Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia Adran 18. Gaeleg
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(Duilleag / Page x31·)
Shall we breakfast now? Am bus sinn ar traisg a nis?
If you please. Ma’s e bhur toil.
Sit down then. Dean suidhe mata.
Will you ask a blessing? An iarr sibh beannachd?
Will you have tea?
An gabh
thu té?
I prefer coffee.
Se cofi
is docha leam.
Here is your cup.
So do
Thank you. Gun ro’ math agaibh.
Do you like it sweet?
An toigh
leat milis e.
Not very sweet.
toigh gle mhilis.
You’ll take sugar and cream. Gabhaidh tu siucar is cía.
Very little sugar.
bheag siucair.
There’s an egg here for you. Tha ubh an so air do shon.
I prefer a bit of that ham. B’ fhearr leam mir de’n mhuicfheoil chrochte sin.
There’s a nice mutton-chop here. Tha staoig mhuilt-’eoil lughach an so.
Some toast. Beagan arain cruaidhichte.
Will you not take butter Nach gabh thu im?
I did not notice.
Cha tug
mi toigh.
Here’s some fresh butter So im úr.
It seems very nice.
Tha e
sealltainn gle mhath.
You’ll take another cup. Gabhaidh tu cup eile?
No, just half a cup, please Cha ghabh, direach leth cùpa.
Some more bread?
tuille arain?
One of those barley scones. Te dhe na breacagan eorna sin.
There’s a cake of oat bread. Sin bonnach arain coirce
I like this very much.
’S toigh
learn so gle mhath.
I sometimes take a little porridge at breakfast. Bi’ beagan lit agam-sa air uairean ’sa mhadainn
That is the native diet. B’e sin am biadh duthchasach.
Won’t you have anotlier morsel of ham? Nach gabh thu crioman eile de’n mhuic-’eoil?
No, I have done very well. Cha ghabh, rinn mi gle mhath.
(Duilleag / Page x32·)
Dinner is ready.
biadh deas.
Let us sit down then.
suidhe, mata
I will sit by you.
mise lamh riut sa (ribh-se).
That is your napkin.
Sin do
(bhur) lamh-an-art-sa.
Who wants hare-soup?
Co tha airson
I’ll take some.
mise beagan.
Have you got any other soup? Bheil eanaraich sam bith eil’ agad (agaibh)?
I have nice cock-a-leekie Tha deadh shugh-chreamh agam.
Send me a plate, please. Cuir truinnseir an so de.
You have chosen well.
’Smath a
thagh thu (sibh)
That’s enough. Tha sin ni’s leoir.
Do you like that broth? An toigh leibh am brot?
Yes; it has a fine colour ’Stoigh, tha dath math air.
Will you have a little more? An gabh thu (sibh) beagan tuille?
No, thank you. Cha. ghabh, gun ro’ math’ agad (agaibh.)
I have some cod-fish here. Tha glas-iasg agam an so.
Any fried haddocks?
adagan friocht?
Yes, I’ll send; you one. Tha, cuiridh mi ugad (ugaibh) te.
Who’ll take salmon?
ghabhas brattan?
A little of it here.
an so de.
The sauce is over there. Tha’n sabhsa thall an sin.
Will you hand me the vinegar? Fair a nall am fion-geur.
I beg your pardon.
Tha mi
guidhe matheanais.
Here are some dressed fowls. Seallaibh coin dheasaichte.
A little poulet-soute.
isean carr-bhruichte.
That bird seems very tender. Th’an t-eun sin gle thais.
Shall I help you to wing? An toir mi duit (duibh) sgiath?
No, thank you. Cha toir, gun ro’ math agaibh.
(Duilleag / Page x33·)
Try a bit partridge. Fiach mir circ-thomain.
Yes, I like that.
’s toigh leam sin.
Fill your glass.
Lion do
ghlaine (bhur glaine.
Is this wine? ’N e fion tha’n so?
Yes, there’s whisky.
’Se, sin
I’ll take spring water. Gabliaidh mi ms^e ‘n fhuarain.
Here’s a fine haggis.
taigeis bhriagh.
A little bit for me.
beag domh-sa.
Wouldn’t you like mutton cutlet? Nach gabha tu (sibh) muilt’eoil ghearrte?
No, I like this.
ghabh, ’s toigh leam so.
Will you carve please?
An roinn
thusa (sibhse) ’n fheoil?
Yes, give me a knife.
fiachaibh sgian
What have you there?
De th’
agad (agaibh) an sin?
Roast beef. Mairt-’eoil roiste.
Pass a plate. Cuir (cuiribh) nuas truinnsir.
Do you like it fat?
An toigh
leat (leibh) reamhar e?
Moderately fat.
I see some boiled mutton there. Tha mi faicinn muilt-’il bhruich an sin.
Here you are then.
So ugad
(ugaibh) mata.
Not so much as that.
lugha na sin.
You have no mustard.
sgcallan meilt’ agad.
A little salt here.
salainn an so.
Here are the potatoes.
So am
One or two of them.
Fear no
dha dhiubh.
Won’t you have another slice? Nach gabh thu (sibh) sliseag eile?
I’ll take’ a spoonful of the mince meat. Gabhai’mi làn spáin de’n fheoil phronn.
Another potato?
You take some beer or wine? ’Ne leann gha’as tu (sibh) no fion?
Thank you, I have water Gun ro’ math agaibh, tha uisg’ agam.
Here is some good port. So fion dearg math.
I’m doing very well.
Tha mi
deanamh gle mhath.
What are those?
tha’n sin?
These are jellies.
Take a bit cheese.
crioman caise.
(Duilleag / Page x34·)
You’ll take a cup of tea? Gabahaidh tu (sibh) cùpa téa?
Thank you. Tha mi ’n ’
Bring us hot water.
ugainn uisge teth.
You take cream?
tu (sibh) cía?
If you please. Ma’s e bhur toil.
The sugar bowl is near you. Tha’n soitheach-siucair lamh riut (ribh.)
I’ll help myself.
mi fhein e.
Have some bread.
I’ll take wheaten bread. Gabhaidh mi aran-cruineachd.
Here is some beautiful honey. So mil briagh.
I like these preserves. ’S toigh leam na measan greidhte so.
There are both rasps and currants. Tha suidheagan is dearcagan an sin.
They’re very nice.
Tha iad
gle ghrinn.
You have no bread.
aran agad (agaibh).
I’m for no more.
tuille uam.
