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ci, cŵn ‹kii, kuun› (masculine noun)
dog = Canis familiaris common quadraped
Typical dogs’ names in Welsh are Pero, Carlo, Cymro, Cardi, Ianto, Tango, Smot

bod fel ci a'r hwch (said of a couple – man and wife) live a cat and dog life (“be like a dog and the sow”)

ymladd fel cŵn a chathod (fight between many people) fight like cat and dog
Roedd y Taffis a’r Padis yn ymladd fel cŵn a chathod yn ardaloedd glo América
The Taffies and the Paddies fought like cats and dogs in the coalmining areas of America

y Ci Mawr (“the big dog”) Canis Major

in compounds as a soft-mutated suffix -gi, in names of types of dogs
..1/ corgi cattle dog (cor- = small)

..2/ daeargi = terrier (daear = earth )

..3/ dyfrgi = otter (Lutra vulgaris) (dwfr = aigua)

..4/ gweilgi ocean (but the word formerly meant ‘wolf’).

The first element is *gwael = wolf).

(*gwael + soft mutation + ci, a compound probably already existing in the British language, or even in Common Celtic, as Welsh gweilgi has an exact correspondence in Irish: faolchú = wolf)

..5/ gwaetgi bloodhound = large dog with an acute sense of smell used in tracking
...Gwaetgwn Gwent (former) nickname for the inhabitants of Gwent (“(the) bloodhounds (of) Gwent”)
gwaetgi < gwaed-gi (gwaed = blood) + soft mutation + (ci = dog, hound)

5 in compounds as a soft-mutated suffix -gi, for animals or fish considered to be similar to a dog
..1/ dyfrgi = otter (Lutra vulgaris) (dwfr = aigua)
..2/ gwenci = weasel (from gweinc-gi < gwanc = greed)
..3/ maelgi Squatina squatina = angel-fish (mael = mail, coat of mail)
..4/ morgi = dogfish (môr = sea; ‘sea dog’)

by coincidence there is a final syllable -ci in some words borrowed from English -
..a/ donci = donkey.
..b/ hysci = husky
..c/ mwnci = monkey,
..d/ twrci = turkey,

In the three the element has become identified with ci (dog). For monkey and turkey there are plural forms with cŵn (= dogs)
(1) doncis (*doncwn does not occur, except perhaps humorously)
(2) hyscis, hyscwn (= huskies);
(3) mwncďod, mwncwn, mwncwns (this latter one with the English -s added to an existing native plural form) (= monkeys)
(4) twrcďod, twrcďaid, tyrcwn (= turkeys);

in compounds as a soft-mutated suffix -gi, in disparaging descriptions of men

clapgi a man who is a gossip (clap = gossip)

Megys y dychwel y ci at ei chwydfa like the dog that returns to its own vomit, in the same way that a dog returns to its vomit (said of someone who is attracted back to what is unpleasant or harmful, such as an addiction or bad company)

Pedr-2 2:22 Eithr digwyddodd iddynt yn ôl y wir ddihareb, Y ci a ymchwelodd at ei chwydfa ei hun; a’r hwch wedi ei golchi, i’w hymdreiglfa yn y dom
Peter-2 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire

9 Cas gan gath y ci a’i bratho Once bitten twice shy
(“(it is) hateful with a cat the dog which may bite it”)

Cath i dŷ a chi i deulu (“(a) cat for (a) house and (a) dog for (a) family”) (Advice for someone who is thinking of keeping a pet – a cat is loyal to the place where it lives, and a dog to the people who look after it”)

11 cael caws o fola ci try to do the impossible (“get cheese from (the) stomach (of) (a) dog”)

types of dog:
ci potsiwr lurcher (“dog (of) poacher”)

bod yn hen gi be sex-mad (“be a dog”, hen (= literally “old”) used as a quasi-prefix of scorn / disparagement)
Hen gi yw Jones y Bont Jones y Bont is sex mad

fel ci ar gadwyn straining at the leash (“like (a) dog on (a) chain”)

15 fel ci â’i gynffon rhwng ei afl (“like a dog with its tail in its crotch / between its legs”) dejected, miserable, unhappy, crestfallen, with your tail between your legs, cowed

helygen y cŵn (Salix repens) creeping willow
See: corhelygen (corhelyg)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic. Indo-European root

Related to Greek
kuōn (= dog)
The Greek adjective kunikos (= doglike) < ku
ōn, kun- (= dog)

The philosopher Diogenes of Sinope (modern-day Sinop, in Turkey) was nicknamed ‘the dog’ (kuōn) because he is said to have praised the virtues of living in the same way as a dog, and for his behaviour like that of a dog in public. He ate publicly in the marketplace (considered to be very bad manners), urinated on opponents, defecated in the theatre, and on one occasion masturbated in public.

Adherents of his philosophical outlook were termed
kunikos (= “doglike”, having the same ideas as the “Dog”).

These were the Cynic philosophers, who believed that only virtue led to happiness, and little else mattered, and so rejected the social conventions of their time.

The word passed into Latin as
cynicus (= a Cynic philosopher), and itno English as Cynic, cynical, though the noun and adjective acquired a popular meaning, a cynic being a person believing that selfishness is the motivation of everybody, or somebody who has a scornful and negative oulook.


ci adar ‹kii â -dar› masculine noun
PLURAL cŵn adar ‹kuun â-dar›
retriever; gundog, one trained to work with hunters who shoot birds

ETYMOLOGY: “dog (of) birds, bird dog”‘ (ci = dog) + (adar = birds, plural of aderyn = bird)

NOTE: also ci adara (with the verb adara = gather birds)


y ci a gerddo a gaiff ‹ə kii aa gerdh aa gaif -
(‘the dog that walks gets’), nothing seek, nothing find; you can’t expect to get what you want if you don’t make an effort

ETYMOLOGY: (y = definite article) + (ci = dog) + (a = which) + soft mutation + (cerddo subjunctive = it may walk, < cerdded = to walk) + (a = it is the one which) + soft mutation + (caiff = it gets / it will get)


ci Affganaidd kii af- nedh› masculine noun
Afgan hound = large hunting dog with silky hair and a tuft on the head

ETYMOLOGY: (ci = dog) + (Affganaidd = Afghan)


cďaidd -edh› adjective
inhuman, brutal, cruel
Bu farw yn sgil ymosodiad cďaidd He died following a brutal attack

ETYMOLOGY: (ci = dog) + (-aidd suffix for forming nouns)


ciamocs kya-mocs›
pranks, tricks; See: giamocs


Cďan -an› masculine noun
man’s name; name of a British monk of the Celtic church

Cďan has recently been revived as a given name, but was formerly obsolete, and found only as a place name element.

2 Llangďan SH2928 locality in the area of Dwyfor (county of Gwynedd)

ETYMOLOGY: “little warrior” (ci = dog, warrior) + (-an diminutive suffix)


cian kyan masculine noun
can (North-west Wales)
cian o lager a can of lager See: can


ciando kyan -do› masculine noun
kennel (North-west Wales)
See: cando


ci Annwfn ‹kii a-nuvun› masculine noun
PLURAL cŵn Annwfn ‹kuun a-nuvun›
(folk traditon) hellhound; See: cŵn Annwfn


ci arffed ‹kii ar -fed› masculine noun
PLURAL cŵn arffed ‹kuun ar-fed›

ETYMOLOGY: “dog (of) lap, lap dog”‘ (ci = dog) + (arffed = lap)


cib kiib masculine noun
PLURAL cibau -be›
(fruits, seeds) shell, pod

Brenhinoedd-2 2:42 A daeth gŵr o Baal-salisa, ac a ddug i ŵr Dduw o fara blaenffrwyth, ugain torth haidd, a thywysennau o ŷd newydd yn ei gibau. Ac nid oedd dim niwed yn y crochan.
(Y Mab Afradlon) Kings-2 4:41 But he said, Then bring meal. And he cast it into the pot; and he said, Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was no harm in the pot.

Luc 15:16 Ac efe a chwenychai lenwi ei fol â’r cibau a fwytai’r moch; ac ni roddodd neb iddo
(The Prodigal Son) Luke 15:16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.

taflu fel cibau i’r moch treat with disdain, “throw out to the pigs like pods”

3 eggshell
cyfri’r cywion yn eu cibau counting chickens before they are hatched (“counting chicks in their shells”)

4 place names:
..a/ Bwlchycibau; SJ1717 locality in the district of Maldwyn (= northern part of the county of Powys) (literally “pass (of) the pods”)

..b/ Afon Cib in Ffair-fach, Ceredigion; here there are also
....1/ Blaen-cib (blaen = river source; “source of the river Cib”),
....2/ Cwm-cib (cwm = valley; “valley of the river Cib”),
....3/ Tre-gib (tre / tref = farmstead; “farmstead by the river Cib”)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Latin cűpa
From the same British root: Breton kib (= vessel, pod)

NOTE: Also the diminutive form: cibyn (qv)


ci bach ‹kii- baakh masculine noun
PLURAL cwn bach ‹kuun- baakh
puppy (“little dog”)
Botany pen ci bach antirrhinum majus = snapdragon (“head (of) little dog”)


ci bendith y mamau ‹kii ben-dith ə ma-me› masculine noun
PLURAL cŵn bendith y mamau ‹kuun ben-dith ə ma-me›
(folk tradition) a fairy dog

ETYMOLOGY: (“(the) dog (of) (the) fairies”),

(ci = dog) + (bendith y mamau = the fairies, literally “(the) blessing (of) the mothers”)
(bendith = blessing) + (y = definite article) + (mamau = mothers, < mam = mother)


cibddall kib -dhalh› adjective
half-blind, dim-sighted
(figurative) short-sighted = unable to see the true situation, or unable to see the likely consequences of an action

ETYMOLOGY: (cib = pod) + soft muation + (dall = blind); that is, having cataracts, “blind (from) a film (covering the eye)


cibddallineb ‹kib-dha- lhi -neb› masculine noun
(figurative) short-sightedness = inability to perceive the likely consquences of some action

ETYMOLOGY: (cibddall = half blind) + (-ineb = suffix). Cf dallineb (= blindness)


cibell kiî -belh› feminine noun
PLURAL cibellawr ‹ki- -lhaur›
(obsolete) skin, hide, shell
y gibell = the skin / hide / shell

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Latin cűpella; Breton kibell (= bath)


ciblys ki -blis› masculine noun
PLURAL ciblysiau ‹ki- bləs-ye›

ETYMOLOGY: (cib = pod) + soft mutation + (llys = plant)


cibẃts ‹ki- buts masculine noun
PLURAL cibwtsau ‹ki- but –se›
kibbutz = a collective farm in Israel owned by its members

ETYMOLOGY: English < Hebrew kibbutz < modern Hebrew qibbűs (= gathering)


Cibwr ‹KI bur› (feminine noun)
commote of the kántrev of Senghennydd (south-east Wales)

This was the bottom end of the kántrev, between the ridge of Cefn Onn = cefn yr onn “(the) ridge (of) the ash trees” and the coast. Its centre was probably Llys Faen “(the) stone court”. The precise locaton of the court is unknown, though the name survives as that of the village of Llys-faen, five miles north of Caer-dydd city centre, on the slope of Cefn Onn.

(delwedd 7064)

(delwedd 7383)

Hwndrwd Cibwr The hundred of Cibwr / Kibbor (orange area 10 on the map above)
A group of eight parishes which corresponded to the area of the old kúmmud of Cibwr (Y Caerau, Eglwys Ioan (Caer-dydd), Eglwys Fair (Caer-dydd), Llan-daf, Llanedern, Llanisien, Llys-faen, Y Rhath).
Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911) states:
Cardiff, however, appears to have been sometimes considered a commote or Hundred in itself; and when, in the reign of Henry VIII., the County of Glamorgan and its present Hundreds were constituted, the Commotes of Llandaff and Kibor were formed into the Hundred of Cardiff or Kibor, while the Borough was still kept distinct from the Hundred. The Commote of Kibor appears, however, still to subsist as an independent Lordship for some purposes.”

He also cites a document for the year 1772 “Thomas Thomas was this year Bailiff of Cardiff, and also Bailiff of the Hundreds of Cowbridge, Dinas Powis and Kibbor.”

The Hundred of Kibbor continued in use for the purposes of Petty Sessions - it was the area outside the borough of Caer-dydd / Cardiff; Yr Eglwysnewydd / Whitchurch was regarded as its main centre (petty sessions or “police courts”, since the courtrooms were often in the police stations of the district, which dealt with minor crimes, and referred more serious crimes to higher courts, and regulated the licensing of public houses).


cibyn kii -bin› masculine noun
PLURAL cibynnau, cibau ‹ki--ne, -be›
pea pod, bean pod

(North-west Wales) measure = half a bushel

(North-west Wales) vessel holding half a bushel

ETYMOLOGY: (cib = pod) + (-yn = diminitive suffix)


cic kik masculine or feminine noun
PLURAL ciciau kik -ye›
kick = a blow with the foot
y cic / y gic = the kick
rhoi cic i to kick; give a kick to (yn + part of body)
Rhoddodd gic iddo yn ei din She kicked him in his arse
cael cic yn eich tin get a kick up the arse

kick = a specified method of kicking the ball
cic adlam (rugby) drop kick

kick = type of kick awarded by a referee
cic gosb penalty kick

kick = (drink) immediate potent effect, strong intoxicating quality
diod a chryn gic ynddi a drink with quite a kick to it

Sut mae gwneud pregeth â thipyn o gic ynddi? How do you write a sermon with a bit of a kick to it?

cic llyffant (swimming) type of kick in the breast stroke, similar to the way of swimming of a frog

ETYMOLOGY: English kick < Middle English < Scandinavian


ci cadno ‹kii kad-no› masculine noun
PLURAL cŵn cadno ‹kuun kad-no›
(South Wales) foxhound

ETYMOLOGY: “dog (of) fox” (ci = dog) + (cadno (South Wales) = fox)


cicaion ‹ki-kei-on › masculine noun
PLURAL cicaionau ‹ki-kai-ô-ne›
name of a type of tree; this is either Palma Christi or else the gourd tree

4:6 A'r ARGLWYDD DDUW a ddarparodd gicaion, ac a wnaeth iddo dyfu dros Jona, i fod yn gysgod uwch ei ben ef, i'w waredu o'i ofid: a bu Jona lawen iawn am y cicaion. (4:7) A'r Arglwydd a baratôdd bryf ar godiad y wawr drannoeth, ac efe a drawodd y cicaion, ac yntau a wywodd.        
Jonah 4:6 And the LORD God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd.(4:8) But God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd that it withered.

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < Hebrew


cicio dros y tresi kik-yo dros ə tre-si›
free oneself from restraints, rebel (“kick over the traces”)


cicio eich sodlau kik-yokh sod-le›
(“kick your heels”) wait around with impatience


cicio nyth cacwn yn eich pen kik-yo niith ka-kun ən əkh pen
cause trouble for oneself (“kick a wasp’s nest in its end”, kick the bottom / top of a wasp’s nest)


cicio kik -yo› verb
kick = strike with the foot

kick = propel forward by a kick or kicks
cicio’r bęl to kick the ball
cae cicio football field

kick = inflict injury by kicks
Cicion nhw e pan oedd ar lawr They kicked him when he was on the ground

(intransitive verb) (horse) kick out = have a tendency to strike with the foot
Roedd yr eboles honno yn afreolus ac yn cicio That pony was hard ro control and kicked out

(Gęm rygbi) Fe gawson ni ein cico gan y Saeson unwaith eto
(Rugby game) We were defeated again by the English

ETYMOLOGY: (cic = kick) + (-io suffix for forning verbs)

NOTE: In the south, the consonant i at the beginning of a final syllable is typically absent. Hence cicio > cico.


ciconia, ciconiaid ‹ki KON ya, ki KON yed› (feminine noun)
y giconia = the stork


ci defaid, cwn defaid ‹kii DE ved, kuun DE ved› (masculine noun)


Cidron ki-dron›
Kedron, Kidron; a ravine below the eastern wall of Jerusalem, a small stream which rises near Jerusalem, and flows through the Iehosophat valley, disgorging into the Dead Sea

(1) Brenhinoedd-1 2:37
Canys bydd, y dydd yr elych allan, ac yr elych dros afon Cidron...
Kings -12:37
For it shall be, that on the day you goest out, and passest over the brook Kidron...

(2) Brenhinoedd-1 15:13
Ac efe a symudodd Maachah ei fam o fod yn frenhines, oherwydd gwneuthur ohoni hi ddelw mewn llwyn; ac Asa a ddrylliodd ei delw hi, ac a’i llosgodd wrth afon Cidron
Kings-1 15:13
And also Maachah his mother, even her he removed from being queen, because she had made an idol in a grove; and Asa destroyed her idol, and burnt it by the brook Kidron.

(3) Brenhinoedd-2 23.6
Efe a ddug allan hefyd y llwyn o dŷ yr Arglwydd, i’r tu allan i Jerwsalem, hyd afon Cidron, ac a’i llosgodd ef wrth afon Cidron, ac a’i malodd yn llwch, ac a daflodd ei lwch ar feddau meibion y bobl
Kings-2 23:6
And he brought out the grove from the house of the Lord, wiythout Jreusalem, unto the brook Cidron, andburned it at the brook Cidron, and stamped it small to powder, and cast the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people

(4) Brenhinoedd-2 23:12
Yr allorau hefyd, y rhai oedd ar nen ystafell Ahas... a ddistrywiodd y brenin, ac a’u bwriodd hwynt i lawr oddi yno, ac a daflodd eu llwch hwynt i afon Cidron
Kings-2 23:12
And the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz... did the king beat down, and brake them down from thence, and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron

(5) Croniclau-2 15:16
A’r brenin Asa a symudodd Maacha ei fam o fod y frenhines; oherwydd gwneuthur ohoni ddelw mewn llwyn; ac Asa a dorrodd ei delw hi, ac a’i drylliodd, ac a’i llosgodd wrth afon Cidron

Chronicles-2 15:15
And also concerning Maachah the mother of Asa the king, he removed her from being queen because she had made an idle in a grove; and Asa cut down her idol, and stamped it, and burnt it at the brook Kidron

(6) Croniclau-2 29:16
A’r offeiriaid a ddaethant i fewn tŷ yr Arglwydd i’w lanhau ef, ac a ddygasant hwy yr holl fryntni a gawsant hwy yn  nheml yr Arglwydd, i gyntedd tŷ yr Arglwydd. A’r Lefiaid a’i cymerasant, i’w ddwyn ymaith allan i afon Cedron
Chronicles-2 29:16
And the priests went into the inner part of the house of the Lord, to cleanse it, and brought out all the uncleanliness that they found in the temple of the Lord into the court of the house of the Lord. And the Levites took it, to carry it to out abroad into the brook Kidron

(7) Croniclau-2 30:14
A hwy a gyfodasant, ac a fwriasant ymaith yr allorau oedd yn Jerwsalem; bwriasant ymaith allorau yr arogl-darth, a  thaflasant hwynt i afon Cidron
Chronicles-2 30:14
And they arose and took away the altars that were in Jerusalem, and all the altar for incense took they away, and cast them into the brook Kidron

(8) Jeremeia 31:40
a holl ddyffryn y celaneddau, a’r lludw, a’r holl feysydd, hyd afon Cidron, hyd gongl porth y meirch tua’r dwyrain, a fydd sanctaidd i’r Arglwydd;
Jeremiah 31:40
And the whole valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, and all the fields until the brook of Cedron, unto the corner of the horse gate towards the east, shall be holy unto the Lord

(9) Samuel-2 15:23
A’r brenin a aeth dros afon Cidron, a’r holl bobl a aeth drosodd, tua ffordd yr anialwch

Samuel-2 15:23
The king himself also passed over the brook Kidron, and all the people passed over, toward the way of the wilderness

NOTE: In Ioan (John) 18:1 the stream is called Cedron (qv)


ci Ebrill ‹kii e-brilh› masculine noun
cwn Ebrill curlews (“ dogs (of) April”) (from the sound of their cries in the spring)


cig ‹KIIG› (masculine noun)

bwyell gig
meat axe, cleaver PLURAL bwyeill cig
(bwyell = axe) + soft mutation + (cig = meat)

pelen gig, PLURAL pelenni cig meatball

(pelen = ball) + soft mutation + (cig = meat)

cigyn ‹KII-gin› piece of meat

5 llengig diaphragm
Literally “tissue-flesh” llén|gig < lléin|gig < lli|éin|gig
(lliein- < lliain = tissue ) + soft mutation + (cig = flesh, meat)
In Breton it is lienenn-gig (same meaning)


cigfran, cigfrain ‹KIG vran, KIG vrain› (feminine noun)
(corvus corax) rook
y gigfran = the rook


cig moch ‹kiig MOOKH› masculine noun
cyn hallted â heli cig moch very salty ‘as salty as (the) brine (for salting) pork’


cigymwrthodwr, cigymwrthodwyr ‹ki gə mor THO dur, ki gə mor THOD wir› (masculine noun)


cigysol ‹kig- ə -sol› adjective
carnivorous, meat-eating

ETYMOLOGY: (cig = meat) + (-ysol = -eating);
(ys- stem of ysu = consume) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)


cigysor ‹kig- ə -sor› masculine noun
PLURAL cigysorion ‹kig-ə-sor-yon›
carnivore, meat-eater

ETYMOLOGY: (cig = meat) + (-ysol = -eating); (ys- stem of ysu = consume) + (-or suffix for indicating a an agent; from Latin -ârius, in words taken from Latin (canghellor (= chancellor) < cancellârius; afterwards used as a suffix with native words – telynor = harpist)


ci heddlu, cŵn heddlu ‹kii HEDH li, kuun HEDH li› (masculine noun)
police dog


ci hela, cŵn hela ‹kii HE la, kuun HE la› (masculine noun)
hunting dog, hound


cil (1) kiil masculine noun
PLURAL ciliau kil -ye›

(obsolete) retreating, recoiling, flight;
ar gil in retreat, fleeing

gyrru ar gil rout put to flight

This cil in the phrase ar gil, rather than being the noun cil, is in fact cil-, the stem of the verb cilio (= to retreat), though cilio is based on cil (= back, nook, retreat, etc) (+ -io verbal suffix)

(in certain compounds which mean ‘remnant’)
cilran (obsolete) (rhan = part)
cilcyn (obsolete) (-cyn= diminutive suffix),
cilyn (South Wales)

(in certain compounds with the meaning ‘situated at the back’)
cilddant molar (dant = tooth)
cf Irish ‘cúlfhiacail’ (= molar) (cúl = back) + (fiacail = tooth); also English ‘back tooth’;

yng nghil (rhywun / rhywbeth) following (somebody / something)

yn sgil (rhywun / rhywbeth) behind, riding pillion to; as a consequence of, following (somebody / something)
cf Irish “marcaíocht ar gúla” - ride pillion;
sgil < isgîl < (is = below) + soft mutation + (cil = back)

(obsolete) (tool) non-cutting edge, back of an edged tool, non-sharpened edge;
cf Irish “cúil scine” = back of a knife

cil y llygad the corner of the eye;
cil y foch (obsolete) corner of the mouth;
cil y pentan inglenook, corner of the hearth

(in certain compounds and turns of phrase) cud = food that a ruminating animal brings back from the first stomach to chew;
cnoi cil chew cud; reflect
cilfil ruminant (mil = animal)
cildrói (obsolete) turn over in the mouth, masticate (troi = turn)
cilgnói masticate (cnoi = chew)

recess, corner, nook, retreat, secluded place

cil haul “secluded-place (away from the) sun”, shady side, slope of a mountain which does not receive direct sunlight;.

Cil y Fwyalch - name of a folk tune (Blackbird’s Retreat)
Also as Cil yr Aderyn Du

(i) Common in place names –

...(a) Ciliau Aeron (river name Aeron)

...(b) Cilowain (man’s name, Owain)

...(c) Cinmel (originally Cílmael < Cil-máel) (male name Mael)

(ii) certain compound words = remote, secluded, out of the way
cilan (obsolete; found in place names) inlet, creek, cove (-an diminutive suffix) cf Irish “cúlán” = out-of-the-way place;

= secluded hollow (pant = hollow);

cilfa (obsolete) inlet, creek, cove (-fa, suffix = place)

cilfach secluded place, nook; (on the coast) inlet, creek, cove (bach = corner, bend)

(obsolete) nook (man = place);

cilffordd / cilheol = (obsolete) remote road, back road, by-way (ffordd = road);

cf certain place names – cil as a prefix + soft mutation + name of topographic feature
...(a) Cilfynydd secluded upland (mynydd = upland, mountain),
...(b) Cilgoed secluded wood, backwood (coed = wood)

Cilgoed is the modern Welsh equivalent of these place names in England of early Welsh origin: “Culcheth”, “Culgaith”

Cf similar examples in Irish which indicate ‘seclusion’

cúlaon” = recess in a field,

cúláisean” = nook,

cúlraid” = secluded place

upper back part of a harp, where the short strings are
cilddant treble string, one of the short strings of a harp
un o’r tannau manaf yng nghil y delyn one of the smaller strings in the top back part of the harp

(place names) (South Wales) source of a stream
(a) Cilhepste = the source of the Hepste,
(b) Cil-laswg

(obsolete) nape of the neck, back of the neck; but it retains this sense in the compound gwegil = back of the neck (gwo- prepositional prefix = under) + soft mutation + (cil = back of the neck)

waning of the moon;
cil y lleuad waning of the moon;
cilgant crescent, last quarter of the moon
(cil = corner; waning) + soft mutation + (cant = circle, rim) (a nineteenth-century coining)

ar gil on the wane (this cil is more correctly, is cil- the stem of the verb cilio (= to retreat). Cilio is based on cil (= back, nook, retreat, etc))

Monosyllabic words in Welsh with “i” often have an Irish equivalent with “ú”

Hence cil, Irish cúl
Cf the Irish expression “Tá cúl ar an ngealach” The moon is waning, (“there is waning (‘cúl’) on the moon”)

(in some compound forms) side
(a) cilbost (North Wales) gatepost;
(b) cilolwg sideways look, glance (cf Irish cúlamharc = glance, ‘side + look’);
(c) cilgell / cilbarth (obsolete) sideroom;
(d) cildrem (obsolete) sideways look

15 space made when something is partially opened;
cil y drws back of the door; the gap between the door and the frame;
…..agor cil y drws i rywun / agor y drws i rywun open the door to somebody
…..Agor dipyn ar gil y drws open the door a bit more (in the Welsh folk song Mae gen i dipyn o dy^ bach twt / I have a neat little house)

cilagored = (door) ajar, half-open
…..Mae’r drws yn gilagored the door is ajar, half-open

cil dwrn half-open hand
cildwrn tip

away - in the verb cilio = withdraw, retreat, move back (same as in Irish “culaigh, ag culú” = to retreat);
cilio yn ei garn - go back on one’s word (‘retreat into one’s hilt’)

gwegil nape of the neck < *gwagil (with the change a > e under the influence of the i in the final syllable)
(gwa, a variant of the prefix gwo = under) + soft mutation + (cil = back part)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh cil < British < Celtic
From the same British root: Cornish kil (= nook, back), Breton kil (= back of an object)
From the same Celtic root: Irish cúl (= back)
Related to the Celtic root: Latin cűlus (American: butt, ass; Englandic: bum, arse), hence Catalan cul (same meaning), Castilian culo (same meaning)


cilan KII lan›
feminine noun
PLURAL cilannau ‹ki- lA -ne›
recess, nook

cove = small bay; creek, inlet of sea

in place names in North-west Wales -
See Cilan


cilcyn KIL kin›
PLURAL cilcynnos ‹kil- KUH-nos

(Ceredigion: ciltyn)

remnant, remaining portion; fragment

cilcyn o gaws a bit of cheese


Cilan KII lan›


Y Gilan house name in Craig-y-don, Llandudno (county of Conwy) (in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)


Cilan Uchaf farm by Bwlchtocyn
(Llyn peninsula, Gwynedd)

Mynydd Cilan
SH2924 upland in Bwlchtocyn

Pen Cilan

Trwyn Cilan a headland south of Mynydd Cilan Trwyn Cilan


Lôn Cilan
street name in Cilcain, Yr Wyddgrug (Sir y Fflint)

Cilan, house name, Stryd Penlan, Pwllheli (Gwynedd)


Cilan SJ0237 farm in the county of Dinbych / Denbigh

Llawrcilan / Llawr Cilan SJ0237 farm in the county of Dinbych / Denbigh

Pont Cilan SJ0237 a bridge near Cilan farm

Hywel Cilan, poet in the 1400`s, said to be born at Llawrcilan / Llawr Cilan Llawrcilan

Llechwedd Cilan SJ0236 a hillside near Cilan farm

ETYMOLOGY: (cil = nook, recess, creek) + (-an diminutive suffix added to nouns)


Cilcen ‹KIL- ken
a local form of
Cilcain (qv) (a village in Sir y Fflint)


Cilcain ‹KIL- kAin
SJ1765 village in Sir y Fflint yr hen ysgol, Cilcain

ETYMOLOGY: (cil = corner, recess) + ??

NOTE: The local form is Cilcen (with the normal reduction in spoken Welsh in a final syllable of the diphthong
ai > the simple vowel e)

The Calvanistic Methodist church here was (is?) called Pentre Cilcen

(delwedd 7439)

cilchwerthin ‹kil- khwer -thin› verb
cilchwerthin ar rywun to snigger at someone

ETYMOLOGY: (cil = corner, recess) + (chwerthin = to laugh)


Cilgoed ‹KIL-goed›
Culgaith NY6029, a village in Cumbria, England, 10 km east of Penrith

(delwedd 7022)

2 Culcheth SJ6595 village east of Warrington, England

(delwedd 7023)

ETYMOLOGY: “secluded wood, backwood” (cil = corner, recess, back) + soft mutation + (coed = wood)
(delwedd 7420)


Cilgwri ‹PEN-hrin kil-GUU-ri›
Penrhyn Cilgwri A peninsula in England between the estuaries of the Dyfrdwy / Dee and Mersey SJ3089 Parc Penbedw

ETYMOLOGY: “(the) peninsula (of) Cilgwri
Cilgwri ?cil Gwri “recess (of) Gwri” (cil = recess) + (Gwri personal name)
(delwedd 7439)


cildyn kil -din› adjective
obsolete stubborn, obstinate, recalcitrant

Diarhebion 2:15 Y rhai sydd â’u ffyrdd yn geimion, ac yn gildyn yn eu llwybrau
Proverbs 2:15 Whose ways are crooked, and they froward in their paths

ETYMOLOGY: (cil = back of the neck; retreat; corner, angle) + soft mutation + (tyn = obstinate)


ciledrych ‹kil- e -drikh› verb
ciledrych ar glance sideways at, cast a sideways glance at, look aside at, look askance at

ciledrych i’r chwith look quickly to the left, glance to the left

ciledrych dros eich ysgwydd glance over your shoulder

ETYMOLOGY: (cil = corner, angle) + (edrych = to look)


ciledrychiad ‹kil-e- drəkh -yad› masculine noun
PLURAL ciledrychiadau ‹kil-e-drəkh- -de›
sideways look

ETYMOLOGY: (ciledrych = to glance, look askance) + (-iad = suffix for forming nouns)


Cilelái ‹kiil-e- lai
locality in the county of Rhondda-Cynon-Taf. Local pronunciation: Cileli ‹kiil-e-li›

ETYMOLOGY: “source (of the river) Elái” (cil = source of a stream)


cildrói ‹kil DROI› (verb)


cildwrn, cildyrnau ‹KIL durn, kil DƏR ne› (masculine noun)
tip, gratuity
rhoi cildwrn give a tip
un da am roi cildwrn (speaking of a male) a good tipper
un dda am roi cildwrn (speaking of a female) a good tipper


cilfa kil-va› feminine noun
PLURAL cilféydd, cilfaoedd ‹kil-veidh, kil--odh›
creek, cove, small inlet on the coast
y gilfa = the creek



Gilfa. Grid Reference: SJ 11648 54476. Field name in the parish of Efenechtyd, Denbighshire. Noted 1841.

(However it may be a form of gilfach < cilfach)
ETYMOLOGY: (cil = corner, recess, nook) + (-fa = place)


cilfach kil -vakh› feminine noun
PLURAL cilfachau ‹kil- -khe›
nook, secluded spot, recess, corner
y gilfach = the nook

chwilio am gilfach gudd yn yr ogof look for a hidden corner of the cave

Roedd y plant wedi gadael y teganau mewn gwahanol gilfachau yn y lolfa
The kids had left the toys in various nooks around the lounge

Found as a field name (Gilfach < Y Gilfach). Some examples from the Cynefin website:

Gilfach. SH 63176 71189. Parish: Llanllechid, Sir Gaernarfon / Caernarfonshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SH 81349 80291. Parish: Llandudno ac Eglwys-rhos, Sir Gaernarfon / Caernarfonshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 90174 52630. Parish: Llanfihangel Abergwesyn, Sir Frycheiniog / Breconshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 91233 46816. Parish: Penbuallt, Sir Frycheiniog / Breconshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SO 04523 36674. Parish: Llanfihangel Fechan, Sir Frycheiniog / Breconshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SO 15280 27173. Parish: Llan-gors, Sir Frycheiniog / Breconshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 28944 18133. Parish: Sanclęr, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 32448 48307. Parish: Pen-bryn, Ceredigion / Cardiganshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 32500 48218. Parish: Pen-bryn, Ceredigion / Cardiganshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 32555 48133. Parish: Pen-bryn, Ceredigion / Cardiganshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 53786 57815. Parish: Trefilan, Ceredigion / Cardiganshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 59476 83599. Parish: Llangorwen, Ceredigion / Cardiganshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 66766 61062. Parish: Caron Is Clawdd, Ceredigion / Cardiganshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SH 82220 54549. Parish: Llan-rw^st Wledig, Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SH 88139 66781. Parish: Llangernyw, Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SH 92105 63213. Parish: Llansannan, Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SH 96722 75022. Parish: Abergele Wledig, Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 10057 64742. Parish: Llandyrnog, Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 14077 51934. Parish: Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd, Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 02133 80579. Parish: Y Rhyl, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 14871 76505. Parish: Chwitffordd, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 15323 78292. Parish: Chwitffordd, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 17481 67217. Parish: Cilcain, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 25694 58993. Parish: Treuddyn, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 29263 57938. Parish: Yr Hob, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 29263 57938. Parish: Yr Hob, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 29863 59306. Parish: Yr Hob, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 29433 68775. Parish: Ceiconna, Sir Fflint / Flintshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 18063 15395. Parish: Meifod, Sir Drefaldwyn / Montgomeryshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SJ 18063 15395. Parish: Meifod, Sir Drefaldwyn / Montgomeryshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SH 31186 91332. Parish: Llanfair yng Nghornwy, Ynys Môn / Anglesey. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SS 49388 91380. Parish: Llanrhidian Isaf, Sir Forgannwg / Glamorgan. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SM 78240 24825. Parish: Ty^ddewi, Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SM 78240 24825. Parish: Ty^ddewi, Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SM 88574 28718. Parish: Llanedrain / St Edrens, Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.
Gilfach. SN 06262 38836. Parish: Trefdraeth / Newport, Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1841.

As a settlement name (Gilfach < Y Gilfach). Some examples from Cynefin website:
Gilfach. SN 31053 16078. Parish: Sanclęr / St Clears, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1898-1908.
Gilfach. SN 39750 31030. Parish: Cynwyl Elfed, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1898-1908.
Gilfach. SN 48173 22943. Parish: Abergwili, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1898-1908.
Gilfach. SN 57228 18170. Parish: Llanfihangel Aberbythych, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1898-1908.
Gilfach. SN 58322 10371. Parish: Llandybďe, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1898-1908.
Gilfach. SN 63864 10652. Parish: Y Betws, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1898-1908.
Gilfach. SN 48311 15821. Parish: Llangyndeyrn, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1898-1908.
Gilfach. SN 70750 34592. Parish: Llanwrda, Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire. Blwyddyn / Year 1898-1908.

corner for special activities
cilfach Siôn Corn ar y llawr isaf Father Christmas’s Corner on the ground floor (of the shop)

Landscape nook, corner, isolated place
Y Gilfach-goch (“the red corner”) village in the county of Rhondda-Cynon-Taf

Landscape cove, creek, sea inlet
also: cilfach fôr (“creek (of) sea”)
Gilfach yr Halen (= cilfach yr halen) (“(the) creek (of) the salt) name of a bay in Ceredigion (the mutation of c > g is unusual as a radical form in a name of this type, and would occur only in the usual contexts of mutation, such as after certain prepositions, such as “i Gilfach yr Halen” = to Cilfach yr Halen)

Ond pan gyda’r llanw dychwelaf / I’r gilfach, er gwell ac er gwaeth, / Bydd Gwylan, a’i llygad yn llonnach, / Yn sefyll ar leithder y traeth
But when I return on the tide / to the cove, for better or for worse / There will be Gwylan, with her eyes merrier / Standing on the wetness of the beach.
From the poem ‘Gwylan’ by Eifion Wyn (in Telynegion Maes a Môr, published 1908)

bay = recess by a way or road
cilfach lwytho loading bay, area for a vehicle to load or unload
cilfach barcio parking bay, area for a vehicle to park; layby, place at the roadside where a vehicla can stop temporarily

ETYMOLOGY: (cil = corner, recess) + soft mutation + (bach = corner, bend)


cilfilyn ‹kil- -lin› masculine noun
PLURAL cilfilod ‹kil- -lod›
jiráff - cilfilyn brych gyddfir Affricanaidd
giraffe – a spotted long-necked African ruminant

ETYMOLOGY: (cil = cud) + soft mutation + (mil = animal ) + (-yn diminutive suffix added to nouns)


cilgant kil -gant› masculine noun
PLURAL cilgantau ‹kil-gan-te›

crescent = concavo-convex shape of the moon during the first or last quarter

crescent = symbol of Islam
Y Cilgant Coch The Red Crescent, equivalent of the Red Cross organisation in Moslem countries

crescent = curved row of houses with the same façade

crescent = curved street; a road, usually suburban, in the shape of a crescent)

Street names:
..1/ Y Cilgant - street name in Penyrheol, county of Caerffili

Y Gilgant
(name of a street in Corwen, county of Dinbych) The Cresent
(for some reason a feminine noun here – possibly an error in translation)

..2/ Cilgant Eglwys Wen name of a street in Bodelwyddan, Y Rhyl
(“crescent (of) (the) white church”)

..3/ Cilgant y Meillion name of a street in Rhws (county of Bro Morgannwg)
(“crescent (of) the clover”)

Many towns have streets named ‘The Crescent’ on English-language maps. The Welsh name would be, as in the Penyrheol name, Y Cilgant (if no genuine Welsh name exists).

