ingkat4115c English dictation (= Dictat anglès). The Meteor (= el meteor).
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Each student completes the gapped vocabulary (/1)


Before giving the student or students the sheet, the teacher can ask orally some or much of the vocabluary. Filling in the sheet will reinforce what has been previoulsy learned or half-learned.


Each student is given a sheet with the answers (/2) (the students could compare their answers in pairs previously); .or else the teacher asks the students for the answers they have written.


They could also be asked how the word is spelt to practise the lwtters of the alphabet, and questions about how to spell (How do you spell that?) which are frequent in spoken English, and have an importance far greater than in other languages, given the unusual spelling of the English language.which is generally unpredictable and poorly representative of the pronunciation.


For the dictation, the teacher can read the dictation (/3) to the student or students, who have a copy of the gapped text´(/4).


A copy of the full text (/5) can then be given for the students to correct the work.


Instead of listening to the teacher reading the dictation, the students could read the dictation to each other in pairs (sheets /6 and /7). Or else after the teacher has read the dictation, and the students have corrected the text, thy could do the pair work in addition.


Finally, the students can be asked orally to translate words and phrases from the dictation, or similar phrases (it began to rain > to snow, to thunder, to hail, etc).. 


1 home _ _ _
2 que es diu C _ L L _ _
3 Guillem W I _ _ I A _
4 cames llargues L _ N _··L _ G S
5 anar G _, W _ _ T, G O N _
5 treballar W O R _, W _ _ K E D
6 el seu jardí (d’ell) H _ _··G A R _ _ _
7 un dia _ _ _··D _ Y
8 juny J_ _ E
9 dos mil ú
T _ _··T H _ _ S _ _ D··A N _··O N _
10 trobar F _ _ D, F O U _ _ , F _ _ N D
11 un forat _··H O _ E
12 la gespa THE··L _ W N
13 la part baixa; el cul B _ T T _ M
14 veure S _ _ , S _ W, S E E _
15 estrany S T R _ _ G E
16 negre _______
17 pedra S T _ _ _
18 mida S I _ E
19 pilota de futbol _ _ O T B _ L L
20 pensar T H I N _, T H O U G H _,
 T H _ _ G H T
21 alguns nois S _ M E··B _ _ _
22 viure L _ V E, L I _ E D
23 a la casa del costat N _ X T··D _ _ R
24 havia fet H _ D··M _ D E
25 enfadat_ N G R _
26 molt bo _ _ _ _··GOOD
27 casa H _ _ S E
28 queixar-se C O M P _ A I N
29 els pares THE··P _ _ _ N T S
30 rosa R O S _
31 dir S _ Y, S _ _ D, S A _ D
32 culpable G U _ L T Y
33 creure B E L I E _ _.
34 durant D U _ I N G
35 nit N I _ _ T
36 tirar T H R _ W, T H R E _, T _ R _ W N
37 a través T H R _ U G H
38 soroll N _ _ _ _
39 despertar
W _ K _, W O K _, W O K E _
40 família ____________
41 trucar C A _ _ , C _ L L E D
42 policia (cos de policia) ______
43 posar P U T , _ _ _ , _ _ _
44 presó P R _ S _ N
45 dos anys T _ _··Y _ _ _ S
46 científic (persona) S C _ _ _ T _ _ T
47 examinar E X A M _ N E
48 aquesta és teva
T H _ _··IS··Y O U R _
49 meteorit M E T _ _ _ I T E
50 plata S I _ _ E R
51 or G _ L D
52 platí P L A T I N _ M
53 metall M _ T _ L
54 valuós V _ _ U A B L E
55 govern G O V E R N M _ _ T
56 comprar B _ Y, B O U G H _,
B _ _ G H T
57 tres milions T H _ _ _··M _ L L I _ N
58 el senyor i la senyora Black
M _. AND MR _ Black
59 malgastar W _ S T E
60 diners M _ _ _ Y
61 cotxes ràpid F _ _ _··C _ _ S
62 vi W I _ E
63 vídeojocs V I D _ O G A _ _ S 
64 cinc anys F _ _ _··Y _ _ R S
65 més tard L A T E _
66 res N _ T H _ N G
67 empresonar algú P _ _··S O _ _ B _ D _··I _··P _ _ _ _ N


1 home MAN (man)

2 que es diu CALLED (koold)

3 Guillem WILLIAM (WIL.yǝm)

4 cames llargues LONG·· LEGS (long LEGZ)

5 anar GO, WENT, GONE (gou, went, gon)

5 treballar WORK, WORKED (wǝǝk, wǝǝkT)

6 el seu jardí (d’ell) HIS ·· GARDEN (HIZ gaa.DƎN)

