Beibl Cysger-Lân (1620) yn yr iaith Gymraeg. Testun ar lein. The 1620 Holy
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Y Jesus hwn oedd fab i Sirach, ac ŵyr i Jesus o'r un enw ag ef. Y gŵr
hwn gan hynny oedd fyw yn yr amseroedd diwethaf, gwedi caethgludo'r bobl, a'u
galw adref drachefn, ac agos ar ôl yr holl broffwydi. Ei daid ef Jesus, fel y
mae efe ei hun yn tystiolaethu, oedd ŵr diwyd iawn a doeth ymysg yr
Hebreaid, yr hwn nid yn unig a gasglodd ddwys a byr ymadroddion y gwŷr
doethion a fuasai o'i flaen ef, eithr ei hun hefyd a draethodd rai o'r eiddo ei
hun, yn llawn o fawr ddealltwriaeth a doethineb. Am hynny pan fu farw y Jesus
cyntaf, a gadael y llyfr hwn wedi ei orffen agos, Sirach ei fab ef, wedi ei
gael ar ei ôl ef, a'i gadawodd i'w fab ei hun Jesus, yr hwn wedi ei gael i'w
law, a'i cynullodd i gyd yn drefnus yn un llyfr, ac a'i galwodd Doethineb, gan
roddi ei enw ei hun, enw ei dad, a'i daid, yn deitl iddo, gan ddenu y gwrandawr
trwy enw Doethineb i roi mwy o serch ar astudio'r llyfr hwn. Y mae efe gan
hynny yn cynnwys dywediadau doethion, ymadroddion dieithr, a damhegion, a rhai
hen historiau duwiol priodol am ŵyr a ryngasai fodd Duw; ei weddi hefyd,
a'i gân: heblaw hynny, pa ddaioni a welsai Duw yn dda ei wneuthur i'w bobl, a
pha blâu a bentyrasai efe ar eu gelynion hwy. Y Jesus yma oedd yn dilyn
Salomon, ac nid oedd lai enwog am ddoethineb a dysgeidiaeth; ac yntau yn wir yn
ŵr mawr ei ddysg, ac yn cael ei gyfrif felly.
This Jesus was the son of Sirach, and grandchild to
Jesus of the same name with him: this man therefore lived in the latter times,
after the people had been led away captive, and called home a again, and almost
after all the prophets. Now his grandfather Jesus, as he himself witnesseth,
was a man of great diligence and wisdom among the Hebrews, who did not only
gather the grave and short sentences of wise men, that had been before him, but
himself also uttered some of his own, full of much understanding and wisdom.
When as therefore the first Jesus died, leaving this book almost perfected,
Sirach his son receiving it after him left it to his own son Jesus, who, having
gotten it into his hands, compiled it all orderly into one volume, and called
it Wisdom, intituling it both by his own name, his father's name, and his
grandfather's; alluring the hearer by the very name of Wisdom to have a greater
love to the study of this book. It containeth therefore wise sayings, dark
sentences, and parables, and certain particular ancient godly stories of men
that pleased God; also his prayer and song; moreover, what benefits God had
vouchsafed his people, and what plagues he had heaped upon their enemies. This
Jesus did imitate Solomon, and was no less famous for wisdom and learning, both
being indeed a man of great learning, and so reputed also.
Gan roddi i ni lawer a mawrion bethau trwy'r gyfraith a'r proffwydi, ac eraill
a'u dilynasant hwy; am ba rai y mae yn rhaid canmol Israel oherwydd addysg a
doethineb; ym mha rai y mae yn rhaid nid yn unig i'r darllenyddion fyned yn
ddoethach, eithr hefyd i'r rhai sy'n chwenychu dysgu, fod yn fuddiol i'r rhai
oddi allan, trwy draethu ac ysgrifennu hefyd: fy nhaid Jesus, wedi iddo ymroddi
yn fawr i ddarllen y gyfraith a'r proffwydi, ac eraill o lyfrau ein tadau, ac
wedi myned yn hyfedr ynddynt, a ddygwyd rhagddo i sgrifennu peth ei hun, o'r
pethau a berthyn i addysg a doethineb; fel y gallai y rhai sydd awyddus i ddysg,
ac wedi ymroddi i'r pethau hyn, gynyddu yn fwy mewn buchedd yn ôl y gyfraith.
Am hynny byddwch, atolwg, yn ewyllysgar ac yn ddyfal i'w ddarllen; a maddeuwch
i ni, os nyni wrth gymryd poen yn cyfieithu, a welir heb gyrhaeddyd grym rhyw
eiriau: oblegid nid yw yr un pethau o'r un grym, pan draether hwynt yn Hebraeg,
â phan droer hwynt i iaith arall. Ac nid hyn yn unig, eithr pethau eraill, sef
y gyfraith, a'r proffwydi, a'r llyfrau eraill, sy iddynt ragoriaeth nid bychan
pan draether hwynt yn eu hiaith eu hun. Oblegid yn y ddeunawfed flwyddyn ar
hugain i'r brenhin Euergetes, wedi i mi ddyfod i'r Aifft, ac aros yno ennyd, mi
a gefais lyfr o addysg nid bychan. Am hynny y tybiais fod yn angenrheitiaf dim
gymryd peth diwydrwydd a phoen i'w gyfieithu ef. Felly mi a ymroddais trwy fawr
anhunedd a chyfarwyddyd yr amser hwnnw i ddwyn y llyfr i ben, ac i'w osod allan
er eu mwyn hwythau hefyd, y rhai mewn gwlad ddieithr ŷnt yn chwennych
dysgu, wedi ymbaratoi o'r blaen, yn eu moddau, i fyw yn ôl y gyfraith.
Whereas many and great things
have been delivered unto us by the law and the prophets, and by others that
have followed their steps, for the which things Israel ought to be commended
for learning and wisdom; and whereof not only the readers must needs become
skilful themselves, but also they that desire to learn be able to profit them
which are without, both by speaking and writing: my grandfather Jesus, when he
had much given himself to the reading of the law, and the prophets, and other
books of our fathers, and had gotten therein good judgment, was drawn on also
himself to write something pertaining to learning and wisdom; to the intent
that those which are desirous to learn, and are addicted to these things, might
profit much more in living according to the law. Wherefore let me intreat you
to read it with favour and attention, and to pardon us, wherein we may seem to
come short of some words, which we have laboured to interpret. For the same
things uttered in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same
force in them: and not only these things, but the law itself, and the prophets,
and the rest of the books, have no small difference, when they are spoken in
their own language. For in the eight and thirtieth year coming into Egypt, when
Euergetes was king, and continuing there some time, I found a book of no small
learning: therefore I thought it most necessary for me to bestow some diligence
and travail to interpret it; using great watchfulness and skill in that space
to bring the book to an end, and set it forth for them also, which in a strange
country are willing to learn, being prepared before in manners to live after
the law.
1:1 Oddi wrth yr Arglwydd y daeth pob doethineb, a chydag ef y mae hi
1:1 All wisdom
cometh from the Lord, and is with him for ever.
1:2 Pwy a rif dywod y môr, a'r dafnau glaw, a dyddiau tragwyddoldeb?
1:2 Who can
number the sand of the sea, and the drops of rain, and the days of eternity?
1:3 Pwy a olrhain allan uchder y nefoedd, a lled y ddaear, a'r
dyfnder, a doethineb?
1:3 Who can
find out the height of heaven, and the breadth of the earth, and the deep, and
1:4 Crewyd doethineb yn gyntaf o'r cwbl, a deall synnwyr erioed.
1:4 Wisdom hath
been created before all things, and the understanding of prudence from
1:5 Ffynnon doethineb yw gair Duw Goruchaf; a'i ffyrdd hi yw y
gorchmynion tragwyddol.
1:5 The word of
God most high is the fountain of wisdom; and her ways are everlasting
1:6 I bwy y datguddiwyd gwreiddyn doethineb, a phwy a wybu ei
chynghorion doeth hi?
1:6 To whom
hath the root of wisdom been revealed? or who hath known her wise counsels?
1:7 I bwy yr eglurwyd gwybodaeth doethineb? a phwy a ddeallodd ei
hamryw ffyrdd hi?
1:7 [Unto whom
hath the knowledge of wisdom been made manifest? and who hath understood her
great experience?]
1:8 Un sy ddoeth i'w ofni yn fawr, yr Arglwydd yn eistedd ar ei
1:8 There is
one wise and greatly to be feared, the Lord sitting upon his throne.
1:9 Yr Arglwydd a'i creodd hi, ac a'i gwelodd, ac a'i rhifodd, ac a'i
tywalltodd hi ar ei holl waith.
1:9 He created
her, and saw her, and numbered her, and poured her out upon all his works.
1:10 Y mae hi gyda phob cnawd, yn ôl ei roddiad ef; ac efe a'i
rhoddes hi i'r neb a'i carant ef.
1:10 She is
with all flesh according to his gift, and he hath given her to them that love
1:11 Anrhydedd, a gogoniant, a hyfrydwch, a choron gorfoledd, yw ofn
yr Arglwydd.
1:11 The fear
of the Lord is honour, and glory, and gladness, and a crown of rejoicing.
1:12 Ofn yr Arglwydd sy ddifyrrwch i'r galon, ac a rydd lawenydd, a
hyfrydwch, a hir hoedl.
1:12 The fear
of the Lord maketh a merry heart, and giveth joy, and gladness, and a long
1:13 Yn y diwedd da fydd i'r hwn a ofno'r Arglwydd, ac efe a
fendithir yn ei ddydd diwedd.
1:13 Whoso
feareth the Lord, it shall go well with him at the last, and he shall find
favour in the day of his death.
1:14 Dechrau doethineb yw ofni'r Arglwydd; ac efe a grewyd gyda'r
ffyddloniaid yn y groth.
1:14 To fear
the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and it was created with the faithful in
the womb.
1:15 Hi a osododd sylfaen dragwyddol gyda dynion, a chyda'u
hiliogaeth hwynt y pery hi.
1:15 She hath
built an everlasting foundation with men, and she shall continue with their
1:16 Ofn yr Arglwydd yw cyflawnder doethineb, ac sydd yn llenwi
dynion â'i ffrwyth hi.
1:16 To fear the
Lord is fulness of wisdom, and filleth men with her fruits.
1:17 Hi a lanwodd eu holl dai hwynt â'i phethau dymunol, a'u
hysguboriau â'i chnwd.
1:17 She
filleth all their house with things desirable, and the garners with her
1:18 Coron doethineb, yn dwyn allan ffrwyth heddwch a iachawdwriaeth
iachol, yw ofn yr Arglwydd; a dawn Duw yw pob un o'r ddau: ac y mae hi yn
helaethu gorfoledd i'r rhai a'i carant ef.
1:18 The fear
of the Lord is a crown of wisdom, making peace and perfect health to flourish;
both which are the gifts of God: and it enlargeth their rejoicing that love
1:19 Doethineb a lawiodd ddeall, a gwybodaeth synnwyr, ac a
ddyrchafodd ogoniant y rhai a lynant ynddi.
1:19 Wisdom
raineth down skill and knowledge of understanding standing, and exalteth them
to honour that hold her fast.
1:20 Gwreiddyn doethineb yw ofni'r Arglwydd, a'i changhennau ydynt
hir hoedl.
1:20 The root
of wisdom is to fear the Lord, and the branches thereof are long life.
1:21 Ofn yr Arglwydd sydd yn gyrru pechodau ymaith, ac yn troi
digofaint ymaith, lle y byddo hi yn bresennol.
1:21 The fear
of the Lord driveth away sins: and where it is present, it turneth away wrath.
1:22 Ni ddichon gŵr dicllon gael ei gyfrif yn gyfiawn; oblegid
athrylith ei ddicllonedd a fydd yn dramgwydd iddo.
1:22 A furious
man cannot be justified; for the sway of his fury shall be his destruction.
1:23 Y dioddefgar a ddioddef dros amser; ac wedi hynny y blagura
llawenydd iddo ef:
1:23 A patient man will tear for a time,
and afterward joy shall spring up unto him.
1:24 Efe a guddia ei eiriau dros amser; a gwefusau llawer a fynegant
ei synnwyr ef.
1:24 He will
hide his words for a time, and the lips of many shall declare his wisdom.
1:25 Yn nhrysorau doethineb y mae damhegion gwybodaeth: eithr ffiaidd
yw duwioldeb gan bechadur.
1:25 The
parables of knowledge are in the treasures of wisdom: but godliness is an
abomination to a sinner.
1:26 Os chwenychi ddoethineb, cadw'r gorchmynion; a'r Arglwydd a'i
rhydd hi i ti.
1:26 If thou
desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord shall give her unto thee.
1:27 Oblegid doethineb ac athrawiaeth yw ofn yr Arglwydd; a bodlon yw
ganddo ffydd ac addfwyndra.
1:27 For the
fear of the Lord is wisdom and instruction: and faith and meekness are his
1:28 Nac amau ofn yr Arglwydd, pan fyddech mewn angen: ac na ddos ato
ef â chalon ddauddyblyg.
1:28 Distrust
not the fear of the Lord when thou art poor: and come not unto him with a
double heart.
1:29 Na ragrithia o flaen dynion, eithr edrych beth a ddywedych.
1:29 Be not an
hypocrite in the sight of men, and take good heed what thou speakest.
1:30 Na ddyrchafa dydi dy hun, rhag i ti syrthio, a dwyn amarch i'th
enaid dy hun, ac i'r Arglwydd ddatguddio dy holl gyfrinach di, a'th fwrw i lawr
yng nghanol y gynulleidfa, am na ddaethost mewn gwirionedd at ofn yr Arglwydd,
eithr bod dy galon yn llawn twyll.
1:30 Exalt not
thyself, lest thou fall, and bring dishonour upon thy soul, and so God discover
thy secrets, and cast thee down in the midst of the congregation, because thou
camest not in truth to the fear of the Lord, but thy heart is full of deceit.
2:1 Fy mab os deui i wasanaethu'r Arglwydd, paratoa dy enaid i
2:1 My son, if thou
come to serve the Lord, prepare thy soul for temptation.
2:2 Uniona dy galon, a dioddef: ac na wna frys yn amser trallod.
2:2 Set thy
heart aright, and constantly endure, and make not haste in time of trouble.
2:3 Glŷn wrtho ef heb ymado, fel y'th gynydder yn dy ddiwedd.
2:3 Cleave unto
him, and depart not away, that thou mayest be increased at thy last end.
2:4 Derbyn yn llawen yr hyn a ddigwyddo; a bydd ymarhous wrth dy
gyfnewid i ostyngiad.
2:4 Whatsoever
is brought upon thee take cheerfully, and be patient when thou art changed to a
low estate.
2:5 Oblegid aur a brofir yn tân, a dynion cymeradwy yn ffwrn
2:5 For gold is
tried in the fire, and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity.
2:6 Cred ynddo ef, ac efe a'th dderbyn di: uniona dy lwybrau, a
gobeithia ynddo ef.
2:6 Believe in
him, and he will help thee; order thy way aright, and trust in him.
2:7 Y rhai ydych yn ofni'r Arglwydd, credwch iddo ef, ac ni phalla
eich gwobr chwi.
2:7 Ye that
fear the Lord, wait for his mercy; and go not aside, lest ye fall.
2:8 Y rhai ydych yn ofni'r Arglwydd, gobeithiwch am ddaioni, ac am
lawenydd tragwyddoldeb, a thrugaredd.
2:8 Ye that
fear the Lord, believe him; and your reward shall not fail.
2:9 Y rhai ydych yn ofni'r Arglwydd, ymarhoswch am ei drugaredd ef;
ac na chiliwch, rhag eich syrthio.
2:9 Ye that
fear the Lord, hope for good, and for everlasting joy and mercy.
2:10 Edrychwch ar y cenedlaethau gynt, a gwelwch; pwy a ymddiriedodd i'r
Arglwydd, ac a waradwyddwyd? neu pwy a arhosodd yn ei ofn ef, ac a adawyd? neu
pwy a alwodd arno ef, ac yntau yn ei ddiystyru ef?
2:10 Look at
the generations of old, and see; did ever any trust in the Lord, and was
confounded? or did any abide in his fear, and was forsaken? or whom did he ever
despise, that called upon him?
2:11 Oblegid tosturiol, a thrugarog, ymarhous, ac aml o drugaredd,
yw'r Arglwydd: ac y mae efe yn maddau pechodau, ac yn achub yn amser trallod.
2:11 For the
Lord is full of compassion and mercy, longsuffering, and very pitiful, and
forgiveth sins, and saveth in time of affliction.
2:12 Gwae'r calonnau ofnus, a'r dwylo llesg, a'r pechadur a gerddo
ddau lwybr!
2:12 Woe be to
fearful hearts, and faint hands, and the sinner that goeth two ways!
2:13 Gwae'r galonlesg! oherwydd nid yw yn credu; am hynny ni
amddiffynnir ef.
2:13 Woe unto
him that is fainthearted! for he believeth not; therefore shall he not be
2:14 Gwae chwi, y rhai a gollasoch amynedd! a pha beth a wnewch chwi
pan ymwelo'r Arglwydd â chwi?
2:14 Woe unto
you that have lost patience! and what will ye do when the Lord shall visit you?
2:15 Y rhai a ofnant yr Arglwydd ni anghredant ei eiriau ef; a'r rhai
a'i carant ef a gadwant ei ffyrdd ef.
2:15 They that fear
the Lord will not disobey his Word; and they that love him will keep his ways.
2:16 Y rhai a ofnant yr Arglwydd a geisiant yr hyn sy dda ganddo ef;
a'r rhai a'i carant ef a lenwir a'r gyfraith.
2:16 They that
fear the Lord will seek that which is well, pleasing unto him; and they that
love him shall be filled with the law.
2:17 Y rhai a ofnant yr Arglwydd a baratoant eu calonnau, ac a
ostyngant eu heneidiau ger ei fron ef,
2:17 They that
fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and humble their souls in his sight,
2:18 Gan ddywedyd, Syrthiwn yn nwylo Duw, ac nid yn nwylo dynion:
oherwydd fel y mae ei fawredd ef, felly y mae ei drugaredd.
2:18 Saying, We
will fall into the hands of the Lord, and not into the hands of men: for as his
majesty is, so is his mercy.
3:1 Fy mhlant, clywch fi eich tad, a
gwnewch felly, fel y byddoch gadwedig:
3:1 Hear me
your father, O children, and do thereafter, that ye may be safe.
3:2 Oblegid yr Arglwydd a roddes i'r tad anrhydedd ar y plant, ac a sicrhaodd
farn y fam ar y meibion.
3:2 For the
Lord hath given the father honour over the children, and hath confirmed the
authority of the mother over the sons.
3:3 Yr hwn sydd yn anrhydeddu ei dad, sydd yn cael maddeuant am ei
3:3 Whoso
honoureth his father maketh an atonement for his sins:
3:4 A'r hwn sydd yn anrhydeddu ei fam, sydd fel un yn casglu trysor.
3:4 And he that
honoureth his mother is as one that layeth up treasure.
3:5 Yr hwn a anrhydeddo ei dad, a gaiff lawenydd o'i blant; ac efe a
wrandewir y dydd y gweddïo.
3:5 Whoso
honoureth his father shall have joy of his own children; and when he maketh his
prayer, he shall be heard.
3:6 Hirhoedlog fydd yr hwn a anrhydeddo ei dad: a'r hwn a ufuddhao
i'r Arglwydd, a bair orffwystra i'w fam.
3:6 He that
honoureth his father shall have a long life; and he that is obedient unto the
Lord shall be a comfort to his mother.
3:7 Yr hwn sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd, a anrhydedda ei dad, ac a
wasanaetha y rhai a'i cenedlasant ef, fel ei arglwyddi.
3:7 He that
feareth the Lord will honour his father, and will do service unto his parents,
as to his masters.
3:8 Anrhydedda dy dad a'th fam ar weithred a gair, fel y delo i ti
fendith gan ddynion;
3:8 Honour thy
father and mother both in word and deed, that a blessing may come upon thee
from them.
3:9 Oblegid bendith y tad a sicrha deiau y plant: ond melltith y fam
a ddiwreiddia sylfeini.
3:9 For the
blessing of the father establisheth the houses of children; but the curse of the
mother rooteth out foundations.
3:10 Na ymffrostia yn amarch dy dad: oherwydd nid parch i ti fydd
amarch dy dad:
3:10 Glory not
in the dishonour of thy father; for thy father's dishonour is no glory unto
3:11 Canys anrhydedd fydd i ddyn o anrhydedd ei dad: a mam mewn
amarch sydd warth i'r plant.
3:11 For the
glory of a man is from the honour of his father; and a mother in dishonour is a
reproach to the children.
3:12 Fy mab, cynorthwya dy dad yn ei henaint; ac na thristâ ef yn dy
3:12 My son,
help thy father in his age, and grieve him not as long as he liveth.
3:13 Os palla ei synnwyr, cyd-ddwg ag ef; ac na amharcha ef pan
fyddech yn dy holl gryfder.
3:13 And if his
understanding fail, have patience with him; and despise him not when thou art
in thy full strength.
3:14 Oherwydd nid anghofir dy drugaredd i'th dad: ac yn lle pechodau,
fe a'i chwanegir i'th adeiladu di i fyny.
3:14 For the
relieving of thy father shall not be forgotten: and instead of sins it shall be
added to build thee up.
3:15 Yn nydd dy drallod y meddylir amdanat ti: a'th bechodau a
doddir, megis pan ddêl meiriol ar iâ.
3:15 In the day
of thine affliction it shall be remembered; thy sins also shall melt away, as
the ice in the fair warm weather.
3:16 Megis cablwr yw yr hwn sydd yn gwrthod ei dad; a melltigedig gan
Dduw yw yr hwn sydd yn digio ei fam.
3:16 He that
forsaketh his father is as a blasphemer; and he that angereth his mother is
cursed: of God.
3:17 Fy mab, gorffen dy waith yn llednais, a'r dyn cymeradwy a'th
hoffa di.
3:17 My son, go
on with thy business in meekness; so shalt thou be beloved of him that is
3:18 Po mwyaf fyddech, ymddarostwng yn fwy, a thi a gei ffafr yng
ngŵydd yr Arglwydd.
3:18 The
greater thou art, the more humble thyself, and thou shalt find favour before
the Lord.
3:19 Y mae llawer yn uchel radd ac yn anrhydeddus; eithr i'r rhai
llednais y datguddir dirgeledigaethau:
3:19 Many are
in high place, and of renown: but mysteries are revealed unto the meek.
3:20 Canys mawr yw gallu'r Arglwydd, a'r rhai gostyngedig a'i
hanrhydeddant ef.
3:20 For the
power of the Lord is great, and he is honoured of the lowly.
3:21 Na chais yn ddisynnwyr bethau rhy galed i ti, ac na chais yn
angall bethau rhy gryfion i ti.
3:21 Seek not
out things that are too hard for thee, neither search the things that are above
thy strength.
3:22 Y pethau a orchmynnwyd, meddwl am hynny yn sanctaidd; oblegid
nid rhaid i ti weled pethau cuddiedig â'th lygaid.
3:22 But what
is commanded thee, think thereupon with reverence, for it is not needful for
thee to see with thine eyes the things that are in secret.
3:23 Na fydd ry fanwl mewn pethau afraid: canys fe ddangoswyd i ti
fwy nag a ddichon dynion eu deall.
3:23 Be not
curious in unnecessary matters: for more things are shewed unto thee than men
3:24 Eu hofer dyb a dwyllodd lawer, a drwg dyb a lesgaodd eu deall
3:24 For many
are deceived by their own vain opinion; and an evil suspicion hath overthrown
their judgment.
3:25 Oni bydd canhwyllau dy lygaid gennyt, fe fydd eisiau goleuni
arnat: ond o bydd eisiau gwybodaeth, na fynega hynny.
3:25 Without
eyes thou shalt want light: profess not the knowledge therefore that thou hast
3:26 Drwg fydd ar galon galed yn y diwedd: a'r hwn a hoffa
enbydrwydd, a ddifethir ynddo.
3:26 A stubborn
heart shall fare evil at the last; and he that loveth danger shall perish
3:27 Calon galed a lwythir â phoenau: a'r pechadur a chwanega
bechodau ar bechodau.
3:27 An
obstinate heart shall be laden with sorrows; and the wicked man shall heap sin
upon sin.
3:28 Yng nghosbedigaeth y balch nid oes meddyginiaeth; oherwydd
gwreiddio planhigyn drygioni ynddo ef.
3:28 In the punishment
of the proud there is no remedy; for the plant of wickedness hath taken root in
3:29 Calon y deallgar a feddwl am ddameg; a chlust y gwrandawydd yw
dymuniad y doeth.
3:29 The heart
of the prudent will understand a parable; and an attentive ear is the desire of
a wise man.
3:30 Dwfr a ddiffydd dân yn fflamio; a thrwy elusen y ceir maddeuant
am bechodau.
3:30 Water will
quench a flaming fire; and alms maketh an atonement for sins.
3:31 A'r Arglwydd, yr hwn sydd yn talu cymwynasau, sy gofus erbyn yr
amser a ddaw; a'r cyfryw, yn amser ei dramgwydd, a gaiff ateg.
3:31 And he
that requiteth good turns is mindful of that which may come hereafter; and when
he falleth, he shall find a stay.
4:1 Fy mab, na thwylla'r tlawd am ei fywyd, ac na wna i lygaid
anghenus hir ddisgwyl.
4:1 My son,
defraud not the poor of his living, and make not the needy eyes to wait long.
4:2 Na thristâ enaid newynog, ac na wna i ŵr yn ei eisiau hir ddisgwyl.
4:2 Make not an
hungry soul sorrowful; neither provoke a man in his distress.
4:3 Na chwanega flinder ar galon gystuddiol, ac na wna i'r anghenog
hir ddisgwyl am ei rodd.
4:3 Add not
more trouble to an heart that is vexed; and defer not to give to him that is in
4:4 Na fwrw ymaith ymbiliwr gorthrymedig, ac na thro dy wyneb oddi
wrth y tlawd.
4:4 Reject not
the supplication of the afflicted; neither turn away thy face from a poor man.
4:5 Na thro dy lygaid oddi wrth yr anghenus, ac na ddod le i ddyn
i'th felltithio di:
4:5 Turn not away
thine eye from the needy, and give him none occasion to curse thee:
4:6 Canys os efe a'th felltithia di yn chwerwder ei enaid, yr hwn a'i
gwnaeth ef a wrendy ei weddi ef.
4:6 For if he
curse thee in the bitterness of his soul, his prayer shall be heard of him that
made him.
4:7 Gwna dy hun yn hawddgar i'r gynulleidfa, a gostwng dy ben i
ŵr mawr.
4:7 Get thyself
the love of the congregation, and bow thy head to a great man.
4:8 Gostwng dy glust at y tlawd yn ddidrist, ac ateb ef yn heddychol
ac yn llednais.
4:8 Let it not
grieve thee to bow down thine ear to the poor, and give him a friendly answer
with meekness.
4:9 Gwared yr hwn sydd yn cael cam, o law yr hwn fydd yn gwneuthur
cam: ac na fydd lwfr pan eisteddych i farnu.
4:9 Deliver him
that suffereth wrong from the hand of the oppressor; and be not fainthearted
when thou sittest in judgment.
4:10 Bydd i'r amddifad fel tad, ac yn lle gŵr i'w mam hwynt; a
thi a gei fod megis yn fab i'r Goruchaf; ac efe a'th gâr di yn fwy na'th fam.
4:10 Be as a
father unto the fatherless, and instead of an husband unto their mother: so
shalt thou be as the son of the most High, and he shall love thee more than thy
mother doth.
4:11 Doethineb a ddyrchafa ei meibion, ac a dderbyn y rhai a'i
4:11 Wisdom
exalteth her children, and layeth hold of them that seek her.
4:12 Yr hwn sydd yn ei charu hi, sydd yn caru einioes; a'r rhai a
ddisgwyliant amdani hi yn fore, a lenwir â llawenydd.
4:12 He that
loveth her loveth life; and they that seek to her early shall be filled with
4:13 Yr hwn a'i dalio hi, a etifedda ogoniant; a'r Arglwydd a
fendithia'r lle yr êl hi i mewn.
4:13 He that
holdeth her fast shall inherit glory; and wheresoever she entereth, the Lord
will bless.
4:14 Y rhai sydd yn ei gwasanaethu hi, sydd yn gwasanaethu'r
Sanctaidd; ac y mae'r Arglwydd yn caru y rhai sydd yn ei charu hi.
4:14 They that
serve her shall minister to the Holy One: and them that love her the Lord doth
4:15 Yr hwn sydd yn gwrando arni hi, a farna genhedloedd; a'r hwn a
wrandawo arni hi, a breswylia'n ddiogel.
4:15 Whoso
giveth ear unto her shall judge the nations: and he that attendeth unto her
shall dwell securely.
4:16 Os un a ymddyry iddi, efe a'i caiff hi yn etifeddiaeth, a'i
hiliogaeth a gaiff fod mewn meddiant ohoni.
4:16 If a man
commit himself unto her, he shall inherit her; and his generation shall hold
her in possession.
4:17 Canys ar y cyntaf hi a rodia gydag ef ar ffyrdd gwyrgeimion, ac
a ddwg ofn ac arswyd arno ef, ac a'i poena ef â'i haddysg, nes gallu ohoni
ymddiried i'w enaid ef, ac oni phrofo hi ef yn ei chyfiawnderau:
4:17 For at the
first she will walk with him by crooked ways, and bring fear and dread upon
him, and torment him with her discipline, until she may trust his soul, and try
him by her laws.
4:18 Yna hi a ddaw yn union ato ef, ac a'i llawenycha ef, ac a
ddatguddia ei dirgelwch iddo.
4:18 Then will
she return the straight way unto him, and comfort him, and shew him her secrets.
4:19 Os cyfeiliorna efe, hi a'i gad ef, ac a'i dyry i fyny i'w gwymp
ei hun.
4:19 But if he
go wrong, she will forsake him, and give him over to his own ruin.
4:20 Cadw'r amser cyfaddas, ac ymgadw rhag drygioni; ac na fydded
cywilydd gennyt pan berthyno i'th enaid.
4:20 Observe
the opportunity, and beware of evil; and be not ashamed when it concerneth thy
4:21 Canys y mae cywilydd yn dwyn pechod; ac y mae cywilydd yn
anrhydedd a gras.
4:21 For there
is a shame that bringeth sin; and there is a shame which is glory and grace.
4:22 Na dderbyn wyneb yn erbyn dy enaid dy hun, ac na pharcha neb
i'th ddinistr dy hun.
4:22 Accept no
person against thy soul, and let not the reverence of any man cause thee to
4:23 Na atal air yn amser iachawdwriaeth, ac na chuddia dy ddoethineb
yn ei harddwch.
4:23 And
refrain not to speak, when there is occasion to do good, and hide not thy
wisdom in her beauty.
4:24 Oblegid wrth ymadrodd yr adwaenir doethineb, ac addysg wrth
eiriau'r tafod.
4:24 For by speech
wisdom shall be known: and learning by the word of the tongue.
4:25 Na ddywed yn erbyn y gwirionedd er dim, ond bydded wladaidd
gennyt dy anwybodaeth.
4:25 In no wise
speak against the truth; but be abashed of the error of thine ignorance.
4:26 Na fydded gywilydd gennyt gyfaddef dy bechodau, ac nac ymegnia
yn erbyn y ffrwd.
4:26 Be not
ashamed to confess thy sins; and force not the course of the river.
4:27 Nac ymddyro i ddyn ffôl, ac na dderbyn wyneb y galluog.
4:27 Make not
thyself an underling to a foolish man; neither accept the person of the mighty.
4:28 Ymegnïa gyda'r gwirionedd hyd farwolaeth; a'r Arglwydd Dduw a
ymladd gyda thithau.
4:28 Strive for
the truth unto death, and the Lord shall fight for thee.
4:29 Na fydd esgud â'th dafod, a diog ac araf yn dy weithredoedd.
4:29 Be not
hasty in thy tongue, and in thy deeds slack and remiss.
4:30 Na fydd megis llew yn dy dŷ, yn curo dy weision wrth dy
4:30 Be not as
a lion in thy house, nor frantick among thy servants.
4:31 Na fydded dy law yn agored i gymryd, ac yn gaead i roddi.
4:31 Let not
thine hand be stretched out to receive, and shut when thou shouldest repay.
5:1 Na osod dy galon ar dy olud; ac na ddywed, Y mae gennyf ddigon i
5:1 Set thy
heart upon thy goods; and say not, I have enough for my life.
5:2 Na ddilyn dy ewyllys dy hun, a'th gryfder dy hun, i rodio yn
ffyrdd dy galon dy hun.
5:2 Follow not
thine own mind and thy strength, to walk in the ways of thy heart:
5:3 Na ddywed, Pwy a'm darostwng i oherwydd fy ngweithredoedd?
oblegid yr Arglwydd gan ddial a ddial dy draha di.
5:3 And say
not, Who shall controul me for my works? for the Lord will surely revenge thy
5:4 Na ddywed, Mi a bechais, a pha dristwch a fu i mi? oblegid y
mae'r Arglwydd yn hirymarhous; ni ad efe i ti ddianc.
5:4 Say not, I
have sinned, and what harm hath happened unto me? for the Lord is
longsuffering, he will in no wise let thee go.
5:5 Na fydd ry ddifraw oherwydd maddeuant, i chwanegu pechodau ar
5:5 Concerning
propitiation, be not without fear to add sin unto sin:
5:6 Ac na ddywed, aml yw ei drugaredd ef, efe a faddau luosowgrwydd
fy mhechodau; oblegid trugaredd a digofaint a ddaw oddi wrtho ef, a'i
ddigofaint ef a orffwys ar bechaduriaid.
5:6 And say not
His mercy is great; he will be pacified for the multitude of my sins: for mercy
and wrath come from him, and his indignation resteth upon sinners.
5:7 Na fydd hwyrfrydig i droi at yr Arglwydd, ac nac oeda o ddydd i
ddydd: oblegid yn ddisymwth y daw digofaint yr Arglwydd, a thra fyddech di yn
ddifraw y'th ddryllir, a thi a ddifethir yn amser dialedd.
5:7 Make no
tarrying to turn to the Lord, and put not off from day to day: for suddenly
shall the wrath of the Lord come forth, and in thy security thou shalt be
destroyed, and perish in the day of vengeance.
5:8 Na osod dy galon ar olud anghyfiawn, oblegid ni fuddiant hwy yn
amser cystudd.
5:8 Set not
thine heart upon goods unjustly gotten, for they shall not profit thee in the
day of calamity.
5:9 Na ymdro gyda phob gwynt, ac na ddos ym mhob llwybr: felly y gwna
y pechadur daudafodiog.
5:9 Winnow not
with every wind, and go not into every way: for so doth the sinner that hath a
double tongue.
5:10 Bydd ddianwadal yn dy ddeall sicr, a bydded dy ymadrodd yn un.
5:10 Be
stedfast in thy understanding; and let thy word be the same.
5:11 Bydd esgud i wrando pethau da, a bydded dy fywyd mewn
gwirionedd, a thraetha ateb uniawn yn ddioddefgar.
5:11 Be swift
to hear; and let thy life be sincere; and with patience give answer.
5:12 Od oes deall gennyt, ateb dy gymydog; ac onid oes, bydded dy law
ar dy safn.
5:12 If thou
hast understanding, answer thy neighbour; if not, lay thy hand upon thy mouth.
5:13 Yn yr ymadrodd y mae gogoniant a gwarth; a thafod dyn sy gwymp
5:13 Honour and
shame is in talk: and the tongue of man is his fall.
5:14 Na alwer di yn hustyngwr, ac na chynllwyn â'th dafod: oblegid i
leidr y mae cywilydd blin, a damniad drwg i'r daudafodiog.
5:14 Be not
called a whisperer, and lie not in wait with thy tongue: for a foul shame is
upon the thief, and an evil condemnation upon the double tongue.
5:15 Na fydd ddiwybod o ddim, na mawr na bychan.
5:15 Be not
ignorant of any thing in a great matter or a small.
6:1 Na fydd elyn yn lle cyfaill: canys felly y cei enw drwg, gwarth a
gwaradwydd, yn etifeddiaeth: felly y caiff y pechadur daudafodiog amarch.
6:1 Instead of
a friend become not an enemy; for [thereby] thou shalt inherit an ill name,
shame, and reproach: even so shall a sinner that hath a double tongue.
6:2 Na ymddyrcha yng nghyngor dy enaid dy hun, rhag llarpio dy enaid
fel tarw.
6:2 Extol not
thyself in the counsel of thine own heart; that thy soul be not torn in pieces as
a bull [straying alone.]
6:3 Ti a fwytei dy ddail, ac a golli dy ffrwyth, ac a'th ollyngi dy
hun fel pren crin.
6:3 Thou shalt
eat up thy leaves, and lose thy fruit, and leave thyself as a dry tree.
6:4 Enaid drygionus sydd yn difetha ei berchennog, ac yn ei wneuthur
ei hun yn watworgerdd i'w elynion.
6:4 A wicked
soul shall destroy him that hath it, and shall make him to be laughed to scorn
of his enemies.
6:5 Genau melys sydd yn amlhau cyfeillion: a thafod ymadroddus sydd
yn amlhau ymadroddion teg.
6:5 Sweet
language will multiply friends: and a fairspeaking tongue will increase kind
6:6 Bydd heddychol â llawer; eithr bydded dy gynghorwr un o fil.
6:6 Be in peace
with many: nevertheless have but one counsellor of a thousand.
6:7 Os mynni di gael cyfaill, cais ef mewn profedigaeth; ac nac
ymddiried iddo ar frys amdanat dy hun;
6:7 If thou
wouldest get a friend, prove him first and be not hasty to credit him.
6:8 Canys y mae cyfaill dros ei amser ei hun, ac nid erys yn nydd dy
drallod di.
6:8 For some
man is a friend for his own occasion, and will not abide in the day of thy
6:9 Ac y mae cyfaill a dry yn elyn, ac yn gecrus, ac a ddatguddia dy
waradwydd di.
6:9 And there
is a friend, who being turned to enmity, and strife will discover thy reproach.
6:10 Ac y mae cyfaill a fydd cyfrannog o'r bwrdd; eithr yn nydd dy
drallod nid erys efe.
6:10 Again,
some friend is a companion at the table, and will not continue in the day of
thy affliction.
6:11 Ac yn dy fyd da efe a fydd fel tithau, ac efe a fydd hy ar
dylwyth dy dŷ di.
6:11 But in thy
prosperity he will be as thyself, and will be bold over thy servants.
6:12 Os darostyngir di, efe a fydd i'th erbyn, ac a ymguddia o'th
6:12 If thou be
brought low, he will be against thee, and will hide himself from thy face.
6:13 Ymneilltua oddi wrth dy elynion, a gochel dy gyfeillion.
6:13 Separate
thyself from thine enemies, and take heed of thy friends.
6:14 Amddiffyn cadarn yw cyfaill ffyddlon; a'r hwn a gafodd y cyfryw,
a gafodd drysor.
6:14 A faithful
friend is a strong defence: and he that hath found such an one hath found a
6:15 Nid oes dim a gystadla gyfaill ffyddlon, ac nid oes a gydbwysa
ei degwch ef.
6:15 Nothing doth
countervail a faithful friend, and his excellency is invaluable.
6:16 Eli einioes yw cyfaill ffyddlon; a'r rhai sy'n ofni'r Arglwydd,
a'i cânt ef.
6:16 A faithful
friend is the medicine of life; and they that fear the Lord shall find him.
6:17 Yr hwn sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd, sydd yn cyfarwyddo ei gyfeillach
yn uniawn: canys fel y byddo efe, y bydd ei gymydog hefyd.
6:17 Whoso
feareth the Lord shall direct his friendship aright: for as he is, so shall his
neighbour be also.
6:18 Fy mab, casgl addysg o'th ieuenctid, a thi a gei ddoethineb hyd
6:18 My son,
gather instruction from thy youth up: so shalt thou find wisdom till thine old
6:19 Tyred ati fel un yn aredig ac yn hau; ymaros hefyd am ei
ffrwythau daionus hi: oblegid ychydig boen a gymeri di yn ei gwaith hi, a buan
y bwytei o'i chnwd hi.
6:19 Come unto
her as one that ploweth and soweth, and wait for her good fruits: for thou
shalt not toil much in labouring about her, but thou shalt eat of her fruits
right soon.
6:20 Y mae hi yn chwerw iawn i'r annysgedig: a'r digalon nid erys
gyda hi.
6:20 She is
very unpleasant to the unlearned: he that is without understanding will not
remain with her.
6:21 Megis maen prawf cryf y bydd hi arno ef; ac nid oeda efe ei bwrw
hi ymaith.
6:21 She will
lie upon him as a mighty stone of trial; and he will cast her from him ere it
be long.
6:22 Oblegid y mae doethineb yn ôl ei henw, ac nid yw hi amlwg i
6:22 For wisdom
is according to her name, and she is not manifest unto many.
6:23 Gwrando, fy mab, derbyn fy marn i, ac na wrthod fy nghyngor.
6:23 Give ear,
my son, receive my advice, and refuse not my counsel,
6:24 Dyro dy draed yn ei llyffetheiriau hi, a'th wddf yn ei chadwyn.
6:24 And put thy
feet into her fetters, and thy neck into her chain.
6:25 Gostwng dy ysgwydd, a dwg hi, ac na fydd elyn i'w rhwymau hi.
6:25 Bow down
thy shoulder, and bear her, and be not grieved with her bonds.
6:26 Tyred ati â'th holl enaid, a chadw ei ffyrdd hi â'th holl allu.
6:26 Come unto
her with thy whole heart, and keep her ways with all thy power.
6:27 Olrhain, a chais, a thi a gei ei hadnabod hi; a phan gaffech
afael arni, na ollwng hi ymaith.
6:27 Search,
and seek, and she shall be made known unto thee: and when thou hast got hold of
her, let her not go.
6:28 Oblegid o'r diwedd ti a gei ei gorffwystra hi; a hynny a dry yn
llawenydd i ti.
6:28 For at the
last thou shalt find her rest, and that shall be turned to thy joy.
6:29 A'i llyffetheiriau hi a fydd i ti yn amddiffyn cadarn, a'i
chadwynau yn wisg ogoneddus.
6:29 Then shall
her fetters be a strong defence for thee, and her chains a robe of glory.
6:30 Oherwydd y mae arni hi wychder euraid; a'i rhwymau sydd ysnoden
6:30 For there
is a golden ornament upon her, and her bands are purple lace.
6:31 Fel gwisg ogoneddus y gwisgi di hi; ac fel coron orfoleddus y
gosodi hi amdanat.
6:31 Thou shalt
put her on as a robe of honour, and shalt put her about thee as a crown of joy.
6:32 Os mynni, fy mab, ti a fyddi ddysgedig; ac os rhoddi dy feddwl,
ti a fyddi gall.
6:32 My son, if
thou wilt, thou shalt be taught: and if thou wilt apply thy mind, thou shalt be
6:33 Os ceri wrando, ti a dderbynni ddeall; ac os gostyngi dy glust,
ti a fyddi doeth.
6:33 If thou
love to hear, thou shalt receive understanding: and if thou bow thine ear, thou
shalt be wise,
6:34 Saf ymysg henuriaid; a'r neb a fyddo doeth, glŷn wrtho ef.
6:34 Stand in
the multitude of the elders; and cleave unto him that is wise.
6:35 Myn glywed pob traethawd duwiol, ac na ddihanged diarhebion
deallus oddi gennyt.
6:35 Be willing
to hear every godly discourse; and let not the parables of understanding escape
6:36 O gweli ŵr deallgar, cyfod yn fore ato ef; a threulied dy
droed riniogau ei ddrws ef.
6:36 And if
thou seest a man of understanding, get thee betimes unto him, and let thy foot
wear the steps of his door.
6:37 Meddwl am orchmynion yr Arglwydd yn berffaith; a myfyria ar ei
orchmynion ef bob amser: efe a sicrha dy galon, a doethineb a roddir i ti wrth
dy ddymuniad.
6:37 Let thy
mind be upon the ordinances of the Lord and meditate continually in his
commandments: he shall establish thine heart, and give thee wisdom at thine
owns desire.
7:1 Na wna ddrwg, ac ni oddiwedd drwg dydi.
7:1 Do no evil,
so shall no harm come unto thee.
7:2 Ymado oddi wrth yr anghyfiawn, ac fe a gilia pechod oddi wrthyt
7:2 Depart from
the unjust, and iniquity shall turn away from thee.
7:3 Fy mab, na heua ymysg cwysau anghyfiawnder, rhag i ti eu medi yn
7:3 My son, sow
not upon the furrows of unrighteousness, and thou shalt not reap them
7:4 Na chais gan yr Arglwydd lywodraeth, na chadair gogoniant gan y
7:4 Seek not of
the Lord preeminence, neither of the king the seat of honour.
7:5 Nac ymgyfiawnha gerbron yr Arglwydd, ac na chymer arnat fod yn
ddoeth yng ngŵydd y brenin.
