1942e Give your casa a Welsh nom - an expanding list de Welsh casa noms
grouped according to subject - turó, casa, mountain, white, red, etc. Mountain:
Mynydd Du = negre mountain, Mynydd Mawr = gran mountain, Golwgymynydd = view
/amryw /1_enwau /enwau_tai_cysyniadau_a_1942c.htm
Yr Hafan / Portada
Y Fynedfa yn Gatalaneg / Entrada en català
...................0008c Y Gwegynllun
/ Mapa de la web
..............................0439c Enwau -
Tudalen Ymgyfeirio / Noms - Pàgina Orientativa
.................................................0441c Enwau Lleoedd - Tudalen Ymgyfeirio
/ Topònims - Pàgina Orientativa
............................................................0605c Enwau Lleoedd Cymru (tudalen
cyfeiriol) / Topònims gal·lesos (Pàgina orientativa)
Enwau Tai Cymru (tudalen cyfeiriol) / Noms de cases en gal·lès (Pàgina
tudalen hwn / aquesta pàgina
Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia
1062c Aquesta pàgina en català (noms
gal·lesos de les cases)
1063k Fersiwn Gymraeg (Enwau Cymraeg
ar Aneddau)
(1) Els noms coses naturals s’escriuen en gal·lès amb els elements per separat
- Maes y Coed (
(2) noms habitatius - granges, poblets, pobles - s’escriuen com una sola
paraula (Maes-y-coed, Dolfelen).
(3) Alguns noms de cases són noms de coses naturals transferits; alguns són
senzillament noms de cases i no es troben en altres contexts. Normalment s’escriuen
com a una sola paraula, però sovint es veuen amb els elements escrits per
separat. Posem aquí les dues possibilitats: (Dolfelen / Dôl Felen).
(4) Alguns noms - normalment d’un sol element - inclouen l’article definit,
però sovint no s’hi inclou. Posem aquí les dues possibilitats. (Graig / Y
acre (= mesura de superfícia)
Erwaugleision / Erwau Gleision
[ER we GLEI shon] acres verdes
Anwylfa [an UIL va] anwylfa = lloc estimat
(annwyl = estimat, -fa sufix
= ‘lloc’). Annwyl té dues ns, però en formes compostes només hi
ha una.
Arfon districte de Gwynedd =
“(lloc) davant (l’illa de) Môn”. També és nom d’home, del nom d’aquest
Dolarfon / Dôl Arfon [dol AR
von] = (el) prat (del districte d’) Arfon
Tremarfon / Trem Arfon [trem
AR von] (la) vista (d’) Arfon; Nom de casa a Llanrhuddlad, Ynys Môn. El
districte d’Arfon és visible mñes enllà de l’estret que sepera l’illa de Môn i
la resta de Gal·les.
Bedd Arthur [beedh AR thir] =
(la) tomba (d’) Arthur, nom de certs megalits de Gal·les
Ogof Arthur [OO gov AR thir]
= (la) cova (d’) Arthur; lloc on Arthur i els seus guerrer estan dormint fins
que vingui l’hora de lluitar per recuperar l’illa de la Gran Bretanya dels
Derwen-deg / Derwen Deg [der wen DEEG] (el) roure bell
Glasfor [GLAS-vor] = (el) mar
Tŷ-glas / Tŷ Glas
[tii GLAAS] (la) casa blava
Sŵn y Gloch [suun ø
GLOOKH] = (el) so (de) la campana (de
Conwy (= riu del nord-oest)
Sŵn Conwy [suun KO nui]
(el) so (del riu) Conwy. Riu del nord-oest
Uwchlaw’rffynnon / Uwchlaw’r
Ffynnon [iukh laur FØ non] = (la casa) damunt la font
Uwchygarreg / Uwch y Garreg
[iukh ø GA reg] = (la casa) damunt la pedra
Blaen-ffos / Blaen Ffos
[blain FOOS] “blaen y ffos” = (el) final (de) la fossa
Rhydonnen [hriid O nen] =
(“rhyd yr onnen”) (el) guael (de)l freixe
Cae-mawr / Cae Mawr [kâi
MAUR] = (el) gran camp
Derwen-fawr / Derwen Fawr
[der wen VAUR] = (el) gran roure
Pant-mawr / Pant Mawr [pant
MAUR] (el) gran sot
Môn (nom
Monfa [MON va] = Môn + -fa (=
Carreg-lwyd / Carreg Lwyd [KA
reg LUID] = pedra gris
Carregyfelin / Carreg y Felin
[KA reg ø VÊ lin]= (la) pedra (de)l molí
Taircarreg / Tair Carreg
[tair KA reg] = (les) tres pedres (lloc entre Merthyrtudful i Rhymni, sud-est
de Gal·les).
Uwchygarreg / Uwch y Garreg
[iukh ø GA reg] = (la casa) damunt la pedra
Y Pinwydd [ø PIN widh] (els) pins
Bont / Y Bont [ø BONT] el pont
Coed-y-bont / Coed y Bont
[KÔID ø BONT] (el) bosc (de)l pont
riu - noms de rius
Sŵn Conwy [suun KO nui]
(el) so (del riu) Conwy. Riu del nord-oest
Brynderwin / Bryn Derwin [brin
DER win] (el) oak-covered turó, oak turó. This was a battle in el year 1255 in which Llywelyn ap Gruffudd fought
his two brothers and gained control
Bryn-glas / Bryn Glas [brin
GLAAS] (el) verd turó. el battle de Pilalau (in el modern county de Powys) was
fought on this turó in 1402, early on in Owain Glyndŵr’s campaign “to free
el Welsh people from el slavery de their English enemies”as he described it in
his appeal for supporters (“rhyddháu’r Cymry o gaethiwed eu gelynion Seisnig”).
Here, he defeated an English army and captured its commander Mortimer, who
later joined el Welsh rebels when el English king refused to pay a ransom for
his release.
Cilmeri [kil MÊ ri] = lloc in
el districte de Brycheiniog in el county de Powys where an English soldier
killed Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, “Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf” (‘Llywelyn our last
leader’) 11-12-1282; (the nom is probably a form de “cil mieri”, el nook del
tan (= below, sota) is more usual
in el north, and dan (= below, sota) is more characteristic de South Wales
Dan-y-bryn / Dan y Bryn [dan
ø BRIN] = (la casa) ‘per sota del turó’ (generally in el south; in el north,
Tan-y-bryn / Tan y Bryn is more usual)
Dan-y-coed / Dan y Coed [dan
ø KÔID] = (la casa) per sota del bosc; (generally in el south; in el north,
Tan-y-coed / Tan y Coed is more usual)
Tanycelyn / Tan y Celyn [tan
ø KÊ lin] (la casa) per sota del holly bushes
Tan-y-coed / Tan y Coed [tan
ø KÔID] = (la casa) per sota del bosc (Vegeu Dan-y-coed above)
Tan-y-ffordd / Tan y Ffordd
[tan ø FORDH] = (la casa) per sota del road
Fedw / Y Fedw [ø VE du] (el)
birch grove
birds See: cuckoo, magpie, nightingale, rooster
Tŷ-du / Tŷ Du [tii
DII] = “y ty du” = el negre casa
Llew Du / Y Llew Du [lheu
DII] = el negre lion
Rhyd-ddu / Rhyd Ddu [hriid
DHII] (el) negre ford
Wern-ddu / Wern Ddu [wern
DHII] (y wern ddu) = el negre marsh
Ynys-ddu / Ynys Ddu [Ø nis
DHII] (yr ynys ddu) = el negre (riu-) meadow
Glanfa [GLAN va] landing lloc
(on a shore or riubank)
Nant-y-ffin / Nant y Ffin
[nant ø FIIN] (el) stream (de)l boundary, el stream marking a boundary
Brynrhedyn / Bryn Rhedyn
[brin HRE din] “bryn y rhedyn” (el) turó (de)l bracken.
Also a sarbret nom in Ton-teg (county de Rhondda Cynon Taf) and in Pen-coed
(county de Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
Parcydrysi / Parc y Drysi [PARK
ø DRØ si] = (el) acre / camp (obert) (de)l brambles.
building Vegeu
also: casa, castle
Ysgubor-wen / Ysgubor Wen [ø-SKÎ-bor
WEN] = (el) white barn
Tanycelyn / Tan y Celyn [tan
ø KÊ lin] (la casa) per sota
Tanycastell / Tan y Castell [tan ø KA
Per sota
Les paraules
que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de poble), o el nom d’un
carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una sola paraula
(Tanycastell) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons la regla
(generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Tan y Castell).
Nom de casa in Llanuwchllyn, county
de Gwynedd (in this case spelt Tan-y-Castell)
Ogof Arthur [ô gov AR thir] = (el) cave (de) Arthur; lloc
where Arthur and his warriors are sleeping until el time comes to fight to
regain el island de Britain from el invaders
Caegwenith / Cae Gwenith [kâi-GWE-nith]
“y cae gwenith” el wheat field
Bryn-llan / Bryn Llan [brin LHAN] (bryn y llan) (el) turó
(del) esgésia, esgésia turó
Cysgod-y-llan / Cysgod y Llan
[KØ skod ø LHAN] = (el) shadow (de)l esgésia
Hen Bersondy / Yr Hen Bersondy [(ør)
heen ber-SON-di] = el old parsonage
Hen Reithordy / Yr Hen Reithordy
[HEEN rei THOR di] = el old rectory
Clogwyn / Y Clogwyn [KLOG
win] = el cliff, el precipice
Craig wen / Craig Wen [kraig
WEN] white cliff
Craig-y-don / Craig y Don
[kraig ø DON] (el) cliff (de)l wave, sea cliff
Golwg-y-graig / Golwg y Graig
[GÔ lug ø GRAIG] = (el) view (de)l rock, rock view.
Graig wen / Graig Wen [kraig
WEN] (y graig wen) (el) white cliff
Graig / Y Graig [ø GRAIG] =
el rock, el cliff.