Towns with “The Crescent”:
..1 Abercynffig (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
..2 Aber-dâr (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
..3 Arberth (county of Penfro)
..4 Bangor (county of Gwynedd)
..5 Bedwas (county of Caerffili)
..6 Caer-dydd
..7 Caerffili
..8 Cwm-brân (county of Torfaen)
..9 Glynebwy (county of Blaenau Gwent)
..10 Llanelwedd (county of Powys)
..11 Maesycwmwr, Hengoed (county of Caerffili)
..12 Merthyrtewdrig, Cas-gwent (county of Mynwy)
..13 Nant-y-glo (county of Blaenau Gwent)
..14 Notais, Porth-cawl (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
..15 Pen-lan (county of Blaenau Abertawe)
..16 Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr (county of Gwynedd) Bridgend, Glamorgan
..17 Porthmadog (county of Gwynedd)
..18 Rhos, Baecolwyn (county of Conwy)
..19 Tredegar (county of Blaenau Gwent)
..20 Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg)
..21 Y Creunant (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
..22 Y Cwm-du, Crugywel (county of Powys)
..23 Y Drenewydd (county of Powys)
..24 Y Gors-las (county of Caerfyrddin)
..25 Y Rhyl (county of Dinbych)
..26 Y Tyllgoed (county of Caer-dydd)
..27 Y Tywyn-bach (county of Caerfyrddin)

ETYMOLOGY: cilgant (cil = corner; wane of moon) + soft mutation + (cant = circle, rim) (a nineteenth-century coining)


Cilgerran ‹kil-ge-ran› feminine noun
SN1942 locality in the county of Penfro, south-west Wales
a parish at this place



cilgi kil -gi› masculine noun
PLURAL cilgwn kil -gun›
coward, person who runs off; especially in the saying

Iach cilgi drannoeth A coward lives to see another day; Flight is better than fight; Better to save your skin than stand and fight; Discretion is the better part of valour
Literally: (“(it is) || healthy / all in one piece || (a) coward || the following day”)

cilgi parod an out-and-out coward (Literally “ready coward”)

ETYMOLOGY: ‘dog which flees’ cilgi (cil, stem of cilio = retreat, flee) + soft mutation + (ci = dog, used disparagingly for ‘person’ in certain compound words)


cil haul ‹kiil HAIL› (masculine noun)
place in the shade, place which doesn’t receive sunlight;
frequent in farm names and house names (Cil-haul)


cilio ‹KIL yo› (verb)
retreat, back off, back away, recede, move back

2 cilio i’r cefndir take a back seat, fade into the background, move out of the public eye (“retreat to the background”)

3 cil hidden (stem of cilio)
(obsolete) retreating, recoiling, flight;

ar gil
in retreat, fleeing,
gyrru ar gil rout put to flight

NOTE: In the English dialect of Llanidloes:

GILL, hiding. “He’s on gill” he’s hiding. From the Welsh Gil, a recess, a place to fly to. (Parochial Account of Llanidloes / Edward Hamer / Chapter X / Folk-lore. Page 290 Collections Historical and Archeological Relating to Montgomeryshire and its Borders / 1877)


cilo, cilos ‹KI lo, KI los› (masculine noun)

un cilo one kilo
cilo a hanner one and a half kilos
dau gilo two kilos
tri chilo three kilos
pedwar cilo four kilos
pum cilo five kilos
chwe chilo six kilos
saith cilo seven kilos
wyth cilo eight kilos
naw cilo nine kilos
deg cilo ten kilos
un cilo ar ddeg eleven kilos
deuddeg cilo twelve kilos


Cilpeddeg ‹kil--dheg ›
Llanddewi Cilpeddeg (SO4430) locality in ‘Gwent-in-England’, in the county of Herefordshire, England, 6km northeast of Pontrilas
English name:: Kilpeck

ETYMOLOGY: Cilpeddeg is “source (of the stream called) Peddeg”
(cil = corner, nook; source) + (Peddeg meaning unknown, but the name of two other streams in the south-east)
Cil in the sense of the source of a stream is evidenced in other place names in South Wales

Llanddewi Cilpeddeg is “(the) Llanddewi (which is at) Cilpeddeg”.
Llanddewi “church (of) David” (
llan = church) + soft mutation + (Dewi = David) ; because there are other places with the same name Llanddewi, a tag is generally added to distinguish them.


Cilrhedyn ‹kil- hree -din›
(SN2734) locality in the county of Ceredigion, 6km southwest of Castellnewydd Emlyn
Ancient name: Llanddewi Cilrhedyn

ETYMOLOGY: Apparently ‘nook (of) bracken’; (cil = nook, secluded place) + (rhedyn = bracken).
The old name Llanddewi Cilrhedyn is ‘the ‘Llanddewi’ situated at Cilrhedyn’ (Llanddewi = ‘church of David’, a common church name)


ciltyn ‹KIL-tin›
(Ceredigion) see cilcyn (= remnant; fragment)


cilydd ‹KII lidh› (masculine noun)
(obsolete) fellow;
ei gilydd each other (‘his fellow’)

a’i gilydd and another (‘and his fellow’)

tiroedd a’i gilydd one territory and another, one piece of land and another

Roedd nentydd yn aml yn ffiniau hwylus rhwng tiroedd a'i gilydd, a dyma pam y ceir ambell Nant y Ffin ar y map
Streams were convenient boundaries between one piece of land and another, and that is why we find an occasional Nant y Ffin (boundary stream) on the map

cilyn ‹KII lin› (masculine noun)
1 (Mid-Wales) kiln

ETYMOLOGY: cilyn / cilin < ciln < English kiln < Old English cyln < Latin culina kitchen < coquere (= to cook)


cilyn ‹KII lin› (masculine noun)
1 (South Wales) remnant

ETYMOLOGY: (cil = back) + (-yn suffix)

cim kim masculine noun
common land (found in place names in Arfon and the Llyn peninsula, county of Gwynedd)

..1/ Y Cim SH3125 at Porth Ceiriad, Aber-soch in the Llyn peninsula (county of Gwynedd)

..2/ Y Cim, Carmel SH4954 Gwynedd Carmel

..3/ Y Cim

..a) Distyll y Cim Llanengan (“low-water mark at Y Cim”) Y Cim


..4/ Y Cim at the foot of the mountain called Mynydd Cilan SH2924, south of Bwlchtocyn and Sarn-bach in the Llyn peninsula (county of Gwynedd)


..5/ Y Cim SH4452 by Brynaerau, Dyffryn Nantlle in the county of Gwynedd, east of Pontllyfni. Here too are

..a) Pont y Cim (the bridge at Y Cim)

..b) Efail y Cim (the smithy at Y Cim)

..c) Pistyll y Cim (the waterfall at Y Cim)

..d) Melin y Cim (the mill at Y Cim) Pont y Cim


..6/ Y Cim Lewis Morris, in “Plans of Harbours, Bars, Bays and Roads in St. George’s Channels” (1748) mentions “Kim” by Porth Dinlláen SH 2741. Porth Dinlláen is a cove by Morfanefyn, in the Llyn peninsula (county of Gwynedd)


There is also a derivative of the word cim formed by the addition of an unknown element –ne; this base form cimne has given rise to the following variants, also listed as separate headwords on this page:

(a) cinme < cimne
(b) cimdda < cimdde < cimne
(c) cimla < cimle < cimne

ETYMOLOGY: unknown origin


cimdda kim -dha› masculine noun
(South-east Wales) common land. Sometimes in the form cymdda kəm-dha›

(1) Y Cymdda common land in Llan-daf (Caer-dydd). According to John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911):
“Cymdda Bach / Cymla Bach (the little common.) In the parish of Llandaff (1730.) A small thatched cottage at Llandaff Yard.”
Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, page 482, Y Cimdda, ger Llandaf (The common of Kimney of Landaffe, 1612, Card[iff] Rec[ord]s v. 13

(2) Y Cymdda common land in Y Rhath (Caer-dydd)
According to John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911):
“Cyndda, or Cymdda, or Cymla Bach. A small thatched house which stood on the side of Pen-y-waun Road, on the corner of Ninian Road, by Roath Park. The name is Welsh and means “The Common.” In 1653 the house was described as a messuage and land, partly common, in the manor of Llystalybont. It was blown down in a storm (1895)”

(3) Y Cimdda common land in Tre-lai (Caer-dydd). English name: Ely Common

John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911) quotes a verse by Twm Llewelyn, Llantrisant mocking the composer of verses (tribannau) Siemsyn Twrbil (James Turberville), who lived in Tre-lai:

Siemsyn Twrbil smala / A godwyd ar y Cimdda / Rwyt wedi dysgu iaith dy fam / A honno gan y gwydda
Drôle Shemsyn Twrbil who was brought up on the Common; you have learnt your mother’s language – from geese

(4) Y Cymdda common land in Llantrisant (Rhondda-Cynon-Taf)
Nant Cymdda Bach stream between Llantrisant and Beddau (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)

Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, page 482, Y Cimdda, darn o gomin ger tref Llantrisant, (kimne 1578, RICE MERRICK: A Book of Glamorganshire Antiquities)
(= Y Cimdda, a part of common land near the town of Llantrisant)

(5) Y Cimla place at Llan-gan SS9577 (county of Bro Morgannwg), south-east of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, according to Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, page 482

(6) Coed y Cymdda name of a wood east of Gwenfô (county of Bro Morgannwg)

(7) Y Cymdda SS9183 common land south of Y Sarn (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
Y Cymdda street name by this place

cimne apparently (cim = common land) + (-ne, suffix of unknown meaning)
cimne > cimle (n > l)
cimle > cimla In south-east Wales a final ‹e› becomes ‹a›.
cimla > cimdda
(l > dd)
cimdda > cymdda
(the tonic vowel becomes an obscure vowel)

The change -ne > -le > -dde is also seen in shimne (= chimney) > shimle > shimdde


cimdde kim -dhe› masculine noun
common land. Found in places names in the south-east in the form cimdda or cymdda. See cimdda.

ETYMOLOGY: (1) cimdde < cimne. Cimne is (cim = common land) + (-ne, unknown element)
(2) The change -ne > -le > -dde is also seen in shimne (= chimney) > shimle > shimdde


cimla kim -la› masculine noun
common land

(1) Y Cimla SS 7696 a village in the county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan, on the eastern side of the town of Castell-nedd. From the name of common here, which on th Ordnance Survey map is indicated with the tautological “Cimla Common”
Heol y Cimla (“Cimla Road”) the road from Castell-nedd to Y Cimla

(2) Waun Cimla, open land on the east of Mynyddcynffig (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
 = gwaun y cimne – (“the) heath (of) the common land

(3) Y Cimla Llan-daf (Caer-dydd). See Cimdda

(4) Y Cimla Y Rhath (Caer-dydd). See Cimdda

ETYMOLOGY: (1) In south-east Wales a final ‹e› becomes ‹a›. Thus cimla < cimle, which in turn is from cimne. Cimne is (cim = common land) + (-ne, unknown element)
(2) The change -ne > -le is possibly the result of confusion with the suffix -le, < lle (= place).
(3) The change -ne > -le is also seen in shimne (= chimney) > colloquially shimle


cimle kim -le› masculine noun
PLURAL cimleydd, cimleoedd ‹kim--idd, -odh›
common land

Y Cimle place between Llanfaelrhys SH2126 and Rhiw, in the Llyn peninsula, county of Gwynedd
(Query: is the local form Cimla? since in the north-west a final ‹e› invariably becomes ‹a›)

ETYMOLOGY: (1) cimle < cimne. Cimne is (cim = common land) + (-ne, unknown element)
(2) The change -ne > -le is possibly the result of confusion with the suffix -le, < lle (= place).
(3) The change -ne > -le is also seen in shimne (= chimney) > colloquially shimle
See cimla

cimne kim –ne› masculine noun
common land; occurs in various forms in the place names of Wales

cimne > cimle (qv)
The change -ne > -le is also seen in shimne (= chimney) > colloquially shimle. It is possibly the result of confusion with the suffix -le, < lle (= place).

cimne > cimle > cimla (qv) (in south-east Wales ‘e’ in a final syllable becomes ‘a’)

cimne > cimdde (qv)
The change -ne > -dde is also seen in shimne (= chimney) > colloquially shimdde

cimne > cimdde > cimdda (qv)

ETYMOLOGY: (cim = common land) + (-ne suffix of unknown meaning)


cin kin (m)
PLURAL ciniau, cinion, cinnau kin –yai –e, kin-yon, kin-ai -e›
1 (not in use in modern Welsh) shred, piece of cŷh, rag

2 ciniach / cinnach (obsolete word) shreds, rags (cin) + (-i-ach or –ach, plural ending, often indicating disdain, or ‘worthless’)

ETYMOLOGY: unknown

Cěn-coed <kin KOID> [kɪnˡkɔɪd]
hill in Llangurig (Powys)

The History of the Parish of Llangurig. By Edward Hamer, Esq., and H. W. Lloyd, Esq. 1875

“CIN-COED, cin may be a corruption of Cefn, ce'n; in which case the word would mean the ridge of the wood.

It is the name of a hill in the t.p. [township] of Glyn-Brochan, and also of several small f[arm]s. and tenements on its slopes. “


ETYMOLOGY: cefn y coed (“(the) hill (of) the wood”), the wooded hill


Note: Often found as Cincoed, but if spelt according to the rules for such names with a stressed final monosyllabic element – i.e. with a hyphen - (Cin-coed) there is no doubt about the pronunciation of this name. But more correctly still it would be Cěn-coed (though this spelling is never found), as the vowel needs to be marked as short – it is usually long in this environment (blin, ffin, min, hin, tin)

Not also the spelling Cyncoed / Cyn-coed:

1 district of Caer-dydd (official spelling: Caerdydd, English Cardiff)


A Survey had and made of the said Lordshipp or Roth Kensam on the seventh day of May in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and fiftye... for the lands late of David John William, [be]ing in Kenkoed in the said parish of Lanederne, formerlie in the tenure of Wenllian [He]rbert

(The Survey and Presentment of The Manor of Roath Keynsham in Glamorgan / Archaeologia Cambrensis / 4th Series / Vol XIV / 1883)

See Cyn-coed.



cingroen kin -gron› feminine noun
PLURAL cingrwyn kin -gruin›

stinkhorn Phallus impudicus, a fungus which gives off an offensive smell
y gingroen = the stinkhorn


in expressions to describe a bad smell:
drewi fel y gingroen stink like hell, stink to high heaven (“stink like the stinkhorn”)
mor ddrewllyd â’r gingroen as smelly as old socks (“as smelly as the stinkhorn”)

North Wales belittling expression for a person considered disagreeable
Dw i’n malio dim am yr hen gingroen afiach
I couldn’t care less about that old turd (“the old unhealthy stinkhorn”)

ETYMOLOGY: “shred of skin” (cin = shred, rag, piece) + soft mutation + (croen = skin). Maybe because it was used as an exfoliant.

“They really do use the stinkhorns in face cream preparations in the Balkans. The compounds in these mushrooms act as an exfoliant, leaving skin looking fresh and clean.” Website: The Fungal Jungal. Page: Stinkhorns

NOTE: the literary pronuciation is kin-groin›; the colloquial pronunciation kin-gron› is also written cingro’n / cingron.

Colloquially the reduction oe > o in the final syllable of a word is typical


cinio kin -yo›
masculine noun
PLURAL ciniawau ‹kin- YAA -we›
dinner = midday meal, main meal of the day
cinio twym a hot dinner
hwylio cinio prepare dinner
ar ginio during dinner
llestr cinio dinner dish
bod ar eich cinio be at lunch (“be on you dinner”)

dinner, supper = evening meal

cinio ysgol school dinner, school lunch (provided to pupils in a school)
arian cinio = dinner money, formerly (especially 1950’s, 1960’s) taken to school by the pupil on a Monday to pay for the meals during the following week

cinio pecyn
packed lunch (food taken to school or to work in a lunch box) (bocs bwyd)

Mae e ar ei ginio He’s having dinner (“he is on his dinner”)

..a/ cinio < *cin + (-io suffix);
..b/ *cin < British (< Latin kîna?) < Latin cęna (= supper);

Cornish kiniow (= dinner)

NOTE: (South Wales) masculine noun y cinio, (North Wales) feminine noun y ginio


cinio echwydd kin-yo e-khwidh› masculine noun
(now obsolete, but in use in the Blaenau Morgannwg area in south-east Wales until the 1900s) dinner

ETYMOLOGY: cinio (= dinner), echwydd (= afternoon)


cinio ysgol ‹KIN yo Ə skol› (masculine noun)
school dinner


Cinmeirch <KIN-meirkh>
(Place-names), occurs in Llanrhaeadr yng Nghinmeirch (‘the Llanrhaeadr / church of the waterfall in the ‘cwmwd’ (commote / district) of Cinmeirch’). SJ0863 4km south-east of Dinbych on the road to Rhuthun. See Ceinmeirch
Y Ficerdy / The Vicarage

Bro Cinmeirch the Cinmeirch district

Ysgol Bro Cinmeirch
“(the) school (of) Bro Cinmeirch”
Name of a primary school in Llanrhaeadr yng Nghinmeirch

(delwedd 7505)


Cinmel <KIN-mel>

SH9874 Plas Cinmel (“Kinmel Hall”)

SH9874 Parc Cinmel (“Kinmel Park”)

3 Ffordd Cinmel street in Y Rhyl “(Cinmel Street”)

4 Baecinmel (SH9880) (county of Conwy) (“Cinmel Bay”) Twyni Cinmel / Cinmel Dunes Baecinmel

ETYMOLOGY: Cinmel < Cílmael < Cil-máel “secluded place of Mael”
(cil = secluded place, recess) + (Mael male name)

ciosg, ciosgau ‹KI osg, ki O ske› (masculine noun)


cipio ‹KIP yo› (verb)
take, seize, snatch
cipio cneuen o wâl y blaidd to beard (= oppose) the lion in his den; confront someone (“take / snatch (a) hazelnut (from) (the) den (of ) the wolf”)

2 pick up, detain
cipio troseddwr pick up a criminal


ciplun kip -lin› masculine noun
PLURAL cipluniau ‹kip-lin -ye›

ETYMOLOGY: (cip- = glance, quick look; snatch) + soft mutation + (llun = picture)


ci poeth ‹kii POITH › (masculine noun)
PLURAL: cŵn poeth / cŵn poethion ‹kuun POITH, kuun POITH-yon›
1 hot dog (a frankfurter sausage in a bun)

ETYMOLOGY: (“hot dog”, a translation of the English expression)
(ci = dog) + (poeth = hot)


ciprys ki -pris› verb
contend with, wrangle with
ciprys ag angau dice with death


NOTA: also ciprws


In Welsh, hirnod (“long mark”), or colloquially, to bach (“little roof”)

In monosyllables, it marks a long vowel in a short-vowel environment.

For example, in coch, mab, ffos, the vowel is long, but there is no need to indicate this with a diacritic because the vowel in monosyllables ending in –ch, -b and –s is long.

(If it happens to be short – often because the word is a borrowing from English, a grave accent denotes this, though often this is ignored – bŕg (= bag), bňs (= boss), tŕb (= tab).

With words such as doc (= dock), het (= hat), map (= map), siop (= shop), the vowel is short. If it happens to be long it is marked by means of a circumflex - plât (= plate), wâc (= a walk), pęl (= ball).

It is also used in informal texts to indicate regional pronunciations with a long vowel when the standard language has a short vowel.

In the North, the vowel in monosyllables ending in –st is long.
Nest > Nęst (woman’s name)

In the South, the vowel in monosyllables ending in –ll is long.
pwll > pŵll = pool
y llall
> y nâll = the other one

In place names, sometimes it is to be seen in erroneous spellings such as in
côch / gôch (not necessary; it should be coch / goch)

Y Talwrn-coch SN5867

Farm near Rhydroser, Ceredigion. Spelt as Talwrn-côch on the Ordnance Survey map

cist kist feminine noun
PLURAL cistiau
kist -ye›
1 chest (Scotland: cist)

y gist the chest
cist ddillad cŷhes chest

Allwedd pob cist yw cwrw In vino veritas (“(it-is) (the) key (of) every chest that-is beer”, beer is the key to every chest)

2 (South Wales) flour bin
cist flawd flour chest
cist flawd ceirch oatmeal chest

3 boot (= car boot) (USA: trunk)

4 cist ludw dustbin

5 dyfrgist cistern = water tank on a roof, or in a toilet for flushing a toilet bowl

6 cist bleidleisio balŷ box

7 cist = prehistoric stone tomb (English “cist” in this sense is from Welsh)
In names of prehistoric tombs
Cist Arthur “Arthur’s Coffer”

ETYMOLOGY: British < Latin cista (= box, basket) < Greek kistę (= box)
Cf English chest < Old English cest
(= chest) < Latin cista < Greek

NOTE: in the North with a long vowel cîst


Cist Arthur
‹kist ar -thir› feminine noun
1 a stone on Ysgyrryd Fawr, Llandeilo Bertholau (SO 3218) (county of Mynwy)

Edward Lhuyd (1670-1709) noted 'There is upon Skerid Vawr a great stone shaped like a house called Cist Arthur' map

ETYMOLOGY: literally “Arthur's Coffer”, “(the) coffer (of) Arthur”

(cist = coffer) + (Arthur = Arthur)

cist ddroriau
‹kist dhror-ye › feminine noun
PLURAL cistiau droriau
kist-ye dror-ye›
1 chest of drawers (USA: bureau)

ETYMOLOGY: (“chest (of) drawers”) (cist = coffer) + soft mutation + (droriau = drawers, plural of drôr = drawer)


cist de
‹kist dee feminine noun
PLURAL cistiau te
kist-ye tee
1 tea chest = large wooden box in which tea is transported and stored

2 tea chest = this type of large wooden box reused (or a box similar in size and shape) for other purposes; generally for storing things, and for transporting objects on moving house

ETYMOLOGY: (cist = coffer) + soft mutation + (te = tea)


kist -vain› masculine noun
PLURAL cistfeini
‹kist- vei -ni›
1 “cistfaen” prehistoric sepulchre, in the form of a box, with four slabs forming the sides, and a horizontal slab as a lid

ETYMOLOGY: (“chest-stone”) (cist = coffer) + soft mutation + (maen = stone)


cist flawd
‹kist vlaud feminine noun
PLURAL cistiau blawd
kist-ye blaud
1 flour chest (Scotland: meal-ark)

ETYMOLOGY: (“chest (of) flour”) (cist = coffer) + soft mutation + (blawd = flour)


citbag, citbags
‹KIT bag, KIT bags› (masculine noun)


‹KI ti› (feminine noun)
Kitty (Diminutive of Cathrin)


ciw, ciwiau
‹KIU, KIU ye› (masculine noun)

(North Wales) neidio’r ciw push in (in a queue), jump a queue, jump the queue
(in the South tsheto'r gwt) (“cheat the queue”)


ciwdod, ciwdodau
‹KIU dod, kiu DO de› (feminine noun)
(obsolete) tribe, community
y giwdod = the tribe


ki -wed› feminine noun
PLURAL ciweidiau
‹ki- weid -ye›
(obsolete) people, nation
y giwed = the nation, the people

rabble, mob, crowd, gang, riff-raff. scum
Dyna giwed! What a rabble!

Allwn ni ddim fforddio i'r un o'r giwaid ddianc o'n gafael.
We can’t let any of the riff-raff get away / give us the slip

y giwed (form of address) you rabble!
Dowch ymlaen, y giwed Come along, you rabble

bloody things, nuisances

Os yw’r ardd gefn yn llawn danadl, peidiwch â bod yn rhy barod i gael gwared â'r giwed. Maent yn fagwrfa i fath arbennig o loyn byw
If the back garden is full of nettles, don’t be too keen to get rid of the nuisances. They are a breeding place for a special kind of butterfly.

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < *ciwęd < < British *civit- < Latin cîvitâs (= citizenship, state, town) < cîvis (= citizen)


ciwi, ciwis
‹KI wi, KI wis› (masculine noun)
kiwi fruit


KIUT (adj)
1 sharp, clever, ingenious

Menyw giwt, alluog iawn oedd Siani’r Waun

Siani from Y Waun was a clever, capable woman

2 clever with one's hands

ETYMOLOGY: English cute < acute < Latin
acūtus (= sharpened), the past participle of acuere (= to sharpen). The verb stem acū- is related to acus (= needle), and ācer (= sharp). TO the stem is added (-tus past participle suffix)

Although in English nowadays it means “attractive”, the older sense (the one preserved in Welsh) still survives, in regional colloquial English, if not in the standard language.

London, 1825. Observations on some of the dialects in the West of England particularly with a glossary of words now in use there ; and poems and other pieces, exemplifying the dialect. By James Jennings, Honorary Secretary of the Metropolitan Library Institution, London.
Cute. adj. Sharp, clever.


KIU-trA (m)
1 sharpness, cleverness

ETYMOLOGY: ciwtra < “cíwt-tra” (ciwt = sharp, clever) + (-tra abstract noun suffix)


ci ysgyfarnog, cŵn ysgyfarnog
‹kii ə skə VAR nog, kuun ə skə VAR nog› (masculine noun)
dog for hunting hares


cl-, c’l-
contraction of
‹k› + vowel + ‹l›, especially in colloquial Welsh
(1) calandrio (= calculate) > c’landro / clandro

(2) Calan Gaeaf (= All Saints’ Day, first day of November, “the calend of winter”) > > *
C’langeua > Clyngeua

is pronounced as if written geuaf; the final f of polysyllabic words in Welsh is lost geuaf > geua
a vowel in the pretonic syllable may be reduced to the obscure vowel – a sporadic feature in Welsh
C’langeua > Clyngeua

(3) Calan Mai (= May Day, first day of May) > Clame

(4) caledu (= harden, go hard, make hard) > cledu

(5) caletryd (= hard + ford; either a ford with a firm foundation, or ford through a strong-flowing stream) > cletryd (Y Gledryd in place names)

(6) caledwch (= hardness) > cledwch

(7) caletaf (hardest) > cleta

(8) caletir (= hard ground; in place names) > cletir

(9) caletwr (= hard water – i.e., strong-flowing, rushing, violent; in stream names) > cletwr (in place names)

(10) calonnau (= hearts) > clonna

(11) ceiliagwydd (= gander) > clacwydd

(12) celanedd (= corpses) > bod yn glana chwerthin (= nearly die laughing)

(13) celwyddau (= lies) > clwyddau
(North Wales) > clwdda (Caernarfon)

(14) celwyddgi (= liar) > clwddgi

(15) Celynnau (= holly bushes) > Clenna (= place name, local form)

(16) Celynnog (= holly place) > Clynnog (= place name)

(17) colomen (= dove) > clomen

(18) coluro (= apply make-up) > cluro

(19) cwlwm (= knot; cluster of nuts) > clwm

(20) cyflogi (= to employ, to hire) > clogi

(21) cylymau (knots, clusters) > clyme

2 initial tl in certain words can become cl
‹kl› in spoken Welsh
(1) tlawd (= poor) > clawd
(2) tlws (= pretty) > clws
(3) Talerddig (= name of a village in Powys) > T’lerddig > Clerddig


klAk-son› masculine noun
PLURAL clacsonau
klaxon = electric horn, especially of a car
canu’r clacson sound the claxon

ETYMOLOGY: English claxon, from the name of a company


cladd, claddau
‹KLAADH, KLAA-dau,- e› (m)
hole in the ground

2 trench, ditch

3 potato clamp, potato pit = hole in the ground for storing potatoes
 cladd tatws potato clamp

NOTE: [ Olde Cheshire Dialecte.
bury : a potato heap ]

In A Dialogue in the Devonshire Dialect, (in three parts) by a Lady: to which is added a Glossary. James Frederick PALMER, Mary Palmer. 1837: such a clamp is described, under the local name of “CAVE OF POTATOES” as “a pit of potatoes earthed up and thatched over for the winter”.

4 pool where fish spawn in a river

5 spawn of fish

6 (South Wales) angladd funeral
(an intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (cladd = burial)

(::b)ETYMOLOGY: Welsh cladd < British *klad- < Celtic
From the same British root: Breton klaz
From the same Celtic root: Irish cladh = (ditch)


claddfa, claddféydd
‹KLADH-va, kladh-VEIDH› (feminine noun)
graveyard, cemetery
y gladdfa = the graveyard


‹KLAA-dhi› (verb)
to bury

Gadwch i ni ei chladdu hi Let’s forget about the matter, Let’s drop it, Let byegones be byegones, Let’s bury the hatchet (“let’s bury it”)

3 claddu dan yr hen drefn eat heartily (“bury under / according to the old system”)

4 claddu asgwrn y gynnen bury the hatchet, make one’s peace (“bury the bone of contention /
“(the) bone (of) the dispute”)

PLURAL claddwyr

Eseciel 39:15 A’r tramwywyr, a gyniweiriant trwy y tir, pan welo un asgwrn dyn, efe a gyfyd nod wrtho, hyd oni chladdo y claddwyr ef yn nyffryn Hamon-gog.
Ezekiel 39:15 And the passengers that pass through the land, when any seeth a man's bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog.

person with a hearty appetite
Mae’n gladdwr He has a hearty appetite, He has a good appetite

ETYMOLOGY: (cladd- = stem of claddu = to bury) + (-i-ad abstract noun-forming suffix) + (-wr suffix = man)


1 river in Elenydd (highland area in central Wales)

Llyn Claerwen Claerwen Reservoir
“(the) lake (of) (the) Claerwen (stream / river)”


(delwedd 7042)

3 woman’s name (from the river name) (rare)

claf, cleifion
(adjective) sick

(masculine noun) patient
cleifion allanol outpatients

3 gwahanglaf leper = person with leprosy
 (gwahan- = different, separate ) + soft mutation + ( claf = sick person )


clagwydd / c’lagwydd
kla -guidh› masculine noun
See ceiliagwydd = gander


klAis masculine noun
PLURAL cleisiau, cleisau
kleis-ye, klei-se / -she ›
tan eich cleisiau bruised, black and blue

bod yn gleisiau a chlwyfau be (all) cut and bruised (“be bruises and wounds”)

rhoi rhywun tan ei gleisiau / rhoi rhywun dan ei gleisiau beat (someone) black and blue

cyraeddasom i waelod y cwm heb fawr o niwed mwy nac ambell glais yma ac acw
we reached the bottom of the valley relatively unscathed apart from a couple of bruise here and there

(South Wales) ditch
Clywais ŵr o Forgannwg wrth bregethu yn y Gogledd, yn dweyd, “Codi dyn o'r clais;” ond nid oedd neb yn ei ddeall (tudalen 240 Seren Gomer 19 1898)
I heard a man from Morgannwg (= former county in the south, ‘Glamorgan’) when preaching in the North, saying, “to raise a man from the “clais” (ditch)”) but nobody understood him (“nobody was understanding him”)

clais clawdd roadside ditch, bottom of the hedgebank

yng nghlais y clawdd at the bottom of the hedgebank, in the ditch

cysgu yng nghlais y clawdd sleep in the ditch, sleep out under the stars, sleep rough (“sleep in the ditch of the hedgebank”)

rivulet, small stream

ETYMOLOGY: From a Celtic element *klad- (= hit, break, fall), seen also in claddu (= to dig), clawdd (= hedgebank).

Irish has the related form clais (= water channel, ditch; trench, furrow; rut, groove)


Clamai / C’lamai
kla-mai› masculine noun
See Calan Mai = the first of May

ETYMOLOGY: Calan Mai / Calanmái > Cala-mái > Cla-mái > Clá-mai (accent shift)


Clanmai / C’lanmai
klan-mai› masculine noun
See Calan Mai = the first of May

ETYMOLOGY: Calan Mai / Calanmái > Clan-mái > Clán-mai (accent shift)


Clanme / C’lame
kla-me› masculine noun
See Calan Mai = the first of May

ETYMOLOGY: Calan Mai / Calanmái > Cala-mái > Cla-mái > Clá-mai (accent shift) > Calme (colloquial reduction of final diphthong “ai” > vowel “e”)


..1 clap
PLURAL clapiau
klap -ye›
(sound) clack, bang
clo clap padlock
bang = noise of a slamming door
cau’r drws yn glap bang a door shut, close a door with a bang, slam the door shut

(North Wales)
cath glap (1) the game of tipcat (2) the cat used in this game (cath = cat, clap = noise of striking)

(flour mill) clack = device which strikes the hopper and causes it to move to and fro
fel clap melin / fel clap y felin (said of a talkative person) “like the clack of a mill”

claps tittle-tattle, gossip
hela claps to gossip

gossip, person who engages in tittle-tattle, tell-tale
clapgi gossip (man)
clapgast or clapiast gossip (woman)
clap a chleber tales and gossip, gossip and hearsay
clap a chelwydd gossip and lies

lump, round object
clap siwgr sugar lump
clap rhew / clap iâ ice cube
clap glo lump of coal
clap o lo lump of coal
mân glapiau small lumps (of coal, etc)
malu glo mân yn glapiau try to do the impossible (“break small lumps of coal into big lumps”)

(of a bell) clapper, tongue

9 clap = a single clap of the hands
rhoi clap ar eich dwylo clap your hands together (in expectation) (“give a clap on your hands”)

clap = applause
cymryd clap (actor at the end of a performance) take a bow

clap = a light blow
clap ar y cefn a clap on the back (a sign of congratulation)

ETYMOLOGY: English clap (= loud abrupt sound) < Old English claeppan. Of imitative origin.

Cf German der Klapper (= child’s rattle), klappern (= to rattle)

NOTE: Plural form in southern Welsh: clapau (minus the initial ‘i’ of the final syllale) > clape.
A diminutive form is clepyn (= lump, small lump)


..2 clap
klap masculine noun
y clap the clap, gonorrhoea

ETYMOLOGY: English clap < Old French clapoir (= sore caused by gonorrhea) < clapier (= brothel) < Occitan clapičr (= brothel) < clap (= pile of stones)


klap -gast› masculine noun
PLURAL clapgeist
klap -geist›
1 gossip = person who gossips, blabbermouth = one who reveals
a secret

NOTA: clapiast, PLURAL clapieist, variant of clapgast (= gossip)

ETYMOLOGY: (mil = animal) + soft mutation + (gast = bitch) > clapiast

The lack of soft mutation in clapgast is possibly in fact the restoration of the radical form

Thus clapiast > clapgast

If it were a regular compound word, it would be *clapast

Cf pennardd and peniardd (in place names, promontory)
The consonant g when soft-mutated has become semivowel i

NOTE: Cf miliast greyhound bitch, which has an alternative form with no soft mutation of the initial g - milgast

klap -gi› masculine noun
PLURAL clapgwn
klap -gun›
1 gossip = person who gossips
clapgast / clapiast : a woman who is a gossip (clap = gossip)
NOTE: [ Olde Cheshire Dialecte.
clap-tongue : a gossip, tale-teller, chatterbox ]


‹KLAP yog› (adjective)
mewn Cymraeg clapiog in broken Welsh (= “in lumpy Welsh”)


‹KLAA-rakh› (feminine noun)
village (North-west)


clarinét, clarinetau
‹kla ri NET, kla ri NE te› (masculine noun)


‹KLAS› (masculine noun)
(colloquial) class (in standard Welsh, ‘dosbarth’)


klaas masculine noun
PLURAL clasau
kla -se›
“monastica classis”, monastic community, monastery, monastic settlement

4 place names:
..1/ Clas ar Wy village in Powys

..2/ Y Clas (part of the old parish of Llangyfelach, in the county of Abertawe)
This is “Clase”
‹kleiz› in English, though one would expect “Clace” ‹kleis›. (with ‘s’), though it has probably fallen in with words spelt with ‘s’ but pronounced ‘z’ in English (phase) though such words usually have the spelling ‘z’ (haze, amaze, blaze, glaze), rather than those which have retained ‘s’ (base) though such words usually have the spelling ‘c’ (space, trace, mace, place, pace)

The vowel change is aa > ei which occured in the 1400s in English (as in late
‹laat› > ‹leit›, tame ‹taam› > ‹teim›, face ‹faas› > ‹feis›, etc)

There is a district marked on English maps as “Clase” in Llangyfelach, north of Mynydd-garn-llwyd

There is “Clase Drive” in Y Clas in Llangyfelach (translated, the Welsh name would be Lôn y Clas or something similar); and ‘Claze Road ‘in Treforus (translated, the Welsh name would be Heol y Clas).

