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fformat sgrolio-i-lawr.
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Cymru-Catalonia |
di- 1 ‹dii › prefix
1 intensifier (+ soft mutation); complete, extreme
..1/ diben (= objective).
This is (di-, intensifying prefix) +
soft mutation + (pen = head)
..2/ dihenydd (= death,
execution ) < dien (= death).
This is (di-, intensifying prefix) +
(*hen = death), probably from a
Celtic element *sen (= to end, to
..3/ dinoethi (= bare,
denude, expose, strip bare) < noethi
(= make bare)
..4/ dioddef (= suffer),
This is (di-, intensifying prefix) +
soft mutation + (goddef = suffer)
..5/ disyml (=
unaffected, simple, plain, honest, innocent) < syml (= simple)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh di < British *dô < Celtic *dî
From the same Indoeuropean root: Latin dê
(preposition = away from), used
also as a prefix (= indicating separation), Catalan / Occitan / French /
Castilian, etc de (= from)
di- 2 ‹dii › prefix
1 privative prefix (+ soft mutation), without.
Used in forming
Corresponds to English
prefixes “dis-, un-, in-, etc” or the suffix “-less”
..1/ diarfog (= unarmed)
(arfog = armed, arf = arm,
..2/ diddoli (= separate,
segregate, set apart, isolate). This is from (diddawl) + (-i,
verb ending); diddawl is (di- privative prefix) + soft mutation +
(a now obsolete element dawl =
..3/ digyfalaf without capital (cyfalaf = capital). This is (di- privative prefix) + soft mutation +
(cyfalaf = capital)
a/ monosyllables: older forms have the stress on the prefix di
diflas (= boring) ‹di-vlas›
compounds have the stress on the second element
di-flas (= having no taste, insipid)
b/ the prefix di can occur before
expressions of more than one word:
di-alw-amdano (= uncalled for)
c/ in some cases with initial ‘g’ there is no mutation (words which are late
borrowings from English)
di-gès (= clueless)
ETYMOLOGY: the same origin as the intensifying prefix di-, with a change of sense > 'without'
’di ‹di›
1 clipped
form of the preposition wedi which
may occur when wedi is used to form
a past tense
Wyt ti ’di gorffen / I ti ‘di gorffen? (= Wyt ti wedi gorffen?) Have you finished?
NOTE: This loss of the accented first syllable in two-syllable word is not
unusual in Welsh. Other examples abound; a couple are
(1) yma ‹ə -ma› (= here) > ’ma
(2) acw ‹a -ku› (= there) > ’cw
diabred ‹di- a -bred› adjective
1 withheld, held back, refused, denied
2 In the north of the county of Powys, between Caer-sŵs and Llandinam,
there is land originally called Rhos
Ddiabred (literally “moor which has been held back / withheld”, apparently
referring to ownership).
Nowadays the name is Rhos Ddiarbed
(‘ceaseless moor’, the result of confusion with the word diarbed = ceaseless, relentless, unrelenting)
(delw delwedd 7488)
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) + (abred
= release)
diaconiaid ‹di-A-kon, di-a-KON-yed› (masculine noun)
1 deacon - lay official of a non-Conformist church
diaddurn ‹di-a-dhirn› adjective
1 without ornamentation, unadorned, plain, simple, austere,
Capel digon diaddurn yw Soar y Mynydd
Soar y Mynydd is quite a simple chapel
2 ugly
Gwnaethant Gwm Rhondda yn anialwch, a
bryniau Ffestiniog yn ddiaddurn
They turned the Rhondda valley into a desert and made the hills of Ffestiniog
3 (language) plain, simple, not ornate
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative suffix)
+ soft mutation + (addurn =
diadell ‹di-AA-delh› feminine noun
PLURAL diadellau,
diadelloedd ‹di-a-DE-lhai, -e, -oidh, -odh›
1 flock
diadell o ºddefaid a flock of sheep
2 Mae llwdn du ym ººmhob
There’s a black sheep in every flock (= in every good family there’s somebody
who is unlike the rest, someone who is disreputable)
3 flock = people under the spiritual care of the pastor of a church
ETYMOLOGY: diadell, possibly from *dyadell, which would be
(dyad-, stem of dyadu, dyadael = to let
go / release; to drive animals) + (-ell
suffix for forming nouns);
dyadu = (dy- = intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (gadu = leave, permit)
diadfer ‹di-AD-ver›
1 irrecuperable
Nid gwiw wylo am yr hyn sydd ddiadfer
It’s no use crying over spilt milk
(“It-is-not profitable crying for the thing which-is irrecuperable”, it is
useless to cry over what cannot be restored)
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative prefix, ‘without’) + (adfer = to
recover, to restore)
diadlam ‹di- ad -lam› adjective
1 without a rebound
2 (gun) recoilless, not jumping back on being fired
reiffl ddiadlam recoilless rifle
3 (wall) that cannot be crossed over again to return to the other
side; a river Rubicon
gwal ddiadlam / wal ddiadlam wall which you cannot climb back over (“a no leaping
back wall”, “a rebound-less wall”)
mur diadlam wall which you cannot
climb back over; (loosely) insurmountable
cyrraedd mur diadlam come up against
a great obstacle which once overcome allows no turning back; come up against an
insurmountable obstacle
Daeth o'r diwedd at Nant Gwrtheyrn, yr
hwn gwm sydd wedi ei furiaw o gwmpas â wal ddiadlam o greigiau ysgrynyglyd (Cilmin Droettu, Y Brython 1859 tudalen /
page 428)
At last he came to Nant Gwrthéyrn, which valley is walled around with a wall of
sharp rocks which once crossed over there is no return.
Mae’r “wàl fawr ddiadlam” gylch ogylch Gehenna
Eben Fardd / Yr Adgyfodiad / Y Traethodydd / 1851 tudalen / page 27
The great irremeable (“affording no possibily of return”) wall around Gehenna
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = private prefix,
“without”, “-less”) + (adlam =
recoil, leap)
diafol ‹di-AA-vol› masculine noun
PLURAL diefyl
1 devil
2 y diafol yn gweld bai ar bechod Satan rebuking sin, the
devil denouncing evil (“the devil seeing defect on sin”), doing something
completely out of character
ETYMOLOGY: Diafol is a literary
form. Modern spoken Welsh has diawl which is in fact the more
genuine form, and the precursor of diafol
Latin DIABOLUS > British *DIAB'L-OS > Welsh DIAFL > DIAWL
The change ‹v› > ‹w› occurs sporadically in Welsh
after A / O
standard TAFLU = throw > southern dialect TOWLU,
standard EOFN = bold > southern dialect EWN,
standard YSGAFN = light, weighing little > southern dialect YSGAWN
The plural form is from the Latin plural DIABOLI > British *DIAB'L-I
A variant singular foem emerged. The consonant ‹v› , retained in the plural form, then influenced the
singular form, and was inserted
at the beginning of the final syllable: DIAWL (one syllable) > DIA FWL (two
This latter form diafwl was altered by the translator of the New Testament
(1588) into Welsh, William Salesbury, who replaced the “w” with an “o” (diafol)
to Latinise the word and bring it closer to the source word diabolus
(= devil)
See the entry diawl
diain ‹DYAIN› (mf)
1 altered form of diawl (= devil) used in mild oaths
myn diain i! blimey!
diain i! blimey!
dial ‹DII-al› (masculine noun)
1 revenge
dial (ar rywun) (am rywbeth) take revenge (on somebody) (for
something), revenge oneself (on somebody) (for something)
torri’ch trwyn i ddial ar eich wyneb
to cut off your nose to spite your face
(“cut off your nose to get-revenge on your face”)
= to seize an opportunity to do something which will harm your rival /
adversary / enemy even though it causes yourself a great deal of harm too
dialedd ‹di-AA-ledh› (m)
PLURAL diaddelion
1 vengeance, act of
revenge, act of retribution
lladd (rhywun) mewn
kill (somebody) in
revenge, kill (somebody) out of revenge
3 (North Wales) enormous
amount, immense quantity, huge amount
bod (rhywbeth) yn ddialedd gan... to have
an enormous amount of (“to be as an enormous amount with”)
bod peth ddialedd o (rywbeth) gan... to
have an enormous amount of, to have loads of (“to be an enormous amount of
something with”)
cael daledd o receive an enormous quantity of
Mae nhw'n cael dialedd o
bethe gan eu rhieni They get a load of things from their parents
4 (Bible) plague, disease
Jeremeia 19:8 A mi a
wnaf y ddinas hon yn anghyfannedd, ac yn ffiaidd, pob un a elo heibio iddi a
synna ac a chwibana, oherwydd ei holl ddialeddau hi.
Jeremiah 19:8 And I will make this city desolate, and an hissing; every one
that passeth thereby shall be astonished and hiss because of all the plagues
ETYMOLOGY: (dial = revenge, act of revenge) + (-edd
noun suffix)
diamynedd ‹di-a-MƏ-nedh› (adjective)
1 impatient
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = without) + (amynedd = patience)
dianaf (diana’) ‹di-AA-nav,
di-AA-na› adjective
1 unhurt, uninjured, intact
iach ddianaf safe and sound
difai dianaf safe and sound
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = without) + (anaf = injury)
dianc ‹DI-angk› (verb)
1 to escape
dianc o Glwyd a boddi ar Gonwy go from the frying pan into the fire
(“escape from (drowning in) (the
river) Clwyd and drown on (= while
crossing) (the river) Conwy”)
2 dianc rhag escape from
dianc rhag popeth get away from it all (“escape from everything”)
Nid oes dianc rhag y mewnlifiad Saesneg
There's no escaping the English immigration
Treth Cerbyd. Does dim dianc rhagddi
Vehicle tax. There’s no escaping it.
diangen ‹di-a-ngen› adjective
1 unnecessary
codi trethi newydd a diangen ar Gymru
impose (“raise”) new and unnecessary taxes on the whole of Wales
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = without) + (angen = necessity, need)
diangféydd ‹di-ang-VEIDH›
1 plural of dihangfa (qv) (= escape)
dianghenraid ‹di-a-nghen-raid› adjective
1 unneeded, unnecessary
Yr oedd yr ystafell fel newydd bron, popeth
dianghenrhaid wedi cael ei symud
The room was almost like new, everything unnecessary had been removed
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = without) + (anghenraid = necessity, need)
dianwadal ‹di-an-WAA-dal› adjective
1 steadfast, firm, unshakeable, unwavering, resolute
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = negative prefix) +
(anwadal = unstable).
dianwadalwch ‹di-an-wa-DAA-lukh› masculine noun
1 steadfastness, resolution
ETYMOLOGY: (dianwadal = resolute) +
(-wch = suffix for forming nouns).
diar ‹DII-ar› masculine noun
1 steadfastness, resolution
ETYMOLOGY: (dianwadal = resolute) +
(-wch = suffix for forming nouns).
diar ‹DII-ar›
1 used in interjections; replaces the name Duw (= God)
See dier
diarbed ‹di- ar -bed› adjective
1 ceaseless, relentless, unrelenting, unstinting
llafurio yn ddiarbed dros (rywbeth) work
/ toil relentlessly for (something)
rhyfel diarbed total war, all-out
2 gwario’n ddiarbed spare no expense
(“spend ceaselessly”)
3 In the north of the county of Powys, between Caer-sŵs and
Llandinam, there is land originally called Rhos
Ddiabred (literally “moor which has been held back”, apparently referring
to ownership).
(delw delwedd 7488)
Nowadays the name is Rhos Ddiarbed (the result of confusion
with the word diarbed = ceaseless,
relentless, unrelenting)
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
(arbed = to save)
diarchen ‹di-ar-khen› adjective
1 obsolete barefoot
2 obsolete (horses,
cattle) unshod
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
(archen = shoe) < British
From the same British root: Breton diarc’hen
(= barefoot)
diarchwaeth ‹di-ar-khweth› adjective
1 without appetite
diarchwaeth at fwyd with no desire
for food ("without appetite for food")
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = without) + (archwaeth = appetite)
..1 diarddel ‹di-ar-dhel› verb
1 repudiate, disown
Yr oedd rhai o’r farn fod y peth gorau i
wneud o’r geiriau tafodieithol oedd eu diarddel a mabwysiadu iaith safonol yn
eu lle
Some were of the opinion that the best thing with dialect words was to disown
them, and adopt a standard language in their place
expel = terminate the membership of a member of a political party
Cafodd ei ddiarddel o’r Blaid Lafur
He was expelled from the Labour Party
expel = terminate the membership of a member of a non-conformist denomination
(Calvanistic Methodists, Wesleyan Methodists, Baptists, Congregationalists)
disqualify = make inelegible, to deprive of the right (to do something)
(in advertisements for vacant posts, usually for work with a local authority,
such as teaching, the phrase bydd
canfasio yn diarddel is sometimes seen - canvassing will lead to
disqualification - that is, any applicant who solicits the support of
individual members of the selection committee will not be considered for the
(job) dismiss, expel
Fe’i diard
yd o’i swydd fel prifathro
He was expelled from his job as headmaster
(school) diarddel to expel =
terminally prohibit from attending school for problems of behaviour, etc
diarddel dros dro suspend = to
forbid from attending classes temporarily as a punishment
Mae chwech o ddisgyblion Ysgol Uwchradd
Dyffryn Teifi yn Llandysul wedi cael eu diarddel dros dro
Six pupils from the Dyffryn Teifi High School in Llandysul have been suspended
ETYMOLOGY: diarddel < diarddelw (di-, negative prefix) + (arddelw
(verb) = to recognise, acknowledge,
See the entry “w” for
many other cases of the loss of the final -w (ofnadwÿ > ofnadw, etc)
..2 diarddel ‹di-ar-dhel› adjective
PLURAL diarddelion
1 unclaimed, without an owner, claimed by nobody
diarddelion unclaimed property
llwdn diarddel unclaimed stray
llythyr diarddel dead letter =
uncollected letter, letter undelivered because the addressee cannot be found
sêl diarddelion sale of unclaimed
swyddfa lythyron diarddel
dead-letter office
tir diarddel escheat
(1) (feudalism) land which reverts to the feudal lord,
(2) land which went to the Crown in the absence of heirs (until a change in
English law in 1926)
ETYMOLOGY: diarddel < diarddelw (di-, negative prefix) + (arddelw
(noun) = title of ownership)
NOTE: South Wales: diarddelion
> diarddelon ‹di-ar-dhe-lon› ; the loss of the
consonant ‹i› at the beginning of the
final syllable is typical of the speech of the south
diarddeliad ‹di-ar-dhel-yad› masculine noun
PLURAL diarddeliadau
1 expulsion (from school, etc)
ETYMOLOGY: (diarddel = expel) + (-iad suffix for forming nouns)
diargyhoedd ‹di-ar-gə-hoidh
› adjective
1 blameless, irrepproachable
Luc 1:6 Ac yr oeddynt ill dau yn gyfiawn gerbron Duw, yn rhodio yn holl
orchmynion a deddfau’r Arglwydd yn ddiargyhoedd
Luke 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the
commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless
Corinthiad-1 1:8 Yr hwn hefyd a’ch cadarnha chwi hyd y diwedd, yn ddiargyhoedd, yn nydd ein
Harglwydd Iesu Grist
Corinthians-1 1:8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be
blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thesaloniaid-1 2:10 Tystion ydych chwi, a Duw hefyd, mor sanctaidd, ac mor
gyfiawn, a diargyhoedd,
yr ymddygasom yn eich mysg chwi y rhai ydych yn credu
Thessalonians-1 2:10 Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and
unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe
(Also Thessalonians-3:13, Thessalonians-5:23)
Philipiaid 2:15 Fel y byddoch ddiargyhoedd a diniwed, yn blant difeius i Dduw, yng nghanol
cenhedlaeth ddrygionus a throfaus, ymhlith y rhai yr ydych yn disgleirio megis
goleuadau yn y byd
Philippians 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God,
without rebuke, in the midst f a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye
shine as lights in the world
Philipiaid 3:6 Yn ôl sêl, yn erlid yr eglwys; yn ôl y cyfiawnder sydd yn y
ddeddf, yn ddiargyhoedd
Philippians 3:6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness
which is the law, blameless.
Timotheus-1 3:2 Rhaid gan hynny i esgob fod yn ddiargyhoedd, yn ŵr un wraig, yn wyliadwrus,
yn sobr, yn weddaidd, yn lletygar, yn athrawaidd
Timothy-1 3:2 A bishop must then be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant,
sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach.
Timotheus-1 3:10 A phrofer y rhai hynny hefyd yn gyntaf; yna gwasanaethant
swydd diaconiaid, os byddant diargyhoedd
Timothy-1 3:10 And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office
of a deacon, being found blameless
Timotheus-1 5:7 A gorchymyn y pethau hyn, fel y
byddont ddiargyhoedd
5:7 And these things give in charge, that they may be blameless
Timotheus-1 6:14 Gadw ohonot y gorchymyn hyn yn ddifeius, yn ddiargyhoedd, hyd
ymddangosiad ein Harlwydd Iesu Grist
Timothy-1 6:14 That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable,
until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
Titus 1:6 Os yw neb yn ddiargyhoedd,
yn ŵr un wraig, a chanddo blant ffyddlon, heb gael y gair o fod yn
afradlon, neu yn anufudd
Titus 1:6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful
children not accused of riot or unruly
Titus 1:7 Canys rhaid i esgob fod yn ddiargyhoedd, fel goruchwyliwr Duw; nid yn gyndyn,
nid yn ddicllon, nid yn wingar, nid yn drawydd, nid yn budrelwa
Titus 1:7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not
selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy
Pedr-2 3:14 Oherwydd paham,
anwylyd, gan eich bod yn disgwyl y pethau hyn, gwnewch eich gorau ar eich cael
ganddo mewn tangnefedd, yn ddifrycheulyd, ac yn ddiargyhoedd
Peter-2 3:14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things; be
diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative
prefix, ‘without’) + (argyhoedd =
rebuke, condemnation)
diarhebion ‹di-ar-HEB-yon› (plural noun)
1 proverbs; plural of dihareb
Diarhebion ‹di-ar- heb -yon›
1 Diarhebion or Llyfr y Diarhebion book of the Old Testament with the wisdom of Israelite sages
Abbreviation in GPC (Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru / Dictionary of the University
of Wales): Diar.
diarth ‹DII-arth› (adjective)
1 strange (North Wales) =
diarwybod ‹di-ar-UI-bod› (adjective)
1 without knowing
2 sleifio at (rywun) yn ddiarwybod iddo
sneak up on somebody (“slink to (somebody) without him knowing”)
Also llithro at (rywun) yn ddiarwybod
diawl, diawliaid
(masculine noun)
(South: diawl is colloquially "jawl";
the plural is diawlaid (without the
semi consonant –i) >
"jawled") ‹JAUL, JAU-led›
1 devil
2 ar y diawl ‘very’
(literally: “on the devil”)
bod yn falch ar y diawl be as
pleased as punch, be as glad as hell
3 ddiawl (after masculine
or feminine singular noun, or plural noun) damned, bloody, goddam
yr ast ddiawl the goddam bitch
4 (North-west Wales) fel
diawl dan garreg said of a constant complainer “like a devil under a stone”
5 used as a term of abuse for somebody
regarded with contempt - bugger, bastard, etc (USA: son of a bitch, s.o.b.)
Mae e’n ddiawl celwyddog He’s a lying bastard
6 mynd i’r diawl to go to Hell (“go
to the devil”)
i’r diawl! Go to Hell! (“go to the devil”)
gaiff fynd i’r diawl! He can go to Hell! (“he may go to the devil”)
diawl ag e! To Hell with him! (“to the devil with him”)
I’r diawl â thi! Hang you!
7 o ddiawl! (denial) my
foot! not likely!
Ei helpu, o ddiawl! Help him my
8 diain altered form of diawl used in
mild oaths
myn diain i! blimey!
diain i! blimey!
dibarch ‹DII-barkh›
1 disrespectful, lacking in respect
mor ddibarch â'r blaidd “as disrespectful as the wolf”
2 dibarch rhy gyffredin familiarity breeds content (“without
respect (a thing) too common”)
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative prefix, 'without') + soft mutation + (parch
= respect)
dibechod ‹di-BEE-khod› adjective
1 sinless, without sin
Ioan 8:7 Yr hwn sydd ddibechod ohonoch,
tafled yn gyntaf garreg ati hi
John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative prefix,
‘without’) + soft mutation + (pechod
= sin)
diben, dibenion ‹DII-ben, di-BEN-yon› (masculine noun)
1 end
2 mae’r diben yn cyfiawnháu’r
modd the end justifies the means
dibennu ‹di-BE-ni› (verb)
1 to end
(dibenn- < diben = end) + (-u verb suffix)
dibriod ‹di-BRII-od› (adjective)
1 single, unmarried
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative prefix,
‘without’) + soft mutation + (priod =
dibris ‹di-bris› adjective
1 (person) rash, reckless, foolhardy
2 (person) disrespectful
yn ddibris adverb contemptuously, showing scant respect
Aeth dau ddyn ieuanc dibris
at y gweinidog a gofynodd iddo pa liw oedd gwallt y diawl
Two disrespectful young
men went up to the minister and asked him what colour was the devil’s hair
yn ddibris adverb carelessly
Paid â thrafod dy ddillad mor ddiprish
Don’t treat your clothes so carelessly
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = without) + soft
mutation + (pris = respect; value)
NOTE: South-east Wales diprish - with the usual differences
from the standard form to be expected in this dialect;
..a/ s > sh after i dibris > dibrish
..b/ b > p at the beginning of the final syllable dibrish >
dibrisio ‹di-BRI-syo, -sho› (verb)
1 to slander
difenwi a dibrisio defame and
dibrofiad ‹di- brov -yad› adjective
1 inexperienced
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (profiad =
dibwys ‹DII-buis› adjective
1 trivial, unimportant, insignificant
Fe ddaeth chwyldro ar ddysgu Cymraeg ac
fe ddaethon ni i sylweddoli mor ddibwys mewn gwirionedd yw astudio llenyddiaeth
Gymraeg fel pwnc ysgol o’u cymharu â’r nod o ddysgu i blant siarad Cymraeg.
Teaching Welsh was revolutionised and we came to realise how unimportant really
was studying Welsh literature as a school subject compared with the goal of
teaching children to speak Welsh
pethau dibwys trivialities, things
of no importance
Yr ym ni’n arbennig o dda am gwyno am
bethau dibwys yn lle mynd at graidd y broblem
We are extremely good at complaining about trivialities instead of getting to
the root ("heart") of the problem
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (pwys = weight,
dibyn, dibynnau ‹DII-bin, di-BƏ-ne› (masculine noun)
1 cliff
Perygl. Dibyn Serth. (on a warning sign) Danger. Sheer Drop
dibynnu ‹di-BƏ-ni› (verb)
1 depend
dibynwlad ‹di-bən-wlad› feminine noun
PLURAL dibynwledydd
‹di-bən- wlê
1 dependency = country dependent on another
y ddibynwlad = the dependency
ETYMOLOGY: (dibyn- < dibynnu = to depend) + soft mutation +
(gwlad = country)
dicach ‹di -kakh› adjective
1 angrier
Dim dicach! No hard feelings!
ETYMOLOGY: dicach < digach (= angrier)
(influenced by the form dicaf =
angriest) (dig = angry) + (-ach termination of comparative
The superlative form dicaf < díg-haf (dig + haf termination of
superlative adjective)
dichellgar ‹di- khelh
-gar› adjective
1 deceptive, wily, treacherous,
gyda bwriad dichellgar with intent
to decive
ETYMOLOGY: (dichell = deception) + (-gar suffix for forming adjectives)
dichlyn ‹dikh -lin› adjective
1 choose, select; pick out, sort out, separate out; find the best
ones (of), pick out the best ones (from)
In use in the south-west – dichlyn tato
grade potatoes, sort them e.g. into small, medium-size and large.
ETYMOLOGY: from a Celtic root *glenn-
(= to choose?) < *do-eks-glenn
dichlynaidd ‹di- khlə -nedh› adjective
1 blameless, of irreproachable character; exemplary
Bu'n aelod dichlynaidd gyda'r
Trefnyddion Calfinaidd am hanner can mlynedd
She was an exemplary member of the Calvinist Methodists for fifty years
ETYMOLOGY: (dichlyn-, stem of dichlyn = to select, to choose) + (-aidd suffix for forming adjectives)
dichon ‹DII-khon› (verb)
1 (obsolete) be able
a ddichon...? can he / she / it....? is he / she / it, able to....?
Datguddiad 6:17 Yna darllenodd ei destyn, sef, “Canys daeth dydd mawr ei
ddicter ef, a phwy a
ddichon sefyll?
Revelation 6:17 Then he read his
text, namely, “For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to
Salmau 78:19 Llefarasant hefyd yn erbyn DUW; dywedasant, A ddichon DUW arlwyo
bwrdd yn yr anialwch?
Psalms 78:19 Yea, they spake against
God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?
y dichon can
Salmau 129:1 Caniad y graddau. Llawer gwaith y’m cystuddiasant o’m
hieuenctid, y dichon
Israel ddywedyd yn awr: (129:2) Llawer gwaith y’m cystuddiasant o’m
hieuenctid: eto ni’m gorfuant
129:1 A Song of degrees. Many a time have they afflicted me
from my youth, may Israel now say: (129:2) Many a time have they afflicted me
from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.
Sant Mathew 3:9 Ac na feddyliwch ddywedyd ynoch eich
hunain, Y mae gennym ni Abraham yn dad i ni: canys yr ydwyf yn dywedyd i chwi, y dichon Duw, ie, o’r
meini hyn, gyfodi plant i Abraham.
Saint Matthew 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to
our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up
children unto Abraham.
3 a ddichon which can yr
hen gydnabyddion -
“Mae rhai mewn beddau'n huno, a'r lleill ar led y byd,
Nad oes un gloch a ddichon eu galw heddiw ’nghyd.”
As for old acquaintances: Some
are sleeping in graves, others are in other parts of the world, there is not a
single bell that can call then together today
4 ni ddichon cannot
Datguddiad 3:8 Mi a adwaen dy weithredoedd: wele, rhoddais
ger dy fron ddrws agored, ac ni
ddichon neb ei gau: canys y mae gennyt ychydig nerth, a thi a gedwaist
fy ngair, ac ni wedaist fy enw.
Revelations 3:8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door,
and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word,
and hast not denied my name.
5 maybe
Dichon nad yw’n wir Maybe it’s not true
(Synonyms of dichon are: efallai / hwyrach / gall)
fe ddichon = maybe
-Marged fach, beth sy'n bod arnat ti?
-Dwn i ddim. Fe ddichon mod i'n mynd yn sofft yn
fy hen dyddiau
-Hen, wir. Dym ni ddim mor hen â hynny
dear, what’s up with you?
-I don’t know. Maybe I’m going soft in my old age
-Old, indeed! We’re not as old as all that.
(Hen Wlad fy Nhadau; Jack Jones; translation by Kitchner Davies 1938; t59
ETYMOLOGY: dichon < dichawn < British dî-ad-kân (prefix dî,
prefix ad, element kân- found in other Welsh words, for example
as con, reduced from an original cawn, > in digon
(digawn) (= enough), gogoniant (gogawniant)
(= glory))
dichonoldeb ‹di-khon-OL-deb› feminine noun
1 feasibility
astudiaeth ddichonoldeb, astudiaethau dichonoldeb feasibility study
ETYMOLOGY: ( dichonol = feasible) + ( -deb noun suffix)
Dic Siôn Dafydd ‹dik shoon DAA-vidh› masculine noun
Dafyddion ‹dik shoon da-vədh-yon›
1 person who renounces the Welsh language and culture in the belief
that anything English is far superior; Welshman who shows contempt for his
language and nation, preferring to be considered as an Englishman
ETYMOLOGY: (Dic / Dick, Richard) + (son
of) + (Siôn /John) + (son of) + (Dafydd / David); (name of a character
in a poem of the same name by Jac Glanygors (John Jones, 1766-1821). Dic moves to
London to become a haberdasher, and pretends that he has forgotten his Welsh.
On visiting his mother back in Wales he insists on speaking English to her, a
language unknown to her)
NOTE: Emrys ap Iwan in “Breuddwyd Pabydd Wrth ei Ewyllys” (c. 1890) (‘a
papist’s dream of how he would have things be’) uses Cadi Siân Dafydd (qv) as the female equivalent
Dic Siôn
Dafyddiaeth ‹dik shoon da-vədh-yeth› feminine
1 condition of being a Dic
Siôn Dafydd; renunciation of the Welsh language and Welsh identity; the Dic
Siôn Dafydd syndrome; anti-Welshness (on the part of a Welsh person)
Oddiar brofiad a chyda gofid y dywedaf
am lawer o weindogion yr Efengyl, mai hwy yw y gelynion creulonaf a welodd ein
haith erioed. Llawer o honynt ddywedais, cofier - nid yr oll o honynt. Y mae
Dic Shon Dafyddiaeth rhai o honynt yn anesboniadwy ac yn ffiaidd i mi.
(Tarian Y Gweithiwr 24 12 1908)
From experience and with sorrow I can say about many ministers of the Gospel,
that they are the cruelest enemies that our language has ever seen. Many of
them, I said – not all of them. The Dic Siôn Dafydd syndrome that some of them
have is inexplicable and repugnant to me
ETYMOLOGY: (Dic Siôn Dafydd) + (-i-aeth suffix for forming abstract
dicter ‹DIK-ter› (masculine noun)
1 anger
ETYMOLOGY: (dig [diig] = angry) + soft
mutation + (-ter suffix for forming
abstract nouns) > *digder > dicter (g-d > c-t)
diddan ‹DII-dhan› adjective
1 amusing, pleasant
tafarn lle mae ’na bob amser griw diddan
ac awyrgylch anffurfiol
a tavern where there is always a group of people having fun and an informal
plural noun diddanion amusements
prynu diddanion difyrru’r amser i’r
plant yn y gwasanaethau
buy amusements to pass the time for the children in the service area (by the
ETYMOLOGY: diddan, stem of the verb diddanu = to entertain
diddanu ‹di-DHAA-ni› verb
1 amuse, entertain
South Wales (child) pay attention to,
humour, amuse; indulge, spoil
comfort, console
Thesaloniaid-1 4:18 Am hynny diddenwch
eich gilydd â’r ymadroddion hyn
Thessalonians-1 4:18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British
From the same British root: Cornish didhana
(= amuse, entertain)
diddanwch ‹di-DHAA-nukh› masculine noun
1 entertainment = amusements as a pastime
Roedd yn rhaid inni greu ein diddanwch
ein hunain pan oedden ni yn blant
We had to create our own amusement when we were children
Corinthiaid-2 1:3 Bendigedig fyddo Duw,
a Thad ein Harglwydd ni Iesu Grist, Tad y trugareddau,a Duw pob diddanwch
Corinthians-2 1:3 Blessed [be] God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort
ETYMOLOGY: (diddan-, stem of diddanu = to entertain) + (-wch, suffix)
diddanwr ‹di-DHAA-nur› masculine noun
PLURAL diddanwyr
1 entertainer
ETYMOLOGY: (diddan-, stem of diddanu = to entertain) + (-wr, suffix = man)
diddanydd ‹di-DHAA-nidh› masculine noun
PLURAL diddanwyr,
diddanyddion ‹di-dhan-wir,
1 comforter
y Diddanydd the Comforter, the Holy
Ioan 14:15 O cherwch fi, cedwch fy
ngorchmynion (14:16) A mi a weddïaf
ar y Tad, ac efe a rydd i chwi Ddiddanydd arall, fel yr arhoso gyda chwi yn
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. (14:16) And I will pray the
Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for
ETYMOLOGY: (diddan-, stem of diddanu = to entertain) + (-ydd, suffix = agent)
di-ddawn ‹di-dhAun
› adjective
1 talentless
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) + soft mutation + (dawn =
diddeall ‹di-DHEE-alh› adj
1 dim-witted, slow on the uptake
ETYMOLOGY: (di- negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (deall = understanding)
diddim ‹DII-dhim ›
1 destitute, having nothing
2 diddymu to abolish; to deprive
ETYMOLOGY: (di- negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (dim = anything)
di-ddim ‹di-dhim ›
1 useless, good-for-nothing
Un di-ddim iawn ’di o he’s absolutely useless
ETYMOLOGY: (di- negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (dim = anything)
(in fact, the same word as diddim above, with the final syllable
diddiwylliant ‹di-dhi-WƏLH-yant› (adjective)
1 uncultured
diddordeb ‹di- dhor deb› masculine noun
PLURAL diddordebau
‹di-dhor- dê -be›
1 interest = curiosity about a person or thing
Does gen i rithyn o ddiddordeb yn y byd
bocsio I haven’t got the slightest interest in boxing
Does gen i fawr o ddiddordeb mewn
chwaraeon I’m not really interested in sport
Dyw hi ddim o’r diddordeb lleiaf imi
It doesn’t interest me in the least / in the slightest
colli diddordeb mewn / yn lose interest in
cymryd diddordeb mewn / yn take an interest in
cymryd diddordeb mawr mewn / yn take a great interest in
Er mewn oedran teg dalia Mr Edwards i gymryd
diddordeb mawr yn y cysegr a bu’n hynod ffyddlon ar hyd y daith
Although he has reached a ripe old age Mr. Edwards continues to take a great
interest in the chapel and has been very faithful (to it) all his life (“along
the journey”)
o ychydig ddiddordeb of minor
interest, of little interest
2 interest = stimulation of curiosity in a person
3 interest = a thing which attracts one, which stimulates a person’s
4 interest = activity to which one dedicates time because it is
pleasant and instructive, a hobby
Maa ganddo ddigon o ddiddordebe
sy’n ’i dynnu fe maas o’r ty
He has enough interests which get him out of the house
5 diddordeb yn, diddordeb
mewn interest in
diddordeb yn... gan... = be
interested in
diddordeb byw mewn / yn = a great
interest in
Mae ganddo diddordeb byw mewn pêl-droed
he has a great interest in football
Mae ganddo ddiddordeb brwd yn y
diwylliant Ocsitaneg
He’s really interested in Occitan culture
bod diddordeb mawr yn... gan... = be
really interested in
6 interest = reason for wanting something done
diddordebau hunanfanteisiol
selfserving interests
ETYMOLOGY: (diddor-, root of the
verb diddorri = to interest) + (-deb abstract-noun suffix)
diddorol ‹di-DHOO-rol› (adjective)
1 interesting
ETYMOLOGY: (diddor-, root of the
verb diddorri = to interest) + (-ol adjectival suffix)
diddwn ‹DII-dhun› (verb)
1 (South-east Wales) to wean
See diddwyn
diddwyn ‹DII-dhuin› (verb)
1 to wean
2 diddwyn weaned This
is the verb stem (which in this case is identical with the verbnoun) used as a
past participle:
porchell diddwyn (“weaned piglet”) weaner, piglet in the period after weaning and up
to ten weeks old
NOTE: The verb in standard Welsh is diddyfnu (= to wean), and
colloquially in the south-east diddwn (= to wean) is used.
John Walters Dictionary of English and Welsh 1828:
To wean a child (take from
the breast, or from the teat) diddyfnu (vulgo diddwyn)…To wean
from [withdraw from any habit or desire] diddyfnu (diddwyn) oddiwrth.
ETYMOLOGY: It seems that diddwyn < diddwn.
..a/ At some time the w in then final syllable was misinterpreted as
being a reduction of the dhipthong wy, that is, it was supposed that diddwyn
was the original form, and from this came diddwyn.
Often, a w in a final syllable is a reduction in the colloquial language
of the diphthong wy (ofnadw = awful < ofnadwy, Ebw (river
name) < Ebwy).
There are cases of misunderstandings about the real form of a word or name such
as is the case with Maelgwyn for the name Maelgwn. In fact Maelgwn
is quite correct, and the supposed more correct form Maelgwyn is
..b/ This form diddwn is either from diddwfn, with the loss
of the consonant [v], or else diddwn is actually the original form. The
latter case seems more likely, since –dwn is from the (obsolete) verb dynu
(= to suck).
There was a variant of dynu, namely dyfnu (with an f) (=
to suck), from which the modern standard word diddyfnu (= to wean, to
get [an infant] to stop suckling)
The appearance of the f perhaps shows the influence of dwfn (=
deep), dyfnach (= deeper).
dynu > dyfnu
diddyfnu ‹ di- dhəv -ni› verb
wean, take (a child, young mammal) off breast feeds
diddyfnu plentyn wean a child
diddyfnu oen wean a lamb
Eseia 11:7 Y fuwch hefyd a'r arth a
borant ynghyd; eu llydnod a gydorweddant; y llew, fel yr ych, a bawr wellt. (11:8)
A'r plentyn sugno a chwery wrth dwll yr
asb; ac ar ffau y wiber yr estyn yr hwn a ddiddyfnwyd ei law
Isaiah 11:7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie
down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. (11:8) And the sucking
child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his
hand on the cockatrice' den.
