
(delwedd 8477) (tudalen 235a)
Echwynna, To borrow
Edheu, Both; y dhay
Edheu, To compel
Edhnogyn, A fly.
Edhrinav, To fight.
Edyn, A Bird.
Efrei; Guyr Efrrei, The Jews; Hebrews.
Egrifc^ Ederyn cgrist, Agriff^n. Egrop, BMr§p$. Egvyclet), TbefmaM vstbe
Itgs. Ehaog, i^y^^j mfr. Ehstva, B0ld. Eibigany, Jb hurt, K. LL. a LLor.
Eans, ^ /#fX^ M##x ^ '^f. EirydiUy T^jp^vreEiflyoo^ NevertbeUfi. Alfi
MiEiflyweoiCy UnfrovHedfir. Eifbe tbrh, 7% hefiegt. Elchwyl^ AkM. EUyll,
^«&7?. lEUyn, A rm^mtr. IM Elbym
Fcnycwyt), A fan Tree; Fynm-lGofgcb, AAspeerfirm-, Oofa duydh. Die, BeMst^l
Fichreir, 7*p Psffs. ^ "
£nichwdy,2> ntmm.Affi t$ tmm Ef a emchuelTS, Hif tratiJkMtd. Emkyikv, ^
j*^ ^f//i^. Eraicyverbynneyc, Tlr ffofi. Emplyrh, Am$»gS. Emreis, Amttifi.
Emyfcaioco, B^mb. Enachav! Loe ! MM. Soepitis fcribiair nsAff. Eouyfy A
JUam^Um. Enymia, A khuUkf. EOylMfiiti Bf€ts9d€p^y/akl Erch, Tie Onbsdet.
Erdd, naski t0 ttstist. Efcfalas. q. A fart 0fb!no. Erculf) lirewlef,
[Esiytiy nfiBem. *Erlyc, Tifmfie. Rrmotc^ Im iB mf ifktktte, q. d. cr vy ocb.
So £riOet> h f^^strfyy er y oet>. In sdl his i^. Erchvch, Gromw^g.
Ervyneir, 2> Jefre. Eryri, 1:69 M^umfmim 9fSoomA<Xk. E^$cir oeruei , Am
M mmm of 4 fima m Ireland. E^emy&, A hemb. ElRur, Swist. Eaketr, Tbt
Legs, Eipeyc, 41P*^^^ ^, Eteavr jw/ hefcavr, -^y>ff rfUf^ : memjkrt for
C9rm^ &c Erryr m^U ccyric, IJ^ rii^#; 1^ trrelys ; Pan cccdys c, Wbm he
kit'd er emfhfd.
Flur, Vmt deMhmg. Foe, Afergfj a fwnuite. PravtHinyav, TV tref^*fs. Freinc
t>v vnHnyavl^ Francooia #r Frauken land. Frofc, Pmi^. Fuon. Q. M. c£rr»f .
Coehachoeb y t)eunid nor fliion Cochaf. nrfi. Funif, Shape er form. Fynhonws,
A jfrwg. G GAkuon, 7%r mmMF. Q^^aeuSn yn Alauon y t>vy uron. :^.1C.
Galovybh, An ArchitoB. Garytn, ,A '*'^'7* Gauae]gi, ^ av^;/^. Gem,
Afretsemstetse: Rubemeu, Ksikst Frem inubh «vi/geni. Gcyr, J5^ ; Geir y
uracc, Bj their GigieUp HWif . A frfian gigleu bi^ lacus y geirieu hynny, ^Utahen
Pilat hesrd thofi words . Girac, TVrf**^*, Giaif, AUff, aha^heoh. Gltfowemi,
Ttjmik, Glyn Urchay, The name of a KtA tej. Too yr jrmladaiHl Goreu vab
Kystenyn heyibr 'ab Dyvoedig dros Arthur. Gfioccay, TV ufi^ fraSiee^ ot
mctn/hme. Kanyi gnottae, bo togardifs nfiud. Gobif, TV cafi. Gobineb,
Adatterj, Gobiweb, TV ovortsh. Gogelo, TofreteS. Gogleb, Tho North.
Go^oiMistpi Foltofommmofhelet
cwa* lot, jm. £vel>'<^u, TV rofemUi, Evgi, Tocrj ewti tofimke.
Euguryarl, HidootfSi DiafoacEumryvvi,^ hideom neije. iC^r vrank LLydh a
LLcvelya. Euo, Hf. Y vo. Ewyrdoaie, tri/b. Eydal, Itoif. Eygyavd, Tho Oeomo.
Ey teowy, To stM. FAv, Honomr,*mdit, fofutMimo, Dav.
Gogylch, circum fe rence, Gohji^ JtMo^ Titafb, Kffrs^, Vulg. QrnKiem. Y$
gO&U^on hvn. Tier is hut Trafb, Gdodiv^ur, A RtBgiom mam^ an normttm Gor,
Infime comfonnd mordtimJiuert to Very. As Gorbu, f^ery black s Gorvyn , '
Extraerdinarr mbttoi GoruidbeLEncoodingb^S. Gorbecholvyr, Tie cheicofi men,
GoFbcrchu, TV conrts to moo, dec. Gorbvj\ TV ofprest or tre^afi, Tb ststrofu
&c. Tfif.'fArth, Gorefcyn, TV confnor. A^o tofof fifs or onj^,
GoreoxdxfGUt, gilded. Gorfreis and Gorfibya. Q. wist. Jime old fibula er cbA.
Manreli o ball mdyn a gorfoys ll^ban ^ y\xuiZt\i.Tfi,TarUesyFynnen.
Gorheauam, AgreaOgnmdtnetber, Gorlleven, The H^fi, GorfSb^A conrt of
jmBcatnre. jgfo an old Tumulus or Barrom. Gome y I^ did i bo made : Eva ''
oruc Coron ybav, Ht made him a Crown, Gcmob ar, TV wememe. Ylhuur a orvyb ar
pob pech. Later omnia vincit* Gonryd, Afiatefyherfii a Seed ^ a palfrey,
Gorwydh. Gorymbeirh, TV walk. Goryfgalaue, Inlargetewls. N n n 2
Go&orb, Agf^Mrdi MgrfMrt$bm Gofgymon, Fernl Goskerh, Id q. Gofgebh.
Go(ymbeitb, Frevipons, ViSam A Viacicum^ Goveneic, Affisranee, cenfdenee,
Gra, A fort of fine chat h. Grcu. Kacr Greu, A City som *mhere in the North
efBUglmtd. Gropg vavr, Italy. Guaeg, A Hckk. Guacv, A fear 1 Guaiu. Giiahan :
Ar uahan, hi^fid. Guahanrcbavlj'jl^mtf. Guainal redhol. Guallav, Toponrooi.
Gvaliocau, To neghtt. Gvallouyar:, Abtower. Gvanu, TV fiab or pioree. Ef ai
gyaupvyc a gvaev, I baifo An pierced with aj^ar. G varehabu, To vfard» to
wdteb m prefirve, Gvarebaebie, Confined. Gvarer, 'TV rebafi,
GvzTchKtbrc^R^^eSinisfiandahi Gv&flL ATonth, alnd. Gvafgvyo, ,Tbo Ctlmtry
ef Ol goigae. uvefi, A ^oomk t . Gveis, Servants, Gveryn, TailemoB.
Loirulieuli. Gveieavt, Ajiadom. GviboQ, AJbe Giant. Guydhoi Gvin^vr, yinegar.
GvkryrHaf. GyttdyAnh^m Fhtink : Freinc allybav a nc numbt agvkt }rr haf. ifi.
K. ' Kifydh. Gvlebydm, To Nign. Gvrrhbvyth^ Ctntiogeeon. Gvrrhgtoch, ttettard,
pee^oerst Gvrthlab, TV drr90 Hst; to ref or oppofi. Affo to prevent.
Gvrchiran, A Bab. Gvrtfarychyac* TU boir appate to a Frincipauty.
Gvrthv*ncb^, T^^stfi. Gvynfryn, ThoTmhrof Jjmden Gvynhaech, A ffrong wind. Gv
vnheu,gvynneu Mf gvynhoc TW wimb. Gvynras, Afirt ofbi^Jboos wo , by Ferfens
rf J^HnBiom. G«raharb, TV check or chide. GwallouS, TV poor ont. G warabwyb ,
D^4co. Gn't duydh. Gwareban:> Genf/tjfOuUyOtfifm Guarttdhog. Gw'arrh,
Scandal^ Jhmne^ ^^^fJT^ Gwarrhaf , The top or fitrface ^any t. ing
Gmoxyzfy IwUplm. Gvrarfreu. BtH. Ckraecfim , Battle, Gwdlgi, The SeM, Gweich,
Isofien^Jhd fir BMi Gweitheu, Sometimos. Owers, Awhile, Ym pett gvet Awhik
aster. Thbistmi r^dh in the Cowtties ^Monmouch,H reford, Brecloioc, mod
Gliimor Ovrerditiv^n. Kaer werthefifi oedh Tre Mtrdbyn *ab Mtdrv^ K; voefae
Myr. a G. Gwcry
« *

(delwedd 8478) (tudalen 235b)

(delwedd 8479) (tudalen 235c)

