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Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Riure / Laughing



petar-se de riure v split your sides laughing, laugh your head off  (“break yourself laughing”)

rebentar-se de riure v split your sides laughing, laugh your head off  (“burst yourself laughing”)

partir-se de riure v split your sides laughing, laugh your head off  (“split yourself laughing”)

morir-se de riure v split your sides laughing, laugh your head off  (“die from laughing”)

pixar-se de riure piss yourself laughing


rebentar-se de tant de riure v split your sides laughing, laugh your head off, be in stitches  (“burst yourself from so much laughing”)



riure per sota el nas chuckle to yourself (“laugh uinder the nose”)


    rialla nf rialles laugh; laughter; laughing stock





Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers. 

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01



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