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English Dictionary in scroll-down format. Geiriadur Cymraeg a Saesneg ar
fformat sgrolio-i-lawr.
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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
E, e ‹ee› feminine noun
1 ) fifth letter of the twenty-six letter Roman alphabet
...1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d 5 e,
2) seventh letter of the twenty-nine letter Welsh alphabet
...1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 ch, 5 d, 6 dd 7 e,
e < a
Vowel affection through the influence of the vowel “y” in the following
An example is seen in words with the addition of the suffix -yn
arf (= implement, weapon) > erfyn (= implement, weapon)
chwap (= blow; instant) > chwepyn (South Wales) (= blow;
rhaff (= rope) > rheffyn (= thin rope)
In modern Welsh, the affection is not
now usual. Some words have only ‘a’; others have ‘a’ alongside an older form
with ‘e’. More recent combinations (?last couple of centuries) have ‘a’ only.
cnap (= lump) > cnapyn (= little lump) (besides older cnepyn)
nap (= nap) > napyn (= short nap) (besides older nepyn)
e < English a
clec ( =
bang) < English clack
cnec ( =
bang; fart) < English knack ( = crack, click)
het ( = hat)
< English hat (in fact, het
borrowed from Old English)
e < ae, ai, au in a final syllable
This reduction occurs over most of Wales; in the south-east and the north-west,
where an e in a final syllable
becomes a (bachgen (= boy) > bachgan), e which is a reduction of ae,
ai, au does likewise
chwarae (= to play) > chware (north-east, midlands), hware (south-west)
dwyrain (= east) > dwyren
pethau (= things) > pethe
Although the general rule for the spelling of place names is to use a
standard literary form, without this colloquial reduction of the vowel, the e in fact occurs in very many names in
this “e zone”
Baecinmel (Conwy), English Kinmel Bay, preserves the name Cinmel < Cinmael (though originally Cilmael) (cil = nook, secluded place; Mael
= male forename)
(Official form in Welsh is Bae Cinmel, though strictly speaking
that would refer to the bay and not the village).
Cader Idris, a mountain by Dolgellau (Gwynedd), instead of Cadair Idris (“seat (of) Idris”)
Llanymynech (Powys) instead of Llanymynaich (“church (of) the monks”)
Machynlleth (Powys) instead of Machynllaith (“plain (of) Cynllaith”)
Such examples abound.
e < ei
a short [e] in the penult is sometimes a
reduction of the diphthong ei
Bleddyn (man’s name) < Bleiddyn (blaidd = wolf) + (–yn = diminutive suffix)
Gwerful (woman’s name) < Gweirful
Also in a monosyllabic word in the case of
ceirch (= oats) > cerch (a northern variant)
e < eu
a short [e] in the penult is sometimes a
reduction of the diphthong eu
gwenle < gweunle (“moorland place”)
e < y
1 An original y ‹i› in a final syllable has become e in
some instances.
In certain words ‘e’ is standard, and the form with ‘y’ is obsolete; in others
it appears only in dialect forms
(1) Mercher = Wednesday
(historically Merchyr)
(2) wele = see! behold! < a wely do you see? (in modern Welsh,
do you see = a weli di?)
(3) hwde! = take! < hwdy
(4) the conditional tense ending -ych > -ech
byddech (= you might be) < byddych
gwelech (= you might see) < gwelych
(5) cleddyf > *cleddef > cleddeu > cleddau (= sword). (In
modern Welsh, both “cleddyf” and “cleddau” are in use)
(6) edyf > *edef > edeu > edau (= thread). The plural form is edefion;
and a diminutive is edefyn
(7) Rhosyr (old district name, island of Môn)
Apparently this is originally Rhosféir /
Rhos Féir, corresponding to modern Welsh Rhos Fair (= upland (of)
(the) (Virgin) Mary, upland of the church dedicated to the Virgin Mary)
The evolution would be this, or similar to
this: Rhosféir > Rhósfeir > Rhóseir > Rhóser
(8) the dialect form imbed instead of enbyd
is probably a metathesis
enbyd / embyd > embid > imbed E-I > I-E
Examples which are used in certain regions but are not considered standard are:
(1) edrych (= to look) > edrech > edrach (North-west
Wales), and
etrach (South-east Wales) (in the north-western and south-eastern corner
of the country e > a in a
final syllable)
(2) in North-east Wales :
den chi, ryden ni (standard: yr ydym ni = we are)
dèch chi, rydech chi (standard: yr ydych chwi = you are)
den nhw, ryden nhw (standard: yr ydynt hwy = they are)
In North-west Wales, final e > a which explains the forms here
dan chi, rydan ni (standard: yr ydym ni = we are)
dàch chi, rydach chi (standard: yr ydych chwi = you are)
dan nhw, rydan nhw (standard: yr ydynt hwy = they are)
(3) Gŵyl Gewydd (15 July, feastday of Cewydd) > Gŵyl
Gewy’ > Gŵyl Gewe (South Wales)
(4) South-eastern llethyr (= letter) is possibly a metathesised form of llyther
< llythyr
(1) The north-eastern town of Dinbych is colloquially Dimbech
(2) North-west Wales: The saint’s name Mechyll is found in Llanfechell
on the island of Môn (locally Llanfechall)
(3) Cefn Gorwydd > Cefen Gorwedd (Casllwchwr, Sir Gaerfyrddin) (cefn y gorwydd
– risdge of wooded slope)
In the following names from south-east Wales, we see the usual change of final e > a, (a change typical too in the
..a/ Tredegyr > Tredeger > Tredegar. A mansion in the county of
Casnewydd. Tredegar exists as a transferred name in the county of
Blaenau Gwent, and in the county of Caerffili there is Tredegar Newydd –
“New Tredegar”. Locally in Blaeanu Gwent / Caerffili Tredegar becomes Tredecar
(a ‹g› at the beginning of a final syllable is
devoiced in the south-east, becoming ‹k›) and Decar
(loss of the pretonic syllable – a common feature in colloquial Welsh)
..b/ Tawe, a river in south-east Wales, historically Tawy (on the
fringe of this region, where e remains unchanged in a final syllable,
and so Tawa does not occur in the valley of the Tawe, though it does in
the rest of the region).
Abertawe (‘mouth of the river Tawe’; English: Swansea)
is colloquially Byrtawe locally (Byrtawa in the rest of the
south-eastern region east of the Nedd valley).
..c/ The local name of Tindyrn (= locality and abbey in the county of
Mynwy) is Dindarn, which is possibly Dindarn < *Dindern < Dindyrn. The modern radical form with
“t” shows an unusual change from the original intial “d”
..d/ The south-eastern county of Sir Fynwy is Sir Fynwe > Shir
Fynwa ‹shiir
..e/ The saint’s name Sawyl is found in Llansawel (locally Llansawal)
e < y in the tonic syllable
Cennydd ‹KE-nidh› [ˡkɛnɪð]
saint’s name, a variant form of Cynydd
Llangennydd, a variant of Llangynydd SS4291 (English name:
Llangennith). Village in the county of Abertawe.
e ‹E› he
roedd e / oodd e = he was (< yr oedd ef)
-e ‹-›
Third-person singular imperect. See -ai
-e fe he would (South-west)
-e hi she would (South-west)
-e fo he would (North-east)
-e hi she would (North-east)
siarade fo he would talk
1 the grave accent indicates a short
vowel when it occurs in a long-vowel environment
The ‘a’ in monosyllables in Welsh with final –b, -d, -g is long
lled ‹lheed› half; fairly
heb ‹heeb› without
rheg ‹hreeg› swearword
However English words with a short vowel with the same pattern (monsyllables,
with g, b, d as the final consonant) taken into Welsh retain the short vowel in
Mèg Maggie, Margaret
Nèd Ned, Edward
pèg clothes peg; tent peg
Pèg Margaret
slèd cŵn dog sled
Tèd Ted, Edward
Though it would be more correct to
indicate this short vowel with è, in general this is not done (Meg,
Ned, peg, Peg, sled, Ted, etc)
eang <EE-ang> [ˡeˑaŋg] adjective
1 wide, extensive, vast in size
or extent
Pwnc eang iawn, wrth gwrs, yw
Of course, statistics is a very wide subject
Mae gennym ddewis eang o hen lyfrau
We have a wide range of old books
diddordebau eang wide interests,
interest in many different fields, apart from one’s occupation, etc
ar raddfa eang on a wide scale
coedwig eang extensive woodland
gardd eang extensive garden
dylanwad eang extensive influence
2 yn
eang adverb extensively
Bu raid hysbysu yn eang er mwyn cael Prif Weithredwr
It was necessary to advertise extensively to get a Chief Executive
roomy, spacious
yn llofft storws eang y fferm in the
spacious upstairs room of the farm storehouse
openminded, cultivated, not narrow-minded; receptive to new ideas and tolerant
Yn ôl y Saeson, rhai cul ydym ni’r
Cymry, er ein bod yn siarad eu hiaith hwy yn ogystal â’n hiaith ninnau. Rhaid
bod yn uniaith Saesneg i fod yn eang.
According to English people, we Welsh people are narrow-minded, even though we
speak their language in addition to our own language. You have to be
monolingual English to be open-minded.
eang eich apêl <EE-ang
əkh a-PEEL> [ˡeˑaŋg əx aˡpeːl] having a wide appeal
yn ystyr ehangaf y gair in the
widest sense of the word
derived forms with three syllables have
eháng-, as in ehangder (=
immensity), ehangu (= extend, widen)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh eang < ehang < ?*echang
< British *eks-ang-; (eks = out of), (ang- = (obsolete) narrow)
Cf < Proto-Germanic German eng (= narrow), Dutch
eng (“narrow”), Low German enj (“confined, narrow”), Luxembourgish enk (“narrow”).
eangderau <e-ang-DEE-rai, -re> [eaŋˡdeˑraɪ, -rɛ] plural
1 plural form of ehangder
= immensity
eangfrydedd <e-ang-VRƏƏ-dig> [ɛaŋˡvrəˑdɪg]
magnanimity, openmindedness, broadmindedness
ETYMOLOGY: (eang = wide) + soft
mutation + (-i-edig suffix for
forming adjectives)
eangfrydig <e-ang-VRƏƏ-dedh> [ɛaŋˡvrəˑdɛð]
magnanimous, open-minded openmindedness, broadmindedness
ETYMOLOGY: (eang = wide) + soft
mutation + (bryd = mind) (-ig suffix for forming adjectives)
eb- <EEB> [eːb]
1 Element with the sense of
‘horse’. Does not survive as an independent word in modern Welsh, but occurs in
a number of compound words
1) cyfeb (mare) in foal;
(sheep) in lamb; literally “with horse” (cyf-
= with) + (eb = horse)
2) ebol (= foal) < ebawl < British (*epâl-os = small horse) < (epo-s = horse)
3) ebran ‹e-bran› = fodder, stover < (eb- = horse) + soft mutation + (rhan = part)
4) ebrwydd (=
rapid); probably (eb- = horse) +
soft mutation + (rhwydd = rapid,
quick), and so literally ‘rapid like a horse’
epil (= offspring, children); historically
the word meant “young horse(s)”
(eb- = horse) + (hil = progeny, lineage, race) (b + h = p)
(Cf English kid = child; literally
“a young goat”)
6) Epona Celtic goddess
of horses; British
(ep- = horse) + (on- suffix often used in the names of deities)
7) Epynt or Mynydd Epynt mountain in the county of
Powys; the meaning is probably “horse path” (eb = horse) + (hynt =
way, path) (b + h = p)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh eb- < British epo- < Celtic *ekwo-s
from the same Celtic root: Irish each
= horse, Scottish each = horse;
cf Latin equus (= horse) (origin of
the English words ‘equitation’, ‘equine’),
Cognate with Greek hippos (= horse) (basis of the English words hippopotamus (‘river
horse’), hippodrome, and the name Phillip)
ebargofiant <e-bar-GOV-yant> [ɛbarˡgɔvjant] masculine noun
mynd i ebargofiant fall into
oblivion, disappear for ever
Mae llawer o’r hen eiriau ac ymadroddion
wedi mynd i ebargofiant erbyn hyn
Many of the old words and expressions have disappeared for ever now
ETYMOLOGY: ebargof-i-, stem of the
verb ebargofio = to forget ) + (-ant, suffix for forminh nouns)
ebargofio <e-bar-GOV-yo> [ɛbarˡgɔvjɔ] verb
1 obsolete forget
ETYMOLOGY: (ebar unknown element) +
soft mutation + (cofio = to
1 abbreviation = ebychiad (= exclamation)
Ebenezer ‹e-ben-E-ser› [ɛbɛnˡɛsɛr]
1 Until 1923 the name of a
village in Gwynedd (when it was changed to Deiniolen SH5763).
The name was from Ebenezer,
a chapel belonging to the Independents, built just one century previously in
1823. The local name for the chapel is Capal Eban (=
Capel Eben)
(delwedd 7516) Capel Ebenezer
ebill, PLURAL
ebilliau <EE-bilh, e-BILH-yon, e-BILH-yai, -ye> [ˡeˑbɪɬ, ɛˡbɪɬjɔn,
ɛˡbɪɬjaɪ, -jɛ] (masculine noun)
1 auger
ebill deudwll “auger for making
two holes”, in the expression
am ebill deudwll be on a fool’s errand (“look for a two-hole auger”)
ebol, ebolion <EE-bol,
e-BOL-yon> [ˡeˑbɔl, ɛˡbɔljɔn]masculine noun
1 foal
2 difference, distinction
Mae ’na ragor ofnadwy rhwng ebol a cheiliog
They’re as different as chalk from cheese, they’re completely different
(‘there’s a terrible difference / an enormous difference between a foal and a
eboles <e-BOO-les> [ɛˡboˑlɛs] feminine noun
PLURAL ebolesau
<e-bo-LE-sai, -se> [ɛbɔˡlɛsaɪ, -sɛ]
1 filly = young female horse
2 eboles o ferch = spirited young girl (“(a) filly of (a) girl”)
3 mor lysti â’r eboles = as vivacious as a filly
NOTE: : In North Wales there is a form poles
(polas in the north-west), plural polesod.
Yr eboles = the filly, with the loss
of the pretonic syllable, which is the initial syllable (a very characterisitic
feature of Welsh) > y boles.
After the initial b was understood
as the soft mutation of p, and the
result was poles (= filly)
Daeth hen ffermwr â pholes ifanc i’w
phedoli at of y pentref
An old farmer came to the village blacksmith with a young filly to be shoed
ebor- ‹EE-bor› [ˡɛˑbɔr]
1 British root, see efwr (= cow parsnip)
Eboracum <e-bo-RAA-kum> [ɛbɔˡrɑˑkʊm]
1 Eboracum = Latin name for the
English city of York (hence Ebor.
the signature of the Archbishop of York).
See Efrog
(Welsh name for York), efwr (= cow
ebost ‹EE -bost› [ˡeˑbɔst] masculine noun
PLURAL ebostiau
‹e-bost-yai, -ye› [ɛˡbɔstjaɪ, -jɛ]
1 e-mail, electronic mail,
system of sending and receiving messages via computer terminals
2 e-mail, message sent by
electronic mail
Mae’r ebost hwn yn gyfrinachol This
e-mail is confidential
ETYMOLOGY: Adaptation of the English term e-mail
(= electronic mail), with e treated
as a prefix which causes soft mutation
(e) + soft mutation + (post = post, mail)
ebran <E-bran> [ˡɛbran] masculine noun
fodder, stover
Genesis 24:25 A hi a ddywedodd wrtho ef,
Y mae gwellt ac ebran
ddigon gennym ni, a lle i letya
Genesis 24:25 She said moreover unto him, We have both straw and provender
enough, and room to lodge in.
Genesis 24:32 A’r gwr a aeth i’r tŷ: ac yntau a ryddhaodd y camelod, ac a
roddodd wellt ac ebran
i’r camelod; a dwfr i olchi ei draed ef, a thraed y dynion oedd gydag ef.
Genesis 24:32 And the man came into the house: and he ungirded his camels, and gave
straw and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet, and the men’s
feet that were with him.
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh ebran “horse portion” < (eb- = horse) + soft mutation + (rhan = part, portion)
ebrandy <e-BRAN-di> [ɛˡbrandɪ]masculine noun
PLURAL ebrandai
<e-BRAN-dai> [ɛˡbrandaɪ]
place where fodder is kept
brandy Epenthetic form of ebrandy
There is a street name Brandy in
Johnstown, county of Wrecsam. Query: Is this ebrandy?
ETYMOLOGY: (ebran = fodder) + soft
mutation + (tŷ = house)
Ebrill <E-brilh> [ˡɛbrɪɬ] masculine noun
1 April
yn Ebrill in April
mis Ebrill April (“(the) month (of) April”)
fis Ebrill in April
ym mis Ebrill in April
ar ddechrau mis Ebrill at the beginning of April
ar ganol mis Ebrill in the middle
of April, in mid-April
ar ddiwedd mis Ebrill at the end of
bob mis Ebrill every April
2 ffŵl Ebrill (“fool (of) April”) April fool
diwrnod ffŵl Ebrill April
Fool’s Day, April First. A day when practical jokes are played on other people.
bore ffŵl Ebrill April Fool’s
Day morning, April First. (Practical jokes are only permissible in the morning;
any such joke after twelve noon brings bad luck to whoever is the perpetrator)
jôc ffŵl Ebrill April Fool’s joke (a practical joke played on
somebody on April the first)
3 cwn Ebrill curlews (“ dogs (of) April”) (from the noise of their
cries in the spring)
4 llygad Ebrill Chelidonium majus lesser celandine
..1 Ebrill (y cyntaf o Ebrill)
the first of April
Diwrnod Ffŵl Ebrill April
Fools’ Day
..2 Ebrill (yr ail o Ebrill)
the second of April
..3 Ebrill (y trydydd o Ebrill)
the third of April
..4 Ebrill (y pedwerydd o Ebrill)
the fourth of April
..5 Ebrill (y pumed o Ebrill)
the fifth of April
..6 Ebrill (y chweched o Ebrill)
the sixth of April
..7 Ebrill (y seithfed o Ebrill)
the seventh of April
..8 Ebrill (yr wythfed o Ebrill)
the eighth of April
..9 Ebrill (y nawfed o Ebrill)
the ninth of April
..10 Ebrill (y degfed o Ebrill)
the tenth of April
..11 Ebrill (yr unfed ar ddeg o Ebrill)
the eleventh of April
..12 Ebrill (y deuddegfed o Ebrill)
the twelfth of April
..13 Ebrill (y trydydd ar ddeg o Ebrill)
the thirteenth of April
..14 Ebrill (y pedwerydd ar ddeg o Ebrill)
the fourteenth of April
..15 Ebrill (y pymthegfed o Ebrill)
the fifteenth of April
..16 Ebrill (yr unfed ar bymtheg o Ebrill)
the sixteenth of April
..17 Ebrill (yr ail ar bymtheg o Ebrill)
the seventeenth of April
Gŵyl Badarn (“the) feastday
(of) Padarn”)
..18 Ebrill (y deunawfed o Ebrill)
the eighteenth of April
..19 Ebrill (y pedwerydd ar bymtheg o Ebrill)
the nineteenth of April
..20 Ebrill (yr ugeinfed o Ebrill)
the twentieth of April
..21 Ebrill (yr unfed ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-first of April
Gŵyl Feuno (“the) feastday (of)
Beuno”). Saint of Clynnog Fawr, north-west Wales
..22 Ebrill (yr ail ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-second of April
..23 Ebrill (y trydydd ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-third of April
Gŵyl Siors (“the) feastday (of)
..24 Ebrill (y pedwerydd ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-fourth of April
..25 Ebrill (y pumed ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-fifth of April
Gŵyl Farc Efengylwr
(“the) feastday mark (the) Evangelist”)
..26 Ebrill (y chweched ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-sixth of April
..27 Ebrill (y seithfed ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-seventh of April
..28 Ebrill (yr wythfed ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-eighth of April
..29 Ebrill (y nawfed ar hugain o Ebrill)
the twenty-ninth of April
..30 Ebrill (y degfed ar hugain o Ebrill)
the thirtieth of April
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh Ebrill
< British < Latin aprîlis (=
Some Latinists see it as a derivation of Latin aper
(= a boar), hence “month of the boar”.
Others regard it as having its origin in some Etruscan
(i.e. pre-Latin) word.
From the same British root: Cornish Ebrel (= April), Breton Ebrel
(= April)
Ebrill sych, pob
peth a nych <E-brilh-SIIKH, poob PEETH aa NIIKH> [ˡɛbrɪɬ ˡsiː
x, poːb ˡpeːθ aː ˡniːx]
1 A dry April, everything loses
= April) + (sych = dry) + ( [ys] =
is) + (pob = every) + (peth = thing) + (a = which)
+ (nych = [it] loses vigour)
Ebwy <EE-bui> [ˡeˑbʊɪ] feminine noun
1 Afon Ebwy river in the
counties of Blaenau Gwent, Caerffili, Casnewydd
<AA-von EE-bui> [ˡɑˑvɔn ˡeˑbʊɪ]
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to
collect geographically representative photographs and information for every
square kilometre of Great Britain and Ireland…”)
2 Glynebwy A town in Blaenau Gwent.
English name: “Ebbw Vale”. The Welsh name is a translation of the English name.
The original Welsh name was Pen-y-cae,
locally Pen-cää
<GLIN EE-bui> [ˡglɪn ˡeˑbʊɪ]
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to
collect geographically representative photographs and information for every
square kilometre of Great Britain and Ireland…”)
3 Cwm Ebwy the Ebwy valley
<KUM EE-bui> [ˡkʊm ˡeˑbʊɪ]
Ebwy locality in the valley; English
name: “Greenfield”
ETYMOLOGY: Ebwy < Ebwydd, apparently meaning “swift,
NOTE: The local form was Ebw, from the usual dialect reduction
of final wy ‹ui› [ʊɪ] > w ‹u› [ʊ]. The ‘English’ name “Ebbw” is in fact this dialect
form, misspelt with a doubled consonant.
One might have expected Epw as the local form,
since in the south-east g,d,b at the head of a final syllable are devoiced to
E.g. southern Welsh cer i wipan! (= get lost!)
< cer i chwiban
ebyrth <EE-birth> [ˡeˑbɪrθ]
1 sacrifices, offerings; plural of aberth
Leviticus 7:11 Dyma hefyd gyfraith yr
ebyrth hedd a offryma efe i’r
Leviticus 7:11 And this is the law of the sacrifice of peace
offerings, which he shall offer unto the Lord
Lefiticus 7:18 Ac os bwyteir dim o gig offrwm
ei ebyrth hedd ef o fewn y trydydd dydd, ni byddir bodlon i’r hwn a’i hoffrymo
ef, ac nis cyfrifir iddo, ffieiddbeth fydd; a’r dyn a fwyty ohono, a ddwg ei
Leviticus 7:18 And if any of the
flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be eaten at all on the third day,
it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed unto him that offereth
it: it shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his
ebychiadau <e-BƏKH-yad,
a-bəkh-YAA-dai, -de> [ɛˡbəxjad, ɛbɔxˡjɑˑdaɪ,
-dɛ]masculine noun
1 exclamation
2 abbreviation (in a dictionary entry) ebd.
ebychnod <e-BƏKH-nod> [ɛˡbəxnɔd] masculine noun
PLURAL ebychnodau
<e-bəkh-NOO-dai, -de> [ɛbəxˡnoˑdaɪ, -dɛ]
1 exclamation mark (also: rhyfeddnod <hrə-VEDH-nod> [hrəˡvɛðnɔd]
ETYMOLOGY: (ebych- < ebychu = to exclaim) + (nod = mark, sign)
echdoe <EKH-doi> [ˡɛxdɔɪ] adverb
1 the day before yesterday
ETYMOLOGY: (ech- prefix = out of) +
(doe = yesterday)
NOTE: colloquially in the south echdo
<EKH-do> [ˡɛxdɔ] with simplification of the final diphthong <oi> [ɔɪ] > <o> [ɔ]
echdoriad <ekh-DOR-yad> [ɛxˡdɔrjad] masculine noun
PLURAL echdoriadau
<ekh-dor-YAA-dai, -de> [ɛxdɔrˡjɑˑdaɪ,
ETYMOLOGY: ‘outbreak’ (ech- prefix =
out of) + soft mutation + (toriad =
echnos <EKH-nos> [ˡɛxnɔs]
1 the night before last
echrys <EKH-ris> [ˡɛxrɪs] adjective
1 terrible
damwain echrys a terrible accident
2 (North-east Wales) echrys o (modifier of adjective) terribly
mae hi'n echrys o oer it's terribly cold
echrys. Bore ddydd, yr 20fed (= yr ugeinfed) o’r un mis, yn nghloddfeydd llechi Dinorwic, fel yr oedd llangc
ieuangc, 27 oed, o’r enw Richard Hughes, o blwyf Gwalchmai, Môn, yn dilyn ei
alwedigaeth, syrthiodd carreg fawr, dunelli o bwysau yn union ar ei gefn, a
llethwyd ef i farwolaeth ar darawiad amrant.
(Y Cyfaill o’r Hen Wlad yn America: Sef Cylchgrawn o Wybodaeth Fuddiol I’r
Cymry. Ebrill 1840. Cyfrol 3. Rhif 28. Tudalen 127)
A terrible accident. (on the) morning
(of) the twentieth of the same month, in the slate quarries of Dinorwic, as the
young lad, 27 (years of) age, called (“of the name”) Richard Hughes, from (the)
parish (of) Gwalchmai, Môn (= Anglesey), was at work (“was following his
calling”), a large stone fell, weighing tons, (“tons of weight”) right onto his back, and he was
crushed to death instantly (“on (a) bat (of a) eyelid”) (Y Cyfaill o’r Hen Wlad
yn America: Sef Cylchgrawn o Wybodaeth Fuddiol i’r Cymry. The Friend from The
Old Country in America. Namely A Magazine of Useful Information For the Welsh
People. April 1840. Volume 3. Number 28. Page 127)
echwydd <E-khuidh> [ˡeˑxʊɪð] masculine noun
1 obsolete nine in the morning, the third hour of the day
2 obsolete the morning,
the time between nine and twelve
3 obsolete time when
cattle seek the shade
4 obsolete shade, place
where cattle seek shelter from the sun
5 (modern meaning) afternoon or evening
Edward Lhuyd in circa 1700 defined it as “amser godro sev day o’r gloch” (amser
godro sef dau o’r gloch, = milking time namely two o’ clock)
6 cinio echwydd (now
obsolete, but in use in the Blaenau Morgannwg area in south-east Wales until
the 1900s) dinner
7 obsolete; South-east Wales godechwydd evening. Probably gwedy
echwydd (“after the morning” or “after the afternoon”). There is a
reference to the use of this word in SO2117
Llangatwg, near Crucywel (county of Powys), in the year
ETYMOLOGY: echwydd < British *okkid-
< Latin occiduus (= a going down,
a setting) < occidere (= fall; go
down, set (of the sun)).
The sense development is “sunset” > “afternoon, evening”.
Breton ec’hoaz (1) rest for animals
from midday heat; (2) rest; (3) place of resting; ec’hoaza (1) to rest at midday
eciwmenaidd <e-kiu-MEE-naidh, -nedh> [ɛkɪʊˡmeˑnaɪð,
1 ecumenical
economeg <e-ko-NO-meg> [ɛkɔˡnɔmɛg]
1 economics
1 (third person singular imperative ending) let / may (somebody do
(1) CARED A’m caro i, cared fy nghi
Love me, love my dog (“whoever might love me, may he / she love my dog”)
(2) EISTEDDED Eistedded y
gynulleidfa May the congregation
sit / be seated
(3) GOCHELED Gocheled y prynwr Caveat emptor, Let the buyer beware
(4) GORFFWYSED Gorffwysed mewn hedd May he / she rest in peace
(5) HUNED Huned mewn hedd May he / she sleep in peace
(6) MADDEUED Maddeued y darllenydd i mi am... I hope the reader forgives me for..., may the reader forgive me for..
