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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
a > o
In certain words, in certain dialects, [a] in the penultimate syllable can
become [ɔ]
1 Studies in Welsh Phonology / Samuel J. Evans / 1909 / t19
“In Anglesey and Carnarvonshire dafad is regularly pronounced dafod.”
Cf southern Welsh yn wastad > ’wastod (= always)
> Amroth (place name, Sir Benfro)
> afol (= apple)
o < y
In a handful of words, usually preceding a consonantal w, y becomes o,
though not in standard Welsh;
however, this is a
change that is centuries old, and is not recent
Hywel > Howel (forename)
ap Hywel / Pywel > Powel (patronymic)
mynwent (= cemetery) > monwent
bosom) > monwes
mynach (=
monk) > monach
mynachdy (= moastery) > monachdy
A possibility too is Mynwy > *Monwy > *Monw (river
name, in English as Monnow)
o < aw
Regularly in a final syllable, but the aw re-emerges in the penultimate
syllable of derivative forms
athro (= male teacher) < athraw
athrawon (= teachers), athrawes (= female teacher)
In some words it is
not reduced
Ionawr (= January) in standard Welsh, though colloquially Ionor
Also in stress shift, especially noticeable in place names with an original mawr
/ fawr (= big)
crug-máwr (great heap / lump) > crúg-mawr > Crugmor (SN2047 farm
in Llangoedmor)
Crug mawr was the name of the hill now known as Banc y Warren
The change often obscures
one-syllable words in derivative forms:
anodd (= difficult) < anawdd < án-hawdd (an = negating prefix) + (hawdd = easy)
difrod (= damage) < difrawd
(di- prefix = without) + soft
mutation + (brawd = judgement)
Many words have the
reduction in the penultimate syllable
sawdl (= heel), sodlau
(= heels)
caws (= cheese), cosyn
(= a cheese)
o in monosyllables
G: (long vowel)
clog / glog, cog / gog, llog / log
(short vowel)
(generally words taken from Englsh) lòg,
o < dialect English o
Some loan words
from English have o whereas standard English has a
This o was a
feature of north-midland English dialects
In Welsh mon for
man, used as a suffix (though sometimes the
compound word is direct from English)
postmon (= postman)
porthmon (= cattle drover)
ponc (= hillock) < bonc
< dialect English bonk (standard English bank = slope,
In Welsh, the
initial b has been taken for a soft-mutated initial consonant, and a
radical form ponc has resulted
In the south-east, sblot
(= patch of ground) < English splot < earlier splat (=
patch of ground)
O, o ‹oo› feminine noun
1) tenth letter of the twenty-six
letter Roman alphabet
..1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d 5 e, 6 f, 7 g, 8 h, 9 i, 10 j, 11 k, 12 l, 13 m, 14 n, 15 o, 16 p, 17 q, 18 r, 19 s, 20 t, 21 u, 22 v, 23 w, 24 x, 25 y, 26 z
2) nineteenth letter of the twenty-nine
letter Welsh alphabet
..1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 ch, 5 d, 6 dd 7 e, 8 f, 9 ff, 10 g, 11 ng, 12 h, 13 i, 14 j, 15 l, 16 ll, 17 m, 18 n, 19 o, 20 p, 21 ph, 22 r, 23 rh, 24 s, 25 t, 26 th, 27 u, 28 w, 29 y
‹OO› (preposition)
(1) ohono i ‹o HO
(first person singular)
from me
(2) ohonon ni ‹o HO no ni› (first person plural)
from us
(3) ohonot ti ‹o HO no ti› (second person singular)
from you
(4) ohonoch chi ‹o HO no khi› (second person plural)
from you
(5) ohono fe / fo ‹o HO no
ve / vo› (third person singular masculine)
from him
(6) ohoni hi ‹o HO ni
(third person singular feminine)
from her
(7) ohonyn nhw (literary Welsh: ohonynt hwy) ‹o HO ni nu / o HO nint hui› (third person plural)
from them
There is soft
mutation after the preposition o
o + hyd (= from + until)
o wawr hyd fachlud from dawn to dusk “from dawn
to sunset”
o Gaer-dydd from
Caer-dydd / Cardiff
2 un
o…. one of (a gretaer number)
Mae hi’n canu’n well na’r un ohonyn nhw She sings better than any of
them (“than the one of them”)
3 (quantity, amounts)
digon (pronoun) enough
digon o enough (+ noun)
Mae gen i ddigon o arian I have
enough money
hen ddigon more than enough
Mae hen ddigon ohoni There’s enough
and to spare, There’s more than enough of it (“there’s old sufficiency of it”)
amryw byd (pronoun) very many things
/ people
amryw byd o very many (+ noun)
Mae gen i amryw byd o bethe i’ neud
heddi I’ve got hundreds of things to do today
4 (material) wedi'i ei wneud
o bren ‹WE di WNEUD o BREN› made of wood
5 gwybodaeth o (rywbeth)
knowledge of (something)
Mae ei gwybodaeth o Gatalaneg o fudd
mawr iddi
Her knowledge of Catalan is a great advantage for her
6 of = representing (picture, map, sculpture, etc)
delw o’r
Forwyn a Madonna (a staue of the Virgin Mary)
cerflun o’r Forwyn a Madonna (a
staue of the Virgin Mary)
llun o’r
Forwyn a Madonna (a picture of the Virgin Mary)
map o Gymru a map of Wales
map o’r byd a map of the world
portread o Gwyn Thomas a
portrait of Gwyn Thomas
portread Gwyn Thomas a portrait
belonging to Gwyn Thomas, in the possession of Gwyn Thomas
7 to the extent of
Mae’n rhy fach o dri maint It’s
three sizes too small
8 in forming linking adverbials
o ystyried all things considered,
considering the circumstances, in view of the situation (“from considering”)
9 by itself, all by itself
Mae’n diffodd ohono’i hun It
switches itself off, it goes off by itself
10 for… = considering that somebody is..., taking into account that
somebody is...
Mae e’n siarad Cymraeg yn dda iawn o
Sais He speaks very good Welsh for an Englishman
11 comparisons:
fel (like) + noun + o + adjective
bod fel cricsyn o iach be in rude
health, be as fit as a fiddle (“be like a cricket of healthy”)
Cf the alternative construction: bod yn
iach fel cricsyn (“be healthy like a cricket”)
12 In south-east Wales o (= with) instead of â (= with)
Studies in Welsh Philology / Samuel J. Evans, M.A. / Year 1909 / Page 19: The
simple preposition o (for â) is often used in the dialect of Glamorgan to
denote the instrument, as, ‘Codi glo o’r rhaw (â’r rhaw) = throwing up coal
with a shovel. (Quoted from Mr. John Griffith’s ‘Y Wenhwyseg’, p. 19. Published
by J. R. Southall, Newport).
It occurs
frequently in the 1620 Wiliam Morgan / Rhisiart Parri Bible
Sant Luc 1:41 A
bu, pan glybu Elisabeth gyfarchiad Mair, i’r plentyn yn ei chroth hi lamu: ac
Elisabeth a lanwyd o’r Ysbryd Glân.
Saint Luke1:41And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of
Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy
1 the grave accent indicates
a short vowel where in a long vowel environment
The ‘o’ in monosyllables in Welsh with final –b, -d, -g is long
llog ‹lhoog› interest (on money borrowed)
pob ‹poob› every
bod ‹bood› to be
However English words taken into Welsh with the same pattern (monsyllables,
final consonant g, b, d) but with a short vowel retain the short vowel in
Bòb Bob, Robert
Còb (embankment over an estuary)
hòg (nid / dim + hog)
(not + the least bit)
ffòg (fog = grass which grows after the hay is harvested)
lòg log (= branch; logbook)
Mòg short form for the name Morgan
In general, though, in written Welsh this grave accent is seldom used in such
cases, as Welsh-speakers are fully conversant with what words are long and whar
are short; or in previous generations, what words come from native stock and
which are of English origin.
o achos
‹o  khos› (preposition)
(after verbs) cywilyddo o achos
(rhywbeth) be ashamed of / about (something)
o amgylch ‹o AM
1 around
obadeia ‹o-ba- dei -a›
North Wales
1 idea, least idea; sgin i
ddim obadeia I've not the least idea
ETYMOLOGY: blend of (Obadeia =
Biblical name) + (eidea, Anglicism = idea)
o bant
‹o -bant› adverb
South Wales
1 from another place, not local;
O bant mae e He's not from around
here ("(it-is) from away that-is he")
from overseas
o bared i bost
‹o ba-red i bost› adverb
1 cael eich gwthio o bared i
bost be pushed around, get shoved about ("get your pushing from wall
to doorpost")
o bawb
‹o baub›
1 (said
of a person who one would least expect to do or say something that has caused
Mari, o bawb Mari, of all people, of
all the people in the world; etc
Mynnai taw fi, o bawb, oedd wedi anfon
ati’r llythyron cas dienw ’na
She insisted that it was me, of all people, who had said those nasty anomymous
to her
o bedwar ban byd
‹o- bed -war- ban - biid› adverb
1 from all over the world, from the four corners of the earth
("from the four peaks of the world ")
Also: o bedwar ban y byd
‹o -be-lisk› masculine noun
PLURAL obelisgau
obelisk = a vertical stone shaft, quadrangular in cross section and tapering to
a pyramidal apex, usually worked in one piece (Longman)
ETYMOLOGY: English obelisk, 1600-
< Latin < Greek obeliskos (=
little spit) < obelos (= spit,
i.e. a pointed bar placed through a piece of meat to hold it over a fire in
order to cook it; a pointed pillar)
o bell
‹o- belh› adverb
1 from afar
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + soft
mutation + (pell = far); cf Cornish a-bell = from afar
o bell ac agos
‹o- belh ag a -gos› adverb
1 from near and far (lit = from far and near)
o bellafoedd byd
‹o be-lha-vodh biid› adv
1 from the far corners of the earth, from all over the world
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + soft
mutation + (pellafoedd =
extremities, plural of pellaf = the
furthest) + (byd = the Earth)
o bell ffordd
‹o belh fordh› adverb
1 (after a superlative
adjective) far and away = by a great margin;
Dyma'r sir fwya diddorol o bell ffordd
yng Nghymru
This is far and away the most interesting county in Wales
ennill o bell ffordd win by a long
y gorau o bell ffordd by far the best, the best by far
Hwn yw’r gorau o bell ffordd This one is by far the best
nid o bell ffordd not by a long chalk,
far from it, not by any means;
Roedd e yn deneuach o lawer na mi - ond
doedd e ddim yn gysgod o ddyn - nid o bell ffordd
He was a lot thinner than me - but he wasn't a shadow of a man - far from it
Ond nid dyna'r cwbl o bell ffordd But that's not all by any means
ni... o bell ffordd not... at all;
Doedd pethau ddim yn troi allan fel y
dymunai o bell ffordd
Things weren't turning out as he had wanted at all
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + soft
mutation + (pell ffordd = distant
o ben
‹o ben› preposició
1 from the top of
from the end of
from the mouth of
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + soft
mutation + (pen = top, end, mouth)
o ben arall
‹o ben â-ralh› preposició
1 from the other end of;
o ben arall yr ynys from the other
end of the island
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + soft
mutation + (pen = end) + (arall = other)
o benbwygilydd ‹o ben bui gî -lidh› adverb
1 from one end to the other
o ben bwygilydd i’r wlad from
one end of the country to the other, throughout the land
o benbwygilydd i’r dref from one end of the town to the other
Brenhinoedd-2 10:21 A Jehu a anfonoedd trwy holl Israel; a holl addolwyr
Baal a daethant, ac nid oedd un yn eisiau a’r ni ddaethai: a hwy a ddaethant i
dŷBaal, a llanwyd tŷ Baal o ben bwygilydd
Kings-2 10:21 And Jehu sent through all Israel: and all the worshippers of Baal
came, so that there was not a man left that came not. And they came into the
house of Baal; and the house of Baal was full from one end to another
2 from start to finish
Fel llawer pererin, ni chaiff y Ffrwd ond taith arw o benbwygilydd
As with many a pilgrim, the Ffrwd stream has a rough journey from start to finish
(“the Ffrwd doesn’t get but a rough journey...”)
