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fformat sgrolio-i-lawr.
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Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
H, h ‹aich› feminine noun
1 ) eighth letter of the twenty-six
letter Roman alphabet
...1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d 5 e, 6 f, 7 g, 8 h, 9 i, 10 j, 11 k, 12 l, 13 m, 14 n, 15 o, 16 p, 17 q, 18 r, 19 s, 20 t, 21 u, 22 v, 23 w, 24 x, 25 y, 26 z
2) twelfth letter of the twenty-nine letter Welsh alphabet
...1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 ch, 5 d, 6 dd 7 e, 8 f, 9 ff, 10 g, 11 ng, 12 h, 13 i, 14 j, 15 l, 16 ll, 17 m, 18 n, 19 o, 20 p, 21 ph, 22 r, 23 rh, 24 s, 25 t, 26 th, 27 u, 28 w, 29 y
OF “H”:
This occurs at the beginning of the final syllable in derived words (1)
or compound words (2)
(1) derived: for example, in English, unwell derives from well
(2) compounded: in English, rail and way are compounded to form railway
Because of other changes (reduction of a diphthong in an independent word to a
simple vowel) the original element with ‘h’ may sometimes be unrecognisable
anodd (= difficult) < anawdd < án-hawdd.
This is an- (= negative prefix)
+ hawdd (= easy)
The letter h devoices a preceding b, d,
This is especially noticeable in adjectives to which the superlative suffix -haf is added, or verbs formed from
adjectives by adding the suffix -hau,
and -hâd for forming nouns
(B + H) > P gwlyb = wet > gwlýb-haf > gwlypaf = wettest;
(D + H) > T caled = hard > caléd-haf > caletaf = hardest
(G + H) > C teg = fair > tég-haf > tecaf = fairest
hael: (iudd, obsolete word = lord) + (hael = generous)
*Ithael < *Uthael < *Iúdd-hael >
*Iúthael > *Uthael > *Ithael > Ithel <II-thel› (= man’s name)
haf: (gorffen = end) + (haf = summer)
Gorffennaf (= July; literally “ (the
month) (of) summer’s end”) < Gorffénn-haf
-haf: (rhad = cheap) + (-haf = superlative ending)
rhataf (= (the) cheapest) < rhád-haf
..........(lled = wider, broader) +
(-haf = superlative ending)
..........lletaf (widest, broadest)
< lléd-haf
..........(teg = fair, beautiful) +
(-haf = superlative ending)
..........tecaf (= (the) fairest)
< tég-haf
haid: asgell (= wing) + haid (= swarm)
asgellaid (obsolete, word found in
the Welsh Laws = swarm of bees on the wing) < asgéll-haid
harn: llwy (= spoon) + harn (= southern form of haearn
= iron))
llwyarn (South Wales) (= trowel)
< llwy-harn
háu: (teg = fair, beautiful) + (-hau = verbnoun ending)
tecáu (= make fairer, become fairer)
< teg-háu
haul: ar- (prefix = in front of) + haul (= sun)
araul (= sunny; sunny spot) < ár-haul
hawdd: an- (= negative prefix) + hawdd (= easy)
annodd (= difficult) < anawdd < án-hawdd
hesg: môr (=
sea) + hesg (= sedge)
moresg < mór-hesg (= sea sedge)
hir: corn (= horn) + hir (= long)
cornir (= longhorned) < córn-hir
hil: eb (= horse, an obsolete word) + hil (progeny, lineage, race)
epil (= (animals) offspring,
(humans) children; originally ‘young horses’) < éb-hil
hin: drwg (= bad) + hin (= weather)
drycin (= bad weather, storm) <
..........gwlyb (= wet, rainy) + hin
(= weather)
..........gwlybin South Wales
(colloquially libin, lipin) (= wet weather, long spell of
wet weather) < gwlýb-hin
hir: gwddf (= neck)
+ hir (= long)
gyddfir (= longnecked) < gýddf-hir
..........gylfin (= beak) + hir (= long)
..........gylfinir (= longbeaked)
< gylfín-hir
..........main (= slim) + hir (= long)
..........meinir (= maiden;
literally “slim and tall (person) “; also used as a proper name Meinir) < méin-hir
..........oes (= leg) hir (= long)
..........coesir (= longleggèd) <
hob: hanner (= half) + (hob = pig)
hanerob (= side of bacon) < hanér-hob
hon: awr (= hour) + (hon = this)
Northern Welsh rwan (= now) < awron < áwr-hon
..........nos (= night) + (hon = this)
..........noson (= evening, night; e.g.
y noson honno = that night) < nós-hon
..........y waith (= this time)
+ (hon = this)
..........Archaic weithian (= now)
< weithan < weithon < y wéith hon
hun: cynt (= first) + (hun = sleep)
cyntun (= nap, snooze) < cýnt-hun
hwch: hesbin (= yearling lamb) + hwch (= sow)
hesbiwch, sbinwch (= young sow which
has not yet produced any young) < hesbín-hwch
hyd: gŵr (= man) + hyd (= length)
gwryd (= fathom) < gwr-hyd
hyl: ar- (= intensifying prefix) + hyl (= element from the verb hel- = to hunt)
eryl (= hunt, pursuit) (obsolete
word) < ar + hyl
hyn: wedi (= after) + hyn (= this)
wedyn (= afterwards)
hynt: dwfr older form of dwr (= water) + hynt
dyffryn (= valley) < dýfr-hynt
..........(carr- < car = cart) + (hynt = way)
..........cerrynt (obsolete) (=
path, road)
..........carr-hynt > cerr-hynt (vowel affection, a > e caused by the y in the
following syllable) > cerrynt
(loss of the h)
..........eb (obsolete word = horse)
+ hynt (path)
..........Epynt (= mountain name,
literally “horse path”) < Éb-hynt
hysb: haf (= summer) + hesb (= dry, feminine form of hysb)
Hafesb (river name, ‘dry in summer’)
< Háf-hesb
-ha (qv) (verbal suffix) > -a
lloffa (= to glean, to gather fallen grains) < llawf-ha
(llawf, old form of llaw = hand) + (-ha, suffix for forming verbs)
In some other words there
is no recognisable element. The h is
lost at the beginning of a final syllable, but it is seen in compounds when the
syllable with h is a penultimate
angau (= death) < angeu < angheu
angheuol (= deadly, lethal)
aros (= to wait) < arhos
arhosol (= permanent)
brenin (= king) < brenhin
brenhinol (= royal)
cymar (= partner, spouse) < cymhar
cymheiriaid (= spouses)
cynnar (= early) < cynnhar
cynharach (= earlier)
Or the h is present in the base form, where it precedes the tonic syllable, but
it is lost in derivatives, where it no longer does so
ymherodr (= empire)
-ol (suffix for forming adjectives)
*ymherodrol > ymerodrol (= imperial)
In south-east Wales, in the traditional dialect, the h was generally absent.
(delwedd 7475)
(1) The street name Cwm-yr-wch (appearing as “Cwm yr Wch”) in Dynfant,
Abertawe, might possibly be for Cwm yr Hwch “(the) valley (of) the sow / the
(2) heol (= street) is hewl / ’ewl
(3) haul (= sun) is houl / ’oul
(4) hir (= long) is hir / ’ir
(5) hefyd (= also, too) is hefyd / ’efyd, ’èd
1 There are examples in Welsh of an inorganic initial h (that
is, an h which was not originally
part of the word but has appeared later in its history)
.....(1) cyhoedd (= public) (cý|oedd > cý|hoedd)
.....(2) efo (North Wales, = with)
> hefo
.....(3) erwydd (word from British,
with elements equivalent to ar =
before, gwydd- = to see) > o erwydd > o herwydd (= because)
.....(4) eusor > heusor (obsolete) (= shepherd)
.....(5) hardd is probably in origin
a form of ardd (= high)
.....(6) ogi > hogi to grind (a
knife), to sharpen (a knife)
.....(7) ugain: in the numerals
21-29 ar ugain > ar hugain
Example: tri ar hugain 23 (“three on
.....(8) un (= one) > hun (= oneself)
.....(9) unan (= one, + diminutive
suffix -an) > hunan (= oneself)
.....(10) uwdffon > wtffon > hwtffon (“porridge stick”) porridge spoon, one for stirring
1 Some words with initial h-
are from British words with initial s-
( < Celtic < Indo-European)
This initial s- is to be seen in
cognate words in certain other languages or preserved in words taken into
English before the change s > h had taken place in early Welsh
..a/ Hafren (= river name, <
Sabrîn-â). The ‘s’ survives in the English name “Severn”)
..b/ halen (= salt) and heli (salt water, brine) correspond to
Latin sal (= salt), and in Germanic
languages: English salt, German Salz. The Greek word had initial h- (hals = salt, as in halogen, halophyte)
..c/ haul (= sun) (cf Latin sol- = sun, and hence English “solar”
). The Greek word had initial h- helios
(= sun)
..d/ hwch (= sow) < British sukk-, and in the Germanic languages –
English sow, German die Sau (= sow).
(English hog is apparently from Old
Welsh, which would explain the initial h-)
A similar change of s > h is to
be seen in present-day southern Castilian (Andalucia): los viejos amigos (the
old friends) “loh viejoh amigoh”
1 (not present in the modern transcription of Biblical names in the Welsh
Bible, though present in English, and in earlier spelling in the Welsh Bible)
In order to indicate certain vowels in Hebrew, sometimes the consonant h (and
also y and w) is used. In the case of h (which is not pronounced), the
following combinations occur: ah, eh, oh
In modern practice, final h (ה), unless vocalized, is omitted in transliteration
Manoa Micha
older Welsh editions of the Bible the -h is used, as in English:
Y Bibl Cyssegr-lan... Argraphedig... tros y Bibl Gymdeithas Frytanaidd a
Thramor... (The Holy Bible... Printed... on behalf of the British and Foreign
Bible Society...) M.DCCCLXVII (1857)
Dina: A Dinah merch Leah (Genesis 34:1)
Hanna: A dwy wraig oedd iddo; enw y naill oedd Hannah, ac enw y llall
Peninnah (1 Samuel 1:2)
Lea: A Dinah merch Leah (Genesis 34:1)
Manoa: Aì enw ef oedd Manoah (Barnwyr / Judges 13:2)
Manasse: A Joseph a alwodd enw ei gyntaf-anedig, Manasseh
Pennina: A dwy wraig oedd iddo; enw y naill oedd Hannah, ac enw y llall
Peninnah (1 Samuel 1:2)
Sora: Ac yr oedd rhyw wr yn Sorah (Barnwyr / Judges 13:2)
h in derived forms
In some words an “h” has been lost, but reemerges in derived forms (especially
plural forms and conjugated verbs)
aros (“arhos”) (= to wait, to stop), arhosais (= I waited), arhosol
(= permanent), arhosfan (= stopping place)
brenin (“brennhin”) (= king), brenhinoedd (= kings), brenhines
(= queen), brenhinol (= royal)
cynnal (“cynnhal”) (= to support), cynhaliaeth (= sustenance)
cynnwrf (“cynnhwrf”) (= agitation), cynhyrfu (= agitate)
tymor (“tymhor”) (= season), tymhorau (= seasons), tymhorol
(= seasonal)
1 verb suffix,
especially in verbs with the sense of ‘seeking’ or ‘gathering’ (something), the
suffix being added to the noun which is the material being sought or gathered
After the consonants g,b,d,f, the h devoices the consonant
blawd (= flour)
blota (= to beg for flour) < blawta < bláwd-ha
cardod (= charity, alms)
cardota (= to beg for alms) < cardód-ha
eisteddfod (= festival of Welsh
eisteddfota (= to visit eisteddfods) < eisteddfód-ha
malwod (= snails)
malwota (= to go looking for snails, to gather
snails) < malwód-ha
pysgod (= fish)
pysgota (= to fish) < pysgód-ha
ŷd (= corn)
yta (= to beg for corn) < ýd-ha
(llawf, old form of llaw = hand) + (-ha, suffix for forming verbs)
lloffa (= to glean, to gather
fallen grains) < llawf-ha
cig (= meat)
cica (= to beg for meat) < cíg-ha
gwraig (= wife)
gwreica (= to seek a wife) < cardód-ha
After other consonants and after
vowels as the h is lost and leaves no
trace, and so it is as if the suffix is -a
adar (= birds)
adara (= to hunt birds) <
cnau (= nuts)
cneua (= to go looking for nut, to gather nuts) < cnéu-ha
gwlân (= wool)
gwlana (= to gather wool;
South-east: also, to daydream)
< gwlán-ha
mwyar (= blackberries)
mwyara (= to go looking for blackberries, to go
blackberrying, to pick blackberries)
< mwyar-ha
mynwent (= graveyard,
mynwenta (= to go looking for graveyards, to look
around graveyards) <
siop (= shop)
siopa (= to go shopping) <
1 there is aspiration of an
initial vowel certain possessive determiners
’m (= my), ei (= her), ein (= our),
eu (= their),
In this dictionary we mark this aspiration as h
â’m harian with my money, arian money
ei hanrhegion her presents, anrheg present
ein hallweddi our keys allwedd key
eu hanifeiliaid their animals, anifail animal
ha ‹ha›
1 obsolete exclamation -
calling attention
Sant Ioan 8:10 A’r Iesu wedi ymunioni, ac
heb weled neb ond y wraig, a ddywedodd wrthi, Ha wraig, pa le y mae dy
gyhuddwyr di?
When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her.
Woman, where are those thine accusers?
ha ‹haa› masculine noun
North Wales
1 summer See: haf
NOTE: in North Wales the loss of final ‹v› in
monosyllables is common –
(1) gof (= blacksmith) > go,
(2) cryf (= strong) > cry,
(3) pryf (= animal, insect) > pry
haan ‹haan›
southern form of haen (= stratum,
Usually spelt hân / ha’n
See aa
hään ‹ hään ›
south-eastern form of haen (=
stratum, layer)
Usually spelt hên / hæn
See aa / haan
haca ‹HA-ka› [ˡhaka]
PLURAL hacas
ˡhakas] feminine
1 haka = Maori war-dance
2 haka = kind of war-dance by New Zealand rugby players before a
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < English < Maori
hacsen ‹HAK-sen› [ˈhaksɛn] feminine noun
‹HAKS› [haks]
1 (county of Ceredigion) whore
ETYMOLOGY: (hacs = prostitutes) <
English hackes (= prostitutes); addition
of the feminine singulative suffix -en
had, or hadau <HAAD, HAA-dai, -e> [hɑːd,
ˡhɑˑdaɪ, -ɛ] (
1 seeds; see hedyn
had adar <haad AA-dar> [hɑːd
ˡɑˑdar] (masculine noun)
1 birdseed
haddef <HAA-dhev> [ˡhɑˑðɛv]
1 (obsolete) home, abode, dwelling
2 Haddef house name in Ffordd
Llanberis, Caernarfon (county of Gwynedd) (in the list of members in “The
Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)
ETYMOLOGY: A variant of addef (=
abode, dwelling, home.)
The initial h could be
EITHER a/ from the use of the word in a phrase
such as “yn ei haddef” (“in her home”),
OR b/ an initial h which has occurred before an accented first syllable in certain
words (hun, hunan = self; un ar hugain
“one on twenty”);
OR c/ from the intensifying prefix hy- (hy-addef > h’addef)
Modern Irish has adhbha (= dwelling,
abode; a literary word). There is
also an Old Irish form which would have given *soadhbha in modern Irish had it survived, with initial so-
corresponding to Welsh hy-, and so
equivalent to Welsh hy-addef
hadlif <HAD-liv> [ˡhadlɪv] masculine noun
1 gonorrhea, clap
ETYMOLOGY: (had = seed, semen) +
soft mutation + (llif = flux, flow)
hadlifol <had-LII-vol> [hadˡliˑvɔl]
1 gonorrheal
ETYMOLOGY: (hadlif = gonorrea) + (-ol suffix)
hadu <HAA-di> [ˡhɑˑdɪ]
1 (verb with no object) go to seed, run to seed
2 (verb with no object) to seed, to sow = plant seeds
ETYMOLOGY: (had = seeds) + (-u suffix for forming verbs)
The corresponding Cornish form is hasa
(= run to seed; to sow), and in Breton hada
(= to seed, to sow)
hadyd <HAA-did> [ˡhɑˑdɪd]
masculine noun
North Wales
1 seedcorn, cereal grains for planting (wheat, barley, oats)
2 hadyd tatws = seed
ETYMOLOGY: (had = seeds) + (yd = cereal)
hadysol <had-Ə-sol> [hadˡəsɔl]
1 seed-eating
ETYMOLOGY: (had = seeds) + (-ysol = -eating);
(ys- stem of ysu = consume) + (-ol
suffix for forming adjectives)
hadysor <had-Ə-sor> [hadˡəsɔr]
PLURAL hadysorion
<had-ə-SOR-yon> [hadəˡsɔrjɔn]
1 seed-eating bird
ETYMOLOGY: (had = seeds) + (-ysor = -eater, animal which eats); (ys- stem of ysu = consume) + (-or
suffix for indicating a an agent; from Latin -ârius, in words taken from Latin (canghellor (= chancellor) < cancellârius;
afterwards used as a suffix with native words – telynor = harpist)
haeddu <HEI-dhi > [ˡhəɪðɪ] (berf)
1 deserve
a wnêl ddaioni a
haedda ddaioni (saying) whoever
does good deserves good
haedda'r falwen gyrraedd pen y daith hard work deserves
success (‘the snail deserves to reach the destination / (the) end (of) the
haeddiant <HEIDH-yant> [ˡhəɪðjant] masculine noun
PLURAL haeddiannau ‹hei-dhi-A-ne› [həɪðɪˡanaɪ, -ɛ]
1 deserts, what one deserves, fitting punishment, comeuppance, just
deserts, just retribution
cael eich haeddiant = get what one deserves, get one’s come-uppance, get
what’s coming to you
2 due, what is deserved, recognition
rhoi ei ddyledus barch a haeddiant iddo give him the respect and
recognition due to him
haearn <HEI-arn> [ˡhəɪarn] (masculine
1 iron
bara wedi ei grasu ar radell haearn bread baked on a gridiron
2 hen heyrn scrap metal
(“old irons”)
prynwr hen heyrn scrap merchant
3 haearnwerthwr
ironmonger, hardware shop owner (“iron seller”)
4 ceffyl haearn “iron
horse” (ceffyl = horse) + (haearn = iron)
..a/ (obsolete) (poetic) car
..b/ (obsolete) bicycle
..c/ (obsolete) train
..d/ andiron, fire dog
haearnaidd <hei-ARN-aidh, -edh> [həɪˡarnaɪð,
-ɛð] (adjective)
1 iron
2 bod ewyllys haearnaidd gan
(rywun) have an iron will
3 anhaearnaidd non-ferrous
(an- = negative prefix) + (haearnaidd = ferrous)
metel anhaearnaidd non-ferrous metal
haearnfaen ‹hei- arn -vain›
masculine noun
PLURAL haearnfeini
1 ironstone = a stone containing iron ore
ETYMOLOGY: (haearn = iron) + soft
mutation + (maen = stone)
haearnwerthwr, haearnwerthwyr
‹hei arn WER thur, hei arn WERTH wir›
(masculine noun)
1 ironmonger, hardware shop owner
hael ‹HAIL› (adjective)
1 generous
hael hyd at fai generous to a fault,
excessively generous
haelioni ‹hei li
O ni›
(masculine noun)
1 generosity
haelionus ‹hei li
O nis›
1 charitable
haenellu ‹hei- nê -lhi›
1 to plate (metal)
ETYMOLOGY: (haenell = coating of
metal) + (-u suffix for forming
haeru ‹HEI ri› (verb)
1 claim
haeru cyn profi to beg the question,
to beggar the question = assume that something not yet put to the test is
already proved (“claim before proving”)
haf, hafau ‹HAAV, HA ve› (masculine noun)
1 summer
2 heulsaf yr haf summer
3 Cae-haf < cae’r haf
= (“(the) field (of) the summer”, summertime field)
Street name in Pentrecátheral (county of Y Fflint)
ysgol haf summer school, summer
Haf ‹HAAV› (feminine noun)
1 woman’s name (= summer)
hafal ‹HAA-val› adj
1 like, similar; equal
hafal i similar to, equal to
Does unman yng Nghymru hafal i Bowys am fagu arweinwyr Cristnogol
There is nowhere in Wales equal to Powys for producuing (“nurturing”) religious
2 (m) like, similarity, equal
ei hafal its equal, its like
gwerin ddiwylliedig y ddeunawfed ganrif, na fyddai mo’i hafal eto the
cultured common people of the nineteenth century, whose like will never again
be seen
3 y symbol ‘hafal’ the ‘equal’ sign
Robert Recorde (1510–1558), y Cymro o Ddinbych y Pysgod a ddyfeisiodd y
symbol ‘hafal’
Robert Recorde (1510–1558),, the Welshman from Dinbych y Pysgod / tenby
who invented the ‘equal’ sign
4 Cynhafal (saint’s name) “like a chief” (cyn- = chief, hafal =
5 efelychu (= imitate) < hefelychu < (hafal = like) + (-ychu verb suffix). The y of the suffix causes the preceding back vowels, both
a, to be be fronted to e (vowel affection)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British > Celtic
From the same British root: Cornish HAVAL (= like), Breton HEÑVEL (= like)
Irish samhail (= likeness, resemblance)
hafan ‹haa -van› feminine noun
PLURAL hafnau, hafnoedd ‹hav -ne, -nodh›
Glanhafan street name in Solfach (Sir Benfro)
< glan yr hafan “(the) side
(of) the port”
refuge, safe haven
bod yn hafan i be a haven for
Roedd Lloegr yn hafan i ffoaduriaid y
pryd hynny England was a haven for refugees
England was a haven for refugees
hafan rhàg trethi tax haven
ETYMOLOGY: variant of hafn – made
bisyllabic with the addition of an echo vowel in the final consonant cluster hafn > hafan,
cf dafn (= drop, raindrop) >
(colloquially) dafan
ofn (= fear) > (colloquially) ofon
cefn (= back) > (colloquially) cefen
Hafan ‹haa -van›
house name = haven, safe haven
street name
..a/ Llanelli (county of Caerfyrddin)
..b/ Maesyfelin (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
Hafan-deg ‹HAA-van
DEEG› ñ [ˡhaˑvan ˡdeː g]
house name
..a/ Maes-hafn (county of Dinbych / Denbigh) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
2 street name
..a/ Abercynffig (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr / Bridgend) (spelt as “Hafan
..b/ Aber-dâr (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..c/ Blaendulais (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..d/ Coed-poeth (county of Wrecsam) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..e/ Llanarthnau, Carmarthen (county of Caerfyrddin) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..f/ Llanfair Caereinion (county of Powys) (spelt as “Hafan Deg” on the street
sign (Google Maps, 22-03-2017)
..g Llan-sain-siôr (county of Conwy) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..h/ Maes-teg (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..i/ Pen-coed (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..j/ Tanygrisiau (county of Gwynedd) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..k/ Treffynnon (county of Y Fflint) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..l/ Treuddyn, Yr Wyddgrug (county of Y Fflint) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..m/ Y Trallwng / Welshpool (Powys) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
..n/ Yr Wyddgrug (county of Y Fflint) (spelt as “Hafan Deg”)
ETYMOLOGY: “fair haven” (hafan =
haven) + soft mutation + (teg = fair)
Hafanfa ‹ ha-VAN-va› [haˡvanva] feminine noun
(house name) haven
ETYMOLOGY: (“haven-place”) (hafan = haven)
+ (-fa noun-forming suffix,
indicating a place)
Hafannedd ‹hav-A-nedh› [haˡvanɛð] feminine noun
1 house name: “summer home”
ETYMOLOGY: (haf = summer) + (annedd = dwelling)
haf bach Mihangel
‹haav baakh mi HA ngel› (masculine noun)
1 Indian summer (‘the little summer of Saint Michael’) (Around
Michaelmas on 29 September)
hafdref ‹ hav-dre› [ˡhavdrɛv] masculine
1 summer farm
Hafdre Place near Bronhelem, a farm 11 miles from Tregaron and 11 miles
from Abergwesyn. Described as a “winter shelter for sheep” in an online forum (03 April 07)
Craig yr Hafdre on the western side of the river Tywi, above Llyn Brianne, and
west of the summit of Cefn Coch and Abergwesyn (“crag of Yr Hafdre”)
ynysawdre (ynys Hafdre) “(the) meadow (of the place called) Hafdre” is
now Ynysawdre (colloquially Y Snawdra) in the county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. The
meadow is the squarish piece of land east of the Llynfi river where it joins
the Ogwr river. The eastern boundary of this area is a street called Terfyn
Ynysawdre (“(the) boundary (of) Ynysawdre”)
Hafdre name of a house in at the southern end of the square in Tregaron,
next to Gwesty’r Talbot
ETYMOLOGY: (haf = summer) + soft
mutation + (tref = trêv, farm)
hafdy ‹ hav-di› [ˡhavdɪ] masculine
PLURAL hafdai
‹ HAV-dai› [ˡhavdai]
summerhouse = building in a park for shade and rest
(native laws) summer residence in uplands
Heol Hafdy street name in Llansamlet
(county of Abertawe)
(Bible) summer house
Amos 3:15 A mi
a drawaf y gaeafdy a'r hafdy; a derfydd am y tai ifori, a bydd diben ar y teiau
mawrion, medd yr ARGLWYDD.
Amos 3:15 And I will smite the winter house with the summer house; and the houses
of ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall have an end, saith the LORD.
ETYMOLOGY: (haf = summer) + soft
mutation + (tŷ = house)
Hafesb ‹HAA-vesp› [ˡhaˑvɛsp] feminine
1 (in the county of Powys)
...(a) Afon Hafesb = SJ1109 stream
in Maldwyn (Powys).
See also Aberhafesb SH0792
...(b) Bedo Hafesb (fl. 1567-85)
poet from Maldwyn (Powys).
2 (in the county of Gwynedd)
...(a) Bro
Hafesb street name in Llandderfel
(“district of the Hafesb stream”)
...(b) Dewi Havhesp bardic name of
an englyn poet (David Roberts, 1831-1884) of Llanfor, Y Bala, who took his name
from this stream near his home.
Comparison of the spelling Havhesp
with the standard form Hafesb
..a/ the name has been respelt according to its etymology (it is a combination
of “haf + hesb”, “summer + dry”). In
such compounds the h is lost in the
standard language. See the entry for h
..b/ there is an erronious ‘p’ (a spelling in use in the 1800s) instead of ‘b’,
..c/ “v” is used instead of “f”. This was a spelling reform advocated in the
1800s and adopted by some writers of the period.
...(c) Nant Hafesb SH9337 = stream
in the county of Gwynedd (district of Meirionnydd)
ETYMOLOGY: “dry in summer”, winterbourne;
Welsh Hafesb, feminine form of hafysb < haf-hysb “dry in summer’,
(haf = summer) + (hysb = dry)
Hafnant ‹HAV-nant› [ˡhavnant]
(SH8046) stream in Aberconwy (county of Conwy)
street name in Winsh-wen, Abertawe (county of Abertawe)
ETYMOLOGY: ‘summer stream’ (haf =
summer) + (nant = stream)
hafod, hafodydd [ˡhaˑvɔd,
haˡvoˑdɪð] ‹HA vod, ha VO
didh› (feminine noun)
1 summer pasture; summer dwelling at this place (in the uplands for
the grazing of cattle between May and October). Sometimes it refers to lowland
pasture which is unusable in the winter because it is flooded.
2 dairy
The English translation of the folk tune Hafod y Wraig Lawen listed in
“The Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and Celtic Repertory” (1830) is given as “The
Merry Dame’s Dairy”.
‘summer place’ (haf = summer) + soft
mutation + (bod = house)
Hafod-decaf ‹hâ-vod de-ka(v) ›
1 Street name (“Hafod Decaf”) in Y Pil (county of Pen-y-bont ar
Originally the name of a summer farm (“Hafod-deca”, without the final ‹v›)
(See”HAFOD and HAFOTY in Welsh Place-names” / Melville Richards)
ETYMOLOGY: As the name stands, it is “yr hafod decaf” (“(the) fairest
(yr definite article) + (hafod = summer farm) + soft mutation +
(tecaf = prettiest, fairest;
superlative form of teg = pretty,
But this is the final stage of a strange transformation over the centuries,
since the original form was Hafodwgan
“hafod Wgan” (“(the) summer-farm (of) Gwgan”)
(hafod = summer farm) + soft
mutation + (Gwgan man’s name)
..1/ Hafodwgan > *Hafodwga
(unusual loss of final ‹n›)
Loss of a final n occurs in at least
one other Welsh word: cyfan (whole
part, totality) > cyfa
..2/ *Hafodwga > Hafodyga
(alteration of tonic vowel to the obscure vowel ‹u›
> ‹y›)
..3/ Hafodyga > *Hafodyca
(in the south-east, ‹g› at the beginning of a
final syllable devoices to ‹k›). It occurs in many words in south-eastern Welsh.
..4/ *Hafodyca > Hafod-deca
The meaningless element dyca was
adjusted to give deca (= fairest)
..5/ Hafod-deca > Hafod-decaf
(the literary form of the superlative has final ‹v›,
lost in colloquial Welsh. Here it has been ‘restored’)
Hafod-gau ‹hâ-vod gai›
1 place name
..a/ Blaenpennal SN6264 (county of Ceredigion)
..b/ Llanddeiniolen SH5466 (county of Gwynedd)
..c/ Llanenddwyn SH5723 (county of Gwynedd)
..d/ Llanfair Talhaearn SH9270 (county of Conwy)
..e/ Llanfair y Creuddyn SN6676 (county of Ceredigion)
..f/ Nantglyn SJ0062 (county of Dinbych)
..g/ Ysbyty-ystwyth SN7371 (county of Ceredigion)
(delwedd 7058)
ETYMOLOGY: Hafod-gau is possibly
“empty summer farm” (There is another word cau meaning “enclosed”)
(hafod = summer place, summer farm) + soft mutation + (cau = empty, deserted, abandoned)
(See “HAFOD and HAFOTY in Welsh Place-names” / Melville Richards)
Hafodheulog ‹HAA-vod HEI-log›
farm in Castell-nedd ac Aberafan, west of Afon Cynffig and north of
Mynyddcynffig SS8484
See Hafoteulog
Hafod-las ‹hâ-vod laas›
street name in Pen-coed (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (“Hafod Las”)
ETYMOLOGY: “(yr) hafod las” ‘green summer pasture’
(yr definite article) + (hafod = summer farm) + soft mutation +
(glas = green [vegetation]; blue)
‹hâ-vod lon›
sometimes in house or street names;
..a/ street name in Rhiw-las, Bangor (county of Gwynedd) (“happy / merry summer
ETYMOLOGY: “(yr) hafod lon” ‘happy summer farm / summer pasture’
(yr definite article) + (hafod = summer farm) + soft mutation +
(llon = happy)
Hafod-oer ‹hâ-vod oir ›
1 Hafod-oer (SH7615) Name
of a farm in Y Brithdir south-east of Dolgellau
ETYMOLOGY: “yr hafod oer” ‘cold summer farm’
(yr definite article) + (hafod = summer farm) + (oer = cold)
(possibly it is ‘abandoned summer farm’ - in place names oer could possibly mean ‘deserted, abandoned’, as can ‘cold’ in
English place names). Cf. hafod gau (“empty summer house”)
However nearby 2km to the west is (SH7824) Waun
Oer (“cold moor”), suggesting that maybe the area was seen as colder than
other parts
(See “HAFOD and HAFOTY in Welsh Place-names” / Melville Richards)
Hafod-wen ‹HAA-vod WEN›
locality in Shropshire (England)
English name: Marrington
locality in the district of Maldwyn (Powys)
English name: Allport
street name in
..a/ Tonyrefail (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
..b/ Cwm-dâr (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
ETYMOLOGY: (“white(-washed) summer farm”)
(hafod = summer farm ) + soft
mutation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white)
Hafodwenog ‹hâ-vod- we -nog›
1 See: Hafodwynog
Hafodweunog ‹hâ-vod- wei -nog›
1 See: Hafodwynog
Hafodwnnog ‹hâ-vod- u -nog›
1 See: Hafodwynog
Hafodwnog ‹hâ-vod- u -nog›
See: Hafodwynog
Hafodwynog ‹hâ-vod- ui -nog›
1 Place name: “summer farm abounding in lambs”
(This element is sometimes found altered as -wenog / weunog / -wnnog / -wnog)
..a/ Abersychan (county of Torfaen)
..b/ Caeo (county of Caeryrddin)
..c/ Castell-nedd
..d/ Llandysiliogogo (county of Ceredigion)
..e/ Llan-giwg (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
..f/ Llansanffráid (SN5167) (county of Ceredigon)
..g/ Lledrod (county of Ceredigion)
..h/ Melinau (county of Penfro)
..i/ Tre-lech (county of Caerfyrddin)
..j/ Uwchygarreg “Hafodwnog” (SH7693) 9km south of Machynlleth (district of
Maldwyn, in the county of Powys) (Noted in “HAFOD and HAFOTY in Welsh
Place-names” / Melville Richards)
ETYMOLOGY: (hafod = upland summer
farm, highland summer holding) + (wynog
= abundant in lambs)
(oen = lamb;
w^yn = lambs) (-og = suffix denoting ‘characterised by, abounding
in’ especially after plant names.
Hafoteulog ‹HAA-vo-TEI-log›
farm in Castell-nedd ac Aberafan, west of Afon Cynffig and north of
Mynyddcynffig SS8484
On the Ordnance Survey map as Hafodheulog
Coed Hafoteulog / Coed Hafodheulog woodland east of the farm “(the) wood
(of) Hafoteulog / Hafodheulog”
ETYMOLOGY: Hafoteulog = hafod
heulog “the sunny summer place”
(hafod = summer place) + (heulog = sunny)
This, though, is the present meaning of the name, but it is not the original
meaning, since Hafoteulog < Hafotalog < hafod halog “muddy
summer place”
(hafod = summer place) + (halog = muddy, filthy)
It seems that the name was changed to make it a more pleasant and acceptable
hafoty ‹ha-VO-ti› (fm)
PLURAL hafotai
summer place
2 Found in place names in North Wales
Hafoty SH7969 Farm near Eglwys-bach, county of Conwy (though spelt
incorrectly on the Ordnance Survey map as “Hafodty”) map
Hafoty-boeth SJ0749 A farm near Brynsaithmarchog (County of Dinbych)
(misspelt Hafotty-boeth on the Ordnance Survey map) map
“dwelling at the summer place” (hafod = summer place) + soft mutation +
(ty = house, dwelling) > hafód-dy > hafoty. Where a final
-d is followed by a d which is the result of a soft mutation of t,
the result is (d+d > t).
