arise.
Surdit, suspicion.
Sure, to prosecute, to follow.
Surfet de hasten (can). without too many
Surjttter, to cast over.
Surigiens, surgeons.
Suriplus, surplus.
Sunneissent. charged with.
Summit, oath.
Surmettent, take from.
Sumettent (ils), they surmise. suggest.
Surmt'tler, to surmise, accuse.
Sunnys (a lay), allcdged against him.
Surorrer, to gild.
Surpluis (Is), the surplus.
Surpluser (Ie), the remainder, deficiency,
what is behind. or wanting.
Surppn'ser, encroachmcnls.
Surprendre, seize.
Surprit, undertaken, supported.
Surprisian (can), without molestation.
Surquerge, molests.
Susquidance, arrogance, presumption, dis—
110 SUR
Sn "action. subjection.
Surrounder, to drown.
Suream, rotten, putrid, unwholesome, our.
Surser (yl ne pail). he cannot pay the pen.
alty of sursise.
Surscra la auru'ae, shell neglectto pursue
the hue and cry.~
Surses (dc), surcesser, to surcease.
Suraise, sarfait, neglect.
Sursiee, a penalty or forfeiture laid on those
who neglected paying the duty or rent of
Castleword at Dover.
Sursise en pie (dc doner) to give orders for
s surceasing of the plea.
Sursises, neglects, sursyses.
Sursist, sursya, neglected, omitted, ceased.
Surte. surety.
Suroeer, to overlook, survey.
Suroenantz, sojourning.
Survenel, survey;
Summits p ma dy, seised, overtaken with
e sickness.
Survesquiu, survives. ,
Suroeuz, superintended, examined, survey.
Suroieu, survey.
Survint, came.
Sureys, looked upon, deemed.
Surundea en to inter, lost in the sen.
Sue, upon.
Sue, arise, be.
Sue e jus, up and down.
Susanné, sum nné (tern), land worn out
with too long ploughing.
smu, waditz, aforesaid.
Susditz (des), abovementioncd.
Susduitz, put back.
Susgrosaes, engrosse.
Sumet, submit.
Sue matte (it), be alledges charges.
Sue mettre a nous, impute to us.
Suspetenus, suspected.
Suspirolo, aspirate, conduit, pipe.
Suspvis do maladie,seised with sickness.
Susquiet, herrusscd, searched about for.
Sussmee (chair), unwholesome meat.
Sussent (ct sit), and if' they know.
Susi, be.
Sustenamze do so corona (en), in support of
his crown.
Suctendroms (ne), will not support.
Suelretz, matretes, sustreits, smin'te. ms-
train, withdrawn, withhold.
Sate, suit, prosecution, proof, evidence, in.
stance, request.
Suter, settler, a shoemaker.
Suturez, suitors.
Sales, suits, services.
Sui/t (ties parties del), southern parts.
Suthdit, hereunder, hercstlcr said.
Suthmyz, subjects.
Sui/my, withdrawn.
Sutilte, eott'oite de um. by parity of reason.
Surat, cu, onions. ~
Suy, proceeded.
Suy, followed, pursued, prosecuted.
Suy hoyr, his heir.
Suynnont, following.
Suyrement, securely.
Suyst, sue out.
Says prest, I am ready.
Says (liverer). to deliver up. surrender.
Suyt, suit, right ot'prosocution, livery. secu-
Suyt (a la.) at the request.
Sue: ( par), for those.
8112, under.
Suz (Icy), against him.
Suzpris, seiscd.
Swayl ( par), for fuel.
Swefe (q‘il tonsil), that he held it gently.
Sy, ii; so.
Sy (que), that he might.
Sycome, since.
Syen, his.
swat, a put? with the cheeks, a whistle.
Syma e. synm‘gns, week.
Symb mam, simply.
Symerement, purely, simply, sincerely.
Synkesficlez. five daughters.
Syre, Sr, father.
Syn, six.
Sys, set down.
T, ten, tenant.
Ten, to hold.
Ten, tent, held.
Ten, such.
Tenez, ten, ten 2, tenements.
Tenz, tenants.
Tm, only.
Toe, trne, trespass.
Tps, time.
71' ed, plea of land.
Ta rd, a cloak.
Tabutet, a tabulet, a portable altar.
Tuclte, infected; tied, fixed unto, tacked
to ether.
Tao d’or (am). a cup ofgold.
Taciseir. to cough.
Thile dc boys (an). a tally of wood.
Tailla (que se), which was prououncedgiven.
Tnille. barred, taxed.
Taile, will, tally.
Taille (as), are desirous.
Taille, to [to to did: A (a la), at the diets-
tion of}! the said A, when the said A
Taillee, pronounced, declared.
Tailler, to cut.
Tailler, to limit.
Taillera (jugement u). judgment would
be given, pronounced.
TEN 111
Tailleroient (se), should endeavour.
Tailles, acquittances.
Tailletz (conenanlz), covenants limited, ex-
pressed, made.
Taillez, taillie, entailed.
Taitlez (que nous ports), that you will pre-
pare yourself.
Tuillez (un baie), a ooppice, or wood used
to be cut.
Taillont, they limit, they lay.
Taillours, tuylors.
Taillur rm villain (dc), to recover a villain
Taini/tlement, tacitly.
Taillurs rte omens, cutters of diamonds.
Talent, talenz, talent, love, desire, inclina-
Tulcmuins, nevertheless.
Talent. encouragement, inclination.
Talent d‘umer matrimoyne, a love for the
state of marriage.