You’ll take a single biscuit. Gabhai’ tu (sibh) aon bhreacag chruineachd.
I enjoyed the tea, very much. Mheall mi an tèa gle mhor.
We’ll have a little supper Gabhai’ sinn beagan suipeir.
I have no objection.
Cha chur
mi ’n aghaidh sin.
Will you take a bit ham? An gabh thu (sibh) crioman muic-’oil?
Anything cold. Rud sam bith fuar.
Would some oysters do?
deanadh eisirean an gnothuch?
Very well. Gle mhath.
Bread and cheese?
Aran is
A little of them too.
diu sin cuideachd
Here are some pies and tarts. Sealla’ pitheana fheoil is mheas.
I’m glad to see them.
Tlia mi
toilicht’ am faicinn.
Pour out some beer.
Cuir a
mach lennn.
I’ll try this porter.
mi am portair so.
(Duilleag / Page x35·)
Show me a bedroom.
domh seomar-leapa.
Yes, step this way.
thigibh an so
I don’t like this room. Cha toigh leam an t-aite so
Here is another empty.
So ait’
eile falamh.
I prefer that. ’Se sin is docha leam.
You can have that.
sibh sin.
How much doyou charge per night. Cia meud tha e ’san oich’
Ten shillings. Deich tasdan.
It’s too dear. Tha e ro dhaoir.
I can show you a cheaper room. Fiachaidh mi aite ni’s saoire duibh.
This will do. Ni so an gnothuch.
Do you wish anything?
Bheil ni
sam bith uaibh?
Is there a bell?
clag ann?
There it is. Sin e.
I want to wash myself.
Tha mi
airson mi fhein a ghlanadh.
I’ll send you soap and a towel. Cuiridh mi ugaibh siapunn is searadair.
And a brush and comb.
Agus cir
is bruis.
Immediately. ’S an uair
Is my luggage come?
tainig mo ghoireas-turuis?
Not yet. Cha tainig fhathast.
Send it here when it comes. Cuir an so e nuair thig e.
I will. Cuiridh.
I’ll stay for a few days. Ni mi tamh airson beagan laithean.
We’ll be delighted.
Bi’ sinn
gle thoilichte.
Get my boots cleaned.
Faic mo
bhótan air an glanadh.
I’ll send up some slippers Cuin mi suas cuarana.
Do, and get a fire for me Dean is faigh teine dhomh.
In a moment. Ann a tiota.
Order some tea for me.
Iarr tea
air mo shon.
I’ll be down soon.
Bi’ mi
sios ’s an uair.
Where is the public room. C’aite bheil an seomar cumanta?
(Duilleag / Page x36·)
Have you any rooms to let? Bheil seomraichean agaibh ri’n suidheach
We have furnished rooms Tha le airneis annta.
May I see them?
Am faod
mi’m faicinn?
Certainly; walk in.
cinnteach; thigibh stigh.
I would prefer them on the ground floor. B’ fhearr leam air an urlar iosal iad.
Is it a bedroom you want? Ne seomar-leapa tha uat (uaibh)?
Yes and a sitting-room. Se agus seomar-suidhe?
Those are to let.
Tha iad
sin ri’n suidheacha.
How much are they per week. ’De bhios iad ’san t-seachduin?
Two pounds. Da phunnd sasunnach’.
Are they not dear?
Nach eil
iad daor?
We can’t take less.
urrainn sinn ni’s lugha gha’il.
Have you rooms on the next flat? Bheil rumaichean agaibh air an ath urlar?
Yes, I’ll show them.
fiachaidh mi iad.
I shall not dine at home. Cha ghabh mi mo bhiadh aig an tigh.
Will you not take breakfast? Nach gabh sibh am biadh maidne?
Yes, sometimes.
air uairibh.
You will need a
fire. Feumaidh sibh teine;
You’ll provide that.
sibhse sin.
It will be extra charge. Bi’ e’n corr airgid.
I will take these rooms. Gabhaidh mi iad so.
Have you another bedroom to let. Bheil scomar-leap’ eile falamh agaibh?
Yes. Tha
A friend of mine wants one. Tha caraid domh ’giarraidh fear
We’ll be glad to see him. Bi’ sinn toilicht fhaicinn
Are the rooms ready?
Bheil na
ruman ullamh?
Almost. Faisg air.
When can I come?
C’uin a
thig mi?
Anytime you like.
Uair sam
May I came tomorrow-?
Faod mi
tigh’n a maireach?
(Duilleag / Page x37·)
Call me in the morning? Duisg(ibh)’s a mhadainn mi
At what o’clock?
De ’n
Send up my shoes.
ugam mo bhrogan.
Is breakfast ready?
Bheil a
bhraiceas deas?
You’ll have it at once. Gheibh thu (sibh) air an uair i.
I’ll dine at home to-day Bi’ mi dachaidh gum’ dhiot.
When do you wish it?
C’uin bu
mhath leat (leibh) i?
I may possibly have a friend with me. Theagamh gum bi caraid comhla rium.
I shall dine out to-day. Gheibh mi mo dhineir o’n tigh an diugh.
I won’t be home till late. Bi’ e anmoch mu’s tig mi.
Shall we sit up for you? Am feith sinn riut (ribh)?
You need not. Cha ruig sibh leas.
Can I have a key to let myself in? Am faigh mi iuchair gu faighinn staigh?
Has the post brought me anything? An tug am post ni domhsa?
Nothing. Cha tug dad.
Did any one call for me? An tainig neach sam bith ’g am iarraidh?
A gentleman called.
Did he leave any message? An d’fhag e fios sambith?
He said he would call again. Thuirt e gun tigeadh e rithis.
I would like a fire on. Bu mhath leam teine.
Will you give me a light? An toir sibh domh solus?
Leave the door open.
Fag an
dorus fosgailte.
Shut the door. Duin an dorus.
Bring me some cold water. Thoir(ibh) ugam uisge fuar.
Give me my bill.
domh mo chunntaa.
I will pay it to-morrow. Paidh’ mi maireach i.
I leave in a week.
Bi’ mi
falbh ann an seachduin.
You have been very attentive. Bha sibh gle fhritheilteach.
I will send for my things. Cuiridh mi airson na bhuineas domh.
(Duilleag / Page x38·)
XVII. In Town
Shall we take a walk? An teid sinn a shraid-imeachd?
I am quite willing.
Tha mi
In what direction shall we go? ’De taobh an teid sinn?