(delwedd 8480) (tudalen 236a)
VI. A Cornish Grammar.
Gweryr, Eartk oucryd. Gwewyr, SpeoT'tnem, Gwrb, String, Gurdh. Gwrt)borch,
-/f l^rge collar i A mafiiffs eolUr^ &c GurdbdorA;. Gwrchcvyr, Is
renJit^d m Latm^ Vortimarus. Gwrcheyrn, A proper name ren^ deriin Latsny
Vorcigeraus. Gwrrhglocheb,-r^w^ Hist Artb. & Br. R.
GystVorv/ynyAvgragOjOn Amazon, Gwrwrach, A crofs old woman. Gwryogaech,
Homage, Gwybyav, To •wanaer. Gwychyr, Stents cheerfuh refilute Gwyt), Trees.
Gwfdh ThkkstiU nfid m Caernarvoolhire and Meiryonydh Sing, o. y uydhen.
Gwytjbuyll , A pair of abUs. Gueryn y uydhbuylh, TheTahkmen, Gwynuy&cblc,
Blejfed. Gwych, Anger, Gwychvr, Apajponate mam, Gw^s^nown. Dros y bj b y
gwys^ Alt the noorU knows, Gyluin and gylyf* A UBor hak. Gyrry ar, ie a
phrafe nfid some^ times for loaming, gebybyav y
Dcd ar berv byt yn LLoegyr. Br. Ronalnpy. Hervyt), By. Hervvbh Gvalk y ben,
By the hair rf his head, Hefpaen, Spain Heui&vr, A herdjman» ajhepheard.
Honneir, Well knovm^ manifefl. Hyncxl. Hualauc, Shackled, fettered.
Hualogeon, TbePhtr tffHuJtlavc Hoch, A Swine, whether Boar, Hog, or Sow,
GuytHmdij Awild Boafs Sec, Ny iabavb namyn un parchelt o voch y cvrch trvvxh
Gouynnvj'S y gvyr y archur bech oct> yfcyr yr hvch hunnv: y by vavc ynre
brenhio uu. ^ K, 'ah Kilydh. Hunby, A dornutorj or gallery for Beds J &c
Huu, Delufion, charm, fafcination Hvyl Dyynhyyl^Toajfaultorfet npony as a
hawk ek his prey, Hyb, A Stag. H^dh. Hygnavs, Gentle, mild, Hymyr, The
HnmSer. Hynoni, To task in the Sun, Hyiic Ar hync, prefemtly, Hynr Jignifiet
pjroperh the way. Whence ar hynr smmeJuatiy^ yn y lie and
mab a vnacchpvyc a gyrry Kul1 yn y man. hvch amav. rfi. K. 'oiKifydh. IHyc
pan. So that, to
the end that.
H IJAbef, A home. •''•*• Gore cridyn y dan nef, A warcha wys y hadhef i
Pvll,Selif a Sandhef Lhy.Hm, Gvedy yd el yr heul yny hadef, Afier Suwjet^
Habplvyn, Tointreat. Haeach, Abnofi, Hagen, Bu$i Lac. Abstem, Han)bvylio, To
mention, H2xAX)yTo proceed from or dejcend, HanSych gvell, j^ hail, £f a
hanvyb gvaecl^ Ht'B be endamaged, Hanaer byb, The South, Del, y byd. Hanu, To
bedefiendedfrmn, topro» ceedfrom O vrenhineb^ hanvyb, Thou art defiended of
Princes. Hayachen, Abnofi, Heb ef. Said he. Heb y Gvalchmay, jiud Gvalchmai,
&c. Heb^itK, Hawk'tHe. Hebyrgofl, To foriet. Heirua, Aplace of Battle.
HcleibyAfalt^pit, Yr Hclcbh wen. Namptwych in Ch^ire. Alfo an old name offime
Jjlands in Scotland, probably the Hebrides. Trybyb aryanllu ynys prybein aaech
gangaflfwallavnuabbcli, agvennvynvyn a gvanar, veibon Uiav uab nvyfre, ac
aryanroc Vcrch beli eu mam. Ar gvyr hynny o erch a heleb j>anuanh6ebynr .
Ac a aechanu gyc a Chafwaliavn eu hewychur ar vyic y Keflaryeic or Ynys hon.
Sef He ymae y evyr hynny yg^alfevyn. Tr. Br. Helym, ^n Helmet, Hcnyv Fid.
Hany. A hcnyv o
f Eu, Sinews. ^ leuan, yohn. Hence Jome Fami' lies of tte name rfEwzxn
retaining the old Orthography^ write levans. Is. BeUw. U y fl|l, Behind him.
\\oz^ Below i beUwthee. K ITAhlUy n dijfar^e. ^^ Kabambay, To maintain or
alledge, Kabeir Vaxen, A place Jo <alled on Vremd Vavr Mountain in
Pernbrokefhiie. Br. M. wietbg. Kaer, AforttSedTown, anyfirong HoU^ Kaer
brichvch, K. oedi ef K. ueuenhyr. Tst K 'ab Kilydh. Kais y Ihevydh. Kaer
Alklv> b, A City of the Stratclvyd Bntim Dunbarton (or ao the old Scotilh
t>\xab\ydLZitk) according to feme. As others Glaicow. Kaer Baris, The dty
of Paris, and Kaer Lunben, London. Gaff* Monm. Kaer Sein, A Town near
Caernarvon Segontium. Kalan, The xfi day of any Month. As Kalan £brilh,
April, Kalan roai[c^vulg. Klamme] The ist of Maj, &c And heme D. Kal. ^
Calan Gavav. Kalatyr« Cakaema, Kamie, A Gown. KztA)cnnCy Madjdifiraffed,
Kyndbeiriog. Kanhymbeicb, To keep up withy to accompanyKanny, For not. Kanny
oeb, For it was not, l^smny HXuiy For I can not. Kaplan, A Chaplain.
honav, whkh proceeds from it, jKacraech, Aplace in Scotland. Hergorn, l^o but
orpufl) at a horn|Kac, A battle, Kad. ad Beafi. jKarbhbavc, A General, Herv,
Plundering or pXaging, MyiKareneys, Katnefs in Scotland,
Karpays, A coat of mail. Kcbymbctchas, Frtendlhip. Keinibiauc. q. Frvyn
Kyinibiauc. Keibebic, hand dug or horw^d with a mattock. Keis, A tax. Kdli
wic. King Arthurs Court m Cornwal. Kelybon. Koeb Kelybon, Aplace in Scotland
; the native Country of the Poet M\ rdhyn 'ab Morvryn. CL ^h. Dunkell.
Kenuein o uoch, A herd of Svme, Keing, A Brando. Kenn, Mofs, Kenn y Kcrrig, A
fort of mofsufid in dying red. Konach in the Irijh^ is any mofs. \ Kennabvri,
A Mejfage -, an Embajfy. Gaif. Mon. Kennecca and Kcnneccay, To permit. Kerb,
A Trade. Kemyw, Cornwall. Kefleilvr, What may be carried under the arm,
Kei&ryeir, The Romans, q. d. CrJartam. KcCyAltbo'. Mcgyskffc^ As much as.
Kechyr, A nail, Ef a brcvyc ynof gerbri, &c. Keu, HoUom. Kay. Keuynberv,
A Coufin German. Kib, A box, a a^loard. Kigleu, rtd. G^leu. Kikvvr,
Ihelnfimtry. q. Acaoeb o gikvr t>et:hoi a march docuavr, &c. r/f K.
'ab Kilydh. Kiwcawcuyr. Vid, Kywbawc. K hljtd a Ujsvebu. KleicaV) To dip or
drench in water. Kleb. A Sword. LLav ar gleb, arall ar groes. K.M a Gwend^dh.
Kleheren, Awa^^ Kleis, Marble. Klyboc, Heard. KJucweir, A pile of woody
&c Knewillyn, ^irrxtr/. Ifsaljbujed Jometimes for th^ middle point of any
thing : As yg knevilly n y dU, In themidB of the Forehead, Koclucia^ An. Honorary
prejent $ a reward for some extraordinary exploit. I Kogvm, AjheUt as
ofajnaily &c. Korblan, [Korbhlan] A burial place. An cor. pro Corphlan ?
Kom, A hoof, I Kara. Koven, A Convent. Krec, Paithy Belief. It's ufid alfo
for Cbrifiendome. Gulac ankrer, Any Country inhabited by Infidels, Kvrbwal
Q^wb. Turky leather. Gwynrafleu o Gvrbwi newybb am y craec. Br M. W. Gveioo
gorbwal newybh. Br. Banab, Kvynos, A Supper, Tr. Br. Kychvyonu,2>tfr{/?.
If snow cor* rupted to Kunny in Glam. Monm. &c. Kybwebu, To fuadrat withy
or agree very well Kydwedhy. Kystes, Coufeffion. Am K)^9cs a bygaf icci,
IproteB to thee. Kvffin [plur. Kyffinieu] The Bor^ iers of a. Qonntry.
Kyfiech, At^ interpreter, Kvflab,

(delwedd 8481) (tudalen 236b)
Ieu, Sinews.
Ieuan, John. Hence
some Families of the name of Evans retaining the old Orthography, write
Is, Below. Is yy
gîl, Behind him.
Isot, Below; below

(delwedd 8482) (tudalen 236c)

(delwedd 8483) (tudalen 237a)
I P I ■ I w
■ ■ ■ J HI
Tit. VI* A Cornish Orammar.
0rthtk€m9i0. Br. M. cbmit, Yijstec^ 9»jbH^
8$fia^. K^ghorfynnys, AmMr. Kygrheyr, ^ Crvaumt. Kyhaitwc, S*^ Aprar; ^
m 4 f
Kyhoet): Ar gyhoebh, P«l&i^. Kylyoo, Flks, S. W. Kymhenieb, At im^^
Y^ymhemeo auooyb, Jm tbi md^ rf JEtmrs. Kyn, ^im the frst 9stM 0f m
€mmmmiw$ri»JMfi$n0btrT(^ g^lar^ && Or fistat smfiunhf /# tie iMm OOD.
KynbrydiavL Km t^ /S^. Xmjr Doryoioiocry MrrTwwmfw* Kyncbmrtji ^>5f».
Kyugvysty^ Ayf^er.
ynJhyuany ^/?/ jW* # griyhnrnd. Kymnvyc. AsUrgt. Kynour, Few§t. K vnoeb y cy,
JU itorj.
Kynvdyn, AjfMfir nmm i^ihL'd OmobeUiiut.
Kjttweifiic, Onk fiperUthi #/ Gveifiact Atma-miker. Kyoybu Abmstmmi Kyoydh.
Kyllagvst, 7fc C»&/t. KystiiMbiCy S^pwvrfwim Kyflbiin, l«r/.
Kyciynhcbigaech, Cnfittf. K^iiarcb |;i^ TVcrair «r /Srtev. KyuanrybyCy
VS^er/. Kyimv% ^ ^ri/mr. IT ySiw r« dnmte PmrtkuUrh afavmrpmtt^ ed Mt fime
fnUci thms W9mfym filnm Huifm. Vkl. Exeinpl. in
nmby mdsmMgrm $i» ^rfl Smts. PedvtrmeJbtrhyseincaiD A^^-y-„ ""
•bvynli.*. Mere&ic. a. Mercbtc nwyrfydk ^ #a;^^ ««Mi/A9 j^«AM «*f
•uiHlgfimmKt Meobvy, ./Ai Mramr. Motoic, iMdrnkk. Mor nitr. 7Ar Syvr|l^ Omv.
Br. Mix. WIedic. Monvl^ ACstKiei §stbt'St^. MorbeD, Afnmmitt$ry. More, .1^
BHgl^ mstk. Mor&vy, wf THqi^ s St$rm nf MQrd>) AlUvm. Mofganr, A
fr^fir mmt tbi
Angidey. TV. Br LL^KoM^A^nj^^i cr$§kid. LLeiU, Tfc wf^ «m/ UalL Tbi #^^.
Lhiilh. LLetchic. q. YMttutcvyvngustreuyrvybbvylltfy lldchicuir. Br Mmx.
LLeUavc, LLtlkvc, mU LLt]k>no. q. wb. mtrostwms.ViMG. QjeaAuSb^Yi^imMer, m
vmAir, LLCD, AveU, mfkd» &C LLen^, A ttpm. LLecrich. BffcbMt$in9tt.
LLecuricWc, Mtpud. LLeudr. £f t kueir, HfMtt. U^ciKryby Ajiyhf* 2cc. LLeue
rybh nac, A refidki er dtmal, LLeuoer, l^^ tri^ffmfs, J^lm^ LLewa, Z> esti
Ny lewes ef,^ Hfr Mdrntif^a I Yst. larlhes y FynnoQ. I bmst §tfira^d tbk word
im Ghmorganihtre; h$ mt rfcemLLeyoa imd Ueon. Ltghmt, N. W. LUon, lifaw. S.
W. LLiwtv, ncbm^ecitmnrf^tigrem f^» tie. 'LLoegyr, Effiamd §m tbiffiU tbi ,
Humber i excbdmg HWf swd drwmsl. Galf. Mooero. inKad* wtlhoD. LLogbayl mul
Uonriiavl, Nmsl LlaafoOy A Pbui m TmhikeJbin wMwtomd tB tbi xnadcf • st fmmmstr
Bsrby. LLudiec, L^btihf. LLubcCK^ rttnd/fial^. LLubitt) n bmder. LLuesty
Atimt$ AbgHnetUp. LLugora, A Imtbirm
Lvnt)ry% Lm dim . Viz. Trim tbi
Kyiibech, Kyuocchauc, Pmifimt. Kyw&tvc. A N0tkm. Kywyt xrfyacch^
Afi/n^mfrifst #r L. LArcvn, L^ffAf w^^/. Lattvnyr yfpaeiL&c Br.Roo. LLatK
2> ovf* LLabh pen, TV ieir^idf. 59 Ihadhgvair, Ihadhtfuyrch, Ihadh maun,
dec. LLidlog. q. wbetbir m Tmm. LLamre, S^vaif^ fscid. Env kafeg' Arthur.
iXannerd^ Affiim% mbanfbei ooatuni: fil, .^ tbittfimd istbrm ^oen Jli'm.
ULazhydrod LLach Moystn^c. LLarhr);|bU9 I> >hit/ m Mrir^. Lhathrydhy.
L1>. Yn y lie Mi enelle, Frffimthf. lAjemuTbfla;. LLedi Elibr, Sazum
Heliodori, ji flma tbat wm fi cJbd m tbi
LLuric, Armmy i ACiMtrfmsil, LUirigavCy Mold, mwrnr. LLvrv, AfUu9. LLychlyn,
NtrMf. LLy^tiC»yAFieit,mHgvjt. LLynnk ir LLySet. LLy^ieflrwr, Ast Atbursi.
LLyman. JUn^. LL^wycoebic, SflnuU. LL^wiia: EE^lywva^Hegivirt^d. LLywyav,
Ttgivint. M MAet gvenitb. A pUa m tbe Cmnttfj rfuweat wn [MoomouchihireT
meutw»'d m tbe Triades^ 4$ fmmm fir Wbist tmd nM9y% Malkavn, Madgun, Apnfir
wmm cad bf Gildu Mfghemm. Manacheg, A mm. tAuhTbiKifgdimifh/ierdLAf/i tbi
MMTthiS ir Birdtrs rfWtisi. Mar. Gad, Mac^ jiilatttn. Aity exfUt tmUufiU m it
fiJf bit trmpfStdfir fiUkkf/tid. Mebry, Ttjbat. Meiby Tbi Plur. ijf map «r
mlb, Ooo
Morgymlavb, A vwltMi tkk ir bstwster. Moniil, A9b0k. Mu, A dm. Muchub MMd
Maeo mudiublu Af . Mul, Mnlejt. Mvys, Astrt tfUsket ir fmtBkf . Mj^geborch, A
Vifnir^ m mfi. Mynneu, w Aifs, M^vgl, Tbi week. Mynb bvylav mynvgl, TV
iwtbnue. MynychUi Th ttirat «r nfist istim. Mynyby Tb tbt fUti wbtn. Mfnyb
oeb yr heu&yr, Tttbifltee wbin tbi Sbipbtrdwrn. M^yw, St.Dmrids, Mylen
snd Moefen, Mtfit. N NAdaf^ SibiU. Nebbyn,MraMii.q.d. NeI nx> bcyno, uc
apud T>ri»r. Nebun, SiMHim: Ncbunvravc^ AartMM FrtiK* Nieu, Dskt. Deagjsa
nieu, Firty daks. Tbit fp&rd cmmfremDyUm AdsiyimmDyuS^ SmuLy, So;. Tbid
bring ebawgid btti n, ii€Mi/i tbi sticubtg wmrd ntds mtb mn. Nigromavnty
Ntenmmty, Nic aing^, Tt mt. Niuer, Strciti a nt/mn. Noby, T^fnteB 0r frefirvi.
Noty sMdnbfccYy TJtnfmJf. Nocua,
ASmtSimj. Nodhvt. Nycuf«.Nicv. Nynnyau, iSmmt irKnmm, A mmit nmm. Y beu ychen
bannave oeb nyonyav a pbcibav a richvyf Duv yn jdien baonavc am y pecfaavr.
TB. K. 'siKi/ydb. <y^ a&c-^•*■ OCyOvirM^mmfii Oc eu hvyneb. In tbrirfiuit. Alfi if»
irmttif. Obywdicavy Fnm mbtvi bim. Of, lUv. Oec, Am 4iffiMtid J^sti if tkm.
Oed. Yn oeb un bybh, X0 tbi Jfsdifmndiy. USsicnyTUm^^, Olev, qyl. Dobi olev
ar, TV ndwnttf^ir ixtrtMtXJ^iStiM^

