
(delwedd F6531a) (tudalen 056a)
a, a (generally used before consonants), and.
a, a (bef ore consonants), as.
a:, a (bef ore consonants) ,
a:, a, 3rd sing. pres. of
maned or mind.
adnabod, adnabod , to know, to recognize.
adre, adrev, ad,re, adref ,
atsvuinder, a.ddf wynder,
ag, ag (before vowels), as. ag, ag (bef ore vowels), with. agen, agen, f .,
agor, agor, to open.
agorassant , agorasant, 3rd
plur. aor. of agor. agos, qgos, near.
ai, a'i, and his, and h.er. ai, interrogative particle. ai, w·hether, or.
a:i, di, 3rd sing i. of maned. ail, ail, nurn. adj., second. air, aur , gold.
aie, a,eth, 3rd sing. aor. of
maned or mind.
ak, ac (generally before
vowels), and. akku, acw, yonder. alarx, ala.rch, swan.

(delwedd F6531b) (tudalen 056b)
*almainwir, Al11iaenwyr ,
ac:J.-ci-an, allan, out.
aci-t, allt, f ., a wooded slope.
am, am, round, about, for. ambei, ambell, occasional. ammai, ameu) to doubt.
amhaiaie, amheuaeth, doubt. amhossibl, amhosibl, illl-
aml, ammal; aml, amal,
amser, amser, time.
anwire<S, anwiredd, false-
ar, a.r, on; ar gaver (ar
gyfer ), opposite. arai, arall, other.
arglui<Ses, arglwyd des, f .,
arholur, arholwr, exaininer. arjan,- arian, silver,. money. arno, arrio,
pron. prep., on
arnom, arnom, pron. prep.,
Oll US
ar11int, arnynt, pron. prep.;
on th em.
aros, aros, to. stay.
*areir, Arthur, Arthur King
of Britain.
arver, arfer, to accustom.
arverai, arferai, 3rd sing. i.
of arver.

(delwedd F6532a) (tudalen 057a)
arverol, arf erol, usual.
atebai, atebai, 3rd sing. i. of atteb (ateb) , to answer.
aerau, athraw. teacher.
augrim, awgrym, hint.
avon, afon, £., river.
balxter, balchter, pride.
banadl, banadl, broom. bara, bara, bread. ba:e, bath, kind, sort.
baun, bawn, 1st sing. i.
subj. of bo:d.
ba:x, bach, small. baxg en, bachgen , boy. beru, berw, seething.
be:e, beth (= pa beth), what 1
(= what thing ? )
bexan, bechan, f. of baxan. ba<Sav, byd daf , 1st sing. pres.
(habitual) of bo:d. ·
ba<Sai, byd dai, 3rd sing. i. (habitual), of bo:d.
ba<Sit, byd dit, 2nd sing. i.
(habitual) of bo:d.
ba<Sun, bydd wn, lst sing. i.
(habitual) of bo:d.
ba<Sux, byd dwch, 2nd plur.
pres. (habitual) of bo:d.
baini<S, beunydd, daily. bainos, beunos, nightly. bannag , bynnag, -ever,
pui ba11nag, whoever.

(delwedd F6532b) (tudalen 057b)
basseiS, bysed d, pl. of bi:s
baxan, bycha .n, small.
bi:, bu, 3rd sing. aor. of bo:d.
bian, biain, buan, bua.in
swift (sing. and pl.).
biassai, buasai, 3rd sing. plup. of bo:d.
biassun, buaswn, 1st sing.
plup. of bo:d.
bi:<S, byd d, 3rd sing. pres. (habitual) of bo:d.
bi0:, byt h, ever.
biu, by ·w, to live.
bim,bum, lst sing.aor. of bo:d. bla:in, blaen, top, end; o
vla:in, before.
blainai, blaenau, tops, ends. ble:, ble, where.
blana5oi<S, blynyd doedd, pl. of
blodai, blode, blodau, blode,
bloi<Sjai , bloeddia·u, f .,shouts; pl. of blo:i<S, shout.
blui<Sin, blywd dyn , f ., year. bo:, bo, 3rd sing. pres. st1bj.
of bo:d.
bo:d, bod, to be.
bo:<S, bodd will, consent.
bo<Slonrui<S, boddlonrwyd d,
bone<Sur, boneddwr, gentle man.