NOTE: In some place names if occurs as Foty (with the loss of the first
syllable, a phenomenon very much present in Welsh)
NOTE: A feminine noun, as in Hafoty-boeth above.Since tŷ is
a masculine noun, one would expect the compound to be masculine too.
Hafren ‹hav-ren› feminine noun
Hafren o Afon Hafren = river in central and south Wales flowing into England.
It rises in Pumlumon in the county of Powys and flows eastwards through
Llanidloes and Y Trallwng (Welshpool) into England. It discharges into Môr
Hafren (Severn Estuary). It is the longest river on the island of Britain
English name: Severn, River Severn
Stryd Hafren Name of a street in Y
Trallwng / Welshpool (English name: Severn Street)
Ffordd Hafren Name of a street in Y
Trallwng / Welshpool (English name: Severn Road)
Heol Hafren Name of a street in
Caer-dydd / Cardiff (English name: Severn Road)
Môr Hafren “(the) sea (of) Hafren”
estuary known at one time in English as The Severn Sea, now the Severn Estuary
Hafren woman’s name, twentieth
century. From the river name
Savernake, the name of a forest at Kennet in Wiltshire in the west of England,
most likely derives from a British name which would give *Hafrennog in modern Welsh.
The river Bedwyn was probably known as *Sabrenn-â by the Britons (the same as
the River Severn), from which was derived *Sabrenn-âk- (that is, with the
addition of the territorial suffix -âk-), meaning ‘the district of the river
Pont Hafren the Severn Bridge (= Pont Grog Hafren)
Pont Grog Hafren The Severn
suspension bridge, from Aust (England) to Rogiet (Wales) opened in 1966
Ail Bont Hafren the second Severn
Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge and viaduct opened in 1996. It is in fact four
structures one after the other –
Traphont Awstin / Aust Viaduct,
Pont Hafren / Severn Bridge,
Traphont Beachley / Beachley Viaduct (all in England) and
Pont Gŵy / Wye Bridge (which crosses the border).
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *sabrenn-â
< Celtic *sabrinn-â.
The old name of “Abhainn na Laoi”
(English: River Lee) in Corcaigh (Cork), Ireland, was Sabhrann
hafryn ‹ha- -vrin› masculine noun
1 “summer hill”
2 There is a street called Ffordd
Hafryn in Baecolwyn (county of Conwy)
3 There is a street called Brohafryn
in Corwen (county of Dinbych) (bro =
“district of Hafryn, or of the summer hill”
ETYMOLOGY: hafryn < háf-fryn (haf = summer) + soft mutation + (bryn = hill)
Hafwen ‹HAV wen› (feminine noun)
1 woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: `summer’ – (haf
= summer) + (suffix –wen for forming
female names)
hagr ‹HA gar› (adjective)
1 ugly
Llawer hagr hygar fydd Beauty is
only skin deep
(“Many (an) ugly (one) (it-is) amiable that-is”)
(hy- = intensifying prefix) + soft
mutation + (car- < caru = to love)
haid, heidiau ‹HAID, HEID ye› (feminine noun)
1 flock, herd; swarm
2 haid o blant ‹haid o BLANT› crowd
of kids
3 heidio ‹HEID yo› (verb) to swarm
4 dod yn un haid come in
a large group
heitgar gregarious, fond of company
1900+; heitgar < héid-gar (haid = flock, crowd) + (-gar
suffix for forming adjectives)
haidd ‹HAIDH› (plural of heiddyn)
1 barley
Hafod-yr-haidd SJ2138 farm in Llansanffráid Glyn Ceiriog “(the) summer
place (of) the barley”
hala ‹HA-la› verb
1 (South) to send
(South) hala rhwng pobl stir up
trouble between people (“send between people”)
Cf (North) gyrru rhwng pobl stir up
trouble between people (“drive / send between people”)
halen ‹HAA len› (masculine noun)
1 salt
2 bod fel penwaig mewn halen
(Cyfoeth o Sir Gâr = “wealth from the county of Caerfyrddin” / H. Meurig Evans
/ Llafar Gwlad 55, Gwanwyn 1997)
be packed like sardines in a tin (of many people in a confined space) (“be like
herring in salt”)
Compare the Catalan expression “estar estrets com arengades” “be
confined like herrings”
Gorau un enllyn, halen The very best
companage is salt
halio ‹HA lio› (verb)
1 tow
halio ymáith tow away
Mae’r frigâd dân wedi halio ei gar
The fire brigade has towed away his car
rhaff halio towrope
2 to masturbate
hallt ‹HALHT› (adjective)
Plural: heilltion
1 salted, salty
2 (water) salty, brackish, saline = containing salt
Mae’n well gan y psygodyn hwn ddŵr hallt y môr na dŵr
croyw nant ac afon
This fish prefers the salt water of the sea to the fresh water of a stream
and a river
Daeth dagrau heilltion i lawr ei gruddiau
Salty tears rolled down (“came down”) her cheeks
2 pickled in brine
cabej hallt pickled cabbage
3 preserved in salt
hallt, pennog hallt, penogyn hallt salt cod
cig hallt salted meat
4 (figurative) sharp, severe, grave, grievous, pungent, bitter, vitriolic
cwyno yn hallt complain bitterly
Bu’n cwyno’n hallt iddo gael cam He complained bitterly that he had
been wronged
Mae’n hallt gan fy nghalon ddweud fod...
It grieves me to say that (“it’s bitter with my heart saying...)
Watcyn Fardd (John Jones, Hendy, Llanerfyl) won a three-pound prize in the
Llangollen Eisteddfod of 1858 in an englyn which was an epitaph to Prince
Llywelyn. The last two lines are
Marw yn Muallt, hallt fu hyn — Cymru a'i phlant
Hwy oll a wylant am eu Llywelyn.
Dying in (the territory called) Buallt, this was grievous – Wales and her
They all weep for their Llywelyn
dadl hallt a fierce debate
ei dweud-hi yn hallt am rywun severely criticise somebody
ei rhoi-hi i rywun yn eitha hallt am wneud rhywbeth reprove /
rebuke / scold somebody severely for
doing something
cosbi rhywun yn hallt (am wneud rhywbeth) severely punish somebody for
doing something
5 (of excessive price)
codi yn hallt am charge an exhorbitant price for
talu yn hallt am pay through the nose for, pay a fortune for; pay
dearly for
mor hallt â'r heli very salty ‘as
salty as brine’
cyn hallted â heli cig moch very
salty ‘as salty as (the) brine (for salting) pork’
halog ‹HAA-log› adjective
1 polluted, contaminated, defiled, corrupt
Er nad yw dy wehelyth yn byw mewn halog
(Twynog: Cyfrol Goffa y diweddar T. Twynog Jeffreys, Rhymni. Dan Olygiaeth
Dyfed. 1912
/ tudalen 49)
Although your kindred do not live in a corrupt world
2 miry, muddy
3 place names
(1) Beilihalog (in semi-Englished
spelling as “Bailyhalog”, name of a Congregationalist chapel in Gwenddwr,
county of Powys) (“(the) muddy farmyard”)
(2) Plwca Halog (“(the) muddy plot
of land”) Lost field name, Y Rhath, Caer-dydd
(3) Rhydhalog (= y rhyd halog,
“(the) muddy ford”) farm south-east of Brynsadler ST0280 (county of Rhondda
Cynon Taf)
NOTE: Since the combination (d + h) becomes ‹t›
in Welsh pronunciation,
> Rhytalog. In some place names after a word with final -d, there is a tendency to interpret the name as though it includes
a personal name Talog
..1/ Rhydtalog SJ2355 in Sir y Fflint, 1 km north-west of Wrecsam) as if
it were “(the) ford (of) Talog”;
in fact it is a reworking of Rhytalog
from Rhydhalog (= filthy ford, muddy
..2/ Rhytalog (= y rhyd halog,
“(the) muddy ford” Llanarmon yn Iâl SJ1956 (county of Dinbych)
..3/ Coedtalog (“(the) wood (of)
Talog”), a reforming of Coetalog
< Coedhalog (= filthy wood, muddy
wood) SH0510, in the district of Maldwyn in the county of Powys
4 place names: in some instances, replaced by ‘heulog’ (= sunny) to
rid the name of unpleasantness and to give it a more felicitous meaning;
Dolheulog, Aberaeron SN4562 (county
of Ceredigion) (“muddy meadow > sunny meadow”)
(a street in the town perpetuates the name)
Hafoteulog (qv) SS8484 ( <
Hafotalog < hafod halog), Margam (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
(“muddy summer pasture > sunny summer pasture”)
Moel Heulog, Llandderfel SH9837
(county of Gwynedd) (“muddy hill > sunny hill”)
Cf the English place name in Leicestershire Belgrave (“marten grove, grove of martens”) < Old English (meardh = marten) + (grâf = grove). In the Domesday Book as
“Merdegrave”. For the Norman invaders who settled here the first element
resembled French merde (= shit), so
they replaced it with the element bel-
(= fair).
5 Y Fanhalog (Rhondda
Cynon Taf)
(1) Apparently: “the muddy place”
(y = the) + soft mutation + (man = place) + (halog = muddy)
(2) In fact, earlier forms show it be originally Y Fanalog, southern form of Y
Fanhadlog – the broom place
(y = the) + soft mutation + (banhadlog = broom place)
fanhaddlog (instead of fanhadlog – dd instead of standard d)
> fanha’log (loss of dd)
6 dihalog pure,
undefiled, immaculate
ETYMOLOGY: (hâl = dirt, mire) + (-og suffix for forming adjectives)
halogwyr ‹ha LO gur, ha LOG wir›
(masculine noun)
1 person who commits sacrilege
ham ‹HAM› (masculine noun)
1 ham
hambwrdd, hambyrddau
‹HAM burdh, ham BƏR dhe› (masculine
1 tray (‘handboard’)
NOTE: [ Olde Cheshire Dialecte.
hand-booard : a tea-tray ]
hamdden ‹ham -dhen› femení
PLURAL hamddenau
‹ham dhee ne›
leisure, leisure time
cael hamdden have leisure time
cael hamdden i have the time to (do
something) at your leisure
Nid wyf erioed wedi cael hamdden a chyfle i edrych yn
fanwl dros Cilhaul Uchaf
I’ve never had the leisure time and the opportunity to examine Cil-haul Uchaf
oriau hamdden leisure hours
gweithgareddau hamdden leisure
activities (hobbies; reading, gardening, sports, music, cinema etc)
canolfan hamdden leisure centre,
sports centre
ETYMOLOGY: apparently hám-dden < *hán-dden (han- = separation) + soft mutation + (den- < denu = to
hamddena ‹ha - DHEE -na›
take it easy, relax, lounge around
dillad hamddena leisure clothes,
casual clothes)
ETYMOLOGY: (hamdden = leisure) + (-a suffix for forming verbs)
ha’n ‹ haan ›
southern form of haen (= stratum,
Usually spelt (less correctly) hân
See aa / haan
Hanawt ‹hâ-naut› feminine noun
1 Hainault ‹Héinoot, Héinoolt› =
province in Belgium;
The French pronunciation is ‹Éno›
hances, hancesi ‹HANG kes, hang KE si› (feminine noun)
1 handkerchief
NOTE: Cf. [Olde Cheshire Dialecte.
hankitch : a handkerchief ]
hances boced,
hancesi poced ‹hang kes BO ked, hang ke si
PO ked› (feminine noun)
1 pocket handkerchief
hanerau ‹ha NEE rai, -re› (masculine noun)
1 halves; plural of half
hanercen ‹ha-NER-ken› feminine noun
1 (county of Penfro) dwarf (female)
ETYMOLOGY: haner- (penult form of hanner = half) + (-cen = feminine diminutive suffix)
hanercof ‹ha NER ko> (adjective)
1 simple (‘half + mind’)
Usually in the reduced form nerco ‹ NER ko>
(1) (hánner + cóf) becomes a single word with regular stress on the
penult > hanércof
(2) the final [v] is lost - typical in modern Welsh: hanerco
(3) the prepenult syllable is lost - very common in informal Welsh: nerco
hanercyn ‹ha-ner-kin›
masculine noun
1 (county of Penfro) dwarf (male)
ETYMOLOGY: haner- (penult form of hanner = half) + (cyn = masculine diminutive suffix)
hanereg ‹ha-nê-reg›
feminine noun
PLURAL haneregau
1 (obsolete) half an acre
Found in field names, often in the form nereg
(with loss of the pretonic first syllable, a common phenonenon in Welsh)
Hanereg field name in Llan-daf
John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw), ‘Cardiff Records’, (compiled 1889-1911)
notes: “The Hannereg. A close in the city of Llandaff (1755)”
1755. Coroner's Inquest taken at the dwellinghouse of Philip David,
innkeeper, situate in the City of Llandaff, on 30 September 1754, on view of
the body of Thomas Prees late of the City of Llandaff, aforesaid, labourer,
found that the deceased, on the 25th day of August then last past, in a certain
close within the said City, commonly called the Hannereg, died naturally.
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh hanereg < hanereg < haner- (in trisyllables, spelling of hanner = half) + (-eg =
noun-forming suffix)
hanner, PLURAL hanerau, haneri
‹HA ner, ha NEE rai, -re, ha NEE ri›
(masculine noun)
1 half
2 a
hanner and a half (= half a previously named unit)
un stôn ar ddeg a hanner eleven and
a half stone
cant a hanner one hundred and
3 a hanner in intensfying a noun
cael hwyl a hanner have a grand
old time, have a really great time (“get fun and (a) half”)
4 mor fawr â as big as / hanner mor fawr â half as big
cymaint â as big as / hanner cymaint â half as big as
5 (modifier before a verb) half-
hanner gwneud pethau do things by
halves, half do things = do in an incomplete way
6 eu hanner half of them
Rhowch eu hanner i mi Give me half
of them (“give me their half”)
7 (f) half an acre, a half acre, in field names
(a feminine noun, probably because erw = acre is feminine)
John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911),
HANER-CNAP (the half knob.) Half an acre at Canton (1713.)
(the little half-acre.) A field in Canton (1713.)
[ The first interpretation (half knob) is evidently a misunderstanding of the
Hanner Cnap < hanner y cnap “(the) half acre (of) the mound” ]
[ Yr Hanner Fach “the little half-acre” ]
hanner-crwn ‹ha-ner-krun›
1 semi-circular
ETYMOLOGY: hanner (= half) + crwn (= round, circular)
hanner ffordd ‹ha-ner fordh›
1 halfway
Capel Soar a saif heddiw ar seiliau ei
hen gartref Tŷ’r Clwtwr - hanner ffordd i fyny’r bryn o groesffordd Tonysguboriau
i dref Llantrisant
Soar Chapel stands today on the site of his old home Tŷ’r Clwtwr - halfway
up the hill from the Tonysguboriau crossroads to the town of Llantrisant
2 cwrdd â rhywun hanner ffordd meet somebody halfway, compromise
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) half (of) (the) road” (hanner
= half) + (ffordd = road)
hanner pan ‹ha-ner PAN›
1 half-baked, not quite right in the head
ETYMOLOGY: ‘half fulled’, = not done completely; (hanner = half) + (pan =
fulled, the stem of the verb pannu = to full [cloth]; a verb stem may
serve as a past participle in Welsh )
hanes, hanesion ‹HAA nes, ha NES yon› (masculine noun in the North,
feminine in the South)
1 history
2 story
Nid oedd hanes ohono There was no
sign of him
4 holi hanes (rhywbeth) find out
about, get an account of
Y diwrnod hwnnw aethom i Wales,
Wisconsin, i holi hanes y Cymry yno
That day we went to Wales,
Wisconsin, to ask about the Welsh
people there
haneswyr ‹ha NE sidh, ha NES wir›
(masculine noun)
1 historian
hanfod ‹HAN -vod› verb
Now generally hanu as a verb
1 hanfod o, derive
(from), issue (from), stem (from), originate (in)
2 (family origin) be from
Mae e’n hanfod o deulu cyfoethog yn nhre
Caerfyrddin He comes from a rich family in the town of Caerfyrddin
3 (masculine noun) yn ei hanfod in essence, essentially, in its
Mae Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin yn llawysgrif farddoniaeth yn ei hanfod
The Black Book of Caerfyrddin / Carmarthen is essentially a manuscript of
poetry (i.e. rather than prose)
Dyna yn ei
hanfod oedd achos y gynnen rhyngddo a person y plwyf
That in essence was the cause of the dispute between him and the parish
ETYMOLOGY: (hân- noun now obsolete,
= separation) + soft mutation + (bod
= being; to be)
(The equivalent word for hân in
Irish is the prefix sain- = special,
specific, particular, characterisitic)
hanfod ‹HAN-vod› m
PLURAL hanfodion
1 essence, quintessence
yr hanfod the main point
sine qua non, prerequisite, essential thing
hanfodion needs, basic needs
yn ôl at yr hanfodion back to basics
ETYMOLOGY: See hanfod (verb)
hanfodol ‹han- VOO -dol› adjective
1 essential
ETYMOLOGY: (hanfod = essence) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)
Hanna ‹HA -na› feminine noun
1 Hannah = mother of Samuel (First Book of Samuel Chapter 1)
Samuel-1 1:15 A Hanna a atebodd, ac a
ddywedodd, Nid felly, fy arglwydd; gwraig galed arni ydwyf fi; gwin hefyd na
diod gadarn yfais; eithr tywelltais fy enaid gerbron yr Arglwydd
Samuel-1 1:15 And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a
sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured
out my soul before the Lord.
In earlier versons of the Welsh-kangauge Bible spelt with a final h - Hannah
hanner, hanerau ‹HA ner, ha NEE rai, -re› (masculine noun)
1 half
hanner cant fifty (“half a hundred”)
hansel ‹HAN-sel› (m)
1 (South Wales) gift, reward = payment to express satisfaction
2 first purchase from a seller, supposed to bring luck to the seller
Also: hansed
Often in the form ’ansel, ’ansed
ETYMOLOGY: English hansel < handsel
NOTE: [ Olde Cheshire Dialecte.
hansel : the first sale upon opening a shop or market-stall for the day. ]
hansh ‹HANSH› (f)
PLURAL hanshys
(South Wales)
1 bite
hansh o afal a bite of an apple
2 mouthful
3 bite = small meal of some food
cael hansh fach o fara chaws have a snack of bread and cheese
The following Welsh words are frequently used in the western
parts of Carmarthenshire...hansh
Transactions of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society /
Another list of West Carmarthenshire Dialect / J H James / 20 07 1905
NOTE: [ Olde Cheshire Dialecte.
haunge : a large piece of meat, bread or other eatable - “Yo’n gen me sich a
hunge o rappit-pie, I shanna be fit for noo puddin at after.”]
ETYMOLOGY: English dialect hanch (= a greedy bite)
NOTE: often in the form ’ansh
hanshad ‹HANSH-ad› (m)
(South Wales)
1 bite
ETYMOLOGY: (hansh-, stem of the verb hanshan = bite) + (-ad suffix
for forming nouns)
hanshan ‹HANSH-an› (m)
(South Wales)
1 bite
2 (dog) maul
Da’th ci trw’r clawdd a dachre hanshan y defed o’dd yn y ca’
A dog came through the hedge and began to maul the sheep in the field
ETYMOLOGY: (hansh = bite) + (-an suffix for forming verbs)
hanswm ‹HAN-sum› (adj)
1 handsome
The Treatment of English Borrowed Words
in Colloquial Welsh / Thomas Powel / Y Cymmrodor Vol. VI 1883. / p133
The following paper is an attempt to give a general account
of the use and treatment of English words in the colloquial
Welsh of the present day. Most of the statements here made
are applicable to the whole of Welsh-speaking Wales; but
the paper treats more particularly of the dialect spoken, with
slight variations, in the Counties of Brecon, Caermarthen,
and the greater part of Cardigan.
borrowed English words, if more than two consonants
come together, an effort is made to get rid of one of them.
1. D after n, and followed by another consonant, goes out
or is assimilated. Bambocs (bandbox), gwlfinsh (goldfinch),
hangcyff (handcuff), hanswm (handsome).
ETYMOLOGY: English handsome
hapchwarae ‹hap-KHWAA-rai, -re› verb
1 gamble
(masculine noun) gambling
y Ddeddf Hapchwarae The Gambling
Act, The Gaming Act
ETYMOLOGY: (hap = chance) + (chwarae = to play)
hapchwaraewr ‹hap-khwa-rei-ur› masculine noun
PLURAL hapchwaraewyr
1 gambler
hapchwaraewyr y lóteri players of
the lottery
ETYMOLOGY: (hapchwarae-, stem of hapchwarae = to bet) + (-wr agent suffix, ‘man’)
hapfasnachu ‹hap-vas-NAA-khi› verb
1 speculate
hapfasnachu yn y farchnad arian
rhyngwladol "speculate in the international money market
ETYMOLOGY: (hap = chance) + soft
mutation + (masnachu = to trade)
hapfasnachwr ‹hap-vas-NAA-khur› masculine noun
PLURAL hapfasnachwyr
1 speculator
Agorwyd lefelau a phyllau bychan yn yr
ardal gan nifer o hapfasnachwyr
o Loegr Levels and small pits were opened in the area by a number of
speculators from England
ETYMOLOGY: (hapfasnach-, stem of hapfasnachu = speculate) + (-wr agent suffix, ‘man’)
hapus ‹HA pis› (adjective)
1 happy
hapusrwydd ‹ha PIS ruidh› (masculine noun)
1 happiness
hardbord ‹ hard -bord› masculine
ETYMOLOGY: English hardboard (hard) + (board)
cf Welsh cardbord (= cardboard) <
English cardboard
hardd ‹HARDH› (adjective)
1 beautiful
Ni ellid dychmygu harddach merch
A more beautiful girl could not be imagined
diemwnt gyda’r harddaf one of the
most beautiful diamonds
harddwych ‹HARDH -wikh› adjective
1 splendid
ETYMOLOGY: (hardd = beautiful) +
soft mutation + (gwych = splendid)
harglwydd ‹har-glui-dh› masculine noun
1 form of arglwydd
with the prefix h (used after ’m = my, ei = her, ein
= our, eu = their)
Timotheus-1 6:14 Gadw ohonot y gorchymyn hyn yn ddifeius, yn ddiargyhoedd,
hyd ymddangosiad ein Harlwydd Iesu Grist
Timothy-1 6:14 That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable,
until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
harglwyddes ‹har-glui-dhes› feminine
1 form of arglwyddes with
the prefix h (used after ’m = my, ei = her. ein = our, eu = their)
Ysgol Ein Harglwyddes
name of a school in Bangor
(the) school (of) Our Lady
NOTE: This prefix is found after
(a) ei = (her);
(b) ein (= our), ('n as in a'n = and our, etc)
(c) eu (= their), ('u as in a'u = and their, etc)
(d) 'm (= my) (a'm = and my, etc)
Harlech ‹HAR-lekh› (feminine noun)
1 town in the north-west
harm ‹ harm › masculine noun
(North Wales)
harm = injury, damage, hurt
yn ddi-harm without harm
harm = moral injury, wrong
“Wela i fy hun ddim harm yn y peth.” I
can’t see any harm in it myself
Yr ydych chi a Mrs. Harris yn credu nad
oes dim harm rhoi
glasiad o gwrw i'r tenantiaid hefo'u cinio rhent. 'Rydw innau'n credu mae'r
ddiod gref yna sydd wrth wraidd bron holl drueni y wlad yma mewn rhyw ffordd
neu gilydd,
Plant y Gorthrwm / 1908 / Gwyneth Vaughan (=Anne Harriet Hughes 1852-1910)
You and Mrs Harris believe there is no harm in giving a glass f beer to the
tenants with their rent dinner (= the dinner given by a landowner after the
annual paymwnt of rent.) I believe that strong drink is at the root of nearly
all the misery in this country in one way or another
ETYMOLOGY: English harm < Old
English hearm ‹harm›; obsolete German harm surviving in the word harmlos
(= harmless, innocent, slight). The cognate word in Russian is sramotá (= shame)
harn ‹harn› masculine noun
1 southern form of haearn (= iron)
Merthyrtudful once had a well-known landmark, until the local council in the
1960s allowed a property developer to destroy the historical central area,
called y Bont Harn (pronounced locally y Bont ’Arn, as indeed
this name would have been pronounced anywhere in the south-east, where the
Welsh language lacks the [h] sound
harnin ‹har -nin› masculine noun
1 (county of Caerfyrddin) = heyernin
iron object
Harri ‹HA ri› (masculine noun)
1 (male) Harri
From this surname is the patronymic ap Harri (son of Harri) > (ap
’Arri) > a coalesced form Parri, a common surname, more familiar in
its English spelling of “Parry”.
hau ‹HAI› (verb)
1 to sow
heuir it is sown
haul, heuliau ‹HAIL, HEIL ye› (masculine noun)
1 sun
arth yr haul sun bear (Helarctos
cefn haul place shaded from the sun (“back (of) sun”) (cefn = back) + (haul = sun)
yng nghefn haul out of the sun’s
Yr oedd yn dyddyn bychan, gwlyb, oer, creigiog, anial, yn nghefn haul,
ar ochr ogleddol y llechwedd serth hwnnw a elwir ‘Newydd Fynyddog.’
It was a tiny smallholding, wet, cold,
craggy, barren, out of the sun’s reach, on the northern side of the steep slope called
“Newydd Fynyddog”
gwegil haul place shaded from
the sun (“nape (of) sun”)
yn wyneb haul llygad goleuni in
broad daylight (“in (the) face (of) (the) sun (in) (the) eye (of) light”)
codiad haul sunrise = rising of the
sun over the horizon
“(the) rise (of) (the) sun” (codiad
= rise) + (haul = sun)
Also: codiad yr haul
Gwlad y Codiad Haul The Land of the
Rising Sun
haul- ‹hail › masculine noun
1 First element in certain names of houses or streets. It is an
incorrect form – the form of the penultimate syllable is heul-
Examples of such names followed by the correct spelling:
Haulfre > Heulfre (sunny hill)
Haulfryn > Heulfryn (sunny hill)
Haulfron > Heulfron (sunny hill)
Haulfan > Heulfan (sunny place)
Haulwen > Heulwen (sunshine)
Haulfan ‹hail -vron›
1 sunny place
House name or street name – an incorrect form. See Heulfan
Street name in Ffos-y-ffin, Aberaeron (county of Ceredigion)
ETYMOLOGY: (haul = sun) + soft
mutation + (man = place)
Haulfre ‹hail -vre›
1 sunny hill
House name or street name – an incorrect form.
See Heulfre
“Haulfre Terrace”, Coed-poeth (county of Wrecsam)
(In Welsh, it would be simply Heulfre,
or Rhestai Heulfre / Teras Heulfre)
ETYMOLOGY: (haul = sun) + soft
mutation + (bre = hill)
Haulfron ‹hail -vron›
1 sunny hill
House name or street name – an incorrect form. See Heulfron
..a/ street name in Tonypandy (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (further misspelt
as “Haul Fron”, as if two separate words)
ETYMOLOGY: (haul = sun) + soft
mutation + (bron = hill)
Haulfryn ‹hail -vrin›
1 sunny hill
House name or street name – an incorrect form. See Heulfryn
It is found as a street name in the following places:
..a/ Bryn, Llanelli (county of Caerfyrddin)
..b/ Brynmenyn (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (further misspelt as “Haul Fryn”,
as if two separate words)
..c/ Caer-dydd
..d/ Clydach, Y Fenni (county of Mynwy)
..e/ Llwynbedw (county of Abertawe) (further misspelt as “Haul Fryn”, as if two
separate words)
..f/ Mynyddcynffig (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
..g/ Pen-y-waun, Aber-dâr (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
..h/ Pontardawe (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
..i/ Pontyberem, Llanelli, (county of Caerfyrddin)
..j/ Rhosllannerchrugog (county of Wrecsam)
..k/ Rhuthun (county of Dinbych)
..l/ Sychdyn, Yr Wyddgrug (county of Y Fflint)
..m/ Tregynwr (county of Caerfyrddin)
Also Stad Haulfryn, Llanfair, near
Harlech (county of Gwynedd)
ETYMOLOGY: (haul = sun) + soft
mutation + (bryn = hill)
Haulwen ‹hail -wen›
1 sunshine
House name or street name – an incorrect form. See Heulwen
Street name
..a/ Cwm-dâr (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
..b/ “Haulwen Road”, Penpedairheol (county of Caerffili). (It would be Heol Heulwen in Welsh)
..c/ “Haulwen Road”, Y Cocyd (county of Abertawe). (It would be Heol Heulwen in Welsh)
ETYMOLOGY: (haul = sun) + soft
mutation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white, shining). In modern Welsh
haul is a masculine noun, but in
older Welsh it was feminine
Havhesp ‹hav-esp ›
1 An idiosyncratic spelling of the stream name Hafesb (qv)
Dewi Havhesp bardic name of an
englyn poet (David Roberts, 1831-1884) of Llanfor, Y Bala, who took his name
from this stream near his home.
Comparison of the spelling Havhesp
with the standard form Hafesb:
..a/ the name has been respelt according to its etymology (it is a combination
of “haf + hesb”, “summer + dry”). In
such compounds the h is lost in the
standard language. See the entry for h.
..b/ there is an erronious ‘p’ (a spelling in use in the 1800s) instead of ‘b’.
..c/ “v” is used instead of “f”. This was a spelling reform advocated in the
1800s and adopted by some writers of the period.
Hawau ‹HAU-e›
1 (SO0558) locality 2km south of Llandrindod (county of Powys)
English name: Howey
ETYMOLOGY: ?from the English name Howey
hawdd ‹HAUDH› (adjective, irregular comparison)
Comparative: haws (= easier), hawsaf (= easiest)
Colloquial forms are regularised: hawddach
(= easier), hawdda (= easiest)
1 easy
easy; with ei
un hawdd ei dwyllo (m), un hawdd ei
thwyllo (f) an easy touch, somebody easily deceived (“one easy (of) his /
her deceiving”)
hawdd ei anghofio (m), hawdd ei hanghofio (f) easy to forget
(“easy its / his / her forgetting”)
rhywbeth hawdd ei ddarllen something
easy to read
rhywbeth hawdd ei adnabod something
easy to recognise
rhywbeth hawdd ei ddefnyddio something
easy to use
rhywbeth hawdd ei ddeall something
easy to understand
gwell paratói dogfen sydd mor hawdd ei chyfieithu ag sydd bosibl
it’s better to prepare a document that’s as easy as possible to translate
bwyd hawdd ei dreulio easily-digested
hawdd ei weld (m), hawdd
ei gweld (f) easy to see
hawdd ei drin (m), hawdd
ei thrin (f) easy to treat, easy
to handle, easy to manipulate
hawdd eich byd (qv)
Nid hawdd tynnu mêl o faen You can’t
get blood out of a stone (“it is not easy to get honey from a stone”)
dilyn y llwybr hawsaf take the line
of least resistance (“follow the easiest path”)
hawdd gwneud â hi / hawdd gwneud ag e
easy to deal with, easy to get on with
merch hawdd ei chael an easy piece,
an easy lay (“girl easy her getting”)
arian hawdd easy money, money for
old rope, money for jam
hawddamor (obsolete) (qv)
cael gwaith hawdd get a cushy job
hawddamor ‹hau- dha -mor› masculine or feminine noun
1 (obsolete) good luck
2 Occurs in the expression Hawddamor!
Good fortune! Good luck!
Used in the University of Wales graduation ceremony
Hawddamor, wrda Good luck, worthy
Hawddamor, wreigdda Good luck,
worthy woman
3 Hawddamor
house name (in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable
Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)
4 (obsolete) farewell
canu hawddamor i say farewell to
ETYMOLOGY: (hawdd = prosperous) + (amor = fate, fortune, success)
hawdd eich byd ‹haudd
əch biid › adjective
1 happy, contented
2 comfortably off, materially well off, quite well off
ETYMOLOGY: (hawdd = easy; pleasant) + (eich = your) + (byd =
world, circumstances)
hawddfyd ‹haudh
-vid› masculine noun
1 comfortable circumstances, ease, happiness, prosperity
Er iechyd, hawddfyd a hedd - er urddas,
Er harddwch a mawredd,
Daw awr rhaid mynd i orwedd,
O dwrw byd i ddyfnder bedd
(tudalen 67 Englynion Beddau Dyffryn Ogwen, J Elwyn Hughes 1979)
In spite of health, ease, and peace – in spite of dignity,
In spite of beuaty and greatness
The hour comes for the time to repose
From the bustle of the world to the depth of a grave
2 bod mewn hawddfyd live
ETYMOLOGY: (hawdd = easy; pleasant) + soft mutation + (byd =
world; circumstances)
hawddgar ‹haudh -gar›
1 easy-going, easy to get on with, likeable, amiable
2 pleasant
Salmau 84.1 I’r Pencerdd ar Gittith,
Salm meibion Cora. Mor hawddgar yw dy bebyll
di, O Arglwydd y lluoedd!
84:1 To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. How
amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts!