7:5 justify not
thyself before the Lord; and boast not of thy wisdom before the king.
7:6 Na chais fod yn farnwr, rhag na allech dynnu anghyfiawnder
ymaith; rhag un amser i ti ofni rhag y cadarn, a gosod ohonot dramgwydd ar
ffordd dy uniondeb.
7:6 Seek not to
be judge, being not able to take away iniquity; lest at any time thou fear the
person of the mighty, an stumblingblock in the way of thy uprightness.
7:7 Na phecha yn erbyn torf dinas, ac nac ymwthia i dyrfa.
7:7 Offend not
against the multitude of a city, and then thou shalt not cast thyself down
among the people.
7:8 Na ymrwym â phechod ddwywaith; oherwydd ni byddi ddigerydd am un.
7:8 Bind not
one sin upon another; for in one thou shalt not be unpunished.
7:9 Na ddywed, Duw a edrych ar luosowgrwydd fy rhoddion i; a phan
offrymwyf i'r Goruchaf Dduw, efe a'i derbyn.
7:9 Say not,
God will look upon the multitude of my oblations, and when I offer to the most
high God, he will accept it.
7:10 Na fydd egwan dy galon yn dy weddi, ac nac esgeulusa wneuthur
7:10 Be not
fainthearted when thou makest thy prayer, and neglect not to give alms.
7:11 Na watwar y dyn a fyddo yn chwerwder ei enaid: oherwydd y mae
gostyngydd a dyrchafydd.
7:11 Laugh no
man to scorn in the bitterness of his soul: for there is one which humbleth and
7:12 Na ddychymyg gelwydd ar dy frawd; ac na wna y fath beth i'th
7:12 Devise not
a lie against thy brother; neither do the like to thy friend.
7:13 Na fyn ddywedyd dim celwydd: oherwydd ni ddaw mynych ymarfer
ohono ef i ddaioni.
7:13 Use not to
make any manner of lie: for the custom thereof is not good.
7:14 Na fydd siaradus ymysg lliaws o henuriaid; ac nac ofer
aildraetha dy ymadrodd yn dy weddi.
7:14 Use not
many words in a multitude of elders, and make not much babbling when thou
7:15 Na chasâ waith poenus, na hwsmonaeth, yr hon a greodd y
7:15 Hate not
laborious work, neither husbandry, which the most High hath ordained.
7:16 Na chyfrif di dy hun ymysg pechaduriaid; eithr cofia nad oeda
7:16 Number not
thyself among the multitude of sinners, but remember that wrath will not tarry
7:17 Darostwng dy enaid yn ddirfawr: canys dialedd yr annuwiol fydd
tân a phryf.
7:17 Humble
thyself greatly: for the vengeance of the ungodly is fire and worms.
7:18 Na newidia gyfaill am ddim cyffredinol, na'th frawd ffyddlon am
aur Offir.
7:18 Change not
a friend for any good by no means; neither a faithful brother for the gold of
7:19 Nac ymado â gwraig ddoeth dda: canys gwell yw ei gras hi nag
7:19 Forego not
a wise and good woman: for her grace is above gold.
7:20 Na fydd ddrwg wrth weinidog a fyddo yn gweithio mewn gwirionedd,
na'r gwas cyflog sydd yn ei roddi ei hunan i ti yn hollol.
7:20 Whereas
thy servant worketh truly, entreat him not evil. nor the hireling that
bestoweth himself wholly for thee.
7:21 Cared dy enaid weinidog synhwyrol, ac na thwylla ef am ei
7:21 Let thy
soul love a good servant, and defraud him not of liberty.
7:22 Os anifeiliaid sy gennyt, edrych arnynt: ac os buddiol ydynt i
ti, cadw hwynt gyda thi.
7:22 Hast thou
cattle? have an eye to them: and if they be for thy profit, keep them with
7:23 Od oes i ti blant, dysg hwynt, a gostwng eu gyddfau hwy o'u
7:23 Hast thou
children? instruct them, and bow down their neck from their youth.
7:24 Od oes ferched i ti, gwylia eu cyrff hwynt, ac na ddangos dy
wyneb yn llawen wrthynt.
7:24 Hast thou
daughters? have a care of their body, and shew not thyself cheerful toward
7:25 Dod dy ferch yn briod, a thi a fyddi wedi gwneuthur gwaith mawr:
eithr dod hi i ŵr synhwyrol.
7:25 Marry thy
daughter, and so shalt thou have performed a weighty matter: but give her to a
man of understanding.
7:26 Oes i ti wraig wrth dy feddwl? na fwrw hi ymaith, ac na ddod dy
hun i un atgas.
7:26 Hast thou
a wife after thy mind? forsake her not: but give not thyself over to a light
7:27 Anrhydedda dy dad â'th holl galon, ac nac anghofia ofidiau dy
7:27 Honour thy
father with thy whole heart, and forget not the sorrows of thy mother.
7:28 Cofia mai trwyddynt hwy y'th anwyd di; a pha beth a deli di
iddynt hwy, o'r fath a wnaethant hwy i ti?
7:28 Remember
that thou wast begotten of them; and how canst thou recompense them the things
that they have done for thee?
7:29 Ofna'r Arglwydd â’th holl enaid, a pharcha ei offeiriaid ef.
7:29 Fear the
Lord with all thy soul, and reverence his priests.
7:30 Câr yr hwn a'th wnaeth â’th holl nerth, ac na ad ei weinidogion
7:30 Love him
that made thee with all thy strength, and forsake not his ministers.
7:31 Ofna'r Arglwydd, ac anrhydedda'r offeiriad: a dod iddo ef ran,
fel y gorchmynnwyd i ti; y blaenffrwyth, a'r aberth dros gamwedd, a rhodd y
palfeisiau, ac aberth y cysegriad, a blaenffrwyth y pethau sanctaidd.
7:31 Fear the
Lord, and honor the priest; and give him his portion, as it is commanded thee;
the firstfruits, and the trespass offering, and the gift of the shoulders, and
the sacrifice of sanctification, and the firstfruits of the holy things.
7:32 Estyn hefyd dy law i'r tlawd, fel y perffeithier dy fendith di.
7:32 And
stretch thine hand unto the poor, that thy blessing may be perfected.
7:33 Y mae cymeriad i rodd yng ngolwg pob un byw; ac na atal gymwynas
i'r marw.
7:33 A gift
hath grace in the sight of every man living; and for the dead detain it not.
Na phalla fod gyda'r wylofus: a galara gyda'r galarus.
7:34 Fail not to be with them that
weep, and mourn with them that mourn.
7:35 Na fydd ddiog i ofwyo'r claf: canys trwy'r cyfryw bethau y'th
gerir di.
7:35 Be not
slow to visit the sick: fir that shall make thee to be beloved.
7:36 Yn dy holl eiriau meddwl am dy ddiwedd, ac ni phechi di byth.
7:36 Whatsoever
thou takest in hand, remember the end, and thou shalt never do amiss.
8:1 Nac ymryson â gŵr cadarn, rhag syrthio ohonot yn ei law ef.
8:1 Strive not
with a mighty man' lest thou fall into his hands.
8:2 Nac ymgynhenna â gŵr cyfoethog, rhag iddo roddi pwys i'th
erbyn di: oblegid aur a ddifethodd lawer, ac a wyrodd galonnau brenhinoedd.
8:2 Be not at
variance with a rich man, lest he overweigh thee: for gold hath destroyed many,
and perverted the hearts of kings.
8:3 Nac ymgynhenna â gŵr siaradus, ac na phentyrra goed ar ei
dân ef.
8:3 Strive not
with a man that is full of tongue, and heap not wood upon his fire.
8:4 Na chellwair â'r annysgedig, rhag amherchi dy hynafiaid di.
8:4 Jest not
with a rude man, lest thy ancestors be disgraced.
8:5 Na ddannod i'r dyn a drodd oddi wrth bechod: cofia ein bod ni oll
dan gerydd.
8:5 Reproach
not a man that turneth from sin, but remember that we are all worthy of
8:6 Nac amharcha ddyn yn ei henaint: canys y mae rhai ohonom ninnau
yn heneiddio.
8:6 Dishonour
not a man in his old age: for even some of us wax old.
8:7 Na lawenycha am farw yr hwn sy fwyaf gelyn i ti: cofia ein bod ni
oll yn marw.
8:7 Rejoice not
over thy greatest enemy being dead, but remember that we die all.
8:8 Na ddiystyra draethawd y doethion, eithr ymarfer di â'u
diarhebion hwynt: oblegid ganddynt hwy y dysgi di addysg, a gwasanaethu
pendefigion yn hawdd.
8:8 Despise not
the discourse of the wise, but acquaint thyself with their proverbs: for of
them thou shalt learn instruction, and how to serve great men with ease.
8:9 Nac ymado â thraethiad henuriaid: oblegid hwynthwy a ddysgasant
gan eu tadau; canys ganddynt hwy y dysgi di ddeall, a rhoddi ateb pan fyddo
8:9 Miss not
the discourse of the elders: for they also learned of their fathers, and of
them thou shalt learn understanding, and to give answer as need requireth.
8:10 Na chynnau farwor pechadur, rhag dy losgi yn fflam ei dân ef.
8:10 Kindle not
the coals of a sinner, lest thou be burnt with the flame of his fire.
8:11 Na chyfod mewn dig o flaen y trahaus, rhag iddo eistedd fel un
yn cynllwyn yn erbyn dy enau di.
8:11 Rise not
up [in anger] at the presence of an injurious person, lest he lie in wait to
entrap thee in thy words
8:12 Nac echwynna i ddyn cryfach na thi: ac os echwynni, bydd fel un
wedi colli.
8:12 Lend not
unto him that is mightier than thyself; for if thou lendest him, count it but
8:13 Na fechnïa am fwy nag a allech: ac os mechnïi, meddwl am dalu.
8:13 Be not surety
above thy power: for if thou be surety, take care to pay it.
8:14 Nac ymgyfreithia ag Ustus; oblegid wrth ei feddwl ef y barnant
hwy iddo ef.
8:14 Go not to
law with a judge; for they will judge for him according to his honour.
8:15 Na ddos ar hyd y ffordd gydag un hy, rhag iddo fod yn drwm
wrthyt: oblegid wrth ei ewyllys ei hun y gwna efe, a thrwy ei anghallineb ef y
derfydd amdanat tithau gydag ef.
8:15 Travel not
by the way with a bold fellow, lest he become grievous unto thee: for he will
do according to his own will, and thou shalt perish with him through his folly.
8:16 Na wna gynnen â'r dicllon, ac na ddos gydag ef i anialwch: fel
diddim yw gwaed yn ei olwg ef; ac efe a'th gwympa di yno lle nid oes help.
8:16 Strive not
with an angry man, and go not with him into a solitary place: for blood is as
nothing in his sight, and where there is no help, he will overthrow thee.
8:17 Nac ymgynghora â'r ffôl; oherwydd ni fedr efe gelu gair.
8:17 Consult
not with a fool; for he cannot keep counsel.
8:18 Na wna beth cyfrinachol o flaen y dieithr: oblegid ni wyddost ti
beth a esgyr efe.
8:18 Do no
secret thing before a stranger; for thou knowest not what he will bring forth.
8:19 Na amlyga dy galon i bob dyn, rhag iddo roddi gau ddiolch i ti.
8:19 Open not
thine heart to every man, lest he requite thee with a shrewd turn.
9:1 Na ddal eiddigedd wrth wraig dy fynwes, ac na ddysg iddi addysg
ddrwg yn dy erbyn dy hun.
9:1 Be not
jealous over the wife of thy bosom, and teach her not an evil lesson against
9:2 Na ddod dy hunan i wraig, i fyned ohoni yn uwch na thi.
9:2 Give not
thy soul unto a woman to set her foot upon thy substance.
9:3 Na ddos i gyfarfod â gwraig buteinig, rhag i ti un amser syrthio
yn ei maglau hi.
9:3 Meet not with
an harlot, lest thou fall into her snares.
9:4 Na fydd yn fynych gyda chantores, rhag dy ddal trwy ei chelfyddyd
9:4 Use not
much the company of a woman that is a singer, lest thou be taken with her
9:5 Na chraffa ar forwyn, rhag dy dramgwyddo trwy'r pethau sy
werthfawr ynddi.
9:5 Gaze not on
a maid, that thou fall not by those things that are precious in her.
9:6 Na ddod dy enaid i buteiniaid, rhag colli ohonot dy etifeddiaeth.
9:6 Give not
thy soul unto harlots, that thou lose not thine inheritance.
9:7 Nac edrych o amgylch mewn heolydd dinas, ac na wibia yn ei
hanghyfaneddleoedd hi.
9:7 Look not
round about thee in the streets of the city, neither wander thou in the
solitary place thereof.
9:8 Tro dy olwg oddi wrth wraig brydweddol, ac na ystyr degwch arall;
oblegid llawer trwy degwch gwraig a gyfeiliornasant; a thrwy hyn y cynnau
cariad fel tân.
9:8 Turn away
thine eye from a beautiful woman, and look not upon another's beauty; for many
have been deceived by the beauty of a woman; for herewith love is kindled as a
9:9 Na eistedd ddim gyda gwraig â gŵr iddi, ac na eistedd ddim â
hi yn dy freichiau, ac na chydildia â hi mewn gwin, rhag pwyso o'th feddwl ati
hi, a llithro ohonot, trwy dy chwant, i ddistryw.
9:9 Sit not at
all with another man's wife, nor sit down with her in thine arms, and spend not
thy money with her at the wine; lest thine heart incline unto her, and so
through thy desire thou fall into destruction.
9:10 Na ad hen gyfaill; oblegid nid yw un newydd gystal ag ef: megis
gwin newydd yw cyfaill newydd; os heneiddia efe, ti a'i hyfi yn llawen.
9:10 Forsake
not an old friend; for the new is not comparable to him: a new friend is as new
wine; when it is old, thou shalt drink it with pleasure.
9:11 Na chenfigenna wrth ogoniant pechadur: oblegid ni wyddost ti pa
ddiwedd fydd iddo.
9:11 Envy not
the glory of a sinner: for thou knowest not what shall be his end.
9:12 Na fydded hoff gennyt yr hyn sydd hoff gan y rhai annuwiol: eithr
cofia nad ânt hwy yn ddigerydd i'r bedd.
9:12 Delight
not in the thing that the ungodly have pleasure in; but remember they shall not
go unpunished unto their grave.
9:13 Ymgadw ymhell oddi wrth ŵr ag awdurdod iddo i ladd, fel nad
amheuech di ofn angau: ac os deui di ato ef, na wna fai, rhag iddo yn ebrwydd
ddwyn ymaith dy einioes di: gwybydd mai ymysg maglau yr ydwyt yn tramwy, ac mai
ar binaclau'r ddinas yr ydwyt yn rhodio.
9:13 Keep thee
far from the man that hath power to kill; so shalt thou not doubt the fear of
death: and if thou come unto him, make no fault, lest he take away thy life
presently: remember that thou goest in the midst of snares, and that thou
walkest upon the battlements of the city.
9:14 Bwrw yr amcan gorau y gallech am dy gymydog; ac ymgynghora â'r
9:14 As near as
thou canst, guess at thy neighbour, and consult with the wise.
9:15 Bydded dy ymresymiad di â'r synhwyrol, a'th holl ymddiddan yng
nghyfraith y Goruchaf.
9:15 Let thy
talk be with the wise, and all thy communication in the law of the most High.
9:16 Bydded gwŷr cyfiawn yn cydwledda â thi, a bydded dy
orfoledd di yn ofn yr Arglwydd.
9:16 And let
just men eat and drink with thee; and let thy glorying be in the fear of the
9:17 Trwy law y gweithiwr y canmolir gwaith, a doeth dywysog pobl yn
ei ymadrodd.
9:17 For the
hand of the artificer the work shall be commended: and the wise ruler of the
people for his speech.
9:18 Ofnadwy yn ei ddinas yw gŵr siaradus; a'r rhy brysur yn ei
ymadrodd a gaseir.
9:18 A man of
an ill tongue is dangerous in his city; and he that is rash in his talk shall
be hated.
10:1 Barnwr doeth a ddysg ei bobl, a thywysogaeth y synhwyrol a
drefnir yn dda.
10:1 A wise
judge will instruct his people; and the government of a prudent man is well
10:2 Fel y byddo barnwr y bobl, y bydd ei swyddogion ef; ac fel y
byddo tywysog dinas, y bydd y rhai oll sydd yn preswylio ynddi.
10:2 As the
judge of the people is himself, so are his officers; and what manner of man the
ruler of the city is, such are all they that dwell therein.
10:3 Brenin annoeth a ddifetha ei bobl; a thrwy synnwyr y penaethiaid
y cyfanheddir y ddinas.
10:3 An unwise
king destroyeth his people; but through the prudence of them which are in authority
the city shall be inhabited.
10:4 Yn llaw'r Arglwydd y mae meddiant y ddaear: ac efe a gyfyd un
buddiol mewn pryd arni.
10:4 The power
of the earth is in the hand of the Lord, and in due time he will set over it
one that is profitable.
10:5 Yn llaw'r Arglwydd y mae llwyddiant gŵr: ac ar wyneb
ysgrifennydd efe a esyd ei anrhydedd.
10:5 In the hand
of God is the prosperity of man: and upon the person of the scribe shall he lay
his honour.
10:6 Na ddwg gas i'th gymydog am bob cam; ac na wna ddim mewn
gweithredoedd trahaus.
10:6 Bear not
hatred to thy neighbour for every wrong; and do nothing at all by injurious
10:7 Gas gerbron yr Arglwydd a dynion yw balchder: ac amryfusedd
anghyfiawn a fwrir oddi wrth y ddau.
10:7 Pride is
hateful before God and man: and by both doth one commit iniquity.
10:8 Brenhiniaeth a symudir o'r naill genedl i'r llall o achos
anghyfiawnder, a thraha, a chyfoeth trwy dwyll.
10:8 Because of
unrighteous dealings, injuries, and riches got by deceit, the kingdom is translated
from one people to another.
10:9 Paham y mae pridd a lludw yn falch? Nid oes dim anwirach na'r
cybydd: oblegid y mae'r cyfryw yn rhoddi ei enaid ei hun ar werth; oherwydd ei
ymysgaroedd a fwrw efe allan yn ei fywyd.
10:9 Why is earth and ashes proud?
There is not a more wicked thing than a covetous man: for such an one setteth
his own soul to sale; because while he liveth he casteth away his bowels.
10:10 Meddyg a dyr ymaith hir glefyd: a'r hwn sy frenin heddiw, a fydd
marw yfory.
10:10 The
physician cutteth off a long disease; and he that is to day a king to morrow
shall die.
10:11 Canys pan fyddo marw dyn, efe a gaiff ymlusgiaid, a bwystfilod,
a phryfed, yn etifeddiaeth.
10:11 For when a
man is dead, he shall inherit creeping things, beasts, and worms.
10:12 Dechreuad balchder yw myned o un oddi wrth Dduw, ac ymado o'i
galon ef oddi wrth yr hwn a'i gwnaeth:
10:12 The
beginning of pride is when one departeth from God, and his heart is turned away
from his Maker.
10:13 Canys dechreuad pechod yw balchder; a'r hwn sydd yn ei ddal ef a
wna ffieidd-dra yn drahaus: am hynny y dug yr Arglwydd arnynt hwy gosbedigaeth
ryfedd, ac y llwyr ddinistriodd hwynt.
10:13 For pride
is the beginning of sin, and he that hath it shall pour out abomination: and
therefore the Lord brought upon them strange calamities, and overthrew them
10:14 Yr Arglwydd a fwriodd i lawr orseddfeinciau tywysogion
beilchion, ac a wnaeth i'r rhai llednais eistedd ynddynt yn eu lle hwynt.
10:14 The Lord hath
cast down the thrones of proud princes, and set up the meek in their stead.
10:15 Yr Arglwydd a dynnodd ymaith wraidd y rhai beilchion, ac a
blannodd y rhai gostyngedig yn eu lle hwynt mewn gogoniant.
10:15 The Lord
hath plucked up the roots of the proud nations, and planted the lowly in their
10:16 Yr Arglwydd a ddinistriodd wledydd y cenhedloedd, ac a'u
difethodd hwynt hyd sylfeini'r ddaear.
10:16 The Lord
overthrew countries of the heathen, and destroyed them to the foundations of
the earth.
10:17 Efe a dynnodd rai ohonynt ymaith, ac a'u difethodd hwynt, ac a
wnaeth i'w coffadwriaeth ddarfod oddi ar y ddaear.
10:17 He took
some of them away, and destroyed them, and hath made their memorial to cease
from the earth.
10:18 Ni chrewyd balchder i ddynion, na dicter llidiog i blant
10:18 Pride was
not made for men, nor furious anger for them that are born of a woman.
10:19 Had diogel yw y rhai sy'n ofni'r Arglwydd; a phlanhigyn
gwerthfawr yw y rhai sy'n ei garu ef: had amharchus yw y rhai nid ystyriant y
gyfraith; had cyfeiliornus yw y rhai a droseddant y gorchmynion.
10:19 They that
fear the Lord are a sure seed, and they that love him an honourable plant: they
that regard not the law are a dishonourable seed; they that transgress the
commandments are a deceivable seed.
10:20 Parchedig ymysg brodyr yw eu tywysog; felly y mae y rhai sy'n
ofni'r Arglwydd yn ei olwg yntau.
10:20 Among
brethren he that is chief is honorable; so are they that fear the Lord in his
10:21 Ofn yr Arglwydd sydd yn myned o flaen awdurdod: eithr dinistr
tywysogaeth yw creulondeb a balchder.
10:21 The fear
of the Lord goeth before the obtaining of authority: but roughness and pride is
the losing thereof.
10:22 Ofn yr Arglwydd sydd ogoniant i'r cyfoethog, i'r anrhydeddus, ac
i'r tlawd.
10:22 Whether he
be rich, noble, or poor, their glory is the fear of the Lord.
10:23 Nid cyfiawn yw amherchi tlawd synhwyrol; ac nid gweddus
anrhydeddu gŵr pechadurus.
10:23 It is not
meet to despise the poor man that hath understanding; neither is it convenient
to magnify a sinful man.
10:24 Pendefigion, a barnwyr, a chedyrn, a anrhydeddir; ac nid mwy neb
ohonynt na'r hwn sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd.
10:24 Great men,
and judges, and potentates, shall be honoured; yet is there none of them
greater than he that feareth the Lord.
10:25 Rhai rhyddion a wasanaethant was synhwyrol: a gŵr doeth ni
rwgnach pan gerydder ef.
10:25 Unto the
servant that is wise shall they that are free do service: and he that hath
knowledge will not grudge when he is reformed.
10:26 Na chymer arnat fod yn ddoeth wrth wneuthur dy waith; ac na
chais anrhydedd tra fyddech mewn ing:
10:26 Be not
overwise in doing thy business; and boast not thyself in the time of thy
10:27 Oblegid gwell yw yr hwn sydd yn gweithio, ac mewn amldra o bob
peth, na'r hwn sydd yn ymffrostio, ac arno eisiau bara.
10:27 Better is
he that laboureth, and aboundeth in all things, than he that boasteth himself,
and wanteth bread.
10:28 Fy mab, anrhydedda dy enaid yn llednais, a dod iddo yr anrhydedd
a haeddai.
10:28 My son,
glorify thy soul in meekness, and give it honour according to the dignity
10:29 Pwy a gyfiawnha yr hwn a becho yn erbyn ei enaid ei hun? a phwy
a barcha yr hwn a amharcho ei fywyd ei hun?
10:29 Who will
justify him that sinneth against his own soul? and who will honour him that
dishonoureth his own life?
10:30 Y mae tlawd mewn parch oherwydd ei wybodaeth; ac y mae cyfoethog
mewn parch oherwydd ei gyfoeth.
10:30 The poor
man is honoured for his skill, and the rich man is honoured for his riches.
10:31 Yr hwn sy barchedig mewn tlodi, pa faint mwy mewn cyfoeth? a'r
hwn sydd amharchedig mewn cyfoeth, pa faint mwy mewn tlodi?
10:31 He that is
honoured in poverty, how much more in riches? and he that is dishonourable in
riches, how much more in poverty?
11:1 Doethineb y gostyngedig a ddyrchaif ei ben ef, ac a'i gesyd ef
ymysg pendefigion.
11:1 Wisdom
lifteth up the head of him that is of low degree, and maketh him to sit among
great men.
11:2 Na chanmol ŵr wrth ei bryd, ac na meiddia ef wrth yr olwg
11:2 Commend not
a man for his beauty; neither abhor a man for his outward appearance.
11:3 Bechan ymysg yr ehediaid yw'r wenynen; a phenmelystra yw ei
ffrwyth hi.
11:3 The bee is
little among such as fly; but her fruit is the chief of sweet things.
11:4 Na orfoledda oherwydd gwisg o ddillad, ac na ymddyrcha yn amser
anrhydedd: oblegid rhyfedd yw gweithredoedd yr Arglwydd, a'i weithredoedd ef
ydynt ddirgel i ddynion.
11:4 Boast not
of thy clothing and raiment, and exalt not thyself in the day of honour: for
the works of the Lord are wonderful, and his works among men are hidden.
11:5 Llawer teyrn a eisteddodd ar lawr; a'r hwn ni thybiai un, a
wisgodd y goron.
11:5 Many kings
have sat down upon the ground; and one that was never thought of hath worn the
11:6 Llawer cadarn a amharchwyd yn ddirfawr; a'r anrhydeddus a roddwyd
i ddwylo eraill.
11:6 Many mighty
men have been greatly disgraced; and the honourable delivered into other men's
11:7 Nac achwyn cyn chwilio'r gwirionedd: myn wybod yn gyntaf, ac yna
11:7 Blame not
before thou hast examined the truth: understand first, and then rebuke.
11:8 Na farna cyn clywed; ac na fwrw air ymysg ymadroddion rhai
11:8 Answer not
before thou hast heard the cause: neither interrupt men in the midst of their
11:9 Nac ymryson am y peth nid yw yn perthyn i ti; ac na chydeistedd
ym marn pechaduriaid.
11:9 Strive not
in a matter that concerneth thee not; and sit not in judgment with sinners.
11:10 Fy mab, na ymyrr ar lawer o bethau: oherwydd os trini lawer
peth, ni byddi difai: os dilyni, ni oddiweddi; ac os ffoi, ni ddihengi.
11:10 My son,
meddle not with many matters: for if thou meddle much, thou shalt not be
innocent; and if thou follow after, thou shalt not obtain, neither shalt thou
escape by fleeing.
11:11 Y mae a lafuria, ac a boena, ac a frysia, ac o hynny y mae yn
fwy ei eisiau ef.
11:11 There is one that laboureth, and
taketh pains, and maketh haste, and is so much the more behind.
11:12 Y mae un anniben, ac arno eisiau help, yn fychan ei nerth, ac yn
fawr ei dlodi; a golwg yr Arglwydd a edrychodd arno ef er daioni, ac a'i
dyrchafoddef o'i waelder;
11:12 Again,
there is another that is slow, and hath need of help, wanting ability, and full
of poverty; yet the eye of the Lord looked upon him for good, and set him up
from his low estate,
11:13 Ac efe a ddyrchafodd ei ben ef o drueni; a llawer, pan welsant,
a fu ryfedd ganddynt o’i blegid ef.
11:13 And lifted
up his head from misery; so that many that saw from him is peace over all the
11:14 Da a drwg, einioes ac angau, tlodi a chyfoeth, oddi wrth yr
Arglwydd y maent.
11:14 Prosperity
and adversity, life and death, poverty and riches, come of the Lord.
11:15 Oddi wrth yr Arglwydd y mae doethineb, a chyfarwyddyd, a
gwybodaeth ei gyfraith ef: oddi wrtho ef y mae cariad, a ffyrdd gweithredoedd
11:15 Wisdom,
knowledge, and understanding of the law, are of the Lord: love, and the way of
good works, are from him.
11:16 Cyfeiliorni a thywyllwch a gydgrewyd â phechaduriaid: a drygioni
a heneiddia yn y rhai sy'n gorfoleddu mewn drygioni.
11:16 Error and
darkness had their beginning together with sinners: and evil shall wax old with
them that glory therein.
11:17 Rhodd yr Arglwydd a erys gyda'r duwiol; a'i ewyllys da ef a bair
ffynnu byth.
11:17 The gift
of the Lord remaineth with the ungodly, and his favour bringeth prosperity for
11:18 Y mae dyn yn cyfoethogi trwy ei gallineb a'i grintachrwydd; a
dyna ei ran ef o'i gyflog.
11:18 There is
that waxeth rich by his wariness and pinching, and this his the portion of his
11:19 Lle y dywed efe, Mi a gefais esmwythdra, ac yn awr mi a fwytaf
o'm da bob amser; ac eto ni ŵyr efe pa amser a â heibio iddo ef, ac y gedy
efe hwynt i arall, ac y bydd efe marw.
11:19 Whereas he
saith, I have found rest, and now will eat continually of my goods; and yet he
knoweth not what time shall come upon him, and that he must leave those things
to others, and die.
11:20 Saf di yn dy gyfamod, ac ymddiddan yn hwnnw, a heneiddia yn dy
11:20 Be
stedfast in thy covenant, and be conversant therein, and wax old in thy work.
11:21 Na fydded rhyfedd gennyt am waith pechadur; creda i'r Arglwydd,
ac aros yn dy boen: oblegid hawdd yw yng ngolwg yr Arglwydd yn ddisymwth
ddiatreg gyfoethogi'r tlawd.
11:21 Marvel not
at the works of sinners; but trust in the Lord, and abide in thy labour: for it
is an easy thing in the sight of the Lord on the sudden to make a poor man
11:22 Bendith yr Arglwydd sydd gyflog i'r duwiol; ac mewn awr fuan y
gwna efe i'w fendith ef darddu.
11:22 The
blessing of the Lord is in the reward of the godly, and suddenly he maketh his
blessing flourish.
11:23 Na ddywed, Pa les i mi ryngu bodd? a pha ddaioni fydd i mi
11:23 Say not,
What profit is there of my service? and what good things shall I have
11:24 Na ddywed, Y mae gennyf fi ddigon, ac y mae gennyf lawer, a pha
niwed a gaf fi yn fy mywyd bellach?
11:24 Again, say
not, I have enough, and possess many things, and what evil shall I have
11:25 Yn amser daioni yr ydys yn gollwng drygfyd dros gof, ac yn amser
drygfyd nid ydys yn coffau daioni;
11:25 In the day
of prosperity there is a forgetfulness of affliction: and in the day of
affliction there is no more remembrance of prosperity.
11:26 Am fod yn hawdd o flaen yr Arglwydd dalu i ddyn yn ei ddydd
diwedd yn ôl ei weithredoedd.
11:26 For it is
an easy thing unto the Lord in the day of death to reward a man according to
his ways.
11:27 Cystudd awr a wna anghofio danteithion; a diwedd dyn a
ddatguddia ei weithredoedd ef.
11:27 The
affliction of an hour maketh a man forget pleasure: and in his end his deeds
shall be discovered.
11:28 Na chyfrif neb yn ddedwydd cyn ei farw; ac wrth ei blant yr
adwaenir gŵr.
11:28 Judge none
blessed before his death: for a man shall be known in his children.
11:29 Na ddwg bob dyn i'th dŷ: oherwydd aml yw cynllwyn diafol.
11:29 Bring not
every man into thine house: for the deceitful man hath many trains.
11:30 Fel petris wedi eu dal mewn rhwyd, felly y mae calon y balch; ac
fel gwyliedydd yn dringo i le y caffo efe gwymp:
11:30 Like as a partridge
taken [and kept] in a cage, so is the heart of the proud; and like as a spy,
watcheth he for thy fall:
11:31 Oblegid y mae efe yn cynllwyn, gan droi y da yn ddrwg; ac efe a
fwrw fai arnat mewn pethau canmoladwy.
11:31 For he
lieth in wait, and turneth good into evil, and in things worthy praise will lay
blame upon thee.
11:32 O wreichionen fechan y daw llawer o farwor; a dyn pechadurus a
gynllwyn am waed.
11:32 Of a spark
of fire a heap of coals is kindled: and a sinful man layeth wait for blood.
11:33 Gochel ddrygddyn; oblegid drygioni y mae efe yn ei lunio: rhag
iddo roddi arnat ti anaf byth.
11:33 Take heed
of a mischievous man, for he worketh wickedness; lest he bring upon thee a
perpetual blot.
11:34 Derbyn ddieithrddyn i dŷ, ac efe a'th dralloda di, ac a'th
yrr o'r eiddot dy hun.
11:34 Receive a
stranger into thine house, and he will disturb thee, and turn thee out of thine
12:1 Os gwnei ddaioni, gwybydd i bwy y gwnelych; ac fe fydd diolch i
ti am dy ddaioni.
12:1 When thou
wilt do good know to whom thou doest it; so shalt thou be thanked for thy
12:2 Gwna ddaioni i'r duwiol, a thi a gei dal; oni chei ganddo ef, ti
a'i cei gan y Goruchaf.
12:2 Do good to
the godly man, and thou shalt find a recompence; and if not from him, yet from
the most High.
12:3 Ni bydd daioni i'r hwn a ymgynefino â drygioni, nac i'r hwn nid
ymedy ag elusen.
12:3 There can
no good come to him that is always occupied in evil, nor to him that giveth no
12:4 Dod i'r duwiol, ac na dderbyn bechadur.
12:4 Give to the
godly man, and help not a sinner.
12:5 Gwna ddaioni i'r gostyngedig, ac na ddod i'r annuwiol: atal dy
fara, ac na ddod iddo ef; rhag trwy hynny iddo dy orthrymu di: oblegid am yr holl
ddaioni a wnelych di iddo ef, efe a gaiff ddau cymaint o ddrygioni i tithau.
12:5 Do well
unto him that is lowly, but give not to the ungodly: hold back thy bread, and
give it not unto him, lest he overmaster thee thereby: for [else] thou shalt
receive twice as much evil for all the good thou shalt have done unto him.
12:6 Oherwydd cas gan y Goruchaf bechaduriaid, ac efe a ddial y rhai
duwiol, ac a'u ceidw hwythau i gadarn ddydd eu dialedd.
12:6 For the
most High hateth sinners, and will repay vengeance unto the ungodly, and
keepeth them against the mighty day of their punishment.
12:7 Dod i'r daionus, ac na dderbyn bechadur.
12:7 Give unto
the good, and help not the sinner.
12:8 Nid adwaenir cyfaill mewn gwynfyd, ac ni lecha gelyn mewn
12:8 A friend
cannot be known in prosperity: and an enemy cannot be hidden in adversity.
12:9 Mewn gwynfyd gŵr y bydd ei elynion yn drist; ac yn ei
ddrygfyd yr ymneilltua cyfaill hefyd.
12:9 In the
prosperity of a man enemies will be grieved: but in his adversity even a friend
will depart.
12:10 Nac ymddiried i'th elyn byth: oblegid fel y rhyda pres, felly y
gwna ei ddrygioni yntau.
12:10 Never
trust thine enemy: for like as iron rusteth, so is his wickedness.
12:11 Er ymostwng ohono, ac ymgrymu, gwylia ar dy enaid, ac ymgadw
rhagddo ef; a thi a fyddi iddo fel un yn sychu drych, a thi a gei wybod na
sychodd efe ei rwd yn llwyr.
12:11 Though he
humble himself, and go crouching, yet take good heed and beware of him, and
thou shalt be unto him as if thou hadst wiped a lookingglass, and thou shalt
know that his rust hath not been altogether wiped away.
12:12 Na osod ef yn agos atat, rhag iddo dy ddinistrio di, a sefyll yn
dy le di: na osod ef ar dy law ddeau, rhag iddo geisio cael dy gadair di, ac
o'r diwedd cael ohonot wybod fy ngeiriau i, a'th bigo â'm hymadroddion.
12:12 Set him
not by thee, lest, when he hath overthrown thee, he stand up in thy place;
neither let him sit at thy right hand, lest he seek to take thy seat, and thou
at the last remember my words, and be pricked therewith.
12:13 Pwy a dosturiai wrth y swynwr a frathai neidr? nac wrth y neb a
ddeuai yn agos at fwystfilod?
12:13 Who will
pity a charmer that is bitten with a serpent, or any such as come nigh wild
12:14 Felly wrth yr hwn a ddaw at bechadur, ac a gydlygrer yn ei
bechodau ef, pwy a dosturia wrtho?
12:14 So one
that goeth to a sinner, and is defiled with him in his sins, who will pity?
12:15 Un awr yr erys efe mewn sefyllfod iawn; ond os gogwyddi di, ni
erys efe.
12:15 For a
while he will abide with thee, but if thou begin to fall, he will not tarry.
12:16 Melys fydd gelyn yn ei wefusau, ac yn ei galon efe a ymgynghora
am dy droi di i'r ffos: efe a wyla â'i lygaid; ond os caiff efe amser cyfaddas,
ni chaiff efe ei ddigon o waed.
12:16 An enemy
speaketh sweetly with his lips, but in his heart he imagineth how to throw thee
into a pit: he will weep with his eyes, but if he find opportunity, he will not
be satisfied with blood.
12:17 Os drygfyd a ddigwydd i ti, ti a'i cei ef yno yn gyntaf; ac fel
dyn yn helpio, efe a'th ddisodla di.
12:17 If
adversity come upon thee, thou shalt find him there first; and though he
pretend to help thee, yet shall he undermine thee.
12:18 Efe a ysgwyd ei ben, ac a gur â'i ddwylo, ac a siarad lawer, ac
a newidia ei wynepryd.
12:18 He will
shake his head, and clap his hands, and whisper much, and change his
13:1 Yr hwn a gyffyrddo â phyg, a halogir ganddo; a'r hwn a fyddo
gyfrannog â'r balch, a fydd debyg iddo.
13:1 He that
toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith; and he that hath fellowship with a
proud man shall be like unto him.
13:2 Na chyfod faich rhy drwm i ti yn dy fywyd; ac na fydd gyfrannog
ag un cryfach a chyfoethocach na thi: canys pa gyfrannu a wna'r crochan pridd
â'r pair? hwn a dery, a hwnnw a dyr.
13:2 Burden not
thyself above thy power while thou livest; and have no fellowship with one that
is mightier and richer than thyself: for how agree the kettle and the earthen
pot together? for if the one be smitten against the other, it shall be broken.
13:3 Os y cyfoethog a wna gam, yna yr ymbilir ag ef; os tlawd a wna
gam, yna y bygythir ef.
13:3 The rich man hath done wrong, and
yet he threateneth withal: the poor is wronged, and he must intreat also.
13:4 Os buddiol fyddi di, efe a gymer dy waith di; ac os bydd eisiau
arnat, efe a'th gystuddia.
13:4 If thou be
for his profit, he will use thee: but if thou have nothing, he will forsake
13:5 Os bydd peth gennyt, efe a fydd byw gyda thi, ac a'th dloda di,
ac ni bydd gwaeth ganddo ef.
13:5 If thou
have any thing, he will live with thee: yea, he will make thee bare, and will
not be sorry for it.
13:6 Os bydd arno dy eisiau di, efe a'th dwylla di, ac a chwardd
arnat, ac a rydd i ti obaith: efe a ddywed yn deg wrthyt, ac a ddywed, Beth
sydd arnat ti ei eisiau?
13:6 If he have
need of thee, he will deceive thee, and smile upon thee, and put thee in hope;
he will speak thee fair, and say, What wantest thou?
13:7 Efe a'th gywilyddia di â'i fwyd, nes iddo dy ddihysbyddu di
ddwywaith neu dair; ac yn y diwedd efe a'th watwar: wedi hynny, pan y'th welo,
efe a'th ad di, ac a ysgwyd ei ben arnat.
13:7 And he will
shame thee by his meats, until he have drawn thee dry twice or thrice, and at
the last he will laugh thee to scorn afterward, when he seeth thee, he will
forsake thee, and shake his head at thee.
13:8 Gochel dy dwyllo yn dy feddwl, ac na'th ddarostynger yn llawenydd
dy galon.
13:8 Beware that
thou be not deceived and brought down in thy jollity.
13:9 Pan y'th wahoddo gŵr galluog, cilia ymaith; ac efe a'th
wahodd yn fwy o hynny:
13:9 If thou be
invited of a mighty man, withdraw thyself, and so much the more will he invite
13:10 Na phwysa arno, rhag dy yrru allan yn ddifarn; ac na saf ymhell,
rhag dy ollwng dros gof:
13:10 Press thou
not upon him, lest thou be put back; stand not far off, lest thou be forgotten.
13:11 Nac ymgystadla ag ef mewn ymadrodd, ac nac ymddiried i'w aml
eiriau ef: oblegid trwy ymadrodd lawer y prawf efe dydi, ac megis dan chwerthin
y cais efe dy gyfrinach di.
13:11 Affect not
to be made equal unto him in talk, and believe not his many words: for with much
communication will he tempt thee, and smiling upon thee will get out thy
13:12 Anhrugarog yw, heb gadw ei eiriau; ac ni arbed efe dy ddrygu
a'th garcharu di.
13:12 But
cruelly he will lay up thy words, and will not spare to do thee hurt, and to
put thee in prison.
13:13 Disgwyl, ac edrych yn fanwl am wrando: oherwydd yr wyt ti yn
rhodio mewn perygl i syrthio: pan glywech hyn yn dy gwsg, deffro.
13:13 Observe,
and take good heed, for thou walkest in peril of thy overthrowing: when thou
hearest these things, awake in thy sleep.
13:14 Yn dy holl oes câr yr Arglwydd, a galw arno ef i'th
13:14 Love the
Lord all thy life, and call upon him for thy salvation.
13:15 Pob anifail a gâr ei gyffelyb; a phob dyn sy dda ganddo ei
13:15 Every
beast loveth his like, and every man loveth his neighbor.
13:16 Pob cnawd a ymgymhara wrth ei ryw; ac wrth ei gyffelyb y
glŷn gŵr.
13:16 All flesh
consorteth according to kind, and a man will cleave to his like.
13:17 Pa gyfeillach sy rhwng y blaidd a'r oen? felly rhwng y pechadur
a'r duwiol.
13:17 What
fellowship hath the wolf with the lamb? so the sinner with the godly.
13:18 Pa heddwch sy rhwng yr hyena a'r ci? a pha heddwch rhwng y
cyfoethog a'r tlawd?
13:18 What
agreement is there between the hyena and a dog? and what peace between the rich
and the poor?
13:19 Yr asynnod gwylltion yn yr anialwch yw helfa'r llewod: porfa'r
cyfoethogion yw'r tlodion.
13:19 As the
wild ass is the lion's prey in the wilderness: so the rich eat up the poor.
13:20 Ffieidd-dra'r beilchion yw gostyngeiddrwydd: felly y mae'r tlawd
yn ffiaidd gan y cyfoethog.
13:20 As the
proud hate humility: so doth the rich abhor the poor.
13:21 Pan siglo'r cyfoethog, ei gyfeillion a'i sicrhânt ef; ond pan syrthio'r
tlawd, ei gyfeillion a'i gwthiant ef.
13:21 A rich man
beginning to fall is held up of his friends: but a poor man being down is
thrust away by his friends.
13:22 Pan syrthio'r cyfoethog, fe a fydd iddo lawer cynorthwywr: pe
dywedai efe bethau i'w celu, hwy a'i cyfiawnhânt ef: llithrodd y gwaelddyn, a
cheryddwyd ef; efe a lefarodd yn ddoeth, ac ni roddid iddo le.
13:22 When a
rich man is fallen, he hath many helpers: he speaketh things not to be spoken,
and yet men justify him: the poor man slipped, and yet they rebuked him too; he
spake wisely, and could have no place.
13:23 Pan lefarai'r cyfoethog, pawb a dawai, ac a ddyrchafent ei
ymadrodd ef hyd y cymylau: pan lefarai y tlawd, hwy a ddywedent, Pwy yw hwn? ac
os tramgwyddai, hwy a'i dymchwelent ef.
13:23 When a
rich man speaketh, every man holdeth his tongue, and, look, what he saith, they
extol it to the clouds: but if the poor man speak, they say, What fellow is
this? and if he stumble, they will help to overthrow him.
13:24 Da yw'r cyfoeth ni bo ynddo bechod; a drwg yw tlodi yng ngenau'r
13:24 Riches are
good unto him that hath no sin, and poverty is evil in the mouth of the
13:25 Galon dyn sydd yn newidio ei wyneb ef, pa un bynnag ai er da ai
er drwg: calon lawen a wna wyneb siriol.
13:25 The heart
of a man changeth his countenance, whether it be for good or evil: and a merry
heart maketh a cheerful countenance.
13:26 Arwydd calon mewn gwynfyd yw wyneb llawen; a meddylfryd poenus
yw cael allan ddamhegion.
13:26 A cheerful
countenance is a token of a heart that is in prosperity; and the finding out of
parables is a wearisome labour of the mind.
14:1 Gwyn ei fyd y gŵr ni lithrodd â'i enau, ac ni phigwyd â
lliaws o bechodau.
