ingkat3987c English Quiz (= joc de preguntes en anglès). Honey (= mel). Trenta
preguntes / Thirty Questions / Thəəti Kwéshchənz
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Íngglish fǝ dhǝ Katǝlan Kʌ́ntriz. Mein Peij.
1 What insect produces honey?
2 The “Porta Daurada” is the Catalan translation of the name of a channel connecting
San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean. A famous suspension bridge is here. What
is the name of the channel in English?
3 What is the name of the mountain top of Montseny, 1,706.7 metres above sea
4 How long does a domestic cat live?
5 Large dogs live from 10-13 years. How long do small dogs live?
6 How old is Coca Cola?
7 The early Roman calendar originally had only ten months (that is
why September was originally month
number seven (Latin septem) – now it is month number nine – and November was
originally month number 9 (Latin novem).
What are the two months that were added?
8 What number is XXVI in Roman numerals?
9 What modern country is more or less the old Roman province of Lusitania?
10 What satellite completes an orbit every 23.7 days?
11 The Outer Space Treaty was signed in 1967 by the United States, the United
Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Which country does the Moon belong to, according
to the Treaty?
12 What river flows through Solsonès, el Berguedà, el Bages and l'Anoia?
13 What is the Catalan name of the admiral from Calàbria in Italy called
Ruggiero di Lauria (1250-1305)?
14 Tar (el quitrà) is a black liquid produced from the resin of a tree which is
abundant in Scandinavia. WHat tree is this?
15 What is the population of London?
16 The busiest international airport in the world is near London. What is its
17 What is the population of Rome?
18 The short name for a hippopotamus is a hippo. What is the short name for a
19 What year is MCMXCIV in Roman numerals?
20 When the ship called the Titanic sunk in 1912 it was not in international
waters. What country has control of the place in the Atlantic Ocean where the
Titanic sank?
21 The Company that owned the Titanic was called what? (In Catalan it would be
“Estel Blanc”)
22 What “small solar system body” which orbits the Sun has a tail?
23 What animal has the Latin name Pan troglodytes?
24 In what two continents do elephants live?
25 Some animals sleep during the winter, or live on a very reduced metabolic
acivity. What is this period of sleep called?
26 What does the Basque word mendi mean?
27 How many colours are in the flag of Scotland?
28 What animal has the Latin name “Panthera leo”?
29 How high is a basketball hoop from the ground?
30 Who is the patron saint of Barberà del Vallès?
1 What
insect produces honey? The bee 2 The
Porta Daurada is the Catalan translation of the name of a channel connecting
San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean. A famous suspension bridge is here.
What is the name of the channel in English? The Golden Gate 3 What
is the name of the mountain top of Montseny, 1,706.7 metres above sea level? Turó de l’Home 4 How
long does a domestic cat live? 15 years 5
Large dogs live from 10-13 years. How long do small dogs live? 15-16 years 6 How
old is Coca Cola? In 2019, 134 years old – it was
created in 1885 by John Pemberton at the Jacobs’ pharmacy in Atlanta,
Geòrgia. 7 The
early Roman calendar originally had only ten months (that is why September was originally month number seven
(Latin septem) – now it is month number nine – and November was originally
month number 9 (Latin novem). What are
the two months that were added? January and February 8 What
number is XXVI in Roman numerals? 26 9 What
modern country is more or less the old Roman province of Lusitania? Portugal 10
What satellite completes an orbit every 23.7 days? The moon 11 The
Outer Space Treaty was signed in 1967 by the United States, the United
Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Which country does the Moon belong to,
according to the Treaty? No country. It is res communis,
like international waters. (Res communis = “thing of the (whole) community”
I,e, the property of all humankind, and not able to be claimed or taken over
by any country. 12
What river flows through Solsonès, el Berguedà, el Bages and l'Anoia? Cardener 13
What is the Catalan name of the admiral from Calàbria in Italy called
Ruggiero di Lauria (1250-1305)? Roger de Llúria 14 Tar
(el quitrà) is a black liquid produced from the resin of a tree which is
abundant in Scandinavia. What tree is this? Pine 15
What is the population of London? Nine million people (2018) 16 The
busiest international airport in the world is near London. What is its name? Heathrow 17
What is the population of the city of Rome (Roma Capitale)? 2.8 million (2018) 18 The
short name for a hippopotamus is a hippo. What is the short name for a
chimpanzee? Chimp 19
What year is MCMXCIV in Roman numerals? 1994 M = 1000, CM is 100 taken away fron 1000
= 900 XC is 10 taken away from 100 =
90 IV is I taken away from 5 = 4 20
When the ship called the Titanic sunk in 1912 it was not in international
waters. What country has control of the place in the Atlantic Ocean where the
Titanic sank? Canada 21 The
Company that owned the Titanic was called what? (In Catalan it would be “Estel
Blanc”) White Star 22
What “small solar system body” which orbits the Sun has a tail? A comet 23
What animal has the Latin name Pan troglodytes? The chimpanzee 24 In
what two continents do elephants live? Africa and Asia 25
Some animals sleep during the winter, or live on a very reduced metabolic
acivity. What is this period of sleep called? Hibernation 26
What does the Basque word mendi mean? Mountain 27 How
many colours are in the flag of Scotland? Two – blue and white (a white
diagonal cross on a blue background) “ 28
What animal has the Latin name “Panthera leo”? The lion 29 How
high is a basketball hoop from the ground? 3.048 metres, or ten feet 30 Who
is the patron saint of Barberà del Vallès? Sant Maria |
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/ Símbols:
e: majuscule Ǝ minuscule ǝ.
with acute (Ә́ ә́)
is a letter of the Cyrillic script.
Turned v: majuscule: Ʌ, minuscule: ʌ
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