Let us visit the Town Hall. Gabhamaid gu Talla mor a Bhaile.
Do you know the way?
aithne duit (duibh) an rathad?
We will inquire about it. Feoraichidh sinn m’a dheighinn.
Which is the way to the Town Council Hall. Cia’n rathad gu Talla Comuinn a Bhaile?
Take the first turn to the right. Ga’ibh a chiad tionndadh gu’s an laimh dheas.
Is that all? ’Ne sin uile?
Then go straight on.
ga’ibh direach romhaibh.
How far is it away?
Cia fada
d’a ionnsuidh?
About three hundred yards. Mu thri chiad slat.
Many thanks to you.
taing duit (duibh)
Here it is at last.
So e mu
What a splendid edifice! Nach briagh ‘naitreabh e!
Yes, it’s magnificent.
Tha e
gle mhaiseach.
Shall we go in?
An teid
sinn staigh?
I wish to go. Tha mise airson a dhol.
The architecture is very ornate. ’Saluinn an seorsa togail a th’air.
It contains some fine pictures. Tha dealbhan gle ghrinn ann.
Have you seen enough?
Am faca
tu (sibh) ni’s leoir?
Yes, let us go out.
theid sinn a mach.
What church is that?
eaglais tha sin?
That is the
It is a very handsome pile. S aillidh an togail i.
Yes, it’s ancient.
tha i gle shean.
The streets are well kept. ’Smath tha iad cumail nan sraid.
The town can afford that. Tha’m baile comasach
(Duilleag / Page x39·)
Is it the river water that the people use?
uisge na h-aimhne tha’n sluagh a cleachdadh?
No, they got it from the waterworks. Cha’n e, tha iad ’g a fhaighinn o’n obair- uisge.
Where does it come from? Cia as tha e tighinn?
In pipes from the hills. Ann am pioban o na cnuic.
What house is that with the grated windows? ’De’n tigh tha sin leis na h-uinneagan iaruinn?
That is the Court-house. So sin an tigh-móid.
Where the Sheriff sits? Far am bi’n siorra ’na shuidhe?
No, the Sheriff is not the judge there. Cha’n e ’n Siorra is breitheamh an sin.
Where is he? C’aite bheil e-san?
In the
Who preside in this court? Co tha air ceann na cuirte so?
The Provost and Bailies Am Prothaiste ’s na Bailli’ean.
And are the police constables under their
direction? ’Sam beil na maoran- sithe fo’n smachdsa?
Yes. Tha.
Do they rule the whole town? ’N iadsan tha riaghladh a bhail’ uile?
Yes, with the Burgh Corporation. ’Siad comhia ri Comunn a Bhaile.
These are fine shops.
na buithean sin
Yes, the windows are very handsome. ’Sbriagh, tha na h-uinneagan gle eireach- dail.
Shall we cross the bridge? An teid sinn null thar an drochaid?
If you like. Ma thogras tu (sibh).
Is that a schoolhouse?
tigh-sgoil tha’n sin?
That is the College.
’Si sin
an ard-sgoil.
It is not under the School Board? Cha’n’eil i fo Bhord nan Sgoil?
No. Cha’n’eil.
Where is the Infirmary? C’aite bheil an tigh- eiridin?
It is outside the town. Tha e mach as a bnaile.
This seems to be the market. Tha so coltach ris a mhargadh.
(Duilleag / Page x40·)
Yes, shall
we pass through it? Tha, an teid sinn troimpe?
We may
do so. Faodaidh
sinn sin
Is it
here the fairs are held? ’N ann an so bhi’s na feilltean?
I don't
think so. Cha’n’eil
mi duil gur ann.
It is
very crowded. Tha i gle dhomhail.
I would
like to see the
We may
go round that way. Faodaidh sinn cuairt a gha’il mar sin.
Is this
the direction to the town's park? ’Ne so’n rathad gu pairc a bhaile?
this is it. Cha’n
e, ’se so e.
Are we
near it? Bheil
sinn faisg oirre?
It is
at the end of that street. Tha i aig ceann na sràide sin.
we take a cab? An gabh sin carbad?
prefer to walk. Is docha leam-sa coiseachd.
It is
more agreeable here. Tha e ni’s taitnich an so.
and we can get a view of the town. Tha, ’s gheibh sinn sealladh de’n bhaile.
It's a
busy place. Tha
e’n a aite deanadach.
Yes, and
a dirty smoky place. Tha’s na aite smuideil, salach.
are a good many chimney-stalks. Tha aireamh mhath de shimealaran dubha ann.
of foundries, factories, and the like. Gu h-àirid de fùirneasan, tighean-ceirde ’s a lethid sin
extensive wall is this? De’m balla môr tha so?
That is
the prison enclosure. ’Se sin cuairteachadh a phriosan.
you like to see the cemetery? Am bu toigh leat a chladh a fhaicinn?
I am
indifferent Tha
mi coma co dhiu.
Or the
town's library? No leabhar-lann a bhaile?
I am
not very anxious. Cha’n’eil’ mi gle iarrtnach.
you are getting tired? Theagamh gum beil thu (sibh) fàs sgith?
Yes, a
little. Tha
(Duilleag / Page x41·)
Then we will return. Tillidh sinn mata.
It is time, at any rate. Tha e’n t-am co dhiu.
What hall is this?
talla tha so?
That is where all kinds of meetings take place. S ann an sin a bhi’s coinneamhan
de gach seorsa.
Is there anything tonight? Bheil ann a nochd?
There is some concert.
co-sheirm air chor eigin.
Then I will attend.
mis’ uige, mata.
Where is the high street? C’aite bheil an t-Sraid Arda?
It is at the end of this wynd. Tha i air ceann na caol-shraid so.
We will go to the town’s cross. Theid sinn gu crois a bhaile.
Let us cross the street. Siubhlamaid tarsuinn na sraide.
Mind yourself. Thoir(ibh)
toigh ort (oirbh) fein.
This is rather dangerous. Tha so car cunnartach.
Shall we go to see the bridge? An teid sinn choimhead na drochaid?
Yes, we may. Faodaidh sinn sin.
What are those horses waiting here for? C’arson tha na h-eich sin a feitheamh an so?
These are for conveying any one who may need
them. Airson bhi giulan neach sam bith aig am bi
feum daibh.
Let us take one of them, then. Gabhamaid fear diubh, mata.
Where shall we drive to? C’aite an teid sinn?
Down to the bridge.
Sios gus
an drochaid.
What is the fare?
