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Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


El temps / The weather



temps nm weather

quin temps fa? what’s the weather like?


fa bon dia, oi? it’s a nice day, isn’t it?

quin temps més dolent! what terrible weather! what terrible weather we’re having!


núvol nm núvols cloud

estar ennuvolat it’s cloudy, it’s overcast

sempre està tan enonuvolat? is it always as cloudy as this?


sol nm sun

boira nf boires mist, fog


pluja nf pluges rain

ploure v to rain

està plovent it’s raining

plujós rainy, wet, damp

temps plujós rainy weather

m'agrada molt el temps plujós I really like rainy weather

Malgrat el temps plujós, un miler de corredors van disputar aquesta cursa In spite of the rainy weather, about a thousand took part in the race

roba de protecció pel mal temps protective clothing for bad weather

el temps plujós i ennuvolat d’aquest cap de setmana the wet and cloudy weather this weekend

un estiu plujós a wet summer

el desencís provocat pel temps emboirat i plujós the disappointment / disenchantment caused by the foggy and rainy weather

tot i que el temps ha estat plujós, ens hem sentit feliços although the weather has been wet, we’ve been happy

avui no para de ploure des de la matinada today it hasn’t stopped raining since early morning

abril plujós i maig ventós fan l'any ric i profitós (Saying) a rainy April and a windy May make the year rich and profitable

vigila bé el cel avui perquè algun petit xàfec pot caure keep a close eye on the sky today because there could be / might be an occasional short downpour (“some small downpour can fall”)

Déu meu quin xàfec! My God what a downpour!

Just a l'arribada de San Pere, va caure un bon xàfec. Per sort, no va pas durar gaire Just as we reached Sant Pere there was a real downpour (“a good downpour”). Luckily, it didn’t last long

Va començar a caure un xàfec com ja no recordàvem A downpour began the likes of which we can’t remember


fa sol it’s sunny

està asolellat it’s a sunny day


neu nf snow

nevar v to snow

està nevant it’s snowing


llamps i trons thunder and lightning (“lightning flashes and thunderclaps”)

aiguat nm aiguat downpour, cloudburst

L’aiguat que ha caigut aquesta tarda ha deixat 49.4 litres per metre quadrat en molt poca estona.

The downpour which occured (“which fell”) this afternoon 49.9 litres per square metre of rain fell in a very short time (“has left 49,4 litres per square metre in a very short time”)


meteorologia nf meteorology; loosely, weather

en aquests moments vivim una meteorologia una mica esbojarrada these days we are having weather which has gone somewhat mad


meteoròleg nm meteoròlega nf meteorologist; weather forecaster

la dona del temps de TVC the weatherwoman on Catalonian TV, the woman who presents the weather forecast on Catalonian TV.





Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers. 

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01, 2006-01-10




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