7 un dia ONE·· DAY (won DEI)

8 juny JUNE (juun)

9 dos mil ú

TWO·· THOUSAND ·· AND ·· ONE (tuu THAU.zǝnd ǝn WON)

10 trobar FIND, FOUND, FOUND (faind, faund, faund)

11 un forat A ·· HOLE (ǝ HOUL)

12 la gespa THE ·· LAWN (dhǝ LOON)

13 la part baixa; el cul BOTTOM (BO.tǝm)

14 veure SEE, SAW, SEEN (sii, soo, siin)

15 estrany STRANGE (streinj)

16 negre BLACK (blak)

17 pedra STONE (stoun)

18 mida SIZE (saiz)

19 pilota de futbol FOOTBALL (FUT. bool)

20 pensar THINK, THOUGHT, THOUGHT (thingk, thoot, thoot)

21 alguns nois SOME·· BOYS (sʌm BOIZ)

22 viure LIVE, LIVED (live, livd)

23 a la casa del costat NEXTñDOOR (neks DOO)

24 havia fet HADñMADE (hǝd MEID)

25 enfadat ANGRY (ANG.gri)

26 molt bo VERY·· GOOD (VE.ri GUD)

27 casa HOUSE

28 queixar-se COMPLAIN (kǝm.PLEIN)

29 els pares THE ·· PARENTS (dhǝ PEƎ.rǝnts)

30 rosa ROSE (rouz)

31 dir SAY, SAID, SAID (sei, sed, sed)

32 culpable GUILTY (GIL.ti)

33 creure BELIEVE (bi.LIIV)

34 durant DURING (DYUƎ.ring)

35 nit NIGHT (nait)

36 tirar THROW, THREW, THROWN (throu, thruu, throun)

37 a través THROUGH (thruu)

38 soroll NOISE (noiz)

39 despertar

WAKE, WOKE, WOKEN (weik, wouk, WOU.kǝn)

40 família FAMILY (

41 trucar CALL, CALLED (kool, koold)

42 policia (cos de policia) POLICE  (pǝ.LIIS)

43 posar PUT, PUT, PUT (put, put, put)

44 presó PRISION (PRI.zǝn)

45 dos anys TWO ñYEARS (tuu YI.yǝz)

46 científic (persona) SCIENTIST (SAI.yǝn.tist)

47 examinar EXAMINE (eg.ZA.min)

48 aquesta és teva

THIS·· IS ·· YOURS (dhis iz YOOZ)

49 meteorit METEORITE (MII.ti.yǝ.rait)

50 plata SILVER (SIL.vǝ)

51 or GOLD (gould)

52 platí PLATINUM (PLA.ti.nǝm)

53 metall METAL (ME.tǝl)

54 valuós VALUABLE (VAL.yu.wǝ.bǝl), més col·loquialment VALU’BLE (VAL.yǝ.bǝl)

55 govern GOVERNMENT (gʌ.vǝn.mǝnt) més col·loquialment GOV’MENT (gʌv.mǝnt)

56 comprar BUY, BOUGHT, BOUGHT (bai, boot, boot)

57 tres milions THREE·· MILLION (thrii MIL.yǝn)

58 el senyor i la senyora Black


59 malgastar WASTE (weist)

60 diners MONEY (Mʌ.ni)

61 cotxes ràpid FAST··CARS (fast kaaz)

62 vi WINE (wain)

63 vídeojocs VIDEOGAMES ( geimz)

64 cinc anys FIVE··YEARS (faiv YI.yǝz)

65 més tard LATER (LEI.tǝ)

66 res NOTHING Nʌ.thing)

67 empresonar algú PUT ·· SOMEBODY·· IN·· PRISON (PUT Sʌ in PRI.zǝn)




A man called Mr. William Longlegs went to work in his garden one day in June 2001 and he found a hole in the lawn. At the bottom of the hole he saw a strange black stone the size of a football. He thought some boys who lived next door had made the hole. He was very angry. He went to the house next door and complained to the boys’ parents, Alf and Rose Black. The father said that the boys were not guilty. He didn’t believe the father. During the night Mr. Longlegs threw the black stone through the window of the house next door. The noise woke the family and they called the police. Mr. Longlegs was put in prison for two years. Some scientists examined the strange stone. They said, “The man threw this stone into your house. Now the stone is yours. It’s a meteorite, with silver, gold, platinum, and other valuable metals.” The government bought the stone for three million euros. But Mr. and Mrs. Black wasted the money on fast cars, wine and videogames, and five years later they had nothing.




1 A man called Mr. William Longlegs

2 went to work in his garden

3 one day in June 2001

4 and he found a hole in the lawn.