(7) SAFED Safed pawb Everybody stand
Safed y llys Be upstanding in court (= everybody must stand up)
Other examples (in this case
in a prayer):
Bendithied yr Arglwydd di a chadwed di; / May the
Lord bless you and save you
a llewyrched
yr Arglwydd ei wyneb arnat / And may the Lord shine his face on you
a thrugarhaed wrthyt; /
And show you mercy
dyrchafed yr Arglwydd ei
wyneb arnat, / May the Lord raise his face on you
a rhodded i ti
dangnefedd. Amen / and may he give you peace. Amen.
edau, edafedd
-de, e-DAA-vedh> [ˡeˑdaɪ, -dɛ, ɛˡdɑˑvɛð]
1 thread = fine cord of twisted
filaments for sewing (cotton, silk, etc)
edau triphlyg three-stranded thread
2 nodwyddo edau thread a needle
(“needle (a) thread”)
(South) dodi edau mewn nodwydd thread a needle (“put (a) thread in (a)
(North) rhoi edau mewn nodwydd thread a needle (“put / give (a) thread
in (a) needle”)
3 llyngyren edau threadworm “worm (of) thread”
Edeirnion <e-DEIRN-yon> [ɛˡdəirnjɔn]
1 old territory in the
Edeligion <e-de-LIG-yon> [ɛdɛˡlɪgjɔn]
1 (History) a cwmwd (kúmmud)
of the cantref (kántrev) of Gwent Is Coed, South-east Wales
(delwedd 7383)
Eden <EE-den> [ˡeˑdɛn] masculine noun
1 Gardd
Eden the Garden of Eden = place of creation of Adam and Eve
<GARDH EE-den> [ˡgarð ˡeˑdɛn]
2 Eden = place of great
ETYMOLOGY: Eden < Hebrew ’êdhen (= place of delight)
Edern <EE-dern> [ˡeˑdɛrn]
1 forename, Eternus
Llanedern former village in Caer-dydd (“church of Eternus”)
The name was altered to Llanedeyrn, apparently in the 1800s, perhaps to make
the final syllable resemble teyrn – Old Welsh = monarch) (but Modern
Welsh = tyrant!).
The local name would have been Llanetarn
..a/ e in a final syllable in south-east Wales, just as in north-west
Wales, is regularly replaced by a
..b/ the consonants b-d-g introducing a final syllable are devoiced and
become p-t-c in the traditonal dialect of the south-east of Wales).
Llanedern is found written as Llanedarn in texts in the 1800s.
3 Edern (“Eternus or Llanedern
(“church of Eternus”) village in the Llyn peninsula (Gwynedd)
Inscription on a standing stone -
"iovenali fili eterni hic iacit" - one of a pair discovered buried in
a field in the parish of Llannor some time before 1833 – “here lies Jovenalis
(= Juvenalis) son of Eternus”
Bodedern (“church of Edern”) (Ynys Môn)
Edeirnion (“territory of Edern”)
6 Edern ap Nudd a knight of King
Arthur’s court; mentioned in three of the Mabinogi tales
Edern < Latin æternus / ae’ternus, syncopated form of aeviternus,
"lasting an age", from ævum (= age)
edifarháu <e-di-var-HAI> [ɛdɪvarˡhaɪ]
1 regret
2 repent
edifarháu eich pechodau repent your
edifaru <e-di-VAA-ri> [ɛdɪˡvɑˑrɪ]
1 regret
hwyr edifaru wedi llosgi’r ty It’s no use crying over spilt milk
(“(it-is) too late regretting after (the) burning (of) the house”)
-edig <EE-dig> [ˡeˑdɪg]
1 suffix, past participle suffix, equivalent in function to English –ed
cydnabod recognise
cydnabyddedig recognised
edliw <ED-liu> [ˡɛdlɪʊ] verb
1 edliw (i rywun) (am) reproach (someone for), criticise
someone for, reprimand (for), dress down, give (sb) a dressing down, (USA chew
out); play hell with, come down on, scold, tick off
anodd heddiw edliw i Gaer-dydd ei
it’s difficult today to criticise Caer-dydd for its Englishness (i.e. because
it’s becoming more Welsh)
2 make comments, make remarks, voice criticisms
Roedd mam yn edliw mod i’n edrych ‘fel
hen actras’
My mother was making comments about me looking like ‘some old actress’
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh (ed-, a form of ad- = intensifying prefix) + (lliw-, the same element as in lliwio = rebuke, upbraid)
..a/ Rhos-llan, Gwynedd: the form edlu is
in use: edliw > edli (loss of final -w after -i-) and change of vowel i > u
..b/ Loss of final -w after -i-: see also tanlli (= “the colour of fire”), heddi’ southern form of heddiw (= today)
..c/ Change of vowel i > u: usually a pretonic -i- conditioned by a final -u: teulu (= family), originally “teilu”
edlych <ED-likh> [ˡɛdlɪx] masculine noun
PLURAL edlychod <ed-LƏƏ-khod> [ɛdˡləˑxɔd]
1 weakling, frail specimen
edlych o ddyn frail man
edlychod o blant frail children
rhyw edlych o lo ddath y fuwch the
cow gave birth to a frail calf
edlych o rywbeth an excuse for
something, a poor specimen of something
edmygu <ed-MƏƏ-gi> [ɛdˡməˑgɪ] verb
(verb with an object) admire
Gŵr yr wyf yn ei edmygu yn fawr yw
ef He’s a man I greatly admire
eich edmygu’ch hun to admire
admire = be sexually attracted to
ETYMOLOGY: (prefix ad-) + (prefix am-) + (*mik-).
In fact, it is a compound from
the British period (*ate-ambi-mik)
if not from earlier Common Celtic *mik
(= shine, sparkle?)
Cf llatí micare (= to shine)
Cf *do-ad-kom-mik (prefix do) + (prefix ad) + (prefix kom) + (mik-) > dychymyg (= imagination)
edn <EDN> [ˡɛdn] masculine noun
PLURAL ednod
<ED-nod> [ˡɛdnɔd]
(obsolete) bird
It occurs in modern Welsh in the literary word dodefnod (= poultry),
literally ”tame birds” (dof =
tame) + (ednod = birds)
2 winged
3 (Arfon) bwrw
ednod (insects) lay eggs
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic *etnos
< *petnos < Indoeuropean *petn- < pet- (= rush, fly, fall).
This element is also found in
Welsh adar (= birds).
From the same British root: Cornish edhenn
(= bird),
Breton evn (= bird) < Middle
Breton ezn (= bird)
Corresponding forms in Hibernian Celtic:
Irish ean (= bird), Scottish ean (= bird), Manks eean (= bird)
A related word is Latin penna (=
feather) < *pesna < *petsna
Also Welsh pen (= writing
instrument) < English pen <
Old French penne < Latin penna (= feather)
Related to Latin penna is Irish eite (wing; fin of a fish) < Celtic
*etniâ < *petniâ
NOTE: There is also a pronunciation eden
‹e-den›, with an epenthetic vowel
Ednob <ED-nob> [ˡɛdnɔb]
1 locality in England near the Welsh
border; a village 9km north-west of Colunwy (Clun), in the parish of Mainstone
(SO2787) (county of Shropshire))
English name: Edenhope SO2788 Ednob Isaf
/ Lower Edenhope SO2688 Ednob Uchaf
/ SO2588 Mynydd
Ednob / Edenhope Hill
(delwedd 7432)
ETYMOLOGY: Ednob is a Cymricisation of the English name Edenhope, representing
an earlier English pronunciation, and with the usual final -b to replace final
-p in words taken from English.
edrych <E-drikh> [ˡɛdrɪx]
1 to look
2 edrych am
..1/ to look for
..2/ to visit
mynd i edrych am modryb go to the
toilet (“go to visit (my) aunt”)
3 edrych ar to look at
4 look = appear
Mae e’n edrych yn dda He looks good
5 edrych dan eich ysgafell ar look at (somebody) darkly, scowl
at (“look under your brow on”)
edrych dan fargod eich llaw shade one's eyes with one's hand (to keep out a
strong light; by placing the thumb edge of the hand between the eyebrows, and
the thumb on the temple) (“look under the eave of your hand”)
6 edrych gair
mewn geiriadur look up a word in a dictionary
7 (verb with an object)
edrych y wlad see how the land lies (“check the country”)
edrych gair mewn geiriadur look up a
word in the dictionary
Edward <ED-ward> [ˡɛdward]
1 Edward
edwiniad <ed-WIN-yad> [ɛdˡwɪnjad] masculine noun
PLURAL edwiniadau <ed-win-YAA-dai, -de> [ɛdwɪnˡjɑˑdaɪ,
1 atrophy, withering, fading
ETYMOLOGY: (edwin- stem of edwino = to shrink, to atrophy) + (-i-ad abstract noun-forming suffix)
<EE-di> [ˡeˑdɪ]
Soft-mutated form - loss of the initial g- of the radical form
See gedy (= he / she / it leaves) (literary Welsh)
ef <EEV> [eːv] pronoun
NOTE: (1) colloquial form: e after a
consonant or vowel;
(2) colloquial form: also fe, after
a vowel
1 (independent pronoun) he, him
Nìd EF sydd ar fai It’s not HIS fault
Colloquially ef > fe
Nìd FE sydd ar fai / Dim FE sydd ar fai / Nage FE sydd ar fai
2 pronoun used in the place of popeth
(= everything)
<EE-va> [ˡeˑva]
1 woman’s name - Eva
efadu <e-VAA-di> [ɛˡvɑˑdɪ]verb
1 efadu trethi tax evasion, use
of illegal methods to pay less tax or no tax
efadu talu trethi tax evasion
ETYMOLOGY: (efad- < English to evade) + (-u suffix for forming verbs)
efadwr <e-VAA-dur> [ɛˡvɑˑdʊr] masculine noun
PLURAL efadwyr <e-VAD-wir> [ɛˡvadwɪr]
1 efadwr trethi tax evader,
person who finds illegal ways of not paying taxes
ETYMOLOGY: (efad- stem of the verb efadu = evade + (-wr suffix = man)
efail <EE-vail,
-vel> [ˡeˑvaɪl, -vɛl] Soft-mutated form
- loss of the initial g- of the radical form
See gefail = smithy.
(In colloquial Welsh efail is often
used as the radical form)
yr Efailisaf <ər EE-vail I-sav> [ər ˡeˑvaɪl ˡɪsav]
1 village in Rhondda-Cynon-Taf - the lower smithy
In Gwentian, the local form would be ’Refil Isha <REE-vil I-sha> [ˡreˑvɪl ˡɪʃa]
efallai <e-VA-lhai,
-lhe> [ɛˡvaɬaɪ, -ɬɛ]
1 maybe, perhaps
Efallai nad yw’n wir Maybe it’s not
(Synonyms of efallai: hwyrach / gall / dichon)
Generally considered that efallai is southern, hwyrach is
But ella is to be heard in the north.
Colloquially, with the loss of the prepenult syllable:
In the South-west’falle
<VA-lhe> [ˡvaɬɛ], also walle <WA-lhe> [ˡwaɬɛ], and also wylle <WƏ-lhe> [ˡwəɬɛ]
In the South-east ’falla
<VA-lha> [ˡvaɬa], also walla <WA-lha> [ˡwaɬa], and also wylla <WƏ-lha> [ˡwəɬa]
Efan <EE-van> [ˡeˑvan] masculine noun
1 Man’s name. Not used in standard Welsh, since “Ifan” is considered
to be the correct Welsh form, though Efan is in fact a totally correct Welsh
This form of medieval “Ieuan” is commonly used as a forename, and is found in
the surnames “Evans” (from a Welsh patronymic ab Efan, or simply Efan) and
“Bevan” (from the patronymic Befan < ab Efan)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh Efan (= John) < Iefan (= John) < Iewan < Ieuan (= John) < British < Latin
Johannes (= John)
NOTE: The form Iefan was in common
use colloquially in the south-east in the 1800s.
Examples of words with an original ieu
which has become ief-,and words
which show the loss of the initial
semi-consonant i- before e are
(1) ieweydd (obsolete) (part of a
yoke), also occured as ewydd (iau = yoke)
(2) ieuanc (= young) which has
colloquial forms iefanc (now
obsolete) and ifanc (in general use)
(3) ieuaf (= youngest) which had the
colloquial forms iefaf / iefa and ifaf / ifa
(4) ieuangaidd (= youngish,
youthful) > iengaidd, ifancaidd. In the south-east iyngidd
(5) ieuenctid (= youth, youngness)
> iefenctid (obsolete) > ienctid (in general use)
(6) ai e? (= is that it?) >
Southern Welsh ie fe? >
South-eastern Welsh efa?
<e-VEILH-drev> [ɛˡvəɪɬdrɛv]
Soft-mutated form - loss of the initial g- of the radical form
See gefeilldref = twinned town
<e-VEILH-es> [ɛˡvəɪɬɛs]
Soft-mutated form - loss of the initial g- of the radical form
See gefeilles = twin (female)
-yed> [ɛˡvəɪɬjaɪd,
Soft-mutated form - loss of the initial g- of the radical form
See gefeilliaid = twins
<e-VEILH-yo> [ɛˡvəɪɬjɔ]
Soft-mutated form - loss of the initial g- of the radical form
See gefeillio = to twin
<EE-vel> [ˡeˑvɛl]
Soft-mutated form - loss of the initial g- of the
radical form
See gefel = pincers
Efelffre <e-VEL-fre> [ɛˡvɛlfrɛ]
1 ancient territory in the
efell <EE-velh> [ˡeˑvɛɬ]
Soft-mutated form - loss of the initial g- of the radical form
See gefell = twin (male)
efelychadwy <e-vel-əkh-AA-dui> [ɛvɛˡəxˡɑˑdʊɪ]adjective
1 imitable
2 anefelychadwy inimitable
ETYMOLOGY: (efelych- stem of efelychu = to imite) + (-adwy = adjectival suffix indicating
efelychiad <e-vel-LƏKH-yad> [ɛvɛlˡləxjad] masculine noun
PLURAL efelychiadau <e-ve-ləkh-YAA-dai, -de> [ɛvɛləxˡjɑˑdaɪ,
1 imitation
2 gocheler efelychiadau beware
of imitations
3 simulation
ETYMOLOGY: (efelych-, stem of efelychu = imitate) + (-iad suffix)
efelychiadol <e-ve-ləkh-YAA-dol> [ɛvɛləxˡjɑˑdɔl]
1 simulated
ETYMOLOGY: (efelychiad = imitation,
simulation) + (-ol suffix for
forming adjectives)
efengyl, efengylau <e-VE-ngil, e-ve-NGƏ-lai, -le> [ɛˡvɛŋɪl, ɛvɛˡŋəlaɪ,
1 gospel
effaith, effeithiau <EE-faith, -feth, e-FEITH-yai, -ye> [ˡeˑfaɪθ¸ -fɛθ,
ɛˡfəɪθjaɪ, -jɛ]
1 effect
effeithiau <e-FEITH-yai,
-ye> [ɛˡfəɪθjaɪ,
1 effects - see effaith
effeithio <e-FEITH-yo> [ɛˡfəɪθjɔ]
1 to affect
efo <EE-vo> [ˡeˑvɔ] preposition
1 (North Wales) with
2 Dos i chwarae efo dy fol!
Get stuffed! (“go to play with your belly”)
efr (‘efer’) <EVR, EE-ver> [ˡɛvr, ˡeˑvɛr]
1 See: efryn
efrau <E-vrai, -vre> [ˡɛvraɪ, -vrɛ]plural
1 See: efryn
efryn <E-vrin> [ˡɛvrɪn] masculine noun
PLURAL efrau, efr (‘efer’) <E-vrai,
EVR, EE-ver> [ˡɛvraɪ, ˡɛvr, ˡeˑvɛr]
1 darnel Lolium temulentum, weed which grows in
cereal crops in Europe and Asia
2 darnel = weed in cereal crops in the Bible; identified with Lolium temulentum (though it could in
fact be another plant)
Mathew 13:24 Dameg arall a osododd efe
iddynt, gan ddywedyd, Teyrnas nefoedd sydd gyffelyb i ddyn a heuodd had da yn
ei faes. (13:25) A thra oedd y
dynion yn cysgu, daeth ei elyn ef, ac a heuodd efrau ymhlith y gwenith, ac a
aeth ymaith. (13:26) Ac wedyn i’r
eginyn dyfu, a dwyn ffrwyth, yna yr ymddangosodd yr efrau hefyd
Matthew 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of
heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: (13:25) But
while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his
way. (13:26) But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then
appeared the tares also.
3 Lolium perene a grass
cultivated for forage
4 (South Wales) penefer giddy,
dizzy; unruly; spoilt (“head (of) darnel”).
See the note on
ETYMology below.
5 (South Wales) efer o, hefer o (= massive, enormous)
efer o beth enormous thing
efer o lwyth enormous load
ETYMOLOGY: English ever (dialect
English, south-eastern England) (= darnel) (also every) < Old French ivraie
(= rye grass) (same in modern French) < Latin êbriaca (herba) (= grass which causes drunkenness) < êbriacus < êbrius (= drunk).
The word penefer (“head (of)
darnel”) (= giddy, dizzy; unruly; spoilt) is explained by the narcotic efect of
this plant.
According to the lexicographer Thomas Richards (Antiquae Linguae Britannicae
Thesaurus - Welsh-English Dictionary, 1753) “efer” is “a weed growing among
corn, called darnel, tares, ray or cockle; it is naught for the eyes, and will
make the head giddy, if eaten in hot bread”
Efrog <E-vrog> [ˡɛvrɔg] feminine noun
1 York = city in the north of England.
Latin name Eborâcum
2 Alternatively, Caerefrog York (caer = Roman city) + (Efrog)
2 Swydd Efrog = Yorkshire (the
former English county of which York is the historic capital)
3 pwdin Efrog = Yorkshire
pudding, a dish from Yorkshire (England) consisting of a light pudding made
from flour, eggs and milk, usually accompanying roast beef
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *Eborâk-on,
which corresponds in modern Welsh to the elements (efwr Hieracleum sphondylium =
cow parsnip) + (-og, suffix
indicating ‘abundant in (such and such a plant)’).
The English name “York” is a Scandinavianised form of the Old English name.
This was Eoforwic
(“boar's dwelling”), a reinterpretation of the British name *Eborâkon or the Latinised British name Eborâcum.
See efwr (Hieracleum sphondylium = cow parsnip)
Efrog Newydd <E-vrog NEU-idh> [ˡɛvrɔg ˡnɛʊɪð]
feminine noun
1 New York = seaport at the mouth of the Hudson river, made up of five
boroughs - Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island.
New York was formerly a Dutch city on Manhattan Island called Nieuw Amsterdam (New Amsterdam),
and capital of New Netherland; it was captured by the English in 1664 and renamed
after the son of Charles 1, and heir to the English and Scottish throne.
He had been given the title Duke of York twenty years previously, in 1644 at
the age of 10 / 11. He later became King James II of England (1685) until
defeated in battle by William of Orange (1688), who became King William III of
efryd <E-vrid> [ˡɛvrɪd]
masculine noun
PLURAL efrydiau <e-VRID-yai,
-ye> [ɛˡvrɪdjaɪ, -jɛ]
1 study, act of studying
2 in names of some magazines:
Efrydiau Catholig (= Catholic
Efrydiau Athronyddol (=
Philosophical Studies)
3 efrydiau allanol,
extra-mural studies
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh efryd is a word
invented by William Owen-Pughe (1759-1835). It is (e- = prefix) + soft mutation + (bryd = mind).
The prefix e- which he used
is apparently used in teh sense of ‘from’. It occurs in the word eofn ‘bold’, where e- corresponds to Celtic *eks
(= from,) hence eofn = ‘free from fear’ (ofn = fear).
efrydd <EV-ridh> [ˡɛvrɪð] adjective
1 (little used; archaic) weak, feeble, helpless
aros yn wystlon efrydd yn nwylo ein
to remain helpless victims in the hands of our oppressors
2 (obsolete) crippled, maimed, disabled
ETYMOLOGY: ‘un-free’ (efrydd < *afrydd (af- = privative suffix) + soft mutation + (rhydd = free); Cornish evredh
(= crippled, mutilated)
Efsam <EV-sam> [ˡɛvsam] feminine noun
1 Welsh name for the English town of Evesham
ETYMOLOGY: Cymricisation of the English name Evesham
efwr <EE-vur> [ˡeˑvʊr] masculine noun
1 (plant) Hieracleum sphondylium
= cow parsnip, tall plant with a thick stem and clusters of white or purple
flowers (the stem used by children to make blowpipes for water)
2 A precursor of efwr occurs
in many Celtic place names in Celtic Europe, of which the Latin forms are
...(1) “Eburacum” (now Efrog in
Welsh, “York” in English)
Equivalent to modern Welsh (efwr) +
(suffix -og = abundant) > *efyrog > efrog
...(2) “Eburobriga”
Equivalent to modern Welsh (efwr) + (bre = hill) (e.g. Évora de Alopbaça, Portugal)
...(3) “Eburodunum”
Equivalent to modern Welsh (efwr) + (din = fort) (e.g. Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland; Embrun, eastern
Occitania; Brno, Czechia)
...(4) “Eburomagus”
Equivalent to modern Welsh (efwr) + (ma = plain). (e.g. Yverdun, Switzerland; Bram, western Occitania),
...(5) In South Wales, the element efwr
is to be seen in the place name Dinefwr
(‘fort’ + ‘cow parsnip’), in fact the same as the Gaulish name “Eburodunum”
with the elements reversed
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *ebor-
< Celtic.
From the same British root: Breton evor
(= black alder)
From the same Hibernian root: Irish iubhar
(= yew)
Cf French: bourdaine (= black
alder) < Gaulish eburigena.
See Dinefwr, Efrog
NOTE: North Wales ewr ‹eur› < efwr
(loss of the medial f)
efydd <EE-vidh> [ˡeˑvɪð] masculine noun
1 bronze
2 cast efydd bronze cast, made
of bronze shaped in a mo(u)ld when the bronze was in a molten state
3 medal efydd bronze medal
4 Crugyrefydd Street name in Crymych
(county of Penfro) (“Crug Yr Efydd”)
(“(the) mound (of) the bronze”) (crug =
mound) + (yr = the) + (efydd = bronze)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British
< Celtic *omijo < *em (= red)
Related word: Irish umha <uu-ə> [ˡuˑə] (= copper,
copper alloy, bronze)
<EE-vin> [ˡeˑvɪn]
Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gefyn = shackle
<e-VƏ-ni> [ɛˡvənɪ]
Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gefynnu =
efyrnig <e-VƏR-nig> [ɛˡvərnɪg] feminine noun
1 obsolete young goat which has
produced young and gives milk
2 *Efyrnig (Not found as such in Welsh, but this would
be the modern Welsh form)
Celtic goddess of goats; the name is found in Gaulish as Eburnica-
ETYMOLOGY: British *eburnîka (=
little goat)
Efyrnwy <e-VƏR-nui> [ɛˡvərnʊɪ] feminine noun
1 river in mid-Wales
A clipped forof the river name occurs in place
names Fyrnwy and this is the form used on English-language maps (with English ‘v’
replacing Welsh ‘f’): “Vyrnwy”
Brynfyrnwy SJ2320, near Llansanffráid ym Mechain
(“(the) hill (overlooking) (the) Efyrnwy
(on the Ordnance Survey map as “Bryn Vyrwy
Glanfyrnwy SJ2220, near Llansanffráid ym Mechain
(“(the) bank (of) (the) Efyrnwy (river)”)
(on the Ordnance Survey map as “Bryn Vyrwy
ETYMOLOGY: British *eburn- as above in efyrnig
-eg suffix
1 suffix for forming a noun indicating a science
meteleg metallurgy (metel = metal) + (-eg)
2 suffix for forming a noun or adjective
indicating a language or dialect
Basgeg Basque
Galiseg Galician
Powyseg Powysian, dialect of Powys
1 abbreviation for enw gwrywaidd
= masculine noun
gu-RIU-aidh, -edh> [ˡɛnʊ gʊˡrɪʊaɪð,
<E-glir> [ˡɛglɪr]
1 clear
eglurhâd <e-glir-HAAD> [ɛglɪrˡhɑːd]masculine noun
PLURAL eglurhadau <e-glir-HAA-dai, -de> [ɛglɪrˡhɑˑdaɪ,
1 explanation = act of explaining
2 explanation = statement which explains
3 explanation = reason
4 (map) legend, key, explanation of symbols
5 explanation =
something which is a clarification, definition, interpretation
Cymerodd Robert Gruffydd y Beibl, a dechreuodd ddarllen y Salm. Weithiau, ceid
ef yn taflu gair o eglurhad ar ambell i adnod
Plant y Gorthrwm / 1908 / Gwyneth Vaughan (= Anne Harriet Hughes 1852-1910) t69
Robert Gruffydd took the Bible, and began to read the Psalm. At times, he was
to be seen (“found”) throwing in (“throwing”) a word of explanation of an
occasional verse
ETYMOLOGY: (eglurhá- stem of the
verb eglurháu = to explain) +
(-ad suffix for forming abstract
eglurhaol <e-glir-HAA-ol> [ɛglɪrˡhɑˑɔl]
1 explanatory
ETYMOLOGY: (eglurhá- stem of the
verb eglurháu = to explain) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)
eglurháu <e-glir-HAI> [ɛglɪrˡhaɪ] verb
1 to explain
ETYMOLOGY: (eglur = evident, plain
to see) + (-hau suffix for forming
verbs from adjectives)
egluro <e-GLII-ro> [ɛˡgliˑrɔ]
1 to explain
eglwys, eglwysi <E-gluis, e-GLUI-si> [ˡɛglʊɪs, ɛˡglʊɪsɪ]
1 church
- eglwys gadeiriol <ga-DEIR-yol> [gaˡdəɪrjɔl] cathedral
2 mor dlawd â llygoden eglwys = as poor as a
church mouse
3 Eglwys Rydd Free Church, one
independent of the State, one which does not demand compulsory contributions
from the state’s population
NOTE: There is also a plural form eglwysydd <e-GLUI-sidh> [ɛˡglʊɪsɪð]
Eglwys-bach <E-gluis
BAAKH> [ˡɛglʊɪs ˡbɑːx]
1 (SH8070) locality in the county of Conwy, 9km north-west of Llan-rŵst
2 a parish at this place
ETYMOLOGY: yr eglwys bach (“the little church”)
(yr definite article) + (eglwys = church) + (bach = little)
In North Wales, after a feminine noun bach
remains unmutated.
The expected form would be “yr eglwys fach”
Yr Eglwysnewydd <ər E-gluis NEU-idh > [ər ˡɛglʊɪs ˡnɛʊɪð]
1 ST1479 district of Caer-dydd / Cardiff.
English name: Whitchurch (“the white church”)
ETYMOLOGY: yr eglwys newydd (“the new church”)
(yr definite article) + (eglwys = church) + (newydd = new)
Eglwys Oen Duw <E-gluis oin DIU> [ˡɛglʊɪs ɔɪn ˡdɪʊ]
feminine noun
1 locality 15km west of Llanfair ym Muallt (county of Powys)
ETYMOLOGY: “the church of the Lamb of God “
(eglwys = church) + (oen = lamb) + (Duw = God).