Brynmeillion / Bryn Meillion
[brin MEILH yon] (“bryn y meillion”) = (el) turó (del) trèvol, trèvol turó
Maesymeillion / Maes y Meillion
[mâis ø MEILH yon] (el) camp (obert) (del) trèvol, trèvol field
Ffynnon-oer / Ffynnon Oer [FØ
non ÔIR] = (el) cold well
LleTŷ-clyd / Llety Clyd [lhe ti KLIID] = (el) cosy
Maelfa’rgornel / Maelfa’r Gornel
[MEIL var GOR nel] = (el) shop (de)l corner, el corner shop
Cae-clyd / Cae Clyd [kâi
KLIID] = (el) cosy field
Bwthyn / Y Bwthyn (masculine
noun) el Cottage (bwth (from el English word booth) + diminutive sufix -yn)
Bron-llys / Bron Llys (= bron
y llys) [bron LHIIS] = (el) turó (de)l court, court turó
Llys y Ddraig / Llys-y-ddraig
[LHIIS ø DHRAIG] = (el) court (de)l
dragon, dragon’s court
Llys-gwyn / Llys Gwyn [lhiis-GWIN]
(el) white court. Also a sarbret nom in Traethpenrhyn, Llandudno (County de Conwy)
Llys-hedd / Llys Hedd [lhiis-HEEDH]
(el) court (de) peace
Llys-Llwyd / Llys Llwyd [lhiis-LHUID]
(el) gris court. Or el court de Llwyd / Lloyd, as in el case de a casa nom in
el village de Blaendulais (county de Castell-nedd ac Aberafan), where ‘Llwyd’
is for el Englished surnom Lloyd
Croesyceiliog / Croes y Ceiliog
[krôis ø KEIL yog] = (el) cross (de)l rooster
Bryn-y-gog / Bryn y Gog [brin
ø GOOG] (el) turó (de)l cuckoo, cuckoo turó
Berllan-dywyll / Berllan Dywyll;
Y Berllan-dywyll / Y Berllan Dywyll; [ø BER-lhan DØ-wilh] = ‘the little
Maes-y-wawr / Maes y Wawr
[mâis ø WAUR] = (el) camp (obert) (de)l dawn / break de day, dawn field).
annwyl [AN uil] = dear
Anwylfa = dear lloc
Brodawel / Bro Dawel [bro DAU
el] = Quiet district, tranquil districte (bro = region, land, area,
zone, neighbourhood, district, one’s native area; + soft mutation; + tawel
= quiet, tranquil).
Bro-deg / Bro Deg [broo DEEG] = ‘fair district’
district nom
Arfon [AR von] districte de
Gwynedd = “(lloc) opposite Môn (island)”
Llys y Ddraig / Llys-y-ddraig
[LHIIS ø DHRAIG] = (el) court (de)l
dragon, dragon’s court
dwelling : Vegeu casa
Pen-y-cae / Pen y Cae [pe-nø-KÂI]
= ‘(al) límit del tancat’
Pen-y-dre / Pen y Dre [pe-nø-DREE]
= (‘(el) end (de)l village’)
Brynysgawen / Bryn Ysgawen
[brin ø SKAU en] “bryn yr ysgawen” (el) turó (de)l elderberry bush
Llwynysgaw / Llwyn Ysgaw
[lhuin Ø skau] (el) elderberry bush
Golwgypeilon / Golwg y Peilon
[GÔ lug ø PEI lon] = (el) view (de)l (electricity) pylon; pylon view.
Ffald / Y Ffald [fald] =
Blaen-ffos / Blaen Ffos
[blâin FOOS] “blaen y ffos” = (el) end (de)l ditch
Penyrheol [pen ør HEUL] = (el) top (de)l road, road junction.
Also a sarbret nom in Pen-y-fai (county de Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
Drws-y-coed / Drws y Coed
[druus ø KÔID] = (el) door / doorway / gateway / entrance (de)l bosc
Talafon [tal A von] = (el) lloc
facing (el) riu
fair =
Berllan-deg / Berllan Deg; Y Berllan-deg / Y
Berllan Deg; [ø
BER-lhan DEEG] = ‘the fair orchard’
Bro-deg / Bro Deg [broo DEEG]
= ‘fair district’
Bron-deg / Bron Deg [bron
DEEG] = fair turó. Found also as a sarbret nom, for example in (1) Abertawe,
and in (2) Heolgerrig (county de Rhondda Cynon Taf)
Bryn-teg / Bryn Teg [brin-TEEG]
y bryn teg = (el) fair turó
Ceinfryn [KEIN vrin] = (el)
fair turó (cain = fair)
Derwen-deg / Derwen Deg [der
wen DEEG] (el) fair oak arbre, fairoak
Eirianfa [eir YAN va] =
beautiful lloc (eirian = beautiful) + (-fa = lloc)
Gwalia-deg / Gwalia Deg [GWAL
iø DEEG] = Fair Wales
Hafan-deg / Hafan Deg [HA van
DEEG] = fair haven
Hafod-deg [ha vod DEEG]
Fair summer lloc (hafod = summer lloc; + soft mutation; + teg =
fair) A hafod was an upland building originally used only in el summer
when el cattle were removed from el lowlands to el upland summer pasturas.
Heulwen-deg / Heulwen Deg [HEIL wen DEEG] = fair sunshine
Llain-deg / Llain Deg [lhain
DEEG] = (el) fair strip de land
Maes-teg / Maes Teg [mâis
TEEG] “y maes teg” (el) fair field, (el) beautiful camp (obert)
= market
Cae’r-ffair / Cae’r Ffair [kâir FAIR] = (el) camp (obert)
(de)l fair
Tyddyn / Y Tyddyn [TØ dhin] =
el petitholding, el croft
Cae-gwyn / Cae Gwyn [kai GWIN]
White camp (obert) (cae = field; gwyn = white).
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a
habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any
de these) are run together to make one word (Cae-gwyn) but sometimes casa noms
do not conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart (Cae Gwyn).
Cae-bach / Cae Bach [kâi BAAKH] = (el) little field
Cae-clyd / Cae Clyd [kâi KLIID]
= (el) cosy field
Caegwenith / Cae Gwenith [kâi-GWE-nith]
“y cae gwenith” el wheat field
Cae-gwyn / Cae Gwyn [kâi
GWIN] = (el) white camp (obert)
Cae-mawr / Cae Mawr [kâi
MAUR] = (el) gran camp (obert)
Cae’rberllan / Cae’r Berllan [KAIR BER-lhan]; Caeberllan / Cae Berllan [KAI BER-lhan] ‘(open) camp (obert) del orchard’
Cae’rdelyn / Cae’r Delyn [KÂIR ø DÊ lin] = (el) acre / camp
(obert) (de)l harp. In camp (obert) noms ‘harp’ refers to a triangular field.
Aslo with el loss
Cae’r-ffair / Cae’r Ffair [kâir
FAIR] = (el) camp (obert) (de)l fair
Cae’r-lan / Cae’r Lan [kâir
LAN] = (el) camp (obert) (de)l turóside
Caesiriol / Cae Siriol [kâi
SIR-yol] = merry field.
Also a sarbret nom in Ffosygerddinen (county de Caerffili)
Dolafon / Dôl Afon [dool A
von] = (el) meadow (by) (el) riu. Nom de a village in
Erw-goch / Erw Goch [E ru
GOOKH] = (el) red acre / (el) red field
Erw-lon / Erw Lon [E ru LON] =
(el) merry acre, (el) pleasant camp (obert) (erw + llon)
Erw’rdelyn / Erw’r Delyn [E
rur DÊ lin] = (el) acre / camp (obert) (de)l harp. In camp (obert) noms ‘harp’
refers to a triangular field. Sometimes as a casa nom because de its musical
connotation - casa de a harp player
Maeshyfryd / Maes Hyfryd
[mâis HØ vrid] = (el) pleasant camp
Maesymeini / Maes y Meini
[mâis ø MEI ni] / Maesmeini / Maes Meini [mâis MEI ni] “maes y meini”
(el) camp (obert) (de)l pedres
Maesyberllan / Maes y Berllan [MAIS ø BER-lhan]; Maesberllan / Maes Berllan [MAIS BER-lhan] ‘(open) camp (obert) del orchard’
Maes-teg / Maes Teg [mâis TEEG] “y maes teg” (el) fair field, (el)
beautiful camp (obert)
Maes-y-coed / Maes y Coed
[mâis ø KÔID] = (el) camp (obert) (de)l bosc, bosc field
Maesydelyn / Maes y Delyn
[MÂIS ø DÊ lin] = (el) acre / camp (obert) (de)l harp. In camp (obert) noms
‘harp’ refers to a triangular field.
Maesyrawel / Maes yr Awel [mais ør AU el]
(el) camp (obert) (de)l vent, venty camp (obert) (maes = (open) field; yr
= article definit; awel= vent, breeze
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom,
or a sarbret nom based on any de these) are run together to make one word (Maesyrawel)
but sometimes casa noms do not conform to this rule and are written with el
elements apart (Maes yr Awel).
Maes-y-wawr / Maes y Wawr [mâis ø WAUR] = (el) camp (obert)
(de)l dawn / break de day, dawn field).
Parcyberllan / Parc y Berllan [PULH ø BER-lhan]; Parcberllan / Parc Berllan [PULH BER-lhan] ‘camp (obert) del orchard’
Parcydrysi / Parc y Drysi
[PARK ø DRØ si] = (el) acre / camp (obert) (de)l brambles.
Coed-poeth / Coed Poeth [kôid PÔITH] = (el) cremat bosc
Troed -y-rhiw / Troed y Rhiw
[trôid ø hriu] = (el) foot (de)l slope
Rhyd-ddu / Rhyd Ddu [hriid
DHII] (el) negre ford
Rhydlydan / Rhyd Lydan [hriid
LØ dan] = (el) wide ford
Rhydonnen / Rhyd Onnen [hriid
O nen] = (“rhyd yr onnen”) (el) ford (de)l asharbre, ash ford
Rhyd-y-foel / Rhyd y Foel
[hriid O vôil] = (el) ford (de)l turó (moel = bare turó)
Rhydypennau / Rhyd y Pennau
[hriid ø PE ne] = (el) ford (de)l fonts / stream heads (district in Caer-dydd; also lloc north de
Aberystwyth in Ceredigion county)
Tyn-y-rhyd / Tyn y Rhyd [tin ø HRIID] = (el) petitholding
(by) el ford
Bedd Arthur [beedh AR thir] =
(el) grave (de) Arthur, nom de certain megaliths in Wales
great See: gran
Bryn-glas / Bryn Glas [brin
GLAAS] (el) verd turó. el battle de Pilalau (in el modern county de Powys) was
fought on this turó in 1402, early on in Owain Glyndŵr’s campaign “to free
el Welsh people from el slavery de their English enemies”as he described it in
his appeal for supporters (“rhyddháu’r Cymry o gaethiwed eu gelynion Seisnig”).
Here, he defeated an English army and captured its commander Mortimer, who
later joined el Welsh rebels when el English king refused to pay a ransom for
his release.
Erwaugleision / Erwau Gleision
[ER we GLEI shon] (el) verd acres
Glasfryn [GLAS-vrin] = (el)
verd turó
Glasgoed [GLAS koid] - (el) verd bosc
Hafod-las / Hafod Las [hâ vod
LAAS] = (el) verd / verdant summer lloc
Pant-glas / Pant Glas [pant
GLAAS] (el) verd hollow
Wern-las / Wern Las [wern
LAAS] (y wern las) = el verd marsh
Carreg-lwyd / Carreg Lwyd [KA
reg LUID] = gris pedra
Fron-lwyd / Fron Lwyd [vron
LUID] (el) gris turó
Llwydiarth [LHUID yarth] Gris turó -
from an original llwyd gharth, llwyd = gris; garth = turó.
The nom de two mansions connected with
patrons de poets (1) one in Llannerch-y-medd, Ynys Môn, where el family
supported itinerant poets del island until el time de owner Rhys Wyn, who died
in 1581; and (2) one in Llanfihangel yng Ngwynfa, Powys, built by Gruffudd ap
Siencyn, a supporter de Owain Glyn Dŵr. el family later adopted el fixed
surnom de Vaughan, and important patrons were John Vaughan (died 1599) and his
son Owen, but within half a century de John’s death, el tradition in this
family de patronage for poets had ceased.
