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Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Refredats i la grip  / Colds and Flu



estar refredat to have a cold

tornar a estar refredat catch another cold, catch a cold again

El refredat és una malaltia causada per virus. A cold is an illness caused by a virus

l’origen del refredat és víric i no bacterià; per tant els antibiòtics no són útils per a aquesta malaltia the cause of a cold is a virus, and not bacteria, so antibiotics are no good for this condition (“are not useful for this illness”)


Diferències i coincidències entre refredat i grip Differences and similarites between a cold and flu

No vagis descalç que et constiparàs Put some shoes on or you’ll catch a cold

La mucosa nasal és una de les barreres naturals que impedeix que els virus entrin al cos Nasal mucus is one of the natural barriers which prevent viruses from getting into the body


no anar prou abrigat fa que baixi la temperatura nasal en uns quants graus

not having enough warm clothes on means that the temperature in your nose goes down quite a few degrees


moc piece of snot

mocs verdosos greenish snot

ficars-se el dit dins el nas pick one’s nose (“put one’s finger inside one’s nose”)

mocs runny nose

tenir mocs have a runny nose, have a snivelly nose


treure els mocs wipe your nose

fer vapors d’aigua sola per estovar els mocs breathe in steam using boiling plain water to soften the dried mucus



nas tapat a blocked nose

tenir el nas tapat have a blocked nose

mal de cap a headache

llagrimeig watery eyes

coïssor als ulls itchy eyes

irritació a la gola a tickly throat

tos cough

alleugerir el malestar prenent diferents medicines to seek relief by taking different medicines

el paracetamol paracetemol

l’aspirina aspirin

tossir per treure mocs to cough to clear your throat (“remove mucus”)

gargallejar per treure mocs to clear your throat (“remove mucus”)

gargall lump of phlegm

gargallejar cough up phlegm


la grip flu

tenir la grip to have flu, to have the flu

fer mal l’esquena to have an aching back; to have a bad back

tenir febre alta have a high temperature


fer gàrgares to gargle

Aneu-vos-en a fer gàrgares! get lost!

enviar algú a fer gàrgares tell somebody to get lost






Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2006-01-03



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