In the New Testament “The Lamb of God" is a name for Christ as a symbol of
sacrifice (from the practice of sacrificing lambs to Jehovah)
Ioan 1:29 wele Oen Duw
John 1:29 behold the Lamb of God
Eglwyswythwr <E-gluis WƏƏ-thur> [ˡɛglʊɪs ˡwəˑθʊr]
1 (SN1343)
Parish in the county of Penfro, south-west Wales
English name: Monington
ETYMOLOGY: eglwys Wythyr “(the) church (of) Gwythwr”
(eglwys = church) + soft mutation + Gwythwr saint’s name, possibly from
Latin Victor-)
Eglwys Ysteffan <E-gluis ə-STEE-fan> [ˡɛglʊɪs əˡsteˑfan]
1 SN350108 name of an Anglican church in the village of Llansteffan
ETYMOLOGY: (“church of Stephen”) (eglwys
= church) + (Ysteffan = Stephen)
egni <EG-ni> [ˡɛgnɪ] (m)
PLURAL: egnïon <eg-NII-on> [ɛgˡniˑɔn]
1 energy
2 ymroddi eich holl egni i’r gwaith o devote all one’s
efforts to
egr (“eger”) <EGR,
EE-ger> [ɛgr, ˡeˑgɛr]
1 keen
egwyddor, egwyddorion <e-GUI-dhor, e-gui-DHOR-yon> [ɛˡgʊɪðɔr, ɛgʊɪˡðɔrjɔn]
1 principle
2 o ran egwyddor on principle
(o ran = from + part) + (egwyddor = principle)
egwyl, egwylion <E-guil, e-GUIL-yon> [ˡɛgʊɪl, ɛˡgʊɪljɔn]
1 interval
ehang- ‹e-hang› <e-HANG> [ɛˡhaŋ]
1 form before a final syllable of the adjective eang = wide
(See ehangach, ehangaf, ehangder,
ehangdir, ehangiad, ehangol, ehangu, Ehangwen)
ehangach <e-HA-ngakh> [ɛˡhaŋax] adjective
1 widest (comparative form of eang
= wide)
ehangaf <e-HA-ngav> [ɛˡhaŋav] adjective
1 widest (superlative form of eang
= wide)
NOTE: Colloquially a final ‘f’ in superlative forms is lost
ehangaf <e-HA-nga> [ɛˡhaŋa]
Ehangwen <e-HANG-wen> [ɛˡhaŋwɛn] feminine noun
1 name of Arthur's hall, in the tale of Culhwch ac Owen; built by
Gwlyddyn Saer (Gwlyddyn the carpenter / mason)
2 Hangwen - name of a building in
William Hughes, born in Sgubor Hangwen
(“Scybor Hangwen”), died
This is possibly Ehangwen, used jocularly to describe a large and imposing
ETYMOLOGY: substantive use of an adjective ehangwyn
“spacious and white”
(ehang- form before a final syllable
of the adjective eang = wide) + soft
mutation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white)
ehedlam <e-HED-lam> [ɛˡhɛdlam] masculine noun
PLURAL ehedlamau <e-hed-LA-mai,
-me> [ɛhɛdˡlamaɪ, -mɛ]
1 flying leap
2 ar ehedlam with a flying
ETYMOLOGY: (ehed-, stem of ehedu = to fly) + soft mutation + (llam = leap, jump)
NOTE: Often with the loss of the first syllable: hedlam
ehedydd <e-HEE-didh> [ɛˡheˑdɪð] masculine noun
PLURAL ehedyddion <e-hə-DƏDH-yon> [ɛhəˡdəðjɔn]
1 (bird) (Alauda arvensis) skylark, lark
2 codi gyda'r
ehedydd rise with the lark (= get up very early in the morning)
3 codiad yr
ehedydd the rising of the lark
4 Colloquially there is a clipped form hedydd, with the loss of the first
syllable before the accented syllable (a very common feature in spoken Welsh)
Street name in Bangor: Brynhedydd
for bryn (yr) ehedydd “(the) hill
(of) (the) skylark” (LL57 3HR)
ETYMOLOGY: (ehed- stem of ehedu = to fly) + (-ydd noun suffix for indicating a device or an agent)
Breton: alc'houeder
ehorthryn <e-HORTH-rin> [ɛˡhɔrθrɪn] masculine noun
1 (obsolete) diligence, studiousness. See iorthryn (a variant of this word with the same meaning)
ETYMOLOGY: (eorth = diligent) + soft
mutation + (rhyn)
ei > e
In some dialects the
diphthong “ei” in the penult becomes a simple vowel “e”
ceiniog (= penny) > ceniog
ceiliog (= penny) > celiog
Eilian (male forename) >
Gweirful > Gwerful (female forename)
Observation from ‘The
Lives of the British Saints: The Saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish
Saints as have Dedications in Britain’,
S. Baring-Gould, M.A, and John Fisher, B.D. In Four Volumes. Vol. II.
The a of the Latin name
being long, we should have expected it to have become Eilion in Welsh ; but a
few exceptions occur. In Anglesey the name is pronounced Eilian the correct
literary form but it is always Elian (occasionally Elien) in the pedigrees. The
difference is simply one of dialect e.g., the Anglesey and literary ceiniog and
ceiliog become ceniog and celiog in the Denbighshire dialect. A layman named
Elian witnesses a grant to the Church of Llandaff in the time of Bishop Trichan
(Book of Llan Ddv, p. 201)
..1 ei <EI> [ əɪ]
Note: the historically authentic form, and that which is used
colloquially is i <II> [iː], generally spelt
’i, as if derived from ei, though this is not so. But the apostrophe is rather
a useful device to distinguish the determiner from the preposition i (=
1 his / her / its
- ei gilydd <əi
GII-lidh> [ əɪ ˡgiˑlɪð] each other
- ei gwadnu hi off, scarper
- ei hun <əi
HIIN> [ əɪ ˡhiːn] himself, herself
2 (title) her
Ei Hanrhydedd Her Honour
Ei Harucheledd Her Excellence
Ei Mawrhydi Her Majesty
Ei Theilyngdod Her Worship (judge,
3 (title) his
Ei Anrhydedd His Honour
Ei Arucheledd His Excellence
Eich Mawrhydi His Majesty
Ei Deilyngdod His Worship (judge,
4 in forming adjectival phrases, (adjective + possessive determiner +
..1/ da ei fwriad (m), da ei bwriad (f),
well-meaning, well-intentioned (“good his intention”)
..2/ trwm ei glyw (m), trwm ei chlyw
hard of hearing (“heavy his hearing”)
5 in forming adjectival phrases, (adjective +
possessive determiner + verbnoun)
..1/ parod ei ateb quick to answer
back, too ready to answer back
..2/ hawdd ei dwyllo (m), hawdd ei thwyllo (f)
easily deceived (“easy his deceiving”)
.....un hawdd ei dwyllo (m), un hawdd ei thwyllo (f) an easy touch,
somebody easily deceived
prìn ei Saesneg ‹prin i Səs-neg›
who doesn't
speak much English, who didn't speak much English (“scarce one's English”)
6 used in the formation of many phrase verbs of the type (ei) + (verb) + (hi)
..1/ ei bachu hi – go away (“the
hooking of it / her”)
..2/ ei gadael hi rhwng rhywun a’i gawl
/ a’i botes / a’i bethau = let
somebody stew in their own juice
..3/ ei rhoi hi (i rywun) lay
into someone, attack (someone) = hit, beat ; savagely criticise (someone)
(ei = her) + (rhoi = give / giving) + (hi
= of-her)
..4/ ei siapo hi – get a move on
(“the shaping of it / her”)
..5/ ei throi hi go off, go away
...(“the turning of it / her”, turn it) (ei
= it / her) + aspirate mutation + (troi
= turn) + (hi (of) it / her)
...Rhaid imi ei throi hi I must be
getting along
...ei throi hi am adre go off home
..2 ei <EI> [ əɪ] verb
1 you will go; second person singular of the
future form of mynd (= to go)
nid ei di you won’t go
Nid ei di byth uwch bawd na sawdl You’ll never get anywhere, You’ll
never make it, You’re doomed to failure (“you won’t go higher than a toe or a
..3 ei <EI> [ əɪ]
1 replaces English ‹ai› in borrowings
into Welsh
Examples of forenames:
Clive <KLAIV> [klaɪv]> Cleif <KLEIV> [kləɪv]
Mike <MAIK> [maɪk]> Meic <MEIK> [məɪk]
Brian <BRAI-ən> [ˡbraɪən]> Breian <BREI-an> [ˡbrəɪan]
Simon <SAI-mən> [ˡsaɪmən]> Seimon <SEI-mon> [ˡsəɪmɔn]
1/ In South Wales the diphthong ei in the penult is reduced to
the half-long vowel [i·]
neidr /
neidir (=
snake) > nidir
gweithio (= to work) > gwitho
neithiwr (= last night) > nithwr
2/ ei < ai
An original ei is now ai in monosyllables;
but it is maintained in the penult or tonic syllable (Or occurs in the penult
in new derivative forms based on ai)
Cain (woman’s name = beautiful), Ceinwen (woman’s name;
addition of the suffix -wen)
main (= slim), meinion
(plural form)
Mair (woman’s name = Mary), Meirwen (woman’s name; addition of the suffix -wen)
ei < a
Brychan (male name; south-eastern ruler, of Irish origin), Brycheiniog
(his territory, Englished as Brecknock, or from his name as Brecon)
gwan (= weak), gweinion (plural
3/ Sometimes there are instances of ei > e in
the penult or tonic syllable
bleiddyn (= little wolf, wolf cub) > Bleddyn (male forename)
(bleidd- = blaidd = wolf) + (-yn diminutive suffix)
Gweirful > Gwerful (female
ei bachu hi < ei
BAA-khi hii> [əɪ ˡbɑˑxɪ hiː] verb
1 go off, go away
ETYMOLOGY: ‘hook it’ ( ei =
it / her) + aspirate mutation + ( bachu = to hook, catch with a hook) +
( hi (of) it / her)
eich <EIX> [əɪx]
Note: the historically authentic form, and that which is used
colloquially, is ỳch <əkh> [əx], generally spelt
1 your
eich arian your money
Colloquially, frequently a tag pronoun is added
eich arian chi your money (“your money of-you”)
This is also used where emphasis is required
eich arian chi your
money (“your money of-you”)
2 (title) your
Eich Anrhydedd Your Honour, Your
Eich Arucheledd Your Excellence,
Your Excellences
Eich Mawrhydi Your Majesty, Your
Eu Teilyngdod Your Worship (judge,
mayor), Your Worships
3 in adjectival phrases of the type (adjective) + eich / your + (noun)
da eich byd in comfortable circumstances
di-ffael eich ergyd unerring in
one’s aim
…bod yn ddi-ffael eich ergyd be a sure
shot, be a dead shot (“sure, certain, unfailing / your / shot”)
eang eich apêl ‹ê-ang əkh a-peel›
having a wide appeal
mawr eich croeso warmly welcomed,
greatly welcomed, receiving acclaim
…llyfr fydd yn fawr ei groeso a book
that will be warmly welcomed
Yr Eidal <ər EI-dal> [ər ˡəɪdal]
feminine noun
1 Italy
Esgid yr Eidal the boot of Italy (the shape of Italy as seen on a map)
yn yr Eidal in Italy
i’r Eidal to Italy
o’r Eidal from Italy
ETYMOLOGY: A form of Idal <II-dal> [ˡiˑdal], a
Welshed form of the Latin name Italia (in early Welsh there was sonorisation of
certain consonants between vowels – apparent both in native forms as well as
borrowings from Latin during the Roman period).
This ‘ei’ in the modern Welsh form could be the result
of English influence – if in English the ‘i’ in “Italy” was formerly pronounced
as <ai> [aɪ],
or if the Latin word was pronounced by the English with an English
Or it may be hypercorrection – in southern dialects especially, a tonic i
is a reduction of the diphthing ei
gwitho < gweithio (=
to work)
gobitho < gobeithio (= to hope)
Eidalaidd <ei-DAA-laidh,
-ledh> [əɪˡdɑlaɪð,
-lɛð] adjective
1 Italian = relating to Italy or the Italians
Italy) + (-aidd suffix for forming adjectives)
Eidaleg <ei-DAA-leg> [əɪˡdɑˑlɛg] feminine noun
1 Italian = relating to the Italian language
2 (adjective) Italian, the Italian language
ETYMOLOGY: (Eidal = Italy) + (-eg suffix for forming a noun or
adjective indicating a language or dialect)
Eidales <ei-DAA-les> [əɪˡdɑˑlɛs] feminine noun
PLURAL Eidalesau <ei-da-LE-sai,
-se> [əɪdaˡlɛsaɪ, -sɛ]
1 Italian woman
ETYMOLOGY: (Eidal = Italy) + (-es noun suffix indicating a female)
Eidalwr <ei-DAA-lur> [əɪˡdɑˑlʊr] masculine noun
PLURAL Eidalwyr <ei-DAL-wir> [əɪˡdalwɪr]1 Italian man
ETYMOLOGY: (Eidal = Italy) + (-wr suffix = man)
Eidalwyr <ei-DAL-wir> [əɪˡdalwɪr]
1 Italians
See Eidalwr
eiddil <EI-dhil> [ˡəɪðɪl] (adj)
1 decrepit
NOTE: Some Points of Similarity in the Phonology of Welsh and Breton,
T.H. Parry-Williams, 1913
In W[elsh], however, the interchange of f and dd is quite common, especially in the dial[ect]s…
One example given of the change dd > f is eiddil (delicate, tender ) > eifil
eiddo <EI-dho> [ˡəɪðɔ] masculine noun
1 property
eiddo ar brydles leasehold property, house
or land etc. rented out for a specified period
1 property
eiddo + noun the property of....
eiddo Siôn yw e it’s John’s “(it is) (the) property
(of) John that-is it”
d’eiddo di yw e it’s yours
eiddo i the property of
bod yn eiddo i belong to
yr hyn sydd yn eiddo i mi what belongs to
Roedd ei gar bob amser yn well o lawer nag eiddo neb arall
His car was always far better than that of anybody else
ffon grwca fel eiddo esgob a crooked staff
like a bishop’s
Aeth ei eiddo rhwng seiri a phorthmyn
His property was scattered to the four winds (“his property went between
craftsmen and drovers”, his property was divided up by craftsmen and drovers)
2 property = building or land
Yr oedd rhywun wedi byrddu ei ddrws ffrynt a bricio’r ffenestri, ac yr
oedd arwydd ar bostyn ar y lawnt yn dweud fod yr eiddo wedi’i gondemnio
Somebody had boarded up his front door and had
bricked in the windows, and there was a notice on a post on the lawn saying
that the property had been conde,mned
gweithred eiddo plural gweithredoedd
eiddo title deed
eiddo ar brydles leasehold property, house or land etc.
rented out for a specified period
fod yn eiddo dyn non-human, not
belonging to a human being
incwm eiddo property income, income resulting from the possession of
rhestr eiddo property register
In Middle Welsh the personal pronouns were
first person: mau mine, einym ours;
second person tau thine, einwch yours;
eiddo his, eiddi hers, eiddu theirs.
This obsolete third person pronoun eidd
(= his, hers) is from Celtic *esyo
(= his) and *esyâ (= hers) in
Unaccented forms of *esyo / *esyâ also resulted in the possessive
determiner i (= his, her), which is the spoken Welsh form. Nowadays the
literary language has ei, from an artifical spelling used by William
Salesbury, the translator of the New Testament into Welsh in 1567, based on
Latin eius (= his)
In imitation of inflected pronouns such as ar (= on) and its third person forms – two singular (arno on
him, arni on her) and one plural (arnynt on them), in early
modern Welsh three third person forms of eiddo emerged: eiddo (= his), eiddi (= hers), and eiddu / eiddynt (= theirs).
In inflected prepositions, the first-person and second-person forms
tended to be remodelled on the third-person form.
For example, in the case of the preposition ar (= on) the first
syllable arn – of the third person now occurs in all the persons (arnaf, arnom; arnat, arnoch; arno, arni,
So too with eiddo. Eidd-
came to be used in too in the first person and second person, and the
inflexions of the inflected prepositions were added.
Mau (= mine) > eiddof
Tau (= thine) > eiddot
Einym (= ours) > eiddom
Einwch (= yours) > eiddoch
eiddoch <EI-dhox
> [ˡəɪðɔx]pronoun
1 yours
yr eiddoch is
used in conventional phrases at the end of a letter
yr eiddoch yn gywir yours yours,
bod eiddoch (obsolete) be yours
yr eiddoch chwi your
Corinthiaid-2 12:14 canys ni wyf yn ceisio yr
eiddoch chwi, ond chwychi
Corinthians-2 12.14 for I seek not yours, but you
ETYMOLGY: See eiddo
eiddo coll <EI-dho KOLH> [ˡəɪðɔ ˡkɔɬ]
masculine noun
1 lost property
NOTE: also eiddo colledig <EI-dho
ko-LHEE-dig> [ˡəɪðɔ kɔˡɬeˑdɪg]
ETYMOLOGY: (eiddo = goods) + (coll = lost, stem of the verb colli = to lose);
colledig = (coll-, root of colli = to lose) + (-edig = past participle passive suffix)
eiddom ‹ei-dhom›
1 that which belongs to us
yr eiddom ni ours
mewn pentref fel yr eiddom ni in a village like
ETYMOLGY: See eiddo
Eiddun ‹ei
-dhin› feminine noun
1 woman’s name (= beautiful)
ETYMOLOGY: According to Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru / University of Wales
Dictionary, from British *ad-jûn-, and
found in an inscription (in Gaul) as Adiune
eidduno ‹ei-DHII-no› verb
1 wish, desire, long for
Drwy y nos, dirion Iesu, eiddunaf Dy
hedd heno i gysgu
(Prayer) Through the night, gentle Jesus, I wish for your peace tonight to
eidduno clod i praise (‘wish praise
Rhaid eidduno clod i rai o’n
ººººharchfarchnadoedd am ºofalu gosod arwyddion dwyieithog (Y Faner 28 06
We should praise some of our hypermarkets for taking the trouble to put up
bilingual signs
2 dedicate
eidduno eich holl egni i dedicate
all your energy to (doing something)
ETYMOLOGY: eidduno < *eidd-iuno < *add-iuno); (add- prefix
corresponding to Latin ad) + (*iuno = to desire)
Eiddwen ‹EIDH
1 woman’s name
eiddynt ‹ei-dhint› pronoun
1 theirs
bod eiddynt (obsolete) be theirs
Habacuc 1:6 Canys wele fi yn codi y Caldeaid, cenedl
chwerw a phrysur, yr hon a rodia a r hyd lled y tir, i feddiannu cyfanheddoedd
nid yw eiddynt
Habakkuk 1:6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, [that]
bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to
possess the dwellingplaces [that are] not theirs.
ETYMOLGY: See eiddo
eidion ‹EID-yon› (m)
PLURAL: eidionau ‹eid-YOO-nai,
1 (South Wales) ox, bullock, beef-cow
cig eidion beef
gwêr eidion beef tallow
seithgant o eidionau seven hundred beef-cows
(Apocrypha) Llyfr Cyntaf Esdras 1:9 Jechoneias hefyd, a
Samaias, a Nathanael ei frawd, a Sabaias, ac Ochiel, a Joram, milwriaid, a roddasant
i'r Lefiaid ynghyfer y Pasg, bum mil o ddefaid, a seithgant o eidionau.
(Apocrypha) Esdras-1 1:9 And Jeconias, and
Samaias, and Nathanael his brother, and Assabias, and Ochiel, and Joram,
captains over thousands, gave to the Levites for the passover five thousand sheep,
and seven hundred calves.
ETYMOLOGY: British *otion
Breton ejen (= ox)
Cornish has ojon (= ox) (from an older odion; there is not the
expected vowel affection which has occurred in the Welsh and Breton words),
NOTE: In south Wales as eid’on / ’id’on
(usual absence of the semin consonant [j] before a final syllable; usual
reduction of the diphthong [ei] to the semi-long vowel [i]
Eifion ‹EIV
yon› (f)
1 Short name for Eifionydd (qv), a medieval kántrev
In Llanystumdwy, there is a locality called
Bryneifion SH4838
(this correct spelling Bryneifion is also the
spelling found on the Ordnance Survey map)
bryn Eifion (“hill overlooking Eifionydd”) (bryn = hill) + (Eifion)
Probably from a house name map
(delwedd 7511)
2 (m) man’s name (generally there is a connection with the
district of Eifionydd (qv))
Alltud Eifion (“(the) exile (from) Eifionydd”) (Robert Isaac Jones).
(wicipedia) Ganed Alltud Eifion (1815-1905) ym Mhentrefelin ger
Porthmadog yn ardal Eifionydd yn yr hen Sir Gaernarfon (Gwynedd).
Alltud Eifion (1815-1905) was born in Pentrefelin by Porthmadog in the
district of Eifionydd in the former county of Caernarfon (now Gwynedd).
(After 1831 he lived in Pwllheli, Carnarfon and London, but by 1838 he
was back in Eifionydd, in Tremadog, where he opened a chemist's shop
and a printing press.)
(delwedd G3950)
Eifiona ‹eiv
YOO na› (f)
1 woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: the male name Eifion with the addition of the suffix –a, used to make female
Eifionydd ‹ei
vi OO nidh›
1 an old territory in the north-west, one of the two kántrevs of the
country of Dunoding (the other being Ardudwy, divide into the two kúmmuds of
Uwch Artro and Is Artro)
(delwedd 7338)
Eifionydd is the district from
Penrhyndeudraeth in the east to Afon Erch (the river Arch) in the west. Afon
Erch disgorges into the sea at Aber-erch.
The highest point is Moel Hebog
The secondary school in Penrhyndeudraeth is Ysgol Eifionydd.
(delwedd 7542)
There is a popular short name for the district – Eifion (qv)
Some Points of Similarity in the Phonology of Welsh and Breton,
T.H. Parry-Williams, 1913
In W[elsh], however, the interchange of f and dd is quite common, especially in the dial[ect]s…
One example given of the change f > dd is Eifionydd (a district in Carnarvonshire) > Eiddionydd
● eifl Soft-mutated form - the radical form has
initial g-.
See geifl =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eifr Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geifr =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
ei gadael hi ‹ii gâ-del hi›
1 ei gadael hi rhwng rhywun a’i gawl
(“leave it between somebody and his broth”)
ei gadael hi rhwng rhywun a’i botes (“leave it between somebody and his
ei gadael hi rhwng rhywun a’i bethau (“leave it between somebody and his
affairs / things”)
let somebody stew in their own juice = leave somebody to deal unaided with the
unfortunate consequences of their actions
ei gilydd ‹i gî
-lidh› pronoun
1 each other (literally: his fellow), one
(with) the other
2 after prepositions:
ar draws ei gilydd one across the other, across each other
at ei gilydd all in all (‘to its fellow’), altogether
dod oddi wrth ei gilydd come apart, fall apart
fel bo’i gilydd equally, one the same as the other (respect them
equally, etc)
mynd i’w gilydd (assembling something) go together, fit together
mynd gyda’i gilydd go together
rhoi wrth ei gilydd put together, assemble
rywsut neu’i gilydd somehow or other
sibrwd ymysg ei gilydd whisper among themselves
3 Maen nhw i gyd yr un fath â’i gilydd
They’re all the same (“the same with / as its fellow”)
4 forms reciprocal verb-phrases
caru ei gilydd love each other
casáu ei gilydd hate each other
curo ei gilydd hit each other
ETYMOLOGY: “his fellow” (ei
= his) + soft mutaiton + ( cilydd = fellow) < British
From the same British root: Breton egile “his fellow”, each other
eigion ‹EIG
1 depths, ocean
eigionfor ‹eig- yon -vor› masculine noun
1 (poetry) ocean
ETYMOLOGY: (eigion = ocean) + soft
mutation + (môr = sea)
Eigon ‹EI-gon› [ˡəɪgɔn]
1 saint’s name
Llanigon SO2139 <lhan-II-gon> [ɬanˡiˑgɔn] a village in Powys.
The present name in fact represents the local pronunciation of Llaneigon
<lhan-EI-gon> [ɬanˡəɪgɔn] “church of Eigon” (llan = church) + (Eigon)
In the penultimate syllable, especially in South Wales, the diphthong <EI> [əɪ] becomes a simple vowel, short <I> [ɪ] or semi-long <II> [iˑ] , depending on the following consonant yr eglwys / the church
In the Subsidy
Rolls of 1292 there is mentioned a Willelmus filius Eigon in Y Trallwng
/ Welshpool
(a Latin translation of what would have been in the original Welsh (in
present-day spelling) “Wiliam ab Eigon”, or “Gwilym ab Eigon”)
eil ‹eil› f
PLURAL: aeliau ‹eil
1 aisle (church, chapel, cinema, theatre)
mynd i lawr yr eil go down the
aisle, get married
ETYMOLOGY: English aisle < Middle
English ele < Old French <
Latin âla (= wing)
NOTE: also ael
eilchwyl ‹eil
-khwil› adverb
1 again, a second time
37:14 A dywedodd wrtho, Dos weithian, edrych pa lwyddiant sydd i'th frodyr,
a pha lwyddiant sydd i'r praidd; a dwg eilchwyl air i mi. Felly efe a'i
hanfonodd ef o ddyffryn Hebron; ac efe a ddaeth i Sichem.
Genesis 37:14 And he said to him, Go, I
pray thee, see whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks;
and bring me word again. So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he came
to Shechem.
A’r hen Gwmclydach annwyl,
Sydd fel pe bai yn disgwyl
Daw’r hen breswylwyr yn eu tro
I aros yno eilchwyl
Llanwynno (1888) Glanffrwd (William Thomas 1843-1890)
And dear old Cwmclydach
Which is as if it is waiting
The old inhabitants will come back in their turn
To stay / live there another time
2 eilchwyl ac eilchwyl over and over
3 yn awr ac eilchwyl now and again, now and then,
from time to time
ETYMOLOGY: (eil-, penult
form of ail = second ) + (chwyl = turn)
yr eildro ‹ər eil -dro› adverb
1 for a second time, for the second time
also: am yr eildro
am yr eildro / priodi’r eildro get married for the second time
ETYMOLOGY: (eil-, penult form of ail = second) + soft mtuation + (
tro = turn, time, occasion)
NOTE: Also: yr eiltro
eiledol ‹ei- lê -dol› adjective
1 (Electricity) alternating
cyrrent eiledol alternating current,
ETYMOLOGY: (eil- < ail = second, next) + ?
eilfyd ‹eil -vid› masculine noun
1 yr eilfyd the afterlife, the
world to come
ETYMOLOGY: (eil-, penult form of ail = second ) + soft mutation + (byd = world)
eiliad, eiliadau ‹EIL
yad, eil YAA de›
1 second (sixtieth part of a minute)
2 ar yr union eiliad at that
precise moment
Eilian ‹eil -yan› masculine noun
1 name of a saint of the Celtic Church
Llaneilian village in Ynys Môn
“church (of) Eilian” (llan = church)
+ (Eilian)
2 man’s name; revived in the 1800s and 1900s, used occasionally; usually
indicates some connection with the parish of Llaneilian
3 Gŵyl Eilian the
feastday of Eilian (13 January)
Ŵyl Eilian on the feastday of
Eilian, on 13 January (in adverbial phrases there is soft mutation of the
initial consonant, hence gŵyl
> ŵyl)
This adverbial form is used in the saying about the lengthening day after the
winter solstice:
Awr fawr Calan, dwy ŵyl Eilian,
tair ŵyl Fair
‘big hour (on) the calend (“awr fawr y Calan”), two on Eilian’s feastday, and
three on Mary’s feastday’
That is, the day will have lengthened since the solstice on the twenty-first of
(1) a full hour by New Year’s Day (Y Calan) on January the first, (half an hour
in the morning a half an hour in the evening),
(2) two hours on Eilian’s feastday (Gŵyl Eilian) on January the
thirteenth, and
(3) three hours by Lady Day (Gŵyl Fair) on February the second
(delwedd 7043)
Eilir ‹EI
lir› (literary word)
1 spring
2 spring equinox
eilir ‹ei
-lir› masculine noun
1 spring, vernal equinox
also: Alban Eilir the vernal equinox
2 Eilir woman’s name
3 Eilir man’s name
Golygodd y ffaith iddo gyfeirio at Eilir
Davies o’r Felinheli fel ‘pencampWRAIG’ cwis y rhaglen iddo orfod treulio
llawer o’r dydd Mawrth yn amddiheuro i Mr Davies (Cymro 26 05 1993)
The fact that he referred to Eilir Davies of Y Felinheli as ‘female champion’
of the quiz on the programme meant he had to spent much of Tuesday apologising
to Mr. Davies
ETYMOLOGY: word invented by Iolo Morgannwg (ail = second) + (ir =
verdant, green), that is ‘green again’
(1) (Llanofer manuscripts in the handwriting of Iolo Morganwg, 1795)
Gŵyl Alban Eilir, yr unfed ar
hugain ddydd o Fawrth = the festival of the solar quarter of Eilir, the
twenty-first day of March
(2) Dictionary of William Owen-Pughe (produced in sections beginning in 1795): eilir; regeneration, reanimation, a
return of moisture
Eiliw ‹EI
1 woman’s name
eillio ‹EILH
1 to shave
● eill Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geill = he / she / it can
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eilun ‹ei -lin› masculine noun
1 image, likeness, representation
2 idol, graven image = object which is worshipped or revered
Corinthiaid-1 8:4 Am fwyta gan hynny o’r
pethau a aberthir i eilunod, ni a wyddom nad yw eilun ddim yn y byd, ac nad oes un Duw arall ond un
Corinthians-1 8:4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are
offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world,
and that there is none other God but one
3 idol, person who is an object of great love or admiration
Roedd y ferch fach yn eilun ei rhieni
The little girl was the idol of her parents
4 imitation, reflection, poor substitute; unskilful, poor at one’s job
Eilun o saer yw e He’s a useless
5 Bible eilun bugail unskilful shepherd, useless shepherd
Sechareia 11:15 A’r Arglwydd a ddywedodd
wrthyf, Cymer eto i ti offer bugail ffôl...
