ingkat0034c Pronunciació de noms de lloc /
Pronunciation of Place Names
(delwedd F1557)
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Acomb YEI-kəm [ˈjeɪkəm] (North Yorkshire). També EI-kəm [ˈeɪkəm]
Acomb YE-kəm [ˈjɛkəm] (Northumberland)
Aigburth EG-bəth (Liverpool) [ˈɛɡbəθ]
Aike Yak [jak] (East Riding of Yorkshire)
Akenham Ei-kə-nəm [ˈeɪkənəm] (SɅ-fək / Suffolk)
Aldeburgh Ôl-bə-rə [ˈɔːlbərə] (SɅ-fək / Suffolk)
Aldeburgh Ôld-brə [ˈɔːldbrə] (SɅ-fək / Suffolk)
Allerton O-lə-tən [ˈɒlətən] (Bradford, Yorkshire)
Alnmouth Á-lən-məth [ˈalənməθ] (Northumberland)
Alnwick A-nik [ˈanɪk]
Alresford (1) OLS-fəd [ˈɒlsfəd]
(Essex) També EILS-fəd [ˈeɪlsfəd]
Alresford (2) OLZ-fəd (Hampshire) També ÔLZ-fəd [ˈɔːlzfəd]
Alsager OL-sei-jə [ˈɒlseɪdʒə] (Cheshire)
Althorp ÔL-trəp [ˈɔːltrəp]. (Northamptonshire) També ÔL-thôp [ˈɔːlθɔːp]
Altrincham ÓL-tring-əm [ˈɒltrɪŋəm] (Greater Manchester)
Alverdiscott OL-skot [ˈɒlskɒt].
(Devon) També ÔL-lskot [ˈɔːlskɒt]
Amersham Á-mə-shəm [ˈaməʃəm] (Buckinghamshire)
Ardingly AA-ding-lai [ˈɑːdɪŋlaɪ] (Wes SɅ-siks / West Sussex)
Ashby-de-la-Zouch ÁSH-bi də lə ZUUSH [ˈaʃbɪ ˈdələ ˈzuːʃ] (Leicestershire)
Ashtead ASH-sted [ˈaʃtɛd] (Surrey)
Aslackby EI-zəl-bi [ˈeɪzəlbi] (Lincolnshire)
Aspatria ə-SPEI-tri-yə [əsˈpeɪtriə]
Athelington ATH-ling-tən
(SɅ-fək / Suffolk). Localment Á-ling-tən.
Audley End ôd-li
(Lawshall, Suffolk, Anglaterra)
Averham ÉƏ-rəm [ˈɛərəm] (Nottinghamshire)
Aveton Gifford Ô-tən JI-fəd [ˈɔːtən ˈdʒɪfəd] (Devon)
Aylesbury EILZ-bə-ri, EILZ-bri
Ayscoughfee Hall Á-skə-fii HÔL (Lincolnshire) [ˈaskəfiː]
Babraham BEI-brəm
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire)
BEI-kəp (Lancashire) (més aviat BÊ-kəp col·loquialment)
Baguley BA-gli (Manchester).
Balham BA-ləm
Banbury BAN-bə-ri, BAM-bri
Barham BA-rəm [ˈbarəm] (Kent)
Barholm BA-rəm [ˈbarəm] (Lincolnshire)
Barnard Castle. BAA-ni KA-səl (BARNEY-CASSEL, p. n. The vulgar name
of Barnard Castle, the capital of Teesdale. 1849. A glossary of provincial
words used in Teesdale, in the county of Durham)
Barnburgh BAAN-brə (sauth
YÔK-shə / South Yorkshire).
Barnoldswick BAA-lik [ˈbɑːlɪk] (Lancashire)
Barnsley BAANZ-li (sauth YÔK-shə / South Yorkshire).
Barrow BA-rou (Barrow-in-Furness) Una forma local és BA-rə (aquesta forma es troba escrita com a ‘Barrer’ I ‘Barra’).
La reducció [ou] final > [ə]
final és molt freqüent en anglès col·loquial
Barrowford BA-rə-fəd (Lancashire)
Barugh baak [ˈbɑːk] (sauth YÔK-shə / South Yorkshire).
Basford (New Basford,
Old Basford) BEIS-fəd [ˈbeɪsfəd] (Nottingham)
Beaconsfield BE-kəns-fi-yəld [ˈbɛkənsfiːld] (Buckinghamshire)
Beaminster BE-min-stə [ˈbɛmɪnstə] (Dorset)
Bearsted BÉƏ-sted [ˈbɛəstɛd]. (Kent). És una pronunciació
ortogràfica. Traditionalment BƏƏ-sted [ˈbɜːstɛd]
Beauchamp Roding BII-chəm
ROU-ding [ˈbiːtʃəm ˈroʊdɪŋ] (Essex)
Beauchief BII-chif [ˈbiːtʃɪf] (Sheffield)
Beaudesert BEL-zə [ˈbɛlzə] (Warwickshire)
Beaulieu BYUU-li [ˈbjuːli] (Hampshire)
Beaumont BII-mont [ˈbiːmɒnt] (Cumbria)
Beccles BE-kəlz (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Bedworth BE-dəth [ˈbɛdəθ] (Warwickshire).
També Béd-əf [ˈbɛdəf] “Beduff”. O També amb pronunciació ortogràfica Béd-wəth [ˈbɛdwəθ] “Bedwuth”. (Comentari a
Internet: 13-07-2017, Captain Pegg: Or Bedwuth if you live at the posh end of town
(is there one?). “O Bedwuth si vius al barri elegant de la ciutat. N’hi ha?”)
(c.2008. How do you prnoiunce Bedworth? 1,. Beduff (actually, I personally
pronounce it Bedwuth) Beduff (de fet, jo personalment ho pronuncio Bedwuth. 2.
Evil J. Twin: I pronounce it Bed'uff cos it is my
home town so I know! If you are being posh, you would pronounce it how it
looks. Jo ho pronuncio Bed’uff perquè és el meu poble nadiu, per tant ho sé
(com es pronuncia)! Si vols donar-te importància, ho pronunciaries Bedwuth.
Belle Vue bel-VYUU Districte de Kaa-lái-yəl / Carlisle, Anglaterra ˈ
Bellefonte BEL-font (Déləweə / Delaware).
Bellingham BE-lin-jəm (Northumberland) [ˈbɛlɪndʒəm]
Belvoir BII-və [ˈbiːvə] (Leicestershire) (nom de poble, de castell
(Belvoir Castle) i de vall (Vale of Belvoir)). La mateixa prnounciació que
‘beaver’ (= castor).