In Llangyfelach there is also a ‘Clasemont Road’ (apparently “Clase” + English “mont” = hill, used in coining idyllic names in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, on the pattern of genuine names taken from French such as “Beaumont” (beau = beautiful), “Claremont” (clair = bright), and perhaps the less genuine “Verdmont” in Bermuda (verd = green), and “Vermont” in the USA.

Vermont Genealogy, Journal of the Vermont French-Canadian Genealogical Association, I,1 (Spring 1996), Joseph-André Senecal states:

Vermont is not in any historical way, connected with the French presence in the Green Mountain state before 1760...

The first documented use of the word “Vermont” is dated April 11, 1777. On that day, in Philadelphia, Thomas Young had a broadside printed and addressed “To the Inhabitants of Vermont, a Free and Independent State.”...

All evidence points to Young as the originator of the word “Vermont,” a translation of the English Green Mountains. In concert with the Allen brothers, Young's purpose was probably to honor, in a thinly disguised manner, the bombastic Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys....

In French
mont is much older than montagne. The word is documented as early as 1080 and figures prominently in the epic Song of Roland, However, by the late 1700s, the word had clearly lost out to montagne. This has remained true to this day.

Except for writing poetry and geographic naming (such as Outremont) we seldom call upon the word
mont in modern French.

Even in 1777, at the time when Vermont was coined,
mont was an archaic word. However, its use in place naming was well established and carried an aura of antiquity and nobility.

..3/ Clasgarmon in Saint Harmon (county of Powys) (“monastery of Harmon”)

Clas Myrddin a supposed early name of Britain

In a manuscript from the century 1300-1400:
Kyntaf enw a uu ar yr ynys honn... clas myrdin
 = (in modern Welsh spelling) Cyntaf enw a fu ar yr ynys hon... Clas Myrddin
The first name of this island (“which was on this island”) – Clas Myrddin “The cloister of Myrddin”

clastir glebeland

7 In modern street names, as an equivalent of English close
Clas Ael-y-bryn, Ynys-y-bwl (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
Clas Dyfrig, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Gabriel, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Gwernifor, Aberpennar (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
Clas Ifor, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Illtyd, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Isan, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Odyn, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Teilo, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Tynewydd, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Tyn-y-cae, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas Tŷ-wern, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas y Dderwen, Aberpennar (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (as “Clas y Dderwen”)
Clas Yorath, Caer-dydd (county of Caer-dydd)
Clas yr Onnen, Waunarlwydd (county of Abertawe) (as “Clas yr Onnen”)
Clas y Bedw, Waunarlwydd (county of Abertawe) (as “Clas y Bedw”)
Clas y Deri
, Waunarlwydd (county of Abertawe) (as “Clas y Deri”)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Latin class-is (= army, class)


Clas ar Wy
‹klaas ar ui
(SO1739) locality in the district of Maesyfed (county of Powys)
English name: Glasbury
a parish at this place

ETYMOLOGY: “the place called ‘Clas’ on the river Gwy”
(clas) + (ar = on; on the banks of) + soft mutation + (Gwy = river name; English “Wye”).
Clas means “monastic settlement”


kla -sir› masculine noun
PLURAL clasuron
classic = one of the standard works of Roman or ancient Greek literature

Y Clasuron, Classics = subject of study in a university - the literature of the Romans and ancient Greeks

classic = a work of the greatest quality in literature or art
Bellach y mae’r emyn “O Fab y Dyn, Eneiniog Duw” yn glasur
Now the hymn “O son of Man, God’s Anointed One” is a classic

ETYMOLOGY: word coined in 1850 (clas- = first syllable of the English word classic) and the final syllable (-ur) of the words awdur (= author), doethur (= doctor).
The word classic < Latin classicus of the first order / rank < classus (= division, rank, class)


‹kla-SII-rol› (adjective)
ffug-glasurol pseudo-classical


clo clatsh (North Wales) padlock


klaudh masculine noun
PLURAL cloddiau, cloddion
klodh-ye, -yon›

Luc 6:39 Ac ef a ddywedodd ddameg wrthynt: a ddichon y dall dywyso’r dall? oni syrthiant ill dau yn y clawdd?
Luke 6:39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

(business) mynd i’r clawdd, fail, be unsuccessful, go to the wall (“go into the ditch”)

2 obsolete earth thrown up from digging a hole

dyke, earth wall, wall
clawdd yr ardd garden wall; hedgebank around a garden
clawdd cerrig stone wall = stone field bank
codi clawdd cerrig o gwmpas (rhywbeth) build a stone wall around (something)
clawdd moel wall made of sods (literally “bare wall”)
clawdd pridd earthern wall, earthern bank (around a field)

hedgebank; earthern bank with a hedge planted on top (especially hawthorn)
y tu clytaf i’r clawdd on the sheltered side of the hedgebank

eistedd ar y clawdd, eistedd ar ben y clawdd sit on the fence - not favour either of two options, remain undecided (“sit on the wall / hedgebank”)

Mae’r mwyar duon gorau bob tro ar yr ochr arall i’r clawdd
the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence (“the best blackberries are always on the other side of the hedge”)

Gorau cymydog, clawdd (“the best neighbour is a hedgebank / a wall”) a hedgebank or wall prevents excessive interaction with neighbours, allows privacy

5 hedge (made of plants such as hawthorn)
clawdd gwrych thorn hedge
clawdd drain thorn hedge

Diarhebion 15:19 Ffordd y diog sydd fel cae drain; ond ffordd yr uniawn sydd wastad.
Proverbs 15:19 The way of the sŷhful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain.

demarcation ditch and bank;
clawdd terfyn = boundary ditch / wall / bank / fence

See Clawdd Offa (a boundary ditch between Wales and England),

Clawdd Wat Wat’s Dyke A 40 mile-long earthwork between Abaty Dinas Basing / Basing werk Abbey to Maesbury in Shropshire, running more or less parallel to Clawdd Offa, at times alomost contiguous and at others up to three milers distant

See Caron Uwch Clawdd (district in the county of Ceredigion = ‘Caron above (the) ditch’)

stopbank, levee, embankment; riverside dyke preventing floods

8 barrage in a river estuary
Mae’r adarwyr wedi condemnio’r cynllun i adeiladu clawdd ar draws aber yr afon Gonwy
The ornithologists have condemned the plan to build a barrage across the Conwy estuary

Also: morglawdd (môr = sea) + soft mutation + (clawdd = barrage)

9 (obsolete) mine, pit; quarry
but in this sense especially in derived words:
cloddfa quarry, mine (clawdd = mine, ditch, diggings) + (-fa suffix = place)
mwnglawdd mine (clawdd = mineral, ore) + soft mutation + (clawdd = mine, ditch, diggings)
also: mwynglawdd

10 taflu i’r clawdd throw away, to dump, to ditch, throw out of the window (“throw into the ditch”)

Er mwyn ymddangos yn fwy Seisnig mae ein plaid genedlaethol wedi taflu’r iaith Gymraeg i’r clawdd
In order to appear more English our national party has thrown the Welsh language out of the window

gweirglodd (= hay meadow) < gweirglawdd (gweir, penult form of gwair = grass, hay) + soft mutation + (clawdd = hedge; place enclosed by a hedge)

dringo dros glawdd y ffos (trench warfare) go over the top, climb out of the trench and go over the defensive rampart                                                                                                                                                  

cysgu fel y clawdd sleep like a top (“sleep like a hedgebank”)
cysgu yng nghlais y clawdd sleep in the ditch, sleep out under the stars, sleep rough (“sleep in the ditch of the hedgebank”)

llwyd y clawdd (Prunella modularis) hedge accentor, hedge sparrow (“grey (bird) (of) the hedgebank”)

at the bottom of the hedgebank
ym môn y clawdd (bôn = stump, trunk, base, bottom)
yng nghlais y clawdd (clais = ditch)
yn nhin y clawdd (tin = arse)

South Wales ym mola’r clawdd (bola = belly)

North Wales (area of Penllyn, and the valley of the river Clwyd, north-west Wales) hedgebank

arglawdd railway embankment or canal embankment
arglawdd y rheilffordd the railway embankment
arglawdd y gamlas the canal embankment

gwrthglawdd rampart, embankement surrounding a fort

cloddio to dig, to excavate (from an underlying “cláwdd-io”)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic *klâd-

From the same British root: Cornish kledh (= ditch, bank), Breton kleuz (= ditch, bank)

From the same Celtic root: Irish cladh (literary) ditch, trench

NOTE: In the dialects, there is a variety of words to indicate a hedgebank
(1) In the South-west, clawdd is the usual designation.
(2) In the South-east, perth is the usual description.
(3) In mid-Wales, shetin is used, and
(4) in the North the usual term is gwrychen


Clawdd Offa
‹klaudh o-fa›
An almost continuous ditch which goes from Prestatyn in the north of our country to the river Gwy (Wye) by Trefynwy (Monmouth) in the south.

It was constructed in the eighth century, according to tradition on the order of Offa, king of Mercia (reigned 38 or 39 years, 757-796 A.D.) to indicate the boundary between his kingdom (originally Welsh land, the eastern part of Powys, which had been conquered and settled by the Anglians) and the remaining lands of the Welsh.

Over 1200 years later the ditch still exists, and it is still known as ‘Clawdd Offa’, (“(the) ditch (of) Offa”), and in English Offa’s Dyke

(in some expressions) the boundary between England and Wales. Nowadays it no longer marks the exact border – part lies within Wales and part is in England.

mynd dros Glawdd Offa = go to England (‘go over Offa’s Dyke’)

byw y tu draw i Glawdd Offa = live in England (‘live beyond Offa’s Dyke’)

Nid am y tro cyntaf y mae dyn papur newydd o’r tu draw i Glawdd Offa
wedi sathru ar gyrn y Cymry

Not for the first time a newspaperman from England (‘from beyond Offa’s Dyke’) has offended the Welsh (`has trodden on the corns / bunions of the Welsh’) .

Trefyclo (qv) SO2872
‹tre--klo› Village in the county of Powys on the frontier with England.
This, the official Welsh name for the village, is in origin a colloquial reduction with a shift of accent of Tref-y-clawdd
‹trev-ə-klaudh (“(the) tręv / farmstead (of) the dyke”). This latter form is also in use. The English name is “Knighton”.

Tref-y-cláwdd > Tref-y-cláw’ > Trefýclaw > Trefýclo

3 Clawddoffa street name in Rhosllannerchrugog (county of Wrecsam) (on street maps as ‘Clawdd Offa’)

ETYMOLOGY: ‘the ditch / dyke of Offa’ (clawdd = ditch / dyke) + (Offa).


clawr, cloriau
‹KLAUR, KLOR ye› (masculine noun)
cover; lid

clawr llygad eyelid

- clawr caled
‹klaur KA led› (masculine noun)
hard cover (of a book)

- clawr gwyddbwyll
‹klaur GUIDH builh› (masculine noun)
chess board

- clawr meddal
‹klaur ME dhal› (masculine noun)
soft cover (of a book)


cleber, clebrod
‹KLEE-ber, KLE brod› (feminine noun)
chat, chatting, gossip
y gleber = the gossip, the chatting

clap a chleber tales and gossip, gossip and hearsay


clec, cleciau / clecs
‹KLEK, KLEK-yai, -ye, KLEKS› (feminine noun)

sharp sound (click, clack, click-clack, snap, bang, crash)
y glec the bang

clywais glec ’i gansan o ar y drws I heard the clack of his cane on the door

coes glec wooden leg (“leg (of) click-clack” – from the noise of such a leg against a hard surface)

s glec, swsys clec a smacker, a smacker of a kiss, a smackeroo of a kiss, a smacking kiss, a noisy kiss (“kiss (of) (a) clicking sound”)
rhoi s
s glec i rywun give somebody a noisy kiss

helygen glec (helyg clec) (Salix fragilis var. fragilis) crack willow (“willow (of) crack /(of) snapping sound”) See: helygen frau (helyg brau) (“brittle willow”)

clo clec padlock

a clap of thunder, thunderclap; bang of an explosion
clec taran a clap of thunder, thunderclap
clec tanchwa the bang of an explosion
clec y danchwa the bang of the explosion
y ffrwydron yn tanio efo clec the detonators going off with a bang
clec fawr a big bang

clec gwn gunshot

Dyna glec gwn A shot rang out, there was the sound of a gunshot (“See-there (the) bang (of a) gun”)

the sound of cynghannedf (consonance in poetry)

5 rhoi clec i ferch make a girl pregnant, get a girl into trouble,

6 smack
cael clec gan rywun get a smack from someone, get smacked by someone

7 tale, a piece of gossip; clecs tales, gossip
Paid â holi clecs don’t ask me to tell ysles about people, don’t ask me to tell you that, don’t ask me to gossip about that
clec yn dechrau cerdded a piece of gossip beginning to make its rounds
gwrando clecs to listen to gossip
cario clecs go around gossiping

(South-east Wales) pen y glec “(the) top (of) the chat” place (bridge, street corner, etc) where people come together to chat after work or after a chapel service

Pont y Glec “(the) bridge (of) the chat” – a name given to the bridge called Pont ar Daf north of Cefn-coed y Cymer, now under the waters of the Llwyn-On reservoir, (except in times of drought, when the water level is low, and the remains of it reemerge)

NOTE: Used in Cambrian English (the form of English with influences from the Welsh language once a second language but nowadays used by non-Welsh speakers brought up in Wales) – “Please don't clec on me!” (= Please don't reveal my secret!)

Example from ‘The Valley Phrasebook’ from a website dedicated to Cwm Sirhywi. (

8 (North Wales) yn glec suddenly
darfod yn glec come to a sudden end

9 (North Wales) yn glec with a snap, with a bang
torri'n glec to snap, break with a snapping sound
cau'n glec close with a bang

10 di-glec silently = without a clicking noise or without a retort
(di- privative prefix) + soft mutation + (clec = bang)
Taniodd y pistol yn ddi-gle The pistol fired without a sound

11 clec ar fawd a click of the fingers (“click on thumb”)

rhoi clec ar fawd to click one’s fingers

ETYMOLOGY: English clack (= a sharp noise)

NOTE: (1) [ Olde Cheshire Dialecte.
clack : to snap the fingers, to crack a whip ]

‹KLEK-yan› (verb)
(vt) to click
clecian eich sodlau to click your heels

2 (vi) (teeth) chatter (from the cold)


..1 cledd
kleedh masculine noun
(obsolete) left side.

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic *kli-iâ < *klei (= to bend)

From the same British root: Cornish kledh (= left), a-gledh (= on the left), Breton kleiz (= left)

In the Hibernian languages, equivalents of cledd, from the same Celtic root, are:
Irish clé (= left hand),
Scottish Gaelic clě (= left-handed)

NOTE: cledd survives in modern Welsh in the word gogledd (= north)

This is (go-, gwo- = intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (cledd = left hand).

The north was on a person's left when he / she looked east, in the direction of the rising sun.

From the same British root as gogledd: Breton gwalez (= north wind).


..2 cledd
kleedh masculine noun
PLURAL cleddyfau
‹kle- dhə -ve›

(literary Welsh, especially in poetry) sword.
ceidwad y cledd (Eisteddfod) sword-bearer

cledd is also used in some compound words
cleddbysgodyn swordfish (pysgodyn cleddyf is a less literary name)
crymgledd scimitar (cleddyf pengam is a less literary name)

ETYMOLOGY: probably shortened from cleddyf (= sword)

NOTE: In colloquial Welsh, the usual word for “sword” is cleddau (spoken as cledde), and also cleddyf (spoken as cleddy)


cleddyf, cleddyfau
‹KLEE dhiv, kle DHƏƏ ve› (masculine noun)
blaen cleddyf tip of a sword

cleddyf deufin two-edged sword

3 rhoi’ch cleddyf trwy rywun put your sword through someone, wound or kill someone with a sword

4 cleddyf Dámocles the sword of Damocles, a constant danger (As related by Cicero, Dionysius the Elder, ruler of Syracuse wishing to show his sycophantic courtier Damocles that his power and wealth were not to be envied, since they placed him under constant threat. To give him a sense of the precariousness of his position, he sat his courtier at a banquet under a sword suspended from the ceiling by a single hair.

pobl oeddynt â'r cleddyf megis yn hongian uwch eu pennau wrth edef deneu iawn
Plant y Gorthrwm / 1908 / Gwyneth Vaughan (= Anne Harriet Hughes 1852-1910)
They were people with a sword (“the sword”) as it were hanging over them on a very thin thread

cle-der› feminine noun
PLURAL cledrau
cle -dre›

NOTE: Also the diminutive form cledren (cledr + diminutive suffix -en), plural cledrennau, cledrenni

(obsloete) stave, pole
y gledr = the stave

(obsolete) boundary marker

rail (of railway)
cledrffordd (obsolete) railway (now rheilffordd)

tręn un gledren monorail

gosod cledrau tracklaying, platelaying

peiriant gosod cledrau tracklaying machine, tracklayer

codi’r cledrau remove the rails

Rhedai’r tręn bach ar gledrau deunaw modfedd eu lled
The train ran on a eighteen-inch gauge track (“on rails eighteen inches their width”)

palm (of the hand)
cledr y llaw / cledren y llaw the palm of the hand

yr wyf fi’n gyfarwydd â nhw fel cledr fy llaw
I know them like the back of my hand

yng nghledr ei law in his palm

Brenhinoedd-1 18:44 A’r seithfed waith y dywedodd efe, Wele gwmwl bychan fel cledr llaw gŵr yn dyrchafu o’r môr
Kings-1 18:44 And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand.

Samuel-1 5:4 Codasant hefyd yn fore drannoeth; ac wele Dagon wedi syrthio i lawr ar ei wyneb, gerbron arch yr Agrglwydd; a phen Dagon, a dwy gledr ei ddwylo, oedd wedi torri ar y trothwy; corff Dagon yn unig a adawyd iddo ef.
Samuel-1 5:4 And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him.

(South Wales) cledren = punch, blow
cledro = to beat, to hit, to batter
cledrad (< cledriad) = beating, hiding, battering
cledrwr = person who is prone to hit or beat others

6 (heraldry) pale = vertical stripe in the middle of a shield, usually about one-third of the shield’s width

ETYMOLOGY: In other Celtic languages:
..a/ Breton kler / kleren (= one of the sticks of a wattle) < klezr / klezrenn;
..b/ Irish cliothar (literary word) (= shelter)


kle -dren› feminine noun
rail; See cledr
y gledren = the rail


1 male forename (rare)

2 Llanglydwen
‹lhan GLƏD-wen
SN1826 village name, Caerfyrddin

Samuel Lewis, 1844,
A Topographical Dictionary of Wales:
“LLANGLYDWEN (LLAN-GLEDWYN), a parish, in the union of NARBERTH… The church, dedicated to St. Cledwyn, is a small neat edifice map, llun / map, photo



(Sir Frycheiniog / Breconshire, eastern Sir Caerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire) stream name. See Clydach


klei-en› feminine noun
South Wales
clayey soil
y gleien = the clayey soil

Heol Gleien (= heol y gleien, ?the street of the clayey soil) street in Cwm-twrch Isaf (county of Powys)

lump of clay

ETYMOLOGY: (clei-, penult form of clai = clay) + (-en, suffix to form singular nouns from collective nouns)


clefyd, clefydau
‹KLĘ vid, kleVƏ de› (masculine noun)
illness, complaint, malady

y clefyd coch diphtheria (“the red illness”)
clefyd llwch y garreg = pneumoconiosis (“(the) illness (of) the stone”)


klei -lid› adjective

Daniel 2:41 A lle y gwelaist y traed a'r bysedd, peth ohonynt o bridd crochenydd, a pheth ohonynt o haearn, brenhiniaeth ranedig fydd; a bydd ynddi beth o gryfder haearn, oherwydd gweled ohonot haearn wedi ei gymysgu â phridd cleilyd.
Daniel 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay

ETYMOLOGY: (clei, penult form of clai = clay) + (-lyd suffix for forming adjectives, = ‘full’)


‹KLEM yo› (verb)
to starve, be very hungry


clerc, clercod
‹KLERK, KLER kod› (masculine noun)


kler -dhig›
a local pronunciation of the place name Talerddig (district of Maldwyn, county of Powys)

ETYMOLOGY: Clerddig < T’lerddig < Talerddig

Cf the change tl < cl in the colloquial forms
..a/ clawd < tlawd (= poor),
..b/ clws < tlws (= pretty)


cleren, clęr
‹KLEE ren, KLEER› (feminine noun)

y gleren the fly

2 Cleren o'r domen sy'n hedfan ucha “a fly from the dung heap flies highest” (said of someone of lowly beginnings who rises to a very prominent position, possibly from striving to get as far away as possible from his-her lowly origin)

3 gelyn y clęr bladder campion
Gelyn-y-clęr (street name in Y Barri, Bro Morgannwg)

(delwedd 7906)

“(the) enemy (of) the flies”
(gelyn = enemy) + (y = the) + (clęr = flies)

“Evolutionary biology of metal resistance in Silene vulgaris” / Ernst, W. H. O.; Schat, H.; Verkleij, J. A. C. / Evolutionary Trends in Plants 1990 Vol. 4 No. 1 pp. 45-51 / Abstract: Using S. vulgaris as a specific example, possible mechanisms of heavy metal (Cu, Cd, Zn) resistance in higher plants are discussed, especially with reference to the adaptive significance and the mutual relations of resistance-dependent changes at the level of the cell, the whole plant and the population. The high concentration of metals in the leaves and stems of plants growing on metalliferous sites protects them from insects and other herbivores, except for seed predators, as the seeds are excluded from metal accumulation....


‹KLEE ren› (feminine noun)
(South Wales) slap, box on the ears

ETYMOLOGY: Probably cleren < clebren


‹KLE tur› (feminine noun)
SO0942 name of a river by Erwyd (Powys) Erwyd

The river Clettwr rushes over rocks and through craggy places until it falls into the Wye at Erwood.
The Place-Names of Wales. / Thomas Morgan (Skewen) / 1912

ETYMOLOGY: caletwr (= hard water – i.e., strong-flowing, rushing, violent) > c’letwr > cletwr

NOTE: An (incorrect) spelling used on English-language maps is Clettwr

See Caletwr

Clic y Bont
‹klik ə bont feminine noun
(“(the) clique / crowd (of) the bridge / (of) Pont-y-pridd”) a group of poets and musicians from the town and the surrounding area in the second half of the 1800s.

Amongst their number were
Brynfab (Thomas Williams, 1848-1927)
Carnelian (Coslett Coslett, 1834-1910)
Dewi Haran (David Evans, 1812-1885),
Dewi Wyn o Esyllt
‹DEU-i win oo E-silht› (Thomas Essile Davies, 1820-1891)
Glanffrwd (William Thomas, 1843-1890),
Myfyr Morganwg (Evan Davies, 1801-1888)

(Morgannwg / Glamorganshire) stream name. See Clydach


climach ‹KLI-mach› (m)

1 lanky person
Rhyw glimach trwsgl o ddyn Oedd Wil Dafydd Pen-cwm
Wil Dafydd Pen-cwm was an ungainly lanky man

ETYMOLOGY: Possibly Irish gliomach (= lobster; awkward ungainly person)


kli-nig ›
PLURAL clinigau
clinig cyfarwyddo plant child guidance clinc
clinig cyn geni ante-natal clinc
clinig cynllunio teulu family-planning clinc
clinig lles plant child welfare clinc

ETYMOLOGY: English clinic < Latin clînicus (= person on a sickbed) < Greek klinę (= bed)


clip klip (m)
PLURAL clipiau
klip-yai -ye
(especially North Wales)
1 steep slope, hill

2 precipice

In place names:

a) Clip Coch
John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw), ‘Cardiff Records’, (compiled 1889-1911)
CLIP-COCH (the red declivity.) A dike or embankment, with a declivity on the west side only; on the right bank of the river Ely, near its mouth, in the parish of Leckwith.

b) Pen-clip, Penmaen-mawr;

c) Clip y Gylfinir, Rhiw, Dwyfor;

d) Y Clipiau place west of Aberangell, Powys
Pen y Clipiau
name of a summit (180m) situated north of Y Clipiau Y Clipiau / Pen y Clipiau

ETYMOLOGY: From English. It seems there was a dialect English word clip which was a variant of cliff

Cf German, where die Klippe = a cliff


The loss of the pretonic syllable of a word in Welsh is a very charcteristic feature of the language.

……….blaw BLAU (prep) < heblaw (= besides)

……….Beca BE-ka (f) < Rebeca (= Rebecca)

……….does (dim) dois DIM (v) < nid oes (= there is not)

……….fale VAA-le (pl) < afalau (= apples)

……….ffyle FƏ-le (pl) < ceffylau (= horses)

……….foty VO-ti (m) < hafoty (= summer place, sumer dwelling)

……….lla i ddim lha i DHIM < alla i ddim < ni allaf i ddim < ni allaf (= I can’t)

……….pasa PA-sa› verb (Meirionnydd, district in the county of Gwynedd) aphetic form of pwrpasa (= to intend)

……….pasu PA-si› verb (Meirionnydd, district in the county of Gwynedd) aphetic form of pwrpasu (= to intend)

……….foty VO-ti (m) < hafoty (= summer place, sumer dwelling)

……….mofyn, mo’yn MOO-vin, MOIN (v) < ymofyn (= to want, to fetch)

……….sgitshe SKI-che (pl) < esgidiau (= shoes)

……….sgubor SKII-bor (f) < ysgubor (= farm)

……….sgrifennu sgri-VE-ni (f) < ysgrifennu (= to write)

……….sgwrs SGURS (f) < disgwrs (= conversation, talk, chat) < English discourse < Late Latin discursus (= conversation) < Latin discursus (= running around) < discurrere (= to run around), (dis- prefix = apart) + (curro, currere, cucurri, cursum = to run). Indo-European root: kers-.

The clipped form would seem to be from an older pronunciation of the noun when it was accented on the final syllable: discóurse, as the verb still is in present-day English.

(The clipped form however more likely occurred in English rather than in Welsh: discourse > scourse > sgwrs)

……….steddwch! STEE-dhukh (v) < eisteddwch! (= sit!, take a seat!)

……….tho i
THOI (prep) < wrtho i < wrthyf fi (= to me, by me, near me)


It occurs too with a tonic vowel in some disyllables

KU (adv) < yco (= over there) (South Wales)

……….co KU (adv) < dyco (= see over there; that over there is) (South Wales)

……….cw KU (adv) < acw (= over there)

……….cw KU (adv) < dacw (= see over there; that over there is)

……….ma MA (adv) < yma (= here)

……….ma MA (adv) < dyma (= see here; here is, this is)

……….na NA (adv) < yna (= there)

……….na NA (adv) < dyna (= see there; that is)


Some English clipped forms were taken into Welsh.

Some Welsh words which are borrowings from English are clipped forms which existed in English but now no longer do so, as the full form has become standard in English; or exist as colloquial forms alongside the unclipped standard form

prentis (from English prentice): apprentice = person who is learning a trade having agreed to work for a certain number of years for an employer while learning
ETYMOLOGY: English prentice (in standard modern English it has reverted to the full form apprentice) < Old French aprentis < aprendre = to learn < Latin apprehendere = grasp, get hold of, < ad + pre + hendere.

..b/ sterics (from English sterics): hysterics

..c/ seilam (from English ’sylum): asylum

The clipped form still occurs in English as a surname PRENTICE

Other English clipped forms remain as such in English

..a/ ffens (= a fence). From English defence (Englandic spelling; spelt defense in American English).

..a/ sgweier (= squire). From English squire (Middle English
squier, from Old French esquier). Exists in English alongside esquire

clip papurau, clipiau papurau
‹klip pa PI re, KLIP ye pa PI re› (masculine noun)
paper clip

ETYMOLOGY: Translation of English ‘paper clip’.

‘clip of papers’ (clip = clip) + (papurau = papers)



‹kliir› (adjective)

gadael ffordd glir leave a passageway, leave room to get by

clir fel crisial crystal clear


(Morgannwg / Glamorganshire) stream name. See Clydach


kli-to-ris› masculine noun
PLURAL clitorisau
‹kli-to- ri-se›

ETYMOLOGY: English clitoris < New Latin < Greek kleitoris; cf Greek kleien (= to close)


kliu masculine noun
PLURAL cliwiau
kliu -ye›
Dyma gliw bach i ti Here’s a little clue for you

ETYMOLOGY: English clue (now
‹kluu› but formerly ‹kliu›); < clew (= ball of yarn; roll into a ball) < Old English “cliewen” (= roll into a ball)


clo, cloeon / cloeau
‹KLOO, KLOI-on, KLOI-ai, -e› (masculine noun)

clo clap padlock
clo clwt padlock
clo clec padlock
clo clatsh (North Wales) padlock
(In the English word, pad- is of unknown origin)

clo adlam spring lock

dan glo under lock and key; padlocked
dan glo ac allwedd under lock and key; padlocked
tan glo (North Wales) under lock and key; padlocked
tan glo ac allwedd (North Wales) under lock and key; padlocked
rhoi rhywun dan glo (yn rhyw le) to lock somebody (in somewhere)
fe ddylai hwnnw fod dan glo he (the person being talke about) should be locked up

saer cloeau (PLURAL: seiri cloeau) locksmith (saer = artisan)
saer cloeon (PLURAL: seiri cloeon) locksmith
gof cloeau (PLURAL: gofaint cloeau) locksmith (gof = smith)
gof cloeon (PLURAL: gofaint cloeon) locksmith

datod clo pick a lock
pigio clo pick a lock
pigwr cloion lockpicker

rhoi clo ar to lock
rhoi clo ar y drws tolock the door

ynghlo (= yn + nasal mutation + clo) locked
bod ynghlo be locked


KLOO adj
1 locked
drws clo locked door

2 ynghlo locked
Cafodd fod drws ei gartref ynghlo He found that the door to his home was locked
(yn = in) + nasal mutation + (clo = locked)
drws ynghlo locked door

ETYMOLOGY: stem of cloi (= to lock)

cloc, clociau
‹KLOK, KLOK ye› (masculine noun)

tŵr cloc clock tower, tŵr y cloc the clock tower

cloc parcio parking meter

troi’r cloc yn ei ôl (“turn the clock in its back trail”)
..1/ put the clock back = change the time on a clock (especially to the correct time if it has gained time)
..2/ put the clock back = change from summer time to daylight-saving time on the last Sunday in October
..3/ put the clock back = create a situation which resembles how things have been at a former period

5 yn groes i’r cloc anticlockwise


cloch, clychau
‹KLOOKH, KLƏ khe› (masculine noun)
canu clychau’r Calan
ring in the New Year

bell = doorbell
cloch drws = doorbell; cloch y drws = the doorbell
canu cloch y drws = ring the doorbell
Cana gloch y drws = (imperative) Ring the doorbell
Mae cloch y drws yn canu The doorbell’s ringing
cloch tŷ = doorbell; cloch y tŷ = the doorbell
canu cloch y tŷ = ring the doorbell
cloch rybudd plural clychau rhybudd alarm bell, warning bell, tocsin

3 flower names:

clychau’r gog (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) bluebells (“(the) bells (of) the cuckoo”)
clychau’r tylwyth teg (Erinus alpinus) fairy foxglove (“(the) bells (of) the fairies”)


‹KLOKH-dar (v)
clochdar y bydd yr iâr a chanu y bydd y ceiliog
a hen clucks and a cock crows

2 (noun) clucking
clochdar yr iâr the clucking of the hen

3 name of a bird - “clucking (bird), clucker”
clochdar y cerrig stonechat “clucker (of) the stones” (Saxicola torquata) stonechat.

(wikipedia 2012-10-11) The male's song is high and twittering like a dunnock’s. Both sexes have a clicking call like stones knocking together.


clochdar y cerrig
klokh –dar ə ke-rig› masculine noun
(Ornithology) = stonechat.

An alternative name is crec y garn

There is a street called “Stonechat Close” in Caer-dydd, and another in Y Porth (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf). The Welsh translation would be “Clos Clochdar y Cerrig”

ETYMOLOGY: ‘(the) cluck(er) / cackle(r) / chatter(er) (of) the stones’

(clochdar = cluck(er) / cackle(r) / chatter(er)) + (y = the) + (cerrig = stones, plural of carreg = stone)

(wikipedia 2012-10-11) The male's song is high and twittering like a dunnock’s. Both sexes have a clicking call like stones knocking together

klok -yur› masculine noun
PLURAL clocwyr
klok -wir›
clockmaker, clock repairer

ETYMOLOGY: “clock-man” (cloc = clock) + (-i-wr agent suffix)


cloc larwm
‹klok LA rum› (masculine noun)
alarm clock


clocsio mynd
<kloks-yo MIND> [ˡklɔksjɔ ˡmɪnd] (verb)
go quickly


clod, clodydd
<KLOOD, KLOO-didh> [kloːd, ˡkloˑdɪđ] (masculine and feminine noun)
y clod, y glod = the praise
gyda’r clod uchaf summa cum laude (“with the highest praise”)

2 fame, renown, respect (from laudable deeds)

Hwy clod na golud “longer renown [through praiseworthy actions] than wealth”, a good name will outlive wealth

Motto of Bwrdeistref Rhondda (Borough of Rhondda) 1955-1996

3 Mae’n glod iddo It does him credit (“it is praise to him”)

4 goreuglod (adjective) of greatest renown
(goreu- penult syllable form of gorau = best) + soft mutation + (clod = renown; praise)

5 canu clodydd rhywun sing (somebody’s) praises


cloddfa, cloddféydd
<KLODH-va, klodh-VEIDH> [ˡklɔđva, klɔđˡvəɪđ] (feminine noun)
y gloddfa = the mine

cloddfa fflint flint mine
Cloddfa Aur Dolaucothi Dolaucothi Gold Mine (county of Caerfyrddin)


ETYMOLOGY: (“digging place”) (clodd- = stem of the verb cloddio = dig, excavate) + (-fa suffix = place, from ma = place)


See clofa below

cloddwaith, cloddweithiau
<KLODH-waith, klodh-WEITH-yai, -ye> [ˡklɔđwaɪθ, klɔđˡwəɪθjaɪ, -jɛ] (masculine noun)

ETYMOLOGY: (“digging work”) (clodd- = stem of the verb cloddio = dig, excavate) + soft mutation + (gwaith = work)



<KLODH-yo> [ˡklɔđjɔ] (verb)
to dig
dig a ditch, make a hedgebank
cau a chloddio hedging and ditching, to repair hedges and dig ditches

3 ymgloddio entrench oneself (ym- = reflexive prefix ) + soft mutation + (cloddio dig a ditch, dig ditches, entrench)

ETYMOLOGY: (clodd- = clawdd ditch, dyke) + (-io = verb-forming suffix)

cloddiwr, cloddwyr
<KLODH-yur, KLODH-wir> [ˡklɔđjʊr, ˡklɔđwɪr] (masculine noun)
hedger, dyke-builder

(Military) sapper


clodfawr ‹KLOD-vaur› [ˈklɔdvaʊr] (adjective)
renowned, celebrated, famous

2 worthy, praiseworthy

Cymry a fynnai brofi eu bod nhw'n aelodau clodfawr o Ymerodraeth y Sais a chystal pob dim â'r Saeson
Welsh people who wanted to prove that they were worthy members of the Empire of the English and every bit as good as the English

ETYMOLOGY: (“(of) great praise”) (clod = praise) + soft mutation + (mawr = great)


clodrydd ‹KLOD-ridh› [ˈklɔdrɪđ] (adjective)
renowned, celebrated, famous

Elystan Glodrydd (died c. 1010) said to be the founder of the fifith royal tribe of Wales

2 lavish in one’s praise

ETYMOLOGY: (“(of) free praise”) (clod = praise) + soft mutation + (rhydd = free, liberal, generous)

NOTE: The spelling clodrudd / glodrudd is wrong, as the second element is not rhudd (= red)


clodwiw ‹KLOD-wiu› [ˈklɔdwɪʊ] (adjective)
praiseworthy, laudable

ETYMOLOGY: (“(of) fitting praise”) (clod = praise) + soft mutation + (gwiw = fitting)

NOTE: First noted in William Owen-Pughe’s dictionary (in parts from 1794 onwards). Probably another neologism of the lexicographer; one of the few that has been incorporated into the modern language

See the entry Owen-Pughe, William


clofa ‹KLOO-va› [ˈkloˑva ] (nf)
(Arfon) a local form of cloddfa = excavation; quarry, mine

Y Glofa Glai (Dyffryn Nantlle) = clay pit, clay quarry

Y Glofa Glytiau, Mynydd y Cilgwyn (Dyffryn Nantlle) = ‘slatestone blocks’ quarry (clwt = piece of cloth; piece of land; small block of slatestone from a larger block for splitting into slates

ETYMOLOGY: (“(of) fitting praise”) (clod = praise) + soft mutation + (gwiw = fitting)


‹KLOOF› [kloːf] (adjective)

mynd yn gloff go lame

cloffi become lame; limp; fetter, hobble


‹KLOOG› [kloːg] (f)
PLURAL clogau
‹KLOO-gai, -ge› [ˈkloˑgaɪ, -ɛ] masculine noun
cliff, precipice

Y Glog (qv) hill name SN7974 north of Cwmystwyth

The word occurs as in a number of compound forms:

clogwyn cliff, precipice < *clogwwyn < *clogfwyn < clogfaen
clogfryn cliff
penglog skull

clogi / c’logi
KLOO-gi› [ˈkloˑgɪ] verb
See cyflogi = to hire, to employ


KLOO-gin› [ˈkloˑgɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL clogynnau
<klo--nai, -e> [klɔˡnaɪ, -ɛ]
(South Wales)
stori glocyn a chyllell cloak and dagger story

(figurative) shroud, cloak = something that covers

clogyn (o rywbeth) cloak = excuse (for / of something, a poor substitute for, an inferior type of), something in name only

clogyn o grefydd an excuse of a religion

ETYMOLOGY: (clog = cloak) + (-yn diminutive suffix added to nouns);
(Welsh clog < medieval English cloke (in modern English cloak) < Old French cloque < medieval Latin clocca (= cloak; bell; from the bell-like shape of the cloak) < Celtic origin.