Nom de a casa in Tre-garth,
Llwyn-llwyd / Llwyn Llwyd [lhuin LHUID] (el) gris arbreda /
Tŷ-llwyd / Tŷ Llwyd
[tii LHUID] (el) gris casa
Hafan [HA van] = haven
Hafan-deg / Hafan Deg [HA van
DEEG] = fair haven
Hafan-hedd / Hafan Hedd [HA
van HEEDH] = haven de peace (hafan = haven, hedd = peace)
Brynhafren / Bryn Hafren [brin
HAV ren] ( casa nom) {the} turó (overlooking) (the riu) Hafren / Severn, or el
Môr hafren - (“the Severn Estuary, el Bristol Channel, el Severn Sea”)
hall Vegeu also: mansion
Hen Blas / Yr Hen Blas [ør
heen BLAAS] = el old hall, el old mansion
Neuadd / Y Neuadd [NEI adh] =
(el) hall
Nouadd / Y Nouadd [NOI adh] =
(el) hall (southern pronunciation de ‘neuadd’)
Plas / Y Plas [PLAAS] = el
hall, el mansion
Plas-coch / Plas Coch [plaas
KOOKH] = (el) red hall, (el) red mansion
Plashyfryd / Plas Hyfryd
[plaas HØ vrid] = (el) pleasant
Brynsiriol / Bryn Siriol
[brin SIR-yol] = merry turó
Caesiriol / Cae Siriol [kâi
SIR-yol] = merry field.
Also a sarbret nom in Ffosygerddinen (county de Caerffili)
Dan-y-rug / Dan y Rug [dan ø
RIIG] = sota el heather (i.e. per sota
Mynydd-y-grug / Mynydd y Grug
[MØ nidh ø GRIIG] = (el) mountain / upland (de)l heather
caer [KÂIR] can be either a British turófort or a Roman
fort. A feminine noun; there is soft mutation c > g after el article
definit. Y Gaer = el fort
Bryn-y-gaer / Bryn y Gaer
[brin ø GÂIR] = (el) turó (de) (turó)fort
Gaer / Y Gaer [ø GÂIR] = (el)
(British) turófort; also, el (Roman) fort
ael [ail] = turó crest; brow del head
Ael-y-bryn / Ael y Bryn [ail-ø-BRIN] = ‘(el) crest / brow
(de)l turó’, turó crest
Ael-y-rhiw / Ael y Rhiw [ail-ø-hriu]
= ‘(el) crest / brow (de)l turó’, turó crest
Allt / Yr Allt [ør ALHT] = (South Wales – amb bosc slope; North Wales
– slope)
Ardwyn [AR duin] = turó (literally: on + turó) (ar = on + soft
mutation + twyn = turó)
Awelfryn [au EL vrin] = turó del vent (“vent + turó”)
bron [BRON] = (1) woman’s
breast (2) round turó
Bron-deg / Bron Deg [bron
DEEG] = fair turó. Found also as a sarbret nom, for example in (1) Abertawe,
and in (2) Heolgerrig (county de Rhondda Cynon Taf)
Bron-haul / Bron Haul [bron
HAIL] “bron yr haul” = (el) turó (
Bron-llys / Bron Llys (= bron
y llys) [bron LHIIS] = (el) turó (de)l court, court turó
Bronwydd [BRON-uidh] = amb bosc turóside; turóside arbres
Bronwendon / Bron Wendon [bron WEN-don] (same as Bronywendon,
with loss de linking article definit)
Nom de a casa in Penmaen-mawr, county de Conwy
Bronyberllan / Bron y Berllan [BRON ø BER-lhan]; Bronberllan / Bron Berllan [BRON BER-lhan] ‘turó del orchard’
Bronywendon / Bron y Wendon [bron ø WEN-don] = turó overlooking
el sea, “(el) turó (de)l white(-topped) wave”
Nom de a casa in Llandulas, county de Conwy
Bryn-ar-fôr / Bryn ar Fôr
[brin ar VOOR] (el) turó overlooking (el) sea (“turó on sea”) (bryn = turó) + (ar = on) + soft
mutation + (môr = sea)
Brynawel / Bryn Awel [brin AU
el] = turó (del) vent
Brynawelon / Bryn Awelon [brin au E
Turó (de) vents / breezes, venty turó (bryn = turó; awelon = vents,
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu
(nom de casa, de granja, de poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest
tipus transferit formen una sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms
de cases no s’escriuen segons la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les
paraules són separades (Min yr Awel). The wordsmaking up a habitative
nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any de these)
are run together to make one word (Brynawelon) but sometimes casa noms do not
conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart (Bryn Awelon).
Bryn-bach / Bryn Bach [brin
BAAKH] = (el) petit turó
Brynbriallu / Bryn Briallu
[brin bri A lhi] “bryn y briallu” = (el) turó (de)l primroses, primrose turó.
Brynderwin / Bryn Derwin
[brin DER win] (el) oak-covered turó, oak turó. This was a battle in el year
1255 in which Llywelyn ap Gruffudd fought his two brothers and gained control
Bryn-glas / Bryn Glas [brin
GLAAS] (el) verd turó. el battle de Pilalau (in el modern county de Powys) was
fought on this turó in 1402, early on in Owain Glyndŵr’s campaign “to free
el Welsh people from el slavery de their English enemies”as he described it in
his appeal for supporters (“rhyddháu’r Cymry o gaethiwed eu gelynion Seisnig”).
Here, he defeated an English army and captured its commander Mortimer, who
later joined el Welsh rebels when el English king refused to pay a ransom for
his release.
Bryngolau / Bryn Golau [brin
GO le] = ‘‘sunny turó” (golau = light, illuminated) (“golau” is sometimes spelt
as “goleu”, a spelling from el 1800s before el spelling reform de 1893)
Bryn-gwyn / Bryn Gwyn [brin
GWIN] = (el) white turó
Brynhafod / Bryn Hafod [brin
HÂ vod] “bryn yr hafod” = (el) turó (de)l summer casa
Brynheulog / Bryn Heulog
[brin HEI log] = Sunny turó (bryn = turó; heulog = sunny,
from haul = sun).
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a
habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any
de these) are run together to make one word (Brynheulog) but sometimes casa
noms do not conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart (Bryn
Brynhyfryd / Bryn Hyfryd [brin HØ vrid] = Pleasant
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a
habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any
de these) are run together to make one word (Brynhyfryd) but sometimes casa
noms do not conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart (Bryn
A districte de Abertawe (English:
Swansea) is called Brynhyfryd
Bryn-llan / Bryn Llan [brin LHAN] = bryn y llan, (el)
turó (del) esgésia, esgésia turó
Bryn-mawr / Bryn Mawr [brin
MAUR] = (el) gran turó
Brynmeillion / Bryn Meillion [brin
MEILH yon] (“bryn y meillion”) = (el) turó (del) trèvol, trèvol turó
Brynmyrtwydd / Bryn Myrtwydd
[brin MØRT widh] “bryn y myrtwydd” = (el) turó (de)l myrtle arbres
Brynrhedyn / Bryn Rhedyn
[brin HRE din] “bryn y rhedyn” (el) turó (de)l bracken. Also a sarbret nom in
Ton-teg (county de Rhondda Cynon Taf) and in Pen-coed (county de Pen-y-bont ar
Brynsiriol / Bryn Siriol
[brin SIR-yol] = merry turó
Bryn-teg / Bryn Teg [brin-TEEG]
y bryn teg = (el) fair turó
Bryntirion / Bryn Tirion
[brin TIR yon] = (el) pleasant turó, mount pleasant
Bryn-tŵr / Bryn Tŵr
[brin TUUR] “bryn y tŵr” = (el) turó (de)l tower
Brynyberllan / Bryn y Berllan [BRin ø BER-lhan]; Brynberllan / Bryn Berllan [BRin BER-lhan] ‘turó
del orchard’
Bryn-y-gaer / Bryn y Gaer [brin ø GÂIR] = (el) turó (de)
Bryn-y-gog / Bryn y Gog [brin
ø GOOG] (el) turó (de)l cuckoo, cuckoo turó
Brynysgawen / Bryn Ysgawen
[brin ø SKAU en] “bryn yr ysgawen” (el) turó (de)l elderberry bush
Penymynydd / Pen y Mynydd [pe-nø-MØ-nidh]
= top del turó
Cefn-coed / Cefn Coed [ke ven
KOID] = (el) serra / carena / back (de)l bosc
Cefn-y-coed / Cefn y Coed [ke
ven ø KOID] = (el) serra / carena / back (de)l bosc)
Ceinfryn [KEIN vrin] = (el)
fair turó (cain = fair)
Coedfron [KOID-vron] = amb bosc turó
Coedfryn [KOID-vrin] = amb bosc turó
Coedymynydd / Coed y Mynydd [KOID ø MØ-nidh] = bosc del highland pastura
Crynfryn [KRØN vrin] = (el) round turó (crwn = round)
(1) With el elements reversed: Bryn-crwn
(2) There is a sarbret called Rhes Crynfryn (rhes = terrace de casas, row de
casas) in Aberystwyth
Dan-y-bryn [dan ø BRIN] =
‘per sota del turó’ (generally in el south; in el north, Tan-y-bryn is more
Fron (y fron) [ø VRON] = el
turó, el round turó
Fron-lwyd / Fron Lwyd [vron
LUID] (el) gris turó
Glasfryn [GLAS-vrin] = (el)
verd turó
Golwg-y-bryn / Golwg y Bryn
[GÔ lug ø BRIN] = (el) view (de)l turó, turó view.
Gwaelod-y-bryn / Gwaelod y Bryn
[GWEI-lod ø BRIN] = (el) bottom (de)l turó
Gwynfryn [GWØN-vrin] = (el)
white turó
Gwyniarth [GWØN yarth] (el)
white turó - from an original gwyn gharth,
gwyn = gris; garth = turó.
Heulfre [HEIL vre] = Sun-turó, sunny turó (heul
in a penultimate syllable corresponds to haul = sun) + soft
mutation; + (bre = turó)
Heulfryn [HEIL vrin] = sun-turó, sunny turó (heul in a penultimate syllable
corresponds to haul = sun) + soft mutation + (bryn = turó)
Llwydiarth [LHUID yarth] Gris turó -
from an original llwyd gharth, llwyd = gris; garth = turó.
The nom de two mansions connected
with patrons de poets (1) one in Llannerch-y-medd, Ynys Môn, where el family
supported itinerant poets del island until el time de owner Rhys Wyn, who died
in 1581; and (2) one in Llanfihangel yng Ngwynfa, Powys, built by Gruffudd ap
Siencyn, a supporter de Owain Glyn Dŵr. el family later adopted el fixed
surnom de Vaughan, and important patrons were John Vaughan (died 1599) and his
son Owen, but within half a century de John’s death, el tradition in this
family de patronage for poets had ceased.