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) +
soft mutation + (penbwygilydd = one end to another)
o ben Caergybi i
ben Caer-dydd ‹o ben
kair- gə -bi i ben kair-diidh› adv
1 from one end of Wales to another, across the length and breadth of
Wales, all over the country
(literally: from the end where Caergybi is to the end where Caer-dydd is)
(Wales is roughly square in shape – and this would be a diagonal line from the
top left-hand corner to a point slightly to the left of the bottom right-hand
o ble
‹o BLEE› (adverb) where
1 oblegid ‹o BLE
(conjunction) because
2 oblegid ‹o BLE
(preposition) because of
o boptu
‹o BOP ti› (preposition)
1 on either side of
2 eistedd â’ch coesau o
boptu’r gadair straddle the chair
o bosibl / o bosib’ / o bosib ‹o BO sib› (adverb)
1 possibly
bydd + o bosibl might (“will be +
O bosib bydd e’n colli’r trên He
might miss the train
o bry
‹o BRII› (adverb)
1 from on high
o bwys
‹o BUIS› (phrase)
1 important
o'ch bodd neu
o’ch anfodd ‹ookh boodh nei ookh an-vodh›
1 whether you like it or not
ETYMOLOGY: (“of your satisfaction or of your dissatisfaction”)
(o = from) + (eich = your) + (bodd =
satisfaction) + (neu = or) + (o) + (eich + (anfodd =
o'ch corun i'ch
sawdl ‹oi GO rin iu SAU dul› (adverb)
1 from head to toe ('from your crown to your sole')
ochneidiau ‹o KHE ned, okh NEID ye› (feminine noun)
1 sigh
2 (sound) gollwng ochenaid let
out a sigh, breathe a sigh
ochneidiau ‹okh
NEID ye› (plural noun)
1 sighs; plural of ochenaid
ochneidio ‹okh
NEID yo› (verb)
1 to sigh
ochr (“ochor”),
ochrau ‹OO khor, OKH re› (feminine noun)
1 side
edrych ar yr ochr dywyll look on the dark side, see only the
disadvantages of a situation, see only the defects of a place
Mae’n well gen ti
edrych ar yr ochr dywyll o hyd You’d rather look on the dark side all the time
opposing side, rival side
mynd at ochr y gelyn go over to the
enemy, defect
ar un ochr i on one side of
4 allegiance
gorfod dangos eich ochr come off the fence = be
obliged to say who one supports
(“be obliged to show your allegiance / side”)
‹OO-khor khwiith› adjective
1 left-hand, left-side, on the left side
Mae'r fersiwn Gymraeg o’r stori ar y
ddalen ochr-chwith, a'r fersiwn Gatalaneg ar y ddalen ochr-dde
The Welsh version of the story is on the left-hand page, and the Catalan
version on the right-hand page
ETYMOLOGY: (ochr = side) + (chwith = left)
Yr Ochr
Draw ‹ər OO khor DRAU›
1 the other side (= heaven)
Ochr-y-foel ‹OO khor ə VOIL›
1 area of Diserth / Dyserth (county of Dinbych / Denbigh)
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) side (of) Y
Y Foel is “the bare hill”
(ochr =
side) + (y definite article) +
soft mutation + (moel = (bare) hill)
‹OO-khor ə mə-nidh› feminine noun
1 S00206 locality in
Merthyrtudful 3km west of the town centre
ETYMOLOGY: ‘(the) side (of) the mountain’
(ochr = side) + (y = definite article) + (mynydd = mountain, highland, pasture on
high ground)
ochr yn
ochr ‹OO khor ən OO khor› (adverb)
1 side by side
Ocsitaneg ‹ok si
TAA neg› (feminine noun, adjective)
1 Occitan
od ‹od › conjunction
1 (obsolete) if
Philipiaid 2:1 Od oes gan hynny ddim
diddanwch yng Nghrist, od oes dim cysur cariad, od oes dim cymdeithas yr
Ysbryd, od oes dim ymysgaroedd a thosturiaethau,
Philippians 2:1 If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort
of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,
Corinthiaid-1 7:36 Ond os yw neb yn
tybied ei fod yn anweddiad tuagat ei wyry, od â hi dros flodau ei hoedran, a bod yn rhaid
gwneuthur felly; gwnaed a fynno, nid yw yn pechu; priodant
Corinthians-1 1-76 But if any man thinketh that he behaveth himself uncomely
toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let
him do what he will, he sinneth not; let them marry
Barnwyr-1 6:13 O
fy arglwydd, od yw
yr ARGLWYDD gyda ni, paham y digwyddodd hyn oll i ni?
Eclesiastes-1 6:13
Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us?
ETYMOLOGY: o (= si) + -d added before a vowel. In modern
Welsh it is os both before a
consonant and before a vowel
‹OD› (adjective)
1 odd
Mae rhyw bethau òd ynddo He’s got
some odd ways
NOTE: Usually written without the grave accent, though strictly speaking this
is necessary to show that the vowel is short. The word od (long vowel) is an obsolete form meaning “if” and also an
obsolescent word for “snow”)
plural suffix
1 especially with animal names
jerbil (m) jerbilod gerbil
jiráff (m) jiraffod giraffe
llew (m) llewod lion
éliffant (m) eliffantod elephant
llwynog (m) llwynogod fox
buwch (in earlier Welsh: buch) (f) buchod
cath (f) cathod cat
gwiwer (f) gwiwerod squirrel
baedd (f) baeddod boar
2 others
ellyll (m)
ellyllod sprite, elf
geneth (f) genethod girl
o dan ‹o dan› preposició
1 mynd o dan enw ffug go under an assumed name
oddf ‹odhv› masculine noun
PLURAL oddfau
(obsolete) (in the flesh) swelling, lump
(obsolete) knot ‹in wood›
(obsolete) bulb, tuber
ETYMOLOGY: < British < Celtic
Irish fadhb (= problem; knot ‹in wood›)
‹odh-vog› adjective
1 bulbous
gweunwellt oddfog (Poa bulbosa)
bulbous meadowgrass
ETYMOLOGY: (oddf = bulb) + (-og suffix for forming adjectives)
oddi ‹OO-dhi› adverb
1 from
Used in combination
with a following preposition or adverb
oddi acw from over there
oddi allan from
oddi am from around
oddi ar off (“from on”)
oddi mewn i from
inside (something); inside (something)
oddi uchod from
oddi wrth from
oddi yma from here
oddi yna from there
oddi yno from the place mentioned
ETYMOLOGY: a double preposition: (o = from) + (ddi, an obsolete
preposition = from)
oddi agos
‹ô-dhi â-gos› adverb
1 from close up
2 at point blank range
ETYMOLOGY: (oddi = from) + (agos = near)
oddi am preposition
1 After verbs:
..1/ (clothes) tynnu... oddi am =
take off
tynnu’r wenwisg oddi am offeirad defrock a priest, expel a priest
from the priesthood (“pull / remove the surplice from around the priest”)
simply tynnu
tynnu’ch esgidiau take your shoes
oddi ar
‹o dhi AR› (preposition)
1 since
tynnu enw rhywun oddi ar restr take
somebody’s name off a list, remove somebody’s name from a list
3 lladrata (rhywbeth) oddi ar (rywun) steal (something) from
oddieithr ‹o dhi
EI thir› (preposition)
1 except for
o ddifrif / o ddifri’ ‹o DHI vri›
1 serious, earnest
2 bod o ddifrif be in earnest, not be joking
bod yn hollol o ddifrif be in deadly earnest, be completely serious
oddi wrth ‹o dhi
1 from
rhyddháu rhywun oddi wrth bechod
absolve somebody of his / her sins
gollwng rhywun oddi wrth bechod
absolve somebody of his / her sins
‹O-di› (v)
1 southern Welsh form of ydyw (Northern Welsh ydi) =
yes, it is
2 southern
Welsh form of a ydyw…? (Northern Welsh ydi…?) = is it…?
The 3rd [person] singular ydiw was so written up to the 16th
century; and rhymes with words in -iw, as friw, ýdiw D. G.
(= Dafydd ap Gwilym (North Cardiganshire), floruit 1350-80, reference [is]
to Barddoniaeth Dafydd ap Gwilym… Llundain, 1789) 35 cf. 119, 144, 193,
etc. and G. (= Gwalchmai, Anglesey. Floruit 1150-90) 186, 193, 203, 206, 235,
247, also with yw (= iw); see paragraph 77 v. The Late Modern ydyw
is an etymological spelling, and is read ýdiw, except by a few
affected persons. The Noerth Wales dialect form is ýdi (and, in
answering questions only, ndi, a curious attempt to sound y with
the tongue in the d position). South Wales dialect, in questions and
answers, ódi.
(delwedd 7261)
‹oo-dii-ko-loon› masculine noun
1 (colloquial) eau de cologne; in standard Welsh with the French
spelling (eau de cologne), or dŵr persawrus (“perfumed water”)
ETYMOLOGY: French eau de Cologne =
water of Cologne / Köln
odid ‹OO-did› (masculine noun)
1 (obsolete) wonderful thing, wonderful person
2 (adverb) hardly, scarcely
odid nad (archaic) it is likely
that, it is usually the case that
odid y (archaic) it is unlikely
that, it is not usually the case that, it’s infrequent that
3 ofid un / ben / ddim
ni + odid un hardly anyone
ni + odid neb hardly anyone
ni + odid ddim ‹oo-did dhim› (archaic) practically no..., hardly any...
(odid = hardly) + (ni…ddim = no; not any)
Ni fu odid ddim glaw There was hardly any snow
Does odid ddim amser ar ôl There’s
not much time left
4 ond odid perhaps, maybe
A Welsh Grammar,
Historical and Comparative. John Morris(-)Jones, 1913. Page 437: ond odid… ‘perhaps’
(literally ‘except a rarity’)
Genesis 18:30 Ac efe a ddywedodd, O na
ddigied fy Arglwydd os llefaraf: Ceir yno ond odid ddeg ar hugain. Yntau a ddywedodd, Nis
gwnaf os caf yno ddeg ar hugain.
Genesis 18:30 And he
said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall
thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.
Genesis 24:5 A’r gwas a ddywedodd
wrtho ef, Ond odid
ni fyn y wraig ddyfod ar fy ôl i i’r wlad hon: gan ddychwelyd a ddychwelaf dy
fab di i’r tir y daethost allan ohono?
24:5 And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman
will not be willing to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy son
again unto the land from whence thou camest?
ETYMOLOGY: British < Celtic *au-tîtos
(Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru / The University of Wales Dictionary)
Cf Irish (these are nowadays archaic words and expressions):
uathadh (= a small number, a small quantity),
in uathadh (= alone),
uathaigh (= to lessen, become few, make few)
odl, odlau ‹O dl, OD le› (feminine noun)
1 rhyme
odl driphlyg (Poetry) triple rhyme
o do ‹oo doo › adverb
1 indeed I / we; you; he / she / it / they did! (after a sentence
with a verb in the preterite tense)
Fe lorion ni nhw, o do! We really floored
them; We floored them, and how; We floored them, oh yes we did!
odre <O-dre> (masculine noun)
1 soft-mutated form of godre (= bottom part)
wrth odre at the bottom of, at the foot of
llecyn cysgodol wrth odre’r graig a sheltered spot at the
foot of the rock
‹od-riv› masculine noun
PLURAL odrifau
1 odd
number = a number which is not a multiple of two
ETYMOLOGY: (od < English odd [number]) + soft mutation + (rhif = number)
‹od-ruidh › masculine noun
oddness, strangeness
ETYMOLOGY: (òd = odd, strange) + (-rwydd suffix for forming abstract
Odydd ‹ô -didh› (m)
PLURAL Odyddion
‹o- dədh -yon›
Oddfellow, member of an Oddfellows mutual aid society
Oddfellows Street
in Ystradgynlais would be Heol yr Odyddion in Welsh
ETYMOLOGY: Semi-translation of Oddfellow (òd
= odd) + (-ydd agent suffix)
The Oddfellows were originally a trade guild of tradesmen and craftsmen of
odd (= disparate, different, varying) trades rather than a single trade
odyn ‹OO -din› feminine noun
PLURAL odynau
‹o- də -ne›
kiln, oven
odyn galch limekiln, oven. Simply as
odyn this is frequent in field
See the separate entry for odyn galch
Cae'r odyn (field of the ‹lime› kiln)
Heol yr Odyn (‘(the) street (of) the
kiln’) Name of a street in Tre-lai, Caer-dydd
3 odyn drydan electric
odyn frics brick kiln
(Bible) odyn briddfaen brick kiln
Jeremiah 43:9 Cymer yn dy law gerrig
mawrion, a chuddia hwynt yn y clai yn yr odyn briddfaen, yr hon sydd yn nrws ty
Pharo, yn Tapanhes, yng ngolwg gwyr Jwda
Jeremiah 43:9 Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the clay in the
brickkiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes, in the sight
of the men of Judah
odyn frag malt kiln (for drying
germinated barley grains) (ODYN) + soft mutation B > F + (BRAG = malt)
ETYMOLOGY: unknown origin;
From the same British root: Cornish oden (= oven)
Hibernian languages: Irish áith
(feminine noun) (= oven)
odyn galch ‹OO-din galkh› feminine noun
PLURAL odynau
calch ‹o-də-ne galkh›
limekiln = place for burning limestone for fertilising fields (limestone is burnt
to obtain calcium oxide; exposed to the air, or mixed with water, it produces
calcium hydroxide, 'lime')
common in field names simply as "odyn":
Allt yr Odyn (the) wood (of) the
Cae'r Odyn (the) field (of) the
Erw'r Odyn (the) field (of) the
Heol yr Odyn (‘(the) street (of) the
kiln’) Name of a street in Tre-lai, Caer-dydd
Pen yr Odyn (= pen yr odyn) - (the)
end (of the field where) the lime kiln (is situated) –
(1) Pen’rodyn street name in the
village of Arthog (near Dolgellau, county of Gwynedd),
(2) Pen’rodyn street name in the
town of Tregaron (county of Ceredigion)
Weun yr Odyn (= gwaun yr odyn) (the)
(wet) field (of) the limekiln
Wrglo'r Odyn (= gweirglodd yr odyn)
(the) field / meadow (of) the limekiln
ETYMOLOGY: (odyn = oven) + soft
mutation + (calch = lime, limestone)
odyn frics ‹ô-din vriks› feminine noun
PLURAL odynau
brics ‹o-də-ne briks›
brick kiln
ETYMOLOGY: (odyn = oven) + soft
mutation + (brics = bricks)
1/ in a final syllable, colloquially reduced to o
-oedd > -o’dd / -odd (plural termination)
cannoedd (= handreds) > cano’dd / canodd
2/ Sometimes in a
tonic syllable
Y Coelben (village in
Morgannwg) > Y Colbren
oed, oedau ‹OID, OI
(masculine noun)
1 age
Beth yw eich oed? ‹BEETH
iu əkh OID› (phrase) How old are
Mae hi’n dair blwydd oed She’s three years old
Mae e ddwywaith ei hoed hi He’s
twice her age
4 bod yn eich oed a’ch amser be well on in years, be well on in
life, be of advanced years, be of mature years (“be in your age and your time”)
Mae e yn ei oed a’i amser He’s well on in years
1 oedd ‹OIDH› (verb)
1 was; colloquially oodd ‹OODH›
2 oedd ‹OI dh› (verb)
1 (reply) yes, he she it was
-oedd ‹OIDH›
1 plural suffix
cannoedd < cant (=
one hundred) (m)
darlithoedd (also darlithiau)
< darlith (= lecture) (f)
gwyntoedd <
gwynt (= wind) (m)
llysoedd < llys (= court of law,
royal court) (m)
miloedd < mil (= thousand) (m)
misoedd < mis (= month) (m)
moreoedd < môr (= sea) (m)
mynyddoedd (also mynyddau)
< mynydd (= mountain) (m)
shilffoedd < shilff (=
shelf) (f)
oeddach ‹OI
1 (North-west) (reply) yes, you were
chi? ‹OI dha khi› (verb)
1 (North-west) were you?