(11:17) Gwae yr eilun bugail, yn gadael
y praidd; y cleddyf fydd ar ei fraich, ac ar ei lygad deau, ei fraich gan wywo
a wywa, a’i lygad deau gan dywyllu a dywylla
Zechariah 11:15 And the Lord said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments
of a foolish shepherd... (11:17) Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the
flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall
be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened
ETYMOLOGY: eilun < ‘éil-lun’ (eil, penultimate syllable form of ail = second) + soft mutation + (llun = image)
eilun ‹ai
-lin› adjective
1 moderately well, neither good nor bad
2 (health) so-so, middling, not too bad..
Rw i’n oilin o iach I’m fairly well
Shwd y’ chi ’eddi? O, oilin bach ’w i
’eddi How are you today? Oh, not too bad today
3 oilin or oilin bach (weather) so-so.
Ma-i’n ddwarnod oilin bach It’s
middling weather today
ETYMOLOGY: from the word eilun =
idol; it is a development of the sense ‘inexpert, poor’.
(1) In the south, eilun > eulun (assimilation of i in the first syllable to the u of the second syllable).
(2) In the south, eu is pronounced ‹oi› and is written ou or oi.
(3) Hence the South Wales form, spelt oulun
or oilin,
both having the same pronunciation ‹oi lin›
● eilw Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geilw = he / she / it calls
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
Eilwen ‹EIL
wen› feminine noun
1 woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: The name is possibly a spelling variant of Aelwen ‹EIL wen›, feminine form of aelwyn (=
fair-browed) – the pronunciation remains the same, at least in Southern Welsh.
(Penult ae is pronounced “eu” <eɨ> [əɨ] in the North and
“ei” <ei> [əɪ] in the South)
(ael (f) = brow) + soft mutation + (gwyn = white; fair,
NOTE: The name might also be interpreted as having eil-, ail (= second)
as its first element: ‘second-born’
ei mentro hi ‹ii men –tro hii› verb
1 have a go; risk it; stick one's neck out
ETYMOLOGY: ‘venture it’ (ei
= it / her) + (mentro = to venture) + (hi (of) it / her)
ein ‹EIN,
1 our
● eingau Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geingau =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eingio Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See geingio =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eingion ‹eing -yon› feminine
PLURAL einionau ‹ei- ngyô
NOTE: Also (a) einion, and in North Wales ingon / engan
1 anvil = heavy steel block on which metals are hammered into shape
2 anvil = something similar in shape or use to an anvil
boncyff derwen fel einion i hollti coed arno
An oak
stump was used as an anvil to split wood on
3 bod cyn galeted ag einion be very obstinate (“be as hard as an
4 Street name Sŵnyrengan (“(the)
sound (of) the anvil”) in Y Gaerwen (county of Môn) (“Sŵn yr Engan”)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh eingion
< einion < enian < British < Celtic
From the same British root: Cornish anwan (= anvil), Breton anneo
(= anvil)
From the same Celtic root: Irish inneoin [ˈin'o:n'] (= anvil)
NOTE: Seemingly related to Latin incus (= anvil) < incûdere (=
to forge)
einioes ‹EIN
yos› (m)
1 life
2 peryglu’ch einioes put your life in
danger (“endanger your life”)
colli’ch einioes lose your life
3 cael estyniad einioes get a new lease
of life (after a period of illness, depression, loss of vitality, etc to have a
renewed vigour, health, drive, optimisim, happiness, etc) (“get an extension of
4 cost = sacrifice, loss
ar draul ei einioes at the cost of his life
ar gost ei einioes at the cost of his life
Einion ‹EIN
1 man’s name
South Wales: Einon
Gorseinon gors Einon< cors Einon “(the) bog (of) Einon”
ab Einon (patronymic) > Beinon (coalesced patronymic, and
surname) Spelt “Beynon” in English
einion ‹ein -yon› feminine noun
PLURAL einionau ‹ein- yô -ne›
1 anvil = heavy steel block on which metals are
hammered into shape
See eingion
Einsiob ‹ein
-shob› feminine noun
1 SO2662 village in Powys, 6km
south-east of Llanandras. English name: Evenjobb tai newydd / new houses Eglwys Bedr / Saint Peter’s Church
ETYMOLOGY: Cymricisation of the English name Evenjobb
eir ‹EIR› v
1 one goes
In fact, the impersonal form
of the present-future tense of mynd (= to go)
Cartrefi Cymru, Owen M. Edwards, 1896
Yng nghanol mynyddoedd Meirionnydd, uwchben dyffryn cul a rhamantus,
y mae'r Gerddi Bluog. O Harlech neu Lanbedr yr eir yno.
Y Gerddi Bluog is in the
middle of the Meirionydd uplands, above a narrow romantic valley. One goes
there from Harlech or Llanbedr / It is reached by going from Harlech or
1 ‹EI ra› (m)
1 snow
2 bwrw eira ‹BU ru EI ra› to snow
3 gwneud eira mawr snow heavily
(“make big snow”)
2 ‹EI ra›
1 woman’s name
Eira Wen ‹ei ra
WEN› ‹ar
saith KO rakh› Snow White
ETYMOLOGY: ‘snow’. See the entry above
Eirawen ‹ei
RAA wen›
1 woman’s name (rare)
ETYMOLOGY: ‘snow’ (eira = snow) + (-wen suffix for forming
female forenames, from gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white; pure,
holy, fair)
NOTE: Compare the names Eirwen, Gweneira
● eirda Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geirda =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
● eirfa Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geirfa =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eirgrawn Soft-mutated form
- the radical form has initial g-.
See geirgrawn =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
rhoi hi ‹i hroi hi›
1 ei rhoi hi (i rywun) lay into someone,
attack (someone) = hit, beat ; savagely criticise (someone)
ETYMOLOGY: (ei = her) + (rhoi = give / giving) + (hi = of-her)
● eiriad Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geiriad =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
● eiriadur Soft-mutated form - the radical form has
initial g-.
See geiriadur =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
● eiriaduriaeth Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geiriaduriaeth =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
● eiriadurol Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geiriadurol =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eirian ‹eir
-yan› adjective
1 obsolete fair, beautiful,
ETYMOLOGY: unknown; first example in the century 1300-1400
eirian ‹eir
-yan› feminine noun
1 (obsolete) beautiful woman
ETYMOLOGY: from the adjective eirian; see preceding entry
Eirian ‹eir
-yan› feminine noun
1 woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: from the word eirian (noun
= fair maiden, adjective = fair); ;
see preceding entries
eirianedd ‹eir-yâ-nedh› feminine noun
1 brightness, splendour, beauty; (not in use
except as a house name)
2 Eirianedd House name in Porthmadog
(county of Gwynedd)
(in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society of
Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)
ETYMOLOGY: (eirian =
brightness, splendour, beauty) + (suffix -edd); a word coined by the
lexicographer William Owen-Pughe, found in his dictionary published in
instalments 1793-1803 ("A Welsh and English Dictionary")
Eirianfa ‹eir-yan-va› feminine noun
1 house name, “beautiful place”
ETYMOLOGY: (eirian = fair,
beautiful) + (-fa, suffix = place, a
soft-mutated form of ma = (Old Welsh) place)
Eirianfan ‹eir-yan-van› feminine noun
1 house name, “beautiful place”
Name of a house in Coed-poeth (county of Wrecsam / Wrexham)
ETYMOLOGY: (eirian = fair,
beautiful) + (-fan, suffix,
soft-mutated form of man = place)
eirianu ‹ei-ri-â-ni› verb
1 beautify; be beautiful, be radiant
Fel y lili sy’n eiriannu’r
Blodau siriol wrth y drws,
Byddai Maggie yn eiriannu
’Mhlith yr holl wyryfon tlws.
(“Tanybryn”, poem by Twynog (1912))
Like the lily which beautifies the cheerful flowers by the door, Maggie would
be radiant amongst all the fair maidens
ETYMOLOGY: (eirian = fair,
beautiful) + (-u, suffix for forming
● eiriau Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geiriau =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eirinen ‹ei-
rî -nen› feminine noun
PLURAL eirin ‹ei
1 plum
carreg eirinen plum stone
2 berry = fruits of other trees
3 testicle
Deuteronomium 23:1 Na ddeued neb wedi
ysigo ei eirin, na disbaidd, i gynulleidfa yr Arglwydd
Deuteronomy 23:1 He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut
off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
Lefiticus 21:20 Neu a fyddo yn gefngrwm,
neu yn gor, neu â magl neu bysen ar ei lygad, neu yn grachlyd, neu yn gafrllyd,
neu wedi ysigo ei eirin.
Leviticus 21:20 Or crookbacked, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye,
or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh eirin < British *agrîn- < Celtic
From the same British root: Breton irin.
Hibernian languages: Irish airne (=
sloe, fruit of the blackthorn)
eirinen ddu fach ‹ei-rî-nen dhii vaakh› feminine noun
PLURAL eirin duon bach ‹ri-rin
dii-on baakh›
1 (South-west Wales) sloe, blackthorn plum, fruit of the common
blackthorn Prunus spinosa
mor fân ag eirin duon bach as tiny
as sloes.
In other parts known as eirinen sur,
eirin surion (= sour plum);
(North) eirinen fach dagu, eirin
bach tagu “little choking plums”;
(North-east) eirinen berthi, eirin
perthi “plum of the hedges”
ETYMOLOGY: ‘little black plum’ (eirinen
= plum) + soft mutation + (du =
black) + soft mutation + (bach =
eirinen foch ‹ei-rî-nen vookh› feminine noun
PLURAL eirin moch ‹ei-rin
1 (North Wales) hawthorn berry, haw
coeden ddrain yn goch drosti o eirin
a hawthorn bush completely red with haws
ETYMOLOGY: ‘plum (of) pigs’ (eirinen
= plum) + soft mutation + (moch =
pigs, plural of mochyn = pig)
eirinen werdd ‹ei- rî -nen werdh› feminine noun
PLURAL eirin gwyrdd ‹ei
-rin gwirdh›
1 greengage = sweet greenish-yellow type of plum (Prunus domestica
ETYMOLOGY: ‘green plum’ (eirinen =
plum) + soft mutation + (gwerdd,
feminine form of gwyrdd = green )
eirinen wlanog, eirin gwlanog
RI nen WLA nog, EI rin GWLA nog›
1 peach
● eiriol Soft-mutated form - the radical form has
initial g-.
See geiriol =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eirion ‹eir -yon› substantiu plural
1 “what gives splendour, or lustre; ornaments”
2 Eirion house name in Paihai, Bay of Islands, New Zealand (in the list
of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961
/ Part 1)
(delwedd 7051)
ETYMOLOGY: a word coined by the
lexicographer William Owen-Pughe, found in the “Welsh and English
Dictionary" 1793-1803
(eir, penult form of air = brightness, an invented word) + (-ion
plural suffix)
Eirion ‹eir
-yon› masculine noun
1 man’s name (very rare)
ETYMOLOGY: (= splendour?) See the preceding entry
Eirionwen ‹eir-yon-wen› feminine noun
1 woman’s name (very rare)
ETYMOLOGY: (Eirion = man’s name) + (-wen suffix for forming female names
< gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white)
eirlaw ‹eir
-law› masculine noun
1 sleet
bwrw eirlaw = to sleet
ETYMOLOGY: (eir- < eiry, eira = snow) + soft mutation + (glaw = rain)
eirlawio ‹eir-lau-yo› verb
1 to sleet
ETYMOLOGY: (eirlaw = sleet) + (-io suffix)
eirlys ‹eir
-lis› masculine noun
PLURAL eirlysiau ‹eir-ləs-ye›
1 (flower) Glanthus nivalis =
ETYMOLOGY: (eir- < eiry, eira = snow) + soft mutation + (llys = plant)
Eirlys ‹eir
-lis› feminine noun
1 woman’s name (20th century)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh, from the name of the flower (snowdrop)
eironig ‹ei
RO nig›
1 ironic
eirth ‹eirth› -
1 bears; plural of the word arth
(= bear)
● eirw Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geirw (f) = rippling water;
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eirw ‹ei
-ru› plural noun
1 place names waterfall
Eirw Isha = lower waterfall, Eirw Ucha = upper waterfall - in the
river Rhondda near Y Porth, county of Rhondda Cynon Taf
Heol Eirw street name in Y Porth
ETYMOLOGY: eirw, soft mutation of geirw (= rough (waters)), plural de garw (= rough)
eirw ‹i EI-ru› [ˡəirʊ] (m)
South-west Wales
1 a local pronunciation of aerwy [ˡəirui] (= neck-chain, cow collar, cow-house yoke)
Eirwen ‹eir
-wen› feminine noun
1 woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: (eir- < eiry, eira = snow) + (-wen
suffix for forming female names < gwen,
feminine form of gwyn = white)
NOTE: the name Gweneira is the same
as Eirwen, with the elements
● eirwir Soft-mutated form - the radical form has
initial g-.
See geirwir =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
● eirwiredd Soft-mutated form
- the radical form has initial g-.
See geirwiredd =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eirwyn ‹eir
-win› adjective
1 snow-white
ETYMOLOGY: (eir- < eiry, eira = snow) + soft mutation + (gwyn = white)
NOTE: Feminine form: eirwen. See the
proper names Eirwen and Eirwyn
Eirwyn ‹eir-win› masculine noun
1 man’s name
ETYMOLOGY: see the preceding entry
eiry ‹ei
-ri› masculine noun
1 obsolete older form of eira (qv) = snow
Eiry ‹ei-ri› feminine noun
1 woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: see the preceding entry
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
● eiryn Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geiryn =
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
Eiryn ‹EI
1 man’s name
Eiryth ‹ei
-rith› feminine noun
1 woman’s name
ei shapo-hi ‹i sha-po hii› verb
South Wales
1 hurry up, get a move on
cwyd, bachan, shapa-hi = get up,
mun, hurry up!
eisiau (ishe, isho) ‹EIS ye (I she, I sho)›
1 need, necessity
2 mwy nag sydd ei eisiau more than
enough, more than sufficient
3 Mae eisiau gras! Give me
strength! (expression of exasperation, loss of patience) (“there is need (of)
4 Beth fwy sydd arnoch ei eisiau? What more do you want?
Beth sydd arno ei eisiau gen i? What does he want from me / with me?
Mae arna i eisiau iddi fynd I want her to go
5 o eisiau
from wanting to
Roedd bron â thorri ei fol o eisiau mynd
He was dead keen to go (“he was almost bursting his belly from (the) want (of)
6 Mae ar bawb
eisiau mynd yno Everybody wants to go there
7 eisiau bwyd
hunger (“want (of) food”, “necessity (for) food”)
Enllyn bara da yw eisiau bwyd Hunger
is the best sauce (= food no matter how plain becomes very appetising when you
are really hungry) (“(it is) (a) good companage (of) bread that-is want (of)
8 (Caernarfon, North-west Wales) bsantísho = pa beth sydd
arnat ti ei eisiau what do you need / require / want?
“Let them see how in their spoken Welsh the accent turns a sentence of many
words into a single word of one or two syllables... e.g. pa beth sydd arnat ti
ei eisieu? has become bsantísho”
T Hudson Williams (1873-1961), University College, Bangor / Vox Populi - A Plea
for the Vulgar Tongue
9 Mwyaf yn y byd
sydd o eisiau (rhywbeth) (something)
is even more necessary
“Wel, blant bach," ebe hi, gan droi at y genethod ieuainc. "Mwya yn y byd sydd o eisio gweddio yma ynte, os fel
hyn ma petha yn ein plith ni.
Plant y Gorthrwm / 1908 / Gwyneth Vaughan (= Anne Harriet Hughes
“Well, children,” she said, turning to the girls. “Prayer is even more
necessary here isn’t it if things are like that in our midst”
10 necessity
Fydd dim o’n ishe i no fory I won’t
be needed there tomorrow
("there won’t be anything of my need there tomorrow")
mae y cwbl yno sydd eisiau ei wybod
everything you need to know is there
eisin ‹ei
1 (plural form) chaff; see eisinen
eisingrug ‹ei-sin-grig› masculine noun
1 chaff-heap, mill bank; = heap of husks of wheat etc - after husking in
a nearby mill, the wheat would be winnowed to remove the chaff
2 soft place, soft ground
3 often found in field names with the form Singrug or Shingrug;
...(a) Cwmcaesingrug Name of a farm
between Ynys-ddu and Mynyddislwyn (county of Caerffili)
(cwm cae yr eisingrug) (“(the) valley (of) Cae yr Eisingrug”). The name of the
field is (“( the) field (of) the chaff pile”)
(The local pronunciation is doubtless
“cwm cää shingrug”, cää as in English ‘care’ without saying the’r’)
...(b) In Ffosygerddinen (county of Caerffili) there is a road called Heol Shingrug (“Shingrig Road”)
...(c) Efailshingrug street name in
Trelewis (Treharris, county of Merthyrtudful) (“(the) smithy (of) the chaff
ETYMOLOGY: (eisin = chaff) + soft
mutation + (crug = pile)
NOTE: Colloquial forms:
(1) Singrug ‹sin-grig› (loss of the
first syllable),
(2) (in South Wales Shingrug, with
the typical palatalisation in the south si-
> shi)
Eisingrug ‹ei-sin-grig› feminine noun
1 SH6134 locality in Gwynedd,
5km north-east of Harlech
2 Afon Eisingrug
= a river in in this area
ETYMOLOGY: See eisingrug
NOTE: This place name locally pronounced is the syncopated form Singrug
eisinyn ‹ei-si-nən› masculine noun
PLURAL eisin ‹ei
1 (grain) husk
eisingrug (qv) = pile of chaff
eisin sil oat husks
2 A bryn flawd a bryn eisin
“The person who buys flour buys chaff ‹at the same time›” (to take the
good with the bad)
ETYMOLOGY: British < Celtic eks + sî
+ n, from sê, sêi = to sift
● eist Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geist (= bitches), plural of gast (= bitch)
● symbol used here to indicate the absence of an initial g because of soft
eistedd ‹EI
stedh› ‹ISH
1 to sit
2 eistedd â’ch coesau o boptu’r
gadair straddle the chair
3 eistedd ar ben llidiart sit
on the fence, not commit oneself to one side or another in a dispute (“sit on
top of a gate”)
NOTE: local forms show the loss of the final dd, and the reduction of
the diphthong ei to the simple vowel i
iste, ishte, ista, ishta
eisteddfa, eisteddfeydd (= eisteddféydd) ‹ei-STEDH-va, ei-stedh-VEIDD›
1 seat
In the parish of Llangurig there is Eisteddfa Gurig (“(the) seat (of) Curig”).
Could this have been a place of contemplation of Curig?
eisteddfod, eisteddfodau ‹ei STEDH vod, ei stedh VO de›
1 eisteddfod (festival of music / poetry)
2 eisteddfod genedlaethol, eisteddfodau cenedlaethol ‹ei STEDH vod ge ned LEI thol, ei stedh VO
de ke ned LEI thol› national eisteddfod (held annually, alternating
between the north and south of the country)
3 Allteisteddfod
street name, Gwynfryn, county of Wrecsam (spelt on signs and maps as “Allt
= allt yr eisteddfod “(the) hill (of) the eisteddfod”
Eisteddfod y Buarth ‹ei-STEDH-vod ə
BII-arth› feminine noun
1 (usually as ’Steddfod y Buarth /
Steddfod y Buarth) facetious name for Sioe
Amaethyddol Cymru (Welsh Agricultural Show) held at end of July in
Llanelwedd, county of Powys, one week before the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol /
National Eisteddfod.
Many ‘eisteddfodwyr’ (eisteddfod visitors) visit
Llanelwedd, and in the following week the National Eisteddfod.
ETYMOLOGY: “the eisteddfod of the farmyard” (eisteddfod / ’steddfod “session”,
literature and singing competiton) + (y
= definite article) + (buarth =
farmyard), because it is a similar event to the eisteddfod – on a large ‘maes’
(ground), with various ancilliary stands, and competitions with prizes (but for
farm animals rather than poets, writers, musicians, etc)
ETYMOLOGY: “the eisteddfod of the farmyard” (eisteddfod / ’steddfod “session”,
literature and singing competiton) + (y
= definite article) + (buarth =
eitem, eitemau
tem, ei TE me›
1 item
eithaf ‹EI tha, I tha›
1 quite
eithaf da ‹EI
tha, I tha DAA› quite good
eithaf gwir ‹EI
tha, I tha GWIIR› quite right
2 eithaf un / eitha’ un extreme
cyrraedd y gwaelod eitha’ un reach rock bottom, hit rock bottom
(“reach the extreme bottom, the very bottom”)
eithaf ‹ei-tha› masculine noun
PLURAL eithafion, eithafoedd ‹ei-thav-yon,
1 extremity, furthermost point,
maximum extent
yn yr eithaf pellaf oddi wrth... the
point furthest removed from.., quite the opposite to....
Wrth ddweud “un call yw hwnnw” yr ydym
yn awgrymu nad oes llawer yn ei ben - ni feddylir y gair yn ei ystyr arferol
felly ond yn yr eithaf pellaf oddi wrtho
When we say “un call yw hwnnw” (he’s a bright one”) we are suggesting he hasn’t
got much upstairs - the word isn’t meant in its usual sense but in quite the
opposite sense (“in the furthest extreme from it”)
eithaf gorllewin Cymru westernmost
point of Wales
eithaf gogledd yr Alban northernmost
point of Scotland
hyd at eithafion y ddaear / hyd at eithafoedd y ddaear to the far
ends of the earth
2 utmost endeavour; gwneud
eich eithaf do one’s utmost (“do your utmost”)
3 ar eich eithaf with all
your might, all out (“on your utmost”)
4 hyd eithaf eich gallu
to the utmost of your ability;
5 i’r eithaf to the
6 hyd yr eithaf to the
ymdrechu hyd yr eithaf
try all you can, make the maximum effort to (“try as far as the maximum”)
7 manteisio i’r eithaf ar (rywbeth) = make the most of (“take
advantage to the furthest on”)
8 North Wales gweld eithaf (rhywun) see the worst in
someone, see the worst side of someone (“see (the) extremity (of) (someone)”)
9 North Wales eithaf gan (be) really glad, (be) well
mae’n eitha’ gen i ‘i gâl o adra
I’m very pleased to have him back home again (= “y mae yn eithaf gennyf fi ei gael ef adref”)
10 i’ch eithaf to your
maximum extent
11 byw bywyd i’r
eithaf live life to the full
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh eithaf
< British *ekt-amo; equivalent to
modern Welsh (prefix ech- = out of,
from) + (-haf superlative ending)
eithafbwynt ‹ei- thav -buint› masculine noun
PLURAL eithafbwyntiau
‹ei-thav- buint -ye›
1 furthest point, ne plus
ultra, uttermost point
ETYMOLOGY: (eithaf = the most
extreme) + soft mutation + (pwynt =
eithaf eithaf
‹ei-tha ei-tha› adjective
1 county of Môn eitha’ eitha’ (with a negative, in
referring to somebody’s supposed mental disfunction);
Dydy i o ddim yn eitha’ eitha’ = he’s not quite right in the head (“he’s
not the fullest extent + the fullest extent”)
eithaf gwaith
‹ei-tha gwaith›
1 expressing that retribution
is deserved, that there is just retribution for some wrong done, or some
foolish act; to serve someone right
Eitha gwaith â chdi. Ddysgith hynna i ti
hel diod Serves you right. That’ll teach you to go drinking.
Cythraul o annwyd gafodd wedyn - eitha
gwaith i’r ffwl gwirion am gerdded o gwmpas yn ei sandalau ar ganol gaeaf
He caught one hell of a cold afterwards – serves the silly fool right for
walking about in his sandals in the middle of winter
2 to serve someone right - expresses the fact that the speaker has
no sympathy for the disappointment of the person addressed (after the failure
of some intention);
Eitha gwaith iti! Tough shit, hard
cheese, hard lines, hard luck
ETYMOLOGY: (eithaf = extreme) + (gwaith = work)
eithafnod ‹ei- thav -nod› masculine noun
PLURAL eithafnodau
‹ei-thav- nô -de›
peak, furthest point, highest point, ne plus ultra, uttermost point, ne plus
eithafnod dedwyddwch the peak of
cyrraedd eithafnod dedwyddwch to
reach the peak of happiness
ETYMOLOGY: (eithaf = the most
extreme) + (nod = objective, mark)
eithin ‹EI thin›
1 gorse
See eithinen
eithinen, eithin
THII nen, EI thin›
1 gorse (Ulex europaeus)
canu 'mhlith yr eithin pigog singing in the midst of the prickly gorse (from the traditional song
Gwcw Fach / Little Cuckoo)
2 Bryneithin ‹brin-ei-thin› street name in Porthtywyn / Burry Port (county of Caerfyrddin /
(spelt as “Bryneithin”). bryn yr
eithin “(the) hill (of) the furze / gorse” (bryn = hill) + (yr definite
article) + (eithin = furze, gorse). In place names a linking definite
article is often omitted: bryn yr eithin > bryn eithin
3 Brɥnyreithin <brin-ər-EI-thin> [brɪnərˡəɪθɪn]
name of a farm SJ1370 near Yr Afon-wen, county of Flintshire (“Bryn yr Eithin”
on the O.S. map) map
ETYMOLOGY: (“(the) hill (of) the gorse”, gorse hill) (brɥn = hill) + (yr
definite article) + (eithin = gorse)
eithinog ‹ei THII nog› (adj)
1 gorse-covered, abounding in gorse
Cefn Cnwch Eithinog SN7548 near Ystrad-ffin (county of Caerfyrddin) “(the) ridge of Cnwch
Cnwch Eithinog is “gorse-covered hill” (cnwch = hill) + (eithinog
= gorse-covered)
2 (f) place abounding in gorse
ETYMOLOGY: (eithin =
gorse) + (-og adjectival suffix)
eithr ‹ei-thir› preposition
1 obsolete except
2 dieithr = strange
3 eithriad = exception; yn ddieithriad = without exception
4 eithrio = to except,
5 oddiéithr = except,
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic ektr-o (= external)
From the same Celtic root: Irish eachtreach (= external)
From the same Indo-European root: Latin extrâ < extera < exterus (=
eithriad, eithriadau ‹EITH ryad, eith
RYAA- de›
1 exception
2 Mae’r eithriad yn brawf ar y rheol The exception proves the rule
(“the exception is a test on the rule”)
Eithriad sydd yn brawf ar y rheol yw hwn This is an exception that
proves the rule
eithrio ‹eithr -yo› verb
1 except, exclude
ac eithrio except, excluding, with the exception of
eithrio (rhywun) rhàg talu trethi grant a tax exemption to (somebody),
exempt (somebody) from paying taxes
ETYMOLOGY: (eithr = exemption) + (-i suffix for forming verbs)
ei throi hi ‹ii throi hii› verb
1 go off, go away
Rhaid imi ei throi hi I must be getting along
ei throi hi am adre go off home
ETYMOLOGY: ‘turn it’ ( ei = it / her) + aspirate mutation + ( troi =
turn) + ( hi (of) it / her)
*eks ‹eks›
1 “out of”; preposition / prefix in British, equivalent to Latin ex- (= out of, from),
as the prefixes ech-, es- / ys-, e-, ei- in modern
Welsh (see following examples)
2 post-British:
(1) eks survived as a preposition in Middle Welsh ech (= out of).
It occurs as a prefix in the adverbs
..a/ echdoe (the day before
yesterday) (doe = yesterday),
..b/ echnos (= last night) (nos = night)
Used in modern (literary) Welsh as a prefix in new coinings
..a/ echblyg (= explicit) (plygu = to fold)
..b/ echdoriad (= eruption of a
volcano, solar eruption) (toriad =
breaking, torri = to break)
..c/ echdynnu (= to extract, to
isolate a substance by means of heating, distillation,
application of a solvent, etc) (tynnu
= to pull, to draw)
..d/ echlifol (= eluvial) (llifol = flowing, llifo = to flow)
..e/ echreiddig (= eccentric, not
having a common center) (rheiddio =
3 Also from British eks is
the prefix es- (and ys-)
..a/ esgor (= cause, originate) <
..b/ esmwyth (= comfortable) < eks-mukt-
4 Also the prefix e-
..a/ eofn (= fearless) < ehofn < echofn (ech = free from)
+ (ofn = fear) < British (eks + omn-) < Celtic.
In the county of Ceredigion echon
< echofn, with the loss of the
consonant ‹v›.