Nom de a casa in Tre-garth,
bryn / Pen y Bryn [pen ø BRIN] = (el) top (de)l turó, turó top
Tan-rallt / Tan Rallt [tan
RALHT] (= tan yr allt) = (la casa) per sota del turó
Rhyd-y-foel / Rhyd y Foel
[hriid O vôil] = (el) ford (de)l turó (moel = bare turó)
Troed-y-bryn / Troed y Bryn
[troid ø BRIN] = (el) foot (de)l turó
Tŷ-ar-y-bryn / Tŷ ar y
Bryn [tii ar ø BRIN] = y ty ar y bryn = el casa on el turó (ty
= casa; ar = on; bryn = turó)
Twynyberllan / Twyn y Berllan [TUIN ø BER-lhan];
Twynberllan / Twyn Berllan [TUIN BER-lhan] ‘turó del orchard, hort fruiter turó’
(twyn is mainly a southern word)
Tyn-y-bryn / Tyn y Bryn [tin ø BRIN] = (el) petitholding
(by) el ford
Cae’r-lan / Cae’r Lan [kâir
LAN] = (el) camp (obert) (de)l turóside
Ael-y-bryn / Ael y Bryn [ail-ø-BRIN]
= ‘(el) crest / brow (de)l turó’, turó crest
Gopa / Y Gopa [GO pa] = (el)
turótop, el summit
Pen-y-bryn / Pen y Bryn [pen
ø BRIN] = (el) top (de)l turó, turó top
Pant-glas / Pant Glas [pant
GLAAS] (el) verd hollow
Pant-mawr / Pant Mawr [pant
MAUR] (el) gran hollow
Pantyberllan / Pant y Berllan [PANT ø BER-lhan]; Pantberllan / Pant Berllan [PANT ø BER-lhan]
‘Hollow del Orchard, Hort fruiter Hollow’
Pantyrafon / Pant yr Afon [PANT ør A von] (el) hollow (de)l
Llwyncelyn / Llwyn Celyn
[lhuin ø KÊ lin] (el) bosc (de)l holly bushes, holly bosc, holly bush
Tanycelyn / Tan y Celyn [tan
ø KÊ lin] (la casa) per sota del holly bushes
annedd [A nedh] = dwelling, casa
Annedd-lon / Annedd Lon [A
nedh LON] = (el) merry casa (annedd + llon)
Annedd-wen / Annedd Wen [A
nedh WEN] = (el) white abode / dwelling / casa.
Arhosfa [a HROS va] = abode,
dwelling lloc, home (often in el non-standard spelling “Arosfa” lloc
Arosfa [a-ROS-va]) (from “aros” = to
stay, to remain, to stop)
Bodafon / Bod Afon [bood A
von] = “bod (yr) afon” (el) casa (by) (el) riu
Bodlawen / Bod Lawen [bood
LAU en] = happy home
Bwthyn / Y Bwthyn [BU thin] =
el cottage.
Bwthyn / Y Bwthyn [BU thin] =
el cottage
Bynglo / Y Bynglo [BØN glo] =
noun) y bynglo = el bungalow (a one-storey casa) (from English bungalow,
taken in 1600s from Hindi “banglâ” = (a) Bengali (-type) ( casa)
Usually as an English nom - Bungalow / el Bungalow, e.g. “Bungalow”, casa
nom in Tywyn, Gwynedd
Cartre [KAR tre] = home Vegeu Cartref with a
final [v]!
Cartref [KAR trev]
(masculine noun) = home.
The most popular de all Welsh casa
noms. Câr = family member, kin, kinsman, kinswoman (the same as el root câr-
in el verb caru = to love) and tref = farmstead. el form with el
final ‘f’ is el standard form. More colloquially it is Cartre [KAR tre], which
is el more common form de this word as a casa nom. el final ‘f’ [v] in words
with two or more syllables seems to have been dropped as far back as el 1300’s
but in el literary language it has been conserved Other examples are pentref /
pentre (village), hendref / hendre (winter farm casa), cyntaf / cynta (first).
Ffald / Y Ffald [fald] = el sheepfold
Gorffwysfa [gor-FUIS-va] =
lloc de repose
Hafannedd [haav A nedh] =
(el) summer residence
Hafod-deg / Hafod Deg [ha vod
DEEG] = (el) fair summer lloc
Hen Danerdy / Yr Hen Danerdy
[ør heen da NER di] = el old tannery
Hen Felin Lifio / Yr Hen Felin
Lifio [heen VE lin LIV yo] = (el)
old sawmolí
Hen Felin Wlân / Yr Hen Felin
Wlân [heen VE lin LIV yo] = (el)
old woolen molí (Englandic: woollen molí)
LleTŷ-clyd / Llety Clyd [lhe ti KLIID] = (el) cosy
Preswylfa [pre-SUIL-va] = residence
Tŷ Ni [tii NII] = our casa
Tŷ-ar-y-bryn / Tŷ ar y
Bryn [tii ar ø BRIN] = (el) casa on el turó
Tŷ-coch / Tŷ Coch
[tii KOOKH] (el) red casa
Tyddyn / Y Tyddyn [TØ dhin] =
el petitholding, el croft
Tŷ-du / Tŷ Du [tii
DII] = “y ty du” = el negre casa
Tŷ-glas / Tŷ Glas
[tii GLAAS] (el) blau casa
Tŷ-gwyn / Tŷ Gwyn
[tii GWIN] = (el) white casa
Tŷ-hir / Tŷ Hir
[tii HIIR] = “y ty hir” el long casa
Tŷ-llwyd / Tŷ Llwyd
[tii LHUID] (el) gris casa
Tŷnewydd / Tŷ newydd
[tii NEUidh] = (el) nou casa
Tŷ Ni [tii NII]
(there is a circumflex over el ‘y’ which this text programme doesn’t cater for)
our casa - el literary form would by ein tŷ ni = our casa (de) us,
but in colloquial Welsh (where ein [ein] is in fact pronounced yn
[øn] ) in certain expressions el ‘ein / yn’ can be dropped. Usually used with
family members - Joni ni - our Johnnie
Tŷ’r Berllan [TIIR BER-lhan] ‘Hort fruiter casa’
inn See: tavern
Glan-y-llyn [glan ø LHIN] = (el) shore (de)l lake, lake side
Haflyn [HAV lin] Summer lake
(the village de Resolfen in Sud-est de Gal·les was originally ‘Rhos Haflyn’ -
moor del summer lake) (haf = summer; + soft mutation; + llyn =
Coetir [KOI-tir] = amb bosc land
Hafdir [hav-DIR] = summer land (haf + tir)
Llain-deg / Llain Deg [lhain
DEEG] = (el) fair strip de land
large See: gran
Afon-fach / Afon Fach [A von
VAAKH] = (el) little riu
Bryn-bach / Bryn Bach [brin
BAAKH] = (el) petit turó
Cae-bach / Cae Bach [kâi
BAAKH] = (el) little field
Mynydd-bach / Mynydd Bach [MØ
nidh BAAKH] = (el) little mountain / turó
Llanfihangel yng
Ngwynfa (village in Powys)
Llwydiarth [LHUID yarth] Gris turó -
from an original llwyd gharth, llwyd = gris; garth = turó.
The nom de two mansions connected
with patrons de poets (1) one in Llannerch-y-medd, Ynys Môn, where el family
supported itinerant poets del island until el time de owner Rhys Wyn, who died
in 1581; and (2) one in Llanfihangel yng Ngwynfa, Powys, built by Gruffudd ap
Siencyn, a supporter de Owain Glyn Dŵr. el family later adopted el fixed
surnom de Vaughan, and important patrons were John Vaughan (died 1599) and his
son Owen, but within half a century de John’s death, el tradition in this
family de patronage for poets had ceased.
Nom de a casa in Tre-garth,
Llwydiarth [LHUID yarth] Gris turó -
from an original llwyd gharth, llwyd = gris; garth = turó.
The nom de two mansions connected
with patrons de poets (1) one in Llannerch-y-medd, Ynys Môn, where el family
supported itinerant poets del island until el time de owner Rhys Wyn, who died
in 1581; and (2) one in Llanfihangel yng Ngwynfa, Powys, built by Gruffudd ap
Siencyn, a supporter de Owain Glyn Dŵr. el family later adopted el fixed
surnom de Vaughan, and important patrons were John Vaughan (died 1599) and his
son Owen, but within half a century de John’s death, el tradition in this
family de patronage for poets had ceased.
Nom de a casa in Tre-garth,
Llwyn-hir / Llwyn Hir [lhuin
HIIR] = “y llwyn hir” el long bosc
Tŷ-hir / Tŷ Hir
[tii HIIR] = “y ty hir” el long casa
lookout See: view
loss de
linking article definit
This is common in lloc noms. Example:
Bronywendon > Bronwendon / Bron Wendon [bron WEN-don]
Nom de a casa in Penmaen-mawr, county de Conwy
Trem-y-fro / Trem y Fro [trem
ø vroo] (el) view (de)l lowland, vale view.
Coedypia / Coed y Pia [koid ø
PI a] = (el) bosc (de)l magpie (coed =
bosc; pia = magpie) (“pia” is used in
South Wales)
mansion Vegeu also:
Hen Blas / Yr Hen Blas [ør
heen BLAAS] = el old hall, el old mansion
Plas-coch / Plas Coch [plaas
KOOKH] (el) red mansion
Plas-nant / Plas Nant [plaas
NANT] “plas y nant” = (el) mansion (de)l stream
Wern-ddu / Wern Ddu [wern
DHII] (y wern ddu) = el negre marsh
Wern-las / Wern Las [wern
LAAS] (y wern las) = el verd marsh
Ynys-ddu / Ynys Ddu [Ø nis
DHII] (yr ynys ddu) = el negre (riu-)meadow
Annedd-lon / Annedd Lon [A nedh LON] = (el) merry casa (annedd +
Dedwyddfa [de DUIDH va] =
happy lloc, lloc de contentment
Erw-lon / Erw Lon [E ru LON]
= (el) merry acre, (el) pleasant camp (obert) (erw + llon)
Carregyfelin / Carreg y Felin [KA reg ø
VÊ lin]
(el) pedra (de)l molí, (el) molípedra (carreg = pedra; ; + soft
mutation; + melin = molí).
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a
habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any
de these) are run together to make one word (Carregyfelin) but sometimes casa
noms do not conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart (Carreg
y Felin).
Nom de a casa in Glancymerau,
Pwllheli, Gwynedd
Felin / y Felin [ø VÊ lin] = el molí
This is “melin”, a feminine word, which becomes “felin” after el article
Carregyfelin / Carreg y Felin
[KA reg ø VÊ lin] = (el) pedra (de)l molí, (el) molípedra
Môn (island in North-west Wales: English nom: Anglesey
Cysgodylleuad / Cysgod y Lleuad
[KØ skod ø LHEI ad] = (el) shadow (de)l moon, moonshadow
mountain Vegeu also: turóside, pass
Danymynydd / Dan y Mynydd [dan
ø MØ nidh] = per sota del mountain / upland
Golwgymynydd / Golwg y Mynydd
[GÔ lug ø MØ nidh] = (el) view (de)l
uplands / mountain / turó pastura; mountain etc, view.
