0912e Welsh grammar - the subjunctive. There are three tenses in Welsh -
presetn, imperfect, subjunct¡ve. The subjunctive is restricted to fossilised
phrases in the spoken language - such as asseverations - Duw a'ch bendithio -
may God bless you.
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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
1273e “An Elementary Welsh Grammar” by John Morris-Jones (1864-1929),
professor of Welsh at Coleg y Brifysgol (University College), Bangor. Published
in 1921 (when he was aged 56 / 57). “This grammar deals
with Modern Literary Welsh only. It follows the lines of my Welsh Grammar
Historical and Compararive, 1913, so far as that treats of the modern language;
but the matter has been largely re-written, and is in some respects more
Welsh Course - The subjunctive mood. Y modd
dibynnol. 0824 |
The subjunctive mood of the verb in Welsh expresses
possibility or purpose. It is rarely used spontaneously in colloquial Welsh -
usually it is found in fixed phrases
Present subjunctive of BOD. There are two possible
forms - a long form and a shorter form
1 |
2 |
+ WYF |
byddwyf |
bw^yf |
I am, I may be, etc |
+ OM |
byddom |
bôm |
we are, we may be, etc |
+ YCH |
byddych |
bych |
you are, you may be, etc |
+ OCH |
byddoch |
boch |
you are, you may be, etc |
+ O |
byddo |
bo |
she / he / it is, may be, etc |
+ ONT |
byddont |
bônt |
they are, they may be, etc |
The present subjunctive of regular verbs is the same
as with BOD (= to be)
bu +
AS + WN |
buaswn |
I see, I may see, etc |
bu +
AS + EM |
buasem |
we see, we may see, etc |
bu +
AS + IT |
buasit |
you see, you may see, etc |
bu +
AS + ECH |
buasech |
you see, you may see, etc |
bu +
AS + AI |
buasai |
she / he / it see, may see, etc |
bu +
AS + ENT |
buasent |
they see, they may see, etc |
The present sublunctive is used thus:
1) to express a wish with o na....
O na bawn i'n blentÿn unwaith eto - I wish I were a child again, if only
I were a child again, I wish I could be a child again
O na bawn heb fy ngeni - I wish I'd never been born, if only I'd never
been born
O na chawn i fod yn eich lle chi! - (< cael) I wish I was in your
place, I wish I could be in your place!
O na allwn ei wneud! I wish I could do it! How I wish I could do it! If
only I could do it!
Note: o na...! (Would that, would to God that, if
only) causes
spirant mutation of C P T :
C / CH
P / PH
T / TH
abd soft mutation of G B D M LL RH
G / -
B / F
D / DD
M / F
LL / L
RH / R
But with "o na bawn...", etc there is no mutation (*fawn)
2) to express a wish with (subject + a + verb) ....
Duw a'n cadwo - (may) God preserve us!
Duw a'n helpo - (may) God help us!
3) Indefinite future - used in literary Welsh after
pan / pa brÿd bynnag y, prÿd y = when, whenever, at whatever time
tra = whilst,
oni = unless, hÿd oni / bes y / hÿd y / nes y = until
wedi y = after
i le = to a place, to whatever place
Uses in colloquial Welsh are usually fixed phrases
a) the form mynnot / mynnoch
cewch ddod pa brÿd bynnag y mynnoch - yo can come whenever you want
ewch i le y mynnoch - go wherever you like
b) the expression does a wnelo ddim â - it's got nothing to do
c) tra bo dau - name of a folk song - while there are two (people
together), for as long as two people are together
d) Expresses purpose after fel y
e) After 'a', an indefinite pronoun meaning 'the person who, he who', 'the
thing that, what'
a gosto - whatever the cost, at all costs- let it cost what it may cost
6) may / might
pawb a weloch - everyone you see, all the people you might see
dywedwch wrth bawb a weloch - tell everyone you see
Cas gwr ni charo y wlad a'i maco = (it is)
bad (a) man he might not love the country which might rear him - someone who
does not love the country which has raised one is not a good person
Imperfect subjunctive of BOD. Again there
are two possible forms - a long form and a shorter form
FORM 1 |
FORM 2 |
bydd +
WN |
byddwn |
bawn |
I should be, (if) I were, etc |
bydd +
EM |
byddem |
baem |
we should be, (if) we were, etc |
bydd +
IT |
byddit |
bait |
you should be, (if) you were, etc |
bydd +
byddech |
baech |
you should be, (if) you were, etc |
bydd +
AI |
byddai |
bai |
she / he / it should be, (if) were, etc |
bydd +
byddent |
baent |
they should be, (if) they were, etc |
Also the imperative forms
bydded = let she / he / it be, may she / he / it be;
byddent = let them be, may they be
In colloquial Welsh
pe byddwn > pe bawn > petáwn > tawn
pe byddem > pe baem > petáen > taen
pe byddit > pe bait > petáit > tait
pe byddech > pe baech > petáech > taech
pe byddai > pe bai > petái > tai
pe byddent > pe baent > petáen > taen
Byddwn i wrth 'y modd, tawn i'n byw yno - I'd be very content if I lived
Petáwn i heb ddweud hynny! If only I hadn't said that!
hÿd yn oed taech chi'n rhoi canpunt imi - even if you gave me / were to
give me £100
Used to convey the ides of 'seem', 'to be as if...'
Yr oedd ei dwy lin fel petaent wedi eu rhewi i'r llawr - her two knees
seemed to be frozen to the floor, it was as if her two knees were frozen to the
The imperfect subjunctive is the same as
the imperfect indicative
gwel +
WN |
gwelwn |
1) I was seeing, I used to see |
gwel +
EM |
gwelem |
1) we were seeing, we used to see |
gwel +
IT |
gwelit |
1) you were seeing, you used to see |
gwel +
gwelech |
1) you were seeing, you used to see |
gwel +
AI |
gwelai |
1) she / he / it was seeing, used to see |
gwel +
gwelent |
1) they were seeing, they used to see |
mi hoffwn i pe gallwn ei wneud - I wish I could do it
Fe'i darllenwn, pe medrwn - I'd read it if I could
The pluperfect subjunctive of BOD is the
same as the pluperfect indicative
2 |
+ AS + WN |
buaswn |
1) I had been |
bydd +
AS + EM |
buasem |
1) we had been |
+ AS + IT |
buasit |
1) you had been |
+ AS + ECH |
buasech |
1) you had been |
+ AS + AI |
buasi |
1) she / he / it had been |
+ AS + ENT |
buasent |
1) they had been |
In colloquial Welsh
pe buaswn > petaswn > taswn / swn
pe buasem > petasen > tasen / sen
pe buasit > petasit > tasit / tet
pe buasech > petasech > tasech / sech
pe buasai > petase > tase / se
pe buasent > petasen > tasen / sen
And the pluperfect subjunctive is the
same as the plurperfect indicative
+ 'S + WN |
gwelswn |
1) I had seen |
+ 'S + EM |
gwelsem |
1) we had seen |
+ 'S + IT |
gwelsit |
1) you had seen |
+ 'S + ECH |
gwelsech |
1) you had seen |
+ 'S + AI |
gwelsai |
1) she / he / it had seen |
+ 'S + ENT |
gwelsent |
1) they had seen |
Conditional Sentences:
Fe'i darllenaswn, pe medraswn - I'd have read it if I had been able to
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