(delwedd F6533a) (tudalen 058a)
bonetsig es, boneddiges,f.,lady.
bore, bore, morning. boraivuid, boreufwyd , morn-
ing meal.
bo5lon, boddlon, content.
bradur, bradwr, traitor. brai<S, braidd, scarcely.
brai0, bra1£th, fein. of b1i:8,
speckled, spotted. braix, braich, f ., arm. bra:s, bras, fat, thick. brenin,
brenin, king.
brenhines, brenhines, £.}
breninessai, breniriesau ,
bri0jon, brithion, pl. of
bron:, bron, f ., breast. brin:, bryn , hill.
bri:s, brys , haste.
bruidir, b·rwyd yr , f ., battle. buid, bwyd , food.
buitta, bwyta , to eat. bu0in, bwthyn , cottage.
d, 'd , == n1d (bef ore verbs
beginning with a vowel).
dakku, dacu,, yonder is, yonder a.re.
daux, dawch ( == da 'Uwch),
good to-you.

(delwedd F6533b) (tudalen 058b)
dairi<S, deurudd, two cheeks.
damino, dymuno, to wish.
. damma, dyma, here is, here
are. ·
danjon, dynion, pl. of di:n. dana, dyna,there is, there are. dasga1, dysgai ,
3rd sing.
i. of dasgi (dysgu ), to
learn. I'
davnder, dyf nder, depth.
davn'ha:, dyf nha, 3rd sing.
pres.of davnha:i(dyfnhau), to deepen.
davod, dyfod , to come.
davroi5, dyfroed d , pl. of duvr. dawed, dy ived , 3rd sin.g. and sing. imp.
of dawedid
or dwaid.
dawedai, dywed ai, 3rd sing.
i. of dawedid.
dawedid, dywed yd , to say.
dawedo5, dywed odd, 3rd sing.
aor. of dawedid.
daxran11i, dychrynnu, to
daxwelo5, dychwelod d, 3rd
sing. aor. of daxwelid
(dychwel yd ) , to return.
diarhebol, diarhebol, pro-
diai0rjaid, dieitliriaid ,
digjo, digio, to take offence,
to off end.
digon, digon , enough.

(delwedd F6534a) (tudalen 059a)
daiai, deuai, 3rd sing.
irnperf . of davod or do:d. daiar, daear, earth.
dihareb, dihareb, £., proverb.
dihino<S, dihunodd , 3rd sing.
aor. of dihino (dihuno) , to awaken .
dim:, dim, nothing.
dinas, dinas, f., city. diniued, diniwed , harillless. diogeli, diogelu, to
diolx, diolch, to thank.
dfosgo<S, diosgodd , 3rd sing.
i. · of diosg (diosg) , to
undress. ·
dirgeI, dirgel, adj., secret. disgano<S, · disgynodd, 3rd
sing. aor. of disgin (disgyn ),
to fall.
disglair, disglair , bright. disglairjax, disgleiriach,
disglairjo,disg leirJ·o,toglitter. disguil, disgwyl , to expect·.
distauruiCS, distawrwyd d.
div£00o<S, difethodd , 3rd sing. aor. of diveeea (divetlia) ,
to destroy.
divlanni, diflannu, to vanish.
divrivux difrifwch, serious
diwe<S, diwedd, end; o r diwe<S, at last.
diwetsav, diweddaf, last.
diax, duach, darker; colllp. of di: (du).
edraxuid, edrychw yd , aor.

(delwedd F6534b) (tudalen 059b)
diav, duaf , darkest; superl.
of di: (du).
di:<S, dydd, day. di:n, dyn, nian.
dion, duon, dark; pl. of
di: (du).
di:r, dur, steel.
do:, do, yes (in answer to
a question in the aor.). do:d, dod, see davod.
doi, doi,. 2nd sing. pres. ind.
of davod.
do:nt, dont, 3rd pl. pres. of do:d.
do:s, dos, sing. illlp. of maned or mind.
do:v, dof , 1st sing. pres. of
drau, draw, yonder.
drassi, drysu , to puzzle. dru:s, drws, door.
duilau, dwylaw (lit. == two
hand), pl. of a:u.
duivron, dwyf ron, two
breasts, breast. duin, dwyn, to bear.
du:r, duvr, dwr, dwfr, water.
dwaid, dweyd , see dawedid.
eaIJ , ean.g, broad.
e:b, ebai, ebe, eb, ebai, ebe,
said he, she.
edraxo<S, edrychodd, 3rd sing.
aor. of EdrixA

(delwedd F6535a) (tudalen 060a)
impers. of Edri-x.
efai0jol , eff eithiol, effectual. elai, elai, 3rd sing. i. subj. of
n1aned or mind.
enu, enw, na me.
er, er, for, since, in spite of Edrix, edrych , to look.
Einrald, ernrald , emerald.
ennici, ennill, to earn; profit (n.).
Er 'jo:id, erioed , ever. Ers, er's (== er ys) , ago. Esmui0, esmwyth, soft.
Etto, eto, again.
a, y , the (before a con
son ant); pre-verbial par ticle; rel. pron.
adiu, yd yw , 3rd sing. pres.
ind. of bo:d.
adint , yd ynt, 3rd pl. pres.
of bo:d.
adoHS, yd oedd, 3rd sjng. i.
of bo:d.
a1•n, ei•n, our.
01•ra, ei•ra, snow. aisjai , eisieu, want. aiste5, eisted d , to sit.
amagor, ymagor, to open.
amavlo<S, ymaflod d , 3rd sing.
aor. of amavlid (ymafl yd ) ,
to take hold.
ambore, ymborth., food.