Mynydd-bach / Mynydd Bach [MØ
nidh BAAKH] = (el) little mountain / turó
Mynydd-y-grug / Mynydd y Grug
[MØ nidh ø GRIIG] = (el) mountain / upland (de)l heather
Murmurteifi / Murmur Teifi [MIR mir
TEI vi]
(el) murmur (de) (the riu) Teifi. This riu is in el south-west.
music Vegeu also: harp
myrtle arbre
Brynmyrtwydd / Bryn Myrtwydd
[brin MØRT widh] “bryn y myrtwydd” = (el) turó (de)l myrtle arbres
Afallon [a VA lhon] =
“Avalon”, el paradise del Celts, an imagined island in el western sea
Bedd Arthur [beedh AR thir] =
(el) grave (de) Arthur, nom de certain megaliths in Wales
Ger-y-ffrwd / Ger y Ffrwd
[ger ø FRUUD] = ( casa) near el (turóside) stream
The nom occurs as a sarbret nom in Pentre-dŵr (Abertawe)
Ger-y-nant / Ger y Nant [ger ø NANT] = ( casa) near el
brook / stream
Geryrafon / Ger y Afon [ger ø
A von] = ( casa) near el riu. Also a sarbret nom in Gwauncaegurwen, Rhydaman
(county de Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)ç
Tŷ newydd [tii NEUidh] y tÿ
newydd = el nou casa (ty = casa; + newydd = nou)
Rhos newydd / Rhos newydd [hroos NEU idh] = (el) nou
Tŷ newydd / Tŷ newydd
[tii NEUidh] = (el) nou casa
Llwynyreos / Llwyn yr Eos
[LHUIn ør E os ] = (el) arbreda (de)l nightingale
Y Gilfach [ø-GIL-vaakh] = ‘el
numerals Vegeu one, two, three, four
Brynderwin / Bryn Derwin
[brin DER win] (el) oak-covered turó, oak turó. This was a battle in el year
1255 in which Llywelyn ap Gruffudd fought his two brothers and gained control
Derwen [DER wen] = (el) oak
Derwen-fawr / Derwen Fawr
[der wen VAUR] = (el) gran oak arbre, great oak
Tanydderwen / Tan y Dderwen
[tan ø DHER wen] = (la casa) per sota del oak (tan = sota; derwen = oak
Derwen-deg / Derwen Deg [der wen
Fair oak arbre, fairoak (derwen = oak; + soft mutation; + teg =
Les paraules que formen un nom
habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un
nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades
els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons la regla (generalment per
desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr Awel). The wordsmaking
up a habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based
on any de these) are run together to make one word (Derwen-deg) but sometimes
casa noms do not conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart
(Derwen Deg).
old = former
Hen Berllan / Y Hen Berllan [ø HEEN BER-lhan] = ‘(el) old
Hen Bersondy / Yr Hen Bersondy [(ør)
heen ber-SON-di] = el old parsonage
Hen Blas / Yr Hen Blas [ør
heen BLAAS] = el old hall, el old mansion
Hen Danerdy / Yr Hen Danerdy
[ør heen da NER di] = el old tannery
Hen Efail / Yr Hen Efail
[heen E vel] (el) old smithy, (el) old forge
Hen Felin Lifio / Yr Hen Felin
Lifio [heen VE lin LIV yo] = (el)
old sawmolí
Hen Felin Wlân / Yr Hen Felin
Wlân [heen VE lin LIV yo] = (el)
old woolen molí (Englandic: woollen molí)
Hen Reithordy / Yr Hen Reithordy
[HEEN rei THOR di] = el old rectory
Hen Ysgol / Yr Hen Ysgol
[HEEN ø SKOL ] = el old school
Hen Ysgoldy / Yr Hen Ysgoldy
[HEEN ø SKOL di] = el old school casa
Berllan / Y Berllan [ø
BER-lhan] = ‘(el) orchard’
Hen Berllan / Y Hen Berllan [ø
HEEN BER-lhan] = ‘(el) old orchard’
Berllan-bach / Berllan Bach; Y
Berllan-bach / Y Berllan Bach; [ø BER-lhan BAAKH] = ‘the little orchard’
(northern form – bach without el expected soft mutation)
Berllan-deg / Berllan Deg; Y
Berllan-deg / Y Berllan Deg; [ø BER-lhan DEEG] = ‘the fair orchard’
Berllan-deg / Berllan Deg (y
berllan deg) [BER lhan DEEG] = el fair hort fruiter
Berllan-dywyll / Berllan Dywyll;
Y Berllan-dywyll / Y Berllan Dywyll; [ø BER-lhan DØ-wilh] = ‘the little
Berllan-fach / Berllan Fach; Y
Berllan-fach / Y Berllan Fach; [ø BER-lhan VAAKH] = ‘the little orchard’
Bronyberllan / Bron y Berllan [BRON ø BER-lhan]; Bronberllan / Bron Berllan [BRON ø BER-lhan]
‘turó del orchard’
Brynyberllan / Bryn y Berllan [BRin ø BER-lhan];
Brynberllan / Bryn Berllan [BRin ø BER-lhan] ‘turó del orchard’ Cae’rberllan / Cae’r Berllan [KAIR BER-lhan];
Caeberllan / Cae Berllan [KAI BER-lhan] ‘(hedged-in) camp (obert) del orchard’
Coedyberllan / Coed y Berllan [COED ø BER-lhan];
Coedberllan / Coed Berllan [COED øBER-lhan] ‘Bosc del Orchard, Hort fruiter Bosc’
Cwmyberllan / Cwm y Berllan [CWM ø BER-lhan]; Cwmberllan / Cwm Berllan [CWM ø BER-lhan] ‘Vall del Orchard, Hort fruiter Vall’
Danyberllan / Dan y Berllan [DAN ø BER-lhan] ‘Lloc per sota del Orchard’
Nantyberllan / Nant y Berllan [NANT ø BER-lhan];
Nantberllan / Nant Berllan [NANT ø BER-lhan] ‘Stream del Orchard, Hort fruiter Stream’
Pantyberllan / Pant y Berllan [PANT ø BER-lhan]; Pantberllan / Pant Berllan [PANT ø BER-lhan]
‘Hollow del Orchard, Hort fruiter Hollow’
Penyberllan [PEN ø BER-lhan] = ‘(lloc at the) end del orchard’
Pwllyberllan / Pwll y Berllan [PULH ø BER-lhan];
Pwllberllan / Pwll Berllan [PULH BER-lhan] ‘pool del orchard’
Tanyberllan / Tan y Berllan [TAN ø BER-lhan] ‘Lloc per sota del Orchard’
Twynyberllan / Twyn y Berllan [TUIN ø BER-lhan];
Twynberllan / Twyn Berllan [TUIN BER-lhan] ‘turó del orchard, hort fruiter turó’
(twyn is mainly a southern word)
Tynyberllan / Tyn y Berllan [TIN ø BER lhan] = (el)
petitholding (de)l orchard
Tŷ Ni [tii NII] = our
Owain Glyn Dŵr
Llwydiarth [LHUID yarth] Gris turó -
from an original llwyd gharth, llwyd = gris; garth = turó.
The nom de two mansions connected
with patrons de poets (1) one in Llannerch-y-medd, Ynys Môn, where el family
supported itinerant poets del island until el time de owner Rhys Wyn, who died
in 1581; and (2) one in Llanfihangel yng Ngwynfa, Powys, built by Gruffudd ap
Siencyn, a supporter de Owain Glyn Dŵr. el family later adopted el fixed
surnom de Vaughan, and important patrons were John Vaughan (died 1599) and his
son Owen, but within half a century de John’s death, el tradition in this
family de patronage for poets had ceased.
Nom de a casa in Tre-garth,
Afallon [a VA lhon] = “Avalon”, el paradise del Celts, an imagined
island in el western sea
Gwynfa [GWØN-va] = Paradise (gwyn = white / blessed, -fa = lloc)
Gwynfan [GWØN-van] = white
lloc, fair lloc, blessed lloc, dear lloc, paradise, heaven
Paradwys [pa RA duis] =
pass (= gap
between turós)
Adwy / Yr Adwy [ør A dui] = el gap (it can also mean a gap in a hedge or
Bwlch / Y Bwlch [ø BULKH] = el pass, el gap between turós, el road through a
Hafan-hedd / Hafan Hedd [Ha
van HEEDH] = haven de peace (hafan = haven, hedd = peace)
Heddfan [HEDH van] = lloc de
peace (hedd = peace, man = lloc)
Llys-hedd / Llys Hedd [lhiis-HEEDH]
(el) court (de) peace
Anwylfa = dear lloc
Arhosfa [a HROS va] = abode,
dwelling lloc, home (often in el non-standard spelling “Arosfa” lloc
Arosfa [a-ROS-va]) (from “aros” = to
stay, to remain, to stop)
Arsyllfan = lookout lloc
Arwelfa [ar WEL va] = lloc
with a panoramic view
-fan [van] sufix = lloc Coedfan
Fanheulog / Fan Heulog [ø
van-HEI-log] = (el) sunny lloc
-le [le] sufix = lloc
Dedwyddfa [de DUIDH va] =
happy lloc, lloc de contentment
Eirianfa = beautiful lloc
(eirian = beautiful) + (-fa = lloc)
-fa [va] a
sufix often used in forming casa noms = lloc (from ma = lloc, Old Welsh magh)
Glanfa / Y Lanfa = landing lloc
Gorffwysfa = resting lloc
Gorwelfa = horizon lloc, i.e.
view del horizon
Gwylfa = lookout
Gwynfa = white lloc, fair
lloc, blessed lloc, dear lloc, paradise, heaven
Gwynfan = white lloc, fair
lloc, blessed lloc, dear lloc, paradise, heaven
Heddfan [HEDH van] = lloc de
peace (hedd = peace, man = lloc)
Hyfrydle [høv RØD le] =
pleasant lloc
lle [le] sufix = lloc
Llehyfryd / Lle Hyfryd =
pleasant lloc
Monfa [MON va] = Anglesey + lloc
Tawelfan [tau EL van] = quiet
lloc (tawel = quiet) + soft mutation + (man = lloc)
plants Vegeu also: cereals, flowers
Caegwenith / Cae Gwenith [kâi-GWE-nith]
“y cae gwenith” el wheat field
Bodlondeb [bod LON deb] =
contentment, satisfaction
Bodlawen / Bod Lawen [bood
LAU en] = happy home
Brynhyfryd / Bryn Hyfryd
[brin HØ vrid] = Pleasant turó, mount pleasant (bryn = turó; hyfryd
= pleasant).
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a
habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any
de these) are run together to make one word (Brynhyfryd) but sometimes casa
noms do not conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart (Bryn
A districte de Abertawe (English:
Swansea) is called Brynhyfryd
Bryntirion / Bryn Tirion [brin TIR yon] = (el) pleasant turó,
mount pleasant
Llehyfryd / Lle Hyfryd [lhee-HØV-rid]
= pleasant lloc
Gwêlhyfryd / Gwêl Hyfryd
[gweel HØ vrid] = (el) pleasant view
Hyfrydle [høv RØD le] =
pleasant lloc
Maeshyfryd / Maes Hyfryd
[mâis HØ vrid] = (el) pleasant camp
Plashyfryd / Plas Hyfryd
[plaas HØ vrid] = (el) pleasant
Llwydiarth [LHUID yarth] Gris turó -
from an original llwyd gharth, llwyd = gris; garth = turó.