Talent (man), ill will, resentment.
Talent (was (lites), you any right, truly.
Talent (p), by means of:
Talent flrcigne, take efl‘cct.
Tales, talys (novella), new declarations,
Tuition, lea: lalionis, like for like.
Talauns (coupes dc), cut ofi‘ close by the
Tampa, time.
Tongue, thine, thy own.
Tan longament, so long a time.
Tank, extended.
Tarmz, as well.
Tunqal, lannc, until.
Tongs, think.
Tanqe ceofuit, until it was.
Tunque it sail, until it be.
Tans, time.
Tani, as well.
Tent. ( per). thereby.
Tanl (es), in the tent.
Tantcame, in as much as, while, so long as.
Tonto/t, by and by, almost, so much, pre-
Tantqeu. Eyre, until the Eyre.
Taper, to lurk.
Tapets, blankets, covorlets.
Tapiere, tapers.
Tapissant, lying concealed, lurking about.
Tard (a puts), at latest.
Tardance, delay.
Tardist, tardiver (plus), later.
Thrge, targue, a target.
Targe, the impression of the king‘s arms in
the figure of a target, and sometimes
called pee eigilli, the privy seal.
Targer, targyr, a delay.
Targera, shall wait.
Tariez noundement, unduly delayed.
Tart au. tempre, later or sooner.
Tape dc blee, stack of corn.
Taekes, taxes.
Tut (par), by handling.
Taste (sient), have found, experienced.
Taster, to touch, to endeavour, to find out.
mun, little cups.
Talpimler, a molemtcher.
Taunt ave-ant come, as fully as.
Taunt come, as soon as, for as much as.
Team (nest), thus much.
Taunt (pe), by so doing.
Thunt m: qaant (ne est empire), will be
neither better our worse.
Taunt qe (jusques 0), until that.
Taunt soient, as soon as.
Taust apres, soon atler.
Tout, such.
Tau: (an), at the assessment, taxation.
Tuze, yew—tree.
Tuxer, to settle.
Taxes, appraised, assessed.
Touts, taxes.
Taye, grandmother.
#1le tally. b
a ( er), pa ment.
Tailerp/Iaut e’t busy, to tax a villain at diaere-
Taylor (lui), prepare himself.
'l'ayllable, taxable.
Tayon, grandfather.
Te, behold.
Teaux, such.
Team: (as), that such are.
Tebaud, Theobald.
Teguler, a tyler.
Tei, teie, thine.
Teigtee, title.
Tei r, to hold, to take place.
Tei 2, such.
Teinable (le plus), the most favourable.
Teintrere, to be dyed.
Teinz (tires), dyed cloth.
Teire, land.
Teire, teirce, the third.
Teisritm, a badger.
Teizeler de drape, a teaseller of cloth.
Teizels, teazles. '
Tele, a web. _
Temoniance, temom'e, testimony, evrdence.
Temporaute, temporalties.
Tempouros, the four Ember-weeks.
Tempre (tart on), later or sooner.
Temprer (a), to mitigate.
Tempriere (la), temperament.
T empa (par), presently, short] .
Temps dewoeenables, non juri icial seasons.
Tempe (quatour), tho Ember-days, at the
four difi'eront seasons of the year.
my (tea), held them.
Tenable, to hold place, defensible.
Tenablee par attaintes, to be accounted or
deemed as attainted.
Trnoml, Stephen.
Tennunce, tenancy.
Trnmn, n dispute, quarrel.
Trudi, intended.
Tomlrrrllc ( par), by the infirmity.
Tomi, lrnl, ofl'ers, is ready.
Tent/tout, may hold.
'l'emlrez secrets, will keep secret.
Tendruit, taking away.
78Hl/l0ll (il), he thought.
'l't'mlrona, will restore, deliver up.
Tendrnynt (ila), they would think.
Tentlumes Ile loge le my oeantz (ls), seeing
the tender age ofthc king.
Tandy (it n’o), he did not look upon.
Tandy, tendered, ofl'ered.
Terrell du ray ([2), the palace where the
king resides; the king’s hall, bell house.
Tcner, to gain.
Tenet, 'l‘lnmct.
Trnez, bound.
Tong! (rolls), kept, preserve you.
Tent, ten, held.
Tangent (ne), that they keep, observe.
Tenier, to hold.
Ttnir, accept, take.
Tenirs (n), to be holdcn.
Ten]: (jr), I hold. r
Tenoins nous, we think.
Tenoms, look upon, regard.
Tens (on), at the limo.
Tens (on), in time.
Tensor, to preserve.
Tcnslt covenant, performed the covenant.
Tensit ple (quil no), that he should not hold
Tent ausi come si, in as full manner, as if:
Tenure, tenure.
Tenure, tenuer (la), the tenor.
Tenure (a), to observe.
Tenz, kept, observed.
Terage, a duty for breaking up the ground.
Trrce, terse, third.
Tare, land.
Tera de la Comun, Commons, Community,
oflhc Land, viz. the Bishops, Earls, Ba-
rons, and great men of the realm; also
military men, such as bold Knight’s fees
or parts of Knight's fees, and such as paid
Terms, lime.
Tmnine, dctaincd.
Tet-mine, determination.
Terminer, to atterminate, or assign a time
for payment ofa debt.
Tcrminez, held, kept.
Terra, lund.
Terr: (est or), fails, is aground.
Terrene, terrien, earthly.
Tesir, to be silent.
Tessaunt (en), tacitly, by being silent.
Testez, heads.
Tamra, a testers ofa bed.
Tet, head.