14:1 Blessed is
the man that hath not slipped with his mouth, and is not pricked with the
multitude of sins.
14:2 Gwyn ei fyd yr hwn ni chondemnio ei enaid ei hun ef, a'r hwn ni
syrthio oddi wrth ei obaith yn yr Arglwydd.
14:2 Blessed is
he whose conscience hath not condemned him, and who is not fallen from his hope
in the Lord.
14:3 Nid da yw cyfoeth i ŵr cybydd; a pha beth a wnâi gŵr
cenfigennus â golud?
14:3 Riches are
not comely for a niggard: and what should an envious man do with money?
14:4 Yr hwn sydd yn casglu, gan arbed oddi wrtho ei hun, sydd yn
casglu i arail; ac eraill a lythinebant ei dda ef.
14:4 He that
gathereth by defrauding his own soul gathereth for others, that shall spend his
goods riotously.
14:5 Yr hwn sy ddrwg iddo ei hun, i bwy y bydd efe yn dda? ni chaiff
efe lawenydd o'i olud.
14:5 He that is
evil to himself, to whom will he be good? he shall not take pleasure in his
14:6 Nid oes neb waeth na'r hwn sydd yn cenfigennu wrtho ei hun; a
dyma wobr ei ddrygioni ef:
14:6 There is
none worse than he that envieth himself; and this is a recompence of his
14:7 Os gwna efe ddaioni, nid o'i fodd y gwna: ac o'r diwedd efe a wna
ei ddrygioni yn amlwg.
14:7 And if he
doeth good, he doeth it unwillingly; and at the last he will declare his
14:8 Drwg yw golwg y cenfigennus: efe a dry ei wyneb, ac a ddirmyga
14:8 The envious
man hath a wicked eye; he turneth away his face, and despiseth men.
14:9 Llygad y cybydd ni lenwir â'i ran; ac anghyfiawnder y drygionus a
wywa ei enaid ef.
14:9 A covetous
man's eye is not satisfied with his portion; and the iniquity of the wicked
drieth up his soul.
14:10 Llygad drwg sy genfigennus am ei fara, ac y mae efe yn grintach
ar ei fwrdd.
14:10 A wicked
eye envieth [his] bread, and he is a niggard at his table.
14:11 Fy mab, pa fodd bynnag y byddo gennyt ti, bydd dda wrthyt dy
hun, a dwg dy offrymau i'r Arglwydd yn addas.
14:11 My son,
according to thy ability do good to thyself, and give the Lord his due
14:12 Cofia nad oeda angau, ac na ddangoswyd i ti gyfamod uffern.
14:12 Remember
that death will not be long in coming, and that the covenant of the grave is
not shewed unto thee.
14:13 Cyn dy farw bydd dda wrth dy gyfaill; ac yn ôl dy allu, estyn dy
law a dod iddo ef.
14:13 Do good
unto thy friend before thou die, and according to thy ability stretch out thy
hand and give to him.
14:14 Na thwylla dydi dy hun am y dydd da, ac nac aed rhan chwant da
heibio i ti.
14:14 Defraud
not thyself of the good day, and let not the part of a good desire overpass
14:15 Onid i arall y gadewi di dy lafur, a'r hyn y cymeraist boen
amdano, i'w rannu wrth goelbren?
14:15 Shalt thou
not leave thy travails unto another? and thy labours to be divided by lot?
14:16 Dod, a derbyn, a sancteiddia dy enaid; oherwydd nid gwiw ceisio
bwyd yn y bedd.
14:16 Give, and
take, and sanctify thy soul; for there is no seeking of dainties in the grave.
14:17 Pob cnawd a heneiddia fel dilledyn; canys y cyfamod o'r dechrau
yw, Ti a fyddi farw yn ddiau.
14:17 All flesh
waxeth old as a garment: for the covenant from the beginning is, Thou shalt die
the death.
14:18 Fel o'r dail gleision ar bren brigog y mae rhai yn syrthio, a
rhai yn torri allan; felly y mae cenhedlaeth cig a gwaed; y naill sydd yn marw,
a'r llall yn geni.
14:18 As of the
green leaves on a thick tree, some fall, and some grow; so is the generation of
flesh and blood, one cometh to an end, and another is born.
14:19 Pob gwaith a bydra ac a dderfydd; a'r hwn sydd yn ei weithio ef
a â gyd ag ef.
14:19 Every work
rotteth and consumeth away, and the worker thereof shall go withal.
14:20 Gwyn ei fyd y gŵr a fyfyria bethau da mewn doethineb, a'r
hwn yn synhwyrol a ymresyma am bethau sanctaidd.
14:20 Blessed is
the man that doth meditate good things in wisdom, and that reasoneth of holy
things by his understanding. ing.
14:21 Yr hwn a feddwl am ei ffyrdd hi yn ei galon, a fydd deallgar yn
ei dirgeledigaethau hi.
14:21 He that
considereth her ways in his heart shall also have understanding in her secrets.
14:22 Dos ar ei hôl hi fel olrheiniwr, a chynllwyn yn ei ffyrdd hi.
14:22 Go after
her as one that traceth, and lie in wait in her ways.
14:23 Yr hwn a edrycho trwy ei ffenestri hi, a wrendy hefyd wrth ei
dorau hi.
14:23 He that
prieth in at her windows shall also hearken at her doors.
14:24 Yr hwn a letyo yn agos i'w thŷ hi, ac a yrro ei hoel i'w
pharwydydd hi,
14:24 He that
doth lodge near her house shall also fasten a pin in her walls.
14:25 Efe a esyd ei babell gerllaw iddi, ac a letya yn llety y rhai
14:25 He shall
pitch his tent nigh unto her, and shall lodge in a lodging where good things
14:26 Efe a esyd ei feibion dan ei chysgod hi, ac a erys dan ei
changhennau hi.
14:26 He shall
set his children under her shelter, and shall lodge under her branches.
14:27 Hi a'i cysgoda ef rhag y gwres, ac efe a letya yn ei gogoniant
14:27 By her he
shall be covered from heat, and in her glory shall he dwell.
15:1 Yr hwn sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd, a wna dda; a'r hwn sydd yn dal
gwybodaeth y gyfraith, a'i caiff hi:
15:1 He that
feareth the Lord will do good, and he that hath the knowledge of the law shall
obtain her.
15:2 Fel mam y cyferfydd hi ag ef, ac fel gwraig a briodwyd o forwyn y
derbyn hief.
15:2 And as a
mother shall she meet him, and receive him as a wife married of a virgin.
15:3 Hi a'i portha ef â bara deall, ac a'i dioda ef â dwfr doethineb.
15:3 With the
bread of understanding shall she feed him, and give him the water of wisdom to
15:4 Efe a sicrheir arni hi, ac ni ogwydda: efe a lŷn wrthi hi,
ac ni waradwyddir ef.
15:4 He shall be
stayed upon her, and shall not be moved; and shall rely upon her, and shall not
be confounded.
15:5 Hi a'i cyfyd ef goruwch ei gymdogion, ac a egyr ei enau ef yng
nghanol y gynulleidfa.
15:5 She shall
exalt him above his neighbours, and in the midst of the congregation shall she
open his mouth.
15:6 Llawenydd a choron gorfoledd a gaiff efe; a hi a rydd iddo enw
tragwyddol yn etifeddiaeth.
15:6 He shall
find joy and a crown of gladness, and she shall cause him to inherit an
everlasting name.
15:7 Eithr dynion ansynhwyrol ni chânt afael arni hi; a gwŷr
pechadurus hefyd ni chânt ei gweled hi:
15:7 But foolish
men shall not attain unto her, and sinners shall not see her.
15:8 Canys pell yw hi oddi wrth falchder; a gwŷr celwyddog ni
chofiant hi.
15:8 For she is
far from pride, and men that are liars cannot remember her.
15:9 Nid gweddus clod yng ngenau pechadur: oblegid yr Arglwydd nis
anfonodd hi iddo ef;
15:9 Praise is
not seemly in the mouth of a sinner, for it was not sent him of the Lord.
15:10 Canys trwy ddoethineb y traethir clod; a'r Arglwydd a'i llwydda
15:10 For praise
shall be uttered in wisdom, and the Lord will prosper it.
15:11 Na ddywed, Trwy waith yr Arglwydd yr euthum i ymaith: oblegid ni
ddylit ti wneuthur yr hyn sy gas ganddo ef.
15:11 Say not
thou, It is through the Lord that I fell away: for thou oughtest not to do the
things that he hateth.
15:12 Na ddywed, Efe a'm lluniodd i: oblegid nid rhaid iddo ef wrth
ŵr pechadurus.
15:12 Say not
thou, He hath caused me to err: for he hath no need of the sinful man.
15:13 Cas gan yr Arglwydd bob ffieidd-dra; ac nid da yw hynny gan y
rhai a'i hofnant ef.
15:13 The Lord
hateth all abomination; and they that fear God love it not.
15:14 Efe a wnaeth ddyn o'r dechreuad, ac a'i gadawodd ef yn llaw ei
15:14 He himself
made man from the beginning, and left him in the hand of his counsel;
15:15 Os mynni, i gadw'r gorchmynion, ac i wneuthur ffyddlondeb
15:15 If thou
wilt, to keep the commandments, and to perform acceptable faithfulness.
15:16 Efe a osododd o'th flaen di dân a dwfr: estyn dy law at yr hwn a
fynnych di.
15:16 He hath
set fire and water before thee: stretch forth thy hand unto whether thou wilt.
15:17 Y mae o flaen dynion einioes ac angau; a'r hyn a fynno efe a
roddir iddo ef.
15:17 Before man
is life and death; and whether him liketh shall be given him.
15:18 Oblegid mawr yw doethineb yr Arglwydd, ac y mae efe yn gryf o
allu, ac yn gweled pob peth.
15:18 For the
wisdom of the Lord is great, and he is mighty in power, and beholdeth all
15:19 Hefyd y mae ei olwg ef ar y rhai sy yn ei ofni ef; ac efe a
ŵyr holl waith dyn.
15:19 And his
eyes are upon them that fear him, and he knoweth every work of man.
15:20 Ni orchmynnodd efe i neb wneuthur yn annuwiol; ac ni roddes efe
genad i neb i bechu.
15:20 He hath
commanded no man to do wickedly, neither hath he given any man licence to sin.
16:1 Na ddymuna liaws o blant anfuddiol; ac na fydd lawen o blant
16:1 Desire not
a multitude of unprofitable children, neither delight in ungodly sons.
16:2 Os amlhânt, na fydd lawen ohonynt, oni bydd ofn yr Arglwydd gyda
16:2 Though they
multiply, rejoice not in them, except the fear of the Lord be with them.
16:3 Nac ymddiried i'w heinioes hwynt, ac na hydera ar eu
lluosowgrwydd: canys gwell yw un cyfiawn na mil, a gwell yw marw heb blant na
chael plant annuwiol.
16:3 Trust not
thou in their life, neither respect their multitude: for one that is just is
better than a thousand; and better it is to die without children, than to have them
that are ungodly.
16:4 Canys trwy un synhwyrol y gwneir y ddinas yn gyfannedd; ond
tylwyth yr annuwiola â yn anghyfannedd.
16:4 For by one
that hath understanding shall the city be replenished: but the kindred of the
wicked shall speedily become desolate.
16:5 Llawer o'r fath hyn a welodd fy llygad i; a'm clust a glywodd
bethau mwy na hyn.
16:5 Many such
things have I seen with mine eyes, and mine ear hath heard greater things than
16:6 Yng nghynulleidfa pechaduriaid y cynnau tân, ac mewn cenedl
wrthryfelgar y llysg digofaint.
16:6 In the
congregation of the ungodly shall a fire be kindled; and in a rebellious nation
wrath is set on fire.
16:7 Ni bu efe fodlon i'r hen gewri, y rhai a ymadawsant yng nghryfder
eu ffolineb.
16:7 He was not
pacified toward the old giants, who fell away in the strength of their
16:8 Nid arbedodd efe le ymdaith Lot; eithr ffieiddiodd hwynt am eu
16:8 Neither
spared he the place where Lot sojourned, but abhorred them for their pride.
16:9 Ni thrugarhaodd efe wrth genedl distryw, y rhai a aethant allan
yn eu pechodau a wnaethant;
16:9 He pitied
not the people of perdition, who were taken away in their sins:
16:10 Na'r chwe chan mil o wŷr traed, y rhai a gasglesid yng
nghaledwch eu calonnau.
16:10 Nor the six hundred thousand
footmen, who were gathered together in the hardness of their hearts.
16:11 Ac o bydd un gwarsyth ymysg y bobl, rhyfedd yw os dianc efe yn
ddigerydd: canys gydag ef y mae trugaredd a digofaint: y mae efe yn alluog i
faddau, ac i dywallt digofaint.
16:11 And if
there be one stiffnecked among the people, it is marvel if he escape
unpunished: for mercy and wrath are with him; he is mighty to forgive, and to
pour out displeasure.
16:12 Yn ôl amldra ei drugaredd y bydd ei argyhoeddiad ef: yn ôl ei
weithredoedd y barna efe ŵr.
16:12 As his
mercy is great, so is his correction also: he judgeth a man according to his
16:13 Ni ddianc pechadur â'i anrhaith; ac ni phalla amynedd y duwiol.
16:13 The sinner shall not escape
with his spoils: and the patience of the godly shall not be frustrate.
16:14 Dod le i bob elusen: oblegid pob un a gaiff yn ôl ei
16:14 Make way
for every work of mercy: for every man shall find according to his works.
16:15 Yr Arglwydd a galedodd Pharo, fel nad adwaenai efe ef, fel y
byddai ei rym ef yn hysbys i'r byd.
16:15 The Lord
hardened Pharaoh, that he should not know him, that his powerful works might be
known to the world.
16:16 Ei drugaredd ef sydd amlwg i bob creadur: ag adamant y gwahanodd
efe ei oleuni a'r tywyllwch.
16:16 His mercy
is manifest to every creature; and he hath separated his light from the
darkness with an adamant.
16:17 Na ddywed, Rhag yr Arglwydd yr ymguddiaf: a phwy o'r uchelder
a'm cofia? ymysg pobl lawer ni'm cofir i: canys beth yw fy enaid i ymysg
creaduriaid mor aneirif?
16:17 Say not
thou, I will hide myself from the Lord: shall any remember me from above? I
shall not be remembered among so many people: for what is my soul among such an
infinite number of creatures?
16:18 Wele, y nef, ie, nef y nefoedd, y dyfnder, a'r ddaear, a'r hyn
sydd ynddynt hwy, a siglant, pan ofwyo efe.
16:18 Behold,
the heaven, and the heaven of heavens, the deep, and the earth, and all that
therein is, shall be moved when he shall visit.
16:19 Y mynyddoedd, a seiliau'r ddaear, pan edrychai'r Arglwydd
arnynt, a gydysgydwent, dan grynu.
16:19 The
mountains also and foundations of the earth be shaken with trembling, when the
Lord looketh upon them.
16:20 Ni all calon feddwl am y pethau hyn yn addas: a phwy a all
ddeall ei ffyrdd ef?
16:20 No heart
can think upon these things worthily: and who is able to conceive his ways?
16:21 Tymestl yw hi, yr hon ni all neb ei gweled; canys y rhan fwyaf
o'i waith ef sy guddiedig.
16:21 It is a
tempest which no man can see: for the most part of his works are hid.
16:22 Pwy a draetha, neu a ddioddef, weithredoedd ei gyfiawnder ef?
oherwydd pell yw ei gyfanod, a holi pob peth a fydd yn y diwedd.
16:22 Who can
declare the works of his justice? or who can endure them? for his covenant is
afar off, and the trial of all things is in the end.
16:23 Y disynnwyr a feddwl am bethau ofer; a'r gŵr angall
cyfeiliornus sydd yn meddwl pethau ffôl.
16:23 He that
wanteth understanding will think upon vain things: and a foolish man erring
imagineth follies.
16:24 Gwrando arnaf fi, fy mab, a dysg wybodaeth; ac ar fy ngeiriau i
gwylia a'th galon.
16:24 by son,
hearken unto me, and learn knowledge, and mark my words with thy heart.
16:25 Mi a ddangosaf addysg wrth bwys, ac a draethaf yn ofalus am ei
wybodaeth ef.
16:25 I will
shew forth doctrine in weight, and declare his knowledge exactly.
16:26 Wrth farn y gwnaed gweithredoedd yr Arglwydd o'r dechreuad; ac
gwarsyth ymysg efe a ddosbarthodd eu rhannau er pan wnaed hwynt.
16:26 The works
of the Lord are done in judgment from the beginning: and from the time he made
them he disposed the parts thereof.
16:27 Efe a addurnodd ei weithredoedd byth; y mae y rhai pennaf ohonynt
yn ei law ef byth bythol: ni newynasant, ac ni flinasant, ac ni pheidiasant â'u
16:27 He
garnished his works for ever, and in his hand are the chief of them unto all
generations: they neither labour, nor are weary, nor cease from their works.
16:28 Ni rwystra'r naill ohonynt y llall; ac ni anufuddhânt ei air ef
16:28 None of
them hindereth another, and they shall never disobey his word.
16:29 Wedi hyn yr edrychodd yr Arglwydd ar y ddaear, ac efe a'i
llanwodd hi â'i ddaioni.
16:29 After this
the Lord looked upon the earth, and filled it with his blessings.
16:30 Y mae efe yn gorchuddio ei hwyneb hi â phob peth byw: ac iddi hi
y maent hwy yn dychwelyd drachefn.
16:30 With all
manner of living things hath he covered the face thereof; and they shall return
into it again.
17:1 Yr Arglwydd a greodd ddyn o'r ddaear; ac y mae efe yn ei droi ef
iddi hi drachefn.
17:1 The Lord
created man of the earth, and turned him into it again.
17:2 Efe a roddes iddynt hwy ddyddiau rhifedig, ac amser; ac a roddes
iddynt feddiant ar y pethau sy ynddi hi;
17:2 He gave
them few days, and a short time, and power also over the things therein.
17:3 Ac efe a'u gwisgodd hwy â nerth cymwys iddynt, ac a'u gwnaeth hwy
ar ei ddelw ei hun.
17:3 He endued
them with strength by themselves, and made them according to his image,
17:4 Efe a roddes ei ofn ef ar bob cnawd, ac iddo ef lywodraethu ar
fwystfilod ac ehediaid.
17:4 And put the
fear of man upon all flesh, and gave him dominion over beasts and fowls.
17:5 Derbyniasant rym pum gweithrediad yr Arglwydd; ac efe a rannodd
iddynt hwy feddwl yn y chweched lle; ac yn y seithfed, ymadrodd, yn lladmerydd
o'i feddyliau ef.
17:5 They
received the use of the five operations of the Lord, and in the sixth place he imparted
them understanding, and in the seventh speech, an interpreter of the
cogitations thereof.]
17:6 Cyngor, a thafod, a llygaid, clustiau, a chalon, a roddes efe
iddynt hwy i ddeall.
17:6 Counsel,
and a tongue, and eyes, ears, and a heart, gave he them to understand.
17:7 Hefyd efe a'u llanwodd hwynt â gwybodaeth deall, ac a ddangosodd
iddynt dda a drwg.
17:7 Withal he
filled them with the knowledge of understanding, and shewed them good and evil.
17:8 Efe a osododd ei olwg ar eu calonnau hwynt, fel y dangosai iddynt
fawredd ei weithredoedd.
17:8 He set his
eye upon their hearts, that he might shew them the greatness of his works.
17:9 Efe a roddes iddynt orfoleddu byth yn ei ryfeddodau ef, fel y
mynegent ei weithredoedd ef yn synhwyrol.
17:9 He gave
them to glory in his marvellous acts for ever, that they might declare his
works with understanding.
17:10 A'r etholedigion a glodforant ei enw sanctaidd ef.
17:10 And the
elect shall praise his holy name.
17:11 Efe a roddes hefyd iddynt wybodaeth, a chyfraith y bywyd yn
etifeddiaeth iddynt.
17:11 Beside
this he gave them knowledge, and the law of life for an heritage.
17:12 Efe a wnaeth gyfamod tragwyddol â hwynt, ac a ddangosodd ei
farnedigaethau iddynt.
17:12 He made an
everlasting covenant with them, and shewed them his judgments.
17:13 Eu llygaid a welsant fawredd ei ogoniant, a'u clustiau a
glywsant ei leferydd gogoneddus ef.
17:13 Their eyes
saw the majesty of his glory, and their ears heard his glorious voice.
17:14 Ac efe a ddywedodd wrthynt hwy, Gochelwch rhag pob peth
anghyfiawn: hefyd efe a roes orchymyn i bob un ohonynt am ei gymydog.
17:14 And he
said unto them, Beware of all unrighteousness; and he gave every man
commandment concerning his neighbour.
17:15 Ni chuddir eu ffyrdd hwy o'i olwg ef; o'i flaen ef y maent hwy
bob amser.
17:15 Their ways
are ever before him, and shall not be hid from his eyes.
17:16 Pob dyn o'i ieuenctid sydd yn pwyso i ddrygioni; ac ni allent
hwy wneuthur eu calonnau yn gig, o rai cerrig.
17:16 Every man
from his youth is given to evil; neither could they make to themselves fleshy
hearts for stony.
17:17 Oherwydd wrth ddosbarthu cenhedloedd yr holl dir, efe a osododd
dywysog ar bob cenedl, ac a gymerodd yr Israel yn rhan iddo ei hun;
17:17 For in the
division of the nations of the whole earth he set a ruler over every people;
but Israel is the Lord's portion:
17:18 Yr hwn, ac efe yn gyntaf-anedig, y mae efe yn ei faethu ag
addysg; ac wrth gyfrannu goleuni cariad, nid yw yn ei yrru ef ymaith.
17:18 Whom,
being his firstborn, he nourisheth with discipline, and giving him the light of
his love doth not forsake him.
17:19 Am hynny eu holl weithredoedd hwynt sy fel yr haul ger ei fron
ef; ac y mae ei lygaid ef yn wastadol ar eu ffyrdd hwynt.
17:19 Therefore
all their works are as the sun before him, and his eyes are continually upon
their ways.
17:20 Nid yw eu hanghyfiawnder hwynt guddiedig rhagddo; eithr y mae eu
holl bechodau hwynt ger ei fron ef.
17:20 None of
their unrighteous deeds are hid from him, but all their sins are before the
17:21 Eithr yr Arglwydd, am ei fod yn ddaionus, ac yn adnabod yr hyn a
luniodd efe ei hun, nis gadawodd hwynt, ac ni pheidiodd â'u harbed.
17:21 But the
Lord being gracious and knowing his workmanship, neither left nor forsook them,
but spared them.
17:22 Elusennau gŵr sydd megis sêl gydag ef: ac efe a geidw
gymwynas dyn fel cannwyll llygad, gan rannu edifeirwch i'w feibion a'i ferched
17:22 The alms
of a man is as a signet with him, and he will keep the good deeds of man as the
apple of the eye, and give repentance to his sons and daughters.
17:23 Wedi hynny efe a gyfyd, ac a dal iddynt hwy; ie, eu taledigaeth
a dâl efe ar eu pennau.
17:23 Afterwards
he will rise up and reward them, and render their recompence upon their heads.
17:24 Eto efe a roddes i'r edifeiriol ddychweliad, ac a gysurodd y
rhai a adawsent amynedd.
17:24 But unto
them that repent, he granted them return, and comforted those that failed in
17:25 Tro gan hynny at yr Arglwydd, a gad dy bechodau: gweddïa o'i
flaen ef, a gwna lai o fai.
17:25 Return
unto the Lord, and forsake thy sins, make thy prayer before his face, and
offend less.
17:26 Dychwel at y Goruchaf, a thro oddi wrth anghyfiawnder: oherwydd
efe a'th arwain di o dywyllwch i oleuni iachawdwriaeth: casâ hefyd ffieidd-dra
yn ddirfawr.
17:26 Turn again
to the most High, and turn away from iniquity: for he will lead thee out of
darkness into the light of health, and hate thou abomination vehemently.
17:27 Pwy a folianna'r Goruchaf yn y bedd, yn lle y rhai sydd yn byw,
ac yn rhoddi mawl?
17:27 Who shall
praise the most High in the grave, instead of them which live and give thanks?
17:28 Darfu mawl gan y marw, megis gan un heb fod: yr hwn sydd yn fyw,
ac yn iach ei galon, a folianna'r Arglwydd.
Thanksgiving perisheth from the dead, as from one that is not: the living and
sound in heart shall praise the Lord.
17:29 Mor fawr yw trugaredd ein Harglwydd Dduw, a'i dosturi i'r rhai
sy'n troi ato ef yn sanctaidd!
17:29 How great
is the lovingkindness of the Lord our God, and his compassion unto such as turn
unto him in holiness!
17:30 Canys ni all pob peth fod mewn dynion, am nad yw mab dyn yn
17:30 For all
things cannot be in men, because the son of man is not immortal.
17:31 Pa beth disgleiriach na'r haul? ac y mae diffyg ar hwn felly
dyn, yr hwn sydd yn meddwl yn ôl cig a gwaed:
17:31 What is
brighter than the sun? yet the light thereof faileth; and flesh and blood will
imagine evil.
17:32 Y mae efe yn ystyried nerth uchder y nefoedd; eithr daear a
lludw yw pob dyn.
17:32 He vieweth
the power of the height of heaven; and all men are but earth and ashes.
18:1 Yr hwn sydd yn byw byth a greodd bob peth yn gyffredinol.
18:1 He that
liveth for ever Hath created all things in general.
18:2 Yr Arglwydd yn unig sydd gyfiawn, ac nid oes neb ond efe:
18:2 The Lord
only is righteous, and there is none other but he,
18:3 Yr hwn â rhychwant ei law sydd yn llywodraethu'r byd, ie, ac y
mae pob peth yn ufuddhau i'w ewyllys ef: oblegid y mae efe yn frenin ar bob
peth, trwy ei nerth yn gwahanu ynddynt hwy y pethau sanctaidd oddi wrth y
pethau halogedig.
18:3 Who
governeth the world with the palm of his hand, and all things obey his will:
for he is the King of all, by his power dividing holy things among them from
18:4 I bwy y parodd efe fynegi ei weithredoedd? a phwy a olrheiniodd
allan ei fawrion weithredoedd ef?
18:4 To whom
hath he given power to declare his works? and who shall find out his noble
18:5 Pwy a rif gadernid ei fawredd ef? a phwy a esyd ar draethu ei
drugaredd ef?
18:5 Who shall
number the strength of his majesty? and who shall also tell out his mercies?
18:6 Ni ellir lleihau na chwanegu, ac ni ellir olrhain allan,
ryfeddodau'r Arglwydd.
18:6 As for the wondrous works of
the Lord, there may nothing be taken from them, neither may any thing be put
unto them, neither can the ground of them be found out.
18:7 Pan orffenno dyn, yna y dechrau efe; a phan beidio efe, yna efe a
18:7 When a man hath done, then he
beginneth; and when he leaveth off, then he shall be doubtful.
18:8 Pa beth yw dyn? a pha fudd sydd ohono
ef? beth yw ei dda ef? a pha beth yw ei ddrwg ef?
18:8 What is man, and whereto serveth
he? what is his good, and what is his evil?
18:9 Rhifedi dyddiau dyn ydynt gan mlynedd
o'r mwyaf.
18:9 The number of a man's days at
the most are an hundred years.
18:10 Fel defnyn o ddwfr wrth y môr, ac
fel greyenyn wrth y tywod, yw mil o flynyddoedd wrth ddyddiau tragwyddoldeb.
18:10 As a drop of water unto the
sea, and a gravelstone in comparison of the sand; so are a thousand years to
the days of eternity.
18:11 Am hynny y mae yr Arglwydd yn ymaros
wrthynt hwy, ac yn tywallt ei drugaredd arnynt.
18:11 Therefore is God patient with
them, and poureth forth his mercy upon them.
18:12 Efe a welodd ac a wybu fod eu diwedd hwy yn ddrwg: am hynny efe
a wnaeth ei drugaredd yn aml.
18:12 He saw and
perceived their end to be evil; therefore he multiplied his compassion.
18:13 Trugaredd dyn sy tuag at ei gymydog, a thrugaredd yr Arglwydd ar
bob cnawd; yn argyhoeddi, ac yn addysgu, ac yn athrawiaethu, ac yn troi, fel y
gwna bugail ei braidd.
18:13 The mercy
of man is toward his neighbour; but the mercy of the Lord is upon all flesh: he
reproveth, and nurtureth, and teacheth and bringeth again, as a shepherd his
18:14 Y mae efe yn trugarhau wrth y rhai sy'n derbyn addysg, ac wrth y
rhai sydd yn brysio at ei farnedigaethau ef.
18:14 He hath mercy
on them that receive discipline, and that diligently seek after his judgments.
18:15 Fy mab, na ddifwyna dy weithredoedd da, ac na ddod air drwg
sarrug wrth roddi peth.
18:15 My son,
blemish not thy good deeds, neither use uncomfortable words when thou givest
any thing.
18:16 Onid yw'r gwlith yn gostwng y gwres? felly gwell yw gair na
18:16 Shall not
the dew asswage the heat? so is a word better than a gift.
18:17 Wele, onid gwell yw gair na rhodd dda? eithr gyda'r graslon y
mae pob un o'r ddau.
18:17 Lo, is not
a word better than a gift? but both are with a gracious man.
18:18 Un ffôl a ddannod yn daeogaidd; a rhodd y cenfigennus a wna i'r
llygaid ballu.
18:18 A fool
will upbraid churlishly, and a gift of the envious consumeth the eyes.
18:19 Cyn llefaru, dysg: a chyn afiechyd, cymer feddyginiaeth.
18:19 Learn
before thou speak, and use physick or ever thou be sick.
18:20 Cyn barn, hola di dy hun; ac yn amser gofwy ti a gei drugaredd.
18:20 Before
judgment examine thyself, and in the day of visitation thou shalt find mercy.
18:21 Cyn dy glafychu, ymddarostwng trwy ddirwest; ac yn amser pechod,
dangos edifeirwch.
18:21 Humble
thyself before thou be sick, and in the time of sins shew repentance.
18:22 Na ad i ddim dy rwystro i dalu dy adduned mewn pryd; ac nac oeda
ymgyfiawnhau hyd farwolaeth.
18:22 Let
nothing hinder thee to pay thy vow in due time, and defer not until death to be
18:23 Ymbaratoa cyn gweddïo; ac na fydd fel dyn yn temtio'r Arglwydd.
18:23 Before thou
prayest, prepare thyself; and be not as one that tempteth the Lord.
18:24 Meddwl am y digofaint a fydd yn y diwedd; ac amser dialedd, pan
droer ei wyneb ef ymaith.
18:24 Think upon
the wrath that shall be at the end, and the time of vengeance, when he shall
turn away his face.
18:25 Yn amser amldra, meddwl am amser newyn; ac yn amser cyfoeth, am
dlodi ac eisiau.
18:25 When thou
hast enough, remember the time of hunger: and when thou art rich, think upon
poverty and need.
18:26 O'r bore hyd yr hwyr y newidia amser; a phob peth a wneir yn
fuan gerbron yr Arglwydd.
18:26 From the
morning until the evening the time is changed, and all things are soon done
before the Lord.
18:27 Ar ddyn doeth y bydd ofn duwiol ym mhob peth, ac yn amser pechod
efe a ymochel rhag amryfusedd; a'r angall ni cheidw amser.
18:27 A wise man
will fear in every thing, and in the day of sinning he will beware of offence:
but a fool will not observe time.
18:28 Pob un synhwyrol a edwyn ddoethineb ac addysg; ac efe a rydd
fawl i'r hwn a'i cafodd hi.
18:28 Every man
of understanding knoweth wisdom, and will give praise unto him that found her.
18:29 Y rhai a fuant ddeallus mewn ymadroddion, a aethant hefyd yn
ddoethion eu hunain.
18:29 They that
were of understanding in sayings became also wise themselves, and poured forth
exquisite parables.
18:30 Na ddos ar ôl dy chwantau, eithr ymatal oddi wrth dy awydd.
18:30 Go not
after thy lusts, but refrain thyself from thine appetites.
18:31 Os rhoddi i'th enaid yr hyn a ryngo bodd iddo, yna y gwnei di
i'th elynion chwerthin, y rhai sydd yn cenfigennu wrthyt.
18:31 If thou
givest thy soul the desires that please her, she will make thee a laughingstock
to thine enemies that malign thee.
18:32 Na ymlawenycha mewn llawer o ddanteithrwydd, ac nac ymrwym i'r
18:32 Take not
pleasure in much good cheer, neither be tied to the expence thereof.
18:33 Na ddos yn dlawd trwy wledda wrth fenthycio, heb ddim yn dy
bwrs; canys felly y byddit ti enwog gynllwynwr i'th einioes dy hun.
18:33 Be not made
a beggar by banqueting upon borrowing, when thou hast nothing in thy purse: for
thou shalt lie in wait for thine own life, and be talked on.
19:1 Ni chyfoethoga gweithiwr meddw: a'r hwn sydd yn diystyru ychydig,
a syrth o fesur ychydig ac ychydig.
19:1 A labouring
man that A is given to drunkenness shall not be rich: and he that contemneth
small things shall fall by little and little.
19:2 Gwin a gwragedd sydd yn gyrru doethion ar encil; a'r hwn a lyno
wrth buteiniaid a fydd digywilydd:
19:2 Wine and
women will make men of understanding to fall away: and he that cleaveth to
harlots will become impudent.
19:3 Pydrni a phryfed a'i cânt ef yn etifeddiaeth; a gŵr rhyfygus
a gymerir ymaith.
19:3 Moths and
worms shall have him to heritage, and a bold man shall be taken away.
19:4 Yr hwn sydd yn credu yn fuan sydd ysgafn ei feddwl; a'r hwn sydd
yn pechu a gyfeiliorna yn erbyn ei enaid ei hun.
19:4 He that is
hasty to give credit is lightminded; and he that sinneth shall offend against
his own soul.
19:5 Yr hwn sydd yn llawenychu mewn drygioni, a gondemnir; yr hwn sydd
yn gwrthwynebu melyschwant sydd yn coroni ei fywyd.
19:5 Whoso
taketh pleasure in wickedness shall be condemned: but he that resisteth
pleasures crowneth his life.
19:6 Yr hwn a atalio ei dafod, a fydd byw yn ddigynnen; a'r hwn sydd
yn casáu siarad, sydd yn llai ei niwed.
19:6 He that can
rule his tongue shall live without strife; and he that hateth babbling shall
have less evil.
19:7 Nac ailadrodd wrth arall y peth a ddywetbwyd i ti, ac ni byddi
ronyn gwaeth.
19:7 Rehearse
not unto another that which is told unto thee, and thou shalt fare never the
19:8 Na fynega fuchedd arall wrth na chyfaill na gelyn; ac na
ddatguddia, os gelli yn ddifai:
19:8 Whether it be
to friend or foe, talk not of other men's lives; and if thou canst without
offence, reveal them not.
19:9 Canys efe a'th wrendy, ac a ddeil arnat ti; ac mewn amser efe
a'th gasâ di.
19:9 For he
heard and observed thee, and when time cometh he will hate thee.
19:10 Pan glywech air, gad iddo farw gyda thi; a bydd ddiogel na rwyga
efe dydi.
19:10 If thou
hast heard a word, let it die with thee; and be bold, it will not burst thee.
19:11 Un ffôl a ofidia gan air, fel yr hon sydd yn esgor ar blentyn.
19:11 A fool
travaileth with a word, as a woman in labour of a child.
19:12 Fel saeth ynglyn ym morddwyd un, felly y mae gair ym mola'r
19:12 As an
arrow that sticketh in a man's thigh, so is a word within a fool's belly.
19:13 Rhybuddia gyfaill; ysgatfydd nis gwnaeth: ac os gwnaeth, rhag
gwneuthur mwy.
19:13 Admonish a
friend, it may be he hath not done it: and if he have done it, that he do it no
19:14 Cerydda dy gyfaill; ysgatfydd nis dywedodd: ac os dywedodd, rhag
iddo ddywedyd eilwaith.
19:14 Admonish
thy friend, it may be he hath not said it: and if he have, that he speak it not
19:15 Cerydda gyfaill: oblegid mynych y mae yn enllib; ac na choelia
bob chwedl.
19:15 Admonish a
friend: for many times it is a slander, and believe not every tale.
19:16 Y mae un yn llithro yn ei ymadrodd, ac nid o'i fodd; a phwy ni
thramgwyddodd â'i dafod?
19:16 There is
one that slippeth in his speech, but not from his heart; and who is he that
hath not offended with his tongue?
19:17 Cerydda dy gymydog cyn ei fygwth; a dod le i gyfraith y
Goruchaf, gan fod yn ddiddig.
19:17 Admonish
thy neighbour before thou threaten him; and not being angry, give place to the
law of the most High.
19:18 Ofn yr Arglwydd yw dechreuad cymeradwyaeth gydag ef: a doethineb
a bair gariad ganddo ef.
19:18 The fear
of the Lord is the first step to be accepted [of him,] and wisdom obtaineth his
19:19 Addysg bywyd yw gwybodaeth gorchmynion yr Arglwydd: a'r rhai
sydd yn gwneuthur yr hyn sy fodlon ganddo ef, sydd yn cael ffrwyth pren
19:19 The
knowledge of the commandments of the Lord is the doctrine of life: and they
that do things that please him shall receive the fruit of the tree of
19:20 Ofn yr Arglwydd yw pob doethineb; ac ym mhob doethineb y mae
gwneuthuriad y gyfraith, a gwybodaeth am ei hollalluogaeth ef.
19:20 The fear
of the Lord is all wisdom; and in all wisdom is the performance of the law, and
the knowledge of his omnipotency.
19:21 Y gwas a ddywedo wrth ei feistr, Ni wnaf yr hyn sy fodlon
gennyt; pe gwnelai efe wedi hynny, y mae efe yn digio ei faethydd.
19:21 If a
servant say to his master, I will not do as it pleaseth thee; though afterward
he do it, he angereth him that nourisheth him.
19:22 Nid doethineb yw gwybodaeth drygioni; a chyngor pechaduriaid nid
yw synnwyr.
19:22 The
knowledge of wickedness is not wisdom, neither at any time the counsel of
sinners prudence.
19:23 Y mae drygioni, a hwnnw yn ffiaidd; ac y mae angall annoeth.
19:23 There is a
wickedness, and the same an abomination; and there is a fool wanting in wisdom.
19:24 Gwell yw y bychan ei ddeall, ac yn ofni Duw, na'r hwn sydd yn
rhagori mewn callineb, ac yn troseddu cyfraith y Goruchaf.
19:24 He that
hath small understanding, and feareth God, is better than one that hath much
wisdom, and transgresseth the law of the most High.
19:25 Y mae cyfrwystra diwyd, a hynny yn anghyfiawn; ac y mae a dry
ymaith ffafr, i ddangos barn; a doeth yw yr hwn sydd gyfiawn mewn barn.
19:25 There is
an exquisite subtilty, and the same is unjust; and there is one that turneth
aside to make judgment appear; and there is a wise man that justifieth in
19:26 Y mae un yn gwneuthur drygioni yn bruddaidd, ond wedi ymgrymu,
ac o'i fewn yn llawn twyll tanllyd:
19:26 There is a
wicked man that hangeth down his head sadly; but inwardly he is full of deceit,
19:27 Efe gan gydostwng ei wyneb, a chymryd arno fod yn fyddar, lle
nid adwaenir ef, a achub dy fiaen di i wneuthur niwed i ti:
19:27 Casting down
his countenance, and making as if he heard not: where he is not known, he will
do thee a mischief before thou be aware.
19:28 Ac os o eisiau gallu y rhwystrir iddo bechu, eto efe a wna ddrwg
os caiff amser.
19:28 And if for want of power he be
hindered from sinning, yet when he findeth opportunity he will do evil.
19:29 Wrth y golwg yr adwaenir gŵr: ac wrth ei olwg yr adwaenir
un deallus, pan gyfarfyddech ag ef.
19:29 A man may
be known by his look, and one that hath understanding by his countenance, when
thou meetest him.
19:30 Gwisg gŵr, a chwerthiniad y dannedd, a'i gerddediad, sydd
yn dangos yr hyn sydd ynddo ef.
19:30 A man's
attire, and excessive laughter, and gait, shew what he is.
20:1 Y mae cerydd nid yw deg; ac y mae un yn tewi, a hwnnw yn gall.
20:1 There is a
reproof that is not comely: again, some man holdeth his tongue, and he is wise.
20:2 Gwell o lawer yw ceryddu na digio yn ddirgel: ac fe gedwir rhag
niwed yr hwn a gydnabyddo ei fai.
20:2 It is much
better to reprove, than to be angry secretly: and he that confesseth his fault
shall be preserved from hurt.
20:3 Mor dda yw dangos edifeirwch pan y'th gerydder! felly y dihengi
rhag pechod gwirfodd.
20:3 How good is
it, when thou art reproved, to shew repentance! for so shalt thou escape wilful
20:4 Megis chwant disbaidd i dorri morwyndod llances, felly y mae'r
hwn sy'n gwneuthur barnedigaeth wrth drawster.
20:4 As is the
lust of an eunuch to deflower a virgin; so is he that executeth judgment with
20:5 Y mae un distaw, yr hwn a geir yn ddoeth; ac y mae sydd atgas am
ei siarad lawer.
20:5 There is
one that keepeth silence, and is found wise: and another by much babbling
becometh hateful.
20:6 Y mae sydd yn tewi, am nad oes ganddo ateb; ac y mae sydd yn
tewi, am ei fod yn gwybod ei amser.
20:6 Some man
holdeth his tongue, because he hath not to answer: and some keepeth silence,
knowing his time.
20:7 Dyn doeth a dau, hyd oni welo amser; eithr yr ehud a'r angall a â
dros amser.
20:7 A wise man
will hold his tongue till he see opportunity: but a babbler and a fool will
regard no time.
20:8 Yr aml ei eiriau a ffieiddir; ac atgas fydd yr hwn yn hynny a
gymero awdurdod iddo ei hun.
20:8 He that
useth many words shall be abhorred; and he that taketh to himself authority
therein shall be hated.
20:9 Y mae pechadur, yr hwn sydd yn llwyddo mewn pethau drwg; ac y mae
caffaeliad a dry yn niwed.
20:9 There is a
sinner that hath good success in evil things; and there is a gain that turneth
to loss.
20:10 Y mae rhodd ni bydd fuddiol i ti; ac y mae rhodd a dâl ei dau
20:10 There is a
gift that shall not profit thee; and there is a gift whose recompence is
20:11 Y mae gostyngiad oherwydd gogoniant; ac y mae a gododd ei ben o
20:11 There is
an abasement because of glory; and there is that lifteth up his head from a low
20:12 Y mae a brŷn lawer am ychydig, ac a'i tâl adref yn saith
20:12 There is
that buyeth much for a little, and repayeth it sevenfold.
20:13 Gŵr doeth wrth ei ymadrodd sydd yn ei wneuthur ei hun yn
gariadus; a ffafr ffyliaid a dywelltir allan.
20:13 A wise man
by his words maketh him beloved: but the graces of fools shall be poured out.
20:14 Ni bydd rhodd yr angall fuddiol i ti, pan ei derbyniech; na'r
eiddo'r cenfigennus oherwydd ei angen; oblegid y mae efe yn edrych am dderbyn
llawer peth am un.
20:14 The gift
of a fool shall do thee no good when thou hast it; neither yet of the envious
for his necessity: for he looketh to receive many things for one.
20:15 Ychydig a rydd efe, a llawer a ddannod efe; efe a egyr ei safn
fel crïwr; heddiw yr echwynna efe, ac yfory efe a'i gofyn drachefn: cas gan yr
Arglwydd a chan ddynion yw y cyfryw.
20:15 He giveth
little, and upbraideth much; he openeth his mouth like a crier; to day he
lendeth, and to morrow will he ask it again: such an one is to be hated of God
and man.
20:16 Y ffôl a ddywed, Nid oes gennyf gyfeillion, nid oes i mi ddiolch
am fy nghymwynasau, a'r rhai sydd yn bwyta fy mara sydd yn ddrwg eu tafod
20:16 The fool
saith, I have no friends, I have no thank for all my good deeds, and they that
eat my bread speak evil of me.
20:17 Pa sawl gwaith, a pha sawl un a'i gwatwarant ef! nid yw efe yn
deall yn iawn beth yw bod â pheth ganddo; a'r un fath iddo ef yw na bai ganddo.
20:17 How oft,
and of how many shall he be laughed to scorn! for he knoweth not aright what it
is to have; and it is all one unto him as if he had it not.
20:18 Gwell yw llithro ar balmant, na llithro â'r tafod; felly y daw
cwymp y drygionus ar frys.
20:18 To slip
upon a pavement is better than to slip with the tongue: so the fall of the
wicked shall come speedily.
20:19 Chwedl amhrydlon fydd yn wastadol yng ngenau'r diaddysg.
20:19 An
unseasonable tale will always be in the mouth of the unwise.