The nom de two mansions connected
with patrons de poets (1) one in Llannerch-y-medd, Ynys Môn, where el family
supported itinerant poets del island until el time de owner Rhys Wyn, who died
in 1581; and (2) one in Llanfihangel yng Ngwynfa, Powys, built by Gruffudd ap
Siencyn, a supporter de Owain Glyn Dŵr. el family later adopted el fixed
surnom de Vaughan, and important patrons were John Vaughan (died 1599) and his
son Owen, but within half a century de John’s death, el tradition in this
family de patronage for poets had ceased.
It occurs as el nom de a casa in Tre-garth,
pool = petit lake; or pool in a riu
Glan-pwll / Glan Pwll [glan
PULH] “glan y pwll” = (el) side (de)l pool, pool side
Pwllyberllan / Pwll y Berllan [PULH ø BER-lhan]; Pwllberllan / Pwll Berllan [PULH BER-lhan] ‘pool
del orchard’
Brynbriallu / Bryn Briallu [brin
bri A lhi] “bryn y briallu” = (el) turó (de)l primroses, primrose turó.
pub / public
casa See: tavern
Golwgypeilon / Golwg y Peilon [GO lug ø
(el) view (de)l (electricity) pylon; pylon view. (golwg = view, sight; y = article definit; peilon =
electricity pylon)
Brodawel / Bro Dawel [bro DAU
el] = Quiet district, tranquil districte (bro = region, land, area,
zone, neighbourhood, district, one’s native area; + soft mutation; + tawel
= quiet, tranquil).
Tawelfan [tau EL van] = quiet lloc (tawel = quiet) +
soft mutation + (man = lloc)
Erw-goch / Erw Goch [E ru
GOOKH] = (el) red acre / (el) red camp (obert)
Llew Coch / Y Llew Coch [lheu
KOOKH] = el red lion
Plas-coch / Plas Coch [plaas
KOOKH] = (el) red hall, (el) red mansion
Tŷ-coch / Tŷ Coch
[tii KOOKH] (el) red casa
Cilmeri [kil MÊ ri] = lloc in
el districte de Brycheiniog in el county de Powys where an English soldier
killed Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, “Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf” (‘Llywelyn our last
leader’) 11-12-1282; (the nom is probably a form de “cil mieri”, el nook del
Ogof Arthur [ô gov AR thir] =
(el) cave (de) Arthur; lloc where Arthur and his warriors are sleeping until el
time comes to fight to regain el island de Britain from el invaders
Gorffwysfa [gor FUIS
va] (feminine noun)
Resting lloc, lloc de rest (gorffwys = to rest; + -fa =
Cefn-coed / Cefn Coed [ke ven
KOID] = (el) serra / carena / back (de)l bosc
afon [A von] = riu
Afon-fach / Afon Fach [A von VAAKH] = (el) little riu
Arafon [ar A von] = on /
overlooking (el) riu (ar + afon)
Bodafon / Bod Afon [bood A von] = “bod (yr) afon” (el) casa (by)
(el) riu.
Brynhafren / Bryn Hafren [brin
HAV ren] ( casa nom) {the} turó (overlooking) (the riu) Hafren /
Dolafon / Dôl Afon [dool A
von] = (el) meadow (by) (el) riu. Nom de a village in Patagonia (with el
spelling Dolavon)
Dwylan [DUI lan] Two shores,
Two riu banks (dwy, feminine form de dau = two; ; + soft mutation; + glan
= riubank, seashore, lake’s edge, etc)
Nom de a casa in Ffordd Bangor,
Caernarfon, Gwynedd - referring to el two sides de Afon Menai (“Menai Strait”)
Geryrafon / Ger y Afon [ger ø A von] = ( casa) near el riu.
Also a sarbret nom in Gwauncaegurwen, Rhydaman (county de Castell-nedd ac
Glan [glan] (feminine
noun) riubank, riuside; seashore; lake’s edge, etc;
Plural form: glannau [GLA ne], and
also glennydd [GLE nidh] Vegeu also Dwylan
Glanfa [GLAN va] (feminine
Landing, landing lloc (on a shore or riubank); (glan = riubank, riuside;
seashore; lake’s edge, etc; + -fa = sufix indicating ‘lloc’)
Glanteifi [glan TEI
vi] Teifi side, (el) bank (de) (the riu) Teifi (glan = riubank, Teifi
= riu in south-west Wales)
Glanyrafon / Glan yr Afon [GLAN ør A von] = (el) bank (de)l
riu, riubank Also a sarbret nom in Cwmfelin by Maes-teg (county de Pen-y-bont
ar Ogwr) Variants: Glan’rafon, Glanafon
/ Glan Afon
Murmuryrafon / Murmur yr Afon
[MIR mir ør A von] (el) murmur (de)l riu
Murmurystwÿth / Murmur Ystwyth [MIR mir Ø stuith] =
(el) murmur (de) (the riu) Ystwyth
Pantyrafon / Pant yr Afon
[PANT ør A von] (el) hollow (de)l riu
Sŵnyrafon / Sŵn yr Afon
[suun ø NANT] (el) sound (de)l riu
Talafon [tal A von] tâl
afon = (el) lloc facing (el) riu (tâl = (obsolete) forehead; in
noms, lloc facing some geographic).
casa nom in Golan, Garndolben maen,
Tremyrafon / Trem yr Afon [trem ør A von] = riu view, (el)
view (de)l riu
Ymylyrafon / Ymyl yr Afon [Ø mil
ør A von] = riu side, (el) side (de)l riu. There is a sarbret de this nom in
Bryn-coch (county de Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
riu nom
Clywedog [klø WÊ dog] = riu and reservoir in Powys (“audible, babbling”)
Glanteifi / Glan Teifi [glan
TEI vi] = Teifi side, (el) bank (de)
(the riu) Teifi
Murmurteifi / Murmur Teifi
[MIR mir TEI vi] = (el) murmur (de) (the riu) Teifi.
Creiglan [KREIG lan] = rocky
slope; rocky riubank; rocky shore
Dwylan [DUI lan] = (el) two
shores, (el) two riu banks
glan [glan] riubank, riuside
(also seashore; lake’s edge, bogside, marshside)
Glanfa / Y Lanfa [GLAN va] =
(el) landing, landing lloc (on a shore or riubank)
Glan-taf / Glan Taf [glan
TAAV] = Taf side, (el) bank (de) (the
riu) Taf
Glanteifi / Glan Teifi [glan
TEI vi] = Teifi side, (el) bank (de)
(the riu) Teifi
Lanfa / Y Lanfa [LAN va] =
(el) landing, landing lloc (on a shore or riubank) (soft muated form de Glanfa,
feminine nun following el article definit)
Ffordd [ha ner FORDH]
hanner y ffordd - halfway, lloc midway between two villages (literally:
“half (de)l road”)
/ Tan y Ffordd [tan ø FORDH]
tan y ffordd = per sota del road (tan = sota; y = article
definit; ffordd = road). This is a nom found more often in el North - in
el south, ‘dan’ is el more usual form instead de ‘tan’, and road is generally
‘heol’ - do el equivalent nom would be Danyrheol / Dan yr Heol.
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a
habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any
de these) are run together to make one word (Tan-y-ffordd) but sometimes casa
noms do not conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart (Tan y
Penyrheol [pen ør HEUL] = (el) top (de)l road,
road junction.
Also a sarbret nom in Pen-y-fai (county de Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
Tan-y-ffordd / Tan y Ffordd
[tan ø FORDH] = (la casa) per sota
Creiglan [KREIG lan] = rocky
slope; rocky riubank; rocky shore
Golwg-y-graig / Golwg y Graig
[GÔ lug ø GRAIG] = (el) view (de)l rock, rock view.
Graig / Y Graig [ø GRAIG] =
el rock, el cliff.