Tats, tez, all.
Ten, kept.
Teule, mole, title.
Tea lieu, such a place.
Teurnainc (en), in witness.
Teu prisons, such prisons.
Tens dens, both.
Tex, telz, such.
Tern, wove.
Teyle (dc), with mail.
Teynonl, trynt, hold.
Tag-rue (la), the attaint.
Teysant (en), by being silent, tacitly.
Teyse (si an), if he is silent.
Tezeller dc dra a, a teazeller of cloth
Thsflains, the piphany.
Therui (en man urns), into my serious con.
Tholomeu, Bartholomew.
Tholun, thalon, toll.
Thrace den bleu, a thrave of corn.
Thrommes, thrums of woollen yarn.
Ti, thy.
Tilmud, Theobald.
Tiel, toill, teoil, tuaill (unepriere do), one
piece of cloth.
Tiel may, such a one.
Tlelle (en la), in tail.
Tien, thy.
Tien counsell, such counsel, advice.
Tier: e, keep.
Tier: (jeo 1:), I hold it.
Tient (lay), acknowledged, owned him.
Tint myne in moi (il 11:), it is not my fault.
Tient my lieu (ne), does not lie, take place.
Tiern (par), by thirds.
Tier: (lui), himself, and three others.
Ticux, tieul, ties, lions, tilz, such.
Til, such a one.
Tiltre, title.
Timer (a), to fear.
Timeur, fear.
Tin, the sound of a clock.
Tinctours, dyers. .
Tinel, a place where justice ii adminis-
Tinel, tynel, I: my, the king's hall.
Tingue, lineal, held.
Tint, held, observed.
Tinlers, tinkers.
Tiou, thine.
g‘hguatiu, ganglion.
aynes, pip any.
Tiseours do drape, weavers of cloth.
Tisserans, weavers, embroiderers.
Tistu, twisted, fixed.
“slows, twisters-
Tizteresces, weavers.
Title (soil), be entitled.
Time, killed.
TRA 113
Toot ole, gone altogether.
Tacky (je). I mentioned, proposed.
Twinkle dc lone, tods of wool.
Toict, teat, the roof of a house.
Talent, hold, keep.
Toil (la), the plea, tolt, contest, dispute. the
Toiller, to deprive.
Tbillier, a weaver.
Toldee, Theodore.
We, tote (some), sum total.
Tolmn, the person by whom the entry is
Tolet, tollrt, toleta, tollerent, deprived, taken
away, barred.
Thllrepa, yards.
ThIoun. toll.
Tole, toluz. tolz, removed, taken away.
Talyr en: (a), to take from them.
Tonde (ne), does not signify,cannot be found
fault with.
Tondour dc drop, one who shears the cloth.
Toudro (ne), will not take away. deprive.
Toneilea, bogshead, tun.
Tomi, a kind of prison for night-walkers, a
net, a vessel, a vat.
Tbrmeuz wider, empty vessels.
Tonnu, toll.
Toor saaage. a wild.
Torain, of Touraine.
Thole, a kiln.
Torbeo, multitudes, routs
Torcenouu, wrongful.
Torcionnieres, unjust.
7hrmente, punished.
Tlmw dc chesoun pl y] ( pur le antre de
la), for the entry 0 the attorney of every
Tornci, tournament.
Thrre, land.
Tore. a tower.
Torajors, always.
Tbrteumu, tortious. wrongfiil.
Tonal: (an), a hogsty.
That: (32), so soon.
Tbt, too, all.
Tilt, although.
Tot foia, tote mica, totebetz, totedys. always.
Iht outre, entire.
Tot a primer, as soon, immediately.
m (e mains (a). full at the least.
Tat en tot, wholly. entirely.
Ibttee, totted.
Touaille, a towel.
Touchiez, handled.
Thalia, toll.
Thullisunt, should take away from.
Touml, Thomas.
Thundeson (scam (in), seasons for sheep-
Toundun do hnbia, sheep-sheerers.
Tatum, toll.
Tourbes, turfs.
Tourmentea. tournaments.
Tourteres, Tartars. Saracens.
Touat (pluia), as soon.
Toast que (oi), as soon as.
Tout. yet, although.
Tout attrenclre, entirely, fi-om beginning to
Tout diz. tous dis, always.
Tout dye, always had done.
Tout de nette, entirely.
Tout net. altogether.
Tout outre, entire. the whole.
Thutper, throughout.
Tout suit, although.
Touta auoies, always.
Thu! vet's. however.
Tout joura (a), fin- ever.
Toutz jourc men, for ever, for ever after.
Touzoure, always.
Toyaon fleece.
Toz, allI the whole. .
Tozail, taaail. a brick-kiln, or chimney.
Trabeation, Crucifiction. This was an era
from which charters were sometimes da-
ted; Armo Trabeationis Dominica 1013.
Tracauer, to range up and down.
Trucement, seeking after.
fiadictiona (dos). Part of the service in
the Roman Missal, and cnllcdjo from the
apostles upbraiding the Jews for following-
the false traditions of their ancestors. and
neglecting the weightier matters of the
law. Instruments are sometime dated
from this do . Fen‘o 1111. post III. Do-
minic. Qua rag. Lemoinc.
Troete, treated.
Trahea in juries, drawn in jurys.
“akin to draw in, to betray. to commit
treason against.
Trahir (pot't), may commit treason.
Trahy out, drawn beyond.
Tl'oictemeta (qua ac can), that this is pro-
per treatment.
Traiet, drag.
Traille, delivered.