Cf Welsh cloch (= bell)

NOTE: South-east Wales clocyn
In south-east Wales the voiced consonants
<b-d-g> [bdg] become unvoiced > <p-t-k> [ptk]


KLOI [klɔɪ] (v)
1 to lock
cloi rhywun mewn ystafell lock somebody in a room
cloi rhywun mewn cell lock somebody in a cell

cloi rhywun allan lock somebody out

bod wedi’ch cloi i mewn be locked in
bod wedi’ch cloi allan be locked out

nyten gloi
(PLURAL: nytiau cloi) lock-nut


(western Sir Caerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire, Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire) stream name. See Clydach


klom [klɔm] masculine noun
county of Preseli, and the adjoining zone of Godre Ceredigion (= Lower Ceredigion
cob = a mixture of earth / clay and straw (for tensile strength) to make blocks for building walls; other additional ingredients are sand / cow dung or horse dung / horsehair / sheep’s wool

tŷ clom a cob house, earthen house

cloam = a clay mixture for sealing the door over an oven opening
ffwrn glom cloam oven

ETYMOLOGY: English cloam (= mud)


clomen / c’lomen
KLO-men› [ˈklɔmɛn] feminine noun
PLURAL clomennod / c’lomennod
‹klo-ME-nod› [klɔˈmɛnɔd]
dove; a colloquial form of colomen / colomennod with contraction of the prepretonic syllable.

The colloquial contracted forms are also spelt without the apostrophe: clomen, clomennod


KLO-pa› [ˈklɔpa] masculine noun
PLURAL clopâu ‹klo-PAI [klɔˈpaɪ]
(South Wales)

(slang) head (bonce, nut, noddle, chump, etc)
Fe’i ’naiff, os oos r’wfaint o synnw’r yn ’i glopa
He’ll do it, if there’s any sense in his head

knob on a walking stick
clopa ffon

head (of nail, of pin)
clopa pěn pinhead

ei tharo hi ar ei chlopa hit the nail on its head (“hit it on its head”)

ETYMOLOGY: Middle English clobbe (which in modern English is club) < Old Norse klubba

NOTE: Also a feminine noun – hence y clopa (m) and y glopa


KLOO-ruth› [ˈkloˑrʊθ] masculine noun
(South Wales) clorwth mawr big fat slob, great hulk of a fellow

clorwth o ddyn big fat slob, great hulk of a fellow

(North Wales) horwth o ddyn big fat slob, great hulk of a fellow

ETYMOLOGY: Possibly “distended surface”
(clawr = surface) + soft mutation + (rhwth = open, hollow, distended, loose) > cláwr-rwth > clór-rwth > clorwth



clos (= cl
ōs) KLOOS [kloːs] masculine noun
PLURAL closau
KLOO-sai, KLOO-se› [ˈklɔsaɪ, -ɛ]
pair of breeches
clos pen-glin knee breeches
clos dwyn fale knickerbockers (“trousers (of) stealing apples”)

troi eich clos / troi’ch clos take down one’s trousers (“roll down your trousers”)
cael eich dal yn troi clos be caught with your trousers down

troi eich clos a chael pisiad / troi’ch clos a chael pisiad undo your trousers and have a piss (“roll down your trousers and have a piss”)

Dyma droi’i glos a chael pisiad tawel y tu ôl i gar yr heddwas
So he undid his trousers and had a quiet piss behind the policeman’s car

troi clos evacuate one’s bowels
Prif achos clwy’r marchogion ydy gwthio gormod wrth droi clos
The main cause of piles (“injury of the horsemen”) is straining too much when emptying the bowels

ETYMOLOGY: English close
‹klooz› a present-day colloquial form in Englandic (and previously a standard form in Englandic, as it still is in American English) of cŷhes

< Old English clâthas, plural of clâth (= cŷh)

From the same Germanic root: German das Kleid (= dress, frock), die Kleider (= cŷhes)


(= cl
ōs) KLOOS [kloːs] masculine noun
PLURAL closydd
KLO-sidh› [ˈklɔsɪđ]
1 close = courtyard enclosed by buildings; or a way leading into this.
clos cadeirlan cathedral close, the precincts of a cathedral
clos castell courtyard of a castle
Cerddodd drwy’r dre nes dyfod i'r castell. Aeth Morgan i mewn drwy'r clos

(South Wales) farmyard, courtyard. Also beili, cwrt
clos ffermdy farmyard, courtyard.

3 close = residential street in the form of a cul de sac
Aeth i fyny’r clos i barcio’r car He went up the close (the cul de sac) to park his car

ETYMOLOGY: English close (= enclosure) < Old French clos (adjective = enclosed) < Latin clausus (adjective = enclosed, shut up) < claudere (= to close)

Cf Jčrriais (Jersey French) clios (= a field)

Modern French clos 1 (adjective) enclosed; 2 (noun) enclosed place, vineyard

NOTE: Sometimes written clôs with a circumflex, but in fact there is no need to mark the long vowel because by default a monosyllabic word with a single vowel and a final s has a long vowel


(= cl
ŏs) KLOS [klɔs] (adj)
1 (weather), close, sultry, muggy (= damp and close)
Canol Awst 'roedd hi, a'r tywydd yn drwm a chlos
It was mid-August, and the weather was oppressive and close

Mae'n glos, yn tydi? Damn, it’s close, isn’t it?

2 silent, quiet, taciturn, spare with words, reluctant to talk
bod yn glňs fel wystrysen be tight-lipped (“closed like an oyster”)

3 clos wrth ei gilydd tight together
Er mor glos ydy cregyn yr wystrysen wrth ei gilydd, mae big pioden y môr yn medru eu gorfodi nhw i agor
Although the shells of the oyster are so tight together, the beak of the oystercatcher can force them to open

cwtsho’n glňs cuddle tight

4 tight, mean, tightfisted, miserly, stingy
Un go glňs am y g’in’og o’dd Wiliam Tŷ-coch Wiliam Tŷ-coch was a rather tightfisted

O dyna hen fenyw glos yw hi Oh she’s a really tightfisted woman

clňs eich boced (“close (as regards) your pocket”) stingy

5 close = neighbourly
cymdeithas glňs a close community

6 (relationship) close
Er iddi hi ac Marged Prys fod yn dipyn o ffrindiau ers talwm,'dyw'r perthynas ddim mor glos erbyn hyn
Although she and Marged Prys were quite friendly some time back, the relationship is not so close nowadays

Ffrindiau clňs imi ydyn nhw
They’re close friends of mine

7 (proximity) close, near
Balchder a rhodres - ma'r ddou beth yn glňs iawn idd'i gilydd
Pride and arrogance – the two things are very close to each other

clňs wrth close to
Yr oedd y car wedi'i barcio ar rimyn o borfa yn glos wrth y clawdd
The car was parked on a strip of grass close to the hedgebank

9 aerglos airtight
nwyglos gasproof

ETYMOLOGY: English close (a dialect form of closed)


clos Dafydd Jôns
(= cl
ōs) <kloos DAA-vidh JOONS> [kloːs ˡdɑˑvɪđ ˡjoːns] masculine noun
Penmachno (county of Conwy) patches of blue sky after rain and a sign of approaching good weather. Literally “Dafydd Jôns’s trousers” (David Jones), probably from the patched trousers of a local character

ETYMOLOGY: (clos = trousers) + (Dafydd Jôns = name + surname)


clos Gwyddel (= cl
ōs) ‹kloos GUI-dhel› [kloːs ˈguiđɛl] masculine noun
Ysbyty-ifan (county of Conwy) patches of blue sky after rain and a sign of approaching good weather. Literally “Irishman’s trousers”, probably from the patched trousers of Irish navvies who built the railways in North Wales

ETYMOLOGY: (clos = trousers) + (Gwyddel = Irishman)


closet pridd
KLO-set PRIIDH [klɔsɛt ˈpriːđ] feminine noun
PLURAL closeti pridd, closetau pridd
‹klo- se-ti, klo- se-tai, -e, priidh [klɔˈsɛtɪ ˈpriːđ, kloˈsɛtaɪ, -ɛ, ˈpriːđ]
earth closet = a toilet consisting of a hole in the ground where excrements are covered over with earth, or ashes from a fireplace

ETYMOLOGY: (closet = closet, toilet) + (pridd = earth)


KLOUN [kloun] masculine noun
PLURAL clowniau, clowns
KLOUN-yai, -e, KLOUNZ [ˈklounjaɪ, -ɛ / klounz]
clown = entertainer with grotesque cŷhes, often with a painted face and a red false nose and greatly outsized shoes

Rhyw ddyn yn gwisgo dillad clown
Some man in a clown outfit

a person with illogical behaviour

Paid actio fel clown, wnei di?
Stop acting like a clown, will you?

(disparaging for a person considered stupid)

Pwy yw’r clown bach seimllyd sydd yn sefyll dros y Torďaid y tro hwn?
Who’s the greasy little clown who’s standing (as election candidate) for the Tories this time?

ETYMOLOGY: English clown formerly with the meaning of “countryman, rustic”; probably of Low German origin



(Latin) penwaig herrings


‹KLID yad› [ˈklɪdjad] (masculine noun)
carriage = the action of transporting something
cludiad am ddim carriage paid; post free; delivery free


‹KLII-do› [ˈkliˑdɔ] (verb)
1 transport = carry goods from one place to another (USA: haul)
awyren gludo transport plane
llong gludo freighter


KLII–dur› [ˈkliˑdʊr]
PLURAL cludwyr
KLID-wir› [ˈklɪdwɪr]
cludwr nwyddau haulage contractor, haulier

pall bearer

ETYMOLOGY: (clud- stem of cludo = to carry) + (-wr suffix = man)


KLIIN [kliːn] feminine noun
PLURAL cluniau
KLIN-yai, -e› [ˈklɪnjaɪ, -ɛ]

After the definite article: y glun

1 hip
arthrosis y glun hip arthrosis
asgwrn clun, plural esgyrn cluniau hipbone
clun blastig plastic hip, replacement hip
cymal y glun hip joint
Faint ych chi am eich cluniau? What’s your hip size? (“what-amount are you around your hips”)
mynd o glun i glun waddle = walk like a duck (“go from hip to hip”)

2 thigh
pen y glun hip (“(the) top (of) the thigh”)

3 cael gwlân rhywiog ar glun gafr make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
(“find fine wool on a goat’s thigh”)

ni cheir gwlân rhywiog ar glun gafr you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear

(“fine wool on a goat’s thigh is not found / is not had”)

3 leg

clun bren wooden leg

Rhys Glun Bren Rhys with the wooden leg (16-11-1883 tarian y Gweithiwr: yr hen Rees Glunbren yn dywedyd wrthyf fi = old Rhys Glun Bren saying to me


ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic, if not British < Latin
Cornish klun (= buttock), Breton klun (= buttock)

Cf Latin clűnis (= buttock)

KLIIN [kliːn] masculine noun
PLURAL cluniau
KLIN-yai, -e› [ˈklɪnjaɪ, -ɛ]

(place names) meadow

Y Clun (Englished as Clyne) Village SN8000 between Castell-nedd to the south and Resolfen


KLIST [klɪst] masculine noun
North Wales:
clűst KLIIST [kliːst]
PLURAL clustiau
KLIST-yai, -e› [ˈklɪstjaɪ / ˈklɪstjɛ]

pen a chlustiau “head and ears”
siarad ar draws pen a chlustiau talk the hind legs off a donkey

moeli clustiau / moeli’ch clustiau prick up your ears

codi clustiau / codi’ch clustiau prick up your ears

gwneud clust fel hwch mewn haidd prick up your ears (“make (the) ear like (a) sow in barley”)

6 i mewn trwy un glust ac allan trwy’r llall
in one ear and out the other, in at one ear and out at the other

Aiff i mewn trwy un glust ac allan trwy’r llall
It goes in one ear with him and out the other

troi clust fyddar i rywbeth turn a deaf ear to something

sharp pain, intense pain
Mae arna i ’i angen fel angen pigyn yn y clust I need it like a hole in the head (i.e. I don’t need it at all, it would not be pleasant to have it) (“I need it like a pain in the ear”)

bod at eich clustiau mewn gwaith be up to one’s eyes in work (“be to your ears in work”)

achlust rumour; tip-off
cael achlust o get to know of
rhoi achlust i (rywun) give (somebody) a tip-off, tip somebody off

(ad intensifying prefix) + spirant mutation + (clust = ear) *ad-chlust > a’chlust > achlust

tynnu’ch clustiau pull your ears

(South-west) Mae e’n tynnu ’nghlustiau He gets on my nerves, He gets up my nose, He gets on my tits (“he pulls my ears”)

12 unglust
<IN-GLIST> ɪnglɪst] one-eared
(un = un) + soft mutation + ( clust = ear)

Also: un glust
<IIN GLIST> [ˡiːn ˡglɪst]


<KLIST-vis> klɪstvɪs] masculine noun
PLURAL clustfysedd
<klist--sedh> [klɪstˡsɛđ]
little finger

ETYMOLOGY: (“ear finger”) (clust = ear) + soft mutation + (bys = finger)


<klist-LI-pa> [klɪstˡpa] adjective

miserable, unhappy, crestfallen, down in the dumps, dejected, downhearted, defeated, beaten, cowed

ETYMOLOGY: (clust = ear) + soft mutation + (llipa = weak, drooping)


clust llygoden y felin
<KLIST lhə-GOO-den ə VEE-lin> klɪst ɬəˡgoˑdɛn ə ˡveˑlɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL clustiau llygoden y felin
< <KLIST-yai, -e, lhə-GOO-den ə VEE-lin> klɪstjaɪ, -ɛ, ɬəˡgoˑdɛn ə ˡveˑlɪn]
Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-summer

(1) “clust y llygoden (of) the mill”.
(2) Clust y llygoden “ear (of) the mouse” is the mouse-ear plant;
(3) (clust = ear) + (llygoden = mouse) + (y = the) + soft mutation + (melin = mill)


<kli-STOO-gi> [klɪˡstoˑgɪ] verb

ETYMOLOGY: (clustog = cushion) + (-i suffix for forming abstract nouns) (causes change in the penultimate vowel a > e – vowel affection)


clẁb, clybiau
<KLUB, KLƏB-yai, -e> [klʊb, ˡkləbjaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
2 C.P.D. = F.C. or football club (initials of Clẁb Pęl-droed)
C.P.D. Cwm-sgwt (on a player’s shirt, for example) Cwm Sgwt F.C. (= Football Club)


clẁb cant
<klub KANT> [klʊb ˡkant] masculine noun
PLURAL clybiau cant
<KLƏB-yai, -e, KANT> kləbjaɪ, -ɛ, ˡkant]
Literally ‘hundred club’, a group of people who take part in a raffle restricted to a maximum of one hundred members to generate funds for non-profit organisations or a political party
Dyma enwau enillwyr Clwb Cant Cyfeillion Cymru-Ariannin dynnwyd ym Mhwyllgor Gwaith y Gymdeithas ym mis Mai
These are the names of the winners of the (raffle of the) Friends of Wales-Argentina ‘Hundred Club’ drawn in the Executive Committee meeting of the association in May

ETYMOLOGY: “club (of) (one) hundred” (clwb = club) + (cant = one hundred)


clẁb golff
<klub GOLF> [klʊb ˡgɔlf] (masculine noun)
PLURAL clybiau golff
<KLƏB-yai, -e, GOLF> kləbjaɪ, -ɛ, ˡgɔlf]
1 golf club


clẁb heicio
<KLUB HEIK-yo> [klʊb ˡhəɪkjɔ] masculine noun
PLURAL clybiau heicio <KLƏB-yai, -e, HEIK-yo> kləbjaɪ, -ɛ, ˡhəɪkjɔ]
hiking club, club for hikers

ETYMOLOGY: (“club (of) hiking”)


<KLUM> [klʊm] (adjective)
1 tied
bwthyn clwm tied cottage


clwstwr, clystyrau
<KLU-stur, klə-STƏ-rai, -e> [ˡklʊstʊr, kləˡstəraɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
boquet of flowers;
cluster of houses


clwt, clytiau
<KLUT, KLƏT-yai, -e> [klʊt, ˡklətjaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
cloth; parcel of land

clytio (verb with an object) patch (clothes)
(clyt- = penult syllable form of clwt = cloth, patch) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)

3 clo clwt padlock

<KLU-to> klʊtɔ] verb
(South Wales form of clytio) (verb with an object) patch (clothes)
clwto ffrňg to patch a frock

ETYMOLOGY: (clyt- = penult syllable form of clwt = cloth, patch) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)
The southern form is clwto (in South Wales, the w of a monosyllable is conserved in the tonic syllable of a derivative; the suffix -io is generally -o


<klut-ə-BONT> [klʊtəˡbɔnt] (masculine noun)
village (north-west Wales)


<KLUID> [klʊɪd] feminine noun
PLURAL clwydi
<KLUI-di> klʊɪdɪ]
wattle hurdle for stopping a gap, partioning, or forming enclosures such as a sheepfold
cau (rhywbeth) â chlwydi hurdle off, enclose with hurdles
rhoi clwydi am hurdle off, put hurdles round, close off with hurdles

South-east Wales gate (for a field, a garden)

South-east Wales opening, gateway

South-east Wales (formerly) turnpike gate
Y Glwyd = locality by Y Drenewydd, Rhymni (county of Caerffili)

North Wales perch, roost; place where hens sleep at night
mynd i’r glwyd (1) (hens) go to roost (2) (people, facetiously) go to bed

(athletics) hurdle = wooden frame for jumping over
ras glwydi hurdle race
neidiwr clwydi hurdler, hurdle racer

hurdle = low fence for horses to jump over in some forms of horseracing

hurdle used for carrying something
clwyd fawn = a hurdle for carrying peat

hurdle = a frame on which criminals were tied to be dragged to execution

llwybr clwydi hurdle trackway, path across marshy ground with hurdles as a base

mat of vegetation
bod yn un glwyd, bod yn un glwyden, bod yn glwydi
be matted together, be tangled up, be all tangled together; be in a tangled heap

clwyd bladur wattle holder for carrying a scythe

clwyd frag hurdle for drying malt on

obsolete hurdle used as a fish trap in a river or stream - see the river name Clwyd

South-east Wales torglwyd = gate (tor-, stem of torri = to break) + soft mutation + (clwyd = gate)

obsolete cronglwyd = roof < cron-glwyd < cromglwyd (crom, feminine form of crwm = curved) + soft mutation + (clwyd = hurdle)

17 hurdle used as a harrow
thorn harrow (for smoothing down the soil surface after ploughing, in preparation for seeding)

See the separate entry for the diminutive form clwyden (clwyd + -en)

19 Y Glwyd-goch <ə gluid GOOKH> [ə gl
ʊɪd ˡgoːx]
SN5162 farm south of Pennant, Ceredigion (“the red gate”)
(y definite article) + soft mutation + (clwyd = gate) + soft mutation + (coch = red) SN5162 Y Glwyd-goch
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *klęt-â < Celtic *kleit-â

From the same British root: Cornish kloez (= hurdle, lattice), Breton kloued (= fence, harrow)

From the same Celtic root: Irish cliath (= hurdle), as in the name of the capital of Ireland, Baila Átha Cliath, the farmstead of the ford of the hurdles (for catching fish)

Also Celtic > Vulgar Latin *clęta > French claie (= fence), Catalan cleda (= farmyard, cattle pen, sheepfold )


<KLUID> [klʊɪd] feminine noun
SJ0549 Afon Clwyd = river in north-east Wales

Dyffryn Clwyd
the valley of the river Clwyd

dianc o Glwyd a boddi ar Gonwy
go from the frying pan into the fire
(“escape from (the river) Clwyd and drown on (= crossing) (the river) Conwy”)

Clwyd (1974-1996) for 22 years, a large county in the North-east named after the river; this former super-county was created by amalgamating the counties of Y Fflint and Dinbych; Clwyd was abolished in 1996, and became the three counties of Y Fflint, Dinbych (these two though with different boundaries compared to the historic counties abolished in 1974), and a new county, Wrecsam

3 In the names of parliamentary constituences in the area, the name Clwyd is still in use:
De-orllewin Clwyd (South-west Clwyd), Gogledd-orllewin Clwyd (North-west Clwyd) electoral constituencies returning a member each to the English parliament

4 Moelydd Clwyd “Clwydian Range”, line of hills to the east of the Clwyd valley, opposite Rhuthun, Dinbych, Llanelwy
“hills (of) Clwyd” (moelydd = (bare) hills) + (Clwyd name of a river)

ETYMOLOGY: the river name is apparently “fish-trap (river)”, Welsh clwyd = wattle (used as a fish-trap).

See the preceding entry (clwyd as a common noun)


<KLUID> [klʊɪd] masculine noun
man’s name (from the river name)


clwydda, c’lwydda
<KLUI-dha> klʊɪđa]
(North-west) colloquial for celwyddau (= lies), plural of celwydd


<KLUI-den> klʊɪdɛn] feminine noun
PLURAL clwydenni
<klui-DE-ni> [klʊɪˡnɪ]

mat of vegetation
bod yn un glwyden be a mat of vegetation

clwyden o iâ = layer of ice
clwyden o rew = layer of ice
clwyden o faw = layer of dirt

ETYMOLOGY: (clwyd = wattle, hurdle) + (-en = diminutive suffix)


<KLUI-vardh> klʊɪvarđ] masculine noun
1 Dafydd Gruffudd (1800-1894), poet, born in Heol y Dyffryn, Dinbych
See Hen Arweinwyr Eisteddfodau / Daniel Williams / Llyfrau Pawb 12 / 1944

ETYMOLOGY: (Clwyd = river name) + soft mutation + (bardd = poet)


<KLUI-do> klʊɪdɔ] verb
(birds) roost
bod wedi clwydo be roosting, have gone to roost

mynd i glwydo
(bird) go to roost
(person) (humorous) go to bed

Roedd hi’n hanner awr wedi un arnaf yn mynd i glwydo neithiwr

I didn’t get to bed until half past one last night (“it was half past one on me going to roost last night”)

clwydo yn ei gilydd become matted together, become entangled, become interwoven

ETYMOLOGY: (clwyd = wattle, hurdle) + (-en = suffix for forming verbs)


clwyf / clwy’
<KLUIV, KLUI> [klʊɪv, klʊɪ] masculine noun
PLURAL clwyfau
<KLUI-vai, -e> klʊɪvaɪ, -ɛ]
wound, sickness, illness

2 llunglwyf
<LHIN-gluiv> ɬɪnglʊɪv] Mondayitis = reluctance to begin a new week of work after the weekend break (Llun = Monday) + soft mutation + (clwyf = illness)

3 gwahanglwyf (Elephantiasis graecorum) leprosy
“separation-illness”, i.e. “illness characteristed by isolation of sufferers from other people” (gwahan- = different, separate ) + soft mutation + (clwyf = illness)


klui-VEE-dig [klʊɪˡveˑdɪg] adj
1 wounded
llwynog clwyfedig a wounded fox

ETYMOLOGY: (clwyf- stem of clwyfo = to wound) + (-edig past participle suffix)


<KLƏB-yai, -e> [ˡkləbjaɪ, -ɛ] (plural noun)
clubs; plural of clwb


<KLƏKH-sain> kləxsaɪn] feminine noun
PLURAL clychseiniau
<kləkh-SEIN-yai, -e> [kləsəɪnjaɪ, -ɛ]
1 chime

<ə> [ə] = penult form of clych <i> [ɪ] = bells) + (sain = sound)


<KLIID> [kliːd] (adjective)

clytaf most sheltered

y tu clytaf i’r clawdd
on the sheltered side of the hedgebank (“the most sheltereed side to the hedgebank”) (note that Welsh uses the superlative form of the adjective where English prefers the comparative when the comparison is between two)

cosy, comfortable


<KLƏ-dakh> [ˡklədax]
river name; there are a number of streams or rivers with this name in South Wales

Melinclydach (“(the) mill (of the stream) Clydach (Isaf)”)
Another name for Melin-cwrt (SN8101) locality of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan 10km north-east of Castell-nedd at the confluence of the Clydach Isaf stream (“Melin Court Brook”) and the river Nedd

3 village SN6801 in the county of Abertawe

Local name: Glitach (p. 445, Y Treigladau a’u Cystrawen, T. J. Morgan, 1952)
. The soft mutation is explained as being the result of the name’s frequent occurrence in speech after the prepositions i (= to) and o (= from), and the soft-mutated form came to be regarded as the radical form

..a/ Clydach > Clidach
<KLII-dakh> [ˡkliˑdax] (y in the tonic syllable > i in the local dialect, a southern feature)

..b/ Clidach > Clitach
<KLII-takh> [ˡkliˑtax] (devoicing of gbd > cpt at the head of the final syllable in south-east Wales)

..c/ i Glitach (= to Clydach), o Glitach (= from Clydach)
After these frequent prepositions there is always soft mutation; and yng Nghlydach (nasal mutation) is yn Glydach / yn Glitach (tendency in the south to confuse the prepostion yn (nasal mutation) with the complement marker yn (soft mutation). Thus the name is used a ŷ more often in its soft-mutated form, and comes to be regarded as the base form)

4 village SO2312 in the county of Mynwy

CLYDACH: The village of Clydach takes its name from the stream which
flows from Mynydd Llangatwg to join the Usk near Gilwern. Mr. R. J.
Thomas lists no fewer than 22 streams or rivers in South Wales bearing the name variously written Clydach, Cleidach, Cloidach (and formerly Cloutac, Clydagh, Cledagh etc.). The name is generally pronounced Cleidach in Breconshire and east Carmarthenshire, Cloidach in other parts of Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, and Clidach or Clitach (as well as the 'literary' pronunciation Clydach) in Glamorgan. Mr. Thomas has shown that the name is borrowed from the Irish cladach, clodach, denoting a stony shore or a river flowing over a stony bed.

Some Breconshire Place-Names / Stephen J. Williams, M.A., D.LITT./ Brycheiniog / Vol. 11 / 1965


<KLƏ–dhai, -e> klə–đaɪ, -ɛ]
1 Name of a farm SN5252 in Cribyn, by Llanbedr Pont Steffan (Ceredigion) map

2 Locality in the county of Penfro?
1881 Census:
18 Bryn Zion St. Merthyl Tydfil, Glamorgan. David OWENS, 50 Collier, born Clyddau, Pembroke



KLƏD–win› klədwɪn]
1 male forename (rare)
2 a son of Brychan, ruler of Brycheiniog in the 400s, one of Brychan’s 12, 24 or 63 children (according to different sources)



<KLƏM-blaid> kləmblaɪd] feminine noun
PLURAL clymbleidiau
<kləm-BLEID-yai, -e> [kləmˡbləɪdjaɪ, -ɛ]
coalition party, coalition (American: also “fusion”)

ETYMOLOGY: (clym-, penult form of clwm = tied together) + soft mutation + (plaid = party)

<kləm-BLEID-yo> [kləmˡbləɪdjɔ] verb
form a coalition
A fydd y Torďaid yn clymbleidio â’r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol?
Will the Tories form a coalition with the Liberal Democrats?

ETYMOLOGY: (clymblaid = coalition) + (-i-o suffix for forming verbs)


<KLƏ-mi> [ˡkləmɪ] (verb)
to bind together

clymu rhywun draed a dwylo hogtie somebody, bind hand and foot (“bind somebody feet and hands”)

Mae ishe clymu dy ben di
You need your head examining


Clyngaea, C’lyngaea
<klən-GEI-a> [klənˡgəɪa] masculine noun
a colloquial form of Calan Gaeaf (= All Saints, “(the) calend (of) winter”) > C’langaea / Clangaea > Clyngaea


clynnen (c’lynnen)
<KLƏ-nen> [ˡklənɛn]

1 a reduced form of celynnen (= holly bush)

In the 1881 Census (Tywyn, District 3) David Davies (55) mariner is recorded as living at Pantyglynnen (spelt as “Pant y Glynen”) (= hollow of the holly bush)


<KLƏ-nog> [ˡklənɔg]

1 a misspelling on English-language maps of Clynnog


Clynnog (C’lynnog)
<KLƏ-nog> [ˡklənɔg]

1 a reduced form of celynnog (= place of holly bushes)

In Llanrhaeadr ym Mochnant there is a farm “Clynog” SJ1225 which is probably Clynnog map

2 Clynnog-fawr SH4149 also known simply as Clynnog
A village in Gwynedd y pentref / the village

ETYMOLOGY: clynnog / c’lynnog < celynnog
ynn- penult form of celyn = holly bushes) + (-og adjectival suffix ) > celynnog (adj) (= abounding in holly bushes) > celynnog (noun) (= place abounding in holly bushes)


<klə-STƏ-rai, -e> [kləˡstəraɪ, -ɛ] (plural noun)
clusters; plural of clwstwr


lt syllable form of clwt (= cŷh, patch)

..a/ clytiau rags

..b/ clytio to patch, put a patch or patches on


clytaf (clyta’ / clyta)
<KLƏ-tav, KLƏ-ta> klətav, ˡkləta] adjective
most sheltered; superlative form of clyd (= sheltered)

y tu clytaf i’r clawdd on the sheltered side of the hedgebank

(in Welsh, the superlative form of the adjective is often used where English uses the comparative degree)


<KLƏT-yai, -e> [ˡklətjaɪ, -ɛ] (plural noun)
rags; plural of clwt


<KLƏT-yo> klətjɔ] verb
(verb with an object) patch (cŷhes), put a patch or patches on
clytio ffrňg to patch a frock

2 cobble (shoes)

throw together, cobble together. make in haste and without preparation
clytio cinio throw together some dinner, prepare dinner hastily

ETYMOLOGY: (clyt- = penult syllable form of clwt = cŷh, patch) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)

NOTE: South: clwto (in South Wales, the w of a monosyllable is conserved in the tonic syllable of a derivative; the suffix -io is generally -o


..1 clyw
<KLIU> [klɪʊ] masculine noun
hearing, ability to hear

o fewn clyw within earshot

..2 clyw
<KLIU> [klɪʊ] verb
he / she / it hears (< clywed = to hear)
Fe gaiff ffit pan glyw amdano He’ll have a fit when he finds out


<KLƏ-wed> [ˡkləwɛd] verb
to hear
Fel arall y clywais i I heard differently
teclyn clywed hearing aid (“device (of) hearing”) (teclyn = device) + (clywed = hearing )

to feel
Clywai y bysedd meinion yn tynhau am ei llaw
She felt the slim fingers tightening around her hand


cn- is explained in a number of ways

It occurs in native words, and already existed in Celtic (some of the words in the following list have Irish equivalents with cn-)

..1 cnaif (= act of shearing wool; sheep’s fleece); cneifyn (= fleece) , cneifio (= to shear)
Cf. Irish cnaí (= corrosion)

..2 cnau = nuts, cneuen (= a nut);
Irish cnó (= nut)

..3 cnawd = (= flesh)

..4 cnewyllyn (= kernel, core, heart)

..5 cnicyn (= hammer of a gun) Probably < cnycyn < cnwc (= lump; hill)

..6 cnith (= nibbling), probably related to cnoi (= to bite)

..7 cnucho, cnuchio, cnycho, cnychio (= to fuck)

..8 cnoi (= to bite)

..9 cnu (= sheep’s fleece)
Irish cnúmh (= bark, skin) is possibly the same word

..10 cnud (= pack of wolves) (possibly from the same root as cnwd = crop)

..11 cnwch (= hill)
Irish cnoc (= hill)

..12 cnwd (= crop)
Irish cnuas (= nuts)

..13 cnwff / cnwffyn (= lump) < cwlff (= chunk)

..14 cnyw (= colt, foal) (possibly a form of cenau = cub, pup)

They may be borrowed English words, borrowed when when the initial ‘k’ was still sounded in English
..1 cnac (= trick; also rebellious action of a horse) < English knack

..2 cnaf (= scoundrel) < English knave

..3 cnap (= small hill; also state of inebriation) < English cnap (= lump, heap) < cnaepp (= top)

Also from the same source cnapan (= ball of hard wood), with native diminutive ending -an

..4 cnec (= bang; fart) < English knack (= crack, click)

..5 Y Cnicht (hill name) < English knight

..6 cnocio (= to knock) < English knock; from the same source, cnocell = woodpecker (with Welsh ending -ell)

..7 cnol (= hill) < English knoll (= hill)

..8 cnot (= knot) < English knot; also cnotyn (= knot; garden bed for onions)

..9 cnůl (= death knell) from a Middle English word related to knell (= slow ringing of a bell)

..10 cnwb / cnwbyn (= knob; lump (of a fellow)) < English knob; also cnwpa, knob of a stick

Shortening involving syllable loss

..1 cna:

y cna bach < y cena bach < y cenau bach! (= the little devil! you little devil! ‘the little puppy’)

..2 Caernarfon (town in the north-west) > Cnarfon, Cnafron (colloquial names for the town)

..3 canél (= canal; south-east Wales; from an English variant of ‘canal’) > cnel

..4 canwyllbren (= candlestick) > cnwyllbren

..5 ceiniogwerth (pennyworth) > cnegwerth / (North-west) cnegwarth

..6 cenawes (= bad girl) > cnawes

..7 cwynosfwyd (= tea, supper) > cnysfwyd

..8 cyfnither (= female cousin) > cnither

..9 cynaeafa (= to harvest, to gather in the harvest) > cnafa

..10 cynhaeaf (= harvest) > cnaea, cnua

..11 cynhebrwng (= funeral) > cnebrwn

..12 cynhesol (= warming, which warms) > cnesol

..13 cynhesu (= warm up) > cnesu

..14 cynhordy (= gatheouse) > cnordy

..15 cynrhonyn (= maggot) > cnonyn

..16 cyrnadu (= howl, shout) > cnadu

..1 Cneset (= Israeli parliament) < Hebrew

..2 cnwc (= hill), a loan word in Welsh from Irish cnoc (= hill)


<KNAK> knak] m
PLURAL cnaciau, cnacau
<KNAK-yai, -e; KNA-kai, -e > knakjaɪ, -ɛ; ˡknakaɪ, -ɛ]
(South Wales)
1 trick
chwarae cnac â rhywun play a trick on somebody
bod yn llawn cnaca be full of tricks

ETYMOLOGY: English knack (= special way of doing something) < Middle Dutch cnakken (= tos strike, to hit) < cnak- probably an imitation of the sound

cnaf, cnafon / cnafiaid
<KNAAV, KNAA-von / KNAV-yaid, -ed> [knɑːv, ˡknɑˑvɔn / ˡknavjaɪd, -ɛd] (masculine noun)
rascal, knave, rogue, scoundrel
cnaf o’r math gwaethaf the worst of rogues, a rogue of the first order


<KNAV-ron> [ˡknavrɔn] (feminine noun)
local form of Caernarfon (with metathesis
R-V > V-R

 > Cnafron


<KNAR-von> knarvɔn] feminine noun
colloquial form of Caernarfon (qv)

Caernarfon > Cyrnarfon > Cy’narfon > Cnarfon

cnap PLURAL cnapiau
<KNAP, KNAP-yai, -e> [knap, ˡknapjaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
small hill

place names:
..a/ Cnap-llwyd
“a farm on the hill to the south of Glanamman Village”
(Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club 6 / 1910 /1911 / p52)

..b/ Cnap-llwyd, district of Abertawe / Swansea
In this place in Abertawe there are streets called Heol y Cnap and “Cnap Llwyd Road” (which would be Heol y Cnap-llwyd in Welsh)

Pen y Cnap SN5121 hill in Llanegwad, county of Caerfyrddin / Carmarthen

Y Cnap
John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911) (1905 volume) notes: Knap, The. An alternative name for Allen’s Bank, according to an Alŷment Map of Cardiff Heath, of teh commencement of teh 19th century. Welsh cnap, a “knob” or tump.


c'nau, cnau
<KNAI> [knaɪ] verb
(North Wales) to clean. See glanháu


cneuen, PLURAL cnau
<KNEI-en, KNAI> [ˡknəɪɛn, knaɪ] (feminine noun)
cneuen gyll (= hazel-nut), plural cnau cyll (= hazel-nuts)

cipio cneuen o wâl y blaidd beard (= oppose) the lion in his den; confront someone (“take (a) hazelnut (from) (the) den (of ) the wolf”)

gefel gnau nutcrackers = device, type of lever, for cracking the shells of nuts
yr efel gnau the nutcracker

(gefel = tongs) + soft mutation + (cnau = nuts, plural of cneuen = nut)

4 cneuen gastan PLURAL cnau castan chestnut

y gneuen gastan the chestnut

5 (North Wales) plisgyn cneuen nutshell
(South Wales) masgl cneuen nutshell

6 cneuen Ffrengig walnut (“French nut”)

English “walnut” has a similar sense: “foreign nut” (wal- foreign, as in Wales, the foreign people, the people not like us; and the adjective Welsh).
Cf Dorset dialect (south-western England): welshnut = walnut
/ FREDERICK THOMAS ELWORTHY (1930-1907) / 1886.