(delwedd 8484) (tudalen 237b)

(delwedd 8485) (tudalen 237c)

(delwedd 8486) (tudalen 238a)
Tit. VI. A Cornish Grammar.
Ore, Orkney or the Orckades, Ox\g\n^ A little whki ajbort^mce. Ifs a Dmmutive
ofOrigj as Orig tf/aur. Oruc," j^ster a Verb esthe Treter Tenfe Md third
Perfin Singular » is an Auxiliary i anjwering to the Engl^j did. As Dyuoc a
oruc. He did come. It*s sometimes alfi ufed Before Verbs of the Plurals tut
erroneoufly for^ Orugant : A hynny aoruganc, Andfo they did. Ofp, Aguefii
Plur. Yip andQ{peic Ou, Excellent. Ovyn Id. q. Ovan« Fear. OVi! Oh\ P DAtoyr
fPiur. pcly&yr] Afiafi. ^ Vzhy Silk, fine SattiHsScc. Dav (^wh. it be not
alfi Fur or Ermyo which fiems confirmed by Kith bali. Palyf» J^p^» ^ palyf y
gach, P. yr Arch. P. v Lhcw, &c. But more properly the paubn of tBe band.
Whence IPimxx^ ^ A flap on the facoi abox on theear, &c. Pan, Whence. Pan
bocchavch? Whence came ye ? Pan bcui bi ? Whence corneji thou? Hyc pan, fi
that, to the end that. Panbyuoc, To come : Panuanhoebync. They came from s
they de^ Jcended. ranyv, That is. Panyv margan Dwy wes o annwfyn. That Margan
is one of the Goddejfis esthe Deep. Parch, parcka and p^rh ar, Towards. Parch
ar lie, Towar^dsthe place. Parch ar t^eheu^ Towards the South, Pavin, A
peacock. Pauyci. Febeirael, Having four skirts or ' borders. Pebestyr if^/ pe&estric;
A footman ; a racer ; a courier. Pebren and pebrein, A buttock. Pebrcn march,
A Horfi's crupper. Pebryual, The utmoji pound or Unut. q. Peir, A cauldron.
Pair. Peis, A coat. Pais. ' K^peis, A coat of mail. Pellcnnic, A Branger, a
traveller. Peoguch, A hoods a cowljicc. Penllac, Surnmumbomsm. Penrhyn
Blachaon, Katnefs foint in Scotland. Penryn Havfcin, Afrontontory in
Cornwall. Penryn rionebb, The Seat of the Princes of Cumbria. Pennrynn
penwaeb, The lands end <^ Cornwall. That hundred is yet caWd Pcnwyth.
Penceulu , A comptroller iff the houfhold.^ Pencirirm/pencir, A promontory.
Pen cir ganion. The old name of a promontory in Ireland. Pennuirec,
Decafitatingsbeheading PcxifyA proper name i thejante with Priav or Friamus.
Pcriglavr, A parifb Vriist or Curate. Pervtb, Tka nudff.
Pccrus^ Doubtful. Pecrutoer, Douht, Ambiguity. Pevyr, Fair. Vevr and pivcr.
Pcynac, If not. Pcynac emrobeyj Jf he had not given ^ himfilf.* Peyfyanc,
Amachm. Plur. Peyryanheu. Picu ? Whoji ? Pieu y beueic a gebvi bi ? neu bieu
y gaer racko. T/l. K. 'ah Kilydh. Poec, Beit. Pony and ponyZyNot,
interrogatively ufed. Pony robcifc bi greb ? Didsi not thou engaged Vonyc
> b vyfi ? Am not I .? Ponyc mynach vyc ci ? Art, not thou a Monk ?
Porfibr, ^rple. Porch, Aid, fuccour. Porch Kerbin, A Haven in the Country of
Dy vet . Vid Dvuecc. Porcii Cleis, Another in the fame Country. PrefleJeu, A
place in Dyvcd. Q^ v}h Mynydh y parfeleu. Priav, A proper narne^ The fame vMh
Priamus. Priauc and Priaoc, Proper » Ge
Priobolber, Propriety. ProcdEo, A Proceffion. Prouebic, Approvd. Prub,
Prudent. Prydh. Prybein, Britain. It's frequently ujfed for Scothnd.
TrugcinCancref Prybein vff>^bh ban cabo hen. Tst. K. 'ah Kilydh. Pryber,
Anxiety. Prybcrvs, Thoughtful, Melanchofy. Pryc. Seemgtbat. Pumlumon, The Mountain
of Vlynhymmon in Cardiganlhire. Purban,Purgatory. y Pvyl,y^ country, Q. vA.
Poland. Pvych mcinlas, is Tmd to he the Britilh name of the place vthere
Oxhsfirst landed. Pwy, To, unto. Or roor pwy gylyb, Vrom Sea to Sea.
Vyt>tvf ? How ? This feems but a corruption thi it be comm^ in Ancient
Manufcrtpts of Pa dh(|[u. R RAccaer, A Suburbs. Racco', Thither, before thee,
yonder, there, that there. Syllbi racco, Jjook there. Racbav ; Ty racbav,
Bifore him. Racllauyn, The forepart of a blade i The point of a Sv)ord»
Dagger, or Knife. , Raccal, A frontlet i A forehead cloath. Ragofp "From
me. Ranc bob, [bdbli} SatisfaSion. Recbovybh^ Malicious, q. Rebynavc, A*
place over g^ovin viith Fern. Tal y rhebynog bhu, A place fo caff din
Scxxland. ^^vc^ ^ ray i. a branch, q. Tfi.K. 'ab Kilydh. ' ^ Refcru, To
marfhal an Army. Reckyr, Ji fwinefly. Reubus, A poor man; a beggar.. Riein, A
maiden, a virgin. Robebic, Bestow'd. Rhodhedig. Robvyn, The JUver Rhone in
Rocvyb Arbcrys, A place in Scotland. Ruchen, A Coat i a leathemjer' kin.
Rybein, Crimjon, Scarlet. Rubuoauc, A bloody General. Ruchur, Agood^ace or
distance. Ruchyr: Dvyn ruchur. To of fault or attack. Ry, Did It's an
abhreviation rf gvruc, wruc or oruc flill retained in the Cornifli. E ry
bochoeb ar Tyt)ozhocbyHe cajne i he did come. Ry gwnachob bran,. Brennus
made. Rybwychebic, WiSlful, iviBing. Rybychy, To will or defre. Mai y
rybychei, ^ccordmgto his dejira. Rvchcir,Qj^wh. PhntfdLand. Rygchunc, Between
them. Ryunaub, A finall place i^ a fmaU quantity Rynnavbh yn y kocc, A little
way i» thewood. • Rynnu, To emit or extend. Ryobrcs, Fon^. Ryfivr, A giants a
chan^iam^ m combatant. Ry-uic, Fride. CAechuccu, To dart. Q^alfi ^ whether to
/bam or delude. Tit. K. 'ab KUydh. Safvyrber, Sweet fcented. Safvyrys, Asre€oble,favoury.
Sanguarvy, q. GvarchaHcu Ianguarvy. Sal wen, F^n^ neeiUfs,impgr^nant. Saiaec
if»^ Sarhaec, Wrongs mjury. Sarhaed. Seberv, Froud'. Sef. To wit. Seilim, The
Ffabns. Selif, Solomon. Scncbvr, A Senator. Senedbur. Scpcvn. Kaer Scpcun,
^i^/fenr. Sirig, Silk. Sobi, To fink. SwlZyji Treafure. Svmer, A flmpture.
Svr, A ^logician. Svrn, A quantity, a good deal. Syllu, To look or behold. Ac
yna y by wave kei^ myn Uav vyngj ky ueillc j SyU by raccocan ryUvr. Bryflyav
aornganc parch a'r mvc, a b) neflau parch ac yno ban ym arbilgvyl obeli, yny
uyb billus uaruavc yn bciuav baeb koec. Xfl. K. 'ab Kilydh. Synbal, Fine
linnen, , Syr, Stars. T nPAL The forehead, the fi-ant or ■■• fore part of any thing.
Taleich, A prnscipality. Talym, A quantity, lalym o amfer, A good vihile.
Tanllachar, Fiery. Tancayr, A bonefire. Taryan, A fbieUl. Teichyavc,
Traveling, vuiyfaring. Tcmhyl, A Temple. Temhyl, A feat. q. of what fort. Yn
cifceb ar bemyl o irvrvj'o, &c. TB.Arth, Tcruyn. Yn ceruyn £i»w/ yn
hcrfyn] So that, to the end that. Tcrvyfc, Tumult. Tewcc,