5 At the bottom of the hole

6 he saw a strange black stone

7 the size of a football.

8 He thought some boys who lived next door

9 had made the hole.

10 He was very angry.

11 He went to the house next door

12 and complained to the boys’ parents, Alf and Rose Black.

13 The father said that the boys were not guilty.

14 He didn’t believe the father.

15 During the night Mr. Longlegs threw the black stone

16 through the window of the house next door.

17 The noise woke the family and they called the police.

18 Mr. Longlegs was put in prison for two years.

19 Some scientists examined the strange stone.

20 They said, “The man threw this stone into your house.

21 Now the stone is yours.

22 It’s a meteorite, with silver, gold, platinum, and other valuable metals.”

23 The government bought the stone for three million euros.

24 But Mr. and Mrs. Black wasted the money on fast cars, wine and videogames,

25 and five years later they had nothing.



The stone (F1560)

Mr. Longlegs - a very angry man (F1558)

(background left) Jake Black (11),
(background right) Carlo Black (13)
and (foreground centre) Zoots Black (7)


 The broken window (F1561)

1 A man··_ _ L L _ _··______________

2 _ _ _ _··to··_ _ R _··______________

3 one··_ _ _··in··J _ _ _··2 0 _ _

4 and _ _··_ _ _ _ _··______________

5 At··_ _ _··B _T T _ M··_____________

6 he saw a··_________________

7 the··_ _ _ _··_______________

8 He··T H _ _ _ _ T··_ _ _ _··B _ _ _

9 had _ _ _ _··(el forat) _____________.

10 He _ _ _··(molt) _ _ _ _··_____________ .

11 He··_ _ _ _··T _··_ _ _··H _ _ S_··_ _ _ _··D _ _ R

12 and··C O M _ _ A _ N _ D··_ _··T H _··_ _ _ S ’··P _ _ _ _ T _

13 The··_ _ _ _ _ _··S A _ _··T H _ _··_ _ _ _··W _ _ _··N _ _··G _ I _ Y

14 He··D _ D N ’ _··B E _ _ E _ _··T _ _··F _ T H _ _

15 _ _ _ _ _ _··_ _ _··N I G _ _··_ _··L _ _ _ L E _ S··T H _ _ _··____________________
16 T H _ _ U G H··T _ _··W _ _ D _ _··_ _··_______________

17 The _ _ _ _ _··(va despertar) _ _ _ _··T _ _··F _ M _ _ _··A _ _··____________________

18 Mr. Longlegs··W _ _··put··_ _··P R _ _ _ _··F _ _··_____________

19  S _ _ _··S C _ _ T I _ _ _··E X _ _ _ _ _ _··____________

20 They said, “_ _ _··_ _ _··T H R _ W··T _ _ _··S _ _ _ _··_ _ _ _··Y _ _ _··H _ _ _ E

21 _ _ _··T _ _ _··S T _ _ _··___________

22 It’s a··M E _ _ _ R _ T _, with··S I _ _ E _,··G _ _ D,··P L A T_ _ U M ,··A _ _··

O _ _ _ R··_________________________________”
23 The··G  _ _ _ M _ _ T··B _ _ G H _··T H _··S T _ _ _··F _ _··T H _ _ _··_______________
24 But Mr. and Mrs. Black (van malgastar) W _ _ T _ _··_ _ _··

M _ N _ Y··_ _··F _ _ _··C _ _ _ ,··W _ _ E ,··A _ _··V I D _ _ G _ M _ S
25 and F _ _ _··Y E _ _ _··L _ _ _ R··T _ _ _··H _ _··



1 A man (un home) called (de nom, que es deia) Mr. William Longlegs (el Senyor Camesllargues)

2 went (va anar) to work (a treballar) in his garden  (al seu jardí)

3 one day (un dia) in June (al juny) 2001

4 and (i) he found (va trobar) a hole (un forat) in the lawn (a la gespa).

5 At the bottom (al fons) of the hole (del forat)

6 he saw (va veure) a strange black stone (un estranya pedra negra)

7 the size of a football (de la mida d’una pilota de futbol).

8 He thought (ell pensava) some boys (alguns nois) who lived (que vivien) next door (a la casa del costat)

9 had made (havien fet) the hole (el forat).

10 He was very angry.(va estar molt enfadat)

11 He went (va anar) to the house (a la casa) next door (del costat - ‘de la propera porta’)

12 and complained (i es va queixar) to the boys’ parents (als pares dels nois), Alf and Rose Black.