Cia miad
tha’n iomairt?
A shilling a mile.
am mile.
Tell him to drive faster. Abair ris dhol ni’s luaithe.
What bell is that?
clag tha sin?
These are the cathedral bells. ’Siad sin cluig na h-eaglais mhoir.
They are very sweet.
Tha iad
gle bhinn.
I think we have seen enough. Tha mi duil gum faca sinn gu leoir.
Where will we turn now? C’aite ’n tionndaidh sinn a
We will go home.
sinn dachaidh.
(Duilleag / Page x42·)
In The Country.
I'm going out into the country Tha mi dol mach gus an duthaich
Are you going far? Bheil
thu (sibh) dol fada?
A few miles Beagan
May I accompany you? Am faigh mi comhla riut (ribh)?
Yes, I'll be glad to have your company Gheibh, bith mi toilicht’ do (bhur)
cuideachd fhaotainn
Shall we keep the high road? An cum sinn an rathad mòr?
Yes, most of the way Cumadh sa chuid is mo de’n uidhe
The road is not even Chan eil an rathad comhnard
It is destroyed by the wheel ruts Tha e air a mhilleadh le claisean nan
Yonder is a nice footpath Sud frith-rath’dan laghach
We will take it Gabhaidh
sinn e
Perhaps people are not allowed to take this path Theagamh nach fhaod sluagh bhi ga’il a cheum
Yes, it's quite public Faodaidh, tha e cumanta gu leoir
Whose ground is this? Co leis am fearann seo?
It's part of ____ estate Buinidh e do oighreachd ____
Where is the mansion house? Càite am beil an tigh mòr?
There it is on the hill Sin e air a chnoc
It is beautifully sheltered by trees ’S grinn a tha e air a dhìon le crao’an
What is that fenced place? Den t-ait’ tha sin air a dhùnadh a-staigh?
That is a preserve for rearing pheasants and such birds
’Se sin aite dùinte
airson arach easagan is eoin mar sin
What rumbling noise is that? Den tòirm tha sud?
That is the noise of the waterfall ’Se sud fuaim an eas
It must be very large Feumaidh gum beil e gle mhòr
(Duilleag / Page x43·)
It is pretty high Tha e
math arda
Where is it? Càite
bheil e?
It is beyond that wood Tha e air taobh thall na coille sin
And this is the proprietor's farm? Agus ’se seo tuathanas an uachdarainn?
Yes ’Se
These are beautiful fields ’Se briagh ma h-achaidhean sin
Yes, it seems to be good soil Seadh, tha coltach talamh math air
We can get a fine view from this hill Gheibh sinn sealladh math o’n chnoc seo
I can see the river from here Chi mi an amhainn a seo
Yes, and the lake it comes out of Chi, san loch as a bheil i tighinn
Where is the church of the parish? Càite bheil eaglais na sgìre seo?
It is near the village Tha i fasig air a chlachan
Is that the little town we passed? ’N e sin am baile beag air an deach’ sinn
It is ’Se
What place is yon? Den
t-ait’ tha sud?
Yon is the mill ’Se sud
a mhuilinn
What house is near it? Den tigh tha faisg oirre?
I think it's an inn Tha mi’n duil gur e tigh-òsda
This is a beautiful district ’S briagh an t-aite seo
Yes, especially in summer ’S briagh, gu h-araid san t-samhradh
(Duilleag / Page x44·)
1.19 At Sea.
Now we’re off.
Keep her to windward.
Cum ris
Out to the sea?
Mach gus
a chuan?
Yes. Seadh.
We have the wind now.
ghaoth againn a
Is the boat on the shore? Bheil am bát’ air an traigh?
I left it there.
mis, an sin e.
Come on board then.
Thig air
bord mata.
Here are the oars.
na raimh.
Pass them here.
Cur an
so iad.
Shall we row? An iomair sinn?
Yes just now. Iomraidh an traths’.
Shall I sit at the helm? An suidh’ mis’ air an stiùir?
Do so. Dean sin.
The sea ia beautiful.
mhuir gle bhriagh.
The sea air is bracing. Tha gaoth na mara neartachail.
How slowly we seem to move! Nach sinn tha dol mall!
What large
vessel is that? ’De ’n soitheach mor tha sin?
That is a steamer.
What is it doing here?
’De tha
i deanamh an so?
Assisting ships up the stream. Cobhar luingeas suas an t-sruth.
The opposite coast is dangerous. Tha’n cladach fa’r co’ar cunnartach.
There are many rocks.
moran chreag ann.
I hear that there are many wrecks annually. Tha mi cluinntinn gu bheil moran
luingeas briste ann h-uile bliadhna.
Is there a life-boat near? Bheil bàta airson tearnadh beatha faisg?
There is one six miles away. Tha fear sia mile air falbh.
What place is this?
De’n t
aite tha so?
Who is that man?
duine tha sin?
May we safely leave the boat here? Bheil e sabhailt am bát’ fhagail an so?
We will pull round the island. Tarruingidh sinn cuairt an eilein.
Take you the oars.
thusa na raimh.
(Duilleag / Page x45·)
Hand me the baler. Cuir a
nail an taoman.
Keep out the water.
Cum a mach an t-uisge.
I have lost an oar-pin. Chaill mi putag.
There it is on the bench Sin i air an tobhta.
We need not row.
Clia ruig sinn leas iom- rain.
Haul up the sail.
Tarruing suas an sgod.
Keep her steady.
Cum air do làimh.
She has plenty way.
Tha pailteas astar aice.
Yea, she’s ploughing the waves Tha i gcarradh nan tonn
We’ll pass below that island. Theid sinn seachad fo’n eilean sin.
Remember these rocks.
Cuimhnich na creagan.
Is it flood tide just now? ’Ne’n làn a tha’nn an traths?
No, it’s ebb tide.
Cha’n e ach an traghadh
Now we’re out of the strait.
What ships are these?
’De na luingeas tha sin?
Some of them are men-of-war, Se luingeas chogaidh th’ann an cuid diu’.
Let us go nearer.
Gabhamaid ni’s fhaisge.
They are at anchor.
Tha iad air achdair.
We’ll board that one.
Theid sinn air bord na luinge sin.
Pass under her bow.
Gabh seachad fo toiseach.
Lower the sail.
Lasaich an seol.
Put about. M’ain
cuairt i.
Come under the ladder.
Thig fo’n fharadh.
Pass the painter.
Nall am ball.
Where is the captain?