Benacre BE-nə-kə (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Berkeley BAA-kli [ˈbɑːrkli]
Berkshire BAAK-shə [ˈbɑːrkʃə]
Berwick (-upon-Tweed) BE-rik [ˈbɛrɪk] (Northumberland)
Beswick BE-zik (Manchester)
Bicester BI-stə [ˈbɪstə] (Oxfordshire)
Bideford BI-di-fəd [ˈbɪdɪfəd] (Devon)
Billericay bi-lə-RI-ki [ˈbɪləˈrɪki] (Essex)
Blackley BLEI-kli [ˈbleɪkli] (Greater Manchester)
BLA-kou (Lancashire) [ˈblakoʊ]. Localment BLA-ka. Cognom Blackah. (1) Ah've
mainly hed plenty o' wark, Blackah Poems (1867) (2) Wiliam Hanson. Burial: 9
Mar 1791 Wheatley Lane, Inghamite Chapel, Fence in Pendle, Lancs. Abode:
Blackah. Register: Burials 1750 - 1837, Page 30.
BLI-dəth [ˈblɪdəθ] (Nottinghamshire)
Bolton BOU-tən [ˈboʊtən]. (Normalment amb la pronunciació ortogràfica BOUL-tən) [ˈboʊltən].
The Bolton News. Aug 28, 2003 . According to regulars, it is said, the Weaver's Arms at Halliwell 'was
t'best pub in Bowton, bar none'.
Bosham BO-zəm [ˈbɒzəm] (West Sussex)
Bournemouth BÔN-məth,
Bozeat BOU-zhət [ˈboʊʒət] (Northamptonshire)
Bradley BREID-li [ˈbreɪdli] (West Midlands)
Bramford BRAAM-fəd (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Brant Broughton Brant BRUU-tən (Lincolnshire) [ˈbrant ˈbruːtən]
BRA-fing (Hertfordshire) [ˈbrafɪŋ]
Breaston BRII-stən (Derbyshire) [ˈbriːstən]
Breightmet BREIT-mət (Bolton) [ˈbreɪtmət]
Brewood bruud
(Staffordshire) [ˈbruːd]
Bridestowe BRI-di-stou [ˈbrɪdɪstoʊ] (West Devon)
Bridgewater BRIJ-woo-tə
Bristol BRI-stəl
Bromeswell BRUUM-swəl (SɅ-fək / Suffolk). (amb [s])
Brough brʌf (East Riding of Yorkshire) [ˈbrʌf]
Brougham bruum (Cumbria) [ˈbruːm]
Browsholme Hall BRUU-zəm (Lancashire) [ˈbruːzəm]
Bruisyard BRUUZ-yaad (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Buckingham BɅ-king-əm
Bucklesham BɅ-kəl-shəm (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Bungay BɅNG-gi (SɅ-fək / Suffolk). [ˈbʌŋɡi]
Bures BYUU-wəz (SɅ-fək / Suffolk) [bju:əz]. Localment búu-wəz.
Burgh bəəg (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Burgh by Sands brʌf (Cumbria) [ˈbrʌf]
Burgh le Marsh BɅ-rə (Lincolnshire) [ˈbʌrə]
Burnage BƏƏN-ij
(probablament ‘paret marró’ de la pedra local de color marró, < Brunage
(brun = marró))
Burnley BƏƏN-li
(LANG-kə-shə / Lancashire)..
També BƏƏN-le
Burstall BƏƏ-stəl (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Bury BE-ri (LANG-kə-shə / Lancashire).
Bury BE-ri (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Bylaugh BII-lə (Norfolk) [ˈbiːlə]
Caldmore KAA-mə (West Midlands) [ˈkɑːmə] (West Midlands, WÔL-sôl,
WOL-sôl [ˈwɔːlsɔːl, ˈwɒlsɔːl])
Cambois KA-məs [ˈkaməs] (Northumberland)
Cambridge KEIM-brij [ˈkeɪmbrɪdʒ]
Carlisle kaa-LAI-yəl Una forma local, però poc usada avui
en dia, és Kár-el / Carel
Caterham KEI-tə-rəm (Surrey) [ˈkeɪtərəm]
Cavenham KAV-nəm (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Caxton Gibbet KAK-stən JI-bit
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire) [ˈkakstən
Cheadle Hulme CHII-dəl
HYUUM (Stockport) [ˈtʃiːdəl ˈhjuːm]. Domesday Book 1086 Chedde (=
gal·lès modern coed = bosc). (ched-) + (anglès antic LÊAH = clariana). Hulme
correspon a l’anglès modern HOLM (houm) = prat inundable; illa (dins una terra
Chedburgh CHED-brə (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Cherwell CHAA-wel (riu) [ˈtʃɑːrwɛl]
Cheshire CHE-shə (= CHESTER + SHIRE)
Cheshunt CHE-zənt (Hertfordshire) [ˈtʃɛzənt]
Chester CHE-stə
le Street CHE-stə li STRIIT
(‘I worked with a fella from chester le street at the pit, he was
a sound lad, bit thick but what can ya expect from ches le
Cheveley CHIIV-li
/ Cambridgeshire)
Cheylesmore CHAALZ-moo (Coventry) [ˈtʃɑːlzmɔː]
Chideock CHI-dək [ˈtʃɪdək] (Dorset)
Chiswick CHI-zik [ˈtʃɪzɪk] (London)
Cholmondeley CHɅM-li [ˈtʃʌmli]:(poble de Ché.-shə / Cheshire) (Anglès antic “Ceolmund + leah”, clariana del home anomenat Ceolmund, ceol (=
carena de barca, anglès modern keel) + mund (= protecció)
Cholmondeston CHɅM-stən [ˈtʃʌmstən] (Cheshire)
Chop Gate chop-YAT [ˈtʃɒp ˈjat] (North Yorkshire)
KRI-sil (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire) (1422: Cristeshale = racó de terra
dedicada a Jesucrist) William HARRIS AKA William
Crissill b 1797 Cambridgshire. (KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire rootsweb).També hi ha una pronunciació
ortogràfica: KRIS-hool
Cirencester SAI-rən-se-stə (Gloucestershire) avui en dia [ˈsaɪrənˌsɛstə] però tradicionalment Síi-sitə [ˈsɪsɪtə], Sístə [ˈsɪstə]. Comentari d’internet: 10-04-2013.
davetheguard: Often shortened to "Siren" according to a nephew who
lives there. Sovint escoçat a “Siren” (SAI-rən) segons un nebot que hi viu.
Clapham KLA-pəm
Claughton KLAF-tən (Lancashire) [ˈklaftən]
Claughton on Brock KLAI-tən on
BROK [ˈklaɪtən] (Lancashire)
Cleobury Mortimer KLI-bə-ri [ˈklɪbəri] (Shropshire)
Cley-next-the-Sea klai (Norfolk) [ˈklaɪ] També klei [ˈkleɪ]
Coalville KOUL-vil (Leicestershire) [ˈkoʊlvɪl]. Locally Coa’ville KOU-vil [ˈkoʊvɪl].