13 The father said (el pare va dir) that the boys (que els nois) were not guilty (no eren els culpables) .

14 He didn’t believe (ell no va creure) the father (el pare).

15 During the night (durant la nit) Mr. Longlegs threw (el Senyor Camesllargues va tirar) the black stone (la pedra negra)

16 through the window (per la finestra) of the house (de la casa) next door (del costat).

17 The noise (el soroll) woke (va despeartar) the family (la família) and they called (i van trucar) the police (la policia).

18 Mr. Longlegs (el Senyor Camesllargues) was put in prison (va ser empresonat) for two years (durant dos anys).

19 Some scientists (alguns científics) examined (van examinar) the strange stone (l’estranya pedra).

20 They said (van dir), “The man (l’home) threw (va tirar) this stone (aquesta pedra) into your house (dins la vostra casa).

21 Now (ara) the stone (la pedra) is yours (és vostra).

22 It’s a meteorite (és un meteorit) with silver (amb plata), gold (or), platinum (platí), and other (i altres) valuable metals (metalls valuosos).”

23 The government (el govern) bought (va comprar) the stone (la pedra) for three million euros (per tres milions d’euros).

24 But Mr. and Mrs. Black (però el Senyor i la Senyora Black) wasted (van malgastar) the money (els diners) on fast cars (en cotxes ràpids), wine (vi) and videogames (i videojocs),

25 and five years (i cinc anys) later (més tard) they had nothing (no tenien res).




a/ 1 A man called Mr. William Longlegs

2 went to work in his garden

3 one day in June 2001

4 and he found a hole in the lawn.

5 At the bottom of the hole

6 he saw a strange black stone

b/ 7 the size of a football (de la mida d’una pilota de futbol).

8 He thought (ell pensava) some boys (alguns nois) who lived (que vivien) next door (a la casa del costat)

9 had made (havien fet) the hole (el forat).

10 He was very angry.(va estar molt enfadat)

11 He went (va anar) to the house (a la casa) next door (del costat - ‘de la propera porta’)

12 and complained (i es va queixar) to the boys’ parents (als pares dels nois), Alf and Rose Black.

c/ 13 The father said that the boys were not guilty.

14 He didn’t believe the father.

15 During the night Mr. Longlegs threw the black stone

16 through the window of the house next door.

17 The noise woke the family and they called the police.

18 Mr. Longlegs was put in prison for two years.

d/ 19 Some scientists (alguns científics) examined (van examinar) the strange stone (l’estranya pedra).

20 They said (van dir), “The man (l’home) threw (va tirar) this stone (aquesta pedra) into your house (dins la vostra casa).

21 Now (ara) the stone (la pedra) is yours (és vostra).

22 It’s a meteorite (és un meteorit) with silver (amb plata), gold (or), platinum (platí), and other (i altres) valuable metals (metalls valuosos).”

23 The government (el govern) bought (va comprar) the stone (la pedra) for three million euros (per tres milions d’euros).

24 But Mr. and Mrs. Black (però el Senyor i la Senyora Black) wasted (van malgastar) the money (els diners) on fast cars (en cotxes ràpids), wine (vi) and videogames (i videojocs),

25 and five years (i cinc anys) later (més tard) they had nothing (no tenien res).


a/ 1 A man (un home) called (de nom, que es deia) Mr. William Longlegs (el Senyor Camesllargues)

2 went (va anar) to work (a treballar) in his garden (al seu jardí)

3 one day (un dia) in June (al juny) 2001

4 and (i) he found (va trobar) a hole (un forat) in the lawn (a la gespa).

5 At the bottom (al fons) of the hole (del forat)

6 he saw (va veure) a strange black stone (un estranya pedra negra)

b/ 7 the size of a football

8 He thought some boys who lived next door

9 had made the hole

10 He was very angry

11 He went to the house next door

12 and complained to the boys’ parents Alf and Rose Black.

c/ 13 The father said (el pare va dir) that the boys (que els nois) were not guilty (no eren els culpables) .

14 He didn’t believe (ell no va creure) the father (el pare).

15 During the night (durant la nit) Mr. Longlegs threw (el Senyor Camesllargues va tirar) the black stone (la pedra negra)

16 through the window (per la finestra) of the house (de la casa) next door (del costat).

17 The noise (el soroll) woke (va despeartar) the family (la família) and they called (i van trucar) the police (la policia).

18 Mr. Longlegs (el Senyor Camesllargues) was put in prison (va ser empresonat) for two years (durant dos anys).

d/ 19 Some scientists examined the strange stone

20 They said, “The man threw this stone into your house

21 Now the stone is yours

22 It’s a meteorite with silver gold, platinum, and other valuable metals.”

23 The government bought the stone for three million euros

24 But Mr. and Mrs. Black wasted the money (on fast cars wine and videogames.

25 and five years later they had nothing