C’ aite bheil an ceannard?
He’s on the quarterdeck Tha e ’sa cheann deiridh
What instrument is that? ’De’n inneal tha sin?
A compass. Tha
cairt iuil.
These are strong masts. ’S laidir na croinn sin.
I would like to be a sailor Bu toigh leam bhi am sheoladair
As long as the sea is quiet. Fhad’s a bhiodh a mhuir samhach.
A seaman’s life has its own dangers Tha a cunnartan fhein aig beatha maraiche
(Duilleag / Page x46·)
1.20 Shooting
We are going to hunt. Tha sinn
dol a shealg.
I’ll accompany you.
Theid mise comhla ribh.
Get your gun then.
Faigh do ghunna mata.
Let out the dogs.
Leig a mach na coin.
Shall I unleash, them?
An leig mi de’n tail iad?
You may. Faodaidh
tu sin.
Do we keep to the hills? An cum sinn am monadh
It will be better.
’Se sin is fhearr.
I cannot fire a shot today. Cha’n urrainn domh urchair a thilgeil an
Why not? C’arson
My hand shakes BO.
Tha mo laimh air chrith
My powder is wet.
Tha m’ fhudair-sa flaoch
There are some grouse.
Sin cearcan-fraoich.
Shall I fire at them if An loisg mi orra?
We’ll shoot them on the wing. Tilgidh sinn iad air sgiath.
Cock your guns.
Cuiribh bhur gunnachan air lugh.
Blaze away. Cuiribh
smùid riu.
Have you killed anything? An do mharbh thu dad?
I wounded one.
Will you give me some shot? An toir thu domh fras?
Here, load this gun.
So, lion an gunna so.
Is it with small shot?
’Nann Ie min-fhras?
No, with a bullet.
Cha’n ann ach le peileir.
The deer are beyond that hill. Tha na feidh taobh thall a chnuic sin.
Here they come.
So a tigh’n iad.
There’s Your chance!
Sin do chothrom!
What have I killed.
De mharbh mi?
A beautiful hind.
Mharbh eilid bhriagh.
I must get the antlers. Feumaidh mi an cabaif fhaotainn.
Where are the gillies?
C’aite blieil na gillean?
Shout for them.
Thoir an eigh orra.
Here, lad, take up that hare. So, ghille, tog a mhaigheach sin.
Go for the pony.
Siubh’l airson an eich.
Bring me some powder.
Thoir ugam fúdair.
(Duilleag / Page x47·)
1.21 Fishing
Come away to fish. Tiugainn
a dh’ iasgach.
Have you another rod?
Am bhuil slat eil’ agad?
I have, a fair one.
Tha sin agam, te ghrinn
This is a good hook.
’Smath an dubhan so.
Will you have a fly?
’N gabh thu (sibh) cuileag?
Yes, what kind suits this water best? Gabhaidh, ’de seorsa fhreagras an t-uisge?
I’ll choose one for you. Taghai’ mi te mhathduit
Shall we go down the river? An teid sinn sios an anihainn?
Yes, on the other side. Theid air a bhruaich eile
Try that pool. Fiach an
linne sin.
Let out your line, .
Leig a mach do dhriamlach.
I have got a nibble.
Fhuair mi sgobadh.
Keep quiet. Cum
They are taking to-day. Tha iad a ga’ail an diugh
Have you got anything?
An d’ fhuair thu dad?
I’ve caught a few trout Ghlac mi beagan bhreac
My basket is empty.
Tha mo chliabhsa falamh
Shall we go out in the boat? An teid sinn a mach ‘sa bhata
Yes, if we get some one to row. Theid, ma gheibh sinn neach gu iomair.
Here’s Donald.he’ll come So Doiuiil, thig csan.
Get out the oars, Donald Mach na raimh. aDhonuil
You can now row slowly Faoda’ tu
We’ll try the rods.
Fiachaidh sinn na slatan
Dress these hooks.
Stailc na dubhanan so.
I have caught a herring. Rug mis’ air sgadan.
Try a different bait.
Fiach maghair eile.
The fish are plentiful here. Tha’n t-iasg pailt an so.
Especially white fish.
Gu h-araid iasg geal.
Will you try the net?
Am fiach sibh an lion?
Yes, let us have it.
Fiachaidh, thoir duinn i
Now, row away.
I’ll pay it out.
Leigidh mis’ a mach i.
Pull ashore. Tarruing
gu cladach.
I think we have got something. Tha mi n duil gu’n d’ fhuair sinn ni eigin.
The net is very heavy.
Tha’n lion gle throm.
What a fine haul!
Nach briagh an lad sin!
(Duilleag / Page x48·)
XXII. Athletic Games.
Where are the Games to-day. C’aite
bheil na cluichean an diugh?
They are on a green meadow down here. Tha iad air faich uaine sios an so.
Are there many people?
Bheil moran sluaigh ann?
Yes, a large assembly.
Tha, cruinneachadh mor
What is going on now?
‘De tha’r a deanamh an traths?
They’re putting the stone. Tha’d a cur na cloiche.
Are these the competitors? ’N iad sin na co-shreipich?
Yes. ’S iad.
Is the competition over? Bheil an co-dheuchann thairis?
I think so. Tha mi
’n duil sin.
Wlio has won? Co a
That stalwart champion An curaidh laidir sin.
How far did he throw?
Cia fada chur e?
Twenty-nine feet three inches. Naoi troi’ fichead ’s tri oirlich.
He did very well.
º’Smath a fhuaradh e.
What’s the next thing?
’De ‘n ath rud?
Throwing the hammer.
Tilgeil an uird.
We must clear off then. Feumaidh sinn sgaoileadh mata.
Yes, it is sometimes dangerous. Feumaidh, tha e air uairean cunnartach.
That was a splendid throw. Bu ghrinn an urchair sud.
He gave it a good swing Thug e siud math dha.
Let us go and see the leaping. Siuhh’lamaid a choimhead nan leum.
That’s what they call the long leap. Sin rud ris an abair iad an leum fada.
That fellow crossed the mark. Chaidh am fear sin thar a chomharradh.
I could jump as far as that myself. Bheirinn fein leum cho fada sin.
The ground is too slippery. Tha’n talamh ro shleamhuinn?
We’re to have high leap now. Gheibh sinn leum arda
He cleared it easily.
Chaidh a thairis glan gu furasda.
(Duilleag / Page x49·)
That was a good spring. Bu mhath a chrninn leum sin.
