Yr Hafan

..........1863k Y Fynedfa yn  Gymraeg

....................0009k Y Gwegynllun

..............................1956k Cyfeirddalen y Lleoliadur

....................................................y tudalen hwn



Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia
La Web de Gal
·les i Catalunya

Y Lleoliadur
Oes sôn yn y wefan hon am eich bro chithau?


  xxxx  Aquesta pàgina en català 

 xxxx This page in English 



Curn y Bwch (yn llai cywir, Cyrn y Bwch) - llechwedd ar y ffordd rhwng Croesoswallt a Llansilin. Yma y mae hen gae ras Croesoswallt.

1883ke WELSH PROVERBS, TRIADS AND TRUISMS (1873-1890) collected from Llansanffráid ym Mechain by T G Jones, Cyffin

Haws yw dweud Cyrn-y-bwch na mynd mewn tristwch trosto
(It is easier to say “Cyrn-y-bwch” – than to cross it with trouble on the mind)
This couplet, it is said, was the effusion of Dr. E. Bennion, of local fame. Similar in import to the last {= Hawdd i’r gŵr a fo’n ddidolur / Ddweud wrth y claf am gymryd cysur: Easy for the man who is no sufferer, to counsel the afflicted and say, “Take comfort.” }


Report "Bye-Gones Relating to Wales and the Border Counties", May 1878 of a lecture on "Celtic Languages of the British Isles" given by by E.G. Ravenstein.

Shropshire is an English county, but a small portion of the western extremity is Welsh, including the parishes of Selattyn {Selatyn}, Llanyblodwel, and the township of Sychtyn, which have an area of 19 square miles and 2,469 inhabitants, of whom 900 speak Welsh. The linguistic boundary is formed by Offa's Wall, and by a {?line - unreadable} running through the townships of Sychtyn to Garth-uchaf {?o} Afon Tanat, in the parish of Llanyblodwel. To the west of the line Welsh preponderates, to the east English. In Selattyn Welsh is spoken now only by the older people, but there are still {? - unreadable} services in Welsh to five in English. In the township of Sychtyn, the Welsh are in a majority. In Llanyblodwell Welsh preponderates, in the west English, and the children of Welsh parents are often unable to speak Welsh. The Welsh service in the parish church has been discontinued since 1875, owing to a paucity of attendance. The few Welsh in the neighbouring paris of Llanymynech are immigrants, and Welsh immigrants are indeed numerous throughout Shropshire, and there are Welsh chapels at Oswestry {Croesoswallt}, Shrewsbury {Amwythig}, Houlston, Coed {unreadable}, Bomer Heath, and Cyrnybwch.


BBC - Shropshire / Where I live






Yr iaith Gymraeg
Mynegai yn nhrefn y wyddor i’r hyn a geir yn y gwefan; o’r tudalen hwn gellir hefyd
chwilio’r gwefan hwn â’r archwiliwr mewnol

Testunau Cymraeg â throsiad Catalaneg yn y gwefan hwn
(Textos en gal·lès amb traducció catalana en aquesta web)
Testunau Cymraeg â throsiad Saesneg yn y gwefan hwn
(Texts in Welsh with an English translation in this website)




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