2 diddyfnu oddiwrth wean off, wean
away from = cause to give up certain habits, foods, etc
Ymgais yw'r ymgyrch i diddyfnu pobl oddi wrth bwydydd â gormod o halen neu
siwgr ynddynt
The campaign is an attempt to wean people off foods with too much salt or sugar
in them
anodd diddyfnu hen “(it-is) hard (the) weaning (of) (an) old (person)”
You can’t teach on old dog new tricks
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative prefix)
+ soft mutation + (dyfnu. a variant of obsolete dynu = to suck)
Breton: dizonañ (= wean)
diddyled ‹ di- dhə-led› adjective
ETYMOLOGY: “debtless” (di- =
privative prefix) + soft mutation + (dyled
= debt)
diddym ‹DII-dhim ›
1 destitute, void, empty
ETYMOLOGY: variant of diddim (qv)
diddymdra ‹ di-dhəm-dra› (m)
1 nothingness; emptiness, void
syllu i ddiddymdra stare into space
profi rhyw ddiddymdra tu mewn i chi feel a kind of emptness inside
2 oblivion
ETYMOLOGY: (diddym- penult form of diddym)
+ (-dra noun suffix, soft-mutated form of -tra)
diddymedig ‹di-dhəm-EE-dig› (adj)
1 suppressed, annulled, abolished, voided
ETYMOLOGY: (diddym- penult form of diddym)
+ (-edig past participle suffix)
diddymiad ‹ di- dhəm -yad› masculine
abolition, dissolution; destruction
Diddymiad Mynachlogydd Dissolution
of the Monasteries (1536-1540 by Henry VIII of England)
dissolution = ternination of a period of government
diddymiad y Senedd dissolution of
ETYMOLOGY: (diddym- penult form of diddym)
+ (-i-ad noun-forming suffix)
diddymol ‹di-DHƏ-mol› (adj)
1 nullifying, renderning null and void
(diddym- penult form of diddym)
+ (-ol adjectival suffix)
diddymu ‹di-DHƏ-mi› (verb)
1 cancel, abolish, do away with, quash
suppress, eradicate, annihilate, abrogate
diddymu dyled cancel a debt,
write off a debt
diddymu treth abolish a tax
diddymu archeb cancel an order
(commercial); revoke an order (of procedure)
diddymu archeb sefydlog revoke a standing order
Mae'r clwy hwn bron â'i ddiddymu yn y wlad honno
This disease had almost been eradicated in that country
Gwneir pob ymdrech i osgoi diddymu neu gwtogi cyrsiau
Every effort will be mad e to avoid
casncelling or cutting back courses
Diddymwyd (stamped on a library book) “Withdrawn from stock” (and sold as a
second-hand book) (literally “it has been cancelled”)
dideimlad ‹di-DEIM-lad › adjective
1 unfeeling, hardhearted
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative prefix)
+ soft mutation + (teimlad = feeling)
didoli ‹di-DOO-li › verb
1 separate, segregate, set apart, isolate
didol y defaid oddi wrth y geifr separate the sheep from the goats
Sant Mathew 13:49 Felly y bydd yn niwedd y byd: yr angylion a ânt allan, ac
a ddidolant y rhai drwg o blith y rhai cyfiawn,
Saint Matthew 13:49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall
come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just
2 didoli llythyrau to sort letters
swyddfa ddidoli, swyddféydd didoli sorting office
ETYMOLOGY: didoli < diddoli
< diddawli (diddawl = portion) + (-i verbal suffix)
The sequence -DD-L has become -D-L
diddawl: (di- intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (dawl
= portion). Cf Irish dáil (= distribute)
didoll ‹DII-dolh› adj
1 free from toll, toll-free
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (toll = toll)
didolnod ‹di-DOL-nod › m
PLURAL didolnodau
1 diaeresis = two dots placed over one of two vowels
showing they should be pronounced separately and not as a diphthong ENG-Z
a) to separate two vowels: crëwr (= creator)
b) to separate diphthong and vowel: amgaeëdig (= enclosed)
c) to distinguish i vowel from i semi-consonant
cwmnïau (= companies)
ffansïol (= fanciful)
ETYMOLOGY: (didol- stem of didoli = sesparate,
isolate) + (nod = mark)
didor ‹ dî -dor› adjective
(electric current) direct
cerrynt union = direct current, DC
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (tor = treatment)
< torri (= to break)
didoraeth ‹di- dô -reth› adjective
1 poor spelling for didoreth
= feckless, shiftless, unreliable
NOTE: In spoken Welsh final ae is
reduced to e in most of Wales, and it
was supposed that this final e was
colloquialism. In fact, it is original, since the words is made up of (di- prefix = without) and (toreth = abundance)
didoreth ‹di- dô-reth› adjective
1 lazy, unused to hard work, lacking initiative, shirking
responsibility; feckless, slipshod, disorganised
wasteful, spendthrift
ETYMOLOGY: (“not-abundant”) (di-,
negative prefix) + soft mutation + (toreth
= abundance)
NOTE: The word is used in Cambrian English (Western Mail 24 05 1983 “shiftless
or lazy or not having shape to do things well”; I am afraid she is a didoreth
didrafferth ‹di-DRA-ferth› (adjective)
1 without difficulty, without any trouble
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (trafferth =
didraidd ‹di –draidh› adjective
1 opaque
lliw didraidd opaque colour
gwydr didraidd
opaque glass
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (traidd, root of treiddio = penetrate)
di-drais ‹di-DRAIS› (adjective)
1 non-violent
di-drais passive resistance
didroad ‹di-drô-ad› adjective
1 straight, without bends
milltiroedd o ffyrdd didraffig a didroad
miles of roads with no traffic and no bends
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (troad = bend)
didrugaredd ‹di-dri-GÂ-redh› (adjective)
1 merciless
2 cosb ddidrugaredd harsh
diduedd ‹di-dî-edh› adjective
1 impartial
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (tuedd = tendency)
didwyll ‹diî-duilh› adjective
1 sincere, true, without guile, guileless, honest, candid, open,
Yn ddidwyll (in ending a letter)
Yours Sincerely
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (twyll = deceit)
didwylledd ‹di-dui-lhedh› masculine noun
1 sincerity, candour, honesty
ETYMOLOGY: (didwyll = sincere) + (-edd suffix for forming nouns)
dieflig ‹di-e-vlig› adjective
1 devilish, diabolical, satanic, fiendish
creulonderau dieflig diabolical
dieflig o intensifier
Mae’n ddieflig o dwym It’s devilish
hot, It’s unbearably hot
cylch dieflig vicious circle = a
situation where a cause produces an effect which itself generates the same
original cause
Cylch dieflig yw’r sefyllfa - mae
anobaith y trigolion yn achosi tlodi, ac mae eu tlodi yn magu anobaith
The situation is a vicious circle - the inhabitants’ hopelessness leads to
poverty, and their poverty breeds hopelessness
mwy dieflig na Lẃsiffer ei hun
more diabolical / evil than Lucifer himself
masculine noun; Bible person possessed by demons, possessed by the devil
Mathew 8:28 Ac wedi ei ddyfod ef i’r lan
arall, i wlad y Gergesiaid, dau ddieflig a gyfarfuant ag ef, y rhai a ddeuent
o’r beddau, yn dra ffyrnig, fel na allai neb fyned y ffordd honno
Matthew 8:28 And when he was come to the other side into the country of the
Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs,
exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
ETYMOLOGY: dieflig (diafl-, old form of diawl = devil) + (-ig, suffix for forming adjectives); the change a > e is due to the influence of i
in the final syllable
dieiddo ‹di-ei-dho› adjective
1 propertyless
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
(eiddo = property)
dieithr ‹di-ei-thir› adjective
1 strange, odd, unusual, extraordinary, different
strange = from another place
gwraig ddieithr / ddierth stranger
dyn dieithr / dierth stranger (man)
gŵr dieithr / dierth stranger
pobl ddieithr / ddierth strangers
(also “English people”)
Estroniaid yn siarad Saesneg oedd ystyr
‘pobl ddiarth’ yn ein bro ni
Strangers who spoke English was the meaning of (the expression) ‘pobl ddiarth’
in our area
strange = unfamiliar, not known;
Dieithr iawn imi oedd cyn iddo ddechrau
ddod i’n cyfarfodydd
He was completely unknown to me until he started coming to our meetings
Mae’n drueni bod yr hen eiriau ac
ymadroddion hyn yn gwbl ddiarth i’r to ifanc
It’s a shame that these old words and expression are quite unfamiliar to the
younger generation
unknown (of people who have never met each other)
Er byw yn yr un heol ers blynyddoedd,
roeddynt yn hollol ddiarth i’w gilydd
Although they had lived in the same street for years, they were quite unknown
to each other
said of one who has not been seen for a while, of one who fails to visit
Dyn mor ddieithr dàch chi y dyddiau hyn
I’ve not seen you for ages (‘(it is) such an unknown man (that) you are these
Rwyt ti wedi bod yn ddierth iawn yn
I’ve not seen you at all lately (‘you have been very unknown lately’)
North Wales stray
ci diarth stray dog (in the south, ci strae)
unusual = uncommon, not occurring frequently
Nid yw’n beth dieithr, hyd yn oed
heddiw, pan fo gogleddwr a deheuwr yn dod
wyneb yn wyneb â’i gilydd, i’w clywed yn bwrw ati i siarad Saesneg
o dan yr esgus nad ydynt yn deall tafodieithoedd ei gilydd (Cymro 19 07
It’s not unusual, even today, when a northerner and a southerner come face to
face with each other, to hear them begin speaking English with the excuse that
they don’t understand each other’s dialect
foreign, from another country
iaith ddieithr foreign language
Y mae pobl y mae Saesneg yn iaith gyntaf
iddynt yn cymryd agwedd tra ymosodol at ieithoedd eraill. Mae’n dân ar eu croen
clywed unrhyw iaith ddieithr (Cymro 19 07 1989)
People who speak English as a first language have a very belligerent attitude
towards other languages. It really irks them (‘it is fire on their skin’) to
hear any foreign language
annieithr inalienable (an = negative prefix + dieithr)
comparisons: mor ddierth â winwns i
as unknown as onions to a heron
bwrw dieithr district of Meirionydd (county of Gwynedd) feign ignorance, pretend
not to know (‘throw + strange’)
county of Gwynedd holi (rhywun) ar ddiarth (ynghylch
rhywbeth) ask someone about something in an indirect way
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *dî-ektr-;
cf Latin exter, extra
..a/ the colloquial form is dierth ‹dî-erth›
..b/ in a-final zones this is diarth
..c/ dieithr > *dieirth (metathesis) > dierth (simplification of the diphthong
‹ei› > ‹e› )
dieithriaid ‹di-EI-thrin, di-EITHR-yed› (masculine noun)
1 stranger
ETYMOLOGY: (dieithr = strange, foreign) + (-yn masculine noun-forming suffix)
di-ên ‹di-EEN› (adjective)
1 jawless
pysgodyn di-ên jawless fish
dienyddiad ‹di-e-nədh-yad› masculine noun
PLURAL dienyddiadau
1 execution = killing of a criminal as a punishment
ETYMOLOGY: (dienydd-i-, stem of the
verb dienyddio = to execute) + (-ad abstract noun-forming suffix)
dienyddio ‹di-e-nədh-yo› verb
1 execute, put to death
Mae’r plac, ar wal banc yn Llanymddyfri,
yn nodi y fan ble cafodd Llywelyn ap Gruffudd ei ddienyddio o flaen Brenin
Lloegr, Harri IV, ar Hydref 9 1401
The plaque, on the wall of a bank in Llanymddyfri, indicates the spot where
Llywelyn ap Gruffudd was executed in front of the English king, Henry IV, on
the fourth of October 1401
ETYMOLOGY: (dienydd-, penult form of
dihenydd = 1 obsolete end, fate 2 obsolete execution,
death) + (-io = suffix for forming
See dihenydd below
dienyddiwr ‹di-en- ədh -yur› masculine noun
PLURAL dienyddwyr
‹di-en- ədh -wir›
1 executioner
ETYMOLOGY: (dienydd-i-, stem of the
verb dienyddio = execute) + (-wr suffix = man)
diepiledd ‹di-e- pî
-ledh› masculine noun
1 infertility, sterility. barrenness
Esaia 47:8 Am hynny yn awr gwrando hyn, y
foethus, yr hon a drigi yn ddiofal, yr hon a ddywedi yn dy galon, Myfi sydd, ac
nid neb ond myfi: nid eisteddaf yn weddw, ac ni chaf wynod beth yw diepiledd.
Isiah 47:8 Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that
dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me;
I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children
ETYMOLOGY: (di-, negative prefix) +
(epil = offspring, children) + (-edd = suffix for forming abstract
dier ‹DII-er›
1 used in interjections; replaces the name Duw (= God)
Dier annwyl! Dear God!
Dier bach! Dear God!
Neno'r dier! Dear God! (= yn enw Duw in God’s name)
Dier y bo! Dear God! (y bo =
may it be)
Also as diar
In the
English dialect of Llanidloes:
DIARE-Y-BO, an exclamation generally accompanied by a slap of the hand or the
fist. It is rathe difficult to express its import, as it sometimes implies
surprise, sorrow, and even defiance. Perhaps the nearest English phrase, which,
however, is not nearly so expressive, is “Hang it all.” (Parochial Account of
Llanidloes / Edward Hamer / Chapter X / Folk-lore. Page 289 Collections
Historical and Archeological Relating to Montgomeryshire and its Borders /
dierth ‹DII-erth› (adjective)
1 strange (colloquial for dieithr)
dietifeddu ‹di-e-ti-VEE_dhi› (v)
1 disinherit
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative prefix) + (etifeddu = inherit)
dieuog ‹di-EI-og› (adjective)
1 innocent
ETYMOLOGY: “unguilty” (di- = privative prefix, in-, un-, dis-)
+ (euog = guilty)
difa ‹DII-va› (verb)
1 destroy
2 difa’ch enw da destroy your reputation
3 bod dan fygythiad cael eu difa be under threat of extinction (“be
under threat (of) receiving its destroying”)
bod mewn perygl o gael eu difa be under threat of extinction (“be in danger
of receiving its destroying”)
di-fai ‹ di -vai› adjective
Barnwyr 15:3 A Samson a ddywedodd
wrthynt, Difeiach ydwyf y waith hon na’r Philistiaid, er i mi wneuthur niwed
Judges 15:3 And Samson said concerning them, Now I shall be more blameless than
the Philistines, though I do them a displeasure
faultless, impecable
di-nam a di-fai unblemished and
Nid di-fai neb a aned No-one's
perfect (“(it is) not without fault anyone who was born”)
(North Wales) sufficient, adequate, good enough, all right
-Wna hwn eich tro chi? -Mae o'n ddi-fai
am rŵan -Will that do you? It’s enough for now
good, fine
Mae’n ddi-fai iddo fo It’s good
enough for him. It’ll do him
Mae’n lle di-fai i fochyn neu ddau
It’s a good place for one or two pigs
cael pris di-fai get a good price,
sell for a good price
yn ddi-fai fine, OK
cantores â llais difai a (woman)
singer with a splendid voice
complete, perfect
difai dianaf safe and sound
(North) di-fai gwaith â in phrases
expressing “ to serve somebody right”
Di-fai gwaith â hi! It serves her
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative prefix)
+ (bai = fault )
NOTE: also: difai ‹dî-vai, dî-ve›
difai ‹DÎ-ve› (adj) also di-fai ‹dî-VAI›
1 intact
difeddwl-drwg ‹ di- ve-dhul druug› adjective
well-meaning, not meaning harm
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative prefix =
without) + soft mutation + (meddwl drwg
= “think evil”, think ill, intend to do harm)
NOTE: There is a colloquial form difeddwl-ddrwg,
with unexpected soft muttion of drwg.
This is possibly the influence of the verse in Diarhebion / Proverbs
3:29 Na feddwl ddrwg yn erbyn dy
gymydog, ac yntau yn trigo yn ddiofal yn dy ymyl. / 3:29 Devise not evil
against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee.
Here the soft mutation drwg > ddrwg occurs as it is a direct object
after an inflected verb
‹di- ven-wi› verb
1 revile, malign, slander, defame; attack the good reputation of
difenwi rhywun yn gas slander
someone terribly
2 ni ddylid difenwi’r meirw
you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead
difenwi a dibrisio defame and
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *dî-manw-
< *men (= diminish; slander).
Cf Latin dêminuere (= diminish) <
minuere (= reduce). There is
possibly the influence of the word enw
(= name, reputation)
diferion ‹di-VE-rin, di-VER-yon› (masculine noun)
1 drop (of water, etc)
diferion y bargod eavesdrip, drops
of water from the eaves
difetha ‹di-VÊ-tha› (verb)
1 destroy; spoil, ruin
difetha’ch archwaeth spoil your
papur pleidleisio a ddifethwyd spoilt ballot paper (“which was spoilt”)
difetha ar hwyl rhywun spoil
somebody’s fun
difethu ‹di- ve -tha› verb
1 destroy
See difetha
difethwr ‹di- vê -thur› masculine noun
PLURAL difethwyr
‹di- veth -wir›
1 destroyer
difethwr hwyl killjoy, spoilsport
(“destroyer (of) fun”)
ETYMOLOGY: (difeth- stem of difetha = to destroy, spoil) + (-wr suffix = man)
di-ffael ‹di- fail › adjective
1 sure, certain, unfailing
bod yn ddi-ffael eich ergyd be a
sure shot, be a dead shot
yn ddi-ffael without fail
Mae cangen Penyrheol y blaid yn cwrdd
bob mis yn ddi-ffael The Penyrheol branch of the party meets every month
without fail
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative prefix =
without) + (ffael = error)
diffeithwch ‹di-fei-thukh› masculine noun
1 desert, wilderness
Jeremeia 17:6 Canys efe a fydd fel y
grug yn y diffeithwch, ac ni wêl pan ddêl daioni...
Jeremiah 17:6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see
when good cometh..
2 iâr y diffeithwch Syrrhaptes paradoxus = Pallas’s
sandpiper ("hen (of) the wilderness")
ETYMOLOGY: (diffeith-, penult form
of diffaith = deserted, desolate) +
(-wch, suffix for forming nouns)
Y Diffeithwch
Mawr Tywodlyd ‹ə-di-fei-thukh maur tə-wod-lid› masculine noun
1 Great Sandy Desert = a desert in north-west Australia (415,000 sq
km, 160 000 sq miles), over twenty times the size of Wales (20 768 sq km, 8017
sq miles)
ETYMOLOGY: (diffeithwch = desert) +
(mawr = big, great) + (tywodlyd = sandy)
diffinio ‹di-FIN-yo› (verb)
1 define
diffodd ‹DI-fodh› (verb) ‹DI-fod›
1 to extinguish
diffygion ‹DI-fig, di-FƏG-yon› (masculine noun)
1 lack
yn niffyg dim gwell for want of
anything better
diffyg amynedd impatience
diffygio ‹di- fəg -yo› verb
1 become exhausted, lose strength
ar ddiffygio be on one's last legs,
be fit to drop
diffygio dan faich collapse under a
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh diffygio <
British < Vulgar Latin dîficio
diffyg traul ‹dî-fig trâil› masculine noun
South Wales
1 indigestion
ETYMOLOGY: "lack (of) digestion"
NOTE: In North Wales the
equivalent expression is camdreuliad
diflanedig ‹di-vla- nê
-dig› adjective
1 lost, disappeared, vanished
pentref diflanedig = pentre diflan lost village
inc diflanedig invisible ink
ETYMOLOGY: (diflann-, stem of the
verb diflannu = to disappear) + (-edig). The 'n' is not doubled if it
precedes a syllable which is not the final one
diflannu ‹di-VLA-ni› (verb)
1 to disappear
diflas ‹DI-vlas› (adjective)
1 disagreeable
2 boring
-Sut noson gefaist ti? -Un ddiflas iawn
How was your evening? Very boring
kind of evening did you get? a very boring one”)
difodi ‹di-VÔ-di› (verb)
1 exterminate. annihilate, wipe out
difodi (rhywbeth) i gyd completely
wipe out
gwersyll difodi extermination camp
gwersylloedd difodi’r Natsïaid the
Nazi extermination camps
diforwyno ‹di-vo- rui
-no› verb
1 deflower (a virgin)
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutation + ( morwyn = virgin,
maiden) + (-o suffix for forming
difraw ‹di- vrau › adjective
unconcerned, heedless, indifferent, apathetic, negligent; = not paying
the attention or taking the care which one is supposed to
unconcerned, indifferent, unperturbed; = not interested in the activities of
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative prefix =
without) + soft mutation + (braw =
NOTE: also di-fraw ‹di-vrau›
difrawder ‹di- vrau-der› masculine noun
indifference, lack of concern, unconcern, unperturbèdness, state of being
ymysgwyd oddiwrth eich difradwer
shake off one’s indifference
ETYMOLOGY: (difraw = fearless;
indifferent) (-der suffix for
forming abstract nouns)
difreintiedig ‹di-vrein-ti- ê
-dig› adjective
1 (person) deprived = lacking basic needs such as food and shelter
deprived = (area) lacking adequate housing, schools, health care, employment
o un o ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig
one of the most deprived areas of Caer-dydd
ETYMOLOGY: (di- negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (breintiedig =
privileged, favoured)
difriad ‹di-vrî-ad› masculine noun
1 abuse = insulting words; harsh words, mouthful of abuse
cael difriad am eu cadw nhw i aros get
a mouthful for keeping them waiting
ETYMOLOGY: (difri- stem of difrïo to insult) + (-ad suffix for forming nouns)
difrif ‹di-vri› masculine noun
1 seriousness
mewn difrif in all seriousness (“in
+ seriousness”)
mewn difrif calon in all seriousness
(“in + seriousness + (of) + heart”)
Sut mewn difri baset ti’n disgwyl i ni
gario’r busnes ymlaen fel hyn?
How in all seriousness do you expect us to carry on the business like this?
o difrif really, honestly (“from +
Dyw hi ddim yn sâl o ddifri She’s
not really ill
bod o difrif to be serious, to not
treat a matter lightly
Rw i o ddifri, I’m being serious, I
really mean it, (“I’m of seriousness”)
bod yn hollol o ddifrif be in deadly
earnest, be completely serious
Na, o ddifri, rhaid i chi aros dros nos
gyda ni,
No, really, you must stay with us tonight
3 rhwng difrif a chwarae
half-jokingly, half in jest
gweud rhwng difrif a chwarae bod y diawl
yn edrych ar ôl ei blant
say half in jest that the devil looks after his own
ETYMOLOGY: difrif < difri (= dishonor / dishonour);
(di = without) + soft mutation + (bri = honor / honour); the final f is a later addition, most likely
under the influence of words with final ‹v› -f which colloquially
is lost, but retained in the written language.
Other words with an inorganic f are hunllef (= nightmare) < hunlle,
hyf (= insolent) < hy.
Equivalents of difrif in the other
two British languages: Cornish deffri
(= indeed), Breton devri (=
difrifol ‹di-VRI-vol› (adjective)
1 serious
‹di- vrî -o› verb
1 malign, run down, speak badly of
2 abuse = insult
ETYMOLOGY: (difri = dishonor,
dishonour) + (-io suffix for forming
Difri < (di- privative prefix; = without) + soft mutation + (bri = honor, honour )
NOTE: (South Wales) difyrio, dyfyrio
difrïol ‹di-VRI-ol› (adjective)
1 derogatory
difrïwyr ‹di-VRI-ur, di-VRI-wir› (masculine noun) p
1 person who speaks badly of someone else, disparager
difrod ‹ di -vrod› masculine noun
PLURAL difrodau,
difrodydd ‹di- vrô -de, -didh›
(obsolete) neglect of law, contempt of law
havoc, damage, destruction
gwneud difrod ar cause damage to, to
damage (“make damage on”)
Joel 1:10 Difrodwyd y maes, y
ddaear a alara; canys gwnaethpwyd difrod ar yr ŷd: sychodd y gwin newydd,
llesgaodd yr olew.
Joel 1:10
The field is wasted, the land mourneth; for the corn is wasted: the new wine is
dried up, the oil languisheth.
Roedd difrod y cadno ar wyn yr ardal
wedi creu cryn gyffro The depredation of the fox on the lambs of the area
caused considerable disquiet
gwneud difrod mawr (ar...) cause
great damage (to...), do great damage to, do a great deal of harm to (“make
great damage on”)
maint y difrod the extent of the
difrotgar destructive
difrotgar < difrót-gar (difrod =
damage) + (-gar suffix for forming
adjectives, ‘prone to’)
difrod ar y daith damage in transit
difrod bwriadol wilful damage
difrod damweiniol accidental damage
difrod maleisus malicious damage
difrod rhyfel war damage
spoliation, sacking;
difrod Caerdroea, the sack of Troy
ETYMOLOGY: difrod < difrawd (obsolete) neglect of law,
contempt of law
(di- prefix = without) + soft mutation + ( brawd = judgement, verdict)
difrotgar ‹di- vrot
-gar› adjective
ETYMOLOGY: difrotgar < difrót-gar < difród-gar
(difrod = damage) + (-gar
suffix for forming adjectives, often meaning ‘fond of’, cf caru = to love)
(d-c) > d-g > t-g
difyr ‹DI-vir› (adjective)
1 funny, amusing
difyrio ‹di-VƏR-yo› (verb)
1 (South Wales) Southern form of difrïo
difyrion ‹di-VəR-yon›
1 pastimes; plural form of difyrrwch
difyrwyr ‹di-VƏR-yur, di-VƏR-wir› (masculine noun)
1 (South Wales) Southern form of difrïwr
difyrru ‹di- və -ri› verb
1 amuse, entertain
2 difyrru’r amser while away
the time (“shorten the time”)
I Ddifyrru’r Amser (= to while away
the time), title of a book of ‘ysgrifau’ (anecdotal essays) by Ifor Williams
(1881-1965), published in 1959
difyrru’r dydd while away the day
(“shorten the day”)
difyrru’r ffordd while away a
journey (“shorten the road”)
ETYMOLOGY: (difyrr- = penult form of
difyr= short) + (-io = suffix for forming verbs) > difyrr-io
> difyrio. Originally difyrru
= to shorten; amusing oneself or other people makes time go by quicker, so the
sense has developed from ‘to shorten the time’ to ‘to amuse, entertain’
Breton diverra (= shorten;
difyrrwch ‹di- və -rukh› masculine
PLURAL difyrion ‹di-VəR-yon›
1 fun, amusement, enjoyment
cael llawer iawn o ddifyrrwch (wrth
wneud rhywbeth) have lots of fun (doing something)
2 diversion, amusement, delight (= thing which one enjoys doing),
game, sport, pastime, entertainment
difyrrwch pennaf chief delight,
favourite game
Difyrrwch pennaf y plant yn f’amser oedd
chwarae dal
The main amusement of the children in my time was playing ‘tag’
hoff ddifyrrwch favourite pastime
chwarae rygbi oedd ei hoff ddifyrrwch
playing rugby was his favourite pastime
3 pleasure
Diarhebion 21:17 Y neb a garo ddifyrrwch,
a ddaw i dlodi: a neb a garo win ac olew, ni bydd gyfoethog
Proverbs 21:17 He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine
and oil shall not be rich.
4 mirth, merriment, humorous tales
Difyrrwch Gwyr Morgannwg collection
of humorous stories by Mardy Rees (“(the) funny tales (of the) people (of the
county of) Morgannwg / Glamorgan”)
5 o ran difyrrwch for fun
(o ran = from + part) + (difyrrwch = fun, amusment)
6 annifyrrwch unease,
disquiet (an = privative suffix) +
nasal mutation + (difyrrwch)
ETYMOLOGY: (difyrr- ‹di-vər-› , penult form of difyr
‹dí-vir› = amusing) + (-wch, suffix for forming abstract
dig ‹DIIG› (adjective)
1 angry
bod yn ddig be angry, be in a huff
dicter anger
dig wrth angry at, angry with
teimlo’n ddig at ei
ffoledd ei hun be angry at one’s own stupidity
teimlo’n ddig feel angry
bod yn ddig enbyd wrth
(rywun) be very angry with (someone)
bod yn ddig gyda be angry with (an imitation
of the English expression; the correct preposition is wrth)
digalonni ‹di-ga-LO-ni› (verb)
1 lose heart, become discouraged
digamsyniol ‹di-gam- sən-yol› adjective
1 unmistakable, unrefutable, convincing, clear
Nid oes gennym dystiolaeth ddigamsyniol
o hyn
We have no clear proof of this
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutation + (camsyniol =
digartref ‹di-GAR-trev›
PRONUNCIATION: more colloquially «digartre» ‹di-GAR-tre› (final ‹v› not pronounced)
1 (adjective) homeless.
(plural noun) y digartref the
(di- = privative prefix, soft mutation, cartref = home)
digidol ‹di-gî-dol› adjective
1 digital
teledu digidol digital television
ETYMOLOGY: (digid = digit) + (-ol = suffix for forming adjectives)
digio ‹DIG-yo› (verb)
1 get angry
digoedwigo ‹di-goid- wî
-go› verb
1 to clear forest, to deforest
2 (noun) forest clearance
ETYMOLOGY: (di- negative prefix =
de-, un-) + soft mutation + (coedwigo
= afforest, plant trees)
digoes ‹dî -gois› adjective
1 sessile
derwen ddigoes (Quercus petraea)
sessile oak
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative prefix =
without ) + soft mutation + ( coes =
leg; stalk)
digofaint ‹di-GOO-vaint› m
1 wrath, anger, indignation
ETYMOLOGY: (dig = anger) + (ofaint suffix)
digolledu ‹di-go-LHEE-di› verb
1 compensate, make good a loss, indemnify, recompense
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative suffix) +
soft mutation + (colled = loss) + (-u verbal suffix)
digon ‹DII-gon› masculine noun
1 enough
Mae hynny’n llawn digon That’s quite
Wyt ti wedi cael digon? Have you had
Mae un olwg yn ddigon Once seen,
never forgotten
cael digon at eich treuliau cover your expenses
plenty, abundance
Yr oedd digon o Gymry Cymraeg yn y
pentre ’ma ugain mlynedd yn ôl
There were plenty of Welsh-speaking Welsh people in this village twenty years
mwy na digon more than enough,
Nid digon heb warged (“(it is) not
enough without (a) remainder”) Sufficiency is only achieved when there is
something left over
digon a gwared enough and to spare
cyrraedd mewn digon o bryd arrive in
good time
bod yn ddigon am be the end of (“be
enough for”)
Mi all hyn fod yn ddigon am fy swydd
This could mean the end of my job, I might lose my job because of this (“This
can be enough for my job”)
ar ben eich digon (“on top of your
sufficiency”) extremely pleased, as pleased as Punch, walking on air
uwchbén eich digon
wrth ben eich digon
6 (adverb) enough; fairly, quite (before
an adjective, no soft mutation of initial)
Dyw e ddim yn ddigon da It’s not
good enough
digon twym hot enough
Mae e e’n ddigon gwael He’s quite
digon cryf i strong enough to...
(adverb) (with a verb) = enough, sufficiently
Yr ydw i wedi cymysgu digon efo ffermwyr
i wybod nad ydyn nhw ddim yn bobl i’w chroesi
I’ve been in the company of farmers (“mixed with farmers”) enough to know that
they are not people to be crossed
(adverb) ddigon (after a noun) =
Nid oes athrawon ddigon sydd yn gallu ei
siarad a’i hysgrifennu’n gain a chywir
There aren’t enough teachers who can speak and write it elegantly and correctly
Pregethwr sychlyd ddigon, meddir, ond ysgolhaig rhagorol.
Rather a dry preacher, it is said, but an excellent scholar.
prin ddigon scarcely enough
digon at eich byw enough to live on
Does ganddo ddigon at ei fyw He
doesn’t have enough to live on
cyflog prin ddigon i fyw arno a wage
scarcely enough to live on, a subsistence wage
(county of Caerfyrddin) cooked
Odi’r fale’n ddigon? (a ydy’r afalau
yn ddigon?) Are the apples cooked?
12 Mae hen ddigon ohoni
There’s enough and to spare, There’s more than enough of it (“there’s old
sufficiency of it”)
hen ddigon more than enough
cael hen ddigon ar have just about enough of
(“get more than enough on”) (cael = get) + (hen = old; ‘more
than’) + soft mutation + (digon = enough) + (ar = on)
bod yn ddigon i godi ofn arnoch be
quite creepy, be quite scary (“be enough to raise fear on you”)
14 digon da ‹DI-gon-DAA› good enough
ETYMOLOGY: digon < digawn < Modern Welsh elements (di-) +
soft mutation + (*cawn), though in fact the formation of the word would
have occurred in British (di-) + (*kân).
This element British *kân
> Welsh *cawn > -con- is found in
..1/ dichon (= it is possible),
..2/ gogoniant (= glory),
..3/ Conwy (= name of a river)
NOTE: South-east Wales digon > dicon
digonedd ‹di-GOO-nedh› (masculine noun)
1 sufficiency
digon prin
fod... ‹dî-gon prin vood›
1 it’s unlikely that...
Digon prin fod yna ardal arall yng
Nghymru sy’n cynnal cymaint o weithgareddau yn y Gymraeg
It’s unlikely that there is any other area in Wales which has so many
activities in Welsh
1 abbreviation = digrif humorous
digrif ‹DI-gri› (adjective)
1 humorous
Abbreviation (for example, in dictionary entries): digr.
digroeni ‹di-
gRoi -ni› verb
1 skin = strip the skin off
digroeni'r pen scalp = remove the skin of the head and the hair as a
2 fleece (someone) = strip somebody
of his possessions or wealth
3 (South-east Wales) peel (apple,
potato, etc)
4 (land) strip, pare, remove turf,
remove grassy surface
haearn digroeni turfing iron (“iron (of) paring”)
Yr oedd pob modfedd o dir a ellid ei drin wedi ei
ddigroeni, ei losgi, a'i weithio allan.
Every inch of land that could be worked had been pared, burnt, and spent
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) + soft mutation + (croen =
skin) + (-i = verbal suffix)
digwydd ‹DII-guidh› (verb)
1 to happen
2 Does dim byth yn digwydd Nothing ever happens
digwyddiadau ‹di-GUIDH-yad, di-guidh-YAA-de› (masculine noun)
1 event, occurrence, happening
digwyddiadur ‹di-guidh-YAA-dir› masculine noun
PLURAL digwyddiaduron ‹di-gwidd-ya-dî-ron›
1 events list
ETYMOLOGY: (digwydd = happen) + (-i-adur noun-forming suffix, indicating
a book or list)
digychwyn ‹di- gəkh -win› adjective
1 (North Wales) lacking in initiative, apathetic, having no go
Un digychwyn ’di o He’s got no go in
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutation + ( cychwyn = to begin
digymod ‹di-gə-mod› adjective
1 uncompromising
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutation + (cymod = compromise)
digymrodedd ‹di-gəm-rô-dedh› adjective
1 uncompromising
un digymrodedd hard-liner
rhai digymrodedd hard-liners
safbwynt digymrodedd hard line,
uncompromising position
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = negative prefix) +
soft mutation + (cymrodedd =
cymrodedd (= compromise) < *cymrawdedd < *cymfrawdedd
(cym- = together) + soft mutation +
(brawd = judgement, verdict) + (-edd suffix for forming abstract nouns)
digynnig ‹di-gə-nig› adjective
1 (North Wales) lacking in initiative, apathetic, having no go
Un digynnig ’di o He’s got no go in
digynsail ‹di- gon -ail› adjective
1 unprecedented
sefyllfa ddigynsail an unprecedented
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutation + (cynsail = rudiment,
foundation, precedent
digysgod ‹di-gə-skod› adjective
1 exposed, open
llethr digysgod exposed slope
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutation + (cysgod = shelter,
digywilydd ‹ di-gə- wî -lidh› adjective
shameless, impudent, insolent
On’d ydi hi’n ddigywilydd! What a
cheek she has! (“Isn’t she shameless”)
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutation + ( cywilydd = shame)
digywilydd-dra ‹ di-gə-wi- lədh -dra› masculine noun
impudence, cheek, effrontery
digywilydd-dra noeth sheer
impudence, sheer effrontery, sheer cheek
ETYMOLOGY: (digywilydd = insolent) +
(-dra suffix for forming abstract
dihalog ‹di-hâ-log› adjective
1 pure, undefiled, immaculate
Hebreaid 7:26 Canys y cyfryw Archoffeiriad
sanctaidd, diddrwg, dihalog, didoledig oddi wrth bechaduriaid, ac wedi ei
wneuthur yn uwch na’r nefoedd, oedd weddus i ni
Hebrews 7:26 For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless,
undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without,
not) + (halog = impure, defiled)
dihangfa ‹di-HANG-va› f
PLURAL diangféydd
1 escape
dihangfa dros dro (rhag rhywbeth)
find a
temporary escape (from something) (e.g. one’s companions, one’s problems, etc)
2 escape = place through which an escape is possible
dihangfa dân, diangfeydd tân fire escape
ETYMOLOGY: (dihang- stem of dianc = to escape) + (-fa suffix
= place)
diarhebion ‹di-HA-reb, di-ar-HEB-yon› (feminine noun)
1 proverb
2 bod yn ddihareb am be well-known for
Roedd yn ddihareb am ei anghofrwydd He was well-known for his forgetfulness
/ for his bad memory
dihenydd ‹di-hê-nidh› masculine noun
PLURAL dienyddiau
1 obsolete end, fate
obsolete execution, death
3 obsolete gwneuthur dihenydd ar execute, put to death (“make execution /
death on”)
4 ddihenydd soft
mutated form used as a qualifier,
in the expression
hen ddihenydd very old, as old as
the hills.
Literally: “old (like) death”, “old (like) fate”.
The use of the soft-mutated form to qualify an adjective is seen in examples
such as
(1) celain (= corpse), marw gelain as dead as a doornail
(“dead + corpse” = corpse dead)
(2) post (= post), byddar bost as deaf as a post (“deaf +
post” = post deaf )
Mae honna’n hen ddihenydd That
(joke)’s as old as the hills
In the 1588 translation of the Bible (and the subsequent 1620 versoin) the
expression appears in noun form - yr Hen
ddihenydd “the very old (one)”- as a name for God in Daniel 7:9. The
equivalent in the English Bible (1611) is "the Ancient of Days"
Daniel 7:9 Edrychais hyd oni fwriwyd i
lawr y gorseddféydd, a’r Hen
ddihenydd a eisteddodd: ei wisg oedd cyn wynned â’r eira, a gwallt ei
ben fel gwlân pur
Daniel 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days
did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the
pure wool
(1) (dihen-, the penult form of dien = death) + (-ydd = suffix for forming abstract nouns)
(2) dien is (di-, intensifying prefix) + (*hen
= death) < probably Celtic *sen
(= to end, to kill)
The element dien occurs also in the
word dienyddio qv (= to execute, put
to death)
dihewyd ‹di- heu -id› masculine or feminine noun
1 burning desire, zeal
religious devotion
in place names – (query) with the meaning
‘pleasant place’?
..a/ Dihewyd (SN4855) (county of
..b/ Dôl Dihewyd / Dôl Dihewydd
Pennal (SH6900) (district of Meirionnydd, county of Gwynedd) (dôl = meadow)
Y Ddihewyd, Moel Ddihewyd Llanilltud Faerdref (ST0784) (county of Rhondda Cynon
Taf) (moel = hill)
ETYMOLOGY: (dyheu = yearn) + (-yd suffix for forming verbs)
Proabably the same as dyhead (=
yearning) < (dyheu- to yearn) +
(suffix -ad)
(dyheu = yearn) + (-yd suffix for forming verbs) > *dyheuyd > diheuyd > dihewyd
The change eu > ew occurs in other words:
brycheuyn (= freckle) > (a
dialect form) brychewyn
teneuyn (old form) > tenewyn (modern Welsh form) (= flank)
’di hi = ydi hi ‹di-hi› (verb)
1 (she) is (North Wales)
dihiwmor ‹di-HIU-mor› (adjective)
1 humorless
dihuno ‹di-HI-no› (verb)
1 to wake up (South Wales)
di-hwyl ‹di-HUIL› (adjective)
1 dispirited
dilead ‹di- lê -ad› masculine noun
PLURAL dileadau
â -de›
1 erasure
ETYMOLOGY: (dile- stem of diléu = to delete) + (-ad suffix for forming abstract nouns)
dileadwy ‹di-lei-AA-dui› adjective
1 erasable, removable
ETYMOLOGY: (dile- stem of diléu = to delete) + (-adwy adjectival suffix equivalent to
English ‘-able’)
diléit ‹di-LEIT› masculine noun
1 delight, interest, great interest
diléit mawr chief delight, great
cael dileit mewn (gwneud rhywbeth) to derive satisfaction from
(doing something), to find it fun to (do something), to take delight in, to
delight in
Cerddoriaeth ska oedd ei
diléit yn ei harddegau Ska music was her great interest (when she was) in her
eisteddfota a thrwsio hen geir - dyna ei ddiléit mawr erioed Farming, taking
part in eisteddfods, and doing up old cars – these has always been his great
Yr oeddwn â’i fryd ar y weinidogaeth
er pan oedd yn fachgen ifanc ond ar ôl ugain mlynedd cefnodd ar ei ffydd,
ac wedyn ysgrifennu oedd ei holl ddiléit
He had his mind set on becoming a minister since he
was a young boy but after twenty years he abandoned his faith, and after that
writing was his consuming interest
Yr ieithoedd
Celtaidd oedd ei brif ddiléit The Celtic languages we his chief delight
Yr oedd yn enwog yn y fro am ei ddiléit mewn
casglu hen beiriannau fferm
He was well-known in his
area for his delight in collecting old farm machinery
Fyddwn innau ddim yn
rhedeg deng milltir cyn brecwast bob bore, ond pawb â’i ddiléit ei hun
I for one wouldn’t run
ten miles every morning before breakfast, but each to his own
English delight
dileydd ‹di- lê -idh› masculine noun
PLURAL dileyddon
‹di-le- ə -dhon›
1 eraser
ETYMOLOGY: (dile- stem of diléu = to delete) + (-ydd noun suffix for indicating a
device or an agent)
di-les ‹di-LEES› (adjective)
1 worthless
mor ddi-les â mes i eifr (saying)
(of something inappropriate)
(“as useless as acorns for goats” - i.e. acorns are fine for feeding pigs, but
less than useless for goats)
diletánt ‹di-le-
tAnt › masculine noun
PLURAL diletantiaid ‹di-le-tAnt-yed›
1 dilettante
ETYMOLOGY: English dilettante < Italian dilettante < dilettare
(= to delight) < Latin dêlectâre (= to delight)
diletantaidd ‹di-le-
tAn -tedh› adjective
1 dilettantish
ETYMOLOGY: (diletánt = dilettante) + (-aidd suffix for forming
diléu ‹di-LEI› (verb)
1 to annul
dilin ‹dî -lin›
1 pure, fine, refined; polished; generally in the expression aur dilin fine gold
Job 28:17 Nid aur a grisial a’i cystadla
hi; na llestr o aur dilin fydd gydwerth iddi
Job 28:17 The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it
shall not be for jewels of fine gold.