3 fair, lovely
Caniad Solomon 1.5 Du ydwyf fi, ond
hawddgar, merched Jrerwsalem, fel pebyll Cedar, fel llenni Solomon
Song-of-Solomon 1:5 I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as
the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
4 Brynhawddgar (“pleasant hill”)
name of a street in Clydach, county of Abertawe
ETYMOLOGY: (hawdd = easy, agreeable,
pleasant) + (-gar adjectival suffix)
hawddgarwch ‹haudh-GAA-rukh›
masculine noun
1 affability, amiability
ETYMOLOGY: (hawddgar = amiable) + (-wch suffix for forming abstract nouns)
hawl, hawliau ‹HAUL, HAUL-yia, -ye› (feminine noun)
1 right
hawlfreintiau ‹HAUL-vraint, haul-VREINT-ye›
(feminine noun)
1 copyright
tor hawlfraint breach of copyright
cedwir pob hawlfraint all rights
reserved (“every copyright is kept / is being kept”)
(The owner of an original work has five exclusive rights to it unless one or
more of these rights are transferred to another person. These rights are adapting
the work, making a copy or copies, displaying the work, performing the work in
public, and publishing or otherwise distributing the work)
hawlio ‹HAUL yo› (verb)
1 to claim = demand something that one is entitled to
hawlio braint claim a privilege
hawlio budd-dâl claim benefit, claim
a benefit payment
hawlio cael gwneud rhywbeth claim
the right to do something
hawlio meddiant ar rybweth claim
possession of something, lay claim to something
hawlio rhywbeth gan rywun claim
something from somebody
hawlio rhywbeth oddi ar rywun claim something from somebody
2 to claim = take something from somebody as if by right
hawlio einoes rhywun claim the life of somebody
hawlio einoes sawl un claim the
lives of many people
hawlfreintiau ‹HAUL vraint, haul VREINT ye›
(feminine noun)
1 copyright
(HAWL = right) + soft mutation + (BRAINT = privilege)
haws ‹HAUS› (adjective)
1 easier (see hawdd =
hawsaf (hawsa’) ‹HAU sa› (adjective)
1 easiest (see hawdd =
Haws dweud mynydd na mynd drosto ‹haus dweid mə-nidh naa mind dro-sto›
1 Easier said than done, Actions speak louder than words
ETYMOLOGY: (“(it’s) easier saying ‘mountain’ than going over it”) (haws = easier) + (dweud = saying, to say) + (mynydd
= mountain) + (na = than) + (mynd = going, to go) + (drosto = over it)
Haws dweud na gwneud ‹haus dweid naa gwneid›
1 Easier said than done (said of something which is more difficult
to do than appears at first sight), Actions speak louder than words
ETYMOLOGY: (“(it’s) easier saying than doing”)
(haws = easier) + (dweud = saying, to say) + (na = than) + (gwneud = doing, to do)
NOTE: Colloquially:
(North Wales) Haws deud na neud
(South Wales) Haws gweud na neud
there is aspiration of an initial vowel certain possessive determiners
‘m (= my), ei (= her), ein (= our),
eu (= their),
In this dictionary we mark this aspiration as h
â’m hewinedd wirh my fingernails, ewin fingernail
ei henw her name, enw name
ein heiddo our property, eiddo property
eu hesgyrn their bones asgwrn, esgyrn bone, bones
He ‹aich EE›
1 symbol for heliwm =
he ‹HEE› feminine noun
1 he = fifth letter in the Hebrew alphabet, transliterated into the Roman
alphabet as H, h
head ‹HEE-ad› masculine noun
PLURAL headau
‹he-AA-dai, -de›
1 sowing
ETYMOLOGY: (he-, stem of hau = to sow) + (-ad suffix for forming names)
heb ‹HEEB› (preposition)
1 without
(1) hebddo i ‹HEB dhoi› (preposition) (first person singular) without me
(1) hebddon ni ‹HEB dho ni› (preposition) (first person plural)
without us
(2) hebddot ti ‹HEB dho ti› (preposition) (second person singular)
without you
(2) hebddoch chi ‹HEB dho khi› (preposition) (second person plural)
without you
(3) hebddo fe / fo ‹HEB dho ve / vo› (preposition) (third person
singular masculine) without him
(3) hebddi hi ‹HEB dhi hi› (preposition) (third person singular
feminine) without her
(3) hebddyn nhw ‹HEB dhi nu (HEB dhint hui) (preposition) (third person
plural) without them
2 Rw i heb wybod eto pam I
still don’t know why (“I am still without knowing why”)
3 heb ddefnydd arno (m), heb ddefnydd arni (f) disused
lorri heb ddefnydd arni disused
Ni bu ddrwg erioed
heb ferch yn rhywben.
(Saying) Cherchez la femme; where there's trouble,
always a woman.
(‘there has never been trouble without a woman at some
1 abbreviation y Llythyr at yr Hebreaid (The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to The
Hebrews, in the New Testament)
heb- ‹heeb›
1 element with the meaning of ‘speak’ in certain compound words
ateb to answer
dihareb proverb
ebr (eb, ebe) she says, he says
gohebu â to correspond with, to
write to
gwrtheb contradiction
hebu obsolete speak, say
ETYMOLOGY: related to Latin inquam
(= I say)
heb air o gelwydd ‹heeb air oo gel -widh› adverb
1 no kidding, honestly,
ETYMOLOGY: “without a word of a lie” (heb = without) + soft mutation + (gair
= word) + (o = of) + soft mutation + (celwydd = a lie)
heb amharu ar
eich hawliau ‹heeb a-MHAA-ri ar əkh HAUL-yai,
-ye› adverb
1 (law) without prejudicing one’s rights
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + (amharu ar = harm) + (eich your) + (hawliau = rights, plural of hawl
= right)
heb arbed unrhyw
gost ‹heeb ar-bed in-hriu gost› adv;;)
1 with no expense spared
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + (arbed ar = save) + (unrhyw = any) + soft mutation + (cost = cost)
heb betruso dim ‹heeb be- tri -so dim› adverbial
1 without a moment’s hesitation, without pausing to think
heb ddagrau ‹heeb dha-gre›
1 without tears = painlessly, easily
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (dagrau tears, plural of deigryn = tear)
heb dderbyn
niwed ‹heeb dher-bin ni-wed› adverbial
1 unharmed
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (derbyn = to receive) + (niwed = harm, damage)
heb ddim dan
eich ewin ‹heeb dhim dan əkh eu -in›
1 clean, having nothing to hide
2 broke, poor, having no money
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (dim = anything, nothing)
+ (dan = under) + (eich = your) + (ewin = fingernail)
heb ddim help ‹heeb dhim help› adverb
1 without any help
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (dim = some, any) + (help = help)
heb ddim lol ‹heeb dhim lol› adverbial
1 (do something) and no nonsense
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (dim = some, any) + (lol = nonsense)
heb ddim pensen
ar eich elw ‹heeb dhim pen-sen ar əkh e-lu›
1 without a penny to your name
ETYMOLOGY: (“without any penny on your profit”) (heb = without) + soft mutation + (dim = any) + (pensen =
penny) + (ar = on) + (eich your) + (elw = profit)
heb ddim ysgol ‹heeb dhim ə-skol› adjectival
1 uneducated
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (dim = some, any) + (ysgol = school)
Heb Dduw, heb
ddim. Duw a digon ‹heeb dhiu, heeb dhim, diu a dî-gon›
1 Without God, we have nothing. To have God is to have plenty
ETYMOLOGY: (1) (heb = without) +
soft mutation + (Duw = God), heb
Dduw = without God
(2) (heb = without) + soft mutation
+ (dim = nothing), heb ddim =
without anything.
(3) (Duw = God) + (a = and) + (digon = sufficient), Duw a digon = God and enough, plenty
heb ddweud gair
o gelwydd ‹heeb dhweid gair o gê -luidh› adverbial
1 honestly, it’s not a word of a lie
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (dweud = to say) + (gair = word) + (o = of) + soft mutation + (celwydd
= a lie)
heb ddweud
rhywbeth ar ei ben ‹heeb dhweid hriu-beth ar ii ben› adverbial
1 in not so many words, without saying it outright
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (dweud = to say) + (rhywbeth = something) + (ar = on) + (ei = its) + soft mutation + (pen
= head)
heb ddweud yr un
gair ‹heeb dhweid ər iin gair›
1 without so much as a word
ETYMOLOGY: “without saying the one word” (heb
= without) + soft mutation + (dweud
= to say) + (yr un = the one) + (gair = word)
heb drafferth yn
y byd ‹heeb DRAA-ferth ən ə biid›
1 with no trouble at all, effortlessly
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (trafferth = trouble) + (yn y byd = in the world, at all)
Hebe ‹HEE-be› feminine noun
1 Greek goddess of youth, daughter of Zews (Zeus) and Hera
heb eich ail ‹heeb əkh AIL› adjective
1 unique, second to none; in a class of its own, in a class by
itself (“without your second”)
cefais groeso heb ei ail I received
a welcome that was second to none, that couldn’t be equalled
cantores heb ei hail yw hi she’s a
singer in a class of her own
heb eich gofyn ‹heeb əkh GOO-vin›
1 heb ei ofyn, without asking for it, unsolicited, unrequested
Da cyngor gwraig heb ei ofyn
(proverb) a wife’s advice, though not asked for, will be good advice
heb eich tebyg ‹heeb əkh tê -big› adjectival
1 unique, without equal
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + (eich = your) + (tebyg similarity)
heb ei fai, heb
ei eni ‹heeb i vai heeb i ê-ni›
1 everybody makes mistakes; nobody’s perfect; to err is human
Mae rhywbeth ar bawb - heb ei fai heb ei
eni Everybody is less than perfect - (“there is something on everybody”) -
everybody makes mistakes
Also: Y sawl sydd heb ei fai sydd heb ei
eni (“(it is) the one who-is without his fault who-is without his
ETYMOLOGY: (“(the person who is) without his fault (is) without his
being-born”) (heb = without) + (ei = his) + soft mutation + (bai = fault), (heb = without) + (ei =
his) + soft mutation + (geni = being
heb esgus da
iawn ‹heeb e-skis daa yaun› adverbial
1 without a very good excuse
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + (esgus = excuse) + (da = good) + (iawn =
heb ewyllys, heb
allu ‹heeb e- wə -lhis, heeb â-lhi›
1 you can’t because you don’t want to, the only reason you can’t do
it is because you don’t want to do it; where there’s a will, there’s a way
(“without will, without ability”)
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + (ewyllys = will) + (heb = without) + soft mutation + (gallu = ability)
heb fagu’n
llwyr, heb fagu wyr ‹heeb vâ-gin lhuir heeb vâ-gi uir›
1 saying even if you’ve
brought up children, you haven’t yet known the full the process of bringing up
children until you’ve also brought up your grandchildren (“without raising
completely, without raising (a) grandchild”)
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (magu = bring up, rear)
heb fanylu ‹heeb va- nə -li› adverb
1 without going into details
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (manylu = to go into
heb fanylu mwy ‹heeb va-nə-li mui› adverb
1 without going into any more detail, in a nutshell
heb fawr o lwc ‹heeb vaur o luk› adverb
1 without much luck (“without (a) great (amount) of luck”)
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (mawr = big)
heb feddwl dim
drwg ‹heeb vê-dhul dim druug›
1 without meaning any harm (“without thinking anything bad”)
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (meddwl = to think)
heb fentro, heb
ffafr ‹heeb ven-tro heeb fa -var›
1 nothing ventured, nothing gained; (of some challenge) - at least
give it a try (because you might succeed) (“without venturing, without favour”)
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (mentro = to venture, to
heb flewyn ar
dafod ‹heeb vleu-in ar dâ -vod›
1 without mincing words (“without a hair on tongue”)
heb ffys na
ffwdan ‹heeb fəs na fu -dan›
1 with no fuss, without any fuss (“without fuss or fuss / bustle”)
heb fod angen ‹heeb vood a -ngen› adverbial
1 needlessly
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (bod = to be) + (angen = need)
heb gyfri'r gost
‹heeb gə-vrir
kost› adv;;)
1 without counting the cost (= without taking the risks into
ETYMOLOGY: “without counting the cost” (heb
= without) + soft mutation + (cyfri /
cyfrif = to count) + (’r < yr = definite article) + soft mutation
+ (cost = cost)
héblaw ‹he-blau› masculine
county of Ceredigion
1 overlap (of two tiles)
2 overhang (of roof)
3 surplus, excess
Ma fe’n héblaw It’s more than enough
4 héblaw rhaff slack of a
ETYMOLOGY: See hebláw
hebláw ‹he BLAU› (preposition) apart from
in the North, often as ’blaw ‹BLAU›
heb na siw na miw
‹heeb na SIU na MIU› (adverb) without a
peep (out of her / him), without saying a word, explaining a thing
heboca ‹he-bo-ka› verb
1 go hawking
ETYMOLOGY: (hebog = hawk) + (-ha = suffix for forming verbs) > hebóg-ha > heboca
hebocty ‹he-bok-ti› masculine noun
PLURAL heboctai
1 mew = cage for hawks when moulting
ETYMOLOGY: “hawk house”
(hebog = hawk) + soft mutation + (ty = house)
> hebóg-dy
> hebocty (g + d = ct)
hebog ‹he -bog› masculine
PLURAL hebogau
1 bird hawk
ETYMOLOGY: Old English “hevok”; cf
words in other languages meaning ‘hawk’ with the same Indo-European origin –
Old Norse haukr,
German der Habicht (háabikht),
Polish kobuz;
but Irish seabhac (shauk) is probably Old English
hafoc ‹HA -vok›,
borrowed at an early period when in Irish a foreign h was replaced by s
2 Moel Hebog (SH5646),
mountain near Beddgelert (SH5948) in the county of Gwynedd.
At first sight this is ‘hill (of the) hawk’. But earlier it was Moel Hedog, from Moel Ehedog = hill (of the) bird. Since the word aderyn ‹a DEE
rin› is the usual word for bird, ehedog
gradually passed out of use, and the clipped form of the name (hedog) was confused with hebog. The two are completely unrelated
- ehedog is derived from the verb ehedu (= to fly), a word of Celtic
origin, while hebog is from Old
English hafoc ‹HA -vok›
(modern English hawk)
hebogaidd ‹he-bô-gedh› adjective
1 hawklike
ETYMOLOGY: (hebog = hawk) + (-aidd)
hebog tramor ‹hê-bog tra-mor› masculine noun
PLURAL hebogau
tramor ‹he-bô-ge tra-mor›
1 Falco peregrinus =
peregrine falcon
ETYMOLOGY: (hebog = hawk) + (tramor = foreign, overseas)
hebogydd ‹he-bô-gidh› masculine noun
PLURAL hebogyddion
1 hawker, falconer
ETYMOLOGY: (hebog = hawk) + (-ydd = agent suffix)
hebogyddiaeth ‹he-bo-gədh-yeth›
feminine noun
1 falconry
ETYMOLOGY: (hebogydd = falconer) + (-i-aeth)
hebog y gogledd ‹hê-bog ə go-gledd› masculine noun
PLURAL hebogau’r
gogledd ‹he-bô-ge ə go-gledd›
1 Falco rusticolus =
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) falcon (of) the north” (hebog
= hawk) + (y gogledd = the north)
hebog yr ehedydd
‹hê-bog ər
e-he-didh› masculine noun
PLURAL hebogau’r
ehedydd ‹he-bô-ger e-he-didh›
1 Falco subbuteo = hobby
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) falcon (of) the skylark” (hebog = hawk) + (yr ehedydd
= the lark)
heb os nac
onibái ‹heb os naag o-nii-bai› adverb
1 without doubt, there’s no doubt, quite clearly
ETYMOLOGY: “without (an) if or (an) if-it-weren’t” (heb = without) + (os =
if) + (nac = nor) + (onibái = if it weren’t)
Hebráeg ‹he BRAIG› (feminine noun, adjective)
1 (language) Hebrew
heb reswm yn y
byd ‹heeb re-sum ən ə biid›
1 for no reason at all
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (rheswm = reason) + (yn y byd = in the world)
heb rithyn o
amheuaeth ‹heeb RII-thin o am-hei-aith,
-eth› adverbial
1 without a shadow of a doubt
ETYMOLOGY: (heb = without) + soft
mutation + (rhithyn = least
particle; illusion) + (o = of) + (amheuaeth = doubt)
hebrwng ‹HE brung› (verb)
1 accompany
2 hebrwng i dŷei hir
gartref bury (someone) (“accompany someone to his long home”)
Pregethwr 12:5 Ie, yr amser yr ofnant yr
hyn sydd uchel, ac yr arswydant yn y ffordd, ac y blodeua y pren almon, ac y
bydd y ceiliog rhedyn yn faich, ac y palla chwant; pan elo dyn i dy ei hir
gartref, a’r galarwyr yn myned o bob tu yn yr heol
Ecclesiastes 12:5 Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and
fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the
grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his
long home, and the mourners go about the streets
heb yr un bensen ar eich elw ‹heeb ər iin ben-sen
ar əkh e-lu› adverb
1 without a penny to your name
ETYMOLOGY: (“without any penny on your profit”) (heb = without) + (yr =
the) + (un = one) soft mutation + (pensen = penny) + (ar = on) + (eich your) +
(elw = name)
hecterw ‹hek-te-ru› feminine noun
PLURAL hecterwau
1 Patagonian Welsh hectare
ETYMOLOGY: Castilian hectárea (=
hectare) + influence of Welsh erw (=
hedbeiriant ‹hed-BEIR-yant› masculine noun
PLURAL hedbeiriannau
‹hed-beir-YA-nau, -ne›
1 An unusual word for
airplane / aeroplane. The standard word is awyren (f), awyrennau
Cwrs Rhydychen Mewn Cymraeg, Llyfr Iaith, Cyfrol Cyntaf, Rhan 2, 1934. Tudalen
A ellwch chwi yrru eroplên (hedbeiriant)? Can you fly (“drive”) an
ETYMOLOGY: “flying engine / device” (hed-, stem of hedfan = to
fly) + soft mutation + (peiriant = engine, device)
hedd ‹HEEDH› masculine
1 peace
swyddog hedd (archaic) police
officer (“officer (of) peace”)
swyddog yr hedd (archaic) the
police officer (“(the) officer (of) the peace”)
2 Bro-hedd House name in
Ponciau (county of Wrecsam)
(in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion”
1961 / Part 1) (as “Bro Hedd”)
“land (of) peace” (bro = district) +
(hedd = peace)
Heddfan ‹hedh-van › feminine
1 (house name) “peaceful spot”
House name in Cwmllynfell (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
(in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society of
Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)
ETYMOLOGY: (hedd = peace) + soft
mutation + (man = place)
heddferch ‹hedh-verkh› feminine
PLURAL heddferched
‹hedh- ver-khed›
1 literary word
ETYMOLOGY: (hedd = peace) + soft
mutation + (merch = girl, woman)
heddgeidwad ‹hedh-geid-wad› masculine
PLURAL heddgeidwaid
1 literary word policeman
ETYMOLOGY: (hedd = peace) + soft
mutation + (ceidwad = keeper)
heddi’ ‹HEE dhi› (adverb)
1 (South Wales) southern form of heddiw = today.
Also heddi > ’eddi (loss of initial h is typical in the south)
heddiw ‹HEE dhiu› (adverb) ‹HEI
1 today (South - heddi / ’eddi; north - heiddiw)
Heddiw piau hi, nid yfory Don’t put
off until tomorrow what you can do today, Don’t leave until tomorrow what you
can do today
heddlu ‹hedh -li›
masculine noun
PLURAL heddluoedd
‹hedh- lî -odh›
1 police = police force; constabulary = police force of a town,
un o heddluoedd Cymru on of the
Welsh constabularies, one of the Welsh police forces
2 gorsaf heddlu police
3 fan heddlu (American:
patrol wagon, paddy wagon)
(Englandic: police van, Black Maria ‹məráiə›
car heddlu police car
4 heddlu arfog armed
5 heddlu puteiniaeth vice
squad (“police (of) prostitution”)
ETYMOLOGY: “group (of) peace” (hedd
= peace) + soft mutation + (llu =
group, host, army)
(dewl 0032) Car heddlu ar feili gorsaf reilffordd Amwythig (Lloegr) Sul 10 Awst
Police car on the forecourt of the station in Amwythig (Shrewsbury, England)
Sunday 10 August 2003
heddlu cudd ‹hedh-li kiidh› masculine noun
PLURAL heddluoedd
cudd ‹hedh-lî-odh kiidh›
1 secret police
heddus ‹HEE-dhis› adjective
1 peaceful, pacífic, tranquil
2 Heddus woman’s name
ETYMOLOGY: (hedd = peace) + (-us = suffix for forming adjectives)
heddwas ‹hedh-was›
masculine noun
PLURAL heddweision
‹hedh- wei-shon›
1 policeman
ETYMOLOGY: ‘peace servant’, (hedd =
peace) + soft mutation + (gwas =
heddwch ‹HEE-dhukh›
masculine noun
1 peace = absence of war between groups of people
ceisio heddwch sue for peace, seek
an end to conflict
dod yn heddwch (subject: hi) peace - return
.....pan ddaw hi’n heddwch when
there’s peace once more, when the war is over
erfyn am heddwch sue for peace, seek
an end to conflict
gwlad mewn heddwch â’i chymdogion a
country at peace with its neighbours
lili heddwch peace lily
2 peace = harmony between individuals
pibell heddwch pipe of peace
byw mewn heddwch live in peace, live
in harmony
3 peace = public order, absence of disturbances in society
cadw’r heddwch keep the peace
gwneud heddwch make peace
tarfu ar yr heddwch disturb the
torri’r heddwch disturb the peace
ynad heddwch justice of the peace = local
magistrate who may issue warrants or open investigations into an offence; or
may act as a judge in a court of petty sesions (where less serious criminal
offences are tried)
4 peace = peace treaty
Heddwch Versailles Versailles Treaty
5 peace, tranquillity, stillness = lack of disturbance, noise
cysgu mewn heddwch sleep in peace
6 peace = freedom from demands, requests, orders, etc
Da chi, blant, rhowch funud o heddwch i
For goodness sake, children, give me a moment’s peace
7 peace of mind = untroubled mind, lack of troubling thoughts or
feelings of guilt; easy conscience
(Bible) Nid oes heddwch i’r rhai
annuwiol There’s no peace unto the wicked.
From the sentence in:
Eseia 57:21 Ni bydd heddwch, medd fy
Nuw, i’r rhai annuwiol
Isaiah 57:21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
heddwch cydwybod peace of mind
(“peace (of) conscience”)
8 (Religion) peace = eternal rest
heddwch i’w henaid God rest her soul
(“peace to her soul”)
heddwch i’w enaid God rest his soul
heddwch i’w llwch God rest her soul
(“peace to her dust / mortal remains”)
heddwch i’w lwch God rest his soul
.....Dw i’n cofio mynd heibio i’r capel,
a’r hen Owen Huws - heddwch i’w lwch - yn gofyn imi lle’r awn i
I remember going past the chapel, and old Owen Huws - God rest his soul -
asking me where I was going
9 greeting in the Bible: peace be unto you; cf Hebrew “shalom
(aleichem)” = peace (be with you)
Genesis 43:19 A hwy a nesasant at y gwr
oedd olygwr ar dy Joseff; ac a lefarasant wrtho wrth ddrws y ty... (43:23) Yntau a ddywedodd, Heddwch i chwi; nac
ofnwch: eich Duw chwi, a Duw eich tad, a roddes i chwi drysor yn eich sachau;
daeth eich arian chwi ataf fi....
Genesis 43:19 And they came near to the steward of Joseph’s house, and they
communed with him at the door of the house,... (43:23) And he said, Peace be to
you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in
your sacks: I had your money....
10 (Bible) in parting dos
mewn heddwch - go in peace
Samuel-1 1:17 Yna yr atebodd Eli, ac a
ddywedodd, Dos mewn heddwch: a Duw Israel a roddo dy ddymuniad yr hwn a
ddymunaist ganddo ef
Samuel-1 1:17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel
grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.
11 eisteddfod ceremony – the archdruid with a drawn sword asks the
A oes heddwch? (is there peace [in
the land]?) in crowning or chairing ceremony -
expecting an affirmative reply (heddwch),
and then the sword is sheathed
tor heddwch breach of the peace
ETYMOLOGY: (hedd = peace) + (-wch = suffix)
heddychol ‹he DHƏ khol› (adjective)
1 peaceful
heddychlon ‹he DHƏKH lon› (adjective)
1 peaceful
gwrthdystiad heddychlon a peaceful demonstration
hedegog ‹he DEE
gog› (adj)
1 flying
gwiwer hedegog (f) gwiwerod hedegog flying squirrel
soser hedegog (f) soseri hedegog flying saucer
trychfilyn hedegog (m) trychfilod hedegog flying insect
pryf hedegog (m) pryfed hedegog (colloquial) flying insect
morgrugyn hedegog (m) morgrug hedegog flying ant
2 airborne
llygryddion hedegog airborne pollutants
hedfan ‹HED van› (verb)
1 to fly
2 Fuwch fach gota – glaw neu
Os daw glaw, cwympa o’m llaw;
Os daw haul, hedfana!
Ladybird – rain or fine weather?
If rain will come, fall from my hand
If sun will come, fly!
(The second person singular imperative is hedfan; generally in Welsh it
is the same as the stem form of the verbnoun. Sometimes the stem form is the
same as the verbnoun, as in the case of hedfan. But in recent times
thers has been a tendency for the –a found in
Cleren o'r domen sy'n hedfan ucha “a
fly from the dung heap flies highest” (said of someone of lowly beginnings who
rises to a very prominent position)
hedydd ‹HEE-didh› feminine
1 clipped form of ehedydd
= (Alauda arvensis) skylark, with the loss of the first syllable before the
accented syllable (a very common feature in spoken Welsh)
Street name in Bangor: Brynhedydd
for bryn ehedydd < bryn yr ehedydd “(the) hill (of) the
skylark” (LL57 3HR)
NOTE: See: ehedydd
hedyn ‹HEE -din› masculine
hadau ‹haad,
HAA -de›
1 seed = plant ovule
2 pip = seed of certain fruits (apple, orange, etc)
3 small hard fruit of certain plants (such as wheat) which resemble
seeds; had yd, also hadyd seed corn, corn kept for sowing
4 propagative part of plants in the form of a tuber, spore, bulb; tato had seed potatoes, potato tubers
kept for planting;
5 seed = germ, beginning, embryo, nucleus (figurative)
hedyn crefydd newydd oedd y cwlt di-sail
the baseless new cult was the seed of a new religion;
hadau anghydfod the seeds of discord
6 an inkling, an ounce, least amount
Pe bai yna hedyn ymarferol ynddo...
If he had an ounce of practical sense... (if there was a practical seed in
7 seed; hadau carwe =
caraway seeds, hadau gwair = grass
8 seed = crystal to produce crystallization
9 (ni) hidio un haden =
(not) care a damn (“not care one seed”)
10 South-west Wales hadyn (masculine noun), haden (feminine noun) flamboyant character,
mischievous person
11 Bible seed = semen;
Genesis 38:9 Ac Onan a wybu nad iddo ei
hun y byddai’r had (= teulu) ; Pan
ele efe at ei wraig, yna y colle efe ei had ar y llawr, rhag rhoddi ohono had (=
plant) i’w frawd And Onan knew that
the seed should not be his, and it came to pass, when he went in unto his
brother’s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed
(= children) to his brother
12 Bible descendants,
had Abraham = the seed of Abraham
Salmau 25:12 Pa ŵr yw efe sydd yn
ofni’r ARGLWYDD? efe a’i dysg ef yn y ffordd a ddewiso. 25:13 Ei enaid ef a erys mewn daioni: a’i had a
etifedda y ddaear.
Psalms 25:12 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the
way that he shall choose. 25:13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed
shall inherit the earth.
13 hau hadau gwylltion
sow one’s wild oats = be adventurous and promiscuous in one’s youth (“sow wild
14 gwely hadau seedbed =
place where seedlings are grown before being transplanted
An alternative form in South Wales is
pâm hadau
15 comparisons: mor lluosog â
had mwstard (“as numerous as mustard seeds”)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *sat-
< Celtic
From the same British root: Cornish haz
= seed, had = seed.
The related Germanic root sât- gave
Old English “sääd”, modern English seed,
German Saat
NOTE: the singular forms are based on the plural (or more strictly speaking,
collective) had (= seeds); the
suffix -yn is added.
Thus, hedyn (= seed), with the
normal affection of the ‘a’ under the influence of the ‘y’ of the suffix.
However in the south the form is hadyn
– in south Wales in many words the affection doesn’t occur.
In some dialects in Wales also haden
(a form with the feminine diminutive suffix -en) .
In addition to the plural had, there
is a double plural hadau
hefyd ‹HEE vid› (adverb)
1 also
2 a hefyd and also...
Sometimes found incorrectly as ac hefyd
Colloquially there are clipped
forme ´fyd, èd
heibio ‹HEIB yo› (adverb)
1 past
2 bwrw'r amser heibio while away
the time
3 troi heibio ward off
troi perygl heibio ward off danger
troi heibio ddyrnodau (rhywun) ward
off (somebody’s) blows
heicio ‹HEIK-yo› verb
1 to hike
2 clwb heicio hiking club
ETYMOLOGY: English to hike; origin
heiciwr ‹HEIK-yur› masculine
PLURAL heicwyr
1 hiker = person who walks long distances for recreation
ETYMOLOGY: (heic-i-, stem of heicio = to hike) + (-wr, agent suffix, ‘man’)
heidden ‹HEI-dhen › feminine
PLURAL haidd
1 barleycorn, grain of barley
Siôn Heidden John Barleycorn,
personification of malt spirits or of alcohol in general
gwneud clust fel hwch mewn haidd
prick up your ears (“make (an) ear like (a) sow in barley”)
4 haidd perlog pearl
cae haidd barley field
Cae-haidd street name in Llanymynech
(county of Powys) (“Cae Haidd”)
ETYMOLOGY: (heidd- penult form of haidd
= barley) + (-yn suffix added to
nouns to make a singular form out of a collective noun or plural noun)
Breton heizhenn (= grain of barley)
heidio ‹HEID yo› (verb)
1 to flock
ETYMOLOGY: (heid- penult form of haid
= flock) + (-io verbal suffix)
heini ‹HEI ni› (adjective)
1 agile
heitgar ‹ HEIT -gar› adjective
gregarious, fond of company
ETYMOLOGY: 1900+; heitgar < héid-gar (haid = flock, crowd) + (-gar
suffix for forming adjectives, meaning ‘fond of’, cf caru = to love)
hel ‹HEL › (verb)
North Wales
1 send (in the South, the corresponding form is hala ‹HA-la›)
2 collect, gather
hel mêl i’r cwch feather one’s nest
= make oneself comfortable financially (implies thinking only of oneself,
ignoring the well-being of others) (“gather honey to the hive”)
3 hel gwynt i sachau try
to do the impossible (“gather wind into sacks”)
4 in expressions meaning to ‘go off’
...a/ hel eich carcas (North Wales) ‹hel əkh kar-kas›
“gather your carcass”
.......... Hel dy garcas oddi yma! = Get lost! Be off with you!
...b/ hel eich cymalau (North Wales) walk, get moving (“gather
your joints”)
...c/ hel eich traed (“gather one's
feet”) go away, go off
..........Rhaid imi hel ’nhraed I
must be going, It’s time for me to go
ymhél â (rhywbeth) become involved
with (something)
(ym- = reflexive prefix ) + (hel- = to send, to gather)
Colloquial forms: ymél, ’mhel; ymhela,
’mela; ymhelach, ymelach, ’melach
hela <HE-la> [ˡhɛla]
1 to hunt
2 hela claps to gossip
helbul <HEL-bil> [ˡhɛlbɪl] masculine
PLURAL helbulon <hel-BII-lon>
1 trouble, affliction, problem
Byddai y cymydogion yn dyweud eu helbulon iddi fel plant yn siarad â'u
The neighbours would explain their problems to her like children talking to
their mother
heledd <HEE-ledh> [ˡheˑlɛð]
PLURAL heleddau <he-LEE-dhai, -e> [hɛˡleˑðaɪ,
1 salt pit
See Yr Heledd-ddu, Yr Heledd-wen below
Heledd <HEE-ledh> [ˡheˑlɛð]
1 Ynysoedd Heledd (Scotland / Yr Alban) The Hebrides
Heledd <HEE-ledh> [ˡheˑlɛð] (feminine noun)
1 woman’s name
Yr Heledd-ddu <ər HEE-ledh
DHII> [ər ˡheˑlɛð ˡðiː]
1 Northwich, Cheshire
(delwedd 4295)
ETYMOLOGY: “the black salt pit” (yr definite article) + (heledd =
salt pit) + soft mutation + (du = black)
Yr Heledd-wen <ər HEE-ledh
WEN> [ər ˡheˑlɛð ˡwɛn]
1 Northwich, Cheshire
(delwedd 4294)
ETYMOLOGY: “the white salt pit”
(yr definite article) + (heledd = salt pit) + soft mutation + (gwen,
feminine form of gwyn = white)
Helen <HEE-len> [ˡheˑlɛn]
Helen (woman’s name)
variant of Elen Luyddog (“Elen of
the Hosts”) from a noble family in Segontium (Caernarfon). She married Macsen
Wledig (Magnus Maximus), born in the Iberian peninsula, who became commander of
the Roman army in Britain and who in AD 383 went to Rome where he deposed
Gratian and made himself Emperor, and became a Christian. It is said that Elen
returned to Wales after Macsen’s death five years later, in AD 388.
The tale is preserved in “Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig” (“the dream of Magnus (the)
leader”) , written down around 1400 and forming part of the collection of
twelve medieval Welsh tales known as the “Mabinogion”.
