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Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants Catalan vocabulary for English
speakers Els gats / cats |
gat nm gats cat
gats tenen set vides A
cat has nine lives (“cats have seven lives”)
tenir set vides, com els gats to have nine lives, like a cat (“have seven lives”) (said of somebody who
narrowly escapes some disaster or series of disasters)
tenim sort perquè tenim set vides –va dir el gat al gos (from a story) We’re lucky because we have nine
lives, said the cat to the dog
És un
polític amb set vides. He’s a politician with nine lives, He’s a politician
with the nine lives of a cat
A gat vell, no cal mostrar-li rata. Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs (“to
an old cat, there is no need to show it a rat”)
Els gats, encara que se'ls tiri d'un terrat, cauen
de potes. A cat always lands on its feet (“Cats, even though you throw
them off the top of a house, land on legs”).
més mal una plomada, que d'un gat l'esgarrapada = ‘what is written about you can hurt more than a
cat’s scratch’ (“it does more harm / it hurts more the stroke of a pen than of
a cat the scratch”)
miolador mai no serà bon caçador = ‘a mewing cat will never make a good hunter’
i gos cat and dog - in
expressions referring to antipathy / quarreling / disagreement
i sogra, gat i gos =
‘a son-in-law and a mother-in-law [are like] [a] cat and [a] dog’
com gat i gos live a cat and dog
life, lead a cat and dog life (= to be always quarreling)
Ni gat
amb cascavell ni casament de dona jove i home vell (= ‘just as you shouldn’t put a bell around
a cat’s neck [because it won’t catch any mice], so a young woman shouldn’t
marry an old man (“neither cat with bell nor marriage of young woman with old
Quan el gat es renta la cara, la pluja es prepara. When a cat washes its face, rain isn’t far off
(“the rain prepares itself”)
pussy cat
el gat negre porta mala sort a black cat brings bad luck
en la tradició anglo-saxona, el gat
negre és simbol de bona sort in Anglo-Saxon tradition, a black cat is a symbol of good luck
fet un bola curled up
Un gran gat siamès estava
dormint, fet una bola, davant el foc
A big Siamese cat was sleeping,
curled up, in front of the fire
cerval lynx
Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.
File Number: xxxx
Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01 2005-11-03