1 oeddan ‹OI dhan› (verb)
1 (= nhw) (North-west) (reply) yes, they were
2 oeddan ‹OI dhan› (verb)
1 (= ni) (North-west) (reply) yes, we were
oeddan? ‹OI dhan› (verb)
1 (North-west) were we?
oeddan nhw? ‹OI dhan nu› (verb)
1 (North-west) were they?
oeddan ni ‹OI dhan› (verb)
1 (North-west) (reply) yes, we were
2 (reply) yes, they were
oeddat ‹OI dhat› (verb)
1 (North-west) (reply) yes, you were
oeddat ti? ‹OI dha ti› (verb)
1 (North-west) were you?
oeddech ‹OI
1 (reply) you were
chi? ‹OI dhe khi› (verb)
1 were you?
oedden ‹OI
1 (reply) yes, we were
2 (reply) yes, they were
oedden nhw? ‹OI dhe nu?› (verb)
1 were they?
oedden ni? ‹a OI dhen› (verb)
1 were we?
oeddet ‹OI
1 (reply) yes, you were
oeddet ti? ‹a OI dhe ti› (verb)
1 were you?
oedd o? ‹OI dho› (verb)
1 (North Wales) was he?
oeddwn ‹OI
1 (reply) yes, I was
oeddwn i? ‹OI dhu ni› (verb)
1 (I) was I?
oedd e? ‹OI dhe› (verb)
1 was he?
oedd hi? ‹OIDH hi› (verb)
1 (she) was she?
oedi ‹OI di› (verb)
1 to delay
oedi delaying tactic
Also: tacteg arafu, tacteg arafol
‹ oid -yog› adjective
(obsolete) old, ancient
(obsolete) long-lived
slow, delayed
ETYMOLOGY: (oed-i- stem of oedio = to delay) or (oed = age) + (-iog, suffix for forming adjectives)
oedrannau ‹OI dran, oi DRA ne› (masculine noun)
1 age
old age, full age
oedran teg ripe old age
byw i oedran teg live to a ripe old
mewn oedran teg advanced in years
(“in a fair age”)
Er mewn oedran teg dalia Mr Edwards i
gerdded deng milltir bob dydd
Although he’s well on in years Mr. Edwards continues to walk ten miles every
Fe welodd oedran teg He had a long
life, He lived to a ripe old age (“he saw a fair life”)
oen ‹ôin› masculine noun
lamb = object of sacrifice to God in the Old Testament
Genesis 22:8 Fy mab, Duw a edrych iddo
ei hun am oen y poethoffrwm
Genesis 22:8 My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering
3 yr Oen = the Lamb; Oen Duw = the Lamb of God; yr
addfwyn Oen = the gentle Lamb
Christ in the New Testament as a symbol of sacrifice (from the practice of
sacrificing lambs to Jehovah)
Datguddiad 14:1 ac wele Oen yn sefyll ar
fynydd Seion
Revelation 14:1 And lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion
Ioan 1:29 Wele Oen Duw, yr hwn sydd yn
tynnu ymaith bechodau'r byd
John 1:29 Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world
4 lamb = an emblem associated with John the Baptist; usually
depicted carrying a lamb, or accompanied by a lamb
5 mor ddiniwed ag oen as
innocent as a lamb;
also mor ddiniwed â'r oen bach
("as innocent as the little lamb")
6 cyfoen pregnant; dafad gyfoen pregnant ewe, ewe with
7 dod ag oen give birth
to a lamb
8 cig oen lamb (= meat);
also oen -
coes oen = leg of lamb
ysgwydd oen = shoulder of lamb
9 cwrw oen (obsolete)
lamb ale, beer drunk at lamb-shearing
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh oen < British *ogn-os < Celtic
From the same British root: Cornish oen
(= lamb), Breton oan (= lamb)
From the same Celtic root: Irish uan
(= lamb)
cf Latin: agnus (= lamb)
NOTE: South Wales o'n ‹oon›
oena ‹oi -na› verb without an object
1 (ewes) to lamb, to give birth
ETYMOLOGY: (oen = lamb) + (-a, suffix for forming verbs)
‹oi -nedh› adjective
1 lamblike, gentle
ETYMOLOGY: (oen = lamb) + (-a, suffix for forming adjectives)
Oen Duw
‹ôin diu› masculine noun
1 the Lamb of God, Christ in the New Testament as a symbol of
(from the practice of sacrificing lambs to Jehovah) wele Oen Duw (Ioan / John 1:29) behold the Lamb of God
lamb of God = figure of a lamb (representing Christ) bearing a cross or an
inscribed banner
Eglwys Oen Duw = church of the Lamb
of God
...Eglwys Oen Duw = locality 15km
west of Llanfair ym Muallt (county of Powys)
ETYMOLOGY: (oen = lamb) + (Duw = God)
‹oi -nig› feminine noun
1 literary lambkin, little
ETYMOLOGY: (oen = lamb) + (-ig = diminutive suffix)
oen partha
‹ôin par -tha› masculine noun
South Wales
1 pet lamb ("lamb (of) hearth")
Oenwen ‹OIN
(feminine noun)
1 woman's name
oer ‹OIR› (adjective)
1 cold
oerach ‹OI rakh› (adjective) colder
oeraf ‹OI ra› (adjective) the
oer fel troed hwyaden (“cold like
foot (of) duck”, as cold as a duck’s foot)
oer fel llyffant “cold like a frog”
Mae fy nhraed i mor oer â llyffaint
My feet are as cold as ice (“as cold as frogs”)
4 in place names, it could possibly
mean ‘deserted, abandoned’, as can ‘cold’ in English place names
(See “HAFOD and HAFOTY in Welsh Place-names” / Melville Richards)
Hafod-oer (SH7615) Name of a farm in Y Brithdir south-east of Dolgellau
‘cold summer farm’ (or possibly ‘abandoned summer farm’).
Nearby 2km to the west is (SH7824) Waun Oer (“cold moor”) as if to
confirm the cold temperature hereabouts – such a name would suggest that it was
cold when one would have expected it not to be – in the spring, or the summer,
or autumn – in comparison to negihbouring area.
PLURAL oerfaoedd, oerféydd ‹OIR vel, oir VÂ odh, oer VEIDH› (feminine noun)
1 cold place
2 Pond yr Oerfa (“(the) pond (of) the cold place”) SN7279 name of a
lake in the county of Ceredigion, 3km north of Pontarfynach
oerfel ‹OIR vel› (masculine noun)
1 cold
oeri ‹OI ri› (verb)
1 get cold
Yr Oernant ‹ər oir -nant›
1 Bwlch yr Oernant (“pass of Yr Oernant”)
SJ1846 Mountain pass in Sir Ddinbych, on Mynydd Maesyrychen near Pentre-dŵr
between Llandegla and Llangollen. The English call it “Horseshoe Pass”
stream name by Penmachno (SH7950), county of Conwy
ETYMOLOGY: “the cold valley” or “the cold stream”
(yr definite article) + (oer = cold) + (nant = (older Welsh) valley; (modern Welsh) stream)
oerni ‹OIR ni› (masculine noun)
1 cold, coldness
oerni rhywiol frigidity, sexual
oerwynt ‹ OIR-wint›
1 cold
oerwynt Mawrth the cold wind of March
ETYMOLOGY: “cold wind” (oer = cold)
+ soft mutation + (gwynt = wind)
(1) ‹ôis› feminine noun
PLURAL oesoedd,
oesau ‹oi -sodh, oi-se›
life = lifetime, the period of existence from birth to death;
yn ystod blynyddoedd olaf ei hoes in
the last years of her life;
cael braw mwyaf ei oes to get the
fright of his life;
ac yno y buont yn byw hyd ddiwedd eu
hoes and this is where they lived until the end of their lives ("the
end of their life")
bore eich oes one's childhood
("(the) morning (of) one's life")
cyfeillion bore oes childhood
ym more eich oes early on in one's
yn eich oes in all your born days
Welais i'r fath beth erioed yn f'oes
I never saw such a thing in my life
Hir oes! (drinking toast) cheers! (“a long life!”)
2 life = lifetime, the period of existence of something inanimate,
such as a machine, a lease, style of clothing, etc
daeth ei oes i ben its life came to
an end
3 life = period of one's life dedicated to work;
Treuliodd Wiliam Roberts ei oes yn y
William Roberts spent his life in the quarry;
Bu'n of ym mhentre Ponterwyd gydol ei
He was a blacksmith in the village of Ponterwyd all his life
4 age, epoch, era, times;
yn yr oes honno in those days, in
those times;
yn yr oes sydd ohoni in the age we
live in, in the present age;
Oes y Cerrig the Stone Age,
yr Oes Haearn <ər ois
HEI-arn> [ər ɔɪs ˡhəɪarn] the Iron Age,
Oes yr Iâ <ois ər YAA> [ɔɪs ər ˡjɑː] the Ice Age;
yr Oes Aur <ər ois AIR> [ər ɔɪs ˡaɪr] the Golden Age
5 oes yr arth a'r blaidd
prehistoric times ("the age of the bear and the wolf")
yn oes yr arth a'r blaidd in
prehistoric times
rhywun / rhywbeth o oes yr arth a'r
someone / something from prehistoric times (in exaggerating the age of somebody
or an object)
6 yr oes, the age = the
present times;
digywilydd-dra llafnau'r oes the
impertinence of today's adolescents;
angen yr oes today's needs
7 the people of the present age;
Mae'r oes wedi mynd yn fwy hunanol
People have become more selfish
8 bod ar ôl yr oes be
behind the times
9 age, eternity = a long time to wait;
Fe aeth oes heibio Ages went by
("an age went past"),
ar ôl oes dyma Catrin yn dod nôl
ages later Catrin came back ("after an age...")
10 yn gynnar yn eich oes
early in your life
in expressions suggesting “a very long time”
oes ci hela (South-east Wales), ("the life of a hunting dog")
oes mochyn ("the life of a pig")
oes mul ("the life of a
oes mulsyn ("the life of a
oes pys ("the life of
12 since some time long ago; when referring to time which has gone
by since something happened
Mae oes wedi mynd heibio ers hynny
That was ages ago ("an age has gone by since then")
ers oesoedd for ages;
Rw i heb ei weld ers oesoedd I've
not seen him for ages;
ers oes Adam since the time of Adam
13 yn oes oesoedd for ever and ever, for evermore ("in the age
of ages")
disgwyliad oes life expectancy
15 drwy'r oesoedd down
the ages
16 life = remaining time of existence; time from now
cael carchar am oes get life imprisonment,
be sentenced to life imprisonment
17 life = length of popularity
archwerthwyr ag iddynt oes byr iawn
bestsellers with a very short life
18 Craig yr Oesoedd the Rock of Ages (epithet for Jesus
(“(the) rock (of) the ages”) (craig
= rock) + (yr = the) + (oesoedd ages, plural of oes = age)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic; Cornish oes (= period).
In Hibernian Celtic: Irish aois (= period, age); Scottish aois (= age)
NOTE: South Wales oes > o's ‹oos› (the change oe > o' in monosyllables is a usual feature in the South)
oes ‹ois› verb
1 a oes...? is there...? are
there...? (colloquially oes...? with
the loss of the interrogative particle)
nid oes... there isn’t / aren’t (colloquially does dim with the loss of the first syllable)
(North) sginti < 's gin ti < nid oes genny ti you don’t have
sginti...? < 's gin ti...? < a oes
gennyt ti...? do you have...?
“Let them see how in their spoken Welsh the accent turns a sentence of many words
into a single word of one or two syllables... e.g. a oes gennyt ti? has become
T Hudson Williams (1873-1961), University College, Bangor / Vox Populi - A Plea
for the Vulgar Tongue
o fawr bwys
‹oo vaur buis ›
of little importance
Nìd yw o fawr bwys It’s of little
ETYMOLOGY: (ni = not)..... + (o = of) + soft mutation + (mawr = big, great) + soft mutation + (pwys = importance)
ofer ‹o-ver› adjective
1 fruitless, unsuccessful, futile,
ofer... it’s no use
(doing something)
Ofer cuddio’ch pen yn y tywod it’s no use hiding your head in the sand
Often in the form ofer + bod
ofer yw = there's no point, it's
Ofer yw gwrth-ddadlau â phobl felly It’s pointless arguing with people like
Ofer fu’r ymdrech It was all in vain
Ofer fu ei ymdrechion hyd yma His
efforts have been in vain so far
4 dilyn trywydd ofer go down a blind alley, go along a path that
leads nowhere (“follow a futile trail”)
‹o-ver-dib› masculine or feminine
1 wishful thinking
ETYMOLOGY: (ofer = futile, useless,
pointless) + soft mutation + (tyb =
thinking, supposition)
‹o-ver-goil› feminine noun
PLURAL ofergoelion
superstition = an example of irrational belief in supernatural forces
superstition = a religion which is held to be false
ETYMOLOGY: (ofer = futile, useless,
pointless) + soft mutation + (coel =
‹o-ver-goi-ledh› masculine noun
1 superstition, superstitiousness = state of being superstitious, of
having irrational beliefs in omens
ETYMOLOGY: (ofergoel = superstition)
+ (-edd suffix)
‹o-ver-goi-li-e0› feminine noun
1 superstition, superstitiousness = state of being superstitious, of
having irrational beliefs in omens
ETYMOLOGY: (ofergoel = superstition)
+ (-i-aeth suffix)
‹o-ver-goi-lis› adjective
1 superstitious
Un ofergoelus oedd Mam erioed Mother
had been superstitious all her life
ETYMOLOGY: (ofergoel = superstition)
+ (-us = suffix for forming
‹ o- ver -was› masculine
PLURAL oferweision
‹ o-ver- weis -yon›
rake, wastrel
ETYMOLOGY: (ofer = futile, useless)
+ soft mutation + ( gwas = lad)
oferweithio ‹o ver
WEITH yo› (verb) (North Wales)
1 overwork
‹o -ve -rur› masculine noun
PLURAL oferwyr
wastrel, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well
Bob tro iddo gyrraedd y porthladd
gwariai ei gyflog yng nghwmni oferwyr y dref
Every time he came to port he would spent his pay in the company of the town's
ETYMOLOGY: (ofer = futile, useless,
pointless) + (-wr suffix = man)
o fewn
‹o VEUN› (preposition)
1 within
2 o fewn dwy ach at two removes (= with two degrees of separation
in kinship)
Mae e’n gefnder imi o fewn dwy ach He’s my cousin at two removes (= the
grandson of my cousin)
Offa ‹ô -fa› masculine noun
1 Offa, King of Mercia (reigned 38 / 39 years, from 757 until his
death in 796) who built a demarcation ditch between England and Wales Clawdd Offa (qv) Offa’s Dyke
Trefýclo or Tref-y-clawdd (qv) village in the county of Powys (“(the) trêv /
farmstead (of) the dyke”)
Offa name of an electoral ward in
Ward Offa the Offa ward
Brynoffa (qv) ‘(the) hill (of)
Offa’. The meaning is ‘hill overlooking Offa’s Dyke’.