Cogenhoe KɅK-nou [ˈkʊknoʊ] (Northamptonshire)
Colerne KɅ-lən [ˈkʌlən] (Wiltshire)
Coleshill KOU-zəl [ˈkoʊzəl] (Warwickshire) També KOU-zil [ˈkoʊzɪl]
Colney Hatch KOU-ni (Greater London) [ˈkoʊni]
Combs kuumz (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Congresbury KONGZ-bə-ri [ˈkɒŋzbəri] (Somerset)
Cononley KUN-lə [ˈkʊnlə]. (Yorkshire) Avui en dia més aviat
la forma ortogràfica KO-nən-li [ˈkɒnənli]
Costessey KO-si
(Norfolk) [ˈkɒsi]
Coton KOU-tən
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire)
Coundon KAUN-dən (Kóvəntri / Coventry).
Cowbit KɅ-bit (Lincolnshire) [ˈkʌbɪt]
Cowden kau-DEN (Kent) [kaʊˈdɛn]
Cowpen KUU-pen (Northumberland) [ˈkuːpɛn]
Cradley (i Cradley Heath) KREID-li [ˈkreɪdli] (West Midlands)
Cradley KRAD-li [ˈkradli]
Croxton Kerrial KROU-sən KE-ril [ˈkroʊsən ˈkɛrɪl] (Leicestershire)
Crumpsall KRɅMP-səl (Manchester). (També hi ha les grafies errònies Crumpsull,
Crumpsell, Crumsall, Crumsull, Crumsell)
Cruwys Morchard kuuz [ˈkruːz] (Devon)
Cuckfield KUK-fi-yəld [ˈkʊkfiːld] (Sussex)
Cudworth Kud-əth [ˈkʊdəθ] (South Yorkshire)
Dagenham DA-gən-əm
Dartmouth DAAT-məth
(Devon) [ˈdɑːtməθ]
Dartmouth DAAT-məth (Massachusetts) Forma ròtica:
(DAART- məth)
Darwen DAA-win (Lancashire) [ˈdɑːwɪn]
Daubhill DO-bəl (Manchester).
Daventry DA-vən-tri
(Northamptonshire) [ˈdavəntri], tradicionalment DEIN-tri [ˈdeɪntri]
De Beauvoir Town də BII-və taun (London) [də ˈbiːvə]
Delaware DE-lə-weə [ˈdɛləwɛə] (Estat dels USA)
Derby DAA-bi [ˈdɑːbi] (Derbyshire)
Devon DE-vən [ˈdɛvən] (nom de comtat)
Devon DII-vən [ˈdiːvən] riu de Nottinghamshire
Didcot DID-kət [ˈdɪdkət] (Oxfordshire)
Dodworth DO-dəth (Barnsley, South Yorkshire) [ˈdɒdəθ]
Doncaster DON-ka-stə
Dunbar dʌn-BAAR [dʌnˈbɑːr] (Escòcia). (Gaèlic: Dùn Lob o
Dùn Bàrr)
Dunlop dʌn-LOP (Escòcia). [dʌnˈlɒp]. (Gaèlic: Dùn Lob o Dùn Lùib)
Dunwich DɅ-nij (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Durham DɅ-rəm [ˈdʌrəm]
East Burgholt iis
BƏƏ-gəlt (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
East Woodhay and West
Woodhay WU-di [ˈwʊdi]
Eccleston E-kəl-stən (LANG-kə-shə / Lancashire). (D’un adaptació en
anglès antic de la paraula en gal·lès antic “eglês” < britònic “eklês” <
llatí “ecclês-“ = església) + (angles antic tuun = masia). (Gal·lès modern
eglwys = església).
Edenham ED-nəm (Lincolnshire) [ˈɛdnəm]
Edensor EN-zə (Derbyshire) [ˈɛnzə]
Edwardstone ED-wəd-stən (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Elham II-ləm (Kent) [ˈiːləm]
Elsecar el-si-KAA (South Yorkshire) [ɛlsɪˈkɑː]
EL-tiz-li (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Ely II-li (Cambridgeshire) [ˈiːli]
Esher II-shə (Surrey) [ˈiːʃə]
Eton II-tən (Berkshire) [ˈiːtən] Eton
means ‘river settlement’... it is on the floodplain of the River Thames.
Euxton EK-stən (Lancashire) [ˈɛkstən]
Exeter EK-si-tə, EK-sə-tə
(Anglès antic: Esc-an-ceaster)
Eyam iim (Derbyshire) [iːm]
Eynsham EN-shəm (Oxfordshire) [ˈɛnʃəm]
Falinge FEI-linj (Rochdale)
Farcet FA-sət [ˈfasət] (Huntingdonshire) /Cambridgeshire)
Fintona FIN-tə-nə (Contae Thír Eoghain / County Tyrone. Irlanda). [ˈfɪntənə] (Irlandès: Fionntamhnach = blanc
+ terra alta herbosa).
Flitwick FLI-tik [ˈflɪtɪk] (Bedfordshire)
Foleshill FOU-zəl [ˈfoʊzəl] (Kóvəntri / Coventry). També: FOU-zil [ˈfoʊzɪl], FO-zil [ˈfɒzɪl] (ortografia popular: “Fozzil”)
Folkingham FO-king-əm [ˈfɒkɪŋəm] (Lincolnshire)
Foulridge FOL-rij (Lancashire)
Fowey FOI [ˈfɔɪ] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla)
(Nom anglès del poble còrnic Fowydh (= bedolls))
Frithsden FRIZ-dən (Hertfordshire) [ˈfrɪzdən]
Frome fruum (Somerset); i els rius d’aquest nom de Somerset,
Dorset i Gloucestershire) [ˈfruːm]
Fulham FU-ləm
Gateacre GA-tə-kə [ˈɡatəkə] (Liverpool)
Gillingham GI-ling-əm [ˈɡɪlɪŋəm] (Dorset)
Gillingham JI-ling-əm [ˈdʒɪlɪŋəm]
Gizzleham GIZ-ləm (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Gloucester GLO-stə [ˈɡlɒstə]
Godmanchester GOD-mən-ches-tə (Cambridgeshire) [ˈɡɒdməntʃɛstə].
(GOD-mən-che-stə). És una
pronunciació ortogràfica. Tradicionalment) GɅM-stə [ˈɡʌmstə]
Gotham GO-thəm
(= ciutat de New York) [ˈɡɑθəm].
També Gotham City.