They’re tossing the caber where we left. Tha’d a cur a chabair far an robh sinn.
Yes, and it’s a gigantic caber they have. Tha ’s is tomadach an cabair a th’aca.
These are fine muscular fellows. ’S grinn gramail na gillean iad.
Yes, indeed, they have well deserved their
prizes. Seadh, gu dearbh, ’smath thoil
iad an duaisean.
We have not seen the race-course yet. Cha’n fhaca sinn am blair- rcis fhathast.
No, but the races are over. Cha’n fhac’, ach tha na reisean seachad.
I would have liked to see them. Bu mhath leam am faicinn.
Did many run? An robh
moran a ruith?
Yes, there was a good competition. Bha, bha deuchann math ann.
It would have been a fine sight. Bu bhriagh an seallamh e
You do not play quoits here? Cha bhi sibh cluich peilistearan an so?
Very seldom. Gle
It is a very ancient game ’S sean a chluich e.
What games do you have in the
We have many sports with ball and bat, bowls,
football, tennis, and curling-stones. Tha
iomadh cluich againn le ball is slacan, ball-cloiche, ball-coise, tennis, is clachan-speilidh.
Do you not play shinty? Nach bi’ sibh ri camanachd?
No. Cha bhi.
It is a great pastime here in winter. Tha e ’na chluich mhor an so’s a gheamhra’
How is it played?
Ciamar a chluichear e?
Very like football, but clubs are used instead of the
feet. Gle choltach ri ball-coise ach
le camanan ’n aite casan.
Some games are very coarse and rude. Tha cuid a chluichean gle fhiadhaich borb
Yes, their influence is not of the best. Tha cha’ne bhuaidh is fhearr a th’aca.
(Duilleag / Page x50·)
We seldom have wrestling matches now. Cha tric
bhi’s deuchann gleac againn a
So I believe Se sin
mo bharail.
There are always dancing and bagpipe
competitions. Tha’n
comhnuidh farpus ann airson danns’ is piobaireachd.
Yes, in the
A capital thing for the joints and muscles Ni ro-mhath airson nan alt ’s nan feithean
I like very much to see these things ’S gle thoigh leam na nithe sin fhaicinn.
I like that too
’S toigh leamsa sin cuideachd
A bit of friendly competition is a good thing. Smath an rud beagan co-shreipeas cairdeil
That is my opinion.
’S e sin mo bharail-sa.
Especially when the games are of a manly kind. Gu h-araid nuair ’se cluithean fearail
And when the people of the district are engaged. Agus nuair nach bi ’san ealaidh ach muintuir
an aite.
I see that
On the other hand Lowland games are becoming common in
the North. Air an laimh eile tha sporsan
Gallda fàs cumannta ’s an taodh tuath.
Some of the competitors at these games are fine
stalwart fellows. ’S grinn
foghainteach na gillean cuid de na co-shreipich aig na cluithean so.
(Duilleag / Page x51·)
XXIII. Indoor Amusements.
What gathering is here to-night? ’De
choinneamh tha’n so a nochd?
There is a concert and
soiree. Tha ceol
is ceilidh.
That accounts for the
noise and merry making. ’Se sin
is ciall do’n fhuaim’s do’n aighear.
Wiill you not come in? Nach tig
thu steach?
I’ll be very glad.
Bi’ mi gle thoileach.
You’ll find a seat yonder Ghcihh thu suidheachan an sud.
What’s the name of this place? C’ainm a th’air an aite so
This is the Music Hall. ’Se so an tigh-ciuil.
When does the concert begin? C’uin a thoisicheas an cosheirm?
In a little while.
Ann an tacan beag.
Are we to have songs or instrumental music? ’Ne orain no ceol a innealan a gheibh sinn?
There will be both.
Bi’ an da chuid ann.
This ia the orchestra in front of us ’Se so na h-innealan fa’r comhar?
Yes. ’S iad.
Did the music please you? An do thaitinn an ceol riut?
Yes, very much.
Thaitinn gle mhor.
I thought this was a theatre. Shaol leamsa gur e tigh-cluiche bha so.
There are plays here sometimes. Bithidh clu chean ann air uairibh.
Is it dramatic
plays. ’Ne dan-cluichean?
Yes, and operas.
’Se agus cluichean-ciuil
They are clearing the floor. Tha iad a reiteachadh an uriair.
Yes, for a ball.
Tha airson balla-dannsa
Do you dance? Bheil
thu ’na do dhannsair?
I do sometimes.
Bi’ mi ris air uairibh.
Find a partner then.
Faigh companach mata.
Will you dance with me? An danns thu comhla riumsa?
What dance are we to have? ’De ’n danns’ bhi’s againn?
(Duilleag / Page x52·)
We’ll take the Reel of Tulloch. Gabhai’
sinn Ruidhle Thullachain.
Begin the music then.
Suas an ceol mata.
Are you tired? Bheil
thu sgith?
I am perspiring.
Tha mi ’n am fhallus.
We’ll sit down then.
Ni sinn suidhe mata.
Would you like to promenade? Nach gabh thu ceum m’an cuairt.
Yes, when I am rested.
Gabhaidh nuair gheibh mi m’anail.
Who’ll sing us a song?
Co sheinneas
My neighbour here will I cannot sing. Seinnidh mo nabuidh an so.
I cannot sing. Cha’n
urrainn domhsa seinn.
You must be coaxed and pressed. Feumaidh tu coiteachadh is briagadh.
Not at all. Cha’n
fheum idir.
Will you recite a poem then? An aithris thu dàn mata?
I’ll try it. Feu
chaidh mi ris.
You did very well.
Rinn thu gle mhath.
We are all obliged to you. Tha sinn uile ’nad chomain.
This is the time for some games. So an t-am airson cleasan air choireigin.
Mention what games you would like. Ainmich ’de chluich bu mhath leat.
Any that the company chooses. Ni sam bith a thoilicheas an comhlan.
What shall we try?
Co ris a dh’fhiachas sinn?
You do not play cards?
Cha bhi sibh cluich chairtean?
We have not a pack of them in the house. Cha’n’eil paisg againn ’san taigh diubh.
Have you got dice?
Bheil disnean agaibh?
Yes, who’ll play them?
Tha, co a chluicheas leo?
I will, for one.
Mise, airson aon.
There are the dice then. Sin agaibh na fir-fheoirne mata.
You may try draughts too. Faodaidh sibh tailleasg fhiachainn cuideachd.