Aur dilin yw distawrwydd Silence is
(“(it-is”) fine gold that-is silence”)
ETYMOLOGY: dilin < dilyn < dilyfn (di- = intensifying prefix) soft mutation + (llyfn = llis)
dillad ‹DI-lhad› (plural noun)
1 clothes
dilledyn garment, piece of clothing
dillad isaf ‹DI-lhad-I-sa› (plural noun) underclothes
dillad baban baby clothes
dillad dyfrglos waterproof clothing,
waterproof clothes
dilledyn, dillad
(masculine noun)
1 garment, piece of clothing
Beth yw'r dilledyn gwaethaf a gawsoch chi erioed?
What’s the worst piece of clothing you’ve ever received?
tynnu’ch dillad oddi amdanoch; tynnu’ch dillad ‹TƏ-nikh DI-lhad› take your clothes off,
dillyn ‹di -lhin› adjective
1 (obsolete; used in poetry in the 1800s) beautiful, pretty
gyfarch blodeuyn) Gwyrdd ac ir yw’th goesen ddillyn
(addressing a flower) Your beautiful
stem is green and fresh
(Mynydau Hamddenol: Ail Lyfr Nathan Wyn. 1905. Tudalen 9)
diloergan ‹di-loiR
-gan› adjective
1 moonless, without moonlight, dark
yn y nos ddiloergan on that moonless night
ETYMOLOGY: (an = privative suffix) + soft mutation + (lloergan =
Dilwen ‹DIL-wen› (feminine noun)
1 woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: possibly (dil- first
syllable of dilys = sincere) + (-wen (qv) suffix for forming female names)
dilyn ‹DI-lin› (verb)
1 follow
2 dilyn trywydd ofer (“follow a futile trail”) go down a blind
alley, go up the garden path,
bark up the wrong tree, follow a false trail, follow a trail to nowhere, go along a path that leads nowhere
dilyn y llwybr hawsaf take the line
of least resistance (“follow the easiest path”)
dilyn llwybr llygad go the shortest
way (“follow (a) path (of) eye”)
dilyn llwybr eich tad follow in your
father’s footsteps (“follow the path (of) your father”)
gadael i natur ddilyn ei chwrs let
nature take its course
gadael i bethau ddilyn ei hynt let things take their course
dilyn eich pregeth eich hun practise
what you preach (“follow your own sermon”)
7 dilyn cwmni drwg follow bad company, hang around with the wrong crowd
ETYMOLOGY: (di- intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (glyn, as in glynu = to stick)
In Middle Welsh the verb-noun was dilid > dilyd, of which the
conjugated stem was dilyn- (dilynaf, dilyni, etc), and from this
stem came a new form (dilyn) of the verb-noun
dilynwr ‹di-LƏN-ur›
masculine noun
PLURAL dilynwyr ‹di-LƏN-wir›
1 follower, adherent, disciple
2 fan, admirer
dilynwyr y bêl hirgron rugby fans (“followers of the oval ball”)
ETYMOLOGY: (dilyn-, stem of dilyn = to follow) + (-wr noun suffix, < gŵr = man)
dilys ‹dî
-lis› adjective
1 sincere
genuine, authentic
darn arian dilys a genuine coin
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh dilys 'which cannot
be rejected'
(di- negative prefix) + soft
mutation + (*llys = element with the
meaning of ‘reject’);
a compound probably already existing in British and Common Celtic, since there
is a corresponding form in Irish dílis
(= own; genuine)
Dilys ‹dî -lis› feminine noun
1 woman's name
ETYMOLOGY: (see the preceding entry dilys
dilyw ‹dî
-liu› masculine noun
PLURAL dilywiau ‹dî- ləu-ye ›
1 flood, deluge
2 the Great Flood (y Dilyw) = the flood in Noah's time which only Noah
and his family and representative animals survived (Genesis chapters 7 and 8)
Genesis 7:10 Ac wedi saith niwrnod y dwfr dilyw a ddaeth ar y ddaear
Genesis 7:10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood
were upon the earth.
3 cynddilywaidd antediluvian (cyn- = before) + soft
mutation + (dilyw) + (-aidd suffix for forming adjectives)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Latin diluuium (= flood) < dîluere
(= to wash away) < dis-(= apart) + (-luere < lavâre
= to wash).
dim ‹DIM› (masculine noun)
zero, nothing; anything
esgus cystal â dim an excuse as good as any
llawer o helynt ynghylch dim a lot of fuss over nothing
(“a lot of trouble about nothing!)
Does arnoch chi ddim i mi You don’t
owe me anything, you don’t owe me a thing (“There is nothing on you to me”)
Nawr neu ddim! Now or never! (“now
or nothing”)
pydru’n ddim rot away, diminsh
and disappear through a rotting process
dim byd ‹dim-BIID› (phrase) nothing at all
(from dim yn y byd - "nothing
in the world")
3 dim
clem ‹dim-KLEM› (phrase) no idea - does dim clem ’da fe - he’s got no idea
4 dim
ots ‹dim-OTS› (phrase) it doesn’t
matter - does dim ots ’da fi = I
don’t mind
5 dim
ysmygu ‹dim-ə-SMƏ-gi› (phrase) no smoking
un dim arall anything
O’r braidd ’mod i am un dim arall I
hardly think of anything else
Nid oedd un dim arall i'w wneud
There was nothing else to be done
as an object; = at all, a bit
Dw i yn synnu dim I'm not a bit
Dydi o’n gwrando dim He just won’t
Paid gofidio dim am hynna Don’t
worry about that at all
bod yn ddim ond... be nothing
Dyw e’n ddim ond baw he’s vermin (“He is nothing but dirt”)
Dyw e’n ddim ond dwy lygad a thrwyn (South) he’s all skin and bone (“He
is nothing but two eyes and a nose”)
9 ond y dim almost, very
nearly (“but the least thing”)
Yr un peth yw, ond y dim It’s the same, or very nearly
ond y dim imi almost, very nearly (+ verb)
Bu ond y dim iddo achub y shilff rhag syrthio He only just managed to
stop the shelf from falling
Bu ond y dim imi fynd yno i fyw rai blynyddoedd yn ôl I almost went to
live there years ago
’sdim there isn't, etc ’sdim colloquial contraction of does dim < nid oes dim (= there isn’t)
’Sdim newid arno He’s set in his
ways (“there’s no changing on him”)
chwarae dwbl neu ddim play double or
quits, game in which by tossing a coin, etc, it is decided whether a stake is
to be doubled or withdrawn
ni + arbed dim (ar wrthwynebydd) not
pull your punches (with an opponent)
(“not + save anything on an opponent”)
dim o...
mewn dim o dro in no time at all, at
14 dim... ar at all
Dw i'n deall dim arnat ti I don't
understand you at all, I just don't understand you
Peidiwch â newid dim arni Don't
change it at all, Leave it just as it is
Dyw hynny'n newid dim ar f'agwedd i
That doesn't alter my opinion at all
Dyw’n cynhyrfu dim arno i It doesn’t
do anything for me, it leaves me cold
neb na dim anybody or anything,
nobody or nothing
Dyw o’n malio am neb na ddim He
doesn’t care for anybody or anything
yn niffyg dim gwell for want of
anything better
dimai ‹DI-mai, DI-me› [ˡdɪmai / ˡdɪmɛ] feminine
PLURAL dimeiau
‹di-mei-e› [dɪˡməiai / dɪˡməiɛ]
halfpenny = an old English coin worth half a penny, withdrawn from circulation
in 1971
y ddimai = the halfpenny
halfpenny, half-p = English coin introduced on decimalisation in 1971 with the
value of half a new penny and 2.4 times the value of the previous halfpenny. It
was withdrawn from circulation thirteen years later, in 1984.
halfpenny = the value or sum represented by half a penny
(modifier) worth a halfpenny
cyllell ddimai = a halfpenny knife,
a knife which costs a halfpenny
bob dimai (= ‘every halfpenny’) not
a penny less (in talking of an exhorbitant price)
-Chweugain dalodd hi am y gwningen ‘ny.
-Roddodd hi hynny amdani?
-Bob dime
-She paid ten shillings (= pre 1971 English currency) for that rabbit
-She gave that (much) for it?
-Not a penny less
the least amount of money
heb ddimau goch ar eich elw without
a penny to your name ("without a red halfpenny on your profit")
bod heb ddimau goch ar eich elw not
have a penny to your name
heb dalu dimau goch without paying a
penny = not being obliged to pay, avoiding payment ("without paying a red
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh dimai < dimei < dimeidd < British *dis-medi
(Celtic *med- = half)
cf Latin dîmîdius (= half)
dimai bren ‹di-me-bren› [ˡdɪmai / ˡdɪmɛ ˡbrɛn]
feminine noun
South Wales
1 brass farthing = the least amount ("wooden halfpenny")
Dyw e ddim yn hidio dimai bren am...
He doesn’t care a fig for (“he doesn’t heed a wooden halfpenny for...”)
dimai goch ‹di-me-gookh› feminine noun
1 copper halfpenny ("red halfpenny")
the least amount of money
heb ddimau goch ar eich elw without
a penny to your name ("without a red halfpenny on your profit")
heb dalu dimau goch without paying a
penny = not being obliged to pay, avoiding payment ("without paying a red
pob dimai goch, every last penny, every
single penny = all the available money
Dylai pob dimai goch o’r arian hwnnw
gael ei wario ar greu gwibffordd fodern rhwng y de a’r gogledd
Every single penny of that money should be spent on creating a modern
expressway between the north and the south
bob dimai goch (after a stated
Mae’n werth pymtheg punt bob dimai goch
It’s worth every penny of its price of fifteen pounds ("It’s worth fifteen
pounds every copper halfpenny")
dimai goch y
delyn ‹di-me-gookh-ə-dê-lin›
1 copper halfpenny ("(the) red (copper) halfpenny (with) the
harp (on the reverse)")
2 North Wales ’run ddimai goch y delyn the least
amount of money (“(not) the one red halfpenny (of) the harp”)
dim am ddim <DIM am DHIM> [ˡdɪm am ˡðɪm]
something for nothing
does dim am ddim you can’t get
something for nothing ("there isn’t anything for nothing"); there’s no
such thing as a free lunch (when people treat you to something, it might be
that they expect some favour in return)
dim am ddim, a
dim llawer am ddimau <DIM am DHIM, a dim LHAU-er am DHI-mai,
-e> [ˡdɪm am ˡðɪm, a dɪm
ˡɬaʊɛr am ˡðɪmaɪ, -ɛ]
"(you can’t get) something for nothing, and not much for a halfpenny"
= you have to pay the proper price for things
dim dicach! <dim DI-kakh> [dɪm ˡdɪkax]
1 no
hard feelings!
ETYMOLOGY: (dim = not) + (dicach = angrier)
dim o beth <dim o BEETH> [dɪm ɔ ˡbeːθ]
1 (in
referring to childhood) wee young thing, tiny tot, person knee high to a
grasshopper (lit: “nothing of a thing”)
pan oeddwn i'n ddim o beth when I
was tiny, when I was a tiny little thing, when I was very little
ers yn ddim o beth since I was very
ETYMOLOGY: (dim = nothing) + (o = of) + soft mutation + (peth = thing)
din <DIIN> [diːn] (masculine noun)
1 (place names) fort (usually a British hillfort). See also dinas
Cf the following words with din as a final element
..a/ Caerfyrddin (town name) < Myrddin (from a British place
name = “fort by the sea”)
..b/ creuddyn (place name) (= fort) (crau = hut) + soft mutation
+ (din)
..c/ murddun < murddin (= fortification)
(mur = wall) + soft mutation + (din = fort) (examples of murddun occur 1400+)
..d/ tyddyn (= smallholding) (tŷ = house) + soft
mutation + (din)
..e/ treuddyn (= fortified ‘trêv’) < trefddyn (tref = trêv, farm) + soft mutation + (din)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh > British
< Celtic
In Endlicher’s Glossary: dunum, montem. (The Glossary
is a Gaulish-Latin wordlist in a manuscript of the 800s, a copy of an earlier
work probably from the 500s or 600s. It was compiled by a native of South Gaul,
and lists Gaulish words which would have been still in use at the time it was
written. The Glossary is preserved in the Austrian National Library.)
dinam <DII-nam> [ˡdiˑnam] (masculine noun)
1 a variant of dinan (qv) (= fort) found in some place names
dinan <DII-nan> [ˡdiˑnan] (masculine noun)
1 (place names) fort
> dinam
..1/ Brodinam street name in
Llandrillo (county of Dinbych) (spelt as “Bro Dinam”)
..2/ Llandinam (SO0288)
(the) monastic cell / church (by the) hillfort
locality in the district of Maldwyn (county of Powys)
..3/ Llysdinam (SO0058) (the) court (by the) hillfort
Locality in the district of Brycheiniog (county of Powys), 5km south-west of
Llandrindod, on the west bank of the river Gwy, facing Y Bontnewydd ar Wy on
the east bank
..4/ SS6894 There is a Heol Dinam / Dinam Road in Pentre-dŵr, Abertawe
Din Gefron ‹diin GEV-ron › [diːn
1 NT9229 A
hillfort which was the tribal centre of the Votadini (Welsh: Gododdin) at Yeavering Bell, a twin-peaked hill
(delw (delwedd 7372)
di-nam <dii-NAM> [diˑˡnam] adjective
blameless, faultless; unblemished, pure; honest, true
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = privative prefix)
+ (nam = imperfection)
dinas, dinasoedd
di-NA-soidh, -odh> [ˡdiˑnas,
dɪˡnasɔɪð, -ɔð] (feminine noun)
1 city
y ddinas = the city
in place names, hillfort (a masculine noun)
Y Dinas = the Hillfort (see entries
prifddinas <priv-DHII-nas> [ prɪvˡðiˑnas] (feminine noun) capital
4 Y Ddinas Sanctaidd The Holy City, Jerusalem
(Bible) dinas barhaus a continuing
city, a lasting city, an abiding city
Hebreaid 13.14 Canys nid oes i ni yma
ddinas barhaus, eithr un i ddyfod yr ym ni yn ei disgwyl.
Hebrews 13:14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
(probably Jerusalem)
Y Dinas (1) <ə DII-nas> [ə ˡdiˑnas] place name
1 short
form for place names with dinas (=
fort, earthwork) as the main element
Example: y Dinas, from Dinas Mawddwy
Y Dinas (2) <ə DII-nas> [ə ˡdiˑnas] place name
1 SN0318 locality in the county of Penfro,
south-west Wales; near Trefdraeth
name of the parish here
bwchod y Dinas nickname given to the
villagers of this place ("he-goats (of) Dinas"). In standard Welsh
this is bwch (singular), bychod (plural), but in the south the w is maintained in the tonic syllable
in plural forms in such monosyllables with w
in the singular
SN2730 locality in the county of
SS0091 locality in the county of
Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales
SH2736 locality in the county of
7 SH4758 locality by Llanwnda, in the county of Gwynedd, south of Caernarfon
Often called Dinas Llanwnda “(the) Dinas (which is next to) Llanwnda”, to
differentiate it from nearby Dinas Dinlle (SH4356) on the coast, and also Dinas
SH2636 east of Pwllheli
Dinas is below Plas Dinas (= “Dinas Mansion”), built in the 1600s and extended
in the 1800s, and formerly in the possession of the Armstrong-Jones family,
which was built on the remains an Iron Age fort (Dinas Dinoethwy)
(delw (delwedd 7048)
ETYMOLOGY: “the fort” (y = the) + (dinas = fort). In this sense dinas is a masculine noun.
In modern Welsh dinas (= a city) is
feminine, hence y ddinas (= the
Dinas Dinlle <DII-nas DIN-lhe> [ˡdiˑnas ˡdɪnɬɛ]
(SH4356) Iron Age hillfort in Gwynedd, on the coast one kilometre west of
2 (SH4356) village by the fort
(delw (delwedd 7377)
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) fort (called) Dinlle’ (dinas
= fort).
Dinlle is from Dinlleu (= fort (of the god called) Lleu)
This is the same name as many old Celtic places called Lugu-dun-on, but with
the elements reversed (noun + qualifying noun), showing it to be a name formed
in Welsh rather than a name from the British period
NOTE: The local form is Dinas Dinlla (as
this is a zone where “a in the final syllable” occurs, replacing the vowel “e”,
and diphthongs “ae, ai, au”)
(delw (delwedd 7423)
dinasgaer <di-NAS-gair> [dɪˡnasgaɪr] feminine noun
PLURAL dinasgaerau
<di-nas-GEI-rai, -> [dɪnasˡgəɪraɪ, -ɛ]
y ddinasgaer = the citadel
ETYMOLOGY: ‘city-fort’ (dinas =
city) + soft mutation + (caer =
dinaslun <di-NAS-lin> [dɪˡnaslɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL dinasluniau
<di-nas-LIN-yai, -e> [dɪnasˡlɪnjaɪ, -ɛ]
1 art cityscape
ETYMOLOGY: (dinas = city) + soft
mutation + (llun = picture)
Din Baer ‹din BAIR› [dɪˑnˡbaɪr]
Welsh name of Dùn Bàrra or Dunbar, Scotland.
A tribal centre of the Votadini tribe (Welsh: Gododdin)
(delw (delwedd 7372
Dinbych <DIN-bikh> [ˡdɪnbɪx] (feminine noun)
1 town in the north-east (‘little fort’)
Sir Ddinbych – the county of Dinbych
2 town in the south-west. See Dinbych
y Pysgod
3 A corresponding name is found in Cornish – Dinbygh (English: Denby), near Bosveneghi (English: Bodmin) in
eastern Cornwall
(delw (delwedd 7040)
Dinbych y Pysgod
ə PƏ-skod> [ˡdɪnbɪx
ə ˡpəskɔd] (feminine noun)
1 town in the south-west. Short form: Dinbych
English name: Tenby
"the ‘Dinbych’ of the fishes" - so called from the time when it was a
fishing port
Dindaethwy <din-DEI-thui> [dɪnˡdəɪθʊɪ]
(feminine noun)
1 One of the two kúmmuds of the kántrev of Rhosyr
(delw (delwedd 7379)
ETYMOLOGY: “fortress (of
the) Daethwy (tribe)”
(din = fort) + (Daethwy name
of a tribe)
Cf Porthaethwy < porth ’aethwy < porth Ddaethwy “(the)
ferrying-place (of) (the) Daethwy (people)”
Dindyrn ‹DIN-dirn› [ˡdɪndɪrn]
village in the south-east
Abaty Dindyrn Tintern Abbey
Abaty Dindyrn / Tintern Abbey
yr hen orsaf / the old station
The name of the abbey (as Tintern) is very popular in street names in England,
possibly from the poem "Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern
Abbey" by William Wordsworth
dinistriol <di-NISTR-yol> [dɪˡnɪstrjɔl] (adjective)
1 destroyed, devestated, ruined
Eseciel 36:36 Felly y cenhedloedd y rhai
a weddillir o’ch amgylch, a gânt wybod mai myfi yr Arglwydd sydd yn adeiladu y
lleoedd dinistriol, ac yn plannu eich mannau anrheithiedig...
Ezekiel 36:36 Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I
the LORD build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the LORD
have spoken it, and I will do it.
diniwed <di-NI-wed> [dɪnɪˡwɛd] (adjective)
1 harmless
diniweityn <di-ni-WEI-tin> [dɪnɪˡwəɪtɪn]
masculine noun
PLURAL diniweitiaid
<di-ni-WEIT-yaid, -yed> [dɪnɪˡwəɪtjaɪd,
innocent = naïve person, person easily duped
ETYMOLOGY: diniwed (adjective =
innocent, naïve) + soft mutation + (dyn
= man) > diniweid-ddyn > diniweityn (= innocent man, naïve man)
Din Lláen <din-LHAIN> [dɪnˡɬaɪn]
1 Iron
Age fort which is in Penrhyn Llŷn
Porth Dinlláen name of a cove west of Morfanefyn
Trwyn Porth Dinlláen name of a point of land west of Porth Dinlláen and
Morfanefyn, and east of Y Borth Wen
Dinlle Gwrygon ‹DIN-lhe GuRƏ-gon> [ˡdɪnɬɛ ˡgwrəgɔn]
1 The Wrekin, Shropshire
Cf Caerwrygon ‹kair GuRƏ-gon> [kaɪrˡgwrəgɔn] Viroconium Cornoviorum, or Uriconium, Wroxeter
Cair Guricon circa 800 AD)
Dinlle Gwrygon, the Iron Age
hillfort on the hill; this may have been the tribal capital of the Cornovii;
the Romans built the nearby town to which they gave the same name as the former
(delw (delwedd 7413)
ETYMOLOGY: Gwyrygon, from a British (personal?) name *vrikon-.
NOTE: Dinlle Gwrygon
is the name given for The Wrekin in The Welsh Academy English-Welsh Dictionary.
Dinmael <DIN-mail> [ˡdɪnmɑɪl]
village SJ0044 in Conwy, north-west Wales
Dinmael was the name of a
commote, and its centre was perhaps Cadair Ddinmael in Llangwm (Situated on a mountain
lane three miles south of Cerrigydrudion. The name survives in the name of the
Local form “Dinmel” <DIN-mel> [ˡdɪnmɛl] (final-syllable [ɑɪ] > [ɛ] is a general feature in
north-eastern, central and south-western Welsh)
(DIN = fortress) + (MAEL
= chieftain).
Some Welsh place-names
containing elements which are found in Continental Celtic. Melville Richards.
Études Celtiques. 1972.
13-1. pp. 364-410. Tudlane 375; Dinmael
According to M. Richards,
MAEL may be a forename in this case. Hence “fortress (of) Mael”.
(delwedd G3855)
Din Paladur ‹diin pa-LAA-dir› [dɪˑn paˡlɑˑdɪr]
NT5975 Welsh name of a tribal centre
of the Votadini tribe (Welsh: Gododdin) at Traprain Law, Scotland.
(Wikipedia: This hill was only known as Traprain Law from the late 18th
century, taking its name from a local hamlet. Before that, it is found on old
maps as Dunpendyrlaw. Locally, and particularly amongst fishermen who use it as
a landmark, it is still referred to as Dunpelder.)
(delw (delwedd 7374)
NOTE: “Paladore, a traditional name of Shaftesbury, [Dorset], the British Caer
Paladr, said… to have been founded by Rhun Paladr-bras, 'Rhun of the
stout spear.' ”
dintir <DIN-tir> [ˡdɪntɪr] masculine noun
1 Variant form of the word deintur
= tenter frame for stretching woollen cloth. There is a street in the town of
Aberteifi called Cnwcydintir (“(the)
hill (of) the tenter frame”)
NOTE: dintir represents the local
pronunciation of <DEIN-tir> [ˡdəɪntɪr]
(1) In South Wales the u and i have the same pronunciation <i> [ɪ] (in the North the u retains the historical more central
In dialect writing the u is often
replaced by i to show that the North
Wales pronunciation is not intended.
In some place names spellings an i
might be used instead of a u to show
a local pronunciation, though generally it is considered incorrect to
‘localise’ a name, though examples abound.
(2) In the South, an <ei> [əɪ]
in the
penult is often simplified to the vowel <i> [ɪ] – for example,
gweithio (= to work) is generally gwitho (there is an additional change
in this word: a final –io generally becomes –o in the south);
gobeithio (= to hope) is gobithio;
gweiddi (= to shout) is gwiddi.
This apparently is what has happened in the case of dein- > din-
’di o <di o> [dɪ ɔ] (verb) (North Wales)
1 shortened form of ydi o (1) he is, (2) is he?
diod, diodydd <DII-od,-di-OO-didh> [ˡdiˑɔd, dɪˡoˑdɪð]
1 drink
y ddiod = the drink
diod gadarn strong drink, alcohol
diotgar fond of drink, given to
diotgar < diód-gar (diod = drink,
alcoholic drink ) + (-gar suffix for
forming adjectives)
(diodde’) <di-OO-dhev, di-OO-dhe> [a ðɪɔˡðeˑv, dɪˡoˑðɛ] (verb)
1 to suffer
iawndal i gyn-lowyr sy’n dioddef o
broblemau anadlu
compensation for miners with (“suffering from”) breathing problems
A ddioddefws a orfu <a di-o-DHEE-vus a OR-vi> [a ðɪɔðeˑvʊs a ˡɔrvɪ]
1 to suffer
Motto of the former county of Morganwg
“[it is] | he-who | suffered | who | overcame / conquered”, “he who
suffered conquered”
(a subject pronoun
= the person who) + soft mutation + (dioddefws = he suffered) + (a
relative pronoun = who) + soft mutation + (gorfu = he overcame)
dioddefgar <di-o-DHEV-gar> [dɪɔˡðɛvgar] (adjective)
1 tolerant
2 annioddefgar intolerant
(an- = negative prefix) + aspirate
mutation + (dioddefgar = tolerant)
anioddefgar tuag at intolerant of
dioddefus <di-o-DHEE-vis> [dɪɔˡðeˑvɪs] adjective
mwy dioddefus na beius more sinned
against than sinning
ETYMOLOGY: (dioddef = to suffer) + (-us suffix for forming verbs)
diofal <di-OO-val> [dɪˡoˑval] (adjective)
1 negligent, careless
diofalwch <di-o-VAA-lukh> [dɪɔˡvɑˑlʊx] (masculine noun)
1 negligence
diofryd <di-O-vrid> [dɪˡɔvrɪd] masculine noun
1 a vow,
binding oath
cymryd arnoch ddiofryd tlodi take a
vow of poverty
a vow (not to do something), binding oath (to renounce something)
Roedd diofryd neu rwystr arno i beidio â
bwyta cig
He was obliged by a vow or some impediment not to eat meat
(“there was a vow or impediment on him to not eat meat”)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British
cf the element bryd, -fryd in
cymryd (= to take), edfryd (= to restore)
The conjugation now is based on the infinitive diofryd (= to vow) > diofrydaf
(= I shall vow); previously it was dioferaf
(= I shall vow) < British *dî-wo-ber,
with the element ber (= carry), as in cymeraf (= I take), adferaf (=
I restore)
NOTE: A variant of diofryd is diowryd
diog <DII-og> [ˡdiˑɔg] (adjective)
1 lazy
diogel <di-OO-gel> [dɪˡoˑgɛl] (adjective)
1 safe
diogel rhàg stormydd storm-proof
ystafell ddiogel strongroom
diogelfa <di-o-GEL-va> [dɪɔˡgɛlva]
PLURAL diogelféydd
<di-o-gel-VEIDH> [dɪɔgɛlˡvəɪð]
1 place
of safety, retreat
keep (of a castle)
Diogelfa Mynwy – possible translation of Monnow Keep, street name in
Trefynwy / Monmouth
NOTE: Daniel Silvan Evans 1894, An English and Welsh Dictionary: “The keep of a
castle – gwarch, diogelfa, cadarnfa, cadarnfan, neu gedwidfa castell; y
ETYMOLOGY: (diogel = safe) + (-fa suffix = place)
diogelu <di-o-GEE-li> [dɪɔˡgeˑlɪ] (verb)
1 make safe
diogelwch <di-o-GEE-lukh> [dɪɔˡgeˑlʊx] (masculine noun)
1 safety
diogi <di-OO-gi> [dɪˡoˑgɪ] (m)
1 laziness
Mae tipyn o ddiogi arno pan fo ishe gweithio’n galed
He’s a bit lazy (“there’s a bit of laziness on him”) when hard
work is needed
diogi <di-OO-gi> [dɪˡoˑgɪ] (verb)
1 be lazy
diolch <DII-olkh> [ˡdiˑɔlx] (verb) to thank
- Diolch yn fawr <DII-olkh ən
VAUR> [ˡdiˑɔlx ən ˡvaʊr]
Thank you
diolch <DII-olkh> [ˡdiˑɔlx]
PLURAL: diolchiadau <di-olkh-YA-dai, -e> [dɪɔlxˡjɑˑdaɪ,
1 thanks
ETYMOLOGY: diolch < di-olwch < di-wolwch;
‘great praise’ (di = intensifying
prefix - related to Latin ‘dê’) + soft mutation + gwolwch (= praise)
diolch byth <DII-olkh BITH> [ˡdiˑɔlx ˡbɪθ]
1 thanks
be to God / thank the Lord / thank heavens / thank Christ, etc (‘thanks (for)
VARIANT: with soft mutation of ‘byth’ - diolch fyth
diolch am <DII-olkh am> [ˡdiˑɔlx am] (phrase) thanks for
- diolch i <DII-olkh am> [ˡdiˑɔlx ɪ] (phrase) thanks to
diolchgar <di-OLKH-gar> [dɪˡɔlxgar] (adjective)
1 thankful
diolchgarwch <di-olkh-GA-rukh> [dɪɔlxˡgɑˑrʊx]
1 thankfulness, gratitude
diolchiadau <di-olkh-YA-dai, -e> [dɪɔlxˡjɑˑdaɪ,
1 thanks
= PLURAL of diolch
diollwng ‹di-ô-lhung› adjective
1 reluctant to let go, tenacious
2 addictive
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutation + (gollwng = release,
let go)
dïor ‹dî -or› verb
South-west Wales
1 prohibit, disallow, forbid, ban, stop
dïor rhywun i wneud rhywbeth forbid
somebody to do something
dïor rhywun rhag wneud rhywbeth
forbid somebody to do something
Shwd gallen ni ddïor y ci rhag dwyn
llaeth y gath?
How can we stop the dog from stealing the cat’s milk?
diotgar ‹ di- ot -gar› adjective
fond of drink, fond of drinking, given to drink
ETYMOLOGY: diotgar < diód-gar (diod = drink, alcoholic drink ) + (-gar suffix for forming adjectives, meaning ‘fond of’, cf caru = to love)
diotyn ‹di- o -tin› masculine noun
1 drunkard
Hen ddiotyn ofer yw hwnnw He (= the
one you are talking about) is a useless drunk
ETYMOLOGY: diotyn < diod-ddyn (diod = drink) + soft mutation + (dyn = man)
diplomydd ‹di-plo-midh› masculine noun
PLURAL diplomyddion
1 diplomat = official representing a state in its contacts with
another state
ETYMOLOGY: an adaptation of the English word diplomat by means of a native suffix (diplom-) + (-ydd, suffix
indicating an agent)
Diplomat < French diplomate (= diplomat) < diplomatique (= diplomatic) < New
Latin diplômatic(us) < diplomat-,
stem of diplôma (= official
document) < Greek diplôma (=
folded letter) < dipló(os) (=
double, folded )+ (-ma = suffix)
diplomyddiaeth ‹di-plo-mədh-yeth› feminine
1 diplomacy = conduct of relations between states
2 diplomyddiaeth y pastwn
gunboat diplomacy ("diplomacy of the stick")
ETYMOLOGY: (diplomydd = diplomat) +
(-i-aeth, suffix for forming
abstract nouns)
diplomyddol ‹di-plo-mə-dhol› adjective
1 diplomatic
breinryddid diplomyddol diplomatic
ETYMOLOGY: (diplomydd = diplomat) +
(-ol, suffix for forming adjectives)
dir- ‹dir›
1 (intensifying prefix) -
causes soft mutation of the following consonant
..a/ cêl (= hidden), dirgel (= secret)
..b/ crynu (= to quake, to tremble),
dirgrynu (= to vibrate)
..c/ mawr (= big), dirfawr (= enormous)
ETYMOLOGY:Welsh dir- (= extreme)
< British < Celtic dîr-
From the same Celtic root:
Irish díre (noun) (= indemnity; right, due)
Irish dír (obsolete) (adjective) (= due, pertaining to).
The Celtic word is related to Latin dûrus
(= hard)
diraen ‹di
-ren› adjective
Also: di-raen ‹di-RAin›
1 in poor condition
2 of poor quality
stwff di-raen poor stuff (literature, etc)
3 scowling, cross
Roedd golwg diran arno He looked cross
4 (clothes) worn, dowdy, shabby
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) + soft mutaiton + (graen = good
NOTE: South-east Wales diran ‹di-ran›
, county of Ceredigion: dyran ‹də-ran›
diragrith ‹di- ra -grith› adjective
1 sincere, without hypocrisy, straight
yn ddiragrith sincerely
Yr oedd yr ymfudwr Cymraeg yn caru gwlad
ei dadau yn wresog a diragrith; yr oedd cofio am ei bryniau a’i dyffrynoedd yn
felus ganddo
The Welsh emigrant loved the land of his forbears passionately and
sincerely; remembering its hills and valleys was sweet to him
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix, “without”) +
soft mutation + (rhagrith =
dirdynedig ‹dir-də- nê -dig› adjective
1 tense
mewn llais dirdynedig in a tense
ETYMOLOGY: (dirdyn- stem of dirdynnu = torment) + (-edig suffix for forming a past
participle adjective)
dirdynnu ‹dir- də -ni› verb
1 torture, torment
2 contort, distort
Roedd ei wyneb wedi ei ddirdynnu gan
boen His face was contorted with pain
ETYMOLOGY: (dir- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (tynnu =
dirgelfa ‹dir-gel-va› masculine noun
PLURAL dirgelfaoedd,
dirgelfâu, dirgelféydd ‹dir-gel-vâ-odh,
dir-gel-vai, dir-gel-veidh›
1 secret place
ETYMOLOGY:(dirgel = (adjective)
secret)+ (-fa suffix, = place)
dirgelwch ‹dir-GEE-lukh› (m)
1 mystery, secret
cadw rhywbeth yn ddirgelwch keep
something a secret
dirgrynu ‹ dir- grə -ni› verb
(verb without an object)
(verb with an object) vibrate
ETYMOLOGY: (dir- = instensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (crynu =
quake, tremble)
dirgrynwr ‹ dir- grə -nur› masculine noun
PLURAL dirgrynwyr
‹ dir-grən-wir›
vibrator, device for stimulation of female genitals
ETYMOLOGY: (dirgryn- stem of dirgrynnu = vibrate) + (-wr, suffix to indicate an device)
dirgymell ‹dir- gə -melh› verb
1 urge, press, force
2 convince
Aethant adref, ac yr oedd fy nhad wedi
ei ddirgymell erbyn hyn mai wedi breuddwydio’r cyfan yr oedd Twmi ac yntau.
’S Lawer Dydd / W. Llewelyn Williams / 1929 / tudalen 43
They went home, and my father was convinced by now that Twmi and he had dreamt
all of it
ETYMOLOGY: (dir- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (cymell =
to urge)
di-rif ‹di-RIIF› (adjective)
1 (colloquial: di-ri’) ‹di-RII› uncountable
dirnad ‹DIR-nad› [ˡdɪrnad] (verb)
1 understand, comprehend
Y mae'r Cymry Cymraeg yn gallu dirnad sut beth yw bod yn Sais
ond ni all Sais ddirnad sut beth yw bod yn Gymro Cymraeg.
The Welsh-speaking Welsh can understand what it is like to be an Englishman
but an Englishman cannot comprehen what it is like to be a Welsh-speaking
ETYMOLOGY: (dir- intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (*gnăd) < British (*gnă-t-) < Celtic
This element (*gnăd) occurs too in ynad (= magistrate)
A related element (*gnawd) < British (*gnā-t-) < Celtic is to be found in adnabod (= to know) < adnawbod
(ad + *gnawd + bod)
Related to *gnawd is Latin nôtus (= worthy of attention)
dirwest ‹dir-west› masculine noun
PLURAL dirwestau
1 obsolete abstinence,
2 temperance, teetotalism = abstinence from alcohol, rejection of
alcoholic drinks
3 cymanfa ddirwest
hymn-singing festival to promote abstinence from alcohol
4 tŷ dirwest, gwesty dirwest hotel where alcoholic
drinks are not served, hotel for non-drinkers, members of a temperance
organisation, supporters of the temperance movement; colloquial name
(Englishism) temprans;
yn y gwesty dirwest / yn y temprans
= in the temperance hotel
5 cymryd y llw dirwest take
the pledge, promise to abstain from alcoholic drinks ("take the oath (of)
colloquial form seinio dirwest ("to sign
abstemiousness / temperance")
6 cymdeithas ddirwest temperance
association = organisation promoting abstinence from alcohol
7 torri’ch dirwest break
the pledge, to drink alcohol after pledging not to ("to break your
ETYMOLOGY: dirwest < dyrwest < British < Celtic *do-ro-wes-t;
1 -wes (= to stay); cf gwest (= guest);
2 the syllable dyr- has become dir- from the influence of other words
with the more abundant prefix dir-
dirwestaeth ‹dir-wes-teth› feminine noun
1 temperance, abstention from alcohol
2 temperance = the movement promoting teetotalism (very active in Wales in the
late 1800s and early 1900s)
NOTE: also dirwestiaeth ‹dir-west-yeth›
ETYMOLOGY: (dirwest = temperance,
abstention from alcohol) + (-aeth,
dirwestol ‹dir-we-stol› adjective
1 relating to temperance; see dirwest
achos dirwestol = temperance cause,
ideals of the movement for abstention from alcohol
cyfarfod dirwestol = temperance
meeting; meeting, lecture, talk to
promote temperance
See page 0967k (via Google – 0967k kimkat). An account in Welsh of a Cyfarfod
Dirwestol (temperance meeting) in 1842 in Bro Morgannwg / the Vale of Glamorgan
cymdeithas ddirwestol = cymdeithas ddirwest = temperance
gwesty dirwestol = gwesty dirwest = temperance hotel,
hotel for non-drinkers, for members of the temperance movement
mudiad dirwestol = mudiad dirwest = temperance movement,
teetotal movement, movement for abstention from alcohol
undeb dirwestol = undeb dirwest = temperance union,
temperance society
2 (drink) alcohol-free
ETYMOLOGY: (dirwest = temperance,
abstention from alcohol) + (-ol)
dirwestwr ‹dir-we-stur› masculine noun
PLURAL dirwestwyr
1 teetotaller, abstainer (from alcoholic drinks), non-drinker,
temperance supporter
ETYMOLOGY: (dirwest = temperance,
abstention from alcohol) + (-wr,
suffix to indicate an agent, ‘man’)
dirwestwraig ‹dir-west-reg› feminine noun
PLURAL dirwestwragedd
1 (woman) teetotaller, abstainer (from alcoholic drinks),
ETYMOLOGY: (dirwest = temperance,
abstention from alcohol) + (-wraig,
suffix to indicate a female agent, ‘woman’)
dirwesty ‹dir-we-sti› masculine noun
PLURAL dirwestai
1 temperance house, temperance hotel; hotel for non-drinkers, for
members of the temperance movement
ETYMOLOGY: (dirwest = temperance, abstention from alcohol)
+ soft mutation + (ty = house) > dirwest-dy > dirwesty
dirwy, dirwyon ‹DI-rui, di-RUI-on› (masculine noun)
1 fine
dirwystr ‹di-RUI-stir› (adjective)
1 without obstacles
di-sail ‹ dii- sail › adjective
groundless, without any basis in fact, false
honiad di-sail groundless assertion,
groundless accusation
sïon di-sail unfounded rumours
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix privatiu, “sense”)
+ (sail = foundation, basis)
disberod ‹di-SPE-rod› (masculine noun)
1 wandering;
ar ddisberod = wandered off
disbyddu ‹di-sbə-dhi› verb
1 empty (of water)
2 bail out (water from the bottom of a boat)
disbyddu cwch bail out a boat
3 (pond, pool) drain
4 spend (a large amount of money)
Mae hi wedi cael ad-daliad treth.
