Index to Welsh dialects. In
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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia Tafodieitheg |
2045k Y tudalen hwn yn Gymraeg (cynllun y wefan hon)
0135c Aquesta pàgina en català
(mapa d’aquesta web)
Traditionally there are perceived to be
two main varieties of Welsh - northern
and southern. Within this broad division, there are two northern varieties and
two southern. Y Wyndodeg / the
language of Gwynedd, an Y
Bowyseg / the language of Powys in the old kingdom of Powys, Y Ddyfedeg / the language od Dyfed in the
south-west, and Y Wenhwyseg / the
language of Gwent in Gwent and Morgannwg. It remains a useful rough division of
the country’s dialect areas.
Alan R. Thomas (1973) identified three basic
dialects - a northern, a midland and a southern, each with western and eastern
from The
Linguistic Geography of Wales, Alan R. Thomas, 1973)
Welsh Dialects
- index page
Pages in this website with
information on the Welsh dialects:
AMRYWIEITHOEDD Y GYMRAEG. Y Traethodydd, Ionawr 1847 Awdur: (dienw)
Article in Welsh on the
differences in the Welsh dialects as seen in the year 1847, especially
comparing northern Welsh to southern Welsh - basically the same situation as
today, apart from the loss of the south-eastern dialect of Welsh which at the
time was becoming increasingly important as the south-east gained population
through industrialisation, but was abandoned by the Welsh of that area en masse
in the 1920s and 1930s.
0830e (1) GOGLEDD A DE
- NORTH AND SOUTH - Gwahaniaethau ffonetig rhwng
Cymraeg y De a'r Gymráeg llafar safonol - Phonetic differences
between Northern and Southern Welsh (03 10 97)
0139e (2) GOGLEDD A DE
AND SOUTH - Gwahaniaethau tafodieithol - rhestr
sÿdd yn dangos ffurfiau'r Gogledd a'r De, a'r iaith safonol – Vocabulary
differences between Northern and Southern Welsh (11 11 97)
1004e Y Wenhwyseg, iaith y de-ddwyrain – Gwentian, the
dialect of south-east
2480k Treforus,
Abertawe (1890)
2481e Plural Forms used in the Lleyn dialect of
Carnarvonshire, and Inflection of Adjectives for the Feminine and the Plural in
the Lleyn dialect of Carnarvonshire (Transactions of the Guild of Graduates,
Univeristy of Wales 1902)
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