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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
1273e “An Elementary Welsh Grammar” by John
Morris-Jones (1864-1929), professor of Welsh at Coleg y Brifysgol (
Vowels reduced to schwa before the tonic accent
There are many examples of an vowel losing its quality
before a syllable with the stress. Sometimes the syllable itself falls away
1) pe buasai > pe tase > py tase. The syllable may fall away > Tase.
2) patronymics with 'ab / ap'.
The rule in modern Welsh is that ab is used
before a vowel (ab Owain), and ap before a consonant (ap Morgan, ap
Rhÿs, ap Hywel)
The vowel woul originally heve been long
mab - [maab] = son
Rhÿs mab Morgan [maab]
Rhÿs fab Morgan [vaab]
Rhÿs ap Morgan [ap]
The vowel lost its quality, as English representations
of certain ap names show
ap Siôn, ap Jôn / Upjohn
ap Rhisiart, ap Rhitshard / Uprichard
Before a consonant the whole syllable dropped away
ap Morgan > Morgan
Before (1) a vowel, (2) h- or (3) rh- the vowel of ap / ab dropped away, and p
/ b passed over to the following syllable. Sometime around 1600 the ap was
discarded altogether in forming patronymics
(1) ab Owen > Bowen, ab Owen > Owen
(2) ap Hywel > Pywel, ap Hywel > Hywel
(3) ap Rhÿs > Prÿs, ap Rhÿs > Rhÿs
3) Place Names - the resulting schwa taken
to be the definite article 'y'.
Aber Ffraw > Abérffraw > Y Berffro (village
in Môn,
Aber Mawdd > Abérmaw' > Y Bermo (town in Gwynedd,
Aradur > Y Radur (district of Caer-dÿdd,
Aber Riw > Abérriw < Y Berriw (village in
Adolygiad diweddaraf / Darrera
actualització 30 05 1999
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