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Esperánta Vortprovízo por Ánglay Parolántoy
Esperanto vocabulary for English speakers

La mono / Money

Note: In our Esperanto pages we use a slightly altered spelling, avoiding the use of consonants with diacritics; in addition, we indicate the stress of each word with an acute accent.

altered spelling / usual spelling

ch [ʧ] < ĉ chokoládo : ĉokolado chocolate

j [
ʤ] < ğ *jardéno : ğardeno garden

kh [
χ] < ĥ Khánokh : Ĥanoĥ Enoch

sh [
ʃ] < ŝ shanélo : ŝanelo channel

w [w] <
ŭ Awgústo : Aŭgusto August

y [j] < j Yórko : Jorko York

zh [
ʒ] < ĵ zhurnálo : ĵurnalo newspaper

mi ne hávas mónon I have no money, I haven’t got any money

mi ne hávas mónon por íri tíen I have no money to go there

chu vi hávas mónon por la bileto? Do you have money for the ticket?

íli ne hávas sufíche da móno por tío they don’t have enough money for that

se vi hávas sufíche da móno, vi póvas achéti dómon if you have enough money you can buy a house

hávi sufíche da móno por vívi konténte kay felíche to have enough money to live in contentment and happiness


mi finfíne shpáris sufíche da móno por komentsi lerni vetúri eventually I saved enough money to learn how to drive

shpári mónon save up money


malkára cheap

mal|multe|kósta cheap

kára expensive

multe|kósta expensive

gáyni aw pérdi mónon to win or lose money

vi rískus pérdi mónon you’d risk losing money

neníu pérdos mónon nobody will lose money

chíu pérdos mónon everybody will lose money


múlta móno a lot of money

múlte da móno a lot of money

mi hávas múltan mónon I have a lot of money

se mi hávus múlte da móno, mi achétus dómon if I had a lot of money, I would buy a house


kíom múlte da móno li hávus what a lot of money he’d have

Lásta *jisdatígo / Latest update 2006-01-29

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