Gobeithio na fydd hi’n sbydu’r cyfan mewn pnawn yn siopau Caer-dydd neu Gaer
She got a tax rebate. I hope she doesn’t spend the lot in an afternoon in the
shops in Caer-dydd or Chester
ETYMOLOGY: (di- intensifying prefix)
+ (sbyddu = to empty);
sbyddu < hysbydd (hysb = dry) + (-yddu, suffixes ?ydd + -u)
NOTE: North Wales sbyddu, sbydu
discotecau <DI-sko-tek, di-sko-TE-kai, -ke> [ˡdɪskɔtɛk, dɪskɔˡtɛkaɪ,
-ɛ] (masculine
1 discotheque
diseimio <di-SEIM-yo> [dɪˡsəɪmjɔ] verb
1 defat,
remove the fat from
ETYMOLOGY: (di- negative prefix) + (saim = grease) + (-io verbal suffix)
diserth <DI-serth> [ˡdɪsɛrθ]
1 (place names) hermitage, hermit's cell
2 Y Ddiserth the former name of Llansanffráid Glan Conwy
(SH8076), locality in the county of Conwy 6km to the south-west of Baecolwyn
3 Diserth (SJ0579) locality in the county of Dinbych, 4k
south of Prestatyn
(1961) Population: 1,716; proportion of Welsh-speakers: 40%
Misspelt on English maps as “Dyserth”
Local form: Disarth (showing the change of e > a in a
final syllable. This feature is regarded as being
north-western, though it was also found in the northern fringe of the
counties of Dinbych and Y Fflint, along the coast)
Diserth, map
4 Diserth (SO0358) locality in district of Maesyfed, county
of Powys, 3k south-west of Llandrindod
Misspelt on English maps as “Disserth”. Also occurs as “Disart”
Also called Y Ddiserth yn Elfael (“the Diserth (which is)
in (the district called) Elfael”)
See page #kimkat2174k (via Google search box) for more about this
Eglwys Diserth
5 Diserth (SJ2105) locality 1km south-west of Y Trallwng /
Welshpool (SJ2207) (district of Maldwyn, county of Powys)
Misspelt on English maps as “Dyserth” or “Dysserth”
(delw (delwedd 7498)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *disert- < Latin dêsertum < dêserere
(= to cut off from)
(de = from) + (serere = to tie together)
The Welsh word is in fact the same word etymologically as English desert (=
arid region) < French < Latin
Irish has díseart (= retreat, hermitage) < Latin
In Scotland, north-east of Kirkcaldy, there is Diseart (NT3093) (this is
the name in Scottish Gaelic; it is anglicised as Dysart)
disg, disgiau <DISK, DISK-yai, -ye> [ˡdɪsk,ˡdɪskjaɪ, -ɛ]
(de joc)
1 disc; counter (in a board game)
disglair <DI-sklair, -er> [ˡdɪsklaɪr, -ɛr] (adjective)
1 shining
disgleirdeb <dis-KLEIR-deb> [dɪsˡkləɪrdɛb] masculine noun
brightness, shine
ETYMOLOGY: (disglair = brilliant) +
(-deb suffix for forming nouns)
disgleirio <di-SKLEIR-yo> [dɪˡskləɪrjɔ] (verb)
1 (sun) to shine
disgrifio <di-SKRIV-yo> [dɪˡskrɪvjɔ] (verb)
1 to describe
disgwyl <DI-skuil> [ˡdɪskʊɪl] (verb)
1 to wait for, expect;
in the spoken language of the south it retains its old meaning - to look,
pronounced ‘dishgwl’
(m) expectation
yn groes i bob disgwyl contrary to
expectations (“contrary to every expectation”)
siomi’r disgwyliadau fall short of expectations
(“disappoint the expectations”)
NOTE: Page 46 / A Welsh Grammar - Historical and Comparative / John Morris-Jones
(1864-1929) /
1913: The
following words may be mentioned as those most commonly mispronounced: wy
is the falling diphthong in cern
‘vat’, disg
‘look, expect’, G
‘Venedotia’, G
id., mor
‘maiden’, ter
‘ fervent’; it is the rising diphthong in oher
‘because of’, cych
‘rise, start’, erch
‘protector, [bed]-side’, ded
disgwylfa <di-SKUIL-va> [dɪˡskʊɪlva] feminine noun
PLURAL disgwylféydd
<di-skuil-VEIDH> [dɪskʊɪlˡvəɪð]
(obsolete) look-out place, (USA: overlook)
2 Disgwylfa (SN8117)
mountain in the district of Brycheiniog (county of Powys)
Disgwylfa house name (for example, in
Llan-rug, county of Gwynedd)
ETYMOLOGY: (disgwyl, stem of disgwyl = to look) + (-fa noun-forming suffix, indicating a
disgwyliad <di-SKUIL-yad> [dɪˡskʊɪljad] masculine noun
PLURAL disgwyliadau
<di-skuil-YAA-de> [dɪskʊɪlˡjɑˑdaɪ,
siomi’r disgwyliadau fall short of
expectations (“disappoint the expectations”)
disgwyliad oes life expectancy
ETYMOLOGY: (disgwyl, stem of disgwyl = to expect) + (-i-ad noun-forming suffix)
disgyblion <DI-skibl, di-SKƏBL-yon> [ˡdɪskɪbl, dɪˡskəbljɔn]
1 school pupil
disgyn <DI-skin> [ˡdɪskɪn] (verb)
1 go down
dishefu <di-SHEE-vi> [dɪˡʃeˑvɪ] (verb)
1 south-eastern form of deisyfu (= beseech, implore, request)
Especially in the oath Dir dishefon ni or Duw dishefon ni (God
help us!)
Explained by Cadrawd in Expressions, Proverbial Sayings, Rhymes, &c.,
collected in Mid-Glamorganshire. 1906: (See our page kumquat 0497e via the
internal search tool or Google)
DUW DISHEFON NI, corruption of ‘Duw deisyfwn di,’ a peculiar kind of oath,
which, if properly uttered, would be an appropriate prayer - ‘Lord we beseech
dishglad <DISH-klad> [ˡdɪʃklad]
PLURAL: dishgleida /
dishgli’da <dish-KLEI-da,-dish-KLII-da> [dɪʃˡkləɪda, dɪʃˡkliˑda]
(south-east) local form of dysglaid (= a cupful, literally a saucerful)
dishglad o de (south-east) a cup of tea
ETYMOLOGY: See dishgled and dysglaid
dishgled <DISH-kled> [ˡdɪʃklɛd]
PLURAL: dishgleide / dishgli’de <dish-KLEI-de,-dish-KLII-de> [dɪʃˡkləɪdɛ,
(south-west) local form of dysglaid (= a cupful, literally a saucerful)
dishgled o de a cup of tea
1 dysglaid > disglaid In the south, a y
in the
penult may become i [i]
2 In the south, an s before or after an i is generally palatalised s > sh
dishglaid > dishglaid
3 In colloquial Welsh, the diphthong ai in the final syllable is reduced to
dishglaid > dishgled
4 In the south-east, this e becomes a
dishgled > dishglad
NOTE: See dysglaid
distaw <DI-stau> [ˡdɪstaʊ] (adjective)
1 quiet
ddistawed â’r bedd as silent as the grave
ddistaw â'r bedd as silent as the grave
2 yn
ddistaw bach <ən
DHI-stau BAAKH> [ən ˡðɪstaʊ
ˡbɑːx] (adverb) on the quiet
distawrwydd <di-STAU-ruidh> [dɪˡstaʊrʊɪð] masculine noun
silence, absence of noise
torri ar y distawrwydd break the
silence, disturb the silence
distawrwydd dwys profound silence
2 silence = state of not speaking or saying anything, pause in a
conversation, failure to speak
torri’r distawrwydd break the
Fe edrychson nhw yn dwp ar ei gilydd,
nes i Jac dorri’r distawrwydd a dweud "Wel, ych chi’n dal ar dir y byw
wedi’r cwbl!"
They looked at each other stupidly until Jac broke the silence and said,
"Well, you’re still in the land of the living after all!"
distawrwydd huawdl an eloquent
3 silence = refusal to answer
4 (imperative) silence! quiet! (= let there be silence!)
Distawrwydd, os gwelwch yn
5 Aur dilin yw distawrwydd Silence
is golden (“(it-is”) fine gold that-is silence”)
ETYMOLOGY: (distaw = silent, quiet)
+ (-rwydd suffix for froming nouns)
NOTE: in the south, colloquially, also dishtawrwydd
distryw <DIS-triu> [ˡdɪstrɪʊ] (masculine noun)
1 destruction
2 hunanddistryw self
destruction, (figuratively) suicide
(hunan = self-, auto-) + soft
mutation + (distryw = destruction )
cyflawni hunanddistryw gwleidyddol
commit politicial suicide
distrywgar <di-STRIU-gar> [dɪˡstrɪʊgar] (adjective)
1 destructive
distrywgarwch <di-striu-GAA-rukh> [dɪstrɪʊˡgɑˑrʊx]
1 destructiveness
distrywio <di-STRIU-yo> [dɪˡstrɪʊjɔ] (verb)
1 to destroy
distrywiol <di-STRIU-yol> [dɪˡstrɪʊjɔl] (adjective)
1 destroyer
distyll <DI-stilh> [ˡdɪstɪɬ] masculine noun
PLURAL distyllion
<di-STƏLH-yon> [dɪˡstəɬjɔn]
ebb of the tide, low tide, low water
2 distyll y don “(the) ebb (of) the wave / the sea”) (South-east
Wales) low tide
Distyll y A folk tune mentioned in “The Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and
Celtic Repertory” (1830). The English name is given as “The Fall of the Wave”.
distyllfa <di-STƏLH-va> [dɪˡstəɬva] (feminine noun)
PLURAL: distyllféydd <di-təlh-VEIDH> [dɪstəɬˡvəɪð]
y ddistyllfa = the distillery
diswyddiadau <di-SUIDH-yad,-di-suidh-YAA-dai, -de> [dɪˡsʊɪðjad, dɪsʊɪðˡjɑˑdaɪ,
-ɛ] (masculine
1 dismissal
2 diswyddiad
dros dro <di-SUIDH-yad
dros DROO> [dɪˡsʊɪðjad
drɔs ˡdroː] temporary redundancy
diswyddo <di-SUI-dho> [dɪˡsʊɪðɔ] (verb)
1 to dismiss (from a job), (USA) to fire (someone); Englandic: to
sack (someone)
disyfyd <di-SƏ-vid> [dɪˡsəvɪd] adjective)
1 sudden
disylfaen <di-SƏL-vain> [dɪˡsəlvaɪn] adjective
groundless, without any basis in fact, false
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative prefix, “without”)
+ (sylfaen = foundation, basis)
disyml <DI-siml> [ˡdɪsɪml] adjective
unaffected, simple, plain, honest, innocent
Genesis 25:27 A’r
llanciau a gynyddasant: ac Esau oedd ŵr yn medru hela, a gŵr o’r
maes, a Jacob oedd ŵr disyml, yn cyfanheddu mewn pebyll.
Genesis And
the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was
a plain man, dwelling in tents.
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = intensifying
prefix) + (syml = simple)
NOTE: AN old variant was disym <DI-sim> [ˡdɪsɪm] (loss of the final ‘l’)
disymwth <di-SƏ-muth> [dɪˡsəmʊθ] adjective
disymwyth <di-SƏ-muith> [dɪˡsəmʊɪθ]
immediate, sudden
daeth arnynt fraw disymwyth a sudden
fright took them (“it-came on them a-fright sudden”).
dithau <DII-thai, the> [ˡdiˑθaɪ, -ɛ]
(tag pronoun, follows a noun or verbnoun qualified by dy = your)
1 “belonging to you too”
2 f’un i a d’un dithe mine and yours
di-waith <di-WAITH> [dɪˡwaɪθ]
1 jobless, unemployed
diwall <DI-walh> [ˡdɪˡwaɬ] adjective
1 (obsolete)
sufficient, not lacking
Salmau 66:12 Peraist i ddynion
farchogaeth ar ein pennau; aethom trwy y tân a’r dwfr: a thi a’n dygaist allan
i le diwall.
Psalms 66:12 Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire
and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.
ETYMOLOGY: (di- prefix = without) +
soft mutaiton + (gwall = lack)
diweddion ‹DI-wedh› (masculine noun)
1 end
2 hyd y diwedd to the end
hyd y diwedd un to the bitter end
o'r dechrau hyd y diwedd from beginning to end
dal ati hyd y ddiwedd stick it out, stick at it until the very end
3 diwedd ar yr ymladd cessation of hostilites
4 dyna ddiwedd ar hynny that’s the end of that
5 Ddaw e ddim i ddiwedd
da (said of someone whose behaviour is bad)
He’ll come to a bad end (“he won’t come to a good end”)
6 hyd y
diwedd to the end
dal ati hyd y diwedd to stick it
out, (“keep at it until the end”)
7 gwneud diwedd arnoch eich hun put an
end to one's life, commit suicide kill oneself
“make (an) end on yourself”) (gwneud = do, make) + (diwedd = end)
+ (arnoch = on you) + (eich hun of yourself)
8 gwneud eich diwedd chi put an end to one's life, commit
suicide kill oneself
“make your end of you” (gwneud = do, make) + (eich = your) + (diwedd
= end) + (vos = of you)
diweddar ‹di-WE-dhar› (adjective)
1 late = not on time (South Wales)
late = recently died
ddeng mlynedd yn diweddarach ten
years later, ten years after
diweddara ‹di-we-DHA-ra› (adjective) (=
1 latest
y diweddara’ un the very latest
diweddi ‹di-wê-dhi› masculine or feminine noun
PLURAL diweddïau,
diweddïon ‹di-wedh-î-e, di-wedh-î-on›
1 (feminine noun) fiancée
y ddiweddi the fiancée
A dyma Siân Evans, ei ddiweddi And
this is Siân Evans, his fiancée
2 (masculine noun) fiancé
y diweddi the fiancé
ETYMOLOGY: (di- intensifying prefix)
+ soft mutation + (gweddïo =
begging, entreating)
diweddïad ‹di-wedh-î-ad› masculine noun
PLURAL diweddïadau
1 engagement (to be married)
ETYMOLOGY: (diweddï-, stem of diweddïo =
to get engaged) + (-iad = suffix for
forming nouns)
diweddïo ‹di-wedh-î-o› verb
1 get engaged; (as a noun) engagement
modrwy ddiweddïo engagement ring
(plural: modrwyon diweddïo)
ETYMOLOGY: (di- intensifying prefix)
+ soft mutation + (gweddïo = beg,
entreat; pray)
diweddnod ‹di-wedh-nod› masculine noun
PLURAL diweddnodau
1 full stop (usually: atalnod
llawn “full stop-mark”)
ETYMOLOGY: (diwedd = end) + (nod = mark)
diweddu ‹di-we-dhi› verb
1 end, finish, put an end to
ganodd y gloch i ddiweddu’r rownd
when the bell rang to end the round
2 diweddu’ch oes mewn tlodi end your life
in poverty, spend the last years of your life in poverty
ETYMOLOGY: (diwedd = end) + (-u suffix for
forming verbs)
diwerth ‹DI-werth› (adjective)
1 useless, valueless
2 (person) worthless, good for nothing, ineffective
Mae hwnnw’n gwbl ddiwerth He’s
completely useless (“the one mentioned is completely useless”)
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative prefix,
‘without’) + soft mutation + (gwerth
= worth, value)
diwethaf ‹di-WEE-thav, di-WEE-tha> (adjective)
1 latest
ETYMOLOGY: (diwedd = end) + (-haf superlative-degree suffix < British -sam).
diwedd·haf > diwethaf (dd·h > th; the
addition of h to the voiced consonant dd results in a devoiced
consonant th)
NOTE: Addition of a
superlative-degree ending to a noun to form an adjective
diwrnodau ‹DIUR-nod, diur-NOO-dai, -de› (masculine noun)
1 day
diwrnod agored ‹DIUR-nod a-GOO-red› open day in a school
diwrnod cau yn gynnar ‹DIUR-nod kau ən GƏ-nar› early-closing day, the
day of the week when shops open only in the morning (early closing was formerly
- until the 1970s – a common practice in a village or town)
2 bod yn ddiwrnod ar ôl y ffair be too late, arrive too late (“be a
day after the fair”)
3 diwrnod naid leap day, February 29
4 diwrnod is used
for “day” when referring to the weather
Nid yn y bore mae canmol diwrnod teg (“it-is-not in the morning that-there-is (the)
praising (of) a fair day”), that is, the weather in the morning may be fine and
sunny, but the afternoon may bring rain.
A favourable situation may suddenly change, wait
and see what happens in the long run.
diwydiannol ‹di-wəd-YA-nol› (adjective)
1 industrial
ystâd ddiwydiannol industrial estate
ETYMOLOGY: (diwydiant = industrial) + (-ol adjectival ending); diwydiánt·ol
< diwydiannol
diwydiant ‹di-WƏD-yant› (masculine noun)
1 industry
diwyd ‹DI-uid› (adjective)
1 hard-working
diwydrwydd ‹di-
ui -druidh› masculine noun
1 diligence
2 ymdrechu â phob diwydrwydd i
strive hard to (do something)
ETYMOLOGY: (diwyd = diligent) + (-rwydd suffix for forming
abstract nouns)
diwylliannau ‹di-WƏLH-yant,
di-wəlh-YA-ne› (masculine noun)
1 culture
diymadferth ‹di-ə- mad -verth› adjective
teimlo'n gwbl ddiymadferth feel
completely helpless
ETYMOLOGY: (di- privative prefix,
‘without’) + (ymadferth = effort)
diymadferthedd ‹di-ə-mad-
veR -thedh› masculine noun
1 helplessness
ETYMOLOGY: (diymadferth = helpless) + (-edd suffix for forming
abstract nouns)
diymadferthu ‹ di-ə-mad- ver -thi›
render helpless, leave helpless
ETYMOLOGY: (diymadferth = helpless)
+ (-u suffix for forming verbs)
diymgeledd ‹di-əm-
gê -ledh› adjective
1 destitute
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = negative prefix) + (ymgeledd = care, help)
diymhongar ‹di-əm-HON-gar› (adjective)
1 unassuming
diymwad ‹di- əm -wad› adjective
1 undeniable, irrefutable, indisputable, incontrovertible,
Mae'n ffaith gwbl ddiymwad It’s an
undeniable fact (“It’s a completely undeniable fact”)
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = negative prefix) +
(ymwad- stem of ymwadu = deny, refute )
diysgog ‹di- ə-skog› adjective
1 firm, steadfast, sound, immovable, rocksteady, unshakable,
gyda'r penderfyniad mwyaf diysgog with
the firmest possible determination
ffydd diysgog steady faith
credu yn ddiysgog firmly believe
ETYMOLOGY: (di- = negative prefix) +
(ysgog-, stem of the verb ysgogi = move
(do) ‹do ›
1 (obsolete) preposition
and prefix in British.
It no longer exists as such independently in the modern language.
It is the basis of the
modern preposition i, and
the prefix dy-, and it is
incorporated into other words from earlier periods which are in use in the
current language
..1/ preposition i (= to)
Celtic do > British do > Old Welsh ddy > y > i
..2/ dy intensifying prefix
dychwelyd (= to come back, to return
dyfynnu (= to cite, to quote)
..3/ dam- (prefix) is do-ambi- (damsang = trepitjar)
(ambi- is the basis of modern Welsh am (= around))
Also dym-, a variant of dam-
(dymchwel = to demolish, dymuno = to wish)
ETYMOLOGY: Cf Irish do, Breton da, Cornish dhe (all are prepositions with the meaning ‘to’)
do ‹DOO› (verb)
1 (reply to a verb in the past tense)
(The negative reply is naddo
Aethost ti i’r banc ddoe?
Do, yn y bore.
Did you
go to the bank yesterday? Yes, in the morning
do ‹ do ›
1 (obsolete) preposition and prefix
in British.
It no longer exists as such independently in the modern language, but it is
incorporated into many words from earlier periods in use in the current
..1/ preposition i (= to)
(Celtic do > British do > Old Welsh ddy > y > i)
..2/ dy intensifying prefix (dychwelyd = to come back, to return , dyfynnu = to cite, to quote)
..3/ dam- (prefix) is do-ambi-
damsang = trample
Ther is also the variant dym-
dymchwel = to demolish,
dymuno = to wish
..4/ British *do-ad-kom-mik (prefix do) + (prefix ad) + (prefix kom) + (mik-) > dychymyg (= imagination)
ETYMOLOGY: Cf Irish do, Breton da, Cornish dhe (all prepositions meaning ‘to’)
dobio ‹DOB-yo› (verb)
1 to fuck
doc ‹DOK› (masculine noun)
1 dock;
See also: docfa, docio
doced ‹do-ked› masculine noun
PLURAL docedau
1 docket = a card attached to a container indicating its contents
ETYMOLOGY: English docket; possibly
from dock (noun) (= docked tail,
part of a tail left after clipping); (verb) (= cut short a tail; shorten);
Dock from Old Norse dokkr (=
short tail, stump of a tail)
docfa ‹dok-va› feminine noun
PLURAL docfâu
1 berth - space for a ship to moor in a dock
ETYMOLOGY: (doc = dock) + (-fa = place)
do’ch-chi ddim ‹doo-khi-dhim› verb
South-west Wales
1 nid oeddech chi = you
dociau ‹dok-yai,
Plural form of doc = dock
docio 1 ‹dok-yo›
verb without an object
1 to dock = enter a dock
2 to dock = enter a port
3 to berth = moor in a dock
4 to dock = (spacecraft) join in space
ETYMOLOGY: English to dock (= to
enter a dock, to berth)
docio 2 ‹dok-yo› verb
verb with an object
1 dock (a horse’s tail) = cut short
2 shorten; in this sense, the form of the verb is usually tocio (qv)
ETYMOLOGY: English to dock (= cut
short a tail; shorten); from Old Norse dokkr
(= short tail, stump of a tail)
dociwr ‹dok-yur› masculine noun
PLURAL docwyr
1 (USA: longshoreman) (Englandic: docker, dockworker)
ETYMOLOGY: (doc = dock) + (-i-wr, suffix = ‘man’)
doco ‹do-ko› adverb
South Wales
1 See: dacw = over there
you can see…
Docpenfro ‹dok-
pen -vro›
1 (SM9603) locality in South-west Wales
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) dock (by the town of) Pembroke”
translation of the English name Pembroke Dock
The offical Welsh spelling is Doc Penfro, though strictly speaking in a name
indicating a settlement the elements are run together wherever possible to form
a single word.
doc sych ‹dok-siikh› masculine noun
PLURAL dociau
sych ‹dok-ye-siikh›
1 dry dock = a dock from which water can be pumped in order to
repair the underside of a ship
doctor ‹dok-tor› masculine noun
PLURAL doctoriaid
1 colloquial doctor (the standard
form is meddyg ‹mê-dhig›)
2 colloquial form of
address to a doctor
3 doctor = the services of a doctor
Pam mae doctor a deintydd ac ysbyty mor
Why do we have to pay so much for the doctor, the dentist and the hospital?
4 colloquial doctor =
person with a Ph.D. (the standard form is doethur
‹doi-thir› )
5 llyfr doctor moch pig
doctor’s book, book explaining how to treat sick pigs
llyfr doctor at wartheg a lloi book
explaining how to treat sick cows and calves
ETYMOLOGY: English doctor < Latin
doctor (= teacher) < docêre (= to teach)
doctora ‹dok-to-ra›
verb without an object
1 work as a doctor
verb with an object
2 treat people in one’s capacity as a doctor
3 look after, see through an illness, see through a crisis or a bad
4 doctor = castrate, geld
doctora ci = castrate a dog
5 facetious patch up,
ETYMOLOGY: (doctor = doctor) + (-a suffix for forming verbs)
doctoraidd ‹dok-to-redh› adjective
1 doctoral, pertaining to a doctor
2 doctoral = resembling a doctor
3 pompously wise
ETYMOLOGY: (doctor = doctor) + (-aidd suffix for forming adjectives)
doctor cwac ‹dok-tor-kwak› masculine noun
PLURAL doctoriaid
cwac ‹dok-tor-yed kwak›
1 quack doctor, person who acts as a doctor without medical
ETYMOLOGY: adaptation of English quack
doctor; the descriptive element quack
is a shortening of the now obsolete quacksalver
< Dutch kwakzalver (=
salve-peddler, seller of medicines).
The first element apparently means ‘to quack like a duck’ and the second
meaning ‘medicine’, with an agent suffix -er
Cf modern Dutch kwaken (= to quack),
zalven (= to anoint, to rub with
The idea was of a seller who boasted about the properties of his salves, with
this repetitive praise likened to the quacking of a duck
doctoriaeth ‹dok-tor-yeth› feminine noun
1 working as a doctor
Dechreuodd gael blas yn gynnar ar
Early on in his life he began to take an interest in work as a doctor
ETYMOLOGY: (doctor = doctor) + (-i-aeth suffix for forming nouns)
dod ‹DOOD› (verb)
1 to come
dod â ‹DOOD-aa› (verb) to bring
dod o hyd i ‹DOOD-o-HIID-i› (verb) to find
dod yn ‹DOOD-ən› (verb) to become
2 dod o’ch cragen come
out of one’s shell
dod i olwg rhywbeth come within
sight of
Yn y man, daethant i olwg y groesffordd
arweinai at y felin Presently they came within sight of the crossroad which
led to the mill
4 dod â rhywbeth bring
(“come with”)
dod â rhywbeth yn ôl i bring
something back to
der ag e nôl i fi bring it back to me
dod â (rhywbeth) i fwcl resolve (a matter) (“bring something to a
Oni bai am y ddamwain a gefais buaswn
wedi dod â'r broses i fwcl ers talwm
If it hadn’t been for the accident that I had I would have resolved this matter
a long time ago
5 dod yn un haid come in
a large group
6 dod o dan wg (rhywun) incur the
disapproval of (someone)
7 dod atoch eich hun come round, regain conscousness
8 Ddaw
e byth i sgidiau ei dad He’ll never be anything like his father, He’ll
never be of the same stature as his father (“he’ll never come into his father’s
9 dod yn ôl come back,
Ni ddaw i neb ddoe yn ôl You can’t
undo the past, What’s done is done (“yesterday won’t come back to anybody”)
10 dod i drefn settle
down, get back to normal, (“come to
Mae pethau wedi dod i drefn Things
are back to normal, Things have settled down (after a mishap, disruption, war,
Yr oedd pethau heb ddyfod i drefn eto ar ôl y rhyfel
Things hadn’t got back to normal yet after the war
11 (South Wales) dod i’ch
cymal get into one’s stride (in some task)
12 dod i ben y dalar, dod i ben talar
draw to an end, be nearly completed (“come to the end of (the) headland ‹of
a ploughed field› ”)
13 dod + ar In expressions denoting the onset of a sensation,
corresponds to the existence of a sensation expressed by bod + ar, or the
causing of a sentaion with hala + ar (South, gyrru + ar (North)
bod chwant bwyd ar be hungry
chwant bwyd yn dod ar begin to feel
Daeth arnaf chwant bwyd I began to
feel hungry
Daeth ofn a braw arno He became
fearful and frightened (“fear and fright came on him”)
gyrru ofn ar frighten
gyrru braw ar frighten
gyrru dychryn ar frighten
dodi ‹DO-di› (verb) (South Wales)
1 to put
2 dodi edau mewn nodwydd thread a
needle (“put (a) thread in (a) needle”)
In South-east Wales. doti
(with typical calediad, the devoicing of a voiced consonant at the head
of a final syllable)
dod allan ‹dood A-lhan› (verb)
1 to come out
2 dod allan ohoni get out of a difficulty (“get out of it”)
dod allan ohoni’n wael come out of
it badly
dodi’ch bys ar y dolur ‹dô-dich
biis ar ə dô-lir›
1 put your finger on it (on the cause of the trouble)
ETYMOLOGY: (“put your finger on the wound”)
dod i dlodi ‹dood ii dlô -di›
1 be reduced to poverty
Diarhebion 21:17 Y neb a garo
ddifyrrwch, a ddaw i dlodi: a neb a garo win ac olew, ni bydd gyfoethog
Proverbs 21:17 He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine
and oil shall not be rich.
ETYMOLOGY: “come to poverty” (dod
= to come) + (i = to) + soft
mutation + (tlodi = poverty)
dod i drefn ‹dood ii dre-ven›
1 settle down, get back to normal
Mae pethau wedi dod i drefn Things
are back to normal, Things have settled down (after a mishap, disruption, war,
ETYMOLOGY: “come to order” (dod = to
come) + (i = to) + soft mutation + (trefn = ordre)
dod i’r golwg ‹dood ir gô-lug› -
1 come into view
Daeth y gyfrinach i’r golwg The
secret slipped out, The secret came out
dodo ‹DOO-do› -
1 auntie
ETMOLOGY: an infant’s pronunciation of modryb (= aunt)
Probably from bodo, another
form used for ‘auntie’
1 bod- < mod-, first syllable of modryb, with confusion
of m and b.
2 -do – repetition of the first syllable, with –o, a diminutive
suffix generally in forenames
Compare the diminutive form Bedo of the name Maredudd
3 The form dodo is probably a re-formation of bodo, with the second syllable do replacing bo-
dodrefnyn ‹do drev -nin› masculine noun
PLURAL dodrefn
1 (North Wales) piece of furniture
dodrefn = furniture
fan ddodrefn removal van (North)
saer dodrefn joiner, cabinet maker
dodrefn ystafell wely bedroom
ETYMOLOGY: dodrefn (= furniture;
anciently = room) < dy-o-drefn (do prefix = ‘to’) + soft mutation + (gwo prefix = under) + soft mutation + (trefn = order)
NOTE: also: dodreinyn ‹do-drei-nin›
(delw (delwedd 7367)
dodwy ‹DO-dui› (verb)
1 to lay (eggs)
dod yn... ‹dood ən› verb
1 to amount to, add up to give the result of
Mae’n dod yn ganpunt It amounts to a
hundred pounds
doe ‹DOI› (masculine noun)
1 yesterday
2 Ni ddaw i neb ddoe yn ôl
You can’t undo the past, What’s done is done (“yesterday won’t come back to
doed a ddelo ‹dôid a dhê-lo› -
1 come what may
ETYMOLOGY: (doed = let it come) + (a = the thing which) + soft mutation +
(delo = might come)
doedd ‹roidh› verb
1 was, were; third person singular imperfect of del verb bod; usually with the negator ddim
(literally ‘nothing, anything’) ‘not’, or others such as erióed ‘never, not ever’
2 with a definite noun = was not; were not
Doedd Siôn ddim yn cysgu = Siôn was
not sleeping (“Siôn was not in sleeping”)
Doedd Siôn a Siân ddim yn cysgu =
Siôn and Siân were not sleeping (“Siôn and Siân were not in sleeping”)
Doedd y papur ddim ar y llawr The
newspaper was not on the floor
Doedd y papurau ddim ar y llawr The
newspapers were not on the floor
3 with the pronouns: ef =
ell, hi = ella
Doedd hi ddim yn y gwely She was not
in bed
Doedd e ddim yn y gwely He was not
in bed
4 with the pronoun hi =
empty subject, as with English it,
German es
Doedd hi ddim yn bwrw glaw It was
not raining (“it was not throwing rain”)
5 doedd dim.. with an
indefinite noun = there was
Doedd dim dŵr ar y llawr
There was no water on the ground
also in the form doedd yna ddim, or doedd na ddim
(yna is probably an imitation of
English ‘there’, although other languages also have the idea of location and
indefinition: Catalan hi havia (hi = there), French il y avait (y = there)
Doedd na ddim dŵr ar y llawr
There was no water on the ground
ETYMOLOGY: nid oedd > nidóedd > doedd. The loss of an initial pretonic syllable is common in
colloquial Welsh
NOTE: colloquially in the south oe ‹oi› > oo ‹oo› . Thus, doedd > doodd (usually spelt do’dd)
doeddach chi
ddim ‹doi-dha-khi-DHIM› (verb)
1 you weren’t (North-west Wales)
doeddan nhw ddim
‹doi-dha-nhu› (verb)
1 they weren’t (North-west Wales)
doeddan ni ddim ‹doi-dha-ni-DHIM› (verb)
1 we weren’t (North-west Wales)
doeddat ti ddim ‹doi-dha-ti-DHIM› (verb)
1 you weren’t (North-west Wales)
doeddech chi
ddim ‹doi-dhe-khi-DHIM› (verb)
1 (standardised colloquial Welsh) you weren’t (North-east Wales)
doedd e ddim ‹doi-dhe-DHIM› (verb)
1 (ell) (South Wales) he wasn’t (North Wales has doedd o ddim)
doedden nhw ddim
‹doi-dhe-nhu-DHIM› (verb)
1 (standardised colloquial Welsh) they weren’t (North and South Wales)
doedden ni ‹DOI-dhe-ni› (verb)
1 doedden ni + dim (standardised colloquial Welsh)
we weren’t… at all
(North and South Wales) (North-west - doeddan ni)
doedden ni ddim ‹doi-dhe-ni-DHIM› (verb)
1 (standardised colloquial Welsh) we weren’t (North and South Wales)
doeddet ti ‹DOI-dhe-ti› (verb)
1 doeddet ti + dim (standardised colloquial Welsh)
you weren’t… at all
(North and South Wales) (North-west - doeddat ti, toeddat ti)
Doeddet ti’n achwyn dim y pryd hwnnw You weren’t complaining at all
then, You didn’t complain at all at that time
doeddet ti ddim ‹doi-dhe-ti-DHIM› (verb)
1 (standardised colloquial Welsh)
you weren’t (North and South Wales) (North-west - doeddat ti ddim, toeddat
ti ddim)
Doeddet ti ddim yn achwyn dim
doedd ganddi
ddim... ‹doidd gan –dhi dhim› verb
1 she had no....
Colloquial form of nid oedd ganddi
(“no + there was + with +her”)
Doedd ganddi ddim Saesneg She
couldn’t speak English
doedd hi ddim ‹doidh-hi-DHIM› (verb)
1 (she) she wasn’t (North and South Wales)
doedd o ddim ‹doi-dho-DHIM› (verb)
1 (ell) (North Wales) he wasn’t (South Wales has doedd e ddim, doedd a ddim)
doeddwn i ‹DOI-dhun-i› (verb)
1 doeddwn i + dim (standardised colloquial Welsh)
I wasn’t… at all
(North and South Wales) (North-west – doeddwn i, toeddwn i)
doeddwn i ddim ‹doi-dhu-ni-DHIM› (verb)
1 (standardised colloquial Welsh) I wasn’t (North and South Wales)
does ‹dois› (verb) there isn’t
1 does ond gobeithio ‹dois-ond-go-BEITH-yo› (phrase) hopefully
2 Does yma.. There isn’t here...
yma fawr o lun arni We’re not making a very good job of it, We’ve
not managed to make a very good job of it (“there-is-not here much of (a)
picture on-her”)
Does dim... ‹dois dim›
1 There isn’t...
Does dim plesio arno He just can’t
be pleased, There’s no pleasing him (he’s dissatisfied whatever you do for him,
he’ll complain mo matter what you fo for him) (“there’s no pleasing on him”)
ETYMOLOGY: (nid = no) + (oes = three is) + (dim = nothing)
Does dim byth yn digwydd ‹dôis
dim bith ən gi-guidh›
1 Nothing ever happens
ETYMOLOGY: (does dim = there isn't anything) + (byth = ever) + (yn
= preverbal linking particle) + (digwydd = happen)
Does dim dau heb
dri ‹dôis
dim dâi heeb drii› -
1 It never rains but it pours
ETYMOLOGY: "there isn’t a two without a three" (does dim = there isn’t) + (dau
= two) + (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (tri = three)
Does dim dau yr
un fath ‹dôis dim dâi ər iin vaath›
1 No two men are alike
ETYMOLOGY: “there isn't a two the same sort" (does dim = there isn't) + (dau
= two) + (yr = the) + (un = one, same) + soft mutation + (math = type)
Does fawr o... ‹doos vaur›
1 There isn’t a lot of...
Does fawr o Gymráeg rhyngddynt
They’re not on speaking terms (“there isn’t much Welsh between them”)
ETYMOLOGY: does fawr < nid oes fawr (nid = negative particle) + (oes
there is) + soft mutation + (mawr =
does gan...‹dos GAN› (verb)
1 doesn’t have (there isn’t with...)
Does ganddo fawr i fyw He hasn’t
got long to live
Does ganddo fawr o amser eto He hasn’t got long to live
Does ganddi hi ‹doos
gAn -dhi›
1 she has no....
Colloquial form of nid oes ganddi (“no + there is + with +her”)
For examples, see does gen i...
Does ganddi
mo... ‹dois gan-dhi moo ›
1 she has not got... Vegeu does
gennych mo...
Does ganddi
mo... ‹dois gan-dhi moo ›
1 she has not got... Vegeu does
gennych mo...
Does ganddo fe ‹doos
gAn -dho›
1 He has no....
Colloquial form of nid oes ganddo (“no + there is + with + him”)
For examples, see does gen i...
Does ganddo
mo... ‹dois gan-dho moo ›
1 He has not got... Vegeu does
gennych mo...
Does ganddyn nhw ‹doos
gAn -dhin›
1 They have no....
Colloquial form of nid oes ganddynt (“no + there is + with + them”)
For examples, see does gen i...
Does ganddyn nhw
mo... ‹dois gan –dhin nuu moo ›
1 they have not got... Vegeu does
gennych mo...
Does gen i ‹doos
gen ii›
1 I have no....
Also: sgen i (with the loss of the pretonic syllable, a common
characterisitic of spoken Welsh)
Colloquial form of nid oes gennyf fi (“no + there is + with + me”)
Does gen i ddim ‹doos
gen ii dhim›
1 I have no....
Colloquial form of nid oes gennyf fi (“no + there is + with + me”) +
ddim (= any, anything of)
Does gen i ddim amheuaeth nad hon yw'r dre orau yng Nghymru
There’s no doubt in my mind that this is the best town in Wales
Does gen i ddim mynadd (= amynedd) nac egni i’w wneud I don’t have the
patience or energy to do it
Does gen i ddim arian, nag oes yn wir I haven’t got any money, nothing
at all
Does gen i ddim asgwrn arbennig i'w grafu gyda nhw I’ve no real bone to
pick with them (= there’s nothing abouth them that I disagree strongly with)
Does gen i ddim blas ar fwyd I have no appetite, I can’t eat anything, I
don’t feel like eating anything
Does gen i ddim bwriad eu cyhoeddi I have no intention of publishing it
Does gen i ddim car ond mae gen i feic modur I have no car but I have a
Does gen i ddim chwant bwyd I've got no appetite
Does gen i ddim cof imi erioed dy weld di â phib yn dy ben I don’t
remember ever having seen you with a pipe in your mouth / smoking a pipe
Does gen i ddim llawer o gynnig iddo
I’m not really keen on him / it, I’m not really that fond of him / it
Does gen i ddim dirnad ble mae o I’ve no idea where he is, I haven’t the
slightest idea where he is
Does gen i ddim golwg arno I've got no respect for him
Yn bersonol, does gen i ddim gwrthwynebiad i hela cadnoaid Personally, I
have no objection to hunting foxes
Does gen i ddim help = I can't help it
Does gen i ddim llais yn y peth I have no say in the matter, anything I
say will not alter things
Does gen i ddim stumog i orffen y swper 'ma I can’t eat any more supper
(“I have no stomach to finish this supper”)
Does gen i ddim syniad faint gostiff I’ve no idea how much it will cost
Cofiwch, does gen i ddim tystiolaeth fod un yn waeth na’r llall Mind
you, I’ve no evidence that one is worse than the other
-Pa fath o lyfr sy orau gennych? -Does gen i ddim ymlyniad at unrhyw fath
arbennig What kind of book do you like best? I have no leaning towards any
type in particular
Does gen i fawr o... ‹doos
gen ii vAuR oo...› verb
1 I don’t have much...
Does gen i fawr o feddwl ohono (“I don’t have much mind of it”)
Does gen i fawr o olwg arno I don’t think much of it (“I don’t have much
sight on it”)
Does gen i mo... ‹dois gen ii
moo ›
1 I have not got... Vegeu Does
gennych mo...