In South Wales ewn < eon < eofn. Compare southern hewl for
heol (= road)
..b/ eorth (obsolete; = diligent,
studious) < British < Celtic eks-ort-;
stem *or- (= to rise); cf Latin oriri (= to rise, spring from), as in
English origin < Latin orîgô < oriri
..c/ echryd (obsolete; = terror,
fright) this is éch-chryd (ech- prefix = from, out of) + (cryd = quaking).
The adjective from this echrydus (=
terrifying, awful) is common in modern Welsh
..d/ ethol (= to elect), probably (*éth-ddol) < British (*eks-d-dol)
eks (= ex) + interposed consonant
‘d’ + *dol, variant of *del (= to divide)
5 Also the prefix ei-
..a/ eisinyn (= husk of a grain)
British < Celtic eks + sî + n, from sê, sêi = to sift
..b/ eithaf (= extremity) British *ekt-amo; equivalent to modern Welsh “(ech preposition, prefix = out of, from)
+ (-haf superlative ending)”
6 in combination with other prefixes:
..1/ gos- < gwos < British wo-eks
(wo = under)
....a/ gosgordd (= retinue) *gwosgordd (cordd = group)
....b/ goslef (= intonation) *gwoslef (llef = cry)
....c/ gosteg (= calm, silence)
< *gwosteg < British <
Celtic *wo-eks-tek,
< *tak = be silent; cf Welsh tagu
(= to throttle), and, Latin taceo (= be silent)
....d/ gostwng (= to lower) <
*gwostwng < British < Celtic *wo-eks-tong
ETYMOLOGY: British *eks (= out
of, from) < Celtic *eks
From the same Celtic root: Irish es-
From the same Indoeuropean root: Latin ex
(= out of), Greek ex-, ek- (exodus, etc)
Elái ‹e- LAI›
River name. Locally it is Lai or Afon Lai (loss of the pretonic
.....Afon Elái = ST0285 river in the counties
of Rhondda-Cynon-Taf and Caerdydd,
south-east Wales
.....Blaen Lai Name of the source of the river is (“source (of) Lai”,
“top end (of) Lai”), by Carn y Celyn on the mountain between Gilfach-goch in
the Ogwr Fach valley and Pen-y-graig in the Rhondda Fawr valley.
The name occurs badly spelt in a street name in the village of Pen-y-graig,
“Blaenlau Street”) (mispelt with a ‘u’; in South Wales “lai” and “lau” are
pronounced the same, though they are different in the North).
In Welsh the street name would be Heol Blaen Lai if named after the
source itself, Heol Blaen-lai if it is in fact a farm name.
.....Cilelai “source (of the
river) Elái” locality in the county of Rhondda-Cynon-Taf.
Local pronunciation: Cileli ‹kil-e-li›
.....Coedelái “wood (by the
river) Elái
(ST0285) village on the banks of this river
.....Glanelái “bank (by the river) Elái
(ST0382) mansion and locality on the banks of this river
.....Taf-Elái (“(river) Taf and (river) Elái”) This was the name of a county 1974-1996
.....Tre-lai (“town of the (river) Elái”) suburb of Caer-dydd on the
western bank
ETYMOLOGY: Elái < e-léi
< e-le-i < *e-le-ghi < British *elegi, possibly the
prefix el- (= much) + (leg- = flow slowly).
The Breton river name Ellé is the same name
elain ‹E -lain› feminine noun
PLURAL elanedd, alanod ‹e- lâ
–nedh, a-lâ-nod›
young doe, fawn
2 Yr Elain (“the fawn”) Street name in Dynfant (SS5993)
(county of Abertawe)
3 the river name Elan in Powys is probably related to elain (= fawn)
ETYMOLOGY: British < Celtic *elant < *el- (= boar)
A related word is Irish eilteog (= young doe)
Elain ‹E -lain› feminine noun
woman’s name
e.g. Elain Haf Morgan ‘fawn, young doe’ + ‘summer’ (two first
names) + ‘Morgan’ (surname)
ETYMOLOGY: See the previous
Elan ‹e -lan› feminine noun
river name
Pont ar Elan (county of Powys)
SN90314-71554, 6km west of Rhaeadr-gwy. A bridge in Cwm Elan (the Elan Valley),
at the head of Cronlyn Craig yr Allt Goch (Craig yr Allt Goch Reservoir) one of
a series of reservoirs constructed to supply water to Birmingham in England in
the 1890s (In the book “The Vale of Nantgwilt: a submerged valley...” by
Richard Eustace Tickell (1894) there is a sketch of the bridge by the author)
("bridge over (the river) Elan") (pont = pont) + (ar = on)
+ (Elan = river name)
ETYMOLOGY: Possibly related to elain (= fawn)
elc ‹elk› masculine noun
PLURAL elcod,
elciaid ‹el-kod, elk-yed›
1 elk = large deer of the northern hemisphere. The male has heavy flattened
antlers; it is generally known as ‘elk’ in Europe and ‘moose’ in North America
(delwedd 7507)
Eurasian elk (Alces alces)
elc Ewrasiaidd Alces alces Eurasian elk
Yr elc yw anifail cenedlaethol Norwy
Norway’s national animal is the elk
American elk, wapiti (Cervus canadensis)
elc Americanaidd Cervus canadensis American elk, moose,
ETYMOLOGY: Weslh < English elk
< Old English.
Cf Latin alcês,
Greek elaphos (= deer)
Eldrydd ‹el -dridh› feminine noun
1 woman’s name
elech ‹ê -lekh› feminine noun
PLURAL elechau,
elych ‹e-lê-khe, ê-likh›
1 obsolete stone slab
2 obsolete gravestone
3 obsolete bakestone
4 obsolete stone table
5 place name: Treflach (=
Tréflach) near Croesoswallt, England (“trêv by the stone slab”)
< Trefelach (= Trefélach)
< Trefelech (= Trefélech)
(tref =
trêv, farmstead) + (elech = stone
ETYMOLOGY: (e = intensifying prefix)
+ soft mutation + (llech = slab)
eled ‹ê -led› verb
1 may he go...
Eled i’w grogi! Hang the fellow!
(“may he go to his hanging”)
Elen ‹E len›
1 woman’s name
Elen Benfelen
‹ê-len ben-vê -len› feminine noun
1 Elen Benfelen
a'r Tair Arth Goldilocks and the Three Bears
ETYMOLOGY: "Yellow-haired
Elen" (Elen = Helen) + soft mutation + (penfelen, feminine form of penfelyn
= yellow head, flaxen-haired)
Elen Luyddog
‹e-len li-O-dhog› feminine noun
(“Elen of the Hosts”) from a noble family in Segontium (Caernarfon).
She married Macsen Wledig (Magnus Maximus), born in the Iberian peninsula, who
became commander of the Roman army in Britain and who in AD 383 went to Rome
where he deposed Gratian and made himself Emperor, and became a Christian.
It is said that Elen returned to Wales after Macsen’s death five years later,
in AD 388.
The tale is preserved in “Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig” (“the dream of Magnus (the)
leader”) , written down around 1400 and forming part of the collection of
twelve medieval Welsh tales known as the “Mabinogion”.
Her name apears as Helen in
..a/ Sarn Helen name given to
several sections of Roman road. (for example, north and south of Y Banwen in
the county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
..b/ Coed Helen literally ‘Helen’s wood’, locality in Caernarfon.
Originally though it was “Coed Alun”, the ‘wood (of) Alun’ (?a stream name)
See Helen
ETYMOLOGY: (Elen woman’s name )
+ soft mutation + (lluyddog = having
many warriors)
Elenydd ‹e LEE nidh›
1 An area of moorland in the centre of Wales, taking in the eastern
part of Ceredigion, western Powys, and north-eastern Sir Gaerfyrddin. It
extends from the Pumlumon mountains in the north and is bounded by Mynydd Epynt
and Mynydd Du in the south.
In English, the area is called the Cambrian Mountains, though it is mainly an
area of high hills and moorland rather than a range of mountains.
The three highest peaks are Pen Pumlumon Fawr SN7886 (752m), Drygarn
Fawr SN8658 (645m) and Mynydd Mallaen SN7344 (448m). Two large
reservoirs are also in Elenydd – Llyn Claerwen SN8565 and Llyn
Brianne SN8051.
(delwedd 7042)
Pen Pumlumon Fawr SN7886 (752m)
Drygarn Fawr SN8658 (645m)
Mynydd Mallaen SN7344 (448m).
Llyn Claerwen SN8565
Llyn Brianne SN8051
2 name of a cantref in the country of Rhwng Gwy a Hafren
Eleri ‹e LE ri›
1 River in northern Ceredigion, flowing through
Afon Eleri / Afon ’Leri
2 woman’s name (from
the name of the river, or from Eleri, a daughter of the ruler Brychan of
Elfael ‹EL vel›
1 ancient territory in south-east Wales
Elfair (1) ‹el -vair› feminine noun
1 female name
ETYMOLOGY: Possibly (El- first
syllable of the feminine name Elen)
+ soft mutation + (Mair = woman’s
name, Mary)
Elfair (2) ‹el
1 Siop Elfair name of a Welsh shop in Rhuthun
Elfed a Mair Evans sy’n rhedeg Elfair,
siop Gymraeg yng nghanol Rhuthun, sydd yn arbenigo mewn llyfrau Cymraeg,
casetiau, CDs, crefftau a nwyddau {eraill} (Cymro 01 09 2001)
Elfed and Mair Evans run Elfair, a Welsh-language shop in the centre (of the
town of) Rhuthun, which specialises in Welsh-language books, cassettes, crafts
and other goods (non-functioning
ETYMOLOGY: (El- first syllable of
the masculine name Elfed) + soft
mutation + (Mair = woman’s name,
Elfed ‹EL ved›
a kúmmud (cwmwd) of the kántrev of Cantref Gwarthaf
Cynwyl Elfed SN3727 a village in Sir Gaerfyrddin, in the old kántrev of
Elmet, an old Welsh kingdom; now a part of Yorkshire, England
Barwick in Elmet SE3937
Sherburn in Elmet SE4933
3 man’s name, either
from a connection with this area north of Caerfyrddin, or more generally after
the poet and hymnwriter Elfed (Howell
Elvet Lewis = Hywel Elfed Lewys 1860-1953), who was born
in Cynwyl Elfed.
(delwedd 7392)
elfen ‹el
-ven› feminine noun
PLURAL elfennau ‹el-
ve -ne›
1 element = component part,
constituent, ingredient
2 element = (ancient philosophy) one of the four simple substances -
earth, water, fire, air – believed held to be the basis of all material bodies
y pedair elfen = the four elements
(note: no soft mutation after the definite article of
feminine numerals, thus y pedair (= the four), not “y
bedair" ).
3 element = (chemistry) substance which cannot be
broken down into other substances
4 element = word used in combination with another word, or other
or affixes, to form a compound word
propensity, innate gift, the makings of something, talent
Mae elfen canu ynddi (“there-is
(the) element (of) singing in-her)
She’s got the makings of a singer, she’s got it in her to be a good singer,
she’ll make a good singer
Mae elfen ffarmio ynddo
He’s got it in him to be a farmer, he’s got the talent to be a farmer
6 one of the first principles of an art or science, or rudiments of
7 South Wales - passionate interest
Mae elfen pysgota ynddo He’s mad
about fishing
8 South-west Wales – hobby, interest
Ei elfen e yw garddio Gardening is
his great interest
9 familiar environment, surroundings in which one feels
at home
teimlo allan o’ch elfen feel out of
your element
bod yn eich elfen be in your element
10 elfennau elements,
stormy weather (wind and rain / sleet / snow, and cold)
Bu’n hir yn brwydro â’r elfennau ac fel
y bu’r anlwc cryfhaodd yr ystorm
He fought for a long time against the elements but as luck would have it the
storm grew in intensity
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh elfen < British
< Latin el’mentum < elementum
elfen hybrin
‹el-ven hə-brin› feminine noun
1 trace element
ETYMOLOGY: (elfen= element) + (hybrin = very scarce)
elfennol ‹el-ve-nol› adjective
1 elementary = introductory, explaining first principles
llyfr ar “Ystadegaeth Elfennol”
a book on Elementary Statistics
ETYMOLOGY: (elfenn-, form before a
final syllable of elfen (= element)
+ (-ol suffix for forming
eli, elioedd
li, e LI odh›
1 ointment
2 eli haul (qv)
Elias ‹e-LII-as›
1 man’s name
eliffantod ‹E
li fant, e li FAN tod›
1 elephant
eli haul ‹ee li HAIL›
1 sun cream, sun block
elin ‹ee -lin› feminine or masculine noun
PLURAL: elinau ‹e-
lii –nai. -e›
1 elbow (though nowadays penelin is used)
2 forearm
penelin (“end of elbow” probably in
the sense of “folded elbow, bent elbow, angle made by the elbow”)
cyfelin (f) PLURAL cyfelinau ell, the
length between the elbow and the hand
y gyfelin the ell
(cyf-, prefix = together) + (elin = elbow)
elinad (qv) ell
elinad ‹e- LII -nad› feminine noun
PLURAL elinadau
‹e-li-- nâ -de›
1 ell, the length between the
elbow and the hand
ETYMOLOGY: (elin = elbow) + (-ad suffix for forming abstract nouns)
Elis ‹EE lis›
1 man’s name
ab Elis son of Elis (patronymic)
Belis son of Elis – coalesced patronymic, which was used as a surname
(spelt Bellis in English)
Eliseg ‹e- li -seg›
1 male name
Croes Eliseg Eliseg’s Cross
Piler Eliseg Eliseg’s Pillar, the Pillar of Eliseg Piler Eliseg
This monument SJ2044 (Croes Eliseg or Piler Eliseg) dates
from the 800s, and commemorates Elisedd ap Gwyllog, a king of Powys who died c.
755. It was erected by Cyngen as a memorial to his great-grandfather.
Part of the Latin inscription (nowadays illegible) read approximately (Welsh
names in modern orthography):
Cyngen son of Cadell, Cadell son of Brochfael, Brochfael son of Eliseg, Eliseg
son of Gwyllog
And this Cyngen, great-grandson of Eliseg, raised this stone here for his
great-grandfather Eliseg
This Eliseg gathered together the inheritance of Powys… out of the power of the
Angle and his sword and fire
Whoever reads this inscription, may he give a blessing to the soul of Eliseg
The Latin name of the Abbey at Llanegwestl, Valle Crucis (“Valley of the
Cross”), refers to the pillar, at one time surmounted by a cross. The Welsh
name (Abaty Glyn y Groes) has the same sense as the Latin name “(the)
abbey (of) (the) valley (of) the cross”. The pillar is a quarter of a mile
north of the abbey.
The name Eliseg is a mason’s
error for Elisedd
-ell ‹ elh ›
(noun suffix; diminutive) (non-productive, except in new literary coinings)
Welsh < British *ellâ o *illâ < Celtic
..a) with certain common nons
ffynnon (= spring) > ffynhonnell (= source of information)
iwrch (= roe deer) > iyrchell (= young roe)
llin (obsolete, = line) > llinell (= line)
pib (= pipe) > pibell (= pipe)
traeth ‹TRAITH› (= beach), traethell
thelh› (= little beach; flat)
..b) occurs in certain stream names
Crafnell (?craf = wild garlic, ransoms)
Crychell (crych = ripple)
Llyfnell (llynf = smooth)
Note its ocurrence too in the river names of Gaul
Indella (French: Andelle; flows into
the river Seine in Normandy)
Mosella (French: Moselle, German
Mosel; flows through France, Luxembourg, Germany)
..c) occurs in certain personal names
Ariannell (arian = silver)
Gwynnell (gwyn = white, fair)
Mechell (from an original form Mechyll)
(probably mach = bond, surety, guarantee; hostage. Vowel affection a >
e resulting from the presence of y in the final syllable, in the
suffix –yll)
Welsh < British < Latin (words ending -ell-us = masculine, -ell-um
= neuter)
Some of these masculine or neuter nouns have become masculine in Welsh:
castellum (= fort) > Welsh castell (m) (= fort, castle)
porcellus (= piglet) > Welsh porchell (m) (= piglet)
Others have been influenced by the native suffix -ell and have become feminine nouns:
botellus (m) (= bottle) > bothell > pothell (f) ( = blister)
cancellus (m) (= chancel) > cangell (f) (= chancel)
cultellus (m) (= knife) > cyllell (f) (= knife)
flagellum (n) (= whip) > flangell (f) (= whip)
One word of this type is masculine in Welsh but feminine in Latin
cawell (m) < Late Latin cauella (f) (= basket) < cavea (= cage; fence; basket)
(f) new coinings: suffix indicating a machine, a device, a functional object
allweddell piano keyboard (allwedd = piano key)
briwell mincer (USA: ?) (briw-, briwo = to mince)
bysell typewriter key, (bys =
finger) + (-ell). bysellfwrdd
= keyboard;
plygell folder; folder on a computer
(plyg-, plygu = to fold)
pennell bookend (pen = end)
terfynell computer terminal (terfyn = limit, < Latin terminus)
ellid ‹e -lhid› verb
1 soft-mutated form of gellid
= it could be (done)
ni ellid it would not be possible
to, it would be impossible to
Ni ellid mo’i well Things are going
just fine (mo’i well = ddim o’i
well – ‘nothing of its better’)
na ellid that it would not be
possible to, that it would be impossible to
Daeth yn glir na ellid codi’r adeilad o
fewn y gyllideb
It became clear that it would be impossible to put up the building within the
elli di? ‹E lhi di›
1 can you?
● ellir Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gellir =
● symbol used here to indicate the
absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● elltydd < elltydd Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gelltydd
< elltydd =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● ellygen Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gellygen =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
ellyll PLURAL ellyllod ‹E lhilh, e LHI lhod› [ˡɛɬɪɬ] [ɛˡɬəɬɔd]
masculine noun
1 sprite
2 Ceubren yr Ellyll [ˡkəibrɛn
ər ɛˡɬɪɬ] 'the hollow tree of the sprite’ = hollow oak at Nannau
where Owain Glyndwr is said to have hidden the body of his would-be assassin,
his cousin Hywel Sele
Ceubren yr Ellyll... Yng nghwr isaf
gardd Nannau, ger Meirion, safai gynt dderwen fawr a elwid ar yr enw
(Brython 1858-9)
At the bottom of the garden at Nannau... there was formerly a large oak called
by this name
(ceubren = hollow tree) + (yr definite article) + (ellyll = sprite, pixie)
Eluned ‹e LII ned› [ɛˡliˑnɛd]
1 woman’s name
elusen PLURAL
elusennau ‹e LI sen, e li SE ne› [ɛˡlisɛn] [ɛlɪˡsɛnai, ɛlɪˡsɛnɛ]
feminine noun
1 alms, charity
byw ar elusen live on charity
elwau ‹EE lu, EL wai -e› [ˡeˑlʊ] [ˡɛlwai, ˡɛlwɛ]
masculine noun
1 profit
elwa ‹EL wa› [ˡɛlwa] verb
1 to profit, to make a profit
budrelwa profiteer (budr- = dirty) + (elwa = profit)
Elwern ‹EL wern› [ˡɛlwɛrn]
1 woman’s name (rare)
2 man’s middle name or second forename
3 Bro Elwern “(the) district (of) Elwern”
Ysgol Bro Elwern name of the primary school in Gwyddelwern
4 Brynelwern LL21 9DQ street name in Gwyddelwern (“Bryn Elwern”)
DERIVATION (1): Elwern is seemingly a
ghost name, through analysing the name of Gwyddelwern as “(the) grave (of)
Elwern” (gŵydd = tumulus, burial mound, grave) + (Elwern).
DERIVATION (2): A popular derivation is “Irishman’s alder swamp”
(Gwyddel = Irishman) + soft mutation + (gwern = alder swamp;
alder trees)
DERIVATION (3): Melville Richards / Enwau Tir a Gwlad / 1998 /
p.246 was inclined to see the word gwyddel (= thicket, bush, brambles)
here rather than Gwyddel (= Irishman).
= “thicketed swampy land” (gwyddel = thicket) + soft mutation + (gwern
= alder swamp: sampy ground)
The original form of gwyddel (= thicket) is gyddwal (=
thicket, bush), plural g
(gy^dd = wood, trees) +
soft mutation + (an unknown element g
al or g
âl) (possibly g
âl = animal’s lair,
..a/ PLURAL gyddweli > g
yddfeli (change
of w > f, a change which occurs in other words in Welsh)
..b/ gyddfeli > g
yddeli (loss
of the f)
..c/ gyddeli > g
yddel (creation
of a new singular form by removing the plural suffix –i)
● elwir Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gelwir =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
..1 Elwy ‹e
-lui› feminine noun
1 Afon Elwy SJ0071 =
river in north-east Wales
2 Llanelwy SJ0374 = town in
the county of Dinbych (“(the) ‘llan’ or church (by the river called) Elwy”)
ETYMOLOGY: possibly (el- prefix, = many) + (gwy = sinuous, winding)
..2 Elwy ‹e
-lui› feminine noun
1 spurious form for the river Elái in south-east Wales, sometimes
used in the 1800s.
There was a belief that the –wy at
the end of some river names (Conwy, Dyfrdwy, Mynwy, etc), and the river
name Gwy (English: River Wye) were
evidence of the existence of a common noun gwy
(= water).
In fact there is no such word with this meaning, but it appears in William
Owen-Pughe’s Welsh-English dictionary (c.1803) which was popular throughout the
There was a temptation on the part of some writers to ‘restore’ this element to
the end of river names.
The existence of the similar-sounding river name Elwy in north-east Wales would have seemed to confirm the
correctness of the notion that Élai
was really Elwy.
Eu heiddo hwynt
oedd y Collena, o Heol Llantrisant hyd Afon Elwy
(Hanes Tonyrefail - Atgofion am y Lle a’r
Hen Bobl. Thomas Morgan. 1899, Caer-dydd)
Y Collena was their property, from the Lantrisant Road to the river Elwy / Elái
Elwyn ‹EL
1 man’s name
● elyn Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gelyn =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● elyniaeth Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gelyniaeth =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● elyniaethus Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gelyniaethus
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● elynion Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gelynion =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
elyrch ‹E lirkh›
1 swans; plural of alarch
● emdy Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gemdy =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
Emlyn ‹EM lin› [ˡɛmlɪn]
1 name of one of the seven kántrevs of the country of
2 a man’s name, from this district name
Castellnewydd Emlyn (Ceredigion) “(the) Castellnewydd (which is in) (the
kántrev of) Emlyn”.
(Castellnewydd is “new castle”)
NOTE: Emlyn was one of the seven
kántrevs of the country of Dyfed in south-west Wales. It was divided into two
kúmmuds – Is Cuch “(place) below (the river) Cuch”, and Uwch Cuch “(place)
above (the river) Cuch”.
Afon Cuch formed the
boundary between the kúmmuds of Emlyn Is Cuch and Emlyn Uwch Cuch. This old
boundary is maintained even today, because the river Cuch separates the county
of Caerfyrddin / Carmarthen from the county of Penfro / Pembroke. The river is
(image adapted from a wikipedia source) (delwedd
ETYMOLOGY: The valley of the river Cuch is called Glyn
Cuch. This is the origin of the kántrev name Emlyn - “(district)
on-either-side (of) (the) valley (of the Cuch river)”
(am- prefix = around) + soft mutation + (glyn = valley)
a > e through vowel affection – the influence of y in the final syllable.
(Explanation in Enwau Tir a Gwlad / Melville Richards/ 1998, page 48)
● emog Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gemog =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
1 man’s name
● emwaith Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gemwaith =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
Emwnt ‹E
1 man’s name - Edmund
emyn, emynau
‹E min,
e MI ne›
1 hymn
● emydd Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gemydd =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
emyn-dôn, emyn-donau ‹E min doon, e min DO ne›
1 hymn tune
emynyddion ‹e MƏ
nidh, e mə NƏDH yon›
1 hymnwriter
Emyr ‹E mir›
1 man’s name
..1 -en ‹-› suffix
1 makes a singular noun from a collective noun or plural noun
bedw > bedwen birch > birches
brwyn > brwynen rushes > rush
celyn > celynnen hollybushes >
cwningod > cwningen rabbits >
dail > deilen leaves > leaf
ffa > ffeuen beans > bean
gwenith > gwenithen wheat > grain of wheat
gwenyn > gwenynen bees > bee
gwern > gwernen alder > alders
llygod > llygoden mice > mouse
pils > pilsen pills > pill
pys > pysen peas > pea
swits > switsen sweets > sweet
twpsod > twpsen stupid idiots
(girls) > stupid idiot (girl)
tywarch / tyweirch > tywarchen
turves > turf
2 makes a feminine noun from an adjective
blac (= English black) > blacen ‘Black’, ‘Blackie’ (name of a
coch > cochen red > red-haired
moel > moelen hornless >
hornless cow
3 makes a diminutive form from a feminine singular noun
..a the diminutive form is nowadays the referential form (i.e. chwilen
is the usual form rather than chwil)
chwil > chwilen beetle
hwyad > hwyaden duck
mwyalch > mwyalchen blackbird
b.. the base form is the referential form (i.e. diod
is the usual form; dioden still has a diminutive sense)
cywen > cywennen
chicken, pullet
diod > dioden drink
pêl > pelen ball
punt > punten pound (money)
4 Cymricises a borrowing from English (though some words in this
group may also be includable in preceding groups).
The sense of the diminutive form may differ from the radical form
coat > Welsh cot (= coat), coten (=
pot > Welsh pot (= pot), poten (=
..2 en-
1 form of the intensifying prefix an- as a result of vowel affection
(y or i in the following final syllable)
..1/ enbyd (= danger)
(an-) + soft mutation + (pyd) > *anbyd > enbyd.
Obsolete Welsh pyd ( = danger),
apparently from Latin puteus (=
hole, well). The same word puteus
has also given pydew (= well) in
..2/ enfys = (rainbow)
(an-) + soft mutation + (bys = finger); Cf Breton envez (= ring)
..3/ enllib (= calumny, libel,
slander) (= an-) + soft mutation + (llib = element apparently with the sense
of ‘to catch’) > *enlib > enllib (loss of the mutation)
..4/ enllyn (= something eaten with
bread (eg butter, cheese, meat), something to make plain food more palatable)
(an = intensifying prefix) + soft
mutation + (llyn = liquid) > *enlyn > enllyn (loss of the mutation)
..5/ enwyn = buttermilk
“(thing which is) very white” (an- =
intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (gwyn
= white)
..3 -en ‹-›
A word ending in –en is feminine, if
this is a suffix (see preceding entry)
But beware!
(1) ychen is a plural noun (= oxen).
The singular form is ych (m) (= ox).
This modern form ychen (colloquial
and literary) is in fact more properly ychain
in the literary language.