(delwedd 8487) (tudalen 238b)

(delwedd 8488) (tudalen 238c)

(delwedd 8489) (tudalen 239a)
VI. A Cornish Grammar.
Tcwer, Thicknefi. Tewhay, Tp^omdff/e. Tcylv^vc, Dignhf, ^ Teyroj -4 Prmce,
TcyTneyt)^ Prhfcefys U^al. Tcymgcc ^i Teyrgec, TriMi. Tibcrgvn, A Cat. Ifs
mfy 4ifirt tf kj-msme, ss is alfh Rciiwvirt) iorrnf'd fr9m the French » for a
Fex. Toac, The cevermg ef a Hovfe, nxAether SUa, Tbaiei, Shmgles, er Lead.
Tofci, Tb hurt. Trt, Beyoad : Tra mor. Beyond Sea. Tra, no much : Tradiaryar,
Dotage, exeeffioe fondnest, Trach, Towards : Trach y gcfii. Backwards:
Ymchoelyt) a oniganc crach i kefbeu, Hey re-s tum*d. Trahavc, Frond, haughty.
Tiavflych. Q. Mnfiachoes. Hep uaryf a
hep t>ravflycfar arnav. Travflvcb goch. Traig^vieirh, 0» a certain time,
TidfltV, To force. Tr^mygu, Todo^fi, Trin, 7*e F^ruer T¥ent, Tio, The cay of
Troy. Trycbwanavc, F^ ef holes, q. LLenllietn o-vchwanavc. Tiylhyll,
JLa/cMom. * Trywanu, To fiorco, to ferferate, toforvade. Try&^avc,
Free,tMnralhid, TutMBC, Ji fUdefwheer. Tiie£>, The Tteeed. T^vtO^Ne^.
Tixrdh and durdh. Tut, ^fide or part. Tucb, Face: Tuch yfbaTD, A Ugbt face.
Twiec, Tokdo in Spaim. Twyg, A Gown. Tygbemenavl, Fatal Tymhcfeyl, A tempe/f.
TyrnpyJifetimeofchtldAirth. Accormig to the Origin ef the word TEokkh is from
the Lathe Tempus, it might fignify Time m general. Tywoc, ^and, U UCber, The
Evening. Ucher, Height, Uchor, Alcove, ahove thee. Veichieu ereill, At other
times. Ulkaflar, ilkaflar, and iul kaflar, yuGus Cafar. Unben, A Prince.
Unllofyauc, One handed. Vrchav, From him, fi-o^ it. Urvarr, A Ranger of a
Forejl^ a Keeper, &c. I^s an old E^gB/h word} A woobwaio. Vyfc. Ar vyfc,
j^er : Ar vyfc y Kcffiryeic, ji^er the Romans. XJnlefs we jbould rather read
it. At fyfc y CcflSrycic, Amongff tbo Romans. W WE&ir. YnyUcywdt)ir,»»*ff
is faid. cVJc^y The Sea. Wyt>^vydh] Trees, Wys. Ny wy«, Jfsweit knovm.
YAm and y am, From offi From about. Alfo hefides. Yar, From on. Yar y byrdeu,
From 0^ [Of ojf] the Tahks. Yar y hvyncb, From j^ her face. Yamav, Fromeff^bim.
Yevhaf, The youngefi. Y g>'C, andjometimes ygyc, With, Alfi together.
ySEhst. Yg> J^* yS or yng, Yghcmyu, In ComwaU. Yman, Uero Ymbanimt:,
Atoutthem. Ymawonc. Gvc&i ^ ymawonc, msen they part. Ymchoeiic, To
return. Ymbetrh yt> ae^. He vsentof. Ytnc^toan, Difiourfi. Yraenb^ir. q.
wh. accurfed. Ymenbi^eic annvar bav, &c. — Bocc ymenbigeic y gcrf ae
t)igoncs. — Poer ymenbigcic y fibc y bcnrir ynbi. Tfi. K. 'ah Kifydh ^ah
Kefydhon meMg. Ymendnav, To hath. Ymwan, To engage with lances. Ymyfeyriav a
oruc, Hejhook him^ Ytiy Agahfi. Y meiboa a gyfbbanc yn cu car, &c. Frof:^
SihU dhoeth. Yn, Into. Yn y c4n. Into the fre. Yn yr auon, Into the river.
Yr, For. Propter. Er. Y rvg (andjometimes yrvg) Be^ tween. Yrygchunz,
Betweenthem. YrUoneb, Indignation. Y rofi [^and yrofi] a buw. In God's name:
I proteB. Yfcocryefc, The Irijb or Ancient Scots. Yfcir, d: Sev. +nTOir.
Yfga&el and yrgafalhv, To employ or make vacant. Ystirhyr, Tnsit.
Y&yf, J^prey. Y&yffiav, Th rot. Yigrybul, A working teajl. Yskyuarn,
The ear. Yskyvam. Yflippany, To turnip $ to poUfb or irighten. Yst. K. 'ab
Kilydh. Yfo, Gnests. Yipytty, An Ifyfittal^ an Alms Henfi. Yffic, There is.
'fydh. Yfly, To eat. Yfcyr, Meaning. Alfo nistory. Yfrani, Apackfaddki
AnyHorfi Accoutrements. Yicrer^ A row, a ratsk. Yferyw, Skill i afiratagem.
Yfwein, A Gentleinan of the Bbr/e, Ych, In thy. Ych beriba by hynan, Is ti^
own Ferjon, K. LL. aLL. YrroebTn. Pan yrrocbvn. When I was. Yvrch or y vrch.
Some DireBions might he expeSed here, for the distingu^bing the Dia^leBs
wherein M^^S are written i hut the Foots and other Authors, nfing any words
that occurred in Books, whatever Countries they had keen written in $ there
is not neat that difference ofDiateSs in Mamt^ O o o X
firipts, that we find in fieakinri the' there he yet enough to render them
difUngutJIjahie, on Attention and Oofervation Us, es and ys, the Terrmnations
ef the Third Perfon fingular of the Freter Tenfe in the Southern Dialed, are
not as is common^ appre^ hended, a late corruption. For I find 'm in Manufiripts
ef ^oa years Handing, and the following Examples particularly in a Copy of
Bryd y Brenhinaedh, written ahout toot time. Yncca a achwanegvd. He augmented
i En ellyfyracfcrirehnvs Gilbas, In the Book that Gildas w^fej Ef a rannvs,
Hejhar'di Ef a ymbangofles fynnavn or bayar, A weU^rung out of the Earth i
Nye arfvybvys eiryocr, He never feared i Obyna y gebewys beuno 6 He hvnnv.
Then Beyno lest that place. Nor is tie Pronoun efo, ujed in N. Wahlf lefs
Authentic. For in an old Manufcript of the Life of St. David, I find it
frequently occurs. Yn yr Hon ny allavb neb prcgcrhu, namynefo, Wherem none
hut he could Preach, &c. Bolides the Termination of the Third Perfon
frtgular of the Verbs of the Freter Tenfe', Books written tn South Wales are
distingui/hahle by fuch words as are known to be of common ufi in that
Country, and fiarcebf or not at allfioken in North Wales. Such as Synyo aesd
hary anu. To regard or take heed; Dobi, To fet or put i Herki, To fetch ,•
FufSaw, To beats Hela, To drives A and helZy To finds Deifif, 7^ defires
Ervyn, To expeBs Kyuebach, Feafiing^ carowfings Argo), Afign, an artument s
or cu roaes, On the out fide s Faib, A court or yards Cacno, AFoxs Pawyn and
pawen, A Peacock, Sec. &c. As for the Corni&i and Armoric the difference
isfivery wide, betwixt their Manufiripts of the later Centuries 4nd ours s
that tho\ one were well skill'd in mffh, 'twould yet require abdut a month's
time to underfiand a Book written in either of thofi Diale&s. But if
there be any writings extant therein, field as the jthy %tk, ^thj or iQthy
Centuries i Iprefitmethey are fcarce distsngmfh^ able ae to Grammar fiom
Jf^^s and may be known only by fime words peculiar to thofi Countries ;
wherein the curious may in fame meafurefatisfy themfihes from their re^B'rue
Vocabularies. I bostfo hitherto met with no very ancient writing that fiemd
to be Comifli^ uniefiwejhould fi^B for fuch an ^egy on the Death of Ge'reint
'ab Erbyn a Nobleman of Comwal or Devon about the *year 54.0. who is
mention*d.in the Triadts as one of the threfgreatefi Admirals of the Britijh
Seas s the other two beh^tAAXch 'ab Meirchyon,i»M/ Gwenwynwyn 'ab Naw.
There's yet in Comwal aplace caU'd Gerens, which is their modem Promm^

(delwedd 8490) (tudalen 239b)
Y Am

(delwedd 8491) (tudalen 239c)