Trailler, to search alter.
Traillez, taxed.
Traine (per), by drawing.
Trait (gens dc), cross.bowmen.
Tramettre, to transmit.
Tram/lees, trenches.
Trans, over, across.
Tronscrire, to write over,
Transescrit, transcript.
”ensign, to transact.
Transom, a fragment.
fiancportero, shall transfer,
assign over.
Trarm shall extract.
114 TRA
Tm; (nienl), not drawn out of; taken
o .
Travail" en juree, to far to be
on 'uriea.
Travaille. travayli, vergelh. J
”amine, prwecnte.
fianciller, to vex, harrass,
fiasss'ller [a court. to
trouble the court.
flavors (par). {be sheaves.
Traoenant, traversing, putting upon
or issue, opposing.
”seer-etc. (lines), cross lines.
Travers". to meet, intercept,
to deny.
fiaysun. treason.
We, earth.
Treacte ls ple hora, draw the plea
Weaswms (us), may not draw.
Treatoblu, drawn, withdrawn.
Webuclmblee. are to be out down.
flebuche, fell down.
Treer. to draw.
Treee, drawn‘,
flees, handled, discussed.
Tie/rte, truce.
”elites hon, drawn out.
Tie/mum (u). should withdraw; should
Thrice, three.
Trein'em (a), e vessel, at the
mill-hopper and
fiein‘uent cele part (as).
should move tow-
ards those parts.
Thermal (qils re), that they would
treat to-
ge er.
Treiuent (pile u), that they repair
Trert. trait, trot. arrow, dart.
7hr}, treated, used.
fleit (rte feust mye), was not
Tree: (sou). let him be withdrawn,
Ti'eite, carriage, behaviour.
fleum, traitors.
Treiltenient, treat, entertain.
Tremetoms, transmit, send over.
flemois, oats, barley, and
such like grain;
called so a tribal? mmibue, because
are but about three months on the
betbre they are got in.
1km, tremor (put), for than
Ilene/ta durement, out with all his
Tranche (ll). it enureth.
garage a tout, it strikes at all.
are e (a), trenchement rem ril .
Trent/re, divided. ' Pa P” y
Tune/tenure, carvers.
Trencher, to carve.
flenclteront devout lor
aeignar (Ire), who
eat at their lord's table.
Trent lieu ict' (ne), it shall not
take place
here. -
Trentel, thirty masses.
Trentiame trerz, thirty-third.
Trees (jro), I find.
Tnpauent, passover.
Trepir, trepier (an), a tripod.
Trep legierment, too hastil .
Trerchs feta (la), the thir time.
Trere Iron (lee). dragged them out.
Trerome (ne), will not. draw.
Tresamble, the like.
Treueint, most holy.
Treeisme jour, third day.
Tremun-ry, very much concerned,
Treeor (on), in the treasury.
Trespaseo. lefl. this world.
Treapaasauntz. those who pass by, go
wards and forwards.
lately deceased.
Trespoue, an offence. -
Treepaeeement do dit nadgsirs ray
(par le),
by the death of the said late king.
Trespasrement, miscarriage. _
Trespassement dee terms. making
at the appointed time.
Trespassent, pass over.
Trespaarer, to trespass, to ofi‘end, transgress.
Trespasaet, death. ‘
Tresque, as soon as, presently.
Treeredaut, most dread. _
Trrsreguiae (jey), now very requisite.
Desseunlz (patina cressauntz). growrug.
fleueint, most holy.
Treelaet, treated, agreed with.
Trestime, thirtieth. _
Tresloumee, trestumee, turned from their
That‘aul perde, let him lose all.
Trestoutz, trestouz, lreslore, all.
Treeublie, quite forgot.
fl'esze, thirteen.
Tret, trete, agreement. conference.
Trot, here.
Tret eaunlr, drawn blood.
Trete, treaty, conference.
fletez. drawn, induced to.
fletable, tractable, kind.
Tretans, as much, as many.
Thiecmrs, those who were appointed to
manage the treaty of concord and peace
between Edward the Second and the dis- _
contented barons.
Trelementz, tretis, treaties. treaty.
Water. treitiz, to treat of, to entrcat.
The“, draught.
Treteree, will treat. use, entreot.
Tretuit, all.
”aware, finding.
Treoeure (d'aure), of any other thing found.
Treree, truce. b d l , >
n 97,), Y e flyB.
figfithpdraw, draught, draws, drawn.
Treyne ct pendu, drawn and banged.
Treys. three.
Treyt (payn de), bread of 'l‘rete; Wheaten
VAD 115
bread; one of the kinds of bread men-
tioned in the Stat. of 5i H. III.
Treytour, a traytor.
Theyturement. treturement, traiterously.
TH. tries, three.
Tribos'll, troubles. disturbances.
Trie. tried, examined into. silch into.
THement, trial.
fiienalz. lhr three years.
Th'er, to chase, select.
Trier. et armies (let). to chose, pick out.
and array them.
New jour, third day.
Tries, proclaimed.
Tries ezeepciou. exceptions may be taken.
Trim (en temps des), in time ot‘truce.
Triours. triers.
T‘r-iaussent. find.
Triowes, triees. trieues. truoel.
Tn'pe (un), a tripod.
Triplication, rejoinder.
Tris jurs, always.
Thistur. sorrow. grief!
Troboill. trouble.
The. bartered. exchanged.
Truckee, trousses (en), in clusters, bunches.
Trees. found.
Theses. troefl'ent, they find.
This. idle.
Thiter, to treat.
Tram, beams.