It is (ych + suffix –ain) with the usual reduction ai > e in a final syllable
Note: Rhydychen (= Oxford), rather
than Rhydychain. Literally “(the)
ford (of the) oxen”. (This place name is feminine, as are all town names).
teg = fair, pretty; Rhydychen deg = fair Oxford
(2) bachgen (= boy)
(3) halen (m) (= salt) < halaen < halwyn
(4) The final –en may be a segment
of another word, All the following are masculine:
(a) llen (m) (= cloth)
argrafflen (= broadsheet 38 x
breinlen (= charter) (braint
= privilege),
brithlen (= tapestry) (brith =
hysbyslen (= playbill) (hysbysu
= to advertise), etc
newyddlen (= news-sheet) (newydd
= new, piece of news),
taenlen (= spreadsheet) (taenu
= to spread),
taflen (= leaflet) (taflu =
to throw),
(b) pren (m) (= wood, tree)
cambren gambrel; frame, horizontal
pole for hanging a pig from after slaughter; butcher's tree, frame for hanging
a pigs carcass, (cam = crooked, bent)
pompren (= footbridge) (though this
is also a feminine noun, either because of the influence of the element pont (f) (= bridge), the final ‘-en’, or both),
tinbren (American: tailgate) (Englandic:
tailboard) back board of a cart, (tin = arse, rear, back end)
crocbren (= gallows) (crogi =
to hang),
ceubren (= hollow tree) (cau
= hollow) etc
(c) pen (m) (= head)
deupen (= both ends) (dau = two),
(d) dalen (f) leaf of a book
tu (m) side
tudalen (m)
leaf of a book
enaid, eneidiau
naid, -ed, e NEID yai, -e›
1 soul
2 Mae’n boen enaid imi ddweud hynny It
grieves me to say this (“it is pain (of) soul for me saying that”)
3 codi
ofn am eich enaid arnoch scare the living daylights out of, scare the shit
out of, put the fear of God into, frighten somebody stiff (“raise fear for your
soul on you”)
(South-west) becso’ch enaid be
worried out of your mind (“worry your soul”)
5 soul = person
lle i enaid gael llonydd a place for a soul to find tranquility
● enau Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See genau =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
enbaid ‹en
-bed› masculine noun
1 see embyd
ETYMOLOGY: a variant of the word enbyd
(= danger) (qv)
enbyd ‹EN bid›
1 dangerous
2 intensifer enbaid o terribly
Lle imbed o waedlyd oedd Passchendale
(Llafar Gwlad 36 Haf 1992)
Passchendale (battlefield in World War where a quarter of a million soldiers
from the countries of Britain were killed in a single battle) was a really
bloody place
NOTE: In the south-west, the form imbed < inbed, apparently
the result of a metathesis of enbid
/ enbyd E-I > I-E
enbyd ‹en -bid› masculine noun
PLURAL enbydiau,
enbydion ‹en- bəd –ya, -yən›
1 danger
ETYMOLOGY: enbyd < *anbyd < (an-) + soft mutation + (pyd =
Obsolete Welsh pyd is apparently
from Latin puteus (= hole, well)
The same Latin word puteus has also
given pydew (qv) (= well) in Welsh
enbydu ‹eb-
bə -di› adjective
endanger, put in danger
ETYMOLOGY: (enbyd- ‹“y” = ə›, penult form of enbyd
= i› (= perill) + (-u suffix for forming verbs)
encil PLURAL encilion ‹EN kil, en KIL yon› masculine noun
1 refuge, hiding-place, retreat
2 Yr Encil (“the retreat”)
Street name in
..a/ Pen-sarn, Abergele (county of Conwy)
..b/ Maesyfelin, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
enciliad ‹en KIL yad› masculine noun
1 retreat
seinio’r enciliad to sound the
estyniad ac enciliad advance and
encilfa ‹en KIL va› (f)
PLURAL encilfëydd ‹ en kil-VEIDH›
1 refuge, hiding-place, retreat
encilfa haf a
summer retreat
● enedigaeth Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See genedigaeth
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● enedigol ‹e-ne-
dî -gol› adjective
Soft-mutated form - the
radical form has initial g-.
See genedigol = (= originating, being by birth)
Roedd yn enedigol o Langurig He was
born in Llangurig
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
eneiniog ‹e-
nein -yog› adjective
yr Eneiniog (masculine noun) Jesus
Christ, the Messiah ("the Anointed (One)")
Eneiniog Duw (masculine noun) Jesus
Christ ("the Anointed (One) (of) God")
ETYMOLOGY: (enein-i, stem of the
verb eneinio = anoint) + (-og, suffix)
● eneteg Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See geneteg =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● enetegol Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See genetegol =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● eneth Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geneth = gril
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● enethaidd
Soft-mutated form - the
radical form has initial g-.
See genethaidd = girlish
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
enethod Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See genethod =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● enetig Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See genetig =
● symbol used here to indicate the
absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● eneuol Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See geneuol =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
enfawr ‹EN vaur›
1 enormous
enfys ‹en
-vis› feminine noun
PLURAL enfysoedd,
enfysau ‹en-və-sodh, en-və-se›
1 rainbow
Enfys y bore, aml gawode;
Enfys y pnawn, tegwch a gawn
weather saying:
(a) rainbow / (in) the morning, / frequent showers;
(a) rainbow / (in) the
afternoon, / (it is) fair weather / that / we shall have
2 Enfys woman’s name
3 obsolete ring
4 obsolete in winding wool
or yarn into a ball, the end of the thread which is wound repeatedly around the
thumb or the fingers to form the nucleus
5 enfys y llygad iris of
the eye
6 enfys y gors Iris Pseudacorus yellow iris (“rainbow
of the bog”)
ETYMOLOGY: (an- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (bys =
finger); an > en under the influence of the y in the final syllable
Breton envez (= ring)
The Welsh sense development is “ring” > “ring in
the sky / rainbow”.
NOTE: (1) although this is the standard word, it is colloquially a northern
In the south ‘rainbow’ is more usually pont
y glaw (“(the) bridge (of) the rain”)
(2) other local names are
..(a) bwa’r arch (“bow (of) the ark
(of Noah)”)
..(b) bwa’r Drindod (“bow (of) the
..(c) bwa’r glaw (“bow (of) the
Enfys ‹EN vis› feminine noun
1 woman’s name (=
engan ‹e- ngan› feminine noun
PLURAL einganau ‹ei- ngâ
(North Wales) anvil
2 Names of houses and streets Sŵnyrengan (“(the) sound
(of) the anvil”)
..a/ street name in Y Gaerwen (county of Môn) (“Swn yr Engan”)
ETYMOLOGY: See eingion
enghraifft, enghreifftiau
nghreft, e NGHREIFT ye› feminine noun
1 example
2 er mwyn cael enghraifft
for argument’s sake
3 Dyma i chwi enghraifft
arall Here’s another example
englyn ‹eng-lin› masculine noun
PLURAL englynion
1 four-lined alliterative verse
englyn arobryn prize-winning verse,
winning verse in a contest
2 gwneud englyn compose
an ‘englyn’
Fe ddywedir
iddo wneud englyn am y digwyddiad
It is said that he composed an englyn about the event
ETYMOLOGY: unknown
NOTE: pronunciation: ‹ng› as in standard English “singer”, “banger”, and not ‹ng-g›
as in English “finger”, “longer”
● eni Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See geni = to be born; to give birth to
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
Enid ‹E
nid› feminine noun
1 woman’s name
Enlli ‹en -lhi› feminine noun
1 Enlli, or Ynys Enlli ‹Ə-nis
EN-lhi› [ˡənɪs ˡɛnɬɪ] (“(the) island (of) Enlli”) – English name ‘Bardsey Sound’,
island off the Welsh mainland in the Llyn peninsula
Swnt Enlli (“(the) sound (of)
Enlli”) – English name ‘Bardsey Sound’, the strait between the Welsh mainland
and Ynys
Enlli (English name of the island: ‘Bardsey Island’)
cafn Enlli a flat-bottomed boat
which used to take travellers from the mainland (peninsula of Llyn) across Swnt Enlli (English name: Bardsey
Sound) from the Welsh mainland to the island of Enlli (Ynys Enlli) (English
name: Bardsey Island)
name of a chapel near Remsen, New York State
“Similar reports come from the churches to the east and south of Remsen. Enlli has still a few
members and combines with the two other Calvinistic Methodist churches nearby,
Pen-y-caerau and Prospect, to support a supply. The Congregational church at
Ninety-six has been abandoned for nearly thirty years. The Welsh Wesleyan
church there is still open. It had been given up for some years when about
fifteen years ago the last member, a wealthy farmer's wife, had the church
repaired.” (The Welsh in Oneida County, New York. Paul Demund Evans. M.A.
Thesis, 1914, Cornell University.)
5 woman’s forename (rare)
ETYMOLOGY: ?? Apparently a personal name.
The meaning is not “island in the tide, island in the current” as stated in
some places, from assuming that it is Enlli < Ynlli < Ynllif < yn y
llif (“in the current”), for which there is no basis; apart from this, it would
be a most unlikely name anyway for an island, and it is not paralleled by other
names in Welsh or in the other Celtic languages..
enllyn ‹en -lhin› masculine noun
companage = something eaten with bread (eg butter, cheese, meat), something to make
plain food more palatable, (Scotland: kitchen, kitchie; tea)
Does gen-i ddim enllyn I've only got
dry bread to eat (I've got no 'enllyn')
formerly, two accompanying foods (dau enllyn) were considered an excess
Bara a chaws oedd y drefn; gwastraffu
enllyn oedd rhoi bara a menyn a chaws neu rywbeth arall
Y Bwrdd Bwyd yn Ysbyty Ifan / Llafar Gwlad / Gwanwyn 1990 / Rhif 27
Bread and cheese was the usual arrangement; it was a waste of companage to give
bread and butter along with cheese or some other thing
Gorau enllyn, enllyn llaeth The best
companage is milk
Gorau un enllyn, halen The very best
companage is salt
Rhaid enllyn da guda bara llwyd You
need a good companage with mouldy bread
Tri enllyn iechyd: mêl, ymenyn a llaeth
The three companages for health are honey, butter and milk
Pe bydde’r Wyddfa i gyd yn gaws / Mi
fydde’n haws cael enllyn (part of a traditional verse)
If the Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon mountain) were all cheese / It would be easier to get
companage (i.e. to get something to eat along with a piece of bread)
food (especially tasty food)
Macrell fyddai ei brif enllyn ar ddydd
gwaith Mackerel would be his main food on a working day
enllyn bara companage (something
eaten along with a piece of bread)
Enllyn bara da yw
eisiau bwyd Hunger is the best
sauce (= food no matter how plain becomes very appetising when you are really
hungry) (“(it is) (a) good companage (of) bread that-is want (of) food”)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh enllyn (an = intensifying prefix) + soft
mutation + (llyn = liquid) > *enlyn (vowel change en < an through the influence of the
following y) > enllyn (mutation disallowed, n-l
becomes n-ll) (cf cynllun, henllan, henllys, etc)
From the same Celtic root: Irish anlann
(= sauce)
ennill ‹E nilh› verb
1 to win
ennill ei fywoliaeth ‹E
nilh i viu OL yeth› earn his living
2 gwario swllt er ennill ceiniog penny wise and pound foolish,
(“spending a shilling to gain a penny”)
● ennod Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gennod =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● enyn Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See genyn =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
ennyn ‹E nin› verb
1 kindle; cause
2 Mae cwrw yn ennyn syrthni Beer causes
3 ennyn
parch command respect
‹on-trə-prə-nəər› masculine noun
PLURAL entrepreneuriaid
1 entrepreneur = someone in
charge of a business which is a personal financial risk
ETYMOLOGY: English entrepreneur <
French entrepreneur (= contractor,
entrepreneur) < entreprendre (=
to undertake)
(1) (entre = between) < Latin (inter = between)
(2) (prendre = take) < Latin (prehendere = grasp)
entrych ‹en -trikh› masculine noun
PLURAL entrychion
‹en- trəkh -yon›
firmament, dome of heaven, heaven, celestial vault, celestial heights
Yr oedd copa’r mynydd uwch ei ben yn
dyrchafu i'r entrych The mountain top was above him reaching inot heaven
zenith, peak
cyrraedd yr entrychion reach the
peak (of success)
canmol i'r entrychion praise to the
yn entrych y ffurfafen high in the
ETYMOLOGY: unknown
enw, enwau ‹EE nu, EN we› masculine noun
1 name
enw rhywun ar restr put somebody’s
name on a list
tynnu enw rhywun oddi ar restr take
somebody’s name off a list, remove somebody’s name from a list
morwynol maiden name, woman’s surname before marriage
2 mynd o dan enw ffug go under an assumed name
3 difa’ch enw da destroy your reputation,
spoil your reputation, sully your reputation
sarnu’ch enw da destroy your
reputation, spoil your reputation, sully your reputation
4 profi yn llond yr enw turn out to be
exactly as the name suggests
Yn y flwyddyn 1797, yn mhen dwy flynedd wedi ei
urddiad, efe a gymerodd Mary Brees y Coed, yn ymgeledd cymwys iddo ei hun, yr
hon yn ol iaith traddodiad a brofodd yn llon’d yr enw.
In the year 1797, two years after his
ordination, he took Mary Brees from Y Coed as a wife (“suitable help”), who,
according to tradition, turn out to be exactly as the name suggests.
(ymgeledd cymwys helpmate = helpful wife or husband, literally
‘‘suitable help’)
Genesis 18:20
Hefyd yr Arglwydd Dduw a ddywedodd, Nid da bod y dyn
ei hunan; gwnaf iddo ymgeledd cymwys iddo...
(18:20) Ac Adda a enwodd enwau ar yr holl anifeiliaid, ac
ar ehediad y nefoedd ac ar holl fwystfilod y maes;
ond ni chafodd efe i Adda ymgeledd cymwys iddo
Genesis 18:20 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the
man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him...
(18:20) And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air,
and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not
found an help meet for him
5 enw dwbl
double-barrelled name (“Jones-Hopkins”, etc)
6 galw rhywbeth wrth ei enw
call a spade a spade (“call something by its name”)
7 dyn ac enw da iddo man with a good reputation, a man who people speak well
8 bod o’r un enw â have
the same name as
Blaenor yn Llan-non oedd ei dad. Yr oedd
ei dad-cu o’r un enw â’i dad
His father was an elder in Llan-non. His grandfather had the same name as his
enwad, enwadau
wad, en WAA de› masculine noun
1 denomination
ETYMOLOGY: (enw- stem of the verb enwi = to
name) + (-ad suffix for forming
abstract nouns)
enwadaeth ‹en WAA deth›
1 sectarianism
ETYMOLOGY: (enwad =
denomination) + (-aeth suffix for
forming abstract nouns)
enwadol ‹en WAA dol›
1 denominational
ETYMOLOGY: (enwad =
denomination) + (-ol suffix for
forming adjectives)
enwadur, enwaduron
WA dir, en wa DI ron› masculine noun
1 denominator
ETYMOLOGY: (enw- stem of the verb enwi = to
name) + (-adur suffix for forming
nouns which name types of devices or books)
enwadwr, enwadwyr
WAA dur, en WAD wir› masculine noun
1 sectarian
ETYMOLOGY: (enwad =
denomination) + (-wr suffix for
denoting an agent, < gŵr = man)
enw bedydd, enwau
bedydd ‹EE
nu BEE didh› masculine noun
1 forename, baptismal name, Christian name, first name
ETYMOLOGY: “baptised name” (enw =
name) + (bedydd, stem of the verb bedyddio = to baptise)
enwedig ‹ən en WEE dig› (adj)
1 named
2 (adv) yn enwedig = especially
ETYMOLOGY: literally ‘named’ (enw- stem of the verb enwi = to
name) + (-edig past participle
enwog ‹EN wog›
1 famous
2 drwgenwog (character)
disreputable, infamous (drwg = bad)
+ (enwog = famous)
ETYMOLOGY: (enw = name) + (-og suffix
for forming adjectives)
● enyn Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See genyn =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● enynnol Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See genynnol =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● enynnol Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See genynnol =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
eofn ‹EE
ovn› (adj)
1 bold, familiar, cheeky, impudent, cocky, arrogantly clever, (USA
colloquial: nervy, sassy)
mynd yn eofn ar get cheeky with
bod yn eofn ar be cheeky to, make
free with
2 Siarl Eofn Charles the
ETYMOLOGY: (e- suffix = without) + (ofn =
fear); but probably already a compound in British as *eks-obn-o- (eks suffix = without, equivalent to Latin ex-) + (obn-o- =
There is a Latinised Gaulish name Exobnus corresponding exactly to Welsh
NOTE: In northern Ceredigion it
occurs as echon < echofn <
ehofn (eh-, a form of e-) + (ofn), from the British form *eks-obn-o-
A common colloquial pronunciation
in the south is ewn
eofn > eo’n > ewn
Cf heol (= road) > hewl, eos (= nightingale) > ews,
Nanteos > Nant-ews
eofndra ‹e OVN dra› masculine noun
1 boldness
ETYMOLOGY: (eofn = bold) + (-dra
suffix for forming abstract nouns, the soft-mutated form of the suffix -tra)
eog, eogiaid
og, e OG yed› masculine noun
1 (Salmo salar) salmon, Atlantic salmon
2 (Oncorhynchus
gorbuscha) eog cefngrwm (m) eogiaid cefngrwm pink salmon
(“bent-back salmon”)
eorth ‹EE-orth› adjective
1 (obsolete) diligent, studious
ETYMOLOGY: British < Celtic eks-ort-;
stem *or- (= to rise);
Cf Latin oriri (= to rise, spring
from), as in English origin <
Latin orîgô < oriri
NOTE: eorth has also a variant form iorth
eorthryn ‹e-
orth-rin› masculine noun
1 (obsolete) diligence, studiousness. See iorthryn
ETYMOLOGY: eorthryn < ehorthryn
(= diligence); (eorth = diligent) +
soft mutation + (rhyn)
eos ‹EE-os› (f)
PLURAL eosiaid (eosydd, eosau) ‹e-OS-yaid, -yed, e-OS-au. -e›
1 nightingale
In south-east Wales the
colloquial form is ios ‹II os ›
1 (Luscinia megarhyncos) = nightingale
eos Sir Gaer (south-east Wales), pronounced as ios Shir
Ga’r owl “(the) nightingale (of) Sir Gaer”. Sir Gaer is the short form of Sir
Gaerfyrddin, “(the) county (of) Caerfyrddin”, in English:
2 somebody who sings sweetly; used (nineteenth century) in pseudonyms by
singers (tenors) or bards
Eos Dâr “(the) nightingale (of) (the) Dâr (river)”, i.e. from Aber-dâr
or nearby)
Thrwy ei gyfeillgarwch â'r ddau gerddor Daniel Evans (Eos Dâr) a Tom Bryant, cyfansoddodd
[Watcyn Wyn] nifer o benillion i'w canu gan rai o brif ddatgeiniaid ei gyfnod.
Casglwr 52 Mai 1994
Through his friendship with the two musicians Daniel Evans (Eos Dâr) and Tom
Watcyn Wyn composed a number of penillion (verses) to be sung by the
main performers of his period
3 eos bren (south-east Wales), pronounced as ios bren a
terrible singer, somebody with no talent for singing (“wooden nightingale”)
4 In names of houses and streets
Street name, Ffosygerddinen / Nelson (county of Caerffili) (“Llwyn-yr-eos”)
Street name and public house name, Abercannaid (county of Merthyrtudful)
Street name, Treforus (county of Abertawe)
Street name, Llanelli (county of Caerfyrddin)
Street name, Penparcau, Aberystwyth (county of Ceredigion), and the name of a
primary school here
House name – name of the house in which Ivor Novello was born, in Heol y
Bont-faen (Darn dwyreiniol) (“Cowbridge Road East”) west of Caer-dydd
(Caerdydd) city center
House name, Crug-y-bar, Llanwrda (Caerfyrddin)
House name, Nantgaredig (Caerfyrddin)
House name, Cwmorgan (Caerfyrddin)
House name, Glanyfferi (Caerfyrddin)
House name, Llanwennog (Ceredigion)
Llwynyreos (“Llwynyreos Road”), Rhydargaeau (Caerfyrddin)
Llwyneos llwyn eos < llwyn yr eos (with the loss of the
linking definite article) Pen-rhiw-llan
name of a street in Dinas (Rhondda Cynon Taf) (“(the) hill / mountain (of) the
Pantyreos (“(the)
hollow (of) the nightingale”) a street in Rhisga; also here are Nant
Pantyreos (“Pantyreos Brook”) and Cronlyn Pantyreos (Pantyreos
Pantyreos Farm
in Llanfrechfa, Cwm-brân
Pantyreos House
in Henllys, Torfaen
Rhodfa'r Eos
name of a street in Ynysforgan (county of Abertawe) ("(the) walk / parade
(of) the nightingale")
(“(the) sound (of) the nightingale”)
..a/ street name in Ystradgynlais (district of Brycheiniog, county of Powys)
(spelt as “Swn yr Eos”)
name of a street in Treherbert (Rhondda Cynon Taf) (“(the) hill (of) the
Breton has eostik (= nightingale)
NOTE: Alternative pronunciation is ews,
showing the change eos > ews as in
heol (= street) > hewl,
eofn (= bold) > e’on > ewn
Nant-ews [nantˡɛʊs] is the pronunciation of Nanteos in
northern Ceredigion
NOTE: In the south-east eos > ios
eoslais ‹e-os-lais› masculine noun [ɛˡɔslaɪs]
1 voice of
a nightingale
Yr Eoslais
A folk tune mentioned
in “The Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and Celtic
Repertory” (1830). The English
translation of the name is given as “The Voice
of the Nightingale”
ETYMOLOGY: (eos = nightingale) + soft mutation + (llais = voice)
Many monosyllables nave become bisyllabic colloquially with the insertion into
a consonant cluster of an echo vowel, one which duplicates the vowel of the
first syllable (or final vowel of a diphthong)
This is especially characteristic of South Wales
cefn (= back) > cef(e)n / cefen ‹ke-ven› (South Wales)
gwydr (= glass) > gwyd(y)r / gwydyr ‹gui-dir› (general?)
llyfr (= book) > llyf(y)r / llyfyr ‹lhi-vir› (South Wales)
ochr (= side) > och(o)r
/ ochor ‹oo-khor› (general)
pobl (= people) > pob(o)l / pobol ‹poo-bol› (general)
syml (= simple) > sym(y)l / symyl ‹si-mil› (general?)
épithet ‹E
pi thet›
1 epithet
Epona ‹e-pô-na› feminine noun
1 Celtic goddess of horses
ETYMOLOGY: British (ep- = horse) + (on- suffix often used in the names of
deities) + (-a suffix denoting a
NOTE: See eb (= horse)
Epynt ‹e-pint›
1 mountain in the county of Powys. Also: Mynydd Epynt
ETYMOLOGY: probably “horse path” (eb
= horse) + (hynt = way, path,
course) (b + h = p)
See hynt, and also dyffryn
(= valley, literally “watercourse”)
er ‹er› preposition
1 for = for the sake of (used especially in the names of societies
and organisations)
Y Gymdeithasfa Brydeining er Hyrwyddo’r
The British Association for the Advancement of Science (“the British
association for advancing science”)
Y Gymdeithas er Atal Sŵn
The Noise Abatement Society (“the society for stopping noise”)
Y Gymdeithas er Atal Creulondeb i Blant
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (“the society for stopping
cruelty to children”)
er anrhydedd i in honour of (“for
honour to”)
er bendith for the good of (“for
blessing (of)”)
er budd for the benefit of (“for
benefit (of)”)
er cof am in memory of (“for memory
/ remembrance for”)
er cwrteisi out of courtesy (“for
er dim on any account
er mwyn for the sake of (“for
er popeth for heaven’s sake (“for
er tegwch â in fairness to (“for
fairness with”)
in spite of, despite, notwithstanding (+ noun, pronoun)
Ymláen â’r sioe er pob anffawd
The show must go on! (“on with the show in spite of every mishap”)
er hynny in spite of that,
notwithstanding that
er ei hoedran fawr in spite of her
great age
er gwaethaf in spite of (gwaethaf = worst)
er pob pregeth i’r gwrthwyneb in
spite of being told not to do it many times (“in spite of every sermon to the
(in spite of) + (noun phrase) + (i =
er dirfawr sioc iddi to her great
shock, to her great consternation
er mawr boen i mi to my great
er mawr embaras iddo to (his) great
er mawr glod iddynt, buont yn adeiladol
dros ben
to their great credit, they were very constructive
er mawr syndod i bawb to everyone’s
great surprise
er syndod dirfawr i Dewi to Dewi’s
immense surprise
er bod although it is / it was
with the equative form of an adjective (..-ed)
although so..., although such a... in spite of being so...
er amled y Mynyddoedd a’r afonydd sydd
in spite of all the mountains and rivers between us
(“although so plentiful the mountains and rivers between us”)
er arbeniced personoliaeth ydoedd
although he was such a special personality
(“although so special his personality”)
er garwed y driniaeth
in spite of the roughness of the treatment, in spite of the rough treatment
(“although so rough the treatment”)
er cyn lleied however little
with (conjugated forms of the preposition i)
+ (verbnoun) to express the past tense
er iddo gyffrói drwyddo
in spite of being badly shaken
since = from a specified point in the past;
With this sense, usually ers (qv)
er creadigaeth since the creation
er pump o’r gloch since five o’
er pan (qv) (conjunction) since
er pan ddeuthum yma since I came
obsolete during
With this sense, usually ers (qv)
er oes donci for donkey’s years (“during
(a) life (of a) donkey”)
In the compound form erióed (=
never); literally “er (e)i oed” during his life
11 newid (verb) er
gwell a change for the better
newid (noun) er gwell
to change for the better
newid (verb) er gwaeth
a change for the worse
newid (noun) er gwaeth
to change for the worse
conjugated forms (now obsolete)
erof ‹e-rov› = for me,
erom ‹e-rom› = for us,
erot ‹e-rot› = for thee,
eroch ‹e-rokh› = for you,
erddi ‹er-dhi› = for her,
erddo ‹er-dho› = for him,
erddynt ‹er-dhint› = for them
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh er < British
< Celtic *er- < *per-
From the same British root: Cornish er
(= for)
From the same Indoeuropean root: Latin per
(and Catalan per), Greek peri (= around, near)
er- ‹er› prefix
1 variant of the intensifying prefix ar- (ar- becomes er-
through the influence of i
‹i› or y ‹i›
or y ‹ə› in the following syllable)
..a/ erfain (= impudent) (ar) + (main = thin)
This word is rarely used in modern Welsh
..b/ erfyn (= beg, implore) (ar + myn-, the same element
as in mynnu = insist)
..c/ erglywed (= to listen, to hear)
(ar) + (clywed = to hear) (though here the vowel y is ‹ə›)
This word is rarely used in modern Welsh
..d/ ergyd (= blow, knock, punch) (ar) + (cyd = ‹probably› aim)
..e/ erlyn (= chase, prosecute) (ar) + (glyn- = to stick)
..f/ erwyn (= pure white, splendid) (ar) + (gwyn = white)
..g/ eryl (= lookout; originally: hunt ) (ar) + (hyl = a hunt, a
variant of hel- / hela = to hunt)
-er ‹er› verb
1 in an impersonal imperative:
dyweder let it be said
(a) cynhaner = pronounce...! (“let
it be pronounced”)
..........“Penllad”. Cynhaner: pen-llâd.
“Rhad penllad” = y gras pennaf, y fendith fwyaf.
“Penllad”. Pronounce it as “pen-llâd”. “Rhad penllad” = the highest grace, the
greatest blessing
(b) gocheler efelychiadau beware of
(c) gweler = see...! (“let it be
.........Gweler Tudalen 5 (= pump)
See Page 5
(d) gwneler Dy ewyllys Thy will be
done (Lord’s Prayer)
(e) sylwer = observe...! (“let it be
(f) Ysgydwer y botel Shake the
3 hyd
oni wahaner ni gan angau till death us do
os mynner if you so wish (“if it were wished”)
1 Some loans from English conserve ‹er› which in Englandic is
nowadays ‹aa’›.
In the USA some of these words have ‹aa’› as in Englandic;
others have conserved ‹er› which in present-day American has become ‹əərr›
Welsh cerfio (= to carve); in Middle English this was kerve ‹kerv›
Welsh clerc (= clerk);
..:(a) the same as older English clerk ‹klerk›,
...(b) modern Englandic ‹klaa’k›. This is spelt with an 'e' clerk as a common
noun, and with an 'a' as a surname (Clark)
Welsh fferm (= farm);
...(a) modern Englandic and American English farm ‹faa’m›.
...(b) Formerly ferm in English. The
later form has also been borrowed into Welsh, and ffarm exists alongside
fferm, though the latter word is considered the standard form
4/ Welsh persli (= parsley) < Middle English ‹pérsli›, now modern English parsley
<PAR-SLI> [ˡparslɪ]
5/ Welsh person (= parson);
...(a) the same as in older English person ‹pérsən›.
...(b) In modern Englandic and American English parson ‹páarrsən› although person is retained
in the sense of ‘an individual, a body’
...(c) In American English the common noun has retained ‹er›, but clerk is in
present-day American pronounced ‹kləərk›
2 some words borrowed from
English preserve the sound ‹er› which in both Englandic and in American English is
now ‹əə’
/ əər›
Welsh term (= term); modern
Englandic and American English term ‹təə’m / təərm›
eraill ‹EE rilh›
1 others - plural of arall
erbyn ‹ER bin›
1 by, before (time)
Daeth yn ôl erbyn naw - He came back
by nine
2 yn erbyn ‹ən
ER bin› against
3 erbyn ystyried all things considered, considering the
circumstances, in view of the situation
erbyn meddwl all things considered,
considering the circumstances, in view of the situation
erbyn hyn ‹er-bin hin› adverb
1 by now
gan ei fod wedi cystadlu mewn cymaint o
eisteddfodau yr oedd erbyn hyn yn hen law ar sefyll o flaen cynulleidfa
since he had competed in so many eisteddfods he was by now an old hand at
standing in front of an audience
ETYMOLOGY: (erbyn = against) + (hyn = this (moment))
erbyn hynny ‹er-bin hə-ni› adverb
1 by then
ETYMOLOGY: (erbyn = against) + (hynny = that (moment))
erch ‹erkh› feminine noun
1 daughter of
Gwenllian erch Dafydd Gwenllian daughter (of) David
From an original form Gwenllian ferch Dafydd
< Gwenllian merch Dafydd.