FRENCH NUT... Walnut. (Always.)


<KNI-kin> knɪkɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL cniciau
<KNIK-yai, -e> knɪkjaɪ, -ɛ]
hammer of a gun, part of a firearm which strikes the explosive cap on the cartridge to detonate it

ETYMOLOGY: apparently a variant of cnycyn
<KNƏ-kin> [ˡknəkɪn] = ‘little knob’,
from (cnyc-, cnwc = knob; hill) + (-yn = diminutive suffix)


<KNI-pelh> knɪpɛɬ] masculine noun
1 hillock, knoll

Y Gnipell place name in Llan-bryn-mair

Gnipell – the eminence

p. 261 Collections Historical And Archaeological Relating to Montgomeryshire and its Borders Volume XXIII 1889

A History of the Parish of Llanbrynmair / Richard Williams FRHS

Chapter XII A Glossary of Local Names”

ETYMOLOGY: (cnip) + (-ell dimunitve suffix)

Cnip is an unknown element. There are vaguely similar words indicating hillocks or hills – cnwc, cnwch, clip. clog: or lump - cnap, clap


cnoc, cnociau
<KNOK, KNOK-yai, -e> [ˡknɔk, ˡknɔkjaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
knock, tap


cnocell, cnocellau
<KNO-kelh, kno-KE-lhai, -e> [ˡknɔkɛɬ, knɔˡkɛɬaɪ, -ɛ] (feminine noun)
y gnocell = the woodpecker


cnocell fraith fwyaf (…fwya’)
<KNO-kelh VRAITH VUI-av, VULL-a> knɔkɛɬ ˡvraɪθ ˡvʊɪav, ˡvʊɪa] feminine noun
PLURAL cnocellau brith mwyaf (…mwya’)
<kno-KE-lhai, -e, BRIITH MUI-av, MUI-a> [knɔˡɬaɪ, -ɛ, ˡbriːθ ˡmʊɪa]
(Dendrocopos major) great spotted woodpecker

ETYMOLOGY: (cnocell = woodpecker) + soft mutation + (braith, feminine form of brith = speckled) + soft mutation + (mwyaf = the greatest, the biggest)


cnocell fraith leiaf (…lleia’)
<KNO-kelh VRAITH LEI-av> knɔkɛɬ ˡvraɪθ ˡvʊɪav, ˡvʊɪa] feminine noun
PLURAL cnocellau brith lleiaf (…lleia’)
[knɔˡɬaɪ, -ɛ, ˡbriːθ ˡɬəɪav, ˡɬəɪa]
(Dendrocopos minor) lesser spotted woodpecker

ETYMOLOGY: (cnocell = woodpecker) + soft mutation + (braith, feminine form of brith = speckled) + soft mutation + (lleiaf = least, smallest)


cnocell werdd
<KNO-kelh WERDH> knɔkɛɬ ˡwɛrđ] feminine noun
PLURAL cnocellau gwyrdd
<kno-KE-lhai, -e, GWIRDH> [knɔˡɬaɪ, -ɛ, ˡgwɪrđ]
(Picus viridus) green woodpecker

ETYMOLOGY: (cnocell = woodpecker) + soft mutation + (gwerdd, feminine form of gwyrdd = green)


<KNO-ker> knɔkɛr] masculine noun
PLURAL cnoceri
<kno-KEE-ri> [knɔˡkeˑrɪ]
knocker, door knocker

ETYMOLOGY: English knocker < knock < Old English cnocian (= to knock)
NOTE: also cnocar


<KNOK-yo> [ˡknɔkjɔ] (verb)
to knock


<KNOIS> [knɔɪs] verb
it/she/he bit; third person singular past of cnoi (= to bite)

cudyn o’r ci a’ch cnoes a hair of the dog that bit you, the idea that a bad hangover from excessive drinking might be alleviated by drinking more alcohol (cudyn = tuft of hair)
NOTE: Also cnodd.

Cf ffodd / ffoes it/she/he fled,
trodd / troes it/she/he turned,
rhodd / rhoes it/she/he gave,
clodd / cloes it/she/he locked, etc


<KNOO-VIL> knoˑvɪl] masculine noun
PLURAL cnofilod
<kno-VII-lod> [knɔˡviˑlɔd]
rodent = small animal with incisor teeth for gnawing which grow constantly

ETYMOLOGY: (cno- = stem of cnoi = to bite) + soft mutation + (mil = animal ) + (-yn diminutive suffix added to nouns)


<KNOL> [knɔl] feminine noun
PLURAL cnoliau
<KNOL-yai, -e> knɔljaɪ, -ɛ]

obsolete (but found in place names) hill, knoll

(1) Y Gnol
GNOL> [ə ˡgnɔl] locality in Rhymni (county of Caerffili)

(2) Y Gnol
GNOL> [ə ˡgnɔl] locality in Castell-nedd (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)

(3) Twyn y Gnol
‹TUIN ə GNOL <TUIN ə GNOL> tʊɪn ə ˡgnɔl] hill by Trecelyn (county of Caerffili) (seems to be “the hill [belonging to] Y Gnol” – maybe there is or was a nearby farm of this name)

(4) SN8260 Y Gnol Wen, Powys. North of Penrhuddfa / Devil’s Staircase, Powys

As clol in the name Top-y-glol (“(the) top (of) the hill”), near Moelfre Isaf, 8km south-east of Abergele (county of Conwy)

ETYMOLOGY: Middle English knoll (= hill) {knol} < Old English cnoll [knol]
In modern English knoll is pronounced without the intial k – [nol], but in Welsh it has been preserved

Cf Lowlandic (Germanic language of Scotland; Scots, Lallans) know (= hill);

From the same Germanic root; German die Knolle (= tuber), die Knollnase (= bulbous nose)


KNOO-nin masculine noun
1 (North Wales) form of cynrhonyn (= maggot)


knii masculine noun
PLURAL cnuoedd
fleece = the coat of a sheep

fleece = wool shorn from a sheep

Barnwyr 6:37 Wele fi yn gosod cnu o wlân yn y llawr dyrnu: os gwlith a fydd ar y cnu yn unig, a sychder ar yr holl ddaear; yna y caf wybod y gwaredi di Israel trwy fy llaw i, frl y lleferaist.
Judges 6:37 Behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor;
‹and› if the dew be on the fleece only, and ‹it be› dry upon all the earth ‹beside›, then shall I know that thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said.

Barnwyr 6:40 A Duw a wnaeth felly y noson honno; canys yr oedd sychder ar y cnu yn unig, ac yr holl ddaear yr oedd gwlith
Judges 6:40 And God did so that night: for it was dry upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground.

Job 31:20 Os ei lwynau ef ni’m bendithiasant, ac oni chynhesodd efe gan gnu fy nefaid i
Job 31:20 If his loins have not blessed me, and
‹if› he were ‹not› warmed with the fleece of my sheep;

Salmau 72:6 Efe a ddisgyn fel glaw ar gnu gwlân; fel cawodydd yn dyfrhau y ddaear,
Psalm 72:6 He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers
‹that› water the earth.

hen ddafad yng nghnu oen bach (“an old sheep in the fleece of a little lamb”) mutton dressed up as lamb, an old person trying to hide his or her age by imitating young people’s cŷhing styles

y Cnu Aur = the Golden Fleece

cnu’r ddafad farw = something given to a person from the possessions of somebody who has died (‘(the) fleece (of) the dead sheep’)

aros am gnu’r ddafad farw (“wait for the dead sheep’s fleece’) wait for a dead man’s shoes, wait for someone to die (in order to have the person’s property)

heraldry - sheepskin (suspended by a ring)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British
Breton kreoń (= fleece) < kneoń
Irish cnúmh (= bark, skin) is possibly related

NOTE: also cnuf, plural cnufiau
kniiv, kniv-ye›, and a diminutive form cnufyn knî-vin›


knikh-yad› masculine noun
PLURAL cnuchiadau
copulation, fuck, grind

ETYMOLOGY: (cnuch-, stem of cnuchio = to fuck) + (-iad, suffix for forming nouns)
NOTE: Also cnychiad


knikh -yo› verb
NOTE: (South Wales) variants: cnucho, cnwcho, cnocho, cnycho
(verb with an object) / (verb without an object) fuck, screw, bonk, knock off

(South-west Wales) cnycho (rhywun) fuck someone = do someone, cheat someone

cnycho llaw masturbate (“fuck (a) hand”)



knikh -yur› masculine noun
PLURAL cnuchwyr
knikh -wir›
fucker, shagger; man who has sexual intercourse

ETYMOLOGY: (cnuch- stem of cnuchio = to whore, to go whoring) + (-i-wr suffix = man)


‹KNI kho› (verb)
to fuck


kniiv masculine noun
(= cnu) fleece

ETYMOLOGY: cnu + a non-etymological final f
Cf. hy (= daring, insolent), which has become hyf,
also with a non-etymological final f.


kniv -yo› verbs
(North-west Wales) wrap up fleeces after shearing

ETYMOLOGY: (cnuf = fleece) + (-io, suffix for forming verbs)


knil masculine or feminine noun
PLURAL cnuliau
knil –ye›
death knell, sound of a bell announcing that somebody has died, or announcing a funeral, tolling of a death bell

y cnůl, y gnůl = the death knell
canu cnůl (bell) to toll, to sound

Yr oedd cloch yr eglwys yn canu cnůl
The church bell sounded the death knell

cnůl clust tingling in ears, ringing in ears (as a premonition of a death)

cadw cnůl complain continually (“keep (a) death knell”)

ETYMOLOGY: Middle English knul < Old English knyll;
related to Dutch knal (= bang, peal of thunder, explosion, sound of a gunshot); German knüllen (= crumple (material)),

NOTE: Also clul (n > l)


knil -yo› verb
(verb without an object) toll = (bell) ring to announce a death or a funeral

(verb with an object) toll = ring (a bell) to announce a death or a funeral

ETYMOLOGY: (cnůl = death knell) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)


‹knuk ›
1 hill

2 Y Cnwc hill SO0601 (375 metres), west of Troed-y-rhiw, Merthyrtudful map


‹knuukh ›
1 hill

Cefn Cnwch Eithinog SN7548 near Ystrad-ffin (county of Caerfyrddin) “(the) ridge of Cnwch Eithinog”

Cnwch Eithinog = “gorse-covered hill” (cnwch = hill) + (eithinog = gorse-covered)

To the north-east is Nant y Cnwch “(the) stream of Y Cnwch (Eithinog)”


‹knuk ə din-tir›
street name in the town of Aberteifi (county of Ceredigion)

ETYMOLOGY: cnwc y dintir < cnwc y deintur (“(the) hill (of) the tenter frame”).
(cnwc = hill) + (y = definite article) + (deintur = tenter frame)

NOTE: Also incorrectly as Cnwc-y-Dintir, Cnwc y Dintir
If the name refers to the hill, then Cnwc y Dintir is correct; if it refers to a street or a district, then it is written as a single word Cnwcydintir


ult syllable form of cnwch (= copulation, fuck)

..a/ cnychio, cnychu to copulate, to fuck


knəkh-yad› masculine noun
PLURAL cnychiadau
(South Wales)
1 act of sexual intercourse, a fuck, sex

‹KNƏKH yo› (verb)
to copulate, to fuck


‹KNƏ khi› (verb)
to copulate, to fuck


cnychu dwrn
‹knə khi DURN› (verb)
to masturbate (‘fuck fist’)


lt syllable form of cnwd (= crop)

..a/ cnydiau crops


‹KNƏD ye› (plural noun)
crops; plural of cnwd


kob m
PLURAL cobiau
kob -ye›
1 cob of Indian corn, corncob
india-corn ar y cňb corn on the cob

ETYMOLOGY: English cob = corncob. Same origin as English cob = round lumo, short strong horse



kob m
PLURAL cobiau
kob –yai, -ye›
embankment (standard Welsh: argae, arglawdd)
Buont yn dadlau beth i’w wneud i atal llifogydd yn y dyfodol – a bu rhai yn anwgrymu tynnu’r cob, neu gostwng lefel y cob

They discussed what to do to prevent floods in the future – and some of them suggested moving the embankment or lowering the height of the embankment

2 Cňb Porthmadog SH5738 (short form: Y Cňb)
Also Cňb y Port Y Cňb

(delwedd 7410)

3 Cňb Malltraeth SH4068

4 Cňb y Fali SH2879
(English name: Stanley Embankment)

ETYMOLOGY: English cob (= embankment)

NOTE: In Lyme Regis in Dorset (England) the harbour wall is known as “The Cobb” SY3492.

(Wikipedia, “Lyme Regis”, accessed 2009-03-02): “The first written mention of the Cobb is in a 1328 document describing it as having been damaged by storms. The structure was made of oak piles driven into the seabed with boulders stacked between them. The boulders were floated into place tied between empty barrels.”

‹KOOKH› (adjective)

Coch i fyny, teg yfory Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight
(“red up [above], fair tomorrow”)
 = if the sky is red at sunset, tomorrow will be a fine day

y clefyd coch diphtheria (“the red illness”)

‹me-lən-goch› yellowy red; orange

5 flower names
pabi coch (Papaver rhoeas) corn poppy, field poppy (“red poppy”)

(water) containing iron. ferrous
ffynnon goch chalybeate spring
(used in Ceredigon, according to Welsh Leader 16 11 1906 p142)
(ffynnon = well) + soft mutation + (coch = red)

place names – red = colour of stone

..a/ Maen-coch farm 2km east of Llanboudy SN2123 (county of Caerfyrddin)
‘the red stone’ (y = definite article) + (maen = stone) + (coch = red)

..b/ Plas-coch (SH5168) mansion in Ynys Môn (Gwynedd)
Plas-coch: this interesting house has long been of importance.
At the beginning of the twelth century it was the residence
of Llywarch ab Bran { = Brân}
, Lord of Cwmmwd Menai... It was called Porthamael till 1569 when Hugh Hughes, Esq, built the present house, which, from the complexion of the stone, acquired the name of Plas Coch (Red Hall)
(Parry's New Guide to Wales / Edward Parry / 1847)

ETYMOLOGY: “y plas coch” “(the) red mansion” (y definite article) + (plas = mansion) + (coch = red)


kokh -boith› adj
1 red-hot (cooler than yellow-hot and white-hot)

ETYMOLOGY: (coch = red) + soft mutation + ( poeth = hot)

koch -yon› adjective
plural form of coch (= red)
Coed Cochion (place name) (“(the) red trees, (the) red wood”)
Grisiaucochion (“(the) red steps”) name of a street in Bangor (LL57 4YN)

(noun) Y Cochion “The Reds”, people wearing this colour of cŷhes (e.g. a football team)

ETYMOLOGY: coch + plural suffix -ion


coch y berllan
‹KOOKH ə BER lhan› (masculine noun)
(Pyrhhula pyrrhula) bullfinch


coc oen
‹kok OIN› (masculine noun)
useless fool, idiot (‘lamb’s penis’)


cocni, cocnis
‹KOK ni, KOK nis› (masculine noun)
Cockney (From English ‘cock’s egg’)


kok -sed› masculine noun
cockshoot = clearing in a wood into which woodcocks were driven and captured in nets across the opening

Cocsed place in Ceredigion, between Llangybi and Llanio
See cocsut


kok -sit› masculine noun
cockshoot = clearing in a wood into which woodcocks were driven and captured in nets across the opening


in place names, especially field names by woods;

Cae Cocsut this is “cae’r cocsut” (with the linking definite article dropped) = “(the) field (of) the cockshoot”

Enw diddorol ar gae rhwng Llangrallo a'r Coety yw Kae Coxid, 1740 a 1631 (Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / Journal of the National Library of Wales Rhif / Number 14, 1966)

An interesting field name between Llangrallo and Y Coety is Kae Coxid, (in the years) 1740 and 1631

Sometimes in the form cocsyth
kok-sith›, cocsed kok-sed›
Cocsed A place in Ceredigion, between Llangybi and Llanio

ETYMOLOGY: dialect English cockshyt < cockshoot = (obsolete) place for capturing woodcocks (cock < woodcock) + (shoot)


kok -sith› masculine noun
(place names) cockshoot = clearing in a wood into which woodcocks were driven and captured in nets across the opening
See cocsut


‹kok- wilht adjective
(Englandic: randy) (USA: horny)

ETYMOLOGY: (coc = cock, penis ) + soft mutation + (gwyllt = wild, out of control)


Y Cocyd ‹ř KO-kid ›
1 SS6294 locality in Abertawe
English name: Cockett

John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911) (1905 volume) notes: Gocket, Cocket; “Gockid”. A tenement in Pentyrch (c. 1670, 1763.) This name is found also in Monmouthshire and West Herefordshire, and near Swansea.

In Lydart, Monmouthshire SO5009 there is an old drovers’ inn called Gockett Inn
In a 1695 deed: “at Mitchelltroy, on the road from Monmouth to the Gockett”


cocyn hitio
‹KO kin HIT yo› (masculine noun)
aunt Sally, someone who takes the blame


cod, codiau
‹KOOD, KOD ye› (masculine noun)
bag, pouch;


coden, codennau
‹KO·-den, ko-DE-ne› (femenine noun)

2 coden fustl gall bladder
plural: codau / codenni / codennau bustl


‹KO di› (verb) (-se)
to raise, to raise

codi clustiau / codi’ch clustiau prick up your ears

codi (rhywbeth) ar (rywun) charge somebody for something
codi ar (rywun) am (rywbeth) charge somebody for something

codi crocbris am rywbeth
charge the earth for something (“raise a hanging price for something”)

codi tâl am charge a fee for

4 codi cynnig i’r gwynt fly a kite, test the weather = make a suggestion, start a rumour, leak information, carry out part of a plan to see what kind of reaction is causes (“raise an offer / a try to the wind”)

codi’ch gwar shrug your shoulders

codi cywilydd ar (rywun) to shame (somebody), put (somebody) to shame

rise (from the grave)
codi o farw’n fyw come back from the dead (“rise from dead alive”)

codi testun choose a text (for a sermon, etc)

codi terfysg cause unrest

(ticket) buy
codi tocyn buy a ticket
codi ticed i Gaer buy a ticket to Chester

codi llais yn erbyn speak out against (“raise a voice against”)

codi awydd bwyd arnoch whet your appetite (“raise (the) desire (of) food on you”)
codi stumog work up an appetite, stimulate one’s appetite

13 (fear – used in expressions meaning ‘to make afraid’)

codi ofn am eich enaid arnoch scare the living daylights out of, scare the shit out of, put the fear of God into, frighten somebody stiff (“raise fear for your soul on you”)

bod yn ddigon i godi ofn arnoch be creepy (“be enough to raise fear on you”)

codi arswyd ar frighten, scare, fill with dread

codi angor weigh anchor (“raise anchor”)

(river) rise, originate, take its rise, flow from
Mae Dyfrdwy yn codi yn Llyn Tegid The River Dyfrdwy (Dee) flows from Llyn Tegid (Lake Bala)

16 codi argae ar draws cwm / ar draws dyffryn to dam a valley

codi corff o fedd exhume a body (“raise a body from a grave”)

raise = increase a bid, a bet
codi ar (rywbeth) (auction) bid for something

19 codi’ch trwyn ar (rywbeth/rywun) be disdainful towards (something), regard (something / somebody) with disdain

20 codi cywilydd ar make (somebody) feel ashamed (“raise shame on”)

codi’n chwysigennod come out on blisters

22 codi archwaeth ar rywun to whet somebody’s appetite

23 codi ar eich traed get to your feet


sedd godi tip-up seat


codiad, codiadau
‹KOD yad, kod YA de› (masculine noun)
NOTE: In the South, cwnnad < cychwyniad is often used instead of codiad


erection of the penis
(South Wales) cala â chodiad arno erect penis (“(a) penis with (a) erection on it” )
cael codiad have an erection
Fe ges i ddiawl o godiad I got a hell of an erection


codiad haul
kod –yad hAil masculine noun
sunrise = rising of the sun over the horizon
Also; codiad yr haul
ar godiad haul / ar godiad yr haul at sunrise
gyda chodiad haul at sunrise
Gwlad y Codiad Haul The Land of the Rising Sun

the time of this event

ETYMOLOGY: “(the) rise (of) (the) sun” (codiad = rise) + (haul = sun)


codi allan
-di a -lhan›
(North Wales) be out and about after an illness

turn out = come out of one's house, go onto the stret (to see a procession, etc)

Mi glywson ni'r 'band' yn y dre heddiw. Yr oedd yno gantoedd o bobl wedi codi allan i'w clywed nhw We heard the band in the town today. Hundreds of people had turned out to listen to them

ETYMOLOGY: (codi = rise, get up) + (allan = out)


codi arian ar
-dir ar-yan ar›
to mortgage (something)

ETYMOLOGY: (“raise money on”) (codi = rise, get up) + (arian = money) + (ar = on)


codi min
ko-di miin
(North Wales) get an erection, have an erection

ETYMOLOGY: (codi = to raise) + (min = sharpness / erection)


codi pais ar ôl piso
-di pais ar ool pi-so›
lock the stable door after the horse has bolted; do something too late for it to be of any use; try to undo what has been done

ETYMOLOGY: (“(to) lift (a) skirt after pissing”) (codi = lift) + (pais = skirt, petticoat) + (ar ôl = after) + (piso = pissing, to piss)


codi pais cyn piso
koo-di pais kin pi-so›
do first what should be done first, follow the correct procedure to avoid a future calamity

ETYMOLOGY: (“lift skirt before pissing”) (codi = lift) + (pais = skirt, petticoat) + (cyn = before) + (piso = pissing, to piss)


codi’r corff
koo-dir korf
(funeral cortčge) set out for the cemetery; (Scotland: lift = take up for burial)

ETYMOLOGY: (“raise the body”) (codi = rise, get up) + (y = the) + (corff = body)


codi yn y byd
koo-di ən ə biid
to better oneself

ETYMOLOGY: (codi = to rise) + (yn = in) + (y = the) + (byd = world)


codwm, codymau
‹KO dum, ko DƏ me› (masculine noun)
2 mynd am godwm head for a fall, be riding for a fall (“go for (a) fall”)


codwr, codwyr
‹KOO dur, KOD wir› (masculine noun)
bore godwr = early riser
codwr morgais
‹ko dur MOR ges› mortgagee, person who takes out a mortgage


‹KOI ka› (masculine noun)
(South-east Wales) coetgae

Used in Cambrian English.

Excerpt from a comment (retrieved 2008-10-18) in the forum at:
BBC South-east Wales Walks: Pant yr Eos / Twm Barlwm

How many people were on Twmbarlwm before me who are still going? My grandfather George Morton who farmed the Darran Farm carried me before I could walk along the top of the Darran Rocks and I was able to point out later on, when I grew a bit the large rock along the coiker where we rested. On that occasion I can't claim to have climbed to the tump, but in my youth my pals and I were always up there always refreshed by the marvellous view. My most recent climb was last year, not bad for 85!


koik -ya› masculine noun
(North Wales) a colloquial form of coetgae (= hedge, field)

Cňb y Coecia (place name) (“(the) embankment (of) the field”)
(a cňb is an embankment which carries a road across an estuary)

(Llanllyfni) Dyma’r siopau a oedd yno yn yr 1890au:….. Siop Gruffudd Jones y Cigydd (cododd dy ar Lôn Coecia yn ddiweddarach ac fe’i galwodd yn Bod Ruffudd)
(Llanllyfni) These are the shops that were there in 1890’s:….. The shop of Gruffudd Jones the Butcher (he built a house on Lôn Coecia (lôn y Coecia Coecia Lane / Road) later and he named it Bod Ruffudd)

…Tafarn y Coecia (a godwyd yn arbennig ar gyfer gweithwyr y rheilffordd).
…The Coecia tavern (built especially for the people working on the railway)

(Pantrefi Dyffryn Nantlle / ) (Dyfyniad a godwyd 2008-10-18 / quote retrieved 2008-10-18)

> coetg(i)a > coecia <KOIK-ya> kɔɪkja]


‹KOID› (plural noun)
trees; wood (= collection of trees)
See coeden

wood (material)

3 cudd y coed
(Clematis vitalba) old man’s beard, traveller’s joy
“(the) hidden [plant] (of) the wood”
cudd = hidden (adj); a hidden thing (noun)) + (y = the) + (coed = wood)

Cudd-y-coed Name of a street in Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg) (spelt as ‘Cudd y Coed’)

(delwedd 7915)

4 There is a street in Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg) called Coedcriafol (spelt as ‘Coed Craifol’) ‘rowan trees’

danhogen y coed PLURAL: dannog y coed (Stachys officinalis) (wikipedia): commonly known as Purple Betony, Betaine (fr), Betonie (ger), Bishopwort, Lousewort, Wild hop, Wood betony (Do not confuse with true Wood Betony (Pedicularis canadensis)), or Bishop's wort... The word stachys comes from the Greek, meaning "an ear of grain," and refers to the fact that the inflorescence is often a spike.

There is a street in Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg) called Dannog-y-coed (‘wood betonies’), on street maps as ‘Dannog y Coed’

(delwedd 7017)


koid -alht› feminine noun
obsolete wooded hillside

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood, trees) + (allt = hill)


Coed Alun
‹koid a -lin›
1 wood in Caernarfon (county of Gwynedd)
Meaning: “(the) wood (of) Alun” (Alun = ?a stream name).

This has become colloquially Coed Helen literally ‘Helen’s wood’

A Short Introduction to the Study of Comparative Grammar (Indo-European) T. Hudson Williams 1935 t.9):
“The Coed Helen Estate at Caernarfon was originally Coed Alun and is still so called in popular speech; the name was changed to bring in the Helen legend”

This “Helen” was Elen Luyddog (“Elen of the Hosts”, llu = host, army), from a noble family in Segontium (Caernarfon). She married Macsen Wledig (Magnus Maximus), who had been born in the Iberian peninsula, and who became commander of the Roman army in Britain. In AD 383 he went to Rome where he deposed Gratian and made himself Emperor, and became a Christian. It is said that Elen returned to Wales after Macsen’s death five years later, in AD 388.

The tale is preserved in “Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig” (“the dream of Magnus (the) leader”) , written down around 1400 and forming part of the collection of twelve medieval Welsh tales known as the Mabinogion.

A deed in English dated 1740 mentions ‘the capital messuage of Coed Alun otherwise Coed Helen... in the liberties of Caernarfon and parish of Llanbeblig’.

Elen’s name is perpetutated in Caernarfon in the street called “Ffordd Santes Helen” (road of Saint Helen), and popularly it occurs in Sarn Helen (“Helen’s way, Helen’s pavement”) a name given to several sections of Roman road between Caernarfon and Caerfyrddin.


koid bAAkh
street name

..a/ Y Fflint (Sir y Fflint) (“Coed Bach”)
..b/ Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg / Vale of Glamorgan) (“Coed Bach”)
..a/ Pen-coed (Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr / Bridgend) (“Coed Bach”)

ETYMOLOGY: “(y) coed bach” “(the) little wood”,
(y definite article) + (coed = wood) + (du = black)


Coed Cadw
koid ka-du› -
name of a wood in Clawdd-coch (county of Bro Morgannwg)

ETYMOLOGY: “(y) coed cadw” ‘(the) kept wood, preserved wood’ (?query - in the sense of ‘coppice, wood with small trees grown as a source of wood and cut from time to time’) (coed = wood) + (cadw = to keep; keeping; kept)


coed cae / Coed Cae
koit -ga› masculine noun
incorrect spelling of coetgae (= hedge which encloses; enclosed field). This error is frequent in place names


coedcae / Coedcae
koit -ga› masculine noun
incorrect spelling of coetgae (= hedge which encloses; enclosed field). This error is frequent in place names


coed celyn
koid kee-lin› masculine noun
holly wood

2 Coedcelyn
..a/ farm in Betws-y-coed (Conwy) (“Coedcelyn”)
..b/ street in Abergele (Conwy) (“Coed Celyn”)

ETYMOLOGY: “(y) coed celyn” “(the) wood (of) holly trees”, “(the) holly wood”
(y definite article) + (coed = wood) + (celyn = holly trees)


ar goedd publicly
ar goedd gwlad publicly, (declaring) to all and sundry

Cyfeiriai yr ysgolfeistr byth a hefyd ar goedd yr holl ysgol at helynt y ddrwm fawr. Daff Owen / Lewis Davies / 1924 / t31
The schoolmaster referred constantly before the whole school to the incident of the big drum

ETYMOLOGY: cý|oedd > có|oedd > coedd
The usual form is cyhoedd (cý|oedd > cý|hoedd)

(delwedd 7367)


koid dii
street name in Rhyd-y-mwyn (Sir y Fflint)
2 Heol y Coed-du (“Coed Du Road”), Y Creunant (Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)

ETYMOLOGY: “(y) coed du” “(the) black wood”,
(y definite article) + (coed = wood) + (du = black)


koid dii-on
ST1797 village in the county of Caerffili.
English name: Blackwood

ETYMOLOGY: “(y) coed duon” “(the) black wood”,
(y definite article) + (coed = wood) + (duon, plural form of du = black)


coeden, coed
‹KOI den, KOID› (feminine noun)
y goeden = the tree

coed = wood, woodland, forest
sgrech y coed (Garrulus glandarius) jay (“(the) screech (of) the wood”) (sgrech = screech) + (y definite article) + (coed = wood)

coed = wood (material)

bod fel dail y coed be ten a penny, be very common (“be like the leaves of the tree”)

erlid o goed i gastell chase from pillar to post, hound from place to place (“chase from wood to castle”)

methu gweld y coed gan brennau not see the wood for the trees

coeden helyg (f) (coed helyg) (Salix) willow tree
See: helygen

8 crafgoed wood with ramsons or wild garlic (Allium ursinum) (craf = ramsons / wild garlic) + soft mutation + (coed = wood)

House names, street names:

Dolgoed meadow wood, wood by a meadow
y ddolgoed the meadow wood
There is a street called Ddolgoed in Dre-fach, Llanelli (county of Caerfyrddin)
(dôl = meadow) + soft mutation + (coed = wood)

(glwys (obsolete) fair, beautiful, pleasant) + soft mutation + (coed = wood)
house name in Aberystwyth (county of Ceredigion)
(in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)

Is-y-coed (“below the wood”)
..a/ Gwenfô (county of Caer-dydd) (“Is Y Coed”)
..b/ Y Maerdy (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (“Is-Y-Coed”)

‹tan- ə-KOID›

..a/ street name in Porthtywyn / Burry Port (county of Caerfyrddin / Carmarthen)
 (spelt as “Tanycoed”)
tan y coed “(the place) below the wood”
(tan = under, below) +
(y definite article) + (coed = wood; trees)

10 llwyn o goed wood, small wood

Safai yr hen Wenallt mewn pantle, rhwng y fan y saif y Wenallt presenol a'r llwyn o goed a elwir Nyrs Fachddeiliog, yn ymyl hen orsaf ffordd haiarn y Bala.
Adgofion Andronicus (= John William Jones, Y Bala, 1842-1895) Cyhoeddwyd: Caernarfon 1894 t24

The old Wenallt (farmhouse) stood in a hollow, between the place where the present Wenallt stands and a wood which was called Fachddeiliog Nursery, next to the old railway station in Y Bala

NOTE: In south Wales in monosyllables the diphthng oe [oi] is reduced to a long o [o:]. Coed therefore is pronounced “cood” [ko:d] (recommended spelling is co’d; but côd often used).

Llanfyfyr / Llanofer: “Dissent in the Counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth” / Hywel D. Emanuel / The National Library of Wales Journal 1954-5.
1807 May 29; Wesleyan; a chapel erected on a piece of land called the Code;

Pen-coed > Pen-cood / Pen-co’d (Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)


koid -va› feminine noun
wood, woodland, wooded place

y goedfa the woodland


ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood) + (-fa noun-forming suffix, indicating a place)


koid -vron› feminine noun
wooded hillside
y goedfron = the wooded hillside

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood, trees) + soft mutation + (bron = hill)


koid -vrin› masculine noun
wooded hillside

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood, trees) + soft mutation + (bryn = hill)


koid glAAs
street name in Baer-dŕr (Rhondda Cynon Taf)
2 street name in Cwm-brân (Torfaen)
3 Heol y Coed-glas, Llanisien, Caer-dydd (“Coed Glas Road”)

ETYMOLOGY: “(y) coed glas” “(the) green wood”,
(y definite article) + (coed = wood) + (du = green)


Coed Helen
‹koid he-len›
1 literally ‘Helen’s wood’, locality in Caernarfon. Originally though it was “Coed Alun”, the ‘wood (of) Alun’ (?a stream name).

“The Coed Helen Estate at Caernarfon was originally Coed Alun and is still so called in popular speech; the name was changed to bring in the Helen legend” (A Short Introduction to the Study of Comparative Grammar (Indo-European) T. Hudson Williams 1935 t.9).

This “Helen” was Elen Luyddog (“Elen of the Hosts”, llu = host, army), from a noble family in Segontium (Caernarfon). She married Macsen Wledig (Magnus Maximus), born in the Iberian peninsula, who became commander of the Roman army in Britain and who in AD 383 went to Rome where he deposed Gratian and made himself Emperor, and became a Christian. It is said that Elen returned to Wales after Macsen’s death five years later, in AD 388.

The tale is preserved in “Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig” (“the dream of Magnus (the) leader”) , written down around 1400 and forming part of the collection of twelve medieval Welsh tales known as the Mabinogion.

A deed in English dated 1740 mentions ‘the capital messuage of Coed Alun otherwise Coed Helen... in the liberties of Caernarfon and pa.
‹rish› of Llanbeblig’.

Elen’s name is perpetutated in Caernarfon in the street called “Ffordd Santes Helen” (road of Saint Helen), and popularly it occurs in Sarn Helen (“Helen’s way, Helen’s pavement”) a name given to several sections of Roman road between Caernarfon and Caerfyrddin

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood, trees) + soft mutation + (Helen = Helen)


‹koid- hir -yon›
house name in Derwen-fawr, Abertawe (county of Abertawe) (in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1) (“Coed Hirion”)

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = trees, wood) + soft mutation + (hirion, plural form of hir = long, tall)


koid -yog› adjective
NOTE: (South Wales) coedog In the south the consonantal i at the beginning of the final syllable is generally lost, and so the suffix -iog > -og

1 wooded, woodland = having many trees
nant goediog wooded stream
lôn goediog wooded lane

2 (South Wales) (beans) stringy, too fibrous and so difficult to chew
ffa coedog stringy beans

3 Heol Goedog ‘wooded road’
Street name in Cefncribwr (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood
‹collection of trees; a material›) + (-iog, suffix for forming adjectives)


coedlan, coedlannau
‹KOID lan, koid LA ne› (feminine noun)
avenue (street names)


koid LHAU-riv›
laurel wood
street in Abergele (Conwy) (“Coed Llawryf”)

ETYMOLOGY: “(y) coed llawryf” “(the) wood (of) laurel trees”, “(the) laurel wood”
(y definite article) + (coed = wood) + (llawryf = laurel trees)


street name in Abergele (Sir Conwy) (as “Coed Masarn”)

ETYMOLOGY: “(y) coed masarn” “(the) maple wood”,
(y definite article) + (coed = wood) + (masarn = maple )


koid –ma-sArn-en›
street name in Tregolwyn (Bro Morgannwg) (as “Coed Masarnen”)
A gramatically incorrect name, seemingly a mistake for coed masarn (= maple wood).
See the preceding entry, Coedmasarn

ETYMOLOGY: “coed masarnen”, which rather than “(the) maple wood” means “(the) wood (of a) maple-tree”, indicating the material which has been obtained from an individual maple tree.

(coed = 1 wood, an area of trees; 2 wood, the material obtained from a tree ) + (masarnen = a maple tree)


koi -dog› adjective

NOTE: Southern form of coediog (= woody, sheltered by trees; stringy) In the south the consonantal i at the beginning of the final syllable is generally lost, and so the suffix -iog > -og

1 Heol Goedog ‘wooded road’
Street name in Cefncribwr (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)


‹koid TEEG›
1 house name in Doldowlod (Powys)

2 Farm SJ2565 on Ffordd Nant-y-glyn, Bryn-y-maen, Conwy, near Baecolwyn / Colwyn Bay (“Coed Teg”)

ETYMOLOGY: ‘fair wood’ (coed = wood) + (teg = fair)


coedwig, coedwigoedd
‹KOID wig, koid WÎ godh› (feminine noun)
wood, forest
y goedwig the wood

brenhinbren y goedwig king of the forest, the tree which is king of the forest, the oak

coedwigo = afforest, plant trees (see following entry)


Coedwig Fach y Maerdy
koid- wig vAAkh a meir-di› verb
woodland area in Y Maerdy, Rhondda Cynon Taf

/ Issue 14 / September 2008/ :

A wildlife haven with open, green spaces for all to enjoy has been created from derelict land in Maerdy… A community celebration launched the Maerdy woodland project, which has taken months of work and a huge joint effort… the scheme… includes woodland, pathways and open space as well as a fresh new look for Edward Street and Springfield. The wood has been named “Coedwig Fach y Maerdy”, following a suggestion by 10-year-old Corey Williams of Maerdy Junior School.