(delwedd F6535b) (tudalen 060b)
a 'mh£n:, ym hen, after.
amh£'1-iax, yrrihellach,
a 'mla:i11, ymlaen , forward. a 'mhle: ymhle, where. amma, yma , here.
ammil, y 1nyl , edge.
amovin, ymofyn, to inquire. amweled, ymweled , to visit. an, yn , in, into;
particle (pre-verbial,pre-noun,and
ana, yna , there, then, that.
an<Si, ynddi, pron. prep., in
her, in it.
an<So, ynd do, pron. prep., in hiin. in it.
ano, yno , there.
antai, yntau, he, him.
ante, ynte, then; pui ante 1
who then 1
aIJhanol, ynghanol, amidst.
a 'IJhilx, ynghylch, about.
ar, yr , = a (before vowels
or h).
as, ys , as; also = £rs.
asgavn, y sgaf n, light (in
weight ) .
astarjed, yst yried , to con-
astradoiCS, y stryd oedd, pl. <)f
a 'stri:d.
a 'stri:d, ystr yd , £., street.
ftrmdi, ffermdy, farmhouse.

(delwedd F6536a) (tudalen 061a)
fannon, ff ynnon, f ., well)
fl.amgox, ffi amgoch , flame-
fton, ffion, foxgloves.
foi, ff oi, to flee.
* fraIJkod, Ff rctncod , French
· fur<S, ff wrdd, away.
ga:d, gad , imp. sing. of
gadauid, gadawyd , aor. illlpers. · of gadail.
gadail, gad ael, to permit.
gair, gair, word. galar, galar, sorrow. galu, galw, to call.
galwo5, galwod d , 3rd sing.
aor. of galu.
gaci-ci-ai, gallai, 3rd sing.i.. of
gaci-cient, gallent, 3rd pl.
i. of gaci-ci-i.
gaciessid, gallesid , plup. impers. of gaci-cii.
gacicii, gallu , to be able
(= can); ability. gan, gan, with, by.
gan5int, ganddynt, pron.
prep., with them.
ger, ger , near.
9£ci-ci-id, g ellid , i. impers. of

(delwedd F6536b) (tudalen 061b)
gEci-ci-ir, gel ler, pres. illlpers.
of gacicH.
gtmmai, gemau, pl. of gtm:. gelwid, gelwyd , aor. irnp,ers.
of galu.
gEm:, gem, gem.
g£nniv, gennyf , pron. prep., with me.
gaiav, gaeaf , Winter.
gida, gyd a, bef ore cons.,
gidag, gydag , before vowel,
gili5, gilycld , one another.
glan, glan, f ., shore.
glanax, glanach, coinp. of gla:n (gl<1n), beautiful. glaisjon, gleision,
pl. of gla:s
(glas), blue.
gloiu, gloyw , gloew, bright.
gobEnni5, gobennyd d , pillow.
golai, goleu , light.
golug, golwg , appearance.
gonEstruiCS, gonestryud d,
gorai, goreu, best.
govannai, gofynnai, 3rd sing.
i. of govin.
govanno, gof ynnod d, 3rd sing. aor. of govin.
govin, gofyn, to ask.
goci-4u1J, gollung, to let go. g rseCS, gorsedd, £., throne. gorxuil,
gorchwyl , task.
*grifi<S, Gruffudd .

(delwedd F6537a) (tudalen 062a)
gu:r, gwr, man, husband. gun:,gwn, 1st sing. pres. ind.
of gwibod.
guv, gwd df , neck. gurda, gwrd a, good man. gwa:g, gwag, empty. gwai8,
gwaith, work. gwa:i , gwae, woe.
gwalx, gwalch , hawk.
gwaci-t (S.W.), gwa:tl-t (N.W.).
gwa llt, hair.
gwan:, gwan, weak.
gwanwi•n, gwanwyn, spri•ng.
gwared (i), gwared (u), to
gwarjo, gwario, to spend.
gwast ad, gwastad , level, con
gwaur, gwawr , dawn.
gwe:5, gwedd, f ., com plexion.
gwe5ici-, gwed dill, remainder.
gwe:l, gwel , 3rd sing. pres.
of gweled or gw£ld.
gwelai, gwelai, 3rd sing. i.
of gweled.
gwelaist, gwelaist , 2nd sing.
aor. of gweled.
gwelav, gwelaf , 1st sing.
pres. of gweled.
gweled, gweled , to see.
gweli, gweli, 2nd sing. pres.
of gweled.
gwelotS, gwelod d, 3rd sing.
aor. of gweled.