Gotham GOU-təm
[ˈɡoʊtəm] (Nottinghamshire)
Gráfəm (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Great Barugh, Little
Barugh baaf [ˈbɑːf] (North Yorkshire)
Great Wilbraham greit WIL-brəm [greɪt
ˈwɪlbrəm ] (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Greenacres GRI-ni-kəz (Manchester)
Greenwich GRE-nich [ˈɡrɛnɪtʃ] (Greater London)
Greysouthen GREI-suun [ˈɡreɪsuːn] (Cumbria)
Grimsby GRIMZ-bi
Groby GRUU-bi [ˈɡruːbi] (Leicestershire)
Guildford GIL-fəd [ˈɡɪlfəd] (Surrey)
Guisborough GIZ-bə-rə [ˈɡɪzbərə] (Redcar and Cleveland), Guisb’rough GIZ-brə [ˈɡɪzbrə]
Gwydir Street GWAI-də striit (Cambridge)
Hainault HEI-nôt [heɪnɔːt] (Redbridge, London)
Hall i’th Wood hô-lith-WUD (Bolton). Però localment aa-lith-WUD (Hall-i'-th'-Wood.... Ahlithwood. Only people who put on airs and graces
say Hall in the Wood. (Or not from Bolton!)
Halliwell HA-li-wel (Manchester) Anglès antic: halig
wella = pou sagrat.
Localment sense la ‘h’ – A-li-wel. Cf. el nom local del Holy Well, Lower
Burnham, Haxey, Lincolnshire. AL mapa és Holy Well: SE 785 021. També es diu
‘Alley Well’
(és a dir, el nom no s’ha entès com a ‘Halliwell’ sense la ‘h’, sinó com si fós
‘font del carreró’).
(March 21, 2014)
Happisburgh HEIZ-bə-rə [ˈheɪzbərə] (NÔ-fək / Norfolk), HEIZ-brə [ˈheɪzbrə]
Harden HAA-dən (anglés
antic HAR- (= llebre) + DEN- (= vall) ‘vall de les llebres”, hár-den >
háar-dən >
Harewood House HAA-wud [ˈhɑːwʊd] (West Yorkshire)
Harlesden HAALZ-dən (Londres) Hér-wulfs-tuun (= masia de
Hér-wulf, ‘llop de l’exercit’)ˈ
Harrow HA-rou (AA-kən-soo / Arkansas, yuu-we-SEI / USA) . (La forma local és, o
ha estat, HA-rə, escrita de vegades Harra, Harruh)
Harrow HA-rou (Mí-dəl-seks / Middlesex, Anglaterra) (anglès antic = temple) (La
forma local hauria de ser, o hauria d’haver estat, *A-rə / Arruh, sense la h inicial)
Haslingfield HAZ-ling-fi-yəld
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire)
Hatch Beauchamp Hach BII-chəm [hatʃ ˈbiːtʃəm] (Somerset)
Hauxton HÔK-stən
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire)
Haverhill Héivər-il
(SɅ-fək / Suffolk). També Héivə-hil [ˈheɪvərhɪl] i les formes reduïdes Héivr-il [ˈheɪvrɪl] i Hávr-il [ˈhavrɪl]
Haverhill HEIV-ril [ˈheɪvrɪl] (Essex County, Massachussetts)
Haverhill HEIV-ril [ˈheɪvrɪl] (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire). També la pronunciació ortogràfica HEI-və-hil [ˈheɪvəhɪl]
Haverholme HAV-rəm [ˈhavrəm], (Lincolnshire) o sense la [h]
AV-rəm [ˈavrəm].
Hawstead HÔ-stəd (SɅ-fək / Suffolk)
Heather HII-dhə [ˈhiːðə] (Leicestershire)
Herstmonceux həə-smən-ZUU [hɜːsmənˈzuː] (East Sussex). També
amb (s) həə-smən-SUU [hɜːsmənˈsuː]
Hessle HE-zəl [ˈhɛzəl] (East Riding of Yorkshire)
Hilgay HIL-gii
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire)
Holborn HOU-bən (London) [ˈhoʊbən] També amb pronunciació ortogràfica
HOL-bôn [ˈhɒlbɔːn]
Hollesley HOUZ-li (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Holnicote HɅ-ni-kot [ˈhʌnɪkɒt] (Somerset)
Holywell HO-li-wel [ˈhɒliwɛl] (Lincolnshire)
Horham HO-rəm (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Horringer HO-rin-jə (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Horwich HO-rich (Bóultən / Bolton) [ˈhɒrɪtʃ] “Horrich”, o
sense la [h] - [ˈɒrɪtʃ] “Orrich”.
Hougham HO-fəm [ˈhɒfəm] (Lincolnshire)
Hough-on-the-Hill HOF on dhə HIL
(Lincolnshire) [ˈhɒf]. Sense (h): OF on dhi YIL
Houghton HOU-tən
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire)
Houghton-le-Spring HOU-tən lə-SPRING [ˈhoʊtən lə ˈsprɪŋ]
Houston HAU-stən (Déləweə / Delaware)
Howth HOUTH (Irlanda) [hoʊθ] (Irlandès: Binn Éadair =
cim d’en Éadar).
Hull hʌl, (localment) hul
Hunstanton HɅN-stən [ˈhʌnstən] (Norfolk)
Huyton HAI-tən
[ˈhaɪtən] (Liverpool)
Ide iid (Devon) [ˈiːd]
Isleworth ÁA-zəl-wəəth [ˈaɪzəlwɜːθ] (Greater London)
Islip AIZ-lip [ˈaɪzlɪp] (Northamptonshire)
Iwerne Minster YUU-wəən [ˈjuːɜːn] (Dorset)
Jervaulx (Jervaulx
Abbey) ZHƏƏ-vou [ˈʒɜːvoʊ] (North Yorkshire)
Keadby KID-bi [ˈkɪdbi] (Lincolnshire)
Keighley KII-thli [ˈkiːθli]
(West Yorkshire)
Keswick KE-zik [ˈkɛzɪk]. (Cumbria). Grafia popular:
Keynsham KEIN-shəm [ˈkeɪnʃəm] (Somerset)
Kirkby KƏƏ-bi [ˈkɜːbi] (Merseyside)
Lancashire LANG-kə-shə
Lancaster LAN-ka-stə
Laughton LAU-tən [ˈlaʊtən] (Lincolnshire)
Launceston LÔN-stən [ˈlɔːnstən] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla)
També LAAN-stən [ˈlɑːnstən]
Leamington Spa LE-ming-tən SPAA (Warwickshire) [ˈlɛmɪŋtən ˈspɑː]
Leap lep (Irlandès: Léim Uí Dhonnabháin (= salt d’en Ó Dhonnabháín, o, amb el
cognom anglicitzat, salt d’en O’ Donovan) (Contae Chorcaí / comtat de Corcaigh,
Leasingham LE-zing-əm
[ˈlɛzɪŋəm] (Lincolnshire)
Leicester LE-stə [ˈlɛstə]
Leigh lai
(Kent) [laɪ]
Leigh lai
(Surrey) [laɪ]
Leominster LEM-stə [ˈlɛmstə] (Herefordshire)
Levenshulme LE-vənz-hyuum
[ˈlɛvənzhju:m] (Manchester). La forma local, però
és LE-vən-zuum [ˈlɛvənzu:m], escrita de vegades “Levenzoom”
nper indicar la pronunciació local.