Sarn Helen name given to several
sections of Roman road e.g. a section of Roman road north and south of Y Banwen
(county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) Sarn Helen near
Cellan, Ceredigion SN6448 Sarn Helen near
Llan-y-crwys, county of Caerfyrddin SN8447
helfa <HEL-va> [ˡhɛlva]
PLURAL helféydd
1 hunting ground
2 hunt = the finding, chasing and killing of an animal or bird
yn ystod yr helfa during the hunt
helfa lwynogod North Wales foxhunt
helfa gadnóid South Wales foxhunt
helfa abwyd drag hunt, hunt in which
hounds follow a trail previously marked with a object scented with aniseed
dragged along the ground (“hunt (of) bait”)
3 hunt = a group organised to pursue and kill an animal or bird
Cyfarfu llawer o helfeydd ar hyd a lled
Cymru rhwng y Nadolig a Dydd Calan
Many hunts met all over Wales between Christmas and New Year’s Day
4 catch, haul; amount of animals / birds / fish caught
cael helfa dda catch a good
quantity, do well (hunting, fishing) (“get a good hunt / catch”)
helfa o bysgod a catch of fish
tri brithyllyn braf oedd ein helfa erbyn
By now our catch amounted to three fine trout
Genesis 27:3 Ac yn awr cymer, atolwg, dy
offer, dy gawell saethu, a’th fwa, a dos allan i’r maes, a hela i mi helfa
Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy
bow, and go out to the field, and take me (some)
Luc 5:4 A phan beidiodd â llefaru, efe a
ddywedodd wrth Simon, Gwthia i’r dwfn, a bwriwch eich rhwydau am helfa
Luke 5:4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the
deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
5 activity of looking for and picking fruits ; amount of fruit
ar yr helfa gyntaf on the first
search (for blackberries, etc)
6 round-up = bringing together of scattered cattle
7 haul = thief’s booty
Fe fu’n teulu ni yn ysglyfaeth i’r giwed
anweledig sawl tro. Radio y car a’r olwyn sbâr fu’r helfa ddiweddaraf
Our family was the target of the invisible rabble on many occasions. The car
radio and a spare wheel was the latest haul
8 North Wales telling off,
rebuke, scolding
ETYMOLOGY: (hel-, root of hel = to hunt) + (fa, noun suffix denoting an action)
helfa dafarnau <HEL-va da-VAR-nai, -e> [ˡhɛlva daˡvarnaɪ, -ɛ] feminine noun
PLURAL helféydd
tafarnau <hel-VEIDH ta-VAR-nai, -e>
[hɛlˡvəɪð taˡvarnaɪ,
1 pub crawl, the act of going from one pub after another to drink in
each one
(cf go on a pub crawl - hel tafarnau, crwydro
tafarnau, mynd o dafarn i dafarn)
ETYMOLOGY: (helfa = hunt) + soft
mutation + (tafarnau = taverns,
plural of tafarn = tavern)
helfa ddewiniaid
dheu-IN-yaid, -yed> [ˡhɛlva ðɛʊˡɪnjaɪd, -ɛd]
feminine noun
PLURAL helféydd
dewiniaid <hel-VEIDH-deu IN-yaid,
-ed> [hɛlˡvəɪð dɛʊˡɪnjaɪd,
1 witch hunt, search for supposed witches in order to exterminate
them and free people from the ills they are said to have caused
ETYMOLOGY: (helfa = hunt) + soft
mutation + (dewiniaid = sorcerers,
plural of dewin = sorcerer)
helfa drysor <HEL-va-DRƏ-sor> [ˡhɛlva ˡdrəsɔr] feminine noun
PLURAL helféydd
trysor <hel-VEIDH TRƏ-sor> [hɛlˡvəɪð ˡtrəsɔr]
1 treasure hunt; a game where a ‘treasure’ or prize is hidden; a
seeker of the prize starts with a clue which leads him / her to a place where a
there is a note with a second clue; after finding a series of clues, the seeker
arrives finally at the place where the prize is hidden;
bod ar helfa drysor to be on a
treasure hunt
ETYMOLOGY: (helfa = hunt) + soft
mutation + (trysor = treasure)
helfa gadnóid <HEL-va gad-NOO-id> [ˡhɛlva gadˡnoˑɪd] feminine noun
PLURAL helféydd
cadnóid <hel-VEIDH-kad-NOO-id> [hɛlˡvəɪð kadˡnoˑɪd]
1 South Wales foxhunt =
the pursuit of a fox by hunters on horseback and a pack of hounds in order to
kill it for the pleasure of taking part in the chase and observing the death of
the fox
ETYMOLOGY: (helfa = hunt) + soft
mutation + (cadnóid = foxes, plural
of cadno = fox)
helfa lwynogod <HEL-va lui-NOO-god> [ˡhɛlva lʊɪˡnoˑgɔd] feminine noun
PLURAL helféydd
llwynogod <hel-VEIDH lui-NOO-god> [hɛlˡvəɪð lʊɪˡnoˑgɔd]
1 North Wales foxhunt =
the pursuit of a fox by hunters on horseback and a pack of hounds in order to
kill it for the pleasure of taking part in the chase and observing the death of
the fox
ETYMOLOGY: (helfa = hunt) + soft
mutation + (llwynogod = foxes, plural
of llwynog = fox)
helfarch <HEL-varkh>
[ˡhɛlvarx] masculine noun
PLURAL helfeirch
1 (literary) hunter =
horse for hunting
ETYMOLOGY: (hel-, stem of hela = to hunt) + soft mutation + (march = horse)
Helfetaidd <hel-VE-taidh,
-edh> [hɛlˡvɛtaɪð, -ɛð]
1 Helvetian, Swiss
ETYMOLOGY: (Helfet-, root of Helfetia (= Helvetia, Switzerland)) + (-aidd, adjectival suffix)
Helfetia <hel-VET-ya>
[hɛlˡvɛtja] feminine noun
1 Helvetia [hel-vii-shə]
= name of an Alpine region in Roman times corresponding to the north and
western part of present-day Switzerland
2 Helvetia = Latin name for Switzerland (eg used on postage stamps)
ETYMOLOGY: Latin Helvetî (= name of
a Celtic people of south-east Gaul)
helfeydd <hel-VEIDH>
[hɛlˡvəɪð] plural
hunts; see helfa = hunt
helger <HEL-ger> [ˡhɛlgɛr] masculine
or feminine noun
1 dispute, argument; fuss, bother; metathesised form of hergel (qv)
Ar ôl yr holl helger am golli ei waled,
dyna fe yn ei ffindio yn ei siaced arall
After all the bother about losing his wallet, he found it in his other jacket
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh helger < hergel < obsolete English argle (= dispute)
helgi <HEL-gi> [ˡhɛlgɪ]
masculine noun
PLURAL helgwn
1 hunting dog, hound
2 haid o helgwn pack of
ETYMOLOGY: (hel-, stem of hela = to hunt) + soft mutation + (ci = dog)
helgig <HEL-gig> [ˡhɛlgɪg] masculine
PLURAL helgigoedd
-odh> [hɛlˡgiˑgɔɪð],
1 game
trwydded helgig game licence,
licence to sell meat from hunting
ETYMOLOGY: (hel-, stem of hela = to hunt) + soft mutation + (cig = meat)
helgwn <HEL-gun> [ˡhɛlgʊn] plural
1 hounds, hunting dogs; see helgi = hound, hunting dog
heli <HEE-li> [ˡheˑlɪ]
masculine noun
brine, salt water
bwrw heli i'r môr do something which
is completely pointless (“throw brine into the sea”)
sea water, sea
Maesyrheli street name in Aberaeron “(the) field (of) the sea”, field
next to the sea
Maes-heli < maes yr heli street name in Aberystwyth
Craigheli house name, Pont-rhyd-y-bont, Ynys Môn (“Craig-heli”) craig
yr heli “(the) rock (of) the sea”, rock overlooking the sea”
Hafodheli house name, Pont-rhyd-y-bont, Ynys Môn (“Hafod Heli”) hafod
yr heli “(the) summer place (of) the sea”, “summer place overlooking the
morfa heli salt marsh = ground which
is covered with salt water from time to time and has phalocytic vegetation
mor hallt â'r heli very salty ‘as
salty as brine’
cyn hallted â heli cig moch very
salty ‘as salty as (the) brine (for salting) pork’
pwll heli oceanarium = large
aquarium for marine life
pwll heli brine pool, salt pool
Pwllheli (SH3735) locality in the
county of Gwynedd
Llifai’r llanw i‘r man isel, y Gors,
sydd rhwng Stryd King’s Head a Phentrepoeth, i roi ini’r “pwll heli”
Ar Hyd Ben ‘Rallt / Elfed Gruffydd /
Llyfrau Llafar Gwlad / Rhif 42 / Gwasg Carreg Walch, Llanrwst / 1991 / tudalen
The tide flowed into the low-lying spot, Y Gors (“the marsh”), between King’s
Head Street and Pentre-poeth, to give us the “pwll heli” (brine pool)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh heli < British *salî < *sal (= salt, saltwater) < Celtic
heliwr ‹HEL-yur› [ˡhɛljʊr] masculine noun
PLURAL helwyr
‹HEL-wir› [ˡhɛlwɪr]
1 hunter, huntsman
Tafarn yr Heliwr tavern in Nefyn, in
English “the Sportsman Inn”
“(the) tavern (of) the hunter”
ETYMOLOGY: (hel-, stem of hela = to hunt) + soft mutation + (cig = meat)
helltni <HELHT-ni> [ˡhɛɬtnɪ] masculine noun
1 saltiness
ETYMOLOGY: (hallt = salt) + (-ni suffix); the final ‹i› has caused the change ‹a›
> ‹e›, which is characteristic in Welsh
(vowel affection)
helm <HELM> [hɛlm] (f)
PLURAL helmau <HEL-mai> [ˡhɛlmaɪ]
1 helmet
Samuel-1 27:5 A helm o bres ar ei ben, a llurig emog a wisgai: a phwys y
llurig oedd bum mil o siclau pres.
Samuel-1 27:5 And he had an helmet of brass upon his head, and he was armed with
a coat of mail; and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass.
46:4 Cenglwch y meirch, ac ewch arnynt; sefwch yn eich helmau, gloywch y
gwaywffyn, gwisgwch y llurigau
Jeremiah 46:4 Harness the horses; and get up, ye horsemen, and stand forth
with your helmets; furbish the spears, and put on the brigadines
NOTE: The modern Welsh word is helmed, helmedi / helmedau
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English helm (= helmet) < Old English.
Related to Old English helan (= to cover), German hüllen (= to
wrap, to shroud, to envelope)
Cf German der Helm (= helmet), Dutch helm (= helmet)
helm (helem) <HELM, HEE-lem> [hɛlm,
ˡheˑlɛm] (f)
PLURAL helmi,
helmydd <HEL-mi, HEL-midh> [ˡhɛlmɪ,
1 corn stack
2 (Ceredigion) Mae hi fel helem (said of a fat woman) She’s immense
(“she’s like a corn stack”)
3 Pencaerhelem SN9953 A farm near Cilmeri, Powys
pen cae’r helem “(the) top / end / edge (of) Cae’r Helem”
cae’r helem “(the) field (of) the
corn stack”
Maesyrhelem SO0875 Farm south-west of Llanbadarn Fynydd, Powys
maes yr helem “(the) field (of) the corn stack”
ETYMOLOGY: Probably helm (= helmet), used metaphorically.
NOTE: The Dialect of the West of England Particularly Somersetshire by James
Jennings 1869. Helm. s[ubstantive]
Wheat straw prepared for thatching.
(Though identical in form, the meaning of this word, noted in 1869, is
not the same as that of the Welsh word; it is probably an unrelated word)
NOTE: South-east Wales – helmau > ’elma
helm <HELM> [hɛlm] (f)
PLURAL helmydd,
helmau <HEL-midh, HEL-mai> [ˡhɛlmɪð,
1 open hayshed (a shed for storing hay having no walls – merely four corner
posts and a roof)
ETYMOLOGY: Dialect English helm (= a shed in a field; hut)
hel merched (North
Wales) <hel
MER-khed> [hɛl ˡmɛrxɛd]
1 be a ladies’ man
helo <HE-lo>
[ˡhɛlɔ] (phrase)
1 hello
help <HELP> [hɛlp] (masculine
1 help
helpu <HEL-pi> [ˡhɛlpɪ]
1 to help
-Allwch chi fy helpu os gwelwch yn dda?
-Galla, siŵr o fod
-Can you help me?
-Yes, certainly
helpu eich corff / helpu’ch corff <HEL-pikh KORF> [ˡhɛlpɪx
1 defecate
Yr oedd Ysgol heb fod ymhell o'r dre a'r
plant yn helpu eu cyrff mewn pwcedi budron; nid oedd gan y Cyngor arian i roi
'water closet' i'r plant ond eto yn medru gwario i gael Tywysog o Sais i'r dref
Cerddi ac Atgofion Twm Bethel, T H Jones,
1976, tudalen 41
There was a school not far from the town where the children defecated in dirty
buckets, the Council had no money to give the children a ‘water closet’ and yet
was able to spend to bring an English price to the town
ETYMOLOGY: “help your body” (helpu =
help) + (eich = your) + (corff = body)
Helygain <he-LƏ-gain, -gen> [hɛˡləgaɪn,
1 (SJ2171) locality in the county of Y Fflint, 5km south-east of
Local form: Lygan <LƏ-gan>
[ˡləgan] with the loss
of the first syllable, and with final <ai> [aɪ] > <a> [a] , a
peculiarity of the county of Y Fflint and which is more characteristic of the
dialect of the north-west. The county of Y Fflint is in north-east Wales, the
majority of which has <ai> [aɪ] > <e> [ɛ]
English name: Halkyn
a parish at this place
(SJ1872) Mynydd Helygain high land
west of Helygain, with remains of lead mines and quarries
English name: Halkin Mountain
SJ2072 Pentre Helygain hamlet 1 km
north-west of Helygain on the road to Treffynnon
Maeslygan (“(the) field (of)
Helygain”) name of a street (“Maes Lygan”) in the village of Pentrehelygain
(Lygan <LƏ-gan> [ˡləgan] is the local form of Helygain)
NOTE: In this part of the north-east a final <e>
[ɛ] becomes <a>
[a] , as in the north-west; thus, Helygain
[hɛˡləgaɪn] > Helygen <he-LƏ-gen> [hɛˡləgɛn] > (He)lygan <(he-)LƏ-gan> [(hɛ)ˡləgan]
helygen <he-LƏ-gen> [hɛˡləgɛn]
PLURAL helyg <HEE-lig> [ˡheˑlɪg]
1 (Salix alba) willow, wilow tree
pren helyg (m) (prennau helyg) willow tree
coeden helyg (f) (coed helyg) willow tree
helygen y gwinllannoedd willow tree
(“willow of the plantations”)
2 helygen wylofus (Salix babylonica)
weeping willow, Asian willow tree with drooping branches
llwyn helyg willow grove, willow bed
helyglwyn willow grove, willow bed
Dôlhelyg < dôl yr helyg (“(the)
river-meadow (of) the willows”)
Street name, Tal-y-bont, by Bangor (Gwynëdd)
Also dryw'r helyg “wren (of) the
willow trees”
telor yr helyg (Phylloscopus
trochilus) willow warbler “warbler (of) the willow trees”
Also dryw'r helyg “wren (of) the
willow trees”
6 corhelygen (corhelyg)
(Salix repens) creeping willow
“dwarf hazel tree” (cor- prefix = dwarf, small) + (helygen =
hazel tree)
7 helygen Awstria
(Salix mielichhoferi)
Austrian willow
helygen aflymddail
(Salix retusa)
retuse-leaved willow
helygen amhéus
(Salix ambigua)
ambiguous willow
helygen Apua
(Salix crataegifolia)
Apuan willow
helygen ariannaidd
(Salix argentea)
silky sand willow
helygen aur
(Salix alba var. vitellina)
golden willow
helygen Bábilon
(Salix babylonica)
weeping willow
See: helygen wylofus
14 helygen
(Salix fragilis var. russelliana)
Bedford willow
See: helygen y Dug
15 helygen
(Salix pentandra)
bay willow (also laurel-leaved willow, sweet willow)
helygen bêr (helyg pêr)
(Salix pentandra)
bay willow (also laurel-leaved willow)
See: helygen beraroglaidd
17 helygen
borffor (helyg porffor)
(Salix daphnoides)
violet willow
helygen dail llus
(Salix myrsinifolia)
whortle-leaved willow (“willow (of) leaves (of) bilberries”)
helygen dail-te
(Salix phylicifolia)
Tea-leaved willow (“willow (of) leaves (of) tea”)
helygen ddu (helyg duon)
(Salix triandra)
almond willow (“black willow”)
See: helygen trigwryw
21 helygen
ddu (helyg duon)
(Salix nigra) (“black willow”)
black willow
helygen drigwryw hirddail (helyg trigwryw hirddail)
(Salix triandra) almond willow
See: helygen trigwryw
23 helygen
drigwryw (helygen trigwryw)
(Salix triandra)
almond willow, long-leaved triandrous willow, French willow (“three-male
helygen dywyll (helyg tywyll)
(Salix nigricans)
dark-leaved willow
helygen euraidd
(Salix alba ssp. vitellina)
golden willow (“golden willow”)
helygen fach y mynydd (helyg bach y mynydd)
(Salix arbuscula)
Mountain willow (“(the) little willow (of) the upland”)
helygen fân-ddanheddog (helyg mân-ddanheddog)
(Salix breviserrata)
finely-toothed willow
helygen fan-flewog (helyg man-flewog)
(Salix lapponum)
downy willow or Lapland willow
See: helygen wlanog hirddail
29 helygen
felen (helyg melyn)
(Salix alba ssp. vitellina)
golden willow (“yellow willow”)
See: helygen euraidd
30 helygen
(Salix triandra)
almond willow (“French willow”)
See: helygen trigwryw
31 helygen
flodeuog (helyg blodeuog)
(Chilopsis linearis)
desert willow (“flowery willow”)
See: helygen yr anialwch
32 helygen foel (helyg moelion)
(Salix glabra)
hairless willow (“bald / hairless willow”)
helygen frau (helyg brau)
(Salix fragilis var fragilis)
crack willow or brittle willow (“brittle willow”)
helygen fyrtwydd
(Salix myrsinites)
whortle-leaved willow (“willow (of) mulberry trees”)
helygen gam (helyg ceimion)
(Salix matsudana)
contorted willow (“bent willow”)
helygen glec (helyg clec)
See: helygen frau (helyg brau)
(Salix fragilis var fragilis)
Crack willow (“snap willow / crack willow”)
37 helygen glustiog (helyg
(Salix aurita)
dwarf-eared willow (“eared willow”)
See: helygen Grynglustiog
38 helygen
gochlas (helyg cochlas)
(Salix purpurea)
purple willow (“purple willow, reddish-blue willow”)
helygen grynddail fwyaf (helyg crynddail mwyaf)
(Salix caprea)
goat willow
helygen grynglustiog
(Salix aurita)
eared willow (“round-eared willow”)
helygen Gymreig
(Salix fragilis var decipiens)
Welsh willow (“Welsh willow”)
42 helygen hirddail
(Salix calodendron)
long-leaved willow (“long-leaved willow”)
43 helygen Lagger
(Salix laggeri)
Laggers willow (“willow (of) Lagger”)
helygen las (helyg gleision)
(Salix alba var. caerulea)
Cricket-bat willow (“blue willow”)
45 helygen las (helyg gleision)
(Salix glauca)
bluish willow (“blue willow”)
46 helygen lasddeiliog (helyg glasddeiliog)
(Salix caesia)
blue-leaved willow
helygen leiaf (helyg lleiaf)
(Salix herbacea)
least willow or dwarf willow
48 helygen Llychlyn
(Salix polaris)
polar willow
See: helygen yr Arctig
49 helygen
(Salix myrsinifolia)
whortle-leaved willow
See: helygen dail llus
51 helygen
lwyd (helyg llwydion)
(Salix cinerea subsp cinerea)
grey willow (“grey willow”)
helygen lwydwen (helyg llwydwynion)
(Salix elaeagnes syn. Candida)
hoary willow (“greyish-white willow”)
helygen olewydd-ddail
(Salix cinerea subsp oleifolia)
rusty willow (“willow (og) olive-tree leaves)”)
helygen rwydog (helyg rhwydog)
(Salix reticulata)
net-leaved willow, netted willow (“meshed willow, neted willow”)
55 helygen sawr
(Salix pentandra)
bay willow (also laurel-leaved willow) (“black (of) perfume”)
See: helygen beraroglaidd
56 helygen sidanaidd y tywyn
See: helygen ariannaidd
(Salix argentea)
silky sand willow (“silvery willow”)
57 helygen sidanaidd
(Salix glaucoserica)
silky willow (“silky willow”)
helygen stipylog
(Salix hastata) (“stipuled willow”)
large-stipuled willow
59 helygen sur
(Salix alba ssp. vitellina)
golden willow (“sour willow”)
See: helygen euraidd
helygen wen (helyg gwynion)
(Salix alba)
White willow (“white willow”)
61 helygen werdd
(Salix x rubra)
green-leaved willow (“green willow”)
62 helygen werddlas (helyg gwyrddleision)
(Salix alba var. caerulea)
cricket-bat willow (“greenish-blue willow”)
See: helygen las
63 helygen
wiail (helyg gwiail)
(Salix viminalis)
osier willow or water willow (“willow (of) switches / rods”)
64 helygen wlanog hirddail
(Salix lapponum)
downy willow (“woolly long-leaved willow”)
helygen wlanog (helyg gwlanog)
(Salix lanata)
woolly willow (“woolly willow”)
66 helygen wydn (helyg gwydn)
(Salix caprea)
goat willow (“tough willow”)
See: helygen grynddail fwyaf
67 helygen wylofus
(Salix babylonica)
weeping willow (“weeping willow”)
68 helygen wylofus euraidd
(Salix chrysocoma)
golden weeping willow (“golden weeping willow”)
69 helygen y cŵn
(Salix repens)
creeping willow (“willow-tree (of) the dogs”)
See: corhelygen (corhelyg)
70 helygen y Dug
(Salix fragilis var. russelliana)
Bedford willow (“willow-tree (of) the Duke”)
71 helygen y fydwraig
See: helygen leiaf (helyg lleiaf)
(Salix herbacea)
least willow (“willow (of) the midwife”)
72 helygen y geifr
(Salix caprea)
goat willow (“willow (of) the goats”)
See: helygen grynddail fwyaf
73 helygen y gors
(Salix discolor)
pussy willow (“willow (of) the bog”)
74 helygen y mynydd
(Salix arbuscula)
mountain willow (“willow (of) the upland / the mountain”)
See: helygen fach y mynydd
75 helygen y Pyreneau
(efallai “y Pirinéw” fuasai’n well
ewn Cymráeg, fel y mae’r gair yn Gatalaneg)
(Salix pyrenaica)
Pyrenean willow (“willow (of) the Pyrenees”)
76 helygen y Swistir
(Salix Helvetica)
Swiss willow (“willow (of) Switzerland”)
77 helygen yr afon
(Salix fluviatilis)
river willow (“willow (of) the river”)
78 helygen yr Alpau
(Salix hegetschweileri)
Alpine willow (“willow (of) the Alps”)
79 helygen yr anialwch
(Chilopsis linearis)
desert willow or flowering willow (“willow (of) the desert”)
80 helygen yr Arctig
(Salix polaris)
polar willow (“willow (of) the Arctic”)
81 merhelygen (merhelyg)
(Salix alba ssp. vitellina)
golden willow
See: helygen euraidd
83 crogi'ch telyn ar yr helyg
hang your harp on the willows, stop doing some activity
rhoi'r delyn ar yr helyg stop doing
some activity (“put the harp on the willows”)
Psalmau: 137:1 Wrth afonydd Babilon, yno
ye eisteddasom, ac wylasom, pan feddyliasom am Seion. (2) Ar yr helyg o'u mewn y crogasom ein
(3) Canys yno y gofynnodd y rhai a'n
caethiwasent i ni gân; a'r rhai a'n hanrheithiasai, lawenydd, gan ddywedyd,
Cenwch i ni rai o ganiadau Seion.
(4) Pa fodd y canwn gerdd yr Arglwydd
mewn gwlad ddieithr?
Psalms 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we
remembered Zion. (2) We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
(3) For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they
that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
(4) How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?
Un gwael iawn am lunio englyn oeddwn, ac
felly rhoddais y delyn honno ar yr helyg
I was very bad at composing 'englyn' verses and so I gave that up (“I hung that
harp on the willows”)
84 Occurs as an epithet in Middle Welsh Ieuan Helyg 1390
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic
From the same British root: Cornish heligenn
(= willow tree), Breton halegann (=
willow tree),
From the same Celtic root: Irish saileach
(= willow tree), Scottish seileach
(= willow tree)
Manks sallagh, shellagh (= willow
helyntion <HE-lint, he-LƏNT-yon> [ˡhɛlɪnt,
hɛˡləntjɔn] (masculine noun)
1 trouble
Fe fydd hi’n helynt nawr! The fat is
in the fire now! Ther’ll be trouble now!
Dyna beth yw helynt! We’re in
trouble now! We’re in bother now! We’re in a real mess now! We’re in for it
now! (“that is what is trouble”)
llawer o helynt ynghylch dim a lot
of fuss over nothing (“a lot of
trouble about nothing!)
Helynt ni ddaw ei hunan It never
rains but it pours, Troubles never come singly (“trouble never comes by itself
/ unaccompanied”)
mynd i helynt get into trouble
hemoffilia <he-mo-FIL-ya> [hɛmɔˡfɪlja]
1 hemophilia (Englandic: haemophilia)
hemoglobin <he-mo-GLOO-bin> [hɛmoˑˡglɔbɪn]
1 hemoglobin (Englandic: haemoglobin)
hen <HEEN> [heːn] (adjective)
1 old
2 hen
dad-cu, hen dad-cuod <heen dad-KII, heen
dad-KII-od> [heːn dadˡkiː,
heː n dadˡkiˑɔd] (masculine noun) great grandfather
3 hen
fam-gu, hen fam-guod <heen vam-GII,
hen-vam-GII-od> [hɛn vamˡgiː,
hɛn vamˡgiˑɔd] (feminine noun) great grandmother
4 Hen
Wlad fy Nhadau <heen WLAAD və NHAA-dai>
[heːn ˡwlɑːd və ˡnhadaɪ]
noun) national anthem of Wales (the old land of my (fore)fathers)
5 hen
ŵr <heen UUR> [heːn ˡuːr] (masculine noun) old man
hen ddigon more than enough
cael hen ddigon ar have just about
enough of
(“get more than enough on”) (cael = get)
+ (hen = old; ‘more than’) + soft
mutation + (digon = enough) + (ar = on)
7 (amounts)
Mae hen ddigon ohoni There’s enough and to spare, There’s more than
enough of it (“there’s old sufficiency of it”)
hen ddigon more than enough
cael hen ddigon ar have just about enough of
(“get more than enough on”) (cael = get) + (hen = old; ‘more
than’) + soft mutation + (digon = enough) + (ar = on)
8 hen yd y wlad country
people, country folk (“old corn (of) the countryside”)
bod yn hen fel Adda to be as old as
the hills (“be old like Adam”)
Angen a ddysg i hen redeg being in
need can make people peform wonders (“need teaches the old people to run”)
hen ddihenydd old (like) death, old
(like) fate; very old, as old as the hills.
(hen = old) + soft mutation + (ddihenydd = (obsolete word) end, fate)
“old (as) fate”
In the 1588 translation of the Bible it appears in noun form - yr Hen Ddihenydd - in Daniel 7:9 as a
name for God. The equivalent in the English Bible (1611) is the Ancient of Days
Daniel 7:9 Edrychais hyd oni fwriwyd i
lawr y gorseddféydd, a'r Hen ddihenydd a eisteddodd: ei wisg oedd cyn wynned
â'r eira, a gwallt ei ben fel gwlân pur
Daniel 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days
did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the
pure wool
Mae honna'n hen ddihenydd That
(joke)'s as old as the hills
dwyn yr hen i dalu’r newydd to rob
Peter to pay Paul (“steal the old to pay for the new”)
talu’r hen a dwyn y newydd to rob Peter
to pay Paul (“pay for the old thing and steal the new thing”)
old = former, superseded
yr hen Sir Dyfed the former county
of Dyfed (abolished in 1996)
Yr Hen Orsaf districte de Llanidloes
(county of Powys) (“the old station”)
yr Hen ysgol (house name, for former school turned into a dwelling
byw yn ddigon hen i weld (rhywbeth)
live to see (something), live long enough to see (something)
Yr oedd Lewis Lewis yn byw yn y ffermdy
yn ymyl y capel presennol, ond nis gwyddom iddo fyw yn ddigon hen i’w weled
Lewis Lewis lived in the farmhouse next to the present chapel but we don’t know
if he lived long enough to see it
15 (noun) an old person (in sayings)
Angen a ddysg i hen redeg being in need can make people perform wonders
(“(it is) need (that) teaches (an) old (person) to run”)
Anodd diddyfnu hen “(it-is) hard (the) weaning (of) (an) old
(person)” You can’t teach on old dog new tricks
16 in referring to something
unpleasant, annoying
(North) Rhyw hen
annwyd sy gen i It’s some cold I’ve caught
Roeddech chi’n ddigon gwirion i fynd allan i’r glaw heb got - does rhyfedd
eich bod chi wedi dal yr hen annwyd ‘ma!
You were daft eough to go out into the rain without a coat – it’s no wonder
you’ve caught that nasty cold
-Sut wyt ti y bore ’ma? –Ddim wedi bwrw’r hen anwyd ’ma ‘to
-How are you this morning? –I still haven’t got rid of this nasty cold
henaint <HEE-naint> [ˡheˑnaɪnt]
1 old age
cynilo ar gyfer eich henaint
save for your old age
dryswch henaint senile dementia
(“confusion (of) old age”)
dioddef o ddryswch henaint suffer
from senile dementia
henaint ni ddaw ei
hun <HEE-naint ni DHAU i HIIN> [ˡheˑnaɪnt nɪ ˡðaʊ ɪ ˡhiːn]
1 old age is accompanied by troubles (old age does not come alone)
hendref / hendre
HEN-dre> [ˡhɛndrɛv, ˡhɛndrɛ]
PLURAL: hendrefi /
hendrefydd <hen-DREE-vi, -vidh> [hɛnˡdreˑvɪ, hɛnˡdreˑvɪð]
1 winter farmstead, lowland farmstead, permanent farmstead, main farmstead
(contrasted with hafod, summer place, pasture and a shelter or
dwelling in the uplands)
ETYMOLOGY: “old farmstead” i.e. the permanent farmstead (hen = old) + soft mutation + (tref = trêv, farmstead)
NOTE: hendref > hendre. Although the loss of a final f [v] in
polysyllables is centuries old, the literary language maintians it. On maps
howver the form is invariably hendre with no final [v]
Hendre-wen <HEN-dre-WEN> [hɛndrɛˡwɛn]
1 locality in Bangor (Gwynedd).
ETYMOLOGY: yr hendre wen “the white (lowland) farmstead”,
possibly “whitewashed (lowland) farmstead”.
(hendre = lowland farmstead) + soft
mutation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white)
hendon <HEN-don> [ˡhɛndɔn] masculine
1 South-east Wales
unploughed pasture land, old sward, old land
ETYMOLOGY: (hen = old) + soft
mutation + (ton = pasture,
Heneglwys <hen-E-gluis>
[hɛnˡɛglʊɪs] (f)
1 SH4276 village in Ynys Môn ).
ETYMOLOGY: (yr) hen eglwys “the old church” (hen = old) + (eglwys
= church)
heneiddio <he-NEIDH-yo> [hɛˡnəɪðjɔ]
1 to get old, to age
Hen Ffordd <heen FORDH> [heːn ˡfɔrð]
farm name, Abergwyngregyn SH 6572 (county of Conwy), mentioned in the 1851
ETYMOLOGY: yr hen ffordd “the old road” (yr
definite article) + (hen = old) + (ffordd = road)
Henffordd <HEN-fordh> [ˡhɛnfɔrð]
1 Hereford - town in England (literally ‘old road’, but in fact a
Cymricisation of the English name meaning ‘army ford’).
The idea that the Welsh name Henffordd is the original name, of which
Hereford is a distortion, is completely false.
henffych <HEN-fikh> [ˡhɛnfɪx]
1 hail!
Wele’n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd /
Wrthrych teilwng o’m holl fryd / Er o ran yr wy’n ei ’nabod / Ef uwchlaw
gwrthrychau’r byd / Henffych fore! / Caf ei weled fel y mae
Behold standing among the myrtle trees / the worthy object of all my desire /
Though I know him but partially / over the objects of the world / Hail to the
morning! / I shall be able to see him as he is
(from the hymn “Cwm Rhondda”)
henffych well obsolete hail! salve! greetings! (“may you come better”, i.e.