(delwedd F6537b) (tudalen 062b)
gweluid, gwelwyd , impers.
aor. of gweled.
gwe:ci- (S.W.), gwell , better. gwe:n, gwen, smile.
gwEld, gweld , see gweled.
gw£lsai, gwelsai, 3rd sing.
plupf. of gweled or
gwtlsant, gtvelsant, 3rd pl.
plupf. of gweled or
gwEld. .
gwEci-: (N.W.), gwell, better.
gwairglots giveirglod d , f .,
gwanjon, gwynion, pl. of gwi•n:.
gwannax, gwynnach, colllp.
of g'\\rin:.
gwi:g, gwig, f ., a wood. gwion, gwion, f ., fairy. gwi:r, gwir, true, truth.
gwisg (S.W.), gwi:sg (N.W.),
gwisg , f ., dress.
gwibod, gwybod , to know. gwidr, gwidir, gwyd r, glass. gwiljui d, gwylwyd ,
impers. of gwiljed or
gwiljo, -to watch.
gwin:, gwyn, white.
gwineb, gwyneb see uineb. gwinebai, gwynebau, pl. of
gwir0, gwyrth, f ., miracle. gwi:x, gwych , fine.
gwla:d, gwlad , f ., country.

(delwedd F6538a) (tudalen 063a)
gwna: gwna, 3rd pres1;
impers. sing. of gwnaid or
gwna:ie, gwnaeth, 3rd sing. aor. of gwnaid or gwnai0ir. gwnai, gwnei, 2nd
sing. pres.
of gwnaid or gwnai0ir.
gwna id, gwnai0ir, gwneyd , gwneuthur, to do.
gwraig, gwra,ig , f ., \vornan ,
wif e.
gwri:d, gwrid , blusl1.
l1anes, ltanes, history, story.
hanner, hanner (n. and adj.),
half .
hail, haul, sun.
har<S, hardd, beautif ul.
har<Sux, harddwch, beauty. havod, hafod , £., summer
·far1n dwelling. heh, heb, without.
hebog, hebog, falcon.
hailog, heilog , sunny.
heolitS, heolyd d, £., pl. of
heol, road.
he:n, hen, old.
he:sg (N.W.), hesg, £., rushes.
·htlm, helm, helmet ..
hErwi<S, herwyd d , according to.
htsg (S.W.), hesg, see he:sg.
hailog, heulog, sunny. hanni, hynny , that. hanod, hyn od, remarkable.

(delwedd F6538b) (tudalen 063b)
hi:, hi, she, her, it.
hi:r, hir, long.
hiraie, hiraeth, longing.
hir<Srug , hird drwg, continued
hi00ai, hithau, she, her. hi:d, hyd, length, till. hi:n, hun, self .
hi:n, hyn, colllp. of he:n.
hino, huno, to sleep.
hinux, hunuc7t, i1np. pl. of
hogin, hogyn, lad.
hon:, lion, £., this.
honno, honno, f. adj. and
pron., that.
huiljo, hwylio, to sail.
hu:ir, hivyr , late.
hun:, hivn, this.
hunnu, hwnnw, adj. and
pron., that.
· i, i, to, for.
i, i, I, me.
i, ei, his, her; eu, their.
i, 'i, his, her, its (after a vowel); hiin, her, it (after
rel. pr. a).
i5i, iddi, pron. prep., to her, to it.
ilSint, iddgnt, pron. prep.,
to them.
i<So, iddo, pron. prep., to him,
to it.
inig,unig, alone; an inig,only.

(delwedd F6539a) (tudalen 064a)
injon, union,straight, just; an
injon, precisely, presently. iu, yw , 3rd sing. pres. of
· bo:d.
*ivor, !f or.
i•-:n, un, one, same. inci-e, unlle, anywhere. into, u1ito, same roof.
invra dol, unfryd ol, unani -
inwai0, unwa,ith, once. ir3asol, urddasol, dignified. iux 'la:u, uwchla,w,
ixel, uchel, high.
jaun, iawn, adj. and n., right
iechyd , health.
kadarn, cadarn, firm, strong.
kaduid, cadwyd , aor. impers. of kadu, to keep.
ka:i, cae, field.
ka:il, cael, to have.
kaled, caled , hard. kalEdluid, caledlwyd , hard
and grey.
*kamlan, Camlan.
kamse, camse, tunic. kanis, canys, f or, because. kanlin, canlyn , to follow.
kani, canu, to sing.
kano<S, canodd, 3rd sing. aor..
of kani.