Hand over the draught board then. Cuir a nail am borddubh mata.
What shall the rest of us do now. ’De ni each againn a
(Duilleag / Page x53·)
We’ll find some amusement for ourselves
Gheibh sinne fearas-chuideachd duinn fheinn.
I’ll propose some conundrums. Cuiridh mise toimhsichean oirbh.
Let us hear them then.
Mach leo mata.
Whoever fails to solve the question must put the next
one. An fhear nach fuasgail a cheisd
feumaidh esan an ath the chur
I’ll get some little games for the children.
Gheibh mise cluichaeg do’n chloinn.
We’ll play at hide-and-seek. Cluichidh sinne dallan-da
See that you don’t hurt yourselves. Feachaibh nach ciurr sibh sibh fhein.
You are all very jolly. Tha sibh uile gle chridheil.
Who’ll sing us a song?
Co sheinneas
You sing well.
’S math sheinneas tu.
I like that song very much ’S gle thoigh leam an t-oran sin.
It’s very sweet.
Tha e gle bhinn.
It would please you if it were well sung. Thaitneadh e riut nan rachadh a sheinn gu
You might play us something. Dh’ fhaodadh tu ni eigin achluidh duinn.
I have no music-book.
Chan’eil leabhhar-ciuil agam.
Play us anything you remember. Cluidh duinn rud sambith air am beil cuimhn’
Open the pianoforte.
Fosgail a chruit-chiuil.
Do you like violin music? An toigh leat ceol fiodhal.
Yes, I am very fond of it. ’S toigh, tha mi gle dheidheil air.
It is very fine.
Tha e gle ghrinn.
I like to hear the bag-pipe among the hills. ’S toigh leam a phiob mhor a chluinntinn a
measg nan cnoc.
It’s very appropriate there. Tha i gle fhreagarrach
Or in a very large hall. No ann an talla mòr.
Are we to have no more music. Nach eil sinn gus an corr ciúil fhaotainn?
We’ll have some more games then. Gheibh sinn tuille spórsan mata.
(Duilleag / Page x54·)
Have you got - ? Am bheil
- agaibh?
We have. Tha.
Do you keep? Bheil
sibh cumail?
We do. Tha.
I want - . Will you show me? Tha mi airson - . Am feach sibh domh?
Yes, with pleasure.
Feachaidh gu toilichte
We don’t keep it.
Cha’n’eil sinn ’ga chumail.
Do you sell - ?
Bheil sibh a reic?
I am sorry but we do not. Tha mi duilich ach cha n’eil.
Can you give me - ?
’Nurrainn duibh - thoir domh?
We can. ’S
We cannot. Cha’n
What is the price?
Ciod e phrís?
How much is? Cia miad
a tha?
Is it dear? Bheil e
No, it is very cheap.
Chan’eil, tha e gle shaor.
I want a pair of gloves. Tha mi ’g iarraidh paidhir miotagan.
Is it woollen ones?
’Ne feadhainn olladh?
Yes. ’S iad.
We have only kid gloves. Chan’eil againn ach lamhainnean.
I’ll take a pair.
Gabhaidh mi paidhir.
What is the size?
Ciod e mhiadachd?
I am not sure. Chan’eil
mi cinnteach.
Let me see some stockings or socks. Feachaibh domh stocainnean no gearr-osain.
Is it cotton or wollen? ’Ne cotain no ollaidh?
Have you got tartan hose: Bheil osanan breacain agaibh?
Yes, of all colours.
Tha, de gach dath.
Let me see Macdonald tartan. Feach cadath nan Domhnullach.
This will do. Ni so
an gnothuch.
Let us see your tartan plaids. Feach duinn bhur breacanan.
(Duilleag / Page x55·)
I want a good coat. Tha mi
airson cota math.
Is it of tweed?
’Nann do tweed?
Yes - a shooting coat.
’S ann - cota seilg.
What colour? ’De’n
A nice brown. Donn
Will this do? Dean so
an gnothuch?
I would like it darker, Bu toigh leam ni’s dorcha e.
Show me several colours Feach do’caochla dath.
This one will do.
Ni’m fear so’n gnothuch
What’s the price. ’De phris.
That is 5s a yard.
sin cuig tasdan an t-slat
How much will I require? ’De uiread a dh’fheumas mi?
You will get it made.
Ni sibh fhein e.
I also want a kilt.
Tha feile uam cuideachd.
Of tartan. ’De
Yes, a dark colour.
’Se, dath dorcha.
Here is a useful one.
So dath feumail.
What tartan is that?
Co’n tartan tha sin?
That is Fraser hunting tartan. Sin tartan-seilg nam Frisealach.
I’ll take that.
Gabhaidh mi sin.
They must be done this week. Feumaidh iad bhi deas air an t-seachduin
We’ll try it. Feachaidh
sinn ris.
Shall I try on the coat? Am feach mi orm an cota?
Yes if you call to-morrow. Feachaidh, ma thig thu maireach.
Show this lady some silk. Feach sioda do’n bhain- tighearn so.
What colour? De’n
Black silk. Sioda
Can you recommend this? Am moladh tu so domh?
Show me some flowers.
Feach domh fluraichean.
Have you a ribbon to match this? Bheil ribean agaibh a fhreagras so?
A brighter shade.
Dath ni’s eoilleire.
Will you send me these things? An cur sibh ugam na rudan sin?
What is your address?
C’ainm an t-aite?
Here it is. So agad
(Duilleag / Page x56·)
Books, &c.
Have you any Gaelic books? Bheil leabhraichean Gailig agaibh?
Yes, what kind?
Tha; ’de seorsa?
I would like a book of songs Bu mhath leam leabhar
We have all the works of Highland Poets. Tha obair gach bard Gaidhealach againn.
I want only a amall book Chan’eil uams’ ach leabhar bheag.
Have you a dictionary?
Bheil foclair agaibh?
A Gaelic dictionary?
Foclair Gailig ‘,; ‘
Yes, or a Gaelic lesson book? Se, no leabhar ionnsachaidh Gailig.
We have the "Easy Lessons in Gaelic.” Tha “Leasanan furasd an Gailig" againn.
Let me see it. Feach
domh i.
That will do. Ni i sin
an guothuch.
Give me some pens.
Thoir do’
Also some paper and ink. Paipear agns dubh (inc) cuideachd.
Note paper? Paipear
Yes - a good kind.
’Se - seorsa math.
Will you show me some music books? Am feach thu domh leabhraiche ciuil math?