Henffych Fair the Hail Mary, or Ave
Maria, a prayer to the Virgin Mary based on the salutations to her by
(1) the archangel Gabriel in Luke 1:28, and
(2) Elizabeth in Luke 1:42
Luc 1:28 A’r angel a ddaeth i mewn ati,
ac a ddywedodd, Henffych well, yr hon a gefaist ras; yr Arglwydd sydd gyda thi:
bendigaid wyt ymhlith gwragedd
Luke 1:28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art
highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
Luc 1:42 A llefain a wnaeth â llef
uchel, a dywedyd, Bendigedig wyt ti ymhlith gwragedd, a bendigedig yw ffrwyth
dy groth di
Luke 1:42 And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among
women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb
Henffych Fair, gyflawn o ras Hail
Mary, full of grace .
henffych ddydd (“may (the) day
come”), hasten the day
‘Daw Roberts ’nôl!’ O! henffych ddydd! ‘Roberts is coming back!’ O, hasten the day!
in a poem by Geraint Goch, Glan Cunllo (Cofiant y Tri Brawd / E Pan Jones / 1892 / t137)
ETYMOLOGY: henffych (= may you
come); second person singular subjunctive of hanfod (= come), but in modern Welsh the verb is now hanu (= come, originate). Hanfod
survives as a noun (= existence)
henflew <HEN-vleu> [ˡhɛnvlɛʊ] plural
1 coat = old hair shed by a moulting animal
bwrw eich henflew (animal) lose its
Mae’r gath yn bwrw ei henflew The
cat’s losing its hair
Mae'r ci yn bwrw ei henflew The
dog’s casting its coat
ETYMOLOGY: (hen = old) + soft
mutation + (blew = hairs)
henfyd <HEN-VID>
1 ancient world
Persia’r henfyd ancient Persia (“Pèrsia (of) the ancient world”)
ETYMOLOGY: (hen = old, ancient) + soft mutation + (byd = world)
heniaith <HEN-yaith> [ˡhɛnjaɪθ] feminine noun
1 an
old language, a longstanding language, a native language, an original language,
an autochthonous language
treisiodd y gelyn fy ngwlad dan ei draed
Mae heniaith y Cymry mor fyw ag erioed
(Welsh national anthem) If the enemy
subjugated my country under his feet
The old language of the Welsh people is as alive as ever
Henllan <HEN-lhan> [ˡhɛnɬan]
feminine noun
1 SJ0168
village in the county of Dinbych Henllan
ETYMOLOGY: ‘old church’ (hen =
old, ancient) + soft mutation + (llan = church) > *henlan > henllan
Henllennig Cynog
KƏ-nog> [hɛnˡɬɛnɪg
1 place
name; alternative name for Llangynog in the county of Mynwy (English name: St
Cynog’s Chapel)
ETYMOLOGY: ‘old church of Cynog’ (henllennig
= old church) + (Cynog = saint’s name) henllennig < (henllann-
< henllan = old church) + (-ig diminutive suffix)
The i in the final syllabe causes vowel affection in the penult sylllable a > e
henllug <HEN-lhig> [ˡhɛnɬɪg]
feminine noun
South Wales
1 nightmare
cael yr henllug have a nightmare
(“get the nightmare”)
ETYMOLOGY: This is very likely a variant of hunlle (= nightmare)
NOTE: cael yr henllug (standard
form) > ca’l yr ’enllug
(colloquial form)
heno <HEE-no> [ˡheˑnɔ]
1 tonight
ar noson fel heno on a night like
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh heno < henodd < henoedd < henoeth
< henoith < British *se-nokti (= tonight) < *nokts (= night)
cf Latin nox, noct- (= night)
From the same British root: Breton henozh
(= henoz, henoh), fenoz (=
From the same Hibernian root: Irish anocht
(= tonight)
henoed <HEN-oid> [ˡhɛnɔɪd]
1 old people
Henri <HEN-ri> [ˡhɛnrɪ]
1 (male) Henry
henwan <HEN-wan> [ˡhɛnwan] adjective
1 old and decrepit
ETYMOLOGY: (hen = old) + soft
mutation + (gwan = weak)
yr Hen Was <ər heen WAAS>
[ər heːn ˡwɑːs] masculine noun
1 (North Wales) the Devil (“the old lad”)
ETYMOLOGY: (hen = old) + soft
mutation + (gwas = boy)
henwendid <hen-WEN-did> [hɛnˡwɛndɪd]
masculine noun
1 senility, decrepitude in old age
ETYMOLOGY: (hen = old) + soft
mutation + (gwendid = feebleness)
heol, heolydd (hewl,
hewlydd) <HEE-ol, he-OO-lidh; HEUL,
HEUL-idh> [ˡheˑɔl, hɛˡoˑlɪð;
hɛʊl, ˡhɛʊlɪð] (feminine noun)
1 road
cynnal heol maintain a road, keep a
road in good repair.
Ma’n gwynto saith 'ewl (South) (= Mae e’n / Mae hi’n gwyntio saith heol)
It stinks to high heaven (“it stinks (from) seven streets (away)”)
2 In street names, with the pattern (heol) + (soft mutation) + (personal name)
Some may be historical names; others new formations imitating these older
names, since this mutation it is no longer in use with personal names in modern
..1/ Heol Fair (“(the) street (of)
Mary”), Saint Mary Street
A street name in
....a/ Caer-dydd
....b/ Porth-cawl (county of Bro Morgannwg)
In street names, with the pattern (heol)
+ (soft mutation) + (place name)
Some may be historical names; others new formations imitating these older
names, since this mutation it is no longer in use with place names in modern
..a/ Heol Dalycopa (“(the) street
(of) Talycopa”) north of Pentre-dŵr, Llansamlet (county of Abertawe)
(North Wales) close, court, farmyard
In the north-east there are some place names Rhewl
yr heol > yr hewl > y rhewl
hewl is a colloquial variant; in
some place names with an initial vowel, or “h” + initial vowel, the final “r”
attaches itself to the following word
..a/ Rhewl
(SJ1160) village on Afon Clywedog, 3km north-west of Rhuthin
Also “Rhewl Rhuthun” (“(the place called) Rhewl (which is near) Rhuthun”)
..b/ Rhewl
(SJ1844) village in the county of Dinbych on the north bank of Afon Dyfrdwy 5km
north-west of Llangollen
Also “Rhewl Langollen” (“(the place called) Rhewl (which is near) Langollen”)
..c/ Rhewl
SJ3034 locality in Shropshire, England 5km north-east of Croesoswallt /
..d/ Rhewl-fawr (SJ1581) localitat
3km al north-oest de Mostyn
Alternative name: Rhewl Mostyn
(“(the place called) Rhewl (which is near) Mostyn”)
..e/ Rhewl
- farm at Knolton SJ3738, (county of Wrecsam) 3 km south of Owrtyn SJ3741
Heol Uchaf farm name, Abergwyngregyn
SH 6572 (county of Conwy), mentioned in the 1851 Census
yr heol uchaf “the upper farmyard”
(yr definite article) + (heol = farmyard) + (uchaf = upper)
Welsh has ’ewl / hewl < heol.
Cf South Wales ewn < eon < eofn (= fearless, bold)
and in some places ews < eos (= nightingale)
heol bengaead, heolydd
pengaead <HEE-ol / HEUL ben-GEI-ad, he-OO-lidh
/ heu-lidh pen-GEI-ad> [ˡheˑɔl
/ hɛʊl bɛnˡgəɪad, hɛˡoˑlɪð /
hɛʊlɪð pɛnˡgəɪad] (feminine
1 (“road with a closed end”) cul-de-sac
Yr Heol Fawr <ər HEE-ol / HEUL
VAUR> [ ər heˑɔl / hɛʊl
1 (street name) the High Street
2 Yr Heol Fawr (on signs
usually without the definite article: Heol
Heol Fawr would be the Welsh
translation of various roads called ‘Main Road’ in the south (in the
north, Stryd Fawr would be more usual)
(Some of these roads may have been originally ‘Heol Fawr’, which was translated
into English; or they may have a different earlier Welsh name; or have another
existing Welsh name)
Main Road, Abercynon
(county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) Heol
Main Road, Aberdulais
(county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) Heol Fawr
Main Road, Aberogwr
(county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) Heol
Main Road, Bryn-coch
(county of Castell-nedd ac
Aberafan) Heol Fawr
Main Road, Cil-ffriw (county
of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) Heol
Main Road, Creuant (county
of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) Heol
Main Road, Dyffryncellwen
(county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) Heol Fawr
Main Road, Gartholwg
(county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) Heol
Main Road, Y Gilwern
(county of Blaenau Gwent) Heol
Main Road, Maesycwmer
(county of Caerffili) Heol Fawr
Main Road, Pen-rhiw-ceibr
(county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) Heol
Main Road, Pentre-poeth
(county of Caer-dydd) Heol Fawr
Main Road, Pont-rhyd-y-fen
(county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) Heol Fawr
Main Road, Porthysgewin
(county of Mynwy) Heol Fawr
Main Road, Ton-teg
(county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) Heol
Main Road, Tregatwg (county
of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) Heol
Main Road, Waterston,
Aberdaugleddau (county of Penfro) Heol
Heol Fawr would also be the Welsh
translation of various roads called ‘Main Street’ in the south (in the
north, Stryd Fawr would be more
(Some of these roads may have been originally ‘Heol Fawr’, which was translated
into English; or they may have a different earlier Welsh name; or have another
existing Welsh name which is not officially recognised)
..1/ Main Street,
Aber-gwaun (county of Penfro)
..2/ Main Street, Y Barri
(county of Bro Morgannwg)
..3/ Main Street, Y
Bontnewydd (county of Caerffili)
..4/ Main Street, Llangwm,
Hwlffordd (county of Penfro)
..5/ Main Street, Penfro
..6/ Main Street, Solfach (county of Penfro)
ETYMOLOGY: yr heol fawr “the big road”
(yr = the) + (heol = road) + soft mutation + (mawr = big)
Yr Heol Felen <ər HEE-ol / HEUL VEE-len> [ ər heˑɔl
/ hɛʊl ˡveˑlɛn] feminine
1 “the yellow way”, name of a track in Llyswyrny, Bro Morgannwg
ETYMOLOGY: (yr = definite article) +
(heol = way) + soft mutation + (melen, feminine form of melyn = yellow)
NOTE: The local form would be Yr ’Ewl
Felan (though I presently have no confirmation of this);
(1) absence of initial h, a typical feature of south-eastern Welsh;
(2) ‹e› in a final syllable becomes ‹a›, another typìcal south-eastern feature
Yr Heol Ganol ‹heul ga-nol ›
Heol Ganol
Street name in
..a/ Bryn-mawr (county of Blaenau Gwent)
..b/ Caerffili
..c/ Nant-y-moel (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
..d/ Y Sarn (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
ETYMOLOGY: “middle road / middle street” (heol
= road) + soft mutation + (canol = middle)
heol gefn, heolydd
cefn ‹heul GE ven, heu lidh KE ven›
(feminine noun)
1 back road (minor country road)
Heolgerrig ‹HEE-ol
GE-rig› (feminine noun)
1 village near Merthyrtudful
ETYMOLOGY: yr heol gerrig “the stone road / the road (made of) stones” (heol = road) + soft mutation + (cerrig = stones, plural of garreg = stone)
NOTE: The local pronunciation would be ’Ewlgerrig ‹eul-GE-rig›
In south Wales generally heol has the colloquial form hewl; in
south-east Wales initial ‘h’ was lost, hence hewl > ’ewl
Heol Glyn Dŵr ‹heul glin DUUR›
1 locality in Coed-poeth (county of Wrecsam) (“Heol Glyndwr”)
ETYMOLOGY: ‘Glyn Dŵr’s road’ (heol
= road) + (Glyn Dŵr, = Owain
Glyn Dŵr, popular name for Owain ap Gruffudd (1350-1416), leader of an
uprising against the English civilian and military occupiers of Wales.
The conflict lasted for fifteen years (1400-1415).
His home was at Glyndyfrdwy, of which Glyn Dŵr is a contracted form.
Heol Goedog ‹heul goi-dog›
Street name in Cefncribwr (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
ETYMOLOGY: “wooded road” (heol =
road) + soft mutation + (coedog =
wooded, sheltered by trees)
It is a Southern form of coediog (=
woody, sheltered by trees; stringy) In the south the consonantal i at the beginning of the final
syllable is generally lost, and so the suffix -iog > -og
Heol Hir <HEE-ol HIIR>
1 road in Caer-dydd / Cardiff
ETYMOLOGY: yr heol hir “the long road” (yr definite
article the) + (heol = road)
+ (hir = long)
NOTE: The usual pronunciation is Hewl Hir, which is how it is noted in 1756:
John Hobson Matthews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911):
1756. Coroner's Inquest
taken at the house of Lewis Leyson, innkeeper, in the parish of Lanishan in the
county aforesaid, 6 October 1755, before William Gibbon, Coroner, on view of
the body of David Rees, found that the deceased, in a certain lane called Hewl
hîr in the parish of Lanishan, as he was riding upon a horse before a wagon and
oxen, and attempting to turn into a gate, fell down from his horse and was
In fact, the local pronunciaiton would have been h-less in the Welsh of the
south-east: ’Ewl ’Ir
<eul IIR> [ɛʊl
(Hewlsenni) ‹heul ə ga-deir-lan›
hɛʊlˡsɛnɪ] feminine
1 SN9223 A hamlet in Powys (district of Brycheiniog). The road was
an important route between the town of Aberhonddu / Brecon and the upper valley
of the Tawe river and down to Abertawe / Swansea.
“(the) road (crossing the river) Senni”
(heol = street) + (Senni river name)
NOTE: “Heol Senni” on the Ordnance Survey map. As it is a habitative name, one
might have expected Heolsenni.
One would expect the local pronunciation to be Hewlsenni - heol is
generally the monosyllabic form hewl colloquially.
heol unffordd,
heolydd unffordd ‹heul IN fordh, heu lidh
IN fordh› (feminine noun)
1 one-way street
Yr Heol Wen ‹heul wen›
1 locality in Coed-poeth (county of Wrecsam)
ETYMOLOGY: “white close, farmyard” (heol
= close, farmyard; road) + soft mutation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn
= white)
Heol y Bont ‹HEE-ol ə BONT,
HEUL ə BONT› [ˌheˑɔl
ə ˡbɔntˌhɛʊl ə ˡbɔnt]
1 Street name
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) road / street
(of) the bridge”, “Bridge Street”, “Bridge Road”
(heol = road) + (y = definite
article) + soft mutation + (pont =
Heol y Cawl ‹HEE-ol ə KAUL, HEUL ə KAUL› [ˌheˑɔl ə ˡkaʊlˌ
hɛʊl ə ˡkaʊl] feminine
(delwedd 7406)
1 street or road name in the following places:
(a) Llyswyrny SS9674, county of Bro Morgannwg
(b) SS9276 Corntwn, county of Bro Morgannwg – a road SS9277, SS9276, from
Corntwn village SS9177 to the farm SS9276 of Corntwn (English: Corntown)
(c) Dinaspowys ST1570, county of Bro Morgannwg
(d) central Caer-dydd ST1876
John Hobson Mathews (Mab Cernyw) in ‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911) in his entry
for Heol y Cawl states: “The Welsh name for Wharton Street. It means
‘Crock-herb Street’ or ‘Worten Street.’ It occurs, as the only name for Wharton
Street, in conveyance of 1830.”
In his entry for Wharton Street he
notes it has “also the names Heol-y-cawl
(1768), Broth Lane and Porridge Lane. Speed’s map of 1610 calls it Porrag
Recently, in the early 1990’s, some of the English-only street nameplates in
Central Caer-dydd were replaced. Some of the new nameplates were bilingual,
with the Welsh name appearing under the English name. The name Heol y Cawl came back into the public
eye, appearing below the English name Wharton Street.
Cawl (= cabbage, cabbages) is from
Latin caulis (= stalk, cabbage).
Cawl (= broth) however is apparently
from Latin coagulum (= clot,
coagulation). The Welsh word cawl
meaning ‘broth’ has a secondary meaning of ‘mess / disorder’.
Two possibilities:
..1 “(the) way / street (of) the pot-herbs”, street with vegetable plots where
pot-herbs were grown.
(heol = way) + (y = definite article) + (cawl
= cabbages or coles or pot-herbs) .
..2/ “(the) way / street (of) the broth / mess”, i.e. a muddy track
(heol = way) + (y = definite article) + (cawl
= broth / mess) .
Cf English mess (= untidy state)
< mess (= semi-liquid food) <
French (= course in a meal) < Latin mittere (= to send)
The name Heol y Cawl is possibly
‘muddy way’ (cawl = mess), but it is
more likely to be ‘pot-herb way’ referring to plots where coles or pot-herbs
If we accept that Heol y Cawl refers
to pot herbs, the English names for the street in Caer-dydd / Cardiff (Broth
Lane / Porrag Lane / Porridge Lane) would seem to be mistranslations, taking cawl in its sense of ‘soup, broth’.
2 Heol-y-cawl
ST0087 name of a farm (Llanilltud Faerdre, county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) on the
road from Gartholwg to Trefforest
Heol y Crwys ‹heul ə kruis›
feminine noun
1 street in Caer-dydd
NOTE: (“(the) road (of the) Crwys (Bychan) (farm)”)
Here there were two farms - Crwys Bychan
(“the little Crwys farm”) and Crwys Mawr
(“the big Crwys farm”). According to John Hobson Mathews (Mab Cernyw) in
‘Cardiff Records’ (1889-1911),
(1) “Crwys
Bychan – (‘Little Crwys’). A
farmstead in the parish of Saint John, on the northern outskirts of the town,
beyond Cathays. The lands were built upon and the house demolished in 1899,
when the board schools were erected on the site, opposite the south-western corner
of the Cemetery, at the top of Crwys Road.... Circa 1540, this was a copyhold
tenement held under the Cardiff Grange of Margam Abbey.”
(2) “Crwys
Mawr – (‘Great Crwys’). A
tenement situate some distance to the east of the last, nearer Roath village.
It disappeared so long ago that its position can only be guessed at.”
He explains Heol y Crwys as
(3) “Crwys Road - A wide thoroughfare
forming a continuation of Castle Road northward, across the Rhymney Railway, to
join the North Road at Pentre, Whitchurch. It takes its name from Crwys-bychan
Heol-y-cyw ‹HEE-ol ə KIU, HEUL
ə KIU › [ˌheˑɔl
ə ˡkɪʊˌhɛʊl ə ˡkɪʊ]
1 SS9484 village in Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
ETYMOLOGY: Ostensibly “(the)
road (of) the foal” (i.e. without having seen earlier forms of the name)
(heol = road) + (y = definite
article) + (cyw = young of an
animal; foal; chicken)
NOTE: The colloquial form of heol is hewl ‹heul›
[hɛʊl] , which in the traditional Welsh of the
south-east is ’ewl ‹eul› [ɛʊl]
Hewl-y-cyw / ’Ewl-y-cyw
Heol y
Gadeirlan ‹heul ə ga-deir-lan›
/ ˌhɛʊl ə gaˡdəɪrlan] feminine noun
1 street in Caer-dydd (“road of the cathedral”). English name:
Cathedral Road. The road goes from the centre of the city in the direction of
Llan-daf, a cathedral village formerly in the countryside outside the city and
now a district of Caer-dydd.
The word ‘cadeirlan’ is in fact a neologism. An alternative but unwieldy name
for this road is Heol yr Eglwys
ETYMOLOGY: (heol = street) + (y = definite article) + soft mutation + (cadeirlan = cathedral)
Heol y Glyn ‹heul ə GLIN›
feminine noun
1 street name
“(the) street (of) (the place called) Y Glyn” (heol = street) + (Y Glyn =
The Valley),
“(the) street (of) the valley” (heol = street) + (y = definite article) + (glyn
= valley)
Heol y Gwynt ‹heul ə gwint›
/ ˌhɛʊl ə ˡgwɪnt] feminine
1 street name in Castell-nedd
(“The street runs north-east and
south-west, and has the draught of the valley travelling along it, which thus
makes the name very appropriate” Neath Antiquarian Society Transactions
2 another name for Y Llwybr
Llaethog the Milky Way (= band of light consisting of millions of faint
ETYMOLOGY: “(the) street (of) the wind”, the windy street.
(heol = street) + (y = the) + (gwynt = wind)
Heol y Mynydd ‹heul ə mə-nidh› [ˌheˑɔl
/ ˌhɛʊl ə ˡmənɪð] feminine noun
1 “the road leading to the (pasture in the) upland”, “the road
crossing over the upland”
(1) road in Y Bargod ST1499 (county of Caerffili) (part of the road is marked
on the map with an English translation “Moorland Road”)
(2) road in Garn-swllt SN6209 (county of
road in Aber-dâr SO0002 (county of
Rhondda Cynon Taf)
road in Ystalyfera SN7608 (county of
Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
road in Bryn-coch SS7499 (county of
Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
road in Glyncorrwg SS8799 (county of Castell-nedd ac
road in Cefncoedycymer SO0308 (county of
(heol = street, road) + (y = definite article) + soft mutation +
(mynydd = highland, upland,
moorland, mountain)
NOTE: A misspelling is Heol-y-Mynydd (i.e. with hyphens), and confusingly
indexed separately from Heol y Mynydd in English-language street atlases!
Heolymynydd ‹heul ə mə-nidh› [ˌheˑɔl / ˌhɛʊl ə
ˡmənɪð] feminine
1 hamlet SS8875 north of Síterdwn (Southerndown) (county of Bro
NOTE: Habitative names are written as a single word – Heolymynydd – but on the Ordnance Survey map it appears as
See the previous entry Heol y Mynydd
Heol yr Odyn ‹heul ər ô-din› feminine noun
1 (‘(the) street (of) the kiln’) name of a street in Tre-lai,
ETYMOLOGY: (heol = street, road) + (yr = definite article) + (odyn = kiln)
Hepste ‹hep -ste› feminine
1 SN9612 Afon Hepste = river in Brycheiniog
(Powys); local form: Hepsta
her, heriau ‹HER, HER-ye› (feminine noun)
1 challenge
gwneud rhywbeth ar her do something
for a dare
2 herio (qv) to challenge
hergel ‹her-gel› masculine or feminine noun
South-west Wales
1 dispute, argument, disagreement
2 fuss, bother, intense activity
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < English argle
(= dispute); cf Lowlandic argle-bargle,
argie-bargie, doublet from a variant
of argue < French < Latin argûere, frequentative form of argûtâre (= show, accuse); related to
Latin argûtus (= clear), argentum (= silver)
NOTE: also: helger ‹hel-ger›
herio ‹HER-yo› (v)
1 challenge
Plaque in Tŷ-nant, county of
Conwy, commemorating the action of the people of Llangwm in detaining the
Ecclesiastical Commission auctioneer during the Tithe Riots
1887-1987. Yma yr heriodd gwŷr Llangwm orthrwm y Degwm 27ain Mai 1887
1887-1987. Here the people of Llangwm
challenged the oppression of the Tithe 27 May 1887
herlod ‹her-lod ›
masculine noun
PLURAL herlodiaid
‹her- lod-yed›
1 (obsolete) lad, boy, youth
Genesis 42:22 A
Reuben a'u hatebodd hwynt, gan ddywedyd, Oni ddywedais i wrthych, gan ddywedyd,
Na phechwch yn erbyn yr herlod, ac ni wrandawech chwi? wele am hynny ynteu y
gofynnir ei waed ef.
Genesis 42:22 And Reuben answered them,
saying, Spake I not unto you, saying, Do not sin against the child; and ye
would not hear? therefore, behold, also his blood is required.
ETYMOLOGY: herlod < English herlot (= servant, rascal) < Old
French herlot (= rogue), of unknown
In modern English it is harlot (=
prostitute), which refers to females only.
Welsh has preserved the older -er- pronunciation; the modern English form harlot shows the change ‹er› > ‹ar› which
occurred in a number of other words in English, apparent in doublets such as
(1) university / varsity;
(2) clerk (American ‹kləərk›), clerk
(Englandic ‹klaa’k›), surname Clark ‹klaa’k›;
(3) Berkeley (American ‹Bǿərkli›,
Englandic ‹Báa’kli›)
herlodes ‹her-loo-des› feminine noun
PLURAL herlodesau,
herlodesi ‹her-lo-de-se, -si›
1 girl; colloquially usually with the loss of the first syllable lodes and also as lòs
ETYMOLOGY: (herlod < English herlot = servant, rascal) + (-es, suffix for forming feminine nouns)
< Old French herlot (= rogue)
< unknown origin.
“Herlot” in modern English is harlot (=
prostitute), which refers to females
only, with the change ‹er› > ‹ar› which occurred in a number of words in English,
apparent in doublets such as
(1) university / varsity;
(2) clerk (American ‹kləərk›), clerk
(Englandic ‹klaa’k›), surname Clark ‹klaa’k›;
(3) Berkeley (American ‹Bǿərkli›,
Englandic ‹Báa’kli›)
hers ‹hers› feminine noun
PLURAL hersus
‹her -sis›
1 hearse = car for carrying the dead to the burial ground
2 hearse = (originally) a frame over a bier for holding candles
ETYMOLOGY: English hearse < Old
French herse < Latin hirpex, herpicis (= harrow, implement
drawn over cropland to break and move the soil in order to destroy weeds) cf
Italian erpice
NOTE: also: hêrs (long vowel)
hesb ‹ hesp› adjective
feminine form of hysb (= dry)
(South Wales) da hesbion dry cows
(Colloquially da ’esbon, dä ’esbon)
hesbin ‹he-spin› feminine noun
PLURAL hesbinod ‹he-spii-nod›
NOTE: Colloquially there is an clipped form of the plural sbinod (the first syllable is dropped).
South Wales hesben (with the suffix -en
instead of -in)
1 yearling ewe (a yearling ram is hesbwrn)
Genesis 21:28 Ac Abraham a osododd saith
o hesbinod o’r praidd wrthynt eu hunain
Genesis 21:28 And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves
Lefíticus 14:10 A’r wythfed dydd cymered
ddau oen perffaith-gwbl, ac un hesbin flwydd berffaith-gwbl, a thair degfed ran
o beilliaid, yn fwyd-offrwm, wedi ei gymysgu trwy olew, ac un log o olew
Leviticus 14:10 And on the eighth day he shall take two he lambs without
blemish, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish, and three tenth
deals of fine flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, and one log of oil.
2 yearling sheep (ewe or ram)
Maent yn cadw 270 o famogiaid, 160 o
sbinod a 16 o fuchod sugno
They have 270 ewes, 160 yearlings, and 16 suckling calves.
3 adjective (sheep)
yearling, between one and two years old
Sioe ac arwerthiant yn cynnwys mamogiaid
hesbin pédigri a hyrddod hesbin pédigri. Dewiswyd o blith prif ddiadelloedd yng
Nghymru, yr Alban a Lloegr
Show and sale including pedigree yearling ewes and pedigree yearling rams.
They have been chosen from among the leading flocks in Wales, Scotland, and
ETYMOLOGY: (hesb, feminine form of
the adjective hysb = dry; barren) +
(-in suffix for forming adjectives)
Hesbin ‹he-spin› feminine noun
1 Afon Hesbin SJ1353 river by the village of Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd
(county of Dinbych)
ETYMOLOGY: hesbin (= yearling ewe)
hesbinwch ‹he-spi-nukh› feminine
PLURAL hesbinychod
1 young sow which has not yet produced any young
2 young sow which has only had one litter
ETYMOLOGY: hesbin-hwch (hesbin = yearling ewe) + (hwch = sow)
NOTE: Colloquially an clipped form is used (the first syllable is dropped): sbinwch, plural sbinychod
hesbion ‹ hesp-yon › adjective
See hesb
hesbwrn ‹he-spurn›
masculine noun
PLURAL hesbyrniaid
1 young ram
Numbers 7:88 A holl ychen yr aberth hedd
oedd bedwar ar hugain o fustych, trigain o hyrddod, trigain io fychod, trigain
o hesbyrniaid
Numeri 7:88 And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace offerings were twenty
and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he-goats sixty, the lambs of the first
year sixty
ETYMOLOGY: probably a contraction of hesbin-wrn
(hesbin = yearling ewe) + (-wrn, a suffix)
hesgen, hesg ‹HE sken, HESG› (feminine noun)
1 (Carex) sedge, rush
hesg sedges, rushes
Clos yr Hesg street in Llansamlet (Abertawe) “(the) close (of) the
sedges”, “sedge close”
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British <
From the same British root: Cornish HESKENN, Breton HESKENN
From the same Celtic root: Irish SEISC
NOTE: In the south-east this would be pronounced ’esgen, esg (h is
mostly absent in the traditional dialect).
This would seem to be the explanation of the farm name “Pant y Resk” ST2095 by
Aber-carn, county of Caerffili (although earlier forms of the name would need
to be examined to be sure) i.e. Pant-y-resg < Pant-yr-’esg <
Pant-yr-hesg “(the) valley / hollow (of) the sedges” (pant = valley,
hollow) + (yr definite article) + (hesg = sedges, rushes) Heol Pant-yr-’esg
hestor, hestorau
‹HES tor, he-STOO-rai, -e› (feminine noun)
1 (dry measure)
het, hetiau ‹HET, HET ye› (feminine noun)
1 hat
hetar ‹HE-tar› (feminine noun)
1 (N.W: Wales) iron (for ironing clothes)
2 found in names of triangular fields - ‘cae’r hetar’ (the) field (of) the
usually as Cae Hetar
Pentrefelin, Amlwch
Bronronw, Cwm Cynfal
hetar < heter < English heater
heuldroeon <HEIL-dro, heil-DROI-on> [ˡhəɪldrɔ, həɪlˡdrɔɪɔn]
1 solstice
ETYMOLOGY: (“sun turn”, “solar turning-around”) (heul-, tonic syllable form of haul)
+ soft mutation + (tro = turn)
Heulfan <HEIL-van> [ˡhəɪlvan]
1 (House name or street name) sunny place
2 There is an incorrect form Haulfan
common in minor place names (in the tonic vowel, au always becomes eu)
The spelling pronuciation is <HAIL-van> [ˡhaɪlvan]
Haulfan: Street name in Ffos-y-ffin,
Aberaeron (county of Ceredigion)
ETYMOLOGY: (heul-, tonic syllable
form of haul) + soft mutation + (man = place)
Heulfre <HEIL-vre> [ˡhəɪlvrɛ]
1 sunny hill
2 There is an incorrect form Haulfre
(in the tonic vowel, au always
becomes eu)
The spelling pronuciation is <HAIL-vre> [ˡhaɪlvrɛ]
..a/ “Haulfre Terrace”, Coed-poeth (county of Wrecsam) (In Welsh, it
would be simply Heulfre, or Rhestai Heulfre / Teras Heulfre / Tai Heulfre)
..b/ Haulfre Name of a house in Bangor (Gwynedd)
ETYMOLOGY: (heul-, tonic syllable
form of haul) + soft mutation + (bre = hill)
Heulfron <HEIL-vron> [ˡhəɪlvrɔn]
1 sunny hill
2 There is an incorrect form Haulfron
(in the tonic vowel, au always
becomes eu)
The spelling pronuciation is <HAIL-vron> [ˡhaɪlvrɔn]
..a/ street name in Tonypandy (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) (further
misspelt as “Haul Fron”, as if two separate words)
ETYMOLOGY: (heul-, tonic syllable
form of haul) + soft mutation + (bron = hill)
Heulfryn <HEIL-vrin> [ˡhəɪlvrɪn]
1 Sunny hill. House name or street name.
Street name in:
..a/ Aberangell, Machynlleth (county of Powys)
..b/ Ceinws, Machynlleth (county of Powys)
..c/ Degannwy (county of Conwy)
Also “Heulfryn Terrace”, Blaenau Ffestiniog (county of Gwynedd) (It would be
“Rhestai Heulwen / Teras Heulwen” in Welsh)
2 There is an incorrect form Haulfryn
common in minor place names (in the tonic vowel, au always becomes eu)
The spelling pronuciation is <HAIL-vrin> [ˡhaɪlvrɪn]
Haulfryn is a street name in:
..a/ Bryn, Llanelli (county of Caerfyrddin)
..b/ Brynmenyn (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) (further misspelt as “Haul Fryn”,
as if two separate words)
..c/ Caer-dydd
..d/ Clydach, Y Fenni (county of Mynwy)
..e/ Llwynbedw (county of Abertawe) (further misspelt as “Haul Fryn”, as if two
separate words)
..f/ Mynyddcynffig (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
..g/ Pen-y-waun, Aber-dâr (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
..h/ Pontardawe (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
..i/ Pontyberem, Llanelli, (county of Caerfyrddin)
..j/ Rhosllannerchrugog (county of Wrecsam)
..k/ Rhuthun (county of Dinbych)
..l/ Sychdyn, Yr Wyddgrug (county of Y Fflint)
..m/ Tregynwr (county of Caerfyrddin)
Also Stad Haulfryn, Llanfair, near
Harlech (county of Gwynedd)
ETYMOLOGY: (heul-, tonic syllable
form of haul) + soft mutation + (bryn = hill)
heulog <HEI-log> [ˡhəɪlɔg]
1 sunny
Y Tyleheulog ‹tə-le-HEI-log› SO0840
Farm by Crucadarn, Brycheiniog, Powys (on map as “Tyleheulog”) y tyle
heulog “the sunny hill”
(y definite article) + (tyle = hill) + (heulog = sunny).
2 In many place names, heulog is an alteration of halog (qv) (=
muddy, miry)
ETYMOLOGY: (heul-, tonic syllable
form of haul) + (-og suffix for forming adjectives)
heulsaf <HEIL-sav> [ˡhəɪlsav]
PLURAL heulsafau <heil-SAA-vai, -e> [həɪlˡsɑˑvaɪ, -ɛ]
1 solstice
heulsaf yr haf summer solstice
heulsaf y gaeaf winter solstice
ETYMOLOGY: (heul-, tonic syllable
form of haul) + (saf = standing, standpoint).
Same sense as “solstice”, which was taken into English from French, < Latin sôlstitium “the standing still of the
sun” (sol = sun, sistere = to stand
heulsych <HEIL-sikh> [ˡhəɪlsɪx]
PLURAL heulsychion
1 sun-dried, dried in the sun
bricyll heulsych sun-dried apricots
rhesins heulsych sun-dried raisins
ETYMOLOGY: (heul-, tonic syllable
form of haul) + (sych = dried, stem of sychu = to dry)
heulwen [ˡhəɪlwɛn] feminine
1 sunshine
Heulwen woman’s name = sunshine
3 Heulwen
House or street name = sunshine
In street names:
“Heulwen Close”, Yr Hob (county of Y Fflint)
“Heulwen Close”, Y Pant, Merthyrtudful
“Heulwen Terrace”, Llanelli (county of Caerfyrddin)
4 haulwen is a poor spelling for heulwen (in the tonic vowel, au
always becomes eu); used as a
woman’s name Haulwen
The incorrect form Haulwen is
also common in minor place names. The spelling pronunciation is <HAIL-wen> [ˡhaɪlˡwɛn]
..a/ Haulwen street name in Cwm-dâr (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
..b/ “Haulwen Road”, street name in Penpedairheol (county of Caerffili). (It
would be Heol Heulwen in Welsh)
..c/ “Haulwen Road”, street name in Y Cocyd (county of Abertawe). (It would be Heol Heulwen in Welsh)
5 See the farm name Bronheulwen bron yr heulwen “(the) hill (of)
the sunshine”
ETYMOLOGY: (heul-, tonic syllable
form of haul) + soft mutation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white, shining). In modern Welsh
haul is a masculine noun, but in
older Welsh it was feminine
heusor <HEI-sor> [ˡhəɪsɔr]
PLURAL heusoriaid,
heusorion <heil-SOR-yaid, -yed, -yon> [həɪlˡsɔrjaɪd,
-jɛd, -jɔn]
1 (obsolete) shepherd
Difyrrwch yr Heusor Du A folk tune name mentioned in “The Cambrian
Quarterly Magazine and Celtic Repertory” (1830). English name given as “The
Black Herdsman’s Pastime”
2 husor < heusor (f) (Ynys Môn) (as a deprecating expression
towards a woman)
yr hen husor wirion you daft old fool, the daft old fool (“the simple
old shepherd”)
ETYMOLOGY: heusor < eusor, of unknown origin. The initial h
is not original.
