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Esperánta Vortprovízo por Ánglay Parolántoy
Esperanto vocabulary for English speakers

Vórtoy kun “kh” / Words with “kh”


Note: In our Esperanto pages we use a slightly altered spelling, avoiding the use of consonants with diacritics; in addition, we indicate the stress of each word with an acute accent.

altered spelling / usual spelling

ch [
ʧ] < ĉ chokoládo : ĉokolado chocolate

j [
ʤ] < ğ *jardéno : ğardeno garden

kh [
χ] < ĥ Khánokh : Ĥanoĥ Enoch

sh [
ʃ] < ŝ shanélo : ŝanelo channel

w [w] <
ŭ Awgústo : Aŭgusto August

y [j] < j Yórko : Jorko York

zh [
ʒ] < ĵ zhurnálo : ĵurnalo newspaper

Bákho (also Bákkho) Bacchus

chékha Czech

donkikhóta quixotic
Bet-Lékhem Bethlehem
Metushélakh Methuselah
Rákhel Rachel

monárkho / monárko monarch

monákho monk


Lásta *jisdatígo / Latest update 2006-02-12



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