The very early history is so obscure as to be virtually
non-existent. Many of the nearby suburbs, such as Withington, Didsbury, Gorton
etc., had a history of developing as villages, but for some reason Levenshulme
did not. It has had several names over the millennia (according to East
Lancashire expert Eilert Ekwall), including: in 1246 it was called "de
Lewyneshulm", in 1322 "Levensholme" and in 1587 it was called
"Lensom". The name itself is derived from a possessive version of a
person's name, "Leofwine's" and "holm", a Viking term
meaning island (usually in a lake or river).[5] "Lywenshulme" also is
referred to in the 1322 survey of Manchester and Collegiate Church charters
refer to "Leysholme" (1556), "Lensholme" (1578) and
"Lentsholme" (1635).[6] The "Hulme" element is common in
Manchester, and was pronounced "Oom", hence Levenshulme was
traditionally "Levenzoom" to the residents.
Lidgate LID-gət (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Lincoln LING-kən
Lindsey LIN-zi (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Linthwaite LIN-fit [ˈlɪnfɪt] (in kəək-LIIZ / Kirklees, West Yorkshire)
Liskeard li-SKAAD [ˈlɪˈskɑːd] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla)
Little Creek li-təl-KRIIK
(Déləweə / Delaware).
Localment Lil-KRIK / “Lil Crick”.
Little Hautbois HO-bis [ˈhɒbɪs] (Norfolk)
Little Weighton and Market Weighton WII-tən [ˈwiːtən] (East Riding of Yorkshire)
Lodi LOU-dai (Wisconsin).
London LɅN-dən
Longstanton Long-STAN-tən
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire) /
Looe luu (KÔN-wôl / KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla / Cornualla) (En
còrnic Lôgh = (la) cala)
Loose luuz (Kent) [ˈluːz]
Lostwithiel los-WI-thi-yəl [ˈlɒsˈwɪθiəl] (KÔN-wôl / KÔN-wôl / Cornwall)
Loughborough LɅF-brə (Leicestershire) [ˈlʌfbrə]
Lound laund (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Louth lauth (Irlanda – nom de
comtat. Irlandès: Lú). [laʊθ]
Louth lauth (Líng-kən-shə / Lincolnshire). [laʊθ]
Lover LOU-və (Wiltshire) [ˈloʊvə]
Lower Hardres and Upper Hardres haadz [ˈhɑːdz] (Kent)
Lowestoft LOU-wə-stoft
(SɅ-fək / Suffolk). Localment sense la
(t) final: LOU-wə-stof. També LOU-staaf.
Ludgershall LɅ-ɡə-shool [ˈlʌɡəʃɔːl] (Wiltshire)
Ludgvan LɅ-jən [ˈlʌdʒən] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla)
(del sant de la parròquia, en llatí Ludowanus)
(Cònic: Lujúan)
Luxulyan lʌk-SIL-yən [ˈlʌkˈsɪljən] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla)
També lʌk-SɅL-yən [lʌkˈsʌljən]
Lympne lim (Kent) [ˈlɪm]
Magdalen Hil môn HIL [mɔːn ˈhɪl] (Wín-chəstə, Hámp-shə / Winchester (Hampshire)
Manchester MAN-chə-stə
Manea MEI-ni [ˈmeɪni] (KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire)
Marazion ma-rə-ZAI-yən [marəˈzaɪən] (KÔN-wôl / KÔN-wôl / Cornwall)
Còrnic: Marghaz-yów mar-haz-YOU, encara que el nom anglès és del nom
Marghazvýghan (= mercat petit) mar-haz-VII-han.
Marholm MA-rəm [ˈmarəm] (Píi-tə-brə, KEIM-brij-shə / Peterborough (Cambridgeshire))
Marlborough MÔl-brə (WILT-shə / Wiltshire)) [ˈmɔːlbərə, ˈmɔːlbrə]. Grafies per suggerir la
pronunciació local són “Maulbruh” i “Maulbra”. Una pronunciació ortogràfica és MAAL-bə-rə.
Marske mask [mask] (Réd-kaa ənd Klíiv-lənd / Redcar and Cleveland)
Marylebone MAA-lə-bən (London) També MA-ri-lə-bən [ˈmarɪləbən], MA-rə-lə-bən [ˈmarələbən], MA-ri-bən [ˈmærɪbən], MAA-l-ibən [ˈmɑːrlɪbən], MAA-li-boun [ˈmarɪlɪboʊn], MAA-li-bən [ˈmɑːrlɪbən], MA-ri-li-bən [ˈmarɪlɪbən]
Masham MA-səm [ˈmasəm] (North Yorkshire)
Massachusetts ma-sə-CHUU-sits [ˌmasəˈtʃuːsɪts]. També amb (z). ma-sə-CHUU-zits
Meols Cop miilz KOP [ˈmiːlz] (Southport)
Meols melz [ˈmɛlz] (the Wirral (Merseyside))
Meopham ME-pəm [ˈmɛpəm] (Kent)
Mepal MII-pəl
(KEIM-brij-shə / Cambridgeshire)
Mildenhall MIL-dən-hool (Suffolk) ['mɪldənhɔːl]
Mildenhall MIL-dən-hool (Wiltshire) ['mɪldənhɔːl] També MɅl-dən-hool [ˈmʌldənhɔːl], Máin-əl [ˈmаɪnəl], que s’escriu 'Minal'
Mossley MOZ-li [ˈmɒzli] (Greater Manchester)
MOUL-tən (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Mousehole MAU-zəl [ˈmaʊzəl] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla [ˈmaʊzəl] (Nom anglès del poble còrnic