Tianour des laines. weighers of wool.
Tronquez, mutilated.
Trop hunt, too high.
flop (par). too many.
flops (met), put more.
We lost faict (an), an over hasty act.
flop outmnent. too much.
Tl‘opoy, too little.
Thoppe. a mole.
Trove (de), et de eve. see Ooe de et de trove.
Themes de novella, inventors of news.
Thane en un default (eerm). shall be turned
into a default.
Trouez. boxes with slits to receive charity.
Thoums (nus). we find.
Trousieme, the third.
Trance. trays, a sow.
Trowe, found.
Trays, found.
Troyes, three.
Trube, trouble.
True, truce.
Truerant, touching. concerning.
Trufl'e. found.
Truflle, found.
Ti—uir. to find.
Truisse. trusse, find.
Truile, takes in the fact, catches.
Trum, obscure. black, dark.
Trusses. packed up.
Truce, finds.
Trynlrs. trymlus, trunks. weirs.
mm. towaiu, cloth for towels.
T'uclte. touch, touches. concerns.
Tument, slaying.
Tuen'e, slaughter.
Trust (soil). should be cut out.
Tues! chescun langue (soil), that every
tongue should be silent.
Tuey, killed.
Tuieion, protection, reprieve.
Tuit. tuite. whole, all; although.
T'uit. hold.
This seintz, all saints.
Thmbe hers, fell out.
T‘undu, cui, clipped.
Tier. a Turk.
Tier, a town.
Titrbefooer, to dig turf.
Thrbeurs, disturbere.
Turelle, a little tower, turret.
Turgent. remain.
Tunnentyr. to torment.
Turnance, turning.
Thrnereit, would turn.
Turnsz, turnes. tourns.
Thmois nairs (seisunte mile Iieres dc)
sixty thousand livres of black Turnois,
i. e. fifteen thousand pounds sterling.
Tue jours. for ever.
Tut, although.
Tut ad e primes, first of all.
Tut to resume, the whole kingdom.
Tution, defence.
Thwant. kill.
The eeuz, all those.
The seynz, all saints.
Thzon (la disuse), the tenth fleece.
Ttoaite, wood grubbed up, and land made
Tioesdie. Tuesday.
Their, such.
Tyene, keep, detain.
T ent. tynt. they hold.
Tyne”. the ball.
nt. bald
Tyois, the ancient German, or Teutonic
Typhanie, the Epiphany.
V. is, or, whether.
U. one.
Vre (a). to your.
V-os fail, would have done.
Vs. towards.
Vacations, voidances.
Vuchen'e, wearie (an), a
Vacquer, to be at leisure.
Vaduz, let him .
Vadlel. valet. This word has various accep-
tations ; sometimes it signifies the heir of
some nobleman or knighhwho is in ward ;
l 16 VAD
at other times. a young gentleman retain-
ed in the king’s. or seine great man’s
family. and a candidate of honour; often
a young gentleman who serves in the
army; and such on one is frequently call-
ed. scutiser, serviene. armiger. Gloss. x.
Script. v. Volume. Alsoa ycoman.
Vadlettre dcl corona, yoeman of the crown.
Vadletz. servants. valcts.
Veer (dc). to go.
Vagaront, wandering.
Vagerant (qui), which shall be vacant.
Vuhuz. baliuz, vessels.
Vaie. way.
Vail, under.
Vailance (a la). to the value.
Vailez, valets, yeomcn.
Vaillanient. valiently.
Vaille, sufficient.
Voille, vigil, watch.
’aille cruettz. old crusts.
Vsillentz de biens, persons of property.
Vaillst regarder (qe nus). that you will have
Vuilliu. bnilifi's.
Vain: wicle, common fame.
Val (enctmtre), downwards.
Vulable, of force.
Valait riene (ne). availed nothing.
Valullument, the force of it.
Valaunt (en). in the descending line.
Valer, caloir, avail.
Valeures (dos), of the lips.
Valeyent it (as). they would not.
Velez. farewell.
Valiaunts seijeaunts (lee rneulz), serjeants
of the most substance or property.
Vallissant. to have been worth.
Valletz. the next condition to an esquire.
Valles, usllez. valets.
Valoir (ls bien), the welfare.
Valoit amnt. goes forwards.
Valoue, value.
Valu (aient). have prevailed.
Valuble (tetra plus). to be of more force.
Values arguments, arguments of weight
and force.
Voncre, to vanquish.
Vanez, politic vauz du pais (mieutz). most
substantial or sufficient of the county.
Vanque, vanquished.
Vanra o age, shall arrive at the age.
Vansist male, it would be better.
Van! (la). the aforesaid.
Vent parlour (qfiice tie), the ofiice of Speak-
er of the House of Commons.
Vaollaunce. value.
Vaquans. vacant.
Voqaier, oaquer (ne peussent). cannot be at
Vareclt. shipwreck.
Variaunse, change.
Varies, servants.
Vader, a yoeman.
Varieton. a groom.
Varraie. true.
Vuroiclr. Warwick.
Vassslle. oaissels. macaw, vessels.
Vassauz, men of courage.
Vast. waste.
Vaetant, wasting.
Vat. go, extend to.
Vau, a valley. '
Vuudm, shall give up.
'aues, wuez, eauiz, Muetz (den meulz). of
the most substantial, worthy.
Vaoetz des counters (des mieultz), men of
the best reputation in the county.
Vault, worth. avails, is of force.
Vault (ne), cannot be had. faileth.
Voultena‘nt (un), an unthriil, or one that is
worth nothing.