ETYMOLOGY: “(the) little wood (of) Y Maerdy” (coedwig = wood) + soft mutation + (bach = small) + (Y Maerdy)

Maerdy is “house of the steward of the tręv” (maer = steward, overseer; modern Welsh = mayor) + soft mutation + (ty^ = house); maerdy is also later “summer farm” and “dairy farm”


‹koid- -go› verb
afforest, plant trees

digoedwigo to clear forest, to deforest; (noun) forest clearance
(di- negative prefix = de-, un-) + soft mutation + (coedwigo = afforest, plant trees)

ETYMOLOGY: (coedwig = wood) + (-o suffix for forming verbs)


koi -dur› masculine noun
PLURAL coedwyr
koid -wir›
woodman, forestry worker

(South Wales) (Mining) colliery timberman, pit-propper; colliery worker who puts up pit props – that is, the supports for the roof in mine shafts

forest dweller

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood (material); wood (trees)) + (wr suffix = man)


‹koid ə brain
locality in Llanbradach, in the county of Caerffili
Heol Coed-y-brain street in Llanbradach (on English maps as “Coed-y-Brain Road”)
Also Cwrt Coed-y-brain street in Llanbradach (on English maps as “Coedybrain Court”)

ETYMOLOGY: ‘(the) wood (of) the crows’ (coed = wood) + (y = definite article) + (brain = crows, plural of brân = crow)


‹koid ə kraa
1 SJ2270 (farm in Sir y Fflint)
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great Britain and Ireland…”)

ETYMOLOGY: coed y craf (“(the) wood (of) the ramsons”)
(coed = wood) + (y definite article) + (craf ramsons, Allium ursinum)

NOTE: A feature of northern Welsh is the loss of a final [v] in monosyllables. Although this is to be seen all over Wales in the word tref > tre (nowadays = town; home), in the south the –f is generally retained. Other examples from the north are gof > go (smith), haf > ha (summer).

Hence Coed-y-craf > Coed-y-cra

(delwedd 7009)

 The standard Welsh name for Allium ursinum is craf y geifr “(the) garlic (of) the goats”

Coed y Geifr
‹koid ə gei-vir›
1 name of a wood in the parish of Rowlston, Herefordshire, England

ETYMOLOGY: (“(the) wood (of) the goats”) (coed = wood) + (y = the) + (geifr = goats, plural of gafr = goat)


‹koid ə glin
1 house name, street name

Street name in
..a/ Baecolwyn (Conwy)
..b/ Gellilydan, Blaenauffestiniog (Gwynedd)
..c/ Glynceiriog, Llangollen (Dinbych)
..d/ Llanberis (Conwy)
..e/ Llandudno (Conwy)
..f/ Cegidfa / Guilsfield (Powys)

ETYMOLOGY: (“(the) wood (of) the valley / glen”) (coed = wood) + (y = the) + (glyn = valley)


‹koid ə goo
locality in Croesoswallt (Oswestry), in the county of Shropshire, England

ETYMOLOGY: “coed y gof” (“(the) wood (of) the blacksmith”) (coed = wood) + (y = the) + (gof = smith, blacksmith).

In north Wales a final
‹v› is lost in many monosyllables, hence gof > go
See Coed-y-cra above

NOTE: On English maps with the partially Englished spelling Coed-y-Goe


‹koid ə mais
street name in Bangor, in the county of Gwynedd (“Coed y Maes”)

ETYMOLOGY: “(the) wood (of) the field”, “field wood”
(coed = wood) + (y = definite article) + (maes = field)

Coed y Milwr
‹koid ə -lur›
(lost name?) wood in Caer-dydd, according to John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911)
“COED-Y-MILWR (the soldiers’ wood.) North-east of Pen-y-lan.”

ETYMOLOGY: (“(the) wood (of) the soldier”) (coed = wood) + (y = the) + (milwr = soldier)


Coed y Mynach
‹koid ə -nakh›
Capel Coed y Mynach ‘(the) chapel (of) Coed y Mynach’ SO3402
Village 4km northwest of Brynbuga (county of Mynwy). English name: Monkswood

ETYMOLOGY: ‘(the) wood (of) the monk’, (coed = wood) + (y = definite article) + (mynach = monk)


Coed y Parlment
‹koid ə parl -ment› (;;m;;)
Place name (= “parliament wood”) in Caer-dydd, noted by John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in 'Cardiff Records' (1889-1911)
(“COED-Y-PARLMENT (parliament wood.) On the Pant-bach brook in the parish of Llanedern, on the northern municipal boundary of Cardiff”)

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood) + (y = definite article) + (parlament, variant of parlament = parliament)


koig -valkh› adjective
proud, conceited, vain
wedi eich gwisgo yn goegfalch dressed in showy clothes

ETYMOLOGY: (coeg = blind; vain) + soft mutation + (balch = proud)


‹koig- valh -der› masculine noun

ETYMOLOGY: (coeg = blind; vain) + soft mutation + (balchder = pride)


coel, coelion
‹KOIL, KOIL yon› (f)
belief, credence

2 symbol, sign
See coelbren (= piece of wood or board with an inscription on it, symbolboard)


koil -bren› m
PLURAL coelbrenni, coelbrennau
‹koil- bre -ni, -ne›
1 ŷ = an object used in a method of making a fair choice, such as a short straw pulled at random from a number of longer straws; the straws are in the hand so that all seem to be of the same length.

2 fate, ŷ, destiny
arno ef y syrthiodd y goelbron the ŷ fell on him

(obsolete) balŷ = little ball originally used in a secret vote


Diarhebion 18:18 Y coelbren a wna i gynhennau beidio, ac a athrywyn rhwng cedyrn.
Proverbs 18:18 The ŷ causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty.
i.e. casting a ŷ puts an end to arguments, and decides where there are powerful contenders

piece of wood or board with an inscription on it, symbolboard

Coelbren y Beirdd “symbolboard of the poets” a runic alphabet invented by Iolo Morganwg (1747-1826) which he maintained was in use by the early Welsh and had survived until his day in Morgannwg

An example of the alphabet is to be seen in this illustration from the front page of the magazine Y Celt, from the 1880s.
It reads: Hu Gadarn yn Arwain y Cymry i Ynys Prydain
(Hu Gadarn leading the Welsh to the Island of Britain)

(delwedd 7508)

6 bwrw’ch coelbren ymysg.... throw in your ŷ with
Dywedir iddo fod yn weinidog ar eglwys o Fedyddwyr yn Sir Benfro, ond iddo, wrth wrando Howel Harries, benderfynu bwrw ei goelbren i fysg y Diwygwyr It is said that he was the minister of a church made up of Baptists in Penfro county but that after hearing Howel Harries he decided to throw in his ŷ with the Revivalists

7 trwy goelbren by ŷ, by means of drawing ŷs
rhennid y comin glas trwy goelbren the common was shared out by ŷ, was divided up by choosing the short straw

ETYMOLOGY: (coel = belief) + soft mutation + (pren = wood)

koil -kerth› feminine noun
PLURAL coelcerthi
bonfire = large fire built up in order to celebrate come event
y goelcerth = the bonfire
cynnau coelcerth light a bonfire
gwneud coelcerth make a bonfire

(formerly) bonfire on Nos Galan Mai (festival heralding the advent of the summer half of the year, now the night of April 30 - May 1) or on Nos Galan Gaeaf (festival to herald the winter half of the year, now the night of November 30 - October 1)

bonfire = large fire built up in order to serve as a signal

bonfire = fire to burn rubbish
gwneud coelcerth o make a bonfire of

A pha waeth gennyf fi os bydd y plant yn gwneud coelcerth o’m dyddiaduron ar ôl i mi gau fy llygaid? And what do I care if my children make a bonfire of my diaries after I die (‘close my eyes’)?

coelcerth angladdol funeral pyre

ETYMOLOGY: (coel = omen) + (certh = certain, sure), i.e. ‘sure sign, certain omen’; The word certh comes from British < Latin certus (= certain)

NOTE: colloquial form: coelceth (loss of the ‘r’), and coelcath in the ‘a’ zones


‹koil-ker-thi› verb
incinerate, throw onto the fire, make a bonfire of

Dylid coelcerthu pob copi o'r cylchgrawn hwnnw
Every copy of that magazine should be thrown onto the fire

ETYMOLOGY: (coelcerth = bonfire) + (-u suffix for forming verbs)


‹KOIL yo› (verb)
Coelia fi Believe me
Coelia di fi Believe me
Coeliwch fi Believe me
Coeliwch chi fi Believe me


kôis feminine noun
PLURAL coesau
leg = limb of an animal or insect
y goes = the leg
eistedd â’ch coesau o boptu’r gadair straddle the chair

leg of an animal as food
coes cyw chicken leg
coes ffowlyn chicken leg
coes eidion leg of beef
coes gwedder leg of mutton
coes oen leg of lamb

estyn eich coesau (1) stretch one’s legs, go for a walk; (2) stretch one’s legs, extend legs which are stiff

codi’ch coes (dog) lift up its leg, to urinate
Cododd y ci ei goes ar bostyn y giât
The dog lifted its leg up on the gate post, urinated on the gate post

leg = branch of something forked e.g. compasses (pair of compasses)

coesen, coesgyn (qv) = stem of a plant

various names for a wooden leg:
coes bren (“leg (of) wood”) i.e. wooden leg
coes glec (“leg (of) click, clack (noise)”) i.e. a leg that goes clack, clack, clack
coes gorcyn (“leg (of) cork”) i.e. cork leg

coes osod artificial leg, replacement leg (“leg (of) putting”, gosod = to put)

cymryd y goes to run off, to run away (“to take the leg”)

sefyll ar un goes stand on one leg

Does ganddi yr un goes i sefyll arni
She hasn’t got a leg to stand on = there is no argument in her favour, her explanations or excuses are not credible

North Wales yr hen goes > rhen goes (address), old girl
Paid â gwylltio, rhen goes - jôc oedd hi don’t lose your temper, old girl - it was a joke

ungoes one-leggčd
bwrdd ungoes (North), bord ungoes (South) pedestal table

coesgam (obsolete) bow-legged, bandy-legged
(coes = leg) + soft mutation + (cam = crooked)

in-gois› one-leggčd (un = un) + soft mutation + ( coes = leg)
Also: un goes
‹iin gois

dyn ungoes one-leggčd man

dyn un goes one-leggčd man

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh coes < coys < coghs < *kogs- < British *koksa < Latin coxa

Cf English cushion:
Latin coxa > Vulgar Latin *coxînus hip pillow > Old French coussin > English cushion


2 coes, coesau
‹KOIS, KOI se› (masculine noun)

coes matshen
‹kois MA chen› matchstick

3 coes bach “little handle” (north-east) penis


ber-gam › adjective
bandy-leggčd, bow-leggčd

ETYMOLOGY: (coes = leg) + soft mutation + (cam = crooked)


<KOIT> kɔɪt]
1 form of coed (= wood) before b, d, ff, g, *gh, h in compound words
coeta (= cóed-ha) gather firewood (-ha = suffix)
coetgae (= cóed-gae) field bounded by a hedge (cae = field)
coetgen (= cóed-gen) tree lichen (cen = lichen)
coetgi (= cóed-gi) (obsolete) wild dog (ci = dog)
coetir (= cóed-dir) woodland (tir = land)
coetref (= cóed-dref) farmstead in a wood (tref = farmstead)
coetrych (= “cóed-gh’rych” < “cóed-ghwrych”) hedge around a field (gwrych = hedge)
coetwch (= cóed-hwch) wild sow; slut, tramp (hwch = sow)
coety (= cóed-dy) house in the wood; building in which firewood is kept (ty = house)


<KOI-ten> kɔɪtɛn] feminine noun
coetennau, coetiau, coets <koi-TE-nai, -e; KOIT-yai, -e; KOITS> [kɔɪtˡɛnaɪ, -ɛ; ˡkɔɪtjaɪ, -ɛ; kɔɪts]
1 quoit = wooden ring or iron ring used in the game of quoits, where a ring is thrown at a small post in the ground with the intention of making it land round the post

ETYMOLOGY: (coet = English “quoit”) + (-en = noun suffix, sometimes used in adapting English words into Welsh)


<KOIT-ga> kɔɪtga] masculine noun

1 The south-eastern form of coetgae which becomes colloquially coeca / coica

> coeca / coica <KOI-ka> kɔɪka]


<KOIT-gai, -ge> kɔɪtgaɪ, -ɛ] masculine noun
PLURAL coetgaeau
<koit-GEI-ai, -e> [kɔɪtˡgəɪaɪ, -ɛ]
(obsolete) hedge

field = field enclosed with a wooden fence or with hedges

p. 408 Enclósure s. [ground enclosed, &c.] Cae, coetgae...
1828: English-Welsh Dictionary, Rev. John Walters, Rector of Llandough, Glamorganshire (Volume 1, Third edition).


(delwedd 7545a)


pp. 468-9 Field s. [a piece of ground for tillage, or for pasture] Maes, maes-dir; cau-faes, cae; coetgae.

1828: English-Welsh Dictionary, Rev. John Walters, Rector of Llandough, Glamorganshire (Volume 1, Third edition).


(delwedd 7547a)


p. 577 A place hedged in with stakes, &c. Coetgae...

1828: English-Welsh Dictionary, Rev. John Walters, Rector of Llandough, Glamorganshire (Volume 1, Third edition).


(delwedd 7546a)


p. 614 An impáled piece of ground, Coet-gae.

1828: English-Welsh Dictionary, Rev. John Walters, Rector of Llandough, Glamorganshire (Volume 1, Third edition).


(delwedd 7544a)


A 1757 reference to a place known as Coetia’r Maen (“the field of the standing stone”) states – Coettia’r Maen is Coedgae, a field enclosed with poles.

(South-east Wales) rough mountain pasture for sheep

Iolo Morganwg (Edward Williams, 1747-1826) “Coedcae... a large field, a large fence[d] sheepwalk on Down or Mountain ground, Blaenau Morg.”
(Blaenau Morgannwg = upper Glamorganshire, northern Glamorganshire)

(Example from Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru / University of Wales Dictionary of the Welsh Language, p. 534)



Description automatically generated

(delwedd G3947)

Place Names in the Aman Valley and Neighbourhood Considered Alphabetically. Rev. E. Aman Jones, B.A., New Quay, Card.)

COEDCAE. Coed = wood; cae = field. There is, however, one peculiar use of the word for the term which deserves notice. on every farm, especially those that border on the mountain land, there is a field which lies next to the Common and which seems to have greater affinity to it than to the farm. It looks like land reclaimed at a later period from the waste ground. This piece of ground is called "Coedcae." In no instance do I know of a "Coedcae" that has any trees on it.

(Also as “A Few Place-Names In The Aman Valley Considered Alphabetically” in The Carmarthenshire Antiquary 1910-11.)

4 deer park

In 1657 it is said to be “a Parke or enclosed place for wilde beasts.”

A reference from c1785 in defining the word “parc” states: yr un ystyr a Choetgae, neu Hyddbarc, wrth Dy Gwr mawr (the same meaning as ‘coetgae’ or ‘hyddbarc’ (= deer park), by the house of a gentleman (“of a big man”)

(Examples from Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru / University of Wales Dictionary of the Welsh Language, p. 534)

(place names) Coetgae is found in minor names.
It is found over much of Wales (in various forms), but it is especially common in the south-east.

Coetgae is often misspelt as ‘Coedcae’, and ‘Coed Cae’.

Because the word is absent from popular dictionaries, and because it seems to have fallen into disuse in current Welsh, the misspelling “coed cae” for coetgae is often taken at face value in explaining its meaning.

As a result the word is seen wrongly explained as being ‘coed cae’ “(a) wood (of) (a) field”, “a wood next to a field”) , or as being ‘coed y cae’ (with the common loss of the linking definite article which occurs in place names) “(the) wood (of) the field”, “a wood next to a field”, as if it refers to a wood rather than an enclosure.

In other instances it is taken as referring to an enclosure though “coed cae” as it stands could not possibly refer to a field, though in the compound word with the qualifying element (coed) causing soft mutation of the initial consonant of the qualified element (cae) – coetgae – it is evident that a wooden fence or hedge, and by extension the enclosure or area bounded by the fence or hedge – is being referred to.

(I have come across another example (2005-11-19) of a misunderstanding of the meaning of the word coetgae - the website for “Coed Cae Junior School”
in the town of Y Blaenau (“Blaina”), in Blaenau Gwent states:

“Our school logo indicates the English translation for Coed Cae - 'wooded field'“.

The logo is three trees standing together. )

(1) Lôn Coecia road name in Llanllyfni, county of Gwynedd;

This is in standard Welsh lôn y coetgae (= (the) lane (of) the field); (see note below for local pronunciations)

(2) (Y) Coetgae occurs as a field name in the year 1636 in Llangrallo (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) in the form “Koitga” (see note below for local pronunciations)

(Y) Coetgae street name, Glynebwy, county of Blaenau Gwent (spelt as “Coed Cae”).

Also (Y) Coetgae Uchaf
(occurs as “Upper Coedcae”) and (Y) Coetgae Isaf (occurs as “Lower Coedcae”) - street names in Nant-y-glo

(4) (Y) Coetgae
street name, Gelli-gaer (spelt as “Coedcae”)

(5) (Y) Coetgae
street name, Pontardawe (spelt as “Coedcae”)

(6) (Y) Coetgae
street name, Caerffili (spelt as “Coed Cae”)

(7) (Y) Coetgae
street name, Tredegar Newydd (spelt as “Coed Cae”)

(Y) Coetgae SN7508 locality in the county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan

(Y) Coetgae SO2009 locality in the county of Blaenau Gwent (spelt as “Coedcae”) map

(Y) Coetgae SO2608 locality in the county of Torfaen (spelt as “Coedcae”)

(Y) Coetgae place name (now lost) in Caer-dydd (spelt as “Coed-cae”).

According to John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911): “COED-CAE... A copyhold tenement in the manor of Llystalybont
(our note: = Llys-tal-y-bont)(1673.)”

(12) Penycoetgae ST0687 village between Pont-ty-pridd and Llantrisant (end of the ‘coetgae’); (
spelt as “Pen-y-coedcae”)

Heol Penycoetgae (“Pen-y-coedcae Road”)road to this village from the direction of Llantrisant map

(13) Coetgae-du farm by Penycoetgae (du = black) (
spelt as “Coedcae-du”) map

(14) (Y) Coetgae farm at Werntarw SS9684 (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (occurs as “Coedcae Farm”) map

(15) Heol Danycoetgae street in Pont-ty-pridd (occurs as “Dan-y-Coedcae Road”) (below the ‘coetgae’)

(16) Coetgae-mawr (mawr = big) A farm on the road called Heol Ddu (‘black road’), near Tonyrefail

(17) Tynycoetgae (the) smallholding (of) the ‘coetgae’; place in Cefncoedycymer (county of Merthyrtudful)

(8) Y Coetgae SO2103 hill west of Abertyleri (“coetgae”)

Calendar of Deeds and Documents Volume 1, The Coleman Deeds, Francis Green, 1921, p. 217:
(22-07-1643) Llansamlett, co. Glamorgan… eight parcels of land called Kaer ffwrndy, Kae cenoll, Kae newydh, Gwayn ynis y pandy, Ynys y pandy vach, Ynys y pandy vawr, Y koedgae and Y kae dy

(= Cae’r Ffyrndy [Cae’r Ffwrndy], Cae Canil [Cae Cenol], Cae Newydd, Gwaun Ynys y Pany, Ynys y Pandy Fach, Ynys y Pandy Fawr, Y Coetgae and Y Cae Du)

ETYMOLOGY: coetgae < cóed-gae (coed = trees, wood (= group of trees); also (material) wood) + soft mutation + (cae = hedge; field)

(1) south-east: coetga
<KOIT-ga> kɔɪtga] > coeca / coica <KOI-ka> kɔɪka]
(2) north-west coetg(i)a > coecia
<KOIK-ya> kɔɪkja],

(3) north-east coetg(i)a > coetia

(4) north-east coetg(i)e

..a) coetg(i)e > coetie

..b) coetg(i)e > cwitie
<KWIT-ye> kwɪtjɛ] (sometimes written as kwitie in English-language documents)

..c) coetg(i)e > cwetgie
<KWET-gye> kwɛtgjɛ] (sometimes written as kwetkie in English-language documents)

Alfred Neobard Palmer and Edward Owen, 1910, A History of Ancient Tenures of Land in North Wales and the Marches Containing Notes on the Common and Demesne Lands of the Lordship of Bromfield, and of the parts of Denbighshire and Flintshire adjoining; and Suggestions for the Identification of such Lands elsewhere: together with an Account of the rise of the Manorial System in the same Districts

In the lordships of Hope and Mold one of the commonest generic names for fields is "coetie" or "coetia," evidently the same word that in old deeds and surveys is sometimes written "kwitie," and the name is not unknown in Bromfield. " Kwetkie " (a commoner term in Bromfield) points to "coed-gae" (wood-field), and indicates that a very large portion of the land now under the plough was once wooded. As a matter of fact, it occurs frequently in those areas known to have once contained large tracts of woodland.

Note: the authors’ interpretation of coetgae (or as they spell it “coed-gae”) is incorrect – it is not ‘wood field’ but ‘field enclosed by a hedge’.


Coetia Butler “(the) field (of) Butler” SJ1775 (also known by the English name Butlersfield) is the name of a former lead and silver mine by Brynffordd / Brynford (county of Y Fflint) map


Coetia Llys SJ0680 name of a former lead and silver mine in Meliden, by Prestatyn (county of Y Fflint).

coetia llys < coetia’r llys (= coetgae’r llys) “(the) field (of) the court”.

Also known as Cae Llys < cae’r llys “(the) field (of) the court”. map


Coetia’r Pwll (former?) locality in Yr Wyddgrug / Mold – name of tenements (“Coetia Pwll, Coetia y Pwll”) named in an 1867 deed


Coetia-llwyd “(the) grey / brown field” Name of a house in Llaneurgain / Northop (county of Y Fflint)


Coetia Mawr SJ1775 name of a former lead and silver mine by Brynffordd (county of Y Fflint). map


(delwedd 7233a)

Coetgaerfelin (“Coicarfelin”)
<KOIT-gair-VEE-lin, KOI-kar-VEE-lin> kɔɪtgaɪr ˡveˑlɪn, ˡkɔɪkar ˡveˑlɪn]
street name in Hirwaun (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf).

The official name is “Cae Felin Parc”, which is in fact an English name, being ‘Cae Felin’ with the addition of English “park”, but spelt as in Welsh for some reason.

If it were a genuine Welsh name it would be ‘Parc Cae Felin’ (“the park of the mill field”). It seems that Cae Felin is a simplification of the original Coetgaerfelin (‘the field / mountain pasture of the mill’), spelt “Coedcae’rfelin” in “Hanes Plwyf Penderyn” D. Davies 1904 (History of the Parish of Penderyn).

A list of the early forms is to be seen in “Cynon Valley Place Names”, Deric John, 1998.


Coetgae’r Gaer
<KOIT-gair GAIR> kɔɪtgaɪr ˡgaɪr]
(field name) SS9785 upland east of Y Coetgae farm near Y Brynna on which there is a hillfort, south-east of the ruined church of Llan Bedr ar Fynydd.

The local form would be Coica’r G7421_ae_090303r
<KOI-kar GÄÄR> kɔɪkar ˡgćːr]

On old maps the hillfort was marked as Caer Caradog. view from Y Gaer

ETYMOLOGY: Appears on maps as Coedcae Gaer (= Coetgae Gaer), with the common misspelling of coetgae, and the loss of the linking definite article, a well-known feature of place names.

“the upland pasture by Y Gaer” (coetgae = upland pasture) + (Y Gaer)
Y Gaer is “the hillfort” (yr definite article) + soft mutation + (caer = hillfort)

One website dealing with sites connected with Y Brenin Arthur / King Arthur suggests (accessed 2009-03-03)
Coedcae Gaer may be translated as Forest of Cai Fort” (i.e. The Fort by Cai’s Forest), but this is incorect, and the meaning is rather more mundane, as explained above.


<KOIT-gya> kɔɪtgja] masculine noun

1 An underlying northern form of coetgae, the basis of the colloquial form coecia
<KOI-kya> kɔɪkja] in the north-west and coetie <KOI-kye> kɔɪkjɛ]  in the north-east


<KOIT-gye> kɔɪtgjɛ] masculine noun

1 An underlying north-eastern form of coetgae, the basis of the colloquial form coetie
<KOI-kye> kɔɪkjɛ]  


<KOITH> [kɔɪθ] (adjective)
pure, elegant


<KOIT-ya> kɔɪtja] masculine noun

1 A north-eastern form of coetgae (= field)

coetgae > coetg(i)a > coetia

Alfred Neobard Palmer and Edward Owen, 1910, A History of Ancient Tenures of Land in North Wales and the Marches Containing Notes on the Common and Demesne Lands of the Lordship of Bromfield, and of the parts of Denbighshire and Flintshire adjoining; and Suggestions for the Identification of such Lands elsewhere: together with an Account of the rise of the Manorial System in the same Districts

In the lordships of Hope and Mold one of the commonest generic names for fields is "coetie" or "coetia," evidently the same word that in old deeds and surveys is sometimes written "kwitie," and the name is not unknown in Bromfield. " Kwetkie " (a commoner term in Bromfield) points to "coed-gae" (wood-field), and indicates that a very large portion of the land now under the plough was once wooded. As a matter of fact, it occurs frequently in those areas known to have once contained large tracts of woodland.

Note: the authors’ interpretation of coetgae (or as they spell it “coed-gae”) is incorrect – it is not ‘wood field’ but originally ‘hedge’, later ‘field enclosed by a hedge’, though generally the meaning is simply ‘field’.


Coetia Butler “(the) field (of) Butler” SJ1775 (also known by the English name Butlersfield) is the name of a former lead and silver mine by Brynffordd / Brynford (county of Y Fflint) map


Coetia Llys SJ0680 name of a former lead and silver mine in Meliden, by Prestatyn (county of Y Fflint).

coetia llys < coetia’r llys (= coetgae’r llys) “(the) field (of) the court”.

Also known as Cae Llys < cae’r llys “(the) field (of) the court”. map


Coetia’r Pwll (former?) locality in Yr Wyddgrug / Mold – name of tenements (“Coetia Pwll, Coetia y Pwll”) named in an 1867 deed


Coetia-llwyd “(the) grey / brown field” Name of a house in Llaneurgain / Northop (county of Y Fflint)


Coetia Mawr SJ1775 name of a former lead and silver mine by Brynffordd (county of Y Fflint). map


<KOIT-yan> kɔɪtjan] verb
see coetio


<KOIT-yai, -e> kɔɪtjaɪ, -ɛ]

1 A plural form of coeten (= quoit)


<KOIT-yai> kɔɪtjaɪ,] masculine noun

1 A hypercorrect form, sometimes seen in place names, of coetia or coetie, a north-eastern form of coetgae (= field)

In spoken Welsh, au in a final syllable is reduced to –e (over most of Wales) and –a (in the north-west and parts of the north-east, and in the south-east). In place names, it is usually written as in the standard language (tha is, au, pronounced
[aɪ]), even though colloquially it is –a or –e (as in the town name Dolgellau, which is Dolgella within the town and Dolgelle in the –e zone which begins to the south of the town; or as in pethau = things, colloquially petha, pethe).

Coetia / coetie has been taken to be the colloquial pronunciation of a plural form, and the plural ending –au has been “restored”



<KOIT-ye> kɔɪtjɛ] masculine noun

1 A north-eastern form of coetgae (= field)

coetgae > coetg(i)e > coetie

Alfred Neobard Palmer and Edward Owen, 1910, A History of Ancient Tenures of Land in North Wales and the Marches Containing Notes on the Common and Demesne Lands of the Lordship of Bromfield, and of the parts of Denbighshire and Flintshire adjoining; and Suggestions for the Identification of such Lands elsewhere: together with an Account of the rise of the Manorial System in the same Districts

In the lordships of Hope and Mold one of the commonest generic names for fields is "coetie" or "coetia," evidently the same word that in old deeds and surveys is sometimes written "kwitie," and the name is not unknown in Bromfield. " Kwetkie " (a commoner term in Bromfield) points to "coed-gae" (wood-field), and indicates that a very large portion of the land now under the plough was once wooded. As a matter of fact, it occurs frequently in those areas known to have once contained large tracts of woodland.


<KOIT-yo> kɔɪtjɔ] verb
play quoits

ETYMOLOGY: (coet- from coeten = quoit) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)
NOTE: also coetian, with the suffix -ian instead of -io


<KOI-tir> kɔɪtɪr] masculine noun
PLURAL coetiroedd
<koi-TII-roidh, rodh> [kɔɪˡtiˑrɔɪđ, -ɔđ]

Mae rhaid ehangu’r coetir llydandail yng Nghymru
Broadleaved woodland in Wales must be extended

ETYMOLOGY: coetir < coettir < coed·dir < (coed = wood) + soft mutation + (tir = land)


<KOIT-yur> kɔɪtjʊr] masculine noun
PLURAL coetwyr
<KOIT-wir> kɔɪtwɪr]
player of quoits, quoits player

ETYMOLOGY: (coet-i, stem of the verb coetio = play quoits) + (-wr ‘man’)


coetref (coetre)
<KOI-trev, KOI-e> kɔɪtrɛv, ˡkɔɪtrɛ] feminine noun
PLURAL coetrefi
<koi-TREE-vi> [kɔɪˡtreˑvɪ]
1 tręv / farmstead in a wood, tręv / farmstead by a wood

y goetref / y goetre the tręv by the wood

ETYMOLOGY: (coed = wood, trees) + soft mutation + (tref = tręv, farmstead = hedge) > coed-dref > coetref (the sequence d-d > t)

See Y Goetref (on page G)

<KOIT-rikh> kɔɪtrɪx] masculine noun
PLURAL (probably) coetrychoedd
<koit-RƏKH-oidh, -odh> [kɔɪtˡrəxɔɪđ, -ɔđ]
(South Wales)
1 quickset hedge

ETYMOLOGY: coetrych < *coed-gh’rych (coed = wood) + soft mutation + (g’rych, variant of gwrych = hedge)


<KOITS-yo> kɔɪtsjɔ] verb
play quoits (the standard form is coetio, or coetian)
clwb coitsio quoiting club, quoits club

ETYMOLOGY: (coets-i, stem of the verb coetsio = play quoits) + (-wr ‘man’)


<KOITS-yur> kɔɪtsjʊr] masculine noun
PLURAL coetswyr
<KOITS-wir> kɔɪtswɪr]
player of quoits, quoits player (the standard form is coetiwr, plural coetwyr)

ETYMOLOGY: (coets-i, stem of the verb coetsio = play quoits) + (-wr ‘man’)


<KOI-chus> kɔɪʧʊs] masculine noun
coach house

ETYMOLOGY: coetsiws < English “coachhouse”; see -ws


coety, coetai
<KOI-ti, KOI-tai> [ˡkɔɪtɪ, ˡkɔɪtaɪ] (masculine noun)
house in the wood


cof, cofion
<KOOV, KOV-yon> [koːv, ˡkɔvjɔn] (masculine noun)
memory; mind


<kof-AAD> [ˡkɔfˡɑːd] masculine noun
1 remembrance
Bu farw heb i neb yn talu teyrnged na rhoi gair o goffad iddo
He died without anybody paying tribute to him or commemorating him (“giving a word of commemoration to him”)

ETYMOLOGY: (coffáu = commemorate) + (-âd suffix for forming abstract nouns from verbs with -áu < -háu)


‹ko-fa-DUR-yaith, -yeth› [kɔfaˡdʊrjaɪθ, -ɛθ] feminine noun
1 remembrance, memory
parchu coffadwriaeth y meirw respect the memory of the dead
o hapus goffadwriaeth fondly remembered (“of happy memory”)

ETYMOLOGY: (coffâd = commemoration) + (suffix -wriaeth), apparently (-ŵr agent, from gŵr = man) + (-i-aeth suffix for forming nouns)


<ko-FAA-ol> [kɔˡfɑˑɔl] adjective
1 memorial
gwaith coffáol monumental works, place where gravestones are produced; monumental masons’ (= work place of makers of gravestones and tombs)

ETYMOLOGY: (coffa- stem of coffáu = commemorate) (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)


coffr (“coffor”)
<KOO-for> koˑfɔr] masculine or feminine noun
PLURAL coffrau
<KO-frai, -e> fraɪ, -ɛ]
coffer = large strong box for storing money or valuables
y coffer / y goffer = the coffer

large box; thing resembling a large box

Ymddangosai’r pren gwely fel coffor neu gist
The bed frame looked like a coffer or a box

argae coffor coffer dam
coffor dderi oak coffer
coffor te tea chest

coffer = exchequer, treasury, funds (also as a plural form: coffrau)
yng nghoffrau'r brenin in the king’s coffers

Yn y cyfnod canoloesol bu’r coffr gwladol yn y Berffro
In the medieval period the country’s coffer was in Y Berffro

Mae Llywodraeth yr Ariannin wedi cyhoeddi nad oes arian ar ôl yn y coffrau
The government of Argentina has announced that there is no money left in the coffers

coffr cryf strongbox

ETYMOLOGY: English coffer < Middle English coffre < Old French < Latin cophinus (= basket) < Greek kóphinos (= basket).

In modern French coffre (= chest);
les coffres de l’État = the coffers of State, the treasury

NOTE: also written coffor


<koov-GOO-lovn, koov-go-LOO-von> [koːlɔvn, koːvgɔˡloˑvɔn] feminine noun
PLURAL cofgolofnau
<koov-go-LOV-nai, -e> [koːvgɔˡlɔvnaɪ, -ɛ]
monument = pillar erected in memory of a person, an event
y gofgolofn = the monument

cofgolofn ryfel, PLURAL cofgolofnau rhyfel
<...RƏ-vel, ... HRƏ-vel> [...ˡrəvɛl, ...ˡhrəvɛl] war memorial

ETYMOLOGY: (cof- = memory) + soft mutation + (colofn = column)


<KOV-ya> [ˡkɔvja] (verb)
remember! (second-person singular imperative of cofio to remember)

Cofia mai Dydd Gŵyl Ddewi yw hi heddiw
Remember that today’s Saint David’s Day (“remember that-it-is Saint David’s Day that-it-is it today”)

2 (literary Welsh) he / she / it remembers / he / she / it will remembers (third-person singular present-future form of cofio to remember). The colloquial equivalent is cofiff, cofith

3 Cofiwch Dryweryn

(delwedd 7322)

Cofiwch Dryweryn Remember Tryweryn, slogan painted on walls to exhort Welsh people to be alert, and not to allow the English to encroach on our lands and destroy our communities.

This followed the expropriation of land and the destruction of the Welsh village of Capelcelyn by the English city of Liverpool in order to build a dam and a lake to supply the city with water.

This was achieved by means of an Act of Parliament which had the backing of the English members of parliament, and in defiance of the opposition of the Welsh members (apart from a single Welsh MP who did not vote), and of the great majority of people in Wales to this takeover of Welsh land.

In all the Welsh owners were dispossessed of 800 acres of land. The lake and dam were officially inaugurated in 1965.