.....(1) street name in Rhosllannerchrugog (county of Wrecsam)
.....(2) street name in Coed-poeth (county of Wrecsam)
.....(3) name of a district on the western side of Rhos-ddu (county of Wrecsam)
and also a street name here
Farm name, Argoed /
New Brighton, Y Fflint
llwyn Offa “(the)
wood (of) Offa”. The meaning is ‘woodland overlooking Offa’s Dyke’.
Clawddoffa SJ2467
(“Clawdd-Offa”) ‘(the) dyke (of) Offa’, ‘Offa’s dyke’
Farm in Sychdyn, Y
‹o- feir -yad› masculine noun
PLURAL offeiriaid,
offeiriadon, offeiriadau ‹o- feir -yed, o-feir-yâ-don, o-feir-yâ-de›
priest = a minister of religion; especially a Catholic priest
(Eglwys Loegr = the Church of England) vicar = a clergyman appointed to act as
the priest for a parish
priest = non-Christian priest
archoffeiriad archpriest, (formerly)
the chief assistant of a bishop who took over many of his duties in his absence
fel piso ’ffeirad (said of weak
beer) ("like (the) piss (of a) priest / vicar")
llau’r offeiriad (Galium aparine)
goosegrass (“nits (of) the clergyman”)
sefyll allan fel ffeir’ad mewn ffair
stick out like a sore thumb = be very obvious “stand out like a clergyman in a
(sefyll allan = stand out) + (fel = com) + (ffeir’ad < ffeiriad
< offeiriad = clergyman) + (mewn = in) + (ffair = fair)
ETYMOLOGY: the basic meaning was "one who gives an offering";
(1) offeiriad < effeiriad < offeiriad (see comment 4)
(2) (*offér- = offering) + (-i-ad = prefix).
(3) offér- < Latin offér- < offerere (= to present) < ob
(= towards, against) + ferre (= to
(4) The initial o became e due to the influence of the front
vowels in the following syllables, but the o
later reappeared or reestablished itself, probably reinforced by offrwm (= offering), offrymu (= to make an offering)
NOTE: Often with the loss of the first syllable in spoken Welsh;
(1) North Wales ffeiriad,
(2) South Wales ffeirad, ffirad (with
the absence of the semiconsonant "i" at the beginning of a final
syllable –iad > -ad; and the
simplification of the penult diphthong ei
> i; both of these are usual features in southern Welsh. The plural is ffeiradon (= offeiriadon), which in the
south-east becomes ffiraton (with
the devoicing of the initial 'd' of the final consonant; the devoicing of
"d", "b" and "g" in this position is typical in
the south-east)
John Hobson Mathews
(Mab Cernyw) in 'Cardiff Records' (1889-1911),
notes a filed called Cae’r Offeiriad (Kaer ffirad). The pronunciation
would have been Cää’r Ffirad. (cae, southern Welsh caa,
south-eastern Welsh cää)
1747. Coroner's Inquest taken at the house of John James at
Landaff in the Hundred of Kibbor and County of Glamorgan, upon view of the body
of Morgan Thomas late of the Parish of Landaff aforesaid, labourer, found that
the deceased was undermining a pine end of a certain house in a field called Kaer ffirad in the parish
of Landaff, when the said pine end fell suddenly on him and crushed him to
‹o-feir- YAA -dol› adjective
1 priestly
coleg offeiriadol seminary
ETYMOLOGY: (offeiriad = priest) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)
1 abbreviation = offerynnol (Grammar) instrumental
‹o-fee-ren› feminine noun
PLURAL offerennau
mass = celebration of Eucharist
isel offeren low mass = one which is
simplified and spoken by the priest rather than sung
3 canu'r
offeren perform mass ("sing the mass")
4 offeren
ddu black mass = blasphemous version of a Christian mass
offeren dros y meirw (“mass
on-behalf-of the dead-ones”) requiem mass = (Roman Catholic Church) a Mass for
the dead
Also: offeren requiem ‹o-fee-ren re-kwi-em› requiem mass
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh offeren < *offerén < Latin offerénda < offerre (= to present) < (ob-
= in front of, away, etc) + (ferre =
to carry)
Breton: oferenn (= mass)
From the same Latin word via British: Cornish: oferenn (= mass), Breton: oferenn
(= mass),
From the same Latin word: Irish aifreann
(= mass)
offerynnau ‹o FE rin, o fe RƏ ne› (masculine noun)
1 implement
offer implements, equipment
offer trydanol symudol movable electrical equipment
2 musical instrument
offeryn cerdd musical instrument
offer stryd street furniture (seats,
lamposts, etc) (“equipment (of) street”)
offeryniaethau ‹o fe RIN yeth, o fe rin YEI the› (feminine noun)
offerynnol ‹o fe RƏ
1 instrumental
2 (Grammar) instrumental
Abbreviation: offer.
offerynnu ‹o fe RƏ ni› (verb)
1 instrumentalise
offerynnydd, offerynwyr ‹o fe RƏ nidh, o fe RƏN wir› (masculine noun)
1 instrumentalist
offis, offisus /
offisau ‹O fis, o FI sis / o FI se› (feminine noun) ‹SUIDH va›
(colloquial) office. Standard form:
‹o -frum› masculine noun
PLURAL offrymau
offering, sacrifice of an animal to a god
7:18 Ac os
bwyteir dim o gig offrwm ei ebyrth hedd ef o fewn y trydydd dydd, ni byddir
bodlon i’r hwn a’i hoffrymo ef, ac nis cyfrifir iddo, ffieiddbeth fydd; a’r dyn
a fwyty ohono, a ddwg ei anwiredd.
7:18 And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be eaten
at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed
unto him that offereth it: it shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth
of it shall bear his iniquity.
2 offering, money
given at the end of a religious service for church funds
North-west Wales offrwm y clochydd ("(the) offering (of) the sexton') or offrwm pen pâl ("offering (of) end
(of) spade") - tip given to a church sexton after a funeral service -
placed on the blade of the spade which the sexton holds out on the horizontal
as mourners leave the funeral
Foel Offrwm SH7420 mountain in the district of Meirionnydd (county of Gwynedd)
"hill (of the) offering"
ETYMOLOGY: offrwm < offrwn
< offrwng < Old English ofrung (= offering).
The change ng > n > m is also to be seen in the place name Y Trallwm (Sir Drefaldwyn /
Montgomeryshire) (local form) < Y
Trallwn < Y Trallwng (standard form). In Abertawe / Swansea there is Y
o flaen ‹oo VLAIN› (preposition)
South Wales: o
fla’n ‹oo VLAAN›, south-east o
flä’n ‹oo VLEEN›
in front of
2 after verbs in certain expressions:
..1/ arllwys eich cwd o flaen (South) unbosom / unburden yourself to
(“open your bag in front of...”)
..2/ mynd o flaen gofid look for
difficulties where there are none (“go in front of affliction”)
Mae cryn daith o’n blaenau We have a
long way to go
Mae cryn bellter o’n blaenau We have
a long way to go
Mae cryn siwrnai o’n blaenau We have
a long way to go
o flaen gwn at gunpoint (“in front
(of) (a ) gun”)
o flaen dryll at gunpoint (“in front
(of) (a ) gun”)
ofn, ofnau ‹OO von, OV ne› (masculine noun)
1 fear
2 Mae
ofn arna i ‹mai OO von ar nai› (phrase) I'm afraid (there is fear on me)
codi ofn am eich enaid arnoch scare
the living daylights out of, scare the shit out of, put the fear of God into,
frighten somebody stiff (“raise fear for your soul on you”)
bod yn ddigon i godi ofn arnoch be
creepy (“be enough to raise fear on you”)
bod ofn arnoch ar eich hyd be very
afraid (“be fear on you on your length” - from top to bottom, all your length)
ofnadwy ‹ov NAA
1 terrible
mewn tymer ofnadwy
(mewn tymer ofnadw) in a terrible temper
2 mor ofnadwy o…
mynd mor ofnadwy o…
Rwyt ti wedi mynd
mor ofnadw o grintachlyd
You’ve become really stingy
-ofni ‹OV ni› (verb)
1 to fear, be afraid of
Ofnai Rhiannon i’w chwaer fach syrthio Rhiannon
was afraid that her little sister would fall
ofnus ‹OV nis› (adjective)
1 fearful
og, ogiau /
ogau ‹OOG, OG yai, -ye / OO gai, -ge› (feminine noun)
1 harrow (implement for evening the ground)
‹OG› (suffix)
adjectival suffix;
1 gwynt (= wind), gwyntog (= windy);
haul (= sun), heulog (= sunny)
niwl (= fog), niwlog (= foggy)
cwmwl (= cloud), cymylog (= cloudy)
many adjectives from an earlier period have become nouns in their own right (marchog, literally 'equine', hence
'equine man', ‘horse nam’, now 'knight')
-awg (now –og) was used in hypochoristic forms of names in the early Welsh
‹KAA-dog› for Cadfael
(cad-, first element of the name Cadfael) + (-awg / -og suffix)
o ganlyniad ‹oo gan- lən
1 as a result, as a consequence
bod o ganlyniad i be a consequence
of, as a result of
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + soft
mutation + (canlyniad = consequence,
‹O gla› (masculine noun)
1 smell (North-west)
ogof <OO-gov> [ˡoˑgɔv] (feminine noun)
PLURAL ogofâu,
ogoféydd <o-go-VAAI, o-go-VEIDH> [ɔgɔˡvaɪ, ɔgɔˡvəɪð]
cave = an underground hollow or chamber
celfyddyd yr ogofâu cave art
preswylydd ogof cave dweller;
plural preswylwyr ogof (if living in
one cave) , preswylydd ogofâu (if
living in caves in general)
peintiad ogof plural peintiada ogofâu cave painting
ogof lladron a den of thieves,
robbers' hideout, thieves' den, brigands' cave
ogof opiwm opium den
Place names:
Danyrogof (“(the house) below (the
entrance to) the cave”),
Gallt yr Ogof (“(the) hill (of) the
Llandysilio Gogo (the church of
Llandysilio in the locality known as Gogo, i.e. cave)
Ogof Arthur Arthur's Cave, a cave in
which the Welsh leader is said to be in a charmed sleep with his warriors,
waiting for the call to awake and lead his people, and reclaim the island of
Britain for the Welsh.
Many caves in Wales are known by this name, for example:
..a/ at Deuarth Fach / Little Doward, England SO 540160 “(King) Arthur’s Cave”
..b/ cave by the lake known as Marchlyn Mawr, North Wales
..c/ cave in Llangwyfan, county of Môn
(John Rhys / Celtic Folklore / Vol 2 / 1901 : “Ogof Arthur, ‘Arthur’s Cave,’ in
the southern side of Mynydd y Cnwc in the parish of Llangwyfan, on the
south-western coast of Anglesey. The foot of Mynydd y Cnwc is washed by the
sea, and the mouth of the cave is closed by its waters at high tide”)
4 Ogof Owain Glyn-dŵr SH5547 (the) cave (of) Owain Glyn-dŵr
yr Ogof SH5547 (the)
hill (of) the cave
Unknown origin, though probably < British < Celtic
Cornish has gogo (= cave), and from
this Cornish-language word the English dialect of Cornwall “gug” (= cave)
NOTE: If the original form is ogof
then the form gogof shows a
prosthetic g as in southern gallt (= hill, wood) for original allt (= hill). (allt is still
the literary form, and is also the form used in the north).
As with all polysyllables in final -f,
this -f has disappeared in the
spoken language ogof > ogo.
In the county of Penfro, the change o
> a, occurring in the final syllable
other words in Welsh in other dialects, is to be seen in oga < ogo
o gwbl <o
GUU-bul> [ɔ ˡguˑbʊl] ‹o GU bul› (adverb)
1 at all
Ogwen <OG-wen> [ˡɔgwɛn]
1 riu
del nord-oest
Minogwen / Min Ogwen street name in
Bangor (“(the) bank (of the river) Ogwen”)
3 Bro Ogwen <broo OG-wen> [broː ˡɔgwɛn] ‘Ogwen Country’, the
district around the river Ogwen, the focal point of which is the town of
Bro-ogwen / Bro Ogwen (“Bro Ogwen”) house name, Bangor (Gwynedd)
4 Brynogwen <brin OG-wen> [brɪn ˡɔgwɛn]street in Bangor (Gwynedd) (“Bryn Ogwen”)
“(the) hill
(overlooking) (the river) Ogwen”
o gwmpas <o GUM-pas> [ɔ ˡgʊmpas] (preposition)
1 around
gogor-droi o gwmpas (pwnc) (“turn
around (a subject)”) beat about the bush, not get straight to the point,
skate around a subject, avoid getting to the point
troi rhywun o gwmpas eich bys bach
twist somebody round your little finger
Ogwy <OO-gui> [ˡoˑgʊɪ]
fanciful name for the river Ogwr
In the village of Nant-y-moel (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) there are
..a/ “Ogwy Street” (which would be Heol
Ogwy in Welsh) and
..b/ “Brynogwy Terrace” (which would be Brynogwy
or Rhestr Brynogwy in Welsh)
Brynogwy is “(the) hill (overlooking
the) Ogwy (river)”
ETYMOLOGY: (Og- first syllable of
the river name Ogwr) + (-wy, a supposed suffix meaning
‘water’.) See the entry gwy = water
oherwydd <o-HER-widh> [ɔ ˡhɛrwɪð] (conjunction)
1 because
NOTE: Page 46 / A Welsh Grammar - Historical and Comparative / John
Morris-Jones (1864-1929) /
1913: The following words may be mentioned as those most
commonly mispronounced: wy is the falling diphthong in cern
‘vat’, disg
‘look, expect’, G
‘Venedotia’, G
id., mor
‘maiden’, ter
‘ fervent’; it is the rising diphthong in oher
‘because of’, cych
‘rise, start’, erch
‘protector, [bed]-side’, ded
ohon- <o-HON> [ɔ ˡhɔn] (preposition)
1 stem for the conjugated forms of 'o' - from 'o' + the element
'han' indicating 'separation' (as in gwahanu
= to separate)
‹o- ho -ni› preposition
1 from it
dod allan ohoni get out of a
difficulty (“get out of it”)
ohoni ei hunan of her own accord,
without being pressured or forced
ymadael ohoni ei hunan leave of her
own accord
o hyd <o HIID> [ɔ ˡhiːd] (adverb)
1 still
o hyn allan
‹oo hin a-lhan › adverb
1 from now on
-"Shwd ych chi'n hoffi gwaith
-"Yn iawn."
