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Vocabulari catalą per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


La por / Fear



por nf pors fear

nens amb un temor sense raó d'anar al'escola children with an unfounded fear of going to school


l'altre dia a la nit vaig tenir molta por the other night I was really afraid

Al principi vaig tenir molta por. Perņ desprčs em vaig envalentonar... At first I was very afraid. But then I plucked up courage...


tenir por de be afraid of , be scared of

tenir molta por de be very afraid of, be really scared of

tenia molta por del gat he was really afraid of the cat


tenir por que + subjunctive

tenia por que caigués a terra he was afraid it would fall to the ground


ui! quina por! how frightening (it must have been for you)!






Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers. 

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01



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