The first syllable may be related to Latin ovis (= sheep), Greek ois (=
ewe); and English ewe
hewian <HEU-yan> [ˡhɛʊjan] (verb)
1 hewian ar (rywun) go on
at (somebody)
hewl, hewlydd <HEUL, HEUL-idh> [hɛʊl,
ˡhɛʊlɪð] (feminine noun)
1 road, lane. A colloquial form of heol (= road);
nowadays regarded as a Southern, though north-eastern place-names such as Rhewl yr heol (which in the
north meant farmyard), also show this pronunciation.
In south-east Wales, in the traditional Welsh of this part of the country, h
is absent in colloquial speech. Hence ’ewl, ’ewlydd <EUL, EU-lidh> [ɛʊl,
hewlwr, hewlwyr <HEU-lur, HEUL-wir> [ˡhɛʊlʊr, ˡhɛʊlwɪr]
1 roadman
heyernin <hei-ER-nin> [həɪˡɛrnɪn] adj
1 made of iron
2 (m) iron object
harnin <HAR-nin> [ˡharnɪn] (county of Caerfyrddin) iron object
ETYMOLOGY: (heyern- a penultimate-syllable form of haearn = iron) + (-in adjectival suffix)
hi- (prefixed h + a word benginning with the vowel
there is aspiration of an initial vowel certain possessive determiners
‘m (= my), ei (= her), ein (= our),
eu (= their),
In this dictionary we mark this aspiration as h
â’m hincwm with my income, incwm income
ei hiechyd her health, iechyd health
ein hiaith our language, iaith language
eu hisymwybod their subconscious, isymwybod subconscious
hi ‹HII› (pronoun)
1 she
2 it (suggests a punishment)
Mi cei-di hi! You'll cop it!
Mae e’n ei haros hi! He’s in for it
Sometimes without the pronoun – only the conjugated preposition
bod dani under her / it, from the
preposition dan = under
Pwy sydd dani heddiw? Who’s in for
it today? Who’s going to get it today? Who’s today’s victim?
NOTE: In south-east Wales, ’i or ddi
hidio ‹HID yo› (verb)
1 pay attention to
ETYMOLOGY: from English heed
hidl ‹hi -dil› feminine noun
PLURAL hidlau
‹hid -le›
1 sieve, colander, strainer
ETYMOLOGY: British < Celtic < Indo-European sê-tlo (= to sieve)
NOTE: Also a diminutive form: hidlen
In South-west Wales colloquially hiddyl ‹HII-dhil› (hidl > hiddl > hiddyl)
In South-east Wales colloquially hilydd ‹HII-lidh› (hidl > hiddl > hiddyl > hilydd, showing metathesis, as in south-eastern cwiddyl < c’wilydd, cywilydd (=
shame) where exactly the reverse has happened )
hidlo ‹hid -lo› verb
1 strain, filter
2 riddle, sift; separate through a sieve (eg. flour)
3 blaen hidlo filter tip
of a cigarette
4 hidlo (South Wales)
pour down, pour with rain
(South-east Wales) Mae'n hidlach y glaw
It’s pouring down with rain, it’s pouring down
5 (coffee) percolate - boiling water goes up along central tube and
filters down again through a container of ground coffee beans
6 hidlo dagrau shed tears,
cry (“filter tears”)
NOTE: (1) In South Wales hilo, ’ilo.
The path followed was
..1/ hidlo > hiddlo (change of d to dd) >
..2/ hilo (loss of “dd”), and
..3/ ’ilo colloquially (south-east)
where the “h” is absent.
Cf another instance of the change of d to
dd in southern Welsh:
..a/ chwedl (= tale) > *chwedel / *chweddl > chweddel
..b/ gwadn (= sole of the foot)
> gwaddn > gwaddan
NOTE: also in South Wales with the suffix –ach
instead of –o :
hidlach, ’idlach
hil, hilion ‹HIIL, HIL yon› (feminine noun)
1 lineage, race
epil progeny
(eb- = cavall) < (hil = progeny, lineage, race) (b + h = p)
gwehilion worthless corn, chaff
..a/ worthless corn, chaff
..b/ gwehilion cymdeithas the dregs
of society
(gwe- prefix = under; before a
following syllable with ‹i› instead of gwa-, a variant of gwo- = under) + (hil = lineage) + (ion
plural suffix)
hiliaeth <HIL-yaith, -yeth> [ˡhɪljaɪθ, -jɛθ] (feminine noun)
1 racism
ETYMOLOGY: (hil = descent, race) +
soft mutation + (-i-aeth = abstract
noun suffix)
hiliol ‹ <HIL-yol> [ˡhɪljɔl]
1 racist
hil-laddiad ‹hil- ladh -yad›
masculine noun
1 genocide = extermination of a people
ETYMOLOGY: (hil = descent, race) +
soft mutation + (lladdiad = killing)
hil-laddwyr ‹hiil LAA dhur, hiil LADH wir›
(masculine noun)
1 (person) genocide
ETYMOLOGY: (hil = descent, race) +
soft mutation + (lladdwr = killer)
hindda <HIN-dha> [ˡhɪnða] feminine noun
1 fine weather
Mae’n hindda The weather’s fine,
It’s cleared up
2 codi'n hindda = clear up
(district of Arfon: codi'n himdda)
3 boed hindda neu ddrycin
fair weather or foul, rain or shine, whatever the weather
Mi ddof boed hindda neu ddrycin I
shall come whatever the weather
4 Fuwch fach gota – glaw neu
Os daw glaw, cwympa o’m llaw;
Os daw haul, hedfana!
Ladybird – rain or fine weather?
If rain will come, fall from my hand
If sun will come, fly!
ETYMOLOGY: (hin = weather) + soft
mutation + (da = good)
hinon <HII-non> [ˡhiːiˑnɔn]
feminine noun
South-east Wales
1 fine weather, sunshine, dry weather
2 weather
hinon deg fine weather
3 good times, a happy time in someone’s life
ETYMOLOGY: (hin = weather) + (-on, suffix for forming nouns); Breton hinon (= good weather)
hinoni <hi-NOO-ni> [hɪˡnoˑnɪ]
1 South-east Wales clear
up, begin to improve
Ma ’i’n (mae hi yn) mynd i noni
It’s going to clear up
ETYMOLOGY: (hinon = good weather) +
(-i, suffix for forming verbs)
NOTE: colloquial forms:
(1) noni <NOO-ni> [ˡnoˑnɪ] loss of the first syllable;
(2) hinoni > inoni > i’oni > ioni <i-OO-ni> [ɪˡoˑnɪ]
hinsoddiau ‹HIN-saudh, hin-SODH-yai, -ye› [hɪnsaʊð, hɪnˡsɔðjaɪ, -jɛ] (masculine noun)
1 climate
hinsoddeg <hin-SOO-dheg> [hɪnˡsoˑðɛg]
1 meteorology
hinsoddegwyr <hin-so-DHEE-gur,
hin-so-DHEG-wir> [hɪnsɔˡðeˑgʊr,
hɪnsɔˡðɛgwɪr] (masculine noun)
1 meteorologist
hinsoddi <hin-SOO-dhi> [hɪnˡsoˑðɪ]
1 acclimatise
hinsoddol <hin-SOO-dhol> [hɪnˡsoˑðɔl]
1 climatic
hipi, hipis <HI-pi, HI-pis> [ˡhɪpɪ,
ˡhɪpɪs] (noun)
1 hippy
hir <HIIR> [hiːr] (adjective)
1 long
2 Hir oes! (drinking
toast) cheers! (“a long life!”)
3 bys hir minute hand
(“long finger”)
4 mor hir â mish pump (South
Wales) long in coming “as long as a month of five (Saturdays)” – Saturday was
payday, but some months have five Saturdays if a Saturday is the first, second
or third day of the month
(mor = as) + (hir = long) + (â = as) +
(mish, southern form of mis = month) + (pump = five)
5 hwy longer (comparative
form of hir = long)
dwywaith yn hwy na (rhywbeth) twice
as long as, double the length of
bod ddwywaith yn hwy na (rhywbeth)
be twice as long as, be double the length of
6 Coedhirion
house name in Derwen-fawr, Abertawe (county of Abertawe) (in the list of
members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 /
Part 1) (“Coed Hirion”)
(coed = trees, wood) + soft mutation
+ (hirion, plural form of hir = long, tall)
gylfinir (Numenius arquata) = curlew
“long beak” gylfinir < gylfinhir < (gylfin = beak) + (hir =
ymhén yr hir a’r hwyr with the passage
of time, over time (“at the end of the long and the late”)
reis grawn hir long-grain rice
hirach <HII-rakh> [ˡhiˑrax]
1 longer
(A colloquial form; Classical Welsh has hwy)
Hirael <HII-rail> [ˡhiˑraɪl]
feminine noun
1 locality in the county of Gwynedd.
Local form: Hiral <HII-ral> [ˡhiˑral]
ETYMOLOGY: Often explained as ‘long ridge’ (hir = long) + (ael =
ridge, hillcrest; brow, forehead).
This though is today’s apparent meaning of the name, but in fact its origin is
somewhat different.
..1/ hirerw ‘long acre’ (hir = long) + (erw = acre) >
..2/ hirer (loss of the final
consonant w) > hirar (in
north-western Welsh, a ae, ai, au, e in a final syllable become a)
chwarae (= to play) > chwara
cesail (= armpit) > cesal
pethau (= things) > petha
hogen (= girl) > hogan
..3/ hiral (dissimulation – the
sequence “r-r” becomes “r-l”) >
..4/ hirael (hypercorrection, the
final vowel a misinterpreted as
being a reduction of a standard form ae)
There are a number of examples of hypercorrection in Welsh where the form with
a wrongly inserted diphthong in place of a simple vowel also makes an name
In the above example Hiral > Hirael – the ael was though to be a reduced
form of ael (= hill brow).
Similarly Maelgwn (man’s name)
(mael obsolete word, = element lord) + soft mutation + (cyn-
obsolete element meaning warrior; chief)
is found reinterpreted as “Maelgwyn” (gwyn = white)
Bargod (stream name = boundary stream) (probably bar = hilltop) + soft
mutation + (cod - unidentified element, meaning unknown) > “Bargoed”
as if (“hill-top wood”)
(bar = hilltop) + soft mutation + (coed = wood).
Another example of dissimulation “r-r” > “r-l” is the English word corner > Welsh corner > cornel
hiraeth <HII-raith, -reth> [ˡhiˑraɪθ, -rɛθ] masculine noun
1 (for
a person) longing; (for country, area, village, home) homesickness, longing for
old places
hiraeth am longing for
bod hiraeth ar / bod hiraeth gan to miss (“to be longing
bod hiraeth ar (rywün) am... / bod
hiraeth ar (rywün) gan... long for (something), pine for, miss, mourn the
loss of
Diawcs! Mae ’na hiraeth arna i am y
nosweithia rheini yn llofft y stabal
My God! I miss those evenings in the stable loft!
(In North-west Wales, in such phrases, there is a tendency to replace ar with gan (= with))
bod hiraeth mawr ar (rywün) am... / bod
hiraeth mawr gan (rywün) am...
really long for (something), really miss
Mae gennyf hiraeth mawr am y ddau hogyn
I really miss those two lads
Mae arno hiraeth mawr ar ôl ei wraig
He greatly misses his wife, he’s grieving for his wife
teimlo rhyw hiraeth am feel some
nostalgia for
codi hiraeth ar make (someone)
nostalgic (remembering past some situation) ; make (someone) homesick
(remembering some past location)
This is hela hiraeth ar / hala hiraeth
ar in South Wales
Mae’r llun ’ma’n codi hirath am Sir Fôn
arna i! This picture makes me homesick for Sir Fôn
bwrw eich hiraeth get over one’s
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh ‘long-lasting pain’ (hir
= long) + (aeth = pain) < British
From the same British root: Cornish hireth
(= longing)
hiraethlon <hir-əITH-lon> [hiːrˡəɪθlɔn]
longing (= expressing longinf), wistful
atgofion hiraethlon wistful memories
ETYMOLOGY: (hiraeth = longing) + (-lon suffix = full, soft mutated form
of llon < llawn = full)
Hiraethog <hi-RəI-thog> [hɪrˡəɪθɔg]
Mynydd Hiraethog, highland west of Dinbych. Highest point: Mwdwl Eithin (“stack
of gorse”), 532 m (1745 ft).
Recently the name “Denbigh Moors” seems to have come into vogue among the
English as a substitute for the authentic Welsh name.
hir eich pen <hiir əkh PEN> [hiːr
əx ˡpɛn]
1 shrewd
Mae e’n ddigon hir ei ben He’s
sharp, He’s on the ball, He wasn’t born yesterday, He knows a thing or two
hirfaen <HIR-vain> [ˡhɪrvaɪn]
1 longstone, standing stone
Carreg Hirfaen carreg yr hirfaen “(the)
standing stone (called) Yr Hirfaen” SN6246. A standing stone near Llan-y-crwys,
county of Caerfyrddin.
(carreg = stone, standing stone) + (Yr Hirfaen = The
Longstone, The Standing Stone)
Nearby is Brynhirfaen SN6246. (“Bryn-hirfaen” on the map) bryn yr
“(the) hill (of) (the standing stone called) Yr Hirfaen”
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + soft
mutation + (maen = stone)
hirfron <HIR-vron> [ˡhɪrvrɔn]
feminine noun
1 long hill
Hirfron Name of a house in
Llanidloes (county of Powys) (in the list of members in “The Transactions of
the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)
Name of a farm SO0566 east of Nantmel SO0366 (Powys)
3 Hirfron SH2675 name of a farm near Rhoscolyn, Ynys Môn
ETYMOLOGY: “long hill” (hir = long)
+ soft mutation + (bron = hill)
hirfryn <HIR-vrin> [ˡhɪrvrɪn]
masculine noun
1 long hill
Hirfryn division (kúmmud / 'cwmwd')
of Cantref Bychan, in Ystrad Tywi (South-west Wales)
Caerhirfryn Lancaster, England
(“(the) Roman fort (at) Hirfryn”)
Caerhirfryn, Hirfryn
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + soft
mutation + (bryn = hill)
Hirfynydd <hir-VƏ-nidh>
[hɪrˡvənɪð] masculine noun
1 long mountain
Cefn Hirfynydd (SO4194) ridge 13 km
long by Church Stretton in Shropshire, England.
(“(the) ridge (of) Hirfynydd”)
English name: The Long Mynd (“mynd” is an adaptation of Welsh “mynydd”)
3 SN8205 Hill east of Creunant (Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) Hirfynydd
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + soft
mutation + (mynydd = mountain, hill)
hirfys <HIR-vis>
PLURAL hirfysedd [hɪrˡvəsɛð]
1 middle finger
am hirfys ei llaw chwith around / on the finger of her left hand
ETYMOLOGY: (“long finger”) (hir = long) + soft mutation + (bys =
hirgoed <HIR-goid> [ˡhɪrgɔɪd]
masculine noun
1 long wood
Cefn Hirgoed common land north-east
of the town of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr (“(the) ridge of Hirgoed”)
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + soft
mutation + (coed = wood)
hirgrwn <HIR-grun> [ˡhɪrgrʊn]
PLURAL hirgrynion
<hir-GRƏN-yon> [hɪrˡgrənjɔn]
1 oval
pêl hirgon = oval ball, rugby ball
dilynwyr y bêl hirgron rugby fans
(“followers of the oval ball”)
ETYMOLOGY: word devised by the lexicographer Caerfallwch (Edward Thomas,
1779-1858) (hir = long) + soft
mutation + (crwn = round)
NOTE: feminine form: hirgron
hirnant <HIR-nant> [ˡhɪrnant]
masculine noun
1 long valley
ETYMOLOGY: (“long valley”) (hir =
long) + (nant = valley)
Hirnant <HIR-nant> [ˡhɪrnant] feminine
1 SJ0522 hamlet in Maldwyn
(Powys), west of Pen-y-bont-fawr
Blaenhirnant <blain-HIR-nant> [blaɪnˡhɪrnant]
farm “(the) head (of the valley called) Hirnant”
Cwm Hirnant <kum-HIR-nant> [blaɪnˡhɪrnant]
farm “(the) valley (of) Hirnant”
a parish at this place
Population (1961): 117
Proportion of Welsh-speakers (1961): 92%
ETYMOLOGY: see previous entry
hirnod <HIR-nod> [ˡhɪrnɔd] masculine
PLURAL hirnodau
-e> [hɪrˡnoˑdaɪ, -ɛ]
1 circumflex (also acen grom)
length mark, macron = line over a vowel to indicate that it is long
also: hirnod syth (“long-mark +
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + (nod = mark)
hirnodi <hir-NOO-di> [hɪrˡnoˑdɪ]
1 to circumflex, place a circumflex, put a circumflex, write a
circumflex, use a circumflex
ETYMOLOGY: (hirnod = circumflex) + (-i suffix for forming verbs)
hirnos <HIR-nos> [ˡhɪrnɔs]
feminine noun
PLURAL hirnosau
-se> [hɪrˡnɔsaɪ, -sɛ]
1 long night
hirnos gaeaf a long winter’s night
Doedd mo’i well o am stori ar hirnos
There was no-one better than him for (telling) a story on a long winter’s night
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + (nos = night)
hir oes <hiir OIS> [hiːr ˡɔɪs]
1 hir oes i... (“(a) long life to...”) (in wishing well to someone
or some idea or institution, etc) long may (she / he / it) live
Hir oes i Steddfod yr Urdd Long may
the Eisteddfod of the Urdd live / prosper
hir oes i... (in a toast) here’s
to... (“(a) long life to...”)
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + (oes = life)
hir-oes <hiir OIS> [hiːr
ˡɔɪs] adjective
1 long-life
llaeth hir-oes long-life milk
ETYMOLOGY: see previous entry
hirsgwar <HIR-skwar> [ˡhɪrskwar]
1 rectangular
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + (sgwàr = rectangle)
hirwaun <HIR-wain> [ˡhɪrwaɪn]
feminine noun
1 long moor
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + (gwaun = moorland pasture)
Hirwaun <HIR-wain> [ˡhɪrwaɪn]
1 SN9505 locality in the
county of Rhondda-Cynon-Taf (South-east Wales)
ar Hirwaun in Hirwaun (local usage)
In standard Welsh, yn Hirwaun
The use of ar in this sense with certai9n place-names is characteristic of the Welsh
of south-east Wales
2 SS9384 name of a common south of the village
of Heol-y-cyw (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically
representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great
Britain and Ireland…”)
Between the village and Hirwaun there is a road called Pant Hirwaun
pant yr hirwaun “(the) dip / hollow (of) Yr Hirwaun”
ETYMOLOGY: see previous entry
hirymaros <hir-əm-AA-ros>
1 hirymaros rhywbeth suffer (something) over a long time
masculine noun
great patience, forbearance
Diarhebion 5:22 Eithr ffrwyth yr Ysbryd
yw, cariad, llawenydd, tangnefedd, hirymaros, cymwynasgarwch, daioni, ffydd,
addfwyn, dirwest
Proverbs 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance
ETYMOLOGY: (hir = long) + (ymaros = to wait; waiting)
hit <HIT> [hɪt] masculine or feminine noun
1 North Wales hit, smack
cael hit hurt oneself, give oneself
a blow
cael hit ar = knock, bang (part of
the body against)
county of Penfro chance, fluke
hit wedd e it was pure chance, it
was a fluke
hit iddo fod ’na it’ll be pure
chance if he’s there
hit = drag on a joint, puff of a cigarette containing marijuana or hashish
ti moyn hit? (a wyt ti yn ymofyn
hit?) do you want a hit?
ETYMOLOGY: English hit < Old
Norse hitta
hithau (“hithe”)
<HII-thai, -e> [ˡhiˑθaɪ,
-ɛ] (pronoun) she too
there is aspiration of an initial vowel certain possessive determiners
’m (= my), ei (= her), ein (= our),
eu (= their)
In this dictionary we mark this aspiration as h
â’m hoffer with my tools, offeryn, offer tool, tools
ei horennau her oranges, oren, orennau orange, oranges
ein hochr our side, ochr side
eu holwynion their wheels, olwyn, olwynion wheel, wheels
hob <HOOB> [hoːb]
masculine or feminine noun
PLURAL hobau,
hobiaid <HOO-bai, -e, HOB-yaid, -yed>
[ˡhoˑbaɪ, –ɛ, ˡhɔbjaɪd,
1 (obsolete) pig
hanerob (= side of bacon) < hanér-hob
hob y deri dando pork hanging from the roof beam (name of a folk song)
(hob = pig) + (y = the) + (deri = oak wood, oak beam) + (dando
= under-roof)
4 (Fourth branch of the Mabinogi, circa 1100) hob = pig
Celtic Folklore Welsh And Manx John Rhys (1901): Among other gifts which
Pryderi appears to have received from the king of Annwn were hobeu or
moch, 'pigs, swine,' which had never before been heard of in the island of
yr Hob <ər HOOB> [ ər hoːb]
1 (SJ3058) locality in the county of Flint; also a parish
English name: Hope
Mynydd yr Hob name of an upland here
(“(the) upland (of) Yr Hob”)
ETYMOLOGY: From the English name Hope,
Cymricised centuries ago (Old English hop
= small valley). Many place names in Y Fflint are of English origin, showing
English encroachment and settlement, and subsequent Welsh reconquest of the
Hope is today pronounced [houp] in English - the diphthong [ou] has generally
frpelced long ‘o’ [o:] in English. The Welsh name preserve this long ‘o’,. The
name would have entered Welsh before the change occurred in English.
Final English -p to final -b in Welsh is a feature of some earlier borrowings.
REMEMBER: The vowel is long, which might be usefully indicated
informally with a macron: yr Hob = yr Hōb
Hoddnant ‹HODH-nant› [ˡhɔðnant]
1 stream name
..a/ Llan-faes, Bro Morgannwg SS9869 map
..b/ stream in Maesyfed, Powys
..c/ stream in the county of Penfro
Hoddnant was the valley in which the Afon Alun flows in Tyddewi / Saint Davids
below, on Ordnance Survey maps as the part of the valley between the cathedral
and the sea in its English translation as “Merryvale”
2 Llywelyn Brydydd Hoddnant poet (poems from circa 1300-1350). He was said to
be a Morgannwg / Glamorgan poet by Iolo Morgannwg,
though this is not substantiated.
“Llywelyn (the) poet (from) Hoddnant”
(Llywelyn) + soft mutation + (prydydd = poet) + (Hoddnant)
ETYMOLOGY: “prosperous / fertile / pleasant valley” hoddnant < hawddnant (hawdd = (formerly) pleasant /
prosperous; (modern Welsh) easy) + (nant
= valley; stream)
The change of aw > o in the penult is a regular feature of Welsh; hawddnant
> hoddnant cf. llawr, lloriau (= floor, floors)
hoelbren <HOIL-bren>
PLURAL hoelbrennau
<hoil-BRE-nai, -e> [hɔɪlˡbrɛnaɪ,
1 wooden nail, peg
Field name: Ffrith Hoelbren, Teyrdan,
Llaneilian yn Rhos, Conwy (seemingly ffrith yr hoelbren “hill pasture
(of) the wooden peg”)
“... at Teyrdan Farm there was a field called
Ffirth hoelbren which means Wood With a Nail In It!” (Fields /
Caeau, Colwyn Bay Civic Society / February 2008)
(Note: the
meaning given for hoelbren in this quotation is incorrect)
“nail wood”, “piece of wood which acts as a nail” (hoel = nail) + soft mutation + (pren = wood, piece of wood)
hoelen, hoelion <HOI-len, HOIL-yon> [ˡhɔɪlɛn,
ˡhɔɪljɔn] (feminine noun)
1 nail (iron/steel/wooden, etc)
esgidiau hoelion hob-nailed boots
3 (South Wales) clopa hoelen head of a nail
cysgu fel hoelen sleep like a log
(“sleep like a nail”)
hoelion <HOIL-yon>
1 nails; plural form of hoelen
(= nail).
hoelon ‹hoi -lon›
1 (South Wales) nails, from hoelen (= nail). The plural form hoelion > hoelon (the lack of the
semiconsonant <y> [j] at the beginning of a final syllable is
typical of the language of the South)
hoenusrwydd <hoi-NIS-ruidh>
[hɔɪˡnɪsrʊɪð] masculine noun
1 liveliness, joie de vivre
ETYMOLOGY: (hoenus = vivacious,
lively) + (-rwydd suffix for forming
abstract nouns)
hofel <HOO-vel> [ˡhoˑvɛl]
feminine noun
PLURAL hofelydd,
hofeli <ho-VEE-lidh, ho-VEE-li> [hɔˡveˑlɪð,hɔˡveˑlɪ]
1 hovel, rudimentary cabin
(North-east Wales) shed
(North-east Wales) hofel wair Dutch
(North-east Wales) hofel drol / hofel droliau cart-house
Cododd hofel fel lle i’r ceffylau
He built a shed as a place for the horses to shelter
NOTE: [Olde Cheshire Dialecte.
hovel : the part of a smithy where horses stood to be shod, as opposed to the
5 (Dyffryn
Elái, South-east Wales) hofal fold,
a pen for sheep
(by Parc Busnes Llantrisant (the Llantrisant Business Park) there is a farm
called Yr Hofal)
ETYMOLOGY: English hovel (= open
shed for carts; ramshackle building), a word of unknown origin
hoff <HOOF> [ˡhoːf]
1 preferred, favored, favorite
fy hoff luniau my favourite photos / pictures
fy hoff lyfr my favourite book
fy hoff daith my favourite trip / journey
fy hoff adeg o’r flwyddyn my favourite time of the year
fy hoff ffilmiau my favourite films
ei hoff dîm pêl-droed his favourite football team
hoff wlad Duw God’s own country
(“(the) favoured country (of) God”)
loved, liked
bod yn hoff gan to be liked by
Roedd e’n hoff gan bawb He was liked
by everybody, he was well-liked
hoffi <HOO-fi> [ˡhoˑfɪ]
1 to like
Ych chi’n hoffi coffi? Do you like coffee? (a favourite phrase for learners
of Welsh, though in fact leicio / lico is more usual in spoken Welsh,
< English to like)
hoffter <HOO-fi> [ˡhoˑftɛr]
1 liking
Cewch fyd o fwyhad, os oes ynoch fymryn o hoffter at nofelau antur
You’ll derive great enjoyment (from this book), if you are at all fond of
adventure novels (“if there is in you a fragment of liking to adventure
ETYMOLOGY: (hoff- stem of hoffi = to like) + (-ter noun suffix)
hoffus <HOO-fis> [ˡhoˑfɪs]
hofran <HOV-ran> [ˡhɔvran]
1 to hover
2 pryf hofran hoverfly; Syrphus ribesii, and other flies of
the Syrphidae family
hogan <HOO-gan>
[ˡhoˑgan] (feminine
1 see hogen
hogen, hogennod
(’gennod) <HOO-gen, ho-GE-nod,
GE-nod> [ˡhoˑgɛn, hɔˡgɛnɔd,
ˡgɛnɔd] (feminine noun)
1 girl (north)
The plural form is often reduced to ’gennod <GE-nod>
North-west: hogan <HOO-gan> [ˡhoˑgan]
hogia <HOG-ya> [ˡhɔgja]
1 lads (North-west Wales)
See hogyn
hogiau <HOG-yau, -ye> [ˡhɔgjaɪ,
-ɛ] (masculine noun)
1 lads (North Wales)
See hogyn
hogie <HOG-ye> [ˡhɔgjɛ]
1 lads (North-east Wales)
See hogyn
hogwr penseli,
hogwyr penseli <HOO-gur pen-SEE-li,
HOG-wir pen-SEE-li> [ˡhoˑgʊr
pɛnˡsɛlɪ, ˡhɔgwɪr pɛnˡsɛlɪ]
1 pencil sharpener
hogyn, hogiau <HOO-gin, HOG-yai, -e> [ˡhoˑgɪn,
ˡhɔgjaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine noun)
1 lad (north)
Colloquially the plural is hogia (north-west), hogie (north-east)
holi <HOO-li> [ˡhoˑlɪ]
1 ask, enquire
holi mil a mwy o gwestiynau ynghylch
rhywbeth ask thousands of questions about (something) (“a thousand and more
of questions”)
holi meddwl rhywun ask somebody’s
Yr oedd Mr Richards, Tregaron yn holi ei
feddwl yn fynych
Mr Richards, Tregaron frequently asked his opinion
t54 / Y Trydydd Byr-gofiant... / John Evans, Abermeurig (1830-1917) / 1913
4 holi hanes (rhywbeth) find out
about, get an account of
Y diwrnod hwnnw aethom i
Wales, Wisconsin, i holi hanes y Cymry yno
That day we went to Wales, Wisconsin, to ask about the Welsh people there
holl <HOLH> [hɔɬ]
1 all, whole
2 ymroddi eich holl egni i’r
gwaith o... devote all one’s efforts to (“dedicate all your energy to the
work of (doing...)”)
3 â’ch holl galon wholeheartedly
hollalluog <holh-a-LHII-og> [hɔɬaˡɬiˑɔg]
1 almighty
holliach <HOLH-yakh> [ˡhɔɬjax]
completely well, in perfect health
bod yn holliach be in sound health,
fully recovered
ETYMOLOGY: (holl = complete) + (iach = healthy)
hollol <HO-lhol> [ˡhɔɬɔl]
1 (after a noun) total, complete
dieithryn hollol a complete stranger
ffŵl hollol: gwneud
ffŵl hollol ohonoch eich hun make a complete fool of yourself
twpsyn hollol a complete fool
twyll hollol downright swindle
2 (before an adjective) completely, totally
hollol ddiwerth completely useless
hollol glwm â inseparable from
(“completely bound with”)
y peth hollol groes i the complete
opposite of
bod yn hollol o ddifrif be in deadly
earnest, be completely serious
bod yn hollol ddiystyr be completely meaningless,
have no sense at all
(after adjective) completely, totally
enwau dieithr hollol totally foreign
4 (adverb) yn hollol
quite so, exactly
ETYMOLOGY: (holl = all) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)
hollt 1<HOLHT> [hɔɬt] feminine
PLURAL holltau <HOLH-tai,
-e> [ˡhɔɬtaɪ, -ɛ]
1 split, fissure, rift; split in something solid
2 cleavage between woman's breasts
yr hollt rhwng y bronnau cleavage between a woman's breasts (“the
cleavage / split between the breasts”)
3 hollt y pen-ôl cleavage of
the buttocks (“split (of) the back end”)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British < Celtic *skolt
Breton faout (= a split; (adj) split)
Cf Welsh archoll (= a gash, a wound), tywallt (= to pour)
Irish: scoilt (= to split, to divide)
hollt 2<HOLHT> [hɔɬt]
1 split
pys hollt split peas
2 morthwyl hollt claw hammer
(“split hammer”)
3 (hair) blaen hollt, blaenau
hollt <blain HOLHT, BLEI-nai, -ne, HOLHT>
[ blaɪn ˡhɔɬt, ˡbləɪnaɪ,
-ɛ, ˡhɔɬt] split
ETYMOLOGY: hollt, stem of hollti (= to split)
hollti <HOLH-ti> [ˡhɔɬtɪ]
1 to split
hollti’r tonnau (ship) plough the
waves (“split the waves”)
hollysol <holh-Ə-sol> [hɔɬˡəsɔl] adjective
1 omnivorous
ETYMOLOGY: (holl = all, everything)
+ (-ysol = -eating); (ys- stem of ysu = consume) + (-ol
suffix for forming adjectives)
hollysor <holh-Ə-sor> [hɔɬˡəsɔr] masculine
PLURAL hollysorion
<holh-ə-SOR-yon> [hɔɬəˡsɔrjɔn]
1 omnivorous
hollysydd PLURAL holysyddion is the only form in
Geiriadur yr Acádemi Cymreig
See -ysol
ETYMOLOGY: (holl = all, everything)
+ (-ysor = -eater, animal which
eats); (ys- stem of ysu = consume) + (-or suffix for indicating a an agent; from Latin -ârius, in words taken from Latin (canghellor (= chancellor) < cancellârius; afterwards used as a
suffix with native words– telynor =
hon <HON> [hɔn] (feminine
1 (feminine) this
y gornel hon o’r ddaear this corner
of the Earth
hon <HON> [hɔn] (feminine
1 (feminine) this, this one
2 this woman
Honddu <HON-dhi> [ˡhɔnðɪ]
1 (South-east) river name. See Aberhonddu
hongian <HONG-yan> [ˡhɔŋjan]
1 to hang
trwy hongian wrth eu traed â'u pennau i
lawr y mae ystlumod yn cysgu
(it is) by hanging
by their feet head-down (that) bats sleep
honna <HO-na> [ˡhɔna]
1 that one (feminine form)
that, that one; = that joke, that story
Mae honna’n hen ddihenydd That’s as
old as the hills
Hen hen stori yw honna That story’s
ancient (i.e. it’s been heard many times)
Hopcyn <HOP-kin> [ˡhɔpkɪn]
1 (male name) Hopkin
2 ap Hopcyn and Popcyn patronymic – son of Hopkin
Occurs in English spelling as the surname Popkin
hopran <HO-pran> [ˡhɔpran] feminine noun
PLURAL hopranau,
hoprod <ho-PRAA-nai, -ne, HO-prod>
[hɔˡpraˑnaɪ, -ɛ, ˡhɔprɔd]
1 hopper = funnel through which material is channelled into a
receptacle such as fuel into a furnace, or grain into a store
North Wales mouth
Cau dy hopran! shut your mouth!
Cau dy hen hopran fawr am unwaith!
shut your big mouth for once!
Cau dy hopran, y lolyn gwirion iti!
Shut your mouth, you daft fool!
ETYMOLOGY: hopran (two syllables)
< *hoperan (three syllables) < English hopper + (-an = suffix)
Horeb <HOO-reb>
1 (Bible) Horeb = mountain
name, probably that of Mount Sinai.
It is the name of the mountain where Moses and Elijah stayed for forty days and
where God made a covenant with the children of Israel
It is mentioned in :
Exodus 3:1 A Moses
oedd yn hugeilio defaid Jethro ei chwegrwn, offeiriad Midian: ac efe a yrrodd y
praidd o'r tu cefn i'r anialwch, ac a ddaeth i fynydd DUW, Horeb.