See the entry Tryweryn


<KOV-yo> [ˡkɔvjɔ] (verb)
remember, recall = bring something back to the conscious mind

os cofiaf yn iawn if I remember rightly

os da y cofiaf if I remember rightly (“if good / well I remember”)

os iawn y cofiaf if I remember rightly, if my memory serves me well, if my memory's not mistaken

hyd ’galla i gofio as far as I recall

hyd wyf yn cofio, as far as I recall

cofio (rhywun) at (rywun)
greet somebody on behalf of somebody

Cofiwch fi yn garedig ato Give him my kind regards

3 cofio’ch hun yn gwneud rhywbeth remember yourself doing sth
rydw i’n fy nghofio fy hun yn canu’r gân hon bron i ddeugain mlnyedd yn ôl I remember myself singing this song nearly forty years ago


<KOV-yukh> [ˡkɔvjʊx] (verb)
remember! (second-person plural imperative of cofio to remember)

2 you remember (second-person plural indicative of cofio to remember)


cofiwch chí
<KOV-yu-khi> kɔvjʊxɪ]
mind you = in spite of this

Roedd y rhaglen yn un ddiddorol iawn ac yn werth ei gweld. Cofiwch chí, roeddwn yn anghytuno’n chwyrn â nifer o bethau a gafodd eu dweud
The programme was very interesting and worth seeing. Mind you, I strongly disagreed with a number of things that were said

ETYMOLOGY: cofiwch second-person plural present-future form of cofio (= to remember, bear in mind) + pronoun tag chi (= you)


<KOVL, KOO-vol> kɔvl, koˑvɔl] feminine noun
PLURAL coflau
<KOV-lai, -e> kɔvlaɪ, -ɛ]
lap, bosom
y gofl = the lap, the bosom

yng nghofl (rhywun) / yng ngôl (rhywun) in the embrace of (somebody)
côl yng nghôl embracing, in an embrace (“bosom in bosom”)

load, burden

South-east Wales côl (obsolete) foetus

ETYMOLOGY: Unknown, but doubtless < British < Celtic. In Irish there is a similar word cúal (= burden)
NOTE: Also: côl
<KOOL> [koːl] (loss of the consonant <v> [v])


<KOV-laid, -led> kɔvlaɪd, -ɛd] feminine noun
PLURAL cofleidiau
<kov-LEID-yai, -ye> [kɔvˡləɪdjaɪ, -ɛ]
y goflaid = the armful
coflaid fach a’i gwasgu’n dynn ‘a little armful and pressed tight’ – advice to carry no more than is manageable, and securely held

coflaid go iawn o load, loads = large amount
cawsom ni goflaid go iawn o rew ac eira yr wythnos hon
we had ŷs of snow and ice this week

coflaid o ddyn = large man
llond eich cofliad = large, fat (‘big your armful’)
Asiantaeth fachu newydd ar gyfer bobl sy’n llond cowlad ac yn ei chael yn anodd dod o hyd i bartneriaid o’r un maintioli
An introductions bureau for people who are somewhat large and who find it difficult to find partners of the same size

darling, loved one

ETYMOLOGY: (cofl = lap, bosom) + (-aid, noun-forming suffix indicating the contents)
NOTE: also: cofled, cowlaid, cowled, cowlad, cowliad


<KOV-lekh> kɔvlɛx] feminine noun
PLURAL coflechau
<kov-LEE-khai, -e> [kɔvˡleˑxaɪ, -ɛ]
memorial tablet, memorial slate, memorial plaque
y goflech = the memorial tablet

Ar y goflech honno gwelir enw Jenkin Evans
On that memorial plaque is to be seen the name of Jenkin Evans

Yn y cyntedd tu allan ceir coflechi yn coffáu myfyrwyr o'r coleg a aeth i
frwydro ac a gollasant eu bywyd yn y ddau ryfel byd

In the lobby outside there are commemorative plaques recalling the students from the college who went to fight and died in the two world wars

ETYMOLOGY: (cof = memory) + soft mutation + (llech = slate)


<kov-LEID-yo> [kɔvˡləɪdjɔ]verb
embrace = put one's arms around
cofleidio’r plant a’u cysuro embrace the children and comfort them
ymgofleidio embrace each other

2 embrace = accept willingly or enthusiastically
cofleidio newid embrace change
Mae’r diwydiant adeiladu wedi cofleidio manteision tai ffrâm goed

3 embrace = take up a new idea, a religious faith, a belief, a way of thinking

Diddorol yw ystyried cefndir Iddewig y bardd a'r modd y cofleidiodd Gymreictod
It is interesting to consider the poet’s Jewish backgraound and the way he embraced Welshness

(COFLEID- < COFLAID = embrace) +
(-i-o suffix for forming verbs)


<KOV-nod> kɔvnɔd] masculine noun
PLURAL cofnodion
<kov-NOD-yon> [kɔvˡnɔdjɔn]
note, memorandum

entry in a register
Yn ôl cofnod byr yng nghofrestr claddedigaethau Plwyf Conwy ar gyfer y flwyddyn 1895....
According to a short entry in the register of burials for the Parish of Conwy for the year 1895....
cofnod troseddau police record, criminal record

cofnodion records;
cofnodion treth tax records, documents indicating the tax one has paid

cofnodion minutes (of a meeting);
cofnodion y pwyllgor minutes of the committee (meeting)
llyfr cofnodion minute book

5 record = official written account to preserve opinions expressed, a course of events, etc
Mae gwefan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn rhoi cofnod llawn o drafodion y cyfarfodydd
The website of the National Assemble gives a full record of the discussions of the meetings

ETYMOLOGY: (cof = memory) + (nod = note)


<kov-NOO-di> [kɔvˡnoˑdɪ] verb
note = make a record of the occurrence of something
Edrychais yn ofer mewn sawl geiriadur am y gair “bosh” a dim ond ar ôl cael fy nghyfeirio at eiriadur arbenigol ar dafodiaith Morgannwg a Gwent y daeth y gair i’r fei. Fe’i cofnodwyd yn... Hengoed....; Llangan, ym Mro Morgannwg; Penderyn, ger Merthyr....
I looked in vain in many dictionaries for the word “bosh” and only after being referred to a specialised dictionary on the dialect of Morgannwg and Gwent did the word come to light. It was recorded in Hengoed; Llan-gan, in Bro Morgannwg; Penderyn, near Merthyr.... (Cymro 01 11 89)

Mae'n ofyniad cyfreithiol i gofnodi damweiniau ac afiechyd yn y gweithle
It is a legal obligtation to make a record of accents and illness in the workplace

(court) record = place in an official report of court proceedings
Cofnodwyd rheithfarn o hunanladdiad ar y claf
A verdict of suicide was recorded for the patient

record = indicate
Mae’r peiriant yn cofnodi swm y dŵr mewn pridd
The device indicates the amount of water in the soil

mewngofnodi (computers) log in

mark, commemorate
seremoni i gofnodi gosod carreg sylfaen Sefydliad y Glowyr Oakdale yn 1916
a ceremony to mark the laying of the foundation stone for the Miners’ Institute in Oakdale in 1916

check in (luggage)
desg gofnodi check-in desk

ETYMOLOGY: (cofnod = note) + (-i suffix for forming verbs)


<kov-NOD-yad> [kɔvˡnɔdjad] masculine noun
PLURAL cofnodiadau
<kov-nod-YAA-dai, -e> [kɔvnɔdˡjɑˑdaɪ, -ɛ]
note, record

ETYMOLOGY: (cofnod-, stem of the verb cofnodi = to note) + (-iad suffix for forming nouns)


<kov-NOO-dur> [kɔvˡnoˑdʊr] masculine noun
PLURAL cofnodwyr
<kov-NOD-wir> [kɔvˡnɔdwɪr]
notetaker, person who registers information
cofnodwr adar y sir county bird recorder

person who takes the minutes in a meeting

ETYMOLOGY: (cofnod-, stem of the verb cofnodi = to note) + (-wr suffix to indicate an agent)


<kov-NOO-didh> [kɔvˡnoˑdɪđ] masculine noun
PLURAL cofnodyddion
<kov-no-DƏDH-yon> [kɔvnɔˡdəđjɔn]
device which keeps an account of transactions

cofnodydd arian cash register = till which records money placed into it and
prints a receipt with purchases listed

See cofnodwr

ETYMOLOGY: (cofnod-, stem of the verb cofnodi = to note) + (-ydd suffix to indicate an agent)


cofrestr, cofrestrau
<KOF-restr, -re-ster, kov-RE-strai, -e> [ˡkɔfrɛstr, ˡkɔfrɛstɛr, kɔvˡrɛstraɪ, -ɛ] (feminine noun)
y gofrestr = the register

ETYMOLOGY: (cof = memory) + soft mutation + (rhestr = list)

<kov-res-TREE-dig> [kɔvrɛsˡtreˑdɪg] adjective
registrered, recorded in a register

elusen gofrestredig registered charity
nyrs gofrestredig state-registered nurse – a nurse who has been trained to do every kind of nursing and who has passed the required examinations

ETYMOLOGY: (cofrestr-, root of cofrestru = to register) + (-edig)


cog, cogau
<KOOG, KOO-gai, -e> [ˡkoːg, ˡkoˑgaɪ, -ɛ] (feminine noun)
y gog = the cuckoo

Allt-y-gog alht-ə-GOOG [aɬt ə ˡgg] Street name in the town of Caerfyrddin
“(the) hill / wood (of) the cuckoo”
(allt = hill / wood) + (y definite article) + soft mutation + (cog = cuckoo)

pant-ə-GOOG [pant ə ˡgg] Village south of Pontcymer, Cwm Garw, Pwn-y-bont ar Ogwr

Here there is a street called “Cuckoo Street”, which in Welsh would be Heol y Gog “(the) street (of) the cuckoo”,”cuckoo street”

“(the) hollow (of) the cuckoo”, “cuckoo hollow”
(pant = hollow) + (y definite article) + soft mutation + (cog = cuckoo)

Sain-y-gog SH4172 Name of a house in Capel-mawr, Ynys Môn

“(the) sound (of) the cuckoo”. Misspelt as “Sain-y-Gôg” on the Ordnance Survey map (there should be no capitalisation in a compound name; and no circumflex is required to indicate the long “o”)

2 Ffynnon y Gog
FƏ-non-ə-GOOG [ˡfənɔn ə ˡgg] ‘cuckoo well’. Places of this name are in fact misinterpretations of ‘Ffynnon Gog’ < ‘Ffynnon Goeg’ = dry well.

The adjective coeg
<KOIG [kɔɪg] is pronounced co’g <KOOG> [koːg] colloquially in the south. This change <OI> [ɔɪ] > <OO> [oː] is typical in monosyllables in the south

suran y gog common wood sorrel ‹SII-ran ř GOOG › (m)

(“sorrel (of) the cuckoo”)
 (suran = sorrel, ‘little sour (thing)’) + (y = the) + soft mutatio + (cog = cuckoo)
Suran-y-gog street name in Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg) (spelt ‘Suran-y-Gog’)

(delwedd 7908)

4 blodyn y gog (Cardamine pratensis) cuckoo flower
(blodyn = flower) + (y = the) + soft mutation + (cog = cuckoo)
Blodyn-y-gog street name in Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg) (spelt ‘Blodyn y Gog’)

(delwedd 7914)


<ko-GIN-yo> [kɔˡgɪnjɔ] (verb)
to cook


<KOI-ka> kɔɪka] (m)
See coeca (south-eastern form of coetgae, enclosed upland pasture)

Excerpt from a comment (retrieved 2008-10-18) in the forum at:
BBC South-east Wales Walks: Pant yr Eos / Twm Barlwm

How many people were on Twmbarlwm before me who are still going? My grandfather George Morton who farmed the Darran Farm carried me before I could walk along the top of the Darran Rocks and I was able to point out later on, when I grew a bit the large rock along the coiker where we rested. On that occasion I can't claim to have climbed to the tump, but in my youth my pals and I were always up there always refreshed by the marvellous view. My most recent climb was last year, not bad for 85!


<KOI-LAN> kɔɪlan] feminine noun
(South Wales) river bank


<KOIN> [kɔɪn]
masculine noun
talu i rywun yn ei goin ei hun give somebody tit for tat, give someone a taste of their own medicine (“pay someone in their own coin”)

South-east Wales gwneud coin piwr make a mint, make a fortune, be raking it in (“make pure coin”)

ETYMOLOGY: English coin < French coin (= die for stamping money) < Latin cuneus (= wedge)


coino arian
<KOI-no AR-yan> kɔɪnɔ ˡarjan] verb
South Wales
make a fortune, make a mint, coin it

ETYMOLOGY: “to coin money”; coino = southern form of coinio (coin < English to coin) + (-io = suffix for forming verbs)


<koi-O-te> [kɔɪˡɔtɛ] masculine noun
PLURAL coiotes
<koi-O-tez> [kɔɪˡɔtɛz]
coyote = wild dog of the North American prairies

ETYMOLOGY: English coyote < Castilian < Nahuatl koyotl


<KO-jen> ʤɛn] feminine noun
PLURAL cojis
<KO-jis> ʤɪs]
(North Wales) cunt
y gojen = the cunt

NOTE: North-west: cojan


<KOL> [kɔl] masculine noun
PLURAL colion
<KOL-yon> kɔljɔn]

NOTE: cola (South Wales)

1 beard of corn
gwenith col (North Wales) bearded wheat (Triticum turgidum)

2 spike, hinge
colfach = hinge (col = spike, hinge ) + soft mutation + (bach = hook)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < Breton *kolg- < Celtic
From the same British root: Cornish kolgh (= point, spike)
From the same Celtic root: Irish colg (= sword, bristle, beard of corn)


<KOO-la> koˑla]
1 (South Wales) See col (= beard of corn)


<KOLB-yo> [ˡkɔlbjɔ] (verb)
beat, hit

colbio rhywun yn racs knock the shit out of somebody, beat somebody into a pulp, give somebody a severe beating (“beat someone into rags”)

3 colbio â phistol pistol-whip


coleg, colegau
<KOO-leg, ko-LEE-gai, -e> [ˡkoˑlɛg, kɔˡleˑgaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)

coleg offeiriadol seminary

3 Coleg y Trwyn Pres Brasenose College, University of Oxford (“(the) college (of) the nose (of) brass”)


coleg addysg
<KOO-leg AA-dhisk> [ˡkoˑlɛg ˡɑˑđɪsk] (masculine noun)
education college (for training treachers)


Y Coleg ar y Bryn
<ə KOO-leg ar ə BRIN> [ə ˡkoˑlɛg ar ə ˡbrɪn] (masculine noun)
the College on the Hill (name for the university college in Bangor)


coleg diwynyddol
<KOO-leg di-wi-NƏ-dhol> [ˡkoˑlɛg dɪwɪˡnəđɔl] (masculine noun)
theological college


Y Coleg ger y Lli
<ə KOO-leg ger ə LHII> [ə ˡkoˑlɛg gɛr ə ˡɬiː] (masculine noun)
“the College by the Sea” - name for the University College in Aberystwyth, which overlooks Bae Ceredigion (the bay of Ceredigion)


Coleg Madlen
<KOO-leg MAD-len> koˑlɛg ˡmadlɛn] masculine noun
Magdalen < Móodlin, Móodlən> College, at the University of Oxford, England
Magdalene < Móodlin, Móodlən> College, at the University of Cambridge, England

ETYMOLOGY: ‘(the) college (of) (Mary) Magdalen’ (coleg = college) + (Madlen = Magdalen)


coleg milwrol
<KOO-leg mi-LUU-rol> koˑlɛg mɪˡluˑrɔl] (masculine noun)
military college


coleg technegol
<KOO-leg tekh-NEE-gol> [ˡkoˑlɛg tɛxˡneˑgɔl] (masculine noun)
technical college


coleg prifysgol
<KOO-leg pri-VƏ-skol> [ˡkoˑlɛg prɪˡvəskɔl] (masculine noun)
university college


Coleg yr Iesu
<KOO-leg ər YE-si> [ˡkoˑlɛg ər ˡjɛsɪ] (masculine noun)
Jesus College, Oxford, England; college where students from Wales studied from the Annexation of Wales (1536) onwards


<KOO-lej> [ˡkoˑlɛj] (masculine noun)
(colloquial) college


coler, coleri
<KOO-ler, ko-LEE-ri> [ˡkoˑlɛr, kɔˡleˑrɪ] (feminine noun)


<KOL-vakh> kɔlvax] masculine noun
PLURAL colfachau
<kol-VAA-khai, -e> [kɔvɑˑxaɪ, -ɛ]
1 pivot, hinge

tynnu oddi ar ei golfachau unhinge, pull off its hinges

fe dynnwyd y glwyd oddi ar ei cholfachau gan y dorf
the gate was pulled off its hinges by the crowd

ETYMOLOGY: 1800+; (col = spike, hinge ) + soft mutation + (bach = hook)


<KOL-vran> kɔlvran] masculine noun
(South-west Wales) curds; cottage cheese

colfran < coulfraen, a southern form of ceulfraen

(ceul- = penult form of caul = curds) + soft mutation + (braen = rotten, putrid)
South Wales preserves “ou”, an older proununcation of “eu”

NOTE: The a in the final syllable is unusual – in this region of Wales one would expect ae > e (*coulfren / *colfren)

The reduction of penult diphthong ou > simple vowel o is also unusual


<KOO-lin> [ˡkoˑlɪn] (masculine noun)
Colin - man’s name, from English, from Nicholas


..1 coll
<KOLH> kɔɬ] adjective
lost = no longer to be found
eiddo coll lost property; also eiddo colledig

lost = no longer in contact
hen gyfaill coll long lost friend

lost = spiritually doomed, condemned to perdition
enaid coll lost soul

lost = not taken advantage of, which cannot be recovered
cyfle coll lost opportunity

bod golwg goll ar look lost (“be (a) lost look on”)

ETYMOLOGY: coll = stem of the verb colli (= to lose)
NOTE: In the south thre is a long vowel in monosyllables ending in –ll; coll
<KOOLH> koːɬ]

..2 coll
kolh masculine noun
PLURAL colliadau
Mae coll y pryfetach hyn yn yr ecosustem leol yn destun pryder
The loss of these insects in the local ecosystem is a cause of concern

coll cymeriad loss of one's good name, loss of reputation (“loss (of) character”)
Coll Gwynfa Paradise Lost

Mae rhyw goll arno
He’s a bit odd, there’s something not quite right about him (“there is some sort of loss / defect on him”)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *kold-
from the same British root: Cornish koll (= loss), Breton koll (= loss),
Irish caill (= loss), Manx coayl (= loss)


<KO-lhed> [ˡkɔɬɛd] (f)
y golled = the loss

ar golled at a loss
gwerthu rhywbeth ar golled sell something at a loss

3 torri’ch colledion cut your losses; to stop doing something which is using up time or money but producing no advantages in order to avoid more waste of time or money


‹ko- lhę -dur› masculine noun
PLURAL colledwyr
‹ko- lhed -wir›

lossmaker = organisation that consistently fails to produce a profit

bankrupt = person unable to pay his / her debts (formal Welsh: methdalwr)

ETYMOLOGY: (colled = loss) + (-wr = agent suffix. ‘man’)


ko -lhen› feminine noun
(Corylus avellana) hazel tree
y gollen the hazel tree
coeden gyll, plural coed cyll another name for the hazel tree
pren cyll
, plural prennau cyll (South-east) hazel tree
llwyn cyll hazel grove
coed cyll hazel wood

cneuen gyll, plural cnau cyll hazel-nut

deilen gyll, plural dail cyll hazel-leaf (the leaves were formerly used by some as a smoking material)

collen Ffrengig (“French hazel-tree / nut-tree”) walnut tree

(folk tradition) collen hazel twig, token given to a rejected lover

common in place names:
Cyllgwynion, Y Gyffin, Arfon (“white hazels”)

Llanfair Pwllgwyngyll the village called Llanfair by the old township of Pwllgwyngyll (“the pool of the white hazels”)

7 mapgoll
MAP-golh (f) (wikipedia): Geum urbanum, wood avens [A-vinz], also known as herb Bennet, colewort and St. Benedict's herb (Latin herba benedicta), is a perennial plant in the rose family (Rosaceae), which grows in shady places (such as woodland edges and near hedgerows) in Europe and the Middle East. From Middle English 1200+ avence < Old French < Medieval Latin avencia (= a kind of clover)

Wood avens has a ligneous stem which is very tough, and deepish roots

mapgoll = ‘small sprig’ (mab = son; as a prefix sometimes to form a diminutive) + soft mutation + (goll = hazel trees; young tree, sapling; twig, sprig) > mabgoll > mapgoll (a cluster with final -b and initial g, soft mutation of c, is resolved into the cluster -pg-). Cf mapgainc (= twig, shoot), mapgarn (= inner part of a hoof), mapgath (= young cat; tomcat), mapgorn (inner part of a cow’s etc horn).

In Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg) there is a modern street with the unusual name of Trem-mapgoll (spelt as Trem Mapgoll) which ought to be ‘Tremyfapgoll’ - trem y fapgoll ‘(the) view (of) the wood avens’ (trem = view) + (y = the) + soft mutation + (mapgoll = wood avens)

However, if the name was taken from the William Owen-Pughe dictionary (1803) the meaning given there is ‘poppy’.

(delwedd 7016)

8 30:37 A Jacob a gymerth iddo wiail gleision o boplys, a chyll, a ffawydd; ac a ddirisglodd ynddynt ddirisgliadau gwynion, gan ddatguddio’r gwyn yr hwn ydoedd yn y gwiail.
30:37 And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chestnut tree; and pilled white streaks in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods.


According to wikipedia, the word ‘luz’ which appears in Genesis 30:37 is sometimes translated as “hazel” but may actually be derived from the Aramaic word ‘luz’ meaning almond. Some modern English Bibles translate it as almond, such as the New International Version (NIV) (1978)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < Breton < Celtic *kosl-

From the same British root: Cornish koll (= hazel trees)

From the same Celtic root: Irish coll (= hazel tree)

Cf Occitan (Val d'Aran) cňila (= young hazel twigs for making baskets)


‹KO lhen› (feminine noun)
saint’s name (literally: hazel tree)

- church of Collen


‹KO lhi› (verb)
to lose

2 mentro colli risk defeat

colli’ch bywyd lose your life
colli’ch einioes lose your life

mynd i berygl colli risk defeat, run the risk of losing

colli golwg ar lose touch with somebody

colli awydd bwyd lose your appetite

mynd i golli (custom, practice) die out

8 colli amser lose time

heb golli gormod o amser
without spending too much time (doing it)

Carwn eu gweled, os gallaf, ar fy nhaith tua Chymru, heb golli gormod o amser.
I’d like to see them, if I can, on my way to Wales, without losing too much time

Rhy lawn, a gyll Grasp all, lose all (“too full, he will-lose”)

lladd yr iâr a cholli’r cywion to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs (“kill the hen and lose the chicks”) – through greed, wanting everything at once, to destroy a source of wealth

11 colli golwg ar (rywbeth / rywun) 1 lose sight of (something / someone); 2 lose touch with somebody


collwr, collwyr
‹KO lhur, KOLH wir› (masculine noun)
collwr gwael bad loser, sore loser, person who cannot accept defeat or loss
collwr sâl bad loser, sore loser, person who cannot accept defeat or loss


colofn, colofnau
‹KO lo von, ko LOV ne› (feminine noun)
column = vertical structure
y golofn = the column

column = military formation, one unit following another, line of soldiers in short rows (eg four across)

colofn fesul pedwar column of four (“four by four”, “[with the] measure [of] four”)
ar flaen y golofn leading the column


‹ko-lo-men› feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod
Ornithology dove = bird of the Columbidae family, a kind of pigeon
y golomen = the dove

pigeon = one domesticated for racing, exhibitions, larger than the wild bird;
colomen ddychwel
= homing pigeon (“pigeon (of) returning”) (qv)

woman who is well-dressed, but who lives in a house which is dirty and untidy; an allusion to the attractive plumage of a dove in contrast to its apparently ramschackle nest and the abundance of droppings in a pigeon colony

hen glomen yn ’i thŷ yw honno she’s really untidy in her house, her house is a real mess, her house is a tip (“she is an old pigeon in her house”)

ceiliog colomen male pigeon, cock pigeon (“cock (of) pigeon”)
colomen wryw male pigeon, cock pigeon (“pigeon + male”)

iâr golomen female pigeon, hen pigeon (“hen (of) pigeon”)
colomen fenyw female pigeon, hen pigeon (“pigeon + female”)

.....(1) mor ffyddlon â cholomen i’w chell (“as faithful as a dove to its niche”)

.....(2) mor ddiniwed â’r golomen as innocent as a lamb (“as innocent as the dove”)

Edrychai Twmi mor ddiniwed a’r golomen, ond dywedid fod nid ychydig o gyfrwysder y sarff ganddo hefyd ‘S Lawer Dydd / W. Llewelyn Williams / 1929 / tudalen 39
Tom looked as innocent as a lamb but it was said that there was a bit of the of the slyness of a snake with him too (“not
‹just› a bit of the slyness of a snake...”)

cwb colomennod (colloquially cwb c’lomennod) pigeon coop, cage for keeping pigeons
ras golomennod pigeon race
bridiwr colomennod pigeon fancier, pigeon breeder
cymdeithas cadw colomennod pigeon club, pigeon fanciers’ club (“association (of) keeping pigeons”)

y Golomen, the Dove = the manifestation of the Holy Ghost; a symbol of the Holy Ghost

Ioan 1:32 Ac Ioan a dystiolaethodd, gan ddywedyd, Mi a welais yr Ysbryd yn disgyn megis colomen, o’r nef...
John 1:32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spririt descending from heaven like a dove...

dove = emblem of peace (from the Bible - the dove sent from the ark by Noah Genesis 8:8 - 8:12)

Genesis 8:11 A’r golomen a ddaeth ato ef ar brynhawn; ac wele ddeilen olewydden yn ei gylfin hi, wedi ei thynnu
Genesis 8:11 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off

tarfu’r colomennod to set the cat among the pigeons, to flutter the dovecots, to cause a stir, do or say something which causes some disturbance or panic (“to disturb the pigeons”)

griddfan fel colomen mourn as a dove

Eseia 38:14 Megis garan neu wennol, felly trydar a wneuthum; griddfenais megis colomen; fy llygaid a ddyrchafwyd i fyny; O Arglwydd, gorthrymwyd fi; esmwythâ arnaf
Isaiah 38:14 Like a crane
‹or› a swallow, so did I chatter: I did mourn as a dove: mine eyes fail ‹with looking› upward: O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me.

Llwynygolomen street name in Cwmrhydyceirw (county of Abertawe)
(“the) wood (of) the dove”)

NOTE: colloquially the vowel is lost between c and l
colomen > c’lomen / clomen
plural: colomennod > c’lomennod / clomennod

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh (colom) + (-en);
colom < British *kolomm- < Latin *colomba < columba;

In the other British languages: Cornish kolommenn (= dove), Breton koulm (= dove)


colomen ddychwel
‹ko-lo-men dhəch-wel› feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod dychwel
‹ko-lo- me -nod dəkh-wel›
homing pigeon, pigeon trained to return to its pigeon loft when released away from its neighbourhood (“pigeon (of) returning”)


‹ko-lo-men-dulh› masculine noun
PLURAL colomendyllau
‹ko-lo-men- -lhe›
pigeonhole (in a dovecot)

ETYMOLOGY: “dove-hole” (colomen = dove) + soft mutation + (twll = hole)
NOTE: also twll colomen, plural: tyllau colomen


‹ko-lo-men-di› masculine noun
PLURAL colomendai
dovecot, culverhouse, columbarium, pigeon loft, pigeon house

ETYMOLOGY: “dove-house” (colomen = dove) + soft mutation + ( = house)


colomen Fair
‹ko-lo-men vair feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod Mair
‹ko-lo- me -nod mair
streptopelia turtur turtle dove (“dove (of) (the Virgin) Mary”); standard name: turtur


colomen fenyw
‹ko-lo-men ve -niu› feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod benyw
‹ko-lo- me -nod be -niu›
female pigeon, hen pigeon (“pigeon + female”)
also: colomen fanw


colomen glai
‹ko-lo-men glai feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod clai
‹ko-lo- me -nod klai
clay pigeon = disc of baked clay - propelled into the air by a machine and used as a shooting target


colomen las
‹ko-lo-men laas feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod gleision
‹ko-lo- me -nod glei-shon›
South-east Wales
Ornithology: Columba palumbus wood pigeon (“blue pigeon”);
standard Welsh ysguthan


colomen negesi
‹ko-lo-men ne-ge-si› feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod negesi
‹ko-lo- me -nod ne-ge-si›
carrier pigeon, messenger pigeon (“pigeon (of) messages”)


colomen wryw
‹ko-lo-men u -riu› feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod gwryw ‹ko-lo- me -nod gu -riu›
male pigeon, cock pigeon (“pigeon + male”)


colomen wyllt
‹ko-lo-men wilht feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod gwyllt, colomennod gwylltion
‹ko-lo- me -nod gwilht, gwəlht-yon›
Ornithology: Columba oenas = stock dove (“wild dove”)


colomen y graig
‹ko-lo-men ə graig feminine noun
PLURAL colomennod y graig
‹ko-lo- me -nod ə graig
Ornithology: Columba livia = rock dove (“dove (of) the rock”)


Colunwy ‹ko-LIIN-ui›
1 Clun SO3080, a town in Shropshire, on Afon Colunwy / the River Clun Colunwy / Clun; map

(delwedd 7432)



‹ko- li -ro› verb
1 colour, paint

2 c’luro yn rub against
Paid â chluro yn y wal 'na! Don’t rub against that wall

3 conceal, cloak in secrecy

4 coluro’ch wyneb make up your face

Brenhinoedd-2 9:30 A phan daeth Jehu i Jesreel, Jesebel a glybu hynny, ac a golurodd ei hwyneb, ac a wisgodd yn wych am ei phen, ac a edrychodd trwy ffenestr
Kings-2 9:30 And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.

eich coluro’ch hun to put on make-up

Fe’i colurodd ei hun o flaen drych y bwrdd ymbincio
She made herself up in front of the morror on the dressing table

ETYMOLOGY: (colur = color / colour ) + (-o suffix for forming verbs)

NOTE: colloquial form: coluro > c’luro


‹ko- li -rur› m
PLURAL colurwyr
‹ko- lir -wir›
1 make-up man

ETYMOLOGY: (colur- stem of coluro = put on make up) + (-wr = agent suffix. 'man')


‹ko- lir -wraig, ko-li-reg› m
PLURAL colurwragedd
‹ko-lir- wrâ -gedh›
1 make-up woman

ETYMOLOGY: (colur- stem of coluro = put on make up) + (-wraig = agent suffix. 'woman')


‹KOL win› (feminine noun)
river in the north-west

ETYMOLOGY: colwyn (obsolete) = puppy, young dog


comander ‹ko- man -der› m
PLURAL comanderiaid
1 (navy) commander = rank above lieutenant commander but below captain

Also is-gapten = (navy) commander

2 asgell-gomander wing commander = rank below group captain in the English Air Force (RAF)

3 (obsolete) high-ranking member in a knightly order

Modern Welsh has pennaeth in this sense

Cemais Comawndwr
ke -mes ko-maun-dur› village in the county of Mynwy (Gwent)

(“[the] Cemais [which is land administered by a] Commander”)

In earlier Welsh Cemais Cymawndwr

The church here and its lands were at one time a possession or “commandery” of the Knights Templars
(a commandery is land belonging to an Order of Knights supervised by a Commander).

Hence the name - ‘the “Cemais” of the Commander’ (to distinguish it from other parishes in Wales with the name Cemais)

English name: Kemeys Commander

ETYMOLOGY: comander < English commander, comawndwr < Middle English commandour < Middle French commandeor (command- + agent suffix -eor). Command- < Latin (com- = intensive prefix) + (manâre = entrust, command)

Or possibly into Welsh directly from Middle French commandeor, and not via English

(Modern French commandeur - rank in the Légion d’Honneur)


‹KO me di› (masculine noun)

ETYMOLOGY: English comedy


‹kom FORDH is› (adj)

A variant in spoken Welsh of cyfforddus = comfortable


comic, comics
‹KO mik, KO miks› (masculine noun)
comic book


comin, comins
‹KO-min› (masculine noun)
PLURAL cominoedd, comins
‹ko-MII-noidh, -odh, KO-mins, KO-minz›
common land

Y Comin SJ1262 Farm north-west of Gellifor, county of Dinbych

Y Comin-coch SN9954 Farm near Cilmeri, Powys (“Comin-coch” on the Ordnance Survey map)

Comin Gelli-gaer Gelli-gaer Common

Y Comins-coch
..a/ SN6182 village in Ceredigon (“Comins Coch” on the Ordnance Survey map)

..b/ SH8403 village in Powys (“Commins Coch” on the Ordnance Survey map)

Comin-y-garth SN9954
Farm near Cilmeri, Powys (“Comin-y-garth” on the Ordnance Survey map)

NOTE: The word comyn is found in the English place name Newbold Comyn, by Leamington Spa (England) Newbold Comyn

In a land grant in Penwortham in Lancashire Record Office (See National Archives website)

“Grant for 20/-: Robert Aghton of Penwortham, yoman to Nicholas Tomson of Penwortham, husbondman and Elene his wife - a parcel of ground in Penwortham, 3 rode-lands, lately inclosed from the Comyn of Penwortham, “betwix the comyn more of Penwortham on the southe and the landes nowe in the holdyng of Thomas Walker on the northe and abuttith oppon the comyn of hoghweke at the Westend and oppon the comyn of Penwortham aforesaid at the estend” but if the parcel of ground is laid to the common again within 2 years then R.A., to pay N. and E.T., 20/- Witn. Gilbert Keuerdall, Geffray Gregson, Thomas Wall.”

It also occurs in 1454 in “commyns” referring to the English House of Commons, in a phrase used at the end of a parliamentary bill to indicate its endorsement: A cest bille les commyns sount assentuz (= The Commons have assented to this bill)
(See National Archives website)

2 destitution
bod ar y comin 1 (religion) be outside the church, be out in the world; 2 (politics) be in the wilderness
(“be on the common”)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh comin < English commyn (= common)
See also comon


comodor (*cómodor) ko -mə-dor› masculine noun
PLURAL comodoriaid
commodore = navy officer above the rank of captain and below that of rear-admiral

2 commodore = president of a yacht club
Cafodd cómodor ei labelu’n droseddwr am geisio cynorthwyo cyd-longwr
(From a news report) A commodore was labelled a criminal for trying to help a fellow sailor

ETYMOLOGY: English commodore < Dutch commandeur < French commander = to order, to command < Latin (com intensive prefix) + (mandâre = to command)
NOTE: Also: comodôr


‹KO-mon› (adj)
bod yn gomon be in poor health, be poorly, not be very well

ETYMOLOGY: English common

‹KO-mon› (m)
common (= common land)

Y Comon Bychan
SO1835 (“the little common”)
South of Y Felindre, Brycheiniog, Powys

ETYMOLOGY: English common
See also comin


kom -pli-ment› masculine noun
PLURAL cómpliments
kom -pli-ments›
Colloquial compliment

ETYMOLOGY: English compliment < French < Italian < Castilian cumplimiento < cumplir (= to complete, to do what is fitting)


‹KONG kro› (verb)
to conquer

ETYMOLOGY: concro < *cóncero (English conquer) + (-o verb siffix)


kom -pli-ment› masculine noun
PLURAL cómpliments
kom -pli-ments›
Colloquial compliment

ETYMOLOGY: English compliment < French < Italian < Castilian cumplimiento < cumplir (= to complete, to do what is fitting)



‹KO ngol, KO ngle› (feminine noun)
y gongl = the corner


kon-yon ›
1 plural of conyn stump


consgript, consgriptiaid
‹KON skript, kon SKRIPT yed› (masculine noun)


cont, contiau
‹KONT, KONT ye› (feminine noun)
cunt, vagina

(offensive) bastard, cunt (unpleasant person)
PLURAL: contiau, contiaid

cont goch (Ynys Môn, Arfon) sea nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha) a species of jellyfish (“red cunt”)
Also: y gont goch

cont môr (Ceredigion) jellyfish; sea nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha) a species of jellyfish (“sea cunt”, “cunt (of the) sea”)
Also: gont fôr

7523_chrysaora quinquecirrha_cont_goch_090509
(delwedd 7523)

contract, contractau
‹KON trakt, kon TRAK te› (masculine noun)


contractwr amaethyddol, contractwyr amaethyddol
‹kon TRAK tur a mei THƏ dhol, kon TRAKT wir a mei THƏ dhol› (masculine noun)
agricultural contractor = person who does specialised tasks with machinery on farms


contralto, contraltos
‹kon TRAL to, kon TRAL tos› (masculine or feminine noun)


ko -nui›
Afon Conwy (SH8449) river in Gwynedd
Local form: Afon Gonwy

dianc o Glwyd a boddi ar Gonwy go from the frying pan into the fire
(“escape from (the river) Clwyd and drown on (crossing) (the river) Conwy”)

(Osmerus eperlanus) brwyniad Conwy (m), brwyniaid Conwy smelt, European smelt, sparling

Conwy (SH7877) locality (county borough) in the county of Conwy
Formerly the settlement was Aberconwy “(the) estuary (of) (the) Conwy (river”)
English name: Conway

Castell Conwy Conwy Castle, Conway Castle

Aberconwy an electoral district for the election of a representative in the English parliament, and in the Welsh Cynulliad in Caer-dydd

a parish at this place

Gwynedd Is Conwy medieval division of Gwynedd below (the river) Conwy / this side of the river Conwy”) (is = lower; below)

Conway name of a small town in Washington state, USA. The land was platted in the 1870’s by Thomas Jones of Caer-rhun (SH7770).
(Information from “Ninnau” July 1 1997)

The village of Caer-rhun is in north-west Wales, on the river Conwy, and here was situated the Roman fort of “Canovium”, named after the river Conwy, or at least the earlier British form of the river name). Caer-rhun is 7km south of the town of Conwy Canovium

9 Nant Conwy “(the) valley (of the river) Conwy)
A division or
kúmmud (cwmwd) of the kántrev (cantref) of Arllechwedd
 (nant = valley; modern Welsh = stream) + (Conwy river name)

(delwedd 7846)

Sir Conwy the county of Conwy, created in 1997

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *kân-oui-


ko nin› m
PLURAL conion
kon -yon›
1 stump
conion eithin stumps of gorse bushes
conion grug stumps of heather clumps

2 (north-east) penis

3 See also cawnen reed

ETYMOLOGY: (cawn = reeds) + (-yn suffix added to nouns to make a singular form out of a collective noun or plural noun) < British *kân-oui-


copa, copâu
‹KO pa, ko PAI› (feminine noun; sometimes masculine)

2 hilltop, peak, summit
Copa cudd
(warning sign on a road) blind summit (“hidden summit”)

3 Talycopa farm, north of Pentre-dŵr, Llansamlet (county of Abertawe)
Nearby there is Heol Dalycopa (“Heol Dalycopa”) and “Talycopa Court” (which would be Cwrt Talycopa in Welsh)
“place facing the peak” (tâl = forehead; place facing) + (y = the) + (copa = peak)

4 Tanygopa street name in Abergele (Conwy) (“Tan y Gopa”)
“(the place) below the peak”
(tan = below) + (y = definite article) + soft mutation + (copa = peak)

(Strictly speaking, a habitative name should be written as a single word, and street names which are from farm names or which have the structure of a farm name or house name are habitative names too. Tan y Gopa (a district) > Tanygopa (house name, farm name)

Coed y Gopa “(the) wood (of) Y Gopa” is a wooded hill above Abergele. Also known as Tan y Gopa


copi, copďau
‹KO pi, ko PI e› (masculine noun)


‹ko PII o› (verb)
to copy


ko -pis› masculine noun
PLURAL copisiau
‹ko- pis -ye›
South Wales
fly (in trousers); fly front; button-up opening or zip-up opening at the front of trousers

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh copish < English codpiece ‘piece of cŷh over the scrotum’, originally in the 1400s and 1500s a bag covering a man’s genitals, part of breeches or hose, and attached by laces;
from (1) Middle English cod (= bag, scrotum) < Old English codd (= bag; husk)
and (2) piece                                                                                                                                         

NOTE: The colloquial pronunciation is copish
co-pish›, plural copishe ‹ko-pi-she› In the south, an s before or after i becomes sh, and the plural suffix -iau > -e (and in the south-east, -a)


copog, copogod
‹KO pog, ko POO god› (feminine noun)
hoopoe (bird)
y gopog = the hoopoe


copr (“copor”)
<KO-pr, KO-por> [ˡkɔpr, ˡkɔpɔr] (masculine noun)
(metal) copper

<KO-prog> prɔg] adjective

(South Wales) (sky) cloudy, dull

ffawydden goprog copper beech

ETYMOLOGY: (copr = copper) + (-og suffix for forming adjectives)


<KO-pin> pɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL copynnod, copynnau
<ko--nod, -nai, -ne> [kɔˡnɔd, kɔˡnaɪ, kɔˡnɛ] 1 spider

ETYMOLOGY: (cop = spider) + (-yn diminutive suffix added to nouns).