(delwedd 8492) (tudalen 240a)
^mtkm rf Gcreioc ( ibtf t^mfi^ I
chsttgmgliM$0%) mtdM^htrcJtd^ Trcv Erbin, wbkb mkbt
tefiJenmnmattdf^mmbUFatbir. Ifsfiud m the Ehgf that b$ 'um tstbeBarJers rf
Devon, mtd that h$ wsi jlm M LLcM^Donh. Ya lloogborch yllas nreinr, Gvr bcvr
o gobir b^Ibetnc ; ^ Wyncwy ya Via&> gyc as IcDcinc. Yn llongborth
lias y archur, Gvyr bcvr kymm^uyre 6 bur Amheravby r Uywyavbyr Uauur,
Titstofrif Re, jMehimtbiCof' ndtkJ^pMis Too much; 4r ^ Sooo #r Quickly}
cecmrs fnfamt' gnmf mmtf mters» frch m Eloravr^ gwycbdac, kyourybh,
rhebhainr, obhew, gwdun, niok)ch« pubwyb, &c. nMcb Istvtr m M them, ibis
u mt mm%h $0 cmcbde the Awiker t0 Uvi teem ef Comwal or Devoa ; wbtrt frotaUy
Mfj BriCi(h ^M 4a that time tmderfhU And m regard the M Qefy lUve rfit is
writtem amm^fime Ehpes ifcrit'd t0 LLy wafch hen, efwtefi tvritmgs feme
sccmmf it gtvem im the mext Titk, fue kimwuet ka it may be efbu Oemfojkre. Im
eli Mmmfar^s the Psrtkk yeryr wbkb elfiwbere mAers U tbe EegkfbThf^ it
t^btfire fre^ fer names u wet se A^feHntivet : A$ Heb y benoigdcuran^ feid
Bendlseidvran. Se» Heb y macbolvch} Heb y s^enhvyuar^ Heb yr owein : Heb yr
archur, ficc. nndtbeufeUffFnrtkleiytinnd tfi my^ accebavt) ynreu, Henm/wer'd
tbemt Ef a hfotc y oorf, Hn bedf WM bnmt i Ef a yinbanfloOes fynnavn, A wet
^mng fbrtb^ tmdfich libe ettnr verjjh* mtentn* In biterregntimu tbe Vkrb Sum
k tstem e mitt e d kt M mritufs. At Chvecleu Bcpnyc ? »fi ttem mgj NMotf
Doiuorwyn heb y svenhvyoar t gouyn yr oorr pvy y marchavc racto ? tjll.
Gerektt 'ab Erbyn, Andfimetimes ist mmext te the Prenenn, betbmnbmgbneene
werd: As Pieu y niuer Uongeu [er llogeu] hyna? Wbefi Sb^s are thefe ? A govyn
a wnaech piocbh y meirch, Adhe ask'd vbefi were tbe Herfes. Mabin. 'Twos
femetimes atfi emitted in tbe An/iaer, As Mi ieuan heb ef, I mm Jebn fmd He.
Efeng. Nic Tbe Frememet were femethmes Merently pUced and exfreffedfrem mbat
k new nfial: Fer wberem we rnwjaj^ Pan gynca as a nlyav bi, i^Affeem m
ijbaealltbee'] m tbe eidMSS nuejSnd, Pan ich al* wyfgynra. Bntiavhtg dwelt
Utf eneugb en tbe eld Ortbegrofbj, 2cc. ufed in Wales, let m retnm te
the.firvivingBntiBi efOont^ wal. .
ledge i Dyskyans, Learning 1 Ty/^TT A P ITT
byuiSyTtestght^im^matieniTTyv>iOxi.JL« 1X1« &pxi$^Serrevf^ mem^uAfefi
i Qordhyans, If^r/hif, benenri Karens, lAve^frkmffb^ 1 Kridzhans,F4fM. A, y^
vn.1 In Cornifli MamA Skiamoleth, Prudence^ Folneth ips tbeArink tLer{ai 'tk
ether^nd Foloreth,. FeOj i Banneth, A wHttemj'i amfieerste tbe Bf"
bkfitgi MyhcemechCfMycbterA er An-^ and fi dees fimenech] Severdtgetyi
Kyzdech,F#4wr^ times un, m nmtatien frebaiiv epf^^^^knefs, ttanfmllkji
Boienethe French: As Un dra, Athmg i gech, Tbe wtf; Gwyrooech,2VKrifr i Un
vennen, Anoemam Un II, Goucgncch, Framf» deceit, falfeAn Angfl. ^»«'An k EAmvalent
te The: As ^ Tbe mifi cemmenTtrmnsaan dto, The mam An byz, TU tien estbe
names ef Natural Bowerldi Dk blmdrty Thro' aS tbe Tswn. It tebes flaee alfe
femetimes tefrrePrenenns: ^ Anrena, Tbefii erkimfirted between a Pre^ neon
and Nems: ^ Pa an dra ? I0fat thing f Pa an marh i Jfflbat Htrfif Tbk
Particle An^ tecemes Jemetimes Han : As F^ ban keyfon ? Jfhat Chargjs er
AccuJaSsen f And k alfi esten written yn: ^Abertb
the'] As dhfrc rudra an dcvaz han
the (Seats. Dhan k a CeniraOien efdbn
and an; and J^nfies To ibs erXJnto the: As dhan may-na, n that Ledi Dhan
guaz-na, Unte that AAm. Andje a'n [fr an] of ^r from} #f oucofariar aanaMfA/.
Of Nouns SubstantiYe^ The TenmnaHens efSfJbBtua^dfrc$ areintbk Ijtssgjeage as
mersdfy in ethers, tsery 'oarsem and tmeertmn j fartknlati
m m
on: and net of em ef them de aife end in K, er G* As, Gyedhan, ATVeei
Gijidan, A redi Glastan, and glaOsnan, Aneaki On,onDan4aH/eQUcdhan, .^ 4^ i
Gueman, An alder treei Ska wan. An elder $ Spernan, A therm Bexaidkai^Abreemi
£ithinan, Afitrxrbif/bi Panan, AHrfnifi Rcdanan,
deebs filediitto,^
l^!^i Moian, A bramUe binj ^ *iwj jv onvix Kuon an qcvbx^ oao ^o«icon. An ex$
Mellan, Aena^ gour, Frvas nObing theSbeefand Py^i Mynnan, A Udi Lygod*
-'"' Man, Ameufii Pedrevan, A Is. "rrfj Kuilkcn, Ajhgf Krohan,
Aindei TetbenyAnmlderi Pid-I nian, Tbe bramt; Azan, A rib A
iuUan, 5w; iwyiomman land JCylobmanj Affeem Gylvan, AJfarrewi Trodzhan. A
flaee % Grundnan. A »f5r»|.Kriban, A birds erelf\ ^Vywi^Afiaiheri
Htnetax^AfiU chard i Krogan, ^/kf j GuUttn, Aferiwinblei tAmrnxmn^An er emmet
i Guanan, Abee^ C btn, Afif. — J.. J — ^ . -^ L^^^^ ^ "*^' Ledzhck, A
regard they SMf centribnte Jeme\'>^iferi Skyuarnak, Abarei MlbSstethe
memerj» fiem te deferve\'^^ Afre^pr teadi KuU^, A emr notice. cecii Gylvtas^Acm^lewTKyve
ifi. A great nmnber estbe Ab* flxads and Verbal Substantives. which in EMgWb
gjmtraUy tenunat be nels, ty, tion, hood, flup, and ch. As Goodnds, EQuity,
Submiflion. Livelihood, Friendfliip, Screqgdii, andficb lie ; have m tbk Lanpmge
their Termssatiens in der, ans, er ech. As we fnd by thefiUewksg Bxmt^bs.
inlander atsd goleuder, Bs^ntfsi T'v^6aJ}arbnefs $ Teuder, T%kknefs ;
Tanauder, Tbmnefs i ?y{6BSjJkavmefii SkzrderJL^ht' nefsi Kalaner, Hardnefs;
Medalder, Sestnefsi Gvander, mabne/s $ Tadder, Geedneji; Glanidider,
Ckamfyne/si Hljiekter, Smeetnefs i Tektor, Beenty. MysUderm/tymder, Warmth,
heati Dounder, Defhi Taxxoc [and Zehar ] Dretigbt 1 Euhdder, He^bti
Gttuder,rnirAiKrevder, OTIVNgFJV. Givians, Parden, fergyoenefs ; ■-•^^-dhyans. Denmtffiratien,
ret« er Mfievery, Beuoans, ^ '^ UveSheedt MMmns^Deathi Sylvans, Sahmtien i
Skbns, Knew
lak, Aweed-cecb; Girak, A needk^ m i Ketnak, Ajbadi Sdphak^ A cuttb-fi/b.
idfy, Neons Official er AfpfeOattens ef Tradefinen, eriHnefany Bmtleyment,
and ether metasterkal names^ derived frem them ; end generatty m r; bet
sometimes alfe in k, and Jemetimes in Sj er (as anckMSfy) mtyerd. Ex. gr.
Kyffylicr, AcomMlenri Hydor, Am Insfefieri Pystrvor, A fhrcerer ^ Pyfgadar, A
ffbermam Reuadar, A rawer ,• Belendcr, A miller ,Trykktar,^>Wfcri
Liuyar,wf ^&r; Gueadar^^flPfiivfri Bynkiar, ^ ceofer s Ymdowlar, A
wrefiler ,• Gynnadar, y^ySvrri Midzhar, A reaper $ Scenor, A ^ater-wagtail^
from Scfin, A miliit^faili whence it's alfe caWdks mifb» firich y ryches.
Mechik and wcibSk^fhyficuae^ a cKrergkni Marhak« ^ tln^ht ;l Ounck^Acemardi
GOak, ASen^ Kontrevak, Aneigbbenr. Sylvias, A Savienr, a Redeemer or
Deliverer i Kuichyas [ f Gutthiat] A beeper^' a gjeardnm,' a berdfinmm,

(delwedd 8493) (tudalen 240b)

(delwedd 8494) (tudalen 240c)
Ledge; Dyskyans,
Learning; Tybyans, Thought, imagination; Trystyans, Sorrow, mournfulness;
Gordhyans, Worship, honour; Karens, Love, friendship; Kridzhans, Faith,
Prudence; Folneth and Foloreth, Folly; Banneth, A blessing; Myyterneth [†
Mychterneth] Soveraignty; Kyyz