20:20 O enau'r ffôl y llysir dihareb; oblegid ni ddywed efe hi yn ei
20:20 A wise sentence shall be rejected
when it cometh out of a fool's mouth; for he will not speak it in due season.
20:21 Y mae a luddir i bechu trwy eisiau; a phan orffwyso, ni phigir
20:21 There is that is hindered from
sinning through want: and when he taketh rest, he shall not be troubled.
20:22 Y mae a gyll ei enaid ei hun o wladeidd-dra; a thrwy dderbyn
wyneb y mae efe yn ei golli.
20:22 There is
that destroyeth his own soul through bashfulness, and by accepting of persons
overthroweth himself.
20:23 Y mae a edy i'w gyfaill rhag cywilydd, ac a'i gwna ef yn elyn
iddo ei hun heb fod yn rhaid.
20:23 There is
that for bashfulness promiseth to his friend, and maketh him his enemy for
20:24 Anaf mawr ar ddyn yw celwydd; ac efe fydd yn wastadol yng ngenau
yr hwn sy ddiaddysg.
20:24 A lie is a
foul blot in a man, yet it is continually in the mouth of the untaught.
20:25 Gwell yw lleidr na'r hwn a ymgynefino â chelwydd: a phob un o'r
ddau a gaiff ddinistr yn etifeddiaeth.
20:25 A thief is
better than a man that is accustomed to lie: but they both shall have
destruction to heritage.
20:26 Amharchus yw arfer dyn celwyddog; a'i gywilydd fydd gydag ef yn
20:26 The
disposition of a liar is dishonourable, and his shame is ever with him.
20:27 Y doeth a'i gesyd ei hun rhagddo trwy ymadrodd: a'r call a
ryglydda fodd pendefigion.
20:27 A wise man
shall promote himself to honour with his words: and he that hath understanding
will please great men.
20:28 Yr hwn a goleddo ei dir, a wna ei ddas yn uwch; a'r hwn a ryglyddo
fodd pendefigion, a gaiff faddeuant am anghyfiawnder.
20:28 He that
tilleth his land shall increase his heap: and he that pleaseth great men shall
get pardon for iniquity.
20:29 Anrhegion a rhoddion sydd yn dallu llygaid y doethion; ac fel
ffrwyn mewn safn, y maent yn troi cerydd ymaith.
20:29 Presents
and gifts blind the eyes of the wise, and stop up his mouth that he cannot
20:30 Doethineb guddiedig, a thrysor heb ei weled, pa fudd sydd o'r un
o'r ddau?
20:30 Wisdom
that is hid, and treasure that is hoarded up, what profit is in them both?
20:31 Gwell yw dyn yn cuddio ei ffoliineb, na dyn yn cuddio ei
20:31 Better is
he that hideth his folly than a man that hideth his wisdom.
20:32 Gwell yw angenrheidiol ddioddefgarwch yn ceisio'r Arglwydd, nag
un yn llywodraethu ei fywyd ei hun heb gyfarwyddwr.
20:32 Necessary
patience in seeking ing the Lord is better than he that leadeth his life
without a guide.
21:1 Os pechaist, fy mab, na wna
mwy; eithr gweddïa dros yr hyn a fu.
21:1 My son, hast thou sinned? do so no more, but ask pardon
for thy former sins.
21:2 Ffo oddi wrth bechod megis rhag
wyneb sarff: oblegid os deui di yn agos ato, efe a'th frath di: dannedd llew yw
ei ddannedd ef, yn lladd eneidiau dynion.
21:2 Flee from sin as from the face of a serpent: for if thou
comest too near it, it will bite thee: the teeth thereof are as the teeth of a
lion, slaying the souls of men.
21:3 Pob anwiredd sy fel cleddyf
daufiniog: ni ellir iacháu ei archollion ef.
21:3 All iniquity is as a two edged sword, the wounds whereof
cannot be healed.
21:4 Ymsywyn a cham a anrheithia
gyfoeth: felly y gwneir tŷ’r beilchion yn anghyfannedd.
21:4 To terrify and do wrong will waste riches: thus the
house of proud men shall be made desolate.
21:5 Gweddi o enau'r tlawd a
gyrraedd i glustiau'r Arglwydd: a'i farn ef a ddaw yn ebrwydd.
21:5 A prayer out of a poor man's mouth reacheth to the ears
of God, and his judgment cometh speedily.
21:6 Yr hwn sydd yn casáu cerydd,
sydd ar lwybr pechadur; eithr yr hwn sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd, a dry o ewyllys
ei galon.
21:6 He that hateth to be reproved is in the way of sinners:
but he that feareth the Lord will repent from his heart.
21:7 Adwaenir o bell ac o agos yr
ymadroddus ei dafod: eithr y doeth a ŵyr pan lithro efe.
21:7 An eloquent man is known far and near; but a man of
understanding knoweth when he slippeth.
21:8 Yr hwn a adeilado ei dŷ ag
arian rhai eraill, sy megis yr hwn sydd yn casglu iddo ei hun gerrig i wneuthur
carnedd ei feddrod.
21:80 He that buildeth his house with other men's money is
like one that gathereth himself stones for the tomb of his burial.
21:9 Swp o garth yw cynulleidfa y
rhai anwir; a'u diwedd fydd fflam dân i'w dinistrio.
21:9 The congregation of the wicked is like tow wrapped
together: and the end of them is a flame of fire to destroy them.
21:10 Ffordd pechaduriaid a
wastatawyd a cherrig: ac yn ei chwr eithaf hi y mae ffos uffern.
21:10 The way of sinners is made plain with stones, but at the
end thereof is the pit of hell.
21:11 Yr hwn sydd yn cadw cyfraith
yr Arglwydd, sydd yn dyfod i'w deall hi: a pherffeithrwydd ofn yr Arglwydd yw
derbyn doethineb.
21:11 He that keepeth the law of the Lord getteth the
understanding thereof: and the perfection of the fear of the Lord is wisdom.
21:12 Yr hwn nid yw gall, ni chymer
ddysg: canys y mae callineb yn amlhau chwerwedd.
21:12 He that is not wise will not be taught: but there is a
wisdom which multiplieth bitterness.
21:13 Gwybodaeth y doeth a amlha fel
llifeiriant; a'i gyngor ef fydd fel pur ffynnon y bywyd.
21:13 The knowledge of a wise man shall abound like a flood:
and his counsel is like a pure fountain of life.
21:14 Y tu mewn i'r ffôl sy fel
llestr twn; ni ddeil efe ddim gwybodaeth yn ei fywyd.
21:14 The inner parts of a fool are like a broken vessel, and
he will hold no knowledge as long as he liveth.
21:15 Gŵr doeth, os clyw air
doeth, a'i cenmyl, ac a chwanega ato: yr annoeth a'i clybu, ac nid oedd fodlon
ganddo, eithr efe a'i trodd yn ôl ei gefn.
21:15 If a skilful man hear a wise word, he will commend it,
and add unto it: but as soon as one of no understanding heareth it, it
displeaseth him, and he casteth it behind his back.
21:16 Ymadrodd y ffôl sy megis baich
ar ffordd: eithr yng ngwefusau y doeth y ceir gras.
21:16 The talking of a fool is like a burden in the way: but
grace shall be found in the lips of the wise.
21:17 A genau'r doeth yr ymofynnir
yn y gynulleidfa; a hwy a ystyriant ei eiriau ef yn eu calonnau.
21:17 They enquire at the mouth of the wise man in the
congregation, and they shall ponder his words in their heart.
21:18 Megis tŷ wedi ei dynnu
ymaith yw doethineb i'r ffôl: ac ymddiddan disynnwyr yw gwybodaeth yr annoeth.
21:18 As is a house that is destroyed, so is wisdom to a fool:
and the knowledge of the unwise is as talk without sense.
21:19 Megis llyffetheiriau ar draed,
ac megis gefynnau dwylo ar y llaw ddeau, yw addysg gan y rhai annoeth.
21:19 Doctrine unto fools is as fetters on the feet, and like
manacles on the right hand.
21:20 Y ffôl yn chwerthin a gyfyd ei
lef; eithr prin y gwena gŵr call yn ddistaw.
21:20 A fool lifteth up his voice with laughter; but a wise
man doth scarce smile a little.
21:21 Megis tlws o aur yw addysg gan
y call, ac megis arddyrndlws ar y braich deau.
21:21 Learning is unto a wise man as an ornament of gold, and
like a bracelet upon his right arm.
21:22 Buan fydd troed y ffôl yn
nhŷ arall; a'r gŵr a ŵyr lawer fydd gwaradwyddus ganddo hynny.
21:22 A foolish man's foot is soon in his [neighbour's] house:
but a man of experience is ashamed of him.
21:23 Yr angall o'r drws a ysbïa i'r
tŷ; eithr gŵr medrus a saif allan.
21:23 A fool will peep in at the door into the house: but he
that is well nurtured will stand without.
21:24 Anfedrusrwydd dyn yw gwrando
wrth ddrysau; a'r call fydd blin ddo yr amarch.
21:241 It is the rudeness of a man to hearken at the door: but
a wise man will be grieved with the disgrace.
21:25 Gwefusau y rhai siaradus a
draethant bethau ni pherthyn iddynt eu hun: a geiriau y rhai call a bwysir mewn
21:25 The lips of talkers will be telling such things as
pertain not unto them: but the words of such as have understanding are weighed
in the balance.
21:26 Yng ngenau ffyliaid y
mae eu calon; ac yng nghalon doethion y mae eu genau.
21:26 The heart
of fools is in their mouth: but the mouth of the wise is in their heart.
21:27 Pan felltithio'r annuwiol
Satan, y mae efe yn melltithio ei enaid ei hun.
21:27 When the ungodly curseth Satan, he curseth his own soul.
21:28 Yr hustyngwr sydd yn halogi ei
enaid ei hun, ac a gaseir pa le bynnag yr ymdeithio.
21:28 A whisperer defileth his own soul, and is hated
wheresoever he dwelleth.
22:1 Y diog sy gyffelyb i garreg
fudr; a phawb a'i hwtia ef allan er amarch iddo.
22:1 A slothful man is compared to a filthy stone, and every
one will hiss him out to his disgrace.
22:2 I fiswail tomennau y cyffelybir
y diog; pob un a'i cymero i fyny a ysgwyd ei law.
22:2 A slothful man is compared to the filth of a dunghill:
every man that takes it up will shake his hand.
22:3 Gwaradwydd y tad a'i cenhedlodd
yw mab diaddysg; a merch ffôl a anwyd i'w golled ef.
22:3 An evilnurtured man is the dishonour of his father that
begat him: and a [foolish] daughter is born to his loss.
22:4 Merch gall fydd etifedd ei
gŵr: a'r waradwyddus sy dristwch i'w thad.
22:4 A wise daughter shall bring an inheritance to her
husband: but she that liveth dishonestly is her father's heaviness.
22:5 Yr hy a waradwydda ei thad a'i
gŵr; a hi a amherchir gan bob un o'r ddau.
22:5 She that is bold dishonoureth both her father and her
husband, but they both shall despise her.
22:6 Megis cerdd mewn tristwch yw
ymadrodd allan o amser: eithr prydlon bob amser fydd ffrewyllau ac addysg
22:6 A tale out of season [is as] musick in mourning: but
stripes and correction of wisdom are never out of time.
22:7 Megis asio llestr pridd
y mae yr hwn sy yn dysgu'r ffôl, ac megis un yn deffro un o drymgwsg.
22:7 Whoso
teacheth a fool is as one that glueth a potsherd together, and as he that
waketh one from a sound sleep.
22:8 Mynegi i un yn cysgu y mae yr
hwn sydd yn mynegi peth i un ffôl: a phan ddarffo'r chwedl, efe a ddywed, Beth
yw'r mater?
22:8 He that telleth a tale to a fool speaketh to one in a
slumber: when he hath told his tale, he will say, What is the matter?
22:9 Plant yn cael eu cynhaliaeth
mewn buchedd dda, sydd yn cuddio gwaeledd eu rhieni:
22:9 If children live honestly, and have wherewithal, they
shall cover the baseness of their parents.
22:10 A phlant yn ymffrostio mewn
dirmyg ac annoethineb, sydd yn halogi bonedd eu carennydd.
22:10 But children, being haughty, through disdain and want of
nurture do stain the nobility of their kindred.
22:11 Wyla am y marw; canys efe a
gollodd y goleuni: ac wyla am y ffôl canys y mae diffyg synnwyr arno: wyla
ychydig am y marw, am iddo ef orffwys; eithr gwaeth na marwolaeth yw bywyd y
22:118 Weep for the dead, for he hath lost the light: and weep
for the fool, for he wanteth understanding: make little weeping for the dead,
for he is at rest: but the life of the fool is worse than death.
22:12 Saith niwrnod fydd o alar am y
marw; ond am y ffôl a'r annuwiol, holl ddyddiau ei einioes ef.
22:12 Seven days do men mourn for him that is dead; but for a
fool and an ungodly man all the days of his life.
22:13 Na amlha eiriau gyda'r angall,
ac na ddos at yr annoeth: ymgadw oddi wrtho ef, rhag cael blinder, ac na'th
haloger di gan ei frynti ef: cilia oddi wrtho, a thi a gei orffwystra, a byth
ni'th flinir â'i ynfydrwydd ef.
22:13 Talk not much with a fool, and go not to him that hath
no understanding: beware of him, lest thou have trouble, and thou shalt never
be defiled with his fooleries: depart from him, and thou shalt find rest, and
never be disquieted with madness.
22:14 Beth sy drymach na phlwm? a
pha enw sydd iddo ef ond Ffôl?
22:14 What is heavier than lead? and what is the name thereof,
but a fool?
22:15 Haws yw dwyn tywod, a halen, a
darn o haearn, na dyn ansynhwyrol.
22:15 Sand, and salt, and a mass of iron, is easier to bear,
than a man without understanding.
22:16 Coed wedi ei gysylltu a'i
rwymo yn adeiladaeth, ni ddetyd er ei ysgwyd; felly calon wedi ei sicrhau trwy
gyngor doeth, nid arswyda un amser gan ofn.
22:16 As timber girt and bound together in a building cannot
be loosed with shaking: so the heart that is stablished by advised counsel
shall fear at no time.
22:17 Calon wedi ei chadarnhau trwy
feddwl deallus, sy fel plastr teg ar bared llyfn.
22:17 A heart settled upon a thought of understanding is as a
fair plaistering on the wall of a gallery.
22:18 Ni saif palis a osodir yn
uchel, yn erbyn y gwynt: felly calon ofnus, gyda meddwl un ffôl, ni phery yn
erbyn ofn.
22:18 Pales set on an high place will never stand against the
wind: so a fearful heart in the imagination of a fool cannot stand against any
22:19 Yr hwn a bigo lygad, a ddwg
ddagrau allan; a'r hwn a bigo galon, a bair iddi ddangos ei gwybodaeth.
22:19 He that pricketh the eye will make tears to fall: and he
that pricketh the heart maketh it to shew her knowledge.
22:20 Yr hwn a deifl garreg at adar,
a'u tarfa hwynt; a'r hwn sydd yn gwaradwyddo ei gyfaill, sydd yn datod
22:20 Whoso casteth a stone at the birds frayeth them away:
and he that upbraideth his friend breaketh friendship.
22:21 Pe tynnit gleddyf ar dy
gyfaill, na anobeithia: oherwydd y mae cymod.
22:21 Though thou drewest a sword at thy friend, yet despair
not: for there may be a returning [to favour.]
22:22 Ped agorit dy safn yn erbyn dy
gyfaill, nac ofna: oblegid fe all bod cytundeb; ond am waradwydd, a balchder,
datguddio cyfrinach, a dyrnod trwy dwyll: am y pethau hyn y ffy pob cyfaill
22:22 If thou hast opened thy mouth against thy friend, fear
not; for there may be a reconciliation: except for upbraiding, or pride, or
disclosing of secrets, or a treacherous wound: for for these things every
friend will depart.
22:23 Cadw ffyddlondeb a'th gymydog
yn ei dlodi, fel y gallech lawenychu yn ei wynfyd ef: glŷn wrtho yn amser
cystudd, fel y byddech gydetifedd yn ei etifeddiaeth ef. Nid yw tlodi bob amser
i'w ddiystyru, na'r cyfoethog angall i'w fawr berchi.
22:23 Be faithful to thy neighbour in his poverty, that thou
mayest rejoice in his prosperity: abide stedfast unto him in the time of his
trouble, that thou mayest be heir with him in his heritage: for a mean estate
is not always to be contemned: nor the rich that is foolish to be had in
22:24 O flaen tân y mae tarth a mwg
y ffumer yn myned: felly y mae ymddifenwi o flaen celanedd.
22:24 As the vapour and smoke of a furnace goeth before the
fire; so reviling before blood.
22:25 Nid cywilydd fydd gennyf
amddiffyn fy nghyfaill; ac nid ymguddiaf rhagddo ef.
22:25 I will not be ashamed to defend a friend; neither will I
hide myself from him.
22:26 O digwydd i mi ddrwg
o'i blegid ef, pob un a glywo a ochel rhagddo.
22:26 And if any
evil happen unto me by him, every one that heareth it will beware of him.
22:27 Pwy a esyd gadwraeth o flaen fy
ngenau, a sêl doethineb ar fy ngwefusau, fel na syrthiwyf yn ddisymwth
trwyddynt, ac na'm difetho fy nhafod?
22:27 Who shall set a watch before my mouth, and a seal of
wisdom upon my lips, that I fall not suddenly by them, and that my tongue
destroy me not?
23:1 O Arglwydd, Tad a llywydd fy
holl einioes, na ad fi yn eu cyngor hwynt, ac na ad i mi syrthio trwyddynt.
23:1 O Lord, Father and Governor of all my whole life, leave
me not to their counsels, and let me not fall by them.
23:2 Pwy a esyd ffrewyllau ar fy
meddyliau, ac addysg doethineb ar fy nghalon, fel na'm harbedont am fy
amryfusedd, ac nad êl heibio i'm pechodau;
23:2 Who will set scourges over my thoughts, and the
discipline of wisdom over mine heart? that they spare me not for mine
ignorances, and it pass not by my sins:
23:3 Rhag cynyddu fy anwybodaeth, ac
amlhau fy mhechodau i'm dinistr, a syrthio ohonof o flaen fy ngwrthwynebwyr, a
llawenychu o'm gelynion arnaf, y rhai y mae eu gobaith yn bell oddi wrth dy
drugaredd di?
23:3 Lest mine ignorances increase, and my sins abound to my
destruction, and I fall before mine adversaries, and mine enemy rejoice over
me, whose hope is far from thy mercy.
23:4 O Arglwydd Dad, a Duw fy mywyd,
na ddod i mi olwg uchel; eithr tro oddi wrth dy weision feddwl cawraidd bob
23:4 O Lord, Father and God of my life, give me not a proud
look, but turn away from thy servants always a haughty mind.
23:5 Tro oddi wrthyf fi ofer obaith
a chwant; a dal i fyny bob amser yr hwn a fynnai dy wasanaethu di.
23:5 Turn away from me vain hopes and concupiscence, and thou
shalt hold him up that is desirous always to serve thee.
23:6 Na oddiwedded awydd i'r bol fi,
na chwant y cnawd: ac na ddod fi dy was i fyny i feddwl digywilydd.
23:6 Let not the greediness of the belly nor lust of the
flesh take hold of me; and give not over me thy servant into an impudent mind.
23:7 Gwrandewch, blant, addysg genau
cywir: a'r hwn a'i cadwo, ni ddelir ef byth yn ei wefusau.
23:7 Hear, O ye children, the discipline of the mouth: he
that keepeth it shall never be taken in his lips.
23:8 Y pechadur a adewir yn ei
ffoledd: y difenwr a'r balch a ddifethir trwyddynt.
23:8 The sinner shall be left in his foolishness: both the
evil speaker and the proud shall fall thereby.
23:9 Na arfer dy enau i dyngu, ac na
ymgynefina ag enwi yr hwn sydd Sanctaidd.
23:9 Accustom not thy mouth to swearing; neither use thyself
to the naming of the Holy One.
23:10 Oblegid megis ni bydd ychydig
gleisiau ar y gwas a gurer yn wastadol; felly yr hwn a dyngo, ac a enwo Dduw
bob amser, ni bydd lân oddi wrth bechod.
23:10 For as a servant that is continually beaten shall not be
without a blue mark: so he that sweareth and nameth God continually shall not
be faultless.
23:11 Y gŵr a dyngo lawer a
lenwir o anwiredd, ac nid ymedy dialedd â'i dŷ ef: os pecha efe, ei bechod
fydd arno: ac os diystyr ganddo, y mae efe yn pechu y dau cymaint: os yn ofer
hefyd y tyngodd efe, ni chyfiawnheir ef; oblegid fe a lenwir ei dŷ ef o
23:11 A man that useth much swearing shall be filled with
iniquity, and the plague shall never depart from his house: if he shall offend,
his sin shall be upon him: and if he acknowledge not his sin, he maketh a
double offence: and if he swear in vain, he shall not be innocent, but his house
shall be full of calamities.
23:12 Y mae ymadrodd wedi ei wisgo â
marwolaeth: Duw a wnêl na chaffer hwnnw yn etifeddiaeth Jacob; oherwydd hyn oll
a fydd bell oddi wrth y rhai duwiol, ac nid ymdrybaeddant hwy mewn pechodau.
23:12 There is a word that is clothed about with death: God
grant that it be not found in the heritage of Jacob; for all such things shall
be far from the godly, and they shall not wallow in their sins.
23:13 Nac arfer dy enau i
anghymesurwydd o dyngu: oblegid y mae yn hynny ymadrodd pechadurus.
23:13 Use not thy mouth to intemperate swearing, for therein
is the word of sin.
23:14 Cofia dy dad a'th fam, pan
fyddech yn eistedd ymysg pendefigion; rhag i ti anghofio ger eu bron hwynt, ac
i ti wrth dy arfer ddihoeni, ac ewyllysio ohonot na'th anesid, a melltithio
ohonot ddydd dy enedigaeth.
23:14 Remember thy father and thy mother, when thou sittest
among great men. Be not forgetful before them, and so thou by thy custom become
a fool, and wish that thou hadst not been born, and curse they day of thy
23:15 Y dyn a ymarfero â geiriau
gwaradwyddus, ni chymer addysg tra fyddo byw.
23:15 The man
that is accustomed to opprobrious words will never be reformed all the days of
his life.
23:16 Dau fath sydd yn pechu llawer,
a'r trydydd sydd yn dwyn digofaint: Meddwl brwd sy fel y tân poeth, yr hwn ni
ddiffydd nes ei ddarfod: dyn godinebus yn ei gorff cnawdol, yr hwn ni phaid,
hyd oni chyneuo efe dan.
23:16 Two sorts of men multiply sin, and the third will bring
wrath: a hot mind is as a burning fire, it will never be quenched till it be
consumed: a fornicator in the body of his flesh will never cease till he hath
kindled a fire.
23:17 Y mae pob bara yn felys
gan ddyn godinebus; ni phaid efe nes ei farw.
23:17 All bread
is sweet to a whoremonger, he will not leave off till he die.
23:18 Dyn yn troseddu oddi wrth ei
wely ei hun, gan ddywedyd yn ei galon, Pwy sydd yn fy ngweled? y mae tywyllwch
o'm hamgylch i, ac y mae y parwydydd yn fy nghuddio, ac nid oes neb yn fy ngweled:
beth sydd arnaf fi ei ofn? ni chofia y Goruchaf fy mhechodau i.
23:18 A man that breaketh wedlock, saying thus in his heart,
Who seeth me? I am compassed about with darkness, the walls cover me, and no
body seeth me; what need I to fear? the most High will not remember my sins:
23:19 Y cyfryw ddyn sydd yn ofni
llygaid dynion yn unig, ac ni ŵyr fod llygaid yr Arglwydd goruchaf yn
ddeng mil eglurach na'r haul, yn canfod holl ffyrdd dynion, ac yn ystyried y
rhannau cuddiedig.
23:19 Such a man only feareth the eyes of men, and knoweth not
that the eyes of the Lord are ten thousand times brighter than the sun,
beholding all the ways of men, and considering the most secret parts.
23:20 Cyn creu dim, pob peth oedd
hysbys iddo ef; ac wedi eu gorffen, y mae efe yn canfod y cwbl.
23:20 He knew all things ere ever they were created; so also
after they were perfected he looked upon them all.
23:21 Yn heolydd y ddinas y dielir
ar hwn, ac efe a ddelir lle nis amheuodd efe.
23:21 This man shall be punished in the streets of the city, and where
he suspecteth not he shall be taken.
23:22 Felly y bydd y wraig sydd yn
gadael ei gŵr, ac yn ceisio etifeddiaeth o arall:
23:22 Thus shall it go also with the wife that leaveth her husband,
and bringeth in an heir by another.
23:23 Oblegid yn gyntaf, hi a
anufuddhaodd i gyfraith y Goruchaf; ac yn ail, hi a bechodd yn erbyn ei
gŵr; ac yn drydydd, hi a dorrodd briodas trwy odineb, ac a ddug blant o
ŵr arall.
23:23 For first, she hath disobeyed the law of the most High;
and secondly, she hath trespassed against her own husband; and thirdly, she
hath played the whore in adultery, and brought children by another man.
23:24 Honno a ddygir allan yn y
gynulleidfa, ac fe fydd edrych ar ei phlant hi.
23:24 She shall be brought out into the congregation, and
inquisition shall be made of her children.
23:25 Ni wreiddia ei phlant hi, ac
ni ddwg ei changhennau hi ffrwyth.
23:25 Her children shall not take root, and her branches shall
bring forth no fruit.
23:26 Ei choffadwriaeth a ad hi yn
felltith, ac ni ddileir ei gwaradwydd hi.
23:26 She shall leave her memory to be cursed, and her
reproach shall not be blotted out.
23:27 A'r rhai a adewir a gânt wybod
nad oes dim well nag ofn yr Arglwydd, na dim felysach na gwylied ar orchmynion
23:27 And they that remain shall know that there is nothing
better than the fear of the Lord, and that there is nothing sweeter than to
take heed unto the commandments of the Lord.
23:28 Gogoniant mawr yw dilyn Duw; a
hir hoedl yw cael dy dderbyn ganddo.
23:28 It is great glory to follow the Lord, and to be received
of him is long life.
24:1 Doethineb a'i cenmyl ei hun, ac
a orfoledda ymysg ei phobl.
24:1 Wisdom shall praise herself, and shall glory in the
midst of her people.
24:2 Hi a egyr ei genau yng
nghynulleidfa'r Goruchaf, ac a orfoledda gerbron ei allu ef.
24:2 In the congregation of the most High shall she open her
mouth, and triumph before his power.
24:3 Mi a ddeuthum o enau'r
Goruchaf, ac a orchuddiais y ddaear fel niwl.
24:3 I came out of the mouth of the most High, and covered
the earth as a cloud.
24:4 Mi a breswyliais mewn lleoedd
uchel; a'm gorseddfainc i sy mewn colofn o gwmwl.
24:4 I dwelt in high places, and my throne is in a cloudy
24:5 Myfi a amgylchais gylch y
nefoedd fy hunan, ac a rodiais yng ngwaelod y dyfnder.
24:5 I alone compassed the circuit of heaven, and walked in
the bottom of the deep.
24:6 Cefais feddiant o donnau'r môr,
ac o'r holl dir, ac o bob pobl a chenedl.
24:6 In the waves of the sea and in all the earth, and in
every people and nation, I got a possession.
24:7 A chyda'r rhai hyn oll y
ceisiais i orffwystra; fel y cyfanheddwn yn etifeddiaeth rhyw un.
24:7 With all these I sought rest: and in whose inheritance
shall I abide?
24:8 Yna y'm gorchmynnodd Creawdydd
pob peth, a'r hwn a'm creodd innau a wnaeth i'm pabell orffwyso, ac a
ddywedodd, Preswylia yn Jacob, a chymer etifeddiaeth yn Jerwsalem.
24:8 So the Creator of all things gave me a commandment, and
he that made me caused my tabernacle to rest, and said, Let thy dwelling be in
Jacob, and thine inheritance in Israel.
24:9 Efe a'm creodd i o'r dechreuad
cyn y byd; ac ni phallaf fi byth.
24:9 He created me from the beginning before the world, and I
shall never fail.
24:10 Mi a wasanaethais ger ei fron
ef yn y babell sanctaidd: ac felly y'm sicrhawyd yn Seion.
24:10 In the holy tabernacle I served before him; and so was I
established in Sion.
24:11 Gwnaeth efe hefyd i mi orffwyso
yn y ddinas sanctaidd; ac yn Jerwsalem y mae fy ngallu i.
24:11 Likewise in the beloved city he gave me rest, and in
Jerusalem was my power.
24:12 Ac mi a wreiddiais ymysg pobl
anrhydeddus, sef yn rhan yr Arglwydd, a'i etifeddiaeth.
24:12 And I took root in an honourable people, even in the
portion of the Lord's inheritance.
24:13 Fel cedyrn Libanus y
dyrchafwyd fi, ac fel cypreswydden ym mynyddoedd Hermon.
24:13 I was exalted like a cedar in Libanus, and as a cypress
tree upon the mountains of Hermon.
24:14 Fel palmwydden yn Engadi y
dyrchafwyd fi, ac fel planhigyn rhos yn Jericho, fel olewydden hardd mewn maes
teg, ac fel planwydden wrth ddyfroedd y cynyddais.
24:14 I was exalted like a palm tree in En-gaddi, and as a
rose plant in Jericho, as a fair olive tree in a pleasant field, and grew up as
a plane tree by the water.
24:15 Fel sinamwn, ac fel swp o
beraroglau, ac megis myr dewisol, y rhoddais fy mherarogl, fel galbanum, ac
onics, a storacs, ac fel tarth thus yn y babell.
24:15 I gave a sweet smell like cinnamon and aspalathus, and I
yielded a pleasant odour like the best myrrh, as galbanum, and onyx, and sweet
storax, and as the fume of frankincense in the tabernacle.
24:16 Mi a estynnais fy nghanghennau
fel terebinthus; a'm canghennau sydd ganghennau gogoniant a gras.
24:16 As the turpentine tree I stretched out my branches, and
my branches are the branches of honour and grace.
24:17 Fel gwinwydden y tarddodd
perarogl ohonof fi; a ffrwyth gogoniant a chyfoeth yw fy mlodau.
24:17 As the vine brought I forth pleasant savour, and my
flowers are the fruit of honour and riches.
24:18 Mam cariad da, ac ofn, a
gwybodaeth, a gobaith sanctaidd, ydwyf fi: am hynny, gan fy mod yn dragwyddol,
myfi a roddir i'm holl blant, y rhai a enwyd ganddo ef.
24:18 I am the mother of fair love, and fear, and knowledge,
and holy hope: I therefore, being eternal, am given to all my children which
are named of him.
24:19 Deuwch ataf fi, y rhai ydych
yn fy chwenychu, a llanwer chwi a'm ffrwythau:
24:19 Come unto me, all ye that be desirous of me, and fill
yourselves with my fruits.
24:20 Canys melysach yw fy
nghoffadwriaeth na’r mêl, a’m hetifeddiaeth na’r dil mêl.
24:20 For my memorial is sweeter than honey, and mine
inheritance than the honeycomb.
24:21 Bydd ar y rhai a'm bwytânt i
newyn eto; ac ar y rhai a'm hyfant i y bydd syched eto.
24:21 They that eat me shall yet be hungry, and they that
drink me shall yet be thirsty.
24:22 Ni waradwyddir byth yr hwn a
ufuddhao i mi; ac ni phecha y rhai a weithiant trwof fi.
24:22 He that obeyeth me shall never be confounded, and they
that work by me shall not do amiss.
24:23 Llyfr cyfamod y goruchaf Dduw
yw hyn oll, sef y gyfraith, yr hon a orchmynnodd Moses i ni yn etifeddiaeth i
gynulleidfaoedd Jacob.
24:23 All these things are the book of the covenant of the
most high God, even the law which Moses commanded for an heritage unto the
congregations of Jacob.
24:24 Na phellwch fod yn gryfion yn
yr Arglwydd; fel y cadarnhao efe chwi, glynwch wrtho ef: canys yr hollalluog
Arglwydd sydd Dduw yn unig, ac nid oes Iachawdwr ond efe.
24:24 Faint not to be strong in the Lord; that he may confirm
you, cleave unto him: for the Lord Almighty is God alone, and beside him there
is no other Saviour.
24:25 Yr hwn a'i ddoethineb sydd yn
llenwi pob peth fel Pison, ac fel Tigris yn nyddiau y ffrwythau newydd.
24:25 He filleth all things with his wisdom, as Phison and as
Tigris in the time of the new fruits.
24:26 Yr hwn sydd yn llenwi deall
fel Ewffrates, ac fel yr Iorddonen yn amser cynhaeaf.
24:26 He maketh the understanding to abound like Euphrates,
and as Jordan in the time of the harvest.
24:27 Yr hwn sydd yn dangos addysg
gwybodaeth fel goleuni, ac fel Geon yn nyddiau cynhaeaf gwin.
24:27 He maketh the doctrine of knowledge appear as the light,
and as Geon in the time of vintage.
24:28 Ni adnabu y dyn cyntaf hi yn
berffaith: felly nid olrhain y diwethaf hi allan.
24:28 The first man knew her not perfectly: no more shall the
last find her out.
24:29 Oblegid y mae ei meddyliau hi
yn helaethach na'r môr, a'i chyngor yn ddyfnach na'r dyfnder mawr.
24:296 For her thoughts are more than the sea, and her counsels
profounder than the great deep.
24:30 Yr ydwyf fi doethineb fel ffos
yn dyfod o afon, ac fel aber yn myned i ardd.
24:30 I also came out as a brook from a river, and as a
conduit into a garden.
24:31 Mi a ddywedais, Dyfrhaf fy
ngardd orau, a mwydaf fy ngarddwely yn dda: ac wele, fe aeth fy nant yn afon,
a'm hafon yn fôr.
24:31 I said, I will water my best garden, and will water
abundantly my garden bed: and, lo, my brook became a river, and my river became
a sea.
24:32 Myfi a wnaf i addysg oleuo fel
y bore, ac a'i dangosaf hi ymhell:
24:32 I will yet make doctrine to shine as the morning, and
will send forth her light afar off.
24:33 Oherwydd myfi a dywalltaf
athrawiaeth fel proffwydoliaeth, ac mi a'i gadawaf hi i'r holl oesoedd yn
24:33 I will yet pour out doctrine as prophecy, and leave it
to all ages for ever.
24:34 Gwelwch nad trosof fy hunan y
cymerais i oen, eithr dros bawb a geisiant ddoethineb.
24:34 Behold that I have not laboured for myself only, but for
all them that seek wisdom.
25:1 Gan dri pheth yr euthum i yn
deg, ac y codais i yn deg gerbron yr yr Arglwydd a dynion; Cytundeb brodyr, a
chyfeillach cymdogion, a gŵr a gwraig yn cytuno â'i gilydd.
25:1 In three things I was beautified, and stood up beautiful
both before God and men: the unity of brethren, the love of neighbours, a man
and a wife that agree together.
25:2 Tri math ar ddyn sy gas gan fy
enaid i, ac yr ydwyf yn anfodlon iawn i'w buchedd; Tlawd balch, a chyfoethog
celwyddog, a henwr godinebus angall.
25:2 Three sorts of men my soul hateth, and I am greatly
offended at their life: a poor man that is proud, a rich man that is a liar,
and an old adulterer that doateth.
25:3 Oni chesglaist ti ddim yn dy
ieuenctid, pa fodd y cei di ddim yn dy henaint?
25:3 If thou hast gathered nothing in thy youth, how canst
thou find any thing in thine age?
25:4 Mor hardd yw barn ar rai
penllwyd! a medru cyngor ar hynafgwyr!
25:4 O how comely a thing is judgment for gray hairs, and for
ancient men to know counsel!
25:5 Mor hardd yw doethineb
hynafgwyr! a deall a chyngor mewn anrhydeddus!
25:5 O how comely is the wisdom of old men, and understanding
and counsel to men of honour.
25:6 Coron hynafgwyr yw gwybod
llawer; a'u gorfoledd yw ofn yr Arglwydd.
25:6 Much experience is the crown of old men, and the fear of
God is their glory.
25:7 Naw peth a gyfrifais i yn
ddedwydd yn fy nghalon, a'r degfed a draethaf fi â'm tafod; Dyn yn cael
llawenydd o'i blant, ac yn byw i weled cwymp ei elynion:
25:7 There be nine things which I have judged in mine heart
to be happy, and the tenth I will utter with my tongue: A man that hath joy of
his children; and he that liveth to see the fall of his enemy:
25:8 Gwyn ei fyd yr hwn sydd yn
cytal â gwraig synhwyrol, a'r hwn ni lithrodd ei dafod, ac ni wasanaethodd yr
hwn sydd anaddas iddo:
25:8 Well is him that dwelleth with a wife of understanding,
and that hath not slipped with his tongue, and that hath not served a man more
unworthy than himself:
25:9 Gwyn ei fyd yr hwn a gafodd
synnwyr, a'r hwn a draetho wrth rai a wrandawo.
25:9 Well is him that hath found prudence, and he that
speaketh in the ears of them that will hear:
25:10 Mor fawr yw'r hwn sydd yn cael
doethineb! ond nid oes neb uwchlaw yr hwn sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd.
25:10 O how great is he that findeth wisdom! yet is there none
above him that feareth the Lord.
25:11 Cariad yr Arglwydd sydd
eglurach na dim: i ba beth y cyffelybir yr hwn sydd yn cael gafael arno ef?
25:11 But the love of the Lord passeth all things for
illumination: he that holdeth it, whereto shall he be likened?
25:12 Ofn yr Arglwydd yw dechreuad
ei gariad ef; a ffydd yw dechreuad glynu wrtho ef.
25:12 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of his love: and
faith is the beginning of cleaving unto him.
25:13 Dewis bob dyrnod, ond dyrnod
ar y galon; a phob drygioni, ond drygioni gwraig;
25:13 [Give me] any plague, but the plague of the heart: and
any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman:
25:14 A phob niwed, ond niwed
caseion; a phob dial, ond dial gelynion.
25:14 And any affliction, but the affliction from them that
hate me: and any revenge, but the revenge of enemies.
25:15 Nid oes pen waeth na phen
sarff, na digofaint waeth na digofaint gelyn.
25:15 There is no head above the head of a serpent; and there
is no wrath above the wrath of an enemy.
25:16 Gwell gennyf fi gytal â llew,
ac â draig, na chytal â gwraig ddrwg.
25:16 I had rather dwell with a lion and a dragon, than to
keep house with a wicked woman.
25:17 Y mae drygioni gwraig yn
newidio ei hwyneb hi, ac yn tywyllu ei hwynepryd hi fel arth.
25:17 The wickedness of a woman changeth her face, and
darkeneth her countenance like sackcloth.
25:18 Yng nghanol ei gymdogion yr
eistedd ei gŵr hi; ac efe a ucheneidia o'i anfodd o'i hachos hi.
25:18 Her husband shall sit among his neighbours; and when he
heareth it shall sigh bitterly.
25:19 Bychan yw pob drwg wrth ddrwg
gwraig; syrthied coelbren pechadur arni hi.
25:19 All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a
woman: let the portion of a sinner fall upon her.
25:20 Fel y mae dringfa dywodlyd i
draed hynafgwr, felly y mae gwraig ddrwg ei thafod i ŵr distaw.
25:20 As the climbing up a sandy way is to the feet of the
aged, so is a wife full of words to a quiet man.
25:21 Na thramgwydda wrth degwch
gwraig; ac na chwennych wraig er trythyllwch.
25:21 Stumble not at the beauty of a woman, and desire her not
for pleasure.
25:22 Llawn dig, a digywilydd-dra, a
mawr waradwydd, yw gwraig, os rhydd hi i'w gŵr ei gynhaliaeth.
25:22 A woman, if she maintain her husband, is full of anger,
impudence, and much reproach.
25:23 Gwraig ddrwg a wna galon isel,
ac wyneb trist, ac archoll calon. Dwylo gweiniaid, a gliniau rhyddion, yw'r hon
ni chynorthwya ei gŵr yn ei gyfyngdra.
25:23 A wicked woman abateth the courage, maketh an heavy
countenance and a wounded heart: a woman that will not comfort her husband in
distress maketh weak hands and feeble knees.
25:24 Trwy wraig y daeth dechreuad
pechod; ac o'i phlegid hi yr ydym ni yn meirw oll.
25:24 Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her
we all die.
25:25 Na ddod i ddwfr le i fyned
trosodd, nac i wraig ddrwg ryddid i rodienna o amgylch.
25:25 Give the water no passage; neither a wicked woman
liberty to gad abroad.
25:26 Onid â hi wrth dy law di, tor hi
oddi wrth dy gnawd; dod iddi lythyr ysgar, a gollwng hi yn rhydd.
25:26 If she go not as thou wouldest have her, cut her off
from thy flesh, and give her a bill of divorce, and let her go.
26:1 Gwyn ei fyd gŵr y wraig
dda: canys dyblir rhifedi ei ddyddiau ef.
26:1 Blessed is the man that hath a virtuous wife, for the
number of his days shall be double.
26:2 Gwraig rymus a lawenycha ei
gŵr: ac efe a gyflawna flynyddoedd ei fywyd mewn heddwch.
26:2 A virtuous woman rejoiceth her husband, and he shall
fulfil the years of his life in peace.
26:3 Rhan dda yw gwraig dda; ac yn
rhan y rhai sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd y rhoddir hi.
26:3 A good wife is a good portion, which shall be given in
the portion of them that fear the Lord.
26:4 Pa un bynnag fyddo dyn ai tlawd
ai cyfoethog, o bydd ganddo galon dda at yr Arglwydd, efe a orfoledda bob amser
yn wynebsiriol.
26:4 Whether a man be rich or poor, if he have a good heart
toward the Lord, he shall at all times rejoice with a cheerful countenance.
26:5 Rhag tri pheth yr arswydodd fy
nghalon i, a rhag y pedwerydd yr ofnais yn ddirfawr; Enllib dinas, ac
ymgasgliad torf afreolus, a gau dystiolaeth; blinach nag angau yw y rhai hyn
26:5 There be three things that mine heart feareth; and for
the fourth I was sore afraid: the slander of a city, the gathering together of
an unruly multitude, and a false accusation: all these are worse than death.
26:6 Baich calon, a galar, yw gwraig
yn dal eiddigedd wrth wraig, a ffrewyll y tafod yn cyfrannu â phawb.
26:6 But a grief of heart and sorrow is a woman that is
jealous over another woman, and a scourge of the tongue which communicateth
with all.
26:7 Iau ychen yn siglo yw gwraig
ddrwg; ac y mae ei pherchennog megis yn ymaflyd mewn ysgorpion.
26:7 An evil wife is a yoke shaken to and fro: he that hath
hold of her is as though he held a scorpion.
26:8 Dicter mawr yw gwraig feddw ac
ynfyd; ac ni chela hi ei gwarth ei hun.
26:8 A drunken woman and a gadder abroad causeth great anger,
and she will not cover her own shame.
26:9 Puteindra gwraig a adwaenir
wrth ddyrchafiad ei llygaid a'i hamrantau.
26:9 The whoredom of a woman may be known in her haughty
looks and eyelids.
26:10 Dod gadwraeth sicr ar ferch
anhywaith, rhag, os caiff hi ryddid, iddi ei chamarfer ei hun.
26:10 If thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, lest
she abuse herself through overmuch liberty.
26:11 Gwylia ar y llygad digywilydd;
ac na ryfedda os gwna hi gam â thi.
26:11 Watch over an impudent eye: and marvel not if she
trespass against thee.
26:12 Fel yr egyr fforddol sychedig
ei safn pan gaffo ffynnon; felly yr yf hi o bob dwfr cyfagos, ac yr eistedd
wrth bob pawl, ac yr egyr ei chawell yn erbyn pob saeth.
26:12 She will open her mouth, as a thirsty traveller when he
hath found a fountain, and drink of every water near her: by every hedge will
she sit down, and open her quiver against every arrow.
26:13 Gras gwraig a wna ei gŵr
yn hyfryd; a'i gwybodaeth hi a wna ei esgyrn ef yn freision.
26:13 The grace of a wife delighteth her husband, and her
discretion will fatten his bones.
26:14 Rhodd yr Arglwydd yw gwraig
ddistaw garedig: ac nid oes cydwerth i enaid a gymerodd addysg.
26:14 A silent and loving woman is a gift of the Lord; and
there is nothing so much worth as a mind well instructed.
26:15 Gras ar ras yw gwraig
gywilyddgar a ffyddlon: ac nid oes dim a ddichon gydbwyso ei diwair feddwl hi.
26:15 A shamefaced and faithful woman is a double grace, and
her continent mind cannot be valued.
26:16 Fel y mae'r haul yn codi yn uchel
leoedd yr Arglwydd, felly y mae tegwch gwraig dda yn llywodraethu ei thŷ.
26:16 As the sun when it ariseth in the high heaven; so is the
beauty of a good wife in the ordering of her house.