Does gennych chi ‹doos
ge -nikh›
1 you have no....
Also: does gynnoch...
Colloquial form of nid oes gennych (“no + there is + with + you”)
For examples, see Does gen i...
Does gennych
mo... ‹dois ge –nikh moo›
Does gennyf (gen i) / gennyt (gen ti) / ganddo
/ ganddi / gennym (gynno’ ni) / gennych (gynno’ chi) ganddynt (ganddy’ nw)
1 Does gennych mo’r gobaith
lleiaf You haven’t got a hope in hell (of getting it, etc)
Does gen i mo’r amser I can’t spare
the time, I haven’t got the time
Does gennyf fi ‹doos
ge niv›
1 See: Does gen i...
Does gennyn ni ‹doos
ge -nin›
1 we have no....
For examples, see does gen i...
Does gennyt ti ‹doos
ge nit›
1 See: Does gen ti...
Does gen ti ‹doos
ge nit›
1 you have no....
Colloquial form of Nid oes gennyt ti (“no + there is + with + you”)
For examples, see Does gen i...
Does gynnoch chi ‹doos
1 = does gennych... you have no....
Does gynnon ni ‹doos
1 = does gennyn (ni)... we have no....
Does odid
‹dois ô-did dhim›
does odid ddim amser ar ôl there’s
not much time left
ETYMOLOGY: does odid ddim < nìd oes odid ddim “there is hardly any”
(nìd = no) + (oes = there is) + (odid
= hardly) + (ddim = any, none)
Does ond... ‹dois ond›
1 there's nothing but…
Does ond ei lun He’s all skin and
bone (“there’s nothing but his image / shadow”)
Does raid... ‹dois raid›
there's no need
Does raid i chi ond gofyn You need
only ask
ETYMOLOGY: does raid < nìd oes raid “there is no necessity” (nìd = no) + (oes = there is) + soft mutatio + (rhaid = necessity)
Does yr un... ‹dois ər iin ›
there's nobody...
Does yr un ato There’s no-body who
can measure up to him, there’s no one equal to him (“there is nobody to him”)
ETYMOLOGY: (does < nid oes = there isn’t) + (yr un the individual, the person, un = one)
doeth ‹DOITH› (adjective)
1 wise
2 sensible, wise = advisable
Meddyliasant mai doeth iddynt fyddai symud i
dy newydd
They thought it would be wise for them to move to a new house
3 doeth drannoeth y drin wise after the event (“wise the day after the
ddoeth soft-mutated form :
Siarl Ddoeth Charles the Wise
bod yn ddoeth drannoeth be wise
after the event = knowing something too late (“be wise the following day”)
6 annoeth unwise (an negative prefix) + nasal mutation d > n +
(doeth = wise)
doethineb ‹doi-THII-neb› (masculine noun)
1 wisdom
annoethineb indiscretion, frailty,
fault from human weakness, folly
(an- = negative prefix) + nasal
mutation + (doethineb = prudence,
doethion ‹doith -yon› plural noun
1 wise men
y Doethion o’r Dwyrain the Three
Wise Men (“the wise-ones from the east”)
Daniel 2:12 O achos hyn y digiodd y
brenin ac y creulonodd yn ddirfawr, ac a orchmynnodd ddifetha holl ddoethion
Daniel 2:12 For this cause the king was angry and very furious, and commanded
to destroy all the wise men of Babylon.
ETYMOLOGY: plural form of the adjective doeth
= wise
doethuriaid ‹DOI-thir, doi-THIR-yed› (masculine noun)
1 doctor (person with a PhD)
dof ‹DOOV› (adjective)
1 tame
dofedn (literary) domestic fowl
dodefnod poultry
(dof = tame) + (edn = bird).
dofedn ‹dov -edn› (m)
PLURAL dofednod
‹dov- ed -nod›
(literary) domestic fowl
dodefnod poultry
ETYMOLOGY: (dof = tame) + (edn = bird).
First example of the word in the year 1828.
Dofr ‹do -vər› feminine noun
1 Dover
2 Culfor Dofr the Straits
of Dover, between Dover in England and Calais in the French state
ETYMOLOGY: from the English name Dover.
In fact this is a name of British origin meaning ‘streams’ (in modern Welsh
this is dyfroedd, < dŵr, formerly dwfr, = water, stream)
dogfennau ‹DOG-ven, dog-VE-ne› (feminine noun)
1 document
dol, doliau ‹DOL, DOL-ye› (feminine noun)
1 doll
..1 dôl, dolau ‹DOOL, DO-le› (feminine noun)
1 river meadow
2 Dôlhelyg (“river meadow
of the willows”)
street name, Tal-y-bont, by Bangor (Gwynëdd)
..2 dôl ‹dool › masculine noun
1 dole (Ireland, Scotland: broo, buroo) (= unemployment pay)
bod ar y dôl be on the dole
mynd ar y dôl go on the dole
nôl y dôl to pick up one’s dole
ETYMOLOGY: English dole (=
unemployment pay) < Old English dâl
(= share), related to modern German der
Teil (= part)
Dolbadarn ‹dool-bâ-darn›
1 mansion in the zone of Arfon in the county of Gwynedd Map Reference: SH5859
2 Ysgol Dolbadarn name of a primary
school near here, at Llanberis
ETYMOLOGY: "meadow (by) (Llyn) Padarn"
(dôl = meadow) + soft mutation + (Llyn Padarn "lake (of) Padarn", name of a nearby lake)
Padarn was the name of a
saint of the Celtic Church)
dolefain ‹do-LEE-vain, -ven › verb
1 wail, cry out loud
2 (seagull) shriek
3 (m) , wail, doleful cry
..a/ dolefain < *dwolefain
< *dywolefain (dy- intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (gwolefain)
..b/ gwolefain (gwo- prefix) + soft mutation + (llefain = to cry)
modern Welsh golefain (gwo- > go-)
..c/ llefain < (llef= shout) + (-ain verbal suffix)
The compound, here analysed as if formed with modern
Welsh elements, possibly already existed in British
dolefus ‹do-LEE-vis› adj
1 wailing, plaintive
Roedd tin ddolefus yn ei
llais. “Gwyn, wnei di mo f'ateb i?”
was a plaintive edge to her voice. “Gwyn, won’t you answer me?”
t164 Melin-y-ddôl William a Myfanwy Eames 1948
dolen ‹dô -len› feminine noun
PLURAL dolennau,
dolenni, dolennydd ‹do- le -ne,
-ni, -nidh›
1 loop = circle or ellipse which is formed by folding over of a
piece of string etc on itself
(sewing) loop
Exodus 26.4 And though shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one
curtain from the selvedge in the coupling
North Wales (cup) handle
North Wales (bag) handle
Dyma un o ddolenau’r bag plastic yn
dechrau ymddatod
One of the handles of the plastic bag began to break
bach a dolen hook and eye
loop (in a rope, cord, string)
dolen redeg (North Wales) noose
(“running knot”, rhedeg = to run)
(chain) link
dolen gyswllt link (in a chain) (cyswllt = connection)
dolen gydiol link (in a chain) (cydiol = connecting)
dolen ddiffyg = missing link
dolen goll = missing link
dolen lastig elastic band
loop = contraceptive device
bod ddolen yn nolen be linked
(writing) loop = a curve that crosses itself, as in the letters e, g
gwneud dolen (“make (a) loop”) loop
the loop = make a vertical circle with an aeroplane so that at the highest
point the aircraft is upside down
dolen gyswllt (person) link,
Chi yw’r unig ddolen gyswllt sy’ rhyngof fi â hi nawr
You’re my only link between me and her now
dolen lawes cuff link (llawes = sleeve)
15 bow (in a ribbon in the hair, round a parcel, etc)
bend, meander in a river; meadow in a river bend
Dolennydd (“[small] river bends;
small meadows”)
Place name, county of
Ceredigion (Cyfrifiad Llangynfelyn / Census of Llangynfelyn 1851)
ETYMOLOGY: (dôl = bend, turning) + (-en diminutive suffix)
doler ‹dô -ler› feminine noun
PLURAL doleri
1 dollar = monetary unit of the USA, Canada, Australia, etc
arwydd doler dollar sign, the symbol
used to represent a dollar ($)
pobl yn aros i newid eu pres yn ddoleri
people waiting to change their money into dollars
rhanbarth y ddoler dollar area
taler, dollar = a former coin used in the German provinces
dollar = the amount of a hundred cents
Rhoddodd ddoler i mi mewn darnau deg
He gave me a dollar in dime coins
dollar = a bill of the value of one
dollar; formerly also a coin issued in the USA for 141 years (silver dollar)
papur doler, plural papurau doleri
(American: dollar bill) (Englandic: dollar note)
$1 un ddoler one dollar
$2 dwy ddoler two dollars
$3 tair doler three dollars
$4 pedair doler four dollars
$5 pum doler five dollars
$6 chwe doler six dollars
$7 saith doler seven dollars
$8 wyth doler eight dollars
$9 naw doler nine dollars
$10 deg doler ten dollars
$11 un ddoler ar ddeg eleven dollars
$12 deuddeg doler twelve dollars
$13 tair doler ar ddeg thirteen
$14 pedair doler ar ddeg fourteen
$15 pymtheg doler fifteen dollars
$16 un ddoler ar bymtheg sixteen
$17 dwy ddoler ar bymtheg seventeen
$18 deunaw doler eighteen dollars
$19 pedair doler ar bymtheg nineteen
$20 ugain doler twenty dollars
$21 un ddoler ar hugain twenty-one
$40 deugain doler forty dollars /
$40 pedwar deg o ddoleri forty
$50 hanner cant o ddoleri fifty
dollars / $50 pum deg o ddoleri
fifty dollars
$100 can doler a hundred dollars /
$100 cant o ddoleri a hundred
$20.50 ugain doler a hanner can sent
twenty dollars fifty cents
ETYMOLOGY: 1795; English dollar <
Dutch daler < German Taler < Joachimstaler (= coin from Joachimstal, ‘valley of Joachim’), place
in Bohemia (in present day Czechia)
Doleufan ‹do-LEI-van ›
house name
ETYMOLOGY: “meadow place”, “place of meadows” (doleu < dolau = meadows) + soft mutation + (-fan suffix = place; the soft-mutated
form of man = place)
Dolgoed ‹ dol -goid› masculine noun
wood by a meadow
y dolgoed
Also Y Ddolgoed, with soft mutation d > dd (see below)
Dolgoed place in Aberllefenni
....SH7913 Mynydd Dolgoed Aberllefenni
ABERTAWE / Swansea
Dolgoed farm ar Pengelli (Abertawe)
Dolgoed farm in Bethlehem (Sir Gaerfyrddin)
Dolgoed name of a street in Cyffordd Llandudno (Conwy) (“Dol Goed”)
Dolgoed place in Cyffylliog (Dinbych)
Dolgoed house in Pantyglasier, Eglwys-wen
....Melin Wlân y
Dolgoed, Pantyglasier Dolgoed woollen mill, Pantyglasier
Dolgoed place in Henllan (Dinbych)
Caedolgoed place in Llanberis (Conwy) (“Cae Dolgoed”)
Dolgoed place in Llanelwy
Dolgoed (1881 Census, Llanfachreth)
Dolgoed Llanfair Caereinion (Powys) (“Dolgoed Hall”)
Dolgoed house in Machen
Dolgoed house in Nantgaredig
Dolgoed house in Pontarfynach (Ceredigion)
Dolgoed house name, Porthaethwy
Dolgoed house in Maesdolwen, Rhuthun
Dolgoed house in Ffordd Rhosesmor, Treffynnon
Ffordd Dolgoed street in Yr Wyddgrug
Y Ddolgoed:
Ddolgoed = y ddolgoed. Soft mutation after the definite article –
confusion with Y Ddôl? (the meadow). As the qualified noun here is coed
(a masculine noun, or at least a collective noun behaving as a plural noun or a
masculine singular noun after the article) the compound form dolgoed would
have to be a masculine noun.
Hanes Methodistiaeth Corris a'r
Amgylchoedd gan Griffith Ellis M.A. Bootle (1885):
Merch Mr. a Mrs. Owen, y
Ddolgoed, oedd gwraig y clerigwr
the wife
of the cleric was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen, Y Ddolgoed
Name of a street in Dre-fach, Llanelli (county of Caerfyrddin),
Ddolgoed name
of a house in Eglwyswrw (Penfro)
ETYMOLOGY: “wood by a meadow” (dôl = meadow) + soft mutation + (coed = wood)
1 street name, Tal-y-bont, by Bangor (Gwynëdd)
(“river meadow of the willows”)
doliau ‹DOL-ye› (plural noun)
1 dolls; plural of dol
Dolig (Nadolig) ‹DO-lig› (masculine noun)
1 Christmas - a colloquial form of Nadolig
dolur, doluriau ‹DO-lir, do-LIR-ye› (masculine noun)
1 pain
2 dodi’ch
bys ar y dolur put your finger on it (on the cause of the trouble) (“put
your finger on the wound”)
Also rhoi’ch bys...
dolurio ‹do-
liR -yo›
verb with an object
1 hurt, cause hurt to
dolurio rhywun hurt somebody, hurt somebody’s feelings
dolurio’ch teimladau hurt somebody’s feelings
verb without an object
2 wound = cause injury
by inflicting violence
Bu pob math o ddolurio a rhegi yn ystod gêm o fando
There would be all kinds of violence and swearing (“every type of of wounding
and swearing”) in a game of bando
3 ache
ETYMOLOGY: (dolour = pain) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)
dolurus ‹do-LII-ris› (masculine noun)
1 painful
Y Ffordd Ddolurus Via Dolorosa = in
Jerusalem, a route about a mile long which was taken by Jesus from Pilate’s Hall
of Judgement to the place of crucifixion at Golgotha or Calvary
(y = definite article) + (ffordd = road) + soft mutation + (dolurus = sorrowful, painful)
Dolwyddelan dol-ui-DHEE-lan› [dɔlʊɪˡðeˑlan]
1 SH7352
A village in the county of Conwy
A colloquial form is Dol’ddelan
dol-DHEE-lan› [dɔlˡðeˑlan]
Y noson yma 'roedd o wedi
cael peint ne ddau, ac yn cychwynç yn o hwyr o Dol'ddelan
That night he had
had a pint or two, and was setting off quite late from Dolwyddelan
t89 / 'R wy'n Cofio
/ Yr Hen Was / 1963
Yng ngwaelod plwyf
At the bottom of
the parish of Dolwyddelan
c1880, first wrods
of a poem by Brysiog Machno
ETYMOLOGY: dôl Wyddelan “(the) meadow (of) Gwyddelan”
(dôl = meadow) +
soft mutation + (Gwyddelan)
The personal name Gwyddelan
is “little Gael, little Irishman” (Gwyddel = Irishman) + (-an diminutive
See Dolydd Elen below
NOTE: “Maingc i’r Dyla’i Clyw” = “bench for
the hardest of hearing” (old inscription on a bench in the church of
Dolwyddelan, in the county of Conwy). See dwl
Dolydd Elen ‹dô-lidh ê -len›
1 Erroneous form, through folk etymology, for Dolwyddelan SH7352 (county of Conwy), as if it were “Elen's
meadows” (dolydd = meadows) + (Elen = Elen).
In the Welsh of north-west Wales, a final “e” in the standard language becomes
“a”, and so it was supposed that “Elan” was a dialect form of “Elen”.
(delw (delwedd 7423)
To derive this sense, the
supposed element dolwydd has been restored as (though in reality
transformed into) dolydd, though it is hardly likely that a form such as
dolydd could have become dolwydd.
The name is in fact Dôl Wyddelan,
“(the) meadow (of) Gwyddelan”.
(dôl = meadow) + soft mutation + (Gwyddelan)
This name Gwyddelan is found as a saint’s name in the place name Llanwyddelan SJ0801 (northern Powys),
6km south-west of Llanfair Caereinion, and some 10km north of Y Drenewydd Llanwyddelan. Map
Gwyddelan is formed from Gwyddel (= Irishman) and the diminutive
suffix -an
(delw (delwedd 7430)
This supposed “Elen”, remembered in popular lore over the centuries, is Elen Luyddog (“Elen of the Hosts”, llu = host, army), from a noble family
in Segontium (Caernarfon). She married Macsen
Wledig (Magnus Maximus), born in the Iberian peninsula, who became
commander of the Roman army in Britain and who in AD 383 went to Rome where he
deposed Gratian and made himself Emperor, and became a Christian. It is said
that Elen returned to Wales after Macsen’s death five years later, in AD 388.
The tale is preserved in “Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig” (“the dream of Magnus (the)
leader”) , written down around 1400 and forming part of the collection of
twelve medieval Welsh tales known as the “Mabinogion”.
There are other examples of place names with the name “Elen / Helen”. Sarn Helen, (“Helen’s way, Helen’s
pavement”) is the name given to several sections of Roman road between Caernarfon
and Caerfyrddin.
In the town of Caernarfon there is Coed
Helen, literally ‘Helen’s wood’, but originally “Coed Alun”, the ‘wood (of)
Alun’ (?a stream name). This more fanciful name is now the official one, but
the older more correct form was current until recent times (and possibly still
”The Coed Helen Estate at Caernarfon was originally Coed Alun and is still so
called in popular speech; the name was changed to bring in the Helen legend” (A
Short Introduction to the Study of Comparative Grammar (Indo-European) T.
Hudson Williams 1935 t.9).
Elen’s name is also perpetutated in Caernarfon in the street called “Ffordd
Santes Helen” (road of Saint Helen).
Crych Elen (“curly-hair (from
Dolydd) Elen”) was the pseudonym of poet Thomas Lloyd (1841-1909). Born in
Liverpool, his father was English and his mother was from Dolwyddelan, and on
the death of his father he went to live with his grandmother at Tyn-y-fron,
Dolwyddelan. He was the author of a song popular in the late 1800s, Y Bwthyn Bach To Gwellt (the little
thatched cottage). He later emigrated to the USA, and is buried in Fair View
Cemetery, Slatington, Pennsylvania.
See the Welsh-language article – Cerddor o Gymro yn Cael ei Gofio ar y We
(“A Welsh musician commemorated on the Web”) / Iwan Hughes / Y Faner Newydd 15
/ Blwyddyn 2000 / tt32-33
Dôl-y-plu ‹dool-ə-PLII› (feminine noun)
1 place name in Patagonia – field / meadow of the feathers
domesticus ‹do-ME-sti-køs›
1 In “Latin names” or scientific names of species
Passer domesticus llwydyn y to (“little grey [bird] [of] the [thatched] roof”) (House sparrow)
dôm- IE root (= house):
Latin domos,
German das Zimmer (= room; originally timber), English timber;
Welsh tŷ, Irish teach, Scottish Gaelic taigh, Cornish
chi, Breton ti
dómino, dóminos ‹DO-mi-no,
DO-mi-nos› (masculine noun)
1 domino
Dôn ‹DOON› (f)
1 A Celtic goddess, in Welsh mythology the sister of Math mab Mathonwy.
In Pedair Cainc y
Mabinogi four of her children are mentioned: Arianrhod, Gilfaethwy, Gofannon,
In the tale Culhwch ac
Olwen, Amaethon is mentioned as another of her children.
There are many river
names of Celtic origin with “Don / Don-” in western Europe, and it is likely
that they refer to this Celtic goddess.
River Don in Yorkshire
(in Welsh, Afon Don, though this
is afon + the current English name Don, and not a survival of an Old Welsh name)
The River Don in Scotland
however is not the same name. The Welsh name again is Afon Don, though this is, as the name in Yorkshire, afon + the current English name Don, and not a survival of an Old Welsh name.
This Don was known in to the Romans as “Devona”.
original settlement of Aberdeen was sited on the south bank of the river at its
confluence with the sea. Aberdeen is in fact “Aber Don”. The name occurs as Aberdoen
(1178), and Aberden (1214).
Scottish Gaelic name for Aberdeen is Obar Dheathain [ɔbərˡjehɪn] , (a variant is Obaireadhain [ɔbərˡen] ) where the original proto-Welsh form aber (= confluence),
corresponding to modern Welsh aber, has been Gaelicised.
+ Don “(the) mouth (of) (the river) Don”,
A Tour Through
the Whole Island of Great Britain (1724). Daniel Defoe.
Aberdeen is
divided into two towns or cities, and stands in the mouth of two rivers; one on
the River Don, the other on the River Dee. The market-place, which is very
beautiful and spacious; and the streets adjoining are very handsome and well
built, the houses lofty and high.
The two rivers, the Don
and the Dee flow into the North Sea about two miles apart. In between is
central Aberdeen. (In 1750 the Don’s final stretch was channelled, and its
confluence with the sea was moved further to the north).
The original settlement,
referred to historically as Aberdon, lay at the northern end of today's city,
on the south bank of the River Don. This was later the burgh of Old Aberdeen.
Old Baerdeen is now a part of the City of Aberdeen. The name Aberdon is used locally in Aberdeen in a couple of names for
buildings (Aberdon House, Aberdon Court).
is also the Manx Gaelic name for the city.
River Don was known by the Romans as Devona
the north bank of the River Don is the district of Bridge of Don (Scots: Brig
O’ Don) (Gaelic Drochaid Dheadhain) SY9582
original Brig o’ Don is now Brig o’ Balgownie Brig o’ Balgownie
bridge half a mile downstream, built in 1830, is now called Brig o’ Don.
In 1136 King David I
founded "New Aberdeen" on the north bank of the River Dee (Geilic: Uisge
Dè). Properly it should have been called “Aber Dee / Aberdee”.
NJ9304 River Dee in Aberdeen
doniau ‹DON-ye› (plural noun)
1 plural of dawn = talent
doniol ‹DON-yol› (adjective)
1 funny
dos ‹DOOS› (verb)
1 (North Wales) come!
dosbarthiadau ‹DO-sparth, do-sparth-YA-de› (masculine noun)
1 class = grade in types of transport, accomodation, etc
yn y dosbarth cyntaf travel first class
2 class =
group of students
dosbarth nos ‹do-sparth-NOOS› (masculine noun) night
dosbarth Cymraeg a Welsh class
ystafell ddosbarth (f), ystafelloedd dosbarth classroom
3 class = period of time in which instruction is given
ar ddechrau’r dosbarth at the beginning of the class
ar ganol y dosbarth in the middle of
the class
ar ddiwedd y dosbarth at the end of
the class
4 social stratum
y dosbarth canol the middle class
y dosbarth gweithiol the working
y dosbarth uchaf the upper class
y gyfundrefn ddosbarth (f) the class system, cyfundrefnau
5 grade in a degree
Rhaid cael dosbarth cyntaf neu ail ddosbarth uwch yn eich gradd
You need to get a first or a 2.1
(“higher second class”) in your first degree
6 district
dosbarth gwledig rural district
Dosbarth Gwledig Uwchaled Uwchaled Rural District
dosbarthu ‹do-SPAR-thi› (verb)
1 to distribute
canolfan ddosbarthu (f), canolfannau dosbarthu distribution
ffordd ddosbarthu (f), ffyrdd dosbarthu distributor road
2 to deliver
fan ddosbarthu (f), faniau dosbarthu delivery van
rhestr ddosbarthu (f), rhestrau dosbarthu mailing list
3 allot
dosbarthu tocynnau allot tickets
dou ‹doi› (masculine noun)
1 two (Southern form of dau)
dou gi (dau gi) two dogs
y ddou gaa (y ddau gae) the two
dou sha bump ‹doi-sha-BIMP› (masculine noun)
1 (South Wales) leap frog ("two towards five")
1 Some nouns in Welsh have developed
double plurals
(1) addition of two plural suffixes instead of one. Examples:
...(a) cân (feminine noun) (= song)
> caneuon (-au + -on)
...(b) celain (masculine noun)
(corpse, dead body) > celaneddau
(-edd + -au)
...(c) neges (feminine noun) (=
message) > negeseuon (-au + -on)
(2) addition of a plural suffix to a non-suffix plural form
...(a) cloch (feminine noun) (=
bell) > clychau (obsolete plural
“clych” + -au)
...(b) plentyn (masculine noun) (= child)
> plantos (irregular plural
“plant” + -os) ‘little children’ (though technically speaking in this instance
the radical is “plant” from which the singular “plentyn” is derived)
...(c) South-west: trade (=
“traedau”), a double plural of troed
(= foot) (the usual plural is traed)
...(d) ty (masculine noun) (= house)
> teiau (irregular plural “tai” +
-au) (in use in South Wales)
...(e) ty (masculine noun) (= house)
> teios (irregular plural “tai” +
-os) ‘little houses’ (in use in South Wales)
dowc ‹DOUK› (m)
1 (North Wales) dip in a river, dip in
the sea
Rydw i am ddowc yn yr afon I want to go for a dip in the river
In the English
dialect of Llanidloes:
DOUK, or DOWK, to dip or duck. “Give him another douk.” “Douking for apples”, a
nos glan gaia” game. (Parochial Account of Llanidloes / Edward Hamer / Chapter
X / Folk-lore. Page 289 Collections Historical and Archeological Relating to
Montgomeryshire and its Borders / 1877)
dowcfa ‹DOUK-va› (f)
1 (North Wales) ducking, wetting
dowcio ‹DOUK-yo› (v)
1 (North Wales) duck, give a ducking to
In the
English dialect of Llanidloes:
DOUK, or DOWK, to dip or duck. “Give him another douk.” “Douking for apples”, a
nos glan gaia” game. (Parochial Account of Llanidloes / Edward Hamer / Chapter
X / Folk-lore. Page 289 Collections Historical and Archeological Relating to
Montgomeryshire and its Borders / 1877)
dowd ‹doud› verb
1 (dowd â = daethpwyd â) it has been brought, it
was brought
Dowd ag achos Dafi Jones o flaen y seiet
Dafi Jones’s case was brought before the chapel committee
Dowlais ‹dou -lais› feminine noun
1 Map
Reference: SO0608 locality in the
county of Merthyrtudful;
local name: Dowlish (qv), Dwlish (qv)
2 Population: (1961) 7,100; proportion of Welsh-speakers: (1961) 34%
Population: (1971) 6,060; proportion of Welsh-speakers: (1971) 21%
ETYMOLOGY: “black stream” Dowlais
< *Dywlais < *Duwlais < *Dulais
(du = black) + soft mutation + (glais = stream)
u > uw: cf buch > buwch (cow), uch > uwch (= upper)
Dowlish ‹dou-lish› feminine noun
1 a local form of the village name Dowlais (county of Merthyrtudful).
Also Dwlish ‹du-lish›
(1) A final ‹ai› in colloquial Welsh is
usually realised as ‹e›
(which in turn generally becomes ‹a› in the south-east and the north-west.
(2) But in the south-east in some words ‹ai› > ‹i› . Cf defaid ‹dê-ved› in most of Wales; defid ‹dê-vid› the south-east.
(3) In the south, an ‹s›
before or after the vowel ‹i› is palatalised - ‹si
> shi› , ‹is
> ish› .
Thus, Dowlais > Dowlish
1 in polysyllables, a final ‘r’ after ‘d’ is dropped colloquially
..1/ aradr > arad (= plough)
..2/ Cadwaladr > Cadwalad (man’s
name) (also ’Dwalad)
..3/ Llangynidr > Llangynid
(place name, county of Powys)
..4/ rhaeadr > rhaead (=
waterfall) (and the place name Y Rhaeadr > Y Rhaead)
..5/ taradr > tarad (= auger,
piercing tool)
2 In monosyllables with the diphtong ei an epenthetic vowel ‹i› “i”is inserted into the
cluster dr in colloquial
pronunciations. This ei is usually
reduced to a single vowel i
lleidr (= thief) > lleidir > llidir
neidr (= snake) > neidir > nidir
3 In monosyllables with the diphtong wy an epenthetic vowel ‹i› “y”is inserted into the
cluster dr in colloquial
brwydr (= battle, fight) > brwydyr
gwydr (= glass) > gwydyr
draan ‹ draan ›
southern form of draen (= thorns)
Usually spelt blân / bla’n
See aa
drään ‹ drään ›
south-eastern form of draen (=
Usually spelt blên / dræn
See aa / blaan
(“drachéfn”) ‹dra-KHEE-ven› (adv)
1 again
2 later
ym mhen ychydig fisoedd drachefn a few months later, a few months after
ETYMOLOGY: soft-mutated form of trachefn (tra prefix, = across) + aspirate mutation + (cefn = back)
draenen, drain ‹DREI-nen, DRAIN› (feminine noun)
1 thorn
y ddraenen the thorn
blaen draenen point of a thorn
2 hawthorn bush
draenen wen, drain gwynion (qv) Crataegus
monogyna, hawthorn, mayflower, may
draenen ddu, drain duon (qv) ‹drei-nen-DHII, drain-DI-on› Prunus spinosa blackthorn bush
3 (Bible 1620) clawdd drain thorn hedge
Diarhebion 15:19 Ffordd y diog sydd fel cae drain; ond ffordd yr uniawn sydd
Proverbs 15:19 The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the
way of the righteous is made plain.
4 (Bible 1620) cae drain thorn hedge
Marc 12:1 Ac efe a ddechreuodd ddywedyd wrthynt ar ddamhegion. Gŵr a
blannodd winllan, ac a ddododd gae o’i hamgylch, ac a gloddiodd le i’r
gwingafn, ac a adeiladodd dŵr, ac a’i gosododd hi allan i lafurwyr, ac a
aeth oddi cartref.
Mark 12:1 And he began to speak unto them by parables. A certain man planted a
vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and
built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country.
Draenen Pen y
Graig ‹dRei-nen pen ə gRAig›
1 suburb
of Caer-dydd / Cardiff (called by the English “Thornhill”)
In 'Cardiff Records' (1889-1911) (John Hobson Matthews, Mab Cernyw) notes Draenen Pen y Graig (the thorn-tree at the top of, or the
end of, the rock or the rocky ridge), and the short form Y Ddraenen
(“the hawthorn tree”)
(the thorn-tree at the end of the rock.)
place near the northern boundary of Senghenydd and Roath Keynsham (1702.) In
1798 "Y Drainen" was described as "being the known and ancient
boundary between the parishes of Eglwysilan and Llanishen."
"Thorntree Hill" is an eminence on the Cefn range.
would seem to be a reduction of “Thorntree Hill”. (However, this is skating on
thin ice – more information and other examples of the names are needed)
The English name could be an adaptation of the Welsh name, or it could have
come about independently in English for this distinctive boundary marker.
Such a name
as Draenen Pen y Graig would suppose that there was another distinctive
thorn bush in the area, and it was necessary to describe their location to
distinguish between them. Or possibly to distinguish it from hawthorn trees in
general – abundant in the area.
The “craig” here is Graig Llanisien Graig Llanisien Graig Llanisien Heol Draenen Pen y Graig /
Thornhill Road
caeau ger Draenen Pen y Graig / fields near Thornhill
NOTE: See also Bryn-drain, used erroneously for the Welsh name of this part of the city
NOTE: The favoured spelling for the Welsh name seems to be Draenen Pen-y-graig,
though this suggests rather “(the) hawthorn tree (by) Pen-y-graig (farm)” –
generally a name is run together if it is habitative.
draenen ddu ‹drei-nen dhii› feminine noun
PLURAL drain
duon ‹drain dii-on›
1 Prunus spinosa blackthorn
ETYMOLOGY: (draenen = thorn bush) + soft
mutation + (du = black)
draenen wen ‹drei-nen wen
› feminine
PLURAL drain
gwynion ‹drain gwən-yon›
1 Crataegus monogyna, hawthorn, mayflower, may
ETYMOLOGY: (draenen = thorn bush) +
soft mutation + (gwen, feminine form
of gwyn = white)
draenglwyd ‹dRein-gluid› feminine noun
PLURAL draenglwydi
‹drein glui-di›
1 thorn harrow (for smoothing down the soil surface after ploughing, in preparation for seeding)
ETYMOLOGY: (draen = thorns) +
soft mutation + (clwyd = hurdle)
draenogod ‹DREI-nog, drei-NOO-god› (masculine noun)
1 Erinaceus europaeus hedgehog
ETYMOLOGY: draenog < (anifail) draenog “thorny or spiny (animal)”
(draen = thorns) + (-og adjectival suffix)
draethell ‹dRei-thelh› (f)
soft-mutated form of traethell (= sand bank, sand bar)
2 Y Draethell Tidal flat between north-east of Traeth Lafan, between Penmon (Ynys Môn) and Penmaen-mawr (Conwy). English name: Dutchman Bank.
(delwedd 7556)
drafftiau ‹draft, DRAFT-ye› (masculine noun)
1 draft = first copy, rough copy
cynllun drafft draft plan
dragwydd ‹dra-guidhn › adverb
1 always, eternally
ETYMOLOGY: tragwydd (= eternal).
There is soft mutation of an initial consonant in adverbial phrases, hence tragwydd > dragwydd
This adverbial form is rarely used. Rather yn dragwydd, with a
preceding yn, or more generally yn dragwyddol
draig, dreigiau ‹DRAIG› (feminine noun)
1 dragon
y ddraig = the dragon
draig goch a red dragon
y ddraig goch the red dragon
drain ‹DRAIN› (plural noun)
1 thorns - see draenen
dram, dramiau ‹DRAM, DRAM-iau› (feminine noun)
1 tram (in a mine)
drama, dramâu ‹DRA-ma, dra-MAI› (feminine noun)
1 a play
y ddrama = the play
- drama deledu, dramâu teledu ‹DRA-ma-de-LE-di,
dra-MAI-te-LE-di› TV play
- drama fer, dramâu byrion ‹dra-ma-VER, dra-MAI-BƏR-yon› playlet
- drama lofruddiaeth, dramâu
llofruddiaeth ‹dra-ma-lov-RIDH-yeth, dra-MAI-lhov-RƏDH-yeth› murder play
- drama radio, dramâu radio ‹dra-ma-RAD-yo,
dra-MAI-RAD-yo› radio play
dramataidd ‹dra-MA-tedh› (adjective)
1 dramatic
dramateiddio ‹dra-ma-TEIDH-yo› (verb)
1 dramatise
dramatig ‹dra-MA-tig› (adjective)
1 dramatic
dramor ‹dra -mor› adverb
1 abroad, overseas
mynd dramor go abroad
gweithio dramor work abroad
byw dramor live overseas
astudio dramor study abroad
Y Swyddfa Dramor a Chymanwlad The Foreign and Commonwealth Office
ETYMOLOGY: tramor (adjective) =
abroad, from another country .
There is soft mutation of an initial consonant in adverbial phrases, hence tramor > dramor (t > d)
dra’n ‹ draan ›
southern form of draen (= thorns)
Usually spelt (less correctly) blân
See aa / blaan
drannoeth ‹DRA-noth› (adverb)
1 the following day
cyrraedd drannoeth arrive the following day
2 bod
yn ddoeth drannoeth be wise after the event = knowing something too late
(“be wise the following day”)
bod yn ddoeth drannoeth y drin be
wise after the event (“wise the day after the tribulation”)
nos drannoeth the next evening /
night, the night after this
Nos drannoeth yr oedd dawns yn cael ei
chynnal yn y neuadd
The following night a dance was held in the hall
drapia ‹drap-ya› interjection
North Wales
- with an object
1 drapia fo! = drat him!
damn him!
2 go drapia = drat...!
Dim llythyr heddiw eto - go drapia’r
postmyn ’na!
No letter again today - drat those postmen!
- without an object
3 drapia! = drat! damn!
Mae o wedi cyrraedd! Drapia. Finna wedi
meddwl tacluso tipyn cyn iddo ddod.
He’s arrived. Drat. I’d meant to tidy up a bit before he came.
ETYMOLOGY: drapia < go drapia < godrapia < English (may)
God rot ye!
(Cf. Modern English drat!, drat it! < (may) God rot it)
draw ‹DRAU› (adverb) over there
- draw fan ‘na ‹drau-va-NA› (adverb)
1 over there
dreigiau ‹DREIG-ye› (plural noun)
1 dragons - plural of draig
Y Dreflan ‹dRev
1 Dreflan street name in
..a/ Cwmgïedd, Ystradgynlais (district of Brycheiniog, county of Powys)
..b/ Rhosgadfan (county of Gwynedd)
..c/ Yr Wyddgrug (county of Y Fflint) (Dreflan as a
street name here seems to be in commemoration of the novel Y Dreflan
written in 1881 by the novelist from this town Daniel Owen (1836-95))
ETYMOLOGY: y dreflan “the village”
(y = definite article) + soft mutation + (treflan = village)
Dreforus <Dre-VOO-ris>
1 Local form of the village of Treforus SS6598 in the county
of Abertawe. English name: Morriston
NOTE: p. 445, Y Treigladau a’u Cystrawen, T. J. Morgan, 1952; the soft mutation
is explained as being the result of the name’s frequent occurrence in speech
after the prepositions i (= to) and o (= from), and the
soft-mutated form came to be regarded as the radical form
Treforus / Treforis > Dreforis, i Dreforis (= to Treforus), o Dreforis
(= from Treforus)
(The spelling with i to represent the local pronunciation removes any
ambiguity, since althought i and u are both pronounced as i in
the south, in the north they are still two separate vowels with different
NOTE: Also spelt Treforys. This is the spelling of the Welsh name of the
Ordnance Survey map.
Y Dremfa Deg ‹ə DREM-va DEEG›
place name
..a/ house name, Llandudoch / Saint Dogmaels, Ceredigion
..b/ place, Clywedog, Powys
..c/ a possible translation for the English house name / street name “Fairview”
(e.g. name of a street in Trefynwy / Monmouth)
Y Drenewydd yn
Notais ‹ə dree-neu-idh ən no-tes ›
SS8377 locality in Porth-cawl, county of Bro Morgannwg
English name: Newton Nottage
arwydd yr eglwys / church signboard
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically
representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great
Britain and Ireland…”)
ETYMOLOGY: “the new town in Notais” (y = definite article) + soft
mutation + (tre = trêv, settlement, farm; here used to translate English
“-ton”) + (newydd = new) + (yn = in) + (Notais adaptation
of English Nottage). This is one of the many Cymricised English place names in
Bro Morgannwg resulting from the Cymricisation of the lowland of Morgannwg
after the expulsion of the Welsh and its settlement by the English after the
Norman invasion of Wales.
dreng ‹dreng› adjective
1 morose, sullen, peevish, angry, cross
gweld pobl y gynffon ymgecru’n ddreng
seeing the people in the queue arguing crossly
A dyma’r prifathro’n holi’n ddreng pwy
oedd y plant oedd yn gyfrifol am dagu’r nant yn ymyl y lôn
The headmaster asked angrily who the children were who had blocked the stream
at the roadside
2 unfavourable, adverse, harsh
dyddiau dreng difficult days, an
unfavourable period, hard times
ETYMOLOGY: probably Old English dreng
(= free tenant) (compare other words in English with the sense development of
“countryman” > “rude, impolite, ill-bred”, etc.