(delwedd 8495) (tudalen 241a)
Ti*r.VI» A Cornish Grammar.
berdfifOHi Kcmias [f Kcruiat] jifsfen
tRenniac, A Jbarer^ a carver i '\ScMZt>^ A tailor i fFerhiac, Atbitfi f
Purchcniat, Af^rterer i f Hclviat, One that drives ^ fitrfiesi t Scriviniat,
Afirivemer, ^hly. Such Kbims vhem rf the Feminine Gender, are cirnmoTJy
fbrn^d ty the addition cf cs. As -tScuyzdcSyiivomoM'ti^br } -fFellores, One
that flays on the Violin $ Porthcres, A womanfcrten Pcchadyres, Afinmer ,•
Pcstriorcs, A witch; EnsrnkSj A (be heafi. phly. We have already otfer^d m
the £rfi Title of this Volume, p. 27. col a. and 28. col. l. that d and X. in
the Welfh^ are chined to s or z in the Modem CorniQi. And this rule if fo
general in the Th-mination of Nouns, as offeors by the imstances there
inferted that it very rarely fails, unlefs, as above excested, in old
Manufirists, 6thly, Tie Nouns that terminat im w [or vi] in WcMh, end
commonly in 6y in the Corniih. As KarU. Afiag, Corn. Karo : Taru, A Ml, Taro
; Guedhu, deprrvii, Guedho^ xueni^ Bitter, Hucro; Medhu, l>rMiifar^ Mcdho
J Maru^ Dead, Maro. , 'jthly. Tie Corniih Nouns that agree with the Ijadn,
nrver terminot in a Vowel, but generally in the Penultimat or elfe in the
tost ConJonant of the Latin '^ or ai leafl in Xa Confenant of the fam Clafs $
As I afpears by the following examples. I lP2Xi[and^z&[i\cloathiL'
Pannus. Sythyn, A week ,• Seprimaoa. Mediik, Aphyficiam Mcdicus. Bouin, Berfi
Bovina. Padal. A pan; Patella. SkidaAyA dijb i Scutula,Scutella. Kaul, Broth,
from Caulis. Manadc, AQlove,Jrom'Mtmcai, UevtfZ^Ajhirt orfmccki Camifia Rox,
Awheel; Rota. Ardar andijoAxy A plow; Aratrum. Guarrak, A iov) $ Arcus. som,
An oven ,• Furnas. 1 Manal, Afieafrfc^rm ; Manipulufi. Vwilz, A reaping-hook
; Falx. Kei, Cbeefi; Cafcus. Ladar, A thief ; Latro. EgliZ, A Church ;
Ecclefia. 2Lanz. A Saint ; Sandhis. Drindas [ and drindzhaz] The lyinity j
Trinitas. Speriz, A Spirit; Spiritiis. ViskyEafier; Pafcha.
PenkaAyf0fstfintide; Pcntecoste. 7T6^ Genders of Nouns are two : The
Mafiuline and the Feminine. j0 proper names of Bikn, and the afpeUations rf
all Trade/men ; itnd Men ofawf Employment or Pro^ j^ffidw stre rsthe
"MafcuUne ofcourfi, Amdfi ^"^ ^bf names of Winds and of the Months;
rf the Senfes, rf yertues and Vices ; and rf Metals. AlB. froper names of
TVMen and afpeOatives rf their employment; as alfi the names rf C^uvtries,
^f^trs,and rstownSy Viaages,\Afegar of long mfier; Kyliri. A and Churches,
ar^osth^ Tfemhune, cotkbi Rr^mi^o,^ >/ /.:^._4 t?%'
and Churches, ar^ of the Feminine As ttf ihe names of Animals t the Gender or
Sex, {as aljbthe fetus) is diJHn^juifb'd in all Domefiic ^adrupeds and Birds,
awdjucbof the E£ble wild ones as are mofi confiderabk, by particular names.
As Taro, AMI; Biuh 9r \ Byu;t, A cow; Udtheon^AmoxlfOdton;] Lodn, A bullock;
Lcdzhek, A heifiri Dcncuoid, A yearling; Leauh or t Loch , A calf; Hor and
\Hordh^ A ram ; Davazwf Davat, Ajheep ; MoUlt and f Mols, A weather; Oan and
fOin, A lamb; Marh [fMarAj] A horfe, Kazak *«/ fKafl^, A mare; Ebol
and Ebal, Acolti Byk [tB6A;] /ej Diverf of them temriidted hs
A buck, as alfi a he^oat ; Gavar, Atoat, and Myn ^ Mynnan, A kid; Baedh, A
boar ; storA; and H6aj, a hog; t Gflys,Haneu, and H6h, Afiw, and f ForA:ell,
Apig $ Kci l<trfKl]Adog; TSJ^tt.A bitch ; dnd Koloin* A whelp ; Gurkath,
Ahe^cat; Kith, A cat; Karo, A deorf fEwik, A hind; Loch lor Lcaub] Euig,
Af^un ; f Ky tior;^;, A roe-luck; fYorAs, A rife. Of the other wild Be^fis,
the larger jort are commonly ufid in the Mafiuline Gender : As Olifans, An
elephant; CaurmarA; , A camel; lAUyAlion; EhidhjAwjf; Brdch, A badger;
XAxm^Afox; Devcrsi {_and t Dourgil An otter ; Tahua, Afia calf; unlefs we
Jhould per haps except A(en, Anafs; and Ors, A bear. And the finoB Ofses
rstbeFemhnine : As f Skouamog or Skyuar* nak, A hare; f Koinntb, A wild cat;
fYeujjcn, A prret; fLouennanifjvi/ kodna guddn^Avjee/Ie; Lygodzhan
^rtLogoden,^MrM^; fGddh and Gudh dhvr, Amole. t Keliok ^ KuUiag, A cock ,•
Yir, A hek ; Kelibkuydh, A gan^ der ; Gstydh, A goofe ; Payn, A peacock;
Paynefs, A peahen; Kuliagcx, A drake; HtL [Hoct] Aduck. At to the other Birds
some are cfinstantly vfed in the Mafculine : As\Zx,An eagle ; Bargcz [fSkoul]
Akite;^f:rXyAjwan; jylvinak, A curfew; Kvvelak^ Avioodcock; Melhuez, A lark ;
Golvan, A^ar^ few; Guradoan, A wren. And others Feminine ^ -^^rfMarvran \mod.
brin vrtz] A raven ; Mola dhiu [f Moclh] ,^ ouzle or black'bird; f Kolom tfr
Kylobman, A pigeon; Br^n, Acrom^; fKydhon, al, Kylobman KQz, Afuotfi or
rn^dove; Gttilan, A gut ; Gyrprik^A partridge ; f Hule and ula. An owl;
KodasL huilan, A lapwing ; Kdg, A cuckow, &c. The names rf^ aregenerattj
rf /i&r Mafculine Gender; ^tMorvil, A whale; tMorho;i;, A p^rpotfe i t
Ehoc {or eiug] Afalmon ; Mehal, A mullet , ' \ Brcthil, A maekrehbic. Except
TAlliy An eel; M6r-nader, A Umptey ; Karlath, A ray or thomback; Gavar mdr,
cockle; BreoigmyA limpet ;mr€n. An oyfier ; f Mefclen andBaieti, A mfcle ;
Kn^en, AjheB, The Harhes rf infias ; As Cutnenen, Abee-^ Huilcn or Huiian, ^
beetle ; Molhuidzhon, Afhaili tGuhien AwaJ.^Hmdmn^ a
flea, ficc. dre mojUy rsthe Fcminixifi Gender. l%e natnes df Thees terminated
formerly in en tho^ now (as they are commonly pronounced) in an, and vere
all, at hi Wclfli, of the Fe^JP^^Gtnder^ As Ortnen, An a/PiGhdmenyAisoak;
Guemcn, Am alder j Kclinen, mHyi Bedewen, Absrch^ Colwidhen, Aha^
— bren, that word which it now ufid for Timber fignifyinr then a tree : As
Oleubreu, An oive free j Guinbren, ^vflifi Perbren, A pear tree; PlymhreayA
plum tree; Pinbrcn, A pine; Moyrbren, AmuU berry tree, Befides the Concord
rsthe Adjeaive vjhh it's Suifiantive, the Gstwferx of Subfiantives are
diflmgmjbd, tn worifs beginning with mute Oonjinants, Sy the PartuU an [thel
For if the Subjfantive following an, ''^ffV-'^^ Primary Initial, or that
vihichisrtsfirst Letter inthe Order V ^'^stary Ex. gr. Marh, A horfe J An
marh, The horfe ; it's always of the Mafculine Gendef And vfhen 'tis of the
Fexnmine, the leading mute is changed into aSecondary Initial^ rit afoster
mute rsthe fame Clafs ; unlefs the v)ord begm vMth Gul, gun ^ gur; w which
cafe the only alteration is, that the g is omitted Ex gr. Karrak, A rocky but
The rock is An garrak ; Se Fordh lor forh] A w^y; An vordh, The way ; Benin,
A woman ; An vinin, Thewoman ; Tiz, Men, people; An diz. The people; Gur^, A
v)ife; An tir%> W' wtfe. So that the changes of the Primary Initial mutes
into the Secondary , denatinr the Feminine Gender, are as follows; Labials P
— B, B— V, M-V, F-V, andK sometimes. Dentals T — D, D — Dh. Palatals K—G^and
G omitted M above. As to the Cafes, there's but Ehle difficulty, there being
but one Termination througbdut the Singular NumSer and another in the Fmral;
fi that they are only distinguijh'd h their Article annext, or PrcpOQtion, or
place: As^ In thefifguldr Knmber. Nom. Levar, A book. Gen. A'n levar, Cstbe
book. Dat. Dht'n Icval-, Ins the book. Ace. An levar, The book. Voc. A kvar.
O book, Abl. 5en an levar. With the book. Im

(delwedd 8496) (tudalen 241b)

(delwedd 8497) (tudalen 241c)

(delwedd 8498) (tudalen 242a)
Tit. VL A Coknish Grammar.
Im the Plural, ' Nona. Lcvrou, or —
ro, hoks. Gen. A'n levrou, Ostlfe hooks. Dat. I>hz'xi\tyiG\Xi To the
hooks. Ace. An levrou, Tie hooks. Voc. A Icvroui O hooks. Abl.
Qtnzxilisvxoyij^sth the hooks. Nouns of the Mmfiulma Gender » change {as
ahove) /Ae/r Primary Initial mutes m the Genitive Cafe, aster the Particle 2u
[ofs or of a'] hut not aster an {psthe\ as in thofe of the Feminine. For they
fay b\c^ an pen, or (as lately corrupted) an pc<U), Tie hair of the Head;
and a ben hag a thmz, 0/ head and foot. So from Gutn, ihno} Guedran a uin,
[jigWs of wine'] hut a tlafs of the luino is Guedran an gum. jin InitialF is
turned intoh in the Genitive Cafe, &ۥ iper the Fartick a'n {or as 'tis
amays written) an : As F16h, A Child ^ A'n hl6h. Of the Childi Dhc'n hlo, n
tie Obild, &c. ^Theyujid formerly » and do yet in fever al nvords, a
variation of the Vdvjel {whether thefirfl or the only one) in the Genitive
Cafe, ficc. Particularly a , J find chained into e ; As Marh, A horje s Ren
verb, HorJe mane i Buzl verb, HorJe dungi and e into ij y^ or ey : ^Merh, A
daughter} An vyrhj Cf the daughter i Pea, A heads r dba byn, Agasnfi thee. q.
d. On thv head; AM £r a^as Dvn
buy, Againfi yon i Hu£l, PTork ; Mein hueyl, Work-fiones, orstones for
Buiidiisgi Kres, The midfii In kreys an dre, In the midfi of the Town. Nouns
flf Matter admit if no fartick in w Genitive: As Bezau our, A ring of gold i
Forharbans, A fork offilver j Yg horn, An iron hook; Plankys zaban,
Deal-hoards. The Dative Cafe is frequent h ufed in the Corniih \ heing govern
d hefides others, hy the fame Verhs as in the Latin, and afplied much in the
fame manner : as we find hy the following Examfks. The Dative Cafe aster the
Verb Sum] Yml dhynuno, I have. q. d. verbatim Est mihi. 'Ma marh dh^ bredar
vi. My Brother has a horfe. q. d. Est equus fratri meo. Idzha 'n leauh dh^'n
den Yynk-na ? Has that young man the Ague ? . 'Ma 'ren ehaz. nyi dhen, Wk
"have our health. £z konnez dbiu' ? Have ypufuffd. A ster Verbs of
Bidding or Commanding] Dcu dhymmo vi a crA^ys, Goi hath commanded me i Reys
yu dheufa, You mufi. Of giving ] Mi a re dhyuh, I will gtve you; Ro dhedhCj
Give them-, Ro dhym and dro e dhymmo. Give it moi Ystyn e dhym. Beach it me.
Of promiiing ] Mi ai didhiuys dhodho, I havefromifid it hms Me a urontiav
dhys, I will war, rant tiee. \__'
Of believing] Krez dhehm, Believi mes Rag fraga na grefyth dhym lavarouT Jf^
dofi not helieve fny words ? Of paying] Deu a dil dheuh ? God JbsJl reward
you ? Ny dal dhynny. We fhould not i Ny dal dhodho. He ought not. Of
hearkning unto or obeying] Ty rig golla uorty , Thou hafi hearken d unto her.
^ Of fpeaking] Lavar dhymmo, Speak unto moi Me a lever dhys, I teU thee. Of
putting or adding] Gorra an dra fin dhan ramenat. Add this to the reji. Of
going ] Monez [or myaez] dhB dre, Tfgo to Town, Of becoming, 8cc. ] Py gotho
dhiu' bcz, WSen it would iecome you to he. Offending] Rhagdanyn dheuh. To
fend to you. Of bringing ] Ev ai dyg dhym, lb hr ought it unto me. Of asking
] Govyn orto. Ask him; Govynna uorch e vicedar. Ask his Brother. The
Participles likewi/i gevem the fame Cafes witi tieir Verts, and some
Adye&ives alfo as in tie Latin, require a Dative. Af Laverys dhebm,
Spoken unto Gytheflys dhyu'. Offered unto
liou i ger, A word, gerriou and girriou Sometimes a Final Confonant of tie
Singular, is douhled in tie Plural, or. elfe [whici is equivalent) the Vowel
immediatly preceding is accented: As F6s, A wall, PJ. Foffou tfrFofoui Ler,
\\ Idr] A floor, Lerriou or leroy ^ tGuli,-r^ wound, Gollyou i Garget,
Agarter, GarSettou. Some words whoje Singular terminat in 1, have gfuhjoyn^d
there-^ unto in the Plural ; As TtuaX^Dark, PI. Tulgu, Tenehr^i Kyflyl,Cw».
fel, PL Kyiyigou. A Vowel snterpofid in the last fyUahle between a Mute and a
U-^ quid in the Singular, is frequently omitted in the Plural : As Levar, A
hook, Levrou ^ Dagar, Atear, Dagrou j Tcmpel , A Church , Templys. The Final
d, tho^ it he generally changed into sorz in the Sii^ular, is yet sometimes
retain d in the Pluril; As Pchaz, Sin, PI. Pehadou; hecauje Pehaz is hut a
Corruption ef the old word Pehad, Pe;i;ad. or Pe;i;at. So from Arrhas and
guorbemmynnias, A Command, Arhadou snid guorhemmynadou ; So Falladou, Frauds,
f aihngs -, and In-niadou, Bepulfes or Denials. This Plural in ou, is
frequently j
you$ Ymigovcoik dhyWi I reIpronounced at prejent as ^ it termS'
memher i Yma e pyr have! dhys, He is very like thee. There are three Numhers
in the Comilh; The Singular, Dual, and Plural. The DuJ, as m the Axmoric,
ferves only to exprefs feme parts of an Animal that are pmrs.
nated in o : as Nocdho, News ; Huelio, Works i Delkio, Leaves ; Gddho, Geefii
Neitho,^^/?/. And sometimes inMi as Keau, Hedges ^ Gueliau, ^^fi/fi Breihau,
Arms i or elfe in u; as Luzii, Herhs i Luimy Cattle. Ls tie 'WelOi this
and is made hy prefixing di, diu<, Plural terminates in au, which yet or
deau {two'] to the Singukr, Mtd is pronounced asxor e, anjwering uniting them
: As f La, lau, and to the Nominative Plural of the 14v, A hand i Diula assd
fciiulev, First Declenfion of the Latin. Hasdsi Lagaz, An eye i DeaulaTie
Second Plural ends in i, as ^Z, The eyes; Skodh^ Ajboulder ; Guidhili ,
Irijb-men ; Kuichizi ,
Diskodh, Thejbouldersi Br£h, An arm § Dibreh, The arms. The Plural
Terminations of Sabstantiyes. Tie first Plural terminates in ou : ^x Aluedh,
AlMfy, PI. Aluedhou and alhuedhou. Keys; ArvyA weapon, PL Arvou ^ Bedh^A
grave, PL Bedhoui Dagar, A tear, PL Dagrou ^ fiaraz, A door, darazou ^ Ro,
--^^, roliou. So tiat tiis first Plural ; wiici as in tie Armoric, is tie
most common i may generaUy^aking, he form' el hy adding ou or iou, to tit
lafis letter of tie Singular, or elfe to it's Suhstitute witch is always of
tie fame Clafs: As i^ for by t for d^ d for s, &c. Wien tie Singular
terminates in dhjlyOrtitM Flural commonly ends in iou : As D^db, A day, PL
Dydhiou ; Kledh, A ditci, Kledhiou ; tGuredh, A root, Gur^dhiou ; Menedh,
Amountain^ Mencdhiou j f Mil, A joynt, Me
Guardians, keepers i Arlydhi,£,«r^x i Mestrizi, ilf^frx i
Serviii«vJServidzhi. Servants i Trahezi mein, Stone-fcutters j Muzi, Maids;
Kastilli, Castks ^ Guellynni, Rods ; YfliUi, lUmhs, memher s^y Legesti,
Lohsters ; Porelli, Hogs, pigs. So tiat this Plural sf;rees with the Latin
Nominative of tie Second Declenfion. . Tie Third Plural ends in. ion ; and
migit he called tie Peribnal Plural, in regard mofl Appellations that are
perfonal are of it ^ asKtistonnion [now Krestudniaa] Cfoistians ;ZoUZon, The
knglistjL ; fBretho;i. Tie Britans j Kembrk>n, Tie Wel/p i Jdheuon, The
Jews ; Marr^^ion assd marrigion. Knights • Skntsxion-yEfyuires y BoA^esegion,
The poor ^ Klcviofu The Jlcky Kardoviiony Friends ^ Skyliirion, Scholar's ^
Dyskyblioo, Difciples y Guith6rion, IVorlpnen'^ GUefiop, Mean fiSows'y
Gouigion, Lfors'^ Ladron. Thieves. Some otherNouns have alfo the fame Plural
> ^ Empinion, Tie Brums ^ Gpvidzion , Sorrows ^ _^^_^^^ Marth^ion,