-"Felly, ffermio byddwch chi o hyn allan?"
-“How do you like farm work?”
-“It’s all right.”
-“So you’ll be farming from now on?”
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + (hyn = this (time)) + (allan = out)
o hyn ymláen ‹oo hin om-lain› adverb
1 from now on, henceforward
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + (hyn
= this (time)) + (ymláen = forward)
1 diphthong = vowel ‹o› and semi-consonant
(1) in loans
boi (= boy) < English “boy”
(2) words with final –o and addition of a suffix -i
ffo (= flight), ffoi (= to flee)
llo (= claf), lloi (= calves)
(3) contraction of o + i with loss
of medial dd
rhoi (= to give) < rho|i < rhoddi
2 In South Wales, the
diphthong “au” ‹âi› in monosyllables and “eu” ‹ei› in
the penult are colloquially “ou” ‹oi› (better spelt “ou”, since both “i”
and “u” are pronounced the same, as ‹i›, in the south, and “ou” maintains
a vidual link with “eu”; but in the north the “u” is differentiated, and so the
spelling “oi” is usual.)
..a/ beudy (= cowshed, cowhouse) > boudy / boidy
..b/ ceulan (= river bank) > coulan / coilan
..c/ clau (= quick, fast, rapid) > clou / cloi
..d/ haul (= sun) > houl / hoil (and since
especially in the south-east the ‘h’ is lost, ’oul / ’oil)
..e/ neuadd (= hall) > nouadd / noiadd
3 In South Wales,
the diphthong “oe” ‹oi› is sometimes
written in dialect writing as “oi” ‹oi›.
coesau (= legs) > coise, coisa
1 oi for au / eu in southern Welsh
’oil = haul (sun)
cloi = clau (quick)
See ou
oian ‹OI an› interjection
1 (obsolete) oh!
2 Yr Oianau (“the hush-a-byes”) title
of series of stanzas in Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin / The Black Book of Carmarthen
c.1250, each beginning with the words hoian o Barchellan, “Hush-a-bye little piggie”
oifad ‹OI vad› (verb) = nofio ‹NOV yo›
(South-east Wales) to swim
-ol ‹ol› (suffix) adjectival suffix
1 sir = county, sirol = belonging to a county or
ôl, olion /
olau ‹OOL, OL yon / OO le› (masculine noun)
1 trace, track; back track
ôl bys fingerprint; finger mark
PLURAL olion bysedd finger prints;
finger marks
Mae ôl ei fysedd arno He’s left
finger marks on it
3 gadael eich ôl ar (rywbeth)
leave your mark on something
4 rear, behind
drych ôl rear-view mirror
5 mynd yn eich ôl go back (“go in
your back track”)
troi’r cloc yn ei ôl turn the clock back (“turn the clock in its back trail”)
olaf, ola' ‹OO la› (adjective)
1 last, final
yr hyd olaf the home stretch, the
home straight = the final stretch on a racetrack, from the last bend to the
winning post
yr darn syth olaf the home stretch
cyffyrddiad olaf finishing touch
rhoi cyffyrddiad olaf i rywbeth give
something a finishing touch
cerbydau blaenaf a cherbydau olaf y trên
the front carriages and the end carriages of the train
olau ‹OO-lai, -e›
1 tracks; plural
form of ôl (= track)
olau ‹OO-lai, -e›
1 soft-mutated form
of golau (= light)
Bronolau (qv) (house name)
< bron olau light hill, sunlit hill
Wernolau < wern olau light alder-swamp,
sunlit alder-swamp
Waunolau < waun olau light
moor, sunlit moor
hamlet west of Pen-clawdd (Abertawe)
o lam i lam
‹oo lam ii lam › adv
1 cynyddu o lam i lam
increase by leaps and bounds
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + soft
mutation + (llam = leap) + (i = to) + soft mutation + (llam = leap)
o lawer ‹oo LAU er› (adverb)
1 (after a comparative adjective) greatly, very much
am brisiau is o lawer at greatly
reduced prices (“for prices greatly lower”)
Generally they have come into Welsh via English
Particulary noticeable are words beginning with sg-
sgert (f) skirt = kind of garment for the
lower part of the body
sgertin (m) skirting, skirting board
English skirting < skirting board; to skirt (verb, = to lie along the edge of) <
skirt (noun, = skirt,
i.e. a kind of garment) < Old Norse skyrta (= skirt)
sgil (f) skill = acquired aptitude
English 1100+ skill < Old Norse skil (= distinction, difference).
Cf Dutch geschil (= difference,
dispute, argument)
sgrap (m) scrap = discarded material
English scrap < Old Norse skrap
olew, olewau /
olewon ‹O leu, o LEU e / o LEU on› (masculine noun)
1 oil
oil = petroleum
llwyfan olew oil rig
3 olew india-corn
oli de blat de moro
4 olew
olewydd ‹o leu o LEU idh› olive oil (“oil
(of) olive trees”)
‹ool lə- nge -sidh› masculine noun
PLURAL ôl-lyngesyddion
‹ool-lə-nge- sədh -yon›
1 rear-admiral
(rank junior to a vice-admiral)
ETYMOLOGY: direct translation of English rear-admiral
(ôl = rear, back) + soft mutation +
(llyngesydd = admiral)
olréit ‹ol-REIT› adj
1 (colloquial) all
bod yn olréit to be all right
Chi'n meddwl fydd
hi'n olreit? Do you think she’ll
be all right?
ETYMOLOGY: English all
olrhain ‹Ol
1 to trace
Olwen ‹OL wen› (feminine noun) ‹KIL hukh ag OL wen›
woman's name; see Culhwch ac Olwen (tale from the Mabinogi)
olwg ‹OO-lug› feminine noun
1 soft-mutated form of golwg
(qv) (= view, sight)
–olwg In compound words, sometimes
found in house names or street names
.....(1) Brynolwg house in Y
Bont-goch, Tal-y-bont, Ceredigion (= hill view, place with a view of a hill)
.....(2) Caerolwg house in Llandre,
Tal-y-bont, Ceredigion (= hillfort view, place with a view of a hillfort)
.....(3) Gartholwg
a) village by the Garth mountain (= Garth view, place with a view of the Garth
mountain). English name: Church Village.
b) street in Pen-tyrch (though misspelt as if two words “Garth Olwg”)
c) in other villages by Y Garth, the street names with this meaning have the
English form ‘Garth View’ – (a) in Gartholwg itself, (b) Nantgarw, (c)
.....(4) Morolwg house name (= sea
view, place with a view of the sea)
.....(5) Mynyddolwg house in Y Garndiffaith,
Pont-y-pŵl, Torfaen (= upland view, place with a view of the upland hill)
.....(6) Tafolwg street in Treharris
(though misspelt as if two words “Taf Olwg”) (= Taf view, place with a view of
the river Taf)
.....(7) Tirolwg house name, Nebo,
(= view of the land, place with a view of the land)
olwynion ‹OL win, ol WƏN yon› (feminine noun)
1 wheel
olwyn dân,
olwynion tân ‹ol win DAAN, ol WƏN yon TAAN› (feminine noun)
1 Catherine wheel
olwyn ddŵr,
olwynion dŵr ‹ol win DHUUR, ol WƏN yon DUUR› (feminine noun)
1 waterwheel
olwyn Gatrin,
olwynion Catrin (feminine noun) ‹ol win
GA trin, ol WƏN yon KA trin›
1 Catherine wheel
olynol ‹o-lə-nol› adjective
1 consecutive, successive
am y ddegfed flwyddyn yn olynol for
the tenth year in succession
ETYMOLOGY: ôl yn ôl (adverb) 'step
in step', track in track, in succession; since many adjectives end in the
suffix -ol (for example cyfrif = account, cyfrifol = reponsible) eventually it was thought that it too was an
adjective from this class, as if it were (*olyn)
+ (-ol)
omledau ‹OM led, om LE de› (masculine noun)
1 omelette
omled caws ‹om led KAUS› (masculine noun)
1 cheese omelette
madarch ‹o led MA darkh› (masculine noun)
1 mushroom omelette
omled plaen ‹om led PLAIN› (masculine noun)
1 plain omelette
-on ‹-on ›
1 In the south, often the plural
suffix -ion > -on
(the initial ‹y› of the first syllable is generally lost in South Wales).
..a/ hoelion (= nails) > hoelon
..b/ polion (= poles) > polon
ond ‹OND› (conjunction)
1 but
petáwn i ond yn gallu! if only I could! (“if I were +
but + be able”)
3 Doedd gennyf ond mynd I had no option
but to go (“there wasn’t with me but to go”)
4 (preposition) except for
y .... dyfnaf ond un the second
deepest ....
y .... hwyaf ond un the second longest ....
y .... uchaf ond un the second highest ....
Hon yw’r gopa uchaf ond un ar Fynydd Pumlumon This is the second highest
summit in the Pumlumon mountain
on’d ‹onid› adverb
1 contraction of onid (= is it not)
..a/ before a noun
..b/ before a verb
beginning with a vowel
Her is corresponds
to English “[is] it not”.
If the vowel begins
with a consonant, oni is used, and this causes mixed mutation of
c p t / g b d / m
ll rh
c p t > ch ph th
(aspirate mutation)
g b d > ZERO f
dd(soft mutation)
m ll rh > f l r
(soft mutation)
on’d yw isn’t….
on’d oes isn’t there….
on’d oedd wasn’t…., wasn’t
On’d yw’r prifathro
yn ddyn caredig! (exclamation) Isn’t the headmaster a kind man!
On’d oedd y plant y
edrych yn braf yn eu cotiau newydd? (exclamation) Weren’t the
children looking / Didn’t the children look smart in their new coats?
ond antur ‹o-nid an-tir› adverb
1 obsolete; Bible perhaps, maybe
Genesis 32:20 ac wedi hynny edrychaf yn
ei wyneb ef; ond antur efe a dderbyn fy wyneb innau
Genesis 32:20 and afterward I will see his face; peradventure he will accept of
ETYMOLOGY: < on'd antur < onid antur ('but, if not') + ('venture,
ond i ‹OND i› conjunction
1 provided that, on
condition that
Bydda i’n ddedwydd ond i mi gael digon o
arian I’ll be happy provided I get enough money
Dyma lased o laath i ti, ac ond i ti yfed hwnna, cei un arall wedyn
Here’s a glass of milk for you, and if you drink it, you’ll get another one
Bydda i’n ddedwydd ond i mi gael digon o arian
I’ll be happy provided I get enough money
Does gan y maethegwyr ddim yn erbyn sglodion tatws ond iddynt gael eu
rhostio mewn olew corn
The nutritionists have no objection to chips providing they are cooked in corn
Mae 'na reis i'w gael ond i chi dalu
There is rice available provided you pay / There’s rice to be had too but it’s
Mi af fi, ond i chi ddweud
I'll go - just say the word
Yr wyf i’n fodlon anghofio’r cyfan ond i chi wneuthur yr un modd
I’m prepared to forget everything provided you do the same
ETYMOLOGY: (ond = but) +
(i = to)
ond odid ‹ond OO didii›
1 perhaps, maybe
A Welsh Grammar,
Historical and Comparative. John Morris(-)Jones, 1913. Page 437: ond odid… ‘perhaps’
(literally ‘except a rarity’)
Genesis 18:30 Ac efe a ddywedodd, O na
ddigied fy Arglwydd os llefaraf: Ceir yno ond odid ddeg ar hugain. Yntau a ddywedodd, Nis
gwnaf os caf yno ddeg ar hugain.
Genesis 18:30 And he
said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall
thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.
Genesis 24:5 A’r gwas a ddywedodd
wrtho ef, Ond odid
ni fyn y wraig ddyfod ar fy ôl i i’r wlad hon: gan ddychwelyd a ddychwelaf dy
fab di i’r tir y daethost allan ohono?
24:5 And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman
will not be willing to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy son
again unto the land from whence thou camest?
Dacw dŷ bwyta,
ni a gawn ymborth acw ond odid
Over yonder there
is a restaurant, we shall get
sustenance there perhaps
ond oes ‹OND ois› (phrase)
1 = onid oes
on’d ydi...
‹ond ə-di›
(North Wales) (at the beginning of a sentence) isn’t... doesn’t...
On’d ydi hi’n ddigywilydd! What a
cheek she has! (“Isn’t she shameless”)
Cf On’d yw (South Wales)
ond y dim
‹ond ə dim › adverb
1 almost, very nearly
Yr un peth yw, ond y dim It’s the
same, or very nearly
2 ond y dim i almost,
very nearly (+ verb)
Bu ond y dim imi achub y shilff rhag
syrthio I only just managed to stop the shelf from falling
Bu ond y dim imi fynd yno i fyw rai
blynyddoedd yn ôl I almost went to live there years ago
ETYMOLOGY: (“but the least thing”) (ond
= but) + (y = definite article) + (dim = something; the least amount)
yw ‹on -diu›
(South Wales) (at the beginning of a sentence) isn’t... doesn’t...
Ond yw’r byd ’ma’n fach! It’s a small
On’d yw’r amser yn mynd heibio! How
time flies!
Cf On’d ydi (North Wales)
onennau ‹o-NE-nai, -e›
1 plural of onnen (= ash tree)
Onennau Meigion ‹o-NE-nai, -e MEIG-yon›
1 locality on the border of Shropshire and Staffordshire – the
neighbouring villages of Six Ashes (Shropshire) SO7988 and Four Ashes
(Staffordshire) SO8087
(delwedd 7436)
Six Ashes
(delwedd 7525)
In the Triparte
Indenture of (28 February 1405) (an agreement between the three noblemen Owain
Glwn-dŵr (the ‘Tywysog’ (ruler) of Wales), Henry Percy (First Earl of
Northumberland), and Edmund Mortimer (son-in-law of Owain Glyn Dŵr, and cousin of the
English king Henry IV), the English king Henry IV would be deposed and the
island of Britain below Scotland would be divided into three, with Northern and
Midland England for Percy, Southern England for Mortimer, and a larger Wales
(incorporating lands to the east which had been lost some centuries earlier to
English control and settlement).