26:17 Fel cannwyll yn goleuo yn y
canhwyllbren sanctaidd, felly y mae tegwch pryd mewn llawn oedran.
26:17 As the clear light is upon the holy candlestick; so is
the beauty of the face in ripe age.
26:18 Fel colofnau aur mewn
morteisiau arian, felly y mae traed prydferth gyda dwyfron ddianwadal.
26:18 As the golden pillars are upon the sockets of silver; so
are the fair feet with a constant heart.
26:19 Fy mab, cadw flodau dy
ieuenctid yn iach, ac na ddod dy gryfder i ddieithriaid.
26:19 My son, keep the flower of thine age sound; and give not
thy strength to strangers.
26:20 Wedi i ti gael rhan ffaeth o'r
maes oll, heua dy had dy hun, gan obeithio yn dy fonedd dy hun.
26:20 When thou hast gotten a fruitful possession through all
the field, sow it with thine own seed, trusting in the goodness of thy stock.
26:21 Felly dy hiliogaeth, yr hon a
adawech, a fawrheir, a hyder ganddynt ar eu bonedd.
26:21 So thy race which thou leavest shall be magnified,
having the confidence of their good descent.
26:22 Gwraig ar werth a gyfrifir ei
bod un wedd â hwch: a'r briod a gyfrifir yn dŵr yn erbyn marwolaeth i'w
26:22 An harlot shall be accounted as spittle; but a married
woman is a tower against death to her husband.
26:23 Gwraig annuwiol a roddir yn
rhan i ŵr anwir: a'r dduwiol a roddir i'r hwn sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd.
26:23 A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man:
but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord.
26:24 Gwraig anonest a ddiystyra
amarch; eithr merch onest a barcha ei gŵr.
26:24 A dishonest woman contemneth shame: but an honest woman will
reverence her husband.
26:25 Megis ci y cyfrifir gwraig
ddigywilydd: a'r gywilyddgar a ofna'r Arglwydd.
26:25 A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she
that is shamefaced will fear the Lord.
26:26 Y wraig sydd yn perchi ei
gŵr ei hun, a wêl pawb yn ddoeth: a'r hon a'i hamharcho ef yn ei balchder,
a gydnebydd pawb ei bod yn annuwiol.
26:26 A woman that honoureth her husband shall be judged wise
of all; but she that dishonoureth him in her pride shall be counted ungodly of
26:27 Am wraig floeddgar a siaradus
yr edrychir i darfu gelynion.
26:27 A loud crying woman and a scold shall be sought out to
drive away the enemies.
26:28 Am ddau beth y mae fy nghalon
i yn athrist, ac am y trydydd y daeth arnaf ddicter; Bod rhyfelwr yn anghenus trwy
eisiau, a dirmygu gwŷr synhwyrol, ac un yn dychwelyd oddi wrth gyfiawnder
at bechod: yr Arglwydd a'i paratoa ef i'r cleddyf.
26:28 There be two things that grieve my heart; and the third
maketh me angry: a man of war that suffereth poverty; and men of understanding
that are not set by; and one that returneth from righteousness to sin; the Lord
prepareth such an one for the sword.
26:29 Anodd yw i farsiandwr ymgadw
rhag gwneuthur cam; ac ni chyfiawnneir tafarnwr oddi wrth bechod.
26:29 A merchant shall hardly keep himself from doing wrong;
and an huckster shall not be freed from sin.
27:1 O Achos peth cyffredinol y
pechodd llawer: a'r hwn sydd yn ceisio cael amldra, a dry ei olwg ymaith.
27:1 Many have sinned for a small matter; and he that seeketh
for abundance will turn his eyes away.
27:2 Rhwng cyswllt cerrig y gyrrir
hoel; a rhwng prynu a gwerthu y glŷn pechod.
27:2 As a nail sticketh fast between the joinings of the
stones; so doth sin stick close between buying and selling.
27:3 Oni ddeil dyn yn ofn yr
Arglwydd yn ddiwyd, ebrwydd y dinistrir ei dyef.
27:3 Unless a man hold himself diligently in the fear of the
Lord, his house shall soon be overthrown.
27:4 Wrth ysgwyd y gogr yr erys yr
amhuredd; felly brynti dyn yn ei ymresymiad ef.
27:4 As when one sifteth with a sieve, the refuse remaineth;
so the filth of man in his talk.
27:5 Y ffwrn sydd yn profi llestri
pridd; felly y mae profedigaeth dyn yn ei ymresymiad ef.
27:5 The furnace proveth the potter's vessels; so the trial
of man is in his reasoning.
27:6 Ei ffrwyth a ddengys goleddiad
y pren: felly y gwna traethu'r meddwl yng nghalon dyn.
27:6 The fruit declareth if the tree have been dressed; so is
the utterance of a conceit in the heart of man.
27:7 Na chanmol ŵr cyn clywed ei
ymadrodd: oblegid dyna brofedigaeth dyn.
27:7 Praise no man before thou hearest him speak; for this is
the trial of men.
27:8 Os dilyni gyfiawnder, ti a'i
goddiweddi hi, ac a'i gwisgi hi fel gwisg laes ogoneddus.
27:8 If thou followest righteousness, thou shalt obtain her,
and put her on, as a glorious long robe.
27:9 Adar a arhosant gyda'u
cyffelyb; a'r gwirionedd a dry at y rhai a weithiant trwyddi.
27:9 The birds will resort unto their like; so will truth
return unto them that practise in her.
27:10 Fel y cynllwyn llew i'r helfa,
felly y gwna pechod i'r rhai a weithredant ddrygioni.
27:10 As the lion lieth in wait for the prey; so sin for them
that work iniquity.
27:11 Traethiad y duwiol sy bob
amser mewn doethineb; a'r angall a newidia fel y lleuad.
27:11 The discourse of a godly man is always with wisdom; but
a fool changeth as the moon.
27:12 Ymysg yr ansynhwyrol cadw yr
amser; a thyred yn fynych i fysg y rhai pwyllog.
27:12 If thou be among the indiscreet, observe the time; but
be continually among men of understanding.
27:13 Baich yw traethiad ffyliaid;
a'u difyrrwch fydd mewn trythyllwch pechod.
27:13 The discourse of fools is irksome, and their sport is
the wantonness of sin.
27:14 Ymadrodd yr hwn a dyngo lawer,
a wna i'r gwallt sefyll; ac ymsywyn y cyfryw a wna gau clustiau.
27:14 The talk of him that sweareth much maketh the hair stand
upright; and their brawls make one stop his ears.
27:15 Ymsywyn beilchion a bair
gelanedd; a'u difenwad hwynt sy flin ei glywed.
27:15 The strife of the proud is bloodshedding, and their
revilings are grievous to the ear.
27:16 Yr hwn sydd yn datguddio
cyfrinach, a gollodd ei gred; ac ni chaiff efe gyfaill wrth ei fodd.
27:16 Whoso discovereth secrets loseth his credit; and shall
never find friend to his mind.
27:17 Hoffa dy gyfaill, a gwna yn
ffyddlon ag ef: eithr os datguddi di ei gyfrinach ef, na ddilyn ar ei ôl ef
27:17 Love thy friend, and be faithful unto him: but if thou
betrayest his secrets, follow no more after him.
27:18 Oblegid megis y difethodd dyn
ei elyn, felly y collaist ti gariad dy gymydog.
27:18 For as a man hath destroyed his enemy; so hast thou lost
the love of thy neighbor.
27:19 Ac fel pe gollyngai gŵr aderyn
o'i law, felly y gollyngaist ti dy gymydog, ac nis deli ef drachefn.
27:19 As one that letteth a bird go out of his hand, so hast
thou let thy neighbour go, and shalt not get him again
27:20 Na chanlyn ef: oblegid y mae
efe ymhell, ac y mae fel iwrch wedi dianc allan o'r fagl:
27:20 Follow after him no more, for he is too far off; he is
as a roe escaped out of the snare.
27:21 Oblegid fe a ellir iacháu
archoll, ac y mae cymod am ddifenwi: eithr yr hwn a ddatguddiodd gyfrinach, a
gollodd ei obaith.
27:21 As for a wound, it may be bound up; and after reviling
there may be reconcilement: but he that betrayeth secrets is without hope.
27:22 Y mae yr hwn sydd yn amneidio
â'i lygad yn adeiladu drwg; a'r hwn a'i hadwaeno ef a gilia oddi wrtho.
27:22 He that winketh with the eyes worketh evil: and he that
knoweth him will depart from him.
27:23 Efe a wna ei enau yn fwyn yn
dy ŵydd di, a rhyfedd fydd ganddo ef dy ymadrodd: wedi hynny efe a dry ei
chwedl, ac a fwrw fai ar dy ymadrodd di.
27:23 When thou art present, he will speak sweetly, and will
admire thy words: but at the last he will writhe his mouth, and slander thy
27:24 Llawer o bethau a gaseais i,
ac ni welwn ddim tebyg iddo ef: yr Arglwydd hefyd a'i casâ ef.
27:24 I have hated many things, but nothing like him; for the
Lord will hate him.
27:25 Y neb sydd yn taflu carreg i
fyny, sydd yn ei thaflu hi ar ei ben ei hun: a dyrnod twyllodrus a wna
27:25 Whoso casteth a stone on high casteth it on his own
head; and a deceitful stroke shall make wounds.
27:26 Yr hwn a gloddio ffos, a syrth
ynddi hi; a'r hwn a osodo fagl, a ddelir a hi.
27:26 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that
setteth a trap shall be taken therein.
27:27 Yr hwn a wnelo ddrwg,
arno ef y disgyn; ac ni chaiff efe wybod o ba le y mae yn dyfod iddo.
27:27 He that
worketh mischief, it shall fall upon him, and he shall not know whence it
27:28 Gwatwar a gwatadwyddo sy'n
eiddo'r beilchion: eithr dialedd a gynllwyn iddynt hwy fel llew.
27:28 Mockery and reproach are from the proud; but vengeance,
as a lion, shall lie in wait for them.
27:29 Mewn magl y delir y rhai sydd
yn llawen ganddynt syrthio o'r rhai duwiol; a chyn eu marwolaeth y treulia
gofid hwynt.
27:29 They that rejoice at the fall of the righteous shall be
taken in the snare; and anguish shall consume them before they die.
27:30 Digofaint a llid sy ffiaidd;
a'r dyn pechadurus a'u caiff hwy ill dau.
27:30 Malice and wrath, even these are abominations; and the
sinful man shall have them both.
28:1 Y dialwr a gaiff ddialedd gan
yr Arglwydd; ac efe gan gadw a geidw ei bechodau ef mewn cof.
28:1 He that revengeth shall find vengeance from the Lord,
and he will surely keep his sins [in remembrance.]
28:2 Maddau i'th gymydog y cam a
wnaeth efe â thi; ac yna, pan weddïech di, y maddeuir dy bechodau dithau.
28:2 Forgive thy neighbour the hurt that he hath done unto
thee, so shall thy sins also be forgiven when thou prayest.
28:3 Dyn a ddeil ddig wrth ddyn; ac
a gais efe gan yr Arglwydd feddyginiaeth?
28:3 One man beareth hatred against another, and doth he seek
pardon from the Lord?
28:4 Ni thrugarha efe wrth ddyn
cyffelyb iddo ei hun; ac a ymbil efe dros ei bechodau ei hun?
28:4 He sheweth no mercy to a man, which is like himself: and
doth he ask forgiveness of his own sins?
28:5 Os efe nid yw ond cnawd a ddeil
ddig, pwy a ymbil am faddeuant o'i bechodau ef?
28:5 If he that is but flesh nourish hatred, who will intreat
for pardon of his sins?
28:6 Cofia'r diwedd, a phaid â dal
galanastra; cofia lygredigaeth a marwolaeth, ac aros wrth y gorchmynion.
28:6 Remember thy end, and let enmity cease; [remember]
corruption and death, and abide in the commandments.
28:7 Cofia y gorchmynion, ac na ddal
ddig wrth dy gymydog: cofia gyfamod y Goruchaf, ac nac edrych ar anwybodaeth.
28:7 Remember the commandments, and bear no malice to thy
neighbour: [remember] the covenant of the Highest, and wink at ignorance.
28:8 Ymgadw rhag cynnen, a thi a
wnei yn llai dy bechodau; oblegid gŵr dicllon a gynnau gynnen.
28:8 Abstain from strife, and thou shalt diminish thy sins:
for a furious man will kindle strife,
28:9 Gŵr pechadurus a dralloda
gyfeillion, ac a wna ymryson rhwng rhai heddychol.
28:9 A sinful man disquieteth friends, and maketh debate
among them that be at peace.
28:10 Fel y byddo defnydd y tân,
felly y llysg efe; ac fel y byddo cryfder dyn, y bydd ei ddigofaint ef; ac yn
ôl cyfoeth dyn y cyfyd ei lid ef; a pho cryfaf fo y rhai sy'n ymryson, mwyaf y
cynnau eu llid hwynt.
28:10 As the matter of the fire is, so it burneth: and as a
man's strength is, so is his wrath; and according to his riches his anger
riseth; and the stronger they are which contend, the more they will be
28:11 Y mae ymryson prysur yn cynnau
tân; ac ymladd prysur yn tywallt gwaed.
28:11 An hasty contention kindleth a fire: and an hasty
fighting sheddeth blood.
28:12 Os chwythi di wreichionen, hi
a gynnau; ond os poeri di arni, hi a ddiffydd: ac y mae'r ddau yn dyfod o'r
28:12 If thou blow the spark, it shall burn: if thou spit upon
it, it shall be quenched: and both these come out of thy mouth.
28:13 Melltithiwch yr athrodwr a'r
dau-dafodiog: oblegid llawer un heddychlon a ddifethasant hwy.
28:13 Curse the whisperer and doubletongued: for such have
destroyed many that were at peace.
28:14 Tafod dauddyblyg a gynhyrfodd
lawer, ac a'u gwasgarodd hwynt o genedl i genedl: dinasoedd cedyrn a
ddinistriodd efe hefyd, a theiau pendefigion a ddifethodd efe.
28:14 A backbiting tongue hath disquieted many, and driven
them from nation to nation: strong cities hath it pulled down, and overthrown
the houses of great men.
28:15 Tafod dauddyblyg a fwriodd
wragedd rhinweddol allan, ac a'u diddymodd hwynt o'u llafur.
28:15 A backbiting tongue hath cast out virtuous women, and
deprived them of their labours.
28:16 Yr hwn a wrandawo arno ef ni
chaiff fyth orffwystra, ac ni phreswylia yn llonydd.
28:16 Whoso hearkeneth unto it shall never find rest, and
never dwell quietly.
28:17 Dyrnod ffrewyll a wna glais; a
dyrnod tafod a dyr yr esgyrn.
28:17 The stroke of the whip maketh marks in the flesh: but
the stroke of the tongue breaketh the bones.
28:18 Llawer a syrthiasant oherwydd
min y cleddyf: ond nid cymaint ag a syrthiasant oblegid y tafod.
28:18 Many have fallen by the edge of the sword: but not so
many as have fallen by the tongue.
28:19 Gwyn ei fyd yr hwn a
amddiffynnwyd rhagddo, ac nid aeth yn ei ddigofaint ef; yr hwn ni thynnodd ei
iau ef, ac ni rwymwyd â'i rwymau ef:
28:19 Well is he that is defended through the venom thereof;
who hath not drawn the yoke thereof, nor hath been bound in her bands.
28:20 Oblegid iau haearn yw ei iau
ef, a rhwymau pres yw ei rwymau ef;
28:20 For the yoke thereof is a yoke of iron, and the bands
thereof are bands of brass.
28:21 Marwolaeth ddrwg yw ei
farwolaeth ef; a mwy buddiol yw y bedd nag ef.
28:21 The death thereof is an evil death, the grave were
better than it.
28:22 Ni chaiff efe lywodraeth ar y
rhai duwiol; ac ni losgir hwynt yn ei mam ef.
28:22 It shall not have rule over them that fear God, neither
shall they be burned with the flame thereof.
28:23 Y rhai sydd yn gadael yr
Arglwydd a syrthiant iddo; ac ynddynt hwy y llysg efe heb ddiffoddi: efe a
yrrir arnynt hwy fel llew, ac fel llewpard y difa efe hwynt.
28:23 Such as forsake the Lord shall fall into it; and it
shall burn in them, and not be quenched; it shall be sent upon them as a lion,
and devour them as a leopard.
28:24 Edrych ar gau ohonot dy dyddyn
â drain; a rhwym i fyny dy arian a'th aur:
28:24 Look that thou hedge thy possession about with thorns,
and bind up thy silver and gold,
28:25 A phwysa dy eiriau mewn
clorian, a gwna i'th enau ddôr a chlo.
28:25 And weigh thy words in a balance, and make a door and
bar for thy mouth.
28:26 A gochel rhag llithro ohonot
trwyddo, a rhag syrthio ohonot o flaen y cynllwynwr.
28:26 Beware thou slide not by it, lest thou fall before him
that lieth in wait.
29:1 Yr hwn sy drugarog, sydd yn
rhoddi echwyn i'w gymydog; a'r hwn sydd yn cadarnhau ei law ef, sydd yn cadw'r
29:1 He that is merciful will lend unto his neighbour; and he
that strengtheneth his hand keepeth the commandments.
29:2 Dod echwyn i'th gymydog yr
amser y byddo rhaid iddo; a thâl drachefn i'th gymydog mewn amser.
29:2 Lend to thy neighbour in time of his need, and pay thou
thy neighbour again in due season.
29:3 Cadw dy air, a gwna yn ffyddlon
ag ef, a thi a gei wrth dy raid bob amser.
29:3 Keep thy word, and deal faithfully with him, and thou
shalt always find the thing that is necessary for thee.
29:4 Llawer a gyfrifasant echwyn fel
peth wedi ei gael, ac a barasant flinder i'r rhai a'u helpiasant hwy.
29:4 Many, when a thing was lent them, reckoned it to be
found, and put them to trouble that helped them.
29:5 Y mae efe yn cusanu ei law ef,
hyd oni dderbynio; ac efe a ostwng ei leferydd am arian ei gymydog: ond yn
amser talu efe a oeda yr amser, ac a rydd ateb hwyrfrydig, ac a wna esgus o'r
29:5 Till he hath received, he will kiss a man's hand; and
for his neighbour's money he will speak submissly: but when he should repay, he
will prolong the time, and return words of grief, and complain of the time.
29:6 Ac os dichon efe, prin y caiff
efe yr hanner, ac efe a gyfrif hynny fel peth wedi ei gael ar y ffordd: os amgen,
efe a'i difuddiodd o'i arian, ac a'i cafodd ef yn elyn heb achos: efe a dâl
iddo felltithion a difenwad; efe a dâl iddo amarch yn lle anrhydedd.
29:6 If he prevail, he shall hardly receive the half, and he
will count as if he had found it: if not, he hath deprived him of his money,
and he hath gotten him an enemy without cause: he payeth him with cursings and
railings; and for honour he will pay him disgrace.
29:7 Llawer oherwydd hynny a
nacasant fenthycio am ddrygwaith rhai eraill, gan ofni eu difuddio.
29:7 Many therefore have refused to lend for other men's ill
dealing, fearing to be defrauded.
29:8 Er hynny bydd ddioddefgar wrth
ŵr tlawd, ac nac oeda dy elusen iddo.
29:8 Yet have thou patience with a man in poor estate, and
delay not to shew him mercy.
29:9 Cynorthwya'r tlawd er mwyn y
gorchymyn, ac na thro ef ymaith yn ei angen.
29:9 Help the poor for the commandment's sake, and turn him
not away because of his poverty.
29:10 Coll dy arian er mwyn cyfaill
neu frawd, ac na chuddia hwynt dan garreg i'w colli.
29:10 Lose thy money for thy brother and thy friend, and let
it not rust under a stone to be lost.
29:11 Gosod dy drysor yn ôl
gorchymyn y Goruchaf, ac efe a fydd mwy buddiol i ti nag aur.
29:11 Lay up thy treasure according to the commandments of the
most High, and it shall bring thee more profit than gold.
29:12 Cae dy elusen yn dy gelloedd;
a hi a'th wared di o bob niwed.
29:12 Shut up alms in thy storehouses: and it shall deliver
thee from all affliction.
29:13 Hi a ymladd drosot ti yn well
na tharian gref, ac na gwaywffon gadarn, yn erbyn y gelyn.
29:13 It shall fight for thee against thine enemies better
than a mighty shield and strong spear.
29:14 Gŵr da a fechnïa dros ei
gymydog; a'r hwn a gollodd gywilydd-dra a'i gad ef.
29:14 An honest man is surety for his neighbour: but he that
is impudent will forsake him.
29:15 Na anghofia garedigrwydd
meichiau; oblegid efe a'i rhoddes ei hun drosot ti.
29:15 Forget not the friendship of thy surety, for he hath
given his life for thee.
29:16 Pechadur a anrheithia feichiau
da ei gyflwr;
29:16 A sinner will overthrow the good estate of his surety:
29:17 A'r hwn sydd o feddwl
anffyddlon, a ad mewn perygl yr hwn a'i gwaredodd ef.
29:17 And he that is of an unthankful mind will leave him [in
danger] that delivered him.
29:18 Mechnïaeth a ddifethodd lawer
un goludog, ac a'u siglodd hwynt fel ton y môr: hi a wnaeth i wŷr cedyrn
fudo allan o'u tai, fel y crwydrasant ymysg cenhedloedd dieithr.
29:18 Suretiship hath undone many of good estate, and shaken
them as a wave of the sea: mighty men hath it driven from their houses, so that
they wandered among strange nations.
29:19 Y pechadur a droseddo
orchmynion yr Arglwydd, a syrth mewn mechnïaeth; a'r hwn a ddilyn achosion rhai
eraill er gwobr, a syrth mewn cyfraith.
29:19 A wicked man transgressing the commandments of the Lord
shall fall into suretiship: and he that undertaketh and followeth other men's
business for gain shall fall into suits.
29:20 Cynorthwya dy gymydog yn ôl dy
allu; a gwylia arnat dy hun rhag syrthio ohonot.
29:20 Help thy neighbour according to thy power, and beware
that thou thyself fall not into the same.
29:21 Y peth pennaf o fywyd dyn, yw
dwfr, a bara, a dillad, a thŷ yn gorchuddio gwarth.
29:21 The chief thing for life is water, and bread, and
clothing, and an house to cover shame.
29:22 Gwell yw bywyd y tlawd mewn
bwth gwael, na gwleddau danteithiol mewn tŷ un arall.
29:22 Better is the life of a poor man in a mean cottage, than
delicate fare in another man's house.
29:23 Am fawr a bychan bydd fodlon,
ac ni chei di glywed edliw dy dŷ.
29:23 Be it little or much, hold thee contented, that thou
hear not the reproach of thy house.
29:24 Bywyd drwg yw myned o dŷ
i dŷ: lle yr ymdeithi di, ni elli agoryd dy enau.
29:24 For it is a miserable life to go from house to house:
for where thou art a stranger, thou darest not open thy mouth.
29:25 Ti a letyi, ac a ddiodi rai
anniolchgar, ac a gei glywed chwerwder hefyd.
29:25 Thou shalt entertain, and feast, and have no thanks:
moreover thou shalt hear bitter words:
29:26 Tyred, ymdeithydd, gwna'r
bwrdd yn drefnus; ac od oes dim gennyt, dod i mi fwyd.
29:26 Come, thou stranger, and furnish a table, and feed me of
that thou hast ready.
29:27 Tyred allan, ymdeithydd, o
flaen yr anrhydeddus: y mae yn rhaid i mi wrth fy nhŷ, y mae fy mrawd yn
lletya gyda mi.
29:27 Give place, thou stranger, to an honourable man; my
brother cometh to be lodged, and I have need of mine house.
29:28 Trwm yw hyn i'r hwn sy ganddo
synnwyr; edliw y tŷ, a gwaradwyddo y benthyciwr.
29:28 These things are grievous to a man of understanding; the
upbraiding of houseroom, and reproaching of the lender.
30:1 Yr hwn sydd yn caru ei fab a'i
mynych ffrewylla ef, fel y caffo lawenydd ohono ef yn y diwedd.
30:1 He that loveth his son causeth him oft to feel the rod,
that he may have joy of him in the end.
30:2 Yr hwn a ddysgo ei fab, a gaiff
lawenydd ohono, ac a orfoledda o'i achos ef ymysg ei gydnabod.
30:2 He that chastiseth his son shall have joy in him, and shall
rejoice of him among his acquaintance.
30:3 Yr hwn sydd yn dysgu ei fab, a
ddigia ei elynion; ac a orfoledda o'i blegid ef o flaen ei gyfeillion.
30:3 He that teacheth his son grieveth the enemy: and before
his friends he shall rejoice of him.
30:4 Er marw ei dad ef, eto y mae
efe megis heb farw; am adael ohono ef ar ei ôl un cyffelyb iddo ei hun.
30:4 Though his father die, yet he is as though he were not
dead: for he hath left one behind him that is like himself.
30:5 Yn ei fywyd efe a'i gwelodd ef,
ac a fu lawen o'i blegid: ac yn ei ddiwedd ni bu efe athrist.
30:5 While he lived, he saw and rejoiced in him: and when he
died, he was not sorrowful.
30:6 Efe a adawodd un i ddial yn
erbyn ei elynion, ac un i dalu diolch i'w gyfeillion.
30:6 He left behind him an avenger against his enemies, and
one that shall requite kindness to his friends.
30:7 Yr hwn sydd yn mawrhau gormod
ar ei fab, a rwym ei archollion ef, ac at bob bloedd fe gythryblir ei
ymysgatoedd ef.
30:7 He that maketh too much of his son shall bind up his
wounds; and his bowels will be troubled at every cry.
30:8 March heb ei ddofi a â yn
bengaled; a mab a adawer iddo ei hun a â yn anllywodraethus.
30:8 An horse not broken becometh headstrong: and a child
left to himself will be wilful.
30:9 Llocha dy fab, ac efe a'th
ddychryna di: chwarae ag ef, ac efe a'th dristâ di.
30:9 Cocker thy child, and he shall make thee afraid: play
with him, and he will bring thee to heaviness.
30:10 Na chydchwardd ag ef rhag
gofidio ohonot gydag ef, a gwasgu dy ddannedd yn y diwedd.
30:10 Laugh not with him, lest thou have sorrow with him, and
lest thou gnash thy teeth in the end.
30:11 Na ddod iddo ryddid yn ei
ieuenctid, ac nac edrych heibio i'w anwybodaeth.
30:11 Give him no liberty in his youth, and wink not at his
30:12 Gostwng ei war ef yn ei
ieuenctid, a chur ei ystlys tra fyddo efe blentyn, rhag iddo fyned yn bengaled,
ac anufuddhau i ti, a bod yn ofid i'th galon.
30:12 Bow down his neck while he is young, and beat him on the
sides while he is a child, lest he wax stubborn, and be disobedient unto thee,
and so bring sorrow to thine heart.
30:13 Addysga dy fab, a chymer boen
gydag ef, fel na byddo ei anweddeidd-dra ef yn dramgwydd i ti.
30:13 Chastise thy son, and hold him to labour, lest his lewd
behaviour be an offence unto thee.
30:14 Gwell yw'r tlawd iach a chryf,
na'r cyfoethog clwyfus ei gorff.
30:14 Better is the poor, being sound and strong of
constitution, than a rich man that is afflicted in his body.
30:15 Iechyd a chyfansoddiad da sydd
well na phob aur; a chorff cryf na golud anfeidrol.
30:15 Health and good estate of body are above all gold, and a
strong body above infinite wealth.
30:16 Nid oes gyfoeth gwell na
iechyd corff: ac nid oes llawenydd gwell na llawenydd calon.
30:16 There is no riches above a sound body, and no joy above
the joy of the heart.
30:17 Gwell yw marwolaeth nag
einioes chwerw, neu nychdod parhaus.
30:17 Death is better than a bitter life or continual
30:18 Danteithion wedi eu tywallt ar
safn gaead, sy fel seigiau o fwyd wedi eu gosod ar fedd.
30:18 Delicates poured upon a mouth shut up are as messes of
meat set upon a grave.
30:19 Pa fudd a wna'r offrwm i
eilun? oblegid ni fwyty efe, ac ni arogla: felly y mae yr hwn a erlidir gan yr
30:19 What good doeth the offering unto an idol? for neither
can it eat nor smell: so is he that is persecuted of the Lord.
30:20 Y mae efe yn gweled â'i
lygaid, ac yn tuchan fel disbaidd yn cofleidio morwyn, ac yn ucheneidio.
30:20 He seeth with his eyes and groaneth, as an eunuch that
embraceth a virgin and sigheth.
30:21 Na ddod dy enaid i dristwch;
ac na chystuddia dydi dy hun yn dy gyngor dy hun.
30:21 Give not over thy mind to heaviness, and afflict not
thyself in thine own counsel.
30:22 Llawenydd calon yw einioes
dyn, a gorfoledd gŵr sydd yn estyn ei ddyddiau ef.
30:22 The gladness of the heart is the life of man, and the
joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days.
30:23 Hoffa dy enaid dy hun, a
chysura dy galon; a gyr dristwch ymhell oddi wrthyt: oblegid tristwch a laddodd
lawer, ac nid oes fudd ynddo.
30:231 Love thine own soul, and comfort thy heart, remove
sorrow far from thee: for sorrow hath killed many, and there is no profit
30:24 Cenfigen a dig sydd yn lleihau
dyddiau; a gofal sydd yn dwyn henaint cyn yr amser.
30:24 Envy and wrath shorten the life, and carefulness
bringeth age before the time.
30:25 Calon hoyw a da, a
ofala am ei bwyd a'i lluniaeth.
30:25 A cheerful
and good heart will have a care of his meat and diet.
31:1 Gwylio am olud a wna i'r cnawd
ddihoeni; a gofal amdano a luddia gwsg.
31:1 Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the care
thereof driveth away sleep.
31:2 Gofalus wylio a lestair hepian;
a chlefyd trwm a dyr gwsg.
31:2 Watching care will not let a man slumber, as a sore
disease breaketh sleep,
31:3 Y goludog sydd yn cymryd poen
yn casglu cyfoeth; ac yn ei esmwyth-dra efe a lenwir â'i ddanteithion.
31:3 The rich hath great labour in gathering riches together;
and when he resteth, he is filled with his delicates.
31:4 Y mae'r tlawd yn cymryd poen yn
ei dlodi; a phan beidio, tlawd yw efe.
31:4 The poor laboureth in his poor estate; and when he
leaveth off, he is still needy.
31:5 Ni chyfrifir yn gyfiawn yr hwn
a hoffo aur; a'r hwn a ddilyno lygredigaeth a gaiff ei wala ohono.
31:5 He that loveth gold shall not be justified, and he that
followeth corruption shall have enough thereof.
31:6 Llawer a ddifethwyd o
achos aur; ac o'u blaen yr oedd eu dinistr.
31:6 Gold hath
been the ruin of many, and their destruction was present.
31:7 Pren tramgwydd yw efe i'r rhai
a aberthant iddo; ac wrtho ef y delir pob angall.
31:7 It is a stumblingblock unto them that sacrifice unto it,
and every fool shall be taken therewith.
31:8 Gwyn ei fyd y goludog a geir yn
ddifai, ac nid aeth ar ôl aur.
31:8 Blessed is the rich that is found without blemish, and
hath not gone after gold.
31:9 Pwy yw efe? a nyni a'i galwn ef
yn hapus: canys pethau rhyfedd a wnaeth efe ymysg ei bobl.
31:9 Who is he? and we will call him blessed: for wonderful
things hath he done among his people.
31:10 Pwy a brofwyd trwy yr aur hwn,
ac a gafwyd yn berffaith? ac efe a gaiff fod yn orfoleddus: pwy a allodd bechu,
ac ni phechodd? ac a allodd wneuthur drygioni, ac nis gwnaeth?
31:10 Who hath been tried thereby, and found perfect? then let
him glory. Who might offend, and hath not offended? or done evil, and hath not
done it?
31:11 Am hynny y sicrheir ei dda ef;
a'r gynulleidfa a fynega ei elusennau ef.
31:11 His goods shall be established, and the congregation
shall declare his alms.
31:12 Pan eisteddych di ar fwrdd
helaeth, na rytha dy geg arno, ac na ddywed, Mae llawer o fwyd arno.
31:12 If thou sit at a bountiful table, be not greedy upon it,
and say not, There is much meat on it.
31:13 Cofia mai peth drwg yw
drwglygad: a pha beth a wnaed waeth na llygad? am hynny yr wyla efe wrth bob
31:13 Remember that a wicked eye is an evil thing: and what is
created more wicked than an eye? therefore it weepeth upon every occasion.
31:14 Nac estyn dy law i bob lle yr
edrycho efe, ac na wthia hi gydag ef i'r ddysgl
31:14 Stretch not thine hand whithersoever it looketh, and
thrust it not with him into the dish.
31:15 Barna dy gymydog wrthyt dy
hun; a bydd bwyllog ym mhob peth.
31:15 Judge not thy neighbour by thyself: and be discreet in
every point.
31:16 Bwyta fel dyn yr hyn a osoder
o'th flaen; ac na fydd wancus, rhag dy gasáu.
31:16 Eat as it becometh a man, those things which are set
before thee; and devour note, lest thou be hated.
31:17 Paid yn gyntaf, oherwydd
medrusrwydd; ac na fydd annigonol, rhag gweled bai arnat.
31:17 Leave off first for manners' sake; and be not
unsatiable, lest thou offend.
31:18 Pan eisteddych ymysg llawer,
nac estyn dy law yn gyntaf.
31:18 When thou sittest among many, reach not thine hand out
first of all.
31:19 Digon yw ychydig iawn i'r
medrus; ac ni bydd yn fyr ei anadl ar ei wely.
31:19 A very little is sufficient for a man well nurtured, and
he fetcheth not his wind short upon his bed.
31:20 Cysgu yn iachus a gaiff yr hwn
a fwytao yn gymesurol: efe a gyfyd yn fore â'i synnwyr ganddo: eithr y gŵr
ni ddigoner a gaiff boen, anhunedd, a geri, a chnofeydd y bol.
31:20 Sound sleep cometh of moderate eating: he riseth early,
and his wits are with him: but the pain of watching, and choler, and pangs of
the belly, are with an unsatiable man.
31:21 Ac os gorfu arnat mewn gwledd
fwyta, cyfod o'r canol, bwrw, ac ymesmwytha.
31:21 And if thou hast been forced to eat, arise, go forth,
vomit, and thou shalt have rest.
31:22 Clyw fi, fy mab, ac na
ddiystyra fi, ac yn y diwedd ti a gei fy ngeiriau i yn wir. Yn dy holl waith
bydd esgud, ac ni ddigwydd un clefyd i ti.
31:22 My son, hear me, and despise me not, and at the last
thou shalt find as I told thee: in all thy works be quick, so shall there no
sickness come unto thee.
31:23 Gwefusau llawer a fendithiant
yr hael o'i fara; a chredadwy fydd tystiolaeth am ei ddaioni ef.
31:23 Whoso is liberal of his meat, men shall speak well of
him; and the report of his good housekeeping will be believed.
31:24 Yr holl ddinas a rwgnach yn
erbyn yr anhael o'i fara; a thystiolaeth am ei ddrygioni ef nid amheuir.
31:24 But against him that is a niggard of his meat the whole
city shall murmur; and the testimonies of his niggardness shall not be doubted
31:25 Na ddangos dy wroldeb mewn
gwin: canys gwin a ddifethodd lawer.
31:25 Shew not thy valiantness in wine; for wine hath
destroyed many.
31:26 Y ffwrn a brawf y min wrth ei
drochi; felly y gwna gwin galon y beilchion wrth feddwdod.
31:26 The furnace proveth the edge by dipping: so doth wine
the hearts of the proud by drunkeness.
31:27 Gwin sy gystal â bywyd i ddyn,
os yfir ef yn gymesurol: pa fywyd gan hynny sydd i'r dyn sy heb win? canys i
lawenychu dynion y crewyd ef.
31:277 Wine is as good as life to a man, if it be drunk
moderately: what life is then to a man that is without wine? for it was made to
make men glad.
31:28 Llawenydd calon, a hyfrydwch
meddwl, yw'r gwin a yfer mewn pryd, yn gymesurol:
31:28 Wine measurably drunk and in season bringeth gladness of
the heart, and cheerfulness of the mind:
31:29 Eithr gwin, pan yfer gormod
ohono, a bair chwerwder meddwl, ymgecraeth, a chynhennu.
31:29 But wine drunken with excess maketh bitterness of the
mind, with brawling and quarrelling.
31:30 Meddwdod yr angall a chwanega
ddig, oni thramgwyddo; a wanha gryfder, ac a bair archollion.
31:30 Drunkenness increaseth the rage of a fool till he
offend: it diminisheth strength, and maketh wounds.
31:31 Na cherydda dy gymydog wrth
yfed gwin, ac na ddirmyga ef pan fyddo llawen: na ddywed air gwaradwyddus
wrtho, ac na phwysa arno trwy ei gymell i yfed.
31:31 Rebuke not thy neighbour at the wine, and despise him
not in his mirth: give him no despiteful words, and press not upon him with
urging him [to drink.]
32:1 Os gwnaed di yn llywodraethwr
ar y wledd, nac ymddyrchafa, eithr bydd iddynt megis un ohonynt hwy: gofala
drostynt, ac felly eistedd i lawr.
32:1 If thou be made the master [of a feast,] lift not
thyself up, but be among them as one of the rest; take diligent care for them,
and so sit down.
32:2 Ac wedi i ti wneuthur dy swydd,
cymer dy le, fel y byddych lawen gyda hwynt, ac y derbyniech goron am dy iawn
lywodraeth ar y wledd,
32:2 And when thou hast done all thy office, take thy place,
that thou mayest be merry with them, and receive a crown for thy well ordering
of the feast.
32:3 Llefara di, yr hwn wyt hynaf,
canys hyn sy weddus i ti; eithr trwy ddiwydrwydd gwybodaeth, ac na rwystra
32:3 Speak, thou that art the elder, for it becometh thee,
but with sound judgment; and hinder not musick.
32:4 Na thywallt ymadrodd pan fyddo
amser i wrando; ac na ddangos dy ddoethineb allan o amser.
32:4 Pour not out words where there is a musician, and shew
not forth wisdom out of time.
32:5 Megis selxxx o garbuncl mewn
gwisg o aur, yw cytsain miwsig wrth gwmniaeth gwin.
32:5 A concert of musick in a banquet of wine is as a signet
of carbuncle set in gold.
32:6 Megis sêl o smaragdus mewn
boglyn o aur, yw melystra miwsig gyda'r gwin melys.
32:6 As a signet of an emerald set in a work of gold, so is
the melody of musick with pleasant wine.
32:7 Ti ŵr ieuanc, llefara pan
fyddo rhaid, a hynny yn brin, pan y'th ofynner ddwywaith.
32:7 Speak, young man, if there be need of thee: and yet
scarcely when thou art twice asked.
32:8 Gwna ddiben ar dy ymadrodd:
cynnwys lawer mewn ychydig eiriau: bydd megis un a gwybodaeth ganddo, ac yn
ddistaw hefyd.
32:8 Let thy speech be short, comprehending much in few
words; be as one that knoweth and yet holdeth his tongue.
32:9 Nac ymgystadla ymysg gwŷr
mawr; ac na siarad lawer lle y byddo hynafgwyr.
32:9 If thou be among great men, make not thyself equal with
them; and when ancient men are in place, use not many words.
32:10 O flaen taran yn y man
y daw mellten; ac o flaen y llednais yr a ffafr.
32:10 Before the
thunder goeth lightning; and before a shamefaced man shall go favour.
32:11 Cyfod mewn pryd, ac na fydd
olaf: rhed i'th dŷ, ac na segura:
32:11 Rise up betimes, and be not the last; but get thee home
without delay.
32:12 Yno chwarae, a gwna dy feddwl;
ond nid mewn pechod, nac ymadrodd balch.
32:12 There take thy pastime, and do what thou wilt: but sin
not by proud speech.
32:13 A bendithia am hyn yr hwn a'th
wnaeth, ac a'th lanwodd â'i bethau da.
32:13 And for these things bless him that made thee, and hath
replenished thee with his good things.
32:14 Y neb a ofna'r Arglwydd a dderbyn
ei addysg ef: a'r hwn a foregodo i'w geisio ef, a gaiff ewyllys da.
32:14 Whoso feareth the Lord will receive his discipline; and
they that seek him early shall find favour.
32:15 Yr hwn a geisio'r ddeddf a
lenwir â hi; a'r rhagrithiwr a dramgwydda wrthi hi.
32:15 He that seeketh the law shall be filled therewith: but
the hypocrite will be offended thereat.
32:16 Y rhai a ofnant yr Arglwydd a
gânt farn dda, a chyfiawnderau a gyneuant fel goleuni.
32:16 They that fear the Lord shall find judgment, and shall
kindle justice as a light.
32:17 Y pechadur a wrthyd gerydd, ac
a gaiff esgus wrth ei ewyllys ei hun.
32:17 A sinful man will not be reproved, but findeth an excuse
according to his will.
32:18 Gŵr a gymero gyngor, ni
ddiystyra ddeall: ond y dieithr a'r balch ni arswyda gan ofn; ie, wedi iddo
wneuthur peth ohono ei hun heb gyngor.
32:18 A man of counsel will be considerate; but a strange and
proud man is not daunted with fear, even when of himself he hath done without
32:19 Na wna ddim heb gyngor; ac
wedi gwneuthur, nac edifarha.
32:19 Do nothing without advice; and when thou hast once done,
repent not.
32:20 Na ddos ar hyd ffordd y
gellych syrthio arni, ac na thramgwydda ymysg y cerrig.
32:20 Go not in a way wherein thou mayest fall, and stumble
not among the stones.
32:21 Na fydd hyderus ar ffordd
32:21 Be not confident in a plain way.
32:22 Gwylia dy blant dy hun hefyd.
32:22 And beware of thine own children.
32:23 Ym mhob gweithred dda ymddiried
i'th enaid dy hun; canys hyn yw cadw y gorchmynion.
32:23 In every good work trust thy own soul; for this is the
keeping of the commandments.
32:24 Yr hwn a gredo yn yr Arglwydd,
a ddisgwyl ar y gorchymyn; a'r hwn a obeithio ynddo ef, ni bydd dim gwaeth
32:24 He that believeth in the Lord taketh heed to the
commandment; and he that trusteth in him shall fare never the worse.
33:1 Ni ddigwydd niwed i'r hwn a
ofno'r Arglwydd; eithr mewn profedigaeth efe a'i gwared ef drachefn.
33:1 There shall no evil happen unto him that feareth the
Lord; but in temptation even again he will deliver him.
33:2 Nid cas gan y doeth y gyfraith;
ond yr hwn a ragrithio sy megis llong mewn tymestl.
33:2 A wise man hateth not the law; but he that is an hypocrite
therein is as a ship in a storm.
33:3 Dyn synhwyrol a ymddiried yn y
gyfraith; a'r gyfraith sy ffyddlon megis oracl iddo yntau.
33:3 A man of understanding trusteth in the law; and the law
is faithful unto him, as an oracle.
33:4 Paratoa dy ymadrodd, ac felly
y'th wrandewir: bydd sicr o'r peth, ac yna ateb.
33:4 Prepare what to say, and so thou shalt be heard: and
bind up instruction, and then make answer.
33:5 Calon y ffôl sydd fel olwyn
men; a'i feddyliau sy fel echel dro.
33:5 The heart of the foolish is like a cartwheel; and his
thoughts are like a rolling axletree.
33:6 Megis ystalwyn yw cyfaill
gwatwarus, yn gweryru dan bawb a'r a eisteddant arno.
33:6 A stallion horse is as a mocking friend, he neigheth
under every one that sitteth upon him.
33:7 Paham y mae diwrnod yn rhagori
ar ddiwrnod, gan fod cwbl oleuni pob diwrnod yn y flwyddyn yn dyfod oddi wrth
yr haul?
33:7 Why doth one day excel another, when as all the light of
every day in the year is of the sun?
33:8 Trwy wybodaeth yr Arglwydd y
gwahanwyd hwynt; ac efe a newidiodd yr amserau a'r gwyliau:
33:8 By the knowledge of the Lord they were distinguished:
and he altered seasons and feasts.
33:9 Rhai ohonynt hwy a wnaeth efe
yn ddyddiau uchel, ac a'u sancteiddiodd hwynt; ac efe a osododd rai ohonynt yn
rhifedi y dyddiau.
33:9 Some of them hath he made high days, and hallowed them,
and some of them hath he made ordinary days.
33:10 A phob dyn oll sydd o'r llawr;
ac o'r ddaear y crewyd Adda.
33:10 And all men are from the ground, and Adam was created of
33:11 Yr Arglwydd trwy fawr
wybodaeth a'u neilltuodd hwynt, ac a wnaeth eu ffyrdd hwy yn amryw.
33:11 In much knowledge the Lord hath divided them, and made
their ways diverse.