(delwedd 8499) (tudalen 242b)

(delwedd 8500) (tudalen 242c)

(delwedd 8501) (tudalen 243a)
VL A Cornish Grammar.
Marthcsioo, Wonders. But thofe urt Intt frui m tomfarifin of the ethers. This
Plural, anfrers te the Nenns esthe Third Declcnfion m the Latin thmt
Terminate rn ones ;,as Senoncs, Sucflones, Britoncs ; Na(oncs^ Pifones,
Ciccrones; Histrioncs , FuUoncs , Latrones , &c. The Fourth Plural
Terminated formerly [asfiia in the WeUh; in edh J as Brcdcrcdh, Brothers j
EXcfSh^Angels ,• Abestcledh, Apofiles, fPhich pronunciation was mare an^
cientlj exprefs'd tjt^as Gtirajjet, Wives^ for Q\m%tA\i. ItsatfreJent changed
'into a according, to their writing j hit into cz, accords ing to their
Pronnnciation. So that it feems but a fort of French or modem Englilh
Fbiral'y as Bcstex, Beafisi Koles, Coals; Romes, Rooms i Jjulles, Gulsi
?yfgeL,StJby Panez> Parfiifs; Zilliez, Eals or QongBrs ; liihez, L^nrx :
Beaenez, Women ,^ -fFlextLy Children. Ifs not material to diJHngn/Jb this
Plural, from that terminating in az : as Kcnkraz, Crahs ; Boziaz, Fillers :
or im yZy as Battyz, Staves y FouiZ, Dens; w t» oz^j as KApp\oZy Caps ;
TerroZvL***^ For Ifistd they writ indifferently, Bestez er Bcstaz, Beafis j
Pyskcz CT Pyfsaz, F^i Lozoucz or Lyzy uyz, Bfrbs ; and Plankez Plankyz or
Ploikoz, Boards. And in regard the Termination ez comes 3 nearer the old edh.
and agrees with the Nominative Plural of the Third riedenfion /;» ^i&e
Latin ; Tbeother Three (which occttr hut fildom) fiem Erroneous Orthography
and might be omitted. T'he Fisth may be called the Mutable Plural, in regard
it's notdiJltngu^ble from the Singular, as the other four by any additional
Terffitnation ^ but by the change of one yinpel either for another » or for a
Diphthong ; or elfi ^ one Diphthong into another : as SsLxfL^A Samt, Plur.
Scinz; Danz, AtoothA^\m'y M^rhy A horfi, merh ; Yar, A hen, Yer; MAy A Son,
fMexb; Men, ^ pone, Mein j Truz, A foot, Treiz; Bredar, A Brother, Bredcr ^
Manek, A glove, Menik j Davaz,></5v^,Devez; Gavar.-^ goMt, Gever. Nor
does this Declen^ /ton only not mcreafe in the Plural 5 hut even sometimes
decreajes : as t r>elen, Aleaf, PI. Deil ; Gucdhan, A tree, PI. Gueidh,
&c. Ofher Plurals do aljo sometimes change the Vonet: as For* [f Fordh] A
TPoyj. Plufi Fiiru and f Fyrdhu y Ktiz, A wood, JPl. Kozou, GuSz, j4
meMnfiUow, Qui6on ; but they are neyerthehfs dtjlingu^^d by their Te t ffoin
ation. In tUe Fisth Plural or Decleniioii { if we may fo coil it)
D&tfBritifh fiems to recede from the Latin i mnd to come nearer the
Teutonic^j For a^s a rule in the modem German that Zy o and u in the Singu
lar, are changed into o, ii and au, or xa in the Plural. AS the Plurals* 4f9v
rtducibU to thefifive} But we find fime Nouns have two Declenfions : For we
read Deuon and HmoyiyGods i Epiko* bonand Epsko^u, Bifhopsi Fie* hez
ondFlmeTjOQjChildren ; fDeil, Delyou and Deikiou', Jjeaves i Terroz and
Tirriou, Lands ; Enezyz and Enezou, Ijstands ; Others have no Plural y as
Kyzaieth,P^iM»i An Drenzhez> TheTVimty-y And feme no Singular y as^
Teuolgou, Darknefs i Empynion [#«/ impinion] The Braisss f KcS&ar, Lads,
boysi Lozou, j^s i Meginou,^^ bellows; and Gueldzhou^ A pair ofjheers. Tie
Diminutives (which ought to have been taken notice of abe^e amono the
Terminations) change commofSy their firfi Vowel ana end in ie; as Temmig, Afratt
fragment, from Tam, Amorjeli ^ran/Fleheffig, A little Child, ^om Flo' and
Flehcz. This Ihrmination ig anfioers to the Latin — iculus^ & — ecula in
Vcrficulus^ Vulpecula, &c. as irvers of their Nouns Subfi. in ly if
PolyfyUables, do to — ullus, — ellus or — cUa, &c. as Padal, A pan; t
KoUel, A kmfr $ and f Kygol, A hood; From Patella, Culcellus, & CucuUus.
Nor need we exclude fiver al others f^om being ef the fame Clafs of
Diminutives tto' not immediatfy sUriv'dfirom the Latin : as Brethyl \_Amackrel,
jPwwBrith, Streak'd, party-colour d. q. d. Lac. Variolus or Varieeatula.
Adjestives of the Compaiathre Degree, terminated formerly in tlX : as t PeW,
Further offi TekaA;, More fair : and that Termination tho* the Z be now
difionSinuedJbould yet be written eitheu^Uti or a' tojhew it's alteration. As
Hxiiitsh^Swieeteri Huerua' More bitter. The Superktive ends in Z': as Guila,
The befi-, H^cra, The most deform' di KalacOia, Thehardefi. There are in the
Cornifli as ino^ ther Languages feme Iri'^ular comparifous : as Maz^ Qood ;
Guel, Bettef, Guela, Befl ; Drok, Bad-, Guacth, iVorfe ,• Dr6ka and
Gueihiylheworfi. Brxx^Great -yMoy^ Bigger; Moya \_and f MoiA;a]
fifrmerh ^ vfhem the Vdmiel y in tho Mafcuune^ was almefi without exeeption,
cban^d to ^ im the Feminine : at rnjome Examples * tit yet : m Guyn, m. g.
guen, f. Wmoi Melyn, m* mclcn \or velcn ] £ Another DifiinRien of the
Gen<« der of Adjedives, it, that wordt beginning with Mutes, either change
tSeir Initial into a Soster Latter, or elfe lofe it, viz B, is chang'd into V
Confenant, d hito dh, k into g, mtoy Confi p r^ b^ t to d, and g in regard it
has no foster Ijttet of it's Clafs, is omitted: aU which we find by thefi
Examples, which hold in general; unlefs the Adjedtive be placed before it's
Substantiire, and the Particle an omitted, B—Vj Dfin bn5Z, -rffre*^ Wiiwj
Bennen vrBZ, A big woman. D--dhs MeLxhm^A blind horfoi Kazak dhkl, A blind
mare. M— V ; Gu4z medho, Admn^ kenfsBow; Ho\iYei)ao^ A drunken few, ! P— Bi
Gflr Prcderys, A careful husband'^ GurSk brederyz, A JUlsgfnt wife. T — D;
Miu tcfc A comely youth ^ MtL dBgy Afdtr maid. G — omitted; Dedh gleb, A wet
day ; Kcuar 'l£b, Wet weather. But if the' Adjcstive, be placed before ifs
Substantive, and the yerb Sum interpofed, it then retains it's Primary Initial:
as Dkl yu an gazak-na [Not Dhal yu an gazakna] That mare is bmul. So Em yu an
veneu-na ; Prederyz^u an ur^-na ; Medho yu an ho^'na^ &c. I fiid when the
Verb Sum it iuh terpofed. For if there be no fuch Veriput between the
Adjedive and it's Substantive and the Particle an prenufed; the Initial
Latter is then changed, as before : as An vrtz vinen-na, That big woman. But
this Variation of Gender is refuir'd only in the Singular Number. I have
obstrv'd no ether Difiin&ion of Gender in the Cornifh ; excepting that
Trei [Three'] is in tho Feminine, Tair : as Tair delkian. Three leaves i Tair
bledhan^ Three years. »q^ As to Cafe, there is not am fuch Variation «f
AdjcAives in tbepre^
Greatest, biggest. Bian, Small ; Le, Jhst Corniib, nor do we find any in
Le/s ; Leiha, Least. OgoZ, Near j NeZ, Nearer; Ntfa,2stiP next. Of the
Ordinal Nouns tff Number, two or three ( according to the prejent
Pronunciation ) end in a,
w«. Kcnza, The first; ll'ridzha, fofien'd the Mute: asD&a klSu,^
The third ; Pazuera, the fourth ; but the others inzz; as Pempaz, Thefifih :
Hucflaz, Thejxth j Scithaz. The fiventh ; Ethaz, The eighth; tfm\19ZyThe
ninth ; Dckfaz. The tenth. The Termination of theje Nouns was formerly ath,
whick in Iganzvath \netwentiet1>\ isstiU retain d> The Gender of
AdjeAivcs is not new fo confiantly difitnpifh'd as P P P ^
the oldefi Britifli. The Plural of Adjedives, tho* it be now almefi wholly
difufed, ter^ minated formerly in vostx; anialfo chang'd sometimes the Vowel,
wk man, Plur. Dynion klevion ; Huedhel gflak, Afaljefioryy PI. Huitk)U \pr
Huidhlou | gbuigion ; Gtirek vohozhak, A poor womasss Plur. Guraj^edh
vohofusion. There being wo Variation of cafes, the only Concord we find
refuifite of the Adje^ve and Substanave, IS in the Gender ^mt^ Number: as
Hor* diu, A black ram; Davaz dhiu, A black fbeep, PL H^rroz dypn,