Porthénys (= cala de l’illa))
Mow Cop MAU-kop [ˈmaʊkɒp] (Staffordshire)
Mytholmroyd MAI-dhəm-roid (West Yorkshire) [ˈmaɪðəmrɔɪd]
Nechells NII-chəlz districte
de Birmingham
Nene nen (Northamptonshire) (riu) [ˈnɛn] També niin [niːn]
Norfolk NÔ-fək
Northenden NÔ-thən-dən Norþ-worþign (= tancat nordenc)
Norwich NO-rij [ˈnɒrɪdʒ] (Norfolk)
Offord Cluny Ó-fəd
Offord D'Arcy Ó-fəd
Olney Ô-ni (Buckinghamshire)
També; OUL-ni [ˈoʊlni]
Onehouse WɅN-haus
(SɅ-fək / Suffolk). Localment WɅ-nəs com si fós
Osbournby Ó-zən-bi [ˈɒzənbi] (Lincolnshire)
Oswaldtwistle Ó-zəl-twi-zəl [ˈɒzəltwɪzəl] (Lancashire)
Ovingham Ó-vin-jəm (Northumberland) [ˈɒvɪndʒəm]
Oxford ÓKS-fəd
Pall Mall pal-MAL [ˈpalˈmal] (London)
Pampisford PAAN-sə < PAMP’s’əth. La forma original és Pampesworth. (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Papworth PAP-wəth
/ Cambridgeshire)
Pendle PEN-dəl
Plaistow PLAA-stou [ˈplɑːstoʊ] (Greater London)
Plaistow PLAA-stou [ˈplɑːstoʊ] (West Sussex)
Plaistow PLA-stou
Plymouth PLI-məth [ˈplɪməθ] (Devon)
Pontefract PɅM-frit [ˈpʌmfrɪt] (West Yorkshire). També: PON-tə-frakt [ˈpɒntəfrakt]
Ponteland Pon-TII-lənd [ˈpɒntˈiːlənd] (Nothumberland)
Portesham PO-səm [ˈpɒsəm] (Dorset). Avui més aviat PÔ-tə-shəm [ˈpɔːtəʃəm], PÔT-səm [ˈpɔːtsəm]
Portishead PO-sit
Pronunciació ortogràfica: Pootis-héd
[pɔːrtɪsˈhɛd], també Pootséd . (1) Old Posset: Portishead People and Places. Redcliffe
Press Ltd.First Edition (December 11, 1987). (2) Posset Singers is a friendly
community choir based in Portishead, run by the members, for the benefit of its
members. (3) Portishead (GWR), a trackplan based around
1930s-1960s showtopic=10355 Portishead or Port'sed is also called Possit
Postwick PÔ-zik [ˈpɔːzɪk] (Norfolk)
Poxwell POUK-swel [ˈpoʊkswɛl] (Dorset) (cf Pokesdown, Dorset)
Prideaux Castle PRI-dəks [ˈprɪdəks] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla)
Prinknash PRI-nəsh [ˈprɪnəʃ] (Gloucestershire)
Prudhoe PRɅ-də [ˈprʌdə] (poble de Noo-thʌ́m-bə-lənd / Northumberland)
Puncknowle PɅ-nəl [ˈpʌnəl] (Dorset)
Quadring KWEI-dring [ˈkweɪdrɪŋ] (Lincolnshire))
Quernmore KWOO-mə [ˈkwɔːmə] (Lancashire)
Rainworth RE-nəth [ˈrɛnəθ] (Nottinghamshire)
Rampisham RAN-səm [ˈransəm] (Dorset)
Ramsholt RAM-sôlt (SɅ-fək / Suffolk). (amb [s])
Ratlinghope RA-chʌp [ˈratʃʌp] (Shropshire)
Rawtenstall RO-tən-stôl
Reading RE-ding [ˈrɛdɪŋ] (Berkshire)
Rehoboth rə-HOU-bəth (Déləweə / Delaware).
Rickmansworth RIK-mənz-wəəth [ˈrɪkmənzwɜːθ] < “Rykmerz-worth” “tancat / granja de Rykmer (= nom d’home); ”
Equival a (Rykmer + -z = d’en Rykmer) + (worth = tancat).
Rievaulx RII-vou (North Yorkshire) <REE-voh> [ˈriːvoʊ]. També?? Riivóu <REE-voh>,
[riːˈvoʊ]. El nom equival a (Rye = nom de
riu) + (normand val = vall). Tradicionalment la pronunciació és RI.vəz, que s’escrivia “Rivers” . Una
ortografia popular de la pronunciació és ´”Reevo”. La pronunciació actual és
una forma afrancesitzada.
Rougham RɅf-əm (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Roughton RUU-tən [ˈruːtən] (Lincolnshire)
Rugby RɅG-bi
Ruislip RAI-slip [ˈraɪslɪp] (Greater London)
Rumburgh RɅM-brə (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Salisbury SOLZ-bəri [ˈsɒlzbəri] (Wiltshire). També SÔlz- [ˈsɔːlz-]
Salle sôl (Norfolk) [sɔːl]
Sandwich SAND-wich (Kent) [ˈsandwɪtʃ] També SAND-wij [sandwɪdʒ]
Sawbridgeworth SAAP-sə (HAAT-fəd-shə
/ Hertfordshire)
Saxmundham sak-SMɅN-dəm (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Seighford SAI-fəd (Staffordshire) [ˈsaɪfəd]
Shaftesbury SHAFTS-bə-ri [ˈʃaftsbəri] (Dorset). SHAAFTS-bə-ri [ˈʃɑːftsbəri]. També be-ri > -bri.
Sheffield SHE-fi-yəld
Shrewsbury SHROUZ-bə-ri [ˈʃroʊzbəri] (Shropshire) També -bri. Ara més aviat amb una
pronunciació ortogràfica Shrúuz-bəri,
-bri (ˈʃruːzbəri]
Shropshire SHROP-shə (equival a SHREWSBURY + SHIRE) Anglès antic: Scrobbesbyrigscīr,
Sidmouth SID-məth
Simonstone SI-mən-stən [ˈsɪmənstən] (Lancashire)
Slaithwaite SLAU-wit [ˈslaʊwɪt] (West Yorkshire). També Slá-wit [ˈsla.wɪt] Slá-thwit [ˈslaθwɪt], Slá-thweit [slaθ.weɪt], in Kəək-líiz Kirklees
Slaugham SLA-fəm [ˈslafəm] (West Sussex)
Slough slau
Smethick SME-dhik [ˈsmɛðɪk].
