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Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Caure / Falling



caure v fall

no caiguis! don’t fall! mind you don’t fall!

caure de memòria fall backwards


caiguda nf caigudes fall

caiguda lliure free fall (a fall from a height without the aid of a parachute; a free-falling object does not encounter air resistance, and falls to Earth with a downward acceleration of approximately 10 m/s/s (to be exact, 9.8 m/s/s).


deixar caure v drop (“to let fall”)

des d'una altura es deixa caure una capsa [in this experiment] a box is dropped from a height


caure-li (a algú) les ales del cor become discouraged

fer caure les ales del cor cause discouragement


caure-li (a algú) a sobre to fall on somebody, to fall on top of somebody; (adverse circumstance) come your way, affect you adversely; be disagreeable, be unpleasant (“to fall on top of somebody”)

va resultar ferit quan li va caure a sobre part d'un mur d'un edifici en construcció he was injured when part of the wall of a building under construction fell on top of him

hem d'estar preparats per tot el que ens pugui caure a sobre we have to be prepared for everything that can  affect us adversely




caure a sobre d'alguna cosa fall on top of something

un objecte de procedencia extraterrestre que en 1994 va caure a sobre d'un cotxe en una autopista californiana

an object from outer space which fell on top of a car on a Californian highway in 1994


caure sobre fall on; (repression) come down on

les bombes han començat a caure sobre l’Iraq the bombs have begun to fall on Iraq


la repressió de la dictadura militar va caure sobre tothom, tant si eren d’esquerres com si no

the repression of the military dictatorship came down on everybody, whether or not they were left wingers


caure mort drop down dead

va caure morta sobre la gespa she dropped down dead on the lawn


fer caure alguna cosa (wind) blow down something

el tornado va fer caure una alzina i la Plaça Major the tornado blew down a holm oak in the Main Square


fer caure knock over


caure com un gerro d'aigua freda to come as a great disappointment (“fall like a pitcher of cold water”)

La notícia va caure sobre l’equip com un gerro d´aigua freda The news came as a great disappointment to the team

A Tarragona ha caigut com un gerro d'aigua freda la designació de Saragossa perquè la ciutat catalana aspirava a organitzar l'Expo 2015

In Tarragona the designation of Zaragoza has come as a great disappointment because the Catalan city was hoping to organise Expo 2015



Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01 2005-11-03


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