Exodus 3:1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his
father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of
the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
and in:
Exodus 17:6 Wele, mi
a safaf o'th flaen yno ar y graig yn Horeb; taro dithau y graig, a daw dwfr
allan ohoni, fel y gallo'r bobl yfed. A Moses a wnaeth felly yng ngolwg
henuriaid Israel.
Exodus 17:6 Behold, I will stand before thee there
upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come
water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of
the elders of Israel.
2 chapel name
3 place name, from a chapel name
..1/ (SN/3942) locality in the county of Ceredigion, near Llandysul
..2/ locality in Llanelli (county of Caerfyrddin)
NOTE: The name was taken to mean 'desert', 'dry solitary place'.
hormon, hormonau
<HOR-mon, hor-MOO-nai, -ne> [ˡhɔrmɔn, hɔrˡmɔnaɪ, -ɛ] (masculine
1 hormone
hosan, hosannau <HO-san, ho-SA-nai, -e> [ˡhɔsan, hɔˡsanaɪ, -ɛ] (feminine
(colloquially: ’sanne) <SA-ne> [ˡsanɛ]
1 stocking
gwisgo hosan o bob pâr wear odd
socks (“wear (a) sock of each pair”)
bod yn dorchau (socks) be curled up
Roedd ei sanau’n dorchau am ei syrnau
His socks were curled round his ankles
hostel, hostelau
<HO-stel, ho-STE-lai, -e> [ˡhɔstɛl, hɔˡstɛlaɪ, -ɛ]
1 hostel
2 hostel ieuenctid <HO-stel
yei-ENGK-tid> [ˡhɔstɛl jəɪˡɛŋktɪd]
hostela <ho-STEE-la> [hɔˡsteˑla]
1 to hostel
hostelwyr <ho-STEE-lur, ho-STEL-wir> [hɔˡsteˑlʊr, hɔˡstɛlwɪr]
1 hosteller
howtin <HOU-tin> [ˡhɔʊtɪn]
masculine noun
PLURAL howtinod
1 (Coregonus oxyrinchus) houting (a fish found only
in Denmark)
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < English < Dutch
there is aspiration of an initial vowel certain possessive determiners
‘m (= my), ei (= her), ein (= our),
eu (= their),
In this dictionary we mark this aspiration as h
a’m huwd and my porridge, uwd porridge
ei hunig fab her only son, unig fab only son
ein hundeb our (trade) union, undeb (trade) union
eu hutgyrn their trumpets utgorn, utgyrn trumpet, trumpets
hual <HII-al> [ˡhiˑal] masculine noun
PLURAL hualau
-e> [hɪˡɑˑlaɪ, -ɛ]
1 shackle = iron ring with a chain around the ankle or wrist of a
prisoner or slave to prevent escape
hualau hobble = cord or chain placed
around the forelegs of an animal such as a goat or sheep to prevent it from
hualau ties, shackles; anything
which confines or restricts freedom
cael bod yn rhydd o’r hen hualau
free oneself from the old shackles
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh hual < British;
possibly < Latin *fûbula < fîbula (= clasp), possibly < fîgere (= fasten);
From the same British root: Breton hual
(= shackle, hobble)
hualu <hi-AA-li> [hɪˡɑˑlɪ]
verb with an object
1 fetter,
ETYMOLOGY: (hual = shackle) + (-u = suffix for forming verbs)
huan <HII-an> [ˡhiˑan] masculine or feminine noun
1 sun
in house names and other place names:
Bodhuan (‘house (of the) sun’),
Bronhuan (‘hill (of the) sun’),
Huanfryn <hi-AN-vrin> [hɪˡanvrɪn] (‘sun-hill’)
adjective sunny
hud <HIID> [ˡhiːd] masculine noun
PLURAL hudion <HID-yon> [ˡhɪdjɔn]
1 magic, sorcery; art of the control of hidden forces by means of
secret knowledge
hud a lledrith sorcery, magic; (“magic and enchantment / illusion”)
gwlad hud a lledrith fairyland
magic = practice of this art
trwy hud by magic
magic = any event which seems to have no explanation
magic = art of producing illusions by sleight of hand
Y Cylch Hud the Magic Circle
(association of professional conjurers)
charm, magic spell
bwrw hud ar cast a spell on, put a
spell on
chwalu’r hud break the spell
dan hud under a spell, spellbound
rhoi hud ar cast a spell on, put a
spell on
torri’r hud break the spell
magic, charm = pleasantness
hud noswaith nos haf the charm of a
summer night
(adjective) magic
carped hud magic carpet
cast hud = conjuring trick
cymysgedd hud magic mixture, magic
geiriau hud magic words
ffon hud magic wand
hudlath magic wand (hud = magic) + soft mutation + (llath = stick)
Gwlad Hud Wonderland
Alys yng Ngwlad Hud Alice in
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh hud < British
< Celtic *soit-
From the same British root:
Cornish hus < Cornish antic hud (= enchantment),
Breton hud (= magic)
-hudd <HIIDH> [hiːð] adj
dark, gloomy
the word is found in:
anhuddo (= cover),
cyhuddo (= accuse),
dadannudd (obsolete; recover [property]),
dyhuddo (= cover)
huddo (= cover),
-huddo <HII-dho> [ˡhiˑðɔ]
cover, hide, bury
(fire) bank = cover a fire (cover with ashes or fuel at night
to cause it to burn slowly and last until the morning, rake up the fire; damp
(in this sense it could be hosever a shortening of anhuddo = cover a fire)
stem of huddo (= cover),
Cf. anhuddo (= cover), cyhuddo (= accuse), dadannudd (obsolete; recover of
property), dyhuddo (= cover)
ETYMOLOGY: (hudd = dark) + (-o suffix for forming verbs)
huddugl (huddug)
<HII-dhigl, HII-dhig> [ˡhiˑðɪgl, ˡhiˑðɪg] (masculine
1 soot
hudladrata <hid-la-DRA-ta> [hɪdlaˡdrata] verb
1 (not in modern use) swindle
Yr oedd y dull y triniwyd John Roberts yn gynddrwg hudladrata a fu yn y
byd erioed.
The way in which John Roberts was treated was as bad a case of swindling as
ever there was
(hud = magic) + soft mutation + (lladrata = steal, rob)
hudlath <HID-lath> [ˡhɪdlaθ] feminine noun
PLURAL hudlathau
-e> [hɪdˡlɑˑθaɪ,
1 magic
Pe bai gennyf hudlath, ail-Gymreigio
Powys wnawn i
If I had a magic wand, I’d make (the county of) Powys Welsh again
ETYMOLOGY: (hud = magic) + soft
mutation + (llath = stick)
hudo <HII-do> [ˡhiˑdɔ]
verb with an object
1 charm = to put a magic spell on
charm = to cause to come into one’s possession
Methodd y porthmon â hudo’r punnoedd o
bocedi’r ffermwyr
The cattle dealer failed to charm the pounds from the farmers’ pockets
entice = to attract by suggesting that a desire will be satisfied; to tempt
yr hysbysebion di-ri yn ein hudo ni i
brynu álcohol
the endless adverts enticing us to buy alcohol
seduce (sexually)
lure = to attract a victim by falsely promising a reward, pleasure, safety, etc
hudo llong ar y creigiau to lure a
ship onto the rocks
ETYMOLOGY: (hud = magic) + (-o = suffix for forming verbs)
hudol <HII-dol> [ˡhiˑdɔl]
1 enchanted, magic
There is a street called Dôlhudol (“Dol
Hudol”) in Cyffordd Llandudno (county of Conwy), apparently (without having
looked at any earlier forms of the name) “enchanted meadow” (or possibly dôl
yr hudol
“(the) meadow (of ) the sorceror”
Llwynhudol (“Llwyn Hudol”) Name of a
house in Bangor (county of Gwynedd)
(llwyn = grove)
ETYMOLOGY: (hud = magic) + (-ol adjectival suffix)
hudol <HII-dol> [ˡhiˑdɔl]
or feminine noun
PLURAL hudoliaid, hudolion ‹hi-DOL-yaid –yed, hi-DOL-yon› [hɪˡdɔljaɪd,
hɪˡdɔljɛd, hɪˡdɔljɔn]
1 sorceror, magician
Malachi 3:5 A mi a nesâf atoch chwi i farn; a byddaf `dyst cyflym yn erbyn
yr hudolion, ac yn erbyn y godinebwyr, ac yn erbyn yr anudonwyr, ac yn erbyn
camatalwyr cyflog y cyflogedig
Malachi 3:5 And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift
witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false
swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages
Craig yr Hudol (“Craig-yr-hudol”) SS8989 (Height: 355 metres) “(the)
rock / crag (of) the sorceror” to the west of Pont-y-rhyl in Cwm Garw,
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Also a farm Craigyrhudol (“Craig-yr-hudol”) S8988 south-west of the
hill, at the bottom of the slope
ETYMOLOGY: the adjective hudol (= enchanted, magic) used as noun
hudoles <hi-DOO-les>
[hɪˡdoˑlɛs] feminine noun
PLURAL hudolesau
<hi-do-LE-sai, -e> [hɪdɔˡlɛsaɪ,
1 sorceress, enchantress
Eiseia 57:3 Nesewch yma, meibion yr
hudoles, had y godinebus a’r butain
Isaiah 57:3 But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the
adulterer and the whore.
seductress, woman who seduces men
ETYMOLOGY: (hudol = magician) + (-es suffix for forming nouns indicating
a female)
hudoliaeth <hi-DOL-yaith,
-yeth> [hɪˡdɔljaɪθ, -ɛθ] feminine noun
PLURAL hudoliaethau
<hi-dol-YEI-thai, -e> [hɪdɔlˡjəɪθaɪ,
1 enchantment,
charm, attraction, lure = attractiveness of a place, a person
sorcery, magic, witchcraft
Thesaloniaid-1 2:3 Canys ein cyngor ni
nid oedd o hudoliaeth nac o aflendid, nac mewn twyll
Thessalonians-1 2:3 For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of
uncleanness, nor in guile
Sant Marc 4-19 Ac y mae gofalon y byd
hwn, a hudoliaeth golud, a chwantau am bethau eraill, yn dyfod i mewn, ac yn
tagu’r gair, a myned y mae yn ddiffrwyth
Mark 4:19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and
the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh
ETYMOLOGY: (hudol = magician) + (-iaeth = suffix for forming abstract
hudwaith <HID-waith>
[ˡhɪdwaɪθ] masculine noun
1 trickery,
hudwaith llaw sleight of hand
ETYMOLOGY: (hud = magic) + soft
mutation + (gwaith = work)
hufen, hufenau <HII-ven, hi-VEE-nai, -e> [ˡhiˑvɛn, hɪˡveˑnaɪ, -ɛ]
1 cream
bynsen hufen cream bun
hufen chwip <HII-ven KHWIP> [ˡhiˑvɛn ˡxwɪp]
1 whipped cream
ETYMOLOGY: (hufen = cream) + (chwip, stem of the verb chwipio = to whip). Verbstems are used
as past participles in Welsh.
hufenfa <hi-VEN-va>
[hɪˡvɛnva] feminine noun
PLURAL hufenféydd
<hi-ven-VEIDH> [hɪvɛnˡvəɪð]
1 creamery
ETYMOLOGY: (hufen = cream) + (-fa suffix = ‘place’)
NOTE: also ffatri laeth (“factory
(of) milk”)
hufen iâ <hi-ven YAA> [hɪvɛn ˡjɑː] masculine noun
1 ice cream
hufen tolch <HII-ven TOLKH> [ˡhiˑvɛn ˡtɔlx] masculine noun
1 clotted cream
ETYMOLOGY: (hufen = cream) + (tolch = clotted, past participle of tolchi = to clot)
hugan, huganau <HI-gan, hi-GAA-nai, -e> [ˡhɪgan,hɪˡgɑˑnaɪ, -ɛ]
1 cape
hulio <HIL-yol> [ˡhɪljɔ]
1 hulio bwrdd ‹HIL yo BURDH› (Proverbs 9:2) set the table
hun 1 ‹HIIN› (feminine noun)
1 sleep
(North Wales) cae’r hun bed (“(the)
field (of) the sleep”)
cyntun nap, short sleep, snooze,
This is literally “first sleep” (cynt-
= first) + (hun = sleep)
cael cyntun have a nap
hun 2 ‹HIIN› (pronoun)
1 oneself
fe ei hun ‹HIIN;
vee i HIIN› himself
eich cyfyngu eich hun i restrict yourself to, confine
yourself to
Daeth Gerallt yn ôl i Gymru i wasanaethu'r eglwys, ond
ni fwriadodd erioed gyfyngu ei hun i fynachdy.
[Gymro] came back to Wales to serve the church, but he never intended to
confine himself to a monastery.
bod yn debycach i chi eich hun unwaith
eto become your old self again, regain vitality (“be more like to you
yourself once again”)
hunan 1 ‹HIIN› (masculine noun)
1 oneself
2 fe ei hunan (South Wales) ‹HI nan; ve i HI nan› (pronoun) himself (South)
Helynt ni ddaw ei hunan It never
rains but it pours, troubles never come singly (“trouble never comes by itself
/ unaccompanied”)
hunan 2 ‹HI nan› (prefix) auto-, self-
hunain ‹HI nen› (pronoun)
1 selves
2 nhw eu hunain ‹nhu i HU nen›
hunanddistryw ‹HII-nan dhis -triu› (m)
1 self destruction, (figuratively) suicide
cyflawni hunanddistryw gwleidyddol
commit politicial suicide
ETYMOLOGY: (hunan = self-, auto-) +
soft mutation + (distryw =
destruction )
hunandyb ‹hi-NAN-dib› [hɪˡnandɪb] (m)
1 presumption, conceit, self-importance
ETYMOLOGY: (hunan = self-, auto-) +
soft mutation + (tyb = opinion, supposition)
hunandybus ‹HII-nan-DƏ-bis› [ˡhiˑnanˡdəbɪs] (adj)
1 jumped-up, presumptious, self-important, conceited
pobl falch a hunadybus self-satisfied and self-important people
rhai mor uffernol o hunan-dybus, boddhaus a haerllug people terribly
self-important, self-satisfied and insolent
ETYMOLOGY: (hunandyb = self-, auto-)
+ soft mutation + (hunandyb =
hunanfanteisol ‹HII-nan van- tei -shol›
1 for one’s own advantage
diddordebau hunanfanteisiol
selfserving interests
ETYMOLOGY: (hunan = self-, auto-) +
soft mutation + (manteisiol
hunangofiannol ‹HII-nan gov- ya -nol›
1 autobiographical
ETYMOLOGY: (hunangofiant =
autobiography) + (-ol, suffix for
forming adjectives) nt > nh
hunangofiannydd ‹HII-nan gov- ya -nidh›
masculine noun
PLURAL hunangofianwyr
‹HII-nan gov-yan-wir›
1 autobiographer
ETYMOLOGY: (hunangofiant =
autobiography) + (-ydd noun suffix
for indicating a device or an agent) nt
> nh
hunangofiant ‹HII-nan gov -yant› masculine
PLURAL hunangofiannau‹HII-nan gov- ya -ne›
1 autobiography, memoir
ETYMOLOGY: (hunan = self-, auto-) +
soft mutation + (cofiant =
hunangynhaliol ‹HII nan gə NHAL yol› (adjective)
1 self-sufficient
hunanladdgar ‹HII-nan LADH gar› (adjective)
1 having suicidal tendencies
hunanladdiadau ‹HII-nan LADH yad, hi na
ladh YA de› (masculine noun)
1 suicide
2 cyflawni hunanladdiad
commit suicide
hunangeisiol ‹HII-nan gei -shol› adjective
1 self-seeking
gymdeithas hunanol, hunangeisiol a
selfish, self-seeking society
ETYMOLOGY: (hunan-gais =
self-seeking) + soft mutation + (cais
= attempt, try)
hunanobsesiwn ‹HII-nan ob-se-shun›
masculine noun
1 self-obsession
ETYMOLOGY: (hunan = self-, auto-) +
(obsesiwn = obsession)
hunanobsesiynol ‹HII-nan ob-se-shə-nol›
1 self-obsessed
ETYMOLOGY: (hunan-obsesiwn =
self-obsession) + (-ol, suffix for
forming adjectives)
hunanol ‹hi NA nol› (adjective)
1 selfish
hunanoldeb ‹hi na NOL deb› (masculine noun)
1 selfishness
hunllef (hunlle’)
‹HIN lhe› (feminine noun)
1 nightmare
hunllefus ‹hin LHE vis› (adjective)
1 nightmarish
huno ‹hî -no›
1 sleep, slumber
Medrais huno am bedair awr y noson honno
cyn cael fy neffro gan un o’m cyd-filwyr
I was able to sleep for four hours that night before being wakened by one of my
fellow soldiers
pass away, die
Bu Mrs Jones yn dioddef ers peth amser
cyn huno yn Ysbyty’r Mynyddbychan ddiwedd mis Ebrill
Mrs Jones had suffered for some time before passing away in Mynyddbychan
Hospital at the end of April
huno yn yr Arglwydd to fall asleep
in the Lord, to die
huno yn yr angau sleep the sleep of death, die (“sleep in the death”)
Salmau 13:3 Edrych, a chlyw fi, O
ARGLWYDD fy NUW; ac goleua fy llygaid, rhag i mi huno yn yr angau:
Psalms 13:3 Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I
sleep the sleep of death;
sleep = have eternal rest, be dead. (Seen especially in inscriptions on
Huned mewn hedd May he / she sleep in peace
dihuno wake up = stop sleeping; wake
up = cause to stop sleeping
ETYMOLOGY: British < Celtic < Indo-European sopno-s (= sleep); Cornish hun
(= sleep), Breton hun (= sleep).
Hibernian languages: Irish sua (=
From the same Indo-European root: Latin somnus
(= sleep), and from here Catalan son
(= sleep)
hur-bwrcas ‹hiir- bur -kas›
masculine noun
1 hire purchase (HP)
prynu drwy hur-bwrcas to buy on HP
ETYMOLOGY: direct translation of English hire
purchase (hur = hire) + soft
mutation + (pwrcas = purchase,
buying )
hurio ‹hin LHE vis›
1 to hire
hurito ‹HIRT yo› verb
1 (verb without an object)
go mad, be driven crazy
yfed nes hurtio drink oneself stupid
hurtyn ‹ hir -tin› masculine
PLURAL hurtion
‹ hirt
idiot, blockhead, dolt, fool, oaf, fool, cretin, numskull
Pwy wnaeth? Yr hurtyn mab sy gynni-hi
wnaeth, wrth gwrs
Who did it? That cretin of a son of hers did it, of course
hurtyn geni = congenital oaf
ETYMOLOGY: (hurt = stupid) + (-yn suffix to make a noun from an
Huw ‹HIU› (masculine noun)
1 (male) Hugh
2 ap Huw son of Hugh
Llywelyn ap Huw Llywelyn son [of] Huw
Puw coalesced form of ap Huw (In English spelling Anglicised as
Pugh. Pugh is in use a surname)
3 Huw son of Hugh
Llywelyn Huw Llywelyn [son] [of] Huw
(In English spelling as Hugh. As a surname: Hugh; with the addition of the
English possessive suffix -es: Hughes)
Huwcyn ‹HIU kin› (masculine noun)
1 (Huw + cyn) diminutive
of Huw
there is aspiration of an initial vowel certain possessive determiners
’m (= my), ei (= her), ein (= our),
eu (= their),
In this dictionary we mark this aspiration as h
a’m hwyneb and my face, wynebc face
ei hwyau her eggs, wy, wyau egg, eggs
ein hŵyr our grandson, ŵyr grandson
eu hwyrion their grandchildren, ŵyr, wyrion grandson,
South-western pronunciation of words with initial chw-
In the south-east, the initial h is
North Wales
South-west Wales
South-east Wales
chwilio (= to look for)
chwannen (= flea)
chwaer (= sister)
waar > wäär
chwech (= six)
(The usual representation of this sound in dialect writing is wh-, a grapheme borrowed from English –
whilo, whannen, whâr, whech, etc,
though hw- is a better spelling, as
in modern Cornish; and it shows a clearer relationship with the original sound
spelt chw-; thus hwilo, hwannen, hwâr, hwech)
hwap ‹HWAP› (adverb)
1 like lightning
hwbwb ‹hu -bub› masculine noun
1 hubbub, clamour
noisy quarrel; dispute
In Llwyneliddon (county of Bro Morgannwg) there is Trehwbwb (tre =
village), which in 1762 was Tir Wbwb
(the loss of h is typical of
south-eastern Welsh) “disputed land”
(tir = land) + (hwbwb = hubbub, dispute)
ETYMOLOGY: English hubbub, probably
from Irish. In Scottish (Gàidhlig) there is ubub!, an expression of contempt
NOTE: Also iwbwb
hwch, hychod <HUUKH, Həə-khod> [huːx, ˡhəˑxɔd] (feminine
1 sow
2 (in earlier Welsh it referred to a pig in general, not necessarily a
female pig; GPC page 1880)
gwneud clust fel hwch mewn haidd
prick up your ears
(“make (the) ear like (a) sow in barley”)
bod fel ci a'r hwch (boyfriend and
girlfriend, man and wife, etc) live a cat and dog life (“be like a dog and the
morhwch porpoise (the standard form
is llamhidydd) “sow / pig of sea” (môr = sea) + (hwch = sow; formerly pig)
Hwfa ‹HUU-va› [ˡhuˑva]
medieval male personal name, found especially in place names in North Wales
..a/ ab Hwfa / ap Hwfa > *Pwfa son of Hwfa, a patronymic
which, Anglicised, became the surname Povey
..b/ Pont-hwfa SH2482 village west of Caergybi (Ynys Môn)
(“pont Hwfa”) “(the) bridge (of) Hwfa”, Hwfa’s bridge map
..c/ Carreghwfa name of a communtiy on the border with England. It
includes the Welsh half of the village of Llanymynech (the other half of the
village is on the English side of the border).
(“carreg Hwfa”) “(the) stone (of) Hwfa”, Hwfa’s stone
The English use the form Careghofa / Carreghofa for this community.
The name is to be seen on the map in Plas Carreghwfa / Carreghofa Hall SJ2521 Plas Carreghwfa
..d/ Rhostrehwfa SH4474 village south-west of Llangefni (“Rhostrehwfa”
on the Ordnace Survey map)
(“rhos Trehwfa”) “(the) moorland (of) Trehwfa”.
Trehwfa is “tre Hwfa” “(the) trêv / manor (of) Hwfa” Rhostrehwfa
..e/ Hwfa Môn Pseudonym of William Rowlands
(1823-1905), an Independent minister and archdruid of Wales. He was born at Pen-y-graig, Trefdraeth, Ynys Môn, but when he was five years old his family moved
to Rhostrehwfa.
“Hwfa (from) (the island of) Môn / Anglesey”
..f/ Ffordd Hwfa. Name of a street in Llangefni, Ynys Môn
“(the) road (of) Hwfa”, Hwfa’s road, Hwfa Road
..g/ Ffordd Hwfa. Name of a street in Bangor,
“(the) road (of) Hwfa”, Hwfa’s road, Hwfa Road
..h/ Bwlch Hwfa
place at Llanffestiniog, Gwynedd
“(the) gap / pass (of) Hwfa”, Hwfa’s gap
..i/ Brynhwfa
name of a building in Llangefni, Ynys Môn (“Bryn Hwfa”)
“(the) hill (of) Hwfa”, Hwfa’s hill
..g/ Cwrt-hwfa. Name of a street in Bangor,
Gwynedd (“Cwrt Hwfa”)
“(the) court (of) Hwfa”, Hwfa’s court
..g/ Berth-hwfa
(= Perth-hwfa). Place noted in Calvanistic Methodist Births and Baptisms
for Trefdraeth, Ynys Môn (9 Mar 1835, Elinor Jones) (“Berth Hwfa”)
“(the) bush / hedge (of) Hwfa”, Hwfa’s bush
hwian ‹HWII-an› (v)
sing a lullaby
hwiangerdd ‹hwi-AN-gerdh›
feminine noun
PLURAL hwiangerddi ‹hwi-an-GER-dhi›
1 nursery rhyme
ETYMOLOGY: (hwian = sing a lullaby) +
soft mutation + (cerdd = song)
hwilber <HWIL-ber> [ˡhwɪlbɛr]
feminine noun
PLURAL hwilberi <hwil-BEE-ri> [hwɪlˡbeˑrɪ] 1
(South Wales) wheelbarrow
(South-east Wales) idiot
cario mwg mewn hwilber (“carry smoke
in a wheelbarrow”) try to do the impossible
(Also: cario mwg mewn berfa (“carry
smoke in a wheelbarrow”))
ETYMOLOGY: English wheelbarrow (wheel) + (barrow < Old English)
hwirglo <HWIR-glo> [ˡhwɪrglɔ]
1 (South Wales - county of Penfro) hwirglo < wirglo, soft-mutated form of gwirglo, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
Y Hwirglo
Ware <HWIR-glo WAA-rai,
-re> [ˡhwɪrglɔ ˡwɑˑraɪ,
1 (= Y Weirglodd Chwarae) (‘the meadow of playing’) common land in
San Clêr (county of Caerfyrddin) (year 1838, noted in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru
/ University of Wales Dictionary, page 1622) .
Hwlffwrdd <HUL-fordh> [ˡhʊlfɔrð]
1 town in south-west Wales
Hwmffre <HUM-fre> [ˡhʊmfrɛ]
1 man's name = Humphrey
ap Hwmffre “son of Hwmffre”
(ap = son, < ab < fab,
soft-mutated form of mab = son) + (Hwmffre)
..1/ patronymic = son of Hwmffre
..2/ surname (ap Hwmffre > Pwmffre o Hwmffre) = descendent of the son of Hwmffre
Anglicised form = Pumphrey, Pomffrey, Humphrey, Humphreys
ETYMOLOGY: French < Germanic; “giant” + “peace”
hwn <HUN> [hʊn] (pronoun)
1 this
hwn acw <hun A-ku> [hʊn ˡakʊ] masculine
1 that one over there, the one over there
North Wales nacw ‹na
-ku› (loss of the first syllable)
(South Wales) hwnco, ’wnco ‹hun -ko, un -ko›
hwn acw yn y fan acw that one over
there in that place over there
(North Wales) nacw’n fancw
(South Wales) hwnco manco (qv)
ETYMOLOGY: hwn acw < hwn aco < hwn
rhaco (rhag = in front)
South Wales: hwnco < hwn aco < hwn
hwn acw yn y fan
acw <hun A-ku ən ə van A-ku> [hʊn ˡakʊ
ən ə van ˡakʊ] masculine
1 that one over there, the one over there
(North Wales) nacw’n fancw ‹na -kun van -ku›
(loss of the first syllable, acw ‹a -ku›
> cw ‹ku›)
(South Wales) hwnco manco, ’wnco / wwnco ‹hun -ko, un -ko / wun -ko›
hwn acw yn y fan acw that one over
there in that place over there
(North Wales) nacw’n fancw
(South Wales) hwnco manco (qv)
ETYMOLOGY: hwn acw yn y man acw (hwn = this one) + (acw = over there) + (yn y
man = in the place) + (acw =
over there)
hwnco <HUN-co> [ˡhʊncɔ] masculine
South Wales
1 that one over there; see hwn
NOTE: also wwnco <WUN-co> [ˡwʊncɔ]
hwnco manco <HUN-ko MAN-ko> [ˡhʊnkɔ ˡmankɔ] masculine pronoun
1 that one over there, that one up there, that one down there
Hwnco manco yw’r enillydd? Is that
the winner over there?
NOTE: also wwnco <WUN-ko> [ˡwʊnkɔ]
In North Wales – nacw’n fancw <NA-kun VAN-ku> [ˡnakʊn ˡvankʊ]
ETYMOLOGY: hwn aco (yn y) man aco = hwn acw yn y man acw (hwn = this one) + (acw = over there) + (yn y
man = in the place) + (acw =
over there)
hwndrwd <HUN-drud> [ˡhʊndrʊd] masculine
PLURAL hwndrydau
-de> [hʊnˡdrəˑdaɪ,
1 hundred = an administrative divison of a county
Hwndrwd Meisgyn The Hundred of
Meisgyn / Miskin
Hwndrwd Cibwr The Hundred of Cibwr / Kibbor
ETYMOLOGY: English hundred, an Anglian-Saxon
Hwngareg ‹hun-GAA-reg› [hʊnˡgɑˑrɛg] (feminine
noun, adjective)
1 Hungarian
Hwngari <HUNG-ga-ri> [ˡhʊŋgarɪ]
1 Hungary
hwnna <HU-na> [ˡhʊna]
that one (masculine)
Hwntw, Hwntws <HUN-tu, HUN-tus> [ˡhʊntʊ,
ˡhʊntʊs] (masculine noun)
1 Southerner, person from South Wales (nickname)
hwrdai <HUR-dai> [ˡhʊrdaɪ]
1 plural of hwrdy =
whorehouse, brithel, bordello
hwrdd, hyrddod 1
<HURDH, HƏR-dhod> [hʊrð, ˡhərðɔd] (masculine
1 ram
yr Hwrdd (Astrology) Aries
hwrdd, hyrddod 2
<HURDH, HƏRDH-yai, -ye> [ˡhʊrð, ˡhərðjaɪ, -jɛ]
(masculine noun)
1 impulse, thrust
2 hwrdd o dymer fit of
3 cwrdd (â rhywun) = to
meet (somebody)
ETYMOLOGY: cwrdd < cw-WRDD <
(cy- / cyf- prefix = together) +
(hwrdd = impulse, thrust, blow)
hwrdy <HUR-di> [ˡhʊrdɪ]
masculine noun
PLURAL hwrdai
1 whorehouse, brothel, bordello
ETYMOLOGY: (hwr = whore) + soft
mutation + (ty = house)
hwren <HUU-ren> [ˡhuˑrɛn]
feminine noun
PLURAL hwrod
1 (offensive) whore, slut, shagbag
ETYMOLOGY: (hwr = whore) + (-en diminutive suffix added to nouns); hwr < English whore < Old English hôre.
Related to Latin carus (= dear)
hwrgi <HUR-gi> [ˡhʊrgɪ]
masculine noun
PLURAL hwrgwn,
hwrgwns <HUR-gun, HUR-guns> [ˡhʊrgʊn, ˡhʊrgʊns]
1 fornicator
ETYMOLOGY: (hwr = whore) + soft
mutation + (ci = dog; also used in
compound words as a slighting term for a man)
hwrio <HUR-yo> [ˡhʊrjɔ]
1 (verb without an object) to whore, to go whoring, have sex with
ETYMOLOGY: (hwr = whore) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)
hwriwr <HUR-yur> [ˡhʊrjʊr]
masculine noun
PLURAL hwrwyr
(North Wales)
1 whore chaser, man who has sex with whores
ETYMOLOGY: (hwr- stem of hwrio = to whore, to go whoring) + (-i-wr suffix = man)
hwrjwr <HUR-jur> [ˡhʊrʤʊr] m
PLURAL hwrjwyr
1 (North Wales) hwrjwr cyffuriau
drug pusher, drug dealer, drug trafficker
ETYMOLOGY: (hwrj- stem of hwrjio = urge, sell) + (-wr suffix = man)
hwtrwr <HU-trur> [ˡhʊtrʊr]
PLURAL hwtrwyr
1 (South Wales) hwtrwr
cyffuriau drug pusher, drug dealer, drug trafficker
ETYMOLOGY: hwrtwr < *hwrtrwr (hwrt- stem of hwrto =
urge, force on, sell) (-wr suffix =
hwsmon <HUS-mon> [ˡhʊsmɔn]
masculine noun
PLURAL hwsmyn <HUS-min> [ˡhʊsmɪn]
1 husbandman
2 (North Wales) head farmservant, foreman, farm bailiff
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh hwsbond < Middle
English hous-bond ‹húzbənd› (= farmer), with the final element
“bond” replaced by -mon (= man) <
dialect English mon (= man).