(delwedd F6539b) (tudalen 064b)
kanol, canol, middle.
karex, carech, 2nd pl. i. of
kari, caru, to love.
karjo, cario, to carr.y.
karjo<S, cariodd, 3rd sing·. aor. of karjo.
karn, earn, hoof , handle,
kartrev, cartref , home.
karwn, cariv,n, 1st sing. i. of
karxar, carchar, prison.
ka:s, cas, unkind. ka:e, cath, f ., cat. kaug, cawg, bowl. kaul, cawl, broth.
kaurvil,· cawrjil , elephant.
kavuid, cafioyd , aor. irnpers. of ka:il.
ker<SEdjad, cerddediad , gait.
kEffil, ceff yl , horse.
kEr<Sai, cerddai, 3rd sing. i.
of kEr<Sed, to walk.
ker<Sant , cerdda.nt, 3rd pl. pres. of kcrCSed, to walk.
kadjo, cydio, to take hold.
kaf ar<Sit , cyff yrd it, 2nd sing. of kafur<S.
kaf urCS , cyff wrdd, to touch.
kafredinol, cyff redinol,
kai, cei, 2nd sing. pres. ind.
of ka:il.
kaiad, caead , lid, closed.

(delwedd F6540a) (tudalen 065a)
65(opposite of wrong). jexid,
kalammi, cylymu, to tie.
kammaint , cymaint, as many,
of equal size. kameraduiaie, cyniera-
dwyaeth , recommendation,
kamerai, cymerai, 3rd sin.g.
i. of kemerid.
kamerid, cymeryd , to take.
·kamadog, cymyd og, neigh
kamdogjon, cymyd ogion, pl.
of kamadog.
*kamro, Cymro, Welshman.
*kamri, Cymru, f ., Wales.
kanhadle<S, cyn had ledd, f .,
conf erence.
kanci-in, cynll yn , plan. kannal, cynnal , to hold. kannig , cynnyg , to
offer; to
kanhigjad, kanhagjad, cyri- hygiad, proposal.
kantav, cyntaf, first.
kasgi, cysgu , to sleep.
kasgo<S, cysgod d, 3rd sing.
aor. of kasgi.
ka,etal, cystal , comp. of eq.
. of da: ( da), good.
katino, cytuno, to agree. kaurain, cywrain, ingenious. kavagos, cyfagos,
adjacent. kavan, cyfan, whole, entire. kavarvod, cyf arvod, to meet,
a meeting.

(delwedd F6540b) (tudalen 065b)
. kavarviant, cyf a·1fuan t, 3rd
pl. aor. of kavarvod.
kavaicl-es, cyfe illes, £., friend,
f. of kavaicl- (cyf ai.ll).
kavaici-gar, cyfeil lgar,
kavai4jon, cyf eillion, pl. of
kavjaunder, cyfiawn der,
kavlog, cyflog; f ., wages. kavoi0, cyf oeth, wealth.
kavoi0og, cyfoet hog , wealth.y.
kavlaun, cyflawn , complete. kavran, cyf ran, f ., portion. ki:g , cig ,
kin:, cy1'i , bef ore.
kinjau, ciniaw, dinner.
kidaved, cyd yf ed , to drink
kidambor0ent, cyd ymbort hent,
3rd pl. i. of kidambor0i ,
-to take food together.
kidvuitta, cydf wyt a, to eat
ki:o, cudd, hidden.
ki<Sjo, cuddio, to hide.
ki<Sjo<S, cuddiodd, 3rd sing.
aor. of ki<Sjo
kint, cynt, formerly.
kiro, curo, to knock.
kiroCS, curodd, 3rd sing. aor.
of kiro.
klau<S, clawdd, hedge,

(delwedd F6541a) (tudalen 066a)
klatsi, claddu, to bury.
kle:<S, cledd, sword.
kle iv, cleddyf , sword. klammi, see kelammi. klewed, clywed , to hear.
klaun, clywn , lst sing. pres.
of klawed.
kliduid,cludwyd , aor. iinpers. of klido (cludo), to carry. klidux, cludwch,
imper. plur.
of klido.
klo:x, clock , f ., bell. kloCSjo, cloddio, to dig.
kluivo, clwyf odd , 3rd sing.
aor. of kluivo (clwyfo ),
to wound.
kluivuid, clivyf wyd , aor. impers. of kluivo.
knippus, cnipws, a slight
kodi, codi, to rise.
kodots, cododd, 3rd sing. aor.
of kodi.
kodux, cod·wch, imper. pl. of
· kodi.
ko:id, coed , pl. of koideii. koron, coron, £., crown. kornelin, cornelyn ,
nook. ko:sb(N.W.), cosb, f ., punish-
koiden, coetien, f ., tree. koidwig, coedwig , f ., forest. kaci-ci-i, colli,
to lose.
koci-ci-id, collid, i. impers. of
ko<i-ci-i .