33:12 Rhai ohonynt hwy a fendithiodd
ac a ddyrchafodd efe; a rhai ohonynt a sancteiddiodd, ac a nesaodd efe ato ei
hun; rhai ohonynt hwy a felltithiodd ac a ddarostyngodd efe, ac a drodd allan
o'u lleoedd.
33:12 Some of them hath he blessed and exalted and some of
them he sanctified, and set near himself: but some of them hath he cursed and
brought low, and turned out of their places.
33:13 Megis y mae'r clai yn llaw y
crochenydd, i'w lunio wrth ei ewyllys ef; felly y mae dyn yn llaw yr hwn a'i
gwnaeth, i roddi iddo fel y gwelo efe yn dda.
33:13 As the clay is in the potter's hand, to fashion it at
his pleasure: so man is in the hand of him that made him, to render to them as
liketh him best.
33:14 Y mae da wedi ei osod yn erbyn
drwg, ac einioes yn erbyn angau: felly y mae y duwiol yn erbyn y pechadur, a'r pechadur
yn erbyn y gŵr duwiol.
33:14 Good is set against evil, and life against death: so is
the godly against the sinner, and the sinner against the godly.
33:15 Felly edrych ar holl
weithredoedd y Goruchaf; bob yn ddau y maent hwy, y naill yn erbyn y llall.
33:15 So look upon all the works of the most High; and there
are two and two, one against another.
33:16 Minnau a ddeffroais yn
ddiwethaf fel un yn lloffa ar ôl cynaeafwyr y grawnwin: trwy fendith yr
Arglwydd y cynyddais, ac y llenwais fy ngwinwryf, fel cynaeafwr grawnwin.
33:16 I awaked up last of all, as one that gathereth after the
grapegatherers: by the blessing of the Lord I profited, and tred my winepress
like a gatherer of grapes.
33:17 Ystyriwch nad i mi fy hunan y
cymerais i boen, ond i bawb a geisiant athrawiaeth.
33:17 Consider that I laboured not for myself only, but for
all them that seek learning.
33:18 O bendefigion y bobl,
clywch; O lywodraethwyr y gynulleidfa, gwrandewch â'ch clustiau.
33:18 Hear me, O
ye great men of the people, and hearken with your ears, ye rulers of the
33:19 Na ddod awdurdod arnat dy hun
i fab nac i wraig, i frawd nac i gydymaith, tra fyddech byw: ac na ddod dy dda
i arall, rhag bod yn edifar gennyt, a gorfod i ti ymbil amdano drachefn.
33:19 Give not thy son and wife, thy brother and friend, power
over thee while thou livest, and give not thy goods to another: lest it repent
thee, and thou intreat for the same again.
33:20 Tra fyddwch fyw, ac anadl
ynot, na ddyro dy hun i fyny i neb:
33:20 As long as thou livest and hast breath in thee, give not
thyself over to any.
33:21 Canys gwell yw bod dy blant yn
ceisio gennyt ti, nag i ti fod yn disgwyl wrth ddwylo dy blant.
33:21 For better it is that thy children should seek to thee,
than that thou shouldest stand to their courtesy.
33: 22 Cymer dy ragor yn dy holl weithredoedd; ac na anafa dy barch.
33:22 In all thy works keep to thyself the preeminence; leave
not a stain in thine honour.
33:23 Yn y dydd y gorffennych di
ddyddiau dy einioes, ac yn amser dy ddiwedd, rhan dy etifeddiaeth.
33:23 At the time when thou shalt end thy days, and finish thy
life, distribute thine inheritance.
33:24 Rhodder porthiant, a gwialen,
a phwn, i'r asyn; felly bara, a chosbedigaeth, a gwaith, i'r gweinidog.
33:24 Fodder, a wand, and burdens, are for the ass; and bread,
correction, and work, for a servant. .
33:25 Os gosodi dy was ar waith, ti
a gei orffwystra; ond os gollyngi ef yn segur, efe a gais ryddid.
33:25 If thou set thy servant to labour, thou shalt find rest:
but if thou let him go idle, he shall seek liberty.
33:26 Iau a chebystr a ostwng y war;
felly y mae cosbedigaeth a phoenau i weinidog drwg.
33:26 A yoke and a collar do bow the neck: so are tortures and
torments for an evil servant.
33:27 Gyr ef i'w waith, fel na byddo
efe segur: oblegid llawer o ddrygioni a ddysgodd seguryd.
33:27 Send him to labour, that he be not idle; for idleness
teacheth much evil.
33:28 Gosod ef ar waith, fel y
gweddai iddo: oni bydd efe ufudd, dod heyrn trymach arno:
33:28 Set him to work, as is fit for him: if he be not
obedient, put on more heavy fetters.
33:29 Ond na ddod ormod ar un cnawd;
ac na wna ddim heb bwyll.
33:29 But be not excessive toward any; and without discretion
do nothing.
33:30 Os bydd gennyt weinidog, bydded
efe i ti fel dy enaid dy hun; oblegid mewn gwaed y cefaist ti ef.
33:30 If thou have a servant, let him be unto thee as thyself,
because thou hast bought him with a price.
33:31 Os bydd gennyt weinidog, gwna
ohono ef fel o frawd: canys fe fydd mor rhaid i ti wrtho ef ag wrthyt dy hun:
os cosbi di ef ar gam, a chodi ohono yntau, a ffoi ymaith, pa ffordd y ceisi di
33:31 If thou have a servant, entreat him as a brother: for
thou hast need of him, as of thine own soul: if thou entreat him evil, and he run
from thee, which way wilt thou go to seek him?
34:1 Ofer a chelwyddog obaith fydd
gan ŵr ansynhwyrol; a breuddwydion a falchia y rhai angall.
34:1 The hopes of a man void of understanding are vain and
false: and dreams lift up fools.
34:2 Megis un yn rhoi cais ar
gysgod, ac yn ymlid gwynt, yw'r hwn a goelio i freuddwydion.
34:2 Whoso regardeth dreams is like him that catcheth at a
shadow, and followeth after the wind.
34:3 Gweledigaeth breuddwydion sy
gyffelybiaeth o'r naill beth i'r llall, megis cyffelybrwydd wyneb i wyneb.
34:3 The vision of dreams is the resemblance of one thing to
another, even as the likeness of a face to a face.
34:4 Pa lendid a geir o'r aflan? a
pha wirionedd o'r celwyddog?
34:4 Of an unclean thing what can be cleansed? and from that
thing which is false what truth can come?
34:5 Ofer yw dewiniaeth, coelion, a
breuddwydion; a'r galon sydd yn ffansïo fel calon gwraig yn esgor.
34:5 Divinations, and soothsayings, and dreams, are vain: and
the heart fancieth, as a woman's heart in travail.
34:6 Oddieithr i’r Goruchaf eu
danfon hwynt yn dy ymweliad di, na ddod dy galon arnynt.
34:6 If they be not sent from the most High in thy
visitation, set not thy heart upon them.
34:7 Breuddwydion a dwyllasant
lawer; a'r rhai a obeithiasant ynddynt hwy a fethasant.
34:7 For dreams have deceived many, and they have failed that
put their trust in them.
34:8 Heb gelwydd y perffeithir y
gyfraith; a pherffeithrwydd i enau ffyddlon yw doethineb.
34:8 The law shall be found perfect without lies: and wisdom
is perfection to a faithful mouth.
34:9 Y gŵr a gerddodd lawer, a
ŵyr lawer: a'r hwn a gafodd brawf o lawer o bethau, a ddengys synnwyr.
34:9 A man that hath travelled knoweth many things; and he
that hath much experience will declare wisdom.
34:10 Ychydig a ŵyr yr hwn ni
phrofwyd: a'r hwn a gerddodd lawer sy'n llawn o synnwyr.
34:10 He that hath no experience knoweth little: but he that
hath travelled is full of prudence.
34:11 Mi a welais lawer yn fy ngherdded;
ac yr wyf yn deall mwy nag a fedraf ei adrodd.
34:11 When I travelled, I saw many things; and I understand
more than I can express.
34:12 Mi a fûm yn fynych mewn perygl
marwolaeth; eto mi a achubwyd trwy ras Duw.
34:12 I was ofttimes in danger of death: yet I was delivered
because of these things.
34:13 Ysbryd y rhai a ofnant
yr Arglwydd a gaiff fyw: oblegid y mae eu gobaith hwy ar eu Hachubwr.
34:13 The spirit
of those that fear the Lord shall live; for their hope is in him that saveth
34:14 Yr hwn sydd yn ofni'r Arglwydd
nid ofna ddim, ac ni ddychryna; oblegid efe yw ei obaith ef.
34:14 Whoso feareth the Lord shall not fear nor be afraid; for
he is his hope.
34:15 Gwyn ei fyd enaid y neb a
ofno'r Arglwydd: at bwy y mae efe yn edrych? a phwy yw ei gadernid ef?
34:15 Blessed is the soul of him that feareth the Lord: to
whom doth he look? and who is his strength?
34:16 Canys y mae llygaid yr
Arglwydd ar y rhai a'i carant ef, yn amddiffynfa nerthol, ac yn gadernid cryf,
yn gysgod rhag gwres, ac yn gysgod rhag yr haul hanner dydd, ac yn geidwad rhag
tramgwyddo, ac yn help rhag syrthio,
34:16 For the eyes of the Lord are upon them that love him, he
is their mighty protection and strong stay, a defence from heat, and a cover
from the sun at noon, a preservation from stumbling, and an help from falling.
34:17 Yn dyrchafu'r enaid, ac yn
llewyrchu'r llygaid, ac yn rhoddi iechyd, a bywyd, a bendith.
34:17 He raiseth up the soul, and lighteneth the eyes: he
giveth health, life, and blessing.
34:18 Gwawd yw offrwm yr hwn a
abertho o dda anghyfiawn: ni byddir bodlon i roddion y rhai anwir.
34:18 He that sacrificeth of a thing wrongfully gotten, his
offering is ridiculous; and the gifts of unjust men are not accepted.
34:19 Nid yw y Goruchaf fodlon i
offrymau yr annuwiol; ac nid trwy lawer o aberthau y bodlonir ef am bechod.
34:19 The most High is not pleased with the offerings of the
wicked; neither is he pacified for sin by the multitude of sacrifices.
34:20 Megis un yn lladd y mab
o flaen llygaid y tad, yw'r hwn a offrymo aberth o dda y tlodion.
34:20 Whoso
bringeth an offering of the goods of the poor doeth as one that killeth the son
before his father's eyes.
34:21 Bywyd y tlodion anghenus yw
bara; a dyn gwaedlyd yw yr hwn a'i dygo oddi arno.
34:21 The bread of the needy is their life: he that defraudeth
him thereof is a man of blood.
34:22 Lladd ei gymydog y mae yr hwn
a dwyllo y gwas cyflog am ei gyflog.
34:22 He that taketh away his neighbour's living slayeth him;
and he that defraudeth the labourer of his hire is a bloodshedder.
34:23 Pan fyddo un yn adeiladu, ac
arall yn tynnu i lawr, pa fudd a gânt hwy ond poen?
34:23 When one buildeth, and another pulleth down, what profit
have they then but labour?
34:24 Pan fyddo un yn gweddïo, ac arall
yn melltithio, lleferydd pa un a wrendy'r Arglwydd?
34:24 When one prayeth, and another curseth, whose voice will
the Lord hear?
34:25 Y neb a ymolcho, wedi cyffwrdd
â'r marw, ac a gyffyrddo ag ef eilwaith, pa fudd a gaiff efe o'i ymolchiad?
34:25 He that washeth himself after the touching of a dead
body, if he touch it again, what availeth his washing?
34:26 Felly y dyn a ymprydio oblegid
ei bechodau, ac a â drachefn, ac a wna yr un pethau; pwy a wrendy ar ei weddi
ef? a pha fudd fydd iddo ef am ymddarostwng?
34:26 So is it with a man that fasteth for his sins, and goeth
again, and doeth the same: who will hear his prayer? or what doth his humbling
profit him?
35:1 Y mae y neb sydd yn cadw'r
gyfraith yn dwyn digon o offrymau; y neb sydd yn glynu wrth y gorch-mynion,
sydd yn aberthu iachawdwriaeth.
35:1 He that keepeth the law bringeth offerings enough: he
that taketh heed to the commandment offereth a peace offering.
35:2 Ac y mae yr hwn a dalo ddiolch
yn offrymu peilliaid; a'r hwn a roddo elusen yn aberthu moliant.
35:2 He that requiteth a goodturn offereth fine flour; and he
that giveth alms sacrificeth praise.
35:3 Ewyllys yr Arglwydd yw troi
oddi wrth ddrygioni; a bodloni yw ymado ag anghyfiawnder.
35:3 To depart from wickedness is a thing pleasing to the
Lord; and to forsake unrighteousness is a propitiation.
35:4 Nac ymddangos gerbron yr
Arglwydd yn waglaw:
35:4 Thou shalt not appear empty before the Lord.
35:5 Oblegid hyn oll a wneir o achos
y gorchymyn.
35:5 For all these things [are to be done] because of the
35:6 Y mae offrwm y duwiol yn
gwneuthur yr allor yn fras, a'i arogl peraidd ef sy gerbron y Goruchaf.
35:6 The offering of the righteous maketh the altar fat, and
the sweet savour thereof is before the most High.
35:7 Aberth y gŵr cyfiawn sy
gymeradwy; ac ni ollyngir dros gof ei goffadwriaeth ef.
35:7 The sacrifice of a just man is acceptable. and the
memorial thereof shall never be forgotten.
35:8 Gogonedda Dduw â llygad da, ac
na phrinha flaenffrwyth dy ddwylo.
35:8 Give the Lord his honour with a good eye, and diminish
not the firstfruits of thine hands.
35:9 Dangos dy wyneb yn llawen ym
mhob rhodd; a chysegra dy ddegfed yn siriol.
35:9 In all thy gifts shew a cheerful countenance, and
dedicate thy tithes with gladness.
35:10 Dod i'r Goruchaf megis y
rhoddes yntau i tithau, ac fel y mae dy allu, â llygad da:
35:10 Give unto the most High according as he hath enriched
thee; and as thou hast gotten, give with a cheerful eye.
35:11 Oblegid yr Arglwydd a dal; ac
efe a dâl i ti y saith gymaint.
35:11 For the Lord recompenseth, and will give thee seven
times as much.
35:12 Na phrinha dy offrwm; canys ni
dderbyn efe mohono: ac na ymddiried wrth aberth anghyfiawn; oblegid yr Arglwydd
sy Farnwr, ac nid yw efe yn derbyn wyneb neb.
35:12 Do not think to corrupt with gifts; for such he will not
receive: and trust not to unrighteous sacrifices; for the Lord is judge, and
with him is no respect of persons.
35:13 Ni dderbyn efe wyneb yn erbyn
y tlawd, eithr efe a wrendy weddi'r gorthrymedig.
35:13 He will not accept any person against a poor man, but
will hear the prayer of the oppressed.
35:14 Ni ddiystyra efe ddeisyfiad yr
amddifad, na'r weddw, pan dywallto hi ei gweddi.
35:14 He will not despise the supplication of the fatherless;
nor the widow, when she poureth out her complaint.
35:15 Onid yw dagrau'r weddw yn
disgyn ar ei gruddiau hi, a'i llefain yn erbyn y neb sydd yn eu peri?
35:15 Do not the tears run down the widow's cheeks? and is not
her cry against him that causeth them to fall?
35:16 Yr hwn a addolo Dduw a fydd
cymeradwy; a'i weddi ef a gyrraedd hyd y cymylau.
35:16 He that serveth the Lord shall be accepted with favour,
and his prayer shall reach unto the clouds.
35:17 Gweddi y gostyngedig a â
trwy'r cymylau; ac nis diddenir hi nes ei dyfod yn agos; nid ymedy hi nes i'r
Goruchaf edrych i farnu yn gyfiawn, ac i wneuthur barn.
35:17 The prayer of the humble pierceth the clouds: and till
it come nigh, he will not be comforted; and will not depart, till the most High
shall behold to judge righteously, and execute judgment.
35:18 Canys yr Arglwydd nid oeda, ac
ni hirymerys y Cadarn wrthynt hwy, nes dryllio llwynau'r rhai anhrugarog, a
thalu dialedd i'r Cenhedloedd; a dwyn ymaith luosowgrwydd y rhai trahaus, a dryllio
teyrnwialen y rhai anghyfiawn;
35:18 For the Lord will not be slack, neither will the Mighty
be patient toward them, till he have smitten in sunder the loins of the
unmerciful, and repayed vengeance to the heathen; till he have taken away the
multitude of the proud, and broken the sceptre of the unrighteous;
35:19 Nes iddo dalu i bob dyn yn ôl
ei weithredoedd, ac i weithredoedd dynion yn ôl eu dychmygion; nes iddo farnu
achos ei bobl, a'u llawenychu hwy â'i drugaredd.
35:19 Till he have rendered to every man according to his
deeds, and to the works of men according to their devices; till he have judged
the cause of his people, and made them to rejoice in his mercy.
35:20 Hyfryd yw trugaredd yn amser
adfyd, fel y cymylau glaw yn amser sychder.
35:20 Mercy is seasonable in the time of affliction, as clouds
of rain in the time of drought.
36:1 Cymer drugaredd arnom ni, O
Arglwydd Dduw pawb oll; ac edrych arnom:
36:1 Have mercy upon us, O Lord God of all, and behold us:
36:2 A gyr dy ofn ar y Cenhedloedd
oll, y rhai ni'th geisiasant.
36:2 And send thy fear upon all the nations that seek not
after thee.
36:3 Cyfod dy law ar y Cenhedloedd
dieithr; gad iddynt weled dy allu di.
36:3 Lift up thy hand against the strange nations, and let
them see thy power.
36:4 Megis y'th sancteiddiwyd yn ein
mysg ni ger eu bron hwynt; felly mawrhaer di yn eu mysg hwythau ger ein bron
36:4 As thou wast sanctified in us before them: so be thou
magnified among them before us.
36:5 Gwna iddynt dy adnabod megis yr
ydym ni yn dy adnabod, nad oes un Duw ond tydi, O Arglwydd.
36:5 And let them know thee, as we have known thee, that
there is no God but only thou, O God.
36:6 Adnewydda arwyddion, a newidia
ryfeddodau: gogonedda dy law a'th ddeheufraich, fel y gosodont allan dy
weithredoedd rhyfedd.
36:6 Shew new signs, and make other strange wonders: glorify
thy hand and thy right arm, that they may set forth thy wondrous works.
36:7 Cyffroa dy lid, a thywallt dy ddicter:
cymer y gwrthwynebwr ymaith, a dryllia'r gelyn.
36:7 Raise up indignation, and pour out wrath: take away the
adversary, and destroy the enemy.
36:8 Prysura'r amser, cofia'r
cyfamod, a mynegant hwy dy ryfeddodau di.
36:8 Sake the time short, remember the covenant, and let them
declare thy wonderful works.
36:9 Gad i ddigofaint tanllyd
ddifa'r neb a ddihango; a chaffed y rhai a wnânt niwed i'th bobl eu difetha.
36:9 Let him that escapeth be consumed by the rage of the
fire; and let them perish that oppress the people.
36:10 Dryllia bennau tywysogion y
Cenhedloedd, y rhai a ddywedant, Nid oes ond nyni.
36:10 Smite in sunder the heads of the rulers of the heathen,
that say, There is none other but we.
36:11 Casgl holl lwythau Jacob
ynghyd, a chymer hwynt yn etifeddiaeth i ti, megis o'r dechreuad.
36:11 Gather all the tribes of Jacob together, and inherit
thou them, as from the beginning.
36:12 O Arglwydd, trugarha wrth y
bobl, y rhai a elwir ar dy enw di; ac wrth Israel, yr hwn a elwaist ti yn gyntaf-anedig.
36:12 O Lord, have mercy upon the people that is called by thy
name, and upon Israel, whom thou hast named thy firstborn.
36:13 Tosturia wrth Jerwsalem, dinas
dy gysegr, a'th orffwysfa di.
36:13 O be merciful unto Jerusalem, thy holy city, the place
of thy rest.
36:14 Llanw Seion â'th oraclau
anhraethadwy, a'th bobl â'th ogoniant.
36:14 Fill Sion with thine unspeakable oracles, and thy people
with thy glory:
36:15 Dod dystiolaeth i'r pethau a
greaist yn y dechreuad; a chyfod y proffwydi a fuant yn dy enw.
36:15 Give testimony unto those that thou hast possessed from
the beginning, and raise up prophets that have been in thy name.
36:16 Dod wobr i'r rhai sydd yn aros
wrthyt ti, a chaffer dy broffwydi yn ffyddlon.
36:16 Reward them that wait for thee, and let thy prophets be
found faithful.
36:17 Gwrando, O Arglwydd, weddïau
dy weision, yn ôl bendith Aaron i'th bobl, fel y gwypo y rhai oll sydd ar y
ddaear mai ti yw yr Arglwydd, y Duw tragwyddol.
36:17 O Lord, hear the prayer of thy servants, according to
the blessing of Aaron over thy people, that all they which dwell upon the earth
may know that thou art the Lord, the eternal God.
36:18 Y bol a dreulia bob bwyd; ond
y mae rhyw fwyd yn well na bwyd arall.
36:18 The belly devoureth all meats, yet is one meat better
than another.
36:19 Taflod y genau a edwyn amryw
fwyd hela; felly yr edwyn calon gall eiriau celwyddog.
36:19 As the palate tasteth divers kinds of venison: so doth
an heart of understanding false speeches.
36:20 Calon wrthnysig a bair
dristwch; ond dyn a ŵyr lawer, a dâl iddo.
36:20 A froward heart causeth heaviness: but a man of
experience will recompense him.
36:21 Gwraig a dderbyn bob gŵr;
eithr y mae rhyw ferch yn well na merch arall.
36:21 A woman will receive every man, yet is one daughter
better than another.
36:22 Tegwch gwraig a lawenycha'r
wynepryd ac nid oes gan ŵr hyfrydwch mwy.
36:22 The beauty of a woman cheereth the countenance, and a
man loveth nothing better.
36:23 Os bydd ar ei thafod hi
drugaredd, lledneisrwydd, ac iachâd, nid fel eraill y mae ei gŵr hi.
36:23 If there be kindness, meekness, and comfort, in her
tongue, then is not her husband like other men.
36:24 Y mae perchen gwraig yn
dechrau llwyddo, sef help fel ef ei hun, a cholofn gorffwystra.
36:24 He that getteth a wife beginneth a possession, a help
like unto himself, and a pillar of rest.
36:25 Lle nid oes gae, yr anrheithir
y berchenogaeth: a'r hwn nid oes wraig iddo, a grwydra dan alaru.
36:25 Where no hedge is, there the possession is spoiled: and
he that hath no wife will wander up and down mourning.
36:26 Pwy a goelia williad wedi
ymdaclu, ac yn gwibio o ddinas i ddinas? felly y mae am y dyn nid oes ganddo
nyth, eithr lletya ym mha le bynnag yr elo hi yn nos arno.
36:26 Who will trust a thief well appointed, that skippeth
from city to city? so [who will believe] a man that hath no house, and lodgeth
wheresoever the night taketh him?
37:1 Pob cydymaith a ddywed, Da
gennyf finnau ef; eithr y mae cydymaith mewn enw yn unig.
37:1 Every friend saith, I am his friend also: but there is a
friend, which is only a friend in name.
37:2 Onid tristwch hyd angau ydyw,
pan dro cyfaill neu gydymaith i fod yn elyn?
37:2 Is it not a grief unto death, when a companion and
friend is turned to an enemy?
37:3 O feddwl drygionus, o ba le yr
ymdreiglaist ti, i orchuddio'r ddaear a thwyll?
37:3 O wicked imagination, whence camest thou in to cover the
earth with deceit?
37:4 Rhyw gyfaill a wna yn llawen
gyda'i gydymaith yn ei lawenydd; ac a fydd yn ei erbyn ef yn amser adfyd.
37:4 There is a companion, which rejoiceth in the prosperity
of a friend, but in the time of trouble will be against him.
37:5 Rhyw gyfaill a gymer boen
gyda'i gydymaith er mwyn ei fol, ac a gymer darian yn erbyn y gelyn.
37:5 There is a companion, which helpeth his friend for the
belly, and taketh up the buckler against the enemy.
37:6 Nac anghofia dy gydymaith yn dy
feddwl, ac na fydd anghofus amdano pan fyddech yn gyfoethog.
37:6 Forget not thy friend in thy mind, and be not unmindful
of him in thy riches.
37:7 Pob cynghorwr a genmyl ei
gyngor: ac y mae a gynghora er budd iddo ei hun.
37:7 Every counsellor extolleth counsel; but there is some
that counselleth for himself.
37:8 Gwylia gynghorwr, a myn wybod
yn gyntaf pa raid fydd wrtho ef, (oblegid y mae efe yn cynghori trosto ei hun,)
rhag iddo fwrw y coelbren arnat ti,
37:8 Beware of a counsellor, and know before what need he
hath; for he will counsel for himself; lest he cast the lot upon thee,
37:9 A dywedyd wrthyt, Da yw dy
ffordd; ac yna sefyll o'r tu arall, i edrych beth a ddigwyddo i ti.
37:9 And say unto thee, Thy way is good: and afterward he
stand on the other side, to see what shall befall thee.
37:10 Nac ymgynghora â'r neb a'th
amheuo di: a chêl dy gyfrinach oddi wrth y rhai a genfigennant wrthyt.
37:10 Consult not with one that suspecteth thee: and hide thy
counsel from such as envy thee.
37:11 Nac ymgynghora â gwraig, am yr
hon y mae hi yn dal eiddigedd wrthi; nac â'r llwfr am ryfel; nac â'r marchnadwr
am gyfnewid; nac â'r prynwr am werthu; nac â'r cenfigennus am ddiolchgarwch;
nac â'r anhrugarog am gymwynas; nac â'r diog am ddim gwaith; nac â'r gwas a
gyfloger dros flwyddyn, am orffen peth; nac â gwas diog am lawer o waith: na
wrando ar y rhai hyn am ddim cyngor.
37:11 Neither consult with a woman touching her of whom she is
jealous; neither with a coward in matters of war; nor with a merchant
concerning exchange; nor with a buyer of selling; nor with an envious man of
thankfulness; nor with an unmerciful man touching kindness; nor with the
slothful for any work; nor with an hireling for a year of finishing work; nor
with an idle servant of much business: hearken not unto these in any matter of
37:12 Eithr bydd yn wastad gyda
gŵr duwiol, yr hwn a wyddost ti ei fod yn cadw gorchmynion yr Arglwydd, yr
hwn y byddo ei feddwl fel dy feddwl dithau; yr hwn, os tramgwyddi di, a
gydofidia â thi.
37:12 But be continually with a godly man, whom thou knowest
to keep the commandments of the Lord, whose, mind is according to thy mind, and
will sorrow with thee, if thou shalt miscarry.
37:13 Safed cyngor dy galon dy hun:
oblegid nid oes neb ffyddlonach i ti na honno.
37:13 And let the counsel of thine own heart stand: for there
is no man more faithful unto thee than it.
37:14 Canys y mae meddwl dyn yn
arfer weithiau o fynegi mwy na saith o wylwyr yn eistedd mewn tŵr gwylio
37:14 For a man's mind is sometime wont to tell him more than
seven watchmen, that sit above in an high tower.
37:15 Ac o flaen hyn oll, gweddïa ar
y Goruchaf ar iddo gyfarwyddo dy ffordd di mewn gwirionedd.
37:15 And above all this pray to the most High, that he will
direct thy way in truth.
37:16 Cyn dechrau pob gwaith bydded
rheswm; ac o flaen pob gweithred aed cyngor.
37:16 Let reason go before every enterprize, and counsel
before every action.
37:17 Arwydd newidiad llawenydd yw'r
37:17 The countenance is a sign of changing of the heart.
37:18 Pedwar math ar beth sydd yn
ymddangos; da, a drwg; einioes, ac angau: a'r tafod sydd yn llywodraethu yn
wastad arnynt hwy.
37:18 Four manner of things appear: good and evil, life and
death: but the tongue ruleth over them continually.
37:19 Y mae un call, ac yn dysgu
llawer eraill, ac eto yn anfuddiol i'w enaid ei hun.
37:19 There is one that is wise and teacheth many, and yet is
unprofitable to himself.
37:20 Y mae un yn ddoeth ar eiriau,
ac eto yn atgas: gan hwnnw nid oes dim doethineb:
37:20 There is one that sheweth wisdom in words, and is hated:
he shall be destitute of all food.
37:21 Oblegid ni roddes yr Arglwydd
ras iddo ef; canys efe a adawyd heb bob doethineb.
37:21 For grace is not given, him from the Lord, because he is
deprived of all wisdom.
37:22 Rhyw un sy gall i'w enaid ei
hun; a ffrwythau deall sy ganmoladwy yn ei enau ef.
37:22 Another is wise to himself; and the fruits of
understanding are commendable in his mouth.
37:23 Gŵr doeth a ddysg ei
bobl; a ffrwythau ei ddeall ef sydd sicr.
37:23 A wise man instructeth his people; and the fruits of his
understanding fail not.
37:24 Gŵr doeth a gaiff ddigon
o fendith; a'r rhai oll a'i gwelant ef, a'i cyfrifant yn hapus.
37:24 A wise man shall be filled with blessing; and all they
that see him shall count him happy.
37:25 Dyddiau oes gŵr sydd wrth
rifedi; a dyddiau Israel sydd annifeiriol.
37:25 The days of the life of man may be numbered: but the
days of Israel are innumerable.
37:26 Y doeth a etifedda ogoniant
ymysg ei bobl; a'i enw a fydd byth.
37:26 A wise man shall inherit glory among his people, and his
name shall be perpetual.
37:27 Fy mab, prawf dy enaid tra
fyddech byw; gwêl yr hyn sy ddrwg iddo, ac na ddod iddo.
37:27 My son, prove thy soul in thy life, and see what is evil
for it, and give not that unto it.
37:28 Nid yw pob peth yn fuddiol i
bawb; ac nid yw pob enaid yn hoff ganddo bob peth.
37:28 For all things are not profitable for all men, neither
hath every soul pleasure in every thing.
37:29 Na fydd annigonol o ddim
dantaith, ac na ruthra i fwyd.
37:29 Be not unsatiable in any dainty thing, nor too greedy
upon meats:
37:30 O lawer o fwydydd y daw
clefyd; a gormodedd a dry fel geri.
37:30 For excess of meats bringeth sickness, and surfeiting
will turn into choler.
37:31 Trwy ormodedd y bu feirw
llawer; ond yr hwn a ymgeidw a estyn ei hoedl.
37:31 By surfeiting have many perished; but he that taketh
heed prolongeth his life.
38:1 Anrhydedda'r meddyg ag
anrhydedd dyledus iddo, am fod yn rhaid wrtho ef: oblegid yr Arglwydd a'i
creodd ef:
38:1 Honour a physician with the honour due unto him for the
uses which ye may have of him: for the Lord hath created him.
38:2 Canys oddi wrth y Goruchaf y
daeth meddyginiaeth; ac efe a gaiff ogoniant gan y brenin.
38:2 For of the most High cometh healing, and he shall
receive honour of the king.
38:3 Gwybodaeth y meddyg a ddyrchafa
ei ben ef; ac yng ngŵydd gwŷr mawr y perchir ef;
38:3 The skill of the physician shall lift up his head: and
in the sight of great men he shall be in admiration.
38:4 Yr Arglwydd a greodd
feddyginiaethau a'r ddaear; ac ni bydd ffiaidd gan ŵr call mohonynt.
38:4 The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he
that is wise will not abhor them.
38:5 Oni wnaed y dwfr yn beraidd a
phren, fel y gwybyddai dynion ei rinwedd ef?
38:5 Was not the water made sweet with wood, that the virtue
thereof might be known?
38:6 Ac efe a roddes wybodaeth i
ddynion, fel y gogoneddid ef am ei ryfeddodau.
38:6 And he hath given men skill, that he might be honoured
in his marvellous works.
38:7 A'r rhai hynny y mae efe yn
meddyginiaethu, ac yn tynnu ymaith boen dyn.
38:7 With such doth he heal [men,] and taketh away their
38:8 A'r rhai hynny y gwna yr
apothecari eli; ac ar ei waith nid oes diben: oherwydd oddi wrth yr Arglwydd y
mae heddwch ar wyneb y ddaear.
38:8 Of such doth the apothecary make a confection; and of
his works there is no end; and from him is peace over all the earth,
38:9 Fy mab, na fydd esgeulus yn dy
glefyd; eithr gweddïa ar yr Arglwydd, ac efe a'th iachâ di.
38:9 My son, in thy sickness be not negligent: but pray unto
the Lord, and he will make thee whole.
38:10 Tro oddi wrth anwiredd, ac
iawndrefna dy ddwylo, a glanha dy galon oddi wrth bob pechod.
38:10 Leave off from sin, and order thine hands aright, and
cleanse thy heart from all wickedness.
38:11 Dod berarogl, a choffadwriaeth
o beilliaid, a dod offrwm bras, fel un heb fod:
38:11 Give a sweet savour, and a memorial of fine flour; and
make a fat offering, as not being.
38:12 Yna dod le i'r meddyg: oblegid
yr Arglwydd a'i creodd ef: nac ymadawed â thi; oherwydd fe fydd rhaid i ti
wrtho ef.
38:12 Then give place to the physician, for the Lord hath
created him: let him not go from thee, for thou hast need of him.
38:13 Y mae amser pan fyddo ffyniant
ar eu llaw hwynt:
38:13 There is a time when in their hands there is good
38:14 Canys hwy a weddïant hefyd ar
yr Arglwydd, ar iddo ef lwyddo yr hyn y maent hwy yn ei roddi, er esmwythdra ac
iechyd i estyn einioes.
38:14 For they shall also pray unto the Lord, that he would
prosper that, which they give for ease and remedy to prolong life.
38:15 Yr hwn a becho yng ngŵydd
yr hwn a'i gwnaeth, syrthied yn llaw y meddyg.
38:15 He that sinneth before his Maker, let him fall into the
hand of the physician.
38:16 Fy mab, gollwng ddagrau dros y
marw, a dechrau alaru, fel pe bait yn dioddef anfad niwed; ac yna amdoa ei
gorff ef yn ôl yr arfer, ac na ddiystyra ei gladdedigaeth ef.
38:16 My son, let tears fall down over the dead, and begin to
lament, as if thou hadst suffered great harm thyself; and then cover his body
according to the custom, and neglect not his burial.
38:17 Wyla yn chwerw, a gofidia yn
dost, a galara fel yr haeddai efe, ddiwrnod neu ddau, rhag cael anair: yna
cymer ddiddanwch am dy dristwch:
38:17 Weep bitterly, and make great moan, and use lamentation,
as he is worthy, and that a day or two, lest thou be evil spoken of: and then
comfort thyself for thy heaviness.
38:18 Oblegid o dristwch y daw
marwolaeth; a thristwch calon a blyga gryfder.
38:18 For of heaviness cometh death, and the heaviness of the
heart breaketh strength.
38:19 Mewn cystudd yr erys tristwch;
a melltith calon yw bywyd y tlawd.
38:19 In affliction also sorrow remaineth: and the life of the
poor is the curse of the heart.
38:20 Na ddod dristwch at dy galon;
tro ef ymaith, a meddwl am y diwedd.
38:20 Take no heaviness to heart: drive it away, and member
the last end.
38:21 Nac anghofia hyn, oherwydd ni
elli ddychwelyd: ni elli di ddaioni iddo ef, ond niwed a wnei i ti dy hun.
38:21 Forget it not, for there is no turning again: thou shalt
not do him good, but hurt thyself.
38:22 Cofia'r farn sydd i mi; felly
y bydd yr eiddot tithau: i mi ddoe, ac i tithau heddiw.
38:22 Remember my judgment: for thine also shall be so;
yesterday for me, and to day for thee.
38:23 Gorffwysed coffadwriaeth y
marw, pan orffwyso yntau: cymer gysur amdano ef, gan fyned ei ysbryd oddi
38:23 When the dead is at rest, let his remembrance rest; and
be comforted for him, when his Spirit is departed from him.
38:24 Doethineb y dysgedig a geir
wrth hamdden amserol: a'r hwn a edrycho ychydig am ei waith, ni bydd efe doeth.
38:24 The wisdom of a learned man cometh by opportunity of
leisure: and he that hath little business shall become wise.
38:25 Pa fodd y daw efe i
ddoethineb, yr hwn sydd yn dal y penffestr, ac sydd a'i hoffter yn yr irai, ac
sydd yn gyrru'r ychen, ac sydd yn arfer eu gwaith hwynt, ac yn chwedleua am
38:25 How can he get wisdom that holdeth the plough, and that
glorieth in the goad, that driveth oxen, and is occupied in their labours, and
whose talk is of bullocks?
38:26 Y mae efe yn rhoi ei feddwl ar
droi cwysau, ac yn ddiiwyd i roddi gwellt i'r gwartheg.
38:26 He giveth his mind to make furrows; and is diligent to
give the kine fodder.
38:27 Felly pob saer, a phensaer, yr
hwn a weithia nos a dydd, yr hwn a gerfia gerfiadau seliau, ac a fydd astud i
wneuthur amryw gerfiadau, ac a rydd ei feddwl ar ddynwared portreiadau, ac a
fydd wyliadwrus i orffen gwaith.
38:27 So every carpenter and workmaster, that laboureth night
and day: and they that cut and grave seals, and are diligent to make great
variety, and give themselves to counterfeit imagery, and watch to finish a
38:28 Felly'r gof yn eistedd wrth yr
einion, ac yn ystyried y gwaith haearn; angerdd y tân a wna i'w gnawd ef
ddihoeni, ac efe a ymladd â gwres yr aelwyd: y mae sŵn y morthwyl a'r
einion yn dyfod yn wastad i'w glustiau ef; ar wedd y dodrefnyn y mae efe yn ei
wneuthur y mae ei lygaid ef yn wastad: ei feddwl a rydd efe ar orffen ei waith,
a'i ofal fydd am ei orffen yn hardd.
38:28 The smith also sitting by the anvil, and considering the
iron work, the vapour of the fire wasteth his flesh, and he fighteth with the
heat of the furnace: the noise of the hammer and the anvil is ever in his ears,
and his eyes look still upon the pattern of the thing that he maketh; he
setteth his mind to finish his work, and watcheth to polish it perfectly:
38:29 Felly y mae'r crochenydd yn
eistedd wrth ei waith, ac yn troi y droell â'i draed, yr hwn a esyd ar ei waith
bob amser yn ofalus, a'i holl waith ef fydd dan rif.
38:29 So doth the potter sitting at his work, and turning the
wheel about with his feet, who is alway carefully set at his work, and maketh
all his work by number;
38:30 Efe a lunia'r clai â'i fraich,
ac a'i meddalha ef â'i draed: efe a esyd ei feddwl ar ei blymio drosto, ac a
fydd ofalus i ysgubo'r odyn.
38:30 He fashioneth the clay with his arm, and boweth down his
strength before his feet; he applieth himself to lead it over; and he is diligent
to make clean the furnace:
38:31 Y rhai hyn oll sydd yn
ymddiried yn eu dwylo eu hun; a phob un a gais fod yn gelfydd yn ei waith.
38:31 All these trust to their hands: and every one is wise in
his work.
38:32 Heb y rhai hyn ni chyfanheddir
dinas: ac ni chânt hwy drigo lle y mynnont, na rhodio i fyny ac i waered.
38:32 Without these cannot a city be inhabited: and they shall
not dwell where they will, nor go up and down:
38:33 Ni cheisir hwynt i fod o
gyngor y bobl, ac ni ddyrchefir hwynt yn y gynulleidfa: nid eisteddant hwy ar
orseddfainc ynadon, ac ni ddeallant gyfamod y gyfraith: ni fedrant egluro
cyfiawnder a barn, ac ni byddant i'w cael lle y bo traethu damhegion.
38:33 They shall not be sought for in publick counsel, nor sit
high in the congregation: they shall not sit on the judges' seat, nor
understand the sentence of judgment: they cannot declare justice and judgment;
and they shall not be found where parables are spoken.
38:34 Eithr y maent hwy yn cynnal y
byd: a'u dymuniad sydd yng ngwaith eu celfyddyd.
38:34 But they will maintain the state of the world, and [all]
their desire is in the work of their craft.
39:1 Eithr yr hwn a roddo ei fryd ar
gyfraith y Goruchaf, ac a fyfyrio ynddi, a gais ddoethineb y rhai oll a fuant
gynt, ac a dreulia ei amser yn y proffwydi.
39:1 But he that giveth his mind to the law of the most High,
and is occupied in the meditation thereof, will seek out the wisdom of all the
ancient, and be occupied in prophecies.
39:2 Efe a geidw eiriau gwŷr
enwog, ac a fydd lle y bo damhegion call.
39:2 He will keep the sayings of the renowned men: and where
subtil parables are, he will be there also.
39:3 Efe a gais ddirgelwch
diarhebion, ac a erys yng nghaled gwestiynau damhegion.
39:3 He will seek out the secrets of grave sentences, and be
conversant in dark parables.
39:4 Efe a wasanaetha ymysg
pendefigion, ac a ymddengys yng ngŵydd tywysogion; efe a dramwya
trwy wlad cenhedloedd dieithr: canys efe a brofodd y da a'r drwg ymysg dynion.
39:4 He shall serve among great men, and appear before
princes: he will travel through strange countries; for he hath tried the good
and the evil among men.
39:5 Efe a rydd ei feddwl ar fyned
yn fore at yr Arglwydd yr hwn a'i gwnaeth ef, ac efe a weddïa gerbron y
Goruchaf, ac a egyr ei enau mewn gweddi, ac a ymbil dros ei bechodau.
39:5 He will give his heart to resort early to the Lord that
made him, and will pray before the most High, and will open his mouth in
prayer, and make supplication for his sins.
39:6 Pan fynno yr Arglwydd mawr, efe
a lenwir ag ysbryd deall: efe a draetha eiriau doethion; ac yn ei weddi efe a
folianna'r Arglwydd.
39:6 When the great Lord will, he shall be filled with the
spirit of understanding: he shall pour out wise sentences, and give thanks unto
the Lord in his prayer.
39:7 Efe a gyfarwydda ei gyngor a'i
wybodaeth ef; yn ei ddirgelwch ef y myfyria efe.
39:7 He shall direct his counsel and knowledge, and in his
secrets shall he meditate.
39:8 Efe a ddengys addysg ei
athrawiaeth, ac a lawenycha yng nghyfraith cyfamod yr Arglwydd.
39:8 He shall shew forth that which he hath learned, and
shall glory in the law of the covenant of the Lord.
39:9 Llawer a ganmolant ei synnwyr
ef, ac nis dileir hi byth: nid ymedy ei goffadwriaeth ef, eithr ei enw a bery yn
oes oesoedd.
39:9 Many shall commend his understanding; and so long as the
world endureth, it shall not be blotted out; his memorial shall not depart
away, and his name shall live from generation to generation.
39:10 Cenhedloedd a fynegant ei
ddoethineb ef, a'r gynulleidfa a draetha ei glod ef.
39:10 Nations shall shew forth his wisdom, and the
congregation shall declare his praise.
39:11 Efe a ad enw gwell na mil, o
bydd efe marw; ac os byw fydd, efe a'i chwanega.
39:11 If he die, he shall leave a greater name than a
thousand: and if he live, he shall increase it.
39:12 Mynegaf eto yr hyn a
feddyliais: oblegid yr ydwyf fi mor llawn â'r lleuad yn y llawnllonaid.
39:12 Yet have I more to say, which I have thought upon; for I
am filled as the moon at the full.
39:13 Gwrandewch arnaf fi, chwi rai
sanctaidd; blodeuwch fel rhosyn wedi ei blannu wrth afon y maes;
39:13 Hearken unto me, ye holy children, and bud forth as a
rose growing by the brook of the field:
39:14 A rhoddwch arogl peraidd fel
thus, a dygwch flodau fel gardd lili; rhoddwch arogl, a chenwch fawl; a
bendithiwch yr Arglwydd yn ei holl weithredoedd.
39:14 And give ye a sweet savour as frankincense, and flourish
as a lily, send forth a smell, and sing a song of praise, bless the Lord in all
his works.
39:15 Mawrygwch ei enw, a gosodwch
allan ei fawl ef, gan ganu â gwefusau, ac â thelynau: a dywedwch yn eich
clodforedd fel hyn:
39:15 Magnify his name, and shew forth his praise with the
songs of your lips, and with harps, and in praising him ye shall say after this
39:16 Holl weithredoedd yr Arglwydd
ydynt dda odiaeth: a'i holl orchmynion ef a wneir mewn pryd.
39:16 All the works of the Lord are exceeding good, and
whatsoever he commandeth shall be accomplished in due season.
39:17 Ni all neb ddywedyd, Beth yw
hyn? paham y mae hyn acw? canys mewn pryd y ceisir hwynt oll: wrth ei air ef y
safodd y dwfr fel pentwr, a'r llynnau dyfroedd wrth air ei enau ef.