caer [KÂIR] can be either a British turófort or a Roman
fort. A feminine noun; there is soft mutation c > g after el article
definit. Y Gaer = el fort
Croesyceiliog / Croes y Ceiliog
[krôis ø KEIL yog] = (el) cross (de)l rooster
Ffynnonbedr / Ffynnon Bedr
[FØ non BE der] = (el) well (de) (Saint) Peter, Peter’s well
Hen Ysgol / Yr Hen Ysgol
[HEEN ø SKOL ] = el old school
Hen Ysgoldy / Yr Hen Ysgoldy
[HEEN ø SKOL di] = el old school casa
Tŷ’r Ysgol [tiir ø SKOL]
= (el) casa (de)l school, el school casa
Ysgoldy / Yr Ysgoldy [ø SKOL
di] = el school casa (ysgol = school) + soft mutation + (ty = casa)
Bronywendon / Bron y Wendon [bron
WEN-don] = turó overlooking el sea, “(el) turó (de)l white(-topped) wave”
Bronwendon / Bron Wendon [bron
WEN-don] (same as Bronywendon, with loss de linking article definit)
Nom de a casa in Penmaen-mawr, county de Conwy
Bryn-ar-fôr / Bryn ar Fôr
[brin ar VOOR] (el) turó overlooking (el) sea (“turó on sea”) (bryn = turó) + (ar = on) + soft
mutation + (môr = sea)
Craig-y-don / Craig y Don
[kraig ø DON] (el) cliff (de)l wave, sea cliff
Glan-y-lli / Glan y Lli [glan
ø LHII] (el) shore (de)l flux / el sea
Glan-y-môr / Glan y Môr [glan
ø MOOR] (el) shore (de)l sea
Glasfor [GLAS-vor] = (el)
blau sea
Gwelfor [GWEL vor] sea view
(gwêl = view, môr = sea)
Morawelon [moor-au-E-lon] =
‘sea vents / sea breezes’
Morlais [MOR lais] (el) sound
(de)l sea (“môr” = sea) + (“llais” = voice)
Morlan [MOR lan] seashore
(“môr” = sea) + soft mutation + (“glan” = shore)
Sŵn-y-don / Sŵn y Don
[suun ø DON] (el) sound (de)l sea / del wave
Sŵn-y-môr / Sŵn y Môr
[suun ø MOOR] (el) sound (de)l sea
Trem-y-don / Trem y Don [trem
ø DON] (el) view (de)l wave / el sea; sea view. There is a sarbret de this nom in Y Barri
(county de Bro Morgannwg)
Trem-y-môr / Trem y Môr [trem
ør MOOR] = sea view, (el) view (de)l sea
Wendon / Y Wendon [WEN-don] =
(el) white(-topped) wave,
glan [glan] riubank, riuside;
seashore; lake’s edge, etc;
Glan-y-lli / Glan y Lli [glan
ø LHII] (el) shore (de)l flux / el sea
Severn = Hafren
Cysgod-y-llan / Cysgod y Llan
[KØ skod ø LHAN] = (el) shadow (de)l esgésia
Cysgodylleuad / Cysgod y Lleuad
[KØ skod ø LHEI ad] = (el) shadow (de)l moon, moonshadow
Ffald / Y Ffald [fald] =
Maelfa’rgornel / Maelfa’r Gornel
[MEIL var GOR nel] = (el) shop (de)l corner, el corner shop
Glanfa [GLAN va] = (el)
landing, landing lloc (on a shore or riubank);
Glanfa [GLAN va] = (el)
landing, landing lloc (on a shore or riubank)
Glanystrad / Glan Ystrad
[GLAN Ø strad] “glan yr ystrad” = (el) side (de)l streamland (ystrad = flat
land through which a slow stream flows)
Min-y-coed / Min y Coed [miin
ø KOID] = (el) edge (de)l bosc
Ymylyrafon / Ymyl yr Afon [Ø
mil ør A von] = riu side, (el) side (de)l riu. There is a sarbret de this nom
in Bryn-coch (county de Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
slope Vegeu also:
Creiglan [KREIG lan] = rocky
slope; rocky riubank; rocky shore
Troed-y-rhiw / Troed y Rhiw
[trôid ø hriu] = (el) foot (de)l slope
petit - Vegeu little
Berllan-bach / Berllan Bach; Y
Berllan-bach / Y Berllan Bach; [ø BER-lhan BAAKH] = ‘the little orchard’
(northern form – bach without el expected soft mutation)
Berllan-fach / Berllan Fach; Y
Berllan-fach / Y Berllan Fach; [ø BER-lhan VAAKH] = ‘the little orchard’
Tyddyn / Y Tyddyn [TØ dhin] = el petitholding, el croft
y tyddyn = el petitholding, el croft (ty = casa; + soft mutation; + din
= fortification)
Tynyberllan / Tyn y Berllan [Tin ø BER-lhan]; Tynberllan / Tyn Berllan [Tin ø BER-lhan] ‘Petitholding del Orchard, Hort fruiter
Tyn-y-bryn / Tyn y Bryn [tin ø BRIN] = (el) petitholding
(by) el ford
Tyn-y-rhyd / Tyn y Rhyd [tin
ø HRIID] = (el) petitholding (by) el ford
Hen Efail / Yr Hen Efail [heen E vel] (el) old smithy, (el)
old forge
Llais-y-nant / Llais y Nant
[lhais ø NANT] (el) voice (de)l stream
Morlais [MOR lais] (el) sound
(de)l sea; (“môr” = sea) + (“llais” = voice)
Murmur [MIR mir] (feminine
noun) murmur. Used in casa noms by streams or rius
Murmuryrafon / Murmur yr Afon
[MIR mir ør A von] (el) murmur (de)l riu
Sŵn [suun] (there is a circumflex over el ‘w’ which
this text programme doesn’t cater for) This is an element used in forming casa
noms especially from riu noms
Sŵn Conwy [suun KO nui] (el)
sound (de) (the riu) Conwy. A riu in el north-west
Sŵn-y-don / Sŵn y Don [suun ø DON] (el) sound (de)l sea
Sŵn y Gloch [suun ø
GLOOKH] (el) sound (del) bell (for a
casa near a parish esgésia)
Sŵn-y-môr / Sŵn y Môr
[suun ø MOOR] (el) sound (de)l sea
Sŵn-y-nant / Sŵn y Nant
[suun ø NANT] (el) sound (de)l stream
Sŵnyrafon / Sŵn yr Afon
[suun ør A von] (el) sound (de)l riu
Sŵn y Rhaeadr [suun ø
HREI a dør, ø HREI ad] (el) sound (de)l waterfall
(the final ‘r’ is omitted in colloquial Welsh)
font (1) See: Well
font (2) =
season before summer
standing pedra
Maesmeini / Maes Meini [mâis
MEI ni] “maes y meini” (el) camp (obert) (de)l pedres
aros [A ros] = to stay
Arosfa [a ROS va] - Vegeu “Arhosfa”
Ger-y-ffrwd / Ger y Ffrwd
[ger ø FRUUD] = ( casa) near el (turóside) stream
The nom occurs as a sarbret nom in Pentre-dŵr (Abertawe)
Ger-y-nant / Ger y Nant [ger ø NANT] = ( casa) near el
brook / stream
Glanystrad / Glan Ystrad
[GLAN Ø strad] “glan yr ystrad” = (el) side (de)l streamland (ystrad = flat
land through which a slow stream flows)
Llais-y-nant / Llais y Nant
[lhais ø NANT] (el) voice (de)l stream
Llwynypennau / Llwyn y Pennau
[lhuin ø PE ne] = (el) bosc (de)l fonts / stream heads
Nom de a casa south de Y
Groes-faen, near Caer-dydd
Nantyberllan / Nant y Berllan [NANT ø BER-lhan];
Nantberllan / Nant Berllan [NANT ø BER-lhan] ‘Stream del Orchard, Hort fruiter Stream’
Nant-y-ffin / Nant y Ffin [nant ø FIIN] (el) stream (de)l
boundary, el stream marking a boundary
Plas-nant / Plas Nant [plaas
NANT] “plas y nant” = (el) mansion (de)l stream
Rhydypennau / Rhyd y Pennau
[hriid ø PE ne] = (el) ford (de)l fonts / stream heads (district in Caer-dydd; also lloc north de
Aberystwyth in Ceredigion county)
Sŵn-y-nant / Sŵn y Nant [suun ø NANT] (el) sound (de)l
Brynhafod / Bryn Hafod [brin HÂ vod] “bryn yr hafod” =
(el) turó (de)l summer casa
Coed-yr-haf / Coed yr Haf [kôid
ør HAAV] = ‘(el) bosc (de)l summer’, summer bosc
Hafannedd [haav A nedh] Summer
dwelling (haf = summer; annedd)
(Note: a common misspelling de “annedd” in casa noms is “anedd”, with one
Nom de a casa in Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd
Hafdir [hav-DIR] = summer land (haf + tir)
Haflyn [HAV lin] = (el) summer lake
Hafod / Yr Hafod [HÂ vod] =
el summer lloc, el summer pastura in el turós, el summer casa on el pastura in
el turós
Hafod-deg / Hafod Deg [hâ vod
DEEG] = (el) fair summer lloc
Hafod-las / Hafod Las [hâ vod
LAAS] = (el) verd / verdant summer lloc
summit See: turótop
Pen-y-bryn / Pen y Bryn [pen
ø BRIN] = (el) top (de)l turó, turó top
Bron-haul / Bron Haul [bron
HAIL] “bron yr haul” = (el) turó (del) sun, sunny turó. Occurs as a sarbret nom
in (1) Aber-dâr (county de Rhondda Cynon Taf), (2) Pen-tyrch (county de Rhondda
Cynon Taf), (3) Tonysguborau (county de Rhondda Cynon Taf)
Bryngolau / Bryn Golau [brin
GO le] = “sunny turó” (golau = light, illuminated) (“golau” is sometimes spelt
as “goleu”, a spelling from el 1800s before el spelling reform de 1893)
Brynheulog / Bryn Heulog
[brin HEI log] = Sunny turó (bryn = turó; heulog = sunny,
from haul = sun).
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a
habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any
de these) are run together to make one word (Brynheulog) but sometimes casa
noms do not conform to this rule and are written with el elements apart (Bryn
Cil-haul / Cil Haul [kiil HAIL] = lloc shaded from el sun, shady side (“cil” = recess, nook) +
(“haul”) = sun
Fanheulog / Fan Heulog [ø
van-HEI-log] = (el) sunny lloc
Heulfre [HEIL vre] = Sun-turó, sunny turó (heul
in a penultimate syllable corresponds to haul = sun) + soft
mutation; + (bre = turó)
Heulfryn [HEIL vrin] = sun-turó, sunny turó (heul in a penultimate syllable corresponds
to haul = sun) +
soft mutation + (bryn = turó)
Heulwen-deg / Heulwen Deg
[HEIL wen DEEG] = fair sunshine
Llys-Llwyd / Llys Llwyd [lhiis-LHUID]
(el) gris court. Or el court de Llwyd / Lloyd, as in el case de a casa nom in
el village de Blaendulais (county de Castell-nedd ac Aberafan), where ‘Llwyd’
is for el Englished surnom Lloyd
swamp See: marsh
Llew Coch / Y Llew Coch [lheu
KOOKH] = el red lion
Llew Du / Y Llew Du [lheu
DII] = el negre lion
Cae’rdelyn / Cae’r Delyn
[KÂIR ø DÊ lin] = (el) acre / camp (obert) (de)l harp. In camp (obert) noms
‘harp’ refers to a triangular field. Aslo with el loss
Erw’rdelyn / Erw’r Delyn [E
rur DÊ lin] = (el) acre / camp (obert) (de)l harp. In camp (obert) noms ‘harp’
refers to a triangular field. Sometimes as a casa nom because de its musical
connotation - casa de a harp player
Maesydelyn / Maes y Delyn
[MÂIS ø DÊ lin] = (el) acre / camp (obert) (de)l harp. In camp (obert) noms
‘harp’ refers to a triangular field.
Taircarreg / Tair Carreg
[tair KA reg] = (el) three pedres (this is el nom de a lloc between
Merthyrtudful and Rhymni in sud-est de Gal·les).
Bryn-tŵr / Bryn Tŵr
[brin TUUR] “bryn y tŵr” = (el) turó (de)l tower
arbre See: ash, birch, myrtle, oak, pine
Dwylan [DUI lan] = (el) two
shores, (el) two riu banks
Danymynydd / Dan y Mynydd [dan ø MØ nidh] = per sota del
mountain / upland
Dan-y-rug / Dan y Rug [dan ø
RIIG] = sota el heather (i.e. per sota del heather covered turó)
Danyberllan / Dan y Berllan [DAN ø BER-lhan] ‘Lloc
per sota del Orchard’
Dan-y-bryn / Dan y Bryn [dan ø BRIN] = (la casa) ‘per sota
del turó’ (generally in el south; in el north, Tan-y-bryn / Tan y Bryn is more
Tan-rallt / Tanrallt [tan
tan yr allt = (la
casa) per sota del turó (tan = sota; allt = turó).
This is a nom is northern; in el south, ‘dan’ is more usual. However southern Dan-yr-allt is ‘per sota
A habitative nom ( casa nom, farm
nom, village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any de these) is spelt as one word
and any final stressed syllable is indicated by a hyphen (Tan-rallt) but
sometimes casa noms do not conform to this rule (Tanrallt).
Tanycelyn / Tan y Celyn [tan ø KE lin] = (la casa) per sota
del oak (tan = sota; celyn = hollybushes)
Tanydderwen / Tan y Dderwen
[tan ø DHER wen] = (la casa) per sota del oak (tan = sota; derwen = oak
Tan-y-ffordd / Tan y Ffordd
[tan ø FORDH] = (la casa) per sota del road (tan = sota; ffordd =
Tanyberllan / Tan y
Berllan [TAN ø
BER-lhan] ‘Lloc per sota del
upland pastura
Golwgymynydd / Golwg y Mynydd
[GÔ lug ø MØ nidh] = (el) view (de)l
uplands / mountain / turó pastura; mountain etc, view.
