0581k Geiriadur Rwseg trawslythrenedig: tabl yn dangos pa lythrennau
Rhufeinig yr ÿm yn eu defnyddio i gyfateb â'r llythrennau Curilig yn yr wÿddor
Rwseg / Llista de paraules russes tranliterades: taula de lletres romanes i
Geiriadur Trawslythrenedig - mewn llythrennau Rhufeinig
Diccionari en lletra romana
Transliterated Russian
Y Wÿddor / L’alfabet / The Alphabet
Dengÿs y ddau dabl y llythrennau Curilig a'r
llythrennau'r wÿddor Rufeinig cyfwerth yn ôl y sustem a fabwÿsiadwÿd yn y
geiriadur hwn
Trefnir y tabl Rhufeinig-i-Gurilig yn
nhrefn y wÿddor Rufeinig, a threfnir y tabl Curilig-i-Rufeining yn nhrefn y
wÿddor Gurilig. Mae'r rhifolion yn cyfeirio at y drefn yn y wÿddor Gurilig
01 A a А а = 1 02 B b Б б = 2 03 CH ch Ч ч = 24 04 D d Д д = 5 05 E e Е е = 6 06 Ë ë Ë ё = 6a 07 EH eh Э э = 30 08 F f ф Ф = 21 09 G g Г г = 4 10 I i И и = 9 11 Ï ï Й й = 10 12 K k К к = 11 13 KH kh Х х = 22 14 L l Л л = 12 15 M m М м = 13 16 N n Н н = 14 17 O o О о = 15 18 P p П п = 16 19 R r Р р = 17 20 S s С с = 18 21 SH sh Ш ш = 25 22 SHCH shch Щ щ = 26 23 T t Т т = 19 24 TS ts Ц ц = 23 25 U u У у = 20 26 V v В в = 3 27 Y y Ы ы = 28 28 ŸA ÿa Я я = 32 29 ŸU ÿu Ю ю = 31 30 Z z З з = 8 31 ZH zh Ж ж = 7 32 ' Ь ь = 29 33 " Ъ ъ = 27 |
1 а a 2 б b 3 в v 4 г g 5 д d 6 е e [6a ё ë ] 7 ж zh 8 з z 9 и И i 10 й ï 11 к k 12 л l 13 м m 14 н n 15 о o 16 п p 17 р r 18 с s 19 т t 20 у u 21 Ф f 22 х kh 23 ц ts 24 ч ch 25 ш sh 26 щ shch 27 ь " 28 ы y 29 ь ' 30 э eh 31 ю ÿu 32 я ÿa |
Peredatsja – Transcription The
list below displays some official transcriptions and transliterations of the
Russian alphabet.The first three columns display transliterations (first:
Library (international), ISO and Library of Congress (USA)). The last four
columns display the official transcription of English, German, French and
Dutch. The most common way to transcribe the Russian alphabet is the English
transcription since it one can be done with any keyboard.
"The Russian Alphabet"
Russian words in the following list are all written with the Cyrillic alphabet
but if you read them carefully, one word at a time, from top to bottom beginning
at the top of the left-hand column, by the time you reach the final word in the
lower right-hand corner, you will know the Cyrillic alphabet (as well as a few
Russian words). .."
(yn Saesneg) i ddysgu'r wÿddor Gurilig
Encoding of Slovenian Characters
The Slovenian alphabet uses three characters not in the English alphabet and not included either in ASCII or in ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1).
uppercase c with caron accent
lowercase c with caron accent
uppercase s with caron accent
lowercase s with caron accent
uppercase z with caron accent
lowercase z with caron accent
(shch (ШЧ) mushchína =
diweddaraf / darrera actualització: 2012-06-14, 30 05 1999
Ble'r wyf i? Yr
ych chi'n ymwéld ag un o dudalennau'r Gwefan "CYMRU-CATALONIA"
On sóc? Esteu visitant una pàgina of the Web "CYMRU-CATALONIA" (=
Where am I? You are visiting a page from the "CYMRU-CATALONIA" (=
Wales-Catalonia) Website
Weø(r) àm ai? Yùu àa(r) víziting ø peij
fròm dhø "CYMRU-CATALONIA" (=
Weilz-Katølóuniø) Wébsait
Ymwelwyr â’r Geiriadur Rwseg oddi ar
14 Mehefin 2012
Visitants al diccionari de rus des del 14 juny 2012
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