The land which
would Glyn-dŵr would rule was defined as being (in updated English) “the
whole of Cambria of Wales divided from Loegria now commonly called England by
the following borders, limits, and bounds: from the Severn estuary as the River
Severn flows from the sea as far as the northern gate of the city of Worcester;
from that gate directly to the ash trees known in Cambrian or Welsh language as
Onennau Meigion which grow on the high road from Bridgnorth to Kinver; then
directly along the highway... to the head or source of the River Trent; thence
to the head or source of the river commonly known as the Mersey and so along to
the sea.
(Information from
wikipedia, 2009-05-19, Tripartite Indenture)
“Meigion’s ash trees” “(the) ash trees (of) Meigion”
(onennau =
ash trees, plural on onnen = ash tree) + (Meigion)
ongl, onglau ‹O ngol,
O ngle› (feminine noun)
1 angle
oni ‹OO ni› (conjunction)
1 if not
..1 onid ‹OO-nid› conjunction
1 “if (it is) not” (+ an
‘abnormal’ first element, an element which is not a verb is placed at the head
of sentence, for emphasis)
Onid Gwyn a ddaw gyntaf i
If it isn’t GWYN who comes first, if GWYN doesn’t come first
However, colloquial Welsh has os nad
Os nad Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf
If GWYN doesn’t come first, if it isn’t GWYN who comes first
-Pa liw ydynt? -Du a gwyn. -Anghywir.
-Onid du a gwyn, llwyd a coch ynteu
-What colour are they? -Black and white -Wrong -If not black and white, then
grey and red
ETYMOLOGY: Literally ‘if not’ - (o =
if) + (nid, negative particle,
'not'). (The form o meaning ‘if’ is
now obsolete – in modern Welsh it has a final ‘s’ - os)
NOTE: The affirmative forms are (north) os mai, (south) os taw, os
ta’, and in literary Welsh simply os
(north) os mai Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf
it’s Gwyn who comes first
(south) os taw Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf
it’s Gwyn who comes first
(literary Welsh) os Gwyn a ddaw gyntaf
..2 onid ‹OO-nid› preposition
1 obsolete; Bible (with numerals) minus, except for
Genesis 17:1 a phan oedd Abram onid un
mlwydd cant, yr ymddangosodd yr Arglwydd i Abram
And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram
("when Abram was, except for 1 year, a hundred")
Genesis 11:25 A Nachor a fu fyw wedi
iddo genhedlu Tera, onid un flwyddyn chwech
ugain mlynedd, ac a genhedlodd feibion a merched.
Genesis 11:25 And Nahor lived after he begat Terah an hundred and nineteen
years, and begat sons and daughters.
("Nahor lived ..., except for 1 year, six score of years")
Numeri 26:22 Dyma dylwyth Jwda, dan eu
rhif; onid pedair nil pedwar ugain a phum cant
(76,500 is expressed as “except for 4,000, ‹they were› 80,000 + 500”)
Numbers 26:22 These are the families of Judah according to those that were
numbered of them, three score and sixteen thousand and five hundred
The English version has simple addition of thousands and hundreds - (60,000 +
16,000 + 500)
Luc 15:7 y bydd llawenydd yn y nef am un
pechadur a edifarhao, mwy nag am onid un pum ugain o rai cyfiawn, y rhai nid
rhaid iddynt wrth edifeirwch
Luke 15:7 joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, over ninety
and nine just persons which need no repentance
The Welsh version has “more than, except for one, five score of just persons”
cant a deugain one hundred and forty
Before a vowel a > ac:
cant ac (onid pedwar) deugain 136 (one hundred and – except for four –
Esra 2:66 eu meirch oedd saith gant ac
onid pedwar deugain
(seven hundred and forty, minus four) (700 and, except for 4, two score)
Ezra 2:66 Their horses were seven hundred thirty and six
2 obsolete; except, apart
from; in modern Welsh ond
ETYMOLOGY: literally ‘if not’ – See onid
..3 onid ‹OO-nid› interrogative
1 is it not...?, is he not...?, is she not...?, are they not...?
Brenhinoedd-2 5:12
Onid gwell Abana a Pharpar, afonydd
Damascus, na holl ddyfroedd Israel?
Kings-2 5:12
Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of
ETYMOLOGY: literally ‘if not’ - See onid
..4 onid
‹O nid› (conjunction)
1 (colloquial form: on’d)
“if (it is) not”
ETYMOLOGY: (o = if)
+ (nid = it-is-not)
The word o (=
if) is obsolete in modern Welsh, and has been replaced by a derived form os (=
See on’d
onid do? ‹OO nid DOO› (phrase) (after a verb in the past tense)
1 didn't (it, she, he, etc)?
onid e?
‹OO -ni-dee› -
1 isn't that so? Used in verb-in-second-position sentences
Usually the verb is a the head of the sentence in Welsh
Yr wyf yn iawn, ond wyf? I'm right,
am I not?
Fi yw'r gorau, onid e? I'm the best,
am I not? (ynde, ontefe; see Note at
the foot of this entry)
Some first-language Welsh-speakers translate it as 'isn't it?' and so produce
such sentences in English:
I'm the best, isn't it?
2 ac onid e but if not
Daniel 3:17, 18
Wele, y mae ein Duw ni, yr hwn yr ydym
ni yn ei addoli yn abl i'n gwared ni allan o'r ffwrn danllyd boerth, ac efe a'n
gwared ni o'th law di, o frenin. Ac onid e, bydded hysbys i ti, frenin, ni
addolwn dy dduwiau... (In the Beibl Cymraeg Newydd the phrase is: ac hyd yn oed os na wna...)
Daniel 3:17, 18
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery
furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it
known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve they gods...
ETYMOLOGY: (onid = if no) + (e, pronoun, from ef = he)
NOTE: the colloquial forms of onide
are (1) south-west onte fe, (2)
south-east ynta fa, (3) north yn te, yn de
oes...? ‹OO nid ois› (phrase) (colloquially: on’d oes)
isn't there...?
onid yw...? ‹OO nid iu› (phrase) (colloquially: on’d yw)
1 isn't it...?
onis ‹o -nis›
literary Welsh (conjunction + object pronoun)
Used with the impersonal form of the verb
Onis danfonir, dychweler at yr anfonydd
If undelivered, please return to sender
ETYMOLOGY: (oni = if not) + (-s = her / him / it, object of the
following verb which appears in its impersonal form)
onnen, PLURAL: onn / ynn ‹O nen, ON / IN› (feminine noun)
1 ash tree
y tair onnen = the three elms (y =
the) + (tair, feminine form of tri = three) + (onnen = elm tree)
..a/ (ST0374) a farm in Llantriddyd, on the road from Caer-dydd to Pen-y-bont
ar Ogwr
..b/ (SN6503) locality by Felindre (county of Abertawe)
3 onllwyn ash wood, ash
llwyn on ash wood, ash grove
onor ‹ OO -nor› mf
honor / honour
Mi glywais i Rhobat Gruffydd yn deyd
laweroedd o weithia, fod honor ‹sic›
Jehofa tu cefn i’w addewidion.
I heard Rhobat Gruffudd say many times that Jehovah’s honor was behind his
Plant y Gorthrwm / 1908 / Gwyneth Vaughan (= Anne Harriet Hughes 1852-1910 t173
ETYMOLOGY: English honour < Old
French onor < Latin honor
onte fe? ‹on te VEE› (phrase)
1 See onid e
“oo” ‹-›
used in this dictionary to represent the simplification (mostly in
monosyllables, and mostly in southern Welsh) of the diphthong “oe” ‹ôi› into a long vowel ‹oo›
For example, coed (= wood) > cood
The usual way of representing this is either with a circumflex (côd) or with an apostrophe (co’d). (nowadays the recommended form)
The use of “oo” though has advantages
...(1) it is immediately apparent that the vowel is long
...(2) since a double vowel is not ordinarily used in Welsh, it is immediately
apparent that the word so spelt is a dialect form
The disdvantages of “o’” are
...(1) it is not immediately clear that the vowel is long
po’n ‹poon› < poen = pain
...(2) because of syllable omissions and contractions in popular Welsh, the
apostrophe is overworked.
The disadvantages of “ô’” are
...(1) It is not immediately apparent that a word is a local form
Local forms: côs (coes = leg), ôr (oer = cold), môl (moel = bald)
Standard forms: dôl = meadow, tôn = melody, bôn = base.
See also a similar situation with “ae” - (blaen
> bla’n, blân, blaan)
2 Examples
coog < coeg (= empty ‹of a nut›, dry ‹of a
cood < coed (= wood)
coos < coes (= leg)
cooth < coeth (= pure, elegant,
croon < croen (= skin)
croos < croes (= cross)
ddoo < ddoe (= yesterday)
dooth < doeth (= wise)
ffroon < ffroen (= nostril)
hoo < hoe (= rest, break, repose)
loos < loes (= ache)
mool < moel (= bald)
nooth < noeth (= bare, nakèd)
ood < oed (= age)
oor < oer (= cold)
poon < poen (= pain)
pooth < poeth (= hot)
oodd..? < a oedd..? (= was
oos..? < a oes..? (= is there..?)
soog < soeg (= draff, brewers'
toos < toes (= dough)
trood < troed (= foot)
oodd ‹OODH› (verb)
1 colloquial form (especially southern) of oedd = was, usually spelt odd, o’dd
o ôl ‹oo ool › preposition
1 behind
gadael popeth o’ch ôl get away from it all (“leave everything behind
chwarter milltir o'i hôl quarter of a mile behind her
Rhaid cau'r drws o'n hôl We have to close the door behind us
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + (ôl =
ópera, operâu ‹O pe ra, o per RAI› (feminine noun)
1 opera
opiwm ‹ op -yum› masculine noun
caeth i opiwm opium addict (m)
caethes i opiwm opium addict (f)
bod yn gaeth i opiwm be an opium addict
pabi opiwm opium poppy
2 ogof opiwm opium den
ETYMOLOGY: English opium < Latin
< opium (= poppy juice) <
Greek opion,
diminutive of opos plant
1 from the Latin element -e.g canghellor
< cancellarius - later taken as a suffix, and added to native roots:
telyn (= harp), telynor (= harpist)
and also to the word of Latin origin carchar
(= prison) > carcharor (=
oraenshus ‹OO rainsh, o RAIN shis› (masculine noun) (North
1 orange
o ran ‹oo RAN› (preposiiton)
1 as regards
Byddai’r tyddyn yn ei daro i'r dim o
ran maint a rhent
The smallholding would suit him down to the ground as regards its size and the rent
o ran arfer
‹oo ran ar -ver› adverb
1 out of sheer habit
ETYMOLOGY: (o ran = from + part) + (arfer= habit)
o ran cywilydd
‹oo ran kə- wî -lidh› adverb
1 out of shame, in shame
Er nad oedd ganddo ran flaenllaw yn y
trosedd, yr oedd wedi ffoi i America, o ran cywilydd
Although he didn’t have a prominent part in the crime, he had fled to America
in shame ,
ETYMOLOGY: (o ran = from + part) + (cywilydd = shame)
o ran difyrrwch
‹oo ran di- və -rukh› adverb
1 for fun
ETYMOLOGY: (o ran = from + part) + (difyrrwch = fun, amusment)
o ran egwyddor
‹oo ran e- gui -dhor› adverb
1 on principle
nid o ran unrhyw egwyddor not on
principle of any kind
Ychydig iawn o álcohol yr wyf fi'n ei fwyta
- nid o ran unrhyw egwyddor - ond oherwydd ei fod yn codi cygog arna i yn syth
I drink very little alcohol – not out of any priciple – but because it
immediately makes me feel sick
ETYMOLOGY: (o ran = from + part) + (egwyddor = principle)
o'r blaen ‹or
1 previously
o'r braidd
‹or braidh › adverb
1 hardly
O’r braidd daw e bellach He’s hardly
likely to come now
O'r braidd yr oeddwn yn disgwyl i Gymro
Cymraeg o Arfon gefnogi mewnlifiad aruthrol y Saeson i’r Fro Gymraeg
I hardly expected a Welsh-speaking Welshman from Arfon to support the massive
influx of English people into the Welsh-speaking zone (of Wales)
O’r braidd y medr hi ddarllen She’s
scarcely able to read, she can hardly read
ETYMOLOGY: (o’r = of the) + (braidd = almost)
o'r bron
‹or BRON› (adverb)
1 in succession
<OR-khui> [ˡɔrxʊɪ]
1 Pseudo-antique
form of the name Gorci
In the early 1800s it was supposed by some that all river names at one time
ended in -wy, from gwy meaning ‘water’. In fact, there is
no such word (though its popularity no doubt stems from its inclusion in the
dictionary of William Owen-Pughe, 1797; it seems to be his own coining).
Many river names though (for various reasons) DO have a final syllable wy, which explains the misunderstanding
Gorci > Orchwy:
..1/ Orci (the soft mutated form of Gorci,
as in the place name Treorci) is
taken as the base form
..2/ A remodelled form of Orci with <kh> [x] Orchi instead of <k> [k] seems to have become the basis
of the name used in English, “Treorchy”, though it is pronounced in English
with <k> [k]
A more usual spelling in Welsh would be with “i” - “Treorchi”, though this form
in Welsh probably has never really existed.