Snowshill SNOU-zəl (Gloucestershire)
[ˈsnoʊzəl] També SNO-zəl [ˈsnɒzəl]
Soham SOU-wəm (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
South Elmsall Sauth EM-səl [ˈsaʊθ ˈɛmsəl] (West Yorkshire)
Southwark SɅ-dhək [ˈsʌðək] (Greater London)
Southwell SɅ-dhəl [ˈsʌðəl] (Nottinghamshire). També SAUTH-wel
Sowerby and Sowerby Bridge SÔ-bi (West Yorkshire)) [ˈsɔːbi]
Sowerby SAU-wə-bi (North
Yorkshire) [ˈsaʊəbi]
Spalding SPÔL-ding
Sproxton SPROU-sən (Leicestershire) [ˈsproʊsən]
St Albans sən-TÔL-bənz (Hertfordshire) [sənt ˈɔːlbənz]
St Ives sən-TIIV [sənt ˈiːv] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla)
St Teath sənt-TETH
[sən ˈtɛθ] (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall /
St. Neots sənt
NII-yəts (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Staithes STI-yəz (North Yorkshire) localment [ˈstɪəz]
Stansted STAN-sted (Essex)
Stawell stol (Somerset) [ˈstɒl]
Steyning STE-ning (West
Sussex) [ˈstɛnɪŋ]
Stiffkey STYUU-kii (Norfolk) [ˈstjuːki].
També STIF-kii [ˈstɪfkiː]
Stivichall (o
Styvechale) STAI-chəl [ˈstaɪtʃəl] (Coventry)
Stockingford sto-king-FÔD
(Warwickshire) [ˈstɒkɪŋˈfɔːd]
Stoven STɅ-vən (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Stow-cum-Quy stou-kəm-KWAI [stoʊ kəm ˈkwaɪ],
o senzillament kwai Quy [kwaɪ]
Stowmarket STOU-maa-kit
(SɅ-fək / Suffolk); localment STUU-maa-kit
Stradbroke STRAD-brək (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Streatham STRE-təm [ˈstrɛtəm] (London)
Stroxton STRÔ-sən (Lincolnshire) [ˈstrɔːsən]
Suffolk SɅ-fək
Summersham SɅ-mə-shəm (SɅ-fək / Suffolk)
Swaffham Bullbeck SWA-fəm
BUL-bek (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Swíndon SWIN-dən Probablament (swiin = porcs (senglars)) + (duun = turó); turó dels porcs
Sydenham SI-də-nəm [ˈsɪdənəm] (London)
Syleham SI-ləm (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Tacolneston TA-kəl-stən [ˈtakəlstən] (Norfolk)
Teignmouth TíIN-məth [ˈtɪnməθ] (Devon)
Teston TII-sən [ˈtiːsən] (Kent)
Tettenhall TET-nəl Ortografia
informal: “Tetnul”.
Thame teim [ˈteɪm] (Oxfordshire) (poble; nom de riu)
Thames temz [tɛmz] .
Thamesmead [ˈtɛmzmi:d] TEMZ-miid
Theobald's Road THII-yə-bəldz ROUD (London) [ˈθiːəbəldz] Tradicionalment TI-bəldz [ˈtɪbəldz]
Threekingham THRE-king-ɡəm [ˈθrɛkɪŋɡəm] (Lincolnshire)
Thriplow TRI-plou [ˈtrɪploʊ]
Tideswell TID-səl [ˈtɪdsəl] (Derbyshire)
Tintwistle TIN-səl [ˈtɪnsəl] (Derbyshire)
Todmorden TOD-mə-dən] [ˈtɒdmə dən] (West Yorkshire)
Torpenhow trə-PE-nə [ˈtrəˈpɛnə] (Cumbria) També TÔ-pən-hau [ˈtɔːpənhaʊ]
Tottenham TO-tə-nəm,
Towcester TOU-stə [ˈtoʊstə] (Northants)
Towton TAU-tən [ˈtaʊtən, ˈtaʊtn] (Yorkshire). The Battle of Towton (1461) was fought here
between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists in the Wars of the Roses
Trewoon TRUU-wən (KÔN-wôl / Cornwall / Cornualla) [ˈtruːən] (còrnic: Tre-wóen tre-WÔN [treˈwoːn] < trêv an woen – masia del
Trottiscliffe TROZ-li [ˈtrɒzli] (Kent)
Turnham TƏƏ-nəm
Ufford U-fəd ˈ
Ulgham Ʌ-fəm (Northumberland) [ˈʌfəm]
Uttoxeter yuu-TOK-si-tə, -sətə [juːˈtɒksɪtə] (Staffordshire). També localment ‘Ucheter’ YUU-chə-tə [ˈjuːtʃətə]
Vauxhall VOK-sool [ˈvɒksɔːl] (London)
Wadloes Road WOD-louz ROUD (Cambridgeshire)
Wales Weilz (= País de Gal·les)
Walsall WÔL-sôl [ˈwɔːlsɔːl].
També WOL-sôl [ˈwɒlsɔːl]
Walthamstow WOL-thəm-stou
Warwick WO-rik [ˈwɒrɪk]
Watford WOT-fəd
Wavertree WÔ-tri [ˈwɔːtri] (Lancashire) . Avui més
aviat Wéivə-trii [ˈweɪvətri:]
Wells Welz
Welwyn WE-lin [ˈwɛlɪn] (Hertfordshire)
Wembley WEM-bli
Wenhaston WE-nə-stən (SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Wesham WE-səm [ˈwɛsəm] (Lancashire)
Westhall WE-stəl (SɅ-fək / Suffolk)
Whittingham WI-tin-jəm [ˈwɪtɪndʒəm] (Northumberland)
Whitworth WI-təth [ˈwɪtəθ] (Rochdale)
Wickhambrook WI-kəm-bruk
(SɅ-fək / Suffolk).
Widecombe WI-di-kəm [ˈwɪdɪkəm] (Devon)
Wikipedia: Gotham" was a nickname for New York City that became popular in
the nineteenth century; Washington Irving had first attached it to New York in
the November 11, 1807 edition of his Salmagundi,[13] a periodical which
lampooned New York culture and politics. Irving took the name from the village
of Gotham, Nottinghamshire, England: a place inhabited, according to folklore,
by fools.[14][15] The village's name derives from Old English gāt 'goat'
and hām "home", literally "homestead where goats are
kept,"[16] and is pronounced /ˈɡoʊtəm/ GOHT-əm, like
the word goat (cf. Chatham, /ˈtʃætəm/ CHAT-əm, a
similar name where the letters th represent a "t" sound followed by a
silent "h" rather than a "th" sound). The Joker refers to
this etymology in Detective Comics #880, in which he tells Batman that the word
means "a safe place for goats."[17] In contrast, "Gotham"
as used for New York has a different pronunciation by analogy to other words
spelled with "th" and is pronounced as /ˈɡɒθəm/ GOTH-əm,[18]
like the word Goth.
WIL-brəm (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Wilmslow WÍLMZ-lou [ˈwɪlmzloʊ]. (Cheshire) Però la forma local és
/ era WÍMZ-lou “Wimslow”
<WIMZ-loh>, sense la “l”.