Vuultre. a mongrel hound.
Vaulz. vallies.
Vuunt dit (la), the aforesaid.
Vausiaent (si il), if they could.
Vauaaifl'ee. vouchsafe.
Vauseiseies eschesour (lre eons), that you
would vouchsafe to receive.
Vauet (il). it goeth, endureth.
Vazel, vessel.
Vay (lune leue dc), one mile of the way.
Vaylauuce espernes (ne). sparing no pains.
Vaylantz, worthy, valiant.
Vaylotent (q'ila). as they thought fit.
Vayn, the autumn.
Ubblie, oblivion.
Ubliaunce. forgetfulness.
Ulmis. where.
Uilife, udyfs (gens). idle people.
Udifte, misery, idleness.
Udinsse, idleness.
Ve, saw.
Ve. worth.
Ve, vée. true.
Vea (lug), refused him.
Vea, vein. refiised.
Veage, voyage.
Vrair, to see.
Vealletz, you will.
Veonce (en), in expectation of.
Veaude place, void, vacant place.
Vermlt, he is willing.
Vadentz. seeing.
Vee. refusal.
Vee de name (plus do). pleas de petite
namia. Holding plea of distresses taken
and forbid to be replevied. Name, none.
naam. namps. and name. which signifies
a distress, come from the Saxon verb ni-
man, capere. to take.
Vee, sent.
Vee mye (ne), does not intend.
Veel, old.
VER l 17
Veelez oiscountz, old shorifl‘s.
Veent, forbid, deny.
Veer, true.
Veer, to act, to view.
Veer (nous soulons), we will see. ‘
Veer auant (en), to proceed.
Vces, think.
Veal [e coroner, let the coroner go.
Vefue, widow.
Vegle, blind.
Vci jeu ne,jea ne veign, I do not see.
Vei, veye, this clay.
Vela, refused.
Veiance ( par), by seeing.
Veici, behold.
Vet's, ve, seen.
Veie (tale), quite laid open to the sight.
Veient, may see.
Veiors, true.
Veiss, veez, la vie, dislresscs forbidden to be
replevicd, the refusing to let the owner
have his cattle which were distrsined.
Veif, eefve, ocfues, a widow ; widows.
Veifuage, widowhood.
Veigle (la), la veille, the vigil, the eve, the
Veigne, ofl'end.
Veigner, to come.
Veiue, will.
Veillement, seeing, watching.
Veiller, to watch.
Veilles, veils.
Veillez, stiles, old.
Veiltce, old age.
Vein (en), in vain.
Veine, comes.
Veinged (si ultra), if any other shall come.
Veinquemes, we conquered.
Veint distincteinentnmnez, not expressly or
particularly named.
Veioim (nous), we saw.
Veir (mic en), produced, shown, proved.
Veir (saunz), without denying.
Veirge, la. the verge or bounds limited to
the king's court, 5. e. twelve miles round
the same.
Veiseetz a lier (que cm), which you saw
Veissetz a liar hora, sow going out.
Veistee (Mus in). you never saw.
Veisaon (ii), they see.
Veil, sees.
Vel,I will.
Vela, may.
Veler (en), in view.
Velewet, velvet.
Velra, will.
Velte. eeyl, oelloit, eelee, will.
Van, viewed.
Ven 14:, coming thither.
Veom'ant, coming.
ancez, coming, hastening forwards.
Venanncez (enauz), in being rcvenged on
Vedees, soles.
Vendircs (a), to be sold.
Vendra, shall come.
Vendra (ne), shall not challenge.
Vendre salt, sale muy be made.
Vendrm'ns (a pawn), we should scarce have
Vendrant (contra), shell ofl'end against.
Venelle du licl, the space between a bed and
the wall.
Veneours, hunters.
Venerrly, Venardy, Venredi, Friday.
Vengnent. they come.
Venials (sent), are to be brought.
Venjaunce, revenge. -
Venier (pur lc non), for not coming.
Venismus, we come.
Veniesent (qt). who ofl‘cnd.
Ven'cu, overcame, conquered.
Venours. huntsmen.
Venra, sold.
Venre (la), the soul].
V9118“! (que ii). that he should come.
Vent, comes.
Vent (sen), comes.
Vent (p), by sale.
Vent (so). is sold.
Vent prestz, ready sale.
Venice, dispeer by the wind.
Venten, woods marked for sole.
Ventier, blow.
Ventisme jaur. the 20th day.
Ventrez (rumpes lea), broken-bellied, burst-
Venue, de eenne (mal dc), the essoigu do
main veniendi.
Veaer, veoir, to see, to inspect.
Veoid, sees.
Veoir, true.
Veora, viewers, surveyors.
Veal, wills, shews.
Veot (unques no), never had seen.
Veoune nous, we see; we will.
Ver, cattle.
Ver, true, appear.
Ver (a), to view.
Ver (pur), to see.
Ver, against.
Ver en cite, patina verle sire, green wax.
Verament, verreyment, truly.
Veray, very.
Verbatemenl, verbally.
Verdiaori, Good Friday.
Vereduist, verdict.
Verek. wreck.
Verement (la), the evramcnt.
Vereys. oerreyc, vars, oerri, true. .
Verges (ne acres q no fuist unq’) which
was never surveyed, measured, or laid
out into acres.
118 VER
Verges, yards.
Vergis. young suckers.
Vergnauntz, coming.
Vergnignes, oiergaigne, mgoyne, shame,
Vergander, to abuse. revish, violate.
Verisrmblables, very likely.
