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el guarā catalā

Vocabulari catalā per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Policia / Police



policia nm policies policeman

policia nf policies police, police force; (policies  = police forces)

policia nf policies policewoman


Mosso d’Esquadra Catalan policeman, member of the Catalan police force

els Mossos d’Esquadra the Catalan police force

els Mossos (short form) the Catalan police force


és mosso des dels vint-i-un anys he’s been a policeman since he was 21

l’Escola de policia de Catalunya the police training school of Catalonia


confident m confidents informer


policia nacional nm policies nacionals Castilian policeman

la policia nacional nf  the Castilian police


detenir v arrest

posar en llibertat v release

posar en llibertat sense cārrecs v release without charge.

Posteriorment cinc d'ells van ser posades en llibertat sense cārrecs Later five of them were released without charge


la guārdia civil the Castilian paramilitary police (“civil guard”)



Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualitzaciķ / Latest Update 2005-11-01 2005-11-03



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