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Vocabulari catalą per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Dormir / Sleep



dormir v to sleep

Bona nit, maca, que descansis Goodnight, darling, and sleep well (= “may you rest”)




son nm sleep

malson nm malsons nightmare (“bad sleep”); also nightmare = very disagreeable situation

sortir d’un malson emerge from a nightmare, come out of a nightmare

despertar-se d’un malson wake up from a nightmare

un malson que no acaba a never-ending nightmare

va ser un malson it was a nightmare / a very disagreeable situation

el malson de la guerra the nightmare of war

tenir un malson have a nightmare

Aquesta nit he tingut un malson. He somiat que em perseguia un llangardaix gegant

Last night I had a nightmare. I dreamt I was being chased by a giant lizard


el meu pitjor malson my worst nightmare


dormir la mona sleep off a hangover

dormir la bufa sleep off a hangover

dormir el son de l’oblit sleep the sleep of the dead


despertar-se v to wake up

despertar-se cridant v to wake up shouting


fer un son have a kip


tinc ganes de pixar perņ no vull aixecar-me del llit I want to piss but I don’r want to fet out of bed



Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01 2005-11-03


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