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Esperánta Vortprovízo por Ánglay Parolántoy
Esperanto vocabulary for English speakers

Radío kay Televído / Radio and TV


Note: In our Esperanto pages we use a slightly altered spelling, avoiding the use of consonants with diacritics; in addition, we indicate the stress of each word with an acute accent.

altered spelling / usual spelling

ch [
ʧ] < ĉ chokoládo : ĉokolado chocolate

j [
ʤ] < ğ *jardéno : ğardeno garden

kh [
χ] < ĥ Khánokh : Ĥanoĥ Enoch

sh [
ʃ] < ŝ shanélo : ŝanelo channel

w [w] <
ŭ Awgústo : Aŭgusto August

y [j] < j Yórko : Jorko York

zh [
ʒ] < ĵ zhurnálo : ĵurnalo newspaper

awskúlti la radío listen to the radio

frekvéntso frequency

radioóndoy radio waves

radiostatsío radio station

radiofóno radio set


televído television

áwdi novázhoyn hear news


dissendi programoyn to broadcast programmes

dissénda korporatsío broadcasting corporation

la dissendádo de evéntoy de tra la móndo the broadcasting of events from all over the world


radíay kay televíday sérvoy radio and TV services


nekomértsa kanálo non-commercial channel

televíday reklámoy television adverts

la korporatsío móntras la pleymúlton de síay prográmoy neinterrompítay per komértsay páwzoy

the corporation shows most of its programmes uniterrupted by  commercial breaks


li disséndas múltayn fílmoyn en frémday lÍngvoy it broadcasts films in foreign languages

aktualázhay informprográmoy current affairs programmes

spórta dissendádo sports broadcasting


subtitóloyn subtitles

la radía kay televída tséntro the radio and TV centre

"*Jangálo", la Brazíla Esperánta televída statsío “*Jangalo”, the Brazilian Esperanto TV station

Internatsía Televído elséndas síayn prográmoyn nur tra interréto “International Television (in Esperanto)” transmits its programmes only in Esperanto

la bildo|kvalíto éstas malbóna the picture quality is poor

la enhávo apénaw interésas min the content hardly interests me / doesn’t appeal to me very much

esperantlíngva televída novazh|prográmo an Esperanto TV news programme


spektántoy viewers


vidéo video

amúzay vidéoy amusing videos

Lásta *jisdatígo / Latest update 2006-02-04



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