Catalonia (Wales-Catalonia Webste). Welsh
Course. Emphasising question words. In English we may add phrases such as 'on
earth', 'in God's name', 'the hell', etc. In Welsh question words may be
similarly emphasised - adding phrases or words such as 'ar y ddaear' (on the
earth), 'gebÿst' (hangman's noose), 'gythraul' (devil), 'yn y bÿd mawr' (in the
big world). Beth yn y bÿd mawr wÿt ti'n wneud? What on earth are you doing?
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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
1273e “An Elementary Welsh Grammar” by John
Morris-Jones (1864-1929), professor of Welsh at Coleg y Brifysgol (University
College), Bangor. Published in 1921 (when he was aged 56 / 57). “This grammar deals with Modern Literary Welsh only. It follows the lines
of my Welsh Grammar Historical and Compararive, 1913, so far as that treats of
the modern language; but the matter has been largely re-written, and is in some
respects more detailed.”
Emphasising question words
In English, question words can be emphasised by adding
phrases such as 'on earth', 'in heaven's name', etc after them. This suggests
that the questioner has no idea, can't begin to guess when, why, what, etc; or
does not think that there is an easy answer to the question.
Examples of question words:
Pam = why
Pwÿ = who
Prÿd = when
Beth = what (especially North Wales: be')
Sut = how (South Wales: shwd / shwt)
Ble = where
Pronunciation: pam
[pam], pwÿ [pui], prÿd [priid], beth
[beeth], sut [sit],
shwt [shut],
In Welsh, we may add these phrases and words:
01 yn y bÿd = in the world
02 yn y bÿd mawr = in the big world
03 ar wÿneb y ddaear = on the face / surface of the
04 ar wÿneb daear = on the face / surface of earth
05 ar glawr daear = on the face / surface / cover of
06 ar y ddaear = on the earth
07 ar groen y greadigaeth = on the skin of creation
08 yn enw'r mawredd = in the name of the greatness /
the lord
09 goblÿn : soft-mutated form of coblÿn = goblin
10 gynllwÿn : soft-mutated form of cynllwÿn = rogue,
devil. Usually reduced to gynllwn
11 gythraul : soft-mutated form of cythraul =
goblin. Usually reduced to gythrel / gythral
12 (
13 (
14 (
15 ddiawl : soft-mutated form of diawl = devil
16 uffern = hell (In South Wales, yffach)
Pronunciation: yn y bÿd [øn ø biid], yn y bÿd mawr [øn ø biid maur], ar wÿneb y ddaear [ ar wi-neb ø dhei-ar], ar wÿneb daear [ar wi-neb dei-ar], ar glawr daear [ar glaur dei-ar], ar y ddaear [ar ø dei-ar], ar groen y greadigaeth [ar groin ø gre-e-di-geth],
yn enw'r mawredd [ ø ne-nur-mau-redh],
goblÿn [ go-blin], gynllwÿn / gynllwn [køn-lhuin, køn-lhuin],
gythraul, gythrel, gythral [gø-thrail
-threl -thral], gebÿst [ ge-bist],
gythgam [ gøth-gam], gythrwm [ gøth-rum], ddiawl [ dhyaul], uffern [ i-fern]
Pam yn y
Sut yn y bÿd mawr...
Pam ar wÿneb y ddaear...
Pam ar wÿneb y ddaear fawr...
Pam ar groen y greadigaeth...
Beth gynllwn wna i nawr? What on earth will I do now?
Ble ar wÿneb y ddaear (y) buost ti? Where in heaven's name have you been?
Sut yn y bÿd mawr y llwÿddodd e i gael
Mrs Lister i fÿnd i'r dre gydag e?
How on earth did he manage to get Mrs Lister to go to town with him?
Helÿnt y Maen Gwÿn / W J Jones / Gwasg Gee / Dinbÿch / dim dyddiad - no date /
Beth yffach sÿ'n bod, nawr?
What's the matter this time?
t76 Eluned Caer Madog / Hazel Charles EVANS / 1976 / Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul
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