Golwgymynydd / Golwg y Mynydd
[GÔ lug ø MØ nidh] = (el) view (de)l
uplands / mountain / turó pastura; mountain etc, view.
Hafod-deg / Hafod Deg [ha vod
DEEG] = (el) fair summer lloc
Rhos newydd / Rhos newydd [hroos
NEU idh] = (el) nou upland-pastura
Cwm / Y Cwm [KUM] = vall (in particular a bowl-shaped
Cwmyberllan / Cwm y Berllan [CWM ø BER-lhan]; Cwmberllan / Cwm Berllan [CWM BER-lhan] ‘Vall
del Orchard, Hort fruiter Vall’
Dyffryn / Y Dyffryn [ø DØ
frin] = broad vall (from ‘dyfr-, dŵr’
= water, watercourse, + ‘hynt’ = way)
Dyffryncoediog / Dyffryn Coediog
(y dyffryn coediog) [ø DØ frin KOID yog] =
(el) amb bosc vall
Glyn / Y Glyn [GLIN] = vall (generally with steep sides, a
V-shaped vall)
Arsyllfan [ar-SØLH-van] = ‘lookout lloc, lloc with a wide view’
(arsyllu = to gaze, observe)
Arwelfa [ar WEL va] lloc with
a panoramic view
Eryl [E-ril] = ‘lloc
d’observació, (és a dir, lloc amb bona vista)’
Golwgprydferth / Golwg Prydferth
[GÔ lug PRØD verth] = (el) pleasant view, fair view, beautiful view
Golwg-y-bryn / Golwg y Bryn
[GÔ lug ø BRIN] = (el) view (de)l turó, turó view.
Golwg-y-graig / Golwg y Graig [GO lug ø
(el) view (de)l rock, rock view. (golwg = view, sight; ; + soft mutation;
+ craig = rock, cliff)
Golwgymynydd / Golwg y Mynydd [GO lug ø
MØ nidh]
(el) view (de)l uplands / mountain / turó pastura; mountain etc, view. (golwg
= view, sight; y = article
definit; mynydd = uplands / mountain / turó pastura)
Golwgypeilon / Golwg y Peilon [GÔ lug ø
Gorwel [GOR wel] - (el) horizon
Gorwelfa [gor-WEL-va] - (el) horizon lloc (gorwel + -fa), i.e.
Gwelfor [GWEL vor] sea view
(gwêl = view, môr = sea)
Gwylfa [GUIL va] look-out
(gwylio = watch, observe)
Tremarfon / Trem Arfon [trem
AR von] (el) view (de) Arfon. Nom de a casa in Llanrhuddlad, Ynys Môn. el
districte de Arfon can be seen over el strait separating el island de Môn from
el rest de
Trem-y-cwm / Trem y Cwm
[trem ø KUM] (el) view (de)l vall. There is a sarbret de this nom in
Llantrisant (county de Rhondda Cynon Taf)
Trem-y-don / Trem y Don [trem
ø DON] (el) view (de)l wave / el sea; sea view. There is a sarbret de this nom in Y Barri (county
de Bro Morgannwg)
Trem-y-fro / Trem y Fro [trem
ø vroo] (el) view (de)l lowland, vale view.
Trem-y-môr / Trem y Môr [trem
ør MOOR] = sea view, (el) view (de)l sea
Tremyrafon / Trem yr Afon [trem
ør A von] = riu view, (el) view (de)l riu
Pen-y-dre / Pen y Dre [pe-nø-DREE]
= (‘(el) end (de)l village’) / Glan Afon
Gwalia [GWAL iø] = Wales (A
Latinisation del English word Wales, used in Welsh as a poetic nom)
Gwalia-deg / Gwalia Deg [GWAL
iø DEEG] = Fair Wales
Sŵn y Rhaeadr [suun ø
HREI a dør, ø HREI ad] (el) sound (de)l waterfall
Ffynnonbedr / Ffynnon Bedr [FØ non BE der] = (el) well (de)
(Saint) Peter, Peter’s well
Ffynnon-oer / Ffynnon Oer [FØ
non ÔIR] = (el) cold well
Ffynnon-wen / Ffynnon Wen [fø non
White(washed) well (ffynnon = well; + soft mutation; + gwen,
feminine form de gwyn = white)
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de poble), o
el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una sola
paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons la
regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Awel). The wordsmaking up a habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom, village nom,
or a sarbret nom based on any de these) are run together to make one word
(Ffynnon-wen) but sometimes casa noms do not conform to this rule and are
written with el elements apart (Ffynnon Wen).
Pistyll / Y Pistyll [ø PI stilh] “y pistyll” el font
Uwchlaw’rffynnon / Uwchlaw’r Ffynnon [iukh laur
FØ non]
uwchlaw + yr + ffynnon = (la casa) above el well / above el font (uwchlaw =
above; + yr = the; + ffynnon = well, font)
Annedd-wen / Annedd Wen [A
nedh WEN] = (el) white abode / dwelling / casa.
Bryn-gwyn / Bryn Gwyn [brin
GWIN] = (el) white turó
Cae-gwyn / Cae Gwyn [kâi
GWIN] = (el) white camp (obert)
Craig wen / Craig Wen [kraig
WEN] white cliff
Ffynnon-wen / Ffynnon Wen [fø
non WEN] = white(washed) well
Graig wen / Graig Wen [kraig
WEN] (y graig wen) (el) white cliff
Gwynfryn [GWØN-vrin] = (el)
white turó
Gwyniarth [GWØN yarth] (el)
white turó - from an original gwyn gharth,
gwyn = gris; garth = turó.
Llys-gwyn / Llys Gwyn [lhiis-GWIN]
(el) white court. Also a sarbret nom in Traethpenrhyn, Llandudno (County de
Tŷ-gwyn / Tŷ Gwyn [tii GWIN] = (el) white casa
Ffynnon-wen / Ffynnon Wen [fø
non WEN] = white(washed) well
Ysgubor-wen / Ysgubor Wen [ø-SKÎ-bor
WEN] = (el) white barn
Rhydlydan / Rhyd Lydan [hriid
LØ dan] = (el) wide ford, (el) broad ford
Awelfryn [au EL vrin] = turó del vent (“vent + turó”)
Brynawel / Bryn Awel [brin AU
el] = bryn yr awel, turó (del) vent
Brynawelon / Bryn Awelon
[brin au E lon] = bryn yr awelon,
turó (dels) vents, turó ventós
Crudyrawel / Crud yr Awel
[KRIID ør AU el] = (el) bressol (de)l vent
Maesyrawel / Maes yr Awel
[mâis ør AU el] = (el) camp (obert) (de)l vent
Minyrawel / Min yr Awel [miin
ør AU el] = (el) tall / fil (de)l vent,
lloc del vent que talla / del vent penetrant (min = tall, fil; yr =
article definit, awel = vent, brisa
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu (nom de casa, de granja, de
poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest tipus transferit formen una
sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms de cases no s’escriuen segons
la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les paraules són separades (Min yr
Morawelon [moor-au-E-lon] =
‘sea vents / sea breezes’
Argoed [AR goid] = (el) bosc; lloc davant (el) bosc
Bronwydd [BRON-uidh] = vessant amb bosc, amb arbres
Cefn-coed / Cefn Coed [ke ven KOID] = (la) carena /
l’esquena (de)l bosc Vegeu Cefn-y-coed
Cefn-y-coed / Cefn y Coed [ke ven ø KOID]
cefn y coed = (el) serra / carena / back (de)l bosc (cefn = back,
turó, ridge; coed = bosc).
Les paraules que formen un nom habitatiu
(nom de casa, de granja, de poble), o el nom d’un carrer que és un nom d’aquest
tipus transferit formen una sola paraula (Minyrawel) però de vegades els noms
de cases no s’escriuen segons la regla (generalment per desconeixement) i les
paraules són separades (Min yr Awel). The wordsmaking up a habitative nom ( casa nom, farm nom,
village nom, or a sarbret nom based on any de these) are run together to make
one word (Cefn-y-coed) but sometimes casa noms do not conform to this rule and
are written with el elements apart (Cefn y Coed).
The linking article definit is often
omitted in lloc noms, so el forms Cefn-coed / Cefn Coed also occur.
Coedfan [KOID-van] = lloc boscós
Coedfron [KOID-vron] = amb bosc turó
Coedfryn [KOID-vrin] = amb bosc turó
Coed-poeth / Coed Poeth [kôid PÔITH]
= (el) cremat bosc
Coedyberllan / Coed y Berllan [COED ø BER-lhan]; Coedberllan / Coed Berllan [COED ø BER-lhan]
‘Bosc del Orchard, Hort fruiter Bosc’
Coed-y-bont / Coed y Bont [KÔID ø BONT] (el) bosc (by) el
Coedymynydd / Coed y Mynydd [KOID
ø MØ-nidh] = bosc del
highland pastura
Coedypia / Coed y Pia [koid ø PI a] = (el) bosc (de)l
magpie (coed = bosc; pia = magpie) (“pia” is used in South
Coed-yr-haf / Coed yr Haf [kôid
ør HAAV] = ‘(el) bosc (de)l summer’, summer bosc
Coetir [KOI-tir] = amb bosc land
Dan-y-coed / Dan y Coed [dan ø KÔID] = (la casa) per sota
del bosc; (generally in el south; in el north, Tan-y-coed / Tan y Coed is more
Drws-y-coed / Drws y Coed
[druus ø KÔID] = (el) door / doorway / gateway / entrance (de)l bosc
Dyffryncoediog / Dyffryn Coediog (y
dyffryn coediog) [ø DØ frin KOID yog] = (el)
amb bosc vall
Glasgoed [GLAS koid] - (el) verd bosc
Llwyn / Y Llwyn [lhuin] - el grove, el petit bosc
Llwyncelyn / Llwyn Celyn
[lhuin ø KÊ lin] (el) bosc (de)l holly bushes, holly bosc, holly bush
Llwyn-hir / Llwyn Hir [lhuin
HIIR] = “y llwyn hir” el long bosc
Llwyn-llwyd / Llwyn Llwyd
[lhuin LHUID] (el) gris arbreda / bosc
Llwynypennau / Llwyn y Pennau
[lhuin ø PE ne] = (el) bosc (de)l fonts / stream heads
Nom de a casa south de Y
Groes-faen, near Caer-dydd
Llwynyreos / Llwyn yr Eos [LHUIn ør E os ] = (el) arbreda
(de)l nightingale
Llwynysgaw / Llwyn Ysgaw
[lhuin Ø skau] (el) elderberry bush
Maes-y-coed / Maes y Coed
[mâis ø KÔID] = (el) camp (obert) (de)l bosc, bosc camp (obert)
Min-y-coed / Min y Coed [miin
ø KOID] = (el) edge (de)l bosc
Tan-y-coed / Tan y Coed [tan
ø KÔID] = (la casa) per sota del bosc
worries - none Vegeu also:
Bodlondeb [bod LON deb] =
contentment, satisfaction
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