(delwedd F6541b) (tudalen 066b)
kosb (S.W.), cosb, £., punish
kossi, cosi, to scratch.
kovjo 5, cofiodd, 3rd sing.aor.
of kovjo, to remember. kra:f, craff , keen.
kraig , craig , f ., rock.
kredun, credwn, 1st sing. pres.
of kredi, to believe.
krtf t , creff t, £., handcraft. kraivjon, c1eifion, parings. kranni, crynnu,
to tremble. kransue, crynswth, mass.
kri:v, cryf , strong. krin:cryn , considerable. krogi, crogi, to hang.
kro:in, croen skin.
kron:, cron, f. of krun: (C'rwn),
kruidro, crwyd ro, to roam. kru:in, crwyn , pl. of kro:in. kusg (S.W.), ku:sg
cwsg , sleep.
kubl, cwbl, whole.
kuino, cwyno, to compla.in. kum:, cum, valley.
kumpas, cwmpas, compass,
o gumpas, around. kuppan, cwpan, cup.
kwtstjun, cwestiwn,question.
lili, lili, f.,lily.
ci-adrad, lladrad , theft.
ci-a:<S, lladd , to kill.

(delwedd F6542a) (tudalen 067a)
cialSuid, lladdwyd , aor. im-
pers. of ci-a:<S.
ci-ai, llai, comp. of ba:x.
clais, llais, voice.
ci-a:i0, llaeth, milk.
ci-aci-: (N.W.) , ci-a:ci- (S.W.),
llall, other.
ci-annerx, llannerch, f ., glade. ci-a:u, llaw, f ., hand.
ci-auer, llawer, many. ci-aun, llawn, full.
ci-aur, llawr, floor.
ci-avnes, llafn es, £.,well-grown
ci-e:, lle, place.
ci-e:d, lled, rather, fairly.
<l-Enwi, llenwi,to fill. ci-agad, llygad , eye.
ci-agaid, llygaid,sing.of cl-agad. ci-a god, llygod , pl. of ci-agoden.
ci-agoden, llygod en, f ., rat,
claiav, lleiaf , least
ci-aiad, lleuad , f ., moon,
ci-ammaid, llymaid, drop to drink -
ci-iaus, lliaws, throng, host.
ci-iu, lliw, colour.
H:, llu: multitude.
H<Sedig , lluddedig , wearjed. Hn:, llyn , lake.
ci-onits, llonyd d , quiet. cl-on:, llon, pleased.
ci-oIJ:, llong , £., ship.
ci-u:i, llwy , f ., spoon.

(delwedd F6542b) (tudalen 067b)
4-ui<Sjanni s, llwyd diannus,
mai, mai (conj.) , that.
maiCS, maidd , whey.
maint, maint, size, quantity.
maip, maip, f ., pl. of maipen
(meipen), a turnip.
maie, maith, long.
ma:i. mae, 3rd sing. pres.
of bo:d.
ma:int, maent, 3rd pl. pres.
of bo:d.
mam:, mam, f ., mother.
man:, man, f ., place.
ma:n, man, finely-divided.
maru, marw, to die, dead.
marxnad, marchnad , £.,
maur, mawr, great.
maure<Sog ,mawreddog, grand , majestic.
metsai, meddai, 3rd sing. i.
of def ective verb, me:<S
('medd) , sa.ys.
me<Saljai, nieddyli ai,3rd sing.
i. of me<Sul.
me<Sul, meddul, to think.
melanax, melynach, comp.
of melin.
melin (mEllin), melyn ,
melis (mEllis), melus, sweet. meun, mewn, within, in. mEdrai, medrai, 3rd
sing,. i.
of m£dri, to be able.

(delwedd F6543a) (tudalen 068a)
m£drir, medrir, impers. pres.
of m£dri.
mErlod, m.erlod , pl. of mErlin
(merlyn ) , pony.
mErxed, rrierched , f ., pl. of
mtrx (merch) , girl.
maici-jon, meillion, f ., pl. of
maici-jonen, tref oil. maned, myned , to go.
manaxav, mynychaf , superl.
of manix.
mani<S, mynydd, mountain.
manix, mynych , often.
mannot, myn not, 2nd sing. pres. subj. of manni (mynnu), to will.
mi, mi, I, me.
milgun, milgwn, pl. of milgi
(milgi), greyhound. miloid, miloedd, thousands. milur,· milwr, soldier.
milwir, milwyr , pl. of milur.
mi:n, min,.-/edge, lip. mind, mynd , see maned. minid, munud , f ., minute.
mor, mor, as.
mo:r, mar, sea.
moruin, morwyn, f ., maiden.
*modred, M odred , one of
Arthur 's knights.
mu:i, mwy, comp. of maur. mu:in, mwyn, gentle, sake. muiav, mwyaf , superl.
mussug, mioswg , moss.

