0841e Welsh
course: how to say should have / ought to have in Welsh. Fe ddylwn i
fod wedi aros - I should have waited. Ddylech chi ddim bod wedi gweud
hynnÿ - you shouldn't have said that
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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
1273e “An Elementary Welsh Grammar” by John Morris-Jones (1864-1929),
professor of Welsh at Coleg y Brifysgol (University College), Bangor. Published
in 1921 (when he was aged 56 / 57). “This grammar deals
with Modern Literary Welsh only. It follows the lines of my Welsh Grammar
Historical and Compararive, 1913, so far as that treats of the modern language;
but the matter has been largely re-written, and is in some respects more
Fe ddylwn i fod wedi - I should have
Fe ddylen ni fod wedi - we should have
Fe ddylet i fod wedi - you should have
Fe ddylech i fod wedi - you should have
Fe ddyle fe fod wedi (North Wales: Mi ddyle fo fod wedi) -
he should have
Fe ddyle hi fod wedi - she should have
Fe ddylen nhw fod wedi - they should have
Fe ddylwn i fod wedi mÿnd yn gÿnt - I should have gone earlier
Literally this is I should (fe ddylwn i) + be (fod) + after going (wedi mÿnd)
After an inflected verb, a following verb is soft-mutated
Fe ddylwn i + bod > Fe ddylwn i fod
Fe ddylwn i fod wedi mÿnd yn gÿnt - I should have gone earlier
[ve dhø lun i vood we di mind øn gint]
The endings for the other persons are pronounced:
-let ti [le ti]
-lech chi [le khi]
-le fe [le ve]
-le hi [led hi]
-len nhw [le nu]
1) The introductory particle fe is southern; in the north, mi is
used instead of fe
mi ddylwn i fod wedi
In some southern areas the particle fe is dropped but the mutation
is kept
ddylwn i fod wedi
In some southern areas the particle fe is not used and the radical initial
remains (ie thereis no soft mutation)
dylwn i fod wedi
2) In the affirative form it is possible to leave out the personal pronouns
(i, ni; ti, chi; fe, hi, nhw)
Fe ddylwn fod wedi mÿnd yn gÿnt
3) In the northern 'bora da' area - (= good morning, bore da) (where a
takes the place of e in final syllables), we have
mi ddylat ti / mi ddylach chi / mi ddyla fo / mi ddyla hi / mi ddylan nhw
01 they should have stayed at home
02 we should have brought the camera
03 you (ti) should have spoken to him
04 I should have parked the car here
05 you (chi) should have locked the door
06 you (chi) should have said something
07 I should have given it to him
08 he should have listened to her
09 we should have written earlier
10 she should have taken part
01 fe ddylen nhw fod wedi aros gartre
02 fe ddylen ni fod wedi dod â'r cámera
03 fe ddylet ti fod wedi siarad ag e
04 fe ddylwn i fod wedi parcio'r car fan hÿn
05 fe ddylechi fod wedi cloi'r drws
06 fe ddylech chi fod wedi gweud rhÿwbeth
07 fe ddylwn i fod wedi ei roi iddo
08 fe ddyle fe fod wedi gwrando arni
09 fe ddylen ni fod wedi sgrifennu yn gÿnt
10 fe ddyle hi fod wedi cymrÿd rhan
Ddylwn i ddim bod wedi - I should have
Ddylen ni ddim bod wedi - we should have
Ddylet i ddim bod wedi - you should have
Ddylech i ddim bod wedi - you should have
Ddyle fe ddim bod wedi (North Wales: ddyle fo ddim bod wedi) - he
should have
Ddyle hi ddim bod wedi - she should have
Ddylen nhw ddim bod wedi - they should have
There is soft mutation because the original structure has rhe negative particle
ni ddylech chi
which in the colloquial language has been dropped; ddim ('not') has been
added instead
ddylech chi ddim
This acts as a buffer between the inflected verb and bod so there is
no mutation of bod
01 I shouldn't have promised to her
02 he shouldn't have said that
03 we shouldn't have done that
04 you (ti) shouldn't have paid so much
05 she shouldn't have left it there
06 they shouldn't have drunk so much wine
07 I shouldn't have worn that jacket
08 you (chi) shouldn't have waited
09 you (chi) shouldn't have gone out
10 I shouldn't have shouted
01 ddylwn i ddim bod wedi addi iddi
02 ddyle fe ddim bod wedi gweud hynnÿ
03 ddylwn i ddim bod wedi gwneud hynnÿ
04 ddylet ti ddim bod wedi talu cymaint
05 ddyle hi ddim bod wedi ei gadael {gadel} fanno
06 ddylen nhw ddim bod wedi yfed cymaint o win
07 ddylwn i ddim bod wedi gwisgo'r siaced na
08 ddylech chi ddim bod wedi aros
09 ddylech chi ddim bod wedi mÿnd ma's
10 ddylwn i ddim bod wedi gweiddi
Adolygiad diweddaraf / Darrera actualització 30 05 1999
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