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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia
La Web de Gal·les i Catalunya
Wales-Catalonia Website

Adran 18. Gaeleg
Apartat 18. Scottish (= Scottish Gaelic)

Comann an Luchd Ionnsachaidh

"the association for learners (of the Scottish language)"


Latest Update / Darrera Actualització
2000-08-05 : 2005-05-10


Extracts from the association's page Visit it and join up!

Guth, Fios, Goireasan, Compàirt - 'se seo na h-amasan aig CLI às leth a bhallrachd, agus às leth luchd-ionnsachaidh is luchd-taic uile na Gàidhlig.

Voice, Information, Facilities, Participation - these are what CLI seeks for its membership and for all learners and supporters of Scots Gaelic.

Agus tha CLI na charthannas coiteachaidh a tha ag adhartachadh na Gàidhlig - cànan beò Ceilteach na h-Alba; cànan nan daoine ris a chanar Albannaich bho thùs; cànan Chaluim Chille is ciad rìghrean na h-Alba; cànan a tha ri fhaicinn ann an ainmean àite air feadh tìr-mòr na h-Alba; cànan a tha giùlan pàirt fhallain chudromach de litreachas na h-Alba; cànan a tha ri chluinntinn air rèidio is telebhisean nàiseanta; cànan le margaid choimeirsealta a tha sìor fhàs; cànan a tha na mheadhan teagaisg ann an cròileagain is sgoiltean ann an iomadh ceàrn de dh'Alba.

And CLI is a campaigning charity which promotes the Scots Gaelic language - the language which is Scotland's living Celtic tongue; which was spoken by the first people to be called Scots; which was the language of the early Scottish court and St Columba; which has left its mark in place-names throughout mainland Scotland; which carries an important and healthy strand of Scottish literature; which is broadcast on national radio and television; which sustains an expanding commercial market; which is the language of tuition in playgroups and schools in many parts of Scotland.



• Guth luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a neartachadh

• Fiosrachaidh air gnothaichean Gàidhlig a sgaoileadh do luchd-ionnsachaidh

• Leasachaidh ann an goireasean ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh

• Compàirt luchd-ionnsachaidh ann an gnothaichean Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh

• To act as the voice of Scots Gaelic learners

• To disseminate information on Gaelic affairs to learners

• To promote improved Scots Gaelic learning facilities

• To promote the participation of learners in Gaelic affairs

Carson a bu chòir dhòmhsa bhith na mo bhall?

Why should I be a member?

Air sgàth na gheibh thu às - ceangal ri lìon nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta de luchd-ionnsachaidh is luchd-taic na Gàidhlig, le fios is barail air na tha dol agus na chuidicheas tu ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig agus anns an sgìre agad fhèin. Gu sònraichte, gheibh thu an asgaidh an ràitheachan dà-chànanach Cothrom, le dualchas, fiosrachadh, sgeulachdan, beachdan is lèirmheasan ann an Gàidhlig is Beurla, taobh ri taobh. Tha e air a dhealbh an dà chuid airson conaltradh agus airson gleans a chur air do chuid Gàidhlig. Ceannaichear teip dhen Ghàidhlig anns gach iris.

Because of what you can get - a link-up with a national and international network of Scots Gaelic learners and supporters, with news and views on what is on the go and what is there to help you on the Gaelic scene and in your own area. In particular, you will receive free of charge the bilingual quarterly Cothrom, with heritage, information, general articles, opinion and reviews in Gaelic and English parallel text. It is designed both for general reading and to help improve your command of Gaelic. A tape of the Gaelic in each issue is available for purchase.

Air sgàth na chuireas tu ris - do thaic a chumail ri adhartachadh na Gàidhlig le bhith cur ri àireamhan luchd-bruidhinn, ri guth taic ris a' chànan, ri fios aig càch air tachartasan ionadail neo dìreach ri meud is meas ChLI. 'Se buidheann charthanta air a ruith le bhallrachd a th'ann an CLI, is e an urra ri taic phoblach is shaor-thoileach.

Because of what you can give - whether by lending your support to the promotion of the Gaelic language by adding to the number of speakers, to the vocal support for the language, to the spread of awareness of local events or just by adding to the size and success of CLI. CLI is a charitable organisation run by its membership, dependant on public and voluntary support.

Don't forget to visit the association's website at Suas leis a' Ghàidhlig! (Up with Scottish!)



0640 Link to the page of Comann an Luchd Ionnsachaidh ('the Association of Learners'), an organisation for learners of the Scottish language (Gàidghlig / Gaelic / Gallic) This page gives a brief introduction to the Scottish langauge learners' organisation and a link to their page. For other pages click on these numbers:


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