(delwedd F6543b) (tudalen 068b)
n, 'n, in, our (after a vowel);
us (after rel. pr. a).
na, na, not, nor, neither, than. nad, nad, not, that-not.
nag, nag, than.
nas:, nas, not , that-not. natirjol , natariol, natural. nak:, nae, no, not,
ne:s, nes, comp. of agos.
nessav, nesaf , superl. of agos.
neshao5, rieshaod d , 3rd sing. aor. of nes'ha:i (neshau), to approach.
nEppeci-, nep ell, not far.
nEr0, nerth, strength.
nEs:, nes, until.
naidjent, n.eidi·ent, 3rd pl. i.
of naidjo.
naidjo, neidio, to jump .
nai , neu, or.
n1•:, ni•., we, us.
ni, nid, nis:, ni,nid , nis, not.
no:l, nol, to fetch.
no:s, nos, f ., night.
naswai0, noswai'.th, f ., night.
o, o, of , from.
oh rwi<S, oherwyd d, because.
ohonint, ohonynt, pron. prep.,
of , from them.
ohono, ohono, pron. prep., of , from him.
ohonox, ohonoch, pron. prep.,
of , from you.

(delwedd F6544a) (tudalen 069a)
ogov, ogof , £.,
o:l, ol, mark, cave. track, an o:l,
according to, ago.
o:ci-, oll, whole.
o:i<S, oedd, 3rd sing. i. ind.
of bo:d.
oi<Sint, oeddynt, 3rd pl. i. ind. of bo:d.
o:is, oes, 3rd sing. pres. ind.
of bo:d.
o:is, oes, £., age. over, ofer, in vain.
oljon, olion, pl. of o:l.
*olwen, Olwen. ond, ond , but. s:, OS, if .
ovni, ofni, to fear. oxr, ochr, f ., side.
pa:, pa , what, which (inter
paid, paid, cessation.
paid, paid, imp. sing. of
pan, pan , when.
pasjuid, paJuid, pasiwyd , aor. impers. of pasjo, paJo (pas io), to pass.
paub, pawb , everybody. pe, pe , if .
pedair, pedair, fem. of
p£dwar (p edwar) , four.
pe:l, pel , f ., ball.

(delwedd F6544b) (tudalen 069b)
penderva i, penderfynu, to
pe:e, peth, thing.
p£4-: (N.W.), pe:cJ:. (S.\V.),
p ell, far.
pEcJ:.t er, p ellte1·, distance.
pEn:, pen, n. and a., head. pEndrist, pendrist, sad. p£nnav, pennaf, superl.
pEntur, pentwr, heap.
pErlai, perlau, pl. of p£rl,
padeu, pydew , a well. paidjo, peidio, to cease. plant, plan t, pl. of
plEntin. pl£ntin, plen tyn , child. po:b, pob, every.
pobl, pobl, people.
pottes, pate s, soup.
prauv, prawf , a proof . presennol, presen nol,present. pra 'nhaun, prynhawn,
pradv£r0ux, pr ydf erthwch,
prasiro, prysuro, to hasten. prin:, prin, hardly, scanty. pri:d, pr yd ,
coniplexion. pridwelSol pryd weddol,
pu:i, pwy, inter. pron., who.
r, 'r, = e, ar (f ollowing
a vowel).

(delwedd F6545a) (tudalen 070a)
rhag, rhag, lest, against.
rhaid, rhaid, needf ul.
rhedeg, rhedeg, to run.
rhedoCS, rhedodd, 3rd sing. aor. of rhedeg.
rhe:g, rheg, f ., a curse. rheolai, rheolaidd, orderly. rhabiCS, rhybudd,
warning. rhaveCS, rhyfed d, strange. rhiu, rhyw , some.
rhiule, rhywle , somewhere.
rhiubeth, rhywbe th, some- thing.
rhi:, rhy , too.
rhiCSair, rhuddaur, ruddy
- rhoai, rhoddai, 3rd sing. i.
of rho<Si.
rhoCSassai, rhoddasai, 3rd
sing. plup. of rho<Si.
rho5i, rlwddi, to give, to
rho5oCS, rhoddodd, 3rd sing.
aor. of rholSi.
rh oCSuid, rhoddwyd , aor. impers. of rhoCSi.
rhuIJ:, rhwng , between.
sa:l, sal, poor.
saul, sawl , he that. seren, seren, f ., star. se:v, sef, namely. strx,
serch, affection.
samidjad, symudia.d, move-