The word housbond < Old Norse hûsbôndi, < hus (= house), bôndi (=
head of a household) < boa (= to
live, inhabit)
Cf modern Norwegian bonde (=
farmer), bo (= live, inhabit)
hwy <HUI> [hʊɪ]
1 (formal Welsh) they
In colloquial Welsh this is nhw or nw
hwy <HUI> [hʊɪ]
1 longer (comparative form of hir
= long)
dwywaith yn hwy na (rhywbeth) twice
as long as, double the length of
bod ddwywaith yn hwy na (rhywbeth)
be twice as long as, be double the length of
hwyaden, hwyaid <hui-AA-den, HUI-aid, -ed> [hʊɪˡɑˑdɛn, ˡhʊɪaɪd,
-ɛd] (masculine noun)
1 duck
2 oer fel troed hwyaden (“cold like
foot (of) duck”, as cold as a duck’s foot)
moch dysg nawf mab
hwyad (saying; archaic Welsh) a duckling quickly
learns to swim
(‘(it is) rapid (that) learns swimming (a) son / child / young one (of)
3 penhwyad (Sphyraena sphyraena) = pike
“head (of) duck”, “duck-head” (pen =
head) + (hwyad = duck)
hwyaden lydanbig
lə-DAN-big> [hʊɪˡɑˑdɛn ləˡdanbɪg]
PLURAL hwyad
llydanbig <HUI-ad lhə-DAN-big>
[ˡhʊɪad ɬəˡdanbɪg]
(Anas clypeata) shoveller
ETYMOLOGY: (hwyaden = duck) + soft
mutation + (llydanbig = wide-beaked)
hwyl, hwyliau
(1) <HUIL, HUIL-yai, -ye> [hʊɪl, ˡhʊɪljaɪ, -jɛ] (feminine
1 emotion
2 mynd i hwyl dros (rywbeth)
get all excited about, become enthusiastic about
3 fun
cael hwyl a hanner have a grand old time, have a really great time (“get
fun and (a) half”)
difetha hwyl rhywun spoil somebody’s
torri ar hwyl rhywun spoil somebody’s fun
4 cael hwyl ardderchog have a great time
5 high spirits
Roedd criw bach mewn hwyl o gwmpas y bwrdd wrth y ffenestr yn y dafarn
There was a small group in high spirits arounnd a table by the window in the
hwyl, hwyliau
(2) <HUIL, HUIL-yai, -ye> [hʊɪl, ˡhʊɪljaɪ, -jɛ] (feminine
1 sail
hwylio <HUIL-YO>
(verb with an object):
1 prepare (something), get (something) ready
hwylio bwyd = prepare some food
hwylio’r bwyd = prepare the food
hwylio brecwast = prepare breakfast
hwylio cinio = prepare dinner, lunch
hwylio te = prepare tea
hwylio swper = prepare supper
hwylio'r bwrdd prepare the table, set the table
2 eich hwylio eich hun get oneself ready
Cafodd ei frecwast ac aeth i’w hwylio ei hun He had breakfast and went
to get himself ready
3 sail (a ship), steer (a ship)
4 take, transport
Bu rhaid hwylio'r ddau hogyn am yr ysgol We had to take the two lads to
5 to wheel something, push (something on wheels) (bicycle, wheelbarrow,
trolley, pram) (possibly through the influence of English to wheel)
Hwyliodd y troli ar hyd y palmant He wheeled the trolley along the
(verb without an object):
6 prepare to, get ready to
pan ddaeth yn amser hwylio i fynd i'r capel
when the time came to get ready to go to the chapel
Roedd y trên yn hwylio cychwyn allan The train was getting ready to
Roedd yn amser hwylio mynd i'r gwely i bawb erbyn inni gyrraedd
By the time we arrived it was time for everybody to get ready for bed
7 sail
hwylio ar led sail to foreign parts, sail abroad
hwylio yn agos i’r gwynt / hwylio yn agos at y gwynt sail close to the
wind; (figuratively) undertake a difficult course, take a risk, lay oneself
open to disaster
8 set sail = begin a voyage
Bydd y llong yn hwylio nos yfory The ship will set sail tomorrow night
9 set about doing something
hwylio codi start getting up
hwylio ati set to it, start a task
10 sail = float
hedyn dant y llew yn hwylio ar awelig a dandelion seed floating on a
11 (wind) hwylio i lawr to drop
ETYMOLOGY: (hwyl = sail; journey) (-io suffix for forming
NOTE: Also: hwilio (diphthong
wy > consonant + vowel wi)
1 hwyr <HUIR> [hʊɪr] (adjective)
1 late
llosgi’r gannwyll yn hwyr burn the
midnight oil (“burn the candle late”)
ymhén yr hir a’r hwyr with the
passage of time, over time
hwyr <HUIR> [hʊɪr]
PLURAL hwyrau <HUI-rai,
-re> [ˡhʊɪraɪ, -rɛ]
1 evening
gyda’r hwyr in the evening
Salmau 59:6 Dychwelant gyda’r hwyr, cyfarthant fel cŵn, ac amgylchant y
Psalms 59:6 They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog, and go
round about the city
am saith yn yr hwyr at seven in the evening
hwyr a bore night and morning
yn yr hwyr in the evening
Salmau 55:17 Hwyr a bore, a hanner dydd, y gweddïaf, a byddaf daer: ac efe a
glyw fy lleferydd.
Psalms 55:17 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud:
and he shall hear my voice.
2 yn awel yr hwyr in the cool
of the evening
3 seren yr hwyr the evening
star, the planet Venus
4 melyn yr hwyr (Oenothera
biennis) Evening primrose (“yellow (flower) (of) the evening”)
rhy hwyr edifaru wedi llosgi’r ty
it’s no use crying over spilt milk (“(it-is) too late regretting after (the)
burning (of) the house”)
Gwell hwyr na hwyrach Better late
than never (“Better late than (even) later”)
7 Wedi neidio rhy hwyr peidio
Look before you leap (“after jumping too late not ‹to
ETYMOLOGY: Probably from British, given the similarity with hir (=
long), hwy (= longer). If not, from Latin sêr-us (= late)
hwyrach <HUI-rakh> [ˡhʊɪrax]
1 (adjective) later
(adverb) (North Wales) perhaps, maybe
Colloquially also hwrach ‹HUU-rakh› [ˡhuˑrax] (reduction of the pretonic diphthing wy
> simple vowel w, a feature of other words in Welsh, especially gwybod
(= to know) > gwbod).
Also wrach ‹UU-rakh› [ˡuˑrax] , with
loss of the initial h
Hwyrach nad yw’n wir Maybe it’s not
(Synonyms of hwyrach: efallai / gall / dichon)
Originally hwyrach (=
perhaps) was nid hwyrach (= not later), and the pretonic nid fell
away - as it has in the negative forms of verbs (nid oedd = it
wasn’t > doedd)
A Welsh Grammar,
Historical and Comparative. John Morris(-)Jones, 1913. Page 437: It is curious that nid
hwyrach is generally reduced to hwyrach in the recent period, though
it survives ias tw(y)rach in Gwyn. dial. (= Gwynedd dialect)
twyrach <TUI-rakh>
twrach <TUU-rakh>
..1 nid hwyrach > *nitwyrach (d-h > t)
..2 *nitwyrach > twyrach (loss of the pretonic syllable)
..3 twyrach > twrach (reduction of the pretonic diphthing wy
> simple vowel w, a feature of other words in Welsh, especially gwybod
(= to know) > gwbod)
Corninthiaid-1 16-6 Ac nid hwyrach yr arhosaf gyda chwi, neu y gaeafaf hefyd, fel y’m
hebryngoch i ba le bynnag yr elwyf.
Corinthians-1 16-6 And it may be that I will abide, yea, and winter
with you, that ye may bring me on my journey whithersoever I go.
hwyrddydd <HUIR-dhidd> [ˡhʊɪrðɪdd]
masculine noun
PLURAL hwyrddyddiau
<huir-DHƏDH-yai, -ye> [hʊɪrˡðəðjaɪ,
1 evening; dusk, twilight
yn hwyrddydd eich oes in your twilight
years, in the evening of your life
yn hwyrddydd eich bywyd in your
twilight years, in the evening of your life
hwyrddydd einioes the twilight
years, the evening of one’s life (“evening (of) life”)
Yn y tŷ hwnnw y treuliodd y tad a’r
fam hwyrddydd einioes
In that house the father and the mother spent the evening of their years
ETYMOLOGY: “late-day” (hwyr = late)
+ soft mutation + (dydd = day).
Neologism from the 1800s
hwyrol <HUI-rol> [ˡhʊɪrɔl] adjective
1 latish
cinio hwyrol (hotel, guest house,
bed and breakfast) evening meal (sign seen in Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, 16
August 1994)
gwisg hwyrol evening dress
ETYMOLOGY: (hwyr = late) + (-ol = suffix for forming adjectives)
1 there is aspiration of an
initial vowel certain possessive determiners
’m (= my), ei (= her), ein (= our),
eu (= their),
This aspiration is indicated with a prefixed h
a’m hysgwydd and my shoulder, ysgwydd
ei hysgol her school, ysgol school
ein hymenyddiau our brains, ymenydd, ymenyddiau brain, brains
eu hynys their island ynys island
hybarch <HƏƏ-barkh> [ˡhəˑbarx]
1 venerable
2 Ni bydd hybarch rhy gyffredin
Familiarity breeds contempt (“It is not venerable (the thing) too usual”)
(in titles) Hybarch = Right Reverend, title of respect for an Anglican bishop
Yr Hybarch William Morgan, esgob
The Right Reverend William Morgan, bishop of Llan-daf
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifier) +
soft mutation + (parch = respect)
hychod ‹HƏƏ-khod›
1 plurzal of hwch = sow
1 hyd <HIID> [hiːd] (preposition)
1 until
as far as
hyd y ddiwedd to the end
dal ati hyd y ddiwedd to stick it
out (“keep at it until the end”)
3 hyd galla i gofio (=
hyd y gallaf fi gofio) as far as I recall
hyd wyf yn cofio (= hyd yr wyf fi yn
cofio) as far as I recall
4 ddim hyd y gwn i not as
far as I'm aware, not as far as I know
(“no, as-far-as that I know”)
(hyd = as far as, length) + (y = preverbal particle) + (gwn i = I know, < gwybod = to know)
2 hyd, hydoedd ‹HIID, HƏ doidh, -dodh› (masculine noun)
1 length
2 hyd o risiau flight of stairs
3 gwybod
ei hyd a’i led have somebody sized up (“know his length and his width”)
4 bod gyd-led gyd-hyd be
as long as it is broad (bod = to be)
+ soft mutation + (cyd-led =
co-length) + soft mutation + (cyd-hyd
= co-width). There is soft mutation of an initial consonant in adverbial
phrases. hence cyd > gyd
5 dwywaith hyd rhywbeth
twice as long as, double the length of
bod ddwywaith hyd rhywbeth be twice
as long as, be double the length of
6 yr hyd olaf the home
stretch, the home straight = the final stretch on a racetrack, from the last
bend to the winning post
yr hyd terfynol the home stretch
hyd a lled ‹hiid aa lheed›
1 With the possessive determiner, this is repeated after the
eich hyd a’ch lled (chi) (“your length and your breadth (of you)”)
the full extent (of something); magnitude, enormity, great size
(“(the) length and breadth (of)”)
Wyr neb mo hyd a lled meddwl plentyn
No-one can know just what a child thinks
(“Nobody knows anything of (the) length and breadth (of) (the) mind (of a)
child ”)
Dyna 'i hyd a'i led e (in explaining some matter)
That’s about the full extent of it, That’s what it’s all about
(“That’s its length and its breadth (of) it”)
Dim ond ychydig ohonom sydd yn sylweddoli taw dyma hyd a lled ein rhyddid yn
y byd sydd ohoni - y rhyddid i fod yn gaeth
Only a few of us realise that this is the full extent of our freedom in today’s
world – the freedom to be enslaved
Fe gawn wybod hyd a lled y golled yn y man We’ll know the full extent of
the loss presently
Doedd neb ohonynt yn sylweddoli hyd a lled y dasg None of them realised
the enormity of the task
2 (in reprimands, punishment) what's what
Fe gaiff wybod ’i hyd a’i led gen i
I’ll tell him what’s what
(“he will get to know its length and breadth with me / from me”)
ETYMOLOGY: (hyd = length) + (a = and) + (lled = breadth)
hyd at ‹HIID at› (preposition)
1 as far as
hyd at fai to a fault, excessively
hael hyd at fai generous to a fault
hydd ‹hiidh › masculine
PLURAL hyddod
1 stag
Llwynhyddod < llwyn yr hyddod “(the) grove (of) stags” House
name, Pant-mawr, Llangurig, Powys
2 See also hyddgae (= deer park), hyddgen (= deerskin), hydref
(= autumn)
hyddgae ‹hədh -gai› masculine noun
PLURAL hyddgaeau
‹hədh- gei
1 (literary word) deer park, deer enclosure
parc ceirw is the current expression “park (of) deer”
ETYMOLOGY: (hydd = deer) + soft
mutation + (cae = hedge; enclosure,
hyddgen ‹hədh-gen› masculine noun
(obsolete) deerskin
ETYMOLOGY: (hydd = deer) + soft
mutation + (cen = skin )
Hyddgen ‹hədh-gen› feminine noun
(SN7890) Afon Hyddgen = river in the
district of Maldwyn (county of Powys)
ETYMOLOGY: (Query) The same word as hyddgen
(= deerskin)?
masculine noun
Mae ef yn siarad Cymraeg, Saesneg,
Almaeneg ac Iseldireg, ac y mae yn hyddysg mewn pump o ieithoedd eraill
He speaks Welsh, English, German
and Dutch, and he is proficient in five other languages
Daeth yn lled
hyddysg yn yr ieithoedd Lladin a Groeg
became quite proficient in the Latin and Greek languages
hyd ddiwedd y
dydd ‹HIID dhi WEDH ə diidh›
1 until the end of the day
hyder ‹HƏ der› (m)
1 confidence
ennill hyder gain confidence
magu hyder gain confidence
hunan-hyder self-confidence
rhoi hyder i rywun give somebody confidence
diffyg hyder lack of confidence
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British *setr-os < Celtic
Cf the personal name Cynidr (as in the place name Llangynidr)
< *kuno-setr-os < *kino-setr-os
hyderus ‹hə DE ris› (adjective)
1 confident
ETYMOLOGY: (hyder = confidence) + (-us adjectival suffix)
hyd genhedlaeth a chenhedlaeth ‹hiid gen-hed-leth a khen-hed-leth› adverbial
1 from generation to
generation, over the generations
Arhosed ein haith yn ei bri hyd
genhedlaeth a chenhedlaeth
May our language remain predominant over the generations
ETYMOLOGY: : (hyd = until) + soft mutation + (cenhedlaeth =
generation) + (a = and) + spirant mutation + (cenhedlaeth =
hyd nes ‹hiid NEES› (conjunction)
1 until
Ni fydd modd darparu addysg Gymraeg i’r disgyblion hyn hyd nes y bo'r ysgol
newydd yn barod It will not be possible to (“there will not be a way to”)
provide thes pupils with a Welsh-language education until the new school is
2 also simply nes
3 soi A reduced form of (hyd) nes y bo hi until it is
o wech soi’n ddiddeg from six until twelve o’ clock
(Cadair ap Mwydyn, Y Geninen, 1900)
= o chwech (hyd) nes y bo hi yn ddeuddeg
(hyd nes = until, nes = until) + (y particle
introducing the verb) + (bo = it may be, third-person present
subjunctive of bod = to be) + (hi pronoun = her, it)
hydwylledd ‹hə- dui -lhedh› masculine noun
1 gullibility, naïvity
ETYMOLOGY: (hydwyll = gullible,
naïve ) + (-edd suffix for forming
abstract nouns)
hyd y diwedd ‹hiid ə di-wedh› adverb
1 to the end
hyd y diwedd un to the bitter end
o'r dechrau hyd y diwedd from beginning to end
dal ati hyd y diwedd stick it out, stick at it until the very end
hyd oni wahaner
ni gan angau ‹hiid oni wa- hâ –ner nii gan a-nge›
1 till death do us part
ETYMOLOGY: “until we may be divided by death” (hyd oni = until) + soft mutation + (gwahaner = may it be divided) + (ni = we, us) + (gan =
by) + (angau = death)
hydref, hydrefau
‹HƏ dre, hə DRE ve› (masculine
1 autumn
Hydref ‹HƏ dre› (masculine noun)
1 October
mis Hydref October (“(the) month (of) October”)
ym mis Hydref in October
ar ddechrau mis Hydref at the beginning of October
ar ganol mis Hydref in the middle
of October, in mid-October
ar ddiwedd mis Hydref at the end of
bob mis Hydref every October
01 Hydref (y cyntaf o Hydref)
the first of October
02 Hydref (yr ail o Hydref)
the second of October
03 Hydref (y trydydd o Hydref)
the third of October
04 Hydref (y pedwerydd o Hydref)
the fourth of October
05 Hydref (y pumed o Hydref)
the fifth of October
06 Hydref (y chweched o Hydref)
the sixth of October
07 Hydref (y seithfed o Hydref)
the seventh of October
08 Hydref (yr wythfed o Hydref)
the eighth of October
09 Hydref (y nawfed o Hydref)
the ninth of October
Gwyl Sant Denis (“the) feastday (of)
Saint Denis”)
10 Hydref (y degfed o Hydref)
the tenth of October
11 Hydref (yr unfed ar ddeg o Hydref)
the eleventh of October
12 Hydref (y deuddegfed o Hydref)
the twelfth of October
13 Hydref (y trydydd ar ddeg o Hydref)
the thirteenth of October
14 Hydref (y pedwerydd ar ddeg o Hydref)
the fourteenth of October
15 Hydref (y pymthegfed o Hydref)
the fifteenth of October
16 Hydref (yr unfed ar bymtheg o Hydref)
the sixteenth of October
17 Hydref (yr ail ar bymtheg o Hydref)
the seventeenth of October
18 Hydref (y deunawfed o Hydref)
the eighteenth of October
Gwyl Luc Efengylwr (“the) feastday
(of) Luke (the) Evangelist”), or
Gwyl Luc (“the) feastday (of)
19 Hydref (y pedwerydd ar bymtheg o Hydref)
the nineteenth of October
20 Hydref (yr ugeinfed o Hydref)
the twentieth of October
21 Hydref (yr unfed ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-first of October
22 Hydref (yr ail ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-second of October
23 Hydref (y trydydd ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-third of October
24 Hydref (y pedwerydd ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-fourth of October
Gwyl Gadfarch (“the) feastday (of)
25 Hydref (y pumed ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-fifth of October
26 Hydref (y chweched ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-sixth of October
27 Hydref (y seithfed ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-seventh of October
28 Hydref (yr wythfed ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-eighth of October
29 Hydref (y nawfed ar hugain o Hydref)
the twenty-ninth of October
30 Hydref (y degfed ar hugain o Hydref)
the thirtieth of October
31 Hydref (yr unfed ar ddeg ar hugain o Hydref)
the thirty-first of October
Nos Galan Gaeaf / Nos Glangaea
Halloween (“(the) eve (of) (the) calend (of) winter”)
- ym mis Hydref ‹ə mis HƏ dre› (adverb) in the month of
- hyd yn oed ‹HIID ən OID› (adverb)
1 even
hyf ‹hiiv› adj
1 bold, daring
2 familiar, cheeky, impudent, cocky, arrogantly clever, (USA
colloquial: nervy, sassy)
mynd yn hyf ar get cheeky with
bod yn hyf ar be cheeky to, make
free with
ETYMOLOGY: In fact hy is the
original form, without the final ‹v›, which is
a later addition.
Welsh hy < British < Celtic *sego- < Indo-European *segh- (= get, have; overcome in
battle; victory)
Related words in other Celtic languages:
cf Irish sea (= force, vigor / vigour);
Gaulish sego- as in the proper nouns
Segomaros, Segobriga, Segodunon;
Related words in non-Celtic languages:
cf German der Sieg (= victory), Sanskrit s|has (= force, victory);
NOTE: In North Wales the
pronuciation is hy' (without the
final “f”)
The form with “f” is a result of the influence of
cryf (= strong), cryfed (= as strong), cryfach (= stronger), cryfaf (= the strongest), since it is
similar in meaning and used in similar contexts.
Thus hy, hyed, hyach, hyaf became
hyf (= bold), hyfed (= as bold), hyfach (=
bolder), hyfaf (= boldest)
Hyfaidd ‹ HƏ-vaidh, HƏ-vedh› (masculine noun)
1 (obsolete) man’s name
2 Occurs in Maesyfed (old county
name, eastern central Wales), from Maes
Hyfaidd (“open land of Hyfaidd”)
hyfedr ‹ HƏ-vedr› adjective
1 skilful, proficient
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (medr-,
from medru = to be skilled)
hyfflam ‹HƏ-flam› (adjective)
1 flammable
hyfforddi ‹hə FOR dhi› (verb)
1 to train
hyfforddiant ‹hə FORDH yant› (masculine noun)
1 training
2 gwersyll hyfforddiant training camp
hyfforddwraig ‹hə-fordh-reg› feminine noun
PLURAL hyfforddwragedd
1 instructor, trainer (female)
ETYMOLOGY: (hyfordd-, stem of hyfforddi = to train, to instruct) +
soft mutation + (gwraig = woman)
hyfryd ‹həv -rid› adjective
1 pleasant, delectable
Dyna ryddhâd hyfryd! What a
blessed relief! It’s a real relief! That’s a relief! (“there’s a pleasant
2 pleasant = characterised by good weather
Wedi mynd am dro un Nos Sul hyfryd o
After going for a walk one pleasant Sunday evening in August
3 in house names / street names / other place names:
Brynhyfryd / Bryn Hyfryd pleasant
hill. ‘Mount Pleasant’
Llehyfryd / Lle Hyfryd pleasant
Maes-hyfryd / Maes Hyfryd (qv)
(common as a street name) pleasant field
Plashyfryd / Plas Hyfryd pleasant
Ddôlhyfryd <dhool høvrid> <ðoːl ˡ həvrɪd> street name, Bangor (Gwynedd)
(“Ddôl Hyfryd”) “the pleasant meadow”
y ddôl hyfryd (y = definite
article) + soft mutation + (dôl =
meadow) + (hyfryd = pleasant)
exclamation myn hyfryd i!, myn ’yfryd i! My God!
5 noun my sweet, my
treasure, etc (term of endearment to a child)
der gyda fi, hyfryd! come with me,
my treasure
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (bryd =
hyfryden ‹hə-vrəd-en›
1 pleasant thing; pleasant melody
Hyfryden A folk tune name mentioned in “The Cambrian Quarterly Magazine
and Celtic Repertory” (1830). English name given as The Pleasing Strain
ETYMOLOGY: (hyfryd = pleasant) + (-en
diminutive suffix)
NOTE: Cf mwynen pleasant thing, used similarly in the names of airs (mwyn
= amiable, loving; pleasant; sweet-sounding)
hyfrydle ‹hə-vrəd-le›
1 pleasant place, pleasant spot
2 Hyfrydle
..(a) house name
..(b) chapel name (eg Calvanistic Methodist chapel in Caergybi, county of Môn)
..(c) street name in
..1/ Bryn-teg, Wrecsam
..2/ Caernarfon
..3/ Diserth, Y Rhyl (county of Dinbych)
..4/ Llanddewi Brefi (county of Ceredigion)
..5/ Treletert, Hwlffordd (county of Penfro)
..6/ “Hyfrydle Road” which would be Ffordd
Hyfrydle and “Hyfrydle Terrace” which would be Teras Hyfrydle / Rhes Hyfrydle in Welsh; street names in Tal-y-sarn
(county of Caernarfon)
..7/ Diserth / Dyserth (county of Dinbych / Denbigh)
ETYMOLOGY: (hyfryd = pleasant) +
soft mutation + (lle = place)
hyfrydol ‹hə-vrə-dol› adjective
1 pleasant, agreeable
Hyfrydol a hymn tune written by
Rowland Hugh Pritchard (1811-1887) which was first published in 1844 (when the
composer was 32/33 years old).
Used as the tune for “O! Llefara, addfwyn Iesu!” (= “O, speak, gentle Jesus”)
written by William Williams (Pantycelyn) (1717-91)
ETYMOLOGY: (hyfryd- < hyfryd = pleasant, agreeable) + (-ol = suffix for forming adjectives)
hyfrydwch ‹hə VRƏ dukh› (masculine noun)
1 pleasure, pleasantness
hyfrydwch yw (gwneud rhywbeth) it’s
a real pleasure to, it’s a great pleasure to (do something)
Yr oedd yn hyfrydwch mawr eu gweld ar ôl
cymaint o amser It was really nice / it was wonderful / a great pleasure to
see them after such a long time
yr hyfryd wlad
1 yr hyfryd wlad the pleasant land (= Palestine)
Daniel 8:9 Ac o un ohonynt y daeth allan
gorn bychan, ac a dyfodd yn rhagorol, tua’r deau, a thua’r dwyrain, a thua’r
hyfryd wlad.
Daniel 8:9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed
exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant
hygar ‹hə -gar› adjective
1 amiable
Llawer hagr hygar fydd Beauty is
only skin deep (“Many (an) ugly (one) (it-is) amiable that-is”)
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (car- <
caru = to love)
hygarol ‹hə-gâ-rol› adjective
1 lovable, lovely, dear
Edrych ar ei hwyneb siriol,
A’i hygarol wenau llon,
Roddai wledd i’r meddwl puraf,
A wresogai’r dyner fron;.
(“Tanybryn”, poem by Twynog (1912))
Looking at her cheerful face
And her lovely happy smiles
would give a feast to the purest mind
And would warm the tender breast
ETYMOLOGY: (hygar = loving,
pleasant) + (-ol = suffix for
forming adjectives)
hyll ‹HILH› (adjective) (North Wales)
In the South – salw ‹SAA lu›
1 ugly.
hyll fel pechod as ugly as sin
bod yn hyll fel pechod to be as ugly
as sin
mor hyll â phechod as ugly as sin
bod mor hyll fel pechod to be as ugly as sin
hylendid <hə-GLEN-did> [həˡlɛndɪd] m
1 hygiene
hylendid personol personal hygiene
hylendid bwyd food hygiene
hylendid cig meat hygiene
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (glendid =
hylon ‹hə -lon› adjective
1 cheerful, very cheerful; merry, very merry
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (llon =
hylosg ‹hə -losk› adjective
1 flammable, easily ignited
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- prefix = able) +
soft mutation + (llosg-, root of llosgi = to burn)
hyn ‹HIN› (pronoun /
1 these; in the South, also used for this (masculine or feminine)
y ci hyn this dog,
yr ast hyn this bitch
this point in time
o hyn i ddydd Sul between now and
Bydd pobl yn tyrru i'r trefi yn eu
miloedd i wneud eu siopa ’Dolig o hyn hyd Rhagfyr 23
People will be going to town in droves to do their Christmas shopping between
now and December 23
rhwng hyn a ddydd Sul between now
and Sunday
ar hyn o bryd at present, now
hyd yn hyn until now
o hyn allan from now on
hynaf ‹HƏ nav› (adjective)
(superlative form of hen = old)
1 eldest, oldest
Po hynaf y dyn, gwaethaf ei bwyll
> (colloquially) po hyna’r dyn,
gwaetha’i bwyll The older a man is, the less sense he has; There’s no fool
like an old fool (“the older the man, worst his reason” )
hynafol ‹hə- na -vol› adjective
1 ancient = belonging to the distant past
archaic, obsolete, no longer in general use (expression, idiom)
Mae llawer o ymadroddion hynafol yn ei
There are many archaic expressions in her writings
antique = old and considered attractive and valuable
ffug-hynafol pseudo-antique
ETYMOLOGY: (hynaf = oldest,
superlative degree of hen = old) + (-ol suffix for forming adjectives)
hyn a hyn ‹HIN a HIN› (pronoun)
1 this much, such-and-such a sum, a certain amount
prisiau llafur, prisau defnyddiau, a hyn
a hyn ar gyfer elw
labour costs, material costa, and a certain amount for profit
Ar ôl talu hyn a hyn i Gyllid yr Wlad
dros y blynyddoedd nid oedd gennyf yr un geiniog goch
After paying the Inland Revenue such and such a sum over the years I didn’t
have a penny to my name
"Faint y llath fydd y coedyn 'na,
Ifan Ifans?"
"O, hyn a hyn, y machgen i,
fel y costiodd i mi.”
much per yard is that piece of wood, Ifan Ifans?”
“Oh, the same as I paid for it (“so much, my lad, as it cost me”).”
talu hyn a hyn y pen am y defaid pay
so much a head, so much each, for the sheep
Byddwn yn cael hyn a hyn o waith
ychwanegol bob dydd I’d get a certain amount of extra work every day
hynawf ‹hə -nauv› adj
hynofedd buoyancy
(hynawf buoyancy) + (-edd suffix for forming abstract nouns)
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- intensifying prefix)
+ (nawf-, stem of nofio = to swim, to float)
hynaws ‹hə-naus› adj
good-natured, genial, kind
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- intensifying prefix)
+ (naws = nature, temperament)
hynawsedd <hə-NAU-sedh> [həˡnaʊsɛð] m
good nature, bonhomie
ETYMOLOGY: (hynaws = affable,
good-natured) + (-edd suffix for
forming abstract nouns)
hyned ‹hə-ned› adjective
1 as old
cyn hyned â Methwsela (usually used in a derogatory sense) as old as
Methuselah, as old as the hills
bod cyn hyned â Methwsela to be as old as Methuselah, to be as old as
the hills
Genesis 5:25 Methwsela hefyd a fu fyw saith mlynedd a phedwar ugain a chant,
ac a genhedlodd Lamech. (5:26) A Methwsela a fu fyw wedi iddo genhedlu
Lamech, ddwy flyneddd a phedwar ugain a saith gan mlynedd, ac a genhedlodd
feibion a merched. (5:27) A holl ddyddiau Methwsela oedd, naw mlynedd a
thrigain a naw can mlynedd, ac efe a fu farw.
Genesis 5:25 And Methuselah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat
Lamech: (5:26) And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty
and two years, and begat sons and daughters: (5:27) And all the days of
Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.
hyn i gyd ‹hin i giid› pronoun
1 all this
Sut yr effeithiodd hyn i gyd arno?
How did all this affect him?
hynna ‹HƏ na› (pronoun)
1 that (the thing spoken of; not something that can be seen)
(replacing hynny colloquially)
Wi wedi clywed hynna o'r blaen I’ve heard that before
Often clipped to ’na
Wi ’di clywed ’na o'r bla’n I’ve heard that before
hynny ‹HƏ ni› (pronoun)
1 that (the thing spoken of; not something that can be seen)
a da iawn hynny and thank God for
that (“and very good that”)
hynny o beth ‹hə-ni oo beeth›
1 that matter, that point, that thing
Rw i’n hollol bendant ar hynny o beth
I’m absolutely certain on that point
ETYMOLOGY: ‘that of thing’ (hynny =
that) + (o = of) + soft mutation + (peth = thing)
hynofedd ‹hə-NOO -vedh› m
1 buoyancy
ETYMOLOGY: hynofedd < hynawfedd (hynawf
buoyancy) + (-edd suffix for forming
abstract nouns)
hyn oll ‹hin OLH› (pronoun)
1 all this
hynt, hyntiau ‹HINT, HƏNT-ye› (feminine noun)
1 way, path
2 hynt y byd sydd ohoni
current affairs (“(the) way (of) the current world”)
cerrynt (obsolete) path, road
(carr-, penult syllable form of car = cart) + (hynt = way)
..a/ cárr-hynt > cérr-hynt (vowel affection, a > e caused by the y in the
following syllable)
..b/ > cérr-hynt > cerrynt
(loss of the h)
Cornish karrhyns (= cart track),
Breton karrhent (= sunken lane,
gadael i bethau ddilyn ei hynt let things take their course (“leaving to
things (the) following (of) their path”)
hyrwydd ‹hə -ruidh› adjective
1 obsolete easy, very
easy; survives in the verb derived from this hyrwyddo (qv) = to promote
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (rhwydd =
easy) ; cf the equivalent Irish word soraidh
= agreeable (so + raidh)
hyrwyddo ‹hə- rui -dho› verb
1 verb with an object
promote; hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg = to promote
the Welsh language
2 hyrwyddo achos to
further a cause
ETYMOLOGY: (hyrwydd = easy) + (-o = suffix for forming verbs)
hysan ‹hə -san› verb
1 (South-west) hysan rhywun i
wneud rhywbeth entice / coax somebody to do something
hysbys ‹HƏS bis›
1 known
2 bod yn hysbys i bawb be
common knowledge
hysbysebion ‹hə SPƏ seb, hə
spə SEB yon› (feminine noun)
1 advertisement, advert, ad
hysbysebu ‹hə spə SE bi›
1 (verb without an object) advertise = place an advertisement in a
newspaper, or on a radio or TV, etc
Hysbysebwch yn y Cymro Advertise in "The Cymro"!
(verb without an object) advertise = offer for sale or rent using
Fe dâl hysbysebu It pays to
(verb with an object) publicise, try to sell (something)
ETYMOLOGY:(hysbyseb =
advertisement) + (-u = suffix for
forming verbs)
hysbysfyrddau ‹hə SPƏS vurdh, hə
spəs VƏR dhe› (masculine noun)
1 (USA: billboard) (Englandic: hoarding, advertising hoarding)
hysbysu ‹hə SPƏ si› (verb)
1 to inform
hysbyswr ‹hə- spə -sur› masculine noun
PLURAL hysbyswyr
‹hə- spə
1 informant; informer = spy; person who gives information which
leads to the detention of lawbreakers (USA: nark)
Ganed William Bedloe yng Nghas-gwent,
Mynwy (1650-80), a daeth i amlygrwydd fel lleidr, twyllwr a hysbyswr
William Bedloe was born in Cas-gwent (= Chepstow), Mynwy (= Monmouthshire)
(1650-80), and he came to prominence as a thief, fraudster and informant
informant = person who regularly gives information to a newspaper reporter
(as a newspaper title) advertiser, intelligencer (= medium of information)
Yr Hysbyswr Gwladwriaethol
translation of The State Intelligencer (newspaper title)
ETYMOLOGY: (hysbys-, stem of hybysu (= to inform) + (-i-wr suffix for indicating a device or
an agent; literally = man)
hysbysydd ‹hə- spə -sidh› masculine noun
PLURAL hysbysyddion
sədh -yon›
1 (as a newspaper title) advertiser, intelligencer (= medium of
ETYMOLOGY: (hysbys-, stem of hybysu (= to inform) + (-ydd suffix for indicating an agent)
hytrach ‹HƏ trakh› (adverb)
1 yn hytrach rather, I should
really say;
yn hytrach na rather than
hywel ‹hə-wel› adjective
1 (obsolete) visible, evident, conspicuous, prominent
2 anhywel invisible,
imperceptible, inconspicuous
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (gwêl-,
stem of gweld = to see)
Hywel ‹HƏ wel› (masculine noun)
1 man’s name
Hael yw Hywel ar bwrs y wlad (it is)
generous that-is Hywel on (the) purse (of) the country – it’s easy to spend
money that belongs to a community of people and is not yours personally
hywelfa ‹hə- wel -fa›
1 landmark
2 Hywelfa Name of a
street in Southsea SJ3051, 4km west of Wrecsam
ETYMOLOGY: (hywel = visible, evident,
conspicuous) + (-fa noun-forming
suffix, indicating a place)
Hywst ‹hə -ust› masculine noun
(obsolete) man's name
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (gwst =
heat, burn; pain)
hywyn ‹hə -win› adjective
1 white; very white, sparkling
Hywyn saint to whom Aberdaron parish
church is dedicated
Hywyn house name in Amlwch (county
of Môn) (in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable Society
of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)
ETYMOLOGY: (hy- = intensifying
prefix) + soft mutation + (gwyn =
Hywyn ‹HƏ win› (masculine noun) (male)
1 diminutive of Hywel; also used as an independent name (rare)
ETYMOLOGY: (Hyw- = first syllable of
Hywel) + (yn = diminutive suffix)
Sumbolau arbennig: ŷ ŵ