Verite. truth.
Veritee ( puesse dire sa grosse), may relate
the whole truth of his case, may tell his
own tale.
Verrryment, truly.
Verroie, true.
Verroient, have s mind.
Verrlmt, verretz. shall see.
l’ers en: (de prsndre), to take with them.
Verser, to turn.
Versui, towards.
Verlie, truth.
Ves (autre), otherwsys.
Vescu (si il ust), if he had lived.
Vesnes, widows.
Veeque, oeske, a bishop.
Vesquisk, nu uirent, vesquissent, lived.
Vesquist (si I" ), if he was slive.
Vesselmentz, things appertaining to vessels
and stripping.
Vest, oestus, vested.
Vester, scale, to vest. to enurs, vested.
Vestes, wsste.
Vestre, vests, closthed, covered.
Vestue, veste, clothed, covered.
Veslue, potii‘w oesw, (en core), still alive.
Vesture, crop, growth.
Vesture, robes, vestments.
Vet (s‘en), go therefrom.
Valera, old.
Veterlokkes, fetterlocks.
Venom, living.
Veve, oeia (1e), the sight.
Veoe, a widow.
Veeeres, widowcrs.
Vetete (en so), in her widowhood.
Veu, your.
Veue, a. widow.
Veuez, will.
Veu 1e, blind.
Veu , calves.
Veulliant, willing.
Veum (nus), we see.
Veure (par), by being willing.
Vein articles, old articles.
Vmissiens, we would.
Veut ( per), by a way, method.
Veute (de), by sale.
Veuuez mye, claim nothing.
Veutz, oeuz,g‘reig1le, old grain.
Vewe, view.h h
V (Imut), ig way.
V3: (at), it' he perceives, it’he will.
Veyer, to view, to behold. '
Veyer est, is to be seen.
Veyes, was.
Veget, sees.
Veyle (la), the elder.
Veyuss, towns.
Veyn, vain, void.
Veyner, to come.
Veyv, bier, truth.
Veyre. true.
Veysin, s. neighbour.
ch, (sous), you will. you wish.
Wage, voyage, expedition.
Vicary, a Vicarage. ,
Vice, a defect, ibult, error. '
Vice, crime, injustice. .
Vic/tel (an), an heifer.
Vicie, corrupted.
Vicint, come.
Uiclaine (1’), the active.
Vidimée, u vidimus.
Vidront, will.
Viduele, widowhood. t;
Vie, the view. 1.:
Vieant, coming.
Vice stile, old stile.
Vie naam, livo distress.
Viegls Iwmmes, blind, old, impotent men.
Vie nee, vineyards. ’
Vie , senior, elder.
Vieles, vie: deltas, old debts.
Viel, eslfi
Vial best, live beast.
Vials, wills.
Viendrant, shall come; out, ofi'end.
Viener, came. .
Vienee (fluent les), should make the "ewe.
Vienqe, comes. ‘
Vim (qua vie, qua), who is desirous.
Vim, they see.
Vient (Ie), the 90th.
Vier, to deny.
Vier, puit, may see.
Vierge son marge, power, eontroul of her
Viergier, s verger.
Viergaigne (en), to the reproach, shame of.
Vieront (a1), they look to.
Viers, towards.
Vie: (par plusars ), by many ways.
Viestes (ou), where you see or find.
Vieu, sight. ,‘
Visas, views, windows.
Viez, m'ez, old.
Viez (touts). all wsys.
Vigued, neighbourhood.
Vi 2mm (fame), a virtuous woman.
Vi ere, vicar.
Vikeris, vicsrsgcs. .
Vilnius cement, blasphemy against God.
the Virgins, and the Saints. _
Vilaint (ti), a villain, the occupier of land.
Vileim fails, vile. base, villainous sets.
Vilenement dossier, besely used them.
VOE 119
Viles, old.
Vill, a village ; a villain.
Villains, vilenie, disgrace, disgraceful.
Ville cites de la (communalte), the commu-
nity or commonnlty ot' a town, burghI or
city. This always signified the mayor,
alderman, and common council, where
they were to be found, or the steward ur
bailiff, and capital burgesscs, or, in short,
the governing port of cities and towns,
by what! persons soever they were gov-
erned, or names and titles they were
known; and not the commoners or ordi-
nary sort of burgesscs or frecmen only.
Brady, 132.
Villeez, townships.
Villenie, villainous.
Villude (que nous me), that you will no-
. unint me with.
Vi pris, a low price.
Ville, vileness.
Ville tenu, bascness.
Vino/t point (joe rte), I don’t come.
Vincle (St. Pere lad). the festival of St.
Peter in bonds ; lst of August.
Vine, sins, vint, twenty.
Vinez, uivez, stacked.
Vingent, come.
Vin/r, ninsest, came, got to.
Vina nermeillee, red wines inned, carried
Vinz, ounes, inned, carried in.
Vin: liverez e III]. (VIL) seven score and
four pounds. i. e. £144.
Vinteront, they tie, or bind.
Viollent (ne), they will not.
Viol. envy.
unre, to live.
Virent (qui), who saw.
Virgo, a virgin.
Virolez, ferrilled, tipped, capped.
Viron, about.
Virtans, veritons, sermons, arrows.
Vie. vise. cisconte, sherifi‘.
Vie, alive, also void.
Vie. vise, face, visage.
Via, foreseen, perceived.
Via, advice.
Via a fair. thought fit to be done.
Vise ne distress (p), by secret distress.
Visens, nisness, neighbours.
Vises, hinds.‘
Viseur, the face.