..3/ However, this the basis for Orchwy,
with wy taking the place of i
There is a street called Heol Orchwy
in Treorci (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
2 man's name
a paragraph referring to an Eisteddfod in Treorci) Er mai eisteddfod "W.P." y Bedyddiwr oedd hi, Annibynia oedd
yn cipio'r gwobrau. Fred Jones (Treorci gynt) oedd yn 'gaffro' yno, ac Orchwy
Bowen yn ennill gwobr (Seneddwr ar Dramp / Rhys J Davies / 1935 / t105)
Although it was the eisteddfod of "W.P." of the Baptists, the
Independents were winning the prizes. Fred Jones (formerly of Treorci) was the
“gaffer” there, and Orchwy Bowen won a prize.”
o'r cychwyn
cyntaf <oor kəkh-win KƏN-tav, KƏN-ta> [ɔr ˡkəxwɪn ˡkəntav, ˡkənta] (adverb)
1 from the very beginning
o'r cychwyn hyd
y diwedd <oor KƏKH-win HIID ə DI-wedh> [ɔr ˡkəxwɪn ˡhiːd ə ˡdɪwɛð] (adverb)
1 from start to finish
o'r dde i'r
chwith <oor DHEE iir KHWIITH> [ɔr ˡðeː ɪr ˡxwiːθ] (adverb)
1 from the right to the left
<or-DEIN-yad> [ɔrˡdəɪnyad] masculine noun
PLURAL ordeiniadau
-e> [ɔrdəɪnˡyɑːdaɪ, -ɛ]
ordination = the conferring of Holy Orders on, consecration as a priest or
hefyd: urddiad
ETYMOLOGY: (ordein- stem of ordeinio = ordain) + (-i-ad noun-forming suffix)
o'r diwedd <oor-DII-wedh> [ɔr ˡdɪwɛð] (adverb)
1 at last
ordors <OR-dor, OR-dorz> [ˡɔrdɔr, ˡɔrdɔrz] (feminine noun) (colloquial)
1 order
ordro <OR-dro> [ˡɔrdrɔ] (v) (colloquial)
1 to order
o'r diwedd <oor DI-wedh> [ɔr ˡdɪwɛð] (adverb)
1 at last
o'r dwyrain
i <oor DUI-rain, -ren, i> [ɔr ˡdʊɪraɪn, -ɛn, ɪ] (preposition)
1 from the east of
o reidrwydd <o-REI-druidh> [ɔ ˡrəɪdrʊɪð] (adverb)
1 out of necessity
orennau <OO-ren, o-RE-nai, -ne> [ˡoːrɛn, ɔˡrɛnaɪ, -ɛ] (feminine noun) (standard)
1 orange
2 lliw oren orange,
orange colour
orenshus <o-REN-shin, o-REN-shiz> [ɔˡrɛnʃɪn, ɔˡrɛnʃɪz] (masculine noun) (South Wales)
1 orange
1 abbreviation for orgraff
(= spelling, orthography)
organau <OR-gan, or-GAA-nai, -ne> [ˡɔrgan, ɔrˡgɑˑnaɪ, -ɛ] (feminine noun)
1 organ
<or-GAA-nidh> [ɔrˡgɑˑnɪð] masculine
PLURAL organyddion
<or-ga-NƏDH-yon> [ɔrgaˡnəðyɔn]
organist = one who plays the organ
Roedd Dr George Guest yn organydd Coleg
Sant Ioan, Caer-grawnt, rhwng 1951 ac 1991
Dr George Guest was the organist of Saint John's College at Cambridge between
1951 and 1991
ETYMOLOGY: (organ = organ) + (-ydd, suffix to denote an agent)
orgasm <OR-gazm> [ˡɔrgazm] (masculine noun)
1 orgasm
orgasmig <or-GAZ-mig> [ɔrˡgazmɪg] (adjective)
1 orgasmic
o'r gloch <oor GLOOKH> [ɔr ˡgloːˑx] (adverb)
1 o'clock
2 Faint yw hi o'r gloch? <VAINT iu hi or GLOOKH> [ˡvaɪnt ɪʊ hɪ ɔr ˡgloːx] (phrase) What time is it?
o'r gogledd
i ‹oor GO gledh i› (preposition)
1 from the north of
o'r gorau ‹oor GOO rai, -re› (adverb)
1 OK, very well, all right then
o'r gore ‹oor GOO rai, -re› (phrase)
1 colloquial form of o'r
o'r gorllewin
i ‹oor gor LHEU in i› (preposition)
1 from the west of
orgraffau ‹OR graf, or GRAA fai, -fe› (feminine noun)
1 spelling
Abbreviation: org.
orgraffiaduron ‹or gra fi AA dir, or graf ya DII ron› (masculine noun)
1 spelling dictionary
orgraffyddol ‹or gra FƏ dhol› (adjective)
1 orthographic, spelling
oriau ‹OR yai, -ye› (plural noun)
hours (see awr)
orielau ‹OR yel, or YE le› (feminine noun)
1 gallery; art gallery
oriel gelfyddyd ‹or-yel gel-və-dhid› feminine noun
PLURAL orielau
celfyddyd ‹or-ye-le kel-və-dhid›
1 art gallery
ETYMOLOGY: (oriel = gallery) + soft
mutation + (celfyddyd = art)
orji, orjis ‹OR ji,
OR jis› (feminine noun)
1 (colloquial) orgy
o'r neilltu ‹or NEILH-ti› (prepositional phrase)
1 to one side, aside
sefyll o’r neilltu stand aside, stand
to one side (e.g. to let people go past)
oror ‹oo-ror ›
soft-mutated form of goror (= border, boundary)
Oror (= yr oror) SJ0847 Farm name, 1851 Gwyddelwern Census
o’r math
gwaethaf ‹oor math gwei-tha›
of the worst sort
cnaf o’r math gwaethaf the worst of
rogues, a rogue of the first order
ETYMOLOGY: (o’r = of the) + (math = type, sort) + (gwaethaf = worst)
o'r radd flaenaf ‹oor raadh vlei -na›
1 o’r radd flaenaf top-notch, top-quality, foremost,
top-grade, first-class, top-class, top-ranking
Cantorion ifanc o'r radd flaenaf o bedwar ban byd
Top-ranking young singers from all over the world
ETYMOLOGY: (o’r = of the)
+ soft mutation + (gradd = degree) + soft mutation + (blaenaf =
foremost, superlative form of blaen = front)
Yr Orsedd ‹ər OR sedh› (feminine noun)
1 see: Gorsedd y Beirdd
o'r tu ôl ‹oor tii ool › adverb
1 from behind
ymosod o’r tu ôl attack from behind
Oodd hi ddim wedi ’nabod i o'r tu ôl
She hadn’t recognised me from behind
ETYMOLOGY: (o’r = from the) + (tu = side) + (ôl = rear, behind)
Orwig ‹OR-wig›
place name
Tai-orwig (“Tai Orwig”) Brynrefail
(Gwynedd) (= “Orwig houses”)
Llysorwig (“Llys Orwig”)
..a/ house name,
Pendalar, Caernarfon (Gwynedd) (= “Orwig court”)
..b/ house name
Llan-rug (Gwynedd)
..c/ house name,
Bangor (Gwynedd)
diminutive suffix
plantos little children
Found in place names based on vegetation names, which are usually collective in
meaning. Such words often have –en, a singulative suffix, to denote the
individual plant. Diminutives with -os
added to a feminine noun behave as feminine singular nouns after the definite
article – there is soft mutation.
curn (f) pile, heap,
y gurn the pile, the heap, the mound
curnos ‹kir -nos› small mounds, small heaps, small
y gurnos the small nouns
grug heather clumps
grugen / y rugen heather clump / the heather clump
grugos / y rugos small heather clumps / the small heather clumps
As in Y Rugos, near Aber-dâr, nowadays spelt erroneously as Y
gwern alder trees
gwernen / y wernen alder tree / the alder tree
gwernos / y wernos small alder trees / the small alder trees
celyn holly bushes
celynnen / y gelynnen holly bush / the holly bush
celynnos / y gelynnos small holly bushes / the small hollybushes
“Gelynos”, Llanwrtud,
is apparently Y Gelynnos chapel site
commemoration sign
‹OS› (conjunction)
1 if
2 os
+ inflected verb
os cofiaf yn iawn if I remember
os myn Duw God willing
os + adjective in inverted word-order sentence
os da y cofiaf if I remember rightly
(“if good / well I remember”)
os iawn y cofiaf if I remember
rightly, if my memory serves me well, if my memory's not mistaken
os + noun in inverted word-order sentence
os Duw a’i myn God willing
os byth ‹os bith›
1 (os byth + verb, os byth y + verb) if ever
byth y gofynniff i ti...
If he ever asks you...
Os byth bydd angen atgyweirio
cyfrifiadur, fe gewch wasanaeth effeithlon gan ein staff
If you ever need to repair a computer, you’ll get efficient service from our
ETYMOLOGY: (os = if, byth = ever)
os daw’n fater o
raid ‹os daun fa-ter o raid›
should it become necessary
ETYMOLOGY: (os = if) + (daw = if will come / become) + (yn linking particle) + soft mutation +
(mater = matter) + (o = de) + soft mutation + (rhaid = necessity)
‹o SKO› (masculine noun)
1 slope, inclintation
bod ar osgo i (house) be at an angle
to (the street, etc)
sefyll ar osgo i (house) be at an
angle to (the street, etc)
3 posture
gwneud osgo mynd make as if to go (“make (a) posture (of) going”)
osgoad ‹ o- sko -ad› masculine noun
PLURAL osgoadau
‹ o-sko- â -de›
ETYMOLOGY: (osgo- root of osgói = to evade) + (-ad suffix for forming abstract nouns)
‹o SKOI› (verb)
1 to avoid
‹o- skoi -lid› adjective
1 evasive
ETYMOLOGY: (osgói = to evade) + (-lyd adjectival suffix)
os gwelwch yn dda ‹os GWE lukh ən DHAA›
1 (phrase) please
os gwn i ‹os gun -i› -
1 I wonder
ETYMOLOGY: "if I know" (os
= if, gwn = I know, i = I)
NOTE: the colloquial forms are ys gwn i,
and sgwn i
os mai ‹os mai ›
1 colloquial Welsh “if (it is)” (+ an ‘abnormal’ first
element, an element which is not a verb is placed at the head of sentence, for
Os mai Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf
If GWYN comes first
However, literary Welsh has simply os
Os Gwyn a ddaw gyntaf if GWYN comes first
NOTE: In South Wales this is os taw or os ta’.
Os taw Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf
Os ta’ Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf
In literary Welsh, the negative of os is onid
The colloquial negative form of os mai / os taw / os ta’ is os nad
(both in the north and the south)
Onid Gwyn a ddaw gyntaf (literary Welsh) if it isn’t Gwyn who comes
Os nad Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf (colloquial, north and south) if it isn’t Gwyn
who comes first
1 brwyniaid sparlings, smelts
1 brwyniad Conwy (m), brwyniaid Conwy
smelt, European smelt, sparling
os nad ‹os naad›
1 “if (it is) not” (+ an ‘abnormal’ first element, an
element which is not a verb is placed at the head of sentence, for emphasis),
os nad Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf if it isn’t GWYN who comes first, if GWYN
doesn’t come first
NOTE: In literary Welsh it is onid
Onid Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf (collloquially, north and south) if it isn’t Gwyn
who comes first
The affirmative forms are (north) os mai, (south) os taw, os ta’,
and in literary Welsh simply os
(a) (colloquial, north and south) os mai Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf if it’s not
Gwyn who comes first
(b) (literary Welsh) onid Gwyn a ddaw gyntaf
os nad oes gwahaniaeth
gennych chi ‹os naad ois gwa-han-yeth ge-ni
khii ›
1 if you don’t mind
ETYMOLOGY: “if there isn’t any difference with
you” (os = if) + (nad = no, not) + (oes = is) + (gwahaniaeth
= difference) + (gennych chi = with you)
os taw ‹os tau ›
1 colloquial Welsh “if (it is)” (+ an ‘abnormal’
first element, an element which is not a verb is placed at the head of
sentence, for emphasis),
os taw Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf if GWYN comes first
However, literary Welsh has simply os
Os Gwyn a ddaw gyntaf if GWYN comes first
NOTE: Also os ta’. In North Wales this is os mai. The colloquial
negative form of os mai / os taw / os ta’ is os nad (both in the
north and the south), which in literary Welsh is onid
Os mai Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf
Os nad Gwyn ’ddaw gyntaf (colloquial, north and south) if it isn’t Gwyn
who comes first
Onid Gwyn a ddaw gyntaf (literary Welsh) if it isn’t Gwyn who comes
os yw
‹os iu ›
1 os yw o ryw werth if it’s of any
interest to you, for what it’s worth, if it’s of any use to you, if it’ll help
you at all
Fe weda i wrtho ti beth oedd ’nhad-cu yn
’feddwl am y Blaid Lafur yn y Cwm hyn, os yw o ryw werth
I’ll tell you what my grandad though of the Labour Party in this valley, if
it’s of any worth
ETYMOLOGY: (os = if) + (yw = it is)
-ota ‹o-ta› suffix
1 verb ending in verbs formed from a plural noun with the suffix -od and the verb suffix -ha
(-od + -ha) = -ota
..a/ chwilen (= beetle), chwilod (= beetles), chwilota (= search; originally used of
a hen or other birds, looking for insects)
..b/ malwoden / malwen (= snail, slug), malwod
(= snails, slugs), malwota (=
collect snails)
..c/ merlyn (= pony), merlod (= ponies), merlota (= go pony-trekking. A modern coining – and somewhat
exceptional, since it suggests rather ‘look for ponies, collect for ponies’)
..d/ pysg (obsolete singular form =
a fish), pysgod (= fishes), pysgota (= to fish)
‹o-tə-man› masculine noun
PLURAL Otomaniaid
‹o-tə- man -yed›
Ottoman; the Ottomans were a Turkish people who invaded the Near East in the
ETYMOLOGY: English < French < medieval Latin < Arabic Othmanî (= Turkish) < the Turkish
word Othman, from the name of the
sultan Osman 1 (1259-1356), founder of the Ottoman Empire
‹o-tə-man› masculine noun
PLURAL otomanau
‹o-tə- ma -ne›
ottoman; a seat which is a chest for storing things with a cushioned top
ETYMOLOGY: English < French ottomane,
feminine form of ottoman = Ottoman
‹o-to- ma -tig› adjective
1 automatic; a more literary form is awtomatig
ETYMOLOGY: from the English pronunciation automatic,
with the English suffix -ic replaced
by Welsh -ig. English 1800- <
Greek automatos self moving
oti ‹o- tii› verb
1 south-eastern form of odi,
the southern form equivalent to
(a) northern ydi, (b) standard
colloquial ydi, (c) literary ydyw
(in south-east Wales, the three consonants d
/ g / b at the beginning of a final syllable are devoiced and become
repectively t / c / p)
(1) is it / is she / is he; has it / has she / has he;
(2) yes, it is, / yes, she is / yes, he is; yes, it has, / yes, she has / yes,
he has
-Oti a wedi mynd määs? -Oti Has he
gone out? Yes (literally "(he) has")
ETYMOLOGY: ydyw > ydy > ydi > odi > oti.