39:17 And none may say, What is this? wherefore is that? for
at time convenient they shall all be sought out: at his commandment the waters
stood as an heap, and at the words of his mouth the receptacles of waters.
39:18 Yn ei orchymyn ef y mae pob
dim a ryglydda fodd iddo; ac nid oes a ddichon luddias ei iachawdwriaeth ef.
39:18 At his commandment is done whatsoever pleaseth him; and
none can hinder, when he will save.
39:19 Gweithredoedd pob cnawd sy ger
ei fron ef, ac ni ellir cuddio dim rhag ei olwg ef.
39:19 The works of all flesh are before him, and nothing can
be hid from his eyes.
39:20 Y mae efe yn edrych o
dragwyddoldeb hyd dragwyddoldeb; ac nid oes dim rhyfedd ger ei fron ef.
39:20 He seeth from everlasting to everlasting; and there is
nothing wonderful before him.
39:21 Nid rhaid gan hynny ddywedyd,
Beth yw hyn? pam y mae hyn acw? oblegid efe a wnaeth bob peth i'r peth y mae yn
rhaid iddo wrthynt.
39:21 A man need not to say, What is this? wherefore is that?
for he hath made all things for their uses.
39:22 Ei fendith ef a orchuddiodd
fel afon, ac a ddyfrhaodd y ddaear fel llif.
39:22 His blessing covered the dry land as a river, and
watered it as a flood.
39:23 Fel y trodd efe y dyfroedd yn
halltineb: felly y caiff y Cenhedloedd ei ddig ef yn etifeddiaeth.
39:23 As he hath turned the waters into saltness: so shall the
heathen inherit his wrath.
39:24 Ei ffyrdd ef sydd union i'r
rhai sanctaidd, a thramgwydd i'r anwir.
39:24 As his ways are plain unto the holy; so are they
stumblingblocks unto the wicked.
39:25 Pethau da a grewyd o'r
dechreuad i'r rhai da, a phethau niweidiol i bechaduriaid.
39:25 For the good are good things created from the beginning:
so evil things for sinners.
39:26 Y pethau pennaf o
angenrheidiau bywyd dyn, yw dwfr, tân, a haearn, a halen, a blawd gwenith, a
llaeth, a mêl, a gwin, ac olew, a dillad.
39:26 The principal things for the whole use of man's life are
water, fire, iron, and salt, flour of wheat, honey, milk, and the blood of the
grape, and oil, and clothing.
39:27 Y rhai hyn oll sy dda i'r
duwiol; felly y troir hwynt yn niwed i'r pechaduriaid.
39:27 All these things are for good to the godly: so to the
sinners they are turned into evil.
39:28 Y mae ysbrydion a wnaed er
dialedd, ac yn eu dig y cryfhânt hwy eu ffrewyllau: ac yn y diwedd hwy a dywalltant
allan eu nerth, ac a ostegant lid yr hwn a'u gwnaeth.
39:28 There be spirits that are created for vengeance, which
in their fury lay on sore strokes; in the time of destruction they pour out
their force, and appease the wrath of him that made them.
39:29 Tân, a môr, a newyn, a
marwolaeth, y rhai hyn oll a wnaed er dialedd.
39:29 Fire, and hail, and famine, and death, all these were
created for vengeance;
39:30 Dannedd bwystfilod, a
sgorpionau, a gwiberod, a'r cleddyf, sydd yn dial er dinistr ar yr annuwiolion.
39:30 Teeth of wild beasts, and scorpions, serpents, and the
sword punishing the wicked to destruction.
39:31 Byddant lawen pan gyfodo efe,
a pharod fyddant ar y ddaear, pan fyddo rhaid wrthynt; a phan ddelo eu hamser,
nid ânt hwy dros ei orchymyn ef.
39:31 They shall rejoice in his commandment, and they shall be
ready upon earth, when need is; and when their time is come, they shall not
transgress his word.
39:32 Am hyn yr ymnerthais i o'r
dechreuad, ac a feddyliais am y pethau hyn, ac a'u gadewais mewn ysgrifen.
39:32 Therefore from the beginning I was resolved, and thought
upon these things, and have left them in writing.
39:33 Holl waith yr Arglwydd sy dda;
ac efe a'u dyry hwy wrth bob rhaid yn eu hamser.
39:33 All the works of the Lord are good: and he will give
every needful thing in due season.
39:34 Ni ellir dywedyd, Gwaeth yw
hyn na hyn acw: oblegid cymeradwy fydd pob un yn ei amser.
39:34 So that a man cannot say, This is worse than that: for
in time they shall all be well approved.
39:35 Am hynny yn awr â'r galon oll
ac â'r genau canmolwch a bendithiwch enw'r Arglwydd.
39:35 And therefore praise ye the Lord with the whole heart
and mouth, and bless the name of the Lord.
40:1 Blinder mawr a grewyd i bob
dyn, a iau drom sydd ar feibion dynion, o'r dydd y delont hwy o groth eu mam
hyd y dydd y dychwelont i fam pob peth:
40:1 Great travail is created for every man, and an heavy
yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day that they go out of their mother's
womb, till the day that they return to the mother of all things.
40:2 Sef eu meddyliau, a'u braw
calon, eu disgwyliad am y pethau a ddaw, a'u dydd diwedd;
40:2 Their imagination of things to come, and the day of
death, [trouble] their thoughts, and [cause] fear of heart;
40:3 O'r hwn sydd yn eistedd ar
deyrngadair gogoniant, hyd yr iselradd, yr hwn sydd yn y pridd a'r lludw;
40:3 From him that sitteth on a throne of glory, unto him
that is humbled in earth and ashes;
40:4 O'r hwn sydd yn gwisgo porffor
a choron, hyd yr hwn a wisg liain cri.
40:4 From him that weareth purple and a crown, unto him that
is clothed with a linen frock.
40:5 Y mae dig a chenfigen, blinder
a helbul, ac ofn marwolaeth, a llid, ac ymryson; ac yn amser cymryd esmwythdra
yn ei wely, ei gwsg liw nos a newidia ei wybodaeth ef.
40:5 Wrath, and envy, trouble, and unquietness, fear of
death, and anger, and strife, and in the time of rest upon his bed his night
sleep, do change his knowledge.
40:6 Megis yn nydd amser gwylio,
felly yn ei gwsg, ychydig neu beth heb ddim yw ei esmwythdra ef: efe a
gythryblir yn ei galon megis un wedi ffoi o ryfel.
40:6 A little or nothing is his rest, and afterward he is in
his sleep, as in a day of keeping watch, troubled in the vision of his heart,
as if he were escaped out of a battle.
40:7 Pan fo pob peth yn ddiofal, efe
a ddeffry, ac a ryfedda nad oedd yr ofn ddim.
40:7 When all is safe, he awaketh, and marvelleth that the
fear was nothing.
40:8 Felly y mae i bob cnawd, yn
ddyn ac yn anifail; ac i bechaduriaid y mae saith mwy na hyn.
40:8 [Such things happen] unto all flesh, both man and beast,
and that is sevenfold more upon sinners.
40:9 Marwolaeth, gwaed, ymryson,
cleddyf, gorthrymder, newyn, cystudd, a ffrewyll,
40:9 Death, and bloodshed, strife, and sword, calamities,
famine, tribulation, and the scourge;
40:10 Yn erbyn yr annuwiol y gwnaed
hyn oll; ac er eu mwyn hwy y bu y dilyw.
40:10 These things are created for the wicked, and for their
sakes came the flood.
40:11 Pob peth a'r y sydd o'r
ddaear, a ddychwel i'r ddaear; hyn sy o'r dyfroedd, a droir i'r môr.
40:11 All things that are of the earth shall turn to the earth
again: and that which is of the waters doth return into the sea.
40:12 Pob derbyn gwobr, ac anghyfiawnder,
a ddileir; ac uniondeb a bery byth.
40:12 All bribery and injustice shall be blotted out: but true
dealing shall endure for ever.
40:13 Golud rhai anghyfiawn a â yn
ddihysbydd fel afon, ac a ddiflanna trwy dwrf fel taran fawr ar law.
40:13 The goods of the unjust shall be dried up like a river,
and shall vanish with noise, like a great thunder in rain.
40:14 Tra yr agoro efe ei law, efe a
fydd lawen: felly y derfydd am y troseddwyr.
40:14 While he openeth his hand he shall rejoice: so shall transgressors
come to nought.
40:15 Hiliogaeth yr annuwiol ni
byddant ganghennog; eithr fel gwraidd aflan ydynt ar graig ddibyn.
40:15 The children of the ungodly shall not bring forth many
branches: but are as unclean roots upon a hard rock.
40:16 Y chwyn yn tyfu wrth bob dwfr,
ac yng nglan yr afon, a dynnir o flaen pob gwellt.
40:16 The weed growing upon every water and bank of a river
shall be pulled up before all grass.
40:17 Caredigrwydd sy fel gardd
baradwysaidd: a thrugaredd a bery byth.
40:17 Bountifulness is as a most fruitful garden, and
mercifulness endureth for ever.
40:18 Melys yw buchedd yr hwn a
weithio, ac a fyddo bodlon i'w gyflwr; gwell na'r ddau yw yr hwn a gaffo
40:18 To labour, and to be content with that a man hath, is a
sweet life: but he that findeth a treasure is above them both.
40:19 Planta, ac adeiladu dinas, a
sicrha enw: eithr gwraig ddifai a gyfrifir yn well na'r ddau.
40:19 Children and the building of a city continue a man's
name: but a blameless wife is counted above them both.
40:20 Gwin a cherdd a lawenycha'r
galon; eithr hoffi doethineb sy fwy na'r dau.
40:20 Wine and musick rejoice the heart: but the love of
wisdom is above them both.
40:21 Pibell a saltring a wnânt
gynghanedd felys: a thafod mwyn sy well na'r ddau.
40:21 The pipe and the psaltery make sweet melody: but a
pleasant tongue is above them both.
40:22 Pryd a thegwch a chwennych
llygad: er hynny gwell yw egin glas na'r ddau.
40:22 Thine eye desireth favour and beauty: but more than both
corn while it is green.
40:23 Cyfaill a chydymaith a
gyfarfyddant mewn pryd; gwraig gyda'i gŵr sydd well na'r ddau.
40:23 A friend and companion never meet amiss: but above both
is a wife with her husband.
40:24 Brodyr a chymorth sy dda yn
amser adfyd; eithr elusen a wared yn fwy na'r ddau.
40:24 Brethren and help are against time of trouble: but alms
shall deliver more than them both.
40:25 Aur ac arian a sefydlant y
troed: a chyngor sy gymeradwyach na'r ddau.
40:25 Gold and silver make the foot stand sure: but counsel is
esteemed above them both.
40:26 Golud a chryfder a ddyrchafa'r
galon: eithr ofn yr Arglwydd sy fwy na'r ddau: nid oes eisiau yn ofn yr
Arglwydd, ac nid rhaid iddo ef geisio help.
40:26 Riches and strength lift up the heart: but the fear of the
Lord is above them both: there is no want in the fear of the Lord, and it
needeth not to seek help.
40:27 Gardd a fendithiwyd yw ofn yr
Arglwydd, ac a'i gorchuddia ef uwch pob gogoniant.
40:27 The fear of the Lord is a fruitful garden, and covereth
him above all glory.
40:28 Fy mab, na fydd yn westai:
gwell yw marw na gwesta.
40:28 My son, lead not a beggar's life; for better it is to
die than to beg.
40:29 Nid yw bywyd yr hwn a edrych
ar fwrdd gŵr arall, i'w gyfrif yn fywyd; efe a haloga ei enaid am fwyd
eraill: eithr y gŵr call, a ddysgwyd yn dda, a ymochel rhag hynny.
40:29 The life of him that dependeth on another man's table is
not to be counted for a life; for he polluteth himself with other men's meat:
but a wise man well nurtured will beware thereof.
40:30 Melys yw cardota yng ngenau y
digywilydd; ond yn ei fol ef y llysg tân.
40:30 Begging is sweet in the mouth of the shameless: but in
his belly there shall burn a fire.
41:1 O angau, mor chwerw yw meddwl
amdanat ti i'r dyn a fyddo yn byw mewn heddwch yn yr hyn sy ganddo; i'r
gŵr a fyddo dihelbul, ac yn llwyddiannus ym mhob peth; ac i'r hwn a
ddichon eto gymryd ei fwyd!
41:1 O death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man
that liveth at rest in his possessions, unto the man that hath nothing to vex
him, and that hath prosperity in all things: yea, unto him that is yet able to
receive meat!
41:2 O angau, mor dda yw dy farn di
i'r anghenus, ac i'r gwan; i'r hen ddihenydd, ac i'r hwn sydd yn flin arno am
bob peth; ac i'r anobeithiol, ac i'r annioddefgar!
41:2 O death, acceptable is thy sentence unto the needy, and
unto him whose strength faileth, that is now in the last age, and is vexed with
all things, and to him that despaireth, and hath lost patience!
41:3 Nac ofna farn angau: cofia y
rhai a fu o'th flaen, ac a fydd ar dy ôl di: dyma farn yr Arglwydd ar bob
41:3 Fear not the sentence of death, remember them that have
been before thee, and that come after; for this is the sentence of the Lord
over all flesh.
41:4 Paham y gwrthwynebi di ewyllys
y Goruchaf? pa un bynnag ai deg, ai cant, ai mil o flynyddoedd y buost ti fyw,
nid oes gyfrif yn y bedd.
41:4 And why art thou against the pleasure of the most High?
there is no inquisition in the grave, whether thou have lived ten, or an
hundred, or a thousand years.
41:5 Plant ffiaidd yw plant
pechaduriaid; felly y mae y rhai sydd yn byw yn nhrigfâu yr annuwiol.
41:5 The children of sinners are abominable children, and
they that are conversant in the dwelling of the ungodly.
41:6 Etifeddiaeth plant yr annuwiol
a ddifethir; a chyda'u hiliogaeth hwynt yr erys gwaradwydd yn wastad.
41:6 The inheritance of sinners' children shall perish, and
their posterity shall have a perpetual reproach.
41:7 Rhag tad annuwiol yr achwyn y
plant; oblegid hwy a waradwyddir o'i achos ef.
41:7 The children will complain of an ungodly father, because
they shall be reproached for his sake.
41:8 Gwae chwi, wŷr annuwiol, y
rhai a adawsoch gyfraith y Duw goruchaf! oblegid er eich amlhau, chwi a
41:8 Woe be unto you, ungodly men, which have forsaken the
law of the most high God! for if ye increase, it shall be to your destruction:
41:9 A phan aner chwi, chwi a enir i
felltith; ac os meirw fyddwch, rhoddir i chwi felltith yn rhan.
41:9 And if ye be born, ye shall be born to a curse: and if
ye die, a curse shall be your portion.
41:10 Pob peth a â i'r ddaear, a
ddelo o'r ddaear: felly yr â yr annuwiol o felltith i ddistryw.
41:10 All that are of the earth shall turn to earth again: so
the ungodly shall go from a curse to destruction.
41:11 Galar dynion fydd am eu cyrff,
ond enw drwg dynion a ddileir.
41:11 The mourning of men is about their bodies: but an ill
name of sinners shall be blotted out.
41:12 Bydd ofalus am enw da: canys hwnnw
a erys gyda thi yn hwy na mil o drysorau mawrion o aur.
41:12 Have regard to thy name; for that shall continue with
thee above a thousand great treasures of gold.
41:13 Buchedd dda a gaiff nifer o
ddyddiau; ond enw da a bery byth.
41:13 A good life hath but few days: but a good name endureth
for ever.
41:14 Fy meibion, cedwch addysg mewn
heddwch: canys doethineb wedi ei chuddio, a thrysor heb ei weled, pa fudd sydd
o'r ddau?
41:14 My children, keep discipline in peace: for wisdom that
is hid, and a treasure that is not seen, what profit is in them both?
41:15 Gwell yw'r dyn a guddio ei
ffolineb, na'r dyn a guddio ei ddoethineb.
41:15 A man that hideth his foolishness is better than a man
that hideth his wisdom.
41:16 Gwladeiddia gan hynny yn ôl fy
ngair i: oblegid nid da yw cadw pob gwladeidd-dra, ac nid yw gwbl gymeradwy ym
mhob peth.
41:16 Therefore be shamefaced according to my word: for it is
not good to retain all shamefacedness; neither is it altogether approved in
every thing.
41:17 Cywilyddiwch yng ngŵydd
tad a mam am odineb, ac yng ngŵydd tywysog neu bendefig am gelwydd,
41:17 Be ashamed of whoredom before father and mother: and of
a lie before a prince and a mighty man;
41:18 Am fai o flaen yr ynad a'r
tywysog, am anwiredd yng ngŵydd y gynulleidfa a'r bobl, am anghyfiawnder
yng ngŵydd cydymaith a chyfaill;
41:18 Of an offence before a judge and ruler; of iniquity
before a congregation and people; of unjust dealing before thy partner and
41:19 Felly am ladrad oherwydd y lle
y byddech yn aros ynddo, ac oherwydd gwirionedd Duw a'i gyfamod; ac am roddi dy
benelin ar y bara, a phan y'th gerydder am roddi a derbyn;
41:19 And of theft in regard of the place where thou
sojournest, and in regard of the truth of God and his covenant; and to lean
with thine elbow upon the meat; and of scorning to give and take;
41:20 Yr un modd am dewi wrth y rhai
a'th gyfarchant, ac am edrych ar wraig buteinig;
41:20 And of silence before them that salute thee; and to look
upon an harlot;
41:21 Ac am droi dy wyneb oddi wrth
dy gar, am ddwyn rhodd neu ran, ac am ddal sylw ar wraig gŵr arall;
41:21 And to turn away thy face from thy kinsman; or to take
away a portion or a gift; or to gaze upon another man's wife.
41:22 Neu am arfer maswedd â morwyn
un arall, ac na thyred yn agos at ei gwely hi; bydded gywilydd gennyt edliw
gerbron cydymaith; ac na ddannod wedi rhoddi;
41:22 Or to be overbusy with his maid, and come not near her
bed; or of upbraiding speeches before friends; and after thou hast given,
upbraid not;
41:23 Ac am adrodd drachefn yr hyn a
glywech, a datguddio cyfrinach.
41:23 Or of iterating and speaking again that which thou hast
heard; and of revealing of secrets.
41:24 Felly y byddi gywilyddgar, ac
y cei di ffafr gan bob dyn.
41:24 So shalt thou be truly shamefaced and find favour before
all men.
42:1 Nac ystyr berson i bechu, ac na
fydded arnat gywilydd am y pethau hyn:
42:1 Of these things be not thou ashamed, and accept no
person to sin thereby:
42:2 Sef am gyfraith y Goruchaf, a'i
gyfamod, nac am y farn a wnêl i'r annuwiol fod yn gyfiawn;
42:2 Of the law of the most High, and his covenant; and of
judgment to justify the ungodly;
42:3 Am gyfrif â'th gyfeillion a'th
gydymdeithwyr, neu am roddi etifeddiaeth cyfeillion;
42:3 Of reckoning with thy partners and travellers; or of the
gift of the heritage of friends;
42:4 Am fod yn ofalus am gloriannau
a phwysau, ac am feddiannu llawer neu ychydig;
42:4 Of exactness of balance and weights; or of getting much
or little;
42:5 Am uniondeb yn prynu a gwerthu,
am geryddu llawer ar blant, ac am dynnu gwaed o ystlys gwas drwg.
42:5 And of merchants' indifferent selling; of much
correction of children; and to make the side of an evil servant to bleed.
42:6 Da yw sêl rhag gwraig
ddrwg, a chloi lle y byddo llawer o ddwylo.
42:6 Sure
keeping is good, where an evil wife is; and shut up, where many hands are.
42:7 Pan roddech beth at arall, dod
dan rif a phwys; dod a derbyn wrth ysgrifen.
42:7 Deliver all things in number and weight; and put all in
writing that thou givest out, or receivest in.
42:8 Trwy ddysgu'r annoeth, a'r
angall, a'r cleiriach a ymrysono ag ieuenctid, y byddi di wir ddysgedig, a
chymeradwy gerbron pob dyn byw.
42:8 Be not ashamed to inform the unwise and foolish, and the
extreme aged that contendeth with those that are young: thus shalt thou be
truly learned, and approved of all men living.
42:9 Merch a bair i'w thad wylied yn
ddirgel; a gofal amdani hi a rwystra ei gwsg ef: rhag iddi nac yn ei hieuenctid
fyned dros flodau ei hoedran, na chael ei chasáu wedi gwra;
42:9 The father waketh for the daughter, when no man knoweth;
and the care for her taketh away sleep: when she is young, lest she pass away
the flower of her age; and being married, lest she should be hated:
42:10 Rhag ei halogi yn ei
morwyndod, a'i beichiogi yn nhŷ ei thad; ac iddi wneuthur bai pan fyddo
gyda gŵr; ac er cytal, fod yn amhlantadwy.
42:10 In her virginity, lest she should be defiled and gotten
with child in her father's house; and having an husband, lest she should
misbehave herself; and when she is married, lest she should be barren.
42:11 Cadw yn sicr ferch wamal, rhag
iddi dy wneuthur yn wawd i'th elynion, a pheri i'r ddinas sôn amdanat, ac i'r
bobl feio arnat, a'th waradwyddo yng ngŵydd y gynulleidfa.
42:11 Keep a sure watch over a shameless daughter, lest she
make thee a laughingstock to thine enemies, and a byword in the city, and a
reproach among the people, and make thee ashamed before the multitude.
42:12 Nac edrych ar degwch pob dyn,
ac nac aros ymysg gwragedd:
42:12 Behold not every body's beauty, and sit not in the midst
of women.
42:13 Oblegid o ddillad y daw
gwyfyn, a drygioni gwraig o wraig.
42:13 For from
garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness.
42:14 Gwell yw gŵr drygionus na
gwraig gymwynasgar, sef gwraig a waradwyddo yn gywilyddus.
42:14 Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous
woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach.
42:15 Mi a gofiaf weithredoedd yr
Arglwydd, ac a fynegaf yr hyn a welais: yng ngeiriau'r Arglwydd y ceir ei
weithredoedd ef.
42:15 I will now remember the works of the Lord, and declare
the things that I have seen: In the words of the Lord are his works.
42:16 Pan oleuo'r haul, efe a oleua
ar bob peth; felly y mae ei waith ef yn llawn o ogoniant yr Arglwydd.
42:16 The sun that giveth light looketh upon all things, and
the work thereof is full of the glory of the Lord.
42:17 Ni wnaeth yr Arglwydd i'w rai
sanctaidd fynegi ei holl ryfeddodau ef, y rhai a sicrhaodd yr Hollalluog, fel y
byddai pob peth yn sicr yn ei ogoniant ef.
42:17 The Lord hath not given power to the saints to declare
all his marvellous works, which the Almighty Lord firmly settled, that
whatsoever is might be established for his glory.
42:18 Y mae efe yn chwilio allan y
dyfnder, a'r galon, ac yn deall eu cyfrwystra hwynt: canys y mae'r Goruchaf yn
gwybod pob gwybodaeth, ac yn gweled arwyddion y byd.
42:18 He seeketh out the deep, and the heart, and considereth
their crafty devices: for the Lord knoweth all that may be known, and he
beholdeth the signs of the world.
42:19 Y mae efe yn mynegi pethau a
fuant, a phethau a fyddant; ac yn datguddio ôl pethau dirgel.
42:19 He declareth the things that are past, and for to come,
and revealeth the steps of hidden things.
42:20 Nid a un meddwl heibio iddo
ef, ac ni bydd un gair yn guddiedig oddi wrtho.
42:20 No thought escapeth him, neither any word is hidden from
42:21 Efe a harddodd fawredd ei
ddoethineb; ac y mae efe o dragwyddoldeb i dragwyddoldeb: ni ellir chwanegu ato
ef, na thynnu oddi wrtho: nid rhaid iddo ef wrth gyngor neb.
42:21 He hath garnished the excellent works of his wisdom, and
he is from everlasting to everlasting: unto him may nothing be added, neither
can he be diminished, and he hath no need of any counsellor.
42:22 Mor ddymunol yw ei holl
weithredoedd ef! ie, hyd yn oed mewn gwreichionen y gellir gweled hyn.
42:22 Oh how desirable are all his works! and that a man may
see even to a spark.
42:23 Y mae y rhai hyn oll yn byw ac
yn parhau byth; ac wrth bob rhaid y maent hwy yn ufuddhau oll.
42:23 All these things live and remain for ever for all uses,
and they are all obedient.
42:24 Y maent hwy oll yn
ddauddyblyg, y naill ar gyfer y llall; ac ni wnaeth efe ddim a di%g arno.
42:24 All things are double one against another: and he hath
made nothing imperfect.
42:25 Y mae y naill yn sicrhau
daioni'r llall: a phwy a gaiff ddigon o edrych ar ei ogoniant ef?
42:25 One thing establisheth the good or another: and who
shall be filled with beholding his glory?
43:1 Gogoniant yr uchelder, y
ffurfafen eglur, tegwch y nefoedd, a'i olygiad gogoneddus;
43:1 The pride of the height, the clear firmament, the beauty
of heaven, with his glorious shew;
43:2 Y mae yr haul hefyd, wrth ymddangos,
yn mynegi offeryn rhyfedd, gwaith y Goruchaf.
43:2 The sun when it appeareth, declaring at his rising a
marvellous instrument, the work of the most High:
43:3 Ar hanner dydd efe a lysg y
wlad; a phwy a ddichon aros ar gyfer ei wres poeth ef?
43:3 At noon it parcheth the country, and who can abide the
burning heat thereof?
43:4 Y mae un yn cadw ffwrn mewn
gwaith brwd; tri mwy y llysg yr haul y mynyddoedd: gan chwythu allan angerdd
tanllyd, ac yn disgleirio â'i belydr, y mae efe yn dallu'r llygaid:
43:4 A man blowing a furnace is in works of heat, but the sun
burneth the mountains three times more; breathing out fiery vapours, and
sending forth bright beams, it dimmeth the eyes.
43:5 Mawr yw yr Arglwydd, yr hwn a'i
gwnaeth ef; ac wrth ei orchymyn ef efe a beidiodd â'i daith.
43:5 Great is the Lord that made it; and at his commandment
runneth hastily.
43:6 Y lleuad hefyd a wnaeth efe i
wasanaethu yn ei hamser; i fod yn egluro yr amser, ac yn arwydd i'r byd.
43:6 He made the moon also to serve in her season for a
declaration of times, and a sign of the world.
43:7 Wrth y lleuad y ceir gwybod yr
ŵyl, sef goleuni yn lleihau tua'r diwedd.
43:7 From the moon is the sign of feasts, a light that
decreaseth in her perfection.
43:8 Ar ei henw hi y mae y mis; a hi
a gynydda yn rhyfedd yn ei chyfnewid, yn offeryn i'r lluoedd yn yr uchelder, yn
llewyrchu yn ffurfafen y nefoedd.
43:8 The month is called after her name, increasing
wonderfully in her changing, being an instrument of the armies above, shining
in the firmament of heaven;
43:9 Disgleirdeb y sêr sydd yn
degwch i'r nefoedd, ac yn harddwch yn disgleirio yn uchel leoedd yr Arglwydd.
43:9 The beauty of heaven, the glory of the stars, an
ornament giving light in the highest places of the Lord.
43:10 Wrth orchymyn yr un Sanctaidd
y maent hwy yn sefyll yn eu trefn, ac nid ydynt yn diffygio yn eu
43:10 At the commandment of the Holy One they will stand in
their order, and never faint in their watches.
43:11 Gwêl yr enfys, a chlodfora yr
hwn a'i gwnaeth hi: teg odiaeth yw hi yn ei disgleirdeb.
43:11 Look upon the rainbow, and praise him that made it; very
beautiful it is in the brightness thereof.
43:12 Y mae hi yn amgylchu'r nefoedd
â chylch gogoneddus; dwylo'r
Arglwydd a'i hanelodd hi.
43:123 It compasseth the heaven about with a glorious circle,
and the hands of the most High have bended it.
43:13 Y mae efe wrth ei orchymyn yn
gwneuthur i'r eira ddisgyn ar frys, ac i daranau ei farn ef brysuro.
43:13 By his commandment he maketh the snow to fall aplace,
and sendeth swiftly the lightnings of his judgment.
43:14 Am hyn yr ymegyr y trysorau,
ac yr eheda y cymylau fel adar.
43:14 Through this the treasures are opened: and clouds fly
forth as fowls.
43:15 Yn ei fawredd y sicrhaodd
efe'r cymylau, ac a dorrodd yn fân y cerrig cenllysg.
43:15 By his great power he maketh the clouds firm, and the
hailstones are broken small.
43:16 A'r mynyddoedd a symudant wrth
ei olwg ef: wrth ei ewyllys ef y chwyth y deheuwynt.
43:16 At his sight the mountains are shaken, and at his will
the south wind bloweth.
43:17 Twrf ei daran ef a bair i'r
ddaear grynu, a thymestl y gogleddwynt, a'r trowynt: y mae efe yn taenu eira
fel adar yn ehedeg, ac efe a syrth fel y disgyn ceiliogod rhedyn.
43:17 The noise of the thunder maketh the earth to tremble: so
doth the northern storm and the whirlwind: as birds flying he scattereth the
snow, and the falling down thereof is as the lighting of grasshoppers:
43:18 Rhyfedd gan lygad weled tegwch
ei wynder ef; a phob calon a synna wrth ei gawod ef.
43:18 The eye marvelleth at the beauty of the whiteness
thereof, and the heart is astonished at the raining of it.
43:19 Efe a dywallt rew ar y ddaear
fel halen; ac wedi iddo rewi, y mae efe yn biglym.
43:19 The hoarfrost also as salt he poureth on the earth, and
being congealed, it lieth on the top of sharp stakes.
43:20 Pan chwytho'r gogleddwynt oer,
a rhewi o'r dwfr yn iâ, ar bob llyn dwfr y saif, ac efe a wisg y dyfroedd megis
a llurig.
43:20 When the cold north wind bloweth, and the water is
congealed into ice, it abideth upon every gathering together of water, and
clotheth the water as with a breastplate.
43:21 Y mae efe yn difa'r
mynyddoedd, ac yn llosgi'r diffeithwch, ac yn diffoddi pob gwyrddlesni fel tân.
43:21 It devoureth the mountains, and burneth the wilderness,
and consumeth the grass as fire.
43:22 Meddyginiaeth rhag y cwbl yw
niwl a ddelo ar frys; a gwlith a ddelo yn ôl gwres a lawenycha.
43:22 A present remedy of all is a mist coming speedily, a dew
coming after heat refresheth.
43:23 Wrth ei gyngor y llonyddodd
efe y dyfnder, ac y plannodd ynysoedd ynddo.
43:23 By his counsel he appeaseth the deep, and planteth
islands therein.
43:24 Y rhai a hwyliant ar y môr a
fynegant mor enbyd yw efe; a phan glywom ninnau â'n clustiau, nyni a ryfeddwn.
43:24 They that sail on the sea tell of the danger thereof;
and when we hear it with our ears, we marvel thereat.
43:25 Yno y mae dieithr weithredoedd
a rhyfedd, pob amryw anifail, a'r mor feirch.
43:25 For therein be strange and wondrous works, variety of
all kinds of beasts and whales created.
43:26 Trwyddo ef y mae ei angel ef
yn cael rhwydd-deb; a thrwy ei air ef y cyfansoddwyd pob peth.
43:26 By him the end of them hath prosperous success, and by
his word all things consist.
43:27 Nyni a ddywedwn lawer, er
hynny yr ydym ni yn fyr: i ddywedyd ar air, efe yw'r cwbl.
43:27 We may speak much, and yet come short: wherefore in sum,
he is all.
43:28 Pa fodd y gallwn ni ei
ogoneddu ef? canys y mae efe uwchlaw ei holl waith.
43:28 How shall we be able to magnify him? for he is great
above all his works.
43:29 Ofnadwy yw'r Arglwydd, a mawr
odiaeth; a rhyfedd yw ei allu ef.
43:29 The Lord is terrible and very great, and marvellous is
his power.
43:30 Pan ogoneddoch chwi yr
Arglwydd, dyrchefwch ef fwyaf ag y galloch; ac efe a ragora lawer ar hynny: a
phan ddyrchafoch ef, rhoddwch lawer o egni; na flinwch: canys ni chyrhaeddwch
chwi byth adref.
43:30 When ye glorify the Lord, exalt him as much as ye can;
for even yet will he far exceed: and when ye exalt him, put forth all your
strength, and be not weary; for ye can never go far enough.
43:31 Pwy a'i gwelodd ef, ac a
fynega i ni? a phwy a'i mawryga ef megis y mae?
43:31 Who hath seen him, that he might tell us? and who can
magnify him as he is?
43:32 Y mae llawer peth mwy na hyn
yn guddiedig; canys ychydig a welsom ni o'i weithredoedd ef:
43:32 There are yet hid greater things than these be, for we
have seen but a few of his works.
43:33 Oblegid yr Arglwydd a wnaeth
bob peth: ac i'r rhai duwiol y rhoddes efe ddoethineb.
43:33 For the Lord hath made all things; and to the godly hath
he given wisdom.
44:1 Canmolwn yn awr y gwŷr
enwog, a'n tadau a'n cenhedlodd ni.
44:1 Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat
44:2 Llawer o ogoniant a wnaeth yr
Arglwydd trwyddynt hwy, a'i fawredd erioed.
44:2 The Lord hath wrought great glory by them through his
great power from the beginning.
44:3 Y rhai a lywodraethasant ar eu
teyrnasoedd, ac oeddynt wŷr enwog o allu, yn cynghori yn synhwyrol, ac yn
traethu proffwydoliaethau;
44:3 Such as did bear rule in their kingdoms, men renowned
for their power, giving counsel by their understanding, and declaring
44:4 Blaenorwyr y bobl trwy eu
cyngor, a thrwy ddeall addysg y bobl; doethion ac ymadroddus oeddynt yn eu
44:4 Leaders of the people by their counsels, and by their
knowledge of learning meet for the people, wise and eloquent are their
44:5 Hwy a geisiasant allan felystra
cerdd, ac a draethasant ganiadau sgrifenedig;
44:5 Such as found out musical tunes, and recited verses in
44:6 Gwŷr cyfoethogion, cedyrn
o nerth, a heddychlon yn eu cartref, oeddynt hwy.
44:6 Rich men furnished with ability, living peaceably in
their habitations:
44:7 Y rhai hyn oll yn eu
cenedlaethau a gawsant ogoniant, a gorfoledd yn eu dyddiau.
44:7 All these were honoured in their generations, and were
the glory of their times.
44:8 Bu rai ohonynt hwy gyfryw ag a
adawsant enw ar eu hôl, fel y mynegid eu clod hwynt.
44:8 There be of them, that have left a name behind them,
that their praises might be reported.
44:9 Bu hefyd rai heb fod coffa
amdanynt, y rhai y darfu amdanynt fel pe na buasent, ac a aethant fel pe nas
ganesid hwynt, a'u plant ar eu hôl hwynt.
44:9 And some there be, which have no memorial; who are
perished, as though they had never been; and are become as though they had
never been born; and their children after them.
44:10 Eithr gwŷr trugarog oedd
y rhai hyn, cyfiawnder pa rai nis anghofiwyd.
44:10 But these were merciful men, whose righteousness hath
not been forgotten.
44:11 Gyda'u hiliogaeth hwynt yr
erys etifeddiaeth dda; y mae eu hiliogaeth hwynt yn y cyfamod hefyd;
44:11 With their seed shall continually remain a good
inheritance, and their children are within the covenant.
44:12 Y mae eu hiliogaeth hwynt yn y
cyfamod, a'u plant ar eu hôl.
44:12 Their seed standeth fast, and their children for their sakes.
44:13 Byth y pery eu hiliogaeth; a'u
gogoniant ni ddileir.
44:13 Their seed shall remain for ever, and their glory shall
not be blotted out.
44:14 Eu cyrff a gladdwyd mewn
heddwch; ac y mae eu henw yn byw byth.
44:14 Their bodies are buried in peace; but their name liveth
for evermore.
44:15 Y bobl a fynegant eu doethineb
hwy, a'r gynulleidfa a draetha eu clod hwynt.
44:15 The people will tell of their wisdom, and the
congregation will shew forth their praise.
44:16 Enoch a ryglyddodd fodd i
Dduw, ac a fudwyd ymaith, yn siampl o edifeirwch i'r cenedlaethau oll.
44:16 Enoch pleased the Lord, and was translated, being an
example of repentance to all generations.
44:17 Noa a gafwyd yn berffaith ac
yn gyfiawn yn amser dicter: efe a gymerwyd yn gyfnewid am y byd; am hynny, pan
fu y dilyw, y gadawyd ef yng ngweddill i'r ddaear.
44:17 Noah was found perfect and righteous; in the time of
wrath he was taken in exchange [for the world;] therefore was he left as a
remnant unto the earth, when the flood came.
44:18 Cyfamod tragwyddol a wnaed ag
ef, na ddifethid pob cnawd trwy ddilyw mwy.
44:18 An everlasting covenant was made with him, that all
flesh should perish no more by the flood.
44:19 Abraham sydd dad mawr i lawer
o genhedloedd; ac ni chafwyd ei fath ef mewn gogoniant:
44:19 Abraham was a great father of many people: in glory was
there none like unto him;
44:20 Yr hwn a gadwodd gyfraith y
Goruchaf, ac a ddaeth mewn cyfamod ag ef: efe a osododd y cyfamod yn ei gnawd;
ac wrth ei brofi, efe a gafwyd yn ffyddlon.
44:20 Who kept the law of the most High, and was in covenant
with him: he established the covenant in his flesh; and when he was proved, he
was found faithful.
44:21 Am hynny y sicrhaodd efe iddo
ef trwy lw, y bendithid y Cenhedloedd yn ei had ef, yr amlheid ef fel llwch y
ddaear, ac y dyrchefid ei had ef fel y sêr, ac y caent etifeddu o fôr i fôr, ac
o'r afon i eithaf y ddaear.
44:21 Therefore he assured him by an oath, that he would bless
the nations in his seed, and that he would multiply him as the dust of the
earth, and exalt his seed as the stars, and cause them to inherit from sea to
sea, and from the river unto the utmost part of the land.
44:22 Felly y sicrhaodd efe i Isaac,
er mwyn Abraham ei dad, fendith pob dyn, a'r cyfamod,
44:22 With Isaac did he establish likewise [for Abraham his
father's sake] the blessing of all men, and the covenant,
44:23 Ac a wnaeth iddo orffwyso ar
ben Jacob: efe a'i hadnabu ef gan ei fendithio, ac a roddodd iddo etifeddiaeth,
ac a neilltuodd ei ran ef, ac a'i rhannodd ymysg y deuddeg llwyth.
44:23 And made it rest upon the head of Jacob. He acknowledged
him in his blessing, and gave him an heritage, and divided his portions; among
the twelve tribes did he part them.
45:1 Ac efe a ddug allan ohono ef
ŵr trugarog, yr hwn a gafodd ffafr yng ngolwg pob cnawd, sef Moses, yr hwn
oedd hoff gan Dduw a dynion, yr hwn y mae ei goffadwriaeth yn fendigedig.
45:1 And he brought out of him a merciful man, which found
favour in the sight of all flesh, even Moses, beloved of God and men, whose
memorial is blessed.
45:2 Efe a'i gwnaeth ef yn debyg i'r
saint gogoneddus, ac a'i mawrygodd ef, gan beri i'w elynion ei ofni ef.
45:2 He made him like to the glorious saints, and magnified
him, so that his enemies stood in fear of him.
45:3 Trwy ei eiriau ef y gwnaeth efe
i ryfeddodau beidio, ac a'i gwnaeth ef yn ogoneddus yng ngolwg brenhinoedd: efe
a roddes gydag ef orchymyn i'w bobl, ac a ddangosodd iddo ran o'i ogoniant.
45:3 By his words he caused the wonders to cease, and he made
him glorious in the sight of kings, and gave him a commandment for his people,
and shewed him part of his glory.
45:4 Efe a'i sancteiddiodd ef yn ei
ffyddlondeb a'i larieidd-dra, ac a'i dewisodd ef o blith yr holl ddynion.
45:4 He sanctified him in his faithfuless and meekness, and
chose him out of all men.
45:5 Efe a wnaeth iddo glywed ei
lais ef, ac a'i dug ef i'r cwmwl tywyll ac a roddes orchmynion o'i flaen ef,
sef cyfraith bywyd a gwybodaeth; fel y dysgai efe y cyfamod i Jacob, a'i
farnedigaethau i Israel.
45:5 He made him to hear his voice, and brought him into the
dark cloud, and gave him commandments before his face, even the law of life and
knowledge, that he might teach Jacob his covenants, and Israel his judgments.
45:6 Efe a ddyrchafodd Aaron y sanct
tebyg iddo ef, ei frawd o lwyth Lefi.
45:6 He exalted Aaron, an holy man like unto him, even his
brother, of the tribe of Levi.
45:7 Efe a wnaeth ag ef gyfamod
tragwyddol, ac a roddes iddo offeiriadaeth ymysg y bobl: efe a'i gwnaeth ef yn
ddedwydd mewn harddwisg, ac a'i gwisgodd ef a gwisg ogoneddus.
45:7 An everlasting covenant he made with him and gave him
the priesthood among the people; he beautified him with comely ornaments, and
clothed him with a robe of glory.
45:8 Efe a'i gwisgodd ef â gogonedd
cyflawn, ac a'i gwregysodd ef ag offer cadernid, â llawdr, â gwisg laes, ac ag
45:8 He put upon him perfect glory; and strengthened him with
rich garments, with breeches, with a long robe, and the ephod.
45:9 Efe a'i hamgylchodd ef â
phomgranadau, ac â chlych aur lawer o amgylch, i seinio pan gerddai efe, i
wneuthur sŵn a glywid yn y deml, ac i fod yn goffadwriaeth i feibion ei
bobl ef;
45:9 And he compassed him with pomegranates, and with many
golden bells round about, that as he went there might be a sound, and a noise
made that might be heard in the temple, for a memorial to the children of his
45:10 A gwisg sanctaidd o aur, â
sidan glas, â phorffor ac amryw waith, â dwyfronneg barn, ag arwyddion
45:10 With an holy garment, with gold, and blue silk, and
purple, the work of the embroidere, with a breastplate of judgment, and with
Urim and Thummim;
45:11 Ac â gwaith cywraint o sgarlad
plethedig, ac â meini gwerthfawr wedi eu cerfio fel sêl, a'u gosod mewn aur
trwy waith eurych, ag ysgrifen wedi ei cherfio, er coffadwriaeth, yn ôl nifer
meibion Israel.
45:11 With twisted scarlet, the work of the cunning workman,
with precious stones graven like seals, and set in gold, the work of the
jeweller, with a writing engraved for a memorial, after the number of the
tribes of Israel.
45:12 Ar y meitr y gosodasai efe
goron o aur, yn yr hon y cerfiesid Sancteiddrwydd, yn harddwch anrhydeddus, yn
waith godidog, yn hyfryd i'r llygaid, yn hardd ac yn deg.
45:12 He set a crown of gold upon the mitre, wherein was
engraved Holiness, an ornament of honour, a costly work, the desires of the
eyes, goodly and beautiful.
45:13 Ni bu y fath o'i flaen ef; ac
erioed ni wisgodd neb dieithr hwynt, ond ei feibion ef bob amser.
45:13 Before him there were none such, neither did ever any
stranger put them on, but only his children and his children's children
45:14 Dwy waith yn y dydd yn
wastadol y poethoffrymir eu haberthau hwynt.
45:14 Their sacrifices
shall be wholly consumed every day twice continually.
45:15 Moses a'i cysegrodd ef, ac a'i
heneiniodd ag olew sanctaidd: a hyn a wnaed yn gyfamod tragwyddol iddo ef ac
i'w had, cyhyd ag y parhao'r nefoedd, gael ohonynt ei wasanaethu ef, ac offeiriadu
hefyd, a bendithio'r bobl yn ei enw ef.
45:15 Moses consecrated him, and anointed him with holy oil:
this was appointed unto him by an everlasting covenant, and to his seed, so
long as the heavens should remain, that they should minister unto him, and
execute the office of the priesthood, and bless the people in his name.
45:16 Efe a'i dewisodd ef o flaen
pob dyn byw, i offrymu offrwm i'r Arglwydd, myctarth a pherarogl er
coffadwriaeth, i wneuthur cymod dros y bobl.
45:16 He chose him out of all men living to offer sacrifices
to the Lord, incense, and a sweet savour, for a memorial, to make
reconciliation for his people.
45:17 Efe a roddes iddo ei
orchmynion, ac yng nghyfamod y gyfraith awdurdod, i ddysgu ei dystiolaethau ef
i Jacob, ac i egluro ei gyfraith ef i Israel.
45:17 He gave unto him his commandments, and authority in the
statutes of judgments, that he should teach Jacob the testimonies, and inform
Israel in his laws.
