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el guarą catalą

Vocabulari catalą per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Parlar catalą / Speaking Catalan



catalą Catalan

valencią Valencian (= the Valencian dialect of Catalan)

mallorquķ Mallorcan (= the Mallorcan dialect of Catalan)

parlar catalą to speak Catalan



a l’Alt Empordą, un 13% de la població no sap parlar catalą.

in [the county of] Alt Empordą, 13% of the population can’t speak Catalan


La candidata a alcaldessa no sap parlar catalą The woman standing for mayor can’t speak Catalan,

the woman who is the mayoral candidate can’t speak Catalan


No et sembla preocupant que els catalans no poguem viure plenament en catalą als nostres pobles?

Don’t you find it worrying that we Catalans can’t live completely in Catalan (“can’t live fully in Catalan”) in our own towns and villages? (“in our towns / villages”)


parles molt be el valencią you speak Valencian very well


el parlar principatķ literally “the Principality speech”, the Catalan of the Principality, the Catalan of Catalonia

en catalą principatķ in the Catalan of the Principality


l’aprenentatge de la llengua catalana learning the Catalan language, the learning of Catalan

aprendre catalą learn Catalan

Vull aprendre catalą. On en puc aprendre? I want to learn Catalan. Where can I learn it? (“where can I learn of it”)

matricular-se en un curs de catalą register for a Catalan course




Offensive replies by Castilians to Catalan speakers:

(in Castilian)

”Hįblame en cristiano! Speak to me in the language of Christians

”Hįblame en espańol! Speak to me in the Spanish language, Speak to me in Spanish

Como estamos en Espańa, habla espańol cońo! As we’re in Spain, speak Spanish, fucking hell! (“vagina”)  

Venga, catalufo de los cojones, ahora habla en cristiano! All right, you fucking Catalan cunt, now speak the language of Christians


Offensive comments about speakng Catalan made by Castilians:

hablar polaco “to speak Polish” = to speak Catalan

Los catalanes son una panda de capullos que si ven que eres espańol se ponen a hablar polaco a tu lado.

The Catalans are a load of twats who if they see you are Spanish start talking Catalan in your presence (“by your side”)



Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01 2005-11-03


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