(1) churl (= farm labourer) > churlish (= peasant-like, rude, surly),
(2) boor (= countryman) > boorish (= rude)
(3) peasant (= small farmer with little social status) > peasant (= a
boorish, rude, coarse, unsophisticated person) “He’s a real peasant”.
drennydd ‹DRE-nidh› (adverb)
1 two days later
ETYMOLOGY: trennydd (with soft mutation t > d) > drennydd (the soft mutation indicates its adverbial function)
dresel ‹dre-sel› masculine noun
PLURAL dreseli,
dreselydd ‹dre-sê-li, -lidh›
North Wales
1 dresser = piece of kitchen furniture
ETYMOLOGY: dresel < dreser < English < Medieval
French dressour (Modern French dressoir = dresser, cupboard) < drecier (= to arrange) (Modern French dresser = raise, put up; prepare) <
Latin dîrigere = to direct)
There has been dissimulation in the sequence r-r and it has become r-l
as in English corner > Welsh cornel
NOTE: (1) Also dreser, without the
dissimulation of the final r
(2) Also tresel, treser (initial “t” instead of “d”).
(3) In the Northwest the e in a
final syllable is pronounced a,
hence dresal, tresal, dresar, etc
drewdod ‹DREU-dod› (masculine noun)
1 stink
drewgoed ‹dreu -goid› masculine noun
The name Drewgoed in Cefnddwysarn (SH9638)
(county of Gwynedd) in its present form means “Stink-wood” (drew-, stem of drewi = to stink).
The original name though is in fact Derwgoed
(= oakwood)
(derw = oak trees) + soft mutation +
(coed = trees, wood)
drewi ‹DREU-i› (verb)
1 to stink
drewllyd ‹dreu-lhid› adjective
1 stinking, fetid {fétid, fíitid}, foul-smelling
pentwr o bysgod drewllyd a pile of
stinking fish
2 unethical, unsavoury, dirty
gwneud dêl ddrewllyd gyda do a dirty
deal with
3 in expressions to describe a bad smell:
mor ddrewllyd â’r gingroen as smelly
as old socks, (USA: as stinky as a skunk), ("as smelly as the
pidyn drewllyd stinkhorn Phallus impudicus, a fungus which gives
off an offensive smell (“stinking penis”)
(delw (delwedd 7059)
ETYMOLOGY: (drew-, stem of the verb drewi = to stink) + (-llyd, suffix for forming adjectives,
with the sense of ‘full of’, and with the connotation of ‘disagreeable’)
dring ‹dring › masculine noun
PLURAL dringion
‹dring -yon›
1 climb
Mae’n deipyn o hen ddring It’s a bit
of a climb (i.e. the path up the hill is very steep)
ETYMOLOGY: (dring- = stem of dringo = to climb)
dringo ‹DRING-go› (verb)
1 to climb
2 dringo dros glawdd y ffos
go over the top, climb out of the trench and go over the defensive rampart
dripsych ‹ drip -sich› adjective
ETYMOLOGY: (drip-, stem of dripio = to drip) + (sych = dry). A calque on English drip-dry
dripsychu ‹ drip -sich› adjective
(verb with an object) drip-dry = hang up a piece of clothing so that it dries
because the water drips from it
(verb without an object) (piece of clothing) drip-dry = become dry through the
water dripping out of it
ETYMOLOGY: (drip-, stem of dripio = to drip) + (sychu = to dry). A calque on English to drip-dry
d’rogan ‹DRO-gən› (verb)
1 = darogan
drom ‹drom› adjective
1 Soft
mutated form (t > d) of drom,
feminine form of trwm (= heavy)
Calon Drom “(a) heavy heart” Folk tune name mentioned in “The Cambrian
Quarterly Magazine and Celtic Repertory” (1830). English name appended: Heavy
drôr, droriau ‹DROOR, DROR-ye› (masculine noun)
1 drawer
cist ddroriau chest of drawers (USA:
(“chest (of) drawers”) (cist =
coffer) + soft mutation + (droriau =
drawers, plural of drôr = drawer)
dròs ‹DROS› (preposition)
1 over, across
drosto i (Also droso i) ‹DRO-sto i, DRO-soi› over me
droston ni (Also droson ni) ‹DRO-sto-ni,
over us
drostot ti (Also drosot ti) ‹DRO-sto-ti,
over you
drostoch chi (Also drosoch chi) ‹DRO-sto-khi,
over you
drosto fe / fo ‹DRO-sto-ve, vo› over him
drosti hi ‹DRO-sti-hi› over her
drostyn nhw ‹DRO-sti-nu› over them
(literary Welsh drostynt hwy) ‹DRO-stint-hui›
1 after verbs or phrase verbs:
bod wrth eich bodd dros... be very pleased for
.....Rw i wrth ’y modd drosoch chi I’m
very pleased for you, I’m thrilled for you (“I’m at my satisfaction over you”)
bod yn biti gennych dros... feel
sorry for
bod yn biti o galon gennych dros... feel really sorry for / feel
extremely sorry for
bod yn ddrwg gennych dros... feel sorry for
bod yn drueni gennych dros... feel sorry for
.....Mae’n biti gen i dros y plentyn I feel sorry for the child
curo’ch drwm dròs drum up
support for (“beat your drum for”)
cywilyddo dros be ashamed of / about
gofidio dros feel sorry for
mynd i hwyl dros (rywbeth)
get all excited about, become enthusiastic about (“go to emotion over
talu dros bawb to pay for everybody
2 dròs y Sul ‹dros-ə-SIIL› (adverb) over the
3 tin-dros-ben somersault (“ass / arse over head”)
Tin dros ben
tuag yn ôl backward somersault
din dros ben (adv) (“ass / arse
over head”)
troi rhywbeth din dros ben invert (something),
turn (something) upside down
y llyfr hwn mae syniadau arferol am ganser yn cael eu troi tin dros ben.
In this book the usual ideas about cancer are turned upside down
(be covered in) yn.... + object
covering + conjugated form of dros)
Roedd y paced yn labeli drosto The
packet was covered in labels
dròs ben ‹dros-BEN› (adverb) very
- dròs ben - caredig dros ben ‹ka-RE-dig-dros-BEN› (adverb)
1 very kind
drosodd <DRO-sodh> [ˡdrɔsɔð] (adverb)
1 over = finished
druan! <DRII-an> [ˡdriˑan] (masculine noun)
1 poor little thing!
ETYMOLOGY: soft mutated form of truan (= wretch; wretchèd person).
The soft mutation is an indication of a vocative use, when addressing somebody
ferch! (= girl!) < merch (= girl);
bawb! (= everybody!) < pawb (= everybody)
Here druan is apparently this vocative mutation used as an indirect
drud <DRIID> [driːd] (adjective)
1 expensive, dear
2 (literary) furious, violent, rough
An englyn from Ynys Môn preserved in oral lore referring to a whirpool in Afon
Menai / the Menai Strait separating the island of Môn / Anglesey from mainland
Wales uses drud in this sense:
Pwll Ceris, pwll dyrys drud -- pwll yw hwn
Sy'n gofyn cyfarwydd;
Pwll annwfn yw, pwll ynfyd,
Pella o'i go' o'r pylla' i gyd.
Pwll Ceris (“The Whirlpool of Ceris”, possibly a personal name), a confused
violent whirlpool – this is a whirlpool
Which demands guidance (cyfarwydd also means knowledgeable person)
It is a shallow whirlpool (perhaps as a pun, because the related word Annwfn is
also the Celtic underworld, hell; hence it suggests too “a pool of hell”), a
mad pool
(The) furthest out of its mind (i.e. the maddest, the craziest) of all the
ETYMOLOGY: British < Celtic.
The corresponding word in Irish is drúth (= fool)
drudwennod / drudwy <DRID-wen, drid-WE-nod, DRII-dui> [ˡdrɪdwɛn, drɪdˡwɛnɔd,
ˡdriˑdʊɪ] (feminine noun)
1 starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
drudwen rosliw PLURAL: drudwy rhosliw (Pastor roseus) pastor
starling, rose-coloured starling; Asian bird, black with a pink back and
rhosliw (= rose-coloured); (rhos = roses) + soft mutation + (lliw
= colour)
drudwy <DRII-dui> [ˡdriˑdʊɪ] (feminine noun)
1 drudwy, plural drudwyod starling (= drudwen)
2 drudwy starlings
(plural of drudwen)
drum <DRIM> [drɪm] (m)
Also trum
1 ridge
2 trumwedd peak, hill; appearance,
form, outline; peak, hill
(trum = hill, peak, ridge) + soft
mutation + (gwedd = appearance)
..a/ In the county of Dinbych, and in the adjacent district of Meirionydd in
..b/ Also in the north of Ceredigion as trymwydd
(loss of quality of the tonic vowel, not unusual in Welsh. Thus u [i] becomes the obscure vowel y; and there is confusion between the
final element gwedd = appearance and the element gŵydd = presence)
Y Drum <ə DRIM> [ə ˡdrɪm] (m)
1 farm SJ0308 by Llanerfyl,
ETYMOLOGY: “the ridge” (y
definite article) + (drum = ridge)
Y Drum Ddu <ə drim DHII> [ə ˡdrɪm ˡðiː] (f)
1 peak SN9744 in Mynydd
Epynt, Powys, west of Drovers’ Arms
2 peak
north-west of Y Bontnewydd ar Wy, Powys
ETYMOLOGY: “the black
ridge” (y definite article) + soft mutation + (trum = ridge) +
soft mutation + (du = black)
drwg <DRUUG> [druːg] (adjective)
1 bad
Mae’n ddrwg gennyf
(More colloquially) Mae’n ddrwg gen i I’m sorry ("it’s bad with me")
Mae’n wir ddrwg gen i I’m really sorry, I’m awfully sorry, I’m truly
2 arian drwg bad money = money
wasted, imprudently invested, lent out carelessly, money which is
irretrievable, etc
taflu arian da i ganlyn arian drwg
throw good money after bad (“throw good money to follow bad money”)
taro ar ddyddiau drwg fall on hard
Tarodd ar ddyddiau drwg he fell on
hard times
bod hwyl ddrwg ar be in a nasty mood
(“be a bad emotion on”)
5 bod yn ddrwg gennych dros...
feel sorry for
6 gweld y rhagor rhwng da a drwg
diferenciate between good and bad (“see the difference between good and bad”)
7 tymer drwg bad temper
bwrw’ch tymer drwg ar (rywun) take it out on (somebody) (“throw your bad
temper on”)
gwmni drwg bad company
mynd i gwmni drwg fall in with a bad
lot “go into bad company” (mynd = to
go) + (i = to) + soft mutation + (cwmni = company) + (drwg = bad)
(South Wales) gwynt drwg bad smell
Mae gwynt drwg ar ei anadl He’s got
bad breath, his breath smells (“there’s a bad smell on his breath”)
Ni fu erioed ddrwg na fu’n dda i rywun
, Ni fu erioed ddrwg na fu’n ddaioni i
rywun (“there was never bad that wasn’t good for someone”) It’s an ill wind
that blow nobody any good
drwg <DRUUG> [druːg] (masculine noun)
1 bad, badness, evil
2 bod ar eich drwg be up to no
good, be up to your tricks
Mae’r brain ar ’u drwg heddiw eto The crows are up to no good again
gosod y fwyall ar wraidd y drwg strike at the root of the evil (“place the
axe on the root of the evil”)
4 Nid oes da heb beth drwg ynddo
Too much of a good thing is a bad thing (“There is no good without some bad in
gwneud mwy o drwg nag o les do more
harm than good
difeddwl-drwg well-meaning, not
meaning harm
(di- privative prefix = without) +
soft mutation + ( meddwl drwg =
“think evil”, think ill, intend to do harm)
The colloquial form is difeddwl-ddrwg, with soft mutation of drwg; this is possibly the influence of
Diarhebion / Proverbs
3:29 Na feddwl ddrwg yn erbyn dy gymydog, ac yntau yn trigo yn ddiofal yn dy
ymyl. / 3:29 Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth
securely by thee.
In this sentence drwg > ddrwg because it is the direct object
after an inflected verb; the inflected verb triggers soft mutation of the
following word in such a sequence
drwg- <DRUUG> [druːg]
1 prefix in loose compunds (cf dryg-)
2 drwgdybio suspect (somebody)
drwgweithredwr offender, culprit, evildoer
drwgargoel <druug-AR-goil> [druˑgˡargɔɪl] feminine noun
PLURAL drwgargoelion
<DRUUG-ar-GOIL-yon> [ˡdruˑgarˡgɔɪljɔn]
1 bad
ETYMOLOGY: (drwg = bad) + (argoel = omen)
drwgargoelus <DRUUG ar-GOI-lis> [druˑg arˡgɔɪlɪs] adjective
1 ominous, ill-boding, sinister
Cynheuodd y ffwrn ac aeth i’r tŷ,
ond cyn pen hanner awr clywid chwyrniadau drwgargoelus o’r tai allan
He lit the oven and he went into the house, but half an hour later ominous
roars were heard from the outbuildings
ETYMOLOGY: (drwgargoel = bad omen) +
(-us adjectival suffix)
drwgddyled <druug-DHƏ-led> [druˑgˡðəlɛd] masculine noun
PLURAL drwgddyledion
<druug-dhə-LED-yon> [druˑgðəˡlɛdjɔn]
1 bad
debt; also dyled ddrwg plural dyledion drwg
ETYMOLOGY: (drwg = bad) + soft
mutation + (dyled = debt)
drwgdeimlad <druug-DEIM-lad> [druˑgˡdəɪmlad] masculine noun
PLURAL drwgdeimladau
<druug-deim-LAA-dai, -e> [druˑgdəɪmˡlɑˑdaɪ,
ETYMOLOGY: (drwg = bad) + soft
mutation + (teimlad = feeling)
drwgenwog <druug-EN-wog> [druˑgˡɛnwɔg] adjective
1 (character)
ETYMOLOGY: (drwg = bad) + (enwog = famous)
drwm, drymiau <DRUM, DRƏM-yai,
-ye> [drʊm, ˡdrəmjaɪ, -ɛ]
1 drum
2 curo’ch drwm dròs drum up
support for (“beat your drum for”)
drws, drysau <DRUUS,-DRƏ-sai,
-se> [druːs,ˡdrəsaɪ, -ɛ]
1 door
torri (drws) i lawr break
(a door) down
drws nesa ‹drus-NE-sa› (adverb) next door
cadw drws agored keep open house, be
very hospitable, welcome all and sundry “keep (an) open door”
4 cau’r drws yn glap / cau'r drws yn glep bang a door shut,
close a door with a bang, slam the door shut
cloch drws doorbell; cloch y drws the doorbell
canu cloch y drws ring the doorbell
Cana gloch y drws (imperative) Ring
the doorbell
Mae cloch y drws yn canu The
doorbell’s ringing
drwy (South Wales) /
trwy (North Wales) <DRUI, TRUI> [drʊɪ, trʊɪ] (preposition)
1 through
drwy y misoedd
y bu yn glaf during the months that he was ill
through = by (doing something)
Yr wyf yn ymlacio drwy ddarllen nofelau
detectif I relax by reading detective novels
drwy orchymyn pendant by strict
order, according to a order that must be rigorously obeyed
mynd yn dynn drwyddoch tense up (“go
tense through yourself”)
6 bod yn olau drwyddo / drwyddi (room, hall, workshop, etc) to be
all lit up, be full of light
Yr oedd yr Efail yn olau drwyddi the Smithy was all lit up
(1) drwyddo i (southern colloquial
form) <DRUI-dhoi> [ˡdrʊɪðɔɪ] (first person singular)
through me
(2) drwyddon ni (southern colloquial
form) <DRUI-dho-ni> [ˡdrʊɪðɔnɪ] (first person plural)
through us
(3) drwyddot ti (southern colloquial
form) <DRUI-dho-ti> [ˡdrʊɪðɔtɪ] (second person singular)
through you
(4) drwyddoch chi (southern
colloquial form) <DRUI-dho-khi> [ˡdrʊɪðɔxɪ] (second person plural)
through you
(5) drwyddo fe (southern colloquial
form) <DRUI-dho-ve> [ˡdrʊɪðɔvɛ] (third person singular
masculine) through him
(6) drwyddi hi <DRUI-dhi-hi> [ˡdrʊɪðɪhɪ] (third person singular
feminine) through her
(7) drwyddyn nhw (southern colloquial
form) <DRUI-dhi-nu> [ˡdrʊɪðɪnʊ] (third person plural)
through them
drwyddo <DRUI-dho> [ˡdrʊɪðɔ] (adverb)
1 from beginnng to end
darllen (rhywbeth) drwyddo read (something)
in its entirety, read all of (something)
drwy Gymru gyfan <drui GƏM-ri
GƏ-van> [drʊɪ ˡgəmrɪ ˡgəvan]
throughout Wales
ETYMOLOGY: (drwy = through) + soft
mutation (after a preposition) + (Cymru
= Wales) + soft mutation (after a feminine noun) + (cyfan = whole, total)
drych <DRIIKH> [driːx]
PLURAL drychau
<DRƏ-khai, -e> [ˡdrəxaɪ, -ɛ]
trwy ddrych mewn dameg through a
glass darkly = (see) something imperfectly, not get a clear picture of
something (in the English expression “glass” = looking glass, mirror) (from the
Apostle Paul’s words in Corinthians-1 / Corinthiaid-1)
NOTE: mewn dameg parabolically, allegorically, darkly <
dameg parable, allusion, enigma,
dark saying
13:11 pan oeddwn fachgen, fel bachgen y
llefarwn, fel bachgen y deallwn, fel bachgen y meddyliwn: ond pan euthum yn ŵr,
mi a rois heibio bethau bachgennaidd. (13:12) canys gweled yr ydym yn awr hon trwy ddrych, mewn dameg; ond yna, wyneb yn wyneb:
yn awr yr adwaen o ran; ond yna yr adnabyddaf megis y’m hadwaenir. (13:13) Yr awr hon y mae yn aros ffydd, gobaith,
cariad, y tri hyn; a’r mwyaf o’r rhai hyn ywn cariad.
13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I
thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
(13:12) For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I
know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. (13:13) And now
abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is
mirror = reflecting surface, usually glass with a metallic backing, or polished
mirror = such a reflective surface in a frame to hang on a wall, etc
drych maint-llawn full-length mirror
Edrych ar ei wyneb yn y drych He
looked at his face in the mirror
mirror = driving mirror
drych ôl rear-view mirror
drych ystlys side-view mirror, side
mirror, wing mirror
drych car car mirror = side mirror
or rear-view mirror
mirror = reflecting surface (window, still water, metal, etc)
edrych yn y drych look in the mirror
“Mirror” newspaper title (in the sense of a true reflection of what is
Drych yr Amseroedd (“mirror of the
times”) Robert Jones, Rhos-lan,
Drych Barddonol (“poetic mirror”)
volume of literary criticism published in 1839 by Caledfryn (William Williams)
Y Drych newspaper for the Welsh in
America, established in 1851 by John Morgan Jones (born in Llanidloes)
Drych Proffwydoliaeth: Neu Wiredd,
Dyben, A Deongliad Proffwydoliaethau Yr Ysgrythyrau Sanctaidd (Year of
publication: ?) by the Reverend John Hughes, Liverpool (1850-1932). “A mirror
of prophecy: or the truth, purpose and interpretation of the miracles of the
Holy Scriptures”.
gazingstock = person who is or thing which is the object of contempt and scorn
Nahum 3:6 A thaflaf ffiaidd bethau
arnat, a gwnaf di yn wael, a gosodaf di yn ddrych.
Nahum 3:6 And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make thee vile,
and will set thee as a gazingstock.
(North-east Wales) terrible sight, a real sight, a spectacle (i.e. said of
somebody looking unkempt)
(Ceredigion) plight, condition, state
mirror, reflection; = something which gives a true picture of something else
Mae’r arddangosfa sydd yn yr Hen
Lyfrgell yn ddrych dramatig o'r sefyllfa yng Nghymru heddiw
The exhibition in the Old Library is a dramatic reflection of the situation in
Wales today
Ddrych bach, ddrych bach ar y mur
Pwy yw'r tlysaf yn y tir? Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest
of them all?
Gweneira a’r Saith Corrach / Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
ETYMOLOGY: British *drikk-os <
Celtic *derk (= to see)
Cf Irish dreach (= appearance)
The element drych is to be seen also
in the words
Ceinddrych (forename, obsolete: fair
+ aspect, appearance; “fair in appearance”);
cynnyrch (= products);
cynrychioli (= represent),
drychiolaeth (= ghost),
edrych (= to look),
goddrych (= subject),
gwrthrych (= object)
drychfeddwl <drəkh-VEE-dhul> [drəxˡveˑðʊl] masculine noun
PLURAL drychfeddyliau
<drəkh-ve-DHƏL-yai, -ye> [drəxvɛˡðəljaɪ, -ɛ]
(obsolete) idea
ETYMOLOGY: (drych- <drəkh> [drəx] < drych <driikh> [driːx]
= mirror) +
soft mutation + (meddwl = thought)
drycin <DRƏ-kin> [ˡdrəkɪn] feminine noun
PLURAL drycinoedd <drə-KII-noidh,
-odh> [drəˡkiˑnɔɪð, -ɔð]
1 bad
haul a drycin fair weather and foul (“sun and bad weather”)
storm = disturbance in the atmosphere, with rain, hail or snow, thunder and
lightning, wind
boed hindda neu ddrycin fair weather
or foul, rain or shine, whatever the weather
Mi ddof boed hindda neu ddrycin I
shall come whatever the weather
4 in some bird names:
(1) caseg y ddrycin (“mare of the
storm”) Turdus pilaris = fieldfare
Alternative names: socasau llwydion,
sogiar, socasau llwydion
(2) aderyn drycin (“storm bird”) Hydrobates
pelagicus = stormy petrel, storm petrel
(3) aderyn drycin du (“black storm
bird”) Procellaria griseus = sooty shearwater
ETYMOLOGY: (dryg- < drwg = mis-, dis-, badly) + (hin = weather) > dryg-hin > drycin (g + h = c)
drygeirio <drə-GEIR-yo> [drəˡgəɪrjɔ] verb
vilify (someone), speak ill (of someone), disparage (someone )
ETYMOLOGY: (drwgair = bad word) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)
drygliwio <drəg-LIU-yo> [drəgˡlɪʊjɔ] verb
(transitive) discolour = cause to change colour (in an undesired manner; to
fade or stain)
2 (intransitive) discolour = change colour (in an undesired manner;
to fade or stain)
ETYMOLOGY: (dryg- < drwg = mis-, dis-, badly) + soft
mutation + (lliwio = to colour)
drygu <DRƏ-gi> [ˡdrəgɪ] (verb)
1 harm
dryll, dryllau <DRILH, DRƏ-lhai,
-e> [drɪɬ, ˡdrəɬaɪ,
-ɛ] (masculine
1 piece
(South Wales) firearm, pistol, gun, shotgun (Cf obsolete English piece = firearm)
dryll llifiedig sawn-off shotgun
o flaen dryll at gunpoint (“in front
(of) (a ) gun”)
yn ffroen dryll at gunpoint (“in
nose (of) (a ) gun”)
dryll gwrth-derfysg riot gun
dryll rhag terfysg riot gun
dryllio <DRƏLH-yo> [ˡdrəɬjɔ] (verb)
1 shatter = destroy
au iconoclasm (“destroying the idols”)
mewn llwyn; ac Asa a ddrylliodd ei
hi, ac a'i llosgodd wrth afon Cidron
Kings-1 15:13 And also Maachah his mother, even her he removed from being
queen, because she had made an idol in a grove; and Asa destroyed her idol, and
burnt it by the brook Kidron.
Exodus 23:24 Nac ymgryma i'w duwiau hwynt, ac na wasanaetha hwynt, ac na wna yn ôl eu
gweithredoedd hwynt; ond llwyr ddinistria hwynt, dryllia eu
au hwynt yn gandryll.
Exodus 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do
after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down
their images.
Exodus 34:13 Eithr dinistriwch eu
hallorau hwynt, drylliwch eu
au hwynt, a thorrwch i lawr eu llwynau hwynt.
Exodus 34:13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut
down their groves.
drylliog <DRƏLH-yog> [ˡdrəɬjɔg] (adjective)
1 shattered
2 mewn Cymraeg drylliog in broken Welsh
drymffon <DRƏM-fon> [ˡdrəmfɔn] feminine noun
PLURAL drymffyn <DRƏM-fin> [ˡdrəmfɪn]
y ddrymffon = the drumstick
ETYMOLOGY: (drym- stem of drymio = to drum) + (ffon
= stick)
drymiau <DRƏM-yai, -e> [ˡdrəmjaɪ, -ɛ] (plural noun)
1 drums - see drwm
drys ‹DRIS› (adj)
The original form of the
adjective dyrys
1 tangled
2 (woodland) dense
An intrusive obscure vowel is
the cause of the bisyllabic form. Compare dlêd
> dyled (= debt)
The original monosyllabic form
is found as the first element in compound words and derivatives:
drysgoed, dryslwyn, drysïen, drysi, drysïog,
drysu, dryswch
drysgoed <DRƏS-goid> [ˡdrəsgɔɪd]
(plural noun)
1 thicket, dense grove
ETYMOLOGY: drysgoes / d’rysgoed < dyrysgoed (dyrys = to drum) + (ffon
= stick)
drysi <DRƏ-si> [ˡdrəsɪ] (plural noun)
1 brambles
See drysïen
drysiau <DRƏS-yai, -e> [ˡdrəsjaɪ, -ɛ] (plural noun)
1 doors - see drws
drysïen <drƏ-SII-en> [drəsˡiˑɔg] (f)
PLURAL drysi <DRƏ-si> [ˡdrəsɪ]
bramble bush
llwyn drysi bramble bush
Llwyndrisi SN2917 farm by
Sanclêr (Caerfyrddin) (spelt as “Llwyndrissi”)
ETYMOLOGY: British < Common
Celtic *drits
From the same British root: Cornish dreis, Breton drez
From the same Celtic root: Irish dris
drysïog <drƏs--SII-og> [drəsˡiˑɔg] (adjective)
1 brambly, briery
Twyndrysïog Briery Hill (county of Blaenau Gwent)
2 (in place names) (noun) bramble patch
..a/ In Glynebwy (county of Blaenau Gwent) the street called Briery Court is
named after a local farm Drysïog
..b/ Y Ddrysïog – a field in Llantrisant in 1761
'Cardiff Records' (1889-1911) (John Hobson Matthews, Mab Cernyw): “1761. Inquest on the body of John Hugh, of Llantrissent, miner,
found that he was accidentally killed by a fall of earth, when he was working
in a pit of "led oar" in a field called Ddrys-Syog in the parish of
dryslwyn <DRƏS-luin> [ˡdrəslʊɪn]
PLURAL dryslwyni <drƏs-LUI-ni> [drəsˡlʊɪnɪ]
bramble bush, bramble brake,
place full of brambles
ETYMOLOGY: (drys- < dyrys- brambles) + soft mutation + (llwyn = bush)
drysu <DRƏ-si> [ˡdrəsɪ] (verb)
1 (vt) mess up, leave
(something) in a mess, disarrange
drysu amcanion rhywun (“mess up (the) intentions (of) someone”) put a
spoke in somebody’s wheel, stop somebody from doing
something by spoiling his / her attempt to do it
(vt) confuse, perplex
(vi) be confused
drysu yn eich synhwyrau be
deranged, be out of one’s mind (“be confused in your senses”)
dryswch <DRƏ-sukh> [ˡdrəsʊx] masculine noun
confusion, mystery, failure to understand
Mae balchder rhai o’r Cymry yng Nghastell
Caernarfon yn achos o ddryswch imi, am ei fod yn sumbol o orthrwm y Sais ar y
The pride of some Welsh people in the castle of Caernarfon is a cause of
mystery to me since it is a symbol of English oppression of the Welsh
Mae gormod o ddryswch ynghylch beth yn
hollol yw pwerau’r Cynulliad iddo allu wneud ei waith yn iawn
There’s too much confusion about what exactly are the powers of the (Welsh)
Assembly for it to be able to work properly
tangle (in hair, in wool)
dryswch henaint senile dementia
(“confusion (of) old age”)
dioddef o ddryswch henaint suffer
from senile dementia
ETYMOLOGY: (drys = confused,
tangled; the older form of dyrys) + (-wch = suffix for forming nouns)
dryw, drywod <DRIU, DRIU-od> [drɪʊ, ˡdrɪʊɔd]
1 wren
In the
English dialect of Llanidloes:
DREW, a wren. From the Welsh
Dryw. (Parochial Account of Llanidloes / Edward Hamer / Chapter X / Folk-lore.
Page 289 Collections Historical and Archeological Relating to Montgomeryshire
and its Borders / 1877)
(1) du, duon <DII, DII-on> [diː, ˡdiˑɔn] (adjective)
1 black
Mae golwg ddu ar bethau Things look less than hopeful, Things look
pretty bad
(“there’s a black view on things”)
2 dudew pitch-black;
(du = black ) + soft mutation + (tew = fat)
tywyllwch dudew pitch darkness
Roedd yr ystafell mewn tywyllwch dudew It was pitch dark in the room
(ceg = mouth) + soft mutation + (du = mouth)
..1/ (adjective)
..2/ (masculine noun) cegddu
PLURAL cegdduon (Merluccius merluccius) hake
(North Wales) llyffant du (Bufo
bufo) European common toad "black frog-or-toad", “black anuran”
(In the North, a frog is llyffant,
but when it is necessary to distinguish it from the llyffant du "black frog-or-toad” the frog is called llyffant melyn "yellow
frog-or-toad", “yellow anuran”)
helygen ddu (helyg duon) (Salix nigra)
black willow
6 glasddu bluish-black, blue-black
(glas = blue ) + soft mutation + (du = black)
7 Coed-du <koid-DII> [kɔɪd
ˡdiː] street name in Rhyd-y-mwyn (Sir y Fflint) “(y) coed du” “(the) black wood”,
(y definite article) + (coed
= wood) + (du = black)
<koid-DII-on> [kɔɪd
ˡdiˑɔn] ST1797 village in the county of Caerffili.
English name: Blackwood, “(y) coed duon” “(the) black wood”,
(y definite article) + (coed
= wood) + (duon, plural form of du = black)
(2) du <DII> [diː] (masculine noun)
1 district of Arfon, in the county of Gwynedd
Rydd o ddim cymaint â'r du o dan ei ewin
i chi
(said of a mean person) literally: “He won't as much as the dirt under his
finger nail to you”
(ni rydd ef > colloquially rydd o ddim = he won’t give) + (cymaint â = as much as)
+ (y du = the dirt, ‘the black’) +(o dan = under) + (ei ewin = his fingernail) + (i
chi = to you)
D.U. <dee-EG> [deː ˡɛg] feminine noun
1 initials
of Y
Deyrnas Unedig = the United Kingdom
Equivalent to English “U.K”, the initials of “the United Kingdom” = a short
title for the English state
yn y DU = in the UK / United Kingdom
duaidd <DII-aidh,
-edh> [ˡdiˑaɪð, -ɛð] adjective
(South Wales)
blackish, dark
(person), swarthy, dark
ETYMOLOGY: (du = black) + (-aidd suffix for forming nouns
indicating the content or capacity of a container )
NOTE: Colloquial spelling duedd
dudew <DII-deu> [ˡdiˑdɛʊ] adjective
1 pitch-black;
tywyllwch dudew pitch darkness
Roedd yr ystafell mewn tywyllwch dudew It was pitch dark in the room
ETYMOLOGY: (du = black ) + soft mutaiton + (tew = fat)
dug <DIIG> [diːg] verb
1 (she /
he / it brought) (from the verb dwyn)
Barnwyr 5:25 Dwfr a geisiodd efe, llaeth
a roddes hithau; mewn ffiol ardderchog y dug hi ymenyn
Judges 5:25 He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in
a lordly dish
dug, dugiaid <DIIG, DIG-yaid, -yed> [diːg, ˡdɪgjaɪd, -ɛd]
1 duke
2 helygen y Dug (Salix fragilis var. russelliana) Bedford
(“(the) willow (of) the duke”)
dull, dulliau <DILH, DILH-yai, -ye> [dɪɬ, ˡdɪɬjaɪ,
-ɛ] (masculine
1 way, form
Dulais <DII-lais, -les> [ˡdiˑlaɪs, -ɛs]
1 stream
in Castell-nedd ac Aberafan county
Blaendulais (SN8108) “(the) source (of
the) Dulais stream” locality in the county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan
English name: Seven Sisters
Population and proportion of Welsh-speakers:
(1961) 2,042 25%
(1971) 1,720 12%
dulas <DII-las> [ˡdiˑlas] adjective
blackish blue, dark
bwnsiad o rawnwin dulas
a bunch o dark grapes
2 (face) purple with rage
Yr oedd ei wyneb yn ddulas o ddicter
His face was purple with rage
3 North Wales du-las (qv) ‹di-laas›
4 colour of flowers
pabi corniog dulas (Roemeria
hybrida) violet horned poppy (“violet horned poppy”)
ETYMOLOGY: dulas (du = black) + soft mutation + (glas = blue)
du-las <dii-LAAS> [diˑˡlɑːs] adjective
North Wales
1 blackish-blue, bluish
Yr oedd ei wyneb yn welw pan ddaeth i
mewn, ond yn awr yr oedd yn ddu-las, a’i anadl yn fyr.
His face was pale when he came in, but now it was blue and he was short of
2 black and blue, blackish-blue (colour of bruising, from fighting,
a fall, etc)
ETYMOLOGY: dulas (du = black) + soft mutation + (glas = blue)
Dulyn <DII-lin> [ˡdiˑlɪn]
1 Baile Átha
Cliath, Dublin
yn Nulyn in Dublin
i Ddulyn to Dublin
o Ddulyn from Dublin
gerllaw Dulyn near Dublin
Dunawd <DII-naud> [ˡdiˑnaʊd] (masculine noun)
1 Donatus. Welsh abbot in the 600’s killed along with his monks by
invading Anglo-Saxons
Eglwys Sain Dunawd church in Bangor
is y Coed
d'un di <diin DII> [diːn ˡdiː]
1 yours
roeddwn yn edrych ar wahanol wefannau a des i ar draws d’un di
I was looking at different websites and I came across yours
2 d’un dithau yours (compared to mine, ours, his, hers, theirs)
ETYMOLOGY: (dy = your) + (un = one) + (di = of you)
duon <DII-on> [ˡdiˑɔn] adj
1 plural form of du =
negre. Plural adjectives are no longer in use in spontaneous spoken Welsh, but
this word exists in certain fixed phrases, and in place names
mwyar duon = blackberries
(Y) Coed-duon ”(the) black trees,
(the) black wood” town in Caerffili county, called by the English “Blackwood”
Capel Taiduon Name of a Calvinist
Methodist chapel in Clynnog Fawr (county of Gwynedd)
ETYMOLOGY: (du = black) + (plural suffix -(i)on)
dur <DIIR> [diːr] masculine noun
PLURAL duroedd
<DII-roidh, -odh> [ˡdiˑrɔɪð, -ɔɪð]
1 steel
= iron modified by heating it and adding carbon
dur aloi alloy steel
dur gwrthstaen stainless steel
dur gyrru rolled steel
dur meddal mild steel
2 fel y dur as solid as a
rock, rock solid
3 (adj) steel = made of steel
gwlân dur steel wool
trawst dur steel girder
bar dur steel bar
4 crys dur hauberk (=
tunic of chain mail) (“steel shirt”)
5 pais ddur coat of mail
= medieval battledress made of linked metal rings
or overlapping metal plates
(pais = surcoat) + soft mutation + (dur = steel)
6 y diwydiant dur the
steel industry
7 gwaith dur steelworks,
steel mill
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Latin dûrus
(= hard)
From the same British root: Breton dir
(= steel)
durblatiog <dir-BLAT-yog> [dɪrˡblatjɔg] adjective
1 armoured, covered with a steel plate or steel plates
cerbyd durblatiog armoured vehicle
ETYMOLOGY: (dur = acer) + soft
mutation + (plât = plate, sheet of
metal )
durol <DII-rol> [ˡdiˑrɔl] adjective
1 as hard
as steel, steel-hard; hard and resistant; steel = like steel (because it is
hard, or of a similar greyish colour, or because it is very strong)
mahógoni durol hard mahogony
2 durable, hard-wearing
plastig sy'n wytnach, yn ysgafnach ac yn
fwy durol a plasticwhich is tougher, lighter and more durable
mae amalgam deintyddol yn fwy durol na
resin cyfansawdd neu ionomer gwydr dental amalgam is more durable than
compound resin or glass ionomer
3 North Wales (bread,
butter) not perishable, which keeps
The opposite is darfodedig =
perishable, which doesn’t keep
4 chalybeate {kəlíbiit} = containing iron salts
ffynnon ddurol chalybeate spring
5 bod ewyllys ddurol gan
(rywun) have an iron will
ETYMOLOGY: (dur = steel) + (-ol = suffix for forming adjectives)
duryn <DII-rin> [ˡdiˑrɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL durynnau
<di-RƏ-nai, -ne> [dɪˡrənaɪ, -ɛ]
1 literary (pig) snout. See trwyn, (South-west Wales) swch
2 literary (elephant)
trunk. See trwnc
3 literary (insect)
proboscis (tubular tongue used for sucking liquids in the manner of a drinking
straw) See sugnydd
4 literary (facetious)
human nose
5 steel = object made of steel; piece of steel used with a flint to
produce a spark
ETYMOLOGY: (dur = steel) + (-yn = diminutive suffix)
durwisg <DIR-wisg> [ˡdɪrwɪsg] feminine noun
PLURAL durwisgoedd
<dir-WISG-oidh, -odh> [dɪrˡwɪsgɔɪð, -ɔð]
1 armour
y ddurwisg = the armour
2 steel cladding
ETYMOLOGY: (dur = steel ) + soft
mutation + (gwisg = clothing)
DUTCH words in Welsh
..a/ howtin (Coregonus oxyrinchus) houting (type of fish)
(Welsh < English houting < Dutch)
..b/ twb, twbyn tub
(Welsh < English < Middle Dutch) (modern Dutch tobbe = tub)
duw, duwiau ‹DIU, DIU-ye› (masculine noun)
1 god
Duw God
trwy ras Duw by the grace of God
os myn Duw God willing
os Duw a’i myn God willing
Mae hi ym mynwes Duw she is with
God, she’s gone to heaven (“she is in the bosom of God”)
duwc ‹diuk›
1 An altered form of Duw (= God) in exclamations
Duwc annwyl! Dear God!