I want pipe music.
Tha mi ’g iarraidh ceol piobaireachd.
Do you sell bag pipes?
Bheil sibh reic pioban?
Yes we have a few.
Tha beagan againn diubh.
Jewellery, &c.
I want to buy a ring.
Tha mi airson fainne cheannach.
Show me a nice gold one. Feach do’ te ghrinn oir.
There are pretty ones in the window. Tl)a feadhainn lughach ‘s an uinneag.
This one is too small.
Tha ‘n te so ro bheag.
It does not fit me.
Cha fhreagar i mi.
What is the name of that stone? C’ainm a chlach tha sin?
That is an agate.
Se sin agat.
I would like a diamond. Butoigh leam daoimean.
Show me some brooches.
Feach do’ braistean.
(Duilleag / Page x57·)
Those are our own manufacture. ’S iad
sin ar deanamh fhein.
Give me a watch key.
Thoir do’ iuchair uaireadair-poca.
It’s to fit this watch. ’S ann airson an uaireadair so.
Will you put a glass on this watch? An cuir sibh glaine air an uaireadair so?
Boots &
I want
Good strong leather.
Leathar math laidir.
That shape will do.
Ni an cumadh sin an gnothuch.
I prefer them laced.
’S ann iallaichte is docha leam iad
I don’t know my size.
Cha’n aithne do’ mo mhiadachd.
You might send me a a pair or two to try on. Dh’
fhaodadh sibh paidhir no dha chur
Get me some tobacco.
Faigh dhomh tombaca.
Give me a good cigar.
Thoir domh cigar math.
Are these the best you have? ’N iad sin ’n fheadhainn is fhearr a
Give me a dozen.
Thoir domh dúsan.
And a box of matches.
Agus bocsa lucifer.
I want a snuff box.
Tha mi airson bocsa-snaoisein.
A silver one. Fear
Fill the box with snuff. Lion am bocsa le snaoisean.
(Duilleag / Page x58·)
They accused him of that Thilg
iad sin air.
He was acquitted.
Fhuair e deth.
He acquitted himself of his task. Chuir e crioch air obair.
I will adhere to what I said. Cumaidh mi ris an ni a thuirt mi.
I will adhere to your view. Aontaichidh mi ri’d bheachd-sa.
They advanced. Thainig
(or chaidh) iad air aghaidh.
He advanced them.
Thug e iad air aghaidh.
The price advanced.
Dh’ eirich a phris.
We agreed. Chord
I agree to that.
Tha mi’g aontachadh ri sin.
It did not agree with me. Cha do chord e rium. / Cha tainig e rium.
What ails you? ’De tha
tigh n riut?
I almost fell. Theap mi
I am alone. Tha mi
leam fhein.
It amounted to that sum. Thainig e gus an t-suim sin.
He is angry. Tha
fearg air.
I apologised. Dh’ iarr
mi maitheanas.
That is my apology.
’S e sin mo leisgeul.
This won’t answer;
Cha fhreagair so.
He asked a question.
Chuir e ceisd.
He asked me why.
Dh’ fhoighnich e rium c’arson.
He asked me to come.
Dh’ iarr e orm tighinn.
They assailed me
/ They attacked me Thoisich
iad orm. / Bha iad rium. / Dh’ eirich iad orm.
At any rate. Co dhiu.
Attend to this.
Thoir aire do so.
Attend to me. Fritheil
Attend the meeting.
Bi aig a choinne.
Are you aware of that?
An aithne duit sin?
I can’t bear that.
Cha’n fhuiling mi sin.
He bears the blame.
’S ann air-sa tha choire.
He bears himself wisely. Tha e ‘g a ghiulan fein gu glic.
They were beaten.
Chaidh gabhail orra.
(Duilleag / Page x59·)
Beat him. |
Gabh air. |
Gcav er. |
(duilleag / Page x60·)
(duilleag / Page x61·)
Phrases – Continued
They set
to. |
iad. |
eeatt. |
They set
out. |
fhalbh iad. |
eeatt. |
Will he stand it. |
An seas
e ris? |
shesse rish? |
He won’t
stand it. |
fhuling mi e. |
uºlink meº e. |
........______......... |
........______......... |
........______......... |
talking. |
de bruidhinn. |
dje bruºing. |
stopped. |
Stad e |
e. Horersttdtt. |
Make him
stop. |
air stad. |
Hor er
sttatt |
him. |
stad air. |
Cuºr sttatt
er. |
He is
striking me. |
Tha e
g’am bhuaileadh. |
Ha ecam
vuºallugh. |
very striking. |
Tha e
gle iongantach. |
Ha eclaº
yinginttach. |
It struck me very much. |
Dhruigh e orm gle mhór. |
Ghruºi e
orom gclaº voºr. |
It struck
me that - |
Thainig e am aire gu - |
Hanik e
umaru gcuº. |
........______......... |
........______......... |
........______......... |
that. |
Gabh sin |
shin. |
Take it
away. |
air falbh e. |
Hor er
fallav e. |
He took to
it. |
Ghabh e
ris |
erish. |
hold of it. |
greim air. |
gcraºm er. |
They were taken in war. |
an cogadh iad. |
Ghllachkugh ungokugh eeatt |
It will tell very soon. |
e gle luath. |
e claº luºa. |
I think
so. |
*’Se sin
mo bharail. |
mo varall |
trouble me. |
Na cuir
dragh orm. |
Na cuºr
ddrugh orom. |
........______........ |
........______........ |
........______........ |
Will you
undertake this? |
An gabh thu so fos laimh? |
Ungav uº
sho foslliº? |
Use and
wont. |
Gnáth is
àbhaist. |
Gná is
avisj. |
We used
to. |
duinn. |
dduºing. |
........______........ |
........______........ |
........______........ |
waiting for you. |
Tha mi
feitheamh ruit. |
fnthealadh da" i Ha me fehiv rutt. |
waits on him. |
Tha i
frithealadh da. |
Ha eº
freºhallugh dda |
I want
it. |
Tha e
uam |
Ha e
uºum. |
want you. |
Tha iad
*’gad iarraidh. |
Ha eeatt
gatt eºarreº. |
I am
watching you. |
Tha mi cumail
suil ort. |
Ha meº
cuºmal suºl orstt. |
Do you
wish this. |
thu airson so? |
Val uº
erson sho? |
I wish
it were. |
lèam gu’n robh. |
lum guºn rov. |
(duilleag / Page x62·)
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