(delwedd F6545b) (tudalen 070b)
sanni, synnu, to be amazed.
sa8ax, sythach, comp. of
si-:e (syth), upright. sidan, sidan, silk. sikr, sikir, sicr, sure.
sjarad, Jarad, siarad , to talk.
*sjo:n, Jo:n, sion, John.
sju:r, Ju:r, siwr, sure.
si:, su, murmur.
si:<S, si:, syd d, sy , 3rd sing. pres. of bo:d, relatival form,.
sodlai, sod lau, f ., pl. of
saudl (sawd l), heel. ste:n, sten, pitcher. su:n, sWn, sound.
sui<Sogjon, swyd dogion, sing. of sui<Sog .(swyd dog ) , officer.
suino, swyno, to charm.
Jarad, see sjarad.
*Io:n, see sJ.o:n.
Ju:r, see sju:r.
tair, tair, f. of tri:(tri), three.
ta:l, tal, £., pay.
tallax, talach, comp. of tal:
(tal), tall.
talum, tal,wm, a long time. tan:, tan, till, under. tanwi<S, tanwyd d ,
tarauoCS, tarawodd, 3rd sing. aor. of taro (taro), to
tattus, tatws, pl. of tatten
(taten), potato.

(delwedd F6546a) (tudalen 071a)
tavl, tafl, imp.sing. of tavli. tavli, taflu, to throw.
tauel, tawel, quiet.
tavlo<S, taflodd 3rd sing. aor.
of tavli.
te:g, teg, fair.
t£kkax, tecach, comp. of te:g . t£rvin, terf yn , end, boun-
ttrvisg, terf ysg , commotion. t£vlaist, teflais t, 2nd sing.
aor. of tavli.
taili, teulu, family.
talui0, tylwyth, kinsfolk,
taci-ci-ai, tyllau , pl. of tuci-:. taimlad, teimlad , sensation. tanni,
tynnu, to draw.
tannolS, tynnodd, 3rd sing.
aor. of tanni.
tavent, tyfen t, 3rd pl. i. of tavi (tyf u), to grow.
ti:, ti, thee, thou.
tippin, tipyn, a bit. tirjon, tirion, gentle. ti00ai, titliau, thee, thou.
ti:, ty , house.
ti:, tu, side.
tia. tiag, tua, tuag, towards. tin:, tyn, tight.
tird (tared), tyrd (tyred ),
tlasjon, tlys ion, pl. of tlu:s.
tlasni, tlysni, beauty.
tlo:s, tlos, f. of tlu:s.

(delwedd F6546b) (tudalen 071b)
tlu:s, tlws, pretty. ton: ton, f ., wave.
tonnai, tonnau, pl. of ton:.
torraist , torraist, 2nd sing. aor. of torri, to break.
torruid, torrwyd , aor. impers.
of torri.
torx, torch, f ., torque, coil.
torxog , torchog , coiled. traf ere, trafferth, trouble. tra:id, traed , feet.
tram:, tram, tramcar.
traxwantis, trachivantus,
tra 'x£vn, trachefn, again.
tre:n, tren, train.
trade<S, tryd edd, f. of tradits (tryd yd d ) , third.
trainsjur, trainJur., treinsiwr,
trencher. .
traiglo, treiglo, to drag.
trassor, trysor , treasure.
tro·:, tro, turn, occasion.
tro:<S, trodd, 3rd sing. aor. of
troi (troi) , to turn. tro:id, troed , foot. tros:, tros, over.
tru:i, trwy , through.
truioi, trwyd di, through her or it.
tuci-:, (N.W.), tu:ci- (S.W.),
tivll, hole.
u, 'w, its, his, her.
uineb, 1vyn eb, face.

(delwedd F6547a) (tudalen 072a)
uinebai, wynebau, pl. of uineb.
u:it, wyt , 2nd sing. pres. ind.
of bo:d.
u:iv, wyf , 1st sing. pres. ind.
· of bo:d.
ure, wrth, by, to.
ur0i, wrthi, by or to her
or it.
ureo,w'rtho,by or to him or it.
wedi, wede, after.
wedin, wedyn, after that.
wele, wele, behold.

(delwedd F6547b) (tudalen 072b)
w£1:, wel, well !
*wiljam, William.
vel, fel , as, like.
vt'i-H, j elly , thus.
va,f y , my.
vani-, f yny, up.
x, 'ch, your (after vowel);
you (after rel. pr. a). xware, chware, to play. xweri, chwery , 3rd sing.
pres. of xware.
xwiljo, chwilio, to look for.