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Esperánta Vortprovízo por Ánglay Parolántoy
Esperanto vocabulary for English speakers

Milíto / Warfare


Note: In our Esperanto pages we use a slightly altered spelling, avoiding the use of consonants with diacritics; in addition, we indicate the stress of each word with an acute accent.

altered spelling / usual spelling

ch [ʧ] < ĉ chokoládo : ĉokolado chocolate

j [
ʤ] < ğ *jardéno : ğardeno garden

kh [
χ] < ĥ Khánokh : Ĥanoĥ Enoch

sh [
ʃ] < ŝ shanélo : ŝanelo channel

w [w] <
ŭ Awgústo : Aŭgusto August

y [j] < j Yórko : Jorko York

zh [
ʒ] < ĵ zhurnálo : ĵurnalo newspaper

milíto war

militemúlo warmonger


soldáto soldier

soldáti to soldier


mortígi to kill

mortigínto killer

múrdo murder, assassination

múrdi to murder, to assassinate

murdínto murderer, assassin


batalílo weapon

armílo weapon


kompatindúlgo mercy

sangavída bloodthirsty

kruéla cruel

krueláyo cruelty

kruelétso cruelty


glávo sword

íngo scabbard

glavíngo scabbard


pafarkísto bowman

arkísto bowman

pafárko bow

ságo arrow

sagúyo quiver


pistólo pistol

pistolíngo holster

fusílo rifle

kanéli rifle

paféyo rifle-range


senárma unarmed


li páfis la soldáton ínter la okúloy he shot the soldier between the eyes

mortpáfi shoot dead


shrapnélo shrapnel

obuskúgloy shrapnel


malliberúlo prisoner

kaptíto prisoner

militkaptíto prisoner of war


surprizatáko surprise attack


lévu la mánoyn! hands up!

forprénu lían pistólon to take away his pistol



Lásta *jisdatígo / Latest update 2006-02-01


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