0913e Welsh grammar - reflexive pronouns (fi fy hun = I myself),
extended pronouns (a minnau - and I myself). The extended forms in -au are
pnounced generally with -e in colloquial Welsh (and -a in the north-west and
the south-east)
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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
1273e “An Elementary Welsh Grammar” by John
Morris-Jones (1864-1929), professor of Welsh at Coleg y Brifysgol (
Reflexive Pronouns (myself, ourselves, etc)
are formed by adding a form of the word 'un' [IIN] = one.
(1) hun [HIIN] = self (because it is stressed, an 'h' has developed in initial
(3) hunain [HII-nen] = self (plural form)
fy hun / fy hunan |
myself |
my own |
ein hunain |
ourselves |
our own |
dy hun / dy hunan |
yourself |
your own |
eich hun eich hunain |
yourself yourselves |
your own |
ei hun / ei hunan |
herself, himself, itself |
her own, his own, its own |
eu hunain |
themselves |
their own |
mi fy hun fi fy hun / fi fy hunan |
I myself |
ni ein hunain |
we ourselves |
ti dy hun / ti dy chdi dy hun / chdi dy |
you yourself ( |
chi eich hun chi eich hunain |
you yourselves |
hi ei hun / hi ei fe ei hun / fe ei hunan fo ei hun |
she herself he himself ( |
nhw eu hunain |
they themselves |
(y) fi fy
hun a ddywedodd hynnÿ wrthi - I myself said that to her
John 'i
himself told her
t81 Eluned Caer Madog / Hazel Charles EVANS / 1976 / Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul
Rhaid i
ni holi'n hunen dro ar ôl dro
have to ask ourselves constantly
t85 Eluned Caer Madog / Hazel Charles EVANS / 1976 / Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul
structure: (possessive determiner + noun + reflexive pronoun)
rhan fy hun - for my part "form my part (of) myself"
ar ei phen ei
With a
verbnoun the possessive determiner should precede the verb
ei ladd ei hun - kill himself
ei grogi ei hun - hang himself
ei feio ei hun - blame himself
imperatives there is no possessive determiner
rho dy hun yn fy lle i - put yourself in my place (not *dy ro dy hun)
often omitted
Mae e'n beio ei hun - he's blaming himself (= mae e'n ei feio ei hun)
2 is used after conjugated prepositions
gofalu amdano fe ei hun - look after himself
conjugated prepositions, structure 1 is used rather than structure 2 if not
gofalu amdano'i hun - look after himself
dweud wrthi ei hun - say to herself
meddwl gormod ohono'i hun - think too much of himself
meddwl drosto'i hun - think for himself
pawb drosto'i hun - every man for himself
Extended Pronouns (I too; I for my part, etc)
minnau / finnau (innau) |
minne / finne (inne) |
I too |
ninnau |
ninne |
we too |
tithau (dithau) |
tithe dithe |
you too |
chithau |
chithe |
you too |
hithau yntau |
hithe ynte |
she too, it too he too, it too |
nhwthau |
nhwthe |
they too |
Note: The
strictly literary forms of chithau and nhwthau are chwithau, hwÿthau
In North-west Wales tithau > chditha
In North-west Wales and
nghath i = my cat
fy nghath innau = my cat (in contrast)
Felly ninnau - we do too, so do we
Often in
the sense of 'considering that'
a minnau - considering that I was
a ninnau - considering that we were
a thithau - considering that you were
a chithau - considering that you were
a hithau - considering that she / it was
ac yntau- considering that he / it was
a nhwthau - considering that they were
Mae'n gallu
'neud yn iawn... a hithe 'di bod yn y coleg a phopeth
can do it (really) well... considering she's been to college and all
t80 Eluned Caer Madog / Hazel Charles EVANS / 1976 / Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul
a minnau -
and I was the one who
a ninnau - and we were the ones who
a thithau - and you were the ones who
a chithau - and you were the ones who
a hithau - and she / it was the one who
ac yntau- and he / it was the one who
a nhwthau - and they were the ones who
John Nant-y-bwch yn hanner marw a hithau oedd yn gyfrifol
Nant-y-bwch was half dead and she was the one who was responsible
t80 Eluned Caer Madog / Hazel Charles EVANS / 1976 / Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul
Adolygiad diweddaraf / Darrera actualització 30 05 1999
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