Visitaeour, visitor.
Visne, neighbourhood, venue.
Vianees oiles, neighbouring towns.
Vine, the viwr ot' a helmet.
Viuent, had.
Uieserr'e, the ofice of porter.
Via, uirent, saw.
Vist le coroner, let the coroner go.
Vial enfower (per), by burying alive.
Visteconsoil, speedy council.
Vii, privitics.
Viz. eight.
Vitel (un), a calfi
Viteretz (en), in truth.
l'ioarul (en son), in his life-time.
Vine vois, by 'word of mouth.
Viver (en), et in venture, in victusls and
clothes. '
Viper ( pur Is), for the livelihood.
Viuers, fish-ponds, warrens, parks.
Vivers, livelihoods.
Vivi, alive.
Vivies, oiver,vietuals, diet.
Viuperons, shall alive.
Viz, seen.
I”. any one.
Ulle, any.
Ulvestier, Ulster.
Um (l'), the man.
Umbracles, secret places.
Umbra, shadow, colour.
Umbrez, wloured.
Un meme, the selflssme. one and the same.
Uncore, unquore. unques, still, yet.
Unement, uniement, in general; unani-
Ung count, an earl.
Ung ou dens, one or the other.
Unge, nail. -
Ungt, one.
Uniement, unanimously.
Unificence, making one, uniting.
Uniment, equally, in union.
Unisone. unz some, the eleventh.
Unite (d'), whatsoever.
Universaire. anniversary.
Unziente, eleven.
Unkes (ne), never.
Una, several.
Unsemely chose (cue), as an unbecoming
Unszime. unziesme, unsime, unzim, unisme,
Unt, have.
Uni, therelbre.
Unze (In), any.
Vo, or.
Vo. yours.
Vaoie, voyage.
Vooin, oomlun', autumn.
Voair, see, appear.
Voasrimnt s on amndre, might send to
summon them.
Vacs, voice.
Voter. to call.
Voderunt, are willing.
Voe (par nulle), by any way.
- Pam, bises. See Rot. Par]. v.1 n. n 94. Pet. 22. nae. MS.
120 ' VOE
Voel (no), would not.
Vorillonl, willin .
Voels, vows, wis es.
Veer, to view.
Vaeson, (la), the advowson.
Voest (lee), let him vouch them.
Voel, requires.
Voet (qu'il), that he go.
Vast (si il), if he wilL
Vacs-e, we], widow.
Voguement, passing, returning.
Voguer, to call again, return.
V_oi, I am going.
Poi droit, the law requires.
Voidera, will.
Voidez, departed.
Voids: (a), to quit.
Vote, true.
Vm'e desch, by way of escheat.
Voie de utre mar, voyage beyond sea.
Voier, voiar, wir, the truth.
Voier (est a), is to be seen.
Voter (per),potia.s noier, by drowning.
Voice (nul), no right to accuse.
Velez, ye see.
Veil (jeo), I wilL
Voilde Irishman, wild lrishmen.
Voile (ne), cannot.
Vailaunaez seignioviss, potent lords.
Voilsnl, violent. _
Voiler (malvey), ill will.
aillanlz, men of worth, substance.
Volln’r, named.
Voilm'r, onillour, will, tea-tamer“.
Voir (lo), politic l'avoir, the riches.
Voire, wirsmeut, truly.
Voice enconlre, act against.
Voiunt (ne), go not.
Vm'st amunt, proceeds in,
Valanl, onllrutifs, en mlentie, willing.
Volalil royal, a royal bird
Volentline, giddy, wilful.
Vuler, to be willing, to wish.
Valor (bien), endeavoured.
Velez, would take :1er y.
Volg, oalis, oolys, will.
Vollss, chant", rt gargaus ds osseaur (en).
in the flight, singing, and chattering of
Volm'r (mule), ill will.
Volvrment des toisous du lain, winding up
ol'flcrrces of wool.
Va/und, a will or testament.
anunt, meaning.
Voluntrim-menl, wilfully.
Voluptuoaite, wantonness.
Von gre (do (or), of their own accord.
loot, nail, wit he will, would.
1 arm, sorroient, would.
Vorrount (on), or shall hear.
Vors, you.
Vos, yours.
Voadrelz om. would you.
Voucli bien (si‘il noel), save if he would bid
him welcome.
Voucher, to vouch, to call.
Voudroit notre bien, wishes our welfare.
Vane, a vow.
Voter, to vow.
Voulanl (him), good will.
Vount, they go.
Vounze, eleven.
Vousscierent, will.
Vans eat, is true.“
Vmuist, should have a mind.
Voustrent, would.
Vous vies (y), you would.
Vout, until, visage, countenance.
Vautent bills, prefer, put in their bill.
Voy, says, way ; scape.
Vayce (jeo n2), I don’t see.
Vaycl, eight.
Voysr, true.
Voyerment, truly.
Voyem'e, truth.
Voyez oaluntariea ( jeo), I would be willing.
Voyez, woods}
Val] fist,‘lct him go.
Voylerie (ll deyvont), they ought to wish.
Voys, voice.
Vayse, is directed; issues.
Voyunt, lt'l. him go. '
Voyunl juror (qui), who are to swear.
Vow: dc frank plrgge (over), have a view
of frank pledge.
Voz (par lea), by yours.
Vrasa, true. ‘
Vre, your.
Ure, urn, practice. use.
Uremic en), put in practice.
Ure (al), at the time.
Ur: apprise. have understanding.
Urr, burned.
Ureisuns, prayer.
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