45:18 Dieithriaid a gydsafasant i'w
erbyn ef, ac a genfigenasant wrtho ef yn yr anialwch, sef y gwŷr oedd gyda
chynulleidfa Dathan ac Abiram, a Core, mewn llid a dicter.
45:18 Strangers conspired together against him, and maligned
him in the wilderness, even the men that were of Dathan's and Abiron's side,
and the congregation of Core, with fury and wrath.
45:19 Yr Arglwydd a welodd hyn, ac
ni bu fodlon; a hwy a ddifethwyd yn llidiowgrwydd ei ddicter ef: efe a wnaeth
arnynt wyrthiau, gan eu difetha â fflam dan.
45:19 This the Lord saw, and it displeased him, and in his
wrathful indignation were they consumed: he did wonders upon them, to consume
them with the fiery flame.
45:20 Eithr efe a roddes ychwaneg o
ogoniant i Aaron, ac a roddes iddo etifeddiaeth; blaenffrwyth y cyntaf-anedig a
rannodd efe iddo; yn enwedig efe a arlwyodd ddigon o fara:
45:20 But he made Aaron more honourable, and gave him an
heritage, and divided unto him the firstfruits of the increase; especially he
prepared bread in abundance:
45:21 Oblegid y maent hwy yn cael
bwyta o aberthau'r Arglwydd, y rhai a roddes efe iddo ef ac i'w had.
45:21 For they eat of the sacrifices of the Lord, which he gave unto
him and his seed.
45:22 Eithr ni roddes efe
etifeddiaeth iddo ef o dir y bobl, ac nid oedd iddo etifeddiaeth ymysg y bobl:
oblegid efe ei hun yw rhan ei etifeddiaeth ef.
45:22 Howbeit in the land of the people he had no inheritance,
neither had he any portion among the people: for the Lord himself is his
portion and inheritance.
45:23 Phinees mab Eleasar oedd y
trydydd mewn gogoniant; am iddo ddwyn sêl yn ofn yr Arglwydd, a sefyll i fyny
ag ewyllys da a pharod, a gwneuthur cymod dros Israel, pan droesai'r bobl
45:23 The third in glory is Phinees the son of Eleazar,
because he had zeal in the fear of the Lord, and stood up with good courage of
heart: when the people were turned back, and made reconciliation for Israel.
45:24 Am hynny y gwnaeth efe ag ef
gyfamod heddychlon, y cai efe fod yn bennaf ar y cysegr ac ar ei bobl, fel y
byddai braint yr offeiriadaeth iddo ef ac i'w had byth:
45:24 Therefore was there a covenant of peace made with him,
that he should be the chief of the sanctuary and of his people, and that he and
his posterity should have the dignity of the priesthood for ever:
45:25 Yn ôl y cyfamod a wnaethid â
Dafydd mab Jesse o lwyth Jwda, y byddai etifeddiaeth y brenin i'w epil ef yn
unig; ac y byddai etifeddiaeth Aaron i'w had ef yr un modd.
45:25 According to the covenant made with David son of Jesse,
of the tribe of Juda, that the inheritance of the king should be to his
posterity alone: so the inheritance of Aaron should also be unto his seed.
45:26 Rhodded Duw ddoethineb yn eich
calon chwi, i farnu ei bobl ef yn gyfiawn, fel na ddileer eu daioni hwynt, ac y
parhao eu gogoniant trwy eu cenedlaethau.
45:26 God give you wisdom in your heart to judge his people in
righteousness, that their good things be not abolished, and that their glory
may endure for ever.
46:1 Cryf mewn rhyfel oedd Jesus mab
Nafe, a dilynwr Moses mewn proffwydoliaethau; yr hwn yn ôl ei enw oedd fawr, er
iachawdwriaeth i etholedigion Duw, ac i ddial ar y gelynion a gyfodent i'w
herbyn hwynt, fel y cai Israel ei etifeddiaeth.
46:1 Jesus the son a Nave was valiant in the wars, and was
the successor of Moses in prophecies, who according to his name was made great
for the saving of the elect of God, and taking vengeance of the enemies that
rose up against them, that he might set Israel in their inheritance.
46:2 Pa ogoniant a gafodd efe yn
dyrchafu ei ddwylo, ac yn tynnu ei gleddyf yn erbyn y dinasoedd!
46:2 How great glory gat he, when he did lift up his hands,
and stretched out his sword against the cities!
46:3 Pwy o'i flaen ef a safodd
felly? canys efe oedd dywysog ar ryfel yr Arglwydd.
46:3 Who before him so stood to it? for the Lord himself
brought his enemies unto him.
46:4 Onid trwy ei waith ef y safodd
yr haul, ac y gwnaed un diwrnod cyhyd â dau?
46:4 Did not the sun go back by his means? and was not one
day as long as two?
46:5 Efe a alwodd ar y Llywydd
goruchaf, pan oedd y gelynion yn pwyso arno o bob parth: a'r mawr Iôr a'i
gwrandawodd ef.
46:5 He called upon the most high Lord, when the enemies
pressed upon him on every side; and the great Lord heard him.
46:6 Ac â cherrig cesair mawr allu,
efe a ruthrodd ar y cenhedloedd â rhyfel, ac yng ngoriwaered Bethoron efe a
ddifethodd y gwrthwynebwyr; fel y gallai y cenhedloedd adnabod ei holl
arfogaeth ef, mai o flaen yr Arglwydd yr oedd efe yn rhyfela, oblegid efe oedd
yn canlyn ar ôl y Galluog.
46:6 And with hailstones of mighty power he made the battle
to fall violently upon the nations, and in the descent [of Beth-horon] he
destroyed them that resisted, that the nations might know all their strength,
because he fought in the sight of the Lord, and he followed the Mighty One.
46:7 Yn amser Moses hefyd y gwnaeth
efe a Chaleb hefyd fab Jeffunne waith elusen, gan sefyll yn erbyn y
gynulleidfa, ac atal y bobl rhag pechu, a lluddio y grwgnach drygionus.
46:7 In the time of Moses also he did a work of mercy, he and
Caleb the son of Jephunne, in that they withstood the congregation, and
withheld the people from sin, and appeased the wicked murmuring.
46:8 A hwynthwy ill dau a
ddianghasant, o chwe chan mil o wŷr traed, i'w dwyn hwynt i mewn i'r
etifeddiaeth, sef i'r wlad oedd yn llifeirio o laeth a mel.
46:8 And of six hundred thousand people on foot, they two
were preserved to bring them in to the heritage, even unto the land that
floweth with milk and honey.
46:9 I Caleb hefyd y rhoddes yr
Arglwydd gryfder, yr hwn a barhaodd gydag ef hyd ei henaint; fel yr aeth efe i
uchelder y wlad, a'i had ef a'i goresgynnodd hi yn etifeddiaeth:
46:9 The Lord gave strength also unto Caleb, which remained
with him unto his old age: so that he entered upon the high places of the land,
and his seed obtained it for an heritage:
46:10 Fel y gallai holl feibion
Israel weled mai da yw dilyn yr Arglwydd.
46:10 That all the children of Israel might see that it is
good to follow the Lord.
46:11 Y barnwyr hefyd bob un erbyn
ei enw, y rhai oll ni phuteiniodd eu calon, a pha rai bynnag ni throesant oddi
wrth yr Arglwydd, bydded eu coffadwriaeth hwynt yn fendigedig.
46:11 And concerning the judges, every one by name, whose
heart went not a whoring, nor departed from the Lord, let their memory be
46:12 Bydded eu hesgyrn yn iraidd yn
eu lle, a bydded eu henw hwynt, y rhai oedd anrhydeddus, yn aros ar eu plant.
46:12 Let their bones flourish out of their place, and let the
name of them that were honoured be continued upon their children.
46:13 Samuel, proffwyd yr Arglwydd,
yr hwn oedd hoff gan ei Arglwydd, a osododd freniniaethau, ac a eneiniodd
dywysogion ar ei bobl ef.
46:13 Samuel, the prophet of the Lord, beloved of his Lord,
established a kingdom, and anointed princes over his people.
46:14 Trwy gyfraith yr Arglwydd y
barnodd efe y gynulleidfa; a'r Arglwydd a ystyriodd wrth Jacob.
46:14 By the law of the Lord he judged the congregation, and
the Lord had respect unto Jacob.
46:15 Efe a gafwyd yn wir broffwyd
wrth ei ffydd; ac efe a adnabuwyd wrth ei eiriau ei fod yn ffyddlon mewn
46:15 By his faithfulness he was found a true prophet, and by
his word he was known to be faithful in vision.
46:16 Ac efe a alwodd ar yr Arglwydd
galluog, pan oedd ei elynion ef o amgylch yn pwyso arno wrth offrymu yr oen
46:16 He called upon the mighty Lord, when his enemies pressed
upon him on every side, when he offered the sucking lamb.
46:17 A'r Arglwydd a daranodd o'r
nefoedd, ac a wnaeth glywed ei leferydd â sŵn mawr.
46:17 And the Lord thundered from heaven, and with a great
noise made his voice to be heard.
46:18 Felly y drylliodd efe
dywysogion y Tyriaid, a holl benaethiaid y Philistiaid.
46:18 And he destroyed the rulers of the Tyrians, and all the
princes cf the Philistines.
46:19 A chyn amser ei hir hun, efe a
dystiolaethodd o flaen yr Arglwydd a'i eneiniog, Ni chymerais o dda neb gymaint
ag esgid: ac nid achwynodd neb rhagddo ef.
46:19 And before his long sleep he made protestations in the
sight of the Lord and his anointed, I have not taken any man's goods, so much
as a shoe: and no man did accuse him.
46:20 Ac wedi iddo ef huno, efe a
broffwydodd, ac a ddangosodd i'r brenin ei ddiwedd, ac a ddyrchafodd ei lef o'r
ddaear mewn proffwydoliaeth, i ddileu anwiredd y bobl.
46:20 And after his death he prophesied, and shewed the king
his end, and lifted up his voice from the earth in prophecy, to blot out the
wickedness of the people.
47:1 Wedi hyn y cyfododd y proffwyd
Nathan yn nyddiau Dafydd.
47:1 And after him rose up Nathan to prophesy in the time of
47:2 Fel y neilltuir y
braster oddi wrth yr offrwm, felly y dewiswyd Dafydd o feibion Israel.
47:2 As is the
fat taken away from the peace offering, so was David chosen out of the children
of Israel.
47:3 Efe a chwaraeodd â llewod megis
â mynnod, ac ag eirth megis ag ŵyn defaid.
47:3 He played with lions as with kids, and with bears as
with lambs.
47:4 Oni laddodd efe gawr yn ei
ieuenctid? ac oni thynnodd efe ymaith waradwydd y bobl, pan gyfododd efe ei law
â charreg dafl, a bwrw i lawr falchder Goleiath?
47:4 Slew he not a giant, when he was yet but young? and did
he not take away reproach from the people, when he lifted up his hand with the
stone in the sling, and beat down the boasting of Goliath?
47:5 Canys efe a alwodd ar yr
Arglwydd goruchaf, ac yntau a roddes nerth i'w ddeheulaw ef i ladd y dyn cryf
yn y rhyfel, fel y dyrchafai efe gorn ei bobl.
47:5 For he called upon the most high Lord; and he gave him
strength in his right hand to slay that mighty warrior, and set up the horn of
his people.
47:6 Felly y bobl a'i hanrhydeddodd
yntau â myrddiwn, ac a'i canmolodd ym mendithion yr Arglwydd, pan roes iddo ef
goron y gogoniant.
47:6 So the people honoured him with ten thousands, and
praised him in the blessings of the Lord, in that he gave him a crown of glory.
47:7 Efe a ddrylliodd y gelynion o
amgylch, ac a ddifethodd y Philistiaid wrthwynebwyr iddo, ac a ddrylliodd e
corn hwy hyd heddiw.
47:7 For he destroyed the enemies on every side, and brought to
nought the Philistines his adversaries, and brake their horn in sunder unto
this day.
47:8 Yn ei holl waith y rhoddes ef
glodforedd i'r hwn sy Sanctaidd Goruchaf; â geiriau anrhydeddus, ac â'i holl
galon, y canodd efe ganiadau ac y carodd ef yr hwn a'i gwnaeth.
47:8 In all his works he praised the Holy One most high with
words of glory; with his whole heart he sung songs, and loved him that made
47:9 Ac efe a osododd gantorion o
flaen yr allor, fel y gwnaent gerdd felys ar dafod, ac y clodforent Dduw
beunydd â'u caniadau.
47:9 He set singers also before the altar, that by their
voices they might make sweet melody, and daily sing praises in their songs.
47:10 Efe a roddes drefn weddaidd am
y gwyliau, ac a gymhwysodd yr amserau yn berffaith, fel y clodforent hwy ei enw
sanctaidd ef, ac y gwnaent i'w gysegr ef seinio yn fore.
47:10 He beautified their feasts, and set in order the solemn
times until the end, that they might praise his holy name, and that the temple
might sound from morning.
47:11 Yr Arglwydd a ddileodd ei
bechodau ef, ac a ddyrchafodd ei gorn ef byth, ac a roddes iddo gyfamod y
frenhiniaeth, a gorseddfainc gogoniant yn Israel.
47:11 The Lord took away his sins, and exalted his horn for
ever: he gave him a covenant of kings, and a throne of glory in Israel.
47:12 Ar ôl hwn y cododd mab doeth,
ac a breswyliodd mewn ehangder er ei fwyn ef.
47:12 After him rose up a wise son, and for his sake he dwelt
at large.
47:13 Salomon a deyrnasodd mewn
amser heddychlon, ac a oedd anrhydeddus: canys Duw a barasai lonyddwch o'i
amgylch ef, fel yr adeiladai efe dŷ i'w enw ef, ac y darparai gysegr dros
47:13 Solomon reigned in a peaceable time, and was honoured;
for God made all quiet round about him, that he might build an house in his
name, and prepare his sanctuary for ever.
47:14 Mor ddoeth oedd efe yn ei
ieuenctid, a megis afon yn llawn o synnwyr!
47:14 How wise wast thou in thy youth and, as a flood, filled
with understanding!
47:15 Dy enaid a orchuddiodd yr holl
ddaear, ac a'i llanwodd a diarhebion damhegol.
47:15 Thy soul covered the whole earth, and thou filledst it
with dark parables.
47:16 Dy enw a aeth ymhell i'r
ynysoedd; a chu oeddit am dy heddwch.
47:16 Thy name went far unto the islands; and for thy peace
thou wast beloved.
47:17 Rhyfeddodd y gwledydd wrth dy
ganiadau, a'th ddiarhebion, a'th gyffelybiaethau, a'th ddeongliadau.
47:17 The countries marvelled at thee for thy songs, and
proverbs, and parables, and interpretations.
47:18 Trwy enw Arglwydd Dduw yr holl
ddaear, yr hwn a elwir dy Dduw di, Israel, y cesglaist ti aur fel alcam, ac y
cefaist arian cyn amled â'r plwm.
47:18 By the name of the Lord God, which is called the Lord
God of Israel, thou didst gather gold as tin and didst multiply silver as lead.
47:19 Ti a ogwyddaist dy lwynau i
wragedd, ac a'th ddarostyngwyd yn dy gorff.
47:19 Thou didst bow thy loins unto women, and by thy body
thou wast brought into subjection.
47:20 Ti a anefaist dy ogoniant, ac
a halogaist dy hiliogaeth, gan ddwyn digofaint yn erbyn dy blant, a dwyn gofid
am dy ynfydrwydd.
47:20 Thou didst stain thy honour, and pollute thy seed: so
that thou broughtest wrath upon thy children, and wast grieved for thy folly.
47:21 Felly y rhannwyd y
frenhiniaeth, ac y dechreuodd brenhiniaeth anufuddgar fod o Effraim.
47:21 So the kingdom was divided, and out of Ephraim ruled a
rebellious kingdom.
47:22 Er hynny ni ad yr Arglwydd ei
drugaredd ymaith byth, ac ni ddifethir un o'i weithredoedd ef, ac ni ddilea efe
hiliogaeth ei etholedig, ac ni ddwg ymaith epil yr hwn a'i câr ef: o ba herwydd
efe a adawodd weddill i Jacob, a gwreiddyn i Ddafydd, ohono ef.
47:22 But the Lord will never leave off his mercy, neither
shall any of his works perish, neither will he abolish the posterity of his
elect, and the seed of him that loveth him he will not take away: wherefore he
gave a remnant unto Jacob, and out of him a root unto David.
47:23 Yna Salomon a orffwysodd
gyda'i dadau, ac a adawodd o'i hiliogaeth ar ei ôl, Roboam, ynfydrwydd y bobl,
ac un disynnwyr, yr hwn a yrrodd y bobl ymaith â'i gyngor. Ac yr oedd Jeroboam
mab Nebat, yr hwn a wnaeth i Israel bechu, ac a ddangosodd y ffordd i Effraim i
47:23 Thus rested Solomon with his fathers, and of his seed he
left behind him Roboam, even the foolishness of the people, and one that had no
understanding, who turned away the people through his counsel. There was also
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin, and shewed Ephraim the way
of sin:
47:24 A'u pechodau hwy a amlhasant mor
ddirfawr, hyd oni throdd efe hwynt allan o'r wlad.
47:24 And their sins were multiplied exceedingly, that they
were driven out of the land.
47:25 Canys hwy a geisiasant allan
bob anwiredd, hyd oni ddaeth dig a dialedd arnynt.
47:25 For they sought out all wickedness, till the vengeance
came upon them.
48:1 Yna y
cododd Eleias y proffwyd fel tân, a'i air ef a losgai fel llusern.
48:1 Then stood up Elias the prophet as fire, and his word burned
like a lamp.
48:2 Yr hwn a ddug arnynt hwy newyn
mawr, a thrwy ei sêl a'u gwnaeth hwy yn ychydig.
48:2 He brought a sore famine upon them, and by his zeal he
diminished their number.
48:3 Efe a gaeodd y nefoedd trwy air
yr Arglwydd; a thair gwaith y dug efe dan i waered.
48:3 By the word of the Lord he shut up the heaven, and also
three times brought down fire.
48:4 O Eleias, mor ogoneddus fuost
ti yn dy ryfeddodau! a phwy a ddichon ymffrostio fel tydi!
48:4 O Elias, how wast thou honoured in thy wondrous deeds!
and who may glory like unto thee!
48:5 Yr hwn a gyfodaist y marw o
farwolaeth, a dyn o'r bedd, trwy air y Goruchaf;
48:5 Who didst raise up a dead man from death, and his soul
from the place of the dead, by the word of the most High:
48:6 Yr hwn a ddygaist frenhinoedd i
ddinistr, a phendefigion o'u heisteddfa;
48:6 Who broughtest kings to destruction, and honorable men
from their bed:
48:7 Yr hwn a glywaist gerydd yr
Arglwydd yn Sinai, a barnedigaethau dialedd yn Horeb;
48:7 Who heardest the rebuke of the Lord in Sinai, and in
Horeb the judgment of vengeance:
48:8 Yr hwn a eneiniodd frenhinoedd
i dalu'r pwyth, a phroffwydi i ddilyn ar ei ôl ef;
48:8 Who annointedst kings to take revenge, and prophets to
succeed after him:
48:9 Yr hwn a godwyd i fyny mewn
trowynt o dân, ac mewn cerbyd meirch tanllyd;
48:9 Who was taken up in a whirlwind of fire, and in a
chariot of fiery horses:
48:10 Yr hwn a ordeiniwyd i geryddu
mewn pryd, ac i ostegu dicter barn yr Arglwydd, cyn iddo dorri allan yn llid; ac
i droi calon y tad at y mab, ac i gyweirio llwythau Jacob.
48:10 Who wast ordained for reproofs in their times, to pacify
the wrath of the Lord's judgment, before it brake forth into fury, and to turn
the heart of the father unto the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob.
48:11 Gwyn eu byd hwy a'th welsant
di, ac a hunasant mewn cariad: canys nyni a fyddwn byw yn ddiau.
48:11 Blessed are they that saw thee, and slept in love; for
we shall surely live.
48:12 Eleias a orchuddiwyd a
throwynt; ac Eliseus a lanwyd a'i ysbryd ef: ni syflodd efe er tywysogion yn ei
ddyddiau, ac ni allodd neb ei ddarostwng ef.
48:12 Elias it was, who was covered with a whirlwind: and
Eliseus was filled with his spirit: whilst he lived, he was not moved with the
presence of any prince, neither could any bring him into subjection.
48:13 Ni orchfygodd dim ef: ac wedi
ei huno, ei gorff ef a broffwydodd.
48:13 No word could overcome him; and after his death his body
48:14 Efe a wnaeth ryfeddodau yn ei
fywyd; ac yn ei ddiwedd, rhyfedd oedd ei weithredoedd ef.
48:14 He did wonders in his life, and at his death were his
works marvellous.
48:15 Er hyn oll ni chymerodd y bobl
edifeirwch, ac ni chiliasant oddi wrth eu pechodau, hyd oni chaethgludwyd hwynt
o'u gwlad, a'u gwasgaru ym mhob gwlad: eto gadawyd ychydig bobl, a thywysog yn
nhŷ Ddafydd.
48:15 For all this the people repented not, neither departed
they from their sins, till they were spoiled and carried out of their land, and
were scattered through all the earth: yet there remained a small people, and a
ruler in the house of David:
48:16 Rhai ohonynt a wnaethant yr
hyn oedd yn rhyglyddu bodd i Dduw, a rhai a wnaethant lawer o bechodau.
48:16 Of whom some did that which was pleasing to God, and
some multiplied sins.
48:17 Eseceias a gadarnhaodd ei
ddinas, ac a ddug ddwfr i'w chanol hi: efe a gloddiodd y graig â haearn, ac a
wnaeth ffynhonnau i'r dwfr.
48:17 Ezekias fortified his city, and brought in water into
the midst thereof: he digged the hard rock with iron, and made wells for
48:18 Yn ei ddyddiau ef y daeth
Senacherib i fyny, ac a anfonodd Rabsaces o Lachis, ac a ddyrchafodd ei law yn
erbyn Seion, ac a ymffrostiodd yn ei falchder.
48:18 In his time Sennacherib came up, and sent Rabsaces, and
lifted up his hand against Sion, and boasted proudly.
48:19 Yna y crynodd eu calonnau a'u
dwylo hwynt, ac yr ymofidiasant fel gwragedd yn esgor.
48:19 Then trembled their hearts and hands, and they were in
pain, as women in travail.
48:20 Ond hwy a alwasant ar yr Arglwydd
trugarog, gan estyn eu dwylo ato ef; a'r Sanctaidd a'u gwrandawodd hwy o'r
nefoedd, ac a'u gwaredodd trwy law Esay.
48:20 But they called upon the Lord which is merciful, and
stretched out their hands toward him: and immediately the Holy One heard them
out of heaven, and delivered them by the ministry of Esay.
48:21 Efe a drawodd lu yr Asyriaid,
a'i angel ef a'u dinistriodd hwynt.
48:21 He smote the host of the Assyrians, and his angel
destroyed them.
48:22 Oblegid Eseceias a wnaethai yr
hyn oedd fodlon gan yr Arglwydd, ac a ddilynodd ffyrdd Dafydd ei dad yn lew,
fel y gorchmynasai y proffwyd Esay, yr hwn oedd fawr a pharchedig yn ei olwg
48:22 For Ezekias had done the thing that pleased the Lord,
and was strong in the ways of David his father, as Esay the prophet, who was
great and faithful in his vision, had commanded him.
48:23 Yn ei ddyddiau ef yr aeth yr
haul yn ei ôl; ac efe a estynnodd hoedl y brenin.
48:23 In his time the sun went backward, and he lengthened the
king's life.
48:24 Trwy ysbryd godidog y gwelodd
efe y pethau a fyddent yn y diwedd, ac y cysurodd efe y rhai oedd yn galaru yn
48:24 He saw by an excellent spirit what should come to pass
at the last, and he comforted them that mourned in Sion.
48:25 Efe a ddangosodd y pethau a
ddeuai byth, a phethau dirgel cyn eu dyfod.
48:25 He shewed what should come to pass for ever, and secret
things or ever they came.
49:1 Coffadwriaeth Joseias fydd fel cymysg
arogl-darth trwy gyfarwydd waith yr apothecari: melys ydyw fel y mêl ym mhob
genau, ac fel cerdd mewn gwledd o win.
49:1 The remembrance of Josias is like the composition of the
perfume that is made by the art of the apothecary: it is sweet as honey in all
mouths, and as musick at a banquet of wine.
49:2 Efe a gafodd rwydd-deb yn
troi'r bobl, ac a ddug ymaith ffieidd-dra anwiredd.
49:2 He behaved himself uprightly in the conversion of the
people, and took away the abominations of iniquity.
49:3 Efe a gyfeiriodd ei galon at yr
Arglwydd, ac a gadarnhaodd dduwioldeb yn amser pechaduriaid.
49:3 He directed his heart unto the Lord, and in the time of
the ungodly he established the worship of God.
49:4 Pawb ond Dafydd, Eseceias, a
Joseias, a wnaethant fai; canys hwy a adawsant gyfraith y Goruchaf; brenhinoedd
Jwda hefyd a ballasant.
49:4 All, except David and Ezekias and Josias, were
defective: for they forsook the law of the most High, even the kings of Juda
49:5 Yntau a roddes eu corn hwynt i arall,
a'u gogoniant i genedl ddieithr.
49:5 Therefore he gave their power unto others, and their
glory to a strange nation.
49:6 Hwy a losgasant ddinas
etholedig y cysegr, ac a anrheithiasant ei heolydd hi, yn ôl proffwydoliaeth
49:6 They burnt the chosen city of the sanctuary, and made
the streets desolate, according to the prophecy of Jeremias.
49:7 Canys ei gystuddio ef a
wnaethant, ac yntau wedi ei sancteiddio yn broffwyd o groth ei fam, i
ddiwreiddio, a niweidio, a difetha; felly hefyd i adeiladu, ac i blannu.
49:7 For they entreated him evil, who nevertheless was a
prophet, sanctified in his mother's womb, that he might root out, and afflict,
and destroy; and that he might build up also, and plant.
49:8 Eseciel yntau a welodd
weledigaeth ogoneddus, yr hon a ddangoswyd iddo ar gerbyd y ceriwbiaid.
49:8 It was Ezekiel who saw the glorious vision, which was
shewed him upon the chariot of the cherubims.
49:9 Efe a gofiodd y
gelynion yn y gafod, ac a gyfarwyddodd y rhai uniawn eu ffyrdd.
49:9 For he
made mention of the enemies under the figure of the rain, and directed them
that went right.
49:10 Felly bendigedig fyddo
coffadwriaeth y deuddeg proffwyd, ac ireiddier eu hesgyrn o'u lle: canys hwy a
gysurasaat Jacob, ac a'u gwaredasant â gobaith sicr.
49:10 And of the twelve prophets let the memorial be blessed,
and let their bones flourish again out of their place: for they comforted
Jacob, and delivered them by assured hope.
49:11 Pa fodd y mawrygwn ni Soro-babel?
yntau oedd megis sêl ar y llaw ddeau:
49:11 How shall we magnify Zorobabel? even he was as a signet on the
right hand:
49:12 Felly Jesus fab Josedec: y
rhai yn eu dyddiau a adeiladasant y tŷ, ac a gyfodasant deml sanctaidd i'r
Arglwydd, yr hon a ddarparwyd yn ogoniant tragwyddol.
49:12 So was Jesus the son of Josedec: who in their time
builded the house, and set up an holy temple to the Lord, which was prepared
for everlasting glory.
49:13 Nehemeias hefyd oedd o'r rhai
etholedig, am yr hwn y mae mawr goffa; yr hwn a gododd i ni y caerau a
syrthiasai, ac a osododd i fyny y pyrth a'r barrau, ac a gyfododd ein tai ni.
49:13 And among the elect was Neemias, whose renown is great,
who raised up for us the walls that were fallen, and set up the gates and the
bars, and raised up our ruins again.
49:14 Ni chrewyd ar y ddaear fath
Enoch: canys efe a gyfodwyd i fyny oddi ar y ddaear.
49:14 But upon the earth was no man created like Enoch; for he
was taken from the earth.
49:15 Ac ni bu y fath ŵr a
Joseff, yr hwn oedd bennaeth ar ei frodyr, a chynhaliwr y bobl, yc hwn yr
edrychodd yr Arglwydd am ei esgyrn.
49:15 Neither was there a young man born like Joseph, a
governor of his brethren, a stay of the people, whose bones were regarded of
the Lord.
49:16 Sem a Seth a gawsant barch gan
ddynion: ac Adda oedd yn y greadwriaeth goruwch pob peth byw.
49:16 Sem and Seth were in great honour among men, and so was
Adam above every living thing in creation.
50:1 Simon yr archoffeiriad, mab
Oneias, yr hwn yn ei fywyd a gyfododd y tŷ, ac yn ei ddyddiau a sicrhaodd
y bobl,
50:1 Simon the high priest, the son of Onias, who in his life
repaired the house again, and in his days fortified the temple:
50:2 Efe a barodd o'r sylfaen
adeiladu'r uchder dauddyblyg, a'r fagwyr uchel, o amgylch y deml.
50:2 And by him was built from the foundation the double
height, the high fortress of the wall about the temple:
50:3 Yn ei ddyddiau ef, y noe i
dderbyn dwfr, yr hon oedd o'i hamgylch fel y môr, a wisgwyd â dalennau pres.
50:3 In his days the cistern to receive water, being in
compass as the sea, was covered with plates of brass:
50:4 Efe a gymerth ofal dros y bobl
rhag eu difetha, ac a gadarnhaodd y ddinas erbyn gwarchae arni.
50:4 He took care of the temple that it should not fall, and
fortified the city against besieging:
50:5 Mor ogoneddus oedd efe yng
nghanol y bobl, wrth ddyfod allan o'r tŷ dan orchudd!
50:5 How was he honoured in the midst of the people in his
coming out of the sanctuary!
50:6 Fel y seren ddydd ymysg y
cymylau, ac fel y lleuad yn ei llawnllonaid, yr ydoedd efe;
50:6 He was as the morning star in the midst of a cloud, and
as the moon at the full:
50:7 Fel yr haul yn tywynnu ar deml
y Goruchaf, ac fel yr enfys yn llewyrchu yn y cymylau disglair:
50:7 As the sun shining upon the temple of the most High, and
as the rainbow giving light in the bright clouds:
50:8 Ac fel blodau rhos pan fyddant
newydd; fel lili wrth aberoedd dyfroedd, a blagur y pren thus yn amser haf;
50:8 And as the flower of roses in the spring of the year, as
lilies by the rivers of waters, and as the branches of the frankincense tree in
the time of summer:
50:9 Fel tân a thus mewn thuser, fel
llestr o aur wedi ei wneuthur o'r un darn, a'i harddu a phob maen gwerthfawr;
50:9 As fire and incense in the censer, and as a vessel of
beaten gold set with all manner of precious stones:
50:10 Fel olewydden deg ffrwythlon,
ac fel cypreswydden wedi tyfu i'r awyr;
50:10 And as a fair olive tree budding forth fruit, and as a
cypress tree which groweth up to the clouds.
50:11 Pan gymerai efe y wisg
ogoneddus, a phan wisgai efe yr hyfrydwch perffaith, wrth fyned i fyny at yr
allor sanctaidd yn anrhydeddus.
50:11 When he put on the robe of honour, and was clothed with
the perfection of glory, when he went up to the holy altar, he made the garment
of holiness honourable.
50:12 Pan gymerai efe yr aelodau o
law'r offeiriaid, efe a safai wrth aelwyd yr allor, a'i frodyr o'i amgylch, fel
cedrwydden yn Libanus, a hwy a'i hamgylchent ef fel canghennau palmwydd.
50:12 When he took the portions out of the priests' hands, he
himself stood by the hearth of the altar, compassed about, as a young cedar in
Libanus; and as palm trees compassed they him round about.
50:13 Felly y byddai meibion Aaron
oll yn eu gwychder, ac offrwm yr Arglwydd yn eu dwylo, o flaen holl gynulleidfa
50:13 So were all the sons of Aaron in their glory, and the
oblations of the Lord in their hands, before all the congregation of Israel.
50:14 Gan orffen y gwasanaeth wrth
yr allor, i wneuthur offrwm yr Hollalluog goruchaf yn hardd,
50:14 And finishing the service at the altar, that he might
adorn the offering of the most high Almighty,
50:15 Efe a estynnai ei ddwylo at y
ddiodoffrwm, ac a gymysgai beth o'r gwin, ac a'i tywalltai wrth droed yr allor
yn arogl peraidd, i'r hwn sydd oruchaf Frenin ar bawb.
50:15 He stretched out his hand to the cup, and poured of the
blood of the grape, he poured out at the foot of the altar a sweetsmelling
savour unto the most high King of all.
50:16 Yna meibion Aaron a waeddent
ac a seinient mewn utgyrn tawdd, ac a wnaent sŵn mawr eglur, yn
goffadwriaeth o flaen y Goruchaf.
50:16 Then shouted the sons of Aaron, and sounded the silver
trumpets, and made a great noise to be heard, for a remembrance before the most
50:17 Yna yr holl bobl a
gydsyrthient i lawr ar eu hwynebau ar frys, i addoli eu Harglwydd, y goruchaf
Dduw hollalluog.
50:17 Then all the people together hasted, and fell down to
the earth upon their faces to worship their Lord God Almighty, the most High.
50:18 Y cantorion hefyd a glodforent
â'u lleisiau, ac a wnaent gynghanedd felys trwy eu hamryw seiniau.
50:184 The singers also sang praises with their voices, with
great variety of sounds was there made sweet melody.
50:19 A'r bobl a ymbilient â'r
Arglwydd goruchaf trwy weddi gerbron y Trugarog, nes cyflawni anrhydedd yr
Arglwydd, a gorffen ei wasanaeth ef.
50:19 And the people besought the Lord, the most High, by
prayer before him that is merciful, till the solemnity of the Lord was ended,
and they had finished his service.
50:20 Yna efe a ddisgynnai, ac a
ddyrchafai ei ddwylo ar holl gynulleidfa meibion Israel, i draethu bendith yr
Arglwydd â'i wefusau, ac i ymorfoleddu yn ei enw ef.
50:20 Then he went down, and lifted up his hands over the
whole congregation of the children of Israel, to give the blessing of the Lord
with his lips, and to rejoice in his name.
50:21 A hwy a ymgryment i addoli
eilwaith, i dderbyn y fendith gan y Goruchaf.
50:21 And they bowed themselves down to worship the second
time, that they might receive a blessing from the most High.
50:22 Yn awr gan hynny bendigwch
Dduw pob peth, yr hwn yn unig a wna ryfeddod ym mhob man, yr hwn a ddyrchafa
ein dyddiau ni o'r groth, yr hwn yn unig sydd yn gwneuthur â nyni yn ôl ei
50:22 Now therefore bless ye the God of all, which only doeth
wondrous things every where, which exalteth our days from the womb, and dealeth
with us according to his mercy.
50:23 Caniataed efe i ni hyfrydwch calon,
a bod heddwch yn ein dyddiau ni yn Israel byth,
50:23 He grant us joyfulness of heart, and that peace may be
in our days in Israel for ever:
50:24 A chadarnhau ohono ffyddlondeb
ei drugaredd i ni, a'n gwaredu ni yn ei amser ef.
50:24 That he would confirm his mercy with us, and deliver us
at his time!
50:25 Dwy genhedlaeth sy flin gan fy
enaid, a'r drydedd nid yw genhedlaeth:
50:25 There be two manner of nations which my heart abhorreth,
and the third is no nation:
50:26 Y rhai a eisteddant ym mynydd
Samaria, a'r rhai a breswyliant Palesteina, a'r bobl ynfyd y rhai a drigant yn
50:26 They that sit upon the mountain of Samaria, and they
that dwell among the Philistines, and that foolish people that dwell in Sichem.
50:27 Jesus mab Sirach o Jerwsalem a
sgrifennodd yn y llyfr hwn athrawiaeth deall a gwybodaeth, yr hwn a lawiodd
ddoethineb o'i galon.
50:27 Jesus the son of Sirach of Jerusalem hath written in
this book the instruction of understanding and knowledge, who out of his heart
poured forth wisdom.
50:28 Gwyn ei fyd yr hwn a
ymgynefino â'r rhai hyn; a'r hwn a'u gosodo hwynt yn ei galon a fydd doeth.
50:28 Blessed is he that shall be exercised in these things;
and he that layeth them up in his heart shall become wise.
50:29 Oblegid os gwna efe y pethau
hyn, efe a fydd nerthol i bob peth: canys goleuni'r Arglwydd a fydd yn
gyfarwyddyd iddo ef, ac i'r rhai duwiol y rhoddes efe ddoethineb. Bendigedig
fyddo yr Arglwydd byth. Felly y byddo, felly y byddo.
50:29 For if he do them, he shall be strong to all things: for
the light of the Lord leadeth him, who giveth wisdom to the godly. Blessed be
the name of the Lord for ever. Amen, Amen. [A Prayer of Jesus the son of
51:1 Clodforaf di, O Arglwydd
Frenin; a moliannaf di, fy Nuw a'm Hiachawdwr; dy enw di a glodforaf.
51:1 I will thank thee, O Lord and King, and praise thee, O
God my Saviour: I do give praise unto thy name:
51:2 Oblegid ti sydd yn
amddiffynnydd ac yn help i mi, ac a waredaist fy nghorff rhag dinistr, a rhag
magl tafod enllibus, rhag gwefusau a ddychmygant gelwydd; ie, yn erbyn y rhai
sydd yn cyfodi i'm herbyn yr ydwyt ti yn help i mi;
51:23 For thou art my defender and helper, and has preserved
my body from destruction, and from the snare of the slanderous tongue, and from
the lips that forge lies, and has been mine helper against mine adversaries:
51:3 Gwaredaist fi yn ôl amldra dy
drugaredd a mawredd dy enw rhag dannedd y rhai oedd barod i'm bwyta, ac o law y
rhai oedd yn ceisio fy enaid, ac o lawer o flinderau, y rhai a gefais;
51:3 And hast delivered me, according to the multitude of
they mercies and greatness of thy name, from the teeth of them that were ready
to devour me, and out of the hands of such as sought after my life, and from
the manifold afflictions which I had;
51:4 Rhag i'r tân fy mygu o amgylch,
ac o ganol y tân yr hwn nis cyneuais;
51:4 From the choking of fire on every side, and from the
midst of the fire which I kindled not;
51:5 Felly y'm gwaredaist o waelod
bol uffern, rhag tafod aflan, a rhag chwedl celwyddog.
51:5 From the depth of the belly of hell, from an unclean
tongue, and from lying words.
51:6 A rhag anair gyda'r brenin trwy
dafod anghyfiawn, fy enaid a aeth yn agos i angau, a'm heinioes oedd yn agos i
uffern isaf.
51:6 By an accusation to the king from an unrighteous tongue
my soul drew near even unto death, my life was near to the hell beneath.
51:7 Hwy a'm hamgylchynasant o bob
tu, ac nid oedd a'm helpiai: mi a edrychais am help dyn, ac nid oedd dim.
51:7 They compassed me on every side, and there was no man to
help me: I looked for the succour of men, but there was none.
51:8 Am hynny mi a gofiais dy
drugaredd di, O Arglwydd, a'th weithredoedd gynt, dy fod di yn achub y rhai
dioddefgar, ac yn eu hachub hwynt o law y gelynion.
51:8 Then thought I upon thy mercy, O Lord, and upon thy acts
of old, how thou deliverest such as wait for thee, and savest them out of the
hands of the enemies.
51:9 A mi a ddyrchefais fy ngweddi
o'r ddaear, ac a ddeisyfais ymwared rhag marwolaeth:
51:9 Then lifted I up my supplications from the earth, and
prayed for deliverance from death.
51:10 Ac a ddeisyfais ar yr
Arglwydd, tad fy Arglwydd, na adawai efe fyfi yn nydd trallod, y pryd ni cheid
help gan y beilchion.
51:10 I called upon the Lord, the Father of my Lord, that he
would not leave me in the days of my trouble, and in the time of the proud,
when there was no help.
51:11 Mi a foliannaf dy enw di yn
wastadol, ac a'th glodforaf di yn fy nghyffes; a'm gweddi a wrandawyd:
51:11 I will praise thy name continually, and will sing
praises with thanksgiving; and so my prayer was heard:
51:12 Oblegid ti a'n cedwaist ni
rhag dinistr, ac a'm gwaredaist i o'r amser drwg: am hynny y clodforaf a
moliannaf di, ac a fendithiaf dy enw, O Arglwydd.
51:12 For thou savedst me from destruction, and deliveredst me
from the evil time: therefore will I give thanks, and praise thee, and bless
they name, O Lord.
51:13 A myfi eto yn ieuanc, cyn fy
nhwyllo, mi a ofynnais ddoethineb yn eglur yn fy ngweddi.
51:133 When I was yet young, or ever I went abroad, I desired
wisdom openly in my prayer.
51:14 O flaen y deml y gweddïais
amdani hi, a hyd y diwedd y ceisiaf hi.
51:14 I prayed for her before the temple, and will seek her out even
to the end.
51:15 Ie, o'r blodeuyn, nes
aeddfedu'r grawnwin, yr ymhyfrydodd fy nghalon ynddi; fy nhroed a rodiodd yn
union; mi a'i holrheiniais hi o'm hieuenctid.
51:15 Even from the flower till the grape was ripe hath my
heart delighted in her: my foot went the right way, from my youth up sought I
after her.
51:16 Mi a ostyngais ychydig ar fy
nghlust, ac a'i derbyniais hi, ac a gefais lawer o ddysg.
51:16 I bowed down mine ear a little, and received her, and
gat much learning.
51:17 Mi a euthum rhagof ynddi hi: am hynny i'r hwn a roddes i mi ddoethineb y
rhoddaf fi y gogoniant.
51:17 I profited therein, therefore will I ascribe glory unto
him that giveth me wisdom.
51:18 Oblegid mi a roddais fy mryd
ar wneuthur ar ei hôl hi, a dilyn daioni; ac felly ni’m gwaradwyddir.
51:18 For I purposed to do after her, and earnestly I followed
that which is good; so shall I not be confounded.
51:19 Fy enaid a ymdrechodd â hi, ac
mi a fûm ddiwyd yn fy ngweithredoedd: mi a estynnais fy nwylo tua'r nef i fyny,
ac a ddeellais beth oedd fod heb ei hadnabod hi.
51:19 My soul hath wrestled with her, and in my doings I was
exact: I stretched forth my hands to the heaven above, and bewailed my
ignorances of her.
51:20 Mi a gyfarwyddais fy enaid
ati, ac a'i cefais hi mewn puredd: cefais fy nghalon wedi ei chysylltu â hi o'r
dechreuad; am hynny ni'm gwrthodir.
51:20 I directed my soul unto her, and I found her in
pureness: I have had my heart joined with her from the beginning, therefore
shall I not be foresaken.
51:21 Fy nghalon a gafodd helbul yn
ei cheisio hi: am hynny mi a gefais gyfoeth da.
51:21 My heart was troubled in seeking her: therefore have I
gotten a good possession.
51:22 Yr Arglwydd a roddes dafod yn
wobr i mi, a mi a'i moliannaf ef a hwnnw.
51:22 The Lord hath given me a tongue for my reward, and I
will praise him therewith.
51:23 Nesewch ataf fi, O annysgedig,
ac arhoswch yn nhŷ athrawiaeth.
51:23 Draw near unto me, ye unlearned, and dwell in the house
of learning.
51:24 Paham yr ydych chwi yn oedi?
neu beth a ddywedwch chwi am hyn, gan fod ar eich eneidiau chwi syched mor
51:24 Wherefore are ye slow, and what say ye to these things,
seeing your souls are very thirsty?
51:25 Mi a agorais fy ngenau, ac a
leferais, Prynwch hi i chwi heb arian.
51:25 I opened my mouth, and said, Buy her for yourselves
without money.
51:26 Gostyngwch eich gyddfau dan yr
iau, a derbynied eich enaid athrawiaeth: hawdd yw ei chael hi.
51:26 Put your neck under the yoke, and let your soul receive
instruction: she is hard at hand to find.
51:27 Gwelwch â'ch llygaid gymryd
ohonof fi boen, a chael ohonof fi i mi fy hun esmwythdra mawr.
51:27 Behold with your eyes, how that I have but little
labour, and have gotten unto me much rest.
51:28 Mynnwch gyfran o addysg am
nifer mawr o arian, a meddiennwch aur lawer trwyddi hi.
51:28 Get learning with a great sum of money, and get much
gold by her.
51:29 Llawenyched eich calon yn ei
drugaredd ef, ac na fydded yn gywilydd gennych ei foliannu ef.
51:29 Let your soul rejoice in his mercy, and be not ashamed
of his praise.
51:30 Gwnewch eich gwaith mewn pryd,
ac efe a rydd i chwi eich gwobr yn ei amser.
51:30 Work your work betimes, and in his time he will give you
your reward. .
diweddaraf - latest updates. 2009-01-25
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