Welsh cop < English cop < attercop ‘spider, poison head’; (âtor = poison) + (coppe = head).

English cop (= spider) survives as the first element in the word cobweb


<KOR> [kɔr]
The element cor ( < cordd = tribe, group) is found in a some compound words

(1) atgor (= ploughing team)
(2) corlan (= sheepfold)
(3) gweithgor (= working party, executive)
(4) rheithgor (= jury)

See below for a fuller list


<KOR> [kɔr] (prefix) (corgi, etc)
prefix = little
..a/ corfedwen plural corfedw Betula nana dwarf birch (bedwen = birch tree)
corhelygen plural (corhelyg) (Salix repens) creeping willow (helygen = willow tree)
..c/ corhwyaden teal (duck) (Anas crecca) (hwyaden = duck)
..d/ corgi = little dog (ci = dog)
..e/ cornant = rivulet, brooklet (nant = brook)

Cf also
..a/ corach = dwarf
..b/ corryn = spider


côr, corau
<KOOR, KOO-re> [koːr, ˡkoˑraɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
See côr cymysg

y côr asgellog
the woodland choir, choir of birds (“the winged choir”)


<ko-RAA-khaidh, -edh> [kɔˡrɑˑxaɪđ, -ɛđ] adjective
of a dwarf, like a dwarf
seren gorachaidd dwarf star


<ko-RAA-khedh> [kɔˡrɑˑxɛđ] masculine noun
stunted growth, dwarfism

ETYMOLOGY: (corach = dwarf) + (-edd suffix for forming abstract nouns)


<KORDH> [kɔrđ] masculine noun
PLURAL corddau
<KOR-dhai, -e> kɔrđaɪ, -ɛ]
tribe (obsolete)

clan, family (obsolete)

multitude (obsolete)

In compound words as cordd / cor

(1) atgor (= ploughing team)
(ad- = intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (cor[dd] = group)

(2) corlan (= sheepfold) < corddlan
(cordd = group) + soft mutation + (llan = enclosure)

(3) gosgordd (= retinue, group of attendants or officers)

(4) gweithgor (= working party)
gweith- < gweithio to work) + soft mutation + (cordd = group)

(5) gwelygordd (= kindred, lineage)
(gwely = bed; (obsolete) land of a family; (obsolete) a family, a clan) + soft mutation + (cordd = group)

(6) pwyllgor (= committee)
Word coined by the lexicographer Caerfallwch (Edward Thomas, 1779-1858)
(pwyll = sense, reason) + soft mutation + (cordd = group)

(7) rheithgor (= jury)
(rheith- < rhaith = law) + soft mutation + (cor[dd] = group)

(8) trefgordd (= village)
(tref = settlement, farmstead) + soft mutation + (cordd = group)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic korios (= army; tribe)
The same word in Gaulish has left traces in some place names:

(1) tri-kor- (found in the Latin form tricorîi) (= the three armies / tribes), in the Breton district name Treger, and also the name of a tribe around present-day Narbona in Occitania.

(2) petru-kor- (found in the Latin form petrucorîi) (= the four armies / tribes). It survives in the Occitan name Peireguers / Periguers (French: Périgueux), a town in Occitania, in Peiregňrd / Perigňrd (French: Périgord), a division of the old region of Guiana (French: Guyenne), east of the city of Bordču (French: Bordeaux).

(delwedd 7845)

Welsh cordd is related to:
Irish cuire (Irish cuire = band troop),

and in Germanic:
German [das] Heer (= [the] army),
Old English here (= army), obsolete, but vestigially in
..a/ harbour
..b/ to harry (= ravage a town in war),
..c/ Hereford (name of a town in western England = “the ford of the army”)


<KOR-dhi> [ˡkɔrđɪ]
annoy, make angry
Be sy’n eich corddi? What kind of thing makes you really mad?


côr cymysg
<koor -misk> [koːr ˡmɪsk] masculine noun
PLURAL corau cymysg
<KOO-rai, -re -misk> koˑraɪ, -ɛ, ˡmɪsk]
mixed choir

Mae pedwar o gorau cymysg Ynys Môn a Gwynedd yn dod at ei gilydd yn Eglwys Gadeiriol Bangor i godi arian ar gyfer canolfan gerdd
Four mixed choirs from (the counties of) Ynys Môn and Gwynedd are coming together in Bangor Cathedral to raise money for a music centre

ETYMOLOGY: (côr = choir) + (cymysg = mixed)


<KOR-kin> kɔrkɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL corciau
<KORK-yai, -ye> kɔrkjaɪ, -ɛ]
cork = piece of cork used as a bottle stopper, a bung in a cask, etc

twll corcyn bung-hole, hole in a cask stopped with a bung

ETYMOLOGY: (corc = cork) + (-yn suffix)


cordyn, cordiau
<KOR-din, KORD-yai, -ye> [ˡkɔrdɪn, ˡkɔrdjaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
cord, string
cord = measure of cut wood
cysgu yn gordyn sleep like a log (“sleep like a cord (measure of cut wood)”)


cordyn ffenestr, cordiau ffenestr
<KOR-din FEE-nest, KORD-yai, -ye FEE-nest> [ˡkɔrdɪn ˡfeˑnɛst, ˡkɔrdjaɪ, -ɛ, ˡfeˑnɛst] (masculine noun)
window sash cord


Coregonus albula
1 fendas (m), fendeisiaid vendace, fish of lakes in northern England and Scotland


Coregonus autumnalis
1 polan (m), polaniaid pollan


Coregonus lavaretus
1 powan (m), powaniaid powan, lake herring


Coregonus oxyrinchus
1 howtin (m), howtinod houting


corf (“corof”)
korv feminine noun
PLURAL corfau
kor -ve›

NOTE: The colloquial form of corf is bisyllabic, with the vowel repeated: corof

pommel of a saddle, saddle pommel - raised front part of a saddle
y gorf = the pommel

(place names, South Wales) wooded precipice by river

(1) Y Gorof Ystradgylais (“the precipice”)

(2) Gwarygorof place in the parish of Caeo, county of Caerfyrddin (“(the) nape (of) the precipice”, i.e. the place above the precipice)

(3) Caeau’r Gorof place in Llanwynno (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (“(the) fields (of) the precipice”)

(Welsh Laws) pair of columns dividing a hall into an upper and lower part

ETYMOLOGY: probably from British < Latin corb- (= basket)

This Latin word is found in English corbeille
koo’-bəl› (= carved ornament representing a basket of fruit of flowers) < French corbeille (same meaning) < corbeille (= basket) < Latin corbucula (= little basket) < corbis (= basket).

Modern French has corbeille (= open basket; waste-paper basket)

Related words in other Indo-European languages:
Germanic: English harp < Old English hearpe (= harp); German die Harfe (= harp);
Slavonic: Russian korobit (= to warp).

German der Korb (= the basket) is also from the Latin word corbis


‹kor- ved -wen› feminine noun
PLURAL corfedw
‹kor- ve -du›
corfedwen plural corfedw Betula nana dwarf birch
y gorfedwen = the dwarf birch

ETYMOLOGY: (cor- = small) + soft mutation + (bedwen = birch tree)


corff, cyrff
‹KORF, KIRF› (masculine noun)

nave = long central part of a church, excluding the aisles on either side, from the west door to the chancel (the end or eastern part of the main body of a church where the altar platform stands)
yng nghorff yr eglwys in the nave of the church

helpu eich corff / helpu’ch corff defecate (“to help your body”)

codi’r corff (funeral cortčge) set out for the cemetery; (Scotland: lift = take up for burial) (“raise the body”)

corff trunk (of the body)
Also bongorff trunk (of the body)
“base-body” (bôn = base) + soft mutation + (corff = body)

codi corff o fedd exhume a body (“raise a body from a grave”)


corffddelw, corffddelwau
‹korf-DHEE-lu, korf-DHEL-wai, -.we› (masculine noun)

2 grave effigy, tomb effigy; a representation of a person in the form of a sculpture, often life-sized, on top of a tomb
corffddelw bedd, corffddelwau beddau grave effigy, tomb effigy

ETYMOLOGY: (corff = body) + soft mutation + (delwedd = image)


corffdy, corffdai
‹KORF di, KORF dai› (masculine noun)


korf-lan› feminine noun
PLURAL corfflannau
‹korf- lA-ne›
(obsolete) (poetic) cemetery, burial ground
y gorfflan = the burial ground

ETYMOLOGY: (corff = body) + soft mutation + (llan = enclosure)


corfforaeth, corfforaethau
‹kor FO reth, kor fo REI the› (feminine noun)
y gorfforaeth = the corporation


‹kor- -rol› adjective
yn gorfforol physically

grym corfforol brute force

cosb gorfforol corporal punishment
cosbi corfforol corporal punishment


ETYMOLOGY: (corffor obsolete word = body) + (-ol, suffix for forming adjectives).

is from Latin corpor-, stem of the word corpus (= body).
Or else it is a singular form derived from an obsolete plural form corfforoedd or corfforion (= bodies) < Latin corpor-


kor-gi› masculine noun
PLURAL corgwn
kor -gun›
corgi = small cattle dog from south-western Wales

corgi Ceredigion (“corgi (from the region of) Ceredigion”) = Cardiganshire corgi, a corgi with a long tail
(delwdd 7038) (delwedd 7843)

3 corgi Penfro (“corgi (from the region of) Penfro”) = Pembrokeshire corgi, corgi with a short tail or docked tail
(delwdd 7037) (delwedd 7844)
(insults, reprimands) devil, rascal, monkey, scamp; or also equivalent of stronger insults - bugger, turd; usually with hen (= old, but used to suggest disrespect) or bach (= little, also used in a disrespectful sense)

Y corgi bach! The little devil! (talking of a third person); (in addressing somebody) you little devil!

Wyr y corgi bach hwnnw ddim sut ... That bugger doesn’t know how...

South-east Wales ’Ren gorgi shag i ti (yr hen gorgi yr un sut ag yr wyt ti) (“the old corgi the same form that you are”) You turd!

Y corgi bach drwg iddo fe (of a child) The wicked thing! The naughty little rascal! (“the naughty little corgi to him”)

comparisons: mor sarrug â chorgi as surly / snappish / tetchy / ill-tempered as a corgi

(1) colloquially, also with the plural corgwns, which is the plural corgwn with the addition of the English plural suffix -s;
(2) female dog: corast
(3) corgi is one of the few Welsh words which has become international

ETYMOLOGY: “dwarf dog” (cor-, prefix = dwarf; small) + soft mutation + (ci = dog)

‹kpr-he- -gen› feminine noun
PLURAL corhelyg
(Salix repens)creeping willow

ETYMOLOGY: (cor- prefix = small) + (helygen = willow)

corhwyaden, corhwyad
‹kor hui A den, kor HUI ad› (feminine noun)
teal (Anas crecca) (kind of duck) (literally “little duck”)
y gorhwyaden = the teal

ETYMOLOGY: (cor- prefix = small) + (hwyaden = duck)

córidor, coridorau ‹KO ri dor, ko ri DO re› (masculine noun)

corlan, corlannau <KOR-lan, kor-LA-nai, -ne> [ˡkɔrlan, kɔrˡlanaɪ, -nɛ]
 (feminine noun)
y gorlan the sheepfold

(figurative) a church or its congregation

(figurative) dwelling place, home

4 (Y) Gorlan (house name) (The) Sheepfold, (The) Fold
Y Gorlan name of a street in Llan-saint, Cydweli (county of Caerfyrddin)

Maesygorlan (house name); if an invented name (“field (by) the house”, “home field”); otherwise “field (of) the sheepfold”

Ysgol y Gorlan name of a school in Tremadog, Gwynedd

Nant y Gorlan (“stream of the sheepfold”)

Drum Nant y Gorlan hill by Llanwrtud

ETYMOLOGY: corlan < corddlan (cordd = trbe, family; multitude) + soft mutation + (llan = enclosure)

corlan chwarae
<kor-lan KHWA-rai, -re> [kɔrlan ˡxwaraɪ, -rɛ] (feminine noun)
playpen for infants


Y Corlannau
<ə-kor-LA-nai, -e> [əkɔrˡlanaɪ, -ɛ] (feminine noun)
SS7690 district of Aberafan place name; sheepfolds

ETYMOLOGY: = sheepfolds; plural of corlan


corn, cyrn (3)
‹KORN, KIRN› (masculine noun)
horn (of an animal)

yn gyrn, croen a charnau hook, line and sinker (“horns, skin / hide and hooves”)

llyncu stori’n gyrn, croen a charnau swallow a story hook, line and sinker, accept something improbable without questioning it

horn = device for blowing through to make a loud noise, originally fashioned from the horn of an ox, etc

2 utgorn trumpet
(ud- = stem of verb udo = to howl, to hoot) + soft mutation + (corn = horn)

3 corn niwl foghorn.
Also (a less natural form) niwlgorn foghorn
(niwl = fog ) + soft mutation + (corn = horn)

4 gorn (soft mutated form of corn used as an intensifier)
noethlymun gorn stark naked

5 corn glas (Ajuga reptans) bugle - a ground cover plant
(reptans = creeping). The flowers resemble tiny horns or bugles and are tightly ranged along stalks four inches to six inches tall.

Ajuga is the name given by the Swedish botanist Linnaeus ans means ‘without a yoke’ because the sepals surrounding the buds of this plant are not connected.

‘blue horn’ (corn = horn) + (glas = blue)

Corn-glas name of a street in Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg) (spelt as ‘Corn Glas’)

(delwedd 7013)

corn, cyrn (2)
‹KORN, KIRN› (masculine noun)
corn on the foot
Sathru ar gyrn rhywun
Stand on someone’s corns, offend somebody

Pwy sy wedi sathru ar dy gyrn di? Who’s stood on you corns? Who’s rubbed you up the wrong way? Who’s got up your nose?

Also: Sengi ar gyrn rhywun
Stand on someone’s corns, offend somebody


corn (3)
korn m
1 short form of india-corn: (American) corn, Indian corn, (Englandic) maize
bara corn corn bread (USA)

2 india-corn:
blawd india-corn cornmeal, cornflour
india-corn ar y cňb corn on the cob
wisgi india-corn corn whiskey
siwgwr india-corn corn sugar, dextrose blat de moro
olew india-corn oli de blat de moro

3 popgorn popcorn (= single kernel), popcorn (= mass of kernels)
reworking of the English word popcorn as (pop = pop, explosion) + soft mutation + (corn = corn, maize)

ETYMOLOGY: English corn > American English Indian corn (which has given Welsh “india corn” = maize) > the shortened form corn (hence Welsh corn = maize)

kor-nant› masculine noun
PLURAL cornentydd
little stream, brook, runlet, small stream

ETYMOLOGY: (cor-, prefix = smal) + (nant = stream)


cornel, corneli / cornelau
‹KOR nel, kor NE li, le› (fm)
corner (North – feminine y gornel, South – masculine y cornel)

mynd rownd y gornel turn the corner, go round the corner

ym mhob twll a chornel in every nook and cranny (“in ever hole and corner”)


korn -yog› adj
1 horned

2 chwilen gorniog stagbeetle (USA: hornbug) (Lucanus cervus)
(“horned beetle”) (chwilen = beetle) + soft mutation + (corniog = horned)

3 gwyach gorniog (Podiceps auritus) Slavonian Grebe (USA: horned grebe)

4 dafad gorniog a horned sheep

5 da corniog horned cattle
ych corniog horned ox

6 pabi corniog dulas (Roemeria hybrida) violet horned poppy (“violet horned poppy”)
pabi corniog melyn (Glaucum flavum) round prickly-headed poppy (“yellow horned poppy”)

ETYMOLOGY: (corn = horn) + (-i-og suffix for forming adjectives)


korn -yog› adj
1 covered with corns
ei law gorniog his hand covered with corns

ETYMOLOGY: (corn = corn) + (-i-og suffix for forming adjectives)


KOO-rov› feminine noun
See corf (= pommel, raised front part of a saddle)


KOO-ron› feminine noun
PLURAL coronau
‹ko-ROO-nai, -e›
crown = headwear with jewels of king, queen
y goron the crown

crown = symbol of a monarchy

Bu farw mewn damwain a gadawodd goron Lloegr yn nwylo plentyn o frenin
He died in an accident and he left the crown of England in the hands of a child king

Etifedd y Goron Crown Prince (“(the) inheritor (of) the crown”)

Y Goron the Crown, the English monarchy

tlysau’r Goron the Crown Jewels (“(the) jewels (of) the Crown”)

tir y Goron Crown land (“(the) land (of) the Crown”)

trysor y Goron = treasure trove, treasure of unknown ownership usually centuries old and found buried which is deemed to be the property of the Crown of England
(“(the) treasure (of) the Crown”)

Y Goron the Crown, the government of England
gweinidogion y Goron the ministers of the Crown, English government ministers
Llys y Goron Crown Court

crown = wreath of flowers or leaves placed on the head as a victory emblem,

coron ddrain a crown of thorns

(sport) Y Goron Driphlyg The Triple Crown, imaginary award
won by any of the national rugby teams of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales on defeating all of its three rivals in a single season

(eisteddfod) Y Goron The Crown, the bardic crown which is the prize in the free verse competition;
cipio'r Goron = to win the crown;
enillydd y Goron winner of the Crown
coron bardd bardic crown
coron farddol bardic crown

crown = coin (originally stamped with a crown) in Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland; also Czechia

crown = an obsolete English coin worth one quarter of a pound
Until 1971, when decimal coinage was introduced in the English state, there was a coin called hanner coron half a crown, one eighth of a pound

crown = high point, most important part, greatest achievement, most important characteristic

Coron Gwlad ei Mamiaith (saying) A Nation's Crown is its Mother Tongue / its native language (usually it is understood as referring to the Welsh language)

y goron ar y cyfan (“the crown on top of the whole”)
in listing the advantages of something = and to top it all

Haul, pentrefwyr cyfeillgar, ac yn goron ar y cyfan – mae’r bwyd yn ardderchog yma!
Sunshine, friendly villagers - and to top it all, the food here is marvellous!

Y Goron a’r Angor (“the crown and the anchor”) tavern name, Crown and Anchor.

From the flag used on the mainmast of the royal yacht of the King James II (1633-1701) of England (James VII of Scotland) who became king of England, Scotland and Ireland in 1685 at the age of 51. At the age of three he had been appointed Lord High Admiral. The diarist Samuel (1633-1703) Pepys, Secretary to the Admiralty, noted that when he became king he continued to be Lord High Admiral and placed "a crown over the anchor as being himself his own Admiral."

Taverns of this name are said to have been owned originally by retired mariners.

coron y bywyd the crown of life (“(the) crown (of) the life”). Phrase used on gravestones. From a Biblical expression.

Datguddiad 2:10 Bydd ffyddlon hyd angau, ac mi a roddaf i ti goron y bywyd
Revelations 2:10. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

gosod y goron ar ben (rhywun) crown (someone), place the crown on the head (of someone)

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < Middle English corone < French < Latin corôna < Greek korônę (= crown, curved object).

Possibly a direct loan Welsh < British < Latin, but see corun (= crown)

NOTE: colloquial form: coran, PLURAL coranau > c’rane, c’rana


‹ko ROO ni› (verb)
to crown

ETYMOLOGY: (coron = crown) + (-i verb-forming suffix)

‹ko- ron -yad› masculine noun
1 coronation, crowning
Heol Coroniad street name in Y Beddau (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
 = “heol y coroniad” (“(the) street (of) the coronation”, coronation street)

ETYMOLOGY: (coron- stem of coroni = to crown) + (-i-ad noun-forming suffix)


‹ko RON wen› (feminine noun)
woman’s name, obsolete

ETYMOLOGY: “crown” (coron = crown) + (-wen suffix used in forming female names); unless it is to be interpreted literally as “white crown” (coron = crown) + sofft mutation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white; holy; resplendent)


ko-rin› masculine noun
corynnod ‹ko--nod›
(South Wales) spider
bod wedi llyncu corryn be pregnant (“to have swallowed a spider”)

runt = smallest and weakest pig in a litter, or other animals

ETYMOLOGY: (corr-, penult form of cor (= spider; dwarf) + (-yn diminutive suffix added to nouns)

From the same British root: Breton korr (= dwarf)

The word corr is related to Latin curtus (= short)


cors, corsydd
‹KORS, KOR sidh› (feminine noun)
y gors = the bog
mynd i’r gors 1/ get bogged down, get stuck, begin to founder (Founder: become stuck in soft ground, begin to sink in soft ground) 2/ get into difficulties, get into financial difficulties

peidiwch â mynd i’r gors wrth ateb un cwestiwn - ewch ymlaen at y cwestiynau eraill, am nad oes gennych lawer o amser yn yr arholiad hwn don’t get stuck in answering one question - go on to the other questions, as you don’t have much time in this exam

aeth y ddadl i’r gors
ym manylion y gyllideb the debate began to founder in the details of the budget

mor hawdd yw mynd i'r gors drwy ddefnyddio’r garden Visa yn y naill siop ar ôl y llall
it’s so easy to get into financial difficulties by using your Visa card in one shop after another

gold y gors Caltha palustris = marsh marigold (“goldflower (of the) marsh”)
Gold-y-gors Name of a house in Pencerrig, Llanfair ym Muallt

llyffant y gors or broga’r gors (Rana ridibunda) marsh frog

helygen y gors (Salix discolor) pussy willow (“willow (of) the bog”)

melyn y gors (Caltha palustris) marsh marigold (“yellow (flower) (of) the marsh”)
(melyn = yellow flower) + (y = definite article) + soft mutation + (cors = marsh, bog)

Melyn-y-gors street name in Y Barri (county of Bro Morgannwg) (written as “Melyn y Gors”)

(delwedd 7911)

6 cors o annwyd
‹kors o A-nuid›
a heavy cold, a stinking cold (‘a bog of a cold’)


‹KOR seg› (feminine noun, adjective)
Corsican language
y Gorseg the Corsican language


‹KOR-sog› (adjective)
1 reedy, swampy

In 'Cardiff Records' (1889-1911, volume for 1905) John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cern
ɥw) notes Gorswg (the boggy place.) A small house in the parish of Llanedern on the estbank of the river Rhymny, north of Lanrumney.

This would be southern corsog (typical loss of the semivowel –i- at the beginning of a final syllable). The suffix –iog, -og is used to form an adjective meaning “abundant in [a kind of plant]”, and the adjective is used often as a feminine noun to denote “place abundant in [a kind of plant]”.

Hence Y Gorsog.

The use of –wg instead of -og is not unusual in the south-east (Llangadog > Llangatwg, etc)

kors -le› m
PLURAL corsleoedd
1 reedbed

ETYMOLOGY: (cors = bog) + soft mutation + (lle = place)

kors -luin› m
PLURAL corslwyni
1 reedbed

ETYMOLOGY: (cors = bog) + soft mutation + (llwyn = bush)


kors -tir› masculine noun
PLURAL corstiroedd
boggy land
pan oedd corstir y ‘Cae Pella’ ar ganol cael ei ddraenio
when the boggy end of the Far Field was halfway through being drained

ETYMOLOGY: (cors = bog) + soft mutation+ (tir = land) > corsdir > corstir


corswennol, corswenoliaid
‹kors WE nol, kors we NOL yed› (feminine noun)
tern (seabird)
y gorswennol = the tern


corswennol farfog
‹kors-we-nol bAr-vog› feminine noun
PLURAL corswenoliaid barfog
‹kors-we-nol-yed bAr-vog›
(Chlidonias hybrida) whiskered tern

ETYMOLOGY: “bearded tern” (corswennol = tern) + soft mutation + (barfog = bearded)


‹kors-WII-gen› feminine noun
1 guelder rose (Viburnum opulus)

In Y Barri (Bro Morgannwg) there is a street called
Heol Gorswigen ‘guelder rose street’, though more correctly it ought to be Heol y Gorswigen (“(the) street (of) the guelder rose”)

(delwedd 7909)
ETYMOLOGY: Unclear. Maybe (cors = swamp) + soft mutation + (gwig = wood) + (-en diminutive suffix)


corun, corunau
‹KOO-rin, ko-RII-ne› (masculine noun)
crown of the head


‹ko-rin-voil› adjective
tonsured = having the hair shaved off from the top of the head, as with monks in certain orders
mynach corunfoel a tonsured monk

ETYMOLOGY: (corun = crown of the head) + soft mutation + (moel = bare)


-rug› masculine noun
(usually in the form cwrwgl < corwgl; PLURAL cyryglau, cwryglau)

coracle = wickerwork boat

Porth y Cwrwgl Cove on the island of Môn. ‘(the) cove (of) the coracle’
English name: Freshwater Bay

ETYMOLOGY: corwg < British < Celtic *koruk-
Irish: curach (= wickerwork boat)

NOTE: There is an added final
‹l› cwrwgl < cwrwg < corwg
Cf Welsh tymestl (= tempest, storm) < tymest < Latin tempesta (= tempest, storm)


-rugəl› masculine noun
coracle = wickerwork boat. See corwg


cosb, cosbau
‹KOSP, KOS pe› (feminine noun)
y gosb =
the punishment
cosb ddidrugaredd harsh punishment
cosb gorfforol
corporal punishment
cosb lem a harsh punishment, a heavy penalty (< llym = strict, harsh)
pennu cosb addas i’r trosedd make the punishment fit the crime (“set an adequate punishment for the crime”)

gwladfa gosb penal colony (Also gwladfa gosbi penal colony)

tramgwydd yn dwyn cosb o garchar
imprisonable offence (“an offence bearing a punishment of prison”)


‹ko-spâ-dui › adjective

ETYMOLOGY: (cosb = punishment) + (-adwy adjectival suffix equivalent to English ‘-able’)


‹kos-be-di- gei -thol› adjective

ETYMOLOGY: (cosbedigaeth = punishment) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)


<KO-sbi> [ˡkɔsbɪ] (verb)
to punish
cosbi corfforol
corporal punishment

gwladfa gosbi penal colony
(Also gwladfa gosb penal colony)


<KOS-bol> kɔsbɔl] adjective

penal = inflicting punishment
y gyfraith gosbol the penal code

ETYMOLOGY: (cosb = punishment) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)


‹kos-ME-tig› [kɔsˡtɪg] adjective
llawfeddygaeth gosmetig cosmetic surgery

ETYMOLOGY: English cosmetic < French cosmetique < Greek komętikos < kosmein (= adorn, order) < kosmos (= to order)


<KOST> [kɔst] feminine noun
PLURAL costau
<KOS-tai, -te> kɔstaɪ, -tɛ]
cost = the price paid to obtain something
y gost = the cost

heb arbed unrhyw gost with no expense spared

am y gost at cost price (“for the cost”)
gwerthu rhywbeth am ei gost sell something at cost price (“sell something for its cost”)

cost = sacrifice, loss
ar draul ei einioes at the cost of his life
ar gost ei einioes at the cost of his life
ar draul ei fywyd at the cost of his life
ar gost ei fywyd at the cost of his life

costau teithio travelling expenses
costau byw the cost of living

costs (law) = amount of money successful party entitled to claim to pay for his expenses in a court case
talu costau pay costs

ar ei gost ei hun at his own expense
ar ei draul ei hun to his cost

Fe ddysgais ar fy nhraul fy hun nad yw’n werth bod yn gyfaill iddo I learnt to my cost that it’s not woth being his friend

heb gyfri'r gost without counting the cost (= without taking the risks into account)

10 gwneud i rywun fynd i gost cause somebody to go to great expense, cause somebody great expense (“make somebody go to cost”)

11 achosi cost i rywun cause somebody to go to great expense, cause somebody great expense (“cause cost to somebody”)

ETYMOLOGY: English cost (= to cost) < French coste < coster (= to cost) < Latin constâre (= to cost) < con + stâre (= to stand)

NOTE: (North Wales) with a long vowel côst
<koost> [koːst].. The lengthened vowel in monosyllables ending in –st is typical in the North (pôst = post, mail, pâst = paste, etc)


<KOST-yo> [ˡkɔstjɔ] (verb)
to cost

ETYMOLOGY: cost (= cost) + (-i-o suffix for forming verbs)



<KOS-tis> [ˡkɔstɪs] (adjective)
costly, expensive

ETYMOLOGY: cost (= cost) + (-us suffix for forming adjectives)


cot, cotiau
<KOT, KOT-yai, -ye> [kɔt, ˡkɔtjaɪ, -jɛ] (feminine noun)
y got = the coat

2 beating
rhoi cot i rywun (South Wales).
Also: rhoi coten i rywun (South Wales).

rhoi côt i rywun (North-west Wales).
Also: rhoi cotan i rywun (North-west Wales).

A Dialogue in the Devonshire Dialect, (in three parts) by a Lady: to which is added a Glossary. James Frederick PALMER, Mary Palmer. 1837: “To COT, v[erb]. a. to beat soundly.”

ETYMOLOGY: English coat < Middle English
cote < Anglo-French < Old French < Germanic.

Middle High German die Kotze (= garment of coarse wool).
Said to be current in Austria, Switzerland and Bavaria, meaning “dark green or brown garment for hunters”.

NOTE: North Wales has côt.

(delwedd 7458)

cot, cotiau
‹KOT, KOT ye› (feminine noun)
cot (= cottage)

ETYMOLOGY: English cot < Old English
Cf Old Norse kot (= hut)

NOTE: In use in spoken Welsh


cot, cotiau
<KOT, KOT-yai, -ye> [kɔt, ˡkɔtjaɪ, -jɛ] (m)
(Englandic: cot, i.e. a child’s cot) (American: crib)

ETYMOLOGY: English cot, in the 1600s < Hindi
khāṭ < Sanskrit.

cot ddyffl, cotiau dyffl
<kot DƏ-fəl, kot-yai, -ye DƏ-fəl> [kɔt ˡdəfəl, ˡkɔtjaɪ, -jɛ ˡdəfəl] (feminine noun)
duffle coat


<KOT-en> [ˡkɔtɛn] (f)
(South Wales) thrashing, beating

rhoi coten i rywun give someone a thrashing, give someone a beating, beat somebody up

O’s rhywun wedi rhoi coten iti? Has somebody given you a beating? Has somebody been hitting you?

NOTE: Also in the Penrhyn Llyn / the Llyn Peninsula, north-west Wales:
rhoi cotan i rywun give someone a thrashing

NOTE: A Dialogue in the Devonshire Dialect, (in three parts) by a Lady: to which is added a Glossary. James Frederick PALMER, Mary Palmer. 1837: “To COT, v[erb]. a. to beat soundly.”

ETYMOLOGY: (cot / côt = coat) + (-en diminutive suffix)


cot fawr, cotiau mawr
<kot VAUR, KOT-yai, -ye-MAUR> [kɔt ˡvaʊr, ˡkɔtjaɪ, -jɛ ˡmaʊr] (feminine noun)


KOTH–nais, -nes› kɔθnaɪs, -nɛs]
Penrhyn Cothnais John O’ Groats (Scotland)
O Bentir Cothnais hyd Ben Tir Cernyw from John O’Groats in Scotland to Penn an Wlaz (Land’s End) in Cornwall

ETYMOLOGY: (penrhyn = peninsula) + (Cothnais = Caithness, district name, Scandinavian form of the Gaelic name Cataibh (= Sutherland), with ‘ness’ = nose, peninsula)


<KOT-yo> kɔtjɔ] verb
(North Wales)
spay (heifer, sow)

ETYMOLOGY: probably (English to cut) + (-io = suffix for forming verbs)


cot law, cotiau glaw
<kot LAU, KOT-yai, -ye GLAU> [kɔt ˡlaʊ, ˡkɔtjaɪ, -jɛ ˡglaʊ] (feminine noun)


KOT sen (f)
PLURAL: cotsis KOT sen
North Wales
cunt, vagina
y gotsen the cunt
NOTE: North-west Wales cotsan / y gotsan.

2 (term of abuse) cunt

Be ti’n neud, y gotsan wirion? What are you doing, you stupid cunt?


cot wlân, cotiau gwlân
‹kot WLAAN, KOT ye GWLAAN› (feminine noun)
woolen coat (Englandic: woollen coat)


cotwm, cotymau
‹KO tum, ko TƏ me› (masculine noun)


koi adj
South Wales

cau (= hollow)

2 ceu- (= hollow) in compound nouns
coulan (river bank) < ceulan
(ravine) < ceunant


koi -lan› feminine noun
Southern form of ceulan (= river bank)
Found on maps spelt less correctly as coilan

Goulan-goch (= y geulan goch) locality in the county of Caerfyrddin

Marwolaethau: Awst 20fed, wedi byr gystudd, yn 73 mlwydd oed, Esther Thomas, Goilangoch, Llandilo (Tyst a'r Dydd 15 6 1882)
Deaths: August 20, after a short illness, at the age of 73, Esther Thomas, of Goilangoch (i.e. Goulan-goch), Llandeilo


KOI-nant (m)
Southern form of ceunant (= ravine)

Found on maps spelt less correctly as coinant, coynant

Cwmcounant SO2337 (“Cwmcoynant”) Farm in Tre-goed a’r Felindre, south of Y Gelligandryll / Hay-on-Wye

ETYMOLOGY: “(the) valley (of) the ravine” cwm y ceunant (cwm = alley) + (y = definite article) + (ceunant / counant = ravine). The linking definite article is often lost in place names.

Y Counant
koi nant›
farm 6km ssw of Llanboidy SN2123 (county of Caerfyrddin)
NOTE: Southern pronunciation of ceunant (= ravine). See other examples at ou. Sometimes on maps with a spelling showing interference from English spelling convention - oy instead of ou. Thus “Coynant”


koun -ter› masculine noun
PLURAL cownteri
‹koun- te -ri›
counter = shop counter, long table for business

Nid oedd neb y tu ôl i’r cownter There was nobody behind the counter (there was nobody to serve the customers)

gwerthu dan y cownter sell under the counter (sell goods in a surreptitious way, and often at a premium, because they are in short supply, or the sale is illegal)

cownter benthyca (library) loans counter

counter = bank counter, long table for business

counter = section with a display by a counter in a shop

ugeiniau o bobl yn pori wrth y cownteri cylchgronau yn y siopau mawrion
scores of people browsing by the magazine counters in the big shops

counter = long table in a bar or café over which food and drink is served
cownter bwyd food counter

counter, jetton = metal token acting as a coin (to operate a vending machine, a turnstile, a shower, lock on a toilet door, etc)

counter = token in a board game
mae’r chwareuwyr yn taflu dis ac yna
yn symud y cownter i’r sgwâr priodol
the players throw a dice and then move the counter to the appropriate square

ETYMOLOGY: English counter < French comptouer < Latin computâre (= to compute) < (com- = with, putâre = to think)


kou-per masculine noun
PLURAL cowperiaid
‹kou-per-yaid - yed›

1 cooper

Y Cowper Mwyn A
folk tune in “The Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and Celtic Repertory” (1830). The English name is given as “The Kind Cooper”

ETYMOLOGY: English cowper < Middle English
couper < Middle Low German or Middle Dutch < Middle Latin cūpārius (cūp- = cask) + (-ārius – pertaining to)


cowrw, cowrwau+ <KOU-ru> [ˡkɔʊrʊ, kɔʊˡruˑaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
1 See cyfrwy


cowtsh kouch masculine noun
cowtshus kou -chis›
1 couch

ETYMOLOGY: Welsh couch < 1400- French couche = bed < coucher = lie down < collocâre = arrange < (con- = with) + (locâre = to put)


C.P.D. ‹ec pi di
1 Clwb Pęl-droed football club
(on a player’s shirt, for example) C.P.D. Cwm-sgwt Cwm Sgwt F.C. (= Football Club)



Sumbolau: ā ǣ ē ī ō ū / ˡ ɑ ć ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ ə ɑˑ eˑ iˑ oˑ uˑ ɑː ćː eː iː oː uː / ɥ / đ ɬ ŋ ʃ ʧ θ ʒ ʤ / aɪ ɔɪ əɪ ɪʊ aʊ ɛʊ əʊ / ә ʌ ŵ ŷ ẃ




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