1 In South Wales, the diphthong “au” ‹AI› in monosyllables and “eu” ‹EI› in the penult are colloquially “ou” ‹oi› (that is, the middle Welsh pronunciation has been retained
in the south, but has become au / eu in the north, in in literary Welsh).
In representing this South Wales pronunciation ‹OI›, instead of “ou” the sound is often written “oi”, and in
place names sometimes also as “oy”
(1) |
boudy, “boidy” |
< beudy (=
cowshed, cowhouse) |
(2) |
clou, “cloi” |
< clau (=
quick, fast, rapid) |
(3) |
cou, “coi” |
< cau (=
hollow, sunken; enclosed) |
(4) |
coul, “coil” |
< caul (= rennet, substance that
curdles milk in cheese-making) |
(5) |
counant |
< ceunant (= ravine) (cau = hollow,
nant = valley) |
(6) |
Counant (on English maps “Coynant”) |
farm 6km
ssw of Llanboudy (“Llanboidy”) SN2123 (county of Caerfyrddin) |
(7) |
Cwm-ynys-gou (on English maps “Cwmynyscoy”) |
< Cwm-ynys-gau (the valley of the
enclosed water-meadow) (village in the county of Torfaen) |
(8) |
dou , “doi” |
< dau (=
two) |
(9) |
Y Goufron (on English maps “Goyfron”) |
north of the village of Llanfihangel Brynpabuan, county of Powys (ceufron = hollowed hillside) |
(10) |
houl, “hoil” |
< haul (= sun) (in the south-east, ’oul) |
(11) |
“noiadd”, “noyadd” |
< neuadd (=
hall) |
(12) |
our, “oir” |
< air (=
gold) |
(13) |
Pendoulan (on English maps “Pendoylan”) |
Pendoulwn < Pendeulwyn = pen y
ddeulwyn, pen y ddau lwyn (the end of the two groves) |
(14) |
Trefrouan (on English maps “Trefroyan”) |
< Trefreuan |
Crouddyn a local form of the name Creuddyn (qv) in Ceredigion
Llanbadarn y Creuddyn (parish name) > “Llanbadarn
y Crouddyn”
Llanfihangel y Creuddyn (parish name) > “Llanfihangel
y Crouddyn”
Trouddyn is a local form of the
name Treuddyn (qv) found as part of some farm names in Caeo parish in
Maestrouddyn <
Maestreuddyn (maes = field)
Llystrouddyn < Llystreuddyn (llys
= court)
Glantrouddyn < Glantreuddyn (glan
= brookside)
Nant Trouddyn < Nant-treuddyn (nant
= brook, stream)
In the county of
Mynwy, The village of Cwm-iou SO3023 (spelt as Cwmyoy on the map) shows
a local pronunciation; the valley from which it takes its name is spelt in
standard orthography Cwm Iau SO3023.
o un i un ‹o iin i iin›
one by one
Ym mhen ychydig wythnosau fe sylwodd
Dewi fod y cynion yn diflannu o un i un
After a few weeks Dewi noticed that the chisels were disappearing one by one
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + (un = one) + (i = to) + (un = one)
1 diphthong: vowel ‹o› + semi-consonant ‹u›
..a/ Occurs rarley in monosyllabes
Now pet name for Owen
..b/ Sometimes for –aw- [au] in dialect pronunciations
..i/ mowr < mawr (= big)
..ii/ Variants of dawnsio
are downsio, downso; dowsio
..iii/ Mowddy, a local pronunciation of the river name Mawddwy (North-west Wales)
Sometimes for –yw- [əu] in dialect pronunciations
Towyn < Tywyn
Howel < Hywel
Also Owain, Owen,
from an original Ywain
..d/ Often, in
borrowings into Welsh, it corresponds to modern English ‹au›
English counter ‹kaun-tə’› > Welsh cownter ‹koun-ter›
English round ‹raund› > Welsh rownd ‹round›
English trousers ‹trau-zə’z› > Welsh trowsus ‹trou-sis›
‹O wen› (masculine noun) ‹ma bi NO gi›
Man's name.
This is the
medieval form of the name which later
became Owen in standard Welsh.
The older form Owain
has been revived in the past hundred years or so, probably through its
familiarity as it is the name of Owain Glyn-dŵr, Welsh patriot, c.1400, and in allusion to this this Welsh
historical figure
Owain Glyn-dŵr ‹O wain
/ O wen glin DUUR› (masculine noun)
1 ("Owain of Glyndyfrdwy"). Owain ap Gruffudd, who fought
for the liberation of Wales from English domination from 1400-1412, dying in an
unknown location in 1415, but proabaly in the Welsh area near the city of
Hereford, given to the county of Herefordshire, and so included in England,
just over a century later with the legislation to annex Wales to England (or
more mundanely, the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542)
The epithet is a shortening of the name of a mansion called Glyndyfrdwy in
the district of Glyn Dyfrdwy (the valley of the river Dyfrdwy).
By the village of Glyndyfrdwy there is a Norman castle motte from the 1100s
which was situated next to Owain Glyn-dŵr’s manor.
According to a ‘Cadw’ plaque at the site, it is known locally as ‘Owain Glyn Dŵr’s
Mount’. On the right of the English verson is a Welsh version, apparently a
translation of the English text, where it says that locally the castle mound is
known as “Mynydd Owain Glyn Dŵr”, which would seem to be a poor
translation of the English name rather than a Welsh name in use in the area.
o wawr hyd fachlud ‹oo waur hiid vakh-lid
› adverb
1 from dawn to dusk
ETYMOLOGY: “from dawn to sunset” (o
= from) + soft mutation + (gwawr =
dawn) + soft mutation + (machlud =
‹O wen› (masculine noun)
1 Owen (man's name)
‹o WE ne› (feminine noun)
(Owen + -a)
1 woman's name, formed from Owen + the feminine suffix -a
William ‹wil-yam o-wen piu›
Welsh lexicographer (1759-1835) who published a somewhat eccentric dictionary
("A Welsh and English Dictionary") in 1793 / 1803 (i.e. between the
ages of 33/34 and 43/44) with many neologisms, some of which are now in general
use in Welsh
..1/ amgueddfa museum
..2/ arobryn a reintroduction of an
obsolete verb (= to deserve), which he made into a noun (= prize) - but
nowadays it as used an adjective (= prizewinning, having been awarded the
..3/ Bryn Athyn village in
Pennsylvania (qv) (athyn = cohesion;
this invention of William Owen-Pughe is nowadays found only in this place name)
..4/ catrawd regiment (in fact a
reintroduction, slightly remodelled, of an obsolete word)
..5/ clodwiw ‹KLOD-wiu› [ˈklɔdwɪʊ] (adjective) praiseworthy, laudable (“(of) fitting praise”) (clod = praise) + soft mutation + (gwiw
= fitting)
..6/ cysawd system (solar system,
computer system)
..7/ dathlu
efryd study
..9/ eirianedd brightness,
splendour, beauty; (not in general use, but there is an example of its use as a
house name Eirianedd (qv) )
..10/ goben penultimate
..11/ maelfa shop (and used as a
place name (Maelfa) for the shopping centre in the suburb
of Llanedern, Caer-dydd)
ownsus ‹OUNS, OUN sis› (feminine noun)
1 ounce (28,35 grams)
oxo ‹ok-so› feminine noun
1 (American: crisscross, tic-tac-to) (Englandic: noughts and
chwarae oxo to play crisscross /
tic-tac-to / noughts and crosses
1 oy for au / eu in southern Welsh
“Pendoylan” on
English maps for Pendoulan
o ychydig ddiddordeb ‹oo ə-khə-dig dhi-dhor-deb›
1 of minor interest, of little
ETYMOLOGY: (o = from) + (ychydig = little) + soft mutation + (diddordeb = interest)
ññ<OO>ñññ &&[ˡoːˑ]&&&
ññ<OO>ñññ &&[ˡoːˑ]&&&
ññ<o-HO-noi>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡhɔˡnɔɪ]&&&
ññ<o-HO-no-ni>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡhɔˡnɔˡnɪ]&&&
ññ<o-HO-no-ti>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡhɔˡnɔˡtɪ]&&&
ññ<o-HO-no-khi>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡhɔˡnɔˡxɪ]&&&
ññ<o-HO-no-ve-/-vo>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡhɔˡnɔˡvɛeˑːˡ/ˡvɔɔ]&&&
ññ<o-HO-ni-hi>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡhɔˡnɪˡhɪ]&&&
ññ<o-HO-ni-nu-/-o-HO-nint-hui>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡhɔˡnɪˡnʊˡ/ˡɔˡhɔˡnɪntˡhʊɪ]&&&
ññ<WE-di-WNEUD-o-BREN>ñññ &&[ˡwɛeˑːˡdɪˡwnɛeˑːʊdˡɔˡbrɛn]&&&
ññ<LHOOG>ñññ &&[ˡɬoːˑg]&&&
ññ<POOB>ñññ &&[ˡpoːˑb]&&&
ññ<BOOD>ñññ &&[ˡboːˑd]&&&
ññ<o-AA-khos>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡɑˑːˡxɔs]&&&
ññ<o-AM-gilkh>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡamˡgɪlx]&&&
ññ<o-ba-DEI-a>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbaˡdəɪˡa]&&&
ññ<O-bant>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbant]&&&
ññ<o-BA-red-i-BOST>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbaˡrɛeˑːdˡɪˡbɔst]&&&
ññ<o-BAUB>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbaʊb]&&&
ññ<o-BED-war-BAN-BIID>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːdˡwarˡbanˡbiˑd]&&&
ññ<O-be-lisk>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːˡlɪsk]&&&
ññ<o-be-LI-ske>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːˡlɪˡskaɪ,
ññ<o-BELH>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːɬ]&&&
ññ<o-BELH-ag-A-gos>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːɬˡagˡaˡgɔs]&&&
ññ<o-be-LHA-vodh-BIID>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːˡɬaˡvɔðˡbiˑd]&&&
ññ<o-BELH-fordh>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːɬˡfɔrð]&&&
ññ<o-BEN>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛn]&&&
ññ<o-ben-AA-ralh>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːnˡɑˑːˡraɬ]&&&
ññ<O-BEN-BUI-GII-LIDH>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːnˡbʊɪˡgiˑˡlɪð]&&&
ññ<o-ben-kair-Gə-bi-i-ben-kair-DIIDH>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɛeˑːnˡkaɪrˡgəˡbɪˡɪˡbɛeˑːnˡkaɪrˡdiˑð]&&&
ññ<o-BLEE>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbleː]&&&
ññ<o-BLE-gid>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡblɛeˑːˡgɪd]&&&
ññ<o-BLE-gid>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡblɛeˑːˡgɪd]&&&
ññ<o-BOP-ti>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɔpˡtɪ]&&&
ññ<o-BO-sib>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbɔˡsɪb]&&&
ññ<o-BRII>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbrɪ]&&&
ññ<o-BUIS>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡbʊɪs]&&&
ññ<ookh-BOODH-nei-ookh-AN-vodh>ñññ &&[ˡoːˑxˡboːˑðˡnəɪˡoːˑxˡanˡvɔð]&&&
ññ<oi-GO-rin-iu-SAU-dul>ñññ &&[ˡɔɪˡgɔˡrɪnˡɪʊˡsaʊˡdʊl]&&&
ññ<o-KHE-ned,-okh-NEID-ye>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡxɛeˑːˡnɛeˑːd,
ˡɔxˡnəɪdˡjaɪ, -ɛ]&&&
ññ<okh-NEID-ye>ñññ &&[ˡɔxˡnəɪdˡjaɪ,
ññ<okh-NEID-yo>ñññ &&[ˡɔxˡnəɪdˡjɔɔ]&&&
ññ<O-khor,-OKH-re>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡxɔr, ˡɔxˡraɪ,
ññ<OO-khor-KHWIITH>ñññ &&[ˡoːˑˡxɔrˡxwiˑθ]&&&
ññ<ər-O-khor-DRAU>ñññ &&[ˡərˡɔˡxɔrˡdraʊuɔ]&&&
ññ<o-khor-ə-VOIL>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡxɔrˡəˡvɔɪl]&&&
ññ<O-khor-ə-Mə-nidh>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡxɔrˡəˡməˡnɪð]&&&
ññ<O-khor-ən-O-khor>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡxɔrˡənˡɔˡxɔr]&&&
ññ<ok-si-TA-neg>ñññ &&[ˡɔkˡsɪˡtaˡnɛeˑːg]&&&
ññ<OD>ñññ &&[ˡɔd]&&&
ññ<OD>ñññ &&[ˡɔd]&&&
ññ<o-DAN>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡdan]&&&
ññ<ODHV>ñññ &&[ˡɔðv]&&&
ññ<ODH-ve>ñññ &&[ˡɔðˡvaɪ, -ɛ]&&&
ññ<in-wood>ñññ &&[ˡɪnˡwoːˑd]&&&
ññ<in-wood>ñññ &&[ˡɪnˡwoːˑd]&&&
ññ<ODH-vog>ñññ &&[ˡɔðˡvɔg]&&&
ññ<OO-dhi-AA-gos>ñññ &&[ˡoːˑˡðɪˡɑˑːˡgɔs]&&&
ññ<o-dhi-AR>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡðɪˡar]&&&
ññ<o-dhi-EI-thir>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡðɪˡəɪˡθɪr]&&&
ññ<o-DHI-vri>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡðɪˡvrɪ]&&&
ññ<o-dhi-URTH>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡðɪˡʊrθ]&&&
ññ<oo-dii-ko-LOON>ñññ &&[ˡoːˑˡdiˑˡkɔˡloːˑn]&&&
ññ<O-did>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡdɪd]&&&
ññ<o-did-DHIM>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡdɪdˡðɪm]&&&
ññ<O-dl,-OD-le>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡdl, ˡɔdˡlaɪ,
ññ<oo-DOO>ñññ &&[ˡoːˑˡdoːˑ]&&&
ññ<OD-riv>ñññ &&[ˡɔdˡrɪv]&&&
ññ<od-RII-ve>ñññ &&[ˡɔdˡriˑˡvaɪ,
ññ<OD-ruidh>ñññ &&[ˡɔdˡrʊɪð]&&&
ññ<OO-didh>ñññ &&[ˡoːˑˡdɪð]&&&
ññ<o-DəDH-yon>ñññ &&[ˡɔˡdəðˡjɔn]&&&
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