In the
English dialect of Llanidloes:
exclamatory phrase, used to express surprise or astonishment. It is a
corruption of a Welsh phrase. (Parochial Account of Llanidloes / Edward Hamer /
Chapter X / Folk-lore. Page 289 Collections Historical and Archeological
Relating to Montgomeryshire and its Borders / 1877)
Duw a gâr a’i
caro’i hunan ‹diu a gaar ai kâ roi hî-nan›
1 God helps him who helps himself, God helps those who help
ETYMOLOGY: ("(it is) God that helps who loves himself") (Duw = God) + (a that, who) + soft mutation + (câr = he / she / it loves, < caru = to love) + (a =
that, who) + (ei = his) + (caro = he may love; third-person
singular subjunctive of caru = to
love) + (ei hunan = himself). ei or i (= his) usually causes soft mutation, but in certain combinations
a following mutation does not occur (fe’i
+ conjugated verb, a’i + conjugated
dw = ydw ‹du› (verb)
1 ydw = ydw = yes, I am (reply to "wyt ti?")
dwbl, dyblau ‹DU-bul, DƏ-ble› (masculine noun)
1 double
chwarae dwbl neu ddim play double or
quits, game in which by tossing a coin, etc, it is decided whether a stake is
to be doubled or withdrawn
enw dwbl double-barreled name
(“Jones-Hopkins”, etc)
byw bywyd dwbl live a double life
ysbïwr dwbl double agent
dwbl twin pack – package containing with two identical items,
usually slightly cheaper than buying the items individually; or a pack offered
for sale instead of one with a single item, which is not available, in order to
oblige a consumer to buy two items even though only one is required
nhw ddim yn eu gwerthu fesul un – rhaid prynu pecyn dwbl They don’t
sell them in ones - you have to buy a twin pack
7 bas dwbl double bass (the Welsh
name is a literal translation of the English name. This may be The name
"double bass" may be refer to the size of the instrument (it is about
twice the size of a cello), or because the it was a double of the cello, being
used originally used to play the cello part an octave lower. The Italian name
is contrabbasso (contrabass).
dweud ‹DWEID› (verb) (unified colloquial
1 to say
(North Wales - deud)
(South Wales - gweud)
- dweud anwiredd :·: ‹dweid-an-WI-redh› (phrase) to tell a lie
- dweud celwydd ‹dweid-KE-luidh› (phrase) to tell a lie
- dweud eich dweud ‹dweid-əkh-DWEID› (verb) say what he wants to say,
get it off his chest
- dweud y gwir ‹dweid-ə-GWIIR› (phrase) tell the truth
gallu dweud yn deg fod... (I, we,
etc) can say without fear of contradiction
3 cyd-ddweud say to each other
Hebryngwyd ef at ei dadau i fynwent plwyf
Llanbrynmair, gan dyrfa fawr o wŷr bucheddol, mewn teimladau drylliog; a
phawb yn cyd-ddyweud fod “tywysog a gŵr mawr wedi cwympo yn Israel." (Cofiant y Tri Brawd / E Pan Jones / 1892 / t11)
He was taken to lie with his forefathers in the cemetery of the parish of
Llanbrynmair, by a great crowd of non-chapel people, overcome with emotion;
everybody said to each other that a ‘prince and a great man had fallen in
4 ddywedwch chi would you
Pa aderyn ddywedwch chi yw hwnna? What bird would you say that is?
dwfn ‹du
-vun› adjective
PLURAL dyfnion ‹dovn -yon›
1 deep = far down from the surface
llyn dwfn a deep lake
afon ddofn a deep river
dwfn, dwfn / yn ddwfn, ddwfn very deep
Yr oedd yr ystafell ym mhen arall y bwthyn yn ddwfn,
ddwfn, yn y ddaear
The room at the other end of the cottage was very deep in the ground
2 mewn dwfn anobaith in the depths of despair
(“in deep despair”)
mewn anobaith dwfn in deep despair, plunged in despair
dwfn ‹DU-vun› (noun)
1 (in some expressions) depth
2 yn nwfn eich calon deep down, at the bottom of one’s heart (“in
(the) depth (of) your heart”)
3 mentro i’r dwfn set out to
sea (“venture to the deep”)
dwfr ‹DU-vur› (masculine noun)
1 obsolete form of dŵr =
water; seen as dyfr- in derivative
dyfroedd = waters
dyfrháu = to water
dwg ‹duug › verb
brings, will bring (third person singular present-future of the verb dwyn = to bring)
bonedd a ddwg gyfrifoldeb noblesse
oblige, to be born into the nobility implies the need for high moral principles
and just behaviour (“(it-is) nobility which brings responsibility”)
dwgid ‹du -gid› verb
1 (South Wales) steal; nick, pinch, swipe
See: dwgyd
dwgyd ‹du -gid› verb
1 (South Wales) steal; nick, pinch, swipe
dwgyd (rhywbeth) oddi ar (rywun)
steal (something) from (somebody), steal (something) off (somebody)
See dwyn
ETYMOLOGY: Reformation of the verbnoun dwyn:
(dwg- stem of the verb dwyn = to steal) + (-yd suffix for forming verbs)
dw i ‹du-i› (verb)
1 I am (unified colloquial Welsh)
Also written as one word dwi
Dwi’n meddwl ei fod e’n iawn I think he’s right
Dwi yma i gyfarfod â’r ymwelwyr o Iwerddon I’m here to meet the visitors
from Ireland
dw i isho ‹du-I-sho› [dʊˡiʃɔ] (verb)
1 colloquial northern pronunciation of rydw i eisiau (= I
want) > dw i isho
Dw i isho bod yn Sais I want to be an Englishman
dwisho / dw isho
‹du-I-sho› [dʊˡiʃɔ] (verb)
1 colloquial northern pronunciation of rydw i eisiau (= I
want) > dw i isho > dwisho
1973 - Huw Jones yn cael llwyddiant mawr efo Dw Isho Bod yn Sais 1973 -
Huw Jones has a bit hit (Success) with “I want to be an Englishman’ (a song
with sarcastic lyrics)
dwl ‹dul› [dʊl] adjective
PLURAL dylion
‹dəl-yon› [ˡdəlyɔn]
1 daft,
stupid, dull-witted
bod yn chwarter call a dwl be a real
dunce ("be a quarter wise and dull")
dwl bared "as daft as a
wall" (dwl = daft) + soft
mutation + (pared = wall)
dwl bost "as daft as a
gatepost" (dwl = daft) + soft
mutation + (post = gatepost,
dwl fel defaid as daft as sheep
mor ddwl â chambren as daft as a
butcher’s tree (frame for hanging a pig’s carcass)
mor ddwl â jac y rhaca as daft as a
water boatman (aquatic insect)
mor ddwl â hwilber as daft as a
Paid bod mor ddwl! Don’t be so
Dylaf dwl, dwl hen (proverb) the
daftest dolt, an old dolt (South Wales
dwl dwla, dwl hen)
mad, daft, senseless, irrational
Dyna fyd dwl yw hwn This is a mad
old world
dwl eich clyw hard of hearing
“Maingc i’r Dyla’i Clyw” = “bench
for the hardest of hearing” (old inscription on a bench in the church of
Dolwyddelan, in the county of Conwy)
(In literary Welsh, with modern spelling: Mainc
i’r dylaf eu clyw; less formally, as in the inscription, Mainc i’r dyla’u clyw, with the loss of the final [v] of a
polysyllabic word – dyla – which is general in colloquial Welsh, and the
contraction of eu > ’u, though both are pronounced [i:]
dwl o ddeall slow to realise
Yr ydym fel Cymry yn ddwl o ddeall ar
brydiau brydferthwch rhyfeddol ein gwlad ein hunain
As Welsh people we are slow sometimes to realise the incredible beauty of our
own country
bod yn ddwl am be infatuated with,
be mad on
North Wales (weather) dull, overcast
(color) dull, not bright
glas dwl dull blue
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh dwl 1500- <
Middle English dul (= blessed) <
Old English dol.
The corresponding word in
German is toll (= mad). Cf also
Greek tholeros (= confused).
dwldy ‹dul -di› [ˡdʊldɪ] masculine noun
PLURAL dwldai
‹dul -dai› [ˡdʊldai]
(South-east Wales, now obsolete) tavern
Daniel Owen o Lanharan, gwehydd, a
ddaeth i fyw i Donyrefail.
Pan ymadawodd a Thonyrefail, fe ddywedir
iddo wneud englyn, a dyma fo –
“Ni ddof i’r Ton ond hynny,
I geisio gwau na chlymu:
Waith dyna rhai sy’n mynd a’r crop
Yw gwyr y siop a’r dwldy.
(Hanes Tonyrefail - Atgofion am y Lle a’r Hen Bobl.
Thomas Morgan. 1899, Caerdydd. Tudalen 63)
Daniel Owen from Llanharan, weaver, who came to live in Tonyrefail from
Llanharan. When he left Tonyrefail, they say that he composed an englyn, and
this is it
I won’t come to Ton (Tonyrefail) except ?at that time
To try to weave and to bind / to tie together
Because the people who take the crop (?who get the money)
Are the people of the shop and the tavern
ETYMOLOGY: ‘stupid house’, probably in the sense of ‘house of people stupified
by alcohol’
(dwl = dull, stupid) + soft mutation
+ (ty = house)
NOTE: the expected form would be *dyldi,
since w becomes y in the penult; but in southern colloquial Welsh this change
generally does not happen
Dwlish ‹duu-lish› [ˡduˑlɪʃ] feminine noun
1 a local form of the village name Dowlais (county of Merthyrtudful). Also Dowlish ‹dou-lish›
ETYMOLOGY: Dwlish < Dowlish (qv)
dyfroedd ‹DUUR, DƏV-roidh, -odh› [duːr, ˡdəvroið, -ɔð] (masculine noun)
1 water
atal y cyflenwad dŵr cut off the water supply
2 troi fel cwpan mewn dŵr be chopping and changing (“turn like
a cup in water”)
fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland
tynnu dŵr o’ch llygaid make
(your) eyes water (“draw water from your eyes”)
Roedd y mwg yn tynnu dŵr o’n llyged
The smoke was making my eyes water
Bu’r yr awel yn brathu nes tynnu dŵr
o'm llygaid i The wind was so sharp it made my eyes water (“the wind bit
until it drew water from my eyes”)
tynnu dŵr o’ch ddannedd make
your mouth water (“draw water from your teeth”)
Roedd arogleuon y madarch yn ffrïo yn
tynnu dŵr o ’nannedd
The smell of the mushrooms frying was making my mouth water
uwchláw’r dŵr afloat
cadw llong uwchláw’r dŵr keep a
ship afloat
dŵr “like water”
wneud e do it = have sex
hi’n ei wneud e fel dŵr She fucks like a bunny rabbit (“she
does it like water”)
llyffant y dŵr or broga’r dŵr (Rana lessonae) pool
(Seamanship) dŵr twll sbydu bilge
water (“water (of) (the) hole (of) emptying”)
dŵr croyw fresh water
pysgodyn dŵr croyw freshwater
(Gobio gobio) llyfrothen dŵr croyw
(f), llyfrothod dŵr croyw gudgeon
can dŵr watering can
place names:
..........a) Pant-y-dŵr “(the)
hollow (of) the water / the stream” (pant
= hollow) + (y = definite article) +
(dŵr = water, stream)
..........b) Pentre-dŵr
..a/ street name in Rhosllannerchrugog, county of Wrecsam
..b/ village west of Llangollen, county of Dinbych
..c/ village south of Y Trallwng (SS6996) in the county of Abertawe
“pentre’r dŵr” “(the) ‘pentre’ (by the) stream”
(pentre / pentref village; formerly
‘edge of a trêv or township’) + (’r
definite article) + (dŵr =
water; stream).
fel cario dŵr mewn shif (said
of an impossible task) like carrying water in a sieve
dwrgi ‹dur -gi› [ˡdʊrgɪ] masculine noun
PLURAL dwrgwn ‹dur -gun› [ˡdʊrgʊn]
South Wales
1 form of dyfrgi = otter
dwrn, dyrnau ‹DURN, DƏR-ne› [dʊrn, ˡdərnai, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
1 fist
dyrnu to beat, to hit
dyrnu rhywun yn racs knock the shit
out of somebody, beat somebody into a pulp, give somebody a severe beating
(“punch someone into rags”)
dwsin, dwsinau ‹DU-sin, du-SI-ne› [ˡdʊsɪn, dʊˡsiˑnai,
-ɛ] (masculine
1 dozen
dwster, dwsteri ‹DU-ster, du-STE-ri› [ˡdʊstɛr, dʊˡsteˑrai,
-ɛ] (masculine
1 duster
..1 dwy ‹dui› (feminine noun)
1 two
y ddwy = the two
2 ar ddwy (= ar ddwywaith) at the second attempt (“on two (times)”)
3 Formerly used in dual forms
for body parts – survives in
dwylo hands (= dwy law “two
hands” < llaw = hand), and
dwyffroen nostrils ( = dwy ffroen
“two nostrils” < ffroen = nostril)
Obsolete forms are
dwyglust (= dwy glust “two ears”
< clust = ear)
dwydroed (= dwy droed” < troed
= foot),
See dau (= two)
..2 dwy ‹dui› masculine noun
1 obsolete god, goddess;
found as an element in old compound words, especially place names
(1) Dwy – a river in the Llyn peninsula; in fact there are two Dwy
rivers which are roughly parallel; the outlet into the sea is just below the
place where they fall together as one river
two branches are: Dwyfor (big Dwy, the greater of the two
Dwy rivers), Dwyfach (little Dwy,
the lesser of the two Dwy rivers).
Mawr (= big) and Bach (=
small) are used to differentiate two branches of a river in many river names in
Wales (Rhondda Fawr / Rhondda Fach etc);
here though the adjectives are part of a compound word
*Dwy Fawr > *Dwyfawr > Dwyfor
*Dwy Fach > Dwyfach
Llanystumdwy SH4738 (village in Gwynedd) – “(the) church (by the) bend (of the)
Dwy (river)”; this river is now called the Dwyfor
(2) Dyfrdwy (water / river) +
(goddess). In English, this is known as the river Dee, from the old British
name. This was Dêva, which was the name the Romans used for their camp on the
eastern bank of the river at what is today Chester, on the Welsh border.
(3) meudwy = hermit ‘servant (of)
God’ (meu < mau obsolete Welsh = lad, servant) + (dwy = god / God)
ETYMOLOGY: (1) British dêv(a) > Welsh
dwyw > dwy (loss of the final w).
British ê generally becomes the
diphthong wy in Welsh; and ‹v› becomes the semi-consonant ‹w›
(2) See duw (= god) < dyw < dwyw
dwybunt ‹dui-bint› feminine noun
1 two pounds (English money)
y ddwybunt the two pounds
ETYMOLOGY: ‘two pounds’; (dwy = two
- feminine form) + soft mutation + (punt
= pound)
dwyffordd ‹DUI-fordh;-to-kin-DUI-fordh› (adjective)
1 round ticket (Englandic: return ticket)
*Dwyfon ‹DUI-von› [ˡdʊɪvɔn feminine
1 This
would be the Welsh name of the River Don in Scotland which flows into the sea
at Aberdeen. In the Roman era it was “Devona” in Latin (and presumably the same
in British).
modern Welsh it is Afon Don,
though this is afon + the current English name Don, and not a survival of an Old Welsh name.
The original settlement of Aberdeen was sited on the
south bank of the river at its confluence with the sea. Aberdeen is in fact
“Aber Don”. The name
occurs as Aberdoen (1178), and Aberden (1214).
The Scottish Gaelic name for Aberdeen is Obar
Dheathain [ɔbərˡjehɪn] , (a variant is Obaireadhain [ɔbərˡen] ) where the original proto-Welsh form aber (= confluence),
corresponding to modern Welsh aber, has been Gaelicised.
+ Don “(the) mouth (of) (the river) Don”,
A Tour
Through the Whole Island of Great Britain (1724). Daniel Defoe.
Aberdeen is
divided into two towns or cities, and stands in the mouth of two rivers; one on
the River Don, the other on the River Dee. The market-place, which is very
beautiful and spacious; and the streets adjoining are very handsome and well
built, the houses lofty and high.
The two rivers, the Don and
the Dee flow into the North Sea about two miles apart. In between is central
Aberdeen. (In 1750 the Don’s final stretch was channelled, and its confluence
with the sea was moved further to the north).
The original settlement,
referred to historically as Aberdon, lay at the northern end of today's city,
on the south bank of the River Don. This was later the burgh of Old Aberdeen.
Old Baerdeen is now a part of the City of Aberdeen. The name Aberdon is used locally in Aberdeen in a couple of names for
buildings (Aberdon House, Aberdon Court).
is also the Manx Gaelic name for the city.
River Don was known by the Romans as Devona
the north bank of the River Don is the district of Bridge of Don (Scots: Brig
O’ Don) (Gaelic Drochaid Dheadhain) SY9582
original Brig o’ Don is now Brig o’ Balgownie Brig o’ Balgownie
bridge half a mile downstream, built in 1830, is now called Brig o’ Don.
In 1136 King David I
founded "New Aberdeen" on the north bank of the River Dee (Geilic:
Uisge Dè). Properly it should have been called “Aber Dee / Aberdee”.
NJ9304 River Dee in Aberdeen
ETYMOLOGY: (Dev- < Deva – name of a goddess) + (-on-a suffix
found in some names of female deities) > Devona
Deva was the British name
for Afon Dyfrdwy / River Dee (qv)
Dwygyfylchi ‹dui-gə-VəL-xi › [ˌdʊɪgəˡvəlxɪ]
1 name
of a parish between the headlands of Penmaen Mawr and Penmaen Bach
2 SH7376 village at the eastern end of the parish, with housing built mainly in the 1930’s.
3 Electoral ward within Penmaen-mawr
y pentre oddi uchod / looking down on the village
yr eglwys / the church
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically
representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great
Britain and Ireland…”)
NOTE: a local name for
Dwygyfylchi is “yr hen bentre” (= the old village) (wikipedia entry
has “yr hen bentra”, which would seem to be a more correct pronunciation for
north-west Wales) according to this author:
(delw (delwedd 7423)
The guide books of the time were thoroughly confused; the “Gossiping Guide
to Wales
But if the guide book compilers were confusing the issue the inhabitants of
‘yr hen bentre’ (the old village) as it was being affectionately called, and
still is, were quite clear in their minds as to the correct name. In 1907 it
was suggested at a Council Meeting that Capelulo Post Office be changed to
Dwygyfylchi Post Office, but Dr. Picton of Caerlyr and twenty eight residents
protested against the change and none was made.
Author not stated; from the “Penmaenmawr Historical Society Booklet
ETYMOLOGY: There is mention of the place in the 1500s as y ddwy gyfylchi “the
two forts”
(y definite article) + soft mutation + (dwy = two) + soft
mutation + (cyfylchi = fort)
word cyfylchi is (cyfylch- < cyfwlch = complete,
perfect; circle) + (-i noun suffix)
are also two locations in Wales called Y Gyfylchi.
Y Gyfylchi is “the fort” (y =
definite article) + soft mutation + (cyfylchi
= fort)
1 SS8095 In the
south-east, by Pont-rhyd-y-fen in Castell-nedd ac Aberafan county:
..a/ Y Gyfylchi (= the fort),
..b/ Bwlch y Gyfylchi
(= the pass of Y Gyfylchi),
..c/ Craig y Gyfylchi (=
the rock of Y Gyfylchi),
..d/ Capel y Gyfylchi (=
the chapel of Y Gyfylchi)
..e/ There was also Twnel y Gyfylchi (“Gyfylchi Tunnel”) on the South
Wales Mineral Railway, later called Twnel y Ton-mawr (“Ton-mawr Tunnel”)
2 Y Gyfylchi (Formerly) in the south-east, in the county of Mynwy /
Monmouth, between Llaneuddogwy and Tryleg:
Query: Is this today’s
“Beacon Hill” SH8076?
dwylath ‹DUI-lath› [ˡduilaθ] feminine noun
1 two yards,
six foot, 182.88 cm
dyn dwylath o daldra a man six foot
Mae dan ddwylath o bridd He’s dead
and buried, He’s six foot under, He’s pushing up the daisies (“he’s under two
yards of earth”)
ETYMOLOGY: (dwy = two, feminine
form) + soft mutation + (llath
(feminine noun) = yard)
dwylo ‹DUI-lo› [ˡduilɔ] (plural noun)
1 hands, plural of llaw
A colloquial form is d’ylo / dulo
ETYMOLOGY: dwylo “two
hands” < dwylaw < dwy law (dwy
= two, feminine form) + soft mutation + (llaw
= hand)
The diphthing aw in
a final syllable in older Welsh generally becomes the simple vowel o
dwyn ‹DUIN› [duin] (verb)
1 bring
dwyn gwarth ar bring shame on,
be a disgrace to
bear, carry
y baich rw i’n gorfod ’i ddwyn the
cross I have to bear (“the burden I am obliged to carry”) (said of a person or
matter for which a person takes responsibility even though it causes him or her
many problems)
bring = be accompanied by
Bonedd a ddwg gyfrifoldeb Noblesse
oblige (= to be born into the nobility implies the need for high moral
principles and just behaviour) (“(it-is) nobility which brings responsibility”)
cyrch ar make a sortie against (“carry a raid on”)
dial (ar rywun) (am rywbeth) take revenge (on somebody) (for
something), revenge oneself (on somebody) (for something)
dwyn achwyniad (yn erbyn rhywun)
present / lodge a complaint (against somebody)
(South Wales) dwgyd or dwgid steal; nick, pinch, swipe
dwgyd (rhywbeth) oddi ar (rywun)
steal (something) from (somebody), steal (something) off (somebody)
Reformation of the verbnoun dwyn: (dwg- stem of the verb dwyn = to steal) + (-yd suffix for forming verbs)
9 tramgwydd yn dwyn cosb o garchar
imprisonable offence
10 dwyn cywilydd ar make
(somebody) feel ashamed (“bring shame on”)
dwyn yr hen i dalu’r newydd to rob
Peter to bay Paul (“steal the old to pay for the new”)
dwyn o’r naill law i dalu’r llall to
rob Peter to bay Paul (“steal from one hand he to pay the other”)
talu’r hen a dwyn y newydd to rob
Peter to bay Paul (“pay for the old thing and steal the new thing”)
dwyn o flaen
eich gwell ‹duin o VLAIN əkh GWELH›
1 dwyn (rhywun) o flaen ei
well to take (someone) to court, to bring (someone) to justice
ETYMOLOGY: "bring before one’s better, one’s superior" (dwyn = bring) + (o flaen = before) + (eich
= your) + (gwell = better)
dwyn o flaen
llys milwrol ‹duin o VLAIN lhiis
1 dwyn (rhywun) o flaen llys
milwrol to court martial (someone)
ETYMOLOGY: "bring before (a) military court" (dwyn = bring) + (o flaen
= before) + (llys = court) + (milwrol = military)
Dwynwen ‹DUIN-wen› (feminine noun)
1 woman’s name, saint’s name
dwyrain ‹DUI-ren› (masculine noun)
1 east
2 y Doethion o’r Dwyrain the Three Wise Men (“the wise-ones from the
Dwyryd ‹DUI-rid› (f)
1 Afon Dwyryd, a
river flowing through Maentwrog, Gwynedd
dwys ‹DUIS› (adverb)
1 intense
2 distawrwydd dwys deep
dwyso ‹DUI-so› (v)
1 intensify, deepen
ETYMOLOGY: (dwys = intense) + (-o suffix for forming verbs)
dwyso ‹DUI-so› (v)
1 soft-mutated form of twyso,
colloquial for tywyso (= to lead)
dwyster ‹duis -ter› masculine noun
1 intensity
ETYMOLOGY: (dwys = intense) + (-ter suffix for forming abstract nouns)
dwyt ti ddim ‹du-i ti DHIM› (verb)
1 you’re not
< nid wyt ti ddim <
nid wyt
dwywaith ‹DUI-waith, -eth› (adverb)
1 twice
2 ar ddwywaith at the
second attempt
Fe gododd y sach ar ddwywaith He
lifted the sack the second time he tried
dwywaith hyd rhywbeth twice as long
as, double the length of
bod ddwywaith hyd rhywbeth be twice
as long as, be double the length of
4 cymaint ddwywaith twice
as big
bod cymaint ddwywaith â be twice as
big as
dwywaith gymaint twice as big
bod ddwywaith gymaint â be twice as
big as
bod ddwywaith yn gynt na be twice as
fast as
(North Wales) doubt
in the phrase: does dim dwywaith fod...
there's no doubt that, no question that, it's certain that
does dim dwywaith nad... there's no
doubt that ... not....
dy ‹DƏ› (determiner)
1 your
Followed by the soft mutation
dy gyfaill your friend
In colloquial Welsh, generally with a final support pronoun
dy gyfaill di your friend (“your
friend (of) you”)
1 dy- ‹də › prefix
1 prefix
(= bad) used before verbs and nouns.
In some cases with soft mutation: (C>G, P>B, T>D; G>zero, B>F,
D>DD; M>F, LL>L, RH>R);
in other cases with spirant mutation (C>CH, P>PH, T>TH)
Soft mutation:
(pryd = aspect, appearance) dy +
pryd > (dybryd = horrible)
(*gar = sound) dy + *gâr > (dyar = noise) (obsolete word)
Spirant mutation:
(cân-, stem of canu = to sing) dy + cân- > (dychan = satire)
ETYMOLOGY: British (*do = bad) <
Celtic *dus
cf British (*so = good) (modern
Welsh hy-) : hylaw (= dexterous), hyfryd
= pleasant)
Cornish de-, Breton di-
Irish do-
Greek du (= bad) (pepsis = digestion, duspepsia = dyspepsia)
2 dy ‹də › prefix
1 intensifying
prefix used before verbs and nouns.
In some cases with soft mutation: (C-G, where C is the radical and G is the
mutated form; and so P-B, T-D; G-zero, B-F, D-DD; M-F, LL-L, RH-R);
in other cases with spirant mutation (C-CH, P-PH, T-TH)
intensifier with soft mutation
..a/ (bod = be)
dy + bod > (dyfod = to come)
..b/ (chwêl < chwyl = turn)
dy + chwêl > (dychwelyd = return,
come back)
..c/ (cryn-, crynnu = quake, shiver)
dy + cryn > (dychryn = frighten)
: ..d/ (llyfu = lick)
dy + llyfu > (dylyfu = to lick, dylyfu gên = to yawn) (SOFT MUTATION)
..e/ (pannu = hit, beat)
dy + pannu > (dybannu = work
ETYMOLOGY: British *dô < Celtic *dô
Cornish prefix de- (corresponds to
the Cornish preposition dhe),
Breton prefix di- (corresponds to
the Breton preposition da)
Irish prefix do- (corresponds to the
Irish preposition do)
cf. the English prefix to- (from the
preposition to) tomorrow, etc
dyblu ‹DƏ-bli› (verb)
1 to double
2 Dyblwch hi! At the double! (“double
dych chi ‹di-khi› (verb)
1 (basis of northern colloquial forms) you are
North-west dach chi, north-east dech chi
dych chi ddim ‹di-khi-DHIM› (verb)
1 (basis of northern colloquial forms) you are not
North-west dach chi ddim, north-east
dech chi ddim
dychmgyol ‹dəkh-
-gol› adjective
1 imaginary = invented, not real
Aem at bobl y farchnad a dweud wrthynt fod “John Jones, Tŷ-gwyn,” neu ryw berson dychmygol arall, yn ymofyn ei
weled yn y fan-ar-fan
We would go up to the people in the market and say to them that John Jones, of
Tŷ-gwyn, or some other imaginary person, was asking to see them in such
and such a place
ETYMOLOGY: dychmygol < dych’mygol < dychymygol (dychymyg-,
stem of dychymygu = imagine) + (-ol suffix for forming
dychmygu ‹dəkh-MƏ-gi› (verb)
1 imagine
Ni ellid dychmygu harddach merch A more beautiful girl could not be
2 dychmygu pethau yr ych chi you're
just imagining things, it's just a figment of your imagination (“(it’s)
imagining things that you are”)
dychryn ‹DƏKH-rin› (verb)
1 frighten
dychryn am eich hoedl ‹DƏKH-rin-am-i-HOI-dəl› (verb) get the fright of one’s life ("be frightened
for one’s life")
dychryn drwy eich esgidiau ‹DƏKH-rin-drui-i-SKID-ye› (verb) get the fright of
one’s life ("be frightened through one’s boots")
dychwelyd ‹dəkh-WE-lid› (verb)
1 return, come back
Megys y dychwel y ci at ei chwydfa like the dog that returns to its own vomit, in
the same way that a dog returns to its vomit (said of someone who is attracted back
to what is unpleasant or harmful, such as an addiction or bad company)
Pedr-2 2:22 Eithr digwyddodd iddynt yn ôl y wir ddihareb, Y ci a
ymchwelodd at ei chwydfa ei hun; a’r hwch wedi ei golchi, i’w hymdreiglfa yn y
Peter-2 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The
dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her
wallowing in the mire
3 Onis danfonir, dychweler at yr
If undelivered, please return to sender
dydach chi ddim ‹də-da-chi-DHIM› (verb)
1 you’re not (North-west)
dydan nhw ddim ‹də-da-nhu-/-nu-DHIM› (verb)
1 they’re not (North-west)
dydan ni ddim ‹də-da-ni-DHIM› (verb)
1 we’re not (North-west)
dydd, dyddiau ‹DIIDH, DƏDH-ye› (masculine noun)
1 day
2 gefn dydd golau in broad daylight
3 ar derfyn dydd at close of
day, at the end of the day
4 lliw dydd daylight;
liw dydd (adverb) by day, in daylight, in broad daylight;
(there is soft mutation of the first consonant of an adverbial phrase, in this
case ll > l)
breuddwydio liw dydd daydreaming
5 ar y dydd
a’r dydd on such and such a day, on a certain day, some day in the week
Fe âi e i’r dre ar y dydd a’r dydd i
godi ei bensiwn
He used to go into town on a certain day in the week to collect his pension
“on the day and day” (ar = on) + (y dydd = the day) + (a’r = and the) + (dydd = day)
Dyddiau dedwydd oedd y rheini Those
were happy days, Those were the days
7 ryw ddydd a ddaw one of these days, someday
dyddiau dedwydd happy days
ddydd ar ôl dydd day after day
(dydd = day) + (ar ôl = after) + (dydd =
There is soft mutation of an initial consonant in adverbial phrases. hence dydd > ddydd
10 undydd
..a/ (noun) a single day
Nid mewn undydd y codwyd Rhufain Rome was not built in a day
..b/ (adjective) one-day
ysgol undydd one-day conference, one-day learning session (“school (of)
one day”)
(un = one) + (dydd = day)
mewn hen ddyddiau in
one’s old age
ennill digon o arian i fod yn gyfforddus mewn hen
earn enough money to be comfortable in one’s old age
-dydd ‹DIIDH›
Second element of the place name Caerdydd (in fact, Caer-dydd would be a
better spelling).
Caerdydd / Caer-dydd (Cardiff) is a divergent
local form of the historic name Caer-dyf, which is made up of caer (=
Roman fort, Roman settlement) and Taf (= the name of the river).
The English form Cardiff
is based on the older Welsh form Caer-dyf.
In the dialect of the
area the final f [v] in the Welsh name was later replaced by dd
[dh], that is, (-dyf > -dydd).
This change f > dd occurs
colloquially in a handful of words in Welsh in some dialects, such as plwyf
(= parish) > plwydd, and tyfu (= to grow) > tyddu.
Mae popeth yn cymryd amser i dyddu, ishta gwetws yr iâr
wrth y cyw.
Everything takes time to grow, as the hen said to
the chicken.
(spelling amended) Mwyar Duon / D. James (Defynnog) The Welsh Leader 25 05 1906
the story, this is said by the a Welshman who is a native of the vicinity of
Analysing the name as a moden Welsh compound, we have Caer-dydd < Caer-dyf (caer = Roman fort) + soft mutation + (Tyf < British *tam-î, “(of the river) Taf”)
Caer is unusually linked to a river
name here – other riverside caer names are qualified in other ways –
generally by district names or personal names.
Dydd Calan ‹diidh-ka-lan› masculine noun
1 New Year’s Day, January the first ("(the) day (of) (the)
calend (of January)") (USA: New Years, January first)
rhwng y Nadolig a Dydd Calan between
Christmas and New Year’s Day
- dydd da ‹diidh-DAA› (phrase) good day (greeting)
- dydd gweithio ‹diidh GWEITH-yo› (masculine noun) working
- dydd Gwener ‹diidh GWEE-ner› (masculine noun) Friday
- dydd Iau ‹diidh YAI› (masculine noun) Thursday
- dydd Llun ‹diidh LHIIN› (masculine noun) Monday
- dydd Mawrth ‹diidh MAURTH› (masculine noun) Tuesday
- dydd Mercher ‹diidh MER-kher› (masculine noun) Wednesday
- dydd pen-blwydd ‹diidh pen-BLUIDH› birthday
- dydd Sadwrn ‹diidh SAA-durn› (masculine noun) Saturday
- dydd Sul ‹diidh SIIL› (masculine noun) Sunday
2 dydd yr Arglwydd the
Sabbath, the Lord’s Day,
cadw dydd yr Arglwydd keep the
Lord’s Day, keep the Sabbath, observe the Lord’s Day
bod wedi gweld eich dyddiau gwell to
have seen better days (“to have seen one’s better days”)
taro ar ddyddiau drwg fall on hard
as a second element in some literary words
gwawrddydd dawn, daybreak (gwawr = dawn) + soft mutation + (dydd = day)
nawnddydd afternoon; evening (nawn = noon) + soft mutation + (dydd = day)
rai dyddiau cyn hynny some days
rai dyddiau ar ôl hyn some days
after this
dyddfu ‹dədh -vi›
1 (verb without object) to faint, to flag
Genesis 47:13 Ac
nid oedd bara yn yr holl wlad: canys y newyn oedd drwm iawn; fel yr oedd gwlad yr
Aifft, a gwlad Canaan, yn dyddfu gan y newyn.
Genesis 47:13 And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very
sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of
the famine.
2 (verb with object) cause to faint, cause to feel faint, overwhelm
North-west Wales: deddfu
Mae’r gwres ’ma’n ddigon â ’neddfu i
This heat saps the strength out of me (“is enough with overwhelming me”)
dyddiadau ‹DƏDH-yad, dədh-YAA-de› (masculine noun)
1 date
- (Dydd Iau, y pedwerydd ar ddeg o
Orffennaf) Thursday, July 14th
- (Dydd Llun, yr ail o Fai) Monday,
May second
dyddiaduron ‹dədh-YAA-dir, dədh-ya-DII-ron› (masculine noun)
1 diary
dyddiau ‹DƏDH-ye› (plural noun)
1 days – plural of dydd
y dyddiau hynny ‹ə dədh-ye hə-ni› adverb
1 in those days, at that time in the past
ETYMOLOGY: (y = the) + (dyddiau = days) + (hynny = those)
dyddio ‹dədh-yo› verb
verb with an object
1 date = put a date on a document
Mewn llythyr a ddyddiwyd ar Orffennaf
2 date = ascribe (a work of art, artefact, etc) to a date or a
verb without an object
3 dyddio o = date from,
date back to; have its origin in a specified period or a specified year
Mae’r felin flawd hon yn dyddio o’r
bymthegfed ganrif
this flour mill dates back to the fifteenth century
4 to get light, to become daylight, to begin to get light, to dawn,
Rhaid i chi gyrraedd cyn ei bod yn
You must arrive before it begins to get light
ETYMOLOGY: (dydd = day) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)
dydech chi ddim ‹də-de-khi-DHIM› (verb)
1 you’re not (North-east)
dyden ni ddim ‹də-de-ni-DHIM› (verb)
1 we’re not (North-east)
dydi o ddim ‹də-di-o-DHIM› (verb)
1 he’s not (North-east, -west)
dydw i ddim ‹də-du-i-DHIM› (verb)
1 she’s not (North-east, -west)
dydych chi ddim ‹də-di-khi-DHIM› (verb)
1 you’re not (unified colloquial Welsh)
dydy e ddim ‹də-di-e-DHIM› (verb)
1 he’s not (unified colloquial Welsh)
dydy hi ddim ‹də-di-hi-DHIM› (verb)
1 (North Wales) she’s not
dydyn nhw ddim ‹də-di-nu-DHIM› (verb)
1 they’re not (unified colloquial Welsh)
dydyn ni ddim ‹də-di-ni-DHIM› (verb)
1 we’re not (unified colloquial Welsh)
dydy o ddim ‹də-di-o-DHIM› (verb)
1 he’s not (north)
dyfal ‹DƏ-val› (adjective)
1 diligent
dyfal ‹DƏ-val› (adjective)
1 in place names in the south-east, apparently a local form of difael
= unprofitable; (di- privative prefix) + soft mutation + (mael =
profit, advantage, reward, from Middle English vail, avail < Old
French vail- to be worth < Latin valêre to be strong) (Modern
French valoir = to be worth, ça vaut le coup – it’s worth the effort; etc)
Y Waun Ddyfal former heathland in
Caer-dydd / Cardiff around Heol y Crwys / Crwys Road.
English name: Little
dyfalbarhâd ‹də-val-bar-HAAD› (masculine noun)
1 diligence, perseverance
dyfaliad ‹də-
vAl -yad› masculine noun
PLURAL dyfaliadau ‹ə-val-yâ -de›
1 conjecture, guess, speculation
dyfaliad ar antur shot in the dark, wild guess (“guess at random”)
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfal-, stem of dyfalu = to guess) + (-iad
suffix for forming nouns )
dyfalu ‹də-VA-li› (verb)
1 guess
Dyfan ‹DƏ-van› (masculine noun)
1 man’s name
dyfarniadau ‹də-VARN-yad, də-varn-YA-de› (masculine noun)
1 verdict
dyfarnu ‹də- var
1 (verb without an object) judge
(verb without an object) arbitrate
rhywun yn ddoethur award a doctorate to someone
ETYMOLOGY: dyfarnu < difarnu < (di-
intensifying prefix or negative prefix) + soft mutation + (barnu = to judge)
dyfarnwr ‹də-
var -nur› masculine noun
PLURAL dyfarnwyr
‹də- varn -wir›
1 referee
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfarn- stem of the verb dyfarnu = to judge,
pass judgement) + (-wr suffix = man)
Dyfed ‹DƏ-ved› (feminine noun)
1 Territory in the south-west, and a county 1972-1996
Dyfedeg ‹də-VE-deg› (feminine noun)
1 the dialect of Dyfed, the dialect of South-west Wales
y Ddyfedeg = the dialect of Dyfed
dyffryn ‹də-frin› [ˡdəfrɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL dyffrynnoedd
‹də-fri-nodh› [dəˡfrənoið, -ɔð]
1 valley
= broad valley; usually a U-shaped valley (glaciated).
argáu dyffryn to dam a valley
2 In names which have been Englished, it is found as ‘valley’ or 'vale' in the
English translation
Dyffryn Clwyd (the valley of the
river Clwyd) > “The Vale of Clwyd”
Dyffryn Conwy (the valley of the
river Conwy) > “The Vale of Conwy / Conway”
Dyffryn Lliw (the valley of the
river Lliw) > “Lliw Valley”
Dyffryn Taf (the valley of the river
Taf) > “Taff Vale”
3 dyffryn siâp U a U-shaped valley
dyffryn siâp V a V-shaped valley
dyffryn hollt rift valley
4 codi argae ar draws dyffryn
to dam a valley
5 lili’r dyffrynnoedd (Convallarta
majalis) lily of the valley
y dyffryn Bacha hwn this vale of
Salmau 84:6 Y rhai yn myned trwy
ddyffryn Bacha a’i gwnânt yn ffynnon: a’r glaw a leinw y llynnau.
Salms 84:6 Who passing through the valley
of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.
The valley of Baca was held to be dry and barren, and is used in the sense
of a place or period of adversity.