In genitive constructions, there was soft mutation of the first consonant
– here "m" > "f" ‹v› -
and later loss of the consonant "f"
merch > ferch > erch
mab > fab > ab / ap
Siôn ap Dafydd (= Siôn ab Dafydd – originally the final
"p" represented both ‹p› and ‹b›)
John, son (of) David
< Siôn fab Dafydd
< Siôn mab Dafydd
A possible place name example of erch (from the form as it appears on
maps - examples of earlier forms needed to confirm this) is a farm called Llwyn-erch-Idwal
("the wood of the daughter of Idwal") to the east above the village
of Y Glais in the county of Abertawe, unless it is a fanciful reworking of
“llannerch” (= clearing in a wood, glade), with llwyn (= bush, grove)
replacing the first element llan
erch ‹erkh› adj
1 (obsolete) mottled, speckled, dappled
It survives
in the names of various rivers and streams, referring to the colour or the
mottled appearance
Afon Erch (Gwynedd) “dappled river”, and the village name Aber-erch (estuary
of the Erch river)
Nant Erchan (erch + diminutive suffix –an) , flowing
into Nant Brân at Llanfihangel Nant Brân, Powys (Erchan could possibly
be a personal name, with the same etymology)
Nannerch village in Sir y Fflint. This is Nant Erch (= dappled stream; or
dappled valley)
Blaenannerch < blaen Nannerch Source of the stream called Nant Erch
llannerch clearing, glade (llann- < llan = land) + (erch =
2 (obsolete) dusky, dark
3 frightful, horrible, horrendous
ar fin dibyn erch on the edge of a horrendous cliff
Welsh erch < British *erk- < Celtic
From the same Celtic root: Irish earc, Scottish Gaelic ears (Dwelly’s dictionary marks it ‘obsolete’. The
first meaning is ‘speckled’, and the second, taken from Armstrong’s earlier
dictionary from mid-Perthshire, is ‘red’)
erchwyn ‹er- khəlh -ter› masculine noun
PLURAL erchwynion,
erchwynnau ‹erkh-uin-yon, erkh-ui-nai -e ›
horror, atrocity
1 side, border, edge
2 bedside
wrth erchwyn gwely y claf at the bedside of the patient
3 (South Wales) (f) edge of a
grave, side of a grave
rhwng y ddwy erchwyn in the grave (“between the two sides (of the grave)”)
4 (obsolete), protector, defender
ETYMOLOGY:Welsh < British < Celtic *ari-sqend-,
Cf Latin scando, scandere (= mount, climb), ascendo (= ascend),
descendo (= descend) < *squand (= go up)
NOTE: Page 46 / A Welsh Grammar -
Historical and Comparative / John Morris-Jones (1864-1929) /1913: The
following words may be mentioned as those most commonly mispronounced: wy
is the falling diphthong in cern ‘vat’, disg
l, ‘look, expect’, G
nedd ‘Venedotia’, G
ndid, id., mor
n ‘maiden’, ter
n ‘ fervent’; it is the rising diphthong in
dd ‘because of’, cych
n, ‘rise, start’, erch
n ‘protector, [bed]-side’, ded
dd ‘happy’
erchyll ‹ER
khilh› adjective
1 terrible
2 mynd yn frwydr erchyll
(“to become a terrible fight, to go into a terrible fight”)
aeth yn frwydr erchyll a terrible fight broke out
3 erchyll o (+ adjective) terribly
Yr oedd yn erchyll o oer y diwrnod hwnnw That day it was terribly cold
erchyllter ‹er- khəlh -ter› masculine noun
PLURAL erchyllterau
horror, atrocity
erchyllterau rhyfel the horrors of
ETYMOLOGY: (erchyll- ‹ə› <
erchyll ‹i› = horrible ) + soft mutation + (gwaith = act)
erchylltra ‹er- khəlh -tra› masculine noun
PLURAL erchyllterau
horror, atrocity
ETYMOLOGY: (erchyll- ‹ə› <
erchyll ‹i› = horrible ) + (-tra
suffix for forming abstract nouns)
‹er- khəlh -waith› masculine noun
atrocity, atrocities
Torasant eu draed a’u dwylaw oddi wrth
eu cyrff, a thynasant eu llygaid, a gwnaethasant erchyllwaith gwaeth. They
cut their feet and hands off (“off their bodies”), and pulled out their eyes,
and committed (even) worse atrocities
ETYMOLOGY: (erchyll- ‹ə› < erchyll ‹i› = horrible ) +
soft mutation + ( gwaith = act)
‹ er -kulf › m
llawffon Ercwlff Hercules’s club /
Hercules’s cudgel
Neuadd Ercwlff Hercules Hall, a building in Portmeirion
ercyd ‹ER kid›
1 (South-east Wales) to fetch
Cer i ercyd y rhaw o’r sièd
Go and fetch the spade from the shed
ETYMOLOGY: ercyd < ergyd, an alternative form of the verbnoun ergydio
(= to strike)
In the south-east there is devoicing of the consonants g,b,d > c,p,t
at the head of a final syllable
erddi ‹ER dhi›
1 for her. See er
erddigan ‹er-DHII-gan
› feminine noun
PLURAL erddiganau
1 (obsolete) air,
melody, tune, song
Erddigan Caer Waun
A folk tune mentioned
in “The Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and Celtic
Repertory” (1830). The English
translation is given as “The Minstrelsy of Chirk
(Chirk is the English name for Y Waun)
caer y Waun “(the) castle (of) Y Waun”, Chirk
ETYMOLOGY: (erddi- intensifying prefix) + soft mutation + (cân = song)
The intensifier erddi is a combination of the prefixes ar + di
(ar- intensifying prefix) + soft
mutation + (di- intensifying prefix)
> *arddi- > erddi (vowel affection – final i causes change a
> e in the preceding syllable)
erfin ‹er VI
nen, ER vin›
1 turnip
erfyn ‹ER vin›
1 beg
ergyd ‹er-gid› feminine noun
(can also be masculine)
PLURAL ergydion,
ergydiau ‹er-gəd-yon, er-gəd-ye›
1 blow (from fist, etc), impact;
sock = hard blow
adroddiad fesul ergyd a blow-by-blow
anelu ergyd at strike at
ar yr ergyd gyntaf at the first blow
ergyd gas nasty blow
ergyd gorffennol coup de grace
gwneud (rhywbeth) ar yr un ergyd do (something) at the
first blow
heb un ergyd without striking a blow
mae’r ergyd gyntaf yn werth dwy
(saying) the first blow is half the battle (“the first blow is worth two”)
rhoi ergyd strike a blow
rhoi ergyd i rywun strike somebody
taro ergyd strike a blow
taro ergyd ar ôl ergyd (yn erbyn rhywbeth) strike blow after blow
(against something)
roedd marciau ergyd ar ei gefn there were bruise marks on his back
2 firing of a gun,
blast, shot
ar un ergyd in one go, with one shot
bod yn ddi-ffael eich ergyd be a
sure shot, be a dead shot (“be without fail your shot”)
ergyd gwn gunshot
ergydion reiffl rifle shots (USA:
ergyd pistol pistol shot
ergyd reiffl rifle shot
fel ergyd o ddryll like a shot, very
fel ergyd o wn like a shot, very
gollwng ergyd shoot
o fewn ergyd reiffl within rifle
sicr eich ergyd having a sure shot
tanio ergyd fire a shot
...heb danio ergyd without a shot
being fired, without firing a shot
ergyd bwyell axe-blow, axe-stroke
explosion, detonation
shot = arrowshot
ergyd saeth arrow shot
fe ellir rhoi ergyd cwmws (= cymwys) o hen fwa “you can shoot straight from
an old bow”
ergyd ar y disiau throw of the dice
ergyd llaw chwith sly dig,
back-handed complement (“left-hand blow”)
ergyd pladur sweep of the scythe
ergyd dros ysgwydd a parting shot,
caustic remark on leaving
ergyd o gyrraedd a passing shot
(“shot from reaching”)
throw, cast
ergyd carreg hit with a stone
lladd dwy frân ag un ergyd kill two
birds with one stone ("kill two crows with one blow")
lladd dau aderyn ag un ergyd kill
two birds with one stone ("kill two birds with one blow")
blow = (emotional), shock, unpleasant event
dadebru o'r ergyd recover from the
Ergyd drist oedd ei farw cynnar yn 49
oed His premature death at the age of 49 was a grievous blow
blow = disappointment, unexpected rebuff
Bu’n ergyd drom imi It was a
terrible blow for me
13 aim, intention; point of a story; theme = subject of a speech;
punchline of a joke
import, meaning
shot = reach, range
o fewn ergyd dryll within range
ergydwst (rare) concussion
(ergyd) + mutació suau + (gwst = pain)
17 gwrthergyd (rare) repulse
ergyd o waith stroke of work
Cawson nhw arian mawr pan nad oedd ergyd
o waith yn cael ei wneud ganddynt
They were paid handsomely, when they weren’t doing a stroke of work
ETYMOLOGY: ergyd (now generally
feminine, but formerly masculine) <
(ar- = intensifying prefix) + (cyd element apparently meaing ‘aim’)
ergydio ‹er- gəd
-yo› verb
1 hit, knock (with a shot)
2 kick (with the foot)
ergydio'r bêl i'r rhwyd kick the ball into the net
3 fetch, go and get
(South Wales) ergyd (verbnoun, variant of ergydio) > ercyd
ercyd bara o'r siop go and get some bread from the shop
4 ergydio ar hit against, strike against
Dyma ddyrnaid o raean yn ergydio ar gaead yr arch
A handful of gravel hit against the lid of the coffin
5 ergydio ar knock (someone), criticise
Chwarae teg i'r pregethwr y dyddiau hyn. Y mae llawer yn ergydio arno
Fair play where it’s due to the preacher these day. Many people criticise
ETYMOLOGY: (ergyd- ‹ə› < ergyd ‹i› = blow) + (-io
suffix for forming verbs)
erioed ‹er YOID›
1 ever (referring to the past) - have you ever…? – a wyt ti
2 a fu erióed that
ever was
y cyfle gorau a fu erióed the chance of a lifetime (“the best chance
that has ever been”)
Ni fu erioed ddrwg na fu’n dda i rywun
(“there was never bad that wasn’t good for someone”) It’s an ill wind that blow
nobody any good
Also: Ni fu erioed ddrwg na fu’n
ddaioni i rywun
ETYMOLOGY: “during his time [before now]” (er during) + (i his) + (oed age, time; life)
In older Welsh the possessive determiner was replaceable (thus “during my time,
during your time” etc. But the phrase became stereotyped with the third person
singular masculine possessive determiner.
erlid ‹ER
lid› verb
1 pursue
erlid (rhywun) o goed i gastell (“chase
(someone) from wood to castle”) to hound (someone) from pillar to post = pursue
(someone) from place to place
erlyn ‹er-lin› verb
1 prosecute = start legal proceedings against, take to court
Erlynir y sawl a fo’n tresmasu;
(“it-will-be-prosecuted the person who might trespass”)
Trepassers will be prosecuted;
Erlynir tresmaswyr
(“it-will-be prosecuted trespassers”)
Trepassers will be prosecuted;
2 sue
erlyn (rhywun) am iawndal
sue (someone) for damages, take somebody to court in order to try to obtain
(the colloquial word is an Englishism: siwio
(“sue” + the Welsh suffix for forming verbs -io))
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh (ar- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (glyn-,
the same root as in the verb glynu =
to stick, to adhere) (the final y
causes the change a > e in the preceding syllable)
er mwyn ‹er muin› preposition
(+ noun / pronoun) for the sake of, for the good of
er mwyn (rhywun) for the sake (of
er mwyn popeth for God’s sake
er eich mwyn chi for your sake
er mwyn yr Arglwydd for the love of
God er fy mwyn for my sake
er mwyn dadl for argument’s sake
er mwyn cael enghraifft for
argument’s sake
er mwyn (gwneud rhywbeth) in order
(to do something)
er mwyn (cael gwneud rhywbeth) in
order (to do something)
er mwyn (peidio â gwneud rhywbeth)
in order (not to do something)
er mwyn (cael peidio â gwneud rhywbeth)
in order (not to do something)
after verbs:
aberthu eich bywyd er mwyn... (rhywbeth)
sacrifice your life for (something)
5 (+ verbnoun) for the sake of, in order to
ETYMOLOGY: (er = (preposition) for)
+ (mwyn = sake, good)
erodynamig ‹e-ro-di- na -mig› adjective
1 aerodynamic
corff erodynamig (USA) airflow body,
(England) streamlined body)
ETYMOLOGY: English aerodynamic <
Greek (aero- < aêr = air) + (dynamic < French dynamique
< Greek dunamikos (= powerful), dunamis (= power), dunasthai (= to be able )
eroplên, eroplêns
ro pleen, E ro pleens›
1 airplane (Englishism)
ers ‹ers›
- ers pryd ‹ers PRIID› since when?
- ers talwm ‹ers TA lum› for ages
erthyglau ‹ER
thi gəl, er THƏ gle› feminine noun
1 article
erthyl ‹er -thil› masculine noun
PLURAL erthylod
1 aborted foetus, aborted infant or animal, castling (= foetus
aborted before the end of the normal gestation period)
Salmau 58:8 Aed ymaith fel malwoden
dawdd, neu erthyl
gwraig; fel na welont yr haul.
Psalms 58:8 As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the
untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.
2 abortion = the result of an induced abortion
3 (adjective) aborted
llo erthyl aborted calf
oen erthyl aborted lamb
4 ugly, misshapen person
5 something ugly and imperfect
6 abomination, atrocity, something repugnant, something totally
something very bad of its kind, bastardisation
Nid Cymraeg fel y byddwch chi a finnau
yn deall y gair oedd ganddi. Ar ei rhaglen radio mynnai siarad rhyw erthyl
cymysg o iaith oedd yn merwino clust pob Cymro da
She didn’t speak Welsh as you or I understand the word. On her radio programme
she insisted on speaking some mixed abomination which grated on the ear of
every good Welsh person
Ar gyrion yr hen dref y mae
Mynachlog-nedd. Gyda llaw, o ble daeth yr erthyl diweddar ‘Abaty Nedd’ sydd i’w
glywed byth a beunydd gan wyr y cyfryngau?
On the edge of the old town is Mynachlog-nedd (“the monastery of the district
of Nedd”). By the way, where did the abomination ‘Abaty Nedd’ (i.e. a direct
translation of the English name ‘Neath Abbey’) come from, which is to be
heard constantly from the people of the media?
O ddychymyg William Owen-Pughe a’i
dylwyth daeth erthylod fel “cadben” am “capten”, a “Tafwy” am yr Afon “Taf”
From the imagination of William Owen-Pughe and his followers (“his family”)
came the abominations such as “cadben” instead of “capten” (= captain;
reformed to make it appear to be Welsh ‘battle-leader’), and “Tafwy” for
the river “Taf”(i.e. adding a supposed suffix meaning ‘water’ to river
ETYMOLOGY: British *artila <
erw ‹EE -ru› feminine noun
PLURAL erwau
‹er -we›
1 acre = unit of measurement
equivalent to
2 land measuring one acre in area
3 field
Very common in field names, house names and street names
Erw-deg (“fair field”) street in
Bryntirion, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr (“Erw Deg”)
Erw-fach (“small field”) street in
Gartholwg (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (“Erw Fach”)
Erw-hir (“long field”) street at
Caeau’r-llan, Llantrisant (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (“Erw Hir”)
Erwifan (“Ifan’s field”) street in Pen-coed
(county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (“Erw Ifan”)
Erw Gerrig (“(the) field (of)
stones”, “stone field”) field name
(erw = field) + soft mutation + (cerrig = stones, plural of carreg
= stone)
Erw-las (“green field”) street at
(1) Llanisan (county of Caer-dydd) (“Erw Las”),
(2) Gelli-deg (county of Merthyrtudful) (“Erw Las”),
(3) Pen-y-waun (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (“Erw Las”)
Erw-wen (“white field” or “fair
field”) street at
(1) Rhiwbina (county of Caer-dydd) (“Erw Wen”),
(2) Pen-coed (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (“Erw Wen”),
(3) Gogledd Corneli (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (“Erw Wen”)
Erw’r Delyn
(“field of the harp”, harp-shaped field)
(erw = field; acre) + (yr definite
article) + soft mutatioj + (telyn = harp)
John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911) notes
an English form of the name occurring in 1492:
“HARP-ACRE (the harp-shaped piece of land.) A meadow in the lordship of
Leckwith (1492.)”
Erwrdelyn house and street (in
English as “Erw’r Delyn Close”), Penarth (Pennárth), Bro Morgannawg
Ysgol Erwrdelyn (Ysgol Erw’r Delyn) school in Penarth
The name also occurs without the linking definite
article (the loss of this in Welsh place names is very common): Erw Delyn /
4 with monosyllabic numerals, erw
often compounded, losing the final “w” to give -er
dwy (= two) + erw > dwyer
tair (= three) + erw > teirer
pump (= five) + erw > pumer
chwech (= six) + erw > hwecher
saith (= seven) + erw > seither
wyth (= eight) + erw > wyther
deg (= ten) + erw > deger
cant (= a hundred) + erw > canner
5 erwau ar erwau o acre
upon acre of, acres and acres of
Yr oedd yno erwau ar erwau o flodau
cochion, gwynion, a melynion.
There, there was acre upon acre of red, white and yellow flowers
6 (literary Welsh) erwau’r
glo the coalfield, the coalmining region (“(the) acres (of) the coal”)
7 (literary Welsh) Erw Duw
God’s Acre = piece of land with a church and churchyard
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh erw ‹e-ru›, originally with one syllable ‹erw› < British < Celtic.
From an Indo-European root *er-, as
in English earth, Dutch aarde (= earth), German die Erde (= earth).
The other neo-British forms are: Cornish erow
(= acre), Breton erv (= ridge
between furrows)
erwain ‹ER-wain›
1 meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
Erwain ‹ER-wain›
1 female forename (rare)
ETYMOLOGY: “meadowsweet”. See preceding entry
Yr Erw Hir ‹ør
1 field name
..a/ Llangatwg Lingoed, Mynwy
22 June 1603… Parcel of land arable and pasture with appurtenances
called Errowe hire
containing Hanbury Family Papers
ETYMOLOGY: “the long
acre; the long field”. (yr = definite article) + (erw = acre,
field) + (hir = long)
● erwin Soft-mutated form -
the radical form has initial g-.
See gerwin =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● erwindeb Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gerwindeb =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● erwinder Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gerwinder =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● erwino Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gerwino =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
● erwinol Soft-mutated
form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gerwinol =
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
..1 erwydd ‹er
-widh› -
1 rods, poles; plural form of the noun erwydden (qv) = rod, pole
2 rod, pole; alternative singular form of the noun erwydden (qv) = rod, pole
..2 erwydd ‹er
1 see herwydd (= by means
erwydden ‹er-wî-dhen› feminine noun
PLURAL erwydd,
erwyddi ‹er -widh, er-wî-dhi›
1 obsolete staff, rod, pole
2 (music) stave
papur erwydd manuscript paper
llyfr erwydd manuscript music book
3 county of Dinbych rod
for plashing hedges
4 obsolete splint (for a
broken bone); nowadays sblint
5 erwydden casgen plural erwydd, erwyddi stave (for making
rhoi erwydd ar gasgen to stave a
6 obsolete erwydd (singular form) unit of length
and of square measure - perch, pole, rod, rood; rood of land - portion of land
with this measure
ETYMOLOGY: erwydd is apparently (ar = on) + soft mutation + (gwydd = wood) > arwydd >
There is vowel affection, with a > e caused by the y in the
final syllable
Erwyn ‹ER-win› (m)
male forename
ETYMOLOGY: “splendid”, literally “very white”
(ar intensifying prefix) + soft
mutation + (gwyn = white, holy,
fine, fair, splendid)
There is vowel affection, with a > e caused by the y in the
final syllable
NOTE: The name Arwyn is the same, though without vowel affection (a
becoming e as a result of the y in the following final syllable)
eryl ‹EE ril›
1 obsolete hunt
2 house name - “lookout”
A Pocket Dictionary (Welsh-English) (1861)
William Richards:
Eryl, n. a watch, a look
William Owen-Pughe, A Welsh and English
Dictionary; published in instalments 1793-1803
Y lle y gosoter cwn yn eryl, y cyntaf ohonynt a gymero iwrch, neu gadno, neu
ysgyfarnawg, ei berchen bieufydd
Where dogs are placed on the watch, the first of them shall take a buck, or
a fox, or a hare, his owner shall possess whichever it be. Welsh Laws
Brenin a’i werin yn
ei eryl
A king with his commonality
guarding him. L. G. Cothi (= Lewys Glyn Cothi c. 1420 - 1490)
ETYMOLOGY: eryl (= lookout; originally: hunt ) < erhyl
(ar) + (hyl = a hunt, a variant of hel- / hela = to hunt)
The h was dropped, as often occurs when it is the first consonant of the final
There is vowel affection, with a > e caused by the y in the
final syllable
Eryl-môr ‹EE ril MOOR›
1 house name in Bangor (Gwynedd) (“Eryl Môr”)
ETYMOLOGY: “sea lookout”, lookout over the sea: eryl
môr < eryl y môr
eryl (= lookout) + (y
definite article) + (môr = sea)
The linking definite article is frequently dropped in
place names
eryr, eryrod
‹EE-rir, e-RƏ-rod› (f)
1 eagle
2 Eryr Eryrod Eryri motto of a Welsh gentry family, Anwyliaid Tywyn (Anwyl of Tywyn)
"(the) eagle (of) (the) eagles (of) Eryri / Snowdonia."
(eryr = eagle) + (eryrod = eagles) + (Eryri
district name)
Eryri ‹e RƏ ri›
1 mountainous part of Gwynedd
2 Gwêleryri view of Eryri
(street in Llandegfan, Môn)
(gwêl = view, Eryri name of a mountainous district in Gwynedd, ‘Snowdonia’)
3 Eryr Eryrod Eryri motto of a Welsh gentry family, Anwyliaid Tywyn (Anwyl of Tywyn)
"(the) eagle (of) (the) eagles (of) Eryri / Snowdonia."
(eryr = eagle) + (eryrod = eagles) + (Eryri
district name)
ETYMOLOGY: Popularly derieved from eryr (= eagle), though earlier forms show that this is not the origin
of the name
-es ‹es›
1 suffix for making feminine nouns
awdures ‹au-DIIR-es› author (awdur = author) + (-es)
maeres ‹meir -es› mayoress (maer = mayor) + (-es)
Gwyddeles ‹gwə-DHEE-les› Irishwoman (Gwyddle = Irishman) + (-es)
Eidales ‹ei- daa
-les› Italian woman (Eidal = Italy) + (-es)
meddyges ‹me-DHƏG-es› doctor (meddyg = doctor) + (-es)
peunes ‹PEIN-es› peahen (paun = peacock) + (-es)
esblygiadau ‹e SPLƏG
yad, e spləg YAA de› (m)
1 evolution
esblygu ‹e SPLƏ gi›
1 evolve
esboniadau <e-SPON-yad,-e-spon-YAA-dai,
-de> [ɛˡspɔnjad, ɛspɔnˡjɑˑdaɪ,
-ɛ] masculine noun
1 explanation
esboniadol <e-spon-YAA-dol> [ɛspɔnˡjɑˑdɔl]
1 explanatory
esboniadur <e-spon-YAA-dir> [ɛspɔnˡjɑˑdɪr] masculine noun
PLURAL esboniaduron
<e-spon-ya-DII-ron> [ɛspɔnjaˡdiˑrɔn]
1 explanatory book, expositor,
interpreter; especially one which explains Biblical texts
ETYMOLOGY: (esbon- stem of esbonio = explain) + (-i-adur = agent suffix)
esbonio <e-SPON-yo> [ɛˡspɔnjɔ]
1 to explain
esgeiriau <E-skair,
-sker, e-SKEIR-yai, ye> [ˡɛskaɪr, -ɛr, ɛˡskəɪrjaɪ,
-ɛ] (f)
1 (obsolete) leg
2 (place names) ridge
Yr Esgair Ddu <E-skair, -sker, DHII> [ˡɛskaɪr, -ɛr, ˡðiː
] place
name - black ridge
Esgair Elan <E-skair, -sker, EE-lan> [ˡɛskaɪr, -ɛr, ˡeˑlan] place
name - ridge of the river Elan
Yr Esgair Fraith <E-skair, -sker, VRAITH> [ˡɛskaɪr, -ɛr, ˡvraɪθ] place
name - speckled ridge
Esgair Garthen <E-skair, -sker, GAR-then> [ˡɛskaɪr, -ɛr, ˡgarθɛn] place
name - blanket ridge
Esgair Geiliog <E-skair, -sker, GEIL-yog> [ˡɛskaɪr, -ɛr, ˡgəɪljɔg] place
name - rooster ridge
Esgair Irfon <E-skair, -sker, IR-von> [ˡɛskaɪr, -ɛr, ˡɪrvɔn] place
name - ridge of the river Irfon
<e-SKEI-lis> [ɛˡskəɪlɪs]
1 negligent
esgeuluso <e-skei-LI-so> [ɛskəɪˡlɪsɔ]
1 neglect
esgeuluso moddion gras fail to attend chapel, not attend chapel services
esgeulustod <e-skei-LI-stod> [ɛskəɪˡlɪstɔd]
1 negligence
esgid <E-skid> [ˡɛskɪd] feminine noun
PLURAL esgidiau
<e-SKID-yai, -ye> [ɛˡskɪdjaɪ, -ɛ]
1 shoe;
carrai esgid shoelace
cau’ch esgidiau do up your shoelaces
/ your shoes
cwyr esgidiau shoe wax, shoe polish
datglymu’ch esgidiau undo your
shoelaces / your shoes
datod eich esgidiau undo your
shoelaces / your shoes
“Esgidiau” (sign) “Footwear”
gwisgo’ch esgidiau put on your shoes
(“wear your shoes”)
llyfu esgidiau rhywun / (South) llio esgidiau rhywun lick someone’s
mysgu’ch esgidiau (misgi’ch
sgitsha) (Sud-est) undo your shoelaces / your shoes
rhoi’ch esgidiau put on your shoes
(“give your shoes”)
rhoi’ch esgidiau am eich traed put
on your shoes (“give your shoes around your feet”)
siop esgidiau shoeshop
tynnu’ch esgidiau take your shoes
esgidiau cryfion = stout shoes
esgidiau dala adar = esgidiau dal
esgidiau gloywon = polished shoes
esgidiau glaw botes de goma rubber
boots, wellingtons
esgidiau gwaith = work shoes
esgidiau hoelion hob-nailed boots
esgidiau isel short boots
esgidiau rwber rubber boots
....plant mewn esgidiau rwber children in (= wearing) rubber boots
esgidiau tenau = light shoes
esgidiau trymion = heavy-duty shoes
esgidiau uchel high boots, long
esgidiau ysgafn = light shoes
sgitsha pert (South-east Wales) =
ready-made shoes
sgitsha cwmws (South-east Wales) =
shoes made to fit both feet, tailored to each foot
sgitsha bycla (South-east Wales) =
shoes with buckles
2 something shaped like a boot, bootshaped object
Esgid yr Eidal the boot of Italy
(the shape of Italy as seen on a map)
3 bod yn esgidiau rhywun
be in somebody’s shoes, be in somebody’s situation
4 Mae'r esgid yn gwasgu
The shoe's too tight, the shoe is pinching (“the shoe is squeezing”);
lle mae'r esgid yn gwasgu / lle mae'r esgid fach yn gwasgu where
the trouble lies
pan fyddai'r esgid fach yn gwasgu when money is tight, when we have very little money
(“when the little shoe pinches”)
5 Pws Esgid Uchel Puss in
Boots (“Puss (of) High Boot”)
6 esgideuau (double plural)
= pairs of shoes
7 bod yn esgidiau rhywun
be in somebody’s shoes, be in somebody’s situation
Hoffwn i ddim bod yn eich esgidiau chi
I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes / in your place / in your situtation
8 Ddaw e byth i sgidiau ei
dad He’ll never be anything like his father, He’ll never be of the same
stature as his father (“he’ll never come into his father’s shoes”)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic
From the same British root: Cornish
eskiz (= shoe)
NOTE: Colloquially esgidiau > <e-SKID-yai,
-ye> [ɛˡskɪdjaɪ, -ɛ] > sgidiau / sgidie <SKID-ye> [skɪdjɛ] (loss of the first
South-east Wales: esgidiau > sgitsha <SKI-cha> [ˡskɪʧa]
esgideuau <e-ski-DEI-ai, -e> [ɛskɪˡdəɪaɪ,
1 (double plural) = pairs of shoes
ETYMOLOGY: (esgid = shoe) + (-euau, double form of the suffix au)
esgob, esgobion
e-SGOB-yon> [ˡɛsgɔb, ɛˡsgɔbjɔn]
1 bishop
2 esgobion Bangor (qv)
3 Plasyresgob <plaas-ər-ES-gob> [ˡplɑːs ər ˡɛsgɔb] masculine noun
Farm SJ1161 near Llanynys (county of Dinbych) (“Plas-yr-Esgob” on the Ordnance
Survey map) “(the) mansion (of) the bishop” (plas = mansion) + (yr
definite article) + (esgob = bishop)
esgobaethau <e-SKOO-beth,
e-sko-BEI-thai, -e> [ɛˡskoˑbaɪθ, -ɛθ,
ɛskɔˡbəɪθaɪ, -ɛ]
1 diocese, bishopric
2 yr Esgobaeth Sanctaidd The Holy See (“the sacred bishopric”)
esgobaethol <e-sko-BEI-thol> [ɛskɔˡbəɪθɔl]
1 diocesan
esgobion Bangor [ɛˡskɔbjɔn ˡbaŋgɔr]
1 (Dwyfor, district in western
Gwynedd) large white clouds on a clear day indicating a coming storm, literally
“bishops (of) Bangor”;
also esgobion Bangor yn eu gwenwisg “bishops
(of) Bangor in their surplice”
ETYMOLOGY: (esgobion = bishops,
plural of esgob = bishop) + (Bangor, one of the four cathedrals of
esgobol <e-SKOO-bol> [ɛˡskoˑbɔl]
1 episcopal
2 Eglwys Esgobol yr Alban
Church of Scotland (“episcopal church of Scotland”)
esgor (ar) ‹E skor›
1 give birth to
2 give rise to, cause
esgoriad ‹es- gor -yad› masculine noun
PLURAL esgoriadau
YAA -de›
birth, giving birth, bringing forth of young
camesgoriad miscarriage, loss of a
child which a woman is bearing
(cam = wrong, bad) + (esgoriad = giving birth)
ETYMOLOGY: (esgor, stem of esgor = give birth to) + (-i-ad noun-forming suffix)
esgud ‹E-skid› adjective
1 nimble
2 quick, hasty
t98 Yr Iaith Gymraeg – Ei Horgraff a'i Chystrawen; D Tecwyn Evans; Lerpwl 1911
Bydded pob un yn esgud i wrando (Iago 1:19) cyflym, parod, eiddgar. Clywir y gair ar lafar gwlad, "un sgut ydi o," am ŵr effro,
buan, medrus.