(delwedd 8502) (tudalen 243b)

(delwedd 8503) (tudalen 243c)

(delwedd 8504) (tudalen 244a)
Dyon, black rams.
Nor are we to regard the Gender but only as above said, in the Singular. And
as to Number; the Plural Termination of Adjectives, tho’ it occur often in
Writings, is now in Imitation of the English Language, almost wholly laid
One Singularity of
the British Language, and an Exception of theis Concord, is, that the Nouns
of Number require no Plural in their Substantives annext. For in the Cornish
they say yden [or y^n] Marh, One horse; and Kanz marh, [not Kanz merh] A
hundred horses. So Ma huî biuh dhodho, dêau marh, ha trei Kanz lɐdn
davaz; He has six cows, two horses, and three hundred sheep. Nor is it
otherwise in the Armoric and Welsh, saving that in the Northern Welsh they
commonly avoid it, by placing the Substantive in the Genitive Case Plural
dyon. Black rafits. Nor areve t0 regard the GenJir hit enly as ahave faid, in
the Singular, jlstd a$ to Number ; the Plural Terminadon i^ Adjcdtivca, tho'
it occur osten ste l^ith^s, is now in Imitation of the Engli/h Language ,
aBnost wholly laid afide. One Singularity of the Briciih Language^ and an
Exception of this
Number require no Plural in their Substantives anmaxt. For in the
Qomiihthejfayyixx [or ^1 Marh, One horfi ^ and Kanz mafn, \not Kanz merh] A
hundred horjes. So Ma hui biuh dhodho, d£au marh, ha crei Kaoiz Ivdn davaz ;
H? has fixcffws, two horfis^.andthree hundred Jbeef. Norisitotherwijeinthe
Armoric and Wel(h, favmg that in /i&e Northern Welsti they commonfy avoid
itj iy placing the SubstanCive in the Genitive Cafi Plural ^ as Mae idho ev
iaitb o veibion a xu^x o ver;Ked, Ht bath Jeven Sons and three Daughters ;
and that o/ieninoldyffditiManuJcriptSs the Substantive Plural is made ufe of,
as in other Languages : as Tri dynyon. Three Men, Pym' meib and Pym* meibyon,
Five Sons. The Noun Lhz'\_ Many 1 admits of the fame exception-, as Liaz
terxx^exi^ Many times \ Liaz dcrn, istf^zny (sands. Generally faking in the
Cornilh and other Uritifli Dmle&s» the Substantive is placed before s^s
Adjcdbive ; as Den da, Vir bonus : but in the Cardinal Numerals the Pronouns
Pofleflive and the words hhz^Mamj Ken, Other ; Nep, Any, feme j Kcnifer, Each
andfuch Bie, the contrary obtains
dhym,dhebm, dhymmo,dhymmo; I» his old Age ^ E risk, Jfs barki VI, orthiv. To
mei Am, Me hathi I i, ttr,ge gei andt^d^ Their, Pronouns Relative and their
Derivatives, &c.
as Neb am guryk^ He 'who hath created me; Dredtev, By me; A yuhav. Above me;
A hanav 4md dhommyFromme} Tanov,Uiw^ moi sencv[/r«/senyvi]J^^i»f.
NdiMst/tNi,|f?,alfi, of us; ABn honznyOurJelveSj ofourfihes i hyn, dbynni
tfjBM^ orthin. To usy
Concord, is^ that the Nouns of for us, unto us; Ragon nyi. For XT u_ ! .: ^
i>i...^i ;• *Lm^ ^m t^^Ms,^. -Q^vuJL 1 tJji
us, before us i Rybbon and rebbon, By or near unto usi Trethon, Betwixt usi
Uamao, Upon us $ Ynnon, In us) A hanen, From us; gencn and S«ien nyi, W^A us.
Ty and ste, Thou , rilhc.Jtou al/oi Dy, of thee; Dhyz, dheyz, dhethi, and
orthyz, Unto thee; Ragoz, For or becaufe ssthee, UarnaZj On thee; A hanaz and
a*hanez. From thee, out of thee; Ynnosylnthee; ^eneZy By thee, wish thee; Mi
a SeneZ, I will go with thee ; Huei, \ k\A and hui, Te, of you; Dhiu t
dhyuA;, [or dheiu; ]
Neb tf »/ncp. Who, he that ; An neb am g'r^k, aviho hath created moi Heruedh
nep, In re^a of whom : AlfofomOy or a certain ; In neo le, In Jome place.
Nebyn, Someone, tNcppeth, nepyth -«»/| nebaz, Sometbinz^ Somewhat; Piya ben.
nak, Whofoevet; Pandra bennafc ^d pepynnag 61, Whatfoever •, Ketep, Efvery;
Kynifar, EAch ; Kynitarol, AU, everyone, asma-^ nyfsthere are of them;
PebsKynifer uynyn, I^. "Syb andJ^L M, each ; t Pyb hAen,Every one]
JwdkyAny thing, Bethi^veth has always a Negative particUfub^ W^dtomake it
fgn^ nontf As Ni tt den veth. No man at aU knows; Nag ez triuath vgth dho
CHAP. IV. Of the Pronoan. The main DHfMiby in the Pronouns, is that bejtdes
their Separate uje^ as in other Languages, thofe wUch are called the Perfonal
and Edfleflive, are always entangled with the Prepoiitions, and theConjunAion
Ha, Atfd^ (as alfb A, Kath: ) The Prepofition and V tonoun, or Conjunaion and
Pronoun making but one word. Nor is this peculiar to the Comifli. For ( not
to mention Mecum, &c. in the Latin) it obtains alfo in the Armoric and
WelQi; and is no lefs obvious in that ancient Dialed esthe Briti(h, we fnd
st^ prejertfd in the Highland Scocifh or Irilh. An Enumeration of the
Pronouns may render this Singularity lefs intricate.

(delwedd 8505) (tudalen 244b)
hui, and'Ahtu' tiyhul, Unto you ; 3?^'/ Nag ez triua Ragov', B^of^^w,,.
RLgo'hueiip ^^^^^^pr^y. Pronouns Interrogative. Piua? Who? Piua yu an
dfinlA^moistbatm^snr Pa ? What ? Pandra? WbichtUng? qd. Pa andra? Panyn?
Whether of them r q. d. Pa an fn? ^ nS^wi^^/'"'^''^^'^'^^^' Pronouns
Demonstrative. Hem and hemma, 7&> ; An remma [q. d. an re hemma]
Tbefe. Note that ma added to the Temuna^ t ion of Nouns and fign^ing [This]
por you I t yarna;i; + U arno*. On yon ; Ganfo' genouA; and ^enox hvL With
you. EyHe,hsm,it, of him, ofH; Hi and hai. She, her, of her; f Annodho,
7«^^ijf J Anedhi, Of her; Dwiho, dhodhe, dhydhc and vorto. To him, unto him ;
Dhydhi, To her; Dredho asid dredhe, Trough him or it ; Drydbi, Through her ,
Ragta and racthe. For him or it ; Uamodho 4w3 anodho, Oforcon^ corning him,
&c. Or te. Thereon ; Diuorte ^^w/odhiuorto. From him ; Ynno, In him,
therein; Ganza astd gonzha, mth him ; gynfi, mth her, Qy and\, dzhei. They
them ; Annydha iwriannedhe, O/^A^w,-, ^ ._ ^ Deu ancdhe. Two of them: Alfo ^
An byzma, T^iP'iJ^rltt*" An from them and of or concerning them; ulazm
a. This country. Sec. isanab■^Dhedhe and clhedhynz, To them; breviation of Omma [Here']
and Trethynz, Betwixt them; UamymiVf be difevet^d from the Noun by dhanz and
uamedhe, Over them, a Hyphen, as An blyven-ma This upon them ;EmnZyIn them,
therein i pen; Anlcvar-ma, This book Svnzhanz and f S«OZynz, With Hen, hena
and henna, That J them. whence m added to Nouns : As An Honan or honjn
Unifies fclf ; mau-na. That Boy; An guaz-na, u^/ Ma honan, il^y?^ j Tahonao,
That fellow^ En kfiz-na. In t hoi Thyfelf; Agjuxhoasjiy Our /elves, v?ood; En
ur-na^Tben, at that hour;
Pronouns Pofleflive.
Pronouns PerfbnaL Mi [and me] I ; Minne, lalfi ; Vi and evi. Of me; Dho vi
Ma, a, and f ou. My, mine ; Am, Of my ; Alfi, with fuy ; f Am lev dhyhyou.
With my right hand; A bremou. My arms ; Im, Into my gyn, geni and agan. Our ;
Hain, And our. Dho 5yn bonyn, To our Jehes. Da, dh V, thy, the , tha j Thy,
thine; Ad and Ath^ Of thy, on tfy, concerning thy; Dheth [naw/dh*dha] Unto
thy ; Dredha, Through thy; Mfizath, Out of thy; Ajyz, Gyz, andei^ tour ;
Dhyz, To your ; Trez, Betwixt your ; Derrez, By or through your ; gennyz, for
gen y%y With your. E, Hiss it, itsi Et e ta K6th,
Hcdda [pfat, that fame there 1 is a late corruption of Hcdm^ as that was ^
henna. Hodda [That there] from Honna is of the Feminine Gender ; As Eu hodda
gyz hdr huei ? Is that your Sifier ? Anrenna,2*e/Ji Aiti^Another; ErcL
Others. The Pronoun Perfonal of tho Accufative Cafi, is generally placed be^
fore the Verb; As Db \ordho\ y% Kridzhe, To believe you ; Mi vedn Syz
guelazartagydhihuar, Vttfee you again m the Evening; Db xe guithe,
Tokeepthem^ Neelc gc dibrc^He cannot eat them ; E+vedn syz gil fau. It will
cure you j Nt 'reuhebema, Donotbuy,it; Dse doula en kledh, To cafihimsntoa
ditch '^ Mi vedn syz pardyna hud, Til pardon you.

(delwedd 8506) (tudalen 244c)
his old Age; E risk, It’s bark; î, Her; ge gei and agei, Their.
Relative and their Derivatives, &c.