Wilnecote WÍLN-kət [ˈwɪlnkət]
(Walsall / WÔls-ôl, Wóls-ôl [ˈwɔːlsɔːl, ˈwɒlsɔːl] ) Any
1086 (Doomsday Book) Wilmundecote
Wiltshire WÍLT-shə (= WILTON + SHIRE)
Winchester WÍN-chə-stə
Wisbech WÍZ-biich
[ˈwɪzbiːtʃ] (Cambridgeshire)
Wiswel WI-zəl [ˈwɪzəl] (Lancashire)
Witham WI-dhəm [ˈwɪðəm] (Lincolnshire – nom de riu i de
pobles). També (últimament?) WI-vəm [ˈwɪvəm].
Witham WI-təm [ˈwɪtəm] (Ésiks / Essex)
Wiverton Hall WI-və-tən HÔl (Nottinghamshire) [ˈwɪvətən] English country house near Tithby,
Nottinghamshire. (1) In June
1643, Queen
Henrietta, on her way from
Newark, wrote to the King: ‘I shall sleep at Werton [Wiverton], and thence to
Ashby, where we will resolve what way to take.’ (2) Wiverton, commonly called
Werton, now utterly depopulated... Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire.
Robert Thoroton. Vol 1. 1797. Grafia antiga: Wyverton. Nom local: Wuhuhtuhn “Werton”.
Wokingham WOU-king-əm Forma local: WOUK-nəm
Wombwell WUM-wel (South Yorkshire) [ˈwʊmwɛl]
Woolfardisworthy WUL-zəri (Devon). [ˈwʊlzəri]. S’escriu
també segons la pronunciació “Woolsery”
(per exemple, a cartells del poble, a més de la forma oficial) (encara que la
forma Woolzery seria més representativa)
Woolfardisworthy WUL-zi (Devon) [ˈwʊlzi] i WUL-zə-ri [ˈwʊlzəri]. També hi havia una pronunciació UL-zəri [ˈʊlzəri].
Woolwich WU-lich
Worcester WU-stə [ˈwʊstə] Una grafia més representativa és
“Wooster” però no es fa servir oficialment.
Worcestershire WU-stə-shə
Workington WƏƏ-king-tən [ˈwɜːkɪŋtən] (Cumbria). Localment WɅ-king-tən i WɅk-tən (ortografia popular: “Wuckington, Wuckton”)
Worstead WU-stəd (Norfolk) [ˈwʊstəd]
Woughton WUF-tən (Milton Keynes (Buckinghamshire)) [ˈwʊftən]
Wressle RE-zəl (East Riding of Yorkshire) [ˈrɛzəl]
Wrotham RUU-təm (Kent) [ˈruːtəm]
Wroughton RÔ-tən (Wiltshire) [ˈrɔːtən]
Wybunbury WIM-bri [ˈwɪmbri] (Cheshire), WIN-bə-ri [ˈwɪnbəri]
Wycombe (High) and (West) WI-kəm [ˈwɪkəm] (Buckinghamshire)
Wymondham WIN-dəm [ˈwɪndəm] (NÔfək / Norfolk).
Wyton WI-tən (KEIM-brij-shə
/ Cambridgeshire)
Yeavering YE-vər-ing [ˈjɛvərɪŋ] (Northumberland)
Yeovil YOU-vəl [ˈjoʊvəl]
Zouch zoch [ˈzɒtʃ] (Nottinghamshire)
1 -den: vall (anglès
antic den- = vall). Harden.
Harden HAA-dən
(anglés antic har- (=
llebre) + den- (= vall) ‘vall de les llebres”, hár-den
> háar-dən > háa-dən)
2 –don: turó (anglès antic
duun- = turó). Swindon.
SWIN-dən Probablament
(swiin = porcs (senglars)) + (duun = turó); turó dels porcs (senglars))
3 -den, -don: masia (alteració de la paraula en anglès antic tuun = masia). Harlesden
(Londres) Hér-wulfs-tuun (= masia de Hér-wuld, ‘llop de l’exercit’)ˈ
-fəd –ford (anglès antic ford- = gual)
-fək –folk (anglès antic folk- = família,
-ich –ich <
wich (anglès antic wik- = granja)
Woolwich WU-lich
-ij –ich < wich
(anglès antic wik- = granja)
DɅ-nij (Sʌ́fək
/ Suffolk).
Harwich HA-rij [ˈharɪdʒ]
Norwich NO-rij [ˈnɒrɪdʒ] (Norfolk)
-ik –ick < wick
(anglès antic wik- = granja)
-li –ley (anglès antic léeagh- (LÊAH) [ˈlaːɑx] = bosc; clariana; camp obert) (en anglès
modern, com a paraula independent (lii – vocal llarga), o com a element final
en paraules compostes (li vocal curta) amb vàries grafie - LEA, LEIGH, LEY)
-kəm –combe
Widecombe [ˈwɪdɪkəm] WI-di-kəm (Devon)
-məth –mouth (anglès antic muuth = boca)
-shə –shire (anglès antic shiir- = comtat)
-shə sovint és una pronunciació ortogràfica s-h
> sh (com sí Ben’s house (casa d’en Benjamí) (Bénz-haus) s’esgrigués
Benshouse, i en sort una nova prnunciació Ben-shouse (Bén-shaus)..
Amersham A-mə-shəm
-stə –‘(ke)ster’ (anglès antic < llatí
CASTR- = fortalesa, castell)
-stou –stow
-əl –well
Southwell SɅ-dhəl [ˈsʌðəl]
(Nottinghamshire) També [ˈsaʊθwɛl]
Tideswell TID-səl [ˈtɪdsəl] (Derbyshire)
Wiswel WI-zəl [ˈwɪzəl]
-əl –hill.
Daubhill DO-bəl (Manchester).
Snowshill SNOU-zəl [ˈsnoʊzəl] (Gloucestershire)
-əm –ham (anglès antic ham- = masia)
-əm –ham (anglès antic hamm- = prat)
clearings on the outskirts of British towns, for example, have the name hamm
feld (“island field”), suggesting
they once attracted floodwaters.
-əm –holm, holme.
Browsholme Hall BRUU-zəm [ˈbruːzəm] (Lancashire)
-əth –worth (anglès antic worth- = tancat,
estacada, granja). Correspon a –waard en nederlandès.
Dodworth DO-dəth [ˈdɒdəθ] (Barnsley, South Yorkshire)
Whitworth WI-təth [ˈwɪtəθ] (Rochdale)
Symbols / Símbols:
Turned e: majuscule Ǝ minuscule ǝ.
Schwa with acute (Ә́ ә́) is a letter of
the Cyrillic script.
Turned v: majuscule: Ʌ, minuscule: ʌ
ʌ with acute
accent: ʌ́
http:// []www.ə-saund_noms-de-lloc_place-names_0034c.htm