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh dyffryn < dyffrynt < dyfr-hynt (=water
(dyfr-, penult form of dwfr = water) + (hynt = way, path)
Y Dyffryn ‹ə də-frin›
1 short name of places with dyffryn
as the first element
2 Official name of certain places, sometimes with the loss of
qualifying elements used in an earlier period
(1) Y Dyffryn ST7299 locality in
Casnewydd, south-east Wales
(2) Y Dyffryn SS8593 locality in
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr county
(3) Y Dyffryn SO0603 locality in
3 Y Dyffryn SH5823
locality in Meirionnydd (Gwynedd);
also Dyffrynardudwy
4 Y Dyffryn SS8593
locality in Bro Morgannwg;
also Dyffryngolych;
Population: 403 (1961)
Proportion of Welsh-speakers: 3% (1961) CAT-Z
5 Y Dyffryn Village in
the county of Ynys Môn. This is used to replace Y Fali, in use popularly in Welsh, and taken from the English name of this place “Valley”.
“Valley” apparently dates from the construction of the railway across the
island of Môn (opened from Pont y Borth / The Britannia Bridge to Caergybi /
Holyhead on 18 March, 1850.)
Rather than being a part translation of Plasdyffryn (plas y dyffryn
“manor house of the valley”) in the parish of Llanynghenedl as has been
suggested, it seems the “valley” was in fact an excavation on this section of
the line for obtaining material to build an embankment.
6 Heol y Dyffryn street
name in many places (but on maps and legal documents often in English – Dyffryn
Street, Duffryn Street, etc)
For example, it occurs in
(1) Aberpennar (on the river Cynon in the county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
(2) Pentre-bach (county of Merthyrtudful)
(3) Brynawel, near Rhisga (county of Caerffili)
NOTE: Often Anglicised as “Duffryn”. Because there is no specific letter to
represent the obscure vowel or “schwa” in English, the letter “u” is used since
in standard English it represents a similar sound in many English words (run,
cut, luck) and so more or less resembles the obscure vowel in Welsh.
Other examples of this are
(1) the village of Crymlyn in
Caerffili county, spelt as “Crumlin” in English, and
(2) Rhydri in Caerffili county, spelt in English as “Rudry”.
Dyffryn Aeron ‹də-frin ei -ron›
1 the valley of the Aeron river, South-west Wales
Dyffryn Aman ‹də-frin a -man›
1 the valley of the Aman river, South-west Wales
Dyffryn Ardudwy ‹də-frin
ar- di-dui›
1 valley in Meirionnydd (a district in the county of Gwynedd)
Dyffrynardudwy ‹də-frin
ar- di-dui›
1 locality in Meirionnydd (a district in the county of Gwynedd)
(According to rules of Welsh orthography, place names which are topographical
are spelt with the elements apart; settlement names are spelt as a single word)
(The rule though is in many cases not taken to its conclusion, so many
habitative names are spelt officially as if they were non-habitative names –
hence Dyffryn Ardudwy, the usual form for the village on the A496 road
between Harlech and Abérmaw / Barmouth)
Dyffryn Banw ‹də-frin ba -nw›
1 the valley of the Banw valley, North-east Wales
2 seat on Cyngor Sir Powys
Dyffryn Camwy ‹də-frin ka-mui›
1 valley in Patagonia
In Castilian: Valle del Chubut
This valley was settled by Welsh emigrants in 1865
ETYMOLOGY: (dyffryn = valley) + (Camwy = winding river)
See Camwy, gwy
Dyffryn Ceiriog ‹də-frin keir -yog›
1 valley in north-east Wales
Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog a village
in this valley – “the Llanarmon of the valley of the river Ceiriog”
Dyffryn Clwyd ‹də-frin kluid›
1 the valley of the river Clwyd in north-east Wales
English translation: Vale of Clwyd
division or “kantrev” (cantref) in
the medieval territory of Gwynedd Is Conwy
A couple of villages use the kantrev name as a tag to distinguish them from
other villages of the same name
Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd (= the place
called “Llanbedr” in the kantrev of Dyffryn Clwyd) - “Llanbedr” is “church
(dedicated to) Saint Peter”
Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd (= the place
called “Llanfair” in the kantrev of Dyffryn Clwyd) – “Llanfair” is “church
(dedicated to) (the Virgin) Mary”
Dyffryn Conwy ‹də-frin no -nui›
1 the valley of the river Conwy in north-west Wales
English translation: Vale of Conwy / Vale of Conway
dyffryndir ‹də- frən -dir› masculine noun
PLURAL dyffryndiroedd
1 low-lying land
ETYMOLOGY: (dyffryn- ‹də-frən› penultim form of dyffryn
= valley) +
soft mutation + (tir = land)
Dyffryn Elwy ‹də-frin e -lui›
1 valley of the river Elwy (north-east Wales)
Cynhaliwyd Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Dyffryn Elwy yn y Neuadd Goffa yn Llanfair
The Dyffryn Elwy eisteddfod was held in the memorial hall in Llanfair Talhaiarn
Llangollen ‹də-frin lhan-go-lhen›
1 the valley of the town of Llangollen, in the county of Dinbych
(north-east Wales).
English name: Vale of Llangollen
Dyffryn Lliw ‹də-frin lhiu›
1 the valley of the river Lliw in south-east Wales
For 22 years (1974-1996) a dosbarth (= district) of the former county of
Gorllewin Morgannwg; the administrative centre was in Penlle'r-gaer. The
English name was “Lliw Valley”
Proportion of Welsh-speakers: 43.2% (1981)
ETYMOLOGY: “valley of the Lliw river”
Dyffryn Llugwy ‹də-frin lhi-gui›
1 locality in Herefordshire, England
English name: Daffaluke
North-west of Glewstone there is a farm called Daffaluke (SO5522), a Daffaluke
Lane, and a Daffaluke House (The Brooklands) and Lower Daffaluke (Little
porfa yn Daffaluke Isaf / pasture at Lower Daffaluke
Nant Llugwy is called Luke Brook
porfa wrth Nant Llugwy / pasture by Luke Brook
Directions from the Watchmakers Cottage website: Follow this road past the
Glewstone Court Hotel on your left and up a gentle incline over the brow of the
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) (broad) valley (of) (the) Llugwy (stream)”
(dyffryn = broad valley) + (Llugwy stream name)
Maentwrog ‹də-frin main-TUU-rog›
1 the valley of the village of Maentwrog, in the county of Gwynedd
(north-west Wales).
English name: Vale of Ffestiniog
Y Dyffryn Mawr ‹ə də-frin maur›
1 Former name of Green Tree, near Valley Forge, in Chester County,
Pennsylvania. Although earlier documents had the correct Welsh spelling, it was
later spelt in English documents as “Duffryn Mawr”.
(delw (delwedd 7424)
(delw (delwedd 7425)
The name was changed to Green Tree by the Pennsylvania Railroad, but “Duffryn
Mawr” still occurs as a street name in Green Tree.
The name also survives in English translation as “Great Valley”, which was used
at first in the name “Great Valley Mill”, which dated from 1710 or possibly
before, and this name is now in general use for the valley and various places
named from it (Great Valley House, Great Valley Hotel, etc).
The Great Valley Mill was built by Thomas Jarman, a miller and preacher.
The “dyffryn” element is also to be seen in the township name “Tredyffrin”,
from Welsh Tre’r Dyffryn (farmstead
or town of the valley, valley farmstead, valley town), spelt in early documents
as “tre yr dyffrin”
ETYMOLOGY: y dyffryn mawr = “the great valley” (y = definite article) + (dyffryn
= valley) + (mawr = big, great)
Dyffryn Nantlle ‹də-frin nant -lle›
1 SH5052 Valley in north-west Wales. The stream called Afon
Drws-y-coed is in the upper part of the valley, flowing into Llyn Nantlle Uchaf
(upper Nantlle lake) and from the lake the river called Afon Llynfi flows down
the valley to the sea
The name occurs in the name of the secondary school in this valley -
Ysgol Dyffryn Nantlle
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) (broad) valley (of) (the village of) Nantlle”.
The name of the village of Nantlle SH5153 is in fact the older name for the
valley - Nant Lleu “(the) valley (of) Lleu”
pentre Nantlle / Nantlle village
Y Dyffryn Oer ‹də-frin oir›
1 valley in Patagonia
ETYMOLOGY: y dyffryn oer (= “the cold valley”)
(y = definite article) + (dyffryn = valley) + (oer = cold)
Dyffryn Ogwen ‹də-frin og -wen›
1 valley of the river Ogwen
The name occurs in the name of the secondary school in this valley at Bethesda
Ysgol Dyffryn Ogwen
Dyffryn Rhôn ‹də-frin hroon›
1 valley of the River Roina in Occitania
(French name: Rhône)
Dyffrynrhondda ‹də-frin rhon -dha›
(SS8593) locality in the county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, on the south side of the
river Afan, 5km north-west of Maes-teg, on the rod which goes down from Y Cymer
to Cwmafan
Also: Y Dyffryn
ETYMOLOGY: (dyffryn =valley) i + (Rhondda name of the river in a valley
some kilometres to the east).
The village took the name of the coal company which opened the pit sometime
before 1880 – The Dyffryn Rhondda Coal Company.
Dyffryn Taf ‹də-frin taav›
1 the valley of the river Taf in south-east Wales
Translated into English as “Taff Vale”
Known also as (or parts of it) Cwm Taf, Glyn Taf
Dyffryn Tanad ‹də-frin ta-nad›
1 SJ0924 the valley of the Tanad valley, North-east Wales
Dyffryn Teifi ‹də-frin tei -vi›
1 valley of the river Teifi
The name occurs in the name of the secondary school in the town of Llandysul in
this valley - Ysgol Dyffryn Teifi
Dyffryn Tywi ‹də-frin tə-wi›
1 the valley of the Tywi valley, South-west Wales
name of a medieval territory centred on this valley
Dyffryn y
Merthyron ‹də-frin ə mer-thə-ron›
1 name of a valley in Welsh Patagonia
ETYMOLOGY: “valley of the martyrs”
(dyffryn = valley) + (y = definite article) + (merthyron, plural of merthyr = martyr)
Dyffryn yr
Eglwys ‹də-frin ər e
1 valley in Patagonia
ETYMOLOGY: “valley of the church” (dyffryn
= valley) + (y = definite article) +
(eglwys = church)
Dyfnaint ‹DƏV-naint, -ent› (feminine noun)
1 Devon, English county
2 A former British territory conquered by Saxons in the 600s. Greater in extent
than the present English county of Devon since it most likely included parts of
Dorset and Somerset to the east, and also in the west present-day Cornwall
Latin name: Dumnonia
Dyfnallt ‹DƏV-nalht› (masculine noun)
1 man’s name; same as Scottish DÒHMNALL, (Anglicised DONALD), Irish
DÓNALL (Anglicised DENNIS)
dyfnderoedd ‹DƏVN-der, dəvn-DE-rodh› (masculine noun)
1 depth
Dyfnog ‹DƏV-nog› (masculine noun)
1 saint’s name. patron of the church in Llanrhaeadr yng Nghinmeirch
(county of Dinbych)
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically
representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great
Britain and Ireland…”)
dyfodiad ‹də-vod-yad› masculine noun
PLURAL dyfodiadau
1 coming, arrival, advent
dyfodiad y Celtiaid the arrival of
the Celts
2 Yr Ailddyfodiad the
Second Coming, the Second Advent, the belief that Jesus Christ will return to
the world
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfod = to come) + (-iad suffix for forming nouns)
dyfodol ‹də-VOO-dol› adjective
1 future = relating to the time to come
2 future = relating to what will happen
3 (grammar) future = relating to a tense expressing action in time
to come
amser dyfodol = future tense
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfod = to come) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)
dyfodol ‹də-VOO-dol› masculine noun
1 future = the time to come
yn y dyfodol in the future
2 future = what will happen
3 future = continued existence (of an organisation, etc)
Mae diffyg cefnogaeth trigolion y fro i
eisteddfod y pentref yn taflu cwmwl dros ei dyfodol
The lack of support for the village eisteddfod by the district’s inhabitants
casts a shadow over its future
4 future = prospects of success
5 (grammar) future = future tense
ETYMOLOGY: see dyfodol (adjective)
Dyfodwg ‹də-VOO-dug› masculine noun
1 soft-mutated form of the saint’s name Tyfodwg
(1) Llysdyfodwg
(“Tyfodwg court”)
(llys = court) + soft mutation + (Tyfodwg)
Street name in Tonysguboriau, by Llantrisant
(2) Llandyfodwg (“(the) church (of)
(llan = church) + soft mutation + (Tyfodwg)
SS9587 church in the village of Glynogwr (county of
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
(3) Ystrad-dyfodwg ‹ə-stra-də-VOO-dug›
(“(the) valley (of) Tyfodwg”) (ystrad
= valley) + soft mutation + (Tyfodwg)
ST 0177 village in the county of Rhondda-Cynon-Taf
Also written Ystradyfodwg (which
better reflects the pronunciation, but obscures the sense).
(4) There is a “Dyfodwg Street” in Treorci (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
though the name in English would be more correctly “Tyfodwg Street”, since the
soft mutation here is out of place.
The Welsh form would be Heol Tyfodwg. (However Heol Dyfodwg is
also a possibility, though unusual in modern Welsh, with the saint’s name soft-mutated
to Dyfodwg after a feminine singular noun, as in Llandyfodwg. But such a
mutation of a personal name after an element meaning street / road would be
unusual) Cf. Heol Ddewi, Bangor; Penhewlforgan;
The name seems to have occurred through taking Ystrad-dyfodwg to be
“ystrad + Dyfodwg”, (the) valley (of) Dyfodwg, without realising that it
Dyfodwg is a soft-mutated form and not a radical form, and the elements are
“ystrad + Tyfodwg”,.
Soft-mutation after ystrad is
unusual (in the neighbouring Rhymni valley there is Ystradmynach, with no soft mutation). But on the western edge of
the south-eastern area there are a couple of names with soft mutation - Ystradfellte (< Mellte, a river
name), and Ystradgynlais (<
Cynlais, a river name).
Dyfrdwy ‹dəvr -dui› feminine noun
1 (SH8227) (North-east Wales) river flowing to Caer (Chester,
England) and emptying into Môr Iwerddon (the Irish Sea)
2 Glyndyfrdwy (SJ1542) locality in the
county of Dinbych, 6km west of Llangollen;
(“(the) valley (of the river) Dyfrdwy”) (glyn
= valley) + (Dyfrdwy)
3 Aber
Dyfrdwy <a-ber
DƏVR-dui> [abɛr ˡdəvrdʊɪ]
estuary of the river Dyfrdwy. English name: The Dee Estuary SJ1886 Aber Dyfrdwy
(delw (delwedd 7438)
4 Owain Glyn-dŵr (qv), popular name
of Owain ap Gruffudd (“Owain son of Gruffudd”) (1350-1416), leader of an
uprising which lasted fifteen years (1400-1415) against the English civilian
and military occupation of Wales
Glyn-dŵr is a short form of the name Glyndyfrdwy; a mansion in the valley of the Dyfrdwy / Dee river,
owned by Owain ap Gruffudd.
This is a clipped form of
some intermediate form:
..a/ ? Glyndowrdwy (glyn
Dowrdwy) (a local pronunciation, at least in the past),
> *Glyn-dowr, and somewhat inexplicably
ow [ou] > w^[uu] Glyn-dw^r
..b/ ? Or possibly there
was a local form Glyndwfwrdwy or Glyndwrdwy
The verb syfrdanu (to
be astonished) has colloquial forms swfwrdanu, swrdanu
However, this change
occurs only in the south, (basically the w of a radical form does not
become y in the penult syllable; or the y in the penult syllable
reverts to w – a very widespread feature in the south).
It does not occur in the north.
? glyn dyfr-dwy > *glyn
dwfr-dwy > *glyn dwfwr-dwy > *glyn
dwfwr > *glyn dw’wr > glyn dw^r
? glyn dyfr-dwy > *glyn
dwfr-dwy > *glyn dw’r-dwy > glyn
Another example in col·loquial
Welsh of yfr > wr is dyfrgi (= otter), which in
southern Welsh is dwrgi. In the north however the change is yfr >
y, resulting in dyrgi
ETYMOLOGY: Dyfrdwy is “(the) water / river (of) Deva”. Deva is a British
name meaning ‘goddess, female deity’.
> Dêv- (the case endings of
British are lost in the transition to Old Welsh)
> Dwyf <DUIV> [dʊɪv] (British ê
regularly gives Welsh wy)
> Dwyw the
change f >w occurs now and then in Welsh. A final “v” ‹V› [v] became Welsh “w” ‹U› [ʊ] with, for example, Latin David|us > British David- > Welsh Dewi
> Dwy loss of a
final w (this change occurs now and then in Welsh – this same change has
happened in the verb ydyw (= is)
> ydy (colloquially ydi / ’di, showing a later change of y
> i), and also heddiw (=
today) > southern heddi, etc
Dyfrdwy < Dyfrdwyw (dyfr-,
penultimate form of dwfr = water) +
(Dwyw = (the) goddess Deva)
The Roman name for Chester “Dêvâ” preserves the British name for the river.
NOTE: In Parochialia being a Summary of Answers to Parochial Queries
&c….. (Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1910-11), in which Edward
Llwyd’s parish questionnaires were published, in the information dated 1699
referring to Bangor Is-y-coed / Bangor-on-Dee, in the list of the parish’s
bridges one is named as being by Lhyn y Vynwent (yn Dowrdwy).
Llyn y Fynwent (river-pool by the
cemetery). Dowrdwy was a local form of Dyfrdwy.
Cf the south-western
pronunciation of cyfrwy (a saddle) > cowrw
dyfrffordd ‹dəvr-fordh› feminine noun
PLURAL dyfrffyrdd
1 waterway = a canal, or a river used by boats
y ddyfrffordd = the waterway
Dyfrffyrdd Prydain British Waterways
- English government organisation overseeing the waterways of the island of
dyfrffos ‹dəvr-fos› feminine noun
PLURAL dyfrffyrdd
1 watercourse, channel; mill leat = channel dug to take water down
to a mill
y ddyfrffos = the watercourse
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfr-, penultimate form
of dwfr = water) + (ffos = ditch, channel)
dyfrgi ‹dəvr -gi› masculine noun
PLURAL dyfrgwn
‹dəvr -gun›
1 otter Lutra vulgaris
2 otter Lutra canadensis
(North America)
3 dwrgwn Nyfer
"(the) otters (of) Nyfer" nickname for the inhabitants of this
4 Nant Dyfrgi (= nant y
dyfrgi) "(the) brook (of) the otter”
stream name in Ystradowen, county of Bro Morgannwg which flows into the Elái
river at Pont-y-clun ST0381 (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
ETYMOLOGY: "water dog" (dyfr-,
penultimate form of dwfr = water) +
soft mutation + (ci = dog) <
From the same British root: Cornish dourgi
(= otter), Breton: dourgi (= otter)
From the same Hibernian root: Irish: dobharchú
(dobhar = water, cú = dog) (= otter)
NOTE: North Wales dyrgi ‹dər -gi› , plural dyrgwn
South Wales dwrgi ‹dur -gi› , plural dwrgwn ‹dur-gun›
dyfrgist ‹dəvr -gist› masculine noun
PLURAL dyfrgistiau
‹dəvr -gist-ye›
1 cistern = water tank on a roof, or in a toilet for flushing a
toilet bowl
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfr-, penultimate form
of dwfr = water) + soft mutation + (cist = chest)
dyfrglos ‹ dəvr -glos› masculine
waterproof, watertight
dillad dyfrglos waterproof clothing
siaced dyfrglos waterproof jacket
roba impermeable
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfr-, penultimate form
of dwfr = water) + soft mutation + (clos = close, tight, fast) (Calque on
English “watertight”)
dyfrglwyf ‹dəvr -gluiv› masculine noun
1 dropsy = the accumulation of fluid in a body cavity or in the
Yr oedd yr hen Gymry yn haeru fod mêl
rhosmari yn dda at y dyfrglwyf
Welsh people in past times claimed that honey from rosemary was good for
(treating) dropsy
ETYMOLOGY: “water disease” (dyfr-,
penultimate form of dwfr = water) +
soft mutation + (clwyf = disease)
Dyfrig ‹DƏV-rig› (masculine noun)
1 Celtic saint (Latin name: Dubricius)
Heol Dyfrig street in Pontcanna,
Caer-dydd (officially “Dyfrig Street”)
Heol Dyfrig street in Y Barri
(officially “Dyfrig Street”)
2 revived in 1900s as a male given name
dyfrlestr ‹dəvr –le-ster› feminine noun
PLURAL dyfrlestri
‹dəvr- le
1 watering can
y ddyfrlestr = the watering can
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfr-, penultimate form
of dwfr = water) + soft mutation + (llestr = vessel)
dyfrnod ‹dəvR -nod›
PLURAL dyfrnodau ‹dəvr-
nô -de›
1 watermark = mark impressd on paper during manufacture
ETYMOLOGY: (dyfr-, penultimate form of dwfr = water) + (nod = mark)
dyfroedd ‹DƏV-rodh› (plural noun)
1 waters; plural of dŵr
dyfyrio ‹də-VƏR-yo› (verb)
1 (South Wales) speak badly of
dygyfor ‹də-GƏ-vor› (verb)
1 (sea) get rough
dygymod ‹də- gə -mod› verb
dygymod â reconcile oneself to,
resign oneself to,
come to terms with, accept and be content with, come round to
dygymod â put up with, tolerate,
cope with
ETYMOLOGY: (dy- intensifying prefix
) + soft mutation + ( cymod-, cymodi
= reconcile)
dyhuddgloch ‹də- hidh -glokh› feminine noun
curfew bell, curfew
Pan ganai y fwyalch ddyhuddgloch...
Telynegion Maes a Mor 1908 Eifion Wyn “Llanhaiarn Bendefig”
When the blackbird sings the curfew...
time of the curfew bell
ETYMOLOGY: (dyhudd- stem of dyhuddo = to cover) + soft mutation + ( cloch = bell). First instance
recorded: year 1810
dyhuddiad ‹də- hudh -yad› masculine noun
1 appeasement = making peace with
ETYMOLOGY: (dyhudd- = stem of dyhuddo = appease, placate) + (-i-ad abstract noun-forming suffix)
dyhuddiant ‹də- hudh -yant› masculine noun
ETYMOLOGY: (dyhudd- = stem of dyhuddo = appease, placate) + (-i-ant abstract noun-forming suffix)
dylach ‹də-lakh› adjective
1 duller, stupider; blunter; slower; (comparative form of dwl)
dylaf ‹də-laf› adjective
1 dullest, stupidest; bluntest; slowest; (superlative form of dwl)
Dylan ‹DƏ-lan› (masculine noun)
1 man’s name;
Dylan Ail Don was a sea god in the
“Dylan son of the sea / wave”.
In modern Welsh, ton =
wave, but synecdochally
(using a part of an object to refer to the object itself – “our daily bread”
meaning “our daily food”, “all hands on deck” for “all the ship’s sailors must
go onto the deck”) it is also used to mean the sea itself.
In Middle Welsh this was Dylan
Eil Ton. In a monosyllable Middle Welsh ei <EI> [ əɪ] is regularly ai <AI> [ aɪ] in Modern Welsh.
The Modern Welsh form has
soft-mutated form Don.
The word ail =
(adjective) second, and as a noun in older Welsh it meant ‘son, grandson, heir’.
Since as an adjective ail
causes the soft mutation (tro = occasion, yr ail dro = the
second occasion), it seems that this has influenced Ail Ton which has
become Ail Don.
Dylan was also known as Dylan
Ail Môr “Dylan son of the sea”.
ETYMOLOGY: dylan <
dylanw (“sea”) (dy- intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (llanw
= tide, sea)
Dylaswn fod wedi dywedyd fod… (literary Welsh) I should have said that
Cf Dylwn/ Dylswn i fod wed i gweud fod… (spoken Welsh)
dyled, dyledion ‹DƏ-led, də-LED-yon› (masculine noun)
In North Wales as dlêd ‹dleed›
1 debt
Mae arno ddyledion i bawb He owes
everybody money (“there is on him debts to everybody”)
3 diddyled solvent, debt-free
(delw (delwedd 7367)
Mae'n ddyletswydd ar unrhyw Gristion i helpu.
dylet ti ‹də-let-ti› (v)
1 you should
Dylet ti aros gartre
heddiw You
ought to / you should stay home today
Ddylet ti ddim you shouldn’t
Ddylet ti ddim fod wedi
gweud hynny You shouldn’t have said that
NOTE: sometimes written
informally as dyle ti, ddyle ti ddim, which in fact better represents
the pronunciation (there is only a single t, not a geminated t)
dylion ‹dəl-yon› adjective
1 plural form of dwl =
dull, stupid, foolish; dull, blunt; slow
dylu ‹də -li› verb
1 (obsolete) (1) to deserve (2) to owe
A wnêl mad, mad a ddyly (archaic
Welsh) One good turn deserves another (“the-person-who may-do good, (it-is)
good that-he deserves”)
2 The verb survives in modern Welsh in the imperfect form with the
meaning ‘ought’
Colloquial forms:
dylwn i I ought
dylen ni we ought
dylit ti you ought
dylech chi you ought
dyle fe he ought
dyle hi she ought
dylen nhw they ought
Colloquial Welsh also has a form with s
– in fact, these forms are from the pluperfect tense of the verb, but are used
with the same meaning (I ought, etc)
dylswn i I ought
dylsen ni we ought
dylsit ti you ought
dylsech chi you ought
dylse fe he ought
dylse hi she ought
dylsen nhw they ought
ETYMOLOGY: British < Celtic. In the other Celtic languages:
Cornish tyli (= deserve; owe),
Breton dellezout (= to deserve),
Irish dligh (= be entitled to; to
From the same origin – Welsh dyled
(= debt)
dylwn i ‹DƏ-lun› (verb)
1 I ought
dylyfiad gên ‹də-ləv-yad geen› masculine noun
PLURAL dylyfiadau
gên ‹də-ləv-yâ-de geen›
1 yawn
ETYMOLOGY: (dylyf-, stem of dylyfu = to lick) + (-iad suffix for forming nouns); (gên = jaw)
dylyfu gên ‹də-lə-vi geen› verb;;)
1 yawn
ETYMOLOGY: (dy- intensifying prefix)
+ soft mutation + (llyfu = to lick);
+ (gên = jaw)
dyma ‹DƏ-ma› (verb)
1 here is
indicating a present state
Dyma fi’n barod bellach I’m ready
Dyma i chwi enghraifft arall Here’s
another example
dymchwel ‹DƏM-khwel› (verb)
1 to knock down
2 dymchwel (wal) knock
down, flatten (a wall)
dymuniadau ‹də-MIN-yad, də-min-YAA-dai, -e› (masculine noun)
1 wish
Dymuniadau gorau (i chwi) Best
wishes (to you)
2 gwneud yn unol â’ch dymuniadau comply with your wishes
dymuno ‹də-MI-no› (verb)
1 to wish
2 (in formal phrases) wish
Dymunwn gael pleser eich cwmni We
request the pleasure of your company (“we desire (the) getting (the) pleasure
(of) your company”)
dymunol ‹də-MI-nol› (adjective)
1 agreeable, pleasant
dyn, dynion ‹DIIN, DƏN-yon› (masculine noun)
1 man
- dyn eira ‹diin-EI-ra› (masculine noun) snowman
- dyn y glo ‹diin-ə-GLOO› (masculine noun) coalman
- dyn y llaeth ‹diin-ə-LHAITH› (masculine noun) milkman
Po hynaf y dyn, gwaethaf ei bwyll
> po hyna’r dyn, gwaetha’i bwyll
The older a man is, the less sense he has, no fool like an old fool (“the older
the man, worse his reason” )
-ddyn suffix, soft mutated form of dyn
-d + dyn (= man) -d-ddyn > -tyn
a.. cardotyn (= beggar) <
“cardod-ddyn” < (cardod =
charity, alms) + (-ddyn)
b.. diniweityn (= a naïve man, an
innocent) < “diniwéid-ddyn” <
(diniwed = (adj) innocent, naïve) +
diotyn (= a drunk) <
“diód-ddyn” (diod = drink) + (-ddyn)
d.. tlotyn (= poor man, pauper) < “tlód-ddyn” < “tláwd-ddyn” (tlawd = (adj) poor)
+ (-ddyn)
e.. ynfytyn (= madman) < “ynfýd-ddyn” (ynfyd =
(adj) mad) + (-ddyn)
4 dyn used to substitute Duw in oaths and exclamations
Dyn gaton pawb God preserve us all
1 hill, fort. See dynn
dyna ‹DƏ-na› (verb)
1 there is (etymologically “you see
2 introduces exclamatory phrases what a ...! how...!
Dyna drueni ‹də-na-dri-EE-ni› (phrase) what a pity!
(“you-see-there a-pity”)
Dyna fuan yr
â’r amser heibio! How time passes / flies!
rapidly that goes the time past”)
Dyna fyd dwl yw hwn This is a
mad old world (“you-see-there (a) world (which-is) dull which-is this”)
Dyna fynd y mae’r amser! How time passes / flies! (“you-see-there going that-it-is the time”)
Dyna gelwydd glân golau ‹də-na-GE-luidh-glaan-GOO-le› (phrase) what a lie!
(“you-see-there a pure (and) illuminated lie)
Dyna giwed! what a rabble!
(“you-see-there (a) rabble”)
Dyna ryddhâd hyfryd! What a
blessed relief! It’s a real relief! That’s a relief! (“you-see-there (a) pleasant
Dyna storm fu nithwr, ynta fa? (south-east) What a storm there was last
night, eh? (“you-see-there (a) storm (that) has-been last-night”, +
interrogative tag, rather like “isn’t it?”)
3 completion
of an action
“Wel,” ebe fe,
ar ben yr awr, “dyna ni wedi darfod âg ef fel plentyn. Awn ni yn awr i sôn am
ei laslencyndod.”
Well , he said, an hour later (after a speech lasting an hour) we’ve finished hearing
about him as a small child, (“there we are having finished with him as a
child”.) Now let’s mention his adolescence.
dyneiddiaeth ‹də-NEIDH-yeth› (feminine noun)
1 humanism
dyneiddiol ‹də-NEIDH-yol›
1 humanist
mynwent ddyneiddiol, mynwentydd dyneidiol humanist
ETYMOLOGY: (dyneidd- < dynaidd = human ) + (-i-ol adjectival
dyneiddwyr ‹də-NEIDH-yur, də-NEIDH-wir› (masculine noun)
1 humanist
dyneiddwragedd ‹də-NEIDH-wreg,
də-neidh-WRA-gedh› (feminine noun)
1 humanist
y ddyneiddwraig = the humanist
dynes ‹DƏ-nes› (feminine noun)
1 woman
y ddynes = the woman
dynesiad ‹də- nes
-yad› feminine noun
PLURAL dynesiadau
approach, drawing near
ETYMOLOGY: (dynes- stem of the verb dynesu = to come near) + (-i-ad abstract noun-forming suffix)
dynesu ‹də-NE-si› (verb)
1 approach
Dynfant ‹DƏV-nant› (feminine noun)
1 (South-east) place name
dyn nhw (ydynt
hwy) ‹di-nu› (verb)
1 they are (North - base form)
dyn ni (yr ydym
ni) ‹di-ni› (verb)
1 we are (North - base form)
dynn ‹din›
1 hill; fort
Does not occur as an independent word in modern Welsh, but it is to be seen as
a final element in some place names:
= fort)
Llystyn (llys
Treuddyn < Trefddyn (tref = trêv, farmstead)
tyddyn (= smallholding) (tŷ= house)
This is not the same word as din (= fort)
“Canon Silvan
Evans informs us that the commote of this name in Cardiganshire is prononnced
Creuddyn, not Creuddin. (Editor)” Welsh P]ace-Names: a Study of some common
Name- elements. By J. E. Lloyd, M.A. (with Notes by the Editor) Y Cymmrodor
ETYMOLOGY: Either a British cognate of
Old Irish dinn, or this Irish word taken into Welsh
The word is obsolete in Irish as an independent word, but is to be seen in dinnseanachas (= topography; lore of places), Dinnseanachas (= an onomastic collection written in the 1100s). This is Old Irish (dind / dinn = hill, height; citadel;
place of note) + (senchas = history, lore)
dynolryw ‹də- nol –riu›
1 the human race, mankind (= the human race as a
2 Swyddfa Iechyd Dynolryw The World Health Organisation (“office (of) (the) health (of) mankind”)
ETYMOLOGY: (dynol = human ) + soft mutation + (rhyw = type, kind)
NOTE: Dynolryw is a feminine noun, unlike rhyw
’dy o? = ydy o? (a ydyw ef?) ‹di-o› (verb)
1 (North Wales) is he?
dyrchafael ‹dər-KHA-vel› (masculine noun)
1 ascension
2 dydd
Iau’r Dyrchafael ‹diidh-yai’r-dər-KHA-vel› Ascension Day = the
fortieth day after Easter, when Christians commemorate the day when Christ left
the Earth to go into Heaven
dyrchafiadau ‹dər-KHAV-yad,
dər-khav-YAA-dai -e› (masculine noun)
1 promotion
dyrchafu ‹dər-KHAA-vi› (verb)
1 promote
dyrgi ‹dər -gi› masculine noun
PLURAL dyrgwn ‹dər -gun›
North Wales
1 form of dyfrgi = otter
dyrneidiau ‹DƏR-ned, dər-NEID-yai -ye› (masculine noun)
1 fistful
dyrnfedd ‹dərn -vedh› masculine noun
PLURAL dyrnfeddau
‹dərn- vê
1 hand, handbreadth, palm = measure for determining the height of a
horse, about four inches
fel dyrnfedd (“like a handbreadth”)
allusion to the short span of human life
Salmau 39:5 Wele, gwnaethost fy nyddiau fel
dyrnfedd; a’m heinioes sydd megis diddim yn dy olwg di: diau mai cwbl wagedd yw
pob dyn, pan fo ar y gorau. Sela.
Psalms 39:5 Behold, thou hast made my days as an handbreadth; and mine age is
as nothing before thee: verily every man at his best state is altogether
vanity. Selah.
Roedd y llestr tair dyrnfedd yn ei hyd
the vessel / the pot was three handbreadths long
ETYMOLOGY: (dyrn = penult form of dwrn = hand, fist) + soft mutation + (*medd = measure)
dyrnod, dyrnodau
‹DƏR-nod, dər-NÔ-de› (masculine noun)
1 a blow with the fist
2 troi heibio ddyrnodau (rhywun) ward off (somebody’s) blows
dyrnu ‹DƏR-ni› (verb)
1 to thresh
2 to beat
dyrnu rhywun yn racs knock the shit
out of somebody, beat somebody into a pulp, give somebody a severe beating
(“punch someone into rags”)
3 to fuck
dyro ‹də -ro› verb
1 imperative (second person singular) = give, put
Mathew 6:11 Dyro i ni heddiw ein bara beunyddiol
Give us this day our daily bread
Dyro dy law yn fanna Put your hand
Dyro dy bris Name your price (= say
how much money you want to sell an object for, etc)
ETYMOLOGY: imperative of the verb dyrói
/ dyroddi (=to give); (dy- = intensifying prefix) + soft
mutation + (rhoi / rhoddi = to give)
dyroddi ‹də- rô -dhi› verb
1 to give; see dyrói
dyroddiad ‹də- rodh -yad› m
PLURAL dyroddiadau
1 award = something given following the decision of an arbitrator
dyroddiad cyflog pay award
dyroddiad dros dro interim award
ETYMOLOGY: (dyroddi- stem of dyroddi = to give) + (-i-ad noun-forming suffix)
dyrói ‹də- roi › verb
1 to give; survives only in the second-person singular imperative
form dyro! (= give!), and dyry (= he / she / it gives, will give)
ETYMOLOGY: dyrói < dyroddi (dy- = intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (rhoi / rhoddi = to give)
dyry ‹də- roi › verb
1 to give; survives only in the second-person singular imperative
form dyro! (= give!), and dyry (= he gives, he will give)
It occurs in the motto y ddraig goch ddyry
gychwyn the red dragon gives / will give a leap
(although the motto omits
the expected soft mutation after an inflected verb: y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn, since it was seemingly optional in
older Welsh.)
dyrys ‹DƏ-ris› (adj)
1 tangled
2 (woodland) dense
Llwyndyrys place name
(“dense grove”)
ETYMOLOGY: dyrys < drys.
intrusive obscure vowel is the cause of the bisyllabic
form. Compare dlêd > dyled (=
See drys
dysgawdwr ‹dəs-gau-dur› masculine noun
PLURAL dysgawdwyr
1 teacher, instructor, preceptor
ETYMOLOGY: 1400- (dysg- stem of dysgu = teach) + (awdwr = author)
dysgl, dysglau, (South Wales:
dishgil, dishgle) ‹DI-skil, DI-skle;-DI-shkil, DI-shkle› (feminine noun)
1 dish
y ddysgl = the dish
dysgleidiau ‹DƏ-skled, də-SKLEID-ye› (feminine
(South Wales: dishgled, dishgleide) ‹DISH-kled, dish-KLEI-de›
1 dishful - South Wales
dishgled o de = cup of tea (possibly from the old habit of drinking it
from a saucer)
y ddysglaid = the dishful
See dishgled
ETYMOLOGY: (dysgl penult form of dysgl
= dish) + (-aid suffix indicating capacity of a container)
dysgu ‹DƏ-ski› (verb)
1 to learn
- dysgu ar y cof ‹DƏ-ski-ar-ə-KOOV› (verb) to learn by heart
Angen a ddysg i hen redeg being in need can make people perform
wonders (“(it is) need (that) teaches (an) old (person) to run”)
(North Wales) dysgu allan learn off
by heart; learn Bible verses off by heart
Addysgid y plant i ddarllen y Beibl
Cymraeg a dysgu allan Gatecism
yr Eglwys The children were taught to read the Welsh Bible and learn by
heart the Church (of England) Catechism
Sticker in a book advertised for sale on ebay, 2005-12-29 (Cyfres Ffynnon Loew
/ Hau a Medi sef nifer o hanesion dyddorol ac addysgiadol i blant ac eraill.
Gan Edward Thomas, Llanrhaiadr. Hughes a'i Fab, Cyhoeddwyr, Gwrecsam, 1908):
"Ysgol Sabothol, Milner Road. - Cyflwynedig i Gwladys Owen am ffyddlondeb
a dysgu allan. 1913. H. Trevor Williams. Ysg."
Sunday School, Milner Road: ‹this book was› Presented to Gwladys Owen for regular attendance
and for learning ‹Bible
verses› by
heart. 1913. H. Trevor Williams. Secretary."
cael eich dysgu’n.. be taught the
craft of..., be brought up to follow the trade of...
Cafodd James ei ddysgu yn grydd
James was taught the craft of shoemaker
t53 / Y Trydydd Byr-gofiant... / John Evans, Abermeurig (1830-1917) / 1913
dysgwr, dysgwyr ‹DƏ-skur, də-SKƏ-wir› (masculine noun)
1 learner
dyw ‹diu› (verb)
1 is not
A colloquial shortening of nid yw
Dyw’n syndod yn y byd It’s not the least bit surprising, It’s hardly
(“it is not (a) surprise
in the world”)
dyw e ddim ‹diu-e-DHIM› (verb)
1 (South Wales) he’s not
dyw hi ddim ‹diu-hi-DHIM› (verb)
1 she isn’t
dyweddïad, dyweddïadau ‹də-we-dhî-ad, də-we-dhi-YAA-dai, -de› (masculine noun)
1 engagement
dyweddi, dyweddïau ‹də-WEE-dhi, də-we-DHI-e› (masculine or feminine noun)
1 fiancé / fiancée
dyweddïo ‹də-we-DHII-o› (verb)
1 to get engaged
2 modrwy ddyweddïo PLURAL modrwyau dyweddïo engagement ring
”ring (of) getting engaged” (modrwy = ring) + soft mutation + (dyweddïo
to get engaged, getting engaged)
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update: 2008-10-01, 2005-10-24, 2008-06-24