Translation: let
every man be swift to hear (James 1:19), quick, ready, keen. The word is to be
heard in colloquial Welsh – “he is very quick” for an alert, swift, capable man
Iago 1:19 O achos hyn, fy mrodyr annwyl, bydded pob dyn esgud i wrando, diog
i lefaru, diog i ddigofaint:
James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let
every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
Apocrypha: Ecclesiasticus 4:29 Na fydd esgud â'th dafod, a diog ac araf yn
dy weithredoedd.
Apocrypha: Ecclesiasticus 4:29 Be not hasty in
thy tongue, and in thy deeds slack and remiss.
3 quick = sharp, intelligent
mae o'n sgut am ddysgu (“he’s quick to learn”)
4 eager
(North Wales) un sgut am fwyd
glutton (“one eager for food”)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British <
From the same British root:
Breton skuizh (= tired),
Cornish skwidh (= tired)
From the same Common Celtic root:
Irish éasca (=
nimble), scíth (=
Scottish Gaelic sgíth (= tired)
NOTE: A suggested derivation from Latin exsecûtus,
past participle of exsequi (= to execute), < (ex-) + sequi
(= to follow) seems unlikely.
esgudwyth ‹e- skid -uith› adjective
1 (South Wales) (person)
ETYMOLOGY: (esgud = quick) + soft
mutation + (gwyth = muscle)
esgus, esgusion
skis, e SKIS yon›
1 excuse
2 esgus cystal â dim an
excuse as good as any
Nid yw anwybodaeth o’r gyfraith yn esgus
Ignorance of the law is no excuse / no defence
esgusodi ‹e ski SOO di›
1 to excuse
esgusodwch fi
ski SOO dukh vi›
1 excuse me
esgymun ‹e SKƏ min›
1 excommunicated
esgyn ‹E skin›
1 to go up
esgyn i’r mynydd go up into the
Yr Efyngyl yn ôl Sant Mathew 15:29 A’r Iesu
a aeth oddi yno, ac a ddaeth gerllaw môr Galilea, ac a esgynnodd i’r mynydd,
ac a eisteddodd yno.
Saint Matthew 15:29 And Jesus departed from thence, and came nigh unto the sea of Galilee;
and went up into a mountain, and sat down there.
esgynglawr ‹e-skən-laur› masculine noun
1 stage, platform
2 cockloft, hen roost
Mae hen ddihareb i’r perwyl fod pob ceiliog yn gawr ar
ei esgynlawr ei hun, a buaswn innau yn medru eich annerch chwi yn hyfach yr
ochr arall i afon Teifi, ar dir a daear Ceredigion, yng ngwlad fy ngenedigaeth.
(Enwau Lleoedd /
John Rhys/ Cymru Cyfrol XI. RHIF 63. Hydref 15fed, 1896)
There’s an old saying to the effect that every rooster is a giant on its own
perch, and I would be able to address you in a bolder manner on the other side
of the river Teifi, in Ceredigion (“on the ground and land of Ceredigion”), in
the land of my birth
ETYMOLOGY: (esgynn- ‹ə› < esgyn
‹i› = to raise) + soft mutation + (llawr = floor)
esmwyth ‹E smuith›
1 smooth
esmwythâd ‹e-smuith-AAD›
1 relief, rest
cael esmwythâd get relief, find relief; get some rest
cael ychydig esmwythad to get a bit of relief (after making a
great effort), get some rest
‹e spe
ran TO›
1 Esperanto
Esperantwyr ‹e spe
RAN tur, e spe RANT wir›
1 Esperanto speaker
estroniaid ‹E
stron, e STRON yed›
1 stranger
estrongasaol ‹e-stron-gas-â -ol› adjective
xenophobic = hating foreigners
Also: estrongasineb
ETYMOLOGY: (estron = stranger) +
soft mutation + (casaol = detesting,
‹e-stron-ga-sâ -ur› masculine noun
PLURAL estrongasäwyr
‹e-stron-ga-sâ -wir›
xenophobe (man)
estrongasäwraig ‹e-stron-ga-sâ –wreg› xenophobe (woman)
ETYMOLOGY: (estron = stranger) +
soft mutation + (casäwr = hater,
person who hates)
‹e-stron-ga -sedh› masculine noun
xenophobia = hatred of foreigners
Also: estrongasineb
ETYMOLOGY: (estron = stranger) +
soft mutation + (casedd = hatred)
estyllu ‹e- stə -lhi› verb
1 board up (a shop, etc)
ETYMOLOGY: estyllu < (estyll = boards, plural of astell = board) + (-u suffix for forming verbs)
estyn ‹E stin›
1 extend
2 estyn bys at (rywun) (“extend (a)
finger to”)
..1/ point somebody out,
..2/ betray somebody;
..3/ shake one’s finger at, reprimand somebody
estyn bys yng ngwegil (rhywun) point the finger of scorn at
(“extend (a) finger in (the) back-of-the-neck (of) someone”)
estyniadau ‹e STƏN
yad, e stən YAA dai, -e›
1 extension
2 cael estyniad einioes
get a new lease of life (after a period of illness, depression, loss of
vitality, etc to have a renewed vigour, health, drive, optimisim, happiness,
etc) (“get an extension of life”)
3 estyniad ac enciliad advance and retreat
● esyd Soft-mutated form - the radical form has initial g-.
See gesyd = puts, will put
● symbol used here to indicate
the absence of an initial g because of soft mutation
= gesyd ‹GE-sid› v
1 (indicative mood, third.-person singular present-future tense) he / she / it
places, puts, sets < gosod
Apocrypha – Ecclesiasticus 22:27 Pwy a esyd gadwraeth o flaen fy
ngenau, a sêl doethineb ar fy ngwefusau, fel na syrthiwyf yn ddisymwth
trwyddynt, ac na'm difetho fy nhafod?
Apocrypha – Ecclesiasticus 22:27 Who shall set a watch before my
mouth, and a seal of wisdom upon my lips, that I fall not suddenly by them, and
that my tongue destroy me not?
Esyllt ‹E
1 woman’s name
ethol ‹EE-thol› verb
1 elect = choose by means of casting votes
swyddog ethol = returning officer,
official in charge of the counting of votes in a constituency and who announces
the results
ETYMOLOGY: probably (*éth-ddol) <
(*eks- + d + dol), British eks (= ex), + interposed consonant ‘d’
+ *dol, variant of *del (= to divide)
etholaeth ‹e-
thoo -leth› feminine noun
PLURAL etholaethau
‹e-tho- lei -the›
1 constituency = district
represented in a parliament
ETYMOLOGY: (ethol- stem of the verb ethol = to elect) + (-aeth suffix
for forming nouns)
etholiad, etholiadau ‹e
THOL yad, e thol YAA dai, -e›
1 election
ETYMOLOGY: (ethol-
stem of the verb ethol = to elect) + (-i-ad suffix for forming nouns)
eto, ’to ‹E
to, TO›
1 again
hanner cymaint eto half as big
2 yet, still
Rw i eto heb wybod pam
I still don’t know why (“I am still without knowing why”)
3 ni + fyth eto never again / not .. ever again
Soft-mutated form of byth eto (byth = never / ever) + (eto
= again)
Wela i mohoni fyth eto I’ll never see her again < Ni welaf fi...
1 eu > ew
The diphthong eu ‹EI› becomes ew ‹EU› in some words:
brycheuyn (= freckle) > (dialect form) brychewyn
..b/ creu- (= crau stockade) + -yn (diminutive suffix)
> crewyn (= pile, heap, load)
..c/ dihewyd (= burning desire,
(dyheu = yearn) + (-yd suffix for forming verbs) > *dyheuyd
> diheuyd > dihewyd
..d/ teneuyn > tenewyn (= flank) (< tenau = thin)
eu ‹I, EI›
1 their
2 in colloquial Welsh, usually omitted, and only the tag pronoun nhw indicates that the meaning is
Os dalia i
nhw wrthi! if I catch them at it!
(instead of “*os eu daliaf fi
3 (title) their
Eu Mawrhydi Their Majesties
Eu Teilyngdod Their Worships
(judges; mayors)
Euas ‹EI as›
1 part of the county of Hereford in England, separated from Wales at
the annexation of Wales to England
Euddogwý ‹di DHOOG ui›
1 Celtic missionary saint
His name is preserved in Llaneuddogwy (qv) (Llandogo in English) in the
county of Mynwy.
He is one of the three Celtic saints to whom the Cathedral at Llan-daf is
dedicated (the other two being Teilo and Dyfrig)
(delwedd 7065)
ETYMOLOGY: Euddogwy < Old Welsh Ouddogwy (meaning unknown)
euog ‹ei -og› adjective
1 guilty
pledio'n euog plead gulity
cyhoeddi (rhywun) yn euog declare
(somebody) guilty
euogfarnu (rhywun) declare
(somebody) guilty
ETYMOLOGY: euog < geuog (geu- penult form of gau
= false) + (-og suffix for forming
euogfarnu ‹ei og VAR ni› verb
1 euogfarnu (rhywun)
declare (somebody) guilty
euogi ‹ei-ô -gi› verb
1 incriminate
ETYMOLOGY: (euog = guilty) + (-i suffix for forming verbs)
euogrwydd ‹ei O gruidh›
1 guilt
euraidd ‹EI redh›
1 golden
2 helygen euraidd (Salix alba ssp.
vitellina) golden willow
helygen wylofus euraidd (Salix
chrysocoma) golden weeping willow
Eurfron ‹EIR vron›
1 woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: “golden breast” (eur-, penult
form of aur = gold) + soft mutation
+ (bron = breast; bosom)
eurgain ‹eir -gain› adjective
1 (obsolete) golden and beautiful, of golden brightness
2 (f) Eurgain name of a
female saint.
Survives in the place names Llaneurgain
SJ2468 and Cefneurgain SJ2267 (in Y
Fflint county, north-east Wales)
3 (f) Eurgain revived and
in use as a female forename in recent decades, though rare
ETYMOLOGY: (eur-, penult form of
aur = gold) + soft mutation + (cain = splendid)
eurin ‹eir in› adjective
golden, splendid, magnificent
Occurs in the name Gwri Wallt Eurin (“Gwri (of the) golden hair”, gwallt
= hair), the original name of Pryderi fab Pwyll in the Mabonogi (circa
1100). The name is usually spelt (or rather, misspelt) as Gwri Wallt Eiryn. In
southern Welsh Eurin and Eiryn would be pronounced the same <EI-rin> [ˡəɪrɪn],
though not in the North:
Eurin <EÏ-rin> [ˡəɨrɪn],
Eiryn <EI-rïn> [ˡəɪrɨn],
ETYMOLOGY: (eur- penultimate-syllable
form of aur = gold) + (-in adjectival
Cf ariannin (= made of silver), derwin (= oaken, made of oak), heyernin
(= made of iron)
Eurof ‹EI rov›
1 man’s name
eurwallt ‹əir- walht› masculine noun
golden hair
penultimate-syllable form of aur =
gold) + soft mutation + (gwallt =
Eurwen ‹EIR wen›
1 woman’s name
Euryn ‹eir in› masculine noun
male forename (twentieth century)
ETYMOLOGY: “golden object (coin, piece of gold jewellery, etc)” (eur- penultimate-syllable form of aur = gold) + (-yn noun suffix)
Possibly taken from the name Gwri Wallt Euryn , the original name of
Pryderi fab Pwyll in the Mabonogi (circa 1100), also written as Gwri Wallt
Eirin. See Eirin
1 ew < eu
..a/ teneuyn > tenewyn (= flank) < tenau (= thin)
See eu
ewa <EU-a› [ˡɛua] (m)
1 Diminutive form of ewythr (= uncle)
ETYMOLOGY: (ew-, first syllable of ewythr / ewyrth = uncle) + (-a diminutive suffix)
ewch ‹EUKH›
1 go!
Ewenni ‹e-we-ni› feminine noun
1 Afon Ewenni SS9177
river in the county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
2 Ewenni SS9077 locality in the county of Pen-y-bont
ar Ogwr
3 Ewenni a parish at this
(1961) population 949; proportion of Welsh-speakers 17%
(1971) population 1100; proportion of Welsh-speakers 10%
4 A spurious form used in the 1800s by literati was Ewynwy (supposedly ‘foam river’). See
separate entry
The House of Commons Journal mentions the
parish on 3 March 1646 as “Wenny”:
Resolved, &c. That the Garison of Wenny
be disgarisoned, and the Place made indefensible.
This might be from a local form of the name – Ewenni > Y Wenni
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British Aventi- = name of a goddess; cf Gaulish
ewig ‹e -wig› feminine noun
PLURAL ewigod
‹e- wî -god›
1 hind, doe
rhedeg fel yr ewig run like the wind
(“run like the hind”)
ewig lwyd female fallow deer
llam yr ewig “(the) leap (of) the hind”
Llamyrewig SO1593 locality and parish in northern Powys, 5km north-west
of Y Drenewydd (on the Ordnance Survey map as “Llanmerewig”) map
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic owikâ
From the same British root: Cornish ewik
(place name Rosewik, English
ewin ‹e-win› feminine noun
PLURAL ewinedd
1 nail = fingernail or toenail
cnoi’ch ewinedd bite your nails
(often indicating nervousness)
ewin smalio (Cosmetics) false
farnais ewinedd nail varnish
glas ewin top of the fingernail or
toenail (“(the) blue (of) (the) nail)
torri’ch ewinedd cut your nails
trwy lafur eich ewinedd (earn one’s
living) the hard way (“through the labour of your fingernails”)
tynnu ewinedd (rhywun) o’r gwraidd pull out (someone’s) fingernails
(“pull nails from the root”)
2 claw (eg claws of a cat, lion)
dangos eich
ewinedd i rywun (“show your claws to
somebody”) defy somebody
ewinedd i mewn retract the claws
tynnu’r ewinedd o’r blew
(1) bring out the claws, put out the claws
(2) put one’s hand to the plough, set to it, begin a task
tynnu’r ewinedd yn ôl retract the
3 clutching, hold,
Sechareia 11.16 Canys wele fi yn codi
bugail yn y tir, yr hwn ni ofwya y cuddiedig, ni chais yr ieuanc, ni feddyginiaetha
y briwiedig, a fyddo yn sefyll ni phortha; ond bwyty gig y bras, ac a ddryllia
eu hewinedd hwynt.
Zechariah 11:16 For, lo, I will
raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off,
neither shall seek the young one, still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat,
and tear their claws in pieces.
4 (obsolete) hoof (of a cow,
etc). Modern Welsh carn
yr ewin fforchog the cloven hoof;
also as an attribute of the devil
ewin-fforchog cloven-hoofed
fforchog yr ewin cloven-hoofed (“forked
‹in› the hoof”)
Lefeticus 11:3 Beth bynnag a hollto’r
ewin, ac a fforchogi hollt yr ewinedd, ac a gno ei gil, o’r anifeiliaid; hwnnw
Leviticus 11:3 Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth
the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat.
Deuteronium 14.6
A phob anifail yn hollti’r ewin, ac yn
fforchogi hollt y ddwy ewin, ac yn cnoi cil, ymysg yr anifeiliaid; hwnnw a
Deuteronomy 14:6 And every beast that parteth the hoof, and cleaveth the cleft
into two claws, and cheweth the cud among the beasts, that ye shall eat.
Exodus 10:26 Aed ein hanifeiliaid
hefyd gyda ni; ni adewir ewin yn ôl: oblegid ohonynt y cymerwn i wasanaethu yr
ARGLWYDD ein DUW : ac nis gwyddom â pha beth y gwasanaethwn yr ARGLWYDD, hyd
oni ddelom yno.
Exodus 10:26 Our cattle also
shall go with us; there shall not an hoof be left behind; for thereof must we
take to serve the LORD our God; and we know not with what we must serve the
LORD, until we come thither.
division of a hoof
carnewin (plural carewinedd) forepart of the hoof
6 (South Wales) prong of a fork
7 ewin garlleg clove of
8 ewin oren segment of an
orange or grapefruit
9 (North Wales) ewin o sebon
a sliver of soap
10 ymladd ewinedd a dannedd
fight tooth and nail (“fight nails and teeth”, i.e. biting and scratching)
11 tip of a diamond
Jeremeia 17:1 Pechodd Jwda a
ysgrifennwyd â phin o haearn, ag ewin o adamant y cerfiwyd ef ar lech ei calon,
ac ar gyrn eich allorau
Jeremiah 17:1 The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the
point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the
horns of your altars;
12 bird’s claw (usually crafanc)
Daniel 4:33 Yr awr honno y
cyflawnwyd y gair ar Nebuchodonosor, ac y gyrrwyd ef oddi wrth ddynion, ac y
porodd wellt fel eidionau, ac y gwlychwyd ei gorff ef gan wlith y nefoedd, hyd
oni thyfodd ei flew ef fel plu eryrod, a’i ewinedd fel ewinedd adar.
Daniel 4:33 The same hour was the
thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat
grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were
grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws.
byrewin ‹bər-eu-in› short-toed (in
bird’s names)
ehedydd byrewin bach Calandrella rufescens lesser short-toed
13 ewin ebill tip or
screw of an augur
14 North Wales hen ewin o ddyn a man with nerves of
15 ewinedd yr aderyn (“(the) claws (of) the bird”) Ornithopus perpusillus bird’s-foot
The standard name is troed yr aderyn
(“(the) foot (of) the bird”)
ewinedd yr gath (“(the) claws (of)
the cat”) Sedum rupestre Reflexed
The standard name is llwynau’r fagwyr
(“(the) bushes (of) the wall”),
16 y deg ewin (or y deng ewin)
the ten nails, the nails of the two hands; in expressions such as
byw wrth eich deg ewin live from
one’s hard toil
bod wrthi â’ch deg ewin be working
flat out
17 du ewin (“black (thing)
(of) nail”) black spot on a finger nail; blot on one’s character
18 dal (rhywun) tan yr ewin have somebody under your
thumb (‘hold somebody under the claw’)
ETYMOLOGY: ewin < eghwin < British *angwîn- < Celtic
Breton ivin (= nail)
Irish ionga (= nail)
Related words:
(1) Latin unguis (from Latin:
Catalan ungla = nail; English unguis ‹ú·nggwis› = nail, claw, hoof, claw-like base of a petal) ungula ‹ú·nggyələ› part of a cone from making a cut across the cone not
parallel with the base);
(2) Greek; the English word English onyx
(= kind of gem; jet black colour; fingernail); < Latin onyx < Greek onyx (=
nail, claw, gem with veins).
NOTE: Colloquially
(1) ewin > gewin ‹ge-win› (addition of an initial g; as ewin is a feminine
noun, it has been supposed that rather than being the radical form, it is a
soft-mutated form of gewin)
(2) gewin > giewin ‹gye-win› (with palatalisation of the g)
(3) ewinedd (plural) > gewinedd > g’winedd > gwinedd ‹gwi-nedh›
ewinbil ‹eu-in-bil› masculine noun
PLURAL ewinbilion,
ewinbiliau ‹e-win-bil-yon, -ye›
1 hangnail = skin peeling away
from the side or bottom of the fingernail
ETYMOLOGY: (ewin = fingernail,
toenail) + soft mutation + (pil =
NOTE: In South Wales it is generally wimbil;
ewinbil > winbil (loss of the first syllable) > wimbil (change of n > m
before b)
ewinbren ‹e-win-bren› masculine noun
PLURAL ewinbrennau,
ewinbrenni ‹e-win-bre-ne, -ni›
1 girder, tie-beam
Gelliwimben locality in Cynwyl Gaeo
(county of Caerfyrddin) representing “celli yr ewinbren” (the) wood (of) the
girder / beam
ETYMOLOGY: (ewin = nail, claw, grip)
+ soft mutation + (pren = tree,
NOTE: In South Wales it is generally wimben;
(1) ewinbren > winbren (loss of the first syllable)
(2) wimbren (change of n > m before b) >
(3) wimben (loss of the r)
ewinedd ‹eu-î-nedh› plural
1 plural of ewin =
fingernail, etc
ewinfedd ‹e-win-vedh› feminine noun
PLURAL ewinfeddi
1 nail’s breadth
2 obsolete two-and-a-half
3 the least bit, ‘inch’
ac nid ewinfedd pellach and not an
inch further
4 a little bit
Symudodd y ci ewinfedd eto yn agosach at
y gath
The dog moved a little bit nearer the cat again
5 i’r ewinfedd, exactly
Roedd y siaced las yn ei ffitio i’r
The blue jacket fitted him exactly
ETYMOLOGY: (ewin = nail, i.e. finger
nail, toe nail) + soft mutation + (medd
= measure)
NOTE: colloquial forms:
(1) ewinfedd > winfedd - loss of the first syllable e-
(2) ewinfedd > winfedd > finwedd (change of w > f)
(3) ewinfedd > winfedd > finwedd > minwedd (with the f mistaken for the soft mutation of m)
(4) ewinfedd > winfedd > gwinfedd (a
false radical form - the w has been
mistaken for the soft mutation of gw)
ewinor ‹e-WII-nor› feminine noun
1 North Wales winor, hangnail;
ETYMOLOGY: literally ‘nail abcess’ (ewin = nail) + soft mutation + (gôr = abcess)
NOTE: (ewinor > winor)
Apheresis (loss of an unstressed first syllable), usually a pretonic syllable,
is very common in Welsh
ewinrhew ‹e-WIN-hreu› (m)
1 numbness in fingers from cold, frozen fingers
Ma'r winthraw ar 'y mysedd My fingers are
numb with cold, my fingers are frozen (“there-is the numbness on my fingers”)
2 frostbite
dioddef o ewinrhew suffer from frostbite
3 Pantywynthrew (so spelt on the Ordnance Survey map) SJ1401 Farm
near Pant-y-ffridd, Powys.
This maybe a poor spelling for Pantywinthrew, unless Pantywynthrew
is a correct form, and the ‘y’ represents the obscure vowel, as in the
south-eastern form (see map) gwynrew map
“(the) hollow (of) the numbness of the fingers from cold”
(pant = hollow) (y = definite article) + (winthrew, a local form
of ewindrew = numbness of fingers from the cold)
ETYMOLOGY (ewin = fingernail, toenail)
+ soft mutation + (rhew = ice, frost) > ewín-rew > ewinrhew
(soft mutation lost in the combination n-r)
Cornish: ewinrew, Breton ivinrev (= numbness of fingers from the
There are numerous local variants based on ewinrew > winrew
(loss of the pretonic syllable)¡
(1) North Wales: winraw,
winthraw, winthro
(2) South-west Wales hwindrew, windrew,
(3) South-east Wales windrew,
(delwedd 7456)
Ewrop ‹EU rop›
1 Europe
Ewropeaidd ‹eu ro PE edh›
ewyllys, ewyllysau
‹e UI
lhis, e wi LHI se›
1 will = intent
bod ewyllys haearnaidd gan (rywun) have an iron will
bod ewyllys ddurol gan (rywun) have an iron will
2 will = testament
ewyllysu ‹e-ui-LHə-si› verb
to will, to wish
See ewyllysio
ewyn ‹EU in›
1 foam
(delwedd 7091)
Ewynwy ‹e-wə-nui›
1 Spurious form for the river
Ewenni SS9077 in south-east Wales, sometimes used in the 1800s. Afon Ewenni
2 Also used for Ewenni, the name of a village near the town of
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. (The river Ewenni passes through the village.)
Yr wyf yn cofio yn dda y “syndod” yn
mhlith yr hen dadau ar Donyrefail pan ddaeth “Hanes Bywyd ‘Siencyn Penhydd’”
allan o’r wasg, wedi ei gyfansoddi gan yr anwyl a’r gwir hybarch Edward
Matthews, y pryd hwnw o’r Ewynwy, ger Penybont.
(Hanes Tonyrefail - Atgofion am y Lle a’r Hen Bobl. Thomas Morgan. 1899,
I well remember the “surprise” among the old patriarchs (“the old fathers”)
in Tonyrefail when “Hanes Bywyd Siencyn Pen-hydd’ (the history of the life of
Siencyn of Pen-hydd farm) was published (“came out of the press”), written by
(“composed by”) the dear right honourable Edward Matthews, at the time from
Ewynwy, near Pen-y-bont (Bridgend).
ETYMOLOGY: The name Ewenni
reworked so that it has the sense of ‘foam river’ (ewyn = foam) + (-wy
suffix supposedly meaning ‘water’).,
In the 1800s there was a belief by some writers / lexicographers that the
element –wy at the end of some river
names, and the existence of the river name Gwy
/ Afon Wy, was evidence of a lost word gwy
meaning “water”. In fact there was no such word with this meaning. Some writers
though insisted on ‘restoring’ this element to the end of river names, hence
> supposed main element *Ewenn- /
> (with the addition of the suffix -wy)*Ewenwy;
then with the meaningless ‘ewen’ being explained by ewyn (= foam) > Ewynwy.
In fact the name is not ‘foam river’ but rather the modern Welsh form of a
British word which is the name of a Celtic female deity, Aventia
ewythr, ewythrod ‹EU i thər, eu Ə throd›
Colloquial form: ewyrth, ewyrthod ‹EU irth› ‹eu ƏR thod›
1 uncle
form: ewa (qv) <EU-a› [ˡɛua] uncle
ey ‹-›
1 a spelling for Welsh -au (formerly -eu) in
Anglicised spellings of Welsh names
..a/ “Clydey” (place name) Clydau
(county of Caerfyrddin)
..b/ “Nanney” (surname from a place name) Nannau
..c/ “Blayney” (surname from a place name) Blaenau
(“stream sources, highland”)
..d/ “Gwysaney” (place name, in the county of Y Fflint) Gwysanau 09-08-2012
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